#I think Loki deserves one too
sylvies-kablooie · 7 months
the problem w loki s2: hey, where did the women go?
this is criticism so if that isn’t your thing you have been forewarned! i knew by episode 2 that something was off compared to s1 and i couldn’t quite place it. was it the sole focus on drab retro futurist TVA aesthetic instead of the colorful cinematography in s1? was it the focus being placed upon this Loom that we just found out is a thing and also Hey we have to stop it right now? Was it the lack of sylvie content?
but i think it just comes down to bad writing and whilst also trying to salvage what we DID get, i would feel dishonest to pretend that my problems with s2 arose from the finale alone. and while there were narrative inconsistencies between the seasons, i think a central error in s2 was sidelining the female characters.
s1 had beautiful themes, including self-acceptance and the power of love, and was building up to a ton of unanswered questions. a central theme of s1 (like it or not) was the connection between sylvie and loki. it was intended by waldron and herron from the start to be a romance, but beyond the romantic aspect, sylvie was the driving force of the show. she’s the variant the TVA is chasing, she’s the one who reveals that the TVA is a lie and makes everyone question what they were taught, it’s her that plunges the blade into HWR and opens the multiverse- and it’s no secret that in s2 she was largely off screen, only to show up at key plot points and kind of make things difficult rather than allow a further explanation into her character. and i could and might make a whole post on the sidelining of sylvie, but also- renslayer.
we saw a lot of renslayer in s1! she was pretty damn integral to the plot. her connection with mobius was fascinating, her dedication to doing what she saw as the right thing even when she learned all her gods were dead, her willingness to prune her best and maybe only friend to protect the big TVA lie- that was captivating. she’s also the first character we get to see the real non-TVA life of! she’s a principal at a school! and what did we get from her in s2?
she throws the book at victor, we learn she was his general and she’s Mad, and then exiled to the void. she’s barely there this season despite being central to s1! why, when you have an actor as talented as gugu mbatha-raw, would you not take advantage of that! we see threads of what COULD have happened in her storyline- her alliance with miss minutes, realizing maybe they never needed him at all- but at the end she’s pruned, thrown in the void and That’s That’s, stay tuned to see if anything happens in one of the endless future installments. we get that amazing I’m order line, and then what? and what type of order is she even representing? why is she so willing to toss mobius to the curb? you see why we need more development here?
b-15 met a similar fate. actually, i was really excited at the start of s2 to see her get her moment defending the new branches, realizing those were people, seeing the grief on her face; remember, sylvie showed her her life on the timeline, so this is personal for her. but she’s also quickly regaled to the side after her speech in the war room. she was a doctor, she is VERITY WILLIS, but do we get into any of this? No! (I also didn’t like her willingness to negotiate with Dox after the bombed the timelines, saying deep down I know you’re good right after we watched her cry over the devastation that had brought to the timelines, but maybe that’s another point)
and dox? what’s the deal with her! we are introduced to this strong general with a weird connection to brad, someone who is willing to go against TVA orders to bomb the timelines in the defense of what she believes is right, but then- squashed in a cube. that’s that. no examination into why she would be willing to betray the TVA in that way but also NOT join renslayer, no explanation into what was going on w brad.
(brad is worth a whole separate post but this is focusing on the ladies so just keep that in the back of your mind)
and back to sylvie. i saw some people point out how gross her being frozen during the final battles between her and loki was; how it eliminated her agency and allowed the men to have a Serious Talk. i have to say i agree with that judgement. in this season we get to see glimpses of what sylvie wants, but the unresolved relationship (whichever way you wish to characterize it- you do you!) between her and loki just hangs in the air like a heavy storm cloud i kept waiting to break but it… didn’t. the closest we got was the pie room scene, but everything between them was stilted and awkward when she was onscreen, which wasn’t that much.
it was almost as if the connection with loki was considered in opposition to her role as a Strong Woman, in a way- she was Strong and Angry. in s1 we see sides of her that defy stereotype- giving that doomed child her candy to ease the pain, her admitting to loki that she numbed herself with flings; there’s a vulnerability there, a complexity. the two of them rehashed their first fight again and again instead of moving onto something new (that being said sophia’s performance in episode 3 added a weight to the story that pleased me greatly) but overall she was regarded as a plot obstacle to be hidden away- at least past episode 3.
anyway i do think it comes down to writers biting off more than they could chew and losing the central concept of the show and focusing on sciencey plot rather than characterization. you can’t make season 1 centered around a love story and then pretend that didn’t happen and expect a cohesive transition between seasons. you can’t bombard us over and over again with the centrality of loki and sylvie’s duality- all of the we’re the sames, all of the i’m not you’s, and then move into s2 deciding it’s time to focus on only one half of that duo you spent the whole series focusing on.
you also can’t give us a “aHH we’re all gonna explode” thing over and over again and expect us to give a damn when you’re not letting the characters have dialogue that makes us say, oh man, i hope this loom thing doesn’t blow up, because i want to see where the connections they have going on end up! you can’t replace emotional weight with a ticking time bomb and expect it to do the work for you.
there are other problems with the series as well, and other people are far more articulate than i am, but the lack of female gaze and only one episode having a female writer this season was glaring, imo.
thank u for coming to my tedtalk and i’d love to hear ur thoughts!
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 2 months
Touch Tank
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 5.5k (look it wasn't supposed to be this many- my characters got away from me)
Warnings: sheesh, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, creampie, Loki is very soft and worshiping, unprotected sex (be safe) I think that's it idk this is kind of mild compared to some of my other stuff- could be waaaay more raunchy lmao
Genre: fluff, smut
Summary: Loki is not the easiest person to get close to, but you're not deterred by his standoffishness. He deserves a friend in the tower and you're determined to be at least that much.
He's so pretty when he goes down on me // he tells me he's gentle when he wants to be // I think he wants to be gentle with me ~ Touch Tank by Quinnie
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You rush down the hall, excited for your night out with a group of your non-Avenger friends. You make a point to see your other friends as often as you can to balance those relationships with your ones on the team. After all, living with the Avengers means that you see them all the time, but being an Avenger is not all there is to you. Walking into the main room you're surprised to see Loki sitting at the kitchen counter, just kind of staring at nothing.
"You alright Lo?" You ask him carefully. Your question seems to pull him out of whatever trance he was in.
"I'm fine." He says, though his face isn't convincing.
"Okay? Happy staring- I'm going out so- I'll see you later then." You frown heading over to the main elevator. Loki's not exactly close to anyone in the tower except Thor, and even that he'd argue is false but you always make a point to include him even when the others ignore him a bit. As you ride down to street level you can't help but wonder what has him so pensive up there by himself. On the street, waiting for a taxi to flag down, you can't get yourself to shake Loki from your mind so- reluctantly you dial one of your friends.
"Y/n!" Your friend's excited voice practically yells down the line.
"Hey! Listen, you know I hate to do this, and I wouldn't if it wasn't important, but I'm not going to be able to make it out tonight, something's come up. I'm okay, I just can't come. You guys have fun! I want loads of pictures and a play-by-play once one of you returns to life tomorrow yeah?"
"Aw we're gonna miss you!"
"Ditto! But I'll see you guys soon! Tell the girls I said hi!" You say.
"Of course! Take care, and call if you need anything!"
"Same to you!" You blow a kiss as you end the call and sigh. "Dammit Loki." You roll your eyes as you turn around and go back inside. You ride the elevator back up to the main floor where Loki is still sitting at the counter. You knock on the counter in front of him and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Aren't you meant to be going somewhere?" Loki's eyes narrow at you.
"I was, but I called my friend on my way down and she's actually not feeling too hot so we decided it'd be best to reschedule once she's feeling better." You shrug. You know better than to tell him you cancelled your plans because you saw him moping at the counter. He'd flip at the first possible hint of you pitying him, even though that isn't what this is.
"I see."
"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" You offer.
"What?" He scoffs.
"Well- I was supposed to be spending time interacting with people tonight and that fell through but I'd feel kinda bummed if I spent the whole evening alone now after all the mental prep to be social so if you can be so terribly bothered to hang out for a bit I'd- value that." You say. Loki looks you over as he considers your words and then he sighs.
"I suppose I could spare a few hours, but only because I can't stand watching you mope around the tower the way you do whenever you're disappointed, it's pathetic. But this favor is a huge inconvenience to me I just want you to know that." He says and you have to fight the urge to smile. You know the show of bravado is for his own sake more than anything, and you're willing to let him have it, but it's funny to think of how much rationalizing he's doing to convince himself it's alright to spend time with you.
"Your sacrifice is both duly noted and greatly appreciated. I can offer you compensation in the form of a meal or freshly baked cookies." You say. Loki's eyes light up very briefly at the offer of cookies, he'll never admit it out loud but he loves your baking, he always eats almost half a tray when you make them.
"You know Midgardian food has very little appeal to me, but I suppose a batch of cookies will do." He says with feigned disinterest.
"Do you want them now or at a later date?"
"I have no interest in dragging this out, so now would be better."
"Alright, give me five minutes to change, I'll make you some cookies and we can throw on a movie." You smile at him. You change out of your dress and into a hoodie and shorts. Twenty minutes later you're sat with a tray of cookies and a few other small bites with some random sitcom on the TV.
"I don't understand the point of this. Is there even a plotline?" Loki scoffs.
"Yes but only a little one."
"A little one?"
"So there are a number of shows that you can throw on and watch out of order with little consequence. Like if you do watch every episode in order there is a throughline of like character development and life changes but if you jump into, let's say, season 3 episode 2, you'll just see some funny little antics that are mostly inconsequential and chances are will not come up again until maybe the finale where they recount all their little goofs over the years." You explain.
"Mindless entertainment? It's nice to have something to watch that you don't have to be aware of watching." You shrug. "Lots of shows have complex storylines and characters that need to be paid attention to in order to comprehend what you're watching. Sometimes you don't want to do all of that." You shrug.
"If you don't want to think about what you're watching, why watch anything?" He frowns.
"Pass the time, fill the silence, any number of things. Like we have one on but we're talking now so we're not really paying it any attention, but because it's a sitcom we're not missing anything vital because there's nothing vital to miss. And when this conversation lulls to a stop we'll just tune back in and pick up wherever it's at."
"Your Midgardian habits are very strange." Loki hums.
"What do you do when you're bored and want to be entertained without much effort?" You ask him.
"That specific phenomenon I'm not quite familiar with. If I'm bored, I read, practice spells, on Asgard there wasn't much time for boredom." He shrugs.
"Well, things are different on Midgard. And seeing as you hate everyone and everything about this place you may find yourself well acquainted with that specific phenomenon sooner than you might think." You say.
You gotta say you're pretty proud of your ability to interact positively with Loki. When he first started living here you never would've guessed you'd be watching movies and having silly conversations like this. He's always been rather closed off from the team but perhaps that's something you can actually work around.
"Loki!" You call when you catch him in the hall.
"What?" He rolls his eyes.
"Are you busy?" You ask.
"Why?" His eyes narrow suspiciously.
"Well I was meant to go to the aquarium with Thor today-"
"Thor is on Asgard." Loki says.
"Yes exactly." You nod. You weren't meant to do anything with Thor today, but it seems the key to the trickster god is minor deceptions.
"Did he forget you were going to this 'aquarium' today?"
"It would appear so. Which- I'm not mad about really but these tickets did cost money and I can't exchange them for another date so I was hoping you'd be able to replace him that way the ticket doesn't go to waste." You explain to him.
"You don't have anyone else you could ask?" He huffs.
"Not on such short notice." You shake your head.
"How short is short notice?"
"We need to be there in forty minutes."
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Loki scoffs.
"If you come with me, when we get back I'll bake you a batch of cookies." You offer. It seems to be the easiest way to get him to do things. You watch Loki contemplate for a moment before he caves to his inner discussion although you're not sure there was much of a debate once you offered baked goods.
"Very well, I'll go so you don't waste your money, but you can't keep bringing your nonsense to me in exchange for cookies." He says.
"Of course not!" You smile knowing damn well you will be doing it again if you see fit. Loki will never admit to enjoying your company or wanting you to make him cookies, but considering he always accepts your offers and never truly complains when you're together, you know the irritation is only a front. "We'll leave in 15 minutes 'kay?"
"Very well." He says. You head back to your room to get yourself together and 15 minutes later you meet Loki by the kitchen.
"Ready Lo?" You ask.
"Yes let's get on with it." He says. You loop your arm through his as you leave the tower and you're surprised he doesn't protest the contact, but you won't bring it up. At the aquarium, you excitedly talk about all your favorite exhibits as you walk from section to section. "So what was the plan exactly?" Loki asks.
"With Thor, why were you bringing him here in the first place?"
"Oh! Well because there's a lot he still wants to learn about Earth so I've been trying to take him places where he can learn a number of things at the same time." You shrug.
"And how is that going?"
"We've done the zoo and a couple of museums already so I'd say not bad. Oh, we're by the jellyfish, you should see the touch tank!" You say.
"The what now?" Loki frowns. You grab his hand and lead him to the shallow tank of water off to one side.
"This is a touch tank. These are jellyfish, they're like 95% water and don't have brains, some of them are dangerous, but these ones are pretty harmless and you can touch them! Only on the tops of their heads though. Like this." You lift his hand up and push down all but two of his fingers and then slowly, you guide his hand into the water. "You have to be gentle." You tell him softly as you let his fingers touch the top of a moon jelly in the pool. You turn to Loki with a small smile only to find him already looking at you very intensely.
"I'm quite gentle when I want to be." He says quietly. You step back a bit and clear your throat, dipping your own fingers in to touch a jellyfish for yourself.
"Well I hope you want to be gentle with the moon jellies. This is one of my favorite things here." You tell him.
"So anyone can just walk up and pet the jellyfish?" 
"Yeah! Isn't it cool?"
"Sure." He nods.
"Wait till you see some of the other Jellyfish they've got here! They're insane!" You take his hand again and walk further into the jellyfish exhibit.
"They have more open tanks of creatures?"
"Oh- no all the other Jellyfish are in closed tanks." You giggle.
"Just as well, you said some are dangerous, no?"
"Well, yes, but aren't they just so beautiful?" You say looking at one of the tanks.
"Breathtaking." Loki says before he can help himself. He clears his throat, lucky you're so captivated with the floating water creatures that you don't even notice his eyes on you as opposed to the exhibits.
"Thank you for coming with me." You tell him.
"You bribed me."
"True- but you still could have said no. Especially since you're not even a fan of our, how do you say it? 'Mediocre Midgardian food'."
"Yes well, you pout when you're disappointed and it's incredibly displeasing to see. The whole tower suffers your moods. And while Midgardian food is mediocre yours is- the least. Plus I can rub this in Thor's face."
"I see you really weighed those pros and cons." You chuckle.
"I must. If I'm to disrupt my entire afternoon on such short notice." He shrugs. You roll your eyes and pull him through to the next exhibit but the smile on your face can't be hidden.
You hum to yourself as you enter the tower library.
"Good morning Loki." You say immediately spotting him on one of the lounge chairs. He's always in here, it's like his sanctuary and over the last few weeks you've found it easy to interact with him.
"It's 3pm y/n."
"It's morning somewhere Lo, time is arbitrary, don't be a grump." You shrug.
"What are you doing here anyway?" He rolls his eyes.
"Utilizing the insane collection of books we have considering there's only like 3 people living here that would ever pick up a book for from here."
"You've been coming here a lot lately."
"Why should you be the only one taking advantage of this big otherwise undisturbed room?"
"The best part of this room is that none of you come here."
"If you want to not run the risk of having to interact with anyone who lives here to might I suggest your room which has a lock on it." You smile brightly.
"Very funny." Loki scoffs.
"I thought so too!" You snap back. Loki gives you a dry look.
"Must you be so-"
"Charming? Witty? Adorable?"
"Not quite the adjectives I would've chosen." He says.
"Well next time finish your sentence." You wink at him.
"Are you trying to get under my skin?"
"Of course not! But it's pretty easy."
"Why must you bother me?" His eyes narrow.
"Maybe because you like talking to me more than you want to admit."
"And why would you think that?"
"Because you always do."
"Do what?"
"I'm sure you can figure that out." You say turning to leave the library.
"Do what y/n!?" He calls after you. "You didn't even get a book!" He shouts as the library doors close behind you. Loki frowns to himself for a moment and then decides to contact the only person he'd ever go to for advice on any subject. A looking glass spell slowly brings Frigga to life above his palm.
"Mother." He gets her attention.
"Loki?" Frigga picks up her looking glass with a smile. "Hello my darling boy. So lovely to hear from you. Thor tells me you're well."
"In the physical sense, yes." Loki nods.
"What troubles you my dear son?"
"I think Midgardian women might be more confusing than those on Asgard." Loki says.
"A woman? Do you feel for her?"
"Don't be ridiculous mother." Loki's words come out as a breathless chuckle.
"It is not ridiculous. She plagues your mind. Why, if you do not feel for her?"
"Truthfully I'm not sure." He frowns.
"Have you considered that you feel for her?"
"How would I know?"
"I believe the fact that you are asking may perhaps be a strong indicator already. This girl, do you see her often?"
"She lives here so yes." He nods.
"I mean intentionally darling." Frigga smiles.
"Walking past her in the hallways is not quite what I'm referring to."
"Oh- well she's the least insufferable person here so- sometimes, yes. Though it's usually her bribing me to do things when her other plans fall through."
"What do you mean?"
"Well she invited me to this water creature house they call an aquarium a couple of weeks ago because Thor forgot he was meant to go with her."
"Are you sure Thor was meant to go with her?" She asks.
"I don't follow." Loki shakes his head.
"I wonder if this girl is playing tricks on my trickster." Frigga smiles knowingly.
"Do you overestimate her or underestimate me to believe I could be outsmarted by a mortal?"
"It is not a blow Loki, be calm my son. She plagues your mind when she is not there, she has made her way to a spot many people never have the pleasure of knowing within you. I believe she has stolen your heart and even you do not know it yet."
"What makes you think that?"
"In all your years Loki you have never once asked me about a girl. And this one seems to have you quite... wrapped."
"I resent that notion." He scoffs.
"What made you contact me?"
"Well she was-" Loki stops himself, his mother has already decided Loki is a goner, perhaps he shouldn't feed her any more information.
"She was with you Loki?"
"I spend a lot of time in the library. She came by and we had a short conversation that's all."
"What did she say?" Frigga asks.
"She thinks I like her more than I do. Or rather more than I will admit. I asked her why and she refused to answer."
"Well- what would lead her to believe that?"
"I have no idea." Loki scoffs.
"How is your relationship with her different than with the others?"
"I don't speak to the others. I only speak to her and Thor."
"Tell me about her."
"She is- happy, but not like Thor- his happiness is loud and aggressive she is- a calmer happiness. She seems to be crucial to the peace in this madhouse. Not for me, for everyone. She's also frustratingly smart, she has a comeback for everything and- it's nice to feel as though someone on this dreadful planet can match me- even if I find it vexing at times. Also she bakes- I don't quite enjoy Midgardian food but her treats are quite good though I refuse to tell her that-"
"I'm sure she knows." Frigga says with a soft smile.
"Why are you smiling like that."
"If you could see your face when you speak of this girl you would know like I know that your heart is no longer yours."
"My heart is very much still-"
"No darling. You may not realize but your mind has already given your heart to her. Follow your heart to her. Allow yourself to go there. It will do you good and you deserve it."
"Mother I cannot." He shakes his head.
"You can, and I suggest you do soon. If you do not tell her she has your heart you risk her unknowingly breaking it. Though I sense she is more aware than you may think. Certainly she's more aware than you are."
"You keep saying that-"
"There was no day planned with Thor. I would bet money she wanted to go with you, but you are a tricky thing. To catch fox you must think like one."
"What do I do mother? If you are right and this girl does have me, what do I do?" Loki asks.
"Be kind, be honest, be true. Don't wait too long." Frigga warns.
"Don't wait too long?" He frowns.
"Yes child, that woman will not wait forever for you to wake up."
"What if she is not waiting?"
"You misunderstand. I'm not saying she is waiting on you to come to your senses what I'm saying is that affections change one day she may not enjoy your time as she does now, someone serious may woo her and you miss your chance entirely, stars forbid it but something could happen to her or you. Do not get in your own way Loki, you have a tendency to do that."
"I do not get in my own way."
"Loki." Frigga says, leveling her son with an unimpressed look.
"I will consider your advice mother thank you." Loki cedes.
"Good. I will expect an update soon so be prepared for me to check in."
"Of course mother. Take care."
"You too my son." Frigga sets her looking glass down and Loki disconnects his end of the spell with a sigh. If Frigga is correct, Loki has much to consider, and rather quickly based on her warnings.
When the door to the library opens you don't bother looking up. The book you're reading is far too interesting to stop mid-page.
"What are you doing?" Loki jumps when he walks passed you. You look up momentarily, debating how badly you want to make a stupid joke.
"I'm practicing my backhand spring." You say flatly.
"You're sitting on the couch?"
"I'm also holding a book and yet you asked what I'm doing. I don't know what answer you expected honestly." You shrug.
"I just meant you're not usually sitting around in here."
"Is reading in the library that odd to you?" You chuckle.
"Well- no. I was just expecting the library to be empty." He says.
"Would you like me to leave?"
"Why would you offer to leave? You were here first."
"Yeah but I can read anywhere. Your hermit tendencies limit your spaces far more than mine."
"I am not a hermit." Loki rolls his eyes.
"Of course not." You hum.
"I'm not. I just have no desire to waste my time having unintelligent conversations with the uncultured morons that live here."
"Well don't let me bother you then."
"Not you, the others. And you can obviously stay."
"Why thank you for deeming me worthy enough to stay in your presence." You quip dramatically.
"It's not as if you care what I deem anyhow."
"True, that was sarcasm. Happy reading." You turn your attention back to your book and though Loki would like the conversation to continue he can't think of anything to say to justify pulling your focus from the book you're so clearly captivated by. You're in the library with your book for a few more hours and during that time Loki cannot help the way his eyes wander to you every so often, he doesn't even realize it's happening at first but once he does his mother's words that have been in his head for the past 2 weeks ring even louder.
"Y/n!" Wanda practically sings as she walks, no from the sound of it she's skipping, over to you at the kitchen island.
"Yes Wanda my dear?" You chuckle, setting your sandwich back on its plate.
"You know our coffee shop?"
"Around the block?"
"Yep!" She nods.
"What of it?"
"Well I heard through the grapevine that someone who works there has a crush on you."
"You heard- through the grapevine?" You quirk up an eyebrow at her.
"Cassie told me."
"How did you end up in that conversation?" You chuckle.
"Not the point, we should go down there!" She suggests excitedly.
"I'm eating a sandwich-"
"Not right now, tomorrow morning."
"You wanna tell me- who this mystery crush is? Because I'm not going anywhere if you don't tell me." You say biting your sandwich.
"It's Elliot."
"Oh he's cute-"
"Wanda." Vision calls as the main elevator arrives.
"Soooo we'll game plan when I get back?" She asks walking backwards.
"Fine." You shake your head and chuckle as she disappears in the elevator with Vision. You take a bite of your sandwich, presumably alone again, only to hear a throat clearing from behind you. You look over your shoulder to find Loki the source of the sound.
"Oh hi Loki." You say covering your mouth.
"Hello." He mutters.
"What brings you out of hiding today?"
"I'm not a hibernating bear you know."
"Of course not." You hum. Loki opens the fridge to grab something to drink, although it's mostly just so he can convince himself to bite the bullet and confess to you before this 'Elliot' from the coffee shop has an opportunity to turn your head like his mother warned him of.
"Do you have a moment? I know you're- eating but I'd like to talk- about something." He says awkwardly.
"Sure. I can use multiple senses at once. What's up?" You ask taking another bite of your sandwich. Loki opens his mouth a couple of times before he frowns. "Is something wrong Loki?"
"I don't know." He says, brows furrowed as he looks at the floor.
"You don't know if something's wrong? Are you dizzy? Dehydrated? Feverish? Do you need to sit down?" You sit up, concerned.
"No, I don't."
"You sure? You look kind of- constipated. I think you should sit down."
"I don't want to y/n." He grits out.
"Okay, calm down no need to get angry with me for caring."
"You said I look constipated!"
"Well you do! But only a little bit!"
"This is not going at all how I planned it?"
"What are you on about Loki?" You frown.
"Nothing it was just way easier to do this in my head."
"Easier to do what?"
"Never mind. Enjoy your lunch." Loki pivots and you almost knock over your barstool trying to stop him from leaving the kitchen.
"Not so fast god of mischief tell me what it is you're so panicked about."
"It's nothing y/n." He rolls his eyes.
"Nonsense. If it were nothing you wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it in the first place." You tell him.
"Yes, I over reacted, which is what I just realized and why I'm no longer interested in having this conversation." He says completely avoiding your gaze.
"Don't be a coward Loki." You snap.
"I beg your pardon?" His eyes widen.
"Don't be a coward. I've never known you to shy away from sharing your thoughts even when nobody asked don't tell me suddenly you're incapable of speaking your mind."
"I am far from incapable." He says.
"So spill it." You push.
"And if I don't?"
"Then you're not who I thought you were."
"Over a personal thought?" His eyebrow raises.
"It's the principle. What have you got to lose that makes you so fearful of your own voice?"
"Something I didn't even realize was important to me until recently." He says quietly.
"What's that?" You ask. Loki's eyes scan your face for a long moment, and if not for how close you are you'd swear he's holding his breath for how shallow it is.
"You." He whispers.
"I'm not going anywhere." You shake your head.
"I'm afraid you may take that back if you hear that which I refuse to say." He says.
"Is the reward worth the risk?" You ask.
"If I'm lucky."
"I'm disappointed that you see me as someone so easily run off Loki."
"That's not what this is." He shakes his head.
"No? It sounds like it."
"Do you see me as somebody that could be loved?"
"Of course I do. Thor loves you unconditionally. Your mother too from what I've heard."
"Do you see me as somebody that could be loved, by you?" This question is far more hesitant.
"Is that what you want?"
"In time, yes." He nods and a stray giggle escapes your lips.
"That's what you thought would drive me away?!" You shake your head. "Maybe you haven't noticed but I put quite a bit of effort into creating time to spend with you."
"Oh come on it's mostly coincidence, your friends canceling or Thor forgetting you had plans."
"You silly trickster. I chose to spend that time with you." You say.
"To be clear- does that mean you're as taken with me as I am with you?" Loki asks.
"You're taken with me?!" You blink at him in shock.
"Yes was I not clear about-"
"I'm joking Loki I just wanted to hear you say it directly." You smile.
"You vex me." He breathes out.
"And yet you like me anyway. Even more than I expected."
"Don't boast."
"How can I not?" You ask.
"I can think of a few ways to stop you."
"You can try Loki but I'm not so easily swayed." You taunt. Loki's hand comes up to your cheek and he kisses you. His lips are soft and he kisses you as if he's got all the time in the world. When Loki pulls away your eyes flutter open with surprise.
"How's that for sway?" He smirks.
"I'll admit that wasn't a terrible start." You breathe.
"Oh yeah?" Loki lifts you into his arms suddenly and you squeal in surprise as he carries you to his room. He lays you gently on his bed and kisses you again. "Not a terrible start is not enough." He hums trailing to your neck, peppering your throat with kisses and light nibbles. Loki pulls your shirt over your head. "Stars above you're beautiful." He mutters trailing his fingers delicately across your newly exposed skin.
"I'm not a flower you know." You giggle, the soft touches making you feel ticklish.
"What do you mean?" He frowns.
"Nothing bad. You're just being much more gentle than I'd have expected." You tell him caressing his face. He pauses for a moment as you trace his features.
"Do you remember what I said at the aquarium?"
"About the hammerhead shark reminding you of-"
"No about being gentle you silly girl." He says with a disbelieving chuckle.
"Oh! Yes that you can be when you want to be."
"I didn't realize it applied elsewhere."
"Do you not like gentle?"
"Gentle is good." You shake your head. "Just unexpected." You smile. Loki returns your smile and leans down to press kisses down your abdomen. He pulls your shorts and panties off together, kissing your calf ones you're freed from the fabric. Loki's eyes are on you as his lips glide up your leg, opened mouthed kisses until he reaches your thigh where he bites at the skin, just enough for you to feel it. With one last kiss to your hip, Loki buries his face in your heat. You gasp at the first feel of his tongue against your center. His movements are unhurried as he watches your reactions to his mouth. When he finds the rhythm that you react the strongest to he sticks to it, enjoying the whimpers and moans he pulls from you and the way your body grinds against him.
"Oh god." You pant, one hand tangling in his hair. When you feel two of his fingers slowly glide into your entrance and curl upwards your eyes shoot open with a whine that makes Loki hum against you. You glance down at him, surprised to see his green eyes peering up at you with something akin to adoration shining in them and despite the pleasure building in your belly all you can think about for a brief moment is how... pretty he looks. Of course, that train of thought is lost when Loki wraps his lips around your clit, focusing his attention on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Between his tongue and his fingers you don't have a chance of staving off the orgasm that washes over you soon after. Loki works you through it, only pulling away when your breathing starts to steady.
"You are a vision in the heat of release you know." He says a hand on your chin to guide your attention.
"No, I did not know that." You smile reaching up to undress Loki. You pull his shirt over his head, littering his chest with kisses as you undo his pants but don't pull them down. You slip your hand into the waistband of his underwear stroking his hard hot dick.
"F-fucking hell you might be the death of me." Loki breathes out shuddering beneath your touch.
"I sure hope not. I quite like you alive you know." You joke with a giggle. Loki grabs your wrist and shakily pulls your hand from him.
"Right, if this goes on I'll embarrass myself." He says with a slight chuckle shifting to pull his pants down enough to free himself. He lines himself with your entrance and slowly works himself passed your walls with short rolling thrusts, deeper each time.
"That's nothing to be embarrassed about you know Loki." You tell him, admittedly a bit winded as he fills you.
"Maybe not, but I'll admit it's not ideal for our first time together." He groans as he bottoms out.
"Don't get caught up in expectations Loki." You tell him.
"Only my own darling." He says. Loki holds still for a few moments, allowing you to adjust to his size, only moving when you begin to grind against him.
"Move, Loki, please." You groan. Loki lets out a breath as he starts a steady rhythm. He's immediately a string of groans and curses in your ear as he fucks you, his sounds mingling with yours beautifully.
"Gods you feel even better than I could've imagined." He pants out between thrusts.
"Don't stop baby. God you feel so good." You moan, grinding up against his hips to meet his movements. Loki reaches between your bodies and his fingers find your clit, rubbing tight circles against the bud that turn your quiet moans to loud whines.
"Come on darling, I want to feel you cum on my dick. Please y/n- let go for me." Loki coaxes, kissing at your throat again and it doesn't take long for your body to tense with the feeling of another orgasm. Loki groans deeply as your walls tighten around him from your release.
"Did you like that Loki? Feeling my pussy clench from cumming for you? You're close aren't you? Come on baby, cum for me."
Loki's thrusts speed up a bit, then falter, and stall altogether moments later as you feel the heat of his release inside you. Loki kisses your shoulder gently as he comes down from his orgasm, your fingers stroking his hair a comfort he wouldn't have thought he'd enjoy.
"You know- I know you were trying to get me to stop boasting but if boasting always ends with us like this I'm inclined to do it more often." You say after a few moments of silence and Loki chuckles against your neck.
"Boasting is not a prerequisite my darling." He says sitting up. Loki conjures a damp cloth and gently dabs first your face, then your neck, and carefully between your legs before helping you into his shirt.
"Well what is?" You ask.
"There isn't one you tricky girl." He chuckles pulling you into his chest.
"How am I the tricky one here?"
"You caught the fox, I think that's worth some tricky points."
"What fox? Are you the fox?"
"Mhm." He nods.
"Well- then that's by far the best thing I've ever caught." You smile up at him.
"The fox isn't complaining either." He hums and you cuddle closer to him. This hadn't exactly been your original gameplan with Loki but this is way better than any outcome you could've expected.
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simplyholl · 10 months
Be A Good Girl For Daddy
Summary: When Loki’s son breaks up with you, his father has a tempting plan for revenge.
Pairing: Dilf Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Toxic relationship. Mentions of you getting cheated on. Daddy Kink. Smut. 18+ Only. Minors DNI.
W/C: 1.4k
See my Masterlist Here
Your relationship with Narfi had been rocky from the start. He was mercurial. You had to walk on eggshells just to keep him happy. Every time there was an argument, he mentioned how there was no shortage of women waiting to be with him. You were replaceable. He never let you forget it. Despite everything, you loved him.
On his best days, he was sweet, loving, Prince Charming come to life. You loved everything about him, including his family. His brother, Vali was the exact opposite. He was the perfect partner to his wife, Olivia. You couldn’t help your jealousy. He never fought with her or raised his voice, especially not in public. You weren’t sure he was even capable of losing his temper.
But where Narfi lacked manners, his father, Loki made up for it. He would always open doors for you, pull your chair out, refill your drinks, get you flowers on special occasions. He was always scolding Narfi for his treatment of you.
One night after a particularly heated argument, Loki told you that you deserved better than his son. Still you stayed in a relationship, you should have left years ago.
Tonight was the end of that, though. You had caught Narfi texting with another girl and from the conversation, you could tell he had been sleeping with her. When you confronted him, he broke up with you. He said that you were insecure and he he didn’t know why he kept you around so long. You had wore your sexiest dress for him tonight, and you still weren’t enough.
To make a bad situation worse, he did it in front of his family. Vali and Olivia tried to comfort you, but you were too shocked, too hurt. You couldn’t move. You just sat on the steps, your face in your hands, sobbing. They finally gave up and left for their apartment.
Loki let you cry in peace, busying himself by cleaning his house. You weren’t sure how long you’d been there, but you knew it was too long when Narfi came in with the woman he was cheating with. They both stared at you for a moment before walking passed you.
��You’re still here? She’s so pathetic.” He says making the girl laugh as they walk by. You rolled your eyes at the irony. He was calling you pathetic when he was so terrible with money that he couldn’t keep a steady job. He couldn’t afford rent or pay his bills so he had to live with his father.
Loki saw the whole interaction and came to check on you. He reaches his hand out to you. You take it, letting him lead you to the kitchen. “Dry your tears, sweet girl. I’ve told you, you deserve better.” You sniff wiping the tears from your eyes. “I know, I should have listened to you. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Your gaze lingers on Loki’s handsome features. You thought it was crazy that he had been single for so long. Part of Narfi’s appeal had been that he was almost as gorgeous as his father. You had hoped he would age like him too.
Dwelling in your heartbreak gave you time to think. You wished you had met Loki first. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t made yourself come to the thought of him more than once. His bedroom was beside Narfi’s. After having less than satisfying sex with Narfi, you would touch yourself thinking of him.
Narfi would take a shower right after, leaving you to take care of yourself. It wouldn’t take long for you to get yourself off when you thought of Loki next door. You always tried to be silent just in case he could hear you, but a few months ago his name slipped passed your lips. If he heard you, he hasn’t said anything or acted differently around you.
“You were too good for him. I raised him to be a gentleman, but obviously I failed there.” Loki’s voice clears your thoughts. You take his hand in yours to comfort him. “It’s not your fault he’s such an asshole. It’s silly, but I always wished he was more like you.”
Loki’s eyebrow quirks at your words. He cups your face, placing his thumb on your bottom lip. “I know the perfect way to get back at him.” Your eyes light up. You would love to get revenge for everything he had put you through. You knew Loki to be quite the trickster, so this should be good.
“We could sleep together.” He suggests as serious as a heart attack. “I don’t know. That’s a little inappropriate, isn’t it?” Loki leans against the table. He’s acting if what he’s just said isn’t ridiculous. “Darling, I can fuck you better than he ever could. You think I don’t hear you on the other side of the wall? I know he doesn’t fuck you right. And don’t pretend like you’re not attracted to me. I’ve heard you moaning my name while you touch yourself. What better way to get revenge than to fuck his father?”
He smiles at you in that way that makes him impossible to resist. He makes it very hard to argue with him. You clear your throat. “If I agree, would we tell Narfi?” Loki considers for a moment. “If you want to tell him, we will.” He smirks. “Or it could be our little secret.” You jump on the counter, beckoning him closer with your finger.
Loki takes his place between your legs, his eyes full of lust. “We will just keep it between us. I love that he won’t know. It makes this so much hotter. The knowledge that his dad made me cum, and he never could is the best revenge.”
Loki’s large hand rests on the back of your neck, bringing your face to his. His lips collide with yours. You feel his muscled back through his button up. Your fingers fumble trying to undo each button. You become frustrated, settling for pulling the material between your hands as hard as you can.
A few buttons spring free. Loki chuckles darkly. “Impatient, are we?” He removes his shirt for you. He brings his hands down to your thighs, eventually landing on your stomach. He pushes you gently laying you down on the cool marble of the high top.
“A delicious meal spread out for me on the counter. I have no choice, but to eat.” He lowers his head between your thighs, swift fingers pull your panties down your legs. He wastes no time. His warm tongue rolling in waves against your clit. You clutch his shoulders, moans falling from your lips.
He places his arms underneath you, tilting your hips upward. He sucks and nips at you until you’re an incoherent mess. He seals his mouth to your clit, the pressure causing you to come undone. He unbuttons his pants, his hard cock jutting outward. He lifts you off the high top, pulling your dress up for better access. He lines you up with his throbbing length. Loki sinks into you, backing you up against the stove.
His rough fingers dig into your hips as he lowers you back onto himself. He rocks into you harder now, basically using you as a fuck toy. Your back roughly hits the knobs on the stove. It hurts, but you don’t mind. All you can focus on is this force of a man, slamming into you.
He moves you toward the table, switching positions, so now he’s behind you. He spreads your legs wider, sinking into you from this new angle. His thumb finds your clit, strumming with expertise. You arch your back for him, throwing your ass back to meet every thrust.
He takes your hair in his hands, pulling harder with every lunge. “My precious little slut. Such a good girl for me. Tell me who you belong to.” He commands, circling your clit. The fire in your belly rising, bringing you closer to the edge.
“I’m yours, Daddy.” His movements are rougher now. He grips your hips harder pulling you back against him. His cock plunges deeper, hitting your sweet spot. You cry out. Your knuckles grip the edge of the table.
“That’s it, come for Daddy.” His finger swirls your slick bud with perfection in tandem with his large hand slapping against your ass. You shatter as he continues bringing his hand down against your soft flesh. He talks you through it like you always fantasized he would. “So perfect. You take me so well.”
You feel his thrusts grow sloppy and know he is close too. He stills, spilling inside you. His ragged breath tickling your neck. You lay there for a minute against the table with Loki still buried deep inside you.
You hear footsteps so you glance up. “You fucked my dad?!” Narfi exclaims, looking from you to his father, still buried inside you. “I always knew you were a dirty slut. This just proves it.” Narfi spits the insult at you, usually his words would sting. Now they don’t bother you at all. Loki looks at his son, smirking as he slaps you on the ass in front of him. “She was a good girl for Daddy.”
@fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @potter-puff007 @cakesandtom @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @gigglingtiggerv2
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Which ror characters do you think would have this dynamic:
*reader being drunk as hell* *character trying to get her up to help her make it to bed* reader:"get the hell away from me i have a partner."
Character:...i AM your partner
Reader,smiling dumbly: "hi luv"
(if it's too bothersome feel free to skip)
A/N: OMG, this was so much fun to write for!! I love this dynamic in couples, my friend actually has this dynamic and I tease her for it all the time! This is the Gods edition, I’ll make a Humans one later. Anyways, enjoy~~
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💀 He may seem like he wants a regal and mature S/O, but let's be honest, he needs a chaotic one to balance him out
💀 So when you got drunk, holy hell, it was funnier than shit
💀 Hades came home and walked through the bedroom doors and saw as you laid on your back, allowing your top half to dangle off the edge and your bottom to hang on the bed top
💀 He chuckled and asked what you were doing in which you replied with;
“ Layin’ down. “
💀 You were slurring as you spoke, and with that, your body language, and the empty wine bottle that laid on the bedside table top led him to realize, you were drunk
💀 He bent his knees and began to lift you up before coaxing you into bed, and when he was about to lay beside you, you pushed him back up, and said;
“ Get the Helheim away from me, I have a husband. “
💀 Hades started to cry from holding back his laughter, answering with;
“ My Queen, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💀 He was not letting you gain access to his wine anytime soon
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💪 Like Hades, he seems like he wants a fairly mature S/O, but he does enjoy the amounts of randomness and seeming chaos you bring everywhere you turn
💪 He had been training with Ares’ army, since the God was busy with other work, and all he wanted was to lay down and take a well-deserved sleep with you by his side
💪 Heracles expected you to be sitting on the couch waiting for him, but seeing you sprawled out, snoring with an empty beer bottle on the ground, he chuckled, picked you up and laid you on the bed while he took a quick shower
💪 He knew you hated him laying in bed all sweaty and sticky
💪 When he finished his shower and got ready to lay down with you, you laid a hand on his chest while gently, yet firmly, pushing him away
“ Don’t come near me, I have a husband, and he would kick your butt for touching me. “
💪 He wanted to laugh so badly, and unlike Hades, he did, though he kept it at a low volume
“ Sweetheart, I am your husband. “ “ Hi love. “
💪 Seeing you smile made him chuckle, and lay down next to you as you relaxed
💪 He’s have to tell the others not to give you any alcohol anytime soon
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🌩️ He adores the chaos you bring around most of the time, but he doesn’t like it if it gets to be super extreme, so if Loki is involved, nope
🌩️ Thor and you seem to balance each other out well, he’s calm and quiet while you’re loud and oblivious
🌩️ He has seen your drunk before, but that time you just passed out after hugging him and making him carry you home from the meeting
🌩️ But he had never seen you this drunk
🌩️ Thor came home from his training and noticed a broken bottle on the ground with slight blood, and it made him ready himself, preparing to see something horrid
🌩️ He strode deeper inside your living room and saw you laying on the ground with a blanket lazily draped over your midsection, halfway off and halfway on
🌩️ Slight blood was dripping onto the ground and blanket from your hand, you must have dropped the bottle and tried cleaning it up
🌩️ Thor picked you up and laid you on the bed and motioned for the maids to clean the mess up while he took you to bed
🌩 Once he laid you down and tried to clean up your hard injury, you woke up and pushed him away from you with a pout
“ Get away from me… I have a husband, thank you. “ “ My bolt, I am your husband… ” “ Hi love… ”
🌩️ Sigh, this is why he doesn’t let Loki and you hang out
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📨 He didn’t keep that much alcohol inside the house, knowing you’d do something stupid with it
📨 The only stuff he kept was things like wines given to him on his birthdays and whatnot, but he made sure to keep it hidden very well from you
📨 When Hermes came home early that day, he had decided to break open a bottle of red wine with you, but when he went to go grab some, it was gone, and he froze
📨 Hearing stumbling come through the house made him grab a pair of scissors just in case and walk towards it, carefully not making much noise
📨 Hermes looked inside your room and saw you with a bottle in your hands, it was nearly fully empty, and by the way three more rested besides you, you were drunk off your ass
📨 He just chuckled at both your actions and his own
“ My dear, are you alright? “
📨 He grabbed the bottle and kneeled down to kiss your forehead before you stood up and caused him to headbutt you on accident, thankfully, you didn’t seem to feel it
“ I have a husband, and he can run circles around you, now, leave! “ “ Dear, I am your husband, but I thank you for the compliment. “ “ Hi love. “
📨 It took a while, but when he finally got you to sleep it was fun, especially when you woke up and remembered what you did, he was gonna use that against you for a while
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vbecker10 · 4 days
Talk to Me (Part 3)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Your mind is racing in too many directions and you have no answers. Are your nightmares are returning? Will Loki pull away now that you saw his Jotun form? Will you ever get the courage to tell him you love him?
Meanwhile, Loki battles with similar concerns. What can he do to ensure you feel safe and keep away your nightmares? How will he explain his Jotun form to you without you thinking he's a monster? Will you ever love him the way he loves you?
Warnings: anxiety, feeling of being alone, fear of running a friendship, Loki being insecure about being a frost giant... soooo much angst I'm sorry lol
A/N: Don't worry, Part 4 is the last part and I'm going to post it a day or so after I post this so you won't have to wait too long 💚
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His smile vanishes and he immediately shifts back into his Asgardian form, pulling his fingers free from your other hand. "I'm sorry," he says nervously as he gets up and walks away from you.
"For what?" you ask getting up but he ignores you. "Wait, Loki," you call as he heads towards his bedroom and pauses under the door frame. You walk towards him and say, "Please don't do that. Don't shut me out." You slip your hand into his and he looks at you. "You promised you would talk to me, remember?"
He sighs, "I did promise that, didn't I?"
You nod and try to smile, hoping he will open up to you. You are always worried Loki will retreat behind the walls you've worked so hard to break down.
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I don't know what I did to deserve such a fiercely devoted friend."
You shrug and hold your forced smile as you feel a twinge of pain in your chest when he refers to you simply as his friend.
"We will talk in the morning, I promise," he says as he moves to pull you into a hug. "You need to rest."
You nod and let go of his hand, turning towards the living area. Your heart sinks and you feel a wave of a guilt and concern when you see the state of the couch for the first time. The blanket Loki had given you is in a pile on the floor but you can see several large holes burned into it. The fabric of the cushions are singed far worse than you thought and the wall behind the couch is lightly coated in ash and smoke.
"I didn't realize it was this bad," you say in a stunned voice. You cover your mouth in shock as you realize how close you had come to making your nightmare a reality. Looking at Loki, you lower your hand, "I'm so sorry." You begin the fight to hold back the tears that swiftly push their way to the surface.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," he puts his arms around you, turning you away from the couch. "It is just a piece of furniture," he waves one hand towards the couch. With a light green glow, the blanket vanishes from sight, both the couch and wall return to their previous, un-burnt state. Loki rubs your back in a soothing manner and you lift your head to look up at him. A single tear escapes and he wipes it away before you can hide it from him. "The important thing is that you are okay," he tells you with a caring look.
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Loki offers to walk you back to your room and you quickly agree, still feeling the lingering nervousness from your panic attack and nightmare, you are not ready to be alone yet.
As you walk down the hall quietly, his fingers brush against the back of your hand lightly. You want to take his hand but you are unsure how he will react. Would he squeeze your hand as your ever supportive friend then let go as he had done many times before? Would he pull away from you with the forced, polite smile you've seen him use in dozens of interviews? He still seems a bit distant after you had seen his Jotun form, what if he didn't want to be close to you now?
Loki looks down at how closely your hands are and wishes he could reach out for yours. He tries to picture the smile that would light up your face if he was to take your hand and bring it to his lips, kissing your soft skin lightly.
When you reach your door, you pause briefly before opening it.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"I'm afraid to go back to sleep," you admit. "I haven't been in so long but I just... what if it happens again? What if the nightmares are coming back? I don't want to go back to the way it was."
"I'm sure it was just a one time thing. You were over tired from your mission and we both know you have been under a lot of stress lately," Loki tries to reassure you but he can tell it does nothing to ease your fear. He understands better than anyone in the Tower how your nightmares had affected you.
You would stay awake for days at a time when he first met you, fearful that if you closed your eyes for even a second the dreams would return. Loki had helped you discover that your nightmares were triggered by your anxiety, stress and exhaustion. Unfortunately, this meant the more tired or worried you were, the more likely it would be that your sleep would be interrupted.
"Last time they started it was just like this," you tell him. You begin to fear that you were wrong to think your issues sleeping were truly behind you.
Loki is quiet for a moment, one of his hands settles on your lower back gently and he moves it up and down slowly while he thinks. "Would you feel more comfortable if I stayed?" he offers for the first time since your nightmares subsided months ago.
"Yes," you answer without thinking. "I mean... if you don't mind, I know my couch isn't really that great. You're way too tall for it," you hold back a smile remembering the last time Loki feel asleep there, his long legs hanging off the end of what was more of a love seat than a couch.
Loki takes a step towards you, his fingers touching your chin to gently raise your eyes to meet his, "Have you ever known me to offer to do something if i didn't want to do it?"
"No," you smile, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at how close he is standing to you. You hope he doesn't notice but the way his eyes flicker to your cheeks you know he did.
You open your door and he takes your hand as if it was the most natural thing he has ever done. It is hard to focus on anything other than the feeling of his thumb running slowly along your knuckles. You follow him into your apartment without another word.
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You tell him you will find him an extra pillow but as soon as the words leave your lips he smirks and you remember who you are talking to. "Don't worry, I've got them," he responds as he conjures a pillow and blanket to place on the couch.
"Right," you smile awkwardly. You wait a moment but when he sits on the couch you realize he isn't planning on giving you a hug before you leave him for the night. You always need just one more hug but you can't bring yourself to ask for one right now.
"Sleep well, Y/N," he tells you.
"Goodnight Loki," you lift your hand to give him a small wave before disappearing into your room.
You lay on your bed and pull the sheets tightly around yourself but you couldn't feel any more awake. The second you close your eyes, your heart races as the faded memories of your nightmare flash across your mind. You open them quickly and look up at the bare ceiling with a groan. You try to push aside your fear that the nightmares are returning, hoping that Loki is right.
Loki... your thoughts stray to the God curled up in your living room. Why had he been so upset when you saw his Jotun form? That's who he truly is, isn't it? He shouldn't be ashamed of that or try to hide it from everyone, you think. But even if he doesn't want the whole world to see him, that shouldn't include you, should it? You weren't just anyone, you were his friend, his best friend. The person he had promised to share everything with. Maybe you aren't as close as you think, maybe that is a part of himself he will never share with you. Or maybe he is waiting to share it with someone he loves and trusts but that person isn't you, you think as you roll over, clinging to your pillow.
Loki conjures a book and lays on your couch with one arm behind his head. He is comfortable enough with his legs bent to fit better on the small piece of furniture but he feels as if something is missing. He realizes he is missing how it felt to have his arms around you, he hadn't hugged you goodnight as he typically would and it left a hollow feeling in his chest. He didn't want to add any more fuel to your already fearful mind and he is unsure how you will truly feel about his Jotun form once you are more rested and able to absorb what you saw.
He closes his book and places it on your coffee table, knowing he will be unable to focus on reading tonight. He is too angry with himself for slipping and revealing his Jotun form. Loki wants nothing more than to have you feel comfortable with him, how could have risked everything like that? How could he have been so stupid and reckless? You were at your most vulnerable and you needed him but he turned into a monster, he scolds himself. What if the sight of him had scared you? You could have hurt yourself with your powers and he knows he would never have been able to forgive himself for that.
He looks up, his attention pulled towards the sound of your bedroom door opening. Sitting up, Loki asks, "Are you okay?"
You shrug and put your arms around yourself. You aren't sure how to explain to Loki how lonely and anxious you feel.
"Do you want to sit out here with me for a bit?" he asks, patting the cushion next to him invitingly.
You nod and sit next to him, he moves the blanket to cover both of your laps and he puts his arm around your shoulders. Instantly, you feel some of the tension begin to leave your body as you relax a bit. "I know I need to sleep but I just can't," you tell him. "It's like my mind won't shut off. I feel bad keeping you awake like this, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," he tells you sincerely. "You stayed awake with me plenty of times when we were working through my nightmares. You are the only reason I am able to sleep now," he reminds you. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the same for you?"
"Thank you Loki," you look up at him with a small, forced smile.
"That is not all that is wrong though, is it?" he asks but you shake your head. "I know you Y/N," he touches your cheek. "I know there is something aren't saying."
You look down, fidgeting with your fingers, you can't help but hate and love how well he knows you. You know you need to tell him something or he will keep asking what is wrong. How are you supposed to tell him your smile faltered because you dislike being reminded that you are nothing more than his friend?
"I was wondering..." you pause as your mind tries to work quickly, "Since neither of us are going to sleep any time soon, maybe we could have that talk now? About what happened with your Jotun form?"
His body tenses and you worry you have made a mistake. Maybe you should have tried to lie about something else or just gone back to your room. After a long stretch of silence he finally nods.
"I never meant for you to see me that way, ever," he says as he shakes his head. Loki shifts, leaving an empty space between you both on the couch. It is only a few inches but it feels like he is miles away. "I wasn't thinking," he continues. "When I saw you surrounded by the flames I knew I needed to help you, to make sure you were safe and the fire was out but I hadn't intended to let... that out." He flinches when he refers to his Jotun form.
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"I guess maybe I just don't understand why you want to keep that part of you locked away," you move closer to him.
"The Jotun are monsters, Y/N," he states. "I'm a monster. My father- Odin," he quickly corrects himself, "Made that perfectly clear to Thor and me when we were growing up. He used to tell us stories about them, the same way humans tell their children ghost stories. Jotuns are too be feared and hated and I never wanted you to know that side of me. I don't want you to be afraid of me."
"I admit, I don't know the first thing about Jotuns," you reach for his hand. "But I know you." He looks at you, his eyes are full of pain. "I have never been afraid of you Loki, you know that. Even the first time we met... when you kinda threw me through a wall," you try to joke.
"I have apologized for that," he says defensively.
"I know, I was kidding," you try to explain but you obviously missed the mark. You sigh, "Loki, listen to me. You are not a monster, I don't care what that ass Odin said when you were a kid. You are the most caring person I have ever met. No one has ever treated me this kindly or has put so much effort into trying to understand me."
He smiles as you talk and you can see in his eyes he believes you. "I have met monsters, Loki," you remind him. "We both have fought them on our missions and you are nothing like them. You care too deeply to ever become anything like them."
You put your arms around him and rest your head against his chest. He hugs you back and quietly says, "Thank you, Y/N."
Loki closes his eyes, feeling himself relax for the first time since your nightmare. He takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to tilt your head up so he can press his lips to yours. He wants to be closer to you but instead he places a soft kiss on the top of your head. He cannot risk your friendship, especially not in this moment so he settles for any affection he can as you hug him tighter, your body pressed so perfectly against his.
"You are without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me and I do know what I would do without you in my life," he says, meaning every word.
You smile, knowing how much Loki appreciates you and you feel guilty wishing for more. You want him to say that he loves you, that he wants you in his life as more than his friend but he doesn't and he won't. You push down the torn feelings you have and tell him, "I will always be here for you."
"And I will always be here for you, Y/N," he responds. His body aches to shift forward and seal your promises with a kiss but he still doesn't move.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence he says, "You need to get some rest. You've had a long night."
"We both have," your agree but you still aren't sure you will be able to sleep. You get up from the couch and walk back towards your room but you stop after only a few steps. You turn to look back at Loki and tell him, "I don't want to be alone."
"I'm here," he promises as he sits on your couch.
You bite your lip, holding back the words you want to say. You want to ask him to hold you while you sleep. He had made you feel so protected and safe after your panic attack and you need to feel like that again.
He gets up from the couch and walks towards you when you don't say anything in response. "Would you feel better if I slept in your room tonight?" he asks and you hear a hint of nervousness in his voice, not something you are used to with Loki.
The answer leaves your mouth before you even realize it, "Yes."
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You take Loki's hand and lead him into your room. Pulling back the covers you make eye contact with him and realize he looks almost as anxious as you feel. You lay on your side near the edge of the bed, facing away from Loki quietly as he gets in on the other side.
Loki's heart skips a beat with nervous excitement, he truthfully hadn't thought you would accept his offer. As much as he wants to hold you all night he is worried about what will happen after. He fears this will be the only time you allow him into your bed and he knows it will not be enough for him. One night spent near you could never be enough but he will savor every second.
An empty space forms between you and Loki for a few moments then you feel the mattress dip as he rolls over towards you. Without thinking, you shift closer to him and your breath catches when you feel his chest flush to your back. He drapes his arm over you, pulling you flush to his body.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly in your ear, he hopes you can't feel how quickly his heart is beating.
"It's perfect," you smile, keeping your eyes closed tight, trying to etch this feeling into your mind. You lay completely still, feeling the way his legs tangle with yours loosely, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breaths slowly, your hand covers his which rests lightly on your stomach. You could stay cuddled in his arms forever but you know it won't last. Come morning, he will release you and you will return to sleeping alone.
"Can I ask you something?" you say a few minutes later in a low voice.
"You can ask me anything," he promises.
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lokigodofmyheart · 2 months
Loki x Female Reader.
Summary: The history of Loki and Y/N through the time since they were 8 years old. 
Warnnings: Canon Divergence; Mean Odin; Friends to lovers; really small enemies to lovers; virgin!Loki, virgin!Reader, first kiss, loss of virginity, marriage, planned pregnancy. 
Word count: 9.455
A/N: I really like to write this one. Loki deserves his happy ending. If I forgot any warnning, please let me know. English is not my first language. You can also find this work on AO3.
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Y/N and Loki had been best friends for a couple of years now. They met when her mother, a close friend of Frigga, accepted the invitation to move to Asgard and live with them. Loki and Y/N were 5 at the time ant that was 3 years ago. Now they’re 8 years old. 
Y/N had a nightmare that night and woke up scared, so she decided to go to her best friend’s room, like she usually did when she was scared. She knocked on his door, gently. Loki was laying on his bed, sobbing on his pillow, but when he heard a knock on his door, he sat up and tried to stop crying. Y/N didn’t wait for an answer, she knocked and enter his room and went straight to his bed with him. Loki looks over at her and wipes the last of his tears with the back of his hand “W-what do you want?” 
“What happened?” She asked worried seeing him cry, her nightmare long forgotten. 
“Dad hurt me...” Loki said quietly. 
Her face showed pure shock “...what?” 
Loki nods, looking down “He...he hit me.” 
Y/N hugged the little boy tightly “I’m so sorry, Loki.” He hugged her back, sobbing into her shoulders. “Do you want me to stay with you? Or maybe come to my room?” 
He looks at her, his face wet with the tears “I want to come to your room.” 
She held his hand as they got off his bed and walked to her room, Loki following her and still shaken. They went to her bed as soon as they entered Y/N’s room and Loki curls up next to her. “I’ll protect you.” She says to her friend. 
Loki smiles and closes his eyes, slowly beginning to fall asleep feeling safe with her. Y/N seeing he was peacefully, finally closed her eyes and slept too, with no more nightmares in the night. After that night, they made a habit to sleep together sometimes, but no one really mind since they were only kids. 
4 years later
Loki and Y/N were now 12 and they still sleeping close by with Y/N. They are laying on her bed, when she broke the silence. “How was your day?” Loki mumbles something about Odin being mean to him, again. “You should come train with me and Thor. Maybe that could help you relax." She smiles at him. 
Loki just nods at her. He didn’t like that much of the idea to train with Thor. Everyone thinks so highly of his brother. They talked for a few more minutes before they decided to sleep. Loki tried once to train with her and his brother, but he didn't like. So, he starts to spend more of his time in the library reading. 
3 years later
 They're 15 years old now. Loki had gotten taller than Y/N, which was normal, his voice had changed, and he looked more like a man than a boy. Y/N's body was also changing and they're both filled with hormones. Loki got better with his magic and Y/N got better with the fight skills. They still sleep sometimes together, it was a habit by now. But the hormones were starting to act on them. 
Loki was reading a book but couldn’t stop thinking of Y/N. He had thought of her a lot recently and had even caught himself fantasizing of her a lot. He tried to keep his mind on the book, but it was hard when he had been thinking about her so much. Then a knock came on the door and interrupted his thoughts. 
“Loki?” She called him. 
He put down his book and got up then walked over to the door and opened it, looking at her “Yeah?” 
“Can I come in?” She looked a little sad. 
“Uh, yeah.” he steps aside and opens the door wide enough for her to enter. Y/N follow straight to let her body fall on his bed with a groan. Loki walked and sat next to her with concern on his face “Are you okay?” 
“Why? What’s wrong?” Loki looked at her with genuine curiosity and concern. 
"Sif and your brother keep making fun of me because I never kissed anyone." She rolls her eyes. 
Loki thought about it for a minute before a smirk grew on his face “You haven’t kissed anyone at all?” 
"Oh, come on, not you too." Y/N says frustrated and looks away. 
He chuckles and playfully nudged her shoulder “I’m not making fun of you, I’m just surprised.” 
Y/N sighs, sitting and looking at him “Have you?” 
Loki turned slightly red “Well… no I haven’t kissed anyone…” Y/N smiles sympathetic at him. Loki was still a little red “B-but have you really never kissed anyone?” He still couldn’t believe it. In his mind Y/N had kissed loads of boys because she was so pretty. She just shakes her head at his question. 
He thinks for a second and then speaks “So let me get this right, you have never been kissed and I’ve never been kissed, right?” 
“Yeah...” She nods. 
Loki thinks for another second then looks back over at her “I have an idea…” 
“What is it?” Y/N asks curious at him. 
He takes a deep breath and then leans in towards Y/N “Just close your eyes…” She looks at him for a few seconds and then do as he asks. Loki takes a deep breath and then leans in further, so his lips meet hers. It isn’t a very long kiss and is quite short. When it is over Loki looks at her with a blush on his cheeks “So what do you think…” 
She he opens her eyes and smiles, with a blushing on her cheeks too "That was...uh, nice." 
Loki is still blushing hard and can’t pull his gaze from her “You really think so…?” 
Y/N nods "Can we...do it again?" 
He can’t contain the blush on his face and his body is practically radiate heat. His eyes are still glued to her face “Yeah definitely…” he leans back in for another kiss. She leans in too, kissing him. Loki’s mind was racing with thoughts. He never thought this would happen, especially when the person he’s kissing is Y/N. It was incredible, better than anything he had imagined in his fantasies. He holds her waist, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her. 
Loki moans softly into the kiss as the heat escalate, his body reacting to the heat between them. His hands move up her back, tangling in her hair as he deepens the kiss. He can feel himself growing hard against his pants and he breaks the kiss, gasping for air “We should stop.” 
Y/N could feel herself getting wet with just kissing Loki, but she agreed “Yeah, we should.” 
He nods, running his hand through his hair. He can feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He knows they need to stop before things go too far “Do you want to sleep here tonight...?” 
“Sure.” She smiles while she tries to recover from that hot kiss. 
Loki smiles back, laying down in the bed and patting the space next to him for her to lay down next to him. She does it and he pulls her close to him and hugs her tightly as he closes his eyes. 
“Loki?” She called him in a whisper. 
He opens his eyes and then looks at her “Yeah?” 
"We're not gonna tell about this to anyone, right?" 
Loki nods “Yeah definitely. I mean, there’s no reason for anyone to know about it. And I doubt you’d want just anyone to know about this.” 
"Yeah. Just two friends helping each other." She says smiling. Loki nods again and looks back down, closing his eyes. Y/N does the same and they soon fell asleep. 
3 years later
Loki and Y/N were now 18. Loki’s body had changed a lot since he was younger. He was more muscular than he was back then, and his face had matured to the point where he didn’t look like a little boy, but a man. Y/N also changed in those years. She looked like a grown woman now and it she was becoming one of the best fighters on the realm. 
Loki was laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling, thinking about things that were not that important. He heard a knock at his door, and he sighed, getting up to answer it. He looked at Y/N standing there for a few seconds, her beauty striking him a little bit.  “Hey, you’re just back from training?” 
"Yeah. I beat Sif's ass all the time today." She laughs getting in his room, dropping her sword closer to his door. 
He grins “Damn, that’s pretty impressive. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you off or complain about you being better than her.” 
"How said she didn't?" Y/N laughs. 
“And I assume you gave her a good comeback, like saying how you’re better than her?” Loki laughed too. 
“Something like that.” She says still laughing. “Can I use your shower? Mine’s not working.” 
Loki tilts his head in curiosity but then nods “Sure, go ahead. There’s soap right next to the shower and a towel is on the floor next to it too.” 
"Thanks." She smiles and enters his bathroom. After a few minutes, Loki heard the shower being turned off. But then Y/N appears on the door with only a towel "Can I borrow one of your shirts? I forgot to bring my clothes." 
Loki looks at her, his eyes trailing down her body. He could see the outline of her breasts through the towel and feel a familiar stirring in his pants. He nods, standing up and grabbing a shirt from his dresser “Here you go.” 
"Thanks." She smiles "Maybe one of your boxers too?"  
Loki blinks caught off guard by her request. His heart races and his breathing hitches. He hesitates for a moment but then nods slowly, grabbing a pair of boxers from his drawer. He hands them to her with clumsy fingers. “Here.” 
"Thanks." She smiles and goes to the bathroom to get changed. She exits the clean clothes she’s borrow. Loki stares at her as she walks back into the room. He can't help but notice how sexy she looks in just his shirt and boxers. His mind races with thoughts of all the things he could do to her, all the ways he could touch her. Y/N lays by his side on the bed. 
Loki glances at her with a smirk “You look cute in my shirt.” 
She chuckles "Thanks." 
He can feel her body pressing against him, and he can't help but respond. His hand finds its way to her thigh, slowly moving upward. “What are you thinking about?” 
His touch sent shivers down her body "Sif and I were talking today about...some things." 
Loki nods and then leans closer to her “What sort of things…?” 
“Personal things...” 
He thinks for a moment and then speaks softly “can you tell me…?” 
Y/N chuckles and nods "She was telling me about her first time." 
Loki’s interest is piqued, and he raises his eyebrow “and…?” 
"I don’t know, I was just...wondering about things.” Y/N looks at him, a small blush on her face “Have you...did you already...Have you ever had sex?"” 
Loki turns red and he blushes “uhm well no….” 
“Really? But you’re a prince.” She smiles. 
He shrugs and blushes even harder “well, have you…?” 
“...no.” She blushes. 
Loki turns to her and looks her in the eye “So you haven’t…ever?” 
"No. Why?" She looks at him. 
“I just thought…well, you must have had boyfriends, right...?” Loki asked. 
Y/N chuckles "I spent my free time with you, so no. I don't." 
Loki blushes more and moves a bit closer to her “So…we’re both virgins…?’ 
“Yeah.” Y/N let out a nervous chuckle. 
Loki smiles at her and his body heats up. He leans in closer to her, almost whispering “So…want to change that...?” 
“...what?” She whispers back to him. 
His breath hitches and he speak softly “Do…you wanna….y’know do it together?” Y/N thinks for a few seconds before she nods at him. He was her first kiss and she trusted him to be her first time too. Loki smiles gently, biting his lip ever so slightly “You sure this is what you want?” 
“I am. Are you?”  
Loki nods, his heart pounding in his chest “Yes, I am.” he leans in slowly, pressing his lips against hers. She kisses him back, remembering a when they kissed for the first time years ago. 
Feeling her lips against his, Loki groans softly into the kiss. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as their tongues slowly explore each other’s mouths. Their kiss deepens as their desire grows stronger. 
Loki’s hands wander over her body, exploring the curves that have developed over the years. Y/N’s hand also explored his body and his muscular chest through the clothes he was wearing. That made Loki let out a groan when her hands travelled his body. He breaks the kiss to press his lips against her neck, trailing soft kisses down her collarbone, making Y/N moan and her hands going down to palm him through the pants. Loki gasped at the feeling. He’s never been touched like this before by someone else and it’s driving him wild.  
He slides his hand on her body to take off the shirt she was wearing, exposing her breasts to him. Loki’s mouth goes down, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth, rolling it between his teeth softly. Y/N’s hands worked quickly to take off his shirt too, while his hands worked to slide down her body the boxer she was wearing.  
Y/N’s hand found his cock when she opens his pants, making Loki gasp and his hips buck into her touch. He groans loudly as he feels her fingers wrapped around his throbbing length “Oh gods, Y/N... this feel so good...” She kept stroking him while he struggles to maintain control when her hands worked on him. 
She suddenly stops, smiling at him “Can you take these off? I want to try something.” 
Loki grins and quickly pull the remaining clothes off, his erection visible now making her eyes widen, thinking if he would really fit her. “What do you have in mind?” 
“Lay down.” She says. 
With a nod, Loki obey her. She starts stocking him slowly again, making him moan loudly and squirm beneath her as she kept her slow pace. “Oh, fuck...” 
“Can you guide me?” She asks with a smirk on her lips. 
Loki just nods his head when she decided to put him on her mouth. His hips jerk up off the bed ad he feels Y/N’s warm mouth on his cock, making him let out a long and low moan. Loki’s hand run though her hair, guiding her as she takes more of him. Loki’s eyes roll back into his head, unable to believe how good this feels.  
Y/N looks at him confused when he suddenly pulls her off “Did I do something wrong?” 
He shakes his head quickly and pulls her to kiss her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth and tasting himself “No, you were perfect. I just want to finish with you.” 
“Oh, okay.” She smiles. 
Loki lay her down underneath him, smiling at her as his hands moved to her folds. Y/N let out a moan just with the feelings of his hands coming close. She was never touched like that by anyone. Loki slide one finger inside her, slowly stroking her wetness and rubbing her clit with his thumb. That made her let out a louder moan. 
Feeling her inner walls clench around his finger, Loki chuckles softly. He kisses her neck and moves to her ear, nibbling gently “So wet for me...” 
“Loki...” She moans his name. 
Loki groans in response, pushing a second finger inside her slowly. He starts thrusting them in and out gently, stretching her as he leans down to capture one of her nipples in his mouth again. Feeling her body respond to his touch, Loki puck up the pace slightly, increasing both the depth and the speed of his thrust. 
“Loki, I think I’m close.” 
He quickens his pace even more “Come for me.” Seconds later she was hit by her climax, and his fingers keep stroking her, feeling her muscles relax and loosen after her orgasm. “I don’t want this to hurt you, Y/N/N. Are you ready?” 
Y/N just nods at him. Slowly, Loki lines himself up with her entrance, taking a deep breath before he starts pushing forward slowly, feeling the tightness of her entrance as he slips inside. Her face showed pain when he enters her and a few tears scape her eyes. Loki freezes seeing her tears and stops, kissing her tears away. He then keeps sliding inside her, slower than the first time and stops, kissing gently her forehead. 
“You can move.” She says after a few more seconds. 
Once he’s sure that she wasn’t in pain anymore, Loki begins to move, his thrusts slow and gentle as his hands find their way to hers where they lace their fingers together. Y/N let out a small moan, her pain turning into pleasure.  
Loki speed up his thrusts slightly as he hears her moans, watching her face for any sigh that he was going too fast or too hard. When she smiles softly at him, he returns her smile, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. After years of waiting, he finally lost his virginity with her, his best friend. 
“Loki, I’m...” 
“I know.” Was all he said before kissing her. Loki was close too. Her walls clenched around his cock as she moans his name again. Feeling her climax, Loki couldn’t help but release his seed deep inside her. He groans into the kiss, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over him. Panting heavily, Loki slowly pulls out of her, and he collapsed onto the bed besides her. A small smile crept onto his lips as he thought of what just happened between them “That…felt incredible…” 
Y/N nods, still trying to catch her breath “You’re sure you never done that before?” 
Loki chuckles as he wraps an arm around her and pulling her to him “I’m sure, that was honestly all new to me.” 
“Well, you were really good.” she chuckles, laying her head on his chest. 
He blushes as he rubs his hand up and down her back, a small smile on his face “Thank you…you know…I gotta say that was one of the best things I've ever done in my life…” 
“We should do it more times.” Y/N suggested. 
Loki nods “I agree, I wouldn’t mind doing this over and over again with you…” 
She smiles at him “Yeah. We’re friends, we can be a bit more intimate...” 
He smiles and rubs her back a bit “I guess that’s how we can describe it and that’s how it should stay, right? Just friends…” 
“Yeah.” She agrees. 
Y/N and Loki manage to keep that way for about 8 months. But being intimate brough them closer than they already were, making people inside the palace starts gossiping about them, how they were cute together, that they were probably together but just hiding for the public, that they’re in love. Even Thor and his friends engage with that gossip. 
Loki would notice the whispers. Some people in the castle would start joking around with him about him being ‘in love’ with her. He would jokingly brush it off with a laugh and would deny it. But he was starting to actually have feelings for her. But he could not act on them due to the fact that he remembered what she said to him about them just being friends. So, he remained silent about the situation, still only acting as just friends with her. 
Y/N knocked on Loki’s door earlier than normal. Loki was just sitting on his bed reading a book and he was quite shocked at her early arrival. He quickly put his book aside and went to the door “Hey, what’re you doing here?” 
Loki could see she was angry “Your dear brother just kicked me out of our training today.” 
He was take by surprise by her answer and he got slightly confused “W-what...? Thor kicked you out…?” 
“Yes!” she sits on his bed letting out a frustrated sigh. 
Loki was shocked and he wasn't expecting her to be this angry. He sits down next to her and thinks about this for a moment before finally asking “Why did he kick you out?” 
“Just because I was mad that they kept saying those gossips about us.” 
“Well…you shouldn’t be paying mind and listening to what people are saying, okay?” Loki says to her, trying to easy her anger. 
Y/N sighs “I know, but it’s all the damn time...” 
Loki nods, taking her hand gently “Don’t let them get to you…alright...?” 
She looks for a moment to their hands together, a small smile appearing on her face “I’ll try.” 
Loki smiled back at her and then speaks softly “Listen…about those people that gossip about us….do you think they’re right?” 
Y/N chuckles, looking at him “We both know that we’re not together.” 
He just nods, looking down before he says quietly “Right, we’re not… just friends right…?” 
Y/N noticed the way he was acting. In fact, she noticed the last time they were together too, but she said to herself she was imagining things. “You’re not happy with this, are you?” 
Loki sighs, avoiding eye contact with her “No…honestly…no I’m not happy with this…” 
She nods at him, feeling tense and fearing his next answer “Do you want to stop?” 
He looks back up at her “No…I meant…I’m unhappy with the fact that we’re just friends.” 
Y/N let out the breath she was holding, relaxing with his answer and smiling “Oh, thank the gods!” 
Loki was surprised by her reaction. He had expected her to pull away as soon as he had said his last few words “But…you…you’re not upset…?” 
“No.” She chuckles “I was thinking about that the last two times we had sex…” 
His body tenses up and he blinks in surprise, his heart pounding as he realizes what she’s said “H-hold on a sec…w-we’re you actually wanting to take this further…?" 
“Yeah, I just didn’t know how to bring this up…” 
Loki was speechless as he realized how stupid he was for not acting on those feelings earlier “But does that mean you would want to start a…. relationship with me…?" 
“If you want to.” Y/N smiles widen. 
He smiles and grabs her hand “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me right now. I’ve wanted this for so long…” She smiles at him. Loki’s heartbeat quickens as he feels her hand brush against his. He was finally with the woman he had always wanted to be with for so long. 
Years later
 Y/N and Loki were still dating. They were the favorite royal couple.  
Thor instead in them going with him to fight the frost giants. Loki had become a master of magic in thoses years and Y/N was one of the best warriors of Asgard. When Thor asked them to go with him to fight the frost giants, Loki agreed without any hesitation or question. 
As they were preparing to leave Loki walked up to Y/N. He looked at her and smirked a soft smile “Hey.’ 
“Hi.” She smiles at him. He could notice she was tense. 
"Are you ready for this?” He asked walking closer to her. 
Loki grabs her hands and gives it a tight squeeze “Don't worry, I won't let anything hurt you.” He smiles at her and pats her forearm reassuringly. 
That made her chuckle, she probably was a better fighter than he was "I'm not worried about that." 
He looks at her curiously, raising his eyebrow “Then what are you worried about?” 
"Odin said for Thor to let it pass, and yet Thor insisted. I just have a bad feeling about this..." She says at her boyfriend. 
Loki thinks about what she's said, he also was feeling a bit uneasy as well, but he wasn't going to admit that yet “Hmm... well, I think we'll be fine. I mean we're fighting frost giants, not the entire realm.” he then smirked and spoke sarcastically “Besides, are you scared?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him “Me? Never!” 
Y/N and Loki joined everyone else. In the middle of the fight, she saw one of them grabbing Loki's arm. When she run to him, he looks like he just saw a ghost. She grabbed his arm expecting to see a wound, but it had...nothing. He was fine. 
Loki’s eyes were widened, and he looked at her in shock as he slowly pulls his arm away from her. He was scared and his mind was going a mile a second as he was trying to figure out what exactly had happened. 
“You’re...not hurt.” She says looking at his arm confused. 
He blinks and looks at her, his gaze was now a bit more confused, and she could see that he was still shaken up. “I…no…I’m not….” 
They didn't have much time after that to talk. Everything happened so fast, Odin came and took them all back, banished Thor to Midgard. Y/N quickly took Loki back to her room, before Odin decided to do something with him too. 
Loki was obviously shaken up by everything that had happened. He was quiet and kept to himself whilst Y/N took him to her room and his mind was just running a mile a minute. Once they were inside her room, he spoke for the first time since everything had happened "I need to go...to see something." 
Y/N nods “Okay, I’ll go with you.” 
"No... I'll go alone. It's something I have to do on my own...I’ll be right back." Loki doesn't explain any further as he walks out of her room, leaving a confused Y/N. 
It had been already an hour after that. Loki sat silently in his room, staring at a blank wall as he tried to take all of it in. This had to be a mistake...this couldn't be right...how the hell was he a frost giant? There were so many damn questions racing through his mind right now. 
There was a knock on his door. He looked up and he opened the door, he was still processing everything, and he had almost forgotten about Y/N. “Yeah?” 
"I've been looking for you like crazy." She says entering his room. 
Loki raised an eyebrow “Looking for me? I think you’re being a little dramatic” he says casually, although his voice cracked slightly from the stress of everything that was going through his mind. 
"Me? Dramatic? You're the one who left me alone and was being mysterious and all." Y/N says. 
He was angry and confused at everything that happened with him “What the hell is your goddamn problem? It isn’t like I left you for days or something, why are you so worried?” 
“Because I care about you.” 
Loki scoffs and glares down at her, he was feeling more and more pissed off “Did you not understand me the first damn time? I just needed some time to myself, is that so goddamn hard for you to understand?” 
"Your brother have just been banished and you left gods knows where. Are you really complaining about me being worried about you?" She was not believing the way he was acting. 
He rolls his eyes and sighs, closing it for a few seconds before opening them again. “Do you think that right now I want your goddamn sympathy? No! I want to be left alone! Alone with my thoughts. Don’t you get it?” 
Y/N took a step back “Is that what you really want? To be alone?” 
“Yes! That’s what I want! Can you not take the damn hint?!” Loki yells at her, taking a step forward and clenching his fists as he did. 
“Do I annoy you that much?” She asks almost in a whisper. 
Loki glares at her “Yes! You do! You annoy the hell out of me!” He yells, he had never said something like that to her before and it really caught her off guard. 
Y/N keeps looking at him "Okay...I won't 'annoy' you anymore...or ever again" She took out the bracelet Loki had gifted her when they started dating and put on his desk, before she turns and left him alone "I'm ending this." 
That hit Loki like cold water. He was shocked when Y/N placed the bracelet that he had gifted her on the desk. But when she said that she was ‘ending this’ and then started to walk out, he quickly ran after her “Wait! Wait!” he yelled, trying desperately to get her attention. But she didn’t stop, she kept walking away, with tears on her face now. 
Loki runs up to her and grabs her wrist gently and stops her from going “Wait! Please wait! Just hear me out! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I…” Y/N just shakes her head, crying. Loki feels guilty, he didn’t really mean what he said. He was just overwhelmed and stressed out from everything. he was still trying to control his emotions “I didn’t mean it…I swear…” Loki sighs heavily as he wipes away her tears “I’m just confused right now. I’m sorry about what I said. Please don’t end this over what I said, I was just emotional. I didn’t mean any of it. Please don’t end this…” 
“Why did you say it?” She asks him in a whisper, tears still running down her face. 
Loki sighs once again and doesn’t speak for a few seconds “I don’t know why I did…I was stressed out and confused. I had no idea what to do, and my emotions just exploded. So…I’m sorry…I really am…”  
Y/N tries to wipe the tears, but more came "I need you to be honest with me." 
Loki nods, still glancing away from her to the side. He then spoke quietly, as to avoid choking up or his voice faltering, he was still trying desperately not to cry “I will…” 
“Do you love me?” 
He sighs and looks back up at her “Yes…I love you so much. And I’m an idiot for just saying all those things to you without properly assessing my own emotions…” 
"What happened?" She asks softly. 
Loki pauses for a few seconds before speaking. “Well…to make a long story short, i found out about my true heritage...I’m not an Asgardian…” He could see the confusion on her face “I’m a…frost giant.”  
Y/N’s eyes widen in shock for a second before she looks down at her feet. A few seconds passed, in a silence that was making Loki more anxious than ever. “I don’t care.” She finally says. 
He was a bit surprised that Y/N didn’t take the news horribly. He was waiting for her to call him a monster, say she never want to see him again...but she was actually alright with him being a frost giant. “You’re just…fine with this? Most people would be terrified of me now.” 
"Well, I'm not most people, Loki. I'm the person who stays with the little boy who cried when his father was mean. I'm the person who was always by your side. I’m the person who loves you.” 
Loki was stunned, hearing her say that made his heart melt and some tears fall off his eyes. He never knew he was going to find someone like her. “Thank you...thank you for being here for me..." Loki couldn't help himself, he pulled her close and kissed her. Y/N smiles into the kiss, not expecting it at all. She wraps her arms around him, embracing the kiss. She felt comfortable in his arms once again and she felt happy.  
"Don't you ever say anything like that to me again. Or I swear I will break things up for good."  
Loki couldn’t help but smile when she said that. She wasn’t leaving him after all, and she still loved him. So, he nodded and spoke softly “I won’t. I promise…” Y/N had tried her best to keep Loki sane after all of these events, but he was too angry. After the events that succeed, Y/N had cried a lot when Thor told her he had die in the Bifrost.  
But then, imagine her surprise when Thor came telling her that Loki was on Midgard, trying to dominate the planet with an army. Y/N was in shock when she heard that. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel. On one hand, she was happy to hear that he was still alive but on the other, she wasn’t excited about him being on Midgard. The thought of him trying to take over the planet worried her. 
Thor took her there with him, thinking that maybe she could get him to stop if the moment came. She hadn't seen him until the final fight in the Stark tower, when she walked to him with her armor and her sword in hand, like Thor had requested her. Loki had his back to her "Loki?" 
Loki heard his name being called but he continued to gaze out at the destruction behind him that he had left in his path. He didn’t turn to face her, and his voice had a hint of a cold indifference in it “…what do you want?” 
She looks at the image in front of him "That's not you." 
He continued to stare out into the destruction and chaos he had left. He knew she was right. He wasn’t himself, he was a completely different version now. One that was angry, manipulative, cunning and cold “I’m fine. I don’t see what the big deal is…” 
Y/N walked closer to him, putting her sword on the ground and using that hand to hold his shoulder “Loki...” His cold gaze finally turned to face her, though his expression remained the same, unchanging and uncaring. When she put her hand on his shoulder, he immediately flinched a little bit because of the sudden touch. “That’s not you.” She said again. 
Loki didn’t say anything for a few seconds. He was silent, his face gave away little to no emotion “I’m no longer the person I was before…I’ve changed…and I’ve learned much…and I’ve become so much more…” 
She reached for his face slowly, and Loki was caught a bit off guard when she put her hand on his face, but he didn’t flinch or move his face away from her. He noticed that she was still wearing the bracelet he gifted her as well.  
"Give up this madness dream. Come home with me." She says softly, her hand caressing his face. 
Loki was silent for a few seconds as he stared at her. Then he finally spoke, his voice now had a slight hint of anger in it “I *will* have my revenge. Nothing...no one will stop me…” 
"Please, Loki. I know the man I love is still in there." She says with tears on her eyes. She didn’t know if she would be able to fight him if it was necessary. 
His anger immediately disappeared when she started to cry. Seeing her tears only reminded him of all of the times she had stood by him, through thick and thin. She was always there for him, he couldn’t just abandon her again. So, he pulled her close and hugged her tightly, still not saying anything and just simply holding her close. 
Y/N return his hug "I know something must happen to you...but please, stop it." 
Loki continues to hug her and just holds her close for a few seconds. He didn’t want her to know his traumatic past, at least not yet. So instead, he spoke softly “You’re right…something did happen…I can’t tell you…” 
"It's okay. Just stop this attack and come home...I'll protect you."  
Loki was now on the verge of crying when she said that. But she had told him she would protect him, and he was so desperate for that right now. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. So, he spoke softly “Please…I need you.” 
He stopped the attack and end up fighting alongside the Avengers. Thor, Loki and Y/N went back home. Y/N and Thor talked with Odin and convinced him that Loki help them in the end, so he wouldn’t send him to a cell. 
Loki was now back at Asgard, where everything slowly became normal once again. However, he was still slightly traumatized by what had happened and was still suffering from the PTSD that he had acquired after the torture. The two of them were still together and he felt relieved that he didn’t lose her. Loki struggled a lot with his nightmares, which were getting worse every night. Whenever they hit, he would wake up in a cold sweat, his heart beating out his chest and he would usually be crying. Y/N would be next to him every time, holding him gently and speaking softly, trying to comfort him when he woke up. He felt very weak and helpless during these moments, and he was glad he had her with him. 
That night Loki also woke up with his nightmares, running to the bathroom to throw up. Loki was already on his knees, hugging the toilet and throwing up, his tears streaming down his face. Any second now he would begin hyperventilating, as was typical for how these nightmares would usually go for him. Y/N woke up and walked to the bathroom, holding his hair back. He immediately calmed down a bit and took a deep breath. Hearing her voice and feeling her touch made things more bearable. 
Loki was still shaking a bit when he finally finished throwing up, so Y/N hugged him tightly as they sit on the bathroom’s floor. His body was shaking almost uncontrollably, and he was trying not to hyperventilate. His breath was shaky, and his chest was rising and falling rapidly as he tried to control himself. But when she hugged him, he stopped for a few seconds and then he hugged her back, burying his head into her shoulder and holding her tight. 
"You know you'll have to talk about this some time, Loki..." She says softly. 
Loki sniffled and held her a bit tighter for a few seconds before he finally spoke softly. His voice sounded choked up and shaky and he was still trying to stop himself from crying. “I know...I just...not yet.” 
“I hate to see you like that.” Y/N says while she brushes his hair away from his face. 
He nodded his head, still holding her tightly “I know…I know that I need to talk about it…it’s just…I don’t know if I can….I just…” it was clear that he didn’t know how to speak about it. He simply couldn’t bear to relive what had happened to him. 
"Do you want me to...see it?"  
Loki flinches, the prospect of her seeing his memories was terrifying for him. He didn’t want anyone to see what he had gone through, least of all someone who he loved so deeply. So, he shook his head. 
"Loki, you need to let it out. He can't hurt you anymore." 
He takes a few seconds before speaking again. He was still on the verge of tears, and he was shaking quite a bit. He understood the importance of talking about it, but he could barely even bring himself to speak about it “I know…I know that it will help…but I’m just…I’m just scared…so scared…” 
"I'm here with you." She says "I'll always be here with you." 
Loki sniffled and he hugged her back tightly. Hearing her say that she would always be there for him gave him a bit of strength, and he tightened his grip on her as if to show his appreciation and gratitude. He slowly let out a breath and his tears began to subside. “I know…I know you will be…” 
She starts brushing his hair, close to his forehead "Can I?" 
Loki was a bit hesitant at first, he wasn’t sure about her entering his mind and reliving the trauma with him. He hated the idea of possibly putting her through that…but he felt so weak and so helpless, and she offered. So, he eventually nodded.  
So she did it. She could see the memories when he let her enter. She was gently around his mind when she starts seeing the fight with Thor at the Bifrost, when he let it go. She saw all the torture he endured from the mad titan and everything that happened with him. She could feel his pain and she could understand why he was so reluctant to talk about it. It was a horrible realization but now she knew the extent of the abuse he endured while under the mercy of Thanos. 
When she came back, she was crying. Loki noticed that she was crying, and he looked up at her with a concerned expression. “A-are you okay...?” 
Y/N shook her head. "No, Loki. I'm sorry you have been through all of that." She hugs him so tightly. 
Loki was still silent for a few seconds as he simply hugged her tightly and buried his head in her shoulder again. He didn’t know quite what to say, he just wanted to forget about what had happened. Especially now when having to think back on it all. When she hugged him back, he started to squeeze her even tighter, as if seeking comfort and trying to remind himself that the pain was now gone. He didn’t want to relive it ever again. 
"You'll never go through that ever again. I'll protect you, I swear." 
Loki wanted to believe her so much. Having her to protect him was a great comfort for him and a great relief. He was so vulnerable right now, scared to ever face anything like that again. Hearing that he would never go through that again was extremely reassuring to him. He kept hugging her and didn’t want to let go. “You promise?” 
“I promise.”  
Loki was getting better after a couple of months. He still had some nightmares, but not as often as before. Thanks to Y/N being by his side, he had started to sleep a little more soundly than before. His nightmares had gone from multiple times a week to only once a week, which was an achievement in his eyes. He didn’t feel as scared to sleep anymore and he was thankful for that. Especially because he knew his girlfriend was right by his side, ready to help him out whenever he needed it. 
After six months, Loki was finally getting better. His nightmares were now happening rarely instead of occasionally. He still had them from time to time, but they were now much more manageable. He still had a lot of healing to do, but this was definitely progress. 
With each day that passed and each night that went by, Loki just continued to think about how much he loved his girlfriend. She was always by his side, and she always managed to comfort him whenever he needed it. She supported him through everything, and she understood him like no one else did. It was only natural that he started to think about marriage. He didn’t necessarily know if she thought the same, but the thought hadn’t left him for a while now. 
"What you're thinking about?" Y/N asks as she notices he was not paying attention to the book on his hands. 
Loki was still lost in thought, thinking about the prospect of marriage. He hadn’t realized that he had stopped paying attention to the book he had in his hands, as he had simply been staring blankly at it. But then she asked him a question and snapped him out of his thoughts. “Nothing…just…nothing…” 
Y/N chuckles “It doesn’t look like nothing.” 
He also chuckled a bit and then said “Okay, maybe it was something….” 
"Are you gonna tell me?" She sits closer to him. 
Loki was silent for a few seconds and then he finally spoke softly “I was just…thinking about something…about us…?” 
"Should I worry about this?" Y/N says with a playful smile. 
“Not necessarily…I was just thinking about…what if we took our relationship to the next level…you know…” 
“Like how?”  
“…like…getting married?” Loki spoke carefully and anxiously as he said this, he was wondering what her reaction would be. 
Y/N smiles softly at him* "Are you serious?" 
Loki nodded and spoke softly “Yes….I’ve been thinking about it for a while now….and I wanted to know what you think….” 
“I wouldn’t be opposite of the idea.” Loki’s heart started to beat rapidly as she said that. “Can you imagine us, married and with a mini you running around?" Loki blushed and smiled, imagining the scenario was a bit adorable.  
He could just imagine the two of them with their child, living happily ever after. Loki liked that idea…very much. It felt so innocent and so pure, something that he had wanted for so long. And there was no way he would ever let go of it, not ever. “That would be so perfect…our own little family…” 
Y/N smiled at the thought “Yeah...” 
Loki smiled back at her, and he wanted to say something else. But he still felt a bit anxious, he still felt like it wasn’t set in stone just yet “So…you’re really saying yes…? Like…definitely, yes…?” 
"I don't know...make the proposal." She chuckles. Loki smirked at her response and then thought to himself. He was definitely going to propose to her soon, that was for sure.  So he started to hatch out a plan for the perfect proposal he would want. Once he had that all figured out, the only thing that would be left was to execute it. 
Days had passed and Loki had been waiting for the right moment. And after a week of waiting, he got that perfect moment. He found her alone in her room and he knew that now was his chance to do it. 
“Hey.” Y/N smiled as he entered her room. 
“Hey…” Loki smiles back at her. He feels the rush of adrenaline as he finally has his chance. This is the moment he’s been waiting for. So, he speaks confidently as he approaches her “I want to ask you something….” 
Loki takes a deep breath and steadies his voice, trying to sound as confident and sure as he could when speaking. “You know how a few weeks ago I brought up marriage…?” She nods at him. Loki nods too and gets on one knee, making Y/N smiles. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice, but he managed to keep it steady, and he spoke confidently. “I want to make you mine…completely…and I would like for you to do the same…will you marry me..?” 
“Yes, Loki. Yes!” She hugs him. 
He breathed a sigh of relief as she said yes. He was so excited and happy right now, he was over the moon. He smiled back at her and then he spoke softly. “Then…will you please take this, as a sign of my love?” Loki holds up the ring, waiting for her to accept it. 
Y/N gave him her hand so he could put the ring on her. “It’s beautiful.” 
Loki was absolutely overjoyed. It was one of the most perfect moments of his entire life. All his work in planning the proposal payed off. And seeing her accept the ring, his mother's ring, was the cherry on top. Loki was just so relieved and so happy, he was beaming with joy. "It used to be my mother's...I wanted you to have it..." 
“Thank you.” She smiles before she kisses him. 
He smiled back at her when he breaks the kiss, the entire moment was like a dream come true. He was so overjoyed that he almost couldn't keep his cool. This was the perfect moment. So he took her hand again and squeezed it softly. "I love you..." 
“I love you too.” 
A few months after, the royal wedding happened in Asgard. It was a beautiful wedding. A true fairy tale wedding. Loki and Y/N had finally married. The prince of Asgard had found true love and married his princess. Loki was happier than ever, with the woman he loved the most besides him. This was his happy ending, this was his happily ever after. 
Five months after the wedding, Y/N started not feeling well. She usually woke up throwing up. 
Loki was still asleep beside her when he suddenly woke up to the sound of her vomiting. He immediately jumped out of bed and went over to her. “A-Y/N…? 
“Hm?” She had her eyes closed as another wave of nausea hit her. 
Loki was now in distress and panic. He was getting worried as he tried to keep his cool and not let her know his real feelings yet. “A-are you okay..? You’ve been vomiting for a few days now….” He was so concerned about her at this point. 
"I don't know, maybe it's something I eat?" She felt the nausea passing and open her eyes to look at him. 
Loki still looked worried and concerned, he wasn’t quite buying her excuse. It didn’t make sense to him “But it’s been four days in a row…don’t you think that’s concerning a little?”  
"I'll see a healer later if that's makes you feel better." She smiles at him. 
He wasn’t reassured, he was still concerned about her. But he decided to not press the issue further for now “Okay…just promise me you’ll see one as soon as possible…” 
Y/N nods and later that day, she went to the healer. When she got back to their room, she had a small box in her hand. 
“What’s in that box…?” Loki was waiting for her back in the room. 
"Oh, it's a present for you." She smiles handling him the box. "Open in.” 
Loki’s nervous look remained on his face as he slowly took the box from her, not knowing what may be in there. But he then opened it and his eyes widened when he saw what was inside. His heart raced as he saw that it was a small pair of shoes. “What….are these…?” 
"I don't know, Loki. What are these?" She asks him smiling. 
“They look like…baby shoes…” Loki’s heart races as he realizes what she is implying. He didn’t even want to believe it. But then he spoke, and his tone was shaky. “Are you…”  
Loki was speechless. It was official now; he was going to be a father. He was so happy, he felt so many different emotions rushing through him right now, but the main one was pure joy. “I’m going to be a dad…?” 
"You're going to be a dad." Y/N spoke softly before she kissed her husband. 
Nine months later, Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Loki was overjoyed about it. Holding the baby boy in his arms felt like a dream come true. His life would never be the same after this, everything would be different. And it was for the better. This child would be the most important thing to him, there would be nothing that would compare to this precious baby. He kissed him on the forehead, smiling as he did so.  
Loki was the best father ever to his son. He was everything Odin never was to him. Loki made sure the child had everything he could ever want or need. He made sure his childhood would be beautiful and happy and he made sure he gave him everything he never had. He made sure to give him all the love he had to offer to his precious son. He spent a great majority of his time with him. And Y/N made sure she took good care of him as well. She made sure to teach him about love and everything he needed to know about the world. It was a beautiful sight. 
A year later, close to their son first birthday, Y/N had found out she was pregnant again. But this time, she was better prepared to make a surprise to Loki. 
He had just put the baby to sleep and came back to their room. “I have a surprise for you.” Y/N said softly. She gave him a present box. "Open in.” 
Loki open the box and just looked at the shirt in a bit of confusion. It said 'Daddy’s girl’ when they had a son. “Uh…? Did you buy this by mistake…?” Y/N shakes her head ‘no’. Loki was still quite confused. Why did she buy a ‘daddy’s girl’ shirt? They had a son, not a daughter. So, it made no sense for her to buy that. “Then why did you get it…?” 
"Because our daughter will need it." Y/N was holding back her smile seeing Loki’s confusion. 
He immediately tensed up at the word ‘daughter’ and realized what she was implying. Their daughter. She was implying that they were going to have a second child. He just couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe that it was really happening. Loki was overwhelmed with emotions, and it showed on his face. His mouth dropped open as he spoke softly. “Our daughter..?” 
Y/N nods, making Loki’s heart raced and his breathing quickened as he realized the good news. His smile became so wide that he even felt his cheeks ache. He was going to be a father again? That was an overwhelming thought and he loved it. The happiness he felt was overwhelming. “We’re going to have a daughter…?” He finally asked. She nods again, a few tears escaping her eyes. 
Loki was filled with so many emotions right now that he just embraced her in a tight and loving hug. He held her close to him, smiling as he did so. Loki’s happiness was palpable at this point. He couldn’t believe that he was going to be a father again. He just couldn’t. And it was so unbelievable that he almost couldn’t accept it just yet. But as he held his wife close to him, he embraced the idea of having another child. 
They had some hard months ahead. Thor had given up the throne, so Loki was next in line to be king now. And a few more months, another baby, a beautiful and healthy baby girl, was born. Loki felt like he was on a cloud, he just couldn’t believe how his life was working out so well for him. With a gorgeous wife and two beautiful children, life couldn’t get any better. 
He was truly overjoyed and grateful. His life was filled with nothing but love and blessings. There was nothing left that he could possibly ask for now. With two beautiful children, the best wife in the world, a kingdom to rule one day. Things couldn’t be better. And as he looked down at his babygirl, he thought about all of this. He loved his life, he loved being a father and he loved his family. And this was more than just a passing thought, this was his life. His happy, fulfilling, life. 
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Dirty Work 36
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: we made it to friday so yall can eat up.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You hold back another yawn, your cheeks puffing out as you flutter your lashes. Odin tilts his head as he props his chin into his hand. He grins, "I've worn you out."
"No, I..." you try to roll the fatigue off your shoulders, "I'm okay."
"Don't trouble yourself," he stands, "dear, you go get some sleep. I've kept you a while."
You rise hesitantly as he comes around the desk, "I don't mind."
"Oh, you say that a lot, perhaps you should mind," he turns you to the door with hand on your back, "it isn't so bad to say what you want. Or don't want."
"I wasn't..."
"I am not reprimanding you. I am giving you advice," he opens the door, "but I expect no one's ever listened when you did say so."
You look down meekly and shrug, "well, I could... speak up."
"And you blame yourself," he says, "you deserve kindness. Especially from you." He rubs your back and nudges you ahead, "go on, I won't keep you any longer."
"Thank you, Odin," you smile, almost teary-eyed. You're just tired.
"Good night, dear," he says as you step into the hallway.
You turn back to return the nicety. He leans on the door as he eases it towards the frame, pausing before he closes it fully, "should you fancy another chocolate, you know where to find them."
You thank him again and he shuts the door. You turn down the hallway and stop short. You're not alone. Mr. Laufeyson has a hand on the doors to your room as he leans on one foot, a toe dug into the rug as he narrows his sights at you.
"There you are," he greets curtly.
"Mr. Laufeyson," you scurry forward, "I'm sorry, I was only--"
"With my father, yes, I can hear," he interjects, "you sound like you get along."
"I... I think so. He was very nice."
"Was he?" He scoffs and twists a door handle, swinging the door open, "get inside."
You bow your head and swiftly enter. He follows, the lock clicking loudly behind you. You turn and hug yourself as you watch him pace before the doors.
"He invited me-- I didn't--"
"Yes, yes, my father is demanding, don't I know it," he snips, "you think I am unhappy because of that?"
"I don't... I don't know, Mr. Laufeyson," you murmur.
"I am not unhappy," he insists as he stops, jabbing a finger upwards, "I was only waiting a rather long time for you to appear."
"I'm sorry," you repeat.
"My room is the next, to the right as you emerge," he explains, "so it isn't very far." He shrugs and tucks his hands into his pockets. You notice his shoulders, how he holds them rigidly. He's tense. "Did you encounter anyone else, then? My brother?"
"No," you shake your head vehemently, "only Odin. Your father, sir."
"Hm, fortunate," he remarks, "I shouldn't have left you but I thought my mother would keep a close eye."
"She did, I only... was tired and came up here."
"Tired," he nods, "certainly, me too."
You stand in silence. His tone softens with his last words, as if you can hear the weariness in him. You can see it in his eyes. After all, he did drive for hours.
He exhales and strolls forward. You move aside as he nears the foot of the bed and sits. He leans his head back and closes his eyes. He runs his hands over his face and groans.
He leans forward and rests his elbows on his legs. He slumps there, silently glaring at the floor. If something is wrong, he refuses to say it. Maybe it's this place. You know well how home can fill you with dread.
You move slowly around, hesitant and unsure. You near the side of the bed. He doesn't flinch as your weight dips into the mattress. You don't know what you're doing, you're not sure if you should.
You walk on your knees across the bed and place your hands on his shoulders. You feel the tension wrought in him. You squeeze and knead, uncertain. You never done this before.
He sits up but you keep your hands on him.
"What are you doing?" He growls as he cranes his head.
"You uh... a... massage?" You offer dumbly, "you were in the car all day and... I thought."
"Mmm," he turns forward again, letting his elbows once more rest on his thighs, "you may go on.”
You shift, trying to get a better hold on him. You feel the tightness nestling in the muscles along his neck. You follow the natural grooves of his muscles with your fingertips, encouraged only by his groans 
“Pet…” his voice is as weak as you've ever heard it.
You let up, tickling down so he shivers, then quickly work the knots again. The busy work of your hands keep your nerves from boiling over. He puffs out and lifts his head, pushing it back.
“Where has this come from?” He asks in a wisp.
“I… don't know,” you answer honestly.
He straightens and picks at his collar. He unbuttons his shirt and sheds it as you withdraw your touch. He reveals his bare skin and jostles on the mattress, planting himself firmly.
You touch him again. His warmth seeps into you as goosebumps prickle his skin. The tender calm of the moment has you speechless.
“Yesss,” he purrs, once more bowing his head. “Pet…” he grips his thighs.
You run your fingertips further down his back and drive your thumbs into the muscles along his sides. He growls and you ease up, scared you might have hurt him. He reaches back, pointing over his shoulder.
“Like that,” he directs, “I can take it.”
You obey. You aren't used to be so rough. Everything you do is with a degree of fear. Your hands are never forceful or firm.
He sighs and snarls. You drag your hands up and back down again. He shivers again and stands suddenly, frightening you. You sit back on your heels and stare at him.
“Did I…”
“You,” he wiggles a finger at you.
He shakes his head and steps towards the bed. He beckons you closer. You inch forward on your knees. He grabs your blouse, quickly pulling it out of your skirt. He peels it up and you barely get your arms up before they're tangled in the fabric.
He strips away the fabric and snakes his arms around you to unhook your bra. You kneel before him paralysed as he undresses you to the waist. His eyes are smoky as he takes you in.
“Down,” he points to the mattress, “on your stomach.”
You lower yourself down as you slide back. You bend your arms up around your head and put your cheek to the blanket. He skirts around and climbs over the side, straddling you beneath him. He rests his knuckles between your shoulder blades as you curl your fingertips against the covers.
He pushes down into the muscles and you squeak. He leans his weight into his tending, tracing his thumbs down your flesh. You gasp as you feel tension slake from your muscles, tightness you never even noticed.
His long fingers explore your naked back, framing your hips as he kneads. You mewl, unable to stem the release as it rolls from your throat. He snickers and keeps his hands working.
You close your eyes, melting under his touch. He is much better than you, more confident. He must have done this before, maybe with his wife. Maybe it was even romantic, with candles and rose petals. 
He tickles along your sides and sets his hands on the mattress. He lowers himself over you and presses against your bottom, chafing the raw skin beneath your skirt. You moan as his hard length rest firmly against you.
He brings a hand under your chin, lifting your head as he keeps it twisted. He angles to press his lips to yours. He kisses you sloppily as his other arm hooks beneath you. He gropes your bare chest, his thumb flicking over your budded nipple.
“Pet,” he parts with a groan before once more devouring you.
He rocks atop you as his breath hitches. Your heart beats wildly as you brace the bed, arching awkwardly to meet his hungry kisses. His lips trails along your cheek and down the side of your neck. He nuzzles your neck and bites into the muscles along your shoulder. You cry out at the pinch.
“I could have you just like this,” he breathes against your skin, his hips still tilting. “Is that what you want, hm? Is that your trick, pet?”
“Trick?” You eke out, “what do you–”
He lifts himself and flips you over harshly. You bounce on your back and yipe. He grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head.
“You’re trying to distract me,” he accuses, “what did you and my father speak of, him?”
His muscles pull taught under his skin straining in his chest as he leans over you. You whimper and squirm, kicking your feet as his grip aches in your wrists. What have you done?
“Mr. Laufeyson, please, I wasn’t… we didn’t…”
“Tell me,” he demands.
You bat your lashes, “he… he gave me some chocolate.”
“Chocolate?” He echoes derisively.
“Yeah…” you croak, “he… he asked me what music I like. And if I read–” your voice crackles.
“And what did he say of me?” He hisses.
“N-nothing,” you sniff, “I swear.”
“And what did you say of me?”
“Nothing,” you repeat. “Please.”
He narrows his eyes and curls his lips, “hm, I believe you. You’re not clever enough to lie that well.”
He lets you go and sits up on his knees. He looks down on you, his eyes slowly trailing down to your exposed chest. You lay, paralysed and prone. A knock comes at the door, jolting both of you.
“Darling,” Frigga’s voice wafts through, “is everything alright?”
Your eyes round as Laufeyson scowls. He shakes his head and huffs, pushing off of you. He climbs off the bed and swipes up your blouse, tossing it at you.
“Get rid of her,” he hisses.
You grab the shirt and throw it over your head. You stand as he retreats into the bathroom, closing the door only halfway. You go to the door as you tug the blouse straight.
“Everything’s alright,” you say through the wood.
“Are you sure, dear?” She tries the handle.
You peek back and gulp. You flip back the lock and push down on the handle, inching back the door until you can see through, “yeah, I was getting changed and… I couldn’t find something. Think I forgot it.”
“Oh, well, if you need, you can always borrow from me,” she offers.
“Nothing important,” you insist, “thanks. I’m just about to lay down.”
“Of course, honey, so sorry to disturb.”
“No worries,” you smile and gently shut the door. Your hand lingers and you gently turn the lock back into place.
“Perhaps I was mistaken,” Laufeyson emerges, “that was rather convincing.”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” you murmur, “I wouldn’t lie to you–”
“Certainly you wouldn’t,” he sneers.
You flutter your fingers at your side and teeter on your toes. He goes back to the bed as he undoes his fly. You furrow your brow and stare past him at the wall. What is he doing?
He drops his pants and kicks them away, “well, undress.”
Your heart leaps and thumps violently. Your hands tremble as you lift the blouse again. You let it drift to the floor and touch the top of your skirt. Is he… going to do it? Are you? Both of you?
You look down, opening and closing your mouth as your jaw threatens to lock up. Your ears feel ready to pop. You feel along your skirt and unzip the back. It slackens and you wiggle free of the fabric. You roll down your panties and watch them fall to your ankles. You step out of the fabric, only in your stockings as the bed frame softly creaks.
You dip a finger under the top of your thigh-highs and Laufeyson growls. You peek up, frozen, and find him watching you. He’s completely naked, his hand around his dick as he tilts his head.
“Keep those on,” he commands, “come here.”
You stand straight and pad towards him. You reach forward tentatively and climb up onto the bed. He gestures you closer and you stretch out next to him. He curls an arm around you and settles you in.
He drags his hand from his arousal and trails over your thigh, along your hip, and up your side. You quiver as he cups your chest and leans in to kiss you. He fondles you, tweaking and squeezing, groaning into your mouth as his tongue delves further.
He draws a line up your chest and across your shoulder. He brushes down your arm and takes your hand. He pulls it toward him and circles it around his length. He snarls as he squeezes your grasp tight on him, guiding it up then down. As he lets go, you continue to pump him.
He continues to smother you as his fingers tickle the vee of your pelvis. He dips down and touches the patch of hair there. He urges his fingers between your folds, sliding along the slickness gathering there. You squeak as he plays with you.
You work your hand in tandem with him. You match his rhythm as he toys with you, swirling then pushing his fingers back, only to spread your wetness around. Each time his fingers poke back, he gets closer to your entrance.
You lift your leg, opening yourself to him as a storm brews in you. You shudder as you grip him tighter. He groans again, the rocky noise sending a thrill through you. He rubs you fast and glides back again. He pokes against you, bending his fingers and dips a fingertip into you.
You gasp and pull away from his mouth. He catches the back of your head in his hand and eases you down to your back. He stays close, leaning over you, as slips his finger in deeper. You whine and he hushes you.
“Pet, relax,” he coos, pulling his finger in and out. Your bite down on your lip, your hand still as the shock of his intrusion stuns you. “Does that feel nice?”
You can’t speak. You don’t know. It feels… different. Tingly and hot but cold at the same time. He presses the heel of his hand against you, pressure flurrying beneath his touch. He rocks his hand as you splay, your grasp slipping from him and circling around his wrist.
“Pet…” he presses his nose to your temple, breathing down your cheek, “don’t tell me you’re going to cum?”
You whimper and curl your fingers tighter. He shakes his hand and you sink into the mattress. Breath mewls escape your lips.
“Tell me then,” he slithers, “tell me when you cum.”
Your eyes roll back and your head lolls. You puff out through a pout. Your chest thrums and your core swells. You feel the peak ahead, just within reach. Your thighs clench and tremble, the muscles uncoiling all at once as you cry out.
“Tell me…” he growls.
You choke as you spasm, “cum– I’m— cumming.”
“Yes,” he coaxes as he fucks you with his finger, “yes, pet, say it.”
“Cumminggggg,” your voice unravels, “oh–”
“Say it, say my name,” he growls.
“Loki,” he demands, “say it…”
“Loki!” you whine, “Lo-ki…”
“Mmm, yes, what a good little pet,” he drags his nose around your cheek, “my pet, yes? All mine.’
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Why I cuss (affectionately) at my deities, sometimes, and why it's important to me
I'm having some feelings tonight, so here have another "Frog is rambling again" post. This one's about Loki, because they seem intent on speedrunning teaching me shit. Seriously it's been like three weeks.
I wasn't prepared for what working with Loki actually looks like. /pos
Because what that actually looks like, apparently, is sitting watching a comedy anime and getting the distinct vibe that it has a sense of humor that Loki enjoys. And then realizing that's because Loki is actively hanging around... watching fuckin' anime with me. Why the hell would Loki want to watch a dumb comedy anime with the funny little guy he works with?
Seeing a post about watching comedy as a devotional act to Loki later felt intentional, so I ended up deciding to do just that.
Thing is, I grew up exposed to the idea that God is an all-powerful being who deserves nothing less than the best and humans are the scum of the earth. I'm only now seeing that it's been damaging my relationship with my deities. I'm afraid to just chat with them 'too casually.' I apologize if I feel like I said something that's too disrespectful. I've apologized to Loki multiple times because he pulled some shit and my response was "god damnit Loki" or "you motherfucker."
And then they remind me that I call my mom the same thing, and she laughs. It's the same with my friends. All because it's not insulting, or disrespectful, it's a sign of affection. I would never say that and mean it; they know that, so it's funny. It's playful.
Amongst many other things, Loki is teaching me that joy is to be valued. This world tells us that it's dumb, childish, or any other assortment of negative descriptors- and that it has no place in spirituality. Certainly no place in the presence of a god- and that's fucking sad. I think Loki is sad about it too. I think Loki's fucking pissed, actually. How dare we be made to feel shame for what makes us happy. The gods deserve to partake in our joy and our fun just as much as they deserve to be part of our sorrow and fear.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to think that hanging out with some fucker who's scrolling through memes and blasting music might just be a nice change of pace for them.
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Hello! May I request some headcanons with Loki or Buddha with a deity!s/o who known for their protection over the forests but doesn’t blame humanity entirely for the loss of them? They don’t pin each forest fire on the humans when a drought or another cause is usually the culprit.
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- Honestly, it baffles Loki that you don't hold a grudge against humans because sometimes, they are just horrid little parasites.
- However you remind him the only reason why they do stuff like that is because of the punishment that the gods gave the humans.
- "It's quite simple, Loki. Gods destroy their homes. The humans cut down the wood to rebuild. And then their homes are destroyed again because of the gods. It's just how it is."
- He can tell that it hurts you, though. Many times he's found you sulk at the once grand and tall patches of forest and trees now being replaced with cement jungles and roads. The unspoken rage as you hold a bird whose wing was injured in the deforestation process of greedy humans, listening to its sad tweets and petting it as an attempt to comfort it.
- He may interfere with any God or human's plan that may hurt your forests. For example, if a drought where to occur because the gods believe the humans deserved it, Loki would casually incur Thor's wrath on purpose just so he made it rain. Yes, he'd sadly be helping those horrid humans live longer but at least your beloved nature would be saved.
- And he gets to set up Thor for the entire thing too!
- As for the more pathetic humans, the ones who wipe out dozens of forests to create more unnecessary cities and suburbs, Loki will bend the rules a bit and mess with their machines and mechanics.
- He'll proudly let you know what he's done with a smile on his face and want a little kiss on his cheek as a reward.
- He tries to play it off like he doesn't care about you, that he's just doing this in exchange of romantic favors, but it's kinda easy to see the only one he's convincing of that fact is himself.
- Sometimes natural disasters occur, things that can not be stopped, but that doesn't mean that you aren't any less sad.
- He never gets the hint and will try to tease you and annoy you a bit, thinking he's doing you a favor by trying to get it off your mind but then he just huffs and walks off. Giving up and leaving you alone, since you want to be boring and wallow.
- Just kidding! He just doesn't know how to comfort you, is all, but when he figures out a way; he will return. The chances of him verbally apologizing for pestering you are slim but he will show his remorse in other ways.
- Threatening any minor gods who cause any destruction to your forests because of their temper tantrums towards the mortals to regrow your trees. He doesn't care if their powers don't let them do that, he will literally give them a gardening book and with a creepy smile, say: "Then I'd start learning how to grow them! Or else..."
- Then he'll take all the credit as he shows you the semi-restored forest, yes it may be smaller than it used to be but it still warms your heart that he'd go to such lengths...Even though he technically didn't do it but you don't need to know that.
- Overall, Loki can understand being protective of something since he is a very possessive person, but he will secrely punish SOMEONE behind your back depending on the god and the context of the humans.
- However, if you find that he's wrongfully punished humans and get upset with him, he'll be upset with you and not speak to you until you realize he was just trying to help you protect your precious forests!
- Then he'll come crawling back, a pout on his face as he admits that he made it up to the stupid mortals who were innocent, only for it to be replaced by a smile as you kiss him and thank him for apologizing.
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- OKAY BUT CONSIDERING HE FOUND ENLIGHTENMENT UNDER A BODHI TREE, he totally had a certain respect for you already and your dedication to protecting the forests.
- And that respect honestly went up even more when he learned that you don't simply blame humans each time their is a tragic destruction, after all, even before them: forest fires and other unforseen circumstances of nature would occur unfortunately.
- Likes to go on walks through forests with you, always being careful to make sure whatever wrappings he has on him from his snacks don't fall to the ground and always silently picking them up.
- He honestly loves the forests just as much as you do, not gonna lie. But if there's a specific forest that you like or call home, you can expect to find him there most of the time.
- Like you come back after having to defend and heal some of the surviving trees from another tragedy recover but once you see him softly snoring under a tree you both considered your favorite, you smile lovingly and join him, causing him to stir a little and wrap an arm around your shoulder.
- But yeah, he honestly applauds you for being so understanding and not blaming the humans all willy nilly, it's sad that the rest of the gods couldn't be as understand towards the humans as you are when it comes to these things but he's glad at the very least that you are.
- He also may be chill but like, if there are humans who end up destroying your forests for their own selfish gain then he wouldn't tell anyone if you decided to, like, pay them back just a little bit.
- If another God were responsible for the destruction of your trees, he will make sure that you receive proper apologies and that there will be repercussions.
- And if anyone has a problem with that, they can take that up with him.
- Honestly loves to help you take care of your forests if you'd let him, he'll need a bit of direction but he enjoys being around nature and he enjoys being around you.
- He may need a bit of direction, he may even make a few little mistakes just so you could come over and correct him and have an excuse to be close to you.
- Like, he'll accidentally be all: "Uh, how do you trim their branches?" and you smile and walk over to him as you come from behind him and put your arms around his, helping him navigate the scissors with your hands.
- Yeah, it may sound a bit childish but at the end of the day, he isn't ashamed with it as he's all: "It's gonna take me a while to learn this, (Y/n). You might need to teach me a few more times."
- You simply roll your eyes, recognizing his tone being a playfull one but kissing his cheek and smiling: "Then I will teach you for as long as it takes♡"
- HE WILL COMFORT YOU WHEN YOU GET UPSET, HONESTLY. Like you suffered a devastating lost because of a horrible natural accident that was no one's fault, but yet you blamed yourself. He will hold your face and tell you straight up you've done all you could do.
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holdmytesseract · 5 months
baby fever au
One of the kids gets hurt, but they hide it because they want to be strong like their dad Loki
Loki just loves them so much it hurts
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Boys Do Cry
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki & Narfi
Summary: When Loki picks up Narfi from school, he can tell that something is definitely wrong. All he wants to do is comfort his son - but Narfi tries to be a strong boy...
Warnings: angst, Narfi being insecure, fluuuff, Loki being the best dad - as usual, some Y/N & Loki cuteness
Word Count: 3,4k
a/n: I combined your two requests, friend, because it fitted quite perfectly. I hope that's okay! 🤗
Baby Fever Crew: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @eleniblue @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @xthatpottahfanx @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @lokiforever @crimson25 @kimanne723 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @noideakitten @zombiesnips-blog @dustychinchilla74 @lokisgoodgirl @princess-ofthe-pages @coldnique @frzntrx @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokisrealpurpous @huntedmusicgardenn @lokischambermaid
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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It had been the last weekend of the holidays, before Ella and Narfi had to return to school. Therefore, you and Loki decided to take them somewhere special. And since you believed that you and your husband deserved some relaxation, the decision was made quickly. Two days at a water park/spa hotel. Slides for the kids; spa for you and Loki - and it turned out that this weekend was exactly what the whole family needed. Everybody returned happy, relaxed - and with black painted nails.
Long story short, you went to get your nails painted. Ella joined you. Narfi heard it and wanted it, too. So you took the six-year-old with you as well, because why not? And in the end, Loki joined in, too and everybody left with beautifully black painted nails. And you had to admit... Your men could absolutely wear it.
Narfi loved his painted nails. You could tell - and so could Loki. It filled the god's heart with pride that the young boy was so confident in what he wants and does. He didn't want Narfi to think that painting nails was only for girls, because it wasn't. After all, Loki had them painted too - and even his uncle Thor sometimes (due to Eisa, but nevertheless).
The little prince ran around the whole compound that Sunday morning when the family returned, showing everybody proudly his new 'look'. Everywhere he went, Narfi received nothing but love and support. It made Loki smile.
But then Narfi had to go back to school - and from one day to the next everything suddenly changed...
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"Hi, Mr. L!" Lindsay Peters - one of Narfi's classmate's parent, single mom, quite annoying - and having a huge crush on Loki. Whenever the occasion occurred, she'd flirt with him; trying to get closer - since months. She didn't care at all about the fact that he was very happily married. When Loki told you about the... issue, you only giggled; knowing very well that Lindsay wouldn't even have the ghost of a chance.
Loki stood in front of the school, waiting for his son; hands stuffed deeply into the pockets of his coat. It was getting colder. Winter was definitely around the corner. Of course it didn't affect the god as much as it affected you, for example. The Frost Giant in him cushioned this a bit, but he'd lie, if he said that it wasn't cold.
A rather harsh breeze brushed his face and rustled through his long, free raven curls, as he suddenly heard somebody approaching. Nothing unusual, given the fact that Narfi wasn't the only child who was done with school at that time of the day; but the squeaky voice of somebody he (unfortunately) only knew too well caused him to subtly roll his eyes.
Gritting his teeth, Loki turned to face her; forcing a smile on his lips. "Hello, Ms. Peters." "Doing the school run today?" She asked the god; winking and gave him a not quite subtle once over. "Yes. Indeed. Unless I wouldn't be here, right?" Lindsay laughed out loud at this. But as fast as the laugh left her lips, as fast died it down again, and she fluttered her eyelashes. "Well... You are mostly here when I am here too..." She bit her lip and gave the god another wink.
He wanted to throw up.
"Hey, little prince." "Hello."
"Some could probably think we have an affair." Loki almost choked on his own spit at her words. He blinked rapidly; frown forming on his forehead. "No, Ms. Peters. Nobody thinks that." The woman standing beside him wanted to answer something, but got interrupted by the rather loud ring of the school bell; telling Loki that Narfi would appear in the next few moments. Thank the Norns, he thought and made his way further into the school yard; eyes searching for his son in the huge crowds of kids, which started to flood through the doors.
Luckily, he found him soon. All he had to do, was to look out for a head full of short, thick and mostly bouncing raven curls - and the bright green puffer jacket his uncle Thor gifted him.
Once Loki's eyes found his son's he gave him a bright smile and already squatted down to welcome the little boy with a hug. Loki immediately noticed that Narfi's smile wasn't remotely as bright as usual; and when the hug Narfi gave his father was shorter than normally as well, Loki grew suspicious.
Yes, something was definitely wrong.
The god's eyes roamed the little boy's face; trying to find the solution in his matching blue eyes. Narfi had learned to shape-shift at the age of four. It was a rocky start, but in the end, he mastered it. Not always, but mostly.
"Bye, Mr. L! See you hopefully tomorrow!" Again, the shrill voice urged to his ears, causing him to roll his eyes once more. "Goodbye, Ms. Peters.
"Is everything alright, little man?" Narfi nodded. "Sure, daddy. School was great." Loki noticed, of course, that his son clearly wasn't telling the truth, but he also noticed, that he seemed uncomfortable in talking about this here and now, so Loki decided to leave it be... For now.
"Okay. Let's go home, huh?" Another nod from Narfi. Loki gently ruffled the boy's hair, straightened up again and took Narfi's small hand in his.
But then he started to shake his head. "N-No. Can I go to my room and play?" Loki sighed, but accepted - once again his son's decision. "Sure, little prince. I'll call you later for dinner, okay?" Narfi nodded, and Loki smiled; trying to lift the mood. "It's just me and you today, buddy, remember? So perhaps we can watch a movie later? Or play something together, if you like?" "Mhm." The boy gave Loki a fake smile, while he took off his puffer jacket, handed it to Loki and then turned around and left; vanishing around the corner.
Loki and Narfi crossed the street then; walking home together.
On their way, Loki tried a few times to start a conversation with the six-year-old; asking him how school today was, what he played with his friends during breaks and which new things he learned - but again was the boy not very talkative. Another reason for the god to assume that something was bothering his son.
After the main door of the apartment shut close behind the father-son pair; Loki helped Narfi a bit to get out of his shoes and puffer jacket.
"Narfi..." Loki started; untying one shoe lace. "You've been very quiet on our way home... Something is wrong, I can tell." He looked up; giving his son a compassionate look. "Would you like to talk about it?" The little boy stayed silent for a moment; seemingly weighing his options. His eyes looked everywhere but into his father's; hands fumbling with the zipper of he puffer jacket nervously.
The god sighed and stood up from his squatting position. His gaze lingered on the bright green piece of clothing in his hands. He really hoped that Narfi would open up to him - or to anyone. Perhaps it was a mama thing, but the problem was that you weren’t here. You were currently in Vancouver, together with Natasha and Clint on a spy mission; and Ella had afternoon classes and stayed over at her best friend's after, since it was her birthday and they made a small sleepover party together.
With one hand running through his raven locks, Loki hung up Narfi's jacket and then went to do a bit of laundry. Loki had learned to do this years ago. He had to, since you were both Avengers and therefore was the other not always around. And right now, you were at least away for the rest of the week... And it was Monday...
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Later that day, he went to cook Ratatouille - one of Narfi's favourite dishes, hoping that this would put an honest smile on his face. Before he started with dinner, he texted Ella; making sure that his princess was at least alright. She was; he could tell from her texts. He even received a voice message. It made him smile.
Just as Loki cut the aubergines into thin slices, he felt the vibration of his mobile in the pocket of his sweatpants. Quickly wiping his hands, he fished for his phone and checked the caller ID. A smile lit up his whole face when he saw your name on the display. Of course the god immediately answered the call, "Hello, my love." and clipped the small device between his ear and shoulder, so that he could keep on slicing the vegetables.
"Hi, babe!" Your happy voices urged to his ear from the other end of the line. He hummed. "What a delight to hear my beautiful wife's voice. It's Monday evening, you left yesterday after dinner and I already miss you so much."
You giggled, but Loki was almost 100 per cent certain, that you were blushing, too. Still. After all those years. He smiled.
"Aww, baby... I miss you too - and the kiddos, of course." You paused for moment to yawn. Loki chuckled. "Tiring day, love?" "Mhhh... Being on a spy mission with the two best spies this world has probably ever seen is really difficult for a plain vanilla Avenger. Especially to keep up." You laughed - music to Loki's ears.
Loki showed you the ingredients and the cut pepper on his cutting board. "So, what do you think? What's it going to be?" "Hmm..." You started to smile once more. "Are you cooking Ratatouille?" "That is absolutely correct." "Yesss!" The god chuckled at your small, cute victory dance.
After telling him what happened on the actual mission today and that you were back in the hotel now, you switched the topic. "What about you, babe? How was your day?" Loki smiled at your words; cutting a pepper. "As good as it can be without you, darling. Woke up the kids this morning, brought them to school, helped my oaf of a brother, did some chores and now I'm cooking." "Ooo, what are you cooking?" Your voice was full of honest excitement, which made the god smile even brighter.
"Let's switch to video call and I'll show you." He suggested; finger already hovering above the small button. "Oh yes, please. I love it when you cook." You giggled; switching to video call. "Well, you taught me well, love." Loki switched, too and was now able to see your beautiful self. His heart skipped a beat at the smile on your face. It always did. You were clearly sitting on the bed in your hotel room; still dressed in your mission gear.
"Ella is at Tara's?" He nodded; cutting the onion next. "Yes. They are having fun. She already sent me a voice message." "That's good. I have to text her later as well..."
"Yes," he said; adjusting his man bun. "You are most likely right." You smiled gently. "Give him a bit more time. He'll come to you. You know our little prince." Loki nodded, "I know, love, I know... It's just..." and sighed. "He's my baby and I-I'm worried." "I know you are, babe - which makes you the best daddy in all the nine realms."
A few moments of silence passed, before Loki took a deep breath and decided to tell you about Narfi.
"I asked the little prince if we should watch a movie later together... Just us men, you know." You ran a hand through your hair; smiling. "That sounds great, babe." "But I don't know if Narfi wants to... Since I picked him up from school he is... quiet and glum. Something is bothering him, I can tell, but he doesn't want to talk to me." The god sighed.
Your expression changed into slight worry; a frown forming on your forehead. "Sounds like something happened in school..." Loki nodded. "Apparently, yes. He shut himself off. Already spent the whole afternoon in his room..." You nodded. "Something is off, yeah... But he sometimes does that when anything happens that affects him. You know that our little boy always needs a bit more time to open up - just like somebody else I know." You gazed directly into your husband's eyes; a little smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
Loki blushed; rubbing his hand down his muscular chest. A small nervous habit.
Another moment of silence passed.
He smirked.
"What are you up to on this fine evening, darling?" The god changed the topic; trying to distract his slightly troubled mind.
You smiled - and as if by command, yawned. "Not very much. I am super tired. Clint and Nat literally wore me out." You chuckled. "So, I'm gonna go to bed soon. But first, I'm taking a shower. Just have to wait until Nat is finished."
These words caused a small shiver to run down Loki's spine; and he felt a little twitch in lower regions of his body.
"It's been way too long, babe. We should really catch up on this when-" You interrupted your own sentence and looked past your mobile, before you snorted out a laugh. "Oh shut up, Nat!" Loki raised an eyebrow; smiling. Seems like the Widow was finished with her shower.
"Mhh... I'd die to join you in that shower now." The god winked; giving you a smouldering look. You almost melted on the spot. After all those years, he never failed to affect you. Emotionally and sexually.
You bit your lip; couldn't help yourself but to play along. "I can absolutely imagine that you'd love to join me, babe. Especially with the kids not being around... And I have to admit, it sounds very tempting." "Indeed..." Loki hummed; voice low and husky. "I didn't have you in the shower since an awful long time..." You shifted on the bed; feeling your husband pressing the right buttons perfectly.
"What did she say?" You looked back at your husband; still giggling. "She said no phone sex when she's around." Loki laughed; shaking his head. "If our dear Ms. Romanoff would know how often we fooled around on missions with her sleeping right next door to us." He said amused; trying to focus on the Ratatouille again. And you knew of course exactly what he meant.
You sighed. "Okay, babe... I think I should go now; take a shower and sleep." Loki nodded. "You do just that, my love. Sleep well. Please take care tomorrow and text me once in a while. I love you." You gave him a smile. "Will do, I promise. I love you even more. Good night and cuddle and kiss the kids from me, yes?" Your husband smiled as well. "Absolutely. Good night."
"He's right, Nat," you called out to your best friend. "Oh, believe me, sweetheart, I know," Natasha threw back. "You weren't as quiet as you thought you were."
You exchanged a look with Loki. "Whoops... Sorry, babes." You giggled along with your husband. Natasha just made a gesture of refusal. "Don't worry. I got used to you two, fucking each other's brains out everywhere you can, so..." She shrugged her shoulders; smiling. "But I still don't want to witness phone sex between you two, so please keep it in your pants." "Yes, ma'am." You saluted and watched your best friend walk off to get dressed in her pyjama.
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Once Loki ended the phone call with you and finished preparing the Ratatouille, he did a few more chores. After that, he set the table and went to get Narfi for dinner.
"Narfi?" He gently pushed down the handle of the door. "Dinner is ready." Loki received no answer, so he entered the room - and felt like he had fallen into the refrigerator. It was cold in his room. Narfi was nowhere to be seen; probably hiding inside the cave he had built out of blankets and pillows. Delicate snowflake were fluttering on the cave from an invisible cloud above.
It couldn't get more obvious for Loki... Something was wrong.
Narfi's emotions had a huge impact on his Frost Giant self. Strong emotions - like anger, sadness, grief and happiness could cause icy things to happen... Like the snow cloud.
"Narfi?" Loki called out gently; similar ruby eyes snapping open to look at him. "D-Daddy? W-What are you doing in here?" The god sighed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready..." He hesitated for a moment, "Then I saw the snow cloud above the cave and..." but approached the boy further, until he was seated right beside him. Loki wrapped his arm around Narfi - nothing more. It was a simple gesture. A simple gesture of fatherly comfort.
Loki felt his inner Jotun as well; his skin turning into a soft blue - but it wasn't enough to tickle the Frost Giant entirely awake. The god sighed and cautiously stepped closer to the 'cave'.
"Little prince?" Again, there was no answer. The god squatted down; searching for the 'entrance' of the cave. He found it rather quickly and gently pushed the blanket aside. "I'm coming in, okay?" The opening wasn't exactly built for a 6'2" tall man, but in the end, he made it. Crawling around the little corner, he shape-shifted into his Jotun form and finally spotted his son. He sat in the middle; completely in the dark. His knees pulled up to his chest; eyes closed.
If Narfi didn't wish to talk, Loki wanted at least to let him know that he was here for him. He always would be.
But it was enough to break down the small Frost Giant's walls.
The god frowned. A snap of his fingers dipped the insides of the cave in a warm, dimmed light. "Why, buddy? I thought you liked it?" Narfi swallowed visibly; "I-I do, but..." trying to hold back the tears.
With tears in his eyes he looked up at his father. "D-Daddy?"
"C-Can we... make the paint on my nails go away?"
In vain.
"Narfi..." Loki gently said; pulling him closer against him. "That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Nail polish isn't just for girls. It never was." "R-Really?" He nodded; smiling. "Really. All that matters is that you like it. Don't listen to the other boys. Never change yourself because others say so. You..." Loki cupped Narfi's cheek; wiping away the tears. "... are my little prince who wears this black nail polish like a king."
"T-The other boys at school not. T-They said I look like a girl and that painting nails isn't something boys should do."
Loki’s heart dropped; appalled about his classmates words. Children could be cruel. He knew that as well.
The young boy smiled softly through his tears; climbing into Loki's arms. He said nothing, just cuddled close. And Loki just held his son.
Loki’s heart broke for his son. Seemingly had those boys not a single clue how important and good it was to cry. "Narfi..." He started again; stroking over his back in a reassuring manner. "It's more than alright to cry. In fact, it's even very important... I know that they say boys shouldn't cry, but believe me, little prince... Your dad has shed a lot of tears."
"Why didn't you talk to me right away about this, little prince?" It was a question that Loki still troubled. Sure, he'd never push his kids into talking to them, but he learned a long time ago that talking was often the best medicine.
"I... I wanted to... be strong. Like you, daddy. I-I don't want to cry all the time, b-because the boys laughed when I cried," Narfi whispered.
"I love you, too." He pressed a kiss against his son's cheek. "Let's go eat dinner, huh? The Ratatouille is waiting for you."
The boy lifted his head and looked at his father with big eyes. "Really?" Loki nodded. "Oh yes." "A-And when was the last time you cried?" "Hmm..." He hummed; thinking. "A few months ago, right after your mommy and I watched you walk inside Primary School like a big boy." Narfi's eyes widened more - if that was even possible. "B-But why did you cry about that, daddy?" The god smiled gently; eyes filled with love. "Because I watched my little prince grow up."
The young boy returned the smile. "I love you, daddy."
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Loki x wife!Reader Headcanons [throughout the MCU]
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Thor1 Loki: He's so soft soft baby TM and caring and always so sweet to you, in private or in public. Love is overflowing! Always kissing you and spoiling you. Not handsy but is always hand holding, or wraps arm around your waist. 2x Verbal Admiration than when he courted you. Favorite thing in the world is your blush and your laugh. You make him melt and he worships the ground you walk on. Gifts, LOTS of gifts. 
"i don't deserve you, y/n."  "If You don't deserve me, no one else does." 
💕How is the love-making?: Soft and Full of emotion! Worships your body; worships You. He'll make you understand why it's called love-making. Frequent eye contact because he loves getting lost in your eyes. Asgard who? (Odin has to forbid you from seeing Loki at work hours because it distracts him😂)
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Avengers1 Loki: won't even look you in the eye, ignores your presence like his heritage. When you do manage to get a word with him, he'll Loki-talk you (i.e. vague words with ambiguous meanings that can be interpreted any way) into thinking he's been cheating on you (LIES). Not even a decent answer. Refuses to give you anything but his ire. 
"You still think me a lovesick puppy, girl?"  "My husband is a God who's just deeply devoted to his wife! Who are you and what have you done to him!?"  "Tut tut, my darling Lorelei -oh wait, that's not Your name." *smirks evilly and vanishes* 
💕Um.. love-making..?: most probably not, he's busy being Villain TM. But if you do manage to, he'll end up leaving you unsatisfied or humiliated, tossing you away like a rag doll -anything to make you think he's a bad guy (He's not. But you have to, otherwise The Other might hurt you too.)
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TDW Loki: he'd still keep up the A1 facade and if you still want him, he'll be mean and act borderline disrespectful, claiming it's your duty as his wife. But in reality, he only wants to hurt you because spending the rest of his life locked up will be easier with you hating him. Looks at you longingly from his cell with an inexplicable sadness in his eyes, but will aboslutely deny it. 
"I know you wouldn't invade Midgard simply for power. I know you are above that, Loki."  "It is 'my Prince' to you. And, I'd rather you stick to your duties as just my wife." 
💕Smut?: Sure, if you hide it from Odin's knowledge. Lots of degradation, though. You can see the apology on his face, feel the desperation on his touch and hear the veiled sadness is his piercing words. His body language is begging you to stay, yearning for you and hoping you'd understand. Once it's over, he won't even look at your eyes knowing if he does, he can't be mean to you. What hurts him should make him stronger. 
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TR Loki: After he shockingly discovered his mysterious survival, he ran back to the palace in search of you. But got to Odin first and.. y'know. He's successfully avoided any romance with you thanks to his disguise, but yearning is on the double when he sees the depth of your devotion. 
"All-Father, I wish to petition a statue on my... late husband's behalf. Of him, of what he's done for Asgard."  "He's a traitor and a convict."  "Who gave his life in atonement. It was a misguided atte-"  "Misguided!? Is that what you call acting against the Hlidskjalf? He invaded Midgard and took innocent lives!"  "And paid for it with his own. I beg your reconsideration, All-Father."  *After a long, scrutinizing pause* "The council will decide." "T-thank you, All-Father."  *Loki as Odin looks at you bow and retreat, sadness in his eyes* 'Oh, my love, how do you still love me after all I've done to you?' 
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After evading death by planetary destruction and back in the Statesman hale, healthy and alive, he makes up for earlier. You refuse to accept, still feeling bitter, but Loki has his ways ;) 
💕How so? 👀: As I said, making up. For dayyyys. Lots of apologizing, lots of begging and even the occasional spanking. Many, many rounds even. Thor is quite concerned. Wait, why is Loki carrying you everywhere, can't you wal- OH. 
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IW Loki: If you thought you knew how much he loves you (in Thor1), oh baby, you're about to be proven wrong. F*cking killed Thanos in, like, 2 seconds max. All it took was Big Ugly Grape-head to see you and give a creepy smile, the next minute he's lying headless on the ground, his army dissipating into dust. 
"The tesseract or yo-" *gets decapitated by Loki* 
❓And the love-making?: .... uh, doubtful.. Thor is busy choking your husband about why the f*ck he didn't say anything of having the tesseract. (Seriously, Thor, how else did you think he survived a planetary level destruction!? *exasperated sigh*) 
And you lived happily ever after <3 
The end. 💚
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Hey! It’s Kayla, Apollos favorite child :)
my main acc is @imobsessed123
I saw will and dad joining this app, so I thought I would too!
☀️ Everyone ☀️
Sorry if you’re not tagged I’m too lazy :)
@why-did-i-get-acne dad :)
@apollo-god-of-prophecy also dad..?
@the-god-of-sun dad??
@thatoneprophecyguy how many accounts does my father have???
@god-of-the-sunny-sun another one of dads accounts 😭
@will-solace-aaaaa My brother!!
@jason-graceeeeee is dating a brick I think?? Is dating Leo
@percy-jackson-is-a-seaweed-brain main character vibes
@best-dam-huntress Hunts with Auntie :)
@calypso-daughter-of-atlas she deserves better than leo
@leo-valdez-graaa the fire guy
@theonlycoachhedge slightly concerned for him 😬
@the-argo-2-matchmaker she’s pretty ngl
@bow-down-to-rara she has the lady Gaga name lol
@lukemessedup …
@the-amazhang-teddybear dating hazel
@grover-eats-cans has a godly digestive system ig
@thrower-of-hairbrushes-official she threw that hairbrush
@everyone-is-a-punk daddy issues
@tyson-the-cyclops really nice!
@silena-styles I thought she was dead??
@magnus-falafelking loves falafel more than his fiance
@that-hijabi-loki-spawn one of the few normal people here
Just ask if you want to be added!
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delicatebarness · 1 month
i think he knows | chapter nine
Summary: As the sneaking continues, some secrets are revealed.
Warnings: Two perspectives are used. A few uses of Y/N. A lot of dialogue between multiple characters. Mentions/Implied Underage Sex. Our girlie is sad again.
Word Count: 1498
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A/N: I wrote this chapter while sitting in a van watching big sweaty men run around with guns (all I pictured all day was winter soldier) 🤤 I edited once I got home and had calmed myself down. 🙈
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 | @itvy5601 |
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Bucky's words hung in the air, it prompted a sense of anticipation. You nodded as meeting his gaze, both curiosity and concern rushed through you.
"What is it?" you asked softly, as the gravity of his tone set in.
Taking a deep breath, he reached out to take your hand in his. "I know this isn't ideal," he started, looking down at your hand rather than into your eyes he began to rub circles against your skin.
"Us, um, sneaking around, keeping this hidden." You listened intently, trying to ignore the knot forming in your stomach.
"But," he continued, his gaze found its way back to yours. "I also know that being with you is worth it." His vulnerability took you by surprise, warming your heart. "I want to make this work."
With a small smile, you squeezed his hand, silently giving him the reassurance he needed to tell you what was on his mind. 
"What are we doing here?" Peter asked while looking up at the 'Stark's Motor's' sign above the rundown car and bike garage. "You know this is Tony Stark's family's business right? Tony Stark as in Bucky Barnes' friend?" Wanda had been curious about the tension between the two groups of friends, she sensed that it was deeper than simply, different personalities.
"Can I help you with something?" Tony asked as he looked Peter and Wanda up and down. They seemed familiar to him but he couldn't quite place them. Wanda looked around Tony, noticing the rest of the group gathered on sofas behind him.
Just as she expected, Bucky Barnes, for being the so-called 'leader' of the group, wasn't to be seen.
"We know about the bets," Wanda stated, gaining the attention of the whole group. The smirks that found their way to their faces proved to Wanda and Peter that the rumors were true. Concern for their friend became evident between them.
"What bets?" Natasha Romanoff questioned them, her tone guarded.
"When you bet each other on how far you can get with someone," Peter interjected before Wanda could, his voice rushed.
"What about them? You want in or something?" Loki, Peter recognized as the younger brother of Thor, questioned with a mischievous smile. He noticed that he was the only one of the gang who would ever show their face to the game.
"No," Wanda began to make her way around the service counter, moving closer to the group of friends. "We want you to tell us what our friend did to deserve being a part of your games," she demanded, standing her ground.
Natasha rolled her eyes before standing up, closing the distance between herself and Wanda in an attempt to intimidate her. "Who's your friend?" she asked curiously while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Y/N Rogers," Peter answered for Wanda, she was intensely looking up at Natasha with furrowed brows. "Steve Rogers' little sister." A silence surrounded the garage at the mention of Rogers.
"She's been on the off-limits list for, what, two years now?" Peter Quill spoke up while looking around the group of his friends. The worst 'bad boy' in the group had, barely got into any trouble, and wasn't mischievous; he just liked to tell jokes and wear a red leather jacket.
"What's the off-limits list?" They asked Quill simultaneously, snapping their heads in his direction. Catching the moment Stark punched him in the arm, he had said too much. 
Sighing, Natasha seemingly began to relax more around the other students, going back to where she had previously been sitting. “The list of people we, under no circumstances, are allowed to bet on,” she explained, her voice still hinting at the annoyance the pair was causing. “She’s been on that list since her first day of freshman year?” she continued, looking around at her friends to confirm the amount of time. They all nodded in agreement. 
“Too bad the same couldn’t have been said for her brother,” a sense of amusement in Stark’s voice as he spoke under his breath. 
“Oh yeah, Natasha lost Buck some real cash on that one.” Quill laughed before taking a drink from the bottle he’d been nursing since Wanda and Peter arrived. 
Wanda and Peter shot each other a glance, a silent conversation of understanding happening between them. As they exchanged the silent vow to uncover more, they turned about to the group, knowing they were diving into dangerous waters. Bucky and his friends were the most feared pack in the school, only Steve and his friends weren’t worried about getting on their bad side. Even then, a few of them still watched their backs.
“We need to know everything,” Wanda exclaimed, causing the group to bring their attention back to the younger peers. 
Natasha’s eyes narrowed, but there was a slight hint of respect for the girl. “You two don’t know when to quit, do you?” she muttered under her breath. Ignoring Natasha’s remark, the two friends stood their ground. Not moving until someone talked. 
Bucky hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words. Taking a deep breath, his heart pounded. “Back in freshman year, I… I made a bet with Natasha,” he admitted. 
Your brow furrowed with confusion, “What kind of bet?” You asked, voice trembling slightly, you felt like you already knew the answer. Hearing it aloud, you feared it would make it real. 
His gaze dropped from yours as he swallowed hard, “I bet that she couldn’t sleep with Steve,” he confessed, your hand dropped from him as your body went into a state of shock. Your mind went back to the night before, how he reassured you that you weren’t a part of it. You remember now that he never denied the fact that they do make bets. “I didn’t think she would do it, Y/N,” he looked up, his eyes filled with remorse as he called you by your name rather than his nickname for you. 
“Why?” you whispered, your voice barely audible over your heart pounding. “If you didn’t think she would, why did you?”
“We were freshmen, we were just having fun,” he sighed, trying to defend himself and the friends he saw as family. “He was an easy target back, a try-hard, it was supposed to be a joke,” he ran a hand through his hair, as he rushed his words. 
The weight of his confession sank into your bones. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Disbelief surged through you, you couldn’t process everything at once. His reasoning only added to the turmoil swirling inside. 
There was a silence settling between you, your breathing and the background noise for the diner was the only sound. The image of Steve, oblivious to the wager placed on him, added another layer of hurt. 
You finally found your voice, it trembled as you held back tears. Not only were you hurting for your brother but, you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Bucky was lying about you. “How could you?” you questioned.
“I know I messed up,” Bucky’s voice softened, his hand reaching out as if to bridge the growing distance. “I mean, it’s most likely the main reason he wants me nowhere near you,” his words trailed off, and you turned away. 
You looked everywhere but in Bucky’s direction, afraid of the tears threatening to spill. “I’m guessing she then discarded him like he never mattered?” you asked, recounting the warning Steve had given you about Bucky and his friends. 
Another sigh from Bucky. “After everything, Steve caught feelings for her but it was just a game to her so she ignored him and has since,” he explained as he played with the straw in his milkshake glass. “It wasn’t until a couple of months later that he found out it was a bet, a bet that I started,” he began mumbling to himself about wishing he had a smoke or a drink before continuing. “We’ve never been okay since, which I understand on some level, but, he came out stronger I guess,” the confused look behind your teary eyes made his heart clench. “That was when he suddenly gained muscle and became the star athlete he is today.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, you struggled to hear it yourself as you tried to find the words. 
Bucky nodded, he understood that telling you would have been painful. He saw the amount of compassion and empathy you carried in your heart, he knew it was risky for him to tell you the truth. He wished he could tell you, we fought once over nothing but stupid boy stuff, but, he couldn’t.
“I understand,” he replied softly, his head dropped landing his gaze on the table between you. “I’m sorry I hurt you, and Steve. I just, I don’t want there to be secrets between us as well.” Even though your heart ached for your brother and Bucky’s confession, you offered him a small nod.
- - -
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Take Care of You
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Summary: Steve Rogers seems to take care of everyone. But who takes care of him?
Pairings: Steve Rogers x reader; a little Loki x reader (because I can’t help it)
Warnings: smut; angst; drinking
"Actually, it's interesting…"
In all honesty, the contents of your wine glass was the most interesting thing at the table. Between the appetizer and main course, it has become apparent that this date had been a mistake. The downtown restaurant was quite popular and loud, easy to drown out the one-sided conversation from across the table about whatever was incredibly interesting. Had he even asked a question all night?
Smiling your way through dinner and dessert, he rambled on until the bill was paid and you could finally slip on your coat to leave.
"Thank you for a lovely evening," you said at the main entrance of the restaurant.
"Let me take you home." It was a statement more than a suggestion. Protesting was futile as his car pulled up from the valet and, with a sigh, you gave in.
"Thank you, again," you said as he parked his car and started to walk you towards the Towers, not taking the hint.
"Let me get you safe inside," he offered, placing a hand on the small of your back. Cringing, you gently guided his hand away and turned to face him.
"Thank you," you said all the more sternly. "I can take it from here."
He frowned, as if he had something to say, and then his eyes darted behind you for a split second before saying a quick good night and leaving. You spun on your heel to find a shadowed figure emerging, hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face. Steve.
You let out a breath, a little thankful, a little frustrated. Of course, one of the most emotionally unavailable bachelors in America would be your knight in shining armor. He walked up, looking between you and the man bee-lining it to his getaway vehicle. "Don't start, Rogers." You didn't need a lecture after the night you had.
His hands shot up in animated defense. "Only here if you need me."
He held the door open, waiting patiently as you strutted toward the entrance. Maybe he was emotionally unavailable, but he was still Captain America, and you'd be damned if the little dress you wore went to waste. You passed by him, imagining how confident and sexy you must appear when your heel caught on the door frame, tripping you forward. On instinct, Steve grabbed your hand and waist before you landed on your face. Adrenaline rushed through your veins for a moment, and when you turned your head, he was closer than expected. "You okay?"
"Guess I needed you after all," you laughed a little breathy, attempting to lighten the mood amidst him everywhere on you–his hands hovered on your hip and back, his chest pressed against yours, his face only inches away.
He smiled warmly, helping you upright. "Let's get you upstairs."
The glass elevator held a perfect view of the skyline, and you watched the planes above while waiting to reach the main loft. Leaning against the railing, you slipped off your heels, your feet finally rejoicing.
"Bad date?" he asked, trying to make small talk.
"I don't think he even remembered my name." He chuckled quietly, sliding his hands into his pockets. The elevator doors opened and he walked in stride with you down the hall while you gave him the play-by-play highlights of your disaster of a date. He paused when you reached the front of your bedroom door.
“I dunno,” you said with a sigh. “Somehow I just continue to attract the self-absorbed assholes. Maybe that's just the type I'm meant to be with.”
He shook his head. “Don't think that. You deserve better.”
“You really think so?”
He gave you a look like it was obvious. “Come on, you're too good of a girl to end up with someone like that.” His words made you smile, and they lingered in your mind long after you had said good night, making you wonder if anyone took care of the captain the way he took care of you.
Pancakes and coffee. That was all you could think about in the morning, and the aromas wafting from the kitchen brought some of the team to slowly trickle out.
"So, how was the date?" Natasha asked, pouring a large cup of coffee and settling in a seat near the kitchen island. You gave her a look. "That bad?"
You turned to flip pancakes and pour more batter on the skillet. "Let's just say I'm glad Steve was there to send him on his way without a word."
Natasha raised an eyebrow at Steve, who shook his head like it was nothing, but she gave him an amused look.
When you turned back around with a fresh stack of pancakes, you were faced with hungry eyes. "Alright, you guys have to share!"
Taking your share of the prepared breakfast, you settled into a chair at the island.
"So, is that a no to any future blind dates?" Natasha asked.
"That's a definite no. But I will absolutely say yes to a date with you at that new club downtown."
"Alright, alright, we'll go. Steve, what do ya' say? Wanna join us and make it a threesome?" she asked, leaning up against him.
Flustered and choking on his coffee, he turned three shades of red and shook his head. "No no, you ladies have fun."
You and Natasha sighed in unison. "Suit yourself."
Your night out with Natasha was magical. The club was classy and modern, the kind where you'd find paparazzi hiding out. Both men and women lined up to buy you and Natasha drinks, join the VIP lounge, and dance the night away.
By the early morning hours, you had stumbled back into the loft with Natasha, giggling and shushing one another way too loudly. Natasha went to the kitchen, making a racket of noise with glasses and cupboards while you laid down on the couch, feet aching from hours of dancing. A glass shattered on the floor, followed by Natasha cursing and a very tired and irritated Captain storming out of his room.
"Seriously Nat?"
"Sorry dad," she said, attempting to pick up bits of glass from the floor. Steve sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Just stop, your gonna cut yourself. Go to bed, I'll take care of it."
She was stubborn, but he was firm, and soon she was scampering out of the kitchen and down the hall to her room. Steve sighed and you heard the sweeping of the broom, the metal grating of the dustpan.
When he shut off the kitchen light, you sat up from the couch. "You're good at that."
Steve turned and practically jumped, placing a hand on his heart. "Jeez, you scared me half to death!"
"Sorry," you said meekly.
"Have you been drinking too?" He didn't sound upset or accusational. More amused.
Putting your index finger and thumb close together, you scrunched up your face in guilt, making him laugh. "Alright, come on."
He offered his hand out and you took it, faltering when you stood. "I see Nat forgot how much of a lightweight you are," he joked.
"Hey," you said and smacked him on the chest. His eyes crinkled when he smiled, looking down and holding you in his arms for a moment. You felt so small in his arms and swallowed the lump in your throat before breaking the silence. "You take care of everyone."
"Is that what I'm good at?"
You nodded.
"I guess I do," he said, and in one swift movement hooked his arm under your legs, causing you to squeal while he carried you down the hall.
The room was dark, illuminated only by the faint light of the moon. He laid you down on the bed and sat next to you. "Need anything before I go?"
You took hold of his hand and he looked down at the touch. "Steve… Does anyone ever take care of you?"
He considered the question. "The team takes care of me when it's needed."
You shook your head. "No." And then, heart pounding in your boldness, you sat up and climbed over to straddle him. Arms wrapped around his neck and his breath grew heavy. "Does anyone take care of you…like this?"
You leaned in slowly, in case he was uncomfortable, in case you were reading it wrong, but he allowed you to kiss him, and after a moment, his lips responded, his hands slow and steady guiding up your legs, your hips, your back. He whispered your name, a question, a desire, a need.
He pulled back to look at you, a little in shock, a little in lust. Like he wanted to be good, but he also wanted you. "You're… you've been drinking."
Your head tilted to the side. Should have known–always the chivalrous one. "Steve, I want you."
Kisses trailed down his neck and across his jaw line as you spoke.
"Let me take care of you," you whispered, pulling up the end of his T-shirt until he allowed you to pull it over his head. He was torn, hesitant. He didn't allow his desires to normally take precedence over honor. But, this time, he did. Hands ran over his thick chest, his hardened abs, to play with the little grooves on his hip bones. "Sit back," you ordered, and he obediently listened, watching with want and desire while your fingers hooked into his shorts and underwear, sliding them down in one go.
His cock sprang forth from its confines, already hard and pulsing and wet from precum, and your eyes went wide at how incredibly well-endowed he was. The ladies had all speculated at how big the super soldier actually was, but you'd never imagined…
You knew then how you wanted to take care of him. With a devilish smirk you crawled up, your tongue running along the underside of his cock, never breaking eye contact. A little moan escaped him, making you want to hear the range of all his noises. Your fingers stroked at his balls as you slowly guided your tongue along his shaft, causing his breath to shutter.
His fingers ran through your hair and when you lifted your head he brushed your cheek with his thumb.
"God, you are gorgeous," he whispered. You closed your eyes and then took him full in your mouth and down your throat. The response he gave was guttural, claiming your name when you took a breath, only to go down again. In that moment, you were in control and he was yours. His breaths became faster, his moans more frequent, and you knew he wouldn't last much longer. But that was perfectly fine; you were here to take care of him.
Your mouth became hot and full of him and was swallowed down like it was nothing. It took a moment for him to catch his breath and come back down from his high and he started to ramble, from embarrassment or being unsure of what to do. You shushed him gently, curled up next to him, and grabbed his hand to wrap his arm around you.
He laid there quietly, kissed your shoulder and fell asleep in your bed. But in the morning, he was gone.
You weren't surprised. Disappointed, sure. But not surprised. More than a dozen times you had reminded yourself that Steve Rogers was emotionally unavailable. But that didn't stop your drunk ass from what you did last night.
In the light of the morning, you were determined to not walk out of your room looking like some drunken whore. You'd be damned if you were someone he regretted. Extra time was taken to scrub yourself clean, brush your teeth twice, and make yourself not only presentable, but gorgeous.
Taking a breath, you walked out to the foyer. Natasha looked up from her cup of coffee, a tired smile on her face. "Sorry I bailed on you last night. I don't even remember what happened. Where did you go?"
You shook your head at her apology. "No, it's fine. I just passed out."
Natasha raised a curious eyebrow at you. "No midnight romping?"
You laughed, maybe a little too loudly. "Nothing of the sort, I can assure you."
She hummed in response. "Morning Captain."
Your eyes went big for a slight moment as he passed behind, a scent of evergreen lingering behind. "Morning," he acknowledged evenly.
Pulse starting to race, you slipped into the kitchen before Natasha could question you further. Pouring a cup of coffee (the larger, the better after the night you had), Steve walked in casually.
"Morning agent," he said, grabbing a carton of eggs from the fridge.
"Hi," you said, stirring your coffee as if it was the most fascinating cup of coffee you'd ever laid eyes on.
"Sleep well?"
You raised your eyes up to meet his, a small smirk on your face. "Yes…" you said slowly. Was he playing a game with you?
Steve waited until he was sure Natasha was gone and out of earshot. Then, crossing his arms and studying the floor, he said, "Listen, I need to apologize for last night."
You blinked but kept silent, stirring your coffee and watching him. He was infuriating! Just wouldn't let you have that moment with him.
"I took advantage of the situation and should have stopped it before it went that far," he continued.
Your breaths were even through your nose, but internally you were screaming. As frustrated as you were, you knew there was no point in arguing. Once he had gotten something in his mind as fact, there was no convincing him otherwise.
Sighing, you made to leave the room. "Whatever you need to tell yourself, Steve."
He grabbed your bicep as you passed by, making you pause in your tracks. "It can't happen again."
You looked from his grip on your arm to his piercing stare and bit to your lip to refrain from screaming at him.
"Got it," you choked out, and pulled away.
It was easier to just avoid him in the following weeks. If he hadn't made a thing of it, you could have gone back to being friendly and flirty. But he didn't make things easy
You chose the missions he wasn't on and made excuses for the ones he joined. But it was hard; you missed him, his kindness, his stories, his listening ear. He was your leader and you just felt…lost.
There was no use in regrets, but sometimes you'd wonder if you'd make a mistake and lost a friend.
It was a strangely quiet Saturday night for most of the team. After a few weeks of intense missions and undercover work, it was nice to finally have a break. The last thing you wanted was to go out to a bar or club and Natasha agreed. Giving you a look like she was up to no good, she pulled out a deck of cards and a bottle with a language you couldn't translate.
"What are you doing, Nat?" you asked with a warning tone.
"Making our own fun. We aren't a couple of spinsters. If we don't want to go out, doesn't mean we can't still have a little fun," she said with a wink.
You smiled while shaking your head. "You're the worst influence."
"No, I'm the best. Now round up whatever boys are still around."
You trailed down the hall and paused at Steve's door. Knocking, you prayed that he wouldn't answer, but the door opened before you could slip away.
"Hi," he said, crossing his arms. He appeared standoffish, but there was a kindness in his eyes.
"Hey, um, Nat is setting something up out there. Wanted everyone to join."
He raised an eyebrow. "What did she pull out from her bag of tricks this time?"
"Box of cards and a bottle of something."
"Blue label? Foreign writing?"
"Yeah." As silly as it was, you missed this–the normalcy, the casual chat, feeling comfortable with him again. There was a beat where you two locked eyes, getting lost for a moment. You opened your mouth to say something, a sorry, an I miss you, anything, but he beat you to the punch.
"I think I'm gonna stay in tonight, but… you should be careful with that bottle. Asgardian firewater isn't for the faint of heart."
He started to close the door. "Steve?"
He paused, but the words caught in your throat and you just stood there like an idiot.
"Have fun," he said, and hearing your name on his lips brought it all back. You wondered if he thought about it as much as you did.
He was right about the firewater. Natasha had poured you a shot and it burned like kerosene going down. You shuttered, turning the bottle to study its label. A hand reached out, clasping the shot glass and pulling it to the side. Your eyes followed the hand to the dark haired Asgardian prince who leaned toward you.
"Please do not tell me you drank this in a shot glass."
You smirked at him. "Blame Nat. I just do as I'm told."
Shaking his head at your naivety, Loki refrained from engaging on your comment further and slid the used shot glass to the sink, pulling a clean large glass from the cabinet.
"If you're going to drink this, you're at least going to learn how to make a proper Asgardian beverage out of it." He rolled up his sleeves, rummaging through the bar and pulling out an assortment of bottles and citrus fruit.
"You making me a drink or breakfast, Loki?"
He stood, pointing a paring knife at you. "Hush. Now come around here, you're making it yourself."
He taught you how to skin the rind off an orange without the pith, instructed you to juice a lime, showed you the measurements for the other spirits to add before pouring it over the liquor. He didn't touch you, but his close proximity somehow still made you feel warm.
"Stir it, slowly” he drawled. “The point of this isn't to rush and hit your high as fast as possible. Savor it, enjoy yourself."
He slid the glass toward you and watched as you took a sip, an eyebrow raised in a question. Your eyes widened as that first sip went down, not burning like fire, but sweet like honey. "It's good. Thank you Loki."
Satisfied, he leaned forward, palm landing on the back of your arm to whisper in your ear. "Now don't let me catch you with that shot glass again. You deserve more than just a quick fix."
You took a short breath in as you laughed nervously, something twisting deep inside. Was he…flirting with you? Your eyes darted to the side to see Steve talking to Tony, but watching you. He turned, patting Tony on the back before walking straight out the door, his jaw firmly set.
The night had been fun, playing an assortment of card games. Loki and Thor attempted to teach everyone a complicated version of Asgardian poker, which turned into peals of laughter. You wiped your eyes, both from laughing so hard and feeling exhausted, when Loki stood. "Thank you for a pleasant evening, but it is time for me to retire for the night."
You nodded and yawned on cue. "Me too. Goodnight guys."
Natasha shuffled the cards and dealt out a hand to the rest of the night owls, saying a quick good night.
You followed Loki the short distance down the hall to your separate bedrooms. "Sorry Loki, I think we're a little hopeless at learning your game."
"If my brother can master it, there is hope for you all yet. Plus," he paused, turning to you in front of your door, "it seemed like a welcome distraction for you."
You looked up at him, a little alarmed at his observation. Hadn't you been more discreet watching the front door for Steve? Apparently not.
"Oh, I…" you stuttered, but he shook his head and put a hand on your arm to reassure you.
"No need to be embarrassed, little one. I wasn't trying to pry. It was just nice to see you carefree and smiling again."
He was right, it was a nice change. You were tired of walking on eggshells and needed an attitude shift.
You couldn't sleep that night though, as tired as you were. Between Loki's flirty antics and Steve's frustrating behavior, your mind was swimming and needed to be cleared. After tossing and turning, the blankets were finally ripped off and gym clothes slipped on, deciding a quick workout would help.
Earpods turned on, you entered the gym and started up the treadmill. A mile in and sweat starting to drip, a resounding boom caused you to pull out your earbuds. Pausing on the edge of the treadmill, you pulled out an earbud to listen, a rhythmic pattern of beats down the hall. That was odd, you thought you'd be alone at this hour.
"Hello?" you called out, wiping the sweat from your forehead and chest and following the sound. You opened the door to an open studio used for combat practice and paused in the doorway. On the opposite side of the room, Steve focused on a punching bag, his back muscles rippling and contracting within a tight T-shirt. Standing mesmerized, you watched as he worked the bag until one final blow busted it off the hook and he went to grab a new one.
His eyes turned up and locked on yours, startling you out of your trance. "Sorry. I…" you fumbled at your words.
"Can't sleep?" he asked.
You shook your head. "Came down here to clear my head."
"Yeah," he said, hooking the bag on with one arm. "I've been trying to do that for a while now."
"Well, I'll let you get back to it." You made your way toward the door. Halfway through the door frame, he said your name, staring at the bag, making you pause. "I haven't… I haven't been able to sleep for a while. I can't stop thinking about that night."
You almost didn't hear him, almost asked him to repeat himself. When he turned to look at you, you were like a deer caught in headlights. Too afraid to move or look away.
"I know that I shouldn't. And I tried to stop myself, tried to push you away and ignore you. My focus should be on the team and our missions. That's why I told you it couldn't happen again."
He unwrapped the boxing tape from his hands, walking toward you.
"But I can't get you out of my head. You're all I can think about."
You ignored the pounding of your heart and the tingling in your core. He was so close to you now, and you were furious. How dare he say all this after how he treated you! You wanted to slap him, yell at him, anything to show him how much pain and frustration he had caused you. But then, his next words cut to your core: "I'm so sorry. I miss you."
His blue eyes searched your own, no doubt looking for a sign that you would forgive him. He hesitantly raised a hand slowly up to your cheek, thumb brushing along your cheekbone, melting your resolve and angry exterior with the swipe of his hand. Who were you kidding? You missed him too.
The sun was creeping up along the horizon when your eyes opened. Your bed was warm and cozy and your arm clutched onto the arm wrapped around your body.
You turned slightly, Steve still asleep and breathing steadily. The man was probably exhausted from his lack of sleep the last few weeks. It didn't help that you both stayed up late the night before as well.
He had walked you back to your room after your encounter in the gym, stood outside your door to wish you good night like the gentleman he was trying to be. No, he was a gentleman, he reminded himself; only you had ignited something inside him that he was fighting hard to resist. You gripped onto the edge of his T-shirt and pulled him into the room with a coy smile that he reciprocated.
Neither knew what to do, and you didn't want him to feel like you were expecting him to reciprocate for the prior night together. After keeping your distance from him for weeks, you just knew that you wanted to be near him again.
"For the record, I missed you too Steve." You grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, tossing one across the room to him.
He downed half the bottle before recapping it. "I'm not very good at this. I've spent too long focused only on whatever the mission is and not anything else."
"This," you said, gesturing between the two of you, "can be whatever we want it to be. I just know that I want you back in my life. However you want that to be."
He nodded, taking in your words. Then stood and walked over to you leaning against the dresser. His blue eyes looked down to yours and you could feel your heart instantly picking up pace. He could probably hear what he was doing to you by the uptick of your pulse, but didn't let on. "However I want?"
You nodded, words lost to you. Even though you had had him once before, he still made your nerves twist. He leaned down and kissed you then, and it felt like you both let go of a breath that was held for far too long.
When he pulled away, you almost whined, wanting more.
"Let's start by taking care of you," he said, and gripped your ass to sit you on the dresser.
With easier access, he trailed kisses down your neck, body shivering in response. He pulled you into him and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Lifting you up, he carried you easily to your bed and gently set you down, hovering over you.
“What do you want?” he asked, and you knew that his question was meant for more than just pleasure.
You hooked your finger into the hem of his t-shirt, bringing his lips to yours. A girl could get used to those soft lip caresses. The warmth of his hand traveled underneath your shirt, up your ribcage to the curve of your breast, and you gasped as his fingertips circled your nipple. He pulled his lips back from yours to watch the expression on your face, and with a little hesitancy, you told him, “I want to be yours.”
It was like you had lighted a fire within him with your words, and he engulfed you in flames. Your leggings were removed, his lips trailing kisses lower and lower until he was in between your thighs, finding solace in your warm folds. His tongue was like a flint, unyielding until sparks flew. Without mercy, he gripped onto your thighs, making you rise higher and higher. You gripped onto his hair, moaning his name at a higher octave until you fell into bliss, and were cradled in his arms.
There was no telling what would become of you and him, but for the moment, you would take care of each other.
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 8 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 4
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One God to Another | Loki x Reader
Loki begins your training at an unexpected moment, but you both end up learning something new.
Warnings: Loki gets wet! Suggestive descriptions. Reader is still locked up :(
Green divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki sauntered out of the room, hiding his eagerness to see you behind his veil of teasing. Although he would’ve liked to go directly to your room, he detoured to Dr Banner’s lab at the request of Stark’s robot assistant. The god wasn’t particularly fond of disembodied, omniscient voices telling him what to do, that was more his game, but he followed the directions to Dr Banner’s lab nonetheless. 
“Doctor,” he nodded, leaning against the large desk and folding his arms across his chest. 
Bruce barely looked up from the complicated diagram infront of him. Loki knew that his presence made the man uncomfortable, but he couldn’t help how others reacted to him. 
“Loki, she really seemed to engage with you last time. Do you think you could ask about the Grandad? We couldn’t find any guardianship order or documents linking them. I don’t even think their DNA matches.” Bruce said, removing his glasses and wiping them on his white lab coat. He looked up at Loki then, through blurry eyes, as if staring straight at the man would turn him to stone. 
“Do you have a lot of experience with women, Doctor Banner?” Loki drawled, looking at his long fingers and neat nails. 
Bruce flushed cherry red in answer. 
“I find that women do not respond to being interrogated.” Loki pulled the cuffs of his shirt down and the starched fabric became tighter, moulding to his muscular torso and broad shoulders.
“We just need the information, Loki. Not a date.” Bruce grumbled. “Just ask her.”
“Ask her?”
“About her Grandad,” Bruce was clearly frustrated, but kept his voice to a quiet hiss, still hidden behind his workbench.
“Hmmm…no. I’ll talk to her how I want, I’ll do what I want and what’s more, so will she.” Loki walked backwards towards the door, “and maybe, if you all behave, I’ll share with you.” He gave one last smirk before pushing both doors open and striding back into the corridor. 
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Loki knocked on the locked door of your room, you'd made it clear you wanted respect and, what's more, Loki believed you deserved it. An honour that he knew you didn't yet understand.
“Yes?” When he pressed the intercom button, he heard your voice as a thin, wary whisper.
He entered slowly and smiled as you turned to greet him, the bracelet on your wrist caught the sun, sending sparkles of green dancing over the white clinical surfaces. He wasn’t sure if you would want to keep it on but his chest swelled at the sight of his colours complimenting you so well. 
“Loki!” You smiled when you saw him, when was the last time anyone had smiled at his presence? “You came back!”
“I promised I would, did I not?” He grinned as you reached out your hand to him. 
“I wanted to show you something.” You pulled him over to the smaller mirror, the real mirror, that was placed over the wash basin. 
Standing in front of him you stared at your reflection, concentration written on your brow. Loki stared too and then, in the corner of your eye, a gold fleck appeared. You smiled and then gold took over the whole of your left iris and then the right. 
You looked at him through the mirror, “I did that, I thought about it and I did it." 
You swivelled to face him and he couldn’t help but touch you, hands on each cheek, to better examine your changing countenance and your beaming smile. 
“Very good Little ásynja, it seems you did not need my assistance after all.”
“Oh no, I do, I do. This took all morning. I want to do more, I want to control my hair and my height - and  -and I want to stop people being uncomfortable around me. I want them to kiss the right people, not me, and -”
Loki ran his thumb over your bottom lip to quiet your rambling. It was a risk, but you didn’t seem to mind the attention or the touch, in fact the air got thicker in the room the longer he touched you, hot and close, his heart sped up again and sweat formed on his brow. 
“Little ásynja we can practise all of those things, but we should start small.”
“Yes, teach me please.” You bounced on your heels, a glow filling the room as the sun hit full in the sky. Loki looked at his watch, 3pm. The sun was in the wrong place.
“Calm down, please. Darling,” he smoothed a hand over your hair and down your back, stilling you for a moment. “First let us find you some calm and then we will practise a simple trick.”
“Yes, you must be calm so you can free your mind to explore your magic. What would make you relaxed?” Loki had a good idea of what he’d like to do to help relax you, something akin to his last visit but maybe with less clothing, but considering the sun was still in the wrong place and he wasn’t entirely sure you’d noticed, he decided to take it slow. “A bath maybe?”
You nodded, “that would be wonderful, the shower here is horrible.”
Loki waved a hand, checking for cameras and dropping fabric across the mirror again.
“A bath sounds like a good idea,” another wave and a huge copper bath appeared, high at the back with a small table next to it covered in coloured bottles and squares of lined cloth. 
“Incredible,” you breathed, running a finger along the top edge, “it’s warm!” You let out a giggle and Loki could see how the mortals were so enamoured with you, your smile was infectious, bubbling as high as the bath. And as he looked at you, a feeling of joy washed over him too. 
You looked around nervously, and Loki worried you might ask him to leave. Instead he resolved to make himself integral to your relaxation process, if he was indispensable then he could stay. 
He placed his hands on your shoulders, “sometimes the women of Asgard would wear linen shifts when bathing in public,” his magic simmered and a soft white cotton shirt appeared around your body, a thin lace keeping it together between your breasts and collar bone.
“It’s comfortable,” you observed, playing with the lace.
“Good,” Loki smiled softly and held his hand out to help you over the tall side of the bath, and you paused there, your hand in his. 
“The room isn’t very relaxing,” you glanced at the medical bed, the plain table and small window.
“Agreed," a gold halo surrounded the room, the walls darkening into wood panels, the tiny window widening into a fireplace complete with roaring fire. 
“Loki, it's beautiful,” you breathed. And there was that smile again, so genuine and warm. Loki tipped his head towards the bath and supported your weight as you climbed in.
Settling against the high copper back of the bath, you sighed, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of the water soothing your body. The shift floated around you, giving you a distinctly angelic air that had Loki's trousers feeling uncomfortably tight. 
Loki watched the pearls of water move across your body as you made waves with your hand, the smell of lavender oil permeating the room. 
He took the opportunity to study your relaxed posture, no hint of inhibition when you put yours hands on the side of the bath. Loki could see your nipples, soft and pebbled, under the translucent linen and he ached to lean forward -  to climb in - to sit behind you and hold you and be the one that grounded you in your body before he helped you unleash your magic. 
Loki was clouded with lust, dizzy, the room was too hot and the steam rising from the bath was creating mist on the windows and mirror. 
He reached a hand in, tracing down your side with his finger, his fingertips touched the underside of your breast lightly and you sucked in a breath, holding still. 
Loki looked up, catching your eyes, trapped by the black and gold that stared back. So unnatural that the hair stood up on the back of his neck. The ends of your hair stuck to your shoulders and he couldn't quite catch the colour or the texture as it shimmered and changed, your magic evaporating from you like steam and you were staring at him, boring into his soul.
“Shall we do some magic?” You asked, reaching a damp hand out to him and flicking scented water over his face.
Anger flashed through Loki's mind, immediately replaced by confusion when he saw your face, a smile at the corner of your lips. You were…playing with him.
And then the smile fell and he studied your face. Were you nervous now? When you were so happy and relaxed before.
Maybe his anger had shown too much, his confusion that anyone would want to play with or tease him, and you had retreated into yourself. 
Loki steeled himself, trying to release the side of his mischief that had been hidden for a long time, the side that laughed and joked and wanted to make others laugh too. 
He pulled his hand back and scooped up the water, splashing you back. 
Now it was your turn to sit in shock and his heart beat loud in his ears, waiting for you to react. 
Water trickled down over your cheeks and lips as they turned up into a broad smile and he matched it, flicking water from the ends of his fingers and revelling in the sound of your giggles. 
His magic welled inside of him, roiling and rising at it had a thousand years ago when he was a God, and not an invader, he felt his sedir deep within himself, connected to you and Midgard. The vacant feeling that missed Asgard was hollow, but surrounded by new branches, new links, and for once he didn’t feel unwell or tired. He felt like a God. 
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You played for a while, splashing water and allowing Loki to cast charms on the water that made waves appear, a row of magical ducklings, paddling towards you and from the depths of bath, a miniature whale, blowing fireworks as it breached the surface, it’s wide tail splashing you on it’s return to the deep. 
He was incredible, this god before you, funny and kind and handsome. You knew his past, of course, but it was hard to believe that this Loki would willingly harm others. Tricks and mischief were one thing, that he radiated from his very being, but evil? Cruelty? It didn’t seem possible. 
“Let us begin with an easy trick, one of my favourites," Loki said, and a small jug appeared in his hand. He filled it from the bath, while your keen eyes followed his every move until his arm snapped forward and he poured the jug over your head without warning. 
Loki sat back on his heels and watched as you spluttered. 
“Loki! What are you doing!”
He sat back with a grin. “Dry your hair.” He ordered, crossing his arms across his chest and leaving a damp spot on the sleeve of his shirt where he tucked his hands. 
You glared at him, and then reached a hand out of the bath for a towel, but he closed his hand around wrist and slowly lowered it back into the water, “with magic,” he encouraged.
“Just, think about it. Imagine how you want your hair to look after. You want it to be dry, but eventually you can practise changing the style, the colour, the textures. We won’t change the length or colour today, just dry it.”
You turned away from him and scrunched your face up in concentration, just dry it indeed, as if it was that simple! He couldn’t help but smile, you just looked so cute with your eyes closed, focussing so hard. The thought of you laughing and smiling with him again was in his head before he could do anything to stop it. 
As the God of Mischief, Loki had spent a good deal of his childhood playing tricks and games, making fun and pulling pranks. As an adult he had assumed that he needed to evolve his pranks, make them grander. But perhaps this easy jesting was what his heart truly needed. He felt light and carefree watching you splutter as, rather than dry, your hair seemed to get wetter and heavier. Your nose wrinkled and the ends of your hair began to lighten, no longer heavy and weighed down with water. 
“Ásynja, look,” you opened your eyes and looked into the small mirror Loki held for you, grinning at your reflection. 
“It’ll take ages for the rest to dry though,” you grouched, touching the top of your head which was still soaking wet, but the ends were perfectly dry. 
“You should be proud of your achievement,” Loki lifted your chin with a finger, “do you think those mortals can do this? No. It is hard because it is special. Again,” he snapped his fingers and water appeared above your head, dousing you once more. 
“You bastard!” You laughed, snatching the jug and pouring water over him in return. Loki would normally have pulled his knives by now at such an insult, the bitter feeling of loneliness, of being the punchline of a thousand jokes for a thousand years mellowing into a distant hum as you giggled at him through your own wet hair. And Loki laughed too, a deep rumbling laugh that broke out of him and filled the room until you were both sucking in your breath, hiccuping and clutching your sides. 
Loki managed to calm down long enough to bring you both back to your lesson. His smile lingered at the corners of his lips when he spoke again. 
“Watch, think about being dry, picture it. And-” Loki moved his neck, the water vanishing from his shoulders and hair, the trickle on his nose gone.
You stared, in awe, and then your features shifted into a determined stare. “I think it’s harder when I’m still in the water,” you stood then, unabashed, and climbed out of the tub, dripping on the floor until a rug appeared under your feet. 
You closed your eyes, clenched your fists and muttered to yourself, shifting your body as Loki had. The feeling of clinging linen was gone, instead you felt warm but dry, the hair stuck to your face was now perfectly dry and styled. You cracked one eye open and caught your reflection in Loki’s mirror.
“I did it!”
“Well done Ásynja, darling you’re doing so well!” Loki glowed with pride, you were learning quickly, discovering the depths of your magic with precision and focus. 
“Now we have learnt some magic for you to practise, what else do you desire?” Loki had been hoping to guide you to himself as he watched your nipples harden under the linen of your shift. 
You walked to the fireplace peering at it and inspecting the mantle that Loki had created.
“I want out of this room.” You said seriously “I won’t be a danger, I promise, I just want to be free.”
“I will do my best, darling, but you must understand they do not trust me either.”
“What about your brother?”
“Yes, can he help? I’ll promise him to be good too, I really won’t start any fires,” Loki felt a little sick at the thought of you speaking to Thor, it hadn’t crossed his mind that at some point he’d have to share your attention with anyone else, especially not another God. And that you would be ‘good’, he didn’t want you to be good for anyone. He wanted you to be carefree, daring, perhaps even a little wicked. He wanted to be the one to set you free. He hadn’t realised how lonely he had this time with you, his icy demeanour thawing under the rays of your smile. 
“I can discuss the matter with him,” Loki agreed. “He has their favour so may be of use.”
There was a curt knock at the door, Loki was still being heavily monitored and he was sure they wouldn’t be happy about the curtain or him breaking the cameras again.
“I must go, my Little Ásynja, I will return as soon as I can,” the glimmer that Loki had created around the room changed and the sterile environment reappeared.
You took Loki by the hand and squeezed for a second, “I’ll miss you,” you gave him a shy smile and he bent down in return, aiming to place a chaste kiss on your cheek. But you turned your head, pressing your petal soft lips against his and stole a single kiss. 
Loki, surprised and flustered by such a bold move, only stepped  back, attempting to rein in his control. 
“I shall miss you too darling, but I will be back.” He closed the door behind him, taking one last look at you before the lock slammed into place.
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Loki found Thor in the main common room deep in conversation with his fellow Avengers.
“Brother, what have you discovered?!” Thor waved him closer, patting the seat next to him on the sofa. 
“Why do you keep covering the mirror,” Steve asked, fiercely, speaking over Thor. Loki decided to ignore him. Your need for privacy was obvious, if the Captain couldn’t understand that then it was beyond explanation.
“You must release her. Give her a real room. Under my tutelage she is gaining control of her powers. She has not changed appearance, she is the same height. And she managed some simple magic today. Have no fear, mortals, the girl is no danger, just a little…wild, that’s all.” Loki took the seat next to Thor and inspected the cuffs of his shirt, the smell of lavender still clinging the the soft fibres. 
“She is doing magic, that’s pretty dangerous.” Sam said, his concern clear but without judgement. Sam was calculating without being ruthless, like Bruce he merely wanted to understand the fullness of the situation before committing himself. Steve and Tony, on the other hand, seemed to take only a split second before becoming agitated. 
“We don’t even really know who she is. She won’t even give us a name.” Steve said before turning to Loki. “But you, you call her something, what does it mean?” His tone took on an accusatory edge, his arms folded across his chest. 
“Quit it Steve,” Sam tugged on his shirt, trying to get him to sit down again, “Loki is here to help.” 
“What does he call her?” Thor asked, gleefully, leaning forwards in his chair. 
“Would you like me to continue to teach her to control her magic? Because she requires freedom, air, access to the elements and to peace.” 
“No.” Steve insisted. 
“I understand,” Loki began to tease. “She is far too terrifying a being to bring out here, with your-” Loki waved his hand at the assembled group “-’heroes’. We wouldn’t want to frighten them with their own secretive, lusty, thoughts.” Loki kept his eyes trained keenly on the Captain while he lifted an eyebrow, itching for him to fight back, to fall into his traps. 
“Assinyar or something, ” Steve answered Thor.
“Ásynja?” Thor asked, gleefully. 
Thor looked at Loki, half with love and the other half brotherly mischief, and tipped his head to the side. 
“Ásynja, is that so?” Thor appeared to think for a moment, before settling back on Steve. “Loki is right.” Thor agreed, and the god almost fell off his chair, “if she is to be an Avenger she must learn with the group.”
Loki smiled genially, “Thank you, Thor.” But deep down his heart clenched at the thought of handing you over to the Avengers for good.
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To Loki’s relief plans had been put in motion to secure you a new lodging in the compound and it wasn’t long until he was was called down to your new room, according to Bruce you would see no one but Loki, even if it was to grant you some form of freedom around the compound. Your bedchamber was to be opposite Loki’s in the guest suite and, for insurance, Thor had been moved as well. Loki assumed Thor would be put out by his move, but he instead seemed thrilled to be taking part in such menial tasks as moving his clothes, treating the entire morning as a jolly game while Loki’s thoughts swirled frantically. 
Loki had been delighted by the news, appearing early and trimmed out in his finest Asgardian leathers to accompany you around the compound to your new quarters. But he was still uneasy about the Avenger’s involvement and, somewhere deep down, concerned about your true nature. 
All thoughts were forgotten as soon as you smiled at him though, taking his hand in your own and walking close by his side back to your new rooms. 
“They don’t like me anymore,” you’d mumbled, taking an extra step to keep up with his long strides. 
“They are selfish. They are fickle. They are mortal. We must make allowances.” Loki answered, briskly, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow. 
“You keep saying they are mortal like I’m not. What did you see when you saw my memories?” You came to a stop and stood before him, hands on your hips as your piercing gaze bore into his own. 
Loki was taken aback, he hadn’t realised you were aware of him entering your thoughts. He was speechless, how was he to explain what he had seen?
“Let us sit down, darling,” Loki looked very serious and it did nothing to fade your fears. “If I tell you all now, well, I don’t know what would happen. I believe the common parlance on Midgard is 'blow your mind’?”
“Wow, okay. So. That bad?” You chewed your lip. 
“You remember your Grandfather, yes”
“When did you go to live with him Ásynja?”
“When I was very young.”
“And do you know your age, have any pictures or memories, school books? Do you mean you were a babe in arms, or a child?”
“Well, no,” you looked frightened suddenly, your eyes darting back and forth as you dove into your memories. He was right, you couldn’t remember. 
“No. Because, my darling, he was not your grandfather. I have yet to discover who he truly is because you don’t know.”
“That means, at some point, I did at least know that he wasn’t my Grandad?” 
You were smart, he liked that. 
“Perhaps, yes.”
“Why did I stay? Why was I there then?”
“Darling you were drugged. Sedated. Kept there. You are much older than they thought and t that old man and he is not your grandfather.”
“Wait, what, go back. How old am I?”
“So as to avoid 'blowing your mind’ let’s go backwards slowly so you can get used to it. If you were, say, twenty-five,you would have been born in the late 1990s. But I have seen your memories of you at Glastonbury, 1970.”
“Wow, as, like, a kid?” You sat heavily on one of the modern leather couches dotted about the corridors. 
“No,” Loki put his hands on either side of your face,  “just like this, except you were powerful, in control. You’ve done this before, that’s how I know you can control these powers.” Standing over you like this, he blocked the light until all you could see was his serious face looking back. Loki concentrated on the memory he had seen and he could feel you searching for it too as he slipped back inside of your memories. You smiled as the images came flooding back, the smell of beer and flowers and patchouli oil, the feel of the sun on her bare skin, long linen skirts wrapping around her knees and ankles as she danced in circles.
You pulled away with a gasp, “Have you told the others?” 
“No,” Loki looked affronted. “Of course not.”
“Okay, good. Good.” You chewed the tip of your thumb again absently. Loki reached his hand over to your mouth, brushing your thumb away with his own. 
“And I never will unless you want me to.” He insisted, cupping your cheek in one broad hand. He was as cool as always, but it was a welcome relief to your heated body. Whatever was going on was deeper than you’d thought, just some mutant gene that had been dormant during your childhood. To be alive in 1970 and still looking as you did…that was something more. 
“Let’s keep it between us.” You waved a hand between the small gap between you both and how could he do anything but obey when you looked at him like that. 
Loki nodded, taking your hand and leading you further down the corridor towards your new rooms, you were silent for a while and then, as if struck by lightning, you were full of energy. 
“Well. Now I know I’m powerful, I can show you something!” You  looked excited and Loki brimmed with pride that he had brought this excitement, this assurance, out of you. “I’ve been practising.”
Loki knew you had, your appearance had been stable for the last three days, even when you were angry you’d manage to maintain yourself. Plus, he had heard you training, muttering encouragement to yourself as you stared in the mirror. All you had to say was his name and it became a prayer chant in his mind.
You took Loki’s hand between your small palms, one hand above and one below. When you pulled them away you slowly revealed a thin silver ring with a delicate, dark sapphire set deep into the band.
“A gift,” you whispered looking up at him through your lashes, “from one god to another.” 
And he kissed you, he couldn’t help it, you were all consuming. Your magic tangible, drawing him closer until he was engulfed by it, swallowed in the glow that you created, the sunlight and heat spreading from your body across and mixing with the crackle of his own magic. Was it sedir or lust at your fingertips, he couldn’t tell until they burnt him. 
Loki took your wrists, holding you away from him with a jovial smile. 
“Darling, please desist from burning me."
<<Part 3
Part 5>>
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darlingofvalyria · 8 months
❝I have these two great friends called Birth and Control.❞
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part 06 | it's called a love bug, lovebug
chapter summary:
[ Sunday dinners are actually made for confessions. As Alicent braves it with a wine and a blush, you brave it too. With a boy and a view. ]
[ 2,963 ] [ series masterlist ] |best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader & aemond targaryen x alys rivers,
contains— angst - hurt/minimal comfort(?) - no kings, no martyrs, no betas.
a/n— alexa play it's all coming back to me now by celine dion. it might read a little stilted, i struggled a bit with this chapter as i wrote it in different times. ps. i didn't translate aemond's valyrian with intention. hope it still works? comment, reblog & like at will, mwa ♡
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You had never heard of a more reverbrating sound than Helaena's smack to a poor, traumatised Daeron. "You toe licking, armpit looking, ugly garbage can!" Healeana shrieked, promptly dragging her youngest brother further away as you and Aemond scurried deeper into the safety of the darkness and shame, folded defensively onto one another, laughing your asses off.
"Oh my god," you exhale. "I am never going leaving this maze. I am going to live here, eating brambles and shit, and die here. Leave me now and prevail, Aemond. I will be fine. I'll haunt you in two to three business days."
Aemond chuckles from below you, unseen from your gaze, the mesmerised adoration he held as he can still feel his lips tingling from your desperation, still feel the curves of your body, the soft skin— he clears his throat, holding you steady by your hips before moving around until he's hovering over you as you adjusted your dress, eyes fluttering his with pressed lips trying not to laugh.
"I have a feeling dinner is ready."
"I also have a feeling your mother and grandfather knew exactly what we were doing minutes before and I fear I'd rather die here than face that."
He laughs, offering his hand and you take it regardless. "Then my mother would be glad. She didn't exactly feel the new bliss of couples between us."
You scoff. "Only because you treated me like you were cosplaying a Frost Giant." At his raised eyebrow and choked, surprised laugh, you blush. "Oh, get off with it. Your sister really likes the idea of Jotun!Loki and I am not one to kinkshame."
He strangles a laugh, peeling stray twigs from your hair. "I wouldn't dare assume. Let's go eat."
You tighten your hold on his hand, worry crescent on your forehead that Aemond straightens. "And talk?" As good as that felt, as perfect as puzzles sliding in together, you were past the age where burrowing it deep with the good parts and ignoring the pressing talks that need to be addressed.
And Aemond deserved better than that at least.
"Okay." He nods, swallowing. "Later, please."
"Okay." You try and reassure him with a smile and that seems to appease him, if a little.
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Once Aegon had made five jokes concerning Daeron's loud rant— he was promptly shut up by his sister smacking him in the back of the head as soon as their mother was fretting in the kitchen and their grandfather's phone pinging for his attention, spoon on his mouth that might have been a medical nightmare — dinner went smoothly.
Daeron had successfully refused to look at your general direction, or his brother, or both since you sat together, churlish in giggles, in chatter and light arguments. Aemond kept taking the nicely marinated baby potatoes on his plate to yours once you finished up your own, and exchanged it with shuffling green beans to his plate because he loves them— it's nice.
It's more than nice. It's everything you could hope for when you think about dinner with your boyfriend's family. It's a softened thought that brews to yearning. You want this. You want be sat next to Aemond like this again, making jokes, piling food onto each other's plate, ribbing with his brother until he blushed then standing up against him when it got too far— seeing the smile he sends your way, endearing, loving, and for a moment, for this one realised moment built on lies and chuckle-fuckery ease, you let yourself indulge.
You joke about spoon feeding him dessert and blush as he envelops his soft lips over the spoon, Daeron and Aegon mimicking gags while Alicent is blushing, unable to stop a girlish giggle, a sound so surprised to her own person that she hiccups.
You are with him and you give yourself strength to break his heart.
Dinner finishes off with a lazy flick, Alicent and his father descending into business talks that usually included Aemond and though you tell him you can go hang out with Helaena— Daeron and Aegon deciding on playing The Last of Us in the game room because Aegon said he needed a good cry but also to shoot things — Aemond who had taken your hand sometime ago and has been brushing his thumb over your knuckles in a soothing gesture, implores you with a look.
You swallow and give a nod, trying for another smile that fails, noticing the moment Aemond sees it fail, his brow curling, lips pursing but doesn't say anything.
As he moves to lead, he pauses, turning back to you. "Where—?"
"Your room?"
Just as he nods, Alicent's soft and embarrassed, "Keep the door open, please," pulls you both to a blushing stop.
Otto— and Helaena rifling through ice cream in the kitchen — crow simultaneous, "Alicent," and "Mom!" as Alicent raises both her hands, the wine in her right sloshing. Though she is pink-cheeked, she maintains eye contact with her son while Aemond is struggling.
"I know you're old and smart enough, young man, and you are such a lovely girl," Alicent says to you, "and I would no doubt adore the grandchildren you will provide me—"
"Oh my gods," you stifle your giggles as Aemond makes a discordant sound in the back of his throat, like a cat hacking a saw. Otto is laughing into his wine while Helaena is making gagging noises in the background.
"— but I hope to have them when Aemond's at least graduated, so that he can provide well for you." Alicent nods, blinking. You can tell that the wine is catching up to her. "He's a good boy so I'm sure he'll do right by you. But I at least want you both to be married, of course, I would prefer if Aegon or Helaena got married first but—"
"— and that's my cue to stage left, folks," Helaena says, making a face as she grabs the entire tub of cookies and cream. "If anyone needs me, I'm in my room trying to find a husband so my baby brother can get married, gods forbid he carries on with bastards from his beautiful girlfriend— whomst, by the way, is my best friend, dunno how we're forgetting my credit in all of this."
Aemond shakes his head. "They're not sleeping here, mom, and providing you grandchildren is not in my agenda." He tugs your hand, smirking as he pulls you close only to whisper playfully, "Not tonight at least."
You shiver, laughing under your breath. "I dunno if you know this, but I have these two great friends called Birth and Control."
He breaks into a laugh and that, at least, eases the tension until you round up in his room, trying to give Helaena a meaningful look but you don't think she understands it with how she salutes you with her spoon, winking audaciously.
"Here." Aemond flicks the light on and his childhood bedroom brings a smile to your face. It's cerebral, the faint blue of his textured wallpaper, the perfectly lined books, even the framed achievements. But there's also the Oasis poster, the little figurines that you know is part of some Old Valyrian battle replica he collected when he was younger, even his old fencing gear and an exact photo of it alongside his club master, his grandfather, and family friend, Criston Cole.
"It's been a while since I've been here," you tease lightly. "It's kind of funny of your mom to think I'd be the first hot girl to christen your childhood bed."
He hums, turning away as he closes the door. When he turns back, he's rolled back his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks at you with sincerity.
"It wouldn't be much of a competition to beat. You were the first hot girl I'd ever got inside my room."
"Ahh. Right. Teasing you before your growth spurt was the highlight of my week."
Aemond let out an aggressive sigh as you laugh. "I was a senior in high school when I met you, riña, this is getting ridiculous. Borderline paedophilic since I had you moaning an hour ago."
You heave, slapping his arm. "Okay, stop, you made it weird now. Gross. Eugh."
"Promise you'll stop now?"
"Fine, I promise."
An awkwardness settles before Aemond nods at the double French doors. "Wanna talk on the patio? You've always liked my room's view than Lae's."
"Yeah," you grin.  "'Cos you got the only view of the lake."
"You can barely see it with the trees. And this darkness." Reason out all he wants, but he opens the door for you, and the cool air is crisp and nice against your warm skin.
You hold out on the ledge, squinting your eyes so you can see peeks of luminous bounce of the calm lake between dark sways of forest. Once in a while, it glitters and glimmers, making itself known.
"It isn't fully true though."
"What is?" Aemond fixes his elbows, warmth pressed against yours as he stares at a fixed point of nowhere. But you can feel his tension, feel his questions he's trying to be patient to keep in. You're glad for it. Grateful. Because it gives you enough courage to confess.
"I hung out in your room because I liked hanging out with you," you admit. "Teasing you was the highlight of my day."
"Gee. Thanks."
"I was more surprised you kept letting me hang out with you when I did nothing but annoy you."
"Why do you think that is, ñuha riña?" he asks softly.
"Because you're sweet?"
The way he's looking at you... it makes you breatheless. Especially when he moves to turn fully toward you, taking you by your elbows, and you close your eyes when he leans in expecting his mouth on you, your heart dancing in the palm of his hand because it feels so, so easy to trust Aemond with it, instead he presses his lips underneath your eye, nuzzling against your nose. It shatters and remakes your heart, making you hold onto his shirt for some semblance of comfort.
"Because I've always liked you," he whispers against your skin as if it's his best kept secret. "Because I'm weak when it comes to you. Because you," he breathes against your mouth, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a tug, "make it easy to want you."
A weak laugh escapes your lips and his mouth follows the sound as if he wants to swallow it, but you press a palm to his chest. He growls.
"Easy there, tiger, that didn't sound much like a compliment."
He pulls back, holding your face. "Sorry, shit, I didn't mean— I'm not good at this. I meant... you're unattainable. Not just as Helaena's best friend but... you're cool, you're fucking gorgeous and incredibly hilarious."
"Ñuha jorrāelagon." He breathes care into the word. The word is lost on me and I force my brain to pocket it like a love letter so I can search it up. "I never thought I could be here, touching you like this." Without warning, he moulds his lips to yours in a harsh, deep kiss. It's quick but it leaves you breathless, his voice coming up ragged. "Kiss you like this. It feels like I'm in a dream and I'm struggling to let go of it. So a while ago... after..."
You nod, pressing your forehead against his, unable to look at him in the eye. You focus on touching him, your hands sliding down, making him shiver when you go underneath his shirt, skating his side until you warm your cool fingers with his spine.
"That's the thing, Aemy," you whisper. "In your head, by your words, I'm always a version to you."
 He calls your name, leaning back and you're forced to see the confusion on his face.
"Helaena's best friend. Past that, an unattainable crush. Now a fake girlfriend. Someone you use to get Alys' attention, and who better than the unattainable crush? It's a pedestal, Aemy."
"It's not like that, that was a bad, convoluted—"
"But it's the truth, it's how I feel. And though that sucks, I understand." You take his hands as you step back and he's frowning harder, the lines deepen and his jaw is tight. "I knew what I was getting into, you know? But things change because I've changed."
 "It's Cregan, isn't it?" he snarls, tugging his hands away.
"Oh, you jealous idiot, it's you! We've gone over this, you incredible dumbass!"
"Me? How the hell is this about—"
"— because I love you!" you shout. Then stop, inhale. Blink. Aemond copies it. It's almost hilarious. "Or I know I can be."
He works his jaw, turning away. "I don't understand."
"Okay, here it is." You inhale. "Just listen and breathe for a second, okay? Okay? Don't turn away from me." You pull him back by his chin, smiling faintly at the pout you form. "Say you understand."
He sighs, taking your hand. "Yes, I understand."
"I can't compete with someone you've loved for so long," you start softly, staring at your conjoined hands wondering if this is the last time you'll get to hold him like this. "Without you showing you can love me for more than that. I can't compete with your own ideal happy ending if I'm not part of it. I won't. I refuse." Your smile is wry, it's heartbreak and it's strings. You wish you had the energy to scream, to act like a brat and demand his heart, his promises in gold-ink and pink-veined hue. It's what your heart wants.
But you're of big age. You've seen love in its spaces, how it takes root in people, how it affects the world around you.
And you know you cannot love him if he does not make the effort to love you in the same way.
Your heart is in your throat but the words come out anyway. "Because I love you, Aemy. And I know I can fight for you. I can fight for what we have. I can wake up tomorrow and choose to love you with the same degree, if not fiercer, if I could. And I could do that again and again. That's how love works. You have to wake up tomorrow, see me, and choose to love me all over again."
You smile gently, sadly. "I can't allow myself to be loved in halves. I've done that before, I'm not doing it again. Not even for you."
You bring yourself on your tip toes— damn tall, beautiful rat bastard — and brush your lips on the corner of his. His eye closed. "I'm not going to pressure you for an answer. Alys was... Alys is a big part of what you know is love, and I respect that. I understand that it'll be hard, but I need to know if you're willing to let go of it for me. Because I can promise you I can love you. But I won't. Not without assurance that you can try for me."
"What are you asking me?" he asks softly, straightening. There's a hard line going into his body, like a dutiful student given an assignment.
"I'm asking you to think if you can see past the little statue you've made of me. See me breathing. Alive, just like this." You press a hand to his face and retrieve it back before he can hold it. He shots you a look of betrayal. "I'm going home with Hel. You know how to message me, okay? Bye, dōna zaldrīzes."sweet dragon.
His eye flick upward, shock and heartbreak and confusion moulds and twists into such a beautiful blue, mouth agape trying to find words he can't find— and you smile wryly, turning away and leaving.
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You get to Helaena's door quick, knocking soon after.
 "You're either getting choked by a robber or masturbating, and really Hel, I need you to make two grunts to tell me the former so I can bust down the door because I don't want to see you bust a—"
The door swings wide, Helaena's face in a comical irritation.
"That is so fucked up, I hope you know— hey, hey." Her irritation sweeps into a frown as you fail to contain your watery eyes. "What happened? What's wrong? What did Aemond do? Oh, that little twerp—"
"— it's not him, it's not him, chill, I just wanna go home, yeah? Get our cakes and go, please?"
Hel's frown deepens, eyes darting back to Aemond's door.
"Please, Helaena," you beg. "I'll tell you when we get home. I'll make us special drinks."
She takes your hand, determination wound tight with concern. "Sure thing, babe. Let's go."
When you make your hasty departure to her grandfather of all of them, Alicent already in bed and the other boys still in the gaming room, cakes in hand, you tow over Helaena's baby blue buggy— she leans over at you with a hand on the ignition, whispering as if she was afraid, "You— are you meeting Cregan tonight? After, I mean." Her eyes widen. "I'm not judging, I'd never—"
"No, no, I understand. You'd never judge me for that, I know. But no. Just you and me tonight."
She smiles softly. It's not like Aemond's but they don't look that apart that it still stings. "Love you."
"Love you too, lovebug."
Loving Helaena isn't hard.
Just as you know loving Aemond wouldn't be, despite it all. But it isn't you that has issues that needs handling, and you've put everything in his court now.
And yet you can't deny your hope.
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