#bucky barnes x black!oc
blkgirlsreadfanfic2 · 2 months
for fanfic writers and readers
as a black girl who loves a lot of different movies and shows, fanfic allows me to read stories that put me in the middle of my favorite things. however, fanfic often (unintentionally) excludes girls who look like me.
i am so sick and tired of reading a fanfiction and having to rewrite it in my brain because a character description immediately implies that the reader is white. if you don't know what i mean, here are some examples.
"your skin turned pink" or "you blushed": black girls and women with darker skin tones CANNOT blush. our skin does not just turn pink
"pulled your hair into a messy bun": my 4a hair cannot be pulled into a messy bun at random. i may be able to do a ponytail if i have braids in, and i might be able to tie it up if I have an old twist-out, but a "messy bun" is often not possible.
"he ran his hands through your hair": yeah...unless my hair is in a silk press (and an OLD silk press), that's not happening
there are a plethora of other examples that would make this post insanely long, so let me get to the point. there are very easy ways to make fanfic a bit more inclusive; all you have to do is tweak a few character descriptions. OR, put in your pairing or warnings that the reader is implied to be white.
and finally: please, please stop tagging your DARK fanfictions "xblack!reader." i am tired of searching for fluff under the black reader tag and finding non-con, dark themes, etc., ESPECIALLY when the fic ends up being for a white reader💀.
the goal of my page is to create a safe space for black girls who love reading fanfiction. i am only one person, so if you'd like to help, here are some ways to do that!
send me fics (preferably marvel and stranger things to start) that are with a black reader
comment some other things in fanfics that imply that the reader is white or that make the fic a little less accessible
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dungeonpuppykai · 13 days
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But you know what dating Bucky is really all about? 
Especially if you're a bigger person? 
“I–” you desperately pant and heave for oxygen as your lungs twist and knees churn. “C- Can't! Enough!” You place your hand on the railing of the seemingly never ending staircase and give up.
“Baby, I promise we are almost there!” Your eyebrows curl together and you shoot him a menacing glare. 
“B- Been saying that for the last fift-een minutes!” He's adamant that this ancient ass skyscraper that has no functional lifts bears a breathtaking view at the top.
Yeah, breathtaking it definitely is!
Bucky sighs, a hint of a smile making one of the corners of his mouth hang sidewards just slightly, one that he recovers before you realize it though your huffing and puffing. 
The only thing the supersoldier fears in this whole wide world is his precious love.
“Such a whiny little baby” his tease causes for you to snap your head in his direction to express your distaste at his attitude. 
But before you can bring your vocal chords to rub together– “BUCKY!” It isn't his first time suddenly stepping forward to pick you up bridal style but it shocks you just the same. 
The supersoldier is not the least bit bothered as he snorts and lets your arm curl around his broad shoulders before he continues the ascent. 
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 month
There's a small drabble for y'all! Thanks to @mistressofallthingsgeeky for helping me lol
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky
MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @endlesstwanted @kenzieam
BUCKY BARNES: @nicoline1998enilocin @amelia-song-pond @hallecarey1 @libbymouse @fandom-princess-forevermore @animal-feather @your-wonderful-stargazer @kenzieam
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kahuunknown · 9 months
Fate is a strange thing - MCU Bucky Barnes fanfic
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!NOTE!: ABO universe/themes, inspiration from MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE franchise, Bucky Barnes x OC (Theo) male character x potentially others
Theo sighed for the hundredth time that day, they were out in public and Bucky had the balls to expose their relationship by burying that nose of his against Theo’s scent gland, the sun had long since fallen and people scattered back into their homes, but that didn’t mean no one was watching. Theo gives the cheeky Alpha a brief glare while pushing his face away, but Bucky only responds to him with the characteristic ‘charming’ smile, the very same one which usually wooed all the ladies near his person. However, Theo was not only a man, but he was more than used to Bucky’s flirtatious methods and clingy attachment to his person.
And it was all for good reason. Bucky knew since the day he met Theo when they were kids, that this man with the honey golden eyes littered with orange specks (an eye colour unique to Theo alone), with the smell just shy of the typical overbearing sweetness of an Omega, and a heart of gold behind a frankly transparent uncaring attitude- this boy needed to be his in any way that was possible. It didn’t matter that the both of the were men, but it was a difficult secret to hide from the rest of the world.
“Focus.” Theo reminds, snapping Bucky from his lovestruck expression and earning a nod, still adorning that charming smile on the sergeant’s face.
Coming to an abbrupt stop, Theo scrunches his nose a little, a sharp inhale following as a particular scent invaded Theo’s rather sensitive nose, he looked to his partner and gave Bucky a knowing look.
“Let me guess…Steve?” Bucky sighs, the smile finally leaving his face at the thought of the troublesome Alpha-dud. “That guy, I swear.” Bucky grumbles, “Lead the way.”
Theo rolled his eyes at Bucky’s change of attitude, but followed his sensitive Omega nose down a few streets and to the right- into a dark alleyway. Bucky instinctually moved in front of Theo in an attempt to protect him and make him feel secure and safe, but it didn’t have much of an affect when Theo himself was of the same muscle mass, though he appreciated the effort despite being the tallest between the two. Though in saying that, the hidden claiming mark between his shoulder blades throbbed at Bucky’s action in a lower purr.
He’d be able to fight just as well as Bucky, but a small smile still grew on his face at the funny Alpha’s move to protect him. It was a nice thought, Theo supposed.
“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?” An unknown voice chimed, confidence radiating from his words alone. He was no doubt an arrogant drunk Alpha just by the man’s tone, yet alone the disgusting smell of his drunk scent.
“I can do this all day.” Steve mutters, taking another solid hit to the face as the stranger attacks him.
“Hey! Pick on someone your own size.” Bucky voices, standing tall and proud, the embodiment of an Alpha.
The stranger clicks his tongue in aggravation, forgetting Steve in seconds to instead swing his fist toward Bucky. Bucky however, twists the man around skilfully before kicking him to the ground and motioning for the now frightened drunk to leave.
He does so without a moment’s hesitation, earning a low chuckle from Theo.
Theo then quickly approaches Steve’s side in seconds, fingers delicately brushing against Steve’s wounded and bruised face, Theo frowns at the damage, a saddened sigh leaving his lips. Steve glanced away, ashamed of being the cause to the disappointed sigh, much less from his packmates (even if not technically true, Bucky and Theo made it abundantly clear that the dud was stuck with them).
“Sometimes, I think you like getting punched.” Bucky comments, swinging his arm over Steve’s shoulder.
“I had him on the ropes.” Steve states with confidence, holding his head high. Moving away from Steve, Bucky picks up a discarded parchment from the cold and wet concrete of the alley. It was an enlistment form.
“How many times is this?” Bucky questions, raising an eyebrow. He then reads over the paper in his hands, snorting at the information. “Oh, you’re from Paramus now? You know it’s illegal to lie on the enlistment form.” Bucky rambles with a sigh.
“And seriously, Jersey?” Theo adds, a frown on his face.
“You two get your orders?” Steve changes the subject, looking at both their uniforms.
“The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes and Medical Officer Theo King. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.” Bucky chimed with a grin, pulling Theo back to his side, in-between Steve and himself. Steve gave them a tight smile, they looked so perfect and happy, ready to serve their country in war.
“I should be going.” Steve grumbles.
Bucky shakes his head, “Come on, man. It’s our last night! Gotta get you cleaned up.”
“Why? Where are we going?” Steve asks, confusion on his face.
“The future.” Bucky answers, handing Steve a newspaper article, on it is the ad for the World Exposition Of Tomorrow.
“Come on, Stevie. Let’s get you cleaned up back at the nest.” Theo suggested, a rare but charming smile of his own on display for the dud.
The ‘nest’ as Theo called it was more like an assortment of blanket’s and pillows on the ground, two thin-cheap mattresses underneath. All Omega’s have a nest, it brings them comfort and security as it’s their most sacred place. It’s where they raise their pups. But for this rag-tag group, it works just fine as a regular bed to sleep in.
Although it smelt mostly of subtle Theo’s Vanilla bean scent, there was still the faint smell of Bucky’s cinnamon as well. Steve often found himself wondering what his own scent would of smelt like if he wasn’t an Alpha-dud. Strong and powerful? Seductive and safe like leather? Or warm and calm, like apple pie?
Dressing Steve up, Bucky didn’t waste time in grabbing the two and dragging them all the way to the Stark Expo. The child-like wonder Bucky had on his face had Theo show that small smile again, Steve however just looked uncomfortable. Most people weren’t as accepting of duds as Theo and Bucky were, to some they smelt rotten and to others it was a curse.
Theo gave the odd Alpha a reassuring smile, placing an arm around his shoulder and pulling the small man to his side. Bucky smiled at the two as he returned from the food vendor with a carton of popcorn.
“Shall we?” Bucky inquired with an excited glint in his eyes as he led the two toward the Expo’s stage.
Music began playing as the stage lights up, an Announcer introduces the show with an unnatural energy in his voice. He seemed a little fed up with introducing the same show over and over.
“Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world.”
Bouncing on the balls of his feet, Steve felt himself being pushed backwards as the crowd squeezed themselves closer to the stage with excitement and uncaring for those around them. However, without warning the sudden pressure was gone and Theo draped his arms over Steve’s shoulders, looking up at the stage with a similar excitement in his unique almost electric blue orbs.
Steve let out a small breath of relief as Theo shuffled him to stand at the front, sacrificing his own body to be on the receiving end of all the pushes and shoves.
Most would probably just assume Theo was an Alpha anyway, all the mixing of scents made it incredibly hard to identify anyone’s sub-gender- Theo’s unusual body build just made stranger’s have a harder time trying to categorise him. Besides, Theo’s scent was so subtle that it was only if your nose was against his skin, that you could detect that addicting smell identifying him as Omega. Though of course, Bucky was incredibly sensitive to Theo’s smell as his Alpha- a connection Steve would never understand as a dud.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark!” A woman cheers, ushering the famous Stark onto the stage. Howard enters with a wide obnoxious smile, kissing the female announcer before pushing her away. Very old-school Alpha.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won’t even have to touch the ground at all.” Howard inquires, and a few female Beta’s wearing velvet blue, red and white American coloured dresses help take the wheels from a car on stage.
“Yes. Thanks, Ladies.” Howard tips his head at the lady helpers, “With Stark robotic reversion technology, you’ll be able to do just that.” He turns on the switch to his machine and the car starts to magically hover off the ground. Everyone is silent and wide-eyed at the display.
“Holy cow.” Bucky murmurs in amazement.
Without warning the mechanisms holding the car in the air start to malfunction and the car falls back onto the stage.
“I did say a few years, didn’t I?” Howard chuckles, the crowd laughs.
“Hey, Steve, what do you say we…” Bucky pauses as he sees the empty space in front of Theo. Theo follows his gaze, a surprised expression on his face as he realises Steve managed to slip from Theo’s arms without him noticing.
Looking around, the two of them push against the flow of the crowd in order to reach the recruitment/ enlisting office, where no doubt Steve had wandered off to. Theo’s keen sense of smell only confirmed their suspicions as they escaped from the large crowd, making it easier to track that almost rotten scent of Steve’s.
With their uniforms still on, Bucky and Theo received a few head nods and smiles as they moved around the recruitment centre with ease. Bucky sighed as he saw Steve standing on the height measurement scale. Standing in front of a mirror but he’s far too short to fill out the body projected.
“Come on.” Bucky ushered, guiding Steve toward the exit of the centre. “You’re kind of missing the point of a pack activity. We were going to go dancing.”
Steve shakes his head, “You two go ahead. I’ll catch up with you.” Steve states, his eyes drifting back to the centre.
“You’re really gonna do this again?” Bucky sighed.
“Well, it’s a fair. I’m gonna try my luck.” Steve shrugs.
“As who?” Bucky lightly snaps, “Steve from Ohio? They’ll catch you. Or worse, they’ll actually take you.” Bucky ends, his voice softening as Steve’s eyes drift to the ground.
“Look, I know you two don’t think I can do this.” Steve states, his quiet voice cracking slightly.
“This isn’t a back alley, Steve.” Theo adds, his eyes sympathetic.
“It war!” Bucky corrects.
“I know it’s a war. You don’t have to tell me.” Steve states.
“Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs.” Bucky inquires, raising an accusing eyebrow.
“What am I gonna do? Collect scrap metal…” Steve trails off.
“Yes!” Bucky exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. His frustration was beginning to effect the strangers around him as he unknowingly was emitting his scent in strong waves- trying to get Steve to submit to his ideals.
“…in my little red wagon.” Steve finishes his sentence.
“Why not?” Bucky asks, worry in his expression.
“I’m not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.” Steve mumbles.
“I don’t…” Bucky trails off as Theo gives his shoulder a squeeze, Bucky looks around him, noticing the wary strangers walking around their small pack. He sighs, reaching up to squeeze Theo’s hand in reassurance. Calming him also in the process, his scent thinning out.
“Buck, come on!” Steve pleads, “There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That’s what you don’t understand. This isn’t about me.” Steve states with strong conviction. A sad smile makes its way onto Theo’s face.
“Right. Cause you got nothing to prove.” Bucky mumbles.
“Come on, Sarge. Aren’t we going dancing?” Theo voices, giving a nod to Steve. Steve’s eyes widen in surprise at Theo’s sudden change of thought, he returns the nod discretely while Bucky looks Theo’s way.
“Yeah, yeah.” Bucky rolls his eyes, “Don't do anything stupid until we get back.” Bucky orders Steve.
Steve grins, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky states shaking his head, leading himself and Theo away from the centre.
“Jerk.” Steve mutters, “Be careful. Don’t win the war till I get there!” He calls out to them. Theo looks back at Steve, waving him off, Steve rolls his eyes returning to the recruitment centre’s entrance.
“Sounds like they’re playing our song.” Bucky comments with a cheeky smile. Theo hits his shoulder lightly.
“You say that all the time.” Theo retorts, pressing his lips to Bucky’s before the Alpha could respond. Bucky smiled into the kiss, rocking them side-to-side as the music guided his steps. Lost in a little corner of the dancing hall, away from prying eyes.
“You know…” Bucky starts, “I’m beginning to think you’re not on my side anymore.”
Theo hums, allowing the Alpha to finally dig his nose against Theo’s neck and draw in as much of that vanilla scent as the sergeant wanted.
“I’m sorry…” Theo trailed off, “I know it’s a bad idea- it’s just…”
Bucky pulls away, a concerned expression littering his face, “What? What is it?”
Theo shakes his head, “I know it sounds crazy, but- I swore I saw Sarah right besides him.”
Bucky blinks at the unexpected answer before chuckling, “You are crazy.”
Theo scowls playfully, “Careful choosing your next words, Barnes, I’m not above giving you a concussion.”
Bucky hums, hugging the tall Omega even closer to his person, “That must make me even crazier for loving you.”
Blinking his eyes sluggishly open, Theo groaned at the throbbing of his skull, trying to rub his forehead which seemed to be the source of his irritation. However, his arms did nothing of the sort- instead it sent Theo into panic as he took in his surroundings. Arm and legs strapped to a metal table, Theo’s memory snapped into place as he remembered the mission his squadron was sent on.
“Awake, I see?” A voice chimed. “You know, I’ve never come across someone an Omega as extraordinary as you. You’re quite the anomaly.”
Theo’s head snapped toward the direction the voice emitted from and he glared at the short Beta speaking to him. “Let me out of here!” Theo hissed, pulling at the restrains tying him down.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You’re far too intriguing for me to simply throw away.” The Dr. stated, “For whatever reason, you were born bigger and stronger than the average Omega. Thankfully for me- it means you are far more resistant than all the others. Your body has already accepted the serum-“
“Where’s Bucky?!” Theo interrupted.
The Dr. hummed, “Sergeant Barnes. Your Alpha?” Zola inquired. Theo snarled at the short man.
“If you hurt a hair on his head-“
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Zola stated, adding to the notebook in his hands.
“Sedate him. Let’s move him to the main lab, there seems to be something else inside him which-“ An explosion goes off, shaking the building and Zola cuts himself short before pressing his lips together. “Get him out of here. Evacuate him now. I need him.”
“Did it hurt?” Bucky voices randomly, stumbling behind Steve on his own. Slowly regaining his consciousness, but his focus was mainly on the fact Steve was so damn tall all of a sudden, and smelling like apple pie.
“A little.” Steve shrugged, looking down the hallway and checking the coast.
“Is it permanent?” Bucky asks.
“So far.” Steve answers, motioning for Bucky to follow.
At the sight of Zola, Bucky growls, unable to stop himself as rage filled his person. “Where is he?” He yells.
Zola gives him a crooked smirk, “Alive.” Was all he said.
“Captain America! How Exciting! I’m a great fan of your films. So Dr. Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement, but still impressive.” Johann rants, head of Hydra.
Steve punches him in the face without hesitation. “You’ve got no idea”
“Haven’t I?” Johann leaps forward, aiming a punch at Steve but the Captain protects himself with his shield. As they fight, Zola pulls a leaver and the catwalk they are standing on retracts to either side, separating them both.
“No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see I was his greatest success!” Johann exclaims, peeling off the skin on his face to reveal that he is the Red Skull.
“You don’t have one of those, do you?” Bucky asks quietly.
“You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!” The Red Skull states, stepping into an elevator with Zola at his side.
Despite Johann’s words, one major difference between them was Steve’s Apple Pie scent. The Red Skull smelt like nothing. He was no longer an Alpha. He indeed, like he said, had left his humanity behind.
“Then how come you’re running?” Steve argues as the elevator door closes. Sighing, the Captain directs Bucky to the stairs, “Come on, let’s go. Up.”
Steve and Bucky find a beam that’d get them to the other side of the Hydra base, toward the way out. If they want to escape, they had no other option but to cross.
“Let’s go. One at a time.” Steve advises, letting Bucky go first. Bucky reaches the other side but the metal beam collapses afterward, leaving Steve stranded.
“Gotta be a rope or something!” Bucky yells to Steve over the sound of the roaring fire of explosions beneath them.
“Just go! Get out of here!” Steve shouts back.
“No! Not without you!” Bucky states, and Steve sprints to the edge, jumping over the chasm of flames.
Returning to camp, cheers surrounded the survivors of the one-o-seven. It should be a time to celebrate, and for Steve’s sake it definitely was, but Bucky could only hope he’d be able to return Steve’s smile when he faced him next, despite how fake it would be.
But when Steve did, when Steve turned his head to his side, looking down at the now shorter Alpha- his smile vanished in seconds. Bucky had lost Theo, obviously there was still hope for the Omega. He was alive, Zola had said so himself. But what did that mean? What did that mean for Theo?
Bucky’s expression was dull, he looked like he barely had a will to continue. Bucky’s bright blue eyes, Theo often described them as diamonds- had shattered, they were now a shadowed grey, lifeless.
Steve felt conflicted. As a Alpha-dud, his pack was with Bucky and Theo. Normally he’s consider Theo his Omega as well, but with his sudden development into an Alpha- Steve felt that Peggy was now his Omega, his pack.
Although he never claimed Theo, the Omega’s neck still had Bucky’s bite. They had a connection Steve never understood. They could read each other and speak without words. Even feel each other’s pain to an extent.
Steve didn’t know what to do, Bucky would never return to his previous self unless they found Theo alive and returned to the camp, Steve had heard of stories about Alpha who’d lost their counterpart- none of them ended well.
Steve joins Bucky at the bar counter, the background was filled with everyone’s singing of joy. Bucky however looked like death himself, skin pale and with more than his usual stack of alcoholic beverages in front of him.
“See?” Bucky slurred, a smile on his face as he looked at Steve. But it didn’t reach his eyes. “I told you. They’re all idiots.”
“How about you?” Steve asked softly, still not used to acting or behaving like an Alpha. “You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?”
Bucky snorts as he chugs another glass empty. “Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight. I’m following him.” Bucky stated, leaning heavily against the table top. “But you’re keeping the outfit, right?”
“You know what? It’s kind of growing on me.” Steve replies.
The singing in the bar stops as Peggy rounds the bar in a tight fitting, deep-red dress heading straight toward Steve. Both Steve and Bucky stand up in acknowledgement.
“Captain.” Peggy greets, Bucky sniffles his nose at her scent. After bonding with Theo, all the other Omega’s smelt too sweet or not sweet enough.
“Agent Carter.” Steve responds with a small smile.
“Ma’am.” Bucky nods.
“Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?” Peggy suggests.
“Sounds good.” Steve agrees.
“I see your top squad is prepping for duty.” Peggy comments, looking over briefly at the drunk group of men singing to their hearts content. She frowns a little.
“You don’t like music?” Bucky voices.
“I do, actually. I might even when this is all over, go dancing.” She shrugs.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Bucky snorts turning back to face the bar.
“The right partner.” Carter answers without hesitation. “0800, Captain.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be there.” Steve nods, waving goodbye as the agent walked off. Bucky grumbled under his breath as the agent left.
“We’re not going to give up, Buck. We’ll find him.” Steve promised
“You are failing!” The Red Skull screamed in Zola’s face, his expression was of nothing but pure rage. Practically roaring at the scientist with unhinged emotion.
Captain America and the Howling Commando’s had destroyed many of Hydra’s bases. Fuelled by winning the war and finding their lost Omega friend.
“We are close to an offensive network that will shake the plant. And yet we are continually delayed, because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield!” Red Skull growls. And Zola’s short stature shrunk even further at the intimidating and threatening stance the Red skull was loaming over him with.
“This is hardly my area of expertise. I… I merely develop the weapons. I… I cannot fire them.” Zola explains quickly, looking for any excuse to save his life and the continuation of his beloved work/ experimentations.
“And your experiment, Doctor? What of the Omega?” Johann asks.
“It will take more time. But I believe he’ll be a great asset.” Zola assures. “I haven’t an answer yet, but his blood has fused with some sort of power source, something that he looks to have been born with. I believe I can harness that power, given more time. Something is obstructing its full release and capabilities-”
Johann interrupts with a sigh, “Finish your mission, Doctor. Before the American finishes his. And make sure your little experiment is safe from his hands. Move the Omega to our more… secluded bases of operation.”
“Yes, sir.” Zola bows, glee in his eyes at the thought of his most upcoming experiment.
“Wake him.” The head doctor and scientist of Hydra orders, “The soldier’s having another fit.”
A low hissing noise fills the room as the ice-cold chamber melts in seconds, releasing a wave of steam into the room which blinded the group of anxious scientists for mere moments before exposing the resting form waiting within.
“Asset?” The doctor calls, standing a clear distance from the cylinder.
Not a second later and a black combat boot slams onto the ground, hands at the edge of the cyro-freezing chamber for support.
“Ready to comply.” The monotone voice of Theo whisks into the air, sending shivers down the doctor’s spines, Alpha or not- He was intimidating, that was a fact. The Alpha’s in the room stared at him wide-eyed, he was not the typical Omega at all. There was no doubt in their minds why he was paired with the Winter Soldier.
He was tall for an Omega; taller than most Beta’s and even Alpha’s- his height grew more as the serum began it’s work. Moving him from barely 5’10, to 6 foot. His body was fit, muscles spread across his entire body from years of training and discipline.
A quite apparent/obvious change in the Omega however was his hair, what was once midnight black strands of hair are now as white as freshly fallen snow. His electric honey golden eyes now a unnaturally glowing orange.
A blood red tattoo was branded onto the side of his neck, the symbol Hydra had also printed onto the Soldier’s metal arm. On the Asset’s neck was the recognisable red star of their cause, large and covering the majority of skin like a virus.
The head scientist nodded to the few soldiers’ in the room, and they wordlessly pulled Theo’s arms in front him and placed reinforced cuffs around his wrists. Without warning the shoved him forward, he stumbled just very slightly, easily able to catch himself and shift to walking in any direction they wished for him to go.
The walk was mostly a silent one, but everyone was rigid and tense with anticipation. While the Omega was restrained, he could, if he so wished, overpower many of the soldiers escorting him- even with the inhibitors restricting that uncontrolled power of his. Something which years ago, the Red Skull was becoming obsessed in finding the true source of.
Opening the door, random to the many lining the hallway, there inside was an empty confined room, the Asset was directed to a chair. Which he obediently took a seat upon, and as instructed- he simply waited. The mixture of doctor’s, scientist’s and soldiers hurriedly left the room, and Theo was left with his arms still stuck together in front of him by those specialised cuffs as the room delved into a darkness at the slamming of the cell door.
But he didn’t have to wait very long before loud shouts, orders and shuffled movement filled the end of the hall before approaching closer and closer with the sound of a struggle, then a body was thrown into the room, tossed harshly to the concrete before Theo’s feet as the door slamming after this stranger.
The man looked wild, his eyes flickering all over the place and his hair matted due to lack of grooming. His eyes pierced Theo’s causing his body to freeze in alert, but at the simple smell of Theo’s scent, the Soldier approached the cuffed Omega more confidently- more needy.
The soldier buried his nose to the Omega’s neck, finding the vanilla scent addictive, familiar and safe, despite missing all the memories associated with this person. The Asset’s eyes remained staring ahead, unfocused and dull like a robot. His posture was slumped and mouldable as the Soldier roughly pushed his head to the side, trying to gain as much access as possible to the gland before biting down on it.
Orange orbs narrowed at the pain and flickered over to meet the Alpha’s, earning a low growl from him. The soldier was animalistic, practically drooling as he sucked desperately at the taste of vanilla, it acted as a sort of medicine and calming agent.
The serum had increased the Soldier’s height as well, from 5’10 to 6 foot 2. His build overall was a lot bigger and more combat ready than the Asset’s muscular but lean one. Even with the enhancement of his body, Theo’s Omega genes still made his bones more brittle, light and fragile- physically stronger than an average Alpha but weaker than someone like the Soldier, especially when the Alpha had the aid of a vibranium man.
The Soldier’s metal fingers tightened their hold on Theo’s head of white hair, warning the Omega to back down; Theo reluctantly shifted his gaze back to the wall behind the Alpha.
Pulling at the Asset’s like a rag doll, the Soldier knocked over the wooden chair and dragged the Omega onto the concrete floor before shifting his body over Theo’s, trapping him to the ground.
The Asset couldn’t do anything to move, his hands were restrained and his legs were stuck on either side of the Alpha’s waist, he couldn’t kick the Soldier even if he wanted to. A low purring-like sound left the Alpha’s lips as he rested his ear against Theo’s chest, listening to the relaxing sound of the Omega’s steady and slow heartbeat.
He was stuck there for an hour before the Hydra soldiers waiting outside deemed it safe enough to quickly shoot a sedative at the Winter Soldier and remove the Alpha from the cell and back to his cyro-chamber.
Men rushed into the room upon noting the Soldier had been lured into deep and rare rest, most likely he’d be dragged first to the brainwashing chair the Asset knew all too well.
Theo was then hauled to his feet and ushered back into the Doctors lab. He was told to lie against the metal table, and without hesitation, Theo did as told. Robotically slipping onto the table and allowing his cuffs to be removed cautiously, before immediately being replaced with the inbuilt restraints into the table itself.
All precautionary, as Theo would guess he’d lashed out in the past, though he couldn’t recall ever doing so thanks to that memory-wiping chair.
The Doctor shuffled through his notebook and lab report before addressing the additional staff, they carefully cut away at the replaceable Hydra uniform Theo was wearing. Pulling the thin shirt from his body, the staff examined the long cut running down the lower half of Theo’s stomach.
“Good. No issues with healing the incision.” The head doctor commented. “Asset. We have a mission for you.”
The white-haired assassin fiddled with the familiar cuffs around his wrists, flexing his hands open and closed mindlessly. The Hydra agents seated around in in the van watched him warily as he become more impatient. Theo’s orange orbs flickering lowly around the van as it drove at high speeds, dodging and weaving traffic at the command for reinforcement, Theo was careful not to meet anyone’s eyes, that’d only result in punishment for displaying rebellious tendencies.
Skidding to a very fast stop, one of the many Hydra agents wearing a fake SWAT uniform comes to stand in front of the Asset, he fumbles hurriedly with a small electronic key before unlocking the assassin’s cuffs with a quick scan. The inhibitors were deactivated.
The Asset stands without hesitation and follows the agents out of the back of the van as it’s doors are kicked open, his mask was locked tightly into place and couldn’t be taken off without a similar mechanism to the electronic key that had previously been used by that Hydra agent earlier. It kept the Asset’s identity hidden from people that could identify him as Theo King. But it’s true use was as a muzzle, keeping the Asset from lashing out when they tested on him. Keeping his mouth shut until they wanted otherwise.
Marching up to the black government issued SUV, reinforced no doubt as it was littered with unsuccessful shots at the windows. Nick Fury glanced out the window in fright as the Asset’s form marched closer to his window, quickly he slid over to the passenger’s seat. He was expecting a battering ram. Not some juiced up mercenary with hauntingly orange glowing eyes.
The Assassin pulled his fist back-
“Warning! Window integrity compromised.” Fury’s car system warned, red lights flashing all over the place.
Theo’s forearm erupted into black flame and smoke, which soon died to reveal blackened skin and claw-like nails- it was something demonic looking for sure.
The window shatters as a fist meets it, but it doesn’t brake. Fury looks at the white-haired male with surprise and horror. He had no idea of what he was. But he needed to know who he was. No normal human could smash a reinforced SHEILD SUV with just their fists.
“You think?” Fury panic’s, “How long to propulsion?” He inquires the AI.
“Calculating-“ Another hit to the window, “Window integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures-“
“Hold that order!” Fury quickly interrupts. Another hit to the window.
“Window integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised-“
“Wait!” Fury growls. Another hit.
“Window integrity one percent.”
“Now!” Fury orders and without delay a small mini-gun pulls up from the inside of the car and Fury wastes no time using it to return fire on the mercenaries.
The Asset shields his face with his arms. Bullets ripped through the skin on his arms, but never got past the bulletproof armour he had covering his chest. The force of the attack sent him to the ground and by the time the bullets were pushed from his arms as his skin healed- the target was racing away in his car.
“Target on the move.” One of the surviving agents said, speaking into the device on his wrist. “Moving Asset to the Soldier’s location.”
The agent waved over a passing Hydra van, and the Asset took himself a seat. Skin regaining it’s naturally pale tone, it revealed Theo’s arms coated in blood, but incredibly the wounds were already halfway through its healing process.
When the van came to its stop, the doors were opened and Theo jumped from the vehicle, landing effortlessly on the road just as the Soldier detonated the remote explosive he’d shot underneath the target’s SUV.
Fury’s vision was blurry as he recomposed himself, he glanced at his attackers, eyes wide at the new masked threat. And he was shocked to see the white-haired male still alive at all and without indicating pain or injury.
Unclipping his pistol from his belt, the Asset stayed back while the Soldier approached the vehicle, ready for any surprise escape attempts on foot.
Trapped inside his upside down car, Fury watches as the mysterious new threat walked slowly toward him, reloading his gun as he did so. Fury however manages to escape just in time by using a pencil-sized laser to burn open a sewage entrance.
The Soldier rips the damaged door off its hinges with his metal arm, there is however no one inside, prompting him to clip his weapon back into place and return to the Asset’s side as they waited for a pick up.
Not a second later and the same van Theo was on previously pulled up to a stop and the back doors swung open for both of them.
The Asset was promptly ushered back into the van, the Soldier pushing him forward with a hand at the back of his neck. The Asset glared back at the Soldier and his small display of dominance. Entering the van and taking a seat, Theo’s hands were quickly cuffed once more (inhibitors activated) before returning to base.
Mission was a failure.
At his home Alexander Pierce goes to his kitchen, and opens his fridge to pull out a carton of milk. He pauses as he sees the Winter Soldier seated at his table, just barely visible within the shadows, a gun however was very visible as the light shined and reflected off of it, the Soldier pulls it out as Pierce’s Housekeeper calls out to him from the other side of the wall.
“I’m going to go, Mr. Pierce. You need anything before I leave?” She calls out.
“No. Uh…” Pierce pauses as from behind the Solder, and Theo comes into view. “…it’s fine, Renata, you can go home.” He replies.
“Okay, night-night.” She calls in farewell.
“Good night.” Pierce responds, his eyes never leaving the two in front of him. “Want some milk?” He offers as Renata closes the door behind her. The Soldier doesn’t reply, and Pierce certainly doesn’t expect the Asset to either. His mask-like muzzle restricted him physically from saying a word.
“The timetable has moved. Our window is limited. Two targets, Level Six” Piece picks up his glass of milk and joins the Soldier at the table. He stills slightly as he sniffs the air, “Seems like your suppressants are fading, Omega.” Pierce hums, a smile on his face as he shifts his gaze to the Asset. Pierce could feel his inner Alpha groan at the smell and he'll admit that he had a struggle to remain composed in front of the two assassin’s. Theo’s sweet scent of vanilla bean, typically you’d never think to use suppressants on an Omega. It can become incredibly damaging to the body. But it didn’t take long for Doctor’s and Hydra agents alike to realise the serum had altered the smell of his scent.
Zola theorised that because Theo’s body had been changed further, more masculine and Alpha, overall less Omega- his hormones were trying to counteract the imbalance by making his scent more potent. It got to the point where Hydra had no choice but to place the Omega on suppressants in order to stop other Alpha’s from trying to breed with him.
Technically his scent shouldn’t even be as strong as a normal Omega, because he bonded with Bucky. He has an Alpha, so his body no longer has the need to try ‘seduce’ other Alpha’s.
Yet something in the serum made his inner Omega feel un-bonded, the scent was a problem even for mated/ bonded Alpha’s whom should be repulsed by the smell of another Omega- yet this again was not the case.
While on suppressants, only the Soldier was able to still smell Theo’s scent. And that again, was just because they were bonded. Hydra used it to their advantage of course, when either the Asset or Soldier became unstable- it was a simple as putting the two together in the same space.
Swallowing his mouthful of milk, Pierce continued, “They already cost me Zola. I want a confirmed death in ten hours-“ Renata (the housekeeper) walks back into the room, cutting Pierce off.
“Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I… I forgot my phone.” She stammers noticing the two figures in the dark.
Pierce clicks his tongue in annoyance, “Oh, Renata. I wish you would have knocked.” He grumbles, picking up the gun the Winter Soldier had placed on the table and shooting at her without hesitation, killing her in seconds with an experience shot centre of her head.
“Get him some suppressants immediately and be on your way.” Pierce orders the Soldier, Winter nods his head, standing up and disappearing without a trace, Theo following his example.
Reaching HQ, the Hydra agents had a hard time separating the Soldier from the Asset, Winter was snarling, growling and snapping at those that got too close. Theo kept his gaze to the ground, letting the agents drag the Soldier away, much to Theo’s regret as every instinct in his body is screaming at him to stay by the Soldier’s side.
The Asset returned to the Lab, his usual destination within Hydra as the Doctor injects a large dose of suppressants, distributing the shots around Theo’s body. Before examining his body once over before the mission early tomorrow morning.
Inside a bank vault, many Hydra agents move around the chair the Soldier is confined to, fixing his broken arm. The Soldier looks in front of him, eyes blank, mind empty.
“Sir, he’s… he’s unstable. Erratic.” A Hydra scientist warns Pierce as he storms into the bank vault. Rumlow is by his side as they make their way in front of the dazed Winter Soldier.
“Mission report.” Pierce demands. “Mission report, now.” He repeats, a frustrated sigh leaves mouth as the Soldier remains stubbornly silent. Something was obviously plaguing the weapon.
“Where’s the Omega?” Pierce growls, eyes looking around him and daring someone to speak.
“The Asset is still under- it takes time for his body to adjust to the suppressants.” One of the scientists answer.
Pierce growls at the answer, it meant harder control over the Soldier when he became like this.
“The man on the bridge… Who was he?” The Soldier voices, catching Pierce’s attention.
“You met him earlier this week on another assignment.” Pierce answers quickly.
“I knew him.” Winter mumbles.
“Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we’re gonna give it a push. But, if you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine, and Hydra can’t give the world the freedom it deserves.” Pierce states, like reading a script said a thousand times previously.
“But I knew him.” The soldier pushed.
“Prep him.” Pierce orders.
“He’s been out of cryo-freeze too long.” A scientist voices.
“Then wipe him and start over.” Pierce hisses, “And while you’re at it, keep the Omega under and send him to Siberia. The Soldier will follow after the mission.” Pierce states.
Bucky groaned as his eyes open and he regained consciousness, blinking sluggishly for his vision to focus before realising his metal arm was trapped in a huge vice. He tugged at the restraint but his arm didn’t move an inch. Eyes flickering about the place, he concluded quickly that he’d been brought to a warehouse of some kind- Bucky flinched as a helicopter flew overhead, and worry filled him at the thought of being caught yet again.
But then his attention was brought elsewhere when he heard shuffling steps, and in his line of vision was Sam Wilson, leaning against a pillar.
“Hey, Cap!” Sam called out, the raise in volume had Bucky subtly duck down instinctually to hide, were they trying to be caught?
Steve no sooner rounded the corner past Sam and eyed Bucky cautiously as he approached.
“Steve.” Bucky recalled in an exhausted drawl.
Steve clenched his jaw, “Which Bucky am I talking to?”
Bucky paused, face displaying a blank expression as he realised he did remember, or he remembered more than he did before, in fact he remembered that-
“Your mom’s name is Sarah.” Bucky blurted, before chuckling at another memory, “You used to wear newspapers in your shoes…”
Steve almost smiled, “You can’t read that in a museum.”
“And just like that we’re supposed to be cool?” Sam huffed, narrowing his eyes at Bucky but directing the question to Steve.
Bucky frowned, “What did I do?”
“Enough.” Steve stated.
Bucky sighed, lowing his gaze further, “I knew this would happen... Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words.”
“Who was he?” Steve inquired.
“I don’t know.” Bucky admitted.
Steve shook his head, “People are dead- the bombing, the set-up- the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than ‘I don’t know’.”
Bucky frowned, looking at his feet as he racked through his muddled memory for an answer that would be of actual help, and like a switch he begun remembering.
“He wanted to know about Siberia… Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where…” Bucky trailed off, just as confused as the Steve and Sam were.
“Why would he need to know that?” Steve pushed.
Bucky instantly slumped at the answer which came into his head, “Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier.”
Steve and Sam followed Bucky’s action and slumped their shoulders in mild defeat at such an undesirable response, containing Bucky had been difficult on its own- for there to be more…
“Who were they?” Steve eventually asked, taking Sam’s approach to lean against one of the warehouse pillars.
“The most elite death squad, more kills than anyone in Hydra history, and that was before the serum.” Bucky spilled robotically, the information drilled into the depth of his brain.
“They all turn out like you?” Sam voiced.
“Worse.” Bucky whispered, but was still heard.
“The doctor, could he control them?” Steve questioned.
“(The doctor) Said he wanted to see an empire fall.” Steve quoted.
“With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilise- they can take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.” Bucky spoke in a monotone, cringing at the information popping up into his head as he spoke.
Sam ushered Steve closer to him for a private conversation, Bucky wasn’t bothered to listen to them, more so his head was flashing quickly with random memories that didn’t seem to be in any order, it wasn’t until one in particular enter his head that Bucky jolted at his instincts flaring to life, he still had an Omega to find.
Theo awoke with a sharp gasp of air, as pain radiated from his chest, he reached quickly to place pressure upon the wound, a gunshot through-
“You know, you should be dead.” Someone drawled in an exhausted tone. “That went right through your heart.”
Theo’s eyes flashed to the source, seeing an familiar face looking right back at him, someone he’d seen and read about in Hydra files, but had yet to ever meet in person (in a likely assassination). Eyes drifting to the environment around them, Theo concluded that the Hydra base was no longer in function, a sigh of relief almost left his lips as he spotted the dead bodies still within their cryo-chambers, that elite death squad scared him- the stories of their strength even against someone like his Alpha, the Winter Soldier.
“Hey-“ Theo’s eyes darted back to the wounded man, “What’s your name?”
“I’m the Asset.” Theo responded cautiously in a low robotic tone as he pushed himself out of his own cryo-chamber, landing with stumbling unsteady feet thanks to that blood-loss.
“You’re Hydra.” The stranger realised, “You look so young…”
Theo said nothing to the man, deciding instead to stumble in the direction of the other cryo-chambers around the corner, needing to confirm they were permanently gone to the world.
“They’re dead.”
“I know.” Theo responds, eyes lingering over the bodies without glowing orange souls.
“Hydra’s gone, kid.” The man shares, “They’ve been gone a while.”
“Did the Soldier survive?” Theo asks.
Tony Stark goes rigid at the question, rage fuels him quickly before leaving just as fast- “I’m not sure.”
Theo nods with a sigh that caught Tony off guard, “Why?” He blurted, curiosity getting the better of him.
Theo frowns, crossing his arms tightly to his chest, “That’s my Alpha.”
Tony was shocked, “You’re Omega?”
“Yes.” Theo confirmed.
Tony clears his throat, pushing away the many questions swarming in his head, “What’re you going to do now?”
Theo thought about the question, knowing that the Stark was only asking to make sure Theo didn’t intend on continuing Hydra’s legacy, Theo didn’t have much to say, he didn’t even know where to start- his only memories were of Hydra and nothing but.
“I don’t know.” Theo admitted, the Winter Soldier needed him more than Theo needed to see the Soldier, Alpha’s relied on Omega once bonded- whereas Theo could last a lifetime without his Alpha- especially considering he didn’t have any feelings for the brute, or at least, none that he remembered.
Tony bit his lip in thought, “Do you know where they kept their research files? I might be able to find more on you that way…”
Theo hesitated before nodding and guiding the limping billionaire through the facility.
“You are a lot less hostile than, Barnes.” Tony commented, spotting Theo’s confused expression he corrected himself, “Sorry, the Soldier I mean.”
Theo eyed the man before continuing down a narrow hallway.
“Just as quiet though.” Tony sighed.
Tony frowned, “Why haven’t you killed me?”
“I haven’t been assigned a mission or given orders.” Theo stated, “And you do not pose any threat to me.”
Tony scrunched his face up in offense, but silently agreed with the Hydra weapon whom he just now noticed, was no longer clutching at the bullet wound- that would certainly give the Omega an advantage. Added with the fact that Tony had discarded his broken suit back in the control room. Theo also had a good height and muscle advantage as well.
Entering the filing room, Tony darted to the old computer running on fumes. Fingers dancing across the keys, Tony seemed to find the code for the file he wanted- or two, considering he first went to the cabinets to the left before collecting another file to the right.
Dragging a stool over to a desk, which Tony cleared with the sweep of his arm, he opened the first file.
“Theodore King, a medical officer in one-o-seven squadron. Class: Omega. 18 years old upon capture- seems like someone lied about their enlistment age…” Tony mumbled. “… You’re enhanced.”
Tony turned to face the assassin, “Mind telling me what you can do?”
Theo frowned but released the sensitive information after reminding himself that Hydra was compromised if not completely destroyed, “I’m not sure how to explain it.”
“Try for me, kid.” Tony insisted.
Theo sighed, leaning against the edge of the desk Tony was occupying, “Imagine there are two… worlds on top of each other- both existing at the same time.”
“Like alternate dimensions?”
“No. Most people can either be in one world or the other-“
“Well that’s my enhancement. I walk on both.”
“Okay, tell me more about this other world, is it dangerous?”
“It can be, if I let it.” Theo frowned.
“Ok, and can you take anyone there?” Tony asked.
“Well yes, sort of.” Theo mumbled, “I’d have to kill you.”
Tony froze at such words, but relaxed at Theo’s lack of movement, he then put together all the pieces Theo had given him, “Wait- you’re telling me, you can interact the with dead?”
Theo grimaced at the description but nodded, “Yes.”
Tony pursed his lips before looking to Theo with a rather serious expression.
“I want you to prove it.”
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
I was following you for a minute then I saw you write black reader stuff 😠💩 you realize that these men wouldn't date cotton pickers right 😂 I mean think about it. I've never seen any of them even seem interested an anyone with your... Color 💩🤢
So how bout you be realistic and write for those of us they'd actually be with mkay' 👍😁
Love your writing it's great ❣️
Woah! Not the racist anon. 😂
I'm sorry, 🤣 but like who asked?
123 notes · View notes
mrsaguapapi · 9 days
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11 Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14   Ch 15 Ch 16  Ch 17
Chapter 18
My Sunshine
The Vibe:
Corinne Bailey Rae 11. Seasons Change
"Wanda is dead. I saw her die" Stranges says pacing away in his office. Looking absolutely ridiculous with his lounge clothes and a cloak.
"She's alive Stephen." I say exasperated
"Okay, I'll play. Let's say she's alive, which she's not. Why of all people would you go to her?" he gestures to himself, "I can help you."
"I'm not letting you anywhere near my memories thank you very much." I scoff at him, "I don't have time to bring you up to speed, I need to speak with her, and considering with what happened in Westview and your little multiverse incident, I don't know where her head is at mentally. All I'm asking is that you watch my back and be on standby" I plead
"Look I want to help you but that last thing we need is to instigate another fight with Wanda Maximoff, IF, she's even alive," Strange says. "If she's alive, I theorize she won't be happy seeing me, so no, I'm not going with you," I roll my eyes and stand up, ready to walk out, "I didn't say I wasn't going to help you," he says stopping me in my place
"Okay well, Stephen can you just spit it out some of us have shit to do," I say holding my hands out annoyed
He rolls his eyes and pulls out a display and uncovers it revealing a floating crystal ball, "This is the Orb of Agamotto. This allows me to monitor the universe and other surrounding dimensions. With the ability to 'Livestream' other planets and pinpoint magic users anywhere, except for those with the power to block its view. I can use this to watch you from a distance and if anything goes wrong, I'll portal to you and help"
I take a moment to think about it, "Fine, you have a deal" I say holding out my hand to him
He shakes my hand and smiles, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"Ugh and you ruined it," I say, dropping my hand, rolling my eyes, and grabbing my sling ring, "For the record, I never really blamed you, and neither does Peter. You just happen to have an annoying face and that I can't forgive" I laugh to myself," Give me your phone" I say to Strange. He hands me his phone and I put my number in it and call myself so I have his number, "When I get there I'll call you and have you in my ear." I say putting an airpod in and giving back his phone. Pausing for a moment I take in a deep breath and exhale allowing myself to relax before opening a portal to the shuffling streets of Sokovia.
I step through turning to look at Strange, "If she's alive and as powerful as before she could easily sever my connection. Just keep that in mind." He warns. I nod my head and close the portal.
"Okay let's get this show on the road," I say to myself walking the down the city streets
After getting some food and thinking about the next approach I decided instead of using a locator spell and exposing her safe space, I figure I'll summon her to me. So I picked the most public place I could think of.
A playground
Sitting on the bench watching the children play, I say in my head, "Wanda, I need your help" I call out to her making sure my intention is clear and that I mean no harm, "That should do the trick" I whisper to myself. I pull out my phone to call Strange, "Hey, she'll be here any minute. Can you see me?"
"You chose to bring 'The Scarlet Witch' to a playground?"
"She won't hurt the children," I say
"I once thought that too until she tried to murder America Chavez in front of me" he quips
"Yea well this time will be different Stephen," I say annoyed "Have a little hope will ya?"
He sighs, "You never told me why you need her specifically."
"I was told by my dead mother to go to her directly. She didn't say why, but I trust her judgment. Wanda may also have some info on someone else I'm looking for." I say rather quickly and annoyed
"So the short answer is you don't know," he says
"I've been on the phone with you for 2 mins and I already want to kick your ass," I say making us both laugh
"What's so funny?" I hear someone say near me, causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. It was Wanda sitting next to me in civilian clothes with her hair dripping wet.
"Good lord girl. You don't have to be so creepy" I say clutching my fake pearls
"You started It. I heard your little whispers in my ear while I was in the shower. I thought you had the drop on me." she laughs under her breath, "So why are you here? Don't you know I'm 'dead'? I'm sure Stephen told you. Right Stephen?" She asks a little louder
She knows
"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Wanda Asks
"Millie she's blocking me, I can't see you anymore," Stephen says in my ear, "I'm coming to you"
"Hold off Stephen," I say out loud, "It's okay" I pause looking at Wanda with a small smile, "Do you blame me? If I didn't come with some sort of backup, I'd be pretty dumb don't ya think?"
She looks at me for a while like she was searching for something in my face eventually looking away and letting out a large exhale, "I have been a real witch lately" she says causing me to laugh, "You said you needed my help and I could really use a distraction right now, so what can I do for you?"
"Hey, Stephen you still there?" I ask
"I'm still here. You still alive?" He asks
"Yep. I'm gonna let you go, I'm okay" I say to him
"Are you sure?"
"Mhmm, I'll text you later," I say before hanging up on him, "Let me buy you a drink. We've got a lot to talk about." I say standing up and holding out my hand to her
"One drink isn't going to cut it," She says taking my hand "Might have to buy the bar," she says making us both chuckle.
Wanda and I have been venting and drinking for an hour or so at this dingy little bar in the middle of town. We both are sitting in a booth in the back of the room effectively away from the other patrons.
"So," I say before throwing back another tequila shot, "So out of grief you kidnapped and brainwashed a random town in New Jersey, Created a fake husband and children, and then traveled through other universes, blindly looking for said fake children?" I ask
"Well," Wanda taking a sip of her bourbon, "I feel like you're oversimplifying it a bit. Westview wasn't a random town, Vis bought us some land there to build us a home and my children are only fake here, they're very much real elsewhere, but... essentially yes you are correct." She says finishing the drink
"Wanda," I say rubbing my head from the sudden rush I'm feeling, "That like really sucks"
"I Know right? "Oh and let's not forget Pietro, my dead twin brother," She says nonchalantly
I burst out in laughter, I couldn't help myself at her candor, "I'm sorry that was so mean" I said trying to control myself.
Surprisingly Wanda joins me, "You are fucked up, you know that?" She says laughing with me
"I know! I know! I'm sorry, it's either you laugh or you cry and I'm tired of crying" I say catching my breath from laughing
"Couldn't have said it better myself" Wanda says collecting herself from laughing with me"So enough about me and my lifetime of trauma, fill me in on what's going on; why do you need my help?"
"Can I just so show you? It will be quicker" I ask holding my hand out to her
"Is it going to hurt?" She asks hesitantly
"No. I mean no one has complained before?" I say smiling and shrugging. She places her hand in mine and I use my memory transference on her filling her in on everything; my ghost mom and her past with the darkhold, the books from Wakanda, how peter found me in the lake, and my lack of memory.
"Wow," Wanda says taking her hand back, "You've got some serious power Millie, your magic is vast." She says rubbing her hand "Unpredictable too... It's very familiar."
"Well that wasn't ominous at all," I say a little creeped out, "Can you help me?"
"Yes, I think so. We'll need an open field and it's probably going to hurt" She says standing up "Come on we should get going"
"Fine," I say standing up and throwing some cash on the bar, "But can we not skip over the whole 'it's going to hurt thing"
"I imagine being struck by lightning doesn't feel good," She says walking out
"Well Fuck" I say following her
The Vibe:
Bishop Briggs - Lessons of the Fire: Official Lyric Video | Devil In Ohio | Netflix
Wanda takes me to this field on the outskirts of town. It was surrounded by overarching trees and we were in the open center. When I look up I see nothing but a full moon and stars. The air was cool and the energy surrounding us was peaceful. Wanda had set up several candles around me in a circle and stepped out leaving me alone in the center
"Explain it to me one more time, " I say a little freaked out
"You need to summon the lightning to strike you"
"Okay but why?" I say a little freaked out
"The connection you and your ancestors have with nature runs deep in your blood. Channeling the weather seems to be something engrained in your DNA, specifically thunderstorms and lightning. A storm woke you up in that lake; you were struck by lightning. I'm hoping that with almost the same conditions, it could do the same for your mind. Make sense?" She finishes
"Yes, it does, I think. I'm sorry but I am scared the last time this happened it left me with a giant scar across my body." I say unconsciously rubbing my scar, "Are you sure you can't do some kind of spell?"
"I can't. Quite frankly I'm afraid too"
"What does that mean?" I scoff
"You possess multiple forms of magic. It shouldn't be possible to have more than 2 or 3. Millie, from what I felt from your hand and what you've shown me in your memories, you seem to possess 4. I'm afraid if I go poking around in your brain that you will unconsciously retaliate and that's the last thing we want to do."
Why is she being so cautious?
"What forms do you think I possess?"
"1 being eldritch magic, which you learned from the sorcerers. Accessible by humans, eldritch magic can be properly controlled by those with highly disciplined minds who have been trained in casting spells. Your ancestor Ayesha was a sorcerer supreme, so it's only natural that you have an affinity for this form. " Wanda pauses, I can tell she's a little hesitant to continue.
"Go on it's okay, I can take it," I say trying to convince her, and myself
"The second being Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft. An extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means.
"Morally questionable means? I would never hurt anyone.." I begin to say
"You wouldn't now, but what about you before your memory loss? Who's to say you weren't a bad guy? In your memories when your mother died you were taken by a coven of witches led by Agatha. Agatha isn't exactly a good witch; she's ancient and she's evil. I wouldn't be surprised that her influence on you wasn't positive, especially considering that she's also possessed the darkhold." Wanda sighs. "She was a pain in my ass, I'll take you to her after this."
She has a point, what if my memory comes back and I still have an allegiance to her? What If I lose my feelings for my current loved ones...
"Anyways" Wanda continues pulling me back from internal panic, "Dark magic can be combined with other types of magic, which leads me into your last 2 forms, darkhold and chaos Magic. When your mother was using the darkhold while pregnant with you, a portion of its power embedded itself in you.  I am almost positive that's why are you able to use magic just by mentally displaying your intent."
"I can understand why I may have dark hold magic but chaos magic feels like a stretch. Due to its very nature, chaos magic is extremely unstable and requires a massive amount of energy and control to master it; I don't feel I'm at that level. I would have noticed by now right?"
"Like me, you were born with latent magical abilities, yours coming from your ancestors. Your generational power bestowment has given you vast immeasurable strength that was the perfect breeding ground for chaos magic. Let me ask you, have you been losing your temper or lost control of your powers lately?"
"Yea I have been losing control of my powers," I say thinking back to the incident in my bedroom and outside of the royal palace in Wakanda, "I also almost killed a man yesterday. Honestly, I think I could have done it if I wasn't stopped."
"Key signs. I knew your power felt familiar, I felt the chaotic energy pulsate through your veins; You're like me. If I fuck anything up messing with your memories you could go crazy destroying everything in sight. Do you get it now?" She says to me very seriously
"I do" I pause lost in my thoughts. After a few more seconds I hear a loud beep come from my pocket. I pull out the source of the noise and realize it was my pager.
It was a new voice message from Namor, I hold it to my ear and listen, "I miss you more Ki'ichpan"
Through messages and he still makes me swoon.
Feeling a little relaxed, I take in a deep breath, "What do I need to do"
Wanda holds out her hand, "Give me your beeper and your cell so they don't get destroyed." Doing as she says I throw my things in my sling bag and hand it to her, "Okay do what you need to do, to feel as connected to the nature surrounding us"
I take off my sneakers and socks linking my feet to the grass, "Okay" I nod to her
"You can already control the basic elements correct?"
"Yes," I say
"What are the conditions needed to cause a storm?" She asks me
"Storms form when warm, moist air rises into the cold air," I respond
"Make that happen," She says plainly
I silently nod my head and close my eyes; my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my hands are open at my side. I begin to box breathe:
In 1,2,3,4
Hold 1,2,3,4
Out 1,2,3,4
Eventually, I feel myself relax, I'm only focused on the surrounding sound of the night; the wind around me was nothing more than a breeze. I was in a total moment of zen and for a while it was quiet. After minutes of silence, the wind around me began to dance and I feel the hair on my arms stand, "It's coming I can feel it" I said as the wind begins to pick up rapidly.
I open my eyes and lift my hand to the sky calling the lighting to me. I see storm clouds forming over us almost fully blocking out the moon, nearly leaving us in total darkness if not for the candles, "Come on" I yell to the storm. For a moment it grew eerily quiet but suddenly flashes of lights began to paint the sky; it was my lightning. Just as I began to smile with pride from the storm I created, a giant bolt of lightning makes it's way down, connecting to my hand and making my whole body seize.
The pain I feel is almost indescribable; not only did my body feel like every inch of me was on fire but my head felt like my brain was boiling inside my skull. For what felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only a matter of seconds, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground. The only thing I remember before fading away was Wanda rushing to me, "Millie Wake up" she says, "Millie don't g-", was all I hear before slipping away.
The Vibe:
Breathe me -- sia
It's dark and quiet. I can't feel anything. I can't move.
"Mom.." I hear a males voice whisper
Who's voice is that?
I hear the voice speak again, "Mom I-" he coughs not being able to finish his sentence.
I know that voice.
"Momma I can't move" he speaks clearly before coughing and gurgling. That voice is so familiar. It's warm like the sun. The sun...
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
I love the sun. My son. I named him after the Sun God; the creator of the universe. He's my sunshine, my world, the center of my universe. My Amun.
"Amun!" I yell jolting up. When sitting up I instinctively grab my stomach in utter pain. Looking down I see I'm bleeding, I'm assuming a stab wound. Looking around I see I'm back at that same awful place. Kissena Park.
"Mom," Amun says
I hear my son call to me again; I snap my head in his direction and I see my son lying on the ground covered in blood, "No!" I scream crawling to him, "No, no, no"
When I reach him and scan him a little closer I can see he was stabbed like me but it must be somewhere fatal spot because he was coughing up blood, "He stabbed and knocked you out" he says in between coughs, "I tried t-to protect you but I wasn't strong enough, I'm s-sorry Mom"
"Hush now baby," I say panicked and in between tears, "I can heal you," I say holding my hand over his wound.
"You're too w-weak, you'll die," He says
"I don't care. You are my son, my life means nothing without yours. Just breathe baby" I say trying to calm him and myself down
"Momma, who is that? Sh-she looks like you" He says looking past me. I turn around and see no one.
"Amun baby no one is there," I say
"Momma she's so warm. I think- I think I'm going to go with her" Amun says to me
"No baby stay with me. Don't go." I say my voice begins to shake, "Stay with me, I can fix you, Please" I beg
"It's okay momma, I'll be fine." He says before looking behind me and nodding his head.
I turn around and still see nothing, "What am I to do?  How do I breathe without you?"
Amun takes my hand and squeezes it and smiles before taking his last breath. His hand relaxed in mine, and his eyes glossed over. As he took his last breath he took a part of me with him. I pull my son's body to me holding him tightly never wanting to let him go.
"Well that was dramatic" I hear a man say from behind me, "It was a shame he went down so fast, I expected more from him considering his lineage."
I gently put my boy's body down leaving a kiss on his forehead before standing up and turning around. It was the faceless man in the black suit, "Bring him back"
"Like mother, like daughter. What are you willing to trade for his life? Your mother gave me her power. What do you have to barter?"
"Take anything, my power, my life, my soul. I don't care to take it all"
"No" he responds, "Why would I bring him back? I was the one who killed him."
"Y-you attacked us?" I asked. My voice was shaking; I was filled with not only grief and sadness but an overwhelming sense of rage, "Why? We lived in peace, I have atoned for my past. How did you even find us, we were so careful for years."
"Your family has always been on my radar, But you should thank your friend Agatha, she pointed me in your direction." He smiles as my heart drops
Agatha why?...
"I knew one day eventually one of your family's descendants' power would rival mine and I just can't have that. I figure it's time to end the whole bloodline. You should take some pride that it ends with you, you are the strongest and with more time you could have been more powerful." He steps closer placing a hand on my cheek. I look at him where his eyes should be, "It'll be easier if you just surrender Millaenyia"
"All chances of me surrendering left when you Killed my son." I sneer
"So be it," he says disappointed. Before I knew it his hands were hovering at the side of my head, he was draining me of my power and my life, "Don't worry this won't take long" he says softly
I fall to the ground, no longer able to stand up. If I don't act quickly, I will die.
Maybe I should let him.
I ponder on that thought for a while and just as I was about to accept my fate the man speaks up, "Almost done, you'll soon be with your son"
My son. He killed my son.
I snap out of it, realizing I was about to let my son's murderer roam free, I quickly devise a plan.
I'm too weak to kill. But I think I have enough in me to trap him.
I look up and see the man holding his head back as he was draining me, he wasn't paying attention to my hands. I lift my hand out toward the tree behind him; I use what's left of my powers to form an opening in the tree that was big enough to hide a body within it. Once done I call to the roots and branches of the tree, willing them to slowly creep up behind the man and gently wrap around his legs and arms. He was so focused on the feeling of this newly acquired power of his, that he didn't notice he was being detained until it was too late.
"What is this?" He says seeing the branches wrapped around his hand, "What are you do-" the man says before whipping back into the tree. His arms were now behind his back being thoroughly wrapped in roots followed by the rest of his body. The only exposed part of him now was his neck up, "This won't hold me, you child"
I stand up and walk to him, "You will rot in here" I sneer before wrapping my hand around his neck quickly taking back my power and life force. "All you care about is power right?" I ask knowing the answer, "I'll take that too" I say now draining him of his energy and power, leaving just enough to keep him alive so he can rot here for the rest of days.
"Let me-" he struggles to say "Let me ou-" The roots cover the rest of him effectively muffling his words. I step back holding my hand out to the tree and use my powers to close and seal it shut. I place my hand on the tree and close my eyes:
To be Seen or Unseen.
Never in the focus of one's eye
Of nature's age, it does defy
To be Seen, or Unseen
With this spell, this tree will never age. It shall never be directly seen but it will always be here.
Once done with the small runes are now etched around the tree sealing his fate. I walk back to my Amun and look at him one last time.
I need to bury you, my love.
When I go to pick him up I see he had the journal he made of me tucked away in his jacket. Not wanting to leave the journal behind for someone to find and use, I grab it and bind it to my wrist before I pick Amun up. I walk towards the lake and will the water to separate allowing me to walk down to the center of the lake. Once I make it to the spot I place Amun down. I kiss his forward one last time, "My sweet boy" I say before I hold my hand out and use my power to have him sink into the dirt, fully burying him.
I lay beside him now, with the intention of ending my life and resting beside him for eternity. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, something was stopping me like there was someone in my ear telling me no. So, still intending on resting beside my son, I decide that if I'm too cowardly to end it now, I don't deserve to remember him in case I wake up:
Forget me not
Forget me now
Forget the past
Forget the sound
Forget the memories
Forget the love
Forget it all
Forget it now
As I finish the spell, I feel myself begin to fade away and sink to the ground. The water released and is slowly filling the lake back up; I find comfort in my last lingering memory of my son's laughter before I'm completely asleep.
The Vibe:
Labrinth & Zendaya - I'm Tired (From “Euphoria” An HBO Original Series – Lyric Video)
"Millie wake up!" That is all I hear before I feel water being poured on me.
The sudden feel of cold water all over me jolted me awake. I sit up completely dazed; my eyes were fuzzing and my ears wear slightly ringing. Eventually, the ringing faded and my eyes clear up. I look around and see Wanda sitting next to me, looking like she has seen a ghost, "Are you okay?" She asks, "Fuck you are still steaming, does that hurt? I thought the water would help," she says concerned.
"I'm okay," I say plainly.
"Are you?" she says. I look to her with expressionless eyes and nod.
My body feels numb, it's because of the lightning... No, I remember...
"Did it work? Do you remember?" She asks
"I remember everything," I say beginning to cry, "My son..." I say holding my stomach, I feel like I'm going to throw up, "Oh god my son" I say sobbing
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oph3liatlou · 16 days
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CHAPTER THREE; Welcome to Wakanda
paring(s); recovering!buckybarnes x oc!victoriastark
warnings; none
word count; 1,180
proofread?; yes
summary; In the depths of Africa, the mysterious nation of Wakanda has reached out to the outside world for help. A mission has been set in place for Victoria Stark, to save Bucky Barnes - the former brainwashed assassin - from his past self. Can she rescue him from HYDRA's grips as the world watches and waits or, will he forever be lost to the shadows?
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The Quinjet smoothly glides through the sky, taking you closer to your final destination.
"ETA to Wakanda is 3 hours and 57 minutes." Friday informs Victoria, "Would you like a beverage or snack?"
She slid her seat back, perching her feet on the dashboard - avoiding the buttons as she had already put the jet in autopilot. "Aw Friday, you spoil me."
The air in the Quinjet remains crisp and cool as you relax, your feet casually resting on the dashboard. Friday's voice, as ever, remains calm and measured. "I don't 'spoil' you Victoria," she responds, her tone tinged with a hint of gentle teasing. "I merely anticipate your needs as per my programming."
Victoria shakes her head with a laugh. "Always so humble too." She was always this sarcastic, even to AI.
"Ah, sarcasm..." Her voice carries a hint of dry wit. "A language more complex than any programming." There's a pause as if Friday's  pondering the nuances of human humor. "Tell me, should I add sarcasm to my repertoire? I could begin by making a dry comment about your shirt choice."
The hum of the Quinjet, your comfortable perch, and the banter with Friday make the journey seem less arduous.
Victoria scoffed. "What-" She was never surprised with banter, but when it was with an artificial intelligence it was a bit shocking. Realization hit her. "Did my dad update you this morning, just to sass me during the mission?"
There's a brief hesitation before Friday responds, a humorous inflection in her voice. "Ah, you have discovered my new subroutine. Indeed, Mr Stark added a bit of humor to my programming, with the specific purpose of 'sassing you' during the mission. He thought it might add 'a touch of entertainment' to potentially stressful situations."
She shook her head with a chuckle, leaning out towards the windshield to look at the clouds. "No stressful situations this mission, Friday." Victoria reassured. "I'll take a drink now, though."
The Quinjet continues its smooth journey, and the clouds outside the windshield float lazily by. Friday's voice fills the cabin as he responds to your request. "Certainly, Victoria," she says, a touch of humor still in her tone. "What beverage would you like? Coffee, tea, or perhaps something more... daring, like a 'Stark-tini'?"
"A what?" She questioned, playing with the air vents. "You totally just made that up."
"Ah, a 'Stark-tini.' It was Mr Stark's idea, of course." Friday responds with a touch of amusement. "It's a mix of vodka, rosemary-infused syrup, and a hint of lemon. Quite the concoction. However, I assure you, it is a real drink."
The hum of the vents matches the hum of the Quinjet, creating a constant white noise that fills the cabin. Victoria shook her head. "Sounds gross, buddy." With her tone, she sounded just like her father. "I'll take a coffee."
"A prudent choice, especially for someone operating under sleep deprivation." She states bluntly. "A cup of black coffee, coming right up."
The Quinjet's automatic dispenser whirs dutifully, filling a cup with steaming, black coffee. The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the cabin. "I'm not sleep deprived!" She grunted. A robot hand comes to Victoria's side to hand her the coffee, before it's entire arm falls off. She stares at the ground with a sigh. "What are you doing?" She glanced back at the robot helper, definitely not as smart as Friday.
"Ah, pardon me," Friday interjects, noticing the robot's mishap. "It seems J.A.N.E. is struggling with stability."
Jane, a robotic companion known for her endearing clumsiness, struggles to pick up the fallen robotic arm. Her mechanical limbs move in an uncoordinated manner, attempting and failing to reattach the arm. The situation is both amusing and slightly chaotic.
Victoria sighs and gets up. She grabs the metal arm and holds it in place on the robot. Her hand glows a fiery orange colour - welding the arm back on with her fingers.
Victoria's fiery touch seamlessly reattaches the robotic arm back onto Jane's body. The heat of the welding creates a momentary hiss of steam before cooling, leaving behind a perfect joint. As the procedure completes, Jane's head swivels towards Victoria, tilting with a mix of gratitude and confusion.
Meanwhile, Friday, with her ever-present calm demeanor, adds, "Well, it appears Jane's balance has certainly improved. Perhaps fire welding is the secret to her stability, huh?" Though, Victoria shook her head. "The ball joint was loose." She explained, sitting back down in her chair. "How much longer now?"
"Jane's maintenance will be noted for future adjustments," Friday responds, her voice as steady as ever. "Currently, we have approximately 45 minutes until we reach Wakanda."
Victoria nods. "Cool, wake me up then." And with that, she put her legs back on the dashboard and closed her eyes.
As the 45 minutes elapse, Friday's voice gently breaks into the tranquility of the cabin.
"Ms Stark," she says softly, "we have reached our destination. We're in the airspace over Wakanda."
Victoria stirs and sits back up with a yawn. I could see the ground out the window now. "Are we in the clear to land?"
Friday responds firmly, "Yes, we're clear to land." 
The Quinjet gracefully descends, its engines whining softly as it prepares to touch down in the heart of Wakanda. Outside the window, the landscape unfolds, revealing lush greenery, towering mountains, and a high-tech city that blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings. The Quinjet comes to a soft landing on a designated platform, signifying the beginning of your mission.
The doors of the Quinjet opened, and Victoria stepped out - though she froze when the Dora Milaje pointed spears at her. "Uhm, you guys didn't get the memo?" She sassed.
The Dora Milaje, ever-vigilant and disciplined, held their spears tautly as they regarded Victoria's arrival. Their faces remained stoic, betraying no emotion. "Identify yourself," one of the Dora Milaje demanded, her tone unwavering. "And state your purpose here in Wakanda."
Victoria opened her arms as if it was supposed to be obvious. as to who she was. "Victoria Stark," She started. "I'm here on a sensitive mission, with Princess Shuri."
The words 'Stark' and 'Princess Shuri' seemed to have a profound effect on the Dora Milaje. Their expressions relaxed slightly, their spears lowering slightly. The mention of these names carried a different weight in Wakanda. "Follow us," the lead Dora Milaje commanded, her voice slightly softer than before. "We will escort you to Princess Shuri immediately."
Victoria followed hesitantly and shook her head, mumbling to Friday. "Nearly got killed before I got on the grass."
Victoria moves forward, following the Dora Milaje as they guide her through the beautiful landscape of Wakanda. Soon, she finds herself standing before a towering, high-tech building where Princess Shuri awaits her arrival.
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buckybarnesthings · 9 months
New Chapter Alert 🚨
Settling in (The Grey Witch Bucky x OC)
Once we arrived at the compound Nat directed me to the communal kitchen and lounge area, where a few unfamiliar faces were lurking. The rest of the team had apparently gone off to train or prepare for an upcoming mission so Wanda and Nat would hang out with me until Tony returned.
"Hello everyone this is Aspyn the new recruit." Wanda announced to the room.
Before I could say anything the man sitting in the corner with the dark hair and striking blue eyes, made a hasty exit. Clearly he wasn't a fan of me yet.
"Don't worry about him, he's just a grumpy old man with trust issues." The man in the kitchen stated. "Oh I'm Sam by the way or Falcon. The one that stormed out is Bucky."
"Well I'm not expecting this transition to be easy and I know about his past so I don't blame him." I said, revealing more than I should've.
"Wait how do you know about Bucky's past?" Wanda queries.
"Oh umm I just heard some SHIELD agents talking about him before I left." I covered.
They all looked suspicious about my answer but didn't get a chance to ask anymore questions as I was bowled over by a black mass. At first everyone was alarmed until I started patting the creature and cooing praise at seeing Hades.
"So this is the mighty beast you mentioned earlier, how beautiful." Wanda cooed.
"Yes this is Hades and I swear he's less excitable than this under normal circumstances." I said.
I rose to my feet and Hades sat between my legs facing the group of people in-front of me, this is one of his ways of keeping me safe.
"Well Sabrina the teenage witch, he's definitely not a sociable creature with anyone other than yourself. He refused to sit anywhere near me in the car." Tony revealed.
"Fury did say nicknames were your forte, but yes he'll warm up to you all eventually but other than that you won't see much of him throughout the day." I shared, gently patting his head.
"Doesn't bother us, we see more of Tinman's cat then him sometimes." Tony said, obviously referring to Bucky and his cat Alpine. "Alright well let me show you to your room so you can get settled in and then I can get home to the missus before midnight."
"Yeah sure. Thank you Wanda and Nat for being so kind to me. It was nice getting to meet you all, I'll see you tomorrow I assume." I said, waving to everyone whilst following Tony down to the elevator with Hades in tow.
We walked in silence and got onto the elevator pressing the button to the third floor. Tony seemed occupied with his phone and I didn't want to disturb him incase it was something important. Hades sat in the corner of the room monitoring everything going on around him. The elevator dinged as it reached what was supposedly my floor, the doors slid open and revealed yet another hallway lined with doors but this time there was only two. Tony stepped out motioning me to follow him.
"Here we are this is your door and just there across the hall is Barnes' room. You won't see much of him, he's a bit of a recluse and he isn't your biggest fan at the moment. You are free to decorate your room as you please, there's a door with a stair case down to the open field for you and Hades to get some air." Tony stated.
"Thank you Tony for everything and for not making assumptions about me." I openly shared.
"Don't sweat it, here's your key. Goodnight, I'll see you at 6am tomorrow in the lounge room Wanda showed you to before. Now I've got a wife and daughter to get home to." He said, already walking towards the elevator by the end of his sentence.
I let him leave without another word, sparing a glance at my neighbours door but not bothering him is my best options at the moment. So I slid the key into the door and twisted the knob, pushing it open to reveal a large room with three doors and a giant wall of window with a door leading outside like Tony said.
Boxes of stuff was scattered throughout the room with my few belongings and furniture. The bed was already assembled and made ready for me to fall onto and let darkness consume me. But before I could sleep I had to do a few things to honour my heritage as a witch. I opened the box labeled magic and miscellaneous things pulling out my sage and lighter. I went through and cleansed the open space before opening one of the three doors to find a large walk in wardrobe, then a bathroom with a bathtub sat close to the window. The final door was a dark room with only a small window close to the ceiling. To which I decided would be my practice room where I would set up my altar and a potions bench. After the sage had burnt out I set up my practice room and started feeling tired, I only got my altar finished before deciding to go to bed.
"Come Hades." I commanded, Hades had been sitting by the window watching for any threats. He quietly stood and followed me to the bed, he jump up and spread himself across the bottom of the enormous bed.
Sleep found me easily but didn't last long as I was awoken by Hades moving to the window. Indicating he wanted to go out to hunt, checking the time on the alarm clock it was only 4:33am but I let him out anyway. I couldn't get myself back to sleep so I decided to explore the rest of this floor and surely it wasn't just two rooms.
I was right the hallway lead out into an open space which had small kitchen area with a lounge space that had a bookshelf, TV and a few games shelves. The kitchen had benches, a fridge and a microwave, but I assume that's because meals were consumed as a team on the lower level. I went and opened some cupboards looking for a glass so I could have some water. Having missed dinner yesterday had me looking forward to seeing Tony so I could either join the team for breakfast or find my own. Finally opening a cupboard I found the cups and grabbed one moving to the tap.
"Making yourself at home?" A deep voice said, alarming me so much that I dropped the glass of water. I simply watched as it shattered at my feet, the shadowy figure moved into the room. "I'd say sorry but I wouldn't mean it."
"I don't expect an apology it was my fault for not staying alert." I stated, looking up to see Bucky resting against the bench in front of me.
"I know you." He shared.
"And I you or at least a version of you." I replied.
"We met at Hydra didn't we." He stated rather than asked.
"We did." I responded.
"Look I know I'm coming off like an asshole but I wasn't informed on who the new recruit was." He shared.
"It's ok I understand believe me I think we both share the same issues." I joked.
"It's good to see you, I only just started getting my memories back and you were one of the first things I remembered." He admitted, rubbing a shy hand up and down the back of his neck.
"It's good to see you too. If anyone in that shithole deserved redemption it was you." I said, warmly smiling at him.
"Do the team know we know each other?" He asked.
"No but they are slightly suspicious as to how I know about your past." I replied. "I didn't know if you'd remember me or want them to know what we were in Hydra."
"Thank you for that but I'm sure the team should know about our past." He responded, moving around to my side of the counter, grasping my hand a rubbing soothing circles on my palm. "I thought about you a lot."
"I think about you too, you'd be happy to know that I've started learning about what Hydra did to me. Im still practicing my magic but I've also got super soldier serum to my advantage." I shared, gazing into those oh so familiar ocean eyes.
"Im glad to hear your still doing what you love, little witch." He grinned.
"Well Sarg, it's apart of who I am." I admitted, not wanting to let the conversation end.
For a moment we simply just stood there hands connected, looking into each others eyes looking for answers as to why we still feel like we're drawn to each other after everything. Our bubble was burst by a booming voice coming from the hallway we reside in.
"BUCK! Are you coming or what? We gotta go." The voice exclaimed.
"Sorry I've been summoned, I'll see you around. If you're free later today we should catch-up and go get a coffee or something." Bucky said. "Coming Steve!"
"Go enjoy being a free man, Buck." I say, playfully teasing him but truly meaning what was said.
He simply smiled at me and grabbed a bottle from the fridge making his way towards Steve. Once again leaving me to gather my thoughts and reminisce about the good things Hydra brought me.
It was a frosty winter morning, I had been left in the lab after yet another experiment. This one was excruciating they injected me with some glowing liquid that made me feel like fire was coursing through my veins travelling the expanse of my body. But now I dread what comes next as they'll test me and push me to the brink of death looking for a new development in my ability. I was broken from my thoughts by the sound of the lab doors opening and revealed the scientist and Hydra agents who were tasked with my case. They dragged me off to a training room where I would be physically assaulted by multiple agents before I eventually showed an ability or almost die.
But they weren't alone this time there was a tall masked male figure waiting for me with four agents on each side of him. I was stupid I knew who this was, I'd read his file . The Winter Soldier. Hydra's greatest weapon and assassin. He wasn't done any justice in his file, his presence was enough to chill me to the bone. It was clear he was here to be the one to break me this time.
"Begin." A voice commanded over the intercom.
Without any hesitation the soldier made an advance towards me, the agents stepping away and standing close to the door as if to prevent any runaways. I was still recovering from the injection so I could barely stand. I tried to will my body to move even just to collapse but it wouldn't listen I was frozen in place. I couldn't do anything but take the beating for the soldier. It went on for 10 minutes before I finally got some control of my body, it was only enough to remove the soldiers googles. The look within his eyes shattered my soul, he looked lost and at war with himself. I knew he wasn't here willingly and that he was under mind control but the eyes are the window to his soul and his soul is eternally tortured by his actions. He seems remorseful towards me for a second but he quickly averts his gaze as he delivers the final blow to my left temple, I'm instantly unconscious from the force. I can feel the agents lifting me from the floor and placing me on a cold flat surface. I felt their presence leave the room but I wasn't alone yet. I focused my sense on this presence, if I hadn't I would've missed the broken and tormented words of the soldier.
"I'm sorry, forgive me." He whispered.
If only I could've comforted him maybe I could've prevented the trauma coming his way.
Words: 2044
A/N- this chapter is just to introduce our beloved Aspyn and her connection to our favourite character. But how well do they know each other, how deep does their past go. I guess we will find out in the next few chapters but the next chapter will introduce some rivalries and maybe even an enemy.
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gghalcyon · 7 months
Halcyon Echoes Vault
I'm Gigi (she/her) and I write fanfiction for various fandoms which you can check out at Ao3. I post and cross-post current obsessions here, along with stories I've written about my favorite characters. Requests are always open.
Textuals: König x F!Reader | Rated: Explicit | Chapters: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7. | When König is away on missions, the only thing that tethers him to you is the text messages you exchange. These are the texts and memories tied to them ranging from romantic sweet nothings to mutual fantasies.
Fierce Hearts: König x F!Original Character | Rated: Explicit | Chapters: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6. | König returns from the battlefield and back to civilian life, adrift and alone, until he meets Serene and find begin an unexpected romance.
Confession: König x F!Reader | Rated: Explicit | One-shot | König growled against the skin of your neck, and you shivered as he swept his lips from your shoulder to your ear and murmured, "You're perfection. Hot and eager just for me."
Love Me Rough: König x F!Reader | Rated: Explicit | One-shot | König gives you precisely what you want. Rough. Crazed. And everything in between. Until you are screaming his name.
The Floor Can Wait: König x F!Original Character | Rated: Explicit | One-shot | König loves spanking her, followed by a bath where she ends up on top, water splashing all over the bathroom floor as she rides him. The floor can wait.
My Sweet One: König x F!Original Character | Rated: Explicit | One-shot | König doesn't just lean in for a taste. No – he devours her until she sees stars. Then he calls her his Meine Süße (my sweet one).
A Promise Made: König x F!Original Character | Rated: Explicit | One-shot | König doesn't do one-night stands. "You are incredible," he whispered in her ear. "I can't wait to make you feel like this again." That was a promise.
Nightshade's Character Profile: Original Female Character | Rated: General | My profile for my original female character named Gia "Nightshade" Matthews.
König Headcanon Character Profile: Headcannon | Rated: General | My head-canon profile of König, including his name, and how he looks underneath the mask.
A Taste So Sweet: Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson | Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | Rating: Mature | Words: Part 1/1 (2.3K Words) | Synopsis: Bucky Barnes gets a bewitching Halloween treat when Sarah Wilson appears at his doorstep, her face lit up with a brilliant smile. “Trick r’ treat!” she said, as their eyes met in a knowing.
The Sweetest Risk: Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson | Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | Rating: General | Words: Part 1/1 (1.0K Words) | Synopsis: Bucky Barnes shoots his shot and finally ask Sarah Wilson on a date.
Delicious: Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson | Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | Rating: General | Words: Part 1/1 (706 Words) | Synopsis: Bucky Barnes and Sarah Wilson go on a coffee date on a rainy day.
The Hit: Harley Quinn x Victor Szasz | Fandom: Gotham (TV) | Rating: Explicit | Words: Part 1/3 (7,757 Words) | AO3 Link | | Synopsis: How would Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad) fall in love with Victor Szasz (Gotham TV)? Here's how.
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dungeonpuppykai · 10 months
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Shit talking Daddy!Bucky in your native language/ dialect when you have a disagreement/ when he isn't giving into some brat demand of yours.
Only, he replies perfectly with native-like fluency, the most smug expression on his handsome face because you are looking at him utterly dumbfounded.
And then he proceeds to absolutely roast your poor ass with the worst spanking known to man before giving you corner time.
No doubt.
You can never outsmart your mysterious Daddy.
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goddess-mixmi · 9 months
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Felt like indulging on some oc x cannon for my marvel oc.
She has quite a few romantic interests during the course of the marvel cinematic universe, one of which is Bucky Barnes. She met him when he was the Winter Soldier and after he was accused of killing king T’Chaka she convinced T’Challa to let them use the resources they have in Wakanda to help Bucky. And after that they became quite good friends during his stay in Wakanda. That led to Bucky growing small feelings for her from her kindness, but Imani on the other hand hadn’t been fully aware of it especially with her soon meeting Killmonger and afterwards causing a distance between them.
Despite her not knowing how he felt right away the two felt at ease in each other’s presence. There relationship progresses even more after the events of Endgame into The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, I just need to write more about it first.
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anything4lunymoony · 11 days
I want to improve my writing skills, if anyone has any character x reader requests let me know and I'll get them out for you.
🍂Side note
I mostly write for Harry Potter/Mauraders but I'm open to writing for other fandoms
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deexchanel · 1 year
Blind : Part 2
Word Count:
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Swearing, Arguments, Angst Then mentioning of drugs & Fluff.
-Read Blind first-
Summary: Roles has reverse on the best friends, monday morning he starts on trying to get Elara back but someone has caught her eye.
A/N: I hope this is as interesting as the last one. @demonic-black-queen just for you luv😘🫶🏾
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Corell & Kaylee
Corell’s alarm woke up her up exactly at 6:30 a.m. She made her way into her personal bathroom to began on her hygiene. Her phone buzzed while she was putting on deodorant. It was her boyfriend calling.
“Good Morning Beautiful.” Her boyfriend smiled into the camera. A smile grew onto her face as she propped the phone up. “ Good Morning baby.”
He sat the phone down, turning the steering wheel. “Were you able to talk to Elara about her behavior?”
Corell pulled her hair into a ponytail, “No, but I was going to say something about it this morning. Where you able to pay off your car note before going to work?”
“Yeah but it made me 10 minutes late. This was supposed be a quick phone call to see if you’ve gotten up.”
“Okay baby. I love you baby and talk to you on your break.”
“I love you too ma.”
Corell flipped the switch to the bathroom and made way to her baby sister room. “El. Time to get up love bug.”
The covers shifted and moved from on top of her head. Rubbing the sleep out her eyes, Elara grumbled, “Good Morning.” Corell chuckled, “We need to have a talk though.”
Elara sat up, giving her older sister the required attention. “What do we need to talk about?”
“I just want you to be good at school. I know I’m just your sister and not mom but just give me a little break on getting trouble at school. Don’t get suspended again okay?” Corell sat on the bed beside El. She gave her a hug, “I love you sis!”
Elara nodded her head hugging back, “I love you too sis! I won’t get suspended again.”
Bucky waited by his car for Elara’s to pull in. Yesterday the conversation between him and Rydee went in the direction of Elara’s truthfulness. He should’ve believe his best friend but he didn’t and now he regrets it.
Elara’s Honda accord pulled into the parking lot with her speakers blasting. Her sister gifted her car after passing her driver’s test. Today she looked beautiful as ever getting out the car . She always look great but today she caught his attention way more.
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Those shorts looked so good on her body, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Damn, why is he feeling this now? Maybe he now notices her because he can’t get near her. Her lips looked soft as she talked to Kaylee, her skin glowed with the sun. Them legs, whew, he knew she was going to get dressed coded. She is a fine piece art that he didn’t want no one to have.
To admit to himself, he was falling for his now ex-best friend. He definitely had to get her back. Bucky opened his book bag on the hood of his car, seeing if he had a pair of shorts. He did. James walked past the girls to head to the football field and he tossed her a pair of shorts.
Elara caught the tossed folded shorts in confusion, “What is this? I should throw it somewhere else.” She opened them to see that it was shorts.
“Girl he doing you a favor, you know they going to dress code that ass after these photos.” Kaylee swiped her finger to find the right filter and when she did, she held the phone out and they posed.
He backed off for now, trying to find his best mates. “Man I messed up with Elara guys.” Bucky sigh as he sat down at the cafeteria table. Loki peeped up from his book.
“Steve tried to stop your argument yesterday but you guys just kept going.”
“I know she just made so mad at first cause I didn’t believe her. I talked to Rydee and she spilled to me that all of it was true. I regretted everything and I’m so mad at myself for doing Elara like that.” Bucky ran his hand through his long brown hair. He looked around the cafeteria, in hopes of finding Elara. She’s been on his mind all morning.
“Women are emotional beings. The argument from yesterday really cut deep for her. You have to give her time Buck, that’s all.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, then took a sip of his juice. Bucky skimmed through the cafeteria once again, noticing that Elara’s bookbag took an empty spot by Kaylee. He raised an eyebrow, getting up from the seat.
“James where you going?” Tony asked as Bucky grabbed his phone. The question was ignored as Bucky left the cafeteria with a little scurry. Once making it in the halls, he turned the corner to see Elara talking to this guy.
Jealousy kicked in on Bucky and he stood there debating on if he wanted to step in. She had on her outfit from earlier which means she either took em off or never wore them. The guy had grabbed Elara’s waist pulling her closer and that was Bucky’s last straw.
Anger flowed through his veins. Without thinking, Bucky made way over to Elara. His arm snakes around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. “Sorry for the interpretation she gave you but she’s mine,”
“My bad Bucky. Bye Elara.” The guy straight faced Bucky but gave El a smile then left them standing there. Elara tried to take deep breaths but it wasn’t working.
“Bucky what the fuck are you doing?!”
“You don’t need to be talking to him Elara.“
Elara waved him off, “You made it very clear to me yesterday that you chose her. So the best thing you can do is leave it at that.”
“Then you out here with these shorts on like come on. I gave you pair to wear, where are they?”James furrowed his eyebrows.
“I’m not listening to you talk to me about that. I don’t care!”
He can’t focus when she look this good. Bucky pulled her closer to him, “Elara I’m sorry. I really am.” Elara snatched away from him.
“No! No you can’t do this apologizing shit. You hurt me yesterday all because I chose to take up for you. I am your best friend and you still took her side!” Elara raised her voice, tears fell down her cheeks. “Bucky I don’t want nothing to do with you right now!”
“I can’t argue with you El, I have a soft spot for you. I’m putting everything aside for you. I’m genuinely sorry,” Bucky wiped her tears away, looking into her chocolate eyes. He hated seeing Elara this way, he could tell that really hurt her feelings and thats why he's willing to apologize instead of argue.
Elara didn’t give in as much as she wanted too. “ No, Bucky.” She moved his hand away, trying to farther distance between them. Their eye contact never broke. He wrapped his arm around her waist again and backed onto the wall, his arm hovered above as he leaned down placing his lips onto hers.
Just a simple kiss but it meant everything to them.
Bucky and Elara sat on the front porch waiting on Kaylee to pull up. He insisted on doing whatever she was doing today so they can spend more time together.
“Is this going to hurt?” Bucky sat beside Elara eyeing the pack. Having his best friend back had him feeling complete. Now a part of him wonder where they stand now that they’ve kissed. They haven’t talked about it but it haven’t been any weird vibes either.
“No Bucky.” She laughed taking out her pre roll that Kaylee took her personal time on. “Well the cough might be a bit much.”
Bucky nodded looking a little uneasy at the blunt.
two minutes later
Kaylee pulled up in her brother’s car for the session. Nothing like a good ole hotbox that’ll get you right.“Oouh Bucky you finna be highh.” Kaylee laughed as he got in the back and Elara got in the front.
“You guys were just on the phone a second ago.” Bucky complained from the backseat. Both girls shrugged their shoulders laughing.
Kaylee sparked the blunt.
Elara turned around to see Bucky eyes red as hell. “Bucky you good?” Her blinking felt so slow.
He started smiling, not taking his eyes off her. “Yeah.” Without her noticing, he’s been watching her majority of the time and everything she did, El looked so beautiful to him.
El laughed so hard, he looked so stupid right now. His long hair was sticking to his face a bit, his cheeks were red with sweat on them, his arms glistening in sweat from the heat of the hot box since he had on a black wife beater.
(Can you imagine that? im high asf fantasizing about this shit)
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(my ideal bucky with a wife beater and sweaty. i love civil war bucky cause he soo beefy like how i like it😩. it turns me onn)
He looked so fine, like El couldn’t stop staring at him fine. Kaylee had interrupted her fantasy by talking shit to Bucky. “Damn Bucky why you smiling so hard at my girl.” she looked into the rear view mirror.
“Cause she’s beautiful.” Bucky winked at her which made Elara weak in the knees. He don’t know what he does to her. Their eye contact never broke, now making El want to sit back there with him and slam her lips onto his. She passed the blunt to him, fighting the urge to fuck this man.
“How long have you been doing this Elara and where the hell have I been?” Bucky asked then took a hit. Elara just stared at his chest.
my god.
“El, bitch he asked you a question.” Kaylee nudged her back into life.
“Oh shit I don’t like onions in my food.” Elara rub the back of her neck.
“girl what the fuck is you talking about?” Kaylee laughed, nudging El then she started laughing "Girl I was thinking about something to eat." Bucky joined in to until everyone was coughing, it was time to get out.
The three of went to Kaylee’s house after the smoke session. Kaylee lead straight to the kitchen, her mother had made a nice dinner. "You know you don't need two drinks Bucky." Elara giggled as she tried to dodge his kisses. They were sitting on the couch while the food heated up. “You don’t know what I need El.” He laid on top of her, just being annoying.
"Give me a kiss!"
They rolled onto the floor with her now laying on top of him. They were in a laughing fit.
Elara filled in the gap between them, as Bucky hands flew to her waist. He could never get tired of kissing her. "Mhm." He adjusted her on top of him, letting his friend grow which she most definintely felt.
"Bucky!" Elara giggled pulling away from him. She was turned on but was not ready. "I'm going to go check on the food."
He licked his lips nodding, loving the view as she got up and walked away. Bucky laid there for a second until he heard buzzing. It wasn't his business until he heard it buzz again. Peeking up slowly, He noticed Elara's phone sitting on the couch, lit as another notification flashed on the screen.
It burned his insides to check but Bucky was quick to give in. Seeing that they were IMessages, he typed in her password, going to them to see that it was from that guy in the hallway.
Are you still coming to see me tonight?
You act like you can't text back so text me later.
"What the fuck?" Bucky mumbled getting pissed off the second he read the messages, not knowing that Elara was making her way back to him. "Bucky the food is- Why are you going through my phone??" Seeing his hard expression, she knew he had saw the messages between her and Tre.
Bucky stood up, holding a tight grip on her phone.
Their eye contact never broke.
Whewww not Bucky feelin that same jealous El felt.
Stay Slutty My Friends <3
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blankdblank · 2 years
To The Moon
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Got this adorable idea at work. Blind date gone wrong and the guys jump in to save the day. :)
Dressed up in a shimmering floor length cocktail dress with glittery wedges, makeup and pins in your braided bun to match you were locked in an urge to both remain stoic and keep from bursting into tears. The supposed ‘great guy’ you were set up with, who was ‘ready to get back on the horse’ of the dating world after a messy breakup, had both shushed and ignored you for most of the first course of the meal through the live show anyone was rarely able to get tickets to without a blood sacrifice or be able to drop a mortgage payment in one go. And here he was practically with binoculars spying in his ex across the way who as you’d seen him check her live feed a million times since he picked you up and first shushed you to hear the audio reading app that fed into his car Bluetooth system to read her posts as they aired the entire way here. But he’d already pulled away from the curb and you vainly loved your intact epidermis and new outfit to throw yourself out the window on the highway.
But a slight break in the show and a swap of courses and you slipped out of the table and auditorium. Headed to a worker outside in the lobby with armfuls of brooms and dustpans aiming to be ready for the showtime swap who seemed stunned but overly helpful to assist in giving the written address of where you were to give to a cab service.
$27, that was all you had in cash for the driver who refused to take cards. So ten went to the fare and teetering on the brink of tears you were let out outside the Smithsonian. Where you aimed to take a solitary walk to calm down and try to distract yourself as you somewhat showed off your overly dressed self to impress anybody tonight, as you had aimed to feel at least wanted after a travesty of a breakup yourself your supposed friend from work had tried to help you get back up on the horse yourself.
And yet in front of the wooly mammoth exhibit you huffed in a glimpse at a reflection of a streak of your eye liner from failing to stop a tear from breaking free. To the aim of a try to find a bathroom you turned and froze seeing a man with smudged raccoon like black war paint on his face around his eyes and brows in tactical gear complete with weapons across his body. Mask in hand the brilliantly blue eyed man blinked as his free hand brushed his chestnut hair out of his face, “See you dressed up for the new exhibit too.” He said playfully making the grey and red winged suit clad man beside him snicker and look away to keep from laughing longer, having noticed as Bucky had that a familiar face who randomly dropped by the tower to see Tony they always seemed to miss the chance to talk to was here.
“You’re the guy,” you said pointing at the banner on the corner at the end of the wall naming the next exhibit as the newly updated Captain America exhibit with the so named Bucky Barnes pictured underneath the Captain named down the middle of the colorful banner.
“Steve was asked to drop off some things,” he said after a quick nod, “Then we’re off.” His eyes scanned over you as you tried to steal a look at your reflection again to subtly fix the streak only making it worse. “You okay? I can punch somebody if they bothered you.” He said making Sam grin wider at the clear offer to help the distressed pretty lady Bucky had openly been following while trying to think of a cool pickup line as Sam had told him to try to give dating a go finally after years of being pushed to do so.
“No, he’s at the show three blocks over. I’m,” softly you sighed, “Forming a shambled plan get home, they had a sign, the atm is broken and cabs only take cash now apparently and the cookie patrol took most of mine the other day.”
Sam asked, “Why is he three blocks over and you’re here alone? He stand you up?”
“No,” you said sheepishly and looked away. Trying not to cry again, making them both step closer as Rhodey in his suit came around them to see what they were distracted by.
“You okay Miss?”
Nodding and shrugging you said, “Ya,” sniffling as you blinked a few times to try and keep calm. Only making him look at the guys on his left.
Bucky asked, “You came here from the show? What’d he do? Offer stands I’ll go punch him.”
In a roll of your eyes to keep tears from gathering in your eyes again you drew in a deep breath as Rhodey shuffled his weight on his feet, then you explained, “I got set up on a date. Supposed ‘great guy’ but he shushed me in the car-,”
“He shushed you!” Sam and Rhodey whispered angrily to Bucky’s eyes narrowing protectively.
“All so he could listen to the audio reading of the live feed of the ex he supposedly is ready to get ‘back up on the horse’ after dating. My choices were stay in the car or leap out onto the highway. Apparently I was there to make her jealous and he didn’t so much as look at me for the seating debacle. Which is putting it lightly, practically had to be airlifted in to my seat for how strenuous they try to make the supposed elite seating look. It’s two gates and four steps to the door no matter where you sit in our section, or in ordering what was supposed to be a good appetizer,” you held up two fingers.
“Two pieces of toast with a cough of grated cheese and a slice of the tiniest blandest tomato in the world. I know women who would weep knowing they were passing that off as authentic Italian cuisine! All that was missing was a pair of binoculars for him to be spun all the way around in his seat to watch her all night! So I left, but the cab won’t take credit and I had enough to get here and pay the ticket fee thinking the atm was working, but it’s not.
Rest of this town is gung ho to go digital, looking at you like you walked in with a ruck sack off a three month train binge you so much as have exact change for gas. And now this guy is part of a wrench in the whole scheme that makes my daily commute fifty minutes longer as they can’t sustain power or keep up the facade that everyone loves the digital life! Especially when billionaire scientists are tripping the power grids for half the borough every other week! We’re not all billionaires unable to hold our paychecks in our pockets! I like my coin purse, thank you very much, as much as the next person who likes a hefty bit of jingle on hand to flick into a machine or looking glass when you get stuck waiting on a bridge or building with a view.” You said with voice fading off in a look at the guys uncertain if they would start laughing at you for he absurd you felt at that moment.
Rhodey said in a shake of his head, “Ya he’s not getting away with that.”
Sam nodded and sternly asked, “Where’d he park?”
“In the garage.”
“Where in the garage?” Rhodey asked, “We’re gonna go egg his car,” he said parting your lips.
Sam nodded saying, “First we’re gonna let you have a sneak peek of the exhibit then we’re gonna go buy some eggs.”
Softly you huffed and said as you felt the grit of another line of makeup being brushed down your other cheek as you brushed away a sudden tear you didn’t feel gather but felt fall to the exposed bit of your chest to soak into the neckline beneath it. “I, have to fix my face.”
Bucky said plainly, “No you don’t, make it look like we’re a couple, matchy matchy.”
Sam and Rhodey both felt an urge to look at their friend. Only to grin at the restrained giggle that had a grin split across your face and eyes give a hint of an amused shimmer to show an internal light there of a usually bubbly person under this frustrating evening that had drawn him like a moth to a flame. “I have to find a bathroom.” Bucky turned sideways gesturing to the door a bit more down the hall behind them and watched you pass, seeing Sam give him a thumbs up on the smile worthy cheesy comment behind your back.
The assassin grinned to himself as Steve came out of the exhibit to hear Rhodey say plainly as an order, “We’re gonna take a new friend of Bucky’s through the exhibit and buy eggs to go egg her ex date who shushed then ignored her.” Instantly having the Super Soldier agree as it was a means to help his best friend help this mysterious stranger.
The whole group was waiting when you came out of the bathroom to what you imagine would have been a hallucination of some concussive head injury of an accident you couldn’t remember, thanks to said accident. Right there they stood and all you could say in seeing the line of armed men in tactical armor was, “Somehow I feel underdressed.”
Bucky grinned and offered his gloved hand to say, “Let’s go show you some old stuff, Rhodey’s pricing out our shopping list through his suit system so we get the best bang for our buck.”
“Eggs don’t go bang,” you said resting your hand in his while your other hand held the left side of your clutch and high slitted cocktail dress to not have it tangle around your feet in the turn.
And lowly he chuckled, “Ours will. Guy’s two inches from a stalker, and kidnapper, a moron on top of that, treating you so poorly, got it coming. I’m Bucky, can I ask your name?”
“Pluto,” you said widening his kind grin your way that you looked away from to not blush widening his grin.
“Ever been to the moon Pluto?” Steve asked making you look over your shoulder at him.
“I’m a secret shopper, that’d be a hard no.” You said making him chuckle.
Steve said, “Well after this we’re meant to go drop things off to the Reed Richards station in orbit near the moon. You hungry?”
“Yes,” you replied timidly, “I am hungry. What does that have to do with the moon?”
Sam asked, “You wanna have dinner in orbit around the moon?” He asked making your mouth drop open to free a squeak from you out of shock.
Rhodey nodded, “We’ll take that as a hard yes,” smiling your way.
Needless to say an awkward stare off at the hatch of the space travel adapted jet with Black Widow broke as she jumped in on the new mission and flew you to the chosen store to get everything.
The news would later display security footage of the Avengers dismantling and disfiguring the now bare frame and seats of the vehicle you were brought to the show in written with a warning note to treat women better. But by then you were landed on the station and holding the flowers Bucky had bought for you, now staring at Johnny Storm who said, “Now this just isn’t fair! Reed said I can’t bring dates to the station!” And turned with a scoff to get back to his duties after having opened the hatch to the landing dock for you all.
Stark came into sight several turns and halls later, saying, “You’re late! Now we’ll have to wait twelve hours to get lined up right for the re-entry to miss the meteor shower passing by.” His eyes swept over you and he asked, “Why’d you bring my secret shopper on board?”
Dinner for two was assembled and now the bathed and changed Bucky sat across you for a far more impossible start to try and get out there again. Matchy matchy in gifted outfits from the station so you could change into something more comfortable eating the best food to be had thanks to Vision with his five star cuisine lessons to back his try to help make this evening special for his teammate.
A date orbiting the moon would be hard to top. But for your second date he sure as hell made you feel just as weightless from the moment his eyes landed on you to when you were able to climb back into bed. Traces of a chaste stolen kiss left upon your cheek as you dreamed of what a possible third date could have in store for you.
@devilishminx328​, @theincaprincess​, @lilith15000​, @jesevans​ 
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unseededtoast · 10 months
Rectify | Bucky Barnes
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Part 1/37 | Part Two
Summary: I've lived every day for the past five years looking over my shoulder. I knew they'd come for me, it was inevitable. I was foolish to think I could outrun my past. It's followed me everywhere I go, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Never would I have anticipated that the shadows would lead me to the light.
Bucky Barnes x OC
Series Warnings: Discussion of human trafficking, alcohol consumption, graphic depictions of violence, sexual content, discussion of suicidal thoughts.
a/n: Hi everyone, thank you for checking this out, I appreciate any and all support! This series is also posted on Ao3 and Wattpad if you prefer those formats/platforms! This is a completed series, and it's going to take some time for me to transfer it to Tumblr, so please bear with me!
Memory is fragile. It can be corrupted, suppressed, removed from the subconscious. Memory is what makes us, us, in a way. One day when you're old memories are all you will have left, if you're lucky. Sometimes people aren't fortunate enough to retain those memories, be it from disease, or trauma, or deliberation.
I look at the clock hanging on the wall in my office and close my laptop with a soft click. Tucking the laptop between my torso and arm, I grab my keys so I can lock my office behind me. My heels click on the polished tile floor as I head to my next class, the last one of the day. I should be relieved that the day is almost over with, but this is the class I dread the most. The majority of the students seem uninterested and it's discouraging because I believe it's one of the most fascinating topics.
Fighting back the pessimistic thoughts, I walk into the classroom and start setting up the lecture powerpoint as the students file in and take their seats. It's a Friday afternoon and I already know I don't want to be here any longer than my students, it'll be a short lecture today. I walk to the center of the room and look at my students. Half are looking back with tired expressions, others are clicking their pen, and very few look like they actually want to be here. I lick my lips and shift my weight to one foot.
"So, who actually did the reading I assigned on Wednesday?" Maybe five of the thirty students raise their hand. I nod and pick on one of them,
"Can you tell me, Sarah, which part of the brain is responsible for memory?" Sarah was always the quiet one of the class, yet she's so brilliant. I wish she had more confidence in herself, I've been trying all semester to show her how smart she is; yet she continues to shy away.
"Um, I believe the part of the brain responsible for memory is the prefrontal cortex?" She states as a question. I know she's capable of a deeper answer, an answer more well-rounded than the other students can provide. I nod with a smile on my face,
"Yes, you're right, the prefrontal cortex is one of the parts associated with memory. Can you tell the class the specific part that's associated with episodic and recognition memory?" I know she knows this.
"Is it the hippocampus?" I nod once again and turn my attention to the rest of the students.
"The hippocampus is right. There are four main areas of the brain that are related to memory. As Sarah said, the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are two. The others are the amygdala, which is related to fear and fear memories and the cerebellum, which deals with routines or procedural memories." The students still look bored and uninterested. I bite the inside of my cheek in frustration. Why did they bother signing up for this class if they're not going to pay attention? I take a deep breath and push that thought away, wanting to get through this class and go home to drink a glass of wine on my couch and watch trashy reality tv.
"Memory is fragile. It can be corrupted, suppressed, removed from the subconscious. Memory is what makes us, us, in a way. One day when you're old memories are all you will have left, if you're lucky. Sometimes people aren't fortunate enough to retain those memories, be it from disease, or trauma, or deliberation." I click to the next slide which shows a brain afflicted with Alzheimer's. I watch as some students jot down what I'm saying, the few who are paying attention.
"There's current research being done trying to figure out if Alzheimer's is reversible if caught early enough. Alzheimer's is unique because as you can see, the disease destroys the brain, and takes the memories along with it. Unfortunately, at this time, people diagnosed with Alzheimer's typically only live four to eight years after their diagnosis. But we remain hopeful that a cure, or treatment, is found. With advancing technology it is likely that within the next decade some answer will be discovered. As you may know, I have received funding in order to research the possibility of a treatment, and I'm still hoping that one or two students will join, it will be phenomenal experience to add onto your resumé. " I click to the next slide and see the back door of the classroom open. A man sits down in the corner seat, he looks too old to be a student, and he didn't bring anything with him. I turn my focus back to the class and lose my train of thought.
"Does anyone have any questions at this point?" I ask, not remembering what I was going to say next. Someone's hand goes up and I nod for them to ask their question.
"How likely do you think it is for someone to regain their memory after a traumatic experience?" One of my students ask and I see the man in the corner lean forward in his seat, he seems to be intensely listening. His presence is unnerving for no particular reason, but I don't want to seem rude if he's a faculty member or a potential research sponsor.
"Well, it may take some therapy and counseling to unearth the suppressed memories. Typically when people are introduced to a traumatic experience at a young age their subconscious tends to bury that memory in order to protect them. I can't say with absolute certainty that someone with suppressed memories can ever get them back. I'm not sure they would want to remember what their mind deemed unfitting. But it's also not entirely impossible, this is usually a case-by-case basis." I answer the question in what I hope was a satisfactory way. The student nods, and once again the man in the back stirs in his seat. My stomach twists with anxiety and I feel like my shirt's collar is choking me. I tug at the collar to get it away from my skin and decide class is over.
"Okay, well, I think I'm going to cut it short here. Please if you didn't already read what I had assigned on Wednesday, do it. It will be on the quiz." I say and walk over to the podium and grab my laptop.
I hope my anxiety is acting up, and the man is merely an observer or potential sponsor. Maybe I was under evaluation. If that's the case I surely failed. But something just isn't sitting right with me about the man. I make a direct line for my car, fumbling with my keys. My palms are sweaty and I just need to get home.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry? Got a hot date or something?" A voice calls out to me. I look up and see the man from class walking towards me, hands in his pockets. I swallow and try to force a smile, hiding any signs of being anxious about his presence.
"Actually, I'm just headed out to meet my husband. He's expecting me for dinner." I say with false confidence, hoping he doesn't see through my lie. He reaches my car, looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow. I don't think he bought what I was selling him.
"A husband? Hm, I guess they forgot to mention that part to me. But I digress, that was a very insightful lecture, professor Averina." My heart freezes on the spot and I feel like my blood is running cold. My name isn't on the outside of the lecture hall, he knows I'm lying about my marital status. I push the anxiety back and continue with the aura of false confidence.
"Thank you, I'm very passionate about my work. And if you don't mind me inquiring, were you asking around about me?" I question him, looking around the empty parking lot for anyone else but seeing nobody. I don't have a weapon on me and I'm not confident that this man is here for my wellbeing. He laughs and shakes his head,
"Oh no I wasn't asking around about you. Some old friends who haven't seen you in a while told me all about you and what you're up to these days. They're curious if you're enjoying your vacation abroad. They miss you, they sent me to see if you're okay. Oh, and they also wanted me to tell you that you've got a one way plane ticket with your name on it. Hope you still have a winter coat." I adjust the keys in my hand, the pointy end sticking out from my palm. I nod my head as he finishes speaking,
"Well, you can tell those old friends that I'm not going back, and I got rid of my winter coat." Quickly, I slash the man's face with the key. He grunts and holds his hand to his cheek where there's now a jagged bleeding line. His eyes go dark with anger, and I know I have to get out of here fast.
I get in my car hastily and weave through traffic, needing to get home quickly. Of course the traffic is congested when I don't have the luxury of time to wait. I know the man is likely behind me, I just don't know where. I need to get home and pack, I need to get out of here. I'm no longer safe. I continue pushing my way through the traffic and pull into my driveway with a small squeal. I leave my car running as I rush to the house. Flinging the front door open, I head straight for my bedroom and grab the book from my nightstand. I find a bag underneath my bed and stuff the book in there. Rapidly, I pull open some drawers and shove handfuls of clothes in there as well and swing the bag onto my shoulder as I turn to leave. As I turn into the living room I freeze in my tracks, my breath catches in my throat.
The man is standing in the main doorway of the house, angrily staring at me with blood dripping down his jaw. I drop the bag, knowing he's not going to let me leave here without a fight. He lunges at me and I dodge it, thankfully. He's being fueled by adrenaline and rage. I grab a lamp from an accent table nearby and smash it against his head, disorienting him. I shove past him, grab the bag and go to my kitchen to get a knife. This is the only way I'm getting out of here. The man comes back to his senses and follows me to the kitchen, where I'm pointing the knife at him.
"You can't kill me. You need me alive." My voice wavers as he wipes blood from the hole in his cheek and smiles sinisterly. My hands are shaking and I know I'm not intimidating to this man.
"We don't need you, we are way past that point. However, we need what you have to finish our newest project." He says and eyes my bag. Any leverage I thought I had is gone. He lunges at me again, and I unskillfully thrust the knife forward. His weight knocks me over as he dodges the attack and we're both on the kitchen floor. My eyes dart around for the knife that flew from my hands, I know I have to act fast. I fumble for the knife and manage to grip the wooden handle as the man grabs my calf and pulls me toward him.
I kick my feet frantically and he loses his grip on my leg. I use the momentum from my kick and manage to stand. As the man tries to rise to his feet, I kick his ribs which sends him right back to the floor. I use my foot to roll him over so his back flush against the floor. In the blink of an eye, the man pulls a gun on me as I plunge the knife into his chest, just below his sternum. It's surprisingly easy to cut through the flesh.
With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I pull the knife out of his chest and stab the man in the neck which sends blood spurting everywhere. I stumble back from the dying man and push the hair from my face as I turn and grab the bag that slid across the floor and run to my car.
The blood on my hands makes it difficult to grip my door handle and the steering wheel, it's being smeared over everything. With shaking hands and a racing mind I pull back out onto the road and know I've run out of options. There's only one place I can think of that can offer me the level of protection I need. As I speed towards the only chance of safety I have, my breathing becomes erratic and I hold back sobs.
I just killed a man, I plunged a knife into his jugular. I feel sickness rise in my throat but manage to choke it down. I'm not even sure that the traffic lights are green as I speed down the metropolitan roads, but I don't care I just need to reach safety.
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oph3liatlou · 19 days
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​🇨​​🇦​​🇳​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇪​ ​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇸​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇧​​🇱​​🇮​​🇳​​🇩​?
Victoria's hands trembled, the warmth of her fire powers seeping through her fingertips. Though she had learned to embrace them, memories of the experiments, and the torment of Aldrich Killain, still haunted her. She stood there, conflicted between her past and her newfound strength, her eyes glowing like embers of determination.
"Who am I supposed to be?" she whispered, the flickering flames in her palms casting long shadows across the room. The weight of her heritage heavy on her shoulders.
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​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇲​​🇴​​🇻​​🇪​​🇸​, ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇫​​🇦​​🇱​​🇱​?
first name; Victoria is derived from the latin word "victoria" meaning "victory". In Roman mythology, Victoria was the goddess of victory, corresponding to the Greek goddess Nike.
middle name; Meredith is of Welsh origin, meaning "great-ruler".
last name; Stark is of English origin derived from the Old English word "stearc" meaning "firm and unyielding." In modern times, Stark means "severe or pain".
Tori; was given the nickname "Tori" by her friends and family, a shortened version of her given name, Victoria. The name was affectionately used to differentiate her from her famous father, Tony Stark, also known as Ironman, who was a central figure in the Avengers. The nickname added a touch of familiarity and warmth, making her feel more approachable and less like the daughter of a superhero. It was a way for those closest to her to connect with her on a more personal level, beyond her father's larger-than-life persona.
Firecracker; Victoria's father, Tony Stark, often called his daughter "Firecracker" as a term of endearment. The nickname paid tribute to her fiery temperament and fierce determination, resembling the explosive power and captivating beauty of a firecracker. It was a way for Tony to express his love and acknowledgment for his daughter's resilience and strength in the face of challenges, often referring to her as such in moments of pride or admiration. The nickname served as a reminder of her unique and fiery spirit, reminiscent of a powerful explosion that illuminated the night sky.
Doll; Bucky Barnes calls Victoria "doll" as a term of endearment, a playful and affectionate nickname. The term "doll" suggests that he sees her as something precious, like a delicate and treasured object. At the same time, it also captures his fascination with her beauty and elegance. Nicknaming her "doll" is a way for Bucky to express his admiration and adoration for Victoria in a unique and endearing manner, setting her apart from others. The nickname serves as a constant reminder of her importance to him and the special place she holds in his heart.
date; august 10
zodiac sign; leo
ruling planet; sun
elemental sign; fire
female & pansexual
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ʜᴀꜱ ʜᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ʜɪꜱ ʜᴇᴀᴅ?
Victoria stands at an average height of 5'6" with an athletic and toned physique, shaped by her training and regular physical activity. Her facial features are sharp and expressive, framed by a cascade of unruly brown hair that tumbles down to her shoulders. Her eyes are a warm, caramel brown and are framed by thick lashes, adding an air of intensity to her gaze. Her attire is often practical and designed for movement, complemented by her strong, agile figure.
When Victoria is not in battle, her sense of style is casual and comfortable. She tends to favor practical clothing that allows for easy movement and freedom of expression. She often opts for jeans or cargo pants paired with a simple t-shirt or a comfortable sweater. Her footwear of choice is usually sneakers or sturdy boots, ideal for walks or light outdoor activities. Accessorizing is minimal, with a preference for jewelry that is subtle and personal, such as a thin silver bracelet or a small pendant necklace. Overall, her style reflects her practical and no-nonsense personality.
When Victoria uses her powers, her demeanor transforms from reserved to fierce and commanding. Her eyes take on a fiery glow as the flames within her come to life, casting a warm, flickering light across her features. The air around her crackles with energy as heat radiates from her body, causing her hair to billow softly around her face. In this state, she exudes a sense of power and determination, her expression focused and resolute as she summons and harnesses the fiery energy within. This transformation is a testament to her connection to her fire powers and the strength she commands when utilizing them.
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ᴡʜʏ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴄᴀʀᴇ?
─ resolute; Victoria is determined and resilient, facing challenges head-on and refusing to back down easily.
─ compassionate; Despite her fiery demeanor, Victoria has a compassionate heart and a strong desire to help and protect others.
─ confident; With her impressive powers and skills, Victoria has a strong belief in herself and her abilities, which fuels her determination to push forward and achieve her goals.
─ impulsive; Victoria has a tendency to act on her emotions quickly and without thinking things through, which can led to hasty decisions and consequences.
─ stubborn; Once Victoria has set her mind on something, she can be stubborn and inflexible, refusing to consider other viewpoints or change her plans.
─ arrogant; Due to her abilities and skills, Victoria can sometimes come across as arrogant or overly confident, underestimating others and their capabilities.
─ guitar; Victoria's hobby is playing electric guitar. She finds solace in the loud, powerful music and enjoys the creative outlet it provides. She often spends her free time practicing her skills on different techniques and exploring new songs to add to her repertoire. Playing the electric guitar allows her to express herself and release any built-up tension or energy, providing a much-needed balance to her busy life as an Avenger.
─ pacing; Victoria has a habit of pacing back and forth when she's deep in thought or feeling anxious or restless. She often finds herself pacing around the room or her living space when contemplating a difficult decision or trying to strategize. This habit helps her expend excess energy and aids in her problem-solving process. She may also unconsciously hum or sing softly as she paces, allowing her mind to fully focus on the task at hand.
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ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴍᴀɢɴᴇᴛɪᴄ ꜰɪᴇʟᴅ
─ sarcasm
Victoria has a witty and sarcastic sense of humor and enjoys using playful banter and sarcastic remarks as a way to connect with others and lighten the mood in a given situation.
─ quality time
She values the bonds she has formed with her family and friends and derives great enjoyment from spending time with them.
─ music
As a hobby, Victoria loves listening to and playing different genres of music, finding inspiration and solace in the lyrics and beats.
─ restriction
 Victoria values her freedom and dislikes feeling constricted or controlled, especially when it comes to making decisions or taking action.
─ aldritch killian
She harbors a deep-seated dislike for Aldritch Killain, the villain who experimented on and tortured her during the events of Ironman 3.
─ disloyalty
Victoria has little tolerance for people who are dishonest, untrustworthy, or unreliable, especially in her team or among her loved ones.
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫      red
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝       pizza
𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥   lion
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠       cherry bomb
𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭      ac/dc
𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞     fast and furious
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞      the top of the avengers tower
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭    mars
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐫     socially
𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫     no
𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬        no
𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭    yes
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 yes
𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫       yes
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫      no
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ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴀɴᴋɪɴᴅ
Before becoming an Avenger, Victoria held a job as a Welder at Stark Industries. She worked in the fabrication and construction department, where she specialized in welding and metalwork. Her duties involved fabricating and repairing various metal components for Stark Industries' advanced technology, such as Iron Man's armors and weapons. Her skills and experience in welding made her an invaluable asset to the company and gave her a strong foundation of technical knowledge when she became an Avenger.
new york city
Victoria lives in a luxurious penthouse suite located in the heart of New York City. The penthouse is situated in a high-rise building that offers stunning views of the city skyline and the surrounding area. The apartment is modern and sleek, featuring a minimalist design with open-concept spaces and ample natural light. There is a spacious living room, a fully equipped kitchen, a home gym, a luxurious bathroom with a spa-like shower and tub, and a cozy bedroom. The penthouse is the ultimate escape from the chaos of her superhero life and offers her a quiet refuge where she can unwind and relax.
highly upper-class
Having come from a wealthy upbringing as the daughter of one of the richest men on the planet, Tony Stark, Victoria's financial situation is one of great affluence and privilege. She has access to significant resources and assets, thanks to her father's wealth and status. As a result, she has never wanted for anything and can afford the best of everything, from living accommodations and travel to leisure activities and designer fashion. However, despite her wealth, Victoria remains down-to-earth and empathetic to the struggles of those less fortunate.
Victoria is in excellent health, thanks to her regular physical training and adherence to a disciplined lifestyle. She maintains a healthy diet, exercises regularly, and ensures she gets enough rest and recovery time between missions. Her strong physical fitness, combined with her determination and resilience, allows her to withstand the demands of being an Avenger and to face any challenges that come her way. Despite the physical and emotional toll that comes with being a superhero, Victoria's health remains a priority, and she takes care of herself both mentally and physically.
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Victoria is a cisgender woman and identifies as pansexual. Pansexuality means experiencing sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction to people of any gender, including cisgender, transgender, queer, or nonbinary individuals. It is a form of sexuality that is not limited by gender identity or expression. As someone who identifies as pansexual, Victoria is attracted to people of all genders and does not limit her attractions based on any gender boundaries. Being pansexual allows her to form connections with individuals based solely on their personality, character, and compatibility, without any restrictions or limitations imposed by gender stereotypes or expectations.
Victoria's preferences in a partner are primarily focused on emotional and personal compatibility, rather than external factors such as physical appearance or material possessions. She values qualities such as authenticity, honesty, loyalty, and empathy in a partner, as well as someone who is supportive of her lifestyle as an Avenger and can understand the complexities that come with it. She appreciates intelligence, creativity, and self-reliance, but doesn't mind a partner with a playful or mischievous side as well. Communication, trust, and a shared vision for the future are also important to her in a relationship.
Victoria's dream date would ideally involve something adventurous, exciting, and fun, such as going on a thrill ride at an amusement park, exploring a new city or place of interest, or participating in an adrenaline-pumping activity like bungee jumping or zip-lining. She also appreciates more intimate dates that allow her to connect with her partner on a deeper level, such as having a picnic in a scenic spot, attending a live music performance, or watching a movie at an outdoor theater. Ultimately, the key element of her dream date would be spending quality time with someone she cares about.
Victoria's past relationships, if any, have likely been shaped by her experiences as an Avenger and the challenges that come with her lifestyle as a superhero. It's possible that she has had partners who struggled with the demands of her job, especially if they had difficulty understanding the responsibilities and dangers that come with being an Avenger. However, it's also possible that she has found partners who appreciated and respected her lifestyle and were supportive of her career goals. Overall, her past relationships may have taught her valuable lessons about communication, trust, and the importance of finding someone who can balance her hectic life with her desire for connection and companionship.
bucky barnes
Victoria' relationship with Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier, is complex and ongoing. Initially, there may have been some tension and mistrust due to Bucky's past as a brainwashed assassin and Victoria's loyalty to her fellow Avengers. However, as they worked together and got to know each other better, they developed a strong friendship based on mutual respect and admiration. Over time, this friendship may have blossomed into something more romantic, with Victoria finding solace and companionship in Bucky's company. However, their relationship would likely also be marked by its own unique set of challenges due to their respective backgrounds and traumatic experiences.
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​🇹​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇸​​🇴​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇺​​🇳​​🇫​​🇺​​🇷​​🇱​
pepper potts
Victoria's relationship with her step-mother, Pepper Potts, is likely complex and nuanced. Pepper has filled a maternal role in Victoria's life since her father, Tony Stark, and Pepper got married. As such, Pepper has provided guidance, support, and stability for Victoria, especially during challenging times in her life. Pepper is known for her resilience, intelligence, and dedication, which are traits that Victoria could admire and respect. However, given Pepper's hectic life and responsibilities as the CEO of Stark Industries and a superhero in her own right, it's also possible that their relationship could be strained at times due to conflicting priorities or schedules.
tony stark
Victoria's relationship with her father, Tony Stark, is likely complex and multifaceted. As the daughter of one of the world's most famous superheroes and a billionaire entrepreneur, she has grown up in the shadow of his larger-than-life persona. On one hand, she may have admired and looked up to her father for his intelligence, ingenuity, and bravery. On the other hand, she may have felt overshadowed and overshadowed by his legacy and the high expectations placed upon her as his daughter. Despite potential challenges, it's also possible that they share a close bond based on their shared experiences as Avengers.
morgan stark
Victoria's relationship with her younger sister, Morgan Stark, is likely one of love, protection, and closeness. As the eldest sibling, Victoria may have taken on a protective and nurturing role in her younger sister's life, guiding her and providing her with support and advice as she grows up. Given the strong bond between Tony and Pepper, it's likely that Victoria has been a positive influence on Morgan and has helped her navigate the complexities of growing up in the Stark family legacy. Overall, their relationship is likely one that is built on mutual love, trust, and loyalty.
natasha romanoff
Natasha and Victoria share a strong bond based on their time working together, and Natasha has often been a supportive figure in Victoria's life, providing advice and mentorship. They have also faced many dangerous missions together and have developed a deep trust and mutual respect for each other. Additionally, Natasha's wisdom, intelligence, and empathetic nature make her an ideal friend for Victoria to confide in and seek support from.
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ꜰᴏʀ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘʀᴇᴀᴅ ꜰᴇᴀʀ
𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 : felicity jones
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 : ophelia
𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 : 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒
𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 : 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : ironman by black sabbath
𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐠 : #LucidTemp
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