#and loki in reindeer antlers
fictionproblem · 6 months
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just holidays at the TVA 🎄
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WIP Tag Game
Rules: Pick five fragments from your unfinished WIPs and then tag five people to keep it going. Let’s have fun with it and help each other shape those fragments into published fics!
I was tagged by both @dewdropreader and @insert-witty-user-name-here. Thank you both for the tags!
Unlike Dewdrop I have SO MANY to choose from 🤣🤣 and I’ll share the five closest to completion.
(It’s me, so there’s NSFW stuff mixed in here 🙃)
Struggling to get this one done before Christmas- or at least before New Years! It’s that same Sylvie/reader universe- the one with the crack smut that’s oddly hot and awkwardly personal!!:
Because Sylvie’s in your living room, dressed in the same festive red sweater from the first time you saw her, greeting you warmly like you’re just old friends (you know, who’ve only actually met twice and fucked both of those times), and more importantly, like Loki isn’t watching you both with wide eyes from beneath your Christmas tree, crouched on all fours and naked except for the shiny red ribbon tied into a gift bow around his neck, reindeer antlers atop his head, and a furry little reindeer tail protruding from his ass cheeks, which you can only assume is attached to a butt plug of some sort.
That squishy Mobius tummy needs sexy worship and I don’t even care how weird I am:
It’s strange, and he knows it. He’s done stranger, sure, but it was always a novelty, the pushing of a limit, something where the thrill lay in the taboo. But this… the thrill is in the act itself, pure and simple, and it feels impossibly different.
He grinds down, experimentally, into the welcoming give of Mobius’s soft belly, and all at once he’s certain he couldn’t stop himself no matter how strange he knows it is. A shaky moan spills from his lips as he does it again, and again.
The daggers/sword love story no one asked for:
Æsileif was passed from Minuteman to analyst to Minuteman, and so on, before being settled into the hands of Judge Ravonna Renslayer, whose energy and attitude were downright repugnant to her.
This was the woman who stole Sylvie’s life from her.
This was the woman Æsileif was made to destroy.
And yet, Æsileif was useless, helpless without a hand to wield her.
She’d never felt so maddeningly, vengefully, frustrated before in her entire existence.
But then he walked in.
This Mobius, she’d seen him briefly earlier, while she was being transported through the halls.
Another mindless drone, brainwashed by the TVA to do its bidding.
But no, something was different, Æsileif realized as she listened to him speak with Renslayer. He pushed, he questioned.
And when the time came, he acted.
The Lokius angst fest with a side of extreme dubcon (no dubcon or sexual content in this snippet):
“So tell me, Loki. Why are you really here?”
“I told you, Mobius, please—”
The tears that sting his eyes when he feels the back of Mobius’s hand strike him across the face are unexpected and humiliating. It isn’t the pain, really. It’s shock, it’s loss, it’s betrayal.
“Seeing how it seems you’re feeling uncooperative, I suppose we’ll have to continue this conversation a little later. It’s been fun.”
The time cell he’s thrown into is a far, far worse memory than the one he’d been trapped in before. Loki hears the awful screeching of the Chitauri before anything else, and the last image he has to hang onto before the cell door closes is that of the eyes he’s come to know so well, now devoid of any warmth or familiarity. He sinks into a crouch on the cold rock, hugging his knees against his chest and reaching desperately for the memory of kindness in those eyes.
That’s really it for things close to being finished that I have yet to share, so I’ll throw this one in, the McSylkius AU that I really don’t expect to ever finish:
Sylvie sighed heavily, pressing her forehead to the relatively cool tile wall beside the register. The night was almost over, thankfully—just a few more minutes and she could close the place up. She closed her eyes as she leaned into the wall, silently hoping that the rest of the evening would be uneventful.
The steady, chaotic stream of customers they’d experienced that evening was far from unusual for a night like this one. They were the nearest fast food—and the latest to close—from the hotel a couple of miles away, whose grand ballroom saw many events on Fridays and Saturdays, and it was standard for their weekend nights to be filled with latecomers barreling through after a long, stuffy evening, still dressed in their formal attire, looking for a greasy, satisfying after-dinner snack or meal—and tonight was no exception. The crowds had just died down from this night’s post-gala rush, though, and Sylvie was looking forward to having a moment to eat something, herself, and to putting her feet up at home.
The sudden whoosh of cool evening air and the sound of the door opening, though, snapped her out of those thoughts immediately. Fuck. Oh well, this’ll be the last of them, she thought, straightening up and plastering her best customer service face—which, truth be told, was not that great, even when she wasn’t this exhausted—back on, and turning to face into the restaurant.
I am really bad at tagging people but @playinggalaga I know you’ll enjoy getting in on this! Anyone else who wants to, please do! I just don’t want to bug anyone 🙈
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themculibrary · 1 year
Christmas Fics Masterlist 3
part one, part two
A FrostIron Christmas (ao3) - Do_Whatever_You_Want_Im_Super_Dead loki/tony G, 1k
Summary: Tony and Loki spend a lovely Christmas together in this one-shot! I do not own Marvel or its characters.
christmas elves, carols, and other clichés (ao3) - D_melanogaster steve/bucky T, 5k
Summary: Steve and Bucky and Christmas through the years.
Or: The first time Steve and Bucky met, Bucky thought that Steve was a Christmas elf.
Christmas Tree Fiasco (ao3) - GraceKnowsIrondad0777 G, 4k
Summary: December/10/2020
2020 is a good time to go all out with the Christmas decorations. Peter's stuck in quarantine and in his holiday spirit, a well intended decorating plan lands him stuck in the Christmas tree longer than typically advised.
OR: Peter gets himself stuck in the Christmas Tree for 24 hours and Tony is not happy. It's a good thing he loves this kid.
Christmas with the Wilsons (ao3) - Impala_Chick sam/bucky T, 2k
Summary: In an effort to get his family to stop badgering him, Sam asks Bucky to pose as his boyfriend for Christmas dinner.
home with my love (this christmas) (ao3) - kickflaw steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Bucky opens his mouth in greeting after Steve hurriedly throws open his door, but gets one look at Steve and stops dead. His eyes travel from the Santa hat atop Steve's head, down over his illuminated Christmas sweater and further still, to his slippers, decorated with little reindeer antlers. Blinking, he reaches out to tap one of the fat red light bulbs decorating Steve's chest.
“Huh," he says.
Honorary Parker (ao3) - parkrstark G, 3k
Summary: Tony lets it slip to Peter that he'll be spending Christmas alone. Peter refuses to let that happen.
I’ll Be Coughing Painfully (With A Ho Ho Ho, Hee Hee Hee) (ao3) - josywbu G, 2k
Summary: Peter is sick in the week leading up to Christmas and Tony is his appointed caretaker. Here’s what they get up to, to keep up the Christmas spirit.
It's beginning to look a lot like christmas (ao3) - IJustReallyLikeFluff steve/bucky G, 597
Summary: The world need more stucky christmas fluff, okay
Therefore, Steve is baking cookies, but not all things goes as planned
Meeting in Winter (ao3) - a_written_dream steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Bucky runs into a pretty blond who looks like he's freezing his ass off.
Merry Christmas, Bucky Barnes (ao3) - Bulmaveg_Otaku bucky/darcy G, 5k
Summary: Steve's hoping to catch sight of his elusive BFF this Christmas, and needs someone to do the recon. It can't be anyone he knows Bucky would recognize or someone who he would recognize as trained in spy craft or combat techniques, but it also needs to be someone he can trust. Enter Darcy Lewis. Steve's pretty sure she's the right person for the job. Probably. Maybe?
Mission - Steve and Bucky's Best Christmas Ever (ao3) - LightningStriking steve/bucky G, 10k
Summary: Bucky has a plan. A carefully constructed, and meticulously plotted plan. Of how to give his best friend Steve the most wonderful, festive, and happy Christmas season ever. Culminating in a declaration of love, which hopefully will be returned. Can Bucky pull it off, and receive the best Christmas present of all - Steve as his boyfriend??
new york's santa (ao3) - hailingstars pepper/tony G, 4k
Summary: New York City has it's own Santa, and Peter discovers it's Tony Stark, because of course it is.
Peter's Christmas with Tony (ao3) - Rowan_M T, 11k
Summary: One-shots of Peter at Christmas. Lots of whump, fluff and Iron Dad.
Secret Sugarplum Spiderling (ao3) - happyaspie G, 27k
Summary: Peter has been taking ballet for nearly as long as he can remember and all of his hard work has finally paid off. He's been cast as the Cavelier to the Sugarplum Fairy in his Performing Arts School's production of The Nutcracker. It's a big deal and it's going to take up a good bit of time but... he's just not sure he's ready for his mentor to know about that particular hobby just yet.
🎄🩰❄️He's sure it'll be fine ... ❄️🩰🎄
All he has to do is show up at the studio on time, keep his grades up, make sure to see Tony on a regular enough basis that he doesn't worry and try to squeeze in some patrolling in between. It's that simple. Right?
Stay (ao3) - grandmacore steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: After the death of Bucky’s parents and sister, his friend Sam arranges a getaway for Bucky; a few weeks of sharing a cozy cabin with Sam’s other friend Steve. When Bucky and Steve meet they immediately feel connected and it’s not long before that connection grows into something deep and beautiful.
Steve and Bucky's first Christmas in retirement (ao3) - Laevateinn steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Follow Steve and Bucky as they decorate their house, then celebrate the holidays surrounded by family.
Stocking S(t)uffers (ao3) - HiddenSt0rms G, 933
Summary: It’s not uncommon to have a sore throat in the wintertime, especially in a crowded place like Queens. It’s also not uncommon for said sore throat to turn out to be strep. But what is uncommon is for this to be the seventh throat problem this year.
Leave it to Peter’s luck to need his tonsils out right before Christmas.
Or: Tony knows just what to get Peter for Christmas following his tonsillectomy.
The Magic of Mistletoe (ao3) - TheDisneyOutsider happy/may, pepper/tony G, 1k
Summary: “Hey, May, Happy, you guys are standing under the mistletoe, you know what that means, right?” Tony wriggled his eyebrows and pointed to the plant hanging over their heads.
“Ew, Tony that’s gross,” Peter grimaced, but he watched Happy and May both blush, staring at each other awkwardly.
this christmas, I'll give you my heart (ao3) - buckyismybicycle sam/bucky T, 6k
Summary: Bucky and Sam draw each other's names for Secret Santa - neither of them know what to get and enlist the help of Nat and Joaquin. Cue a lot of misunderstandings.
Tony's Christmas Carol (ao3) - kickcows pepper/tony G, 11k
Summary: Tony Stark was a mean, crotchety miser. He never felt he was doing wrong, until three spirits came to visit him on Christmas Eve, showing him otherwise. Or, a retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ set in the Marvel universe.
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merveiilles · 2 years
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⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ CHRISTMAS.VACATION SENTENCES;;   iinventor asked: “Come on, unravel these. You have to check every bulb. Got a little knot here. You work on that. I’ll get the other box.” ( loki! ) *** omg please (if you so wish) continue this stupid meme into a thread. it would be hilarious.***  
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      “--𝓢urely you can’t be serious!” Loki protested, looking up from the festive lights that had tangled themselves into a giant ball of knots; so big that he had to hold it with two hands and it almost reached his chin in height! How was he to ever get through this!? By his account, it would take at least an hour, not to mention another thirty minutes at least to check every individual bulb on that strand. “A man capable of inventing the most advanced technologies can’t figure out how to unwrap a strand of lights... figures.” The god scoffed.
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// Loki shut up and put on your reindeer antlers. ||  @iinventor​​
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Duel of Yule
By Travis Jackson
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Santa in his sleigh, flying into the night. Odin intercepts, riding on 8-legged Sleipnir, challenging St. Nick to a Dule of Yule.  
Odin’s holds Gungnir, unrivaled spear, in his right hand. In his left, a bag filled with cursed axes, swords and spears, Duel of Yule.  
Such weapons cause berserker rage, such weapons Odin will give to the world’s children, should he win the Duel of Yule.
Horrified, Santa calls upon mighty Rudolph, who turns, his brethren follow. They flee. Odin pursues! Thus begins the Duel of Yule.
Santa unleashes coal from his bag, a mighty river of egg nog from his small cup! Odin rides through it all! Duel of Yule!
Lifting Gungnir, Odin throws it, aiming true as ever. Santa is pierced, bleeding snowflakes, quickly healing, Duel of Yule!
Santa creates a giant Christmas tree! It grabs Odin by the neck! Sleipnir runs onto it! His hooves set it on fire! Duel of Yule!
Odin summons his ravens, his wolves. Santa summons his elves. Night clouds stained with blood, Duel of Yule!
Santa pulls out his naughty list, seeing Odin’s name, stabs it with his pen. Odin’s side erupts with light, pain! Duel of Yule!
Odin slays 8 reindeer with mighty Gungnir. Rudolph collides with Sleipnir, impaling him with his antlers, Duel of Yule!
In the air, god and saint grasp hands, with the force of megatons! Power against power! Santa sheds a tear. Santa fades…Duel of Yule!
Odin howls in victory, until Rudolph shines his nose. Odin is blinded! Rudolph swallows him whole! Duel of Yule!
Rudolph lands, elves land, all mourn…until Santa reappears, alive, it seems, taking his bag…and Odin’s bag…Dule of Yule!
“Santa” rides off on Rudolph’s back. “Merry Christmas to all!” “Santa” says with fiery eyes, “courtesy of LOKI!” Duel of Yule.
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bouncydragon · 2 years
32 and 38 for the fic ask :DD
Yay thanks!
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
Okay, this is a tough one because it's hard to choose. So I just chose something from some of my fav stories, but there are definitely more lines that I could put here.
"I told you before, Anthony," Loki answered, interrupted by a yawn as he pulled away to lean against the counter, "reindeer have antlers" – he put his hands to his head, mimicking said animal part – "not horns, so the nickname doesn't make sense. Goats have horns, or sheep, or ibex." (This is actually a thing I use quite often, but this bit is from Of Sweaters and Reindeer)
"Are you scared, Mother?" he asks, quietly. "Scared of your monstrous son, the ghost of your failings?" (This is from a rather dark story that I just whipped up in like 10min, but despite the themes, it's definitely one of my all-time favourite stories I've written. It's from Dead Boy's Poem, and yes the song was inspiration.)
Tony raises an eyebrow at him. "So what, you want me to strip for you while you slurp soup?" (This is just funny, methinks. It's from Your Comfort In My Care)
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I'd say it's like a 3 or 4? I don't want to say 1 because I don't think it is that tame, but I wouldn't call it chaotic either. But it also depends.
When I get the chance/time/inspiration/energy to actually write, it usually involves putting on some music (not always but often fitting for the mood of the setting in the story), re-reading previous passages, if not the entire thing (depends on the fic) and while reading fixing some errors, then continue writing where I had previously left off.
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goofygoldengirl · 6 years
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When your crown doesn't have horns
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2021, Day 22: christmas is better with two (Bucky x Fem!Reader x Loki) — one shot
Been a while since I’ve written for Marvel, so…why not do Loki and Bucky at once? And do it for Christmas?
This is part of @attentionplease amazing Fanfic Advent Calendar!! So happy I could do this ❤️❤️
Fanfic Advent Calendar Masterlist
Prompt: “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.” “I hate work Christmas parties.”
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, maybe a sensual note or two, mentions of anxiety
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Standing in your bedroom in front of your full-length mirror, you’re attempting to get ready for the famous Christmas party that Tony Stark throws every single year. For the past two, you’ve gone alone, simply met up with Natasha and Wanda when you got there.
This year, for once, you’re bringing dates. Plural.
“This is ridiculous. I hate these parties,” Loki grumbles, eyeing the Santa hat you put in his hands. “I am not wearing this.”
“Fine, I’ll wear it,” you snatch it back from him, handing him the reindeer antlers headband you were going to wear. “Take these. Want the red nose?”
Loki glares at you. “No. Thank you.”
Snickering, you pull the Santa hat over your head. The door to your apartment opens and closes, and Loki straightens up, looking toward the sound.
“Relax,” you tell him. “It’s just Bucky.”
“Ah,” Loki nods, still holding the antlers. “The other boyfriend.”
“That’s me,” Bucky says when he enters the bedroom. “Hi doll.” Pulling you into him for a hug, Bucky presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Getting ready for the party?”
“Yep,” Loki deadpans, holding up the antlers. “Would you like some?”
“Yes, he would,” you answer for Bucky, handing him his own pair of antlers. “Put them on.”
After a moment, Bucky obliges, stretching the headband over his head. “Happy?”
“Very,” you grin. Turning back to Loki, you raise your eyebrows. “Well?”
Rolling his eyes, Loki finally puts the antlers on. “You are quite lucky that I love you.”
“Yes, yes I am,” you answer, grabbing his face to kiss him sweetly. “Thank you for humoring me. Both of you.”
“Do I get a kiss like that?” Bucky asks, pouting, until you grab his face and kiss him, too.
“Now, what are you wearing to the party, darling?” Loki questions, stepping closer, caging you in between the both of them.
“That’s a good point, Loki,” Bucky says. “Aren’t you supposed to be dressed festively?”
“I will be,” you reply. “If the two of you will let me go.”
“Hm,” Loki hums. “Should we?”
Bucky narrows his eyes. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s a velvet dress,” you say. “Bright red, no sleeves, laced-up back. I’ll need help…getting into it.” You raise your eyebrows, craning your next to look between your two men, waiting for this to sink in.
And once it does, well, you’ve never seen two Avengers move so fast.
While you’re in your closet pulling out the dress, you can hear the two of them arguing about who gets to lace you up. You hang out for a moment, letting them debate on their own before you step out.
“Are you two done?”
They nod like two toddlers being caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do.
Regardless, they both help to lace up your dress, mainly because neither of them could figure it out on their own.
Walking into the party with two Avengers on your arms should make you feel powerful and sexy, not anxious and nauseous. But on the elevator, you’re ready to throw up.
“Relax, doll,” Bucky whispers, laying his hand on top of yours.
“Trying,” you murmur back. Everyone knows you’re seeing Bucky, but not that you’re seeing Loki and Bucky. This is the grand reveal, so to speak, of your true relationship.
“If anyone has anything rude to say to you, I will handle it,” Loki says under his breath.
“We’ll both handle it,” Bucky says. “No one gets to you without going through us.”
“Alright, alright,” you tug on both of their arms, pulling them into you. “I’m feeling better.”
Both of them lean over at the same time to kiss the side of your head, making you grin.
The elevator doors open, revealing the extravagant party that Tony has thrown together. Lights everywhere, poinsettias, giant Christmas trees. Tony never does anything small.
“So…who’s getting me champagne?” you ask.
Loki sighs. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks, Reindeer Games,” Bucky grins, laughing when Loki glares at him. “I couldn’t resist!”
“I know,” you shake your head. “It’s a good one. Is that Shuri?”
Bucky looks where you’re looking, then nods. “Sure is. Hey Shuri!” he yells.
Shuri turns and waves the two of you over with a smile. “There’s my favorite couple,” she says when you get to her. “And look at you, spin for me!”
Bucky holds out his hand, spinning you like when you’re out dancing. The dress flows out around your legs, cool air circling your skin.
“A marvelous dress, woman,” Shuri says. “You are stunning.”
“You flatter me too much,” you laugh, hugging her.
“I see you came with the White Wolf,” Shuri says. “Who cleans up nice.”
“He’s wearing the same thing he always wears,” you say. “Except the antlers. Those are for me.”
“And this is for you,” Loki says, handing you a glass of champagne with his signature smile. “Hello Shuri.”
“Loki, nice to see you,” Shuri says. “And nice antlers.”
“They’re for Y/N,” Loki replies.
“Ahhh,” Shuri grins. “I figured.”
“Brother!” Thor approaches loudly, as always, and Jane is with him. He wraps Loki in a tight hug. “And there’s Y/N, sister, it’s wonderful to see you.” You’re next for the bear hug, and Thor even picks you up, spinning in a circle.
“Thor,” you grin. “I’ve missed you.”
“And I you, Y/N,” Thor nods. “My brother hogs you.”
“I agree,” Bucky says.
“I’m sorry, who’s holding me right now?” you ask, giving Bucky a look. Because he does have his arm around your waist.
“That’s exactly my problem,” Loki says, grabbing your hand to spin you into his arms. With them sitting snugly around your waist, you relax back into his chest.
You look up at Loki. “Are you using your seidr to warm me up?”
Loki smiles. “I might be.”
“It’s nice,” you murmur. “I was cold.”
“I know,” he says.
“See what I deal with?” Bucky jokes.
“You love it,” you blow him a kiss. “Now, which one of you do I have to convince to dance with me? Or should I ask Thor?”
That alone gets Loki to dance with you, and Bucky grabs Shuri, all four of you heading into the dance floor, your champagne glass forgotten with Thor.
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illwynd · 3 years
review of metal subgenres by me
20. christian metal
i can’t help but feel like someone is just. very confused here. it might be me idk. but someone is definitely confused.
19. traditional heavy metal
Classic. Timeless. But in the way that a top hat is timeless i.e. it’s gonna get a lot of weird looks in the grocery store
18. metalcore
please keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times. 
17. nu metal
honestly i like a lot of nu metal, it is totally enjoyable as music, but lbr it is never going to not be the redheaded stepchild of the metal family. it should probably move to another town, change its name, and just live its best life or sth.
16. glam metal
the ‘80s called. it didn’t ask for its sound back. it just needs help getting out of these skintight leopard-print leather pants.
15. melodic metal
this is a fuckin weird one, honestly. i feel like this is only an adjective to other genres, and it’s an element that changes the properties of whatever it alloys with in unexpected ways. on its own, it is undefinable and defies assessment.
14. sludge
this is the most aptly named genre in existence. i could not hope to describe it better than saying yeah it sounds like sludge. not that there’s anything wrong with that.
13. black metal
some great tunes but i’m exhausted just thinking about researching every fucking band to find out whether they’re sketchy. or like. how sketchy exactly. like. “apolitical” only half the band is friends with nazis sketchy? or...?
12. groove metal
great, let’s talk shit about phil anselmo. (it does have a decent groove tho.)
11. doom metal
you’re 19, lying on your bed on a stormy saturday afternoon, super depressed and listlessly pondering the pointlessness of existence. this is your soundtrack.
10. death metal
[incomprehensible growling directly into the mike]
9. thrash metal
when it’s good, it’s really fuckin good. when it’s mediocre... it... all sounds the fucking same i’m sorry but it does
8. progressive metal
aka musicians showing off. Mozart would play prog.
7. goth metal
you’re 19, lying on your bed on a stormy saturday afternoon, super depressed... and it’s kinda sexy, actually
6. industrial metal
we’re going to be here all night arguing about what bands are part of this genre, aren’t we.
5. symphonic metal
do you need some operatic soprano shit in your life, with full orchestration? heck yeah you do. here you go.
4. power metal
3. pirate metal
rum rum rum rum rum rum rum 
2. viking metal
the best moshpits, for some reason. everyone in this scene owns at least one mjolnir pendant and probably also leather bracers and a ticket to valhalla. warning: may cause beard growth. points for lots of songs about thor and loki
1. folk metal
we have fiddle. we have bagpipes. we have flutes. we have joiking and throatsinging. we have copious drinking songs. we have pagan imagery, long hair, some fur and horns and antlers with our leather, and pleasant fuckin dispositions. we will collectively sit down on a sticky, beer-covered venue floor and row our longship together before getting up and bodyslamming each other happily for another hour. half the time the lyrics are not in a language you speak but it doesn’t matter. and it has the range, babey: cheerful drinking songs, high-energy battle music, metal songs to hammer metal to, melancholy old folk songs done metal style, gorgeously haunting odes to nature and invoking the supernatural making you feel like you ought to be listening to it alone on a misty mountaintop in the moonlight, everything. the fact that metal seems to fuse perfectly with literally every culture’s traditional folk music to become something unique and interesting and revelatory about both the folk tradition itself and about metal... that’s. like. fuckin superb, you funky little humans. this is the best metal genre and you cannot change my mind. 
Bonus: symphonic post-apocalyptic reindeer-grinding Christ-abusing extreme war pagan fennoscandian metal
heck yeah
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
How the God Stole Christmas
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki despises Christmas, and after watching the Grinch, he decides there’s only one thing to do about it. But you just might melt his cold heart. Warnings: zip, zilch, zero A/N:  So this is my little spoof of the original and best Grinch, starring Loki. Hope you all enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Red and green everywhere, the same songs playing in every single store, silly little decorations in every nook and cranny. Yup, it was official. Loki hated Christmas. He couldn’t even place his finger on why, exactly; he just did. So, naturally, this was his least favorite time of year. Sadly, none of his teammates seemed to share that sentiment.
Loki walked into the common room only to hear the same carol that was playing in the last shop he’d visited. He gritted his teeth against the sound of his brother signing along. The Tower was just as heavily decorated as the rest of the city. If there was a Christmas-field version of something, you could bet one of the Avengers had bought it. And if they hadn’t, it was just a matter of time.
At least the sweets constantly being baked weren’t entirely despicable. Though, admittedly, even his notorious sweet tooth was getting a little sick of them. Right now, he could smell the aroma of gingerbread wafting from the oven. It made him consider skipping the cup of tea he was currently on his way to get, but he knew he needed it if he had any chance of calming down. He was glad he’d decided to go to the kitchen after all when he saw you were the one baking, flour smeared on your apron and face in an adorable mess.
The poor God of Mischief was still rather isolated from everyone else. He was trying, but by the time any of the Avengers had gotten over his past wrongdoings, he was sour towards all of them. It was hard to want to be friends with people who spent the first six months of his living in the Tower scorning him. It was also hard to call a place like that home. There had been one shining beacon of beautiful light during those early days: you.
“Hello, darling,” he greeted, heating up the water for his cup. “Those cookies smell divine.”
“Oh! Hi Loki,” you exclaimed, turning around, not having heard him enter. “And thanks. Do you want to help us decorate?”
“That depends on who exactly ‘us’ is.”
“The whole team.” He made a small hum of acknowledgement and blew on his scalding drink. You frowned a little, knowing full well that he distanced himself because of how they used to treat him. But you also knew they wanted to change things, they just weren’t entirely sure how. “It could be a great bonding opportunity. Plus, I’ll be there, obviously, but so will Peter and Bucky. Doesn’t it sound fun?”
Besides you, the trickster god found some companionship in the two aforementioned Avengers. They’d come after Loki had, and Peter’s endless optimism had won him over. As for Bucky, he had gone through much the same that Loki had, their common pasts bonding them quickly. Unfortunately, all his friends loved this despicable holiday.
“Perhaps another time,” he finally replied. “Next year.”
“Ok,” you sighed. “You’ll at least watch movies with us tonight, right?”
“I do not know. Perhaps it would be better if I did not.”
“Please,” you pouted. “Come on, it’s Christmas Eve. I’ll even save a special cookie for you.”
“Your persistence is as relentless as it is adorable,” he laughed. “I will come, but just for a movie or two. Deal?”
“Deal!” you squealed. “You won’t regret it. Oh! And, Loki, come here.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace. It surprised him, to say the least. He still wasn’t entirely used to such signs of affection, but they were welcome, especially from you. However, he never was quite sure how to respond. After a second, he somewhat awkwardly wrapped his arms around you to return the hug.
“What was that for?” he questioned as you pulled back.
“You just seemed like you needed one,” you shrugged.
The joy that that gave him lasted all the way into the evening when it was time for him to join you for a movie, as promised. He’d put it off as long as he could, even considering just skipping and saying he’d fallen asleep. That would upset you, though, and you were the one person he hated to lie to. So, he made his way to the common room where a new movie was just starting. You scooted over a little on the couch so he could squeeze in between you and Peter. Bucky was sitting on the floor close by, and Loki had no doubt you’d specifically requested they be in those positions so he felt more comfortable. He was greeted with a few polite—dare he say, borderline friendly—nods and waves from a few of his other teammates. And, of course, an overly enthusiastic pat on the back from his brother as he passed.
“Loki! Glad you could make it,” you whispered as he plopped down next to you.
“Well, a deal is a deal, darling.”
“That reminds me, here’s your cookie.”
The little gingerbread man you handed him was decorated to look like him in his Asgardian battle armor. It was a wonderful likeness, all things considered. He smiled as he took a bite of the baked good. He tried to let go of all hate for the season as he relished this moment with you, but it was still lingering there.
“It is delicious, thank you.”
“No problem. I’m glad you liked it.”
You quieted down as the movie began and the opening credits played. Loki was already losing interest, and then the title appeared. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. A most intriguing title, he mused. Now that his interest was peaked, he watched with rapt attention as the animated film began. That grumpy, green fellow was possibly the best protagonist in any movie he’d been made to watch yet. He certainly had the right idea about Christmas. And those tiny little voices would have annoyed Loki to no end. It really was no different than what he was going through now, he realized. He thought it rather rude to call the Grinch “mean” though. It seemed to Loki he was just misunderstood.  
As he watched the Grinch load up all the wreathes and toys into his sleigh, Loki was struck with an idea. Why should he not be able to do the same thing? Ok, maybe he couldn’t get away with stealing from the whole city, but what about the Tower? It was his home, too, and no one had asked him how he felt about all this stuff.
Now that he had a master plan blossoming in his head, he didn’t much care to see the end of the movie. He’d gotten everything he needed out of it. So, he went up to get a refill on his drink. By the time he go back, it was over.
“You missed the ending,” Peter said. “Do you want us to go back?”
“No, it is fine. I thought it was perfect just the way it was.”
“But all you saw was him stealing Christmas?”
“Should I be worried?”
“No. In fact, I could use your help.”
Before Peter could ask with what, everyone was getting up and leaving the room, ready to call it a night. You fretted over the fact that he’d only gotten to see one movie, but he assured you it was alright. The matter wasn’t dropped until he promised to watch at least one more tomorrow, too. It didn’t make much difference to him though, considering that after he was through with the Tower, he was sure no one would be much in the mood for Christmas movies, anyway.
“You’re planning something,” Bucky said before exiting.
“Maybe. Are you looking to assist?”
“Probably not. But good luck.”
“Fair enough. Goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight, Loki,” Peter said as he tried to hurry off after Bucky.
“Spiderling, may I enlist your help?” Loki asked.
“I, uh, yeah, I guess. What are friends for?”
“Excellent!” Loki exclaimed as the rest of the Avengers finished filing out.
The more he explained the plan, the more nervous Peter became. It did give Loki a bit of a pause, but oh, it sounded like great fun! For weeks on end now, he’d been suffering through this horrid season. It was just a little payback to the universe. That was fair, right? Maybe, but it was not fair to force his friend to help him.
“Listen, spiderling, if you do not wish to help, you do not have to,” Loki said.
“This is going to make you happy, right? Like, is this going to make your Christmas?”
“Quite honestly, I think it will.”
Peter considered for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of this situation. “Ok, I’ll help. On one condition. We leave everyone’s rooms as they are. We’ll just clean out the common areas.”
“That is quite reasonable. Thank you, spiderling.”
The duo got to work, stuffing all the little decorations in their sacks. Peter insisted that if they were going to do this, they had to do it right, and fetched a reindeer antler headband for himself and a Santa hat for Loki. While it was on the one hand entirely ridiculous, it did give Loki a bit of a laugh at the implication of it. Him as the Grinch and Peter as Max, his reluctant but loyal ally. The thought made him smile a little.
Everything was going great until they got to the first of the many large trees in the Tower. Loki stood there with a cocked head, tapping his chin. Sure, he could try to do it like the Grinch had, but life wasn’t a cartoon. So, no, that would pose more of a problem than a solution. Besides, Loki had something the Grinch didn’t. Magic. Carefully working his seiðr, the god shrunk down the first pine, ornaments and all, and put it in one of the bags.
A little while later, he was getting ready to do the same thing to one of the last remaining trees. Then you came stumbling out into the room. Peter did a little panicked dance before slinging a web and sticking himself to the ceiling. Loki walked up to you and laid his hands on your shoulder, trying to determine how conscious you actually were.
“Loki?” you asked, rubbing your eyes, your voice a little slurred from sleep. “What’re you doing? Where’re all the decorations?”
“You tell me. It is your dream,” he quickly lied.
“My dream,” you parroted spotting the filled sack on the ground near his feet “So is this because we watched the Grinch? Does that make me Cindy Lou Who?”
“I suppose it does, darling,” he laughed. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Are you going to put everything thing back, Loki Claus?”
This time the chuckle came from Peter, who was watching the whole thing play out from his vantage point. You were too out of it to notice, though. Instead, you kept looking at Loki with those adorable doe eyes.
“I... Perhaps. Let us just get you back to your room right now, ok?”
You nodded, and he picked up your tired body, using his godly strength to carry you bridal style and lay you down amongst your many blankets and pillows. You gently tugged him down onto the mattress with you, and he remained there for a moment, not exactly sure of what was happening.
“Do you need to talk?” you questioned, cupping his cheeks and seeming a bit more awake than you a had a second ago. “I know things are hard, but we all do really care for you. I really care for you. And I’m here for you. You know that, right?”
“I know. I will be alright, darling. Just get a good night’s sleep for me, hmm?”
“Ok,” you sighed as he got up. “Night, Loki.”
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered as he leaned over to give your head a small kiss.
He walked back out to his partner in crime, who was anxiously awaiting him. Loki let out a huff. He knew what the right thing to do now was.
“So?” Peter asked.
“Let’s put it all back,” Loki conceded.
And so they did. It took most of the night, but they got every last knickknack and ornament into place. Then Loki did something he never imagined he would; he added even more. His magic made the garlands a little bit fuller, the lights a little bit brighter, and the trees a little bit taller. More little statues and winter scenes appeared on nearly every surface possible. Finally, he nearly doubled the number of gifts under the tree, adding his own to the mix. He gave a satisfied little nod when he was done, then looked at Peter who was beaming at him.
“What is it?” Loki inquired, though he knew the answer deep down.
“Oh, nothing. This was fun, though. We should do this every year,” Peter yawned as they worked their way to their rooms to catch a couple hours of sleep.
“Maybe we will, spiderling. Maybe we will.”
Loki woke up the next morning slightly more cheerful than he had in months. Ironic, considering today was actually Christmas, the culmination of the season he hated so much. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed and stretching out, Loki realized maybe he really was like the Grinch, and the only reason he disliked it so much was because he was so alone. And, like the Grinch, maybe he wasn’t appreciating those he did have enough. Maybe it was time to come out of his mountain cave and live amongst the people in town.
He eyed his Santa hat from last night, hanging from a bedpost. He picked it up and put it on his head, laughing a little in the mirror. He tugged on a deep green cable-knit sweater before he remembered the rest of the team’s plan to wear ugly sweaters today. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him exactly, but he conjured one up for himself. It was a little ridiculous, but he supposed that was the whole point.
Heading out into the hall, he realized everything was dead silent. Loki wondered for a second if maybe you all had decided to go out for breakfast this morning. He sighed, but he couldn’t really hold it against any of you if you hadn’t invited him. He never said yes on a normal day, and he’d made it a point just how much he disliked Christmas. Regardless, he made his way to the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!”
He nearly pulled out a dagger as everyone suddenly jumped out in front of him and shouted those words. Once his heart rate slowed back down to normal, he smiled despite himself. That’s when he noticed plates piled high with his favorite foods and realized you’d all must have gotten up early to do this for him.
“Merry Christmas, everyone. What is all this?”
“We just wanted to do something for you, Loki,” you explained. “Oh! And we got you a gift. Here.”
You handed him a small package wrapped in green and gold. It must have been convenient that his colors were also colors for the holiday. He laughed a little to himself, wondering how he hadn’t noticed before. He tore into the wrapping paper to find a small planner. You nodded at him, urging him on as he gave you a quizzical look. It had a bunch of events written in it, as well as which members of the team were attending.
“See, we know you don’t always come to our team events,” Bucky told him, “but we know you might want to start.”
“We have not always been the most... accepting,” Thor added. “Now, though, we want you to be able to come to any and everything you want to.”
“So we wrote it all down for you,” Peter finished. “This way, you know when things are and can just join whenever you feel like it.”
“Do you like it?” you nervously asked, biting your lip.
“Darling, it’s perfect,” he sincerely told you, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes. “Thank you. All of you.”
He was met with a chorus of “you’re welcomes” and “anytimes” as the room was filled with even more smiles. Soon, everyone dug into the feast that had been prepared, and the rest of the day was filled with merriment and laughter. Loki was surprised to see there were even more gifts for him resting under the tree. By the time it was dark out, the team was settling in to watch a few final Christmas movies for the season. Loki didn’t think he’d be taking any ideas from them tonight.
“Darling,” he said as the two of you were alone, grabbing movie snacks in the kitchen. “May I ask you why you all did what you did for me?”
“It’s like we said, Loki. We all do care about you, and we want you to be able to do stuff with us. They know you’re not a bad guy, you’ve more than proven that. For a long time they just weren’t exactly sure how to bridge the gap. But you’re a part of the team, and we want you to feel like it.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“It’s no problem, Loki. Plus, you really did go all out with these extra decorations.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he blushed.
“Oh?” you said, walking up to him so that you bodies were nearly pressed together. “You don’t now, huh Loki Claus?”
Of course you hadn’t bought his lie last night. He laughed a little to himself now for thinking you had. But Loki realized something else, too. What you’d done last night, what you’d said, you’d fully known what you were doing. The way you’d pulled him onto the bed and held his face, told him how you cared. You knew it was real.
“Darling,” he said. “I think I do need to talk, after all.”
“I’m listening. What is it?”
“I love you.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, and he reciprocated immediately, smiling against your lips. Now he was wondering if he was dreaming. But no, just like last night, this was real.
“In case it wasn’t obvious,” you said, catching your breath, “I love you too.”
Hand in hand, you went to join the rest of the team. So maybe Loki’s heart didn’t literally grow three sizes that day, but there was one more comparison to be drawn. Because, you see, in finding his place, Loki realized that Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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ashenstardust · 2 years
Happy Holidays ft. Loki
Summary: Loki plays a festive prank. Word Count: 358 Rating: G Warnings: Mischief, fluff.
You were broken from your quiet reverie to the clopclop-clopclop of… hooves? Your head snapped up as you did a double take at the television. No hooved creatures to be seen there. Your shit romantic holiday movie was taking place in just as much an urban setting as your own. The clopping became more rhythmic, and you stood slowly from the couch. Your eyes narrowed and your heartbeat quickened. Jarvis was silent as you moved to the far wall of your Livingroom. The hallway at your shoulder led directly to the door to your shared apartment. The only issue being that Loki was out and Jarvis was staying stubbornly silent about the whole affair. A thought struck you. Someone was playing a prank – probably Tony – and he’d put some noise maker under your door. Yes. That had to be it. You turned the corner sharply, ready to give Tony a piece of your mind, and screamed. You fell backwards, scrambling and screaming, trying desperately to get away from the REINDEER in your apartment. Reindeer? How? You were over one hundred floors up in the Stark Tower. There could not be a reindeer. Green eyes flashed, and the creature huffed, and your frantic scrambling stopped cold. Your irrational fear turned to hot rage as you realized what was happening. “LOKI!” You shouted your anger at him. You let him come near as you shouted, and he pressed his big dumb furry head against you like an affectionate cat. He lifted his horrible face to yours and tickled your nose with the whiskers on his soft snout. You giggled and pushed at his face. “Fine, fine,” you acquiesced and scratched under his chin. He huffed again and before your eyes he changed back into the human form you were used to. His hand caught yours, still scratching, and he kissed your knuckles. “You should’ve seen the looks I was getting in the lobby.” He waggled his brows. You gasped in disbelief and giggled at how absolutely smug he looked about himself. “Merry Christmas,” you said between giggles, reaching with your free hand to poke at the velvety antlers he’d kept.
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devilbat · 4 years
Midgard Girls
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For @tom-hlover hope you like it.. Sorry it’s not longer.
Warning: mention of blood, fluff. And I really don’t know what else to add
Loki x reader
Loki had finally made it back from a exceedingly long mission. He was over due for a long hot shower. Let along a good scrub down from whatever was left from the battle. He had sustained some minor injury. With a heavy sigh as the jet shook and bounced as it landed he was finally back. He hadn't even stepped off the jet when his phone went off with a messages from you.
Y/n: Something or someone is in my house!!
Loki didn't even say anything as the green light was all that was left from where he had stood.
"To be honest, I'm surprised it took him this long to go to y/n." Bucky smirked as he looked over to Steve.
"Hey now leave the love sick reindeer alone. He could have met someone less pleasing to the eye." Tony stated as he walked off the jet.
"Yes, lady y/n is a fine Maiden, she is. She will bare my brother lots of heirs." Thor proudly interjected. A goofy grin plastered on his face.
"Oh please don't say that I'm not ready for tiny antlers with magical powers running around the compound. I don't think my heart could take it." Tony gasped at the thought.
"I think y/n is a nice girl. She is great for Mister loki. She isn't an Alien or superhuman." Peter piped in.
"Ay she is very suited for my brother, something he needs." Thor patted the kid on the should as he walked by.
You where huddle in your room that was just off to the side from the front door. The noise that sounded like it was coming from the basement had you freaked out. If it weren't for the fact that before loki left a week ago that you were being victimized by someone looking for a scoop. They had found out that the former villain now Avenger was dating a mortal girl. You would have just told yourself it was an old house. But even after loki took care of the problem, it still felt as though you were being stocked.
With unbelievable loud squeak, you manage to jumped far enough to land yourself ass first on the floor when green mist suddenly appeared in front of the bed. You where not used to seeing much of Loki's magic he normally didn't need to use it around you. It was a nice retrieve for him.
If it weren't for the fact you were scared, Loki would have chuckle finding it cute he startled you. "Darling it's all right I'm here. No nothing is in your home love."
"A-are you sure?" You stuttered out. Watching Loki make his way towards you. Cautiously like you were a skittish kitten.
"Yes. I am sure I ma..." Loki was cut off when your body practically launched itself against his own. Causing the god to almost fall backwards. Your head buried into the crook of his neck. As you arms and leg death griped around his lean muscular form.
Loki held his breath trying hard not to wince in pain. He now reminded of the bruise that he had sustained from a blow to his midsection. He didn't want to seem weak around you. Not when you were in this state. You were to precious and fragile to him. No matter how much you can handle. But all mortals where this to him. He would never tell you this of course.
          "You missed me that much you had to create some elaborate demon to get me in your bed?" Loki teased kissing the top of your head.
           You scoffed at the god as you looked into those blueish green eyes of his. "If I wanted you in my bed I would have just sent you something not at all safe for work." You kissed him lightly.
          "Now pet you know...." Loki started to say.
           "Is that blood?" You gasped, as you went to touch his cheek.
Loki grab ahold of your hand before to could touch him. "No." Loki kissed your hand nipping the ends of each finger. You cleared your throat in annoyance. "I'm fine darling."
"Don't tell me your fine." You huffed. "I can see the blood."
"My apologies love you had a foul demon that needed to be slayed." Loki pulled your arm behind your back tugging you back a bit to give him better access to your neck.
"Loki." You tried to argue but moaned out his name instead, as he made quick work nibbling and sucking along your neck hitting each and every spot you enjoy the most.
"Mmm. Music to my ears." Loki hummed against your skin. Letting your hands free.
You pushed against your boyfriend. Causing a low grunts. You grabbed ahold of his chin making him look at you. "Your lucky you got hear when you did." You teased.
"Mmm, and why's that little dove?" Loki inquired.
"You may have had to share me with that foul demon." You kissed him softly before get off of him. "Now go take a shower." You stood pulling him off the bed.
"Just remember this little pet! You're mine. I don't share." Loki growled deep practically animalistic. He practically throw you over his shoulder.
"Loki what are you doing? Your man handling me." You giggle, trying to pull yourself out of his grasp.
"Oh I'll show you man handling. Before you could question you felt his hand harshly smacked at your backside. Making you yalp. "There will be more of that once I have you naked and in that small shower of yours."
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
A Wonderful Christmastime
Author’s Note:  Well Hello All!  I hope that you’re all taking care of yourselves and staying well!  My tag-list is open and you know I love the validation of reblogs, shares, tags and adds!! I have been working on a larger OC story which has kept my from my Loki writings, but I entered a challenge posted by @toomanystoriessolittletime​ for the Christmas holiday.  If you aren’t following, please do as she’s got a great little Advent Calendar of seasonal stories for you!  One a day through the month of December!  
I chose a prompt based off of my least favorite Christmas song.  Ever.  Like in the history of humanity.  Like, my family torture me with it because of how much I dislike it.  This story is a chance to take a little lighthearted revenge on Sir Paul McCartney and also, hopefully, help you all enjoy a Wonderful Christmastime!   Also, isn’t this gif the cutest thing in the world?  My thanks to the OP and creator for it... it’s amazing and I love Christmas Loki!! Pairing:  Female Reader x Loki
Summary:  Everyone has a favorite holiday song... when Loki learns which one you dislike, he uses it to his advantage. Warnings:  Christmas holiday mentions, SMUT, Oral (F receiving) and MF Sex, also, the over use of a certain song that makes me, personally, crazy!
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This was it.  That perfect moment when all of the holiday hustle was behind you.  Nothing to buy, nothing to ship, nothing to wrap, nothing to bake.  It was all over.  You had made it through another Christmas Eve.
Your well decorated tree sat in the corner, presents tucked below for you and Loki in the morning.  The frittata was resting in the fridge along with the two bottles of Prosecco you planned to have with brunch.  Hell, it was the holidays, after all.
But that was for tomorrow.
Tonight you were relaxing after an afternoon of family Christmas fun.  Nieces and nephews, piles of shredded paper, stacks of snacks and so much laughter your belly muscles were sore.  And through it all Loki had been a champ! Holding your hand, rubbing the small of your back, pulling out your chair; Loki had put the other partners to shame.  Whether he was telling bawdy but tasteful jokes to the men who drank cheap beer around the TV, sharing hair care tips with your sister’s oldest girl or whispering with your mom in the kitchen, he was always where he needed to be.  For the first time in ages, you had been able to enjoy the day fully, and you knew Loki was the reason why. After getting home, trading your dress and boots for comfy shorts and a sweatshirt, you padded into the living room.  Loki was there, sitting cross legged, digging through your bag of swag.  He had put seasonal music on in the background while munching through a plate of Auntie’s sugar cookies, two well poured goblets of red wine waiting to be had at his side.  God, he was good. “Is one of those for me?”  You couldn’t help smiling.  Loki, looking like a little kid, over excited and surrounded by all the trapping of Christmas just felt so precious. It took him a moment to reply as he was solely focused on the handmade puzzle box your mother had crafted for all the guys this year, “Hmm?  Yes… one’s for you…” Kissing the top of his head, careful not to dislodge his Rudolf blinking antler headband, a gift to Loki from your youngest nephew, you moved towards the couch.  Sipping from your glass of wine, snuggled under the softest chenille blanket your sister-in-law could find, you sighed contentedly.  Victory over the holiday season felt amazing.  Now all that was left on your to-do list was eating, drinking, and enjoying alone time with Loki until New Year’s.  Suddenly exhausted, you felt the lovely warm drag of drowsiness and snuggled deeper into the sofa.  Shuttering your tired eyes, you listened as Loki stood up, off to hunt up some more food, no doubt.  Visions of sugarplums danced in your head as you started to succumb to a sweet slumber. That’s when you heard it.  
“The moon is right, The spirit’s up, We’re here tonight and that’s enough…” Groaning, wide awake now, you sat up with a shout, “Loki?!”  Like magic his raven head popped around the doorframe, his reindeer antlers askew, a candy cane hanging out of his mouth, “Yes?”
“Um… question:  What are we listening to?” Stepping back into the living room, his new holiday flannel shirt open at the neck, Loki leaned over you, husking playfully,  “Music.  At least, that’s what I believe you Midgardians call it.” “Ha ha.  Yes, I know it’s music, but this particular song?”  You couldn’t keep the tartness from your tone as you pressed your nose into the handsome one on Loki’s face. Pausing, listening intently, Loki cocked his head to the side.  Singing along, his bells jingling, “Simply having a Wonderful Christmastime!” “Ugh.  That’s what I was afraid of!”  Flinging a hand over your eyes, you grumbled, burrowing back into the cozy couch as a means of blocking out the obnoxious noise of the worst holiday song in the history of humanity. Making himself comfortable at your feet, pouring himself another glass of vino, “I like it.  It’s simple.  Direct.  What are you doing?  Me?  I’m simply having a wonderful Christmastime!” From deep in the cushions, muffled but forceful, you pleaded, “Make it stop!  Please!” “What for?  It is still Christmastime, is it not?  And we are enjoying a wonderful time, aren’t we?” Turning back to face him, a Scrooge-like scowl on your suddenly serious face, “I’ll do anything to get you to turn that off.” That got his attention, “Anything?”  Sitting up quickly, you reached for your blanket only to feel Loki snatching it out of your grasp, “You said anything, darling.” Tugging on the plush fabric, practically pouting, “You’re not going to take my new fluffy blankie, are you?” “Oh no.  That’s not nearly enough to stop me from playing my favorite Christmas carol.”
“It’s your favorite, now?  Loki, you just heard it.” Waving your gripes away, pinning you under his arms and under your blanket, “I love it.  It’s my favorite.  You can’t mess with perfection.”
You wiggled, trying to free an arm or a hand, anything to help defend yourself from Loki’s soft, but effective attack, "Perfection?  Loki, it's awful."
"I disagree.  But…”  Brushing a gentle kiss to your captive lips, making you melt into his warm touch, Loki made sure to keep you immobile.  Unraveling under his ardent attention, you gave up fighting, focusing on Loki’s roving hands through the protective layer of your new throw.  
Lost in his lips, you ignored the wretched recording still spinning, until sitting back with a sly smile Loki continued, “Regardless of my newly acquired antlers, I am a reasonable man.  I'm willing to hear your side of things.  Convince me, dove."
Looking up at him through your lashes, licking over your bottom lip that tasted of Loki's peppermint, it took you a moment to refocus on your argument.  Sighing doggedly, “It’s just garbage.  Too sweet, too synth-pop.  It’s plastic.  There’s no substance to it.”
At least Loki did you the service of considering your answer.  He paused, listening to the offending tune, starting to hum along once more.  “I don’t know.  It sounds like church bells ringing.  And I like when the kids start singing!”
“You couldn't.  Those are two of the worst things about it!  There’s not a single redeemable factor in it’s trite,  super saccharine, four minute run time.”  Agitated now and edging into anger, your voice kept rising, spurned on by the inability to get away from Loki’s plush prison, “Also, get off me!” “Can’t do it.  But-” nuzzling into your neck, tasting along the tendon there, “-I can replay this song.”  “That’s it!”  Fury tinted your words as you tried harder than ever to break free of your fleece prison but Loki was brick heavy, unmovable, and impossibly giddy at your predicament.  All things which only added fuel to your fire.  Wriggling like mad, struggling to kick a foot free, you squirmed desperately for leverage.  His response?  A deep chuckle, “Is that all you’ve got, darling?”  Laying those long, lanky bones on top of you, holding down the throw’s corners in a way that made fighting futile, Loki smirked at your distress, “I still don’t see why you hate it so much.  It is a simple song because we’re simply having a wonderful Christmastime!  It’s in the title after all.” With cheeks hot from exertion, fully frustrated and forced to listen to Paul McCartney’s bland holiday ballad start a second time, you nearly shrieked, "I hate it, Loki!  Loathe it, really!  The lyrics are basic, the keyboard is tinny, and Sir Paul is better than that!” “Is that all?” “No!  It's even worse when someone else sings it, like those kids from Glee or an up and coming Country artist making their first holiday record!"
Beneath the blanket your chest rose and fell with bothered breaths.  From rubbing against the couch your hair stuck up in odd angles and you could feel heat rising off your neck.  How had you gone from almost asleep to a blanket related battle royale?  Loki, taking advantage of your confinement, kissed your forehead sweetly, and the change in tactic caught you off guard.  His lips grazed the tip of your nose as you huffed out a pout, eager to see where his mischief making would lead.  Pressing his forehead to yours, that deep sonorous voice whispering lowly for your ears alone, "Not a compelling enough argument for me to turn it off, I'm afraid." And to your holiday horror the song in question started again.  Grousing, "Don’t play it again!  Please!  I’m begging you!” “Already begging darling?”  Thick with mocking, Loki slotted himself between your thighs, keeping you from fighting back with any power. Whining full out now, poking out your bottom lip, “Come on!  Please, let me up and turn this off!” “Why, of course, my pearl.”  With no effort on his part, Loki scooped you up, blankie and all, pulling you tightly to his chest.  Gripping your bottom, his fingers firm through the cotton of your pj pants, he squeezed hard enough for you to yelp. “Hey!”  But that’s all you managed before his talented tongue invaded your mouth.  Now the only thing you could hear was the shaky exhale of your shared sighs and your own needy mewls when Loki started to withdraw.
Godly hands drew your thick and comfy sweatshirt over your head, leaving you bare against the cuddly softness of your new blanket, a perfect dichotomy to the heated hardness of Loki’s chest.  With your arms finally free you tangled your hands in the long tresses of your lover, distracted from the awful music by his groan, “Easy darling.” But now that the tables were tipped in your favor, you had no intention of going easy on Loki.  Not after his antics tonight, not a chance.  Tugging hard enough for him to wince, you ground against his lap with a nip to his neck, “Turn it off then.”
“Now, why would I do that?  Aren’t we still enjoying a Wonderful Christmastime?” Bouncing in his lap, purposefully teasing your mischief maker with a smirk, “We were until you let this terrible song play!” Laughing heartily, Loki stroked over your bare shoulder, one hand resting on your waist and the other cupping your cheek.  “If I wanted to, my darling, I could change your mind.  I could make you adore this song.” “Is that so, Odinson?  I doubt it.”
“Doubt me?  On this, Christmas Eve!  When you know the feelin’s here that only comes once a year?” A confident nod was all he got for an answer.  In a flash you were laying on the soft rug, your legs wrapped over Loki’s and your new blanket tossed to the side.  Fiery kisses to your chest and neck led him to the shell of your ear where he hummed hungrily, “The moon is right, the spirits up…” Enjoying his mouth but not his music, you shoved against his shoulders, panting, “Don’t sing, just kiss me.” Licking into your mouth, Loki’s tongue obliged your need as his hands skated over the curve of your hip, breaking your kiss to croon, “We’re here tonight, dove… and that’s enough.”
“Loki… please stop…”  You fisted his shirt, pulling at the buttons until his muscular torso was under your fingers, strong and solid.  Pushing the plaid cotton off his shoulders, you let your nails drag over Loki’s naked back as you shifted your hips, subtlety be damned. He took the hint.  Nipping a trail over your tummy, Loki kept his eyes on yours as he shucked your shorts, snorting, “No panties?  Naughty!” “If that’s naughty, Loki, then what you’re doing to me is positively evil.” That made your lover grin, his eyebrows lifting in a wickedly Grinchy smile before caressing the inner skin of your thigh with his clever mouth.  Slithering closer to your center, sweeping his tongue in swirls, you couldn’t help the excited shiver he created.  It was enough to block out the terrible song now that you had something more arousing to hold your attention. Using those long, deft fingers, Loki parted your folds with a murmured moan, “You’re so wet, darling.  Maybe you like this song more than you let on?” A curse for him and his rotten taste in Christmas music died in your throat as Loki connected to your sacred skin through a carnal kiss.  Those strong forearms ensured that your knees stayed open wide as his tongue tasted, teasing your clenching cleft, humming with appreciation at your body’s response.  Circling your clit, sucking gently before changing direction and licking your lower lips once more, Loki had you teetering on the cliff of climax in minutes.
Your stomach tensed, ready for release.  Delicious waves of orgasmic bliss were pulsing through you, needing just a touch more friction, a little more pressure in order to crash over you.  Gasping out incoherent whimpers, fingers ruffling Loki’s dark hair, you can’t fight the neediness that he’s created in you. It just feels so incredible, something Loki knows you’re enjoying, “Like that, darling?” Passion clouds your vision as your desire crests, unfulfilled, “You know I do, Loki…” Fingers slide sensually through your slit, his bright eyes on you, “How much?  How much do you like it?” Shaking your head, still foggy with needs unmet, “So much, baby.  I love making love to you so much.” Bumping against your swollen bud, pressing down firmly, Loki begins using his hands to entice you towards ecstasy.  Two fingers enter you easily, delightful, sure, but not as filling as Loki’s hard member.  Reaching for him, you want to lose yourself in loving and being loved by your space god, “Sing for me, dove.” Beseeching you breathlessly, Loki’s hand stills, keeping you at the fringe of falling apart.  Waiting for your reply impatiently he asks again, “Sing, please.” “A song?” His reply is a shake of his dark head.  Slowly, smoothly, Loki withdraws his fingers, only to press them into your yielding flesh once more, “Yes, my darling.  Sing my favorite song!”
Sucking a bruise onto your inner thigh, those fingers of his spreading your walls, the exquisite pressure on your straining clitoris.  Any one of these distractions would have been hard to concentrate through.  Experiencing them all together?  Overwhelming.
And that’s the excuse you would use to explain what happened next.  “The party’s on… The feeling’s here…” As soon as the words left your lips, Loki’s attention resumed in earnest, “That’s it, dove!  Keep going!” “That only comes, this time of year… Ah!  Loki!” Loki watched you lustily.  Your eyes half closed, legs splayed lewdly, a nervous grin on your face.  He never wanted you more.  Slipping out of his jeans, wasting no time, Loki guided his hardened cock into you with a satisfying sigh. Your response to his abundance?  “Oh shit, Loki!  Yes!”  Snapping his hips against your pelvis, iron banded arms clinging to you, Loki stuttered, “I don’t hear you singing!” “We’re simply having a Wonderful Christmastime!”  How many times did you repeat the chorus?  Hard to say.  It became a mantra.  A thing to chant in time with everyone of Loki’s deliberate and deep thrusts. This time, when you felt the familiar stirring of your satisfaction, Loki didn’t stop you.  Encouraging you with a soulful kiss, his stroke surging in time with Paul McCartney’s crooning, you came apart in each other’s arms with a smile.  The song started again and you couldn’t stop the giggles from bursting out of you, “What’s so funny, dove?” “You said you could make me like this terrible, horrible, awful song.” Sitting up and taking you with him, Loki chuckled as he kissed your hand, “Hey, don’t make fun of the best holiday song I have ever heard.”  Pulling your new blanket around the both of you, “I still hate it, but-”
“But?”, his eyebrow arched in surprise, waiting for you to continue.
“But I don’t hate it as much.” Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, playfully ribbing you, “Do I have to force you into having another Wonderful Christmastime?” Biting your bottom lip, you returned the favor by sweeping a stray lock of Loki’s black hair over his shoulder, “Babe, you could make crazy, insane love to me each day and every night… and-” “And?”  Kissing Loki lightly on the nose, you stood up on shaky legs and started towards the hallway.  At the entry way you turned back letting the blanket fall to the floor, “-And Wonderful Christmastime would still suck.”  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To My Many Minxes:  @toomanystoriessolittletime @vodka-and-some-sass @just-random-obsessions @brokenthelovely @lots-of-loki @thefallenbibliophilequote @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @iamverity @mizfit2 @sammy-jo1977 @wolfsmom1 @jessiejunebug @iluvsumbucky @unadulteratedwizardlove @procrastinatinglikeabitch @shxdowofdarkness @nonsensicalobsessions @ahintofkiwistrawberry @alexakeyloveloki @rorybutnotgilmore @crystalizedcaramel @lokislittlecorner @capcapcapsicle @jamielea81 @caffiend-queen @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @jenjen8675309 @that-one-person @roguewraith
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starkie-md · 3 years
Loki: Thor, take that thing off
Thor: *wearing a pair of reindeer antlers on his head*
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Mind Stone- Peter Parker x Female Reader Part 2
   Kody: Part 2 in this shit
  Movie/Show: After Endgame, but no one died because ignorance is bliss.
  Summary: In the attack of 2012, you were given powers that you couldn’t understand at such a young age.
  Possible Triggers / Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of blood and harm,
   Tony handed you a bandaid. You took it from his hand and notice the cartoon picture of Iron Man on it. What a not surprised in the slightest. You peel off of the paper backing and stick it over the small wound caused by the needle. “Were done, but i want you to stay here until we can get Thor and antlers here”
   you exhale deeply. After already spending the night you thought you’d be back at the girls home by now. Not that you wanted to go back, you just didn’t want to hear Nancy’s bitching once you did return “I think my caretaker might worry about me if i’m gone again” 
   Tony placed the tablet he was holding on the counter and looked at you “Yeah she’s a real piece of work isn’t she. You have special permission now” he says. What in the vague. You hop off the chair and feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
   you stuck your hand into the dark grey sweatpants you wore. Wanda offered you clothes to sleep in so you wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. She gave you a matching slightly cropped tank and sweatpants. She was a sweetheart. Once you pull out your phone you tap the screen. 
   it was a text from Peter ‘Can you get away for a minute?’ you hold back the urge to smile and look up at Tony “Can i go?” you ask and he waves his hand, shooing you way “Yeah we’re good. Get some rest and make sure to hydrate. Now get out”
   you roll your eyes with a half smile before walking towards the door “Bye” you say before pushing it open and heading out.
   you push open the door you were staying in and saw Peter sitting on the bed, picking at his nails. He looks up once he hears the noise and smiles upon seeing you “Hey” he says. You smile back and walk over to stand in front of him, looking down to meet his gaze “Hello”
   Peter looks at you then the bed. What is he a bed? You take a seat next to him, but end up laying back to look at the ceiling “You look tired” Peter says and lays back next to you. You chuckle quietly “Yeah. I got my blood drawn, but at least it’s over with”
   Peter hums in response. You notice he awkwardly folded his hands over his chest, not knowing what to do with them. You shuffle over and lay your head on his chest, feeling him instantly tense up. “Is this okay or are you going to implode?” 
   he shakes his head “No!-” he protests “i mean it’s okay, just uh- just stay there” he says in a more quiet tone. You stifle a bit of laughter and curl up next him, feeling a bit drowsy at this point. Peter wraps arm around your waist “Are you tired?”
   “Yeah a little” you respond, closing your eyes. Peter holds onto you as he moves to the top of the bed, laying his head on a pillow “You should sleep then, i’ll wake you up if something happens” he talked in a more hushed tone now. You smile  before dozing off. 
   “Y/n?” he says before he is interrupted by quiet snores. He smiles to himself, wishing he didn’t leave his phone in his bag so he could take a picture of you. Would that be weird? It’s not like he would made it his lockscreen. Nevermind that’s the exact reason he would take a photo.
   he raised his free arm to try and web his bag to him, but once he did you started to stir slightly “Not worth it not worth it” he mumbles before kissing your head. He stays still until you stop moving before exhaling. He had never cared about another person's nap so much.
   damn his arm was starting to fall asleep. 
   an hour later
   Wanda opened the door to your room and was slightly surprised to see Peter playing with your hair while you slept on his chest “Uh- i knocked, why didn’t you say anything?” she asked. Peter looked down at you for a moment then Wanda “I didn’t want to wake her up. I also can’t feel my arm”
   she smiles brightly at the young love “Why didn't you just move her” she questions, folding her arms across her chest “I have never moved each time you fell asleep on me” Vision spoke from behind her. Wanda looks at him with a slightly shocked expression “You can move. I wouldn’t have been mad”
   “That’s not the point darling. I don’t want to move” Vision replies. Wanda sighs “Will talk more about this later’ she says to him before “Tony would like to see her in the main lobby. i’m assuming he doesn’t know your here?” she says with a small grin. 
   Peter smiles nervously “Yeah- i snuck in. I- i- can get her up. Just give me a few minutes” he said with a pleading look. Wanda smiles, nodding and grabs Visions arm “Bye Peter” she said and walked alongside her lover, closing the door shut. 
   Peter sighs, not really wanting to move at this point, but knew you had to be somewhere. He starts to softly shake your shoulder “Y/n- Y/n you have to get up. Mr. Stark needs you in the lobby” you mumble something incoherent to him before rolling over onto your other side. “No”
   he chuckles to himself and stretches his arm for a second “Come on- we can always sleep later” he tries to rationalize. You groan out before propping yourself up on your elbows “Fine, but i’m not going to enjoy whatever the hell is happening” you say in an attempt to be petty. 
   you hear Peter laugh at your response “I’ll come with you then” he suggests. You smile slightly at the thought and throw your legs over the bed. “Let’s go then” you say and let out yawn. You walk over to the side of the bed Peter was on nd slip your feet into the slippers on the floor. 
   Peter stands up and reaches up to fix his now bed head. You lift your hand and move a piece of hair from his face “Thank you” he says and you nod. Suddenly, he leans down and captures your lips in his, catching you a bit off guard but you weren’t complaining. 
   you went to pull away when one his hands was placed on the small of your back, pulling you flush against him. Well damn Peter Parker. He deepens the kiss more by placing his other hand on the nape of your neck. After a couple seconds you both pull away “What was that for?” you ask. 
   “I haven’t got to kiss you all day” he says with a brow raised like it was so obvious. “Oh okay” you hold back some laughter. 
   you and Peter walk to the lobby. During your small walk he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kept you close to him while he talked about how he got his powers. A radioactive spider. That seemed much more awesome then being manipulated by a god at the age of six.
   “Well look at you two” you both look up too see Tony grinning at the both of you so close together. Peter’s face flushes, but he keeps his arm around you “Tony don’t tease them” Wanda comments. Peter hides his face behind your head until the redness went down. 
   “Nice one Spider-Boy” you comment, earning yourself a small growl under his breath, which was interesting to hear to be honest. Suddenly a yellow circle appeared in front of the glass doors. You instinctively take a step back, but Peter keeps you in place “It’s okay” he reassures. 
   you trust his word and stay put as the circle grew quite large. A man stepped out. He was wearing sort of medieval clothes with a maroon cape that seemed to move on its own- Dr. Strange? “Hello” he said to the room and steps to the side as....Thor the god of thunder steps  through the portal, hair cut short.
   at first you were slightly fangirling inside, but then it sunk in who would walk in next. In all his glory, Loki the god of mischief walks through and stands next to his brother. He was wearing an all black suit. You couldn’t tell if you wanted to throw up or run away- maybe both. 
   “Would anyone like to explain why we’re here?” Thor asks, shaking Tony’s hand. “I would also like to know that, considering no one here likes me” Loki adds, fixing the cuffs of his sleeves. “Yeah antlers shut it- 2012 attack. Remember talking to a little girl?”
   Loki gave Tony a strange look “May i remind you all that i was under the control of Thanos and barley remember a thing. Also, what little girl? I hate children” he says with a face of slight disgust. “I might be able to help you all with that” Strange cuts in.
   “Even if you don’t remember anything. Those memories are still locked away in your head. I could access them” he says, gesturing to one of his hands. Loki looks him up and down “I will not have anyone inside my head, that’s sort of my thing” he retorts. 
   Thor crosses his arms over his broad chest “Why is this important?” he directed his question to Tony. “Infinity Stone cleanup.” he says vaguely. Loki sighs and takes a deep breath after “Fine- make it quick and only look at what you need too.
   Strange steps forward “Trust me- i don’t want to look at anything else” he reassures amd steps behind Loki. He placed his hands on either sides of Loki’s head and began to mumble a few words. In an instant it was like Loki became a projector.
   his memory was played in a hologram like manner. Peter and you watch from behind so its inverted for the both of you- not like you haven’t lived through it or anything, but okay. All of you watched as Loki gave you the powers and your tiny body float up then faint. 
   once the memory was over Loki watched the tiny child disappear along with the memory and left standing behind the little girl was you. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together at this point. “Why did you show me this?” Loki snapped, pushing Strange’s hands away from his head. 
   “Because reindeer games. You under the raisins control only gave her a tad of the Mind Stone’s power- just the teleportation and portals. You gave her some of your powers” Tony says. The room collectively gasped “I- What?” Loki replied before looking at you. 
   you felt your body tense a bit. Peter felt his spidey sense flare up and kept his arm tightly wrapped around you, but for so long you wanted to confront this guy. Tell him off. Wish him dead, but you had just learned it wasn’t his fault. What were you to do now?
   you push away from Peter, despite his protest and confidently walked up to Loki, stopping a few feet away from him “Hey, i guess” you say, shrugging your shoulders. Loki gulps and nods at you “Hello. I uh- i apologize for what i did” he said, you can tell he was struggling to find the words. 
   you wave your hand “Don’t be. You can do one thing for me though” you say, a malicious grin making a way to your face. Loki narrows his eyes before answering “and that would be?” he asked. What could you possibly want from him?
   “Teach me how to use it”
   a month later
   “You can do better” Loki scolded as he circled around you. You were both in the training room and had been at it for three hours. You were regretting asking him to teach you how to use these damned powers. “Go again!” he exclaims and you form to blades as he charges at you. 
   you push yourself left and watch as Loki stumbles a bit. You use this opportunity to drop down and kick him completely off balance. Loki falls to the floor and as you went to hit him, he kicked you in the chest, knocking the wind out of you “OH you slimy prick!” you coughed.
   Loki grins as he pushes himself off the floor “I’ll add it to the list of things you call me” he says before coming at you again. You stood there and waited until he was inches away before dropping to the floor and sliding across. You end up behind him and wrap your arm around his neck, holding the blade against it.
   you could Loki huffs to try and catch his breath “Much better. Now we’re done for the day” he declares. You exhale and let go of him “Thank god” you say and wave your hand, the blade fading away. “I’ll clean up, you leave. I’m sure your bug boy is waiting for you” Loki rolls his eyes. 
   “His name is Peter and he’s scared of you” you say with narrowed eyes. His frown turns into a small grin “Good” he replies. You chuckle to yourself before walking towards the door “Bye Loki” you say before walking out the room. Time to hit the showers. 
   after taking a shower, you sat down on your bed, looking out the window. You wished Loki was right about Peter waiting for you, but he had been busy all week with crime and patrolling. He was Spider-Man after all. You had just hadn’t expect to be so clingy. 
   it was late as much you wanted to stay up for him you decided to just get some rest. You had put on Peters midtown sweatshirt he left a couple weeks ago. It smelt like him so it’ll have to do until you could see your actual boyfriend ago- holy shit. He had never really asked you to be his girlfriend.
   how come you didn’t notice that before? You were just happy to be with him that you didn’t care about the labels and such. Strange. You climb into bed and pulled the comforter over you while grabbing a pillow to hug close to your chest. It helped you fall asleep sometimes. 
   you plug in your phone and place it on the empty space in the bed. Closing your eyes you force yourself to drift off to sleep so tomorrow could come quicker. It was child like logic, but hey- sometimes children logic is all you need. 
   a couple hours later
   your eyes slowly open and your met with the sight of Peter in his suit, just outside your window. He was knocking on it and looking around outside. Not creepy at all. You get up out of bed, using one hand to rub your eyes while the other undid the latch of the window. 
   “Hey. Sorry for waking you” he says, climbing into the room and taking off his mask. You walk back to your bed and pick up your phone “Peter it’s two in the morning. Isn’t May going to worry where you are?” you question. YOu turn around just as his suit faded into the spider symbol. 
   Peter shakes his head and places the symbol down on the dresser “No. She knows i’m staying here tonight” he says. You narrow your eyes, walking over to him “You didn’t tell me you were staying over. I haven’t gotten any time with you this week” you say with a small pout. 
   he smiles and grabs your hands “That’s why i’m here- is that my sweatshirt?” he asked, looking down at the blue piece of clothing. You shrug “Maybe” he shakes his head “You look really good in it Might have to let you keep it” he says and leans down to give you a kiss, but you turn your head away.
   “I wasn’t planning on giving it back to you bug boy” you tease. Damn- you gotta stop hanging out with Loki for awhile. Peter’s face drops “I’m ignoring the bug comment for now. You rejected my kiss. I haven’t kissed you all week Y/n” his tone was whiney and made you want to laugh. 
   “I’m sorry” you say trying to hold back laughter. Peter smiles and finally plants his lips on yours, It was like every other kiss, sweet. Until Peter did his whole hand on the back of your neck thing to pull you in for deeper kiss. You reach up to wrap your arms loosely around his neck. 
   Peter lifts you off the ground and places you on the bed, breaking the kiss “Hm. I missed that” he whispers and leans his forehead against yours. You smile, looking up at him. You arms fall as you let out a yawn “and i missed my human pillow, now get under the covers”
   “Yes ma’am” he replies with a quiet laugh and lays on his back. You lay your head on his chest and tangle your legs with his. Peter pulls the blanket over the both of you “Night Y/n” he says and kisses your head sweetly before closing his eyes. You smile and close yours as well. 
   “Goodnight Peter”
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   Kody: shitty end, but hey i thought it was decent. Request be open btw. Anyways, peace. 
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Winter/Holiday Challenge
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Hello wonderful Tumblr Peeps! It’s that time of year where we get all those festive feels. @sagechanoafterdark and I wanted to throw a bit of a holiday party for all of us. 
Below you will find some prompts, a bit of everything that we had pulled together to help inspire you either in writing, mood boards, or other forms or artwork you would like to submit. Either just seasonal fun or holiday specific. Also throwing this out there, if you wanted to switch up some of the prompts from Christmas to something a little different, but want to use the idea in the prompt, please feel free. We encourage it, just please specify if its another holiday so I can write it down. We personally know most Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions, but would love to see (as well as learn) other traditions that you all celebrate. We are leaving this as an open fandom challenge, and will be making a masterlist with all the works submitted to us. Happy Writing! 
Below the cut, you will find the rules and prompts provided.
Can be anything you want to submit, writing or art work. 
Non Con and Dub Con is allowed
Underage, messing with animals, toilet play is a hard NO for us.
All that being said, Properly label your work for anything that’s needed. We have the right to refuse reposting/adding to the official list if it's incomplete with its warnings. 
Please send Sweater your request in a ask, with the number/s and character/fandom you want to write for.  
AU, OC, Y/N, etc is allowed. 
There will be no date to have it submitted by, we know people have lives and cant always get to stuff ASAP. Or the muse has stepped out. No worries, we got you. Submit when you can. 
Anything that is over 500 words, please use a ‘KEEP READING’ Lets not clutter our friends blogs up. (if you're on mobile, we understand it's not easy to use, no worries.) 
Please Reblog this for people to see, we would appreciate it. 
You don’t have to follow us, although be cool if you did
When you tag this, please use #ssholidaychallenge and tag @sagechanoafterdark​ and @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ in your fic. 
Also probably send one of us a message if one of us doesn’t respond in a timely manner, it’s most likely where Tumblr is not sending notifications. 
You can mix and match prompts. If you wanted something from each category, feel free. Just send the info in your ask. 
There will be no restrictions in prompts, more than one person can have the same prompt. 
2 stories per person though.
HAVE FUN with this. 
Person A surprises Person B by being home in time for any holiday of choosing @just-one-ordinary-fangirl with Steve @angrythingstarlight with Andy, Dark!Steve
Person A is great at baking, Person B is not. Chaos @nekoannie-chan with Steve/Brock
Person A is very particular about decorating, Person B just wants to put the decorations wherever they want. 
“That's the ugliest sweater i’ve ever seen.” @icanfeelastormbrewing and @what-is-your-plan-today with Jake and Stella
“My house, my rules. Christmas music stays on.” @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho with Ransom
“Yea, uh, alcohol doesn't go in hot chocolate.” @viinchester
“I love you, but you are a shit decorator.” 
“Step away from the cookies.” @pagesoflauren with Ransom @the-soulofdevil
Pulling you/character in for a kiss from the scarf @imma-sucker-for-a-beard with Chris @queenbeean​ with Ransom
Christmas Cookie Baking Day
Hiding the pickle in the tree @thefanficfaerie with Steve
“Can we pretend we’re dating at my family's Christmas Party? Then keep it up till New Years?” @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad 
Accidentally breaks ornaments decorating @stuckonjbbarnes with Loki
“Are those lights singing?” “Yes” “I hate them” “I love them” 
Kinky Gift Exchange
“Let's do something to put us on the naughty list” @imma-sucker-for-a-beard with Chris
Wrap yourself up like a gift
Get caught nibbling on forbidden holiday treats @sweeterthanthis
“All I want for christmas is you” @queenbeean​with Curtis
Finding the PERFECT tree @what-is-your-plan-today with Rogers @thefanficfaerie with Chris
Meeting the family for the holiday @mcubabydotcom with Ransom @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad 
Snowed in and make a fire for warmth (and cuddles) @romaxnogersav with Bucky @steebsbabygirl with Steve
Holiday Movie Night! (any movie of your choosing) 
Exchanging Secret Santa Gifts @navybrat817​ with Bucky
Lighting the Menorah
Eight Days of Hanukkah
Exchanging homemade gifts on the last day of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa party! 
Seven Days of Kwanzaa
Playing the dreidel and other games
“Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Merry Christmas Bitch, I love you.” (feel free to leave out the swear if you want) 
“Do you wanna build a sno-” “Don't you dare finish that” @twittytelly with Chris @bananapie99 with Bucky
“You look like this gingerbread man” proceeds to take a bite. @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho with Ransom
“I love Christmas more than anything” “what, even more then me?” @just-one-ordinary-fangirl with Ransom
“You’ve burnt the turkey.” 
“I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.” @arrowsandmixtapes @steebsbabygirl with Steve @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad 
Exchanging Secret Santa Gifts
Donating toys to children @redhairedfeistynerd​ with Chris
“Did you put antlers on the dog?” @what-is-your-plan-today with Adlers @viinchester with Chris 
“Im freezing, you are warm, hug me.” @nekoannie-chan with Steve/Brock
Song Prompts
41. Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt @angrythingstarlight​ with Andy
42. It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Andy Williams
43. White Christmas - Bing Crosby
44. Jingle Bell Rock - Bobby Helms
45. Frosty The Snowman - Gene Autry
46. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Gene Autry
47. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Bruce Springsteen
48. Blue Christmas - Elvis
49. Last Christmas - Wham
50. Mr Grinch - Thurl Ravenscroft @stargazingfangirl18​ with Frank Adler
51. Silver Bells - Dean Martin
52. Mele Kalikimaka - Bing Crosby
53. Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - Johnny McMathis
54. Holly Jolly Christmas - Burl Ives
55. Feliz Navidad - José Feliciano
56. Hippopotamus for Christmas - Gayla Peevy
57. Holly Jolly Christmas - Dean Martin @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ with Ransom
58. All I Want For Christmas - Mariah Carey @angrythingstarlight​ with Dark!Steve
59. Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer - Elmo and Patsy
60. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee
Movie Prompts- 
61. Four Christmases- You and Character of choice go to your different family Christmas’s, each with their own disasters. 
62. National Lampoon's Christmas- The whole family gets together in one house to celebrate. (Cousin Eddie anyone?) @pagesoflauren​ with Ransom
63. Jingle All the Way- Got to find THE GIFT of the season last minute
64. The Grinch- Someone just doesn't like the holiday, heart is three sizes too small. But it can all turn around and find the holiday spirit @verdandi-storm​
65. It's A Wonderful Life- Someone gets an awakening during the Holidays at just how lucky they are from a visitor.
Picture Prompts-
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@bananapie99 with Bucky
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@twittytelly​ with Chris @stuckonjbbarnes with Bucky
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@the-soulofdevil​ @angrythingstarlight​ with Dark!Steve
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@gotnofucks with Sam/Bucky
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@sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ with Sam
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