#{ messy. sorry for the delay tonight. i do wanna get - }
reapcrbunny · 1 year
trying to brain replies is. very difficult right now.
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junjiie · 10 months
장 13 ⠀ . . . . ⠀ gay loser
⠀⠀ ᶻᶻᶻ ⠀ ( ⠀ written! ⠀ wc 1.8k ★ ⠀ )
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to say ricky was nervous was the understatement of the year. the century, maybe, if he wanted to over exaggerate. he was currently standing and staring at your front door in silence, phone still clutched in one hand while he raised the other to knock—before remembering you told him you’d unlock it, and letting it drop back to his side uselessly.
he was still wondering how to go about it—confessing, that was. perhaps he should’ve done some reading up on the subject beforehand, or at least watched some fast-burn, too-messy-for-their-own-good college kdramas with more clichés than he could count on one hand, because, to put it plainly, quanrui was clueless.
should he just.. drop it into conversation with no prior warning? get it over with? he tried to imagine how that would play out in his head, hoping you wouldn’t choose that moment to take a look out of the window and see him still standing there, just staring aimlessly at your door. how’ve you been? have you eaten yet? your hair looks nice tonight. oh—and, by the way, i think i’m in love with you. do you wanna watch a movie?
ricky shuddered in horror at his own hypothetical scenario. better not. he took a deep breath, and then a few more for good measure, and decided to take it one step at a time. first, he had to actually go inside.
so go inside he did, opening the door and slowly toeing his shoes off at the entrance, tucking his phone back into his pocket and calling out for you.
“n/n? uh—i’m here.”
you didn’t take long to appear, shooting him with a smile that he was half-sure made his heart skip more than a few beats in his chest. “ricky! come in, idiot, why’re you just standing there?”
“r-right. sorry.”
the stutter in his words made him want to take a quick detour to your tiny balcony and take a running jump off of it. he found himself almost wishing he never realised how he felt for you, because why the fuck was he stuttering? he’d known you for most of his life, seen you at your worst and vice versa, and now all because of a few weird feelings he was reduced to a stuttering mess. if gyuvin was here, he would most definitely be keeled over laughing at him, holding his sides and probably calling him a gay loser through his cackles. or something along those lines, at least. he thanked the lord gyuvin was nowhere to be seen.
he followed you through to your living room and tried to force himself to relax on the way there, repeating sentences that started off as sort of encouraging, meant to cheer himself on (he’s been your best friend since forever, even if he doesn’t feel the same he’ll laugh it off and it’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, nothing will change) but slowly morphed into someone—that sounded suspiciously like zhang hao—telling him to hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. and change your profile picture, before i lose it and try to kill you in a moon taeil induced rage. 
“so.” you began, flopping down onto your sofa and pulling a cushion into your lap, resting your elbows on it to prop your head on your hands. “why did you wanna come over?”
ricky felt a teasing comment rise up and let it flow, raising his head to smirk at you as he relaxed into the soft material behind him. teasing was easy, came to him naturally when it was with you. it helped with the nerves, if only a little.
“what, do you not want me here? your best friend? gosh, n/n, i’m hurt.”
you rolled your eyes and reached for another cushion, this time to throw at him. “yah! you know that’s not what i meant. just tell me.”
he relented and fiddled with the cushion’s tassels just for something to do, praying his voice wouldn’t do something like shake (or worse, break) and give him away before he met your eyes. “i have something to tell you.”
brightening, you leaned forward a little, smile spreading over your lips again. “really? me too! you first, though. floor’s yours.”
hooray. he couldn’t delay it any longer, then. this was it. he kind of wished this was one of those too-messy-for-their-own-good college kdramas, and that he was being played by actor far less nervous than he currently was, because then he could just say something like ‘i’ve wanted you since the first day we met,’ and you’d look up at him like he was some sort of fairytale prince, and you’d kiss with firework sound effects playing in the background and sparkles erupting everywhere, and then it would timeskip to the next morning where you’d be cuddling in bed.
but it wasn’t, so he had to grow a pair and just do it.
a beat passed. then two. you were still staring at him, eyes wide with your curiosity. fuck it.
“yn. i really—like, really really—like you. have for a while, i think. but i only realised it a little bit ago. so. um.”
so. um. never let it be said shen ricky didn’t have a way with words. he was bracing himself for your inevitable rejection, eyes flitting from the framed pictures on your walls and the blank screen of your tv while he awaited your response. jumped in his place when he felt both of your hands taking one of his in its hold. when he looked back at you, your smile was wider than before, full-on grinning at him with shining eyes. 
“that’s good, then.” was what you started with, leaning closer with every word that left your lips. “because i really—like, really really—like you too.”
his heart stopped dead in his chest for a moment. another beat passed. a fourth. witnesses would’ve said his voice took on an embarrassingly high pitch when he replied (more a squeak than anything) if there were any, but it was just you and him in your living room with little space between you. yn and ricky. how it’d been since, like, forever.
“oh. that’s—that’s cool. that we like each other.”
the sound of your laugh ringing out beside him, so close he could almost feel your breath on his skin, brought heat to his cheeks. you were a lot closer than he’d anticipated when he next chanced a look at you, and the grin was starting to look more like a smirk. which, really, could mean nothing good.
“mm, it is. can i.. try something?”
ricky nodded. he’d probably let you do just about anything to him right now, but he didn’t exactly want to tell you that out loud. the embarrassment might kill him, and dying two minutes after finding out that you liked him back would probably be the worst thing that could ever happen to him. his mind was still wondering what the ‘thing’ you wanted to try could possibly be when suddenly he was being gently tugged closer, closer, closer, and then you were kissing him. hands in his hair, eyes closed, most likely expecting him to do something like kiss back, instead of sitting in complete and utter shock like a fucking loser.
gay loser, gyuvin taunted him from the back of his mind. he gave mind-gyuvin the middle finger and tried his hardest to reciprocate, praying that you didn’t pull back, make a face, declare he was the worst kisser you’d even seen, and then kick him out of your house.
quanrui felt dizzy when you finally parted, lips slick with spit and vision swimming a little bit. you smiled lazily back at him, hands slung around his neck and looking very much like the cat that got the cream. he wanted to pull you back in again, but was stopped by the next words that left your mouth.
“wait. before we do anything else. do you want, like, labels? i’m fine with just keeping it casual if you are.” your own nerves seemed to creep out a little, biting at your lower lip and idle hands playing with the back of his shirt while you waited for him to respond.
“i wanna be your boyfriend.” it was out of his mouth before he could stop it, the floodgates opening as he said the things that his friends would probably all point and laugh at him for when he would be forced to retell the story later. “like, so fucking bad, oh my god.”
your eyes lit up again. you were so pretty, he wanted to die.
“huh. that’s funny, ‘cause i wanna be your boyfriend too. we’re really in sync tonight.”
his brain just about rewired, and he felt almost overwhelmed by the colossal amount of emotions that hit him like a truck. his hands moved to your hips and he squeezed, not hard enough to hurt but just enough so he could feel your skin under his hands, reminding him that this was not in fact a dream, that you were in fact in front of him and grinning and sparkling and you were his boyfriend. boyfriend! ricky felt like a bottle of coke after someone had dropped a mento into it, fizzing up and ready to explode. you only laughed at his dumbstruck face, cupping his too-hot cheeks and pressing a loud kiss to his forehead. he was sputtering again, hands flailing and mind a mess.
“how do we—what are—should we tell the others?”
you pulled back to think, pulling his legs over your lap to drum your fingertips over them as you thought about it. a slightly evil smile came over your face when you finally came to an answer, and you beckoned him closer so you could whisper in his ear despite it only being the two of you in the room.
“yeah. lets go all out too, yeah? jungwonnie said we were going to be obnoxious together, so we might as well prove him right. you know—matching profile pictures, contacts, wallpapers, playing up the pda just to piss them off.”
it sounded perfect, and he said so without much restraint. he got another kiss as a reward, and he thought for a moment that it would be nice if he could stay like this forever. unfortunately for him your expression then turned into something more calculated, and you reached for your phone to pull up your notes app.
“alright, boyfriend, let’s get to work! operation make-them-regret-this has officially begun.”
dumb smile lighting up his face at the title, quanrui complied with no complaints. there was practically no space between you as you pressed together on the sofa, heads bent over your phone as you came up with more and more ways to be the most insufferable couple on earth, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
maybe he could change his taeil profile picture now, seeing as it looked like you preferred him over the idol anyway.
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jj 👻 ˚⊹ .ᐟ ⠀ Ermmmmm. im logging out and blowing up
taglist ˚⊹ .ᐟ ⠀ @mangowonyo @wave2love @rickyvinn @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @i-yeseo @mins-fins @so2uv (Uhhhhh... hi bsfs... no one look at me is this awful)
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💬 — Signing Off . . . ⠀ junjiie!
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quindolyn · 3 years
Can I request a Sub! James Potter? Where he did something bad, and reader had to punish him, with some amazing aftercare afterwards?
Permission || James Potter
Word Count: 3016
A/N: This was also requested by @triciam06 and I hope you all enjoy it! I’m the biggest sucker for sub!James. His punishment isn’t anything too severe because I a) don’t think that James would ever break a rule more severe than the one he breaks in this piece and that’s because he’s the most obedient sub and b) I love him but he couldn’t take a hardcore punishment. 
Warnings: Mommy kink, sub!James, overstim, light punishment, aftercare
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It was funny really, how easily you could get him off on your hand alone. Desperate to be your good boy James was trying his very best not to buck up into your hand as you lazily flicked your wrist up and down his shaft, your thumb occasionally brushing over the blushing tip of his weeping cock.
You dragged your eyes over his perspiring form, his strong hands balled into fists, clenching the soft material of the sheets in between his fingers. He had his back arched against the bed, messy black hair fanning out around his face which was flushed, painting his cheeks a pretty rosy pink. With tears swimming in his eyes, which were there from the tremendous effort he was putting into delaying his orgasm until you said he could cum, your Jamsie was the picture of obedience. 
Continuing your hand’s movements on his throbbing cock, a lopsided smirk caressed your face as you moved the hand not on his member to grope at your breast, it only seemed fair that you got to touch yourself as you watched this.
“M-Mommy,” He stuttered out, blinking up at you owlishly, his glasses were still perched atop his nose, but now resting crooked on his face. 
Your hand abandoned your breast, instead moving to correct his glasses, “On or off baby?” You cooed gently, gazing down at him adoringly, he was being such a good boy for you, not cumming until he was told he could. He always followed instruction so well.
“Off please,” James whimpered, turning his face so that you could more easily access his eyewear. 
“Such good manners,” You praised, folding the legs of the glasses in towards the lenses before you set them down on the nightstand table. In your efforts to discard his glasses you had to lean a bit meaning that James’ painfully hard prick slipped from the palm of your hand, slapping against the hard muscles of his lower abdomen.
You grinned wickedly at the small whimper that left his mouth, watching as he flexed his fingers you knew he was just desperate to get one of his hands on his cock, he was so close to cumming and the both of you knew it. 
“Aww baby,” You crooned, eyes never leaving his member, “It looks so pretty right there, lying on your tummy,” You extended a single finger, running it up the length of his prick, following a particularly pronounced vein, “Thinking that I might just let it sit there, be a shame to mess up something so pretty.”
“Mommy,” James sniffled, “Mommy please, I need your hand, I need to cum pretty please, I’ve been your good boy, I deserve to cum.”
You let out a dry chuckle, expertly recapturing his cock in your hand you resumed your hand’s motions on his length. Your movements were considerably quicker than they had been, as you tugged on his prick you tugged him closer and closer to his orgasm until the tears pooling in his eyes leaked out of the corners. Leaving twin trails down his temples as his pleading eyes stared into yours.
“You think you deserve to cum baby? You think you deserve for Mommy to let you make a mess all over her hand?”
“Uh huh,” He whined, squeezing his eyes closed as he nodded his head vigorously, James pulled the soft cushion of his bottom lip in between his teeth, biting harshly before releasing it in all of its swollen glory.
“I don’t know pretty boy, I think you can wait a bit longer, yeah? Be mommy’s good boy and wait till she tells you you’ve deserved it.” You countered.
Not satisfied with your answer James protested, “But Mommy-” But you quickly shut him up with a quick slap to the inside of his thigh. Not hard enough to actually hurt, just leave a pleasant stinging sensation as you rubbed your hand over the offending skin.
“Be quiet Jamie, you’ll cum when mommy says you can cum and not a fucking moment sooner,” A scowl formed on your face, evidence that you were not pleased with his contesting your ruling. Wanting to punish him for his not listening to you, you pulled even more harshly at his cock, wanting to get him so close to orgasm that he was but a subby puddle, ready to do your bidding. 
“Look at you,” You cooed, your voice now carrying slight mocking as traced a delicate finger along the planes of his toned abs, following the dips and ridges, watching as he shuddered under your touch. “So pretty like this, all splayed out for me, you look so beautiful baby, so beautiful.”
“Thank you Mommy,” James groaned, “Mommy’s pretty too.”
“Good boy,” You smiled, leaning over to smear a gentle kiss along his brow, never once releasing his cock from the confines of your hand. “But if you think flattery’s gonna make Mommy let you cum, you’ve got another thing coming.”
You took a sick delight in watching him writhe and whimper beneath you as you torturously denied him his orgasm until it was too much for him to take. 
His movements had him flailing around the bed as he tried so hard to listen to you, but he could feel the fire burning in his belly and it was becoming harder and harder to ignore, no matter how desperately wanted to.
“Mommy I’m gonna cum,” He screamed, bucking his hips into your hand, “I need to cum Mommy please, pretty please.”
“No,” You snipped, “Mommy’s already let you cum tonight baby, twice, no cumming until she says you can, you know the rules.” And you were right, you’d already allowed him to cum down your throat twice as you took him all the way to his pubic bone.
Your words didn’t seem to completely register with him as he continued to buck into your hand before eventually releasing his load, “Mommy I’m so sorry,” He screamed as he came on your hand, coating it in his sticky release. 
“I’m cumming, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He cried as his orgasm washed over him, completely overwhelming him in pleasure until he could barely even mumble out apologies. 
Watching as he trembled beneath you you continued jacking him off, using his cum as a lubricant, making it easier to move your hand along his shaft. 
“Baby,” You crooned, wiping the tears off of his face with the pads of your fingers.
“S’too much Mommy, too much.” His whines were positively pathetic as he pushed his hips into the mattress, trying to put distance between his cock and your hand.
A frown found its way to your lips, “But you came without permission love, can’t just let that go unpunished, what kinda Mommy would I be if I did?”
“I know,” He whined, shamelessly squirming, trying to get out of your hold, “I’m sorry Mommy, I didn’t mean to, I just couldn’t hold it in anymore.”
You understood that, you had edged him for the past hour or so and you weren’t sure if even you could’ve lasted that long but he didn’t get to cum without permission, he knew that. 
“Don’t wanna hear your excuses Jamie,” You were increasingly aware of how his oversensitive prick twitched in your hand, “I know it was hard baby but you know you’re not allowed to cum without permission don’t you?”
“Yes Mommy, I know.”
“You gotta take your punishment for me then baby,” You explained, moving your hand to tweak one of his nipples before pulling the sensitive bud between your fingers, where you then pinched them.
“P-punishment?” He stuttered out, his wide eyes, drowned in guilt, staring back up at yours. 
“Yes baby, punishment, you broke one of my rules didn’t you?” If only the boy lying in front of you knew just how much power he had over you. He wasn’t even trying, but just watching him get off was enough to flood your panties. 
“I’m sorry Mommy, I didn’t mean to be a bad boy,” He sobbed and the frankly pathetic tone of his voice as he apologized to you for the umpteenth time in the last couple of minutes was almost enough to make you relent, but not quite.
“I know my love, and you weren’t a bad boy, just a naughty boy,” What you did next counteracted the sweetness of your words as you poked your tongue out just enough to kitten lick the sensitive tip of his cock, taking immense delight as more cum leaked out of his prick. The taste of his seed was the usual perfect salty sweet blend it always was but something about that cum being, for lack of a better word, forbidden, made it taste all that much better. 
“J-just naughty? Not bad?” He pleaded with both his eyes and his words, needing the praise he was so used to.
“Just naughty.” You confirmed, releasing his prick for a moment before lightly slapping your open palm against it, reveling in the way his entire body jumped at the sensation. “Now Jamsie, you gonna take your punishment like a good boy, yeah?”
“Yes,” He forced out through gritted teeth.
“Yes who?”
“Yes, Mommy.” 
“That’s better,” You praised, continuing to overstimulate him, relishing the noises he made until whimpers turned into him bawling as fat teardrops raced down his face and down his neck.
“M’so sorry mommy, m’so sorry,” James cried shamelessly trying his best not to move.
“You were so eager to cum baby, just giving you what you wanted,” You condescended running your fingers through his locks once again to get a solid grip on them before yanking pulling a strangled moan from his lips. “Is this not what you wanted baby? Thought this was what you wanted when you came without my permission? Just giving you what you clearly want, now are you gonna be good? You said you would.”
In response you recieved a gasp as he released onto your hand again, somehow even more than last time. Feeling both selfish and wicked you bent forward, trading your earlier kitten licks for engulfing the entirety of the head of his cock, slurping on it as one would a lollipop. 
The moan that ripped it’s way out of his throat was pornographic as his sensitive cock was overstimulated by the feeling of your warm, velvety mouth wrapped around it. As you allowed his cock to rest against the flat of your tongue you noticed that his cries for you to stop, that he was sorry had quieted to muffled whimpers explained by the hand clamped over his mouth. 
The sight sent a surge of pride through you, here Jamie was being as obedient for you as ever because he knew what he had done was not okay. That he had broken Mommy’s rules, it was why he was so rarely punished.
Inhaling deeply through your nose you took him all the way down your throat so that the tip of his dick rested deep inside of your throat. You could feel him twitch inside of your throat and if it wasn’t the most amazing thing to feel that you didn’t know what was. Smiling around his length you decided that if his silence was anything to go by James had learned his lesson. Feeling merciful for the first time that night you swallowed around his cock, feeling him shoot what would be his last load of cum for the night down your throat. 
Once he was done you eased him from your mouth, careful to keep your teeth away from his softening length.
“Do you think you’ve learned your lesson baby?” You asked the ruined boy beneath you as you rose to your full height before bending at the waist to smear a kiss along his cupid’s bow.
Too fucked out to use his words James gave you a small nod, his eyes lids resting closed with his lips parted, taking deep inhales of breath as he recovered from his orgasms.
“Can you use your words for me?” You lilted brushing away the hair that couldn’t seem to stay out of his face.
After a deep inhale he did, “Yes Mommy, I’ve learned my lesson,” His voice was hoarse, he sounded parched and he probably was.
Easing him up so that he was leaning up against the headboard you plucked his glasses from the bedside table, beginning to ease them onto his face before you noticed how sweaty he was. Letting the glasses rest in your lap you pulled your wand from the drawer of the nightstand using it to summon a glass of water and a damp washcloth from the bathroom. 
Beginning with the cloth you wiped the sweat from his brow before tracing the damp fabric down the sides of his face, calming the heated skin as praise after praise tumbled from your lips. 
“Such a good boy for me Jamie, took your punishment so well my love.”
“Thank you, Mommy,” He was still breathless.
“Don’t need to thank me anymore my love, s’time for Mommy to clean you up, yeah? Gonna help you get cleaned up for bed.”
“M’not tired,” He insisted, though if his closing eyes were any indication, he most definitely was.
Suppressing a chuckle you laid the washcloth on his thigh to soothe the warm flesh there as you brought the perspiring glass up to his lips, easing them apart to allow the cool, sweet liquid to drizzle down his throat.
“There you go darling,” You eased the glass apart from his lips to set it down and replaced it with the cloth that you continued to trace his skin with, brushing it up and down his chest and stomach, careful to avoid his sensitive nipples.
“Glasses please,” He mumbled, his hand groping at your leg, “Wanna be able to see you.”
“Of course,” You smiled, balancing his glasses back on the bridge of his nose allowing the world to come back into focus for him as he smiled at you. “Can you take another sip of water for me, pretty boy?” You asked, slipping the glass into his hands, allowing them to bring it to his lips.
He did as you asked before holding the glass in between his legs, “Did I do a good job for you, Mommy?” He looked at you with wide eyes, “I’m sorry I came without permission I just-”
“I know baby,” You cut him off gently, “You didn’t do it on purpose but Mommy still had to punish you, you understand right darling?”
He gave you a bashful nod.
“Good my love, it doesn’t make you any less of my good boy,” You gently reached for his member, handling it with the utmost care as you brought the wet cloth to it, knowing that it wouldn’t be a pleasurable experience for him you were efficient in cleaning the cum off.
James hissed at the sensation, once again squirming to escape your grasp. “Gotta clean you up baby, be quick I promise,” And you were, not wanting to prolong his discomfort any further. 
As James took yet another sip from the glass, one he very much needed, you pushed yourself up from the bed, traipsing over to the dresser where you removed a pair of sweatpants for him and a pair of panties to wear with one of his t-shirts for you.
You offered to help him put on his pants but James insisted that he was fine, standing up to slip the pants over his feet before pulling the waistband up where your fingers found the cord, tying it in a loose bow. 
James’ body was malleable as the two of you settled into bed, with you curled into his chest you faced each other, drawing a single finger up and down his sternum. 
“I really am proud of you baby,” You whispered, feeling as though if you spoke too loudly then it would disrupt the peace that had settled over the room. 
“Just wanted to make you happy (Y/N),” He admitted quietly, his lips pressed into your scalp muffling his words slightly. 
Throwing an arm around his waist you pulled your body even closer to his allowing you to rest your head up against his chest so that you could listen to the rhythmic beating of his heart inside of his rib cage. 
The two of you laid there for so long, just absorbing the presence of the other person that you thought he must’ve fallen asleep for it was often difficult for the dark haired boy to stay silent for all that long. But as you pulled away slightly so that you could slip his glasses back off of his face so that he wouldn’t break them in his sleep you found hazel eyes staring back down at you.
“You’re not asleep,” Though your words were accusatory, your tone was not, more observational than anything.
“Neither are you,” Your boyfriend countered.
You giggled gently, “Touche.”
It was so easy to get lost in James’ eyes, that maybe you held eye contact for a few seconds, maybe for a few minutes, maybe for half an hour. But it broke as you let out a yawn, a give away to your state of exhaustion. 
“M’tired too,” James said, smiling at how beautiful you looked, even mid yawn.
“We should go to bed,” You reasoned, though your eyes locked back onto his.
“Uh huh, probably,” He agreed, he too not breaking eye contact.
And though you were both exhausted you laid there, in each other’s arms, gazing into each other’s eyes, both of you refusing to be the one to shatter the intimacy of the eye contact and close your eyes first.
That was until James eyelids became too heavy with sleep for him to fight and they gently fluttered closed. Not a minute later he started emitting, soft snores and you knew he was asleep.
Craning your neck you pressed a quick kiss to the tip of his nose whispering to him softly, “I won.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @kittykylax @amourtentiaa @superbturtlemakerathlete @reallyraunchyrory 
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shera-dnd · 3 years
A Dream Come True
It’s finally here! The fic and comic you’ve all been waiting for! And it’s all catradora fluff as far as the eye can see.
I wanna thank my good friend @midnightechoes for her amazing work on the comic and to all the people who donated and helped us reach our 200 dollar goal.
And without any further delay, here’s the AO3 link (comic included) for those who’d rather read over there, and let’s get this nonsense going
Today was a big day for Etheria. It was the first Princess Prom since the fall of Prime, the first Princess Prom in many years to be celebrated in a time of peace and prosperity. So of course, Etheria’s great savior and protector was expected to make an appearance, and she was expected to look good.
Though if Adora asked just about anyone, they would claim that she always looked good. But she did want to put in the extra effort today. It took her some convincing from all of her friends to keep her from over planning and over preparing like last time.
There was no threat of war, no great enemy, no lies or intrigue, it would just be a ball with all the people she loved. She could just rest and relax tonight. So she put on a beautiful white dress, let her hair loose from its near permanent ponytail, donned a pretty little tiara, and just let herself not be combat ready for once.
Looking now at her own reflection in the room’s waterfall - the closest to a practical use she found to those wasteful things - she had to admit that she did look pretty, though for some reason she was struck by a strange sense of familiarity.
“Just let me brush it!” She heard Glimmer call from outside the room.
“No!” Catra yelled back as she ran into the room with the queen chasing after her, brush in hand.
Though Catra acted like she was running for life, they both still giggled. Catra tried to use her wife as cover from the queen’s attack, but Glimmer followed her anyway, and both just started running circles around Adora.
“Don’t let her touch me!” Catra yelled, hiding behind Adora, “she’s gonna torture me!”
“Do you always have to be this dramatic?” Glimmer asked, knowing full well that the answer was yes.
“Come on, guys,” Bow called, calmly walking in, “if we’re late to Scorpia’s first ball she’s gonna kill us.”
He pulled Glimmer closer and she leaned against him, hooking an arm around his back. For a moment there the queen seemed to forget about her plans to torture Catra, and just enjoyed that little display of affection from her husband.
“Fine, you’re off the hook,” she surrendered, but added just a little threat at the end, “this time.”
Catra stuck her tongue out at them, still using Adora for cover, as they left the room, leaving the two of them alone together. Once she was sure she was safe from Glimmer’s hairbrush, she stepped out from behind her wife and laughed a little to herself.
“You coming?” She asked, reaching a hand towards Adora.
The whole time Adora had been stunned. In equal parts by this constant feeling of dejavu, and by just how beautiful Catra looked right now. Her wife had always been a master of the casually gorgeous look, but this time she had completely out done herself.
“Etheria to Adora,” Catra called, playfully, “you still there, Adora?”
“Sorry, I just have this weird feeling that I’ve seen this before,” she explained, the feeling completely disappearing a moment later.
“What? Did you sneak a peek while me and Glimmer were putting the look together?” She teased.
“No!” Adora defended herself, “it’s just dejavu or something. I--you’re messing with me, aren’t you?”
Catra feigned offense, “such accusations from my own wife? I would never do such a thing.”
“Oh you little--!”
“Guys,” Bow interrupted again, calling from the hallway beyond, “Scorpia’s ball, remember?”
“Sorry, your majesty,” Adora shouted back, they both knew he didn’t like the title, but it was fun to mess with him sometimes.
That earned her a little laugh from Catra and a soft nudge to her side, “you ready to go?”
“Yeah, I think I am,” she answered, hooking her arm around Catra’s as they made their way out of the room.
They had barely stepped into the hallways of Bright Moon castle when they were stopped by a voice calling for them.
“Oh my goodness!” Exclaimed a very excited King Micah, “you both look stunning!”
The king had always been such a sweetheart, the man had nearly adopted the two of them after the war was over. After everything that had happened, it was nice seeing him this happy.
“Hey there, your majesty,” Catra greeted, “everything ready for the dance?”
“Indeed it is!” He replied, his bright smile growing wider, “before you go, though, I have a big surprise for you!”
With a dramatic flare worthy of Double Trouble, King Micah stepped aside to reveal…
The most adorable thing they’ve ever seen.
Behind the king stood their child. Little Finn looked as adorable as they looked annoyed at their new outfit, a lovely uniform in several shades of purple and beautiful gold accents. The kid was just short of ten years old, but they already looked like a fancy little dignitary of the kingdom. The only thing standing out from the illusion was their messy blonde hair.
“You look precious!” Adora squealed at the sight.
Catra gasped, holding on tighter to her wife’s arm. It was the only thing she could do not to run over and hug them right this instant.
“Moms!” Finn groaned, “please!”
Unfortunately their pleas for help were lost on their moms, who were still busy blabbering about how adorable they looked.
“Uncle Micah, do I really have to wear this? It’s itchy,” they complained, hoping their uncle would listen, “and lame.”
The king turned to address his little nibling, but was horrified by what he saw.
“How did you manage to mess up your hair in the five minutes since I finished it?!” He demanded, utterly shocked.
“It’s a skill, uncle,” Finn replied, giving him a smug look that clearly ran in the family.
Looking none too pleased with all that lost work, Micah drew a quick glyph in the air, using just a bit of magic to comb his nibling’s hair in an instant.
“There, fixed.” The king proudly declared, earning a hiss from the angry child.
And also earning him a hug from Adora.
“They look amazing,” she beamed, “thank you!”
“My pleasure, Adora,” he replied, his voice and expression growing softer, “I missed out on too many of these moments with Glimmer. I’m not going to miss any more of them.”
Meanwhile Catra no longer had Adora to hold on to to help contain herself, so she had dashed over to their child, too busy showering them with love and affection to notice the tender moment happening behind her.
“You are the cutest kid in all of Etheria,” she happily praised.
“Mom!” Finn groaned once more.
Adora let out a content sigh as she watched those two. She loved them with all her heart and they had made the past decade of her life better than she could have ever dreamed it would be.
“Thanks again,” she repeated to Micah, finally letting go of the hug.
Walking over to her family - wow, it really warmed her heart every time she thought of them like that - she picked up the little light of her life and carried them on her shoulders. They mumbled a few words in annoyance, but Adora could feel their tail happily swaying against her back.
“You’re going to win Best Kid at the dance for sure!” Catra commented.
“I don’t think that’s a real award, mom.”
“We’ll make it real, kid.” She declared, “don’t worry, I have some pull with Princess Scorpia.”
Adora couldn’t help but smile at that.
“What’s got you all smiley like that?” Catra asked, leaning closer to her wife as they walked together.
“It’s just…this is our first Princess Prom as a family,” she said, a little teary eyed, “I still can’t believe we got this far. It’s more than I could have ever dreamed of.”
“Well, you better start believing it,” Catra replied, giving her a little kiss on the cheek.
“Ew!” Finn complained, hiding their face so they wouldn’t be forced to see any more disgusting affection from their moms.
The two of them laughed together and Adora was certain that no dream could ever compare to the life she now lived.
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farfromparker · 4 years
♛ Sovereign | t.h.
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♛ Summary: Tom offers you something you never knew you wanted, himself.  ♛ Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader ♛ Warnings: explicit smut featuring sub!Tom ♛ Word Count: 6.8k ♛ Notes: It’s been three months but our lovely sub!Tom is back! I’m really excited to share this one with you guys, feels good to be writing again! As always, feedback is appreciated and encouraged!!
Special thanks to @worldoftom​ 💖
“I love you two, ya know that?” Harrison calls from your couch. 
You smile at your reflection in the mirror, applying a good cover of mascara. Putting on the finishing touches in preparation for a night of debauchery or an acting audition. It all depends on how Harrison’s meet up with an online match plays out. 
“Shouldn’t one of us stay back in case you need an emergency call to get out of it?” Tom asks, sprawled out on your bed. 
“Nuh uh,” you interject, popping out of your bathroom to look at Tom directly. “You are not leaving me alone with this. If he’s into this guy I am not going to be left alone at the bar while they hook up in the bathroom.”
“Hey!” Harrison calls out. 
“Am I wrong?” you call back. 
“Well — no, but if you could not be so blunt about it I’d appreciate that.”
Tom laughs. “Alright,” he sits up, “but know I’m only doing this for you, love.” 
You blow him a kiss before turning back into your bathroom to finish up the last little stitch of makeup. 
Another minute or two and one last adjustment of your top and you flick off the bathroom light. You walk back out into your bedroom and grab your purse off the bed. 
Tom stands up and smiles at you, “You look stunning.”
There’s a bit of heat that settles on your cheeks, “Thanks Tommy.”
He goes to move past you, brushing his hand along the small of your back. “You’re welcome, Miss,” he whispers, and your body goes stock still. You turn to look at him and he’s smirking, a devilish glint playing in his eyes. And your drunken conversation, nay confession, to him last week plays over in your mind. 
You groaned, falling back onto Tom’s sofa. 
“What’s up, love?” Tom asked, offering you another drink, your fifth of the night, as he settled down next to you.
“I miss sex Tommy,” you said, taking a long sip of your drink. 
Tom coughed quietly from his spot opposite you. “Oh? What about that lad last month? Uh Nick? Brad?”
You shook your head, dismissing the name of a recent, random hookup, “That was just sex. I miss… sex my way.” 
Tom licked his lips, shifting on the couch to turn towards you more, “Your way?”
You copied him, wetting your own lips. “I like to be in control.” And the alcohol coursing through your veins was enough force to keep you talking. “I like to dominate. I want a pretty boy on his knees for me, I want him begging and whining and whimpering for me. I wanna call him baby boy and puppy and pet and I want him to call me Miss. I want him to be mine.”
Tom watched you talk, hanging off every word, absolutely mesmerized. 
“I wanna tease him, I wanna edge him and play with him. I wanna choke him. I want him to beg for me to let him cum. And before I let him cum maybe I’ll ride his face first, or sit on his cock and then after I’ve cum I’ll finally let him cum, watch him make himself all messy for me. Cum all over his stomach, cock wet from me. and then maybe I’ll — maybe I’ll lick it up and push my tongue into his mouth. Make him taste his own mess.”
He licked his lips and adjusted himself, an action lost on you. You took another drink before glancing at him. His face was flushed. He swallowed harshly, grabbing his own drink to wet his dry mouth. 
“Wow,” he paused, trying to find the words. 
“Sorry,” you laughed, “that might have been more than you bargained for.” 
He chuckled, clearing his throat, “Nope. We just got that much closer is all. It’s fine, good. All good.” 
You’re left reeling a bit because he most definitely just called you Miss and most definitely remembers the situation in which you said you want to be called that. But he’s out in your living room now, leaving you to your own thoughts. 
Harrison calls out your name, “You ready?”
You shake your head, one big deep breath in and push Tom’s comment out of your mind. “Coming!”
The bar is loud, there are people all around you. Bodies ebbing and flowing to the beat like the ocean against the sand. It’s hot but not uncomfortably so. You’re enjoying the liveliness, the noise, the commotion. You can’t hear yourself think in here and somehow through it all, it’s the quietest you’ve felt in a long time. 
Tom is close. You can feel his hand hovering along the small of your back to keep you near him. You take turns shouting into the other’s ear, trying as best you can to carry on a conversation over the music. 
Harrison is still within your sights, grinding and kissing and it’s safe to say your acting skills won’t be needed tonight. You smirk as you glance in their direction. Happy for him. 
And so that left you and Tom. Your best friend, your partner in crime, your confidant, your shoulder to lean on. Sweet Tom. Lovely Tom. Gorgeous Tom. Sexy Tom.
You shake your head as your brain catches up with the thoughts the contents of your glass are riling up inside your mind. You squeeze your eyes shut and try to focus again. Best friend Tom. Smart and silly with a heart as big as an ocean, just as deep as well. Beautiful Tom, his warm chocolate brown eyes, his broken nose, his messy eyebrow, his pink lips... 
His strong shoulders, firm stomach, gentle hands…
The same gorgeous man who called you Miss mere hours ago...
He’s pressed into you, breath in your ear, hand firmly placed on your hip now. Your skin feels hot. 
“Might need to catch a ride back to yours, love,” he says and there’s an uncontrollable shiver that runs up your spin. He pulls back to look you in your eyes, smirking and he tilts his head towards Harrison. Your eyes linger on his lips for a second, the alcohol making the delay longer than socially acceptable. He notices. You pull your eyes away and find Harrison again, lips locked, hands roaming and he’s definitely getting lucky tonight. 
Your free hand finds Tom’s stomach, hand sliding gently until it comes to rest in the dip of his waist. He turns into you easily. 
“Course Tommy, there’s always room at my place for you.”
There’s a flirty tone to your response. Maybe it’s a result of the alcohol, maybe it’s a result of the song playing over the speakers, a deep, rhythmic tone. Or maybe it’s a result of the way Tom had reacted when you touched him. His stomach muscles flexing, body turning towards you, fingers squeezing at the band of your jeans to pull you just that much closer. 
And that’s when you realize his hand is under your shirt, when did that happen?
His thumb bumps against the skin of your lower back, gently, rubbing soft circles and your vision is starting to blur, but it’s got nothing to do with the drink in your hand. 
You set that same drink down on the bar behind you, it’s not even the slightest bit important anymore. You look at him, staring into his eyes and asking a silent question. His gaze drops to your lips and that’s enough of an answer to take this forward. You reach for his hand and take his drink, placing it down next to yours. You reach your hand up for him and trace his jaw, ghosting along his smooth skin. He’s looking back into your eyes now. You hook your pointer finger under his jaw and let your thumb rub against his bottom lip. You glance down, watching as his mouth pops open slightly for you, the way his lip moves under your touch. You drag your thumb a little more roughly, pulling at his lip some and getting it wet from his spit. Then you bring your forefinger up to trace his top lip before letting it fall gently into the open space his lips have created. He opens wider as an invitation and you push your finger inside. You glance back up at him and his eyelids flutter, lips locking around your digit and as your thumb traces his cheek, he starts sucking. He uses his tongue tentatively, swirling around your finger and does his best to keep his teeth out of the way.
You smirk, eyes hooding as you focus on the feeling of his mouth. Your own tongue pokes out to lick along your bottom lip. 
Good boy. 
Someone knocks back against you suddenly, pushing you off balance. You pull your hand back to steady yourself against his chest and he automatically grabs at you as well, bringing you impossibly closer. 
He looks at you, “You alright?” he shouts over the music. 
Nodding, you simply respond, “Let’s go.” You reach down and grab his wrist, guiding him through the mess of people. He twists his hand so that his fingers lock with yours and you can feel his presence along your back as you wade through the crowd. 
You push the door open and the cool air hits you as you step out onto the street. The cold only spurs you on, reigniting that desire you had back inside. You pull your phone out quickly, desperate to get home. You find a ride relatively quickly and request it. 
There’s a small group of people outside the pub, smoking and bantering. They don’t pay you any mind. You stuff your phone into your back pocket and turn to Tom.
“What about Harrison?”
Tom shakes his head, “He’s a big boy, he’ll be fine.” The answer is firm. 
Your lips curl up into a smile and you step into his space. You can still feel the ghost of his mouth around your forefinger, his lips, his tongue, his teeth, the look in his eyes as you watched. You can still feel the tacky remnants of his saliva on your skin. 
You bring your hand up to cup his jaw. “I’d like to keep pushing, Tommy.”
His face goes a little slack, mouth parting slowly, eyes turning dark and stormy. He nods, seemingly a bit lost for words. 
You however, say exactly what comes to mind. “Good boy.”
And he whimpers at the praise. The sound sends an electric spark down your spine, igniting a fire deep in your belly. You drag your hand down around his throat, taking it slow so he has enough time to register your intent and tell you no. He doesn’t. You press your pointer finger and thumb along the column of his throat, high under his jaw and squeeze at his pulse points. You can feel the hammering inside his veins, a frantic drumming beat. He moans your name. 
Someone calls out to you and you startle, shaken out the haze of lust once more. Your hand falls away from Tom. Turning, you find your driver with an awkward expression on his face. 
You smile, a faint feeling of heat settling on your cheeks from being caught. You link your fingers with Tom’s and pull him into the back of the car, helping to navigate the driver back to your place. Tom fidgets next to you and it isn’t until your hand comes to rest high on the inside of his thigh that he finally settles. 
He clears his throat, leaning in closer to you so you can hear him clearly over the dull thrum of music playing through the car speakers. “You can do whatever you want to me.” 
You pull back so you can find his eyes in the dim neon glow from the front counsel of the car. He looks back at you, gaze as confident as the statement was. You study him, this beautiful man, your best friend, a man you absolutely love, willing to submit to you. Willing to give into you, to trust you with himself so fully. 
He licks his lips, a movement that brings your attention back to him, here, now. He chews on gently before adding the ending affirmation to his confession of submission, the words you needed to hear. “Whatever you want, Miss. I’m yours.”
Arousal surges through your veins as you stare into his eyes, consuming every inch of your body. Your hand on his thigh moves up to cup him through his jeans, you can feel the bulge, feel how hard he is already. His eyelids flutter closed as you touch him and you grin. 
“So hard already, baby boy?” 
“Fuck,” he breathes, hips flexing up into your palm. “So fucking hard.” He opens his eyes, staring back, “All for you.”
“Darling, we’ve barely begun,” you purr, leaning in to press your lips to his neck. You kiss along his throat gently, teasing little kitten licks and the soft press of your lips. 
He brings a hand up to rub at his eyes, head falling back into the headrest. “You’re gonna kill me,” he chuckles, “you know that? I could cum right now, honestly. And if you want to do to me — like what you said last weekend? I’m fucked.” 
Your mind runs wild with possibilities but you do your best to mask your excitement, biting your lip as the car comes to stop outside your place. A quick thanks to the driver and you’re pushing Tom out the door and up to your flat. 
You secure the lock behind you once inside and push him up against the door. The lighting in your apartment is a stark contrast from the neon hues of the club and the darkness of the car. There’s no hiding here. 
“You sure?” You ask, hands on his chest, you can feel his heartbeat.
He looks at you, unblinking, not even a hint of hesitation on his features. “I want this. I want you.” 
There’s a heavier meaning behind his last statement, something that’s been there between the two of you for a while. It makes your heart sing. 
You beam, letting the reality of this start to consume you, “Good. Me too… so much. But if there’s anything I do that you don’t like — that you don’t want to do, just tell me. I’ll stop, no questions.” 
“Yeah, got it. I’m not worried though, I trust you.” 
Your cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much so you kiss him instead, deeply. His lips are warm and soft and they glide against yours easily. His tongue moving and rubbing against yours. He still tastes like the beer he was drinking at the bar. It all feels like the start of something, so perfectly the beginning of a chapter that you’ve both been waiting for. 
When you pull back he’s blushing, shy and unable to meet your gaze. He clears his throat, moving forward from the door just an inch or two. You move with him, your hands falling from his chest to hang at your sides as you watch him. He looks up at you quickly before staring back at the floor and slowly he sinks down to his knees. He bows his head, and you take another step back, one that allows you to see him better. His hands fidget in his lap for a moment before he links them behind his back. 
He licks his lips, “Miss?”
You go forward towards him one more, threading your fingers into his hair so you can pull his head back and he’ll have no choice but to look at you. “So pretty,” you coo. “My pretty boy.” 
He whines, “Yeah, fuck. Yes I am. I’m yours.”
You lean down and press a kiss to his forehead, enjoying how he leans into your lips. “C’mon pretty boy, let's take this to the bedroom.”
He stumbles over himself trying to get up fast enough. You chuckle as you walk down your hallway, letting your hips sway in a bit more of an exaggerated fashion. 
You flick on the lamps by your bed and turn to find his eyes trained on you, waiting with bated breath for your guidance. Your hands miss the heat of his body so you beckon him over to you, letting your fingers find their way underneath his shirt to feel his skin, feel the goosebumps erupt across his stomach. You push his shirt up and off and he moves willingly, discarding it on the floor. His own fingers quickly join yours as you work on getting him out of his jeans as well.  You push them down his legs and as he kicks out of them, your lips find his. While the first kiss was tender and sweet and everything a first kiss should be, this one is the direct opposite. It’s needy and hungry and possessive. His mouth opens to you, tongue pressing against yours frantically as you push him back against the wall. Hands finding purchase along his hips, shoulders, neck, hair, arms, anywhere… everywhere. 
He’s groaning against you, a low rumble that makes your clit throb. His hand is on your jaw while the other is digging into your hip. You pull back unexpectedly with a loud smack of your lips against his. He tries to follow, a soft plea of no leaving his lips that you're sure wasn’t a noise he meant to make out loud. 
“Oh puppy,” you purr, a sneer cracking across your face as he whines. You study him, his normally warm eyes are blown wide, thin lips red and swollen, hair messy from your hands raking through it. You trail one finger along his stomach, below his navel, tilting it so it’s more of a drag of the nail than the fingertip, until you reach the band of his underwear. Teasingly slowly, you dip in under the elastic. “Why don’t you take these off and settle down against the headboard, yeah?” 
He swallows, “Yeah.”
You step back so you can watch, eyes traveling every inch of his body as he pushes the elastic down slowly, watching your reaction to him. 
You glance up at his face, “Go ahead Tommy, let me see you.”
He rolls them down his thighs gingerly, until his cock springs free. One final quick tug and they’re down around his ankles. He steps out of them, fingers rubbing at the skin on the outside of his thighs as he stands there in front of you, completely exposed. You bite your lip and take your time admiring him, it is your cock now after all. And it’s as pretty as the rest of him, perfectly thick, a good length, veiny, and he’s hard enough that his foreskin has rolled back. His tip is pink and wet and you can feel your own wetness begin to pool in your underwear. 
He’s nervous, standing there under the weight of your gaze, looking for your approval. “Just as fucking perfect as the rest of you.” And he blushes a deep red from his chest up his neck to the apple of his cheeks, a shy smile playing on his lips. “Now, on the bed, darling.”
“Yes, Miss.” 
He settles down in the middle of the mattress, resting against the metal headboard and watches as you dig out soft bondage rope from the bottom drawer of your dresser. His eyes go a little comically wide and you come to sit next to him on the bed. Grabbing one of his wrists softly, you place the rope in his hand so he can feel it. 
“We don’t have to. I got a little eager, but we can wait.”
His fingers curl around the rope curiously. “What — uh what did you want to do with it?”
“Tie each wrist individually toward the two corner posts of the headboard.”
He looks down at the rope again, fingers still rubbing along it before he glances to each corner post. He sets the rope down and spreads his arms, looking at you he asks, “Like this?” 
You nod, “Exactly like that.” 
He considers it for another moment, a small blush creeping up on his cheeks again, “I — I like that idea.” 
“And,” you continue, deft fingers unraveling the rope and tying it around his left wrist as an example, “I use quick release knots.” You finish the knot and let him examine it for a moment. “That way, if you need me to stop, all I have to do is pull.” And you do, one quick tug on the end and the whole knot comes undone. “And you’re out.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he agrees, all hesitancy gone, “tie me up. Tie me up Miss, please.”
You chuckle, “My eager little puppy.”
And so you do. Keeping his wrists secure but making sure the knots aren’t too tight and that he’s comfortable. When you lean back and take him all in, the situation floors you. This is your best friend Tom, someone you’ve loved for years but now might actually be awakening the feeling of being in love with. And he’s tied to your bed, naked and hard and absolutely fucking stunning. Tan skin flushed with a red tint that deepens depending on what you do to him. His curly hair is messy from your hands. His lips are red and swollen from your lips. He’s hard and leaking against his stomach because of you.
“Fuck.” It’s the only word your mind can coherently string together in that moment because this is everything you never knew you wanted and now it’s all laid out in front of you for your own taking. 
He shivers under your stare, arms flexing as he pulls at his restraints just slightly and the fact that you aren’t on him yet is criminal. So you lean in, pressing your lips to his quickly first, a soft, sweet kiss of reassurance before you tilt his head to the side and drag your teeth down his neck. He moans as you start to suck on the skin at the junction of his neck, hands rubbing along his chest. You find his nipples, pebbled hard and as you bite down on his neck you pinch them, eating up the way he whimpers, the way his hips jolt off the bed. One last bite and you pull your mouth from his skin, resting in the crook of his neck, listening to his heavy breathing. His cologne is faint but you can still smell it. He’s completely enveloping all five of your senses. You slide your hand down his stomach and watch as his muscles move, his cock twitches as you get closer to it. And you can’t tease him, as much as you want to, you want to feel his cock as badly as he wants you to. 
You wrap your hand around him, stroking slowly and his head falls back. He swears, long and low, drawing the word out as you play with him. 
“Make such pretty noises, Tommy,” you praise. Enjoying the weight of him in your hand, how hard he is balancing out the velvety softness of the skin of his shaft. How hot he is, memorizing every ridge and vein along his length. Watching his foreskin roll back with the movement of your hand, as you continue to slowly milk pre cum from him. 
He gasps, “I’ve been thinking about this all week — well, fuck. A lot longer than that actually but like, ugh, what you said last weekend.” You pull your head out of the crock of his neck so you can look at his face as he continues. “I’ve been horny all fucking week. I’ve jerked off every night and it’s not enou— ”
He whines high in his throat as you twist your grip along his tip.”Fuck! Fuck it’s not enough. And I've been… I’ve been doing research. About what you said. And I —” his heavy breathing interrupts his thought process. “I want to be good for you. I — I wanna be yours.”
He looks at you then, locks and holds your gaze. “Can I? Can I please be yours?”
Your heart and pussy clench simultaneously. “Fuck. Tommy. Yes, I want you to be mine. All mine.” 
His eyes go wide, face softening as you give him the answer he needed to hear. “Thank you, oh fuck, thank you Miss. Shit. I’m gonna — gonna cum.”
You stop your movement immediately, grip loosening and you feel him twitch, hear the rattle of the headboard as he pulls on the ropes. 
“Fuck!” He squeezes his eyes shut, his whole body going taut as you deny him. 
“Baby boy, if you think you’re cumming before I get that gorgeous cock inside me, you’ve got another thing coming.”
His eyes snap open, “Oh fuck. I wanna be inside you, I wanna feel you, I wanna —” his arms flex against the rope once more, “Are you wet Miss? I wanna feel it, I wanna know I’ve been a good boy and made you wet. I wanna taste you. I want —”
You hush him gently, pushing back the hair that’s fallen across his forehead, “I know baby boy. And you have been so good for me already.” You emphasize this with a quick squeeze of his cock. He gasps, eyes never leaving you. You place a quick kiss to his lips before getting up off the bed. You strip, a little slower than normal, keenly aware of his eyes on you. Sliding your jeans down your legs before pulling your top off slowly. A quick pinch of your fingers and your bra loosens, straps slipping off your shoulders and you let it fall to the ground. 
“Fuck me,” he whispers, fingers curling into his palm as his eyes sweep over your body for the first time.  
You toy with the band of your underwear, pulling downward slowly from each hip before you turn around, bending over as you slide them past your ass and down your legs. The movement of your hands accompanies another jarring shake of the headboard and he’s swearing as he stares at you, bent over and showing him everything. 
“Miss. Fuck, I can see how wet you are. Shit… god I wanna taste you, I wanna feel you. Please Miss. Please.”
You stand back up and turn towards him, crawling onto the bed over to him. “So vocal, baby boy. I love it,” you murmur, moving to straddle his hips. You hold yourself above him, smirking when he tries to tilt his hips up to you only for you to move further away from his cock. 
“I’ve got the implant in,” you start, waiting for him to look at you. When he does, he nods, understanding what you’re saying. “Are you clean, Tom?” 
“Yeah,” he rushes out, “I haven’t been with anyone in a while and I always got tested afterwards.” 
“Good. Me too.” And with that you drop your hips slowly, settling his cock between your wet folds. He moans and it’s impossible for you to hold one in as well. His cock fits along your center perfectly. You slide along him, getting him wet and focusing on the tip of his cock nudging against your clit. 
“Fucking hell, you’re so wet,” he whines, biceps bulging as his hips start to move with yours. 
You smirk, leaning in to rub your lips against his, “So are you.” 
And you glance down, watching as his cock continues to leak onto his stomach, as he gets wet from you, foreskin rolling back with each movement from your hips as you rock against him. You lean in, capturing his lips with yours properly. He leans up and into you, moaning when you bite roughly along his bottom lip. You lift your hips off him, reaching down to get a hand around the base of his dick. He’s lost in the kiss, arching up into you, mewling but as soon as you start to sink down on his cock, he freezes. 
He pleads your name, breathing heavily against your lips, “Holy shit. I — you… fuck! You feel so good.”
“Baby boy, you sound like a virgin,” you tease, enjoying the stretch of his cock as he bottoms out inside you. You sigh, clenching purposefully around his cock as you reach down to start rubbing your clit.
He whines, head falling back against the headboard, “I fucking feel like one.” 
You chuckle, finding a rhythm with your hips, angling your movements slightly until his cock is rubbing exactly where you want him. You clench involuntarily and his name leaves your lips in a breathless whisper. He looks back at you then, watching you use him, ride him, finger slipping easily against your clit. 
He pulls at his restraints and you look at him, cocking an eyebrow to push him to voice what’s on his mind. He takes in a deep breath through his nose. “Miss, I wanna make you cum. I wanna be good for you. I want to — can I show you how good I can be? Please?”
You slow your hips to a stop, watching his body jolt as the friction on his cock ceases but stays buried deep inside you. You trail your fingers up his stomach, circling one nipple, then the other, “Yeah? And how are you going to do that, Tommy? How are you going to be good for me and make me cum?”
“My fingers, my cock. I want you to cum using your boy. But I should be doing the work. Please. I’ll be so good for you. So fucking good.”
You snicker, his eagerness and willingness to please is palpable. You consider him for a second longer and then give one single nod. You reach for his wrists and give a good tug, the quick release knots loosen and his hands are free. 
He goes to touch you but stops himself, “Can I, Miss?” 
Your clit throbs, so much so that you clench around his cock to try and ease some of the ache. He shudders as a result, muscles in his stomach and chest tightening. “Yeah, baby boy, you can.” 
He wraps an arm around your waist, moving to have you settle down on your back but doing delicate work to keep his cock inside you. He grabs at your hips and tilts them up a bit, the movement allows his cockhead to rub directly against your sweet spot. You moan quietly, a noise not lost on him and he starts thrusting, keeping them pointed and determined. He reaches for your hand, bringing it up to his throat and as you squeeze gently, he sucks his thumb into his mouth. He presses it to your clit expertly, letting it slide against you quickly while he fucks his hips into you. Every movement of his body is perfectly pinpointed on your pleasure. 
“Fuck, Tommy.” Your fingers squeeze gently against his pulse points. You reach your other hand up and thread it into his hair. You pull, bringing his mouth down onto yours. He steadies himself with a hand next to your head but doesn’t stop the movement on your clit, doesn’t slow the perfect drag of his cock inside you. He opens his mouth to you, lets you take what’s yours. 
You start tightening around his cock, can feel the heat building in your core and your mouth goes slack as your release approaches. 
“Yeah, please Miss, please cum, please let me make you cum,” he urges, his breath mixing with yours, lips so close they bump against yours as he talks. 
It swells like a wave, building momentum until finally it reaches its peak and breaks. Your body shudders, fingers tightening in his hair and Tom is close, thumb still against your clit, feeling you clench and flutter and it registers after a moment that you’re clenching around nothing. You gasp, fingers loosening some. You suck in a deep breath, doing your best to fill your lungs. 
Your go limp into the mattress and you open your eyes to see him staring in awe at you. You lick your lips as you rub his hair and let your fingers trail down his neck. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been picturing what you would look like when you cum, and my imagination wasn’t even close. Fuck, you’re amazing. Thank you for letting me be good for you.” 
You press your lips to his, “You were so good for me, puppy. Made me cum so fucking hard.” You take a deep breath in, body feeling more and more like jelly. You trail your fingers down his arms, feeling the smoothness of his skin, “You pulled out though…?” 
And he blushes, eyes dropping, unable to hold your gaze. “I was gonna cum, you felt so fucking good but you — well, you didn’t give me permission to...” he trails off.
There’s no fighting the devilish smirk this time. “Oh baby boy, such a good boy for me, aren’t you?” 
He smiles sweetly. “I try to be, Miss.”
“You are,” you affirm, pushing at his chest and moving with him as he settles back against the headboard once more. “So good for me. And good boys get their rewards.”
You settle down between his thighs, a wave of possessiveness washing over you as his legs spread automatically to fit you comfortably. You press your lips to his chest, lazily trailing kisses down his stomach, taking your time to nip and suck on his skin. His stomach muscles tremble under your touch and he’s making sweet little mewling noises as you move lower and lower down his body. 
You trace your tongue along the jut of his hip, raking your fingernails gently up along the inside of his thighs. He chokes back your name as you reach up and cup his balls. They’re heavy and full in your hand. You move to his opposite hip, marking his skin in a rougher way, determined to leave a bruise that he’ll see for days to come. 
His fingers are curled into your comforter, tendons prominent on the back of his hands as he squeezes and releases his grip. He’s babbling above you, a mantra of please leaving his lips. 
One lewd sucking noise and you pull away from his hip. Letting your hand fall away from his balls, you lean up and look at him. “Please what, puppy? What do you want?”
“Touch me, please. Please, Miss.” 
You splay your hands deliberately across his thighs, rubbing at his legs. “I am touching you, baby boy.”
He sobs, hips flexing up off the bed as you run your hands up his body, purposely staying away from his cock. “Use you words, puppy.”
“F-fuck! My cock, please. P-please touch my cock.”
“There,” you coo, “all you had to do was ask, Tommy.”
And finally you do, leaning back down to lick along the underside of his cock, flattening your tongue and dragging it up his length. He chokes at the first contact, chest heaving as he falls back against the headboard. His tip is dark red and leaking steadily. You envelop your lips around him, wrapping your hand around his base as you start sucking. You swirl your tongue, tasting the saltiness of your wetness and his pre cum on your tongue. 
He starts twitching underneath your touches, cock jerking in your mouth as you hollow out your checks. You start bobbing up and down, spit starting to coat his cock and make him sloppy. You pull off with a pop, letting your hand pick up where your mouth left off. 
“Love that your cock tastes like me, baby boy.” You growl, the slick noises of your hand around his dick echoing in your ears. “How it always should be, yeah? Your cock should always be wet from my pussy.”
He whimpers your name, panting as he looks at you. His body is taut, like the string of a bow. He’s practically vibrating, doing his best to stave off his orgasm for just a little bit longer. You watch him, his jaw clenches, sucking a deep breath in through his nose before he opens his mouth again. He sounds breathless. His eyebrows crease and eyelids flutter as you thumb his slit, collecting even more of his pre cum. 
“Wanna cum, Tommy?” you taunt, twisting your grip and watching as he shutters. 
“P-please,” he gasps, grip twisting even harder into your bedsheets. 
You stop the movement of your hand, moving in closer, feeling predatory as you glare at him, “Beg for it.” you demand, voice harsh and authoritative
“F-fuck, Miss, please can I cum? I want to so badly. Please, please Miss. Please… please make cum,” he whines, voice high pitched and broken. 
“Good boy,” you purr. You start to move your hand again but not at the speed he needs. “Go on, puppy, fuck my fist and make yourself cum.” 
He cries out, doing as he’s told, hips flexing and thrusting up into your grip. His muscles are defined and quivering as he moves. Moans getting shorter, choppier, whinier. He sounds wrecked and desperate and needy and bloody fucking beautiful. 
“There ya go, baby boy, cum for me.”
And he does. He freezes, body going rigid and you feel his cock pulse in your hand. He curls forward towards you as he cums, spilling across your hand and up his chest and stomach.You stroke him through it, listening as your name is a litany on his lips. He twitches as you milk every last drop of cum from his cock. 
With one long moan, he sags backwards, exhausted but completely sated. He’s still breathing hard, chest heaving and he looks up at you, “Fuck me.” 
You chuckle, leaning in to press your lips to his and kiss him lazily. You pull back, going to move off the bed but he grabs your wrist, “Where are you going?” suddenly sounding a bit lost. 
You smile softly, leaning in to kiss his check. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom. And get you something to clean up with,” you say with a wink, motioning to his cum covered stomach. 
He goes a bit sheepish, grip loosening. “Oh, yeah — right.”
You come back soon after, washcloth in hand, and he cleans himself up quickly as you crawl back into bed with him. He tosses the now dirty cloth onto the floor and you giggle as he cuddles into your side, arms wrapping around your waist and pressing himself along your body. 
You scrape your fingers up into his hair, listening as he hums contently. “You mentioned something about research…” you trail off, leaving the statement open ended. His fingers squeeze at your skin. 
He fidgets against you for a moment or two, “Yeah I — well, what you told me last weekend definitely piqued my interest.” You move so that his face isn’t buried in your neck anymore and you can see him properly. His cheeks are red, a color that’s barely left his features all night, and you reach up to cup his jaw, rubbing your thumb along his cheek to encourage him to keep talking. He swallows, “And I’d been thinking about talking to you about how I felt about you. But then when you said that — I realized I didn’t really know what that all entailed. So I did some reading,” his gaze is dropped, focused on your collar bones instead of your eyes. “Articles and podcasts and forums. There’s also a whole mess of videos on Tik Tok? I just… I wanted it to be really good for you. I wanted to be really good for you.”
“Fuck, Tommy, you were. So fucking good. But you’ve really never submitted to someone before?”
He presses his lips together, finally glancing back up into your eyes, “No.”
You raise your eyebrows, impressed, “Well you could have fooled me, puppy. You were a natural.” 
He shivers at the praise, “Shit, I really like it when you call me that.”
You bite your lip, “I’ll remember that, puppy.”
And there’s that unspoken conversation about your feelings for one another. Something you’ll need to discuss at some point, but in the moment, it doesn’t hold the need to be explained, to be articulated because you can see the emotions swimming in his eyes, the intent behind his hands on your body. It’s the same intent your body language is telling him. And yes, one day you’ll discover just how deep those feelings go, but right now, there’s nothing more that needs to be said. Nothing that you both don’t already know. 
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Gamer Girl
Pairings: Kenma × fem!reader (established relationship) (characters are 18+)
Warnings: none just fluff
You are Kenmas girlfriend you have been for almost two years, you live with him in a small 3 bedroom house, you have the bedroom you share, the gaming/ streaming room and a guest room that isnt really ever used. Over the last almost two years Kenma is finally on a decent sleep schedule.
Today you woke up before him like normal, it was only about 9 am and Kenma is usually up by 10 or 10:30 at the latest. You feel him cuddle closer into you his face nearly buried into your chest. Smiling down at him you kiss his head and gently run your fingers though his hair that was still in a messy short ponytail to keep his hair out of his face while he streams. You ended up drifting off to sleep again not wanting to wake up your cuddling boyfriend. When you wake up an hour later hes awake now.
“Morning Kitten” he said softly
“Morning Kenma” you said
He leans up and kisses your lips lightly, you kiss him back before sitting up and stretching out.
“Breakfast?” You asked him
“No more cuddles” he said
“Only 10 more minutes” you said “then breakfast”
“Fine” he whined a little
He takes one of your hands and intertwines his fingers with yours. Your other hand started playing with his hair again.
“Kitten?” He asked after several minutes
“Yes baby?” You asked
“Wanna be on stream with me tonight?” He asked
“Of course I’ll stream with you tonight” you said
“No I mean I want you to sit with me while I stream” he said
“Oh sure” you said
Later that day you’re in the kitchen preparing some food and snacks for Kenmas stream that’s due to start in just a few minutes. You walk up with the drinks and snacks. When you walk in and see Kenma adjusting one of his monitors.
“Is everything okay?” You asked
“Had a loose cord” he said
You set the food and drinks down.
“Kitten?” He asked
“Hm?” You asked
He tapped your leg to get you to turn around and look at him.
“Will you marry me?” He asked
“Seriously?” You asked your eyes widen
“Yes seriously kitten” he said
“Of course I’ll marry you Kenma” you said smiling
He got up and kissed your lips holding you close. He slipped the ring on your finger the kissed your hand before sitting in his gaming chair then he pulled you into his lap.
“Sorry for the delay, I had to do that before I lost my nerve” kenma said
You give him an odd look then notice he had been streaming when he proposed “oh my god Kenma” you whined hiding your face in his neck
“Why are you getting all shy now? The comments are flooded with congratulations” he said kissing your head.
His stream goes on and while he plays his game you comment and point out things he missed. Not sure if he was missing things on purpose or not. But regardless you have fun sitting in his lap occasionally snacking and feeding him. After the stream ends you both go back to your shared bedroom and turn on Netflix.
“Kenma” you said softly
“Yes kitten?” He asked
“I figured now’s as good a time as any” you said
“What for?” He asked
“I’m pregnant” you said
He dropped his phone he was playing on. “Are you serious?” He asked his eyes were wide
“Yes, I serious Kenma, I’m pregnant with your baby” you said
He pulled you into his arms and peppered kisses all over your face and neck.
“I can’t believe it, today has been amazing” he said “first you agree to marry me and your pregnant”
“I love you so much Kenma” you said
“I love you too kitten more than anything else” he said
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hold-our-destiny · 3 years
5 times tony comforted Peter and the one time Peter comforted Tony
This is for @bluesweatshirt for the friendly neighborhood exchange!
(also i’m really sorry i couldn’t add in a cut off on mobile)
Peter wasn't a sad person.
He wasn't too sad when his parents didn't come home from their business trip. Yeah, he was sad when Ben died- he died in front of him for god’s sake- but he didn’t show it, he sucked it up and helped May with the new struggles with money.
Peter wasn't sad, no. He was tired though.
God, he was so tired.
It had been two weeks since homecoming night and Peter was catering between not being able to sleep at all and waking up every night from nightmares.
This night was different, though.
Because for some reason… Mr Stark was in his nightmare.
It was never anyone but peter. Always Peter stuck under rubble, falling from a plane, stuck in the fire. Never anyone else so why now would it be Mr Stark?
That wasn’t exactly the first thought on his mind when he woke up.
Peter woke up with a start, breath stuck in his chest, tears already escaping his eyes.
He threw the covers off him, needing to be free from the confines, before reaching for his phone.
He’s hurt, mr stark’s hurt and he can't help him- oh god he can't save him-
“Hello?” Mr Stark’s groggy voice shook him out of his thoughts.
“Mr Stark?” Peter asked, almost scared for any reply.
“Pete? You okay?” His mentor’s voice took on a new tone. Worry mixed with… something.
“Yeah, sorry, i just- I’m sorry for waking you- I’ll hang up now-”
“Peter. Are you okay?” The question made him want to cry, made him want to curl up and let it all out with how safe it made Peter feel.
“Yeah I’m-” he took a breath, “I’m fine,”
He could tell the billionaire knew he wasn’t, “Okay, well you might as well help me anyway,”
“Help you?”
“Yeah, i've been up for hours trying to figure this problem out,” He lied.
The mechanic explained the problem to him, Peter letting the words wash over him, breathing through the explanation. He pretended not to notice when Mr Stark didn't ask for his thoughts, when he reminded him to breathe every now and then, just letting his words soothe the kid from the evident panic attack he’d just gone through.
God, he was so out of his element.
Maybe this was a good thing- maybe it was good for him to comfort this kid- this kid who he barely knew. Just for tonight, only tonight.
Tony was tired. No, scratch that- he was fucking exhausted.
He was pretty much ready to drop on that wednesday, ready to curl up in his king size bed and sleep for 16 hours straight.
And yeah, maybe he forgot it was lab day.
Peter walked- more like stumbled- through the lab doors, somehow racing and also shuffling to his seat, dropping his bag with a thud and sitting in his chair in almost the same manner.
Peter’s hair was messy, curls more unruly than usual, and Tony would bet that if he could see the kid’s eyes, they wouldn’t look healthy. 
“Hey kid,”
No answer.
“You okay?”
A delay, then a slight nod. Peter still hadn’t put anything in front of him, just simply sitting at the desk.
“You wanna skip lab day today?” 
Peter’s head shot up, eyes wide and concerned. And yeah, Tony was right, he had dark bags under his eyes.
“What? Is something wrong? Do you need me to leave?” Tony raised a hand to stop him.
“No- no- I mean more like…” He didn’t know how he was going to say this, “I’m pretty tired right now, do you wanna just order a pizza and chill out on the couch?”
Peter looked at him suspiciously, before nodding, already getting up and heading to the other room.
Yeah, tony thought to himself, you’re doing okay
Peter was passed out on the couch within 5 minutes, remote laying in his limp hand and head lolled to the side awkwardly.
Tony brought the pizza in, setting the boxes down on the coffee table and gently shook Peter awake.
“Hey, kid,” He whispered as Peter woke up, matching the tone to the dark room, “You wanna have something to eat? Or at least get into more of a comfortable position,”
Peter nodded groggily, sitting up so Tony could sit next to him, legs touching as Peter moved closer. Tony raised his arm up and around the back of the couch, resting on the teenager’s shoulders and allowing him to relax into the billionaire.
Tony put a random star wars film on the tv, letting it drift into background noise as the kid fell asleep next to him.
For years, Tony had been scared of fucking a future kid up, becoming his father and eventually pushing everyone away. Somehow, now, his fears have receded, his mind reassuring him repeatedly.
He trusts you. You’re doing okay.
Peter woke up under rubble.
No, no, this wasn’t a nightmare. The air was too thick, dust invading his airways. He choked on it as he took a breath. It was too dark, way too dark, the rocks were crushing him, piercing his skin in multiple places. He groaned with the weight, reaching for his watch instinctively. 
He pressed the side button three times, letting red light illuminate his surroundings and trying to breathe with the rubble pushing down on his chest.
His watch lit up blue, and Tony’s voice started speaking through it. 
“Peter? Pete- you there?”
“Y-yeah I’m here” He choked out, a waver in his voice.
“Okay, how are you feeling, kid?” 
“I- The rubble- it’s crushing me- i can’t-” His breath started to speed up at the reminder, panic invading his senses.
“Kid- kid! You gotta calm down, okay? We’re getting you out now, i promise- we’re gunna get you out real soon- but you gotta calm down for us to do that, okay?”
Peter made an affirmative noise, closing his eyes and trying to even out his breaths. His memories were resurfacing much quicker than he could cope with and Tony’s voice was only helping slightly. Peter didn’t know what he was saying, letting the noises meld together in his mind as he calmed himself.
After a few minutes- or hours, he didn’t know- he’d calmed down somewhat, finally able to focus on the voice coming out of his watch. 
“We’re getting you out of there now, kid. You’re doing so good for me, Pete- just keep breathing for me, okay?”
With the panic receding now, Peter was much more aware of his surroundings. He was also aware of the fact that his brain was slowing down, unable to process things as quickly as he normally could. There was a reason for that in the back of his mind but he couldn’t reach it. 
There was something wet underneath him, soaking up into his clothes, he didn’t like that. He wanted to move away from it but only made it hurt worse when he tried- he cried out in pain.
There was a scuffle on the other end of the line- “Yeah, pete? You okay?- what’s happening?”
“T’ny- t- tony! T’y please- g’t me out- please- please- i- i can’t-” 
“Peter- what’s happening?”
“H’rts- my- my chest- there’s- it’s-” The panic was back now, confusing him even more than before, “S’mthing- und’r- something wet- under me- t’ny please-”
“Shit- Peter- Pete- breathe, okay kid? Breathe for me. We’re gunna help you,”
Peter took a breath, then another, and another, steadying his heart before whimpering when the rubble shifted, “Kid, we’ve almost got you. I need you to stay awake, okay? We’re gonna get to you soon but you gotta stay awake so you can tell us if we move the wrong thing, okay?”
Peter made an affirmative noise again, wanting nothing more than to move away from the pain, but listening to Tony.
Tony talked again a while later, surprising Peter when he did. 
“Pete? You still awake for me, bud?”
“Y-yeah im- im here,” 
He heard Tony breathe out slowly, “That’s good, Pete. We’re only a few feet away from you, but the next thing we’re going to move is gunna shift some stuff, okay? Tell us if it hurts you, okay, kid?”
“Okay- I’ll tell y’u”
He waited a few seconds, hearing some movement to his side, before the rubble shifted and his legs screamed in pain. He only let out a grunt, not wanting to stop the team’s efforts, and only a moment passed before he saw his father figure knelt down beside his head, cradling it with one hand. He smiled up at him.
“T-tony-” He sobbed.
Tony nodded, “Yeah, yeah, kid, i’m here now. Sorry we couldn’t get to you sooner but I got you now, i promise. You did so good for me, bud,”
“Good?” Peter’s eyes were closing now, relishing in the relief of pain after hours of panic.
“So good, kid. I’m so proud of you for staying calm. You can sleep now, okay? Let us do the rest.”
He smiled up at his mentor again, letting his eyes close and his body relaxed as his mind gave in to the not-so-distant pull of sleep.
Tony woke up that morning to a call from midtown tech.
Of course, he was confused as to why Peter’s school would call him at midday on a random tuesday.
“Is this Tony Stark?” The caller sounded dubious- doubtful.
“Yes, it is,”
“This is Julia calling from midtown tech. Are you the emergency contact for Peter Parker?”
“One of them, yes,”
“Would you be able to pick Peter up soon?” Tony was already getting some more presentable clothes on, worried as hell.
“Yes, of course. Can I ask why?”
“To be completely honest with you, Mr Stark, I don't even know. There’s a police officer in there with him right now, and that’s all i know.”
Tony froze. A police officer could only mean two things, and Tony didn’t like either option.
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” And with that, he hung up.
Peter practically fell into his arms when he walked into the office. Tony instinctively went to cradle the back of his head as he processed everything that was happening. One of those things being that Peter was crying.
Peter was crying.
He wrapped his arms around the teenager more firmly as the police officer stepped toward them.
“Mr Stark, I’m officer Langford,” Tony nodded curtly towards him, waiting for an explanation.
“You may want to sit down for this,” 
It took some time for Tony to maneuver Peter into a more comfortable position on the couch in the corner, the kid not wanting his mentor to see his face- in fear?- but they got there in the end.
The officer sat down in a chair opposite them, “I’m sorry to tell you this but this morning May Parker was involved in a car accident, she was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately, she was pronounced dead on arrival-” Peter held him slightly tighter, “We called you here because you were Peter’s second emergency contact, and in situations like these, we need a temporary home for him. If you agree, you can take him home now, and if not we can move him to a separate-” Tony held a hand up to cut him off.
He moved the hand back down to rub across Peter’s back, meant to be a soothing gesture but somehow made him more tense. 
“I’ll take him now, and i can sort out the paperwork for a… longer arrangement soon,” Officer Langford nodded before wishing them well and leaving, but Tony didn’t pay any notice, his mind too caught up in what just happened.
It wasn’t caught up in May’s death, somehow in the back of his mind, he knew, he knew that police officers didn’t just show up at a kid’s school for no reason. He wouldn’t have been called if it was anything else.
No, it wasn’t caught up with that.
It was caught up with the fact that Peter- his kid, his Peter- upon hearing Tony’s agreement to take him in- he lost all tension in his body. As if he was relieved, as if he feared Tony would leave him, as if he would abandon the kid he’s grown so close to lately.
Tony couldn’t process it.
“Hey, kiddo, can you look at me please?” Peter minutely shook his head, burrowing into Tony’s shirt even closer than before. His tears had long since stopped, now just seeking comfort from the billionaire.
“We’ve gotta be clear about some stuff, okay, bud? Just a few minutes and then we can go back to whatever this is,” Tony wasn’t good at this.
But, still, Peter pulled back from their embrace, head turned down towards his legs. 
“Kid-” Tony was stuck for words, “i want you to know that you can stay with me for as long as you like, okay? If it’s just for this week, for a while or if it’s for the rest of your life, okay? I need you to understand that i’m going to stick with you through all of it, anything you need from me, I’ll get it for you,” He took a breath, “You’re not alone in this,”
Peter crumpled.
As if against his own command, his body surged forward, arms clumsily reaching for his father figure, breaths coming through as gasps, head still downturned. 
But still, Tony caught him.
Tony took Peter back to the tower, he set him up in his room, gave him food and sent him to bed. He figured they’d deal with talking about it tomorrow, after some good sleep and a long fucking think about how Tony feels about this kid.
That went to shit at around 4am.
Tony was up on his feet before he could process the scream, legs rushing him to the only inhabited room on his floor. Pushing the door open and hoping for the worst.
He really didn’t expect to see Peter in the corner, bed sheets crumpled around his feet, breaths barely present.
He kneeled down a few feet away, unsure about whether Peter needed him close or not. But upon seeing the kid reach out a trembling hand towards him, he surged forward, pulling the teenager into his arms.
“It’s okay, whatever it is, it’s okay, we’re safe. I’ve got you.” He repeated in hushed whispers, rocking the two of them back and forth.
It was only a few minutes later when Peter responded to him, breathing normally now, hand clutching his mentor’s shirt as he mumbled into his chest.
“Couldn’t- couldn’t save y’u- i- i can’- can’t do i’- pl’se t’ny-”
Tony hushed him. 
Peter repeated the mantra for another- god, tony didn’t know how long- until tony was finally able to hush him. The billionaire carefully picked him up, walking him the few feet over to the bed and laying him down in it. 
Tony hesitated by the door, before hushing his brain of all negative thoughts, turning off the light and retreating back into the teenager’s bedroom. He climbed into the bed with the kid, curling up next to him- relieved when Peter immediately turned to cling to his chest.
Slowly, he fell asleep.
To say Peter was worried about this mission was an understatement. Him and Tony were going undercover together and honestly… it was already awkward. 
The thing is, Peter wouldn’t have any trouble going undercover normally but now, they were going in as father and son. 
There was this guy- this villain they’d started calling the ‘poisoner’- who was targeting father and son couples, poisoning the son and leaving the father with the body until they were found. They’d tried everything to arrest the guy but… he kept getting away- going undercover was the only option- the last ditch attempt before the avengers started knocking on doors.
It was weird how Peter was more scared to act like Toy was his dad, when he could actually die if the other guy got the upper hand.
They were sat in the hotel room, waiting. 
They saw the guy- the poisoner- earlier at the bar. He’d followed them all night, back to their room but… he hadn’t pushed his way in, always staying just too far away to be apprehended by Tony.
It took a few hours for there to be a knock at the door, Tony standing up and casting a quick look at Peter before going to answer it.
He opened the door to see him- the guy- the poisoner- dressed up as a waiter or something, pushing a cart in front of him.
“Can i help you?”
He smiled, “Room service, sir,” He started pushing his way past Tony.
“I’m sorry, but we didn’t order room service,”
The poisoner turned around quickly as he heard the door blow shut, quickly pulling Tony into a headlock and facing Peter, who was frozen in the shock of it all.
“Now I’m going to say this one time only,” He ignored Tony struggling in his hold, pulling out a gun from his waistband, “There’s handcuffs under the cart. You’re going to cuff yourself to the bed or I’ll blow your dad’s brains out,” 
Peter moved slowly, sliding off the bed and keeping his hands visible. The man was the same height as Tony and didn’t look much bigger than him. Tony should be able to get out of his hold easily- there was a reason he couldn’t- and now he had a gun to his head.
He reached under the tablecloth, feeling the cold metal and pulling out three sets of handcuffs. He moved over to the bed again, cursing the hotel for having actual bed posts, and cuffed his left wrist to the bed, laying down on it to make himself more comfortable. 
The man then pushed Tony away from him, pointing the gun at Peter this time and making fear rush through him, “Now you- cuff his other hand to the bed,” 
Tony hesitated, making the man cock the gun, and Tony then quickly moved towards Peter, efficiently cuffing the teenager’s wrist, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance that didn’t do much to reassure him.
“Pull the chair away from the desk,” The poisoner commanded, “And cuff your hands behind it,”
Tony did so immediately, not risking Peter’s safety again. Only once he was situated did he start talking.
“You know you’re going to regret this,” The poisoner laughed.
“You really think so, do you? I know you’ve got this room bugged, i know the avengers are probably on their way here. But I’m here to send a message,”
“And what message is that?” 
He paused, pulling the lid off the metal plate he brought in on the cart, it revealed a neat line of six vials, all full of a blue liquid.
“You need to pay for what you did,”
As it turns out, the poisoner doesn't actually inject the poison.
No, that would be too merciful.
Tony’s handcuffed to the chair he’s sat in, facing the bed. The same bed of which Peter, his kid, the teenager who he’d grown to care for so much in the past year or two, was handcuffed to in an ironic parallel. Father and son. Mentor and mentee. Tony, the merchant of death, destined to lead anyone he comes into contact with to a gruesome fate.
Peter happened to be that person.
Tony remembered the first few days after the fight with the rogues, how he regretted taking Peter with him, knowing he was going to ruin the kid. The few months after had only solidified that claim, and so he’d taken the suit.
There was no way he was getting out of the situation now.
The poisoner- that son of a bitch tony was going to kill as soon as he could get out of this damn chair-
The poisoner, had strapped a mask to the teenager’s head, slowly screwing in a vial of that fucking liquid on either side.
And now he was breathing it in- the gas- the poison that Tony just sat there as he’d been strapped down.
Now, Tony thought it was bad enough when he’d had all those thoughts running through his head, memories of Peter before they’d gotten to know each other, before Tony had taken him in. He thought that had been bad enough.
But no, it was so much worse when all those thoughts suddenly screeched to a halt.
Because Peter had just turned his head, linking eyes with Tony, a desperate plea moving between them.
Because Peter was scared- he looked terrified. 
There were unshed tears laying in his tear ducts, enough to easily see as you looked at the kid. His lips barely visible within the mask but from what Tony could see, they were held in a strained frown, lips being bitten.
Peter moved his head towards his mentor, linking eyes with the man. And that, right there in that moment, was when the teenager let go.
“T-tony-” A sob cut him off, choked out between his lips.
“T-tony please- i can’t- i don’t-” Tony shushed him from where he was sitting.
“Kid- Pete- I-” Tony was speechless, all known reassurances dying in his throat as soon as he’d thought of them, what were you supposed to say to a kid who was dying and you couldn’t do anything about it?
“Tony- please- dad- i can’t-” that kicked his instincts into gear.
“Kid, you need to stop talking, okay? The team’s going to get here soon, they’ll get this shit out of you and you’ll be okay, then you can tell me whatever you need to when you’re better, okay?”
Peter nodded, eyes still wide with tears but he listened to the billionaire. and somehow, that made it so much worse, the kid would follow him into fire if he asked him to, and now Tony got him into this situation.
Tony wanted nothing more than to look away from what was happening, as Peter breathed in the poison, helpless to do anything, but he couldn’t not be there for the kid. He needed his father figures comfort.
“he’s right, the teams gunna get here soon, i don’t know when but we’ll get you out of this as soon as we can, and then we can spend a week watching all of the star wars movies, and the clone wars if you want, anything you want kid” 
The poisoner was sat in the corner of the room, on the other bed. He was watching them, watching Tony desperately give his kid comfort without being able to touch him. 
Tony looked at him, “you’re a fucking psychopath, you know that, right? he’s 16, he’s just a kid. why don’t you kill me instead if you want me to pay so much, huh?”
The poisoner chuckled, standing up to walk over to them, “If you die, you wouldn’t feel the pain i did as my kid died in front of me, i’m going to make you watch as your kid suffocates in front of you”
He got two new vials, replacing the almost empty ones. Peter’s wheezing had gotten a lot more prominent now, trying desperately to bring in air. 
Tony’s always been around death, it greets him at every corner. but every time, someone else dies instead of him, or at least, they come close to it. 
He doesn’t know what he’d do if Peter dies.
He’d already changed to the last set of vials now, Peter's breath was barely there. 
Tony was fucking terrified, obviously.
The team was close, he was sure of it, but that had been what he’d been telling himself the whole time. 
They were barely minutes out by his assumptions, but he didn’t know if Peter had minutes, vials nearly empty as the liquid in them turned to gas for the teenager to breathe in, slowly suffocating him.
He was still facing Tony, eve after this long, still trusting him to save him. Even as his body could barely pull in breaths, eyes drooping, they didnt stray from his face.
“Peter, you gotta keep your eyes open, i know it’s hard, i know- but you’ve gotta stay awake for just a few more minutes. We’re gunna help you, but you just gotta stay awake,” 
Peter looked at him sadly, but his eyes stayed open and Tony counted that as a win. He started to say something but Tony shushed him quickly.
“It’s okay, kid. Don’t try to talk. We’ve been over this already, you can talk to me after the team gets here- star wars marathon and everything, remember?”
Peter’s eyebrows creased inwards, and Tony’s heart dropped. Either he just forgot about that whole part of their conversation or… or… 
“You just gotta stay awake for me, okay? I believe in you kid, dont let me down,”
The door seemed to explode inwards when the team got there, Tony didn’t look up.
He didn’t look up as they arrested the poisoner, Bruce and sam moving to Peter, while two others moved to get Tony out of the seat he was in.
As soon as the handcuffs were undone, he surged forward, one hand reaching for the kid’s- which now rested on the bed after being released- and the other going to rest in his curls. Tony quickly wiped the tears off the kid’s face, staying away from his mouth as the others tried to give him as much oxygen as he needed.
Peter choked on a sob when he realised Tony was there, mouth slightly upturning even as another oxygen mask was placed over his face.
“I’m here kid. I’m so proud of you for staying awake, okay?” He looked to bruce, as the man looked away from Peter’s vitals, nodding to Tony now, “You can go to sleep now, I’m so proud of you kid, it’s okay,”
Peter’s eyes didn’t leave him, even as he fell asleep.
Tony cried as he was carried away.
Peter woke up in the medbay. That was his first sign that something bad happened.
The next sign was his mentor-father-figure-dad asleep on the side of his bed. 
Peter’s eyes widened as he saw the tear tracks lining his cheeks. Tony never cried, not even when he dropped an engine on his foot that one time. If Tony was crying now, this- whatever it was that happened- it was bad bad.
Tony startled awake, as if he meant to be on guard, and took one look at the kid in front of him before reaching for Peter and bringing him into his arms.
“Oh my fucking god, kid. Holy shit, you’re okay. Oh my god-”
“Tony what happened?” Was the teenager’s muffled answer, not complaining about being smothered in his da- Tony’s shirt.
“There was this- this guy we went after- had to go undercover and he got to us and he poisoned you, kid- and i couldn't- i couldn't do anything about it- i just sat there and you- you did so good-”
Peter shushed him as the memories arose in his mind, “Tony, can i talk for a second?” He received a nod in reply, “You called the team, Tony. I didn’t, you did. They got there in time and now I’m okay, aren’t I? You did everything that you could, if anything i should've done something, I’m the one with powers here. No- i know- i couldn’t have done anything but you were there the whole time telling me to stay awake and i did, Tony, because of you.”
Tony didn’t say anything, seemingly processing what the kid said. He looked up slowly, tears falling down his cheeks, leaning forward and pulling the kid into a hug again.
Slowly, Peter got tired, nearly falling asleep in Tony’s arms. So, of course, Tony moved into the bed with him, pulling the kid to rest his head against the man’s chest.
“I got you, kid, don’t worry. You can go to sleep,” Peter didn’t know if Tony was reassuring himself or the kid.
Stil, nonetheless, Peter seemingly couldn’t hold back from murmuring a last thought as he fell asleep.
“Love you, dad”
Tony froze for a moment before replying, “Yeah, i love you too, kid,”
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tarithenurse · 3 years
Nightingale - 34
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Hatake Kakashi &/x Fem!OC Contents: Fluff and pining! Smut-intoned awkwardness! Self-heurikas! Shy chats! Reference to trauma. A/N: Hope it helps you feel a bit better, @maladaptive-ninja-returns​. As usual, ASK or REBLOG for tag! HUUUGE thanks to all who are reblogging already <3
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Ch. 34
Kakashi had understood right away what was to happen now that the blue-haired outsider was no longer his charge. He had realized that their time together would be limited to a bare minimum while Uguïsu was placed in a variety of team constellations – all with missions near Konoha or at least well within the Land of Fire – and his training of Team 7 intensified.
At least they had established a sort of routine: whoever came back to town last would track the other one down as soon as possible, often hanging out at that person’s place when (or if) they managed to disentangle from other social calls. Sometimes, of course, they’d go elsewhere such as the water tower, but with winter nearing, the weather didn’t exactly invite for outdoors relaxation.
Tonight is one of those nights. The rain has been drumming on the windows all day, a chill sneaking into the apartment and prompting Kakashi to indulge in tea and spiced treats. The yellow glow of the lamp bathes a messy pile of documents on the desk that Kakashi is sorting through and adding small notes and coloured tags of paper on. Statistics get red annotations colour coded tags similar to those in the reports: black, pink, and yellow.
Stretching to itch the side of his ribs, the sensei is happy for the distraction as someone knocks on the door. “Come in!”
It’s not, as he half had suspected, Asuma or one of the other team captains, but a drenched and tired looking woman. Her normally colourful hair is darkened by water and a puddle is rapidly forming around her sock-clad feet (fed as well by a steady trickle from one of the boots she’s opted to carry).
“I’ll find towels and spare clothes,” he announces, “you’re getting into the shower.”
Uguïsu doesn’t object, and as he rummages around to find the needed items, he hears the smattering sound of wet clothes landing on the bathroom tiles. She could use a proper bath. A real soaking would get her toasty warm all the way through and chase away any soreness from whatever mission she’s been on. It would delay snuggle time, though.
That’s a discovery Kakashi has made about himself. He really likes snuggling. Always having been a fan of lazying about, perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise except...except it’s the feeling of her calm breathing that perfects it. Her scent. The heat of her fingers as she traces scars or muscles. Even when she teases him by sticking cold feet under his shirt.
Lost in those kind of thoughts while staring at the paperwork again, he manages not to glance in his nightingale’s direction when she sticks an arm out to grab the heap of fresh towels and clothes – he just revels in the steam carrying notes of his soap and her whatever-it-is into the room. Similarly, Kakashi’s gaze remains fixed the next time the door open and she steps out.
“I...maybe they’re a bit long?” Uguïsu mumbles.
They are. Finally turning, he likes the sight of the baggy pants that threaten to swallow her bare feet especially when the tight top is showing the swell of her breasts and curve of her waist. Or maybe because it’s my clothes she’s wearing. It’s primal and Kakashi knows it.
Ahem. “Are you hungry? I could get -”
She stops him by shaking her head, a few drops letting go of the darkened strands even after she’s tried to dry it. “Just cold. Wanna help me?”
Oh, he wants to and he berates his dirty mind for suggesting rather inappropriate ways of getting her warmed. They do end up in bed, limbs tangled (which is a development the white-haired jōnin silently celebrates each time) and his hands rubbing circles on her back.
“Tough mission?” he asks as a distraction from the subtle repositioning he needs.
She shakes her head. “Conceptually, no. But wrangling escaped pigs is not fun in this sort of weather.”
Tilting on to his back, Kakashi tries to free a specific area from the woman’s touch but she’s not having it, stubbornly following along until she’s straddling him. It feels much too good with her thighs and knees wrapping around his hips and the squishy mounds pressing against his chest.
He has to clear his throat first. “Y-yeah?”
“Is...is that...y’know?”
Uguïsu isn’t facing him, but from the tension in her body, it’s possible for the jōnin to deduce what he would have seen. Fear or anxiety. Maybe a little splash of shyness.
“I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean for that to happen and I swear I won’t do anything or be mad if you want some distance.”
He could have said more and would have if it wasn’t because the woman tightens her hold on him.
“It happens sometimes when you sleep too,” she whispers.
Mortified despite knowing it’s simple physiology, Kakashi tries to think of something. She must think I’m desperate. He is, but has willpower. That I want to rush her. He doesn’t and that’s never going to change. What if I end up pushing her away?
“I kinda...like it.”
It takes a moment for the meaning of the words to register. “You do?”
“Yeah.” She squirms for a moment to get more comfortable without pushing against his cock too much. “It’s like...it’s there but neatly tucked away unless I would...if I want...more. Waiting instead of...”
“Waiting for it to be your decision?”
She nods. “Makes it less scary and more something to be curious about.”
Curious. Memory strikes hard, shoving Kakashi back in time to an interrogation where a story of a 12 year old girl was orphaned and lost anyone who would tell her about sex and sexuality in a kind and healthy manner. What Uguïsu knows is probably what she deduced at the mercy of Orochimaru.
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syahaz · 4 years
Camp TV Short Story - Diary Where Are You?
Main Story:
It’s another night without challenge and elimination. A girl with reddish dyed and highlighted hair, a black plain shirt and zebra-striped short is panic as in trying to find something that very dear to her. She rushes outside with only full moonlight guiding her way to her destination in mind. When she arrives there, she is surprised by the sight of a guy holding her beloved diary.
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Heather: YOU!!!
Trenton: Huh?
Heather: Stop you, diary stealer! *Runs towards Trenton and struggling to take the diary back.*
Trenton: *Quickly defend himself enough with his arms as a shield.* Heather, calm down! It’s not what you think it is.
Heather: Then what was THAT?! *Points at her diary in Trenton’s hand.*
Trenton: Look, I just want to see to whom I should return this diary!
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Heather: *Snatches the diary right away.* AS IF I’m gonna believe you! You have like hundreds of reasons to take me down!
Trenton: You know, *Takes a deep breath* I tried to be nice to you ONCE in a lifetime… *Turns back against Heather towards the path to the boys’ cabin.* Believe whatever you want, as long the truth is in my side, I got nothing to be mad about.
Heather: *Stares at Trenton with hatred intensely. Raises eyebrows and bites lips moments later.* Umm, about my middle name can you just… don’t tell anyone about it?
Trenton: *Stays silent for a couple of seconds.* I don’t know what’s your deal with it, but I won’t say anything about it. Not my business, right?
Heather: Err, yeah…
Clouds slowly covering the shine of the full moon. Owls hoots and soaring crows transmit throughout the whole woods. Steps of a living being on the nature floor can be heard by others nearby, sending some chills down to Heather’s vertebrae.
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Heather: Hello? Is anybody there?... This is not funny... Trenton if that’s you, I’ll kill you if you follow me back! *Runs to the girls’ cabin in fear. Slamming the door shut.*
Lewshana: *Awakes of the slammed door. Lifting her eye cover on one side.* What the? Heather, could you slow down? I’m about getting my beauty sleep. By the way, what the hell are you doing out there? 
Heather: *Breaths unstably.* Sorry- yes- but- out there’s- there’s… *Catches more breath.* 
Lewshana: Take it easy, sis. I can’t understand what are you trying to say-
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The door opens wide the second time with a huge force by a mysterious figure without any prior notice which is horrifying to both Heather and Lewshana. Not to mention it is already late at night and it is very sudden. The figure turns out to be sleepwalking Lindsay, who then falls on the floor. Lewshana sighed, pulls her eye cover out completely and jumps out from her bed and go back to get her beauty sleep. Then she manages to bring Lindsay back to her bed. Heather eventually slumps herself on her bed. She checks out if her diary got any damage to it. Relief that there’s none, she takes a deep breath before closing her eyes despite having a sprinkle of guilt inside her.
Alternative Story:
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It’s another night without challenge and elimination. A young man with a messy haircut, black tank top and camo three-quarter slack trousers takes a chance for a night stroll and breathes in breezing air. With some ray from his camping flashlight, he begins to hum along the way. Step by step, he found something peculiar within the bushes. He’s pretty sure it’s not something that belongs there as its shape is very regular instead of an organic one. He flashes towards it and he discovers a book or rather a book-like object. He picks it up and then tries to slowly figure out what the object is.
Trenton: Hmm, looks like a diary… Someone must be losing it. Hmm… *Flipping the cover of the diary, seeing some handwriting on the first page..* Heather Gwenfron…
Heather: YOU!!!
Trenton: Huh?
Heather: Stop you, diary stealer! *Runs towards Trenton and struggling to take the diary back.*
Trenton: *Quickly defend himself enough with his arms as a shield.* Heather, calm down! It’s not what you think it is.
Heather: Then what was THAT?! *Points at her diary in Trenton’s hand.*
Trenton: Look, I just want to see to whom I should return this diary!
Heather: *Snatches the diary right away.* AS IF I’m gonna believe you! You have like hundreds of reasons to take me down!
Trenton: You know, *Takes a deep breath* I tried to be nice to you ONCE in a lifetime… *Turns back against Heather towards the path to the boys’ cabin.* Believe whatever you want, as long the truth is in my side, I got nothing to be mad about.
Heather: *Stares at Trenton with hatred intensely. Raises eyebrows and bites lips moments later.* Umm, about my middle name can you just… don’t tell anyone about it?
Trenton: *Stays silent for a couple of seconds.* I don’t know what’s your deal with it, but I won’t say anything about it. Not my business, right?
Heather: Err, yeah...
Clouds slowly covering the shine of the full moon. Owls hoots and soaring crows transmit throughout the whole woods. Steps of a living being on the nature floor can be heard by others nearby, sending some chills down to Heather’s vertebrae. Suddenly, Trenton comes back to pick up the camping flashlight that he accidentally dropped. Heather instantly gets an idea to get way back to the cabin.
Heather: Uh… I, err, um… Could you, *Gulps* walk with me? I don't wanna at first but the woods tonight just feel so odd, you know? *Rubs arms nervously.*
Trenton: *Sigh hard before turns his head a few times slightly facing the way to the girls’ cabin.*
Heather: *Nodding and smiles.*
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While walking, Heather couldn’t keep her head straight to the front. Her deep instinct keeps telling her that they’re both are not alone. The atmosphere of the night truly creeps Heather out. On the contrary, she is the kind who love the serendipity of a night but in this specific night, presence of an evil force somewhat can be detected, roaming among the tall big barks. Trenton instinctively grips Heather’s hands gently. She opens her eyes widely at him out of shock, then smiles of relief for his understanding. As soon as they reach the front door of the girls’ cabin, Trenton turns his way back to his initial destination without any word since they’re leaving the woods area. Heather is about to say something to him after going through strong conflict on herself whether she should apologize for her harsh words or keep it to herself. However, he already far away to hear her from where she is at that point. She lets a frustrating groan out, chagrined on her delayed action. For short, she messed up big time.
Heather: *Opens the door and closing it calmly.*
Leshawna: *Awakes of the creaking door. Lifting her eye cover on one side.*  Heather? Is that you? Did you found your diary out there? 
Heather: *Grins sheepishly.* Yeah, I did. It was very scary out there but hey, it worth it.
The door opens wide the second time with a huge force by a mysterious figure without any prior notice which is horrifying to both Heather and Lewshana. Not to mention it is already late at night and it is very sudden. The figure turns out to be sleepwalking Lindsay, who then falls on the floor. Lewshana sighed, pulls her eye cover out completely and jumps out from her bed and go back to get her beauty sleep. Then she manages to bring Lindsay back to her bed. Heather eventually slumps herself on her bed. She checks out if her diary got any damage to it. Relief that there’s none, she takes a deep breath before closing her eyes despite having a sprinkle of guilt inside her.
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Number Neighbors | Jeff Wittek
Idea by me, but requested by everyone who liked my post about it.
dedicated to my baby @daviddoughbrik because I love when she texts me constantly
You'd never really been into social media, being too busy to have a social life, let alone a Twitter account, but your little sister kept you up to date. You didn't get to see eachother very often, but you would call eachother once a week. Even if what your sister said made no sense, it was always a relief just to see her smiling face.
"What's the tea this week?" You smiled into the phone. "Did I use that right?"
"Yes, kinda." Your bubbly sister smiled back. "It's been a trend to text your number neighbors, and I texted mine, and some old lady texted back and yelled at me." She laughed as she rambled.
"What's a number neighbor?"
"It's your phone number but like plus or minus the end digit, so like, mine was. . ." She explained, you laughed, and then continued talking for an hour before she had to go.
You went about your night, watching some Netflix show before deciding to go to bed. You thought about your sister and how much you missed her. She was back home in New York, and you were across the country performing in Vegas. It was hard work, and you were doing what you love, but it sucked not being able to see her all the time. Thinking of her reminded you of the whole number neighbors thing and you decided to try it out. You didn't think anyone would answer, but it seemed fun and it was worth a try.
You sent a simple "hey number neighbor!" to the two numbers above and below yours, and then drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up in a panic, you'd missed your alarm and were late for rehearsal. You quickly grabbed your phone, not even having time to look at it, and ran out of the door. You changed clothes in the car and apologized as you walked into the rehearsal area thirty minutes late.
It wasn't until dinner time that you really had time to look at your phone. One of your number neighbors had texted you back.
A simple 'hey' was all they said.
How was your day?
You went with some cliche questions, wondering if they would text back again.
Good, wby?
They texted back instantly. You wondered if they still lived in New York, or maybe somewhere else.
It was okay, do you live in New York?
Not anymore, you?
You learned that his name was Jeff, he's two years older than you, he lived in LA (only a short flight from you), and you grew up around the corner from eachother. His favorite type of soup is tomato, and he uses Old Spice body wash. Texting brought out a lot of different conversations than the phone did.
You stayed up a little later than you should've texting him, but he promised to text you in the morning.
In LA, Jeff had been smiling all night. Y/n was funny and new, and he wanted to know everything about her. She was a breath of fresh air from his friends and his life, and he couldn't get enough.
"Who are you texting?" Todd asked Jeff, peering over his shoulder.
"Just some girl." Jeff played it off, wanting to keep y/n his secret for a while.
"Ooh, is she cute?"
"Yeah, she's hot." Jeff played along.
"Do I know her?"
"Probably not." Lucky for Jeff, David called Todd over, distracting him from their conversation.
Good morning!
You smiled at Jeff's text before replying. Seeing his name on your phone made you so happy for no reason. You've never had anyone to talk to like this, and you couldn't be more grateful. The two of you texted all day. And night. And the next day. And the next night.
For two straight weeks you texted constantly. You shared very intimate secrets with eachother. Things you've never told anyone. You also knew all the stupid things about eachother. Pet peeves, favorite colors, turn ons, turn offs. Stories about friends, your parents names, you even knew about his ex girlfriend.
I wanna see you.
His text scared you. There was something wonderful about the animosity of it all. You weren't pressured to look good, you weren't self conscious, you weren't worried about anything physical.
Can we start with a phone call?
Taking it slow was nice. Obviously you had a crush on him, but it felt so real and so fake. You loved him for his personality, but you had no idea what he looked like. You were scared to find out. What if he was horribly ugly? Not that looks were everything, but you'd have to be physically attracted to him at least a little bit for it to get anywhere. Jeff was thinking the same things, and agreed that a phone call would be a good next step.
I'm scared. What if my laugh is too ugly and you never talk to me again?
Who says I'm gonna make you laugh?
Jeff, your texts make me laugh until I pee a little bit, I know talking will be the same way.
If you say so.
He agreed to press the call button. You would get too in your head and never end up pressing it.
You were cross legged on your bed. You looked like a twelve year old girl waiting for her crush to call. Your ringtone blared and you stared at your phone. By the time you answered he'd almost gone to voicemail.
Both of you were silent for a minute.
"Are you as nervous as I am?" His New York accent soothed your ears. He sounded like home.
"Yeah, I almost didn't answer." You let out a sigh of relief. Once you started talking, your conversation didn't stop.
"I thought you'd have an accent." You could practically hear him smirking.
"I didn't think you'd have one." Your words were slow and gentle. You didn't wanna push any boundaries. You were afraid to curse, even though you'd cursed like a sailor in text.
"You sound very pretty." He flirted with you, making you blush. You were very thankful it was just a voice call and he couldn't see how red you were.
"Thank you."
You talked for three hours before you fell asleep. Apparently Jeff fell asleep too, because when you woke up, the call was still going.
"Jeff?" Your voice was groggy, but at this point you didn't care. He didn't answer right away, and you were about to end the call when he spoke.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" His voice was deep and gruff, a little chuckle coming through the phone.
"Do I really? That's so embarrassing." You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, trying to remember what you dreamed about.
"You were talking about me." Jeff smiled in his bed, staring at your name and the ever-growing time of the phone call.
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry."
"No, it was sweet."
"What did I say?"
"You said 'you're probably really cute' and you kept whisperin' my name. It woke me up like three times."
"I mean, you sound like you're really cute, so I'm not wrong." You pulled your phone off the charger before bringing Jeff with you too the bathroom. "I have to shower, so I gotta go."
"No, we already slept together, you can shower in front of me." His joke made you burst out laughing. "And you thought your laugh was ugly, huh?"
"Okay, okay, I really have to go, Jeff." You noticed yourself in the mirror, smiling like a doofus. "I'll call you tonight?"
"Not if I call you first."
You texted all day once again, and he called you as soon as you said you were home.
"I missed your beautiful voice."
"I missed your sexy accent."
The events of the previous night repeated, this time with more flirting.
It became a cycle. You would talk all night, fall asleep together, wake up and talk about your dreams and his snoring and then you'd text all day until you could do it again. He became your first priority, only delaying or skipping a phone call when you talked to your sister or he had to do something with his friends.
After a few weeks you felt ready to know what he looked like. Your phone was facing the ceiling as you hit the FaceTime button. He answered the call, his phone also facing the ceiling.
"We gonna do a three, two, one, go kinda thing or one at a time, or what?" He chuckled. Suddenly your nerves were all lighting up at once. The curiosity was killing you.
"What if we go slowly? Like our hair first and then our eyes and yeah?" You suggested. Your hair was in a bun, and you weren't wearing makeup, but you wanted him to see you for you.
"I like that idea."
You picked up your phone slowly, peeking the top of your head into the frame. His hair was incredible. He had the type of hair you see in shampoo commercials. It was brown and floppy and slightly styled. "Even your hair is attractive, wow."
"Your messy bun is incredible." He took in every detail of your hair. "Eyes?"
"Okay." The two of you stared at your phones, staring at eachothers foreheads as your eyes slowly came into frame. His eyebrows were bushy yet manicured, and his beautiful brown eyes were so bright. You could see the attraction he saw in you as he took in your long lashes and your sparkling eyes.
"You look exactly as I pictured you so far." As he laughed his eyes scrunched up and you started to see his cheeks.
"You look so much better than I pictured you." You laughed as well, your eyes squinting. "Okay, noses." Jeff's nose was slightly big, and a bit crooked, but it was handsome nonetheless. He seemed like a manly man, and you were very into it. The more he showed of his high cheekbones and his nose, the more you started to see his moustache and the edges of a beard. "You have a beard?"
"Yeah, I'm a gorilla." His cheeks perked up as he smiled at you. Your nose was much smaller than his. "You have such a cute nose."
"Thank you."
"Let me see the rest of your beautiful face." He demanded and you obliged, showing him the whole of your face. "Wow."
"Wow." You were both stunned. The beard suited him. Jeff was hot. Like, male model hot.
"I think I'm falling in love with you, y/n." His lips mesmerized you to the point where you barely heard what he said.
"What?" You were suddenly out of breath. This beautiful man was falling in love with you.
"I was pretty sure before I saw you, but now I'm really sure. I'm falling in love with you. Your beautiful face. Your beautiful personality. All of it. The way you don't mute yourself when you pee, the way you laugh, they way you're smiling at me right now. All of it. Everythin' about you." His words squeezed her heart, a heavy warm feeling filling her chest.
"I'm falling in love with you too, Jeff Wittek."
You FaceTimed every night for a month.
"Hey." Jeff's handsome face filled your screen, except this time he wasn't in his apartment, he was walking somewhere.
"Where are you?" You asked, hearing voices in the background. You started to wonder if his friends knew about you.
"I'm getting on a plane." He smiled.
"Ooh, where are you going?" You knew about his job now. You'd laughed at his own videos while on FaceTime with him just a week prior, and you knew his friend David tended to take him on spontaneous trips to Chicago or New York.
"Guess." He said, a playful tone very obvious in his voice.
"Um, New York." You smiled at him.
"Chicago?" You were more uncertain this time.
"Wrong again."
"Just tell me, I suck at guessing." You pouted at him, your eyes noticing his friend Todd in the background.
"Vegas." His smile widened as he saw your shocked expression.
"Really?" You almost started to cry.
"I'll be at your door in a few hours."
"Is this really happening?" You asked.
"Do you wanna pinch yourself?" He chuckled.
"No, I just have to clean my entire apartment and put on makeup and find my cute underwear and-"
"Cute underwear?" He asked, that smirked you loved so much tugging at his lips.
"Damn right." You laughed.
"Okay, you can do that, but you don't have to put on makeup if you don't want to."
Your were crawling out of your skin for three hours, frantically running around your apartment as you made everything perfect for Jeff. You had your best underwear on, ready for him to rip it off. You didn't know if you were gonna have sex, but you wanted to be prepared. You were wearing some random shorts and a large shirt, minimal makeup on.
You were afraid you might wear holes in the floor from pacing so hard, but you couldn't help it.
You refreshed his location constantly. He was getting closer to you every minute.
You froze in your tracks when he knocked on your door. Life didn't feel real as you opened the door.
"Hey, could I crash here tonight?" Jeff asked. He was even more beautiful in person, he was also taller than you thought. You ran into his arms, his bag falling to the ground as he enveloped you in his arms. He smelled amazing. His grip was tight as he squeezed you.
He wouldn't let you go and you didn't want him to. You hugged for a good three minutes before finally dragging him inside.
"I can't believe you're real, or that you're here."
"I can't believe how beautiful you are." His eyes scanned your body before landing on your face. "Come 'ere." His hands holding your waist, bringing you in. Your eyes locked as your faces drew closer together. Your eyelids fluttered closed as you focused on the feeling of his touch. His hands on your waist, his lips on your lips, your fingers in his hair and on his jaw and in his beard. You couldn't get enough of him.
"I have a question for you." He pulled away gently, your eyes opening.
"Okay." You muttered, still stunned by him. His hands dragged up your body and cupped your face.
"Will you officially be my girlfriend?" His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips. You nodded, smiling as you leaned in to kiss him again.
"I feel like I'm dreaming." You smiled, pulling away once again.
You showed him around your apartment, putting his stuff in your room. You cuddled and talked for a while before you finally got to show him that special underwear.
Read the smut HERE
Read part two HERE
Read part three HERE
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courier-sux · 4 years
Not sure if I sent smth yet but 📓☄️ for August and Jackal
again sorry for the delay!!
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
August doesn’t keep a journal, but if he did, it would be very utilitarian. Writing isn’t something he does often, so his handwriting is somewhat messy, though more legible than Jackal’s. Anything inside it be useful information — maybe dotted by the occasional note about a task, conversation, or dream.
A journal page by him might look like this:
Traveled: Nellis AFB
Weather: Sunny (should write that in for every entry)
Met the “Boomers”. They tried to blow me up. Still don’t know how I feel about them, but it doesn’t matter as long as they agree to help the Legion.
Saw September again today. Said my goals were “selfish, idiotic, and damn near suicidal.” Condemnant quo non intellegunt.
Jackal’s journal has a worn leather cover, and she fills about three of them during her time in the Mojave. Just before she goes to bed, she records the events of the day — how detailed of an account it is depends on how tired she feels. Between her messy handwriting and tendency to rip out pages with notes on them, it’s a bit disorganized. The front is chronological, the center is for pressing flowers, and the pages in the back are reserved as a place to write down notes, information she recovers about herself, and anything about her friends that she finds important enough to jot down. 
Here’s what Jackal was writing towards the end of Cactus Flower (made legible):
Reached Nelson today. Ranger (Milo) recognized me and Boone, said that there were hostages in town. Legion strung up some soldiers, still alive. Told us to mercy kill them and Boone got his back up. Don’t think Milo noticed — guess I’m just good at reading him. Would be easier if he didn’t wear those fucking sunglasses all the time. Usually no point in looking at his face if I wanna know what he’s thinking. Way he stands gives more away.
Anyways. I lied and told Milo we’d do it cause he was full of shit. Typical NCR. Rather take the easy way out than ever do something risky. Was planning on sniping as many reds as we could before taking the fight to them, but that plan went south when Boone had another panic attack — worst one I’ve seen so far. Scared me real bad.
I’m worried about him. If a legionary doesn’t get him first, his mind’s going to do him in instead. Wish that telling him would change his mind but he only seems to care when it threatens me. Note to self: don’t read too much into that, dumbass.
Talking seems to help when I can get him to do it. While back I asked him how he knew Carla was dead and he said he just knew. I think I get it now. Boone said he’ll talk to me about what happened tonight. Guess we’ll see if I’m right.
We got the soldiers out, made Milo eat his words. Cleaned out Nelson. Made camp between Nelson and Novac. Headed to Camp Searchlight tomorrow. Maybe I’ll feel a little less guilty about tricking the NCR if I keep doing stuff for them. Sorry dad.
☄️ Does your OC believe in fate and destiny or do they think it’s a load of garbage? Would they ever get this fortune told? What would a fortune-teller tell them about their future?
August believes that the ideas of fate and destiny are nonsense, but he does think that life in general has wronged him more than most people — whether it was meant to be or not is where it gets uncertain for him. He’d see getting his fortune told as a waste of time. When it comes to his future, a fortune-teller would have a hard time predicting it — he has the potential to do both a lot of good and a lot of bad.
Like August, Jackal thinks the idea of fate or destiny is completely ridiculous. She believes that everyone has control of their actions (to a certain extent), and blaming things on fate is a way to cope with your own failings. She would (and does in my tarot fic) get her fortune told, if only for her own amusement — she wouldn’t take it seriously. A fortune-teller might tell her that her road is long and difficult, but there’s a light at the end. She just needs to stick it out until she reaches it.
And speaking of fortunes, here’s a preview for part two of the Hanged Man: following Lonesome Road, Jackal’s tarot spread includes the Knight of Swords, the Nine of Wands, and Judgement.
20 OC Questions
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
Can I get a 2/4/5 for Changchun with the reader being slytherin pretty please??
AU: 2. Hogwarts | Trope: 4. Meet messy | Prompt: 5. “you have the emotional capacity of a brick.”
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I hope this is ok, sorry for the delay!! ✨💕 also note, Changkyun is a Raven and reader is Slytherin as requested!
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He pretty much knows your schedule by now, albeit unintentionally. What classes you have, where you study, where you like to spend your free time; it’s like he never stops bumping into you, though it seems only he notices the constant coincidences, you being none the wiser.
He tries to mimic your behaviours in the hopes you’ll somehow, by some miraculous chance, notice him. But Changkyun remains invisible, cloaked in the wrong colour.
He catches himself thinking about you all too often, shaking his head to rid himself of the stupid thoughts. He’d never allowed himself to get caught up in such childish matters, repeatedly refuting the idea of you as his crush. Though there isn’t anyone else to convince but himself.
He can’t quite put his finger on it, but there’s an elusive charm about you, an aura that seems to reel him in. You’re cold but in the most inviting way, straight-faced and always serious. He’s never so much as seen you crack a smile.
Changkyun walks carefully down the aisle, a high pile of books teetering precariously in his arms as he peers over the top. He spots you in a corner, alone as usual, completely immersed in the book in your hands.
You always look a little less threatening when you’re not in uniform, he notes, the green badge usually enough to keep him at bay. But seeing your face soften and move with the pages, dwarfed by your oversized hoodie, makes him a little braver because you look just like anyone else.
Without allowing himself a second thought to talk him out of the many reasons why this probably isn’t a good idea, he makes a semi-confident beeline in your direction. But his steps seem to falter the closer he gets, echoing in the cavernous space.
And he almost makes it.
His toe catches on the foot of a chair, tripping him up and sending the pile of books flying. He stumbles forward and sees you jump from the corner of his eye, startled out of your reverie.
“Sorry,” he mutters, his cheeks aflame as he bends down to retrieve the props.
You stifle a laugh, your lips caught between your teeth, and despite your heart still jackhammering in your chest from the fright, you help him.
“You’re welcome.” You deadpan, holding out the last hardback for him to take.
“It’s just–”
“You never expected me to help.”
“Well, I mean, you have the emotional capacity of a brick so–” Changkyun stops himself before he does anymore damage, his lips pursing shut as he realises his thoughts were spoken aloud.
“I have a what?” You fold your arms over your chest, challenging him.
“Nothing,” Changkyun smiles. “I was just thinking aloud.”
“Well, it’s a library. You might not wanna think too loud.” You quip back, settling down in your seat again. But when he doesn’t leave, you raise your eyebrows in question.
He sighs and decides to get it over and done with. He’s made it this far already. “Do you wanna... I don’t know... do you have any plans tonight? Only... the Leaky Cauldron has this thing on tonight and– well– I was thinking–”
“Sure.” You answer, almost dismissively.
Changkyun’s mouth open and closes like a fish, several words on the tip of his tongue but with no way of voicing them. For once, he’s stunned into silence, surprised at how simple it had been. “What do you mean ‘sure’?“
“I mean yes. Sure, whatever. I’ll go with you,” you shut your book and tilt your head upwards, catching his eyes behind the lens of his glasses. “You’re the first person to approach me like I’m not a poisonous snake.”
Changkyun feels another smart retort on his tongue but bites back, making every effort not to ruin the moment.
“Just try not to trip up at the bar next time.”
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
When he sees me [5]
Pairing: Chris Evans x oc
Summary: Delilah is a simple shy girl. What will happen when famous actor, Chris Evans sees her? Will she hide, will she run again? Will he make her come out of hiding instead?
Episode 5: The one with That day
Read: prologue, episode 1, episode 2 , episode 3 episode 4
Words: 2.344
Based on When he sees me by Sara Bereilles
Warnings: awkwardness, mentions of anxiety and a fight
Author’s note: sorry for the delay, from now on updates will come every Friday!! luv ya xx
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8:00 AM
Delilah’s heart dropped out of her chest when she saw Sebastian coming out of her bathroom. His hair were messy and of course he was naked from the waist up, looking like a complete god. “What are you doing here at eight in the morning?” she hissed at him, hitting him in the shoulder for scaring her like that. “I could have been naked! wait- have you been here all night?”
“Good morning to you too shorty!” he replied, giving her a smile. Delilah hit him again, this time the punch was harder and Sebastian stepped back out of instinct “Ouch!” he rubbed his arm and frowned his eyes “jeez, you’re dangerous in the morning- have you talked to chris about that?” Sebastian walked to the kitchen before she could hit him again, laughing at his own joke, because he is a dork.
“wait-” Delilah rushed behind him “if you were here all night... did you-”
“yeah we did. We were spying on you two from Laura’s window, you can’t imagine the way she screamed when she saw you kissing-” Sebastian started making coffee, totally ignoring Delilah’s little cries for help. That kiss was already bad enough but to have Laura see it, that was way worse.
“Well you should tell her that it meant nothing”
“You can tell her that when she wakes up but I doubt she’ll believe you. Coffee?”
“why wouldn’t she believe me?” she questioned sitting down on the kitchen table and nodded about the coffee. Sebastian left her the cup on the table, smiling.
“Because I don’t even believe you, because you are lying.” Finally he took a seat next to her and a sip from his coffee. He looked so comfortable around the house, moving like it was his own apartment. “Chris is a nice guy, you shouldn’t run away. Not this time.”
“How do you know about my running away history?”
Sebastian tilted his head and smirked like the answer was obvious and then it clicked for Delilah too. Laura.
“look” he cleared his throat and leaned closer to her “You don’t have to talk to me, you barely know me but I know chris, he wouldn’t have kissed you on the first date if it meant nothing. He never does that. Don’t run way and If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for him. He looks tough but he is not all that tough.”
“I-” Delilah bowed her head, her thoughts felt too heavy “don’t you and Laura have better things to talk about?”
Sebastian chuckled and at that moment Laura came in dressed in his long black shirt, her black hair up on a bun, she slid her hands down his chest and leaned down to kiss his cheek “Morning” she sang in his ears. Sebastian’s face lit up the second he sensed her standing behind him.
“Good morning doll. I made coffee”
“You’re an angel.” Laura raised her head to look at her friend and gave her a quick kiss “good morning D” she poured herself some coffee and took a seat across from Sebastian “Did Chris call yet?”
“Laura its eight thirty in the morning , what do you think?” question Delilah.
“He’s probably gonna call later, we got press today. Which reminds me I’m gonna need my shirt” he pointed at Laura smiling but she pouted “Oh come on doll, you can come with me, it will be really boring-”
“I can’t I have rehearsals today, all day.” She reached to hold his hand and winked “But Lilah could come with you”
Delilah chocked on her coffee as a response to her friend’s suggestion.
“Sure! I bet Chris would love to see you-”
“I can’t! I have to go to the coffee shop-”
“But you have the night shift today” reminded Laura
“Actually Zac called me, he is sick and he asked if I could fill in for him”
“You mean he texted on the group chat if anyone could help and you said yes because it was an excuse not to deal with Chris Today.”
Delilah took a sip from her coffee, looking at her friend like an innocent kid.
Sebastian could only laugh and shake his head. “wow”
1:00 PM
“D, your phone is ringing!” Called Paul as Delilah entered the kitchen. She walked over to him wiping her hands on her apron. “Is it Laura?”
“No, it says Evans”
Delilah stopped on her tracks and her entire body turned white, matching the walls of the kitchen. Should I answer? No? Maybe? fuck.
“D?” Paul asked, worried by the way she looked “D?” He asked again, trying to wake her up from her nightmare. Delilah looked up at him and grabbed her phone, very quickly shutting it off.
“No talking when we are working.” she explained, she was mostly trying to convince her self that what she did was right. She turned around, picking up a tray and walking back out the tables. She was replacing her thoughts about Chris with orders.
2:00 PM
“how much time do we have left?” Asked chris, sinking back at his chair. This was the worst Part about being a Hollywood actor, press could get very exhausting, you would sit in a room for hours answering the same questions, to different people and most time the chairs were so uncomfortable.
“A little more Buddy!” Sebastian gave his friend a light pat on the knee. “You ok?”
Chris opened his right eyes just a little to look at sebastian “you said she’s working, right?”
“oh god” he laughed
“What?” Chris at up straight opening his eyes completely “I’m just asking”
“Yeah I know You’ve asked about twenty times”
Chris groaned and sank back at his chair again. He rubbed his face with his hands, trying to calm his mind “I’m an idiot- I shouldn’t have kissed her, It was just the perfect moment and her eyes looked so pretty, her lips- I couldn’t help myself.”
“Dude calm down!”
“I really like her, she’s feisty but cute at the same time, she’s got this mystery about her...”
“Of course there’s a mystery. She’s a writer, mystery is what they do best.” Sebastian sighed “Look, you can drop by the house tonight with me, I was gonna go anyway”
Chris thought about it. he leaned back, looking at the ceiling, all he could think about was her and her smile. Her lips, her taste, her smell. He had to see her again.
7:00 PM
“Ms. Green, I promise I’m fine, I don’t have to go home yet-”
“Delilah you’ve been here since nine thirty, its time to go home.”
“Why can’t you be like the other bosses who force you to stay all day instead of kicking you out.”
Ms. Green laughed, the wrinkles in her face getting more visible by the way she smiled. She was a very kind woman, with lots of stories to tell and the owner of the coffee shop “Sweetheart, what ever it is you should go home and deal with it, overworking yourself will not solve the problem.”
“How do you always see right through me?”
“Go Delilah.”
8:00 PM
When she opened the door she didn’t think she would have to deal with her problem, she didn’t think that he would be sitting on the couch drinking tea and laughing but there he was on her couch, talking and laughing. The keys dropped off her hands, landing on the floor and earning everyone’s attention. Laura was the first one to sit up, ready to run in case Delilah was going to attack her. Sebastian tried to hide in between the pillows of the couch, pretending like he was innocent and Chris smiled, that boyish smile with that adorable charm.
“Hi.” he whispered in her direction.
Delilah knelt down to pick up her keys, not taking her eyes off chris while doing so. She tried her hardest to fake a smile and look comfortable in this situation but in reality she was freaking out. Every bone in her body was telling her to run and the voices in her head grew louder and louder, drowning her in doubts amd fears.
“I didn’t know you’d be here” she gulped.
“Oh yeah, it was a last minute call, Laura offered to cook and I was exhausted by the press and I thought I’d stay and surprise you”
“Well I’m surprised” She answered in a high pitched voice “I love Surprises- But I actually have to go out again-”
“Delilah!” Warned Laura, making her way towards her. Delilah shot her a killing look in response, warning her to back off and then looked back at chris with a sympathetic smile. “My friend Zac he is really sick and he asked If I could go watch after him, I can’t say no-”
“Yes you can Delilah, You are not his nurse!”
While Laura and Delilah were arguing, Chris bowed down his head, looking at his hands. He was feeling like an idiot, he scoffed at himself as he got the message, she didn’t want him here, she didn’t wanna see him and she didn’t answer the phone because, she didn’t wanna talk to me. He stood up hiding his hands in his pockets, the two friends stopped arguing when they sensed his tall figure getting up and looked at him. “I’ve left didger alone at home, maybe I should go too-”
“No!” Laura replied quickly “neither of you has to go! I cooked! I never cook! So you will both stay here and appreciate the food that I made you!”
Chris wanted to be kind to Laura and stay but looking at Delilah, god she was so easy for him to read. He could see her trying to hide behind that wall that she was always carried around, behind that smile but he saw it in her eyes, that hurt and pain, that fear. He wasn’t going to push her anymore than he already had and maybe she would eventually come to him instead.
“Lar I’m sorry I’ll make it up to you I promise.” He stepped closer to Laura and kissed her forehead and then smiled at Delilah, he was trying to let her know that it was ok but he doubted she’d listen to his voice among all the voices in her head. He turned to the door to leave when he heard his name.
“Chris, wait-” She walked to him and gave him a sad smile “walk with me?”
He hesitated at first but nodded “sure”.
Neither of them said anything until the came out of the building
“chris-”“Delialh-” they both laughed awkwardly and motioned for the other to go on.
“You go first”
“No you, insist” he smiled
Delilah took a second to gather her thoughts and remember all the things he wanted to say. She was never good at this things, being open about her feelings, talking about her fears. “I..” She scoffed at her inability to speak “I’m sorry-”
“No you did nothing wrong.. You don’t have to apologize-”
“But I do, because I’m about to use the most cliche line in the book” she stopped walking, he turned around to her, looking at her with those magic puppy eyes “Ok here it comes... It’s not you It’s me”
Chris really tried to hold himself from laughing but failed miserably. The laugh escaped his lips as easy as he breathes, it was shirt but loud. Delilah nodded in understanding, she deserved that laugh. “chris..”
“No I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh but you really used the most cliche line in the book... problem is you are wrong.”
“I’m wrong?”
“Its not me but it’s not you either, its the noise... only noise.”
Delilah bit her lip and this time it was her turn to scoff. god it was so annoying how everyone talked about that noise, how everyone acted like they had her sort out. “you don’t know me Chris, and you definitely don’t know the noise in my head”
“D-” “No! Stop! Just-” she sighed “I’m tired of everyone pretending they know what I;m going through- this is why i don’t get close to people, I don’t need this in my life, that smirk and your smart-ass!”
“Chris, this is not gonna work-”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know me! And in the end I will only break my heart and maybe yours too! Because I don’t know how to get close to people! because I can’t-” she paused, swallowing down the anger and the sadness but tears had already started falling down her eyes. “and you can’t either! You can’t deal with this and you don’t have to so I’m giving you a pass because I can’t let you in and then have you run away-”
“Funny you accuse me of being a smart-ass but what about you?”
“Excuse me?”
“You think you know exactly how this will end, you make the decisions, you have it all planned out in your head and you listen to no one but yourself because you think you know everything but you don’t!” Delilah looked at him in shock and anger. She was pissed for only one reason even if she wouldn't admit it and the reason was that he was right. “You know what you’re right, this is not gonna work if you’re not gonna let it work. So let’s save ourselves some trouble”
“That’s a great idea” she spat out
He stopped closer, only a kiss away from her “Tell me to stay and I’ll stay, say go and I’ll leave and you won’t have to see my face again”
Delilah looked at him with her teary eyes. Her heart was pounding, she wanted to kiss him, hold him, she anted to love him and she was so close into doing that, only one second away. She was ready to say the word when another came out her lips like venom.
@annoyinglydarktriumph-us  @purely-myself-03  @yelyahcardella​ @tfandtws​ @thejemersoninferno​
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new2fivesauce · 5 years
Please Don't Regret Me - 2. Hotel Management
Please Don't Regret Me - 2. Hotel Management
Warnings: Mild cursing
Words: 3660
February 2018.
The day had finally come. 5SOS was going to announce their third album and their first single. Nelle was so proud of them. It was the first time in their career that they were actually fully satisfied in the way their album was being produced. Not that they didn’t love their first two albums, but something about this upcoming album was making them all anxious and excited for what was to come.
They were in Los Angeles today. Nelle hated Los Angeles; Luke had agreed with her when they had landed just that morning.
A large amount of people were bustling around the studio where the guys were going to go live to announce their upcoming track. Nelle caught Michael and Calum at the food table stuffing their faces. She checked her schedule on her phone and saw that they had missed lunch time.
A delay in their flight had thrown off Nelle's whole schedule and she was not happy about it. Usually in cases like this, she was able to make do, but something about California always threw her off.
“10 minutes till!” a deep voice called from somewhere. She rolled her eyes. There was nothing for her to do; not on days like this when the band had other people pick out their clothes and do their hair, pushing her out the way.
She stood in the corner of the room, where she had a good line of the green screen that had been put up. There was a sofa in front of it and two side tables. Microphones were being tested. Calum and Michael had been moved from the food table and some girls were rolling lint rollers over their clothes to get any crumbs off.
“Would you like a chair?” a voice came from Nelle's right. Turning to the figure, she realized it was just the guy in charge of all this. He was less than 6-feet, probably by an inch or so. He was tan with sandy blonde hair in a man bun. The man bun was not a good look, at least on him. She shook her head.
“No, thanks. I’m good standing. We had a long flight in from Home. Sitting is just gonna make my ass flat.” She stated. The guy laughed.
“You’re their assistant, right?”
Nelle nodded.
“Cool, cool, cool.” He started rambling, pulling out a small notepad from his back pocket. He droned on about meetings and video conferences, making sure that Nelle was getting it all down in her own planner.
Someone called five minutes and he still wasn’t done. Nelle tried her best to appear interested. She already knew all about this and how they were going to announce the future track and blah blah blah. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable when she felt like someone was looking at her. She nodded and smiled at this manager guy, who’s name turned out to be Josh, before maneuvering her eyes around the studio.
Her amber eyes met with some baby blues and her body signed in relief when Luke beckoned her over.
“If we're done here, Josh, my guys are needing me. One minute till, right?” she exclaimed, taking his hand and shaking it once before crossing the room to Luke and Ashton without looking back.
Ashton was smirking at her as she came up to them. His dimples on the left super prominent and his hazel eyes were sparking with mischief.
“Ash said you looked like you were drowning.” Luke said quietly, his eyes flickering over to where Josh was now boring someone else. Nelle snickered but thanked the gods for her guys looking out for her.
Ashton was about to comment but was then hastily taken away by one of the girls that had cleaned Calum and Michael. Luke jumped back at her brashness. He didn't liked being touched. It caused his anxiety to act up.
“Hey, it's okay.” Nelle cooed. She stood in front of the blond giant. “Inhale. Exhale.” She repeated this multiple times. She’d forgotten to make sure he’d taken his anxiety meds and was pretty sure he had forgotten too. There was just something about California. She shook her head and continued to soothe Luke down.
Luke did as he was told, closing his eyes to calm himself further down. He didn’t flinch when he felt Nelle's cold fingers brush his curls behind his ears. He’d been growing it out, deciding that it was time for a new look. New album, new style. Nelle hadn’t liked it at first and made sure he knew it, but he guessed she was okay with it now since he hadn’t heard a snide remark about it in days.
Nelle’s fingers trailed down and fixed the collar of the white button-down the stylists had picked for Luke. It was silk and she knew Luke was going to be itchy from it later. Sweating in silk made him irritant. She mentally added baby powder to her ever growing list of items the boys needed. She adjusted the buttons on the shirt as well, buttoning up an additional one so he wouldn’t be showing too much chest. She didn’t like this stylist team sexualizing the band, especially Luke as he had body confidence issues.
Luke opened his eyes as Nelle rubbed some wrinkles out of his shirt. She was lost in concentration, he could tell by her blank, glassy eyes. He gently grabbed her hands by the wrists and held them still between them.
“Thanks, babe.” He whispered to her before dropping her hands to her side. He stepped backwards with a sly smirk and wink before walking over to his bandmates.
Nelle stared after Luke in confusion. He never called her anything but Nelle.
Calum looked at Nelle through the full-length mirror of his hotel room. She was propped up against the headboard of his bed, flipping through the channels.
“…and then he says thanks babe. Like what the fuck? Calum… it was too weird. He… it’s LUKE!!”Nelle tossed the TV remote onto the bed, clearly frustrated. Calum furrowed his brows as he adjusted the belt to his pants. He took a step to admire his outfit. He nodded at himself and smiled to check his teeth.
“Has he been acting weird to you? Look…” Nelle held up her phone to her best friend. Calum neared the bed and tried to decipher what she was showing him.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to show me.” He admitted, staring at her phone and seeing a jumble of words that didn’t make any sense to him.
“Oh.” Nelle said sadly and then pulled her phone back from Calum’s face. “It’s a list of your medications. Luke’s anxiety meds changed last month. Do you think that’s got anything to do with… wait… he didn’t even take them today. Fuck.”
She rapidly texted Luke a reminder to take his medications as well as Michael. Michael responded with a thumbs-up emoji but Luke left her on Read.
“Nelle… I think you’re overthinking this whole… uhh… thing. Luke is just Luke and sure… maybe his pills got him acting a bit strange, but I wouldn’t read too much into it.” Calum declared.
Nelle considered what he said. She scoffed. Calum shook his head with a small chuckle.
“Are you sure you don't wanna go out with me and Ash?”
Nelle shook her head. “Nah. It's a quiet night in for me tonight.”
Nelle shuffled to the hotel room door as the knocking on the door went from short pauses to rapid urgent knocks. She tripped on her Nike slide as she tried to put it on. It contorted to her foot as soon as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. Her eyes went from looking at the middle of a chest and upwards to a boy’s face with blond curls and blue eyes.
“Uhh… you’re not room service.” Nelle mused. Luke cocked his head to the side, surprised not knowing what Nelle looked like once she retreated from her work day.
He’d never seen her not dressed up and tidy. Before him stood a girl with basically a rat’s nest on her head; he assumed this is why it was called The Messy Bun. Her amber eyes were behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and she was wearing gray sweats that hung low on her hips with a black Hanes tank. Luke quickly averted his eyes back to hers when he noticed her nipples and possibly a nipple piercing protruding through her thin shirt. He didn’t want her getting the wrong idea.
“Sorry.” He apologized, not really knowing if because he was not room service or because maybe he’d been caught eyeing her up and down. Nelle’s facial expression looked more serious than anything so he guessed that she hadn’t seen him gazing at her. “My thermostat in my room is not working.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. He held up his room card key, marked with a purple smiley face sticker.
Nelle sighed heavily and slumped her shoulders.
“Are you sure?” she asked. Luke paused for a second before nodding his head. Nelle rolled her eyes. “Fuck… okay.” She looked down at her attire. “Let me just change and I’ll go downstairs and get you another room.”
She began to close her door, but Luke shot his hand out and stopped her from doing so. The truth was he couldn’t get her out of his head… not since their announcement of their new track. The way she’d pushed his hair back and the way her fingers had left hot lingering trails as she had fixed his shirt. That was hours ago, but he could still feel her touch. He didn’t understand these new emotions. Sure, Nelle was quite a looker and he had looked at her before… but something was different about her. Something now intrigued him and he needed to figure it out. Maybe four years later he was finally developing that crush that both Michael and Ashton had had when they had originally met her.
“Can’t I just stay here for the night?” he asked. This time it was her to tilt her head in confusion.
“In my room? You want to take my room?” she asked, her voice raising an octave.
“Not take it, just… can’t I bunk with you for the night? I mean, we’re leaving tomorrow, right?”
Nelle finally noticed Luke carrying his duffel bag. She kept all the guys’ main luggage in her room to coordinate outfits and usually only left them with their duffels that had their sleeping clothes and hygiene products.
“Where are the boys?” she asked. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Luke; he was an okay guy, but in all these years of touring and hotel living, they had never shared a room. Not even when they could only afford one room! In those days, he and one of the guys would sleep in the tour van/bus/vehicle. She was hoping to lead him to one of his mates rooms and not share a room.
“Well, you know where Michael is. Finding his flavor of the night.” Luke replied. “Ash and Cal went out for sushi or something, but I’m sure they’re gonna meet up with Mike afterwards. I would really just like a quiet night in, ya know?”
Nelle eyed Luke suspiciously. Luke knew she was looking for a reason to not let him in, so he crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Nelle scoffed, but with a small smile, hesitantly pulled the door open to let in the giant.
Luke didn’t know what he was stepping into as he walked into Nelle’s room nervously. He expected for there to be more mess, but for handling four men’s luggage and her own, the room was basically spotless. It smelled of something familiarly sweet, almost like red Pop Rocks. Luke didn’t realize it at the time, but Calum also used the same Bath and Body Works Watermelon Lemonade lotion as Nelle.
Nelle walked past him after shutting the door. She had an assortment of stuff laid out on the king bed and she pulled everything to one side to make room for Luke. She plopped a pillow down the middle.
“My side.” She indicted with her hand the side of the bed where she moved all her things. “Your side.” She waved over the now blank space of bed. Luke nodded obediently and dropped his bag on the floor where his side was. He was already dressed for comfort in basketball shorts and a regular t-shirt, so he plopped himself where Nelle told him to be. He leaned back on the headboard of the bed, crossed his feet, and didn’t know whether to make conversation or not, so stared at what Nelle had playing on the TV.
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine? You watch this?” Luke questioned after a couple seconds of watching and realizing who the characters were on the screen.
Nelle looked up from her laptop. She was in the same position as Luke, but her computer in her lap. She pushed her glasses up her nose some and smiled at the TV.
“Yeah, it’s my favorite show. I got Michael into it” she stated before going back to what she was doing. Luke shot her a small smile but slowly let it drop when he saw that she wasn’t even looking at him.
She was working furiously on her laptop. Coloring coding items on an Excel spreadsheet and then switching screens to type on a word document and then watching some lanky man in a sweater vest and back again. She’d occasionally push her glasses up her nose and scrunch her face up when something across her screen went wrong.
Luke tried to figure out what she was up to but couldn’t make up all the jumble on her screen and pushed out his mind that Nelle was a very pretty girl. He was about to ask her what she was working on when there was a tap on the door. Nelle looked up from her screen.
“Now that should be room service.” She stated. She looked at Luke expectantly. He pointed at himself.
“You want me to get it?” he questioned as another light tapping was heard. She nodded. “Uhh, okay? Sure…”
He slowly raised himself from the bed and dashed to the door. Nelle went back to concentrating on her work, but was quickly interrupted by what sounded like silverware tinging and crashing down on something metal.
“Holy shit…” an unfamiliar, kind of raspy voice said. “I mean… crap. I’m not supposed to curse at work.”
Luke chuckled and said hi.
“I can’t believe I'm delivering room service to Luke fucking Hemmings. This. Is. The. Best. Day. Ever.” Nelle heard the girl say. Her stomach suddenly grumbled and she silently wished that the interaction would quickly finish.
Luke chatted with the girl for a bit and just as Nelle thought he was going to close the door and bring in the food, she heard him ask “Do you want to take a pic real quick?”
“Oh my God!! Yes! I would love to but since this is a high profile hotel and lots of famous people stay here, we are not allowed to have our phones on us while on shift. Thanks for asking. Enjoy your meal.”
“Whoa… hold on though.”
Luke rolled in the food cart and stopped it at the foot of the bed. Nelle looked at him annoyed, not because he was interacting at a fan but because she hadn’t eaten all day and she could already be halfway into her grilled cheese that she ordered thirty minutes ago.
“Nelle! Do you have the Polaroid camera?” Luke asked her and was heading towards the corner of the room where she had all the luggage and bags. She jumped up the bed quickly.
“Do not touch anything.” She reprimanded him and he quickly stepped back with his hands in the air. She rummaged through her daily backpack and pulled out a mint green Fujifilm camera. It was covered in stickers that the boys had placed on it during their years of touring. She checked the little counter on the back.
“Girl’s in luck. There’s two more left of this cartridge.”
Luke beamed at Nelle. “Do you mind?”
Nelle rolled her eyes, only wanting to be eating her dinner, but she reluctantly walked behind Luke to the door of her room.
The girl was still there waiting on pins and needles. She was about 18 or 19 with tan skin and long black hair pulled back into a pony tail. She was wearing the hotel uniform but her feet were clad in a pair of Converse.
When Nelle came into the girl’s view, her eyes quickly flickered between the singer and assistant. Luke noticed it quickly.
“Uh, this is Nelle. She’s the band’s assistant.” Luke clarified. The girl nodded excitedly.
“No, yeah, I know! Hi!” she turned her attention to Nelle. “I'm Steph. I love you! I mean… you are a style icon and I follow you on social media. You’re great. You make those sweatpants look good, I mean… ugh. I’m blabbing now.” She giggled.
Nelle thanked her with a wide smile. Luke looked so confused. This girl was drooling over Nelle and all he got was a smile. Nelle quickly took a picture of Steph and Luke and then Steph insisted on taking one with Nelle instead of another with Luke.
“Don’t worry, I'm not allowed to say anything about celebrities in the building until after they checkout.” Steph assured them as they stood in the doorway of Nelle's room. Once they bid each other goodbye, Nelle slipped around Luke and went straight to the food cart that was beckoning her.
The room was dark but for the TV that was lowly playing Juno. It was the movie Luke and Nelle had finally agreed on watching after binging a season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and splitting the room service that Nelle had ordered.
Nelle was curled into her pillows, dozing off as she watched Ellen Page on screen. Luke was in and out of sleep. His body now taking a bit over half the bed. His left arm was stretched over the pillow barrier Nelle had put up and his hand was mindlessly playing with the drawstring on Nelle’s sweatpants. Nelle wasn’t bothered with it though. She was too tired. Calum’s I wouldn’t read too much into it kept ringing in her head.
Her eyes had closed for a couple minutes when the sudden loud ringing of her hotel room phone went off. Nelle jumped as did Luke. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard an actual phone ring. Nelle sat up and picked up the receiver.
Luke tried to listen to the conversation but kept getting distracted by Nelle’s face. She looked exhausted. She slumped her shoulders as she hung up the phone. She stood up from the bed and pulled what looked like one of Calum’s hoodies over her head and body. Luke eyed her curiously as she grabbed something from one of the bags.
“I'll be back.” She whispered and then left without explaining anything.
Luke was wide awake now. He kept looking at the red numbers on the digital clock to the television. She’d been gone five, ten, fifteen, twenty, now twenty five minutes. He was becoming uneasy and he couldn’t sleep knowing that she was not in the room. It was almost two AM. Where could she had gone?
Thirty minutes passed and he thought about looking for her but before he could sit up the door card reader beeped and then the door opened. Luke heard the locking of the door and then Nelle walked in, kicking off her slides and pulling off her hoodie. Her shirt rode up a bit and Luke caught a flash of the bare skin of her stomach and a belly button piercing before Nelle pulled her tank down. She saw Luke was still awake as she made her way back to her side of the bed.
“Where’d you go?” Luke asked, pulling the comforter over her body as she adjusted herself back into the position she’d been in before she had left. Her eyes closed for a moment before answering.
“Had to get Cal and Ash from the lobby. They are fucked up.” She stifled a yawn. Luke suddenly felt annoyed and slightly angered. He glanced at the clock across the room. 2:36 am.
“Is that in your job description?” Luke asked. Nelle shrugged her shoulders.
“My job is to assist and I was assisting on getting them to their rooms.” She nonchalantly told him. This riled Luke up more.
“I don’t think you should have gone to get them. They’re over 20 and fully capable of going to bed themselves.”
This caused Nelle to laugh.
“I don’t exactly have a 9 to 5 job, Luke… and besides, you saying that kinda makes you a hypocrite. I can’t tell you how many times I've had to get your drunk ass from a hotel lobby or answer your late night texts and calls and have to pick you up like I’m your personal uber. It’s whatever. Let’s go to sleep.” Nelle let out another yawn and reached down by her knee where the remote to the TV was.
Luke stewed in her words but found it hard to let it go. He wanted to go off on her, but she turned off the television and the room was suddenly dark. Luke couldn’t see her beautiful, weird amber eyes anymore or her pretty hair or her light freckles across her nose and cheeks.
“You deserve better.” Luke whispered to her, hoping for her to still be awake. And she was because she whispered back.
“Yeah… maybe I'll quit one day, baby. ”
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jbbarnesandnoble · 5 years
Forever and Always: Part 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Series Summary: You and Bucky used to date, until someone got in between you two. After a year without seeing him, he pops up in your life again, and old feelings with him?Harsh words can never taken back, but can they be forgiven?
Chapter Summary: Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve
Word Count: 2,131 
Warnings: Things are gonna get super messy from here on out:)
A/N: Y/N/N stands for, Your nickname. Sorry for the delay, my brother came from Australia to visit for 3 weeks -he actually leaves today, so I’m not sure when I’ll see him next- and my older sister came from Florida for a few days. So we had a family reunion. Which is why I haven’t been working on F&A. Please leave some feed back, I love to know what you all are thinking. If you want me to tag you in this series feel free to let me know!
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Christmas Eve
Back when you were in college you started a tradition where every Christmas Eve you would bake cookies for all of your close friends and family members.
Slowly that small tradition turned into something much bigger. You started baking cookies for your neighbors, co-workers, even your mail man Happy
His real name is Harold, you call him Happy because he always seems to be so happy whenever you see him.
At six-thirty you decide to start baking. Natasha went out with Clint to pick up some last minute things for tomorrow. You take advantage of having the place to yourself, playing your music at full volume. After gathering all the necessary ingredients and items you’ll need, you put on your favorite apron. It’s the one Bucky got you, as soon as he found out your love for baking he practically ran out of his house to get it for you. He told you that he thought the 1940′s style suited you. You weren’t quite sure what that meant, but you couldn’t deny how sweet the gesture was.
A while later you’re dancing around singing at the top of your lungs, using a spoon covered in cookie batter as your microphone. Which is probably why you didn’t notice Nat come home. Or when she called out your name.
“Did you start the Christmas Cookie festivities without me?” Nat manages to yell over the music. Her sudden appearance makes you jump.
“My gosh woman, maybe try a warning next time.” you place your hand over your heart, trying to calm yourself down after experiencing a near heart attack.
“Maybe try turning your music down next time, and I did. I called your name like three times." she sasses you back, placing a hand on her hip
“Oh... Sorry.”
“I can’t believe you would start baking without me.” ignoring your apology she makes her way towards the kitchen counter.
“I didn’t know when you would be home and I didn’t feel up to baking at 2-am.” which was true, but you also prefer baking alone. You can do it at your own pace and you don’t have to worry about the other person asking  you what to do. Plus it helps to calm your nerves.
“Well, I’m back now. Put me to work Y/N/N.” her red lips spread into an effortlessly beautiful smile. You baked a decent amount of the cookies already. You only have a few batches left to make. While Nat works on make more batter, you start decorating a few of the cooled cookies. 
After all of the cookies have cooled and been decorated Nat helps you assemble the cookie bags 
“I think we’ve outdone ourselves this year, Y/L/N.” Nat licks a bit of frosting off her index finger.
“I think you’re right, Romanoff.” You say with a smile
Christmas Day
You spend the day running from place to place, spending most of the morning with your family. Then meeting up with Bucky and Sam before going to Steve and Peggy’s place for a bit. Afterwards you stop by Wanda’s small apartment located directly above her jewelry store to drop off her present. You didn’t stay long, seeing as her brother is in town for the holidays and you didn’t want to be in the way of their time together. 
After a long day you’re happy to relax home, Nat spent the day with Clint and his family. You say hi to him briefly when he drops her off. 
“Are you ready for the real Christmas festivities to begin?” Nat says with a sly smile. You know she can only mean one thing.
“If you mean, Christmas pajamas, Eggnog, cookies, and binge watching cheesy Christmas Rom-Coms? Then of course I am!” You both let out an excited squeal. The two of you have had the same Christmas tradition for as long as you can remember. It has always been your favorite part of the whole holiday. 
“You get the food I’ll set up the movies.” Nat says a bit too excitedly
You spend the rest of your night happily watching movies and eating junk food while spending time with one of your best friends.  
  New Year’s Eve
You wake up slowly already regretting tonight. You have no reason to be anticipating the worst. You have no reason to. Yet for some reason you have it in your mind that something is going to get wrong.  
You told Nat, Wanda, and Peggy that you've been dreading this night since you agreed to it and have no idea why. Tonight isn’t meant to be making you stress so much. In fact, it’s meant to be quiet the opposite, nothing more than a fun night with your friends. The three of them agreed that you were just being paranoid and that you have no reason to be worrying. But somehow that only made you feel worse.
"What could possibly go wrong?" You think, trying to reassure yourself. Even though you know that is the last question you should be asking yourself. Because once you ask that, every possible thing that could go wrong, goes wrong.
You’ve spent the last few hours trying on different outfits only to rip them back off and throw them onto the mountain of clothes that is taking over your bed. You plop onto your it with a tired huff. 
If Nat were here she would help you pick an outfit no problem. But alas she’s not, she went out with Clint this morning and told you that she would meet you at the party later on.
The thought of canceling crosses your mind a couple of times, but is quickly replaced with the picture of Bucky smiling brightly at you when you first agreed to go that day in the coffee shop.
You sit up with an aggravated huff. Looking around your messy room you finally decide it’s not worth stressing over and grab a plain black dress from the top of the clothing pile on your bed.
After a quick shower, you get dressed and apply a bit of makeup. Once you’re ready you begrudgingly leave the comfort of your small New York apartment.
An hour later you find yourself sitting in your car outside of Bucky's apartment building. After giving yourself a bit of a prep talk you head inside, making your way for the small elevator.
Getting inside you press the small button that'll take you to his floor. You stand there watching the floor numbers getting higher and higher, your anxiety growing with each floor. When you finally reach his floor you slowly make your way towards his apartment.
Even though it's been over a year since you've been to his place you still know the building like the back of your hand.
You're about to turn down his hallway, but stop short when you hear loud footsteps thumping down the hallway. You turn around to see Sam with a crooked smile planted on his face.
"Hey Y/N!" you give Sam a knowing head nod and smile.Without missing a beat you fist bump as he walks up to you.
You exchange pleasantries before you continue on your way, walking together.
Without knocking Sam leads you inside Bucky's apartment. As soon as you step inside a wave of old forgotten memories and nostalgia washes over you. You're too busy looking around to notice Sam left your side to say hi to everyone in the living area.
You only seem to notice the loud music and all of your friends sitting around laughing when Clint calls you over. You smile to everyone before taking a seat on the couch next to Wanda.
As soon as you take your seat you notice someone missing from the group. Looking around you lean closer to Wanda.
"Where's Buck?" You whisper, the question being for Wanda's ears only. She doesn't answer you, only nodding towards the kitchen. You offer her a small smile before sneaking off.
Slowly you open the door to the kitchen to reveal Bucky working on some last minute preparations for tonight. He has always been a perfectionist when it comes to hosting a party, even when it's as small as it is today. Everything has to be perfect.
You don't want to ruin this moment by walking inside the kitchen, instead you chose to lean on the door frame, watching Bucky work intently.
"Hey." You say quietly, smiling at him. If your sudden presence scared him he doesn't show it. Instead he grins at you.
"Hey Y/N."
"What's so important that it demands your attention. While your friend are having fun without you in the other room." You ask walking over to him
"That's a secret." Bucky says with an easy smile and wink. Even though he's smiling you can always tell when something is bothering him.
"What's wrong Buck?" You ask him softly putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with doll." He tries to give you a reassuring smile, but you can see the worry behind it.
"Is it your dad again?" For as long as you have known James Barnes his dad has had health issues. Whenever he falls ill Bucky has to take charge of the company, putting more stress on him than he already has.
Bucky has always been the type to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, no matter what he's going through. And if he was ever offered the world? He would refuse it.
He gives you another small smile -sad this time- and a weak nod.
Without another word you place your hand on his shoulder and offer him a small reassuring smile in return.
You're all out in the living room when a few more of Bucky’s friends arrive. You remember a few of them from previous parties and company events that Bucky invited you to.
"Hey Y/N, wanna get a refill with me?" Nat shakes the ice in her empty glass. She exchanges a strange look with Peggy and Wanda. Before you agree, even though your glass is still full.
"Haha, what's going on? You girls are making me nervous." You know you didn't have to add the last part, they can clearly tell you're concerned from how you’re acting.
"Y/N, Natasha and I have something to tell you." Peggy's words are gentle and slow.
"Go ahead Nat, tell her what you told me." Wanda puts her hand on Nat's.
"As you know, Bucky is in a relationship." She starts slowly.
"The other day -on our way to drop some things off here- Peg and I accidentally overheard a... strange conversation."
"It was a man and a woman. The man seemed to be frustrated about something, he even gave her a deadline." Peggy adds
"He said something about not getting the money fast enough, that whatever it is their planning, it shouldn't be taking this long." Nat looks at Peggy, hoping she'll fill you in on some of the blanks.
"From what we could understand, we assume that these people were lying and manipulating some poor soul for his money."
"Wait, what does this have to do with me and Bucky and his girlfriend?" The last part comes out just above a whisper, realizing what they’re trying to say.They must hear the worry in your voice, because they all step closer to you. Placing their hands on your shoulders.
“You don’t mean...” The next words don’t leave your mouth, you can’t bring yourself to say it. Luckily you don’t have to.
"We were going to just ignore what we overheard... that was before we heard the woman speak..." Nat stops, the words disappearing from her mouth. She can't seem bring herself to say the nasty part either.
"Y/N, It was Bucky's girlfriend." To your surprise it’s Wanda who speaks this time.
"We think she's using James for his money. We don't have any solid proof. But from their conversation her intentions seem pretty clear.” Peggy adds, you look into her bright brown eyes. You don’t miss the hint of pity or sadness in them, though you pretend you did. You look at your friends, the shock and fear evident on your face. You don’t bother hiding your emotions, you’re comfortable enough around them to be yourself.
“W-what?” Your voice comes out barely a whisper. You aren’t sure what to do, heck, you can barely process what they just told you. You can only think of one thing, of one person. I have to tell him. Plays over and over in you mind before you speak.
“I have to tell him, I have to tell Bucky.” this time your voice and eyes are full of determination.
Part 7
Tag List: @justreadingfics @soopranatural @invisibleanonymousmonsters @bloodyproudpotterhead @marvelsbangtan @void-imaginations @ladifreakingda @the-canary @taliarosej00 
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scxrlettwxtches · 5 years
A Fake Night | Lee Mark
Request: 10, 23 Mark Leeeee pls and thanks 💕💕💕
Genre: fluff, slight angst
Warnings: underaged drinking (sorta?) 
Word Count: ~3.8k
Prompt: “I might have had a few shots.” |  “Just pretend to be my date.”
A/N: hi lovelies,,, so I'm still alive :)))) so sorry for the delay. ive been working on this particular prompt for a while now; the setup took way too long ack... I'm really sorry Anon!! you asked for a drabble but I literally wrote so much... anyways hope you enjoy!
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“No way.”
“Why?” Mark whined, uncharacteristically pulling at your sleeve, bothering your attempts to eat your sandwich in peace, “Can’t you just help me this once?”
“Stop framing this situation like I’ve never done anything for you,” you warned, pulling your arm away from him. A growing sense of agitation had begun to settle in your gut, and you really really didn’t want to blow up in Mark’s face.
However, like usual, Mark never knew when to give up, “Come on! Why won’t you just do this for me?”
You squeezed your eyes shut before snapping, “Because it’s stupid, Mark! I’m not going to pretend to be your girlfriend just because you’re too much of a wimp to go confront her directly about your relatio-or whatever you two are now.”
Mark recoiled, looking slightly hurt, and you turned away before the guilt began to claw at your throat. No, you told yourself, he deserved that. You would do anything for you best friend, but this? This hit way too close to home for you to even bare thinking about it.
In case it wasn’t obvious enough, you loved Mark. You’ve loved him since you were little, when you first moved in to the house across from his, when he introduced you to his friends in kindergarten, when he punched a guy who was bullying you in middle school. You’ve never loved anyone but him, and the fact that he was actually planning to use your feelings (although unknowingly) to win back heart of another was just too much.
“You know I can’t,” Mark changed tactics, sighing dejectedly, “You know I’ve tried, but I just can’t get myself to talk to her. She won’t pay attention to me if I just went up to her.”
“Sucks for you,” you replied, jealousy turning your words cold and bitter.
Mark grew frustrated at your lack of cooperation, “Just pretend to be my date, okay?” he spoke exasperatedly, running his hands through his hair in that annoyingly handsome way of his, “I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Oi,” Jeno, who was sitting a little ways away with your other friends, decided to but in, “cool off, Mark. Stop trying to force Y/N into doing something she doesn’t want to do.” he glanced at you worriedly, knowing about your feelings for the dense boy.
You gripped the strap of your backpack so tightly your knuckles turned white. You knew it was a bad idea, every fiber of your being screamed just that. But you hated hearing Mark sound so desperately helpless. You hated everything about his relationship with her. It was glaringly obvious how little she cared about your best friend, but he groveled at her feet like a lovesick puppy.
“Why? Why do you keep trying to win her back?” you asked him, searching for an answer.
Mark seemed as if he wasn’t going to answer you for a moment, but realizing that his plan was solely dependent on your decisions, he replied shyly, “She’s the prettiest goddess I’ve ever met,” his tone took a sickeningly lovestruck aura, “Everything about her is just perfect.”
Ouch. Way to go, you tell yourself, you just personally played a role in re-breaking your own heart.
In the end, you caved, just as you always did. You could never find it in your heart to say no to Mark anyway.
“I want boba for the rest of this year,” Mark looked right about ready to refuse, but stopped himself as you continued, “And you better be paying for everything at the party. It’s bad enough that I’ll have spend effort to get all dressed up. It’s a couple days before finals, too,” you grumbled to yourself angrily.
“God, you’re the best Y/N,” he gave you a sudden hug, squeezing your shoulders, “I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”
You tried to ignore the pain in your heart, rolling your eyes and shoving him away playfully.
“How’s this?”
A week later, you were getting ready for the party later in the evening, trying on an array of outfits.
“Eh, I guess it’s okay, you look less like a hot mess in this one than the one before,” Jaemin had invited himself over to your house to help you, claiming that “you’d be a laughingstock if you decided on what to wear tonight.”
You huffed, frustrated, “This is the fifth outfit! Can’t you get off my damn bed and just pick something something for me?”
“Jeez, so antsy,” Jaemin slid off your bed, sauntering over to you closet, “Let’s see what we can work with.”
Thirty minutes later, with a couple angry snaps and hisses, the two of you finally decided on an outfit that seemed pretty close to perfect. Not too revealing and not too “unfun” as Jaemin called your taste. You thought you were free then, about to jump on the bed and watch some anime before Mark came to pick you up, but your friend insisted on doing your makeup as well.
So now, the two of you sat across from each other on your bed, your eyes closed as Jaemin worked whatever miracle he wanted to with your face.
“You know, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Jaemin spoke softly, as if knowing how fragile your pretense in this situation was.
As he gently brushed on some eyeshadow, you chuckled, “I already told him yes, and I don’t wanna go back on my word.”
“He certainly didn’t care about his own word when it came to you,” Jaemin retorted harshly, and it was true. How many times had he ditched you last minute, just for his stupid infatuation? How many times had he made promises to pick you up, only for you to have to call Jaemin or Jeno to come in his place?
Jaemin looked guilty, “Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
You shook your head, not a bit upset at him, “It’s alright,” you smiled, “In messy relationship drama like this, aren’t best friends supposed to stick with their bros?”
“Just cause Mark’s my best friend doesn’t mean I have to support everything he says and does,” Jaemin shrugged, “And I really don't support how he treats you.”
To be honest, you didn't know what to say to that. You guess you always had that feeling, that Mark was more important to you than you were to him, but someone actually voicing out these thoughts made it much more real. In Mark’s defense, you don't believe he's intentionally hurting you, it's just his personality.
But it still hurts.
“And...done!” your friend rummaged around the messed up blankets for his phone. He switched around the camera to give you a mirror, “What do you think?”
You checked yourself out in the camera, smiling, “You still have that magic touch of yours, Jaeminie. I'm impressed.”
“You're already beautiful, all I needed to do was accentuate your features a little,” Jaemin looked at you with adoring eyes. Out of all of Mark’s friends, you had grown the closest to Jaemin over the years, the boy instantly taking you under his care like a sister he never had.
He opened his arms, and you folded into his invitation, burying yourself into his chest. He rubbed your arms comfortingly, and whispered in your hair, “You fell in love with such an idiot.”
“Yeah, I guess I did.”
A sharp phone call pierced the quietness peacefulness in your room. Stepping out of Jaemin’s arms, you picked up your phone half-heartedly, “Hello?”
“Ey, Y/N? I'm outside, are you ready?”
You took a deep breath, “Yeah, I'll meet you outside,” before he could reply, you ended the call curtly. Sending Jaemin a feeble smile, you grabbed your purse and jacket from a hook on the wall.
“Oh,” you called behind your shoulder, “make sure to lock the door if you're gonna stay for a little bit, ‘kay?”
“Gotcha,” Jaemin said, his eyes a little droopy from lack of sleep. God knows what that boy does at night, “You sure you don't want me to come?”
“Aren't you supposed to go to the movies with Jeno later today?”
Your friend shrugged, “Yeah, but you're more important than a movie. I'm sure Jeno wouldn't mind either.”
Touched, you turned around, “It's alright,” you refused gently, “Go have fun with Jeno. I can handle myself, don't worry.” Jaemin chuckled at that as you bounded down the stairs.
Mark was leaning against his Jeep when you opened the front door, head lost in thought. He looked way too good, dressed in ripped black jeans and t-shirt, hair messily slicked back with a little gel. Slipping on your shoes, you made your way towards him, purposely clicking your heels a little louder to interrupt his daydream.
“Hey,” he gave you that soft smile you loved since you were kids, before giving you a subtle look up and down, “Wow,” he looked at a loss for words, which made you want to run back upstairs and change into your PJs.
“What does that mean?” you complained.
Mark backtracked quickly, “No, no! It's nothing bad,” he assured, his cheeks ever so slightly pink, “You just look really nice.”
Turning your head a little and averting your eyes, you grumbled out a thank you, trying desperately to control the schoolgirl blush that was threatening to erupt on your face. To avoid any further situations, you jumped in the shotgun of his car, anxious to just get this stupid night over with.
The drive was relatively quiet, with you electing not to start up any conversations and Mark awkwardly not knowing how to break the ice. Usually, you were the one to open Mark up when he got shy, but you really weren’t in the mood at the moment.
Finally, Mark couldn’t stand the silence, clearing his throat, “Um, I saw Jaemin’s bike outside,” he began, “Were you guys watching Game of Thrones again?”
“Nah,” you replied, “He just came over to help me get ready for this party we’re going to.”
Mark made a noise of understanding, the silence eating up the atmosphere again. You looked out the window, hoping he got the message that you weren’t interested in a conversation.
But of course, Mark never cared about what you wanted, “Does it bother you?” he asked suddenly, sounding as if he’s been wanting to say this for a long time.
Startled, you turned to look at him for the first time since you got in the car, “Bother me?” you repeated, “What are you talking about?”
“Pretending to be my date,” Mark looked sheepish.
“No,” you lied quickly, “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you already didn’t want to when I asked the first time,” Mark had the nerve to look a little guilty, “And Jeno seemed kinda annoyed with me about that after. Really, I know I was pushy, but if you don’t want to-”
“Mark,” you interrupted, your heart doing that painful thump knowing that he had absolutely no idea how you felt, “I wouldn’t agree to something if I totally didn’t want to do it. It’s fine.”
It wasn’t entirely the truth, but you weren’t completely lying either. Maybe, just maybe, you can enjoy this night and pretend to be something to him that you’ll never be.
In your two seemingly very long years of high school, you had never went to a single party. Not even one. Everyone else you knew had gone to at least a couple, but you stayed adamant about not going. After a while, you began to wonder whether you were just a boring person.
However, standing in the midst of your first party, you immediately understood that your decision to not go to any was possibly the smartest life choice you have ever made. It was messy, loud, and wild. Basically take all the things you dislike, throw them in a blender, and you get a high school party.
You began to back up instinctively as people spotted you and Mark at the doorway, but Mark held you in place with a sneaky arm around your waist. It didn't feel romantic in the least, more comforting than anything, but you found yourself sinking into his side.
“Yo Mark!” One of the boys greeted your friend with a well-practiced handshake. He turned to you a grinned, “Who's this?”
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N,” Mark replied smoothly, shocking you a little with how easily the lie slipped out. You waved hesitantly at the crowd, who all cooed at various levels of volume.
After introducing yourself to some others, Mark guided you to a part of the house that was relatively quieter than the rest of the rooms, which wasn't saying much. Breathing a little easier, you let out a big sigh of relief.
“How are you doing?” Mark asked, rather concerned. He knew about your anxiousness around a lot of people probably before you even knew it yourself, “I'm sorry. I didn't think there was gonna be such a big turnout.”
“It's fine,” you breathed, trying to regroup. Your head felt like it was swimming, and your hands were already clammy.
Mark found a place for the two of you to sit down, “Let's just rest here for a bit,” you agreed wholeheartedly. With your head resting against his shoulder, he began to point out some of his friends and acquaintances, describing things that he did with them. You always knew Mark had a much bigger friend base than just you and your little crew of boys, but you never really knew the scale.
Turns out Mark knows basically everyone.
He chatted animatedly, letting you just rest and listen without needing much input on your part. Occasionally you'd ask a question or make a snarky comment, but you mostly just basked in his comforting presence, trying to calm your mind. You missed this hyperactive side of him; it seemed to have disappeared as he grew older, but it seems like it was still there.
“Oh, and that’s Jaehyun, Taeyong’s crush. If you ask him, he’ll deny it to the moon and back but-” Mark trailed off, spotting someone at the door. Of course it was his ex, walking in with an entourage like she was the Queen of England or something. You hoped she wouldn't notice the two of you but she did, the only tell of her surprise being a condescending raised eyebrow. She didn't spare you another glance, her eyes targeted on Mark like a hawk.
Mark, to his credit, looked unsure of whether to go over. His eyes darted around nervously, and for a moment you thought maybe he was going to refuse her, but your gut feeling told you not to be so optimistic.
“Y/N,” he began slowly, cautiously as if he were treading on eggshells. Of course, he'd always pick her in the end. If that was the case, then there wasn't any point in keeping him away.
“Go,” you tilted your head over to the girl, “Isn't that why you came?”
Mark seemed rather shocked at your enthusiasm to push him away, “Are-are you sure? I can't just leave you here.”
It wouldn't be the first time, the voice in your head whispered.
“I'll be fine,” you answered instead, pushing him off the seating, “Go get her, you lovesick fool.” It wasn't right of you to expect he'd be adamant about staying with you, but a part of you really did hope that he'd see through your well crafted mask.
But Mark only sent you a grateful grin before dashing away without another glance. Your cheerful facade dropped, and you sank into the couch.
“Geez, what a hypocrite, you lovesick fool,” a voice sneered from behind you. Tensing slightly at being called out, you relaxed when you recognized his voice.
“Donghyuck, it’s good to see you.”
And it was. Lee Donghyuck, Mark’s former best friend and partner in crime. The two of them rarely did anything away from each other, but Donghyuck ended up in a different middle school, and the two of them lost touch. You and Donghyuck were always at each other’s throats, fighting over Mark’s attention, but you couldn’t say you didn’t miss him and his snarky attitude.
“It’s been like five years, and things are even worse than when I left,” Donghyuck took Mark’s seat, flopping onto the couch with practiced ease, “You still haven’t told him anything?”
You scoffed, “Well as you just saw,” you gestured to the door that Mark had gone through, “it doesn’t seem like I’m getting the option, does it?”
The boy hummed, “These are just excuses. You never let other people stop you from doing what you want. At least, you don’t with literally anything else. So what’s stopping you?”
You were silent, unsure how to answer. To be honest, you didn’t know. Why were you so scared to just tell him? There were so many things unsaid between the two of you that you couldn’t possibly unpack them in a one word response.
Sensing your discomfort, Donghyuck mercifully stopped torturing you with his prodding, “I think I gave you enough food for thought. Anyway, how’s everyone? Jeno and Jaemin doing good?”
You gratefully took his attempt to change the subject, “They're good,” frowning suddenly, you asked, “Have you not been keeping touch with them?”
Donghyuck had the decency to look a little abashed, “Ah, not really?”
Rolling your eyes, you held your hand out expectantly. The boy looked back at you, confused.
“Give me your phone,” you clarified. He narrowed his eyes at you, before unlocking his phone and handing it over suspiciously. You tapped in Jeno and Jaemin’s number before pressing it back into his hand, “Give them a call,” you smiled encouragingly, “They won't be angry, I promise.”
Donghyuck finally let out a gentle grin, making him look eleven again, when he was young and innocent, “Thanks,” he said gratefully. Suddenly, his eyes darted to the doorway, “Uh oh, I think you've got incoming.”
You had a bad feeling in your stomach the moment you watched Mark stalk back to the two of you, his expression unnervingly dark. You'd never seen an expression like that on his face, and it frankly scared you a little.
He walked over, positioning himself in a strange standing position between you and your old friend. You glanced up at him, unsure of how to act, but luckily for you, Mark seemed pretty focused on the boy sitting next to you.
“Hyuck, didn't think I was gonna find you here,” the tension was suffocating, and you wanted to do nothing but sink in the floor and just escape.
The other looked rather unbothered, “You know me, I just kinda go where the wind takes me,” Donghyuck grinned.
For a moment, Mark looked ready to snap, and you were halfway out of your seat to stop what might've been a nasty fight when he turned to you. You froze, momentarily knocked off guard by the intensity in his gaze.
“I'm gonna steal Y/N for a dance.”
“You are?”
“Do you not want to?” His question was polite, but his tone was uncharacteristically daring. And you never backed out of challenges with Mark.
So you relented, “Just for a moment,” you replied, both of you knowing that you were only bluffing. Mark’s eyes gleamed exultantly. He gripped your hand firmly, and pulled you away from Donghyuck, dragging you to another, much wilder room.
The music boomed from multiple speakers, and the room felt suffocating with the large crowd. Bodies were pressed against one another in a tight squeeze, but in the moment, all you could focus on was Mark, calmly leading you to the center of the room.
In a sudden yank, he pulled you into his chest. With a yelp, your hands reflexively caught his shoulders, and you found his wrapping around your waist.
Oh my god. Your brain blacked out for a good five seconds and you hoped to god that the poor lighting could hide your red face. Mark swayed to the music, hands squeezing your sides.
“Why are you pretending you can’t dance?” he teased, “Loosen up!”
You nodded dumbly, but your limbs felt as if they were just pulled out of the freezer. Then, Mark leaned down close to your ear, his breathe gently blowing your hair as your heart stopped.
“What are you afraid of?”
And at that moment, you realized. You didn’t care about that stupid girl. You didn’t care that maybe Mark didn’t like you. You just wanted to bask in this moment, and stop the time.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling your face close to his, “Nothing at all.”
From that point, there was no stopping the two of you. Lost in the music, you swayed against one another, lips always close to touching, his hands never leaving your waist. You danced until the two of you were dripping in sweat, and only then did you pause, both of you panting.
“Are you drunk or something?” you gasped.
Mark shrugged off your question, “I might’ve had a few shots.”
You laughed, “God, you’re seventeen, Mark! You shouldn’t even have one shot!”
As you gave Mark a look over, you confirmed that he was indeed at least 67% drunk, so you decided it was probably best to end the night there before he went off and did something he’d regret.
“Alright,” you put a hand on his chest and tried to push him away, “I think you’ve had enough for today.”
Mark looked a little unsure, taking some time to process your words before he suddenly frowned.
“No,” he said firmly, shaking his head definitively, which merely convinced you more that it was time to go.
You tried again, tugging his sleeve gently, “Come on, I’ll drive you back to your place.”
Mark shook his head again, strangely adamant, “No,” he said again, even stronger, “Not until I give you my surprise.”
You stopped, confused. Surprise? You never heard anything about a surprise. But you figured that Mark was never going to leave until you relented, so you leaned closer to him and asked, “What surprise?”
With a surge of inhuman speed, Mark bent down slightly, taking advantage of your proximity, and promptly pressed his lips on yours. It was both everything and nothing like what you’d imagined your first kiss would be like. He cupped your face in his hands, and you instinctively kissed back because oh my god it happened wtF.
After what felt like an eternity, Mark broke off with a giddy laugh, “That surprise,” his lips were red and slightly swollen, a light blush colored on his face.
Later, when you drove silently with Mark dozing in the passenger seat, you heard him murmur under his breath, “Can I date you, Y/N? You make me so happy…”
Blushing a bright scarlet color, you stared intensely at the road, a shimmer of hope bursting in your heart.
Mark Lee, you have a lot of explain once you’re sober.
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