#dream is so angry and grieving and pained and HE TAKES OUT THAT ANGER ON LUCIFER. and lucifer KNOWS this.
auroral-melody · 2 years
im not against dreamling or dream/corinthian or anything, but if we get a season 2 i think some of you will Understand why ive been insane about dream/lucifer for the past 4 years
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pandoa · 2 years
when you're gone
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~where the prefect has died, and he is left to pick up the pieces they shattered~ ~how they cope with your death~
~headcanons~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
warnings: angst, death
if you think i'm going to sugarcoat anything you're dead wrong i am here for tears :>
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on the outside, nothing about him seems to have changed. in the mornings, he still wakes up and goes to class. in the afternoon, he still playfully attends club meetings and meets up with his other friends at nrc. in the nighttime, he doesn’t even spare the lifeless walls of ramshackle a glance as he walks back to his dorm. he seems… normal. however, everyone around him can sense that something is wrong. through his fake laughter and sugarcoated lies, everyone around him can see that he incredibly misses you. you left a hole in his heart that he covered up well in thick, scarlet paint. his lies to his friends bring him a toxic kind of comfort. but his lies to himself bring him more pain as each smile suffocates him with every day that passes.
CATER DIAMOND, lilia vanrouge, KALIM AL-ASIM, ace trappola, rook hunt
he works. he works, and works, and works until every fiber of his body begs him to stop. he just wants to forget about you. why can’t he let you go? he misses you every minute of his day and every second of his night. you infected his mind like a haunting curse sent to bring him down, and so he chose to work. to take his mind off of everything you. to ignore the fact that your absence affected his grieving heart the way that it did. you were his greatest distraction, after all. but why deal with grief when there was a perfectly long list of to-do’s to complete right before him instead?
RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, VIL SCHOENHEIT, ruggie bucchi
he sits at your resting place a little longer than he should. most of the time, he is simply just sitting next to your grave, quiet and lost in his thoughts. when no other person is around, he talks to you. he speaks about his days, the latest shenanigans your friends have been stirring, the new shops that have opened since your passing, the inexplainable emptiness he feels whenever he turns around and remembers you won’t be there by his side like usual. he watches as the flowers around the cemetery bloom and wither with the inevitable work of time. on his days off from class, he stays by your engraved stone as the sun rises and sets, sitting beside you to keep you company. he dearly yearns for your warmth; however, he supposes the cold touch of your gravestone against the caresses of his fingertips was good enough. 
jack howl, cater diamond, EPEL FELMIER, ruggie bucchi, jade leech, LILIA VANROUGE, idia shroud, malleus draconia
he’s irrational. angry. rage seems to be the only thing on his mind. if you think he made livid choices before, then you clearly did not see him the day your death was announced. when crowley had confirmed that you were, in fact, dead, he couldn’t believe it. wait—no. he wouldn’t believe it. someone as strong as you couldn’t die so easily. he knew you all too well. and from that day on, he made it his mission to be the most difficult and obnoxious person to have ever set foot in twisted wonderland, regardless of the chaos he caused because of it. he doesn’t care if others are appalled by his actions. he doesn’t care if his actions caused by anger affect the people around him. fine! let them suffer! their agony cannot compare to the ache he feels, though. he may be blinded by his emotions, but what does it matter anyway? his heart was bleeding and it wasn’t fair. 
he dreams of you every night. whether those dreams are joyful ones or replays of terrible memories, he dreams of it all. you cloud his mind like a never-ending mist, and he can’t seem to get rid of you. you were his star in the darkest shadows of the night. however all stars must burn out eventually, and it seems that you decided to burn out sooner than he thought. each new dream of his unlocks an unwanted image of you. images of you and him laughing along the sunlit pathways of his dorm. images of your precious face, rosy from something he just said. images of you and him together—the way it should have been. it’s to the point that he wishes he could sleep forever just so he can see the image of your face and the sweetness of your voice, even if only in his imagination. the moment he closes his eyes, he does not wish to wake up. he only wants to dream of you again and again until even he is sucked into the depths of death as well. 
riddle rosehearts, SILVER, azul ashengrotto, idia shroud, trey clover, rook hunt, malleus draconia
he doesn’t believe it. you couldn’t have died, you just couldn’t! what would happen to all the memories you made? the future the two of you would make together? the future you both had dreamed about? it was impossible. you can’t be dead. conflicted emotions boil within him as he convinces himself that you are still alive. that you are simply taking a short break from nrc and would return home to him soon. everyone around him is pained to see him being in such shambles—the innocence in denial was just too sweet of a spell. even as he watched your coffin descend six feet to the ground on that mournful day, he remained chained to the shackles of disbelief as tears began to stain his crestfallen face. 
deuce spade, epel felmier, kalim al-asim, sebek zigvolt
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a/n: there was one point where i got so into imagining these hcs that i literally could not see what i was writing bc tears were streaming down my face 💀
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fallenclan · 4 months
(every italic text is me angry as FUCK)
Poppyfeather and Ravenshade were on a patrol. Nothing well had happened. He pierced a neck artiery, making Poppyfeather lose lots of blood, killing her swiftly.
However, she didn't take this murder very well.
On the night of the murder, after Moonstep and Poppyfeather were grieved and buried by the clan, Ravenshade got his definitely well-earned promotion, much to his pleasure. The moment Cherrystar muttered the words:
"From now on, until my passing, the new deputy of Fallenclan will be the young Ravenshade. I hope Poppyfeather will hear these words and approve of my choice-"
A sudden downpour of rain threatened to floor the gathering and a bright red cardinal feather fell on Ravenshade's paws. This is the color of a poppy. Ravenshade thought.
At night, when the ceremony ended, Ravenshade reclined to his matted, cozy nest to have his well-deserved rest. However, poor Ravenshade would not get his beauty sleep anytime soon.
In the middle of the night, a bright mist of light appeared in front of the black tom. He opened his eyes to noticed the ghost of Poppyfeather, grinning menacingly, showing teeth more jagged than the side of a cliff.
"You fool." She said.
"What do you want now, traitor? Are you coming back to haunt me?" Ravenshade scoffed, a smile forming at the end of his lips.
Poppyfeather took a deep breath and began the speech.
"You fool, you do not realize what grave mistake you have made. I am bound here by anger, ready to curse you and your name. As the passing of time wears down on you, you will rot into a shell of your former glory, bound by greed and ambition. Claws as sharp as thorns will tear into the pelts of many, a blood river forming and a heap of bones will form under your paws. You will waste away as even your family turns against you, a mush of blood cherries crushed by your paws in anger. You will burn and melt away, killed by the one who you least expect. A small leaf will tear your flesh and desecrate your corpse, beware of everyone and everything! No one is your friend!" She chanted with passion, a smile forming as she noticed Ravenshade's eyes opening more and more. "Why must you do this? Why must you make this decision? This path takes you only brings you more and more disaster and betrayel, so abandon this path and rethink your life, or turn into a pile of ash, burned by your greed, pride and ambition. You foolish little boy, every single day of your life, i will make it miserable." Poppyfeather ended the chant, knocking Ravenshade out.
But even in his dreams, Ravenshade could not find peace. An image of a hill of bones with a river a blood forming at the base could not leave his mind, the black cat with red paws and purple eyes never escaping his dreams. Yells, shrieks, calls for help being heard at all angles, Ravenshade desperately tried to block it out, occasionally Littleleaf's voice and bloodied paws filled his vision. The black tom tried to run away from everything, only to come across the silhouette of a familiar figure.
"Do not go past this line," Gyoza said, "it is not worth the pain it will cause. A little leaf with bring your downfall, thorns slashing your neck. Turn back and run away, son."
But Ravenshade didn't follow his father's advice, tearing the ghostly apparition and running faster than ever.
Ravenshade woke up in a cold sweat, his heart beating fast.
"Brother, are you okay?" Littleleaf's soft voice was heard across the den.
"Yeah, i'm fine. Just had a nightmare."
"A nightmare after your deputy ceremony? That sounds like a bad omen, Raven."
"...I guess..." Ravenshade mumbled.
The image of the bone hill and the blood river remained throughout the day, along with the poppy red cardinal feather.
-🌀 (immediately after this i ate fries so thats helpful i guess)
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beewithknee · 8 months
of death and pain
redactober day 10 !
asher/babe angst
“SAM FUCKING DO SOMETHING!” The Beta screamed, tears streaking down his face.
Sam sighed a truly awful sound, “I’m sorry Asher. There’s nothing I can do. It’s too late.” He sounded dead, eyes wide and unseeing as he surveyed the surroundings.
“No, please. I just need- I need one more minute. Please.” Asher begged, crumpling to the ground. Hysterical sobs were ripped from his chest as he took in the sight of his lover.
White sleeves stained red as he reached forward to pull their body to his.
They were so limp, so cold, so lifeless.
Tears filled Sam’s eyes as he watched the heartbreaking display. Love was something that transcended time and space. It was infinite. It was precious. It was forever.
Some things just weren’t meant for eternity, he supposed.
“Sam…” It was a plea. It fell from his lips without second thought. Asher needed them back. He was fully aware that he wouldn’t cope with this loss; it would be the death of him.
“I’m so sorry.” Sam was restrained, though his voice still cracked. He was the pillar of strength. He never cracked. But there, where he’d so blatantly failed, Sam shattered in every way a person like him was capable.
The thick coppery scent had the vampire almost scrambling to cover his nose. It had leeched into the ground, marking the earth with the evidence of what had transpired.
“Baby please. Don’t do this.” Asher whispered, pressing his forehead to theirs. They were so cold. He shivered, body unable to process what it was seeing. “We’ve gotta go get married, c’mon.”
The gaping wounds in their neck and chest had mutilated their perfect body. His loathed that the last memory he’d ever have of his mate would be their mangled body.
They were so beautiful.
The ring on their left hand was blood-stained. It sent a harsher sob through his body.
“Babe…” He croaked, voice wrecked from a bleeding throat.
Sam stood and moved away. He needed to give the grieving lover some room. He needed to call David. He needed to call Darlin’.
Asher didn’t process anything, not even when Sam’s gravelly voice registered in his ears did he lift his eyes from his mate. His forever. They were gone. He felt untethered from reality; unable to ground himself, unable to look away from the sight he knew would haunt his dreams, unable to wake up from his nightmarish reality.
“Come back.” It was angry. A growl seeping out from between clenched teeth. Asher vaguely recognised that his mouth was salty, whether it was tears or blood though he was unsure. He shook the soft shoulders under his grip, “Babe. Wake up now. This isn’t funny. I’m-“ He cut off, anger sweeping out of his body in foul swoop.
His shoulders shook and chest heaved as he spluttered. Rough palms dug into his eyes, physically trying to carve the horrific view out from behind them.
No words left his lips, too caught between despair and panic to formulate. Asher was drowning and he didn’t know how to save himself.
Warm hands pulled at his wrists. A sturdy chest slid along his back, thighs bracketing either side of him. Asher fell back into the embrace, unable to remain kneeling as he was.
Everything flooded out of him.
The wolf hadn’t registered that it was Sam holding him. Hadn’t connected those dots. It didn’t really matter, Sam supposed. Asher was a tactile creature and any contact would likely aid him at least a small amount.
“Breathe, Asher. David’s on his way. I’ve got you.” Sam soothed, wrapping his arms tightly around his weeping friend. He longed to take the pain away. Longed to draw it out like he did his Darlin’ wounds. Fix the internal injuries.
He couldn’t though. This would likely never heal, not fully.
Months later, Asher would recognise that he was grateful to have had Sam that day. He’d be thankful the vampire hadn’t offered any fake platitudes about everything being okay or how he’d learn to live.
Because in that field, with the smell of his Mate’s blood ingrained in his nose, Asher felt like he was dying all over again
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ answered:
   It...Hurt. It really hurt. How was one supposed to react to hearing someone you cared so deeply about that had been taken out of your life- That you had SEEN leave your life? No matter the amount of talking Maki had done with various people, her friends included, at the mention of HIM, she would immediately shut down any sort of conversation. She didn’t want to hear it, and she would much prefer to simply bottle these feelings up and forget about them on some dusty shelf. It was such a cruel fate for somebody that she had once held so closely but- She needed to be able to move forward. To keep going day by day with her existence. It should have been enough that sometimes she bought silly little mementos that reminded her of him. It should have been enough to keep his memory in her heart and thoughts. It should have been enough to have his friends around her that understood the pain.
   But...It was never enough. It would never be enough. Especially since the whole incident felt entirely unjust. How could people have decided that it happening was an okay thing? That they had let it gone on for so long? Losing him is what had made her hate the majority of the people on this god awful planet, and nothing could change her mind. Except by some miracle he was still alive on this planet somewhere but- Maki doubted that. She had been through the whole denial part of grieving and would rather not loop back around to it. But if anything- She was still angry. Very angry. So why now? Had she not suffered enough already?”
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     “......It’s not FAIR..!” Her fists shook at her side before letting her anger get the better of her. Fist raised, she quickly slammed her knuckles into the mirror in front of her with a small yell.
He wasn’t sure how he was still there, flickering in and out, watching his friends go on. at first... He thought it was a dying dream, something his mind came up with to comfort him, one last lie before the curtain fell but it had became clearer and clearer that no, this was very much real.
And he wasn’t anymore, or well more he was what could be called a ghost, what remained of someone who had died, a ‘living’ memory. He was glad to see that his friends had been living life as much as they could but... It hurt... Watching like a member of the audience instead of being there with them.
He had tried a few times already to grab the attention of his friends, ranging from trying to break or move things to yelling and screaming, begging for them to look at him, see him. Nothing had worked, Kato had never been one to give up but... He needed to take a break, it was driving him insane and making the hole in his heart fill more and more with grief over his own death and he couldn’t take that anymore, he needed to regroup, regather his strength... The one upside to this all was no one could see when he needed to rest, when he was ‘weak’.
Or so he thought as words slipped out, a musing not meant to actually hit Maki’s ears as he was watching her head off to bed once again but... No she reacted, she yelled, replied.
In the broken shards of the mirror was where she could see him, he was blankly staring back at her, his features seemed more hallow, the bags under his eyes noticeable, he had a surprised look on his face.
“You- You can see me?” His voice was a bit off, far away and... It sounded like the memory of his voice, it lacked the breathes between words, the energy from his lungs and chest that his speech had but it was indeed Kaito’s voice.
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truckreincarnation · 5 months
I’d rather sleep than stay awake | Esmée | Trial 4.1
The face of their captor- the King reflected on the water as he stood happily was enough to make Esmée wish to stand and tear him apart where he stood. Her gaze could burn a hole through him and render his cape to ashes. This was a joke. It had to be. Two great friends of hers’ funeral was attended by the man who ordered their deaths. There was something deeply wrong with this place - that she always knew - but it always astounded her to see it in action. Her glare settling on his face for only a moment. 
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At least until she looked over the room. Esmée immediately fell into a frown as she saw Luz’s and Frank’s now empty seats. It hurt, to say the least, but it was either to become a snivelling mess and be of no use or take her grief out in another way. So with a small sniffle, and a trained look, she starts.
“…First thing. I’m going to be a fucking wreck. Luz is one of my best friends here, I think. And I’d recently fallen into enjoying Frank’s company. I..” A beat, “I’m angry. My grief right now is unbridled anger. I won’t apologise for feeling my emotions. Luz wouldn’t want me to. I’m going to grieve in my own way. And I’m not letting my friends go unavenged.” 
Then, she sighs.
“So we gotta do this whole fuckin’. Figure it out bullshit again. Which is a pain. But I’ll…start with what I saw.” 
“I was talking to Tabby- she’s my weapon - for a good portion of the evening so I don’t know if anyone saw me. I was in the fancy lounge and pretty much dead to my surroundings as I got to know her more. So I can’t say much for that period, but from 7:30 onwards I was more aware.” 
“Frank was with me, I saw. When we were together it was pretty quiet, a simple thing of following as we went about our business so his restriction didn’t get him. I wanted to go to Lionesses room, so I went on my way and Frank followed. We got there at 7:32. If uh…anyone went to investigate there, the picture on the bed was of my making. If you removed it, please bring it back there. I also tended to the plants. Frank left me at around 7:50 while I stayed there.” 
“8:15 I left, then. Saw Frank now with Germain when I headed downstairs and made my way to the manor summoning circle. Passed Shin heading the opposite direction when I was walking there, it must’ve only been a few minutes passed quarter past. The walk isn’t that long.” 
“Got to the summoning circle. Saw Hero there. Stopped to talk. I was curious about the Dreams Domain now i’m kinda…embracing it. Against my better judgement. Still hate the damn thing but the more control I have the better. Agreed to train some more with him, too. We continued our discussion for quite some time, so I saw people head into the portal. Theophania around 8:32. And Avery around 9:07. For clarification they were coming from the Manor into the Great Tree. Same way I was heading before I started talking to Hero.” 
“I left back to the Great Tree only a few minutes after I saw Avery pass through. Around 9:10. I wanted to go back to the dorms so…well- I went to the dining hall then started towards the dorms using the west hallway. Saw Nams. Got to the room around 9:20 and started to settle in for bed. ‘Least til I got a message from Shin around 10 pm time.” Another beat, “..he told me when we investigated together that it was due to both a bondmate alert and hearing an explosion. I wasn’t at the manor, so I didn’t hear it. But if anyone did hear it- if you can give info to give a more acute timeframe, it’d be helpful.”
With that she grumbles. Her eyes trailing down once again.
“M'not bloody cut out for this…this sucks.”
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lone-prayer · 1 year
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Weirdly specific but helpful qns | Still Accepting!
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The worst gift Naoya ever received was a Featherman manga boxset. His father tried to cheer him up, but maybe giving a grieving child an entire stack of manga when his brother died trying to deliver a single manga book for him was not very well thought out. It only made him feel worse, that the entire thing was still his fault.
Little Naoya tried to maintain his composure and be polite, but the moment his father was out of the room, he kicked everything into a cupboard and left it there for months. He tried mustering up the anger to rip a few up, like he saw when people were angry in shows, but in his heart he knew his father didn’t mean any ill intent and he felt bad just tearing a page or two. Eventually, the boxset got donated a few years later. 
Naoya is an honest guy, harshly so at times, and so it isn’t in his nature to lie to people when communicating his wants. He wants his family, friends and colleagues to live happy lives. He wants some quiet alone time when he’s exhausted his social batteries. He wants to be stronger to protect the people he loves. He wants a video game for his birthday. 
A lot of simple wants, and frankly he thinks there isn’t any good reason for someone to conceal what their heart desires, even if it’s something terrible. The sooner something is out in the open, the sooner everyone is on the same page and can help. 
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Her worst ‘gift’ was the activation of the DEVA System, allowing her to escape reality and live in her dreams. At the cost of her home and friends, she could have chosen to live forever in fantasy, not seeing or caring about anything she didn’t like. If it weren’t for the efforts of her friends, Maki thinks she would have happily dreamt there until her life support system gave out, believing it was all she deserved.
As a result, Maki says she wants to understand people and help them overcome their demons. As a therapist, she’s made it her goal to see all the positive things in the world and share its joy with others. Not to the extent of toxic positivity — she knows the world is painted in shades of grey. Still, she believes that depression blinds one to all the many things worth living for, and that there’ll be people willing to help. The world is harsh, yes, but there’s happiness and beauty to be found in even the little things as well.
She also wants to atone for her sins. She knows she did something she cannot take back, and still feels guilty about the pain she inflicted on her hometown, even if Kandori was ultimately to blame. To that end, she tries to do as much good as she can, especially for the people of Mikage-cho.
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Worst gift he ever received....well, in Fumi’s view, he thinks it’s the ‘gift’ that was bestowed upon him upon his birth — the power to see spirits and demons. It’s brought nothing but a childhood of silent suffering and future years of hardship. 
So what if he can see supernatural creatures if his ‘gift’ means they are also aware of his presence? So what if he can use magic but his head aches with whispers and knowledge that was never meant to be taken in by human ears? It’s left him alienated from society, always on the fringes, desperately wishing he could be normal just like everyone else. 
Sometimes, when the rain beats down over his head, he thinks perhaps life itself was the worst gift he ever received. 
Even so, he tries to make the best of it. He tries to learn all he can about his powers and demons. And more importantly, how to control them. Mother didn’t raise a quitter — but he feels comforted that the option is still there if he needs it.
He tells people he wants to be a normal person, just like everybody else. With a home, a family, and no supernatural creatures hungering for him. He wants to feel like he belongs and isn’t just some freak of nature, destined to forever be on the margins. Underlying this is an unspoken desire to be loved (more familial or platonic than romantic love), something which he doesn’t voice for fear of being seen as weak or desperate.
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mianmimi · 2 years
Not same anon, but I have a headcanon 😳 I have this image in my head of Master Mordo speaking to his Stephen's statue? He doesn't really holds conversations with it. He just tells Stephen of what he's missing. "You should see the kids dress up as you for Halloween. I miss you so much..." Adding omegaverse to this h/c bc why not, Mordo is absentmindedly rubbing his small bump, telling Stephen about their child that he won't get to meet. Their first born is of course named Stephen Vincent Jr.
Oh my goodness darling Nonny this is wonderfully bittersweet. Omegaverse just adds to the tragedy I think. Omega Mordo holding it out all on his own, being Supreme and a mom? He’s got his work cut out for him for sure.
There’s just a lot to juggle when it’s Omega Mordo. I’m sure people would be questioning him having the title of Supreme. Like it’s already shaky having an omega as Supreme, but one that’s got kids? One that’s grieving? Maybe he shouldn’t even have it. Even though he’s perfectly capable of being Supreme, that omega status is gonna be an issue. Also his kids….damn. He’s gotta lie to his poor kids to protect from the truth 😭 I can see him distancing them from the Illumanti as well. And who can blame him? Only the kids don’t understand why mom’s cutting off their uncles and aunts when they really need them 😢 And Karl won’t tell them cause it’ll hurt them even more.
And I’m sure Karl’s angry with Stephen too. He loves him and misses him terribly, but he can’t help the anger that arises. Questioning why he even considered dream walking knowing how dangerous it was, taking the risks despite having a full blown family to think of.
To add to your scenario sweet Nonny, I can see Karl venturing out there at night to vent at the statue. Just unleashing all his anger and pain, crying openly when he thinks the kids are sleeping. And after a long time it gets better, and he just talks to the statue about the every day things their kids get up to. Including the Halloween scenario you shared, which is super cute omg 😭💕 The kids fighting over who gets to be dad and so they all get to be dad 🤣 Maybe one kid dresses like their dad as a doctor, the other one as a student, and the other as supreme. They adore him so much. Poor Mordo updates him on the surprise baby, saying that they finally have a little girl on the way, just as Stephen hoped for after having all those boys.
Also can I just say that I love how they put Stephen’s memorial statue in front of the Sanctum specifically? Not the museum or any other random place? It just seems so fitting to see his statue in front of his home, looking like he’s ready to defend it. And in omegaverse I think that would really comfort his omega and their kids. Like he’s gone, but at least we have his statue doing what he always did, which was to get between us and whatever else is out there. Omega Mordo probably said that to the younger kids who couldn’t understand what happened exactly. Like yes, Papa is gone, but he’s still protecting us.
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seita · 3 years
— reacting to your death.
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includes: oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki, + kyoutani.
+ this is childhood friend!reader.
tw: major character death, grieving, blood and violence mention.
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p a r t o n e ;;
⤿ part two: next (coming soon!)
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-ˋˏ seijoh ˎˊ-
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— tooru oikawa.
to tooru, the best course of action is to ignore it.
ignore the hurt, ignore the pain.
ignore the news completely.
in his mind, you’re just on vacation. or maybe you’re mad at him and ignoring him. you’ll come back.
he makes up scenarios and reasons in his head for why you’re not around. iwaizumi is angry, always yelling at him for being an idiot when he brings you up. but he doesn’t understand why.
he won’t talk about it. he doesn’t even acknowledge you’re gone until the funeral.
his hands are clasped in front of himself. the suit is uncomfortable and he doesn’t want to approach the casket. iwaizumi stands beside him, a sharp scowl plastered on his face.
“are you finally ready to face it?” he asks, keeping his voice quiet so the grieving people around them aren’t disturbed.
oikawa huffs out a laugh but it’s shaky -- watery. he’s trying so hard not to cry that it’s making his throat close up painfully. iwaizumi relaxes beside him with a sigh, his shoulders sagging before placing his hand on the taller’s shoulder.
“she wouldn’t want you to ignore it, shittykawa,” oikawa wants to laugh at his friend using that name even in the current situation.
typical iwaizumi.
always a pillar. always trying to be the strong one.
suddenly, oikawa finds himself wondering what your place in their little dynamic was. it feels like he can’t even remember you properly. it’d only been a few days since they lost you and it already feels like he’s...
“i don’t want to forget her,” oikawa suddenly chokes out, unable to stop his tears from falling finally.
“well then don’t dumbass,” iwaizumi’s voice was breaking, choked as he cried but oikawa didn’t want to look because he didn’t want to see his other friend falling apart as well.
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— hajime iwaizumi.
he does not have good coping methods. his first and most immediately reaction is denial. he doesn’t want to believe what he’s hearing, so he just...doesn’t.
he assumes everyone is lying to him. there’s no way he could lose you. you’d been his friend since you were children; it’d always been you, iwa, and oikawa. so how could you possibly just be...gone?
the answer? you couldn’t.
that’s what he chose to believe, anyway.
“what are you talking about, shittykawa?” he snaps, refusing to pull his nose from his notes, “i think this has to be your worst joke yet.”
“it’s not a joke,” oikawa sighs, shuffling on his feet as he sniffles. if iwa chanced a look up at him, he’d see his friend had been crying for hours. but he wouldn’t look. because he didn’t want to see it, “her mom tried calling you...couldn’t get a hold of you. so i thought i’d...”
iwa slammed his notebook down, glaring straight ahead, “i told you to stop playing these stupid fucking jokes on me. it’s not funny.”
“get the fuck out,” iwa jumped to his feet, grabbing the other brunette by the shirt.
the fabric creaked as it stretched. but oikawa didn’t put up a fight, letting iwaizumi toss him out of his bedroom door. he hit the floor with a thud before wincing at the deafening slam of the bedroom door.
iwaizumi sit back down, pulling up your text message. he had never answered your text asking if he would be alright studying on his own today. he had meant to answer but just forgot. his thumbs moved across the keyboard, eyes blurring with tears as he typed.
“come over. we can hang out together, okay?”
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— issei matsukawa.
he was the first to admit that he wasn’t the best friend to have. he was sort of ghosty and a bit unreliable. he doesn’t mean to be. you knew that. he knew you did.
so there’s no way you would be upset with him, right? not for what he did.
he lets his own guilt eat him alive. even if everyone on earth told him it wasn’t hit fault -- he still puts every ounce of blame upon himself.
he lets it eat him alive. he thinks he deserves it.
because he let you down.
he stared at his phone. sometimes he could clearly see what he was looking at and other times it felt like he blacked out.
it was your text thread.
it wasn’t unusual for him to ghost you. he was never very talkative. you liked to tease him about it from time to time.
still, looking back, he could have at least responded this one time.
he doesn’t even remember what he was doing. probably nothing as important as it felt at the time.
“can you come pick me up?” it was a simple question. he hadn’t even bothered to ask where you were. if he had, he would have known you were only 10 minutes by car. it would have taken no time at all to stop what he was doing and go get you.
he wonders how long you had stared at his read receipt, wondering if he was going to come. he’ll never know.
he’ll never know the answer to why you were out so late. why you needed him to pick you up. how you felt in your last moments. he wondered if you thought of him then. if you blamed him. if you were sad or hurt by his ignoring you.
why didn’t he just go get you? why didn’t he answer you?
if he had, you would still be safe.
he wishes he could talk to you again. tell you that he was sorry. he didn’t know how important it was. he didn’t know you were scared -- that you weren’t safe.
he wanted to apologize, tell you that whatever stupid shit he was doing was nowhere near as important as you were.
he wanted to know if you had thought about him in your last moments -- the one person you had reached out to for help.
only for him to fail you.
he just wishes you knew that he didn’t mean to let you die.
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— takahiro hanamaki.
it’s gotta be a joke, right?
ha-ha really funny. come out now.
when you don’t he’s confused. this really isn’t funny.
you can’t be gone. you can’t. because he needs you.
who else is going to help him during exams. or laugh at his terrible jokes. or make him feel better when he has his heart broken. what about when he’s sick? who will make him that amazing soup that always has him better in a day?
he refuses to let you go. he can’t be without you. it’s just not realistic.
so just...come out of wherever you’re hiding now, okay?
he tries to force the smile to remain in place as he stares at the unfamiliar faces in front of him.
“what um...what do you mean?” he laughs nervously, placing his hand to rub nervously on the back of his neck.
they repeat the news. it goes in one ear and out the other. he laughs, ignoring the confused look on their faces.
he takes a few steps back, shaking his head.
“that’s a...real funny joke. i’m just gonna...” he feels tears stinging at his eyes but he doesn’t know why. it’s obviously just a joke. he doesn’t want to be that dork who cries over a practical joke, “go call her now.”
they don’t try to call him back, pity on their faces as he slumps away, phone in hand as he dials your number. he’s pretty sure he’s far enough away when he starts crying at the sound of your voicemail.
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— kentarou kyotani.
kyoutani copes violently. if there is one thing he doesn’t like, it’s change. and there’s no bigger change than losing someone you’ve known your entire life.
he didn’t have many friends -- really you were the only one he was comfortable actually giving that title. so without you, he had no one. he refused to let you go.
anger builds and builds.
and without you there to mellow him out like you usually do...it explodes.
there’s a fist sized dent in the wall. or maybe 4.  his knuckles are busted open and bleeding but he doesn’t feel the pain. his shoulders are heaving but even after lashing out he doesn’t feel better.
what is he supposed to do?
usually he calls you.
usually you come waltzing into his bedroom with a frown, ‘kenta, you can’t do that!’ you’d scold him. but you wouldn’t.
he knew you wouldn’t.
but that didn’t stop him from hoping.
god, he wanted you to walk in so bad. even if you didn’t knock. sometimes he would get so mad at you for that. but right now, he would give anything to hear his bedroom door fly open.
he held his fist close to his chest, squeezing his eyes closed to keep himself from crying. he never cried. he didn’t want to start now. he clenched his jaw together aimed his fist at the wall again, a large cracking noise coming from the plaster as if caved under the pressure.
then, almost as if it were out of his best dreams, the door clicked open. he whirled around with wide eyes, hope sparkling within them.
only to find the troubled face of tsukishima there instead of you.
kyoutani finally allowed himself to cry.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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badassbuchanan · 3 years
No Goodbye
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Part 2 Part 3
Plot: Bucky’s left to pick up the pieces of a broken heart
Warnings: you will cry, angst, this is very very sad, sweet Bucky
Word Count: 4295
A/N: decided to branch out and do a non-smut angsty fic - it’s my first one please be nice 💕
“Bucky?” Y/N’s voice whispered worriedly as she watched the small team walk back through the compound with their heads hung low. The long haired super soldier looked over at her with saddened eyes, his heart sinking when he saw the hopefully look on her face. 
Y/N’s hearted thudded against her chest, her bottom lip quivering as she watched the team look at her sympathetically. “Bucky, where’s Steve?” Worst case scenarios fled through her mind as she noticed the heartbreak in Bucky’s eyes, she’d never seen her boyfriend’s best friend look so sad.
Bucky’s eyes closed for a moment too long, the raw emotion in her voice breaking his heart. He felt tears begin welling up in his eyes, knowing he had to be the one to break the news. He let out a deep sigh, trying to steady his breathing and keep his sadness at bay as he braved a glance over at Y/N. 
“Steve’s gone, Y/N.” Bucky mumbled, hearing a whimper of pain leave the girl’s lips as she broke down in front of him. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth, loud sobs filling the room as Bucky flinched in weakness, he couldn’t stand to see her like this. “He’s not coming back, Doll.” He was still trying to process the fact himself, saying it out loud only made it that much more real.
“No,” She shook her head in denial, tears streaming down her face as Bucky let his head fall back to conceal his tears. He started walking towards her, only knowing too well how hard it was to lose Steve. “No, Bucky, he promised.” 
“I know,” Bucky blew out shakily as he tugged her almost lifeless body towards him, wrapping his arms around her tightly as she sobbed against his chest. He sighed solemnly when he felt her hands clinging to the material of his t-shirt, her tears soaking through the thin material and onto his chest. “I know, Doll.”
Bucky knew more than anyone how it felt to have a promise broken by Steve. Bucky had just had to say goodbye to his childhood best friend, but Y/N had just lost the love of her life. 
She’d fallen for Steve the first day she met him. He was like a prince in a world full of frogs. She didn’t know if it was a forties thing, or a Steve thing, but he was everything she’d ever dreamed of. Steve loved Y/N just as much, she was his little piece of light in a cruel world. She reminded him of what was important and made him feel like part of him was still normal.
Shhh.” Bucky soothed her quietly, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he rested his chin against the top of her head. Her head began to spin, trying to process what was happening as she cried helplessly against Bucky’s chest. “It’s gunna be okay.” Bucky breathed out shakily, repeating the words that Steve had said to him before he left, hoping it would somehow calm her down. Although right now, he didn’t even believe those words himself.
It had been a few weeks, but the days seemed to all blur into one for Y/N. She didn’t leave her room unless it was to run errands, but even then, she avoided everyone. She felt so out of place, like everywhere she was, it was wrong. It didn’t matter if she was making a cup of tea in the kitchen, reading a book in the living room, taking a shower in the bathroom or trying to have a nap on her bed. It all seemed so wrong, like she shouldn’t be doing anything without Steve.
“I don't know who I am anymore, Buck.” She sighed numbly, her mind spaced out in mourning, her eyes damp with tears just as they had been every day before. Bucky was the only person she’d spoken to, and that was only because she knew he needed someone to talk to. Maybe he liked talking to her because she reminded him of Steve.
Bucky’s heart ached as he watched her face, so straight and emotionless. She was so broken, he heard her crying when no one else was around, especially at night. It was as if she was so tired of being in pain that her face was no longer able to show expression. 
“I think if anyone can relate to not knowing who they are, Y/N. It’s me.” He pursed his lips together in a sympathetic smile, leaning his hands against the edge of the mattress from where he sat on her bed. He watched her carelessly fold the clean washing, trying to harden the pain inside her heart. 
“Yeah and who helped you through that, Buck?” She hissed out sadly, angry at herself for still being so helpless and lost after weeks. She hadn’t said Steve’s name since the day she’d found out he’d gone. Bucky had noticed it, but he wasn’t sure if anyone else had. 
Bucky sighed as he tilted his head absentmindedly, he hated Steve for leaving him, but he hated him more for leaving her. A frown crinkled on her forehead as she concentrated on stopping her tears from escaping her eyes, letting out a quiet sniffle as she kept her eyes focused on the washing in front of her.
“God, I just feel so alone.” She sighed in frustration, throwing the pair of shorts she was folding down on the bed. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around herself, a tear trickling down her cheek as she sniffed again. 
“You’re not alone, Doll.” Bucky whispered sadly, trying to be supportive as his eyes softened and he carefully reached his flesh arm out to hold her hand. 
“But I am, Buck.” She pulled away from his hand as soon as she felt it, the action so sudden it made Bucky jump as she took a step away from him. “You’ve got Sam and Sharon.” She gritted her teeth at the mention of the girl that Steve had once kissed, her hands balling up into fists out of frustration. “Pepper’s got Morgan, Clint has his family, Peter’s got May, Fury’s got Maria, T’Challa’s got Shuri. But who do I got?” Her lips trembled as she pressed them together in a hard pout, looking down at the space in front of her. “He was everything I had and now he’s gone.”
Bucky listened silently to her rant, hanging his head as his heart broke at the shakiness of her angry voice. He fiddled with his hands, he knew nothing he could say would make her feel better. All she wanted was Steve. 
“I don't even know why I’m still here.” She mumbled weakly, looking around the room that had once been filled with happy memories. It hurt, everything hurt. Living at the compound was a constant reminder of the life she had once shared with Steve. Her anger faded back to sadness as she closed her eyes tightly, breaking down in silent sobs as she thought about how they’d planned to spend their future together. They’d talked about it a lot. “When all this is over, we’ll move to Brooklyn. We’ll get married, pop out a couple of babies. Oh, and we have to get a dog.” The memory of Steve’s words caused an aching cry to leave her lips, his voice ringing through her mind as she felt her whole body go weak. “I can’t do this anymore.” 
Bucky’s watery eyes widened in panic at her words, his head immediately turning to her as he instinctively reached his arm out towards her again. She was too helpless to pull away this time, letting his strong hand pull her body into his lap as she collapsed against him. 
He was worried about how she was handing the process of grieving, knowing how much it had the power to manipulate thoughts. He didn’t want her doing anything stupid, anything irrational, anything harmful. He’d become so protective over her, knowing that she was the only other person who really understood what it was like losing Steve. Anytime she cried, Bucky was right there holding her.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky sobbed out, unable to control his emotions as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tight as he could. Y/N’s arms wrapped around his neck as she cried against him, a position she’d come to know so well. “I’m so sorry.” Bucky felt guilty, like he was the one responsible for Steve not coming back. He was there, he should’ve tried harder, said something to make Steve change his mind.
She whimpered against him, erratically breathing against his chest as she felt her throat closing up. The all too familiar feeling of heartache took over as her hand dropped to his metal arm, clinging to him tightly as she relaxed against his chest. 
Bucky rocked them back and forth lightly, trying to soothe her as he broke down. He rubbed her back with his flesh hand, his head dropping close to hers as he held her close. 
“I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” She sniffed sadly, her eyes puffy and cheeks red from the crying. Her face was lightly stained with red lines from where her tears had fallen, the salty liquid stinging her skin.
Bucky let out the breath he’d been holding in shakily, his heart aching at her words. Their burning cheeks touched as Bucky’s hand came up to massage the back of her head. He felt so responsible for Steve not coming back. “I’m sorry.” 
She stayed there in his arms, his chest rising and falling against her side as she closed her stinging eyes. She inhaled the scent of his cologne, feeling safe in his lap as her heartbeat began to steady itself. 
Bucky noticed the way her head pressed limply further against his bearded cheek, turning his head to face her as his hand cradled the back of her neck. “It’s gunna be okay.” He whispered as a soft smile washed over his reddened face, noticing her falling asleep in his arms.
”Will you stay with me tonight?” She whispered tiredly, her eyes blinking rapidly as she fought the inevitable exhaustion. “Please Buck, I don't want to be alone.”
A selfish wave of relief washed over Bucky as he held her, still processing Steve’s absence himself, he thanked his lucky stars that at least for one night, he wouldn’t have to be alone.
Weeks of Steve being gone had turned into months, his absence left a void, an emptiness that was inevitably never going away, both for Bucky and Y/N.
“Y/N?” Bucky’s voice deepened with concern as he threw the car keys in the fruit bowl, being warned of her bad state by F.R.I.D.A.Y as soon as he’d walked in through the front door. “Y/N.” He called out again, picking up his pace as he rushed through the compound to find her. 
“She’s in Mr Roger’s room, Sergeant Barnes.” the AI spoke as Bucky began to panic, his heart sinking as he burst through the door of Cap’s old bedroom. No one had gone in there since he’d left, not even Y/N. 
But that’s where she was, lying on the floor, looking up at the blank ceiling. Bucky sighed with his eyes closed before he walked over to her slowly, aware of her almost unconscious state. 
His heart sped up immediately as he was hit with wave upon wave of memories of his best friend. The smell of the room, the shelves covered with small trinkets that were important to him, his record collection, the framed photo of Y/N and Steve next to his neatly made bed. It was all too overwhelming.
“What did you do, Doll?” He breathed out sadly as he crouched down next to her, his flesh fingers tracing over the empty bottle of asgardian liquor that lay in her limp hand. He carefully took the bottle from her, his eyes looking up at hers, glazed over with dilated pupils.
Y/N kept her head facing the ceiling, only moving her eyes to glance over at him. “I got lost.” She mumbled almost inaudibly, catching a hiccup in her throat as her eyes closed. 
How could she tell Bucky the truth when it was so silly. She’d gone in there to talk to him. No, she wasn’t crazy, she knew he wasn’t going to be there. She thought she would find comfort in being around his belongings, that it would make her feel connected to him. But it didn’t work.
Bucky sighed, letting his fingers intertwine with hers as he held her hand. His thumb rubbed over her skin soothingly as he bit the inside of his lip, the helpless feeling inside of him was starting to become permanent. He desperately wanted to help her, to make everything okay. But there was nothing he could do except be there for her.
“I wasn't good enough for him.” Her words made Bucky’s heart ache with sadness, his eyes closing as he squeezed her hand a little tighter. “Maybe if I was better, he would've stay-” 
“Don’t say that.” Bucky shook his head, his voice cracking a little. Y/N was the most beautiful, funny, talented girl he’d ever met. The more time he spent with her, the more he realised that. It hurt him to hear her say that she wasn’t good enough, that she had convinced herself that was the reason Steve had left. Bucky cursed Steve in his head, frustrated with what his decision to leave had done to her.
Y/N blamed herself for Steve not coming back. She hated herself for not being a good enough reason for him to stay. She sat up most nights trying to figure out exactly what it was that made him decide to go, but she couldn’t understand it.
"I thought he loved me.” Bucky felt the tears streaming down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. It physically pained him to hear how much she was hurting, the constant torment going on inside of her mind. How lost she felt, how deep Steve’s leaving had cut her up inside.
“He did, Y/N. He still does.” Bucky’s words spluttered out between sniffs. The alcohol was helping to numb Y/N’s pain, her tears silently rolling down her cheeks instead of her usual aching whimpers and heavy breathing. 
“He didn’t even say goodbye.” She mumbled painfully, her wording changing from the perspective she’d had a few weeks ago. Her sleepless nights had given her more than enough time to think, and she’d come to the conclusion that Steve knew what his plan was, so he had the chance to say goodbye, to be upfront and tell her, but he didn’t. Why? The most obvious answer in Y/N’s mind was because he didn’t care, not about her anyway. “Don’t sit there and tell me you do that to someone you love.”
Bucky stayed silent for a moment, pondering in his own thoughts as Y/N went back to staring at the ceiling. At some point since he’d left, Bucky had questioned continuing to defend his best friend. Bucky had watched what Steve’s decisions had done to Y/N, what his actions were still doing to her and in Bucky’s eyes, nothing on earth was worth causing her this much sadness. 
“C’mon, Doll. You’re tired, I know. Let me take you to bed.” He whispered through his heavy breathing as he scooped her up, lifting her body effortlessly as he cradled her in his arms. Y/N didn’t object, nuzzling her face into his chest as her arms wrapped around Bucky’s neck.
Bucky going go bed with Y/N had become routine most nights since the first time she’d asked him to stay with her, they both enjoyed the company and knew neither of them expected anything more than a warm body to hold.
He carried her down the hall until they reached her room, laying her carefully on the bed once they were inside. He pushed the loose hair away from her face, rubbing his thumb lovingly over her cheek as he admired her. 
“I’m just getting you some comfy clothes, I’ll be right back.” Bucky whispered as he leaned over her, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. She nodded softly, not taking her eyes off of him as he she watched him move around the room. 
Y/N was beyond grateful for Bucky, he’d been by her side the whole time. Whenever she needed him, he was right there. She felt guilty for lashing out at him sometimes, when all he’d ever done was shower her with love and patience. She wondered if he’d had time himself to process Steve leaving, or if he was suppressing his emotions in order to support her. Either way, Bucky had always made sure that she never felt completely alone, he took pride in looking after her, sometimes it was the only distraction from his destructive thoughts.
“Here you go.” He hummed sweetly, sliding his hand under her back to lift her torso up from the mattress. She sat up obediently as Bucky’s hand let go of her, turning around so that she could get changed privately. 
She smiled shyly at his gentlemanly ways, somewhat reminded of the way Steve was. She looked down at her body as she pulled her shirt over her head, maybe if she looked like a supermodel, Steve would’ve stayed. 
She blinked rapidly to contain her tears, her lips dropping into a pout as she quickly changed into the clothes Bucky had set out for her. A sudden wave of self consciousness hit her as she turned her body to face away from Bucky, laying back down on the bed to hide her body under the covers.
“It’s okay if you want to leave, Buck. I understand.” Her voice came out as a whimper, her eyes dropping to look down at the mattress as she heard Bucky turn back around to face her. 
He sighed sadly as he looked down at her curled up alone on the bed, wishing she knew that he needed her as much as she needed him. He knew after tonight that she was blaming herself for Steve leaving, forcing herself to feel unworthy and unloved. 
“Hey,” Bucky called out to her softly, pulling back his side of the blanket as he slid in beside her. He gently rotated her body to face him, her eyes avoiding his as he pulled her against his chest. “I’m not going anywhere. I pro-” 
“Don’t.” She cut him off, shaking her head as she slid her arms up around his neck. “Don’t make any promises.” Her heartbeat quickened as the sadness engulfed her. “Please.”
Y/N woke up the next morning in a dream like daze, feeling strong arms wrapped tightly around her, her cheek pressed against a warm chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm.
“Steve?” She whispered out sweetly, it was the first moment of peace she’d had in months. Then reality came crashing down on her, remembering Steve was gone. Bucky heard her say it, it was the first time she’d said Steve’s name since he left, his whole body froze as his heart ached sympathetically for her. 
Y/N sighed sadly, pressing her face further into Bucky’s chest as she began uncontrollably sobbing. Wave upon wave of misery flooded her body as Bucky rubbed her back under the thin material of her t-shirt, trying his best to soothe her. 
“Shhhh,” Bucky whispered gently, his metal hand playing with the back of her hair as he held her close. “It’s gunna be okay.”
Bucky had repeated Steve’s words to her almost every day, not that she knew they were Steve’s words, but he didn’t know if he was saying them to comfort her or himself. Either way, as time went on, it was getting harder to believe that it was going to be okay.
Y/N had taken a nap for the first time in almost six months. She’d woken up to an empty bed, an unusual occurrence, especially since Bucky had been wrapped up in her arms when she’d fallen asleep.
They’d grown so close since Steve had left, their friendship had blossomed into an unbreakable bond, a deep connection that no one could explain. They understood each other on a level of complexity that formed so rarely it was unheard of. They relied on each other.
She padded softly down the hallway, heading towards the sound of Bucky’s voice coming from the common area. She slowed her steps, gliding her palm along the cold wall as she caught part of his conversation.
“No, I can’t do this anymore.” Bucky hissed to whoever was on the other end of the phone, his voice agitated yet quiet, as if he didn’t want to be heard. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m leaving.”
Y/N’s heart sunk deep into her chest, her head spinning in disbelief as she moved into view of the doorway just in time to see Bucky hang up the phone.
“Bucky?” She whimpered sadly, her chest heaving as it tightened around her heart, her eyes widened innocently as her bottom lip quivered. “You’re leaving?”
Bucky looked up at where she was standing, his eyebrows arching in panic as he realised what she’d walked into. “Y/N.” He started deeply, a lump forming in his throat as he watched her react. “I can explain.”
She shook her head rapidly as she squeezed her eyes shut, a bubbling sense of betrayal and anger erupted in her body. “You’re just the same as he is!” She yelled as she felt tears welling up in her eyes, turning to run back to her room as she thought about going through the process of losing someone again. She couldn’t take it.
She slammed the door behind her, bursting into tears as she paced around her room, slightly hyperventilating as the fear overwhelmed her.
“Y/N,” Bucky burst through her bedroom door, shutting it loudly behind him without a care as he walked over to her. “Calm down.”
She shook her head as Bucky grabbed her by her upper arms, forcing her to stop pacing as she hung her head to avoid his eye contact. “Were you even going to tell me?”
“Stop.” Bucky’s voice hardened as he tried to get her to listen, his eyes softening with worry as his heart raced.
“Or were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” She disobeyed his command, her anger turning into sadness as she looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Listen to me,” He spoke softly, gripping onto her arms tightly as his thumbs rubbed over of skin. She looked away from his eyes, her eyebrows arching in sadness as she anticipated what he was going to say. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I can’t lose you too, Bucky. I can’t.” She panicked as she thought about losing Bucky the same way she’d lost Steve. She wanted to believe him, but how could she possibly know if he was telling the truth? Her lips stayed in a pout, her eyes glued to the right of his body.
Bucky sighed in frustration, his heart broke knowing she didn’t believe him. “Look at me!” He spoke loudly, shaking her arms a little as her glossy eyes finally met his. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
Y/N lifted her hands to hold onto the material of his shirt over his stomach, holding him close as if it would keep him there forever. “I heard you on the phone, Buck.”
“Yeah, I know.” Bucky smiled softly, slightly relieved that she was listening to him now as he admired her face. His flesh hand moved up to cup her cheek, rubbing her temple with his thumb. “You heard me telling Fury that I’m leaving, as in leaving the team, not leaving you.” He shook his head, his eyebrows arching as a sympathetic look covered his face.
Her eyes looked up at him with a soft sparkle that he hadn’t seen in a long time, he let out a shaky breath, his eyes softening as he smiled down at her. “You’re really not leaving?”
He shook his head as he watched her sigh in relief, his arms wrapping around her to hold her close. “I’m not going anywhere, doll.”
“Trust me, Y/N.” Bucky whispered as he admired her face, his thumb rubbing across her cheek soothingly. “It’s gunna be okay.” Something about the way Steve said those words made it sounds true, but when Bucky heard himself say it, it was hard for him to believe.
“What the hell am I supposed to tell Y/N?” Bucky looked over at his oldest friend, his eyes saddened with stress and responsibility. “She’s gunna ask questions, Steve.”
“Tell her I’ve left. That I’m not coming back.” Steve instructed the long haired super-soldier, sadly running his hand through his blonde hair.
“And you think she’s just gunna accept that?” Bucky shook his head as he kicked a pebble next to his foot absentmindedly. He looked back up at Cap, trying to make him understand. “She loves you, Steve.”
“Bucky, you know I have to do this.” Steve pressed his lips together as he looked sympathetically over at Bucky. His decision wasn’t an easy one, and his best friend trying to change his mind was only making it harder. “I’m leaving her with my best pal.”
Steve grabbed Bucky’s shoulder reassuringly, witnessing the distress on his face, what Steve was asking him to do was huge. “It’s gunna be okay, Buck.”
Bucky sighed, trusting that Steve knew what was best as he wrapped his arms around his friend to say goodbye. “No matter what happens, she can never find out the truth, Buck.”
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Charlie and Neil’s Friendship, pt. 2
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“Dammit Neil. The name is Nuwanda.”
At this point in the movie, we’ve seen their relationship. We know that these two have an inseparable bond. They have a mutual understanding of each other. Neil is conflicted, though. Part of him knows how much Charlie is the type to say “screw you” to authority figures, but he also knows how harsh Nolan can be. I think part of him was worried that he would cave in, the way Neil always had when it came to his father.
I think this frame shows a big part of their relationship; Charlie is the person Neil always wants to be. Where Charlie is chaotic and carefree, Neil is careful and much less than chaotic.
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In this scene, Charlie is telling the rest of the boys what Nolan did. Neil is sitting on the chair backwards (because he doesn’t know how to sit straight). As the scene goes on and we see Neil’s face, we see that his is quite possibly the most animated out of everyone. He’s comfortable here, he’s happy, and he’s listening to his best friend tell this story like it’s nothing.
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Charlie may not know anything about theater, but he knows that his best friend is living out his dream. He’s known Neil for years; there’s no way he doesn’t know about Neil’s dream of acting. In this moment, he is filled with overwhelming pride. He doesn’t care if it’s not proper theater etiquette. He’s proud of Neil, and he wants the whole world to know that.
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Charlie is shocked. He just watched Neil defy his father and pursue his dreams; they all did. Yet, here’s Neil, following his father once again like the play never happened.
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This is the one part that always gets me. Because, out of all the Poets to tell Todd, it’s Charlie. When the camera flips to show Meeks, Pitts, and Knox, they don’t have tear tracks down the side of their faces. It also makes sense that he’s the one to tell Todd, because besides Todd, Charlie’s the closest to Neil. This is also one of the first times we see Charlie show emotions so strong. Sure, he was teary-eyed after Nolan, but that was more likely to be a physical reflex than anything else. This is true, raw emotion. He likely had a mental breakdown when he found out, and insisted on being the person to tell Todd.
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He’s in denial. He’s in pain. As much as he wants it to be anyone else, he knows that it’s Neil they’re grieving. He knows that, if it was anyone else, Neil would be right there beside him. In his mind, he’s already shown too much emotion, so he shuts down instead of feeling his feelings. He shuts down because he feels obligated to be the strong one out of the group, especially since Neil died. He knows that, if he starts crying, he’s not going to be able to stop.
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This is obviously pure anger. But, he’s not just angry at Cameron. He’s angry at himself. I should have stopped Mr. Perry that day. I should have gotten Neil away from his dad long before any of this. I should have-
In his mind, it’s all his fault. When he says “I’m out anyway,” he knows that Nolan is going to try and find someone to blame Neil’s death, so he’s volunteering himself as scapegoat. He doesn’t want anyone else to take the fall, so he’s placing himself on the chopping block.
He’s mad at Cameron because he’s terrified that Cameron is going to break up the group. He’s terrified that his best friends, his family are going to get blamed for something he feels responsible for.
When he finds out that they’re trying to blame Keating instead of the boys, Charlie’s anger grows, and he becomes angry at the administration.
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aenaxes-moved · 3 years
[crosshair x gn!reader] removing crosshair's inhibitor chip was never going to be an easy task, but you never expect it to demand an item of equal exchange. otherwise known as picking up the pieces with crosshair, together.
warnings: past paralytic injury, general angst, hurt-comfort
w/c: 2.2k
a/n: as much as i hate physics, you can't deny there's a poetry to the laws of the universe. inertia keeps heavy objects in place, and guilt's one of the heaviest burdens of all.
There are certain universal laws you learn while living on a ship, like the slightly upsetting fact that magnetism is relative and so is time. But there are constants: the behavior of gravity around a massive star, the physics of self-contained gas giants, and, on a less macrocosmic scale, that Crosshair’s armor has neat paint, all clean lines and sharp edges bordering plastoid and standard issue paint.
It only makes sense, a steady hand demanded by a life behind the trigger, you think quietly, watching Crosshair carefully scrape the excess red paint from his brush on the side of a flat scrap of metal. With only the low hum of the Marauder to fill the silence, you follow his brush as you stand in the armory threshold and simply observe the slow deliberation of an even, unwavering line drawn from a memory even the inhibitor chip could not blur.
Not that it’s a particularly difficult thing to paint, the sharp, stylized edge of a nine. But there is a silent weight to its image, a firm and resonant return in its bold crimson colour, reclaiming its rightful place on his shoulder in amends, if the restless bob of his toothpick says anything.
If you look long enough, it’s like he never left. Like you never lost your legs.
“You’re back early,” Crosshair says, dipping his brush back into the paint squeezed over his makeshift palette.
“The rest wanted to explore, but the humidity was getting to me. And I missed you,” you add, and your heart swells when you hear him laugh softly in return.
“I believe you,” he chuckles. It’s a rare thing to come by, laughter genuine and sweet, even with Crosshair’s return—perhaps, because of his return—but you take it gratefully either way.
Two cups of caf in hand, you push yourself off the doorway and move to join Crosshair at his place on the armory floor. But as you set a foot forward, a bolt of pain laces up your ankle. It’s the kind of pain that precipitates a fall, starting low in the arch of your foot, gaining a momentum that renders you immobile by the time it’s clawed up your thigh and fizzled around the cybernetic plate welded to the base of your spine.
It fells you without warning or remorse, cracking you open with the bone-deep sensation of memory. A single ultra-ionized shot through a modified rifle and silencer, calculated and surgically precise, a one of a kind and the only one you have known.
(It wasn’t his fault.)
You jerk forwards, caf sloshing dangerously close to the rim, and you distantly register the clatter of plastoid across the floor before you feel a shoulder push up from under your arm. Long fingers dig into your side, reminiscent of better days and tender touches shared in the quiet comfort of a bunk, and you pitch unsteadily, eyes squeezed tight enough to see white.
As much as you would like to confirm the certainty of a stable support before you can relax, the lingering dredges of atmospheric humidity and exhaustion of breaking into a high security imperial compound work cruelly against your strength. You can do little but give in.
Your knees buckle beneath you, and you sag against the only person on the ship able to brace your fall. Miraculously, the caf, handles squeezed tight under your white-knuckled grip, remains unspilled.
“I ruined your paint,” you laugh through your teeth, fuzzy black edges slowly receding from your field of vision as you blink your eyes open.
“And I shot you,” Crosshair hisses.
Crosshair lowers you to the floor, and you feel a full-bodied flinch shock through his form as your unmoving legs splay awkwardly over the cold metal. He is quick to take the cups out of your hand, setting them down with a hard clack before he returns his attention to you. You had always thought Echo would be the one on the receiving end of carefully placed touches to coax the pain of surgical scars and rough wiring away.
You never once dreamed it might be you, too.
One arm secured around your shoulders, he reaches down like it’s muscle memory to rub slowly over the scar tissue framing your implant. The scars are fresh, just barely a week old and forever seared over your skin, but guilt, you have found, tends to hasten the learning process, the scrambling compensation.
“It wasn’t your fault,” you sigh, leaning against Crosshair’s chest and dropping your head back against his shoulder.
“I aimed. I pulled the trigger, y/n.” He’s angry, a low, simmering rage held close and bubbling under the hard edge in his voice as his grip tightens around you. You feel it in the faint tremor in his arm, how he holds you tight to his side and silently wills you to stay.
He is angry, but it is not for you.
“You weren't you,” you mumble.
It’s second nature—it always has been, now, simply with pause—to turn your head when he’s nestled up against your back, to lean close, nuzzle into his neck, and ground yourself, ground him, in the silence of touch. Relief floods your chest, warm sunlight dawning over the thorn in your side, when you feel him chase your touch, settling both his arms around your waist and ducking down low to press his chin atop the crown of your head.
Nothing would ever be the same, but this was a start.
“If it wasn’t me,” Crosshair starts, his voice catching on a sputtering inhale, thick with the tangle of words unsaid. He clears his throat, and if you notice the curling edges of a tremor on his tongue, you say nothing. “If it wasn’t me, who else can you blame?”
“I don’t blame anyone,” you say into his skin, lips ghosting over his rapid pulse.
It’s a diplomatic answer. Of course you blame someone—Palpatine, Tarkin, the fact that Crosshair and his brothers, every last one of the clones, had been built around a single, biding initiative that he hadn’t the luck or the chance to resist. You had been sleeping with the enemy even before he knew that he could be the enemy.
But thinking about it makes your head spin. Blame is too hard, too tiring to place when you, yourself, had been sewn into its vast web. So while Crosshair had slept with a bacta patch plastered to his temple, you had rewired your spinal cord and decided to be away with the anger, the resentment, the mornings waking up in tears when you lifted your blanket and barely recognized that you had legs at all.
“Don’t fucking lie,” Crosshair spits, and you feel him shake around you. Anger, such an easy defense. Such a flimsy one.
“I’m not—”
“I hear you cry in the mornings when your cybernetics don’t click; I hear you scream when you try to move and your mind tells you one thing but your legs don’t fucking work because I made a killshot that paralyzed you—”
“And it paralyzed me because you had every chance to put a bolt through my head but you aimed for my back. You were fighting it, Cross,” you counter, voice quivering.
“But it was me. I took that shot, and you pretend like you don’t—like you don’t hate me because I still had my chip. But I remember it, and it was still me, and you have every right to—”
“Cross!” you shout, and he starts hard enough that you feel him jump. You feel blindly for his hand, gripped tight at his own wrist, and squeeze, hard. “I have my legs back. And sometimes they don’t work just right, but all I care about right now is that you’re back. It’s all I’ll ever care about.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he mumbles into your hair, the sudden burst of vitriol tamed and locked away for the moment.
You’re distinctly aware that he itches to push you away. You feel it in the uncertain pause rigid in his movements before he turns his palm to twine his fingers with yours. After all, it’s easier to cope when the object of your crushing guilt is at an arm’s length.
“This is the part where you’re supposed to comfort me, tell me that you missed me too and that I was right, and you say that everything’ll work out, Cross,” you laugh weakly. You gently knock your head against his collar, prodding, urging, anything to break the crushing silence you know haunts him every time he closes his eyes.
Instead, you feel a shuddering sigh against your ear, and Crosshair only dips his head low, hiding his face in your shoulder as his grip tightens around your waist. There is no sardonic quip or playful bite to offer you peace—only slow, mechanical breaths pressed into your skin in a desperate attempt to keep from falling apart altogether. You reach up, gingerly carding your fingers through his hair when you feel that telltale warmth seeping through the fabric of your shirt, salt sharp on your tongue.
“I shot you. I aimed to kill,” Crosshair mumbles, almost hysterical in level calm, the steady veil locking his tense jaw and drawn shoulders in place. “Why are you comforting me?”
“Would you rather I never speak to you again?” No malice in your tone, you shift your weight, bearing down against Crosshair and begging him to move closer. He does.
“It would be more believable if you did,” he mutters, and you catch the tail end of a soft sniff.
“Not really my thing, grudges,” you say. “Especially against the people I love.” Trailing your fingers lower, you slip below his hairline and begin stroking your palm over the back of his neck, bent forward at an unforgiving angle. You wonder how many times he’s curled into himself like this that he can simply sit, penance and grieving, and the ache that seizes your ribs hurts more than your cybernetic misfire.
“After all that,” he finally mumbles, something close to hushed awe in his voice. “You still love.”
Slowly, melting through the numb static crackle, you feel the sensation seeping back into your feet. You could always rebuild your mobility with some careful cerebrospinal implants, seasonal aches and occasional pains be damned, but you could never replace him.
“Of course I do,” you whisper back. Careful to keep the quiet, tremulous peace, you bring your hand down, sliding around the side of his neck to cup his jaw from behind, ignoring the wetness streaked over his skin. “Still loving,” you affirm, voice steady as you thumb over his cheek. “Still loving you.”
It takes a beat of silence, your words lingering in the still air of the armory, but instead of the tense, fraught grief of when your implant had fizzled out, there is warmth, present and forgiving. You know that nothing will ever be the same, but when Crosshair turns his head to press his lips into your palm, you know that you can still try. Like the waking groan of a crashed ship, you will pick up the pieces and power up one more time, again, again, again, as many times as it takes.
Crosshair nuzzles close, quietly basking in your presence as you sit curled together on the armory floor. And at last, his breaths still, slow and deep as the ship hums around you. He’s never been one for words, not even at his fever pitch of disorientation and distress. He doesn’t need to speak for you to know what he means when he clasps your hand again and holds tight, but his voice is a welcome sound all the same.
“Thank you.”
And for a while, that’s how you stay, breathing slowly and clinging to each other like moving apart would mean never coming back. And that’s how it genuinely does feel—the safety in stillness, carving out your own constant in the cosmic entropy of conquest and loss. For a moment, you can simply savor the quiet simplicity of being.
But the universe wills motion, stars colliding and collapsing and breathing new life all over again. So too, do you feel the strength return in lapsing waves to your legs and the coiled fear leach out of Crosshair’s posture.
“Promise me this,” you whisper, just loud enough to rise above the ambient noise of the ship as you curl your toes and feel again, lurching into motion like gears fallen into disrepair. Crosshair rouses behind you, and he sniffs deeply, once, before he presses his cheek to the side of your head—he is listening. “Promise me that we’ll move on.”
“I can’t promise that,” he says after a brief pause, words measured and low. “But I’ll try.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
As much as there are variables scattered through star systems and wreaking havoc wherever they go, so too are there constants pushing back against the chaos, aligning the universe. Like clockwork, when you wake, the stars turn, the gas giants dance, and when you squeeze Crosshair’s hand, he squeezes back.
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bibuddie · 2 years
eddie and chris and grief
okay i wrote this post last night after the episode and i reread it this morning and had no idea of the point i was trying to make (in my defense it was like 3:30 and i'd been up for 21 straight hours after a full day at college) so! i'm simply redoing it!
here's my takes on eddie, the diazes and grief, and where i think this wild train is going in 5B. it's gonna be a ride, so buckle in.
my thing is, because i've been dealing with it myself for so long, i can recognise the grief, the mourning so well. eddie's been grieving since we met him, but i don't really think he's given himself the chance to sit with it.
when we first see eddie and chris in s2, they've left their life behind in texas, the only life either of them have ever known. eddie's still reeling from shannon leaving, and trying to put the pieces back together. even there, there's some degree of loss, of mourning. i think it's really important to note at this point that grief doesn't have to be over some gigantic, significant loss. that's what a lot of people think of when it comes to grief, but it's so much more complex. you can mourn over the little things - it's subjective and people react to situations in different ways. that being said, i absolutely believe that in the early stages of s2, we see eddie in a state of grieving. we only get a hint of it here and there, but we see it occasionally. then, shannon comes back part way through s2, and eddie's world turns on its axis.
it's something he never really expected to happen and you can tell. he is so, so hesitant to let her back into his life, into christopher's life again because he remembers how much it hurt them both. he eventually opens up enough to let her back in, and we see...a lighter version of eddie, one we haven't seen since he joined. he takes shannon out to dinner, asks her to officially be a family again, and she tells him she's leaving, again. watching that scene every single time breaks my heart because you can see the moment all the emotions that eddie had boxed up after she left resurface. the hurt, the anger, the confusion (was i not good enough?). and then shannon dies.
now, another important point about grief is that it manifests differently in literally everybody. for me, it was practical problem solving until there were no more problems left to solve, and then it was avoidance. in eddie? obviously i'm not a psychologist and everything i'm saying is purely speculation. but eddie's a soldier, right? he keeps looking for a way forward, a way through. then chris is in a tsunami, and there's the nightmares he has after the event, and the moment that eddie realises that chris has been dreaming about shannon drowning. this is where we see a crack in his facade, and once again, all the emotions he'd carefully put away regarding shannon's death came bubbling back to the surface, because he never properly dealt with them.
and then, eddie gets angry. and that's a really understandable part of grief because you get angry at the world, at the circumstances, at yourself even, for not being able to do anything to stop what's happened. i remember some days feeling so angry that i might explode. and i think for eddie, maybe anger's an easier emotion to deal with than sadness and/or anguish. it's more recognisable, an easier demon to co-exist with because he's never let himself sit in the pain before, the upset, the devastation of what he thought his life was going to look like being snatched away from him. now do i hate the fight club arc? detest it. do i think it tracks for eddie character wise? absolutely. i think he knew he couldn't afford to explode at home in front of chris, so he needed an outlet and he got handed one on a silver platter.
next, i want to touch on the conversation between bobby and eddie in 4x06. easily, hands down one of my favourite moments in the show. "i know what it's like to be stuck inside the worst moment of your life." i think bobby, because of his experiences, can tell that eddie isn't really dealing with what's happened to shannon. and i think this conversation is such a pivotal moment to touch on because for the first time we've seen, someone gets it. someone's been where eddie is, felt the pain he's feeling all the time, the guilt, the longing for what he knows he won't get back. and bobby acknowledging to eddie that he doesn't have to forget shannon to start moving forward ("i'm still not over it. over her."/"and you never will be.") is the first kind of lightbulb moment we see for eddie. in this moment, we see him realise that he can sit with his grief and sit with the emotions it makes him feel without letting it consume him.
jumping ahead to 5A, obviously we've all seen eddie's been spiralling for a long time now post shooting. the panic attack, the almost breakdown at the hospital, even his reaction when he was being held hostage screams i need help. i think for the first time in a long time, eddie isn't able to neatly box up his emotions and tuck them away. compartmentalization has been somewhat of a fail-safe for eddie for years now. eddie the dad and eddie the firefighter and eddie the friend almost exist as completely different entities at this point. he tucks away his emotions, especially the ugly ones into the furthest corners of his mind because he'd rather do that than confront them up close and personal. however, one thing i learned in therapy is that the longer you ignore a problem, usually, the worse it gets. and even though we got a sniff of eddie acknowledging his feelings in 4x06, he quickly tucked those away and labelled them 'for another day'. now, how does this tie into 5A and consequently, 5B?
5x10 is key. first of all, massive shout out to gavin mchugh who utterly acted his ass off in this episode. but he portrays through chris so well that the idea of grief and grieving isn't linear. first, the christmas decorations, then the gingerbread house and then the nightmare. i know these aren't in order, but just hear me out. let's start with the nightmare. kids having nightmares about losing a parent, especially after having lost one already is extremely common. i know when my dad died, i had nightmares frequently for well over a year. when you add into that the fact that eddie got shot and very well could've died? chris has had a lot on his little shoulders the past few years.
a big thing when anyone goes through a bereavement for the first time is the idea that they get confronted with mortality. i think, especially with kids, they tend to look to their parents like they'll never die, like they're untouchable, but when a parent dies or gets seriously injured, the metaphorical rug is snatched from underneath them and they're left floundering. now chris is canonically a very intelligent kid, and i think he connected the dots a lot earlier than any of us would like in terms of just how close eddie came to dying. but because eddie hasn't been talking about it, chris hasn't either. and then christmas made everything come to a head. hearing chris scream "you could be dead next year!" sent chills down my spine, and in that exact moment i could see what eddie was thinking; the regret, the loathing.
his conversation with carla is where the fissures start to show fully and truly, and we get a true glimpse into eddie's brain for the first time this season ("bullets don't bounce off me carla. i learnt that the hard way."). it's the first time he has admitted to anyone, maybe even himself that he's not okay, that there is something bothering him. it's been bubbling under the surface for a long time now and a lot of us have been saying chris was going to be the catalyst, i just don't think any of us knew in what way. i definitely wasn't expecting that episode ending, but i do think it's a necessary step in the diaz boys' journey. i think everything eddie does is for chris, and he's doing this because he thinks it's best for chris. this sets the stage, at least in my opinion very well for 5B.
i think in 5B, the diaz boys need to establish open communication, both between themselves and with others. i seriously think they could both do with some therapy. i think they both have a lot of complex thoughts and emotions they need to work through. i think eddie needs to do this completely away from the 118 because, as we saw from defend in place, how he's feeling is beginning to affect how he is on the job, and when you're a first responder, i think eddie knows that you can't really afford for that to be the case. i think he needs to get some therapy, i think chris needs to get some therapy, but i also think eddie needs to have an open and honest conversation with chris; he will always do his best to avoid getting hurt no matter what he's doing, but there's no guarantees. it can be a hard pill for a child to swallow, but children do tend to appreciate when adults are honest with them, because it can cause a lot more problems down the line if they're not.
bottom line is, i think this is a necessary (but painful) step in the right direction for both eddie and chris. they need to do this so they can both heal and begin to move forward, but i have every faith that eddie will be back in the job at some point.
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karlnapity · 3 years
I'm a Deceased Playing Victim
(AO3 link)
It’s not like Phil is ignoring Wilbur, or avoiding him, it’s just that he’s… not seeking him out.
There’s a gap in his chest that scares him. For the first time in his life he doesn���t know what to say to his own son.
There’s so much he still doesn’t know, everything that fluttered away with the fact the letters were fake.
Maybe he should’ve known beforehand, should’ve known there was no way things could go wrong so quickly.
And he’s not sure what to think, that Wilbur doesn’t seem to be angry with him.
Because he should be. He obviously should be. And Phil deserves it, deserves every ounce of anger that could be chucked at him, but isn’t.
And that’s what makes it so hard. He’s waiting for the shoe to drop, for the proverbial gun to his head. And it hasn’t happened yet.
He didn’t quite notice how much it had hit him. He hardly remembers the months after Wilbur’s death as though he’d be moving on autopilot. It should probably concern him more, how much of it seems like a dream, but there’s hardly time now.
(For all his years of living, all he’s learned is that there’s never any fucking time.)
There’s something about being immortal: people expect you to know shit. And Phil doesn’t quite feel like he knows anything at all.
He doesn’t think he’s wise. He doesn’t think he’s knowledgeable. He doesn’t think he knows anything more about living (and probably less about dying).
And he hates it when people look at him like he does. And Wilbur does.
There’s something about Wilbur returning that makes it all the more real.
Wilbur was dead. Wilbur died.
He had months to think about it. And he didn’t. And now… he wonders if he ever grieved much at all.
And now he is.
Ghostbur was a pale reminder, of course, but Phil’s never been one to keep pain close to his chest. He pushed him away, tried not to think about him much at all, provided him with surface platitudes and as much attention as he could stomach.
(Poor, pathetic Ghostbur. He sends a quick prayer to Kristin. Take care of him, please.)
But now, he finds himself shaking when Wilbur brushes his hand, when he sees him standing in the hall like the ghost he never was.
For as many people as he’s seen die he’s never learned fucking anything about grieving. He’s not sure he ever has.
Maybe every little death gets added to the pile in his mind that he never lets himself think about.
He rifles through it now, pulls out Wilbur, shoved it back when he finds himself gasping at the pain, when he finds the first tears in who knows how long.
No. Wilbur needs him now. He can be a father. He can be Philza. He can’t be Phil, not right now.
He finds himself stumbling out of bed on the fifth day, shoving on his slippers and shuffling out into the hallway in a daze. He’s not quite sure where he’s going until he slides open the door to Wilbur’s room as quietly as he can.
Something about the sight of his son breaks the dam. He shoves a hand over his mouth to muffle the sob.
He crouches in front of his son’s bed as gently as he can manage, reaches a hand to his neck.
His pulse is still there. There’s a pervasive, crushing fear that he’ll slip away again. He’s so young, so mortal, so fragile, and Phil doesn’t quite know how to handle it. He’s never known.
He runs a hand through Wilbur’s hair. The man makes a quiet noise, rolls over in his sleep.
He pulls himself to his feet, closes the door, leans against it.
He feels so old. He feels so young.
“Why did you lie to me? In the letters?” He finally brings himself to ask, one day. He’s somehow coerced Wilbur into helping him wash the dishes, and now, with both their hands covered to the elbow in dish soap neither of them can run away.
Wilbur sighs. He does it a lot. Phil’s not sure when he ever grew so old.
(It’s an odd thought, that his son will grow older than him. He never thought about it when Wilbur was young. It seemed too far away. It seems all too close now.)
“I don’t know,” he says, in that contemptuous teenager voice he never grew out of. Phil can’t help but smile.
“I don’t think it had much to do with you at all.”
He cocks his head in the way that makes Techno call him a stupid bird.
“Everything was going to shit and I didn’t know what I was doing and I was scared, and I guess… I could act like everything was good, to you. I could have someone who didn’t know what a mess I was, I could have a timeline where everything was good. So I guess… it wasn’t me going ‘I’m gonna lie,’ it just… happened.”
Phil nods, slowly. “I didn’t know for months. I helped Dream and Techno destroy it. I thought this place, your country… I thought it had poisoned you. I wanted to help destroy it because it had destroyed you.”
“Maybe it did poison me. Maybe it poisoned everyone there.”
“Maybe it did.”
“I’m sorry I lied.”
He sighs, clicks his tongue. “I wish you’d told me, is all. I worry that I’m someone you feel you can’t tell about what’s wrong. I’m your dad, Wil.”
Wilbur lays himself across his shoulders, hugs him from behind. Phil lets himself rest, just for a moment.
“I kept wondering, back then, if you’d be proud of me. If you’d be glad I was taking this into my own hands, enough to kill my country.”
“I wasn’t.”
“I know.”
Grieving is hard, and Phil can’t say he cares much for it at all.
It’s an odd thing, something he must keep close to his chest and hide from Wil and Techno and the Syndicate, but it’s something that creeps on him when he’s all alone.
Wil is alive, breathing (and Phil checks, he does), doing better than he was before. Phil is trying his best, trying his best to be a father like he always has.
He’s not quite sure what he’s grieving at all. The time he missed with his son? Belated mourning of his son’s death after all these months? Mourning what he did wrong? It doesn’t make sense, all just a bundled pile of emotions that he has to do his best to sort out.
(And what are emotions but a confusing bundle, after all?)
Phil is a firm believer in healing. A firm believer in wiping the slate clean, starting over from scratch. He is a firm believer in fixing things, or getting as close as he can.
So he spends time with Wilbur. Helps him fix his guitar, helps him talk with Ranboo or Niki or whoever he needs. Give him someplace to call home.
Grieving is hard, and he still has his moments, but watching Wilbur smile or running his hands through his hair or letting Wilbur drape himself over him is easy. And that’s enough.
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mcyt-kalopsia · 3 years
Reacting to Your Death
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So obviously I didn’t write all of them, but here’s how I interpret the SMP members that are written would react to you dying. 
Warnings: Spoilers for Tommy’s latest stream (Literally like one offhand), obviously death, lots of angst, violence mentions, Schlatt for anyone who doesn’t like him I suppose
Theme: angst, obviously it’s just them and how they deal with your death.
Characters; all the ones with (p) are strictly platonic but the others are up to personal interpretation: Dream, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Techno, Schlatt, Tubbo (p), Ranboo (p), Tommy (p), Awesamdude, Niki, Karl, Quackity, Minx, Badboyhalo, Phil, DreamXD, Skeppy, Fundy.
- The first few days and nights, all he could do was sit inside all day. 
- No matter who visited to comfort him, he felt a horribly large part of his heart had been ripped away when you died.
- He thought about the day when you finally told him that a dirt shack wouldn’t do for a house, so you two spent days building an actual house.
- After those first few days, he decided he would bring you back. 
- The revive book had worked for Tommy and Wilbur, so it had to work for you. 
- He swore he would bring you back. So he did.
- He didn’t know how to feel at first. He would get terribly depressed, then angry, and then numb, over and over.
- After a week of this, he then could hardly stop crying. What was he going to do without you? The realisation that he was without you hit him like a truck.
- Whenever he would go out with friends, he made it a habit to pick one of your favourite flowers each day. 
- He was crushed. He acted out more and more often out of anger to avoid his sadness and hurt, but when he was alone all he did was try so, so hard not to cry. 
- Bruised and bloodied knuckles were his most worn accessory.
- Often slept in your house, as a way to feel closer to you. He spends a lot more time in your house than his.
- Always remembered your birthday, but every birthday just made him more sad. 
- Eventually he would go to Dream about the revive book too.
- You had been the only one to see past his flaws in a wary way, and he was heartbroken when you died.
- He often sat on your porch and sang songs he had once sang to you, as well as songs he knew you’d loved, and songs he’d written for you. 
- He was the one to make your grave, and had promised to be kinder.
- Though he loved being alive, he didn’t like that you couldn’t also have a second chance at life as well and felt it unfair.
- Probably resorted to a little bit of violence once he got to the anger stage of grieving.
- He was always a pretty quiet guy, but when you died he went silent for weeks aside from when he was alone.
- When he was alone, he went into his library. He found all of your favourite books, worn and bent on pages from you reading them over and over, and he would read them aloud. 
- He hoped you could hear him from wherever you were as he read the books you had loved.
- He spent a lot of time awake as he did this, oftentimes getting very invested in what you had loved.
- If he wasn’t reading, usually he was in bed, wondering about how he couldn’t save you. 
- Of course, in public he looked composed as he usually was, as if it wasn’t eating him up inside that you were gone.
- “Who was that again?”
- When alone, he falls apart immediately. 
- People assume that when he’s waking up at near to noon it’s because he’s drinking, but it’s really because your death kept him up all night every night.
- He hardly even drank now, because of the secret promise he’d made to you.
- Though you were dead now, he still wanted to keep his promise, just in case.
- Was the one who made everyone promise to get along when Wilbur made the funeral.
- Was entrusted with the love and care of your stuffed animals or anything from your childhood.
- Has your old childhood photos framed along with his own, so others often stop by to look at the photos to remember you by.
- Probably has your old horse as well, and takes really good care of them.
- You two had been really close friends before you died. You were such good friends that he didn’t even need his book to remember you were friends, so of course he was absolutely crushed.
- Though he tried his best to stay stable to avoid certain things, he was upset.
- He definitely gave a speech at your funeral.
- He often sits in your room, talking aloud as if you were still with him.
- He would often repeat old jokes you used to tell each other, laughing softly and trying his best to not get too upset.
- If he wasn’t in your room, he was in your old garden tending to your flowers.
- He’s also more aggressive like Sapnap, except moreso verbally.
- He blames himself heavily for what happened to you, and he mentally beats himself up about it all the time.
- “It was my fault Y/N’s dead, I get it!”
- He’s not much of a cryer.
- All of his pain and sadness get put aside with work. He works harder, he makes it so he hardly has time to think about it.
- When he does think about it, he just feels so heavy the rest of the day, like thinking about your death has sucked the rest of the day’s energy from him.
- Sometimes he’s teased for suddenly being so sluggish and unlike himself, but he can’t even muster the energy to explain that he was thinking about you and how he missed you so badly that it hurt him deeply.
- To say the least, he felt like he had believed too much in you having more time. He should have known not to trust in fate.
- She for sure has any other pets you had. She takes extra good care of them.
- There’s a little spot in her garden dedicated to you.
- She had shut down for a good while after your funeral, where she hardly spoke to anyone and often lay in bed all day to try and remember you.
- Although as time went on, she decided you would have hated seeing her in bed all day like that and started doing her normal routines.
- He knew he should have seen it coming, but… somehow, he didn’t.
- He felt a little guilty about this thought, and it often kept him from doing any normal tasks.
- He misses the days when one of you felt bad so the other would do everything in their power to make them feel better. 
- Needless to say, he started writing letters to you, even if it was just to keep himself a little busy.
- Laughing Through the Pain™
- He spends a lot more time making sure people aren’t worried, by making really bad jokes as usual.
- The only times he cries are when he thinks too much about you, regardless of if he’s alone or not. Sometimes it makes encounters awkward.
- He’s just sobbing one time while in the midst of a conversation with someone and he’s just like “sorry man I was thinking about Y/N” and they are just like “...oh”
- Aggressive but make it threatening and nothing more. 
- “If you don’t fucking shut up about Y/N I’ll knock yer teeth in”
- She just wants to be alone sometimes. She just wants to be alone so maybe the pain will stop being so bad.
- Also not much of a cryer unless it’s late at night.
- “You little muffin… I told you not to get yourself into danger..”
- He loves to talk about you whenever people bring an old interest up.
- “I remember how much Y/N loved these…” He’s staring at the flowers nearby. He’s smiling sadly. 
- Often shares good memories of you with others to help them cope a little.
- He’s sad, but he knows it would do him no good to be so miserable that he can’t do anything. And he knows how much you would scold him if he stopped being himself completely.
- He names a parrot after you, naturally.
- He’s not gone as often now because he likes to stop by your grave and just talk. 
- He collects things that remind him of you and puts them in a special chest marked with your name. Sometimes it’s things you said were cool, other times it’s just things that he associates with you.
- Drinks your favourite teas.
- Would absolutely just go “lmao” in the chat and then leave again
- That’s it, that’s him.
- No more silly pranks with him :( no more memeing on others…
- It hits him hard
- Like Quackity, he makes a lot of jokes to mask how upset he is.
- Of course, he has Bad, but damn was it still difficult to deal with your passing.
- :(
- He’s so sad that he doesn’t even want to do anything or go anywhere.
- It feels like his whole world just stopped and that nothing could hurt worse than this, and he doesn’t even want to face this sadness.
- He often goes out into the woods to climb trees like the two of you used to do.
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The Arrangement (Draco x reader)
Warnings: smut, abuse, yelling, arguing, mentions of suicide and death
You paced, the light of the fireplace shining off your side as you did. "Would you stop pacing!? That noise is driving me insane!" Draco snapped. You glared at him as he sat on the ladder, reading a book with a calm demeanor. You shook your head. "This is easy for you. This isn't as life altering for you as it is for me." You snapped. "And just how is this 'life altering'?" Draco asked. "I will be forced to give up my aspirations and dreams to be your wife if your father agrees to this." You snapped. Draco rolled his eyes and you continued pacing. The wonderful plusses to an arranged marriage. Draco would never ask you to give up your future, even if he was to be your husband. Of course you didn't know that, you barely knew the boy aside from his wonderful comments directed towards you at school. Of course he knew more about you than you were aware of. Your father was in that group of asshole purebloods. And if this evening worked in his favor you'd be involved with Draco Malfoy.
The door opened and Lucius looked at you and then Draco. "Draco. Do you accept Y/n's hand" say no. Please say no-- "I do." He said. Your father's smile unsettled you and you shook your head. "I don't see how this is fair! Why should I have to--" "Silence!" You father snapped. Draco noticed your retreat into yourself and the satisfied look on his face made Draco very aware of his presence. "She will live here with us and take up what we see fit... Is this to your satisfaction?" Lucius asked. "Indeed. Best of luck. She's the most hardheaded of my daughters." Your father said. You gave him a glare as Draco walked with Lucius to see them out, leaving you and Narcissa alone. You sat in a seat in front of the library fireplace, seething in your own anger. "I know how this felt... I used to be like you." She said. "Your marriage was arranged too?" You asked. "mm hmm. Yes and I was quite angry when Lucius agreed. He said it was all about decorum but I don't think he wanted to upset his father... Truth be told I think that's why Draco said yes as well." Narcissa said softly. You turned your attention to the crackles in the fire. "I'm hoping you'll give Draco a chance... I know he's a stubborn boy. Fine, but stubborn... Don't write him off just yet." Narcissa told you. You nodded.
Cut to two weeks later and you two were usually busy. But the times you did spend together was usually festered with bickering. Yelling was not uncommon either. With the amount of eye rolling present, it was a damn wonder your eyes didn't get stuck in either of your heads.
You sat at the table in the library reading a letter addressed to you. You were reading the same line again and again "your brother Charles is dead" you slammed the letter down and scared the crap out of Draco as you did. "Jesus woman! What in the blazes-- Y/n?" He noticed the shock on your face followed by anger and sadness and he walked over to the letter, reading it as he did. He looked at you and then the letter before disappearing with it. "Great. So now he thinks I'm over dramatic" you muttered. Quite the contrary considering he went to his father and showed him the letter.
"They tell her this news in a letter!? A fucking letter!?" Draco asked. "Language Draco... Though this is... Troubling... How is she handling this?" Lucius asked. "She was shocked I think..." Draco sighed. "Don't you think that her fianc��e should comfort her?" Lucius asked. "She finds no comfort with me... She usually just insults me." Draco admitted. Lucius rose a brow and got up, walking to the library. You leaned up and sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss Y/n... If you need anything at all we're here." Lucius said softly. You nodded. "I'd like to be alone if you don't mind..." You said softly. Draco and Lucius left you to your thoughts. Still, Draco was seething. A letter? Your father tells you through a letter? You must've sat alone for hours in that room, staring at the fire in tears. The door opened again and Draco sat down, handing you the letter. You took it, looking at it and then tossing it into the fire. Draco rose a brow watching you. "A letter." You scoffed. "He tells me he's dead in a LETTER." You said, throwing a book. Draco stood up watching you. "after everything I've withstood and am dealing with he gives me a fucking letter!?" You said to yourself. "That isn't fair to you." Draco said. You again, scoffed, sitting back down and staring at the fire. "There's a lot he's done that hasn't been fair to me." You murmured as you pulled your sleeves over your hands. Draco rose a brow but turned back to the fire. "Thank you." You muttered. "For listening to me." Draco looked over at you, noticing the numbed stare into the fire as you both watched the parchment burn in the fireplace.
You took weeks to grieve, spending most of that time in your room or the library. However after a while normality resumed and you and Draco were at each other's throats once more. "You are the biggest pain in my arse you know that?!" You asked. "I'm the biggest pain-- Have you met you!? Every five damn minutes it's a new insult!" Draco sighed. "Well maybe if you weren't so angry all the time it wouldn't be so bad!" You said.  "I only do that because someone is hurdling insults at me." He said. You sighed. "This is hard okay? I'm not at home, my brother is dead and now I'm in some arranged marriage with a boy who tormented me in school, excuse me if I'm not exactly fond of this experience." You grumbled. You sat in front of the fire, Draco sitting in the chair next to you. "This isn't exactly easy for me either y'know." Draco muttered. You stared at the fire as it popped. The door opened and you turned around to see Lucius and Narcissa. "Enjoying each other's company?" Narcissa asked. "Hardly" both of you replied. Well at least the two of you could agree on that.
Draco sighed and you muttered something. "Hmm. Dinner is in thirty minutes. Try to be civil." Lucius said. You nodded and sighed as they both left. "This is ridiculous, surely we can get along." Draco said. You didn't say anything. "Y/n we're getting married, we need to at least try to be civil." He said. You let out a sharp sigh. "I know you hate me--" "I don't hate you Draco." You muttered. "....You don't?" He asked. "No. Strongly dislike? Yes. Hate, no." You said. "we need to find some common ground." Draco said. "Fine." You sighed. "We don't hate each other." You said. "Alright. Fine." He nodded. "Is our marriage saved yet?" You asked sarcastically. "Are you always this optimistic or is that just the new engagement?" He asked. "Getting Seven rejected suitors does that to you! Especially when I don't want to be here in the first place" You snapped. "Seven-- SEVEN!? Good God woman what made that happen!?" He asked. You walked out into the hall. "Does pure spite count for something?" You asked. "Wha-- No it doesn't!" Draco said making Lucius and Narcissa look at each other as they heard you two bicker. "Then I have no clue, must be something in the water. I'm perfectly lovely" You concluded. "Perfectly lovely my arse, you've been insufferable since you've been here!" He sighed. "Well if spite counted we would have an answer" you said making Lucius bite back a laugh. "Sometimes I think you're lucky I agreed to this because you'd be a bitter spinster if I said no!" Draco griped making Narcissa grip Lucius' hand to stop from laughing. "Oh is this your idea of sweet talk!? If so, oh take me now! I think I'm falling for you due to your pretentious ass!" You said making Lucius almost snort. "Great! Include that in the vows then, along with the fact that this will be the longest marriage of a lifetime!" Draco concluded. "Insufferable twit!" You snapped. "Bitter spinster!" He shot back before you opened the dining room's doors to see Draco's parents, remaining composed as they looked at you. "Is everything alright?" Narcissa asked. "Ahem... Yes." You said, Draco leaning on the door to seem more natural. "What's for dinner?" He asked. Lucius looked over to Narcissa "Oh lovely bitter spinster, what is for dinner?" Lucius teased making you and Draco flush with embarrassment. The evening for the most part was silent until the end of dinner. "Did you ever take up any hobbies at home Y/n?" Lucius asked, perhaps to help you and Draco find common ground. "Well... I took up fencing for a while." You said and Draco stifled a snort. You glared at him. "What's so funny over there?" You asked. "Nothing, but you'd think for such a graceful sport you'd remain a bit more proper." he said. "Why you little--" "Ahem." Narcissa cleared her throat, eyeing the two of you. "Was there any more.. Creative outlets available to you?" Lucius asked. "My sisters and I were required to take up chorus and an instrument." You murmured. "What was yours?" Draco asked, beating his father to the question. "Violin and piano." you answered. "Were you any good at chorus?" Narcissa asked. "Not exactly." You said. Draco gave an amused smile but halted when he noticed the distant and pained expression. "It's why I picked up two instruments." You said. "I see..." Lucius said, making the same observations as Draco. You cleared your throat, seemingly coming out of the fog that you were in. "Why the questions, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked. "Your room will be ready by tomorrow and we're making sure we have the accommodations for you." Narcissa said. "But... I already have a room?" You said confused. "A room for you and Draco." Lucius said making you both look up, full focus. "I'm sorry, what!?" Draco asked. "You two are to be married, it is customary--" "Father." "For the husband and wife to share their rooms. In fact both of you are sleeping together tonight." Lucius said. Both of you shot murderous glares to each other. "you two are excused." Lucius finally said.
You and Draco went to the library. "Oh tell me you have somewhere else to brood" You grumbled. "I do not brood and for your information, you're in my house!" He said. "Well in that case, if you're so fucking proud of the house, have fun sleeping on the floor!" You yelled. He huffed and so did you, the door opening and Narcissa stepping in. "Mother, tell me father is joking." Draco begged. "I'm afraid he isn't. And for good reason." She said. "What does that mean?" You asked. "it means, dear, that you and Draco need to basically be locked in a room together until you act at least somewhat civil." Narcissa said. "I would assume by the arguing you would want to separate us." you uttered. You looked up. "Sorry." you said. "But making us share a room? Come on mother, locking us in here would've been easier!" Draco said. "Here has distractions. In a room elsewhere forces you to talk." Narcissa said. "Mother--" "Draco, no arguing." She said leaving. "This has got to be the worst day." You sighed, slumping down to the floor. "You're being dramatic." He sighed. He reached for the door handle. "Are you coming?" He asked. "I hate that we have no other options." You uttered, getting up and following. You walked into the room which was dark and bland, yet still sleek and elegant. "No offense but uhm... Do you guys all have the same obsession with the color black?" You asked, referring to the black floor and wall trims. "Ask my father, personally I'm more of a fan of blue." He shrugged. That explained the greyish blue wallpaper in the room. Draco slipped off his shirt and you jumped and looked away. "You do realize we're bound to see--" "Do not remind me!" You groaned. He chuckled, changing his clothes as you changed into yours. "You act like--" He turned to see your back, riddled with scars. Some faded, barely noticeable, others more present and difficult to ignore. "I can feel you staring Draco." you said, sliding on your shirt. Draco turned away. "It's the scars right? That made you stare?" you asked. "Where did those... How are they there?" He asked. Silence fell upon the room, not even the sound of fabric against skin was active. He turned around to see you standing still. You seemed spaced out at the question. "Y/n?" He asked. You cleared your throat, changing. "My father." You finally answered. He frowned. "Can we not talk about this please? This is not something--" "Alright" Draco said, a concerned observing expression on his face. You swore for a moment it almost appeared that he cared.
You laid down, facing towards the window away from Draco, while his back was turned to you. Both of you slept for the most part through the night, but something was off. He felt you shift multiple times, leaving him awake. He almost woke you up for a snarky comment but you shot forward, gasping for air as you did. He leaned forward, putting a hand on your back. "Y/n? What's wrong-- hey look at me" he said. You gripped your head and shook. "I-I can't even get his voice-- I can't get it to stop--" you whimpered. He frowned, understanding the "he" you were referring to. He pulled you closer to him. "I'm here Y/n..." He said softly. You leaned back against him, your chest constantly rising and falling. "Breathe Y/n." He said softly. You listened, softening your breathing. He slowly let go and you whimpered. "Don't let me go." you whispered. He pulled you to him, resting your head on his chest.
The morning started with Narcissa opening the door expecting to see a murderous sight. Instead she was met with seeing Draco holding you close to him, his chest falling and rising with your head rested on him. "Lucius!" she whisper-shouted. Lucius walked over and rose a brow. "Curious." he muttered. They left you alone though, not daring to interrupt the civility in the house. You woke up first, the sunlight hitting your face causing you to wince and lean up. The sudden movement made Draco wake up. What did he have his arm around? He blinked a few times, seeing you stretch. Oh. OH.
He looked at you surprised. "Draco, are you alright?" You asked, noticing his wild eyed stare. "I'm not dead?" He asked. You rolled your eyes and got up, him doing the same a few minutes later. You both dressed in silence, you unsure what to say. Usually you had some remark for anything, right now you were at a loss for words. Draco was right there when you needed him, he reacted the way you needed him to. "Thank you Draco... For last night." You found your self saying as Draco adjusted his sleeves. He looked over, his hair of course looking very elegant as it usually did.  "I'm here any time you need me Y/n..." He began. You struggled with a button in the back and he pushed aside your hair, fixing it for you. "I know we argue. But I don't want you to feel like you're ever alone or helpless." He said softly. "I don't think I could ever feel alone when I have a strange blonde man following me." you teased. That made him smile... That wasn't a jab, that was a joke. You turned around to face him and you snorted. "You went to Hogwarts, how many years? And you still cannot figure out how to tie a fucking tie?" You asked with a snort. He rolled his eyes and you took its sides and began tying it. He rose a brow, watching your small hands at work before you made a perfect tie. "Thank you..." He said. "You're..." You looked in his eyes. "Your... eyes are silver?" You asked. He rose a brow. "You've never noticed?" He asked."Usually when I'm focused on you I'm forming new insults and not focused actually on you." You said with a small laugh. He chuckled. "And now?" He asked. "I'm... I don't think I'm so angry with you anymore." You admitted.
The week was strange to both of you. Any insults that were thrown were more of a joking matter, any time Draco actually spent time with you, you actually enjoyed it. Lucius nearly died when he was looking for Draco and found him reading next to you by resting his head in your lap. You were smiling. As in: "Head over heels now" smiling. Then came the family dinner. The protocol required that the family of the bride to be to have dinner with the groom's family. You absolutely dreaded this more than anything. "I'll be with you the whole time Y/n." Draco assured. You shook your head. "It won't stop him from getting inside my mind, trust me." You muttered as you changed behind a partition. Draco sighed. "The tie? Again? Seriously Draco, seven years at Hogwarts and you never learned how to tie a tie?" You asked. He sighed again, getting antsy before your hands wandered to his tie. He looked at you and swallowed. "Y/n.." He paused. "I know I know: I need to stop mocking you for this tie thing, but seriously Draco that's almost two thousand whole days to learn--" "You look beautiful." He said softly. You blushed, avoiding his eyes because you knew if you saw them you'd basically be putty in his hands. "Thank you..." You mumbled. You almost pulled away your hand but he stopped you, holding it. Something about this was just... Reassuring. You cleared your throat, pulling away. "We should get downstairs... My father hates waiting." You murmured.
You walked in, standing at your chair and waiting for Lucius to allow you to sit. The silent stares from your mother made you almost shake and Draco could see that. Lucius finally entered, noticing your facial expressions and giving Draco a "is she okay" look. Draco looked at your mother and then back at Lucius. Lucius nodded and took his place, allowing you to sit down. Dinner was stressful to say the least, the silence making you very uneasy. "Y/n, darling you've hardly touched your food, are you feeling alright?" Narcissa asked. "Yes ma'am." You mumbled. Draco rose a brow and your father almost seemed... Happy. With you're discomfort.
"Y/n has taken quite well to Draco. The two are practically inseparable now." Narcissa said. Draco hid a small smile. "Has Y/n been keeping up with her lessons?" Your father asked. "....Yes. she's quite exceptional with piano." Lucius answered with a brow raised. "Lilian was exceptional with piano as well. Better actually." He said. You frowned and Draco put a hand over yours, looking at you. "Y/n always had trouble prioritizing her duties." Your mother said. "Maybe she had trouble because she was trying to ignore the obvious--" Lucius shook his head and Draco gripped your hand. You put a hand on his arm and shook your head. He swallowed but nodded. "Hmm." Your father made a noise of acknowledgement. "in two weeks time is the engagement party. Is there any requests?" Lucius asked. Almost finished. Thank God. "Do not be afraid to discipline my daughter if she doesn't do something to your liking." Your father answered.
Sound seemed to drown out, him staring daggers into you. "She isn't cattle!" Draco finally snapped. "Stop it." You thought, your throat not working to form even a whisper. "You don't know the kind of pain he's capable of" "She is a human being who I happen to care about, do not ever expect me or my family to hurt her the same way you have." Draco growled. Lucius paused. "What?" He asked. “Make the voice stop.” You thought, retreating into yourself. "She has scars father--" "This is absolutely ridiculous!" Your father halted and Lucius was now looking at your father from head to toe. Narcissa frowned and glared at him before noticing you. "Make it stop, please just get this to stop." You thought to yourself as you shook. "Draco get Y/n out of here." She said. He opened his mouth but stopped noticing the pure terror on your face. "Y/n?" Draco whispered. You were shaking and Draco pulled you up, walking you to the library. He closed the door and you shook. "Y/n--" "Please don't hurt me" you whimpered. Draco sat you down and kneeled in front of you. "Y/n I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe." He said softly. He cupped your cheek. "What did they do to you?" He asked making you break down into sobs.
He held you close, soothing you until you fell asleep and then carried you to bed. He sighed, running a hand over his face, closing the bedroom door as he stood outside of it. He walked to his father's study to find Lucius looking out the window and drinking. "Father--" "Is it really true?" Lucius asked. "Did he beat her?" He asked. Draco sucked in a breath. "Yes. She has nightmares father, she'll wake up crying." Draco answered. Lucius sat down the glass Draco could only assume was filled with scotch and turned around. "We must tread carefully then. He can retract this engagement as long as it is within these coming weeks." Lucius said. "Surely he wouldn't." Draco said. "He would if it meant someone finding out." Lucius answered. "I halted him from doing that very action tonight. I understand your anger. I too am cross, but you must control this in his presence or else we're sending that girl into a lion's den." Lucius said. "Yes father." Draco said. After a long silence Draco reached for the door. "Son." Lucius said. He looked over with a confused glance. "I'm proud of you for protecting her." Lucius said. Draco gave a small smile, walking back to you.
You were still asleep, most likely exhausted. Draco changed, laying next to you. You instinctively moved into his arms, Draco holding you as you slept. "Thank you." You murmured. He kissed your head. "Anything for you dear."
The next morning Draco woke up before you. You leaned up, getting changed before walking out. You walked through the halls, looking through the windows and out to the garden. It was raining today. You felt a hand land on your shoulder. You turned to see Draco and you smiled. "Morning." You mumbled. "Good morning." He said. "Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked. You rose a brow but followed him. You walked through the manor, you confused. "Any particular reason you wanted to walk?" You asked. "I mainly wanted to enjoy your company." He admitted. "O-oh..." You said with a small blush coming to your cheeks. "Uh.... I wanted to say thank you... Draco... For last night. You... It meant a lot." You said. "It was nothing... I'm glad that you trust me though." He said. "Draco... I know that I'm a bit... Flawed. But I want you to know that if you need anything that I'm here." You said. He smiled, looking at you. His silver eyes seemed to pierce through you as he stared. "Draco--" "Y/n, good you're awake. Would you mind stepping into my study?" Lucius asked.
You sighed. "Duty calls." You muttered before stepping in. You closed the door and took a moment to get rid of the rosy cheeks induced by Draco. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Hmm? Yes what did you-- Marie!?" You gaped. Your sister turned around. "Hello darling." She said with a soothing smile. She rose and you hugged her. "My goodness, what brings you here?" You asked. "I wanted to see you before you got married! That and I want to also meet your husband to be!" She said. "Oh! Aha... Well--" "Where is the boy--" "I'll get him!" You said. You stepped out. Oh God... She's so perky she might kill Draco with smiles.
Draco rose a brow, leaning off the wall. "Were you just... Standing out here?" You asked. "Hmm. Yes I planned on spending most of my day with you." He said. You smiled slightly. "Ahaha... Well my sister Marie wants to meet you." You said. "She does?" Draco asked. "Yes... Though I'm afraid her happy demeanor might kill your whole brooding attitude that you maintain." You chuckled. He gave you a small smirk. "I do not brood." He said before walking in. "Yes. You do." You said taking his hand with both of your hands. He smiled at the obvious excitement to see your sister. Marie stood up and curtsied to him. "Pleasure to meet you Draco." She said. He took her hand and kissed it, before rising and taking his place next to you. "Oh he's polite. A lot better than that boy Joanna almost married." Marie said. You tried not to snort. "The boy from Noughtington?" You asked. "Indeed. That boy was a walking disaster." Marie chuckled. "With the--" "Fondue fountain." You both said before laughing. Draco smiled at your laughing and Marie noticed. He was smitten. Oh it was so obvious. "Draco, are you looking forward to marrying my sister?" She asked. Draco looked at you with a chuckle. "Well if the first week of marriage is like her first week here I think I can wait." He teased. You resisted again to laugh. "...What was so bad about your first week?" Marie asked after noticing the amused look on Lucius face. "She absolutely tormented the boy." Lucius chuckled. "Tormented? Oh no that's an understatement-- she followed me around just to insult me." He said with a laugh. You chuckled and seemed to be looking at him with affection. "But." He began looking at you and taking your hand. "I wouldn't change a thing about her." He said. Your cheeks again heated up, becoming slightly noticeable as you smiled. Marie smiled.
"I'm glad she has found someone to love her. Some of father's arrangements..." Marie cleared her throat. "It doesn't bode well." She said. You nodded knowingly. "Elizabeth, may she rest in peace." You both said in unison. Draco rose a brow. "You've lost a sister?" Lucius asked. "She was the eldest. I'm afraid father misjudged the family and..." Marie cleared her throat. "They drove her to suicide." You said. "Promise me you two" Marie said to Lucius and Draco. "You will keep my father away from Y/n." She said. "Well we--" "I swear to you if he lays a finger on her I will not hesitate to return that favor." Draco said making you blush again. He was so serious and hellbent on keeping you safe. "We promise you she's safe here." Lucius said softly, taking notice of Draco's determined look.
You noticed the rain had stopped as did Draco. "Would you mind allowing Y/n and I to go on a walk? Y/n loves the garden after it rains." Draco asked. He noticed that? Christ, is there anything this boy didn't know about you? "You're excused, Marie how long are you staying?" Lucius asked. "Until the wedding." She said. You all froze. "This is my favorite sister, I'm making sure this is the right place for her, surely you understand." Marie said. Lucius nodded. "Very well." Lucius said. "Enjoy your walk you two." Marie said. You both walked out and Draco let out a long breath. "She's... Perky?" He said. "Told she'd interrupting the brooding." You said with a chuckle. "I, once again, do not brood!" He said. You laughed and he smiled. "You've been smiling a lot more lately though, I will give you that." You said. "I've been enjoying my company." He said to you. You smiled, tucking a loose strand behind your ear.
You observed the roses as Draco sat in the garden, him noticing your love for the roses. "Draco?" You asked. "Hmm?" He made a noise to acknowledge your call while sitting up straight. "How did you know I liked the garden after it rains?" You asked. Draco pondered. "I think it was more after observing you." He asked. "You've observed me?" You asked. He chuckled. "I do. I do that more than I think you realize." He said. You looked over, a slight amusement daring to play on your lips. "What did you notice?" You asked. "hmm." He stood up looking at you. "You enjoy reading." He said. "Well that's obvious, our first conversation was in a library." You laughed. "You pace when you're upset, to which I do the same." He said. "Continue." You said with a smile. "You actually do carry yourself properly almost standing sometimes like you have a sword, especially when you argue." He noticed. "Oh?" "I suspect that's because to you, arguing is a battle of wits." He teased. You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "If it doesn't rain, around this time you're outside here, reading. Usually a female writer like Bronte or Austen." He said. How did he-- "You always have your hair up in some sort of way, most likely to keep yourself from having to mess with it while you're reading." He stepped closer. "You have tea with my mother on Wednesday." He took your hand, holding it. "Your hand still has the callouses from the violin." Your heart was pounding. "The roses are your favorite, I think you love to feel the petals" he said, getting closer to you. You could feel his breath now. "You stare at me when you don't think I'm watching and you make notes of my movement because you know it reflects how I truly feel." He whispered. You both stood in silence, only the chirping of birds sounding off. Draco's eyes were staring into yours, almost as if they were searching. His hand held your cheek and your heart pounded. "Draco..." You whispered. You had to say something didn't you? Why on earth did you say this boy's name? "I think I..." You swallowed. "I think--" "Y/nnnn! Narcissa wanted you!" Marie called. "I'm beginning to despise your sister." He murmured, still very close to your face. "I should go." You said softly. He nodded and stepped back, your face returning to the cool air of the midday. You walked past. "Y/n." Draco said making you turn around.
It all happened so quickly. The pull of his hand, your lips on his, my God they were warm. "When you are finished, come to library." He said softly. "As... As you wish..." You said shocked. You pulled away, eyes still wide as you walked. Marie rose a brow as you came into her view, your fingers lightly pressing your bottom lip with a shocked face. "Y/n are you ill? You look like you've seen a ghost." Marie asked. "...What? Oh yes! Yes I'm fine!" You said quickly walking into the manor. Marie rose a brow but Draco soon came into view with a smile and shaking of the head. He almost seemed... Giddy?
Marie looked at you and then Draco and rose a brow. "Y/n did something happen between you and your fiancée?" She asked. "What!? What in the world would make you think that!? Haha, Marie you're so ridiculous, where's Narcissa!?" You asked. She squinted at your expression. "...The day room... For tea... It's Wednesday dear." Marie reminded. "I know you have tea with my mother on Wednesdays..." "Right... Right! I should go!" You said, walking quickly your face getting redder as you walked.
You walked into the day room, sitting down with a frantic look. "Y/n? Are you alright dear?" Narcissa asked. You closed the door and ran a hand over your face. "Your son has got my mind running all over the place!" You said. She gave an amused smile. "Has he now?" She asked. "He took a walk with me and started talking about how he looks at me when I'm not looking-- has he lost his mind!?" You asked. "Well--" "And then he had the gall to kiss me!" You groaned. "...... He did what?" Narcissa asked, a wide smile showing. "At least try to hide the joy here, he's literally driving me to the brink of insanity." You said. "Sorry, yes. He kissed you?" Narcissa asked. "Yes! Marie came to fetch me and he just-- Gah! Did you know he observes me!?" You groaned. "why do you think you're going mad?" Narcissa asked. "That has to be what this feeling is right!? I'm descending into madness!?" You asked frantically as you paced. "Wait, what feeling?" Narcissa asked. "that feeling that just comes around when Draco is around!" You said. Narcissa could see this clearly. When you said Draco's name, the sentence ended with you smiling. You paused, realizing the smile. "SEE!? HE'S GOT ME SMILING LIKE A GIT!" you whined. Narcissa laughed. "Y/n. You're not mad." Narcissa assured. "Then what the hell is ailing me? Oh God is it something else worse?" You asked. "You're in love."  Narcissa said. You laughed. "No. No that's not... No!" You said. "Darling you can't say Draco's name without smiling." Narcissa said. "Sure I can. Draco-- Damn it!" You hissed after you smiled. Draco who was walking by heard his name. "Is it so out of the realm of possibility?" Narcissa asked. "I mean... No..." You mumbled. "Tell me, what have you observed from Draco." Narcissa said. You sat down. "he's a twat." You mumbled making him shake his head with a smile. "He's intelligent though... My god he keeps his wits about himself." You muttered. "And?" Narcissa asked. "And he always is there when I need him...." You mumbled. "And he's right there every morning... Holding me." You said smiling to yourself. Draco smiled to himself. "And he..." You shook your head with a small laugh. "He reminds me of Mr. Darcy." You said. "how so?" She asked. "He has the same retorts... And he doesn't hold any punches when he talks to me." You said. "And that pleases you?" Narcissa asked. "It means he knows I can handle myself..." You said. You looked over at Narcissa, that warm feeling returning. "I'm in love aren't I?" You asked. "Head over heels." Narcissa said. Draco smiled, walking past.
"what's got you so giddy mister Draco?" Marie asked. He cleared his throat. "It's just a very... Very good day don't you think?" He asked. She rose a brow. "I suppose?" She said as he entered the library. "What on earth have I walked into?" She muttered to herself. She walked into the day room. "Uhm. Mrs. Malfoy?" Marie asked making you look up. "Hmm?" She asked. "Something strange is happening." Marie said. "Oh?" Narcissa asked. "...Yes Draco was smiling like a madman earlier he almost seemed... Giddy? And poor Y/n walked out of the garden looking like she's seen a ghost." Marie said confused. "Wait, when did you see Draco?" You asked. "Just now, he was walking past--" "Oh no." You said, cheeks heating up. "What's wrong?" Marie asked. "It appears that we need THICKER DOORS." You groaned making Narcissa chuckle. You got up and sighed. "Where are you off to?" Marie asked. "Killing an eavesdropping moron." You muttered making Narcissa almost snort.
You stepped into the library and Draco looked up with a kind smile. Damn that adorable face. "Eavesdrop anything interesting lately?" You asked with a straight face. Draco chuckled. "It appears someone has become smitten." He said. "Oh ha ha." You said with an eye roll. "It appears we both feel the same way as well." He said softly. You looked at him, brows raised. "I don't... Think I quite follow... You.. you love me?" You asked. Draco laughed and shook his head. "Of course I do Y/n." Draco said, shutting the book in his hand. He set it down. "You have become my world Y/n... I can only hope I've done the same for you." He said softly. You let a smile fall over you. "Yes... Yes you have." You admitted. He again, held your cheek. "I love you Y/n." He said softly. "I love you too Draco." You said softly. The gap between the two of you came to a close and he dropped the book entirely making you jump. He chuckled as did you before you noticed your sister standing there shocked. Your eyes widened and you shoved Draco away making him confused before he too noticed Marie. "Well it's too late now, I've already seen your... Festivities." She snorted. You rose a brow. "Festivities? Really Marie?" You asked. "I didn't know you were in here!" She said. "All you said before you left was you were killing someone!" Marie added making Draco snort. You picked up his book and smacked his arm with it. "Idiot." You murmured. "Yes, I am your idiot though." He said softly. You smiled. "Are you prepared for the day after tomorrow?" Marie asked. "What's then?" You asked. She blinked. "....You cannot be serious. How on earth do you forget your own birthday!?" She asked. Draco looked at you shocked. "Your birthday is this week!?" He asked. "It is!?" You asked. "My God woman, how have you lived this long?" She asked with a grin. "I'm sorry I barely remembered it's Wednesday today and you're expecting me to know that my birthday is in two days?" You asked making Draco laugh. "Draco really turned your head that much around hmm?" She teased. Your cheeks turned pink at the mention and Draco laughed. "To be fair she does the same for me." Draco said. "Oh do I now?" You asked with a laugh. "Why do you think I can never seem to put a tie on?" He asked. You blinked a few times. "What?" You asked. "You're correct, we've been to a private school Y/n, one of which includes ties in the uniform. I've had plenty of practice but living with you has made it very difficult to focus, especially  as of late." He teased. Your face was redder by the second. "Oh come now Draco, you're teasing her too intensely. Any more jabs at her now and she'll be as red as a tomato." Marie laughed. "You two are going to be the death of me!" You whined as you walked towards the door. "Where are you off to?" Draco asked. "Away, far away. I swear you two exist to torment my mental state." You groaned making him laugh as you left. "You really do love her." Marie noticed. Draco smiled. "Indeed I do." He said with that ridiculous smile on his face. Marie shook her head. "Did you not realize it was her birthday?" She asked. "No. She never mentioned it to me, I'm honestly surprised that your father never brought it up." Draco said. "They never celebrated birthdays. Mother always did, father, never." Marie said. "Every time I've met your mother she doesn't appear to care." He said. "That's because she's our stepmother." Marie said softly. Draco rose a brow. "Is you mother... Divorced?" "Passed on I'm afraid. When Y/n was nine." Marie explained. "I see..." Draco said. "Was you father--" "In the pleasant mood he's always in? Yes. All the time." She muttered.
"hmm." Draco nodded. "Elizabeth took the beatings after mother died... And then when Wesley and I married it was Y/n." Marie said. "... You're a twin?" Draco noticed. "Hmm? Oh no! No we happened to marry around the same. Y/n's a triplet  though." Marie answered. "What?" Draco asked, clearly surprised. "Oh yes. Thomas and..." Marie frowned. "Charles..." She muttered. Draco paused. "Oh... Oh no." Draco said realizing something. "What's wrong?" Marie asked. "was she close to Charles?" Draco asked. "Thomas and him both were." Marie said. "Then I know why she didn't want to remember her birthday." Draco said. Marie facepalmed. "I feel so stupid I didn't catch on before." She said. Draco cleared his throat, before his eyes seemed to get huge. "What's with you?" Marie asked. "I don't have a present for my own fiancée..." He muttered. "Ohhh... Oh shite, I don't either." Marie said. "Wha-- you're the one that mentioned her birthday!" He said. "it took her twin sending me a letter to realize it was in two days!" Marie said. "...Diagon alley!" He said, snapping his fingers. "What?" She asked "We have to go to Diagon alley, now! We've got floo powder!" He said.
"Draco she spends most of her free time with you we would need..." She paused. "A distraction-- would your parents be willing to help?" Marie asked. Draco set down the book and walked out. He stepped into his father's study. "Father are you busy?" He asked. "Well--" "I need you to distract Y/n for two hours." Draco said. "....Why, pray tell do you need me to distract her?" Lucius asked. "Y/n's birthday is in two days, I need to get her a gift." Draco said. "Two days? My goodness, why hasn't she said anything?" Lucius asked. "She hasn't kept up with the days since she moved in." Draco explained. "Alright... How should I go about distracting her?" Lucius asked. "Give her something to do-- Books! She loves to read or-- Maybe get her to practice music!" Draco pondered. "Wait! You haven't spent that much quality time with her, just get to know her!" He said. ".....Alright, how do I do that exactly?" Lucius asked. "Father, just do what you do with me." He said. "But what if she's easily distracted--" "I really need this father." Draco begged. Lucius let out a long sigh and Draco stared at his father. "...fine... Send her in." Lucius said. "Thank you father!" Draco said with relief. "Have fun." He murmured as Draco ran off to find you.
It didn't take long to find you, you were sitting on the bench, reading. Your ,h/c strands moving ever so slightly because of the breeze. Draco smiled as he walked over. You felt as if someone was watching you as you read, putting down your book to see Draco. "Hi." You said softly. God your voice.... Seriously what did Draco drink this morning that made you lovely to him? "Father... Wanted to speak with you." Draco said. "Hmm? Alright... Draco are you okay you seem... Distracted?" You asked. "You look radiant today, that's all." He said making you smile. "what did I do today to earn your attention this often?" You asked curiously. "hmm... I'm not sure, does breathing count?" Draco asked. He kneeled so he was closer to your face. "Your eyes are something poetry is often written about." He said looking at you. "Did someone slip you Amortentia this morning?" You asked. "Nope. Just in love. That's all." He said. You put your book beside you, cupping his face in your hands. Draco smiled, moving strands of hair out of your eyes. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and sighed. "I suppose I should go see what your father needs--" "He can wait... For a little bit." Draco said with a smile. You laughed and rolled your eyes. "You're a child." You said. "No, I just would like my future wife's attention." He said making you smile. He kissed you, making you smile. He loved seeing that smile now. Used to it was almost a sign of mockery or the result of him falling. Now it was the best parts of his day. He kissed your lips a couple of more times and you laughed. "I really should go see what your father wants Draco." You said. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Fine, but we are definitely continuing this later." Draco said with a devious smirk. You shook your head as you walked into the manor. You walked to Lucius' study and he looked up.
"Draco said you needed me?" You asked. "Uh..." Lucius seemed to halt his entire brain. Shit. One job Lucius. You have one job. "...I... Realized that I don't really know you as well as Narcissa does... So..." He noticed Marie and Draco running into the library with a bag of floo powder. He flicked his wand ever so slightly so the door would close. "So?" You asked, raising a brow. "So tell me about yourself!" He said, way too excited in the subject. "Well... Uhm... What would you like to know?" You asked. Shit. "Uh--" seriously man, can you make another fucking noise!? The sounds of muffled shouting made you turn your head. "What's your favorite number!?" Lucius asked, a slight deranged look appearing in his eyes. "....What?" You asked. ".... What's your favorite number?" He asked. What kind of question is that? "...Eight... I guess?" You answered confused. "Alright, Draco wanted me to get to know you, I have absolutely no clue how to go about this." Lucius finally snapped. You blinked. "But... Our relationship is fine?" You said confused. "Yes well he thinks we need to be closer." Lucius said. "Hmm.. does that mean I'm allowed to ask questions too?" You asked. "Please do, this awkward silence will drive me mad if it's held long enough." He said. "How do you know my father?" You asked. "He works in the ministry. I was also present for his second marriage." Lucius said. "I didn't see you there?" You said confused. "I made it very very brief." He said making you nod. "Do you get along with your stepmother?" Lucius asked. "... Not particularly." You admitted. "Hmm. Good to know. She was dreadful even during the wedding." Lucius said making you laugh. "Yep. sounds like her." You nodded. "Do... Hmm." Lucius pondered if his next question would make you uncomfortable. "do you enjoy the company of any of your family?" He asked. "All of my siblings are kinder than my parents. They could see the favoritism at a young age and stopped trying to please him as much as I did." You explained. "Hmm... Well your brother would like to visit Friday--" you seemed to perk up at the mention of your brother. "Thomas?" You asked. "Yes... And Wesley." He nodded. "I love spending time with my brothers sir." You said with a smile. "I can see that. I'll let them know they're welcome to come here." He said. "I will warn you... They might pull what Marie did and stay here until the wedding." You warned. "It is customary for the family of the bride to stay with us a week prior from the wedding... Even though this is about three weeks early, I'll allow it." Lucius assured. You rose a brow. "Three weeks?" You asked. "Hmm?" Lucius asked. "The wedding...is in three weeks?" You asked. "Technically four. Why?" Lucius asked. "Nothing I just... It's the first I've heard an official date." You admitted. "I suppose you should talk to Narcissa about a dress... I'm not sure that's actually in order." Lucius said. You opened your mouth before hearing a loud crash making you stand. "What in the blazes was that!?" You asked. "Uhh--" you reached for the handle and the door opened before you could reach it. "....Draco what the hell happened to you?" You asked. "...Floo powder explosion" he admitted as he was covered in ash and soot. Lucius facepalmed and you started laughing making both of the men look at you. "You're ridiculous, you know that?" You asked Draco, wiping away the ash on his face. He smiled and laughed. "Yes, it appears that way doesn't it?" He asked. You shook your head. "Wait... Why would you need floo powder--" "I'm going to take a bath! I'll be back." Draco said before kissing your cheek and leaving. You rose a brow and turned back around. "You were distracting me weren't you?" You asked. "What? No no no I--" you gave him a blank stare. "Yes. Yes I was."
You ended up looking for Draco after an hour passed. "Draco can we-- OH MY GOD!" You screamed after seeing him naked. You slammed the door closed, your heart pounding as you stood there. You could hear him laughing. "I already told you it'd be bound to happen." Draco said. You almost seemed to be trying to hype yourself up to walk back in again. After all you did see.... GAH. NOT TIME TO THINK ABOUT THAT! You let out a long sigh. "Draco I'm walking in." You said. You could do this, you could do this you could-- you walked in and he was still shirtless making you nearly scream.
You could not do this.
Draco laughed, looking at your panic. "Love, this is bound to happen eventually." Draco said. "How are you so comfortable with this?" You asked staring at the ceiling. "I've shown you some very vulnerable parts of my personality. Personally: I'd prefer you see me naked over watching me in a vulnerable state." Draco said sliding on his shirt. You nodded. "Okay.... I guess that makes sense--" you said looking at Draco who was smiling at you. You rolled your eyes. "Take joy in my embarrassment, you're the one that has to deal with me having to take a bath later. Then we'll see who's embarrassed." You sassed. He chuckled. "Touché my dear, touché." He said. You looked in his eyes and smiled before squinting. ".... You're up to something!" You concluded. "What?" He asked. "You're up to something! I don't know what yet, but you're up to something!" You said. "I am not..." He looked into your eyes. "Okay I may have something planned but I'm not saying what that is!" He said. "Pffff... You crack like your father does!" You said with a laugh. "I do not-- Wait what does that mean?" He asked. "I asked if me being in his office was a distraction and he cracked." You said with a laugh. "Damn it father!" He groaned. "So. Whatcha hiding?" You asked with a smirk. He shook his head. "I'm not saying. "Dracooo... What are you hiding?" You asked again. "not tellinnnggg!" He said walking past you. You smirked, jumping onto his back making him jump. "What the hell--" "Tell me!" You said. "No!" He laughed. Marie snorted seeing you on his back. "Am I to assume this is about.... The thing?" Marie asked. Draco nodded with a laugh and you hung over his shoulder making him laugh harder. "Tell meeeee!" You said. He snorted and you laughed before almost hitting the floor. Draco managed to grab you beforehand and he laughed harder. He kissed your face and you smiled. "You will be the death of me I swear." He laughed.
Marie smiled. "we should get to dinner, I'm dying to get to know your parents!" Marie said. "They're really sweet." You said as Draco helped you up. You all walked into the dining room, taking your places. Lucius sat down, as did all of you. "So, there's a boy named Thomas that is to stay with us?" Narcissa asked. "Hmm? Yes, it's Y/n's brother." Lucius answered. "Oh! The triplet?" Narcissa asked. "You knew?" Draco asked. "I know plenty about your fiancee Draco, I have tea with her every Wednesday. You should join us one day, you might learn something new." Narcissa said. "Oh he knows plenty about Y/n. Interests, hobbies, career choices." Marie said. "Career choices?" Narcissa and Lucius asked. "Y/n would like to be an a Magizoologist." Draco said making you raise a brow. "A Magizoologist? Like uhm... What's that man's name, we've met him six or seven times?" Lucius asked Narcissa. "Newt Scamander?" She asked. "That's the one." He nodded. "Wait wait wait. You've met the Newt Scamander?" You asked. "He comes to the Christmas party every year." Draco said. "How-- what!?" You gaped. Draco smiled at your bewilderment. "So you wish to study magical creatures?" Narcissa asked. "Yes... I know it's crazy--" "It's not crazy dear, it's fascinating. When did you realize you wanted to study them?" Narcissa asked. "after I saved your son from a hippogriff." You said making Draco nearly choke on his drink. "What?" Lucius asked. "In our third year we were given a new course of magical creatures. Potter ended up getting along quite nicely in the course. Draco... Not so much." You teased. "He charged up to the damn thing and it nearly attacked him until I intervened." You said. Draco looked at you. "That... That was you." He remembered. "Yes I was usually put in the middle with your rivalry with Potter." You said to him. He frowned. "You... Were?" He asked. "Yes. The hippogriff was just one of many occasions. There was the sink explosion that occured after you pissed off George, the argument over the goblet of fire where Ron got heated and accidentally elbowed me in the nose after you insulted him, me getting in trouble after taking the blame for something you did by the headmaster from Durmstrang, and my least favorite-- the mandrake incident." You listed. "....I didn't realize I caused that much trouble." He said. "you gave Fred and George a run for their money." You admitted. "I'm genuinely sorry Y/n." He said. "I resented you for a very long time but it no longer bothers me." You shrugged. "...I do remember one incident with a creature in our fourth year." Draco recalled. Lucius rose a brow. "Oh yes the" "Dragon." Marie, you and Draco all recalled. "Dragon?!" Narcissa gaped. "Yes. In the tournament there was a challenge having to do with a dragon. Cedric nearly died to the damn thing." Draco began to explain. "There was this scholarship like program that I was a part of where I worked close with Charlie Weasley and Hagrid. So as my training started at the beginning of the year, I basically had to raise the dragons in the tournament." You explained. "She runs down there and calms it in seconds." Draco said making Lucius raise a brow. "Really?" He asked. "I mean... Keeping Milk grass in hand while petting a dragon comes in handy..." You shrugged. "Milk what?" Narcissa asked. "It's a grass that grows in the wizarding world-- It uh its smell is very potent, smells sweet but dragons love the stuff. It's the best way to keep them calm." You said, seeming more interested as you answered. You noticed everyone looking at you. "Sorry... I just... Uhm." You shifted. "You know, I bet Newt wouldn't mind speaking with you about career possibilities." Lucius said. You perked up as if you were a dog. "....Are you... Are you serious!?" You asked. "Consider it done" Lucius said. You stared at the table in shock. "Excuse my dear sister, her mind is now fried." Marie teased. "What about you dear, do you work?" Narcissa asked. "I'm a journalist." She said. "Oh goodness... Tell me you aren't like that plague of a woman, Rita Skeeter." Lucius said. Marie grimaced. "Absolutely not. I'd sooner shoot myself in the foot than stoop to that woman's level." Marie chuckled. "Good." Lucius said relieved. "what is it you write?" Narcissa asked. "I write travel entries." She said. "You travel?" Draco asked. You finally blinked away the disbelief. "She uhm." You cleared your throat. "She travels with her husband." You said. "So your husband and you travel?" Lucius asked. "He's a soldier." She said. "Oh. I take it he knows you're here?" Draco asked. "Yes, though he's usually out doing something... Dangerous." She admitted. "Sweet as can be though." You said. "God yes." Marie nodded. "How did you all manage to be in reliable marriages if your father is... Well your father." Draco asked. "Mm. Well when you're a noble you go to many parties. You meet people, you befriend them. We set up a system you see." Marie began. "We would basically befriend the noble boys and ask them politely to reject us so we could get to the one we actually would be okay marrying." Marie explained. "Or in Y/n's case, try to break them... And succeed." Marie added making Draco laugh. "She's spirited." Draco said with a smile looking over at you. You smiled in return, looking at him with love. Lucius noticed and smiled. "You're all excused." Lucius said. You walked down the hallways to your room.
You stretched before going to the bathroom. Draco got changed and read a book while waiting for you. You came out a few moments later in a towel making him glance up before returning to the book. Then he realized... He looked back up and you were changing into your usual night clothes. Christ you were gorgeous. "Draco, I can feel your staring." You said grabbing a shirt. ".... You're fucking beautiful." He gaped. You nearly turned around but your breasts being exposed made you turn back. "What the hell brought on the compliment?" You asked. "You. Literally looking like that." He said. "I always look like this?" You said confused. "Yes but you're beautiful-- Am I not supposed to compliment you when you look stunning?" He asked. You laughed sliding on the shirt and turning to him. "I think the day we get married you might lose your mind then." You said. "Mmm.." he looked at you and shook his head. "You were about to say something, what was it?" You asked laying down next to him. "It was nothing." Draco said. "what was it?" You asked. He shook his head. "I'm not entirely sure you'd want to hear it." He said. "Say it." You said with an eye roll. "Dracoooo--" "I'd absolutely ravage you on our wedding night dear, do not push it." He said in your ear making you turn crimson. He returned to his book as you stared off. "Y/n? Did I break you?" He asked. "Little bit." You squeaked out. He snorted and you made a noise almost reminiscent of a deflating balloon. He laughed and closed his book. "Have you not thought about this?" He asked. "What? Sleeping with you?" You asked. "Yes." He nodded. "I...." You swallowed you words down looking at him. "Uhm... Maybe a little too much." You said before looking away. "Really?" He asked. "Yes! Okay, maybe I have! A few... Dozen times, but at least I don't make comments like that!" You said making him laugh harder. "I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" He asked. "No! No I just-- Gah, you're absolutely frustrating sometimes!" You groaned. "What? Had your impure thought of the day?" He teased. You scoffed. "I do not have an 'impure thought of the day'. I am perfectly capable of making you just as squeamish as you've made me!" You said defiantly. "Oh? Is that so? Well let's hear it then." He said. "What!?" You asked. "Let's hear you say something. Come on." He teased. "Draco--" "What impure thought has crossed your mind that could possibly make me this ridiculous?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "And silence has filled you yet again dear, I'm beginning to notice a pattern of--" "If you don't stop with this talk, I will find some very creative and useful ways to make you shut it." You said in his ear. A chill shot down his spine as you took your book off your nightstand and read with him staring at you. "Oh what now!?" You asked. "You know, you still owe me from earlier." Draco said. "What?" You asked. "In the garden. When I kissed you." He reminded. You looked over at him. He was smiling in a way you hadn't seen before, all of his attention was solely focused on you. Your heart seemed to pound before you got up. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Getting some water." You said walking out. You closed the door and walked to Marie's room. "Marie? Can I come in?" You asked. "Yes dearie!" She said. You closed the door and she rose a brow. "You look like you've recovered from heat stroke, are you alright?" She asked.
"can I ask you a question?" You asked. "Yes?" She said confused. "When did you know you were ready to..." You paused. "Get married? Well I didn't have much of a choice--" "N-no... That you were ready to... Do it." You asked. "It? What is it?" Marie asked. You seemed to shift in place before she realized. "Ooohhh you mean sex!" She said. "SHHH! KEEP IT DOWN!" you said in a whisper shouting voice. "What? Afraid God will hear you?" Marie asked flatly. You sighed. "Why are you asking that though-- ohmygod do you think that you're going to?" She asked. "Well... I mean--" "I say go for it." Marie said. "Wha-- but how did you know?" You asked. "that I was ready?" Marie asked. "Yes!" You groaned. "because I trusted him. And I loved him." Marie said. "...You didn't feel it?" You asked. "I mean, yes it did involve me trusting myself to know that I was ready too." She said. "...Do you think you're ready?" Marie asked. You immediately thought of those ridiculously attractive grey eyes. "...I.. I am." You nodded. "Well... Then congratulations?" She asked. You got up. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Sleep." You said before leaving. You walked to your room and closed the door. "That must've been one big glass of water." Draco teased. You jumped at his voice and he rose a brow. "Darling are you alright--" "Did you mean what you said?" You asked. "what?" He asked. "Earlier, did you mean what you said?" You asked. "About...?" Draco said. "Draco, do you want to actually sleep with me?" You asked. "Is that an offer?" He asked sarcastically. "YES!" You said. "....Wait seriously?" He asked. "Welcome to the wonders of a fiancée, who will usually sleep with you if you ask--" he closed the door behind you, kissing you passionately. You halted all means of speech as you locked the door.
He pulled away. "Are you sure about this? Do you really--" "Please." You whispered. He kissed your neck, kissing that one spot that made you almost sink into him. "S-someone studied." You said with a laugh. He kissed you again, both of his hands on your body. You melted into his grasp almost shivering at his touch. "Tell me you want this and I'll keep going Y/n." Draco told you. "I want this Draco." You assured. He nodded, getting up and lifting you up. "What are--" "Bed." He said before kissing you passionately. You ran your fingers through his hair, as he sat you on the edge of the bed removing your shirt after pulling off his own his own. "What?" You asked. He chuckled and kissed you again. You held his face and he held you close as you both leaned back onto the bed. He kissed down your body, each kiss sweeter than the last. Your breath hitched as Draco pulled off your pj bottoms. He pulled off your underwear, his lips kissing your inner thigh making you almost shiver at the contact. His tongue moved and you gripped the sheets at the contact. "D-draco-- A-ah!" You gasped. He ran his fingers over your arms lightly before holding your hand as you held back a few moans. He pulled back before kissing you. "Draco... I need you." You whispered as he rested his forehead on yours. He kissed your forehead before inserting himself in you. You arched your back and gasped as he moved slowly. It hurt at first and he could tell, cupping your cheek with a hand. You slowed your breathing as the pain quickly went away. "You.. you can move." You whispered. As he quickened the pace as he ran his fingers over your arms and held your hands in his as you moaned. "Dr-Draco oh god--" you breathed. He kissed you, holding you close before both of you came.
He collapsed next to you looking at you. "So is this a regular thing now orrr--" "Oh bite your tongue." You said with a laugh. He kissed you and you smiled, resting your forehead on his. "I love you Y/n." He said. "I love you too Draco." You said softly. Sleep was easy to you that night, no nightmares bombarding your inner thoughts. You woke up to the morning light hitting your eyes. You blinked a few times and leaned up. Draco inhaled sharply before doing the same. "Morning." You said with a smile. "Morning." He said before kissing you. You let your feet touch the floor before immediately falling. Damn your sore legs, Marie couldn't have added that that might be a problem? Draco immediately got up and helped you up. "Uhm... Are you alright?" He asked as your legs shook. "You did this you little shit." You said. He resisted a snort and lifted you up. "Wha-- where are we going!?" You asked. "Bath, your muscles are sore Love." He said. "And how, pray tell, do you know this?" He asked. "I've asked some... Unsavory questions to friends who might've had sex in school?" He said. "You could just say you aren't a virgin, I mean who's that good their first time?" You said with a laugh as you slowly got into the tub. "Actually that was my first time." He said. "There is no way that's true." You said. Draco chuckled and turned on the hot water. "Despite what you believe, it's the truth." Draco said. "....What kind of questions did you ask these friends of yours!?" You realized making him snort.
You took a bath, your muscles, thankfully relaxing and allowing you to stand again. Draco left some clothes for you on the counter next to the sink. You put them on noticing a scar on your back and making you shake your head. You walked out and Draco was standing on the terrace of the room. You smiled and walked out, him wrapping an arm around you. "This is a beautiful day." Draco said. "If you start getting sappy I'm going to leave." You joked. He chuckled and kissed your face. You smiled and heard a knock on the door. "Did we ever unlock the door?" You asked. "No, I don't think we did." He answered. You opened the door and Marie was holding a cup of tea. "Morning you two." She said handing you the cup. "Mind if I whisk her away for a bit?" Marie asked Draco. "Not at all, have fun dear." He said before giving you a quick kiss and walking past you.
"Soooo." She said as you walked. You sipped the tea. "How was last night?" She asked making you cough it up. She chuckled. You coughed a few more times and finally answered. "Christ, give me a warning!" You said. "Well I think that was plenty of an answer." She said with a devious laugh. "So did you... Y'know?" She asked. "Marie!" You whined. "You roped me into this, remember that!" She said. "...It was nice." You finally said. "Oh so you did--" "YES OKAY, NOW CAN WE DROP IT!?" you begged. "Alright alright! So, read anything new lately?" She asked. "Well--" "Y/n, would you mind coming with me?" Lucius asked. You turned around. "Is everyone going to be asking me this today?" You asked. Marie took your cup and you rose a brow. "Go, I'll be out here." She said with a smile. You shrugged, walking with Lucius. "Where are we going?" You asked. "Now I'm sure you know the answer to this." Lucius said with a laugh. "Your study. Right! Right." You nodded making him chuckle you walked in and froze to a middle aged man in a blue jacket with a suit case.
"Merlin's beard... Do not tell me that's--" "Happy early birthday, this is Mr. Newt Scamander." Lucius said. "Gah.... I... I..." Your mind seemed to just freeze. "Is she having a stroke-- is she okay?" Newt worried. "No! No! I'm okay I just... Wow you're standing here in front of-- Niffler!?" You said making him raise a bow. You slipped past him, scooping up the magical creature and tickling it to get it to empty its pouch. Pens and coins toppled out and you chuckled. "Come on, there's more than that." You said before a pen dropped to the floor. Newt rose a brow, as you handed him the niffler. "He's a little devil this one, thank you." He said putting him in the suitcase. "So I suspect you know why I'm here?" Newt asked. "Uh... I apologize, I actually don't." You said. "Oh. Well I'm here to train you." He said. "Sorry what?" You asked. "I am here to take you on as an apprentice where you will study animals and eventually go into the field you'd like." He further explained. "I see... Wow.. uhm.. thank you Lucius." You said. "No need, he's heard of you." Lucius said. "Wait what-- seriously!?" You gaped. "It's not every day you hear of a student taming a dragon." Newt said. "I... I am rendered speechless I am so sorry." You said. "I'm quite anxious around people too, don't worry. Why don't you change into some pants and we'll begin work in the....?" He looked over to Lucius. "...Patio is fine." Lucius said. "Patio!" Newt nodded.
You basically sprinted for your room, changing as quickly as possible when Draco walked in. "Woah there, careful, what's going on?" Draco asked. "Newt Scamander is taking me on as an apprentice!" You said as you slid on pants. "Darling that's fantastic!" Draco said with a smile. "We're beginning work now, I am way too excited Merlin’s beard!" You said putting on a shirt. "Good luck!" He said. You nodded and ran out the door. He chuckled to himself and grabbed a book before feeling a hand on his shoulder he turned around and you kissed him before running off. "Love you!" You said. "Love you too!" He laughed.
You ran outside, dressing almost like Hermione when you two would hang out. Actually you were 95% sure this shirt was Hermoine’s. "Alright let's do this!" You said excitedly. He nodded and opened the suitcase before climbing into it. You stared at it for a minute before his hand popped out motioning for you to go down. You climbed down, seeing a small shack. "Woah... How come you never included this in your book?" You asked. "I didn't want to include it because my book ended up amongst the muggles as well." Newt said. "Ah." You nodded. "Hand me the bucket next to you dear." He said. You picked it up and he hacked a piece of meat into pieces. You noticed a picture near the door and you rose a brow. "Who's that?" You asked. "Hmm? Oh... An old friend." He said. You nodded and looked around at the tables, with scattered work supplies. "Alright. Let us begin." He said opening the wooden door. You walked through it and were met with various magical creatures, making you gape. "Wow." Was all you could muster out. He walked to a large creature, a glowing forehead. "Is this an Erumpent?" You asked. "Hmm? Yes, be careful the--" "Venom makes people explode." You said stepping back. He nodded. "You know a lot about this already." He noticed. "I read your book and worked with Charlie Weasley." You said looking at the mooncalves. He handed you pellets and you fed them with a smile. "Do you mind holding the niffler while I handle the Occamies?" He asked. You nodded and he handed you the small little guy, it staring up at you. You smiled and pet it, it nuzzling into your hand. "He seems to like you." Newt noticed. "Hmm?" You asked. "the Niffler, it likes you." Newt said. "Oh... He's a cute little guy." You said with a smile. You handed him back and Newt took him. "Every day you will be given an interaction with a new magical creature. Sometimes it will be in the case, other times it will not be." Newt explained. You nodded. "If you happen upon a creature that is to be in this case that isn't here please let me know or handle it with caution before bringing it to the case." He warned. "It happens often?" You asked. "No amount of locks can stop a Niffler." Newt said looking at him. You noticed a little green figure holding onto his jacket. "Hi there." You said softly. It retreated behind his coat's collar. "Pickett she's going to be here a while, you need to make friends." He said. Pickett slowly peaked his head out and you smiled. "A bowtruckle? Aren't they introverted?" You asked. "Yes they are, I must ask: were you a hufflepuff?" He asked. "Yes, how'd you know?" You asked. "I am too." He said pointing to the scarf on a rack. "you would think Hagrid would mention this." You laughed. He smiled and put down the now empty bucket. "Alright. Time for your first interaction. The Demiguise. What do you know about it?" He asked. "They can turn invisible and they're herbivores, aren't they?" You asked. "Yes." Newt nodded. He allowed one to climb up his arm before motioning for it to go to you. It climbed back to the floor, it climbing up your side like a sloth. You smiled. "Hi there." You said softly. It seemed to almost hug you. "did you name any of the creatures besides Pickett?" You asked. "Oh yes. All of them have names... Except for the Niffler that was near you earlier, he's a younger one." Newt said. "You should name him Bandit. It makes sense because of the--" "Stealing, how clever." Newt nodded. "What do you think, hmm?" He asked the Niffler. It seemed to have a positive response to the name. "Bandit." He nodded. "This is such a calm creature... Why would anyone ever want to hurt it?" You asked. "to make invisibility cloaks." Newt said with a frown. "Some times I think the biggest monsters are people." You muttered. "I share that sentiment." He agreed. You heard a knock and rose a brow. Newt slipped past you. "What's the Demiguise's name?" You asked. "Dougal." He answered before disappearing into the room. You smiled, looking at Dougal. "You're so soft... You almost remind me of a sloth." You muttered. Newt popped his head back out. "Dinner is ready." Newt said. "Wait, it's been that long?" You asked. Newt nodded and the Demiguise climbed down. You both walked out and you rose a brow. "Uh... Was the Niffler supposed to follow?" You asked as you noticed the Niffler on the patio table. "Bandit. No." Newt warned. It scurried off. "That's not good." You muttered before both of you booked it. You walked the hallway to the bedroom and frowned. "Y/n? Did Marie tell you that dinner was served or--" "Yes I'm coming I just.... Wait. Where's the box?" You asked. "What?" Draco asked. "The thimble box-- he was here-- Bandit!" You called. Draco rose a brow as you walked into your bedroom. You stopped in the doorway looking around. "What are you looking for?" Draco asked. "The niffler-- FOUND IT! NEWT!" you called. Newt sprinted down the hall to find it on your dresser trying to hold still. You sprinted to it catching it before it could run off. You tickled it and a bunch of shiny things hit the floor. "Bandit, come on... We know there's more." You said before a couple of other things hit the floor. "He's good." You said giving Bandit back. Draco rose a brow as you all walked to the dining room. "So... Why was there a Niffler in our room?" Draco asked. "A lock can't stop a Niffler." Newt said, referring to what he said to you earlier. "Okayy?" Draco said confused. "I'm going to put him back in the case, tell your father please." Newt said.
You sat at the table and Draco smiled looking at you. "Excited for your 19th birthday?" Marie asked. " I guess." You shrugged. "come on, you'll probably get to see Thomas!" She said. You smiled to yourself as Newt took a seat. "Your birthday is tomorrow?" He asked. "Yep." You shrugged. "not a fan?" Newt asked. "if you knew my father you'd get it." You shrugged. "Maybe I do, what's his name?" Newt asked. "Henry L/n." You shrugged. Newt's face dropped. "You know him?" Marie asked. "Very cruel hearted. Very angry." He said. "Yes, that sums him up perfectly." You said. " His wife was always kind, Dalia correct?" He asked. "Yes. She passed ten years ago." Marie said. "Oh... I'm sorry." Newt said. "It's alright. Mother was wonderful." You said. Narcissa noticed your eyes, them seeming to glaze over. "So, what about your brother, what's he like?" Lucius asked, hoping to catch your attention. You stayed silent though, deep in thought. "Y/n?" Draco asked softly. You snapped out of your fog. "Sorry, what was your question?" You asked. "your brother Thomas, what's he like?" Lucius asked. "Think of me, but male." You said. "Oh boy." Draco said making Marie chuckle. You rolled your eyes. " When is the engagement party?" You asked. "Two weeks." Narcissa said. "Who would you like to invite?" Lucius asked. "Well... Harry potter is a dear friend. And the Weasley's are like family. So is Hermione..." You said. "hmm. I'll invite them then."Lucius nodded. "You got along with Ron?" Draco asked. "Sometimes. He did get a little annoying fourth year though." You said. "Most of the time I've heard you talking about the Weasley's it was talking about Fred and George." Marie said. "They're like my brothers, Thomas loves them." You admitted. "Molly did always love you, as did Arthur." Marie nodded. "Did they know about... Your father?" Narcissa asked. "Yes. Y/n would often hide there to escape." Marie said. You took a long sip of water. "I see. So you all were really close."
"NO I DON'T WANT TO GO!" You could hear your screams in your mind making you swallow your water.
"LET GO OF ME!" you remembered, making you clear your throat.
You let out a small shaking breath which Draco heard. "May we be excused?" He asked looking at you. Lucius noticed the look in your eyes and nodded. Draco took your hand, helping you out of your seat before leaving the adults to speak. "Henry hurt that girl didn't he?" Newt asked. "Yes. According to Draco there's scars." Lucius nodded. "All of us have them.. except for the males." Marie said. "What?" Narcissa asked. "Father wanted sons. He wasn't a fan of a largely female household." Marie said. "I will admit though, Y/n usually took the beatings the worst though. She usually took them for the triplets." Marie explained. "triplets?" Lucius asked. "Yes. There was Elizabeth, the eldest, Joanna the second eldest, me, Y/n then the triplets, Susan, Lila and Elise." Marie said. "I see... Then three sons, correct?" Lucius asked. "Yes." She nodded. "Y/n herself is a triplet isn't she?" Narcissa asked. "Yes. Charles, Thomas and her are triplets. Joanna and Phillip are twins." Marie said. "Are multiple children such as twins common amongst your family?" Lucius asked. "Just in our home. Not sure why." She shrugged. "All the more to love though!" She chuckled. "Do you have any children?" Narcissa asked. "No, I'm afraid I'm incapable." Marie said. "Goodness. I'm so sorry." Narcissa said. "It's alright. My husband and I plan on adopting after the next move." She said. "Best of luck to you." Newt said. "thank you." She nodded.
You paced. "Why does my anxiety have to plague me at the dinner table, why?" You groaned. "Y/n, you're fine, father understands." Draco said softly. "I want to be normal. Why can't I be normal!?" You asked. "Because you're extraordinary." Draco said. "...Your positivity is both reassuring and annoying." You sighed before hugging him. He held you close, kissing your head. "I really do wish you'd be a bit more excited over your birthday though." Draco said. "What, is something happening that day?" You asked. "Darling you act like you've never actually..." He looked at you. "You've never celebrated a birthday have you?" Draco asked. "I have. With the Weasley's." You muttered. "Well this time you have a loving fiancée and your personal hero to keep you company." Draco said. You smiled. "Okay okay... I guess it's not... So bad but no cake, I'm actually not a fan of cake." You said. "Ah. Noted. Let's go to bed... After we put back what that Niffler thing tried to take." Draco said with a laugh.
You woke up in the middle of the night, not daring to wake Draco. You sat on the terrace, staring at the stars. You noticed the clock on the dresser hit twelve and you sighed. "Happy birthday to me" you murmured. You noticed Newt with a creature walking through the night and smiled. Maybe just maybe this birthday wouldn't be so bad.
You finally went back to bed and slept soundly for the rest of the night. Although the next morning you woke up with Draco carrying you breakfast. "Morning dear." He said. "What the-- what's this?" You asked. "Breakfast-- don't worry I didn't cook it." He assured. You laughed. "Thank you." You said kissing him. You both ate and laughed at stupid jokes before getting dressed. "I should go see if Newt needs anything before doing anything." You said. "Actually he's expecting you elsewhere." Draco said. "What do you have planned?" You asked. "You will see." Draco said with a smile. You rolled your eyes as you followed Draco. "I swear, I'm going to assume you've held the damn girl captive Marie with the way you're treating this!" You heard a voice say. "Is that--" "Thomas, relax the boy she's engaged to loves her and cares for her." Marie said. You opened the door and your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Draco smiled as Thomas hugged you. "It's been too long!" He said. "You've otherwise gotten taller or I'm getting shorter." Thomas said making you laugh. "I've missed you! How's Delilah?" You asked. "Oh, she's lovely, she says hello she'll be here for the wedding along with the children." Thomas said. He noticed Draco and rose a brow. "Hello." Draco greeted. Thomas shook his hand before you noticed a glint. "Oh no." You sighed. "What's with you?" Thomas asked. "I think--" "WHAT IN THE BLAZES IS THAT!?" Narcissa screamed making Draco jump. You facepalmed. "Newt really needs a new locking device." You sighed before running out. You looked for the Demiguise, knowing damn well that Dougal probably turned invisible when Narcissa was frightened. "Dougal. Sweetie, I'm here." You said softly, looking for the slight disfigurement of it's invisibility. Finally you noticed it and picked it up. Dougal dropped the invisibility and you kissed it's head. "I'm here little guy. Let's find Newt okay?" You said. You walked with Dougal in your arms leaving Draco and Thomas both gaping at your calmness to the strange creature wrapped around you. "Newt! I found Dougal." You said. "What-- Oh goodness he must've slipped past." Newt said. You gave Dougal to Newt. "Oh Y/n, I'm actually glad you're here I have something for you." He said. You rose a brow as he pulled out Bandit. "Uh..." You paused. "He's yours. He has literally been found in your room four times this morning." Newt said. "How did I not wake up?" You asked. "No clue. Your fiancée screamed at one point after he saw him sleeping on your head." Newt said. "I'll keep him safe, don't worry." You said with a smile. "Hi Pickett." You greeted the small bowtruckle on Newt's coat. It peaked out and you smiled. "Morning-- Oh boy the small visitor is back." Draco said looking at the Niffler. "He's now your fiancée's, and yes they can be trained." Newt said. "Heard that you screamed this morning?" You asked Draco as Bandit seemed to perch on your shoulder. "Oh goodness did he! He also fell off the bed." Marie laughed. "Okay, not everyone wakes up and expects to see that next to them!" Draco said. "Oh yes. Bandit is sooo terrifying." You laughed. Thomas smiled and Draco shook his head. "He just likes shiny stuff but I think I can keep him from going ballistic over everything here." You said with a smile. The Niffler nuzzled into your touch making you smile. "Oh, father also has something for you." Draco said. "What? But he's already done so much?" You said confused. "Yes well, you are quickly becoming a favorite around here." Draco said kissing your head. You smiled and put the Niffler on Draco's shoulder. "Uhhh--" "He stays with us now, you'll have to be aquatinted eventually love." You said. Draco nodded and looked at the creature as you walked to the study. "Hello?" He said to him. Bandit cocked his head to the side confused by this new person.
You knocked on the door. "Come in." Lucius said. You walked in and he nodded. "Draco said you needed me." You said. He pushed a box forward making you raise a brow. "Open it." He said. You nodded and opened the box to see a Malfoy family ring resting in it. You looked at him and then the box. "This is a family ring." You said. "Yes. We wear these proudly and you are apart of our family now Y/n." He said. You smiled and slid it on your finger. "Thank you." You said. "You're wel--" you hugged Lucius catching him off guard. He slowly hugged you back and you pulled away. "Thank you. For everything." You said softly. "You're very welcome Y/n." He said. You heard Draco running. "Slow down! If he knows you're chasing him he'll just get crafty with hiding!" Newt warned. You facepalmed and walked out to find Bandit crawling up your pants leg. "He went to find Y/n!" Thomas said. "Oh now that's just precious." Marie said. You smiled, petting the creature before Thomas noticed the ring. "that's a family ring." He said. "Mmhmm." You nodded looking at him. "You're fitting in nicely here..." Thomas said. "You're going all brother on me again Thomas, I'm safe here I promise." You said softly. "As long as they are keeping father away from you." Thomas said. "They are Tommy." Marie said.
You all sat around in the garden. "how is Phillip?" You asked, using a coin to keep Bandit at bay. " Violet is pregnant." Thomas said. "Finally!" Marie said. "first child... How mad has he gone?" You asked. "Baby proofing EVERYTHING." Thomas laughed. Draco smiled as he sat next to you. "Tell me, have you been treating my sister well?" Thomas asked. "Yes Thomas. He has" you said with an eye roll. "I have. I love your sister." He said looking at you. "If you hurt her, mental or physical just know there's eight siblings who can and will kill you." He threatened. Draco looked at you. "If I ever did any of that I'd kill myself." Draco said. Thomas rose a brow. "... Good answer." Thomas said. "So... Marie tells me you two have gotten close" Thomas said. "Yes Thomas. Come on quit interrogating them--" "How close are we talkin' here?" He asked looking at Draco, practically searing holes into him. "...Uhm.." Draco looked really uncomfortable. "Thomas." You sighed. "I love her. Truly." Draco said. "Yes, tell me a fun fact about knowing my sister then. When was the first time you noticed her?" Thomas asked. Bandit chased the coin in a small circle. "The Yule ball in our fourth year." He admitted making all movement from you stop. "What?" You asked. "The Yule ball. You went with Fred because neither of you had dates, he was waiting by the steps, when you came down in a black dress." Draco said. "Y... You actually noticed?" You gaped. "how could I not? You were beautiful." Draco said with a smile. You continued to play with the coin and Bandit continued playing. "... I'll trust you. For now. One slip up though and I'm putting your corpse in a dumpster." Thomas said. Draco cleared his throat. "I didn't think you knew I existed." You admitted. "I knew. I noticed you in our second year when during Christmas you sat with me and said Merry Christmas." He reminded. "... No offense darling. But why'd you act like such an ass then?" You asked. "Because I didn't handle my feelings well. I was a child who took house wars WAY too seriously." Draco reminded. "Truth was I wanted to know you but I just didn't voice it properly." He admitted. "So. How did you not recognize that I was in the middle of that petty rivalry?" You asked. "I knew. And for the most part I tried to keep you out of it. I took a lot more hits than you remember." Draco said. "How so?" Thomas asked. "The fight in the bathroom. It started because it was about you. I asked Blaise, who by the way was the reason for a lot of the 'wrong place, wrong time' crap, to keep you out of it. He called me a Blood traitor, next thing I knew I punched him." Draco explained. Then it REALLY registered. All of the times you were in the center of crap, Blaise was the one who put you there. He always would slip it into your mind before hand. "I did care. But again, in school I was an ass who didn't want to admit that." Draco said. You kissed him and he smiled. "What was that for?" Draco asked. "Always looking out for me." You said with a smile. Thomas gagged and Marie rolled her eyes, dragging him off as she got up. "Why am I being dragged!?" Thomas asked. "Let's leave them alone for a bit!" Marie said shoving him inside.
You laughed and Bandit crawled into your lap, tired from chasing the coin. " Looks like you tired him out." Draco said. "Yep. I did that on purpose." You said with a smile. Draco pulled out a small box and you blinked. "Draco, you didn't need to get me anything." You said. "Hmm. But I did." He said. You opened it and smiled. "It's a locket... Draco it's beautiful." You said softly. Draco kissed you and you smiled. "Happy birthday darling." Draco said softly.
You ended up having fun for the most part, Draco enjoying seeing you with a smile. You'd have a few spaced out moments but overall you enjoyed the day. "So how's taking care of Bandit?" Newt asked. "I've figured out a way to tire him out and he now sleeps in my sock drawer." You said making Lucius raise a brow. "Have you enjoyed your birthday dear?" Narcissa asked. "For the first time I can actually say yes." You said with a smile. "I'm glad. We do enjoy seeing you happy here Y/n, you deserve to be." She said. "Joanna sent me a letter, she says happy birthday you two." Marie said sitting down. "How are the triplets?" You asked. "They're all taking up some interests." Marie said. "Elise's is literature isn't it?" You asked. "Yes, who would've thought that she picked up a trait from the sibling who impacted her the most?" Marie asked sarcastically. "Do the triplets not live with your father?" Draco asked. "No, Joanna took them after she moved." Thomas answered. "Thank goodness." Lucius nodded. "How's Jacob?" You asked making Newt nearly choke. "Newt, are you alright?" You asked. "Yes. Yes I'm fine." He nodded. Wrong Jacob, Newt. "He's well." Marie nodded. "Does your sister have children?" Lucius asked. "No, she's unable sir." Marie answered. "Is this a common thing amongst the women?" Narcissa asked. "Yes. But we've already made sure that Y/n is perfectly able to have children." Marie said. Draco smiled to himself thinking of the idea of you being a mother. "What is your other brother like?" Lucius asked Thomas. "Hmm? Oh Phillip? He's stern but at the end of the day would protect us from whatever would try to hurt us. He was father's favorite." Thomas answered. "Will you be staying with us?" Lucius asked. "if you don't mind." Thomas said. "Not at all. Newt did you sleep well last night in the cabin?" Lucius asked. "Yes, thank you. You rose a brow. "We have a cabin?" You asked. "Yes, more like a cottage really." Narcissa answered before a knock was heard. Lucius walked out and you took a sip of water. "I'm glad today has been great dear, it's always nice to see you with a smile." Narcissa said. "There she is!" A familiar female voice said making you stand up. "Molly!" You said with a smile. She hugged you as did the twins. "I invited them for dinner. After all this day should be celebrated with your family." Lucius said nodding to you. You smiled as Fred and George sat on your left. "Wait then that means--" "This place is huge." Ron gaped. "Ron!" Hermione and Ginny both hushed. "Well I mean he's not wrong." Harry said. Draco looked at Lucius with a "you couldn't have told me sooner!?" Look. "Harry!" You said with a smile. "Y/n! How's being engaged-- Christ we're getting old." He grimaced as he realized how adult that sounded. You laughed and Ginny hugged you. "It's been great actually, this is actually feels like home now." You answered making Lucius smile. "We're glad you're away from Henry." Arthur said sitting down. "Thomas, happy birthday to you too." Molly said. "Thank you Molly." he said with a smile. "How are all of you?" You asked. "Welllll..." Molly looked at Ginny. "Harry and I are engaged." Ginny said making you gasp. "Blazes-- congratulations!" You said. "So is Ron and Hermione." Harry said. You laughed. "You sure you can put up him that long?" You asked her making Hermione snort. "I'm not deaf!" Ron said. "We know." Everyone said in unison. You smiled before noticing something behind Newt. "Crap." You muttered. Draco noticed it too and he stood up. "You flank left, I'll go right." He said. Newt rose a brow as both of you cornered the Niffler. Bandit slipped past you though and you both exchanged a "Crap." Look before both of you chased after it. "What in the world?" Molly asked. "I gifted Y/n a niffler this morning. It appears to have waken up from it's nap." Newt said. "Wait, you're Newt Scamander!" Hermione said. "What like our old text book?" Ron asked. "Yes!" She said. "Oh. Hey! I knew that!" Ron said making Fred laugh. There was a loud noise followed by a "GOT HIM!" making Harry almost snort.
But it was the state that Draco returned that made everyone almost die of laughter. He was soaked. Or at least the top half of him was. "....What happened?" Narcissa asked, also trying to contain laughter. "He turned on the bath while I was chasing him." Draco said, dripping. Lucius nearly snorted as you walked out unscathed and the niffler resting on your shoulder. "Sh-shall we adjourn to the day room?" Narcissa asked trying not to laugh. "May I change... Please?" Draco asked. "Mmhmm." Lucius nodded. The second the door closed all of you started laughing. "I swear, Bandit almost seems to be taunting Draco." You laughed. "Right on little man." Fred said as he stood up, looking at the Niffler.
You all sat around, exchanging Hogwarts stories. Some making you laugh as you sat next to Draco (who was now dry.) You were happy, truly so. A smile never disappeared, especially now that it felt like your family was here. Draco even seemed to be civil with Harry, the two of them almost looking back at the past few years with amusement. Newt made sure the Niffler was put up for the rest of the night, noticing a tired expression. You were exhausted from all of the interaction, your head falling onto Draco's shoulder. He stopped talking, looking over at your sleeping face and smiled. "I'll be back to see you off." Draco said before lifting you up and carrying you out. He kissed your head, noticing again that the Niffler managed to get in here again but choosing to ignore the creature as it chose to rest on pillow near your head.
Draco did see them off, thanking them for being there for you. Molly smiled as they walked. "He's become a fine young man." She said. "Indeed." Arthur agreed. "Definitely more bearable than from what he was in school." Harry said. "Seems to really love Y/n." Hermione said. "He seems absolutely smitten." Ginny chuckled. "I'm worried about that." George said. "Why?" Molly asked. "What's Henry going to think?" Fred asked. Arthur nodded knowingly. "I see what you mean. But by this point it's out of his hands." Arthur said. "Hmm? How so?" George asked. "An arrangement like this would require the male's consent. The engagement can't be called off unless Draco chooses to." Arthur shrugged. "Thank God." Fred and George said in unison.
The next few weeks were dedicated to the wedding, dress after dress, flower after flower. Your escape lied with Newt and Draco, studying animals and spending time with Draco. Now the family was here in the manor, your father staying under the same roof making it hard to focus on anything. You wouldn't leave Draco's side, not once. Dinner would be painfully awkward with both of your brothers now drilling holes into Draco. Your sisters would try to get them to stop but your father would be making subtle jabs towards any confidence you may have built. Finally it was a day before the wedding and you were a mess. Stupid rules say that you were to not see Draco until the wedding. "are you excited?" Narcissa asked. "Yes. I just wish I could see him now." You sighed as you took a sip of tea. "I'm just glad it's out of father's hands now." Joanna mumbled. "Me too." You nodded. "I feel like he's lurking around every corner." Marie said with a sigh. "It's like we're always walking on thin ice or something." Elise murmured. "This whole week has stressed Draco out." You said. "Why?" Marie asked. "Why? Well let's see, we've got a man who's straight out of a fucking Lovecraft novel roaming about, we have my brothers mentally killing him in their minds, you have my step mother who lurks like a snake through the halls and the occasional animal getting lose." You said with a sigh as Bandit played with Sophia. "I just want to spend time with Draco. Is that bad?" You asked. "You've been jittery all week, I suppose he's like a comfort to you." Joanna said. "Jittery?" Narcissa asked. "She's been anxious all week. Lot of pacing." Joanna said. "Draco has been doing that all morning." Narcissa chuckled. "Really?" You asked. "Yes, he's been rambling all morning about you, saying he wants to make you happy" Narcissa said. All of the women made audible coos and you chuckled. "I love that man." You sighed. "I just wish I could SEE him. Like why the hell would you separate us?" You grumbled. "Funny, about a month ago you would've begged for this to happen." Narcissa teased. "Har. Har." You laughed dryly. You sighed and noticed a hippogriff through the window. "Shit." You said. "What-- What in Merlin's Beard is that!?" Joanna asked before you got up, rolling up your sleeves. "A hippogriff" you said before walking out.
Draco sighed. He never realized how much of his daily routine now revolved around you until he had to be separated from you. He bit into an apple before looking up at a looming shape to see a hippogriff. "...Fuck." he mumbled looking at it. It seemed to growl, watching his movements. What is it that you did that day that made it calm down before!? "uh... Nice bird... Thing?" He said confused. It got closer before you jumped in front of it. "Eli, eyes on me!" You said. It attempted to look at Draco but you snapped your fingers. "Eyes on me!" You said sternly. "Eli, it's me... Focus. Focus." You said soothingly. "Draco, bow." You instructed. He nodded and bowed to it, the hippogriff reciprocating the sentiment. "Good boy. Let's go find Newt." You said softly. You looked at Draco. "Wanna sneak off with me?" You asked. "Absolutely." Draco nodded. You both walked along side the creature to the patio. Newt now usually worked there but you were met with your father. "Fuck." You mumbled. "Ah. You." He said looking at you. "Father." You said. Eli seemed to not like the presence of him. "Uh oh." You mumbled watching Eli gear up. "Father bow." You said. "Excuse me?" He asked. "Bow! To the creature it will attack if you don't!" You warned. "I will not--" Eli reared up making it jump back until Newt intervened. "Into the case!" He said guiding him into it. He locked the case and sighed. "That thing needs to be put down." Henry said with a hiss. "That thing wouldn't have attacked if you would've listened!" Draco said. "Careful with that mouth boy." He said. "I tried to warn you." You said with a frown before noticing a Demiguise. "Newt how long has your case been unlocked?" You asked. "I'm not sure why?" You asked. "Dougal is in a tree." You said. Newt sighed and walked over to the tree. "These pests are a nuisance." Your father grumbled. "These 'pests' are amazing and if you had half a mind you'd see that!" You snapped. Your father scowled at you and seemed to gear up to hit you before a cane stopped him. "Touch her and the ministry will find out about your deeds Henry." Lucius warned. Henry scoffed. Your sisters came outside to see the commotion along with Narcissa. "You will do no such thing" your father said. "He can, and he will if he has evidence." Joanna said. "Shut your mouth--" "No! We have dealt with this enough Father! We're done!" Marie snapped. "Get out." Lucius said. "If I do, this is off." He threatened. No. No no-- "This is out of your hands Henry. I'm the one that officially initiated the engagement I'd have to be the one to call it off." Draco said, putting a protective arm around you. "Boy, you don't--" "Touch him and I will return nineteen years of favors, GET. OUT." You snapped making everyone surprised. He shook his head. "I am your father--" "You are a monster. There is a difference. I won't tell you again. Leave." You said. He scoffed before calling after your step mother. It ended with a loud slam of the front door making you take a long breath of relief. "It's over!" Joanna gaped. "Are you alright?" Lucius asked. "I am now." You said looking at Draco. He kissed your head and Thomas sighed. "We approve." Phillip finally said. "That's what it took?" You asked. "Yes, you passed, congrats." Thomas said. "...Thank you?"
Ultimately they decided not to do the traditional thing and separate you, you both spending the rest of the time together. However there was a strict "NO SLEEPING IN THE SAME ROOM" thing going on. It ultimately resulted in you sleeping in a room with your sisters. You wanted actual peace though and still snuck out, Draco doing the same. You both looked at the stars until both of you fell asleep. "Where did they go!?" Narcissa asked. "Found them." Lucius said motioning to you asleep against Draco. His arm was wrapped around you and your Niffler was on his lap asleep. "... We're using this against them later right?" Narcissa asked. "Oh most definitely." Lucius nodded.
You were woken up, forced to change into the dress you all decided on before Marie did your hair. "Any last thoughts?" You asked. "Yes. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be just fine." Joanna said with a smile. You nodded and Marie used the last hair pin. "You're all set." She said. You sucked in a breath and nodded. Narcissa left to get Lucius. "I'm getting married." You realized. "To Draco." Joanna said. "Who loves you." Marie reminded. Lucius opened the door and smiled. "You look beautiful." He said softly. You smiled and took his arm. "Thank you." You nodded. You swallowed down your anxieties. "Any advice?" You asked. "We're all fools in love." He quoted. You rose a brow as your siblings walked out.  "was that... Pride and prejudice?" You asked. "Indeed." He said with a smile. You walked forward to the door outside and your heart pounded. "Are you prepared for what's to come?" Lucius asked. "...No. but when are we ever?" You asked. Lucius nodded and the doors opened.
The air hit you and Draco stood ready, waiting for you to walk out. When you actually did Thomas was pretty sure he was going to pass out. "Holy. Shit." He mumbled. The Reverend eyed him and he cleared his throat stating at you. Lucius walked you to the end with a smile. "Today I've gained a daughter." He said. "Thank you father." You said making his smile wider as he sat next to Narcissa. You looked at Draco and he smiled. You didn't even hear half of whatever the Reverend was saying. You both said your vows, sliding on the silver bands that represented the union. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." He said. Draco kissed you with a smile.
Not a single soul was there with a straight face, all of them smiling. This love was pure and lovely, simple and plain for all to see. The coming years would provide interesting times, Newt's passing being a strange one when his suit case was left to you, as was the little bowtruckle known as Pickett that never left your side. When you had children they learned from what you did, breaking off from tradition as time passed. You sat in the study reading when your youngest daughter walked in. "Yes darling?" Draco asked making you look up. "For a school project I have to tell the story of my family so..." She sat down next to you. "....How did you two meet?" She asked. You and Draco exchanged smiles.
"That's a funny story..."
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