#so im sorry i didnt get into buckys side of things but. another time!
lesbiradshaw · 2 years
thinking about steve's deeply rooted abandonment issues tonight so here’s yet another long winded post about shit that no one asked for! i tried to ramble about it in the tags but it literally got too long so…
i think part of the reason i get so annoyed w the eg ending obsessors focusing mainly on twisting steve into like… this toxic evil person who leaves bucky and everyone else all the time is because although there are criticisms to make about steve dumping such a heavy burden (the shield) on sam and then dipping on both him and bucky (yes there are other issues but they have already been beaten in by like ten million twitter threads- are we not miserable yet?), when it comes down to it, STEVE himself has been consistently abandoned his entire life. by almost everyone he has ever deemed important. even before he was born.
also, one of his main traits in my opinion is basically that he's loyal to a fault. not in a blind follower way, but kinda like how they describe it in percy jackson- excessive personal loyalty. “he will risk his life (and even the world) for his friends, family, and sometimes even strangers and enemies who he empathizes with… being overly loyal could lead to making you predictable to your enemies as well”. yeah! that’s a pretty Steve quote i feel like. that logic is partly why zemo chose bucky as his tool to break up the avengers and get his revenge, but ANYWAYS! steve attaches himself to people very deeply once he trusts them.
(mcu) steve's dad died before he was even born because of ww1. steve’s mom dies months after he turns 18 bc of something she caught at work. both of those things happen because the personal priorities they had outside of steve took them away, so being left behind is a lesson that steve learns from a very young age onward. eventually, ww2 takes bucky too, and while it isn’t bucky’s fault, just like it wasn’t sarah or joseph’s (even if bucky enlisted, because… NAZIS? hello) it still has to hurt steve to see him leave outside of the fact steve wants to go too. steve gets left at the expo. he gets left when erskine is killed - a man who was probably the first to fully believe in steve outside of sarah or bucky in years. even howard and peggy don’t stick around once the USO stuff starts, because what good is steve to them as a show pony? time passes. steve gets bucky back and forms a team. things get as good as they can during a war— and then, bucky is taken from him again by the fall.
yes, in the end of tfa, steve is the one who leaves as the valkyrie goes down. maybe his choice to not try and escape is intentional. maybe not. either way, when steve wakes up, he's essentially been left behind by every single person he knew before in life. the howlies are gone, howard is gone, peggy is pretty much gone. bucky was gone even before the ice. their legacies are still around, but you can only cling to that so much. avengers 2012 happens and the avengers dont really stick together much after. there are tentative relationships formed, but steve rides off alone.
we dont know how long it took for him to settle down in dc after. he does form somewhat of a life with working at shield and being nice to his neighbor, but it’s very short lived thanks to everything that goes down with hydra. we see signs of steve not being sure he can trust nat even before everything sort of explodes, but then all of the sudden, steve can’t really trust anyone. even his nice neighbor only talked to him to spy on his activity outside of work, and work is not turning out to be so good anymore. eventually, steve does come to trust nat. he finds sam and trusts him. he even sort of finds but, but maybe that doesn’t count, because steve never really got him back to begin with before he left. steve fell with every expectation that he was going to not wake up, so when he did come to in that hospital, seeing sam there was a comfort, but also a shock. steve wasn’t supposed to be alive to be left by bucky again to befin with. i feel the need to reiterate that i’m not trying to make things out to be bucky’s fault, because he had every right to make the choice to walk away (and tbh it WAS the smartest decision— even if we were shown that bucky wanted to take steve with him, he couldn’t. steve needed a hospital. he would have died if bucky’s curiosity had won out over his other choices). i’m just focusing on the fact steve was left behind yet another time.
still. steve searches for bucky for two years after that and only finds him in the end because of zemo. bucky was in hiding, and i don’t think he was planning on changing that anytime soon from the looks of how he was living and his reaction to coming home to steve in his kitchen. it’s not stated outright, but he was likely slipping away from steve’s search attempts on purpose in those two years, which again, is his right. but it probably still made steve feel a lot of different things, even though he also probably understood why bucky was running. anyways. once civil war starts, bucky (understandably) tries to run again from the apartment. he does not suggest that he wants steve to come with him. a lot of shit happens in between scenes, but natasha ends up on the opposide side of steves team for a while, even once she rejoins him, it ends with her and sam being taken away from steve. all of team cap is imprisoned and nat is threatened with the same treatment if she acts out again. bucky going into cryo at the end of the movie was such a fucking cop out on the writers’ part and if anyone wants i will rant about it in more detail sometimes, but to make a long(er) rant short: to me, that had to've fucked steve up so much. bucky has left him so many times before, but this is the first time that it’s confirmed to fully he his choice. bucky is in his right mind. steve isn’t bleeding out or drowning. it’s different than the other times.
steve lets him go, though. he accepts it even though he doesn’t look like he wants to, because that’s another thing steve is: selfless to a fault. he goes out and breaks his friends out of prison. he finds nat and goes on the run with her and sam for the next few years while bucky is in cryo and then eventually is in wakanda, awake again and building a life. steve visits him, checks in on him, seems somewhat content— and then, thanos and the snap happen. vision is killed. almost all of steve’s friends, his family are gone within seconds. steve watched it happen to bucky, but the fact he doesn’t even get to see sam go is horrible in its own way. it’s like what happened before, but even worse, because was this what his friends from before felt like when he went into the ice? bucky, sam, and the others are gone for five years rather than seventy, but considering steve had only been awake in the modern century at that point for around.. what, seven years? five years without most of the people he’d finally come to hold close… without bucky, who he’d only had back in small doses for a few years… it’s awful to think about.
steve still steve had natasha, who was mourning the loss of sam and yelena herself. steve has natasha, and then, he doesn’t. she’s taken too, and that span of time between when natasha didn’t come back from vormir and when sam and bucky were still dusted… god, steve’s grief is never properly shown. eg’s writing sucks in a lot of spots for a lot of reasons, but the lack of gratification we get for steve finally being reunited with the people who he loves who have been repeatedly taken away from him is SO annoying! it’s so stupid! i hate this common agreement that the secret steve slanderers have come to about steve being some sort of serial abandoner when the truth is, steve is the one being abandoned at every turn. some of it is for good reason, some of it arguably isn’t, but even if he understood— how he must have felt… how used to it he tried to get… how much he hated that it still hurt every time.
god. i wish more people would be angry about that part of his arc being ruined too not just by the writers but by some of his own stans. there’s a reason he told tony in that letter that he’s always felt alone.
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Of Course I'm Here
Characters: Come on you know by now how this goes (Loki x you) (Team x you, platonic)
Warnings: None. And really if you ever see anything that I might need to able as a warning please let me know... I'm the person who forgets there are people out there that get offened by the word F*** if that is an exapmle of anything.
Summary: Mid battle and the avengers keep looking for an answer as to why the God of Lies hasnt showed up yet. Of course you have no idea but at least he proves them all wrong.
ANNOUNCEMENT TIME: hey guys Im back, I know it hasnt been long but I also know I havent been posting every single day like I was, i got into a weird little funk where I didnt want to do anything, I was just feeling completly drained, and I felt bad because I have my little and I didnt even want to play with her because I have just been so TIRED, but I'm feeling better. Work has been kicking my ass here lately and ive been working over 50 hours a week so ive literally been coming in, eatting / feeding the little, getting us ready for bed, and crashing as soon as she falls asleep. But im here now. I will probably be more active on weekends than during the week because I have more time to spend working on stuff but I will be posting also during the week just not daily. At least until after state comes. Thank you so much for the reblogs, likes, comments, follows, and messages please keep them coming! If you would like to be tagged please ask or message, and requests are open. Love you guys so much! 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Y/N, BACK UP I NEED BACK UP! EYES IN THE SKY!" Tony yelled from above, you and Clint stood back to back on a roof top shooting as many bad guys as you could. Clint took aim at another carrier, shooting at the engine causing the entire thing to blow up raining debris and hot metal around you.
"Damnit Clint! Farther away make sure they are farther away!" You yelled popping him on the head with an arrow before aiming it at the thing that was chasing Tony.
"Where is lover boy at? You.sent him the location right?" Nat asked into the com.
"Yes I sent him the location, no I dont know where hes at." You mocked.
"Did you send him the right location?" Sam asked.
"One time, one dam-"
"Language!" Steve chimed in causing everyone to groan. Gun shots where ringing all around you and you could here metal on metal paired with Hulk screams coming from another building over.
"Language." You mocked muting your com son that no one but Clint heard you. "I am a 26 year old woman, I think I'm old enough to cuss if I want." You drew back your bow and sent another arrow flying into another goon that had Nat trapped aginst a wall. She shot you a thumbs up before running off. You hit unmute on your com.
"Jesus, 26? Baby, you sure you don't need to be at a babysitter instead of on a building killing things?" He laughed.
"Dont worry Hawk, when we get done here I've already booked you a nice nursing home to be put into." You put your bow around you and stood on the edge of the building. "I need a better view." You looked round, the top of a taller building caught you eye. "There Hawk, we can cover a better radius from up there, get closer to the action."
"How do we get up there? Or do I even wanna know?" Hawk came to examin where you were talking about.
"Im jumping, you cant tell me that someone wont catch me." You shrug.
"GODS WHERE ARE TH- Y/N DONT YOU DARE JUMP!" Tony stopped and hovered right were you was standing.
"Then take us over there. We need higher ground, we cant cover everyone from down here." You crossed your arms.
"Where are the gods at y/n?" He asked again
"I. Dont. Know. Jesus you guys act like I'm suppose to be there keeper!" A simultaneous you are came from everone through the com causing you to roll your eyes. "Hes gonna be here I swear it! Now take me to the building or I jump. 1.....2....-" Tony grabbed you by the collar of your jacket and flew you to the building.
God these things were everywhere and you were starting to run out of arrows. After shooting another ship and causing it to blow you heard what was unmistakably pounding on the roof top door leading to where you currently was at.
"I have some univited guests about to join my party. Anyone available for some assistance?" You yanked out the two emerald green and silver daggars that your boyfriend had given you not long after you had started dating after throwing your bow around you.
"Buy some time kid, I'm on ground level right now but I can try to get up there as fast as possible." Bucky called over the com.
"Buy some time? Ok. I can do this. I work better from afar but a little hand to hand never hurt anyone, just easier to get stabbed this way." The first of the things busted through the door running straight at you. You jerked out of the way missing his staff by just a few inches. Quickly turning you flipped the dagger like Loki had showed you and stabbed him in his side causing him to fall to the ground before the next one tried to impale you.
"I have two daggers and they have freaking staffs! Back up! WHERE THE HELL AR-" you were interupted by static in the air and a bright light. The bitfrost had just opened up leaving to gods standing in front of you and taking out the remainder ofnthe bad guys. "HES HERE! I TOLD YOU GUYS THEY WERE COMING AND THEY'RE HERE." You pulled two extra coms from you pocket and gave them to Thor and Loki.
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"Always a pleasure to battle beside you Lady y/n." Thor smiled takkng the com and putting it in his ear before taking off again.
Loki sauntered over to you and put his arm around you waist, you put the com in his ear as he rolled his eyes. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.
"You got a new outfit." You smiled at him. God the way he looked in his battle clothe always did something to you, the horned helment was a plus.
"You like it." He smirked down at you pulling you closer.
"Your wearing your horns to." You reached up and brushed a peice if hair behind his ear.
"STOP. STOP NOW. WE CAN HEAR EVERYTHING AND ITS GROSS." Tony yelled causing you both to roll your eyes.
"Quick run down, bad guys everywhere, no end in sight, and I'm out of arrows pretty sure Hawk is too." Loki waved his hand over your quiver making more arrows appear.
"I see you had to use your daggers. I am sorry for not being here. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked stepping away from you to examin you.
"Small cut on the side, nothing I havent dealt with before, Ill be fine. You go make sure Hawk is fully stocked up and help the others. I got a birds eye view of you right here." I leaned in kissing him one more time before smiling at him and pushing him away. He kissed his two finger before placimg them over his heart and you did the same, "always." You both said before he disappered.
You could hear Thor laughing at the chaos going on and Steve trying to direct the god of thunder on what to do. You had learned earlier to just let him do his own thing and he would be fine. Tony was still trying to micromanage everything when you heard Loki mumble something in an old language and his com cut out. You had figured it wouldnt have stayed on to long though but at least you had tried. It had calmed down up on your end so you decided to finally go back down to where Clint was at shooting an arrow with heavy duty rope you glided back down next to him to watch what was going on.
"Hello, earth to y/n." He snapped his fingers in front of your face. You had been to busy staring at Loki and that damn helmet. "I dont even understand why were friends." He rolled his eyes propping up on the ledge watching as the rest of the team secured the last of the bad guys.
"Because we both shoot arrows, because we are both the best in the team, or because we both know we are the best looking one on the team so we have to stick together." You laughed jumping up so you could sit on the ledge.
"The birds can come out of their nest now." Bucky called over the coms causing you both to sigh.
When you and Clint had reached the bottom you walked over to Thor theowing your arms around the big goof ball.
"You are amazing during battle as always." He beemed patting you on the shoulder.
"As always? Thor youve only fought with her twice." Steve said beside you.
"I had a week off. Went to Asguard, spent time with the boys. Someone had to keep them in line." You shrugged like it was no big deal.
"She was amazing!" Thor went on telling the story of the fight you had all gotten into.
"Mothers been asking about you by the way dear. Wants to know if you've decided to come stay for a while." Loki leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"I think I'm leaning toward a yes. I can't stand being away from you, you had been gone forever this time." You reached for his hand as you both walked to the quinjet.
"I was making arrangements to have our room redone. I figured you would come with me." He gave you a knowing smirk as he reached up to take off his helmet.
"Leave the horns on. I have a suprise for you when we get home." You pulled his hand away from his head and smacked his butt.
"You are a little minx." He laughed chasing you into the jet while the rest of the team groaned and rolled their eyes.
"Even if you wasnt moving i would be kicking your ass out! I am so sick of the PDA between you two." Tony hollared after you.
"Leave them alone Tony, they are courting. Im just glad my brother is happy and not trying to stab me." Thor clapped Tony on the back.
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Summary- 2.6k Bucky x You. Based on a ASK from anon-Hella Bi Bitch. Hydra tramautized you and you go to Bucky for comfort. Angst/Fluff. Also written for @jtargaryen18​ 4k Challenge. 
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“Sweetheart. They are not coming.” Brock leered over your face, his hot breath washing over you, and it was almost impossible to miss the leer in his brown eyes as he cupped your face. If you had the capabilities, you would jerk away, but you were strapped down. All over, even your head was strapped flush to the hard metal table. The only thing you would do that would be satisfactory was work your mouth, draw up that last bit of spittle you had left and spat at him, making him curse while jerking back. 
It would be worth the pain he would cause next, knowing that at least he couldn't break you, just tie you down. Captain would be here soon, Iron Man, Natasha, Bucky… someone, someone would come for you. 
Brock retaliated by slamming an open palm across your face, biting back a cry, a burst of blood interrupted from your nose, racing down your face. 
As parched as you were, you welcomed the hot iron taste swarming your mouth, even through the pain. 
“Rumlow! You will step away from the girl. We need her.” 
Dread filled you as his face went from rage, to a cold smirk, pulling away from you. “Don't worry sweetheart, once they are done breaking you, you and I are going to do great things.” 
Your eyes flickered to the Hydra Agent, laying out his supplies, tools of pain and vials of poison to flood your system. Nauseated, you looked back up to the ceiling, and squeezed your eyes shut, clamping your mouth shut. Tears welled up, you would probably be gone, dead before the team would find you. It was what you hoped for now. 
You would rather die then let them turn you evil. Wasn't there a saying? You either die a hero or turn into a villian. You prayed, prayed for death instead. 
A year you were tested on, preyed on until you became a shell. Moved from base to base, handled by various people. None had a shred of kindness, and Brock especially took joy in your torture. 
He was able to use the various instruments, had access to your cell whenever he wanted. Your personal bodyguard, your personal hell. In these times you sink away from yourself, your body started to work on their command, your mind an empty shell of your former self. Intelligent? Yes, but yourself, no. 
It wasn't complete yet, there was still a shred of you left. Holding on, barely. 
Your rescue happened one sunny afternoon, but you weren't to ever know this. You were deep underground, away from air and light. They had just dumped you in your cell when there coms went off. To weak to pay attention to the Hydra agents fear as they hurriedly locked you in, you crawled to your cot and folded yourself onto it. Another day of survived hell. Squeezing your eyes shut, you really just wished for it to end. At this point in any manner. So much pain. To much.
Alone for a while, you start to drift off into nothingness when metal on metal jolted you awake with a terrified whimper. You heard the clang on your bars and lifted your head up to see Bucky trying to see who was curled up on the cot. 
“B-b-bucky?” You eased up slowly to make sure you weren't seeing things, and then right next to him Steve stepped up, flipping his shield to hang on his back. 
“Doll, we finally found you.” Bucky exclaimed with relief, grasping the bars and wrenching them as hard as he could, the metal whining in protest, but it wasn't strong enough to hold him back from what he wanted. 
Steve kept a watch of Bucky's six, speaking into the com at his ear. “We got her, Bucky is collecting Y/N now, have the jet ready Clint. Nat, you just about done? Sam, cover us when we come up."
“Five more seconds and data is secure, Tony can blow this hell hole to dust.” 
Bucky's arm went around you for support as you went to stand, sore from earlier, he saw you hobble forward and he swept you up. 
“Just faster this way Doll, come on Steve. Before Stark gets trigger happy.” Bolting for the nearest set of stairs, everything became a blur as Bucky and Steve bolted from the building. Hiding your face in Buckys shoulder, you never did see that sunny afternoon. 
A shadow passed over Bucky and Steve bolting across the ground, and when you glanced up, lifting your head off Buckys shoulder, the flash of red and silver covered out the blue sky above, and you smiled to yourself, between Sam, Steve and Bucky, you were safe. Exhaustion dipped your head back to Buckys shoulder.
It wasn't long till you were back at Stark Towers, which hadn't been your home in a year. Bucky carried you down into the medic bay with Sam close by. The rest of the team went to debrief on the mission, knowing you were taken cared of. Bucky easily set you down on the table, hovering nearby, he seemed hesitant to leave you, you who were so quiet, so shut down. Sam hovered close by, his jaw clenched. Quiet at well. Not knowing what to say or do, You just stared at the floor till Bruce came in. 
“Give us some privacy Bucky? I need to give her a full examination.” Bruce said softly, and your eyes welled up with tears, hiding away from them both. Bucky shook his head in refusal. “I'm not leaving her alone.” 
“Okay, but on the other side of the curtain, if Y/N needs you, she will call you.” Bruce looked over at you to confirm that was okay, and you nodded, still unable to look at any of them. Your shame and fear pounding at you. Sam clasped Buckys forearm, nodding his head to the door. "We will just be on the other side." When Bucky stepped on the other side, you could see the worried look flashing across his face, somewhat in recgonition to your pain. Sam gave you a slight nod, and a smile of encouragement.
Why couldnt you be stronger? 
The start of your recovery was rough, locked in your room a lot. It took some time for you to open back up to the team. Bring a sense of normalcy to you again. Your normal for the past year has been to be tortured. Everyday life was a lot. Things so simple, like going to get a glass of water, took all your willpower to do. The team, they did everything they could to make it easier.  Natasha and Clint immediately made you a part of their movie nights. At first you would sit stiffly away from them, not wanting to be touched by anyone. But soon you loosened up. Curling up against Clint while his arm draped over you, your feet in Natasha’s lap while she painted your nails. “How are the nightmares Y/N?” Natasha would ask, and you could feel Clint tighten his arm around you slightly, listening. It was no secret, your nightmares were a nightly occurrence, often waking up screaming and trying to hide somewhere in the room. 
“They are fine, fewer and fewer every day.” You lied, covering your shame. 
Steve, you often went with Steve out for walks where he would find some subject to draw. You would lay in the sun, while your friend sketched away at some piece of nearby building, sometimes a landscape. Once he even did you while you were sitting a bit away, catching your profile watching the clouds above. Often you two would sit in easy silence, not needing to have long intense conversations, you were just happy to be with your friend. Once in a while you would ask him. “Steve, you think I can join the team soon?” 
The blonde man would hum, and his blue eyes would shift over towards you a moment before going back to his paper. “Y/N, don't rush it. You were there for a year. I'm not putting you in the field before you're ready. Here, what do you think?” He would flip his pad around and of course it was his way of saying, No. Not Now. Maybe not ever.
Sam often had you over to his apartment to help with meals. You figured it was to make sure you were eating properly. At least one square meal. When you asked him, he scoffed. "Actually taking these cooking classes, I make enough for two. Lets face it, your better company then I could ask for. Besides Steve and Bucky are not adventurous like you. They wanna boil everything." Sam snorted, stiring his jambalaya. "Chop this up." He said quickly, handing you a knife. You always felt safer with something, Sam noticed this the first time you joined him, and you flinched when he drew out a butchers blade. From then on, you were set on chopping duties. You began to really look forward to cooking nights with Sam.
"No girlfriends to have cooking dates with?" You would tease when you set to chopping and Sam would give you that grin of his.
"Sure, I just test them on you first Precious. Gotts make sure they are decent enough to feed to others."
"Yea, I'm real Precious if your using me as a gineau pig." You stick your tongue out st your friend, but secretly you don't mind.
Tony, he was more energetic. Often you would be sitting down in his workshop, laughing at his attempts to improve the Ironman suit. It became a habit to keep a fire extinguisher nearby. “Tony, I don't think you should try this.” You said warily as he put on his new thruster boots. “Aww come on, what's the worst that can happen?” He grinned, and winked. 
He ended up shooting around the room like a balloon just untied, crashing into walls and bouncing off the floor. When he finally came to a stop, his feet were on fire. 
Jumping down with the extinguisher, you yelled “Tony!” and covered him with the foam, once it ended and the billionaire blinked it away, swiping the foam off his face. 
“I had it under control Y/N.” 
“Sure you did.” You squirted him one last time to retaliate before putting it away, and holding your hand out to him, helping him up. 
“Payback Y/N, payback.” Tony glared before pulling you into a hug, getting you covered to. At first it was fine, until you didnt feel Tony anymore and you struggled. Tony immediately let go, and you covered your face in shame. “Im sorry, I'm so sorry Tony.” He shook his head and gently grasped your wrist just enough to uncover your face. “Y/N, it's okay to feel like that. I should have asked first.” You gave an apologetic smile and he winked. The good thing with Tony was that he moved on from your attacks like they never happened, and for that you were forever grateful to your friend.
Bucky, he was the only one that you would find wandering late at night, like you were. When everyone else was fast asleep, you would be pacing the tower, afraid of sleep. It would happen, eventually. Your body would give into its demands, and you would go under into your nightmares. But until that happened though, you found ways to distract yourself. Sometimes it was video games on mute, you would bake muffins for the teams breakfast, get lost in Tony's library he allowed you access to. It was in these wanderings you found Bucky, bumping into him in random places. 
Eventually you two started to really get to know each other. Your late nights would be spent together. You opened up more and more, talking about what Hydra and Brock did to you during that year, Bucky making similar confessions while you two sat outside, away from the confines of the building. Quite a few times you both watched the sun start to come up far off to the east, and Bucky's arm would settle over you while your head tipped onto his shoulder. 
“Buck, I don't know if I will ever just be okay. Steve doesn't seem to think so.” 
“Doll, I came back from it.” He simply said, and you looked up at him, giving a half smile. 
“Your stronger than me.” 
His brow arched as he looked down at you. “That's not true. I had help, Steve, Shuri. I could have never done it alone. Why I know you will come back from this. Your not alone.” 
It gave you something to think about the rest of that day. 
You were so tired after two days going, you couldn't help but pass out, exhausted. You fell into bed in your sleep shorts and a tank, curling up while the world faded away. 
The nightmares though, flashbacks of all those times you were helpless, unable to fight back and could do nothing more than hold back your screams. It never helped, they still fell from you till you were horse from it, rolling from your bed as visions of various doctors plagued you, Hydra Agents beating on you, and Brock he was always in the darkness, watching with anticipation. When he would finally step from the shadows, you knew it wasn't just a nightmare anymore. It was hell. It was what sent you hiding while you were still sleeping. 
This night the jarring motion falling from your bed woke you, before Brock could get to you. Covering your head, you sobbed into your knees, so completely at a loss of how to fix yourself. Your shoulders shook, and you huddled there on the floor for a moment till your legs and back started to ache from being hunched over. Sniffling, you grasp the side of your bed and pull yourself to sit on the edge, wiping the tears from your face. The room felt cold. Reminiscent of your time with Hydra. No warmth, dark shadows stretching like they were reaching to claim you, in which you withdraw your feet off the floor, trying to talk yourself through what you felt was another oncoming panic attack. You had to get out of there, there was no way you could sleep in here tonight. 
Grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders, you edge around your bed, trying not to let yourself get psyched out that Brock might be hiding in your room, he wasn't. He couldn't. It was impossible to break into Stark Towers, right? Into the living room you went, looking over your shoulder at what was your bedroom. Even your couch felt too close to the memories. 
It wasn't even a thought, you eased into the hallway and started down familiar doors. Steve, Natasha, Wanda… when you paused in front of one. It had no special markings, nothing to signify to any other that it was a special door, but for you it was. Hesitating for a second, you reached out and gave a quick rap of the knuckles, waiting. 
Bucky heard it, that quick knock knock. He never slept deeply, always aware of his surroundings, years of training and his own deep rooted fears that something was going to happen. When he opened his door to you, the blanket you had on you just about swallowed you, and your face peeked out, red rimmed eyes and ruddy cheeks. He knew you had been crying, were about to start crying as you were standing there. Bucky stepped back to let you in. 
“Sorry Bucky, I just… don't want to be in my apartment tonight.” Your head dropped as you stepped in, and he softly shut the door behind you. 
Standing there for a moment, you didn't know where to go from there, and he stepped in closer, encircling his arms around your cocooned blanket and you could feel the rush of a sob squeaking from you, pressing in against his t shirt. Bucky tucked you in close, feeling his own eyes prick with tears feeling you break in his arms, your shoulders shaking and even the blanket couldn't seem to keep you feeling safe now. But his arms did. They were strong and hard, encircling you. “Come on Doll, your exhausted I can feel it.” 
You didn't struggle as he led you down the small hallway to the back bedrooms, and  expected him to put you in a guest room that you knew all these apartments had. But he didn't. 
He brought you right into his room, and sat you on the edge of his bed. 
“Are you okay unwrapping from this?” He questioned, his hands resting on the blanket where you clutched it around you like a protective shield. You sniffled and dried your face on it momentarily before nodding, letting your grip go. He eased it off, and folded it. Resting at the end should you want it back. 
“Give me two seconds Doll.” He disappeared into his closet and with the door half shut, pulled on a pair of sweats over his boxers, and switched out his tear wet shirt for a dry one. When he came back out, you were right where he left you, feet dangling over the edge of the bed, and your fingers clasped in your lap. When he came around and stretched out, half propped up on pillows, you looked over your shoulder at him. “Can you leave the light on Buck? Just a little bit?” 
“Of course Y/N. '' Reaching to the lamp, he turned it on a softer setting and saw you visibly relax your shoulders as you looked around, and could still see all the corners of the room. Pushing back to get in the bed, you tucked yourself in against your friend's side, letting your head fall to his shoulder. 
“They must have been pretty bad this time.” Bucky said as he lifted a blanket over the two of you, and you nodded. “I kept seeing Him in the dark, coming for me.” Bucky was well aware who you were talking about, having shared with him before some that had happened to you. You lifted Bucky's arm and placed it around your shoulder, his palm pressing against your arm and tucking you in closer, dropping the softest of kisses on top of your head. “Even when I was awake, it was like he was just out of sight, waiting for me to drop my guard.” 
“We won't let him get to you Doll, not again.” 
There was a soft shuffle of blankets as you got comfier against him, and your arm locked around his middle, your voice muffled against his shirt. 
“I know Buck, that's why I came to you.” 
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Shattered World
Req(?): Yes! My very first req!
"" Could you write a karli x reader after she dies?? Youre on of the few who write for her... ""
Pairing: karli x reader
Warnings: major char death, mentions of death and guns, angst
A. N : hope you like it anon !!
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You and the flag smashers ran out of the GRPC building with Karli and the council members in the truck. When Karli decided to light the truck on fire, your heart broke. The Karli you knew would never have done such a thing. The girl you loved was a rebellious teenagee with a dream well beyond her years. But clouded by fear she made horrifying decisions. Yet you loved her dearly and woild stick with her to the end.
When Bucky came to the fight, Karli just wasn't herself anymore. She wanted rafical change. Immediately. And would do anything to see it happened. When her plan to kill the council members failed, she knew she screwed up. So she did the next best thing. Run and hide. Grabbing your hand, she rushed over to an abandoned building with the last 3 members of your group. The group decided split up, the other three running in another direction than you guys.
Karli pulled you through a labyrinth of doors and hallways, trying to get out without being captured. Just your luck that you ran into the powerbroker herself.
"Drop your weapon, Karli. I said drop it." Sharons smooth voice cut through the silence.
Karli boldly spkoe up. "I’m disappointed in you."
"That’s what I was gonna say. You know, when you came to Madripoor, you reminded me of a young me. I took you in, gave you an opportunity, and you betrayed me."
Yoy knew Sharon was trying to manioylate her. Standing in front if Karli, you said, "Because you wanted to control a world that hurt you. But we wanted to change it. We're not interested in power or an empire. We have bigger dreams."
"What, like this? Come back and work for me again. All of you. We can make a difference together."
"You just want me because you need your muscle back. Without us Super Soldiers, how much power does the Power Broker really have?"
"More than you."
There was a slight shuffling of feet before bartoc came into view. You realised sharon had been spying on you the whole time.
Heated words exchanged between Sharon and Bartoc and you couldnt but feel a great sense of unrest. You looked over at Karli with worry, praying that she didnt get caught in the crossfire. A lound bang reeled you back into reality as you saw bartoc falling to the ground, sharon wheezing and Sam entering simultaneously. Karli had a horrorified expression on her face.
Sam tried reasoning with her but Karli was too wallowed in self pity to accept help. Out if the corner of your eye you noticed the power broker get up. Soon the two of you were fighting. Even wounded, sharon could put up a good fight and since you werent a super soldier , she had an advantage of strengeth.
You tried pleading to the caring side of Sharon but to no avail. She kicked you onto a pillar which dazzed you momenrarily. In that split second she got out her gun and another loud bang echoed through the tunnels.
It was as if all the life ran out of you. Ignoring your throbing head and wounded leg, you stumled over to the wheezing body of your girlfriend. Your eyes ran over her body and saw the scarlet liquid oozing out of her abdomen. Pressing a hand firmly , you tried to stop the flow but karli resisted.
"Honey. Look at me. Its gonna be ok. Its ok. " she managed to choke out.
"No. Plaease Kar, you cant leave me like this. I can help you. Sam please help her. I'll do anything. I'll surrender. Please. Just help her."
"No Sam. Dont." She pleaded. Looking over at you, with remorse, she continued, "Its okay love. Im finally going to be ftee. I love you. I love you so much..Im sorry i coulnt get us our world. Im sorry for everything" she says the last line to Sam before closing her almond eyes forever.
Tears stream down you face as you gently hod the body of the loce of your life in your hands and rock her gently. You lost everything. Your heartbroken sobs run through the tunnels. You cant believe you've lost Karli forever.
You knew Sam would try his best to do justice to Karli and her ideas. A part of him believed in her. One world. One people.
But for you, that slogan lost its meaning. You lost your world and also lost a part of yourself with it. You now lived in a shattered world.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
liar, liar (1/2) bucky barnes x reader
part 1 part 2
(ft sam wilson)
backstory - she can see the future (or versions of it) through dreams and visions; she can see someone's past and memories by touching them; and she can stop peoples actions with her mind. sam introduced her to bucky without knowing about her powers and they started dating. (OC superhero name: Arcana)
song: bruised and bloodied by seether
ps this song slaps and so does the album and god i just really love seether. okay im done now lol
tag list: @cynic-spirit
when i woke up i sighed, feeling the bed next to me empty again. this was the third time this week that Bucky had woken up way before me and left before i even got to tell him good morning. it was starting to put a damper on my mood but i wasn't about to let him know that.
i shook my head, digging it deep into my pillow before sitting up and rubbing my face. when i opened my eyes back up they grew wider. Bucky was standing in the doorway with a half smile on his face and two mugs in his hands.
he said quietly, not making a move yet.
i said back, a little more chipper than i was expecting. i think the same went for him.
i nodded, smiling back at him
"just the way you like it."
he said as he sat on the side of the bed in front of me.
"whats the special occasion?"
i asked before taking a sip, looking up at him over the top of the mug. he just shook his head.
"no special occasion."
i sent him a look as i lowered the mug.
"youre a terrible liar, you know that?"
he laughed a little bit.
"youd think id be better at it by now but i guess thats why they always kept my mouth shut."
i sent him a look.
he huffed a breath deep out his nose.
"sam called."
i shook my head.
"come on y/n."
"buck you hate fighting-"
"and what would i do if he got hurt?!"
i sighed, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.
"damn you for being so caring."
i said sternly and he cracked a half smile.
"damn you for sticking around."
he quipped back and i laughed.
"when does he need us?"
i looked over his face as he stared at the floor. his jaw tightened and i could tell he didn't want to do this. he had done enough already.
i said softly, touching his face and turning him to look at me. he looked sad. or maybe it was disappointment.
"you know you don't have to do this right?"
i asked and his face changed again. maybe it was regret. he tried to avoid my gaze again but i side stepped him.
"hey, look at me. you dont have to do this. youre getting better, you are a good man."
i reassured. he nodded slowly, glancing over my face.
"i should've listened to you this morning."
i snorted.
"ive been telling you for a while that you should listen to me more but some how we always end up here."
i joked and he sent me a look.
"you two ready?"
Sam asked as he came up behind us and Bucky nodded. i frowned but nodded too anyways.
"they're coming in on the southside, so be ready."
he said, looking between us. then there was a clattering above us, making the three of us look up. in came a few men, descending from the ceiling in full tactile gear.
"god damnit john."
i said annoyed, turning to see him coming through the door looking all high and mighty.
"i heard you could use some back up."
he said and i rolled my eyes. i could tell buck and sam were just as surprised and annoyed.
"why is it that we can never do anything without you showing up?"
i asked and a smug look crossed his face.
"we do this bigger and better than you. and you arent exactly discreet. metal arm, jet pack, spandex; kinda stands out in a crowd."
"dont forget i can see your future john."
i seethed and he laughed.
"right, Arcana, i almost forgot."
Bucky touched my hip lightly.
"easy. we've still got time."
i looked to him and bit my tongue.
"we dont need your help."
i assured but he just ignored me. then a loud bang sounded from the south side.
i mumbled under my breath, taking off in that direction after sam and bucky.
"hey hey hey."
bucky said, pushing me behind him. i frowned and a vision hit me.
"get down!"
i yelled, grabbing him and sam to pull them back as another bomb went off. the three of us fell to the ground, looking up as johns team made their way outside.
"your killing your team john!"
i yelled as he passed us too. another loud sound went off but this time it was something different. i closed my eyes as bullets rang through the air. i could see all of it flashing through my mind. then i reached out and grabbed buckys arm. i had seen him run after them and get shot and there was no way i was letting that happen.
"y/n, theyre gonna die, we have to do something."
then i looked at him.
"you stay here."
i demanded, standing and walking outside. there were many soldiers on the ground already, the few that were left were pointing guns at the so-called attackers, john was holding a gun to the leader. i had seen this, neither of them was a winner. i closed my eyes again and breathed deeply, holding all of them still. a second thought and their guns were to the ground, fists at their sides. when i opened my eyes they were all looking around confused. then i heard a gunshot, looking around just as confused.
i heard from behind me, buckys arms hitting my back as i slouched into him, watching john shoot the leader between the eyes.
"hey, listen, stay with me."
bucky bargained, sam running up and standing over him as helped me slowly to the ground.
"didnt see that one coming."
i groaned as he pressed his flesh hand into the hole in my side.
"youre gonna be okay, okay? just stay with me."
i nodded.
"im sorry. i thought i could help them."
i said a little breathy, tears visibly appearing behind his eyes as he picked me up. i hissed at the sudden movement.
"you did help them."
i held my side, trying to breathe deeply.
"get her out of here."
sam said. i could feel bucky beginning to run as i closed my eyes, feeling the rain hit my face as the thunder rolled.
"please dont leave me."
he whispered.
"im not going anywhere."
i managed, rolling my head against his chest. the next thing i knew i was being placed on a bed and there were doctors surrounding me.
when i woke up again there was a beeping running through my ears. i felt completely out of my mind as i blinked slowly. it was like visions were coming to me in fast moving pictures unlike anything ive ever experienced.
i whined, scared, as i rolled my head back and forth.
"im here."
he said through a sniffle, taking my hand in his. i squeezed my eyes shut tightly as i saw our first date play out behind my eyes. it made me smile, seeing him fumble through his words as sam laughed at him. i blinked again before looking over at him. he looked like he had been crying for a while and i couldnt help feeling guilty for making him feel that way.
"dont look at me like that."
he said.
"like what?"
i asked innocently as he wiped his face.
"like you pity me."
i squeezed his hand.
"i have never in my life pitied you James Buchanan Barnes, and i dont intend on starting any time soon."
i wheezed out, coughing at the end. he let out a shaky breath.
"then why does it feel like it."
he managed and i ran my thumb over his hand.
"im sorry."
i said and he looked at me confused.
"for what?"
i cleared my throat.
"for hurting you."
he shook his head quickly.
"this isnt your fault. you couldnt have known john was going to shoot you. if anything this is on him."
"ill be sure to bill him."
i said through a laugh before groaning and placing my hand over the wound. then there was  a knock at the door. it was sam.
"how are we doing in here?"
he asked lightly and i smiled at him, reaching out to him with the hand bucky wasnt holding.
"im all aces."
i said as he leaned down and hugged me as best as he could.
"im glad to see youre okay."
i nodded slowly.
"did you finish the mission?"
he hung his head low.
"the majority of the group got away. but we'll get em next time."
i sighed.
"dont do anything stupid without me."
i said with a wink and he laughed.
"its a little late for that id say."
he nodded towards me and i sent him a look.
"oh believe me, he shows up again ill give him something he wont forget."
"is that a promise?"
bucky piped up and i laughed, groaning after.
"you bet your ass it is."
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petersasteria · 4 years
The Forces of Nature || Ch.12
Pairing: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
Summary: “There’s this kid out there that can control the wind or something. I think she’s a great addition to the team. Let’s recruit her.”
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"...𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧." - Jordan Harbinger
Just when Peter and Y/N thought everything was alright between them, it went back to normal. Y/N didn't know what happened, she didn't know what she did to somehow offend Peter. Heck, she didn't even know she offended him. She was clueless. She tried to make things better, but Peter ended up hating her even more. She wasn't giving up, though.
On Peter's side, he knew full well why he started acting up again. Ever since the first training, all he could hear were praises. Not to or for him. Oh, no. How he wished all their praises were dedicated to him. Instead, they were all for Y/N. It was always Y/N this, Y/N that. Peter was getting sick of it.
It wasn't just the Avengers, though. It was also the people at school.
"Hey Y/N! I need help in rehearsing for the graduation song." Ned nicely asked. Peter cleared his throat and said, "I can help you!"
"Thanks, Peter! But this is Y/N's expertise." Ned said and turned to Y/N, waiting for her answer. Peter gave a tight-lipped smile and broke his pencil with one hand in anger and bitterness. Y/N saw this and quickly took a pencil from her bag.
"Here you go, Peter. You can have it. I have so many pencils at home." Y/N said kindly as she handed him the pencil. Peter just looked at it, though. So, she left it near Peter and started helping Ned.
"Jealous, Parker?" MJ asked with a smirk.
"No." He answered quickly. "Anything she can do, I can do better. I'm the best!"
"Ned and I will be the judge of that." MJ said and turned back to her book.
Later that day, it was training again at the compound. Y/N and Peter were training with Steve and Natasha. Since they were training in the same room, Steve and Peter could see Natasha and Y/N training on the other side of the room.
"You're getting better at this, Y/N!" Natasha smiled after Y/N basically tackled her down. She helped Natasha up with happiness flowing through her.
"Thank you! I try my best." Y/N shrugged.
"I agree with Nat." Steve said from across the room. "You're a natural, Y/N. You really do belong here."
Peter was jealous. How come she got praise for everything she was doing? After all, they're quite similar. They're both geniuses, they're both great at training sessions, they're kind and sweet. He knew that he was being sort of ridiculous, but in his point of view, his feelings were valid.
To make things worse, Tony was hanging out with Y/N now. Peter felt extreme jealousy and anger bubbling inside of him. It was like a real family situation.
Tony, Peter's father-figure and mentor, suddenly favored the other kid aka Y/N over him. It was all so sudden. She was just new and everyone loved her. Even Sam and Bucky loved her. Peter was still in the 'we only tolerate you' level with Bucky and Sam, so how come Y/N isn't on the same level as him?
Sometimes, he felt as if Y/N was mocking him. Peter would screw up sometimes and then Y/N would somehow be there right behind him to help and fix it.
"Call me when you need me, Pete. I'd be glad to help!"
"Do you need anything?"
"No wonder you couldn't get it right. You're doing it the wrong way, Peter!"
He was tired of it. He was officially done with her and done with everyone. If everyone thought that Y/N was the best, then he'd make sure that he was the worst.
"Hey, Y/N/N! Have you seen Peter? He was supposed to be here two hours ago." Steve asked and looked at his watch.
"I don't know, actually. I thought he was already here. I didn't see him after school because I had glee club practice." Y/N frowned and pulled out her phone. As she was about to type a text, Peter walked in with a relaxed smile on his face.
"Where the hell have you been, kid?" Steve asked. As angry as he was, he kept his composure. Y/N lifted her phone a bit and said, "I was just about to text you. Where were you?"
"At home." Peter shrugged. "I took a nap after school."
"...So, you didn't patrol?" Y/N asked.
"Nope." Peter said, popping the 'p'.
"Why not?" She frowned. "You love patrolling and you're great at that."
"Yeah? Well, if you're so better than me like everyone else has been saying, why don't YOU patrol?" Peter snapped. Y/N stayed quiet and Steve was shocked at his outburst. He's never heard Peter lash out like that before. It was new and different. It was so foreign to him.
The next day at school, Peter was assigned to be the group leader in English class. When he saw that Y/N was his group mate, he called the teacher's attention.
"Yes, Mr. Parker?"
"I don't want to be the leader of this group. I'd like to be a member instead and I want Y/N to be the leader." Peter faked a smile. "You see, she's really smart and she could do anything."
Y/N looked at Peter and quickly shook her head. She didn't want to be the group leader. Peter just smirked and his smirk grew wider when the teacher allowed it.
"Congrats on your leader position, Y/N! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You can do anything, right?" Peter said and leaned back on his chair, waiting for Y/N give out orders on what to do.
Y/N didn't know why Peter was acting that way. She truly wanted to ask, but she was scared. She was hurt, annoyed, mad, and confused. How can Peter's attitude just shift like that?
"Hey, kid! Can you help me in the lab? I have a few modifica-"
"No." Peter answered shortly and ate his chips while watching tv on the couch. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
Tony looked at him as if Peter grew another head, "W-What do you mean 'no'?"
"No means no, Mr. Stark." Peter answered.
"I get that, but you don't usually say 'no' to me. Besides, you might like what we're going to do in the lab. It's for a new-"
"Nah. Count me out of that shit." Peter chuckled.
"Is this all a joke to you, Parker?" Tony asked.
Normally, Peter would be scared and he'd drop the act. Alas, he kept going. Nothing will stop him in keeping his act together.
"No, it's not a joke to me. You asked and I answered. Where the hell is the joke in that?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you can ask your new pet, Y/N. She's around here somewhere- oH, RIGHT! She's out patrolling like I told her to."
"Isn't that your job?!"
"Yes, but since everyone here claims that she's better than everyone else, I gave her my job so that she has something to do."
"And what'll you do?" Tony crossed his arms.
"Something I've never done before."
"And that is-?"
"Relaxing." Peter smiled and laid down on the couch as he continued to switch channels and eat a family-sized bag of chips. Tony frowned at his protégé before going back to the lab.
"Any ideas on how to defeat the swine flu guy?" Rhodey asked as his eyes wandered around the room filled with Avengers.
"We could strategize a plan on how to attack him! Villains in movies usually have a pattern or something when they kill so that people would know that it was them. All we have to do is search through the whereabouts of the swine guy and-"
"You do it then if you're so clever." Peter piped up and drank his water.
"Excuse me?" Y/N said.
"You're just wasting your time on telling us how to do shit, so why don't you just do it yourself?" Peter shrugged. He looked at everyone and chuckled, "We have ourselves a prodigy of some sort in our midst. We'll have to use her talent and brains."
"What the hell, Peter." Natasha said and Peter could only shrug.
"She could do it on her own because she's so powerful. She's the most powerful person in this room because she can control everything! So, let's cut some slack and let her do all the work. She's just new, anyway. She has to learn a thing or two." Peter said as he got up from his chair.
"Where do you think you're going?!" Sam asked.
"Home, duh." Peter said and grabbed his back pack. "Have fun with your new task, Y/N!" With that, he smiled and left.
"I know this is so out of character, but I miss the old Peter." Bucky said after a moment of silence.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but same." Sam sighed. "Something isn't right with that kid."
"Definitely." Y/N nodded her head in agreement. Whatever Peter was feeling, she didn't care about it anymore. She just wanted the old Peter back until then, she's allowed to get super annoyed and angry at the new Peter.
* * * *
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @itstaskeen @sandystoriess @heeeyitskay @slytherin-chaser @quaksonhehe @yaya4302 @lil-mellow-bunbun @starlight-starks @swiftmind​ @alexx-stancati​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @cherthegoddess​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @parkerlovebot​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @parker-potters @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @chloecreatesfictions @holland-styles @halfblood-princess-505 @spidey-reids-2003 @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​ @unsaidholland​ @musicalkeys​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @hollanddolanfangirl​ @parkerpeter24​ @bellelittleoff
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ghostofskywalker · 3 years
i need advice, i am a pretty sporadic writer (i was in your fic exchange last fall, under the name ithehellisbucky, its my side blog) i write every day for a week and pump out three stories, and then i get 4 notes total and go radio silent for 5 months. i have done this many times with between 500- 6k words per fic. i never got any recognition, and as much as i didnt want to pressure anyone into anything my main reason for writing is to create a world to feel safe in, and when no one joins you in your world, you feel really lonely. i have pretty bad mental health issues, so i often switch from fandom to fandom (but i loop back around a bunch and am very committed) and i am in need of reassurance. im gonna finish up a request i got a while ago, and then im gonna go work on a series i wrote the first part of. so, my questions are:
should i publish under my main blog with a large following that i dont really want to be the same as my writing, or should i go back to my highly refined side writing blog that gave me 0 notes for 5000 words and 30 followers
how can i help myself write
how can i write better
and how can i grow my following
sorry for the intensity, i just need to ask someone :)
hi again! don’t feel bad, i totally understand needing someone to talk to 💕 i think the best way for me to answer is to just tackle your questions, i’ll do that first 
i’ve gotten a similar question before, so i’ll also link that if you want to take a look :)
although i prefer a sideblog specifically for my xreader fics, i can understand why it’s not always the best idea. it’s kinda hard to get to know your mutuals, and replying to comments is always a bit awkward if the person doesn’t know your main blog. what you could do is post the fic to your sideblog and then reblog it to your main, that’s what i did for my first couple fics. this way if anyone follows your main and they also read the type of fic you’re posting to your sideblog, they might drop in and follow it if they already follow your other blog. or, you could make an entirely new blog and start completely fresh.
i would say the best way to get myself to write is to find like random prompt list on here and write from that. sometimes when i see people reblog prompt lists i’ll skim over them and i’ll be like “oh that prompt might work with bucky,” so if there’s a prompt that catches your eye just write it! 
i’ve found that getting more comfortable writing allows me to both write more and improve my writing skills. i’m definitely not the person to talk to about time management though, i’ve been telling myself i need to take a break from writing since last october and i still sit down to try to write nearly every day like a monkey dancing for spare change at a carnival
as far as growing your following, the only thing i can think of is time. if your fics aren’t getting any notes, check to see if they made it into the tags immediately after you post, because tumblr has a notorious habit of not putting fics in the tags, and that stacks the system against new writers big time. other than that, events are a good way to get your name out :) i’m still running exchanges, but i’m doing them through tumblr rather than ao3 now because it’s a lot easier for everyone, and there’s just more people on here. also writing challenges are great, because those are normally done for high follower counts, so when the challenge runner reblogs your fic, more people will see it. you could also do one of those posts that’s like “i’m looking for mutuals” and then tag all the characters you write in the tags so people can find you! 
also, another thing i discovered is that people don’t necessarily want 5k+ word fics. i’ve found that anywhere from 1k to 2.5k is a nice sweetspot for my writing. don’t freak out about your writing being too short, and as long as you like what you put out, other people will too. 
also finding other writers who are in the same boat as you helps so much! a lot of tumblr (whether people want to admit it or not) is give and take, so if you find some people and you all reblog and hype each other up, it just benefits everyone :) 
i hope this helped! if you have other questions i’m here 💕
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randomsevans · 4 years
a long , long time
Weekly challenge
hasn't been read through so please ignore  the mistakes please 
this is sorta a continued  of  ROSE  , but can be read by its self 
How ? 
How can you do this ? How are you going to keep going ? Why did he do this ? Why leave you ? Why leave his daughter ? why her , why is it always her ? 
you dont know how your going to do this ,you dont know how your gonna cop being a single parent , you dont know how you are going to do it alone ,. More importantly how are you going to get over him ?
How are you ever going to get over Steve Rogers ?
one thing is for sure , you have to for the sake of your daughter . Even though you will never love another , because Steve no matter what will always be your first and only love and that why it hurts so much .But you need to at  least be strong for your daughter , she just lost her father.
Time , time is all you need .
it was a random Sunday , at a random park where Steve sat , He knows that he has just when back to ever one , but he hasn't showed his face yet.  He looked around the park as the tree rustle against the wind as the odd person or two passes by . At this moment he feels peace .He had lived a beautiful life , with the women he truly loves and he wouldn't change .A life with Peggy , a life in his time was everything Steve wanted and got . 
But for him the last 8 years or so haven't been easy , with old age playing effect on him ,the snap  and the death of his love he was mostly been by himself . leaving him more time to think about them , her , you , his daughter . wonder what it would be like if he stay , how you are , did you meet some one else ? the thought sickens steve your his wife ... wait was his wife and what about his daughter he doesn't want another man raiser her .But what thats what it like now he made his choice and no matter what life he picked , it would always be filled with what ifs / and questions , theory on how he life would of went .
He buried the memory of you and his daughter for so long , Peggy never knew he had a  daughter or a wife . His other children never know that there have a sister who is the same age as their grandchildren . He never thought about you , not untill it came to the years where he knew some place in the world right now , you and his younger self where together , meeting , working , dating , married , a child all together . And now your by your self .
on the days like when he asked you to marry him , got married  he thought about you all day , was so so temper to go and see you and him self , but it was to risky . he remember everything , every detail to your hair , dress , your shocked face when he got on his knee . the small tear that rolled down your cheek where saying your “i dos “ . He would sit there on those days buying a single rose and drawing you. 
even on the day you were born you never left his mind , he find it quiet funny and sad on that day , thinking this is the day his wife was born , but also all the pain that was to come your way , that he couldnt do anyhing about
But htere were days like the 7th of January 2020 were he couldn't just sit there by himself with his thoughts . He made his way to a random hospital in Brooklyn . He sat outside on a bench for hours , people would pass by ask if was okay an odd nurse or too  would come up and ask if he was a patience . unknowingly to them his daughter , his eldest , yet youngest chronologically was being born . He sat there for hours thinking and remembering , the first time he holded her , her first steps , the annoyed look  on your face when her first word was “pa “ , he remember how happy he was , he swears he never smiled so wide so happy , spinning his daughter around promising her the world because she said dad first . He chucked at the memory . He left sortly after not getting a glance at you or his daughter since he could risk seeing his self .
that was roughly three years ago and on that day every year he would celebrate in one why . he would also send her a gift which he knows he should but he couldn't stop him self  .
Now he sits here on this bench, knowing soon he will have to see everyone well at least Bruce and Bucky to tell them not his okay an nothing went wrong . He was so lost in his thoughts he didnt notice the little girl run passed and trip over a rock right in frount of him
the girl had pushed her hands ifrount of her to try and save her self and let out a little cry . Steve got up the fastest her could , he reach of her hand and helped her up , while looking around to see if there was anyone running after her , not yet anyway .
the little girl was now up on her feet , with small sniffles . Her hair was long and blonde covering her face in all different direction . Her little hands trying to push her hair out of her face . Steve kneeled down to help her . 
“ are you ok....”
he stop , his old heart began to beat face , his eyes wide 
“ Sarah ?”
the sight of his daughter broke him , he didnt realise how much he  missed her , his first child , the one he promise to always be around .
“ hmm “ was the onlt thing that came out of her . she glanced up to meet steves eyes . Blue meet blue , the same blue
Hers widen , in shook  , she looked like she was about to cry .
“ h ... how do yo. you know ..my ..n..name “ she coked on every word , taking her time .
Steve was silent  he didn't know what to say , the fact that his daughter that he left behind was right infrount of him. 
her mouth only widen as she brought her tiny hand up towards steve face and pointed at his teary eyes .
“ y.. you ... you stole my daddy's eyes “ her little face scrunched up angerly  
he slighlt chuckled shaking his head “ n..no i didnt blue “
her hand quickly wet to her side at the name 
“wh... onli  daddy cowlds me t..hat “
“ i..  i know “ his tears now fully streaming downs his eyes .
“how?” she asked quickly 
“be..because ..” he truly didnt know what to say
“ your my daddy ?” 
he forget how smart she was , she may only be three but even Tony said shell grew up to be a genius and has the smartest around about an 8 year old the least time there checked 
he nodded his head in relief , the little girl only seem to grow anger as she place her hand on his cheek .
“liar .. my daddy is young .... my daddy will hurt you .... my daddy is c.cap .. amwerica  he .. does good ..and doesn't liek liars “ but then she paused for a moment her eyes grew red and her lip trembled “b...but his a li..liar ... he l...my daddy ..left me “ 
and with that she fell to the ground with aloud sob , and Steve went with her , both crying on the floor
“ h..”
“mm im sorry blue ...but i am your .. daddy ?” he knows he shouldn't but he couldn't help it his little girl right there crying over him , his heart is breaking and dying 
“how could i ever leave her ? “but he did 
“ho.. how ?” you looked up 
he stay silent how do you tell you daughter you left her and her mother to grow old with some one else.
“ how do i know your .. not lying ?”he glared at him . the same expression she shares with you , he let out a small chuckled , his daughter asking all the right question , she she so much like you . 
“ i call .. you blue be..because  we both .. have blue eyes “ a small smile placed on his lips , at the memory of finding the perfect  nickname of his daughter   . 
she just nodded in agreement staring him down . he smile shiftig on his bony knees . 
“ yo.. your first word was pa ... your birthday is 7th of January , you cant go to sleep with out  piggy .. yo..you favoit food is cookie .. double double chocolate chips that antie nat makes .... you love that silly little show that .. “ 
“the song “ she cut him off 
“what ?” he titled his head 
“ if you are really my daddy .. you know the song “ her eyes soften almost coming to terms that he is her father 
he paused for a mintes , cold tears falling from his eyes , every memory , everytime he song her to sleep with the song , the song that was your and his first dance together as husband and wife   
“it ... its” he could trust his own words , his voice he was so emotional he was sure hes old fragil body would give  away .
“ its .. its been a . long .. long time “ he closer his eyes in  a temper to clear his vision as he sung the melody 
“never thought that you would be standing here so close to me ,
theres so much i feel that i should say 
but words can wait untill some other day 
kiss me once the kiss me twist 
then kiss me one again 
its been a long long time 
haven't felt like this my dear 
since cant remember when 
you'll never know how many dreams 
iv dreamed about you 
or just how empty there seem with out you 
so kiss me once then kiss me twist 
then kiss me once again “ 
he paushed on ever word , every line , a thousand memory and emotions , him meaning every word as he looked into the yes of his daughter , that he had missed so much , the same blue eys he shared . The ones that have grown to accept that he is her father , her papa , her daddy .
with both teary eyes ,cold stinging cheeks against the hash wind on he ground of a random park , on a random Sunday , there finish the song together meaning very word , as father and daughter 
“its been a long , long time “
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Love Lockdown
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A/N- Just a little one shot about being stuck in lockdown and having to video chat with Bucky.
Im not sure what this is to be fair, the boredom has set in!💕
Being ordered to stay home amid the virus outbreak meant having to work from home for the foreseeable future. Id only been working with the newly formed Avengers team for a few months, id been hired to run psych evaluations on the team.... make sure they were all stable enough to be working with the public. Of course the one person the higher up's were concerned about was Bucky Barnes.
He had been a tough one to crack, we spent many sessions in silence before he started to finally open up. Because of that reason it had been agreed that we would still hold our sessions via facetime, i didnt want him closing himself off again.
"Hey doc, hows quarantine treating you?" Bucky asked on the first video chat.
"Its not been to bad so far, its given me some time to get some things around the house sorted. But its only been a week" i chuckled "hows it going over there?"
"Its a nightmare, Sam is driving me crazy. I dont know how much more i can deal with" Bucky rolled his looking bored.
"Try not to kill each other okay"
"Im not making any promises".
Two weeks into lockdown and i felt like i was loosing my mind stuck indoors alone. Bucky was checking in every couple of days for his sessions and i started looking forward to that. We spent most of the time chatting like old friends, there wasn't anything else to really talk about right now.
"So Sam's still alive?" I asked smiling while topping up my wine glass.
"For now, i'm actively keeping my distance. I dont even know why i have to do this damn lockdown i cant get sick anyway"
"Joys of being a super soldier huh?"
"Yeah, gotta have some perks"
"Your lucky you have the company, im going crazy stuck here on my own. Im gonna need a psych evaluation myself by the time this is over"
"You getting lonely doc?" Bucky smirked through the camera.
"Yes! But i'm getting through it with wine" i smiled raising my glass to him before taking a mouthful.
"You'll be an alcoholic by the time this is over"
"Im being sensible Buck i promise"
"You can call me anytime you get bored or lonely, its not like i have Avenging stuff to do right now"
"I might take you up on that" i smiled resting my chin in my hand "so your definitely doing okay? 
"Im fine doc, i actually feel pretty good. I haven't been having nightmare and I've been training, for the first time in ages i feel like me"
"Thats great Bucky, really. Im so pleased your doing good, soon you wont need these meetings"
"But what if i want them...... talking to you helps"
"Well i'll always be there for you"
""Thanks doc....."
"Yo Buck! We're late for the conference call with Ross..... get your ass moving!" I heard Sam Wilson calling in the background, Bucky closed his eyes shaking his head.
"Well id better go"
"Yeah sure, im gonna go shower and watch a movie or something.... thats what my life has become"
"Okay well have fun, i'll speak to you soon"
"Bye Buck" i clicked end call and pushed my chair back from the desk.
I grabbed my wine and phone and opened up Spotify, i selected my 'getupandgo' playlist, a mix of songs that just made you wanna dance! I went upstairs and quickly showered, singing loudly and probably very offkey!
It wasnt long before i was dried off and dressed in panties and a tank top, my hair still wrapped in the towel. I noticed my wine glass was empty so headed downstairs for a refil. As i went down Camila Cabello's 'Liar' started to play and i was instantly dancing around and singing.
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Bucky's POV
I walked back into my room after another pointless conference call with Ross and instantly heard some music playing.
"I don't care, if you're here
Or if you're not alone
I don't care, it's been too long
It's kinda like we didn't happen
The way that your lips move
The way you whisper slow
I don't care, it's good as gone (uh)
I said I won't lose control, I don't want it (ooh)
I said I won't get too close, but I can't stop it"
I didnt leave music on.... where the hell was it coming from....
"Oh no, there you go, making me a liar
Got me begging you for more
Oh no, there I go, startin' up a fire
Oh no, no (oh no)
Oh no, there you go, you're making me a liar
I kinda like it though
Oh no, there I go, startin' up a fire
Oh no, no (ooh)"
Shit! I gasped when i followed the music to my desk and there on the screen i could see the Doc dancing and singing in her living room! She was in a pair of panties and a tank top, her hair wrapped in a towel still while she swayed her hips and drank from her wine glass..... i shouldn't be watching this! But damn she looked cute! I couldnt help but smile.
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"You're watching, I feel it
I know I shouldn't stare
I picture your hands on me
But what if, you kiss me?
And what if, I like it?
And no one sees it
I said I won't lose control, I don't want it
I said I won't get too close, but I can't stop it"
Seeing this side to the Doc made me like her more than i already did! But i shouldn't be watching this, it felt to wrong. I should call her.....
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Readers POV
"Oh no, there you go, you're making me a liar, Got me begging you for more
Oh no, there I go, startin' up a fire
Oh no, no
Oh no, there you go, you're making me a liar, I kinda like it though
Oh no, there I go, startin' up a fire....Oh no, no" i was singing loudly while dancing around my living room.
My phone started ringing causing the song to stop. When i looked at the caller ID and saw it was Bucky i instantly smiled.
"Hey Bucky, you okay?" I asked smiling like an idiot.
"Hey Doc" he said sounding a little amused, i was confused by the sudden echo in the room.
"Why can i hear you twice...."
"Look up"
What?? What was he on about.... oh!
My eyes fell to the screen where i could see a grinning Bucky.
"Oh no.... how much of that did you see?"
"Enough.... you look like your having fun" he chuckled.
"Shit! I dont even have pants on! This is so unprofessional of me im sorry...."
"Calm down doll, im not complaining. I was actually enjoying the show"
"Haha Buck, very funny" i shook my head at him.
"Im serious, im just thinking about how much i wanna come join your party now"
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"Yeah? Well your more than welcome" i laughed knowing he wouldn't come round.
"Dont tempt me....."
"As if you'd come here" i rolled my eyes "well im gonna go get some more wine and maybe put on some pants! I'll make sure to hang up this time" i laughed and said goodbye once again making sure it disconnected. If i hadn't been drinking i'm sure id be more embarrassed about this whole thing but I just shrugged it off and headed to the kitchen for a refill.
20 minutes later and i was in the middle of making some chilli nachos when there was a knock at my door. For a second i panicked thinking it was Bucky but then remembered he didn't know where i lived. It was probably Mrs Harper from down the hall asking to borrow a cup of flour for some extravagant cake she was making!
But as i swung the door open there stood Bucky Barnes still wearing the hoodie and cap from the video call we had.... oh my god he looked good dressed so casual, he looked so relaxed it made me smile.
"Bucky.... what are you doing here?"
"You invited me" he shrugged smirking at me.
"How'd you even know where i live huh?"
"I may have hacked into your employee file"
"Stalker much" i teased making him laugh "come on in" I opened the door wider to let him in and took the chance to take a calming breath.
"Never did put on those pants i see" he smirked looking me up and down, it was then i realised i was still in my panties!!
"God damn it!" I said loudly feeling my heart start to race "let me just..." i pointed down the hall towards my room.
"Dont put them on on my account Doc, i dont mind at all" Bucky said walking over and standing closer to me "Look im just gonna say it how it is and hope it doesn't ruin our relationship..... i like you Doc, alot. Like im crazy about you, cant stop thinking about you....."
"What?.... Bucky thats not funny...."
"Dead serious. I mean its hard to think very clearly with you standing there looking like that but..... what are the chances you feel the same?"
"I think the chances are in your favour...." i smiled feeling my cheeks burn. Bucky suddenly closed the distance and kissed me, pulling my body tight against his..... his flesh hand slipping down to my ass.
"Mmmm i'm glad you forgot those pants" he smiled before picking me up and leading the way to the bedroom.
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terriblygrimm · 3 years
ohmygod finally someone who shares my views. my sister and I loved fatws for what they did w sam’s character but aside from that the writing was very bad. we really could not understand wtf was bucky’s purpose to the main plot and what new side of bucky did we see. when the action wasnt happening he kept whining about steve and being rude to sam and then marvel thrust sambucky onto us and basically told us to move onto this Brand New Duo. sam and bucky were not on equal footing here and their personal struggles did not hold equal weight at all (i will give credits to anthony and seb here for making their friendship look believable) mcu keeps sidelining bucky and i thought they would do him some justice in this show but they didnt. after reading the articles and interviews post the show it was evident the writers did not understand bucky’s character at all. his whole character development was moving on from steve and now becoming sam’s sidekick? (also im really hoping and praying these writers dont go through with sarahbucky in the future because…no..absolutely not). and i do hope that what you said about a future steve bucky reunion comes true because so far mcu has been very hellbent on erasing their friendship and its just pathetic that they try to undermine their friendship so much, while weirdly enough also emphasizing that yes it has deep emotional value.
yeah like, i’m gonna try to make this as succinct and short (lol) as i possibly can without going off on tangents but tf.atws should’ve been SAM’S show. sam alone. he should’ve been the only title character, and they could’ve properly focused on his arc and the sociopolitical weight of it. that is MORE than enough content to fill up 6 hours. i absolutely love cap!sam and i think he’s gonna be a great captain america. i’m very much looking forward to his future.
but virtually everything else about this show from conception to film was a miss.
the flag smashers? (really marvel? your military propaganda perked its ugly ass head with this one. within the first five minutes of the show they were condemning ppl who believed in a world without borders lmfao. i legit almost stopped watching right then i’m not kidding) and the storyline itself wasn’t even coherent. they had WAY too many characters and arcs to focus on and it just.. didn’t work. didn’t do any one of them justice. not even their title characters - especially their title characers. the whole thing felt very hollow and emotionally remiss. the barely existent dialogue was clunky and awkward, and i’m sorry but.. to me, sam and bucky do not organically get along lol. the chemistry between the actors is undeniable which is why so many ppl ate it up, (and do i think they could eventually get along? yes) but the buddybuddy thing was pretty forced imo. very sudden and based on very little. 
their stories were at odds, with not one common goal between them all the way to the end. they fought for screen time and it caused both of their stories to suffer and not carry the weight they should have. they both had VERY heavy content to work with (a black captain america / a trauma/abuse/pow survivor) but somehow marvel - in true marvel fashion - did not commit to either and tried to tread lightly on both. 
bucky and sam only had the thin thread of steve woven between them & even that was done poorly because the writers themselves admittedly weren’t told what happened to steve, therefore they couldn’t write a definitive arc about it. and instead of actually committing to the deep bond between he and bucky, they took the no homo route and had bucky express anger over who holds property of the shield, rather than admitting it was steve himself that he emotionally and physically missed. but again, they couldn’t really do that, could they? they didn’t know if steve was alive or if bucky knew of his whereabouts. 
i’ll admit i did enjoy the peripheral concept of bucky helping steve pass along the shield, like he was its watcher, making sure steve’s legacy fell in good hands, and was there to basically coach sam along the way. in THAT regard alone, it did feel like he and steve were still a team post-endgame. that, on top of saying that he and steve discussed the future of the shield together was a sweet touch. loved that, but it was executed poorly like everything else.
& his winter soldier arc... lordy, was that handled horribly. bucky is a charming, gentle, burdened, lover-not-a-fighter (since the 40s) victim and they turned him macho, carrying the burden of his abusers and guilted into making amends? and that his problems were his fault because he couldn’t trust people? say what now? bucky is a pissed off, good-hearted war vet with a LOT of baggage- he’s not just some dude. the effort to butch up and patch up bucky in a quick fix was apparent, from the short hair, to the list of names, to the “man up” approach everybody came at him with, to the really out of place heterosexual flirting. i mean honest to god who the has time to flirt? apparently bucky! none of the other characters even passed a sideways glance to another during the entire series aside from the one character who audiences have been vocal about being queer for 10 years. hmmm.... (and then the writers actually CAME OUT & MADE A POINT TO SAY that they did not intend for his bisexuality lmfao i mean please dear god put us out of this misery. that writer/director need to stop talking because nobody cares about their personal opinions or headcanons. media is for the viewer to interpret so please shut up.)
overall the actors did what they could w that script, that much was obvious- and they certainly tried to stay as true to their visions/versions of the characters as they could but it just didn’t end up matching up.
but yeah, on a lighter note, i sincerely don’t think they’ll continue bucky in sam’s sphere. i think that was a one off. i don’t think they actually wanted to sell them as a “new partnership” but they just didn’t know how to write the dynamic properly. i think tf.atws was just a sad, sad attempt to place them somewhere post-endgame so they can continue on in bigger marvel films. sam’s got his cap4 and his new team (torres, sharon, walker), and i think i read he’s gonna make an appearance in black panther? which will be sooooo awesome!! 
and bucky? his ending was very open, what with him miraculously “feeling better” yet not quite the white wolf, and not permanent in any place. and on top of that, he was instructed to stay away from wakanda so he can’t make future appearances there, so methinks he and steve will cross paths again as nomad and white wolf for sure (once it’s revealed what steve’s been doing, etc). maybe in space?
the power that holds anon.... i get so excited even thinking about it.
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mydaydreams · 5 years
Jeopardizing the Mission- Natasha Romanoff
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Requested: @widowbitessting and anonymous
Warnings: Smut, Lesbian Sex, Fem/Fem, and a lil fluff. Choking kink, rough sex
Sum: Risking your life for Natasha didn’t just get you in trouble with the Captain. It got you in trouble with your girlfriend too. 
"Y/n what you did was reckless and stupid..." Steve said in his Captain voice. We were all buckled in on the quinjet, we had just gotten back from a mission. We were all exhausted and sore, covered in blood dirt and alien guts.
We were saving a planet from a invasion, their planets forcefeild damaged in combat and we were sent to fix it.
It was just another alien invasion. All i had done was jump in front of the bullet.
Natasha was fixing a piece of broken tech on the ground that needed to be injected back into the planets main forcefield projector. This was our mission.
Someone had snuck through the ranks and ran towards Natasha. I..i couldn't help myself. I broke position just as they pulled at their weapon.
My body shot forward so fast i didn't even know i was moving. I could hear my team on coms screaming in my ear not to comprise my mission but i could smell it...the danger she was in. I could feel it in my bones.
And i was right. The man threw his spear at her first. I jumped forward knocking it out if the way before it could hit her. Then the mans hand came up and he went to punch me while grabbing at his gun with the other.
2 shots fired one grazing my left arm and the other passing me. He was aiming through me. Aimed at his target, the forcefield, Natasha.
He shot at me again but my leg came up and slammed into his wrist. I twisted my body so my foot would continue to extend outward to slam into his face. I grabbed his own gun and shot him in the head with it.
" i was doing my job." I defended he shook his head.
"No, you made things personal. Your job was to stay in position."he said locking his jaw. He was clearly very angry with me.
"You put yourself right in that line of fire. That spear was headed straight towards you." He said his voice getting louder.
I sighed wishing he had waited till we had gotten back to the compound to talk instead of having it out with me on the jet in front of the whole team.
"That spear was headed towards the forcefield generator ." I corrected. He sucked in a hot breath not wanting to say what everyone already knew. I wasn't protecting the forcefield or planet or even its people...i was protecting Natasha.
"You know What your mistake was..." Cap said trying to wrap it up. These convos are always the ones that piss me off the most.
" leaving my post." I answered for him. He sighed and moved his hand up to run his fingers through his grime covered hair.
"No, making things personal..." He said i rolled my eyes. By trying to save my girlfriends life!!!
" if i hadn't had dodged that spear it would have gone right through Nat's spine AND would have cut clean through the generator itself. Natasha dosent have a shield on her back or a body of fucking armor." I snapped as the plane had finally landed.
"Neither do you!" He snapped back. I avoided eye contact.
" the point is...." He started but I cut him off.
"The point is that I moved out of position. I apologize Captain it won't happen again." I said. Finally looking over to where Nat was seated next to Bucky on the other side if me. I sighed, she was just as mad as he was...great.
"We will talk more about this later." He said in his Captain voice. I rolled my eyes.
Once in our room, Natasha and I threw our weapons down and ripped our uniforms off. She hadn't spoken yet.
We'd done this before so it was like routine now. Getting home from a mission stripping, showering, food, drinks, bed.
My eyes snaked up her body. I looked at the lines that were created on her from where her top stopped and her skin begin then the spots of dirt blood and guts.  How could she possibly make being covered in blood look hot.
"Think you may be turning me on a blood kink." I admitted trying to break the ice. She rolled her eyes at me.
"You have no self preservation do you?" She finally said her voice thick with rage.
Jesus she's really really mad. I sighed heavily.
"Can't we just shower, have sex and eat and be done with this?" I begged trying to walk to the bathroom she grabbed my arm.
"Y/n listen to me, you can't just...y/n you a just a recruit. A newbie you shouldn't be..." She started her voice thin. I cut her off.
"I have been on this team for 8 months now. I am an avenger!" I said my foot slamming on the ground. I was so sick of this argument. There was no issue of be putting myself in danger before we started dating. She was even "impressed" by me. I guess not any more even tho I had just saved her fucking life.
"I was fine where i was." She said referring back to me saving her.
"Fine?" I asked yelling my voice high pitched.
"There was a spear flying Right Towards you."
She just rolled her eyes and shook her head taking a step back.
"I was fine i was just about to turn around. I would have seen it coming." She defended. My mouth just dropped open. What even was she thinking?
"You would have been Dead. The only reason you saw it coming was because i broke position to save you and you finally looked back." I yelled at her my hands balling up at my sides.
I have no self preservation?
"What the fuck even is the problem Nat. You mad i saved your fucking life? What do you want to die?" I shot at her. Her eyes closed and she breathed out slowly.
I held my breath. I shouldn't have yelled. Shouldn't have screamed at her.
"I just. Over coms all i could hear was Sam screaming 'y/n No.' And I turn around and your only a few feet from me running to meat the same speed as the spear behind you....behind you y/n. I looked up and it was you who was in danger." She said her voice normal at the beginning but falling into a saw whisper. She looked down at her now bare feet.
I had never seen her like this before. She wasn't acting like...weak it was more like. Vulnerabilit? Vulnerable for what...me?
She turned away from me and ran her hands through her dirty hair. Flakes of...of something falling on the ground at her feet.
"This life...being a hero. When you find something like what we have. You dont let go. But you were just all to happy to leave this earth just to save me. Me?" She held her head in her hands for a second.
"I have never been more mad at you."
I sighed and moved towards her wrapping my arms around her middle.
"I'm sorry. I had everything under control. I-I just couldn't stand the thought of living without you." Her grip on me tightened as i spoke.
"Me either." She said softly pulling me into the bathroom with her.
We took out time in the shower together. Washing each others hair watching as the water ran red with blood. I rubbed the loofah along her back side and up her shoulders rubbing out the brown muddy lines created by her uniform.
"Baby..." She said breathlessly. I hummed in response.
"I am still very much angry with you." She said turning me around and soaping up my back and sides. I closed my eyes as her hands rubbed and massaged downward.
"It dosent feel like it." I whispered as her hands moved around my front,her breasts pressing into my back. He lips kissed up my shoulder blade and the back of my neck up to my ear. I let my head all back on her.
"Well i am." She said through her teeth her grip on me tightening.
"Nat?" I asked she just growled at me making my lips snap shut.
She pushed my body forward pressing my front harshly up against the wet shower wall.
I gasped my face turning to look at her, my cheek against the wall.
She kicked my feet apart and held both of my wrists at my sides with one of her hands while the other ran up my thigh, over my ass then resting on my hip.
"Y/n, my sweet girl. Risking your life to save me. You must love me huh?" She asked turning my body around swiftly so i was suddenly facing her. She wanted to read my face as I answered. She still didnt want to believe me.
I smiled shyly at her and nodded.
"Yes, i do love you Natasha." I said she sighed as i spoke, her hand moving up my back to my neck and into my hair.
"I don't believe you." She admitted but it sounded more like a tease.
"Make me believe." She whispered. I blinked up at her as she took a tight grip of my hair. She pulled my head back causing my knees to bend. She was pushing me to my knees in front of her.
"Mmm gladly." I hummed closing my eyes and let my face fall between her legs. I take a good hold of both of her thighs as I let my tongue glide up her folds. Her smooth skin moved against my lips while her juices sank into my taste buds.
"Hhhmmmm." I hummed sending vibrations through her, making her twitch into me.
She tasted like.. strawberries and lemons. God so good. I want to touch her but when my hands moved up her lets she swatted them away.
"Just your mouth..." She said gasping, her head falling back against the tile. I smirked into her skin making her squeak again.  My arms wrapped around both of her thighs tightly as they started to tremble.
I sucked her clit into my mouth and her hands held a death grip of my scalp forcing my face to move with her hands while she humped into me. I couldn't help but moan as i drank her in.
Her mouth fell open and a broken, high pitched scream left her lips as he com dripped onto my tongue and slid down my throat.
She took a few breaths and yanked my head back letting my hair go causing me to fall back on the shower floor under the water fall.
I looked up at her shocked. She had never man handled me in suck a way. And in the wet shower It was almost dangerous.
"Na..." I started she shushed me.
"Stop, im still mad as you. No talking." She sunk down onto the floor with me crawling over my body.
She moved under the water and over my stomach. Droplets falling into her hair and sinking down her forehead. A perfect sheet of water covering her face moving over her lips.
God if she isnt the sexiest women alive.
Her hands moved up my waist then down my arms. She moved my hands slowly, lifting them over my head.
"I'm very mad at you." She whispered her lips only an inch from the bare skin in the middle of my breast. She looked up at me through her eye lashes while her tongue licked over her bottom lip, only to suck it into her mouth in between her teeth. I couldn't help but repeat that same action.
One of her hands held mine up while the other trailed down my body. The water falling on our bodies was only making this so much hotter.
She pressed her lips to mine once before slowly moving them down my neck. She took my flesh into her mouth and sucked hard on me as her fingers moved down to my middle.
I whispered as the tip of her pointer finger probed me. She smiled at me and leaned down, i could feel her breath on my skin.
"Shh sh sh." She coo'd at me while moving her finger in a small Circle around my clit, collecting my silk and rubbing it in.
I bit my lip to stop a moan. Everything wad just so hot in here. Like literally steaming in the air. The hot water-falling onto us while the knot in my stomach burned.
"Open your eyes!" She commanded sharply. My eyes snapped open to look back at her. I didn't even know i had closed them.
" You keep your eyes of me." She said finally slipping 2 of her fingers into me.
I moaned loudly as my walls clenching around them. She them quickly pulled them from me, her eyes going wild. that same hand that was covered in my slick was suddenly around my throat.
My eyes widened sharply, my hands trying to break free from where she held them above me. She only forced her weight down harder on me preventing me from moving.
She smiled down at me slowly moving her face into my neck and next to my ear. I shivered under while she whispered to me.
"Dont make me gag you."
I bit my tongue stopping a moan as her hand tightened around my throat.
"I'm going to let your hands go." She said. Leaning back up and looking down at me.
"Do Not Move Them!" She told me. I nodded quickly. She let me go and ran that hand down to my breasts. She held the my left breast in her wet hand. Squeezing around it. Moving down to pitch my nipple. I flinched and bucked my hips but latched my hands together over my head.
"Do you know how helpless I felt watching that glorified stick almost impale you?" She asked leaving my breast and moving back down to my clit.
My mouth hung open as she again began massaging my middle flesh.
I just watched her eyes as my legs shook.
I knew she didn't want me saying anything. She wanted to see if i would talk. She was baiting me. She wants me to disobey. She wants to punish me.
"I'm gonna tie you up later." She said her fingers sinking into me again. I shivered again and bit my lip trying not to whimper while her fingers curled inside of me. I humped harshly against her hand as she moved them faster.
I threw my head back only to smack it against the tile. I gasped slightly making her hand tighten around my throat again.
Her palm rubbed against my clit as her fingers curled and knocked into my g-spot over and over. The knot in my stomach burned as my hips bucked up into her hand.
I wanted to tell her was about to cum but I wasn't aloud to talk. As if i could even speak with her fingers pushing down into my air way.
My eyes rolled back and I let my hand moved down to press against her hand around my throat tightening her hold around me cutting off my air completely as my cum squirted out over her, covering her abdomen, stomach and breasts only for a second before being washed back down on top of my and down the brain under us both.
My walls tightened around her fingers as she continued to finger fuck me. My legs shook as she withdrawaled her hand from my throat breaking my hold as well only to sink down my body quickly.
I gasped again as her mouth closed around my clit. She let both of her hands spread my legs open as wide as they could while she slurped my juice into her mouth.
I couldn't help the mouth that slipped from me as I came again just watching her.
"Natasha." I whimpered as she looked up at me through her eye lashes. I moaned again as I felt her lips smile against my skin. My body went slack against the wet floor while i caught my breath.
She crawled back up my body kissing me on her way.
She pecked my lips and stared down at me and smiled.
"Now darling... What did i say i would do if you spoke."
My hand went up to cover my old mouth. Have out of shock half cursing my self for saying her name.
She yanked me to my shaking feet and pulled my body against hers as she all but carried me into the bedroom and flopped me down on the bed. The water that riddled our bodies now sinking into the sheets. I giggled at her.
"Smooth." I said and regretted it immediately. Her hands slapped loudly against my thighs as she spread them open once again.
"For that...you don't get to cum." She said. I wanted to curse but I decided against it.
She got up and left me on the bed and went back to the bathroom. After a second I heard the water cut off. And a few seconds after that the closet door opening and closing.
" dammit she really is getting that damned ball gag." I said laying back into the pillow.
"WHAT WAS THAT??" Nat yelled through the walls. I shot back up into a sitting position and slapped my self.
"NOTHING I WASN'T TALKING." i yelled back stupidly. Hitting myself in the forehead a second time. She sauntered back into the room empty handed. A blush on her cheeks.
"Now...how am i supposed to be this hot dominant when your out here just being...." Her voice dropped into a sigh.
"Just adorable..." She said the mood in the room completely shifting. I bit my lip, a matching blush appearing on my cheeks.
"I know I'm sorry I'm still very new to this." I said bring my legs up to my chest. She smiled sweetly at me and slid higher onto the bed to sit next to me.
"I completely ruined the mood by laughing. I didn't mean to embarrass you." I said extending my neck to lean over and kiss her. Her eyes widened suddenly and she jerked away from me.
I frowned " was I that bad?" I asked she shook her head.
"No your perfect always. It's just your neck I shouldn't have..." I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.
"I told you i like air play you didn't hurt me. Well...you didn't hurt me more than i wanted you too. Stop worrying!" I said moving her hair out of her eyes.
" you like your marks on me and wanna dominate me but when you do you feel guilty?" She smiled back and shook her head laying us down and laying her arm on top of my chest.
"I know. It's just you are the...i don't know you are different. I know you are capable and you can take care of yourself I just can't help wanting to do that my self. Take care of you. Make sure you are safe. Your precious cargo something... fragile, precious, breakable. It's like you could disappear in my hands. I don't know.. And today with the..." She stopped and looked away from me. I moved my hand up to hold her cheek, making her look back at me.
" Natasha. I was saving your life. You are precious to me. I wouldn't just stand there and hope that you would turn and see it. I didn't know if you would know it was coming. I had to break point. I had to beat it to you Natasha. Even if it meant impaling me." I said. Her eyes closed and her head dropped down on my chest.
"I know thats what bothers me." She said into my skin. I stiffened. I was sick of having this same conversation over and over.
"You know what Natasha..." I started a little to aggressively.
" how about we Both just agree we love each other so much we'd stake out lives on it and just always watch each others 6 alright?" I finished annoyingly. Her body froze against mine.
"You love me?" She asked I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes.
"Just as much as you love me...right?" I asked in a small voice.
"I'll stake my life on it and always cover your 6." She said breathlessly her eyes watering.
I had never once in my life seen her cry...and she still didn't here. But i could tell she meant what she said.
She loves me just as much as i her. I smiled leaning down to kiss her swollen plump lips. She hummed into my lips and nibbled at my bottom lip.
Her damp hair fell onto my face as she slid up my body to straddle my waist. She continued Her assault on my lips, opening my mouth and sucking on my tongue.
I took the chance and tucked one of her legs in between mine. She laughed into my mouth as I pulled her body into mine connecting out middles.
She's wet, so wet I'm completely soaked the second our clits touched.
" Nat you're soo wet." I moaned sliding my hips into hers scissoring Her. She whispered into my ear over me while she humped into me.
"God y/n...you make me so hot."
She leaned down against my body her breast pressing into my skin. I moaned and let my hand me move to grab them. I leaned down into them sucking a nipple into my mouth and pinching the other with my fingers.
There was a noise we both ignored while we grinded against each other.
"Mmm. Nat harder." I moan flipping my hair back only to have it slap me back in the face as she bucked against me harder ripping another moan from my throat.
"Whoaa!  Sorry sorry!!" We heard a voice say coming from the door way. I let out a small scream as we saw the back of Steve's head move back out of the room.
"What the fuck Steve?" Natasha asked harshly. I tried to move my body away from hers in a better or more.  At least modest position but she held my hands down like he did in the bathroom earlier.
"Ya what the fuck Steve?" We heard a chuckling tony stark say from the door way. Tony poked his head in and looked at us.
"Wow damn cap. How do you walk away from this?" He asked as Natasha threw a pillow at him. Steve yanked the back of Tony's shirt collar and pulled him from the room.
"Get the fuck out! We're busy!" Nat said i smirked up at her and bucked into her.
She moaned sharply as her throbbing clit thumped into mine. I leaned back into her pulling her tits back into my face.her nipples were getting harder in between my teeth while my body moved against hers again.
I bucked into her sharply rubbing against her wetness and mixing it with mine. Every time i made her twitch she would bite at my flesh. She marked me up hickying my collar bones, around my breasts and in between them.
"God i...your body is like...." She started but couldn't finish. I had moved both of my hands around to grab her ass and grind into her more. Her eyes closed as i moaned loudly.
" fingers! Fingers!" She begged and I obeyed, quickly moving a hand down and impaling her with two fingers. She gasped as her legs started to shake. I moaned and humped into her harder while fingering her from her other side.
Her head flew back as she came. Her liquid splashing down against me as i came shortly after her. Flipping us over to ride out my own high fucking against her body.
She hummed under me as I flopped down on top of her. She moved her hands up to hold my face up and kissed me. I smirked as a thought popped into my head.
"You are all talk. 'Im not gonna let you cum' 'dont make me gag you'." I teased she gave me a look.
"You think i won't?" She asked baiting me. I smiled at Her.
"Oh i know you would. Just not tonight." I said almost in a question. She smiled.
"I could hardly tie you up and torture fuck you after you've told me you love me." She said making me laugh.
"Fair point."
"I adore you." She said kissing me again. I let out a strange squeal. A certain type of happy sound as i rolled off her. She moved back up and scooted closer to me. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her lips once again.
"I adore you!"
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Summary: You were dreading a certain wedding you were involved in, desperate to find a suitable date that could pass as your fake boyfriend. Luckily, Bucky Barnes had nothing better to do.
Notes: NSFW (18+), Swearing
All of your friends back home knew one thing, you hated when you had to dance. It wasn’t that you disliked it, you were particularly fond of it - but ever since your ex threw you to the curb, it didnt bring you joy as it once did. In the time you dated him, Eric, He hated to take you dancing. But when he did, god was it a treat. Tonight was obviously not something you were looking forward to, your mother hadn’t taken any of this wedding business lightly. It was some kind of cocktail set up, with a small dance floor for the couples that consisted in your family. Taking a deep breath, you felt Bucky to the side of you. You were thankful he was here, even if the two of you didnt get along so well. He deterred most of your family from approaching you, and you wondered if part of that was because they might’ve been confused of him. It wasn’t exactly an odd feeling, but the presence of his hand hadn’t left the small of your back since you entered the little party. 
“Would you stop getting so worked up?” Bucky sighed to your ear, and you felt his hand move upwards, “I can practically feel your nervousness.”
“Do you blame me? these people are insane. You saw them at brunch.” You nearly huffed, wishing he would just keep quiet instead of grumbling every five seconds. 
“Bar?” Bucky coughed out, motioning you over to the set up of alcohol.
“God yes.” You swallowed, and your eyes had met something on the dance floor.
In that moment you felt your chest tighten, seeing Eric dancing intimately with his date across the dance floor. You wanted to cry in that moment, but you knew how pathetic and embarrassing that would be. You couldn’t do that in front of your family. In front of him. 
“What is it?”
You looked to Bucky finally, and you felt a strange sense of comfort. His eyes had a way of doing that. You had never seen eyes so blue.
“Its just-“ You sighed, “That-That’s him.”
You turned, only to nod in Eric’s direction. Your heart broke once again, seeing his hands touch her as if she was made of gold. 
“Really?” Bucky knitted his brow, “He looks like an asshole.”
“Bucky.” You turned to hit him, and you saw his lips turn in a grin.
“Oh come on, I was kidding.” He laughed lightly, “Kind of.”
“He never took me dancing. When he did he always complained.” You bit your lip, your eyes trailing back to the girl he had in his arms.
“Jesus, you’re like a broken record.” Bucky was clearly annoyed, placing his glass to the counter. 
“Wow, thanks for the support.” You rolled your eyes, and you mustve struck something in him - you watched Bucky walk away from you.
Feeling suddenly incomplete, you began to feel the jitters emerge once again. It would only be minutes before someone would approach you. Sure enough, you saw your Aunt Becky make her way to you. She was on the older side, shuffling her feet to you in a teasing grin.
“Now tell me, honey.” Her voice nearly shook over the music, “Where on earth did you find those fresh buns?”
Your eyes flew open, seeing her nod to the back of Bucky.
“Jesus, Aunt Becky.” You swallowed, hoping Bucky didnt hear her incredibly inappropriate comment.
“Oh, I’m old enough I can say it.” She waved her hand to you, “Fresh from the bakery those are.”
You couldn’t help but try and hide yourself, feeling like you needed to crawl in a hole somewhere. It couldn’t get much worse. You turned from her, giving her the signal you weren’t wanting to her more of her comments. Soon taking the hint, you watched her laugh as she shuffled away. You watched countless people now move across the dance floor again, feeling a now familiar hand to the small of your back. 
“Ready?” Bucky sighed out, his eyes nodding to the dance floor.
“Wait, you know this song don’t you?” You almost smiled, hearing the vintage notes echo across the dance floor.
You watch Bucky’s lips turn in an almost mischievous grin, “Well I’d hope so. Lost my virginity to this song.”
Your eyes shot open, and you nearly gasped.
"Gasp later, doll.” Bucky chuckled lowly, “Third Chorus, by the way.”
You looked I awe, his hands now pulling you playfully onto the dance floor. You noticed the song, it was one you had surprisingly heard before. It was well known as “Sing, Sing, Sing” and you felt your cheeks flush to the irony of what Bucky said just moments ago. Nervousness hitting you once again, you realized it had been a long time since you had danced. But clearly it was causing some positive attention, Eric’s eyes landing to the two of you in confusion. 
“You trust me enough?” Bucky looked to you, his blue eyes flickering across your body.
“Enough to dance?” You stammered, “I suppose so.”
“Good.” He grinned, and before you could say much else - his hands had already had you swinging.
You couldn’t help but laugh out, Bucky throwing you playfully across the dance floor. But it wasn’t in a way you thought, he knew exactly what he was doing. Between the movements, you now grinned to the sight of amused gazes to your direction. Eric looked in awe and almost jealousy, and you felt a strange sense of confidence wash over you. Bucky stopped only for a moment, and you realized now he had the back of your knee lifted just at his waist. Out of breath, the both of you had a look of laughter. You were suddenly overjoyed that all the other men you had asked were busy, Bucky had already made this trip much better than you hoped.
“You really know what you’re doing, don’t you?” You huffed out, your eyes searching across his features - had he always been this handsome?
“Quiet a moment.” Bucky smirked, his hands moving to the small of your back.
“And why is that?” You knitted your brow in mock confusion, feeling his hands ready to swing you once again.
“Third Chorus.” Bucky laughed out, and you noticed just how much you liked hearing his laugh.
“Third Chorus.” You repeated, nearly giggling to his early comment. 
He swung you some more, and your laughter nearly caused tears to your eyes - you hadn’t had this much fun in a long time, now it was bursting to your seams. Once the song had ended, Bucky’s hands had managed to give you once last dip - and it was only now you noticed the small applause across the party.
“You’re a miracle worker, Barnes.” You smiled softly, his hands bringing you upwards one last time. 
“I know my way around the dance floor, doll.” He winked, clearly amused with himself. 
“So you mustve been a real charmer back in the day, huh?” You smirked, already curious now about his past.
“Let’s just say the dance floor wasn’t the only place I knew my way around.” Bucky smiled softly, and you saw a small redness now to his cheeks.
“So what was her name?” You moved your hands from his shoulders, realizing the two of you were still pressed to each other. 
“Now, I’m not one to kiss and tell.” Bucky teased you, and you felt your curiosity overtake you. 
You heard the music now live, and the lyrics now snuck into your thoughts. You remembered earlier, the feeling of his lips to you - and you almost wanted another taste, but that was crazy.
“You weren’t like the other men back in those days were you?” You giggled out, “Im sure you were a real risk taker when it came to women.”
You watched a change in Bucky’s expression, and you swallowed to the feeling of his hand moving downwards once again.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He spoke quietly, his lips moving just slow enough to make you linger your look.
You had no words in that moment, and you could feel yourself now growing hot. You weren’t sure if it was just because you were away, and Bucky was the only person right now that you felt connected to - or if it was the way he looked at you. But you felt your skin growing flush, your palms beginning to sweat. All because of the expression he was wearing right now. The blue piercing eyes fell now to where you had been looking, your lips. You wondered if he was thinking the same thing. 
“He’s looking, you know.” Bucky nearly whispered, “He’s going to be so sorry he ever lost you.”
You swallowed at his words, hearing the encouragement nearly made you melt.
Bucky now moved to your ear, and you felt the skin beginning to prick at the feeling of his warm breath at the touch.
“I want you to relax” Bucky’s lips moved to your ear, and you couldn’t believe the feeling - it was as if you felt yourself slowly melting with every word, “Forget about him for just a moment.”
“Okay.” You choked out, moving your hands up his arms.
“You’re too beautiful for him.” He whispered to your ear again, “He doesn’t deserve, this touch.”
Bucky’s lips ghosted at your skin, and you couldn’t believe that he was doing this - but you certainly weren’t stopping him. 
“He doesn’t deserve, these eyes.” You realized that they were closed, and you swallowed harshly to the feeling of Bucky’s lips pressing just below them, “Or this.”
You felt your body growing weak, and nearly gave out. You wanted to fight it, but what he was doing - god it was working. His hands traced your back, all the way up to your neck - just a finger moving to your ear.
“Forget about him, Doll.” Bucky’s lips now moved just in front of yours, and with everything in you - you actually wanted to kiss him. You could almost taste it, the feeling of his soft lips to you. You were ready, your body now spoke your thoughts - but your heart tightened to the feeling of a pair of hands stopping you. You opened your eyes in complete confusion, seeing Bucky unaffected of what had just happened.
“What the hell was that?” You choked out, stumbling forward.
“Got your mind off him, didnt it?” Bucky sighed, putting the distance between the two of you now.
“You’re an ass. You knew exactly-“
“Oh I get it, curiosity got the best of you.” Bucky chuckled, “I was only trying to get your mind off him. Did you think I was going to kiss you? Better yet, did you want me to?” 
Anger struck you in that moment, and you couldn’t help yourself any longer. Using your foot, you jolted it downwards directly to his. Bucky grunted lowly, leaning forward from your violent action. Your feet took you as far as they could, and you could hear him calling out to you behind your back - but you didnt care.
Your heels clicked along the hallway, and you were thankful of this damn big house. You were pissed, no beyond pissed that he thought he could just do something like that to you. You didnt ask for it, but he did it anyway - thinking he could play this little game with you. You felt your blood practically boil, grunting out audibly that you were now nearly sexually frustrated. It was ridiculous. You never wanted Bucky like that before, but it got to you - the feeling of his warm breath to you, his hands moving across your back. It made you want more, and you hated him for it. You picked up speed, hearing his voice now echo behind you more. 
“Would you slow down?” Bucky called out, and you could hear that he almost sounded concerned. 
“No. Asshole.” You called behind you, rolling your eyes, “Go back to the damn party, find another girl to-“
“Get all hot and bothered?” You could almost hear the smug grin, causing you to turn - sure enough there it was.
“Who said I was hot and bothered? You seem awfully cocksure about yourself.” You stepped now to him, unafraid that he could take you down.
“Well aren’t you?” Bucky grinned, his eyes traveling your dress.
“Who the hell do you think you are Bucky Barnes? You think you can walk around all grumpy, woe is me, and then switch to this goddamn…charmer from the forties?” You took a breath, “Newsflash buddy, you had no effect on me. I just got tired of you putting that bullshit charm on me. Oh and for the record, strutting around stark naked makes no difference to me.”
“Why feel the need to mention it then?” Bucky looked to you, now he was getting annoyed.
“Because- you dont just drop your pants in front a girl you hardly know-“ You choked out, feeling your throat growing dry.
“I didnt.” Bucky sighed, “I dropped my in front of a woman.”
“Oh for Christ’ sake.” You huffed out, turning to walk from him again - now mocking his voice, “In front of a woman.”
“You know what, sweetheart? I could’ve said no to this whole damn thing.” Bucky’s voice now raised, “You dragged me here, and you’re right they are insane.”
“You could’ve said no, Bucky.” You rolled your eyes, hearing him lay the guilt on you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bucky’s hand now gripped to your elbow, turning you to see his features, “Looking at me with those big damn eyes like that? You really expect me to say no?”
You blinked, wondering why he would say something like that.
“You came to me, and I couldn’t say no to that.” Bucky took a breath, “Not to those eyes.”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol, or if it was the heat of the moment - but you didnt wait any longer. Practically throwing yourself, your lips hit his. It was unplanned, almost awkward at first. But once you tasted it, tasted him. You couldn’t help how hungrily you moved. You heard a low groan finally vibrate at your lips, and you knew he was thinking the same exact things you were. You felt the large hands now move to your hair, gripping lightly into the kiss. Only for a moment, you pulled to catch your breath - and you felt his frame lead you to the nearest wall. He groaned out again, and you wished you had captured it - without thinking much, due to the alcohol, you pulled already to the jacket of his suit. His hands fumbled their way to your dress, pulling and gripping it upwards just to get a touch of your skin. His lips had found their way to your jaw, and you felt the lightheadedness from your actions of kissing each other to the point of loss breathing. You fluttered your eyes shut, feeling Bucky’s hips hit you uncontrollably - you wondered just how long it had been for him, and feeling something now rub against you - it had told you it’d been awhile. 
“Shit.” You slightly moaned out, feeling him move his hips in a slow repeated motion. 
Bucky retaliated, the soft sound he was making just at your ear now. You couldn’t wait any longer, your fingers fumbling with the buttons of his white shirt - he looked good tonight, but he would look better if he was as naked as he was earlier. You chuckled into his lips now, feeling him press a kiss playfully at yours. You felt him fumble out of his shoes, and your hands had found their way to his belt. It was all so quick, but you didnt care - you wanted him. You weren’t sure how all of this came to light, But Bucky had clearly thought about it. 
“Honey, we’re looking for the wine your father had-“
You yelped out, pulling quickly from Bucky’s touch to see your Mother just to the side of the both of you. You hadn’t noticed that Bucky had taken your panties half way down your thigh, and you were thankful the flowing dress covered you just enough. You pushed away the wild strands of hair, watching Bucky hold his pants to his waist tightly.
“M-mom. I was-“ You choked out, unable to gain composure.
“We were just looking for the wine.” Bucky breathed out, now using his other hand to pick up his shoes. 
Your Mother raised her brow to the both of you, “Right. Well, bring it when you-…have finished, looking.”
You closed your eyes in embarrassment, suddenly wishing you had found a damn bedroom to do this. You watched her walk away, and you saw the slightest smirk as she turned to give the both of you one last look.
You heard Bucky take another deep breath, buttoning his pants once again. You looked down, biting back your laughter to see that he had clearly been enjoying what the two of you were doing.
“You should, Uhm, wait a moment-“ You contained your laughter, feeling your cheeks grow hot.
Bucky looked down, now he swallowed out, “Right. I’ll just- wait here. Meet you in there, in a few minutes.”
“Right.” You bit your lip, “Probably shouldn’t, go in there. Like that.” 
“Well we wouldn’t have this problem, you had controlled yourself.” Bucky laughed again, and at his words you felt a slight confusion and a twinge of anger.
“Whoa, if I had controlled myself?” You blinked, wondering if he was serious.
“You kissed me.” Bucky breathed, and you could see he was getting to that point again.
“Well you were having-…word sex with me back there.” You defended quickly, ready to get back into it.
“Again, you kissed me.” Bucky knitted his brow now, placing his jacket to his shoulders.
“Yeah well you-“ You choked out, “Couldn’t control that.”
You pointed suddenly below his waist, and Bucky mocked in laughter.
“You were getting just as excited as I was sweetheart. Don’t think I didnt notice that little wetness you got going on down there.” He grinned teasingly, now pointing below your waist.
“Bullshit Barnes.” You nearly hissed, your heels clicking once again to the hallway.
“What a lovely nickname, doll. Tell me what should yours be?” Bucky called out, and you couldn’t help but put a middle finger to the air. 
“Eat me, Barnes.” You called back to him, rolling your eyes.
“I have a feeling you’d enjoy it too much.” Bucky’s voice now followed you, and you heard the smug tone again.
“Whatever.” You huffed, making your way back to the party, “Asshole.”
Once you saw the nearing of people, you sighed in relief - you now had a much bigger problem than just your family.
You were now attracted to Bucky, and you knew you were gonna have to fight like hell to keep yourself from jumping him.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 5 years
On their first official date, Tony has a cold and ends up taking the wrong kind of cold medicine which makes him loopy but Steve kinda crashes the date trying to tell Tony he loves him before he ends up losing him to Bucky. Even doused Tony kindly but funnily rejects him but offers to buy him dinner. Bucky gives him a friendly threat saying he loves Steve, he's his bff and brother so they'll be cool but that he can't ever go after Tony.
Doped Up Date
Bucky’s heart pounded in his chest as if he were battling a levithan—not on a date with Tony Stark.
Honestly, fighting a levithan would be easier; he’d just need to grab his largest gun and shoot at the damn thing until it was dead.
How did one combat the humor and charm of Tony Stark—resist the beautiful, brown bambi eyes?
How could he win and not wave his white flag in defeat when the  red, stuffy nose on Tony’s face endeared Bucky to him?
Tony chuckled. He rested his head on Bucky’s shoulder. “You’re amazing.”
Bucky squeezed Tony’s hand. He pulled Tony close to his side. The chill off the evening seeped into his coat. If he could feel the cold then Tony could as well; he needed to keep Tony warm. It was bad enough that he had taken Tony outside when he was sick. Tony should be resting somewhere with a heater. Bucky hadn’t been able help himself when Tony had asked him out though.
He had been pouring himself a glass of milk when Tony had stumbled into the kitchen with a loopy grin on his face.
“There’s my gorgeous man.” Tony had clumsily sashayed up to Bucky. “Let’s go on a date.”
Bucky forced himself to swallow instead of spitting out the milk like it had gone sour. “Are you high?”
Tony had waved off Bucky’s question. “I took some cold medicine. Nothing strong. Date me.”
Like the weak person that he was, Bucky caved. He’d wanted to date Tony for so long, but had been too afraid to make a move due to their history. He couldn’t give up his chance at a date with Tony just because the circumstances weren’t perfect.
He also trusted that, despite a few out of character moments, Tony was telling him the truth when he said he was not high off his gourd.
(More after the break!)
“Bucky, you’re ignoring me.” Tony nuzzled Bucky’s shoulder as he whined.
“Sorry. I’m just really happy.”
Tony hummed. “That’s good.”
A violent sneeze bowed Tony’s body.
Bucky patted Tony on the back. “We should get you home.”
Tony rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist. “But we only had dinner. What kind of a date is only dinner?”
“A filling one.” Bucky slung his arm around Tony’s neck. “We’re walking under the stars.”
“On a dirty, busy sidewalk in New York.” Tony pressed closer to Bucky to avoid the two kids and their guardian rushing past.
“We could call Happy to pick us up.”
“Are you trying to kill the romance?”
“We could make out in backseat of the car.”
Tony scrunched his face. There was just something so childish and silly about the pout Tony directed at Bucky; it caused fondness and humor to course through Bucky. He kissed Tony’s temple. “A movie. You, me, and a comfy couch at home. We’ll dim the lights, grab a couple of blankets, and keep each other warm. How is that for romance?”
“Sounds better than it should be,” Tony grumbled. “It’s our first date; it should be more romantic. Flowers, sweeping music, and all that Hallmark stuff. Fireworks.”
“Watching fireworks or kissing being like fireworks?”
“Both.” Tony closed his eyes as he lolled his head back.
Bucky chuckled as he planted another kiss on Tony’s head. “Yeah, sounds like it is time to take you home.”
“I could buy fireworks, you know. I have bought fireworks.”
Bucky nodded his head and mumbled agreements. He had no doubt that Tony had purchased fireworks before.
With a gentle arm wrapped around Tony’s shoulders—or a hand tucked into Tony’s back pocket when Tony took to gesticulating—Bucky guided his sickly love home. Cuddled together, they entered the common area of the Avengers compound and took over the living room. Tony sprawled across one of the sofas and picked out the movie, as Bucky hunted down soft, fleece blankets to cocoon them in. He also fetched Tony’s medicine, much to Tony’s chagrin.
“I’m fine.” Snot dribbled out from Tony’s nose. He grimaced.
Bucky shook his head. He pulled a travel packet of tissues from his pocket then passed a tissue to Tony. “I’m sure. It’s for later when you don’t feel fine.”
Tony took the tissue. He blew his nose. “Hand sanitizer.”
“I’ll grab some while I get the popcorn.”
“My sweet prince, I would kiss you like a porn star if I weren’t carrying the plague.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Bucky grinned as he went to the kitchen. In a flash, he had a bag of popcorn popping in the microwave and was on the move to fetch a bottle of hand sanitizer for Tony as promised. Just as quick as he was to get the popcorn started, he scurried to the bathroom where, after riffling through a couple of drawers, he found the hand sanitizer.
There was a bounce to his step as Bucky returned to the living room. The soft hum of the microwave coming from the kitchen told him the popcorn was still cooking, even as the salty and buttery aroma of the light as air treat teased his senses.
A square, blond head attached to a pair of broad shoulders peeked out from behind the couch. A corded arm pillowed Tony’s head. Laughter lit up Tony’s face as he looked at Steve: the encroacher.
Insecurity opened its maw and threatened to swallow Bucky whole.
Vague memories of a time when he used to be the dashing charmer who had all the girls fawning over him flooded back to him. Bitterness assaulted his tongue as shame coiled through his being; his jealousy was so strong that he was embarrassed.
He was happy that Steve knew how to flirt and charm.
He just wasn’t happy that the person who Steve was interested in was Tony.
Be a good friend, Bucky. Be a good friend. Tony asked you out. He likes you. Don’t go caveman.
Steve cocked his head then looked Bucky’s way. “Bucky, there you are. Tony was just telling me that you two are about to have a movie night. Hope you don’t mind a third wheel.”
“And here I thought you were tired of being a third wheel.” Bucky spoke with a smile that belied his backhanded words.
“Not when I am with two of my favorite people.”
Tony snorted tersely.
Steve gave Tony a look that communicated that he had heard Tony, knew exactly what Tony was saying without uttering a word, and that despite his disapproval, he was amused by Tony’s antics.
The microwave beeped its completion.
Bucky ignored it. “You’re giving me cavities, Steve. Tony and I planned for this movie night to be just the two of us. So…” Bucky swung his arms toward the exit.
A befuddled frown crossed Steve’s features. He looked to Tony for understanding.
Tony wrapped the blankets tighter around himself. “No need to fight over me boys.” He sniffled. “I know-” Tony blinked. “…and my head is spinning. Hello, vertigo, my old friend. Oh! Friday, movie change. Get ready to play Vertigo.”
Bucky marched over to Tony. He tucked the bottle of hand sanitizer into the space where sofa cushion met armrest. Bucky splayed his flesh hand across Tony’s forehead. “You’re not burning up.”
Tony nuzzled Bucky’s hand. “It’s just the mucus forming crystals in my head.”
“Are you sure?” Steve leaned into Tony’s space.  His brows knitted together. “Maybe we should cancel movie night tonight. You need your rest, Tony. I’ll take you out to the movies some other night. What do you say? We can make it a date.”
A part of Bucky applauded Steve for his new and improved pick up skills. Another part of Bucky screamed in horror. With just a few sentences, Steve had brought an end to Bucky’s date while simultaneously asking Tony out.
Steve was devastating him.
Tony huffed. He put his hand on Steve’s cheek and pushed him away. “I know thanks to that serum you are immune to the common cold but please stay out of my face.”
Steve frowned but kept his distance. “I’m worried about you, Tony.”
“Bah.” Tony tossed a corner of the blanket over his head. The fleece covered half his face. “Everyone is such a worrywart!” Tony twisted. He flung his arms open at Bucky. “Come to me, beautiful. Sick people need warmth.”
“Yeah, you were right about not needing more medicine.” Bucky went around the couch. He plopped himself on the other side of Tony. Tony embraced Bucky like he was Tony’s long lost teddy bear. Happiness curled in Bucky’s stomach like a contented cat. It was nice to be wanted. It was wonderful to be wanted by Tony.
Steve touched Tony’s shoulder. Genuine concern contorted his face. “Tony, I’m really worried. I love you; I don’t want to see you hospitalized because we didn’t take care of you.”
“That’s a sweet love confession, Steve, but my weak, barely functional heart belongs to this darling raccoon over here.” Tony pecked Bucky on the lips. “I really hope you are immune to the common cold, otherwise that was a lot more disgusting than I thought it would be in my head.” Tony sniffled.
Red-nosed, watery-eyed, and a voice that was slowly but surely becoming raspy, and Tony was still the person Bucky most wanted to kiss on the planet. He was a smitten man; he did not mind.
“Tony, I’m serious,” Steve’s tone hardened.
“So am I.” Tony lightly kicked Steve’s knee. “Shoo, shoo. Go pine for me in another room, or make another super boy band to fight against mine, whatever it is you do to cope.”
Steve shook his head. “You’re delirious.”
Tony closed his eyes and groaned. When he opened his eyes again, a shade of the sharp wit that he usually carried shimmered in his eyes. He turned on Steve. “Steve, if I am hospitalized it will be from blue balls, because right now, I am trying to get in your best friend’s pants, and you are cockblocking me.”
Steve’s head jerked back as if struck. He blinked rapidly like a cartoon character then stared at Tony and Bucky.
“You two are dating? Really dating? This isn’t a joke?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “We are trying to.”
“Yeah, third wheel and the love confessions are making it a little hard,” Bucky said.
Steve stiffened. Red tinged the tips of his ears. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Love confession? Really?”
“You said, ‘I love you,’” Bucky argued. He wasn’t going to let Steve off the hook for intruding on his date with Tony.
Tony nodded.
“I say ‘I love you’ to both of you all the time.” The red traveled down Steve’s eartips to his neck. Steve’s jaw set stubbornly.
“No, you don’t,” Bucky said.
“Yes, I do.”
“Friday,” Tony chimed in. “Has Steve ever said ‘I love you’ to Bucky or me before now?”
“I have no record of Steve Rogers saying ‘I love you’ to either of you; however, my records do not account for times that he was outside of my hearing range.”
Tony smirked at Steve. “Don’t try to say that every time you’ve said it you’ve just happened to not be around Friday.”
“I was wrong.” Steve stood up. “You’re not sick enough to go to the hospital. You have too much energy.”
“Love you too, Steve,” Tony said.
Steve’s face turned tomato red.
Tony tilted his head so he could kiss Bucky’s cheek. “Love you more.”
Bucky’s grin cut his face in half.
“I’m going to leave you two alone.” Steve hurried for the exit, like a child who had just walked in on his parents kissing.
“Don’t go after my fella again,” Bucky hollered at Steve’s retreating back. He spoke the words playfully with an undercurrent of seriousness that he knew Steve would pick up on. Steve was his family and best friend–he loved Steve–but Tony was special. He wasn’t okay with Steve hitting on Tony.
“I wasn’t!” Steve shouted as he made himself scarce.
“Sure,” Bucky said, sarcasm dripped off the word.
Tony flopped against Bucky. “Finally! Alone at last.”
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cheersrogrs · 5 years
i don't normally do this but i just had to get this off my chest. this is for  everyone that that is hating on endgame and specifically Cap’s ending. full disclaimer: i am not a comic reader (more of a wiki reader tbh) but i am a devoted Cap fan (esp MCU’S cap) and i have been for a very long time; i am also a hardcore bucky barnes fan, and a stucky fan. 
first off lets establish the technical aspect of the time travel - to me, OG Cap went back, successfully returning all the infinity stones to their original places. this corrects all the “divergent timelines”. however, when he chose to stay with peggy, OG CAP = OLD CAP and cap who is still frozen in the 1970s remains frozen until 2012, who then goes to do all the heroic stuff that he did. OG/OLD Cap then returns back to the main MCU timeline where his gives Sam the shield. 
i repeat, I as a steve, bucky and a stucky fan, am so pleased with his ending. because 1) he chose this for himself, 2) he just wanted to see what he would have had if he did not throw his life away for his country, 3) just because of that look on his face, dancing with peggy, sold this send off to me. 
it may not have happened on screen, but i am positive that steve and bucky discussed about this. evidence was that bucky was telling him that he would miss him eventho, to the rest, steve was supposed to be gone for just 5 seconds. and he wasn't even shock when steve wasn't on the platform. 
and bucky; who LOVES steve, do you think that bucky would honestly deny steve that one chance of happiness that he craved for all his life? 
NO. because he knows how much steve has given up. he knows how isolated and alone steve feels. he knows the biggest regret steve has (that he can amend) is to go back to the past and have that dance with peggy. yes i know that he created a new family for himself here (but him going back doesn't not erase this. he doesn’t mysteriously loses his memories and he also doesn't mysteriously disappears from everyone else’s memory so he gets the best of both worlds) and i am sure bucky would be so selfless to say “no, dont save me”. because he, at this current point of time, is already saved. its in the past. technically steve can’t change present bucky’s condition BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED. if he did change things with hydra and saved bucky, that would have created another timeline. our OG bucky doesn’t get a do-over. but he has a chance now to start a new life, with his new friends (sam, wanda, the rest of the avengers). he is finally stable. 
what is he going to do, if he went back with steve? in a MCU point of view: basically nothing?? because again, if he went back to stop hydra -  that would only stop the torture of THAT bucky, not OUR bucky. in a stucky point of view: watch the man he loves, love someone else??
steve and bucky dépend on each other. they are each other’s life line and family. yes. but i don’t want to see them be co-dependent. i see “till the end of the line” as not to be a promise of till death do us apart; it means that i will be there for you whenever you need me to be. steve saved bucky; steve WAS there for bucky when he needed him to be. Bucky gave steve love when no one else loved him, gave him support, gave him the motivation to fight for what was right. to anyone that says that steve broke this promise, please rethink this. bucky would have wanted steve to be happy and for that to happen, steve needed to at least try. bucky, considering the state that he was in BP, IW, EG, seemed to be recovering. let him recover on his own terms. let him be strong again as BUCKY BARNES. Let him create a new life for himself; one that he chose for himself. not the life his country gave him, not the life that his torturers gave him, and not the life that he needed to have so as to not worry steve. they both needed to move on by themselves. 
and the other thing was “peggy’s whole life was erased” IF my time travel theory was true, then that would not have been the case. but if we take away all the complications with the time travel, why would steve going back destroy peggy’s character development? im sure if peggy was as strong as we all know she is, she wouldn't let a man stop her from doing what she loves. she would still be a strong woman. she would still be a founder of shield. the fact that some of you think she would stop her life for steve is completely ironic. she didnt become a founder of shield and the badass woman she was just cause she lost steve. she did it because she could, with or without steve. she has done it without steve once, and now she gets to do it with steve by her side. 
and i see arguments that oh steve only knew peggy for months, what was so significant about their relationship that he threw his whole life away or abandoned all his friends?. it wasn't that she was the love of his life. but she was the definition of the “what ifs” in his life. the man just wanted to try. he already lead his life as skinny, defenseless steve, he has already lead a long and tiring life of cap - the first avenger or the fugitive. now he just wants to see if steve rogers - husband, father, human was possible. and i can guarantee that if peggy or steve did not feel the same away as they did during the war, neither one would have forced the relationship. but they did. DID YOU NOT SEE THEIR FACES DURING THEIR DANCE???? AND THAT KISS? THAT WAS PURE LOVE. 
if you knew and understood (MCU) bucky, you would know that bucky would have been so proud of steve. And i am so proud of him. 
if steve have stayed, yes we would all get more bucky-steve moments, they would be together (almost) forever, but steve would never have stayed down if he did, and guess what, bucky would have followed him. and i personally think that is the last thing that bucky wants. 
i personally believed that bucky was his soulmate in life. but that doesn't mean that steve loved bucky the way we want him to (at least in the mcu). to have someone that you call home, does not necessarily mean that that person is the one that you want to love romantically, marry and spend your whole lives together. but peggy. peggy is steve’s light. peggy is his heart. again, this does not cancel his love for bucky. it’s just different. a lot of people say that the reason why steve is the way he is today (his decisions, his plots in the movies) is because of bucky. i 100% agree but i think a lot of people forget that peggy was also an important person in his life. in CA: TFA, it was bucky that made him step up as cap america, but peggy was also there cheering him on and never losing faith in him. she was also the 2nd person (that we know of) to see steve as he really is even when he was little steve. in CA: CW: it was peggy’s words (through sharon’s speech) that made him take his stand. so to say that bucky was the only sole driver of steve’s actions would be completely false. they both loved him so much. 
also, on anyone shitting on steve’s decision on falcon-cap. screw you. yes, falcon isn't a super soldier, doesn't have extra powers and super strength, but he is a good man. he is kind, he is helpful and he is loyal. and that is what makes captain america, captain america. funny how some of you have the quote “not a perfect soldier, but a good man” tattooed across your hearts and brains but somehow it doesn't apply when bucky isn't the one carrying the mantle. and bucky would have hated carrying the shield. fight me. 
bucky looked so happy knowing that steve lived his life. now he has the chance of living his own life, without worrying about steve. shouldn't that make you happy, as a fan? 
so, no i dont think the ending that we got, erased all of steve’s character development. this was all heart, pure cap. he knows that all is good in his world. he knows that the people he loves are okay and will be okay. he is no longer needed. it was time for him to pass the torch to someone else. it is now his time to rest.  
I’m sorry if i dont make sense, this is all over the place. i dont write my feelings out very well. i am sure that i have a millions more things to say but alas. 
when all is said and done, thank you chris evans for being the best cap that i could ask for. 
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End Of Our Time Part 7.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warning: Slight Angst.
Summary: Reader and Bucky are going through one of their roughest patches ever, which ultimately leads to the words you never wanted to hear.
The days and weeks after the worst day of the reader’s life and starts to begin her life without her husband as she moves on as best as they can and moves onto to Bucky’s best friend Steve Rogers.
A/N: I hope that everyone has enjoyed this series and i’m also grateful for the positive feedback from the first five! And I hope you guy have been liking the series so far as put alot of work into it. I apologise for spelling and grammar errors as always.
Still taking requests too! Im open to anything including one shots and series too.
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lovely-geek @rebelfleur22​
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The next morning and as you stretched yourself as you gotten yourself out of bed and happy gotten out and made your bed as you were in another good mood for once in recent months.
On your way out you picked up your signed divorce papers in a heavily sealed envelope and made your way towards the foyer and put it in the secure chute to be mailed off to the right people
As you made your way back to the kitchen area’s you saw Bucky out of the corner of your eyes, as usual you’d ignore him, the usual pang of hurt and pain was there from where and he hurt you just over two months ago now.
Moving on from was now the easiest part now that you and Steve were sort of a thing now and now being with Steve was starting to get alot better and now starting to be happier was going to be a very good thing with moving on.
“Y/N...” said Bucky as he stopped suddenly when he saw you.
You stopped and turned around slightly with a cold expression on your face already half way down the hallways “I’m really not in the mood for you today for James.”
“Please Y/N...Just hear me out” Bucky starts plea with you as he started to walk towards you. 
“Not today James.” as you turned and then continued to walk away from James again for the second time and had no intentions of going back.
“Sharon left me, please, just give me a chance.” as he tried to catch up with you.
You then turned and walked towards Bucky slowly “...what?” you said slightly irritated. 
“No...I gave you change after chance to come back to me! You chose Sharon over me and look how that turned around. I’ve filled those papers and sent them off. The damage is done, the damage YOU caused which is now irrversible! You brought this upon yourself!” you raised your voice slowly.
Then you walked off to the kitchen to eat some breakfast before you went off to do some training for your next mission. Some of the team, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Clint and Thor were scattered between the joint lounge room and kitchen.
Nobody took much notice your presence while you were making your breakfast then Steve walked over towards you, he knew that something was wrong or something happened before getting here
“Mornin’ beautiful, who do I have hurt to get that look off your face.” said Steve as he rubbed your back gently.
“It’s Buck...Sharon broke up with him and wants me to give him a second chance and well...I turned him down...now that im kinda with you.” you sighed through your teeth.
“Geez Y/N...I’ll have to try and talk to him again, I have an important question when you get back from training ok?” as he kissed the top of your head and walked off try and to talk to Bucky.
Walking over to the island counter top and sitting on stool and pulling your stool in as you watched Steve walk away from you, Natasha and Wanda walked over and sat either side of you.
They asked about how your date went and you explained the whole story to them and after talking and explaining the whole story, then you explained what happened with Bucky this morning and eating your breakfast in between.
The three of you all getting up and getting ready to go train and Wanda wanted to tag along as well since she apparently had nothing else better to do since Vision was busy helping Tony.
After eating breakfast, mingling with the team and finished your training session as well, it lifted your spirits and made you feel alot better, Bucky and you were never in the same room together since splitting two months ago and has since distance himself from the rest of the Team.
Your next mission was coming up in the next few days and you’ve been spending most of your time with Natasha preparing for this mission and being your first mission since your separation.
Coming out of the training room and telling Wanda and Natasha you needed to get cleaned up and take a long shower, you say your goodbye’s and told them that you’d see them later this afternoon to catch up over mission details.
After your shower, you walked out of your room and find the hallway empty which was strange, usually there is one or two people walking up or down or other foot traffic, something felt different.
As you walked out, you accidentally walked into Steve “Y/N! Oh i’m so sorry! I needed to catch up with you, want to go out to the balcony, the one that has the main view of the city?” asked Steve
“Sure Steve” you replied.
Once getting onto the balcony, you noticed the beautiful views of the city below you, seeing all of the teeny tiny people and tiny Matchbox cars on the ground below, it was a fascinating sight as you and Steve walked to the edge
Then you and Steve both looked at each other and quickly broke the gaze as you wanted to look over and take in the current surroundings and how gorgeous the weather was also.
“Y/N...I've wanted to ask you a really important question” said Steve, who was slightly nervous.
“Yeah?” you answered.
“Since last night, I wanted to ask you when we were out for dinner, but didnt know how to word this, then I couldn't find the right words at your door last night, now I need to ask you here. I know we have gotten extremely close lately and we’ve known each other for years and I don’t just ‘like’ you. I love you Y/N, will you go out with me?” Steve asked.
“Of course I will Steve!! I love you too so much!” you squealed as you flung yourself onto him and Steve hugged you back.
This was one of the most happiest and exciting times, you were so happy and exciting to finally start a new chapter and with a new boyfriend.
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