#i had a different idea but i had to shift gears due to time
manebioniclegali · 2 years
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Egotober, Day 9: Shatter
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Cherry Bomb | Eddie Munson x Reader
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This man is taking over my life and I can’t stop it- RIP to all my other WIPs. Thanks to Kitten for enabling me as always💕
Summary: College is becoming far too stressful and you just need to find a way to relax- luckily for you the local dealer has the perfect solution.
Warnings: 18+, PWP, mentions of underage drugs, weed, shotgunning, dry humping, cunnilingus, premature ejaculation (Eddie cums in his pants), dirty talk, multiple orgasms, praise praise praise, Eddie talks too much during sex, panty theft. Spoiler free!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader.
Word Count: 6.5k.
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For as long as you could remember, you always seemed to struggle the closer it got to the end of a school year. College was getting harder to manage in between deadlines, your part-time job, sleep and attempting some sense of normality by seeing your friends. The harder you seemed to work to clear off the coursework you had due, the more that seemed to funnel in right behind it, and truly you felt as though you were sinking. The bags beneath your eyes now evidence that the time you should’ve been sleeping was now spent lying awake thinking about how fucked you truly were for the end of the school year. And the more you thought about it, the more you began to panic.
You just needed to relax, and this seemed like the perfect solution.
You’d met Eddie Munsen in the hall before your afternoon class together, surprised that he’d actually managed to be punctual for the lecture instead of strolling in twenty minutes late like usual. Ignoring the perplexed look on his face that you’d called his name before class as he broke into a wide grin.
“Hey,” You tried to ignore how your name sounded coming from his lips, his eyes looking you up and down.
Never once had you even given Eddie Munsen a second glance, the pair of you running in completely different social circles. Sure you saw him around the campus frequently, and you shared two classes together but that was the extent of your relationship. Your friends had bought drugs from him on a couple of occasions when their usual dealers fell through, so at least you knew the gear would be safe for the most part- not that you had the first idea about what you were doing.
“I was wondering if I could get a hookup?” You cringed at how weird you probably sounded with your attempt at sounding knowledgeable. Is that what you called it when you were buying drugs from a dealer?
“A hookup?” He grinned, raising a brow at you.
That probably sounded like you wanted sex from him, ugh. Why did you sound so pathetic?
“Uh- like a deal? Gear?” You were certainly digging yourself a hole as the smile on Eddie’s face fell.
“Is this a joke?” He looked uneasy as he leaned towards you, his head turning to scan the hallway to see if anyone was lingering nearby.
“What do you mean?” You were perplexed- he probably did at least five deals a day, some of those people surely lacked experience too- why was this any different?
“Don’t think I don’t know how this works, sweetheart.” He scoffed, “Arranging a deal with a pretty girl, get to the meeting point and her boyfriend and his friends jump me and steal my stash?”
“No-” You replied a bit too loudly, looking around to see if anyone had directed their attention to you, “That’s not what this is.”
“I can give you the contact of another guy if you want, I-”
The thought of going to another dealer, one you didn’t know, scared you more than this one. It was one thing going to the local metalhead for a pickup, but a random stranger? In a strange location? There’s no way you’d do something like that, no matter how desperate you were.
“Please, Eddie.” You cut him off pleadingly, “I need it.”
He seemed to ponder the answer, shifting his feet as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Shit,” He murmured beneath his breath, a husky rasp to it before he straightened his back, “You know I can’t disappoint a fair maiden.” He grinned, giving an elaborate flick of his wrist, “So what was it you were looking for?”
“I—” You took a deep breath. You really didn’t have the first idea about drugs, and you definitely didn’t want to sound stupid. He already seemed like he didn’t believe that you wanted to buy anything from him as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and began to sway slightly, “I just want something to take the edge off.”
“Well, there’s a lot of shit that can do that, sweetheart.” He gave you a charming smile, “But what I’m saying is you could take a trip to bag end if you wanted something like that-”
“Bag end?” Your nose scrunched in confusion as you stared up at him.
“Oh come on, Lord of the Rings?” You’d heard of it, even thought about checking it out at the library but you certainly hadn’t read it, “Grab a few drinks at a bar, bottle of whisky at the liquor store?”
“I was kinda hoping for something else.” You murmured.
“Oh yeah?” He hummed, “Well then, sweetheart. I’ll see what I can do.” He winked at you, “Meet me after your final lecture in the woods by the back of the building, picnic table in the middle. Can’t miss it.”
He gave you a toothy grin as you thanked him, making your way into the classroom as he followed behind, sliding into his seat a few rows back from yours. But the entire rest of the class was spent with his eyes on you, you could feel them burning as you tried to focus on the lesson. The words from the teacher in one ear and out the other as you began to think about all the deadlines that you had coming up, and how unprepared you were. The fear and panic began to set in once more as the pit in your stomach grew, you just needed to take the edge off.
The irony is that this illicit drug deal was doing the opposite of helping you relax, instead completely exasperating your anxiety. Checking your watch even though you knew only a few minutes had passed as you waited for the end of the day. Your heart racing and there were still two hours left of your class, ignoring the lecture as you began to doodle mindlessly in the column of your lined notepad. Willing time to move faster so you could get this over and done with, grab the goods and get home.
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“Hi?” You walked up to the picnic table to find Eddie sitting on one side with his lunch box, his thigh bouncing as he waited for you.
His frown immediately turned into a smile when he spotted you, beckoning you closer as he offered you a seat.
“Hey, you made it.” He exclaimed as though he hadn’t expected you to actually show up, “Find it alright?”
“Yeah,” Your heart was racing a mile a minute as you sat down opposite Eddie, sitting your bag on the bench beside you as you clasped your hands together nervously.
“So what’ll it be?” Eddie grinned as he opened his lunchbox, rifling inside it, “I’m all out of oxys but I dunno if you want a ben-”
“Just marijuana.” You cringed internally at the sound of your voice, you couldn’t have sounded more uncool if you tried, “Maybe? I don’t know.”
“First time?” Eddie grinned, rubbing his palms on his jean-clad thighs as he grinned across the table at you.
You swallowed thickly at the implication of his words.
“Uh- what gave it away?” You smiled.
“Just a feeling, but honestly?” He dragged out the but, tilting his head slightly, “I’d be heartbroken someone as pretty as you had a different dealer.”
You felt flush from the compliment, a heat rising inside you as Eddie leaned a forearm on the table, his brown eyes staring directly at you.
“I can give you a good deal on this since it's your first time and I’m a sucker for a pretty face.” He grinned.
“Uh- okay. Thanks,” You watched as he pulled a bag out of the box, closing it after.
“This is good shit, I promise. Probably more than enough to last you, and for you pretty girl? Fifteen bucks.”
“Sure,” You began fussing with your bag to try and find your purse to distract yourself from the embarrassment of the situation as Eddie watched with a smile.
“Have you got papers?”
“Papers?” You turned your face to look up at him in confusion, you had plenty of papers in your bag from various classes. But that couldn’t be what he meant, could it?
“Yeah, papers sweetheart. Rollies?” He shook the baggie for emphasis as he smiled at you, “Unless you were plannin’ on baking a cake?”
“Oh- oh, no.” You shook your head, “I don’t have papers.”
This was becoming too much, far too embarrassing as you felt like a complete idiot in front of Eddie Munson.
“Don’t worry, I came prepared.” He grinned. Patting his leather jacket down as he pulled out a pack of rolling papers, flicking it open to pull a thin sheet out as he lay it flat on the picnic table.
Trying to ignore the thought of how dirty the surface probably was as Eddie grabbed the baggie and opened it up to pull some of the weed out, dropping it onto the paper as he let his fingers slowly pull it apart to reach each end.
You watched the way his ringed fingers moved swiftly, obviously movements perfected from experience as his thumbs flicked up the length of the paper. Lifting it from the table as he rolled your joint, his tongue poking out from between his pink lips as he concentrated on rolling the joint without losing any product out of either side of it. Something that had your heart hammering against your ribcage as you stopped watching him work and instead began to shamelessly stare at him.
Eddie Munson really was quite pretty, there was no denying it. Kind eyes that always seemed to find yours whenever he’d stumble into class late, walking by your desk to take a seat at the back of the room as the lecture continued. He’d been so proud to be the first of his family to go to college, something that was often overshadowed by the small-minded people in Hawkins that still saw him as a freak. His bold personality built up to mask the insecurities that ebbed away at him, not that he should have anything to be insecure about.
But there was only so far the bravado would take him before he was completely out of his depth, especially with you. Watching as you leaned forward across the table to lick the rollie he was still holding in his hands. Your pretty pink tongue slips out from between those glossy lips as you let the tip run along the top of the paper, brushing against the tips of his fingers as you wet it just enough to stick.
Eddie swallowed thickly as he watched the way your lips moved against the rollie, the sensation of your tongue against his fingers lingering as he began to roll the joint between his fingers to secure the paper. Trying to ignore the tightness building in his pants as he took a deep breath, the more he stared at you the more he found himself becoming delirious. There was no way, no fucking way a girl like you would ever like him. Trying to calm his raging boner as he held the stick up in a ‘tada’ fashion, giving you a toothy grin as he held it out to you.
“And there she is.” You shuddered when his fingers brushed against yours as he handed you the joint, “See, it’s not that hard, I mean I can do it so-”
He laughed at his self-deprecating joke as you looked down at the stick, feeling it between your fingers before you held it up to your lips.
“Can I try it now?”
“Uh, sure. But are you gonna be alright gettin’ home?-”
“I’ll be fine.” Truthfully you had absolutely no idea if you’d be able to get home high, you had no indications of what the drug might do to you, but you were so eager to finally let off some steam and relax that you didn’t want to wait any longer.
Pouting your lips as you placed the stick between them Eddie pulled a worn silver zippo from his jacket pocket. Leaning forward slightly as he thumbed the light, a small flame appeared as he used the other to cup around the joint, protecting it from the cool evening breeze as he lit it for you. You took a long, hard inhale and immediately started coughing as you pulled it away from your lips. Eddie was quick to grab it from you to prevent it from dropping to the leafy ground as you tried to ignore the burning in your lungs from the sharp inhale of smoke.
“You good, sweetheart?”
You nodded, thick tears clinging to your lashes as the coughing finally subsided, embarrassed that you already looked like such an amateur and proceeded to do that with your first toke.
“Believe it or not, I was like that my first time too, granted I was fourteen.” He grinned, “You just gotta take it slow at first, you’ll get used to it.” He spoke with the stick hanging out the side of his lips, but Eddie was certain he could taste the faintest taste of cherry.
Grabbing the joint between his thumb and index finger as he pulled it from his lips, and that’s when he saw it.
The white bottom of the stick was now a crimson hue, glitter from your gloss sparkling beneath the light as he tilted it. Gnawing at his gums to stop himself from groaning at the sight, his thoughts immediately raced to how that same lipgloss ring would look on other parts of his body. Eddie felt like he’d kissed you, tasted you. The artificial sweetness was still on his taste buds as he held the stick up to his lips to take another toke, inhaling deeper this time as he held the smoke inside his mouth for a moment. His semi-hard cock throbbed beneath his jeans as he stared directly at you, depraved thoughts running through his mind. He felt like such a creep but he couldn’t help it, just the thought of your lips wrapped around his cock, leaving those same pretty marks had him feral.
“Let me try again,” You murmured, leaning forward to take the joint out of his hands as your fingers brushed his, placing it between your lips. Taking a smaller hit this time, you felt the smoke slowly enter your lungs as you exhaled.
“There you go, you got it.” Eddie smiled, accepting the joint back from you as he took another hit, inhaling deeply as the smoke began to leave through his nose, “So?”
“S’good.” You slurred, hazy eyes letting the smoke finally settle you. Already feeling more serene, or maybe it was the company? You felt so comfortable around Eddie, his friendly personality helped relax you despite the sheer number of times you’d embarrassed yourself in front of him today.
“Want some more, angel?”
The pet name had you swooning, leaning forward to grab the joint from Eddie but he moved the stick away from your reach. Placing it back between his lips with a glint in his eye as he took a large toke, his lips curled in a lopsided smile as he placed his forearms back on the picnic table, sitting up off the bench to bring his face close to yours. Capturing your chin between his finger and thumb as he gently prised your mouth open, slowly parting his lips as he let the smoke seep out and into your mouth.
Goosebumps began to appear against your skin as he held you like you were the most delicate porcelain, but his actions were anything but. A salacious undertone as he watched intently through half-lidded eyes as you inhaled the smoke he’d breathed into you.
“Holy shit,” He watched the way your tongue slipped out to swipe at your lips, thick lashes fluttering as wisps of smoke began to swirl towards the sky. Shocked that you’d allowed him to do something so lecherous. The ache between his thighs only amplified from your reaction, committing the sight to memory as he was certain that if nothing else he’d have some perfect material to jack off to when this was over.
You really thought Eddie was going to kiss you, the anticipation building inside you as you imagined his lips against your own. Your gaze flickered down to them as you noted how soft they appeared to be, nothing like you would’ve imagined- but if only you could prove your theory.
“You’re pure sin, sweetheart.” He whispers as his warm breath fans against your skin, his lips dangerously close to yours now as you watch the smoke slowly drift from his nostrils and disappear into the evening air, “Downright deadly.”
“Me?” You hum innocently, watching his eyes drift down to your cherry lips and back to your half-lidded eyes.
“Yeah, you.” He grinned, “Always walkin’ round in those cute little dresses lookin’ all pretty. How can anyone not see how pretty you are? I mean it- shot through the heart.”
Eddie’s certain he can smell your lipgloss now, the fruity scent overpowering as it mixes with your perfume. A smell he now wants all over him as his cock throbs in his jeans, the denim tightening around the crotch as he spreads his thighs in a feeble attempt to try and give him some sweet relief.
“You think I’m pretty?” You smiled, feeling that familiar tingle beginning to flutter inside you.
“Are you kiddin’? I may be stupid, but I’m not blind.” He scoffed, “You’re gorgeous, sweetheart.”
He was close enough for you to smell him now, a mixture of cheap cologne, engine oil and cigarette smoke. It mixed with the scent of weed and made you woozy. Or maybe it was the way he looked at you, a look of complete adoration.
You couldn’t help the wide smile that spread across your cheeks, leaning forward to close the gap and press a soft kiss to his lips. The moment you tried to pull away Eddie was already back on you, closing the gap as he pulled you back into a deeper kiss, your eyes immediately closing as you fell into him.
Your hand reached up to cup his jaw as you feel the day-old stubble against his cheek, the desperation in him evident as his nose clashes with yours as he tilts his head to make more room. His tongue swipes against your glossed lips as he tastes the artificial cherry flavour of your gloss, a large palm reaching up to the base of your skull to hold you in place as he commits this to memory, so even if you were to pull away a second later he can say with conviction that he was the lucky son of a bitch that got to kiss you.
The kiss had your mind going hazy, or maybe it was the drugs, as your lips parted to deepen it, Eddie lifting himself off his side of the bench as he hovered over you, his tongue delving deeper as he explored the new territory. Mimicking his movements, your tongue swipes against his teeth as you capture the low groan that leaves his lips, rubbing your legs together to try and satiate the throb between your thighs.
“Fuck,” You gasped when he reluctantly broke the kiss for air, a subtle sheen of glittery gloss now stained his pale skin as you smiled up at him.
“Fuck,” He repeated with a grin, his tongue shamelessly coming out to lick his lips as he tasted you on them, “God, you’re so fucking pretty. You know that right? Did I say that already?”
“You did,” You smiled, “But I like hearing you say it.”
“Oh yeah?” He matched your smile, “Then I guess I should say it more, huh?”
Eddie put out the end of the joint against the flat metal of the table, not wanting to waste any more of the drug as he left it on the surface. Taking one of your hands in his as he beckoned you closer.
You stood from the bench as you came around the table to his side, Eddie already swinging a thigh over to stand beside you as his hands immediately moved to your hips. The hard metal of his rings dug into your sides as he held you tight, your clit throbbing at the sensation as your arms reached around his shoulders to bring him down into another sultry kiss, this time it was far more desperate, more intense. As though you’d both been separated for far too long as you felt his tongue immediately searching for yours, your chest pressed against his and you were certain he could probably feel your heart beating against your ribcage. Now uncertain whether this was an effect of intoxication, or whether it was all Eddie Munson– and if it was you were addicted.
You rolled your hips against him as he groaned into the kiss, the feeling of his bulge pressed against you had a fire burning inside you. Everything felt hot. Grinding yourself against him again as you craved more of those sweet sounds spilling from Eddie’s lips.
“So. Fucking. Pretty.” He spoke through kisses, emphasising each word.
Eddie walked you back until your thighs hit the cool edge of the picnic table, his hands reaching beneath your legs to help you onto the surface. Instantly slotting himself between your parted thighs without breaking the kiss, the skirt of your pretty summer dress riding up much like it had in class as he shamelessly stroked along the exposed skin. Feeling your calves wrapping around his legs to keep him pressed against you, his covered crotch now grinding against your own as you whined into the kiss.
He reluctantly broke away from you, pupils blown, as he stared down at your face. Pushing his hips forward again to press his hard bulge against your clothed cunt, making you cry out for him again as he cherished the sound. A sound that should be reserved for angels sitting and waiting at those pearly gates, not mere mortals like him down on earth. His lips began to map a path along your jawline, leaving searing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your neck as you felt his teeth graze your pulse point.
Gasping as you bucked your hips against his, feeling his hardness pressing between your thighs as you ran a hand down his chest, along the picture of his Hellfire Club shirt to press against his abdomen, moving to cup his bulge but Eddie was quick to catch your wrist in his palm.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” He mumbled.
“Why?” You pouted, your fingers now tracing a path along his inner thighs, nails scratching against the denim as his chest tightened in anticipation the closer you got to his crotch.
“Cause-” He caught your wandering hands again, both his palms wrapped around both your wrists as he held you back from his bulge, “You just tried weed for the first time. It affects everyone differently and I don’t want you doing something you’ll regret.”
“Why would I regret it?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“Fuck- don’t do that, sweetheart.” He groaned, “You look way too fuckin’ cute.” He muttered, more to himself than anything as he moved a hand up to pinch the space between his eyes.
“Eddie, why would I regret it?”
Fuck, and there you went saying his name like that. You sounded so adorable, his cock was throbbing between his thighs. Screaming at him for being so foolish to not worshipping you already, but he couldn’t. Not like this-
“Well, I can think of a few reasons.” He trailed off.
“I won’t regret it,” You reached out to palm his crotch, feeling how hard he was beneath the rough denim. Inquisitive fingers squeezed around his girth as a crude groan rumbled from deep in his chest, every single second he spent in your presence had more of his willpower crumbling away.
“I’m trying so hard to be a gentleman right now, angel.” He whispered but made no effort to move your hand from his crotch as he leaned forward to press himself into your touch.
“But what if I don’t want you to be a gentleman, Eddie?” You pouted, your fingers trying to press against his balls as he felt any resolve he had disappear into nothing.
“You had to go and say my name like that, didn’t you?” He groaned, “Fuck, you little minx.”  
There was a deep snarl to his voice before he moved forwards, capturing your lips in a fierce kiss. His crotch pressed against your clothed slit as your whines were silenced by his mouth. Hands palmed your thighs as his fingers dipped into the plush skin, holding you tight before they slid under the curve of your knees, pulling your ass until it was sitting right at the edge of the table. You gasped as you wrapped your thighs around his slender waist, squeezing tight for stability as you felt his bulge give your clit the friction it coveted. Your hands carded through his messy curls as you held him against you, preventing him from moving away as his tongue lashed against yours. Eddie’s hands became bolder the more you eased into his touch, sliding up your thighs and towards the curve of your ass as he squeezed the soft skin roughly.
The denim of his jeans created delicious friction as you leaned into the sensation, dragging the soft cotton of your panties against your puffy clit as you let out a salacious whine. Thankful that the woods were desolate so no one could hear just how desperate and needy you sounded dry humping Eddie Munsen, embarrassed just how much of an effect he’d had without even touching you.
“Eddie-” You gasped when his hips jerked forward, his forehead pressed against yours as he sucked in air through his teeth. Eyes clenched shut as he tried to calm his overstimulated body down, trying his best to stave off his impending climax, but this- you, felt too good.
“Wait- I- shit,” Eddie continued to mumble as you kept him pinned against you with your thighs, his ringed fingers digging into the curve of your ass as you ground yourself against his crotch, “Jesus H Christ.”
You were shameless now, bruised lips parted in a constant moan as you tightened your grip on his shoulders, using him for leverage as you chased your own release. Feeling the coil inside you dangerously close to snapping as you focused on the throb of pleasure between your thighs.
“Fuck, Eddie. ‘m gonna cum.” You gasped, shamelessly using him for your own pleasure as your hands moved to his shoulders to get a better grip as you sought your release.
“Shit, you gonna cum sweetheart?” He groaned, moving his head back slightly to get the perfect view of your face, “Gonna show me how pretty you look when you’re creamin’ your cute little panties for me?”
“I- oh, fuck.”
“Holy shit,” He choked back a groan as his hips began to stutter, erratically knocking into you as it only served to preserve your climax. Knocking against your clit as he let his forehead drop to your shoulder, his breath warm against your neck as he felt pleasure overtake his body.
“Holy shit,” He groaned, his grip on your ass bruising as he tried to calm his body down. A wetness now seeping through his boxers and against the rough denim of his jeans, making the fabric stick to his crotch uncomfortably as he felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, sweetheart.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your collarbone as you leaned back slightly.
“For what?”
“Uh, man down.” He gave you a cute smile as he pulled his face from your neck. His cheeks tinged a light pink colour as he tried to avoid your gaze, “I swear I can normally go way longer- but you just looked so pretty and felt so good I-”
“Eddie,” You laughed, cutting him off with a sweet kiss on his lips, “I don’t mind. The fact that I made you do that? It’s so hot.”
“Yeah?” He gave you a small smile.
“Well I’m sorry sweetheart, but there ain’t no fuckin’ way I’m going out like that.” He gave you a devious smirk as his tongue slipped out to wet his lips, “Can’t have you thinking I’m a one pump chump or something.”
“Wha- Eddie, oh my god.” You squealed as he wrapped his arms around your thighs, lifting them as you fell back onto the picnic table, legs spread wide as your dress began to bunch around your hips.
“You’re so fucking wet.” Eddie groaned as he looked at the damp patch against the crotch of your panties, his palms splayed on your inner thighs as one of his thumbs stroked against the soft cotton. Feeling the dampness of it beneath his touch as you gasped in surprise, immediately bucking your hips as he tightened his grip to hold you down.
“Ah, ah, ah.” His brown eyes stared down at you, “It’s my turn now, remember?”
He gave you a playful smile as his hands trailed higher, fingers slipping beneath the hem of your panties as he slowly pulled them down your thighs, groaning at the sight of silvery strings of your slick connecting the garment to you and breaking off in glistening lines against your inner thighs, his spent cock already throbbing at the sight as he tried to ignore the uncomfortable wetness in his boxers.
Carefully slipping your panties over your white tennis shoes as he slipped them into his back pocket with a grin, dropping to his knees on the cold forest floor as the leaves crunched beneath him, leaving him eye to eye with your dripping cunt.
“Shit, you got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever fucking seen-” Eddie began, almost going crosseyed as he shamelessly ogled your naked slit, “I mean, it’s the only pussy I’ve seen. Well, not the only one- I’ve watched pornos, I mean. Classy ones though, really well done- I just meant that this is the-”
“Eddie,” You cut him off with a feeble whine, “Please touch me.”
“Anything for the fair maiden.” He smiled mischievously, his cheeks a soft pink as he leaned forward, disappearing beneath the bottom of your summer dress.
Your entire body jolted as you felt him lick from your drooling hole up to your clit, his groans vibrating against your skin as he tasted you for the first time. Your hands immediately tugged the fabric of your dress up around your hips so you could watch him, and nothing could compare to the sight of his pretty eyes staring up at you from between your thighs.
“Fuck, Eddie.” You groaned when you felt his lips wrap around your clit, his tongue lashing against it as he sucked hard, “Feels so fucking good.”
“Such a nasty mouth on such a pretty girl.” He teased, running his tongue back through your slit as he came towards your tight entrance. Prodding the tip of it inside you as you rolled your hips into his touch, shamelessly trying to get him deeper, to have more of him. Whatever he gave it would never be enough, you wanted all of him.
You wanted all of Eddie Munson.
“Eddie, don’t tease-” You pouted those cherry lips and suddenly he was smitten.
“‘m sorry, baby. ‘m sorry.” He cooed, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your throbbing clit, “I promised I’d make it up to you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” You whispered breathlessly as you felt one of his calloused fingertips graze your tight hole, fluttering around it.
“Eddie’s gonna make you feel real fucking good, don’t you worry.” Before you had a chance to tease him for referring to himself in the third person he’d already dived back in. His lips immediately wrapped around your clit as he sucked hard, one of his fingers pushing inside your tight walls as you felt the metal of his ring at the bottom. Curling the digit as though he was searching for something, unsure what he was looking for until you cried out for him. Now focusing on that same spot as he began to pump his finger in and out of you, stretching you out enough to add a second.
Your hands felt lost, palming at your clothed breasts through the thin material of your summer dress before venturing lower to fist the hem, rolling your hips into his touch to try and match his movements before your fingers finally threaded through his curly hair. Nails scratching against his scalp as you tugged, making Eddie moan into your cunt as you pressed him impossibly deeper into you.
The metal chains at the bottom of his leather jacket sleeve clanked against the picnic table with each flick of his wrist as he fucked his fingers into your sloppy hole, spit drooling from his lips as he sucked your clit, the moisture running down to his hand as it soaked his fingers and rings but he could care less.
If he could do this for the rest of his mediocre existence, he would.
“Eddie, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Yeah?” He pulled away with a cocky grin, his fingers continuing to pump inside your tightening walls, “You wanna cum all over my face?”
“Do it, sweetheart.” He hummed against your clit, “Show me how pretty you look cummin’ all over me.”
Eddie locked eyes with you between your thighs and it was all it took to have you coming undone, the coil inside you snapping as you felt your climax wash over you, white spots blanking your vision as you cried out his name.
“Fuck,” You cried out, your thighs clamping down on either side of his head as you tried to push him away from your overstimulated cunt, but Eddie wouldn’t move. Groaning as he continued to suck your sensitive clit, fingers now wiggling inside you as you restricted him from moving them in and out of your sloppy sex.
“Nu-uh,” His brown eyes stared up at you from between your thighs, “I know you got one more in there for me, sweetheart. I can feel it.”
“Eddie, I can’t.” Eddie’s eyes stayed locked on yours, making sure that he wasn’t going too far, as he shamelessly slurped at your slit.
“Yeah, you can.” His nose bumped your clit as his tongue pressed against his fingers inside your hole, a lewd squelch filling the air, “See- at least your pretty pussy's honest.”
“Oh, god.” You cried out, your legs trembling from the intense sensation as you were vaulted into your climax. Lips parted in a constant whine as your greedy walls clamped around Eddie’s fingers.
“That’s it- there you go-” Eddie coaxed you as he felt you succumb to your bliss, pressing a final lingering kiss to your clit as he pulled his fingers out of your trembling pussy.
Standing up between your thighs as he gave you a smug grin, his chin glistening from your essence as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His body hovered over you as he stared down into your eyes, grinning at how dazed you looked as you stared up at the darkening sky, the trees hiding you from the final rays of evening sun before sunset.
Sitting up from the picnic table as Eddie circled his arms around your waist, letting you snuggle into his chest as your arms circled around his waist beneath his leather jacket, breathing in the scent of him. Both of you basking in the afterglow as he gently swayed side to side.
“So, do you feel more relaxed now?” Eddie grinned as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
“Mhm, but I’m not sure if it was you or the weed.” You laughed, squeezing his waist as he let his hand slide down to give your ass a playful swat.
“Oh, it’s definitely the weed.” He scoffed, “I’m way too annoying to be relaxing.”
You leaned back from his arms, playfully smacking his chest as he pretended to be in pain, holding the spot that you hit as you laughed.
“You know, I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time.” He whispered, his tone serious as he moved his hands to your hips.
“So why didn’t you say anything?” You mumbled, tilting your head to look into his eyes.
“Like I said, ain’t no way a girl like you would ever like a guy like me.” He leaned his face back slightly to meet your gaze.
“Well, I do.” You smiled, tipping your head back and pouting your lips for him to kiss you softly.
“Don’t know why,” Eddie scoffed against your lips, “But I feel pretty lucky right now.”
“Me too,” You smiled, pushing some of the curly hair away from his eyes.
“I can’t believe you made me cum in my fuckin’ pants like a teenager.” He groaned, his wet boxers sticking to his skin uncomfortably as he wiggled his hips, “I’ll make it up to you next time.”
“Next time?”
“Yeah,” Eddie chewed his gum nervously, “Unless you don’t want there to be..”
“What other pretty boy with curly hair is gonna help me relax?”
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ponyosmom35 · 5 months
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter thirty
synopsis: simon is meeting readers family for the first time. he's been keeping a secret from her, worried about how she might react.
warnings: angst, mentions of death, mentions of PTSD
Liability series:
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He hasn’t done a good job of keeping his nerves under control. He wipes his sweaty palms on his pants for the third time as his mind goes over everything that could possibly go wrong. The idea of meeting her family terrifies him. What if they don’t like him? What if he doesn’t like them? He knew a lot about her childhood and how she always felt that Emma was prioritized, he’d seen first hand how it affected her to this day. Of course he’d been told how close the family had become after the tragic passing of the eldest daughter. He was happy they were able to resolve their differences and come together. 
Above all he was well aware that a massive secret he’d kept from her was about to come out. His stomach rolled at the thought, he felt as though he could throw up. The truth was that tonights dinner would not be the first time he’d met her parents. After Emma died, Simon and Price flew to the states and presented her family with an American flag, and sat down with them to explain what happened. This was something he’d done in the past, however it being her older sister made the task nearly unbearable. But he knew it was his responsibility. He was terrified that her parents were going to hate him due to his face being there to tell them their daughter was dead. The worst day of their lives, and he was the face of the person who ruined their family. Simon had no idea how she would react. Would she be upset at him for keeping this from her? Would it bring up the past and trigger her PTSD? 
He’d tried to cancel, but he could only use so many excuses. He knew that this needed to happen. He couldn't avoid her family for the rest of their lives, especially when he planned to spend the rest of his life with her. 
She notices his unease after she looks over at him to sing along to one of their favorite songs. She frowns as she could see the anxiety coming from him. She reaches to his hand which was placed on the gear shift and rubs his skin gently. 
He instantly relaxes when he feels her touch. Her warmth, her tenderness, is just what he needed to calm down and remember that things will be fine. As he focuses on her and their journey he feels a sense of relief wash over him. 
“They’re gonna love you” she promises 
He sighs, this time feeling much better about things. He turns his head and looks at her with a smile. “You really think so?”
“I know so”
“What if I say the wrong thing?” 
“You won’t”
“If they ask about work?”
“They know how we met, they aren’t aware of the details obviously but they know that you worked with me on base, and they know that the rest is classified. Why are you so worried about this? Simon they already love you” 
“How do you know?”
“Because I’ve been talking about you nonstop for the past year, they are well aware how much I love you” she explains. 
He leans in close to her as he stops at a red light. He presses his lips to her forehead and closes his eyes. “Thank you baby”
“It’s just this house on the right” she points out, he pulls into the driveway and turns of the ignition, staring at her. 
“I have something to tell you” he admits 
“This isn’t the first time-”
“There she is!” her mother calls out from the porch, she runs over to the passenger side door and opens it, welcoming her daughter in a hug. 
Simon gets out of the truck and walks to where they were standing. He bows his head slightly as her father embraces her. She turns to introduce him to her parents when she notices their wide eyes staring at him. Her mother begins to tear up and she frowns. 
“Mom? whats wrong?” she asks in concern 
“Simon, I’m so happy to see you again” she says placing a gentle hand on his face, he smiles and she hugs him. Her mouth falls open in shock and she tries to comprehend what she was seeing. 
“Been too long son, how are you?” her dad says, grabbing his hand and shaking it. 
“Been well mate”
“I’m sorry, does anyone wanna tell me how you know each other?” she asks 
“He didn’ tell you?” her mom asks as she pulls away from him
“Tell me what?” she asks, turning to him.
“Price and I brought the flag home to your parents after Emma” he admits 
“What?” she asks 
“Honey he’s been sending flowers every month for the grave” her mom adds 
“You have?” she asks looking up at him with tears filling her eyes as her lips begin to tremble. Simon internally panics and places a hand on her shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you”
“Why did you do that?”
“For Emma” he answers
She is unable to hold back her tears and he gently wipes them, holding her jaw in his hands. “I’m sorry love”
“Thank you for taking care of her” she answers 
She looks over to her mother who’s wiping her tears as well. Simon wraps his arm around her and kisses her forehead. 
“Now that I’ve made everyone cry, should we get inside?” he asks. The three broken hearted family members laugh and lead him inside the house. 
“Simon I made fish and chips, fresh halibut from our trip this morning” her dad states, wrapping his arm around Simon’s shoulder.
“Sounds delicious mate”
“Well we wanted to treat you, y/n mentioned that it was your favorite meal” 
“Thank you guys”
“Its the least we could do, thank you for taking such good care of our daughters. We’re so lucky to have you in the family” her mom says as she leads them into the kitchen. 
Simon pauses at the words, he smiles and swallows the lump in his throat. Family. A word he’d tried to hard to run from. A word that used to tear him to pieces. He swore to himself he’d never allow people to get close to him in order to prevent a similar fate to his family. He tried to fight it. But after a while he realized that the only thing he was protecting himself from was love. He’d been so miserable before she came into his life, he was a walking corpse. Living for the job and the violence. 
Now Simon Ghost Riley was sat at the dinner table with the woman he loved and her parents. This was his family. He would never let anything happen to them.
Tag list:@vivi123abc
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jahiera · 10 months
Love your little meta analyses of Astarion and would LOVE to hear your thought on the optional "you don't have to do this just because you feel like you owe me something" line early in Act 1 when he first propositions Tav and his reaction to it?
Okay hi sorry, I lost a bunch of my saves and I thought I'd lost the save for this scene too but turns out NOPE I HAD IT & I'm so glad because I wanted to go back and play the different variations so I could probably scream and... scream I did! And I'm SO compelled by this, so thank you for the ask! & sorry for the late response.
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So you actually only get this version of the conversation if you don't express any sort of confirmation that yeah, you're into him. If you confirm you're into him, or the biting, that'll bypass the ability to say "you don't have to do this," altogether, which makes me want to eat drywall because the whole conversation prior is still fairly shady, but the "reward for your noble sacrifice" only comes through if you don't fully confirm you were into it. which is very interesting because in the other two versions you can still express doubt, but only in the format of the "a less trusting person" line seen above as well.
The first time he propositions you, if you get this branch of dialogue, what I think happens here is Astarion quickly shifts gears. He sees that Tav isn't, at least according to what they say, charmed or aroused by the vampire routine.
One other thing: they helped him because, as a result of giving him blood, he would be able to physically help them more. He would be stronger, a better fighter, and thus useful. (Whatever is intended by each individual tav who takes his line is up to the player, but that's what can most obviously be received by Astarion).
So, he switches up instantaneously to accommodate the motivation that Tav seems to have (through his own eyes). Instead of appealing to Tav's horny brain and physical attraction to him, he's appealing to their "sacrifice." Tit for tat. Pleasure in reward for blood. You aren't lustfully interested in him as is? That's fine. He can switch it up and instead offer sex as repayment for what you've done for him, and for his body as an object that functions better due to the blood you've given him. Either way, the end goal will be the same: sex to secure his position in the group.
At this point in the game, it isn't about Tav, not really, I don't think. You could take any version of this conversation to the conclusion and it would mean the same thing to him. (That is to say: seduction and sex for security, and sleeping with Tav is a quick way to get that.)
So when Tav says, "You shouldn't do this just because you feel like you owe me something," I don't even think it really... registers for him? Because he hasn't even begun to conceive of that possibility. He is fully still in the same mindset he had prior to escaping, and is running through the same patterns of behavior as before.
He brushes off that reassurance immediately, says it's "more of an excuse," than anything, doing the same thing as before. When he gets this reaction from Tav, he switches gears again: oh it's not the only reason I want to have sex with you, I'm mostly interested in you, I promise. He's navigating the very shallow social interaction that this seduction routine entails by adjusting at a moment's notice to the next thing Tav says. If they're interested or flirty back, he'll fully play up the whole thing. If they're reluctant, he offers new reasons for why they should want to sleep with him.
And then if you reject him entirely:
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"Deny your feelings all you like, it doesn't matter to me."
You don't get disapproval for rejecting him, but he still reinforces this idea to Tav that yes, you're interested in me. You just haven't realized it yet. Typically this kind of line in romance would be annoyingly obnoxiously all about "oh you want me you just haven't realized it yet" and the other party is supposed to find this hot, but with the context of the rest of his arc, it's fascinating. Because Astarion only knows how to secure safety and power through seduction and sex. He only knows how to get what he needs through emotional manipulation and cunning--and SHALLOW emotional manipulation at that. He's not playing an intricate game here. His manipulations become prettyyyyy overt by the second time he propositions you:
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Like, it would take some serious emotional blindness to miss the hints he's laying out here. He's delighting in dangling the fact that he's lying and manipulating Tav right out in front of them. Because now he feels more secure in his position in the group. In Tav's attraction to him. Because they've already slept together once, he has less to fear about losing his station of safety via Tav within the group.
So then I thought. Okay what does he say when you reject him in other places where he propositions you. In the actual sex scene itself, he simply says "Why are you here then? I thought we had an understanding? (...)" but if you reject him during the "little treat," scene, he says:
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In both instances, the "you don't have to" and "I don't think I really want this," Astarion gives Tav a glimpse at the, huh, trauma behind the scenes. In this later scene, when you've already slept with him once, he outright admits he's slept with tons of people and doesn't remember most of them, and in a very.... passive, "gotten on my back," phrasing that's so offhanded for all that it implies. Like can we go back. Can we unpack that. And he does not! I don't know what to make of that last line. "You, I'll remember." Maybe he's being saccharine one last time to keep up some manner of security within the group. Maybe he's confusingly genuine, growing to care about Tav in a way he has no idea how to unpack yet, if at all. Probably doesn't even realize it yet, if that's the case.
Either way, he gives you unintentional glimpses behind the scenes to the inner workings of his intentions. The inconsistencies in how he talks to Tav depending on their next reaction. The switching gears quick to accommodate different statements and personalities. The offhanded reveal of his total lack of care or feeling about the "lines" he spews to get people to be interested. IT HITS. It hits badly.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Ooooohhh could you possibly do Nevermore students tries to sneakily plan a surprise for Larissa? Like it’s mother’s day and obviously see her as a mom even tho she doesn’t have children. Larissa is like being suspicious cause every time she approaches a group of student they instantly tense and stop talking or seeing students running idk lol. She instantly became self-conscious and thinks to herself if she became one of those hated teachers haha. And suddenly a student approaches her with worry and tells her Wednesday or some random student caused some serious trouble as an excuse to bring her to the surprise.
Happy Mother's Day!
Larissa Weems x Nevermore Students
Authors Note: How cute was this idea???
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Principal Weems had absolutely no clue the students had been planning something big for Mother's Day. Students had seemingly been avoiding her, but she shook it off, wondering if some new bit of gossip about her was running rampant. Once a student had seen her on a date and the next few days, many students wouldn't make eye contact with her due to the theories as to the identity of the mystery woman. High schoolers gossip, that's what Larissa kept reminding herself.
Through the leadership of Enid and Yoko, much of the student body came together for the occasion. They had all decided that although they wouldn't be spending Mother's Day with their own mothers, the least they could do was celebrate their Nevermore mom.
They all gathered together at the Weathervane to surprise her. The most unsuspecting of students was sent to retrieve Larissa and lure her to the coffeeshop: Wednesday Addams. Wednesday vehemently objected in being the one to get Weems to come to the Weathervane, but Enid asked so nicely and did those little puppy dog eyes.
Larissa was shocked and mildly annoyed when Wednesday appeared in her doorway. She was already trying to deduce the new bit of trouble that the Addams girl had gotten herself into, "Ms. Addams, what can I help you with?"
Wednesday went over the script in her mind once more, absolutely disgusted with what she was going to have to say, "I wanted to ask if you would take me to the Weathervane... for that hot chocolate..."
Larissa was taken aback by Wednesday's words, almost searching for a hidden meaning. She pursed her lips, studying the young girl for a moment. Wednesday kept her head held high, seemingly proving the serious intention behind her words.
"I- Yes, Ms. Addams. Please, let me finish this email and then we can go..." Larissa had too many negative interactions with this student for her to not feel like there was an ulterior motive. Wednesday stood there expressionless as Larissa answered, making Larissa more curious as to the student's motives.
"I'll wait in the circle drive." Wednesday curtly nodded and walked from the office without another word.
When Larissa came out the front doors, keys in hand, Wednesday was waiting there patiently. They both walked to the car in silence, Larissa glancing warily at the girl from time to time. They were about halfway through the drive to Jericho when Larissa's curiosity got the best of her, "So what is this all about, Ms. Addams?"
Wednesday needed to say her next scripted line. Enid had prepared her for this question and the words felt brutal, almost causing her to gag, "I thought we could... bond."
"Now what is going on?" The words tumbled from Larissa's mouth and Wednesday made a mental note to tell Enid 'I told you so'. Wednesday had tried telling her roommate that Weems would never believe her in saying that she wanted to bond with the shapeshifter.
"I thought you would have been pleased at the thought of us putting our differences aside to share a drink a the Weathervane." Wednesday stated plainly, going off script, but she was starting to sound more like herself.
"I am, but you must admit this does sound a little odd, Ms. Addams." Larissa slowed the car to a stop and shifted the gear into park. Wednesday didn't reply, instead she just pushed the car door open and stepped out. She closed the car door behind herself and began walking, leaving the taller woman to catch up.
Principal Weems fell into stride with Wednesday, her longer legs making it easy. They were across the street from the Weathervane when she saw the many Nevermore student's filling the inside of the establishment, "What is going on?"
Again, Wednesday offered no reply. They crossed the street together and Wednesday pulled the door open for Principal Weems. Her face had softened, but still no smile graced the young girl's lips.
Larissa took two strides and she was surrounded by her students. A large banner hung read 'Happy Mother's Day!' over the windows to the left. A gloved hand came to Larissa's mouth, completely shocked by the surprise from her dear students.
"Happy Mother's Day, Principal Weems!" Enid was the first to step forward, pushing her arms around the woman's waist to give her a hug. Many of the other students followed suit, either providing her with hugs or 'Happy Mother's Day' wishes. Larissa wouldn't deny that she shed many a tear on that day. She always felt like her students and staff were one big family and now she had a mother's day celebration to prove it.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Okay, the idea of Slither wing Ingo being so taken by everything in the modern world sounds so cute. Could we get a bit more info on taking fluffy moth man Ingo out on a date?
you sure can
cw: slither wing ingo, pokehybrid au, fluff
The disguise… looked goofy at best.
It was quite hard to disguise him just with the fuzz covering his entire body, which you would never dare even think to remove due to how lovely it was, but the giant, mostly useless wings that spread out from his back made it more so. There was half a mind to pretend he was just an odd genetic variant of a Volcarona hybrid, but his sheer size and just how different he looked made it difficult. You sighed as tried to situate his hair to cover his antennae again.
You had wanted to attempt a normal date with the prehistoric hybrid, and he seemed interested after watching endless romantic shows and movies on your television while you were away at work. It had apparently got so bad that Emmet started hissing and trying to attack the electronic when Ingo turned it on. He was not a fan of romance, it seemed. That all did not matter when you asked Ingo if he would like to travel out with you into the world. He ecstatically agreed with a loud chirp, trill, and then a proper 'yes' you could understand.
He was excited and asked about where in the strange new world of modern humans you would take him. You debated a few places, seeing as he would probably not feel at ease in a crowd of people and the risks of him being discovered increased heavily. Those were things you wished to avoid with him. So, you decided to take him on a walk throughout the city. It would be a nice way to introduce him to his new home and allow you to be able to leave if his behaviour suddenly shifted for whatever reason.
“You look…” you studied the odd thick coat you managed to shove him and his wings into alongside the way his jeans swelled with his fur, “Cute! Sorry about your wings.” You watched the back of the coat twitch as he attempted to move them. A whimper came from his throat as he leaned onto you, gloved hands gripping onto your shoulders. “We really can't… I'm genuinely sorry.” An annoyed chirp came from him, but he seemed to accept it after that.
Soon enough, you both departed from your apartment down to the streets below, where he stood stunned. It was chilly outside, and you had decided to take him out at night. Bright lights shined around you, showing just why Nimbasa was considered a glowing city. His eyes stared excitedly at them as you watched him freeze to gave at Kantonian take-out place's neon sign with pure joy. You ended up popping in there and grabbing something for yourself and him. Sitting down at a bench together, Ingo gazed at the lights and people as the night-life of the city passed you by.
“Pretty…” he said unexpectedly, “I like it…” You tilted your head at him before smiling brightly. He turned to you, his bug eyes wide. The wind blew his hair around and made his antennae visible again, but you managed not to care and instead focus on how beautiful he was. A creature out of its time and space sat beside you and enjoyed your company. It felt impossible, yet it was plain as day. A light snow began to fall as you sat there and caused you to sigh. Ingo's body suddenly flared up with a heat, and he nuzzled himself into your side. “Love you…” he spoke softly.
“I love you, too,” you smiled at him.
Finishing your food, you dumped into a trash can and walked more with Ingo. You came to a stop before the Gear Station and pouted. They used to have a battle challenge here, but it stopped when the old leader quit. It was currently just a subway station. Ingo's hand held yours as you led him into the building. He gazed around at the bright lights and small crowds of people in wonder. You even brought him to a platform to watch a train roll into the stop before loading and unloading. Ingo seemed fascinated with the machine.
It was hard not to laugh as he cried when the train pulled back out to take its passengers to wherever was next on its route. Ingo turned to you with sad eyes and whimper. “Where did go?” he asked. You were still sometimes floored by how quickly had picked up your language.
“Next platform,” you told him, “People ride it to get from one place to the next.” He nodded.
“I want to ride,” Ingo commanded boldly. You shook your head. That would have to be another day. His frown deepened somehow.
Heading from the station, you brought him to a small area that overlooked a part of the city. He gazed over the railing with an open mouth. Lights fizzled across the night sky wonderful, making a scene much different than one experience by the stars. You leaned onto his shoulder while he stood, momentarily entranced with the hypnotising sight before him. His arm came around your shoulders easily, pushing you closer to the warmth of his body as the snow continued to dust the city around you to a soft shade of white.
The musty smell he and Emmet always held danced in your nostrils as you broke from your trance. “We should head home, Ingo,” you told him, “I bet you're tired of being constrained like that.” The Slither Wing hybrid gave an agreeing chirp. Before you left the spot, however, you leaned forward to peck a kiss to his lips. He returned the affection to the best of his ability, lips moving against yours. Pulling away, you cupped his cheeks with a giggle. Oh, he really was too cute.
Both of you were soon departing from the dazzling night scene of a winter Nimbasa back to the warmth of your apartment.
You let him make a nest of your blankets that night and happily cuddled next to him in the mess.
Emmet started crying about his turn around the human city the very next morning, though.
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takitafulily · 1 year
Man I Love Fungi
Here's a Free Octopus Carpaccio and Picnic Sandwiches with Cream! Enjoy!
Writing music for this fic: Ocean Playlist
Gn Yuu x Jade Leech
An: I wrote an alternate version to this fic request since my initial idea for the request was a bit off the original prompt. Eat up Jade simps :>
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Jade Leech:
The first time he noticed Yuu's interest, he was quite surprised.
He was rearranging the terrariums in his room and swapping out the few that were on display in Monstro Lounge. He had just came back from a trip to the mountains and acquired a curiously rare species of mushroom he hadn't noticed before. However, it turns out he ran out of terrarium containers.
He didn't have enough time to run out and get a new container since he was due to meet a client with Azul in an hour, so he had to make do with what he already has. Luckily the lounge was closed for the day so he was able to swap for a more suitable terrarium for the mushroom.
He didn't notice Yuu quietly walking in for a restocking shift as he flitted around carefully with the terrariums, trying to swap the terrariums as fast as possible whilst still being mindful to be careful with the glass containers.
"Oh hey, I didn't know you had Matsutake around here."
Cue Jade freezing in his spot with said Matsutake terrarium in hand before turning around to look at the prefect.
Meanwhile Yuu just casually walked away putting on protective gear and went to the stockroom in the back, unaware of the stunned eel that watched them leave.
Jade managed to catch Yuu after the meeting as they were clocking out of their shift, wanting to test their knowledge of mushrooms. He held out the mushroom towards the prefects with a polite smile on his face as he walked alongside them.
"Is this the Matsutake mushroom you mentioned earlier?"
"No, the mushroom in the terrarium earlier was Matsutake, this one is Tricholoma Caligatum. They look similar but you can tell the difference. Matsutake is lighter in colour and has a spicy funky smell to it, and they're generally bigger."
Hm, hear that? That's the sound of Jade finding his soulmate.
After that interaction he tested the prefect with different species of mushrooms a few more times before he was absolutely sure that Yuu knew what they were talking about.
He'd invite Yuu onto his mountain trips when they weren't busy and enjoys talking to them about his love of nature and fungi. They both know a lot about the different species of mushrooms to the point they'd challenge each other to friendly trivia competitions just so they'd have bragging right over the other. They're at a solid tie at the moment and I don't think that gonna change soon
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tbhtechno · 2 years
New Week, New Cycle
Post Mortem (Asteroids Clone)
Dive to survive was created within a shorter window of development to that of the initial platformer concept. Although reflecting on the progress made during the time I feel like I had produced a better, more playable project with Dive to survive then I had with Rooftop Shinobi. It is hard to determine if this is due to the type of game produced or the lessons learned from the playtesting stages undergone during the playtesting of Div to Survive. I definitely felt that I conducted a better playtesting for Dive to survive then I did for Rooftop Shinobi, however I felt a little more passion in creating Dive to survive as well. Taking in the feedback on features from a first timer's perspective also helped me to develop a better way for the players to initially interact with the gameplay. In addition, the feedback received opened up more pathways for the game to go down by taking suggested improvements or idea recommendations from the playtesters as they were playing. 
Racing Game Elevator Pitch
Infinite Drift
Infinite Drift is a top down race/drifting game with the focus on building up points and score by continuously drifting around the track. With a few options for each car varying in gear ratio and acceleration, you can choose how you like to drive. Build up the drift meter by successfully chaining drifts together long enough to increase the point multiplier and push your score higher. You may use your surroundings to your advantage and push opponents into a spin out to force them to end their score streak.
Control Diagram:
Car controls 
W acceleration, A&D for rotation/steering, S for foot brake and SPACE for handbrake
E to shift up a gear and R to shift down a gear
F to flash lights
Unique selling points:
A unique player versus environment competition for score, forcing playing to get in the way of AI in order to overtake them in score
A variable gearbox ratio to adapt to each race course and terrain differently
On screen speed and steering wheel guides that are reactive with cars movement
Initial Thoughts on creating the base racing game:
A lot more difficult then I first thought, I was having a lot of trouble completing the secondary spawning for the "enemy" cars. So I moved onto creating the control scheme for my version of the racing game. Gif below shows of the little bit of progress I've made towards the basic game controls and gear mechanics.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Night Drive (Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa) Rated
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Pairing: Dilf!/College Professor! Kim Hongjoong × Younger College Student! Reader (Female) × Dilf/College Professor! Park Seonghwa
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Dilf AU.
Summary: Being picked up by her boyfriend for a date, Y/N has no idea about Hongjoong's plans nor about the surprise guest joining them in their little night drive.
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: Aged up/Older Ateez (but age differences are still within legal boundaries), exhibitionism, voyeurism, breast play, fingering, tiny allusion to infidelity (which I do not condone nor justify), breeding/pregnancy kink, slight creampie kink, katoptronophilia (mirror kink basically), daddy word, degradation, manhandling, unprotected penetrative sex (always use protection), Dom! SeongJoong, Sub! Reader
Taglist: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @multidreams-and-desires @brie02 @deja-vux @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @mingismoon @nanamarkie @ateezbabysitters @rainteez02
Rolling down the darkly tinted window of his midnight black Buick Regal, Hongjoong greeted the young and beautiful student that was standing by the curbside of the entrance to his college dormitories, her face lighting up instantly when she saw him. Wasting no second, she quickly opened the door and fitted her frame inside the passenger seat of the car.
"I was supposed to get the door for you." His lips curled up slightly into a pout.
"I know, but..... I just couldn't wait to see you." Leaning over, she boldly pressed her lips against that of the older male's, a soft and content hum being breathed out by him, soon turning into an annoyed whine when she pulled back too soon for his liking.
"Professor." Her tone changed slightly, a suggestive giggle escaping her lips as she leaned back in, this time the kiss turning more heated with her tongue attempting to slide inside his mouth, which he would have allowed had he not had on the back of his mind the other plans he had for the night.
"Naughty naughty girl, wanting to get frisky not even a minute into our date." He snorted softly as one of his hands came up to lightly pat her cheek with his palm in a chastising manner.
Switching the gear shift to drive, Hongjoong pulled out of the entrance and onto the main road to take both of them to the place he had chosen for their nightly getaway. The girl beside him was clearly anxious and he didn't blame her. It had been a grueling time the past weeks due to the semester being over and everyone, students and teachers were stressing over final exams. Hongjoong's hand still ached somewhat from grading too many papers and reports, his head pulsing endlessly with a killer migraine. But at last, that was all over and he was finally able to take his younger lover out properly, spend time with her after missing her voice, touch, body, and all of her in general. He had the entire evening planned out, unlike anything she would have expected. It was hard for him to suppress the smirk creeping into his features as he thought about how the night would end if his plans succeeded how he wanted them to.
He often took a small glance to see her pretty face looking out the window, tediously watching all the shops and cars they passed on the drive to whatever destination he was taking to her, which he adamantly refused to say, keeping his lips sealed. Every once in a while, he'd notice the way she squirmed in her seat, her fingers occasionally playing around with the hem of the white skirt she decided to wear or her palm straight on rubbing the side of her thigh.
"Oh so you are indeed horny my little kitten. Absolutely perfect." Hongjoong thought to himself. It was exactly how he wanted her: wet, horny and desperate by the time they made their first stop.
"Honey, I hope you don't mind, but I have to stop here for a second."
The girl didn't protest, simply nodded and didn't think too much about him pulling up and parking in front a luxurious building. Parking the car, Hongjoong waited patiently until a familiar figure finally came out and made their way over to his car, waving a hand in his direction. Not knowing there already was an occupant in the front seat, the stranger hastily opened the door, taking a step back when he saw who was sitting next to Hongjoong.
"Y/N?" He questioned in shock.
"Professor Park?" She exclaimed just as he, her head whipping over to demand an explanation from Hongjoong as to why one of the other professors from the university was currently there, especially when their relationship was to remain a secret from the school. Hongjoong however kept his grin plastered on, as if nothing was the matter.
"Sorry Hwa, looks like someone already took your seat."
Pointing over at the backseat, his friend let out a soft huff as he began closing the door.
"Wait! Seonghwa, don't close that door yet."
Reaching his hand over, Hongjoong unbuckled Y/N's seatbelt before telling her:
"Honey, go ride in the back with him."
Her eyes bulged out, her mouth muttering softly to him if he was insane, yet Hongjoong was still calm as he reached a hand up and caressed her cheek.
"Trust me baby." He whispered before placing a soft peck on her lips.
Reddening significantly, Y/N got out of the car, thanking the other male when he was kind enough to open the door for her to let her inside first before he himself took his place right next to her. Both of them looked over at each awkwardly, wondering what on earth was Hongjoong thinking. Y/N averted her gaze and stared at the floor mat, desperately hoping that afterwards, the witness to hers and Hongjoong's relationship wouldn't go directly to the school board and cause problems for them. Seonghwa on the other hand had so many questions spiraling in his head, mainly his friend's relationship with the student next to him, and more importantly, why he had kept that secret from him. The car ride now felt even more long and brooding with the tension in the air, the music playing from the stereo not helping at all and just making the environment more unpleasant.
Looking back at them through the rearview mirror, Hongjoong let out a small chuckle.
"I'm sure you're both wondering why I brought you here without telling you the reasons."
Seonghwa and Y/N glanced briefly at one another, the older male shrugging softly, just as lost as she was. Sighing softly, Hongjoong continued.
"Well to start off, I think it's very clear that all those rumors about a teacher and student sleeping together are indeed true my friend."
Seonghwa widened his eyes at Hongjoong, his lips parting as he let out an astonished scoff. Although more than once he heard a few whispers every now and then about his colleague getting too friendly with one of his students, he always believed them to be lies, knowing Hongjoong to be a sensible and well respected professor that would never risk his career over something like that. As if reading his friend's thoughts, Hongjoong piped up once more.
"What can I say? I couldn't resist myself when I saw her, especially when you see what's underneath those clothes of hers."
Peeking his head over, Hongjoong sweetly smiled at the quiet girl.
"Baby, do me a favor and unbutton your blouse for me. Let Seonghwa see those pretty tits of yours."
Y/N was taken aback by his sudden order, her voice getting caught in her throat and stammering out a bit of gibberish as she tried to remind herself to form proper words.
"Hong- Hongjoong!" She whisper yelled at him, embarrassed about being asked to do such a dirty request in front of another teacher. Seonghwa himself shifted uncomfortably in his seat, still saying absolutely nothing as he tried to look somewhere else.
"Oh come on kitten, don't be shy. You have the cutest set of tits a man could see. Besides...." Y/N could clearly see the smug grin on he was donning through the rearview mirror, his eyes also looking at her direction.
"I know very well you want Seonghwa to touch you. I heard you the other day talking with your friends, and if I remember correctly, you said you wouldn't mind having him play with your body and be his little toy."
Y/N lowered her head in shame. She didn't believe Hongjoong would have heard her when she said that. She didn't even dare lift her eyes to the man next to her, afraid of seeing whatever expression he had in his face. She did however, hear him chuckle amusedly, his voice finally being heard.
"Oh my. Hongjoong, is she really that much of a whore that she's fantasizing about fucking other men even when she has you?"
Taking off his seatbelt, Seonghwa scooted over towards her, his face coming so dangerously close she could feel his breath against her ear.
"What darling? Does he not fuck you enough? Is he not treating you properly? Or do you perhaps just want a more......endowed cock?"
Y/N couldn't help but shudder when his hand lifted up to cup her chin, turning her face so he could look her directly in the eye. Seonghwa couldn't deny that her startled look turned him on extremely.
"Now I'm extremely curious to find out just how cute you really are without those clothes on. Is Hongjoong just talking you up or am I really going to have to restrain myself from eating you up if I tear those clothes off one by one?" He hummed softly as he brushed his lips against hers, causing Y/N's breath to hitch slightly.
"Kitten, I believe I gave you an order a few minutes ago and you know I hate repeating myself. Undo your shirt so Seonghwa can look at your chest."
Y/N bit her lip as her hands reached up and began to pop each of the buttons of her grey cardigan. The pair of eyes on her right were burning a hole right through her and it only served to deepen the intense wanting she was feeling in between her legs. After undoing enough buttons to expose her black bra, Y/N pulled the material down enough so her breasts could pop out of them. The soft groan her teacher emitted helped fuel her pride, especially after looking up and seeing him nearly drool at the sight, tongue coming out to moisten his luscious and pink lips.
"Fuck Joong....you weren't kidding when you said she has a pretty rack." His hand clenched and unclenched itself in an effort to meet from reaching out to cup one of her tits in his palm.
Knowing exactly the lustful thoughts running through his friend's mind, Hongjoong was more than willing to grant them without any grudges.
"Now kitten, I want you to be a good girl and let Seonghwa play with you as he wants. Tonight, you're going to be his personal toy and you have to do everything he tells you to do. Am I making myself clear?"
Y/N quickly nodded, too aroused and turned on that she wouldn't have cared if it was Seonghwa touching her and Hongjoong watching or Hongjoong touching her and Seonghwa watching. She just wanted someone to help the emptiness she was feeling.
"You're serious about this Joong? I can really use her as my personal sex toy?" He questioned with a wicked grin, hand coming up to clasp around Y/N's jaw.
"She's all yours Hwa. We have a couple minutes before we reach the hotel that I booked a room in. Think you can get her wet enough by the time we get there?"
Seonghwa let out a hearty laugh at Hongjoong's challenge.
"I'll get her drenched without making her cum, don't worry about it."
Tilting her face towards him, Seonghwa winked at her before crashing his lips onto hers. Just as she suspected, Seonghwa's lips were soft and plump, and they seemed to be avid fans of nibbling playfully against her own lips. The hand that was on her chin swooped itself down and pressed itself against her sternum, fingers delicately caressing the skin around it. Sweeping his hand with feather light strokes, Seonghwa moved his fingers across the top of her breasts and then to the sides, caressing each and every inch of her skin, being careful not to directly touch her nipples. He wanted to tease her, rile her up, have her writhe and whine about the lack of contact on the parts of her body where she most needed him. He was enjoying himself, enjoying as he silently tortured the girl by merely touching the outer parts of her soft mounds. It didn't take long for her to notice this cruel pattern of his, the frustrated groan she poured out as his tongue devoured her mouth being a tell tale sign.
"Such an impatient one." Seonghwa chuckled, dragging his tongue down the side of her neck.
He then surprised her by cupping one of her breasts into his large hand, tenderly massaging the spongy like flesh while his thumb worked to harden the nipple even more. Y/N threw her head back, giving Seonghwa more access to press tiny love bites across her neck and collarbone. His other hand, being bored with nothing to do, came up and proceeded to give the same treatment its twin was receiving, groping it and fondling it until she was releasing the cutest noises to bless his ears.
"If you're already like this with me just touching your breasts, how will you be when I play with that pussy of yours?"
Y/N couldn't help but let an embarrassingly loud moan escape when she heard him say that, her walls tightening and clenching around nothing as she thought about having Park Seonghwa sliding his hand in between her folds. Even Hongjoong was surprised by the effect his friend was having on her, making him slightly jealous and yet not so as he was enjoying glancing over every now and then to watch his beloved girl be used in such a way by another man. He couldn't quite explain why, but offering up his prized possession as nothing more than an object of pleasure to someone else, his closest friend nonetheless, made him get unbelievably hard. If he could, he would have whipped himself out and would have started to beat his meat, but unfortunately he had to pay attention to the road in front of him, going slightly above the speed limit in an effort to reach the hotel as fast as possible, all while occasionally sparing a glance or two through the mirror to look at Y/N's lust filled state of mind.
"Spread your legs for me young lady. Let me see just how wet you are."
Obeying without hesitation, Y/N made sure to pull up her skirt, revealing the skimpy choice of lace underwear she had chosen for the evening. Seonghwa sucked in a deep breath when he saw it.
"Did you come here knowing you were gonna get fucked?"
"More like hoping she would get fucked." Hongjoong spoke up with a lighthearted teasing tone.
Hooking his fingers on the top of her panties, Seonghwa practically ripped the material off her body, sliding it down her legs before bringing it up to his face and inhaling deeply.
"Oh god you smell so delicious." He grunted as his nostrils basked in the scent of her arousal.
"Why don't you keep them as a memoir? Cause after tonight, I'm not letting you touch her again."
Hongjoong's statement made Seonghwa remember that he still had a task at hand. Making sure to tuck her panties inside his pant pocket, Seonghwa turned his attention back to her glistening folds. They were practically inviting him to shove his hand as far as it could possibly reach inside, he was very tempted to even fist her tiny hole right then and there. But he would much rather prefer to work her up even further, tease her until she was begging him to fuck her. When she saw his hands come down, Y/N instinctively parted her knees even further, adjusting herself on the seat so he could reach every part of her exposed womanhood.
"You've trained the slut well Hongjoong." Both the trainer and his trainee lit up at the praise from their guest.
"Yes, my girl is the best." Hongjoong proudly added, as he reached a hand back to squeeze one of Y/N's legs in a loving manner.
Seonghwa's thumbs slid themselves right up to her groin, massaging the tendons at either side of her pussy, only briefly allowing them to brush against her lips. Y/N couldn't help but gasp as he pulled the flesh at either side, stretching out her wet entrance slightly, the cool air from the air conditioning hitting right at her slopping mound. Seonghwa continued this pattern of pressing her swelling lips apart and then rubbing his fingers down the sides, frustrating the recipient as he didn't actually touch the parts where she needed him most. He was toying around with her again, no doubt trying to get her to beg.
"Please daddy-" Being so frustrated by the slow, shallow movements of the fingers that refused to budge and stimulate her clit, Y/N called out for the person in front.
"Babygirl, you're asking the wrong person. I told you that for now you're Seonghwa's little plaything. So if you think I'm going to intervene, you're absolutely wrong." One corner of Hongjoong's lips curled up when they heard her pleading whines, yet he still did nothing.
"Why don't you ask him yourself what you want? No.... beg him. I know for a fact he likes girls who beg."
When she looked up at him with a pout, Seonghwa let out an amused chortle.
"What is it you want darling? Hmm? Tell me." He encouraged her as his fingertips faintly brushed against her clit, causing her legs to tremble and her hole to secrete more juices out her body.
"That... please...touch me there." She groaned as she tried to take hold of Seonghwa's hand and place it right on top of her heat, but he kept it firmly away, lightly laughing at the state she was in.
"Where darling? You're going to have to be specific."
He was making her feel more and more frustrated to the point of losing all timidity and decorum.
"Park Seonghwa fucking pound my pussy with your fingers!"
Hongjoong widened his eyes in amazement at her use of his colleague's name, but he wasn't mad. On the contrary, he wanted to see how her tiny show of disrespect for the older male, who was also her professor, would play out. Seonghwa stayed still momentarily, making Y/N believe that she might have gone too far. Just as she was about to apologize, a half strangled yelp was pulled out of her body when two fingers dove inside her drenched hole with no warning, aggressively starting a pace of deep strokes, burying themselves as far as they could reach. While his 2 longest fingers were busy working her open, his thumb decided to occupy itself by rubbing against her clit, its rhythm matching that of the other members.
"This what you wanted?" Seonghwa asked, lips attaching themselves onto her neck once more.
"Oh God yes! Yes! Fuck! You're gonna make me cum..you're going to.."
Y/N panted loudly, hips practically humping themselves against Seonghwa's hand, trying to reach that peak that was just within her reach. Just as she felt herself about to spill over, Seonghwa stopped all movements inside her pussy and against her clit, hindering her desire to cum.
"No! Please!" She cried out, eyes scrunching with tears as her head dropped back on the head rest of the car. When her own hand tried to reach down to her groin, Seonghwa was quick to catch it, nearly crushing it in his own.
"No darling, we're having none of that. I told you I was going to get you wet without letting you cum. We could have taken this the easy way but you chose to disrespect me and therefore I had to punish you. Now..."
Releasing her hand, he dropped his fingers and stuffed them back inside her pussy, her walls pulsing against them, screaming to be allowed to release into his palms.
"Let's try this again."
Y/N's eyes fluttered closed as she felt the delicious sensation of Seonghwa slipping his fingers in and out of her, this time setting a more slow and sensual pace. Being edged by him for what seemed like hours and having been dangerously close to her high just minutes ago, it didn't take long for Y/N to start producing those endearing moans of hers again, her high building up once again rather fast. She melted into his touch, hips once again grinding up as if they had a mind of their own. Just as her walls clenched up once again, Hongjoong made his presence known.
"We're here."
Letting out a disappointed sigh at being denied her orgasm again, Y/N began to quickly fasten the buttons of her top while Seonghwa helped out by adjusting her skirt and pulling it down to cover up her lower half. Helping her out of the car, Hongjoong gestured for them to follow him as he led them through the reception desk and towards the elevators. As if it was fate, the elevator they got in was completed alone, leaving the three of them inside as it climbed up towards the respective floor they were assigned to. Looking over and seeing was currently distracted by watching the numbers on the screen change, Seonghwa took the opportunity to continue his fun, fingers snaking under her skirt to cup her ass. Being startled by the sudden touch, Y/N let out a soft whimper that was heard by Hongjoong. Looking over, his eyes immediately spotted what was the cause of her reaction.
"Seriously, couldn't even wait til we were behind closed doors?" Hongjoong let out a disappointed click of his tongue.
"Hey, you did say I was free to play with her as I liked. Besides, wanna make sure she stays as wet as possible cause as soon as the door is locked, I'm stuffing her full of cock."
Y/N's thighs squeezed themselves together after hearing him say that, the action not going unnoticed by both men at her sides.
"Just wait a little longer doll and I'll make sure you cum like you want to."
It seemed like forever until the doors finally opened to let them onto their floor. Knowing just how antsy the other two were about fucking each other, Hongjoong went up ahead of them and quickly slid the key in. Opening the door, he let them both inside first, a suspicious smile still on his face that confused his friend.
"You're enjoying this a little too much aren't you?" Seonghwa quirked an eyebrow up at him, his hands making a quick work of his shirt.
"Oh trust me when I say I'll enjoy it even more by the end of it." Hongjoong answered as he took a seat on one of the beds.
"I don't want you complaining later though if your little slut prefers my cock over yours." Seonghwa's little taunt had absolutely no effect on Hongjoong, he knew very well where his sweet heart's love resided with.
Turning around, Seonghwa was surprised yet also not surprised to see Y/N already naked on the bed, her legs spread out and inviting him to take advantage of her. Her facial expression seemed restless, eyes begging him to come over and end her torture already. Coming over to the front and seeing her more clearly, Seonghwa felt his cock twitch when he saw her full nude body, the light in the room letting him fully see all the details he couldn't quite clearly make out back in the car.
"Oh lord, she is absolute stunning Joong." Seonghwa complimented as he finished undressing himself, his cock already leaking at the tip.
"I did tell you once that younger babes were extremely hot and better. Well now you get to fuck my babe." Hongjoong's face proudly donned a satisfied expression at someone else appreciating his girlfriend.
Looking over at the dresser that had complementary goodies left for them, Seonghwa went and grabbed the pack of condoms since he hadn't planned on getting lucky that night.
"Ummm actually Seonghwa, I want you to fuck her raw, and be sure to spill your cum inside her."
His friend wasn't the only one who looked at him as if he was insane, Y/N was shocked by his request.
"N-no Daddy......" Her voice called out.
"Hmm? Why not princess?" Hongjoong smoked at her.
"My birth control ran out 2 weeks ago. If he cums inside me, I could....." She didn't even dare finish that sentence, but she knew they understand what she meant. Hongjoong however continued to look unfazed, in fact, his smile grew wider, almost to the point of being mischievous, which slightly worried her.
"Even better if I ask me princess, you see..... I want you to be bred." His confession both scared and aroused both of the other two participants.
"You've really lost your mind."
Giggling at his friend's words, Hongjoong looked at him with an assuring gaze.
"No I haven't. But trust me Seonghwa, I won't say anything, no one will know. Just do me this favor and fill my baby's pussy up with your cum."
When Seonghwa still hesitated, Hongjoong decided to persuade him even further.
"Look at her and tell me you don't want to stuff her young cunt full of your cum. And if you do knock her up, think of how cute she'll look with a swollen belly, carrying your child."
Unable to resist looking over after Hongjoong painted that image in his head, Seonghwa's gaze dropped towards Y/N's stomach. He unconsciously bit his lip as he thought about how fertile she probably was, and the thought of impregnating her with a baby of his own was driving him wild. Tearing down anymore hesitations he had, Seonghwa went back over to where she was. Y/N gasped when he pulled her towards the edge of the bed, hands keeping her legs open as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her folds.
"You ready to get knocked up with one of my babies?" He chaffed at her, smirking when a loud moan was drawled out by her as she pressed herself against his shaft even more.
"Cause I know I can't wait."
Letting out a piercing grunt when the cock of her professor penetrated deep inside her, Y/N's hands clutched at the sheets underneath her, whimpers already being poured out as Seonghwa's hips snapped roughly against hers. She shut her eyes as she sunk deeper and deeper into a blissful, euphoric haze, feeling nothing but how deep the cock inside her was being driven in, the head brushing against her cervix. That thought alone had her inner flesh pulsing and squeezing against the girthy shady tearing her apart, making her dizzy and blind with nothing but lust. She couldn't even register or hear all the sounds coming out of her own mouth.
"Such a nice and tight pussy. Keep clenching around me like that and it won't take long for me to fill you up with my seed." Seonghwa hissed, a hand dropping to rest on top of her stomach.
Y/N's back arched upwards, mouth fully agape as the most earth shattering wails were produced even heard by the rooms next to theirs.
"You enjoying this darling? Don't worry. You're certainly not the only one."
Clasping his fingers around her jaw, Seonghwa tilted Y/N's face so she could look over at the bed next to where they were. She spasmed violently when she took in the image of Hongjoong, sitting there shirtless, pants and briefs pulled down enough so he'd be able to pump his cock in his hand. When he had undressed, she didn't know, but she couldn't take her eyes off him, watching as he jerked himself off to the scene of his friend fucking her into the bed, the pace of his hand matching the pace set by Seonghwa's thrusts.
"Oh trust me she's enjoying this just fine. She's absolutely loving being treated as nothing more than a fuck toy, being lent to another man as her owner gets off on the sight of her being bred." Hongjoong's words were not helping as she started to tense up, feeling ready to explode and cum all over the thick cock inside of her.
"Please, please Mr. Park..." She muttered out, face turning towards him once again.
"Please what toy? Speak up." He commanded her as he started grinding his hips harder into her, the movements of his pelvis rubbing against her engorged clit and heightening her pleasure.
"Please let me cum. Wanna cum." She begged him, whine after whine being forced out of her each time Seonghwa pushed back into her body.
Feeling merciful, especially after edging her so much in the car, and more so because he felt himself about to shoot his load in her as well, Seonghwa moved his hand that was on her stomach so it could come down and rub aggressively at her clit.
"Go on baby. Cum for me so I can breed you like the little bitch you are."
Y/N toppled over the edge after hearing those dirty words, strangled cries and unintelligible words slipping out of her throat. She couldn't stop shaking underneath the older man that was fucking her, body out of control as it twisted and writhed from the sensuous oblivion she fell into. Desperate gasps scrambled for air as liquid gushed out of her to coat the dick that was still being driven in her.
"Oh fuck fuck! I'm going to cum inside your little hole now."
She barely registered the grunts being said by the person in front of her, her body only feeling and paying attention to the hot fluids being impelled to her womb. Knowing she was full of cum and it was extremely probable she'd be pregnant thrilled and excited her, while simultaneously making her anxious and nervous.
After finally catching his breath, Seonghwa pulled out of her, the cum that was leaking out of her threatening to make him hard again and fuck her once more just to see it all over again.
"Don't get any ideas." The warning voice of his friend brought him back to the reality that the young woman on the bed was only borrowed for the moment, and mostly due to the sick amusement of said friend.
Dressing himself up in his clothes, Seonghwa went over where Hongjoong was.
Hongjoong snorted as he looked down at the tiny splatter of cum that had dripped into the carpet.
"Very much so."
Rolling his eyes, Seonghwa finished putting on the last of his clothes before picking up his phone. Seeing the time, he apologized and told Hongjoong he needed to get home right away.
"I'll take a cab. I'm sure you probably want some more time with her."
Hongjoong blushed a little at his friend's insinuation. Before Seonghwa could walk out the door, Hongjoong called out to him.
"Hey....say hi to your wife and kids for me."
Seonghwa couldn't help the laugh that bursted out his lips.
"I will. See you soon."
Closing the door, Hongjoong was finally left alone with his girl, who was currently sitting up, staring at him intently. Getting up from his seat, he came over to where she was and helped her stand up. Smoothing out some of her disheveled hair, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his free hand tilting her face up as he pressed his body closer to hers. Pulling away to soon for her liking, Y/N pouted at him as she wrapped her hands around his waist.
"Come on. We gotta get you cleaned up."
Taking her hand, he guided her inside the bathroom, where he sat her against the vanity counter. Noticing that she was still looking at him funny, Hongjoong tilted his head to the side and cupped her cheeks.
"What's wrong babygirl?" He mimicked her tiny pout, a feat he often did that tended to annoy her, making her feel as if she was a little child.
"Funny how you care so much about getting me pregnant, yet you get someone else to do the job for you."
Huffing loudly, she brushed past him to be able to get inside the shower, but she was quickly pulled back by one of his hands that slammed her back against the counter. Looking up, she was expecting to see an angry expression, but instead Hongjoong had a smirk that told her he was up to no good.
"Is that what's bothering you princess? The fact it wasn't me the one breeding you? Oh baby.."
Turning her around abruptly, Y/N gasped when he pried her legs open and pressed her chest against the cold marble counter. When she felt his dick come to live and poke at her ass, she immediately pressed her lower half out towards him, the action making Hongjoong get a smug expression.
"You really are the best girl kitten, offering yourself to me like the little slut you are."
Y/N felt her body getting hot once again when on of Hongjoong's hands caressed in between her thighs, running up dangerously close to her heat until he reached her entrance.
"Ok then kitten. Let's fill you up with my cum now, since you want it so much."
Being stuffed with a cock once more, Y/N clung onto the counter underneath her as Hongjoong was showing no mercy as he rammed into her from behind. He always did enjoy brutally fucking her until she was left sore and limping, something no one would have ever guessed given his stature being more on the shorter side. But he definitely made up for it with his experience in making a woman numb to everything except the feeling of his dick being pounded into their pussies, precisely the feeling Y/N was going through at the moment. Her head rested itself against the counter, unable to bear the overwhelming pleasure the man behind her was putting her through.
"Oh no no kitten. I'm having none of that."
Wrapping his hand around her hair and twisting it to a makeshift ponytail, Hongjoong forced her to look up into the mirror in front of her. The ravenous and almost beast like way his eyes stared at her made her weak, pussy contracting around his length as her legs started to wobble.
"Look at you, I want you to watch as I fuck you full of my cum. Look at how I'm going to knock you up with my kids."
Strangled panting was the only audible sounds Y/N could make out, through the mirror she could see that Hongjoong was falling into the same haze she was in. Releasing her hair, he wrapped his hand around so it could rest on the top of her belly button, gently caressing the soft skin there.
"You're such a good girl for letting me do this. You know I'll take care of you right?" His loving reassurance, followed by the light presses his lips made on the nape of her neck were making her go insane. Her mind was running wild with thoughts of Hongjoong getting her pregnant, such a risky and dangerous situation but she was ready for it.
"Hongjoong fill me up! Fuck a baby into me! I want it, I want your cum!"
Her desperate pleas had an immediate effect as Hongjoong pistoned his cock deeper in her, a few last powerful jolt of hips and he was filling her to the brim, her tight pussy making sure to milk him out of every last drop of cum he had in him. Feeling him spill inside her and seeing him throw his head back in pleasure through the mirror, Y/N followed not long afterwards, shockwaves rippling through her body in another intense orgasm. It was a miracle Hongjoong still had his hands around her hips to keep her from falling down to the ground due to the violent shake of her legs. Even after they had both calmed down, Hongjoong still stayed nestled inside of her, nose brushing against the back of her head, inhaling her scent passionately. He let out a tired hum as he buried his face into her neck.
"I love you so much." He admitted, which made Y/N smile.
"I love you too." She responded, turning her head to press a kiss on his temple.
"And I can't wait to carry your baby."
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impyssadobsessions · 3 years
I really been liking Danny Phantom and Batman crossovers lately ;w;
OK so here random Idea I had for how they meet after reading so many. Fentons go on an impromptu family camping trip at the start of summer because it was Jazz's last year as a "kid" Despite having just graduated. This impromptu trip was also started by Vlad, having given Jack the idea. Because of this they were attacked that night by Plasimus's minions. Not only separating Jazz and Danny from their parents but successfully shorting Danny of his powers for next 24 hrs. It also so happens, Batman on a mission ends up crashing in the area, probably due to ghosts in the area and ends up badly injured. Danny and Jazz find him and start trying to decide on what to do. Jazz wields the Fenton bat and forced to wear an upgraded specter deflector by Danny, leading the way. While Danny half carries batman, since he still has enhanced strength. Batman fading in and out of consciousness. Unable to really fight, just listening intently to the strange pair of siblings. Gathering information as he couldn't do much else. He was up against enemy he knew nothing of, but these children knew a vast amount about. What he managed to ask about didn't clear up much, except why they were also lost. They ended up setting up camp where they found tire tracks and supplies. Evidence where their parents were, realizing that they went after the ghost believing Danny and Jazz were kidnap. (As the siblings theorized) Danny and Jazz fought off remaining ghost, and hunt for supplies. Taking care of Batman's wound. Batman listening in and out to what the kids say. Clearly theorizing Danny must be a meta, and feels extremely guilty at not being able to do anything. Blaming himself for what transpire. Jazz despite turning recently into and adult, has experience in being one when other adults in Danny lives fail him. Constantly worried and devoting herself to helping her little brother. That the siblings don't agree with their parents and actively fighting ghost in their stead. Wanting to protect both ghost and human. Danny not having self-confidence despite having built/fixed their communication devices and a ghost shield to wait out til Batman's allies arrive. Jazz knowing how to tend to injury like his and able to do it mostly calm. And information about threats like Plasimus, who apparently wants their mom and wants Danny. The GIW and anti-ecto law. Different ghosts and their threat levels. Such at the ones they were fighting, were normally no threat at all but massive numbers and being controlled by Plasimus is what made situation deadly. Tidbits about town name AmityPark and how ghosts are common. Batman unable to properly interrogate info, ended up just having small conversations or listening to the kids. Making Danny and Jazz slip up more information than they normally would have. Or talk bits about their lives when they thought he was dozing. Immediately after their rescue, plan put into order to help the kids. Helping find this plasimus and check on amitypark. Danny and Jazz giving lessons on their parents gear. Not knowing the batfam after the communication device was repaired, were already searching and discovering who they were and specifically who phantom more n likely was. ........Also none of the brothers let Bruce live this down. Especially if he dramatically told them it was a mission for him alone. Making jokes about how alfred already setup their rooms or like so when we going to properly introduce ourselves to our new siblings? All the jokes. They were relived Bruce was ok so now they'll joke about it forever. Not sure if I explained my thoughts or anything well.. ITs really cute and sweet in my head. Jazz supporting her brother, also going to take online courses for first year of college. JUST SO, Danny could have more time focusing on school, since junior year in high school is so important for college. She was planning on getting better at ghost hunting so she could take some of the night or school time shift. Already making sleep schedules etc. She wanting to make sure Danny doesn't forget to live while focusing on
his ghost so much. Danny having all the weight and guilt on his shoulders. Overwhelmed and barely keeping his head above water. Not realizing he smarter than he gives himself credit for. Having an adult, other than Jazz, just listen without immediately judging does take some weight off his shoulders a bit. Even if said adult is injured : I. Danny and Jazz bickering or mostly teasing each other as they fight with weapons parents built. Danny teasing Jazz on her aim. Probably reminding Bruce about his own kids a bit, and guilt for having these two random kids fight to protect them. Danny clearly better aim, but Jazz really good at swinging the bat. heh =w=' idk just thought it was cute. Anyone can run with it by the way. I don't know the bat fam enough to write them. =w='b but i love them regardless. just little ideas. Vacation Crashers I made the fanfic LOL
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myherowritings · 3 years
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. sexual tension !! and umm sexual frustration ;p, not explicit but prob rated 16+, just read the title of this chapter BAHAHA
A/N. sorry this is coming a little later than planned ! :( but i hope the dressing room scene can make up for it u.u tysm for reading and for all the feedback! enjoy :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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What were you supposed to wear to a shopping date? you asked yourself. Not that today was a date or anything. Though maybe you sort of wished it were… 
The Naruhata Charity Gala was in a little over a week and Shouto would be coming over to pick you up in less than one hour and you still sat in your room with nothing but a towel on feeling more and more hopeless. 
It was a strange dilemma. He met you in your work apron wearing an unflattering work shirt and work pants. And when you met up over the weekend previously, you never paid too much mind on what you would wear. In fact, you were positive he wouldn’t even care how you looked. So why was it such a big deal to you now? 
Probably because of your recent admission of your growing feelings towards him, you thought crossly. 
In your defense, it wasn’t like it was your fault! Right? Seeing someone everyday… Wanting to see someone everyday… Texting regularly about the most random things, having the most banal objects you saw throughout the day remind you of something Shouto did or said… With all those occurrences it would’ve been practically impossible to not start crushing on him! 
Time passed as you stared at your ceiling blankly. If you kept this up, he was bound to show up in your house and find you half-naked. (Now that you mentioned it, that didn’t sound like the worst idea. But it wasn’t something you’d randomly spring upon someone.)
“Get up, Y/N!” you scolded yourself, rolling off your bed and heading towards your closet. 
In the end, you ended up settling for another variation of your usual go-to outfit and called it a day. It happened to be perfect timing since, by the time you finished getting ready, you got a new message on your phone. 
Shouto: Parked in front of your place
Shouto: Sorry I’m a little early. You can take your time getting ready :)
Y/N: it’s okay i’m ready now!! 
After hitting send, you put your shoes on, gathering your belongings you wanted to bring with you, and headed out the door. Excited to hang out with Shouto again, you walked with a skip in your step down the path until you reached his car. 
“Hi!” You waved through his half-opened, tinted window. To no one’s surprise, his car was a sleek black color with dark, tinted windows, and gold details along the sides. If it didn’t look so oddly sexy you would’ve laughed at how cutely dorky he was for matching his car with his credit card. “This is one hot car.”
He turned his head to the side when you entered the passenger’s seat. “Should I turn the AC higher?” 
“Huh— Oh!” You stifled a giggle when you processed the pun he made. “You’re funny, Shouto.” 
He only looked a little confused. “Thank you.” 
The interior of his car was no less—for lack of better term—sexy than the outside. Leather seats, a large screen for the radio and carplay, and the dashboard and side doors lit up a nice blue color. 
“Pretty!” you complimented, poking at the colorful light.
“Want to pick a color?” 
Your eyes widened. “It can change colors?!” 
Shouto nodded.
“Can it be pink?” you asked intently. 
“Light pink or hot pink?”
He swiftly obliged and with a hit of a touchscreen button, the interior lighting changed from blue to pastel pink. 
It turned green.
Cue the orange. 
Once you were thoroughly satisfied with Shouto showing you the whole color selection (you were almost embarrassed to admit it kept you entertained for a good ten minutes), you settled on a bright turquoise that reminded you of the color of his left eye. 
“Ooh, this color! My favorite,” you said simply, giving him a wide smile. 
A faint blush dusted his cheeks as he developed a sudden interest in adjusting his rearview mirror. “Hm.”
Shouto drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, occasionally asking how your week was outside of work and what type of outfit you wanted to wear so he could have a better idea on where to take you. 
“Did you eat?” he suddenly asked when he hit the next stoplight, one hand holding the wheel and the other resting comfortably on the gear shift. 
His hands looked nice and slender and soft to the touch. Pretty hands, you thought but shook yourself out of it because you could go down a rabbit hole of examining his hands and going into detail about them. 
You remembered the single, measly granola bar you had due to your rush getting ready. “I didn’t really eat yet, no. Did you?”
He shook his head and pulled into a food plaza with lots of stores to choose from. The two of you agreed on a noodle restaurant that apparently had some of the best cold soba (once you learned it was his favorite food, you wanted to be able to have some with him and today was the perfect opportunity to do just that) and promptly headed to the location. 
In the shop, a waiter sat the two of you down at a dimly lit booth with the perfect amount of ambience that if someone were to casually look over, they might even mistake this outing as a date. 
You grinned at the thought. 
“Excited for the soba?” asked Shouto, examining the smile on your face thoughtfully. 
That’s not why you were smiling, but it was close enough. “Mhm. And the udon. You can never go wrong with noodles!” 
Yes, you got both udon and soba. But in your defense, where else would the fun in life be if not in sugary sweets and carbs? 
As the two of you waited for your main dishes, you ate some fish cakes and edamame while talking about the ways in which capitalism could be dismantled. Rather sexy of him, if you did say so yourself. 
Before you knew it, you were done with your meal and headed back into his car to go fancy-people shopping. On the remainder of the ride, you asked yourself what color you should pick that would match well with both you and Shouto. After all, nothing said a cute couple who totally liked each other going on a totally real date to a gala like color-coordinated outfits, right?
He parked in front of a street of buildings with a dark glass reaching from ceiling to floor with security guards at the door. Just standing near it made you feel fancy. 
“This is a place my sister told me she liked,” he said, leading you to the store front with his hand on the small of your back to guide you. “I hope you’ll find something to your liking.”
You tried your best not to pay too much attention to the warmth you felt both on your back and your stomach from the fuzzy feelings that spread. 
“Hello, welcome!” the both of you were greeted as you walked through the doors. The interior of the store was lined with designer dresses, some long, some short, and all incredibly stunning. There were only a few other patrons in the store, but all of them looked so elegant as they tried on their dresses. “It’s so lovely to see you again Mr. Todoroki.”
Shouto nodded subtly. “Hello. This is Y/N, my date to the gala who’ll need your assistance today.”
“Hi!” you chimed in at his cue. “Nice to meet you.” 
The worker smiled and made her way over to you. “And you as well. I’m Masuda and I’ll do my best to make sure you leave the store satisfied with your purchase! Did you have a particular style or perhaps color in mind?”
“Umm,” you said sheepishly, looking around the wide variety of clothings and unsure where to start. “I’m not too sure. It’s my first time going to one of these things so maybe something comfortable, but also still...fancy?” You scratched the back of your neck. “Does that even exist?”
“Of course— Just have to find something that feels comfortable to you.” She told you to hold on one moment as she disappear into the rows of fabric. 
As Masuda collected some starter dresses for you to try on, a customer walked by with bags of clothes in her hands, her gaze lingering on Shouto, though neither of you paid her much mind. 
“In this setting, you look almost fit to be a sugar daddy,” you said jokingly, looking around in awe at the sophisticated yet lavish dresses. “You take all your sugar babies here?”
“Only the ones I really like,” he teased back. His voice was deadpan but there was the telltale hints of a smirk on his face to let you know he was only messing with you.
The door chimed to signal that a customer left and by then Masuda had returned with bundles of fabric draped on her arm. She led you away in a hurry and you hesitantly looked back at Shouto who followed in a safe distance. Seeing your moment of panic, he gave you an encouraging smile that somehow was enough to ease a significant fraction of your nerves. This may be new and confusing territory, but at least he was here to help you through it. 
Masuda set a dressing room up for you—it was one of those rooms in the middle of the store with curtains that reached the ceiling and mirrors all around—and placed a bunch of outfits she thought would suit your taste. It reminded you of when a bride would go wedding dress shopping with their family. When you had enough outfits for the first round, she told Shouto to sit down on a leather seat in front of your dressing room while he waited for you to try the different dresses on. 
In a way, it felt oddly intimate: Shouto sitting just a few feet in front of you as you undressed, only separated by the veil of a curtain. Would he offer to help button the back of your dress up, fingers brushing against your bare skin? The thought made you feel almost hot inside as you changed out of your street clothes and into the first dress. 
Unfortunately for you, this dress had no such difficult buttons to reach. 
“How’s it look?” you asked shyly as you emerged from the dressing room. 
The dress was pretty and didn’t feel uncomfortable to walk in, but there wasn’t any sort of attachment you felt towards it. In other words, it was simply...meh. 
Shouto looked up from his phone to take in the sight of you. He smiled. “You look amazing as always.” 
“You think so?” You spun around and curtseyed jokingly and he chuckled. “I don’t think it’s bad, but I’m not sure if it’s the right one.” 
“We’ll be here until you find the right one you want, then. Take your time, Y/N.” 
His voice was normally on the deeper side, but it sounded even more sensual and gravelly at this very moment. You felt goosebumps on your arms and it wasn’t just because of the sleeveless dress you currently had on. 
“T-Thanks, Shouto,” you murmured, turning around and walking back into the changing room to hide the look on your face. You didn’t even know what kind of look you had on your face, but you knew it was one that might give too much away. 
It wasn’t fair that he had to be so sweet and caring and thoughtful and handsome and rich… Most guys you met barely fit into one of those criteria, let alone all five. (Sure, the last two weren’t necessary in your opinion, but you couldn’t deny they were a nice bonus.) It was too bad you had no clue how he felt about you. 
There were moments where he felt flirty and teasing, like maybe he viewed you in a more-than-friends way. But other times he was so polite and proper and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just being nice because that’s simply the sort of person he was to everyone. 
While you were trying to sort through all your thoughts, you completely forgot to change into a new dress the whole time you were in here. 
You saw a shadow at the floor of the curtain before a voice said, “Y/N? Are you okay in there?” 
Jumping at the sound, you scurried to put the next dress on, a blue one with almost translucent fabric and a delicate neckline. Judging from the proximity of Shouto’s voice and the shadow of his shoes, he was right next to you as you changed. 
“I’m okay!” you managed, hoping you didn’t sound as wobbly as you felt. You held the dress closed at the back, fumbling with the fastens. “I just, ah, needed help buttoning this one up.” 
A light ruffle on the curtain then a pause. “Should I...come in and help?” 
Your eyes widened, not expecting him to actually offer to button it up like you fantasized earlier. You fully thought he might called the worker to aide you just so he wouldn’t risk making you uncomfortable. (Not that he would’ve. At all.) 
“I apologize,” he said somewhat tensely after you didn’t respond. “That was indecent of me—”
“No, no!” you said profusely, poking your head out of the curtain while holding the fabric at the front of your dress to your chest. You tilted your chin to meet his gaze with a determined one of your own. “I’d love your help, Shouto.” 
With a dusting of pink coloring his cheeks, he nodded and entered your dressing room. “This dress is a nice color on you.” His voice was loud against the silence. 
Shouto ran his hand down the length of your spine and then up to unfold the column of buttons on your dress that curved inwards at your movement, his knuckles grazing against your skin like lightning striking water. You jolted at the sudden feeling but he didn’t remove his touch when he felt it.
“Sorry.” His voice was low, almost like a whisper. “Was just getting the buttons out.”
“N-No worries!”
His fingers began working on the bottom-most button at your lower back as he applied a steady pressure on the base of your spine to control the motion. Shouto slowly began his way up, fingertips cold to the touch. But you knew that wasn’t the only reason you felt yourself shiver. As he fastened the dainty buttons with immense concentration (much more concentration than was actually needed to fasten buttons, you were sure), you felt the heat of his breath tickling the back of your neck. You almost couldn’t keep yourself from arching your back in a mixture of anticipation and delight at his constant touch. 
When he finished the last button, Shouto let one hand rest on your hip, grasping the fabric between his fingertips to examine its silken texture. Your breath caught in your throat as you stepped back and bumped into his chest, but he was already there to steady you. 
With his arm on your waist and your back leaning against his chest, you made eye contact through the mirror in front of you. You weren’t sure if the pounding you felt was from your heart or his or a combination of both. 
There was something almost erotic about holding each others’ gaze in the mirror after Shouto just helped you dress, the two of you still not letting the other go despite the task being complete. 
“The dress… You look gorgeous,” he said, not taking his eyes off you for one moment. 
You nodded slowly. It did look amazing on you. And it was breathable and soft. (Plus, Shouto liked it, which made you happier than you’d care to admit.) “The only downside would be I need help getting into it.”
“We could get ready together so it’s no issue.” 
“I’d...also need help getting out of it.” 
You held your breath as his eyes darkened, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly in a way that made you curve your back before you remembered you were flush against Shouto and he could feel even the most subtle of movements coming from your body. But by the time you stopped yourself, it was too late. He already felt it and you wanted more.
His voice was hoarse. “I could help you with that too.”
Instead of beginning to unbutton the dress like part of you thought he would, he surprised you by spinning you around to face him, your shoulder blades pressed against the cool glass of the mirror and your palms lingering on the muscles of his warm chest. The contrast of the cold glass and Shouto’s body heat left a shiver down your spine.
“And how do you plan to help take off my dress when you can’t even see the buttons?” you said challengingly, a smirk on your face despite knowing full well your body was showcasing just how affected you were by this situation. By Shouto.
He tilted his head to the side in response to your daring tone, hands swiftly finding their way to your back and unbuttoning the top five buttons. It wasn’t enough to completely expose your breasts, but it was enough to loosen the fabric at the neckline in a way that made you gasp. 
“Seems doable to me,” he commented. 
You tugged him down slightly by the collar of his shirt. “I don’t quite believe you. Maybe you should prove it.” 
A guttural noise sounded from the back of his throat as he cupped your jaw and leaned in closer. You inched forward, eager to meet his lips. But before they could touch, a knock came from the wall next to the curtain, causing the two of you to freeze in your spots, bodies pressed against each other in an intimate flush.
“Hello, Y/N?” said Masuda cheerfully, blissfully ignorant about what was about to happen in a public dressing room in the middle of the store. “How are the dresses coming along? Did you like any?”
“Ah, actually…” you trailed off, exchanging frustrated but amused glances with Shouto. “I think we’ll take this one.”
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a/n: so...mirror sex/sex in a dressing room as a bonus chapter? u.u why yes of course. i’m one step ahead; did u even have to ask? LMAO and hm i wonder if y/n’s fEeLiNGs~ are reciprocated skfkfkdg ALSO THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO KISSING BUT DIDN’T I CRY hopefully the wait will be worth it ;3
what to expect in the next part:
yes y/n finally gets the fancy candy they so desired
we get to see shouto’s sexy penthouse
shouto says eat the rich >:c
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laheysdork · 3 years
stargazing - stiles stilinski
summary: your boyfriend took you out on an unexpected date before the senior year starts
word count: 1.4k
warnings: mentions of death of a family member but other than that this is just overall fluff
a/n: finally another fic! honestly not too proud of this but hey it’s a waste not to post it right? (oh and please mind the grammatical errors as always)
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“Where are we going, Stiles?” He lightly chuckled upon hearing the irritated tone in your question. You were getting impatient. Stiles decided to turn up in front of your house an hour ago, saying that he had an impromptu date plan for, and you quote, ‘the best last day of summer break ever’. Wanting to make it a surprise, he demanded you to wear a blindfold.
How conventional.
So here you are, in the middle of you don’t know where with the one and only Stiles Stilinski.
“I’m seriously contemplating the thought that you are kidnapping me right now,” you muttered as he scoffed. “Oh really? And you are willingly complying?” You could imagine a playful smirk forming on his face.
“Well, I can just kick your ass off. You’re pretty much useless without a bat.” You heard him let out an overdramatic gasp. “Says the girl who can’t even catch a cockroach without shedding a tear,” he retorted, trying to get back at you. “Cockroaches are fucking scary, okay? And that one could fly! They can rot in hell.” You huffed as he giggled. The thought of his grinning face compelled your lips to purse up into a smile.
Soon, you heard the gears of the jeep changing and came to a halt. “Okay, we’re here. Wait a second, don’t move.” You felt the jeep shifted as he got out of the car and shut the door. A few seconds later, you can feel a cool breeze hit your body, sending shivers, as Stiles opened the door for you.
He held your hand, helping you step out of the jeep slowly, making sure you did not trip and fall right onto your face. After you were standing steadily, his hands reached your shoulders, guiding you to wherever he wished.
It was quiet and tranquil, only faint sounds of crickets and rattling branches can be heard.
There is no way this is not the preserve.
Then, you felt a pair of hands move their way up to the back of your head, untying the blindfold.
Your eyes blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden light entering your pupil, which didn’t take too long due to the low light of the night. After a few seconds, the sight ahead of you sent chills down your spine.
“Beacon Hills,” you exclaimed. You were at the peak of the preserve, looking down at the town that you grew up in as if it was a miniature city made of legos. Dots of lights were scattered all over the town, each one representing the citizens of Beacon Hills. Viewing the town from a different perspective seems unreal, triggering a sense of nostalgia.
Beacon Hills is actually really beautiful when its supernatural occurrences are not trying to kill you.
“I love it, Stiles,” you beamed, still adoring the scenery. “Wait till you see the main attraction,” he stated, earning a confused look from you.
“Look up,” he said softly and you obliged.
What came into your vision totally struck you frozen. Stars decorating the night sky, hanging down like fairy lights brightening the darkness of the night.
“Hey! What are you doing out here? It’s pretty late. Isn’t tomorrow your first day in your new school?” Your older sister came out through the window in your room and sat beside you on top of the roof. “Yeah I know, Cass.”
“Is there something wrong?” Concern was evident in her voice. “It’s fine,” you sighed, hoping she would stop the questions since you had no idea how to answer them. “Come on Y/N, I know something is bothering you.”
“I know what the cancer is doing to you, Cass. I’m tired of mom and dad trying to hide it and pretend like everything is okay but it’s not!”
You’re losing it. You have known the inevitable. You have even thought about it countless nights, but saying them out loud makes it real. And the realization, it shatters you.
Tears were now on your cheeks, flowing like a river non-stop. You did not dare to look at your sister, afraid of confronting the defeated look on her face.
You feel her inched closer to you, wrapping one of her arms on your shoulder. “Okay, look up to the sky. Do you see the stars?” You tilt your head up, the star-filled sky came into your blurry sight.
“Remember how we used to look at the stars every night when we were little?” She said through her shaky voice filled with mixed emotions. You nodded your head, not being able to fully form a coherent word due to your current state.
“You’ve always said that one day you will become an astronaut, fly to space, and take the stars back to me since I love them so much,” she muttered in a bittersweet tone.
“I know it’s been hard for you, and I’m sorry that we have never brought it up to you. Mom and dad, they are both in pain too and they try to hide it. But yes, sooner or later, the day will come where we can’t escape the truth anymore.”
You finally mustered up enough courage to look over to your sister, moonlight illuminated her soft skin. She smiled up to the sky, sadness evident on her face. She did not cry, probably because she had no more tears left to shed.
“I can’t promise that everything is going to be okay.” She held your hand and stared at you, a hint of her sadness fading away.
“But one thing I can promise you is that I will always be with you. If you ever miss me, remember, you can always look up to the stars in the sky, and just imagine yourself sitting here right now, with me beside you.”
A heartbreaking smile was now on your face due to the sudden recollection of your memories with your sister. Noticing the shift in mood, Stiles moved closer to you. He brought his arm up to your shoulders, pulling your sides closer to his, in an attempt to give you some kind of comfort.
You didn’t speak a word and rest your head gently on his shoulders. Both of you were stargazing on top of Beacon Hills preserve in silence.
Time seems to stop for a moment. You are on top of the world, with your boyfriend right beside you, enjoying each other’s company. Yes, the thought of your sister saddened you, but at the same time, you have never felt more whole.
After a few minutes, Stiles decided to break the stillness engulfing the two of you.
“I know how much pressure and stress you have been under lately, especially since tomorrow we are officially seniors. I just thought that this might make you feel better, you know?”
Hearing his words, you broke into a sob. All the weight your body had been holding vanished in a matter of seconds.
What did I do to deserve Stiles Stilinski?
He swiftly pulled you into a warm hug, embracing you tightly. You rest your head on his chest, tears staining his white T-shirt. His steady heartbeat was music to your ears as he drew circles on your back, calming you down.
You pulled back, your palms now resting on his chest, staring into his intoxicating honey orbs. His features stood out even more under the soft light of the moon.
He brought both his hands up to your tear-stained cheeks, wiping some of them off. A warm, reassuring smile painted his face. “You look beautiful when you cry.” You chuckled in response. “Well, that’s one way to compliment a girl, Stilinski.”
“But hey, I got her right?”
“Yes, you do Stiles.”
He leaned into your face, his semi-chapped lips pressing onto your soft ones. You melt into his embrace, eyes fluttering close. Despite having to kiss him thousands of times already, your heart was still hammering loudly, butterflies going crazy in your stomach. The kiss was not needy or steamy, it was intimate and passionate. It was the type of kiss that’s full of love instead of desire.
You broke the kiss, both of you breathing heavily.
“Thank you.” You looked up to him, giving him a small smile. “All for you, my love.” He returned with a cheeky grin.
“Okay, that’s a little cheesy, Stiles,” you snickered, unable to hold the giggles erupting from your lips. “Okay, yeah, I cringed too. Glad you brought it up.” He also chuckled with you, both of your laughter lit up the quiet night.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 2
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: heavy/shameless flirting, provocative actions, dirty talk, aggressive-ish sexual advances, female!reader
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous →Part 1
Next →Part 3
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“Too old for you, sweetheart.” 
Those words repeated in your head over and over again, pissing you off more than they probably should have. Even though Keishin had yet to explicitly tell you how old he was, you were already well aware that he was probably a good four or five years older than you at least. Him pointing out that simple fact was not what was grinding your gears—it was the way he had said it.
With that devilish smirk on his face, he had practically said it as if he were taunting you with it. The way he had shut down your question was like he was holding his superiority over you; he might as well have just laughed in your face and said, “You couldn’t have me even if you wanted to.”
It was awfully bold of him to assume something like that with his tone of voice, because you didn’t even want him . . . well, back then you hadn’t wanted him. Now was a different story, and even though you knew it probably wasn’t the best idea in the world, the blatant ‘you can’t do it’ that screamed at you in his dark brown eyes was more than enough to make you change your perspective. 
So now your mission was to wrap Ukai Keishin around your finger just to prove that you could. 
At first, you hadn’t been sure how to go about accomplishing said mission because Keishin was rarely at the shop at all, which was how you landed the job in the first place—to take over for him. So, you really only had a short window at the beginning of the day when he was leaving and in the evening when he was coming home, but he was usually in too much of a rush or too exhausted to even look in your direction, let alone give you the time of day to make him fall for you.
Nevertheless, you used the few minutes you were graced with each day to the fullest. 
Leaning against the counter, your eyes kept flickering to the clock above the counter and to the door that led to the back room and, in turn, the stairs up to Keishin’s apartment. After working at the store for a few weeks by now, you had come to learn Mrs. Sakanoshita’s and Keishin’s schedules pretty well and knew that Keishin was due to come down the stairs, grumbling about how he was running late, any second now.
Right then, almost as if on cue, you heard heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs and got ready for your morning routine. When the door opened and Keishin emerged with a granola bar stuffed in his mouth and a cup of coffee in hand, you were quick to greet him.
“Good morning.” You smiled as you perked up. 
“Goog morngnan,” his speech was mumbled over the entire granola bar in his mouth, but you caught the gist anyway. He barely paused to acknowledge your presence, his mind completely focused on getting out the door.
A smirk playing at the corners of your mouth, you leaned over the counter, cleavage on full display from your tank top and apron, which hung low on you, and gently grabbed his arm. “Will you be back later tonight or should I wait for you before locking up?” you asked.
Keishin just rolled his eyes at you. You asked him this every day, and every day he gave you the same answer. “Just leave when you’re done. I have keys to the store . . . just like I did yesterday . . . and the day before that.”
“Just checking.” You let go of him, but not before you let your fingertips ghost over his forearm. “Have a good day, Keishin.”
“Yeah, you too.” He never returned the sentiment by using your name as well, but you still persisted, hoping that he might change his mind one day. 
As he turned his back to you and headed out the door, you watched him leave. Although men who pretty much wore track suits exclusively were not usually your type, there was just something about the way Keishin’s ass looked in track pants that did it for you. As you wondered whether he was as nicely sculpted everywhere else—and whether it came from volleyball or if he worked out sometimes in secret—he had disappeared from sight. 
With your short-lived window of opportunity having come and gone, resulting in the same pathetic outcome as always, you sighed heavily and got back to work. As much as ogling the boss’ son was entertaining, you still wanted to keep your job because you did really like it, so you still had to actually get the job done. 
Like every other day, you spend your shift helping out customers, manning the front counter, and cleaning when cleaning needed to be done. The days were usually more or less the same, so by now you could predict when a heavy customer flow would hit—like around lunchtime and after work/school hours—and when the store would be dead, giving you time to take a break, eat some lunch, and get some chores done. 
Sometimes the days went by in the blink of an eye and sometimes they dragged on painfully slowly. Today was the former, probably because it was a Friday and the store tended to see a higher than normal customer rush in the afternoon when people stopped by on their way home to grab snacks and drinks for the weekend. 
Today, however, ended up being unusually busy, even for a Friday, and before you knew it, it was almost time for your shift to end and you still had quite a bit of shelves to restock. You were a little bummed about having to stay late on a Friday night, but you knew that if you went home you would just end up eating some leftovers in the fridge, taking a shower, and lying in bed, scrolling on your phone, until you passed out. Unfortunately, you didn’t have any exciting plans for the evening, so it wasn’t a hard decision to choose to stay later to get the work done instead of having to come in earlier on Saturday morning. 
With the radio playing in the background, like it always was in the evenings when the customer flow was practically nonexistent, you locked the front doors and worked through box after box, restocking the shelves and doing some of the remaining cleaning that you hadn’t been able to get done during the day.
Half an hour or so later, you heard a slight commotion from the front doors and instinctively looked up at the clock, noting the time. It was well past closing time by now, but this also wouldn’t be the first time you would have needed to deal with someone who couldn’t tell time and send them on their way empty-handed. 
Just as you stood up from where you were kneeling in front of one of the back shelves, the familiar sound of the front doors sliding open filled the store. Confused and a little on-edge, you approached the noise. Ever since your first day, you refused to be snuck up on again and always had your ears sharp and listening for people. 
Rounding the shelf, you spotted a figure with its back turned to you. However, you recognized that ass and poorly dyed blonde hair instantly and calmed down. It was only Keishin.
“You’re back late,” you commented. Sure, he always reminded you that he had a set of keys for the store, but he had never returned after you had locked up and actually had to use them before. 
When Keishin turned around after locking the doors behind himself, you noticed he was a little wobbly on his feet and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, so that’s why you’re late.” You stood back and gave him a wide birth as he slowly stumbled over to the counter and sat down on the stool behind it. 
Keishin narrowed his brown brows at you. “What’s that mean?” he inquired, his speech completely unaffected despite the fact that he was moving like he was tipsy, which he seemed to be.
“Oh, nothing.” You shrugged, brushing off his inquiry. “At least one of us had a good night.”
“Mmm . . . very good,” he sighed before folding his arms on the counter top and resting his head on them. 
You watched him for a minute or so, watching his back for rising and falling to prove he was still breathing when he went silent and still. “You should probably go to bed,” you told him, afraid he might pass out right there on the counter, leaving you to deal with his unconscious body. 
“Yeah . . .” He paused for a while before continuing. “Just rest here for a little bit first.”
“Okay.” You nodded slowly before turning back toward the shelves you had been stocking. “Well, I’ve still got some stuff to finish up so just call if you need anything.”
Normally, you would be using this time to try to seduce him some more in whatever subtle way you could think of, but since he was pretty drunk, you decided against it for tonight. Besides, you were a little too exhausted to try anything anyway. Maybe this had all worked out for the best; a night off to just be in the same room as him and maybe you could gather some information to aid your pursuit that would resume the following day.
As the radio continued to play softly throughout the store and Keishin rested on the counter top, you quickly finished up stocking the shelves, noting that you would need to do some sweeping the next morning due to how dusty the tile was in the back corner. 
Standing up, you dusted off your hands and began patting your black pants off as you strolled back to the front. Surprisingly, Keishin was sitting up now, leaning back against the wall and typing something on his phone. In about twenty minutes, he seemed to have sobered up quite a bit.
“Damn, you bounce back fast,” you said, eyeing him and the nimble movements of his fingers while he typed. When he didn’t respond at first, you just went back to dusting off your pants.
“You missed a spot,” he finally spoke, his fingers ceasing movement while his eyes flickered over his phone at you.
Trying to inspect the back of your pants and failing miserably, you huffed. “Where?” You patted a few more spots, starting to wonder if you had actually missed a spot or if he was just messing with you.
“No, not there. On the side-” He tried to point out the spot he meant, but when you kept turning and twisting, it was impossible for him to pinpoint the area for you. “Oh, for fuck sake.” He set his phone down, stood up, and approached you. 
Right as he extended his hand to wipe away the smudge of dust on the side of your thigh, you turned again and he ended up brushed his hand across your ass. You both froze immediately, and when you looked up at him, you noticed a light dusting of pink across his cheeks.
Out of all the fruitless plans and days you had spent trying to get any reaction out of him, in the end, all it had taken was a few drinks on his part, an accidental encounter, and a misunderstanding to see any sort of progress.
“S-sorry,” he stuttered slightly, but you knew it wasn’t from the alcohol . . . or, at least, it wasn’t just from the alcohol. 
“It’s okay,” you told him, shrugging it off right away. It really wasn’t that big of a deal and you were slightly surprised to see such a reaction from him after something as trivial as an accidental butt touch. 
“I-I was trying to brush your thigh but you turned and then-”
You giggled. “Really, it’s okay.” You found his embarrassment endearing. “I think I’ll survive.”
“It’s not about that.” He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “Workplace harassment is taken pretty seriously these days. Not to mention . . . sexual harassment.”
This time your giggle turned into a full blown belly laugh. “Do you honestly think I’m going to report you for an accident like that?” you questioned. “Besides, who am I going to report you to? You and your mom own this place, right?”
Furrowing his brows, Keishin seemed pretty disgruntled about what had happened. “You’re sure you’re not upset about it?”
“You’re really bent out of shape over this, aren’t you?” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Okay, how about we make it even?”
“What are you-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you had reached around and gently planted your hand on his ass. It took every ounce of self restraint you possessed not to give it a squeeze and test to see if it truly felt as great as it looked, but in the end you just left it at a light touch like he had done to you.
“Now we’re even,” you told him softly. “You gonna be okay now?”
Just like before, there was a faint blush on Keishin’s cheeks. But this time, in addition to the pink hue, there was a hungry look in his eyes, and you truly couldn’t tell if he was actually hungry after drinking so much or if he was hungry for something else . . . for you.
The two of you fell into silence for a few moments, breathing heavy and eyes locked. The way he was staring at you, you were ready for him to lunge at you at any second, but he never did. His hand twitched slightly by his side and his tongue ran over his bottom lip, but he never stepped closer.
Since this seemed like your best chance, you were forced to make the first move. If he didn’t want this, you would stop right away . . . but you were half convinced he did want this.
“You work so much . . . has it been a while since someone has touched you like this?” you asked in a hushed whisper, slowly removing your hand from his behind and moving your fingers to toy with the hem of his shirt. 
Keishin, whose face and neck were bright red at this point, didn’t answer. Instead, he swallowed hard and wrapped his hands around your arms. Then, he stepped backward, sat back down on the stool, and pulled you to stand between his legs. 
“Do you want me to touch you?” Your hands began travelling up under his shirt, nails lightly scratching over his lower stomach. “Say the word and I can make you feel good.”
Keishin’s lips parted and it looked like he was seconds away from practically begging for it, but before he did, something flashed in his eyes and he came to his senses. Running his hands down your arms, he snatched your wrists, pulled your hands out from under his shirt, and held you at arms-length. 
“I know that you think this is all fun and games, sweetheart, but you’re seriously biting off more than you can chew here,” he warned, eyes dark and serious.
You were taken aback. How had he done a 180 so quickly?  “How do you know how much I can fit in my mouth?” you teased, choosing your words carefully. “You haven’t even let me show you yet.”
He just shook his head. “26.”
You cocked a brow, unsure if you had heard him correctly or not. “What?”
“You asked me how old I was,” he elaborated. “I’m 26. You’re 18. That’s an eight year age gap. Eight years is a lot when you’re 18.”
You felt your blood begin to boil in your veins. “Why does everyone think they know what I can and cannot handle?”
“Why are you so adamant on refusing to acknowledge that people older than you might have some useful advice?” he said plainly. “I’ve been 18 before. I know what it’s like to feel like no one is taking you seriously, but making stupid choices in order to pass as independent is not the way to go about rectifying that situation”
Groaning in frustration, you pulled your hands out of his grasp. “I’m not trying to ‘pass as independent’. I am independent! I can make my own decisions and if I want to have meaningless sex with a 26-year-old I should be able to do that!”
“Why is this the hill you want to die on?” he inquired.
“Because it’s the only hill I have!” 
Untying your apron from around your waist, you yanked it over your head and threw it harshly onto the counter. After grabbing your belongings from the back room, you headed for the door, ready to be as far away from Keishin and the store as possible.
“Just my luck that I stumble across the only morally-responsible 26-year-old burnout in the fucking world,” you spat at him on your way past him to the front door. “I’m going home.”
“Okay, goodnight,” Keishin responded calmly, definitely completely sober by this point. He watched as you struggled with unlocking the front doors, waiting a reasonable about of time before offering his help. “You have to turn it the other way.”
Taking his advice without a word in response, you shot a glare at him over your shoulder as you pushed the doors open. You wanted to hurl one last insult his way, but by then, you were too emotionally exhausted and mentally flustered to think of anything appropriate . . . and if you were being honest with yourself, his words were sinking too deep for your liking and you needed to be away from him before you did something truly horrible . . .
. . . like admitting he might be right. 
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comfortbucky · 3 years
Hey! Can i request a cold, lonely ex-hydra reader × bucky who falls in love with her. Adding some panic attacks and nightmares of the reader.
i love this idea!!! thank u for submitting🥰
𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗲 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆
pairing: avenger!bucky x ex-HYDRA!fem!reader
tags: enemies(?) to lovers, angst (if u squint), soft!bucky
warnings: canon level violence, description of injuries, blood is mentioned, panic attacks, anxiety, nightmares
A/N: i just came up with a random name for the HYDRA leader the reader is after🤣 so just ,,, ignore // also!!!! i tried out a different writing style than what i’m used to! hope u don’t mind🥺 just been feeling like a lot of my writing is the same and wanted to try something new!!!
word count: 3.5k (this is so long LMAO sorry 😭 literally why am i like this)
my masterlist!
completed requests!
The suit that you once considered a second skin, now felt uncomfortable and constricting, like a python squeezing the life out of you. Although, it made sense since the very organization of the uniform you were wearing did exactly that.
For so long you were just another mindless pawn to them, just doing without every actually thinking. Unlike your younger brother, Alex. They indoctrinated him as well, getting a hold of both of you from a young age, but he was there when Captain America took down S.H.I.E.L.D. and it changed his entire worldview. You found everything he said about “freedom” to be stupid, naive, and dangerous. And you would later prove yourself correct.
You pull yourself from your thoughts as a group of HYDRA soldiers walk past the shrubbery you hid behind. Quickly and quietly, you get up and join them as they march towards the HYDRA base. As soon as you get inside, you manage to slip away from the rest of the group to search for your target.
Since HYDRA took the possibility of you ever having a normal life away, as far as you were concerned, your only purpose in life was to kill the man who was at the center of it all, Viktor Cross. And after months of tracking him down, formulating the perfect plan, that’s exactly what you were going to do today.
You make your way towards one of the main lab facilities, gun in hand when you see several unconscious guards lying on the floor in front of you. Shifting your gaze up, you see that the door has been ripped open, grip marks on the sides.
This was not part of the plan.
As you squeeze through the open door and enter the lab, you come to a halt, frozen in shock. There’s your target, Viktor, shoved against the wall by none other than Captain America himself. You almost let out a chuckle in disbelief at the irony of the situation. Instead, you take a step forward, and the glass cracks beneath your feet, alerting the men of your presence.
Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. Viktor’s lips curve into a smirk as you make your way to them.
“Agent- Miss Y/N,” he corrects himself. “What a pleasant surprise.” You ignore him and look to address Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America.
“Let him go and give him to me,” you start, Steve eyeing you cautiously. “So I can kill him,” you snarl, quickly turning to Viktor to see that his smirk had been wiped off his face.
“Aren’t you HYDRA?” He questions, nodding to your suit and eliciting a cackle from Viktor.
“Not anymore,” you mumble, before lifting a leg to kick Steve in his side. You hit him across the face with the end of your gun for good measure. He stumbles over, giving you enough time to grab Viktor’s collar, before he falls to the floor, and slam him back against the wall. His eyes are full of desperation and you felt nothing but pure, burning rage. You shove the barrel of your gun under his chin and place your hand on the trigger.
“You were such a gifted agent, Y/N. Don’t throw away such potential, come back.”
“Go to hell.”
Before you could pull the trigger, a force propels you to the ground and you feel a sharp pain in your side. Silence and then ringing fills your eyes as you squint your eyes to try and visualize the situation. Your vision is blurry, but clear enough to clouds of smoke engulf Viktor’s figure as he escapes. A muffled voice from behind you speaks, but you can’t make out any of the words they’re saying. You look down to see red. Just crimson red, staining your abdomen. Hands land on your shoulders, shaking you gently as your vision fades to black.
Viktor is in front of you, the barrel of his gun directed right at your head. He smirks as he moves his hand to the trigger.
“Hail, HYDRA.”
A gunshot goes off, forcing you to shoot up in bed, gasping for air. As you start to regain your senses, you realize you’re surrounded by a group of strangers. Well, not complete strangers, the Avengers to be exact. Part of your job required you to study their files, learn everything about them. You could recite from memory where and when they were born, their greatest strengths and weaknesses. Suddenly, your side starts to burn with pain, and you carefully lean back in bed. There’s an array of wires and tubes connected to you and you hear the rhythmic beeping of various machines. You’re in a hospital, or some sort of medical facility.
“That, is exactly why I said we should use restraints.”
You’re staring at the ceiling when you hear Iron Man, AKA Tony Stark, speak.
“Tony, she lost a liter of blood, she’s not going anywhere.”
Steve appears in your view, looking down at you.
“Hey, you’re okay. You’re safe.”
You shift your gaze away from him. The last thing you expected to come out of this mission was to meet the Avengers, let alone them save you.
Steve sighs, “We’re not gonna hurt you. We wanna find Viktor too.”
There’s nothing he could say that could get you to speak. Your hatred for HYDRA didn’t mean you suddenly liked the Avengers. If anything, they were part of the problem too, so you stay silent.
“Told you, she’s not gonna talk,” Tony quips. From your research, you had come to learn that he was an arrogant man, and his statement only proved you right. “Maybe you should get Manchurian Candidate to come down, give her an ex-HYDRA buddy,” he says sarcastically.
Upon hearing “ex-HYDRA buddy,” you furrow your brows. Maybe it was the lack of blood in your body, but it took you a second to process his words and understand who he was referring to. Your eyes dart back to look at Steve’s but he’s gone.
“I’ll be back.” His voice trails off as he exits the room.
You’re still staring at the ceiling when you hear footsteps return and then several others departing.
There’s only one other person in the room beside you. Without even looking up, you already know who it is. His breathing was slow and steady until you started to shift in bed to reposition yourself. His breath hitched for a moment, before returning back to his normal breathing pattern.
“Killing him isn’t gonna make you feel better.” His comment makes you roll your eyes as you slowly sit up to look at him. There were no logical thoughts in your head, all you could feel was pain and fury. Anger swelled within you, your emotions boiling over.
“That’s rich, coming from the Fist of HYDRA,” you spat out. As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt your stomach drop. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one you hadn’t felt in a while. What was it? Regret?
Bucky’s face fell but he kept his eyes on you. It was a look that made you feel worse, worse than the searing pain in your side.
“I’m not a killer anymore,” he said in a tone so gentle, you felt another strange, new emotion but couldn’t quite label it. You quickly shift gears to avoid addressing the uncomfortable feelings swirling around in your stomach.
“Are you keeping me hostage to lure Viktor in? Because it's not going to work." Bucky shook his head.
"We want..." he trailed off, causing you to tilt your head in curiosity. “We need your help finding him.” You scoffed.
“What do I get out of it?” Bucky’s silence gave you your answer. Shaking your head, you start to disconnect yourself from the multitude of wires attached to you and get out of bed.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself,” he started, as you threw off your blanket and sat on the edge of the bed.
Standing up quickly, the blood from your head pooled in your legs, causing you to feel dizzy. Your head spun and your arms reached out for something, anything stable to grab onto. It was a metal hand. Despite it being cool to the touch, it ignited a heat to rise to your cheeks. You look down and mumble a thank you as Bucky helps you back into bed.
Letting out a sigh, you realize with the condition you’re in, you can’t leave. Definitely not well enough to go after Viktor alone. Shutting your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose, you curse under your breath.
“Fine,” you finally speak, keeping your eyes closed. Bucky nods, even though you don’t see, and you hear him walk off.
After a couple days of rest, you were cleared by Bruce to get discharged. Viktor had gone deep in hiding, making your job to find him a lot harder. Tony had so graciously given you an extra room in the tower, right next to Bucky’s. He was probably the one person you saw the most, purely due to location, and the fact that everyone else cautiously kept their distance from you. It made sense though, since you rarely spoke to anyone and spent most of your time in the lab looking for any clues of Viktor’s location. When you weren’t searching for him, you were training in the gym. Bucky was there a lot too, both of you waking up at ungodly hours of the morning. No words were ever exchanged between the two of you, and yet, there was some level of comfort you felt being around him. Must’ve been an ex-HYDRA thing.
“What’s on your mind?” You walk over to Alex and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. He sighs.
“What if,” he starts, furrowing his brows. “What if freedom is good?” He speaks quietly, fearful of HYDRA listening in on your conversation.
It feels like you’ve got the wind knocked out of you.
“Alex,” you grab him by the shoulders. “What the hell are you talking about?” You’re searching his eyes, trying to understand what’s gotten into him.
“Captain America.” The biggest threat to HYDRA’s existence. He looks down at his hands. “He was willing to risk his life for it. It has to be worth something right?” Alex looks back up to you with a look in his eyes that you haven’t seen since you were children. Uncertainty. You sigh and pull him into your chest, stroking his hair.
“I don’t know, kiddo. Maybe.”
You wake up in a cold sweat, panting. Hot tears fall from the corners of your eyes. It’s the same dream you’ve had for the last week. Although, you wouldn’t consider it a dream necessarily, but it wasn’t a nightmare either. Just a bittersweet memory.
Bucky could tell that something was up with you for the past week. Despite having gone through a bit of therapy, Steve’s idea, the nightmares still came to him. So Bucky was already wide awake when he heard your weeping on the other side of the wall. It didn’t help that he was also a light sleeper with super-soldier hearing. He didn’t know what was causing you to be so upset, but he didn’t want to intrude and ask. Neither of you had spoken to the other since you first arrived.
But this night was different from the rest. Usually, you would flip endlessly through channels on ur TV until you eventually fell asleep, but it wasn’t working this time. There’s a tight pain in your chest and suddenly, you’re suffocating. You rip off your covers and spring out of bed, tripping on your blankets along the way. At this point, you don’t even register the pain of slamming down, face-first on the ground. Panic has taken over your body, tears now streaming down your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping for relief.
He wasn’t planning on doing anything until he heard a loud thud from your room. Immediately, Bucky gets up and arrives at your door. It’s rude to just barge into someone’s room, his mom taught him that from a young age, so he settles on knocking. You don’t hear it though, the only sound you hear is the sound of your rapid breathing as you hyperventilate. Bucky hears it too and ultimately decides on inviting himself into your room.
You’re lying on your side, curled up in a fetal position with your hands covering your face, when Bucky opens the door. He quickly arrives by your side, kneeling beside you, as he examines you for any injuries.
“Are you hurt?”
You manage to shake your head in response, anxiety still flowing through your veins. Unfortunately, Bucky’s familiar with panic attacks, having had them himself. But he also knows that everyone deals with them a bit differently. Guess he did manage to learn some useful things from therapy.
“Can you try breathing with me?”
He starts to take deep breaths in and out until he sees you start to follow along with him, your hands still covering your face. There’s a part of you that feels stupid for keeping them there, but they help ground you, so you continue to shield your face. After what feels like an hour, but was probably only 10 minutes, your panic subsides. That’s when a wave of embarrassment hits you, realizing that it had been Bucky with you during your panic attack.
Slowly removing your hands from your face, you’re greeted by piercing blue eyes. You blink a couple times, realizing that Bucky had taken a spot on the ground, lying on his side to face you, his hands pressed together under his head like a pillow. He smiles and you feel warm. It’s terrifying, the new feelings that Bucky has caused you to feel and yet, you don’t mind.
“You feelin’ better?” You nod and smile back, something you haven’t genuinely done in a while.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
You stare at each other in silence, lying side by side. There’s no physical touch involved but somehow, this moment, it feels intimate. Bucky breaks the silence.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He speaks in a voice so soft, it almost sounded like a whisper.
It might’ve been the fact that he just calmed you down from a panic attack, but as you looked into his eyes, you felt the walls you had built up for the last year slowly come crashing down.
“He killed my brother,” you reply, maintaining your eyes on Bucky. You searched his eyes for any fear or pity, but all you could find was a look of understanding. His eyes were starting to become a safe place for you.
“Alex was there when Steve took down S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA along with it. He wanted out, out of the organization.” Taking a deep breath, you continue. “Word got around about a “rat,” so I took the blame. Viktor was about to shoot me when Alex’s dumbass ran in front of me, sacrificing himself.” You let out a chuckle, your vision getting blurry as tears swelled in your eyes. “He was a goddamn idiot, but he also had a heart of gold.”
As you start to cry, Bucky hesitatingly extends an arm to hover over your body, trying to gauge your reaction. Physical touch was something he struggled with during the beginning of his recovery, and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. He’s reassured when you grab onto his shirt and pull yourself closer to him, and wraps an arm around you, his other hand softly stroking your head.
You hadn’t cried like this since Alex died, bottling up all of your emotions to focus on finding the man responsible for his death. But as you sobbed into Bucky’s chest, you realize that your love for Alex had transformed into an ugly, burning hatred for Viktor. He wouldn’t want this. You didn’t want it, at least, not anymore. The only thing you wanted was your brother back, and that was impossible.
Bucky held you in his arms until you fell asleep, listening to the sounds of your slow, rhythmic breathing, dozing off shortly after.
That night with Bucky had softened your cold, hard exterior that you initially presented yourself with. You would willingly spar with Nat in the training room and join the team for breakfast or dinner. Everyone noticed and, while at first thrown off by it, happily embraced it. Especially Bucky.
Initially, he got up to work out in the early hours of the morning as a habit. Now, he woke up to see you. His heart did flips in his chest every time he walked in the gym and saw you. Since that night, you started to acknowledge his presence, turning to smile and wave as he walked through the doors. It was something he looked forward to every day.
During the day, you were focused hard on tracking down Viktor and Bucky knew that. But he also knew he wanted to spend more time with you. He looked for reasons to enter the lab, whether it was offering snacks to you throughout the day or helping Bruce or, even Tony. Anything to see you again.
Bucky realized that there was a deeper, stronger emotion that he felt for you when he would wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. The first thing he thought about was you. Specifically, how you were the only thing that could possibly calm him down. Although he’d come in that night to help you with your panic attack, you ended up helping him as well. He hadn’t slept as soundly and peacefully as he did with you. And you hadn’t either. There were several nights when neither of you could sleep and ended up running into each other. It slowly became a routine that would begin in the kitchen, exchanging life stories, and end on the couch in the common area, entangled in each other’s arms.
Tonight you didn’t show up and Bucky panicked. He stared at the kitchen clock. It had been 20 minutes and you still hadn’t shown up. Bucky racked his brain for anything he could’ve done to scare you off, but came up with nothing. It wasn’t like you two had been officially together, Bucky had no idea what you were to each other. All he knew is that he wanted to be with you, always.
You were soundly asleep in bed, passing out as soon as your head hit the pillow. It was a particularly physically exhausting day for you, training with both Nat and Steve.
Bucky was so caught up with the thoughts racing through his head, he hadn’t noticed that his feet had taken him right to your door. He stands there for a moment, silently debating what to do. Grumbling under his breath, he musters up the courage to knock on your door. Right as he was about to turn away and shuffle off to his room, your door opens. You greet him with a yawn and a tired smile.
“Oh, hey Bucky.”
He looks at the bags under your eyes and feels instant regret wash over him, realizing that you weren’t avoiding him, but just getting some sleep.
“Sorry,” he looks down at his feet. You frown and place a hand on his cheek to lift his head up.
“Something wrong?” He avoids your gaze, partially because he’s embarrassed and partially because his cheeks were turning red because of your touch.
“No.” You cross your arms and let out a sigh.
“You’re a bad liar.” It’s his turn to sigh, as he scratches the back of his head.
“You didn’t come to the kitchen,” he lets out, in almost a whisper. It hits you. You were so tired, you had completely forgotten about your nightly tradition. “It’s stupid, sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you up," he mumbles. Bucky begins to walk off but you grab his hand. When he turns to look at you, his brows are raised at your touch.
As you start to speak, you pull him close, facing you. “It’s not stupid.” His hands move to hold your waist as yours move to wrap around his neck. You pause, an idea popping into your head. “I’m kind of tired from training today, wanna just come sleep with me?” He nods and you drag him to your bed, nestling into his arms as he holds you to his chest, his chin resting above your head. You tilt your head back to see him looking down at you. There’s a fluttering feeling in your chest and you smile.
“Just for future reference, you have an open invitation to cuddle with me, anytime.” Bucky chuckles at your offer.
“I’ll keep that in mind, doll.”
Bucky cups your face in his hand and you nuzzle your cheek in his palm. His eyes dart down to your lips before returning to your eyes.
Then, the most delicate, sweetest kiss you’ve ever received is on your lips.
You flutter your eyes open as you both pull apart. He quickly kisses your nose before pulling you back into his chest, speaking softly.
“And you have an open invitation to kiss me, anytime.”
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
I am not anon but I AM interested (sorry if you've already told ppl this): how WERE the babies crafted and at what point in all of this does Annatar admit to Tyelpe who he is?
Hello! Thank you for your patience, sorry for some reason my brain just couldn't get into gear for a while to answer Asks but here we are at last.
The basic idea ive always had is that Tyelpe made the Ring Babies by accident, via a sort of Powerpuff girls scenario xD He's just there doing awesome magic science and then poof--he's a father.
Beyond that what I've been able to figure out is that it was ultimately possible due to his being linked to Annatar/Mairon. Having joined his fea with that of a maia he was able to accidentally pull on latent power and unintentionally pull the Ring Babies into forming physically.
My thought has been that while he was forming them he was thinking of their potential bearers, who he meant to gift them too once he was done, and these thoughts mixing with the Magic helped shape something of the base of the Ring Babies personalities and appearances. Hence Nenya looks and acts something like Galadriel, Vilya looks and acts something like Gil Galad, and Narya looks and acts something like Annatar (my own personal headcanon for who Narya was intented for). But these are only baselines, the Babies grow and change as they learn and their own distinct personalities come thru as they do, they're not just younger copies of their bearers.
I think what made them manifest ad children was both Tyelpe's thoughts about wanting a family of his own, and his desire to have his rings help heal and bring back something of the joy and hopefulness of youth unspoiled by war and tragedy to the people he meant to give the rings too. He wanted them (the rings) to be able to give a new life and energy and optimism to the wearers, as part of his vision of helping to heal Arda and its people from the ravages of the Wars.
And all that mixed together with unrealized Maiar creation magics and--instant fatherhood. (Well, sort of instant. The babies took about a year to fully physically form around their ring cores, giving a confused/frantic/excited Tyelpe time to get a nursery and everything ready for them as he watched them solidify xD )
As for when Annatar confesses to him, well it depends on what sort of storyline I want to play with. In the All is Well and Happy timeline (which would probably be the main one I deal with) Mairon properly reformed and confessed long before they started making the rings, so he has no diabolical plans in mind, they can just be surprised and happy fathers together.
In a more complicated timeline he hasn't yet confessed at this point though he is pretty much getting pulling by his feelings to reform, and the babies accidental creation both heightens and complicats this, as he wants to confess all and properly change to be with Tyelpe and their children but he's worried he's left it off too long by now.
Bad timeline (though still with a possibility for a happy ending if Mairon can get thru his on hubris to get his act together ) is he hasn't confessed at all and doesn't find out the the Rings he sensed in Mordor as he put on The One are children until he's marched on Eregion and finds Celebrimbor trying to flee with three small children. (If he manages to get himself thru a Redemption arc in this Tyelpe finds a way to reverse engineer the Ring Baby process, uses it on The One Ring so Mairon isn't destroyed and it becomes their youngest baby Malya)
Worst/most canon adjacent/(star wars-y) timeline, Tyelpe sends the Babies off to their different bearers for safety, is captured and ultimately dies without revealing their location or that they've become people. They grow up in the care of their bearers, play their parts in the downfall of Sauron (either as people or shifting into rings and back) and ultimately reunite with Celebrimbor in Valinor.
(Worsest Timline Sauron captures them and Tyelpe and tries to corrupt the babies to his purposes. @trashipsinc has written an excellent one shot about this 👌)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Hollow Pass (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader has to spend a day in the mines for work, she’s less than thrilled. When the miner showing her around for the day, Dean Winchester, is an ass, she’s even less thrilled. But an accident will change all of that and if they want a chance of getting out of the mess they’re in, they’ll need to put their lives in each others hands, literally...
Pairing: Miner!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,100ish
Warnings: language, injury, frightening/claustrophobic/near death situations
A/N: Please enjoy the first of this 2 parter!
You sighed as you stood in the trailer of the manager’s office, a jumpsuit and a pair of boots sat in a chair. Your boss, bless his heart, thought it was always a good idea for corporate positions to experience a day in the mines to truly understand the product and what the little guy went through on a day to day basis. The argument that you were not really corporate, not even close, seemed to go over his head.
“Y/N, you gonna change? I need my office back,” said the manager through the door. You pulled it open and pouted. “I don’t want you going down in the mines anymore than you do but if you want to make corporate, you gotta do what the CEO says.”
“Dad I don’t even want to work there. I like my simple office job.”
“Then why have you been in all those development programs at work?” he asked. You shrugged and he sighed. “Cause you can’t say no.”
“Do I have to?” you asked, looking back at the overalls.
“Do you want to quit?” he asked.
“I don’t want to lose a good paycheck. But I don’t want a corporate job either,” you said. 
“Then you’re shit outta luck,” he said. “I’m gonna put you with the Winchester boy. He’s on safety checks in our most secure mines.”
“You mean the ones that never have problems.”
“Funny how that all coincidentally happened today of all days,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks dad.”
“I don’t want you going anywhere near explosives. You’ll be safe doing the checks with Dean for the day.”
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said twenty minutes later. The man in overalls and a hard hat rolled his eyes.
“I’m ten minutes late because of you which means I’m gonna get docked those ten minutes of pay so thank you little miss corporate.”
“I’m your boss’ daughter, jackass.”
“Still ain’t my boss,” he said. You huffed and headed over towards the mine entrance when he grabbed the back of your overalls. “No, dummy. You have zero safety gear so unless you want to die, you’re coming with me.”
“Dean Winchester at your service,” he said, dragging you over with him to some lockers. He punched a card and went to the storage racks, seemingly grabbing a few items and putting them on. He picked the hard hat off your head and grabbed one with a light and a wire attached to it, clipping it on your belt. He put something over your shoulder you put your arm through like a sling and clipped a mask onto the back of your belt, a flashlight and a small hand pickaxe going through your other loops. “Turn this lamp on anytime you’re in the mine and never, ever, take off your hat. If I yell at you or you smell something funny, get that mask on. Flashlight and the axe are backup for emergencies.”
He put a radio in your pocket and looked you over.
“Oh and for the love of God, do not wander off. I don’t care if you see a bug or break a nail or gotta piss.”
“What do you do if you have to…” you said.
“Normally you piss against some rock like a man but special manager’s daughter we’ll walk you back out here, take our slow ass time, make me go longer than my shift and because I was late today, I don’t get overtime.”
“That sounds kinda illegal.”
“The contracts for this company are a fucking nightmare,” he said, walking out of storage.
“Why work here then?” you asked as he went to an area and grabbed a clipboard. He took two water bottles and clipped them on each of your belts before whistling for you to follow after.
“Well somebody had to pay for his baby brother to go to law school and it wasn’t going to be my drunk of a father now was it,” said Dean, stopping and writing something down. 
“So you didn’t grow up with mining in your family?” you asked.
“No. I’m not some redneck hillbilly like you imagine either,” he said. He flipped on his light and turned yours on when you got to the mine entrance. “Crouch.”
“We ain’t riding the cart which is missing, dumbass. Crouch down so you can fit in the tunnel,” he said. You swallowed and had to bend down some, following Dean closely. “Ain’t claustrophobic are ya cause now’s the time to tell me.”
“No,” you said. “Jerk.”
“Ah, see? We’re getting along already.”
You walked for five or so minutes before the ground sloped down further and an entrance to the right opened up. Dean straightened up and you did the same, stretching out as he grabbed the back of your jumpsuit.
“Dude, would you stop doing that?” you said.
“Would you stay in my line of sight?”
“That’s harassment. You can’t touch me without my permission,” you said, crossing your arms. He blinked a few times and rolled his eyes quite possibly the most dramatically you’d ever seen in your life.
“This? This is not an office building. Every single time you step in here you run the risk of dying and you have zero clue on how to stay safe down here. I hate it when you people with your big offices and penny pinching bullshit come down here and complain about every goddamn little thing. If you want out, get out of the fucking mining business.”
“You’re an irritable person,” you said. He grumbled and tugged you along with him until you brushed him off. You followed him down a hallway and another, Dean checking things off on his clipboard as he went. “Are you gonna explain any of this stuff?”
“What do you think?” he said. He whistled and you followed him down a few more hallways when he stopped a gauge looking contraption. He checked a few different numbers and valves on it as you spun around. 
“I guess it is kinda cool. That somehow you guys know how to block up rocks and leave all these cracks and know how to make it so it doesn’t all come crashing down.”
“Cracks?” he asked as he squatted down and read off a meter.
“Yeah like that big one,” you said, pointing at the wall across the way. He turned around and looked at it for barely a second before he grabbed your arm. 
“Move. Now,” he said. He pulled out his radio and pressed down the button. “We have a grade five crack in Lodge Six West. Do not blow. I repeat do not-”
The ground rumbled and you heard a splintering noise, Dean pushing you back into the hallway you’d been in. He jumped on top of you and covered your body with his, all the lights going out, a loud thundering of falling rocks happening close by. It seemed to go on and on before it finally stilled, the hallway pitch black.
“You alright?” he asked.
“I think so,” you said, coughing when you felt dust in the air.
“Don’t move,” he said. He lifted his head and there was some light, Dean looking around before climbing off of you and staring at a new wall of rock. He looked at the hallway you’d been in, clicking on his flashlight and you saw where the rock dropped off about a hundred feet away. “Well. Shit.”
“What just happened?”
“The rock was unstable and they already set off the charges and it shook the mountain so now there’s a giant hole over there and our exit is blocked.”
“What’s that way?” you asked, nodding down the only unobstructed hallway.
“Further down into the mine before you hit the decommissioned area.”
“Is there a way out,” you asked, Dean patting his side.
“Fuck. My radio is under all that,” he said. He took out yours and handed it to him, Dean nodding before he turned it on. “Main do you copy, over?”
There was silence on the other end and Dean hit the button again.
“Main this is Winchester in Lodge Six West with…what’s your name?” he asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, manager’s kid. Copy, over.”
“Winchester this is Main. We got lots of calls coming in from ground crews about a shaking.”
“Lodge Six West Hall K is a giant crater of death and Hall H is buried, right up to the entrance of junction HJ.”
“We’re okay,” said Dean.
“Give me a second.”
Dean took a deep breath and coughed. He tapped your mask on your belt and you put it on, the air a bit easier to breath. 
“Winchester this is Melvin.”
“She’s okay, boss. Just a little shook up. Saved our asses from winding up in the ground even if she doesn’t know it yet,” he said. He held out the radio and you pulled down the mask. 
“Dad I’m fine, really. We both are. It’s just kinda dark and smelly is all.”
“I know. Put your mask on sweetie until you can get to some cleaner air,” he said. You put it back on, Dean, getting to his feet. He pulled you up and looked back at your blocked path. 
“Any other collapses?” asked Dean.
“None reported so far. Everyone should be out of the mine’s or on their way. Alarm is blasting.” You looked back at Dean, his eyes shutting.
“Melvin we can’t hear it. At all.”
“Rodney’s out checking where our side of the collapse starts. We’ll get you out,” he said, someone panting in the background.
“Hall B, Mel,” he said. Dean turned away from you and sighed. No one said anything for a long time until Dean finally raised his head.
“We got two 16 ounces bottles of water. If she rations it, she’s got a shot,” said Dean quietly.
“No, she doesn’t,” said your dad, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it. “How long does your radio have?”
“Mine got crushed. Hers was on a quarter charge. I’d guess maybe an hour or two tops,” he said.
“Should we call your brother?”
“He’s hiking in Glacier Park this week. No cell service,” said Dean quietly. “Just tell him to check my bottom desk drawer. There’s something for him there.”
“I can do that,” he said. “Is there anyone...parents-”
“All due respect sir, I’d rather you talk to your daughter,” he said. Dean held out the radio to you and you picked it up, Dean skirting around the corner to the one unblocked hallway.
“Dean?” you asked, following over there. He was leaned against the wall and looked over his shoulder at you. “What’s going on?”
“They can’t dig us out in time.”
“What do you mean-”
“Talk to your dad. You’re wasting time. That battery won’t last forever,” he said. He turned back and you walked back around the corner, sitting down against the wall.
“Hi dad,” you said.
“Hey,” he said, his voice shaky. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “Mom’s on her way down to talk, okay? She’ll be here in ten minutes.”
“I so quit this job,” you said, wiping off your eyes with the back of your hand. He laughed and you threw your head back. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m gonna stay on the line as long as I can, okay?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Two Hours Later
The battery in the radio had died about fifteen minutes ago. There was no sound aside from your sniffling and Dean’s down the hall. You got up eventually and went into the hall, sitting down beside him. You handed him the radio and he clipped it back on his belt.
“You okay?” you asked, voice hoarse.
“You try listening to someone say goodbye to their parents and not bawl,” he said. He wiped off his face and took a deep breath. “Air’s better now at least.”
“What do we do now?”
“Now,” he said, clipping his water bottle onto your belt. “You sit there and try not to exert a lot of energy and that water will last you a few days.”
“We both heard my father. They can’t drill or dig or do anything fast enough. It’d take weeks. I’m not sitting here next to your dead ass so take your damn water back,” you said, shoving it back in his chest. He didn’t speak but put it on his belt, pulling his knees into his chest. “Why were you so mean to me before? You gave up time on the phone for me. I don’t think you’re what you pretend to be.”
“I’m a dead man walking and that’s a fact.”
“Technically you’re sitting.”
He smiled and rested his face in his knees. He sat up and reached over behind you, hitting off your headlight.
“We need to conserve power as long as possible,” he said.
“Will our lights go out before we dehydrate to death?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “This is what it’ll be like.”
He flipped off his lamp and you swore you’d never experienced a darkness so deep. You felt his hand graze yours before holding it and you swallowed.
“Kinda less scary knowing you can turn it back on again,” he said.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why such a brute?”
“You do this job long enough and most people think you’re a dumb sack of shit with nothing in his head. You’re dead weight, odds are you’ll die down here or get into some kind of accident and have to go on disability the rest of your life. You corporate people are always so stuck up, like I’m not even good enough to be the dirt on your shoes. I didn’t give you a chance because odds were you were like all the rest of them. You’re the only reason we didn’t die in that hole, very painfully.”
“Wouldn’t we have-”
“No. It’s not a simple hole we would have fell in. Falling rocks, crushing and hitting, landing on you, ones you hit yourself. Might not kill you immediately. You’d feel it.”
“Dying of thirst is better?”
“I’d say so. Still get to keep this handsome face, or what’ll be left of it,” he said. He flipped his light back on and you scooted closer. “I think you’re very attractive.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gonna die in like three or four days. Life has no consequences now and I happen to find you very attractive and you seem like a smart, sweet woman that put her parents a little at ease during the worst moment of their lives.”
“Who’s your brother?” you asked. “No consequences after all.”
“He’s a lawyer...and my best friend.”
“You said you did this job for him.”
“Student debt is a bitch. I try to help him out and the overtime helps make dents in it,” he said. “Our parents had debt out their asses. It caused so many problems for us. I wanted him safe, never have to worry about the next meal on the plate or the roof over his head or having to wear my hand me downs ever again. At least he’ll get my life insurance policy. That should help.”
“I have been busting my ass since I was a college freshman in that office to move up the chain for a job I didn’t even want. I completely lost nearly all of my twenties to work. All so I could die in here.”
“Well I know this doesn't sound good but I’m glad I didn’t die all super painful. Or that I’ll be alone,” he said. You smiled and nodded, Dean returning it. “Got any bucket list shit we can pull off down here?”
“We could make out,” you said. “Never knew anyone could make that jumpsuit look good.”
“Why the fuck not,” he chuckled. He leaned in close and your helmets bonked, Dean pulling his off and yours, quickly cupping your face. 
His lips were gentler than you thought, the two of you stopping when your lips were pressed together. You rested your forehead against his and broke off only an inch.
“Not as much fun at the moment as it sounded,” you breathed out.
“Pretty good last kiss though,” he said. You put your helmets back on and you grabbed his hand again. 
“Don’t let go down here. Please.”
He reached to his belt and undid a little pouch, pulling out a small tether of rope. He clipped one end onto him and the other to you.
“For when the lights go out,” he said.
“How long do we got?”
“About a day, maybe a little more,” he said. You sighed and turned your head, staring down the rest of the hall. “It’s decommissioned, Y/N. It’s a death trap.”
“Is there a way out?” you asked.
“Maybe. Maybe they never find us though,” he said. You stared at him and he nodded, hitting your headlamp back on. “Enough of the pity party. Let’s go get out of here or die trying.”
He stood and held out a hand, hoisting you to your feet. 
“So. What’s our best option?” you asked.
“It’s alright for a bit until we get to the decommissioned section. When we get there, that’s when it gets dangerous. Technically it’s dangerous now considering the blast but we’re okay for a bit,” he said. 
“Let’s go then,” you said. He nodded and you followed him down the hall, walking side by side. 
“Alright so the decommissioned section is called Hollow Pass. Beyond that is Upper Seven. If we can get to Upper Seven, we can get out the old entrance I’m pretty sure. Never been in there but hopefully it’s not a maze over there.”
“So Hollow Pass is the hard part.”
“Why was it decommissioned?”
“Unstable ground. Holes, pockets of air, rotted support beams, wood planks.”
“So it’s a death trap.”
“Yup,” he said. “We’re probably gonna die down there.”
“What do you think our odds are?”
“Well it’s been out of order for over fifty years, we have no map, I have no real idea where exactly to go...I give us 1% odds.”
“Beats are 0% odds here.”
“Good way to think about it considering we’re going to most likely die.” He stopped walking and took a deep breath. “If I fall or whatever, follow the widest hall possible and keep away from wood and cracks as best as possible. Ration your water and eventually you’ll find your way out.”
“If you fall I’m definitely not gonna make it.”
“Well at least try. You can tell my brother how devastatingly brave I was that way.”
“You just spent the past hour crying.”
“So did you,” he said. You bumped his shoulder and he returned it but it was playful and soft. You walked together quietly for a moment until Dean rounded a corner and took a deep breath.
There were a few planks across a hallway, Dean kicking them down, frowning when they broke pretty easily.
“There’s gonna be rot.”
“We don’t have to go,” he said. “You don’t have to. There’s a chance-“
“There’s no chance Dean. Not if we stay up there. If you don’t want to go, I will. Maybe I can get help back in-“
“We’re doing this together or you’re staying. I can go and you-“
“We both go,” you said. 
“I go first. You step where I step and if I tell you to do anything, you do it.”
“Dean. We already established that you’re not a hardass. You can lead the way but you know, nicely.”
“Alright, alright,” he said. He gave more slack in the rope attached to the two of you and took a deep breath. “Let’s go.”
He was calm for a few minutes until you were turning down a hallway, Dean suddenly stopping in front of you.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Look,” he said. You poked your head around him, swallowing at the rotted wood on the ground, holes worn into the planking. “Y/N that’s not good. Rot means there’s water and water means erosion and erosion means big shafts hundreds of feet straight down under those wood planks.”
“How much of it is wood?” you asked. You both looked ahead and sighed, the whole hall flooring covered in wood. “Shit.”
“Y/N. This is too dangerous. I’ve worked in mines since I was 18 and it’s way too dangerous.”
“Dean. I don’t want to die. If we don’t do anything, we’re dead in three days, maybe less.”
“Maybe they come up the decommissioned mine and get us,” he said. 
“Dean. The mountain collapsed from what my dad said. They are not coming in here, risking even more lives, in this mine. It might even have collapsed on the other side on the way out. We don’t know. All we do know is we stay and we’re dead or we go and we’re maybe dead.”
“You still won’t let me go on ahead on my own to try to get some help?”
“You’re not leaving me alone,” you said. You stepped ahead and he yanked on the rope, pulling you back. “Dean. Stop.”
“I go first,” he said. You held up your hands and he swallowed, Dean stepping past you, carefully putting his weight down on each plank. “Follow. Every footstep exactly where mine go.”
You followed after, the only sounds your breathing and the occasional board creaking. Dean put a foot down and stopped moving forward when you heard snapping. 
“Go back. Slowly.”
You stepped a foot backwards, putting weight on it and your foot going straight through. Dean grabbed your arm as you pulled your foot up, a few sticks falling into a deep dark pit. 
“What do we do,” you breathed out.
“Well we’re over rock that fell away so there’s a big hole beneath us if the rotted wood is anything to go by,” he said. You heard the slight waiver in his voice and sighed. “We make a choice. Forwards or backwards.”
“Back looks bad. Plus we already probably broke the supports.”
“I think solid ground is in front. But I have to jump for it,” he said. You looked past him and shook your head. 
“Dean, it's way too far. I can try to walk over there if you let out the rope. I get to solid ground and then you walk and if you fall, I got you with the rope.”
“Sweetheart, there’s no way.”
“You’re too heavy and we can’t stay here,” you said. You slipped past him and he tried to grab you but you went quickly. “Dean let out the rope. Now.”
“Fuck. We’re gonna die.”
“No we’re not,” you said, walking quickly, planks creaking but you sighed when you had solid rock under your feet again. “Alright. Just go where I did and fast.”
He took a deep breath and walked a few steps, a loud groaning of the wood making him move faster.
You hit the ground the second you saw him go down, the wood breaking away. Dean shouted and you dug your heels into the dirt. 
“Y/N!” he said, falling straight down into a hole and out of view.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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