#feel free to use this idea but give me credit pls :)
I currently have swimmer’s ear, and I can’t help but think Matt could’ve gotten something like that after diving into the Hudson after his fight with Nobu and Fisk… Or better yet:
“I shot you in the head and you didn’t say shit, but this is what does it? I pushed you off the boat to save your life dumbass, not to give you fuckin’ swimmer’s ear...”- Frank Castle, grumbling as he puts medicine drops in Matt’s ears at 2am after running to the nearest drug store.
- Oh, and you just know Frank is being all soft and shit with him while saying this, his words completely contrasting to the way he carefully holds Matt’s head to the side, shushing him when he clenches his jaw at the dizziness from the movements of his own breathing, kissing his brow line whenever it furrows too much.(The ear drops suck too, Matt would whine about that 100%, but without them your ears hurt so bad that there’s literally no winning...)
- I can see Matt not being fully awake and making noises in his sleep due to the throbbing pain at the back of his head, Frank only listening to this for about 30 seconds tops before he’s quietly leaving the bed and running to CVS or something, the dad in him used to having to make quick late night runs to the grocery store for baby formula or something. Then before you know it he’s whispering, telling a half-awake Matt it’s okay and he got something to help him, whispering sweet reassurances against his cheek when Matt’s ears go clogged with the cold drops filling them and he starts squirming a bit at the uncomfy feeling and his slightly muffled hearing.
What I would fucking give to the world to have Frank Castle be to one putting these drops in my ears instead of myself ya’ll, lemme tell you—
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aviolettrose · 2 months
A fanfic idea:
Bruce was able to rescue Jason before he died, and after this experience, Jason stopped being Robin.
He became afterwards the golden child, he goes to college (with a scholarship), helps out in the city library, teaches children (helps with their homeworks and helps them to study), works part time in a car garage in crime alley, and is a supportive brother.
And it pisses his siblings off.
Because there has to be something fishy because no one, really no one, is that perfect.
And there is something fishy.
He is also Red Hood.
No one knows, and the vigilantes never talk to Jason about "the family business" because he needs to concentrate on his studies and other stuff.
So imagine, Batmans suprise when the JL was able to catch Red Hood.
Someone takes Jasons helmet off in front of Batman, Nightwing, and other members
And Jason, who wears also a domino mask, doesn't look Batman in the face even as he says :
"Hey Dad. I can explain."
And Dick loses his shit, he laughs so hard because, Jason, The golden child, the one who gave up on being a vigilante, who reads to children in the library, is a goddamn crimelord.
Bruce just stands there frozen because wtf Jason?!
And Dick takes selfies with Jason being tied up and calles the other Batkids in because they should definitely not be left out of it.
(Edit: As someone who doesn't really write (or can write good stories), I want to say, feel free to use this prompt for a fanfiction. Just please give credits to me (because I don't know if someone else had also this idea and posted it) and please inform me if you publish something (because I want to read a fanfiction like this too))
(Edit: people we got a link, pls leave some love there for @radioactivepigeons, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55499164
And for those who have struggles with the link, the fanfiction is called Prodigal by Carbon65, and you only have access to it with an ao3 account, BUT I pinned the tumblr version)
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lazyjellyfish300 · 4 days
how about a soft drabble of Miguel taking care of a reader with a broken arm or leg. like he has to help her move around by carrying her and helps he bath but keeps his eyes closed? just a cute him taking care of his friend/crush?
Awwwh you got it nonnie!! 🥰 TYSM for the idea, how cute!! Ended up being slightly longer hope that's okay! 🖤 And Happy 1 year Anniversary to our Miggy 🖤🫶🏽🥰
Fell in Love With You in Stages
Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
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ART CREDIT: @/onikeru426 on Twitter, pls go support them
Synopsis: Miguel takes care of you, his friend and secret crush when you break your ankle. Word count 1.1k
CW: injury, broken ankle, fluff, friends to lovers, pining, a tad suggestive in one part so minors DNI
A/N: got inspired by the lyrics to the song Me and You Together song by The 1975! Hope you like it 🫶🏽
Skateboarding in your twenties was a horrible idea. Hell, it had been years since you got on the damn thing. But, like a lot of things you were overconfident when you saw the Hello Kitty skateboard at a yard sale you made your friend Miguel pull over for in a random neighborhood a few blocks from yours.
He knew from the subtle inclination in your eyes towards the cutesy board with the cartoon kitten plastered on it that he should probably steer you in the other direction, only now it was too late when you had the board lined up with your right foot on it, giving it an experimental slide forward and back, using the leverage to push off with your left before you gravely overshot the the action.
With a loud crack as all your weight came down followed immediately by a fiery ache in your left ankle, skin on your palms burning from where the pavement scratched you, you walked away with nothing but utter embarrassment, tears, a hefty ER bill and 6-8 weeks down for the count.
Miguel can't make the weeks arrive by tomorrow for you with a brand new, healed and unbroken left ankle. 
But, he can buy you pizza, bring you whatever drinks and gas station candy you're craving, start you a bubble bath, and make sure every movie and TV show you want to watch is available. 
He'll even sign up for the free 7 day trial if it means you can watch that comfort show on repeat. And yes, he'll even let you use his credit card. 
He's feeling a strange mix of equal parts worried, but oddly elated, at his sudden promotion from just your friend to your personal nurse. This bizarre stroke of luck that has been presented to him. He feels horrible for you, yet this is an opportunity for him to get closer to you on a level he's only dreamed about. 
The chance to take care of you. Almost just how he envisioned he would if your precious name held the title of his girl. Oh he's been in love with you for ages. 
Maybe this week, he can finally tell you.  
You're in the bathroom, naked from the waist up, feeling the blood and frustration rush to your head as you weakly try and bend all the way over to take off your socks and pants, using the bathroom sink to steady against, your giant headache of a cast in the way while the sound of the running water in the tub plinks against the porcelain, a little cloud of steam from the heated bath and fog swiftly coating the mirror. 
You're about ready to give up when a broken knock comes at the door. Tapping once, then three times in rhythmic succession, the insiders knock between you and Miguel that signal he's on the other side. He enters, albeit with a large hand covering his eyes. 
"Need help?" 
"Yes please." 
Under normal circumstances you would've cowered and chucked the toothpaste at his head, telling him to get out, but this injury has thrown all sense of discretion out the door, desperate for any help you can get. 
Miguel slowly, cautiously, lowers his hand, breath caught in his throat when he comes face to face with your bare back before he yanks his hands back to his makeshift blindfold, cheeks blooming a vibrant red. 
You stare at him, faintly amused at his flustered reaction but appreciate he's trying so damn hard to be a gentleman. 
"It's okay, Migs. I'm covered up." 
Miguel swallows as he lowers his shield, an internal sigh of relief and the red pallette of his cheeks dimming down one degree when he sees that you're holding a towel up in front of you. 
Okay, admittedly(and a little shamefully), sure, he's allowed his mind to wander to less wholesome places when it came to you. But, he would never even approach the street sign to go down that fork in the road were you not completely, one hundred percent, unabashedly onboard with it.
And that was even if you loved him back. 
He holds you delicately by your ribs, lowering you so carefully into the bath, your cast foot raised and out of the way, skillfully maneuvering you like you weigh nothing, eyes trained in a way that is still chaste and away from your bare body but enough to ensure he's not at risk of dropping you in an unstable position.
When the heavenly warm water and foaming bubbles soaks you in, laying your head back with a relieved sigh, you catch him out of the corner of your eye, asking if he'll stay awhile. 
Much to his delight, his desire for nothing than to always be needed by you, he pulls up a chair and sits next to you, trading mild relaxing conversation while you enjoy your bath, pausing every so often to add a little extra hot water from the faucet when the temperature drops over time, the conversation is a little too good. Staying next to you in your bubble bath til your skin is a prune. 
It was only now you realized you really loved him back. 
And so this sweet pattern continued as he helped you dry off and get dressed, humming as he ordered the pizza while you chose the movie. This feeling of being together and having a routine, all while he took care of you felt like something that should be just normal life. This dream he had where you were together. Sometimes, like this unfortunate circumstance of a broken ankle, life could be shit. 
But you both were happy. 
And once you have that delicious, warm pizza in both your bellies, the movie gets a lot harder to focus on when the satisfied feeling starts encouraging you both towards sleep. 
Right now, he knows that those three little words will likely come out later on. The story between you two would definitely have more pages. But he's not complaining right now when your head slowly leaned on his shoulder, jerking suddenly out of a brief snap back to an awake state, but returning it back to position anyway against his heart. A sign that maybe you do love him too.
You're the one that makes him feel right. 
He fell in love with you in stages.
His whole life. 🎵
And that's all he needs for now as he allows himself to fall asleep with your head tucked under his chin, your hand accidentally on top of his where it secretly belonged the whole time.
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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rayofmisfortune · 6 months
SAMS ☀️🌙& LAES 🌌🌍 theory dump below the cut
OKAY SO AGAIN a majority of these are theories made by or pointed out by people in comments. This time I will only be borrowing information from replies to my own comment, as everyone's gone absolutely HAM with their theories under it!
I will be leaving screenshots with proper credits to the respective people so that everyone's ideas are their own.
What it all started with- at 10:05 in the 'Repairing BLOODMOON in VRCHAT' episode, we get Rotrick say: "You're far too perfect for the job, my boy."
WHICH RIGHT OF THE BAT! Gives MAJOR Creator vibes! Like- no questions asked. That's the Creator's way of speech. Someone in the replies said the phrase was familiar to them, AND IT IS! The creator used it in MGAFS episode featuring the Creator, Trashcan man (tho he got a glow up) and Stitchwraith: "Stitchy, my boy."
It may have been a different video, but I'm 100% certain the Creator saying this was connected to the Stitchwraith.
So! We now have it semi-confirmed that the one controlling Rotrick IS IN FACT the Creator. Working behind the scenes yet again to make everyone's lifes hell.
This commenter revealed even more proof supporting this theory:
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SO atp, there's pretty much no doubt that the one controlling Rotrick and subsequently manipulating BM IS the Creator. But is it our Creator, or a different one?
It would make the most sense if it WAS the creator we know. He has the motivation for it, he wants the Stitchwraith gone and dealt with.
But then again, while Sun and Moon were in Ruin's dimension, we've learnt that the (evil) Creators have a sort of alliance across dimensions. Not sure what this Creator's motive would be, but it's just a lil what if of mine lmfao.
Anyway as people in comments said:
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The Creator noticed Lunar meddling with Earth's programming and trying to get rid of that one essencial program that is the only thing keeping Earth loyal to him.
So! He pushed BM via Rotrick to break Earth to a point where he had an excuse to give her upgrades, without needing to worry about making her come willingly and explaining himself to her beforehand.
Whatever he added into Earth, is uhhh a mystery to me. Yes I watched the episode of LAES where Moon and Solar take a look into Earth's systems, but I have no idea as to what that something could be.
Please feel free to share ya'll's own thoughts and theories, pls I need people to geek out with help jdbdbfbf
Thanks for coming to my ted talk jsnxnfb
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jackfrombaskinrobbins · 11 months
baking contest w/ the avengers!!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: reader, scott lang, nick fury, clint barton, harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, tony stark, pietro maximoff etc
a/n: HECK YEAH I CAN!!!! i loved this idea sm i was so excited to get this request :D i'm getting back into writing so sorry if it's a lil bad lol. also guys i'm gonna open requests again so feel free to submit!! i have a lot of muse for spiderverse stuff atm hehe so i may post again today!! tysm, hope u enjoy!!!
taglist: @shefollowedthestars @thecloudedmind @ayohitmanddaeng
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
so there’s this thing that the avengers do
in order to do team bonding
they’ll assign partners in the beginning of the year
& each month, a new set of partners will choose something to do
and it’s always super fun
like that’s how u ended up at the trampoline park last month
& how scott ended up with a broken arm rip king
so this month had to be something a little less dangerous
kinda funny when u think about it like it’s literally the avengers they’re in dangerous situations all the time
and while you wanted to do something different, certain ~forces~ kept preventing that
like y’all were watching a movie a couple weeks ago
and fury came on the screen 
how he could hack into it idk hes nick fury dude he can do anything
but he just looked at the camera and said “no more dumbass trampoline parks”
so yeah it had to be something tame 
anyway so this month was you and scott!!!!
best duo ever!!!!!!
so you had to plan what to do
& scott refused to go skydiving bc that was your first choice
smh scott it would be so fun!!!!
his arm was still broken & he said that was why he wouldn’t go but like…. scott we know ur a scaredy-cat
anyway you were trying to decide when suddenly he was like
“y/n!!!! i totally forgot! the great british baking show just premiered and i promised clint we could watch it together!”
and that gave you an idea
scott LOVED it
but y’all needed a couple things before 
first of all, u needed baking supplies
when i say baking supplies i mean BAKING SUPPLIES
there’s like a thousand avengers at this point bruh :’)
scott almost got one of those instacart orders for it but u hated the thought of an instacart person getting ur crazy order
so it was store time :D 
let’s just say tony’s credit card was used very well that day 😛
then it was time to pick teams
not everyone had to participate
wanda said she wanted in
so pietro joined too which was slightly concerning
the man literally burnt a bowl of cereal once
and ur probably thinking “how—”
only you and harley saw it and honestly it rendered u both speechless
tony joined too
but you and scott made sure he knew that there could be NO robots 
vision asked to be a judge
scott said “vis, we really appreciate that but… uh… don’t you like not eat?”
“ah! you are correct, scott. i do not consume food in the traditional way. however, given my vast knowledge & global database, i do believe that i would be a very good judge of presentation and overall ingredient chemistry.”
“alright, you do that buddy!”
also off topic but why do i just know that tony would give vision the nickname “chat gpt”
 sorry i had to get that out ANYWAYY
you got a few more people to participate 
sam and bucky wanted to be a team, and harley peter & miles wanted to be a team too
yknow what that was fine by you
so the day came.
you had turned one of the empty conference rooms into a crazy kitchen setup
thx party city for the confetti & balloons!!! ;)
in came your loyal hosts, scott & clint
(clint begged you and scott to let him host, he kept using a british accent until you said yes & just trust me it was good that he finally stopped)
you, natasha, and vision were the taste & presentation judges
you surveyed scott’s & your work, pretty proud of how it turned out
vision shot you a quizzical look, but you just shook your head.
scott & clint rly were a…. hosting duo
yep, the most… hosting duo of all time
the hostiest hosters to ever host
omg the funniest thing was that they kept eating the cookie dough from harley peter & miles’ station
they literally had to push them away
peter & miles webbed their hands shut HAHA
everyone else seemed to be doing pretty well though
aside from their usual arguing, bucky & sam seemed to actually be making something good
wanda was perfect as per usual
and pietro was zipping around the kitchen, causing tony’s flour to rise up in his face
steve came over, blowing a whistle and pointed at pietro
you and scott had enlisted him to be the referee
yes, cooking shows don’t normally have referees, but think abt the ppl we’re dealing with here 😀
anyways finally time was up!!!
but you and scott still had a trick up your sleeves.
“and now presenting our special guest judge… GIVE IT UP FOR NICK FURY!!”
yes that’s right, he had said yes to this
after you promised to finish a mission report for him
and bought him some new eyepatches
which was why he was wearing a navy blue one complete with rhinestones
pietro was up first, and he placed four slices of chocolate cake in front of all the judges.
“i gotta say p, this actually looks really good!” you spoke, and he beamed.
natasha didn’t look so sure
“as y/n says, it does look alright on the outside. however, it does seem like there’s some sort of… strange ingredient in the chemical makeup… i am going to analyze for a moment.” said vision
“aw, let’s just eat the damn thing already!” fury spoke, and so you all did.
“mm, it’s good!!” you said, and natasha nodded in agreement.
but did not have the same reaction. 
he had stopped chewing, and his eye had narrowed. he was giving pietro a death stare.
“uhm… fury? what is … jolly wrong with you?” scott asked, his british accent wavering.
“yeah… guv’nr?” said clint.
“who the hell puts hot sauce in a damn chocolate cake. you better start runnin’ maximoff, because i’m comin’ for you!!” fury spoke, getting progressively louder.
“that one was supposed to be for y/n- i mean vision! yeah! oops. um…” pietro spoke, before disappearing from the room in a quick streak.
after that, fury left. 
and that's why now cooking/baking competitions are banned on the premises of SHIELD!!
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elkkiel · 1 month
friends and esteemed lurkers, welcome to my art reqs info post! This is primarily for my cat nap collection (kitty token), but I'm down for other ideas as well :)
Details below:
You can send these in as asks so I can send 'em back to you easier!
You can send it in as anon, you just won't get the notification when I answer your ask (feel free to dm/send another ask with your url if you'd like a notif from me!)
literally any cursed or cryptid cats.
Request examples (loose list—I'm down for anything but these are the kinds of things I'd like to try):
Twitch/bttv emotes (catJAM, catKISS, etc.)
any older Internet memes/badges/stickers/userboxes/etc. I was a deviantart kid lol send em over for nostalgia's sake
Short scenarios or actions (think smacking the screen with a paw or giving another kitty a smoochie)
What I won't do:
anything long/overly complicated (moreso for the sake of time)
explicit/excessive gore (blood/bones/bits of viscera are fine, I'd just rather not rip a kitten's head off)
mecha or any kind of complex machinery
just pls have mercy on me ;~;
If it's your request:
Feel free to use however you'd like! I'd humbly request a tag/credit if anything is reposted but that's not an obligation (it's gifted art baby, have fun! 🩷)
If it's not your request:
Do not repost, just reblog. If you'd like to use it (ex. profile pic) pls just ask first! :)
tysm if you send anything over, ily forever! I've never tried anything like this before since this is the first time I've had actual fanart engagement, so we will see how this goes lol.
DISCLAIMER: I AM REALLY FUCKING SLOW!!!! I promise your req will be completed, I just can't guarantee turnaround times (2 jobs + wacky adhd brain make for little focus time lol)
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epicnightm · 8 months
About me...
Well,this is like a guide for all of you, lets start!!!
So,Hi!!! i´m epicnightm, but call me Epic, i´m an UTMV and YW fanatic who likes to draw their characters and sometimes make songs for them
I´m a minor, watch your words
Guys, i´m from Spain, do not expect me to speak english perfectly pls
Do not ask me anything when my requests are closed,when they are open, it will say [REQUESTS OPEN], remember that i am a minor
My brother: @recoepic (he speaks spanish mostly) (EDIT: he now will speak english)
My OCs
Your OCs (pls send a picture of them)
Other Characters
literally everything that isn´t in the "i won´t draw" section
-Commisions (by the moment)
Ships, because it depends of the ship
Characters from other fandoms, because it depends of the character
there are some characters that i don´t like, if i don´t like the character, i won´t draw it
Remember that those are requests, i can make an sketch, full body colored, or even not draw it, just remember that those aren´t commisions and that i just draw them for fun
I´ve got a few OCs, at the moment they are just Fireflame, Peace, Bruhtastic, Bastard, Deep Purple, Hope, Sigizhe, Aalto, Saudara, Sensēshonaru, Hell, Wave, Andromeda, Snow-Sun-Flower-Leaf, Katie, Ski, Sakura, Efraín, Inferno, Edge, Weird, Static, Saffire, Broken, Sufriment, Relentless, Booyah, Lava, (and more characters that i just have a basic idea), I haven´t published anything about them at the moment, when I do, I´ll update this
If you want to use my characters for your comics, animations, etc, you can use them if you give the proper credit and link back to my tumblr account, also pls tag me so i can see your work!!
Feel free to ask me anything about them or even ask them!! just check if my requests are open or not pls
Well, NightVerse is an animated series of mine based on utmv, the fact is at this moment i´m still learning how to animate, but it´s difficult.
If you have seen me before, you should know i asked some people to use their characters (spoilers haha)(i won´t say them,good luck finding them!).
I really can´t tell you very much about it because those are spoilers bruh, but i can say it is something a bit weird, i´ll make a whole post talking about that
(P.S. If you want your character to appear in that series maybe he/she can appear in the background of some scenes, but that character will not be relevant to the story, if you want that character to appear that way, tell me via asks!!)
Well, that´s all you should know for now, see ya bruh!!
Last update: 28 may 2024
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solariumrph · 2 years
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aka baby’s first gdoc template!
i had no idea what i was doing when i sat down to start this, and i have learned many things. mostly that drawings in gdocs are dumb as heck. why must they lag my entire computer every time i jump in and out. why. anyway i LOVED what came out of my testy phase so at least for now, here she be!! hello gdocs rpc tumblr i’m so excited to share with u my baby gorl
she’s set up with a rules page, a character overview page with links to slightly more in-depth bios, a verses or connections page, and a spot for backstory or a blurb. best for multis or maybe for more than one version of the same muse housed on the same blog, that sort of thing, but you could likely turn it into something single muse if you wanted to change each character into a different section instead.
she is free to use and edit however you want. i left some notes in it so you can hopefully figure it out and edit it without a whole lot of experience but feel free to ask me any questions u might have and i can hopefully help. credit on title page must remain intact. do not use it for commercial reasons (aka don’t sell what i made pls, it is Free). also don’t use it as a base for your own docs. it’s sdjkf not even good enough for that, truly you will be better off starting from scratch. you can keep the space invaders assets/aesthetics or redo it with your own images if you want.
HOW TO GET HER — the link is here, go file > make a copy and make as many versions as you would like! if you use her please give her a little like/reblog. we will appreciate the love. ty and have a wonderful timezone ✨🎮
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malum-forev · 1 year
1K Followers Bingo Game!! 🎉🎉🎉
First of all, I want to thank every single one of you guys for your support and follows! I cannot believe thisss. I am so happy you've enjoyed my writing and you've all helped me reach 1,000 followers.
❤️‍🔥🥰 Enjoy one of my favorite Bucky gifs as a token of my appreciation. <3
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Soooo I saw @espinosaurusrexex create this bingo game for their 1k celebration and I thought it was an amazing idea! All credits go to @espinosaurusrexex (ps their blog is AMAZINGGGG, so pls check it out!)
Here's Everything you need to know for the game! I hope you guys like it and participate! (most of the writing going forward comes from @espinosaurusrexex's blog to give credit)
As a celebration for this milestone, I would like to host a Writing Bingo Game (inspired by @blooming-violets).
The rules are simple:
Chose a prompt from the card and tell me other details you'd like me to include. (Also, if you would like me to integrate one of the prompts to my past stories pls comment that too <3)
Send them to me through an ask
I will write requests in order of submission and then cross the prompts off. And you can be damn sure I'll pure my heart and soul into that shit. [click here to see what has been submitted already]
BINGO! The game is finished when a row, column or diagonal is completed.
I also don't gatekeep, so please feel free to use this card for your own writing challenges, but make sure to tag me, so I can see what beautiful things you create with it 💗
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Green means completed and Yellow means working on it!
You can find the complete master list here!
Last update: June 26th.
If you'd like to participate, be sure to comment a prompt in my asks!
Bucky x Reader pairing Inspo: College!Bucky, Fratboy!Bucky, Mafia!Bucky, Agent!Reader, Husband!Bucky, ExHusband!Bucky, Dad!Bucky, BrothersBestFriend!Bucky, Rogers!Reader, Stark!Reader, Famous!Reader.
Again, thank you for your support and thank you Meg for this amazing Bingo game!
I've tagged people who've asked to be on my tagged list! I hope that's okay!
@kpopgirlbtssvt @shara-ne @namelesssaviour @scxrletrecsmarvel @baby-banana @stucky-my-shiptoothhurtyam @bluemoon-icecream @seybox @supraveng @jasmine19346 @what-a-beautiful-mess-i-made @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @confuscita @eviesaurusrex @girlfriday007 @starryeyeseunbyul @thevampire97 @sadisticfries @440mxs-wife @rslizj @enchantedbarnes @whitewolfsdoll @mrsbarnesx @arcanebabe @143amberrose @silentkiller2374 @samantha1sodone @just-that-dumb-bitch @verygraphicink @rouge-raven13 @behindmygreyeyes @ximi1315 @runi1 @lia-winther @aneluvs
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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bangtaninink · 2 years
hello! first of all i'm sooooo happy you're back! literally screamed when i saw your notifications omg i've missed you so much 🫶
and for drabble request: “my mother adores you.” with fwb!jungkook pls? <33
drabble 001 member jeon jeongguk (jungkook) au friends with benefits
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in the middle of the meeting, you look down at your phone, rolling your eyes and holding back a smile, barely paying attention to what your father says. beside him, your mother sits smiling calmly, constantly fixing her hair in what you recognise as an act of boredom; you can't blame her, considering you feel the same way.
"excuse me," you say quietly, tucking your chair back under the table and slipping out of the back door, almost certain that your father will have something to say about it when the meeting is over.
you look down at your phone, chuckling quietly to yourself, before lifting it to your ear.
"yo," jeongguk answers.
"what now?" you say, leaning against the wall. "this better be good; i'm about to get roasted by my dad for leaving a meeting."
"so... is that a yes to you being free right now then?"
"what do you need?"
"can i come up?"
"tsk. if you must."
"oh, i must, alright. i must hard."
"oh god," you groan. "right now? with my parents in the same building? you've got balls, jeon."
"what? no! no, i wasn't talking about sex," jeongguk says, gasping. "although, if you're down... hey, i'm not gonna complain."
"hmm. maybe i don't want you to come up after all."
"no, come on, i swear i'll be quick!"
"wow, give yourself a bit more credit than that, babe."
"don't – you'll make my dick hard."
"are you fucking serious right now?"
"i'm dead serious right now," jeongguk says, straightfaced. "seriously. blue or black?"
your eyes dart back and forth between a pair of black slacks and a pair of navy blue slacks jeongguk holds in each hand, before looking up at him, speechless.
"you pulled me out of a meeting to help you pick out pants?" you ask, scoffing. "my dad's gonna kill us both."
"hey, i've seen your dad on tv. he dresses nice. if anyone will appreciate this dilemma i've got going on, it'll be him," jeongguk replies, lips pursed as he looks down at the pair of black slacks, before his gaze drifts over to the navy pair.
"tch. yeah right. a stylist dresses my parents before they appear at a press conference, or on tv, or anywhere where there's cameras."
"wait, for real? damn, who's your stylist then? maybe they can help me choose which pants to wear."
you shut your eyes and sigh, arms crossed over your chest as you sit down in your chair behind your desk.
"what do you need to wear these pants for anyway?" you ask. "i've never seen you in anything but ripped jeans, sweatpants, or nothing at all. i didn't even think you owned slacks."
"oh, i didn't. i just bought these today," jeongguk says, sitting in the armchair directly across from you, pants draped over his leg. "as for why i need these pants... that's a secret."
you arch an eyebrow. "a secret?"
"all you need to know is that i'll be wearing them at a pretty fancy restaurant, that i most definitely probably can't afford, but am going to anyway."
"oh my god." you lean forward, eager, grin growing on your lips. "you finally asked hana out, didn't you?"
"i'd rather die, babe."
"where're you taking her? somewhere in gangnam, i bet."
"i don't wanna be within three feet of her – ever."
you throw your head back and laugh, falling back into your seat.
"alright, alright, fine, don't tell me. regardless of where you're wearing the pants, i think it's best you try them on and see which ones suit you more," you say, shrugging.
"oh. good idea," jeongguk says, suddenly rising to his feet, fingers already undoing his belt buckle.
"wait, here?"
"you've seen me in worse conditions, sweet cheeks."
"i— yeah, okay, good point. go ahead."
"also, after this thing that i'm going to at the very fancy restaurant i can't afford, you wanna come over after? i don't anticipate a very successful outcome, so i'll need to let off some steam somehow."
"you have such a way with words, jeongguk," you say, laughing.
"yeah, yeah. i'm a real poet," jeongguk says, unzipping his jeans and pushing them down his legs. "how 'bout it? wanna fu—"
"_____? we need to t—"
with his pants halfway down his thighs, jeongguk freezes at the sound of your office door swinging open, your parents storming in and abruptly stopping at the sight of him, almost pants-less.
"oh my!" your mother cries, hand on her chest.
"what the hell is this?!" your father cries, lurching forward.
"wait, wait, wait! dad, wait!" you say, quickly standing and rounding your desk to stand between your parents and jeongguk, who frantically fumbles, trying to pull his jeans back up.
"why is a boy taking his pants off in front of you in your office?!"
"i told him to."
"you did what?!"
"wait, dad! that's not what i meant!" you cry, holding your hands out in front of you. "not like that! this is... well, i guess there's no time like the present. this is my... uh, friend, jeongguk. uh, jeongguk? these are my parents?"
"it's very nice— oh shit." jeongguk fixes his hold on his jeans, not properly done up yet, gathering the button and zipper and his belt in one hand to hold out the other towards your father. "it's very nice to meet you, sir. ma'am."
realising your father won't budge, your mother reaches out to gently shake jeongguk's hand with polite laughter.
"well, this is certainly one way to meet someone new," she says.
tripping over his foot, jeongguk stumbles slightly, almost losing his hold on his pants.
"uh, maybe you guys should go to dad's office?" you suggest. "maybe let jeongguk get dressed?"
"yes, of course," your mother says. "let's give him some space. come on, dear."
"we'll talk about this later," your father says, stern, not taking his eyes off jeongguk, even as your mother tugs on his arm to pull him out of the room.
"well," jeongguk says quietly over your shoulder, fixing his pants properly and doing up his belt. "that was... surprising."
"oh yeah. that's definitely how i wanted you to meet my parents. my dad loves you. my mother adores you. they'll be asking you to marry me next week, i just know it."
"hey, it could've been worse. i could've been completely naked."
you sigh, following your parents, arm outstretched to shut your office door. "you couldn't wait a couple hours to ask me about your stupid pants dilemma?"
"oh, um, wait! _____'s mom and dad!" jeongguk says, raising his hand just before your parents can leave your office entirely. "can i ask you both something?"
you whip your head around so fast, you're surprised you don't pull something in your neck.
"for the love of god, jeon jeongguk, don't," you say quietly, eyes wide.
jeongguk ignores you.
"do you think black slacks or navy blue slacks would look better on me?"
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crizztelcb · 2 years
I learned the prodigious are stronger than the miraculous and I can't disagree more about it!
Don't take this as Shanghai salt because it isn't! I love the Shanghai special and the renrens/prodigious etc!
Is just me ranting over something thats is basically useless for ml story telling XD
The renrens/prodigious are the same as kwamis/miraculous but somehow they get called stronger? Stronger then even destruction and creation?
First of all are renrens more powerful than kwamis? I still don't comprehend they existence, by the way they don't seem any different than any other kwami and they work basically the same unless the said dragon power is more powerful and ehhhh that's not a good excuse, they literally have creation and destruction and they are the base for all powers in the world! Is it because the prodigious gives you more powers? Which ok but all the others are not given any shown on being really more powerful than any normal miraculous, literally the only powerful is the dragon and yet the only difference between the dragon miraculous and the prodigious is the shape-shifting and that for what we know the powers are not so limited but you still need to work through to be able to use that power.
And then theres the creation of the miraculous how makes no sense at all, is that blue lion (I'm awful with names sorry) a renren too? If yes than he looks and acts much more powerful than the protected renrens themselves, I'm not dismissing the renrens i like them i think their designs are the cutest especially the snake and the prayingmantris and I do LOVE shape-shifting (although I would also love half transformed visuals but ok) but they being put in a high rank and nothing is shown to prove it makes me very annoyed especially that in my head there's nothing stronger than creation and destruction they are as I said before the core of everything!
I made a full rant on this sorry! 😅 but if something is suppose to be powerful show me it better, chat noir using his power just on a piece of metal was enough for me to go "oh shit he can kill something with his hands if he wants to!" But the renrens are normal by the way they show them and I would be fine if it was more of a "they are a different creature how looks alike to kwamis but works a bit different like the kwamis they are also powerful so guardians keep it safe" like there's no need to say they are super powerful and put a guardian taking care of them to show something because it was the same with the miraculous! There's no difference, that's it, no difference is made between them to give me powerful feelings over them.
They are cool, they are interesting and they are charming! they just don't have a good difference from what we already got but they get credit for something that was never shown true.
I do wish that if lady dragon does get an spinoff they show more and they give me more background information, I love their idea but I can't take them as more powerful than kwamis.
Also idk why I care about the comics I literally just should scrap the comic out. Also pls don't Sal on this, but you are free to refute anything I said and I would in fact appreciate it.
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cryptonyx · 1 year
𓅪 A Crow’s Boundaries! 𓅪
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Y’all cool as fuck, but heed the rules, please. <33 - Crypto
𓅪 Ask Rules & General Boundaries! 𓅪
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- do not my print out my art without asking. ok for personal use (with permission), definitely NOT for public or profit. do not do this. I will sue you.
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𓅪 Rules About Writing & Fics! 𓅪
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Ask me questions about my fics! I absolutely adore sharing lore or info someone might’ve missed on their read through. Additionally, I LOVE hearing theories about things!! I most likely won’t confirm or deny things to keep an air of surprise and suspense about things, but. I may lead you astray with red herrings. Just a fair warning. ;)
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Take works out of context. What do I mean by this? Tags are there for a reason. If it wasn’t tagged, it either didn’t happen, or you can ask me (in my asks) if it’s a theme. If I don’t answer it-or if I do-the answer is no, it wasn’t, or I’m gonna clown on you for bein’ a weirdo. Publicly. Exceptions are if it was an innocent question, because then you’re cool and thank you for askin! You’ll know if it’s a weird question to ask because it will be one of the things I’ve already said for you to fuck off my page for.
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If you check my pinned post and it says that a fic or series is discontinued, it’s discontinued. End of story.
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berryunho · 2 years
woah wtf how do credits work at your uni cause i only need 20 to graduate. the discrepancy between majors is REAL lmao my friend is in history and partying every weekend and im here crying over amino acids. pls.
that's so fun omg!! do you know any korean rn? i was thinking abt a neuro minor myself but i feel like having a minor in stats is more useful for our program :///
YES IT WORKED HAHAHA omg i am SO happy like ATEEZ IM COMING 😭😭 i would like to thank u for the idea and my sister for having her wedding on that date 😭
i can't imagine it being that hot late sept. do your buildings at least have AC? and was it a nice day today?? cause i swear i was freezing when i woke up and now it's 23/73... that sound so aesthetic!!! mb i'd acc get work done if i went there.......
i think we're doing all 3 but today was IR day and i swear the info just goes in one ear and out the other. like there's polling questions as my prof goes thru the lecture but the info hasn't sunken in yet to fully answer them and i'm like am i dumb or am i dumb???
you, me and 🍓 anon best pen pals indeed!! i can't believe we're all travelling that far the dedication is real 😭 i hope you have fun on your mini vacation <3
its hump day!! 2 more days to go we can do this :D
UM ... wow i even googled it before posting that and google said canadian universities work the same as american ones w credits LKJFD:SLJFS but apparently not 😭
but so ummm so basically each class is assigned a credit number based on how many hours a week you're expected to devote to the class (outside of lecture) TIMES TWO so like my chem lecture is 4 credits so that means i should expect to spend 8 hours a week studying chem on my own ... if that makes sense 😭 its basically correlated to the workload of the course and anyhow you need 120 total credits to graduate,,, with a designated number of those credits being within your major FGDKSLJF:LDJS so everyone needs at least 120 to graduate but the amount of classes you have to take WITHIN your major definitely depends on your major ... like i said i have 74 credits in my major which is essentially like... 20ish classes that I MUST TAKE to graduate w my major but im free to use the other 46 credits however i want 😎 so if you do the math 120 credits/8 semesters = 15 credits a semester which is considered a "normal" workload (im taking 18 LKFJS:LDJF)
but anyways sorry that was long winded af LKFJ:LSJDK lol hopefully that makes sense?? how does your system work though im curious now !!?
LKJFS:DJFK:LSDJK as for me knowing korean ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i never speak on this bc im terrified of embarrassing myself but this is how i broke it down to my prof LOL i can understand about 50% of what i hear and 75% of what i read w vocab being my only issue and ... i can get my point across in writing or speaking but im definitely not conversational LOL ANYWAYSHLKFSDLFJ if i go to korea ill (probably) be able to test out of the rest of the korean classes at my uni and get credit for them thus giving me enough credits for the minor without actually having to use any of my limited credits/time toward completing it KFKLDSJLKFJ
but 😭😭😭 yeah you're right stats is really reaaaallly useful in our area 😭 im being forced to take a bio statistics research class rn and like. wtf. BUT TBH you gotta do what you want to do. like not to be cheesy but really you gotta do things for yourself so if you want to do neuro you should do neuro !!!
BUT OMG YAAAAYYYY!!!!! im so glad it worked out omg that makes me sooooo happy KJFLSD:JFJKKL its gonna be so fun AAAAAAA
honestly the AC on my campus is so dodgy bc like... there are buildings from the mid 1800s that havent been touched once and there are buildings from last year and buildings all in between 😭😭 id say most of the buildings that i frequent definitely do thankfully !! but omg yes it was so nice today i woke up and it was 60/15 and i was in such a good mood all day LOL
no fr in chem whenever my prof asks the class something i just sit there in silence. like i never know whats going on in lecture until i read the textbook or attempt problems and essentially teach myself everything 😭 i wouldnt stress about it too much chem is hard !!
hehehe honestly the motivation of dedicated atinys like name something stronger KJSLDKFJSDL hehehe
wow this response got so long LKJFALKDFJ:AD anyways. you're so right! 2 more days! lets go!!!
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ottomatton · 3 years
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what if the yellow sclera on trolls is actually their iris and the black dot on the sprite eyes is their pupil and the yellow part is what turns to their blood color when they get older
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softbinu · 5 years
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ASTRO Blue Flame The Story Version - Lock / Home screen edits
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therandomficwriter · 3 years
Twilight Wolfpack with a short S/O
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to come out with something! But I had requested this kinda prompt for a different imagine account but idk if they’re gonna do it,,, so I decided why not and give it a try myself! Like I am super short (like 5’0) and always wonder what it’d be like to be with the Wolfpack. Anyways, I hope you guys like it!
A/N 2: None of the gifs are mine so credit to the original owners! Also I didn’t edit it so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes! Feel free to check this link out also⇒ ( ◠‿◠ )
Sam Uley
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First of all I don’t think he would tease you as much as some of the guys would
He would be extra protective since you’re smaller as it’s easier for you to get hurt
And if you are clumsy like me I don’t think that would help to ease his concern lmao
N e ways, I feel like he would have a cute nickname for you, something along the lines of shortcake or something cute like that
If you ever lecture the pack if they’ve done something wrong (or stupid) he has to hold in a laugh cause its funny to see a bunch of huge guys scared of little bitty you
Omg imagine him pulling you into a hug and your face is just buried in his warm chest and he just lets out a deep chuckle cause you’re just so tiny compared to him
Pls sir spare me for I am about to cry thinking about it
But overall he loves you no matter what size you are. Y’all are still the mom and dad of the pack and everyone respects you cause even small you still hold your ground
Jared Cameron
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He literally has so many nicknames for you and a lot of them are different ways of saying you’re short but his favorite to call you is munchkin lmao
Likes doing that thing where if you’re next to him he’ll use your head as an armrest
Also likes to randomly come behind you and lift you up to scare you
Will sometimes jokingly place you on the counter to talk to you so he won’t have to look down or as he says “so you won’t hurt yourself look up at me shorty”
He may tease you a lot about your height but if anyone were to make fun of you or tease you about it,,, oooh boy he is on them like nothing
Only he is allowed to tease his little munchkin
Y’all just have a very fun and loving relationship and you guys are literally thick as thieves and nothing could change that
Paul Lahote
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He won’t tease you as much as Jared does with his s/o because he is soft for you
He probably also has a cute nickname for you probably also something to do with being small
Probably calls you princess most of the time tho
Whenever you’re trying to get something that is high up where you can’t reach he’ll come behind you and put one hand on your waist and grab whatever it is you needed
He’ll probably ask for an kiss in return for being, and I quote, “your knight in shining armor” and he’ll bend down a bit while you tippy toe to reach and give him a small peck
It really boosts his ego every time lmao
Like Jared he is the only one allowed to tease you cause knowing him he’ll probably try to kill the person making fun of you
We all know he is the type to pull you into his lap whenever he’s sitting cause he loves holding on to you since you’re so tiny
Overall he is also very protective of you and loves having you with him and he wouldn’t want anyone else
I need a Paul in my life
Embry Call
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You get teased by him quite a lot too but not to the extent of the other 2 teases
I feel like he calls you lovebug as a joke but it stuck after a while lmao
He probably makes you help him prank the others by hiding you somewhere (since you fit almost anywhere) and then you jump out and scared them
Which in hindsight was a bad idea cause y’all got a lecture from Sam after it happened a couple times and it was not fun
Besides that he also likes to give you piggyback rides whenever your legs get tired or you’re having trouble keeping up with them (or just for fun)
He is very attentive tho and he will help you out without you having to ask cause he loves you and is constantly watching you
But not in like a creepy way sorta like a ‘I want to make sure you don’t hurt yourself’ kinda way
Y’all’s relationship is also very fun and you guys are very relaxed with each other cause you trust each other with your lives
You guys are like 2 peas in a pod and you wouldn’t have it any other way
Jacob Black
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Honestly at this point I should just say all of them have a cute nickname for you
I feel like he calls you either beautiful most of the time or smalls when he’s feeling playful or just to tease you
You already KNOW every time he hugs you he lifts you up and spins you around then when he puts you down he holds on for a little longer cause he doesn’t want to let you go just yet
Pls lord I am in need of a hug from Jacob
When he’s on the couch I feel like he’ll be sitting there and you just come up to him and crawl into his lap and you’ll just have a koala hold on him and he just simply holds you (and you probably pass out from how warm and comfy he is)
Omg when y’all sleep together (not like that ya nasties) he will have you lie down on top of his chest and he’ll have his arms wrapped around you
He’s another one that will pick you up and carry you if you get tired or if you can’t keep up
He’s also another one who is super protective of you and will constantly have you near him
Also he’s the type to walk you all the way to your front door when it’s time for you to go home and he won’t leave till he knows you’re in your room
Overall you guys have a very loving relationship and I just know when he loves someone he loves with his whole being and the same goes for you and it shows throughout your whole relationship
Quil Ateara
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I feel like he calls you something cute and small related like cutie pie or button
When he’s more on the teasing side he’ll call you pip squeak
He loves to rest his head on top of yours whenever he hugs you
Sometimes when he’s bored he’ll go and flop on top of you but he’ll try and hold himself up a bit and won’t put to much pressure on you cause he’s scared of hurting you
He likes to move your stuff where you can’t reach it so you’ll ask for his help and he thinks you look so cute trying to reach it
But if he knows he won’t be there to help you he will try and put whatever you might need within your reach
He likes it whenever you go and sit in his lap when he’s playing video games with the guys whether you’re on your phone, taking a nap on him, or just watching him play he’ll encase you in his arms and he likes the company plus the feeling of you being there (he love how tiny you feel against him)
He also likes to hold your hand cause he likes how small it feels and he likes how it fits in his hand
He is so very sweet and your relationship is another very funny and goofy one but it’s is still very strong none the less
Seth Clearwater
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A/N: I know this gif isn’t from the movie so sue me
He is the sweets boy ever omg
He would find you so adorable and would constantly gush over you
He would probably call you something like kitten cause you’re “small and cute like one”
He absolutely loves hugging you especially back hugs (he just loves to feel you in his arms)
That’s why he loves to cuddle with you and he likes to be the big spoon cause you fit nicely encase in him
He also likes it when he has his head on your chest and your fingers are running trough his hair and you legs are wrapped around his waist (cause that as far as your legs can reach from this position) he finds it kinda funny that you can’t completely wrap around him
When you’re talking to him he tries to kinda lean against something or sit down cause he thinks it’s rude for him to look down on you while you talk but also so you don’t strain your neck trying to talk to him
He’s another one that likes to give you a piggyback ride so your legs don’t get tired or he’ll just try to slow down his walking to accommodate to you
I could go on forever because he’s just so in love with you and absolutely adores your small stature
Your relationship is just so loving and he is so very caring and has such a big heart and I know you return that love just as much if not more
I needs me a Seth Clearwater plssss
Leah Clearwater
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A/N: It’s so hard to find a gif of her smiling in the movie she deserves all the happiness in the world
First of all of course I included her cause how could I not,,, she deserves the absolute world!
Pls wreck me queen
N e ways I feel like her nickname for you is not as embarrassing or outlandish as the guys names it’s probably something like angel or baby
If she’s feeling playful she calls you tiny
Fun fact when y’all cuddle she likes being the small spoon! She likes the feeling of you holding her even though she is a lot bigger than you
She’s also one of the ones that like to help you if you can’t reach something it makes her feel needed and she’s just glad she can be there for you cause she knows you’ll be there for her
When hugging you she likes to lift you up and bonus points if you wrap your legs around her waist (it makes her instantly melt)
Off topic but y’all like to make snarky comments about the guys or at them and it just makes y’all laugh and if you make a sarcastic comment to Sam when he tries to lecture you guys about something she gets mega heart eyes for you and is super proud to call you her s/o
Getting back on track but she of also very protective of you like the rest of the guys but she knows you can handle yourself well but she can’t help but worry because of your small size
Besides that y’all’s relationship is really one of a kind you guys have built up a lot of trust with each other over time and y’all’s bond is as strong as ever and I just know she loves you fiercely
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