#my brain would not know how to process that it almost fried at the sight of a 1900s caproni plane in Seattles museum
aviatrix-ash · 10 months
One of the things from the Paris airshow that's got me going: huh, neat. Is this odd little "unducted fan" originally a concept from the 80s, that to my memory worked pretty well then for improving efficiency, but the airlines apparently didn't care about it.
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Kinda looks like a daisy of doom
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Cause I'm trying to beat info about propeller governor mechanics into my head rn, this thing's got me very curious as to how it works.
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Maybe I'll get to poke around in it one of these days and find out >w>
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Some last minute thoughts and wishes before episode 7 comes and become the game changer that will ruin all theories.
I don't know if i lost for good my theory that the Stranger was Sauron because episode 5 ruined it almost completely but not totally.
I guess he wasn't wrong to wake up grumpy (and to kill few fireflies or bend the trees and make the land tremble in the process) after being sent like a meteorit to the other side of Midde Earth, and after ending with half of his brain so fried that he couldn't remember his name and even started eating paper.
So let's say he's an istari, possibly even Gandalf or Saroumane, asked to carry the mission to help the side of the elves and humans to form an alliance against Sauron, how did the Valar know that Sauron was going to make his move even though he was hiding under a different form all this time and acting like a deceiver? Even the eruption of Mount Doom wasn't his work unless Adar lied and he is Sauron.
Did they really sent a powerful maia for one moriondor and hundred orcs that an army of 500 Nùmenoreans has beat easily? If it wasn't for the hilt, Adar would have been completely defeated.
Did they foresee that the hilt will be discover and chaos will ensue? Then why not sent their messenger directly to the Southlands to retrieve it before the dark forces could put their hands on it? And why sent him in this miserable state? Has he been attacked during his trip by the Mystics and is it the reason of his amnesia? Was he forced to change his destination? Is the fire without a heat felt by Nori just a maia thing, shared by Sauron in Morgoth's lair?
In all cases, if this theory is crushed, it won't be my biggest regret because i wanted it to be true only for Nori's character development and the fact that she was never be exposed to corruption and deceit before him. It would have been too a good explanation of why Sauron doesnt' take the Hobbits seriously.
My biggest regret would be, after rereading all those old arguments i wrote and left in my drafts, for my other favourite theory to not be true either: Arondir as Sauron.
I don't have the time and the space to explain all my reasons but damn if he wouldn't have been the best Sauron!
I mean physically, intellectually and strategically (well except for the way he has hidden the hilt), he's so superior to everyone surrounding him, including the other elves of his company.
I've rewatched since few hours all his scenes and few facts surprised me: like he's been in every episode of season 1. The only other character with Galadriel to have been constantly on screen, and sometimes even when the the Southlanders were absent (episode 3 Adar), though he didn't have the same number of scenes as Galadriel of course.
The thought of Arondir being more than he seems hit me again while watching him defending alone Ostirith. It struck me that his speed, strength, and agility were on a level i've never seen any elf shown before, except Galadriel (when she killed the troll) As an elf, of course, he's gifted with many supernatural abilities: piercing sight as confirmed by Galadriel during her talk with Isildur, and piercing hearing as showed by Elrond when he spied on Durin and Disa, but Arondir has always been different: he has always dominated everyone else, in every way. A true image of grace and balance, of perfection even during fights. Something i imagine that Sauron would want to project, as being himself obsessed by Order and Control.
It's hard to deny that he's beautiful as a fallen angel should be and the casting magnificently reflects that. It's not a shallow comment: everything about Ismael Cruz Cordova's look conveys the idea there's something surnatural about his appearance even for an elf: from the natural elegance of his movement to his gorgeous skin color. In return he's attracted by beauty: by the human fragile beauty of Bronwyn, by the wild beauty of The Southlands. He said to Bronwyn: "beauty has a great power to heal the soul" and that's how i imagine that Sauron would have tried to heal his soul from his past actions as the "beautiful servant": immersing himself in the beauty.
He didn't want to leave the Mordor Southlands with his company. a place that combines beauty (it has recovered from the destruction of war) and darkness (their inhabitants are still the descendent of the men who are linked by a blood oath to Morgoth). Arondir has always assumed the fact that he was drawn to this land and its inhabitants, which makes perfect sense if he's Sauron considering his connection to Orodruin.
In episode 1, he went alone in the tunnels which shows an incredible confidence in his ability to survive, and surprisingly almost no fear, not even after he saw the devastation inflicted on the village of Haldern.
He never sent for help from the other elves (it's strange that nobody reacted in Lindon to this garrison that never came back home, despite the king's order to disband the outpost).
In episode 3, he fought and reacted with a precision that is mindblowing and that no other elf of his company showed (not even the watchwarden): during the escape attempt, he was the only one bold enough to take an axe and destroy the tent that was hiding the orcs from the sun, strong enough to chain the warg alone, restrained it alone and killed it alone (in a spectacular move). This scene is only surpassed by his fight with the giant orc in episode 6.
In episode 4, after he was freed by Adar and returned to the village, he sliced an orc (using Galadriel's technique shown in episode 5) as if he had done that all his life, while he was supposed to have never seen one before. He said to the watchwarden that he was a sower before his assignment to the Southlands, but the region was supposed to be in peace since the defeat of Morgoth and the escape of Sauron (Adar said that Sauron had gathered all the last evil forces and lead them to the extreme north).
And later in the forest when Theo and him were pursued by the orcs, the way he avoided and caught an arrow with his bare hand and sent it back, killing the orc he targeted all while never stopping, was incredible.
But it's in episode 6 that the clues seem the most significative: one of them was when Adar was inside Ostirith tower before its fall, and Waldreg and an orc came at the same time to talk to him. The dialogues were a strange merger between these two discussions as if they were about the same person, whereas the orc was talking about Arondir while Waldreg was talking about Sauron:
Waldreg: Meaning no offense, Lord-father, but where is he? What happened to Sauron?
The Orc: Can't find tooth nor tail of him. Must've got smart and scarpered.
Adar: No. The Elf's here. I smell him.
And like i said, he destroyed alone the watchtower, plus his fight with the giant orc in the village was spectacular in every way.
I like him too as Sauron, because i like the parallels he had with Adar: the connection through the seeds, the promise of a new Eden/life made to Bronwyn after the battle while Adar promised a home to his orcs, their past meetings in which they didn't try to kill each other while having every reason to do so, the idea that instead the writers opted for a game between the two dark leaders: Arondir/Sauron trying to stop Adar to find the sword hilt and using the men of Bronwyn's village to fight for him again, unknown to them, and slow down Adar.
Not every details matches this theory of course: he was shown as being in love with Bronwyn though he never said the words, but can Sauron love or does he only fake it? He did a bad job with the hilt from his failure at hiding it to his inability to recognize it had been replaced by an axe, but did he really want to stop Adar at the end? Or was he pissed off that Halbrand was "crowned" in front of him (the camera focused on Galadriel and him in this moment: he seemed surprised/shocked by this sudden action, while Galadriel was cheering Halbrand, waiting for him to say yes when he was asked by Bronwyn if he was the king promised)? If so, it would explain why he didn''t check the hilt Galadriel gave him: Arondir was shown trying to destroy it for few long minutes before the battle. Even as a simple elf, he had very good eyes to notice details and would have recognized the difference in the weight and form with the axe, under the burlap in which it was wrapped. And if he was Sauron, he had every reason to say nothing: he wanted the land for himself and so he abandoned his attempt to stop Adar, who became conveniently the new Sauron, a fake one, but enough convincing to be shipped to Nùmenor while Arondir heads to Eregion.
I wish it was the case because there was never on the show a character as charismatic and powerful (except the Stranger), as good in term of characterization, certainly not Halbrand, to play the part of Sauron.
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jjkeverlast · 2 years
caught | knj
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-> genre comedy, awkwardness
-> summary you meet a handsome stranger in an unexpected way.
-> word count 533
a/n ummm... so this is based of a personal experience that happened around 3 years ago lmao :') somebody send help
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It was your typical Friday night, munching on fries from McDonald's while watching the wedding scene from The Office, your eyes glued onto the screen. Wearing your all time favorite Hello Kitty hoodie, covering half of your thighs - matching it with nothing but your white and pink striped fuzzy socks. You were currently at your mom's place, staying over for the weekend. She unexpectedly got an invitation from an old friend, and instead of you pleading her to stay, you encouraged her to go. Therefore, you were left alone, eyes glued onto the big TV screen, having a quality moment with yourself.
Not long after you finished your meal, you threw the trash in the brown paper bag. It's not that you didn't want your mother to know you ate McDonalds - okay, so maybe your mother and you had a deal that greasy food should be an exception when it's a fun movie night between the two of you. Yet, here you are, breaking that one simple rule. Throwing away the brown paper bag in the garbage chute was the only solution to save yourself from seeing your mother sad but mostly disappointed.
Your mom lived in an apartment complex, the garbage chute was right outside of her door, but looking at the time it was almost midnight. You doubted anyone would be awake at such a time, which is why you didn't bother changing into something presentable.
You grabbed the brown paper bag with the big yellow M, opening the door not expecting to see someone waiting for the elevator. The elevator which was right in front of the door, and next to the garbage chute. The stranger must've heard the door opening, turning his head in your direction, his gaze moving from your eyes to your feet. ''Hi.'' he simply greeted.
You froze completely, heart sinking in the process - was this how dying of embarrassment felt?
He was tall, with a dark brownish hair color - in a simple black outfit. He was extremely cute and you looked like someone who just got home from a Skins' party. Yeah- not so charming. Yet his smile remained, and instead of politely responding as any human would in this interaction - you closed the door right in his face. You hadn't expected to meet a handsome stranger wearing of course - the worst outfit for this occasion.
Quickly after catching your breath, you looked through the peephole, him with an amused yet confused expression. Fuck. You contemplated on going out there - your mind going back and forth between yes and no, and before you could make a decision, the elevator finally arrived, making him step inside, pushing the main floor button. It didn't take long for the doors to close, and he was out of your sight.
A long awaited sigh escaped your lips. You didn't exactly know what to feel, nevertheless you felt sad? Sad as in you perceived a feeling of missing out? Your brain going on and on about what might have happened if you simply answered. Probably nothing, or maybe everything? You'll never know.
That night you found yourself falling asleep, seeing his face one last time before you finally drifted off.
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works
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egcdeath · 3 years
second chances
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pairing: softdark!steve rogers x reader 
summary: you wake up on the side of the road with no memories, no possessions, and no place to go. luckily, an attractive stranger arrives just in time to help you out. 
word count: 4.6k
warnings: there are some soft moments, but this is ultimately a dark fic!!! alluding to kidnapping, deceit, mention of knife, drugging, abuse (mostly mental/emotional, but implied physical), amnesia, brief alcohol mention, nightmares, mention of bodily harm, bed sharing **if i’m missing any warnings, let me know
author’s note: this is my first dark fic without a dark reader, so please be nice! it took me nearly a whole month to get it where i want it to be (i’m a slow writer, i know) but i’m actually pretty proud of this. 
you can find my masterlist and taglist here
After what seemed like years of waiting, the opportunity finally lent itself, a small pocket knife sat right in your peripheral view. A dangerous mixture of adrenaline and impulse filled you, not even granting you the time to think before you were clumsily extending your arm, and wielding the knife. 
The blade popped out, and you held it with a shaky hand in front of your captor.
“Really?” he scoffed, “you’re gonna kill me.”
There was no attempt on his part to stop you, in fact, he smiled and leaned back slightly.
Your whole body trembled at this point, you could barely form words, let alone move. But this was your chance.
“So do it, Y/N. Kill me,” his voice steadily rose as he approached you, long legs making their way across the room.
Before you knew it, he was standing in front of you, hand approaching your own. He wrapped it around your wrist and gripped down on you like a snake, causing you to emit a tiny yelp.
“What are you waiting for?” he asked, voice steady as your hands trembled around the grip.
“Exactly. You’re still as fucking pathetic as you were the day I met you,” a slap stung your left cheek, a mark that was sure to be there for the days following. 
The knife clattered as it hit the linoleum floor, and you followed its path, crumbling on the floor and breaking into tear-less sobs. 
“Remember this moment, sweetheart. You’ll never get a chance like this again,” he swooped up the knife before walking away from you, leaving a broken woman in his wake.
You went from experiencing nothing to everything all at once. Your brain seemed to be attempting to escape your head as it pressed against your eyes, and you struggled to open them, lashes feeling like they were glued together. Rain poured down on your head, and you concluded that it had been pouring on you for a while, as you were completely soaked to the bone. 
As you looked at yourself and your body, a curled up and bruised mess on the side of the road, you couldn’t help but wonder what exactly happened to you, or at all. You weren’t even sure that you had memories apart from the ones that were processing in that exact moment. It was as if you’d exited the womb for a second time, clueless to where you were, who you are, or how you got there. 
You shivered as you pulled yourself to your feet, weak ankles shaking in glittery heels and body trembling in a half-torn dress. Wherever you came from couldn’t have been good.
You slipped off the shoes and held them in your hands as you walked down the side of the deserted road, bare feet sloshing in mud as you did so. You didn’t have an idea where you were, or where the nearest sign of life was. You were tempted to walk on the soaked, petrichor scented road, but you knew that that wasn’t your best idea.
You truly had no good options. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No one to save you. You wanted to collapse back onto the ground, give into your screaming body that was becoming more and more tired by the moment. Hot tears began to slip down your face, contrasting the cold of the raindrops falling onto your body. 
All hope was lost, you’d die any time now, and that would just be it. You looked up at the overcast sky and screamed at it, mentally begging for someone, anyone, to help. That you’d forever be grateful to god, or the universe, or whatever it was that was out there that put you in the situation you were in. 
You screamed and sobbed until your throat was raw, and you weren’t sure you’d be able to produce any more sound, sitting down onto the damp ground and wishing for your inevitable death to be a swift and painless one. 
Yet, your pity party was crashed just moments later by a beaming red light and the soft hum of a motor coming down the road. This was your one chance. Who knew when the next time you’d see a sign of human life was?
You jumped to your feet and waved your hands like a madwoman, trying to catch the attention of the male behind the driver's seat. He began to come to a stop, pulling over a bit to see you better.
His face was angelic, a strong jaw and soft eyes that looked like they had seen more than the average person. When he spoke, you felt heaven become drowsy with harmony. Or maybe you were just really tired. Regardless, your pleas to a higher power had proved fruitful, as your knight and shining armor had just pulled up beside you to save the day.
He rolled a window down, and you got closer to the door.
“Need a ride, ma’am?” he called.
You simply nodded and approached the vehicle, opening the door hesitantly. You sat down on the seat, and jumped a bit when you felt heat radiating onto the back of your thighs.
“I’m Steve. You?” 
You chuckled awkwardly, “that’s a great question that I wish I could answer. It’s actually kind of a long story. Well, I assume it’s long since I can’t remember any of it. But maybe I will later. Nice to meet you anyway, Steve.”
He nodded understandingly, completely unfazed by your lack of name. Maybe he had prior experience with hitchhikers, as he was approaching this situation with a nearly suspicious calmness. “Well… where’re you heading?” the man asked, looking over at you.
“I, uh, I have no idea,” you said raspily, throat still sore from your previous screaming.
The blonde’s lip quirked at this, as if he were holding back a much bigger smile, “that’s fine. I’m heading a few towns away, but I was thinking of stopping and getting some breakfast. You interested in that?”
You shrugged, becoming slightly uncomfortable in the quickly dampening seat. Steve glanced over at you after putting the car in drive, and noticed your discomfort from your prior stay in the rain.
“We can stop by a bathroom first. I’ve got some extra clothes with me in the back,” he suggested. You nodded quietly, looking at the vast, and empty road ahead. 
You sat in a diner booth dressed in a thick jacket and comfortable sweatpants that oddly enough, seemed to be exactly your size. Steve approached the table with an extra plate of fries, and set it gently in front of you. 
“So you don’t remember anything?” he asked, stealing a fry before sitting down across from you. 
You shook your head, bringing a salty fry to your mouth, “I swear I just woke up there. No memories, no nothing, no place to go. I mean, I was gonna die out there if you didn’t get me.”
Steve scoffed a bit at this, “that’s not true. I’m sure someone would’ve helped eventually.”
“Maybe. But I’m glad that it was you,” you looked up at him, and the fondness he was looking at you with was nearly suffocating. 
Steve paused for a moment, mulling over his next words as if he was looking for the exact right thing to say.
“Would you like to stay with me? I mean, I know we just met each other, but I just have this feeling. Like I was meant to find you. Besides, it doesn’t seem like you have anywhere else to go.”
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you excused after a moment, popping out of the both and heading towards the ladies room.
You handled your business, and stared at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands. Makeup ran down your face, and it almost appeared that you were melting. Who would pick someone up in such a state? You had to question this Steve guy’s character a little bit. You couldn’t remember the exact phrase, but it couldn’t be smart to get into a car with a stranger. Especially a stranger offering to take you to some secret location with them. After all, he could be a murderer, a kidnapper, or a rapist. You would be none the wiser.
But he fed you, clothed you, and offered you a form of shelter. He couldn’t be too ill intentioned if he was willing to go out of his way to help, right? Maybe he just wanted to keep you off the streets, and that was why he was willing to take you to wherever it was that he was going.
Your stomach turned the longer you watched yourself, the longer you thought. Perhaps your intuition found that something was off. But who even knew if you could trust your intuition, after all, you were basically a day old, and you didn’t seem to have any other option.
You ended up going back out into the diner and accepting Steve’s offer. You didn’t really have much of a choice, and he wasn’t exactly a bad one. 
Steve was quiet for the majority of your trip, only speaking when he noticed that you’d moved your sights from the window over to him. He didn’t seem to be a fan of the way you were studying him, but for some reason your eyes kept finding him.
Hours had passed in the day, and night was quickly approaching. You dozed as you watched the starry night from the passenger window. Your eyes were becoming heavier by the moment, hours worth of watching flat landscape, combined with the complexity of your day finally catching up to you.   
Cold. You felt cold. The floor was cold. The blood running through your veins was cold. Your brain was cold and freezing, hindering you from properly processing what was going on in front of you. 
A searing pain rolled through your body as you tumbled down the stairs, back into a room that was suffocatingly familiar.
“I should’ve never allowed you to leave. Ungrateful,” a faceless man followed you down the stairs and hovered over your now battered body. “I give you a home and you complain. I take care of you, giving you almost anything you could ever ask for. You complain. Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position? With someone like me taking care of them?” 
“You told me you loved me, you goddamn liar. I let you come upstairs, and you try to fucking kill me. I should kill you,” he seethed, leaning down over you.
But I won’t.
The words were unspoken, but familiar. A threat uttered to you before, usually followed with an ‘I’ll make your life a living hell instead.’
You were unable to speak, as if someone had ripped out your vocal cords. Suddenly the faceless man was reaching down and holding the bloody organs in his hands. Your blood ran cold once again. 
“You can’t even fathom the hell I want to release on you right now,” he continued, chest puffing out with exaggerated, angered breaths. “But I’ll be the bigger man. Because I love you,” he dropped the cords on the ground beside you, and your eyes flicked over to the mutilated part of yourself. “Y/N, I need you to prove to me that you love me.”
You wanted to beg, to plead and tell the man whatever he needed to hear in order to release you, but you were completely powerless. 
The man hoisted you up with ease, and you soundlessly whimpered. He carried you into a small, plain room and set you on the flat, stiff mattress on the floor. 
“Come on, Sweetheart. You know I’m doing this for us.” 
The faceless man kissed your forehead, and the feeling of dread overtook you.
You awoke with a gasp, clawing at your own neck to make sure that your vocal cords were still intact.
“You alright?” Steve asked, glancing over at you. “Should I pull over?”
“No, I’ll be fine,”  you whispered.
“Take some deep breaths for me, okay?” he advised, setting a reassuring hand on top of yours. “We’ll be at the hotel any minute now.”
Your nerves were absolutely fried by the nightmare. Your hands shook like leaves in the wind while you stood next to Steve as he checked you into your hotel room.
“How’re you doing?” he asked in the elevator, setting his large hand on top of yours once again. The gesture was calming, even if you felt a slight undermining feeling of something unsettling.
“A little better. I probably just need to lay down somewhere comfortable.”
Steve nodded and squeezed your hand, “you’ve had a long day. You have first dibs on the shower. Maybe it’ll help you relax.” 
The smile that Steve was giving you was comforting. You felt glad that he was the person to have picked you up.
The elevator made a little ding noise before the doors opened, and he guided you to your room. 
You made a beeline to the shower, not even taking the time to be impressed with the size of the hotel room, the amenities, or the quality of it. You just wanted to shed your clothes and find at least a moment of peace. 
You exited the bathroom after about a half an hour, and walked out into the suite in just a towel. 
“Can I borrow some more clothes?” you glanced over at Steve, who was openly checking you out from the comfort of the bed.
Wait, the bed.
There were way too many things going on for you to be focused on the fact that there was just one bed. Maybe Steve would offer to sleep on the sofa.
“Yeah, that’s fine. My teammate left some clothes in that smaller blue suitcase. It’ll probably fit,” Steve paused for a few moments as you found the aforementioned suitcase and looked for something comfortable that you could actually sleep in.
“Who did that to you?” he asked, gesturing at your bruised legs.
“I don’t… I don’t know. It’s all so blurry,” you sighed, settling on a fresh pair of sweatpants and a thin t-shirt. “I’ll be right back.”
You changed quickly in the residually steamy bathroom, and sat down at the foot of the bed. 
“Do we need to have a fistfight over who gets to sleep in the bed?” Steve joked and you shook your head.
“I can sleep on the sofa, if you want.”
“No way. You deserve something comfortable,” he got out of bed, and approached the bathroom to take his own shower. “Get nice and cozy, friend. You deserve it.”
He disappeared into the bathroom, and you moved up to the top of the bed, slipping under the covers and sighing aloud from relief. Your body was finally having a chance to relax, and the hotel bed was surprisingly comfortable. 
By the time Steve returned from the shower, you were already half asleep, and very unaware of your surroundings.
As you fell out of consciousness, you had blurry visions of confinement, punishments, and pain. You once again woke up with a gasp, but this time Steve was standing over you. 
“Deep breaths, okay? I saw you thrashing and mumbling something to yourself. I think you were having a bad dream.”
You nodded and panted, trying to catch your breath and slow down your hummingbird heart rate. 
“You’re safe, I promise.”
“Can you stay with me?” you stammered out.
“Yeah, of course,” Steve got into bed beside you, and rubbed your back as you curled into a fetal position, “just try to relax, okay? There isn’t anything to fear when I’m here with you.”
You nodded, clutching onto Steve’s genuine tone. Something about him just made you feel… safe, despite the possible red flags around him. 
After Steve got into bed with you, you were finally able to fall into a dreamless and peaceful sleep. 
You woke up to an empty and cold bed. You blinked a few times and looked around the room, eyes stopping on Steve as he watched you from the couch, eyes quickly flipping between yourself and the book in his hands in an effort to cover up his staring. 
The whole ordeal made you feel slightly off, but the realization that you were essentially mooching off a stranger felt worse. 
You hopped out of bed and anxiously paced towards the bathroom. “Shit, Steve,” you muttered. “I shouldn’t be taking advantage of you like this. I should probably leave.”
“Where else do you have to go?” Steve almost defensively questioned, frown deep on his face.
You took a deep sigh and shrugged, “I… don’t know. I’ll figure it out.”
“You don’t have to go,” he began, sounding unsure in his words, “stay. With me,” he stood up and walked over to you, grabbing the back of your arm softly. “You’re not taking advantage of me. If anything, you’re helping me. I get pretty lonely on these kinds of missions, so please, stay with me.”
You turned to look at Steve, the deep creases in his face at the thought of losing you. With just a glance, you knew that you couldn’t leave. 
The next few days of your life had proved your theory. It was almost alarming how quickly Steve became your anchor in the midst of a new, overwhelming world. 
The first thing that he did for you was tell you what your name was. As confused as you were to how exactly he figured it out, (he told you that he knew some weird tech guy. You were prepared to go with anything), you were grateful that Steve was able to help you out a piece of your old life back together.
He was oddly patient with you as you learned more and more about your surroundings. You were most impressed by the grocery store, and may or may not have spent hours inside of that food palace, spending much more of Steve’s money than was socially acceptable. 
For the next few months, you stayed at a safe house with Steve, spending the majority of your time looking down at your reflection in the lake in the backyard, wondering if your memories could ever come back.
You’d grown closer with Steve in that time as well, he was really the only person that you’d gotten close with since you’d lost your memories. Now that you were thinking about it, you hadn’t said more than three sentences to anyone else. By that measurement, your next closest friend was a gas station cashier.
In fact, you’d started dating Steve. Granted, you couldn’t completely wrap your mind around it all, despite the hours of rom-coms you’d watched while Steve was gone on missions. You just knew that you cared a lot about Steve. When he was around you, your heart fluttered. He was the only person you truly felt comfortable with. He protected you time after time, and voiced to you just how much he adored you. 
It made you feel wanted, to know that despite all of the confusion, you still had a place in this world, even if the place was just Steve Rogers’ heart. 
Steve arrived at the safe house late at night after nearly a week of being off on another mission. The bed creaked as he got into bed with you, and pressed up against your sleeping form. 
“Steve, sometimes I have these really awful dreams. Mostly when you’re not with me,” you began out of the blue as his arms snaked around you. “It’s always this faceless man just… abusing me. And I can’t even do anything about it because I’m too weak. And I can’t say anything because he stole my vocal cords. It sounds so silly, because it’s all just a dream, but it all feels so real. I just... I need you to promise me that you’ll protect me no matter what. Especially against him.”
“Of course,” he whispered against the back of your head, “I promise that I’ll protect you from him. He’ll never even get the chance to let the thought cross his mind.” 
“I love you, Steve,” you mumbled sleepily, “please never leave me again.”
He’d been waiting to hear those words.
Your fingers wrapped around a warm mug while Steve put the finishing touches on your breakfast. He’d decided to go all out that morning, with an impressive spread of food that would put most buffets to shame. For a moment, you questioned if you’d forgotten about some important holiday, or an anniversary.
Steve set a plate down in front of you, then pressed a soft peck to your forehead, “enjoy, sweetheart.”
You grinned softly down at the food, and at the affection, “what’s got you in such a good mood?”
“Just relieved to be back. I don’t like being away from you for too long,” he settled into the seat across from you, and took a sip of his own coffee.
“Mm, you sure? You’re not always this chipper post mission.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head just the slightest bit, “alright. You got me. I wanted to save it as a surprise, but I hate keeping secrets from you,” Steve paused.
“So… what’s the secret?” you pressed, bringing a forkful of food up to your mouth.
“I’m retiring.”
Your eyes widened as you heard the news, and you nearly choked, “are you really?”
Steve simply nodded, “I’m ready for the next chapter of my life with you.”
Your heart fluttered at the sweetness of his gesture, and the slightest hint of nerves. Why was Steve so willing to give up his entire livelihood for someone he knew for less than a year?
You felt bad for questioning his motives, considering that Steve had been nothing but good to you in the time that you knew him. If it wasn’t for him, you probably wouldn’t even be alive. He had proved himself to be an amazing, loving man, who had bent over backwards to keep you safe and comfortable. He trusted you, and it was time for you to do the same.
“I’ve been plotting this for a while, to be honest. You might think this is a little fast, but I even have a permanent place for us to stay.”
You couldn’t find it in you to be skeptical for much longer, your feelings of adoration for Steve overruling your hesitance to jump into something like that with him. 
You smiled softly as Steve spoke, getting up and pacing over to where he was seated so you could give him a hug, “I.. yes, that’s fast, but it’s also kinda amazing,” you sighed softly, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “When are we leaving?”
“Tonight, if that’s alright with you. I was thinking that we could spend the day packing up and… celebrating,” he winked down at you, and you looked up to shake your head fondly. 
“That sounds like a plan,” you gazed at him with adoration, and leaned up to press a soft peck to his lips that was lovingly reciprocated. 
Music pounded against your eardrums as you ground against a handsome stranger, one you couldn’t see, but instinctively knew. The smell of sweat, liquor, and sex filled your nose, the rancid combination oddly comforting in a retrospective moment. 
“We’re leaving!” A voice you hadn’t heard in what felt like years informed you. Your face broke into a wide grin when you heard her voice. “But it doesn’t look like you care!” she jeered. “Good luck!” your friend laughed, disappearing in the sea of people. 
“You’re coming home with me, right?” he asked, a hot breath against your cheek. 
You nodded. The words refused to come out. 
“Good,” he confirmed, pressing a kiss to your neck.
Out of the blue, you weren’t in the club, but in the small basement room from before, staring at nothing in particular while sat at the edge of your vanity’s seat.
“I’ve tried everything with you,” he commented, leaning against the doorway casually. You felt the need to apologize, to tell your captor that you didn’t mean to do what you did, that you loved him. Plead for him not to punish you. “After months of submission, I thought that we were finally getting somewhere. Why’d you have to throw it all away?” 
Glancing up at the vanity, a woman with sunken eyes, a pained expression, and fading bruises looked back at you, just long enough for you to briefly become that messy, drunken woman at the club once again. 
“I’ve tried everything with you. The easy way clearly didn’t work,” he continued, “you leave me with no other options, my love,” the man sighed, sitting down next to you casually. “I want you to know that I’m doing this for us. You know that nothing good ever comes easy, right?”
The syringe went into your arm like a hot knife through butter, and your muscles clenched as fire filled your body. You went to scream, but your throat was still out of commission. As you went down, your vision and thoughts began to blur before you couldn’t decipher one thing or another. The final noise you could make out was the distortedly slow rendition of It’s Been a Long, Long Time on the record player.
In an out-of-body moment, you watched as the man pulled your relaxed body down to the floor, cautiously pulling the clothes off of you and making you cringe internally at the sight of yourself in such a state. He left your body alone for a moment as he looked through the negligible amount of clothing in your closet, grabbing the same dress from the night at the club and pulling it on your limp figure.
It was torn and messy, not unlike the state it was in when you found yourself conscious. The faceless man muttered something unintelligible to himself before hoisting you up bridal style and taking your body out to the car. 
You watched in terror as this all played out, your slack face looking disturbingly at peace compared to how you’d appeared before. In fact, even in your ghastly state, you felt at peace. 
That peace quickly came to an end as you watched yourself get ditched on the side of the road, and as your body slowly began to twitch back to consciousness, your dream began to fade away.
You dragged your suitcase up through the garage, grateful to be at your final destination with the man you’d fallen in love with. You hoped that after moving in, the dreams might finally stop. After all, your dream in the car felt somewhat final. You were trying your best to be as positive as you could manage in such a strange situation, and from the outside, you had to admit that the house was gorgeous.
Stepping inside felt like the worst case of deja vu you’d ever experienced, as if your memories were repairing themself with every millisecond you were in the home, gazing at furniture you hadn’t seen in months, and smelling faint scents that you’d forgotten existed. Feature by feature, the puzzle pieces of the faceless man came together.
The longer you observed, the worse the feeling became. Waves of grief, fear, and pain were rolling over you again and again until you were completely drowning on it. The realization hit you with a ton of bricks: this was the house from your dreams.
Steve came up behind you, snapping you out of your panicked trance. He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and squeezed you close to him.
“Ready for the first day of the rest of your life?”
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Unintended Target
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Avengers x Reader
Request: Hellus can I have a Bucky Barnes angst where you're dating and like you get hurt really bad on a mission because you tried protecting him and he just cannot stop crying while you're being treated. Steve like literally has to hold him through it. Ending in fluff. Sorry for so many details ahahaha! -Anon
Word Count:
Warnings: Canon typical violence, mentions of blood, a bit of angst
Author’s Note: We've reached the ending of the first week of May Madness! And welcome to my first one shot for the MCU! But you know me. I do hope you guys enjoy
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
Y/N never believed that she’d ever be able to run as fast as she had. Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced against time to get across the property in time. The sound of her boots hitting the ground had been lost to the sounds of gunfire that surrounded her.
She and the rest of the Avengers were dealing with the remnants of a hydra base. What was supposed to be a quick in and out mission seemed to take a turn. There was more manpower than they expected and it was taking longer just to clear the property.
At some point during the fight, she’d lost her earpiece making it difficult to keep in contact with the others. The others knew she could handle herself, even though they were currently trying to find her among the mess that was being created. She had been expecting to meet at the rendezvous spot with a smirk on her face with all the files she needed in her hand.
At least that had been the plan. But after her eyes had scanned one of the files, she dropped the file and began running out of the building. Hydra had a new plan alright. And it was that plan alone that had caused fear to course through her, wanting-more like needing-to be on the opposite side of the property.
“Anyone have eyes on Y/N yet?” Bucky called out as he took down another member of Hydra.
Bucky hated that Y/N currently couldn’t be reached. While he had trained with her plenty of times and knew that she was able to take care of herself, he didn’t know where she was at. He didn’t know if she was injured or having any issues. His girlfriend could easily wipe the floor with him, but as close as they were, he was worried.
She’s not in the west wing anymore. Bucky heard Natasha’s voice over the comms. She left a nice trail in the process for us though.
Natasha was trying to make light of the situation. If she could get Bucky to bring down his worry in the slightest, she was going to attempt it. Together the two were practically unstoppable, separate them and make it so they can’t speak to each other and they’ve got an anxious super-soldier.
I’ve got eyes on her. Clint’s voice came over next. And unless there’s something I’m missing, Y/N is either running from something invisible or she’s trying to get somewhere.
Anything from the west wing she could have seen? Tony’s voice filled their ears.
Still looking. Nat responded.
“Where is she headed?” Bucky asked a moment later, the swift movement of his knife piercing the body of another person advancing on him. With him down, Bucky had cleared his section. His concern now focused on why Y/N had been running away or towards something.
I’ve lost sight of her. She was headed towards the east. More than likely heading your way.
The plans had been replaying in Y/N’s head from the moment she read them in the west wing. The words on the pages she had found made her heart race in a way that all the training she had been through never made it race. The fear had threatened to bring tears to her eyes. All she knew was that she had to get to Bucky.
She hadn’t stopped for a moment since she had begun running. Even when she was faced with those that tried to stop her, she simply pulled out her dagger, allowing it to make contact for a brief moment before she continued. The bodies she left behind weren’t on her mind for more than a second.
As she made it towards the end of the property, her eyes landed on Bucky. From the looks of things, he had finished clearing things out and was beginning to look for her. She knew he had to be seeing as she no longer had her earpiece. It was something he’d always do no matter what the mission was that they were on.
Y/N believed she had made it there on time. That if he was alone he’d be okay. If there were no signs of Hydra, Bucky would be safe. That getting him out of the area would ensure his safety. It was as she began slowing down did Bucky notice her.
He took off on a light jog to meet her halfway from that point. “What happened?” He asked, seeing the look on her face.
“We need to get out of here, now.” she said in between the breaths of air she was trying to get.
You should listen to her. Nat’s voice picked up in Bucky’s ear. This whole thing was a damn setup.
The moment the words registered in his ear, they both noticed the way a red dot appeared on Bucky’s chest. His first instinct would have been to grab the both of them and find cover. Before he could do anything, Y/N’s instinct kicked in and she pushed Bucky out of the way, just as the shot had been fired.
Both of them had fallen onto the ground but it was Y/N that cried out in pain. Her hands automatically tried to grab at her back to take in the injury she had gotten. To apply some kind of pressure to it or at the very least to see where it was.
Just as Bucky moved to look her over a jolt of electricity shot through her body. One that caused a loud piercing scream to pass her lips before she went silent. Bucky could only watch as her body convulsed from the electrical charge running through her body. The last thing Y/N heard and saw was Bucky reaching for her the moment the shocking stopped his voice calling out to her before she passed out.
The minutes after had gone in a blur to Bucky. The others all speaking at once trying to figure out their location. They all had heard her screams. May it have been through the comms or even the fact that they were close by and could hear it. The words mixed in with the emotions that were currently playing through him.
From the moment she passed out, Bucky had her in his arms. He hardly even remembered yelling at the others to shut up and just get to them. They needed to leave before Y/N bled out or even died there in his arms. He didn’t even want to begin to think about her dying there. Not when that shot wasn’t even meant for her.
He could barely remember how long it had taken him to get to the quinjet, let alone the ride back to the compound. The whole ride back, he never left her side. Even when Bruce helped to stop the bleeding for the trip back, he never once took his eyes off of her. Even after getting her to the Med Bay, he fought to be with her. But he couldn’t be.
There was a storm of emotions brewing within him as he watched from behind a glass window as the team Stark hired had begun working on pulling the bullet out of Y/N’s back. The wound was simple, but because of the electric charge that came from it, her skin looked fried around the wound.
Y/N wasn’t even supposed to be in there. She wasn’t supposed to be wounded and it was because of who he was made to be. That the very organization that he had once freed himself from was desperately trying to get him back. And in the process, the woman he loved was injured.
“She’ll get through this.” Steve said as he came to stand beside Bucky. Steve knew that Y/N had been shot at, broken, and bloodied with several of the missions that she had been through. The woman always seemed to pull through.
“That charge that went through her body, was meant for me.” Bucky said never taking his eyes off of Y/N. “My body would have taken that charge and it would have caused little damage. She’s not like us.”
“She may not be like us, but I’ve seen her take on world threats and she’s come out of them right by your side.” Steve needed Bucky to have some kind of hope.
Bucky’s forehead placed against the glass as he shook his head. “I can’t lose her Steve.”
Steve watched as tears slowly formed in Bucky’s eyes. He wasn’t sure if it was fear or anger that had caused the tears. He brought his hand up and placed it on Bucky’s shoulder. It seemed that the simple action had caused Bucky to let the storm inside of him be released.
He placed his arm around Bucky, allowing his friend to lean on him while he broke down. Steve listened as Bucky mentioned time and time again about it should have been him. That he should have been the one on the table. But if it hadn’t been for Y/N, Bucky would have been taken away.
Steve stayed with Bucky for the time it took to get Y/N closed up and have tests done to make sure the surge of power that went through her hadn’t damaged any of her organs. The testing is what took the longest. The needing to ensure that Y/N would wake up was something that held the heaviest weight.
Y/N’s eyes slowly opened and she found herself in a bed in the Med Bay. A confused look played on her face for a moment before her brain registered the pain her body felt in that moment. She winced as she began to look around before a small smile pulled at her lips.
Bucky had been by her side, his head resting on the space beside her. She could tell he had been sleeping. She could see it in the steady rise and fall of his shoulders as she watched him. Bringing a shaky hand up, she ran it through his hair. The action itself was comforting to herself and if she was being honest, she was sure that it would bring some comfort to him as well.
Her touch had caused Bucky to lift his head quickly. “You’re awake.”
The slight nod of her head had caused her to wince. “How long was I out?” Her voice was rough as she spoke.
“Almost a week.” She could hear the relief in his voice at seeing her awake. He sat up and moved his chair closer before he reached for her hand. “Have I ever mentioned how crazy you are?”
That caused a slight smile to grow on her face, her fingers tightening around his own. “We both know I’m crazy enough to take bullets for the people I love.”
“Doesn’t mean you should.” He said with a slight nod of his head.
“I couldn’t let them take you. Not after everything we’ve done to make sure you got better.” She wasn’t going to let him ‘win’ this argument. “The moment I saw their plans, I didn’t care about anything else. I just knew I had to get to you.”
Bucky sighed as stood up and moved to sit on the bed next to her. His hand came up and ran along her cheek, before bringing his lips to hers for a brief kiss. “I was afraid that you weren’t going to wake up. They kept saying that you were okay, that it would be when you were ready that you would wake up. All I could think about was how there was a whole day where I thought I was going to lose you. And I hated that feeling.”
“If you’re trying to say I shouldn’t go on-” She tried saying before he cut her off.
“No, I would never say that. Not when you know how to take care of yourself. I was just thinking it would be a lot easier and probably safer for the both of us if we stick together as a team.” His words had caused her eyebrow to raise.
“You mean babysit me.” It caused them both to chuckle.
“Is it really babysitting if we enjoy working together?” He asked with a smile pulling at his lips.
She shook her head slightly. “Fine. But even I know it might be a while before I’m out in the field again.”
“About that,” He said as leaned into her a little more. “During your time away from the field, I was thinking about a vacation for the both of us. Lay low while the others cut all the loose ends to ensure there’s no one coming after us.”
“A recovery vacation, while laying low? I’m definitely listening.”
The two of them knew things would never be perfect out there. Not in their line of business. Not with their pasts or even who they’ve become. There would be times where they’d be placed in this same position. They'd be willing to keep the other one safe, no matter the cost.
All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write):
@xoxo-nikki-xoxo @mrs-jackson-kenner @mizzzpink
Excelsior Tag(All MCU fics):
@hey-there-angels @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione@taylordrunkonwhiskey @old-enough-to-know-better73 @elijahs-wife @jesuswasnotawhiteman @kpopgirlbtssvt
Winter Soldier tag(For only and all things Bucky):
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lozzypoz321 · 3 years
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Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long!!! But I am quite surprised that my current 200 followers (wow) haven’t unfollowed by now but this is my 200 celebration fic even though I’m a bit late- also I’m sorry if this sucks I just haven’t written in ages! Please bare with me! Kindly proofread by @canadianhufflepuffavenger 💗
Warnings: angst, past break up
Your real dad
Steve tightened his grip around your draw-string bag that he had convinced you to part ways with, as you, him and your mother made your way into the tower. He was dreading the reunion with Bucky after not seeing the team for about 2 weeks. You were practically bouncing on your feet to see your real dad. While Steve was there watching you treat your dad like a hero but not even spare him a glance.
Your family relationship was complicated yet simple at the same time: you hated your mom but tolerated her, loved your dad with all your heart, hated your stepdad as much as he tried, treated Peter like your brother and Thor exactly like your uncle.
Why did you hate your stepdad so much?
Well, first of all, he pretended like he was your real dad and tried to do all of the things with you that you and Bucky did together. Second, he always stole all your moms attention and made you feel like you were alone (whether he meant it or not)
The elevator door dinged, indicating that the three of you had reached your floor where currently Bucky, Thor, Tony, Natasha and Sam were hanging out, waiting for your “family”. The others were in the kitchen, trying to get a sneak taste of the food that had been ordered.
“Dad!” You yelled and raced up to the super soldier, he broke out into a grin and picked you up off the ground to invade you into a bone-breakinghug. “Hiya doll face.”
You grinned back at him and got down from his arms briefly to run across the room to retrieve your drawstring back so you could show your dad your new spiderman action figure that had been bought by your cousin Peter.
“Look! Look!”
He smirked slightly at your excited demeanour as you held up the toy as high as you could while jumping up and down for him to see. Once he’d figured out who the character was, you had already gone running off to see what Wanda and Vision had baked in one of the many kitchens.
“Hey Buck” Steve acknowledged as friendly as he could, it wasn’t that the two ‘friends’ hated each other, but there was definitely some tension in the room as the two sat parallel. Tony cleared his throat and mentioned something about having a cough as he quickly left the room.
“I better see where he got off to” Natasha and your mother said at exactly the same time, not wanting to experience what they thought was about to go down.
“Hi Steve” the older soldier greeted back, not sure what the intentions of the conversation were exactly. In the tower, the history between both soldiers and your mother was known but not really spoke of- Bucky dated your mother for quite a while (almost four entire years), and got her pregnant with you, but- as everybody was sure to know- all good things must come to an end- and the two broke up on good terms. That was before Steve Rogers himself got involved at a certain billionaire’s party when they realized they were (and this is in your mother's words) “meant for each other.”
“I’m erm, here to speak to you about something.” As if the awkwardness present in the room was no longer enough before, by now it was almost too much. Thor and Sam took the most obvious hint and left the room in search of something else to occupy their time.
“Well, you’re free to speak-“ Bucky was interrupted by the loud sound of laughing from behind the wooden door and almost instantly after a hushing sound. The two men had completely different reactions to this, Steve was utmostly confused, both eyebrows scrunching together, while Bucky’s face held a small smile. He knew exactly who was trying to eavesdrop and it just proved how much Steve did not know his stepdaughter from the fact he didn’t immediately know. “(Y/N),” he called out, the humour evident in his voice, “Parker, we know you're out there.”
“Awww, Peter you gave our secret identities up!”
By now Steve had caught on to the two of you and laughed lightly, trying to cover up the fact that his only chance to ask Bucky his question alone, was interrupted.
The wooden door creaked open, revealing Peter, dressed up in his spiderman suit for dramatic effect and you with a bandana on, which you thought made you look like a ninja and you held your action figure tightly in your left hand.
“(Y/N), you know it’s rude to eavesdrop” Steve scolded you, trying to be firm. You ignored him and shrugged your shoulders before going to follow the scent of Chinese food.
“Doll,” your dad stopped you “don’t ignore people, you know not to do that” he stood up from his spot on the sofa and began to also make his way to the kitchen, you right beside him muttering a small “okay dad.”
Steve tried not to let his heart sink as his best friend walked away. He would just have to try and get Bucky alone at another point in the night. If he didn’t get an answer, then he would have no use for the small box that was sitting in his trouser pocket.
“Bonjour,” Clint greeted the two of you as you both arrived for food, the island set up with enough plastic plates for everyone (Tony couldn’t be bothered with hiring people to wash normal, expensive ones multiple times a day)
Your mother smiled at you from the other side of the kitchen, but she was immediately confused when you didn’t smile back. The reason you had not, is because you had a feeling you knew exactly what question your stepdad had for Bucky and did not at all like the sound of it.
“Fries?” Bruce offered, tilting the box of food towards you. You nodded gratefully and grabbed a handful. The conversations at the table were mixed; Thor ranting passionately about the food at his home planet, Tony mumbling something about not even being hungry anyway (you thought he was just being salty since he didn’t get his Shawarma), Bucky and Sam having a silent argument across the table, and Peter was busy singing Christmas songs in his best Santa Claus voice.
“Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you didn’t seeeee” Natasha rolled her eyes dramatically at the teenager making everyone laugh.
“Hey don’t get annoyed at me! Everyone loves Christmas!”
You used to love Christmas before your parents separated and you weren’t allowed to spend the holiday with your dad.
“I don’t like Christmas,” your dad shrugged half mindedly while taking a sip of his soda. Peter looked at him like he had two heads and exclaimed in shock, “that impossible!”
“It ain’t kid,” Bucky chuckled while your mother shifted in her seat uncomfortably, realizing the reasoning.
While you worked your way through the pile of noodles, Thor’s incessant ranting came to an end, and the teenager had seemingly run out of songs, the group of superheroes decided to hang out in the living room and watch a movie before you, Steve and your mother had to go home.
“Which one?” Nat asked the room while holding up two movies, the nightmare before Christmas and the corpse bride. Both Halloween movies, neither particularly scary.
“How could one have a nightmare on the day before Christmas? Surely that is against the rules of the Holiday Christmas, that is based on happiness?” Thor asked, earning a quizzical look from you. “Stop tryna act like Shakespeare big man” Tony laughed while grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it all into his mouth.
Steve ignored the billionaire, and while no one seemed to be paying attention he directed his attention to Bucky, swallowing nervously. “Hey Buck, can I speak to you for a sec outside?”
Confusion spread over the soldier’s face for a split second before complying and getting up from the couch with Steve as discreetly as possible as to not raise suspicion from the rest of the team and you.
“What’s up?” He asked once they’d reached the hallway outside, he didn’t know what was up with the younger man but he could easily tell that he’d been acting nervous around himself and your mom.
“Um, I have a question, you don’t have to say yes or no or anything-“
“Your ranting.”
He stopped and thought for a second, wondering how to put it. “I know it’s been complicated recently, and I know this might make it worse with all your history with (Y/M/N) and (Y/N) but I really do love both of them and since (Y/M/N)’s parents passed a while ago, there’s no one to really ask for their blessing so I guess I’m here to ask you, can I have your blessing to propose to (Y/M/N)?”
Bucky stood emotionless for a second, not knowing how to react. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy for Steve and support him or to be angry. He had both reasonable attributes for each option but was cut short when he heard the sound of a door banging against its hinges on the floor above.
Both of your dad’s eyebrows scrunched together, who was that? Everyone in the tower knew not to do it because Tony despised it, and everyone with a brain knew that when Tony got annoyed, bad things happened.
Then almost instantly after the door entering the living room revealing an awkward Loki “I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation but your daughter slash stepdaughter, just ran upstairs in tears so if you could quickly wrap this little moment up, it would be greatly appreciated”
Bucky’s heart stopped, why were you crying?
He and Steve completely forgot about their previous conversation and quickly headed upstairs, nearly running Peter over in the process coming from the toilet. But just as they reached the door where you normally stayed when you came for sleepovers, Bucky stopped and put a finger to his lips.
“I think I should go in.” Instead of arguing, and saying that it would be good ‘bonding time’ to get you to like him, Steve silently agreed and let your dad go in.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gently closed the door behind himself, instantly catching sight of you sat on the carpeted floor, furiously wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he took ahold of both of your wrists and set them down on your lap, “why’re you crying doll?”
Tears continued to stream unapologetically down your cheeks, you didn’t know how to tell him. That you had snuck out of the living room to see where the two had gone and then eavesdropped into their conversation, and once hearing your stepdad (who you did not like at all) was going to become a permanent part of your life, ran off crying.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you shook your head, making him sigh. “Please tell me, I wanna know why. You trust me right (Y/N)?”
The simple nod was all he needed, yet his heart still ached. Seeing his only daughter in tears and didn’t trust him enough to tell him why? It was heartbreaking for him. “I don’t want him to marry mom,” you quietly admitted, “the only reason I’m still allowed to see you is because she thinks I still need a father figure, so now he’s gonna be here forever I won’t be- I won’t be able to see you anymore.”
He sighed deeply, trying to find a way to comfort you. “You will, I promise. I’ll always be apart of your life doll. No one can ever take you away from me because you're my daughter and I love you so so much, m’kay?”
You sniffled and wiped the final tears from your cheeks. “Okay.”
Before you could both get up and return downstairs to finish the movie, Bucky stopped you and lifted you up to whisper something to you.
Once he had finished you pulled back and nodded hesitantly, realizing that you should put your grudge behind you and face a fear.
Your dad and you returned outside, Steve waiting patiently while resting on the wall, gently smiling at you to make sure you were okay.
“Go on doll,” Bucky quietly urged, making you take a deep breath and just go for it.
“I give you my blessing to marry mom.” Steve’s heart skipped multiple beats as his brain tried to process what you had said. You’d finally accepted him into your life?
He broke out into a grin, trying to form words to thank you without seeming like this meant the absolute world to him. “Thank you (Y/N). I appreciate it so much.”
Bucky was proud of you for taking a leap and letting Steve into your life when you were scared. He realized at that moment that even if you did have a dad and a stepdad at the same time, he’d fulfilled his role already.
Taglist: @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever @hera-the-writer @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @js3639 @am3l1a-24 @bonkybarnes107 @ilovemarvel-andcats @sapphireplums @deannawallacee @keenmarvellover @garbage-potato @mollbt @spookybooisa
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haminhell · 3 years
♧ ``Heather Baby`` ♤
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[TMR] The Scorch Trials +
[TMR] The Death Cure
pairing; brenda x reader x teresa
summary; when you first saw teresa and brenda, there was just an immediate flick of attraction towards them. You always felt like a shank for liking both of them at the same time. those worries faded quickly when you found the two arguing over you when..
warning(s); so very very fluffy, awkward flirting??? very very badass Brenda
Happy pride month my friends! Requests are open, so feel free to drop them on me. :>
Ever since the day when Teresa came up in the box and gasped out both yours and Thomas names, you couldn't help but fall in love. You never seemed to find any attraction towards any of the men in the Glade, even if they were sweethearts and nice to be around. So why was it whenever you were around Teresa that your chest would get all fuzzy, your palms would get itchy and sweaty, and your blood would rush to your face?
It confused you. You felt conflicted with yourself and just wanted to shoo all of what was happening to you away. Whenever you saw Teresa with Thomas, you felt your heart drop and like you were falling a thousand feet in the air.
Newt had noticed that something was going on with you, while everyone else stayed oblivious to your struggles. That's why, one day, he confronted you.
He was your best friend and hated to see you so uncomfortable all the time. Everytime you would crack a joke, your smile would never seem to reach your eyes like they used to ever since.. Teresa.
"Alright, ya bloody shank. What's going on with you?" He huffed, sitting down next to you at the cafeteria. You guys had recently escaped the maze and were brought to the base of your guys so called, "saviours". Honestly? You didnt have too good of a feeling about this place. Even if things were far better than the maze, you hated the terrible feeling you had being here.
'Snap'. You snapped out of your thoughts, looking at Newt. "This is what I'm talking about. You're always zoning out from reality whenever you—" That's when he caught you and Thomas looking outside of the window as people walk away with Teresa. You and Thomas had one thing in common, that's for sure. You two always had such curious eyes.
"You're totally whipped for Teresa." The blonde muttered, making you stare at him. Your entire face went red and you looked around, hoping no one heard him. A small sigh of relief left your lips when you realized no one had heard the dorky boy. A smirk crept onto his face and he laughed.
"What—? What are you laughing at, you shank?!" You clasped your hands over his mouth and scrunched up your nose, pouting. In all honesty, you looked adorable.
"So you are whipped." He said, being muffled because of your hands. The table turned to you two with questioning looks, not hearing what Newt had said. You, however, had heard him very clearly.
"Well, I—" That's when Thomas stood up and stormed off towards the glass to follow Teresa.
"Teresa—! Hey, Teres"—...
[you can skip this part if you'd like. It's just a quick recap of the events in the movie.]
That was, at least, like, a week ago now? God knows how long, but it felt like forever. You all had a rough journey.
First, you had escaped that 'last hope of humanity' milking factory. You all had saved Teresa, of course. Zapped a few stupid W.C.K.E.D. chumps with their own weapons! And it was "so shanking badass" As told by Minho. <3
Then, you all went into some broken down mall? You had absolutely no idea what a 'mall' was, but it seemed fitting for whatever place that was. It was decent, at first. You got warm clothes and a totally cool bat with barbed wires and dried blue stuff on it? It was nice, until Minho turned on the power and we got chased down by some Cranks! That wasn't so nice. Winston got badly hurt..
After that, you guys hid under some debris and broken concrete. You all continued your walk from there in search for the right arm.
On the way, you all had lost Winston to the virus. That had almost completely broken your hopes to finding the Right Arm. If only it weren't for Teresa, you probably would've lost it right then and there. Besides, Winston was your closest friend, second to Newt.
Now, here you were. Sitting in the sand and staring up at the grey clouds with glazed over eyes. You were hungry, dehydrated, and overall exhausted.
"Lights," you heard next to you. You turned your head to Thomas and then followed his line of sight. Were those..is that a building?
"Light.. lights!! Everyone! Get up!" You croaked out, your throat raspy and dry. You stumbled to your feet, giving Frypan a hand to help him up.
"You crazy shank" Minho breathed out.
Your eyes finally adjusted to the five people surrounding you and blinked. What the—?
"What happened..?" You muttered, a baffled look on your face.
"You got hit by lightning saving this bloody shank" Newt said, elbowing Minho next to him.
"Huh." You turned to Teresa, seeing she was blinking away tears in her eyes. "You okay Teresa?"
"Just.. I just didn't want to lose another one of us." Of course..
You all stood up(you having to be helped by Minho and Frypan) and looked around.
Your brain took a while to process what was happened for a second, but what was in front of you finally clicked in your mind. Cranks.
"Holy—!" You stumbled backwards, having to be caught by Frypan. You and that mans are always having to catch each other.
That's when a really really cute girl came walking through the crowd of cranks. They were just a fingernail away from getting to the girl.
"Woah.." you subconsciously breathe out through your lips. Everyone looked at you, making you clear your throat in embarrassment. "I—I said.. wow—lightning, yanno? Fried my brain—" you lightly knocked at your head, mentally face-palming and cursing at your clumsiness.
Newt just smirked at you(supportive besfren check). The mysterious girl just chuckled and looked at us all with a playful smile on her face.
"Well? Are you coming? Or do you want to stay here with all of these cranks? Come on."
What a woman.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
BLOOM | Sukuna X You | Part 2/3
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CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Maki | Fushiguro Toji | Baby Megumi | Megumi's Mom (OC) CHAPTER COUNT: 2/3 WORD COUNT: 8600+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | (eventual) smut | ooc sukuna | female reader | modern au CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity/strong language | alcohol use | age gap | some mentions of death | mild sexual content SPOILERS: N/A
collection masterlist
one two three | Bloom Masterlist
You got up really early despite staying up late and only getting five hours of sleep max, but once you woke up, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get back to bed so you prepared for the day, waiting for Sukuna’s call. You went to the patio which faced the backyard, carried a small blanket and brought your battered copy of Edgar Allan Poe’s prose collection with you.
A few hour later, you heard stirring in the house and it wasn’t long before Satoru found you. He sat on the lounge chair opposite yours and just stared at you through sleepy eyes. He looked all disheveled, eyes bloodshot and yawning several times. He really couldn’t handle his alcohol and when he wakes up after drinking more than he could take, he always ends up befuddled and unable to make sense of his surroundings, not to mention irritable.
When he just sat there without saying anything and staring at you, you snapped your book close. “What is it?”
He snapped out of a seeming trance. “Oh. You have a guest.”
“Ieiri said it’s Howard.” He yawned again, stretching his arms.
“Yes, him.”
You scrambled off the lounge chair, nearly knocking it to the side with your weight as you half crawled, half-ran towards the door, suddenly remembering your agreement the previous night. You were mentally slapping yourself as you made your way into the hallway, planning to go up to your room to have a change of clothes. You weren’t sure what he wanted to do because he did not exactly specify that bit.
However, your plans did not come into fruition when you passed by the lattice wood and glass partition between the kitchen and the hallway and saw him.
“Y/N!” Ieiri pretty much yelled your name out, calling your attention and making you jump, startled. “Howard’s here.”
Sukuna glanced at her momentarily, probably catching the name she referred to him with.
The protest died in your throat when you saw Sukuna standing by the counter, looking so out of place in such a domestic setting although he was dressed casually in a black tee with a wide collar that exposed his collarbones for the world to see and faded jeans, similar to the one he wore that time he came to your school.
You grimaced at the realization that you were just standing there like an oaf, checking him out. It was evident in the way his smile morphed into a shy one as he bit his lower lip while Ieiri and Suguru grinned evilly at you. Feigning ignorance to their reactions, you entered the kitchen, brows knit together, shooting Ieiri an inquisitorial look after nodding at Sukuna’s direction. It was a dumb way of greeting people, but that was about what you could manage with the way your brain was being fried at the mere sight of him.
“I didn’t know we received guests in the kitchen now,” you commented, noticing the number of grocery bags on the counter. “You did the shopping?”
“I did,” Sukuna answered you. “I told you I was going to do something for you.”
“'You' being the technical term,” you said with a smirk when you realized what he was planning. “So you’re gonna cook for me?”
You eyed your two friends who were eyeing Sukuna in anticipation. “Just me?”
“Stingy,” Ieiri commented, pouting.
Woman, you thought, eyeing her sternly in case she had plans to say something embarrassing. You spoke before she could say more, approaching Sukuna who was suddenly just looking at you, your eyes in particular. Out of a sudden, he reached out and touched the spot just under your left eye, making you step back at the sudden contact. He was touchy, you knew that, but you weren’t expecting him to be so candid in front of your friends on such a setting.
“Your eyes are swollen. Is something the matter?”
You smiled at him then, shaking your head. “I didn’t sleep enough last night.” You busied yourself by checking the things he bought. “So…” You looked at his pretty hands then at him. “The Spring God can cook?”
He gave you a funny look at the nickname you gave him. “Watch the Kitchen God work!” He chuckled then turned his attention to Ieiri. “I was just asking Ieiri if I could borrow the kitchen.”
“It’s more Suguru’s kitchen than hers,” you sniped at her who was now sitting on the counter, chin on the heel of her palm as she looked at the pair of you as if she was watching a really cheesy romance drama.
“Then it’s settled. I have to cook for them, too.” He ruffled your hair then. “Mind helping me?”
“I’ll leave you kids then,” she said sounding like a mom, leaving the kitchen and blocking Satoru’s progress when he was about to enter, leading him out into the living room much to the latter’s annoyance.
You shook your head, snickering. You really couldn’t wrap yourself around the fact that Sukuna could cook. “Should I get you an apron, chef?” you asked, meaning to taunt him, but then he took out a rolled-out piece of black cloth from a black case he brought along with the groceries and said, “I brought my own.”
Knowing that you can’t say anything else to annoy him about cooking, you started sorting out the things he brought, taking them out of the bags and fixing them in an organized way on the counter while he proceeded to take the foodstuff to the sink. All the while, you were watching him as he cleaned everything, his dexterous hands moving with precision and unmistakable expertise.
After fixing everything and putting away the bags, you stood beside him on the sink. “You do this a lot?”
“Pretty much.”
It was fascinating to watch him work so you didn’t say anything else until he took the case again and produced a professional-looking set of knives with customized handles. “Okay, now I’m scared.” You arched a brow at him. “Why the hell do you have a knife set?”
“I love to cook,” he answered, laughing slightly without taking his eyes from what he was doing.
“I figured, but I thought, you know just cooking at home, following online recipes and stuff like that.”
At that, he laughed. “Those recipes don’t work half the time.”
“Oh, okay,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his sentiment but then you saw how he was cutting the ingredients on the chopping board like a pro. “I’ll be damned.”
“Now I mind assisting you. I refuse.” You felt a bit miffed about his mad skills in the kitchen, and you knew it would be foolish to even question how his dish, or dishes rather, was going to turn out. It got you thinking about every other thing he can possibly do, and you found yourself falling deeper. “I’m shit in the kitchen. You can have Suguru to help you.”
“But I already asked him for help yesterday to plan all this.”
“Did you now?” Your eyes flicked over to the counter that divided the kitchen and the living room and glared at your friend, remembering your conversation with him. He threw you a rueful smile.
Sukuna pouted. “You can’t take it back. Surely, you can chop onions.”
“I guess.” You took out a knife from the rack and grabbed an onion. “How do you like it?”
“Okay.” You started chopping the thing rather slowly, trying to be precise, but since you were taking too long, your eyes started watering before you could even get it halfway done. “Ah, shit!” you grumbled, putting the knife down rather harshly.
Sukuna laughed, turning you around so you were facing him. “Are you okay?” he asked in between laughter, wiping your tears away with some paper towels. “You were too slow.”
You screwed your eyes shut, still feeling the sting behind your eyelids. “Well, I don’t cook.” When you opened your eyes, you almost stopped breathing when you saw those dark orbs of his directly in front of you.
“Oh no, sweetheart, you’re crying,” he cooed.
“Onion…” You took the paper towel from him and started wiping your eyes yourself, turning away from him when you saw the teasing beam on his face. “Shut up.”
“You’re cute.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “You’re so annoying.”
“I’m cooking for you, and I’m annoying? Let’s see how that opinion changes once you taste this masterpiece.”
You did not say anything about the matter anymore and instead watched him work, handing him this and that and doing as he tells you. Sukuna was kinda scary to work with since he obviously had a fixed process about how things should be done, but at the same time, you found yourself mesmerized by his fluidity as he moved around as if he had been in the kitchen his whole life.
“What are you making anyway?” you asked as you were putting away the things he didn’t need anymore.
He looked over his shoulder as he stirred whatever he was making. “That’s a secret.”
You shrugged, looking into the pot. “Just tell me already.”
He placed his free arm around your waist, pulling you to his side, seemingly oblivious to the three pairs of eyes which looked towards the direction of the kitchen every so often, spying on the two of you. “Patience, sweetheart. You’re gonna spoil the surprise.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you whined.
He planted a quick kiss on your forehead. “You’ll see.”
By the time Sukuna was done, your dining room looked more like a five-star restaurant than that of one owned by four university students. Well, the table did. You weren’t really familiar with the dishes he prepared since he won’t tell you what they were. You only recognized the lobster thermidor, but all the others were a mystery.
Your friends were thrilled when they saw the table and you were just stunned. You pretty much just watched Sukuna, but he didn’t let you see what he was doing in the dining room, making you promise to sit down in the pantry while he prepared. He went overboard, but you loved it, too.
“I feel like I’m going to pay with all the contents of my bank account after this meal,” Suguru said as he sat down at the edge of the table, making Sukuna laugh.
You sat to his left while the chef sat beside you, explaining the dishes to you and the three other people with you with such technical terms, half of which you didn’t really understand. Suguru did though. Sukuna plated the first dish and offered it to them.
“I hope you would find them to your liking,” he said.
“Y/N’s grandpa would be super impressed if he was here to see this,” Ieiri asked.
You snorted. “Oh my god, Ieri, what are you being such a pain for?” You turned to Sukuna then who looked at you questioningly, but you pretended not to notice. “And you, chill and eat. They can get their own food.” He grinned at you but instead of serving food for himself, he started putting food on your plate. You watched him pointedly. “I can do that myself. Eat!”
“In a bit.” He finished by placing sauce on the lobster then smiled your way before getting food for himself.
“This is phenomenal cooking, man,” Satoru commented delightedly at the first bite, seemingly forgetting about his headache, and Suguru made a sound of approval, eating with gusto. “Will you cook for us every day?”
“Suguru!” you protested.
Sukuna laughed at that. “Maybe not every day.”
You shot him an annoyed look but ate as well. They were right. His cooking was beyond good. “On second thoughts, I don’t mind you cooking for us every day, too. This is totally great!”
“Told you.”
The meal was rather pleasant with your pals engaging Sukuna, obviously taken by him. The deal was sealed where he was concerned. You knew it had nothing to do with the food. They just liked him. He mostly conversed with them while you just pitched in once in a while, too busy eating. Besides, you wanted them to get to know him, too, and you were more than glad that Sukuna was making the effort to be acquainted to them.
After lunch, Suguru and Satoru volunteered to do the dishes, in a very good mood after the magical meal while Ieiri tidied up, leaving you and Sukuna alone. You decided to tour him around the house although there was nothing much to see, leading him into the upstairs hallways. Your house was quite big for only the four of you, but not stately or anything. It was just a normal house with too few inhabitants and too many rooms.
You walked towards the west hall. “Those are all guest rooms and those at the end of the hallway are Satoru and Suguru’s rooms.”
“Where’s yours?” he asked.
You cocked your head towards the east hallway, beckoning him to follow you as you led the way to said room, pointing out the other rooms you passed by, just three of them until you reached the last door. You pushed the door open and gestured for him to enter.
“Huge space,” he commented as he looked appraisingly around, his feet leading him to the large, framed posters of your favorite book-based films and games. “You are a nerd.”
You just watched him, leaning against one of your bookshelves as he ran a finger over your "Harry Potter" movie poster. “Guilty.”
Sukuna then went look at your book collection. “It’s not bad.”
“I’m a literature major. I think it makes sense.”
“Books and more books. How many of these have you actually read?” he asked, taking your volume of "Twelfth Night."
“All of them.”
He eyed you, evidently impressed. “Shakespeare?”
“Yeah. That’s basic in my field.”
“You’re amazing, Y/N.” He reached over and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. “Beautiful, cultured and smart. I like it.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Shut up.”
“It’s true.” He returned the book on its place. “So, apart from literature, what else are you interested in?” He glanced at the glass case at the opposite end of the room where your scale-model figures and rows upon rows of console games were. “Well, apart from action figures and video games.”
“Hmm.” You pretended to be brooding over it. “Well, recently, I’ve just been interested in one thing.”
“And what is that?”
He chuckled, pulling you towards him, the warmth of his hands burning through the fabric of your shirt, making you all giddy. “Alright, sweetheart. Your brutal frankness is really scaring me.”
“Door’s wide open. You can run.”
“You won’t chase after me?” he asked.
“You’re gonna wanna see me after anyway, so no.”
“Hey, that’s mean!” But then, he seemed to have thought of something. “Why does Ieiri call me ‘Howard’?”
You retreated from him and slumped down one of the beanbags while he sat on your swivel chair, turning it a hundred and eighty degrees repeatedly. “You caught that, huh?” You couldn’t suppress the laughter that bubbled from your throat at his question. “I didn’t know your name the night we met but Satoru told them about you and I kinda just used the name to refer to you. You know, from the book I was reading at Maki’s.”
“The architect.”
“That one.”
“I see. I don’t mind then since you told me you’re in love with the character.” He winked at you. “But yeah, I was wondering if you enjoyed the meal at all. You haven’t said anything.”
“That speaks volumes of how much I enjoyed it.”
“I’m not really good at this whole impressing anybody thing, but I wanted to make the effort for you and your friends.” Sukuna sighed in relief. “I’ve only ever had one girlfriend after all, and I didn’t really do much in the relationship. And I never really went out with other women after that either save for some casual dates.” He smiled sheepishly at you, but he was confused at your reaction.
You just stared at him quizzically and in disbelief. There was no way you will ever believe that he only dated steadily once and didn’t go out that much to paint the town red. It was inconceivable for the obvious fact that he was so beautiful it was inhuman along with that great personality he has. Women will be lining up for him for sure.
“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true.”
You shook your head, looking dubiously at him. “You’re pulling my leg.”
“Nope.” He shook his head as if to punctuate his statement.
“Everywhere we go, girls look at you and you expect me to believe that crap?” Hell, you wanted to pounce on him more often than not.
His expressions turned smug. “You care enough to notice, I see.”
It was unbelievable but you had to take his word for it. “You don’t sleep around either?”
“No. It just isn’t my thing.”
You just stared at him, your lower lip jutting out, not in disbelief anymore but in wonder. He’s a sensitive soul, you’ve figured that out, but you didn’t know it ran deeper than what you’ve seen so far.
“Don’t look so sad there.”
“I’m not. I really just don’t see it happening.”
“Should I be flattered?” he asked, but before you could answer, he said, “How about you?”
You swallowed hard, suddenly thinking hard about what you’re going to say to him. You didn’t really have a good track record where dating seriously was concerned. It was just not your cup of tea. “I’ve never had an exclusive relationship...” you began, eyeing him cautiously, “…ever.”
“Never?” He seemed to be having difficulty processing that.
You shook your head, your gaze guarded as you tried to gauge his reaction to your revelation. Somehow, you did not expect him to ask about the matter, and when he did, you didn’t really have a clue as to how you would address it. You realized just how different you were from him on that department. He seemed to value the emotions that come with engaging in physical intimacy while you just didn’t care enough for anyone to notice it.
“Now you’re shitting me.”
“I’m telling you the truth.” You frowned. “I think I mentioned this to you in passing the second time we met. I don’t date, at least not steadily.”
Sukuna obviously couldn’t wrap his head around the thought. “So you haven’t had a steady commitment with anyone?”
Again with the negative response. “Uh-uh.”
“Is it a matter of choice or is it a matter incapability, this I-don’t-date thing?”
“Both?” You shrugged, trying to think of a way to explain it to him. “I don’t for the reason that I don’t want to make a steady commitment. I just don’t see myself being invested with such intensity in anyone in a romantic way.”
“And why can’t you?”
“I get sick of people I’m involved with. In that manner, at least.” You chuckled humorlessly. “So…yeah.”
“But you’ve dated, right?”
You nodded. “Openly, yes, but I don’t stay long enough to really get into the whole relationship thing.” Talking about it was excruciating. It wasn’t something you discussed even with your friends. Suguru thought of it as you playing the field, but really, you had issues with the prospect of staying in an established bond with one person for a long period of time. You didn’t really know what to do with the information although you understood the mechanics.
He frowned then, looking deeply troubled. “So, you don’t date?”
“I did not date.” You made sure to emphasize on the past tense, knowing well what he would be assuming. “'Did not' being the operative term.”
“And now?” he asked, standing up when you did, too.
You stepped towards him. “What do you want it to be? It doesn’t just depend on me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” he said patiently, coming to meet you halfway and cupping your face as he tilted his head down to look at you squarely in the eyes. “But I do want you for the long run.”
“For now, it’s just that you’re slowly changing my views about it,” you returned. “But I like you, Sukuna. And I care about you. A hell lot. Does that answer your question?”
He nodded.
You reached up, touching his face, running your finger over his jawline. “Can we work with that?”
He pressed his lips onto your forehead, wrapping his arms around you. “Count on it.”
"How do I look?" you asked as you walked into the living room in the black, long-sleeved, backless, lace mini cocktail dress that Ieiri chose for you, your pencil heels of the same color clacking on the tiled flooring. You found your three friends lined up on the couch like expectant parents who were sending off their daughter to her first dance, making you laugh.
"Stunning!" Satoru complimented without hesitation, jumping up the couch to make his way to you. "Our daughter's grown up, Suguru."
"Last time I checked, I'm the only one who was raising her," the other male replied.
"You did a good job."
"I did a good job," Ieiri chimed in.
You shook your head, checking the contents of your clutch. It was hopeless trying to get a proper answer from them, but you needed their output since you were new to the whole dressing-up for dinner thing because you never really allowed anyone to wine-and-dine you; never wasted time and resources on anybody you knew you weren’t exactly interested in for the long run. Still, you were more than happy to say yes to Sukuna when he said he'll be taking you to dinner after your exams.
He's been hanging around you almost every day since he cooked lunch at your place, making good on his words to you where the status of your relationship was involved. He would either come see you in the morning before he went to work or meet you at night for a quick drink at Maki's pub. At times, he'd be dropping by at your school during his breaks. And on the previous weekend, he came over, satisfying himself by sitting quietly on the couch with you leaning against his chest while you studied, even going through lengths of helping you out. At some point, you gave up cause he was distracting you, telling you about his plans while playing with your hair.
"You're gonna cook for me," you assumed.
"No. I'm taking you to that fancy restaurant in town."
You agreed without protests even when he refused after you suggested to split the bill knowing how expensive the place could be. You didn’t want him to think you were mooching off him just because he was older and you’re a broke university student. He seemed excited about the whole thing, so you didn't argue further.
Just then, you heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the house, and you made your way to the door despite Ieiri's tirade about you supposedly making the man walk to your door and ringing the bell, probably make him wait, too. Knowing Sukuna, he'll do just that but you didn't want them to pull their antics while that cliché scene by the doorstep unfolded. But she beat you to it, running a lot faster than you to open the door when you were halfway through the short hallway. Just as you were afraid of, Satoru and Suguru were also standing at the other end of the hallway.
"Guys!" you growled.
"We just wanna see you off," Suguru whined just as Ieiri said, "Hi, Howard."
"Hi," Sukuna returned the greeting, even waving at the boys behind you, looking debonair in a smart-casual charcoal grey ensemble over black, collarless button-downs.
Your annoyance died down at the sight of him and you felt yourself melting when your eyes finally met and he beamed brightly as he took in your appearance, looking like he was seeing color for the first time.
"Ready?" he asked and you nodded, stepping around Ieiri. "We're going" you told your friends, shooting them all warning looks before breaking into a nervous smile anyway as Sukuna led you away.
He opened the door to the passenger side of his... "Where's your Jeep?" you asked him, noticing the matte black sports car for the first time.
"At home," he told you. "I thought I'd switch it up for the occasion."
You shook your head as you climbed in, not really expecting him to go to that extent. You appreciated it but you weren't really high maintenance nor did you want the finer things. "So you just happened to have a Porsche 911 lying around?" you asked him when he finally made it to the driver's seat.
He nodded innocently. "I got it on a whim last year, but I decided it's too flashy so I had it stored at an exclusive garage and only took it out whenever I felt like it. I think this is a good time to take it for a spin."
"You didn't have to."
"I wanted to." He reached out to caress your cheek. "You're a vision, by the way."
You felt heat suffuse your cheeks at his gentle touch, but you held his hand in place as you faced him. "I could say the same for you."
"I always wear suits though," he said.
"Well, you're much too impatient with your blazers and you get rid of them when we meet," you began, "And you don't wear those for me."
He flashed you a cheeky grin. "Oh, so you want your men to dress for you?"
"Man, Sukuna. Singular."
It was his turn to blush. "I'm the only one, huh?"
You tilted your head to the side, smirking. "You wanna add someone else into the mix? I didn’t know you were into that."
He was flustered. "No?"
"If you have an exact replica, I wouldn't mind."
Sukuna burst out laughing. "You're crazy."
"It's your fault for hijacking my brain all the time."
Dinner had been great with the both of you pretty much making fun of the numerous silverware before you and making up stories of the haughty guests who came into the same fancy restaurant, some of whom were looking towards your direction.
"That one's a trophy wife," you told him, furtively glancing at the couple that entered. "She's all iced up but look at how her husband is interacting with the waitress."
"You can tell just by that?" he asked.
"I'm guessing they're regulars here and the waitress is one of those he is having an extramarital affair with just judging by the way she looked at him and how she's being all cozy with him." You chuckled. "Ah, now Mrs. X is unhappy. Pretty and bejeweled but very unhappy."
"What about that man there?" He mimicked the way you looked at the couple earlier, this time referring to that one by the glass walls at the corner.
"Oh that one? He's that demanding type who only wants to sit on his usual spot. He's hypochondriac. He's been wiping all the silverware."
Sukuna was obviously amused. "You observe people like this all the time?"
"I aspire to be a novelist if not a literature professor. I watch people to come up with stories, so it doesn't always mean what I'm saying about them is true. I just make it up as I go." You laughed. "But Suguru is a better writer than I am."
"Is he now?"
You nodded, eyes scanning the area. "That old lady is a rich widow who is keeping tradition alive."
He followed your line of vision. "Because she's wearing traditional garb?"
You shook your head. "Because she is alone with that sorrowful look on her face, and she has an extra serving of a meal across her which had been untouched since she ordered in. She's on a date with her dead husband. The empty seat is for him. It's their anniversary." You cocked your head towards the empty chair. "She placed that blazer on the backrest which is obviously not hers, and she just opened a wrapped-up present and made a show of presenting it to whoever should be seated there. Looked like men’s watch to me."
That same old woman stood by your table later in the evening to say, "You are a lovely couple. Cherish each other." And she also paid for a bottle of expensive wine which Sukuna asked to be wrapped for the two of you to take home.
"Looks like you're right about that one," he said as he drove you back to his place.
You nodded, smiling to yourself. "She was right, too," you murmured.
He blinked then looked at you. "Did you say something?"
If you were impressed with the Porsche, his place was even more amazing. The whole place was in scales of black, white and gray but nothing was monotonous about the space. He toured you around the house and it looked uninhabited if it weren't for the signs of life around. But what caught your eye was the shelf full of music, all in vinyl with his gramophone plugged in to a modern sound system. He liked old stuff, his collection ranging from 1903s music to more modern ones here and there.
His living room was strategically placed by the glass walls, providing a view of the cityscape where you found yourself standing, in awe of the sights before you. Just then, the familiar bars of Ben E. King's "Stand by Me" started playing in the background.
You were about to whirl around, but you felt him behind you, wrapping his arm around you as he made you face him. He extended a hand towards you then. You took it without hesitation although you didn't know what he was up to, surprised when he placed your arms on his shoulder while he held onto your waist.
"Dance with me," he said in a low tone as he pulled you closer.
You giggled at that, letting him slowly sway you to the beat while you just looked up at him, drowning in his eyes, his warmth and everything that was him. "I love this song."
He arched a brow at you. "You know Ben E. King?"
"I grew up listening to old music," you told him, nodding as you smiled fondly. "The perks of being a grandpa's girl. You get exposed to great music."
"The movie is my favorite, too."
Your eyes widened. "Really?"
He threw his head back in mock annoyance. "Let me guess. It's your favorite, too?"
"Yes!" you squealed excitedly.
Sukuna clucked his tongue. "You make it hard for me to resist you when you have great music and movie tastes, too."
You looked away, swearing you were beet red now. You playfully smacked him on the chest. "Don't say things like that with a straight face."
His laughter reverberated on his chest when you leaned your forehead against it, hiding your face from him. "Now, you're getting all shy around me?" he teased.
"Shut up," you mumbled, pouting at him but having a hard time as you fought the smile that played at the corners of your mouth.
"Seriously though, Y/N, you don't run out of surprises for me." He leaned his forehead against yours. "Every time, you put something new on the list of things I like about you."
"You have a list?"
He nodded. "It's getting hard to keep up with how long it has become."
"Where does it begin?" you asked out of curiosity.
He raised a hand, his finger tracing the point between your eyebrows. "Your brows furrow just around here when you're concentrating. Just like that time I met you at Maki's."
He nodded. "It's impressive how you're caught in a world of your own even in such a busy, crowded place."
"I’m just good at ignoring people. But stopped reading the moment you sat beside me." You snickered. "You make it hard to focus, it's an insult to the author when her characters are all beyond just interesting."
"How was I even distracting you? You weren’t even looking at me."
"That's what you thought." You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "It's your hair at first, but then you also smelled too good to be true. That did it for me. And before I knew it, every word on the page I was reading became Cyrillic or something."
You didn't even realize that you've both come to a standstill, chuckling as you met his gaze again, only to feel his hand sliding behind your head, his fingers tangling with your hair as he dipped down and seized your lips, tilting his head slightly. It was a gentle kiss, his skilled lips light on yours, introducing his rhythm and flavor of mint mixed with the faint flavor of the wine you've both been drinking as you moved in sync with him.
It drove you crazy how his scent and taste filled every crevice of your being, desensitizing you while also pushing your senses on overdrive at the same time. The feel of his large hands as they secured you to him while his mouth did all the magic made your blood grow hot, the rush you felt inside consuming you. You visibly wobbled when he let go of you, making him look at you in amusement.
"Stay the night?" he asked, breaking into a grin. "I have a copy of our favorite movie. We can finish the wine that kind old lady gave us, and I'll make you pizza."
"You had me at our favorite movie," you said, still a bit dazed and drunk from the taste of him. "I'll stay."
Sukuna stood at the foot of his bed as he neatly placed everything you might need on it, running out of his unit to get stuff for you at the nearby convenience store. He glanced over at the door of the adjoining shower, smiling when he heard you humming. Well, he couldn't stop smiling all night seeing how beautiful you were in that black dress. He marveled at how you managed to be even more gorgeous when you were already driving him insane even when you wore sweats to school.
He found beauty in every little thing you did, feeling himself being overwhelmed with amazement even when you were just sitting there reading to how you spoke eloquently about things you were passionate about, the way you told the stories you made up despite how they leaned towards sad things. He found it attractive how you lacked complications and always gave him your honest opinions, how you tell him what was going on inside your mind without bars held.
He loved how kind and loving you are to your friends. It wasn't outward affection but he did notice the small things you did. How one word – "breathe" – would calm Satoru down, how one reassuring squeeze of the hand would pacify Ieiri and how a single look would convey your thoughts to Suguru. He would be jealous of it given any other circumstances, but you did so much more for him by just smiling and cheering him up when you sensed how tired he was from work which was often.
You were sensitive like that, appeared stronger and more resilient than you looked, but he and your friends couldn't help it but dote on you. It was kinda funny how they all referred to you as their daughter at first but when he found out they were doing that because they're the only family you had, he understood why. He understood why you tended to look at things the way you did. It only strengthened his urge to take care of you and protect you at all costs.
“Don’t give me that look,” you’ve told him then when he found out your grandfather, your only guardian and family, passed away three years ago, and you’ve only been living on the small fortune he bequeathed to you upon his death. Your parents were long dead, too, and you were basically alone in life.
He found it amazing that you could talk about the matter without being uncomfortable when he couldn’t even imagine how his life would be if he lost his mother at his age. He understood your independent nature, how you would give him funny looks whenever he volunteered to do something for you and why you were always so insistent on splitting the bill when you went out.
Still, when you said you didn't date steadily, it got him worried. Apart from the possibility that you might not stay with him for as long as he imagined – which made him afraid to breathe at times – he thought you might have issues from being alone too much; that maybe, the reason why you didn’t want to commit was because you didn’t want to open up only to be left alone again when things don’t work out. The way you spoke about the old woman at the restaurant and the way sadness crossed your features as you told him the story you’ve just made up sort of solidified his notions.
That’s exactly the reason why he was happy you weren’t pushing him away or refusing to stay with him. When you said you’ll stay the night, although he found joy in all the times you’ve been around him, he still felt unbelievably happy. Perhaps you were giving him a chance, giving whatever it is that’s between you the opportunity to blossom and just going with wherever and whatever it brings you. He liked that thought.
You came out of his room just as he was taking out the pizza he made, dressed in that oversized, white shirt he brought out for you, the collar askew on your shoulders. You walked into the kitchen running a towel on your hair, leaning on the counter. He almost dropped the pizza when he saw that you’ve forgone the sweats he’d given you, your legs bare from halfway down your thighs.
“I gave you pants, you know.”
You laughed at his words. “They’re too big for me. I returned them in your closet.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Go wait in the living room. I’ll be finished here in a bit.”
You did as you were told, much to his relief but still went to the extent of getting you a blanket in case you wanted to cover up, not that he minded looking at your legs. Nevertheless, he preferred not to with all the thoughts running amok in his head. He wanted to take things slow with you even if you were proving to be his kryptonite. You thanked him for it, happily munching on the pizza he made as the movie started.
“I can’t believe that woman gave us this expensive wine,” you said as you took a sip from your glass.
“I can’t believe we’re having pizza with it,” he said as he sat at the other end of the couch. The two of you laughed at that, but then he stopped when you did, noticing how you were looking at him with a confused look on your face. “What is it?”
“Why are sitting so far away from me?” you demanded, but instead of him moving towards you, you crawled on the sofa closer to him.
Sukuna reveled in how naturally you took his arm and placed it on your shoulder, leaning against him before adjusting your position and covering the two of you with the blanket. He was glad your guard was down where he was concerned, the fact that you smelled like his shampoo and were wearing his clothes making him all warm and fuzzy inside. He pulled you closer to him, eyes trained on his massive flat screen.
“Sukuna…” you said a few moments later.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You’re too stiff.” You looked up at him, snickering. “I won’t steal your virtue if that’s what you’re scared of.”
He just laughed but it was taking everything he had in him not to do anything when you were tempting him in the most sinful ways, but he forgot all about that when your head lolled against his chest and found you sound asleep. You looked so serene that instead of taking you to bed, he sat there, cradling your form until the movie finished, his fingers playing with your hair.
Sukuna looked down at you, feeling like his chest was about to explode as he breathed in, realizing the depth of how much he felt for you, and although you couldn’t hear it, he said, “I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
The crisp morning air blew past the open balcony doors, into the bedroom, rustling the white sheets on his bed that momentarily served as the sanctuary of a tangle of limbs and blankets, cradled by the softness of the mattress and feather-filled pillows. Even breaths rose and fell in sync, filling the wide room. Languid fingers twined with the silkiness of long locks of hair and smooth, bare skin. The bed creaks and Sukuna’s eyes open to the brightness of daylight.
He took in his surroundings, and the first thing he noticed was the pressure on his leg, his left arm just by his shoulder and his chest along with the warmth that was coming from his side. His eyes wandered down to his body to the sheets barely reaching his waist, until finally he found the source of it all.
On his left side was none other than you, pressed to his side with no quantifiable distance separating your bodies but the measly fabric of the shirt you wore. Your hair fell on the pillows and his shoulder which was cushioning your head, your leg crooked across his thighs while your hand lay on his chest in a stagnant caress that suddenly made his whole body burn from the inside. Peering down, he noticed how your brows knit together in an unconscious frown while your thick lashes cast shadows below your closed eyes. Your long, lean legs were exposed to him up to your milky thighs as his shirt which you were wearing rode up, and he could only pray that you won’t move that limb any further or else…
Cursing at himself, he diverted his gaze and realized how his left hand had been running up and down your back. The feel of your warmth against the pads of his fingers sent him to the edge while your scent intoxicated him until he felt sweat beading on his forehead. He knew he was being shallow, but he couldn’t help it either. He was still human. Still, a smile made its way across his mouth. He was only able to think of the moment and how he wished to wake up to it every single morning of his existence. He decided to stay still and hold onto it while it lasted.
“Why are you so pretty?” he whispered, then pulled you closer while he closed his eyes, meaning to go back to sleep, but it wasn’t long before he felt you stir against him, your leg moving upwards. In the process, said limb swept higher, touching that particular spot between his legs. The weight of your leg didn’t help with the carnal thoughts that were already running amok in his mind.
You suddenly moved, groaning as you shifted, the drawn-out sound doing things to him.
Sukuna’s eyes remained shut, fearing what might come next after you discover the compromising position you were in, but it didn’t come. Instead, you just very slightly distanced yourself from him, remaining within reach, but he was startled when he suddenly felt cold fingers brush across the skin just below his lower lip.
“If I were an artists, I would have painted you,” you said quietly while your fingers travelled lower. “Just look at that jaw line.”
Sukuna felt himself shiver when your other hand began working its way from his collarbones, going all the way down to where his chiseled stomach was. The titillating sensation filled his brain and before he knew it, his eyes were half open while his hand had already grabbed you by the wrist. His other arm worked to topple you over, back to the comfort of the pillows, while he rolled on top of you, staying still while completely rendering you motionless by pinning your arm down.
The reverberation of your chest against his whilst you chuckled albeit his weight sent him to the edge, almost falling off, but he held still and stopped himself from doing anything.
“Ryomen Sukuna,” you whispered, tapping his back slightly.
He wondered whether you liked being there with him, too, or what. “L/N Y/N…What’s with the formality?” What, indeed? The two of you were in a very intimate position and yet he addressed you that way, sounding agonized even to himself. “Don’t do that.”
You scoffed good-naturedly. “Am I giving you strange feelings?” you questioned, ridiculing him early in the morning. “I knew you were pretending to be asleep. Men just can’t say no to a woman’s touch, huh?”
He supported his weight with his arm and drew himself up, the rest of his weight pushing down lower against you. He smirked then. “So you were also awake.”
“And you let me hold you anyway?” he murmured, his face almost closing in on yours.
You ignored the tone in which he spoke and its implications. “I was just too lazy to move. Besides, I thought you were a pillow. You’re so warm.”
“That sounds fishy, Y/N.”
“And what’s fishy about that?”
He broke into that crooked grin, feeling his evil streak resurfacing. “Hmm. The fact that you’re liking this as much as I am.”
You removed your hand from his grip and lightly slid it down his inked rib, going lower as you traced the patterns of his tattoo, your eyes remaining on him, a sultry smile swathed across your lips.
A moan nearly escaped his parted mouth, but he wasn’t able to hold back the sudden closing of his eyes and slight parting of his mouth as your hand reached halfway down. “S-stop…”
Your hand stopped where his pelvis was, but your fingers continued to draw circles on his skin. “Are you sure you want me to stop?”
Sukuna panted and nodded at you feeling his hot blood rushing southward.
“Yeah?” You laughed softly, your eyes widening a bit in amusement while your leg kicked faintly underneath him, feeling something stiffen against your thigh. “Something else tells me you don’t,” you purred into his ear.
Sukuna bit his lower lip, peeking at you through half-lidded eyes. He knew you felt that and he was getting embarrassed with every second he stayed there. He knew your effect on him and you were more than just aware of it. You were even going to the extent of toying with him, making him feel like a goddamn teenager with raging hormones.
“You’re baiting me,” he played along, brushing your hair off of your neck and twirling the strands with his finger.
You smirked. “Am I?” you said slowly, hand sliding on the garter of his sweats. You withdrew your hand and rolled the two of you over despite his weight, turning tables on him. You touched the tip of his nose, taking in the disappointed look on his face all to your amusement before getting off.
“You’re funny, Sukuna.”
Your leg wasn’t even halfway off of him from where you were sitting astride his torso when Sukuna decided he was going to take his chances with making you succumb to him somehow and he finalized that by stopping you. Grabbing your waist, he rolled you over once more and without second thoughts, dipped his mouth against your, just pecking you on the mouth at first to see what you would do.
Too stunned to react, you were only able to stare at him, but Sukuna didn’t just stop there. He pressed his mouth against your sensuous lips in numerous fleeting touches until he felt you respond to it in the same gentle manner. Those small gestures, along with the closing of your eyes, ignited the fire that had been coursing through him until he thought he would explode if he didn’t comfort himself with the feel of you against him.
Unable to hold back anymore, he crashed your lips together in an urgent, scorching and passionate kiss, nibbling on your lower lip. You responded in kind, possessively holding onto his taut shoulders as he lifted you both in a sitting position so you were kneeling astride his lap. Sukuna pushed his fingers into your hair, holding you against him while his mouth moved downwards to your neck, seductively biting on your collarbone, marking his trail of fire up the columns of your throat before returning to your mouth.
Opposite to his aim to escalate the heat and passion, you placed both of your hands on either side of his head, cupping his cheeks with gentle hands and pulled away slightly, still with your foreheads against each other, hands intact on his shoulders and your waist, both panting for air.
You flashed him an apologetic smile, swallowing hard as you pulled back and sat down on the bed, looking down at your hands which you were wringing. Silence fell over the room and when you came to your senses again, you met his gaze.
His eyes rounded at the realization of what he just did. “I’m sorry, I don’t what came over me.”
“It’s fine. Don’t apologize.” You shook your head. “Sukuna, I…I shouldn’t have…”
He smiled at you then and pulled you close, giving you a soft peck on the forehead, eventually taking you into his arms, soothing your back as he embraced you. “That’s not it, sweetheart. I can’t keep my hands to myself even when you’re not doing anything.”
“I’m sorry…”
He looked at you at arm’s length. “Don’t be.” You diverted your gaze, but Sukuna lifted your head with a finger, making you look at him, holding you in his gaze “I’m willing to take it slow if that’s what makes you comfortable.”
“Look, I just want to be sure about how I feel. I don’t want to be doing this half-baked because I don’t want to hurt you –”
He placed a finger against your lips, still raw from his kisses. He didn’t want to hear what you had to say just yet but he smiled slowly at you. “I’m willing to give you time, and for now, I just want us to stay like this. Is that okay?”
You nodded, swallowing hard.
You found yourselves lying in bed until the sun was high in the sky and it was just too warm to stay there. Endless talks led to teasing which eventually led to laughter. He was glad that you were back to your carefree self again, even happier that you were considering his feelings.
“Should we get something to eat?” you suggested to him.
“Are you hungry?” Sukuna asked.
“Yeah. Aren’t you?”
Sukuna chuckled. “Starving.” He stood up first and pulled you with him, leading you out of the room with a happy grin on his face. “Let’s make breakfast together?”
“Sure…” You beamed at him. “I’d like that.”
-end of part 2-
Additional notes are available in the masterlist, particularly on the reasons why I wrote some things the way I did.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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feral-dumbass · 4 years
Neon Angels on the Road to Ruin
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James “Bucky” Barnes/ Steve Rogers / Female Reader
Summary: Bucky is on the phone with Steve when he decides he has to have you now. 
Includes: Exhibitionism (???), Polyamorous relationship, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex, Overstimulation, Dom/ Sub undertones, Talk of oral, The stealth suit
Words: 2,008 
A/N: Hi! The only thing I love more than super soldiers is women in rock, so let’s pretend to be surprised that this my second fic with title credit to The Runaways. As always tagging the homies @babybluestan​ @gagmebucky​ @heresyoursnackdumbass​
LMK if you guys still want a tag list!
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“Mhmm… Pfft, everyone knows to ambush at night. Where did these rookies come from?” Bucky speaks to Steve on the phone as he looks over reports. Steve was currently ranting about how quickly the mission with new recruits went south. Bucky wanted to be a good boyfriend and help Steve out as the reports started piling up. Man, is Bucky happy he’s helping Steve. Steve is making the recruits sound like dumbasses. It’s a shame Bucky will have to put them through the wringer come Monday. 
Bucky has had to reread Clint’s shitty sentence twice while Steve rants. He can feel his brain cells deteriorating as he tries to read the report. He’s passed multiple stick figure drawings and that was just the first page. 
Commotion from you allows Bucky to move his eyes away from the eyesore. You take a break from typing away on your computer to scratch your bare thigh. Even after you hand leaves the spot where the hem of Bucky’s t-shirt is touching your thigh, his eyes are boring holes into it. You’re sitting sideways in Steve’s reading chair, bare legs thrown over the armrest. Your soft, smooth legs shine under the light and Bucky’s hand twitches. He can practically feel your thighs underneath his hands as he spreads your legs. Not like he wasn’t just between them like an hour ago. 
Memories of you coming on his cock fill his brain as blood rushes south. He moves up to your face. You’re biting your lip in concentration as you type out a scientific article. They’re still slightly swollen from Bucky. It’s not Bucky’s fault you’re a really good kisser and he just wants to kiss you 24/7.
With the sight of the wide collar of his shirt displaying previous hickeys and little bit of your cleavage, Bucky’s ripping out a page of Clint’s report. It was shitty. Steve was gonna make him redo it anyways. He balls up the piece of paper and throws it at you as Steve continues his star spangled rant in his ear.
Everyone knows Bucky’s aim is good. He hits you right on your forehead with it. You turn to glare at him. As you blink slowly at him, he points down to his crotch. You scoff and laugh at him. Bucky moves and cups the phone away from his mouth. 
“Come hop on this dick.” Maybe Bucky said something wrong because you go back to your computer. “Please.” He tries giving his best puppy dog look, wide eyes and mouth turned into a pout. If it works on Steve, it should work on you.
“Oh my god,” Bucky‘s heart flutters as you laugh when you speak. ”I’m saving my work. Give me a minute.” 
“What was that, Buck?” Steve has stopped his rant to ask Bucky a question.
“Oh, she was just checking on the spelling of adamantium.” Bucky doesn’t take his eyes off you as you shut your laptop and stand up, putting the computer in your seat. You stretch out your arms and your underwear is on full display for him. 
“Oh,” is all Steve says before going back to his rant. You walk over to Bucky, hips swaying side to side. Bucky is hastily putting Steve on speaker and setting his phone on the mahogany desk. He takes your hand and pulls you on his lap. You throw your arms over Bucky’s shoulders and give him a sweet kiss as he rubs your back. His hand is slowly pushing up the shirt up your back so he can make more skin contact. 
“He’s really going on a rant, isn’t he?” You speak lowly and glance back at Bucky’s phone. Bucky takes your chin between his fingers and turns you to face him. 
“Ignore him.” Bucky kisses you senselessly. It doesn’t take him long to deepen the kiss, tongue swiping out to invade your mouth. You moan as his other hand moves to play with the hem of your panties. 
“You guys know I can hear you, right? You’re making out as I tell Bucky about the worst few days of my life. Unbelievable.” Bucky breaks away from you to reply and you trail after his lips. He smirks as he talks.
“ ‘M sorry, Stevie. You should see our sweet girl right now. Been walking around in my t-shirt with no pants for the past hour. All her hickeys are on display. She looks extra kissable too. Bet she’s even already wet, again, too. Are you wet for me, sweetheart?” Your eyes are stuck on Bucky’s lips, watching the way they move as he speaks. You nod. “Gotta speak up, babe. Stevie’s gotta hear too.”
“Y-yes. I’m wet. I think Bucky should feel for himself, though.” You grab his metal hand and slide it into the front of your underwear. Bucky reaches further down to where you ache for him.
At the feel of your sopping folds as he slides his fingers through the mess between your thighs, Bucky groans out. “She definitely wasn’t lying.” Bucky kneads your sex harder and your breath hitches. 
Steve inhales and exhales loudly through the phone. “I hate you. I hate you both. You’re killing me.” 
“What do you say doll? Want to kill him even more and let him hear me wreck that sweet pussy even more?” Butterflies rumble in your stomach. Even if Bucky wasn’t going to fuck yoou, you were going to ride his thigh. You find yourself nodding your head adamantly through the pleasure as Steve speaks. 
“I can’t believe I’m asking, but even more? What do you mean?” Steve’s brain is definitely fried from dealing with everyone’s bullshit.
“It was rare for me to be out of this tight, little cunt. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” As Bucky talks, he’s sliding his two of his fingers inside of you and finding those sensitive spots inside of you. 
“B-Bucky, please.” You whimper as he pumps his fingers expertly. Bucky isn’t lying. He’s fucked you until you’re overworked and sensitive. It doesn’t take much to start to feel the rise of your orgasm.  
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” His metal thumb circles your clit. “You gonna be a good slut and cum for me and Steve? You know what? Why don’t you ask Steve if you can cum?” 
“Steve, please. P-please, can I come?” No hesitation as you start to beg. 
“Let her cum, Buck.” Bucky doubles his effort, pumping his fingers at faster speed. You hold onto his bicep for dear life, nails digging crescent shapes as your muscles tense. You reach your peak.
“FUCK!” You curse in between breathy moans. Bucky lets you ride out your orgasm before he slips his fingers out of you and into his mouth. He takes his fingers out with a pop, loud enough for Steve to hear. 
“How does she taste?”
“Like fucking candy.” Steve is groaning and a door slamming in the background breaks the trance between you and Bucky. 
“I hope you guys are happy. I’m gonna jerk it out in a supply closet like some kind of creep because you two couldn’t wait twenty fucking minutes to stop fucking like bunnies.” 
“Well, you head the Captain. Let’s give him something good to listen to. C’mon and fuck me.” You look at Bucky expectantingly. 
“Fuck.” Bucky’s groaning as he sets you on your feet. Before you can blink, he’s yanking his shirt off you and standing up to his full height. You only have a few seconds to look up at him before he’s turning you around and picking you up by the waist to roughly place on Steve’s desk. Your feet barely graze the ground with your breasts against the cool wood. Bucky doesn’t make you wait for long. Before you can process it, Bucky is moving your underwear to the side and  sliding his cock into you.  You’ve had his cock enough this weekend. He doesn’t let you adjust just starts off at a brutal pace that’s already making you see stars. The smacking of your  skin echoes through the room. You have no doubt it carries through the phone.
He moans at how wrecked you sound already. “Yeah, baby? Bucky making you feel good?”
“So good.” You whimper. Your back arches as you scramble to get a hold of the smooth surface of the desk. Bucky notices and takes your hand down to reach his thigh. Your fingers dig into his skin. You can feel his muscles contract underneath your fingertips as he thrusts into you. “So fucking good, Bucky.” Even with your ears ringing, you’re able to hear the tell tale signs of skin slapping skin on Steve’s line. Bucky is too focused on your praise to make fun of him for it, thrusting into you with vigor. He tugs on your hips so you’re hanging more off the table. You whimper out as Bucky reaches around you for your clit, rubbing in fast circles.
“Jesus Christ, you sound so pretty. I wish I was there.” 
“What would you do, Stevie?” Bucky pants as he speaks. “It sure would be great if you were here to take her mouth. The wet heat of her mouth is almost as good as her pussy. She can barely deepthroat your massive cock. It’d be a great show.” Bucky’s palm smacks down on your ass cheek. It’s almost as if he knows your mouth is watering at the thought. 
“Bucky!” Your hips buck at the stinging feeling  of metal.
“You’re the biggest fucking tease, Bucky. I should put your mouth to good use.” Bucky’s thrusts falter for a few seconds before his pace picks back up. Well, Bucky definitely wants his mouth used like a whore and you can’t really blame him. There’s something special in letting Captain America facefuck you, firm grip on the back of your head as he makes you take as much of his length as you can. 
The thought has your orgasm approaching quicker than you thought as drool starts to pool on the desk. The sight of your muscles tensing and the feel of your nails digging harder into his thigh has Bucky doubling his efforts, angling to hit your sensitive depths with every thrust and rubbing your clit even faster. 
“Cum for us. Remind Steve how pretty you sound when you cum.”  
“Cum for us, angel. Be a good girl.” 
With the sound of both of your boyfriends begging in low, deep voices for release, your orgasm overcomes you rather quickly. Your breathy moans fill the room as you pant. Your legs are so shaking so hard, Bucky has to make sure you don’t fall off the desk as he fucks you through your orgasm. You can barely make out Steve groaning into the phone as you moan out his name. 
When you manage to catch your breath over the oversensitivity Bucky is putting you through, a mischievous grin spreads across your face as he thrusts get sloppy. “You close, Bucky? I think you should ask Stevie if you can cum.”
“You heard the woman.” 
“Steve, I swear to fucking God if you don’t let me cum-”
“Please, can I cum?”
“I think you know what I’m looking for, Bucky.”
“Please, can I cum, sir?” 
“See that wasn’t so hard. Go ahead.” With his permission, you can feel Bucky spill his warmth as you whimper. His groaning sends shivers down your spine as he roughly yanks your hips to meet cock in the last few thrusts. 
Everyone takes a few minutes to catch their breath before Steve is speaking out again. “The weirdest fucking part about this is that I haven’t had time to switch out of my stealth suit.” A moan slips out of your mouth on accident as you clench down on Bucky. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“Did she just-”
“I want you both naked waiting for me on our bed. 15 minutes. Try not to fuck each others brains by then.” Steve abruptly hangs up after that leaving you and Bucky to scramble to the bedroom. 
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Never Satisfied [Chapter 2]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language
Collaboration between Vy & Ashens 🖤
“this chick is crazy...and I kinda dig it“
It’s been four days since the incident and he’s all but forgotten about it, removed it from his memory entirely as if girls hide from police in his car on a regular basis. 
Today is colder than usual, and his body has been quick to respond to the change, aching around the joints. Some days it’s impossible to move, feeling his clothes and sandpaper and housing spikes as joints. Thankfully, today isn’t that bad, the pain is rather manageable. Which checks out well for him, considering he has to do some cleaning around his apartment. His skin itched at the sight of the mess his living space has become over the last few weeks he hasn’t been bothered to pick up the strewn about items or wash the dishes in the sink. 
Standing in his living room, he turns in a circle, taking in the disaster that is surrounding him. His chest tightens, throat closing up due to the overwhelmingness of the work he has ahead of him while all he wants to do is hide in his room, under the blankets of his bed that is for sure not willing to offer him much comfort at the moment, seeing as how it too is a mess. 
Forget about that! He isn’t sure if his mind is telling him to forget the task he has at hand or the comfort he has in mind. Either way, he knows what the right thing to do is. It may give him anxiety, but it has to be done. 
He clenches his jaw and closes his eyes, taking deep measured breaths and exhaling slowly just like his doctor had instructed him to do, in hopes to ease the tension around his lungs. 
Calming down a bit, he finally decides to get on with it, starting with the smallest space he has to clean, hoping accomplishing a small victory would fuel his ambition to move onto the actual rooms with a lesser struggle. So, pulling on his favorite hoodie and a beanie over his black curls, he slips out of the front door and down the stairs of his apartment complex with a trash bag in hand. He may hate cleaning, but he hates messes more, therefore it’s an easy call to make. Easy when putting the two in comparison, a struggle when he actually has to get on with the process of cleaning. 
With a deep breath as a final ‘You got this’ before action, he unlocks his car doors and looks around its interior. He starts off with the junk in the front - first tending to the passenger seat where he finds a couple plastic bags and a few water bottles. He keeps the area around the driver’s seat clean as can be, so he skips that side. Unfortunately, now he has to turn to the nightmare that is the backseats. 
While it may be tame, compared to most, the three paper bags, five disposable coffee cups that he’d dropped to the floor are more than enough to annoy him. He also makes a frustrating find of a hoodie, a few shirts, a hat, and what appears to be a forgotten CVS bag of medication. Much to his dismay, there’s more: handfuls of old receipts that he is now shoving into the garbage bag he has in hand along with straw wrappers, a few stray cold fries dating back to God-knows-when. He sighs, somewhat relieved to see the backseat is doing a lot better now than it was a couple minutes ago, though it’s not even entirely clean just yet. Something catches his eye though - a choker that was probably covered by one of the clothing items he had found. He picks it up, turning it over in his hand. It’s made of soft leather with a gunmetal ”C” and a pentagram embossed on it. It has a leather braided cord on both ends to tie together and no price tag or brand to indicate its origin. He can’t remember buying this...but then again, retail therapy is a thing and it wouldn’t be the first time he forgot a purchase. He gives it one final once-over before shrugging and pocketing it. After collecting the headphones he’d also dumped in the back and retrieving a pair of boots from the trunk, he locks up his car and heads back into the building, mentally preparing himself for facing the terror of cleaning his apartment.
Returning to his place after tossing the trash in the dumpster along the way, Corpse locks the front door behind him and proceeds to drop the things he’s brought back near the front door. 
This defeats the purpose of cleaning up in the first place, Corpse. He scolds himself but that’s what it remains at - just a scold. He slips the hoodie off his torso, but pauses when the leather collar falls to the floor. Tossing the clothing item on a dining room chair behind him, he picks up the choker and, without as much as a second thought, places it around his throat just below his Adam’s apple The metal feels cool against his skin and as he ties the leather cords at the back of his neck the corners of his lips curve upwards just a little. 
I probably look stupid. He thinks to himself. Corpse tries not to look much at his own reflection, mostly because it’s a reminder of how little sleep he gets with the dark circles and worn out, exhausted eyes staring back at him whenever he looks. But when he catches a glimpse of himself in his peripheral on his way to piss, he admires his reflection, or more so the way the black leather stands out across his pale skin. He’s gotta admit, it looks pretty cool. Edgy. Very urban. Goth maybe? But he still prefers the chains he’s known to wear over chokers.
After doing his business, he starts heading toward his office with the intention of recording a new story for his channel if he manages to find a decent submission - and also to ignore the cleaning he still had to do eventually - when the sound of someone banging on the door of his neighbor’s apartment makes him jump, thinking the sound was coming from his door instead. Being the nosey bitch he is, he creeps to his door, listening to the muffled and almost completely incomprehensible voices from across the hall. The screaming match taking place is making him rather nervous and anxious and as much as he’d rather hide in his room and pretend he never heard or saw anything, he also doesn’t want the altercation to escalate into anything physical. 
“You fucking bailed on me!” An angry female shout dominates over the other voice, a male one, that’s quick to follow the previous example with the tone volume.
“You almost got caught, it's not my fault you screwed up!” It’s the male’s turn to shout, his words intriguing Corpse.
Got caught? Screwed up what?
“Fuck you! You don’t just ditch like that! That’s such a dick move!” 
Ditched? If it wasn’t for the ‘getting caught’ part I would’ve thought it was a flopped date?
“I wasn’t about to get arrested for your klepto ass! I’m done with your shit!” The male voice takes the upper hand again, and though the female attempts to speak, she’s promptly cut off by the male, “No! No, I said I’m fucking done! Get the fuck out of my apartment!” A loud bang that sounded remarkably like a chair being flipped over made Corpse jump again with his thoughts once again racing to try and make sense of the situation. 
Klepto? So she’s a thief. Great. He rolls his eyes, not that he needed a reminder that he lives in a bad neighborhood, but he sure got it. He inhales slowly, finally deciding to check the aftermath in the hallway. Again, it isn’t his business whatsoever, but he can’t rest easy until he knows there isn’t an injured person outside his door right now. He peeks out the peephole before unlocking the door and sticking his head out to see a long haired individual still standing in front of his neighbor’s door. They have their back turned to him and are getting prepared to start banging on the door once again. 
“Little scared-ass bitch! I’ll be back for my shit!” She screams, kicking the door to punctuate her point. 
This chick is absolutely nuts. Everything in his gut is telling him to turn around and go back inside but his brain’s less-rational side is convincing him to check on her. He carefully steps into the hallway, swallowing nervously as he reaches out to tap her shoulder. “Are um-...you okay?”
The girl whips around, a furious expression on her face. Corpse makes a pause, his eyes widening at the sight of that familiar face.
Holy shit, I know this girl. 
Standing in front of him is the girl who leaped into the backseat of his car only a few days ago. 
Shit! What are the odds? 
She’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a cropped sweatshirt with the quote “Mercury’s in Gatorade or Some Shit” written in bold letters and a solar system around it, with a leather jacket on top. 
His mouth dries when he makes a realization... 
Oh fuck. She’s way prettier in the natural light instead of that ugly light I saw her in that night. 
“Oh hey! Parking lot guy! What are y-...is that my choker?” She interrupts herself, looking closer at the black leather on his pale skin, her brows furrowing. He’d forgotten he was even wearing it to be honest, but she seems to recognize it. “That’s my fucking choker, dude! I’ve been looking everywhere for it!” She reaches up seemingly with the intention of taking it off him, causing his whole body to freeze up.
Finally finding his senses, Corpse takes half a step back, eyes slightly widened, “Woah, hey! Easy there, I’m pretty sure I bought this.” He warns, hands hesitantly held out in front of himself to try and create some distance between them. 
She seems not to take the hint at his desire for personal space as she reaches out again, stepping closer. “No, I made it with my own two hands, man! It’s got a C on it for my name - Cora.” She says sharply to the point of anger that honestly frightens him a bit. 
He quickly unties the leather straps, removing it from his neck. However, he refuses to give it back so easily as he holds it up out of her reach. 
Maybe if it isn’t on me she won’t be all up in his personal space. Yeah, it’s a bit evil, but he didn’t care. Besides, part of him is still mad about the fact she used his car as a hiding spot, shooting his anxiety through the roof in the process. 
“I feel like you owe me for those fries you stole last time we saw each other. Make it up to me and I’ll give it back. If it’s even yours, that is...” He says, brows furrowing slightly and eyes narrowing as he takes another step back. “And, you know, for nearly getting me busted by the police for something I wasn’t even a part of.” 
Sure, he was talking but her eyes are wandering analyzing him: first the silver chains around his neck that glimmer in the light and his dark hair, strands dangling carelessly as a curtain over his face. 
He too finds himself admiring her, memorizing her features better in this light. She has olive skin and sports a little bit of a tan. Stray locks of wavy dark brown hair hang around her ears having come loose from her messy bun. She has earthy brown eyes with flecks of green that he can’t help but stare at, despite their current sharpness. Her right arm is decorated with a few small tattoos: a skull of some sort of animal that appears to be puking flowers; a small cartoon t-rex floating via many colorful balloons and a brain with a spiky spiral in the center of it. She has a single line drawn around her pinky finger on the hand of the other arm and the shadowy silhouette of a forest around her wrist. However, the one thing Corpse could see better than all of that, was she is pissed. 
“Gimme my fucking choker back! I paid you for those fries, it’s not my fault you spent them on douchebag lessons!” She snaps, hopping to try and grab his arm. 
She is pressed up against him now, a wave of perfume hitting him when she attempts another jump. He holds the choker higher, maybe even subconsciously, just enjoying the warm presence of another body for as long as possible - not that he’d admit that. 
Corpse’s brief content comes crashing down as he stumbles backwards when he feels something hard on his hip and her hands grabbing at the front of his shirt. 
“Wait-“ He tries to say, but is cut off when a good amount of weight pulls at his jeans. “Oh Fuck!” He rasps out, dropping the choker as he slams onto the floor. In the split second he spared to take a breath, his pants had been yanked down to his knees and his neck was crooked up against his door. He’s now lying on the floor as the girl hovers over him having landed with her hand on top of his head and one leg over his chest while the other is pinning his arm down.
While remaining unmoving under the girl, he takes a moment to let the previous five seconds sink in before replaying them in his mind:
This small woman, Cora she said her name was, had put the boot clad toes of her left foot into the pocket of his baggy jeans to use as a stepping stool. In turn, they were shoved down, effectively pantsing him and tearing the pocket before knocking them both to the floor. 
Corpse leans against his door, jeans still around his knees, hair a mess as he watches Cora stand up from where she’d practically tackled him and equip the choker. 
“Serves you right.” She sticks her tongue out, tying the piece of jewelry behind her neck. “Now get up before someone calls the cops, we both know what happens then.” She rolls her eyes and bends down, offering her hands to help him up after he situated his trousers.
“Ah-um...I-...” anxiety started reigning in his chest and head as he realized everything that had happened. He takes both her hands and she uses all her weight to pull him up. Her pull was so strong that when he stood up, he had to hold her tight to keep her from falling back. He stabilizes her, maybe a little too hard because her chest collides with his. He apologizes under his breath, releasing her hands quickly. “Don’t people buy dinner first before yanking off their pants?” He snorts, trying to make light of the situation and crossing his arms over his chest. “But then again, you stole my dinner.” 
“Are you insinuating I should take off my pants?” She asks with a smirk. 
Corpse nearly chokes on his own inhale, eyes wide as he quickly looks away.
Oh my god is she serious? “N-no!” He says, perhaps too quickly. Too loudly. His cheeks turned dark pink as he gapes at her for a moment before furrowing his brows again. He hunches his shoulders a little, doing his best to avoid those sharp hazel eyes. 
She’s pretty. Way too pretty for him and now she has him all flustered. This girl has way too much power over the agoraphobic anxiety bundle that is Corpse. 
“Oh so you’re insinuating that I should buy you dinner since I took off your pants?” She prompts, eyes narrowing with a delighted little smirk on her face. She has to be enjoying watching him squirm in embarrassment, otherwise, why would she keep asking questions like that? Of course she does. She is like every other girl in his life.
“I’m..-just...Forget it.” He mumbles, shrinking back away from her as he turns to go back inside the safety of his apartment. 
She’s probably making fun of me. Great, as if I didn’t have enough self-esteem issues already.
Before he could get inside, a hand grabs his shirt at the small of his back. “Hey, I’m just fucking with you, dude.” She says, giving the shirt’s fabric a tug. 
He turns and looks at her with wary eyes, wondering if she was trying to goad him into falling for her taunting again. But the ice in her gaze has melted and she gives him a crooked smile. “Lemme buy you dinner to pay you back. It’s the least I can do after you helped keep my ass out of jail.” She releases his shirt after a brief moment of reluctance and then offers her hand to him for a handshake. “Oh, I should introduce myself, officially this time. I’m Cora.” 
Corpse looks at her hand and carefully takes it. She has small hands and his long fingers practically engulfed hers as he shakes it lightly. He gives her his name in return and she smiles that light filled, beaming smile he remembers from the car. 
“Nice to, um- meet you, I guess.” He finds himself staring at her, unknowingly still holding her hand in his until she looks up and grins a little wider. 
“This seems like a roundabout way to hold my hand, bro. You could have just asked,you know.” She teases, but this time it felt okay, his embarrassment having faded slightly, but he still hurries to look away and release his hold on her. 
Corpse murmurs a quick apology, but before he could stick his hand back into the ripped pocket of his jeans, she takes hold of it again, tugging him forward. “Come on, lock your door. I’ll buy you something to eat. You drive though.” She lets go of his hand after a moment and, much to his surprise, he catches himself missing the warmth that it provided him while it was there. Turning, he ducked into his apartment to grab his hoodie and keys, feeling suddenly thankful he’d cleaned his car out.
Taglist: @vixenl  @fockingwhore
144 notes · View notes
sparklingpax · 3 years
We return to another episode of Kuni rambles incoherently on tumblr with a phone at 18%
Alternately titled, someone take my phone the f r ag away from me
Ok. I apologize if someone else has come up with this idea first and this is therefore a pale comparison to the original idea, but um, here goes. 
I want an au (?? Might have a different name based on what I'm talking about Actually, but brain Fried so I can't remember) where optimus gets to talk to his youngest self--to Orion Pax :0
Note: the times it mentions Optimus is like. from Op’s pov? Since Orion never learns his name?? If that makes sense?? Sorry this is so confusing aa a a--
so anyway Sorry for typos and grammar stuff, I'm typing this on my phone as it slowly dies Hfkdjsj hH 😳
Orion is pulled from his study books at the sound of footsteps.
A shadow is cast over him.
Wonder and disbelief spark in his gaze as he stares up at the rather grand figure before him.
This mech--plating a nearly exact match to his own in the red, blue, and silver coloring--seems to possess an air about him that is...neither true confidence, nor uncertain existence.
At the very least, it seems he knows who he is, and his purpose in this world. Something Orion is still working on.
Silence rests between them.
Optimus, meanwhile, feels an overwhelming sense of yearning.
Seeing Orion--seeing himself--he wishes he could go back to those days.
The simpler days of youthful naivety towards life.
When Cybertron still thrived under golden days and the silvery illumination of the moons at night.
When the buildings stood tall and beautiful and untouched.
When he could never have known the awful sight of a corpse at the end of his own sword, or the unnatural cries a bot makes as it is brutally murdered next to you, and you can do nothing but continue to fend for your own life...
"You are...studying for a quarterly exam?" Optimus asks, leaning closer to see the book. He recognizes the cover and feels a twinge in his spark.
He remembers the book.
...And that he never enjoyed Chemistry much.
"...I am.....but...how did you know?" Orion stands slowly to meet the gaze of the mech standing over his desk. His gaze turns to light worry and confusion.
Orion is acutely aware of a feeling in his spark that...a lot about this mech feels familiar.
Somehow even...intimately.
He stammers in the silence, fishing desperately for the words to use that would ask his question, yet still be polite.
After all, 'are you related to me?' is definitely an awkward--perhaps intrusive--question to ask a complete stranger...
Optimus continues to regard the young bot, slightly amused.
He knows what Orion is hoping to ask, but also that it would be hard to ask a question like that upfront, at least when he was a younger mech.
"Orion Pax," Optimus says, placing his servos on his hips.
"Be careful not to stay up too late with that book. Tests require knowledge, but they also require one to be awake to take them...and sleep--"
"--helps a processor function, yes..." the smaller mech sighs, frustrated. He's heard that one before, but his mind isn't thinking about that at the moment.
Alright, so he knows my name, too. But...I've never met him? There's absolutely no way he doesn't know me somehow... but how could I possibly--
He jolts at his name, almost blurting the question before pulling himself back.
The mech standing over his desk gives the gentlest of smiles and rests a firm servo on Orion's shoulder.
"I know what you are going to ask, Orion."
"And I will tell you as much as I can."
What is he, inside my head now?
But he receives an answer that shocks him more than that would.
"I....am you, Orion, and beneath my title and age from my timeline....I am still you," he pauses, beginning to look a little sad now.
Orion blinks a few times, absolutely shocked.
"....but you're so....tall..." Is all he manages to murmur before realizing what he just said and instantly feeling heat rush to his face.
Optimus tightens his jaw as he doesn't wish to embarrass the archivist any further by laughing.
I was less careful with my thoughts and emotions once. If only I still knew how...
"I am a Prime, and I am fighting a war."
"A war?" Orion frowns in thought.
There's hasn't been a war since the revolution against the Quintesson oppressors.
What need had Cybertron to fight again?
"Is it an invasion of Cybertron to come? Or a resources conflict?"
And me? Fighting in that war? But...I fail every self-defense practice with Megatronus, at that's true no matter how hard I try...
Optimus feels his chest grow heavy as he remembers the pain Megatron's anger alone had caused him after the council of Halogen.
The guilt, regret, frustration at his friend's obstinance, fear, sadness...
He realizes quickly that he can't possibly unload the heavier truth to Orion--to himself--all over again.
He can't...bring himself to tell Orion that his closest friend and mentor would be the leading force in a centuries-long, gritty, bleak and somewhat horribly hopeless war against him and his cause.
So he instead offers a rather sad smile, and chooses not to answer the question.
"Orion, hear my words, even if you don’t understand them at present. No matter what happens or who around you turns for the darker path, you must never lose your spark, hope, or your character."
"My spark....and character?" He echoes, distantly. "Hope?"
"Indeed," Optimus affirms, feeling an uneasiness of his own. 
The light in his eyes has dulled, yet they also maintain a grim light to them.
One that tells Orion that this mech has seen things he wished never to have seen, and never to see again. 
A grief so strong it....scares him.
Orion feels a wave of uneasiness wash over his whole body.
Something very dark is somewhere in the future...and now he has something to do with it?
And...it involves him becoming bigger, taller, stronger? Learning to fight...to kill, maybe? 
To kill means to take a life. To end it. 
Orion swallows, at last processing the other part of what the mech had told him.
He had to become a Prime??
"I--but I couldn't...not in any dream could I..." He trails off, feeling almost too much at once. 
I cannot kill. 
Optimus senses the turmoil he's set in the younger mech and feels guilty immediately.
"Do not worry," he consoles him, reaching for his smaller servos. He then looks Orion in the eye, knowing the firmness will settle his mind. "My being here alone may be enough to stop what might happen to you, to this planet..."
Orion indeed beings to feel the pounding in his spark settle just a little.
A war would mean all kinds of devastation he couldn't begin to imagine...but this mech was from another timeline.
Perhaps we...are destined for another future.
"Above all, know that if you never lose yourself, then....whatever you become will be just as true as that," he tells him. The words are weighted with something profound. 
The archivist knows in his spark that it will be a long time before he can grasp that emotion, but he is fine with that. 
Orion blinks at him, feeling a new wave of mixed emotions he can't define. He feels himself tense as he tries to control it.
But the mech's hand reaches to his arm.
He nods encouragingly, and Orion just knows the Prime doesn't want him to pent up his emotions.
"In my eyes, Orion, you have always been a prime..."
Optimus draws back at last and slowly begins to leave.
It must be time for him to go...
Orion stands at his desk, staring, a forearm still raised.
"...Or so I am told by those around me..."
The mech adds with a mild chuckle before finally leaving the room.
Orion continues to stare at the now empty doorway ahead of him.
Was that even real?
From another future?
And yet...there is that feeling in his spark...the gut instinct telling him to trust in what this mech had been saying, that it was all real...
He plops back into his seat, staring at the ceiling.
He is too lost in thought to try and get back into his late-night studying.
And then it sinks in.
I never asked him his name!!
He deflates a little and facepalms.
Orion, you dumbaft....
Nhjdjdjs I hate this, writing skils have left the chat 
bye ;w;
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lunaverseimagine · 4 years
Prompt:  I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with from @masterofthedarkness‘ 300 follower writing challenge! Congratulations again Val, I hope you like it <3
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You’re having a bad day and your crush seems to notice
Warnings: Mention of injury (not your own), mention of alcohol
Word count: 2k
A/n: So I had a complete brain flop writing this and forgot that Snape was not, in fact, teaching potions in the Marauders era. However, I’ve written the fic now and don’t have the energy to change it, so consider this an AU of sorts? (Putting in bold bc I keep getting comments about it)
It started the moment you woke up. You couldn’t explain why but all you wanted to do was crawl back into bed, wrap the duvet round you, and hide from the world. It was as though your energy had been sucked out of you, leaving a shell that felt too heavy. And yet you were a good student, you couldn’t stand missing lessons, plus you didn’t want anyone worrying about you. Which is why, in spite of your body’s groaning protests, you heaved yourself out of your dorm and down to the Great Hall for breakfast. 
Your friends were talking animatedly around you, occasionally trying to get you to join in the conversation, but all you offered in response were weak smiles and one word replies. As a last resort your best fried Beth tried bringing up your crush, Sirius. The topic normally excited you, but today it was just a reminder that nothing would happen between you, and you became even more withdrawn. Luckily your friends understood - you wanted to be near them but weren’t up to their early morning gossip - so they stayed with you but didn’t try to get you to speak anymore.
As always, halfway through your meal the owls swooped into the hall, bringing newspapers, letters, and the occasional parcel. Mild surprise filled you at the sight of your own family’s owl Lolly settling in front of you. You stroked her head before gently untying the small, crumpled letter attached to her leg, and she nipped your finger affectionately. Your parents didn’t send you letters very often, and you were stumped as to what could be written inside. You took a deep breath. Only one way to find out.
Unfolding the parchment carefully revealed your mum’s scrawled handwriting. Odd. Normally your dad would write the letters; he found it calming to sit with his parchment and special quill after a long day as an auror, pondering his words for a while to make his messages as concise as possible. He said the process was therapeutic. But when you read the words inside it made sense, and you felt your stomach drop.
“Y/n, I’m sorry to tell you like this, but I thought you should know. Dad was injured at work. The healers say it’s treatable but he’ll be in St Mungo’s for a while. Hope school is going ok. Love Mum xx”
Swallowing your tears down, you let the letter fall from your hands and settle on the table. You forced your eyes to look up, away from the words, and you could’ve sworn you caught Sirius watching you from across the hall. As soon as you’d thought it, he’d already turned back to his friends, and you shook your head at yourself. So desperate that you were imagining interactions with your crush. Pathetic. You lay your hand in Lolly’s warm fur, focussing on how soft she felt between your fingers, trying to push the rest of your thoughts to the back of your mind. Breaking down in the middle of the Great Hall was the last thing you wanted to do.
Your lessons did nothing to help your mood. In transfiguration you were supposed to be turning rats into clocks. By the end of the class most students had done it perfectly, but your clock had a tail instead of an hour hand, and instead of ticking it squeaked with every passing second. You felt so deflated, the only thought that kept you going was getting back to your dorm at the end of the day and hiding in your bed. Maybe finding some firewhiskey too to dull the aching you felt when your thoughts drifted to your dad in a hospital bed. In fact, what you really wanted, the one thing that might bring you peace, was to have someone hold you. Not just someone. Sirius. But you knew as well as anyone that he wouldn’t be interested in the likes of you. You couldn’t event transfigure a rat, you’d never be good enough.
You had mixed feelings as you made your way to your last lesson of the day. After this you were free for the evening, but first you had to endure an hour of Snape’s teaching, and his judgement of you. Potions was your worst subject and Snape made a point of noticing every little thing you did wrong. Begrudgingly you approached the dungeons, the echo of your footsteps was all that filled the empty corridors. Most of the time Hogwarts felt familiar, but in times like these it felt cold and unforgiving, emphasising the loneliness that was building in your chest. Wait- why was no one else in the corridors? With a jolt you realised that you’d spent so long lost in your thoughts between lessons that you were late. Your steps sped into a run, and when you finally burst through the door to Snape’s dungeon, he stopped mid sentence to scowl at you. Everyone else turned towards you too, so many pairs of eyes drilling into you. You willed the stone floor to swallow you whole.
“I will not tolerate students showing up late to my class.” You gulped, trying to suppress your heavy-breathing as you awaited your punishment. “I’d have thought you of all people would want to be present for the whole lesson. Then you might finally brew a decent potion. Alas…” he trailed off, a thoughtful expression on his face. You felt your cheeks burn, your head hung low. “Detention. After class you will scrub everyone’s cauldrons clean. No magic allowed.” It was all you could do to nod. You felt so defeated as you stood at the table beside Beth that you almost didn’t notice the small explosion a few tables behind you. You whipped your head around, and- no, you definitely weren’t imagining it this time- Sirius winked at you as Snape stalked between the desks towards the commotion. He glared down at Sirius.
“Looks like Y/L/N won’t be alone in detention.” He sneered, and weaved his way to the front of the class without another word. Your jaw was slack and Beth nudged you with her elbow. 
“He did that on purpose!” She whisper-yelled. Your jaw was slack, not quite sure if you believed her.
“Well- well maybe it was an accident? Or he did it for fun?” Your excuses were weak even to your own ears. But why would he want to be in detention with you?
Seconds stretched into minutes as you willed the time away. Thankfully Beth was good at potions so she did most of the work, telling you which ingredients to chop and when to add them to the cauldron. Snape still found things to fault but you just tuned his voice out, feeling like you were watching the scene through a window instead of being in it yourself.
Eventually the class was dismissed, and Beth gave you a sympathetic smile and mouthed “good luck” as she left the room. When it was just you, Sirius and Snape left, he held a hand out to each of you.
“Wands.” Reluctantly you and Sirius both placed your wands in his hands, not quite meeting his eye as you did so. “I want the equipment spotless.” With that he left the room. Despite feeling as bad as you did, you couldn’t help your heartbeat quickening at the thought of being alone with Sirius.
Avoiding his eye, you crossed the room to the cupboard full of cleaning supplies, dirty cauldrons being the only thing that stood in the way of you and the relative peace of your dorm. You felt his gaze on the back of your head.
“What?” You kept your focus on the cupboard, rummaging through the supplies to find what you needed.
“Are you ok?” After a moment, you turned to face him, throwing a sponge which he caught effortlessly, without breaking eye-contact.
“I’ve been better.” You didn’t elaborate, instead getting to work scrubbing the grime off the cauldron closest to you. Sirius abandoned his sponge, coming to stand on the opposite side of your table, watching your determined face as you tried to get one particularly tough spot of dragon-bogey off the side of the cauldron. He found himself admiring the way you furrowed your brows as you concentrated, the way your tongue poked out slightly from between your lips. Those lips. You, on the other hand, were thinking about how it would take double the time to clean if Sirius didn’t do his half. Subconsciously you squeezed your sponge tighter until your knuckles turned white.
“I bet I could make you feel better.” You huffed. Sure you had feelings for Sirius, but he could still be infuriating.
“I bet you could.”
His eyes twinkled, surprised that you’d joined in with his flirting. “Oh yeah, how’s that?” His hopes were soon shattered as you replied.
“By helping me clean so we can leave this bloody dungeon.” Sirius was taken aback. You never normally snapped at people, and he was just trying to be nice. Godric, he’d got himself a detention just so you wouldn’t be alone.
“You know what? Fine.” He stormed back over to his sponge and started cleaning the cauldron furthest away from you. The two of you scrubbed in silence for a while, making decent progress on the cauldrons, but you felt guilt creeping in at the way you’d treated him. The guilt, the tiredness, the worry about your dad, all of it swirled through your thoughts in a perpetual loop until you couldn’t help it anymore. You let out a small sob, trying your best to be quiet, but in the otherwise silent room Sirius heard it perfectly. He abandoned his cauldron, rushing over to embrace you in a hug, rubbing soothing circles on your back. He had no clue what to say, but the silence didn’t bother you. It gave you a chance to work through your feelings. 
After a while you pulled away, wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of your robes. “Oh Merlin, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for darling.” He rested his hand on your arm for a moment, waiting to see if you wanted to say anything else. When you just smiled, he returned the smile, before going back to cleaning the cauldrons. This time the silence that filled the room was comfortable, both of you lost in thought. Finally, arms aching, the two of you finished your last cauldrons, and Sirius went to Snape’s office to collect your wands. You sat on the floor outside the classroom waiting for him, picking at a loose thread on your robe. When Sirius returned he handed you your wand, and slid down the wall so he was sitting next to you. You rested your head on his shoulder, whispering into the corridor.
“Thank you.” 
Sirius wrapped an arm round your shoulders. “What for?”
“I know you got that detention on purpose. Just- thank you for being there.”
“Not a problem darling.” His fingers traced tender circles on your shoulder, and you felt yourself melting in to him. Being so close to him you thought you’d be nervous, but instead you felt peaceful. Safe. 
Sirius broke the silence. “What’s going on?” It was almost a whisper, as though he wasn’t sure whether he should’ve asked, but he couldn’t bear the thought of you suffering on your own. He needed you to know that he was there to listen.
“It’s just- it’s a bit of everything, y’know? I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with.” You laughed at how stupid that sounded, but Sirius took your hand, lacing your fingers through his.
“I’ve got some firewhisky in my room?” It came out as a question.
You turned so you were face-to-face.
“And the cuddles?”
“I’m sure I’ve got some of those to spare too.” He lifted your hand to his lips, placing a kiss on each knuckle in turn. You closed your eyes, savouring the sensation. Then he stood up, helping you off the floor after him, and your hands stayed connected the whole walk back to his common room.
A/N: I hope you liked it (regardless of the Snape/Sirius timeline error oopsies)! If you did feel free to give feedback or check out my other stuff, and also give Val (@masterofthedarkness) a follow if you haven’t already! <3
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bffsoobin · 4 years
Iced Chai
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↳ you had a small obsession with drinking iced chai lattes between class, and it just so happened that the coffee store on campus had the best ones. when a new barista replaces the one who used to make your drink, you put him to the test. he makes the most wonderful iced chai you’d ever had. he’s also one of the most handsome boys you ever seen on campus.
➤ fluff, college!au, shy barista!hueningkai
Word Count:3,830
A/N: yes, this fic is very much influenced by my massive love for iced chai lattes and the way I consumed them up until March when we had to leave campus. Sadly I didn’t have any cute boys serving me :(. Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! Please keep in mind that I haven’t proofread, so there may be some small mistakes!
Calculus was a pain in the ass. Obviously, you knew this well before you scheduled for your freshmen year of college, but there was no way to avoid the reality handed to you by your major. So every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8 am you endured the rambling lectures of your less than spry professor who could barely work his desktop computer. You tried your best to pay attention, you really did, but there was only so much you could do when the conversation shifted from tangent lines to the best way to reheat fast food french fries.
As you doodled in the margins of your lined notebook, your mind wandered to the only good thing sitting through this class does for you. Other than the credits. As soon as the clock struck 9am, you had a date with the on campus café. The roughly hour break between the end of calculus and the beginning of chemistry gave you the perfect window to enjoy some alone time. Homey, student run and always playing some version of a coffee shop playlist; the place was your haven on campus. Not only did you love the atmosphere and the fact that it was the best place on campus to study, but they also serve the best iced chai latte you’d ever encountered. The thought of the drink alone made your mouth salivate. From your first hesitant order, you had become hooked. Within your first week on campus, you had easily drank 10 cups of the chilled goodness before your roommate expressed concern for the sheer amount of sugar and dairy you’d been consuming. 
Due to the timing of your tri-weekly trips, you had always been served by the same lovely barista, Rachael. She was stylish, down to earth and always told you a good joke when you showed up looking especially out of it. Most importantly, something about the way she mixed the drink convinced you that she surely was sent from the heavens.
When your graying professor finally let your class go for the day, you walked on clouds to your favorite spot on campus. It had rained during class so the air was chilled and the ground was still damp. The telltale scent of rain invaded your senses and a chill ran through you. Most people would be craving a hot coffee or steaming cup of tea- but all you desired was the smooth flavor of your favorite drink. The walk to your beloved café wasn’t long, but you always found yourself in a bit of a rush to get there as soon as you possibly could. In a moment of carelessness, you stepped right into a rather large puddle and soaked one of your feet right through your shoes and your sock. Disgusting you thought as you finally arrived at the door. The handle was slick with moisture thanks to the weather, but you wiped your hand onto your sweatshirt as you stepped inside and let the familiar scent of coffee grounds occupy your mind. Your shoulders relaxed simply at the relaxed atmosphere.
A few students who also frequented around this time were sitting at their usual tables, and you waved at them politely before taking yourself- and your squelching shoe- over to the small booth you’d come to know and love. You ditched your bookbag on the table with a thud, feeling secure with the knowledge of your agreement with the girl who sat at the table next to you to keep an eye on your things. 
As you headed toward the counter, you belatedly noticed that the line seemed a bit more backed up than usual. It wasn’t too big of a concern, as your college was relatively small and waiting an extra five minutes would by no means ruin your timing. It was just curious. Usually Rachael ran the counter with the ease of an experienced sailor, but that ease seemed to be missing today. Nevertheless, the line inched forward steadily. Engrossed in your phone, you hadn’t noticed the glaring difference in your routine until you got to the cash register. While placing your plastic ID card over the scanner, you chirped “just my usual, Rachael!” 
Despite what your mind told you would happen next- she would laugh, say okay, maybe ask about class while handing over a receipt- you were met with an awkward stutter that your trusty barista certainly didn’t make. 
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know your usual,” upon finally looking up, your brain processed the sight of a new boy. A new gorgeous boy. Did they only hire beautiful people here? His black hair was falling into his eyes, charmingly shaggy and exposing just enough of his forehead to make you oddly wish you could see more. His cheeks were dusted in a light pink blush that both charmed you and made you feel bad at the same time. He seemed so fresh. Upon further inspection, you caught his handmade name tag written in slightly shaky handwriting that was so cutely boyish. Hueningkai. He had decorated one corner with a smiley face and the other with a drawing of a coffee bean that looked suspiciously like nothing more than a dark brown blob with a small accent line down the middle. 
“I’m sorry, Hueningkai,” you didn’t miss the way his eyes widened slightly at the use of his name, “usually Rachael is here to take my order. But I’ll take a large iced chai latte, please.” He nodded quickly, reverting his eyes to the LED screen which his eyes bounced around for a few seconds before he finally found the correct button. This must have been why the line seemed abnormally long. As the sound of your receipt printing filled the silence, you asked; “first day?” 
A melodious laugh fell from his lips, causing a scrunch of his perfectly pointed nose that you felt honored to have seen as he stepped away from the register to start making your drink. “That obvious, huh?” Another worker came to take his spot and serve the next student but you followed Hueningkai to his new destination. For as shy as he was at the cash register, he moved with much more confidence when it came to actually making drinks. His earlier hesitation was totally gone as he got to work mixing up your drink. In his new position, you could get a better look at his hands, adorned in simple silver jewelry that embarrassingly made your breath catch in your throat. His actions were over almost as quickly as they began, and his earlier hesitation seemed to return as he slid the drink to you over the granite counter top. You grasped at it eagerly in the same moment he reached to balance a straw on top of the lid. 
For a brief moment your fingers lingered and your mind went wild at the absurdity that you honestly felt sparks pass between the two of you. 
“Oh, uh, sorry,” he mumbled, dipping his head down awkwardly as he finally tore his hand away. You smiled back earnestly, hoping to make him understand that you weren’t bothered at all by the contact. 
Back at the safety of your table, you took a second to collect yourself. Surely you were overreacting to the small interaction. After all, you were already having a pretty weird day. Looking down at your clear cup, you remembered the beginning of your dilemma- the absence of amazing barista Rachael. Hueningkai was adorable, but could his skills hold up to the woman who made drinks you literally dreamed about? Tentatively, you took a sip of the drink and immediately cocked your head to the side. On the off chance your taste buds had totally deceived you, you took another long swig from the cup. 
Hueningkai’s drink was even better than Rachael’s.
The next morning, you awoke before your alarm even started to beep. Thursdays meant no class until 1 o’clock, so you had almost all the time in the world to catch up on assignments and homework and do your errands. Instead of doing anything constructive, you found yourself craving yet another iced chai latte. As you voiced this desire to your roommate, she looked at you as if you’d just admitted to the murder of 4 people.
“Are you insane? Do you not remember how miserable you felt after drinking two a day? I can’t let you do that again. You can go to the café but at least drink something different!” You knew that she was right, but something inside of you- that shitty little perpetual teenage boy who hides in a corner of your mind- told you to do the exact opposite of what she said.
“I’m sorry,” you shuffled through the shirts hanging in your closet, the sound of the plastic hangers clicking together resonating in the otherwise quiet room. “But you have to go to class so there’s no way you can police me. Plus,” you pulled a shirt out of your closet and slid over to your cheap full length mirror to inspect yourself. “You didn’t see Hueningkai. He is...” your cheeks flushed as your roommate began to let out a high pitched squeal. “Shhh! The walls are thin!”
“Oh don’t act so scandalized. I guess it makes sense that you’d have a crush on the boy who feeds your addiction.” You rolled your eyes at her, lobbing a pair of rolled up socks in her direction in retaliation. They hit her side softly before bouncing to the floor dejectedly. “You,” she pointed a finger your way as you rooted through your drawer for a pair of jeans, “are ridiculous. Have fun with your dreamy boy while I’m at class.”
Despite the familiarity of the path to the café, you still felt a bit out of place making the trip on a Thursday. Even the other students passing you by felt wrong in a way you couldn’t quite place. There was also the lingering worry that Hueningkai wasn’t even working today, and you’d show up to the small building just for a dose of disappointment. In you worried haze, you had barely noticed you arrived until the door was pushed open from the inside and a small pack of students held the door aside for you.
Inside of the building, a blanket of warm air surrounded your form and the faint smell of cinnamon drifted easily through the air. You were instantly calmed by the scent until someone bumped into your shoulder. With wide eyes, you looked around to see about double the amount of people your usual visits yielded. You were in no way prepared for the absolute mass of bodies that filtered between the tables and comfortable sitting areas. 
Feeling a bit lost, you put yourself into the line of waiting students and tried your best to peer over heads and around bodies to see if you could catch a glimpse of the barista that had captivated you so easily. It didn’t look like he was making drinks, but you held out hope that he was manning the register that was blocked from your sight. After what felt like forever, you reached the register and came face to face with...not Hueningkai. Despite your disappointment, there was no way you would turn down a drink, even made by a non-Hueningkai. 
Once you had the chilled cup cradled in your hands, you took a hopeless look around at the full dining room. Almost every table looked to be occupied, and some students had even resorted to leaning against the walls to chat and sip their drinks. The back of your neck began to heat up as you wandered around hoping for anyone to decide they were done and get up to leave. You had almost given up and decided to just go back to your dorm and lick your metaphorical wounds when a voice called your name. It only took a second of looking around to lock eyes with the one who was calling for you. 
Hueningkai. He had a light blush filling his cheeks as he waved a hand noncommittally your way. He looked ethereal sitting at the table, hot cup of something steaming next to his sticker covered laptop. His eyes were wide and adorably eager; akin to the look of a puppy who had just seen their owner after a long day. Your feet were working before your brain, so when you arrived to the table you had to scramble for an opener. 
“Hey! I was looking for you!” you winced. Way to go, Y/N. Out yourself on the second meeting. “I mean, uh,” you felt the cup in your hand start to slip with the sweat your palms produced, “I was hoping you’d make my drink again.” 
A smile spread like wildfire on Hueningkai’s face and his eyes crinkled adorably in the corners.
“You liked it that much?” His voice was meek, oddly shy for the way he beamed up at you with so much ease. 
“Yeah! It was really good. Even better than Rachael’s, to be honest.”
“Really? She was the best barista here!” He brought a hand up to his mouth in shock. 
“Yeah, really! Anyway, I can get going if you...you look busy,” you gestured toward his open laptop and drink that you were sure was rapidly cooling the longer you distracted him. 
“No!” he blurted the word before visibly flinching at his actions. At least it wasn’t just you feeling like a fumbling idiot. “I called you over cause it looked like you needed a seat? And if you want to sit with me, you can. I’m just working on a presentation and you won’t distract me, I promise.” There was no way you could deny the eagerness lacing his voice, so you pulled the chair opposite him across the floor and settled in. 
“That sounds like a date. A hangout at the very least,” your roommate asserted as she typed some code into her computer. 
“It was not a date!” You whined, glaring up at your ceiling from your spot on your twin XL. “He just saw me looking for a place to sit and offered.” She scoffed. 
“Yeah, and then he proceeded to ignore his homework to talk to you. And then he asked if you were coming back to the cafe tomorrow. And then he-” 
“Okay, I get it! But what am I supposed to do? Ask him out?” A bubble of nerves was resting heavily in your stomach at the thought. As much as you liked him, who were you to think that he wasn’t just being kind? When you voiced this concern to your roommate, she tossed her computer to the side and strode over to your bed to not-so-gently pull you out of it. Without an idea of what she was doing, you stood dumbly until she put on her slippers and drug you out of your room. 
“What are you doing? I didn’t even put my slippers on!” Your sock covered feet slid across the tile of the hallway as your roommate finally hauled you into the common room of your floor, where a few small groups had gathered to do various activities. 
“Hi everyone! My lovely roommate Y/N and I have a question for you. Do any of you know Hueningkai? He works at the cafe, really tall, music major?” A few people nodded in confusion, surely wondering why the hell one of the polite tenants of room 112 was conducting some kind of survey in the lounge. 
“Great. Has he ever shown interest in any of you? Asked you to sit with him in the cafe? Spent about an hour inquiring about your life instead of quietly working? Gave you his number?” Everyone who had previously nodded stood still, not moving an inch as they whispered between each other. “Okay, that’s all!” Your roommate left with no further elaboration as you called out a weak apology to everyone. Back in the safety of your room, you stared at her, scandalized. 
“What was that?” 
“That, my dear Y/N, was proof. He likes you!”
A nervousness you hadn’t felt since move in day was crawling through your body the closer the clock ticked to 9 am. Theoretically, you could just skip going to get a drink today, and therefore avoid the source of your nerves; but you knew that Hueningkai was expecting you to show. He had even sent you an eager text this morning with a series of heart wrenchingly adorable emojis. There was no way you could avoid him after that. 
Late fall weather had surely settled in today and you felt the chill settle into your bones as soon as you stepped out of the math building. For a few seconds, you stopped to watch a rough breeze rustle browning leaves across the concrete paths of campus before simply digging your hands further into your pockets. You had to power your way through this. Worse case scenario, he says no and you can never show your face on campus again. Simple. 
The door felt especially heavy under your hands as you hauled it open. The much more familiar, sparsely populated shop greeted you but only ratcheted up your nerves. With less people milling around, there was no way to delay your conversation with Hueningkai. As soon as you began to approach the counter, you could see him stumble over to the register before the other working student could even attempt to. He tried to casually lean his elbow onto the half wall to his left, but he miscalculated and ended up shyly tucking his hands into the front pocket of his apron. 
“Hi,” you swallowed the lump in your throat and hoped that he hadn’t notice the shake in your voice. The familiar beep of the card reader interrupted your worries momentarily as you heard the boy in front of you exhale a greeting. 
“Your usual?” He inquired as if he hadn’t already seen you with the drink two days in a row. Not trusting your voice, you simply nodded and waited for him to punch the order into the screen. His hand hesitated as he glanced up at you again. “You’re the only person I know still ordering cold drinks in this weather,” a teasing smile had blossomed on his pink lips and your heart jumped at the sight. 
“Well, I guess I’m just a bit stuck in my ways,” you followed him, as always, to the other side of the counter where orders were placed when finished. 
“I like that,” he commented as he grabbed a cup, “it makes my job a whole lot easier,” your eyes locked onto his hands out of instinct. Yesterday you had noticed the addition of a thin silver chain around his wrist, and you would be lying if you hadn’t spent a few minutes admiring the delicate chain contrasted against the strength of his hands. A pour of ice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you caught the back half of a question from him. 
“What’d you say?” You felt as if lava was bubbling right under the surface of your skin as you reeled in embarrassment. You couldn’t believe that you’d let yourself miss a chunk of conversation for something so stupid. 
“Oh,” he seemed equally embarrassed that you hadn’t heard him, and it hurt your heart a little to see the way his eyes shook. “I just wanted to know if you had a good night yesterday. I mean because you-you told me when we hung out that you had a lot of reading to do, and I wasn’t sure if you got it all done. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with readings that I don’t do any of them, and Taehyun yells at me for that but I just can’t seem to stop doing it.” He was rambling, and you both knew it, but you let him continue as he shyly looked away in order to pour your drink over the ice. 
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I had an okay night. My roommate was a bit much, but I love her, so it was okay.” His eyebrow quirked softly at the mention of your roommate, but he seemed afraid to broach the subject just yet. He gave your drink a good swirl after sealing on the lid and slid it over the smooth counter to your waiting hand. Unlike the first time you had met, you had already grabbed a straw from the small display and plunged it into the drink. 
Although you should have walked away, something kept you rooted to the spot, Hueningkai seemed to be under the same kind of spell as he looked over his shoulder to see that no one else had lined up to be served quite yet. 
“Hey, I was wonderi-”
“This might be weird-”
Your sentences clashed in the air as you spoke at the exact same time. Your mouth hung open like a fish out of water and Hueningkai waved his hands around wildly in your direction. “Go ahead!” He enthused, looking as if he was going to melt into the floor as a side effect of interrupting you. 
“No, I mean, you can say your thing first, if you- if you want,” you offered weakly. 
“No, it’s okay, you definitely spoke first. G-go ahead,” he nodded rapidly in order to convince you further. You raised your eyebrows in a silent question of ‘are you sure?’, to which he nodded again. 
“Okay, I was wondering if you’d like to, uhm, go out sometime? On a date?” The words felt like weights rolling off of your tongue. Hueningkai blinked once, twice, a third time before he broke into a peal of laughter. A sudden wash of panic, as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over your head, filled your senses. This was it. You would have to transfer schools and change your hair color to get rid of this incident. Goodbye, life you had come to know and love. 
Hueningkai must have recognized your panic as he took a harsh breath and surged forward to reach for your arm. 
“Wait! I wasn’t laughing at you! It’s just that I was, um, also going to ask you out.” This time, a laugh bubbled up in your throat at the confession. 
“You’re right. That is pretty hilarious.” You admitted, feeling the tension around you totally dissipate. 
“Well, I think this bodes well for us. We’ve only known each other for a few days and we already have telepathy. My roommate will be so jealous. He’s been trying to meld our minds for weeks.” His personality was beginning to peak through when he spoke about his friends, you noticed. It was charming. He was charming. Not to mention, he still made the best damn iced chai latte you’d ever had. 
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brandywine-tomatoes · 3 years
Imperial Darkness
The Bad Batch angst
Third attack in the Great Angst War of 2021 between @icedcoffee101, @dragon-pups, @angstkings, @in-the-crosshairs, and @brekkers-girl (me)
TW: a bit of interesting imagery, people dying, mention of decomposing
Word count: 1,316
Prompt/Inspo: DEATH, DRAMA, TEARS, CHAOS. (@cptalpha-17)
Everyone dies by themselves, alone and scared for the others as they don’t know if the others are alive or dying or just injured. (@angstkings)
Hunter looked up from where he was studying his datapad at the sound of Wrecker’s voice. “Hey, uh... you don’t happen to know where Omega is, do you?” (@icedcoffee101, my wifey)
It was so peaceful, so quiet. So green and calming, the softly flowing, miles high grass providing the perfect hideout for the Batchers. The door finally opened on the Havoc Marauder and the Batch was welcomed to the new world.
Omega sped out first, desperate for fresh air and a look at a new planet. Echo and Cross were next to run after her, being the closest to the door.
They ran quickly down the steps, calling her name. They stopped in their tracks and looked around, the small child nowhere in their sights. They took off their helmets, setting them on the short grass.
“TAG, you’re it!” Omega yelled to Echo and sprinted under the ship, nothing but a pure ball of happiness.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be,” Echo called to her. He quickly slapped Cross’s shoulder and sprinted the way Omega went.
Cross groaned, a ghost of a smirk on his face. “Really, Echo?”
Omega sprinted beside the ship, ducking under the wings and breathing in the fresh, cool air. As she rounded the front of the Marauder, she spotted Crosshair’s legs sneaking up in front of the nose. She looked back at Echo who was gaining on her and took a chance.
She ran straight for Crosshair, and at the last moment, slide onto her side under his extended arm and quickly recovered, running on her feet and whooping at her evasive tactic.
She could hear Crosshair’s annoyed voice, though she couldn’t see how impressed he was. “Why you little-”
Tech pulled out a panel of the dash in the front, barely taking note of the 3 running around the ship. He got to work on the fried wires, cutting them and re-wiring the controls, a long and painstaking process that would take hours.
Hunter was there, helping Tech hold and cut wires to his brother's liking. After about 15 minutes, Tech became too frustrated to think right and walked away to take a break, throwing his hands up multiple times.
Hunter grabbed a datapad lying on one of the seats and triple-checked all planets in orbit of their hideout, making sure there weren’t any Imperial occupied encampments this far out in the outer rim.
Hunter looked up from studying the datapad at the sound of Wrecker’s voice. “Hey, uh... you don’t happen to know where Omega is, do you?”
“She’s outside with the other two, I heard Cross was getting frustrated,” Hunter chuckled.
Wrecker looked at him with unease. “I looked outside, they... they aren’t there. Their helmets were, but...”
Hunter went on full alert. He jumped out of his chair, whipping the datapad into the other seat and grabbed the nearest blaster.
He darted out of the ship into the small clearing. He looked wildly around, his free hair whipping the sides of his face. He saw no other option than bolt into the eerily flowing grass, ignoring the calls from Tech and Wrecker.
He dragged his body through the thick green. The grass stuck to his armour and pulled his hair back, it clung to his legs and tried to keep him from moving, the thick coating that kept the grass forest together trying to claim him as another victim.
“OMEGA, CROSS, ECHO!” He shouted over and over and over again.
His cries were never heard, his efforts never enough.
A blast bolt hit his thigh, a burning pain sending him to slimy dirt that slowly rose higher and higher to consume him.
He tried to crawl away from whoever was closing in on him, he tried crawling his way to Omega’s muffled screams he heard to his left. He tried with every ounce of strength he had, every ounce of strength he had on Kamino, protecting his brothers from the regs and the kaminoans.
He struggled to breathe, the slimy coating of the grass being forced down his throat like the truth that he’d failed Omega and failed to protect his brothers when they needed it most.
Something strong pressed into his armour, the slime under the pressure oozing out over the plastoid and pushing him further into the slim.
“Well, you are certainly a disappointment,” a low and calm voice brought him back to his situation.
He wasn’t there for much longer.
A blaster burned its way through his exposed head. Hunter’s body went limp and claimed a victim by the grass forest.
The man with the low voice signalled the flame troopers to open fire to the left of Hunter’s hastily decomposing body. They burnt through the slimy grass in no time, reaching Crosshair and Echo forming an alcove for Omega, whispering that everything will be fine, they just needed to wait for Hunter.
The man thought about what a work of art this moment could’ve been if the right painters and right materials were used. How picturesque it was, what a powerful story it could tell.
Crosshair and Echo paled at the sight of him, his clean, white uniform, decorated in war medals, a few slime drips staining the pristine fabric over thin shoulder pads. Omega cowered farther away from him, almost consumed by the forest making its grip around her stronger and stronger.
“What a beautiful example of clone evolution. Too bad it’s all a waste.”
He raised his blaster and shot the clones at the precise mark of a temple. He was being merciful.
Omega screamed at the top of her lungs and trying to keep the dead clones from dropping into the slim they were protecting her from.
“Child, don’t fear us, we don’t want to hurt you,” he cooed in a soft voice, dropping to his knees in front of a sobbing Omega. He gently pulled her hands away from Crosshair and Echo, the forest gaining another two victims as they sunk slowly into the slime.
“Do you want to get out here, Omega?” He smiled softly.
She nodded hastily, her hands still trembling.
“Then I’ll take you out of here. I’ll protect you with my life, Omega, if you let me.”
She looked at the bodies being consumed before her. She brought her eyes to his and nodded. She wrapped her small arms around his neck and he picked her up. He signalled the flametroopers to clear them a path back to the shuttle they plummeted down in.
“Wh-what-” Omega’s weak voice failed her. She clung on tighter as she sobbed.
“You can call me Mitth'raw, but only you deserve to speak it,” he softly said.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn, we’re nearing the shuttle. Do I give the order?” One of the flametroopers asked. Thrawn nodded slightly, making sure to keep the girl still and undisturbed.
The Marauder blew in a heap of smoke and metal, Tech and Wrecker about to lift off to find the others. He gave them a quick death, he gave them mercy.
“Now Omega, I need to try and block Clone Force 99 from your mind,” he set her down on the burnt, solidified slime, kneeling to meet her eyes. “I know it will hurt, I know it will feel like dishonouring them, but I don’t want you to cry anymore,” he gently whipped her cheeks with his sleeve. “Can you do that for me?”
Omega whimpered. “Will it- will it stop? The aching?”
“One day it will, if you do what I ask. Can you do that for me, Omega?”
“I’ll try.”
He smiled. “That’s all I’m asking of you.”
He led her to the round, dark shuttle surrounded by imperial darkness and armoured troopers with flame throwers. Omega looked up at Thrawn, his crimson eyes the only small comfort she had left. He nodded, sensing her unease and held her hand to the plain space of the shuttle.
She stepped over raised metal and chose her fate. She’d grow to become something she’d never thought she could, something she’d never known she wanted.
A/N: Y'all... I surprised even MYSELF with writing this. I was scrolling through my brain, looking for who could take Omega, then I started actually scrolling on this website, and Rae Sloane came up. I thought for sure that I was gonna use her, but then I realized not a lot of people know who she is. THEN I WROTE THRAWN'S NAME AND IT ALL WENT DOWNHILL FROM THERE.
ANYWAYS, I hope y'all are safe and drinking water and eating a snack right now. I just got my vaccine yesterday, so my arm hurts like a BITCH, but it won't stop the angst 😈😈. Bye for now 💞💞!!
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serendipityunho · 4 years
Cuts & Curses II
× genre: smut, college au × pairing: boxer!Jongho x Reader (fem.) × word count: 7.4k × warnings: depictions of violence, inflicted injuries, explicit language, grinding, blowjob, handjob, praising, hickeys, unprotected sex, overstimulation, explicit sex
× synopsis: Jongho didn’t need much convincing to come home with you and find himself between your legs after a long day battling off his arch-nemesis from your feelings. 
☁️: please read part one (link above) to understand the references used in this fic. angry jongho is hot jongho. i don’t make the rules.
As much as you wanted to desperately flick this pen lid right at the head of your professor, you just didn’t have that energy. Especially not today at least.
“... don’t forget to read the theories during the holidays!” It took more effort to fully process the class was over than to unstick your ass from the mildly uncomfortable cushion seats in the lecture theatre. 
It was almost as if some of these kids didn’t know what basic manners were, not even a single mutter of a simple ‘sorry’ was heard when their legs knocked at yours. Well, it was a Christmas break now after all. No one had the time or energy to stay on campus any longer, neither did you.
You found it oddly comforting to just walk slow, letting people swift past you as they eagerly unlock their cars and link arms to go home and enjoy the most of their starting break. There wasn’t anything waiting that you needed to attend to immediately, so why not take the time strolling through the merely empty library?
It was basically another sanctuary apart from the diner and your cheap Ikea bed that was on the verge of breaking. Thank fuck there were always sales after Christmas, may as well get yourself a new bed. 
“Going somewhere?” You could recognise that brooding voice even if it came from the gutter. 
Jungkook’s augment frame leaned against the wet rails leading up to the double doors of the library. Gosh, you wanted to just slap that smirk off his face. 
“What’s it to you?” The grip on your bag strap tightened as you barely managed to nudge his rock-hard shoulder when pushing past to the double doors.
“I’m just askin’, everyone’s gone home already. Why are you still here?” Jungkook followed you closely behind, almost feeling the warmth from his body against you. 
“Because I want to? What are you doing here?” You spun around, making him stop in his tracks and shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
“I was actually looking for you” 
“Looking for me? Why? Came to brag about your win ag-”
“I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me?” This time it was you stopping in your tracks. Did you really just hear that come out of his own mouth?
“Do you want to have dinner with me?” Did you mention how badly you wanted to slap that smirk off his face?
“You’re fucking kidding right?” You couldn’t help but choke a small chuckle, hoping he was just throwing words out of his mouth without meaning.
It’s absolutely unbelievable how Jungkook could just blatantly ask you to dinner after numerously bragging about his “easy” win. And especially after the shit he’s done to you.
“Does it sound like I’m kidding?” He may be a liar, but you stayed with him long enough to be able to tell when he was and wasn’t lying. 
You could’ve sworn there was a slight sense of sincerity in his voice. Maybe it was just your tired brain giving up rational thought slowly. 
“What makes you think I would want to have dinner with you?” You spin back around on your heels, inching deeper into the shelves of lined hard-cover books to hopefully bored Jungkook enough to finally give up and leave you alone.
“I’ve changed” 
“And I’ve grown in height-”
“Please. Maybe you don’t want to go like that but maybe as friends?” 
It was never usually so hard to just respond with a simple ‘no’. It was the fact that you actually quite missed times like that with Jungkook, laughing and smiling at each other on cute little dates he’d take you on.
“You’re going to need to do more convincing than that” Your fingers run along the hard spine of one of the books in the fiction section of the library, eyeing the little detailed imprinted on the front. 
After inspecting all the intricate selections, you found yourself catching eyes for the one behind Jungkook, pushing past his broad frame to snatch it out from its spot before flipping through its contents as you paced around. You were so invested in it that you almost forgot there was person literally following you around the books like a creep.
“You never needed much convincing” The book shut closed with a snap as Jungkook held it above his head.
“Well, that was before you fucked another chick after telling me you loved me” It really did hurt to recollect those memories every time you saw him. Just a little less this time.
“I was stupid, we both were-”
“Yeah, I was stupid enough to date you”
“Listen, just one dinner. Please. I promise I won’t bother you again after” A part of you really wanted to just walk away, telling yourself you wouldn’t fall for the same bullshit again.
The other just really wanted to give him a chance, maybe he’s changed. Maybe he’d be better as a friend rather than a person baring your heavy grudge.
“Fine, one dinner- as friends” 
“Of course, just friends” Behind that cocky smirk you hated was a smile you genuinely missed. Keyword missed. 
Jungkook being the careless guy he is, just stuck the book he was holding into a random unallocated slot before taking a hold of your hand and turning his back as he strode closer to the door. With an arithmetic pace like this, you were bound to end up tripping over your own feet here and there.
“Jesus Christ- slow down!” Your tired legs struggled to keep up with Jungkook’s, muscles burning as you ran out of breath whereas he didn’t huff and single pant.
“We won’t get a table if you keep walking like that” Now you knew where he was taking you. It was quite a cliche to be completely honest. 
“Please don’t tell me you- oh and you did” The two of you halted at the entrance of a small diner. 
It also happened to be the same diner the two of you had your first date in, the same one your eyes sparkled at his laughter. Were you too stupid to see what was happening? 
“Hope you still like those mushy fries and flavourless milkshake” Jungkook leaned back against his chair, eyeing you from top to bottom as you sat in front of him. 
“They’re not as bad as your soggy buns on your dry burger” Almost every single memory in this place came flooding back in an instant as the two of you reminisce of your odd food choices back in your relationship.
“Out of all places, you had to pick this one?” 
“It was the closest one, and I didn’t feel like driving either” Jungkook leaned forward, arms crossed in front of each other as he tilts his head to the side.
“Why did you drag me here then?”
“I wanted to talk”
“Talk? You’re a very vague man, Jungkook” It was quite an improbable silence before he corked up that cocky smirk of his again, this time it was starting to grow on you by how much you found yourself facing it.  
“I miss the way you say my name...” No surprise he’d say that, not that he actually meant it or anything. 
“What? Are you shy?”
“I’m sure you like other girls saying your name just as much as you do with me” It wouldn’t be surprising if he did to be honest. 
“No one says it like you do” Now he was just fucking with you.
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this flustered to the extent of fiddling with your fingers and dipping your head to avoid eye contact. Actually, it was with him too. 
“And a million other girls have heard the same thing from you, haven’t they?” 
“Not a million, just you” Oh god, what were you supposed to say to this? Compliment him back? It’s been a while since you’ve done that.
“We’re here as friends” You needed to establish that in case he had already forgotten.
“But are we really? You’re blushing” Now you really knew what was going on.
“I always blush” No you don’t. 
“And you always look so beautiful doing so” What the fuck is this guy doing?
“Jungkook, sto-”
“I miss you, so much,” If only you could fight your heart right now you’d be out of this diner by now “, I miss us, the way we had fun” Your hand felt the warmth again as Jungkook placed his hand over yours, rubbing his thumb against yours.
You wanted to punch him, right there and then for fishing that buried emotion in the pit of your stomach. The feeling of genuinely missing him. You didn’t want that. You already know the consequences of succumbing to those closeted emotions. 
The only thing you could concentrate on was the buzz of small talk around you and the ring of the small bell on top of the door. It was that moment of the ring, Jungkook’s eyes snapped away from yours. 
“What the f-” Jungkook straightened his back, eyes narrowing into a piercing glare.
“Let’s go” You were just as shocked as he was, your neck strained at the sight of Jongho glaring down at you, jaw clenched as he kept a stern glare locked on you.
“So you two are dating now, are you?” The chair scraped loudly against the checkered floor, turning all heads to your table as Jungkook faced Jongho with icy death stares. 
“What’s it to you?” You could’ve sworn they were about to kiss by how close in proximity they were in.
“Jongho, stop, please-” It certainly was scary enough in the ring when these two fought each other, much scarier now that you were up and personal in the space.
“What the fuck are you doing with this asshole anyway?” Jongho points a finger at Jungkook as his eyes narrow even more.
“The fuck did you just call me?” They were like two deers head to head with their foreheads clashing together, neck veins almost popping as they try to push each other back. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see a line of people flooding out the door as mutters and whispers surround you. Even the ones still here cowered in their booths and watch with a peak. 
“Now is not the time for this shit, take it outside, please-” 
“Yeah let’s take it outside why don’t we?” Jongho stumbled back with a huff from Jungkook’s hard push against his chest. Oh boy. 
“You motherfu-” Jongho threw himself at Jungkook, grabbing him by the collar before slamming him against the table, causing distant screams to be heard in the background as more people continued to rush out of the diner.
Jungkook thrashed under Jongho’s hold before headbutting him, making Jongho’s grip on his shirt loosen. He took the opportunity to push Jongho off of him and swing back his arm ready for a punch.
A hand flew up to your mouth with the sound of Jungkook’s fist meeting Jongho’s cheek. Shooting yourself up from your seat, you try and attempt to hopefully end the squabble. It was almost as if you were invisible to them the moment they see each other because no matter how hard you tried to push Jungkook back from Jongho, he just wouldn’t budge.
“Jungkook, stop!” Your fists didn’t affect him whatsoever despite all the nudges and hits you threw him to stop him from throwing another punch.
“Stay out of my way” You were shocked at how far you managed to fall back from a single swipe to push you out of the way. 
Jongho smeared his thumb across his lip, wiping the small amount of blood oozing out from his cut lip. Anyone could sense the anger this boy was radiating, it was almost deadly. 
The two clashed once again, this time Jongho had managed to throw one in before Jungkook fell to the ground with a hard thud and reddened cheeks. But before he could land another hit, you managed to bring yourself in front of him, raising both your arms up and making him halt.
“Jongho, let’s just go. Leave him, it’s not worth it” It was the first time you’d seen Jongho like this despite already seeing him punch it out in the ring. This right here was pure anger.
It took a minute for Jongho’s panting to quiet down before taking his eyes off a groaning Jungkook on the floor. Jongho’s eyes flickered to you before grabbing a hold of your hand and rushing out the exit. 
The cold breeze hit you like a brick the moment you came out, it wasn’t this cold ten minutes ago when you were running across the lot with Jungkook like  lovesick children. You halted in your spot with Jongho’s back facing you, crossing your arms as you wait for some sort of response. 
“What were you doing in there with him?” Jongho turns on his heels, huffing out a long breath before shoving his hands in his jacket. 
“You don’t get to ask me shit without telling me how you found me- oh and why you just randomly decided to tell me to leave-”
“You’re fraternising with the fucking enemy, isn’t that obvious enough? Didn’t this guy fucking cheat on you? Or did your brain decide to stop working after today?” 
“First of all, yes, he did do that, but we were just here as friends. He wanted to talk which, obviously, didn’t turn out well for either of us, and I was going to leave anyways before you showed up” Furious would be an understatement right about now.
“As friends, right. That’s not how it fucking looked like” Oh god, please don’t say he was...
“You’re the one who should be doing the explaining and not me. You can’t just start unnecessary fights and then drag me with you to what? Argue?” 
To be honest, it was getting a lot colder the more you stood in the open. But you didn’t want to show it for your pride’s sake. Jongho seemed unfazed by the cold, comfortably warm in his brown suede jacket. 
“I dragged you out because I-” Your eyes narrowed at Jongho, waiting for him to continue only to be faced with a blank expression.
“- You know what? Nevermind, I was just angry. I needed to let it out on somebody I guess” Jongho inched backwards before slowly turning his back towards you, stepping to his car.
“Y-You’re a bad l-liar, J-Jongho!” Hopefully, he didn’t catch onto your stutters from the cold. 
Jongho didn’t bother looking back at you as he drifted out of the parking lot, leaving you shivering in the cold. You could never get a valid answer out of that boy.
“Dickhead” Right now, the diner was the only warm place apart from the library, but that place was probably closed by now. Your feet shuffled against the rough pavement, inching closer towards the steps of the diner again. 
From where you were standing, you could see Jungkook still inside, sitting at one of the stools with an ice pack held against his face as he slumped forward. You questioned whether or not you should go back inside, address him. 
Fuck it, inside was warm. 
The familiar ring of the bell caused Jungkook to turn his face slightly, probably spotting you from the corner of his eye as he dropped his ice pack onto the counter. You swallowed the lump in your throat before walking towards him, sitting on the stool beside him.
“I thought you would’ve gone home with your boyfriend” Jungkook chuckled, biting the inside of his cheek.
“He’s not my boyfriend”
“So I still have a chance?”
“Highly unlikely”
“Why not? Don’t you miss me too? I’m sure a bit of you does”
“You’re so unbelievable” Now you’ve had enough of him. Shaking your head, you began to push yourself off the stool to make an exit. You’d rather face walking home in the cold than dealing with his nonsense again. 
“Wait,” Jungkook grabs your wrist before you managed to slip away from him “, let me walk you home” Was this guy serious?
“No thanks,” Your fingers pry off Jungkook’s hold on your wrist before turning your back “, you’ve caused enough trouble”. 
“No funny business, I swear” 
“You said you wouldn’t bother me after I went with you to the diner”
“I said I wouldn’t bother you after you had dinner with me and we never actually had dinner because of your boyfriend- sorry, Jongho” You forgot he was always a cocky smart-ass sometimes.
“No funny business” 
“No funny business” 
You couldn’t believe you actually agreed to his offer even after everything that had unfolded just five minutes ago. It was either that or keeping your cheap pepper spray on hand while walking home alone.
You made sure to keep a distance between the two of you, cautious and wary of possible tricks and illusions Jungkook probably had up his sleeve. That boy was always prepared when it involved another female in his presence. 
Neither of you said a word. You were still agitated of to Jungkook’s sudden confession. Did he really want you back or was it just another scam? Who knows. Thankfully, your brain was bigger than your heart. 
It was a silent walk home. Almost a little too silent considering the fact that you actually forgot there was another person walking beside you.
“Do you still keep a key under the mat?” You fiddled with your keys as Jungkook leaned against the door, waiting for your response.
“That’s none of your concern”
“Why? Scared I might catch Jongho in your bed?” 
“What the fuck is your deal?” With a key in the hole, you could just escape from Jungkook’s nonsense right now. But curiosity got the best of you.
“What? I’m just askin’. If you two aren’t a thing, then what the fuck just happened at the diner?”
“Even I don’t know, okay? He’s just- Jongho, that’s all” 
“The boy’s already got you fucked up. You know I can treat you better than that” You wanted to scoff at his face, how fucking ironic.
“You’re not getting me back”
“It was worth a try” Jungkook turned his back before you could say another word to him, still appalled at his trashy attempts to mend a broken relationship between the two of you.
No amount of TV and m&m’s could draw your mind away from the two boys, especially Jongho. Was he okay? Should you text him? No, he’s probably passed out on his couch with Creed playing in the back. But your phone was right there, it didn’t make it any easier. 
You huffed a sigh before placing the bowl of m&m’s onto the coffee table, snatching your phone before falling back onto the couch. Your thumb hovered over the contact, too hesitant to press down on it.
It was either now or in six weeks once classes started again. The phone stayed silent for a solid second before emitting a ring. You could’ve sworn it was your heart ringing instead of the call. 
The room echoed with the silent ring of your phone until it was silent. No answer. 
You just stared at the ceiling until the light on your phone disappeared. There are many questions running through your head from the predicament you had gotten yourself into just two hours ago. 
He looked awfully upset, which was a rare sight to see. Ever since that night in the locker rooms, he wasn’t the same. Maybe you said something that burst his bubble. He did say some ridiculous things though.
“I don’t love you. Yet” 
“Shut up, you can’t just say shit like that”
“Like what?”
“Things that would keep me up at night”
“Things that have the ‘L’ word in them?”
“Things exactly like that”
“I love your eyes, I love your hair, I love your body-”
Your heart can literally not shut up at the memory. You couldn’t help but smile looking back at that night despite undoubtedly catching a cold.
Jongho’s actually never been the type to say things like that. Not to your knowledge at least. Now it’s really gotten you to conceptualise the thought. 
It wouldn’t hurt to give him another ring, you found yourself wanting to talk to him even more just thinking about it. 
“What do you want?” A groggy voice answered the phone, it was almost forced. 
“Where are you?” 
“I’m at- ummphh home” From the sounds of it, he was definitely not at home. Anyone could tell that was a fist to a punching bag. 
“I told you you’re a bad liar, Jongho”
“I’m at the gym” Jongho would never go to a gym, especially when he was an illegal underground boxer with access to a private ring at any time without disturbances. He’s just not about that public life. 
“What for? There’s no match tonight-”
“If you don’t have anything serious to say, I’m going to hang up now. Bye-” You weren’t even phased by his sudden attitude, it was nothing new you had to experience after that night when you, kind of, rejected him?
The red numbers on your digital clock sitting on your kitchen counter from across the room glared at you, beaming 8:21 PM brightly. Without a doubt, most gyms in the area would be closed by now. There was only one option and that was the underground. 
It wasn’t far from your old apartment building. Still quite safely distanced for you to walk to without any fear of the unknown in the midst of the dark. 
The flickering street lights only made you feel wary and oddly enough made you feel like you were off doing something illegal and sketchy. Well, you’re going to an illegal underground boxing venue for christ’s sake. 
The old storage building on top of it was nearly abandoned, perfect to cast away onlookers from the commotion downstairs. Now, it’s used to store random equipment and other gym goods. 
Usually, there would be some sort of security by the door when you walked in, but there were no matches tonight. Thank god for that. You couldn’t stand seeing Jongho getting tumbled around with fists to his pretty face.
From a distance, you could hear the faint sounds of grunting and panting as you walked down the familiar corridor. The boxing ring was to the left, empty, cleaner than before. It was impressive how they completely cleaned it of the bloodstains splattered from previous matches. 
To the left was the locker room. Yes. That locker room. You still wondered how you just decided to fuck some guy in a public-but-not-so public shower with hygiene concerns completely thrown out the window. Who knew what kind of germs this underground shower had. 
In front of you was another corridor, leading to another large room. The lighting was slightly brighter than the room with the boxing ring in it. It had all the necessary training equipment for a professional boxer. 
Jongho’s shirt stuck to his back from the sweat, you could see the outline of his back muscles through the thin material as he threw hard punches. His calves were insanely defined, flexing as he jogged in his spot with his arms raised defensively. 
“Ahem-” Jongho’s head snapped a three-sixty as soon as he heard you clear your throat for his attention. His brows lowered as he recognised you.
“You shouldn’t be out at this time” Jongho holds the punching bag still before ripping the velcro strap off of his boxing gloves with his teeth.
“That’s a bit hypocritical coming from you” You leaned against the frame of the entrance with your arms crossed against your chest as you observed Jongho from a distance. 
“Why are you here anyway?” The boxing gloves fell into Jongho’s bag with a thud before the zipper seals it away.
“Came to see you of course” 
“You’re already bored of that asshole so you came to see me? That’s nice” Jongho’s eyes never met you the second time the moment he started packing away all his stuff, hair dampened in his sweat as his skin glistened under the lighting. 
“I’m not bored of him, he just isn’t you” That honestly sounded better in your head, it made you cringe hearing that come out of your mouth but it was true.
“What do I have that he doesn’t I wonder” 
“A lot more than you think” You watched as Jongho twisted the cap off his bottle, taking a large gulp of his water before turning his gaze back onto you.
“Go home, it’s late” 
“Not until I get a proper explanation” 
“Explanation of what?”
“Of your little outburst at the diner, genius” You heard Jongho sigh as he slung his bag over his shoulder, stepping closer to the exit, stepping closer to you.
“I told you, I needed to get out some anger-”
“Don’t make me repeat myself”
“I’m tired, can’t we talk about this in the morning or something? Maybe when I’m not so sweaty?” 
“Why don’t you go take a shower and then we can talk about it?”
“What, you want to join me again?” 
“For the record, I didn’t join you, it just sorta happened” A blush crept well on your cheeks as you had to recall that moment.
“C’mon, let’s go. I need to lock this place up” Jongho made sure to carefully push past you out the exit, gripping one strap of his bag as he dipped into the dark corridor with you following closely behind.
You didn’t know whether you were too close or too far behind from the lack of lighting supporting your vision. For all you know, you could be breathing right down his neck.
The night’s cold air engulfed you the moment you stepped out of the building, making you clutch your hoodie with crossed arms as Jongho twisted and turned his keys. 
“Why do you keep avoiding my question?” A look of confusion washed over Jongho’s face as he came down to the bottom of the steps.
“Not everything needs an answer”
“This one certainly does. It’s like robbing a bank and asking the cops why you’re going to jail” Unbelievable this kid. 
Jongho looked defeated, he really couldn’t get himself out of this one. Now, what’s left if for him to face it.
“Let me walk you home” Oh he was definitely trying to avoid it all right. 
“Only if you promise to stay and talk about it” Now you know you’ve won. 
With a huff, Jongho followed you closely behind, hands shoved in the pockets of the same jacket he had worn before. It looked quite warm, to be honest. 
After a quiet walk down the street with a few turns, you stood in front of the old apartment building. It wasn’t much but it was enough to keep you warm and safe in this town.
“Don’t even think about trying to run away” You could see Jongho inching backwards away from the steps from the corner of your eye as you twisted the key into the keyhole of the building’s entrance.
“For the record, I didn’t actually promise anything so I can just leave now” Your foot was halfway through the door when you turned back around to Jongho further down the sidewalk than before.
“Don’t you want to stay the night?” Now that was something that had seized his attention.
“Why would I want to do that?” Jongho turned around almost immediately, eyes softening as he hesitantly stepped closer.
“Because it’s cold and you’re tired?” 
“You’re actually not wrong” Well that wasn’t as hard as you thought it would be.
The inside of the apartment building wasn’t much less colder than outside, it did take away your shivers though. Jongho’s footsteps were unmistakably louder than yours as the two of you treaded up the steps to your door before unlocking it with a click that welcomed you into the warm apartment. 
Jongho stepped inside with his eyes all over the place, simply inspecting the unfamiliar place. It was quite embarrassing for him to spot the bowl of m&m’s you had forgotten on your coffee table.
“Now tell me” 
“Oh my fucking god,” Jongho chuckled as he threw his head back in defeat, slumped on the couch with you seated cross-legged beside him and head rested on your fist. “, you’re unbelievable”.
“You seem to like that about me”
Jongho let out a sigh before facing you, turning his body so that now he was slightly a little closer making you feel a faint of his breathing against your arm.
“You want to know why I did what I did at the diner?”
“That’s the whole point of bringing you here” 
You could see the faint scar on his eyebrow from that night, it was the scar of the cut you tended to after his loss in the ring against Jungkook. All his other cuts were gone, it was just that one that was still there, maybe permanent.
The last time you were this close face to face with Jongho was when he told you to be his. Since then, you never bothered to give him a valid answer.
“I didn’t want you getting hurt” 
“What do you mean ‘getting hurt’? You don’t think I can take care of myself?” You found it quite diverting that Jongho actually cared about you.
“Everyone gets hurt by their ex more than once, trust me, I know” 
“I’m not dumb like that. No offence” Jongho huffed a stifled chuckle as he dipped his face to hide a small smile.
“You’re smart, yet you still can’t figure it out”
“I can’t think when I’m nervous” Your breath hitched at the back of your throat as Jongho leaned closer with a soft smile on his face. 
“You’re nervous?” Now you were.
“Does it look like I am?” You could’ve sworn Jongho’s eyes started sparkling as you gazed deeper in them. Were they getting bigger or was he just getting closer?
“I make you nervous, don’t I?” Yes, yes you do. 
“You’re not even doing anything” It was simply just his voice, his face, his everything. 
“Neither do you,” You were frozen in your spot as Jongho brought a hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear before cupping your face “, yet you still manage to make me feel things I shouldn’t”. 
“Things like what?” You never realised how close he was until you felt his forehead rested against yours.
“Things that have the ‘L’ word in it” The only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart almost thumping out of your ribcage. 
Jongho’s touch was so soft and delicate on your face, his hands were gentle with you as they trailed down to your neck and to your waist. His eyes never left yours as they drooped with each centimetre decreasing between your lips. 
Your head stirred a bit before tilting to the side, lips heavily brushing against Jongho’s before locking them. You never knew how much you had missed the feeling of his lips against yours until now. They were so perfect and plump as your lips moved in sync with his hands scrunching the material of your shirt at your waist.
Your head felt lighter with each passing second, you couldn’t help but to bring your hands up to his face and letting your fingers tangle through his hair. It only brought your bodies closer, but not close enough. Your legs push you off the position you were in and slung over each side of Jongho, making you sit on his lap. An awfully too familiar position you found yourself in. 
A deep groan emits from the back of Jongho’s throat as his hands rummaged all over your back with your hips rocking back and forth subtly on his crotch. You could feel the enlarging tent against your soaked pussy from under your pants. 
Your chest pressed against Jongho’s as his tongue frisked with yours and his hands gripped firmly on your hips helping you rock back and forth against his hard cock underneath his sweats. A quiet whimper left your lips in between the kiss from Jongho’s hard squeeze on your ass that prompted you to grind harder and faster on his crotch. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this shit again” 
“You’re the one who mmph fuck- invited me inside” Jongho slid his hands underneath your shirt, smoothing them over your skin before hoisting the shirt above your head and tossing it to the side.
“Fair enough” Jongho’s lips pecked yours before pursuing his kisses down your jawline and to your neck. You hugged Jongho’s head close to your chest as his wet kisses smother your entire upper body. 
Jongho’s hands mesmerised you with his lingering touch all over your back and ass, playing with the clip of your bra before unhooking it, letting your breasts free from its cups for him to take one into his mouth as he caresses with the other.
The feeling of his tongue swirling around your nipple only made your pussy clench around nothing but gush at the sensation. His warm breath fanned over the skin of your chest, raising goosebumps as the wetness in your panties spread.
You tug at Jongho’s shirt, scrunching the bottom before raising it over his head and carelessly tossing it away. The outline of his pecks wasn’t too prominent, but they were still there for you to be able to trace them with a finger. You couldn’t help but to just smooth your hands over his chest as his lips fell back onto yours. 
Jongho’s thumbs hooked under the waistband of your pants as his fingers rest on your hips. He tugged at them before hooking the rest of his fingers underneath to pull them down as you slowly got onto your knees for him to bring down your pants with your panties.
It was the same look on his face from the other night, this time just with a little more lust. Jongho looked up at you with droopy eyes as his hands roamed your bare ass, pushing your body closer to his.
“Have you figured it out yet?” It was a mere whisper but you could hear him perfectly clearly. 
“I won’t believe you until you say it” You kicked off your pants and panties, leaving you sitting naked on Jongho’s lap as you hooked a finger under the waistband of his sweatpants.
“It won’t mean anything to me if you don’t feel the same” Jongho looked away only for you to cup his face and turn his gaze onto you again.
“Let me show you how I feel then” You smashed your lips back onto Jongho’s again before letting your hands squeeze his thighs as you lower yourself onto your knees against the carpet.
Jongho’s jaw clenched slightly as he bucked his hips for you to pull his sweats and boxers down to his ankles before taking his sprung cock into your hand. His head fell back with a groan as you pumped his pulsating cock slowly with one hand as the other massaged his tense thigh. 
“Fuck” You felt more satisfied each time Jongho’s abdomen tensed with each pump. With a lick of your lips, you leaned forward, lips brushing against his throbbing tip.
Jongho’s hand found their way onto your head, fingers combed through it as he scrunched your hair together in a make-shift ponytail. You could feel him throbbing just by the tip of your tongue as you lined the side of his dick with the tip of your tongue, satisfaction washing over you as you watch him twitch underneath your hold.
You give him a few kitten licks at the tip before wrapping your mouth around his girthy cock, swirling your tongue around as your pussy gushed over the sounds of his deep moans. His cock twitched in your mouth as you pumped what you couldn’t reach with one hand.
“Fuck- keep going, just like that ohmygod” You bopped your head faster up and down his dick, looking up occasionally with furrowed brows and doe eyes to meet his lustful ones. 
Jongho groaned louder as his legs stirred more evidently from your hums against his dick while it hit the back of your throat. The grip on your hair grew tighter, almost making your scalp sting from it.
“Come here, baby” There was something about him calling you ‘baby’ that made your heart flutter. Smiling teasingly, you got up from your knees and back onto the couch where Jongho pinned you underneath him before attacking your neck with his lips, sucking a little too long on the same spot. There was probably a purple gift waiting for you there.
You could feel the tip of his dick poke at your entrance ever so slightly, you couldn’t help but bring your hips closer in hopes for more to fill your neediness. But Jongho only went down further, from playing with your breasts to kissing a line down your stomach before stopping right above your throbbing clit.
Jongho shot a droopy glance from below, making you bend your legs, letting him hook his arms underneath your legs. It was quite a view with Jongho intently gazing up at your with his face dipped between your legs.
You could feel his warm breath hit against your clit, making you clench here and there before he gave you a few kitten licks. Your head fell back as your arms retracted above your head, sliding under the cushions in the corner of your couch.
“Jongho” He gripped your thighs harder, holding you in place as he sucked on your clit and swirled his tongue around it before dipping to your folds and sliding his flattened tongue up and down. 
It was body-stirring the way he latched his lips onto your folds with his tongue swirling around everywhere and nose buried against your clit. A shaky moan left your lips as you subconsciously started to grind your hips against his face, fingers holding back his hair as he immersed himself between your legs.
“Mhmphh fuck- right there” Jongho unhooked an arm from under your leg, bringing it up to one of your breasts before squeezing it with your hand over his. 
He moved his tongue as if he were hungry, making your hips buckle further against his face. Your nerves sparked left and right each time Jongho’s nose rubbed against your clit, making your eyes roll back in pleasure. 
“You look so fucking perfect” Jongho unlatched his lips from your folds, crawling back up over to you.
“Don’t I always?” You cupped Jongho’s face, caressing his cheek with your thumb as the tip of his dick poked further at the entrance of your pussy, making your brain shrivel into a cloud with a slow agonisingly pleasureful stretch. 
“Even more perfect like this” Your mouth hanged wide as your eyes widened with the sudden stretch from Jongho’s cock sliding in. 
“Fuck ohmygod-” Jongho hoisted your legs around his waist before hovering over you again, rocking his hips slowly as he buried himself deep in you.
“I forgot how you fucking felt around me oh my fucking god” A small whimper came from the back of your throat as Jongho dipped his face in the crook of your neck and his hips slapping against yours faster with sounds of skin slapping against skin bouncing off the walls. 
You couldn’t even force a single coherent thought out of your mushed brain with Jongho thrusting into you with an unreckoned speed. Almost all of the air inside your lungs were knocked out from each thrust, leaving you gasping inaudibly.
Thank god you had mistakenly left a small gap of the window open otherwise you’d have a sweat patch on the couch you laid upon. Jongho’s skin was still soft as you smoothed your hands over his back, feeling each muscle with every thrust as his forearms supported him off the couch. 
Jongho’s face appeared again after dipping into your neck, his lips parted as he brought them down to yours, slobbering a lazy kiss as your arms slung around his neck, playing with the locks at the back of his head. You couldn’t control your moans any further as Jongho began to lift his lower body, hooking himself deep into you before snaking his arms back around your waist.
“Nnghaa fuck!” Jongho lifted you off your back and pulled you in a sitting position on his dick, sliding himself lower down on the couch for him to grip your waist and snapping his hips upwards into you.
Almost unidentifiable sounds left your mouth as you held your breasts, head falling back with your eyes as Jongho held you in place for his hips to slap against yours. You couldn’t help but fall forward, hugging Jongho’s head to your chest as your body shrivelled with each thrust bringing you closer to an orgasm. 
Jongho’s thrusts became faster and harder as he grunted against your chest, sending lewd moans out of your mouth. Your head felt light as your vision clouds with a foggy white, the spark of nerves in the pit of your stomach was threatening to combust soon enough with a pace like this.
“I’m so closenngha oh yesyesyes!” Your throat was almost as dry as a desert as you widely gaped with furrowed brows.
Jongho clenches his jaw hard, brows furrowed and eyes darkened as he focuses on your body. Your face scrunches in absolute pleasure as your legs quivered at the pace Jongho was thrusting into you. 
“Fuckfuckfuck! Jongho- ngghhaa fuck yes!” A wave of pure bliss washes over your body like a tsunami, the ball of nerves in the pit of your stomach burst into doses of pleasure being released through all courses of your body as Jongho’s hard thrusts sent you forward and legs threatening to close if it wasn’t for his hips preventing it. Jongho didn’t stop there, his thrusts became sloppier and your body quivered from the overwhelming pleasure.
“A little bit more, baby, almost fuckmmhph there” It felt like one of those bull rides by the way Jongho lifted his lower body off the couch to thrust into you as he chased his own high.
“Jongnnghaa oh shit!” Jongho’s intense gaze pierced right through you as he flipped you back to the previous position with you underneath him, legs wrapped around his torso as his thrusts became sloppy and deeper. 
“Mhmmmphhh fuuuck” A warm spurt of cum pools inside you as Jongho slammed his hips hard one last time against you with an almost animalistic loud groan against your ear.
You were out of breath, hair sticking to your forehead as your an arm flared back behind you and the other playing with the hair at the back of Jongho’s head. Neither of you spoke a word for what seemed to be an awkward forever. 
“I love you” It wasn’t as hard to say as you thought it would be, maybe because you actually meant it.
“What did you just say?” Jongho’s head shoots up almost immediately from the crook of your neck, eyes flickering back and forth between yours. 
“You heard me”  You chuckled a bit, letting your fingers play with the short strands of hair in front of his face as your feet slide up and down Jongho’s legs.
A small smile caved its way onto Jongho’s face as he propped himself comfortably over you. It was almost as if everything that had just happened in the last fifteen minutes had vanished from his mind. 
“Say it again” There was a hint of joy in his voice when he spoke again, making you curious of his ends.
“I love you” You always found it so difficult to face that word, maybe because it hurt you too much in the end.
“You really mean it?” 
“Why else would I say it?” 
“I must be dreaming” 
“You’re literally still inside of me, how can you possibly be dreaming?” 
It was so surprising to hear Jongho’s chuckle. You didn’t even know he had a gummy smile until this convenient time. 
Jongho’s eyes truly sparkled as he gazed down at you, smile softening before planting a slow passionate kiss on your lips. You could’ve sworn they were about to crack any moment now.
“I love you”   
part one • part two
Copyright © 2020 by serendipityunho All Rights Reserved
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dercolaris · 3 years
"There is still space for another photo on this wall." 
Hey guys. I will keep you busy during these crazy times and provide you another Scriddler story. This one was still on my list to translate, so, yep. Needed to be done. Right now I’m working on a new book idea and that’s consuming a bit of time, but maybe it will be worth it. Enjoy!
Thanks @shin-arei for helping me again with the translation <3
Song: https://youtu.be/ESu5YQTBilw
The small drops of water tapped almost regularly on the window, running in growing rivulets down the previously dirty glass onto the sodden ground. Jonathan's icy blue eyes stared into the all-engulfing darkness outside, looking for something in the oppressive blackness. The former psychiatrist himself didn't really know what it actually was in this moment. There was probably nothing hiding in the night. The edges of his mouth twitched a bit. This inner emptiness literally made him sick and every attempt to escape from it or to fill it meaningfully ended with the thoughts of this terrible state being forced upon him. It was almost impossible for him to simply enjoy such a moment of rest. The rogue sighed softly and leisurely turned his gaze from the window, let the opals roam briefly through the spacious living room. It was kept meticulously clean. Almost too perfectly organized. Everything in this room had its rightful place and if there was a new purchase it would find a safe place for eternity without any problems. People tended to praise the former psychiatrist for this fact, even to rave about being able to implement such a functioning system themselves. Nevertheless, the Master of Fear knew that this order was nothing more than a farce to escape the chaos in his own head. Who could have guessed what was really going on in their branched brain? Jonathan absently reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, carefully sticking one of the coffin nails into his mouth. He didn't ignite it, just played a little with the poisonous stalk between his teeth, sliding it slowly from side to side with his tongue. A small smile crept onto his worn lips. Edward had hated it profoundly when his significant other had smoked and after some heated discussions the gaunt man had finally agreed to cancel this vice for good. However, this did not stop him from fooling his mind into thinking that he was going to remedy the situation soon with a cigarette. For the most part, addictions were simply a matter of the mind and - if the will was there - surprisingly easy to overcome. Routines, on the other hand, seemed more difficult to break through. Jonathan nibbled carefully on the filter and after a few seconds took the coffin nail out of his mouth again, sliding it back into the remaining box. He stowed it safely in the grey jacket and looked around at the door. There was no one to be seen. The brown-haired man chuckled cautiously and turned his eyes back to the steamed-up window.
The tinkerer would most likely jump at his throat at this now rare sight or at least make a derogatory comment that he should finally banish the cursed stalks from his collection. Despite the often sarcastic remarks, the former psychiatrist knew that the Riddler was only concerned about him and wanted the best for his partner. Even if the inventor would probably never admit these good intentions or talk them down. After a while, the Master of Fear casually looked down at his socks, and was startled to see some new holes in the worn fabric. He reached down with his thin arms and pulled his stockings off his feet, then sauntered almost silently to the red sofa in the middle of the room. The gaunt man took a seat on the left, looked a while for suitable utensils from the ornate sewing box on the massive side table. He was probably not as skilled with needles and threads as Jervis Tetch, but his poorly trained talent should be enough for darning some socks. The thin man carefully got to work. As the first hole closed gradually on the fabric, another notch opened in his soul. No matter how hard the elder tried to ignore it, a nagging feeling lingered in his heart. Something in him was unfulfilled. Jonathan paused at work, staring at his own bony fingers. For more than three months he had been living with the inventor in a well-preserved old apartment in one of the countless suburbs of Gotham. They had mutually agreed to stay out of major difficulties for a while and to figure out if a relationship could work out for them. Moving in together was therefore the ultimate test to be able to speak of a solid, maybe even stable partnership. The former psychiatrist barely noticeably shook his head and began sewing again. It was still incredibly difficult for the brown-haired man to adjust to the unknown situation. He had never known someone by his side in his life and suddenly being able to trust Edward was just too absurd. Who would seriously care about him and voluntarily adjust his entire life to his habit, just so as not to disturb him too much in the usual processes of living?
This made the Master of Fear doubt whether the Riddler was really being sincere with him. Was it possible that the other was just playing a deceptive game with him and would leave him when he had enough of it? The former psychiatrist closed his eyes for a moment, listening into his slowly beating heart. Mind and feelings were of course more than disagreed, often fighting bitterly for the upper hand, but the steady rhythm of his body centre spoke an unmistakable language. He knew from unfathomable, almost mystical sources about the honesty of the inventor. The lean man half opened his tired eyelids, put sewing kit and socks on the side table. In addition to all the small gestures of affection Edward showed him at home, he didn't seem ashamed to be seen with Jonathan in public. They weren't necessarily interested in showing their love to the whole world or even shouting it out openly, but the Riddler often enough broke the invisible barrier between them, which was actually meant to keep the appearance of a normal friendship. Jonathan still didn't know how the underground would react to their relationship. Strangely enough, this actually frightened him. Why, however, was a mystery to him. It was basically nobody's business with whom he shared the bed at night and how he imagined his own future. Yet there was this voice in his head preaching to him repeatedly to keep everything under wraps. It was the same voice that was responsible for convincing him that he was not worth the time of the tinkerer and that one day he would pack his bags and leave without a word. The brown-haired man sagged a little, pulled his legs up leisurely. Loneliness. How many times had he wasted thought that he would spend his whole life alone. That no one would ever be ready to take him and, like Edward, just hugs him at night. The Master of Fear put his chin on his knees. There were certain points of contention in their relationship, but these too were easily resolved. In general, the time together with the black-haired man was surprisingly harmonious and the former psychiatrist no longer wanted to do without his presence. He stared at the crackling fire in the ancient fireplace, watching the flames leap wildly on all sides. Jonathan stroked his thinning hair and groaned slightly. The last few years had practically passed him by like trains.
The hatred of all his tormentors had crept insidiously to an immensely high level and every new interaction with Batman had crowned this feeling. What remained was the realization that in his eternal anger he had lost sight of a crucial goal. His own happiness. Had it really gotten to the point where someone had to remind him that he only had one life and that he should have fun in it from time to time? Joy had been a foreign word to the older man for ages. There was just work and more work. That Edward of all people was the one who had spoken to his conscience to see things a little more calmly was pure irony. The Riddler himself was an unteachable workaholic and if you don't remind him to take a break from time to time, he works to the proverbial collapse. The former psychiatrist smiled a little wider. He had sent his partner to bed over two hours ago this evening. With a loud protest from the stubborn inventor, of course. Nevertheless, the black-haired man finally made his way into the bedroom and fell asleep on the soft mattress after a few minutes. A clear sign that he had been overtired and urgently needed a break. Jonathan blinked a little, then released the convulsive grip on his knees. He got up from the sofa and walked calmly into the hallway, looking down the dark corridor. His eyes locked on the dry wall. It was full with photographs that they had taken together over the years of their rather dubious friendship. Among them was their first meeting in the infamous Iceberg Lounge, which Harleen had kindly immortalized for them and an ancient photo from the Gotham Gazette of their first joint arrest as a criminal duo. The brown-haired smiled almost happily while looking at this really unique snapshot. Edward had a more than visible injury under his eye in the sepia-coloured picture and even the Master of Fear had not got away without some wounds. The gaunt man let his gaze wander further. They had attached the photos in chronological order. It finally culminated with the photo of the fateful birthday party of Victor Fries, at which Jonathan had admittedly decided somewhat unintentionally to want to walk the future together with the inventor. That evening he had clearly looked way too deeply into the glass and confessed, under high linguistic difficulties of course, his love to Edward. Fortunately, they had been alone in the winter garden at this intimate moment, which led the tinkerer to give him a meaningful kiss in response. The clumsy confession was followed by the first night in the same bed.
Looked at it soberly, this evening was just the happy end of a protracted development. It wasn't a particularly big surprise that their paths not only crossed accidentally in Gotham, but actually ended up in walking the way together. The brown-haired man in particular had been able to successfully overcome his fear of contact over the years and did not regret for a second that he had told the Riddler the truth about his feelings. Jonathan took a deep breath. He hoped that there would be many more photographs of them to follow on the wall. Without looking further at the pictures, the gaunt man crept in the direction of the bedroom, peeking leisurely into it. Edward was lying on his back, his left forearm resting on his forehead as is so often the case. The blanket hung more badly than right over his hip, only covering the lower abdomen of the black-haired man. The inventor had the unconscious habit of tossing the warming material somewhere in his sleep and waking up shivering in the morning because his body was slowly cooling down. The former psychiatrist walked quietly towards the bed, then finally sat on the edge. His eyes studied his lover carefully, noticing every little change in his relaxed face. After a few minutes the gaunt man looked up and gave a slight shudder. There was still so much to do, so much work which was piling up without any mercy. A break was out of the question. Jonathan was about to get up when the hand of the tinkerer grabbed his gently. The brown-haired man raised an eyebrow. His partner was asleep, but seemed to instinctively seek his presence somehow. The Master of Fear turned his hand carefully and interlaced their fingers, looking lovingly at the younger man. As if in slow motion, he sank down on the mattress and fished with his free fingers for the completely twisted bedspread at the foot end. He gradually pulled the fabric over them and moved closer to the tinkerer. The Riddler turned abruptly to the side, wrapping his left arm around the former psychiatrist's narrow body with light pressure. The older man paused for a moment, but then returned the hug tenderly and laid his head on the comfortable pillow next to Edward. He began to carefully caress the neck of the often over-the-top tinkerer, studying the gentle contours of his beautiful face. The inventor groaned almost in relief and snuggled closer to the gaunt man, then surprisingly buried his face in the crook of the other's neck. The warm, even breath brushed the cool skin. Jonathan smiled warmly and ran two fingers up the slightly curved spine of his lover. He finally placed a loving kiss on the back of the head and whispered hoarsely: "Sleep well, my prince."
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