#I have shit due tomorrow for a class that I’m failing that I’ve never failed before in my life
I am. Miserable
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likelylarks · 1 year
doing a fucking cut bc i can’t handle the tags rn and the stupid limits and whatever and inability to correct spelling mistakes
but basically i have three (3) assignments due for my two grad classes: two are kind of bullshit and gimme and i should get an a in the class and it doesn’t matter
but one of them is worth 40% of the grade in my core class that i need to make a b (b+ ?) in and i can’t fucking? do it? and this is the part of the programming where i’d email my professor and ask for help or an extension or something for this fucking critical book review of the worst written nonfiction book that i’ve ever read (the grammar is bad! how can you focus on the content when you never learned how to write!) but i can’t email her because she hates me! and always sounds so fucking annoyed in her responses to me when she emails me back and she also always treats me like i’m stupid and i can’t fucking do it!
and so i am having a hard time breathing and thinking and even the idea of making a schedule to work to makes me want to die and i feel so bad that i can’t even do the easy gimme assignments
which she’s gonna mark down on anyway because she hates me and has no clear grading system and just fucking bullshits everything
so like, fucking panic attacks? and this shit is either due on monday or on wednesday and she hasn’t made it clear which it is and i can’t!!! do!!! anything!!!!!! like i’m gonna lose my fucking mind and die!!!
why the fuck did i decide that i was gonna go to grad school, like it’s to be a fucking school librarian but it’s not like i’d get hired for shit anyway and so it’s just another fifty thousand dollars in debt on top of the eighty that i already have and for what? to maybe fail a necessary class because my professor can’t make a helpful set of instructions to save her fucking life
and also! i’m just stupid!!! i can’t analyze things!!! i don’t understand complex issues!!! i read things and have no!! thoughts!!! like i can’t pick the social, legal, political, and personal/professional ethical issues out of this book about a librarian in the fifties!!! the instructions are “identify and describe” but what does that mean!!! because every fucking issue is all of those things!!! censorship and anticommunism and racism are all of those fucking things!!!! what do you mean identify!!! and describe!!!!! i have no fucking thoughts!!!! about this book!!!
and i certainly have no thoughts about the other readings in this class to connect it to but i can guarantee that any thoughts that i might have or bullshit...... more than 2500 maximum word limit because all of these things are fucking complex? like genuinely what the fuck
i think i’m just gonna go to target tomorrow and get one of those crappy shelves to build and replace this weird ladder shelf thing that i have just to feel something before going to nashville to see aladdin with my mom :/
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saint-magdalena · 2 years
thing # 18 Saturday, November 12 2022 8:37 pm
ok so mostly i’m just writing this as a test because right now i have a youtube video pulled up of those minecraft platforming videos and it like an hour long. i think i saw somewhere on tiktok that it helps them focus during class? so i’m just testing to see if it works on writing as well. though, i donat know if it’ll help with when i have to do actual schoolwork, because at least on here i can choose whatever i wan’t to talk about unlike in essays where i don’t really have much of a say. nevertheless i still might discover a new way to focus on this instead of being distracted every few seconds so yeah.
i kinda wanna rant about my experience on tinder. well, “experience” is a bit generous. mostly i’ve been doing the swiping, i haven’t really talked to anybody yet. still, i have a few thoughts abut it. i don’t think tinder is for me. i feel way too judgy on people i’ve never even met before. even though i’m sure a lot of them are great people to hang out with, i can’t really figure that out from a few photos of them. their bios(if they have one) don’t help either. they mostly just have their height and instagram handles written down. if not, they’re just asking for a hookup, which i would be totally down for, if not for the fact that. people who are looking for hookups, don’t even have their face in any of their pictures.
okay side note, the minecraft video bg music did more for my focus than the actual video. and i think the effect doesn’t last that long cause i eventually got distracted, so i’m switching to an asmr video now.
anyways, most of the time, i feel like i’m just judging people’s ability to take good photo of themselves. it feels so awkward when i come across a photo of someone and just feel embarrassed that that was the best that they could do. like, do they seriously think a blurry-ass photo of themselves shirtless with basketball shorts on is gonna make someone interested. like ew. and before you start thinking that i should be humble and not judge people based on their pictures, that’s internally what tinder is shut up. whatever, i’ll just keep swiping until i find—i don;t even know what i wanna find but yeah, maybe this is just one of those cases where i’ll know it when i see it.
asmr isn’t working by the way, i’ve gone on my phone multiple times during that last paragraph. maybe i should try some generic relaxing music like the one ion t he minecraft vid? aesthetic lo-fi it is.
and by the way, still haven’t fixed my procrastination problem. i still have about 17 assessments that i have due in about two weeks. i don’t know how i’ll be able to do them all in that timeframe. but let’s hope my adhd-fueled speed running abilities won’t fail me this time. see, it would have been fine i f i were still at my other school in my hometown, because compared to everyone else’s outputs and presentations and shit, even though i didn’t even pass them on time, they were still actually pretty good. when it came to recitations and ppts, i just bullshitted my way through the english language and teachers would eat it up. i even graduated with honors because of this. but college professors, understandably, aren’t as impressed with late-but-still-quality outputs because the standard in my school right now, which is in a big city, is way way higher than back there. people just aren’t as easily swayed by showy english because literally everybody speaks english here. pretty canva layouts won’t catch anybodys eye since guess what? i’m in a fucking art school so literally anybody could do what i do. i don;t know, maybe i’ll just have to accept that my stuff will just have to be mediocre and god, that pains me to say.
anyways, if i’m lucky i might be able to pass two of the math assessments by tomorrow night. maybe i’ll work on one of the essays too, but i doubt i’ll get anything good out of me. i’ve literally started over three times with one of my essays because literally everything that came out of me was like hot garbage.
ok bye for now maybe i’m getting really sleepy.
btw the music works so much better pog.
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bb / gg, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Jeon Jungkook is the lead singer in a rock band and failed his Biology class last semester, so he has to take remedial classes over the summer. You're the Biology TA, double major in Psychology and Biology, watching him freak out over his make-up exam because he had overslept. Both of you are surrounded by rumors. Does the title stand for bad boy / good girl or bad bitch / good guy? Who knows.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; not the healthiest dynamic tbh; slight angst due to perceived unrequited love; smut (fem reader, D/s dynamics, begging, scratching / marking, choking, handjob (he is still wearing underwear), multiple orgasms, cowgirl, hair pulling, edging / orgasm denial, cock ring usage, m-masturbation, cum-eating); non-idol!BTS – rock singer, sub!Jungkook x studious, dom!reader
yes, it's SOWOOZOO JK, both the first yellow tropical look and the shredded black shirt look; for those who wanted him to be dom!JK, there is a moment when he is but not in the way you think because that's how I operate
Jeon Jungkook was a bad boy.
Wore too much black, dyed his hair too much, had tattoos, always had girls hanging around him. Sang in a rock band on the weekends, played electric guitar, played the game of how-many-numbers-can-I-get tonight? Never gave a girl his leather jacket to wear but was happy to buy her a drink and flirt with her until she got hot with arousal.
You were a good girl.
Always wore a blazer. Crisp white dress shirt and pleated skirt underneath, usually in a dark color. Sensible heels, but always heels. Did too many units a semester because you were double majoring in psychology and biology. Always arrived to class early, always turned in your assignments on time, always turned in your tests early and aced that shit. Took physics with calculus even though you didn’t have to because it was the harder one and you wanted a challenge.
Against the wall, shoving a fist into the neck, lips to lips, teeth snapping, hand travelling down, whimpering pleas and harsh growls, keep crying, I like it, ecstasy and pain, nails to skin. Tearing clothes off, biting, marking, I own you, and then, yes, you do, mouth and tongue, aching pleasure, cocked eyebrow, mocking the pathetic whines and cries, stopping right before the end, no, please, I’ve been good, and, you take what you get, hand fitting onto the neck, squeezing the sides, eyes rolling back, skin to skin, bruising slaps that would be seen tomorrow in the mirror, traced with shaking fingers and pants of an open mouth, moaning at the memory of sky-high pleasure while lightheaded and thoughtless, desperate to do it again.
There was a rumor.
Everyone liked Jeon Jungkook. He had two smiles, an endearing one and a teasing one. Both encapsulated the kind of person he was, honest and playful. He always sang with conviction, he rapped with savagery, and his lyrics were always from the heart. He always hung out with his bandmates after their performances at bars and interacted with those that came up to him. No one ever said Jungkook was mean or rude in any way.
And yet.
There was a rumor.
A rumor that Jeon Jungkook was taken.
He was the kind of guy that always made sure a drunk girl got home safe even though he didn’t know them. Paid for their taxi and everything. He focused a lot on his music and writing lyrics he thought would connect with others while taking into account his band members. He always told the truth if a girl confessed to him, saying he wasn’t looking right now, that he was very sorry if she thought otherwise, that there was someone he was already interested in.
You slammed a hand onto the tabletop and Jeon Jungkook jumped, the shredded black shirt he was wearing falling down his shoulder, revealing his ink black tattoos on his tan skin. He was wearing a black tank top underneath.
“What’s with you? You missed the exam for your remedial class and you’ve spent the past ten minutes spacing out at your make-up exam,” you barked, pointing to his empty exam sheet. “You haven’t even filled out you name.”
Jungkook swallowed hard. “S… Sorry.”
You frowned. Why was he apologizing to you? Honestly, why did you sign up for this summer TA position again? Oh, right, money and credits. Hmph. It was really just an excuse for the professor to slack off while you did the tedious things like grading and watching over idiots that skipped class. Sorry, overslept. Hung over, probably, since this was the Jeon Jungkook. Rockstar, hottie, famous in his own way.
He could be Jesus Christ and you would still be scolding him for missing his remedial Biology exam.
“Fill out your name so at least I can fail you properly.”
Not that it mattered, since you knew who he was. He didn’t know you knew who he was, and you had zero incentive to inform him that you were indeed aware of the existence of black-haired, tattooed, chiseled-jaw, sparkly-eyed Jeon Jungkook, all due to the constant snide remarks that followed you in your wake.
You wouldn’t be such a bitch if a guy like Jeon Jungkook put you in your place.
Who the fuck was Jeon Jungkook?
This guy, this weirdo about to fail his fucking Biology exam in front of your face.
Impatiently, you rolled up the sleeves of your gray blazer and grabbed a chair, dragging it up to the table. You snapped the chair down and sat in it, smoothing your skirt. You liked to be neat. Even though university didn’t have a uniform, you liked to keep some sort of uniform for yourself. There was a sense of security in knowing you didn’t have to select an outfit every morning. Today, white dress shirt, gray blazer, pleated black skirt that hit slightly higher than mid-thigh. Every other outfit was some variation of this and, in the winter, you wore thick stockings.
You clicked your heels together under the table sharply.
He flinched at the sound.
Jungkook wasn’t looking at you. He was mumbling at his paper.
“I… I think I studied the wrong chapters…”
You clicked your tongue. Jeez.
His hand was shaking so bad that his pen was practically vibrating. You leaned over the table, grabbing his fist to still it.
Your bare knees hit his bare knees, mostly because he was wearing black jeans with giant holes in them. Jungkook froze, head snapping up, silver earrings jangling, black hair flying, undercut visible for a second.
“You want to pass this class or what?”
He nodded quickly in response.
“Good. I want to get out of here. Keep your mouth shut. Answer to the first question is A.”
His eyes widened.
“Are you… helping me cheat?” he whispered, terrified.
You cocked your head, letting go of his hand. “You said you studied the wrong chapters. I’m not spending forty-five minutes of my life to watch you panic and then ten minutes more failing you,” you replied lowly, dangerous edge to your voice.
“I… couldn’t… I mean…”
You shoved his knees open with yours, narrowing your eyes as he yelped, pleading look in those brown doe eyes. You pressed your knees on the inside of his thighs, keeping them open.
“Answer to the second question is C.”
When Jungkook didn’t move, you reached over and cupped his chin. Felt his racing heartbeat pounding through his veins, coursing through your fingertips. Stared deep into those eyes, lowering the octave of your voice, keeping his thighs spread for you under the table.
“Listen to me,” you murmured softly. “Okay, Jungkook?”
“O… Okay…”
And he did.
There was a rumor.
Nobody liked you. Maybe it was because of your high scores ruining the class test average. Maybe it was the dismissive way you spoke to people, almost demeaning. Most likely it was a combination of the two. Students talked behind your back all the time, spreading rumors. Friends? What friends? You had an average of twenty class credits a semester. You didn’t have time to make friends. And besides, why try to make friends when clearly nobody wanted to be your friend?
And yet.
There was a rumor.
You ignored such things. You didn’t need such distractions.
“It would be too suspicious if you got full marks. This score is high enough.”
“O… Okay…”
“Get on the table.”
Jungkook scrambled on the wooden tabletop as you pushed his exam aside. You were still sitting in your chair. Your head tilted, eyebrow lifting at his speedy response to your rather suspicious request.
“You listened.”
He blinked at you. “Uh… yeah?”
“Why?” you finally said.
Jungkook gulped. “Be… because you asked,” he mumbled, knees on the table, hands clutching his knees.
“You can just walk out and report me.”
He shook his head quickly, black hair flying everywhere. “I don’t want to.”
Your other eyebrow raised. He chewed on his lip, a flash of pink tongue in his movement.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do it.”
You decided to test his conviction.
“Edge of the table. Spread your legs for me.”
Instantly, obediently, Jeon Jungkook surprised you by doing it, putting each leg on either side of you, chunky black sneakers hanging down. Shredded black shirt open, hands behind his ass, towering over you, and yet his eyes were watching you, waiting for more, begging for instruction.
You raised your chin, seeing his impressively muscular thighs and body displayed for you to take. He was so close you could smell his clean, dreamy scent, like a meadow in summer dusk, surrounded by peeking stars and blinking fireflies. Interesting.
But you didn’t need the distraction.
“That’s it. You can go now,” you said dismissively, about to push your chair back.
His legs closed in, pressing firmly into your upper arms. Your eyes flickered up to him.
Jungkook shook his head very slowly.
“Do what you want.”
You saw his chest rise and fall, his silvery voice deepening, pupils expanding.
“I know you want to do something to me.”
His erection was bulging against the zipper of his black jeans. Your eyes went back to his face. He shivered at your sharp stare. All of this was happening in an otherwise empty lecture hall, with you and Jungkook at the very bottom.
Just you and him.
You placed your hands on his thighs. He jumped a little, but scooted closer to you. You slid your hands up. You undid the button of his jeans, scrutinizing those brown eyes. He raised his hips to help you as you pulled the zipper down.
“You don’t know me,” you finally said, no inflection in your voice.
He didn’t look away. “I don’t care.”
“Hmm.” You smirked. “Bad boy, aren’t you?”
Jungkook shook his head slightly, but didn’t break eye contact as you pulled his pants to his knees and reached for his black boxer briefs. “No. I’m a good guy. I want to give you what you want.” You hooked your fingers over the waistband and nicked his skin with your nails, making him gasp, the pleasure evident in his tone. He did not try to hide it from you. “I want to be good for you.”
“Why is that?”
He hung his head a little.
“Something about… how you make me feel…” he muttered. His gaze finally faltered. You reached up and righted his chin, forcing him to look at you. Saw that Jungkook had a mole under his mouth, perfectly in the center. He had a nice shape to his pink lips. You tapped his cheek, nudging him to elaborate. “You… You’re so pretty… and smart… Everyone looks up to you because you have such good grades…”
You doubted that.
Jungkook probably had no idea that most of the school hated your guts.
You didn’t have classes with Jungkook, but you were sure he knew your name because your name was posted on the Dean’s List of the highest-ranking students of the university every semester. Also, you weren’t hard to miss. Every student moved out of your way when you walked through the halls, whispering behind their hands.
Jungkook brought you back to the present.
“I feel,” he whispered, voice trembling, gaze locking with yours. “I feel like I want to be on my knees for you.”
His skin was warm under your nails.
“Like this is where I belong, in your hands.”
You stood up.
Jungkook started, turning into a tight squeak as you placed your hand on his chest and pushed him down.
“Lift up your shirt with both hands.”
He did was he was told, revealing his toned abs and the lower half of his pecs, biting his lip, clutching onto his tank top, ears turning red as he craned his head to look down at you. You didn’t give him any satisfying response. His tan skin seemed to glow under the overhead lights. You studied his face.
Reached up and began to rub his erection through his underwear.
“A… ah…”
“Gonna make you cum like this.”
He shook his head quickly. “P… Please, no…”
You felt him swell and twitch under your hand. He was pretty big. Thick. Pretty boy with a pretty dick, probably. You rubbed the head with your palm, feeling his pre-cum leaking through the thin fabric. He wasn’t kidding when he said you made him feel some kind of way.
“Why not? Make you cum in your underwear and then you have to go all the way home covered in it. All dirty, just for me.”
His handsome face twisted with sinful pleasure at your suggestion, whimpers in his throat. His cock jerked with need, wanting it.
“O… Okay. Whatever you want.”
So obedient.
“So obedient, Jungkook,” you purred, rubbing faster.
He nodded. “For you. Only for you. Just for you.”
Was it just saying those things because he thought that was what you wanted to hear? Or was that how he actually felt? Surely not the latter, considering he didn’t really know you. You leaned over him, placing your free elbow on the table to stabilize yourself. You hadn’t even kissed him.
“You’re so hard for me,” your drawled, lowering your head, letting your warm breath float down onto his skin. “You want to cum for me, don’t you?”
“Y… yes, please…”
“You want to be my toy?”
You pressed your lips to his bellybutton, feeling the smoothness of his skin, tasting it. He moaned at your kiss, your swift tongue flickering out to that delicious skin, whining when your teeth nipped at the softness. Fuck, he tasted so good that you wanted to mark him. Looked so fucking good that you wanted to mess him up, mar him with temporary imperfections on the perfection that was Jeon Jungkook.
With breathless, lustful conviction.
You licked up his abs, increasing the intensity and speed of rubbing the engorged head of his cock, the pre-cum already soaked through and creating a slippery surface, turning Jungkook’s pitched whines to deep moans, a melody that filled up the entire lecture hall until was the only thing you could hear, Jungkook’s moans as you bit his skin, his moans as you sucked on his skin, moans as you kissed the hard muscle, cries for more at you left marks, pleading for you, sweet and beautiful, clutching his shirt so tight that his knuckles were white, the black tattoos of his right hand standing out, his cock throbbing in your hand, his hips rising to hump your palm, your name on his lips, over and over and over.
“Gonna… gonna cum…” he panted, sniffing slightly, cheeks flushing pink. “Gonna cum like how you want me to, all over my underwear…”
Your fingertips touched his side, seeing him stiffen and then shudder at your gentle caress.
“Do it,” you murmured. “Show me how good you are at listening, Jungkook.”
He bit his lower lip, jaw clenching, squeezing his eyes shut, tipping his head back into the tabletop, whining your name in his chest, your palm working him, slick and hot and hard, pulsating under your roughness. With a sharp moan, his lower lip popped out of his teeth, dark red and swollen, small mole quivering.
You felt it and heard it, the unmistakable jolt and squelch as his orgasm splattered inside his boxer briefs, drenching the fabric, drenching your hand, his embarrassed whines as he realized what he had done but still humping your hand, forcing out every last twitch of dribbling cum, causing you to smear it everywhere, coating the sensitive head and adding to the pleasure, his cheeks flushed red, eyes squeezed shut to savor the pleasure and avoid looking at you.
You crawled onto the table, still holding his cock through his soiled underwear, squeezing it, free hand slipping under his head and lifting him, his eyes weakly opening, scared and anxious, but all you did was lean down and kiss him, pressing your lips to that pure softness, exhaling his name into his mouth, his scent staining your hand, his cologne filling your nose, your whisper in his throat.
“Time for you to go home.”
Jungkook thought you would tell everyone.
You did no such thing.
Instead, you ignored him.
He would see you three times a week and, three times a week, you arrived with the professor and left with the professor. Jungkook tried much harder to attend classes, but you seemed not to care either way. He would come to the front and collect his assignment and find that you had marked it up exactly like everyone else, red marks all over his incorrect answers. You didn’t even look in his direction.
The next exam was coming up quickly.
Part of him considered skipping exam day to have one-on-one time with you again.
He jumped, jerking his head towards the hall, confused. Somehow, he had heard your voice. Or rather, did he imagine it? His teeth sunk into his lip, placing a hand on his forehead, confused. His head was confused. He couldn’t think straight. Why had he done such an embarrassing thing with you? Even you had told him to leave and report you. But Jungkook just couldn’t. Not then and not now. He had asked for it.
He still wanted it.
Nobody knew. Everybody thought he was a cocky, womanizing playboy. And he was, but not because of the sex. It was only because he was bored and that was all he could get. There was power in being on top.
And there was power in letting go.
You were bad for him.
He was a good guy.
You were a bad bitch.
And nobody knew.
A hand slapped down on his shoulder and yanked him around, the loose short sleeves of his yellow tropical shirt flaring out, making his sunglasses rattle on his face. You narrowed your eyes at him. Instant shivers down his spine at your stern gaze.
“Are you deaf?” you snapped. “I’ve been calling your name for the past minute.”
“I… S-Sor–”
You waved a hand dismissively, grabbing his right hand and slapping down a post-it into it.
“Chapters for the exam, including the date and time. Do not miss it this time. I will not let you make it up and fail you on the spot.”
You turned on your heel, letting go of his hand.
His left one shot out and circled around your arm, his rings pressing into your skin.
You jerked your head towards him, glaring sharply. “Don’t touch me.”
And you yanked your arm out of his grasp, but his legs made the choice for him, following your swift strides, his backpack hanging off one shoulder, clutching the post-it and his last strands of sanity.
“Please, wait.”
“What?” was your curt response, not looking back at him.
“Please do it again,” he gasped breathlessly, unable to stop himself.
“Do what?”
“Have your way with me.”
You stopped walking.
Jungkook walked straight into your back and banged his nose on your head. He winced, stepping back and rubbing it gingerly. He didn’t register you turning around until it was too late and you were right in his face. You raised your chin and eyebrow simultaneously.
He blinked rapidly, his tinted sunglasses halfway down the bridge of his nose.
“W… Why? Did you not like it? Was… was I bad?”
You let out an amused scoff.
The side of your lips curved upwards.
He had made you smile, even if only a little bit. Just that small thing was enough to feed his courage.
“I…” Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat before he spoke again, voice still a soft whisper in his embarrassment even though no one was around to eavesdrop. “I can be better. I can do better.”
He thought you were going to walk away again.
You reached up and plucked his glasses off his nose. Folded them neatly and tucked them in his tropical shirt pocket. Then your eyes found his again and he knew something was different. He could see you clearly now, his vision no longer clouded by sienna.
Now, Jungkook could no longer stop it.
He could feel it all over him, coursing through his veins, arousal like fire. Something about you and something about him. Jungkook could sense the danger, but he didn’t want to run even though he knew he should. He had heard the rumors surrounding you. They could be true.
And yet.
“I want it,” Jungkook breathed, inviting himself into the danger. “I want you. I want to be your toy.”
Your discerning expression didn’t change.
You reached up and gripped his chin, digging your nails into his soft skin.
He whimpered in his chest, moving closer to you.
“What’s my name?”
His brows furrowed, saying your name hesitantly.
You pulled his chin down so he was eye-level.
“Next time you say my name, I will be choking it out of you.”
Everyone thought Jeon Jungkook was the kind of guy to grip your wrist with his left hand and your throat in his right, his lips against your ear and his sweaty chest against your back as you slapped your ass into his crotch and fucked yourself with his rock-hard cock, his smirk in your ear as he provided you with a certain type of encouragement.
“That’s right, you want this dick, don’t you? Show me. Prove to me you want it.”
His fingertips tightening against the sides of your neck, listening to your pathetic cries and moans as you tried to squirm against him, brain running out of oxygen due to lack of blood, running out of thoughts, running out of pleas as Jungkook gripped your wrist, deep snarl against your hair as he roughly finished himself off using your body because that’s all you were, someone to be used by him and nothing more, neck suddenly released with a breathless gasp and shoved face first into the sheets with his right hand splayed on your back, his tattoos and your orgasm crashing down on you, his growls staining the air and a fierce jerk of his hips to spill into your tight hole and leave you moments after, nothing but a discarded toy in his eyes.
You thought.
That was what everyone thought when Jeon Jungkook stood on stage, flipping his dark violet microphone between verses and smirking like a devil, truly in command of every thought and every pair of eyes on him, surrounded by a heavy bass line and deafening drums, guitar solo tearing through the moment to emphasize the next of his lips nearing the mic again, entrancing the crowd with his beautiful lips and talented tongue.
No one knew.
You were riding him hard and fast, torn condom wrappers and used condoms littering his bed, back-to-back orgasms, his head pressed into his pillows, your hand around his neck, the other leaving long lines down his chest, scratching him so hard that it dotted red, blooming lines of pain.
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop, f-fuck…”
Jungkook was hoarsely whispering, clutching his sheets, black hair soaked with sweat, raising his chest to your nails, whimpering, punish me, punish me, punish me, and you muttered plainly with a sharp edge, you talk too much, your grip tightening again, pressing onto the sides of his neck, cutting off the blood flow, and Jungkook moaned gratefully, eyelids fluttering, the slap of your hips to his louder and louder, filling up his whole bedroom, rattling his bedframe, fucking him so hard he was slowly sliding up to his headboard.
Your name fell from his lips in pure ecstasy, back arching to shove his whole length fully into you, thick and hard and twitching with need, your slick walls clamping down on him, fitting to him with a hiss. He began to match you, breathless, lightheaded, world hazy, moaning from deep in his chest, I love you, and your reply was only tightening your grip, your hand and your pussy, harder, harder, harder.
“Aren’t you such a good guy?” you scoffed sarcastically, letting up for only a second to let him reply, blood rocketing back into his brain, flooding him with oxygen, and Jungkook sucked in a lungful of air, reeling.
“N-No…” he panted. “You’re the good girl… you’re always s-so… so good to me…”
His eyes locked with yours hazy with lust and love. You almost looked away out of instinct.
“You a-always remember… what I like…” he managed to choke out.
You left him when you were done using him.
You pretended he didn’t say those words to you. There was no point in acknowledging the nonsense that he said in the middle of being choked and barely functioning. You tapped your pencil against your textbook.
You caught yourself thinking about him.
Jeon Jungkook.
Your eyes flickered to the clock. Late at night on a Friday. He was probably at a bar. You watched the second hand of your plain silver clock tick, tick away. You never asked to watch him and his band perform even though Jungkook always made it a point to text you the address and the time.
It was obvious Jungkook didn’t want you to be his secret.
He wasn’t really your secret either. You just saw no benefit to letting anyone know there was a connection between you and Jeon Jungkook. After all, you were just using him.
You stopped tapping your pencil.
Stared at the second hand.
Heard the voices of the rumors poisoning you, saying the things they said.
She thinks she’s so much better than everyone else because she’s a nerd.
The only reason she has good grades is because she fucked that one professor.
I heard she dated him.
I mean, there’s a reason he left in the middle of the semester, right?
He had a wife!
Your eyes flickered down.
The tip of your pencil lead rolled across the page, leaving tiny pinpricks of granite.
There was never any evidence because nothing happened. Nothing happened between you and said psychology professor. He left in the middle of the semester because his wife had a miscarriage and he wanted to be with her. It had nothing to do with you. You had long discussions with him about life and existentialism, hanging out during his office hours.
Sometimes, you felt bad.
Had you kept him from his wife? Would it have not happened if he just skipped his office hours and didn’t spend them talking to you? These were irrational, foolish thoughts. They made you guilty even when there was nothing to be guilty about.
He was a nice guy, mid-thirties. Everyone liked this professor.
They blamed you because they didn’t know.
Only you knew, because he told you with tears in his eyes and thanked you for being his student.
You didn’t tell anyone, because he did not owe you an explanation and you were not going to divulge someone’s personal business that they had shared with you in confidence. You watched your reputation crumble and fall apart, watched friends ostracize you, because you didn’t tell them anything and they didn’t believe you. You watched yourself turn bitter and hateful.
Just tell the truth.
There was no truth to be told.
You put your pencil down.
Closed your eyes.
Remembered Jungkook’s face.
Your hands were in his hair, pulling hard. His hot breath was in your face, arms shaking as he held himself up, fucking you into his mattress with whines in his chest, begging you, begging you, begging you.
“P-Please… let me cum, please…”
You liked to watch the sweat clinging to his high cheekbones and neck, jaw glistening with tension, feeling his strong body between your legs, his twitching hardness sliding into you repeatedly in rough, hard smacks, squeezing him every time he was fully sheathed inside you, vibrations coursing through you every time he came down.
“Not until I’m done,” you growled and he whimpered, pleading look in those brown doe eyes, black pupils expanded, unable to cum because a vibrating cock ring was restricting his orgasm, keeping him hard but unable to climax, sending thundering pleasure through him and into you. He watched helplessly as you gripped his hair, hissing sharply as another wave of pleasure overtook you, closing your eyes to savor it, savor his swollen cock twitching inside you as he felt the intense massage of your pussy walls closing around him, throbbing around the head and driving him insane, moaning pathetically because he couldn’t follow suit no matter how desperate he was.
Jungkook didn’t ask if you were done.
He just kept going because you told him he couldn’t cum until you were done.
And you didn’t say you were done.
You stared into those brown orbs, hazy with lust and full of conviction to be good for you.
Desperate to be the best and the only one, not knowing there was no one else because no one else wanted you like the way Jeon Jungkook wanted you.
“Pull out.”
“You heard me,” you exhaled, throbs of pleasure still trembling through you. Your hands slid down, cupping his chin, nails digging into his sweaty cheeks. “Obey.”
With a pained whine, Jungkook obeyed, pulling out of you, his cock covered in your juices, wearing a condom and the black cock ring. You reached over with one hand to press the button on the remote to turn in off.
“Take it all off. Let me see your cock.”
He reached down and slowly pulled the cock ring off, taking the condom with it, whimpering at the sensitivity, his tone hitting a lovely pitched groan as the silicone squeezed the base of the head. His whole body was shaking as it fell from his hands, the veins on his length standing out, head purple-red and angry, white pre-cum slowly beading at the tip, and his face, looking down at you, waiting for your next move.
Cock waiting to be used.
You tapped your chest.
“Cum on my tits.”
You cut him off.
“You’re going to cum on my tits and then you’re going to lick it off while I watch.”
He listened.
Jungkook straddled your waist with his thighs, muscular and defined, right hand wrapping around his cock, sweat making the tattoos on his forearm and shoulder glow in the low light, smelling like sex and musk, his core tightening as he touched his overstimulated length, using the lube of the condom and his own pre-cum to add to the pleasure as he began to stroke himself, moaning as you lifted your hands and cupped your breasts, pushing them together, his eyes on the curve of your cleavage and points of your hard nipples sticking out, and then your face, an indifferent look with a cocked eyebrow, taunting him, unimpressed by his timid grip on his cock, so he squeezed harder, tighter, embarrassing cries falling from his mouth, living for the smirk that slowly began to form on your lips.
It empowered him somehow, that smirk, the little inkling of satisfaction that Jungkook wanted, needed, craved, knowing he was doing well, being good, furiously pumping his aching cock over your pressed-together tits and he couldn’t last, couldn’t help it, too overstimulated and too turned on, too in love with this to prevent himself from tipping over with a hot gasp, spilling streams of sticky white lines over your breasts, spreading them everywhere, making a huge mess because he wanted a huge mess to clean up, shoving the head into your cleavage and shuddering at the sensation of warmth to his scorching heat, able to feel the pulse of the engorged tip dripping out what was left, shivers up and down his spine, the words falling from his mouth that he never stopped saying even though you never acknowledged them.
“I... l-love you…”
He stayed like that for nearly a full minute, but you didn’t tell him to get off.
His eyes were closed, savoring the feeling.
Slowly, Jungkook gingerly removed himself, lowering his body over yours, tongue sliding out, touching your skin covered in his cum, his taste, mine, no one else’s, him on you, lapping it up, salty and bitter and yet he loved it, loved that you told him to do it, loved that you let him paint your skin with his orgasm and now his saliva. He didn’t care that you never said anything to his I love you, didn’t care that you seemed to pretend he never said it, because he would continue saying it when he was with you, hopeless as it was.
It was the small things that kept him going, sucking his own cum off your nipple and wrapping his lips around it, hearing your soft sigh of pleasure, feeling the tap on his thigh that instructed him to scoot up, the small thing of your hand closing in on his spent cock, sending sparks of pain but also pleasure, moaning into your skin as you massaged his balls with your fingers, knowing that he could take more pressure and roughness because he had just came, the small thing of your thumb rubbing the sensitive slit, his face pressing into your breasts, smearing his cheek with his cum and saliva, sliding across your slick skin because of the intensity of the high it gave him, the pleasure and the pain, his right arm coming up to wrap around you, tattoos cradling your torso.
“I love you…” he whispered to your racing heart under his ear, lost in the rhythm of your heartbeat and the firmness of your touch. Jungkook did not care if you hated him saying it.
He would continue saying it as long as he was with you.
“What are you doing?”
He placed his hand over the bottom of his phone and smiled at the cute girl that was talking to him at the bar.
“Sorry. I have to take this call. It’s important to me.”
He didn’t hear her response, because he backed away, bowing lightly, pressing his phone back to his ear.
“Ah, never mind, Jungkook.”
“No, no. What is it? Tell me.”
“You’re at a noisy place. It’s Saturday night.”
Jungkook pushed through the people, mumbling his apologies and straining to hear your voice over the thundering bass. “I finished. Well, we finished. We’re only drinking. I can leave at any time. I’ll just text the guys to bring my equipment back for me. Where are you?”
“Forget it.”
He opened the door of the club as the dial tone rang in his ear.
Looked up.
Your hand dropped to your side. You were still in your white dress shirt and navy skirt, dressed exactly like you were when at school minus the blazer. Jungkook’s eyes widened. He was in a torn-up long-sleeve shirt with the right sleeve removed, showing off his tattoos. His black hair was wild and half-wet, and he was wearing tight leather pants.
You clicked your tongue.
“I said forget it,” you repeated hollowly.
You sighed and turned around, skirt swishing in your wake.
“Wait, I’ll come with you–”
“Go back to where you belong, Jungkook.”
His hand closed around your forearm, holding tight.
“I belong with you.”
You stopped walking, silent.
“What is it? Tell me.”
You scowled. “It’s dumb.”
“So am I, remember?” he chuckled, his hand slipping down, squeezing yours. “I’m not very good at school.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. Cars and people brushed past, but Jungkook was focused onto on your stillness, watching your eyes seemed to be thinking about many things. You hadn’t pulled your hand out of his yet. By now, Jungkook knew that if you didn’t want something, you wouldn’t be shy about telling him right away.
You started walking again. Jungkook was still holding your hand.
“It was just a moment of weakness,” you mumbled under your breath.
“A guy…?”
You didn’t answer.
Jungkook squeezed your hand. “It’s okay,” he murmured tightly. “I understand.”
He did not. He wanted to cry.
Your eyes shot to him, pinning him in place. “You don’t understand, Jeon Jungkook. You understand nothing.” You pulled your hand out of his and Jungkook let go, trying to hold his pain, trying not to breathe because he was preparing himself for the inevitable, the moment you were going to break his heart and, if it was right here and right now, then so be it, because he had said how he felt repeatedly and there was nothing more he could do than that.
He loved you so, so bad.
Jungkook knew he shouldn’t, that it was madness, but he did anyway.
But you surprised him.
Your sharp gaze softened.
“You know what they say about me. You have to know,” you exhaled, shaking your head. “You must know the rumors.”
Good girl gone bad.
Jungkook frowned. “About you and the professor?”
He watched your jaw clench.
“Does it matter?” he asked.
Your eyes shifted, not quite looking at him.
“Whether something did or didn’t happen, what does that have to do with me?”
And now you looked at him, guarded, not letting him know your thoughts.
“You…” He swallowed, trying to press the lump down in his throat. “You’re just using me, right? It doesn’t… doesn’t really matter, because in the end I don’t matter to you anyway… right?”
He did not want to cry and yet he did, because he knew he loved you. It was the small things, the way you never let up on him even in class, the way you picked days that were never the weekend and never before exams, the way you would brush your fingertips on his knuckles before leaving when you thought he was asleep, the way on the last time, the last time you were together, that you pressed your lips to his forehead when you thought he was asleep, running your fingers through his hair.
Jungkook was standing outside this bar and there were people he knew walking past, seeing you and him, but he kept his eyes on you, because the only one that mattered was you.
The one he belonged to was you.
He had decided that when he climbed onto the table that day.
He stuck his hands in his pockets and let out a heavy breath. “If people say things about you, then they say things about you. Whether it’s the truth or not doesn’t change the fact I love you. It doesn’t make me love you less,” Jungkook said, speaking at his usual volume, because there was no reason to whisper the truth. “Even if it’s pointless and crazy, I want to be with you until the day you don’t want to be with me.”
His smiled and blinked back tears.
“Even if that day is today, I will never regret it.”
In this cruel summer, you could have ruined his reputation. You could have told everyone the kind of person he really was and you didn’t. You could have spread embarrassing stories of the things you made him do and you didn’t.
Even if he didn’t matter to you, Jungkook was confident that you weren’t a malicious person.
You rubbed your forehead. “The rumors will come to you.”
Jungkook laughed. “So what? I heard a rumor that I removed two ribs so I could suck my own dick. I admit, I considered doing it after hearing that.”
You scowled, but Jungkook only smiled in return. He could see the tension falling from your face with his comment. You clicked your tongue and tilted your head, as if to say, can’t be helped.
“There’s no other guy,” you muttered. “There’s just you and you’re dumb.”
Jungkook blinked rapidly, confused.
“You say it over and over and make me think about it all the time.” You sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair. “I’m not a good girl. People pushed me away and I stayed there instead of trying to repair the burned bridges. I don’t even think I want to repair them. Who knows what will happen next? I don’t think it would be a good idea to put you through that shit.”
You sucked on the inside of your cheek, looking at him apologetically.
“You’re not the bad boy everyone says you are. You’re a good guy. You should find a good girl.”
Is that what you think? Jungkook chuckled, taking out his hand and rubbing his nose thoughtfully.
“I don’t want a good girl.”
He stepped toward you, lowering his hand and his head so that he was eye level with you.
“I love a bad bitch who can push me around and makes me their toy.”
He tilted his head, small curve on those beautiful lips, tiny mole underneath appearing with every smile.
“Which can only be you, you know.”
Jungkook didn’t try to kiss you. He only wanted to look into your eyes so you knew his conviction.
“I love you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’ve heard you say it.”
He nodded. “And I’m going to keep saying it until the day you leave me.”
Your eyebrow lowered and you gave him an indifferent look.
“Hm. I wonder when that will be, Jungkook.”
You leaned in, but before you kissed him, he heard the whisper against his lips, felt the shape of yours as they brushed against his, words he prepared himself to never hear from you, words that he thought you would never say, and that was fine with him, because you showed it, and that was enough.
He thought.
“I love you.”
And then your lips on his and his tears fell onto your cheeks because Jungkook wanted to cry all this time and he could not stop now, knowing that he was so, so in love with you and you finally, finally said it back to him.
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maria-akira · 3 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader — PART 2
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he needs to (fake) date you. if he falls inlove again, he loses, and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: making out, pre-smut???, michael as a tiktok fuckboy, + me not proofreading this hahah sorry
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song :)
please excuse any errors. enjoy!
It had been a few hours since Y/N arrived at home. She changed into an oversized shirt and a comfy pair of shorts. To be honest, she has never tutored anyone before, except for her baby brother Aaron. With Aaron it was just 1+1 or 2x3, you know? The basics.
"Mom, someone's coming over tonight!" She called out from upstairs,
"Who will?"
Y/N didn't know what to say. Her parents knew about Michael, and how they broke up. She didn't want her mom to know that it was him who would be coming over. Why hide it? She'll see him anyways.
"Michael! Michael Langdon!" Y/N went downstairs to finally face her mom.
"Wait, your ex?"
Her mom laughed, "Oh my, looks like something's gonna happen~" She said in a sing-song tone while she prepared dinner.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Oh my goood mom! That was 2 years ago, he just asked if I could tutor him. Apparently, he's failing."
"He's what? Failing? Isn't he one of the top students in your batch?"
"Yeah, I honestly don't know what happened to hi—"
Ding Dong!
Oh my god, She felt her heart beating fast.
Y/N walked to the front door and opened it, and there he was. Michael Langdon in his grey sweatpants and black hoodie.
"Hey, Y/N." Michael greeted, giving her a smile.
Y/N looked him up and down,
"Hi." She gave him a sarcastic look and stepped out of the way, gesturing him to come in.
Y/N's mom squealed, "Oh my, Michael! Look how you've grown!" She squeezed him into a hug and it made Michael laugh.
Aaron came down the stairs to see what the fuss was about. When he saw Michael, he rushed towards him and hugged his thigh.
"Michaeeeelll!! You're here!" Aaron giggled
Aaron loved Michael a lot. When Y/N and Michael were still together, he would always play with him.
"Hey, slugger! Now you've grown alot too, huh?" Michael kneeled down to his height and ruffled his hair, "Yup! I'm a big boy now." Aaron said proudly with his chin up.
Slugger. That was the nickname Michael gave him.
"Is Michael staying over?" Aaron pouted and gave her puppy eyes.
Y/N panicked. How was she gonna explain?
"Well, he actually came over to study for school, but he—"
"Of course I'll stay over! Anything for you, slugger." Michael cut her off. Y/N widened her eyes, making a 'what the fuck are you doing?!?!' expression at him.
Y/N faked a cough, "Aaron, go stay with mom okay? Michael and I will be studying now."
Aaron whined and crossed his arms. "But I wanna play with Michaaael!!"
"You'll do that later. After all, he said that he'll be staying over." She looked over to Michael and gave him a sarcastic smile.
After a few moments of arguing with Aaron, Y/N and Michael finally went upstairs. "Your room changed alot." Michael said as he looked around her room for the first time in 2 years. Once Y/N shut the door, she stormed over to Michael.
"Langdon what the fuck was that down there?!?! I only allowed you to come over, not stay over! Where will you even sleep?!"
"In a bed, duh."
Y/N slapped his forehead, causing Michael to wince at the pain.
"Are you that stupid?! Sleep on the fucking floor!" She hid her face in her hands out of frustration, then lifting her head again. "You know what? Fuck it. I don't care anymore."
"So if you move negative four here, what will you get?" Y/N asked, pointing her pencil on the equation. It's now 8PM, Michael and her were studying the last subject for the day, which was Math.
Michael analyzed the problem, then wrote down the answer. "Fifty.. three?" He slid the paper to her direction. While Y/N was checking his solution, he received a message from Duncan.
Dunc 🖕🏻: how's tutoring going?
Michael: its fine ig, lmao im staying over 😴
Dunc 🖕🏻: yooo what?? where you gonna sleep?
Michael: beside her? idk im still gonna play video games with her brother so i guess i'll sleep beside her 😶
Michael: brb shes done checking my solution
"Michael," She called for his attention, He let out a hum in response. "Your solution is correct.. But to avoid confusion, change this into an arrow instead of an equal sign, because it isn't the final answer yet." Y/N pointed out his mistake and circled it with a mechanical pencil.
Michael smiled. despite this 'trying to get her trust back' thing, he thought that Y/N was adorable like this. Focused with academics. He admired her alot.
Y/N looked over at Michael, "Langdon, are you even listening?" She snapped her fingers in attempt to catch Michael's attention.
Michael went back to reality, "Yeah. I get it now, thanks Y/N." Michael got his paper back and saw all the check marks. While Michael was distracted with his paper, Y/N stood up and streched. "They're all correct?" He looked up at her and asked in fake disbelief. Y/N rolled her eyes, "Duh, what are all the check marks for, dimwit?" She furrowed her eye brows and made her way to the door.
She glanced over at the clock beside her mirror, it was already 8:15 PM. "Hey, we have to go down for dinner now." She looked over to him and opened the door. Michael stood up and made his way to the door, stopping by the mirror, "Damn, I'm hot." Michael said as he praised his reflection in the mirror. When Y/N heard this, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.
"Yeah sure, maybe in a different planet." She insulted, playfully hitting his arm.
"Oh c'mon Y/N, you miss me." Michael leaned on the wall with the support of his arm. Y/N shut the door.
"What makes you say that, Langdon?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the door.
"I've seen the way you look at me, baby. Admit it, you miss me, you wanna kiss me, you wanna be mine all over again."
"Don't hit me with your 'say you miss me, say you wanna kiss me.' shit, Langdon. I'm not that stupid," Y/N pulled on the neckline of Michael's hoodie, signalling him to come closer. Now, their faces were a few centimeters apart.
"Let's face the facts here, Langdon. Actually? you want me." She pulled him even closer, her lips ghosting over his. Michael moved closer in attempt to kiss her, yet to no avail. Y/N smirked and pushed him away. "You know, you're better than that." She gave him a little tap on the cheek and left the room, slamming the door in his face.
Michael was speechless. Y/N did change, a lot.
"So what brings you here, Michael?" Y/N's father asked, eating a slice of steak that was on his plate. "I'm currently failing some of my classes and I asked Y/N if she could help me. Luckily, she agreed." Michael looked over to Y/N and gave her a smile. She kicks him under the table, causing him to flinch.
"Will you be staying over, Michael? It's getting late." Y/N's mother asked this time, "If that would be okay with you, Mrs. Y/L/N." Michael replied, looking over to Y/N again.
Well, let's say that everyone looked at Y/N after Michael said that.
The silence made Y/N glance at them, "Why are you all looking at me..?" She said in a confused tone, her mom shot her a 'is it okay if he sleeps in your room' look. Y/N sighed, "Fine, he'll sleep in my room." Now, everyone went back to what they were doing.
After dinner, Y/N's mom called up Michael's parents to inform them that he would be staying for the night.
Y/N was washing the dishes tonight, and of course Michael volunteered to help her.
"Why did you even volunteer? You hate washing dishes, Langdon." She said as she cleaned a dirty plate with the soap filled sponge.
"Oh c'mon, Y/N. Can't I change?" He replied, rinsing one of the dishes that Y/N cleaned.
Y/N scoffed, "You? Change?"
Michael elbowed her side, "Hey, I did change!"
"Whatever." She went back to what she was doing cleaned the rest of the dishes, ignoring Michael's statement.
After a few more dishes, her hair started to slip away from the loose ponytail she made earlier. Her hands were slippery and full of soap, if she were to wash her hands and fix her hair, then go back to washing the dishes, her hands would be wet again. Plus, the drying towel was on Michael's side. So she asked for his help.
"Michael," Her voice was soft. Softer than usual. "Yea?" Michael replied, still rinsing the dishes.
"Can you please tie my hair up? It's slipping away."
"Hold on." Michael shook the water off his hands and dried it using the towel beside him, while Y/N turned her back over to his direction. Michael removed the hair tie and bit on it. He started gathering her hair from the top, combing his fingers through her soft, silky hair. He was very gentle. After he gathered her hair, he removed the hair tie from his teeth and tied her hair, careful not to tug too hard.
Y/N turned around to face him, "Hm, maybe you did change," Michael was curious when she paused. "Because you used to be so aggressive when you tied my hair." She joked and finished off the dishes that were left.
It's now 11 pm. Michael is in Aaron's room playing video games, and Y/N is alone in her room, doing some extra school work that was due for next week.
Like any other Friday night, girls like Y/N's age would be out partying like there was no tomorrow. After that one time she was really drunk and a guy touched her inappropriately, she never went out partying again.
Once Y/N finished her school work, she decided to take a shower. She wanted to take advantage of Michael's absence and stay in the shower longer than usual. Like a typical teenage girl, she would blast music in the shower, dancing and singing like she had a whole audience to perform for.
Y/N wrapped a towel around her body and left the bathroom to get her clothes from the dresser. Little did she know, Michael was back from her brother's room.
"I see you still have that body, huh?" Michael smirked and looked her up and down. Y/N turned around to see Michael on her bed. Her instincts told her to scream and throw an object at him, so she did.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"Chill, it's not like you haven't sent me your nudes before." Michael dodged whatever she threw at him and laughed.
"Yea, and I regret sending those to your ugly ass. If I could turn back time, I would've sent them to your hot bestfriend, Duncan was it?" She turned around again to get her clothes from the dresser. Michael walked over to her and grabbed her neck from behind,
"What did you fucking say?" He growled in her ear. She smirked and bat her eyelashes innocently at him.
"I said, I would've sent them to Duncan. You should set me up with him, hm?" Y/N knew what she was doing, "Aww, is little Mikey getting jealous?" She mocked in fake sympathy. She removed his hand from her neck, turned around to face him and gave him a pout. 
Michael was furious. What has gotten into him? He doesn't even love her. He just fell into a stupid bet just to fuck some girl's pussy after he fucks with her ex's feelings. But why does he feel like this? Like he needs to have Y/N only for himself?
Before Y/N went back to the bathroom to get dressed, she just had to get on Michael’s nerves again, as if she wasn’t already. At this point, she could literally see fire in his eyes. He was really mad. But why?
"Look at you, Mikey. You can't respond when you react." She giggled and gave him a quick nose boop as the cherry on top for her little act. But she wasn't getting away so fast. When she turned her back on him, Michael aggresively wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her, securing an arm around her waist.
"Where do you think you're going, you little shit? You aren't getting away easily after that stunt." The grip on Y/N's throat slowly tightened. "W-Wh... Why are you so mah-d.. Huh?" She managed to choke out.
Michael left soft kisses against her neck, while slowly loosening the grip on her throat. "See, Mikey? You're the one who misses me." Y/N whimpered, using her free hand to pull on Michael's hair in hopes of prying him off, but he was stubborn. Y/N whispered in his ear, "Whatever it is you're trying to do, Langdon, I'll never give in." She pushed her elbow into his ribs, causing Michael to groan. Finally, Y/N goes back to her bathroom to get dressed.
Once she leaves, Michael punches the nearest wall in frustration. He hated rejection. The girls that he usually fucked with never turned him down, they always wanted more. Why wouldn't it work on Y/N?
Michael sat on the long side of her bed, still thinking about what happened earlier. He couldn't believe that she could play with him like that. It made him look like he was the desperate one, which he is.
He took out his phone to text Duncan about what happened.
Michael: yo dunc, something happened
Dunc 🖕🏻: what happened? slr i'm at a party
Michael: bro she's a tough little shit. i did the usual thing that i would do to another girl, she didn't give in at all. instead, she's playing with me.
Dunc 🖕🏻: lmao man step up your game, she isn't your usual girl
Michael: dumbass you think i'm not?
Dunc 🖕🏻: duh??? if you were actually stepping up your game then you would've fucked her there and then 🙄
Michael: whatever.
Once he heard her bathroom door open, he immediately hid his phone back in his pocket. He looked over his shoulder to see Y/N already dressed in her pajamas. Michael didn't know what to do. His angelic side says to 'go and say sorry', yet his devilish side says to 'try harder and fuck with her feelings even more.' Of course, it was obvious what is choice was.
Y/N plopped herself on the bed and grabbed her blanket that was near Michael. She then placed the blanket over her and locked eyes with him.
Michael crawled beside her and placed the blanket over him as well. They are a few inches apart. Y/N turned the TV on, clicking on Netflix. Though she tried her best to ignore Michael, she can't help but think about what happened earlier. She liked it. No, she loved it. She loved the fact that she was able to get on Michael's nerves, and how he reacted to it. It was hella attractive to her, and the smell of Michael's perfume wasn't helping her either.
Now, Y/N was watching some cartoon show that she loved. "Are you kidding? You still watch cartoons?" Michael complained, gesturing at the TV. "Yea? What about it? I bet you only watch porn." She shot back and pulled the blanket towards her, leaving Michael without it.
Michael laughed, "I just can't believe a girl like you would watch cartoons. I find it cute." He pulled the blanket towards him, sticking his tongue out to tease her.
A few minutes passed by and Michael was on his phone, scrolling on TikTok. The same sound that kept repeating for almost a minute caught Y/N's attention. Was he watching the same video?
Y/N paused the TV and looked over to Michael's direction, averting her gaze to his phone. She took a good look at the video. a shirtless boy with a gold chain, with LED lights in their room.
"You've been watching that video over and over again, Langdon. Do you like him or something?"
"Yea, I like myself."
Like myself? Oh my god, no.
"What do you mean..?" That can't be him in the video.
"That's me."
Y/N's mouth dropped, "Wha— huh? How? I mean, yeah.. but?"
Michael let out a laugh that he had been holding in, "But what? Look, I'll show you." He handed her his phone, which allowed Y/N to have a closer look of the video.
"So you're telling me you blew up on tiktok by thrusting a phone on your pelvis??" Y/N stared at the amount of likes, a fucking million.
"Uh, yeah? That's how TikTok works? Look at the comments." Michael tapped the comments icon and Y/N scrolled through it.
'yo im down bad 😫'
'can we keep him a secret pls'
'chill i have a bf..'
'break my back 🤪'
Y/N bursted out in laughter, "Oh my god, if only they knew." she gave his phone back and Michael looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Knew what?" He asked, "You couldn't even 'break my back' two years ago, Michael!" She said in between giggles. "That was two years ago, Y/N! Two fucking years. I was a virgin!" Michael defended himself, then immediately realizing what he said.
Y/N wasn't aware that she was Michael's first.
"Wait Y/N, the last part isn't tru—"
She smirked and grabbed her phone from wherever she left it. She opened Twitter and decided to tweet about what Michael said, just for fun.
just wanted to let yall know that @m_langdon admitted that 2 years ago he lost his virginity to me 🤩
"What are you typing and why are you smiling?" Michael asked with a hint of fear in his voice. He feared that Y/N would do something that would tear his reputation down.
Y/N gave him a mischievous grin, "Oh nothing, just tweeted about what you said."
Michael's face fell, and Y/N hit the tweet button.
"Did you twee—"
"Yeah, go check your Twitter. I tagged you too."
Michael shot her a slight glare and went to his Twitter.
Y/N's tweet already had 5 retweets, 14 likes, and 8 replies.
"You did not." Michael said, shocked at how she would do something like this. "Ooh sorry babe, I just did." She faked a pout and formed a letter 'L' with her hand.
Michael felt embarrassment fill him, he wanted to scream at her so bad. He never thought that she would go this far. She was never like this.
He took a deep breath, "Why did you tweet that?"
"And you have the audacity to ask why?"
"Delete that tweet, Y/N." His voice was demanding and dark.
"Or what?"
Michael slowly started to kneel on the bed and hover over her. "You don't want to know."
Y/N smirked and fixed her posture, "Infact, I'd like to know. Care to tell me?” 
Michael clearly wasn’t having any of her shit, he was more than angry. He wanted to release all of his frustrations, and he was gonna do that. 
He trapped her by placing a leg on each side of her left thigh. Surprisingly, Y/N did not shrink against the headboard of the bed. She remained in her place. Their faces are centimeters apart now, 
“Now what, Langdon? Just gonna stare at me? Pathetic shit.” She cupped his face and stroked his cheek mockingly, then dragging her thumb against his bottom lip. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Michael swatted her hand away and crashed his lips again hers. The kiss was so intense, Michael hasn’t kissed any girl like this, it was a foreign feeling for him, and especially for Y/N. Michael’s free hand started roaming throughout her body, tickling her soft flesh. Meanwhile, Y/N was tugging on Michael’s hoodie, “Take this off.” She pulled away from the kiss and gasped for air. Michael took off his hoodie and revealed his naked chest infront of her.
Y/N felt weak. She wanted to fight this feeling so bad, which was lust. But it was too late.
"Fuck me, Michael.." Y/N whimpered, ashamed of her current state. Michael ran his thumb over her bottom lip, "What was that? I didn't catch it." He pouted, teasing her. Y/N couldn't believe herself. She promised herself that she would never fall for any of Michael's antics, yet here she is— completely submitting to him.
Y/N cleared her throat, "Fuck me please.." Michael cocked his head to the side, amused. He was enjoying this. He loved it so much. He finally had Y/N where he wanted her to be, wrapped around his little finger.
Michael's lips ghosted against her cheek, his breath warming up her skin. "Gladly."
And it begins now.
this took me like 3 weeks im sorry 😔 nonethelEEEESSSSS i enjoyed writing this despite some breakdowns here and there <3
tags (ily all sm <3): @kitwalker02 @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs @no-mercy-bby @hawtghostgirl @vixemi @antichristwifey @bitchchatter @fallwiththesun @booksandfandomsarelife1 @roseelizabeth666 (im sorry if i missed anyone!!)
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djlemonsqueeze · 3 years
Thoughts of a Stressed Out College Student
“I’ll just read tomorrow. I have time before class, and it’s not that long of a story.”
“Why don’t you just do it now? You have time.”
“Because I don’t want to?”
“Don’t you have a bunch of stuff to do though?”
“Well, I have a paper due Wednesday, but I haven’t thought up a good thesis yet, so I need to wait on that. The story for tomorrow is only 13 pages. It’s not bad. Don’t you have homework to do too?”
“Dude. I don’t do my stuff here because I spend 3 hours doing it in class, and I don’t want to spend more time doing it here. You’re procrastinating.”
I just spend a whole class doing stuff for this paper too, but whatever.
“It’s not procrastination. I’ll get it done.”
“You’re putting it off. That’s procrastinating.”
The words didn’t sting then, but when I’d gone back to my bedroom and sat down at my desk they started to sink in. What does my roommate know about what I was putting off? She is an art major, not an English major. They’re totally different fields of study, and while, yes, I was putting off the reading just because my brain couldn’t handle it, I had done this before. I had done this one semester longer than she had.
There’s a pit in my stomach, one that yawns large and wide and consumes my thoughts.
I guess I should start something, but the story I need to read for tomorrow is dense and not a genre I enjoy. It’ll take me a long time to read, not to mention a level of brainpower that is diminished at this time of day. I would start my essay. In fact, I’d fucking love to start it so I don’t have to worry about writing it tomorrow, but I’m currently in the same trap that she described. I spent all of class today talking about this paper, thinking about this paper. My brain needs a break.
God, I need a break from this.
I just want to sit and watch a good movie like Escape From Planet Earth which I know is funny and awesome all at the same time. I just want to sit and read my book Gone by Michael Grant, because I haven’t touched it since I got here, and I still can’t do it now. 
I’m so busy thinking of things I want to do and need to do that I can’t get myself to choose something to focus on. I’m stuck in this limbo of my brain telling me to do something in the voice of my roommate who I’ve known since preschool. I know she didn’t mean it in the way my brain has taken it, but I don’t get to decide how my brain takes things. I just have to deal with the aftermath. 
I’m sure she can hear me typing in my room, thinking she got through to me when all I’m typing is the same sentence over and over and erasing it. I’m sure she hears me flipping through the book with the story I have to read, thinking she convinced me to ‘suck it up’ and ‘get it done.’ 
Every thought I have of taking a break makes my head feel lighter and that pit in my stomach yawn wider and wider. 
You have stuff to do. You can’t watch a movie, you don’t have time! You can’t read a book either, no time! You’re at school to learn right? You paid thousands of dollars to learn, so learn! You’re just being lazy. Get your shit done and then you can relax.
But nothing is ever done! It’s just one assignment after the next. Read this story, talk about it in class, read this story, talk about it in class, read this story, talk about it in class. It never ends! It makes me long for the days of high school when my problems seemed so much larger, but I was allowed to fail because I was a kid, I was learning life.
This is life. This is my life now, and I don’t even know if what I’m doing is right.
I want to write stories when I’m older. I want my name to be out there. Not famous by any means, just for people that might read my work and see something in it they relate to. I want someone to see my stories and enjoy them, think about how the world I created works. I want them to create themselves as a character, change my plot, make it better in their own ways.
But I don’t even know if I can do that correctly, so I say I want to be an editor. I want to read people’s stories and help them become the best version of what they could be, but I’m not good at that either. I read the same stories as others in my class and I don’t see what they see. There are complexities lying in the spaces between the words that I just can’t seem to find.
I’m better than I think I am. Or at least that’s what I tell myself, I don’t believe it at all. 
Maybe that’s why I sit here now, writing this piece instead of writing my paper or reading that story, because I’m not good. I’m sure that I’m not even great.
All I want to do is cry but the tears won’t come because What if my roommate hears? What if she blames herself? What if she asks questions? And that’s more terrifying than anything else right now, because no matter how much I hate myself, I don’t want that for her. She was just expressing her opinions. I shouldn’t be crying over it, and she shouldn’t feel bad for doing so.
But bottling up your feelings isn’t healthy. Neither is drinking a Monster or eating Hot Cheetos or literally any of the other hundred things I do that are wrong. 
What’s one more thing on the pile of inadequacy that is me?
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currently cooking myself in the bathtub drea hows ur day going
Just Girly Things: stewing in a lava pit <3
my day has been….eh fkejfnjejd
I called the driving lessons place to schedule my exam but they were busy so I had to leave a message, but it might be past the deadline since I had my last class in December so I might not be able to do it with them and would have to do it at the DMV instead. And when I told my dad about it, he said it’s my fault for being irresponsible and lazy and it upset me cause that’s not it at all (i actually really want my license cause then I can do whatever I want and go wherever I want in peace) and the reason I hadn’t scheduled it is due to my anxiety and the fact that I know I’d end up failing it bc I don’t do well under that type of pressure, so I’ve been slowly mentally prepping myself for it so I don’t flunk it.
And ofc when I explained that he said i just had to get over it and “what’s the therapist even doing if you still don’t have it under control” and that made me even more mad cause how the fuck does he expect me to just have 22 years worth of issues fixed in 4 sessions?? Most of which stem from him, since he locked me away inside the house my entire youth to the point where the only social interaction I ever had with peers came from school 🤧 so now I struggle with social stuff on a daily basis and it’s so bad to where even making a simple phone call makes me start shaking. Like the fact that I was even able to make the call on my own at all (and do other things, like talk to my professors face to face instead of letting my grades suffer the consequences of my personal problems) is a win I was proud of because a month ago I would have outright never done it, but then he immediately invalidates my progress 😐 like how do you expect me to get better if you tear down every little milestone I manage to hit.
But yeah so now I’m just feeling like shit 💀 it is what it is, but I think I might go to Walmart later to get that trimmer I wanted so that’s nice! And tomorrow’s Friday so :’) end of the week!
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scxrlettwxtches · 4 years
nobody compares to you | hwang hyunjin
Genre: fluff, slight angst, friends to enemies to lovers (yeah, crazy right?)
Warnings: none, slight swearing
Word Count: ~7.0k
Description: You loved your dance captain, you swear you did, but why he consistently paired you with Hwang Hyunjin was something you’d never understand, especially since all the two of you ever did was dance, fight, and then do it all over again. 
A/N: yes, i wrote another long ass fic about how much i love hyunjin. don’t kill me. in all seriousness, one of the scenes in this story is probably one of my favorite scenes of all time, paired with a song i’ve been obsessed with recently. hope y’all enjoy! thanks again for 600 followers! <3 love y’all!
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“Could you—for the love of God—stop tripping over your feet during the spin? This is the third time you’ve screwed it up.” 
“Well, I’m sorry, I’m too preoccupied trying to convey the romance of the choreo when you’re stomping around like your brother just died. It’s not my fault that I’m getting distracted by your poor acting.” 
“Do you know you’re a pain in the ass?” Hyunjin snapped, still holding onto your waist to keep you from falling after your misstep.
Your vision went red as your anger spiked, “Me? You’re nothing but an insufferable—“ 
“Alright, cut it out,” Minho finally decided it was time to interject, having been so silent for the last half hour that you had genuinely forgotten he was there, “Take ten to cool off, both of you.”
With an aggravated huff, Hyunjin backed away from you as if burned, before slinking out of the dance studio to get some water. The moment the door shut behind him, you sank to the floor, breathing heavily from over-exertion.
“Hyunjin’s right, though,” Minho said firmly, but without any of the bite that Hyunjin had earlier, “You gotta get that spin down. It’s like you don’t trust him to catch you.”
“Well, that’s partly true,” you muttered as you lay on the hardwood floor, a hand over your eyes to shield you from the bright lights of the room, “But yeah, don’t worry. I’ll get it down before the concert.” 
“You better. The concert’s in two weeks, and you two won’t get as much time to rehearse starting Monday since we’ll be focusing on the group set.”
Minho was a great dance captain, you thought appreciatively after he had left the room to grab a snack. He was the reason you had joined, back when he was still a new member in middle school who didn’t want to show up to practice alone. Over time, he had broken out of that bashful shell and came out as one of the greatest dancers the crew has ever had. To say you were proud was a major understatement. 
Still, there were things that you didn’t quite agree with when it came to his decision making, and one of which was his unflappable insistence on putting you and Hyunjin together for pair dances. Without fail, you and Hyunjin have done the last three winter and spring showcases. Why Minho would decide to do this was a mystery worthy of a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode, especially since he had to suffer and sit through most of your rehearsals with Hyunjin, filled with petty screaming and arguing. Sometimes you wonder if Minho just enjoyed the pain of watching the two of you have absolutely zero chemistry on and off stage.
“Are you done daydreaming?” Hyunjin’s familiar tone of annoyance grated at your ears, “It’s almost eight, and I have to study for the math test tonight.”
“What’s the point? You’ll end up peeking at Seungmin’s paper anyway,” you muttered under your breath, pushing yourself off the floor.
If Hyunjin heard your quiet jab, he didn’t escalate the already tense conversation. Instead he skipped to the difficult section of the choreo on his phone, and music once again filled your ears. 
Let’s get this over with, you thought tiredly, and your hands found their place around Hyunjin’s neck as he pulled your waist towards him. 
“How are you and Hyunjin doing? Minho hasn’t let anyone sit in on your practices, so everyone’s dying to know,” Seulgi said during a particular lunch break during the week, passing you a delicious looking strawberry.
You shrugged, “It’s the same as usual, I guess. We dance, we argue, Minho breaks the fight, we do it all over again.”
“Sounds like sexual tension to me.”
“Seulgi, I swear to God—” you growled, giving your friend a light shove as she rolled over on the grass with laughter. 
“I’m serious! The whole crew’s been betting on you guys since freshman year.”
“Gee, I’m so glad our angst exists for the entertainment of the community,” you said sarcastically. 
“Nothing better than a good ‘friends to enemies to lovers slow burn’.”
“I’m going to terminate your Wattpad account.”
Your friend only grinned, leaving you to your thoughts. It wasn’t a question that Hyunjin’s relationship with you was always a topic of discussion within your team. After all, you were the only two who were ever given pair dances, which had to do with Minho’s obsession with the “rare chemistry” that you two displayed. You were pretty sure the chemistry was just mutual disdain, but who were you to disobey your trustworthy dance captain?
“You guys used to get along alright, though,” Seulgi mused, “What happened?”
“High school happened,” you answered dully, “He grew snappier and so did I. We just didn’t have much in common as we got older.” 
Seulgi gave a thoughtful frown, “That can’t be the only reason.” 
You shrugged, falling back onto the grass as you stretched yourself out, “Well, if you can decipher what else happened, do let me know, ‘cause I have no idea.”
It made you a little sad, if you had to be honest with yourself. You didn’t like being so defensive around Hyunjin, but everything he said grated on your nerves and your self esteem. You hated the way he criticized everything that you despised about your dancing. You hated the way he picked apart your weaknesses. So, you did the thing that most naturally came to you; you fought back. 
As the bell rang, you pushed yourself off the ground, leaving Seulgi behind to dawdle around in her free period, “What time’s rehearsal again?” 
The girl only rolled her eyes, “Your forgetful ass is gonna get you killed one day. It’s at five.”
“Thanks,” your brain suddenly woke up as you remembered something else that was coming up today, “Oh, shit. The early decisions for NYU come out today.”
Seulgi scoffed, waving her hand dismissively, “Like you actually need to be worried. You’re one of the best dancers in the state!” 
“Oh, shut up,” you said, a light tinge of pink on your cheeks, although the anxiousness in your chest only grew worse. NYU was only your early decision, but it was your top choice and one of the best dance programs in the nation. Plus, you were vying for a chance for the dual program, where you could get both an academic degree and follow your passion for dance. 
“Stop moping,” Seulgi’s voice broke your thoughts as she gazed at you critically, “There’s no use worrying about it now, is there? You’ve done all you could.”
Like almost everything that came out of her mouth, it had a very valid point. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm your nerves, “You’re right. Thanks, Seulgi.”
Your friend rolled her eyes, a small smiling peeking out at the corner of her lips, “Just go to class.”
It was two hours into rehearsal and you felt like complete shit. You subtly checked your phone once every five minutes, constantly reloading your emails like a madman, waiting for the words that would either make or break your future. Colleges are such dicks, you thought bitterly. It’s like they want the anxiety of waiting to kill off everyone who couldn’t handle the pressure. 
You’ve caught Minho giving you a hard stare multiple times in between songs, but you were too worried to care. He’d be on your case tomorrow, you were sure. The rehearsal felt long and exhausting, the joy that you normally had as you danced was distinctly missing. 
Nothing, you cursed under your breath as you slipped your phone back into the pocket of your sweats for the billionth time. The anxiety was already affecting you physically, and you found yourself chugging water like a parched woman. Even a single song was able to wind you, although you pulled through each choreography well enough that Minho didn’t openly call you out. 
After what felt like far too long, your captain ended rehearsals and everyone rushed to pack up and get a decent night’s sleep. That is, except for you and Hyunjin, who had to stay behind and work on your pair dance. Not even Minho was staying behind to oversee your rehearsal this time, and you couldn’t blame him. He had his hands full creating and teaching all of you at least 30 minutes of intense choreography.
“Let’s start in five,” Hyunjin said, his voice hoarse from the exhaustion of your earlier practice, “And please stop checking your phone.” 
You didn’t answer him, your mind already glued to your phone as you once again checked your inbox. In the background, you could hear Hyunjin scoff in disbelief before he left the room to get a sip of water. Your fingers slid down the screen over and over, getting the same lack of unread emails until you saw the familiar blue dot.
Your Admission Results from NYU 
Your heart began pounding, your palms growing sweaty as you shakily opened the email. Every millisecond it took to load felt like a year, and you were about to pass out by the time words appeared on your screen.
Thank you for your interest in the NYU School of Dance! We have reviewed your application and were impressed by the level of talent and skill you displayed. Unfortunately, due to the vast number of applicants this year, you have not been accepted into—
Your mind went blank. The words “have not been accepted” flashed across your eyes repeatedly like a cruel joke. As you felt all the strength and all the adrenaline in your body just drain out of you, your phone slipped out of your hand and clattered to the floor. Sinking to the floor, you could barely process the pain as your body collided with the hard wood. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t feel, you couldn’t even breathe as your lungs clawed for air and—
A strong pair of arms wrapped around your body, holding you as your trembled. Instinctively, you grasped at the person’s sleeves, gripping them until your knuckles went white. 
“Y/N, you’re okay,” a familiar voice spoke, rather muffled since your face was buried in their chest, “I don’t know what’s happened, but you’ll be okay.” 
At that moment, it was as if something inside you snapped, and whatever was holding your tears back vanished. You sobbed into their shirt, your voice cracking as you let out all the pressure and the stress bottled up inside. The person you were holding onto tightened their embrace in return, stroking your back comfortingly and soothing your pain as best they could. 
They smell nice, you thought vaguely, still feeling the aftershocks of your breakdown. It was kind of familiar too, the way their hands felt around you like they were meant to be there. Funny, because it almost feels like—
“Let’s go out,” Hyunjin muttered as you lifted your head to see who was comforting you, “We can skip practice today.”
“But, Minho’s gonna—“
“Minho would understand,” he said firmly, helping you get back on your feet. His arm was still positioned around your back, as if making sure he’d catch you if you collapsed. Gently sitting you down on a nearby chair, he grabbed your stuff from the side of the studio, placing it neatly into your gym bag, and picked up your phone as well. 
Swinging your bag over his shoulder along with his own, Hyunjin walked towards you silently, stretching out his hand. You stared incredulously at it, wondering if this was all just a strange dream because there was no way Hwang Hyunjin was offering you his hand.
Hyunjin looked embarrassed, his voice tinged with something that sounded like bitterness as he said, “You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.”
You snapped out of your stupor, and without much consideration, slipped your hand into his. It was easier than you had imagined, although it felt different from the hundreds of times you’ve held his hand during dances. This one felt more alive, more electric somehow.
From what you could tell, Hyunjin seemed rather pleased, especially from the way his hand closed around yours. Clearing his throat, he pulled you up and glanced at the door, “Let’s get out of here.”
Nodding dumbly, you followed Hyunjin out of the dance studio, but not before turning off the lights and locking up. It was dark when you made it outside, the streetlights and the dim moon being the only sources of light.
“Where are we going?” You finally managed to ask.
Hyunjin continued to walk down the street, with you following closely after, hands still intertwined, “We’re gonna get something to eat.” 
Frowning thoughtfully, you said, “You know there aren’t any good food places around the studio.” 
“I know,” If the lights weren’t so dim, you could’ve swore you saw a flicker of mischievousness in your dance partner’s eyes, “That’s why we’re going somewhere else.”
As he slowed to a stop, Hyunjin turned to glance at you as he asked, “Ever ridden on a motorcycle before?”
Well, damn. It was only then that you remembered Hyunjin’s ride, a sleek black motorcycle and the envy of all his friends at school. Apparently a deal that he’d gotten at a junkyard, you could remember when the boy had spent all his free time polishing it and getting all the grime of his newfound baby. There wasn’t a day of practice that he didn’t talk about it, and you wondered how you could’ve forgotten it at all.
The boy raised an eyebrow at your lack of a response, chuckling softly, “I’ll take that as a no,” Grabbing the helmet that was strapped to one of the handles, he turned to give it to you.
“There’s only one,” you protested, “Shouldn’t you be wearing it instead?”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, “Stop worrying about me. It’s weird,” he said, taking matters into his own hands and putting the helmet on you gingerly, “I’m not going to have you die on me if you fall off.”
He bent down slightly to your height, eyes focused to make sure he didn’t hurt you when he locked the strap under your chin. You could see every beautiful feature of his face, his pretty eyes and his pretty lips and his—
Calm the fuck down, you mentally slapped yourself. You felt something akin to disappointment when he backed away from you, swinging your gym bags off of his shoulder.
“Could you carry these during the ride? It would be uncomfortable for you to hold on if I carried them.”
You agreed, not thinking much of the request as Hyunjin swung his legs gracefully over the motorcycle, situation himself nicely. Starting up the engines, he turned to look at you with eyes more curious than piercing.
“Are you coming with me?”
As you sat behind him, your arms around his waist as the wind blew the hair out of your face, giving you a sense of liberation that you’ve never felt before, the answer that you’d never admit sat on the tip of your tongue.
Of course.
Sipping a vanilla milkshake across from a person that strongly disliked you was—for lack of a better term—awkward. Neither one of you spoke, Hyunjin quietly indulging in his ice cream sundae while you tried to focus on your drink and not the boy in front of you.
The cafe wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t crowded either, a suitable number of customers for a weekday at 8 pm. There was a peacefulness to the room’s ambience that you had always loved, and you wondered if Hyunjin came here because he knew this was your favorite restaurant.
“So,” Hyunjin’s voice interrupted your daydreaming, his head leaning against his arm nonchalantly, “are you going to keep staring at me like you want to tell me something, or are you actually going to tell me something?” 
Your face flushed, and you realized that oh my god you were staring at Hyunjin. You immediately looked away, staring at the table like you could drill a hole in it with your eyes. You gathered up your strength and decided to fess up about you had just went through today.
“I didn’t get accepted into NYU.”
“What?” You weren’t sure whether Hyunjin’s genuinely surprised response hurt or made you feel slightly better, “B-but your application was basically flawless!”
You laughed mirthlessly, “Unfortunately, the administration didn’t think that was true, or I would’ve been crying from happiness rather than suffering a mental breakdown.”
“That’s your early, right?” Hyunjin frowned, “You still have many options to pick from.”
“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to do a double major at a strong school,” you lay your head onto the restaurant table, “And NYU was by far the strongest.”
“They’re idiots,” your partner said with an unusual savageness, “They don’t know what they missed out on. You’re the smartest person in school, and you’re one of the core dances in our studio.”
Utterly touched by the outpouring of support from Hyunjin that you haven’t heard in a long while, you managed a genuine, albeit small, smile, “Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.” 
Hyunjin blinked, as if only realizing what had just slipped out of his mouth. With a light pink dusting his cheeks, he leaned back into his seat and looked away, “I wasn’t trying to make you feel better,” he grumbled, “It’s just fact.”
You knew that. Hyunjin was never one to shy away from the hard truth, displayed through his blunt criticisms and sharp comments. But that also meant that every praise came straight from his heart, and Hyunjin had just given you the biggest compliment you’ve heard in a long while. 
After an awkward silence, the boy cleared his throat, obviously trying to move on from his embarrassing outburst. Leaning against the back of his chair he asked, “So what do you plan to do now? Apply to other dance programs?”
“Yeah, the one in Florida, there’s a couple abroad that I might try as well,” you answered, thinking of the blank applications that were currently sitting on your desk, untouched. You were originally betting on being accepted into your early decision school so you could just avoid any extraneous application writing, but it seemed that fate wasn’t quite on your side this time. 
“Ever thought about Juilliard?”
You froze for a split second before laughing, “Of course I’ve thought about it, but it’s a little out of my league.”
“Besides,” you continued, sipping at your milkshake again, “isn’t Juilliard your top choice?”
Hyunjin looked surprised, as if he’d never expect you to pay attention to his life, “Well, yeah,” he confirmed, “I’m waiting for the pre-screening results.”
“You’ll definitely get in,” you assured him, “Didn’t the scouts at Juilliard pay a lot of attention to you during some of the boot camps? I’m sure you could just show up to the audition and they’d let you in.”
The boy across from you didn’t know what to say, but from the red on his ears and his cheeks, you could tell he was pleased. You couldn’t remember the last time you and Hyunjin have done this, sit at a diner and share a civilized conversation.
“Yeah, I really hope you’re right about that,” he said tiredly, and you knew the stress was getting to him, “There’s still time to apply, though. You should just do it.”
“You’re asking me to go to the same school as you?” Laughing, you continued, “I thought you would be dying to get away after being stuck with me for four years.”
The conversation grew quiet, and when Hyunjin’s lack of response began to grow uncomfortable, you looked to find him struggling to say something. His eyes were looking everywhere but you, and his hands couldn’t stay still on the table.
“I wouldn’t—“ he started, his doe eyes wide as he forced himself to look at you, “I don’t want to ‘get away from you.”
Blinking dumbly, your brain suffered an immediate malfunction as you attempted to process what Hyunjin had just said, “But you hate me.”
The boy had the audacity to look slightly offended, answering defensively, “I don’t hate you!”
“You criticize me any chance you get, you sneer whenever I make mistakes, you call me out during practices for no reason than to distract me—I don’t know, Hyunjin. Doesn’t that sound like hate to you?”
Your voice had risen above the accepted volume level for restaurant etiquette, but you couldn’t be bothered to see who around you was eyeing your table and who wasn’t. Glaring at Hyunjin intensely, you leaned back in your seat, waiting for your partner to make a move. 
To his credit, Hyunjin looked incredibly guilty, as if thinking back to every nasty comment he’d made and regretting it, “I’m sorry,” he finally said, averting his eyes from your pointed gaze, “I never hated you. I guess I was always on your case just because—”
With a dramatic gasp, Hyunjin‘s hands flew to his mouth as if to physically trying to stop his own words. Your curiosity piqued, and you glared at him pointedly, waiting for him to complete his sentence. 
“I always criticized you because I wanted you to notice me,” Hyunjin said, rather shamefully. 
“You criticized me because you wanted my attention?” you repeated his words, tasting the way they felt in your mouth and coming to the conclusion that they made absolutely no sense when put together. 
“No! Well—yes, but—“ Hyunjin stumbled over his words before taking a deep breath in an attempt to collect his own thoughts. 
“Back when we were still...friends,” the boy hesitated on the last word, a tentative way to gauge his boundaries. When you didn’t question the term, he continued, “I always liked to be your dance partner because it felt like you genuinely liked my dancing. Then, I realized that you tended to criticize me less than other people, and I just came to assume that you didn’t think I was at a level for you to bother offering criticism to.”
You bit your lip, perturbed, “You know that’s not true, right, Hyunjin? I never thought that I was better than you in any sense.” 
Hyunjin nodded, “I know, but I grew paranoid, and slowly came to the realization that you always had something to critique about my dancing if I got on your nerves.” 
Frowning thoughtfully, you remembered all the times Hyunjin had ever pricked at your poor dance habits and all the times you had snapped back with some smartass response. It was true that Hyunjin always corrected himself after you said something, so maybe what he was saying did make sense. 
“Okay, so I get why you were doing it before, but we’re seniors now, and you’ve won big competitions for your solo dancing, too. You can’t possibly feel inferior to me still, right?” you asked, warily eying his reaction.
“No, not anymore,” Hyunjin agreed, before chuckling softly, “Sometimes, I just tease you because I feel like that’s the only way you’d ever consider me as more than a stranger.”
Your heart lurched, and you wondered how long Hyunjin had believed that you genuinely didn’t want to be around him, just like you had believed until a couple minutes ago. Hesitantly, you reached for his hand that rested on the table. Hyunjin looked startled, but he didn’t pull away as you closed your smaller hands around his.
“I missed being your friend, Hyunjin,” you said honestly, “And I’m sorry for all the stupid shit I’ve said.”
At your words, Hyunjin put a hand over yours urgently, holding it tightly as he spoke, “I’m more at fault here,” he replied firmly, “I’m sorry I never took your feelings into account.”
The silence between the two of you evolved into something much more comfortable, and neither of you made any moves to retract your hands. Instead, you merely sat there, content with the idea that neither of you hated each other as much as you had originally assumed. 
Hyunjin suddenly burst into tiny giggles, “What do you think Minho’s gonna say when he finds that we’re cool again?”
“Either get incredibly angry or burst into tears,” you guessed dryly.  
“I think the latter.”
“You wanna bet on it?” you smiled cheekily.
A smirk emerged on Hyunjin’s face, “Five dollars?”
“That’s lame,” you laughed, a mischievous thought popping up in your head, “How about the loser has to treat the winner to a late night meal back in this diner?”
For a moment, you feared that he wouldn’t be as interested in the idea as you were, but your partner’s eyes brightened as he spoke, “I’m in. This could be like our place!”
“Our place,” you repeated, and you found that you didn’t mind the term as much as you thought you would. It felt intimate, and as you glanced at Hyunjin’s relaxed smile, you found that you didn’t mind it at all.
“I like it.” 
“Y/N, hurry up and go change!” Minho barked the moment you were offstage, still panting from the group performance, “You and Hyunjin are up in five.” 
You nodded in acknowledgement before bounding back to the dressing room, taking off your bomber jacket and throwing it onto an empty chair. Your dress hung on a rack nearby, and you grabbed it quickly, heading to the bathroom to change. 
“Y/N, are you here?” Seulgi’s voice sounded as she walked into the dressing room, “I’ll help you zip up.” 
“Have I ever told you that I love you very much?” you asked seriously, opening the door to let your best friend into the stall.
Seulgi smirked, “I love you, too, but I won’t have you cheating on Hyunjin like that.”
“We’re not dating,” you repeated for the tenth time in two hours.
She locked the top clasp in place and pulled the zipper up all the way as she whispered in your ear, “Maybe after this dance, things will change.”
Before you could answer, Minho flung open the door, yelling at you to get backstage. Pulling off your boots from the previous set, you ran barefooted down the hall and into the dark backstage area, smoothing out your dress.
Hyunjin was already there, his hair still sweaty and his heavy stage makeup looking a little smudged. The dark hints of eye makeup and the natural pink tint on his lips made him look more alluring than ever. He was absentmindedly fanning himself with his loose white shirt, and his eyes brightened when he saw you walking over.
“You look beautiful,” was the first thing he said, smiling gently.
“You look pretty handsome yourself,” you replied, basking in the comfortable air between the two of you as Hyunjin blushed.
The lights darkened onstage, and the audience clapped and whooped. Your heart did a nervous flip; you could never break away from stage anxiety. Closing your eyes, you held your breath and tried to calm the erratic thumping of your heart. 
A hand looped around your waist, and you glanced up at Hyunjin who was eyeing you with excitement. 
“Don’t worry,” he said confidently, “You have me, after all!”
The sheer cheesiness of his statement caught you off guard, and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “I suppose I do,” you grinned, and the anxiety lightened considerably.
“Let’s do this.”
Under the cover of darkness, the two of you took your places on the stage, you at the left corner, Hyunjin on the right. Taking a deep breath, you felt your body relax as the spotlights turned on and the music began to play. 
Thought I saw you at a bar last night.
Your duet with Hyunjin began, and your body moved on autopilot, conditioned by hours of practice and molded by the blood, sweat, and tears you put into your craft. 
Hid in the bathroom, I just couldn’t stay high.
You curled in on yourself, following the lyrics with the choreography as you played the role of a broken-hearted girl, hopelessly in love with someone who had left her. 
Cause I took so much time to reset my life, but in just one look, I’m back.
Hyunjin’s hand covered your eyes, and spun you around to face him. You could feel him close to you even though you couldn’t quite see him. When he pulled his hand from your face—for a moment—you felt your breath being taken away. The expression of Hyunjin’s face, the look of desire in his eyes, it was totally different from anything you had ever felt from him in rehearsal, and you cursed yourself for ever calling him out on his “unromantic-ness.” This boy clearly knew how to get people to fall at his feet without even saying a word.
Forgot that I could have anyone I like, but now all I remember is what we had. 
Two feet on the planted on the ground, you pushed yourself off the ground with ease, barely relying on Hyunjin’s hand around your arm as support. You landed in his arms, your hands against his chest. It was closer than you’ve ever been during practice, and you wondered if Hyunjin was merely falling prey to the heat of the moment, or if he was really conscious about what he was doing.
Nobody, nobody, nobody compares to you.
Dipping you easily, your back arched as he spun you gracefully, your arms outstretched in a beautiful line. With a start, you realized that Hyunjin had mouthed the lyrics to you with a grin on his face, his head facing away from the audience so only you could see. 
Somebody, somebody please help me get over you.
Lifting you back on your feet, Hyunjin reached for you as you turned away from him, covering your face with your hands as you walked out of his grasp. 
‘Cause it feels like I’ve been wasting my time, in all the wrong places, with all the wrong faces. 
Hyunjin crashed into you with more force and fervor than ever, hugging you from being, clutching you so tightly it felt like he never wanted to let you go. You melted into his embrace, grabbing his hands and executing the intricate hand choreography that ended with your hands on his neck and his on your face. Foreheads touching, the two of you shared secret smiles as you split apart from each other.
Nobody compares to you.
You danced in sync with Hyunjin, something that was practically a habit to you at this point. Minho had always said that your styles complemented each other perfectly, the equal and opposite of each other. Hyunjin was sharp and you were fluid, both powerful in their own right and yet blending in the most perfect way. You didn’t believe it until very recently, but you finally understood why your captain was always so determined to put you two together.
You’re once in a lifetime, better than New Year’s at midnight.
A classic overthinker, you rarely ever had a performance where you didn’t think about the audience, didn’t think about the possibility of messing up, didn’t think about how you could’ve done better. But as the light danced across Hyunjin’s face, you could only think about him. 
Wanna grab on and hold tight, and I won’t let go.
Hyunjin spun you into his arms once again, your dress billowing around you in graceful wafts. He looked entranced, staring at you with such an intensity that you almost forgot that you were performing.
I hope you can hear this, ‘cause it’s your face that I miss.
Reaching up, you brushed his cheek with your fingers delicately, a detail that Minho had been telling you to incorporate for weeks but you couldn’t without bursting into laughter. This time around, it felt just right. If Hyunjin was surprised, he didn’t show it. In fact, he looked almost pleased.
It’s your lips I wanna kiss.
You were so caught up in the moment, that you almost, almost missed your dance partner taking a very surreptitious glance at your lips. It wasn’t like you blamed him, because you were certainly looking at his lips, too. 
Nobody compares to you.
As the song drew to a final climax, Hyunjin and you performed that final segment of the choreography, an intricate sequence with your hands intertwined the entire time. When it finished, you and Hyunjin faced each other so closely that all you had to do was look up and your lips would’ve touched his.
The theater was silent for the longest two seconds of your life, and then the audience that you had long forgotten about burst into a roar of cheers and applause. Some people stood up and whooped, others whistled, but everyone had been completely enamored by the performance. 
Hyunjin and you bowed expertly, panting heavily now that the adrenaline was fading. The moment the two of you made it backstage, you were pushed back out by a grinning Minho, who yelled at the two of you to take a second bow. 
Smiling so hard, the corners of your mouth hurt, you bowed once more before turning to face your dance partner. He looked just as elated as you, and when he caught your glance, he faced you with the happiest, most beautiful expression on his face. Under the cover of the thunderous applause, you could just barely make out the words that then fell out of his mouth.
“I love you.”
The cheering drowned out, and suddenly the audience in front of you didn’t matter one bit. You must’ve looked utterly stricken, any sort of previous joy having left your face, because you saw a flash of horror pass Hyunjin’s eyes, and he turned back to the audience without waiting for you to respond. 
With one final bow, your smiles considerably more strained than before, Hyunjin walked off stage quickly, not even one glance back to make sure you were following him. You ran after him, barely able to discern the look on his face as the stagelights went out to set up for the next segment. 
“Wait, Hyunjin--” you grabbed his arm abruptly, trying to get his attention. Hyunjin flinched hard, looking more ashamed than ever. As you opened your mouth to talk, Seulgi burst into the backstage area.
“Y/N!” she squealed, hurling at you like a cannonball, “That was absolutely amazing, but we gotta get ready for the last number! You know that makeup is a bitch to put on.”
As the next unit performers went on stage, you realized that you only had less than five minutes to change and nail that glittery blue eye makeup. You nailed Hyunjin with the best “we will talk about this later” look, and bolted to the girl’s dressing room after Seulgi.
The rest of the performance passed without any major disasters, and your mind only thought about the three words that Hyunjin had uttered to you. Hyunjin loved you? Was that even possible? 
And--if by some miracle--he wasn’t lying, did you love him?
You’ve definitely had a crush on him, that was undeniable. Especially when the two of you first met, you thought about nothing but Hyunjin for a solid three months. How kind he was, how sweet, how handsome. 
As the crowd cheered and applauded, almost everyone on their feet, you glanced at Hyunjin who stood just right of the center position. Was he thinking about it, too? He didn’t look like he was. The stage lights made him look like nothing short of a god, and his eyes held that glint that only emerged when he danced, a look of triumph and utter elation. 
For a shameful moment, you hated Hyunjin for what he said. Did he know what sort of turmoil he was currently putting you through? Did he know how much his words affected you, while he cluelessly basked in his spotlight?  
The concert ended, congratulations were thrown around, and everyone was happy. Even in your conflicted state, you could find yourself smiling unconsciously, taking selfies with Seulgi and Lisa, giving Minho a tight hug. This was where you grew up, after all, and you were going to miss it so much when you head off to college.
As the crew all left the venue, with discussions of going to karaoke clubs in the air, you finally caught sight of Hyunjin walking alone, and decided that it was time to figure out what the fuck was going on. Sneaking up beside him, you reached up and yanked out one of his earbuds.
Startled, Hyunjin’s face of surprise morphed into one of trepidation as you asked pointedly, “Can we talk?”
His expression screamed “no,” but he didn’t answer your question. Looking away, he muttered, “What’s there to talk about?”
Oh, no. There was no way you were going to let him pretend that nothing happened, “Really? You’re just going to act like you didn’t say that you loved me after we finished our dance?”
“Could we not bring this up right now?” Hyunjin snapped, speaking louder now that the crowd had left.
You couldn’t help but flinch as you tried to keep your voice steady, “Why not? Were you just saying that to see my reaction or something?”
“What? No, I--shit,” Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair, which was still damp from the concert, “I’m sorry, okay?”
Something akin to tears pricked at the corner of your eyes because of course Hyunjin didn’t mean it. Of course it was him leading you on.
“Don’t apologize,” you spoke coldly, trying to distance yourself from the situation, “We just finished a great performance with amazing chemistry, so it’s only natural that you would say something in the heat of the moment--”
“It wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing, okay?” Hyunjin interrupted you, his expression resigned, “It’s something I’ve wanted to say for years, and I knew that if I didn’t tell you right then I would never have the confidence to do it again.”
You stared at him, mind utterly blank as your heart raced, “You--you like me?”
He looked down at the ground, the glow of the streetlights illuminating a dark blush on his cheeks, “Don’t say it like you didn’t know.”
“Well, I didn’t know,” you retorted, your cheeks also unusually hot.
Hyunjin blinked, “But, literally everyone knew.”
“Oh yeah? Who’s everyone?”
“Minho, Seulgi, Lisa, ask literally anyone on the dance team,” Hyunjin said in disbelief, “Why do you think everyone was constantly teasing us?”
You could barely put words together as you spluttered, “I thought they were just being annoying!”
Hyunjin let out a giggle, “They were being annoying, but that’s only because they knew I had a biggest crush on you for the longest time,” he eyed you strangely, “Didn’t you at least have some idea when I literally told you that I only bugged you to get your attention?”
The answer was no. The very idea of Hyunjin liking you had never crossed your mind, not even once, so you could only look to the ground, blushing terribly as you tried to salvage the situation.
“Hyunjin, I--”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Looking up, you glanced at Hyunjin’s expression, a gentle smile tinged with sadness as he continued, “Please don’t feel obligated to give me an answer or whatever just because you feel bad for me. I’m relieved that I managed to tell you, but I’m perfectly content with the way things are right now.” 
As he turned around to walk to his motorcycle, you could only star at his back forelornly. He was lying, you realized, because Hyunjin’s real smiles would crinkle his eyes in the most adorable way. But now, they didn’t quite reach his eyes as he turned to glance at you, trying to look more upbeat, “You don’t have a ride, right? I could take you home--”
“Don’t you want to hear about my feelings for you?” you blurted out, covering your mouth in surprise. Internally beating yourself up, you were barely able to look at Hyunjin’s now dumbfounded expression as he turned to face you completely, walking back to you slowly.
“You know,” he started hesitantly, “if this is just a cruel way for you to friendzone me after getting my hopes up, I’m actually going to be really sad.”
“I’m not going to friendzone you, Hwang Hyunjin,” you snapped, your cheeks going from warm to hot in less than a second.
His eyes widened, and he took a cautious step into your personal space, reaching for your hand as he asked doubtfully, “You’re not?”
“I like you, too,” you muttered, using your free hand to cover your face.
You could practically hear the smile in Hyunjin’s voice as he leaned closer, “What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
Gently, he pulled your hand away from your face, now taking both of them and pulling you closer. Foreheads almost touching, you gathered all the courage in you as you said it again.
“I like you, Hyunjin.”
He grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist as yours slid around his neck, “Are you sure?” he asked cheekily, but you could hear the doubt in his tone, “You can’t take this back. I won’t let you.”
Placing your hands on his cheeks, you looked him straight in the eye as you said with a smile, “Nobody compares to you, Hyunjin.”
“Oh my god,” he giggled, but the pink of his cheeks betrayed him, “you’re so goddamn cheesy.”
“You still love me?” 
Hyunjin smiled without an ounce of doubt on his face, “I’ll always love you.”
When your lips met, the most perfect first kiss under the glow of the stars and the streetlights, you were absolutely certain that there would be nobody else you’d rather love than your dance partner, Hwang Hyunjin. 
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Raphael x Reader - Oneshot (TMNT 2014/2016)
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"Sup shrimp."
"I'm not a shrimp I'm a grown woman!!" you screamed charging at Raph. He didn't even budge when you ran into him. You on the other hand tumbled to the floor with a grunt. Mikey raised his head when he heard the collision.
"Hey, I think you moved him a little this time (Y/N), good job." he sent you thumbs up, but you just stayed there laying flat on the floor.
You were only fifteen, and since Raph was older, he never failed to remind you of it. Even at your age, you barely look it. You were small, and a bit of a tomboy. It didn't help that you grew up with brothers. Fighting was the way you communicated. That's why you always went at it with Raph. He made it his mission to point out your very boyish qualities. Not that you cared.
"Just wait till puberty hits me, I'll be so gorgeous even the boys at school will have to acknowledge me!" You holler. So maybe your constant fights with Raph weren't solely because you liked roughhousing.
Thing is, you had the biggest crush on him. His attitude, tough personality, and geez those damn muscles. He drove you every type of crazy. That's why you got into it so regular with him. Of course you'd never admit it.
All your teenage mind seemed to process was Feelings+Raph= Punch the shit outta him.
Very mature approach.
"Ya better keep dreaming, you'll be a shrimp no matter how tall ya get." you growled, jumping to your feet as you grabbed his leg.
"Corkscrew!!" you yelled. You tried locking his leg with both of yours to pull him down. It usually worked with your brothers, but you should have known better. Raph just smirked and leaned down, grabbing one of your legs as he lifted you into the air upside down.
"P-Put me down you overgrown tortoise!!" you were struggling and throwing punches at his body, but none of them connected, he was holding you at a distance.
"Maybe if ya nice I'll think bout it." You folded your arms with a glare.
"What, you really think I'm going to beg? Never."
"Is that right?"
"No it's left. Of course it's right! LEO!! Raph is bullying me again!"
Leo sighed, coming around the corner to inspect the damage. "Raph, stop treating her like a rag doll. Put her down."
He huffed, moving to the couch. "Fine." Just like that he opened his palm. You dropped with a soft thud, and Raph snickered under his breath.
"Better?" When you collected yourself, you used the couch to boost you as you jumped unto Raph's back, wrapping your small hands around his neck in an attempted chokehold.
"What do you have to say now big guy! I can take you out in seconds." you pressed into the pressure point on the side of his neck, and he dropped to his knees in surprise.
"Hah, no matter the size, that'll forever be a weak spot." You would know, you used it on your brothers. You were about to deliver another devastating blow. He grabbed your arm before you could do much, pulling you to the ground. When you raised your body to fight back, he just used one hand to push you down by your chest. You blushed at the contact.
"Y-You pervert now you're groping me!!"
He looked unimpressed at your accusation. "Please, ya as flat as a pizza." His statement made your face redder, and you kicked his chest, putting some space between so you could get up.
With that you were running out the lair in a rage. Raph stood slowly, and Leo just shook his head at him.
"You really shouldn't mess with her so much Raph."
"She's the one that came running at me."
"You didn't exactly help the situation."
"Gimme a break." Raph groused. He usually brushed it off when you yelled at him, but this time you looked pretty upset.
Logically, it would have made sense to go after you and apologize, but Raph was never the logical type. So instead he dealt with it the old fashion way.
"I need to punch something." he grumbled, heading for the training area.
Leo just let out another exasperated sigh. He looked over at Mikey, who just lifted his arms shaking his head.
"Don't look at me brah, I'm not getting in the middle of that. " You may have been small, but your temper rivaled Raph's so talking with you while you were pissed wasn't the best thing to do.
~One Week Later~
"Where's (Y/N)." Raph really didn't think you would have stayed away this long. It had only been one week, but it felt like so long since he heard you yelling as you tried to attack him with a new move.
Donnie raised his t-phone from his spot. "She's got exams, I've been sending her information to help in her chemistry class. She said she won't be able to stop by until it's over. Apparently her parents have been getting on her about her grades."
Raph could understand that, what he didn't understand was you messaging Donnie instead of him.
"What's wrong Raphie are you missing your little girlfriend~"
Mikey made a face, mimicking kissy faces and Raph just smacked him.
"Shut up! I ain't missing that shrimp!"
"Fine, no need to get violent." Mikey grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.
"Alright break it up, we got patrol in a few minutes, no fighting." Raph cracked his knuckles. "Great timing." He could use with a little brute force.
"Damn it this makes no sense!!" You were stressing over your finals, and to make matters worse, you'd just recently gotten your period, so not only was your brain committing suicide, so was your ovaries.
"AHHHH!!!" your oldest brother rushed in at the yell.
"Dude, quit screaming. I thought you were being murdered." you frowned.
"I might as well have been, this shit hurts." He grinned at you.
"My dear little sister, finally becoming a woman. They grow up so fast." He said faking a sob. You just rolled your eyes, throwing a book in his direction.
"Get out of my room before I chug my bloody pad at you." he made a disgusted face.
"I fear for your future boyfriend (Y/N)." you just gave him a look, and in seconds he was rushing out, shutting the door. You dropped your pencil, placing your head on the desk.
"Future boyfriend.."
The first image to pop into your head was Raph, and you blushed, letting out a soft groan of annoyance. What was the use falling for him. He barely even acknowledges you as female. It was so frustrating. Yet, you couldn't stop hoping that he'd somehow just sneak into your room and confess his undying love for you.
It was crazy, impossible. "Dumb hormones." You couldn't believe you'd been in such a rush to go through this, it was hell. What was even worse is your chest had been sore all week. Your mother insisted it was normal, but it didn't feel normal.
"Dumb puberty." you regretted ever wanting to experience it.
~Three Weeks Later~
"Still no word." Donnie shook his head. "She's not in danger, and she texts me, but for some reason she hasn't been down here in awhile."
Leo was never one to act irrational, but now he was getting worried. And Raph was completely stubborn. "Raph, you have to go talk to her. She's obviously still mad about what you said last time. "
"That was weeks ago, and why do I gotta do it! Did ya forget she was the one that came at me."
"You hurt her feelings Raph. You don't tell a girl her chest is flat as a pizza, even if it's true."
"Since when did ya become an expert on women." Leo was about to respond, but a sneaky smile rose on his lips.
"So you do see her as a woman. Hah, I knew you had a thing for her. No wonder you're always messing with her. " Raph couldn't work up a reply so he just growled, turning his back and punching the wall.
"Somehow I feel like they're made for each other. " Leo chuckled. His brother may have been a muscle head, but at least he wasn't blind.
He'd fix the problem eventually. Leo could tell that your absence was starting to get to Raph. It was only a matter of who would make the first move. That might take a while though.
It was foolish, you hadn't intended to stay away that long, it's just that so much happened in the span of three weeks. Now you felt way too embarrassed to face Raph due to your most recent development. That didn't stop the guilt though. Because you missed being around the boys. Mikey, Donnie, Leo and especially Raph. You'd just stopped visiting with an explanation. What kind of friend does that? Not a very good one.
"Tomorrow! I go and explain everything." You were tired of hiding out in your room. You didn't want your friendship to suffer because of your stupid hormones.
Your head whipped to the window.
"The fudge.."
Under normal circumstances, it was never smart to go towards strange noises. So as you inched out of your bed, you grabbed your baseball bat, moving cautiously to your window.
If some serial killer thought he was getting an easy victim he had another thing coming. You stood at the side, hiding behind the wall as you watched the figure crawl into your room. With a vicious swing, you whacked him right in the face. When you heard a grunt of pain you rushed to your light switch with a grin.
"Take that you stupid serial psycho you really think I was just going to...R-Raph!!"
"What the hell is wrong with ya.." he spoke tightly, he was rubbing his face in irritation. You dropped the bat.
"I-I'm so sorry I thought you were a killer or something. Why didn't you call. You don't just sneak into a girl's room in the middle of the night. "
"I would have called, but ya been avoiding the liar and my messages. Figured I'd come and see why ya acting so weird."
He was right. Suddenly you weren't as sure. Taking a step back, you wrapped your arms around yourself, looking away.
"I-I just..I had exams.."
"Don't gimme that shit, you've been done for a while. Donnie told me."
You couldn't think of any more excuses that would be half as believable. When Raph saw the way you were guarding yourself and keeping your distance, it sort of hurt him.
He realized then that his words must have done more damage than he thought. He really didn't think you would have taken it to heart. A big part of your friendship was the both of you insulting each other. Maybe this time though, he went a little too far.
"I'm sorry alright." you looked up, and Raph shifted his gaze to the wall.
"I didn't mean it, I was just teasing ya. Truth is I couldn't give a crap if you're small. It's what I like about ya. Ya always give me shit, and yer never afraid to call me out and fight me, even though there's no way ya could win. "
Was he confessing? It sure sounded like it.
"I do see ya as a woman. Ya don't have to worry about puberty or any of that crap. Ya already freaking hot to me." you just stared, cheeks glowing a bright red.
"Y-You think I'm.."
Oh boy, you were going to have a heart attack. No way was this really happening. Raph scratched his head a bit awkwardly.
"Course I do. I guess I just liked having all ya attention. You never flock towards Leo or the others. Ya always chase after me."
Of course you did. You'd been crushing on him for months, maybe since you met him. He was finally looking your way, and he took a step forward.
"I don't care if you're flat as a pizza, ya still cute to me." He placed his hand on your chest to prove his point, except this time there was a plumpness he didn't expect. You flushed, and on instinct you kicked him in the groin. Raph stumbled back, holding the crouch as he fell to the ground.
"Wrong with me! Just a few weeks ago ya were as flat as a pancake!" He gaped, still fairly confused, and you just covered your chest bashfully. Something seemed to hit him.
"This is why ya were acting so strange..." no wonder you hadn't stopped by. He could see it clear on your face.
"Did ya ass get bigger too?"
"Y-You jerk why would you even ask that- aah!!" You didn't expect him to get to his feet and take your arm. He pinned both your arms to the bed, pressing you to the mattress. Your chest was pressed into the bed, and you had to look over to see what he was doing.
"R-Raph let me go this instant!!"
He just smirked at you, lifting your shirt slightly to get a look at you from behind.
"I was right, yer ass did get bigger." you jumped when you felt his hand on your butt. You gasped when he groped you, squeezing your cheek softly. "P-Pervert!! This is assault!!" you squirmed, but it was useless, he had you pinned to the bed.
His body leaning over is what kept you from getting away.
"It's not if ya like it." He whispered sultrily. You swallowed, trying not to let him see just how much you were actually enjoying his touches. He lowered his body, and now you could feel his strong plastron pressed to your back. His hands flattened on the bed above your head, and you whined, still trying to wiggle away. Maybe save a little face.
"Well well, I thought ya were cute before, but now yer delicious." he gave your butt another appreciative squeeze and you could only muster out a small mewl. "R-Raph.." Why was he torturing you so much?
"Yes." you glanced at him, and from the desperate look on your face, he already knew what you wanted. He moved back slightly to help you turn unto your back, and now that you were facing each other, you gazed at him. He could see the raw want in your eyes. His little touches might have just nudged you over the edge.
Without so much as a word you pulled him down, sighing when his lips finally met yours. His body covered your own protectively, not leaning his full weight, just enough that you could feel him. And boy did it feel good.
Your hands were hooked around his neck as you kissed him hungrily. It may have been your hormones, or the fact that you'd been dying to kiss him for who knows how long. Raph didn't mind one bit. This time when his hand landed on your chest, you moaned, begging for more. Raph let out a throaty chuckle when he managed to pull back, giving you a chance to catch your breath. "Ya better keep yer voice down. Wouldn't want ya family catching us."
Family, wow, you completely forgot about those people.
Raph was just staring at you now, and it made you a bit flustered.
"Q-Quit staring." you mutter.
"Why can't I, I'm admiring my woman."
"Y-Your woman! I never agreed to that!" You're dream come true, not that you would say that aloud.
"Guess that means we can't kiss anymore." He looked like he was about to move away, but you grabbed the strap across his chest.
"W-Wait!! I-I guess being your woman wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." He knew secretly you were overjoyed, even if you were trying your hardest to cover it up.
"Whatever ya say shrimp."
"I'm not a shrimp I'm a grown woman!!"
This would be a very interesting relationship.
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r-worlds-blog · 3 years
I don't know what to do anymore...
Hey guys, I have never been this exhausted so suddenly in my life. Everything just sort of hit me like a dump truck. I hate grade 12. I have so much to worry about all at once that I have no idea what I should prioritize because they are all so important. I have to worry about school because I have exams every other day, just this week I have something due or exams in every single one of my classes, one of my teachers (who probably doesn’t stand much higher than five feet) is being a complete bitch. At first, he gives away to complicated unit exam where we don’t even have the whole period to do so, then tells us that the unit exams are worth fucking 60% of our grade and we don’t even have assignments to bump up our grade so one fucking exam can make you fail the whole damn class. I went from 75% to 57% like what the actual fuck. He refuses to fucking own up to his stupidity and keeps blaming us for it saying we didn’t study enough when he’s just a bad teacher. He just talks and talks and talks and if you don’t understand he will legit just repeat what he just said. No fucks given. He’s only here for the paycheck. He tells us that we have a quiz that is 40 questions…. WHAT THE FUCK TYPE OF QUIZ HAS OVER 40 QUESTIONS??????? I hate him. I fucking need that class to go to fucking university so I can’t just drop it. Then I have social studies to worry about because apparently, I have a unit exam tomorrow, then on Thursday I have a math unit exam, then next week I have another 40 questions QUIZ in bio, then I have the unit exam for that dumbass class, then I have my fucking midterm, AND and 90-minute test for fucking university that I have no idea how to study for because there is no real way to study for that dumbass test. On top of that, I work for this company, which I’m pretty sure is a cult ( there are so overbearing and annoying and think I should just be there at their fucking call like I don’t have bigger things to worry about), that is trying to take the little time I have to study for dumb zoom meeting about making phone calls. Like FUCK give me a fucking break. Then I come home and as always my parents don’t even try to understand the amount of stress I’ve been going through and they yell at me for things that are literally out of my control and call me lazy whenever they have the opportunity to. Like excuse Mr. and Mrs. Terms and Condition but when I come home from a long day of nothing but stress, and knowing my day isn’t even over because I have to go back and study once more, I just want 5 minutes of silence, peace, of reading so that I can try and forget the shit show that is my life. But for some reason, that seems to be too fucking much to ask. All they can ever do is complain over and over and over. I’m so tired. I just want to let go.
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icycream-catqueen · 3 years
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Kindling (When You’re Burning Low)
Cinder would rather burn herself out than risk a low grade; fortunately, Neo knows how to make her relax.
Rating: T
Tone: Some angst, lots of supportiveness, and a fluffy ending
Word Count: ~5,000
Important Tags: College AU, Established Relationship
I was gonna post this before now but I had problems with writing it and I was nervous about participating in a ship week especially when I only have something written for one prompt, and also my cat was sleeping on me for five whole hours earlier tonight while I was trying to finish up and as everyone knows it is a crime to disturb a snoozing kitty cat. I hope it still counts. ^_^;
Considering it’s pretty long, I only have an excerpt (the first scene I wrote for this fic, actually) on this post; the whole thing is, of course, over on AO3!
On this fine Saturday afternoon, Cinder was taking advantage of the lounge in the dorm suite. The coffee table was half-claimed by various books and notes while Cinder herself was settled at the same end of the couch, her laptop perched on the arm of it and her right side pressed closely against the suede upholstery as she struggled with the perfect phrasing for her essay. Failure was never an option for her, and even the slightest error would lead to it when it came to this class. She was running on pure caffeine by now, from a supposedly unhealthy amount of coffee. This was her third or fourth solid day of being awake. After the first night, she’d moved her setup from her room to the lounge to help her stay more alert. Winter and Emerald had both tried to tell her what was best for her wellbeing, but she’d firmly shut down their arrogance; she knew her own limits, and she needed to get this stupid project done. Neo, thankfully, had been out of town from Thursday morning to last night, and when she’d come back to the suite, she’d trudged straight to her room and shut the door. Cinder had only seen a couple brief glimpses of her since. Just as well, considering Cinder couldn’t intimidate her into letting her be like she could to Emerald and Winter.
At the moment, Emerald and Winter were both out of the building. They’d each probably told her what they were doing, but she hadn’t bothered to remember it. Neo was apparently still asleep, which was a bit odd but not enough so to risk seeing the pitiful kicked-puppy expression that appeared when her sleep was disturbed. Still, if she wasn’t up and about in two hours, it would be worth it to check on her mental and physical health.
Speak of the devil, Cinder heard a door open behind her. She didn't bother to look, though, until she realized the shuffling footsteps were approaching the couch instead of the kitchen, bathroom, or shower. She took a brief glance, then did an immediate double take because Neo looked absolutely miserable. Her hair was unbrushed and her eyes were dull. The oversized black sweatshirt (which Cinder recognized by the fiery orange phoenix on the front as one of her own that had mysteriously vanished a few weeks ago) and the brown and pink plaid pajama pants were probably what she'd worn to bed the night before, and she hadn't even bothered to put on socks. It was worrying to see her in such a state.
"You certainly look worse for wear," Cinder commented. Neo pouted at her as she slowly made her way to the couch and sank to the cushions. Before Cinder could react, Neo flopped down, squirmed to lay her head in her lap, and rolled onto her back. "I'm busy," Cinder told her sternly.
Neo's response was a soft and pitiful keening sound. She fumbled to grab Cinder's left wrist, staring up at her with pleading doe eyes.
"Neo. I'm busy," Cinder repeated. Neo whined and tugged on her wrist, so Cinder rolled her eyes and stopped resisting, curious about what she wanted. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she was definitely taken by surprise when Neo gently guided her hand under the hem of her sweatshirt and pressed it against her lower stomach.
What is she trying to accomplish here? Cinder raised an eyebrow at the woman in her lap. Neo let go of her wrist to sign something at her. The odd angle made it hard to translate, so it took a few seconds for Cinder to understand what she was asking for and why.
"I suppose I can take a short break, if you're really in that much pain," she relented. "You're lucky you're cute," she added as she carefully activated her Semblance.
The reaction was instant. Neo sighed with relief at the warmth, eyes full of soft gratitude and affection. Cinder rubbed slow, small circles over her stomach, feeling the smaller woman go languid under her touch. After a few more seconds, Neo's eyes fluttered closed.
"Is this warm enough?" Cinder asked. Neo nodded, a content smile playing across her lips. "Just ten minutes."
Neo opened her eyes and pouted at her.
"There is a reason I've been awake for," Cinder checked the time on her laptop, "about eighty hours now." Neo looked positively outraged.
"You need to sleep," she signed—easily decipherable now that Cinder had gotten a little more time to adjust to her current perspective. Not that the message was very appreciated.
"No, what I need is to finish this ridiculous project so I can move on to my two remaining essays, do all the work for a 'group project' because the rest of my assigned group are immature and unmotivated idiots, and study for my three exams this week," Cinder retorted.
"When are your essays due?"
Cinder elected not to answer, since admitting the due dates were two and three weeks away respectively wouldn't help her against Neo's accusatory glare.
"Your group project?"
Okay, so maybe it hadn't technically been assigned yet and was scheduled to be due in a month and a half, but all the information was in the syllabus. Cinder's class was full of imbeciles, and somehow she always got stuck in a group with some idiot or another who didn't understand what a lesbian was, so she was getting it out of the way to avoid interacting with anyone.
"Are all three of your exams actually this week?"
Two of them, and one of those barely counted more towards the final grade in the class than a small quiz. Her continued silence was answer enough; Neo knew her too well.
"You're going to burn yourself out again." Neo's eyes were unbearably sad, so Cinder looked away.
"I'm fine," she dismissed the concern. A hand grabbed her chin and yanked her head down so her eyes met Neo's again.
"I watched you collapse in the middle of campus last year, and I almost got in trouble for pulling a knife on the paramedics to make them let me stay with you. I got a scared video call from Winter four months ago because you fainted in her fancy rich-person hot tub and nearly drowned," Neo reminded her. “Do I need to go on?”
"I can handle it this time," Cinder insisted, growing agitated. Neo took a calming breath before responding.
"No you can't. You always say it but you never can. You end up in an exhausted daze. You work yourself into a frenzy. You get into fits of rage...which honestly scare me."
"I would never lay a hand on—!" Cinder was cut off when Neo pressed a finger to her lips.
"Not for myself. I'm scared you'll lose control and take it out on yourself again," Neo corrected her. "You haven't in a while, but..." Neo trailed a hand down Cinder's left arm, tracing her scars.
"I just...I need to...I have to keep working. I can't let myself fall behind. I can't..." Cinder faltered. Neo sighed.
"I know," she acknowledged. She knew about the past, knew why Cinder relapsed into these desperate attempts to excel, to stay ahead. "But it's pointless if you destroy yourself trying."
"I've only ended up being sent to the hospital three times since I started college," Cinder argued. Neo was unimpressed.
"Congratulations! And you've managed to barely avoid hospitalization how many times now?"
"I—that isn't relevant!" Cinder hissed. Neo scowled.
"Really? It's not? How many times have you ended up so exhausted that you were bedridden for days? How many times have you gone into a mental decline because you were incapacitated? And how many more times are you going to make me watch you suffer like that?"
"If you want to leave me, just get it over with!" Cinder spat bitterly. Neo's eyes widened, hurt and shocked. Cinder flinched, realizing she'd crossed a very important line. "I didn't mean...I don't know why I said that."
"An abandonment complex, emotional instability, a mess of insecurities you mask with your ego, previous girlfriends who couldn't handle you or only wanted your body...and like I've been saying, you need sleep,” Neo replied, recovering. "Also, my cramps?"
"What?" Cinder realized she'd subconsciously deactivated her Semblance at some point and quickly remedied that. "Oh. Sorry."
"I'm going to make a deal with you," Neo informed her abruptly. Cinder raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"What kind of deal?"
"The 'ridiculous project' you're trying to finish. Tell me about it, and I'll explain," Neo replied. Cinder clenched her teeth at the mere mention of it.
"It's an assigned experiment, a five to ten-page report on it, and an oral presentation. And the professor hates me. He goes out of his way to make every class, every test, and every assignment hell for me. I have to work harder than anyone so he can't get away with failing me out of spite. If I make even one mistake..." she growled.
"When is it due?"
"The day after tomorrow. It was assigned two weeks ago, but three days ago he realized he 'accidentally' gave me the wrong experiment. In other words, he's making me do a two-week project within five days—after I'd already finished the one he previously assigned me."
"Watts," Neo guessed. Cinder had come back from his class angry enough times that it wasn't even a question.
"Yeah," she confirmed anyway. Neo wrinkled her nose.
"I already hated that guy, and I hated him more and more every time you came back from his class in a bad mood, but this shit he's pulling now is the final straw, so I'm going to get him fired," she declared. Cinder let out an amused huff.
"And how will you do that?" she asked. She didn’t expect an actual answer but Neo didn't even hesitate.
"It may include breaking and entering, small and well-placed incidents, a flat tire, some bottles of the expensive alcohol he isn't supposed to have on campus, a sedative, and if we're lucky, a little inadvertent assistance from gravity and Ironwood."
"Just how long have you been planning this?" Cinder was taken aback at the immediate response. Neo considered.
"The time you locked me out of your dorm after his class because you were so furious you wanted to hit something, and you were worried you'd see so much red you might accidentally hit me in blackout rage. You've never told me what happens in his class to make you so angry, or even if it's actually him or just another student—though I was pretty sure it was him—so I planned for both situations."
"I'm impressed," Cinder commented. Neo smirked. “Now what was that ‘deal’ you mentioned?”
"You finish the report for your project, then eat something more substantial than coffee and whatever quick snacks you've been living off of for the past few days. And then we go to my dorm and you get some damn sleep."
"How did you know I'm working on the report right now?" Cinder was taken aback. "And how do you know I haven't been eating?"
"Because I can see it on your computer. And once again, you've done this before, so I know you don't take the time for more than the minimum amount of food to keep hunger from 'distracting' you," Neo pointed out, almost accusingly.
"I haven't even started working on the oral presentation. I'll do all that after I'm completely finished."
"Nope. You can start that part when you're well-rested. If you make me physically drag you to bed while I'm on my period, I'll make damn sure you regret it," Neo threatened with a scowl.
“Fine,” Cinder gave in reluctantly. Neo smiled brightly, and dammit, it was nigh impossible for Cinder to stay bitter in the face of such genuine fondness, joy, and relief. She wondered when she’d gotten so soft—even if only a select few people got to see that soft part of her—and realized she didn’t even mind anymore.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
My twin brother is Spiderman!?; Peter Parker x twin sis reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is completely different from the last twin sister fic that I done but this one also needed to be posted up. Now in this one you are just a normal person, no special powers this time around. BUT like the other one there is SUGGESTIVE THEMES HERE, MUGGING, ATTEMPTED SEXUAL ASSAULT SO IF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, DON’T PUSH YOURSELF TO READ THIS!!!! OR IF YOU DO READ. AT. YOUR. OWN. RISK! Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this fic. My last Peter fic is coming up in just a moment.
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I was currently in art class working on my project when the bell soon rang and my teacher told us to wrap up our projects and get on out of here. I sealed my sculpture in plastic wrap and took off my gloves. I packed up my supplies and walked with some of my friends as we all said goodbye to our Professor.
"So will I see you at the gala tomorrow (y/n)?" asked my friend Judy.
"Unfortunately no, lately my aunt's been going crazy due to the fact that Peter's been sneaking out at late hours of the night".
"Ahh I can understand that, little brothers can be such pains, my brother Doug is the same way". She stated over dramatically.
"Tell me about it, you know I have been dying to go to that Van Gough show that's at the MET tomorrow, but all because of Peter, Aunt May won't let me go because she's worried that I'm sneaking around like Peter".
"I'm sorry (y/n), I really wish I could help you out".
"Yeah I know, well see you Monday".
"Ciao (y/n)". She then left with hopped into our other friend Frank's car and inside I noticed Alicia, Jamie, George and Jerry and Frank drove them off. I then walked up to my motorbike and got on and revved it up before speeding out of the parking lot.
Once I got home, I was immediately bombarded by Aunt May asking me if I had seen Peter at all while I was coming home. I told her that I hadn't seen him at all and that's when she went in full on panic mode and started calling five police stations begging for their help but I tried to assure her that he's probably with Ned or something and just forgot to call (as usual lately).
2 and a half hours later, as I was walking by Peter's room I heard movement going around in his room. I leaned up against the door and also heard shuffling so I immediately opened the door and there I saw my younger twin standing like a deer in headlights and boy was I livid at this moment.
"Oh hey (y/n) what's up sis?"
"What's up? What's up!? Peter you have got some serious balls to say that to me right now. Do you have any idea how worried May was about you? She barely listened to me and she's been out in the streets for a half hour now looking for you!"
"I'm—I'm sorry (y/n) I......"
"Oh sorry don't even cut it Pete". I sneered. I gripped my younger twin by the shoulder and led him out of his room and we both sat down on the living room couch while I facetimed May and showed her who was here and she immediately said she'd be over.
Now thanks to Peter the Sneaker, the two of us were officially under May arrest which meant that neither of us could leave the apartment for the entire weekend. If we wanted to go out for groceries or if we needed research at the library, then she was to be our escort and she said she would actually walk in with us like we were children to make sure we were doing on what we said we would be 'doing'.
A week later, May finally let go of our punishment and I was still pretty pissed at Peter for making me miss the Van Gough exhibit. So to punish him, I didn't once talk to him for anything and gave him the silent treatment plus the cold shoulder.
Currently I had finished my long awaited project for my art class and it was starting to get pretty dark out. I walked out of the art building and headed to the parking lot to start up by bike when suddenly I felt something push against the back of my head and a voice said.
"Give me the bike and I won't shoot you". I was frozen in fear. I slowly raised my hands up and said.
"Please you—you don't have to do this".
"Step away from the bike and hand over the keys or I will blow your brains out!" the man demanded. Before I could even do as he said, I was taken in a choke hold and forced away from my bike and tossed down onto the ground and that's when I heard the gun cock telling me it was getting ready to fire.
I tensed up and curled up into a ball begging with the guy to not kill me when the gun didn't go off.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to steal from girls?" another voice said. We both looked to left and there standing right underneath the street lamp of the parking lot was the famed superhero, Spiderman. I was then grabbed by the mugger and I felt a sharp blade at my neck, the cold steel ready to slice my neck open and I whimpered in fear as tears began rolling down my face.
"Well, well if it ain't the eight-legged freak spiderboy" I whimpered as the blade came closer to my skin almost nicking it.
"Spiderman actually, now I'll give you five seconds to let the girl go and you can walk away".
"Sorry shorty can't do that. And as a matter a fact, I think I may just take this girl home with me, she seems like she knows how to have a good time" the perverted mugger said as he leaned closer to my face and actually sniffed my hair which made me squirm uncomfortably but he kept the knife right at my neck and almost sliced it opened if I failed to submit to him.
"Okay first of all you're a sick pedophile, and two nobody call's me shorty!" Spiderman then flung his webs at the mugger's face which blinded him. He stepped away and as soon as I was free, I ran as far away from him as I could before Spiderman caught me in his arms and he asked me, "You okay?" shakenly I nodded and he said, "Good, come with me".
He then picked me up and took me towards another street lamp and told me not to move and just wait for him there. I agreed to his terms and I saw him race back towards the mugger and he leapt up in the air and fired some more of his webbings but some of them I've gotta say I've never seen before.
Like one web shooting he did, actually exploded beneath the mugger's feet, another one was like a taser gun which sent him down to his knees, and after getting a few good punches and kicks in, his last webbing exploded at him and trapped him in a straight-jacket like manner against the lamppost he had once stood under.
Once the fight was done, Spiderman came up to me and took me in his arms and said.
"Hold on tight". I wrapped my arms around him and he shot a web sling up and soon we went flying through the city. As we swung from building to building, he made sure to keep one protective arm around me and I held onto him by the neck. We soon came to my Aunt's apartment and he landed us safely on the rooftop and he asked me.
"There we go, safe and sound and home again, you sure you're okay?" I nearly collapsed to the ground with my adrenaline now deflated like a balloon and if it hadn't been for Spiderman, I would've collapsed to the floor. "Whoa, whoa, whoa easy, easy (y/n)". At saying my name, my head shot up as I looked at him.
"How do you know my name?"
"Wha? Ahh shit I—I mean uhh....." he sighed heavily and continued, "I guess the cat's out of the bag". He then removed his mask and there kneeling beside me was my younger twin Peter.
"P-Peter?!" I choked out.
"Yeah, guess you finally know the big secret".
"So.....all this time—those videos on YouTube of Spiderman that-that-that was you?"
"How?" He then went on to explain about how nine months ago when his class went on that fieldtrip to Oscorp Industry, he got bit by a radioactive spider and he soon began developing these powers and that ever since then especially after Uncle Ben died, he vowed to try and keep the city safe. He also explained that he's an Avenger *that part I don't believe* and that all those trips on the STARK internship, were actually missions or meeting with the Tony "Ironman" Stark himself. After his story I began to try and process everything that he's told me.
"Now are you sure you're okay? I can take you to the hospital if you need—"
"No, no I'm fine Pete, really. I'm—sorry for the way I've been treating you these past few days, I thought that—with all that I've done to you....."
"Hey, you're my sister (y/n). You're more than that, you're my twin sister, my best friend. No matter what I'm always gonna be there for you, even when you get mad at me, I'll always be there like a spider on the wall". We both laughed at his pun and then I said to him.
"Thank you Peter, if you hadn't saved me back there I—I don't even want to think about what they guy would've done to me".
"You're welcome, like I said, I'll always be there for you, whether you want me to be or not". I smiled at him and embraced my younger twin and he hugged me back and the two of us sat there for a bit before heading inside.
Brothers, especially your youngest twin, they can be a pain in the butt at times but sometimes for good reasons too. While it is said to be written that the older sibling must always be there for their younger siblings, I think that it's both siblings responsibility to watch out of the other. No matter whether you're the oldest or youngest, siblings always need to watch out for each other, and even when you don't want them to, they'll always be there for you.
Sometimes in more ways than one, and I know I've got the best little twin of all. I mean what other person can say my little brother is Spiderman?! But I also know he's more to me than that, he's my twin brother Peter Parker.
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haikyuuscreaming · 4 years
omg hi! you started off your blog greatly, im so proud of you! do you think you can write an angsty scenario for akaashi? where his crush likes this guy and wants help from him and he feels all sad :( but she ends up confessing to him! i love your writing so far, keep it up!
UMM so i accidentally got really invested in this so it’s WAYY longer than a drabble and i often write long stuff bc of ao3 so this might sound a little more like that kinda fanfic style instead of a tumblr scenario? mainly cos im really a sucker for this stuff hehehe love you anon
also ! the request made it sound sort of akaashi-centric so i hope you dont mind? there will still be a lot of reader-chan here though! please dont leave yet and i hope u enjoy
again ALSO i wrote this half on my laptop half on my phone so please dont mind if it seems a lil clunky in some areas 
3092 words jesus ok here you go
Crushes weren’t necessarily a new sensation for Akaashi. Just an uncommon one. In fact, the last time he remembers even being attracted to someone was in first grade when everyone had a crush on this popular girl. He’s not even sure if he really liked her, or just found the idea of it interesting.
Now, second year of high school, Akaashi finds himself in trouble. Because for once, he really, really, really likes this girl. You. 
He can’t even fake himself out of this, because every damn time he looks at you, he feels all warm and tingly and his stomach feels less calm and he can hear his heart bump against his ribcage and god, his face even flushes a little bit.
(A little bit inconvenient when he accidentally finds himself staring at you and daydreaming.)
Akaashi doesn’t like this feeling.
I mean, yeah, Akaashi has somewhat of a sense of confidence in his looks, manners, and ability to make friends. He’s not exactly the top in each subject he thinks, but it lets him pass through high school without too much of a depressingly lonely life. He could easily befriend you and steal your heart, his inner ego-brat says.
But.. but what if you reject him?
He should become closer to you.
(For the record, he doesn’t not like the feeling. He kind of likes the serotonin boost you give him. But he definitely, more than kind of likes you.
A lot more.)
And one day, in the spring, he finds himself paired up with a special biology partner. With familiar, sparkling eyes and the cutest, most gorgeous voice he’s ever heard that always makes his heart fucking backflip.
Akaashi doesn’t think he can survive this.
His teacher blares, “Start brainstorming ideas for your science fair project! It’s due in a month, you know!”, but Akaashi blocks out the noise because all he can focus on is you, goddamn it. He can only focus on the way you push your hair out of your face, the way your lips upturn into the most stunning smile he’s ever had the fate of encountering, and he really hopes he doesn’t get h-
(Fuck you and your completely gorgeous voice that drives him up the wall and makes him want to kiss you.)
“Oh– sorry, yeah?” He kind of hates himself for how his voice lilted a pitch higher.
You laugh, sounding like a goddess. He hopes that it means you don’t hate him. “Ahaha, I was just wondering if you have any ideas for the science fair? It’s a pretty big chunk of our grade, and I am… not the smartest when it comes to AP Bio..”
Akaashi thinks quite the opposite, but he isn’t currently in the position to contradict you.
“Um…” He pauses and thinks furiously. He comes up with some borderline generic idea that has enough room for a unique twist. And your eyes brighten.
“Waaaoo, Akaashi-kun’s a genius, hm?”
(God, he thinks he might have a little more than a crush on that teasing grin and glittering pair of eyes.)
He musters the courage to smile without looking stupid. “Of course.”
Two weeks later, he wants to sink into a hole.
Yes, it might have been his request that you two meet up to work on the project, but that was because he knew you were a procrastinator! You would start the project the night before if he’d let you!
But it was not his idea to do it at his house.
Now he has to live with the fact that you’re lying on HIS bed, spread-eagled in your sweater and shorts, complaining about how lazy you are.
(He wonders how you’re so comfortable about wearing shorts to a male classmate’s house. You two aren’t even that close, although you claim otherwise.)
“Come on, get up,” he rolls his eyes. “We have work to do.”
“But I’m so tiiiiiredddd… and lazyyyy…. wouldn’t it be such a gentlemanly act of Akaashi-kun to do the project for me?” You flash him a sweet smile while stretching out even more on the bed.
Snorting, he watches you sink into his mattress and roll around idly. “Hey, don’t you need the grade? You can’t pass if you make me do your work.”
Sighing, you hum in defeated content. “Well, it was worth a try.” You reach out your hand and tousle his wavy hair, and he almost flinches at the touch. He hates to say it but he loves it so much that you’re so affection with him, and Akaashi knows he would give anything to keep you teasing him with all this attention.
“Yeah.. yeah, it was,” he murmurs to himself before letting himself sit down next to you. He notices how you scrunch your body from a spread-eagle to a cute, curled up position to make room for him.
“Mm, so how are we gonna do this?” you ask, with a subtle mixture of bored and curious seeping into your tone. Then, he watches your features melt into a warm, mischievous smile as you hum, “Unless you just wanna nap and cuddle or something.”
(Holy fuck.)
Akaashi forces himself to scowl playfully and he shakes his head, sighing loudly in mock disappointment. “I don’t know what to do with you.” And equally as teasing, he adds, “I should just kick you out and not treat you to lunch if you’re going to be like this.”
“Noooooo!!!” you whine in this adorably frustrated and threatening voice. “Don’t you dare starve me or I’m feeding you to the rats.”
He chuckles. “See, that’s what I thought.”
But of course, your face wraps into a devilish grin as you say in a singsong voice and throw your arms around him (which makes him flush and makes his heart go WABAM), “It doesn’t matter though, ‘cause I got this whole-ass meal right here~”
“Shut up.”
(But you both know he never means it.)
Thanks to Akaashi (and your obliging albeit lazy participation), you two blow the science fair out of the way and get an A. He’s never seen you so delighted about a grade.
“I’m so happy~” you never shut up about how grateful you are for him, not that he’s complaining. “This is probably the highest mark I’ve ever gotten in this class.”
“Don’t over exaggerate. You’re not too bad at Bio,” Akaashi remarks. “You just need a tutor, probably, if you’re struggling.”
(By the way, he is ecstatic that you two are ACTUALLY FRIENDS!!! He’s even met your dog!!)
“Hmmmm…” You eye him warily before shrugging. “Whatever you say, Akaashi-kun.” Your eyes flit around before returning on him, and you start rambling about the newest anime you’ve gotten into and how it’s practically on-par with the manga, and how hot one of their characters are-
(For some reason Akaashi really zeroes in on that part.)
He really feels like he has to contribute something to the conversation, so he puts in, “Wow, [Name]-san, you’re such a fangirl.”
You snort loudly and put two peace-signs to your face like some kawaii anime girl, doing this mock-sweet smile. “Waaaooo, you’re rightttt. I’m Akaashi-kun’s number one fan!! He’s so cute when he’s yelling at me to do my work and super hot when he helps me with homew-”
He swears to god his face is radiating an inhuman amount of heat and he rolls his eyes before shaking his head and jabbing your side lightly. “Didn’t I tell you not to say that?”
“Ummm, maybe.” Your ‘innocent’ grin tells him otherwise. “But you know, you’re right, Akaashi-kun,” you cross your arms and give your cute little smirk again. “I am a genius, and I’m suuuper good at Bio. I just need someone to channel it.” And you lean forward until both your noses are touching, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode. “So maybe you could help me out?”
The subtle pleading undercurrent in your voice compels Akaashi to straighten up a little bit without flushing even redder. Keep cool, keep cool.
(He prays that his skill of keeping a poker face will hide the blood rushing around in his dick.)
“Well, what time?”
This time around, he finds himself at your house instead. You both are sitting at your desk, ‘working’ on your math and Bio homework. In other words, just talking.
He’s confident now in that the two of you are close friends. He’s learned that from afar, you were a sweet and confident yet perfectly kind girl. That was the girl he based his feelings off of. During your Bio project, he found the cheeky, sly and vibrant yet chill girl who always teased him but was still nonetheless sweet.
And now, under that facade, you were an anxious mess with a shit-ton of insecurities.
(He thinks it’s funny how you boast that you’re just like Shrek. You have layers.)
Akaashi glances at you, groaning with your head down onto the table. “I hate math..” he hears you grumble.
“Hey, you’re not too bad. You just have to be careful when plugging in your equations,” he counters.
“But what if I can’t remember my equations??”
“We both know you’re fine at remembering them.”
“I’m gonna fail.”
“Have faith in yourself, because I do.” And Akaashi is being completely honest. His confidence in you being just fine and being able to pass all your classes is strong because he’s seen you work (after procrastinating). “You just have to work on not putting things off until the last minute.”
You make a frustrated noise before resting your chin on your propped hand. “Sometimes I feel like I’m just.. destined to be set back, y’know? Like, everything I do is gonna somehow backfire on me.”
He knows the feeling, especially late at night in bed, stressing over what tomorrow might bring him.
“And like… I have this whole thing set up for me. When people know me as a classmate, I’m an average student, right? Then when we’re like… ‘friends’, I’m all weird and tease-y.” You let out a loud sigh. “And to the unlucky people who get to this stage, I’m a mess.”
“Stop.” Akaashi’s surprised at how firm he is. “I’m grateful to have met you and to have become your friend, [Name]. You’re going to be fine, you need to trust yourself more. Because I trust you more than anything.”
(Yes, he is on first-name basis with you!! Yes, he trusts you even more than he might even trust Bokuto!!)
Your lips twitch into a small smile, one that he’s grown to love and adore. He’s confident that he’s so fucking deep in love and he doesn’t know how to move on. “You really think so?”
“Of course I do.” He flicks some crumpled-up post-it at you. “Since we’re not doing any homework anytime soon, what else do you want to talk about?”
Your gaze becomes a little more shy and nervous. “Umm… Weeell, I need help.”
“I mean, why else would I be here?”
“No, seriously, Keiji-kun. Seriously!!” You throw mock-fit, despite obviously looking anxious.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m listening. Sorry.”
“Uh. Um, so…” You blink and pretend to look focused on doodling on the corner of your math paper. “There’s this dude I like. Like, I reaaally like him, which is surprising even for me.” You laugh a little bit, and as Akaashi feels his heart start to tear in half, he forces out a chuckle to match. “He’s suuuper pretty– I think that’s the word for it? Pretty. And he’s kinda funny in his own way, and he’s really sweet and listens to me all the time even when I don’t deserve his time. And I dunno, I think he might like me back? Also, I really really really like him. But I don’t really know how to confess…
“Because you know, I’m kinda wack like that, haha. I’ll probably screw up the confession and make things worse, and, well, I need help.” You finish your ramble with a loud breath and you collapse your head onto the table, groaning.
“Uh–” Fuck, oh fuck him, fuck his life. “I mean… I think just a heartfelt confession would do? Something simple and sweet that says you really like him, in case somehow your words don’t work.” Akaashi feels like he’s sweating, a lot, and he feels even more frustrated than ever. His heart is crashing against his ribcage, and his mind is a fucking mess.
You frown a little bit, and suddenly a gush of words fly out of your mouth like a stream bursting from a dam. “Oh my god, what if I’m reading the signs all wrong and he doesn’t at all like me back? I mean, I wouldn’t blame him because I’m kinda ugly and have this weird personality thing going on and I’m shit at math and Bio-”
“Stop.” Akaashi forces himself to intervene, mainly because 1) you’re literally the light of his life and 2) he feels like he has to leave really soon after dealing with the news. “Shut up, [Name]. You aren’t ugly at all, and I, for one, enjoy your weird personality. And I already told you, you’re fine with academics.” He makes himself make eye contact with you, peering up from your arm covering your face, and says, “If he rejects you, he isn’t worth your time at all and you should move on.”
(Preferably with me.)
He watches you exhale, like he just unwound a tight spring from inside of you, and your shoulders relax and you melt from your anxious state, just a little bit. “You’re right. If.. if he doesn’t feel the same, I’ll just forget about him.”
“Because you’re a genius.” Akaashi tries to hype you up, but he still feels like crumbling. Falsely checking his phone, he stretches and stands up. “I have to go now, sorry. My mom asked me to pick up my little sister from tutoring.”
“Huh, already?” Confusion flits across your face, and it hurts him even more to just leave you after you confided in him, but he knows he has to leave before he says something he might regret. “Oh, okaayy.. see you tomorrow then. Thanks for helping me out.” You yawn before standing up to hug him goodbye.
“No problem.” He says it casually, but Akaashi feels his mood drop faster and lower than ever. He hugs you back, but he breaks away fast.
After leaving your house and collapsing onto his bed in his locked bedroom (with his 11-year-old sister knocking on the door and curiously asking what’s wrong), he can’t help but feel hurt that you couldn’t even tell him who your mystery crush’s name was.
A week passes by, and neither of you mention the conversation at your house. It doesn’t matter either way, since you two are still so casually best friends. At the same time, he desperately wants to push the matter just to find out who it is.
Otherwise, Akaashi has noticeably been more quiet and moody to the point that he doesn’t know how to control it. Sure, he keeps up the same as he would before your conversation, but he can’t help but feel his heart sink everytime he sees you. His mind is ecstatic every time he talks to you, while simultaneously wanting to tear itself apart.
He’s tried getting rid of feelings for you, in literally every way possible. From avoiding thinking about you (which backfired horribly because he ended up thinking more about you) to focusing on other girls (ew, none of them were even capable of creating the same effect on him as you do), he’s tried it all and it’s all failed.
Akaashi realizes his silent slump has gotten so bad to the point that Bokuto made him sit out a few practice matches in the gym just because Akaashi was nowhere near the spot that any of the team expected him to be at.
After school, he meets with you near the vending machine as always. You buy two cans of coffee, one for you and one for him.
As soon as he takes the can gratefully, you clear your throat.
“Yeah, [Name]?”
Glancing around before staring him in the eye, you start, “Keiji-kun, before you run away, I just…. I just wanted to let you know I really really really like you. Like, a lot.” You start speaking kind of fast, so Akaashi can’t process what you’re saying.
“And I mean it. Ever since the Bio project, you’ve been so nice to me and you’ve been such a great friend even though I made it hard sometimes, and along the way I just caught feelings. You honestly mean everything to me, and I appreciate you so much for everything we’ve been through. I- I think, I love you, Keiji. And I hope you accept my feelings.” You smile, almost nervously but nonetheless sincere, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode.
“I- I,” Fuck, oh my fucking god, he thinks to himself. He’s shaking a little bit– that’s how happy he is. “[Name], I..” God fucking damn it, he can’t even express how happy he is. He feels his cheeks blossom and he feels his lips quirk into this goofy smile.
But then he watches you shy away a little bit as you hurriedly say, “I- I mean, sorry. It’s okay if you just wanna be friends-”
“No.” Finally, Akaashi can use his mouth and then he gently takes your cheeks in his hands and closes the gap between you two, lips connecting in a display of pining and affection.
He practically melts into the kiss, he’s never been so happy. He thinks he’s actually about to implode; he’s been dreaming about kissing you like this, against your soft, plush lips. And finally he’s able to call you his, to call you the one. When the two of you finally break away for air, he’s breathing hard and his mind is a mess, which is rare considering his usual stoic state.
Akaashi has also never seen you so flustered and blushy. He murmurs into your ear as he takes your hand, “Feelings are 100% reciprocated.”
“I can tell,” you laugh breathily, and he’s so happy to hear that some of your anxiety has dissolved in that sweet kiss. He’s absolutely infatuated with you in every aspect. He leans in for a soft, quicker kiss on the lips and savors the feeling of warmth he gets. “Dork.”, he whispers.
“Only for you.”
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kindofcashton · 4 years
𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕  •  chapter 4  (Calum Hood AU)
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I WORKED THE very next day, and to say Mack threw me right into the thick of things would be a massive understatement.  Roger was working again, and Mack tasked him with teaching me how to make the most basic of coffees before setting me loose.  They really were swamped; the morning rush lasted well into lunchtime.  I knew how to use a cash register fairly well, so for a while Roger and I divided the duties.  Once things died down for a brief period, he showed me the more complex drinks, each one more confusing than the next.
“You’ll get it,” he told me encouragingly when I’d added too much foam to an espresso.  I put my hands on my hips and blew out a sigh.
“I’ve always been told I brew some killer coffee,” I explained.  “This should be natural.”
Roger chuckled, swiping a rag through some mugs.  I liked him; he was easy-going even under pressure, but knew when to be firm with the difficult customers.  He said that all their best baristas had quit recently to go back to school, and that Mack was left swamped.  
“You’re not in school?” I asked, getting someone’s chai latte ready.  This was one drink I was fairly good at concocting.
He scoffed.  “Are you kidding?  I could never do that college shit.  I’d much rather work at a place like this and do my art on the side.”  Roger did art commissions for people that were actually pretty amazing; he was like Picasso with spray paint.  I admired his confidence in his work, even though any parent would be terrified if their kid wanted to be a freelance artist.  But Roger believed in his talent, and didn’t let anyone convince him otherwise.
There were only two people left in the shop and they’d both been served, so Roger decided to take a quick break.  He said it would be my first “test run” to see how well I did on my own.  I rolled my eyes at his mock salute, but inside I was a nervous wreck.  I wanted to do well--no, needed to.  I needed something to go right for me.
Five minutes passed with no new customers, and I smiled at the thought of not serving anyone while Roger was gone.  Unfortunately, my prayers weren’t answered as the little bell tingled, signaling someone’s arrival.
A tall, chestnut-haired guy approached the register, rubbing the slight stubble on his chin as he examined the chalkboard menu above my head.  I fought the flush that wanted to rise to my cheeks; he was cute, with dark jeans and a casual blazer that probably meant he had a complex coffee order ready to go.
He sent me a shining smile.  “Hey, could I get a cappuccino?”
I huffed, and his expression turned quizzical.  “Sorry,” I answered quickly.  “This is my first day, and the last cappuccino I made...wasn’t great.”
“Should I order something else?  How ‘bout a french roast with cream?”  I appreciated his sense of humor at my inexperience.
I narrowed my eyes playfully.  “Oh no, I’m gonna make you that cappuccino.  Whether it will be edible is still up in the air.”
He laughed, and I noted the way his hazel eyes crinkled when he did this.  
“Can I have a name for the order?”
“Jeremy,” I repeated, and he grinned before taking a seat at the window bar.  Inhaling deeply, I turned to start making the cappuccino.  Espresso, steamed milk, foam.  How hard could it be?
Harder than I thought, apparently.  The drink I ended up concocting was way too milky and overflowing with foam.  I felt my face redden as I presented it to Jeremy, who examined it carefully.
“I know, it’s terrible.  But I did warn you.”
He went to pick up the mug, the crinkles by his eyes returning.  “Are you kidding?  This is absolutely exceptional.  I think I’ll have to come back tomorrow if you keep up this fine work.”
My face hurt from smiling so wide.  “Well, I’ll be here, probably burning some coffee beans or spilling milk.”
I was disappointed to see Jeremy leave once he’d finished his coffee, and Roger materialized behind me when the front door finally shut.
“How do you already have cute guys hitting on you?  And I got a glimpse of that cappuccino, it was awful.”
“He must have had to choke it down,” I joked, giddy at the thought of seeing Jeremy again.  “
Roger rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, I’m guessing it wasn’t that hard to pretend to like it.  Cute baristas have that effect; you’re great for business, you know.”
I pushed his arm playfully, and Roger flipped me off.  
My first day and I already loved this new job.  The rest of my shift took up the majority of the day, until the sun had started to sink below the horizon.  I hung up my apron on the hook in the back room and said goodbye to Mack before walking out into the cool city air.
The grin on my face refused to cease throughout the whole bus ride back home, and I practically sprinted to the house.  Maybe things were finally looking up for me.  If I channeled all of my energy into work and school my life might finally get back on track, the way it was meant to be.
I wanted to burst right through the front door, but even before I reached the porch I could hear yelling from inside.  Muffled shouts were coming from the kitchen, and as I slowly stepped into the foyer the voices became clearer.
“What the fuck were you thinking?”  This was Ashton, and his voice was raised in obvious frustration.
“I was thinking about myself and what was best for me.  College was way fucking harder than I thought it would be.”  My blood ran cold at Hannah’s response.  What did Ashton find out?  Who told him about Hannah’s secret, and did he know about mine?
Quickly joining them in the kitchen, I noticed Luke and Michael in the living room, looking like they wanted to melt into the sofa.  I sent them a confused glance, and the subtle shake of Luke’s head told me how serious this was.
Upon seeing me, Ashton turned his attention away from Hannah, scowl deepening.  “Did you know about this?”
I swallowed roughly, trying to read the message behind Hannah’s pleading eyes.  “Um, know about what?”  It was a stupid attempt at a bluff, and Ashton saw right through it.
“That Hannah isn’t home from school on a break, she’s home permanently.”
My mouth opened slightly in an attempt to respond, but Ashton cut me off.
“I mean, why would you leave a university like that?  With everything you could have achieved there?”
This caused my brow to furrow.  So he thought she left on her own, when in reality she was kicked out.  I slid my gaze over to Hannah’s, and she communicated through a silent expression of desperation.
Don’t say anything, she seemed to be begging.  Go with it.
I gave the smallest, most imperceptible I could.  It was Hannah’s secret to reveal, and I wasn’t going to drive a deeper wedge between her and Ashton.
All of a sudden I felt someone come up behind me, and knew without looking it was Calum.  I glanced over, and his dark eyes met mine briefly.  He was much closer than I thought he needed to be, his chest practically touching my shoulder.  Biting my lip, I faced forward again and tried to ignore his soft exhales on my neck.
Pressing a hand to her forehead, Hannah said in a clipped tone, “Ashton, with all due fucking respect, you never went to college.  You have no idea what it’s like, so I don’t understand why you think you get an opinion.”
Ashton looked ready to punch a hole through the drywall.  “For fuck’s sake, Hannah, because I care about you!  College was supposed to help your future, so what the hell are you supposed to do now?”
This silenced her.  I felt so bad for Hannah; knowing it was all her fault, that she failed so abysmally in her classes and was forced to come home.  She was smart, just not in the typical bookish sense that a university demanded.  I wished I could give her some of mine, because I certainly couldn’t use it right now.
Inhaling shakily, she bawled her fists.  “Ashton.”  Her voice was so weak I thought she was about to cry.  “My future is going to be just fine without you freaking out over it, okay?”
Ashton scoffed, hands on his hips and eyes blazing.  I prayed he just let go of his anger at being lied to, and went over to comfort Hannah.  Yes, she was still lying to him now, which would certainly blow up later, but she needed support.  
My prayers were answered when Ashton let out a defeated exhale and wrapped his arms around Hannah’s smaller frame.  The two of them practically dissolved into each other, breathing together as one.
After a minute they separated, and Ashton cleared his throat.  “We’re gonna go back to my place, spend the night.”
Michael and Luke just nodded, and Calum walked out from behind me to join them in the living room.  As Hannah passed by me, she grabbed my hand and gave it a quick squeeze.  “Thank you,” she murmured.
I ran a hand through my hair, trying to process everything.  I felt Calum’s eyes on me, and instantly my heart stopped.  He’d seen Hannah say something, which meant he knew our answers were bullshit.
I felt trapped by his deep brown gaze, completely immobile and at his disposal.  The cogs in his brain were so clearly turning, and I was terrified he would say something.
But then the moment ended, and he looked away, releasing me from his clutches.  
After getting myself a glass of water and grabbing my school bag I collapsed onto a chair at the kitchen table.  Michael grabbed a soda from the fridge and leaned against the stainless steel door.
“Crazy,” he commented, head shaking in disbelief.
“It was like my parents were arguing,” Luke said, shuddering.  “But those two could get through anything, seriously.”
Calum remained quiet, of course, but his expression was thoughtful as ever.
“Hey, how’d your first day go?" Luke asked.  “Did you show them your killer coffee skills?”
I chuckled, flipping a pencil between my fingers to relieve some of my pent up anxiety.  “Turns out my skills are less than killer.  I can brew some great black coffee, but no one really orders that.  I think it’ll be really good, though.  The people are great, and the customers were actually nice.”  My thoughts drifted to Jeremy, and a small smile danced across my lips.  “I have an early shift tomorrow though, 7am.”
“Rough,” Michael replied.  “Godspeed, I won’t be awake till noon.”
I chuckled, and was surprised when Calum finally spoke up.  “The customers are nice until you screw up someone’s triple shot macchiato and they flip their shit on you.”
I bit my lip, dreading that scenario.  “I’ll, uh, try to avoid that.”
Calum nodded, and with that he disappeared from the kitchen.
Pulling books out of my bag, started mentally organizing the work I had to do.  Luke and Michael went off to bed, Michael opting for the futon downstairs since Ashton and Hannah had left.
I was alone in the kitchen, trying desperately to focus on the study of neurological activity in the sleeping brain, but I just couldn’t get my mind off of Hannah.  We were both lying to everyone we cared about, and sooner or later the truth would come out.  I wasn’t prepared to face the music about my parents, though, and the last thing I wanted was people finding out I was destitute.  If I could just hold on a little longer, work for a while and keep studying, everything would be fine.
The hardest part would be putting up with Calum.  He was so cold and brooding, and clearly had no respect for personal space as I learned tonight by how close he stood to me.  I could still feel the tickle of his breath on my neck, and raised a hand to gently rub the skin.
- - - - -
I had no idea I’d fallen asleep at the table until someone was shaking me awake.  My eyes blinked open, blurry from sleep and disorientation.  It was still dark out, and I wondered who would be up at this hour.
“What’s happening?” I asked, my voice gravelly.  I rubbed my eyes and made out Calum’s figure standing next to me, arms folded with a frown.
“Would you rather I let you sleep through your shift?  It’s 5:30, and I know you’ve got a bus to catch.  And, you know, take like an hour just getting ready.”  Before I could process what he said he turned away from me to fiddle with something in the cupboard.
I was slightly shocked.  Calum remembered when my shift was?  And cared enough to wake me up?  I had no idea what to make of this, and was too tired to work it through.
“Thanks.”  I yawned and began to load my books back into my bag, moving slowly as my body was weighed down with exhaustion.
“I think the point is to read the books, not use them as pillows,” Calum criticized.
Scowling at his attitude, I ripped the zipper a little harshly, causing him to actually look over.  
“I was reading them,” I rebutted.  “I just...got tired I guess.”
“Aren’t college kids supposed to be responsible and organized?”
“Are you saying I’m not?”
He crossed his arms, body language defensive.  “I’m just saying, you’re the one who fell asleep and almost missed your shift.  I’d say that’s pretty irresponsible.”
Sighing loudly, I rubbed my temples to try and banish the slight ache in my brain.  “It is way too early for this stupid argument,” I muttered.
“We’re not arguing, I’m just telling you.” 
“Yeah, well, thanks for telling me I’m disorganized and irresponsible.  Got anything else to say, or can I get ready for work now?”
I stood up and started towards the stairs, glaring his way.  Calum just shrugged, smug expression painted across his stupid face. 
“Nope, wouldn’t want to make you late.”  I was tempted to slap the sardonic smirk right off his face, but opted instead to leave him alone in the kitchen.
I took a quick shower and made myself look presentable as possible, changing into work clothes and grabbing my bag before quickly escaping out the front door.  I didn’t feel like running into Calum again after his wonderful wake up call.
Work was busy in the beginning, and Roger and I struggled to keep up for a while.  But our rhythm from yesterday finally kicked in, and with each drink I served I felt more and more confident.  When the rush ended, the two of us high-fived and let out triumphant exhales of relief.
“You know, Scarlett, you and I make a good team.”
I grinned at Roger, overjoyed at how quickly I was picking up new skills.  I just hoped Mack was impressed enough to give me the job in two weeks.
Before I could answer him, the bell jingled.  I recognized Jeremy’s chestnut hair immediately, and suppressed a squeal of excitement.  Just what I need, I thought giddily.
When Jeremy approached the counter I made sure to look calm and collected.  He smiled that winning smile, and I felt my knees go weak.
“Told you I’d be back,” he said.
“What can I mess up for you today?  A latte maybe?  I’m getting good at screwing those up,” I informed him with a laugh, and I was glad to see the crinkles by his eyes return.
“Actually,” he began, making my heart somersault with worry.  “I’m not here for coffee.  I’m here for you.”
My eyebrows shot up, and I hoped my face didn’t betray my secret exhilaration.
“Really?” I responded, pressing my lips together.  “And why is that?”
“Normally, I take girls out to places like this on a first date,” he said, and I was hanging on to every word.  “But seeing as you’re probably sick of it, how ‘bout we skip that part and go straight to dinner?”
My face broke into a wide smile, and I was almost too excited to reply.  “That’s really considerate of you,” I joked.  “Dinner sounds amazing.”
Jeremy actually looked relieved, like he was nervous I’d say no.  As if anyone could say no to that face.
“Great, that’s great.  How about tonight?  I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“Sure, give me your phone and I’ll add my number.”  He passed it over, and I fought to keep my fingers steady.  Handing it back, we smiled at each other like idiots.
“See you tonight, Scarlett,” he said, and I watched him disappear out of the cafe all the way down the street.
I turned to see Roger gaping at me like I had three heads.
“How come no one hits on me like that?” he pouted.  
I tapped my cheek in contemplation.  “Maybe it’s those spike earrings?  They’re wildly intimidating.”
Roger snorted, and waved his hand at me dismissively.  “Oh shut up.  You’re about to bounce of the walls you’re so happy.”
“Hell yeah I am.”
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shmisolo · 4 years
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I wanted to post the things I’ve made this year in one place.  I haven’t posted most of them over here—largely because I’m not tumblring a lot these days.  But I made a lot this year—both visual and written—that I’m proud of and wanted to share it out.  You can find this post also in tweet form here!
Happy 2020, Reylo friends!  It’s been a wild ride of a year, and mine couldn’t have been what it has been without you.
Alternate TROS Ending Gifset | World Between Worlds Graphic | Padmé quote gifset | Hadestown AU |  Alfa Gifset | ManDADlorian Video | Rey & Dark Rey Gifset 1 | Rey & Dark Rey Gifset 2 | Rey & Padmé Gifset | Rey Gifset 1 | Rey Gifset 2 | Rey Gifset 3 | Rey Gifset 4 | Rey Gif | Trailer Gifset 1| Trailer Gifset 2 | Trailer Gifset 3 | Kylo’s Karaoke Night Playlist | Graphic for lwaboc for @kylorenvevo | Graphic for Heart’s Flight | Graphic for YTCShepard | Gifs for Sugar, Honey, Honey for YTCShepard | Gifs for @sciosophia | Game of Thrones AU Graphic | Luke Gifset
Investiture for @misscoppelia
In which Ben goes to daven for his father’s yahrtzeit and manages to prove to himself once again that he is both a terrible person and a terrible Jew.
Oh and he sort of falls in love.
baby you can drive my car for @talltig
They call them “soulmates.” Probably because it leaves less of a sting in their mouths.
The Kitchen for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben, hunting for their first house.
alone with a heart meant for you for @nuanceismyjam
Ben orders Grubhub; Rey's car breaks down.
myosotis for @rissanox
Ben picked the flowers for their wedding.
and beyond for @lilithsaur
For a moment, he thinks it will be like the first time, him begging, her crying and saying no and him not knowing how to protect his crushed heart.
But she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t say, “Please don’t go this way,” she doesn’t look horrified or disgusted. She just grabs him by the front of his shirt and tugs his lips down to hers before reaching down to cup his cock.
You, Me, and He for @rissanox, @persimonne, and @misscoppelia
When they say that Kylo's brain is in his groin, they're not far from the truth.
In which Kylo Ren is his own penis.
Bliss, Balance and Birth for @selunchen​
Ben teaches their daughter to read.
In which Ben accidentally implies that he gets his cardio from having sex on national television.
Favorites for @lilithsaur
In which Matt is preoccupied in getting Daisy the perfect token of his love on this, the two month anniversary of her agreeing to be his girlfriend.
A Trash Triplets AU.
Gotta Get Up, Gotta Get Out | Moodboard
“Listen asshole,” Rey says as she steps through the door of Poe’s deli. “You have exactly as long as it takes me to buy these cigarettes.”
Ben doesn’t waste a second breathing. “Metaphysically speaking, you and I are intrinsically and inexplicably linked,” he starts because there’s no time for beating around the bush and besides, Rey can sniff out a lie like no one else. “And I'm convinced our true purpose is to to connect with each other, if not help save each other's lives.” She’s opening her wallet and handing Poe a ten. “In another world, hopefully you are doing the same for me.”
The Other Thing for @persimonne
That’s what they don’t warn you about, he thinks idly. In his DesEd class, they’d warned him about knots, and heats, and ruts, and nesting. But they’d never warned him that her home would smell so much like her, like everything he’s ever wanted, that he would be unable to extricate himself.
“Can you make it a little more interesting in like...thirty minutes?” he asks her.
She pulls away and he immediately regrets saying a damn word.
“I could make that work,” she replies dryly. “I’ll pencil you in.”
A for... for @loveofescapism
Rey’s seeing double by the time there’s food on her plate. Oh. There’s food on her plate. That’s good. That’s unexpected at this point. “Eat,” Ben tells her.
So she does. It tastes good. Very good. She likes this food a lot.
“I’ll make sure she knows,” Ben says.
Oh she’s at that point of drunk where she’s just saying things out loud instead of keeping them in her internal monologue.
“You are,” Ben says, looking very amused.
She hopes she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
“I promise, you haven’t yet, but oh boy, I’m looking forward to this.”
She shoves food into her mouth to keep herself from thinking out loud about his dick in her ass at his mother’s Passover seder.
do or do not (do the do)
In which Ben, in an effort to improve his stamina (look he's making progress, ok?) after reading some articles that he'll never be able to unread, receives some coaching (that he very much did not ask for).
(Very much did not ask for.)
(Not) Interested for @thewayofthetrashcompactor, @monsterleadmehome, @destiniesfic, yuktipatipriya
We're bringing Speed Dating back to Space Battles Bonanza! Register online for one of our special Bonanza sessions of 15 three-minute dates so you’ll no longer have to look for love in a galaxy far far away. Choose from one of seven speed dating sessions, two of which are queer focused. If the Insurgents can blow up the Doom Moon in 11 minutes, let’s see if you can make a love connection in only three.
There’s a history of successful Speed Dating at Space Battles Bonanzas, with long-term couples, engagements and marriages now among the alumni.
In which Rey & Kylo meet at their fancon's speed dating.
Never Die for @avamarga
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you.
Forged for @reyloner
There are several reasons that Ben would never have dreamed he’d ever receive this text. The first is that he’d be invited to a Halloween party. The second is that he’d never in his life expected to be in a serious relationship, much less the sort of serious relationship where his partner would suggest matching Halloween costumes. And the last is that he is dating someone who’s show only and they’ve only almost murdered one another twice. Because he’s an A Song of Ice and Fire fan. He hates Game of Thrones.
and getting caught in the rain for @kylorenvevo
What's the point of going to a family wedding if you're not going to hook up with your newly rediscovered brother's baseball coach?
A Picture's Worth for @selunchen
reyjay: hiya your art is amazing
reyjay: it’s a big ask but could you draw me for my art final tomorrow? i’m shit at drawing people and i can’t fail this. can you help?
He stares.
And stares.
And stares.
kyloren: is this some kind of a joke?
reyjay: no?? why??
kyloren: you’re asking me to help you cheat your exam, but you’re not even offering me money?
Bang for your Buck
“We ready?” he asks her, sounding huffy.
“Nice to meet you Ben, I’m just familiarizing myself with your training,” she replies.
“Ok, well I don’t have all day.”
“No, you have,” she checks her watch, “another hour.” Because of course he’d booked an extra long session. Bless that sweet, sweet overtime pay.
“And you’re sure you know what you’re doing?” he asks her and she glances up at him, sure that her eyes are flashing because that’s fucking rude. She’s a professional. Amilyn wouldn’t have hired her if she didn’t know what she’s doing, and just because he apparently thinks he’s the center of the universe doesn’t change that fact.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your bang for your buck,” she tells him icily.
Two to Tango
Rey: I need to ask you something awkward. Ben: What’s up? Rey: Can I give you a blowjob? Please?
atlanta > all atlanta > community > missed connections for @sand-its-everywhere
In which Rey meets a cosplayer at DragonCon.
Sonsick (I'll fall for you soon enough) for @jeenonamit & YTCShepard
Sheev and Snoke share a moment at the country club.
A Thousand Words for @monsterleadmehome | Moodboard
In which, some years later, Ben encounters someone he drew for nudes.
Truth and Death written for this year’s @reylofanfictionanthology
Ben opens the box. Inside, he sees the charred remains of a helmet.
She is made of sand-turned-clay, where other moving creatures are made of flesh and blood. Their skin cracks in the dry Jakku sun just like hers, but they are alive in their organs.
Rey is alive in a different way.
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year written with @jeenonamit | Moodboard
Rey convinces Ben--and his sentient penis--to go with her to a Halloween party.
What could go wrong?
(Working title: "Dicklo 2: Electric BOO-galoo")
Shalom Rav! for @jeenonamit | Moodboard
In which Rey comes to terms realizing that she is attracted to the rabbi.
when the stars and moon align just so for @capaldisrighteyebrow
Songs spoke of red stars on nights that blood was shed. Stars bled too when the great fell. There were no red stars tonight. The stars did not bleed for Snoke.
Would they bleed for Ben?
She swallowed.
Because despite his own words—that he served his master (master, as though he were a draft horse to be yoked and plow the fields of men), that he would give everything to his master, she had seen doubt in his eyes that night, three years ago, when the stars and moon had aligned just so.
oh, my love, don't forsake me (take what the water gave me) for @reyloner and @loveofescapism
Their sabers clashed, humming in the spray, and Rey's heart was in her throat the entire time.
it’s you and me (i know it’s our destiny) | Moodboard
It’s just a kid’s game, he thinks when jealousy pangs in his heart. But it’s more than just a kid’s game.
It’s Pokémon.
It’s the only good thing in his life.
will you come when i call you (i’ll come when you call me) | Moodboard
Surely when Snoke had connected them, he hadn’t connected them like this.  
@reylo_prompts: “Due to the Force bond Rey and Ben always come simultaneously. Now they need to figure out how not to do that since it can result in awkward situations.”
The Sweater Curse for @jeenonamit & @commandercrouton
She’s never made a sweater before, but she saw the pattern on Ravelry and who cares if she’s only made (lumpy) hats before—she has to try it.  She has to make it. She has to make it for Ben.
“You realize that Hannukah isn’t an important holiday, right?” Ben asks as she makes eye contact with him.  His eyes are big and brown and—at this moment—mildly annoyed.
“Really?  Is it a giant conspiracy theory?  Part of the war on Christmas?”
“More than you realize,” Ben says and for the life of her she can’t tell if he’s joking.  He does this thing sometimes that’s confusing—where he’ll say something that sounds mopey but is actually snarky and it disarms her every damn time.  “In any event, ugly Hanukkah sweaters definitely aren’t a thing the way ugly Christmas sweaters are.”
“Well, they are now,” Rey says firmly.  “I’m making you an ugly Hanukkah sweater.  Deal with it. And stop moving.”
Ours Is The Fury for @reyloner & @commandercrouton
Rey was tasked with taking Storm's End for her king. She defeated the Storm King Snoke in the Rainwood, but when she proceeded to the castle itself, preparing for a long siege, things did not go to plan.
Seen ✔️✔️ for @ever-so-reylo | Graphic
His lock screen has three texts from Rey on it:
Rey Wife: Babe I know you’re probably busy right now, but you sent that pic to the wrong chat. Rey Wife: Bennnnnnn Rey Wife: Call me when you’re done processing your trauma.
And then about ninety chats from the Skywalker Ranch WhatsApp thread.
In which Ben sends a picture to the wrong chat.
With you, Always for @jeenonamit, @nuanceismyjam, and YTCShepard 
Rey's boyfriend is now a Force ghost but they're sure as fuck gonna try fucking anyway.
Chaptered Fics
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves) for @nerdherderette | Complete | Moodboard
A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Carry In My Core (That Voice I Adore) | Complete | Moodboards
Starring in her first opera would be stressful as is, but Rey, always one to outdo herself, just had to go and make things even more complicated with Kylo Ren. It’s hard enough looking him in the eye, much less pretending to be in love with him. She can make it through this. She has made it through worse. She can make it through this.
shadow boxes | Complete
Just because they aren’t together, doesn’t mean they’re not in love.
anyway you want to (anyway you've got to) | Complete
But you know she's getting something other Than the love from her mother
A Porn Challenge in which your author makes Rey and Ben bone their way through the month of February.
words like tomorrow (or future, or fate) for @haloren1st​ & @staticcatfish​ | Complete
One day, Rey wakes in a body that's not her own in a town she's never been to before. Who is Ben, whose body she seems to be possessing, and who woke up in her body? Why are they connected this way?
A Your name. AU.
Above us, stars. Beneath us, constellations. for @valsansretour​ | Complete | Moodboard
Ben woke, but Luke’s saber wasn’t ignited. Instead, he saw a master who had shattered his trust, who thought he was a monster, and—worse—he was probably right.
So he fled Yavin IV, to Skywalker’s dismay, and no one heard from him since.
Years later, on a wasteland planet, a girl and a fugitive stormtrooper board a Corellian YT-1300 light freighter in desperation to find they are not the only ones trying to steal it.
Why Don’t You And I Combine for @ever-so-reylo | Complete | Moodboard
Rey’s phone rings while she’s at the farmer’s market. She lets it ring. They have a line and it’s only a few hours, and the girls are at school and it’s just her today, so she doesn’t have enough hands. Rose and Finn and Poe are helping Ben move furniture out of his apartment and into the house. They’re probably calling about something silly, or Ben’s calling to say he’s fully moved in and he’s lying in their bed—possibly with his hand on his cock—and that he’s thinking of her.
In which life continues, grows, and Rey and Ben continue to rebuild their relationship.
A sequel to Let’s Get Together.
The Love Committee for @jeenonamit | Complete | Moodboard
In which Rey, tired of her bad luck with dating apps and failed relationships, enlists her friends' help in determining who she should date next.
They take it a little too seriously.
A Year of Me and You for autonomee | Complete
“After you move in with one another, give yourself six months to like one another again,” Maz says, looking at Rey seriously through her bottlecap glasses.
“I’m not going to fall out of love with—”
“No, no. Not love. Love’s not got anything to do with it, child. Like.”
Non-linear vignettes of various length, set during the first year Rey and Ben live together.
Hanging by a Moment for pillar-of-salt | Complete | Mix
There are many things that Ben could have tolerated about his parents’ divorce. That his mother had finally had it with his father’s borderline illegal—or rather, as he liked to put it, borderline legal—company, the shady activities it covered that would doubtlessly end her political career if a reporter got hold of them; that his father had finally had it with the way his mother nags, because sure, he’d thought it was hot twenty years ago, but he is in fact an adult who can actually keep his shit together—all that he would have gotten. He’d have been wrecked, but he’d have gotten it.
His dad leaving his mom for a nineteen-year-old gold-digger though, and his mother not even putting up a fight—that had caught him by surprise.
That had hurt.
Be nice to her, Ben, his mother had said on the phone when he’d spoken to her for the first time in five years. She just lost your father.
Yeah. So did I.
Cupcake Wars | Complete | Fingerpainting + Playlist
Entirely by accident, Rey ends up fucking someone who works for Snoke's Cupcakery. She's just blowing off steam. It doesn't mean anything at all. It certainly won't come back to bite her in the ass.
in nobody's eyes but mine for @ever-so-reylo | Complete | Moodboard
Rey had spent too much of her life feeling as though permanence could only be transient so why bother with it. What was long-term? What was mating? What was home?
the water won’t have ya if the devil’s too blind for @thekesselrun | Complete | Moodboard
That water’s too dirty to wash away your sins.
“They’re not sins. I didn’t commit them against god. There is no such thing as god.”
Then whatever you want to call them. Crimes don’t get washed away by a river.
“It’s a cursed river,” Ben points out.
No, it’s a polluted river. Curses aren’t real. Not like that, anyway.
“Are you really well-actually-ing me?”
Yes, I am. Because you’re an idiot. Some extremely oily and not remotely potable water is not going to be able to remove the guilt you feel about killing your father, turning your back on your mother, murdering hundreds of innocents, and helping the First Order destroy the world. Especially when you knew I wasn’t going to let you die.
In which Ben Solo washes up on shore, very still alive and unsure of what to do next until a passing scavenger offers him a lift on her boat. Who is he now? Who does he want to be?
Apples & Honey for @peaceblessingspeyton | Complete | Moodboard
When Ben catches wind that his mother is planning to foist a potential girlfriend on him when he comes home for Rosh Hashanah, he takes matters into his own hands: specifically, he runs to Rey and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend.
There Is Another for @kylorenvevo | Complete | Moodboards: Ch 1 | Ch 3 | Ch 7 | Ch 9 | Ch 11 | Ch14
“Mission success?”
“You will be interested in this.”
Kylo glances back over his shoulder. The girl he had found on Takodana is still deeply unconscious, and will remain so for a long while. He had knocked her out as deeply as he could. She had fired at him the moment she’d seen him, resisted him tooth and nail. He does not want her waking up until he has her properly restrained, and he had not come to Takodana prepared to take any prisoners.
A shiver runs up his spine as he tries to shove away how it had felt, carrying her through that forest.
“How so?”
The trouble with helmets is he can’t look Kira dead in the eye anymore. He can’t watch her face closely to see what will happen when he tells her,
“She’s you.”
Dear Mr. President | WIP | Moodboards: Ch13
Dr. Dameron shifts and slides a manilla folder across the desk to her. “Under ordinary circumstances, I’d let you keep the folder. I hope you’ll understand why I can’t do that this time around.”
She opens it and stares.
She stares and stares and stares.
Dr. Dameron has to be kidding. There have to be hidden cameras here, this has to be some elaborate prank. That’s why it’s him here and not Dr. Wexley—that was his name. Dr. Wexley.
But instead of getting to her feet and tossing her hair and saying he was cruel for playing with her heart like this, all she does is ask, blankly, “So...Ben Solo is my soulmate? Our new president is my…”
She swallows.
And Dr. Dameron nods.
so long lives this and this gives life to thee | WIP | Moodboard
His smile fades and he falls to the ground, his head hitting the ground with a sharp crack.
“Ben!” The yell echoes around them in the darkness and Rey lurches forward, her hands scrabbling over his face, his neck, trying to find a pulse.
She bursts into tears when she finds it. She doesn’t know why she’s crying. He’s alive.
In which Ben's Force Sensitivity—and not his life—was given to save Rey.
a little death (goes a long way) for @talltig | WIP | Moodboard
“That’s good of you,” he replies. “Especially with the O-Negative.”
“It’s a good deal,” she says and he glances up. Yeah, because Omega blood is harder to find. A taste of life, because they almost never survive the turn.
120 notes · View notes
willowandfog · 4 years
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New Fic- Chapter One!
This new fic is the second part to my fic I wrote for InuKag Week, One Week Sooner. If you haven’t read it yet you can read it here.
I would like to dedicate this new fic to @ruddcatha​, she was a huge supporter and a tremendous help to me when writing One Week Sooner, and when we were so choked up on the tragedy of the story she suggested I write a sequel. So a huge thank you @ruddcatha​, I love you!
Summary: When you look at me, do you see what you lost or do you see all of me?
Read it:
FFN or AO3 or below the cut:
Chapter One
Nozomi sighed, dropping her backpack on her desk chair. She tied her long black hair back into a loose tail before throwing herself onto her bed. She glanced at the clock on her desk and groaned. She never had free time anymore, it was always go, go, go. She was grateful that she had finally been able to get into a dorm on campus, driving the twenty minutes home all the time had been a huge hassle. Pulling out her phone she double checked her schedule for the new study group time. She had finally decided to take her science requirement of anatomy even though she was close to graduating. She’d been putting it off as long as she could but couldn’t any longer. Deciding she had to join a study group, knowing that she’d likely fail if not. 
Sighing again, she pushed herself up off the bed. She pulled her textbook from her bag and grabbed her iPad from the desk. She’d be damned if she was going to lug around her whole backpack any more than she had to. With a grumble she left her dorm room, locking the door behind her and set off for the library. 
When she reached the library she took the stairs to the second level where the study rooms were. As she was rounding a corner, she collided with someone as they came around the other side. Nozomi’s book went skidding across the floor and her and the girl she had crashed into both stumbled back. The other girl found her balance but Nozomi did not and found herself on the floor. 
“Oof.” She said when she landed.
“I’m so sorry, are you ok?” 
Nozomi looked up at the girl to see her hand was stretched out to help her up. “Yeah, I’m ok.” She took the offered hand. “Thanks.” Standing up she brushed off her backside before turning back to the girl. Her jaw dropped. In front of her stood her mother. A girl in her early twenties, with long black hair and chocolate eyes, her facial structure was dead on to her late mother. The only differences Nozomi saw were the one streak of silver this girl had in her hair growing from the spot just near her bangs where the hair grew longer, and the golden flecks that seem to be floating in the iris of her left eye. Nozomi stood there gaping at her. She was wearing black yoga pants and a navy blue V-neck shirt, she had a black leather jacket on and was wearing simple black flats, and there was music blaring from the gold Beats that hung around her neck. 
The girl turned to pick up Nozomi’s dropped book. “You’re taking anatomy, that’s cool. My major’s in medicine.” She handed the book out to Nozomi. 
Nozomi froze for a moment, trying to comprehend what the girl had said before taking the book and tucking it in the crook of her arm. “Oh that’s totally awesome. I’m an English major, I’m about to graduate but I’ve just been putting this class off till the last minute.”
The girl chuckled. “Not a fan huh? If you want, I could help you study a bit?”
Nozomi glanced towards the study rooms before looking back at the girl. The girl who looked like her mother. She felt the need to figure this out. “Yeah sure that would be great.” Nozomi held out her hand. “I’m Nozomi.”
The raven haired girl clasped her hand. “Kagome.”
“Holy shit.” Nozomi whispered.
Kagome dropped her hand. “What?”
“Oh sorry. I just meant holy shit, this is so awesome of you. I was going to join a study group, but those can be so hit or miss you can never count on them.”
Kagome chuckled. “I know right. Come on, let’s get out of here, we can grab something at the coffee cart and sit out by the trees.” She walked past Nozomi, heading down the stairs. 
Nozomi followed, pulling out her phone and shooting a text. 
From: Nozomi
10:13 AM
Hey, dad. I’m gonna have to cancel lunch today, got a lot of studying to do. 
From: Dad
10:15 AM
Ok. No problem. Reschedule for tomorrow?
From: Nozomi
10:16 AM
Can’t tomorrow, paper due.
From: Dad
10:17 AM
Oooook. Next week then?
From: Nozomi
10:19 AM
I will probably have a lot of papers to help grade next week, there’s a big test for the class I’m helping with coming up. 
From: Dad
10:19 AM
:( Just let me know when.
From: Nozomi
10:20 AM
I will. Love you!
“Everything ok?” Kagome asked, nodding to Nozomi’s phone and her repeated texting.
“Oh. Yeah, totally. I was just cancelling lunch with my dad so I could get some studying done.” She tucked her phone into her back pocket, looking to see if the guy making their lattes was almost done. 
“Are you guys close?” Kagome asked, turning to watch her. 
“Yeah, definitely. He comes to campus and we have lunch together every week. He was all I had growing up, I never knew my mom. Well I mean I had my grandparents but… Yeah dad and I are close.” Nozomi shifted her eyes away. “Sorry, I ramble when I’m nervous.”
Kagome laughed, reaching up to grab her hazelnut latte that the coffee guy had set on the cart for her. “Why are you nervous?”
“Just, uhh. You know, meeting new people. Can be difficult sometimes.”
Kagome nodded in agreement. “So true.” Both girls turned as Nozomi grabbed her cup and they made their way to the lawn. “I don’t really know anyone on campus. Honestly I don’t really know many people around here, I transferred here last semester as a trial to see how I liked the school. I’ve been thinking of going back to the one I was at before.”
“No!” Nozomi practically shouted at her. When Kagome turned wide eyes to her she spoke again. “I mean, you should give this school a longer chance. It’s really great here, I’m actually a student teacher. I mean if your only reason for leaving is the lack of getting to know anyone, I’ll show you around and we can hang out. I haven’t really had much time for friends myself, it would be nice to have some girl time.” 
Kagome glanced at her with an amused look. “Sure, that could be nice. I guess some girl time never hurt anyone.”
They found a nice shady spot under a tree, and planted themselves down into the grass. They sat chatting and enjoying their coffees for a little while before Nozomi pulled out her book, handing it to Kagome to look over what material they were covering and opened up Goodnotes on her iPad. They had been going through the chapter for about an hour when Nozomi sighed. 
“Geez this stuff is tedious, I don’t know how you do it.” She set her iPad down, needing a break. When she looked up she spotted a man with silver hair, walking across the pavilion towards them.
“Oh shit, that’s my dad.”
Kagome turned her head to look in the direction Nozomi was. “Th-that’s your dad?” Her voice was a whisper.
Nozomi paled, before jumping to her feet. “Yeah, he must’ve been suspicious that I blew him off. Oh God.” She whispered the last words before jogging off to meet him partway. 
As she approached her dad she began to feel sick. He’s totally going to freak. Oh my God. He had long silver hair that flowed down his back, and was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, his head was adorned with two doggie ears that marked him as a half-demon. He did not look pleased.
“Dad!” Nozomi called as she got closer. “What are you doing here? I said I was stuck studying.” She stopped in front of him, trying to block Kagome from view even though she knew it was pointless, he could easily see over her, with his towering 6’. 
“You were being all weird and evasive and you’ve only ever cancelled lunch once before and we rescheduled for the next day. Unlike this time. What's going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, my schedule just became really busy.” She tried to keep her voice calm, but noticed her dad was sniffing at the air. 
“Riiiight.” He mumbled. “What is that smell?” He walked around her, heading for the tree Nozomi had been sitting under. Kagome was gone.
Oh, thank God. But where did she go? Nozomi looked around, seeing if she could spot her anywhere. Nothing. Man, I didn’t even get her number.
She jogged over to the tree where her book and iPad lay. Her father was sniffing a pair of Beat headphones. Nozomi reached for them. “Oh! Those are Kago-” She went wide eyed. “I mean those are my friends. She must have left them.”
Her dad glared at her, pulling the headphones out of reach from her. “What was her name?”
Nozomi shifted her brown eyes away from his golden ones. “Kag.” She mumbled. 
“Kag? Her name is Kag?” Nozomi nodded. “Nozomi dear. You are a horrible liar. Why were you trying to hide this, what is going on?”
She sighed. “Oh dad.” She spoke with sadness in her voice before stepping forward to hug him. “Why don’t you catch up with her and give those back.” She stepped away from him and pointed at the headphones. “But dad, you should know. It’s mom. The girl said her name was Kagome, and she looks exactly like her. Like exactly like mom.”
Her dad paled. “What?” He whispered. “That’s crazy.” 
“You can go find her and see for yourself. Just… Be careful. I never knew mom so I can’t say for sure that it is her. If it is her then she hasn’t aged at all or something else weird is going on.”
Her dad sniffed the headphones one more time, before taking off in a direction towards the buildings. 
Kagome jogged along the side of the library and as she approached the end of the building, she slowed down slightly. She turned, going behind the building before stopping to lean her back to the wall, trying to catch her breath. Her heart was racing and not from the jog. She covered her face with her hands. 
Holy shit. Oh my god! Oh my god!
She pressed fingers to her eyes, trying to fight the tears. 
She pushed away from the wall and began walking, heading for the other side of the building so she could cut across campus. She felt like she was in a daze. 
I can’t believe this is happening.
She was so lost in thought that when she came around the corner, she didn’t notice the man coming around the other way until it was too late. She felt like she’d run into a wall.
“Oof.” She stumbled back, starting to fall, she waved her arms trying to catch herself when a hand grabbed her wrist, pulling her back up. She was pulled back into the brick wall and was suddenly staring into the most gorgeous face and golden-honey eyes. 
He had one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to his chest. A look of shock and disbelief on his face. “Kagome?” He whispered. 
She was lost in his eyes. Her brain felt foggy and all her previous thoughts were gone. 
Kagome, say something. He’s talking to you. Say something, anything. 
"You're gorgeous." She could've slapped herself. 
When he busted out into a huge grin, she bit her lip feeling ridiculous. She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that… Outloud.” She opened her eyes to look at him again. 
She could tell he was trying to fight his grin for her sake. “Do you.” He started to say. “Do you recognize me?” When Kagome shook her head, he closed his eyes tightly for a moment. “Are you sure?” 
“Should I?” She asked.
He opened his eyes to look at her again. He studied her for a moment. Seeming to take his time taking in all of her features. “Do you think you’d like to go out with me sometime?”
“What?” She whispered, astonished. 
“Like a date. Would you be willing to go on a date with me sometime?”
Realizing she was still wrapped in his arm against his chest, she cleared her throat and stepped away from him. “You don’t even know me.” She glanced away, trying to avoid his eyes. 
“I think the point of a date is to get to know each other.” 
She studied him for a moment. “I think I’d like that. But, I need to check my schedule. How about you give me your number and I’ll let you know when I’m free.” She pulled her phone from her pocket, turning it over to him to put his number in. It was then that she noticed her headphones in his hand. “Are those mine?” She asked pointing. 
“Oh! Yeah, here.” He handed them to her with one hand as he took her phone with the other. “Sorry, I came to find you to give them back and totally forgot when we collided.” 
When he handed the phone back, she tucked it into her pocket. Then against her better judgment she stuck out her hand. “I’m Kagome.” As she spoke she stared into his pools of amber. She saw a flicker in his eyes at her name. 
He took her hand in a gentle grip. Her heart fluttering at his touch. “Inuyasha.”
“Nozomi’s dad. That’s not going to be weird at all.” 
Inuyasha closed his eyes briefly. “I hope that won’t be a problem.”
“You’re not secretly like a five hundred year old man too are you?” 
He chuckled. “No. I was born in this century.” 
“Reassuring.” She rolled her eyes, before turning them to their clasped hands. She slowly pulled it away, running her fingers along his. “I should go. It was...nice meeting you.” She put her headphones on over her ears, eyes never leaving his. She hit play on her watch and Eminem’s Mockingbird came blaring through. Inuyasha frowned at the volume before Kagome took off at a jog. 
Kagome jogged the whole fifteen minutes home. She barely slowed for lights, letting the music consume her until she could reach her apartment. When she reached her small brick complex, she almost sobbed. She took the stairs up to her apartment two at a time, stopping briefly to unlock the door before slamming it behind her and sliding her back down it to the floor. She yanked her headphones off and tossed them to the floor, tears beginning to fall. 
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