#npd community
narcvampp · 3 months
I love how almost everyone in the NPD community is connected. All of my npd mutuals are mutuals with one another, or at least the ones I've seen. We pretty much all call each other "one of our fave moots". We're all just one shared brainwave.
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dustybr3ads-tumbl3r · 1 month
I love narcissists, can I bite them? Biting is my love language. I love narcs, I want to kiss them all platonically or like queer-platonically. God I stan npd ppl. I'm so Narc4Narc..
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vain-creature · 11 days
I keep feeling like people who know me on one of my tumblr accounts will recognize some of my typing quirks and know that it's me.
Which is. Pretty unreasonable, I guess?
I just can't stop thinking my friends will try to seek out my alt accounts and somehow find this one and others.... through my typing quirks (and some of my interests)
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
Here is my controversial mental health take of the day: your negative emotions are not the problem, its the way you handle them that becomes the problem. You being jealous that your friend hung out with someone else and didn't tell you, is actually not the problem. It's when you choose to get angry with them, yell & lash out, or passive aggressively do something they hate to get revenge, or when you ignore them and isolate and self harm, those are all harmful ways to cope with your feelings. Rather than react, take the time to validate yourself, because it's normal to feel jealous or left out and chances are that there are deeper abandonment wounds that are triggered here, probably from your childhood. Take a moment to pause before you react. Then try a direct and open communication to your friend instead. Because I guarantee you they'll respond so much better to you opening up a conversation with, "hey, I felt left out when you hung out with so-and-so without me, can we talk about that? And maybe hang out soon?" Rather than the now laborious and torturous emotional work of having to feel guilty for your rage when you lash out or get revenge. Splitting is normal, because who doesn't get pissed off at someone you're close with? Your switching emotions from highly affectionate to devaluation are not the problem. Everyone gets disgusted & hurt by someone they love at some point in our lives, especially small offenses, I guarantee you chances are that person isn't doing it on purpose and would gladly like to know how you feel, these emotions and conversations are normal and necessary for humans to have. But the inability to clearly and directly communicate your feelings and needs to that person when you are hurt is what makes it toxic. You can absolutely learn how to handle your reactions in a safer manner, how to identify when you're feeling hurt, and how to communicate and ask for clarity and resolution rather than react and escalate. Communication is the backbone of every relationship you will ever have. This is what the emotional work of most personality disorders looks like.
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necroticcadaver · 1 month
Do not claim to be a mental health advocate or a safe space for the mentally ill if you demonise systems, cluster B personality disorders and/or psychotic disorders.
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fragmented-light-sys · 9 months
does anyone else ever think about how long they've been mentally ill and then notice that you dont even remember what it was like not being sick?
might also just come from my current situation idk.
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normalise wanting non-physical aspects of your kintype back. yes, whilst I'd love to have my wings and countless eyes and many forms back, I crave the status I used to hold. I crave the respect others used to have for me, the power I had. that I no longer have
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syko-raccoon · 2 months
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Makes sense. After all, not every autistic person has autism bc its a spectrum /j
whole ass google showing was like “oh its because some are lower on the spectrum” as if that changes shit
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tales-from-syscord · 2 months
Was in a syscord where a staff member had narcissists on their DNI.. wtf!
The server boasted being cluster b friendly and many of the other staff were cluster b, but when it was brought up to that a staff member had narcissists on their DNI everyone just went "it's because of TRAUMA and it's BOUNDARIES".
They compared it to why they have ENDOS on their DNI.
I bet you that if we had "systems DNI" on our boundaries it'd be a different fucking story?! Like what the fuck- I get you have trauma but you can't just generalise people like that, it's actually fucked up???
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daffythefox · 11 months
i feel like people say "abuse is always intentional and a choice" because it helps them believe that they haven't and will never abuse someone so long as they believe abuse is wrong.
Do you think every abuser woke up and thought "today I will abuse someone on purpose"? Probably some of them, but not all. Some abusers genuinely think that abuse is just how relationships work. Sometimes kids abuse other kids before they grow up and realize what they did was fucked.
If you decide that abuse means "person intentionally abusing another", what about people who were abused by people who weren't intentionally abusing them? Is that not real abuse?
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be angry at your abuser. I think you should be angry at whoever you want to be angry at. But I think looking back at your actions and checking "was what I did okay? how did my actions impact the people I love?" is very important, especially for people with NPD, where having issues understanding how your actions impact others is a symptom.
Having NPD makes forming and maintaining healthy relationships way harder. I would know. It's also way harder to control emotional outbursts while you're having one (and emotional permanence issues mean once you stop having one, it's hard to imagine what it felt like).
Introspection about why you did the things you did, if/how you hurt someone you care about, trying to make it up to them, and minimizing the chances that it will happen again, are very important. In "npd abuse" spaces, this introspection is usually shut down by "well, if you think you might be a narcissist, you're not one". But I think this introspection can be very helpful, so long as the introspection doesn't begin and end with guilt/shame.
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narcvampp · 2 months
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The server is FINISHED!! You can join HERE!! :3
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Honnkk mimimimimi
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ray-of-melancholy · 2 years
Good night to systems who are still unsure if they are a system
Good night to physically disabled systems
Good night to systems with other mental illnesses
Good night to systems with cluster b disorders
Good night to systems who dont remember their trauma
Good night to systems who do remember their trauma
Good night to systems who vividly remember their trauma
Good night to systems who's alters aren't very defined
Good night to systems who alters are very defined
Good night to systems who are kinda in the middle
Good night to poc systems
Good night to all systems
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This is a part one btw
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dyspunktional-revan · 6 months
A narc abuse believer has reblogged from me so here's your Fucking reminder that no disorder is an abuser disorder. Your abuser(s) did/do not abuse you because they have an Abuser Disorder, they abuse(d) you because they believe(d) in their right to control you and had the means. And no, no disorder fucking creates that.
To abuse is a choice, and it's a carefully protected bolt in all the larger systems of oppression. To have a disability born out of being abused, that fucks You up, is not a fucking choice. And is certainly not a fucking protected bolt in the larger systems of oppression, rather the fucking opposite.
Yes, people with Any disorder Can choose to abuse. As well as people without that disorder! And people with that disorder are not fucking More Likely to abuse! And don't fucking armchair diagnose other people!
And the fucking case of parental abuse. You were not "raised by narcissists", you were raised by people whose literal societal role is to abuse you. Which Very Much does not absolve them. Parents are cops, and more. Read up on youth liberation and stop throwing *other survivors* into the fucking meat grinder.
And the fucking nerve to put anti-narc shit into the *npd* tags. You know well it's a Disorder, not an Abuser Personality Type that the abuser Chooses, and still demonize us.
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gendergardener · 4 months
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i finished all four of them finally!
in order:
narcaro - an arospec label that involves your romantic attraction being affected by npd in some way
narcace: - an acespec label that involves your sexual attracted being affected by npd in some way
aroborderline - an arospec label that involves your romantic attracted being affected by bpd in some way
aceborderline - an acespec label that involves your sexual attraction being affected by bpd in some way
you don't need to be diagnosed with npd or bpd to use these labels and it doesn't matter why or how you identify with them, anyone can use them
ID under the cut
[ID: four horizontal flags with six stripes. colors are as follows, from top to bottom:
flag 1: dark reddish brown, light brown, light greenish brown, yellow-green, a yellowish gray, and eggshell.
flag 2: dark indigo, violet purple, puce, clay orange, grayish yellow, and light yellow.
flag 3: light yellow green, lime green, greenish gray, red violet, dark violet, and an almost-black purple.
flag 4: pale lavender, grayish purple, periwinkle, violet purple, dark purple, and an almost-black purple.
end ID]
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sslowdeathh · 4 months
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not requested. hypero is hyper (meaning above, more than normal) and hypo (under, less than normal) put together lol
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A type of empathy (or lack there of) where one's empathy changes drastically without warning.
It often goes from no empathy to hyper empathy. The user may not know the difference between the two, or may not be able to differentiate between them.
this is intended for those with NPD or other disorders that affect empathy, but anyone can use it.
[PT: Hypero empathy. Not requested. Hypero is hyper (meaning above, more than normal) and hypo (under, less than normal) put together lol.
Definition: A type of empathy (or lack there of) where one's empathy changes drastically without warning. It often goes from no empathy to hyper empathy. The user may not know the difference between the two, or may not be able to differentiate between them.
This is intended for those with NPD or other disorders that affect empathy, but anyone can use it. /PT END]
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ametistapp · 2 months
Want to be part of a group blog on how to write neurodivergent characters?
[Large text: "Want to be part of a group blog on how to write neurodivergent characters?"]
I've found Tumblr blogs on writing physically disabled and POC characters, but nothing specifically for neurodivergence.
Maybe there is something I just haven't found yet, but even if so, I think the most resources the better.
So, hi! I'm Amethyst — amateur writer and neurodivergent, and now looking for people to help me out with this project.
I could try this on my own, but I would rather have other neurodivergents with me (especially with different conditions from mine)
Does anyone want to help me make a change?
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