#I just wanna see him hela from his battles
scribe-of-hael · 9 months
Y'know,I don't think TFA Oppi actually that scared of ES megatron because he defeated his megs twice-
NGL imagine the conversation about TFA megs just randomly appears and TFA Oppi be like "Yeah it's not easy to defeat a guy almost thrice your size while have to relying on borrowed hammer and makeshift jetpack-"
Like,he's so small but also so fierce he managed to defeat a warlord he never met before earth shenanigans twice-
And he don't even need a gun-
Not to mention it probably took less than two years to defeat him in TFA timeline
Shame on other decepticons-
This tiny copy of Prime can kick ass better than them probably
Not really scared, just unsure! When all you've ever known is a person being 1 way and get yeeted into a different place where their acutally nice. Its a little bit of weariness just by association. Granted both the times he defeated megs he nearly got killed and lost a team mate, so he's just like "its hard to imagine you any other way. But I see that's not the case." Very much apologizes for his hesitation!
Megatron would be impressed Optimus would be too. Like when Prome explains how big his cons are its like "YOURE INCREDIBLE ,,, WTF?"
I can just see tfa Finials flatten in bit ofa blush and explaining its not just him but alos his team. Megatron would just shake his helm with smile.
"Yeah he sure is you alright, no doubt about it, "
Give TFA confidence and reassurance that he is doing a good job. Not that he ever needed it , but to hear it is very nice. Since in tfa the Functionalists are still in charge (looking at you tfa magnus) To hear that he is more than is alt mode and fiction somthing that these two had to go though, means alot to TFA.
I think ES mega and Optimus would love to elanr things from TFA , amaizng opportunity. I just love the idea of telling his he is doing good. After loosing prowl when trying to beat megs its alot of weight I'd imagine. He won but at what cost ?
Therapy session with the elders.
But TFA Optimus is awesome and I think any Optimus would be impressed.
Wiggly finials all around xD
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
Dreams (part 1??)
Pairing: Loki x Faerie!Fem!Reader
Warnings: nightmares, mentions of death, mentions of arranged marriage, reader is scared.
Summary: Your nightmares wake you up yet again, and you go to Frigg for advice, terrified for the future of Asgard, but mostly your husband.
a/n: idk if i wanna make another part of this, which is why theres question marks. also, i fixed my links! so now you can properly go to the story/chapter on both mobile and pc, so have fun! ❤️
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You laughed, running down the winding paths and sprinting down the narrow cobblestone. Your bare feet slapped on the stones, the rare pebble digging into your feet and making you wince, but you kept laughing.
You look back in front of you, and now you’re in the forests, the sounds of battle all around you. You look down, and your dress is gone, replaced with your battle armor.
No. No no no no no no no! No no no no no!
This can’t be happening again!
“Y/N! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Loki’s voice was anxious, just barely loud enough to hear over the sounds of the battle going on around you.
Draugr swarmed everywhere like a virus, killing and almost seeming to multiply just as fast as they got cut down.
You couldn’t move, you were paralyzed in fear. Breathing was supposed to be easy, yet you could neither gasp in nor scream out. The air was thick with the sounds of screaming and the smell of blood.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You whip your head around, then finally let out a scream when you saw one of the Draugr running towards you.
Right as you should have been impaled by the Draugr’s sword, Loki appears in front of you, hands on your shoulders, looking you over.
“Darling, are you alright? Are you hurt?”
Your heart pounds as you struggle for words, seeing the sword in his stomach.
“Darling? Wha-” Loki looked down, and you watch as blood starts to pour from the wound as the sword is removed.
You gasp, sitting up in bed, heart pounding and tears in your eyes. You look around you, seeing Loki next to you in the bed. You take a deep breath, trying to stifle your cries, covering your mouth with your hand.
“It’s alright, it was just a nightmare, Y/n. He’s fine, everything’s fine, nobody’s dead, nothing happened.” you mutter to yourself, sliding out of the bed. You grab your dressing robe from where you had tossed it on the bench at the bottom of your bed, slipping it on.
Quietly, you grab the candelabrum on the wardrobe, making sure that your robe was cinched shut before quickly lighting the candles and stepping out into the hall.
As you stare at the door in front of you, you find yourself grateful that Odin was on a trip to another realm for a peace treaty. Taking a deep breath, you knock softly on the door.
The door opens, revealing Frigg, and you try to smile.
“Lady Y/n? Is something wrong dear? Did Loki-“
“Oh, no. I- I just- I need to talk to you. I’m fine-“ Even you wouldn’t believe yourself, your voice was cracking and you probably looked a mess, in your nightclothes and robe.
“Come in, dear. Would you like some tea?”
Loki rolled over, yawning, reaching for you. You weren’t there. He bolted up, looking at your side of the bed, empty. When he put his hand on your pillow, it was slightly warm, like you had been gone for a while.
“Y/n?” Loki got out of the bed, calling your name as he walked to the bathroom, hoping you were in there and hadn’t lit any candles so as to not disturb him, but you weren’t there either.
Loki started to panic, lighting the candles in the room, his heart pounding. Your robe wasn’t on the bench, and the candelabrum wasn’t on the wardrobe.
Harsh cries split through the night air, and Loki looked over at the rocker, Hela safe inside. Loki smiled, grabbing his daughter carefully, kissing her forehead. She’d grown so fast, she was only 6 months old and she was already starting to crawl and talk.
“Shhhhhh, Hela, it’s okay.” he whispered, rocking the baby back and forth. She had your smile, which he was reminded of every day.
“I’ve been having the same dreams for months now. I’m scared, I don’t know what to do.” You broke down in Frigg’s arms, tears rolling down your face.
After you stopped crying, you sat up, wiping at your face, sniffing. You smile at Frigg, accepting the tissue she handed you, blowing your nose.
“Do you feel better?” You’d been asked the same question hundreds of times, but the only times it was said with kindness was when it came from Frigg or Loki. You nodded, and she smiles at you.
You start describing the recurring nightmares you’ve had for weeks, the dreams of Loki dying in front of you, Hela dying in your arms, Asgard in flames as you held your small daughter in your arms, dreams of the palace going up in flames as you ran through the woods, and tonight’s dream of sweet memories turning to war.
Loki carefully set Hela down in her rocker, now peacefully asleep. He grabbed a candle, throwing on his robe and set out of your shared room, looking for you.
His first stop was at Thor’s room. He pounded on the door, knocking until it opened, revealing his brother.
“What is your problem, Loki? It’s-“
“I can’t find Y/n.” Loki says, glaring at his brother.
“What? You think she’s in here?” Loki watched as Thor rubbed his face, yawning. “I have no interest in your wife, brother.”
“Don’t try to twist this around-“
“Why would I want your wife? She’s happy with you.”
“She was supposed to marry you, or did you forget?”
“I was never interested in her, Loki. It was arranged. It wasn’t out of love, it was to make the kingdom stronger. That’s it. Besides, I was the one who backed out. She couldn’t. I saw how much happier she was with you, and I didn’t want any drama. You already make enough of it, I didn’t want more.”
Loki glared at Thor, who rolled his eyes, opening the door further, allowing him in. “She probably just went to the bathroom.”
“Do you think I’d be in here if she was? I checked.”
“That’s- a lot, dear.”
“I’m scared of what it could mean. They’ve never been wrong. I- I don't-“ Frigg held you as you broke down once more, tears running down your face.
Your dreams always hinted at the millions of possibilities for the future. The more frequent a dream or nightmare, the more likely it was too happen.
You didn’t want these to happen, but they’d been plaguing your dreams for months now. You were terrified.
Ik y’all are still waiting for part 15 of Drugs of love, love of drugs, but for some reason I just don’t wanna do it 🫤 Sorry! I’m trying to, and I’m slowly getting more written, but my brain is rejecting the hyperfixation that was only 2 months ago my favorite obsession.
Anyways, how’d you like this? I’m doing something a lil different, wanna see if y’all like my Norse mythology stories, not just Marvel fics. Lemme know if u wanna be added or removed from tags, and lemme know what y’all thought of this!
Love you! ❤️
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drghostwrite · 3 months
When Lightning Strikes…
Pairing: Thor Odinson x reader
Note: so excited but I’ve been on a Marvel kick recently and I wanna write some Thor material, this will most likely be a multi part story. To preface I’m writing as if there’s a Goddess of War (reader) and you have powers very similar to Hela.
Summary: God of Thunder and Goddess of War, how two unlikely souls become one fate.
Your had a pounding headache as you laid there recovering what had just happened. One second you were in battle and the next you were being thrown back through a portal, head making contact with the ground as lightning made contact spread from the top of your shoulder down to your wrist. You weren’t sure what happened but now you were somewhere different.
You looked down at where it made contact dark tendrils spread mixed with flecks of gold as if you had gotten a fresh tattoo.
———time jump———
2 years later, you were walking into shield the black satin button up covering the dark scars down your arm and the tattoos accompanying them, you only had a few traditional runes and a vine wrapping your upper bicep but your other arm was where the lightning had struck, gold permanently embedded in skin from your armour. Your heels clicked against the granite flooring as you made your way up to your suite, being a higher level SHEILD agent had its perks but being an Avenger did to.
You stepped off the elevator into the common room, you were surprised to see all the Avengers gathered on the couches, Natasha caught your eye and waved you in.
“So team meeting?” You chuckled at everyone.
“Not exactly,” she responded but before she could finish the elevator dinged with a stop at your current floor. The doors slowly opened revealing an ecstatic Steve and another tall, chiseled blonde. You slowly turned the rest of your body immediately catching his eye, you saw him look you up and down, his eyes wandering over every inch of your body the way your ripped jeans hugged you lower body as the black top paired with the black heels boots complemented your skin tone, the way your green eyes were almost storm cloud gray.
“Point break!” You heard Tony yell as the team went to greet him. Natasha sat there unmoving and eyed you.
“Hmm..” she said and laughed to herself as she watched you entire interaction.
“nothing.” She said, she’s seen Thor look at plenty of women but nothing like that, the rest of the night was spent catching up with one of their long awaited friends arrival.
———A few weeks later———
You heard an alarm going off, turning over Friday flashed a message, power surge in one of the lower levels.
“Wanda!” You quickly jumped out of your bed and ran towards the stairs to get to her room. After vision died she’d been having nightmares, they were getting better but every so often she overloads and will have a surge, with you being a god you can withstand the surges so you became a haven for her someone she could lean on.
your heart raced as you flew down the flights of stairs, your feet moved incredibly fast propelling you faster, after three flights you burst through the door and ran towards her room. You could see tendrils of red seeping from the room, you entered to a screaming Wanda, rushing to her side you scooped her into your arms.
“Wanda… love it’s me Y/N, wake up… Wanda wake up.” She tossed in your arms, her powers started to pull a shelf over and quickly you used your power to counter act it a long white sword pinning it back against the wall, though you had let your guard down and with one last scream her powers threw you against the wall.
You laid there for a moment before turning on your side, your vision adjusting to see the crack in the drywall, your body now screamed in pain. You’d taken plenty of hits in your lifetime but not many hurt that much. You heard heavy footsteps and a very concerned Thor rounded the corner followed by Steve and Natasha. His first instinct was to check on you, he came over to you and helped you up.
“Med-bay?” He asked.
“No, my room.” You said before laying your head on his chest as he picked you up bridal style. He opened the door to your room and laid you on your bed.
“Oh gods.” You winced at the pain, drawing a slight inward hiss.
“Let me see?” He sort of said but also asked.
“I-can’t, Thor it hurts.” You were sitting and he was sideways to you you leaned you body against his chest as he ran a soothing hand over your back, he slipped the same hand under your shirt feeling for anything out of place, your shoulder the one you had landed on.
“I think you dislocated your shoulder.” He said gently.
“Can you put it back?” You asked.
“If you want me to but..”
“it’ll hurt I know.” You whined, wanting it to be over with, he turned so you could position you arm against him as he popped it back into place, it was painful but quickly and you started to feel some relief, though you did heal faster and it was finally letting that process start.
He pulled his shirt off to make a makeshift sling and as he tied it around you he saw the scars, the lighting strikes.
“these scars?”
“it’s from a battle a few years back, the gold is from my armor.”
“it’s from my lightning, I can feel it… it’s strange, it kills most mortals.”
“it’s because I’m not actually a mortal.” You frowned slightly. Your gray eyes met his icy blues, stories being shared, “it’s not an easy story to tell.” You smiled shyly, a tear falling as your memories recalled.
Thats when he shocked you the most, he leaned forward and kissed you, this mighty god of thunder and lightning kissed you. He rested his forehead on yours, “We both have very tragic stories.” You felt the tears falling, you’ve never shared that story with anyone else, not even Nat fully knew all the tragedy you’ve faced, years of doubt and anger all came crashing down on your exhausted frame in that moment.
“It’s okay love.” He said climbing into your bed and pulling you into his strong chest wrapping you in muscular arms. He pulled the blanket up over you both as you inhaled his calming scent. You felt safe with him, like he was home and you let it all fall away. You woke up in the morning to find he never left, your shoulder fully healed just a little sore, you stayed in his arms falling back into a peaceful slumber. You weren’t sure how long this would last, forever or just last night but you still wanted to stay here as long as possible, everything else could wait.
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weirdlyfitting · 2 years
Okay so yesterday i watched love and thunder and i think it's okay (and yes definitely way better than mom)
Spoilers btw
I think it has a tone problem tho, i like the comedy stuff there should be less jokes in this one
Gorr is amazing as a villain holy shit, the time he appears when he's already corrupted i got chills down my spine! The camera works are *chef kiss
With him being the villain, back to the tone problem i think that's what made this story didn't turn well. Gorr literally wanted to eradicate ALL GODS, that's probably the highest stake in every thor movie ever had.
And gotta admit, i'm thinking a lot to moon knight's story. As in i tried to search for the connections yk but i'll talk abt this later
I feel like there should be some infinity war element kind of tone in here, it's not that in the end the gang's supposed to loose tho but make it as if they're actually going to loose
When gorr almost got to the eternity i feel a bit dissapointed cause yea i knew he'll change his mind/heart or prob not succeeded
Compare this in ragnarok tho, i feel like the stakes with hela was much bigger/higher cause ragnarok pretty much showed a lot of the damages hela has done to the gang from act 1
The screaming goats ruined the scene when the gang just arrived in shadow-realm-planet(???) sorry i forgot the name lmao, anyway i love the goats in other scenes but i hate them in here only, cause seriously it didn't match the gloomy, dark, corrupted tone of the place itself
And i miss loki being in here, i get that the loki that thor knew is gone-actually-gone but i wish there's more of him talking about his bro :(
Aight moving on to stuff that i liked about the movie :
MOON KNIGHT IN THE MARVEL INTRO. I REPEAT MOON KNIGHT IN THE MARVEL INTRO AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! This is the actual reason i want to watch love and thunder lmao, i'm afraid if this is the first yet last time i'm able to see mk in the big screen of this year so yeah
i love the dynamic between the gang tho, and the shenanigans between thor and guardians aweee!!
the kids getting thor's power just pure awesomeness aaaaaaaa!!!!
Val and jane being such awesome sisters in here hehe, i love their energy 🥺
The battle in shadow-realm-planet. JUST LOOK AT THOSE CINEMATOGRAPHY HOLY SHIT!!!
Gorr. Yea only gorr because he's that cool as villain seriously, no other words can explain how i love his character so much
The "just look at the eyes of people that you loved" line aweee, peter's looking at the other guardians and my heart really melted
Mjolnir and stormbreaker lmaooooo, i feel like strombreaker should meet dr strange's cloak???? The chaos from these two omg
Okay now that's sorta everything now i wanna talk about the moon knight connections
When gorr said he'll kill all the gods OH SHIT I'M WORRIED FOR KHONSHU 😔😭
He's a bad as a god and just a pigeon w angry issue yeah but- BUT goddamn i'm actually worried????? Not to mention with jake now serving him so.....the moon bois are technically not safe either SHIT-
Okay maybe they are safe actually? Cause khonshu's the one that'll die
Anyway anyway
Does this makes the whole ammit & harrow trying to eradicate the bad ones POINTLESS in moon knight? Maybe???
Like imagine gorr arrives on earth while ammit vs khonsu stuff is happening, THEY'RE BIG AND WHAT'S HE GONNA DO HUH???? Then even if he's able to kill ammit (and khonshu) this only makes moon knight's journey more pointless and i hate it! A nobody (on mk's perspective) just popped out and finished what marc, steven and layla were trying to do what the hell- >:(
Luckily gorr haven't kill the enneads yet tho, but still this bothered me
Oh and yk we could've had jake joining the gang to kill this god butcher right? Like come onnn (ignore me i'm desperate for more mk lmao)
And- AND
If gorr ever meets harrow i think they would've had a very interesting convo. Harrow is a fanatic while Gorr is a non-beliver, just imagine how clashed these two would be holy shit!!!
Amd I think there's a line that said "eradicating" and all i could think about was harrow, he too was trying to eradicate something tho
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Meet Celeste Strange
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Fandom: Marvel/MCU
Love Interest: Loki
Family: Dr. Stephen Strange (Father)
Favored Weapon/Relic: The Cosmic Bow of Orion
Bio: An unplanned pregnancy with another student in Strange's 2nd year of college, Celeste's mother left her to be raised by her father. She grew up with every privilege and opportunity he could afford her. He paid to get her into the best academic schools as a child, an ultimately useless endeavor as her talents were more artistic.
She was 14 during the Battle of New York.
After Stephen's car accident she watched, utterly helpless as her father lost everything, eventually following him to Kamar Taj at 17. For or 2 years she trained to become a sorceress. Her open-mindedness and willingness to give in to the lessons allowing her to work her way through the levels nearly as fast as her father.
Two years after the whole Dormammu incident, Loki returns to Earth with Thor to find their father. Strange sends her with them to make sure Thor takes Loki when he leaves.
She's swept up in the Bifrost when Hela emerges and is thrown into space with Loki, waking up in a bed in their now shared quarters on Sakaar. Loki had lied to the Grandmaster to save her life, saying they were married. When they landed on the planet her arm had been severely injured, and her sling ring destroyed.
Over the weeks, pretending to be the wife of the god of Mischief became less and less of a chore as they began to fall for each other.
After escaping the planet and saving what was left of Asgard, Celeste watched as Thanos all but incapacitated Hulk, and to save them, Heimdall, with his dying breath, sent her and Banner back to Earth. There she is reunited with her father just before the children of Thanos attack New York.
She is wounded in the fight and is unable to follow Tony Stark, her father, and The Spiderman.
Banner invited her to join him at the Avengers compound while Wong protected the Sanctum. She then accompanies them to Wakanda where they make their stand against Thanos's forces.
When Tony and Nebula finally make it back from Titan he freezes up when he sees her, but she already knew, her dad would've teleported them back if he hadn't been dusted.
She spends the next 5 years protecting the New York Sanctum in place of her father and Wong. Except when she would get a call from Tony, who felt like he owed her, as if he treated her like family it would make up for, not just her father's death, but Peter's and the Guardians' as well. Morgan called her Aunty Strange. And honestly? Celeste appreciated it, more than Tony would ever realize. She had grown up with only her father, occasionally Christine, and later on Wong was like an uncle, she considered herself beyond lucky that after half the universe was destroyed, she had some semblance of a family left, whether it be the Starks or the ones left at the compound. Thor couldn't stand to see her, after everything they went through on Sakaar and with Hela, every time he saw her he saw his brother, and that was too much for him to bear.
I wanna say she had a little fling with Cap in those five years but that's all speculation. 👀👀
When Bruce and Scott proposed, for lack of a better word, a time heist, she was all for it. She helped Prof. Hulk convince her old friend The Ancient one, to lend them the Time stone.
Losing Nat was... Well, it was hard on everyone.
They were all rather battered and bruised after Thanos destroyed the compound, and she, Cap, Thor, and Tony had their little scrap with raisin man himself, but they had brought everyone back and they weren't going down without a fight.
She nearly started sobbing when the portals started to open and the second she could she found her father who she hugged like she'd never hugged anyone before.
Bruce knew he wasn't supposed to change anything else, just bring back the people Thanos had dusted, but he had to try. Try to bring back Nat, Loki, and Vision. He didn't think it worked until partway through the battle, he saw Celeste get tackled out of the way of an attack by a familiar mess of black hair and green cape.
Now here's where I really start changing canon. (Yeah but not really lol This idea was mainly scrapped, loki died, this is a familial ship now)
She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the silver-tongued god she'd grown to love those years ago, sprawled on top of her, frantically asking if she was alright. Had it been a better moment she would have kissed him.
During their final stand against Thanos, she brandished her relic, the Cosmic Bow of Orion, and fought besides sorcerers and Gods.
The battlefield went silent after Tony sacrificed himself, even Loki, who hardly liked- well, hardly knew him, understood the grave importance of what he did.
To say that Stephen was surprised Pepper had his daughter by her side at the funeral was an understatement. He realized that not only had Tony Stark saved the universe, but even before that, he had saved his daughter in some form or another, and that was something he could never make up for.
Now he had to deal with this... relationship between his Daughter and this god who tried to take over the world.
Also, Steve doesn't go back in time and stay there, but he does retire as Captain America and no one knows what happens to him for a while so Falcon and the Winter Soldier still happens!
This ship tag will be: #Celestial_Mischief
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broadwaybandito · 3 years
I wanna take a moment to appreciate Thor’s character development because it’s so good and I feel like it’s overlooked.
He starts out, in “Thor,” as an arrogant prince. Thirsting for war and power- much like Odin did before changing his ways and casting out Hela. He is reckless and stupid, getting he and his friends into trouble. Odin has enough of this and exiles him to earth. This is, of course, where his development takes place. He is humbled in his time on earth, learning to accept himself without the powers of Mjolnir, and taking time to appreciate the smaller things that life has to offer. Fulfillment isn’t granted by how many riches one owns or realms they conquer- it’s granted through love for those around you. By the end of this journey he has changed, and he is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of people that aren’t even his subjects. Once he gets back to Asgard he fights Loki not because he craves battle, but because it’s the only way to protect everyone. Thor learns to protect people that aren’t his responsibility- Jotunnheim, earthlings- and in doing so risks his own life. He sacrifices his life to protect the people of earth, and destroys the bifrost to keep the frost giants from going extinct. The Frost giants are the very people that Thor had sought to destroy at the beginning of the movie. Over the course of it, Thor became worthy. Who once was arrogant and reckless becomes became humble and selfless.
This change prepares Thor for his next big journey in “The Avengers” which brings him to save earth from Loki once again- only this time the whole planet instead of a small town. By this time Thor has already changed a lot- as I just covered. His next character improvement? Teamwork. Though Thor’s obviously fought alongside friends before- the Avengers are different. Frankly, they’re a mess. Just a bunch of broken people with powers strong enough to save the world. Thor’s completely different from all of them- he’s from a whole other planet. Now he has to join them to fight his own brother. Not to mention the fact that he has to cope with the fact that he had believed Loki to be dead, only for him to come back hellbent on taking over a planet that Thor had grown to love. Yet Thor adapts and perseveres like he always does. He befriends this chaotic group of heroes- and though it takes a while, it pays off. The all work together beautifully by the end of the movie, and have formed an alliance that will be very important to Thor’s story going further.
In “Thor: The Dark World” Thor goes through a lot of character development. Truthfully, I overlook this fact a lot, considering that out of the Thor movies it’s probably the one that I watch the least, and the one I think of last when thinking about character development. However, it is crucial to setting the stage for both “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Thor: Ragnarok.” In this movie Thor has to learn that sometimes the right thing to do is to disobey orders. He goes rogue a bit- even resorting to getting Loki out of prison. Yet it manages to work out in the end. Thor suffers from the guilt of not being there in time to save his mother, Frigga, from the dark elves. This guilt drives him to realize that he can’t let anyone else die like Frigga did- pushing him to take risks and disobey Odin in order to stop the dark elves. Frigga’s death is also what leads to Thor and Loki working to mend their relationship. It’s because Thor needs Loki’s help that he gets him out of jail. Yes, Loki fakes his death again. Yes, they argue a lot. But at the end of the day they’re brothers. Brothers who have just lost their mother. And this brings them back together, working to restore their bond. Trusting Loki is a huge risk for Thor. He’s sacrificing everything to go after the dark elves. He’s putting the protection of Asgard over his own needs- and he learns to bend the rules to do what’s right. Odin may have forbidden Thor from going after the dark elves, but Thor disobeys his father and commits treason to save Asgard. And it works- the dark elves are stop. Thor’s actions, disobeying Odin, freeing Loki- no matter how risky, they paid off. By the end of this movie, Thor has totally let go of his ambition for the throne. He’s offered it, but refuses. His adventures thus far have taught him that he doesn’t need the throne- only to protect those that need help. That’s his purpose. This brings us to “Age of Ultron.”
“Age of Ultron” is a an important change of direction for Thor. Wanda’s hallucinations play a key role in his story going further. We see that he fears Asgard’s destruction- and that he may be responsible for it. He decides to investigate further. He discovers the infinity stones, and thus tasks himself with finding them. This is big for Thor because moving forward, he will be spending the next two years looking for the stones. This search for the infinity stones brings Thor to his greatest time character development thus far.
”Thor: Ragnarok” is a huge turning point for Thor. After a two year search for the infinity stones, Thor learns that Asgard’s destruction may be imminent after all, despite all of his preparation. It doesn’t help that his brother had faked his death yet again, his father dies, he has an evil sister that’s just been unleashed, Mjolnir is destroyed, and he’s flung to another planet where he’s made a prisoner. Meanwhile, most of his people on Asgard are being slaughtered. This leaves Thor with a feeling of hopelessness. He feels utterly powerless- especially without the powers of Mjolnir. However, throughout this movie, Thor discovers that he doesn’t need Mjolnir to harness his powers. It was simply a tool to assist him. He is strong enough without it. He learns to better understand and wield his powers. He also learns to embrace his responsibility as king of Asgard- not because he craves the throne, but because his people need him. Finally, he learns to face the destruction of Asgard itself, something he’d been trying so hard to stop, for the sake of protecting his people. This is something incredibly difficult for him to face- something he surely blames himself for- yet he does what he has to do to protect his people.
“Avengers: Infinity War” is unfortunately much more of a downwards spiral for our hero. It starts off with Thanos wrecking Thor’s ship and leaving most of the Asgardians to die in space- as well as killing his best friend, Heimdall, and his brother, Loki. Thor makes it his mission to get Stormbreaker, a deadly weapon, so that he can avenge his people and prevent anyone else from dying. He has to- he has nothing left. However, despite all of his efforts, Thanos still wins- and Thor feels like it’s all his fault.
This guilt brings Thor to his low point in “Endgame.” He struggles with the belief that the failure in “Infinity War” is his fault, all because he didn’t “go for the head.” His entire family is dead, and so are most of his subjects considering Thanos murdered many of them, including Loki and Heimdall, even before half of the universe got wiped out. This leaves Thor in a state of self-hatred, depression, and PTSD. Not a good mental state for someone being tasked with once again saving the universe. However, as he always does, he steps up to the plate and gets the job done for the sake of his people. If he can’t bring back the ones that never made it to earth in the first place, he can at least save the people that died in the snap. And after a talk with his deceased mother(through the power of time travel) Thor is motivated to pull himself together, get the reality stone, and face Thanos. And he does. He makes it out from the rockiest place he’s ever been and plays a critical role in helping saving the universe. He’s a mess and he feels like a failure, but he still manages to push through all of his pain and suffering to protect other people- because his whole life his priorities lay with putting other people first. His guilt has dragged him down- the knowledge that he’s still alive when so many people that he had dedicated his life to protecting are dead burdens him. Yet at the end of the day, he always rises up again. Why? Because that’s what heroes do.
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1, 7, and make out of 53 what you would have wanted to see 👀
you had to ask the most difficult questions, didn't you 😄
1. Top five favorite moments in the MCU?
honestly, i'm really, really bad at remembering that kind of stuff - goldfishbrain say hello - and the mcu has many films and therefore a lot of moments, but if i have to think abt it quickly, i'd say:
1. im1 ending with tony looking at the camera and saying "i am iron man". most iconic shit ever, i love him so fucking much i was fucking awe-struck at that damn bastard
2. ragnarök hela going "what were you the god of again" and fucking immigrant song starts playing and the lightning kicking in and thor like some celestial being in slow mo attacking those aliens. i got fucking goosebumps
3. wv wanda creating the hex! her breaking down in grief and the chaos magic breaking out in such a powerful way and creating this whole other world - i was vibrating watching all this happen
4. gotg "we are groot". i adore that scene so much. groot protecting his new family in such a beautiful shot with all those lights and going "we are groot". i wanna tear up just thinking abt it...
5. dr strange "dormammu i've come to bargain" - instead of a final battle stephen trapped himself in a time loop where he got killed and killed over again until he annoyed dormammu enough to make him retreat. that shit must've fucked with his psyche, esp considering he has eidetic memory, and yet he kept going. i love the way he solved the problem with wits instead of fists. also, visually so fucking amazing (but the whole film is, so...)
ask me tomorrow again and i will probably have different answers lol
7. Favorite poster?
i might be biased cause im3 is my favorite mcu film but:
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idk it's just so pretty?? i love the water and the drops falling off him, i love the way his suit is damaged and he is hurt but obviously keeps going, i love that he's in the suit but helmet and gauntlet are off - showing nicely how tony and iron man are the same - and all the iron man suits in the background! also, the colors are pretty. idk it's just badass and pretty in one.
i really, really like the dr strange and wv posters too tho, those are close seconds. (yeah okay, maybe i really am biased lol)
53. What is one thing you hope to see in Endgame?
honestly, the thing i was hoping for the most, was tony not dying 🤡
apart from that i really hoped we'd see the pepperony wedding (🤡) (but we got iron fam scenes, it's okay) and that it would end with the happy wedding (🤡)
also, since tony and nebula were the only ones on titan who didn't get snapped, i was hoping for a tony and nebula friendship and bonding - and we actually got that, holy shit!!! :D
at least one thing i got, right? haha :)))
send me mcu asks!
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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Our third and final round of 3 Prompt Summaries!
Prompts by @riotwritesthings​ - Rainstorms, breakfast, firearms
Summary by @dreaminglypeach​ -  Bucky’s not going to lie, Malaysia in the middle of monsoon season is far from his ideal holiday destination. 
 And that’s before he winds up trading gunfire with Hydra agents before he’s even had his breakfast-curry.
Prompts by @dreaminglypeach​ - Palace, cross-stitch, Valkyrie
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ -  Valkyrie hadn't been to the Palace since her lovers death. Too shameful, too painful the memory of her greatest failure. She didn't want to join Loki and Thor back there, in the end she followed for her big guy Hulk, and her tiny scientist Tony. What neither had expected, was Hela already being there, trying to claim what had been hers rightfully once. The battle was fierce and the lose high, but in the end they managed to win and while the palace, while Asgard burned, Valkyrie stood watching. 
 "You know, my uncle Bucky used to cross stitch whenever he lost something. I started to do that, too." 
With these words, Tony had pushed some cloth and a needle to her, giving her a gentle pat to the shoulder and left again. On the cloth was already the outline of the palace and Valkyrie had to chock back a sob.
Prompts - jungle fever, meeting under duress, “punk”, palace
Summary by @riotwritesthings​ - For the record: it’s all Steve’s fault. Being lost in the jungle was supposed to be the worst part of Bucky’s day. Now he’s caught in a snare, dangling from a tree branch, and probably hallucinating, because he’d swear he keeps catching glances of a palace through the trees as he twists and dangles. To make matters worse, he can hear footsteps approaching and he has a feeling he’s about to meet whatever hunter set up this trap. If he ever sees Steve again, he’s going to kill that punk.
Prompts by @riotwritesthings​ - Rainstorms, breakfast, firearms
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Steve hated that everything since they came back resolved around Stark Tech. Stark phone here, Stark Vision (not Vision but a television) there and ; "Oh Stevie! Look at this arm! It's full with Stark Tech. Tony even included firearms!" 
 If Steve was honest, it wasn't the tech itself that bothered him. What really got under his skin was Bucky making goo eyes at Tony, even before breakfast. What bothered him even more was, that Tony and him still hadn't gone back to their old... whatever they had. 
When they were discussing where to have their weekly train session, Steve suggested to fly over to Wakanda and meet with T'Challa. If he was honest mainly because he wanted Tony and Bucky to be distracted by other people and not each other. 
 "There is supposed to be a rainstorm coming this afternoon, we shouldn't head out with the quinjet." Tony had retorted immediately. 
 "What's the matter, Stark? Stark Tech isn't water proofed or what?" 
 In hindsight, Steve shouldn't have challenged Tony there.
Prompts by @blurockets - Captain Marvel, amnesia buddies, wolverine
Summary by @fightingforcreativity​ - Finding out that she was from Earth and not- well she really hated the whole Kree affair. Still, there were gaps in her memory, filling her with a sense of dread. judging by the way Stark and Rhodes looked at her she had known them once before. 
 She leaned on the railing, over-viewing the New Avengers training session when Barnes stepped next to her. "What can I do for you, Sarge?" 
 "I heard them talkin'. Wanted to know if it's true." 
 "What and who?" 
 "You've got memory... you're not remembering your whole life?" 
 She turned to the former assassin and her expression softened. If one person could relate to how she felt, it was Barnes. "Yeah..." 
 "... you wanna join our club?" 
 "Wolverine and I got the soldier being amnesiacs club going. Helps sometimes."  
"Oh. Well, sure." 
 Somehow, Carol found herself a place amongst them, and this is her and their story of getting better together.
Prompts - Cross stitch, rainstorms, punk
Summary by @blurockets - Where Maria hill gains a new cross stitch buddy on a rainy day. Maria talks about punk history while she stitches. She pulls the needle through talking about the culture and brings it around as she talks about how it related to queer culture. Bucky listens to her talk about the ones that were lost in 'the crisis' with a passion he had never heard her express before.  There was something military in her bearing as she went futher into detail about the things he had missed. Like she knew, and knew he would care. It was tragic the things he learned but knowing them. That they still survived.  It was good. It was heartening. 
The rain hammering the roof of the compound provided a backdrop as she stitched a 32-bit like figure (He will have to thank Clint again for explaining the styles of video games) with a bright green mohawk
Prompts by
@blurockets - Captain Marvel, amnesia buddies, wolverine
@dreaminglypeach​ - Palace, cross-stitch, Valkyrie
@riotwritesthings​ - Rainstorms, breakfast, firearms
@fightingforcreativity​ - jungle fever, meeting under duress, "Punk"
"For f*cks sake!" Bucky was frustrated. His sisters had always made it seem so easy to cross stitch some patterns on a torn knee or shirt, so it looked good again. He just wanted to repair his shirt he had accidentally ripped earlier that morning because he had been in a hurry to get to breakfast after Steve's and his morning run. Steve, that punk, had laughed at him for ruining yet another of his shirts. 
 The kids of the X-man school were currently visiting and training with them, and thus the usual breakfast table was packed if you made your way to it too late. So it had been a frequent thing for Bucky, sadly enough. 
 A soft knock and a contradicting loud, "Sarge, what's up?" let Bucky look up and come face to face with Carol and Valkyrie. 
Somehow those two were attached to the hip, often joined by Shuri and often enough Tony. Oddly, even Wolverine seemed to be around them way too often.
 "You look like your birthday was crashed due a rainstorm."  While Val really tried, she sometimes still slipped up phrases, just like that one. 
 "I'd rather face meeting some HYDRA assholes in a freaking jungle, catching jungle fever, then having to deal with this!" Bucky sighed, shoving his shirt aside.  
"Awww, c'mon, bandit, let me help you. I mean from amnesiac to amnesiac, I gotta give ya a hand," Carol playfully drawled, which resulted in Bucky pouting. 
"I should have taken T'Challa's invite to the Palace when I had a chance", he grumbled." 
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch36: I Bid You Farewell And Good Luck, Morons!
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Intro: Thor wakes up on a strange ship, surrounded by even stranger people, a talking tree and a rabbit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fight to save Vision is won and the group make their way back to the compound to understand what exactly it is that they’re facing. 
But there’s no sign of Tony, and the more they heard, the more they start to wonder if this is a battle they stand any chance of winning. 
Warnings:Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
This is a bit of a longer update than normal, but I wanted to explore IW using all 3 of the perspectives that were shown, for no reason other than I had favourite bits in them all! And I LOVE writing for Thor and Tony!
As always tags are open and I’m taking suggestions for that lovely 5 year gap post snap/pre time Heist so if you have any ideas or wants, hit me up!
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 “It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel…”
Thor wasn’t dead. But he felt like it. Every inch of his body ached and when he was jerked back to consciousness for a moment, just one split moment, he thought he saw Little Stark. Only it wasn’t her. The woman had dark hair, yes, but as he focussed he realised she looked nothing like the woman he loved dearly as a sister. This woman had huge eyes and antenna dangling from her forehead. And, whilst he knew it had been a while since he had seen his friend, she wouldn't have changed that much.
Finding his feet he looked around, chest heaving, at the band of people stood in front of him; A woman with green skin and red hair, a man with grey/blue skin, bald head, and red lines all over his body, a tree creature- a Flora Colossus he thought- which was off to the side draped over a chair, some kind of furry, animal thing- a rabbit maybe- and finally a man who appeared to be a normal, human.
They had offered him soup, and then when he had explained about Thanos the green skinned lady had told Thor what the Titan wanted the stones for. Which she knew, because she his  daughter.
"Families can be tough," Thor said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister, that he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home, stabbed me in the eye so, I had to kill her." he said, shrugging "That's life though isn't it I guess? Round and round, but I feel your pain."
The human, Peter Quill pushed his way between Gamora and Thor, and looked at her "I feel your pain, as well, because, I mean it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother, and then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out with both of my eyes."
Thor wasn’t paying attention. The man was clearly a moron, and he’d just noticed he had bent the spoon in the bowl of soup and was having a flashback to the time he had tried to bend the Captain’s shield. Little Stark had laughed so much at how annoyed he had gotten when he failed that she had cried. And then, to make it worse, a few days later the Captain had managed to move Mjolnir. Just a fraction, but it moved. No one had seen it, bar Little Stark of course, but there was something there, Thor was sure. Steve Rogers was a man worthy of a lot of things, but his hammer was complicated. You have to prove it. That had been explained to him the day it had been given to him. Of course, he hadn’t realised then that Eitri had actually made it for Hela first.
"I need a hammer, not a spoon." Thor mumbled, as the idea took hold and he looked at the pod at the back of the ship. "How do I open this thing?" he began pressing random buttons on the screen next to the door. “Is there some sort of a four-digit code? Maybe a birth date or something?"
"What are you doing?" Rocket asked.
"Taking your pod." Thor replied nonchalantly.
And then there was a row in which the moron called Quill tried to imitate Thor’s deeper voice telling him he could not take the pod, but Thor was going to take the pod anyway because he was the God of Thunder after all, and then the lady Gamora cut them off quite rightly directing the focus back to Thanos by stating they needed to find out where he was going next. But Thor had already thought of that.
"Knowhere," he answered as he brushed past Quill and over to the refrigerator he had seen Gamora get his soup from.
"He must be going somewhere," Mantis argued innocently.
"No," Quill shook his head and Thor noted his stupid voice was back to normal, "Knowhere? It's a place. We've been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that's our food." he said, suddenly noticing what Thor was doing.
"Not anymore," Thor shrugged, stuffing it into a backpack he found.
"Thor," Gamora cut across the pair of them again "Why would he go to Knowhere?"
"Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored there with a man called the Collector." Thor said
"If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe.” Quill snorted. “Only an idiot would give that man a stone."
"Or a genius." Thor shrugged.
"How do you know he's not going for one of the other stones?" Gamora asked.
"There's six stones out there." Thor began to explain, "Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it, last week, when he decimated Xandar.”
He didn’t missed the shocked and horrified look the group shared with one another.
“He stole the Space Stone from me, when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones, are safe on Earth. They're with the Avengers." Thor stated.
"The Avengers?" Quill asked.
"They're Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"Like Kevin Bacon?" Mantis called out.
"Errr he may be on the team now, I don't know.” Thor shrugged, having no idea who the man named after a breakfast meat was. “I haven’t been there in a while. And as for the Soul Stone, well no one's ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can't get it. Therefore, he's going to Knowhere. Hence, he'll be getting the Reality Stone. You're welcome."
"Then we have to go to Knowhere, now." Gamora said
"Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir." Thor said picking up the backpack.
"That's a made up word," Drax, the blue man countered.
"All words are made up." Thor smiled, slinging the backpack onto his back.
"Nidavellir is real?" the animal called Rocket’s eyes grew wide and he jumped up onto the table and looked at Thor "Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please."
"The rabbit is correct." Thor grinned at Rocket's excitement, "And clearly the smartest among you. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, Sir?"
Rocket grinned and nodded, "You're very perceptive."
"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?"
"Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it's me!”  Rocket grinned. “Yeah, I'll go."
"Wonderful." Thor beamed.
"Uh except that I'm the captain," Quill chipped in
"Quiet!" Thor said, now beyond bored of the moron.
"And that's my backpack," Quill continued pointing to the bag that Thor was stealing.
"Quill, sit down," Rocket said, tapping at the pad and keying in the digits to open the pod.
"Look, this is my ship. And I'm not going to - wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?" Quill looked round.
"The Thanos-killing kind." Thor smiled. Boy, was it going to be a big, fucking weapon...
"Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that?" Quill frowned.
"You lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as you minds collapsed into the madness." Thor said.
"Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?" Rocket asked.
"Erm, a little bit weird. Yeah." Thor looked down at him, frowning.
“If we don't go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he'll be too powerful to stop." Gamora said, stepping forward.
"He already is." Thor shrugged.
"Look, I got it figured out," Rocket interrupted, looking at Gamora. "We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons.  Me and Groot will go with the Pirate Angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool."
"So cool." Thor said with a smile before he climbed into the pod.
"For the record…” Quill said leaning down to Rocket “ I know that you're only going with them because it's where Thanos isn't."
"You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, Quill.” Rocket said, walking backwards and gesturing outwards with his arms. “Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You'll rot your brain,"
As Rocket sat down Thor nodded out of the pod “I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye."
It wasn’t hard for the team to track Wanda, her red power flashing bright against the dark sky over Edinburgh City Centre, and as the jet followed her movements, the four friends saw her spiralling through the sky with Vision and crashing through the train station, just as Sam put the jet on the ground.
Within seconds the Ex-Avengers were sprinting off the jet.  
“Katie, Nat, take the side!” Steve yelled, as he vaulted over the railings at the edge of the road running down onto the bottom half of the concrete which led to the station. “Sam, up high,and remember protect Vision at all costs!”
“Got em.” Sam spoke over the coms “Platform seven, near the café.” 
Steve vaulted over another set of barriers, the station now deserted thanks to the evacuation taking place by the local police. As he ran onto one of the walkways he was just in time to see two of the aliens crash through the station roof. Weighing up his options, he realised it was going to be quicker for him to run down the platform he was over and jump across the lines to help. He swung his legs over the railings and landed easily, looking up. Across from him he could see Natasha and Katie emerging to the right, as Wanda stood and moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands. An express train whizzed past him and he stood still, waiting and it wasn’t long before the taller, blue looking woman spotted him, and she launched her spear over the platform. Steve easily snapped his left shoulder back whilst leaning over his body with his right, catching the staff in his hand.
“Heads up.” Sam muttered, and as Wanda and Vision turned to see Steve step out from the shadows, fury lining his face, Sam swooped in and kicked one of the aliens across the platform and through a closed café’s security gate, causing tables and chairs to go flying, before he spun and started to fire on the other alien.
Steve launched the weapon he had caught across the tracks where Natasha caught it and stabbed the second assailant in the gut as Katie moved into to head off the other who was stalking back towards them. The weapon Natasha had been using flew back into the alien’s hands and Katie ducked as she swung, jabbing her in the back of the leg with an electric powered escrima stick. The alien let out a yell, stumbled slightly and Steve cleared the platform in a leap, rolling and scooping up the second assailant’s staff from the floor, holding it up to block the blow that the creatured aimed at Katie. He grit his teeth, planting his legs to absorb the power of the hit, as Katie rolled to the side, jumped up and the two of them began to fight the alien, joined shortly by Natasha who had stabbed the other one in the gut, taking him out of the fight. Steve had to admit, the woman (if you could call her that) was a force to be reckoned with, but the three of them were just about getting the upper hand when they heard Sam yell.
The three of them did so and Sam flew in hard, kicking the woman backwards where she fell and scuttled over to her fallen friend. Sam landed next to Katie, drawing both his submachine pistols on the couple.
“Get up” she instructed to her fallen partner, her voice was deep.
“I can't” his gravelly, robotic voice replied.
“We don't wanna kill you.” Natasha spoke coolly “But we will”.
“You’ll never get the chance again.” The female levelled them, with a cold glare and with that a beam shot down from the hole in the station roof and the two were transported upwards. The weapon Steve was holding also shot out of his hand. He frowned in surprise for a moment, looking at his hand then upwards as the beam of light disappeared and the ship sped off.
“Can you stand?” Sam asked Vision as Katie replaced her sticks and walked towards Wanda and the android. When Vision shook his head, Sam moved forward to help him up.
Supported by Wanda and Sam, Vision looked over at Steve, Natasha and Katie, electricity shimmering over his surface. He’d been badly damaged in the fight, and as he spoke his voice distorted.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. His face stern, but his eyes were much softer than his expression and Katie knew why. It had been a while since anyone other than Sam, Nat or Wanda had called him Captain.
Steve looked at the android, he might have been damaged but they had the stone, and that was the main thing. Nodding, he spoke “Let's get you on the jet.” his voice was soft and he moved to let Sam and Wanda support Vision, Natasha following as Katie dropped behind to stay with him as they took up the rear of the group, her fingers lacing into his.
Once Vision was safely settled in a seat at the side, Sam dropped into the pilot’s seat as Katie hit the button to close the ramp as the Jet rose into the air.
“I thought we had a deal.” Natasha spun angrily to Wanda. ”Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances.”
“I'm sorry. We just wanted time.” The younger woman said gently.
Katie glanced at Steve, he was stood up in the middle of the jet, hands on the buckle of his utility belt, staring seemingly at nothing, clearly contemplating something.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked.
Steve looked up, he glanced at Sam then locked eyes with Katie as he spoke one word, one simple word that they had all been waiting to hear for almost 2 years.
“Home” he said, looking round the jet.
After a few hours, with the morning sky being the only thing in sight, Sam started to lower the jet through thick white clouds and Katie couldn’t help but inhale sharply when the compound began to take shape as she watched out of the front window. It looked the same. The buildings, the grounds…she wasn’t sure why she had expected anything to change, maybe because it felt like everything had changed for them, but either way, there it was. The same as the last time she had seen it.
Steve noticed her demeanour change slightly as they landed. She stood up straight, her shoulders squaring as if she was about to face an onslaught. And they were, in a way. On their way they’d let Bruce know that they had Vision and were heading back, but had had no idea what they were heading back to, nor did he care. Be it Ross, police, the army, whatever, he was done bowing to anyone’s will, over playing other people’s tunes. The two years they had spent hidden had shown them that they could operate on their own if required, and he wasn’t afraid to fight anyone who got in his way.
They stepped off the ramp and strode over the lawn, Katie taking a deep breath as she looked around. She felt a wave of that many emotions she couldn’t explain or identify half of them. Memories flooded in, the long summer nights they sat outside in the garden and on the BBQ patio until sunrise. Laughs during team dinners. Sam and Wanda collaborating on pranks. Training sessions with the team and Vision reading Tolkien aloud to Wanda before asking questions about humanity's love of fiction. Walks and picnics and other things in the ground, just her and Steve. Their wedding, God their wedding! Frequent visits from Tony, bringing in new ideas and improved gadgets. Getting back safe after being out on a long mission. Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Feeling at home.
Steve’s arm curled round his wife for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the side of her head as Vision opened the door.
“Still no word from Vision?”  The holographic figure of Ross looked up from where he sat at a table and glanced at Rhodey.
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.” Rhodey replied. He knew they were on their way to the compound, but hadn’t told Ross deliberately. 
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals.” Rhodey felt his temper beginning to flare. “You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir? “
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.” Ross said as he stood up. The sound of the call echoed down the corridor reaching the group that were making their way through to the lab.
“If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here” Rhodey shot back and Katie glanced back at Vision as the sounds of Rhodey and Ross’ voice grew louder as they neared their destination.
“I suspect it will be a Hollo Call.” Vision said gently, answering Katie’s unasked question.  His suspicions were proven correct as they rounded the corner and the lab came into view. Rhodey was stood across from where the holographic image of Secretary Ross was facing off against him.
"You have second thoughts?" Ross was challenging Rhodey, who smiled simply as his eyes shot sideways, as Steve strode forward, his presence as intimidating as ever, and the first thing Rhodey noticed was just how dark he looked. Gone was the upstanding, All American Hero, and in its place was someone much harder, far rougher round the edges. Kiddo looked different too. Her hair was shorter, she looked slimmer too, but her upper body looked stronger. 
"Not anymore." he grinned.
The holographic Ross followed Rhodey’s gaze and his eyes fell on Steve who was stood next to Katie at the front of the group, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Vision behind them. Steve raised his chin a little defiantly and moved to take his power stance, feet apart, hands on his belt, before he greeted Ross politely.
"Mr. Secretary" 
Katie couldn’t help the smirk on her face as she watched Ross attempting to cover up the shock he had clearly felt at the group of outlaws turning up again. She locked eyes with Rhodey who gave her the smallest of winks before he glanced back at Ross who was shaking his head slightly as he approached Steve, his holographic form almost trying to square up to him.  Steve simply raised his chin further and looked down from the steps he was stood on,
"You got some nerve." Ross sniffed, staring up at him "I'll give you that."
"You could use some of that right now." Katie shot back bluntly, Ross turning his head to face her for a second. She held his gaze and arched an eyebrow until he turned back to Steve.
"The world's on fire." Ross said incredulously. "And you think, you can just walk back in here and all is forgiven?"
Steve levelled the secretary with a firm gaze. "I'm not looking for forgiveness.” his voice took on a threatening tone as he spoke “And I'm way past asking for permission.”
At that point the smirk on Katie’s face grew even wider as she stole a glance up at her husband, pride swelling in her chest as he continued, stoic and unyielding. 
“Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way," he stepped down to be at level with the hologram, and stared it square in the eyes "We'll fight you, too."
Ross was practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes went to Rhodey and he spat out his order, "Arrest them."
"All over it." Rhodey promised nonchalantly before shutting off the hologram, shortly after a beeping noise sounded from the computers.
"That's a court-martial." He informed the group as he slapped the back of his right hand into his left palm, though his tone said told Katie that he blatantly couldn’t have cared less for Ross’ demands. There was a short pause as the group glanced down at their friend, Steve smiling softly, before Rhodey’s face split into a huge smile of his own.
"It's great to see you, Cap." he said, stepping forward.
"You too, Rhodey." Steve answered, taking the last 2 steps down before he shook Rhodey's hand. Katie threw herself at her brother’s best friend and he gave her a huge bear hug before he stepped backwards.
“Hey Kiddo, you do something to your hair?” he teased.  She smiled, stepping back from his embrace while he looked the rest of the group over.
"Well. You guys really look like crap." He said lightly. "Must've been a rough couple of years."
Steve looked round, an amused smile on his face as he glanced at his wife then to the rest of the team.
"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam quipped back cheekily, the banter flowing between them like no time at all had passed.
"Uh, I think you look great."
Steve turned at the new voice to see Bruce inching his way into the room nervously wringing his hands together.
Steve and Katie remained silent, exchanging a glance. In the rush around and the fray of the fight, we’d forgotten to explain exactly who it was that called. "Yeah. I'm back."
Katie glanced over at Nat, she had her gaze fixed solely on the scientist as she spoke "Hi, Bruce."
"Nat." Bruce answered inclining his head towards her slightly as he fidgeted.
"This is awkward." Sam piped up. Steve and Katie looked at one another, before they both smiled and looked back up at Sam.
“Any news on Tony?” Katie asked gently, interrupting the silence that had fallen.
“Not yet no.” Rhodey said. “FRIDAY lost him when he left the atmosphere. We got NASA running scans and we’re trying to track his trail but…” He shook his head. 
“Typical Tony.” Katie rolled her eyes “Always has to go one bigger and one better doesn’t he?”
Her blasé tone wasn’t fooling anyone.
"Banner.” Steve said gently, looking across the room at the scientist. “Can you fill us in on what we're up against here?"
"Yeah sure," Bruce said nodding hesitantly.
“We’ll use the living area.”  Rhodey said, “Slightly more comfortable”
They made their way to the lounge, the same lounge they had all sat in discussing the Accords. Not much had changed; the furniture was different, there was couple of new sofas and the TV was larger, but that was it. 
“So start from the beginning.” Steve looked at Bruce where he stood near the window, one hand on the back of a chair, the other on his hip. He nodded encouragingly, he could see the man was nervous “Who took Stark and what are we up against?”
“I’ll give you the short version and we can plug in the gaps later.” Bruce sighed, “His name is Thanos. He’s a War tyrant, from a planet called Titan. He goes from place to place, destroying worlds, taking what he wants, when he wants. Loki’s attack on New York?” Bruce looked around “Thanos was the one who sent him to attack Earth,"
"But what does he want?” Katie asked.
“All six Infinity Stones…” Bruce supplied.
“Infinity Stones?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, so erm… the big bang, when it happened, it sent six of these crystals out across the universe. They each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. Time.” Bruce said, rubbing his temple.
“Thor told us about them, after Ultron.” Katie looked round and her eyes fell on Steve’s “He said there were three out there unaccounted for, and three that he could locate. One was with some collector or something, one was housed in the tesseract which was locked in a vault in Asgard and the other…”
"Viz." Wanda murmured, glancing at the Stone in Vision's forehead.
Bruce nodded again. “Thanos came to our ship for the tesseract, which means he already had the Power and Space Stones before he came to Earth looking for the rest. Just that alone makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe, if he gets his hands on all six he could destroy all life as we know it."
“Hang on, the Tesseract was on your ship?” Katie looked at Bruce, “I thought it was on Asgard?”
“It was, but right before Ragnarok…” “Ragnarok?” Katie frowned, her mind whirring “But that’s…that’s the fabled downfall and the destruction of Asgard, I mean....” “I know.” Bruce looked at her. “Asgard was destroyed as part of a battle between Thor and his sister. So was his hammer.” “What?” Steve let out a breath as Katie felt her mouth drop open.
“Thor has a sister?”
“Look, that’s a whole different story.” Bruce said, his tone slightly frustrated. “All you need to know is that Loki –yeah, surprise, not dead, -stole the tesseract from the Vault before we left. Thanos boarded the ship and took the stone. Just took it.” he said, his arms swinging out to his sides before returning with a slap.
The room fell silent.
“So Thor.” Katie took a deep breath and asked the question she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to “Where…”
Bruce dropped his head. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh no.” Steve muttered as he dropped his head, looking downwards. He glanced up and saw across the table that Katie had her right hand against her forehead the heel of which was pressed hard into the space between her eyes in utter dismay.
Thor. Gone.  
“He was no match for Thanos, not when he had those stones.” Bruce said gently. A single tear trickled down Katie’s cheek and fell to the floor and Steve watched as she took a deep breath, furiously wiping at her face.
“So the two we fought came for the mind stone.”  Sam spoke for the first time “I’m assuming the ones you fought were after another one that’s located somewhere in New York?”
"The Time Stone.” Bruce nodded “It was being protected by some mystical arts guy, or a Wizard as Tony called him, Dr Steven Strange.” Katie’s head whipped round to Steve and he took a breath and straightened up, before he glanced over at Sam and Natasha and the four of them shared an instant understanding, they’d heard that name before on top of a multi-storey parking garage in DC.
"A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.”
“But he was taken along with Tony.” Bruce finished.
Katie didn’t even want to think about that right now. She had to trust in her brother’s quick mind and sharp resilience, because the alternative didn’t bear thinking about.
"Well, we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey said and Steve looked down again, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of everything Bruce had said.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda added.
"We need all hands on deck," Bruce said pacing, "Where's Clint?"
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal," Natasha explained, "It's too tough on their families. They're on house arrest."
"Who's Scott?" Bruce frowned.
"Ant Man," Steve answered.
"There's an Ant Man and a Spider Man?" Bruce looked around in confusion, but it was Rhodey who nodded, simply, like it was just perfectly normal. Bruce shook his head, realising that it didn’t really matter at the moment before he continued. "Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe. And he is not gonna stop until he gets Vision's stone." He said the last part softly, almost reluctantly.
"Well then, we have to protect it," Natasha said stepping forward but Vision immediately corrected her.
"No, we have to destroy it," he said resolutely, his gaze focussed on something out of the window as everyone turned to him.  He turned to face them and gestured to the stone in his head. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps" he made his way over to Wanda and held onto her upper arm, "Its molecular integrity could fail."
"Yeah, and you with it," Wanda looked at him, shaking her head "We're not having this conversation."
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it."
Katie noticed Wanda’s eyes flash as she glared at Vision. "It's also too high a price."
"Only you have the power to pay it," Vision said quietly.
Steve shifted slightly. He knew that Vision was right, but the idea of losing someone else in their group didn’t sit well.
"Thanos threatens half the Universe.” Vision persisted “One life cannot in the way of defeating him."
"But it should," Steve argued, his eyes were diverted to the floor as he spoke gently, and it was right. Who were any of them to decide one life was worth less than anyone else? He took a deep breath and looked up and around the room before landing back on the android "We don't trade lives, Vision."
"Captain, seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different?"
Steve took a sigh and stepped towards Vision, unable to answer because he knew the android had him, but then Bruce did it for him.
"Because you might have a choice," Bruce answered, and Steve could see the Scientist had suddenly had an idea, "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixing together. All of them learning from one another."
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked.
"I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Natasha asked looking back and forth between the android and the scientist somewhat impatiently.
"Not me. Not here."
Steve suddenly began to think, maybe not Bruce, but could Suri? She had fixed Bucky after all, surely she could do this. T’Challa would be happy to help. And with his defences, maybe Wakanda was the safest place for Vision to be.
"Well you better find someone and somewhere fast," Rhodey pipped in.  "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."
Steve nodded to himself, his mind made up before he raised his head to look up around the group. "I know somewhere."
His eyes momentarily locked onto Katie’s and he watched as the realisation crossed her face, she knew instantly where he meant.
“Wakanda?” she asked.
He nodded, turning to Sam. “Can we get wheels up in 20?"
Sam nodded and Steve turned to Rhodey. "That enough time for you to load up your suit?"
"Yeah. Should be."
“Ok. “Steve looked round “Banner, I suggest you grab what you need. The rest of us, back to the jet.”
The team began to bustle about and then Katie remembered something.
“Rhodey?” she asked, hopping down off the table, “Where’s Steve’s shield?”
Rhodey paused in the doorway and turned to face her. “I don’t know, sorry Kiddo. Tony never mentioned it.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Steve said gently. As Katie opened her mouth to suggest they had a look for it, he cut her off “And we don’t have time either, we need to go.”
Truth be told he didn’t want the shield back. It wasn’t his, not anymore.
“Fine.” Katie said somewhat stiffly. “I’m going to raid the armoury anyway, pick up a few things…” “Katie!” he called after her as she hurried out of the room. He let out a frustrated groan.
“I’ll go.” Rhodey said, patting the Captain on the shoulder. “I need my suit anyway.” The directions ingrained in her memory forever she headed to the armoury on autopilot and once inside she stopped dead. It had all changed. To the left were the usual lockers, although they now held no names she would lay odds on all the original seven of them still having kit in there. The guns, arrows, widow bites, shock batons were all still there on the racks. Rhodey’s War Machine kit stood in the corner, but what wasn’t was an Iron Man suit, or a Nova suit, of any description. Instead, in place of the the usual glass cabinets that held them were rows of smaller capsules.
“What the…” Katie mumbled, heading closer to examining “FRIDAY?”
“Welcome home Mrs Rogers…” The AI spoke, a hint of amusement in her voice “I believe Pod Seventy-Six is one of yours”
“Tony’s been working on upgrades” Rhodey spoke from behind, making her jump. “Nano-tech, courtesy of some work with Helen Cho.” “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Katie frowned as Rhodey made his way to the War Machine suit.
“Sevety-Six you say?” Katie’s eyes scanned the wall. “OK, FRIDAY hit me up.” One of the capsules opened and a smaller capsule flew out, opening in mid- air and then out of nowhere a suit formed around her body.
“Woah…” Katie said, as the familiar heads-up display lit up.
“The suit is held in a simple bangle” FRIDAY explained. “I’ll show you once the calibrations are done.”
As FRIDAY rattled through the new features, including a shield, new weapons Katie stole a glance in the mirror. It was much sleeker and less bulky, almost like wearing a cat-suit in a way. It was dark blue and gold, as always, with her Supernova Star in the middle of the chest. She gently reached up to touch it and the suit melted away to a silver cuff with the star in the middle which she tentatively placed around her wrist.
“Impressive huh?” Rhodey asked as he stepped into the War Machine suit.
“One word for it.” She said softly, tracing the outline of her bracelet with her fingers. “I can’t… why did he make it?” she looked up at Rhodey who slid his face plate back up to look at her.
“You know what Tony’s like.” Rhodey said, “Just because you left doesn’t mean he stopped caring.”
Katie looked down at the bracelet on her right wrist.
"Was- Was he okay, you know...after?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"He was as okay as he could be…” Rhodey hesitated slightly “To be honest, nothing was great though. The team was split and…”
Katie looked down “I had to go, I couldn’t stay, not after what he said to me.” Rhodey looked at her. “And have you ever considered why he said what he did?” “Because he hates me?” “No, because he loves you.” Rhodey took a deep breath “He knew full well that whatever choice you made it was going to kill you, but he couldn’t see you sat in a jail, he just couldn’t Kiddo. So he did what he had to do make sure you stayed away.” Whatever she had been expecting Rhodey to say it wasn’t that. His words hit her like a tonne of bricks and she felt her face screw up as she blinked back the tears. 
“Shit…” she managed to mumble out. “I could, you know we could have called him, or he could have called us, tried to …” “You’re both as obstinate as one another” Rhodey said, shaking his head as he started to walk to the door of the armoury “Which is why I know he’s still alive. He’s too much of a stubborn asshole to die. “
Tony was pissed, really pissed. Not only was he stuck on this fucking ship, the kid was still here too. Peter Parker was almost as much of a pain in his ass as Katie had been when she was his age. The thought of his sister brought a pang to his heart, especially when he knew she was more than likely at the compound now after Bruce will have called them. He hoped anyway, he’d thrown the phone down before the fight after all, he just hoped the scientist had found it.
He looked around and glared at Peter before his shoulders fell. Well the kid was here now, might as well use him.
“Come on.” Tony sighed “We got a situation” He lead Peter over to a viewpoint to see the torture going on below. Peter crouched to study the situation, with that damned cloak leaning over his shoulder. “See him down there? He's in trouble.” Tony continued “What's your plan? Go.”
“Um. Okay, okay... uh...” Peter and the cloak popped back up suddenly, a smile playing on Peter’s face. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
It was a dumbass plan, but dumbass enough to work. Tony blew a hole in the side of the ship which caused a huge depressurization and as such the alien was sucked out of the side. A quick struggle and Dr Strange was rescued from drifting off to space, Tony repaired the side of the hull with nanites and that was that.
“We've gotta turn this ship around” Strange looked at Tony who rolled his eyes. .
“Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan”. 
“No, I want to protect the stone.”
Tony walked towards the expansive front view-port and from the way things were moving out there, he assumed they were travelling at some kind of hyper speed. The wizard was irritating him though, if he’d just agreed to get the stone out of the way they wouldn’t even be in this mess. 
“And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I'm listening.” he turned to glare at him.
“For what?” Strange snorted, “Nearly blasting me into space? 
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.” Tony looked at him. “
“I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet”. Strange shook his head as he eyed the billionaire up and down. 
“Admit it.” Tony said, for some reason he felt the need to make this guy admit he was wrong, just like he used to try and do with Rogers. No particular reason for it, other than being the one to come out on top “. You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.” 
“Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you”. 
“And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.” Tony gestured around him.  
“I’m back up.” Peter said, raising his hand. 
“No, you’re a stowaway.” Tony said, waggling his finger between himself and Dr. Strange “The adults are talking”. 
“I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. Wh-- what is he, your ward?” Strange frowned.
“No. I'm Peter, by the way.” Peter said, holding out his hand. 
“ Dr Strange.” Strange replied, looking at him.
“Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um. I'm Spider-Man, then”. 
Before Strange could respond, Tony piped up. “This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot.”
Strange walked closer to where Tony was stood. “Can we control it? Fly us home?”
They’d almost flattened New York once, and then there was Sokovia…no, home was most certainly a bad idea.
“Stark?” Strange’s voice cut across his thoughts. “Can you get us home? 
Yeah I heard you. I'm thinking. I'm not so sure we should.” he said, honestly.
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos.” Strange warned “I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here”.
“No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back!” Tony said, stalking towards Strange, jabbing a finger in the air as he pointed towards the ground. “And I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?“
Strange had to admit, the guy had a point. Let Thanos destroy his own place, not theirs. “Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it”
“Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight” Tony nodded. Stepping over to Peter he tapped each of the kids shoulder with the edge of his hand, dubbing him as is done at a knighting. 
“Alright, kid. You're an Avenger now”
Tony couldn’t look at him as he spoke, because he knew what he was signing the kid up for. 
The jet was filled with chatter as Rhodey, Bruce and the rest of the team were catching up but Katie wasn’t listening. She wasn’t feeling great either, that damned sick feeling was back, most likely this time down to utter fear about what was to come. If Bruce was right, she wasn’t convinced this was a battle they were ever going to be able to win.
“You know,” she said, looking up at Steve and voicing her fear softly, “if he’s already killed Thor, and it’s going to take us, plus a royal army to attempt to fight this guy off what fucking chance does Tony stand?”
Steve didn’t answer, he couldn’t. Because what he was thinking wasn’t going to provide her any comfort. Instead he merely tightened his arm around her and pressed his lips to her forehead.
It was a couple of hours later before they hit Wakandan airspace.
"We're coming up." Sam spoke as Steve focussed his attention out of the front of the jet, one arm hanging lightly against the grab rails on the roof.
"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve instructed.
Sam glanced back over his shoulder before he spoke, "I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."
Katie gave a small smile as she drew up next to Steve, wrapping her arms around his waist. They both stood, waiting as Sam flew the jet right into the trees, and swore with a loud ‘holy shit’ as it passed right through the hologram barrier into Wakanda. Everyone on the jet moved to get a better look at the beautiful mountains, lakes, buildings as the jet circled and Steve directed Sam to the runway.
They disembarked and Katie strolled off shortly behind Steve, followed by Natasha. Vision and Wanda stayed put, Steve telling them he would get them some help soon.
Bruce, who was at the rear with Rhodey whispered as he shrugged his arms into his jacket, "Should we bow?"
"Yeah, he's a king." Rhodey answered casually without missing a beat.
Steve ignored their banter instead smiling warmly at T'Challa as he reached out to shake his hand. "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something."
T'Challa smiled back and he shook Steve's hand before embracing Katie in a warm hug. “Mrs Rogers, it is a pleasure to see you.” “And you.” She smiled softly, before she stepped back and T’Challa nodded to the rest of the group. The clearing of a throat caught Katie’s attention and she turned just in time to see Bruce bow forward towards T’Challa.
"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked, looking at him.
"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa said kindly waving a hand to stop Bruce’s bow. Everyone smiled in amusement expect for Bruce who turned and shot a disbelieving but amused look at Rhodey who grinned back at him, nudging him with his elbow.
Then they turned serious again as T'Challa asked, "So how big of an assault can we expect?"
His guards moved as he spoke, opening up a path that T'Challa took, leading them away. They followed quickly while Bruce piped up politely as he explained, "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."
"How we looking?" Natasha added, addressing the king with a similarly concerned frown on her face.
"You will have my King's Guard," T'Challa listed, "the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-" He gestured to the side just as a familiar, dark-clothed man stepped out of the building to greet them by the door.
"A semi-stable, one hundred-year-old man." Bucky grinned. Katie smiled back and then glanced at Steve as he walked forwards, that familiar boyish grin on his face as pulled the man into a hug clapping him on the back a few times.
"How have you been, Buck?" he pulled back to look at his friend. He looked as well as he’d seen him in years. Healthy and dare he say it, happy.
"Not bad," Bucky shrugged looking down at his new black vibranium arm, "For the end of the world.” Katie stepped forward to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You look good Buck.” she said, standing back to look him up and down before smiling, something that didn’t escape Steve’s notice. And yes, he knew there was nothing in it, and this was the most inappropriate time to get jealous but still…
“I feel it.” Bucky smiled as Steve slid his arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Goat farming suits me.” With that, Bucky turned to Sam. “Hey man.”  
“Frosty.” Sam responded with a jerk of his head.
They left Rhodey, Sam and Bucky with some of the guard to keep watch, and the rest of them followed T'Challa up to the labs where the person who was said to be able to safely remove Vision's stone was waiting. Steve could tell that the rest of the group weren’t expecting that person to be T'Challa's sixteen year old sister, Shuri. But T'Challa had full faith in her, as did Steve after she had managed to remove Bucky's programming.  
"Whoa." Shuri blinked as she stared at the hologram of Vision's brain and the stone in awe, "The structure is polymorphic...”
"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce nodded and Shuri glanced at him with a raised brow.
"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She asked looking at Banner. Vision also glanced at the doctor in question.
"Because... we didn't think of it." Bruce admitted sheepishly.
Shuri smiled and Katie had to fight the laugh that was brewing at the Princess’ playful nature "I'm sure you did your best."
"Can you do it?" Wanda asked stepping forward anxiously.
Shuri's smile dropped as she became more serious. "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." Her gaze moved to T’Challa “It will take time, brother."
"How long?" Steve asked, straightening up slightly.
Shuri shook her head. "As long as you can give me." She answered honestly and worryingly.
A loud warning siren suddenly started and instantly Katie looked around. General Okoye tapped at something on her bracelet and she looked over at T’Challa."Something's entered the atmosphere."
Seconds later, Sam's voice called over their coms, "Hey, Cap, we got a situation here."
Katie moved over to the floor-length windows of the lab to look out, Steve stood close behind her as everyone followed to see what was going on. In the distance, they could see the plains all around as far as the border stretched to the city. A giant ship descended from the sky and as they watched it exploded high above the city as soon as it touched the shield, causing Katie to jump back slightly. Steve gently caught her, his hands going to her shoulders as his focus remained on the exploding ship which dissipated above the invisible barrier they had flown through.
"God, I love this place."  Bucky’s contented sigh rang over their coms.
"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhodey warned.
More ships came crashing down to Earth just outside the Wakandan barrier disturbing the dust and sand on the ground as they landed. The lab they were stood in shook slightly and Vision sat up.
"It's too late."  he whispered and both Steve and Katie turned to look at him as he sat up. "We need to destroy the stone now."
"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Nat replied snapping her head back to look at him as she made her way to the door.
"We will hold them off." T'Challa said motioning to his guard.
"Wanda," Steve spoke up, looking at the young woman, "As soon as the stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell."
Wanda nodded with promise, "I will."
Steve turned his attention back to the window, watching the space ships which at the moment were doing nothing. T'Challa meanwhile, turned to his General and her warriors and began barking orders, "Evacuate the city. Engage all defences."
Steve turned to look at him as the king pointed in his directing before adding firmly. "And get this man a shield!"
Steve gave a small nod before he glanced back out of the window. For 2 years his fighting days had been focussed on simple people. Small groups of nobodies. Now, they were being thrown back into the crazy world of Aliens, AIs…and he knew they were going to look to him for leadership.
He might not be Captain America anymore, but he was still Captain Rogers, still that dumb kid from Brooklyn. And he still wasn’t going to run from a fight. 
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berjhawn · 5 years
Angel On Fire - Ch. 5 - A Brother’s Fear
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((Gif Not Mine. Credit To The Owner))
Warnings: Heartbreaks ; angst ; fluff ; fighting ; 
Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader ; Thorin Oakenshield X Reader ; Bucky X Reader X Thorin ; Marvel X Reader X Hobbit
Summary:  Heartbroken and Lost the reader finds herself stranded in a strange but familiar land filled with creatures of fantasy. joining the company of Thorin Oakenshield, (Name) travels across Middle Earth in search of a way to make it back to her home and the people that love her.
“So, you’re saying you can get us there, but not to where she is exactly.” Loki asks folding his arms over his chest.
“That’s what I just said.” Strange retorts making Loki reach up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “It will take me a little while to come up with all the ingredients for the spell, so stay here… and don’t touch anything.”
As he leaves the room Thor looks after him for a moment before he walks over to the table where the book is sat and giving it a once over sits down at the table. Opening it, he starts to read. 
“What are you doing?” Loki asks from the other side of the room where he was fiddling with some sort of old set of armor.
“What does it look like, reading.” Thor replies making Loki cock an eyebrow at him.
“I have to admit it’s been years since I’ve seen you with a book in your grasp.”
“Well, if this book is from the world where she is, then doesn’t it seem smart to read it.” Thor retorts making Loki stare at him for a moment in surprise.
“I honestly cannot believe you thought of that before I did.” Loki answers making Thor chuckle. “Let me read it when you’re finished.”
“If we have time.” Thor jokes making Loki roll his eyes at his older brother. “In all honesty…” Thor starts his eyes lifting from the pages a faraway look filling them. “I’m reading this book because I wish to know who our little sister is with and if they can be trusted.” He pauses his brow furrowing. “The fact that I cannot be there myself to protect her kills me. I’m doing this to take my mind off how angry I am at how helpless I feel.”
“I know your pain brother.” Loki says sitting next to Thor a sad look filling his eyes. “I miss her as well.”
“After the fall of Asgard, (Name) was never the same. I feel it hurt her more than it did us.”
“You did what you had to do. If Hela had gotten ahold of the Bifrost, the nine realms would have been obliterated. (Name) knew what had to be done, she aided us in the battle.”
“But you did not see her eyes as Surtur destroyed our home. She may have aided in its destruction, but I fear that only hurt her more.” Thor rakes a hand against his short locks making him groan out even more.
“Let’s focus on one thing at a time, shall we? We can all have a nice chat when we get her back.” Loki concludes making Thor nod.
“You’re right.” Thor says letting out a heavy sigh. “Back to the book then.”
“You read it, then you can tell me about it. I have a feeling we were followed on our way here.” Loki states as he stands up and heads towards the front door. Thor goes to follow him, but Loki holds up his hand stopping his brother. “Read. I’ll handle this.”
When Loki makes it to the front door, he doesn’t hesitate to open it revealing both Steve and Bucky standing there with shocked expressions on their faces. “What are you two doing here?” Loki asks anger lacing his words.
“We want to help.” Steve says making Loki glare at him.
“Help?” Loki asks as his eyes move to glare at Bucky, “Hasn’t your friend helped enough?”
“I didn’t know any of this was going to happen.” Bucky interjects making Loki chuckle.
“How could you possibly have known? You’re not the one who sent her away. No, you’re just the one who broke her heart.”
“I didn’t break her heart. (Name) wasn’t in love with me.”
“One thing I pride myself over is knowing my sister better than most. She may never have said it out loud, but I knew she loved you.” He pauses a silent rage filling his body. “You took advantage of her for your own selfish gains, and now that you know how you used to feel about Miss Romanoff, you drop her like a sack of potatoes. Forgive me if I don’t believe your bullshit.”
“Loki, I swear I didn’t know she was in love with me. I know that doesn’t make up for what I did; but when she left it seemed like she didn’t care either way. Now the more I think about it, it seems she was just trying to hide her feelings from me.” Bucky pauses his brow knitting together. “I know you think I don’t have a right to go after her and you might be right; but I do care about her, and I want to make sure with my own eyes that she’s alright.”
“What if she doesn’t want you there?” Loki asks making sadness fill Bucky’s blue eyes.
“Then she can tell me herself. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
“Let him in,” Loki hears Thor say from behind him and he turns to see the book is still in his hands. “Let her be the one to tell him.”
“Fine,” Loki replies as he turns away from them and walks back towards the room, bypassing his brother.
“Thank you,” Steve says as he and Bucky enter the Sanctum Sanctorum.
“Don’t thank me.” Thor replies anger in his eyes. “If it were my choice, I’d have stranded you on some deserted planet. I’m doing this for my sister, not either of you.” Then he turns and heads after his brother his eyes focused on the book.
“Understood.” Steve replies following after them with Bucky in tow. When they all reach the room Thor and Loki had been waiting in Steve asks, “So, what did you guys find out?”
“(Name) is in some place called Middle Earth,” Loki says not looking over at them.
“Where’s that?” Bucky asks furrowing his brow.
“Some other universe, Strange is looking into it now.” Thor replies curtly his eyes not leaving the pages in front of them.
“What are you reading?” Steve asks making Thor pause his pacing.
“It’s supposedly a book from that world. So far it is pretty interesting.”
“How so?” Loki asks looking up from his seat to meet his brother’s gaze.
“Well, there are trolls there, Wargs, which is some kind of giant wolf, smaller than Fenrir though, orcs, I’m not sure what those are but from the description in this book I fear it’s something that will terrify (Name), other than that there are Dwarves, Elves, Wizards, a shapeshifter; and oh, that’s not good.” Thor pauses worry filling his face.
“What is it?” Loki asks moving from his seat to look over his brothers’ shoulder.
“Giant spiders, and a Dragon.”
“Well that’s definitely not good.” Loki replies making Steve narrow his eyes at them.
“What’s not good, the spiders or the dragon?” Steve asks folding his arms over his chest.
“Both really. (Name), for some reason is deathly afraid of spiders, and that’s just the tiny ones. Imagine her meeting one of these creatures.” Loki clarifies making Steve nod.
“And the dragon? Well we kind of tended to keep her away from those when we were younger. They always had a weird obsession with her, maybe it’s because of her powers?” Loki insinuates making Thor shrug.
“Well let’s just hope she doesn’t meet this one, he is smarter than the ones we are used too.” Thor clarifies making Loki furrow his brow in worry.
“Then we just need to get there and get her back before she meets it.” Steve adds making them all look at him.
“There’s also something else.” Thor adds closing the book completely as he hands it to Loki. “(Name)’s in the book.”
“What?” Bucky exclaims his eyes widening.
“At first, she wasn’t, but it seems her being there is slowly changing the book. As I read through it, I had to reread some parts cause they started to change before my eyes.” Thor confirms making Loki nod as his eyes glance over all the pages taking every fact in.
“Huh,” Loki says his brow knitting together in intrigue. “This is interesting.”
“What is?” Bucky asks moving closer only to Loki take a step away from him and close the book.
“You wanna know, you read the book.” Loki concludes shoving the book into Bucky’s chest.
Will Continue...
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Hello, Queen of the Smut, would you be opposed to writing for Endgame!Thor? I suddenly really wanna ride his face.
Hello yes I accept my title as Queen of Smut and I will absolutely write for my chunky boy Endgame!Thor. (Mostly because that’s pretty much the only point of Endgame that I enjoyed other than the gratuitous Hulk scenes.) You wanna ride Thor’s face? You’re gonna ride Thor’s face.
(Also this is WAY LONGER than I meant for it to be, but the creative juices are finally flowing and I can finish all the stuff I need to finish.)
(Also also, I don’t have a general taglist, so if anyone would like to be on one, lemme know.)
Thor rarely came down to the village from his little hobbit hole anymore. He’d tried for a while after the incident, tried to be a good king and keep the village running smoothly all on his own. But that wasn’t so anymore. He wouldn’t - or couldn’t - speak when he left his cottage, just came down to the village every now and then to check up on things and went back to his cottage on top of the hill. Over time, his visits became less and less frequent, and soon the Valkyrie Brunhilde was the one taking over leadership duties.
Eventually, it came to pass that he came down only once a month for supplies (stout, ale, beer, any alcohol he could get his hands on at this point). Only when he was in need of his escape did he then come down to the village below. And that meant that he came to see you.
Your father had been the man to brew Odin’s special casks of beer and ale, but he’d been lost in Hela’s attack on Asgard to her horde of undead. Your mother and older brother had been lost to Thanos’s snap, so that left you as the only one left who knew what blend of what went into making the special drinks. 
Thor had tried at first to look presentable when he came down - still tried to maintain a kingly appearance and dress appropriately. But again, over time, his motivation waned. He made his monthly appearance clad in sweatpants and enough layers of thermals and flannel to keep warm in the frigid climate. He no longer even attempted to maintain his physique - the carefully maintained abs and bulging muscles gave way to an extra layer overlaying the muscle.
Honestly, you rather liked it. The extra weight was a good look on him. He looked like the gods of old now - strong and sturdy, not so over-muscular and hard. Sometimes, if he wasn’t too drunk and it was a good day that month, he’d actually try to braid his beard so that it wasn’t quite so unkempt. He hadn’t done that lately.
It was just the usual day for Thor's visit when you first really noticed that he'd gotten quite thick. Let himself go was the usual whisper heard about the town, though you didn't share that opinion. He seemed physically healthy even if he wasn't mentally healthy.
Nevertheless, when he walked into your brewery, you knew why he was there. He had the same order every month - this particular ale, that particular beer, and a lot of it. And he knew that his order had already been filled - he was just making his monthly appearance.
That day, he looked more well-kept than usual, as if he'd tried to give the appearance of having his shit together. The temperature wasn't as cold as usual, so he'd opted for a single flannel shirt and sweatpants. You liked the look, actually. The sleeves of the flannel were tight and his muscles bulged nicely against the material.
"Good morning, Your Highness. Your usual order?" you asked, taking in his appearance. 
"Yeah - uh, yes. And add on some of that mead that your fath- your family used to make," Thor replied, looking a bit sheepish that he'd had to correct himself. "It's been a long time since I've had it, and I've been craving it for some time."
The particular mead that Thor was craving was made from a special honey, wholly unavailable unless one knew who to talk to. Luckily, you kept that contact and you had a store of it available.
"Well, it's been a long time since we've made it. It's been more of a drink for the older crowd for some time, so it's not in high demand,” you said. “I don't have any in stock, but I can make you some if you like so that it will age for next month. And I'll make a couple of extra barrels too in case you start craving it again."
Thor nodded. "That would be much appreciated, my lady."
You busied yourself writing up his order on an invoice sheet. "I'll have the boys bring your order around. Anything else I can do for you, Your Highness?"
"You can stop with all that 'Your Highness' business," Thor said, waving his hand languidly. "I've not been much of a king lately. 'Thor' will do just fine."
You looked up at him from your invoice, surprised that he would be that transparent about his troubles. "You're doing the best you can. You've been through a lot and everyone has a breaking point."
"We've all been through a lot,” Thor replied. “You've been through a lot as well."
"People handle things differently. I have a craft to hone and a business to run. My parents would have wanted me to keep with the tradition," you said, leaning against the bar. You'd tabulated up his costs, but you'd have the invoice sent to Brunhilde. She'd been doing most of the royal duties lately, such as divesting the funds. You made an effort to cheer him up. "Besides, who will make Thor's favorite ale if I'm not doing my duties?"
He grinned at that, the first time you'd seen him do so in, well, probably at least a year. "No one in such quantities as you've made for me."
"Damn right," you reply, mirroring his grin. "Have a good rest of your day, Thor. And take care of yourself, please. We'd all like to see our leader back on his feet."
You made Thor's special request as well as a few extra barrels to spare. Mead needed about three months to age, but you had a few magic tricks in your hat. His cask would be more than ready by the time he came around again, and it would be just as incredible as if it had been aged ten times as long.
When Brunhilde came in to pay the invoice that night, she seemed pleased. "What did you say to our mighty leader? He was practically skipping when he came down to the docks for the rest of his supplies earlier. Did you jump him?"
"Hardly,” you replied, snickering. You took the payment that she handed you and gave her a copy of the invoice in return. “I promised to make him a batch of my father's special mead. That stuff could make even old Grumpy Ivan leap for joy."
"Ah, you misunderstand, my beautiful barmaid,” Brunhilde said, taking a seat at the bar. “This was not the skip of a man promised good alcohol. This was the skip of a man with an itch that needs scratching, if you catch my drift."
"I caught it, Hilde," you said. You wouldn't mind scratching that itch, if he asked. You wouldn't ask first, of course. Not your style. "I doubt the king is interested in the brewery owner, especially when he seems so down lately."
"No, you see, you're perfect actually. You smell like good ale and it seems that you can give him a little pep in his step. It's the beginning of something, my lady, I promise."
You laughed. "I do love your enthusiasm, Hilde. And thank you for my payment."
"Don't sell yourself short," Brunhilde sang, waving her hand as she left the building.
When Thor came in the next month, much to your surprise, he'd really attempted to put a little effort in. His beard was braided and his hair was freshly washed. He was wearing the same sweats and layers that he always wore now, but they were recently laundered as well. He seemed in good spirits, all things considered.
"Good morning, my lady!" Thor said, barging into your brewery with just the least bit of his former bluster. "I'm ready for my mead!"
You started, dropping the mug you were cleaning onto the table. The metal tankard rang hollow in the empty brewery, like a small bell.
"I see that, Thor," you replied, smiling. "Good morning to you, too. You seem to be feeling well."
"And why shouldn't I be feeling well?" Thor asked, leaning against the bar. His elbows hit the table and he rested his chin in his hands as he looked up at you. He seemed unusually clear-headed and his eyes weren't bloodshot. "'Tis a good day! My favorite day of the month, in fact! I get to come down here and see you."
"You mean you get to come down and get your supplies."
"Ah, the supplies are the motivation for the trip, but you are the most wonderful bonus,” Thor said, winking.
You laughed. "Such flattery! Who do you think you are, exactly?"
"Why, the king, my lady! And your biggest fan!"
"My best customer," you corrected.
You broke open one of his casks of mead - one of the reserve ones you'd saved for yourself or the odd person who requested it. You'd had several requests lately for it to be made a regular drink in the tavern since Brunhilde had wandered in a month ago. You assumed she'd told everyone you’d made it, and now the older men wanted something strong and nostalgic. You handed a tankard to Thor who, instead of downing it in one fell swoop, sat down at the bar and sipped it slowly.
You filled your own tankard and sat down across the bar from him. How strange, you thought, to be sitting across from him with such familiarity. The two sons of the royal family, Thor and Loki, had always been kept at arms' length away from everyone (though they hadn't much abided by that) ever since you'd been young. Your family had been allowed to wander the palace pretty freely since they fulfilled such an important role in Asgard (making the king’s beer), but you'd never done so. It was such a hassle to navigate the palace that it wasn't worth the effort. 
"This is as fantastic as I remember," Thor said, giving a heavy sigh. "We always broke open a barrel when we came back from a great battle."
"And we always kept a special store of it for you," you replied. You didn't like to brag, but you felt like you'd really outdone yourself this time. The drink was sweet and smooth; the heavy honey flavor soothed something deep within you that you couldn't quite name.
"How things have changed," he said, staring down into his tankard.
"Indeed." You reached forward and, in an uncharacteristically bold move, took his hand. He squeezed yours gently in return and smoothed his thumb over the back of your hand. "But it will get better."
"Sometimes I do not think so."
"It will, with a little faith and motivation."
Thor drained the rest of his tankard and handed it back to you. You tossed it in the washbasin and gave it a good scrub. As you worked, you noticed that he seemed to be on the verge of saying something, but thought the better of it each time he considered it. You waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts, though considering his behavior so far, you had an inkling of what he may have been thinking of asking.
"Perhaps I'm being presumptuous," Thor started, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "But I would very much enjoy the pleasure of your company today, my lady."
Ah, there it was. Well, you weren’t going to say no to that. It was something that he seemed to need, and being that it had been quite a while for you, it was something that you needed as well.
"And where shall we go? Your cottage or mine?" you teased, only half-believing that he'd outright asked you.
"Yours. Mine is not- well, you can imagine what mine looks like," he said.
"Well, I've got nowhere to be today. Shall we be off?"
“We shall.”
You gathered your coat and the keys to the brewery, locking up as quickly as you could. Once you’d finished locking up, you led him through the back of the brewery, past the casks of ale and beer, to the back down and into the cobblestone street.
Thor took your hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, walking slowly so that you could keep pace. He was nearly a head taller than you, his stature quite imposing compared to yours, and he walked with a speed that you couldn’t match.
"If you had told me years ago that one of the princes would ask me to bed, I never would have believed you," you said as you walked, staring up at him. Really, the braided beard was such a fantastic look on him.
"What's not to believe?" Thor asked. His hand covered yours, keeping you close to his side. "I've always thought well of you. Had I ever seen you at the palace, I most certainly would have before now."
"Good to know. I only went to the palace when I had to. Too many halls to navigate, and I'm not so good with directions."
"Neither am I, truth be told, Thor said. “Loki would usually come find me if I found myself turned around in some back hallway. After he led me there in the first place, of course."
"Of course," you laughed, stopping at your cottage. It was small and clean, if a little bare. You hadn't had much time to decorate with trying to get the brewery going from scratch the past two years. That had been a nightmare, and you were just grateful to have a cozy bed and a fire at night. "Here we are."
"Here we are," he mirrored, holding open the door for you. "After you, my lady."
You led him inside and pulled him into your tiny bedroom. You'd invested in a fairly sizable bed, which served to make the room look even smaller. But there was plenty of room for the two of you.
Thor sat down on the edge of your bed and pulled you into his lap. "If you want me to stop at any point-"
“I doubt I will ask you to stop, but I will certainly tell you otherwise."
Thor wasted no time in pulling your soft leather-and-wool tunic up over your head, tossing it into a corner. You cringed a little because that was your favorite tunic, but you didn't mention it. Kind of a mood-ruiner when Thor's teeth were already tugging at your nipples.
You whined his name, scrambling to get his many layers up over his head. He finally decided to give you a hand and tossed every single thermal into the corner with your nice tunic. You were left with a half-naked Thor, and honestly, that was really all you needed. 
He picked you up and put you on your back at the head of the bed, tugging down your pants and underwear until you were completely naked for him. (And yes, you cringed again when he unceremoniously tossed your pants into the corner.) He settled himself between your legs, elbows on the bed underneath your knees, and set to work nipping at your waist. 
You squeezed his shoulders between your knees as his tongue settled on your clit. He looked like he'd be soft with the newly-acquired physique, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He was still hard as a rock, as strongmen tended to be. He was thick and sturdy like a real Viking, like the old gods in the stories your grandfather had told you many years ago. And of course, that very thought had you dripping on the sheets faster than Thor's tongue could really get hold of you.
He licked the line of your clit, softly running the tips of his fingers along your cunt. You fisted his hair in your hands, careful not to pull and on the verge of failing spectacularly at that. He slipped a finger in, then another, pumping his wrist carefully and timing each thrust of his fingers to the thrust of his tongue.
And, quite abruptly, he stopped.
You whined his name impatiently and sat straight up on the bed, wanting an explanation. He beat you to it.
"I need you to do something for me," Thor said, his hands resting on your hips. "Have you ever sat on someone's face?"
You blushed, although you couldn't imagine why. You were butt naked, whining his name like he was killing you (and he still had his pants on) - no reason to be embarrassed at this point. "You mean intentionally? Without crushing their skull?"
Thor laughed, a rumbling noise deep in his throat that made your cunt throb again. "Yes, intentionally. I want you to ride my face."
"As long as you take your damn pants off so I can sit on your dick afterwards."
"Done," he replied, complying with your request. You couldn't twist around to look down in time to watch him, but you'd get to enjoy it shortly. He settled on his back, pulling you carefully on top of him. "Now, grab the headboard and just keep going. I'll take care of the rest."
You lowered yourself down as gently as possible, until his tongue slid down along your clit again. You shivered, trying not to bear down on his face (didn't want to actually hurt him). Your legs were already shaking as you worked yourself down on his fingers, on his tongue, until you were just on the edge of release. 
Thor grabbed your hips and guided you down to his lap again, sitting up so that you were chest to chest. He leaned back against the headboard, spreading his legs and holding you up at the tops of his thighs until you were comfortable. You grabbed the base of his cock - fuck, you were gonna be sore after this - and brushed the tip of his cock against your entrance. You lowered yourself down as far as you could go, holding onto his shoulders for leverage. 
He tangled his fingers in your hair, claiming your mouth in a kiss. He groaned, moaning your name against his lips as you rocked your hips against his. "That's it, that's perfect."
You grabbed his hips and yeah, not even the least bit soft. That was all still muscle. "You like that?"
"Fuck - yes," he breathed, thrusting up into you. He sucked at the hollow of your throat, grabbing your ass, your breasts, your hips - whatever he could reach. He pulled you down on top of him, almost lifting you up out of his lap so that he could do it again and again.
You kissed him again, hands cupping his face. "I'm so close, right there-"
"Come for me, love," Thor said, pulling you in close to his chest. 
You rocked your hips against his, letting the slow burn build up in your belly until you couldn't fight it any longer. Release slammed through you, shaking your thighs and forcing your cunt to clench down on his cock. He moaned against your mouth again, lifting you up off of him so that he came across his own stomach.
You sat back in his lap, watching him come down from his release as you came down from yours. He panted, leaning his head back against the headboard.
"Hope you're not to tired after that," you said, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "We do have all day."
"Oh, I'm yours as often as you'll have me," Thor replied, sliding his hands along your back.
Once Thor had left for the night, you headed back up to the brewery. Inside, you found Brunhilde waiting for you so that she could give you your payment for Thor's supplies. No doubt she’d picked the lock to the front door - she’d done it often enough before. She'd also found the opened store of mead and poured herself a glass.
"And just where have you been all day?" Brunhilde asked, a sly smile stretching her full lips. "Hope you don't mind, I helped myself and added on to your payment. This stuff is gold, by the way."
You grinned, taking your money from her. "I took the day off."
"And Thor has been mysteriously missing all day himself," Brunhilde replied, sipping at her drink. "Curiouser and curiouser. You have a pep in your step that I've never seen before."
"Well, if you call a limp 'pep,' that's on you."
"I hope you make it a regular thing," Brunhilde said. "You look like you finally enjoyed yourself for once. And cheered our beloved king up in the process."
"It was lovely, Hilde."
"Yes, that limp gave it away."
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writerkenna · 5 years
The Lights of Stars and The Glitter in Your Eyes-Chp 1
Hi I wanna thank my beta @get-lostsquidward!!
Monogamy, in Thor’s experience, is a complicated term, and something he had often failed to comprehend.
Jane had explained it to him, in great detail through gritted teeth and fiery eyes, when he had told her of how greatly her and Sif differed in styles of love making. Which is not to say Thor felt he came closer to grasping the definition.
Asgardians, on the whole, didn’t follow the single lover track of life. When their lifespans run in the high 4000s, it was near impossible, and Thor believed he should not be judged for the simple fact of his biology. Polyamory was a fact of his heredity.
Though, Thor’s relationship status might not have technically been polyamorous. He wasn’t sure how to classify sleeping with very large, green person on a semi-regular basis, while also having a mild, no-big deal (well actually, very big deal, like seriously, it was kind of all he thought about)crush on another less large and very jittery person. Also, those people, in some manners of speaking, could be considered the same person.
Thor had been the one to suggest the rooming set-up. Sharing rooms was inevitable, even on the Statesman, when they were carrying the whole of Asgard’s peoples and a handful of rebels. And Bruce needed a roommate, one he knew.
Their room was Thor’s favorite on the ship. A captain’s room, with all possible technological advances, high, gold and purple painted walls, a Sakaar king sized bed covered with silk sheets, and a bay window that stretched from ceiling to floor.
He could see the entirety of Asgard through that window as they floated away from it. Nothing more than a burning orb of lost legacies and confused, muddled memories. His father, Hela, his mother, his mother’s passing, the brutality, the bloodshed. He had to force his eye closed, but he forced it back open right after. Thor had to say goodbye to this, his first, and only ever true home. It’s why he had retreated so quick from the hull, for this glimpse, a moment of reverent, mournful silence. He let his head slump against the glass panel, but it rose again as a tremble passed through the floor.
“Thor sad?” a thundering voice asked. Thor turned, seeing Hulk, who was battle scarred and jagged edged. Thor shook his head and made a smile stretch across his face.
“No, friend, of course not. We have been victorious.”
“No,” Hulk said as he lumbered to the window. He shoved a finger against it, pointing to the flaming mass of desecration Thor couldn’t look away from, “that make Thor sad. Home gone.”
The word ‘gone’ hit Thor in the chest and he took in a breath and held it not to let a tear fall. He smelled the fields that housed his childhood and watched his first battleground smoulder away.
“I-I’m fine, Hulk.” Thor composed himself, shifting shoulders up and widening out his chest. He went to turn around, fabricating an excuse for urgent kingly manners, but Hulk grabbed him before he could.
Thor readied for a fight, his left hand tingling with excess spark, but, wait, no, this was an embrace. This was two green and rough arms around his back and his face pressed into a massive chest. This was the goliath in front of him sighing as he patted a palm cross Thor’s armored rib cage. Thor had to take pause.
“Hulk, uh-”
“Shh, Hulk help his sad, tiny friend.”
“Tiny? You do not-” But his words were muffled by the crushing weight of Hulk’s arm bringing him in. He tightened up but then relaxed into the firmness of it, shoulders slinking down and neck giving in to the heaviness of his head. Hulk leaned himself back against the window, Thor going with him, and they studied the twinkling vastness of space. Asgard was becoming little more than a blip in it. Thor took a hefty inhale and blinked away the little bit of mist that was sneaking in at the corners of his vision. The words home gone lit up in his mind once more and his chest felt like it was being pulled taut against his lungs. Home Gone , gone forever. Thor sucked in his lips, nudging forward against Hulk’s arm. Hulk loosened his grip and Thor slipped out.
“Thank you,” Thor said, nodding to himself. He gave a look to Hulk in some sort of attempt to read the status of this interaction, but once he brought his eyes over to the big guy, he was scanning Thor’s body like he was his next meal. Thor took another step into the room, away from Hulk, because while he was mostly sure Hulk had never eaten anyone, he would not like to be the first.
“Hulk help?”
“Yeah, buddy,” Thor paused, looking behind his shoulder for a moment. The look was still there, “you did.”
“Thor is pretty god.”
Thor’s eyes went wide for a moment and a chuckle burst out of him from low in his stomach. His hand shot up to brush back his sweaty hair and then down to his chin, scratching through the gruff pricks of stubble. He fought between a smile (he was proud that even after a long battle and on the brink of the tears, he could still, well, get it) and horror.
“Hey, uh,” Thor turned, and the laugh burst out again, though this time meeting a yelp. Hulk. Naked. Hulk was naked, and, okay, yeah, that was his penis, “Woah, now, let’s-”
“Hulk and Thor have sex. Hulk help Thor.” Hulk took a lumbering step to Thor, too close. Close enough that Thor could feel the huffs of air out of his nostrils and see the sweat clinging in the curls of his chest hair. And close enough to let his palm fall on Thor’s back. Thor jittered back, but the hand didn’t move
“Woah, okay, I-sun’s getting real low, sun’s going, ah!” Thor screeched as Hulk hoisted him up, dirty fingers tight on around his waist. Thor’s hands pushed out to shove against the wide barrelled chest at his eye line, but, disobeying any understanding Thor had of himself, his own member began to twitch in his pants. He stilled to a complete freeze, and Hulk lowered him down.
Thor could not, looking back on it, ever explain the events that transpired that night. His head was cloudy to begin with, before being confronted directly by a giant, green schlong. Grief, anger, aching bones and blood-clotted cuts, overwhelmingly thick fatigue. He had a fried brain, one in need of touch and numbing, somehow simultaneously. But, even with that, Thor honestly lacked an explanation for himself.
The movements slipped into each other as Thor conducted them in his amped rush. Bounding down the room, then to metal door to slam a button and close it-them-up away from view, and then, falling over his feet on his way over to Hulk as armor and pants and chain mail and arm straps tumbled off.
Hulk hefted Thor up as they made contact and Thor’s legs strapped around the girth of Hulk’s waist firm enough to hold himself up.
Hulk was kissing him, which, Thor admitted, was tripping him up a bit. He hadn’t expected them to kiss, as going into the experience, their course to the bed felt too animalistic to be anywhere near romantic. But this kiss was passion and careful shifts against Thor’s face. Thor, for once in his entire history, felt like he was the one who was being guided, like he was in the back seat and giving the fate of his lips over to the control of a trusted friend.
Hulk took them over to the bed and lowered Thor onto it with soft hands, calloused palms pressing across a naked, bruised chest. Thor winced as Hulk pulled a knee up onto the bed, sure that the frame would break, but nothing fell apart. He should have known, with this being the Grandmaster’s ship, especially in the captain’s room, that this bed could handle whatever they were going to throw at it.
“Wait,” Thor said, pushing up on his elbows. Hulk slumped back, knee pulling with him. Thor wasn’t sure why he had paused them, other than the fact that his hard, pulsing cock was just pushed against Hulk’s leg and that was the craziest situation of events he could have ever thought up, “I, uh, who is . . .? Who will be, eh, conquering who?”
Thor’s forehead scrunched as he finished speaking, mincing words poorly, but Hulk just laughed, or his approximation of a laugh which was more like bellowing the word ‘ha’ repeatedly.
“Hulk conquer Thor.”
Thor nodded, then nodded again, then, wait, he needed to prepare for this. He hopped up, getting a grunt from Hulk, and searched the drawers. There had to be something, alien or otherwise, they could use to help. Thor couldn’t do that , not without something. Finally, on the third one he flung open, he found a tub of unmarked gel that he tossed at a waiting Hulk.
“Use that, uh-please?” Thor felt ridiculous begging. He was out of his mind, dick twitching every time he thought about that massive body in front of him. Just from a few kisses and heavy hands grazed across his nipples and a touch or two on his cock, he was jittering to get Hulk on him, in him, anything.
Hulk smirked and his cracked lips parted to reveal jagged teeth. His hands came down to frame Thor’s head and his knees tightened around the edges of Thor’s hips.
“Pretty, pretty god,” Hulk repeated. Thor grinned as he breathed in the air that was Hulk, twitching up his ass as some sort of offering. Hulk took it, flipping Thor onto his stomach. Thor groaned into the oddly shimmery fabric of the sheets.
A sound came out of him when Hulk’s weight landed on top of him that he hadn’t heard himself make in a long time, a squeal that was nearly disconnected from his own being. He felt in that moment equally stronger than ever before for taking on this task, for being a god because this was a god’s act, to take on the greatness of this task, yet also somehow the smallest he had ever been.
Rough hands smeared with that gel pushed at his ass open and Thor shivered as the very edge of something tingled at his entrance.
Then it was going in. And then, fuck, faen , Hulk was in him. Thor’s eyes slammed shut, and he might just have transcended reality.
Thor woke the next morning aching in all parts of himself, sex and battle becoming synonymous in their effects on him. He pulled the sheets up under his chin and groaned a bit too loud, the body next him to mumbling some lost words into a pillow and shifting over.
It was not Hulk anymore who lay next to Thor. It was Bruce, curled in on himself and making angry faces in his dreams, with his gray twists of hair and very naked body. Seeing him in this form made Thor’s heartbeat ramp up and he started to pull himself off the bed because, unlike last night, the bed felt like it had become very much Bruce’s space, not his. He probably shouldn’t be there when Bruce woke up.
Thor left the bed, left Bruce tucked up under the covers and the lights off, and found a shower in the bathroom connected to the room.
He hadn’t showered after yesterday, after lighting himself aflame with electricity and raging through a siege of undead. He stunk, badly, from sex and war and strife and loss and, well, everything that happened to make him feel pummeled and smell like the inside of someone’s boot.
Under the water of the shower-which Thor didn’t trust because the stream was glowing purple and blue and the floor was this weird translucent glass that he felt he was going to fall through-lines of brown and red sludge dripped off him. Watching the muck get sucked down the drain, Thor mourned again. The dirt was Asgard once, its soil and crops and growth, and even his blood and Hela’s belonged to that ancient place. His hand touched over the edge of the gaping wound where his eye used to be. It stung and he wrenched his hand down.
When he toweled off, Thor was grateful to be clean. It made the weariness in his bones lessen the smallest bit and he supposed he looked more ‘kingly’ now, with a fresh face and combed hair. He put his eye patch back on and walked back into the bedroom with the towel wrapped at his waist.
“Thor?” a gentle voice asked. Bruce was sat up against pillows with his hands gripping the sheet tight around his waist, “Where are we?”
“The Statesman. We’ve been on board since we left Asgard yesterday.” Thor put on his smile carefully, as if too much of a smirk or too wide a glint of teeth could cause Bruce to crumble into pieces. Bruce always looked ridiculously fragile after he came back to himself.
Bruce nodded and his gaze drifted to the window and the endless stretch of stars and systems that lay beyond. Thor thought he might have caught a slight smile. He grinned earnestly. Space, especially for a newcomer, is a wonder.
“Asgard, yeah. What happened? Did we win? I assume we did, because we’re here, but . . .” Bruce asked, turning back to Thor as the skin around his eyes crinkled into worry. Thor’s smile fell.
“Asgard is gone. So is Hela. But, luckily, my people are safe.”
“Oh, Thor, man, I’m sorry,” Bruce’s shoulders slumped and his head tilted down. Pity, Thor thought. He looked away, “You wanna talk about it? I’ve heard I’m a good listener.”
Thor shook his head, shook off wherever his mind was going to with the trigger of yesterday.
“No matter. Breakfast? There was talk of possibly opening a meal hall in one of the ships kitchen’s.”
Bruce shifted against the bed, lips scrunching up.
“Uh, well, I-I’m naked right now, so maybe we can find some clothes first? Big guy tends not to leave me any.”
Thor felt small twitch of memory of last night in his cock. He bounced on his heels and twisted the towel around his waist and his arousal faded. Still, it was enough to know his body wanted more. He chuckled it off.
“Yes, of course, let’s get you clothed, Banner,” Thor pushed, formality a cover. Bruce noticed.
“Bruce, please, Thor,” he corrected, and Thor gave him a sheepish grin.
Thor couldn’t find much in the way of anything resembling Midgardian clothing in his search. There was no reason for it on a Sakaarian ship, but creeping guilt still dripped down into his stomach at the way Bruce’s mouth fell when he saw the leather turtleneck and billowing burgundy pants Thor offered him. Begrudgingly, Bruce put them on in the bathroom.
“I had fun last night,” Thor said as he watched Bruce examine the outfit in a mirror. Thor was surprised Bruce hadn’t mentioned it last night yet, or even seemed like he was trying to dance around the issue. For Banner, this was unsettling levels of cavalier. Bruce’s brow squeezed up and he caught Thor’s eye in the reflection.
“Uh, had fun killing your sister?”
“No,” Thor’s heart was rocketing again and he might have actually been embarrassed, “no, I. Fun with, well, you and I.”
Bruce sighed and Thor began to feel like he was about to reprimanded for his illogical behavior. But Bruce just pursed his lips.
“You know I don’t remember whatever Hulk does, right? He didn’t, like, beat you up, did he? Sorry,” Bruce explained.
“No. Hulk can’t beat me up. I’m good,” Thor said, too quick, maybe disappointed, maybe relieved. Bruce laughed and smiled down at his palms.
“Okay,” Bruce said, shaking his head, “What did you two do?”
Thor went red.
“Oh.” Bruce’s eyebrows lifted up and Thor stared at his feet as small, light brown eyes scanned him.
“Yes,” Thor said, with his convincing tone, or his best attempt, “Hulk actually loves the stars. You didn’t know that?”
“So do I,” Bruce added, then taking in a big breath, he stepped to the window. They were passing a mostly empty galaxy, and outside was quiet, “I guess he and I finally agree. Wouldn’t have guessed stars, but okay.”
“He loves them. Just couldn’t get enough,” Thor interjected, pointlessly, words babbling out of his bubbly pit.
Bruce gave him a soft smile, and that was nice, though, and they left for breakfast.
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cheesebongdynasty · 5 years
Food for Fanfic/Fanart
Orphans/Partial Orphans:
Thor: Watched each family member and best friend die in front of him, one by one. 
Is kind of reckless with rage, but mostly holds it together surprisingly well. Tony Stark: Loses parents in college, spends decades thinking it was a car crash (and likely blaming dad for it), then watches footage of their murder with the apparent killer right next to him, and in the same instance, learns the comrade also next to him admit with no visible remorse that he knew. 
20 minute violent meltdown, then makes no further attempt to go after Bucky.
Next time we see him, Tony is helping Rhodey with his legs. Afterward, Tony puts all effort into mentoring and protecting Peter Parker and defending the Earth from Thanos. Improved personality implies that the Siberia incident also inspired him to seek sought long overdue mental help. 
Wanda and Pietro Maximoff: As children, saw parents killed by missiles with Stark’s name on them, spent days looking at one “Stark” nuke waiting for it to kill them. “Recruited” by Hydra shortly after. 
Committed a number of atrocities while working for Hydra... but they were “recruited” as traumatized kids, switched sides relativity quickly in “Ultron,” Pietro gave his life to save Clint and a kid, and Wanda expressed visible guilt over her past. She also had no ill words for Tony after “Ultron” save “You locked me in my room!”, which she was fine with until Hawkeye convinced her not to be
Also, she joined the Avengers despite Tony being a constant reminder of her parents’ deaths, and as mentioned above, she’s stopped giving him shit for that. 
Steve Rogers: Dad died before he was born, mom died when he was a teenager/young man, apparently no next of kin able or willing to take him in, just Bucky.
Took questionable measures trying to follow in war-hero parents’ footsteps, at an age when young men are most vulnerable to testosterone-fulled stupidity, nad in a time period with some limited ideas about masculinity, and with his medical conditions and always getting bullied for them. 
Bucky Barnes: Unless one of his parents has lived to be VERY very old 
Everything bad he did was under mind control, so.....if you wanna blame Buck for that then go fuck yourself. With a cactus. 
Black Panther: Saw dad killed by bomb
"I didn’t kill your father!” “Then why did you run?” Tried to murder Bucky based on shaky evidence, for at least one full day, not listening to Buck the one time he said he was innocent, it’s not like anyone was making much of an effort to convey Bucky’s innocence to BP. In any case, T’Challa learns the truth, stops letting revenge consume him, defeats Zemo, and saves the shit out of our Buck-muffin. 
Princess Shuri: Dad murdered. 
Does nothing bad.
Erik Killmonger: Found dad’s murdered body. Abandoned by Wakandan relatives. Mom somehow out of the picture. Grew up seeking revenge, and the power to “save” his culture, as he saw it. Willing to murder own relatives and countless innocent children to do so. We feel for him but let’s face it, he’s a bad guy. As Okoye said, “Your heart is so filled with hate, it is not worthy to sit on that throne!” Peter Parker: And Uncle Ben, but we’ll get to that later. 
Peter Quill: Mom dying of cancer in the hospital, while he was a child, was his last experience on Earth. Years later, dad admits directly to Peter that he put the tumor in her head, with no genuine guilt. Also, there’s a graveyard of mountains of the skeletons of Peter’s half-siblings killed by his dad as well (though this oddly isn’t brought up much) Kills his evil dad, with a bit of poetic justice (puts a “tumor” of sorts in Ego’s “head”)
Gamora and Nebula: Parents murdered by Thanos; raised and brainwashed by parents murderer.
Worked for the most evil man in the universe, after growing up brainwashed by him, and both still managed to see the error in this and turn against him
The rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Very likely, but can’t say for sure 
Did a ton of questionable stuff, because they’re a ragtag bunch of antiheroes with shitty pasts. 
Hope Van Dyne: Mom “died” when she was a kid, relationship with dad crumbled as a result 
Ava Starr/”Ghost:” Saw parents killed in lab accident
Gradually turned evil after Shield (or Hydra?) manipulated her to be their assassin, and living in constant physical pain all her life. 
Loki: Orphaned as a blue baby, didn’t learn the truth for hundreds of years. Then saw adopted mother die.
Did a ton of evil stuff, killed Phil, but...... he’s such a ham, does anyone take him as a serious villain anymore? He’s basically Plankton from “Spongebob,” just looks better in chains. Love or hate him as you see fit, I don’t really care. 
Other Dead Relatives/Surrogate Relatives:
Saw adopted brother die, more than once; had to kill his own sister 
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes:
Unless all of their relatives are very, very old. 
Steve Rogers:
Saw BFF/surrogate brother Bucky “die,” twice, right in front of him
Wanda Maximoff:
Saw brother die, and works with the man who her brother died to save, a regular reminder of Pietro’s death
Peter Parker: Uncle Ben
Tony Stark:
Surrogate son dusted in his arms, while begging not to go and then saying “I’m sorry,” leaving Tony coated in his remains
Black Panther:
Forced to kill own cousin
Brother was forced to kill their cousin 
Dr. Strange: 
Dead little sister he couldn’t save 
Peter Quill:
Mountains of skeletons of his half-siblings killed by his dad; also, saw adoptive father die in his arms, giving his life to save his  
Adopted sister murdered by evil “dad” (who also probably killed her parents and possibly siblings) 
Loses entire surrogate family, the one he’s closest to right in front of him, as a kid 
Dead Lovers:
Peter Quill: Was willing to keep his promise and kill Gamora--his last living loved one after losing literally his whole family--to save the universe. Fails. Thinks he can rescue Gamora after all. Learns of her murder with the murderer inches away from him.
Loses it for, at most, one minute. Then gets right back into the fray. Only real question is why the others didn’t anticipate this, and restrain him with their super-strength/magic 
Wanda Maximoff: Was willing to kill Vision, her last living loved one after losing her whole family--to save the universe. Thanos steals this sacrifice, and murders Vision right in front of her. 
Gets dusted right after 
Steve Rogers: Saw his first love dying of old age, and had to bury her 
Hank Pym: Or so he thought for enough decades, it may as well count 
Valkyrie: Saw comrade and lover killed in battle (behind scenes info confirms this was her lover) 
Lost hope in her duties as a Valkyrie, helped the Grandmaster capture and kill innocents... but then turned against him and helped Thor save the world from Hela
Carol Danvers: Probably, according to her backstory
Deaths They Thought They Were Witnessing:
Steve Rogers:
Saw Bucky fall to his “death,” thought he was dead for years
Tony Stark:
Saw Pepper “die” after failing to catch her (and seeing her tortured) 
Peter Quill: Fired to kill Gamora, only for the blast to become bubbles  Everyone in “Black Panther:” Thought they saw T’Challa killed by Killmonger
Hank Pym: Thought he saw wife die before him, spent decades thinking she was dead and losing relationship with his daughter for it  
All Survivors of the Snappening:
Physical Torture:
Tony Stark: Water-boarded in a cave, after heart surgery with no anesthesia  Pepper Potts: Roasted alive  Bucky Barnes: Hydra guinea pig for 70 years  Gamora: Part of her indoctrination as a child Nebula: Pulled apart by Thanos to get info from Gamora Dr. Strange: Squidward’s pin cushion  Rocket Raccoon: “Taken apart and put back together” 
Ava Starr: Childhood accident left her in nonstop pain all growing up 
Thor: Electrocuted while restarting that artificial planet to get Stormbreaker 
Physically-Modified Without Consent:
Rocket Raccoon:
See above
  Bucky Barnes:
Winter Soldier transformation
  Tony Stark:
Car-battery in chest 
Gamora and Nebula:
Part of being “adopted” by Thanos
Bruce Banner: Lab accident
Ava Starr: Dad’s lab accident 
Guilt Complexes:
Tony Stark:
Shut down weapons company and became Iron Man after seeing how his weapons were being misused, confessed guilt at public press conference while seated down under the podium; worst fear is teammates and world dead because he couldn’t save them; built Ultron to prevent this from happening; donated huge sums of money to college kids and signed Accords over Ultron guilt; “...and if you died, I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience.” 
Guilt about trying to kill Bucky not directly addressed, but as he’s made no further attempt to go after Bucky, it’s highly likely that Tony has learned more about Bucky’s situation and, having seen Hawkeye mind-controlled and having personal experience with mental illness, probably doesn’t feel great about Siberia. 
Wanda Maximoff:
 “This is all because of me!” at destruction caused by Ultron: visibly horrified by her misfire in CW; says “I’ve caused enough trouble” when Hawkeye is first trying to recruit her; tells Vision he should keep his word to Tony Stark in IW; and is visibly upset at news of Tony going missing on the spaceship (bear in mind, she has seen Tony’s worst fear, and heightened it) 
Bucky Barnes:
 “But it was still me.” “I remember them all.” 
Steve Rogers:
Blames self for Bucky’s first “death” in CA:TFA. Questionable “apology” letter to Tony at least includes phone, and promise to be there for anything, risking capture. Steve probably does feel bad, even if he’s not that great at expressing it with words. 
Bruce Banner:
Need I say more? 
Survivor’s guilt is pretty obvious. Also, guilt and humility were requirements for being able to lift the Hammer in his first movie. 
Natasha Romanoff: 
“You think you’re the only monster here?” 
Dr. Strange: Failed to save little sister, and then the Ancient One 
Scott Lang: Feels like a failure to his daughter, more so after “Civil War,” clearly has at least mixed feelings if not outright regret about his role in CW
Hank Pym: Blames self for wife’s “death” 
Ava Starr: ....maybe? We’ll have to wait and see.
Everyone else:
Survivor’s guilt to some degree is clear every time a comrade, mentor or civilian dies. 
I’ll probably update this as I think of more. 
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drfxster · 6 years
Fosterson Week, Day 2: Canon Divergence
Jane thought punching Loki the first time felt good. Getting to punch him four times before Topaz pulled her off him felt even better. “You should have stayed dead!” she shouted, trying to wriggle free. Loki just stared at her in disbelief.
“Janey, Janey, Janey,” the Grandmaster laughed as he watched the spectacle. “What about my new guest has got you so, uh, worked up?”
“Remember the boyfriend’s brother I mentioned?” she asked, finally breaking out of Topaz’s grip.
“This is the invade-y one that died?" The Grandmaster’s eyes moved up and down Loki.
“We thought he died,” Jane muttered.
“Well, that’s a story I have to hear.”
“I hope you’ll excuse me, then, sir. I still have a lot of work to do.” Jane shot Loki another glare before looking at the Grandmaster again.
“Alright, Janey, just give be sure to me an update on your gizmos and doodads tomorrow,” he said breezily. Jane clenched her teeth in a smile and resisted the urge to punch him too.
Living in a high-tech alien civilization where she got to work with their tech had been a lot cooler in her head. Asgard had been closer, and that had included an evil alien parasite using her as a host and sapping her energy, Odin insulting her and demeaning her, invasion by evil elves who killed Frigga, getting put under house arrest, and a really exhausting escape. 
Here on Sakaar, she had basically become the Grandmaster’s pet for a year and a half, and she was pretty sure he kept sending his minions to mess with her stuff when she went to sleep or left her lab, just to keep her around.
And now Loki was around. Joy.
After that little run-in, the mandatory parties became even more intolerable, one giant game of keep-away-from-Loki-and-the-Grandmaster. If she’d had any kind of political savvy, she’d have tried to get Loki an appointment with the pardoning stick, but she knew how to pick her battles, and the god of mischief was the last person to have a political vendetta with.
So she kept her head down. Pilfered what she could to keep building her portal back home. She would finish it eventually, the Grandmaster was only delaying the inevitable.
Then came the day when there was actually a reason to be at the party. She was hiding in the corner, making a few adjustments to the quantum screwdriver she’d cobbled together when she smelled electrical discharge and heard a very familiar, deep voice. Thor, shouting Loki’s name.
“Hey!” She crammed the screwdriver back into her pocket as she tried to charge after the guards wheeling him away, only for her skirt to get pinned down by someone’s foot. Whirling around, she saw the Grandmaster smiling at her, looking higher than usual.
“What’s the hurry, Janey?”
“Please tell me you are not sending my boyfriend into the arena,” she implored.
“Ohhh, right, Lord of Thunder would be your boyfriend, wouldn’t he?” The Grandmaster chuckled. “Maybe we should play that up in the promotions beforehand. You’re coming to the match, no arguments.”
“Are you kidding me? No, I’m not going to be part...how the hell did this even happen?”
“142 found him. Said he’s a contender.”
“142 is a nihilistic alcoholic mess who doesn’t care about anyone but herself!” Jane fumed. “Call it off. He’s not a slave.”
“I am not calling them prisoners with jobs!”
“Shh, shh, save some of that spitfire for the main event.”
Oh, she really wanted to punch him.
Thor opened his eyes to find Jane sitting over him. “I don’t suppose this is Valhalla,” he croaked.
“Not exactly.” She bent down and kissed him very softly before dabbing at one of the cuts on his arms. “I’m so sorry this all happened to you.”
“How are you here?” He tried to sit up, but she placed a hand on his chest.
“Stay down, I’m still working. And to answer your question, Imploded wormhole generator in my lab. I don’t know how long it’s been on Earth, but it’s been a year and a half here,” she admitted.
“Oh, Jane.” He stopped as he realized there was someone else in the room, breathing heavily. Despite Jane’s best efforts, he sat up, making out the form of the Hulk sitting in what looked like a hot tub. For a moment, the two of them stared at each other. “Are we good?” Thor prompted, receiving only a huff in reply.
“Look, I need to get back to my lab before it gets trashed too much,” Jane interjected. “The Grandmaster keeps trying to curb my progress. But I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can. But first,” she paused to produce an odd looking wand-like instrument from the pocket of her dress. “Let’s see if I can’t get this off.” She held it up to the disk on his neck and Thor winced as it sparked against his skin. “I’m sorry, hold on, almost...got it.” She pulled the disk off. “Hang on to this, you might need it.”
“Clever as always, Jane Foster.” He smiled, and she kissed him again, a little more aggressively this time. “You swear to return?”
“I give you my word.” She deepened her voice to intimidate him, and he managed to laugh.
“Puny science girl,” Hulk muttered.
“Banner likes Jane,” retorted Thor. “And we need to talk.”
Jane was in the middle of working on the spectrometer when the guards came and dragged her into the throne room where the Grandmaster was dismissing Scrapper 142 and Loki.
“Janey, I’m really sorry to do this, but your boyfriend’s gonna have to die. It’s sad, you two must’ve been cute, but this is business.”
Then it clicked, just as the guards released their grips on her arms. “You’re about to try and make me into a hostage, aren’t you?”
The Grandmaster chuckled. “Sorry, but it’s poetic, you know? ”
“Please, don’t.”
“Right, looks like I have to do this.” She pulled out her screwdriver and hit the detonator switch she’d hidden on the end, throwing it on the ground before she started running. “Bye!” The blast went off just as the mooks started chasing her, giving her the chance to swerve in the same direction she’d seen Loki and 142 go. And 142 had Loki knocked out flat on his back. “I wanna know how you did that.”
“You’re with the blond idiot?”
“Yeah, him.”
“We’re a thing, yeah.”
“Then come on.”
Thor immediately flung the nearest bottle at Loki’s head, just to make sure he was real, then noticed Jane scribbling on the walls. “Hjarta, what are you doing?”
“Well, thing is, all my research is back in my lab at the Grandmaster’s palace, so I can’t go back and get it, which means we don’t have my wormhole generator to get out of here. Which means we’re gonna need to go through one of the wormholes, and our best shot is probably the big one, which is also dealing with a a collapsing neutron star—”
“I tried to tell her that we should find a clean one, but apparently, she’s insisting on the Devil’s Anus,” Valkyrie complained.
“Hey, after what you told me about Hela, we’re on a time crunch, right, Brynnhilde?” Jane shot back. “So, anyway, I’m trying to get the coordinates down right, because we’re only going to have one shot.”
“And we’re going to need a ship,” Valkyrie interjected. “Mine would get torn to pieces in that thing.
“The Grandmaster has a great many ships. And I may have the access codes,” Loki spoke up, only to get another bottle launched in his direction by Valkyrie.
“He’s not serious, is he?” Banner asked. “We’re not actually going to trust him?”
“He’s Loki,” Thor said with a groan. “We can trust him to what’s in his best interests, which currently align with ours.”
“Thor,” Jane said warningly. “Remember what happened last time.” Thor turns his palm to her briefly, showing the obedience disc she pulled off him.
“We will work with what we have. But first, we need to start a revolution.”
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avengerdragoness · 6 years
Loved [Loki x Reader]
Requested by @batfamily14: “Can u do a image of reader x loki, where she teams up with him and thor, and is a total bada** with amazing powers and skill. But at first they don't get along until the reader gets hurt in battle and then je opens up more to her about his feelings.”
A/n: Hope you guys enjoy this! It’s my first time writing Loki and this took a few tries. Let me know your thoughts!
Everything Taglist: @starlitthoughts @myothermuse @queen-of-all-the-fandoms @linaofthemyscira @impulsivesuperrobin @friendlylilshipper @jackyfrost01 @ohhthatsjxsontodd @an-all-write-life Marvel Taglist: @poison-for-breakfast @robincoalition @supcarl @impossiblyteenagestudent96400 *Strike-through means it wouldn’t let me tag you* (Wanna be tagged?)​ ______
It stung, ached, burned - the feeling of Hela’s sword driving through your stomach was excruciating. You couldn’t speak. The magic around your hands faded as you stared up into her eyes. They were cold and merciless, but held a sort of pleasure to see you fall before her.
You were trained by the Sorcerer Supreme yourself. Stronger than many of the sorcerers on Earth, that’s why you went with the Asgardians after Strange informed you that they were on Earth.
Little did you know your fate.
The sword twisted in your abdomen before it was yanked out. Falling to your knees, you heard someone shout out your name before falling onto the ground completely. Your hands pressed against the wound and you stared at the sky, seeing a dagger fly over you before the person who yelled for you appeared in your vision. You barely registered who it was before you blacked out.
When Loki saw the sword plunge into you, he couldn’t hold back the yell that tore from his throat. He didn’t know why, but seeing that made his stomach lurch. It hurt like he had taken that sword himself.
Why did he care that you got hurt? You’d been at odds since they showed up on Earth. It was obvious you hated him, and that he hated you.
Wait. Did he hate you?
The question wasn’t answered in his head, but in his actions. He threw his dagger, striking Hela, before rushing to put pressure on your wound. Quickly he picked you up and raced you into the ship where the citizens of Asgard to you under their watch for the moment so he could continue the fight.
If only you were conscious to see how much he cared. How the rest of the battle he inwardly fought for you.
The moment that the ship had escaped Asgard, your care was the first thing taken care of. The medics of the now destroyed realm swept you away to what acted as an infirmary on the ship. It had medical supplies but there was a lingering feeling of grief among the people on the ship, it was unlikely that you would survive.
So, it was shocking to hear that you were stable. That you would survive.
It was almost as shocking as Loki being by your side during every moment he could. He felt he had too, after it was his sister that brought this fate upon you.
He sat in a chair beside your bed. You had yet to wake up and nobody was sure when you would.
“I don’t know what to say” He ran a hand through his hair. “What does one say? I caused all of this, I’ve always been selfish. Jealous. Now you’re hurt because of my faults.” He spoke as though you were awake. That you’d know what he was saying.
“Why have I acted with so much hostility toward you when in all things true, I envy your strength. I respect your leadership and witt.” Again, as if you were awake.
He sighed and gently reached to take your hand. “I confess these things and yet you have no hope of remembering it. I might as well be talking to a wall.”
Though, the thing is, you heard every word.
A small smirk pulled at your lips. “I would think I’m far better company than a wall.” Your eyes slowly opened to look at him and his eyes widened. “You’ve been awake?”
Chuckling you nodded, “Since you first came in. I thought I was still dreaming, then I felt your hand and realized I wasn’t.” You gently squeezed his hand. “Is it true what you’ve said? All of it?”
Loki nodded hesitantly, “I apologize for my previous actions against you and your people.”
You cocked an eyebrow and sat up a bit. Wincing at the healing injury in your abdomen. “You of all people are apologizing? What pig grew wings?”
You shook your head. “Never mind.”
He nodded before moving to sit closer to you. He wrung his hands before continuing to speak. “I have learned in this experience with you and my brother. I see a better future for myself, but I am unsure how to go about making amends. I feel I should start here, with someone I care for.” You tensed a bit, ‘he cares for me?’ You thought.
“I feel as though I have a connection to you. I think I have some deeper feelings for you [F/n]. I wish to ask you for another chance to start a new.” He engulfed your one hand in both of his.
You shook your head. “Well I refuse.” His expression dropped, “What?”
You allowed a small smile, “I refuse because I wish not to forget what has just transpired. It’s easy to say that you saved my life Loki. I wish not to forget that, but instead treasure the memory. So, I don’t want to start over. However I will give you another chance.”
He smiled and nodded. “Thank you [F/n]. I will be sure to make you feel how you’re making me feel in this moment.”
“And how is that?”
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dajoezenone · 6 years
Seriously this is gonna have spoilers go away if you dont wanna see. 
I liked it. Kinda want to see it again and may change my mind on stuff at a later date but I want to get these thoughts out while they’re in my mind. 
1. STORY STRUCTURE:  The structure of this film is weird? But not really. It makes sense once you realize Thanos is the main character. Act One we’re being introduced to all the different heroes, which is done masterfully and paced really well so we never feel overwhelmed despite the sheer size of the cast. Act Two starts once Gamora tells Star Lord he may have to kill her, and then Thanos is re-introduced. I’ll come back to this later but I dislike that there’s a good couple scenes where its just GotG characters interacting with each other with no Avengers around. Like this is an Avengers movie. Couldn’t SOME Avengers character have been around for this Like this is a crossover why are these characters still with just their regular crew? Anyways from then on Thanos’s POV takes center stage. Once Gamora is dead Thanos, like Thor, has nothing he really cares about left to lose. He’s at his lowest, despite also being 2 stones away from infinite power. Act Three begins with him this way, recalling to Doctor Strange his origin, and reasserting his resolve to go through with this. He beats both of the split forces of the Avengers, one on Titan, and the other in Wakanda, and despite nearly being beaten three different times, he manages to snap his fingers. We see the results of the world he’s created, while he sits back and watches the sunset. 
I like that they decided to let Thanos win and kill half the universe. I know it’ll traumatize a lot of kids watching the movie, but like, these things are rated PG 13. There have been sex references and character deaths and such in these for a long long time. Its the big bad final battle for the Avengers and they needed a cliff to hang on and so they hung people. I dont believe the people turned to ash will stay dead, but I didn’t expect a happy ending either. PLUS this gives us time to really focus on the characters that need more room to finish their arcs in the real finale. 
I like the way the movie is structured. It doesn’t feel overcrowded and it makes a lot of sense when you realize its Thanos’s movie not any of the heroes’. And it helps make Thanos the most developed bad guy in any MCU film. SPEAKING OF WHICH. 
2. CHARACTERS: (the long one)
-THANOS: The best bad guy in any MCU film. Not my FAVORITE bad guy in an MCU film though. Loki still holds that title, and if we’re counting the Netflix shows, Fisk and Kilgrave are still PRETTY dope. Thanos is WONDERFUL. But I neither love him or love to hate him. I appreciate what was done with him though. He earns his place as the biggest threat in this universe, despite a lack of real competition. You feel his struggle, even though you really want him to fail. Its really well done. Cant help but wonder why no mention of his love for Lady Death though? I at least expected Hela to show up and be like “SURPRISE IM LADY DEATH” or something idk. We never saw her die in Ragnarok. Is that really not something they’re gonna at least do something off of? 
-THOR: despite spending MOST of the movie on what is basically a side quest, he’s the hero who gets the most development. I figured that the way Ragnarok was handled was done specifically to set this up and I got what I expected to fall out from that and then some. I love his arc in this. I love his conversations with Rocket and I love how powerful he is now. He’s just really well handled and I love how he’s developed as a character. Also, side note, I like that each Avengers movie changes which of its members gets the most development. Cap was the one who was still finding his place and going through an arc in the first one, Tony is dealing with paranoia and being the one to create Ultron in AoU, and Thor is still dealing with the death of his people here. 
-TONY: I have less to say here. I hate nanite tech being used in pretty much anything. idk why it just bothers me. It always feels dumb. but it was fine here actually. I love his conflict with Strange and Peter and the other Peter. I love that he has to deal with watching everyone else die. The whole movie plays on your expectation that Tony is going to die in the end and then COMPLETELY subverts that and I love it. 
-DOCTOR STRANGE: Great. Comes off a little more of a jerk than he does in his own film but we also mainly see him through the eyes of Tony, so I think thats why. I love his magic and how smart and calculated he is in combat compared to the other characters. The Russos are VERY aware and very good at showing the characters’ character traits via how they fight which is good considering how much action there is in this movie. 
-SPIDER-MAN: I swear he’s more competent here than in his own movie. Also we see SPIDEY SENSE GO OFF which we NEVER SEE HAPPEN IN HIS OWN MOVIE. He still doesn’t REALLY feel like Peter Parker though which is weird bc he almost did by the end of Homecoming and now here he just kinda reverted back out of that.
-GAMORA: Really great. Somewhere in between Guardians 1 and now she stopped being every single one of Zoe Saldana’s characters in anything ever to being a pretty fleshed out character. Though its kinda weird that Thanos’s other children in this movie are so much more loyal to him than her and Nebula are? Like whats up with them? Why is Gamora the favorite when she openly hates him? 
-STAR-LORD: Great. Not much else to say. 
-ROCKET AND GROOT: ALSO great. They’re especially great as sidekicks to Thor. They have some great exchanges, even if their screentime was primarily spent on a side quest. I nearly squealed when Groot used his arm to create the Stormbreaker Axe. I’m annoyed Groot died again at the end. WE’VE SEEN ROCKET MOURN GROOT’S DEATH BEFORE THIS ISN’T INTERESTING OR NEW.
-DRAX AND MANTIS: pretty good. I like them both. If anything there’s probably too much of them. I love them so I cant complain too much but like idk I feel like we saw more of these Guardians side characters than some of the Avengers main characters in an Avengers movie. 
-WANDA AND VISION: Wanda has always been one of my fav characters in the MCU and that doesn’t change here. Her romance with Vis is great. Honestly I love her whole arc and I love how its foreshadowed by Gamora telling Quill to kill her earlier in the film. Wanda having to lose the closest person to her AGAIN is emotional and sad and everything and idk Elizabeth and Paul give great performances and both do a great job playing some good characters. Vis is basically a damsel in distress the whole film, which seems disingenuous because he’s like the most powerful avenger prior to Thor’s buff over these last couple movies. But I guess it makes sense in context. They’re not GREAT but like I said I like them so I’m biased. 
-CAP, FALCON, AND NAT: Kinda useless tbh. They dont do much. They dont even have many lines. Like they fight in the Wakanda battle. Thats it. They’re tired and grumpy because they’ve been on the run for TWO YEARS. Something we dont see at all. Not that thats what I want to see, but... they’re basically just there to shuttle Wanda and Vision to Wakanda and then fight a bit. 
-T’CHALLA, OKOYE, SHURI, AND M’BAKU: Even quieter and less notable than the Cap crew. Which really cheapens how much of the film takes place in Wakanda. Like, why does the Cosmic stuff feel authentic to what James Gunn built in the Guardians movies, while this stuff feels so underwritten and underrepresented? We have four Wakandan characters here and they do so hecking little. AND THEN T’CHALLA IS ONE OF THE PEOPLE WE SEE TURN TO ASH. WHAT? WE ALREADY GOT A FAKE OUT DEATH WITH HIM IN HIS OWN MOVIE. I HATED IT THERE. WE GOTTA SEE HIS FAMILY DEAL WITH HIM BEING DEAD AGAIN??? Shuri better become black panther in avengers 4 man. thats the only way I’ll be ok with him dying a SeCONd TiME. 
-BUCKY, RHODEY, NICK FURY, MARIA HILL, LOKI, RED SKULL AND HEIMDALL: all play really small parts but manage to do their jobs and be really notable anyways. Shoutouts to them. 
-BRUCE BANNER: meh. Bruce has finally kind of accepted the Hulk but Hulk is scared of Thanos so he wont come out. So Bruce spends the whole movie in his head having conflict with himself and not really engaging with whats going on? Kind of a dumb choice imo like if CAP is a minor character whos mainly there to banter with other people so should Banner. We dont even really see him interact with Ross or Rhodes once he gets back to Avengers HQ. dumb but not a big deal. 
-Music was weirdly lacking from a lot of the movie. Like it feels like Silvestri only orchestrated like half of the film. So much of it is just left.. quiet. Empty. This is INFINITY WAR. IT SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT THE SPECTACLE. 
-Are Valkyrie, Korg and Miek still alive? We dont see them at all on the Asgardian ship? 
-What happened to Sean Gunn’s character? Also wasn’t Nebula still with the Guardians at the end of Vol 2? Did I miss something or...?
-How did Thor know to go to Wakanda? He should have been going to Titan to meet up with Quill, right? 
-How does the Bifrost work if the Bifrost is broken? That was a big thing in Thor 1 wasn’t he? 
-They didn’t get Hugo Weaving back to play Red Skull but thats fine I still geeked out when he showed up. 
-Peter Dinklage was good but he was in the movie too long. Thor’s stuff really felt side questy even though its the best stuff in the film. 
I think thats about everything it was good but not GREAT k bye
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