#finding happiness
dinogoose · 2 months
seeing the ‘oh’ moment on buck’s face as he realizes that tommy kissed him and he liked it was so beautiful and real! because sexuality is confusing and hard and sometimes you don’t know until it hits you in the face (or kisses you on the mouth). I cannot wait to see as they continue to explore this part of him and show him growing comfortable in his own sexuality.
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mysillydoodles · 2 months
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the point of it all
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alivebutnotreallyyy · 2 months
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A man once told me “no one will ever love you”
That’s okay Ill just love myself 🔑 ♥️
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sandwichesaremyfav · 1 month
Chag Pesach Sameach
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✡︎ It would have been enough
✡︎ It would have been enough for Hashem to let our people go but not have lead us to Mount Sinai
✡︎ It would have been enough for Hashem to have lead us to Mount Sinai but not have given us the Torah
✡︎ It would have been enough for Hashem to have given us the Torah but not have given us the promised land
✡︎ Yet He did all of it for our people
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I turned fucking 30 this year. I didn’t honestly think I’d still be here but fuck yeah. I’m gonna keep kicking ass 🔥🖤🔥
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Think about every little thing that either bothers you or stresses you. Now pinpoint every single one that you wont even remember of in ten years times. Acknowledge that those bothers in question are not worth your time nor energy. What we often forget is to not make a mountain out of a molehill. Don’t spend the best years of your life worried about little things like your body, people’s perception of you, and what grade you got on that one Chemistry paper. These things will fade over time, but your soul and happiness follow you until the end. Life is only what you make it, and if you choose to make it a miserable one because of factors you CAN control, that’s on you.
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actualalienfauna · 3 months
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Another ~things~ post. The seasonal depression seems to be subsiding so here's some fun shit! My sweetie spoils me with Kirby stuff and I love how much my collection has been growing. (。🩷▽💚。)
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alien-ally · 2 years
So I'd changed schools this year (junior in highschool), and just a few days ago i overheard a couple of my classmates talking about the lbtqia+ community and asked them if they knew what the 'a' in the acronym stood for, the first answer was asexual, to which i proceeded to tell em it stood for aromantic, agender and some other a-specs, from how they were so eager to learn i went 'wanna know a fun fact?' and came out to them as aroace (later greyapl as well). They told me that now that they know, it kind of made sense lolol. And today in the break while i was reading my book they came up to me asked how their favorite aroace was doing :/ and what my fav flag was
Today again, in the bus i asked another one of my classmates if she knew what the 'a' in the acronym stood for, first answer was agender, i was totally blown away, went woahhhh and proceeded to say what else it stood for. Then. . . she said at one point she thought she was aro. At that point i was enchanted, I Am Aromantic! i told her. we talked about it for a bit, when i discovered and identified with the terms etc. until my stop came. I told her how important that conversation was for me cause I'd never spoken about it to people irl, much less even meet people who knew the terms. She said she was touched. I said, no I am touched.
If those two interactions dint light up my entire car ride (yeah someone has to pick me from the bus stop, school bus sucks ); back home, rest of the day, coming weekend, next week and possibly this entire month. One of them is bi and another bi questioning (the one who questioned being aro). For once, perhaps the first time, to be myself, even if i wasn't trying to be anything else, to have people know, perceive me for what i am, i dint know what sort of weight it had on my shoulders until it was lifted away. Awesome people exist, just met some the past couple weeks and now will always remember these encounters as my first major coming out (i had already to my friends but this one felt different). I was overcome with so much elation, relief, happiness, joy, satisfaction, bliss, peace i wanted to scream it out. So here it is, it's not that hopeless after all
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home-for-artists · 9 months
Waves will pass. That's what they do.
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akindplace · 2 years
Coping with things is not just simply accepting something as inherently bad and leaving it at that, it's trying to make the best out of a bad thing, and it is possible to live a good life even if you have to deal with things other people don't have to.
You can make it through even if your situation is not ideal, you can still live a happy life while accepting that there are some things about yourself you cannot change but that with a little work on it, things can get better and more comfortable for you even if your illness is incurable.
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plague-and-creatures · 7 months
One thing that feels freeing is realizing that it's okay to do something that makes you happy after you've been taught to be ashamed of it or that it was wrong for some reason
I ran around on all fours a lot as a kid, and there were plenty of days where I came back with my hands black from the rubber ground on the play ground
My dad did not approve of this. I was yelled at, hit, and told that I was being punished for acting like an animal, and that if I wanted to act like one so badly they would leave me naked in the backyard (they may not have been serious about that last threat, but it still disturbed me to think about and still does to this day). It made me feel like it was something that was wrong and I should be ashamed of, and I never did it again for years
But I want to do it again, I want to run through the woods until I'm breathless, climb trees, and just do something fun. Now that I've stumbled upon quadrobics, I'm realizing that I can do that. I can be free of that shame and judgement and let myself be happy, and it feels so good to come to that realization.
I'm still learning to not care about my father's judgement, and it feels good to care less about whether I'm a disappointment to him or not. Hell, a part of me hopes to be as disappointing to him as possible, because if my unashamed joy is disappointing to him, then he can go fuck himself. A good father should always prioritize their child's happiness over what they think other people will think of them
I am a fatherless creature. I am not tied down by the judgment of an authority in my life. I live for me and not his approval
Even if I wasn't Therian or Otherkin I would still support anyone who is, because no one should ever be made to feel shame for something harmless that brings them joy and contentment in life, and I'd hope they were supported by the people in their life
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m-jelly · 2 years
Levi's happy place
Lying in your arms as you sit on the sofa. His head would be on your chest and under your chin. His arms would be tightly around you to remind him you're his. Your fingers are in his hair massaging away as the other rests on his lower back. His body is perfectly against yours.
He can breathe, relax and rest knowing you're his and he's safe.
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asplashofhappiness · 2 years
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Thankfuly, we didn’t find a mud puddle.
What do you like best about rainy days?
Hi everyone! we hope that you are having a great day and that my little comic has made you smile, and think about happy things.
If you like my comic, please go and check out my webtoon!
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atime2write · 6 days
The Joker She was a friend of mine for nearly five years. After the disastrous event at the party when my friend walked out, my emotions were still high. The others who were there were also shocked that it happened. I continued to eat, and the one who made a joke stood up and said, "So jokes are not allowed?" I replied that it was the timing. I felt her stance lower, indicating she knew she was in the wrong. After a while, she went inside the room. After I finished eating, I told the others there that I would leave. I felt my presence was not welcome.
That night, the Joker reached out and asked if I was already home, and I said yes. That was how Sunday went. Come Monday afternoon, my phone rang; the Joker was calling me, but she wasn’t answering. Concerned that something had happened to her, I sent her a message asking if she was okay. Then there was another call. I dropped the call and called her back, but to no avail. Later, I received a message that she had called accidentally. After a while, she sent a message saying she was sorry for the joke she made, acknowledging that it was made at a bad time. She mentioned that someone told her she was the one who started it all with her bad joke and that she would take all the blame. They suggested I might direct my anger toward my seven-year friend instead of her because she’s an elder and I would never fight back.
So bizarre . She argued that as an elder, she acknowledges when she’s at fault. I responded that on Sunday, I already felt her remorse and sincerity about the bad timing. I knew they were discussing the incident among themselves, trying to decide who would reach out to me first. She also joked about instigating the other party to message me and put the blame on her to see my reaction, which i found ludicrous.
At the end of our message exchange, I saw the game they were playing, and I didn’t want to be a part of it. I assert my boundary and theres a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Instead of thinking about how to approach me about their disrespect, they blamed each other. The Joker told me she lowered her pride because she couldn't be proud of what she did and that she accepted the blame as they saw her as the instigator. My response was that I would distance myself because it was no longer a healthy friendship. I realized that maybe I had become too complacent and seemed to tolerate disrespect and ill behavior too easily.
Now it’s been months, and I’ve kept my distance. Friendship is a relationship based on mutual trust, vibes, energy, interests, and respect. I learned that forced energy cannot coexist in the same field; it will create chaos and entropy. But after this process, a series of self-understandings emerge. I came out better from this experience.
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everlastinghistory · 8 months
“i hope you find someone like yourself so you realize what you’re putting me through.”
thanks, i did. turns out you really were the problem.
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