#I had a horrible shit eating grin the whole time I love when he suffer
good-wine-and-cheese · 10 months
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Draw from yesterday's vaesen campaign. Pictured: aftermath of attempting to kill your own son because you were possessed
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@immadatmostthings  @thaticecreambish  @hee-hee-haw  @dearnataliealoveletter  @wasteofspacze  @dcml04  @bbigbbrainn  @dirtydiavolo  @vanhakirja  @rinzyx05  @misselsbells06  @ialexabsuniverse  @im-a-depressed-gay  @energy-drinkk  @mothra-main  @i-need-hugs  @dragons-lurk-here  @katj733  @m4r-s  @vievi  @dykeragee  @waterstrawberry  @aplaintart  @kakamiissad  @myunfinishedsymphony  @nagitokinnieissad  @autumnpleaves  @justanothergirlwithdemons  @zachariethememerie  @moon-asia  @m0on-blue  @strawberrysodababy  @akikko-yataro  @haikkeiji  @shiningsunrises  @cinnamonmochi  @queen-turtle-boiii  @imanewsoul  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelicaschuyler-church  @vixenfoxpup  @ella-ivanov  @shio-yuki  @mosstea-png @ijustshatbricks  @sugarandspicebutnonice  @coolayee  @haikkeiji  @sadassflatass
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unpretty · 3 years
astielle chapter 26 ask dump! spoilers after the cut
@eriquin asked:
Every time I see a video or picture of a hairless cat I think "bruteling" now
anonymous asked:
I have to say I love your specific brand of "focused dom x horrible nightmare woman". That is all
someone's gotta have the focus here
anonymous asked:
I see... some *similarities.* Vaelon: “I never used to have dreams. Never saw the point, I guess. Not until She showed me.” Minnow: "Only I never really got the hang of dreams. I never went to kindergarten, or wherever they teach you that stuff if you have parents. No one ever taught me how to make my own dreams. I always used dead people’s, since they weren’t using them."
it's standard operating procedure that when someone tries to be more human everyone has to explain metaphors to them so you can imagine how frustrating it must be for karzarul to learn how much shit has actually been fully literal this whole time
anonymous asked:
"The VaeLEAN" I'm cackling. This is exactly what Ari tried in the kitchen.
anonymous asked:
not Ari hitting Leonas with the VAELEAN
you'd think he would have learned his lesson after maiete
anonymous asked:
ARI YOU CAN'T EAT THE QUEST LOG! "RESPECT the quest log," remember? RESPECT.
respect for minnow's quest log ONLY
anonymous asked:
please tell me someone has made a "minnow has two hands" meme. i can't stop thinking about it after all the hand-holding
anonymous asked:
That was such wonderful, emotionally fulfilling fluff I loved it. I wonder how many "minnow has two hands" jokes will be made lol. Everything needs a Violet character actually to express all the burning tension the reader feels he's incredible and continues to be one of my favorite characters
@keleviel asked:
God. Minnow is a feral little goblin and I love it. Eating random shit, dumping the nearest leaves she finds into food and calling it spinach. Leonas going "what do you have in your mouth" and her immediate reaction is to move away from him and eat quicker is wonderful. Leonas is the only civilized person in this trio and he is suffering and it is great
@rose-and-bones asked:
“What are you—what do you have? Are you eating something? What’s in your mouth, spit it out.”
I'm dying. Love seeing this wretched man talk to his horrible little nightmare girlfriend the same way I talk to my cat. Truly delightful
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@bramblepatch asked:
I think you should know that I was actively cackling when I got to the line in the latest Astielle chapter about Violet cackling. Thank you so much for putting in someone to laugh in Karzarul's face for us when he's being a big dumb baby.
anonymous asked:
“If the Moon Goddess didn’t want us to be sluts,” Violet said loftily, “then She should have given us a gag reflex when She had the chance.” Holy shit Violet is my favourite
anonymous asked:
I love Violet gently leading Leonas to some Thoughts™. I was grinning the entire time.
@pandabully asked:
its happeninngngnnng, the babies are healing 😭❤ cant wait for karzarul to process lynette. i love that shes a giant bitch, but shes a giant bitch that deserves better. i mean, all of them, except for maybe minnow, are giant bitches that deserve better, love to see it happening
anonymous asked:
[“I don’t care where you put your dick,” Ari lied.] hello!!!!! god, ari, you're as much a disaster as the rest of them
anonymous asked:
When Leonas is like "Not that one" about the boat it's because he's worried about his latent pirate instincts flaring up, isn't it. ISN'T IT. XD XD XD
anonymous asked:
At this point, I'm just waiting for a ball of moonlight to hit Ari mid-fuck (insert john mulaney "I want you to do it" gif here)
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@ephemeraltea asked:
He leaned closer to Karzarul, didn’t quite rest his head against his chest. “You could tell me stories, sometime. Different ones.” “Would you believe them?” “I try not to believe things,” Leonas said, “if I can help it.” KITTY WHY
anonymous asked:
ari and leonas in the dreamspace is sobsweet and tender and made me love them 110 times more than i already did 😭
anonymous asked:
Whenever Leonas goes full dom I try to come up with a nice comment to show my appreciation, but my brain just goes Oh No Hes Hot and I run out of words. A scene between the 3 of them where Ari and Leonas arent actively ignoring each other might kill me. I binged through the flashback chapters to 25 and when I came to send this 26 was out and I read that too. Ari being jealous and bratty except now Leonas knows thats whats happening and poking to make sure. Chefs kiss. Usually dom stuff I find has something in it that that im just not into. I sit there annoyed waiting for the good stuff. Its fine though I like a slow build. Im used to a slow build. Im trying to give context to the fact that im just laying here blushing over leonas calling karzarul good. Brain went full 0 to 100. From oh theyre getting along in a I love these character dynamics way. To an oh theyre getting along in an I want them to bang way. Sometimes Leonas is confident and I have a crisis. My brain is constantly ping ponging between Ha anxious nerd with terrible parents how relatable(tm), get him a hot coco and a nap, a lil therapy, as a treat. to I want him to call me good and then edge me to death like he threatened that one witch who hit on him. Every couple chapters I get to go is... leonas... Hot? And then I forget til he's confident again
unfortunately instead of a therapist all leonas has access to is a woman with a sword and the devil who is real and wants him dead has a praise kink
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qitwrites · 3 years
⬅ Previous || 29 || Next ➡
The thing that doesn’t make sense is the onigiri.
The Bakusquad are currently sprawled all over the common room couches, taking turns playing on the PS5. This is a normal sight, one that Ojiro has walked in on several times. There’s yelling, screaming, fingers poking ribs, and Bakugou kicking anyone that dares to touch his hair. The whole group is in a mad tangle of limbs, the audience yelling profanities while the people with the controllers (in this case, Sero and Kirishima) have a look of sheer determination painted on their faces as they race each other in an all too intense game of Mario kart.
And, in the midst of all this chaos, is a large plate filled to the brim with onigiri- perfectly shaped, delicious looking balls of rice wrapped in shiny seaweed.
When Kirishima loses to Sero a few moments later, the tape hero whoops victoriously as the redhead visibly deflates, groaning loudly and seemingly melting into the floor. Bakugou laughs out loud at the sight and pulls the plate right up to Kirishima’s face and says, “Take your pick, Red.” He sounds gleeful, and it makes a shiver run down the length of Ojiro’s spine.
Kaminari finally catches sight of him and waves him over, “Oji! Get over here man.”
Ojiro makes his way to the couch and sits at the very edge, watching as Kirishima sighs deeply and pulls out an onigiri at random. For someone that loves food, and especially rice, with a fierce sort of vengeance, Kirishima looks deathly pale and completely unwilling to eat. Ojiro waves at Kaminari to get his attention before pointing at Kirishima and going, “What is happening?”
“Just wait,” the electric blonde smirks, his eyes dancing with delight.
Ojiro watches the redhead inhale one last time before taking a large bite. He chews the onigiri for a moment before his face contorts in absolute horror and he yanks what can only be described as a spit bucket from the other side of the couch to his face, coughing the rice out violently.
“Oh fuck,” Bakugou gasps out in between peals of laughter, “he got the mayo banana. Fuck me, he got the worst fucking one.”
Kirishima’s gargling some water while the words Mayo-banana swirl around Ojiro’s head. Kaminari takes one look at him and giggles.
“We’re playing onigiri roulette,” Sero finally explains. 
He points at the plate of food. “Before we started, we filled a bunch of rice balls with the weirdest fillings we could think of. The only rule is that it has to be edible-“ “BARELY edible” “- yeah, well, if you need recovery girl at the end of this, you’ve probably gone too far. So, we play each other one-on-one, and the winner plays the next person while the loser eats an onigiri and sits out till everyone else has had a go.”
“So,” Ojiro says, his mind still stuck on what he just heard Bakugou say, “Kiri just ate a rice ball filled with mayonnaise and banana?”
Ashido giggles at that, and Kaminari turns to the redhead and asks, “How was it?”
Kirishima takes another generous sip of water before saying, “The texture is what screwed me. It was just, god, it was mush and then more mush, and so slimy, and then the rice-“
“Ok,” Kaminari squeaks, throwing his hands up in surrender, “That’s enough, thanks man!”
“You wanna join?” Ashido beams at Ojiro, offering him her controller.
“I’m good watching,” Ojiro says, scooting back subtly. Sero sniggers and makes room for Ashido to join him on the floor.
“You’re going down,” he taunts, and Ashido burns a small hole in the sleeve of his shirt before they start up the next game.
Pinky puts up a good fight, but Sero is a master at the game, and even with her well-timed kicks at his face, Ashido loses, and Bakugou is positively glowing.
Ashido picks another unassuming looking onigiri and takes a bite. She looks so confused for a moment before her face scrunches up in agony. She perseveres though, and even as Kaminari cries from how hard he’s laughing and Sero is recording the whole thing with shaky hands, Ashido flips them the bird and makes it a point to swallow thickly.
Kirishima leans in and takes a sniff, his own nose wrinkling as he asks, “Toothpaste?”
Bakugou laughs again, an ugly, grating sound that’s so unlike the boyish smile on his face. Ashido sticks her tongue out at the rest and says, “I happen to love mint, so joke’s on you.” She still slam dunks the rest of the onigiri in the spit bucket.
The next to go against Sero is Bakugou, who sits beside him heavily and snatches the offered controller. Gone is his carefree smile and ugly laugh, and in its place is his usual fierce competitiveness, except the stakes are so much higher than they’ve ever been in hero training.
The game is nail biting, to say the least. Bakugou doesn’t yell while he’s playing, and his concentration is so intense, it almost seems like he’s being sucked into the game. Even Ojiro finds himself cheering and yelling as the two desperately try to beat each other while trying to stay on the track in the first place.
When Sero wins by a margin that’s thinner than a strand of hair, Kirishima, in what can only be described as a move perfected after many recurring experiences, grabs the controller from Bakugou and hardens himself against the tiny explosions in the blonde’s palms, saving the controller. Bakugou lunges at Sero, a litany of curses tearing themselves out his throat. Sero has the biggest shit eating grin on his face, and Kirishima can barely hold Bakugou back as he shakes with laughter of his own. The blonde ends up with his back to Kirishima’s chest as he huffs something about assholes that cheat and the redhead gives him a pat on the shoulder before picking up the plate and offering it to Bakugou.
The blonde makes it a point to inspect each rice ball carefully before picking one up and giving it a sniff. He wrinkles his nose and finally takes a big bite, because he might be a sore loser but Bakugou is no coward.
He chews through his bite quietly and swallows, expressionless. And then he smiles, a wicked, horrible turn of his lips.
“Ha, assholes, I fucking win.” He turns the bitten side of the rice ball to face the group, and out pours a stream of red liquid.
Hot sauce, Ojiro notes just as the spice hits him in the eyes with enough force to warrant immediate tears.
“Shit, that’s actually hurting me,” Kaminari yelps, blinking rapidly.
“Yeah man, what the hell?” Sero says, sitting back on his elbows to get away from it. They all watch in horror as Bakugou takes another bite and smirks. Ojiro can see the sweat dotting his brow and they don’t miss how he rubs his nose with his clean hand, but all in all, hot sauce for Bakugou feels unfair, especially after the diabolical mayo and banana monstrosity.
“Man, how does he win even when he loses?” Kirishima whines, butting Bakugou’s shoulder with his head. The blonde sniggers again and sits back comfortably just as Kirishima tosses the controller to Kaminari.
Ojiro watches them takes turns and suffer. Kaminari, by some turn of fate, beats Sero in a game that just refuses to go in Sero’s favor. Sero ends up choking down a rice ball stuffed with a slimy squid and peanut butter mixture.
When Kaminari loses to Ashido, he happily eats a rice ball soaked in malic acid because his taste buds are immune to sour apparently. Ashido nearly throws up when she has to bite into a rice ball filled with jello and meat chunks after losing to Bakugou, and Bakugou turns an alarming shade of green when he eats one with durian and mustard. Kirishima had watched that one unfold in a mix of horror and fascination, torn between laughing and holding the spit bucket out for the blonde.
Midway through, Ojiro finds himself playing with them and he has to experience the hell that is jelly beans with cheese sauce and another onigiri that is filled with nothing but wasabi. So much wasabi that he feels fumes of heat trying to escape his nose as his eyes water for the rest of the evening.
When they finally call it a day, Ojiro somehow finds himself promising them that he’ll join the next time too, and he watches Bakugou stalk away, brainstorming more terrible food combos under his breath. He laughs and heads to his own room, nose still tingling from the wasabi, his own thoughts clouded with the worst foods he can think of. That’s when inspiration strikes.
Ojiro pulls his phone out and dials a number he’s known since forever. She picks up after 2 rings.
“What’s up kiddo?”
“Hey mom.” Ojiro’s smile turns wicked. “Talk to me about your pregnancy cravings.”
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)  Part 2
Marinette sacrifices Adrien and then steals his alter ego.
With the help of the staff Marinette is directed to the room she will be sharing with Chloe and Kagami. It was meant to be two to a room, but yada yada Lila yada yada medical condition yada yada tears= Lila gets her own room.
“Marinette,” Kagami spots her first, rising from the couch.
“Mari!” Chloe vaults over the couch and hug tackles her, Marinette barely moves an inch, “You should have heard all the shit Lila was saying on the way here, you’d think it be enough she got the class to leave you behind!”
“Perhaps it’s best if you do not,” Kagami pulls Chloe off her, “You didn’t answer your phone,”
“Well lucky for you housekeeping dropped this by earlier,” Chloe hands her a box, inside filled with essential items, tooth brush, hair brush, even a pair of pyjamas, along with a note
‘Courtesy of the Waynes, for Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng’
“Must be a generic package,” She had shrugged off the bellhops earlier saying her bags were lost.
“Well since you don’t have to unpack, help me with this,” Chloe leads her over to their kitchen that might actually be bigger than her houses.
On the counter beauty products are lined up along with random ingredients.
“We’re making face masks!”
“Correction, Chloe is making face masks,” Kagami scolds, “I argued that sleep would be more effective,”
“And yet you didn’t go to sleep,” Chloe teases, mashing up avocado.
“Well not without you,” Kagami smirks, making Chloe blush, but it’s not like her to back down.
“Awe, you’d wait for me~” Chloe relishes in the blush dusting Kagami's cheeks.
Marinette dry heaves, wondering how long they were going to keep pretending to flirt like this, each too stubborn to back down. They have been doing this more and more recently, great that they were more comfortable around each other but…
“How about we go to bed,” Marinette disturbs their challenging stares.
“Not without Kagami,”
“I already used that one,”
“I never said we’d use the bed for sleeping~”
“Hey!” Her exclamation doesn't get them to drop their staring contest, “Do either of you know what room Adrien is in?”
“End of the hall,” They both answer, not looking at her.
“Great,” Marinette hastily grabs her bag and the box, she could get ready in Adrien's room, away from the weirdness.
She practically runs down the hall, ignoring her Kwami’s snickering.
“Mari!” Adrien throws the door open for her, “Did everything go ok, you didn’t answer your phone, you look upset,”
“Sorted everything out with security no problems, Phones dead, Bag stolen,” She plops down on the couch next to Nino, “Chlo and Kags are driving me crazy,”
“How long have you been back?” She looks down at her watch.
“Three minutes,”
“Are they doing that thing again?” Adrien, Kwami bless him hands her a mug of coffee.
“Yep,” She takes a sip from the mug, she retracts that blessing “Betrayal! This isn’t coffee!”
“It’s hot chocolate,” Adrien is in the kitchen fixing another mug, “You need to go to bed, and coffee will keep you up,”
No she needed to go on patrol, and a coffee is vital to her surviving it.
“What’s up with Chloe and Kagami?” Nino takes off his headphones.
“They started teasing each other by jokingly flirting but their both too stubborn to back down," Marinette sighs, downing half the mug of hot chocolate so she can get herself a damn coffee, "So they get uncomfortable then we get uncomfortable and its overall very uncomfortable,”
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Adrien sits down next to her, mug in hand.
“It would be if they both weren’t horrible at flirting,” She steals the mug away from him taking a sip.
That is not coffee, that is sugar disguised as a liquid
“That’s the funny part,” Adrien smiles as she hands back the mug,
“Touche Agreste, Touche,”
“If you wanted you could sleep in my room,” Nino offers, oh so innocently.
“Thank’s Nino, but I would rather Alya not kill me,”
“Nah dude, I was going to stay with Alya anyway Madame Bustier wont mind,” Yeah their teacher really should learn not to trust teenagers, "So you can have my room,”
“Nino you are a godsent,”
Nino cleans up his few thrown about items and bids them adieu. Marinette was glad they could still talk, maybe they were even still friends. When you have the devil in one ear and her loyal sidekick in the other it is actually kind of impressive they still have a friendly relationship.
“So how’s your day been?” Marinette gathers up the strength to start a conversation after making her own coffee, and her mouth was only very burnt from chugging a hot drink.
“Good, Chloe took us to a supermarket, I brought a bunch of american snacks!”
Indeed he had, Marinette watches in mild horror as he plops bags full of junk food in front of her.
“I didn’t realise we were feeding an army,” Adrien starts rooting through the bags, “If a super villain comes after you because you brought all their favourite snacks in Gotham I’m not protecting you,”
“I’d just share with them,” Adrien hums, chomping down on a chocolate bar.
“... Yeah that could work,” Dear Kwami I have to protect this sunshine child,  “Maybe,”
“Oi, don’t eat too much, I don't want to have to re tailor your outfit for the runway,” She teases, regretting it immediately as Adrien's shoulders sag.
“Adri I’m kidding,”  She places a hand on his shoulder smiling gently, “I already made the measurements a bit bigger so you’re good.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best?”
“Not enough you haven't,” Marinette huffs in mock offence, “Now eat,”
She shoves the chocolate bag in his face, getting it all over his cheek. They both start laughing as Adrien tries to get his revenge. They end up falling off the couch, Marinette on top of him. Adrien is blushing a bright red, Marinette just grins and shoves the chocolate in his face before getting up.
She could almost laugh at how her younger self would react to that. It wasn't as if she didn’t like Adrien, well maybe not in that way anymore, she honestly hadn't put that much thought into it lately. Things just got busy she supposed, Akumas got harder, then she became the guardian, she started her fashion career. Actually her fashion career might be at fault.
Gabriel had started lending Adrien to model for her more and more. The man stepping further and further back from the fashion world, or the world in general, over the years for whatever the reason. At first she had been a blushing mess around Adrien, not directing him properly and making her work suffer for it. Overtime she had learnt how to handle it, getting less flustered every time they worked together. Now that she thought about it, when she had revealed her identity as MDC Adrien didn’t seem surprised; maybe her work attitude had bled into her regular life well before then.
Marinette is washing the chocolate off when a knock sounds at the door. Neither feel like walking to it so shout out ‘come in’. That turned out to be a mistake as Lila bursts into the room. How were they supposed to know Lila would actually knock?!
“Marinette you slut!” Lila all but screeches.
“Lila, you don’t have an audience and neither of us believe you,” Marinette comes out of the bathroom, already bored of the conversation she really needed to go, Lila and Marinette both.
“Well just wait, tomorrow the whole class is going to know what you did,” Lila gets up in her face, so close she can smell her perfume.
No not Lila's perfume her perfume.
“Right, sorry to say but there’s worse rumours than sleeping with a supermodel,” Marinette tries to edge her way around Lila, good excuse as any to dip out for patrol.
“Not if I say you forced him,” Lila looks way to self satisfied for what she is implying
I think the fuck not
“Nah,” Adrien shrugs, getting Lila’s ire turned on him, a noble sacrifice indeed.
“Nah?” Lila looks livid, “What do you mean Nah !”
“I’d just say I wanted to,” Adrien stays calm with Lila's face inches from him, Marinette gives him the thumbs up as she edges closer to the door, Adrien nods back.
She loved this version of the high road
“After all Marinette's super pretty and talented,” Adrien gushes, Marinette grins at the face Lila must be making, “Honestly your lie is so unbelievable, why would she ever go for someone like me?”
Marinette closes the door on Lila’s cursing response, saying a quick word of praise for Adrien's bravery and sacrifice.
At least he gets to see Lila’s reaction when she realises I’m gone
Marinette uses a back door of the hotel to get to the street, not wanting the staff to stop her and warn about the dangers. She skips along looking for a good place to change. The city was actually kind of beautiful at night, she feels drawn to it in a strange way.
“Marinette!” Tikki looks out from her scarf, “You forgot the Miracle box,”
“Shoot!” She looks back to the hotel, a few blocks away from it by now, “It’ll be fine Tikki I leave it at home all the time,”
“You’re not at home right now,” Tikki looks worried, those are her friends after all, “It’s a guardians duty-”
Marinette tries not to groan, she really does.
“I know Tikki, I know,” She looks over the buildings surrounding her, feeling a deep itch to see Gotham from the rooftops “But can’t I just be myself for once, not the guardian?”
“You are the guardian,” Tikki insists, before sighing, “Which means you can make your own decisions regarding the miracle box,”
“Thank you Tikki,” She hugs the little Kwami, “I promise to be back super quick, I just have to stop one bad guy, an eye witness account of Starling so I don’t just appear randomly, I won’t even need to go on patrol again after this,”
“Alright Marinette, I trust you,” Tikki nuzzles her cheek, easing Marinette's conscience.
With that she ducks out of sight to get changed. Her costume is pretty simple really. All she had to do was pull her infinity scarf up, discrete holes allowing her to see. She turns her skirt inside out to a black side, with white, purple, and blue detailing to stick to her Starling namesake. The skirt pulls over her shoulders, a zip down the middle allowing her more movement, and a zip to form a secret hood.
Ready to go she climbs up to the roof, super strength and speed making roof hopping easier. She supposed if someone looked too hard they would be able to piece together pieces of her costume but her ‘cape’ hides the detailing of her shirt. Besides if she has her way she won’t have to use this identity ever again, but she rarely has her way.
About ten minutes into her search through Gotham she spots a broken window. Not notable except that the lights are on. She lowers herself onto the fire escape and sure enough someone is being held at gunpoint.
“Excuse me,” Both people jump, spinning to look at Starling casual sitting on the broken glass on the window sill, “You seem to have a very rude house guest on your hands,”
“Who the hell are you!?” The burglar turns their gun on her.
“Just a stray passing through,” She gives a bright smile, and a very Chat like bow, “Starling at your service… milady,”
If I’m going Chat I might as go full Chat Noir, hope he doesn't file a lawsuit against me
“Ummm,” The woman looks very confused, but not as confused as the burglar.
“Would you like me to remove him from your home?”
“Ah… yes?”
With another smile Starling makes her move. In the split second it takes the burglar to register her offer she's standing in front of him. The gun moves a second too late as she ceases his arm, her strength being as good as handcuffs. She hits a pressure point her Aunt taught her to make him drop the gun, kicking it away. Pinning the man's arm behind his back she spins him around, zip tying his hands.
“What the fuck!!”
“That’s no kind of language,” Starling reprimands, pushing him towards the window, “Now apologise,”
“What?! No way fuck you!” Starling grins, hooking a bungee cord to his shirt.
“Alright then, bye!” She pushes him out the window.
His screaming doesn't stop even when she watches as he bounces back up, dangling out the window. She grins.
Ladybug would never get away with that
Tying the other end of the cord to a post, she double checks to make sure everything is secure before turning back to the victim.
“So sorry about the rude intrusion milady,” She bows again, in jest, “Have you contacted the police?”
“Yeah… what are you?”
“A Starling bird,” Starling spins, showing off her cape, the patterning placed to resemble wings, “I though the name would be a dead give away,”
“Yeah, but what are you? A Bat? Vigilante?”
“Vigilante yes, Bat not so much,” Starling can see as she looks more cautious after that, “Just happened to be passing through Gotham when I saw you in need of assistance,”
“Right... ok then...” She sits down, letting herself slump over the couch, “Ugh, this has been a terrible day,”
“How so?” Starling eyes up the kitchen, “Besides from mister bungee jump out there,”
“I was almost out of work this afternoon when a new rumour about the Wayne's blew up,” Starling nods along, turning the oven on and picking out ingredients.
“I work in the PR department at Wayne tower, do you have any idea how hard that is?!” Starling shakes her head finding a bowl but no measuring cups, she could just estimate.
“They have new bruises everyday,” Starling does look up to that, very concerned, “Don’t worry it’s not abuse or anything, they really are just dumbasses,”
Starling snickers a little bit at that, pouring in ingredients like second nature.
“I once asked mister Drake why he had a giant bruise on his forehead, he told me he passed out at his desk and just slammed into it!” Starling does laugh at that one, “Like?! How am I supposed to tell people that without sullying the Wayne name?”
“I think its funny,” She did clearly not agree, Starling changes the subject as she starts mixing “What was the problem today?”
“Nothin much really someone took pictures of mister Drake talking and giving a ride to some girl with black hair and blue eyes, and now everyone thinks she’s a Wayne,”
“That’s all it takes?” She starts placing the cookie dough on the baking tray, “Maybe I should apply?”
“Nah, you’d sooner be Batman's kid than Bruce Wayne's,” She cracks the first smile Starling has seen so far, “He’s got the same amount of kids, if not more,”
“Maybe they should share custody?” Starling puts the cookies in the oven, “Double the number each,”
“Yeah, how about no?” She smiles more, which is good, “I can’t imagine having to explain away the bruises the Bat kids get,”
Starling smiles, the sound of sirens now drawing close.
“I guess that's my cue to leave Milady,” Starling jumps up onto the window sill, the burglar still shouting below, “Take the cookies out in fifteen minutes,”
“Hey,” Starling looks back, “Thank you,”
“No problem,” Starling sends a dazzling smile, “Good night, Milady,”
Taglist (guess I’m doing these now, please let me know if theres any issues):
@smolplantmum @flufflepuffle296 @dawnwave16  @caffeinetheory   @g-arya   @Maribat-2k20   @ladybug-182    @Actual-disaster-human    @fusser90   @messrs-weasley   @soap-lady  @paintedhope7   @zeneralla    @mochegato     @random-nerd-3 @clumsy-owl-4178  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen   @too0bsessedformyowngood @certifiedbidisaster  @Purplegeekypanda
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raleighcarrera · 3 years
saved by the bell
foreign affairs | m!blaine hayes x mc (kennedy monroe)
blaine springs kennedy from her date in chapter 10.
catch up: knockout (E) / on the ropes (T) / outpoint (T) / parry (E) / pulling punches (T) / ringside (T)
tagging: @pixeljazzy ; @zigtheeortega ; @pixelsandkink ; @writinghereandthere ; @choicesarehard ; @dakotawinchester ; @flyawayboo ; @withbeautyandrage ; @blainehellyes ; @levineseth ; @gryffindordaughterofathena ; @thefirstcourtesan ; @josieplayschoices 
~3.5k words | T
he’s not going to look.
no matter how much his phone lights up with incoming notification after incoming notification, he’s not going to look. blaine refuses to torture himself by checking for photos of kennedy’s date, though his curiosity is eating him alive.
it’s a nice reprieve from worrying about her, at any rate, even if it is maddening.
lately it feels like all he’s done is worry about her, though that’s mostly because kennedy looks to be about an inch away from tears every time she’s around -- not that it’s often, anymore. there’s absolutely nothing worse than seeing her suffer from the sidelines; he still feels just as helpless as he did when he watched her give that first disastrous press conference in his dorm, the day after the pictures hit voyeur. 
it’s unbelievably frustrating, being forced to sit on his hands and watch everyone else try to control her life. kennedy’s under a microscope like neither of them have ever been before, and for the first time in his life, he’s in the uncomfortable position of having to be careful -- not because he gives a shit about himself or his own reputation, but because of her, and what it might do to her if he was reckless.
he’s bitten his tongue more times in the last week than he has in his entire life. it’d taken every last ounce of his self control not to snap and defend kennedy at the pet store, not to panic when she’d clued him in on her mom’s newest pr strategy, not to keep her locked in the teacher’s lounge with him for the rest of the semester and refuse to let her go when she snuck out to meet him.
already he knows he’ll never forget the names and faces of the classmates of theirs that’d picked on her. if he ever really does wind up in charge in ardona, one day, he’ll come to power with a ready-made list of enemies, all because of the way they’d made her look when she sunk down low into her seat in class, her shoulders hunched in shame.
he’s laying in bed, moping miserably, thinking over it all when peter pokes his head in with a hesitant knock. “how’re you holding up?” he asks, tactfully, given that blaine’s pretty sure he looks utterly awful. “those daily post photos were... rough.”
blaine groans, burying his face in his hands. “i’m not looking at them. i don’t want to know.”
“that’s probably for the best,” peter says sympathetically, and that does it -- seals the deal completely. he reaches for his phone, snatching it off the nightstand.
dionne’s also texted him, which means the photos are as bad as he’s hoping they won’t be. his stomach twists into knots as he navigates to his favorite gossip site, certain the pictures he’s looking for will be plastered all over the homepage.
sure enough -- there they are: kennedy and alexei, huddled together outside of some swanky restaurant, hand-in-hand. she’s all dressed up for the occasion, because with alexei she’s allowed to be; she doesn’t have to sneak out to see him, hidden under a baseball hat in some far away place where no one will recognize either of them. the point of this date is to be seen, and judging by the crowd of flashing lights surrounding them, they’ve done a perfect job selling their relationship to the press.
so the second picture accompanying the story is an unnecessary twist of the knife -- complete overkill. they’re kissing, in this one, lips pressed together chastely just outside the limo. he feels nauseous.
“they’re probably having a terrible time,” peter says, though blaine’s still staring at his phone, eyes fixed on the photo in his hands. “i heard that restaurant is horrible.”
“it’s fine,” blaine says hollowly, tapping back to his texts to answer dionne. she wants to know how he is, too, and he gives her the same answer: fine. everything is fine.
“you’re so full of shit,” dionne says, when she shows up at his dorm twenty minutes later, her arms folded across her chest and her expression unimpressed.
yeah. he forgot she knows him so well. “well -- whatever,” blaine sighs, dragging a hand down his face. it doesn’t matter. it has to not matter, for kennedy’s sake. “it’s not like i can do anything about it. this is the way it has to be.”
the look in dionne’s eyes grows distant, and he sits up slowly as a smile starts to overtake her face, cautiously optimistic while what’s obviously an evil plan begins to unfurl. “no,” dionne says, “it’s not. i think i have an idea.”
so -- that’s how he finds himself sweating through his jacket, overthinking this whole stupid plan while he waits for kennedy to slip out the back of the stupid opera house and meet him and his stupid rental car in the alley. he thinks back over all the ways they’d had to cover his tracks to get him here: how peter’d had to call in the car, how dionne’d had to threaten and sweet talk alexei at the same time, how there isn’t a single hurdle he wouldn’t leap or hoop he wouldn’t jump through for even just half an evening alone with her.
this is probably a terrible idea. at the very least, it’s dangerous, and sure to get them fucking caught again, no matter how careful they all were in making it happen.
maybe he should call the whole thing off. call dionne and get her to tell kennedy to forget it -- to go back to her date and take the easy way out, because who is he kidding, anyway?
the sound of heels on the cobblestones takes the decision swiftly out of his hands. blaine looks up to see kennedy standing in front of him, admiring the rental with a gentle smirk on her beautiful face. she looks even more ridiculously gorgeous than she had in the daily post pictures, as annoying as that is. 
she’s alone.
“no limo? that’s not very romantic, mr. hayes,” she teases playfully, mouth stretched wide with a smile.
he leans over to pop the door open for her, grinning to cover up his nerves. just having kennedy around is going a long way towards keeping him calm -- he feels undeniably more sane out here with her than he had in his room, pouting with fruitless jealousy. “take it up with dionne,” he shrugs, eyes raking up and down her outfit. she really does look nice. “now hop in.”
“we have three hours and forty-five minutes,” kennedy says helpfully, as soon as they’ve slipped out of town unseen and headed to the highway, “i have to be back by curtain.”
“i know,” blaine hums, sighing with relief as soon as he glances in the rearview mirror and sees they aren’t being followed, “dionne briefed me. she figured out a whole plan.”
“oh,” kennedy says. she sounds... happy. “that was really nice of her.” there’s a pause, and he fidgets with the steering wheel for a moment before shifting his left hand up to the top to steer so his right arm is free to drape across the back of kennedy’s seat. she leans in closer to the center console and continues, “i really wish it was you in there with me.”
he exhales heavily. more relieving than not being followed, than being with her at all is hearing that -- that he’s not alone in his insanity. lately he feels like a completely different person, and he has no idea what’s come over him, so it’s comforting to know that it’s all for something, beyond just making kennedy smile. evidently, she wants to be his stupid girlfriend just as badly as he wants her to. “me, too. you have no idea. i’ve really missed you, these past few days.”
“i know. it’s weird,” kennedy agrees, “hardly seeing you. not being able to text you, and tell you about my day... i mean -- i barely even get to talk to you, outside of class.”
yeah. he knows. and when there’s other people around he has to watch what he fucking says, too. it’s far from ideal, and he knows he’s gotten sloppy, but...
part of him almost wants someone to catch them. blaine knows it’s selfish and stupid, but he wants it all the same. because if someone found out the truth and spilled the beans... they’d be free, and the impossible decision of what to do next would be out of their hands.
he could never ask kennedy to go public on her own. he would never ask her for that, no matter how badly he wants it. but a slip-up... that would be beyond their control.
blaine shakes his head. “it’s fine,” he says again, clearing his throat, “i’ll plan some secret meet up for us every night, if you want. even if it only buys us a few minutes.”
he glances to the side just in time to catch the look that crosses her face. kennedy’s quite obviously touched by his offer, her teeth digging into her bottom lip as she stares down at her hands. forcefully, he drags his eyes back to the road. “i’d really like that,” she murmurs, so quietly he almost misses it. when he only nods, she raises her voice and asks, “so, where are we going?”
“you’ll see,” he directs, taking the exit that’ll bring them to the drive-in, mentally cataloging the travel time it’d taken to get up here and making a note of the minutes he’ll need to account for to get kennedy back, especially if he has to circle the block until the street is empty before he drops her off. 
her eyes light up when he pulls into the parking lot. “a drive-in theater, seriously? i used to love going to the drive-in back home. i didn’t know they had them near vancross.” her nose is practically pressed against the window as she looks around excitedly while he idles.
“this is my first time,” blaine admits, though how eager kennedy is definitely bodes well for the experience. even if it completely sucked, he’d still bring her back every weekend, just to see her smile like that. “we don’t really have these in ardona, but dionne talked it up.”
kennedy finally peels her eyes away from the window to smile playfully at him again, her eyes sparkling. “so you’re a drive-in virgin? interesting.”
his face feels hot, suddenly. blaine rolls his eyes at her, gesturing at the map of the venue in front of them. they’re kind of holding up the line. “yeah, yeah. pick your movie, rutherland. it’s just background noise for the real show, anyway.”
if he’s being honest, he barely hears her make her choice, the instructions on where to go flying in one ear and out the other. all he cares about for where he parks the car is that it’s secluded, and dark, away from prying eyes and any other people in the lot.
fortunately, blaine finds them the perfect spot, and he doesn’t even waste a second pretending like he gives a single shit about the movie at all, his eyes on her just as soon as the gear shift’s out of his hand.
kennedy’s turned in her seat and already looking back at him. she smiles and says, “thanks for doing this. it’s nice to have a normal date. i never pegged you as the type of guy who was all about carnivals and drive-ins and making these fun experiences for us.”
he shrugs, more nonchalantly than he feels. “probably ‘cause i’m not,” blaine answers honestly, “but everything’s different, with you.”
kennedy makes a soft sound of disbelief, lifting her hands to cover her face. when she peeks out from between her fingers, he sees that she’s smiling widely again. “you keep saying stuff like that. it’s so charming.”
blaine laughs, reaching out to tug her hands off her face. “that’s kind of the point.” he clears his throat, then continues more seriously, “but... i want you to know how i feel, you know? you shouldn’t have to guess. the truth is... i’ve been all-in for awhile, now, and -- those pictures were just a shitty setback. they don’t change the way i feel about you at all.”
she reaches out for his hand, and he lets her lace their fingers together, squeezing affectionately. “you have no idea how nice it feels to hear that,” kennedy sighs. “honestly...” the hesitation in her voice makes it clear she’s unsure of whatever she’s about to say, but she continues, “it kind of just felt like i ruined everything. things were actually going pretty well, for once, but now it’s like there’s this... dark cloud hanging over everything i do. i can’t even hang out with you without worrying we’re going to get caught again.”
his expression softens. he’s not usually one for optimism, but for her, and in the interest of getting some of that thick sadness out of her voice, he’ll try. “well, we’ve done a pretty good job avoiding that so far.”
“that’s true.” kennedy’s head tips back agains the carseat, and she smiles at him again. “i guess we’re making it work, in our own way. i love that i can always count on you to be real with me. it’s so -- refreshing, after all the fake posturing we deal with.”
well -- that’s probably as good an opening as he’s ever going to get. he spares a moment to silently thank whatever god is listening for the chance to ask the question that’s been eating at him for hours, the one thing he’s most desperate to know, beyond even the other stuff that usually keeps him up at night, everything from the simple inner workings of kennedy’s mind to why he’s so tripped up over a girl he’s only spent a few short months with. “speaking of fake...” blaine pointedly looks somewhere beyond her, staring out at the parking lot, “how’d your date go?”
kennedy’s quiet for long enough that he has to look back at her. there’s a knowing little glint in her eyes that he decidedly does not like. “are you jealous?”
“what?” he scoffs, “of course not. you left alexei to go out with me.”
“right,” she laughs, one small word injected with endless disbelief. “well, we had a good time. alexei’s not so bad.”
he’s an egomaniac and a self-centered prick, actually, blaine thinks. out loud, he says, “oh. cool. glad it worked out. cool, cool, cool...”
he fidgets restlessly. kennedy’s visible amusement only grows. “you know it was still a fake date, right? neither of us have any interest in the other.”
“i know,” blaine insists defensively. kennedy only arches an eyebrow at him. with a groan, he slumps back in his seat, a hand rubbing at his jaw. “fine, maybe i am a little jealous. give me a break, okay? this is kind of a unique situation for me.”
“if it helps, i think you’re doing a pretty great job.” she’s still smiling at him, but less like she thinks he’s being funny and more like she thinks he’s being sweet. she leans in a little closer, and -- it actually does help. the knots in his stomach that’d been coiled there since she first said her mom’s team was planning a pr relationship for her are finally starting to unwind.
“yeah?” he asks, gratified by the immediate nod she gives. “that’s good. i don’t wanna half-ass this boyfriend stuff just because it’s new to me.”
there’s a long stretch of silence. he realizes what he’s said all at once and starts to feel nauseous all over again, staring silently back at kennedy while he waits for her to say something -- anything.
“boyfriend stuff?” 
“ah.” his hand slips around to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly. “sorry. slipped out.” he should probably just cut his losses now -- bring her back early to be on the safe side and go back to his dorm and drown himself in the shower, because he is an idiot and that’s what an idiot deserves. “i know you kind of already have a boyfriend.”
kennedy huffs out a quiet laugh. “i kind of do.” she tilts her head to meet his eyes, forcing him to look at her again. his heart stutters painfully in his chest, picking up into a pace that’s almost frantic. “but... that’s not a ‘no.’”
their hands are still linked together. he looks down at where their fingers are interlaced, hoping his palms aren’t as sweaty as they feel. blaine disentangles his hand to lift it instead to kennedy’s face, pushing a lock of hair out of her eyes with a hesitant smile she immediately returns tenfold. 
it’s also not a ‘yes,’ but he’ll take what he can get. 
as it turns out, three hours and forty-five minutes is kind of not actually a long time at all.
or maybe it would be, for some people, but with kennedy in his lap, squished between him and the steering wheel so she can kiss him senseless, the time flies by. they watch what’s probably ten minutes total of the movie, they’re so busy kissing and talking, his hands wandering along her new outfit to show his appreciation for it the only way he knows how.
for her part, kennedy gives as good as she gets, tugging his hair out of place and messing up his jacket and making him forget his own name, with the way her hips are pushing into his lap and all the sweet little sounds she makes when he whispers something dirty in her ear and presses her in closer against him.
no amount of agonizing over her fake dates and not being able to kiss her in public is ever going to drive the way she shivers with her whole body when he says something she likes from his mind.
still, the drive back is somber. it’s time to bring kennedy -- kiss-swollen lips and raised hemlines and all -- back to the opera house before he knows it, and he’s really not looking forward to everyone who sees her thinking she spent four hours fooling around in the private box with alexei, of all people. he’s looking forward to driving home alone and going to bed by himself even less.
tomorrow he’ll have to sit by her in class again and pretend like everything’s fine.
because they had tonight, and he knows he should be content with that. the problem is -- he’s not. 
“you okay?” kennedy asks, checking the time on the watch on his wrist with a frown. she’s holding his hand in both of hers. “and don’t say you’re ‘fine.’”
“i am fine,” blaine insists, running his thumb across her wrist. “this sucks, but it’s what we have to do. if you’re good, then i’m good.”
she studies his expression for a minute, then sighs. “i’m as good as i can be,” she murmurs, “but things will get better.”
he knows that, too. even if no one ever finds out it’s him in the photos, even if they have to spend the rest of their lives sneaking out and ditching their bodyguards so they can find a few hours alone together -- things are good. the alternative -- winning the fight with his parents to keep him away from vancross, never getting the chance to know kennedy as well as he does... that’s a future that seems bleak, now that he’s seen the alternative.
“it’s really alright,” blaine assures her. “i’ll miss you, but... do what you gotta do.”
something about the way he says the words seems to instill new confidence in kennedy. she straightens her shoulders and glances back at the opera house door with determination. “thanks,” kennedy sighs, squeezing his hand one last time before slowly pulling away. she probably has only seconds until the finale starts up, though he’s desperate for a way to make them stretch longer. an eternity would be a nice place to start.
“will you... text dionne goodnight before you go to bed?” she asks, looking so hopeful he finds it’s impossible to do anything other than nod.
he grins widely at kennedy, leaning in to steal one last kiss. “dream about me, will ya?”
“every night,” she promises, and blaine lowers the window to get a better view of her and the sway of her hips when she slips out of the car and back inside, sighing heavily once she’s gone and he’s alone again, whacking his head against the carseat.
this is some mess they’ve gotten themselves into.
but, he figures, as he pulls away from the curb and starts back towards campus, the image of kennedy walking away in the heels and skirt she’d been wearing playing over and over again in his mind like a highlight reel, it’s definitely not without its perks.
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gangrenados · 3 years
A-z for vampire jason? Please
•Could you do all the AU!Vampire alphabet with Jason, please?
I wanted to use a more vampire-ish gif BUT I can't say no to a shirtless gif of this dude, sorry
Warning: blood, death and murder mentions
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A - Accident - would they turn someone to save their life?
I don't think so, that person has to be really important to Jason for him to consider turning them into a vampire. Like you, one of his siblings (cuz batkids care about each other idgaf), Alfred or his close friends...maybe even Bruce but I'm not so sure about that one...
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
When Jason bites you he tries to be gentle and not apply so much pressure. He doesn't want to hurt you too much, so he prefers to take things slow.
Of course, if he comes to bite you in privacy then he will do it in a sensual way, doing everything possible to give them hickeys since they like to see them afterwards.
Now, if he is feeding on someone unimportant then he doesn't care that much if it hurts or not. Of course, it all depends on who this person is, because if it is someone who made him angry then he could even tear the skin so that more blood comes out.
C - Control - do they take advantage of their powers?
Of course! He uses every one of his abilities when he has to fight, it would be very foolish if he didn't.
Besides, he uses them for extremely normal things, like not turning on the lights at night to go to eat something, using his cloaking ability to scare you a little and flying around when he feels very overwhelmed and wants to be alone for a while...
D - Dangerous - how scary they can get? How bad things can they do? What’s their ethics?
When Jason is mad it's better to stay away and let him deal with it. Anger is not an unknown emotion to him, but he truly prefers for you to not see him when he's about to rip someone's head.
His eyes turn blood red and his fangs come out, in this scenario his fully strength comes to light and he's not afraid to use it. Jason is an agile and stoic fighter, so you wouldn't know what happened before you're death.
He's capable of killing or injuring someone pretty fucking badly (or even dismembering if he's feeling playful)
E - Exchange - do they opt for blood bags or animal blood, if possible?
He prefers human blood as it is easier to get and tastes a little bit better as well. However, I think that in a life and death situation he wouldn't pay much attention to that detail.
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
Jason is really unsure weather biting you is a good thing or not, he doesn't want to put you in pain and he's really sure a small bite will lead to him sucking your blood. He tries really hard to avoid biting you.
The only way Jason will bite you if he's starving really bad. He would just go where you are and bite down on your arm without much care
Jason is too hungry to be polite and after you see part of his face covered in blood and a little grin because now he's not at the verge of dying, Jason will apologize for almost drying you.
G - Growl - are they more on the “civilized” side or do they enjoy hunting their prey down?
Jason absolutely loves haunting his prey, the thrill of the chase gives this man joy. He will do anything to make this situation enjoyable for himself, he doesn't care that much about the pray because, well, they're gonna die either way, right?
The only "prey" Jason is careful with is you. He still scares you in a joking way when he's about to suck your blood, but he doesn't torture you...
H - Hate - how do they feel about their kind? About themselves?
He feels like a monster in every way possible. It sickens him to the core the fact that he has to hurt you to be with you, he hates himself for all the horrible things he has done in the past.
It's an neverending torment, but Jason stills hope he can change.
I - Intimacy - how fast would they let you close to them? Would they want to share with you what they are?
It took you YEARS to get closer in an emotional level with this man and yet it's hard to understand him sometimes.
Jason is a complicated person, he believes that if someone gets close enough to him something bad will happen to them. That's the reason he tends to avoid you.
He told you the vampire part when you found him in a compromising position: Jason's entire face was covered in blood along side his hands.
He was standing next to a corpse, whipping away the blood from his chin as he licked it eagerly. It has been so long since he has eaten something, living with a human was surely a hard task.
"Oh shit..." he turned around at the sound of your voice, his panicked eyes meeting your scared ones. " Is that you J-jay?"
Jason took a few steps away from the corpse,spreading his arms fearfully."I can explain, babe..." he said slowly. This is the end, he fucked up and there's no way you can forgive him this time.
"Fuck!" He shouted when you fainted, speeding up to catch you. Jason's fingers brushed your face lightly, smearing blood on your skin." Damn, I fucked up..."
J - Joke - would they do pranks on other people with the use of their powers?
You can bet you life he would.
His family is used to dealing with Jason's stupid pranks, so are the Outlaws. In fact, everyone who has a decent relationship with him will be a victim of his pranks.
L - Life - do they wish they were human?
Yes, that thought tends to cross his mind every time he sees the simple life the humans have or when you're asleep on top of him.
He knows your life is a lot shorter than his and it scares him to know you one day will die and leave him. Jason wants to spend his life with you for the eternity, maybe he will need to use other methods to make his wish come true.
K - Key - what’s the way of making them open up to you?
Acceptance, love and a lot of patience.
Jason feels like a burden every time you put se effort in trying to connect with him, however, it warms his heart since it's always a surprise when someone is kind and sweet towards him.
M - Murder - would they kill someone while feeding? Have they ever done so?
Jason has murdered people before, so yeah, but he usually tries to avoid drinking blood from criminals because you don't know where this people have been.
That why he prefers to buy some clean blood or just ask one of the people he trusts for some of theirs. But if the thing gets extremely bad, Jason is not opposed to just feed off a random civilian...
If Jason feeds of normal people, then he tries to be gentle and not suck them dry, even when he's starving really bad.
He once accidentally killed a civilian while feeding on his early vampire years. Jason didn't even asked them if it was okay if he drank some of their blood, he was beyond hungry and too altered to be polite...he still feels guilty of it.
N - Nature - do they justify their doings? Do they consider them natural?
Of course he doesn't! Jason thinks he's a freak, as well as the rest of his kind but maybe his way of thinking has to do with the fact that he wasn't born a vampire.
This is his new life so he has to keep up if he still wants to live. But there's no way someone can convince him that drinking blood, having sharp fangs, the ability to fly, among other weird things like being able to camouflage.
O - Odd - do they have any specific hobbies or habits?
Jason wanted the whole vampire aesthetic, so he learned how to sleep upside down as well as levitating. It's weird having a normal human day and then finding your boyfriend taking a nap in the rooftop.
But Jason has been trying to convince you to buy a coffin.
" You said you're tired of the footprints in the rooftop, if we had a coffin you wouldn't have to worry about that!" He says so confident it makes you roll your eyes ." Besides it would look dope."
He also as deployed a love for bloody milkshakes with extra whipped cream (he has been speeding too much time with Dick lately)
P - Pain - are they sadistic? Do they enjoy what they do?
Jason is not sadistic with you, he hates the thought of inflicting your pain on purpose. But if you're on the freaky side then you can convince him to be a little mean with you during the nasty, and even then Jason will always ask how you doing and if you want him to stop.
Taking that apart, he can be sadistic with the people he doesn't like. During fights Jason will mock them as he crushes them without blinking, what if he's confronting someone who harmed you? Well, Jason is gonna make that person feel pain ,he wants their suffering to last.
R - Roles - do they enjoy pretending to be normal people? How do they feel about leaving their life behind to start a new one?
He had to leave his life behind even if he wanted to, coming back from death is not a normal thing to do and it gets even weirder when you find out you're blood sucking creature.
Jason tries his best to pretend to be a normal human when you go out, he doesn't want to draw too much attention. It annoys him and he doesn't want you to be exposed to be uncomfortable.
S - Scars - do they leave marks or try to make the wounds small and invisible?
Jason doesn't understand why, but it makes him so happy to see his bite marks on your skin, for him they're like hickeys in a twisted way.
He also like to leave the normal hickeys when you're doing the dirty.
T - Turned - how were they turned?
(This apply more with this Arkham Knight version cuz yeah)
Jason was turned after a few days after being locked in Arkham. He remembers vaguely what happened since his mind was still off in that time.
Jason just knows he was in one of the many cells with one or two goonies of the Joker and high pitched voice of Harly complaining about the Joker leaving her alone.
Then Jason felt a sharp pain on his neck, blood running down his cleavage and staining part of shirt and the weird thought of "why is this taking so long?" That filled his mind.
Next thing he knew was that he had to feed of blood for the rest of the eternity.
U - Universe - what’s their biggest wish that they can’t achieve as immortals?
A decent mental stability and a good relationship with his family.
Jason has been through many things that he does not wish on anyone, the negative things he thinks about himself are embedded in his brain and it is difficult for him to ignore them sometimes.
As hard as he works to overcome all his insecurities and traumas, he feels that he will never be able to escape these demons. Still, he tries to be better...
Now, we all know that batfam is somewhat complex and no matter how much they support each other, there is always that tension present. Jason looks like he doesn't care, but that's a lie.
He cares about them even if it is hard for him to show it, and he wishes that the relationship they have was more stable and not so chaotic.
V - Vampire - would they turn you?
Yes and without hesitation if you were at the verge of dying or after he had a crisis because he became suddenly aware of the short lifespan humans have.
Jason can't bare the fact of living without you, it sickens him to think about the day of your death...he just can't let you go.
He doesn't care if it's selfish, he will transform you into a vampire so the two of you can be together for the eternity. Jason is aware he might feel extremely awful after, but again, he dosen't give a fuck as long as you're alive.
W - War - would they engage in fighting their own kind for the humanity’s sake?
Well, he goes out every night to fight crime...I guess that's a yes, but it has to be a really serious fight for him to fight against his own kind.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
Jason can be pretty obsessive and extremely protective, he just wants you to be safe and that's sweet, but he can get suffocating really fast.
Because of this Jason doesn't hesitate about killing those who harmed you in cold blood, as well as keeping you safe from the horrible things the world has to offer.
Jason would not abuse you by any means, but if he has to scare you to make you understand why you have to be careful, then he will. However, it takes a lot for him to do that.
Z - Zombie - are they on their way to losing sanity?
Jason has made a lot of progress since the pit days, but I don't think it takes much to make this man go insane.
It's not gonna be a cute thing if he loses his mind. Jason would turn into a cold hearted man with prominent sadistic tendencies and little to no care about other people's lives. However, the last point is just for criminals, Jason still has a soft spot for those who can't protect themselves...he doesn't cross that line.
If he reach this point there's a big chance Jason will try to make you leave, since he doesn't want you to get in trouble OR in the other hand, he will basically make you stay with him even if you don't want to cuz he truly believes he's the only one in this world that can protect you.
Tag list @bathroom-sand @aterriblelangblr @simpery @strangerthings14 @jyarumu0619 @kellieriddle96 @adarksoul098 @rosethegothamhistorynerd @duckmylife18 @panic-attheplace @malfoys-demigod @darkraven1983 @magicisabluewish @hamdehlesmis @lucy-roo @lovelyartemisa @missmaskedwriter @c0-77 @ginevraxrogers @imagines-fluff-yandere-smut @shadygoateeprincess @nervousfandom @ghost-bitch @silverw19 @thegirlwholovesbooksblog @hecatemacbeth7 @unknowntoanyone @mistalli @screechingghostbananafarm @psych0crybaby @barnowl48 @waroncheer @lady-stirling @ghostly-ginger @greeknerd007 @la-femme-lupita @jasonsballsack @violettessuniverse @wondergal21 @pree-2003-blog @dreamxcollide @thirstiestpotato @magicalbeanie @dreamingforthosewholost
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tetralea · 3 years
can you do a blurb for tom x harrison where tom sucks haz off during a family meeting
Hey Annon, thank you for your request. I made it a bit longer than a blurb haha, and a bit more juice too.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: 1.5K+
Warning: blowjob, handjob, deepthroating, rimming
A/N: No, I didn’t edit this.
It has been a real torture since they arrived at Tom’s parent’s house. They have slept in and had been a hurry ever since, their usual Saturday morning activities skipped but not forgotten.
Tom have seen how restless Harrison was and how he ever so slightly adjusted his cashmere, cream coloured pullover to pool at his lap more than it usually would. He also felt the intense gaze on his face, whenever he spoke, and he just hoped that no one else felt the growing tension in the air.
The truth was that he and Harrison, according to Harry ‘fucking finally’ got into a relationship but it only happened a few weeks ago and their families didn’t know it yet. So holding hand at the table or after lunch, stealing small kisses while doing the dishes was off limits if they wanted to keep it as a secret just a little more.
However, with Harrison’s current state it seemed almost impossible. Tom heard his dragged out sighs, he saw the tension on his jaw and knew all too well what those longing, almost lustful stolen gazes meant. He felt sorry for his boyfriend, because sleeping in was king of his fault and it didn’t allow time not even for a half-satisfying quickie before leaving their house.
He had to do something.
Even his best idea seemed horrible, but when Harrison pulled the creamy cashmere over his head, Tom changed his mind. He leant over and just like it was his natural clumsy self he spilled his drink onto Harrison’s shirt and jeans.
In the chaos following his act it was easy to pull his boyfriend up from the couch offering his help with many apologies and dragging him into the laundry room.
‘You are unbelievable.’ Harrison murmured against the thin lips amused at the second Tom closed the door behind them.
‘Could watch you suffer anymore.’ Tom’s hands did a quick job undressing Haz, it was all very familiar territory, while his lips were moving together whit the blonde one’s.
After leaving Haz in nothing more than his boxers and socks, Tom opened the washing machine and throw the clothes in, his hands slightly shaking, as the blonde was kissing and sucking on his neck and ears. When everything was set he quickly turned around and let the hungry lips pressing to his and consume his better judgement in a second. Kissing Harrison was intoxicating and he could have done it all day, but they needed to hurry to finish before the clothes were ready and dry.
Tom pressed Harrison to the wall, guiding him all the way, his hands roaming on the pale skin, feeling as much as he could reach. When they reached the flat surface, Tom was quickly on his knees, eager and easy for Haz as always.
There were no building up, no tentative kisses, no soaking the thin material of the boxer while teasing Haz through it. Tom pushed it down enough that it was comfortable for the both of them and took the thick base between his fingers.
‘Please be quiet.’ He pleaded and sticked his tongue out licking a wet strip on the hot shaft. The sound Harrison made was heavenly, a mix of his hushed answer and his surprise to the intense contact.
Tom didn’t waste any time, he closed his eyes and opening his pink lips started to suck Harrison with shallow, gentle movements. The blonde tried to breathe evenly, to force himself to be even more quiet then he usually is, but it was hard when Tom was so determined to make him feel good.
The wet, pink tongue swirled around his sensitive tip, when he felt the touch of cautious fingers on his tight balls. They weren’t really grabbing or holding them, it was more like a very sensual drag of nails, just petting them ever so slightly, until they become even more tight drawing impossibly close to his body. And Tom, oh he knew this too well by now. Now he gently tugged them, taking them into the palm of his hand fondling a slightly pulling them while his mouth eagerly moved up and down on the hard, leaking cock.
Harrison’s breathing was uneven, his hands sinking into the dark brown curls, his hips instinctively bucking into the heat of Tom’s mouth, he was so close now. Tom peered up to his lover for a second before his dark lashes fluttered and with a big breath out he let Harrison’s big cock slide into his throat, pressing his nose to the soft pubic hair. He started to suck and pull back at the same time, his tongue stroking the sensitive tip at the end.
‘Tom.’ Harrison’s lips fall open with a muffled moan as he felt himself falling over the edge. The brunette, took a deep breath and pulled on the tight balls just a little while sucking hard on Harrison’s cock, making his orgasm even more intense. The blonde couldn’t help it, his own palm covered his mouth as he reached his climax to keep himself quiet, while his body was shaking, cock emptying into Tom’s keen mouth with hot, heavy spurts.
It took him a few seconds to come back to his mind, to realise that he could let his own mouth go and that he was still shaking a bit from the aftershock of the intense orgasm he just had.
With quick pants, he slid down to the ground, pulling tom into a soft, satisfied embrace. ‘Thanks, love, it was, oh, my god.’ He giggled into the cork of Tom’s neck, making the brunette shudder a little.
Harrison opened one eye, peaking to the washing machine which was now drying his clothes. ‘We still have a few minutes, if you want it.’ His whisper barely broke through the loud noise of the machine but it was enough for Tom to hear it.
‘Four minutes?’ He asked in disbelief. ‘I’m not sure I can finish.’ He smiled and leant in for a soft kiss.
‘Good thing, I know exactly how to make you finish in that time.’ Harrison grinned, prompting Tom to stand up. His kiss was still a bit slow but filled with fire and determination. He undressed Tom hips down and quickly turned him around, bending him over the loud machine.
The brunette had no time for questions and Harrison’s plan was all clear when he lifted Tom’s leg onto the machine, leaving him all exposed. ‘Now, love, I think you’ll need this to keep quiet. Open up!’ Tom did as he told, opening his tired jaw and letting Harrison to push part of his boxers into his mouth, using it as a gag. He knew what was coming and fuck he couldn’t wait.
Harrison returned behind him and kneeled down to the ground. ‘Look at you, leaking for me already.’ He whispered onto the sift flesh of Tom’s inner thigh, before spreading his ass cheeks even more and starting to kiss around his waiting hole. He felt Tom jerk when his tongue finally found that spot Tom wanted him the most and he started to eat him out immediately. Usually, he would have took his time, but not here and now. He couldn’t suppress a smile when he heard Tom’s desperate moans, perfectly muted by the impromptu gag. He liked his boy loud, but this was not the place for it.
Tom’s tight hole loosened up more and more, letting Haz push the tip of his tongue in, making Tom’s body shake, his nails dragging over the surface of the washing machine. While his skilled tongue was moving in and out of Tom’s body, his right hand circled the petite hips, finding Tom’s neglected cock. It was leaking and wet for him. He swept the arousal around the red tip before starting to move his hands in sync with his tongue. He was circling and lapping at the tight ring of muscles again, determined to make Tom cum in seconds. He moved his hand with expert skill, his palm gliding though Tom’s cock head with every thug, making the brunette completely lose it. His whole body was shaking, toes curling, his head hanging low between his shoulders, teeth digging into Harrison’s boxers, soaking it with saliva while he moaned and groaned to the double sensation.
His orgasm hit him like a train, it was sudden and shook his body all at once. His hips desperately fucking into the tight fist, his cum dripping down on the pale hands, making a bigger and bigger mess with every thrust.
When his body finally relaxed, he almost collapsed onto the white, metallic surface, his abs still clenching as Harrison gave a few gentle laps to his loose hole.
His hands reached for the gag, pulling it from his mouth. ‘Shit, shit, Jesus, babe.’ He murmured with eyes closed and let out a relaxed sigh when Harrison helped his leg down to the ground and leant down, covering Tom’s body with his, peppering the pale shoulders with loving kisses.
‘See, we still have thirty-two seconds.’ He laughed and let go of Tom, letting him stand up and fall into his strong arms with a small laugh and a tired kiss.
‘Good, because I think I made a mess.’
Tags: @ruinerofcheese, @hazmyheart, @greenorangevioletgrass, @hollandfangirl, @tomhollandd, @tomhollandspideys, @tommysparker
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Can you do me a headcanon of being the a Shelby sis and coming home with a POC girl for Sunday lunch? 😇😇
Thank you for requesting this!
I ended up turning it into a little oneshot. The reader is about 11 in this, and is younger than Finn.
Warnings: period typical predjudice
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Sunday lunches on watery lane were eventful to say the least. Polly (and Tommy too) insisted on the whole family having dinner together around the table, a whole roast chicken fresh from the butchers and Polly’s best creamy mashed potatoes. There was to be no talk of violence or business or anything like that at the dinner table, and thanks to you and Finn, the youngest of the family, being allowed to sit there, the small room was oddly... lighthearted.
“John, where’s Esme? I’m about to put the gravy on,” polly said.
“She’s staying home today, Pol, morning sickness,”
“And why aren’t you seeing to her, eh, brother,” Arthur teased, slapping his back.
“Kicked me out the house, said she can’t be doing with my hovering,” he grinned. “She left the kids with Mrs Wallace down the street to play with her lot, you know, Paul and Lucy and the little one,”
“Yeah, them lot. YN like playing with them,” she nodded
“Yeah, when we kick her out the betting shop,” Arthur grinned. “Speaking of which, where is our sweet sister,”
There was a brief moment of silence before you tumbled through the door, panting. “Pol- Tommy- I need- quick!” You said, bending over and panting. Polly frowned as Tommy tipped your chin up to face him.
“What’s wrong, YN, love? How’ve you cut your head like that?” Polly asked, already getting ready to wipe the gravel out of your forehead. Your brothers were all standing up looking thunderous, even Finn, who was mostly skin and bones and very short compared to the others.
“No- no time,” you insisted, trying to catch your breath. “Please, Tom! Some kids from school, some bigger kids, they started shouting at us- at me and my friend,”
“I’ll bloody kill ‘em” Arthur growled, rolling his sleeves up.
“Please, Tommy! I need you to help my friend! They’re calling her names like they call Jeremiah! I told them to fuck off like John said when people say stuff, but they pushed me down and carried on! I think they’re hurting her, Tom!” You cried, near tears as you pulled your second eldest brother to the door.
“Right,” Tommy said. He normally get involved with children’s tiffs, often letting Polly sort out yours and finn’s squabbles, but the panic in your eyes told him all he needed to know. There was a little girl in danger. “Arthur, John, you come with me. Finn, you run to Jeremiah’s house and tell him to meet us here,”
“What’s your friend’s name, YN?” Polly asked gently, steering you away from the boys. The shelby’s were always keen to keep you away from the violent side of life.
“Maria, Pol, but her last name isn’t Jesus,” you said, letting your aunt sit you down as your brothers left.
“I know, love, but her parents might see Jeremiah to hear him preaching,” she said softly.
“Will my friend be okay, aunt Pol?” You whispered in a small voice. Polly took a breath and considered her answer for a moment. The streets of Small Heath were dangerous at the best of times, even more so for the black people. Jeremiah Jesus faced abuse daily for preaching the word of the lord, and unless his little boy was with Finn, he wasn’t included in the games that the children played.
“I hope so,” was all she could say, pulling you in for a hug. Soon Finn came back with Jeremiah. You clung to your aunt as they asked you questions. About the little girl.
“Maria... yes. Her mother comes to my sermons. Father killed in Verdun. Finn, I need you to run down to the little church, you know the one, and ask for Mrs Oliver, tell her I sent you. Go, run! I’ll give you tuppemce if you’re back in ten minutes, eh?” Finn nodded and led straight away. You gripped Polly’s hand as she spoke about God and Jesus with Jeremiah. You didn’t really understand it. If god was meant to be so kind, why did he make people so horrible? Why did he make good people suffer just because of their skin colour. You were about to ask this when John came through the door, guiding your friend inside.
Maria looked terrified. Her dark eyes were wide with worry, but she seemed to relax slightly when she saw her friend, as well as her priest. You ran to her, wrapping your arms around her as John said his older brothers would be home in a bit- they were sorting some things out...
Polly soon managed to pull you off Maria. “Come on, love, let me have a look at them poor hands,”she said gently, her voice soft as she patched her up. You let the grown ups talk to her, simply glad that your friend was okay- physically at the very least. When her mother arrived she cried, hugging her close and hiding her face in her coat. Arthur and Tommy soon arrived, muttering about ignorant pigs.
Tommy cleared his throat slightly and offered his hand out. “Mrs Oliver. Thomas Shelby. We’ve... seen to the boys who attacked your daughter,”
“Mr Shelby! I’m so sorry... we didn’t mean to bother you like that,” she said, worried, digging around in her pocket for money, but Tommy cut her off.
“None of that, now, eh? Any friend of YN’s is a friend of ours,”
“Why don’t you join us for Sunday lunch?” Polly said suddenly.
“I... it’s no trouble, really, Ma’am,” Mrs oliver nibbled her lip gently, holding her daughter close. “I wouldn’t want to... inconvenience you, or- or dirty your China...” she hung her head, shutting her eyes.
“Nonsense,” Polly said firmly. “You’re welcome here, the both of you. You too Jeremiah, you look like you haven’t had a proper meal all week. Sit, all of you. There’s plenty for everyone, and you’re all welcome in my home, D’you hear?”
There was no arguing with the Shelby matriarch. All nine of you huddled around the table to eat, and when grace was said, you and Maria linked pinky fingers under the table. When Pol swept you off for bed, Tommy insisted Arthur walk Mrs Oliver and Maria home as it was getting dark out. He also added in an undertone to Jeremiah to ensure a small fund went to their household- Tommy remembered Mr Oliver from France.
“Thank you, Mr Shelby,” Mrs Oliver whispered. “For protecting my daughter,”
He nodded solemnly. Once they left, he went to your room, where you sat up in bed. “Hey, it’s ride to eavesdrop,” he said gently, sitting on the edge of your bed. You wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in his neck.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “You and John and Arthur and Finn and Pol and Jeremiah,” Tommy ribbed your back gently, shushing you.
“It was very brave to stand up for your friend, YN,” he murmured. “I’m proud of you, yeah,”
You looked up at him. “She’ll be okay, right?” You asked, frowning. Tommy looked down, eyes flickering with guilt. “Promise?”
He swallowed. “I can’t promise you that, YN. I promise we’ll help as much as we can, alright. But there’s some people in this world who are ignorant fucks. Ignorant fucks who are evil and horrible to others, you hear me? It’s not fair, I know, and it’s not right either. But you stood up to them ignorant fucks today, and it was brave of you. I’m proud of you,”
You sighed as he tucked you back in and kissed your forehead. “I’m not the brave one, Tom. It’s Maria and her mum and Jeremiah who’re the brave ones. Cos they put up with them ignorant fucks every single day. And I’m gonna make it so they don’t have to be brave, Tom. Cos I’m gonna make it so them horrible people get punished for treating other human beings like-like... shit, Tom. Promise,”
He smiled softly at you. He knew you were strong. You would cause him an eternal headache when you were older, but he knew your heart was in the right place.
“I know you will, YN. Go check on your friend tomorrow. And, er, just make sure Pol doesn’t hear you say ‘ignorant fuck’ alright?”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 8
Hello people :)
here's chapter 8 for you. This chapter is a turning point in Aelin and Rowan's relationship. Nothing major... but definitely a major development for them.
I hope you love it.
Gaelic: "Thig a-steach. - come in
The next morning the weather was giving its worst. A terrible storm had abated on the town. According to the news from Aelin’s phone the wind had reached peak speeds over 120kph during the night. And she had heard that. Her windows had rattled all night long. She has spent the night hidden under the duvet trying to ignore the storm outside. She had been scared. Heavy rain had fallen non stop. On top of that the town had suffered a major power cut and they had been without power since the middle of the night. When morning finally came she opened the curtains and noted the sky laden with dark clouds. The rain was still heavy and the sea was angry. The pier was empty and she assumed the ferry did not manage to travel that morning. It would have been one heck of a hellish crossing. In the distance she heard sirens from the emergency services and guessed that the damage was quite bad. Very quickly she got dressed and then tried to phone Rowan and suddenly realised that, apart from the number of the shop, she had no other way of contact him. An error that had to be rectified immediately. She wore a few layers of clothing and a waterproof jacket and then left the house. Once out of the house she discovered that the wind still had not abated and it was howling.
A massive wave crashed against the pier and the spray reached all the way to her “Bloody hell.” She braced herself and ran. Ran all the way to Rowan’s and by the she time arrived she was soaked through and freezing. She reached the shop and of course it was closed. So next stop was Maeve’s. Once there she found Rowan helping Maeve cleaning up the coffee shop which looked like it had suffered some flooding “Morning.” She said sleepily. Maeve noticed her “Aelin darling, come in please it’s horrible outside.” Looking around she noticed that most of the water had been cleared and she and Rowan had created a safe corner with two camping gas stoves. It looked like Maeve had coffee on the go and some sort of warm breakfast. In that moment she was greater for the woman’s resourcefulness. “How are you?” Asked Rowan moving closer to her. When he noticed she was shivering her pulled her to him “You are cold.” He brushed his hands on her back to try and heat her up a bit “Take off the jacket, it’s wet and cold. Not good.” He left for a moment and came back with a hoodie in his hands “Put this on. Maeve has gas heating in here which is still working and it was on the radiator.” Aelin grabbed the hoodie and wore it and it was warm and soft on her skin. She snuggled in it and breathed in the scent. Pine and snow. That was Rowan’s scent. “Can I help with anything?” She offered. “My aunt is trying to prepare breakfast enough to offer it to first responders and people who need it as well. Some of the houses closer to the waterfront have suffered heavy flooding.” Then he stopped and realised he had no idea where she lived and if her house was safe. “Is your house okay?” Aelin nodded, “I live towards the end of Newton st. and I am further away from the pier. But the road was flooded and my garden was swimming as well. But the house is fine a part from not having power.” “The whole town is down.” “I kinda guessed.” Maeve reappeared at the front “Rowan darling, go and tell the first responders that I have food, coffee and tea ready. Food is very basic given the situation but at least I have something. Aelin and I will hand out provisions.” Inside Maeve’s shop it was quite nice and cozy and slowly people started to flock in, in search of some relief, warmth and a dry place. "Thig a-steach.” She said to the people and Aelin helped handing out the food. Some people stopped to talk to her, fascinated by the Londoner who had moved to Stornoway and was learning Gaelic. A few grandmas had even played matchmaking with their handsome and single grandsons. Rowan came back half an hour later with a couple of firemen. She hoped Maeve’s place was okay. She really loved it there. Aelin walked up to Rowan and the firemen “Hi,” she said interrupting them “My name is Aelin. I am doctor. Is there anything I can do to help?” One of the firemen looked at her “We have set up a temporary tent operating as triage. A couple of paramedics are looking after the minor cases. The ones that do not have to go to the hospital. We are trying not to overwhelm the A&E.” Aelin had done enough shifts in overwhelmed A&E especially on a Saturday night and knew how bad it was. “Take me there, please. I can help. I want to help.” One of the firemen nodded. Aelin noticed that he looked familiar and wondered if that was Elias’ brother. Rowan looked at Aelin and gave her a smile. Then she removed the hoodie “Keep it warm and dry for me for when I come back.” He nodded and took the hoodie back. “Oh, and by the way… you know that that hoodie is now mine, don’t you?” “I’ll make sure it smells a lot like me when you come back.” And gave her a huge grin in response. “You better.” She added with a smile and followed the fireman out of the shop. Once arrived at the tent the fireman explained the situation to the two paramedic women and they were very grateful for the extra help. Aelin got all geared up and began working through the queue. Their patients were mostly minor injuries but still, it gave her back the vibes and the adrenaline of an A&E. By the time lunch and afternoon came, Aelin was exhausted and famished. But it was a good exhausted. She had helped. Made a difference and it helped her renew the love for the job she had chosen. Not long after she finished, Rowan showed up at the tent. “Hey,” he said staying on the threshold. Aelin removed her gloves and went to him. “How’s aunt Maeve’s shop doing?” “Fine. The fire dept gave us more camping gas stoves. She called a couple of the other staff members and now they have a full kitchen up for the people and everyone working.” Then he lifted a bag “And I am bringing lunch. Aunt’s orders.” “Thank you. I am starving.” He smiled, deposited the bag on the floor and zipped up her paramedic jacket “It’s cold outside.” He picked up the bag of food again and took her hand in his “Come.” “Uh?” “We are going to have lunch in a quiet and dry place.” “Okay.” He put an arm around her shoulder and tucked her close to him while they were walking along the road. She loved the feeling of being so close to him. His scent relaxed her. “Where are we going?” “My place.” Aelin turned to him in disbelief. When they finally arrived at his place she noticed he stayed in a small semi-detached house and he had a well tended garden. The house seemed very cozy. She followed him inside removed her jacket and her shoes and stood there. “Go to the living room.” And he passed her the bag full of food. “I’ll go and get some stuff.” Tentatively she took a few steps inside the room. The curtains were still drawn so the place was bathed in darkness. She took her phone from he jeans and switched on the torch. Once having reached the windows safely, she opened the curtain to let the light in. She then turned and noticed the incredible amount of books. That room was paradise. He had books everywhere, in all the possible nooks and crannies. “I run out of space a long time ago. I have my least favourite in the attic. I just love books.” And he shrugged. “This living room is just wonderful. I am so jealous right now.” “I have some candles. The light coming from the outside is not much and this should help.” He placed a few candles around the house and she laughed when she noticed they were battery powered. “Really? You just killed the mood.” He looked up at her grinning “There is no way I light up real fire near so many books. Such a massive hazard.” Aelin laughed and started unpacking the food containers and placing the stuff on the plates he had brought through. “I put the heating on as well, so it should get cozy soon.” “Come sit down and eat. You must be hungry too.” And she patted the spot beside her. He nodded and sat beside her. They ate quietly. Aelin a few times did try to start a conversation but always stopped not sure if he wanted to talk or not. “Did you go to uni?” She asked. That was a safe question, hopefully. “I did. I studied business management in Glasgow. It came quite useful once I opened my bookshop.” “How the idea came about? To open the shop?” She noticed Rowan stiffen. Shit. Wrong question already. Rowan breathed deeply and decided it was time to listen to his aunt. It was time to open up. He placed his plate on the coffee table “There was this girl, Lyria.” He started, and the usual tug of pain was still there. “We met at uni down in Glasgow. She was from the islands as well. We started dating after we both came back here after graduating.” He closed his eyes and leaned a bit deeper on the back couch “I always loved books. But I hated the idea of using my degree for a boring corporate job. It was not for me. So I started working on an idea: open a bookshop.” He breathed deeply again, trying to chase away the pain “My parents had passed in an accident when I was little but they left me a fund. It allowed me to buy this house and also have enough money left to start my shop. So I used every penny to buy an empty shop in town, I did it up and a year later I had my shop.” Aelin stretched a hand and placed on his, now in a fist on his knee. “I knew Lyria was looking for a job so I offered her one and we started working together. We picked the name of the shop and began thinking about what books to have. She was not a proper bookworm like me, but she liked books enough.” Aelin looked at him and noticed the pain in his eyes. What had this woman done to him to cause him such anguish? “We started dating. Quite seriously. She moved in with me after a while. We started talking about the future, dreams and whatnot. I was never one for flings. I was committed to her to the fullest. I wanted a family, a nice house and kids. The whole package. At the time she told me she wanted it too. And I believed her.” He stood irritated and walked to the window “Just over a year ago I proposed to her. I was ready and she gave me the impression that she was ready too.” “Shit.” “About nine months ago she started getting weird with me. Some nights she would not come home and I later found out she was staying at a friend’s house. She barely talked to me anymore and we stopped…being intimate. She started making up excuses why she was not in the mood. Then all of a sudden she stopped coming to the bookstore and she never bothered to tell me why.” Hi voice now a mere whisper. “Finally I decided to confront her and find out what was happening. She told she was getting cold feet, that she didn’t want to get married anymore, that she made a mistake and she thought she loved me but it was more an infatuation. She told me that my obsession with having a family was freaking her out. But I never pushed the whole kids issue. I was happy to wait for her to be ready. She told me we wanted different things and that I had to go and find myself a woman who wanted all that because she was not the one. The next day she came to the bookshop and gave me back the ring.” Aelin reached him at the window and put a hand on his shoulder “I am sorry, but what a bitch.” She heard a very soft chuckle “I called her worse. Apparently my aunt spotted her a few times with a guy while we were still engaged. I never knew if she was fully cheating on me as well. Anyway, she got a job at An Lanntair.” Aelin face lit up in surprise “Is she a brunette? Brownish eyes?” Rowan nodded “Shit. The first day I was here I went inside and then asked for a bookshop and she told me to look for Rowan’s. Not the name of the shop but yours.” “I can’t go in there anymore, And I love that place but the idea of seeing her…” She took his hands and squeezed it. Then she leaned against his back and hugged him from behind. He did not shy away from the contact. On the contrary he grabbed her hands on his stomach and squeezed them tightly. “Sounds we both have horrible exes.” Aelin knew that was the time. She had to open up to him. She did it with Elias but it had not felt satisfying. She had a feeling that opening up to Rowan was her chance to finally move on and begin to heal. “What do you mean?” He asked not moving from the position they were in and Aelin thanked him for that. It felt perfect. “I was married, Rowan. Until a year ago I was married.” She felt him stiffen “What did he do?” His tone was cold. “He was a police office. We met at the hospital after his partner got injured badly. We had coffee… we hit it off, the usual thing. We started dating and I was happy.” She felt his hands squeezing hard “We were together for four year before he proposed to me. We were married for five.” It actually felt good to talk to him. Just as good as it always felt with Lysandra “But toward the end he became weird too. Life of a police officer is quite hectic too, and we could go on for a whole week without seeing each other, that had happened. But all of a sudden I noticed his shift pattern had started to change to a point that he was never home when I was.” She inhaled Rowan’s scent to try and calm down “One day I was on my break after surgery and I decided to go and see him at his work. Once I got there he was outside Police HQ, with another woman. And they were making out. I walked to him and punched him hard in the face and told the bitch to keep her tongue out of my husband’s mouth.” “Remind me not to piss you off again. Ever.” Aelin chuckled “Three days later I went to his job. Reached his office area and dumped divorce paper on his desk and told him Try and solve this case, officer Westfall. That night he came back home from work and we had a brutal fight. During the afternoon I had asked my friends Lysandra and Aedion to help me move out the following day. Lysandra had a spare room and she took me in. The divorce was brutal.” She hold him as tight as she could “He kept blaming me. According to him it was my fault. I was the one who was too obsessed with her work to care about her husband. He had the guts to tell the lawyers that I induce him to cheating because I was not committed anymore to the marriage. He brought up that I had told him I did not want a family. Which was a lie by the way.” Rowan finally turned around and pulled Aelin to his chest “I did want kids. But we were not thirty yet at the time of this conversation and I told him I wanted to wait a bit. He agreed. But during the divorce he lied.” Aelin pulled away from Rowan and went back to the sofa and sat down, her head in her hands “And I am so damn glad we did not have kids. Imagine the mess.” He heard her sob “He made me pass for a monster. For the one that had given up on our marriage. He was the one fucking another woman for months. And when I told the lawyers that he was never at home and probably sleeping with another woman, he told them that he had been moved to the night shift.” She brushed away the tears with the back of her hand “I checked with is CO. Chaol was not on the night shift.” Rowan kneeled in front of her, with a finger lifted her face staring at her in her eyes, now puffy “I am glad you punched him. I hope you broke something.” Aelin chuckled “It has been almost a year, but I still have so much rage.” “That I can relate to. A least you could punch him. I could never do that to Lyria.” “I can do that for you.” Aelin offered with a grin. Rowan sat beside her and they stayed in silence for a moment. “I am so tired…” she leaned on the side and ended up against him. Rowan got up and came back after a few minutes with a blanket and a fluffy pillow. He got the sofa ready for her “Lie down and rest. The sofa is very comfortable.” She followed his suggestion and lay down. “I am going back to my aunt and see if she need more help.” “I should come to.” She sat back up but Rowan was on his knees near where her head was, he removed hair from her face “No. Stay here and sleep, please.” “Leave me you mobile number.” Rowan looked at her “I… I actually don’t have a mobile phone.” Aelin sat up abruptly “No way.” “I just don’t need it.” “How can I call you?” “Just phone my aunt, if you need me.” He kissed her head and stood “Come on. Stop being a spoiled brat and sleep.” Aelin plunged back on the sofa and buried herself under the cozy blanket transforming herself in a human burrito. “Be careful out there.” Rowan smiled at her tenderly and left.
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velvetthunder1999 · 4 years
All the time on Earth
Part 10 - Confessions
Summary: You start ignoring George, not knowing what to do. After he fails getting a straight answer from you, he decides to pour his heart out and he finally tells you how he feels
(I read the potion idea in a fic a long time ago, it gave me inspiration to this chapter and the whole series :) )
Warnings: Angst, few swearwords, Fluff, Fluff, Fluff
Word Count: 2.9K
George Weasley x Reader
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You woke up feeling miserable. After you opened your eyes you didn’t get up immediately; you just lay there, thinking through yesterday in every single detail. You decided to skip breakfast and George had detention today so if you’re smart enough you can avoid him all day. Get food from the kitchen, spend the day in the Room of Requiremnet. That’s it.
You felt guilty for planning on how to avoid George but you had no other choice. You had to think things through. You thought of yesterday’s Hogsmeade trip as a test and you felt like you’d got your answer. You had believed — or at least had hoped — that if something happened, it would be in Hogsmeade. You had spent a whole day together for God’s sake!
But nothing happened. You were talking, you had fun, drank a few butterbeers but nothing more. You were too scared to do anything — but you’d hoped he would do something. Kiss you. Or just hold your hand. Anything. Yeah, you were messing around the snow but that was just a game. A stupid game. A small voice of hope in your head said, ‘But he was calling you all those names. Darling. Love. What was that?’
A horrible thought started forming in your mind. What if — what if he was just teasing you? He didn’t mean it, of course he didn’t mean it. Why would he? He probably has pet names for all the people he talks to. He was just making fun of you. Would that be it? Was he just playing around, not caring about how much it hurts you? How much his wordplays hurt you? Was this just a joke to him?
Well, it didn’t really matter at this point. He hadn’t confessed anything to you. Fred  had misinterpreted a lot of things, apparently. But it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter anymore. George had made his choice — did he even have to make one? You felt horrible, thinking about how you were longing for him and he might had never thought of you as more than a friend.
You were on the verge of crying, but you stood your ground against your tears. Instead, you took some deep breaths. You musn’t let things go out of control. You still have your exams. You have to focus on those. You do your best. You will study in every free minute you have, write your exams perfectly, and over the summer you forget about the ginger boy.
Over the summer. The sentence made your heart ache. You closed your eyes. Every spring was like a torture to you. As the weather started getting better and better, the inevitable summer ‘vacation’ was looming over you. After this year it was more horrible than ever. You didn’t want to go home — but you felt like you were also unable to stay here with George.
There was no other way — you had to distance yourself. Right now. It’s gonna be horrible. But in order to get over him, this was the only solution you had.
You spent the day in the Room as you planned — and then the day after, and the day after, and so on. First, George didn’t seem to notice; you were always pretending to be in a hurry, only talking a few words with him at every meal, running to your next class. But as the second week of April had ended, he seemed to be a bit more persuasive.
“Come on, Y/N” he said one day at lunch. “I barely see you. Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, eating as fast as possible. “I am lagging behind. I need to study.”
“Then go up to the astronomy tower again? Just for an hour?”
“Sorry,” you said, this time more quietly. You locked eyes with Fred who had a very disapproving look on his face.
“You’re avoiding him!” he said one day when he caught you after Charms. “He’s a mess! Driving me crazy, seeing him like that! He thinks he messed up something.”
“Well, I’m sorry, but I have a thousand things to attend to. I have my own life, Fred.”
“At least talk to him, tell him something. Don’t you see he feels horrible?”
Of course you could see it. George seemed hurt. You were hurt, too. Every time you rejected his invitations to somewhere, you saw him break a little. He looked just like how you felt.
And then one day, he had enough. You were studying under a tree by the lake when a shadow appeared on the grass next to you. You looked up and your stomach shrinked into a small ball at the sight of him.
“Hey,” he said. “Can I sit?”
Should you just run away? You put down your books and said a quiet ‘sure’.
He sat down next to you, watching your face. You couldn’t look him in the eye.
“How are you?” he asked.
“Good,” you said. “Bit tired. Studying a lot.”
“Mm,” he said, nodding. Then suddenly you heard the saddest, most miserable voice. “Why do you hate me?”
You jerked your head towards him. You were stunned.
“I don’t hate you.”
He had the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Then what is it? Because you haven’t talked to me in three weeks.”
“George…I… I can’t.”
He nodded.
“It’s killing me.”
You pressed your lips together tight before answering.
“You’re using such big words.”
“That’s how I feel.”
When you didn’t answer, he continued.
“Please tell me if I did something.”
You kept quiet.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Did I make you feel bad somehow?”
“Y/N. Please. I miss you.”
“You didn’t do anything,” you blurted out. It was true, though, he didn’t do anything. But in terms of how he meant it, you had to keep him in the dark. Otherwise you’d have to tell him everything. “You didn’t do anything, okay? I have a lot on my mind lately. I have all these exams, and when I’m done with them I can pack my stuff and go back to my parents for another wonderful two months.”
“I told you, you can come to us any time.”
“That’s not the point, George.”
“I know,” he said. “The point is that you don’t see that we’re here for you. I am here for you. And you’re ignoring me, because somehow you decided that you don’t need friends anymore? How’s that? At least you could tell me why.”
“Can we talk about this later?”
“No, we can’t.”
He was right, though. It was not nice what you were doing to him. You sighed. At least you can make him suffer less.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “You’re right. I am ignoring you. I was. But it’s not your fault. It’s — it’s something I have to deal with by myself. I just — I cannot tell you what it is. Not now. Maybe later. One day I will tell you, I promise.
“Can I help you with it without knowing what it is?”
“Does Fred know?”
You dodged the question.
“Ginny does.”
He nodded.
“Are you sure I haven’t done anything to you?”
Well, technically…
“Yes. You haven’t done anything.”
If the talk with George made you change anything about your new routine, it was that you were willing to spend more time in the common room now while studying. Even though you didn’t have another conversation since the lake, he seemed a bit more relaxed seeing you around. It’s been seven days since that day; you weren’t ignoring him anymore, but you still hadn’t made any progress on processing his absence that was about to come in the near future of your life.
You were just about to finish a Transfiguration essay and start a Divination one when you heard the unmistakable voices coming from the Fat Lady. You looked up and a second later the twins arrived. Fred sat down onto the table opposite you, holding a box in his hands, while George took the spot next to you on the couch.
“Do you have a minute?” George asked.
“For what?”
“It’s a new product,” said Fred with mischievous eyes. “We just tested it, but we need to make sure it’s working.”
“I don’t really have time for anything right now —,” you started, but Fred interrupted.
“It’ll only take a minute. Promise.”
You hesitated. George spoke very softly.
You sighed.
“Fine. But make it quick. I’m not joking.”
“Brilliant,” said Fred and opened the box. He took out a small vial with a wooden cork in it and gave it to you. “Here you go.”
You took it, not sure what you’re suppose to do.
“…Yes? What do you want me to do with this? Drink it?”
“No!” said George, panicking. “Open it. And smell it.”
“Why?” you asked, more suspicious by the second.
“We already tested it ourselves but we need a female’s opinion.”
Fred shrugged like it was no big deal, but you felt that something was up with the two. You looked at the pinkish liquid in the vial. As long as you don’t have to drink anything…
You opened the bottle and held it closer. The twins leaned closer eagerly. You snapped at them.
“What? What is it?”
“Just smell it, Y/N!” said Fred impatiently. “We don’t have all day!”
You shot a sharp look at him then smelled the liquid. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It’s so familiar. What is this?”
“What would you say it is?” asked George.
You shook your head and smelled the pink stuff again. You just… you just couldn’t wrap your head around it. Was it like… Was it something like fire? But it somehow also reminded you of water. And… you also felt something else… like perfume… or… or…
Or cologne.
You almost dropped the vial as you held it far away from your nose.
“What?” said Fred with great anticipation. Then grinned. “Was it stinky?”
George shot an angry look at him but you didn’t see it. You were staring at the liquid. The pink liquid.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh, fucking hell.
“So?” asked George eagerly. “What do you feel?”
“No — nothing,” you lied. Very badly, actually.
“Don’t lie!” scolded you Fred. “What is it? What does it smell like?”
Oh, no. What should you say? What should you say?!
“I… I can’t,” you said. “I can’t do this.”
“What?” George looked taken aback. “What is it?”
“I can’t do this right now. I’m sorry.”
You stood up without looking at them. You kept your head down as you hurried to the portrait, leaving the common room.
—— George was staring at the part of the couch you were just sitting. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t believe it. This cannot be happening.
“George?” asked Fred in a careful tone. “You’re okay?”
George didn’t answer, didn’t blink, even. He was just staring.
Would it have been so hard? Giving an honest answer, putting him out of his misery?
“George, we can talk to her again when she comes back.”
He had enough. He had enough.
George stood up, suddenly. He made up his mind. This was it. Months have passed. It was enough.
“I’m ending this bullshit, right now.”
And he ran.
You were leaving behind the corridors like an animal running for its life. You didn’t know what to do. This came out of the blue. Of course the twins did it again. And Fred! Fred knew! Was this just an evil game to them? And what should you say when they — oh, they certainly will — ask you again?
You needed air. You needed to be alone. You needed to get to someplace where you could think.
You headed towards the astronomy tower and ran up the stairs as fast as you could. You were out of breath by the time you reached the top. You opened the door and stepped outside and…
“George!” you yelled, looking at the panting boy standing in front of you. “How — ”
“Hello, love,” he said, a hand on his side. “Give me a minute, I just ran through the whole bloody castle.”
You were stunned. You couldn’t move. What the hell was going on?
“George, I really…” you paused before continuing. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“Did you smell me?” he said, standing up. He hesitated. “Or — or did you smell Fred?”
“Wh — what?!” you felt more outraged than emberrassed. “No, I didn’t smell Fred, what the hell?!
“Oh,” he said, breathing normally again. “Good. Was it me then?”
Oh, God. Oh, God, no. It’s over. He’s gonna find out. He already knows! Shit. Oh, shit!
“I… I am —”
“Cause I smelled you.”
First you didn’t even understand what he just said. Then your jaw dropped in confusion.
“Wh… what are you talking about?” your voice barely louder than a whisper.
He stepped closer, not taking his eyes off you for a second.
“I smelled the potion. We’ve been brewing it for a long time now. I know it works cause when I smelled it… it was like butterbeer. And vanilla, which I assume is your shampoo. Also that gummy candy you’re always eating. So… yeah. I wanted to tell you for so long, Y/N. I can’t take it anymore.”
You looked him in the eye, still unable to speak. Was he telling the truth? Was he playing with you? You had to make sure. Because if it was real…
“Are you…” a relieved smile appeared on your lips. “Are you serious?”
George casted down his eyes. He took both your hands and gently squeezed your fingers.
“Please, don’t laugh at me.”
You shook your head.
“No, I mean… this isn’t a joke, right? You’re telling the truth?”
“Why would I joke with this?”
“Just tell me.”
A sad smile appeared on his face. He started nervously rubbing your fingers. And he finally looked at you.
“I’m serious.”
You laughed.
“Alright, then.”
You let go of his hand but only to cup his cheeks. You pulled him down and pressed your lips on his. He let out a surprised moan. He froze for a second. Then he reached for you to welcome you in his arms, closed his eyes and completely melted into the kiss.
It was like all your troubles had faded away in a second. You kissed George with everything you were holding back for the last couple of months. Your heart was beating incredibly fast. He tasted so sweet. His lips were hot. He was holding you so close. You smelled his cologne again and you felt like you’re going mad. You wanted more of him, you needed him, and you couldn’t think of anything but his lips on yours and his hair between your fingers.
When you two pulled away, gasping for air, he rested his forehead on yours. He was panting and you were too. You couldn’t help but smile. You were gently stroking his cheek with your thumb, finally looking at him. He looked at you, dazed.
“Hi,” you said.
His eyes looked like melted chocolate. A smile was hiding in the corner of his lips. He softly brushed his nose against yours.
You leaned towards him again, this time giving him a small peck on the lips. He was holding you strongly in his arms, making you feel goosebumps on your back. Your heart was really beating, maybe for the first time in your life. You heard your blood running wild in your ears.
“You know…” you said, whispering. He looked deeply in your eyes, drinking your words, “I want you to know I smelled you, too. I… I smelled fireworks and rain… and your cologne which also reminded me of the forest. I’m… I’m so mad for you. I have been for months.”
“What?” he said, dumbfounded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was so scared,” you gently tucked a lock of his long hair behind his ears. “I didn’t wanna loose you.”
“Witty, you wouldn’t have lost me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“I wanted to. Really. I was just an idiot. As Fred told me so.”
“Wait — Fred knew?”
“Yeah. He figured it out in a second.”
“He wasn’t lying then?”
“Lying?” he looked at you, confused. “Did he tell you?”
“He knew I liked you. He told me I should talk to you because it might end well.”
You looked at each other in disbelief. If you had just talked to each other months before…
“Well, I guess we have to make up for the time we lost,” he said, leaning closer again.
“You think so?” you asked teasingly.
“Mm,” he said and kissed you again, this time tenderly, like you were a flower that’s about to break. You smiled into the kiss and when he realized, he did too.
After his lips let go of yours, he leaned down and burried his face into your neck. He kissed you gently while still holding you close.
“George…” you said, whispering. You were stroking his hair. You had never felt more alive. He kissed your neck again, making you shiver.
“Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me — ?
“— as my girlfriend?”
His mischievous smile returned. All that concern and hurt had disappeared from his face. His eyes were shining under the night sky. He placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose and said,
“Alright, then.”
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xlady-saya · 4 years
better than a night light [fic]
Relationships: andrew minyard/neil josten
Summary: Neil hasn’t had the chance to examine the feeling of fear in a long time. He’s all too familiar with it though; from the nightmares, to the memories of a cold basement floor, he knows the feeling like the back of his hand.
But this fear is new, loaded with ridiculousness and a complete lack of reason. It’s nothing more than pixels on a screen, far away theories that can’t hurt him like his past can.
Maybe that’s why he’s beginning to not mind it as much. It doesn’t hurt that Andrew is also there to hold him through it.
Tags: neil is a scaredy cat, fluff, fluff and humor, the monsters watch alien movies
Read on ao3!
The movie poster Nicky keeps shoving in Neil's face doesn't exactly do much in terms of persuasion.
Neil stares at the bold graphics, at the text of the title that drips as if it’s oozing blood. It's got an almost static quality to it, not original, but not trying too hard to be. It's an older movie, that much is clear, so not exactly Nicky's usual taste. There's nothing there to tell him about the plot, just a few shadows and a stark silhouette standing in the center. Neil stares at the poster on Nicky's phone, then at Nicky's expectant expression, and then back.
Surely there has to be some kind of clue to tell him what this is all supposed to mean, but he's not seeing it.
Nicky does his best to show Neil a few more posters from the same movie, some restyled and revamped for the modern era, but...
"For fuck's sake," Nicky huffs, putting his phone away. "It's a classic horror movie, Neil, and we're watching it tonight."
Oh. Neil's not sure why he had to know that.
It's never up to him to pick the movies for movie night, mostly because most do nothing for him or bore him to tears altogether. Watching them with Andrew is typically the only time he bothers to pay attention, and that's for the commentary about the stupid characters.
Nicky is the opposite.
He and Allison fight over the films every Friday night like it's a ritual, but on the rare occasions the upperclassman are busy, Nicky takes over and tries his best to drag Neil into it too. A seasoned movie buff, he's made it his mission to find a movie genre Neil actually likes. Neil's attempts to convince him otherwise have fallen on deaf ears.
After weeks of action spy movies and no luck, Nicky's obviously decided to up his game by switching to a new theme altogether.
Neil's not sure what this will do, though. The horror movies Nicky has picked in the past only served to annoy Neil or make him laugh with their horrible effects and impractical plot points. Nicky had still labeled that as progress.
Already, Neil is rolling his eyes. Neil has dealt with real horrors; ghosts and poltergeists aren’t what haunt him. He's only seen one or two slasher films with the team, but those were just nonsensical.
It's not something he enjoys thinking about, but it's hard to be afraid of being sliced open by some fictional asshole in a mask when his childhood already made him numb to the feeling of a blade.
As if sensing the underlying truth behind Neil's annoyance, Andrew makes his presence known with a loud thump of his soda can against the counter.
Nicky jumps, but Neil turns on instinct, a small smile on his face. They have new barstools, and he swears they're a little taller than the other ones. Andrew's legs swing, almost carefree in nature, and Neil averts his eyes at the glare he receives for staring.
"I said no horror movies," Andrew says finally, flicking another page of his novel over. It's for a class, Neil notes, and beams a little brighter. Part of their pact; if Neil has to do better in school, Andrew has to start trying to, too.
With some encouragement...it wasn't a hard compromise to make.
"Technically, you said no slasher movies," Nicky says, smirking at the loophole. Andrew stares, thoroughly unamused, and Neil blinks between them. He hadn't known about that. He glances back over to find Andrew already looking at him, resignation clear on his face. It's a common expression from the beginning of their this—less rare now, but just as endearing in Neil's mind.
It's Andrew's 'you caught me caring about you, and I hate that because it's not hard' look.
Neil hops up to sit on the counter, and Andrew's gaze flicks down to his knee as if debating resting his chin on top of it.
"You don't need to baby me, those movies don't affect me," Neil says with a fond smile. It's the truth; he's not sure why, but the masked villains and their carving knives just seem tacky to him at best. He understands Andrew's reasoning though, and appreciates it more than he can say.
Andrew would never think of him as weak, and Neil can handle most things no matter how painfully they might stir up old memories. Regardless, Andrew will spare him if he can.
The look of acknowledgement passes between them, and Andrew nods.
Then: "Even still, they're bad," Andrew says, aiming the statement at Nicky. "I refuse to suffer through them."
Aaron, who up until this point has been a silent bystander on the couch, grunts an affirmative. Kevin's got his headphones in, not even listening.
"Killjoys," Nicky mutters, clutching his phone tight to his chest. He points an accusatory finger right at Andrew, and keeps it there in challenge. "You might like it too, if you would just give it a chance!"
Andrew, highly unconvinced, raises a brow at Neil. The blond and Nicky are a lot better at having actual conversations without Neil now, to the point where Neil wouldn't even call Nicky afraid of Andrew anymore. Still...looks like this is not a case Andrew has the energy to make.
Neil smiles, all too smug.
"I thought you said horror movies were overrated?" he asks Nicky, grin just the right amount of shit-eating. "And by overrated, you meant you're super scared of them and won't be able to sleep for days."
"First of all, Neil, fuck you," Nicky says without hesitation. Aaron snorts in the background. Unwilling to be defeated, Nicky holds up his hand, counting off the reasons. "Second of all, this one is different! It's an alien movie, and those don't scare me as much. I mean, they're super impractical!"
That's what's super impractical?
Neil rolls his eyes. Their whole lives are impractical. Ha.
But ah, Neil realizes. Maybe that's the reason for the weird poster silhouette. Aliens. He'd almost prefer a slasher film. He crosses his arms, blowing his overgrown bangs out of his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure Jackson with his goalie mask is just as realistic."
The room goes silent, and Neil isn't too prideful when it comes to pop culture. It's clear he fucked that up. Nicky blinks at him, and even Aaron is confused enough to turn around and lean over the side of the couch.
Neil blinks back, combing his brain for the revision. Nothing.
Andrew sighs below him, long and suffering, and this time he really does put his chin on Neil's knee. He glares a hole into Neil's abdomen, but Neil suspects it's mostly self directed.
"I think he means Jason," Andrew says, closing his eyes to ground himself. Neil's always been quite impressed with his self-control. "He's just trying to provoke me."
Oh, yeah. That prick.
A small chorus of realization goes through the room as Neil smirks down at his boyfriend.
Nicky squints. "Huh? Provoke you how?"
"Don't ask about their weird flirting," Aaron interrupts, making a slicing motion over his throat. Then, after a beat, he shoots a glare at his brother, who actually meets it for once. "Though for the record, you deserve to have a thing for morons."
"That time, I really thought his name was Jackson," Neil defends, not caring that he just exposed how sometimes he will say the wrong shit on purpose just to get Andrew...in a mood. Aaron gags, and Neil is quite done with the conversation.
He squeezes Andrew's earlobe because, well...it's right there.
Nicky throws his hands up. "Oh my god, who cares! Neil, the point is that yes, a serial killer terrorizing a summer camp? Unlikely. But if someone were inclined, they could. And at minimum, slasher movies are scary because I could actually be stabbed on any given day."
"The chances of you running into a slasher are still pretty low," Neil tries, and Nicky gives him one of those looks like he's missed the point entirely.
"I'm talking about Andrew."
"That's fair," Andrew says, eyes closing once more as Neil kneads his ear gently.
Done with the lot of them, Nicky shows Neil the button to rent the movie on his account, and rebelliously presses it. As if that somehow traps Neil in this apartment. Like he can't just leave.
The sad thing is that he won't.
Even without the upperclassman to join them tonight, this is his family—despite all their shitty taste.
"Your point?" Neil asks, though he's fully resigned at this point.
"So, alien movies are way cooler than anything else. Plus, the effects in this one are practical," Nicky says, and Neil tilts his head. Instead of bewildered, Nicky's excitement only grows. "You know, none of that cheap computer crap. You'll see, you'll love it."
Nicky squeals lightly as he goes to make snacks, dropping a few dishes in the process. It's a chorus of curses and clanging that Neil is all too used to, and Andrew barely flinches from it. It's hard to mind anything with Andrew's head in his lap and Neil's hands moving into his hair.
Neil stares over at the television, and sees his own annoyed expression staring back from the void.
Love it, will he?
Yeah, whatever you say.
They're about thirty minutes into the movie when Neil realizes there's a problem.
Nicky, for effect, has turned out all the lights, and the television illuminates the whole room despite its dark ambience. Neil's perfectly prepared to not pay attention, especially when the movie starts off slow and without any of the promised aliens. Nicky scolds him for his impatience, and things gradually start to get more suspicious between the characters on screen.
Neil's not bored out of his mind, but he's yet to see the full appeal. Because it's his spot, he curls up into Andrew’s side, sharing the bag of plain gummy worms between them since Neil hates the sour ones. Neil's more fixated on that at first; sometimes if they grab the same one on accident, they'll start the contest of pulling the poor worm and stretching the gelatin until it snaps. So far, Neil has won the longest piece two out of three times.
Then, in a shocking twist, the alien shows up.
Nicky was right about the practical effects. It's a grotesque creature, animatronic and padded with a fleshy substance that looks like bile. Its limbs are coated in it, sticky and disproportionate to its thin, skeletal body. Neil can see every disgusting ridge, and grimaces at the bubbles of flesh and pus that the effects team coated it with. After a while, he stops viewing it as a product of humans, as a robot. He starts seeing it as just the creature, in all its vileness. Random limbs and appendages shoot out from it, impaling some of the unlucky side characters, and the squelching sounds make Neil want to vomit.
Neil's throat begins to feel tight, and he's not sure why.
Throughout the next fifteen minutes, the creature starts its ruthless hunt after the team of scientists which make up the main cast. Only when it disappears does the audience realize the creature can shapeshift—that it's among them, somewhere on the base.
At first, Neil thinks he might have to go to the hospital. His pulse is fast, and he's sweating a little. It's weird, and he finds himself trying to calm down his own breathing. His muscles aren't usually this tense, and there's a nausea-inducing lump in his stomach, swimming around like the goop on screen. Maybe he's sick, maybe he ate some undercooked meat for dinner. That has to be it. He tries his best to stretch out, but his ankle hits Kevin's fancy metal flask, and Neil nearly jumps out of his skin from the cold when it coincides with a character being ripped in half on screen.
"Damn, that was pretty cool," Aaron concedes from his beanbag, watching the characters rush to safety from the gore they just witnessed. Even Kevin is invested, though he's still occasionally checking Exy stats on his phone. The creature is gone again all too soon, blending in, and the scientists begin to arm themselves against one another. Nicky looks over at Aaron gleefully, triumphant for his good choice.
At this point, Neil hates to admit he's fully invested. The characters in the movie have started to suspect one another, and the focus has shifted from the gore and the alien’s origin over to pure paranoia. It does a remarkably good job of capturing that feeling—one Neil knows all too well. Neil begins to suspect some of the characters too, even the main protagonist. The theories run through his head, but the film leaves everything as vague as can be.
There's a blanket of dread over him he's never felt before, because it's not real. There's no imminent danger to his person or his family, but he wonders what he'd be feeling if he were in this situation. The idea of imposters, walking around and having no way of telling them apart from your friends, from a human...
It takes Neil awhile, perhaps a little too long given his acquaintance with the emotion, to understand the tension in his body is fear.
He's afraid.
And isn't fear a strange thing?
He tries to remember fear, and it's not hard. It's always cold, piercing. It narrows down the world so that the fear is all that exists, along with the impending doom of the consequences that come with it. For him, fear has always eventually had a result. His fear was always well-founded. But this is nothing like that fear. Real, genuine, valid fear. This is not being threatened by his mom's scowl from across the room, or being on the basement floor, seconds from death. This is a queasy, unrealistic fear. One he can't get rid of, as much as he knows it shouldn't exist. There's nothing on the horizon, nothing coming to get them.
It's a lot of what-ifs and how-comes.
Neil hates it.
He can't look away as the characters all perish, eaten alive in part by the alien, but mostly by their own suspicion. In the end, the discord between them kills them all, and the ending hints heavily at the creature's survival and spread into the outside world.
Maybe here.
Neil scoffs at his own ridiculousness, rolling his eyes. That would never happen. He knows that, it's just—
"So?" Nicky says right in his face, and Neil jumps. Luckily, no one notices, and Andrew has already moved to switch the television off. Good. He surely would've felt the jump of Neil's body.
"So?" Neil parrots, unable to keep up. He keeps looking out the dorm windows, watching the darkness for any sign of life beyond it.
"Did you like it, Neil?" Kevin asks, turning around from his perch on the floor. He's also been weirdly committed to finding things for them to enjoy outside of Exy. Neil has a feeling that's mostly Thea's and therapy's doing, an attempt to get them some distance from the harsh Raven routines of old.
Kevin's attempt at getting them into trivia had been a disaster, and he'd abandoned it quickly.
Neil swallows the lump in his throat, eyes tracking Andrew to keep himself grounded. Aliens or no aliens, the sight of Andrew is a relaxant that's fifty times stronger.
Still, all he manages is a small: "It was okay."
It's a compliment coming from him, since his standard response is to shrug whenever any credits roll, and Nicky heads off to shower for bed with an extra lightness in his step.
Neil is not so fortunate.
An hour later, they're all turning in. Kevin has already passed out while Nicky takes his time in the bathroom with his twenty minute skincare routine. Neil had done everything in his power to not be alone once the lights began to go out. He's lucky his proximity to Andrew isn't unusual, but he keeps a few steps of distance just to throw off any suspicion the blond might have about why his boyfriend’s clinginess is off the charts.
The night sky is still pitch black through the windows, and any passing noise has Neil turning around and checking on his family critically. No, no—if Kevin were a creature, he wouldn't be snoring so loud.
He feels like a child, and does his best to go about his business without reading into everything so much. Even still, he hops onto the bed so he doesn't have to stand in front of the bottom of the bunk for too long. Something could grab his feet.
Andrew, per routine, wraps his arm around Neil's midsection to pull him closer, not yet aware of what's happening. Neil usually delights in this each time it happens, though he's certainly used to it by now. The path to sharing a bed had been a cautious one, and spooning even more so, but now he can't imagine sleeping without being cocooned like this.
Tonight, however, there's a problem.
Neil stiffens when Andrew moves to scoot him closer, a stark contrast to how he usually relaxes all his muscles. It's kinda fun when Andrew drags him. Andrew pauses, regarding Neil curiously, and Neil's dry throat seems to close up even more. The dread in his veins obviously isn't apparent, but it feels that way. Paling internally, Neil says, "I want a glass of water."
He really wants a glass of water. Fuck.
But is it worth it? Is he willing to die for a glass of water? He can make it until morning. If he were smart, he would've thought about this when everyone was still in the living room and he had access to knives to defend himself.
Andrew, calm as ever, concedes with a short nod. He removes his hand and waits for Neil to get up, and that's when Neil can't hide it anymore.
See, he doesn't move. Neil just lies there, staring up at the ceiling, and feels Andrew's eyes grow more and more critical with each passing second. Neil is torn. Does he get up despite his fear to preserve his dignity? Andrew of all people deserves to know when Neil has none to spare. Neil doesn't hide anything from Andrew, no matter how ridiculous.
The truth is, he'd love nothing more than to stay here on this bed with Andrew, where it's at least kind of safe. But, if he thinks more critically, he'll never get over this fear if he doesn't venture out into the dark common area to get his goddamn water.
Also, he's thirsty.
What to do, what to do.
At this point Neil begins to squirm, his gaze flicking over to the open bedroom door. It's black on the other side, inviting him and his imagination to wreak havoc.
Humans can survive a few days without water.
The whole time, Andrew doesn't stop staring at him, and Neil winces when he feels a gentle tap against his collarbone.
He's hesitated too long to keep the secret now. Better get it over with.
"Uh. Y-yes?"
"Look at me," Andrew says, and Neil can't disobey a request like that. Andrew's sleepy voice is gravely and soothing, like enticing smoke from a cigarette, and Neil follows it with all his senses. He turns over, then tenses up. Now his back is to the door. Can't have that.
He goes back to lying flat, and turns his head to send Andrew a desperate look.
It's stupid, it's pathetic. But...
"It's dark." That’s all he says.
Andrew's brows knit together, searching for the truth under that statement. "It's one in the morning."
Oh, but I'm the smart mouth.
Neil glares, and jumps when Nicky drops something in the bathroom. Neil waits for a sign of movement, and breathes a sigh of relief when Nicky's routine resumes.
Andrew sends him another look, no doubt already piecing it all together, and Neil huffs to himself.
"Asshole," he says, and picks at the thread of their blanket with his finger. He tries not to think of the aliens splitting open. Quietly, he admits: "The creature in the movie could see better in the dark."
It should be helpful to say it aloud, but it's not. It should convince Neil he's being truly unreasonable, that the odds of something otherworldly coming to target him are slim. He should be more worried about real killers coming for him on any given day.
But here he is, still afraid.
Andrew, in his own Andrew way, actually looks surprised. Something swims across his features that Neil has seen before, but can't pinpoint in the moment due to his own shame. He groans, turning away.
"Shut up, I know, forget it, I'm—"
A hand comes out to grab his chin, and Andrew turns Neil's face back towards him in one firm motion. Okay, now Neil definitely knows there's something in that look, and it renders him speechless for a moment.
"You're afraid." He swears he sees the corner of Andrew's mouth twitch, and he's so fixated on it that the truth comes easily.
"Of the...aliens. From the movie?"
Ah, but when put that way...
Neil groans again, pouting slightly. It's hard for Andrew to ruin anything for Neil, but it's difficult to stare fondly at one's boyfriend when he's trying to wring the embarrassing truth out of you. "Yes! I don't know why, okay?"
Andrew just nods, not judging. Not yet. Taking that into account, he taps Neil's chin a few times, maybe to the beat of invisible cogs moving in his head. Then he pauses, and gives Neil's earlobe a tug. Because...it's there. "Nicky said aliens are impractical. They aren't real. You know this, I assume."
Neil glares, but doesn't refute the statement. He's familiar with Andrew's process of retracing their steps, hypothetically. Trying to understand where the fear came from, how to best help Neil push it aside.
"Neil, confirm these things for me," Andrew says, and Neil nods, counting the freckles that dance over Andrew's nose. "You have dealt with members of a deadly mafia family."
Neil, because he's a shit, takes time to think about it. It's worth it when Andrew huffs.
Neil nods. "That is true."
"You are arguably more capable than me when it comes to killing someone," Andrew points out, and Neil does his best to ignore the spark of heat in Andrew's voice from that knowledge. "In fact, you've probably killed many people without remorse."
Hm. Okay.
"Mhm." Neil hums, and while he sees where this is going...
"You could potentially be Jackson, minus the hockey mask," Andrew finishes, and Neil is only somewhat insulted. What does he want with a summer camp?
Feigning stupidity this time, Neil squints. "Wasn't he immortal?"
Neil's laughter dissolves into a desperate whine, and he throws his hands behind him, hitting the headboard. Dammit. "Just—I know it makes no sense," he huffs. He scrambles up to a sitting position, an explanation on the tip of his tongue, and Andrew follows him calmly. "I know they're not real but...I think that's the problem. It's an unknown. I'm familiar with killers, with knives on my skin."
Neil almost feels guilty when he mentions it; Andrew accepts all his scars and experiences, but it doesn't mean he likes that they happened. They can't change the past, but the idea of either of them being hurt never fails to put a little pit of anger in their guts. He sees it bloom in Andrew's right then, and Neil smiles gently to quell it. It's not about that right now.
"But this is so removed from any of that," Neil explains, laughing at himself. It's sort of amusing if he thinks about it—that he’s made it to the point where he has the luxury of being afraid of such things, but he still doesn't feel relief. "I know it should be stupid and ridiculous. But that's probably why it bothers me. I mean, okay, what do we really know about aliens anyways? Nothing! No road map, no weapons. We're completely unprepared."
And...his explanation goes off the rails just like that.
Neil thinks he has a good point though. Like...who is really to say aliens don't exist? And if they do, they're all pretty much fucked. Who wouldn't be afraid?
Andrew only stares at him.
At the expression of disbelief, Neil whines and does his best to backtrack, but Andrew is having no more of it. Andrew just lays back down, hands covering his face.
It's a novel reaction, considering this is Andrew. He looks so beside himself, unable to process whatever is going on in his head, but not in the bad, overwhelmed way he might be used to. Neil leans over him, and artfully pokes Andrew between the eyebrows.
His boyfriend sighs. "I don't ever know what to do with you," he concedes, removing his hands so Neil can see his pissy expression. "Alien movies. It's goddamn alien movies."
Neil's not sure what to make of that, but even in the dimness of their room he can see the reluctant fondness in Andrew's face, poorly concealed behind a facade of neutral indifference. That, and the tips of his ears look a little red.
Neil's confused as hell before he realizes what it must be. He perks up, fear momentarily put on pause. "Oh...oh, you like this," he observes, not smug, just factual. Andrew glares. "You think it's—uh..."
Not hot, at least Neil doesn't think so. But—
"The word you're probably looking for is cute." Andrew grimaces when he says it, like it's a crime for the word to come out of his mouth. If Neil's being honest, he's surprised too. Not that Andrew thinks it, but that he actually said it. Hm. That's new. Neil likes it. He always insisted to Andrew that he didn't have to try harder at verbal affection just for Neil's sake, not if he didn't want to.
Clearly, part of him does.
Andrew glares at Neil's small smile, pushing his face away. "And you're wrong, so don't read into it."
Neil ignores that advice completely. "Oh, okay. So you think it's cute," he repeats, and mulls that over in his head.
"I just said—"
"Wait, why?" Neil asks, suddenly offended. Here he is trying to tell Andrew his alien attack plan, and the blond thinks the severity of the situation is cute. "Does my terror mean nothing to you?"
"Not in this case," Andrew admits, and this time there's clearly a small smile threatening to break the mask. Neil tries (pettily and unsuccessfully) to not let it affect him. "Now quit it, and go get your water."
The fucking water.
The source of his woes comes back as a painful reminder in the form of his parched throat, scratchier now from all the discussion.
Noticing Neil's stricken face, Andrew wordlessly gets up with him, pulling him along to the edge of the bedroom so Neil can't talk himself out of it. Flicking on the light for the living area, Andrew pushes Neil out in front of him, a silent nudge to hurry up.
The room definitely looks a lot less sinister like this, but Neil's brain is reluctant to let him relax. He walks quickly and stiffly into the kitchen, turning back halfway to make sure that yes, Andrew is watching him.
"I'm here," the blond says, despite the roll of his eyes.
Neil practically runs to get his water, moving back to Andrew faster than the speed of light. As absurd as Andrew finds it, he dutifully waits for Neil to step fully back into the light of the bedroom before turning off the living room light again, and offers to take Neil's glass back when he finishes. Unwilling to lose Andrew by making him go alone, Neil takes his turn watching from the door.
Andrew looks back—not out of fear, but just to see the way Neil tracks his every move, wary of the surroundings. Something soft escapes Andrew's mouth, a vulnerable sound Neil swallows when he gets back into their bed.
He still can't fall asleep, but at least Andrew holds him a little tighter that night, a silent reminder that Neil's not alone in the darkness.
Neil's entire being burns with embarrassment, and he can't wait for a few days to pass so his brain will forget the movie entirely.
At least then the fear in his veins will be but a lingering memory, teasing fuel for Andrew at most.
Except, per routine, Andrew is a giant bastard.
"We're watching this tonight," he says a week later, throwing a library DVD into Nicky's lap.
Neil doesn't think much of it as he finishes the last of his math problems at his desk, kicking his legs happily since this means he'll be done with homework and his kissing ban will be lifted.
Nicky's voice has all his expectations shriveling up and exploding like alien guts. "Aliens again?"
Neil's head snaps up to meet Andrew's gaze across the room, betrayal lining his face. The DVD cover Nicky is looking at is old school again, another classic Neil assumes. It's less detailed than the first one, with nothing but a green, glowing egg on the front.
Hell no, Neil thinks, and glances back at Andrew with a desperate look in his eyes. Maybe it's a joke.
But Andrew's sense of humor is cruel.
"It wasn't awful," Andrew answers Nicky while looking right at Neil. There's nothing amused or challenging in his features, but Neil still senses it. Andrew has weighed Neil's fear, has no doubt picked it apart and tried to decide whether or not that fear should be quelled, or if it's fair game to prod.
The conclusion is clear.
"Awesome!" Nicky shouts, unaware of the turmoil between the two of them. "Finally, we found something you don't tune out completely."
"I'll make the snacks," Aaron says, and Kevin actually seems okay with the selection. He shoots them both a weird look—which, given the intensity of Neil's stare, is appropriate. However, living with them has given Kevin enough insight to know when and when not to intervene. He walks past them, as he should.
When they're actually getting settled in to watch the damn film, Neil has switched tactics. He's refusing to meet Andrew's gaze, foot tapping impatiently against their stained carpet. As peeved as he is, the fear is starting to outweigh it. What if this movie is worse? Is he ready for another night wondering if aliens are going to come absorb him into some hybrid monster?
What the fuck does the egg mean? Aliens lay eggs?!
Neil refuses to sit by Andrew at first, and Andrew's legs are spread in such a way that his lap is wide open and inviting.
It's difficult to resist.
Eventually, Andrew sighs, and slouches into the couch a little more, leaving a perfect Neil-sized spot next to him.
"You're going to sit over there by yourself?" Andrew asks. With the rest of the group out of earshot, he adds lowly: "Aliens pick off the stragglers first."
Neil's glare would melt flesh from bone if it wasn’t directed at Andrew. The blond is unaffected by Neil's threats, though there's definitely power behind them. Just...never towards him.
An unfortunate fact, but one Neil would never betray.
Sulking, he climbs up onto the couch and fits himself snuggly into Andrew's side, head on his chest. Completing the dance, Andrew manhandles Neil to rest more comfortably against him, and Neil ignores the smugness radiating off the blond.
When Aaron walks in, he regards them suspiciously. Neil hates him for smiling that knowing, shit eating little grin once the realization hits him.
Fuck Aaron. Neil knows he's afraid of possession movies. He better be ready.
"This one is especially gross," Aaron says, offhand, but aimed at Neil entirely. "I've seen it."
Neil stares into the television again, done with all of them, and hopes his brain is over it. He hopes this movie is as boring as it can be. "Let's get this shit over with."
And they do. But no, the movie is not boring.
This film is arguably worse than the one they watched last weekend. The aliens are somehow grosser, with tar-like skin and oozing orifices. Even worse, they're more parasitic than the other aliens, and extremely hard for these idiot characters to kill. Neil sees one of the alien babies jump down someone's throat and has to look away.
He supposes it's too late to ask how he got here, to wonder why he can't get over it and understand none of it is real.
But then again, what does he know about the universe?
Neil's glad everyone else is too into the film to notice him burying himself further into Andrew's chest, eyes glued to the screen reluctantly. That's the problem with fear—it takes hold of him. He's not one of those people who can look away or close their eyes, so he just wrings Andrew's shirt between his hands into a wrinkly mess.
At a certain point, the alien from earlier bursts through the character's chest and makes Neil jump away from Andrew's, but the blond grabs Neil's head gently in anticipation of this (which means he's seen this shit already, the asshole) and guides it to rest over his heart. It should make it worse, the rhythmic beating, pumping in time with the chest burster's onslaught. Instead, it's grounding, as it always is, and he sighs.
He wonders if this was Andrew's plan all along, but would that make sense? Having to comfort a scared Neil can't be anything but annoying.
Later, when he's having a mug of hot chocolate with Andrew and Aaron before bed, and steadily getting grumpier with the thought of the sleepless night to come, he says as much.
Aaron just looks at him, as if he can't believe Neil exists. "You really are a moron."
And with that, he goes back to his own dorm.
Neil tries to get clarification, but Andrew only takes the mug from his hands. He avoids Neil's questioning gaze and laces their fingers together, pulling Neil into the room before the lights go out.
It's hard to look serious when he's lying on top of Andrew's chest, glare peaking out, but he tries.
It's weekend three of Andrew's onslaught of alien movie sequels, and luckily he's promised to back off from now on.
Still. Neil's gonna pout all he wants.
A sound from outside makes him jump, but it's just an extra hard downpour knocking against the windows. If Neil closes his eyes, he almost sees the alien claws tapping on the glass, trying to get in.
"Poor, frightened little bunny," Andrew states without any inflection or tone, but Neil can sense the teasing underneath.
"Fuck you," he says, but it's dampened by the way he leans over to close the window blinds.
It helps. A little.
"And risk the alien contamination?" Andrew adds, tugging on Neil's bangs for his attention. Like he has to; he somehow always has it, even when Neil is less than pleased. "Tell me, just what do you think is going to happen? Nothing's going to burst out of you just from watching that movie."
Neil feels his stomach flip flop from the thought of it, his heart taking the tower of terror through his body. He makes a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat, and Andrew pulls him up by the scruff of his neck to get a better look at him.
"I still feel queasy," Neil says, a poor attempt at revenge. Andrew doesn't move away, isn't even remotely grossed out.
The blond just sighs, and rolls Neil over to the other side of the bed in a display of vulnerability. Instead of being pressed to the wall, Andrew's back is open to their room, to the world. Neil balks for a moment before he gets himself under control. They've done this a few times, so he closes his jaw. He knows he should be happy for these moments, not surprised by them. Because he knows they're not small. It's Andrew telling him something, it's Andrew giving. And that's nothing new.
Still, Andrew never has his back to the door, and it probably won't last long. Eventually they'll go back to their normal positions, but for now Andrew shields Neil from the world.
It's a silent emphasis, a promise.
Despite the dimness and the new tension in his shoulders, Andrew's gaze is like a spark to the gasoline pooling in Neil's body. "Neil, you're safe."
Yes. Deep down, that's the biggest truth of them all.
Neil sighs, and gently rolls them back over. It's his own affirmative, his own way of protecting Andrew—whether it be from real threats, or fictional ones. He slides over Andrew until he's on the edge of the bed, and is happy when the bits of tension bleed back out of Andrew. Much better.
"I know that." Neil curls up, and though his back is to the door, he doesn't turn away. It's another silent response. He's afraid, but he knows if an alien were to suddenly bust through the door...
Well, Andrew would let him know. "But I'm still...mph," he grunts, glaring at the blinds above Andrew, and this time, the edges of the blond's lips lift easily. Just for Neil to see.
Neil rolls his eyes for the billionth time, mostly at himself. "Yes, Andrew, the stupid alien movies scare me. I'm glad you're enjoying it so much."
He won't lie; he expects a silent response, maybe the old 'I don't enjoy anything' just to make him laugh, because they both know it's not true.
Instead, Andrew grabs his wrist, tracing the veins there with his thumb.
"You're right," he admits, slow, as if he's considering taking it back. Neil waits with bated breath, and Andrew must ultimately decide that it's impossible to. "I am."
The blatant admission catches him off guard, and well...Andrew can be pretty cute too, when he avoids Neil's gaze like this. The blond fixates on where they're connected, tracing the scars farther up Neil's arm.
Neil hums. "Because you're a cruel otherworldly imposter, or because you know I secretly have a thing for when I amuse you?"
The master plan, all along.
At Neil's cheeky grin, Andrew rolls onto his back, questioning his existence. He slides Neil's hand over his chest, draping it across him. "You're a nuisance," he mutters, and Neil's grin softens at the edges. He still doesn't understand it all, but when Andrew's being so open like this he can't help but dive in. He slides his hand lower, resting it over Andrew's heart.
"Your heart's beating fast," he says quietly, nearly a whisper. "Could be a chest burster."
"Mourn me," Andrew responds, and Neil smothers his laugh in his pillow. It's got that fresh lavender scent, and reminds him that there's no way he's going to do laundry by himself this week. That room is dark.
For whatever reason, that makes him laugh more. He hears Andrew move closer, hears the stuttering breath of words kept back, and peeks an eye out. Andrew tends to look kind of constipated when he's trying to say something especially revealing, and Neil has long since stopped telling him he doesn't have to.
Because...Andrew told him it wasn't necessary.
'If I want to say something, I'll say it.'
Neil smiles; he remembers thinking it was such an Andrew answer. So now he waits patiently, letting his giggles fade into staggered huffs.
Moments pass, and then, quietly: "I like it," Andrew says, voice barely above a whisper. It hasn't lost its firmness, its inability to be argued with. "I like that you're scared of something that actually can't ever hurt you."
Neil's smile falls, but he's not upset, not in the slightest.
Andrew's statement from weeks ago feels wrong now. It's Neil that doesn't know what to do with him sometimes.
There's plenty of things Neil is scared of—things that have actually hurt him, ruined and scarred him. Those fears are more deeply ingrained and clawing, impossible to erase completely with a few nights of sleep. He doesn't have to wonder if they're real, how they'd hurt him or how painful it would be.
He knows. He can feel the ghost of a blade often, the searing scent of burning flesh whenever he's near a bonfire or when he touches his scars. He sometimes still wakes up from nightmares of being held down, except this time he's not able to get back up. He's never able to run again.
And as much as Andrew would like to, he can't go and reach into the past to stop those things from happening. The realities are so much more frightening, and that terror has no remedy. Andrew knows that better than anyone.
So maybe it's nice, maybe it's just a little rewarding, to see Neil so scared of fictional aliens and monsters instead. Those are the things that can't hurt him, that can't reach him. Perhaps it's better that they occupy his mind instead so that the other demons do not.
And that's the consideration that has Neil so at a loss; he can't do much more than echo Andrew's name in his head over and over, and scoot closer to him until he's all he can make sense of.
It's quiet, aside from the rain, but now it actually sounds like itself, calm and cleansing.
"Well, yeah," Neil whispers into Andrew's chest, then sits up. He wants to say it more firmly, with no room for doubt. This way even if Andrew doesn't believe him...he knows how Neil feels. "You protected me from all that other stuff, so those fears...they're easier now."
He's never put it into words before, but it's the truth. He'll always have nightmares about knives and guns, about fires and cold, blue eyes. But he knows any new threats that come crawling back from the mafia underworld won't have just him to deal with. He'll have Andrew by his side, fighting.
So he's not as afraid of that.
Andrew's grip around him tightens, a promise that never has to be renewed. Neil knows it's forever in place.
On the other hand...
Neil nudges Andrew sheepishly, tapping his finger right between Andrew's pecs. "I just don't know if you stand a chance against an alien hivemind," Neil admits. Though to be fair, no one does. They're all fucked.
Andrew, after a beat of silence, concedes. "For once, I think you're right."
Neil nearly feels better from that, light and warm, but then Nicky comes back into the room and turns off the lights abruptly, plunging them into darkness.
And suddenly, nothing is okay.
He scoots as far away from the edge as possible, practically pinning Andrew to the wall, but the blond takes everything with a sigh.
He deserves it anyways.
Neil still jumps from any little sound the next few nights, and yes, Andrew has to walk him to the laundry room, but that's alright. The teasing he eventually gets from the rest of the Foxes is more than worth it if he gets to make Andrew hold him extra tight.
The fear eventually fades, diluted, but if he pretends to cling to it a bit longer…no one has to know.
If Andrew catches onto Neil's dramatic, fake flinches and continued unwillingness to go anywhere by himself, well...
He certainly doesn't point it out.
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Request from anon. I received this prompt during Christmas season and decided to keep it. I had so much fun writing it, so… enjoy, my lovelies! ;-)
Words: 3406 Warnings: shameless smut
Tony was grumpy, to say the least. It was Valentine’s Day and with his fiancé Pepper Potts miles away on a different continent to do press work for him, there was no one around to spoil with expensive jewellery, thousands of roses and countless boxes of chocolate. And whenever Tony was grumpy, someone else would suffer for it.
Usually, it was his snarky comments that put the rest of the Avengers in a bad mood as well, be it during meetings or shared meals. This time, however, the billionaire was a ticking time bomb. You all knew that staying away from him and letting him noodle around in his lab until he had cooled off again was the best thing to do—provoking him any further never went well.
Unfortunately though, Loki did not know that—or much rather, he did not want to believe it. He was a god, after all. Tony Stark was by no means entitled to intimidate or threaten him with his stupid remarks.
Tony and Natasha were in the vast living area in the Avengers compound, about to pour themselves a drink when Loki entered, seemingly displeased that he would not have the black leather couch to himself to read in peace.
Stark was still cross with him, of course, and Thor was no help. Apart from you, he was about the only one who treated the God of Mischief nicely, more or less.
It was thus no surprise he heard the two of them whispering together when he approached, glaring them both down with slight annoyance. Not soon after, they were joined by Clint and Thor.
“There you are! I was about to drink the whole bottle myself… again.” Tony announced with a shrug.
Loki rolled his eyes. He should have stayed in his bedroom.
“Brother, why don’t you have a drink with us? It’s Valentine’s Day!” Stark flinched when he mentioned the holiday, eyeing something in his hand which Loki could not see from the corner of his eye. The God of Thunder was playing right into Tony’s cards. It was about time somebody pranked Loki in return for all the mischief he had caused around the compound already—besides, he didn’t exactly like the Trickster.
Meanwhile, Loki sighed. Alcohol… well, it did do its job and helped numbing his stupid anxiety for a while. There was no reason to decline. He could always come back for more at night when the others were sleeping.
Quickly, he nodded in approval and watched Tony fill five glasses with his most expensive whiskey and add two ice cubes each. What he did not see, however, was that the last one, however, he spiked with a liquid blue substance. A few drops usually sufficed for a man to get him to perform more reliably, with Loki, however, he wasn’t quite sure. He was a god, after all—not from this world. So, without thinking, he poured the entire contents of the small glass bottle into his drink.
“Bottom’s up, Reindeer Games!” He yelled, fighting back a wicked smirk as he handed out the drinks and made sure that Loki received the one he had spiked with liquid Viagra. Oh, this was going to be so much fun, even if he wouldn’t witness himself the agony Loki would be going through in but a few hours.
He almost choked on his drink when the God of Mischief downed the whiskey in one go without clinking his glass with the others, then rolled his eyes once more and left. He really couldn’t wait to see how groggy, spent and utterly unsatisfied Loki would be tomorrow morning. He should tell FRIDAY to get the cameras ready.
Loki gasped, shifting uncomfortably on his bed. He had been reading the same chapter over and over for the past hour and had still not picked up its content. Something was horribly off. He felt like he was on fire, burning from the inside out and the heat, consuming and demanding, crept right towards his crotch.
His manhood twitched, hungry for attention and satisfaction as he felt himself growing so incredibly hard his loins were aching by the time he stood from the bed, moaning to himself. Granted, it had been a while since he had attended to his sexual needs but why did his Jötun body decide now, for Heaven’s sake, to ask for such carnal relief? Now that there was no royal concubine near that he could lure into his chambers for pleasure?
Gasping once more, he gave his cock a gentle squeeze, learning fairly quickly that whatever he was experiencing was most certainly not a normal erection. Much rather it felt like his arousal had been forced on him, like his own body had turned against him, manipulated by… Stark.
Loki tensed up. He must have put something in his drink. Cursing in Old Norse, he flung his book onto the bed and groaned. He should have known better. His malicious smile had been treacherous and he, for once, had been too naïve to act on it. What harm could an arrogant mortal being do to a god of royal blood, after all? He would have his revenge but for now, in his current state—a large bulge lurking in his leather trousers—there was no way he would let any of the Avengers catch sight of him.
He was unfamiliar with whatever Stark had spiked his drink with, his seidr was therefore rather useless until he could identify what had poisoned his body and whether it was permanent. Something told him, however, that if he simply jerked off and brought himself relief with his hand, his problem would not be solved.
Loki hated to admit it but he needed help—and there was only one person in the compound in line for the task.
You frowned when somebody knocked on your door. If this was Clint or Natasha asking you to get ready for another mission, you would positively throw the lamp on your nightstand at them. It was Valentine’s Day and you had all right to pout in bed, eat popcorn and chocolate and watch cheesy movies all day long.
You certainly didn’t expect Loki of all people to spoil your plans though. You got along fairly well, had shared quite a few late night conversations about life, his past and your future, yet most of the time the God of Mischief behaved rather restrained and never initiated any kind of socialism.
His jaw was working fiercely as he looked down at you with a dark glare. You smelled trouble.
“I need your help.”
Raising an eyebrow, you felt the corners of your mouth twitch. “Yes, I am fine, Loki, thank you for asking. Don’t worry, I wasn’t busy at all.” You said sarcastically.
The God of Mischief only rolled his eyes before he entered your bedroom and shut the door behind him so forcefully you flinched, sending a wave of worry through your body.
“Okay, what happened?” You continued a little softer. “Are you alright?”
“Clearly I am not.” He snapped back, pointing at his crotch. When you looked down, your eyes widened. Jesus Christ, he was hard. For a moment, you were utterly confused. Obviously, Loki was aroused, you just could not figure out why he would ask you for help.
“Stark spiked my drink,” he explained to enlighten you. “He put something in it and now…” Helplessly, he lifted his hands and dropped them again.
Oh. Holy shit… it didn’t take you long to put one and one together. The only logical explanation was that Stark had secretly poured liquid Viagra into Loki’s whiskey and he was now desperately dealing with the consequences. What you still couldn’t understand, however, was why he would march into your room with a giant bulge in his trousers.
The urge to burst out laughing grew with every second you looked at his pained expression. Being this hard without any form of relief working him towards orgasm felt unpleasant to say the least, yet the irony of the situation was hilarious. Loki, the God of Mischief, tricked into taking Viagra by Tony Stark.
“You’re a healer, do something about this… condition of mine.”
“Doctor. We call them doctors here on Earth and I am not. I mean, not yet. I had to pause my studies to help save the world, remember?”
“Whatever,” Loki hissed. “I need your help.”
Sighing, you gulped to stop yourself from grinning, attempting to remain serious.
“Okay, so it appears Tony has… spiked your drink with Viagra, also known as sildenafil citrate. It’s a very common pharmaceutical used to treat erectile dysfunction. That’s why it does what it… well, does.”
Loki narrowed his eyes at you, shock written all over his face. “Well, how do I stop it?”
“Um… you can’t, really. All we can do is wait for it to go away. Viagra is not harmful to your body, not if dosed correctly. I can imagine Tony exaggerated but your anatomy is much different from ours. I’m sure you will be fine.”
“How long does it last?” Loki asked with a dark voice.
“It can last up to five hours. If I am correct and Tony overdosed…” Then he might even stay hard after experiencing an orgasm. Why on Earth did the thought of this get you all hot and bothered? You had to admit it was rather sexy and arousing to see the God of Mischief stand before you with an impressive erection, desperate for someone to help him to some relief.
“I am not going to put up with this agony for five hours. There has to be something you can do about it.”
“Nothing that I know of, Loki.” At least, nothing that would be ethically and morally correct for a prospective doctor. But the excited glistening in your eyes gave you away. Loki took a step closer. You had a feeling he knew exactly what was going through your mind.
“You are a doctor, no?”
“Prospective d-doctor…”
“So I hereby ask for a treatment. Have you not sworn to help people out of their predicaments when you committed yourself to your medical studies?”
Swallowing thickly, you noticed your heartbeat speeding up.
“Y-yes but—“
“So help me then.” His voice was hoarse and devastated when he spoke, his body so close to yours you could feel his cool breath on your lips. You could tell his desire for pleasure was growing—and even though you were not opposed by the idea of him freeing his hard member from those tight leather trousers and stroke himself before your eyes, eventually, you agreed.
“Fine. Let me… take a look.”
Pleased with your answer, Loki nodded. It seemed like time was passing in slow motion when he undid the buttons of his trousers and pulled out his aching cock. It twitched under your scrutinising gaze, sending waves of heat and wetness straight to your own private body parts.
Stop. You had to remain professional. Clearing your throat, you knelt down in front of him, placing your palms on his strong thighs for support. Tony had definitely exaggerated with the dose. You could tell that Loki was in pain and while you did not understand why he didn’t just jerk off in his own bedroom to take away at least some of the pressure in his sack, the desire to touch him grew with every passing second.
So you simply did. What was there to deny? You wanted him. Gently at first, you let the tips of your fingers slide over his warm shaft, feeling the velvety skin and tracing the bluish vein until Loki involuntarily bucked his hips to meet your touch.
There was a tempting drop of precum glistening at the tip, inviting you to lick it off and suck him into your mouth. In fact… in fact you might actually be able to help him, screw a doctor’s principals and morals.
Licking your lips in joyful anticipation, you leaned forward and wrapped your lips around his cock, your tongue teasing his slit. A moan escaped your lips when you tasted his hard flesh.
“What… in Valhalla… are you doing?” He panted, eyes widened with shock.
With a silent smack, you withdrew, gazing up at him with innocent eyes. You understood the irony of the situation, of course. He had wanted mortals to kneel before him—and now you did, worshipping his cock because you were greedy and perhaps even delusional.
“I am helping you…” You choked out only a moment before you busied yourself with his aching length once more, licking over it with relish and causing him to grunt and throw his head back in pure bliss.
Now this was certainly an interesting turn of events but who were you to judge? This was so much better than watching cheesy movies and eating heart-shaped chocolate.
Soon, you were bopping your head in frenzy, taking in as much of him as you could while your hands attended to his balls to caress them gently, your other hand taking care of what your throat wouldn’t cover. Saliva was dripping down your chin, your delicious moans only fuelling his arousal as the sweet sounds echoed through the room and the vibrations teased his cock even further.
His weak attempt not to thrust wildly into your lovely mouth failed rapidly, hips bucking uncontrollably in a steady but frantic rhythm all the while his hands came up to hold your head in place for his pleasure.
“Norns, I am going to…” His last words were interrupted by an animalistic growl as he came, spilling his seed down your throat. Eagerly, you swallowed all he gave you, suckling on the tip until he was completely empty.
Several seconds passed after you had released him, your lips swollen and pink. Licking over them to devour the remnants of his seed, you only noticed when you shifted on the floor that you had soaked your panties.
Loki looked you directly in the eye. He was hungry. Hungry for more.
“Get on the bed,” he growled darkly, blue eyes fixed on you like a predator. He was still hard. How much Viagra had Tony given him? Usually, an erection disappeared again after climax—very apparently, however, like you had even suspected, this did not seem to be the case for Loki.
Swallowing hard, you remembered your own words. Up to five hours…
Actually, you had no idea what made you obey him. Was it his commanding tone, the stern and aroused expression on his face or your own need for relief and pleasure? In the end, it didn’t matter, not really.
You squeaked when Loki climbed on top of you so fast you had barely time to blink. Greedily, he began to tug at your clothes, staring at them as if there were made of living insects. Clearly, they were in the way. So they had to go.
Without much effort, the God of Mischief simply ripped the fabric off your body, making you whine in response. Those were your favourite pyjamas. Right now, however, you couldn’t care less. Much more important was the outrageously handsome god hovering above you like a hungry wolf, ready to devour its prey—and that he did.
His blue eyes roamed over your now naked body hungrily, devouring each and every curve with his gaze. One of his large hands came up to fondle your breasts, exploring your mounts passionately all the while his other hand travelled down over your stomach, leaving a trail of goose bumps to sneak between your legs.
You whimpered when Loki’s fingers parted your heated flesh and gave your clit a teasing stroke before wandering down to your slit to make sure you were wet enough for his intrusion. Oh and you were positively dripping for him.
The God of Mischief smirked as he withdrew his hand. Effortlessly, he snatched your wrists and pinned them down above your head all the while forcing himself between your legs, his hard cock grazing your folds. With but one firm thrust, he buried himself inside you to the hilt, moaning out loud in the process.
You could only gasp in response. Obviously, with his girth and length, you had not expected any man to be a patch on him, yet when he filled you so fully, deliciously… you felt your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you arched your back, urging him on to fuck you. And with the amount of Viagra cursing through his body… who was he to deny you anyway?
Loki chuckled hoarsely, making you shiver in joyful anticipation. Picking up a quick pace, he began to ram his hard meat into you, over and over until you were ready to burst from all the pleasure. Oh damn… he had officially ruined you for any other man to come after him.
With every single thrust, Loki appeared to hit all of your hidden pleasure spots—pleasure spots you didn’t even know existed. And now, they carried you right towards an earth-shattering orgasm that threatened to take away all of your senses.
Rutting into you relentlessly, he lowered his head to wrap his lips around one of your hardened nipples, nibbling and sucking on them until his name burst from your own lips like a prayer. Your hips came up to meet his thrusts, encouraging him to go even deeper and faster which he happily obliged.
“You… need… to… cum… for… me.” He panted. “Now… Norns… CUM, NOW!”
You felt your walls contracting around him the moment he shot ropes of his seed inside of you, coating the inside of your pussy with his essence. Your orgasm rippled through you like liquid fire, pumping pleasure through your body so intensely you desperately gasped for air. You could feel Loki twitch and pulse inside of you as he released himself, his cum seeping out of you when he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to you after allowing you both to ride out your orgasms.
Both of you had expected he would not soften as of yet. His erection still stood, proudly, waiting for him to go on and take as much pleasure as was needed to help him make use of all the Viagra in his body.
So he pulled you on top of him, earning him another squeal from you. Your frantic giggling, for you were still high on your climax, stopped the moment he made you sit down on his length to fill you once more.
Only moments after you were bouncing up and down on him for all he was worth, your nails digging into his pale chest.
By the time he was done with you, you both were a sweating and panting mess. Your hair stuck to your moist skin, your cheeks were reddened and your limbs shaking, the bed and your thighs wet with your slick juices.
Seven and a half hours. Seven and a half hours had passed until his aching erection had finally gone away and he could rest, spent and utterly satisfied.
You had begged him for breaks, asked him to slow down. In return, you had brought him pleasure with your hands and mouth to soothe his undying arousal and then, after one last shared orgasm, Loki’s lips came crashing down on yours, his tongue fighting for dominance which you granted him all but willingly. He kissed you so ferociously you knew that not only you had lost control over your body with him but also control over your heart.
You had fallen asleep in his arms fast. Keeping up with a god was exhausting, to say the least. Loki had forced you into countless of orgasms, almost making you lose your mind to him. Well, you were not going to complain.
Loki grinned to himself as he stroked your head lightly with an almost loving gaze. He had set his eyes on you ever since he had arrived at the Avengers compound, one of the very few bearable mortals to be around with. He had to admit, however, he had not known how much he had desired you until you had knelt before him to inspect his rock-hard member.
It mattered not. Now, you were his. If only Stark knew he had actually done him a favour in the end…
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I’d be flattered if you supported me on KoFi! kofi.com/sserpente (or hit the “Support me” button on my blog) ♥
Check out my masterlist for more Loki stories, for Tumblr has been swallowing a lot of my posts lately...
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everythingoesnk · 5 years
I love you, John
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summary; in the fandom we say brian’s the 5th beatle. well now he’s the 6th bc in this you’re a member of the band. basically you’re in love with john but he’s dating yoko and............. it’s all a disaster
word count; 2 966
warnings; angst at its finest. i’m sorry if u find it trashy but i tried and that’s what counts
There was no way you could face this feeling. It damaged your mental health to the point of insufferable anxiety.
Nobody knew about those episodes.
Was it something that you enjoyed, seeing front row how your friendship shattered to useless fragments? Did you look like you didn’t care about how he distanced himself more each time without looking back? Like nothing or no one else mattered? Of course not.
He was alien to the fact he wasn’t the only one suffering.
At least this was the reason you found that made the most sense to his coldness and passively behaviour towards everyone. Or the justification you wanted to believe, refusing to accept that reality was that he didn’t mind everything falling apart.
The tortuous thought that John wanted to see it all reduced to ashes crossed your mind every once in a while.
Paul sighed loudly when he didn’t get any answer from you after calling multiple times. He randomly pounded several piano keys at once, creating a frightening awful sound, then dragged himself to his feet and anxiously left the room.
None of that made you tore your eyes away from John, though.
He was talking to Yoko, who was sitting on the floor beside him, nodding her head as she followed with her gaze what he was pointing at in the music sheet. Occasionally she’d interrupt him to opine. When that happened he would shut up and listen.
John was very polite when asking for thoughts, always open to new ideas and constantly seeking people's opinions on his work.
Ringo’s eyes were glued on you, George noticed, and he knew the drummer was thinking the same exact thing he was. Ringo nodded in his direction and left to find something to eat: you’d been rehearsing for three hours and he hadn't had breakfast in the morning.
"We're all getting used to it"
Outwardly speaking, George's nonchalant-wannabe words had no apparent reaction in you. On the inside, they crushed your soul deeper into misery.
You hummed an ‘approving’ sound to dodge the pressure of having to form a proper sentence.
Concentration back again on tuning the knobs of the guitar, George put his aside on the floor and watched you closely. Then sighed and pressed his lips together.
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?”
"The ticking"
Pokerfaced, you stopped your actions to sneak a look at him.
"What ticking?” you asked grimly.
"Yours," he replied, pointing a finger at you. “You’re about to explode”
“We have a comedian in the building, how appropriate” you proclaimed nodding your head at him mockingly.
He grinned and dropped his gaze to the floor before speaking to you again.
“Come with me,” he said, getting up, “I’m craving a smoke”
“I’ll join in a moment. I want to finish writing down a couple of things first”
"Oh yeah?" George wasn’t convinced at all.
He removed a strand of hair from his face. In vain ‘cause it returned shortly to the same place where he’d shoved it away from.
George stared at you, hands on the hips.
Sunk in your seat, you glanced at him too without blinking.
"I’m inspired," you added, one last attempt to make him believe you.
You could try. You could try giving that song you’d been working on a new chance.
"Okay," he nodded, lowering the guard, and kissed your forehead, "you know where to find me"
"Sure, Geo"
You smiled and rapidly shot him a big grin, thumbs held up as well, when he turned around to take a good last look at you before closing the door behind his back.
As soon as he was nowhere around, your smile was found gone.
It was only you, John and Yoko now.
It must have been the tenth time that, desperately, you ran your hands through your hair.
Perhaps the problem was you. And you were just exaggerating everything.
But did she have to stick her nose in something that had nothing to do with her?
You didn’t mind her discussing the songs. But never in a million years could you believe she had the ovaries to criticize them. To criticize your work. Paul’s work, George’s and Richie’s work.
Never John’s, though. It must be said to add a little more context to you losing it.
You weren't nosy, but she didn't try to be inconspicuous either.
That bitch’d been talking shit about what she referred to as ‘Ringo’s lame thing’, claiming that Octopus’s Garden was kind of embarrassing and that it didn’t deserve to be on a Beatles record. She didn’t even bother asking about the meaning behind it, the ignorant cretin.
You bit your tongue until you just couldn't anymore.
"God," you exhaled.
Yoko heard your sigh but said nothing about it, bowing her head. She wished John’d do the same, but deep down she knew he’d have something to say.
And of course, he did.
"What's up?" he asked lifting an eyebrow, eyes jumping from you to Yoko and back.
"One gets tired of listening to bullshit" you warranted in a singsong voice, not looking up from the paper and without interrupting your writing.
It took a few seconds for you to get a response.
"Nothing she said was bullshit," John defended, hinting that her opinion was as valid as anyones.
You understood his words differently.
"Rich’s mad excited about it and it’s a great song,” you hurried to argue, this time meeting his stare, “the number of hours and dedication he's putting into it is inhuman. You should know that”
A little –huge— bit of your protective side towards Ringo was showing, but you didn’t care. Octopus’s Garden was beautiful and you’d die defending so if necessary.
"I didn't mean—"
“Are you sure?” you interrupted, turning your body in his direction, leaning in before spitting the poison out, “because lately she seems to speak for you. Whatever Yoko says, there you are giving your approval”
John stood still for at least a minute, momentarily speechless.
Yoko approached him to tell him to forget it and leave before things got uglier.
When you called the conversation off after he hadn’t spoken a word, trying to handle what you just so hostilely reprimanded, you went back to your thing, conscious that you were too unstable and broken to even pick the pencil up again.
Sure you didn’t want him to know you weren’t as strong as you wanted to appear to be, but you had to close your eyes for a moment and exhale after he moved to stand next to you.
He didn’t know the power he had on you. It’d take a snap of his fingers to ruin you for eternity.
“You’ve to fix your shit and get over it,” John grunted, fed up with the constant attacks that Yoko directly and indirectly received. It all got too much to handle.
You laughed in his face.
“Fix my shit? How, John, when the shit’s in the same room?”
John paused again, shocked.
His eyes languidly turned cold and hard.
Could you maybe have gone a step too far? There was no denying. Were you regretful? Not at all. Did your heart, constricted in your breast painfully hindering your catch of air, speed up its pace at the look John was giving you, scared about what he was going to say next? Absolutely.
"What the fuck’s wrong with you? I've had enough of the continuous offences to my wife! Now this?!” he snapped, yelling.
You avoided by all means raising your voice since it’s pretty much known that doing so does not make you any more right. The tone was something you could take control over, unfortunately, it was way more difficult to hide how it trembled.
“If I started to say what I was fed up with we’d never finish the album. And we have to, right, John? The sooner the better,” you challenged in a cold-blooded boost of courage, knowing you were entering a difficult and muddy territory.
The bomb timer George talked about earlier was at its limit.
That John asked Yoko afterwards to leave you two alone was just the appetizer of what was coming.
“(Y/N), you have attitude problems. The way you treat Yoko is horrible and unfair. She just wants to help” he tried to let you know where he was coming from, going back to a more suitable tone to appeal you.
“When we ask her for help, her presence will be welcomed”
“Enough now. Enough, (Y/N)” he shook his head and glanced at you fiercely. You swallowed. "Shit, what the hell’s going on with you and your twisted mind? You’re unbearable"
“Am I unbearable?” you gasped, blood heating your face, and immediately stood up. “You’re insufferable!! Twenty-four hours together like… like… like two fucking creeps!” you screamed, quickly forgetting about the ‘not raising your voice’ thing, gesturing an awful lot to express your irritation.
His expression of disbelief morphed onto one of monumental anger.
"And don't come at me with that ‘attitude problems’ crap. I’m not the only one who wants her out” you lectured in a bitter fit of temper, voice unwillingly shaky.
“If you have a problem with Yoko being around, the door is right there” he answered, pronounced tightness clear in his words.
Your heart sank to the very bottom of the Earth’s core, and the floor beneath your feet started trembling, just like you hallucinated once after dropping acid with Paul: the whole body in an uninterrupted burning perception that you could just blow up and die.
John was unpredictable, but you never expected him to show you the way out. He flushed your feelings down the toilet just like that.
“Damn right the door’s right there. I’m getting the fuck out” you stressed, turning around to leave so he wouldn’t see the sea of tears that started to overflow down your face.
From the very beginning of your friendship, you knew you had a massive soft spot reserved for him in your heart, but as years passed you were assured you were deeply and profoundly in love with every part of him. You adored and cared about John more than you did to yourself, which sounds and is scary, but you couldn’t do anything to stop it. It was the way that it was.
At this point you didn’t even care anymore that he didn’t return the same feelings, you just wanted him in your life one way or the other. His happiness was everything that mattered to you. It’d always remain that way no matter what happened.
John rubbed his eyes and sighed loudly.
“Don’t leave,” he said hopelessly, looking defeated, arms hanging on his sides, “I don’t want you to be mad at me”
“I’M NOT MAD AT YOU, IDIOT!” you exploded, whirling around to face him. “And I hate that! I hate it!”
Tears and tears kept streaming down your face. You knew you were being embarrassingly cringey and you’d punch yourself later for that.
There was no coming back now: the timer detonated and the pieces of your broken heart were all over the place, imaginarily staining the carpet as small volcanoes attached to them kept erupting and painting all red.
An anguish heaving pain in the pit of your stomach and throat was bit by bit killing you.
Nine years. Nine years in love with this man and he didn’t have the slimmest clue about how you felt.
He was about to find out.
John was surprised to meet your bloodshot eyes and quivering lips. He panicked when he saw that tears were also coming out of your nose down to your lips.
“I hate that you could hurt me over and over and that I’d always find ways to forgive you” you cried, and you wished you had a tissue to blow out your nose in it.
John was at a loss of words.
“Because I love you” you wailed, and rolled your eyes afterwards at that because it was so inconvenient and wrong to say it out loud.
In his consciousness, a voice snapped at him to take action and comfort you, but his feet seemed to be rooted to where he was standing. You were so vulnerable and fragile, full body shaking and shoulders tight, air constantly bursting in and out of your mouth, impossible to control your sobs. All because of him.
“I don’t… I don’t…” John struggled, heartbeat racing a million miles per second.
“I know you don’t!” you sputtered, an excruciating feeling that he’d never want to be with you choking you extremely. "Up until now I thought I could live with it, but you keep bringing her here! Why do you have to bring her?” you sobbed, covering your face.
John couldn’t quite tell whether it was your statement and confession what made his heart heavier with misery or the nicotine in the amount of tobacco smoke still hovering in the room, demanding it to work harder.
By the time he felt sorrowness suffocating him, he couldn’t deny it was the first option.
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry…”
As he watched you gulp for air, he couldn’t feel more incompetent and clueless.
You compressed your lips so he wouldn’t get to hear you sobbing; turning your back at him to hide your blotchy face, you heard footsteps approaching you.
John went to put a hand on your shoulder and hold you, but you winced and complained, stepping away from him, as if the contact burned your skin.
Staring at him in the eye, you shook your head.
“Do not touch me”
“(Y/N), we have to sit down and talk this through. I cannot—“
“I don’t want to keep talking about it. I said my part and I know what’s crossing your mind. ‘Poor (Y/N), I feel so bad for her, I hope she gets over it soon’. Nine years, John”
He swallowed.
“I’m sure there’s a way—“
“There isn’t! I love you and you don’t love me! What is there to discuss?”
Glancing across at him, you could perfectly see how he cared and how frightened and terrified he was about the situation. You were one of the most important people in his life, and to think that he thought he knew you, but missed what you were genuinely feeling towards him for almost a decade… He felt horrible.
Yoko was the love of his life, but he also loved you with all his heart.
He was sorry that it wasn’t enough.
George stepped into the room and walked further in to pull you towards him. He'd been watching for just a few seconds, because as soon as he saw what was going on, he intended to leave, at the end of the day it was none of his business, but he knew you needed him and therefore took the decision to end the scene.
Rubbing your back, he whispered in your hair if you wanted to leave. You just nodded.
“Wait, George. I need to talk to her”
“You heard her. She doesn’t want to”
John got mad at him.
“All I’m asking is a few minutes. Don’t expect me to drop it when she’s like that”
Maybe by ‘that’ he meant that you looked like a train just ran you over. Casually, that’s how you felt. If not worse.
You rested your head on George’s shoulder and murmured something about needing to go now because you couldn’t be in John’s presence no more.
“(Y/N), please” you heard John beg.
George and you walked to the door and he told you to wait outside, touching your cheek with a small smile on his lips, encouraging you to take it as an opportunity to calm down.
You obliged, but heard everything they were saying anyway.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” John cursed. “Why won’t you let me speak to her? This is serious, please”
John tried to get to the door but George barred the way.
“Are you gonna tell her you love her?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow.
John stared at his bandmate blankly, the expression of confusion on his face speaking for itself.
“Are you gonna tell her you’re leaving Yoko to spend your life with her?” George continued, making a point that he knew John would understand.
You bit your lip at that and wept silently.
John’s eyes were slowly piling up hot tears.
“That’s what I thought” George spoke in an undertone.
After that, George left him and found you sitting on the ground in the corridor. He took a seat next to you.
Spontaneous sobs and shiverings that you couldn’t hold back happened every now and then. You were grateful that George wouldn’t address them.
“I’m pathetic”
“No you’re not”
“Yes I am” you shook your head and sniffed, feeling lamentable. “I didn’t know I’d end up confessing one day. I assumed I’d carry it to the crave”
Two staff members from the cleaning crew walked by, and you stopped talking. When they were gone, George turned to look at you.
“I believe things happen for a reason and that fate is written. You and John not being a thing may be for the best. It’s gonna be hard, but you have to move on”
“Move on…”
He nodded.
You moved to face him and stared strongly into his eyes. That was it.
“Move on” you repeated out loud as a mantra, staring off into nowhere.
George furrowed an eyebrow.
You inhaled and exhaled at the same time that you closed and opened your eyes. Moving on would be the first step to a better stage within yourself.
“I’m leaving”
Puzzlement clouded George’s features.
“Leave… where?”
“The band, Geo. I’m quitting the band”
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baconsoupforthesoul · 5 years
We’ll Kiss, Just as Before
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOBER!!! I hope you have a birthday as wonderful as you are friendo <3 This one-shot is a follow up of sorts to this piece I wrote for the Ink Demonth (and also this piece that John wrote, which inspired the art that inspired me haha). The song mentioned in this is Beyond the Sea by Bobby Darin, which you can listen to here. As always, for the Bioshock au, Henry/Alpha and Lyra belongs to @inkspottie, Ross/Omega, Lois and Aaron belong to the birthday girl @doberart, Delta belongs to @trashboatprince, Harvey/Sigma belongs to @hntrgurl13 and breifly mentioned is @gruvu’s Zeta. Get ready for a mushy one guys, and I hope you all enjoy~
The sun shone brightly through the window as Delta lounged idly on a couch in Ross’s living room, with Bendy curled up still half-asleep in his lap. Henry sat on a sofa nearby, deeply invested in a book he was reading. Ross was in the kitchen with his wife helping her with breakfast. It had been a few weeks since they had escaped from that hellscape under the sea. Harvey had gone back to his home a few days ago with Alice, leaving just Henry, Delta and Bendy staying at Ross’s house for the time being. Henry knew he should go back to his own apartment soon. He had troubled Ross enough as it was. But a part of him was afraid to go back to his empty apartment. The horrors he’d seen down there, the memories he’d regained, the trauma all of them had gone through, Henry was sure that as soon as he stepped into his vacant apartment, that would all come rushing to the forefront. The nightmares he had experienced since escaping were bad enough, experiencing them alone would be even worse.
“Hey,” Delta called, getting the attention of his brother, as the former big daddy stared out the front window. “We just escaped from certain death down there… shouldn't we, ya know… throw a party or something?”
“What?” Henry sounded incredulous as he set down his book. It was too early in the morning for this.
“Yeah, a party,” Delta continued, a huge grin spreading across his face. “I mean, isn't surviving something to celebrate? And being free from that awful place, right? That’s definitely worth throwing a big shindig for.”
“Yes, because normal people definitely celebrate almost dying in an underwater city,” Henry deadpanned. “Who would we even invite Delta? Our situation isn’t exactly easy to explain. It was hard enough explaining it to Ross’s kids.”
“What are we explaining to my kids?” Ross asked as he stepped into the room, a steaming cup of joe in his hand. 
“Not dying!” Delta exclaimed, looking way too happy.
“Um, I mean, that’s a good thing for everybody to learn... but what?” Ross just looked even more confused.
“What Delta is trying and failing to get at is, he wants to throw a party to celebrate us not dying down in Rapture,” Henry explained, rubbing a tired hand down his face.
“I mean… we could I guess,” Ross mused as he rubbed the back of his head, taking a seat next to Henry. “Not sure who’d we even invite to such a party but if you really want to…”
“You don’t need to encourage him, Ross,” Henry drawled, giving his brother the side-eye as the former big daddy stuck his tongue out at him.
“Stop being a party pooper, Henry,” Delta complained. “Come on, it doesn’t have to be that big of a thing. We could just invite Harvey, and Alice. And then Ross’s kids cause they know what happened. And then they could bring the grandkids if they want to. Oh, and we can invite over Linda’s friend! What’s her name again?” Delta scrunched his forehead in thought as he snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name on the tip of his tongue.
“Oh, you mean Lyra?” Ross guessed and a huge smile broke out across Delta’s face.
“That’s the one! The one Henry thinks is cute!”
“W-what?” All of Henry’s sass drained out of him as his cheeks flushed at the thought of seeing Linda’s friend once again.
“Awww, aren’t you so precious. You even blush when I mention her~” Delta cooed, causing Henry to blush even more.
“You talking about Lyra in here?” Linda asked as she walked into the living room, idling drying a dish in her hand.
“N-no!” Henry squeaked.
“Yes!” Delta piped up, a shit-eating grin on his face, while Ross chuckled in the background.
“You know she’s just a phone call away if you want to see her, Henry. Or you could just walk over to her place, it’s not that far away,” Linda told the sweater-clad man, as he seemed to be burying himself into his turtleneck out of embarrassment.
“Anyway, teasing Henry aside,” Delta tried to talk between chuckles. “Linda, would it be alright if we threw a “Getting out of Rapture Alive” party? I promise it will be small, and we won’t trash your house or nothing.”
“Hmmm,” Linda tapped her chin in thought. “I don’t see why not? It could be fun. Might want to give it some time though. It won’t be much of a party until you’re all fully healed.” Linda took a seat next to her husband and gave him a kiss on the check, causing Ross to blush slightly. “I’m not throwing a party until I know you’re well enough to walk around without your cane. Speaking of,” Linda frowned at her husband. “Where is your cane? Did you happen to forget it again?”
“Alright alright,” Ross held up his hands in defeat. “Can’t argue with the nurse. I’ll go get it.”
“You walking around without it defeats the whole purpose of it, hun. I’ll go get it.” Linda told him as she gave him another kiss on the check. Ross turned his head and gently cupped the back of his wife’s neck to give her a proper kiss on the lips.
“What would I do without you, dear?” Ross asked, staring longingly into his wife’s eyes.
“Not take care of yourself apparently,” Linda teased him as she got up and walked back towards the kitchen. “Oh, by the way, breakfast is ready if you guys are hungry.”
“Breakfast…?” Bendy finally woke up and looked around the room with half-opened eyes. “Did someone say breakfast?”
“She sure did little guy,” Delta smiled softly down at his little devil. “You want some bud?”
“Yes please,” Bendy answered in a sleepy voice as Delta lifted him up onto his shoulder.
“Well there’s plenty for everyone,” Linda told them as she walked back with Ross’s cane. “It won’t stay warm forever though, so get it while it’s hot.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Delta repiled, heading to the kitchen with his son, Ross and Linda right behind him. Henry smiled as he set his book on the end table next to him. This was nice. It was the first time in his life that he had felt like part of a family. He hated to impose on Ross more than he already had, but he wasn’t ready to leave just yet. Soon… but not yet.
It took almost a month for Linda to declare that the boys were fit enough to throw their “Getting out of Rapture Alive” party, but the time spent resting did not dull Delta’s enthusiasm. Just as he had said, it was a small party. with just Ross’s kids along with their respective spouses and grandkids, Lyra, Alice, Bendy and of course Henry, Ross, Delta and Harvey in attendance. But it was… nice. There weren't too many people they felt comfortable sharing their Rapture adventure with anyway. However, just being around their loved ones, and taking the time to relax and unwind was very welcome. Even Henry had to admit the party was a good idea, even if he spent most of it a blushing mess as Lyra chatted happily with him. As Henry stuttered over his words, his gaze roaming across the room to avoid looking at Lyra’s amused emerald eyes, he couldn’t help but notice Delta and Bendy over by the record player. The two of them appeared to be rifling through Ross’s albums. 
“Come on, come on…” Delta muttered to himself as Bendy looked down from where he was perched on his shoulder, tail swishing back and forth idely. “I know he has it, he said it was one of their favorites…” Delta stuck out his tongue in concentration as he flipped through Ross’s music collection.
“There it is!” Bendy declared happily, eagerly pointing at an album Delta almost skipped by. “That’s the one!”
“Nice spot Bendy,” Delta smiled and raised his hand so Bendy could give him a high five. The former big daddy carefully took out the record, and went to go set it up, grinning the entire time.
As Delta was picking out the music selection, Ross was sitting down on a nearby couch, his right arm wrapped around his wife’s shoulders as they  chatted with Aaron and Lois, as the married couple hadn’t had a chance to ask their children what they had been up to the last time they visited. The two Ross kids had been a little preoccupied in learning about their parents hellish time in Rapture to really get a chance to catch up. As they talked, Ross found his mind wandering a bit as he surveyed the scene around him. It almost seemed surreal, this level of normalcy. To think that a little over a month ago Ross had been back in the one place he swore he never wanted to see again, fighting his way through an insane underwater city to save his wife and his new-found brothers. It hadn’t been that long since he had found out the truth of what happened down there, about who he was and about all the horrible things Joey had done to their studio. 
But after all of that, after all the pain, suffering and heartache, he was here. He was back with his family, more family even. Everybody was safe and happy. The only ones missing where Norman and Zeta, as the scientist had elected to stay down in Rapture for the time being so he could help the giant song bird into a more human form. But Ross knew it was only a matter of time before those two returned to the surface as well. It almost seemed too good to be true. Ross squeezed his wife’s shoulder, looking over at her in an attempt to remind himself that this was all real. That he had found the peace and happiness he had been craving for so long.
When Linda felt the gentle pressure on her shoulder, she looked over to find her husband’s green eyes were a little bit misty, but a small smile still graced his face as he stared lovingly at her.
“Uhh, Dad? You alright? You kind of went quiet for a second there,” Aaron asked, looking a little concerned.
“Huh?” Ross blinked for a second and turned over to his son, looking a little sheepish. “Sorry, I must've blanked out for a second.”
“You feeling alright, dear?” Linda asked. “You looked like you were a million miles away for a moment.”
“No no, I’m fine.” Ross waved off her concern. “I was just thinking... about how well everything turned out. I mean, all things considered.”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around it,” Lois admitted, her eyes downcast as she ran a hand through her hair. “The fact that you guys went back there and made it back home at all is a miracle. I’m just….” Lois took a deep breath, composing herself. “I’m just so thankful you guys are okay.”
“Me too,” Ross gave his daughter a soft smile. “And don’t you worry. We plan to keep it that way. I’m too old for adventures like that anymore.”
“I don’t know if ‘adventure’ is the word I would use,” Linda remarked. “But definitely, we’ll try not to scare you kids like that again.”
“We’re gonna hold you to that,” Aaron replied, causing Ross to let out a huff of laughter.
As Ross was conversing with his family, the former soldier failed to notice Delta turning on his record player. The former soldier's eyes widened as a familiar song filtered through the air.
Beyond the sea~
Somewhere, waiting for me~”
This… this was one of his and Linda’s favorites. Ross quickly scans the room and sees Delta standing by the record player, grin stretched across his face as he gave him a thumbs up. A smile slowly tugged at the corners of Ross’s mouth as a thought occurred to him.
“My lover stands on golden sands~
And watches the ships that go sailin'~”
“Oh, I know that look,” Linda chuckled as she turned to her husband, her eyes alight with mirth.
Ross rose from his seat and extended his hand to his wife. “Would you do me the honor of sharing this dance with me, my dear?” Ross inquired, a stunning smile lighting up the room.
Linda returned her husband’s smile and took his hand. “I think the honor is all mine, my love~” She replied, her voice laced with playful affection.
Beyond the sea~
She's there watching for me~”
“Oh boy, of course this song comes on and the first thing dad wants to do is dance with mom,” Aaron snickered softly to his sister.
“Did you expect anything else?” Lois countered as Ross lead Linda to a more open area of their living room. 
“She's there watching for me~
If I could fly like birds on high~
Then straight to her arms~
I'd go sailing~”
Ross placed one hand on Linda’s hip and held her hand tightly in his as she gripped his shoulder. Age had not dulled their love of dancing, and Linda suddenly felt young again, like it was their first dance together all over again.
“Oh~ Would you look at them! They’re so sweet!” Alice chirped, looking on excitedly as the married couple moved perfectly in time with the music.
“They certainly are,” Harvey agreed, glad to see his new-found brother reunited and happy with his wife after everything that had happened.
“It's far beyond the stars~
It's near beyond the moon~”
“Putting on this song might have been my best idea yet,” Delta remarked quietly to his son. “Up top Bendy.” He gave the little devil another high five, as the little guy on his shoulder hummed along to the music.
“I know beyond a doubt~
My heart will lead me there soon~”
“Oh, I love this song!” Lyra commented, tapping her foot excitedly. “And of course when this song comes on those two hit the dance floor.” Lyra giggled, watching her friend having the time of her life as Ross pulled Linda closer, their foreheads almost touching.
“We'll meet beyond the shore~
We'll kiss just as before~”
“I had no idea Ross was this good of a dancer,” Henry remarked, watching the couple moving gracefully, with hardly a misstep to be seen. “I’d be tripping over my own feet it it were me.”
“Happy we'll be beyond the sea~
And never again I'll go sailing~”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to dance, Henry,” Lyra chuckled as the sweater clad man went bright red in the face.
“Well… uhhh... I’ve never really… uhhhh…” Henry floundered, unable to get it past his lips that he had honestly never danced before.
“Well come on!” Lyra grasped Henry’s hand and lead him to the impromptu ‘dance floor.’ “We can’t let those two have all the fun, now can we?”
“Wait! Lyra! I-” Henry had no choice in the matter as Lyra grasped onto his hand and started leading him a dance of sorts, if tripping over yourself and almost stepping on the other person’s feet counts as dancing.
Ross couldn’t help but laugh as he watched his brother with Lyra. Henry was a blushing clumsy mess, all the while his dance partner continued to smile sweetly at him. Linda chuckled too before returning her eyes to her husband, once again lost in his sparkling green eyes.
“Whoot! You go twinkle toes!” Delta called out to Henry from the sidelines, unable to hold back his snicker as Henry turned to glare at him.
“I know beyond a doubt, Ah!~
My heart will lead me there soon~”
As Henry tried his best to dance with Lyra, Ross effortlessly spun Linda and pulled her back into his arms. Ross couldn’t imagine anything better than this. Rapture, now more than ever, was well and truly behind them. Through all the pain and tears, Ross had found a family he hadn’t even known he had, and brought his wife home safe and sound. While the memories and the trauma would be a lot to bare, they now had each other to help shoulder that burden. Now… here… surrounded by his loved ones… Rapture could not be further away and Ross could not be happier than he was right now.
“We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore~
We'll kiss just as before~”
Overcome with joy, Ross leaned down for a kiss, which Linda lovingly returned. Ross pulled Linda closer as she wrapped her arms over his shoulders, running her hand through the hair on the back of his head.
“Happy we'll be beyond the sea~
And never again I'll go sailing~”
Ross slowly pulled away, his eyes a little wet as he suppressed tears of joy. He brought his hand up to Linda’s face and gently rubbed her check with his thumb as she was overcome with happiness too.
“I love you,” Ross nearly whispered, his voice heavy with affection.
“I love you too dear,” Linda replied, her voice soft and heartfelt.
And as the music started to fade out, the two of them continued to sway, so caught up in each other’s eyes, no force on earth could drag them apart.
“No more sailing~
So long sailing~
Bye bye sailing~”
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
If Only You Knew - 14/19
Description: You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him, and everything else that happened on that horrible night. Who would have knew that your prom would end up being a total disaster, and the very last night you’d spend in Buckhannon for the next 7 years? you certainly didn’t. That’s for sure.
Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 5,290 ish.
Pairing: Modern!Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence. Drinking. Bad and offensive jokes. Possible triggering thoughts, feelings and emotions. Moments of bullying and harsh name calling. Lots of curse words. And a very sloooow burn.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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July 2018 - Present.
Steve hopped out of his truck, having just found a spot in 88 restaurant’s parking lot. He closed his door, then started to walk towards the entrance, clicking the lock button on his key fob a few times, until he heard the familiar honk of his truck locking and alarming itself.
Reaching the front entrance of the restaurant he paused to checked his watch, assuring he was, in fact, on time. Or rather, slightly early as was his preference for most things. He wasn’t a fan of arriving to anything late. That just wasn’t his style.
Once he saw that he had a few minutes to spare, he took a deep breath and opened the door, walking up to the hostess standing behind a podium. She greeted him with a warm smile and a quick welcome before asking for his name. Having confirmed he was here for the Barnes reservation she showed him to a private back room in the restaurant. Clearly a room reserved for functions like this.
He noticed that he was the first one to arrive. Figures, he was usually the first one for most things. He took a seat at the end of the table and picked up his menu to give it a once over before everyone else arrived. Unsure of when that would be, as Bucky was never on time for anything.
But luckily for Steve, he didn’t end up being alone for long, as he began to hear a few familiar voices coming towards the room. Glancing up from his menu right as Nat and Bucky walked into the room. Followed closely by Maria, Clint, Laura, Winnifred, Rebecca, Barney, and little James Jr.
Growing up Winnie Barnes had been basically like a second mom to Steve, she had been good friends with his mother, Sarah. Along with both Maria Hill and Kelly Hill—Nat’s aunt and mother—and Maria Stark—Steve’s Godmother/adoptive mother. The girls had all grown up together, and been inseparable all their lives.
So when Steve’s mom had passed, then Bucky’s father left and then a few years later Nat’s parents died, Winnie and both Maria’s all stepped up to basically help each other through, and raise the group of kids together. Each woman having suffered some form of terrible loss, which only brought them all closer. Made them really cherish each other in different, deeper ways. But loss can really be the catalyst for change, it can show us how precious life truly is, and that you have to really cherish it and the ones you love. Because in the blink of an eye, it can all be taken away.
So then it goes without saying that the kids all grow up together, were inseparable just are their moms/aunts were. But then the group continued to grow over the years, going from 3 best friends to 8.
Starting with bringing Sam in when his father was transferred to town with the Military. Then Clint, who actually always lived here but was home schooled till grade 5. Then Hilde who moved to live with her grandparents during her parents messy divorce, but then decided to just stay. Then the Maximoff twins, when their mom inherited a home here from a great aunt who’d passed. And then lastly, Y/N.
But anywho, a few years back Rebecca and Barney Barton—Clint’s older brother—who had married young, announced that he’d had a job offer in New York that was too good to pass up. And that they’d be relocating for it. They’d come back to visit a few times a year. It had been really hard for Bucky to lose his only sister as such a prominent part of his life, but he knew New York would be good for her, and Barney. And he still had his close group of friends to keep him company.
But when they announced Rebecca was pregnant, Bucky and Clint were so excited, but also so upset that they wouldn’t really get to be a part of their niece or nephews life. However once James Jr. was born, Bucky and Clint would go to visit them often, Nat always tagging along for the visits. It wasn’t the best set up, but they made it work.
Barney hadn’t been able to take a ton of time off for the wedding, with being so busy at work, so they had only arrived into town that morning. They’d stay for a few days to partake in the wedding then fly home shortly after the wedding.
“Of course you’d be the first one here punk,” Bucky laughed as he escorted Nat to one of the seats in the middle of the table. Then took the seat beside her, between her and Steve, and clapping Steve on the back once he was settled, “been here long?”
“No, only a few minutes or so,” he said as he leaned forward to look passed Bucky at Nat, “you look beautiful as always, Nat.”
“Trying to steal my bride, punk?” Bucky scoffs jokingly at Steve.
“At least he said something about my outfit,” she glares pointedly at Bucky then looks passed him to smile sweetly at Steve. “So thank you Stevie, that’s very sweet of you to say. And you look very handsome, as well.”
Bucky gasps and feigns offence, “I tell you all the time how beautiful you look.”
Steve chuckles and shakes his head at his two best friends as Nat over exaggeratedly rolls her eyes, “except today, it would appear.”
“What!?” Bucky’s eyes widened comically, “I totally told you, that you looked stunning as we were leaving the house!” He pauses and narrows his eyes at her, “clearly you weren’t listening to me.” And then he gasps, dramatically, “were you ignoring me, Nat?”
She just glares at him for a moment, most likely trying to come up with a retort. But chooses instead to stay silent as she realizes that he had out played her this time. But only this time.
His smug smirk proves that he had also realized as much, “that’s what I thought.” Then he pecks her on the cheek in a form of truce before turning to Steve, but before Bucky can say a word the doors open again. And in walks Hilde, Thor, Sam, Wanda, Vis and Y/N, chatting animatedly with each other before greeting everyone as they each find their seats at the table.
Steve can’t help but give Y/N a once over—that’s a lie, he glanced over her figure more then once, but that’s neither here nor there—as she entered the room. Luckily for him she ended up in the seat directly across from his, with Wanda beside her. Followed by Vis, Thor, Hilde then Rebecca and finally Barney. James Jr was set up at the end of the table, with Clint sitting across from Barney. Then Laura, Winnie and finally Maria, who was beside Nat. And then Sam was left the seat at the end of the table, by Steve and Y/N.
But let’s be real, Steve barely paid any attention to anyone else at the table in this moment, his mind had gone basically blank. Or into limp mode, as Bucky called it. Seeing Y/N all done up and dressed up stole all his thoughts. She looked stunning. But then she always did. So that really wasn’t anything new.
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She was wearing a simple, form fitting, blush pencil skirt and a flowy white, off the shoulder floral top, with nude strappy heels. It wasn’t anything too fancy, but it suited her well. He was so lost in his thoughts that he barely registered her talking, until he noticed the concerned expression on her face.
“Stevie, you okay?” She whispers.
He shakes his head, to clear his mind then quickly speaks up, “ah, yeah. Yeah. I’m good,” he smiles, then leans forward slightly to whisper, “you look stunning, by the way.”
“Aw shucks, this old thing?” She gestures to herself and laughs, the sound makes his heart flutter. “But thank you. You look very handsome as well,” then she winks at him.
“Thanks,” he says through a chuckle then waits for her to get all settled in, once she was he speaks up again. “So, how did the dress try on go?”
This peaks Sams interest, who had just sat down after going around the table to say his hellos, “yeah, did you girls finally say yes to the dress—” he pauses and scrunches up his nose as he adds, “—es.”
Y/N laughs again and shakes her head, “yeah we did, and it went really well, the bridesmaids dresses are lovely but Nat’s gown is fucking stunning. Just wait till you see it.”
“Yes!” Wanda agrees in a squeal, “it’s absolutely breathtaking, you guys. Fits her like a damn glove too.”
Steve and Sam nod but before either could respond the waitress appears and takes everyones drink orders, causing Steve to realize he still hasn’t figured out what he wants to eat. So he focuses on his menu for a few minutes, adding into the conversations around him here and there.
Luckily when the waitress returns with everyone’s drinks, the whole gang has decided on what they want and all place their orders. Promptly picking up their conversations once the waitress has left again.
“I can only imagine how beautiful it is,” he says then raises his voice a little louder on the next part, so as to direct his comment more to the woman sitting two seats over, “Nat has always had amazing taste.”
“Except in men, it would appear,” Y/N adds quickly with a shit eating grin, looking directly at Bucky. Who matches her expression and adds, “and best friends, clearly,” he scoffs.
“You two are ridiculous,” Sam laughs and shakes his head.
“Oh please,” Wanda scoffs and points at Sam, “pot calling kettle black.”
And then Sam has the audacity to look offended by her words, but then bursts out laughing and nods, “alright, you got me there.”
“And this is exactly why we keep you around, Steve,” Nat pipes up as she leans forward and winks at him, ignoring the others comments but shooting them all a pointed glare. Causing everyone to chuckle as Bucky shakes his head.
“We?” Bucky jokingly scuffs, “don’t lump me into that, I’d have gotten rid of him years ago.” He turns to pat Steve on the back, smirk in place on his lips, “if the guy wasn’t so damn loveable,” he coos.
“I second that,” Sam says with a toothy grin.
“I third that!” They all hear Clint yell from the other end of the table, causing them all to look towards him.
“Hey!” Bucky points at him and jokingly glares, “butt out! You chose not to sit with us, now own your choice.”
Clint just points to James Jr. and shrugs, “he’s nicer to me then you are, so easy choice.”
“Probably because he feels bad for you,” Bucky laughs then cooes at James Jr, “isn’t that right J-Man, you just being nice to him? You like Uncle Bucky more, don’t cha? Yes. Yes, you do!” The silly voice causes James to smile widely around the fingers currently crammed in his mouth. And then Bucky grins widely in triumph, “See Clint, he likes me more.”
“Only because you have the same IQ. Birds of a feather, and all that,” Clint deadpans as he waves his hand around dismissively. But then he bursts out laughing at Bucky’s—real, this time—glare.
“Friends off! For real this time!” Bucky says then turns, effectively ignoring Clint’s reply and whispers so he won’t hear, “who even invited that guy?”
“You did,” Nat supplies, dryly.
Bucky pretends to ponder her words for a second, “oh right. Why did I invite him again?”
Then a sing song voice comes from behind Bucky, causing him to startle slightly, “because you love me.”
Steve turns just in time to see Clint lunge and awkwardly hug Bucky from behind, “I don’t like when we fight, baby.”
Everyone laughs as Bucky attempts to extricate himself from the hug, but to no avail. Clint is like a damn hawk, once his sets his sights on you, or his hands around you, there is no escaping him. You just have to suck it up and wait for it to be over.
“You know he won’t let go until you take it back,” Y/N says from across the table.
“Two words. Hawk Eye,” Wanda adds with a laugh.
“He sees all, and once he has you locked in his sights there is no escaping him,” Sam adds with a playful cringe.
“Or did you forget why we gave him that nickname in elementary school?” Nat questions.
Bucky tries for a few more seconds then sighs deeply, clearly admitting defeat and pats Clint’s arm as he mumbles, “fine, fine. Friends back on.”
“Oh thank god,” Clint sighs out then finally releases Bucky and pulls up a chair to the corner of the table so he can join in on the conversations for a bit.
Bucky rubs his neck as if it hurts, “that was less of a hug and more of a headlock.”
“You won’t get any sympathy from us. You brought that on yourself,” Steve chuckles.
The food finally arrives and Clint ventures back down to his spot. The conversations continue on while everyone eats, and then just as everyone is finishing up and the wait staff are clearing the table, a waitress comes in with 4 bouquets of red roses. Then she hands them to Bucky who takes them and turns, giving the bigger one to Nat, “these are for you. Figured it’d be more fun to have something to hold for the rehearsal.”
Nat’s face lights up as she takes it then leans forward to kiss Bucky, “awe, that was so sweet of you.” Then she brings the flowers up to her nose so she can smell them, “thank you, handsome. I love them.”
He then hands one each to Y/N and Wanda, “same for you two.” Both women thank him and then he gives the last one across the table to Thor, so he can pass it to Hilde. Who glances up at Bucky after receiving them and lips a ‘thank you,’ before smelling them.
Then everyone collects up their belongings and heads back out to their respective vehicles.
But hust as Steve is about to unlock his truck a voice stops him. “Mind if I join you?” He glances towards the voice and sees Y/N standing there, holding her bouquet. “I came with Hilde and Thor, but with Vis and Wanda in the car, it’s pretty cramped,” she laughs.
Steve smiles, “of course, no excuse needed.” He unlocks the truck then opens the door for her, offering his hand to help her up. Once she is in he closes the door and walks around, climbing into the driver's seat. Neither one says anything for the first few minutes. But the silence isn’t awkward, exactly, though there is a tension in the air. Like they both want to say something, anything, but just can’t seem to figure out exactly what to say.
And then Y/N takes the plunge, letting out a sigh, “God, this brings back so many memories.”
He glances at her, and sees that she is looking at him with a fond smile on her face. “Us together in the car?” He asks as he turns back to look at the road.
“Yeah,” she says and he sees her nod in the corner of his eye. “I feel like anytime we had to go anywhere, I was always your copilot.”
He smiles at the memories that are now running through his mind as well, “that you were,” he affirms.
“But I was never the pilot, because you refused to ever let me drive us anywhere,” she scuffs, but the giant grin on her face proves she is joking around.
Steve chuckles, “yup. Because you were a horrible driver.”
“‘Were’?” She smirks, “not ‘are’?”
“I mean, you did run a blatantly obvious stop sign while you were, and I quote,” he glances at her again and makes air quotes, “‘reading and driving’.” He shakes his head, and turns back to the road, “but I haven’t received any calls about pedestrians almost being hit, so I’m guessing you’re a little better at driving now.”
She gapes at him for a second then bursts out laughing, “that was such a low blow, Steven. You’re lucky you’re cute, as I wouldn’t put up with your shit if you weren’t.”
“Then thank God I am,” he gives her a cheeky smile to which she returns. And then a silence falls over them again. He sees her, out of the corner of his eye, bring the roses up to her nose to sniff them. And it causes a dormant memory to scream for attention in his mind, and before he knows it, the memory is playing out in his head…
February 2011 - 7 years ago.
“Happy Valentines Day, Stevie.”
He turns from his locker to see Y/N standing there with her hands behind her back and a giant grin plastered on her beautiful face. Which, in turn, causes a massive smile to form on his. “Happy Valentines Day, Y/N,” he says as he attempts to peer behind her, wondering what she is hiding.
She laughs then reveals a teddy bear stuffy holding a red heart that says ‘I liked you before you were cool’. She shrugs and holds it out to him, “now see, you aren’t exactly cool yet, but one day, when you are, this bear will be sooo valid.”
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Steve just looks between the bear and Y/N for a couple seconds then bursts out laughing as he takes the offered stuffy. “First off, mean. I am totally cool—“
She cuts him off to point out, “if you have to say that, then you aren’t.” She shakes her head and is clearly trying her best not to burst out laughing, “but continue.”
He narrows his eyes at her, “we’ll come back to that,” he promises. To which she just smirks and motions for him to keep going, so he does, “And secondly—but don’t let this go to your head too much. This is by far the greatest thing anyone has ever given me.” He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in for a hug, murmuring, “thank you, I love it,” into her hair then kissing the top of her head.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it,” she murmurs back into his chest.
After a moment he reluctantly releases her from the hug and takes a step back, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “I uh,” he pauses, he had gotten her something but he didn’t want her to know about it. Nor was he sure he’d tell her they were from him, even if she did currently have them, “don’t have anything to give you in return.” Which wasn’t a lie. Technically.
She waves him off, “s’okay, Stevie. You don’t have to get me anything, I just saw that bear and thought of you,” she shrugs.
“Because I’m cool,” he notes with a smirk.
She rolls her eyes, and pats his arm, sympathetically, “keep telling yourself that, big guy.”
Before he can respond someone calls her name and they both look to see Hilde, Wanda and Nat motioning for her to join them. They smile and wave at Steve, and he waves back.
“I have to go help hand out the roses,” she says and he looks back towards her, “But I’ll see you later, and Happy Valentines Day.” She pauses, then chuckles, “again.”
“Okay, have fun. And Happy Valentines Day, Y/N.” He pauses for effect, “again.”
They share a quick hug and then Y/N runs off. He doesn’t see much of her for the rest of the day, as she was busy handing out all the roses. Each year for Valentines Day some of the grade twelve grad students, all by volunteer, organize some sort of festivities for the romantic holiday.
This year they had chosen to do a rose sale, meaning that for the last two weeks students could purchase roses for whomever they so choose—either anonymously or not—and they’d be delivered to that student on Valentines Day. Being today.
So Steve had secretly approached Nat on the first day of sales and ordered 17 roses to be sent to Y/N. One for each month he had known her. It was cheesy as hell. Yeah, he knows. And not just because Nat had fake gagged when he told her. But because he was always a cheese ball when it came to Y/N, and honestly, he could care less. He was proud of his cheese ball status. Long live the cheese balls! …Or ...maybe not… fear had ripped through him the second Nat went to write his name on the card and he quickly stopped her, adamantly refusing to sign his name. And telling her to mark them from ‘anonymous’.
Which she was not too pleased about, as she had attempted to talk him into being honest with Y/N this year. Saying that maybe this would be the opening he needed to finally tell her how he felt, but in true Classic Steve form, he said, “now’s not really a good time.” Nat went to rebuke his decision but the school bell rang before she could, and he quickly said his goodbye and walked off. Taking up the literal ‘saved by the bell’ moment, and not wanting to open that can of worms with Nat, again.
So throughout the day, he’d caught small glimpses of her, here and there. Like when her and Hilde had come into his homeroom to hand out the roses to the different students. 13 of which ended up on his desk, some labelled with random girls names, and some anonymously sent. Y/N had made a, “okay, so maybe you’re a little cool,” joke when she gave them all the him. Causing them both to chuckle quietly before she finished handing out the roses and left to the next class.
Then he’d ran into her again in the hall, they’d only shared a few hurried words before she had to continue on. She’d mentioned something about an entire class being forgotten. So as she tore off down the hall she hollered a, “I hope your Valentine’s Day is going better then mine!” over her shoulder.
And his day may have been quieter than hers, that’s for sure, but it wasn’t going any better. He missed spending his free time with her, she hadn’t even met up with them for lunch. But then neither did Hilde, Wanda or Nat.
So it was just the boys all day. Which wasn’t a bad thing, he’d just gotten so used to her being a prominent fixture in his days, but today of all days, that was not the case. He was being a baby, he knows, but he just missed her. A lot.
Then about an hour before the school day was up, he ran into her again. She looked utterly exhausted and completely done with the day.
“Rough day, huh?” He asked as he fell into step with her in the hall.
“That’s an understatement,” she sighed and looked up at him, “I dunno how things got so messed up. Everything was in order when we did our final checks yesterday, but then we come in this morning and it was like someone had gone through and changed a bunch of stuff.” She shook her head, “but that’s silly, who would want to mess up Valentine’s Day for everyone else?” She asked but he knew she wasn’t looking for an answer, she was just thinking out loud. So he just shrugged in response.
There was a question burning in his mind, but he wasn’t sure how to broach the topic. So he opted to just ask, “so, did you get any roses today?”
She glanced up at him, and smiled, but he could tell it was forced. “No, but that’s okay,” she waved it off, “I figured I wouldn’t get any,” she shrugged, as if it was no big deal.
But it was a big deal, he had bought her roses, 17 to be exact, and she hadn’t received them. So someone did, in fact, fuck with their lists.
Now he was pissed but he held it down and pulled out his phone, making sure Y/N couldn’t see as he quickly fired off a text to Nat, then tucked his phone away. Where the hell had the roses he’d bought for her gone? “I’m sorry, Y/N. Maybe there was just a mix up?”
She shook her head, “no, we found all the mix ups. And everyone else in my class got theirs, so,” she shrugged one shoulder. “But seriously it’s okay. I didn’t expect to get any, as I’m not exactly popular in the guys department,” she tried to laugh it off, though it sounded bitter and sad. Which broke his heart, he was about to reply when his phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see a reply from Nat.
“Trust me, that’s a good thing. All the guys in this school are assholes,” he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. “But how about I take you out to dinner tonight, just the two of us?” He paused, then added, “ya know, as a thank you for all your hard work today.”
She sighed, “s’okay, Steve, you don’t have to do that. I’m sure you have better things to do on a Valentines Day evening then hang with your best friend.” But oh how wrong she was, that was actually exactly what he wanted the most. And she was the exact person he wanted that with. He went to protest but she continued on, “plus, Hilda, Wanda and I are having a single ladies night, so you won’t need to drive me home today, as Hilde is gonna take me. And she’s gonna drive me to school in the morning as well.” She looked up at him, “But I have to get to my last class, so I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Uh, okay. Yeah,” he nodded, even more bummed out now. “Yeah, I’ll ah, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun with the girls, and happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N,” he pulled her in for a hug that ended far too quickly.
“Thanks, Stevie, happy Valentine’s Day.” Then she walked off in the direction of her next class. He watched as she disappeared around a corner then instantly her was pissed again. He headed for the front doors, going to meet Nat in the student parking lot.
Once he got there he saw her standing by his jeep, papers in her hands. “What happened, Nat?”
She sighed, “I have no idea. The lists were all correct and then half way through the day, when I was going to deliver the roses to Y/N’s class with Stephanie, Y/N wasn’t on the list anymore. I have no idea what happened, all the roses were sold so I couldn’t even make up a new order for her as we didn’t have any roses left.” She glanced down at the papers, “I have searched through all the lists, everything, and I can’t find any mention of her roses anywhere. And the original list that I wrote the order on is just gone, replaced by a new list that doesn’t have Y/N on it. I don’t get it!” She huffed.
“So what do we do now?”
“Well, I can reimburse you, as now our cash box will be over by the amount of your order. Since it appears the 17 roses were sold a second time to other students.” She sighed, “I’m so sorry, Steve. I don’t know how this happened.”
Something about all this just wasn’t sitting right with him, “can I see the new list? The one missing Y/N’s name.”
She nodded and shuffled through the papers to find it then handed it to him. He glanced over it and it all clicked, instantly. “I should have known she’d be behind this,” he seethed.
“What? Who?” Nat asked as she reached to take the page back from him.
“Fucking Madi,” he growled as he pointed to the page, every order was written in the same handwriting, “that’s her handwriting.” He’d recognize it anywhere.
Nat stared at the page for a moment, before whispering, “how did I miss that! that fucking bitch.” She looked up at Steve, “how dare she! And how could I have not clued in that she’d be behind this!” She shook her head, “fuck, Steve, I’m so sorry.”
And he shook his head back, “not your fault, Nat. I don’t blame you at all, I blame her. What the fuck is wrong with her?” He scrubbed a hand down his face.
“Do we confront her about this?” Nat asked.
“No point now, she will just play innocent and say it was a mistake, or something. Like she just missed it when she transferred the list,” he sighed.
“Damnit,” Nat sighed as well, then whispered, “I really fucking dislike her.”
“Yeah. Join the club.”
They chatted a little longer, then Nat reimbursed him the money from the order and they both headed off to class.
This whole day had been basically shit, from start to finish. And he knew it wasn’t going to get any better, since he was well aware he wouldn’t get to see Y/N again for the rest of it.
So that evening he went to 4 different flower shops around town, the first 3 being entirely sold out of roses. Then he went to the 4th shop, and they had a couple left, so he bought them, and a vase. He removed all the cards from the ones he’d received at school and put them in the vase with the few he bought. Totalling 17 roses all together.
He then went to her house later that night, knowing she would be at Hilde’s for the night, and climbed up into her room. Which was tricky as hell with the vase. Once he finally got in, he put the roses on her desk and pulled out a water bottle, he added water to the vase then snuck back out and went home.
It wasn’t till the next evening that she finally got home and saw them, and he only knew that because she texted him a thank you.
The morning after that, when he picked her up for school, she gave him a huge hug and a playful swat on the arm, saying, “that was really sweet, but you didn’t have to do that for me, Steve!”
He just shrugged and replied, “you deserved it.”
Though she’d never actually learn the truth behind those words, or the story of the original 17 roses that went missing thanks to another girls petty jealousy.
Present - July 2018.
They arrived at the chapel, along with the whole gang, and everyone headed inside. They go over everything with the priest and then they did a few dry runs of the wedding walk. Nat wanting to make sure everyone knew how fast to walk and where to stand.
Once the rehearsals were all finished everyone said their goodbyes then piled back into their cars. Steve ended up offering to drive Y/N home and they chatted the whole way there. And once they got to her house they just sat there in his truck for an hour, catching up and laughing, before she yawned and he decided it was time for him to leave.
They shared a quick hug and then she headed inside. And as he drove away he got an idea, and vowed to go to the flower shop one of these days. As It had been far too long since he’d bought her flowers, and he had 7 years of missed Valentines Days to make up for.
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