#on self improvement and personal growth
sugarsprinklesoul · 3 months
Abilities that will forever benefit you
The ability to walk away
The ability to manage your time
The ability to remain consistent
The ability to self analyze
The ability to learn how to learn
The ability to understand others
The ability to listen
The ability to express your thoughts and feelings
The ability to break down tasks
The ability to adapt
The ability to control your mind
The ability to ask for help
The ability to act upon facts not feelings
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thatpinkkwitch · 3 months
i just heard the phrase “if you wouldn’t trust their advice, don’t trust their criticism” for the first time and i don’t think i’ve ever needed to hear anything more
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maxiglow · 1 month
stop ignoring yourself. fix your posture, get a fresh haircut, drink water, take care of your skin, eat food that gives you energy, declutter your space, take time to rest, workout, do mindful meditation, fix your sleep schedule. when you feel/look good, you do good. invest in yourself, put the effort you deserve.
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todaysmodernmindset · 5 months
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theambitiouswoman · 4 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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svdaily · 6 months
Stop letting other people tell you who you are.
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girlbloggerbby · 9 months
My selfcare sunday/maintenance day routine
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Eating clean as possible, thats a detox and light day
Wash and do a full haircare routine(pre-poo, shampoo twice, treatment, conditioner, leave-in, heat protection, style and oil)
Full body deep exfoliating
Shave just if i want to
Soft exfoliate, wash, dermaplain(shave), mosturize and layer serums for face skincare
Only loose and light clothes on that day
Fix the cuticles and paint the nails
Clean the bedroom if possible
Change bedsheets and pillow cases
Do a quick yoga session+meditation just to relax and prepare for one more week
Drink chamomile tea to calm down and sleep earlier
Gua-sha before bed
Pray thanking for another week and the beauty you've been blessed with
That's it for the day, being a hottie is a lifestyle and taking care of yourself is the prerequisite for this, luv ya🍵
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You are not a bother. You are not a burden. You are not a waste of space. You are not annoying every person you talk to. Your existence matters. Your presence makes a good difference.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
thewizardliz's mindset⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⭐️
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her conception of self ; she has high standards for herself because she knows her worth. because of that she won't settle and she doesn't let herself get walked all over.
something that liz has said in her videos before was to be okay with people misunderstanding you. dont go out of ur way to get worked up just bcuz someone sees something in a different way then u do.
her conception of self continued ; in another video she says to "make a list of tough situations that you've handled in the past and what skills you used to handle them". she has a lot of trust and belief in herself and her abilities
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she often stresses the importance of prioritizing urself, ur boundaries and ur healing above all else. but you know what she doesn't stress? the opinions of others.
going about business ; liz is all about standing on business and taking ACTION for ur goals. in one of her videos she talks about "if u dont like urself, simply create a new version of urself". she says that through action, you can create the life of ur dreams.
connection with self ; liz says to not crave the compliments of others but instead, to compliment yourself. everything that u need is within you. shes a big advocate for shadow work and therapy to help understand yourself and heal on a deeper level.
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she not only connects with the present self, she also connects with who she wants to be. a saying of hers is "what would the highest version of myself do". she detaches herself to things or people because they are temporary, but her relationship with self is forever.
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
How to win this month…
Speaking life into yourself daily, no more judging yourself because you didn’t go for a run, or wake up at 5am. Choosing to love yourself unconditionally. Choosing to write those affirmations and stick them on the bathroom mirror, choosing to infuse your mind with loving, kindness, gratitude and all that yummy stuff on an hourly basis.
Focus on move the needle tasks. You want to write that book, loose 100 lbs, compete in the Olympics - whatever is your PRIMARY goal in life (and choose the primary one only), focus 100% on that task. Creating momentum around this one thing each and every day. Your primary goal should be your only focus. Secondary goals, are irrelevant. Nothing comes above your PRIMARY GOAL, and doing small little tasks each day to support this is how you make progress.
Organised days. As much as the feminine loves, flow, ease, loose unstructured days this truly does not bag you the life of your dreams. Break your day into 4 hour blocks, setting tasks in each block from when you wake up to the evening. This allows organised, focused, and productive days.
Using your resources wisely, if you’re still recovering financially from xmas, or on some kind of budget, ensure you spend wisely. Choosing health over aesthetic, choosing the Pilates membership over the designer trainers. The intolerance test over the sculpting facial. Investing in the inside before the outside is a priority. Making smarter financial decisions from a place of inner love.
Main character energy. Putting yourself first on a whole new level. No more thinking about the guy who you’re not even dating, no more putting mental energy into anything other than becoming your very best self. Period. If it’s taking mental energy from your purpose , from those move the needle tasks, from your organised days, from spending wisely. RE-ALIGN, create space and re-centre and get back on the track. We're winning the race this year.
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sugarsprinklesoul · 3 months
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Cultivating a Growth Mindset
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A growth mindset is the belief that one's skills, qualities, and abilities can be nurtured and enhanced through hard work and learning. Adopting this mindset makes you more open to challenges, embracing the unfamiliar or uncomfortable and willing to experience failure.
However, adopting this growth mindset means we must challenge our limiting self-beliefs that reinforce our fixed mindset. Limiting beliefs is the negative thoughts that hold us back, hindering our journey of self-improvement. 
RECOGNISE YOUR FIXED MINDSET. Start to be aware of how your fixed mindset, became your everyday internal dialogue. Fear of failure, procrastination, always being in your comfort zone or being a constant quitter could be why this mindset has been reinforced in your mind.
That being said, you need to start being conscious of what you’re saying to yourself daily. If you struggle with that, try speaking to yourself out loud, as it helps to be more aware of what you’re saying. 
REMOVE ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T ALIGN, i’m specifally talking about social media. There are so many self degarding or depreciating content(which are always disgusied as a ‘joke’) and the more you consume it, the more you believe it. 
However this can apply to your physical environment as well, such as people, sentimental objects or your actual space. 
START TO REDEFINE FAILURE. There are so many ways you can define failure, but my favourite has to be failure is the sacrifice for success. Of course, you can research other ways to redefine it that resonates with you.
However, allow yourself to grieve failures, especially if they had a huge impact on your life. The only way you can apply the lessons from failure in life is to process them. 
DO SOMETHING CHALLENGING EACH DAY. Whether it is giving yourself an extra 20 minutes at the gym, or trying to advance yourself in your studies, just do something that pushes you and hopefully, makes you struggle. 
Once we allow ourselves to struggle and be challenged, we start to develop the belief that being challenged is okay, not doing it perfect on the first try  is okay we can still do tasks without them being perfect + you’re also embracing failure. 
APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORT. Something is always better than nothing, not everything that we do has to be perfect to consider ourselves accomplished. Once we acknowledge the value of hard work and see how it impacts our day-to-day life, it enforces the belief that we can expand our skills even just by a little.
The perfect way to appreciate your effort is by celebrating or rewarding yourself. Allow yourself extra screen time, to sleep in, or do any of your favourite ‘unproductive’ activities. 
SEEK OUT NEW KNOWLEDGE. Not just reading an article and calling it a day, but actively researching something memorable. This doesn’t have to be a scholarly topic, it could be anything. When we start to desire to learn, which is practically the main thing about a growth mindset, it enforces those beliefs. 
BUILD RESILENCE. You’re going to fail, struggle, lose and maybe suffer. While it is important to grieve what happens, you should be able to bounce back after some time. Building this skill is so important in the growth mindset, as it helps you to take control of your emotions and not the other way around. 
This applies to constructive criticism as well. People will not always give you praise, but that doesn’t matter, what matters is your ability to act on that criticism. An outside perspective always helps to improve yourself and your abilities. 
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todaysmodernmindset · 2 months
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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girlbloggerbby · 9 months
Being your big sister pt²
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You must change your pads every 4 hours at least, this avoids the accumulation of bacteria and diseases
Charcoal pills help to stop poisoning in your dog!
Never and ever wash your lace clothes in the washing machine please! I learned the hard way (ruined my favorite corset 😭)
Your armpits are dark and stained because you use spray deodorant, these sprays dry the area, prefer to use roll-on or cream deodorants that moisturize more
Never put out a pan on fire by throwing water! This will make it explode, throw a damp cloth over it and put out the flame, if you spilled boiling water or oil on your skin immediately go to the sink and rinse under running water for a few minutes before doing anything else
Wash your jeans stuff by hand and with neutral products because they fade easily
Mix your perfume in a moisturizer of the same fragrance (similar) or unscented and apply it to your body, this will enhance the fragrance and last longer on your skin
Magnesium pills are the holy grail for us anemic girlies, it boost our energy, help with fainting and migraines
Research more about connectives before writing an essay, learning to use new forms of connectives will diversify and increase the level of writing essays
Bathing in very hot water destroys your skin and hair by drying out and weakening it over time
Person is not happy with your achievement=stay away from these people and remove them from your life
That's it for the day and i hope i was of some help, luv y'all 🪽
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