muskaanayesha · 1 year
Peace be upon the daughter who helped her parents grow up. Accepted their cold shoulder, excused their anger, pardoned their mistakes, taught them how to be human. Peace be upon the sister who paid the price of rebellion. Screaming to her fullest, shaking like a leaf but standing tall, never letting the dictatorship go without a fight, paving the path for her siblings to breathe easier. Peace be upon the first child of an immigrant father. Aching to find their own purpose in life, firm in their own beliefs, contradicting generations and generations of cultural values. Peace be upon the girl who shouldered her mother's trauma. Swindled it into her own, morphed herself into an image of the womb she once resided in, immersed herself into troubles that weren't even hers, covered up scars that she couldn't even recognize. Peace be upon the woman who forgot who she was. So determined to be the savior of everyone, to fix her family, to nurture and love everyone around her. So deeply lost that she forgot she's just as worthy of love. Peace be upon you.
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stardust-musing · 9 months
My professor said, “you don’t truly love someone until they’ve hurt you and you still think of them as the greatest person you’ve ever met. Love is a violent act.”
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expominds · 13 days
another thing i dislike
‘when you paw at him, begging for more’ PAW? EXCUSE ME? am i a dog?
pls stop using this word i hate it sm. it has the same feeling it gives you like the word “moist”
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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raisemerryhell · 3 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓸𝓸
For writing: melindamblack.com
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Sometimes, all I do is sit on a rock, and wait for the sun to come to my corner of the sky and then slowly disappear. I place myself under the vast sky to remember how small I am and the puzzles I try to solve. I forget what I desperately chase to remember the promises I made to my soul.
-Sabina Yesmin
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the-soulwhispers · 2 years
Lovers who write poems or verses for their soulmates are so precious and need be protected at all costs.
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sarahthepoet · 1 year
“And this part of me held onto the good parts of you, despite the bad I was blinded by the good heart that you once had.”
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7dolors · 3 months
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the mouth of roadkill
sometimes poetry is pulling two random and unrelated symbols and making a poor attempt at connecting them in the same piece because that’s what feels right! click 4 alt txt
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muskaanayesha · 1 year
I am the eldest daughter, which is to say that I am a sponge that absorbs all the trauma of the household. Life is spilt milk and I am a kitchen cloth burnt at the edges. I am falling apart at the corners, threads coming away, rips and ripples like I am torn and trembling in an ocean of nothingness. I am the eldest daughter, which is to say that I emphasize with everyone. The love of my life marries someone else, and I find myself hoping that he loves her the same. My brother wishes death upon me and I toss and turn in my sleep over the tears I saw in his eyes. Life is an accidental fire and I am water. I attempt to stop a tragedy I did not start, to go blindly into a catastrophe that I cannot halt. I am the eldest daughter, which is to say that I am silent in my needs. My father asks me what I'd like to eat and I say that I am not hungry. I will chew on my guilt and swallow my pride before I even think of asking for anything. I buy myself a sweet and nothing tastes as bitter as it. Life is a metaphor for debt and I am drowning in the desire to be as insignificant as possible. I demand nothing and nothing demands me.
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mujheyaadrakhna · 5 months
I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.
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eottokhaji · 1 month
حينَ تصلُكَ رسالتِي أخيرًا، أخشى أن يكونَ الأوانُ قد فات بالفعل. عندما تُدرك ما أعني، وتُحلُّ ألغازي التي حاولتُ حمايتها بضراوة. أردتُ ألّا أكونَ وحدي، بهذه البساطةِ تمسّكتُ بك.
أردتُ ألا أكونَ وحدي.
أظنُني بسذاجةٍ آمنتُ أنّ وجودَ شخصٍ آخرَ حولي سيكفي لدفعِ الوحدةِ بعيدًا، أنّ صوتًا ما ليخترق الصمت، عينانٍ أُخريانِ لتريا. ماذا ترىٰ حينَ تقعُ عيناكَ عليّ؟ أتُراكَ تراني؟ أم تمرُّ نظراتُكَ عليّ مرور الكرام، فقَط لأنني هُنا؟
ككوبِ قهوتِك، كوسادتِك، كدفترِك رفيق أفكارك، أنا فقَط هُنا كأيِّ شيءٍ آخر، كانَت صفحاتي المبعثرةُ بكلِّ مكانٍ دعوةً لكَ لتقرأ، لتعلم، لتقترب أكثَر. لكِنّكَ لا يُمكنُكَ إغراءُ زاهِدٍ أو مُعرِض، كنتُ أجلسُ هنا بعواصِفي وتعقيداتي، بحبكاتي وأحداثي وأحلامي وكلّ ما أكون، وأنت هُناك—غير راغِب بالقراءةِ أو المعرفة. وأنتَ هُنا معي بعوالِمي، بأفكاري.
كانت الوحدةُ تمتلكُني أكثَر لوجودِك، لتباعُدِك، للأُنسِ الذي أذقتنِيه ثم لفظتَني ككلمةٍ منسيّةٍ لا تذكرُني بعدَ أن ينتهي حديثُك.
أظنُّني أصبحتُ أهدأ، أكثَر عُمقًا وبُعدًا، أُلملمُ صفحاتي برِفق، يغلّفُني الصمتُ كأرضٍ بعدَ حربٍ أو مقبرة، أحوي دمارًا هائلًا، الكثير من الظلام، والكثير من الموت.
لا أحَد هُنا ليذكُرني أو ينشدَ أحزانَهُ لغيابي. كنتُ وحيدًا حتى في النسيان، في الغياب، في الرحيل.
يبدو لي أنّ الوحدةً أحيانًا هي كلُّ ما سأعرفهُ حقيقةً فحَسب.
٢١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
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outofmychaos · 7 months
your memories will cause more pain than your loss
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circadeacademia · 8 days
Prompt: Suspended in air (Escapril Day 18)
mother, i be cloud today for all i want
i want it. i want it. i want it.
soooo bad.
no earth would bring me down, watch it
i be wearing gravity, my favourite crown.
it's worth it! it's worth it! it's worth it!
onnnn my head i swear.
mother, i be balloon today if i need
i’m high! i’m high! i’m high!
hiiiigh on helium.
my dangling feet, suspended in air
i be soaring, to my castle in the sky.
i mean it. i mean it. i mean it.
untiiiil my bubble is burst.
mother, i be dandelion when i can
make a wish! make a wish! make a wish!
blowwww me like stolen kisses.
breeze on my face, i fall apart
i be tiny parachute, in ballerina style
and i twirl. and i twirl. and i twirl.
flyyyy my way to the last beat drop.
mother, i be feather if i may
be lighter. be lighter. be lighter.
aaaand lighter.
lose my wings in exile, i did that
i be floating on the wind, in free fall
and down. and down. and down.
doooown i go headfirst.
mother, i am bird you see
it hurts! it hurts! it hurts!
blueeee my sky out there.
clipped my wings, yes they did
i be rotting in my cage, let my dream rise
i feel it. i feel it. i feel it.
motherrrr i feel it all now.
*it is advised to read the stanzas in reverse order for best results*
— circadeacademia
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kidgillis · 7 months
Darling, I hope one day my letters will find you. I believe my words will give you the answers you've been seeking. I know...it's been a long time coming. Well, the wait is over. I've arrived at a place where I can share with you - all I am now and was before. I pray my messages will penetrate your heart while providing the clarity, protection, and comfort you need to get through your days. You deserve the best of this world, and all it offers. Forgive me if I've never shown you that. I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you in person to teach you what these letters will reveal. Lord knows how deeply we've both been troubled by each other's absence and lack of loving - it's unbearable but justified. I know how you feel. I don't blame you a bit. I can't help who I was or who I have now become. But I believe you'll be able to yield to my request, know my voice, learn my ways, and live a life worth celebrating expediently through what's written on these pages. I know there's only so much I could relay with a pen and pad. But I did the best I could. For you, I tried my hardest to honor all that you were and were to become. I only wish I could've been a part of it as I should've or observed from afar as I would've but chose not to due to unfortunate circumstances. I hope you understand and will find it inside yourself to get re-grounded and rooted in who you truly are. Hopefully, this helps you heal, as it has done for me. As much as we try to ignore it...you are a part of me. Forever yours with so much love, beloved.
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raisemerryhell · 3 months
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