#poetry poem writing prose
manderson1970060 · 16 days
Soft air sweeps over the stillness of evening, an eclipse still shadows my eyes, elusive moments where I resist luxury, totality traded for just a hologram
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therendingflame · 7 months
The kind of hug that feels like I'm sharing a part of my inner self, a way to show how much I care and connect with them.
The kind of hug that say more than words can. The kind of hug that can create bonds that time and distance can't ever break.
And then there are times when I hug my memories. In quiet moments, I relive moments from the past, and each memory is like a special kind of hug. Some memories are gentle, like a soft, nostalgic whisper, while others are strong, like the warm embrace of a long-lost friend.
These moments help me remember the happiness of the past and find solace in memories. It's a different kind of hug—one that doesn't rely on the physical but resides in the heart's deepest feelings.
So, whether it's the warmth of a real hug or the gentle embrace of a memory, both have the power to nurture our souls, remind us of the beauty of human connections, and wrap us in the enduring love that makes life's journey meaningful.
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musesofthequill · 5 months
It's shit and I just had a breakdown. Enjoy :)
Dictate the narrative for me
Who exiled vulnerability for weakness
Why synonymise ardour for steel's bless
Only fools reclaim their love as supreme
When it's the dance you play for eternity to be.
Shall it be a stranger or thy's being
That'll hold the hands till hells defeat.
If the cries couldn't love
tears wouldn't matter
Who can I dictate
when my weakness doesn't shatter.
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lonerangerr · 11 months
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Last Night, I saw a meteorite (falling star) in the sky, I hastily made a wish from it.
The falling star laughed and said "You think someone who is already falling can make you rise; who is already broken can make you adjoin??"
Then suddenly it disappeared from my sight, leaving me confused and unanswered.
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trustonlystars · 1 year
You wouldn't know, the blood stains on my palms are the remnants of the stories sitting as scars. I don't remember when these thorns fell in love with my fingertips, are they destined to create art that hurts? You know it was midnight and I was trying to look out into a world that's easier to understand, unlike my own heart. I did not have answers as to why your words walked so close-to-kill that night. There was no reason for me to seek empty souls and hollow houses, no reason for you to draw harsh lines, but that's what we do in love, no? Carve out our version of strokes even if that bleeds on the other side. I'll give you my side of the story and never hear yours, that's how you can choose to forget this story, and I can keep it alive. Afterall, I am a storyteller, how can I give up on mine?
- trustonlystars | Jannie F
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raffaelsantosstuff · 2 months
Certo dia
Enquanto andava pela rua
Vi uma minhoca
Exposta ao sol
Em perigo
Jogado ao chão
Queimando, com sede.
Reparava por detrás
Como a frente minha
Um velho homem de chapéu preto
Quase a pisara
E eu de longe não pude brigar com o velho senhor
O pobre, velho e miserável senhor
Corri velozmente afim de salva-la
Salvar a pobre minhoca
Pássaros, já com fome, a rodeavam
Rodeavam a pobre, casada, quase morta, tão sofrida minhoca.
Corri 15 passos em 6 e consegui pegá-la
Com toda a delicadeza a tirei do chão tomando-a em minhas mãos.
E em um intento espontâneo de salva-la
Lancei-a o mais longe possível na primeira mata que encontrara
Eu era muito inteligente, sabia de física
Logo, sabia que sua massa não seria pesada o suficiente para lhe matar na queda.
Um dia, sentado à mesa
Conversava com uma velha amiga sobre antigos amores
Eu não entendi bem o porquê
Ou quando
Mas, em um surto, começaramos a falar sobre biologia
Ela dizia-me que quando encontramos uma minhoca
Não a podemos lançar pelo ar
Pois a densidade do mesmo a mata...
Sim, eu era inteligente sabia de física
Só não o suficiente, não sabia de biologia
No intendo de salvar, matei a pobre minhoca
Sim, a minhoca quase pisoteada
A minhoca exposta ao sol radiante
Aos pássaros com fome
A minhoca desidratada
A minhoca predestinada a morrer naquele dia, naquela hora, naquele momento, naquela ocasião, daquela forma.
Destinada a morrer no dia 2 de fevereiro.
Matei a minhoca morta e me culpei por isso.
Como castigo, lerei livros
Mas não quaisquer livros
Livros de biologia
Até o final de minha vida
Para garantir que eu jamais mate outra minhoca.
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thepurplepoesy · 2 months
I'm gonna calligraph my name on your skin licking it inch by inch and let you enounce it
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Exit Gracefully
It's time to go,
There's a lot of pain,
Hurting each other,
It's time to let it go,
If you can't exit with dignity,
Or grace,
Or even humour,
At least exit silently,
I've played my part,
You've too,
The lines don't match,
What my heart wants to say,
But my brain is fighting my heart,
These days,
Brain says its time to go,
Heart says please stay I don't wanna let em go,
Brian says, there's been too much hurt and damage,
Heart says its born out of hurt and anger which is the flip side of love, there's still oh so much love,
Brian says hurt is not love, you've been deceived to thinking it is, but my dear, you deserve oh, so much better
Heart says its OK I'm wounded
Brian says not anymore, this isn't love, hurt only grows here, no phone calls or messages, or invites or care your mistaking this for love but oh, oh, you deserve so much better, you deserve a love that's kind and never makes you doubt your worth,
Heart says oh but I love them,
Brain says they haven't missed you, not once, not even close, not at all
The argument goes on but Brain will protect heart,
From another bruise or cut,
17 years,
Practically a marriage,
But ah, oh you've never seen marriage rings,
That didn't turn to rust,
It's time to go,
Saying goodbye never comes easy at all,
It's why you've been dragging it out for months,
But it's over.
There gone.
And they never loved you, not at all.
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becomingvecna · 5 months
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— David Cronenberg, Consumed
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thoughtcascades · 21 days
idk how to flirt but i can make things awkward if you're into that
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bebx · 7 months
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manderson1970060 · 3 months
There’s something longingly sad and utterly beautiful when writing poetry. I felt the closest to my mother since her passing, I feel her essence somehow still lingering in my words. I feel I need to capture the words before they evade me, but I find healing in the process
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therendingflame · 2 years
Twinkling stars, the full moon and soft moonlight ; a treat to my eyes. With no real friends around, this sight ; my best friend. Spending late nights talking, I love staring at you. With your company, loneliness seems unknown. Finding solitude in you, this seems perfect. Finally embracing myself, I learn to be happy alone.
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musesofthequill · 4 months
It's an indigenous craving,
The materials we weave are nothing but ash
It's the fervour we want
From birth till death
It's not the gold you beat your heart over,
But the receptacle of your heart strings.
Questions crowd the porch of life,
Demanding the answer yet not right.
Mere beings settle and stage the clownery of mistakes made,
Ask death it's regret and life shall never be said.
Might it be too foolish to understand
words aren't enough for its cognizant.
Plenty came before us and plenty will begin,
The cycle of humanity remains unhinged.
What can history profess?
When we declared artistry of words a tapestry of shards.
Happy new yearrr <3. May the next year bring you luck and joy
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lonerangerr · 10 months
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First humans Adam and Eve lost Paradise (garden of eden) because of their disobedience. In the disguise of a snake, Satan manipulated Eve to eat the apple of the forbidden tree.
Why does everyone merely blame Eve for this loss?? Adam was also at fault as he could have refused to eat the forbidden apple but he disobeyed God like Eve. Adam wasn't obligated and wasn't on the gun point of Eve LOL. So we can conclude that it was Adam's fault too..... He should be blamed equally. Don't solely blame naive Eve for this loss.
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 7 months
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{Words by José Olivarez from Citizen Illegal /@fatimaamerbilal , from even flesh eaters don't want me.}
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