#but hey!! now that I know I can make salsa I can eat salsa again!!!
tj-crochets · 2 years
No crafting update yet today, because instead I made salsa! It’s not fantastic but it is a salsa I can eat (I can’t eat most salsas available at stores because vinegar) and the recipe my brother wanted to make for lunch needed salsa, so it’s a success!  It’s not a bad salsa, it’s just missing something? Idk what. It’s definitely an okay salsa, possibly even a decent salsa, but I’ve got a ways to go before I’m making good salsa lol 
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obsidiancreates · 3 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 16)
(Trigger warnings for graphic depictions of injury/dying, blood, nightmares)
Gus tips the delivery person and walks back into the main room of the office with two still-steaming burritos in a bag. Shawn feels the memory of salivating at that same smell– god, not even a week ago. Somehow it feels like it’s been years since he woke up cold and starving, but at the same time it’s been seconds. Is that a vampire thing, an ADHD thing, or a trauma thing? Is it worth figuring out? Not right now.
His mouth is bone-dry as he accepts the burrito. It smells good, great, and the way the warmth of it seeps through the tinfoil into his hands is heavenly. He feels no excitement to bite into it. 
“Alright.” Gus sits down at his desk. “Test number one– garlic.”
“I dunno about this, man. I told you I get hungry after I get hurt.”
“Shawn, we need to figure out your supernatural weaknesses before going back to taking cases.”
“I think we can consider garlic a lock!”
“Sunlight isn’t.”
“... Fair. … Fine. But only if you make some posters to hang around so we get some more private cases.”
“Why? Are you hungry again already?”
“Do I need to pull out the pencil rosary again?”
“Maybe? It’s not… bad. It’s just kind of… there. Can we just– I’m taking a bite, if I burst into flames or turn into a pile of ash just know my text about my Tears for Fears vinyls still applies.”
“Just making sure.” Shawn unwraps the burrito. It’s weird, to know something smells so delicious and know it should be making your mouth water and know you should be excited to eat it, but none of that matters. It’s like the whole experience is hitting a glass wall, clearly there, just barely out of reach to him. 
He takes a bite. Shredded pork, salsa, guac, there’s even roasted corn in this one. It’s loaded, incredible, and he can’t really enjoy it because even though it all tastes exactly like it did when he was human it doesn’t mean anything. Nothing is satisfied by it. In fact, the pang of hunger sharpens as the taste of the pork specifically floods his mouth.
It’s meat, and it’s wrong. Close, so close to what he needs, but not right.
Shawn swallows. “Didn’t even burn.”
“Alright, garlic is a no.” Gus crosses it off his list. “We’ve gotta find some garlic flowers next and see if those do anything.”
“Garlic flowers? Don’t be silly, Gus.”
“Garlic flowers are another classic vampire ward, Shawn! They’re used in the original Dracula novel!”
“It’s a novel?” 
“We had to read it in the seventh grade, remember?!”
“Not really. I do remember watching one of those old uh, black-and-white movies with Count Dookie.”
“Count Dooku, Shawn.”
“Gus, he was one of the bad guys, let’s not sweat over his name.”
“You’re trying to distract me.”
“Am not.”
“You are! You’re deflecting again!”
“Deflecting? Please.”
“We agreed, last night, that if you got uncomfortable with focusing on the vampire stuff or the psychic stuff you’d say it outright and we’d switch gears.”
“... Alright. Alright, yes, I’m… wanting to change the subject for a while.”
“Fine. Psychic stuff still fine, or no supernatural stuff at all?”
“None at all, man, I just… let’s watch a movie or something. Least that won’t be different.”
“Alright. Hey, I think American Duos is on.”
“Really? … Wow. Their ratings must be terrible, it’s the middle of the afternoon on a weekday.”
“The guy they replaced Zappato with is kind of lacking, and they had to replace Emilina last season and she’s not great either. I think it’s only still on because the producers are afraid of telling Nigel St Nigel he’s off the air.”
“Really? It sounds awful. Let’s watch the entire season.”
“You know that’s right.”
“Nice of you to join us today, detectives.”
They both freeze in their tracks. Lassiter turns around first, adjusting his tie nervously. “Ready to get back to work, Chief. It was just a 24 hour thing, and I’m firing on cylinders today.”
“We both are,” Jules jumps in.
“Good, because your homicide case wrapped up the other night and we need a few closing details from you both. You’ll find the paperwork on your desks–”
“Chief!” Buzz jogs over. “We just got a report on the wire, body pulled out of a lake. Looks like drowning.”
Jules makes eye contact with Lassiter. Shawn’s abilities really have evolved. 
“Oh, detectives!” Buzz grins at them both. “I’m glad you guys are feeling better today! Oh, um, Detective Lassiter, I put any remains of journals or anything we found from the mansion in a box and left it by your desk.”
The Chief turns to Lassiter with a disbelieving, you-better-explain threatening smile. “Uh, detective, when did you ask Officer McNab to do this?”
Crap. “Uh, over the phone yesterday, Chief.”
“And you heard about the mansion burning down… how?”
“... Well, uh… Spencer! Yes, Spencer called me in the middle of the night, said he had a vision. Normally I would’ve told him to screw off but I… humored, him, when he asked me to tell McNab… that.”
“You… humored… Mr. Spencer?”
“I blame the fever, Chief.”
“Well, then… I’ll blame it as well. If Mr. Spencer thinks something additionally important is in those journals, I’ll let you hold onto them for the moment, but it’s looking like this case is pretty much completely shut, at this point in time. Right now I want this drowning case to be your top priority.”
“You got it, Chief,” Jules says, giving a too-wide smile and overly enthusiastic thumbs-up. The Chief eyes her oddly for a moment, and then walks back to her office.
“Keep it together, O’Hara, you’re the one who convinced me to play along with this crap,” Lassiter whispers as they quickly walk to his desk.
“I’m trying! The bigger the secret, the harder time I have keeping it!”
“Then why in god’s name are we doing this?!”
“Because Shawn doesn’t deserve to go to jail or a mental facility for something he had no control over!”
“You do realize–”
“As soon as I said it. But Shawn’s not one of the the bad guys, Carlton. It’s different. He’s one of us.”
“... Yeah, alright.” Lassiter tries to sound unconvinced as he agrees. They reach his desk and he takes the lid off the box, frowning as he looks inside. “This is what McNab considers salvageable? He’s more off than I was before the divorce.”
“Oh, Carlton.”
“... My therapist says turning the situation into humor could help me move past it.”
“Alright… well, if you think it’s helping.”
Lassiter looks back into the box, slightly flushed with embarrassment now, and carefully looks through. “I don’t know that we’ll get anything helpful from this.”
“Well, maybe they’ll trigger some kind of… psychic revelation for Shawn.”
“We’re bringing him evidence now?”
“He’ll probably steal it out of evidence if we don’t.”
“You finally caught him doing that?”
“No, but, we both know he does.”
“... Fine. At least this way we can ask for it back. … Let’s focus on this drowning thing instead. You were lying when you said you’d call him, right?”
“No, I was not.”
“O’hara, you saw him this morning. He’s not even close to ready to work on a serious case.”
“... Fine. I’ll wait until we have evidence of foul play. If nothing suggests that, I’ll just tell him it was an accidental drowning case tomorrow.”
Henry closes the door to the security room and gives himself a moment to chuckle, tossing his badge up once and tucking it back into his suit pocket. He forgot how much he enjoyed flashing the badge to get into places.
He pulls up the security feed from outside the store on the night in question. He scrubs through, trying to pick out any suspicious details.
Just before 3 AM, a motorcycle is caught speeding by. It’s too blurry an image to tell if it’s Shawn’s bike, but Henry’s always considered ‘confirmation bias’ to be something that applies to other people. His investigations have never suffered from such a thing.
He scrubs through some more. Cars, cars, it’s too dark and blurry on the camera to tell them apart by make or model, much less license plates. The motorcycle is all he’s getting from this. 
He stands up, straightens his suit, and leaves. Maybe he’ll get something better from a more expensive store’s security feed. 
Shawn scoots a little further away as Gus lets out a snore and mumbles something flirtatious in his sleep. He thinks he’s getting an okay handle on the hunger thing– his throat is shot to hell again already, the temptation of Gus’s blood a little bit like that time his dad put a marshmallow on a plate and told him if he didn’t touch it for fifteen minutes he could have two. Comparisons keep drifting through his head, all the different things he can taste from having Gus so close, even when he does his best to stop breathing it in. 
Again, the movie snacks aren’t helping whatsoever. He keeps eating them anyway.
His mouth aches again. Pulses with pain in time with Gus’s heartbeat. He should really stop setting up situations where he’s alone with one or more of them.
He leans his head back on the couch and closes his eyes. The sound of the movie is sharp against his ears, just adding to the headache, getting less and less comprehensible as he slowly drifts off to sleep.
Juliet doesn’t have Thornburg.
Juliet doesn’t have Thornburg.
So why is she dying?
Shawn is holding her hand, trying to confess, but the words are stuck in his throat. Jules is wheezing, her eyes bleeding, looking into his with a fear dulled by a thick glaze of illness. Jules is dying. Jules is dying.
Lassie doesn’t get shot in the graveyard.
Lassie doesn’t get shot in the graveyard.
So why is he dying?
Shawn is holding Lassie as he bleeds out– no, he’s holding Mary Light, no, he’s holding Lassie, no, he’s–
Lassie’s blood is spilling out of his chest. He’s looking at Shawn with a level of terror that Shawn never ever wants to see from the detective, never should see from him.
He’s holding Mary again. “Wake up, Shawn.”
Lassie is dying in Shawn’s arms.
Lassie is dying in Shawn’s arms.
Gus doesn’t fall off a cliff when he grabs onto the extreme sports murderer.
Gus doesn’t fall off a cliff when he grabs onto the extreme sports murderer. 
So why is he dying?
Shawn holds Gus at the bottom of the cliff. Gus’s blood coats the rock beneath them. His eyes are completely sightless, his mouth trying to form words that will never come, not with a head injury like this. Gus’s hand grips Shawn’s so tight it hurts, a silent plea to save him.
Gus is dying and Shawn can’t save him.
Gus is dying and Shawn can’t save him.
Henry is not the victim of a plane crash.
Henry is not the victim of a plane crash.
So why is he dying?
Shawn struggles to keep his father’s head straight with one hand as he tries to get the radio working with the other. Henry is barely awake, wheezing, mumbling incoherently. Shawn can’t make the radio work. He can’t call for help.
He looks at his dad and sees regret shining in his bloodshot eyes. Henry reaches out with one bloodied arm and grabs Shawn’s bicep. There’s a tree branch impaled through his abdomen. He looks Shawn in the eye and opens his mouth–
“Wake up!”
Shawn sits up with a gasp! His grandmother’s voice screaming through his father’s mouth echoes in his head as he pushes off the couch and runs to the bathroom, splashing cold–
No, no, he’s colder than it is, he switches the tap and splashes warm water on his face. It’s unnatural, it’s wrong, it’s not something his skin should be anymore– the warmth shocks him into full wakefulness.
“Shawn?!” Gus’s footsteps are like hammers against his skull, his quickened heartbeat like a jackhammer. Shawn presses his hands over his ears.
“Shawn!” Gus’s hands are so warm, so warm, warm warm warm blood spilling into Shawn’s jeans from Gus’s skull at the bottom of a cliff–
Shawn finds himself presses against the bathroom wall, Gus standing in the doorway with the makeshift rosary held up, wet handprints on his shirt. Gus is shaking. Shawn realizes he feels fangs poking his lip.
He gulps in a breath, pressing his hands to his torso, then his face, holding them out– he repeats until he feels like he’s in his own body again. Gus watches, poised to run.
Shawn shakes his head, trying to knock the last echoes of the nightmare out. They won’t ever go away. They won’t ever go away.
Something clicks. He looks up. “Oh, god. I didn’t–”
“You lunged right for my neck.”
“I- Gus, I’m so– I didn’t–”
“I could tell.” Gus relaxes a little. His heart is still pounding. Shawn realizes belatedly that his voice has gone raspy again. Gus keeps the rosary held up. “What was that?”
“I-I… don’t…” Shawn swallows. They agreed he’d be honest. They agree he had to be honest, at least between the two of them. “I had a nightmare.”
“... About?”
“I don’t… want to talk about it.” If he talks about it he’ll relive it, he’ll have the images take over the real world again and if that happens he’s not sure he won’t try to–
“... Okay. Okay, but– Shawn, that was terrifying.”
“And your voice is all messed up again.”
“Noticed that too.”
“... You know, when I went out with Willow–”
“You guys actually went out?”
“Yes! A couple times! Anyway, she told me about this vampire bar place for people who pretend to be vampires.”
“So… do you think you could handle just having a little from someone, uh… consenting for their own reasons?”
Flash of white, film grain, stalking up behind the burglar, covering his mouth, sinking his aching fangs into warm soft flesh and drinking–
Shawn shudders– he wishes it was because he disliked the feeling of the memory– vision? … Memory. God, he wishes he disliked it.
“Not doing that, Gus. First of all that’s not my kind of kinky business–”
“Eugh! I was trying not to say it outright, Shawn!”
“I know you were, that’s why I did. Anyway, second, that’s… too, vampire. Way too vampire.”
“... I could see if someone there is willing to donate blood.”
“Gus. You’ll pass out just trying to get the bag here.”
“I can handle it.”
“You don’t want to.”
“It’s that or you drinking me!”
“I won’t drink you!” Shawn doesn’t mean for it to come out panicked– but the way Gus tenses and raises the cross a bit more shows it did, in a bad way. Shawn shakes his head again, looking down and trying to regain some composure. “You– you just shouldn’t have to do that, buddy.”
“You shouldn’t have to be undead. It’s not a fair situation to any of us, Shawn.”
Jules, Lassie, Gus, Henry, bleeding bleeding bleeding dying dying dying Dying And Leaving Shawn Along FOREVER–
“I’m going.” Shawn is snapped out of it by Gus digging his car keys out of his pocket. “You just zoned out again and started shaking. If you don’t get blood, one of us is going to be in big trouble, and either way it goes it’ll be bad.”
“I’ll just close my eyes or something! I’m putting this in front of the door on my way out, I’ll be back as soon as I can. And I’m letting Lassie and Jules know what I’m doing.”
“... Could you uh, leave out the–”
“Don’t even have to ask. Just… try to relax a little while I’m gone, okay?”
Shawn doesn’t agree or disagree. Gus leaves, and Shawn splashes his face a few more times before going back to the couch. He sits in the spot Gus had fallen asleep in. Maybe he’s imagining it because he’s so cold, but the spot still feels a little warm.
His cell rings a moment later. Crap. He lets it go to voicemail.
“Shawn, call me back, would you? What’s the point of these damn things if you just ignore it all the time? Look, I got a letter about your bike insurance and they’re raising the monthly payments. You put the damn bike on my card so I think I’m entitled to know how well you’re taking care of the thing if I’m going to keep paying for it.”
Shawn groans. He tosses his phone to the other side of the couch. He’ll reply later– or maybe never. 
Henry wheezing, staring with dull bloodshot eyes, reaching out–
He’ll reply later.
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duhragonball · 11 months
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 25-28
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Hey, Janemba’s back in black.  Let’s see if I can knock this one out before I go to work.
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Last time, “Dr. W” lured Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta to Hell, where he fought them both to a standstill, then sent all the data he collected to Janemba, who is now somehow back and ready to kick some ass.  I don’t understand why this was even necessary, since Dr. W was doing just fine on his own.
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I feel like a pair of Super Saiyan 4′s ought to have an easier time against Janemba than this, but his color scheme is different, and he does have all of that data to warn him about things like “Goku punches a lot” and “watch out for Vegeta’s rapid fire attack that never works.”
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Then all the other good guys teleport in, and I guess this was Fu’s plan?  He used Bojack and Turles to keep them busy while he birdnapped Tokitoki, then he sent them all to Hell, where Janemba would be ready to finish them off.
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Oh, and Xeno Trunks can do Super Saiyan 3.  You know, they could let Xeno Pan do all sorts of crazy transformations, just like everyone else in this show, but they don’t, because Toei’s a bunch of assholes.
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Then these two show up.  Their names are Putine (left) and Salsa (right).  it is impossible for me to take Salsa seriously, because his dour expression is a little too dour, to the point of self-parody.  Also, his edgy hood has cute ears on top, like he took some Pikachu merchandise and dyed it black to complete his aesthetic. 
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Putine and Salsa are demons who fought against the Time Patrol some time ago, but this time they offer a way to destroy the Universe Tree that’s currently threatening the multiverse, so they all join forces to defeat Janemba.  But Janemba won’t go down so easily, even in a six-on-one affair.
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Then Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku use the same trick he used to defeat “the dark dragon”, and I finally realized he was referring to the Shadow Dragons from GT.  Which trick, though?  Fusion?  The bullshit spirit bomb?  Swallowing a Dragon Ball?  A lot of those things only worked because of GT Logic, but this isn’t GT, so we have to be careful.  Eating a Dragon Ball might actually kill a person here.
Turns out they were referring to the dumb bit where everyone lends their energy to Goku to charge up his Super Saiyan 4 form.  This is one of the stupidest bits from GT and the only consolation I have is that Vegeta Blue hates this crap even more than I do.  Xeno Vegeta seems to have no strong feelings about it, as he just stands beside Xeno Goku and accepts the same power-up. 
I guess I should talk about the worlds these characters come from.  Obviously, the concept here is that we have a set of Time Patrol characters who look like they’re from Dragon Ball GT, and a set of “main” characters who look like they’re from Dragon Ball Super.   But it doesn’t quite line up that way.  Xeno Goku remembers fighting the Shadow Dragons, but he clearly never vanished for 100 years with Shenron like Goku did in the finale of GT.  This partnership with Xeno Vegeta doesn’t work in the GT continuity, because they were only both SSJ4 for a handful of episodes.  After that, Vegeta powered down, and then Goku didn’t return to Earth until long after Vegeta’s death. 
On the Super side of things, the Goku and Vegeta in SDBH have different clothes on than what they wore in Super.  They remember the Tournament of Power, but they also remember the movie villains like Cooler, Bojack, and Turles.  Curiously, none of these characters seems to remember Janemba, so I don’t know what to make of this.
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Anyway, the charge-up works, and Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta work over Janemba, then finish him off with a double Super Dragon Fist.  Does Xeno Vegeta have no pride at all? 
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Wh-what if we intertwined our ki dragons together in the same villain?  Ha ha, just kidding... 
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So with that nonsense out of the way, Putine teleports everyone to the Universe Tree.  No one questions how she knows where to go or what to do.  Then again, I guess this is the only lead they have.
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Meanwhile, in a different part of Hell, we see a prisoner...
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And it’s Hearts.  And he’s pretty happy, apparently.  Sheesh, does anything bother this guy?
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At the Universe Tree, Vegeta tries to blow it up with a ki blast, but the tree just soaks it up like everything else.  Then Fu shows up and mocks their attempts to stop it.
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Towa is also here, and she arranges for most of the good guys, and Putine and Salsa, to be teleported away.  She leaves Goku and Vegeta to fight Fu by themselves, although Fu doesn’t understand the purpose of this.
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Fu seems to be more than a match for them, in part because he’s infused himself with Cumber’s dark ki, which corrupts the minds of those who come into contact with it.  You know, except for all the times fighters would hit Cumber and that didn’t happen. 
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We see Cumber trussed up in a machine that presumably siphons off his power and sends it to Fu, or the tree, or whatever.  I’m starting to see why people ship Cumber and Fu.  All they ever do is get into these kinky situations.
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So Fu uses Cumber’s power to make Goku and Vegeta go feral, but instead of turning on one another, they both go after Fu anyay.  Fu hits them with a big attack and that snaps them out of it, so what’s even the point?
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So Goku convinces Vegeta to fuse with him, since Vegito can protect himself from the Cumber effect.  Apparently Salsa left them a pair of Potara Earrings to use.   Uh-huh....
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Meanwhile, Towa explains her plan to the other good guys, whom she has trapped in a field of Cumbers’ energy.  Is Cumber that powerful?  Cooler defeated him, after all.
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She informs them that she “created” Fu.  I’m pretty sure she just had a baby with Mira, but she created Mira as well, so you can never be too sure with Towa.  Fu represents the data Towa has collected from a multitude of powerful figthers.  Mira had a similar deal, so I’m pretty sure she just means Fu inherited the same chimera DNA Mira had. 
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Towa then pulls some sort of dark energy out of her captives and explains that this is the “Dark Factor”, a power that once inhabited Mechikabura before his death at the hands of Trunks.  When he was defeated, Mechikabura released the Dark Factor and it went into the Time Patrollers who were there at the time.  Towa apparently arranged this so she could retrieve the Dark Factor when the time was right.  Her aim is to put the Dark Factor into Fu, which will allow him to become the new Dark Emperor, Mechikabura’s successor. 
Well, now it makes more sense why they did the special in Episode 20.  They were doing more than reintroducing Fu and the Time Patrol after all.
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Xeno Goku briefly escapes from his bonds, but then Mira shows up and cuts him off.  He also brings Xeno Goten and Xeno Gohan to this place, since they had to pull the Dark Factor out of their bodies as well. 
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Then they all get sucked into a time hole or something.
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Back at the Universe Tree, Vegito and Fu continue to fight.  Fu is impressed with Vegito’s power, but Vegito says that Fu never knew how strong Vegito was, because all he ever did was observe him from the shadows.   Fighting Vegito directly is a whole other story.
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Then Fu says the Universe Tree is finally ready, but when he goes to check on it, he’s horrified to discover that it’s withered and dead.  What could have happened?
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Super Shenron happened, that’s what.  While Fu was screwing around, Beerus, Champa, Whis and Vados arranged for the Super Dragon Balls to be collected, so they could wish for the Universe Tree to be destroyed.  Well, I guess that wraps up this caper... or does it?
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nxght-shxft · 5 months
what kind of customers would ur ocs be at a taco restaurant
Afastyr’s the type of guy to go into the taco place and order like 20 things and then get shocked when he has to pay. so when they’re like “that’s gonna be like 100 dollars” he’s like “ooohhhhhh…..” and releases a bunch of snakes in the store and then takes his stuff anyways. (“cash or card?” “mama… face card…” /ref)
Vauxarin swears up and down you’d never see him at the taco place. but you do, he’s in there, and he’s not even disguised. he’s the type to order at like, a kiosk if they have one, and then wait for them to bring him the food. he’d order like a bunch of tacos. he’s ashamed. if you say “hey vaux i saw you at the taco place last week” congrats! you will be destroyed where you stand.
Mephis would order the simplest thing on the menu and they’d still find a way to fuck it up. they’d go back up there every time there was a problem. they’re holding up the line. oh my gods. “mephis, just pick the lettuce off” you’d say… but no… they’re back in line… they’re probably going to start crying. this is the worst state you’ve seen them in.
Helvella knows what she wants, orders it, and sits down. if they mess up her order, it’s the final straw and she’ll probably just lay down on the floor until someone tells her to please get up. this has happened so many times that the staff knows her order by heart and try so hard not to mess it up.
Varya just tags along for the chips and drinks, they have downed full cups of salsa before and they’ll do it again.
Sabayon straight up eats the guy taking his order. like full on just picked them up and ate ‘em. everyone is horrified. they now order that the staff make him a pile of everything in the kitchen they have. they’d do it because they’re terrified of this 15 foot nightmare of a god, watch in disgust as he eats the whole pile, then leaves. no he does not tip.
Ryka is a treat to have in the taco place the first couple times! they get her order just right, she’s having a lovely conversation with the workers, it’s fantastic. but then she slowly gets to a point where she asks for modifications like “can you make sure the meat on the taco is raw” and now everyone dreads when she shows up. because why is she doing this. she’s still very nice, but the worker she was talking to outside went missing a couple days ago and no one knows where they went :-(
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itsjuliee · 3 years
eren as your boyfriend
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author's note: if you're looking for soft eren then this is your post <3
warnings: none!
let me get this out the way first; I feel like many people think that Eren is a fuckboy in modern au, but baby boy out here being fluffy and soft, only having heart eyes for you 🥺
you both go to the same university, but are majoring in different areas
he's the type that tries to match his class schedule with yours so the both of you can head to and get off school together
during his first year of university, he brought a skateboard to school because he had back to back classes which were on the opposite side of campus
there were a few times where Eren accidentally fell off his skateboard when heading to class. the reason? you. he spotted you walking to class and ended up getting too distracted, which made him lose his balance
"babe, isn't our relationship romantic? I literally fell for you! haha get it??" you were close to scolding him, but you can't help from cracking a smile while you place a bandage on his scraped elbow
the both of you making it a tradition to grab ice cream after class on Fridays as a reward for the two of you surviving the school week
he refuses to order ice cream in a plastic cup for you, ALWAYS ice cream in a waffle cone as he claims "you should eat like royalty baby girl/boy , don't let any other people treat you differently" 😌 (really giving off the free salsa vibe)
hockey player Eren? HOCKEY PLAYER EREN.
he's been playing since elementary school because Carla signed him up. she thought that Eren had too much energy and got slightly destructive at home (like a puppy when they don't get enough exercise). Thankfully, Eren ended up loving the sport!
he definitely got the talent for hockey, plus he's naturally athletic
3 weeks into dating and he's already hinting at you wearing his jersey to his games
"it's getting cold, I think you should wear this so you won't get sick" (passing his jersey to you while side eyeing you like 👀 ) "thanks! i'll return it later toni-" "no! um- I mean, you should keep it..you know..for future...events.."
when he takes off his helmet and pushes his hair back at the end of each game, you bet his eyes are already on you
he would accompany you to your prof's office hours quite often. to the point where she knows Eren's name "Hi Y/N it's nice to see you again- oh hey Eren!"
whenever you're having a hard time looking for something in your backpack, he would take it from you and wear it on his front so it's easier for you to find whatever you're looking for
he's surprisingly good at math, so often times he wouldn't mind being your math tutor, and would even buy snacks for the both of you
whenever you go over to his place, he constantly has a stash of Pocky in his room
he even tried to get you to play the Pocky game with him a few times, and it always ended up with a lot of kisses and giggles
he insists on taking you home whenever you're out late, makes sure that you get inside your house before driving off
talking about driving, Eren LOVES to drive
he would call you up and ask if you're down for a late night drive
there's always at least a hoodie and blanket in the backseat of his car that's specifically for you in case you get cold
you already know that this man got one hand on the steering wheel while the other on your thigh, squeezing it every so often
one time during office hour, your prof joked about whether you guys are going to invite her to the wedding, and if Eren got the engagement ring yet
Eren promptly answered that she will be invited, and that he's working very hard to save up for the ring. you laughed it off because you thought he was joking
little did you know that he wasn't joking. he knew very early on that you're going to be the one that he's settling with, and even told Carla that you're gonna be her daughter/son in law. he's just saving up money right now so he can get you that ring that he's been eyeing 💓
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The SO casually mentioning trauma except with the rest of the skeletons,
Hello, hello ! The previous ask is here, with the main 10 !
Horrorfell Sans and Papyrus - It's the first time the boys are visiting a farm. Everything was fine until you got close from the pigs enclosure and, while they are petting the piggies, you explained how you lost two fingers when you were little because a pig you were trying to feed ate your whole hand. Copper and Chief are slowly getting their hands out of the pig that doesn't understand why they stopped petting. He screamed, making them both jump. Yeah, no, they're never getting close of the pigs ever again.
Outertale Sans and Papyrus - You are all admiring the first baby Sun had to keep as a nanny. It's your turn to hold the baby, then you smile. "Ooooh, do you know that when I was a baby, my nanny accidentally dropped me because I was crying too much and I almost die?" There's a terrible silence. Sun gasped in horror and takes the baby back from your hands. Moon never wants to touch a baby ever again.
Dancetale Sans and Papyrus - S/O : Come on, it's not that bad! Rambo : Your knee is heading the wrong way, how could it be even worse??? S/O : Last time, all of my left limbs were doing that! Salsa : HUMAN LIMBS CAN DO THAT MULTIPLE TIMES ??!! DO YOU HAVE A CONCUSSION? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT? The poor boys are traumatised and they both discovered a sudden hate for human bodies and bones.
Dancefell Sans and Papyrus - You're locked in a safari car, while a freaking lion is trying to hunt you. Rumba is screaming, Tango is filming and you're just : "When I was little, circus were far less protected than today. One day I saw a lion jump on a guy right next to him and open his throat like it was paper!" Rumba is now screaming and crying, holding you like a koala, while Tango is encouraging you to say more so his Instagram followers can appreciate the story more. The lion chooses that moment to break a window.
Farmtale Sans and Papyrus - The three of you are baking a cake when you suddenly laugh. "When I was little, I lost a tooth in a cake I was baking. I didn't tell anyone until my little brothe choke with it." They doesn't mind until Sam felt something hard in his mouth and freaked out, Ben freaks out because his brother is freaking out and you crying with laughter because you just put a big chunk of chocolate to make them do that. Sam will still insist to go to the hospital. You are banned from doing cakes now.
Mafiatale Sans and Papyrus - Demon and Creeper are fighting over who will eat the red dragibus, when you picks one and said that one day you put one in your nose and it got stuck here for three months. The two brothers put a hand to their non-existant nose in shock.
Mafiafell Sans and Papyrus - Fangs is playing with his dogs, and they're licking his face. You smiles, it's so cute. "Do you know my grand dad die because of his dog? It licks his face and gives him a bacteria and then he died." Torpedo gasped in horror. He's putting Fangs and his dogs outside. Then you look at his cat and says it's funny because your grand mother died the same way because of the cat. Torpedo is now paranoid and must wash himself everytime a dog or a cat touch him. Congratulations.
Ink - You're waiting in a queue to see Santa Claus. S/O : "Hey, wanna see something cool? Someone in my class did that when I was little". Ink : "What did they do?" You jump on the scene, runs in front of Santa Claus and pulls his beard in front of all the kids. The kids are screaming in shock, but they're not the only one. Ink is crying. "... Santa Claus... is not real?" You destroyed his childhood. What a monster. Security is dragging you out too. You desserved it.
Error - Error's hand is glue to the wall because you wanted to glue a paper, but it was very good glue. You're trying to free him and just : "That's fine, it could be worse. Last time I did that I ripped all my arm skin off." Error's eye sockets goes black then he just screams and panics. Don't touch him, he doesn't want you to touch him. He can stay like that for eternity.
Disbelief Papyrus - You're trying archery today! It was nice until you explained how one of your ancestors were working in a circus and doing the "shoot the apple" thing, and then he shoots right in his co-worker eye with so much precision no one could hung him down. Delta takes your bow. That's enough archery for today. You're going home and he's going to pretend like he didn't hear any of that.
Dustale Sans - You're watching a horror movie, and Dust doesn't like this. In the worst moment, you explain your boyfriend that one day your mirror reflexion did something different that what you were doing and that they promised to kill everyone you love when you grows up. Dune is : leaving. He's going to run in the woods, like, forever. Goodbye.
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Shine {Tom Cruise x Reader One Shot}
Requested by: @beatlebabe1996​ Wordcount: 2236 Summary: Great food, great dancing, and a bit of jealousy - what more could a date need?
As early 2000s as this was about the sound - the club was popping. It wasn’t the usual sort of club filled with twenty years grinding on one another with barely distinguishable beats playing in the background. It was a Latin club, with food and dancing and drink. The spice of the food was rivaled by the spice of the band that was playing tonight. This was where you felt the most in your element, this was your place. And that was why you had brought your date here tonight. It was also relatively low-key, where most of the people were focused on the band and the chef rather than the patrons. Something that your date for the night, a Mr. Tom Cruise, appreciated. You recommended a dish for him and that was what he had ordered - a definitely win in your books. You liked a man who was adventurous and yet trusting. He knew that you knew what you were doing.
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“So you come here often then?” Tom asked, leaning back in his chair. He had shed his leather jacket to show the red button up shirt that he was wearing. It was tight on the arms, showing off the muscles that his constant work-out routine had produced. The color was great too, it added a little Latin flair to him. Your own outfit matched almost perfectly.
“I’m a regular,” You admitted, leaning in, playing with the straw of your drink. “The staff all know me by name here. It’s how I knew that we would be safe. They don’t care about celebrities so they won’t be posting anything on social media about your visit.”
“Our visit,” Tom laughed, taking a drink of his beer. “You seem more like the celebrity here. Even the band has been looking at you.”
“It’s rare that I  sit down this long,” You admitted. Your eyes caught that of the waitress coming around, your food on her platter. You straightened up and licked your lips, more than ready for the meal.
“What do you mean?” Tom asked, straightening himself up as well. There was a smile, and then thank yous to the waitress, and forks were picked up.
“Oh, I hit the dance floor,” You grinned, a sparkle in your eye. “That’s one of the best reasons to come here. The music, the dancing, the atmosphere. You get a good coupe of people on that floor, the whole place will be moving. Are you up for the challenge after we eat?”
“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stand after all of this,” Tom laughed, digging into the food on his plate. You chuckled along with him, but remained hopeful. Dancing was one of your absolute favorite things to do, and not to toot your own horn, but you were good at it. No matter how handsome or famous this man was, he wasn’t going to be able to get into your heart without taking a few steps.
“Is that so?” He asked. You nodded, and watched as he took his first bite. You were waiting with bated breath to find out if he enjoyed it as much as you hoped that he would. He chewed thoughtfully, swallowed, then took a sip of water. “Spicy,” He explained. You nodded again, and continued to look, waiting for an opinion and not a fact. “It’s really good.”
“I knew you would think so!” You stabbed your fork into your own food, cutting off a piece for your consumption. “The food here is the best too. It’s the most underrated restaurant in the city, but it’s kind of great that way. No lines to get in. Plenty of room for dancing. And the food never takes too long to get to the table.”
“My kinda place,” Tom said with a grin. You two ate in relative silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was just two people enjoying a meal, and each others company. Every time that his foot bumped against yours under the table, though, you felt like you were going to start blushing. You thought about saying something about it but decided to just let the moment be that - a moment, without you ruining it. “Should we get dessert?” He asked after you two finished eating, picking up the small dessert menu that was on the table. You were about to recommend one of the items when you were interrupted.
“Y/N!” One of the waiters, Antonio said, coming up to your table. “I just noticed you were here. I got assigned to the left section tonight. How are you doing? You look amazing tonight.”
“Oh hey, thank you. I tried my best. Date and all,” You said with a grin, looking over at Tom. He chuckled, and looked back at the dessert menu. “How are you doing, Antonio?”
“Same old, same old. Just got on my break.” He said, looking between you and Tom with a grin. He raised his eyebrow at you as if to say, ‘Really? You bagged Tom Cruise?’ To which you just replied with a confident nod and a smirk in return. “I was going to ask if you wanted to dance, but since you’re busy, I’ll go and find Gabriella-”
“And get your toes trod on?” You asked in horror. You loved the bartender, she was a complete sweetheart and always full of laughs, but she was a horrible dancer. “Do you mind, Tom? At the very least, let me help save this guys feet.”
“Not at all,” Tom said, still perusing the menu, though it was rather short. He must be reading through the ingredients or something. “I’m excited to see your moves.”
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“Better watch then,” You winked daringly at him, before allowing yourself to be lead to the dance floor. Normally you wouldn’t let even wild horses drag you from a date, especially from someone as good looking, kind and charming as Tom. But this was also a chance to show off for him.
Dancing had been an outlet for you all of your life. It gave you a sense of control over your body that you could feel good about, especially when you had been a teenager and it felt like you didn’t have control over anything. It brought on a confidence that you needed to get to where you were in life. And that confidence landed you a date with one of the best men that the city, perhaps even the world, had to offer. The fame wasn’t a bonus to you, the attention wasn’t something that you craved. It was just him as a person, and you felt so completely lucky that he even looked at you twice. You didn’t even know that he felt the same way about you.
The band started up a beat with a strong rhythm and a quick tempo. It was perfect for Salsa dancing, which was exactly what you wanted. You and Antonio both knew the moves like the back of your hand, which meant you didn’t have to waste time worrying about getting everything right. You could just relax and have some fun.
Your heels clicked against the hardwood floors of the restaurant as you danced with Antonio. You started apart, and then slowly came together, a familiarity between the two of you because you had been friends for so long. You had been dancing together since you started coming here as a teenager, when he had just been a bus boy. You shimmied your hips as you two spun around one another, under each other’s arms, him dipping you, back and forth. It was a very sexy way of dancing. A very sensual and fiery dance. But you kept things under control, making sure not to get too close. You did have your date watching after all.
Your eyes kept flickering over to him to see that he was watching very intently. In fact, there was a look on his face that was almost jealousy. He couldn’t stop looking at you. Even as you and Antonio separated for a small part of the song, he was following you, and not Antoni, who was probably a better dancer than even you. You shot him a smile, then got right back into it, ending it with a couple more twirls and then the song came to a finish. You were a little breathless but also exhilarated, a high that only exercise could bring.
“Always a pleasure,” Antonio said with a little bow. “And my toes thank you.”
“You’ve really got to get yourself a girlfriend,” You chuckled. You turned to go back to your table, only to find that it was empty because Tom was approaching you on the dance floor.
“Mind if I cut in?” He asked to Antonio, though his voice wasn’t nearly as pleasant as it was when you had been taking earlier. “Considering we’re on a date and all, I would think not.”
“All yours,” Antonio said, bowing his head towards Tom as well. He raised his eyebrows at you as he walked away backwards, holding his hands up in surrender. You just shook your head subtly then looked at Tom. He had his hand out to you, and you took it, feeling the warmth of his body heat against yours. You haven’t been this close to him before. You had to admit, it was pretty nice. He looked even more handsome up close than he did from across the table.
“Were you a little jealous?” You asked, as the next song started. “If you were, that’s actually kind of cute.”
“Maybe a little,” Tom admitted. The song was a slower one, so you tended to stay close. He spun you beneath his arm and you twirled expertly, then ended right back against his chest. “Was it that obvious?”
“Perhaps you’re not the amazing actor that you think you are,” You challenged.
“I don’t think that matters much to you, does it?” He asked. He had a point there, and you lightly shook your head. His arm dropped a little lower below your waist, going towards dangerous territory. He had a bit of a smug face, which was pretty adorable.
You did a quick spin out of his arms on that one, to make his face change. He had to know now that you had the upper hand - and that you had a sense of humor. And that you could throw in a little bit of spice into everything. When you went back into him, his arm was a little higher this time.
“A little handsy for a first date, Mr Cruise,” You said, amused.
“What can I say,” He grinned. “I perform my own stunts.”
You laughed at that, and swayed along with him to the music - up until the band started to heat it up, bringing back in the fun. You stayed on the dance floor, waiting to see what Tom was going to do. He went along with it, rather than drag you off. Slow dancing was easy, but many men were intimidated by the faster steps. Tom wasn’t the same way. He actually managed to keep up with you, his steps quick, his eyes on you, his smile on his face nonstop. Those hips didn’t lie.
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“What a daredevil,” You teased. “What other stunts do you intend to do tonight?”
“Well, it all depends,” Tom said, looking into your eyes as you spun side by side.
“Where this night is leading. I might dare to kiss you on your doorstep...”
“How bold,” You smirked, dancing around him, looking over your shoulder to keep up the eye contact.
“Or I can show you a couple of moves if you’re feeling this as much as I am.”
“Ballsy,” You laughed. The song came to a close and you and Tom clapped for the band. You leaned against him, back to his chest, and his arms went around you, holding you close. You liked that feeling. You liked him a lot. And you usually weren’t this sort of person but ... but you were interested in what sort of moves that Tom had off of the dance floor. “I like it. I suppose I could let you take me home - if you really think that your moves are that good.”
He seemed a little off-guard that you had agreed with the idea so quickly. But he covered it up by bringing you back to the table and quickly throwing down some money and putting his jacket back on. The dancing, the food - all of this was an amazing aphrodisiac, and you were feeling the mood with Tom right now. You hurried with your own jacket, and finished off your drink which you had left behind when you had gotten up to dance. You left together hand in hand, and he showed off his gentlemanly he could be by opening the passenger door for you, and waiting until you were settled in with your seatbelt on to close it.
If  he kept up this perfect combination of sweet and spicy, you were very excited to see what moves he was going to show you in the bedroom tonight.
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miinomo · 3 years
icing on top.
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✿ pairings - Connie Springer x fem!Reader
contains - (18+ content MDNI) Oral sex (M receiving), Throat fucking, Breath play, Exhibitionism, Hair pulling
✿ Synopsis - Connie’s birthday was filled by not only his family, but his friends and the two of you didn’t get much alone time. You decided to surprise him at his dorm room late at night, with a special gift in mind. 
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Your eyes couldn’t be bothered to move away from the clock, time ticking slower than ever while you waited for your doorbell to ring. Connie, your boyfriend, said he was on his way over to pick you up. You guys had plans to go eat lunch at his favorite restaurant. It was a small hole-in-the-wall Italian place, one that always had the best pastries. You especially loved their cannoli and always made sure to get at least two when you visited. 
A yellow skirt, a beige top with daisies embroidered into the sleeves, and a pair of black flats was the outfit you had thrown together. You never really wore makeup, before you had started dating Connie you weren’t interested in finding a relationship. But when the two of you started dating you did make sure to ask his opinion.
“Do I need to wear makeup?” The words slipped off of your glossy lips as you stood in front of your vanity. You were scared of his answer. It was your first date and you were getting ready to meet his friends Jean and Sasha for the first time. You had heard about them more than a handful of times, but going to meet them... The thought of it was filling your stomach with nerves stronger than any you’d felt before. “No baby. You don’t need anything like that. It’s all icing on top. The cake is the actual good shit. You’re fuckin’ beautiful.” Connie grabbed you and pulled you into his chest before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
And so, since that day you never wore makeup again. Connie was the healthiest relationship you’d ever had. His words always filled you with confidence and you could never repay him for it. He was making you love yourself more and more with every passing day, and for that; you were grateful. The hand of the clock felt like it had stopped until you heard the bell, the noise you had been waiting for. You rushed to the front door and opened it with a smile. “Connie!” You hugged him tightly, his chest vibrating as his chuckled filled the air. “Hey, babe. I missed you too.” He placed his lips on your forehead and laid a soft kiss on it. it was almost trademark. Every time he saw you, he couldn’t help but repeat this step; it became a tradition.
Jean stared at the two of you with a small glint of jealousy. Jean was still single and the thought of Connie in a serious relationship before him bugged him something fierce. “The two of you are so cute it makes me feel nauseous..” Jean mumbled with a slight scoff. Connie’s grin was wide. “Thank you so much for the compliment. I know you’re jealous of my candy.” He hooked arms with you while walking towards Jean’s car. He opened the door for you and gestured for you to get into the backseat. “My lady.” He winked, his warm hand grabbing ahold of yours and helping you get in safely. It was a tan-colored tesla, sedan and the inside was just as fancy as the outer. The seats were soft and leathery. Hell, his car was more comfortable than any furniture you had in your apartment.
You leaned back into your seat and let out a satisfied but quiet groan. “Honestly, I could fell asleep so quickly if I just shut my eyes. I’m still surprised every time by how comfy your car is.” Connie looked back at you as he sat in the passenger seat. “Yeah, compared to your car my dorm room bed is a fuckin’ brick.” He complained but earned a snort from Jean. One showing off his ‘Rich Boy’ demeanor. “Well, the first issue is that you’re staying in the dorms.” But Jean’s comment didn’t bother Connie. It earned a laugh from your boyfriend instead. “At least you own that being rich makes you a bit of a prick.” A smirk appeared on your boyfriend's face, the corner of his lips curling upwards. The rest of the car ride was mostly the two of them picking on each other, playfully of course.
“We’ll take a booth please.” Connie smiled at the hostess as he put his arm around your hips. The three of you walked over to a booth in the corner, Connie knew the meal was on Jean so he leaned back a bit into the seat. “We’ll take a large salsa, cheese dip, and white sauce. It’s my birthday so gotta go big.” Connie grinned widely at the server who had come over to the table quickly after the three of you were seated. Jean rolled his eyes and looked at you with a blunt expression. “Your boyfriend will ring me dry. I’ll be broke before I’m thirty.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Better you than me.” You teased. 
It felt like the meal flew by, you weren’t expecting to get a call from a neighbor afterward. But your heart sank when the family you usually babysit for was begging you to come to watch their kids. A family emergency had come up and they needed you to come over right away. You apologized profusely to Connie, you didn’t know what to do. But he knew how it was, he had siblings after all. “Go on, y/n. It’s okay. I think you should go and babysit. We can always meet up later.” He kissed you passionately before you left.
The rest of the day dragged on, slower than you would’ve liked. You just wanted to get back to spending time with your boyfriend. When you had arrived at your neighbor’s house; you were greeted by the couple that was dressed for anything but an emergency. They looked as if they had a special occasion planned, like an anniversary date or something of that sort. “I. I hope everything is alright. With your.. family emergency..” You tried biting your tongue before you spilled out more as the couple eyed you. “Oh. Thank you so much. Hopefully, we won’t be gone too long..”
The couple didn’t return until after midnight, never once updating you about where they were; or why they were so late returning home. You gritted your teeth and held your tongue. “Welcome home..” You looked at the two of them when they walked through the front door. “The kids are already tucked in..” They both smelled drunk and looked the part. They waltzed to the couch after handing you your payment and thanking you. Gazing at you from their living room, almost telling you to get out with their expressions. 
 **Knock**Knock** Connie’s gaze averted from his phone to the door. His roommate had passed out about an hour or two ago and he wasn't expecting any visitors.
"Huh, y/n? What are you doing here so late babe?" He looked down at you, his head tilting a bit to the side. He surely wasn't expecting to see you. He figured it was Jean coming over unannounced for a hit or something. "Can I come in?" You looked at him with glazed eyes.
"Of course." He stepped aside to let you walk into his dorm room. "Cozy, huh?" He snickered quietly. 'Far from it.' You thought. The room was a mess. Crumbs and clothes on the floor. And the room had a very pungent smell. One of sweat and old food. ".. it's nice.." You mumbled while biting your bottom lip. "Anyway, I didn't come for a tour.." You hummed as you leaned up to kiss your boyfriend.
Connie leaned down, helping you close the distance. "Oh?" He breathed on your pillowy lips. "What'd ya come for then?" He bit your lower lip with determination. He wanted to get you riled up. Lucky for him, he didn't even have to try. You came here already craving him.
“Today sucked. Once we left each other I mean.” You mumbled into his chest after moving closer to him. You were keeping your voice quiet, not wanting to wake his roommate. “I missed you so much, Connie..” You moved one of your hands down his stomach to his hardened cock; palming it through his pants. It didn’t take much for him to get turned on when you were around. One kiss and he was hard and ready to go; he loved you that much. 
“I know baby. My birthday without you just felt kinda lame. I always like having you by my side, but celebrating when you aren’t there just felt off.” He spoke as his lips rested on your forehead. He placed a few kisses on your cheeks before moving to your lips. “But I’m glad you’re here now.” His tongue worked its way past your lips, swirling in your mouth and tangling itself into your own. 
“Connie... I wanna choke on your cock.” You moaned into the kiss and he felt surprised but only for a moment. “I’d love that baby.” His response made butterflies flutter around in your stomach. You grabbed his hand and led him over to his bunk bed, his roommate asleep above the two of you. You laid down in between his legs and looked up at him. He was making himself comfy, leaning back onto his arms as they rested underneath his head. You reached into the slit in his basketball shorts and boxers to reveal his hard and veiny cock. “Fuck baby I’m already precumming.” He licked his lips as you rested in between his legs. You looked so cute down there, your small hands wrapped around his massive dick.
You spent some time rubbing up and down his member, spreading his precum along his cock; ready to taste all of him. He was getting impatient, occasionally bucking his hips into your fist. “Fuck... Just put your lips on my cock already.” He sat up a bit and put his hands onto your head, running his fingers through your hair. “Open.” He looked down at you, his gaze darker than it was before. 
You complied, opening your pink and glossy lips wide enough for his cock to slide right in. You moved your tongue around as he thrust slowly into your mouth. His groans filled the air but he did his best to keep them quiet. “Fuck, y/n. Your mouth feels so silky.” He bit his lower lip and started to go deeper into your throat. You moaned around his cock, the vibrations sending him a bit deeper into his high as he gritted his teeth. You began bobbing your head when his grip on your head lightened up. He was letting you have control, but you couldn’t guess for how long. 
You swirled your tongue around his cock like it was a lollipop, lapping up his precum and fondling his balls with your hands. Rolling them around your palm always drove him crazy. “Fuck I’m going to cum baby. You’ve gotta catch it.” He groaned and grabbed onto your hair again. Pulling you by your locks up and down onto his dick, hitting the back of your throat as you started to gag. He was so big, and filling that you could barely breed. Tears burned at the entrance of your eyes, wanting to fall down your cheeks as he held you down. Gripping your hair tightly and he balled his fists. You were actually choking around his cock, and you fucking loved it. 
Your gaze started to blacken as he shot his hot cum into the back of your throat. Spurts of it were falling into your throat as you did your best to swallow each gush of it. It was more than he had ever cum before. He was panting now as your nails left crescent marks on his thighs. He pulled you by your hair off of his cock and a loud ‘pop’ filled the room as your lips slid off of him. “Fuck baby. Thank you for the birthday gift.” He chuckled before leaning down and kissing you. “I love you.” 
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✿✿✿Author’s Note✿✿✿ Happy Birthday Connie! I was confused on whether to post it today or tomorrow, since I live in North America and it isn’t his actual birthday yet for my timezone, but! I decided to post it today since it’s his birthday in Japan. So.. I hope Connie has a wonderful birthday and I hope the rest of you have a wonderful weekend! 
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
a ‘momentary’ follow-up ... of sorts ...
Our Moments: Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited) Chapter 4: Max 2.0 (post-Tempus Fugit/Max) Chapter 5: Shadowed Grey Eyes Chapter 6: The Warmest Thing I Own Chapter 7: Fancy Paper Napkins Chapter 8: End of the Road (post-Redux/Redux 2) Chapter 9: Post-Moments
First thing back was her sense of smell. It took nearly a week but suddenly, as she walked, unannounced but never unwelcome into his apartment, she stopped, the look of surprise on her face made him immediately laugh, then tilt his head, “you shouldn’t be that surprised to see me here. It’s my apartment.”
Ignoring his statement, she quick-stepped his way, burying her face first in his shirt, then, pulling him to her level, into his neck, sniffing like a bloodhound on the trail of some erstwhile criminal with a bag of treats. So taken aback by the invasion, he simply stood there, letting her take several deep inhales before finally reaching for her shoulders, “you keep breathing like that and you’ll pass out.”
Twisting her head, she gave him a quick kiss, then dropped back flat-footed, forcing him to once again look down at her while she looked up, “I haven’t been able to smell you since day 12 of ‘IT’ so I’m making up for lost time.”
She’d told him, finally, after he’d repeatedly offered her tempting foods to try to coax some weight back on her bony frame, that she hadn’t been able to smell anything, and therefore, taste anything, for awhile but she’d never stated the exact day until now and standing there, already changed into jeans and a t-shirt, an epiphany of sorts smacked him hard upside the head, “what? Day 12?” Ignorant idiocy settling in, “Shit. You sat through a steak, my famous garlic mushrooms, six tubs of ice cream, and all those M&Ms I kept feeding you and you couldn’t taste a thing? The amount of money I could have saved during those months I tempted you with anything I could find while, really, it all tasted like sawdust.” Feigning irritation but failing miserably as he scooted closer, kissing her forehead, “what a crock of shit.”
“I got …” being generous for his sake, “hints of flavor.”
“Fuck, woman, we’re having a steak and ice cream orgy tonight. I’m going shopping.”
She stopped his movements with hands on arms, “hey, let me go taste something and see if that came back as well before you waste all your money on cow foods.”
Following her to his kitchen, “both things really do involve cows. That’s rather unnerving, actually.”
With a grin, she found a cookie, then, tasting it, she shook her head, “I’d save the cow for another day.”
Mulder, wondering if his earlier suggestion of Mexican for dinner was still appropriate, he decided ‘no’, then, “well, how about we taking a smelling tour of DC and eat toast for dinner?”
He got a well-deserved backhand to his chest, “we are eating at Papadapoulous’ House of Salsa tonight because you’ve been talking about that place ad nauseum all week. Get your coat.” When he didn’t move, she nodded, giving him a smile, “we can do the smelling tour after, okay?”
Taste came back ten days later. Just as Mulder came out of her bathroom, about to announce that no one should go in there for 35 to 45 minutes, Scully took a sip of his ice tea and spit it right back out, soaking her shirt and the floor in front of her. Mulder forgot his comment and flew over to her, socks sliding on the polished wood floor, “what happened?”
Feeling like a complete and utter moron, she first retrieved a towel to mop both herself and the floor, then looked at her partner, “I stole some of your ice tea and I could taste it and it scared me, if you can believe it. I wasn’t expecting anything and suddenly there was something and my first reaction,” beginning to laugh at the whole situation, “I spit it out. I didn’t even think to swallow it.”
Mulder shook his head, “are you sure we’re still talking about ice tea and not dirty things?”
He could almost hear her brain suddenly shift gears, brakes squeaking, mind two steps behind, “what?”
It was his turn to laugh, pulling her into a hug, soaking wet shirt and all, “I’ll give you two minutes to think about it, then I’ll explain if necessary.”
It took almost four seconds before, “I’ve never been a spitter, Mulder.”
That worked entirely too well for him and dismissing all but his hairy-moled, make-up caked fourth-grade teacher from his mind, he held her another minute then moved back, calmed down again, “you should go change your shirt.”
“No wet t-shirt comments?” Her sassy retort told him both that she knew what her swallowing comment had done to him and what the wet t-shirt mention would. She was evil. She knew it. He knew it. He loved it.
“Just go change. Tonight, we shop for steak.”
Loving him to pieces, she reached for his elbow, playing with the sharp bent end, “so, I know we just had Mexican a few days back but now that I can taste things, I desperately want salsa and a Margarita.”
“The biggest one they fucking sell, pardon my French.”
Their kiss was much longer this time, Scully’s fingers firmly twirled in his shirt by the time they were done, Mulder’s hands curled around her ass, “then can I make you mushrooms this weekend?”
“Pounds of them. Extra garlic and butter,” suddenly swallowing, “yeah, we need to go eat.”
“Lead the way.”
His arrival at her house that Friday night with grocery bags was, oddly, the first time her body reacted to him. They’d been making out, to use the juvenile-y appropriate term, but nothing more, Scully still recovering, Mulder still nervous about 12000 things between and surrounding them both.
But seeing him standing there, in her door, goofy smile and slipping bottle of wine in hand, she felt something. It was a fast twinge but it was familiar but surprising and her widening eyes told him something but he wasn’t sure what and he didn’t ask.
Had he asked, he may have gotten an answer that would have necessitated bringing fourth-grade teacher back … but instead, he walked in, setting bags on counter before turning, “hungry?”
For the first time in months, she appreciated the underlying double-meaning he hadn’t intended, “yes. Very much so. How long do the mushrooms take to cook?”
“At least a few hours.” Pulling things from bags, “but I bought appetizers and,” holding up several National Enquirers, “reading material. Let’s see if we can find a case somewhere in the tropics. I could use a ‘vacation’.”
Only Mulder.
Mushrooms cleaned and slow-cooking, they nibbled their way through eight different kinds of cheeses, each one a symphony to Scully’s previously deadened tongue. She may have let slip a ‘hhhmmm’ that could have possibly been interpreted as a moan by one Fox Mulder but he didn’t comment and she kept doing it.
He was glad he wore the looser jeans tonight.
They chuckled and argued in tandem while thumbing through the papers Mulder brought: telling stories, tossing theories, debunking nonsense. Finishing the first bottle of wine slowly, Mulder offered a second but Scully shook her head, “save it for dinner.”
Agreeing, he moved to stir the crockpot, then returned, towel over his shoulder, licking his fingers from the buttery sample he’d eaten in the kitchen, “They’re getting there.”
Second twinge, this one longer, had her lower abdomen contracting in a tickling giggle kind of way. The shiver up her spine caused her to visibly vibrate for a moment but Mulder, luckily or unluckily, not noticing, sat back down, returning to the ‘Owl that carried off a family of four in their camper van’ story on page 26.
What the hell.
Then again, he was licking his fingers.
The third zing when she returned to this thought was not as strong as the second but made her smile nonetheless, which Mulder actually did notice, “what?”
She pinked-up instantly, having forgotten the heat of a blush across her skin, and hands to cheeks suddenly, “just … a little too much wine.”
He moved his hand to her pulled up knee, squeezing it, “we don’t have to open the second one. It’ll keep.”
“No. No. I, uh, I, … I’m fine. I … I’m fine.”
Gibbering idiot more like it but whatever.
If sex were food, Scully decided, it would be that steak. Mulder went for broke, filet and strip, buttery smooth, medium rare, warm, pink, juicy, perfect blend of garlic and butter, rosemary and pepper. Between the taste; the sight of Mulder across the table; the smell of wine and smoke; the look of him, messy-haired and smiling, relaxed three feet from her; the feel of impending summer breezes through the window, she tipped into sensory overload, eyes shutting as she tried to bring herself back to some kind of alignment.
Then, eyes still closed, she heard his voice, “hey, you. Ya’llright?”
The tinging vibration hit her full-force, arm hair standing on end, neck flushing, nipples tightening, a thousand images of him and her, himandher, flashing through her mind, driving the feeling shooting from stomach to clit to soul in speed of light, circuitous fashion, “yeah. Yeah. Just enjoying.”
Her voice was all over the damn map with those four words and Mulder, knowing her better than he knew himself, tilted his head, finally understanding exactly what was happening, “I can see that.”
Quaking quieting somewhat, she shifted in her chair, hoping to relieve some of the pressure she was feeling, pressing down on the cushion like she was seventeen and at the movie theater with her boyfriend, begging silently for him to touch her and simultaneously thinking about touching herself when she got home. Not able to look him in the eye, however, she cut another piece of her steak, praying she wouldn’t choke.
Shifting himself as well, watching her hips search for a good spot against the chair, he kept any comment to himself. He hadn’t pushed anything these last weeks, knowing she was recovering, finding herself again, situating ‘us’ and ‘we’ into a previously accepted solitary status quo of ‘I’ and ‘me’.
But, fuck, he had been tempted and tonight, seeing her like this, pushed his resolve to the breaking point. If she made one more sound in her throat, he truly believed he’d explode under the table, a quiet yet uncontrollable manifestation of four years and infinite wishes. “More wine?”
“Yes, please.”
She fought herself the rest of the meal, making stilted, dinner time conversation that they both saw through, both breathed through, both suffered through.
Dish cleanup and pajama changing quieted her down, her mind focused on other things for a little while but once they’d sat down on the couch, lights off, movie in, ice cream waiting in the freezer for later, she became acutely aware of his proximity to her. He’d offered her half the afghan, shifted the coffee table a little closer for her feet to rest on if she wanted, kissed the top of her head just as the opening credits began. She, in turn, had to keep reminding herself how to breathe evenly.
Sensory overload was kicking in again, the smell of him, his radiating heat, his voice as he contributed oft-placed comments on police procedurals happening on the TV. Her hand found its way to his thigh, fingers playing with the inside seam of his cut-off sweats. His own landed on her flannel pants, roughly same distance between allowable knee and forbidden juncture.
Her voice surprised her, “Mulder?”
“What’s your stance on third base?”
Slowly, he found the remote and paused before swinging his gaze in her direction, “Yankees or something else?”
Her inhale shuddered, “not the Yankees.”
His hand immediately slid from allowable to not-so-forbidden now, caught between viced thighs, “this third base?”
Confession tumbled from her lips, “I haven’t done anything or felt anything, really, in months and suddenly you walked in today with grocery bags and that stupid grin of yours and you smell fantastic and something kicked in and,” wiggling out of necessity to attempt to … whatever …, “I don’t recall the last time I was this …”
Mulder finished her sentence with a grin, “horny?”
Somehow, he lifted her bodily onto his lap, his chest to her back, hand sliding effortlessly down the front of her pajamas, finding the sweet spot before she had time to so much as offer the feeble word of ‘bed’.
Then she didn’t care.
At all.
Focusing mainly on his fingers, warm, quick, unexperienced but willing to learn. Instead of following, she led, whispering once to move a little to the left, whispering again to go harder, arching her back as she came in under a minute, body shuddering, twitching, before settling back down.
Over her shoulder, his husky voice sounded in her ear, “can I be next?”
It took all of nine seconds to stand up, drop her clothes to the floor, order him to lift up, pull his pants off, then climb on, already wet, already slick, already taking him inside with a slip and a slide.
Her giggles made him smile, her rosy cheeks made him happy, her warm skin within lips reach made him dizzy but above all else, her panting breath against his neck made him ecstatic, knowing she was alive and well and would be for the foreseeable future. When she finally calmed down, knees digging into the couch springs, skin glued to skin, she pulled herself back, sweat running down Mulder’s chest where they had been pressed together moments earlier, “I had planned for that to be a little … less …” waving her hands around in wordless definition, “that.”
“Was perfect to me.”
Kissing him lightly, then resting forehead to his, “one day, this will all be organized and we’ll make it to the bedroom.”
Hands back on her bare ass, “highly doubt that but it’s nice to have a plan.”
Sitting back, she reached out to him, lightly running her fingers along his hairline, feather-touch making his eyes shut, “I think we should do that again later.”
About to ask why not now, he had an epiphany of sorts and looking at her, square and jokingly judging, “you want ice cream, don’t you?”
This time, her nose scrunched up when she smiled, nodding with enthusiasm, “kind of. But I promise, you’ll always beat out ice cream after today … mostly.”
Pulling her down for a kiss, he then squeezed her thighs to nudge her off him, “come on, woman. Let’s go clean up so we can have dessert.”
“I love you, Mulder.”
“You just love my Rocky Road.”
“That, too.”
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thebonecarver · 3 years
homesickness, huh?
Haha I have come with a new fic! This one is Red White and Royal Blue, I love these two so gosh darn much and you will be getting a lot of them, as well as some feysandddddddddd. This one has angst so if your not into that you obvi don’t have to read! To the people who are still here as I always say,
Summary: Henry be feeling homesick but realizes its a different kind of sick, Alex comforts him and its just fluffy with feels
Henry always thought that he wouldn't miss The Royal Palace. He always thought that leaving his home for so many years would be liberating, and in a sense it was. He now lived in a brownstone with the love of his life, Alex Claremont Diaz. He was happy, so fucking happy that he got to wake up beside Alex every morning, see him sleeping, looking so relaxed. The lines of stress were gone and he looked so much younger. He loved hearing his morning voice, rough and scratchy, loved the way he murmured his name as they made sweet, slow morning sex before getting ready for the day.
But alas there he was, wishing he could be back in his old bedroom, sitting on the bed with Pez and Bea while eating Cornettos. He wished he could walk in the streets of London again, walking with Bea and Pez. Gods how long had it been since he met them in person? Over six months probably. He also missed that falafel stand outside of Kensington. He once took Bea and Pez to it, in shock when they said they did not like the falafels. And Jaffa Cakes. Gods he missed Jaffa Cakes. He missed those late nights with Bea, just talking and eating Jaffa Cakes. He remembered that time when he tried to teach Alex how to say Jaffa Cakes, and how terribly it had gone.
Oh, how weirdly Alex Claremont Diaz, his only true love and a menace to society brain worked. He was so smart and yet so oblivious it was hilarious. Especially when he found out Nora and June were dating a month ago. They had made it as obvious as possible, and even Henry, hell even Zahra knew that they were together or had pieced it together. The shock on Alex’s face when he found out was timeless. Henry chuckled, but soon enough his mind wandered off to London.
How could it be that a place that made me feel so alone end up being a place I miss? Henry thought to himself. Living with Alex had brought him so much joy, so much happiness he couldn’t even explain. He loved his new home.
But was it so wrong to miss his old one? One he was familiar with?
He only went to America for special events before meeting Alex, never having the time to miss home because he would be back the next day. But now that he had stayed in America for almost a year now, he had never thought the homesickness would come. It certainly hadn't come in the start, but for some bloody reason the universe loved tempering with him, making his life as miserable as possible when he should be happy.
Henry sighed, taking a sip of his Earl Grey Tea and got up to start prepping dinner. He was by no means a cook, but the least he could do was prepare some nachos with cheese and salsa on top. He wasn’t that useless.
Alex would be home soon, and he prayed to whoever was listening that his mood would improve. That he wouldn’t hope that there were Cornettos in the fridge every time he opened it to get something for the nachos. He had decided to put some of that spicy sauce that Alex loved, even though it would absolutely burn his very bland English tongue. It would make Alex happy, which in turn made him happy.
He was setting the salad on the table when somebody opened the door, screaming a very loud “Honey I’m Home!” Henry chuckled. He was so fucking in love with Alex Claremont Diaz. He came into the kitchen, probably sniffing the nachos. They were one of his favourite dishes, and for some gods knows why reason he loved Henry’s nachos. He couldn’t cook or bake anything for the life of him. If Alex was lying, he made a good show of it.
“Hey Baby,” He murmured, pressing a kiss his exposed skin at his neck. He wound his arms around Henry, head burrowed into his back. Somehow Alex made his homesickness go away a bit, if only marginally.
Henry chuckled. “Rough day at work, love?”
“The worst,” he mumbled into his shirt, the sound muffled. Henry chuckled again, Christ he was so in love with Alex Claremont Diaz. He hoped he hid the stress well, for he did not want to worry Alex. The homesickness will go away soon Henry thought. Well, more forced himself to think that. He knew Alex could probably make him feel better, but this was his problem and he did not want to bother anyone else.
Not surprisingly, Henry hadn't hidden his emotions well. Alex could feel the tightness in his body, like an elastic band that could snap at any second. Alex whipped his head up, and could see the stress lines near his eyes and mouth, a clear indication that something was wrong. It was something only Alex knew, the cracks in his mask.
“Baby what happened?” Alex asked urgently, his chocolate brown eyes staring into his sky-blue ones. Henry tried and failed to look away. When Alex stared at him, right into his eyes , he was a goner.
That didn’t mean he still didn’t try.
“Nothing love, just tired.” Henry said serenely, but it came out a bit wavery.
“Bullshit. I can see the fucking cogs turning in your brain and something fucking happened.” Alex said, his tone stern but full of worry and love. Love for him .
Henry sighed again, closing his eyes, and began to tell what happened.
Alex listened the whole time, dozens of emotions on his face. Happiness, worry, sadness, guilt (though he readily took that one away). It was only when he finished that Alex started talking.
“It seems that all the things you miss have to do with people in London.” Alex said, his face full of love for Henry, even wen he was not at his strongest. A part of his heart thawed at that.
But what he said had shocked him. It wasn’t that he missed Kensington or London, or bloody England. He misses Pez and Bea .
“Your right” Henry breathed, and began to sob.
Alex held him through the whole time, rubbing his back, murmuring ‘baby’ every few seconds, and Henry fell even more in love with Alex Claremont-Diaz, if that was even possible.
He indeed missed Bea and Pez, but having Alex here, here in an apartment they shared , he thought to himself for a moment, while he was in Alex’s lap.
I’ll be ok.
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
The bullies of the future (Matthew Gray Gubler/Reader)
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Prompt: Imagine school in 300 years
Word count: 2,8K
Summary: Matthew starts rambling about the future over dinner. How do you think school will be in the future... will there be bullies... will our kids be bullied. All the questions reader has no idea how to answer. 
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader 
Category: Fluff
Warnings: mention of bulling and cursing
- “I'm just saying, when we have kids, they are going to be homeschooled”- Matthew kept stirring the pot and (Y/N) continued chopping veggies, like what they were talking about was no big deal at all.
Of course, 'cos you and your boyfriend of seven years just happen to talk about your future together every once in... seven years, apparently. And it had to happen casually as you cooked dinner together.
So, (Y/N) took a deep breath and played it cool.
- “Home school? you wanna get our kids tutors?”
- “No, no! god no!”- he made a pause and analyzed the idea- “Well, maybe... I don't trust my math, but I was thinking maybe we could both be in charge of their education.”
Matthew was talking about it like it wasn't a big deal. It was: "Which topping do you want on your pizza today, by the way, let's have kids and homeschool them together!". No biggie, right?
- “Other than the fact we were both bullied in school, why do you want to keep them in our little house bubble all day?”- (Y/N) made her best to sound as casual and cool as possible, though she was freaking out inside.
- “'Cos school sucks”- Matthew simply replied, and both of them fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
- “I wonder what school will like in 300 years”- Gubler was thinking out loud, and (Y/N) found herself staring at the ceiling analyzing the idea.
- “I bet it will still suck”- she added and heard him chuckle.
- “And of course, aliens will be the teachers”- he stated and nodded at his own words- “Maybe they can "ET" us, and put all the knowledge inside our brain just with a finger on our forehead.”
- “So you wanna be fingered by an alien in school?”- (Y/N) looked at her boyfriend and frowned pretending to be confused, but making her best not to laugh. He, on the other hand, was laughing so hard she was sure the whole neighborhood could listen.
- “When you put it in those words... I don't know... maybe if they are hot aliens...”
- “I hope they are cool aliens, not the ones who always try to blow up Earth, or end with humankind”
Gubler stared at his girlfriend, she was taking the dough she had already made and had to rest, and started getting ready to prepare their pizza.
- “Is the salsa ready, Gub?”- he nodded and turned off the stove.
- “Do you think there will be bullies in school 300 years in the future?”- the tone of his voice was a little more serious, (Y/N) noticed it right away. Maybe that's where all the homeschooling idea was coming from.
- “It's more likely, people are and will be assholes forever, why?”- he shrugged and moved to the kitchen island, holding the pot with the tomato sauce he had prepared (it was his own personal recipe, and he was proud of it. It might or may not be taken from (Y/N)'s mom, but that was a fight he was never going to quit).
- “Hon, you know you can't keep kids in a bubble just to stop them from being hurt”
- “I know”- he whispered and focused on (Y/N)'s hand kneading the dough. Somehow, cooking with her felt like a place he could hide in.
If he was honest - which he was in his mind, but no as verbally as people might think- he could spend the rest of his life eating everything and anything that she cooked for him. He could gain a hundredth pounds, and he wouldn't care, he loved her home cooking, 'cos it was in fact, his home.
They had been seven years together, and he was now all of a sudden talking about kids. He didn't understand where that thought was coming from, but he knew he was sure she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It wasn't something he had to think about, it was something he felt on the inside every morning when she was the first thing he saw, as soon as he opened his eyes.
- “Wanna talk about what this is really about?”- her words took him from his thoughts, but he shook his head in silence- “Then pick a movie, I'll put the pizza in the oven and we'll be ready in twenty minutes.”
Matthew picked the original Carrie movie for their Saturday lazy date night, and they cuddled on their couch to watch it eating their homemade pizza. They chatted about all their favorite scenes and laughed at the poor special effects, but by the end of it, after an obscene amount of food and a bottle and a half of red wine, Matthew couldn't shake the bully's thoughts away.
- “Would you go all Carrie with your high school bullies if you could?”- his voice was a soft whisper as (Y/N) turned off the tv and the screen went black.
- “I don't think so... I wanted to when I was in school, but I don't think I care so much right now... although who knows what might happen if I get to see one of those assholes again”
The girl turned to her boyfriend, her legs laid on his lap as he sat next to her, covered with the same blanket. He knew he had to admit it, but there was a part of him that kept thinking maybe if he didn't talk about it, it hadn't happened.
- “I bumped into one of my bullies today”- he looked down at his hands, playing with a napkin as he spoke. He didn't want to turn his eyes to her 'cos he knew she would be scared and concerned. Which she was. She couldn't believe something like that had actually happened.
Matthew openly talked about his bullying experience in school in a positive and inspiring way, to help people under the same kind of situation face it and overcome it. But he never let anyone close enough to his trauma so they could understand how bad things had been for him. And it had been bad. The fact no one could call him "Matt", though it was the "go-to" nickname for Matthew was just the tip of that iceberg.
(Y/N) knew most of it after all that time, that's why it shocked her to know her boyfriend had bumped into someone from that dark era of his life.
- “Who?”
- “Chris Sanders...”- Gubler wished he could forget that name, but it was not possible. He didn't have an eidetic memory like his character Reid, but the trauma of years of bullying wasn't easy to erase.
- “Where?”
- “At a coffee shop this morning when I was out getting groceries... it was weird”
- “I bet it was”- (Y/N) moved closer to her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheeks several times- “Do you want me to kill him? ask me to kill for you, Gubler, please do”
She joked and managed to make him chuckle. But it only lasted for a second.
- “I know I have to be the bigger man, but I couldn't”
- “You don't have to be anything, honey”- (Y/N) leaned to him and kissed his cheek a few times. Matthew closed his eyes and sighed, the sensation of her lips against his skin was enough to relax him. But the memories he had buried were too clear in his head now, and there wasn't much he could do to wipe them off.
- “He put me in a fucking locker every day for a whole year”- Gubler closed his eyes tighter and held his breath for a few seconds.
- “Son of a bitch!”- just thought of her boyfriend going through that torture as a kid, hurt (Y/N) deeper than she could explain. She would give anything and everything she had, to travel back in time and kick those mother fucker's bully asses.
- “And today, he approached me like we were long lost friends”- Matthew scoffed- “Can you believe that? he walked to me and hugged me yelling "Matt" like I should be surprised and happy to bump into him!”
- “That asshole! and what did you do?”
- “I didn't know what to do, so I panicked and stayed still for a second, and he continued talking and talking about how great he was doing, and how he had seen me on tv, and... I tried to get my coffee and run away, but one thing he said just... made me snap.”
- “What did he say?”- (Y/N) whispered. Matthew sighed and looked down at his hands. Somehow, he felt guilty about what had happened, somehow he felt responsible for being mean to someone who had been cruel to him for years.
- “He said he saw an interview of me thanking every bully for being mean to me, 'cos they made me who I am today...”- Gubler whispered every word, and (Y/N) held his hands, trying to make him feel safe.
- “You did say that, I remember”
- “Yeah, but I was trying to be a positive... he just...”
Matthew was struggling with his words. He was trying to clear his head, but he was so mad, so upset, so... angry with himself for accepting the abuse for so many years, he couldn't think straight.
- “Hey, hey!”- (Y/N) leaned and kissed the tip of his nose- “I'm here, you are home, everything is ok, so come back”- she smiled at him and watched him smile shyly.
- “Yeah... I'm here”- he moved closer to her, and slowly rested his head on her shoulder. (Y/N) instinctively wrapped her arms around his body, and held him close to her, protecting him from his thoughts.
The couple stayed in silence for a few minutes. Matthew didn't want to make a big deal out of the whole thing, but deep down inside, he had bottled up so many feelings, he was having a hard time hiding them from his girlfriend.
- “He said I owe him”- Gubler murmured so quietly, (Y/N) barely heard him. He was hidden in the crook of her neck, trying to focus only on the smell of her skin instead of all the thoughts that kept hunting his mind.
- “What?”- his girlfriend whispered and clenched her fists behind his back. Of all the things she could have imagined that asshole telling her boyfriend, "you owe me" wasn't one of it. It wasn't even in the top 10. "I'm sorry I was a mother fucker with you back in high school" was something he should have said, but "You owe me"? only a real sociopath could make such sick joke.
- “And I... just... snapped”- Gubler bit his lips as he moved and stared at (Y/N), his puppy eyes were so apologetic, it made her feel he was indeed apologizing to her for something bad he had done.
(Y/N)'s hands caressed his cheeks as she smiled at him kindly. Whatever he had done - even it that included beating the shit out of that asshole - she knew he meant no harm. Matthew was a pacific guy, he wouldn't get mad, he would always be nice to everybody, even with people who were annoying or rude.
- “Gub, whatever happened, he totally asked for it”- she reassured him.
- “Yeah...”- but still, he didn't say a word
- “Did you hit him?”- he shook his head and sighed
- “I should have, though”- his voice was a whisper again.
- “Yeah, he deserved it... actually, let's google that asshole, I wanna go and smash his fucking face against a brick wall”- Matthew chuckled and stared at his girlfriend- “I mean it, I want to”
- “Maybe then we can google Jen Bennet, and avenge your shitty high school years as well”
- “So you really want me to go all Carrie on my high school bullies?”- Gubler shrugged smiling, but his response was a bluff and she knew it, he was never going to endorse any kind of violent behavior. Not like she would.
- “I don't want you to do that, never”- Matthew gave her a sweet peck on the lips and rested his forehead against hers. Silence hung between them for a few seconds, until Gubler finally sighed and whispered.
- “I threw my coffee to his face and yelled he was a narcissist son of bitch”
- “And?”- (Y/N) moved, looking into his eyes as she furrowed her brows, not getting the big deal of it- “He deserved it!”
- “Yeah but... maybe I overreacted?”
- “Did you stab him?”- but Gubler shook his head- “You didn't kick his balls, right?”- and he shook his head again- “Then, what's the whole deal?”
- “I burned his face and neck with hot coffee, not to mention the fact I yelled and cursed right onto his face in front of a lot of people”
- “So?”- (Y/N) wasn't getting what was the big deal. Sanders had been a bully to her boyfriend, he deserved worse. He deserved hell, 'cos he had put Matthew through a nightmare. She would hurt everyone who had done anything bad to him if she could. That's how much she loved him. No question asked.
- “So?!”- Matthew was in shock his girlfriend was taking things so calmly.
- “Honey, though I know you are the perfect guy who thinks being nice is better than anything else in the world, I have to burst that bubble for you: sometimes, people are assholes and we have to kick ass, you don't have to be a unicorn all the time.”
- “I'm not a unicorn!!”- he replied looking almost insulted. Matthew turned to the coffee table, poured what was left of their bottle of wine into their glasses and gave one to his girlfriend, who was smiling playfully.
- “Ok... a teddybear then”- she took a sip and sighed. Gubler stared at her biting his lips, probably trying to find something to say, but thoughts were overwhelming at that minute. He felt guilty and honestly bad about how he had reacted. He thought standing up in front of a bully was going to feel better, but apparently, it sucked.
(Y/N) could read on his face all the struggles happening in his mind. Her finger found his hair, and ran slowly through it, knowing it was something that always managed to relax him.
- “I just feel I'm no better than him after what I did”
- “Don't overthink it, Matthew Gray”- he felt her hands tug his hair softly, as a small chuckle left her lips- “You are better than anyone and everyone I know or might know”
- “Are you going to encourage our kids to kick ass?”
- “Yes!”- she answered not giving the idea a second thought- “But only if someone is messing with them”
- “Them?”- Gubler raised an eyebrow and (Y/N) felt her cheeks burning in no time. Had she said too much? no way.
- “You said kids, plural, them, kids, them...”- she poorly explained almost stuttering. The fact they were talking about kids was still too much for her to handle. It scared and excited her at the very same time. It felt like something she wanted to do, and couldn't wait to do, but never knew it until that day.
- “I see... maybe school 300 in the future will have better anti-bullying policies...”
- “We are not having kids in 300 kids, Matthew”- (Y/N) didn't realize what she had gotten into until it was too late- “I mean... I don't think we will be alive in 300 years.”
She made a pause as they stared at each other quietly. Neither of them knew what to say next, so she quickly looked for a way to change the course of the conversation drastically.
- “Anyway, it was a good pizza”
- “Yeah”- he nodded frenetically and blushed.
- “And a great shitty movie”
- “It ain't shitty”
- “The book is better”
- “Nerd”- (Y/N) gasped pretending to be offended and watched how Gubler bit his lips. She still didn't know if he did that on purpose or not, but whatever it was, it had one hell of an effect on her every single time, even after seven years.
- “Finish that wine and follow me upstairs”- her words were a command. 
- “Why?”- he raised an eyebrow knowing exactly what she was talking about.
- “I wanna cheer you up for beating up that bully”- Gubler didn't argue with that at all, he finished what was left in his glass and stood up.
- “Are you always going to cheer me up with crazy dirty sex?”
- “Yes”- she turned to him and frowned- “Is that a bad thing?”
- “Did you hear me complain?”- he grinned- “We could have done it on the couch, you know”
- “You can't tie me to the couch”- (Y/N) teased and curled his lips to a dirty smile.
- “I love you”
- “I know.”
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leossmoonn · 3 years
chemistry part tweleve
part eleven | part thirteen | masterlist
zuko x fem!reader
avatar: the last airbender
includes - you, zuko, suki, katara, toph, sokka, and aang
special appearences by - iron, azula, and appa (mini sky bison,,, he’s like the size of a shihi tzu)
warnings - language, little suggestive lol
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you poured the chips onto the plate, putting all of the dips in the middle. you set it on the island table with the rest of snacks you and the girls had picked up for the christmas party. you were excited, but nervous for this year’s party. ever since you girls went to college, which was three years ago - well, toph just started this year - , you had made it a friend tradition to have holiday parties. you had friend-giving, friend-mas, friend year’s and galentine’s day. 
you and the girls always had aang and sokka there. you usually were the one with no date. toph had a few guys come over sometime, but they never really stuck. since this was your first time having a boy over, one that was really hot, really smart, and seemed really into you, you were beyond nervous. you were terrified. sure, you had hung out with him before, but not when you were gonna drink a few glasses of champagne. so, you decided to just be light on the drinks tonight. otherwise, you would probably end up laying on zuko’s lap, either making out with him or telling embarrassing childhood stories. 
“this looks great, guys! ooh, salsa,” sokka said, his mouth watering.
“yeah, i can’t wait to eat the nachos,” toph said.
both of their hands went to pick up a chip, but you slapped their hands away. 
“no one eats until zuko, katara, and aang are here,” you said. 
sokka frowned, “you suck. suki, tell y/n i can have one chip.”
suki chuckled, “no, y/n’s right.”
“can you let me have a chip? i’m your best friend! and i’m blind,” toph begged with a sweet smile.
suki rolled her eyes, “nice try.”
“i haven’t eaten since this morning!” toph exclaimed.
“get another snack then. these are for our guests,” you said.
toph scoffed, “yeah you mean for your boyfriend zuko.”
sokka smirked, “yeah, you wanna make sure everything is perfect for him.”
“no, i don’t! it’s just polite to wait,” you glared at them. 
sokka smirked, “suuuuure, y/n. keep telling yourself that.”
you frowned, “i literally hate you.”
“love you, too! where are katara and aang, anyways?” sokka asked. 
“they’re picking up some gingerbread house kits for us to make,” toph said.
“yeah, and that takes 45 minutes? i’m sure that’s what they’re doing,” sokka rolled his eyes. 
“i’ll text katara and see if they’re coming back soon,” you said. 
“good. text zuko and ask when he’s coming. make sure to tell him if he doesn't come in the next 15 minutes, i will start eating the counter,” sokka said. 
you rolled your eyes. “what a baby.”
you went into the living room, pulling out your phone. you texted katara, hoping for a quick response. you then texted zuko, suddenly getting anxious again. 
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you set your phone down next to you. suki, toph, and sokka came over to sit down.  
“so, when are they coming?” sokka asked. 
“uh, zuko said 10 minutes and katara hasn’t responded yet,” you answered. 
“ugh! next time, one of you go with katara for shopping,” sokka said.
“yeah, cause we are faster than them,” suki chuckled. 
the front door opened and there revealed katara and aang. they had grocery bags in each hands. 
“hey, guys!” katara smiled. 
“god, finally! what took you guys so long?” sokka asked.
“we couldn’t find the special sprinkles you like, sokka,” aang said. 
“oh,” sokka said. 
“and we had to get appa,” aang said. appa flew out from behind aang, landing on your lap. 
you squealed, “hi, appa!” you ruffled his hair softly, earning a lick on the nose from him.
“appa, come here boy!” sokka smiled at him. appa just looked at sokka, turning back to you. 
“appa, come here!” toph said, patting her lap. appa walked across your lap to toph, licking her cheek.
“haha! that sucks,” you laughed at sokka’s frown.  
“sokka, you can redeem yourself by helping me with these groceries,” katara said. 
sokka sighed and got up from the couch, taking a few bags out of their hands and going over to the kitchen. as they set up the treats, you looked at the door, your leg bouncing up and down as you waited for a knock from zuko. 
“you okay, y/n? i can feel your leg bouncing,” toph said.
“yeah, what’s wrong?” suki asked. 
you kept your eyes on the door. “i’m fine,” you shrugged.
suki put her hand on your knee, stopping it. “take a deep breath, okay? zuko was so happy to receive an invitation. and isn’t he gonna wear a matching ugly sweater with you for the ugly sweater contest? it’ll be perfect.”
you sighed. “yeah, but what if i spill guac on him. or worse, i trip and fall over on him.” you shivered as you thought of the cringe that would come from those moments. 
“if you fall, i will make sure to take a picture,” katara said as she walked into the living room. 
you rolled your eyes. “really supportive, kat.”
katara smiled and sat down next to you. “you’ll be fine. like suki said, zuko wants to be here and plus, he really likes you. go and drink some water, take a deep breath, and go be the badass, hot girl i know.”
“yeah, and if he hurts you tonight, i’ll make sure to crush his bones,” toph smiled maliciously, cracking her knuckles.
you smiled at your best friends. “thanks guys, you guys are the best.”
“we know,” toph smiled.
you laughed at her comment, but fell silent once you heard a knock on the door.
oh, god. that’s him. that’s him that’s him
“are you gonna get that, or do i have to?” sokka asked, walking towards the door.
you jumped up off the couch, pushing sokka away. “i got it.”
“alright,” sokka said.
you took a deep breath, combing your fingers through your hair, and pulled your sweater down. you put your hand on the door, slowly opening it.
zuko appeared in front of you, a big grin appearing on your face.
“hey, zuko!” you said excitedly.
“hi, y/n,” he smiled at you.
“come in,” you said, stepping out of his way.
“thanks,” zuko said and stepped in. he took his shoes off and coat, revealing his matching christmas sweater.
you gasped, your eyes lighting up. “you actually wore it!”
“well yeah, it’d be lame not to,” zuko chuckled.
“true. we so have the best sweaters on,” you smiled. 
appa flew over to zuko, licking zuko’s cheek while still in the air. 
“hey, buddy,” zuko smiled. “i would pet you, but i have my hands full,” he said, gesturing to the gift bags he had.
“oh, let me take those for you,” you said. zuko handed the presents to you, you walking over to the christmas tree.
“thank you,” zuko said, walking over with appa cuddling in his arms. 
“no problem,” you smiled. 
“hey, man!” sokka exclaimed as he walked into the room. 
“hey, sokka!” zuko smiled, giving sokka a hug. 
“hey, zuko. long time, no see,” aang smiled. 
“yeah, sorry, holiday times at the JD get busy,” zuko chuckled. “we can hang over break.”
“awesome! gram-gram bought katara and i a vr headset, we can all play on it when you come over!” sokka said. 
“oh, cool! azula’s friend, ty lee, has one, too. i played on it a little,” zuko said. 
“is it fun?” you asked.
“very. maybe you can come over to my place sometime and i’ll have ty lee bring it over,” zuko smiled. 
“yeah, i’d like that,” you grinned. 
you and zuko smiled at each other for what seemed like forever before toph coughed. 
“i can feel the sexual tension between you two, please stop. can we eat now?” she asked. 
you and zuko looked away from each other, pink tainted both of your cheeks. 
“yeah, we can eat now,” you said. 
“alright! let’s get this party on!” sokka exclaimed, running to the kitchen. 
you chuckled, walking over to the kitchen. 
“zuko, you want champagne or beer?” you asked. 
“beer is fine, thank you,” zuko smiled. 
you got out a bottle from the cooler, handing it to him. “you’re welcome. so, what’d you get everyone?”
“well, i got sokka a new wallet. i bought aang a new messenger bag, he mentioned he needed one since his old one is practically falling apart.” “yeah, he's had that thing since high school,” you chuckled. 
“exactly. anyways, so i got suki a $50 gift card to sephora, katara a hoodie that says ‘riding the waves’. i got appa a little ball you can put hay in so he can exercise and eat. i got toph some airpods, and your present is a surprise,” zuko smiled.
“wow, you are an awesome gift giver. and i am very excited about my gift. i can’t wait to open the ones every gave me, not to be greedy or anything. i heard sokka got me my own personal smoothie maker,” you smiled. 
“don’t you already have a nutri bullet?” zuko asked, pointing to the machine that was on the counter.
“yes, but apparently this one can make milkshakes, too. definitely gonna sell the nutri bullet on craigslist,” you smiled. 
“wow, sounds cool. i wish i had one of those,” zuko said. 
you scoffed, “you literally live above a tea shop, you don’t need a blender.”
“hm, true. it’s great being me,” zuko joked. “i bet it is,” you giggled. 
“guys! wanna do the ginger bread house making contest now?” katara asked. 
“yeah!” you nodded, going over to the kitchen table. you and zuko sat down across from each other, grabbing one of the kits.
“alright, we have an hour do to this. the judges are toph and appa. toph will judge taste, appa will judge construction and decor,” suki smiled. 
“what? you trust a sky bison?” sokka asked. 
appa grunted, slapping sokka with his tail. you laughed, “you deserved that.”
sokka rolled his eyes. “yeah, whatever.”
suki sat down next to sokka, pecking his cheek. you looked at zuko, wishing you could do that to him. zuko gave you a small smile, wishing the same thing. 
toph held up the timer. “alright, ready… set.. go!”
you tore the box open, setting out the walls, roof, and decorations. you worked quickly, opening all your materials. you started to glue the walls to the bottom with icing. you looked up for a second to see zuko doing the same thing. 
“ready to go down?” he asked, noticing your stare. 
“nah, i’m ready to win,” you smiled. 
zuko mirrored your grin, going back to focusing on his house. 
you quickly built the rest of the walls, everything surprisingly staying up.
“aw, damn it!” katara exclaimed. you looked over to see two of her walls falling down. 
“it’s okay, baby, you can do it,” aang said. 
katara groaned in frustration, “i held them together for 5 minutes! how are you and y/n’s walls staying on?”
“it’s called having ‘the magic touch’,” you snickered. 
katara frowned, “shut up.”
“hey, mine is falling, too,” zuko said. you looked over to his, seeing one of the walls tipping over.
“well, not mine! i’m awesome!” sokka exclaimed. “and suki is, too!” 
you looked over to suki, who already had her roof on. 
“up top, babe!” sokka said, holding his hand up. suki high-fived him, “yep. we are legendary.” “nope,” you said, glueing on your roof. 
“face it, y/n, you’re gonna lose. suki and i are gonna win,” sokka said.
“hey! no teaming!” katara exclaimed. 
“oh, you’re teaming with aang. you can’t talk,” you remarked. 
“you can team with zuko,” aang suggested. 
you looked at zuko, seeing him already looking at you. he shrugged at you, “you want to?”
“yes,” you smiled. 
“how do you all team if you all have your own houses?” toph asked. 
“well, we can add our points up,” suki said. 
“ah, okay. well, grading will be extra hard, then,” toph smiled. 
“fair,” aang said. 
“no, not fair!” sokka exclaimed.  “yes, fair,” you said. “therefore, you will lose, and zuko and i will win.”
“nope, aang and i will win,” katara stated matter-of-factly. 
“you sure, kat?” sokka smirked, looking at her gumdrops who were falling off of the front of the house. 
katra glared, “you don’t even have any decorations on yet!”
sokka scowled, “yeah, well, suki does! and she’ll help us win all the points.”
“sokka! get to work,” suki ordered. 
“yes, ma’am,” sokka said and started decorating his roof. 
you turned to your own house again, resuming decorating the front of the house. 
“yours looks really good,” zuko said. 
you looked up and smiled. “thank you. yours do, too. i like the flowers on the side.”
“thanks. garden are very important for a nice house,” he said. 
you chuckled, “i agree.”
“15 more minutes left!” toph exclaimed. 
“what? how do you know that?” sokka asked. 
“i set a 45 minute timer so i would know, genius,” toph rolled her eyes. 
“right, right,” sokka said, turning to back to his house. 
“ten more!” toph said. 
“damn,” you muttered. 
“what?” zuko asked. 
“i haven’t finished my snowman,” you frowned and turned your house over so he could see the snow man you made out of marshmallows. 
“i think he looks perfect,” zuko smiled. 
you giggled, “thank you. i think we’re gonna win this.”
“me, too,” zuko smiled. 
“3…2…1, stop!” toph shouted. you put your hands in your lap, waiting for the judging to begin. 
“alright, first up is aang and katara. aka kataang. aang, give me a piece of your room, a wall, and a piece with candy. katara, do the same. appa, go ahead and judge,” toph instructed. 
appa flew around the houses, looking at every inch, nook, and cranny.
“he can’t even talk! this isn’t fair!” sokka exclaimed. 
“do not disrespect the sky bison,” you glared at him. 
sokka scoffed, “he knows it’s true.”
appa grunted at sokka before going back to look at katara’s house. 
“hm, a good amount of sweetness. nice use of the gummy worms. very good, aang,” toph said. 
“thank you,” aang smiled widely. 
toph then judged katara, going to appa to talk over the points. 
“alright. we give you guys a 8.5 out of 10,” toph said. 
“alright, that’s good!” katara high-fived aang. 
“good job, babe,” aang smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek. 
“next up are suki and sokka,” toph said. 
suki and sokka gave toph pieces of their houses, appa flying around to observe. after 10 minutes after judging, toph gave them the score. 
“8 out of 10,” toph said. 
“what! that’s like a low b!” sokka eclaimed. 
“hey, it's higher than a c,” suki said, putting a hand over his. 
sokka pouted, “fine. let’s see how team (you and zuko’s ship name) did.”
you cut pieces of your gingerbread and handed it to toph. zuko did the same. you bit your lip in anticipation. you knew it was a silly game, but the winner - or winners in this case - got a free dinner to the middle ring or a 2 free drinks at the JD. you wanted the JD coupon so bad. you loved the tea, but also, it gave you an excuse to see zuko randomly. 
“hm, alright. i give you two 9 out of 10. you guys are the winners!” toph smiled. 
you jumped up in excitement, going over to zuko and pulling him in a tight hug. zuko wrapped his arms around you, giving you the feeling of warmth and safety. 
you pulled away, a bright smile on your face. 
“which do you choose. free dinner at the middle ring, or two free drinks at the JD. one of you can get each since there’s enough for both of you,” toph said, holding out the coupons. 
“i want the coupon to JD!” you said, but looked to zuko quickly. “unless you do.”
“you can take it,” zuko smiled. 
“yay!” you squealed and plucked the ticket out of toph’s hand. 
“alright, ugly sweater contest! the prize is money,” sokka grinned. 
“alright, appa will be the judge again!” suki exclaimed, walking over and putting a $20 bill in appa’s mouth. 
“okay, since zuko and y/n are wearing the same sweater, they can each have $10,” katara said. 
“alright, fair,” you nodded. 
“stand in a line,” aang instructed. you went in-between zuko and toph. you all watched in excitement, waiting for appa to hand one of you the bill. 
after five minutes, appa went to toph. 
“alright! you all suck!” toph pumped her fist up in the air. 
“you have to be kidding me,” sokka said, face palming. 
you chuckled, turning to zuko. “maybe next year.”
“yep. i don’t know why we didn’t win. all these sparkles and diamonds give me a headache,” zuko said, looking at his sweatshirt. 
“same. you can change if you want,” you said. 
“nah, i’m good. i wanna be matching,” zuko smiled. 
you chuckled, “yay! i was hoping you said that.”
zuko’s smile widened at your excitement. you felt giddy inside and found yourself staring at his lips. you felt a sudden urge to lean up and kiss him, and go back into your room and make out. zuko must’ve noticed your stare, cause he licked his lips seductively. your face warmed up and you looked away quickly, coughing awkwardly and going to pour yourself another glass of champagne. 
zuko smiled at your retreating figure, looking to your other friends. 
“so, what's next on the agenda?” he asked. 
“present opening!” aang exclaimed, running over to the tree.
you walked over to the living room, sitting down on the bean bag. zuko sat across from you. 
“alright, i wanna go first!” aang exclaimed. 
“alright. here’s mine,” katara said, picking up a big present and handing it to him. 
aang opened it and pulled out new sneakers. “oh, this is awesome! thank you, babe. i love you.”
katara smiled. “you’re welcome. i got them custom-made so they’re your favourite colors and on the logo, it has appa and my name on it.”
“my two favourite things in the world. i love it,” aang smiled, leaning over to give katara a kiss. 
suki then handed her his gift. he then opened one from sokka, toph, and zuko, then you. you ended up getting him a new gaming  headset that has boosted sound system.
“thanks, guys. you are all awesome!” aang grinned. 
“you're welcome, buddy,” sokka smiled. “my turn!”
“alright, here’s mine,” suki said, handing him a banana-shaped present. 
sokka ripped it open, holding it up in all its glory, it was a dark blue boomerang that had a small heart on one end with suki’s name in it. 
“this. is. AMAZING! oh, i love you! we are so doing it tonight!” sokka exclaimed, kissing suki. 
you all groaned, telling sokka to shut up.
sokka opened everyone else’s present. you had got him a skateboard.
“thank you, guys. especially suki,” sokka smiled at his girlfriend.  “you’re welcome, baby,” suki smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek. 
“my turn!” katara exclaimed. 
she opened her present from aang first, which was new makeup brushes, which  apparently katara need a lot. suki got katara a humidifier, toph got her a new smoothie/coffee cup, sokka got her a $50 gift card to jc penny, zuko gave katara the sweatshirt, and you got her a polaroid camera. 
“i love all these! thank you,” katara smiled at each of you.
“you're welcome,” you all spoke. 
suki went next. sokka had gifted her a 365 day jar, katara gave her a new makeup pallet, toph gifted suki a new curling iron, aang gave her a new fluffy pillow, zuko gave her the gift card, and you had bought suki a new silk robe.
“oh, these are sick! definitely gonna have fun with these,” suki held up the jar and the robe. 
“you’re welcome,” katara smiled. “alright, toph, it’s your turn.”
“alright, tell me what is it after i open it,” toph said. katara handed her a gift from her. 
katara had given toph a new pair of hiking shoes, suki had given her new guitar picks and a new guitar strap, sokka had given her a new gaming chair, which obviously wasn't there, but he said he it would be delivered to the apartment tomorrow. aang gave her a 5 candle set, zuko had given her airpods, and you had given her a turtle duck stuffed animal where she could warm up in case of cramps or stress. 
“these are awesome. thanks guys,” toph smiled. 
“you’re welcome! alright, zuko’s turn!” suki exclaimed, handing him a gift.
“thanks,” zuko smiled. 
suki had gifted him a sweatshirt with his favorite basketball team, katara had bought him a new phone case, aang gave him a new gaming headset, sokka had given him a new watch, and toph gave him new sneakers.
you nervously gave him your gift, which was pretty huge. zuko smiled while opening it, his eyes lighting up once he saw it. 
“woah, this is awesome!” he exclaimed. 
you had gotten him a new skateboard that had his name written on flames. 
“i know you mentioned you hadn’t had a skateboard since you were in high school and you wanted to get back into it,” you said bashfully. 
“thank you, i love it,” zuko smiled. 
“you’re welcome,” you smiled. “alright, well, my turn!”
“open mine first!” katara exclaimed, handing you her gift. 
you took it from her, opening it gently. she had gotten you a google home. 
“oh, katara, do you know how much i adore you?” you said.
“i know, don’t worry,” katara giggled. 
you had opened the next gift, which as from suki. she had gifted you crocs that said ‘super swag’ on each one. 
“oh, you are feeding my narcism,” you chuckled. 
“you deserve it,” suki smiled. 
you then opened aang’s gift. he had gotten you a new hoodie from your favorite show. “this is like $70! thank you!”
“you’re welcome,” aang smiled. 
you opened your gift from toph, which was a poster with all of the girls and you. 
“how did you get this one made?” you asked, staring at it in astonishment. 
“i know people,” toph grinned. 
you chuckled, “thank you.”
“you’re welcome,” toph said. 
sokka handed you his gift, which was the blender 
“yes!” you squealed.
“i knew you would like it. no need to tell me, i already know i’m the best gift giver,” sokka smirked. 
“hm, i can’t say that until i open zuko’s gift,” you said. 
zuko had handed you his gift. “thank you,” you said. 
“you’re welcome,” zuko said. 
“i’m goanna go and order pizza,” katara said. 
“yeah, me too!” sokka exclaimed, getting up. 
you furrowed your brows. “what?”
“yeah, i need to make sure katara orders the right pizza,” toph said. 
“i need to pee,” aang said. “i have to take appa out,” suki said.
they all got up and left the room, leaving you speechless. 
“what just happened?” you asked, turning to zuko. 
zuko was blushing hard, which made you even more confused. 
“i don’t know. go ahead and open your gift,” he said. 
“alright,” you said. you opened the gift, which was a small, black box. you took the top off, your eyes widening and your mouth agape. zuko had gotten you a silver charm bracelet. the charms were an otter-penguin, the first initial of your name, your zodiac sign with your zodiac gemstone, and a small circle.
“this is so beautiful, thank you,” you smiled. 
“you're welcome. read the text on the small circle,” he said. 
you looked at it, reading the words out loud. “will you… go on… a date… with me?”
you paused for a moment, lowering the bracelet and looking at zuko. 
“so, what’s your answer?” zuko asked, nervously playing with his fingers. 
“yes,” you nodded and smiled. 
zuko’s worried expression went away immediately, and was replaced with glowing, big grin. “really?”
“yes!” laughed, leaning over and giving him a hug.
“YES!” you heard everyone shout from kitchen. they all came back into the room. 
“you guys are gonna make an awesome couple!” sokka exclaimed. 
you pulled away, blushing. “shut up.”
“alright, wanna watch ‘home alone’, now?” suki asked. 
“yeah,” you nodded.
“zuko and y/n, you can sit on the love seat,” sokka smiled, wiggling his eye brows. 
you rolled your eyes, “so immature.”
“i don’t mind,” zuko smiled and shrugged. 
you smiled up at him, walking over to the couch with him. you sat down right next to him, putting your head on his shoulder with no hesitation. zuko wrapped his arm around you and rested his hand on your thigh. your heart pounded against your chest, and warmth shot down from your stomach to between your thighs. 
“do you mind my hand being here?” zuko asked. 
you took a deep, shaky breath. “nope.”
zuko moved his hand, “you sure?”
you grabbed his hand and shook your head. “i’m sure.”
zuko smirked a little, putting his hand back. you sighed contently and leaned into him more, enjoying the warmth he provided.
aang turned on the movie and you all watched it in silence. during the movie, you had moved over to zuko’s lap. you were stretching and ended up on him. you were going to move, but zuko grabbed your waist gently, setting you back down. the gesture had you grinning from ear-to-ear, snuggling into him. 
the movie ended, which signalled the end of the party. everyone but zuko was staying, which made you sad, but you knew you weren’t ready for him to stay the night with you in your room. not just yet. 
so, you just walked him up to the front door.
“thank you for the skateboard,” zuko smiled. 
“you’re welcome. thank you for the charm bracelet. when is the date, again?” you asked. 
“ah, right, sorry,” zuko chuckled. “are you free tomorrow?” 
“i am,” you smiled, clasping your hands in excitement.
“great! i’ll take you out then. make sure to dress warmly,” he said. 
“will do. see you tomorrow, zu,” you smiled.
“see you,” he smiled and went on his way. 
you closed the door, looking down at your charm bracelet dreamily. you were falling hard for this boy. 
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note - hope you guys read and enjoy this as new parts are added! if you wanna be on the taglist, message me and/or reply to this post :))
taglist - @sorrythatspussynal @theblueslytherin @charlenasaxen@akiris @the-paintedlady @thatarthistorynerd @freckled-and-daydreaming @fi-chanwrites​
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 13
Chloe sat on the bridge overlooking the river, her feet swinging absently as she watched bubbles streaming to the surface.
She’d love to help.
No, really. On top of just being bored out of her mind, she could also rub it in the other miraculous holders’ faces. That would be fun.
But, alas, things never worked out for her. Master Fu hadn’t whipped up a new batch of powerups quite yet, and even if he had she doubted that he would have given it to her of all people.
(Well, in all technicality they could go underwater and not die. The suits gave them some protection. But have you ever tried punching someone underwater? It’s quite the disadvantage.)
So, she settled for eating some ice cream and watching.
It was kind of fun, if she was being honest. She watched with bated breath, waiting for the occasional moments where Carapace would be thrown out of the water and hit a wall so hard it collapsed on him. He noticed her the third time this happened and now made a point to throw chunks of building at her every time.
Someone was in a bad mood. Who knows why. Couldn’t have anything to do with her, surely.
After about twenty minutes of fighting the buildings started mending themselves and she smiled as her ice cream reappeared in her hand.
Carapace jumped out of the water, a young woman in his arms. Once they were safely on land he detached her from the oxygen tank hidden in the shell on his back. If some of the water on her face wasn’t from the river, neither of them were going to say anything about it.
He walked over. Chloe thought he was just giving her some space to cry (the person looked foreign, if their confused frown was anything to go by), but then she saw the annoyance in the slight set of his jaw and she groaned mentally. Great. She was going to get chewed out again.
“Thanks so much for your help, Chloe --”
“Queenie or Queen Bee when we’re on the job, remember?”
He raised his eyebrows before shrugging and continuing on like he hadn’t heard her: “-- were you here to just watch and laugh?”
She scoffed. “No, that was just a fun little bonus.” She handed him the newly reformed ice cream. “I came here to take the akuma home. Didn’t know she was foreign, though.”
That made him pause, his previously annoyed expression quickly changing to a more confused one. “Wait, really?”
“You wanted to help me? You?”
“... yeah?” Said Chloe, crossing her arms over her chest. He was clearly looking for some sort of ulterior motive in her eyes, and she figured she’d give him one because she didn’t know how long she could stand to have him look stunned about her doing something mildly nice. “I feel like I owe everyone one for getting us all into this mess.”
He didn’t seem fully convinced (was he really that surprised that she was a decent person? She was a hero! It was her job!), but he let the subject go.
“Thanks, Queenie.”
She smiled a little. “Your ice cream is melting.”
“Damn it --!”
She snickered and walked over to the foreigner, who was just now coming out of their shock.
The foreigner stared at her for a few minutes before whispering a: “What happened?”
What was the official spiel? Dang. She wracked her brain, trying to remember anything from the many hour long session where Master Fu had drilled it into all of them. Maybe she shouldn’t have slept through it.
“You got turned into a monster by an evil butterfly because we have a magical super terrorist.”
The lady stared at her for a few seconds before laughing and shaking her head. “Okay, what actually happened?”
Chloe gave her a shrug. “I don’t know. You fell in the water and my friend got you out.”
She jerked her head towards Carapace, who was casually eating the ice cream on a nearby bench and not going to class like she’d expected but whatever.
The foreigner nodded. “Yeah, I am a bit clumsy. Why’re you dressed like that?”
Chloe looked down at herself and hesitated. Usually her dad wanted them to say that they were filming a movie so they would still get tourists, but Nadja Chamack wasn’t there to make it sound realistic (no one wants to watch still water on the news for 10+ minutes), so…
“My friend and I cosplay.”
“Oh! Cool!” Said the foreigner. “Thanks for helping me! Hope your outfit didn’t get too damaged!”
After Carapace assured her that it was fine, she relaxed. They gave her directions to her hotel and watched her leave.
He cracked a grin once he was sure the foreigner was gone. “Maybe there’s something in the Paris air that makes people stupid. I still can’t believe anyone actually falls for that.”
“The alternative is believing there's a guy who’s going around with evil butterflies. I’d believe anything over that.”
“America has superheroes and stuff, too, y’know.”
“Yeah, but the heroes are adults and the villains actually show up.”
He sighed. “Lucky them.”
Chloe couldn’t help but agree.
He polished off his ice cream. When asked, she turned away so he could detransform and put his mask on. She didn’t know why he bothered detransforming when he was still wearing a green hoodie as a civilian. What was the point? Did he really want the sleeves back that badly?
Whatever. She detransformed as well.
“Ready to head home?”
“For someone who was so annoyed about leaving class, you don’t seem all that eager to go back to it,” said Chloe, crossing her arms over her chest as they started on their way.
He raised an eyebrow at her, unimpressed. “The excuse I used isn’t one that would let me go back. Or, at least, if I did everyone in class would think I was a terrible friend.”
She nodded her understanding.
“Thanks for trying, though.”
She chanced a look back and scoffed a little at the soft smile on his face. “Don’t expect anything like that again. I just owed you.”
The look melted into a cheeky grin. “Well, actually, you didn’t actually do anything to help, so don’t you still owe me?”
“... no? I gave you ice cream. Debt gone. That's how it works.”
“Okay, but it was previously eaten ice cream.”
“Like you can tell the difference.”
He rested a hand over his heart. “I happen to have a very refined palette, thank you very much.”
“I’ve seen you eat pickles with peanut butter.”
“You’ve dipped a burger in honey!”
“I have an excuse,” she reminded him. “What’s yours?”
He was silent for a moment. There was no excuse for pickles and peanut butter.
“... you still owe me.”
“No, I don’t!”
Would you believe me if I said that they continued debating this the entire twenty minute walk home?
And maybe even a little bit afterwards?
Chloe glanced out the window. It was nearing October, and…
“Hey, guys, we need to use these vegetables before they go out of season.”
Chat looked up from where he was watching a cartoon. Rena stopped doing pushups.
(Ladybug was on patrol and Carapace was doing homework in his room. Unfortunate, because now both of the people assigned the role of ‘group impulse control’ were absent.)
“What even uses a lot of vegetables?” Rena said.
“Salad,” said Chat with a knowing nod.
“Ew,” said Chloe, shaking her head. She stared at everything they had, a tiny frown playing on her lips, then snapped her fingers. “Salsa uses vegetables, right? Let’s just make a bunch of that.”
There were a lot of vegetables, but hey! More for them.
Rena went back to doing pushups. “Sure. Just make sure it isn’t white people stuff. Try asking for the recipe in Spanish.”
“Smart. Chat, can you look it up? I have dirt on my hands.”
Chat groaned as if she were asking him to do some great task and then stretched for his phone on the coffee table. He refused to leave the couch, so he ended up with his feet hooked over the arm of the couch for support as he stretched himself to the phone. He broke into a wide grin when he finally managed to grab it and then pulled himself back onto the couch.
It was probably more effort than just getting up a bit to grab it then sitting back down, but whatever.
He started typing, then he paused. “You guys know the Spanish word for salsa?”
Silence stretched between them as the two women looked at each other, trying to gauge whether or not he’d actually just asked that. Chat was steadily sinking into the couch as if hoping it would swallow him whole.
“The… the spanish word for salsa?” Repeated Rena.
“It -- I -- shut up!” He said. “Do you want salsa or not?”
Chloe snickered. “Sure. Can I see the recipe?”
He showed it to her and she squinted for a minute at all the words. Were some of them similar to French words? Yes. Was she completely sure about anything? Not at all.
She briefly considered asking Chat to translate everything for her, but she couldn’t. Not after she’d laughed at him for temporarily forgetting that salsa is salsa. He’d at least known the word for ‘recipe’ in Spanish, he had that over her.
Whatever. She’d guess. She’d had salsa before, surely that was enough to figure it out.
She started picking vegetables and after making sure to wash them off properly, they were set to start cooking.
Rena raised her eyebrows at the sink full of vegetables, opened her mouth to say something, snapped it shut. Her lips curved into a fox-like grin.
“What is it? I don’t like that smile,” said Chloe. She could feel that Rena was getting mischievous, she just couldn’t figure out why.
“Ah, don’t worry,” said Rena, waving her off as she pulled on an apron.
This worried Chloe more, but whatever.
“We don’t have a food processor or a blender, what do we do?” Said Chat, his eyes scanning the recipe.
“Just cut them real thin. It’ll be fine,” said Chloe with a vague wave of her hand.
She had a lot of confidence for someone who had never been in a kitchen in her life.
… It went great. Obviously.
The resident rich kids actually had been trying to be helpful, which kind of makes their failures worse in a way.
Chloe had been cutting tomatoes with the dull end of the knife for ten minutes before Rena had thought to look over and turn it around.
Chat had thought that it would be a good idea to chop jalapenos before onions and had rubbed jalapeno juice in his eye while trying to stop crying, which had not helped.
While Chat was attempting to get that out of his eyes without actually touching them, Chloe had taken up cutting onions. It was harder than she’d thought it’d be. The onion kept falling apart no matter how hard she tried to hold it together.
Chat had come back, eyes irritated and red, and started trying to cut tomatoes. This would have been fine if he could actually see the seeds enough to get them out.
… it was at this point that Rena had made them go sit down so she could just cook without a disaster happening every few seconds. She may have liked mayhem, but she actually wanted to eat some of the food they were working so hard for, so it was in her best interest to get them to just sit down at the kitchen table and watch.
A good while later Rena walked over. “I finished. Want to see?” She asked, her voice a little wobbly, as if she was on the verge of laughter.
Chloe squinted suspiciously at her before looking at the counter.
Ah. So that was what Rena’s mischievous smile had meant earlier.
They might have made about seven mixing bowls full of salsa (actually, it was more pico de gallo if you consider consistency, but that’s neither here nor there).
Chat groaned quietly. “Well, I hope Ladybug and Carapace really like salsa.”
“We don’t.”
The three problem children looked up to see Ladybug and Carapace leaning in the doorframe. Ladybug looked like she was fighting back her amusement, Carapace just looked tired.
Ladybug managed to pull herself back to her normal formalness as she crossed her arms over her chest. “According to the internet, salsa goes bad in about a week. I do expect that you won’t waste any.”
“Please help,” said a slightly distressed Rena. Their diets were SCREWED.
“Nope. This was your mistake,” said Carapace.
Oh, so NOW he has a backbone?
Ladybug gave Rena a cold look. “You should have told them.”
“... it was my miraculous’s fault.”
“Unfortunate,” said Carapace, unamused. He looked at the bowls on the counter and shook his head with a sigh. “Guess I need to go buy some tortilla chips for everyone.”
@nathleigh @mialuvscats @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write
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harrylee94 · 3 years
In Worse Arms - Epilogue
You can also find this on AO3!
Summary: Din sighed as he hit his boots against the side of the porch, removing the last of the mud that had dried there over the day with a few practiced kicks as he reached for the door. It had been a long day, but he was home now and ready to relax.
Notes: We have reached the end of the journey my friends! No angst here, only fluff.
Chapter 9
Epilogue - A Few Years Later
Din sighed as he hit his boots against the side of the porch, removing the last of the mud that had dried there over the day with a few practiced kicks as he reached for the door. It had been a long day, but he was home now and ready to relax. He paused, grinning as he listened for the footsteps he knew he would hear, then swung the door open just in time to catch an armful of an excited toddler.
“Hey, kid!” Din said, hugging him close before blowing a raspberry in the crook of his neck, making the boy squeal with laughter.
“No! No, daddy, no!” the child exclaimed, trying to pull away, but Din refused to release him, shutting the door behind him as he attempted a second raspberry. “Papa!”
“Did I hear someone call for me?”
Looking up, Din saw his husband come strolling down the corridor, wiping his hands on a tea towel.
“Papa! Help!” Grogu cried, reaching out for him, and Din went in for another attack.
“No one can save you from the tickle monster!” he declared, and started to tickle Grogu’s belly and underarms, making him squirm and laugh.
“Coming to the rescue, green bean!” Cobb replied and stepped in to take him from Din’s hands, setting the young boy against his hip. “Why do you always run to the door when you know this is gunna happen, huh?”
Grogu, still giggling, just shrugged, but he kept an eye on Din’s hands as he stepped in close to give Cobb a kiss.
“Hello, husband,” he said with a smile.
“Welcome home, husband,” Cobb said, grinning back in return. “I've been making cupcakes. Grogu’s been helping me, isn’t that right, green bean?”
“Uh huh,” Grogu said with an enthusiastic nod. “I counted the eggs!”
“And we didn’t try to eat them this time, did we?” Cobb asked, and Din couldn’t help but remember why he fell in love with this man all over again when he smiled down at their son.
His recovery had been painstakingly slow after what they’d gone through, and he’d suffered semi-frequent nightmares for months, but Din had been there for all of it, and it had only made their bond stronger. Everything that had followed they had done together as equals, from deciding what to eat for dinner to working hard to get the adoption papers for Grogu.
As Din looked down at their smiling boy, he knew it had been worth every hardship.
“No, I didn’t,” Grogu said.
“Good boy,” Din said, ruffling his hair and making him giggle. “Did you want to help me make dinner?”
Grogu shook his head. “You’ll tickle me again!”
Cobb laughed. “Your plans have backfired, tickle monster!”
“Curses!” Din said dramatically, revelling in the moment.
He would have been happy to stand in the hall for hours, but Grogu quickly got bored of sitting on Cobb’s hip and ran off as soon as he was put down.
“How was work?” Cobb asked as Din removed his coat and shoes, setting them aside before walking with him back to the kitchen.
“It was alright,” he said with a shrug. “Peli wants me to tell you to bring Grogu for another visit soon, when you’re not working, of course.”
“That woman’s gunna spoil him.”
“Like we won’t?”
“Hey,” Cobb said, pointing his finger in Don’s face. “Don’t call me out like that.”
Din chuckled, reaching for the radio on the kitchen counter. The sound of drums and an agogo beating a rhythm had him smiling, and he took Cobb’s pointed finger in hand. “Dance with me.”
Cobb laughed. “You always ask me to dance with you.”
“You always say yes.”
“That’s because I always want to dance with you, darlin’.”
Din pulled him closer, moving their hips to the salsa beat. He hummed to the lyrics before at last singing the words, his lips dancing over Cobb’s jaw and mouth in silent promise.
“Voy a reír, voy a bailar
vivir mi vida, la, la, la, la
Voy a reír, voy a gozar
vivir mi vida, la, la, la, la...”
When their lips finally met at the end of the song, Din couldn't help but think that he couldn't wait to live the rest of his life with this man.
For those of you who want to know, Din is singing along to Vivir mi vida by Marc Anthony! I know people don’t usually dance to it, but it’s a nice song and Din would definitely dance in the kitchen to it.
Translation to English for those who want/need it:
I hope you've enjoyed this! It's always so much fun to write these things and this was a LOT of fun! I look forward to seeing you all in my next project!
I'm gonna laugh, I'm gonna dance
live my life, la, la, la, la
I'm gonna laugh, I'm gonna enjoy
live my life, la, la, la, la
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Chop It Like It’s Hot
Chapter 6: I’ve Got a Bad Queso Loving You
Pining. Food that may or may not be a disaster. The end of an era.
Also people actually wanted to be tagged for updates?? That makes my heart so happy <3
Tag List: @heyoitslysso @unknown-and-invisible
Chop It Like It’s Hot Masterlist
  It was weird, walking into the studio by himself for the first time. Finn kept expecting Logan to be right by his side like always and it hurt a little every time Finn remembered. He walked into the kitchens where he was greeted by a sunny smile and kind eyes and dimples.
He still missed Logan, but it was hard to mope with Leo Knut around.
“Hey,” Leo greeted, motioning for Finn to join him at the station. “Welcome to the final four.”
“Thanks. It feels weird here.”
Leo hummed. “Quiet, right?”
“Definitely less hectic.” Finn agreed, leaning his hip against the counter. “So what are we cooking today?”
“Well, why don’t you tell me? We’re cooking for someone special to you. I’m assuming that’s Logan, right?” At Finn’s nod a strange, unreadable expression flashed across Leo’s face before he continued. “Okay, so what types of food do you think of when you think of him?”
Finn thought about it, then smiled. “Our first date – after years and years of being friends and crushing on each other but refusing to do anything about it – was at a Mexican restaurant. We were on a roadie and went to go get dinner together and I was so frustrated at this point that I kind of just blurted, ‘Is this a date?’” Finn laughed a little at the memory. “And Lo, he just stared at me with those big green eyes of his for a moment and said, ‘I sure hope so.’ And that was it. No more drama, no more fuss. Just those two sentences – that was all we needed.”
The look from earlier was back on Leo’s face. Finn still didn’t know what it meant.
“I think we can definitely work with that.” He said finally. “How about we elevate a Mexican dish? Something to be meaningful but to also showcase your cooking? I've got a few recipes in mind. What about grilled citrus-marinated chicken?”
Finn wrinkled his nose and shook his head.
“Alright. Pulled pork tamales with corn salsa? Polenta stacks? Chipotle Mahi Mahi burrito bowl?”
“Oh!” Finn said excitedly. “I like that one. Logan calls me Fish sometimes.”
Leo laughed. “Why?”
“Nicknames are kind of a thing in hockey. It’s considered weird if you don’t have one. I’m Harzy, Harz, Fish, and probably a few more that I’m forgetting.”
“And Logan?”
“He’s Tremz or Tremzy, usually.” He looked over at the blond, propping his chin in his hand and smiling. “You want a nickname?”
“Oh, god. With a last name like Knut, I’m sure you’ll have plenty to go off of.” He laughed, turning to head towards the pantry. Finn followed after him like the love-struck puppy he was.
“Nut. Nutty. Peanut. Peanut butter. Nutter Butter. Honey bunches of nut – “
“How have you already come up with so many?” Leo stretched to grab a bowl off the top shelf, his t-shirt shifting up to reveal pale skin Finn desperately wanted to reach out and touch.
“I’m a professional hockey player.”
“Fair enough. Can you head to the spices and grab smoked paprika, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper and onion powder?”
Finn grabbed the ingredients and met Leo back at the station. “Ready to get started? You’ll get the printed recipe and you can take as many notes as you want now and use them tonight.”
Finn clicked his pen in response, earning another smile. “Let’s do this.”
“So we’re going to combine olive oil, chipotle chiles, garlic, smoked paprika, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper and onion powder into a bowl and whisk it really good. Then you can add the mahi mahi and toss it in there. Next we’re going to place it in the fridge while we start the rice.” Leo covered the bowl and set it in the fridge before reaching for a pot and turning the stove on.
“Add coconut milk and some coconut water to a pot and bring it to a low boil before adding rice, salt, unsweetened coconut and coconut oil. Stir to combine, then place the lid on the pot and turn the heat down to the lowest setting possible. Following so far?”
Finn nodded, definitely feeling a little overwhelmed.
Leo gave him a reassuring smile. “You got this. Next, let the rice to cook for ten minutes then turn the heat off completely. Let the rice sit on the stove, covered for another 20 minutes, then remove the lid and fluff the rice with a fork. Add the cilantro and lime juice – “
“No cilantro.”
Leo looked up from his pot. “What?”
“No cilantro.” Finn repeated. “Lo doesn’t like cilantro.”
“Got it. No cilantro. I think we’ve got enough seasoning without it.” Leo grabbed another bowl and pushed some ingredients towards him on the counter.
“Now we’re going to make the salsa. Add the diced mango, chopped strawberries, jalapeño, lime juice, pinch of cayenne and a pinch of salt to a bowl. Toss it, cover it, and keep it in the fridge until ready to serve. Now we’re going to cook that fish.” Leo grabbed the fish out of the fridge and sent him a sly look. “Hopefully this doesn’t count as cannibalism.”
Finn laughed loudly. “Oh man, wait until Logan hears that.”
Leo fiddled with the settings on the grill, which made Finn a little nervous. As seen in the build your own burger competition, he wasn’t the best with grills. He’d scared away all the ducks with how loud he screamed when he turned the grill on too high and flames erupted from it.
“You’re going to want a medium heat to cook this fish. Once the grill is nice and hot, add the mahi mahi, skin side facing up. Cook these for about 4-5 minutes and then flip them and cook until they’re crisp and mostly cooked through. This is super important: remove the skin.  We’re going to be cutting this fish into chunks and having pieces of fish skin in there would be really gross.
“Last thing is to plate these. All you’re going to do is divide the rice among your tortilla bowls and add the lettuce, black beans, and corn. Divide up the fish and then top each bowl with salsa, queso, and a dollop of sour cream. And you’re done!” Leo looked over at Finn, who was still writing notes. “Not so bad, right?”
Finn gave him a blank stare, then ran a hand through his hair nervously. “Go over it again one more time?”
“Sure.” Leo pushed one of the plates over to Finn. “Want to try some first?”
“Fuck yes.”
Logan stood in the studio hallway yet again, waiting with the rest of the families the final four contestants were cooking for tonight. It was going to be weird, being on the opposite side of the judging table. But at least he wasn’t cooking.
They finally got the cue to enter the kitchen and his eyes immediately found Finn, who was grinning madly and running right at him – whether he was allowed to or not. Logan laughed as Finn collided with him, hugging him close. “You just saw me this morning.”
“Yeah, but I missed you.”
Logan melted a little at that and kissed him softly on the cheek. “Did you have a good day?”
Finn whined, shooting a longing look over at Leo. “Lo, you would not believe – “
“Please head back to your stations, recruits!” Dorcas called.
“Gotta go.” Finn sighed, taking a step back. Logan gave his hand a squeeze.
“You’ve got this.”
“Recruits, tonight you’ll be creating dishes for your loved ones. And your team leaders, of course. You can use any notes you’ve taken. You have an hour to complete this task and your time starts… now!”
Logan took his seat at the judges table (weird) and watched as Finn dashed off to the pantry. He made small talk with the other family members as time began to tick down much slower than he remembered from his time on the show. He turned his head when Leo sat down next to him and smiled almost nervously.
“I hope you’re not too mad at me for last week.”
“Nah,” Logan said with a shrug, doing everything he could think of to slow his heartrate down. “I deserved it. I served you guys raw pizza dough.”
“Only because I suggested you start over.”
Logan laughed incredulously. “Because my pizza wasn’t a pizza! Seriously, don’t worry about it.” He looked over at Finn, who was shying away from the grill as he threw the fish on it. “I’m glad he made it instead of me. He’s been so excited to be on this show.”
“He’s really improved a lot. You both did.”
“I’m still not sure I trust either of us in the kitchen.”
“Baby steps.” Leo said with a smile. “You’re more capable than you think.”
He glanced at the clock and let his voice carry to the contestants. “One minute left, recruits!”
Finn glanced up from his plating, cursed, and started working faster.
“Five, four, three, two, one, time’s up! Stop what you’re doing and step away from your plates!”
“I can see why you like this so much.” Logan said, eyes still on Finn as he looked down at his plates critically. “You get to sit here, no stress, and eat people’s food. This is the dream.”
“Not on this show. You should’ve tried some of the earlier dishes this season. I got food poisoning twice.”
“You did what?”
“It might’ve been three times if I’d eaten that chicken you tried to serve in the first challenge.” Leo teased.
“Why isn’t giving a chef food poisoning an immediate elimination?”
“Because then we’d have very few recruits left, and that would be a very short season.”
Finn set down his plates, smiling nervously. Logan looked down and smiled softly. “Mexican food.”
“No cilantro, just how you like it.”
God, Logan didn’t deserve him.
“Let’s see how this tastes.” Leo said, looking down at his plate. “The presentation is really nice.”
They both took bites of their food. The fish was dry, but Logan thought the rest of it was really good.
“It’s under-seasoned a little bit,” Leo commented. “And the fish is a little dry, but your salsa is perfect and the ratios of everything else in the bowl is very nice.”
Logan grinned up at Finn. “I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to you bringing this recipe home.”
“We need move on to the next contestant. Nice job, Finn.”
Finn beamed and grabbed his plates back.
“And the chef who will be leaving us tonight is…” Logan held Finn’s hand and waited for Leo to finish.
“Finn. I’m sorry, your time as a recruit is over. Please turn in your apron.”
Finn sighed, squeezed Logan’s hand, and stepped forward.
“It was really close, but in the end the under-seasoned and overcooked fish did you in.” Leo said, looking apologetic. “I’ve really enjoyed having you on the show. You’ve been a joy to teach.”
“Thanks for having me.” Finn said, trying to be cheerful as he handed over his apron. “I had a blast.”
After the cameras stopped rolling, Logan and Finn made sure to find Leo before they left. He was scrubbing down the grill and looked up when he noticed them. “So this is goodbye, huh?”
“Looks like it.” Logan replied, unabashedly staring and trying to memorize everything he could. Was it weird to miss someone when you hadn’t even said goodbye yet? When they were standing right in front of you? 
Finn piped up, “If you’re ever in Gryffindor, look us up. We’d love to see you.”
“Same for when you come to New York for games.” Leo smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Here,” Finn grabbed his phone out of his pocket. “What’s your number? We can send you our team schedule when we get it.”
Finn, you’re a genius.
“That would be great! I, uh, I really liked having y’all on the show. It’d be nice to see each other again.” His cheeks were red again, and Logan had to bite back a whine. He wanted to kiss those red spots so badly.
But this definitely wasn’t the time. There were people everywhere, two of them were probably leaving in the morning, and they didn’t know when they’d see him again. Or if he even liked them back.
Both Logan and Finn had forgotten just how awful the guessing game really was.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 13- For the Love of Books
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/bartender/baking AU)
Word Count: 2,312
Summary: You have dinner with Steve and Peggy and fill them in. You also set up your meeting with Tony and pitch him your idea. 
Author’s Note: I loved getting some more time with Steve and Peggy here, I love everyone and how much they love each other. It was fun to write Tony too because I just love him as well. I’m sorry for the angst at the end, but as I was writing this chapter that whole thing just kind of hit me...like...oh yea, what if? If you want to check out Los Tacos you can see their menu here and Eleven Madison Park is amazing if you want to see it here. Again, I cannot thank you all enough for your continued kindness and support! You are amazing. Thank you all for reading and much love always❤❤❤
Warnings: Sweet fluff, teasing amongst friends, soft fluff and some angst at the end 
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Previous Chapters: 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between
Chapter 12: Bookaholics
By the time you and Bucky fell asleep it was after 7am and you slept well past lunch time. Steve and Peggy were coming by for dinner around 5 so you had plenty of time. After a nice refreshing shower, you sit on the couch, arms resting on the back while you watch Bucky make coffee. “I can just see you doing this in the bookshop. You’ll have to wear and apron and probably tie your hair back,” you say, almost dreamily.
“Maybe I’ll just cut it. I’ve been thinking of doing that.” Your stunned silence causes Bucky to turn around, two steaming cups of coffee in hand. “No?” Taking the cup in your hands you sigh at the delicious aroma, looking at Bucky while you take your first sip. “I mean. I know you’ll look handsome with any kind of haircut, but you know…I love it like this.”
He sits next to you, carefully pulling you close while you hold your coffee, “well, it was just an idea.” His hair is still wet, and you comb your fingers through it, “I know,” you whisper, taking another sip. “This is so good Buck. So good.” You sit in comfortable silence and drink your coffee. A text chimes in on both your phones and you grab yours to look while Bucky just waits for you to read it.
“Steve says he’s starving and what are we eating?” Bucky scoffs and rolls his eyes, “of course he is!” Chewing on your bottom lip, you ask, “can we just get takeout. I’m still shot from last night.” Bucky’s eyes light up. “Yes! Let’s get Los Tacos!!!” You giggle at his excitement, quickly replying to Steve with the idea. A few seconds later your phone rings. “It’s Steve,” you deadpan, answering it with a simple, “hey, Steve.”
“OK, Los Taco. Yes. But you need to get me at least 12. And then there are the sides. Do you have pen and paper? Are you ready for my order?” You pull the phone from your ear, giving Steve the side eye even though he can’t see you. “Oh my god, Steve! Just text me what you want that way I have it all down.” Silence. “Oh yea, ok, that makes sense.” You hear Peggy’s voice in the background and Steve’s loud oof before Peggy is on the line. “Hey love. Listen, I’ll get our order and text it to you right away this way you can call.” Now smiling you reply, “Thanks Peg, sounds great. See you soon!”
“You say Los Tacos and he loses his mind!” Bucky says with a sideways grin. “Well, they are delicious.” Putting down your coffee you crawl into his lap while looking over the menu. “I never know what to get though. It’s all so good.” Kissing the top of your head he mumbles something inaudible. “What?” you laugh, turning to look up at him. “I said, just make sure you get an order of chips and salsa and one of chips and guac.”
“Are you sure one of each is enough. Steve is coming.” Bucky pretends to think it over for a moment, scrunching up his nose, “you know what, maybe two of each is better.” You both laugh, cuddling closer and waiting for Peggy’s text. Once it comes through you place the giant order, thanking them profusely and explaining that it’s because you love their food so much.
Steve and Peggy arrive shortly after and you all make yourselves comfortable while you wait for the delivery. “So,” Steve says, smiling. “Let’s hear it guys.” Peggy squeezes your hand and gives you a reassuring smile. You go over your idea again, adding in the news from Sam about getting in touch with Tony. When you finish, Steve and Peggy are both smiling from ear to ear.
Steve turns to Bucky. “Does this mean you’re finally going to let me teach you some stuff?” Bucky hangs his head and laughs. “Son of a bitch. I knew you were gonna say that!” You look to Peggy with a confused face, “what is this about?” Steve’s smile gets bigger. “Bucky is jealous of my construction skills. Always has been.”
Bucky stands up, hands on his hips, “ugh, here we go,” he mumbles, walking to the kitchen. Steve continues, “I’ve always been good at building and fixing things and everything Bucky touches he breaks. But now…,” he waggles his eyebrows, “I can be in charge of the changes in the bookshop. And the only payment I require is cookies!”
You look to Bucky who is failing at trying to hide his smile, then back at Steve who can’t hold his back and launch yourself into his arms. “Really Steve? You mean that? Because that’s a huge help and a big expense and I’m getting way too excited for you to be pulling my chain.” Steve gently sets you down, his face more serious. “Nah, I’m not pulling anything. I mean it. Every word. I’ll do anything for Bucky. And you. We’re here to help.”
Bucky’s arms wrap around you from behind, holding you against his chest and he rests his chin on your head. “Thanks Steve.” They exchange a look that holds much more meaning than words could say and your heart swells once again. How did you get so lucky to fall into the arms of such a good man that has such a good family? A quiet “thank you,” leaves your lips, unsure if you can say more without breaking down.
“When are you talking to Tony?” Steve asks, his eyes soft. Regaining some composure, you explain that Sam told you to call him tomorrow and set up a meeting for that week. “Sam said he would let Tony know I would be calling. I’m nervous. He sounds intimidating.” Steve chuckles, “it’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
The four of you spend the rest of the evening bullshitting over wine and left-over cookies. It isn’t until you cover your third yawn that Peggy stands, insisting they leave the two of you to get some rest. You send them home with a few cookies and lots of hugs. Steve pulls you in tight, whispering in your ear, “I heard you got jealous over my cousins.” You push off his chest and look at him in shock. “WHAT!?! I did not. It was simply a misunderstanding. And did Bucky tell you he practically gave Peter a heart attack for simply doing his job?”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up into his head before he looks to Bucky who pretends to not be listening. “We’ll just leave you two to sort this out. Thanks for dinner guys, have a good night.” Steve grabs Peggy’s hand and runs out the door, smiling the whole time. Spinning around you pin Bucky against the door. “So now you’re going around telling your friends I’m a jealous girlfriend, huh?”
Bucky throws his hands up, feigning innocence, “all I did was tell Steve what happened.” With a good hard poke to his chest you turn on your heel and try to hold back your giggles. “Maybe I’ll ask around the bar next weekend, see what my female customers think about me getting a haircut.” You stop dead in your tracks, slowly turning back toward him, “go for it. I’d be curious to know what they think.” With a triumphant twirl you head to the bathroom to get ready for bed, leaving Bucky in amused disbelief.
After feeble attempts to read before bed you both give in and curl up under the covers, quickly falling asleep in Bucky’s arms. As usual Monday hits you hard. You’re sitting at your office desk staring at your phone and Sam’s text with Tony’s phone number. Picking it up you dial, biting your nail while it rings. “Hey doll, everything ok?” You let out a sigh at hearing Bucky’s voice, “yea fine, thanks, I’m just nervous about calling Tony.” You can hear his smile. “Then let me call him. I’m more than happy to.”
You’re quiet for a moment, about to give in but remembering this was all your crazy idea. “No, it’s ok babe. I can do this.” “Of course, you can. Call me right after, ok? I love you.” Taking a deep breath, you reply, “I will, I love you too.” Hanging up with Bucky you give yourself five minutes before calling Tony, your hands shaky as you dial his number.
He picks up after the first ring. “Tony Stark.” You awkwardly clear your throat, cringing already. “Hey, Mr. Stark. This is y/n, y/n y/l/n. I’m a friend of Sam’s.” His voice gains energy with his greeting, “oh yes! Hi y/n. I’ve been expecting your call! Sam said you have a new business venture and wanted to meet to discuss it.” Shaking your head yes you realize you aren’t actually talking. “Yes, exactly! Bucky and I would really love your input. Sam said you have a really good head for this stuff.”
Tony scoffs, “I have the best head for this stuff! And I’d love to meet with you guys. How does Thursday night sound? We can have dinner at Eleven Madison Park, say around 7pm? I’ll take care of the reservations.” Once again, you’re shaking your head yes, this time very excitedly. “That sounds great, thank you so much! I look forward to meeting with you.” With a smile, Tony replies, “me too, see you then.”
Your fingers fumble with the phone as you try to call Bucky. He picks up immediately. “So?” “Thursday, 7pm at Eleven Madison Park!” The both of you try to celebrate with subdued excitement, failing miserably when you draw the attention of your coworkers. “Crap, I better go, everyone is looking at me funny.” You hang up and give them a little wave, doing your best to remain calm and smile.
Each night for the rest of the week you and Bucky work on devising a semi-decent ‘business plan.’ Neither of you really know what you’re doing but thankfully Sam offers to help. It isn’t until Thursday afternoon that you finally have something presentable. Shoving the papers in a folder you close it with a loud sigh, shooting Bucky a text with a picture of it.
You take a cab to the restaurant, the both of you nervous but excited. Bucky looks perfect is his button down and slacks and you’re elegant and chic in a simple black dress. You’re greeted by the hostess and you tell them you’re here to meet Tony. They immediately rush off and come back with the manager who personally escorts you to the table. Tony looks up from his papers and smiles.
“Right on time,” he says, standing to shake your hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark,” Bucky says, holding your chair out for you to sit. “Please, call me Tony.” He looks to you with a sweet smile, “and you must be y/n.” Straightening your shoulders you smile with a nod, “good to finally meet you Tony.” He clears away his papers, muttering about always having work to do.
“So, I hope you don’t mind but I ordered some wine and appetizers for us this way we can get right to business.” You both thank him, looking to each other before pulling out the folder. “We came up with a rough business plan, it’s nothing fancy but it will give you a good idea of what we want to do.” Tony waves a dismissive hand, squaring you both with a serious look. “I’m more interested in the real story. Yours. And how this idea came about. Just start from the beginning and tell me everything.”
Letting out a sigh of relief Bucky squeezes your hand and launches into a recap of the first day you met at the bookshop. Tony listens intently, his eyes warm and his smile soft. He asks questions or interjects now and then and you don’t even realize that you’ve been talking the whole time until dessert is served.
“Oh wow. This looks really good!” you blurt out, eyeing the incredible piece of art on the table. “You think you want to try to make something like this at the bookshop?” Tony jokes, taking a sip of his wine. With a chuckle you say, “no, I’m not sure it fits our aesthetic, but it does look amazing.” Tony nods, “and just wait until you taste it. But you’re right. You’re not going for fancy and over the top. It’s clear you want to create a space that’s comfortable and charming.”
Bucky smiles at you before looking back to Tony, “that’s exactly it. We don’t want to lose the feel of the bookshop, we just want to give it an update.” Tony intertwines his fingers and rests his elbows on the table. “So, I only have one question before I tell you that I want to help you.” You can barely contain your happiness at his words but then he gives you a somber look and asks, “what are you going to do if this doesn’t work out?
You’re combined confusion is evident and neither of you know what to say. Finally, Bucky speaks up. “Well, we are trying to be positive and from what you’ve told us it seems like we have a solid idea here. Failure isn’t really an option at this point. I need to make this work.” Tony’s smile is back, this time a bit more forlorn. “I like your passion. You’re going to need it, but I’m not talking about the bookshop. I mean you two,” he says, pointing at you both. “What if things don’t work out between the two of you?” Bucky quickly turns to you with a panicked look just as you suck in a breath and before he can reply you quietly say, “we never thought of that.”
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @azurika-writes​ @breezy1415​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @bucky-on-my-mind​ @buckys-minty-breath​ @devynsdiary​ @eurynome827​ @emilylyoness​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @kaosera​ @lorilane33​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @loricameback​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @metal-armed-cuddly-dork​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @flyawaybay​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @amandatar-06​ @nd1998sc​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @fire-flv​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @irishflutiegirl​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @inflxmes @lauratang​ @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ @buchanansebba​ @yansi1923​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @curlyred2020 
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