#tw relationship insecurities
Do you ever think about how different life would be if we weren’t so insecure all the time.
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So uh.... yeah. An idea I had...
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Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, imprisonment, stalking, violence, unhealthy relationship
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Liking his octopus form
So, let's set the scene
We know that he has to drink a potion from time to time to keep his legs, right?
So what if that potion was somehow defective and he turns back to his merform way too early?
Here we have Azul in all his octopus-nessy glory sitting in the VIP room of the lounge
Jade already contacted the organization so there was only left to wait but of course things don't go as planned
Here we have you, Overseer extraordinaire, knocking and entering without the usual “come in”
You were probably already used to him always letting you in
And there we have him in all his glory
Azul wants to die and you? Well I don't know but I just want to hug him
How could he have let you see him like this??! This is so shameful! If at least he had a pot to crawl into!
But then you tell him that you actually... like it?
Ah dear Overseer! Please be gentle to him! He is going to melt to sea foam if you continue like that!
But you keep on and on that you really like him how he is and oh wow, does his face turn red
If you keep complimenting him he might let you close and touch one of his tentacles
And this is where the fluff ends and all of... this beginns
You see, Azul always disliked how he was so different from the usually merpeople
And now suddenly you, the person he has looked up to his entire life tells him that they like how he is?
Does that mean he has a chance with you? Just asking for a friend...
Suddenly he is everywhere, walking with you to alchemy class, eating with you during lunch break, plucking weeds out of the soil in the greenhouse...
And sometimes you even feel like he is there even though you can't see him! (He is definitely there just hiding in that bush over there)
He doesn't mean any harm! He just wants to know what you like, what you dislike, what your hobbies are, how fast you or usual walking speed is, how many times per minute you breathe and how many times you turn in bed whilst you sleep
Just innocent curiosity you know? (Run!)
And suddenly the people you are usually with stay away from you, having oddly shaped bruises on their arms and visiting mostro louge pretty often
But don't you worry dear! AUl is there for you. He has learned every single detail about you so that he can be the perfect friend and... maybe (definitely) something more
A year at most and he has you completely isolated, him being the only fish in your life
But he is a great partner! He let's you pet his tentacles whenever you want and they are very comfortable to be wrapped in
Just don't leave the room and everything will be fine.
He has put so much work into being the perfect partner for you! You wouldn't want to ruin that, right?
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saetoru · 2 years
i feel like some ppl need to realize ppl in their 30s are not old it’s just that ppl in their 20s are just young 😐
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dani-sdiary · 3 months
Vagina Insecurities!
This, like any story worth telling, is all about a an adult woman with the sex drive of a 13-year-old boy (Did you catch the Spiderman reference?). It is also one that no one asked for. This is an extreme overshare about my self-esteem, body, and sex life (sex death?), and why I'm still a virgin despite being hornier than a teenage methhead rabbit. Yeah, I want to have sex. Fucking sue me. I want to date, I want to fall in love, and I want to be railed. There it is. Let's talk about it!
I don't hear songs with lyrics like "pussy so good, I say my own name during sex" or "kitty on fleek" and think "yeah, me too. I totally get where you're coming from. This song really resonates with me because my kitty is, in fact, also on fleek."
I hate every part of my body, but especially those parts. My pussy is all lopsided. (There's a sentence that's never been typed before). My right labia minora (my right, not someone who was facing me) is more than twice as long as my left. It's too dark and while I'm all for bell bottoms and Fleetwood Mac, I could do without my thick, PCOS pubic hair (that extends to my stomach and thighs) being '70's style. I'm perfectly healthy and luckily I've never had any kind of infection, but my natural smell is just awful, and whole-body deodorant only seems to irritate my skin and make it worse. I follow all the rules religiously: just soap and warm water, "breathable" cotton underwear, yogurt and cranberry juice, but that's just the way I am. I smell terrible. Not unhealthy, just bad. Absolutely unbearable.
I hate my breasts because they're too small and look like they've already withstood 90 years of gravity instead of just 18. I'm a 34B, which is fairly average and would make sense if I were thinner, but is really unproportional at my weight. I feel like, being my size, I should be a C at least, but I carry all my weight in my stomach and not in my curves. My areolas are too dark, too big, and have these weird bumps on them, almost like acne. My entire chest is covered in dark hair, not just a few pluckable strays around my nipples, but my whole breasts and my sternum, along with every other square inch of my body.
My breasts act like cranky old neighbors in a vicious feud that started as mild annoyance over Left's dachshund always getting into Right's backyard, but escalated into flat-out suburban warfare, complete with brutal rhododendron sabotage. I'm the granddaughter trying to coax them into talking out their differences, but I just can't convince them no matter what I do. They stick out (barely) the wrong way- away from each other and down rather than up and straight ahead like they're supposed to. They're called headlights for a reason, but with these, I'd crash right into the car in front of me and end up totaling both of us.
I'd overshare on the internet about my 2-dimensional ass, too, except there's nothing to say. If you only saw me from the back, you would think I had gone through a car compacter. I am the "before" picture in the commercial for BBLs. I don't have a feminine shape. There is zero difference between my waist and hips.
I would feel so ridiculous in lingerie, like I was an actor in a silly skit. I bought some nice underwear just for me, hoping it would make me feel a little more confident even if no one else was going to see it, but it's just putting lipstick on a pig. Even wearing a nice dress feels so strange and pointless to me, because nothing I do could ever make me look on the outside like the woman I feel like on the inside. I feel like I don't deserve nice clothes and that I can't justify spending time or money on my appearance. I'm trying to move away from that, but it's an uphill battle when everything I've ever heard about bodies that look like mine are that they should be hidden, that they're something to be ashamed of, and that they're completely undesirable. I would like to think of myself as beautiful, and maybe I'll get there someday, but thinking of myself as sexy just feels impossible. I wish my body were my own. I wish my opinion about my body was mine. I wish that I belonged to myself. If you can relate to any part of this in any way, I'm so, so sorry.
I'm a total pussy when it comes to sex (ha. ha. ha.). The thing that's holding me back is fear. I am so, so scared. I'm scared I would get hurt. I'm scared adding physical intimacy into the mix would make a bad breakup a thousand times worse. I'm scared he would tell horror stories about the ugliest girl and the worst lay of his life to his friends, his future girlfriends, for their entertainment and sympathy. I'm scared he would compare me to his past girlfriends and regret breaking up with them. Most of all, I'm scared he would laugh. I'm scared he would see my body and be disgusted but amused. I'm scared he would think of me as a car crash: so horrible you can't look away. I'm scared he would find me morbidly fascinating.
I don't have sagely advice on this one. I'm insecure, and I know I shouldn't be, and I don't want to be, but I am. And it's holding me back from doing something I really (really) want to do. I guess I just wanted to be honest. I may be a crock pot, but if you're patient, I can burn just as hot as a microwave.
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levmada · 1 year
i wonder what levi would do in a toxic relationship
#tw toxic behavior#tw toxic relationship#tw toxicity#this is a tough one i think depending on au#in canon love for levi would be almost once in a lifetime and he’d spot shitty behavior from a mile away#especially physical toxicity#he’s slamming the door on his way out and never talking to the person again#canon levi is tough and so guarded#even tho he isn’t sure about all the aspects of a romantic relationship; a relationship is so alien and strange alone he’s easily put off#modern au is harder cos it depends on his past exactly but if it was close ish to canon#in any au a cheater is dead to him#even if he’s blamed for it or gaslighted into an attempt for him to believe it was his fault levi is still gone but he’s carrying that agony#/insecurity with him to every future relationship and the grave#it’d be hard for him to recognize emotional abuse for what it is bc he doesnt understand his own most times and if he’s dating someone#he really really really really cares about them#and his present insecurity would make it easier for him to believe things are his fault#then if it escalates he’s so confused and idk brainwashed that outside intervention would be necessary. despite the fact his friends probabb#probably pointed out toxicity about his partner before and he fiiierrceeely defended them#bc he’s levi#but what abt s*x abuse. especially canon levi who has a shitty knowledge of sex and what it is he’d be so vulnerable to that i think. and#assume that’s the way it should be and take it#just in general levi is willing to accept pain if his partner doesn’t have to go thru it and the same would apply to his partners pleasure#god that’s so fucking sad#tw physical harm#tw sex assault#tw sex abuse#why am i thinking about this💀💀#levi.thoughts#levi ackerman
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Eddie has never considered that meals are an extremely important ritual to some people. He’s always been the kind of guy who’s fine with cold leftovers and cereal without milk. As long as his hunger is sated, he’s good to go.
He isn’t sure what Steve means when he first brings it up about a week after he moves in, when he mentions offhandedly that food is really important to Billy.
Whatever that means.
It becomes more apparent when Eddie starts to notice a trend.
Billy is probably at his happiest when he’s eating, especially if he’s eating one of his go-to comfort foods; namely lasagna, hotdogs, and cheesecake.
He slips into his happy place when he’s enjoying his meal, calm and content, and afterwards he’s usually a little clingy. Likes to be cuddled and take naps in his partners’ arms. Likes being coddled.
It seems cute at the start. Eddie enjoys getting to come home each night and have all two hundred and fifty pounds of Billy in his lap, burying his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck like a lovesick cat while he gets petted. There’s something grounding, he guesses, in being comfortably full after a nice hot meal, that makes Billy so pliant and easygoing.
The exact opposite is true if the ritual is broken.
“Sweetness, it’s alright,” Steve soothes. “C’mere, you’re okay.”
He gently guides a flustered Billy away from the stove, carefully stepping around the shattered plate of spaghetti on the floor. It happened so fast that Eddie didn’t even register it until Steve was bounding into the kitchen from the other room, cradling Billy’s already tear-streaked face in his hands.
The blond is a mess. Hiccuping between little shaky breaths and sobs like he’s physically in pain.
Handling these sorts of things is not Eddie’s strong suit, usually. He’s not like Steve, careful and deliberate with his words, guiding Billy’s breathing with his own calm inhales and exhales. Still, the sight of Steve kissing Billy’s tears away as he cries makes Eddie’s chest clench with sorrow.
He dips down to clean up the mess. Scrapes the noodles into the trash and carefully discards the plate before wiping the sauce from the tile. Then he grabs a fresh plate from the cupboard and loads it with a new pile of spaghetti, topped with an abundance of parmesan.
It’s a small gesture, he thinks, but as he delivers it to his boyfriend, Billy’s eyes light up. Then promptly fill with tears again as he looks up at Eddie through his lashes.
“I’ll have something else, Bills. You should have your spaghetti,” he coos.
“Are you sure?”
“I wrote it down.”
Billy snorts at that. Reluctantly takes the plate from Eddie’s hands and twirls his fork in the noodles, breathing a comfortable sigh when he takes the first bite. His shoulders droop after a moment. Steve smiles and tucks a stray curl behind his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
When Eddie returns to the kitchen, he catches Steve mouthing a thank you, which only makes him that much more eager to eat hot pockets for dinner.
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transmasc-malewife · 3 months
I wanna be in love with someone so bad it's eating me alive.
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writersmorgue · 1 year
Day 19 - you deserve this
read on Ao3
word count: 360
TWs in tags
C’mon Ochako, just a bite more.
The voice of her inner consciousness urges her to finish her onigiri. It takes the form of her dad, specifically from when she was little. When she sat in her high chair and refused to eat whatever he had on the little rubber-coated spoon for her.
Of course, back then it was out of defiance and childish anger toward anything green or healthy. Nowadays she can’t bring herself to take more of anything than necessary.
It goes a lot farther than food; her clothes (excluding her uniform and hero costume) are all ripped or stained in some way. All of her toiletries she takes from the girls’ communal bathroom. Momo is kind enough to keep a basket stocked with necessities in there, although Ochako is pretty sure she’s the only one who uses it.
Her mouth waters as Deku walks by her with a mug of coffee. She doesn’t even like coffee, maybe she’s coming down with something.
Her attention is drawn back to her plate.
You work so hard, you deserve this. Kirishima took three, finish your first and you can go up to your room to study.
Ochako’s stomach cramps at the idea. The soup she had for dinner yesterday (it was lunch and dinner, but she finished the bowl) is long gone. Her energy is waning and her head is fuzzy with need for sustenance.
She taps her fingers together idly. Maybe she should busy herself with dishes instead since Bakugo made her and Kirishima breakfast and she hasn’t had the chance to thank him.
But Kirishima is already at the sink, drying the utensils as Bakugo hands them over.
“Oi, Round Face.” Bakugo grunts, not looking away from his task, “Something fucking wrong with my food?”
Ochako startles, looking down at the remnants of her onigiri, discarded at some point while she was zoned out.
“Oh! No Bakugo, it’s wonderful, thank you so much.” She grins sheepishly. I have to eat it now, she reasons, so as to not upset him further.
Yeah, she nods to herself, shoving the rest of the (truly delicious) rice in her mouth. 
For Bakugo.
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
I hate liking my F/O’s canon source but hating that unavoidable part of the fandom
like I’m happily scrolling through my dash and checking a mutual’s blog for updated posts and liking some stuff and in the “blogs like this one” one of the posts is an artwork of the one ship I cannot stand (I’m mostly fine with other pairings with him and even like some (probs because I kin those girls lol)) BUT I COULDN’T EVEN RECOGNISE IT AT FIRST I WAS LIKE “that kind of looks like … oh. Shit taste I see.” LIKE IM SORRY BUT THE LIMITED SHIP ART IVE SEEN OF THAT SHITHOLE OF A SHIP ISNT GREAT??? Maybe it’s because they’re fucking 14?? Don’t know why else you would ship it unless you’re young and haven’t developed critical thinking and basic common sense of what’s healthy LMAO 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
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rairecs · 2 years
title: can you kiss me more? author: werelino rating: explicit wordcount: 19806 pairing: kim seungmin/lee minho summary:
So yeah, he likes Minho. He thinks what they have is good, great even. Knows they’re good for each other.
Which is why the guilt weighs him down even more. Because Seungmin knows that he should be happy and content. Shouldn’t want for anything else.
But he does. He just wishes that Minho was...a little more affectionate.
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hidinginplainsight17 · 10 months
I do not recover
I always comeback
It’s a strange force
The one that took me down
It gets louder
It gets harder
Tiredness eating my heart
My self, my mind.
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fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK
i cant fuck this up again
fuck im so scared
help me please i cant fuck up the only good thing in my life
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sadtallbean · 2 years
Need to get this out:
The guilt, the hurt, the anger I feel towards myself for cvtting after months years of being clean, self harming instead of reaching out, and talking to my partner after that but not telling about this when we made a sort of promises to tell each other whenever we feel like self harming. I dont know how to tell them about this, this this time I fucked up, the guilt and anger and the drop in mood makes me push away my partner, and I cant help feeling they'll be better off rn without having to deal with me, they got some stuff happening personally and I dont want to be a burden too. All I do is mess up everything. I dont know how to handle the emotional fallout after I tell them, their hurt, their anger, everything. I dont want them to go, but I'm scared they might if not now someday. I feel like I truly did mess up this time. I'm so sorry, babe. I tried, I really did.
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years
I always get so tied up in the manner of “oh he wouldn’t like me because I’m not pretty enough” - it’s rather taxing. Though there’s a lot of things I think are appealing about me too that other’s point out... It doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of ‘eh’ factor too.
For instance, I know I have a very good shape of body and face. That doesn’t mean the colour or texture of it is good (which I believe makes me,, ew). I have easily bruised limbs, and skin coloured lumps on my face despite I exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturise daily. My hair can really be a wreck often, 
Though despite my physical flaws, I know I’m mentally attractive as that’s the trait everyone hinges on. Most people I know IRL’s first impression of me was “intimidating because you are smart and popular”. I know people I talk to find me smart, I don’t doubt that. I also know I generally have notably good outfit composition. 
I think he’d like the fact I am intelligent (book wise), hard-working, and loyal. I also think the fact that we share many of the same interests is a good basis. So, at the very least, I think he’d find me mentally attractive, and with most long-lasting romantic couples, that tends to facilitate physical attraction. I can’t imagine him finding anyone attractive without that mental attraction. “Though, knowing how critical he is, I do feel insecure on the matter of him liking how I look still”. 
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transmanranting · 1 month
he’s bored of me. he’s fucking bored of me and it’d rather play a fucking roblox game before spending the little time i make to be together— not have, make. for her. it doesn’t even matter in the end someone shoot me in the face before i do it myself
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plowolffe · 2 months
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