#stark internship
lemonlillybee · 2 years
Sicktember Day 8: Like A Dad
Sicktember Day 8
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41579073
Title: Like a Dad
Prompt: Intense coddling
Fandom: Spider-Man (MCU)
Word Count: 2100
Summary: Rhodey already has his cell phone out and is dialing Tony. “Tones,” he says into his phone, eyeing Peter. “Your little intern dude is here.” He nods, then frowns. “We’re all a little surprised, to be honest. He just walked right in like he’s been here before.” Another nod, and then Rhodey grimaces when Peter starts to cough hoarsely. “He’s pretty sick…you better get up here.”
–- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-
“Where’s Spider-Man?” 
Tony’s voice is on the verge of sounding panicked, and he hovers just above Bruce’s shoulder in his Iron Man suit, looking around in all directions. Bruce scans the front of the burning building, not exactly wanting to have to turn back into the Other Guy so soon.
“Inside, again. More civilians,” comes Steve’s reply in his earpiece, and Bruce sighs wearily, cracking his knuckles. Next to him, Tony looks down and shakes his head.
“No, Bruce, not you. Head back, we’ve got this,” and though he’s thankful for an out, Bruce can’t just leave when some of their own still might be in there.
“How many more are there, Cap?” Tony asks, but a second later both Steve and Spider-Man emerge from the building, each carrying two people over their shoulders. Bruce jogs over, flagging down a medic and helping Steve support one of the civilians, a young woman who’s sobbing and unable to stand on her own. They have the other three people sit on the ground until the medics arrive, and after Steve gives an all clear for the building, Bruce heads over to where Tony is talking with a police officer. 
“Your guy over there pulled eighteen people outta that building,” he says, nodding over at Spider-Man in the distance, and Bruce looks over. Spider-Man is coughing hard, doubled over with his hand on his knees. He reaches up to pull his mask up slightly, but he doesn’t lift it higher than his nose, and when Tony flies over and lands in front of him he yanks it back down and stands up straight.
“You alright, kid?” 
Spider-Man nods, his chest heaving. Bruce frowns. He wonders exactly how young Spider-Man is, but he guesses he’s young, maybe college-age with the way Tony has already seemed to latch on to a paternal role with him. He chuckles to himself, imagining Tony being a parent. Watching him interact with Spider-Man makes him think he’d be alright at it. 
“C’mon, time to go home,” Tony tells Spider-Man, leading him away by the elbow, and Spider-Man practically skips when Tony proudly pats him on the back. “Good job, kid.” 
–- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-
Peter takes a deep breath and holds it, eyes prickling with tears as the action makes his chest burn and his lungs ache. He almost makes it the entire elevator ride without coughing, but just as he gets to the penthouse level, the tickle in his throat becomes too unbearable and he lurches forward, hastily throwing up an arm in front of him so he can bury his face in the crook of his elbow as he hacks away. 
When the elevator doors open, he stumbles forward, still coughing into his hoodie sleeve. It takes him a moment to compose himself, and when he straightens, his eyes widen in shock at the sight before him.
“Who the hell are you?” Steve asks, and Peter shrinks back against the now closed elevator doors. 
Rhodey crosses his arms and takes a step forward. “I think you’re in the wrong place, buddy. You have a name?” 
“How did you get in here?” Natasha tips her head to the side, her eyes narrowed. “How did you get past security?” 
“He’s a student at Midtown School of Science and Technology,” Bruce says from his spot at the kitchen table. He pulls his mug of tea closer and raises an eyebrow when they all turn to look at him. “According to his sweatshirt.” 
Peter clears his throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to him. “Yeah, I, uh…I have an internship, with, uh…with Mr. Stark, and I–”
“Stark has an intern?” Clint asks, narrowing his eyes. “You’re like, what, twelve?”
“Fifteen,” Peter croaks, wincing at the way his voice cracks. 
“High schooler,” Bruce says. He frowns when Peter starts to cough again. “A sick high schooler.” 
Rhodey already has his cell phone out and is dialing Tony. “Tones,” he says into his phone, eyeing Peter. “Your little intern dude is here.” He nods, then frowns. “We’re all a little surprised, to be honest. He just walked right in like he’s been here before.” Another nod, and then Rhodey grimaces when Peter starts to cough hoarsely. “He’s pretty sick…you better get up here.” 
A minute later, the elevator dings behind Peter, and he spins around to see a very guilty looking billionaire step off the elevator. 
“Peter! Are you okay? What’s going on? You’re sick?”
Peter opens his mouth, but all that comes out is a weak, raspy cough. 
“Were you feeling sick yesterday when we were– uh, when you were at school?”
“I’m not sick,” Peter starts to reply, but Tony cuts him off.
“Nope, I don’t want to hear it. You’re not going to do the whole ‘I’m fine’ thing, got it?”
“But Mr. Stark–”
“Uh-uh, zip it. C’mere, I want to check and see if you have a fever. F.R.I.D.A.Y., why didn’t you alert me when Peter arrived?” 
“He’s acting like a dad,” Clint whispers as he watches Tony fret over the teen. 
Bruce narrows his eyes. “A dad, huh?” He watches Tony feel Peter’s forehead before leading him toward the living room.
“C’mon, get on the couch,” Tony says, gesturing to the sofa in the living room, and Peter gulps.
“The…couch? Out here?”
“Yes, Peter, unless you have some hidden couch elsewhere, the couch out here. I want to keep an eye on you.” 
Peter looks around at all of the Avengers watching them, his face flushing. 
“This is all my fault,” Tony mutters to himself, gathering up blankets. “I never should have let you come along.” Once Peter is sitting, Tony gently pushes him down onto his back and starts tucking the blankets around his frame, adjusting each one to fully cover his body. Peter shifts uncomfortably, then clamps a hand over his mouth, coughing hard. Tony waits until he’s done before he leans down to press his palm to Peter’s forehead again.
“Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y.? What’s Peter’s temp?”
“Peter’s internal temperature is 96.3 degrees Fahrenheit.” 
Bruce frowns. “That can’t be right, that’s pretty low–” 
“Okay, thanks, FRI,” Tony interrupts. “Uh, just give me an alert if Peter’s temp gets into a fever range.” He turns back to Peter. “We’re gonna pump you full of fluids. I’ll get you some orange juice, you hang tight.”
Peter coughs, shaking his head. “I can’t have orange juice, Mr. Stark, remember?” 
Tony pauses, then snaps his fingers. “Okay, then. Gatorade. The blue kind. I think there’s some in the fridge, I’ll be right back.”
“Hey!” Sam protests. “That’s my Gatorade.” 
Tony ignores him as he goes into the kitchen and rummages around in the refrigerator. 
“Hmm. Are you allergic to all citrus?” Bruce asks, peering down at Peter.
“Uh, yeah, kinda,” Peter replies hoarsely. 
“Interesting. Do you have any other allergies?”
“Here you go, Pete! Blue Gatorade. Drink up.” Tony nudges Bruce aside and uncaps the bottle.
“Am I allowed to sit up to drink?” Peter mumbles. His voice is rough and gravelly. He pushes himself up onto his elbows and accepts the drink, gulping it down greedily and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he’s done. Tony takes the empty bottle with a satisfied nod, then motions for Peter to lie back down before he starts readjusting the blankets over him.
Peter rubs at his temples, then under his eyes, and finally the sides of his nose, using his fingertips to gingerly put pressure against his sinuses. “Can I get up?” He sniffles. “Lying down like this is kinda making my nose all stuffy.” 
“I’ll get you a couple of pillows and we can prop you up. And tissues. And medicine! I’m sure we have medicine somewhere, right?” Tony looks around, eyes wide and almost frantic. “And I’m gonna need everyone to clear out,” he barks. “Peter needs some rest and he’s not going to get it with all this noise.” The room fills with grumbling and protests as everyone grudgingly but obediently begins to shuffle out.
“I’m not sick, Mr. Stark,” Peter says once they’re gone, coughing immediately after. 
“I’ll be right back,” Tony replies, ignoring him. 
Peter groans and throws his arm over his face, then coughs again. He’s starting to get really, really tired of coughing. He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to hold his breath and rubbing at his throat. Another cough tumbles out and his chest aches as his inflamed airways work hard to get the irritation out. He hears footsteps and uncovers his eyes, sighing when he sees Tony approaching with an armful of stuff, including a bottle of cold medicine, a box of tissues, another blanket and two pillows. 
“I’m. Not. Sick.”
“Peter, I swear–”
“No, really!” Peter coughs hard, then pants as he tries to catch his breath. He clears his throat loudly and winces. “I mean, I think I’m just coughing from all of the smoke yesterday. You know, the… explosion?” He whispers the last word, his breath crackling in his lungs. 
“Shit,” Tony hisses. He paces back and forth in front of Peter. “Shit. That’s even worse.” 
“I’m fine,” Peter insists, but Tony is already pulling him up by the arm. 
“No, you’re not fine. Shit. We’re going to see Bruce.”
–- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-   –- 🕷–-
The elevator doors open, and Bruce looks up from his project to see Tony and Peter entering the lab.
“Hey, Bruce,” Tony says, attempting to casually lean against a table. “So, Peter here is sick.”
“I gathered that much, yes.”
“And, uh, he’s been coughing a lot, so, I was just wondering if you’d be willing to take a look at him? Just, you know, make sure it’s not something really bad, like pneumonia or bronchitis or something.”
“Yeah,” Peter squeaks, trying to suppress a cough. “Bronchitis would suck.”
“Okay, sure.” Bruce leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. “What are your symptoms?” Peter coughs, then pinches the bridge of his nose with a sniffle, and Bruce nods at him. “Besides the cough, irritated sinuses, and headache?”
“Pretty much just those,” Peter admits. “And my chest kinda hurts.”
“It almost sounds like smoke inhalation,” Bruce says with a smirk, and after a long pause, Tony sighs.
“How long have you known?”
“About…” Bruce checks his watch. “One hour.” 
Peter looks between Tony and Bruce, his eyes wide. “Uh…”
“So?” Tony finally says. 
“So, what?” Bruce uncrosses his arms, standing up and walking around the lab table to grab a tool.
“Aren’t you going to fix him?”
“I don’t really think he needs to be fixed,” Bruce murmurs, focusing back on his project. “Besides, I have no idea what kind of…” He looks over and gestures vaguely at Peter. “Genetic makeup we’re working with.”
“Well, he’s a little spiderling. Sticky, great reflexes, can’t thermoregulate. Super strength, enhanced healing, all that jazz.”
“And he doesn’t like oranges?”
“See? You’re catching on quick, Bruce.” Tony sighs. “So?”
“Stay away from smoke.”
“Bruce, you mother–”
“He can suck on a cough drop,” Bruce adds, smirking, and Tony throws up his hands in frustration.
“I’m actually feeling a lot better,” Peter interrupts hoarsely. “I couldn’t really breathe when I woke up this morning, like I couldn’t really catch my breath. A cough drop does sound nice though.”
Tony and Bruce turn to look at him, the former man’s mouth dropping open.
“Also, my nose and throat were like, super swollen. So I’m actually doing a lot better now.”
Bruce glances sideways at his friend, who looks like he’s about to scream, or pass out, or both, then looks at Peter.
“If you have enhanced healing, you probably don’t have to worry too much about permanent damage to your lungs. You’ve already mentioned your airways and breathing have improved, so you’re likely going to be just fine.” 
Peter coughs into his fist, then gives Bruce a small smile. “Thanks.”
Tony closes his eyes and takes a long, slow breath in through his nose.
“Mr. Stark, are you okay? Your heart is beating way too fast,” Peter asks nervously. 
“This is what I get,” Tony says, almost to himself. “This is what I get for recruiting a teenager. This is what I get for taking a teenager on a mission. I’m too old for this shit.”  
“Clint was right, you know,” Bruce chuckles, sitting back down in his chair.
“Right about what?” Tony asks, and Bruce looks back and forth between him and Peter, his face lighting up with a satisfied grin.
“You’re acting like a dad.”
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #102
When Flash first overhears Peter talking about the "Stark Internship," he rolls his eyes and thinks, "Of course he'd go with that excuse at Midtown School of Science and Technology."
Whatever. Flash knows the truth. He's seen the car that Parker gets picked up in, seen the body guard / chauffeur and the absolutely insane amount of discrete safety tech he always has on. Flash is convinced that the whole orphan thing is just a cover story and Peter secretly has parents at least as rich and influential as Flash's own.
Maybe they're politicians or the mob or something, and that's why all the secrecy. Honestly, Flash is doing him a favor by bullying him all the time for being an unimportant orphan. It's the perfect cover. Maybe he'll even drop the ridiculous Stark Industries lie and come up with a more believable backstory soon.
Then, one day Flash and Peter end up in a kidnapping situation.
The kidnappers take Flash's watch, but they leave some of Peter's tech since it's better hidden. As soon as they're alone, Flash expects Peter to hit that panic button and get them the hell out of there.
Only... he doesn't? Did Peter learn nothing from K&R training? Flash reaches over and hits the secret panic button 3 times immediately, no hesitation. Peter is shocked. Flash is like, "Oh come on, I obviously know your secret."
He's kind of curious and excited now to see who Peter's secret parents are, once the cops get them out of there.
He is not at all prepared when Iron Man bursts through the door.
He's even less prepared when Tony Stark steps out of the suit and totally freaks out at Peter, hugging him and checking for injuries.
... maybe he's finally met Peter's secret parent after all.
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labwebs · 19 days
@ironifiicd liked for a starter
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There it was. Midnight. Peter let out the breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding and watched as it formed a small cloud in the cold air- both from the late-slash-early hour and from how high up he was. As he so often did these days when he needed to be alone for a bit and clear his head, he'd found a tall office building and a corner to hide away in way up high. This was one of those weird days and, as it usually did, it'd snuck up on him. Yeah, he'd sort of noticed he'd felt... off the past few days. Grumpy and withdrawn and not really understanding why until he'd happened to glance at a calendar and realized what date was fast approaching. The anniversary of the day he'd been dropped off at his aunt and uncle's. A day that always brought up such a huge mix of emotions.
"Miss you," he whispered out into the night, watching the city below.
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irondadfics · 2 years
Hey I'm searching for a fic where Peter joins SI as normal intern and later helps other employees and become third in command. And Pepper and Tony didn't know he existed and running their company in thier absence.
I've read this fic somewhere but i couldn't find it.
And please give me suggestions for fics that Peter just working in SI without any Field trip trope inserted.
Thank you to those who contributed to our Follower Outreach Program for helping to locate this story!
This is Spider Business by TheLuckyLady13
When Spider-Man isn't recruited for the civil war Tony Stark doesn't notice him, but someone else does. Peter's adventures as the youngest intern SI has ever had.
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trasheapknowsall · 7 months
When young Morticia Parker, freshly orphaned and confused, sees an ad for a ballet class, she begs may and Ben to let her try it out, and after some negotiation, they take her to a try out class, and that's the day she bacame a dancer.
When Morticia met Harry Osborn, they didn't get along, he thought she was a dumb girl, and she thought he was a pretentious ass (- even if she didn't actually know what it meant), but when she defended him against some dumb kid with raised fists and bared teeth, they had quickly become attached at the hip.
Once harry found out about the ballet class, he insisted on coming to every rehearsal and every show and competition, and when the girls needed a male partner he was happy(albite shy) to be of help.
At some point Morticia found herself dancing as the male partner due to the lack of them in the class, but she didn't mind, infact she really liked it.
At some point, when harry and Morticia started bickering, he called her-"just a stupid girl" and she couldn't have that. She replied with a venomous " I'm not a stupid girl! I'm a PARKER!". Harry didn't call her anything else since.
At some point Parker stopped wanting to go to classes, she stopped wanting to do anything really, she shut down. Later on when May and Ben walked in on her babysitter holding her down they understood why.
After that, when Parker started dancing again, it was to heal, it was to breathe.
And this time around, when they went to court, and won another case, parker kept dancing through it, to heal, to breath, to live.
When Parker met Tutu, it was like a breath of fresh air. The first time they met, she made him laugh so hard he spent 10 minutes on the floor recovering. The first time they met, it was like someone opened a window In a room that had no air.
Parker and Tutu bacame partners in every sense of the word. Whenever they could, they would dance together, they would cover for each other, prank each other, blamed each other and laughed at each other.
When Parker, a young(so very young) nerd, went on a field trip to Oscorp, was bitten, and gained powers, she didn't want to do anything about it, but then uncle Ben was shot. He was shot and she was at fault. And the only thing she could do, was take his knowledge, and perform it the best she could.
'with great power, comes great responsibility '
Parker kept dancing, she danced like her life depended on it.(it almost did)
Parker kept dancing, and she kept up her grades, and she kept up aunt may, and she kept fighting on the streets. And the only thing that kept her up, was Tutu.
Tutú. Tutú that held Parker through tears and breakdowns, that talked her down from a distance with flashbacks and panic attacks, that held her hand through the grief and the heartache, that held her back on rooftops and bridges, that stitched parker up from stab wounds (pricks) and split knuckles.
Parker got batter, Parker became spider-man.
At first, when people started calling her spider-man, she almost corrected them. But then she figured out that she couldn't care less, in fact, she kind of liked it.
Parker kept dancing.
And Then parker disappeared.
Parker was gone and May and Tutu were left picking up the pieces for their life they had left.
Parker was gone, but she and Tutu kept dancing.
Every time Tutu was dancing, jumping in the air, or twirling around the room, she felt like Parker was there, hands light on her waist, guiding her through the movements, whispering praises in her ear.
Every time parker was dancing, a routine that was ingrained in her head, she felt Tutu there, clapping cheerfully in the mirror, hands light as they help her into a new position.
Then parker was back.
Parker found out her aunt was in the hospital and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, and didn't know what else to do except dance. So she went to the studio, and did just that.
When Parker came to the studio every day for a week spending hours upon hours in different rooms, with different people, it took her just that amount of time to realize that someone wasn't there.
Tutú was dancing, but she couldn't go back to dancing in a place where she's expecting someone she knows isn't coming.
It took time, but when a friend asks her to come help her with rehearsals, she reunites with parker, and it's full of kisses, and hugs, and tears, and a couple breakdowns.
When the internship with stark, that parker gained after spending some recovery time in the tower, becomes too close and personal, she tries running away, but like time and time again, Tutu was a lifeline and a fresh breath of air.
When Parker brought in James(fucking)Barnes to a rehearsal, tut almost had an aneurysm, asking him questions and staring at him with wide eyes, and Parker was pleased to see the nerd deep in her heart come out.
So they danced.
They danced, and they fought, and they talked, and hugged, and kissed, and they sang, and they fell in love.
They slept, and they were silent, and they cried, and they breathed, and they fell in love.
After all is it even worth it, if you aren't that tad bit in love with your best friends?
Cause they know that it totally is when they are.
Tutú knows that being in love with her best friends means everything is just a tad MORE. It's feeling at peace when they talk to her, it's the buzz under her skin when they touch it's the fireworks in her brain when they laugh, it's the pleased feeling in her chest when they smile.
Parker knows that being in love with her best friend means everything is better. That everything is more peaceful next to her, is having coffee breath on each other's faces, is the butterflies in her stomach when they spend time together, is the thrill of living next to her.
Together, they know falling in love with their best friend like a waterfall that they want to drown in, they know it like quite peaceful mornings, they know it like aching muscles, sweat and a smile, they know it like whispered promises they always managed to keep, they know it like grief and tears, they know it like they know the other.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but it might be a start for a fic, so if you want this to be, help me, give me plots, ideas, quirks, even characters.
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wintersoldiersoul · 6 months
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A/N: Literally have a flight to catch in 4 hours and this is how I'm spending my time. Also this was inspired by a video by The Stark Internship on TikTok! I love their account so much definitely check them out.
Summary: Bucky is fed up with your attitude
Warnings: Smut, Daddy kink, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), breeding kink
Everyone has days when they just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Today was one of those for you. You hadn't slept well in a few nights and you were irritable and on edge. Your had tons of assignments due for work, and your boss was a nightmare. Everything was pissing you off today from the slow walkers on the street, to your shoelaces coming untied. 
“Hey baby,” Bucky said, smiling and giving you a kiss when you walked through the door.
“Hi,” you deadpanned, slipping your bag off your shoulder and letting it fall to the ground.
His expression changed when he saw your mood. “Bad day?”
You nodded, strutting over to the kitchen to get the cold brew from the fridge. “Where’s the coffee?” You asked, unable to find it in the fridge.
“Oh I finished it this morning,” Bucky answered. “I was gonna grab some more tomorrow.”
You groaned, throwing your head back. “Why didn’t you just get more when you finished it? Now I have to go back out.”
“Sorry baby, I didn’t think you’d need coffee at 5pm,” he said apologetically. 
“Well I do because unfortunately for me, I haven’t slept all week because your body is like a fucking furnance and I have a killer headache that only caffeine can fix.” 
“I’ll go out and get you a coffee, okay?” Bucky had seen you in these moods a lot. You got irritable whenever you were stressed or tired or hungry, which was a lot. “You go relax.”
“Thanks,” you answered, slumping over to the home office. You did some more work, trying to get ahead of what you had to do tomorrow. 
“Here,” he said when he got back, placing a starbucks cup in front of you. “How can I help?”
“Just leave me alone,” you snapped. It came out harsher than you intended. “I’m sorry.”
But Bucky wasn’t offended. He just smirked at you. “That’s it,” he said sternly. “You have 30 minutes to get ready and then you and me? We’re going to dinner. And we’re gonna have a great time. And when we get back, I want you on the bed with your legs spread for me. And I’m gonna split you open on my cock and fuck that attitude right out of you, got it?” He commanded.
You swallowed harshly, already feeling your clit throbbing from his words. “Yes, sir.”
“Good,” he nodded his head and walked out of the room. 
You decided to play into his game while at dinner, acting extra bratty to see just how riled up you could get him. The second you walked in the door, his eyes narrowed. “I’m giving you a two minute head start. By the time I get in there, you better be naked and touching that pretty pussy, okay? Go.” 
You ran to the bedroom, completely submissive to him. You quickly discarded your clothing and laid on the bed moving a hand between your legs. You inserted two fingers inside of yourself, wetness pooling around your fingers. Bucky opened the door just as you were reaching your peak. 
“Good girl,” he smirked. “No cumming though. Not yet sweetheart.” He crawled on the bed moving his face in between your legs watching as you played with yourself. “Bet those little fingers don’t feel as good as mine. You need my thick fingers stretching you out to really feel good.” He grabbed your wrist and made you remove your fingers from yourself. “Nothing to say? No sassy little remark to fire back at me? You’ll do whatever Daddy tells you, won’t you?” His eyes darkened as he spoke.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good,” he said, running flesh fingers through your folds. “Such a perfect cunt,” he grunted as he inserted a finger, curling it slowly to torture you. “Too bad you’ve been a brat today.” He swiftly removed his finger and licked it clean. “Get on your knees. Now,” he commanded while undoing his belt and taking down his pants. Your mouth watered at the wet spot on his boxers where his tip was leaking. You reached out to take his underwear off but he shoved your hands away. “No no no, baby girl. You wait for Daddy to tell you what to do.” He smacked your ass hard and you moaned. 
“Daddy please!!” You begged like a child. “Wanna suck you.”
Bucky laughed darkly. “You need that slutty mouth filled? You want Daddy’s cock to choke on? Wan’ me to fuck your face real hard, don’t you?” You squeezed your legs together at his words, desperate for something. 
“Mhm, want it so badly. Wanna run my tongue over the slit and wrap my lips around your thick cock. Want you to stretch out my mouth.”
He inhaled sharply at your words. Bucky was dominant in bed, but he was so in awe of you that sometimes he just had to give in. “Oh fuck, Princess, the shit you say.” He slowly dragged his boxers down his legs. “Come make Daddy feel good.”
You crawled to him, immediately licking his slit, moaning at the taste of his pre-cum on your tongue. He threw his head back as you wrapped your lips around all of him and bobbed up and down. “Shit,” he gasped, grabbing your hair to move your head quicker. You brought one hand up and lightly squeezed his balls which caused him to start to move his hips, fucking your mouth just like he said we would. “Holy shit, Princess, oh-oh fuck.” He continued to mumble profanities as you moved. Bucky was always vocal in bed - something that you loved. Hearing the pleasure you brought him made everything so much better. “Gonna cum, baby. Gonna shoot a load in the back of your throat and I want you to swallow it all for me,” he said, breath growing more rapid. You continued until you felt the thick liquid hit your throat, swallowing it all with ease. “That’s a good girl,” he praised, pulling his dick out of your mouth. “Now lemme see how wet that little pussy is. Bet your clit is so swollen. Just begging to be played with,” he cood as he lifted you up onto the bed and held your legs apart. He blew cold air onto your clit, the sensation making you feral. You needed him. Your slick was running down your thighs. He brought his mouth closer and closer but never quite connecting it. He ran his hands up and down your inner thighs, making you squirm.
“D-Daddy please! I’ll be so good to you. You can do anything you want. Use me however you want just please touch me!”
He looked up at you from in between your legs and smirked. “Anything? You’d even let me fill this sweet cunt up with my cum?” He asked, causing another moan to ring out from your throat. “Oh you want that, don’t you. Dirty girl. You wanna be full of your Daddy?”
“Y-yes! Please, just-” you stopped short when he put his lips around your clit, sucking with full force. “Oh yes Daddy! Fuck!” He inserted two metal fingers inside you, the stretch sending fireworks throughout your body. His eyes connected with yours as he kept sucking your clit and fingering you. He loved watching your eyes when he pleasured you. Loved how glassy and dazed you looked. He added a third finger, stretching you to the hilt. Your orgasm was coming quick. “Can I cum, Daddy?” He moaned into your pussy signaling yes and you exploded. Your walls clenched and your clit throbbed as euphoria washed over you. 
Bucky didn’t stop his movements, though. If anything, he sucked a little harder and fingered you a little faster. You were letting out high pitched moans continuously, already on the brink of a second orgasm. “DADDY!” You yelled out as the most intense orgasm of your life washed over you, squirting onto his face and the bed. The sound of your liquid hitting the sheets made Bucky feral. He let you ride out your high on his face and his fingers before carefully removing himself.
“Oh, honey, you are too fucking much. Squirting for your Daddy, now that’s what good girls do. So proud of you angel.” He kissed you passionately, letting your taste on his tongue fill your mouth. “Gonna give you my cock now, okay? Gotta make sure all that attitude is really gone.” 
He aligned himself with your pussy and immediately thrusted all the way in. He gave you no time to adjust to his size before he snapped his hips hard, hitting your g-spot everytime. “Such a slutty little thing, look at ‘cha,” he taunted, unable to take his eyes away from his cock slipping in and out of you. “You got my cock fucking drenched, baby girl. You that desperate to be fucked? Making puddles on this bed I swear,” he said, continuing to fuck you hard. His hand reached to your clit, giving it a feather light touch just to tease you a little more. 
“Daddy, touch my clit, please! Been so good for you,” you pleaded.
He laughed. “Nothing is ever enough for you, is it? Got you stuffed full of cock and you’re asking for more?” Despite his teasing, he gave you what you wanted, connecting his fingers to your clit and applying the perfect amount of pressure. “Fuck, feel you squeezing me. You gonna cum again for me? You gonna cum all over Daddy’s big cock?”
“Yes, Daddy!” you screamed, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Cum with me baby girl, gonna fill you up. Gonna get you all pregnant and round. Fuck you’re gonna look so good carrying my baby,” he grunted, thrusts growing sloppy. 
“Give it to me, Daddy! Fill me up!” You moaned, feeling his cum shooting into your body and setting off your own orgasm. You screamed as you came, squirting for the second time.
When you had both finished, he removed his dick from you and got up to get a towel. He carefully cleaned you up, looking into your eyes with love.
“So, did we fix that attitude?”
“I don’t know,” you smirked. “I think there’s still some in there that needs to be fucked out of me.” 
“You’re trouble,” Bucky growled, crawling on top of you once again.
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thelostmagicians · 1 year
Hugs | Steve Harrington
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Summary: Steve Harrington hated hugs until you came along. [1.9k]
Fluff, comfort, slight angst, implied homophobia (against Robin)
Steve Harrington hated hugs.
Hugs were meant to be soft and warm like ice cream on a sunny day, crackling fire on a chilly night, but to Steve they were anything but.
He blamed his aversion to hugs on the lack of affection he received as a child. He couldn’t recall a time when his father even gave him a simple pat on the back let alone a hug. And his mom, she tries, but when a rare ‘I love you’ slips past her lips it’s in the same tone she uses for the grocer at the store, so Steve can never tell if she means it.
Steve didn’t know the meaning of love until Nancy Wheeler broke his heart and Dustin Henderson nuzzled his way in with an unlikely friendship and demodog. Since then, he’s opened up his large and previously empty heart to a talkative Robin Buckley, Dustin and his group of ragtag friends, Nancy Wheeler (albeit it’s different now), a smidge for Jonathan Byers, and even Eddie Munson. Even though he loves his friends to the point of self sacrifice he can never seem to spare them a hug. He’ll give them an encouraging nod and an affectionate high five, but he’s never been able to engulf any of them in the warmth radiating off his chest. And Steve feels awful for this, he truly does. He felt awful when Dustin had to seek solace in Robin’s arms when Eddie was injured and when Lucas clinged onto Max’s hand while she was on life support. He knows they understand it isn’t anything personal, but he still wants to be able to show his feelings through a soothing hand hold or a comforting embrace.
The first time he sees you he's at Nancy’s house for a small gathering celebrating the completion of her and Jonathan’s internship at the big fancy newspaper in New York. You’re in the kitchen helping Nancy with the snacks, smiling wide at her full of sunshine and sparkle, a stark difference from the gloomy aura of Hawkins.
“I see someone’s caught your eye already,” Jonathan giggles, breaking him out of his trance.
Steve glances at you a final time before he turns to Jonathan and steals his drink.
“Hey, why can’t you just get your own?” Jonathan whines a little, the result of a smoke sesh with Argyle and Eddie slowly wearing off. Steve can tell he’s only got a few minutes left to question Jonathan about you before he sobers up and uses this to tease him in the future.
“Who is she? Don’t think ‘ve seen her here before,” Steve tries to act as nonchalant as possible, but he can tell he’s failing with the way Jonathan smiles.
“She’s mine and Nance’s friend. We met her at the internship and she wanted to visit here for a change of scenery. Isn’t that crazy, someone from New York finds a place like Hawkins interesting enough to visit?”
Steve nods in agreement, because why would someone like you, someone so full of light and everything good want anything to do with the drabby town of Hawkins.
“What’s her name?”
When Jonathan says your name loud enough for him to hear over Robin and Eddie’s loud chatter Steve gasps softly. He mumbles your name to himself thrice because it tastes sweet on his tongue, sweeter than the cherry popsicles he likes so much. You talk for the first time that night, nothing past basic introductions, but it’s enough for him to drive home with a smile on his face because he liked the way your lips looked when you said his name.
The first time you hug him he’s taken by surprise his body goes rigid and then pliant. He isn’t exactly reciprocating the hug, but he isn’t pushing you away like he would the others. He pulls back first taking a look at your disheveled appearance, Nancy had called him earlier frantically telling him you needed to be picked up from Creel House and he wasted no time coming to your rescue.
He brushes the dust off your shoulders as you huff in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry for this, Nancy told me to wait for her and Jonathan to get back but I wanted to see the house for myself. I thought I could handle it, but I guess it’s a little too creepy for me,” you explain sheepishly.
Steve chuckles awkwardly, still a little loopy from your hug, “Yeah this house isn’t for the faint of heart. We brought the kids here once to err- explore and we still have nightmares about it.”
Steve curses under his breath as you give him a curious look, pushing more details out of him. “There were just a lot of spiders, ya know and the history makes it creepy enough,” he plays it off like it was no big deal but he had an inkling you knew there was more to the story.
The second time you hug Steve it leaves him winded, but he decides he likes the feeling. He lets you hold onto him longer than last time and pulls back when you sneakily go to ruffle his hair. He pouts a little, hands swatting yours away while he tries to fix it the best he can without a mirror.
“Don’t worry Steve, you’re still the prettiest person in all of Hawkins,” you say giggling.
His cheeks heat up but he likes you too much to throw a fit about your teasing. You’ve gotten closer over the past few weeks, always bringing him and Robin lunch during work and he thinks he might just keep you.
Steve realizes you're a hugger when the first thing you do after you pick him up from the station is trap him in your warm arms instead of yelling like the others would have. He thought he was over high school bullshit, but he couldn’t hold himself back when Robin called him from Tammy Thompson’s house on the verge of tears because Tommy Hagan accused her for looking at a girl a little too long for it to be considered straight. He was fuming when he pulled up to the house, Eddie meeting him at the doorway trying to convince him to not make a scene. He tossed Eddie his keys telling him to take Robin home while he threw punch after punch at Tommy for making someone he loved feel unsafe.
He pushes you off gently trying to explain what happened but you shush him softly, eyes falling to Hopper as he claps him on the back a proud smile on his otherwise stoic face. Everyone’s waiting for him when he arrives at the Byers, Joyce with a first aid kit, Jonathan with a smug smile (probably reminiscing his first fight with Steve), and Robin with eyes full of love and gratitude. He lets everyone fuss over him that night before he falls asleep on the Byers’ couch with your hand holding his.
Steve lets you hug him often now, he rolls his eyes and huffs a bit, but allows it with the pretense of it being the last time. It never is, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
You’re on his kitchen floor passing a bottle of wine back and forth sharing core memories. The others have gone home already after the last movie ended but you seemed reluctant to leave, so Steve offered you the guest room and a pair of old pajamas.
“Do you have any happy memories, Stevie?” You ask gently.
Steve shakes his head, “Not really, didn’t really have much of a happy childhood I guess, the only one I can think about is going to my Nana’s for christmas, but she died when I was five.” Steve’s a little tipsy now absentmindedly spilling his heart out to you not thinking about the repercussions.
You smile sadly, “I know what you mean, sort of.”
Steve waves his hand urging you to go on. You sigh softly, “I’ve been almost everywhere and yet it feels like I haven't experienced anything. I have loving parents but I never feel like they love me for who I am, they only love me for what I am, you know? To them I’m more of a trophy, something crossed off on the path of life to show accomplishment. I told you I came to Hawkins to research small towns for a project, but I think that was just an excuse. When I met Nancy and Jonathan they spoke so fondly about everyone back home. They might’ve been in New York, but their hearts resided in Hawkins. I wanted to find that for myself and followed them here…and I think I did.”
Steve shoots you a soft smile full of hearts as your eyes fill with unshed tears. You try your best to scoot over in your tipsy state and fall into his lap resembling a clumsy hug. This time he doesn’t pull away.
It’s nearing summer break for everyone now. Nancy and Jonathan are heading back to New York in a few weeks to present a proposal to your guys’ boss in New York for a new paper about small towns with mysterious histories. They put together a portfolio with files full of research done by you, articles written by Nancy, and photographs taken by Jonathan. The kids are finishing up finals and making plans for junior year. Robin passed her first year at community college and he quit his job at Family Video to work at the station with Hopper. And you, you decided to stay back in Hawkins. Steve can’t find a better excuse than this to throw a summer party at his house.
The sun is shining, bellies are full, hearts are happy, and laughs are loud in Steve’s backyard. Steve opened up his pool for the first time since Barbara Holland’s death and he thinks it’s time he starts moving on. Everyone is in the pool having fun, everyone except you and Steve. You’re lounging on one of the chairs, Jane Eyre in your hand and a lazy smile on your face, so it was no surprise Steve chose to stay at your side.
Steve is terrified to bare his heart to you, to tell you how he really feels, he thinks he might as well hand you his heart and a hammer on a silver platter. But then he remembers the shy smile you had when you told him you were leaving New York for good and you were staying in Hawkins. He looks over to you, your book finally pushed aside in favor of watching your friends have fun and he can’t hold his feelings in any longer.
His fingers brush up your arm slowly making their way to pet at your soft cheeks.
“You know you’re the only one who’s allowed to hug me.” It’s a concealed declaration of love an I love you that only the two of you can decipher.
“I know.” I love you too.
Steve smiles shyly before gently cupping your chin and pressing his lips to yours in a much awaited kiss. He pulls back gently only to pull you into his chest. He squeezes you hard pouring all his love into the first hug he’s ever initiated.
Steve Harrington used to hate hugs, but not so much anymore, not when your arms feel like home.
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leclerc-s · 6 months
paint the town red - part one
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series masterlist
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liked by peterbparker, harleykeener, queenshuri and others
biancastark_potts 'all the rumors are true'
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username bestie which driver will you be the race engineer for?
username is sebastian coming back? tell me that rumor is true
tonystark you're supposed to be working!
↳ biancastark_potts i am working. ask anyone. except harley, he'll lie to you.
↳ harleykeener she's being no help! spanish was not one of my public school requirements. i don't think i am qualified for this job.
↳ biancastark_potts dad literally made you social media admin for the offical ferrari account. a mistake on his part truly.
↳ tonystark i regret everything now.
username so, stark will be race engineer for leclerc and keener for sainz?
↳ username an iconic group truly and i know nothing about this keener kid
↳ harleykeener i got a stark internship because i made a potato gun for tony one time when i was a child.
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liked by biancastark_potts, harleykeener, and peterbparker and other
scuderiaferrari meet ferrari's newest race engineers. bianca stark-potts (24) (left) will become charles leclerc's new race engineer, replacing xavier marcos. while harley keener (20) (right) will become carlos sainz' new race engineer, replacing riccardo adami. these two will also be taking on the roles of lead engineers for our cars and they know they can deliver a championship winning car. these two are excited to be taking on the world of formula one.
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📍peterbparker this was all proofread by mrs. pepper stark-potts. i would've gone with something like 'out with the old in with the new.' but apparently that's not professional or something.
username ferrari is about to become the most attractive team on the grid. i take no complaints.
↳ username no you're absolutely right.
username what exactly are their qualifications to becoming an f1 driver's race engineer?
↳ username bianca is an MIT and columbia graduate, she has a phd in mechanical engineering and a masters in electrical engineering. harley is a columbia graduate with a masters in mechanical engineering and studying at MIT for a masters in computer science and engineering. if anything they're overqualified for the job. they've also developed few of the suits tony stark's uses. definitely more qualified than ricciardo and xavier.
↳ username that doesn't matter, we'll finally have a decent car and might even win the drivers/constructors championships.
charles_leclerc welcome to the team!
↳ biancastark_potts thanks, happy to be here!
↳ harleykeener thank you, even if i'm not your race engineer.
carlossainz55 bienvenidos!
↳ harleykeener gracias, mi amigo. (i don't speak spanish that well. we'll both be struggling through this, as you saw last week.)
↳ biancastark_potts good luck with him. thanks for the welcome!
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liked by biancastark_potts, charles_leclerc, and peterbparker and other
scuderiaferrari you knew him as 4x world champion of red bull, you knew him as a ferrari driver, now you'll know him as ferrari's new team principal. ladies, gentleman, and non-binary folks, the formidable sebastian vettel is back!
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📍peterbparker not added was 'sorry not sorry we took your golden boy red bull' again, mrs. pepper potts-stark said that was unprofessional so i was forbidden from adding that. the urge to add a multi-21 joke in there was strong but i resisted.
↳ maxverstappen1 no need to rub it in. christian is crying. (i’m joking, he’s upset)
↳ peterbparker TU-TU-DU-DU MAX VERSTAPPEN!! (get me oscar piastri's number)
↳ maxverstappen1 no.
↳ peterbparker i'll settle for lando norris if you want. don't worry i'm not after either of your men (charles and danny)
↳ maxverstappen can i get you fired?
↳ biancastark_potts i've been trying since 2018 when he walked into my life. all i achieved was my parents emotionally adopting him.
username i fucking love this new ferrari admin. they're unhinged.
↳ peterbparker thanks, pepper does not find it as amusing. i've been told to keep it 'professional' until the season begins then i'm allowed to be unhinged.
username please tell me he is still caring for his bees. seb and his bees is iconic
↳ peterbparker proud to announce that seb and his bees will continue. we will be bringing awareness to the bees with every race. seb's buzzin' corner for every race? MR. STARK MAKE IT HAPPEN!
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and tonystark and other
scuderiaferrari mood cause we're back! preseason testing begins in two days!
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📍peterbparker i'm allowed to shit post now people! the ban has been lifted! WAR IS OVER!
username admin is acting like a teenager
↳ peterbparker i'm 20.
↳ maxverstappen1 that explains it.
↳ peterbparker so about piastri's number...
↳ maxverstappen1 no.
↳ harleykeener you have a girlfriend parker.
↳ peterbparker she doesn't need to know
↳ michellejones this is a public instagram post
username let's hope stark industries can deliver with all the hype surrounding them taking over ferrari's f1 team.
↳ username i just hope they aren't being overhyped, because if they fail to deliver they'll be such a dissapointment.
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¡leclerc-s speaks! you can blame charles' shitty race for this story. other than that we won't speak further on the events of the us grand prix (i'm living in delusion) (congrats to logan for scoring his first points and congrats to williams for their double points!) i had been wanting to do a mcu x formula one crossover but i didn't have the motivation to do so until now (you can guess why).
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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tom-holland-stuff · 2 months
Displeasing Encounters & Passionate Debates // Chapter 1
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My Masterlist
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 + mood-board // Chapter 3 //
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
Summery: After returning form district 12 Coriolanus snow has had everything handed to him on a silver platter. Wealth, status, power, he has got it all. What happens when he discovers that Dr Gaul, his mentor, has taken on a new assistant.
Warning: SFW - for now. (let me know if i forgot any)
A/N: Hey Hey, so this is my first time writing for Coryo. I Have heaps of ideas for where this could go and also ideas for other fics but i'm 1000% open to any suggestions, ideas or even just a chat. DM me or drop in my ask box. Chapter 2 is already in the works hehe
Word Count: 1.7K
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The citadel is a cold place. Most may find it unwelcoming, but Coriolanus considers it the opposite; he feels as if he belongs there, like a snowflake in a snowstorm. The white walls seamlessly connect to the marble floor, creating a stark, pristine atmosphere.
Coryo's expensive boots click against the sleek marble floor as he walks through the empty halls. His posture exudes confidence, his chin held high, and his shoulders squared. To those below him, he appears to be looking down with disdain—a smirk playing at his lips.
He is here on business, he must maintain a professional appearance, though he always carries an air of superiority. Today, he's meeting with his mentor, Dr. Gaul. 
After returning to the capital from his stint as a peacekeeper in District Twelve, Coriolanus has thrown himself into university life. Under the tutelage of the Plinths, he's risen in the elitist circles of the capital, becoming somewhat of a hotshot. On a more sour note, along with his new found wealth and status has come the form of a rift between himself and his dear cousin Tigirs, which became very evident this morning in the nature of a disagreement regarding his ever growing likeness to his father. This argument really set a displeasing tone for Coriolanus's day to follow. However, he has far too much to deal with nowadays, and can’t afford to let these spats occupy his thoughts.
Moving on, in addition to his growing popularity, he has secured the likes of the infamous (and slightly psychotic) Dr Gaul. 
After Coryo’s return from 12 the unhinged professor took him under her wing as his mentor and has not only supplied him with an incredible internship to become an gamemaker, but also the promise of becoming one of the greatest minds Panem has seen 
(maybe even a potential political figure one day…)
Perks of having Gaul as a mentor allow Coriolanus to secure one on one meetings or ‘tutoring sessions’ as she likes to call them. Which is where he finds himself on his way to now. 
Navigating the halls with ease, he makes his way to the wing of the building housing Dr. Gaul's lab. Typically, their meetings occur in her office, either at the university or in the citadel. However, due to the last-minute nature of this meeting regarding an assignment, Coryo finds himself summoned to the citadel.
As Coriolanus approaches the door to the lab, he hears someone clear their throat. Turning to his right, a dark wooden table occupies that space, its glossy top covered in neatly stacked folders and paper. He notes to himself how odd it is that he has never noticed this ‘receptionist desks of sorts’ before. 
Coryo is a selfish person, he knows that. He never really worries about anyone other than himself, or more so tries not to, maybe that’s why he has never noticed this space before, or noticed her. 
Seated at the table is a girl who looks to be around his age. She's clad in a fitted gray suit vest with a white button up shirt underneath. A red tie fits loosely around her neck, the deep blood color stands out against the dull accents of her outfit. 
She sits elegantly in her chair, her shoulders straight and poised, her hands clasped softly in front of her. He would have maybe described her as attractive if it wasn’t for the clear expression of displeasure displayed across her face.
Observing her, Coryo determines her demeanor screams entitled and... well, he refrains from using other such derogatory terms, but the sentiment remains. 
His nose wrinkles in disgust at her apparent lack of recognition, but before he can bring himself to think of more unpleasant descriptions of the lady in front of him, she speaks. 
"Name?" she prompts plainly, sitting up a bit straighter (if that was even possible), locking eyes with him.
Her gaze is sharp, her eyes feline like, piercing into his crystal blue ones. 
"Pardon?" He responds incredulously, matching her rigidness.
He takes a step closer to the desk. His strong frame towers over her, casting a shadow on the desk. His being exudes authority and importance, but the girl does not falter. 
Her eyes never leaving his, she states again.
“Name” her tone is almost challenging but her expression remains firm.
Coryo folds his arms across his chest. His embryos scrunch together slightly in annoyance because, who doesn't know who Coriolanus Snow is!
His thoughts are once again interrupted by the girl at the desk.
“Do you have a name?” she states more so than asks. Tilting her head ever so slightly to the side, only then does her gaze leave his as she slowly looks him up and down, sizing him up
Before she has another opportunity to repeat herself, he gives her an answer.
 "Snow," he states curtly. His response prompting her to meet his gaze once more.
“Coriolanus Snow” He reaffirms in an attempt to prevent her from having to ask him anything further, but unfortunately his effort is ill as she presses further.
“Are you sure?” the corners of her mouth pull into a small smirk as she questions him or challenges him, he is unsure. However, he is certain about his displeasure with this conversation. 
He uncrosses his arms and places them on the edge of the table. His face morphing into a scowl. “I have a meeting with Dr Gaul…” he states bluntly.
 “...so if you don’t mind, I shall see to that now, and you can resume with what I'm sure is a very… important task that you do.” He states, sarcasm dripping from his words. 
Without waiting to see the offended expression that was no doubt about to take over the girl’s face, he turns back towards the entrance to the lab taking heavily determined steps towards his desired destination. His smirk wider to himself, triumphant as having now ended that distasteful interaction that has consequently wound him up.
“Interesting Dr. Gaul wishes to spend her time with someone so daft they can’t even remember their own name”.  
He whips around fast on his heel, his smirk immediately replaced by a furious scowl. Coryo's eyes narrow, his gaze burning in her direction. 
She is standing now, almost mimicking his previous position, arms placed strongly on either side of the desk and her face adorned with a smirk that slowly morphs into a wicked smile, obviously satisfied with his visible reaction.
His whole body is tense, his chest is heaving in anger… no, 
Who does this bitch think she is? 
He is usually one to have a lot more control over himself and would never allow his emotions to cause him to react so out of pocket like this, well at least not in this environment. But after having to deal with one nuisance after the other, all restraint has gone out the window. 
As Coriolanus prepares to give the girl a piece of his mind and unleash his frustration, he is  interrupted… again.
This time by the creaking sound of two heavy doors behind him, followed by the distinct click of heeled shoes. He halts in his tracks, watching the girl at the desk almost instantly return her seat at the desk, with her hands placed neatly in her lap. Her once devilish expression now replaced by the sweetest of smiles accompanied innocent, doe-like eyes that stare in the direction behind him. 
He looks over his shoulder to find Dr. Gaul exiting the lab, catching them in this tense interaction. 
Catching HIM. 
His previous ‘opponent’ now looks as if she would never even hurt a fly let alone be involved in an uncivil argument of sorts, and well… let’s just say it's definitely not a good look for him.
He quickly straightens himself and turns to face his mentor, while silently acknowledging himself how the sudden change in the girl's demeanor was slightly impressive.
His posture exudes professionalism, contrasting the state he was just found in.
Dr. Gaul's voice fills the silence as she addresses Coriolanus.
“Ah Mr. Snow, it seems you have already had the pleasure of meeting y/n, my newest addition” she says teasingly. 
He puts on a slight smile as an acknowledgement to her words, but Coryo would have called it anything but a pleasure.
“Both young great minds.” she says outwardly, directed neither of them in particular. Almost as if she was simply verbalising a thought.
Dr Gaul then steps slightly to the side, signalling for Coriolanus to follow her into the lab. 
As he begins to walk, Dr. Gaul holds the door and continues to talk, this time addressing him but speaking loud enough for y/n to hear.  
“Don’t be giving our sweet y/n any grief, hmm?” She teases. 
Coriolanus finds the use of the word odd, not only because he completely disagrees with it as an appropriate description for the girl… y/n, but also because it's not a word that seems natural being used by his unhinged professor.
Coriolanus looks over his shoulder catching a glimpse of y/n as Dr Gaul begins to close the doors behind them. Gaul takes his shift in attention as an opportunity to add to her previous statement.
“We Wouldn’t want her to get caught up in one of your… Passionate debates” she smirks knowingly.
Coriolanus feels his cheeks flush, caught off guard by such an insinuating statement. Disgusted and embarrassed by his own involuntary reaction, he turns his head back in the direction he is walking, but not before catching a glimpse of y/n. She was still seated at her desk, with poised and perfect posture, but her face held a new expression. An expression Coriolanus did not have the previous pleasure of witnessing. 
Her eyes had gone wide and her mouth was slightly held open in surprise. Her face had turned a soft shade of pink, the flush of her cheeks matching his own.
That's all he is able to note before Dr Gaul shuts the doors completely behind them. She walks swiftly in front of Coriolanus and he follows quickly in toe.
“Something tells me you two will get along quite well” She chuckles to herself but Coriolanus couldn’t have disagreed more.
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A/N: Sooooooo what did we think?? i tried my best so if there were spelling or grammar mistakes i'm so sorry!! i checked it so much it pained me hahahah. Also i don't give permission for my work to be posted without credit or whatever.
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Favorite trope: academic rivals to lovers
Kinks: temperature play, knives, "rope" play (or his tie or scarf 😏)
Hot and Cold 
God this is hottt afffff!! Yes Yes Yes to alll of thissss. 
Warnings: Very sexy smut, dom Bucky, lots of fluff cause he might be a dick but he melts apart for his girl. Temperature place, knife play, he’s a menace, his tie is a menace 
You were seething, glaring at at the tall brunette as he delivered his counter argument within record time, your professor declaring their team the winners of the debate. You huffed, packing you bags, the hairs on your neck standing up when you heard footsteps approaching you, his perfect polished shoes coming into your vision. 
“What’s wrong cupcake?” He smirked down at you while you rolled your eyes, stuffing your pens and books into your bag. You decided to ignore him, hoping he’d shut up and walk away but when had you ever so lucky. You looked up to meet his icy blue eyes, a cocky smug expression his face, your annoyance fueling his ego. 
Fuck him. 
“Can’t take a little competition?” He sassed, while you turned on your heel to face him, unable to keep your mouth shut. 
“Don’t call me that” You hissed, wanting to smack his pursued lips off his face, “And it’s not competition when you deliver a weak argument mere seconds before class ends” 
“Weak?” Bucky scoffed, shaking his head while you continued out of the lecture hall, grumbling to yourself as he followed you, “I’m sorry, so Professor Stark must have been mistaken when he said you lost, in fact he must have misheard the whole debate since your team did so much better” 
“You got lucky, there wasn’t anything impressive or revolutionary with what you said and we would have given you a rebuttal if class hadn’t ended. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d rather lick a city bus than continue speaking to you” You stormed off to the bus stop, your heels clicking on the pavement as you walked away. 
Bucky snorted, rolling his eyes, pulling his car keys out of his pocket and walking away to his car. Your eyes shot up at the obnoxious rev of an engine as his Audi r8 sped out of the parking lot, your skirt nearly flying up as he drove by. 
As soon as you found a seat on the bus, you closed your eyes, letting out the breath you had been holding. 
James Buchanan Barnes.
The absolute bane of your existence. 
You were both finishing your final year in Law; he was your number one rival in the three years you knew him. There had been tension between you both from day 1. The both of you top of your classes, always finding ways to counter the others argument, finding ways to prove each other wrong, each trying to take over the other. You’d both compete for internships and work opportunities in an effort to prove who who truly more gifted. 
What frustrated you more was you’d often both get hired for the job, given your combined impressive skill sets and work ethic. The problem was it only fueled your rivalry more, leading to heated disagreements at work, as if school alone wasn’t enough. 
You found James to be an arrogant, self-centered, egotistical. 
Likewise, he found you to be stubborn, frustrating, vain. 
There was absolutely no middle ground with you both, constantly at each other throats, ready to pounce. 
You had managed to avoid Bucky for a while after the last class, grateful for midterms that had started meaning there were fewer debates taking place and more studying. You thought you could see the light at the end of the tunnel, you only had to work on some reading and an up coming project. Everything was in the all clear. 
That was until you were given your assigned pairing for your final project. You nearly ran out of class to throw up, glaring at the cocky brunet while he scoffed, clearly just as offended he had been paired with you.  
Time couldn’t have possibly gone any slower as you counted down the minutes till the end of class, stomping down the lecture hall, only to be met with your professor holding up a hand to you both, stopping you before you could even speak. 
“How could-
“Before either of you say another word, I can’t pair you with someone else. I’ve paired students up with those who are around the same academic level so that leaves you two” 
“Then let me work on this independently-
“No. This is a paired project. No ones working on this individually so suck it up and start planning your assignment with Barnes” 
You cursed under you breath, while he continued to pack away his things, leaving the lecture hall without sparing you a second look. 
“Let’s go” Bucky didn’t even bother looking at you, looking straight a head of him as he started to leave the hall.
“Excuse me?” You frowned, trailing behind him as he continued down the corridor, towards the library. You nearly walked into his chest as he stopped abruptly, turning around to face you.  
“I’m not fucking up my gpa because you have an ego. We’re going to the library. Now” and with that he continued down the hall. You bit your tongue, wordlessly following him, as much as you couldn't stand him, you were not about to let your gpa drop either. 
2 weeks later 
“The library closes in 5 minutes” The student worker mumbled as she walked by while you groaned, staring at the stack of papers you were yet to go through. 
“There’s still so much shit we have to read” You rubbed your temples, skimming through another article. 
“We could work at my place” Bucky shrugged, twirling a pen between his fingers, leaning back in his chair. 
“And why do we need to go to your place” It was bad enough you had to spend all your free time with him but you were not about to work at his place now too. 
“Because I have an actual office room, and proper place we can get work done, unless you have something better to officer princess” He challenged back, while you glared at him before glancing at the clock. You had to leave the library. Your tiny apartment was hardly a place someone could call livable let alone a space to work productively in. 
“Fine” You gritted out, rolling your eyes at the satisfied smirk that crossed his lip as he closed his laptop. 
“Good. Pack your things” 
You stuffed your things in your bag, throwing on your coat before the both of you the only ones left on campus. You gripped your coat tighter feeling the cool night air nip your skin as you walked out to the parking lot; Bucky’s was the last car left. 
“Get in cupcake” He cocked his head, unlocking the car doors and roaring the engine to life. The leather was cool against your skin, making you shiver, you felt a little inkling in your tummy with the acceleration of the car sending vibrations through your body. 
“Compensating for something?” You couldn’t help but scoff at the way the exhaust rumbled each time he went faster as he sped down the empty streets. Cocky asshole.
“Don’t need to, you can see for yourself” His face was smug, clearly sure of himself while you shook your head, squeezing your thighs together. 
“Arrogant” You mumbled under your breath, ignoring the way your stomach clenched, wiping away the image that tried to form in your mind, remaining silent for the rest of the ride. 
“We’re here” 
Your eyes grew wide at the large house Bucky pulled up to as he parked on the stone driveway. You wordlessly stepped out of the car, following behind him as he unlocked the door leading you inside. 
“The office is upstairs” Bucky led you up stairs, taking you right down the hall to a large office room. The space was dark and cozy; books lining the walls with shelves that nearly reached the ceiling. There was a couch off to the side along with a large desk that was near the center. A coffee table sat on top of the plush rug near the couch, with a fire place near by. 
As soon as he walked into the room, Bucky went straight for the crystal glasses that sat on the shelf, dropping a few ice cubes from a mini freezer that was tucked underneath the table. He grabbed the whisky bottle, pouring the dark liquid nearly to the rim, taking a long sip before setting the glass down and loosening his tie and rolling his sleeves up. He looked at you for a moment longer, a silent offering though you declined, setting your things by the couch and pulling your notes out. 
You started to type up the paper on the couch while Bucky worked at his desk, making notes of key points and handing them to you. You let out a frustrated huff at the latest paper he handed you, unable to decipher half the words, spending more time decoding what he had written. 
“I can’t read your stupid writing” You tossed down the notes Bucky had scribbled down, “It’s impossible to read”
“Didn’t know you struggled with reading too” Bucky didn’t even bother looking up at you, continuing to read through a paper, still sipping on his whisky.  
“It’s not reading, its your writing, you write like a child” You shot back, grumbling under your breath, looking through the article to figure out what he had scratched down. 
“And you act like one” His voice had dropped, his blue eyes flicking up to glare at you while you rolled your eyes, going back to typing the paper. You ignored the way his voice made your stomach flip, feeling warm under his gaze. You didn’t even bother looking through the new article he handed you, setting it onto the coffee table, continuing to type away. 
“I don’t need your stupid notes or your help on this, I’ll work on this on my own while you work on your writing skills-” 
“You’re a brat” He growled, his jaw clenching as he stalked towards you, shutting your laptop and ripping it out of your hands. You ignored the throbbed you felt between your legs as he towered over you, the scent of his cologne suddenly making you woozy, combined with the scent of the whisky he drank fanning off his breath. 
“And? What if I am?” You hissed, not backing down from him. Bucky stared at you, between the way you always had something to say, your bare legs tucked underneath you, your tiny skirt riding up, almost exposing your panties, the scent of your perfume, your glasses perched on your nose, your sassy little mouth, he so badly just wanted to take you and- “What the fuck are you going to do Barnes?” 
“I’ll show you exactly what I do to little girls that don’t know how to listen” He grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks together, his eyes burning with something you couldn’t quite place, his pupils blown. Bucky grabbed you, hauling you over his shoulder, grabbing his drink as he walked out of the office and right to his bedroom, throwing you onto his bed. You felt your heart race, struggling to ignore the way your pussy was aching for him-
Fuck him. 
You chest heaved as he locked his eyes with you, setting his glass down before ripping his tie off. 
“Hands above your head” His voice had dropped several octaves, making your nearly melt and comply but no. You’d never. You shrugged while he growled, straddling you and grapping your wrists, roping his tie around your hands, securing you to his headboard. You tried to tug your hands free, glaring while he smirked, unbuttoning his shirt while still on top of you. He tossed it off, coming down to your ear, his lips brushing by your lobe making you shiver. 
“Told you I’d show you what I do to brats that don’t listen. Say Alpha if you want me to stop”
You nodded while he cupped your face again, squeezing your cheeks, making your lips pout. 
“Use your words” 
“Good girl”  
You stopped breathing, blinking slowly at the dark ink that covered his arms and torso. It had never occurred to you that you’d never seen his sleeves rolled up or seen him in a regular t-shirt for that matter. The smug bastard was always in a perfect pressed shirt with a silk tie around his neck. Your eyes grew wide at the pocked knife he pulled out of his pocket, flicking the blade open. 
“Quiet now, aren’t we cupcake” He mumbled, tracing the sharp tip of his switch blade from your forehead, down your nose, skimping past your lips and down to your neck. You could feel your heart race as he applied the slightest bit of pressure, smirking at how you tensed, “I’m surprised you trust me sweets” He whispered by your ear, pressing the knife into your skin, just enough for it to sting slightly. 
“You won’t need this” He brought the knife to the buttons of your blouse, slicing upwards, sending the buttons flying to the floor. He slid the blade under the band of your bra, throwing it aside, his eyes raking up and down your exposed breasts. He pulled the zipper of your skirt down, pulling it off your legs before grabbing his knife again, cutting your panties off until you were completely bare on his bed. He tugged on the knot he secured around your wrist with his tie, humming in satisfaction at the whimper that slipped past your lips. 
“Such a needy dirty little slut” He plucked the ice cube out of his whisky, sucking off the dark liquid that dripped off before straddling on top of you again, circling it around your nipple. You gasped at the icy sharp jolt that ran through your body, your hips bucking up as your nipples pebbled instantly, almost painfully hard as he continued to run the cube across your skin. 
“So responsive, hm?” He let out a dark chuckle at the way your legs squirmed and squeezed together, soft whimpers dripping from your lips as he continued to glide the ice between the valley of your breasts down to your belly button. “Nothing to say now baby?” 
You shook your head, your breaths getting heavier as he moved to kneel between your legs, spreading your knees apart with his, keeping you wide open for him. He dragged the cube down lower, swirling it around your pubic bone, watching you intently as you squirmed, your browed furrowed, eyes locked with his. 
“Wonder how you’d feel if I played with this somewhere else...how about...here” He spread your folds apart with his fingers, letting the edge of the ice cube brush by your swollen clit, the sensation making you cry out. Your pussy throbbed, pulsing as he brushed by it again, your body feeling both hot and cold as he let the ice melt against your warm skin. He his knees kept your legs apart as he ran the ice cube through your folds, coating it in your slick, the sheets under you dampening from the water droplets and your arousal dripping out of you. 
He smirked, pulling the ice away, loving the way it glistened with your wetness. You gasped at the way he popped the ice cube into his mouth, sucking your arousal off, moaning at the taste. 
“Taste yourself princess” He smirked, running the ice through your fold again and pressing it against your lips, groaning as you parted your mouth to suck. 
“Good girl” He whispered, pulling it away and letting the rest of it it melt on his tongue, swallowing the rest of the ice with a satisfied hum. He got off the bed, tugging his pants and brief off, his cock slapping against his stomach, resting heavy between his legs as he crawled back onto the bed. 
“Brat” He loosened the tie around your wrists, flipping you around so you were on your kneed with your ass in the air. He brought your hands behind your back, tying them securely, holding your wrists with one hand, the other holding his cock, prodding against your entrance. 
You whined, trying to push yourself back onto his cock, huffing at the dark chuckle he let out, pulling away each time you chased more of him. 
“Needy now are we, always knew you were a desperate little whore” He growled, tugging at your wrists. “Just needed a cock to shut you up, huh” 
You couldn’t help the steady stream of slick that poured out of you every time he opened his mouth, your pussy fluttering and aching. 
“Open up for me cupcake” Bucky pressed the head of his cock against your fluttering entrance, his head thrown back at the way you were squeezed him already, your tight pussy struggling to accommodate his length. You moaned into the pillow, gasping as he gripped you harder. 
“Still such a fucking brat, I told you to open up for me” Bucky hissed, shoving his cock in all the way as you gasped as the way you could practically feel him in your throat, his cock pulsing and throbbing. He didn’t give you any time to adjust, one hand grabbing your hip, the other holding onto your tied hands as he started to slam into you at an unforgiving pace, the headboard hitting the wall with each thrust. 
“Do you have any idea what the fuck you do to me?!” He gritted out, pounding into you, nailing his cock against your cervix with each word. “With those tiny little plaid skirts and stockings? Parading around the campus like a good girl, getting on my nerves all the time always arguing back with me”
You had no idea how you ended up in this position, the band in your belly starting to wind tighter every time his heavy balls tapped your clit. 
“You know how many times I wanted to stuff my tie in your mouth and fuck you till you couldn’t speak, rail you on my cock until you wouldn’t be able to formulate words, just give me a warm, wet place for me to cum in” 
Bucky grinned at the way you squeezed his cock, your pretty little mewls filling the air as he fucked you harder, bringing his knee up to pound into you deeper. 
“You’d like that huh cupcake, you want daddy to stuff his tie in your mouth and take you across his thigh? Can feel you choking my cock baby, I know you want that, you want daddy’s cock in your mouth so bad, something to keep your pretty mouth shut” 
“Who said I’d call you daddy” You shot him a glare, ignoring the way your stomach flipped at the name, struggling to keep yourself from moaning. Bucky smirked, his hand snaking around to rub your clit, angling his hips to stroke your sweet spot making you cry out. “FUCK-
“Crying for my cock, huh? Whose cock are you crying and making a mess all over” He growled, fucking you harder making you see stars. “Tell me, whys your little clit throbbing on my fingers, why are you choking my dick huh? Fucking naked in my bed, all tied up like a needy whore, I’m you’re fucking daddy, say it!
“DADDY” You could even stop yourself, giving into the pleasure he pulled from your body, his mouth unrelenting. 
“Daddy found your spot, huh?”
“Spank that cute little ass till its sore and you can’t walk? Then have daddy take care of you after?”
“So fuckin’ needy, look at how you’re dripping all over me baby, making a mess on my bed” You could feel his cock grow harder, his grip on your ass bruising as he drilled into you, spurts of precum dripping in you. 
“I know you’re close, cum on my cock princess, be a good little slut and make a mess on daddy’s cock” 
Your body betrayed you, obeying his command instantly, your body sucking his cock in deeper, ready to fall off the edge. 
“I-I’m gonna-DADDY- You screamed into the sheets, your vision going white, the band snapping, deep pleasure shooting through your body as you squirted all over his cock. Bucky couldn't hold it anymore, already struggling to hold off his orgasm with the way you were tied on his bed. 
“That’s it, cream on my dick baby, soaking my balls nice, look at you squirting all over my cock, bet you’d look even prettier bent over our Professors desk, hm? M’gonna fill you up, you’re gonna drip for days, all your little skirts tainted with my cum, get ready for my cum cupcake, open up for me, open up for daddy” 
He roared, spilling into you, giving you a few sloppy thrusts before stilling, his cock throbbing, endless ropes of cum filling you up. He let go of your wrists, letting you fall limp on the bed while he panted, drops of cum still leaking from the tip making a mess on your ass. You felt his tie loosen as you dropped on the bed, his hands rubbing your wrists before leaving the bed to grab you a towel. 
You jolted at the feeling of him wiping your folds, surprised at how gentle he was, running his hands over your bruises before tossing the towel away. 
“This never happens again” You stated, throwing on his shirt as you sauntered back to the office, sitting on the desk, going back to skimming papers. Bucky smirked as he threw on some sweats, his eyes trailing up and down your bare legs, your skin littered in scratches and bruises, hair tousled while you sat in his shirt in his office as if you owned the place. 
“Whatever you say cupcake, wouldn’t have it any other way” 
After that night, you were even more of a brat, finding ways to get on his nerves till he lost his patience, never admitting you did it on purpose to see how far he’d go to tame you. It didn’t mean you hated him any less, but if he was going to satisfy you...
You squeezed your thighs together, gasping when he dragged you by your ankle off his desk, tossing you over his knee while sitting on the chair of his office. You’d ignored all of his calls, finishing the second half of the assignment by yourself; he didn’t seem to care that it was given a perfect grade. 
“I told you to call me” He growled, ripping your skirt up and tearing your panties off, rubbing the supple flesh of your ass “Count”
“Fuck you-AH” His hand spanked your ass, rubbing the sting away, his jaw clenched over your stubbornness. “I didn’t need your help-HNG”
“Count” He spanked you again, groaning at the way your ass bounced, his patience growing thin with the way you tested his patience. 
You found yourself spending more time in his office than the school library, more time in his bed than studying books. You ignored every flutter of your heart, convinced it was the stress of school and nothing more. You willed yourself to ignore the way his adorable tongue would poke out of his mouth when he focused or the way his pouty lips would part when he fell asleep with his head tucked in his arms on his desk. 
You hated the way his voice got raspy when he was exhausted or the way he would loosen his tie and roll his sleeves up. 
You ignored the blanket he had placed on top of you when you had fallen asleep once on his couch, it meant nothing. He didn’t care about you that way. 
When he had you bent over in his bed, your hands tied, mouth stuffed with his tie, you shook your head when you felt yourself craving him to make love to you instead-
He was your rival. Your partner for a project. When this was all over, things would go back to normal. 
A few weeks later 
“Surprised you didn’t decide to work a head again, aren’t you supposed to be the one whose equal to me?” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, typing out the paper you forgot to finish. 
You stared at the pile of books in front of you, sticky notes poking through every corner; you knew you had to go over the notes again but you didn’t have time. The project would be over soon. You still had to finish you assignment for Stark. When it was over, you’d be done working with Bucky.  You had another project to finish for work. He’d never know how you felt. So much school work. He’d never know you fell in lo-
“What, no smart ass reply” He sassed, his brows furrowing when you still didn’t respond. He looked up, frowning when you didn’t look at him, your eyes vacant turning away from him. “Y/n?” 
You shook your head, fighting back tears, biting you lip to keep it from trembling, losing your composure as you heard him get up, moving over to the couch. 
“Hey, hey look at me” He sat down beside you, his heart dropping at the soft sniffles you struggled to hold in, shying away from him when he moved closer. “Come here” He pulled you into his lap, his hand cupping your cheek, wiping away your tears “What’s wrong?” 
You shook your head, your mind swirling over what you were actually upset about. You wanted to let go of your ego and pride and curl up into his lap and tell him you adored him but you couldn’t. What if he didn’t feel the same way, what if you were just something to warm his bed, what if-
“Nothing” Your voice cracked, your body stiff in his hold, trying to protect yourself even though your heart was screaming to just tell him how you felt. 
“It’s not nothing, something’s been bothering you, I’ve noticed” He waited patiently for you to speak, huffing when you silently toyed with your fingers instead, “Why are you so stubborn” 
“Why are you so persistent” You shot back, finding it easier to argue with him than admit your feelings. Bucky smirked, shaking his head. 
“Is there something you’re not telling me cupcake” Bucky whispered, his lips brushing by your ear, “Only one way to get you to speak” He wrapped your legs around his waist, noting the way you clung onto him like a little koala, not letting go when he set you on his bed. He carefully undressed you, soothing your needy whimpers with his lips brushing across your skin, his cock pressing against your entrance. 
Your thighs wrapped around his waist as he slid inside you, the both of you gasping as he filled you, staying still and keeping you full and withering underneath him. You whined, your ankles digging into his ass hoping he’d move, distract you from the way you felt but he refused. 
“Talk to me” He let his body weight rest on you, his eyes locked with your glassy ones. He’d craved to have you like this for a while; wrapped around his body, feeling all of you. 
“I- You bit your lip, blinking at him, desperately hoping he’d just know without you having to say anything. Your arms clung around his shoulders, your legs squeezing his waist tighter. 
“You what” He whispered, his heart beating faster at the way you clenched, your nails digging into his shoulders “So stubborn baby” He started to rock his hips, the slow gently pace causing more tears to slip down your cheeks. He fucked you soft and slow, everything you had craved for weeks, with gentle kisses in between, his hands coming to lace with yours. 
You whimpered, moaning against his mouth, your cunt fluttering each time he pushed in, your head thrown back at the way he moved deeper each time, the tip of his cock rubbing your g-spot. This was different from every other time, feeling every inch of his body, the both of you pressed against each other. 
“You just needed me to make love to you, huh?” He kissed your neck, while you nodded, squeezing your hands in his, his tongue running across your skin, “Needed me to fuck you slow baby? Make you feel good?” 
“Fuck James” You cried out, letting go of his hands to wrap around him again, pressing kisses all over his cheeks, running your hands through his hair. “Please, please”
“I know sweets, I know” He cooed, soothing you, letting his hands caress your body, “M’right here, gonna be so slow with you till you tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours” 
You didn’t say anything, while his nose bumped against yours, smirking “No one else gets under my skin the way you to my stubborn little baby” 
“Y-yours?” You stuttered out with wide eyes, while he chuckled at your shocked expression. 
“Mine. Mine cupcake, all mine. No one else comes close to you, you’re so fucking brilliant and beautiful” He started to rock his hips faster, the both of you climbing higher and higher together. “You-you challenge me every single day, I wouldn’t-I wouldn’t have come this far if it wasn’t for you”
He wrapped his arms around your body, panting against your neck, moaning, his cock growing harder while you squeezed him, the band ready snap between pleasure and all your emotions. 
“Fuck James I love you” You sobbed, pleasure erupting through your body as your orgasm washed over you, clinging onto him while he fucked you through your high. 
“I-I love you too” He rasped, moaning into your neck as he stilled, his cock throbbing as he came in you, his body jolting in your warm head. “I love you I love you fuck, I love you” He pulled away from your neck, while you shyly bit your lip, pulling him back down into your arms while he laughed, cuddling you close to him. 
“Knew I could fuck it out of you” 
Three years later 
Bucky had his hand around your waist, kissing your cheek while you both moved through the crowd greeting and thanking guests. He grinned as you both approached the last table, his two best men sharing shit eating grins while you rolled your eyes, groaning. 
“Don’t even start” You warned while Sam cackled, shaking his head. 
“I called it” He snorted while Steve nodded, shrugging when you shot them a playful glare. “You were both just to stubborn to see it” 
Bucky couldn’t help but pepper you with kisses, snorting while Sam wolf whistled, suddenly straightening himself up as someone approached you both from behind. 
“Congratulations” Tony grinned, sipping on his drink, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. “I’m assuming you worked through your differences?” 
You giggled while Bucky squeezed your waist, unable to take his eyes off you, hardly registering anything else happening around him.
“Thank you for coming Professor Stark” He hugged you tightly, before pausing, leaning close to you. “I’ll let you both in on a secret” Tony smiled smugly, while you cocked your head with an equally confused Bucky. 
“I could have paired you with someone else, Mrs. Barnes” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @perdidosbucky-yyo  @clqrosmgc    
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darksolace18 · 2 months
Take A Seat
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Peter Parker x reader
It was pretty much still the same for Peter at college. Except that there was no Ned with him to accompany him to his classes.
Nobody really paid attention to him, and he just did his own thing.
But, what he didn't expect was this-
YOU sitting on HIS lap during the class lecture.
Now now, get your minds out of the gutter, it was nothing lewd. You just sat there, and took whatever notes you needed for the class.
Wondering how Peter first got into this position? Let's rewind the scenery a bit shall we?
Mr. Stark had helped Peter after graduation to create a fake cover for him so that he could continue being Spiderman, and also continue the so-called stark internship.
Peter already knew whatever was needed and actually didn't require any extra education and, as Ned put it, his brain had already reached the Einstein Nirvana (Peter truly didn't know what it meant), but he still enjoyed studying.
But sadly, he was not really good at navigating classes on his first day. And he was too shy to ask anyone.
But, after running around, he finally found the classroom with the same room number as printed on his pamphlet.
He also didn't know what class this was, he just knew he had to come to this room and do...something. He wanted to ask someone about it, but yet again refrained cause the students looked like they were already dreading the possible future here.
So Peter, with his brain full of doubts, just simply walked inside and sat down ona random bench inside the classroom.
God knows for how long Peter simply sat there, looking around.
The classes slowly filled up and after a few minutes, the professor had also arrived.
Suddenly, Peter felt a light tap on his shoulder.
He turned out to see a girl standing there, eyebrows raised.
"......can I help you?" Peter asks, feeling a little intimidated under her stare.
"....You are in my seat" She says in a low voice.
Peter blinks at her, before eyes widen in realisation.
"Oh I'm so-" But, before Peter could make a run for it and spend his time ranting to Ned about how he embarrassed himself, the girl simply plopped onto his lap and took out her stationaries.
Peter was..... flabbergasted.
Not only him, pretty much the whole class.
Peter felt his skin crawl under the scrutinizing stares of his classmates. His skin felt hot as the blush rose from his neck till the tip of his ears.
"Uh- Miss-" He stuttered, trying to form coeherent words but it was a failure.
The girl simply ignored him, perched on his thigh and kept her eyes on the board.
Peter was confused as to why the proffessor was not saying anything, and also why the girl just decided to just- sit on his lap.
Usually, his tingle would have gone haywire by now, being so close to an unknown person. But suprisingly, it was calm.
And if he was being honest, he kind of liked the feeling.
The perfume the girl had on was soft, and did not irritate his heightened senses. Which usually is near any female.
Was it even her perfume?
Or was it her body scent?
Peter did not know. He decided to let it go and just enjoy the moment.
"Am I heavy?" A sudden voice, whispered slowly.
It was from the girl sitting on his lap.
"Huh- No no, absolutely not. I mean, do you feel uncomfortable? I can move away if you want" Peter gushed. He didn't want to make the woman feel uncomfortable at all.
"Nah, I'm comfortable. Thanks for the soft seat by the way" she said and he could practically hear the wink she threw at him.
"No problem miss..." Peter drew out.
"Y/N" she replied.
"Miss Y/N" Peter said, and smiled. Pretty name.
Lecture continued, nobody really paid attention to Peter and Y/N at all, the fomer being completely covered by the latter.
Y/N would softly tell him what the proffessor was talking about whenever he would not catch it clearly, and said she is taking notes inplace of him as a thank you.
The whole ordeal felt completely normal for both of them, nobody felt even an ounce of uncomfortable feeling seep into their bones, and felt like they knew each other long.
Peter could honestly confess, Y/N was a pretty woman.
Never in a million years would Peter imagine to ask someone like her to go out with him. And never in a billion years could help imagine a girl like her paying attention to him.
Peter suddenly felt her legs shaking.
Peter's eyes grew.
Oh my god is she-
Peter took a quick peak and saw she was actually not sitting down with all her body weight, and supported her body with her legs which had started to shake due to the strain.
Peter breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been a big mess if she was-
You know it.
You all know it.
But, instictinvely, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up, securely setting her down comfortable on his lap, and relieving her legs from the harsh and odd strain.
He heard an involuntary gasp tumble out from her throat, as he did it.
But surprisingly, she didn't stop him.
And what even more suprising was that she didn't shove his hands away from her waist, where he had his hands wrapped around.
They both were full on cuddling in class during a lecture.
Ned was going to flip.
Peter loved the softness and fullness of her waist, and it felt like he was hugging a giant teddy.
The feeling was so good that he leaned his head in her back and sighed out in content.
He felt soft hands carrass his arms and wash all his worries away for sometime.
He simply was enjoying the moment a lot.
"Class Dismissed" the proffessor announced.
The body in top of him didn't move, and neither did he.
There was several shuffling sounds as the class emptied out, leaving them both there alone.
"....Tired?" Y/N asked him, feeling him nod on her back.
"Well.....do you want me to get up?" She asked once again. But he groaned and tightened his arms around her, not ready to leave the warm and comfortable pillow he was holding.
The girl laughed out and patted his hands "Let's go get coffee- what's your name?" She asked.
"Peter, Peter Parker." He replied, voice muffled.
"Okay, let's go for a cup of coffee Peter. It's a date" She said with a smile. Getting a smile back in return.
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desswright29 · 10 months
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku X Confused reader
Word Count: 7.2k 😳
Contains: Fluff, Smut(18+), Reader has a child
A/N: This story kicked my ass so I really hope y’all read and enjoy! An homage to what’s beautiful about being with a woman.
Queen: I needed to get away. I’ll be in your city. Can I come by to see you guys tonight?
You look down at the message and smile. Shuri. You two became fast friends when you began an internship at one of the outreach centers. You ran through the ranks easily which caught the attention of the Princess, and caused you two to form an easy friendship. After your internship was over, you got a job at Stark enterprises with a glowing recommendation from the now Queen of Wakanda. You and Shuri remained friends, though you didn’t see eachother as often due to both of your busy schedules. But every once in awhile she came around to unwind from her chaotic life.
 Angel: Anytime Queen. We’ll be glad to have you. 🥰
You text back and sit your phone down. You turn around to your seven yr old son sitting at the Kitchen table, eating his breakfast like a big boy. “Guess what little guy!” He looks up from his food, and smiles at you beaming as he senses your excitement. “Shuri’s coming by today!” His eyes widen as he bounced a little in his seat.
 “Shuri!” He said voice filled with joy “Mommy, You think she’ll bring me something cool!” He asked. Eyes big and bright, already anticipating his new gadget. “Who knows kiddo.” You say with a smile. “Finish your food and have an awesome day in school and we’ll see.” You already knew she’d definitely be bringing him something. She was particularly impressed with your son and loved giving him things that would eventually cause you grief. 
  “Zahir, Let’s go little one!” You yelled to him from the living room. He came hopping down the stairs. You’d gotten yourself and your son ready for the day, and were out of the house in record time, now you were eager to tackle your day. You dropped off Zah with a hug and kiss and headed to work, all smiles and waves as you headed to your office with a bounce in your step. Asia, your work bestie, saw you coming as she got coffee from the break room. Her brow raised over top of her cup as she took a sip looking at you suspiciously. Your eyes connected and you continued walking right past her. “Oh no you did not!” She yells after you as she jogs to catch up, falling in your step.
 “My aren’t we chipper and ready for the day!” She says to you sarcastically doing a happy little wiggle. You look at her and roll your eyes. “ I’m always happy to be here. I love my job nosy.” She scoffs. “Uh huh, speaking of nosyyyy, I hear the Queens in town.” She smiled big, cutting right to the chase, typical Asia. You raise a brow avoiding eye contact. “British?” You say inquisitively as you both enter your office. She closes the door behind you both.
“Bitch, you know what Queen I’m talking about. The one that’s got you walking through the office smiling and waving like Ms. America!” She mocks you smiling big, waving, laughing, and pointing, amplifying your earlier interactions. You laugh “I was not doing all that. You’re so extra!”
“Whatever girl, that’s not what I’m here for. Have you heard from her?” She sat in one of the leather chairs infront of your desk making herself comfortable. You follow her lead sitting in the the chair behind your desk. “ Yes I have she’s stopping by tonight.” Asia squeals. “Oh hell yea! I’m coming” You raise both brows and shake your head “Absoluetly not! Don’t bring your ass to my house Asia.” 
“You’re right, I don’t wanna be in the way.” She said wiggling her brow and rolling her body. 
“Get a life.” You say trying to hide your grin. 
“Damn girl! Leave it up to you to pull a fine ass African, stud Queen. Where they making those at? Talk about one of one.” You try to hold back your laugh. “I really hate you, who says shit like that Asia. And Shuri is not a stud, she’s a Stem, and we are very much FREINDS and that’s ALL.” You say with emphasis.
“Ah Ha! You said that shit like you believed it. That was cute. It’s giving Letitia Wright.” She laughed, and you flicked her off. “I’m just saying, Stud, Stem, whatever the fuck she wanna be, I’m straight as an arrow and she could fold me in half and strap my ankles to the headboard! Do you hear me! I’d be turning all the tricks! The neighbors would know my na-“
“Aight! Damn Asia you always take it far. Get out of my office so I can start my day.”
“That’s cool. I’ll do that. But you better hop on that strap before somebody take your seat hoe. Give that baby a stud daddy!” She gets up out of her chair. 
“ Please, Leave”
“BYE! Bougie bitch.” She whispers the last part under her breath as she walks out. 
“I heard that!” You yell.
“SO!” She yells back.
You shake your head laughing. You smile and continue your day happily anticipating the night. 
You looked in your mirror placing your locs in a high ponytail leaving two locs out in the front. You’d showered and changed into a form fitting black short set. The shirt rose just above your naval showing off your waist beads. You sprayed on your “Killian Love Don’t Be Shy”, glossed your lips, and headed to your kitchen to check on your sides before putting the steaks on the grill. You turned on your speaker and danced around as you cooked. Shuri loved your cooking. You smiled as you thought of how she always reacted to your meals. Zah Sat in the living room playing games on his Nintendo Switch, when you both heard the door bell ring. 
  You both stopped what you were doing and raced eachother toward the door. Your son ran past you pushing you out of the way. “Boy!” He got to the door and smiled at you. “Beat you Mama!” He laughed, and opened the door. You didn’t have time to react before your heart dropped to your stomach. There she stood with that sexy ass smile, hands behind her back. Her undercut was fresh, beautiful curls sat neatly atop her head stopping right above her brow, right ear adorned in several earrings, and she had a single gold chain around her neck. She wore a dark grey shortsleeved compression shirt with matching sweat pants. Her lean muscles more pronounced than the last time you saw her, tattoos gracing her arms making her even more of a work of art. She looked at you and smiled with a wink before squatting down in front of Zahir. 
“SHURI!!” He yelled running into her arms, that she held out for him, as she dropped the bag she’d had in her hands. “Wow little man! You’re getting so big.” She says pulling back and ruffling his individual twist. “Yea, Mommy says I’m a big boy. I got muscles too. “He says stepping back flexing for her.
“Ooooweee!” She reached to touch it and snapped her hand back fast. “Dang kid! You almost broke my finger.” 
“Yep, I’m gonna be really strong and fast like you!”
“Oh you’re coming for me huh little panther?” She says as she picks him up and throws him over her shoulder as she stands and walks in the house. Using her foot to close the door. He laughs and kicks as she holds him tight while walking over to you. It felt like your world slowed down, like she was moving in slow motion towards you. Your eyes trailed her body. The way she moved, the way she paired her femininity with masculinity was feminine in its own right. Only something a woman could master so gracefully. With her hands being full, she could only lean down and press a gentle  kiss on your forehead in greeting. You wrapped your arms around her and Zah, Her scent immediately enveloping you; vanilla, cinnamon, and a hint of burnt cherry. She was intoxicating. 
“Hey Shuri poo!” She pulled back and smiled. “It smells good in here.” You roll your eyes and smack her arm playfully. “It’s good to see you too Shuri” She looks you up and down, eyes lingering on the swell of your hips a while longer than they should, she smirks. “Always a pleasure Ms. Y/l/n.” She walks away, drops her bag next to the couch, and then takes Zahir off her shoulder into the air and slams him into the couch. “Shuri! Don’t start that rough sh- stuff already!” 
Shuri looked at Zah with wide eyes. “I know what she was about to say, do you know what she was about to say.” “Shuri! Don’t get put out immediately. Give yourself time.” She bunches up her lips in skepticism. “ Girl, please. We could take her right Zah! We could beat her up and take over the kingdom.” “Yea! You don’t want none mommy!” Shuri laughs. “Tell her Zah Zah!” You bite your lip, and shake your head at the interaction. “It’s been thirty seconds and I’m tired already.” You say walking back into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile listening to Shuri and Zahir continue to wrestle in the living room as you finished up cooking. 
  Zahir excitedly runs into the kitchen with Shuri trailing behind him, she’d taken off her shoes and made herself comfortable per usual. “Mommy! Mommy! Look at what Shuri made me.” You look down at the gauntlet on his wrist. As he aimed it at you and shot little foam balls. You stare at Shuri blankly as you get hit repeatedly. She looks at you, lips folded clearly holding back laughter judging by the furrow in her brow. 
“Wow! Another well thought out gift that won’t drive your mother crazy! Way to go Shuri!” You say with false excitement, narrowing your eyes at Shuri. She burst into laughter. “All in a days work!” She says with a salute. You smirk rolling your eyes, and turn back towards the stove. You feared your eyes would roll out of your head by the end of the night. Zahir ran out of the kitchen to continue launching balls from his gauntlet all over your clean home. Shortly after he leaves you feel arms wrap around your waist, as Shuri nuzzles her head into your neck. You lean back into the hug, laying your head onto hers.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” She askes as she moves her hands up and down your sides, then lower to began caressing your lower back with her thumbs. 
“Ofcourse not. You’re not doing anything I didn’t expect. He loves it when you visit you know.” You say bringing your hand up to stroke the side of her face, as you close your eyes body melting into her touch.
“Yes, I know, I wish I could be here more often. He’s a blast.”
“Yea? It’s almost like he’s the only reason you come.” You say teasingly.
Shuri turned you to face her taking your hands in hers, gently placing them around her neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist pulling you flush against her as she placed her forehead against yours. 
“You know that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’ve missed you, Ntomb'am (my girl), You look so appetizing.” You blush looking into her deep brown orbs. 
“I’ve missed you too. You look aight” You say, laughing at your own joke. Shuri gasped in exaggerated offense. “Aight!? Damn you’re cold. I’m truly, truly hurt. Really.” She says, staring into your eyes, both of you getting lost until you were interrupted by the chime of her kimoyo beads. You both unwrap yourselves from eachother and you turn fast trying to slow your heart rate, as she steps back to answer the call. 
“Hey! What’s going on?”
“Nothing I just missed you, called to see how everything went today.”
“It went great! You know I walked out with them in the palm of my hand.” You hear a little giggle from the other end of the call. 
“Ofcourse you did. You’re brilliant!” Shuri smiles, you internally roll your eyes. Turning around to plate your steaks. 
“Thank you! You’re so sweet to me. I’m getting ready to eat dinner now, and then I’m gonna lay down. It’s been a long day. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow though. Ok?”
“Ok babe! Talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up and you looked at her as you turned off the stove, eyebrow raised. 
“Yea.” She says walking back over to you placing her arms back around your waist. 
“She sounds nice. You two together now?” You ask. 
“Why? Do you want me?” A glimmer in her eye and mischief on her face. Those words made your pussy quiver. 
“Shuri, don’t start.” You removed her arms from your waist. 
“I’ve already started sweet girl.” She stepped back licking her lips. 
“Dinners ready” You say trying to hide the effect she was having on your body.
She smiled and nodded. Eyeing you knowingly.
“Hm. Ok Y/n.”
  Your relationship with Shuri was….well… complicated. You see, Shuri and you were indeed only friends (much to Shuri’s dismay) because you were “straight”. Atleast, that’s what you’d told yourself all of your life. That is until you met Shuri. From the moment she’d entered your workstation in the lab of the outreach, she’d created thoughts in your mind you had never imagined experiencing before. Casually put, she confused the fuck out of you; and as time passed it only got worse. You’d insisted she keep her distance so that neither of you crossed any lines, figuring that would quell the desire. But, the longer the time apart, the more intense your want became. So, when you would see eachother, touches would linger, hugs got longer, turning into gentle caresses, and intimate forehead kisses; but never further than that. 
When she informed you of her budding romance with Riri Williams you’d thought you’d feel relieved, like you move on, but jealousy hid itself deep in the pits of your stomach; And that’s how you intended to keep it. You couldn’t have feelings for Shuri. You were straight and she was no experiment. She was human, and a damn good friend. You couldn’t loose her.
 Shuri called Zahir in to eat and then helped you set the table. You all sat down at the table to a dinner of steak, creamy potatoes, broccoli, and homemade rolls, like a happy little family. Moments like this made you fantasize about what it would really be like to be the Queens woman. Whenever she stepped into your home it felt as though everything was complete. Her and Zahs connection made your heart swell, watching them together gave you butterflies.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head over there? “ You were snapped out of your thoughts and met with Shuri’s curious gaze across the table from you. “Nothing really just zoned out a bit,” You lie. Zah giggled. “You said mommy’s head is pretty.” Shuri laughs with him. “It is a pretty cute head kid, you gotta admit. That���s where you get it from”
“You two are so childish” you say. “I am a child mommy.” You all laugh together.
 Once you all finish eating, you start clearing the table and preparing to wash dishes. “Alright Zah, it’s time to get your toys all put away so I can give you a bath.” “Aww, mommy I want to stay up and play with Shuri.” He says with his lip poked out. “No sir, you have school in the morning and Shuri will be leaving soon. All of your toys need to be up by the time I finish the dishes.” You told him sternly.
“I don’t wanna!” He screams at you, stomping his foot. Your brows furrowed as you walked up to Zah. “Little Boy-“ 
“Woah! Allllright little one.” Shuri said swooping in and picking him up, saving him from your wrath. “How about I stay? You go in the room and pick up your toys, let mommy give you a bath, and I’ll come in and hang out with you until you go to sleep. And in the morning I’ll be here to make my famous pancakes. How does that sound?” 
“Yes!” Zah shouts.
“Only if it’s ok with mommy, and you have to apologize to her and promise me you’ll never speak to her like that again. That wasn’t cool little guy.” Zah looked at her and nodded. “Ok I promise” Zah wiggled out of Shuri’s arms and walked over to you hugging your legs. “I’m sorry mommy. Can Shuri please stay?” They both look at you with puppy dog eyes and lips poked out. You look back and forth between them and let out a sigh.“Ok, Shuri can stay.” 
“Yes!” They both say, and give eachothers high fives. “Go before she changes her mind.”
Zah runs out of the kitchen at lightening speed. “Zah slow down!” You yell after him. Shuri looks at you with a grin like Cheshire Cat. “You two are gonna be the death of me. And how do you plan on explaining where you are to everyone? Where are the Dora?”
“Y/n, I am the Black Panther a security detail is hardly needed. I am also an adult. I can go and come as I please.” You look at her skeptically.
“Y/n it’s fine.” She said dismissively. “And I already came prepared to stay.” She said using her head to point towards the overnight bag on the floor in the living room. “Really Shuri.”
“Really, really. Now let me help you with the dishes.” You moved over and allowed her to help, knowing there was no point in saying ‘no’ to her. As you guys finish up the dishes, “Can’t get enough” by Tamia started to play over the speaker. “OOO I love this song! I learned the dance too. Come dance with me.”  She said as she turned up the speaker. 
“Oh now I gotta see this.”
“You doubting me?”
“Not at all Panther” You leaned back against the counter looking at her. Humor filled your eyes as you waited for her to dance. Shuri’s eyes lowered as she placed her bottom lip between her teeth with a smile, and began to dance. Just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore attracted to her, watching her smoothly get through the complicated line dance, made your stomach flutter. “Come on entle, don’t leave me hanging!” She says, stopping to sway her hips side to side and raise her arms up in front of her, making a come hither motion with both her hands. Your body floated over to her, grabbing her hands as you danced together laughing, having a blast until the song ended. 
“Ok, ok I see you, you smooth with it.”
“ I’m African, of course I am!” 
“Oooook conceited.”
“What’s wrong with that?” She says licking her lips. “If you know, you know right.” She walked up to you grabbing your hips. Pushing you back into the cabinets, looking you deep in your eyes, licking her lips. She was laying it on thick tonight and you weren’t sure how much longer it would be before you crumbled under the pressure. You pull away quickly. “I gotta get Zah ready for bed.” She stood smirking. “I’ll finish up in here.” She calls after you. It was gonna be a long night.
You’d now gotten Zah all washed up and dressed for bed. Shuri sat beside his bed,after a game of hide n seek and reading him his millionth bedtime story. You were down stairs enjoying the quiet with a glass of wine and “Living Single”.
“Alright Zah Man, you gotta go to sleep little guy. You don’t want to be sleepy in the morning. You can’t be the smartest kid in the world if you don’t let your brain rest.” Shuri says. 
“Ok. But can I ask you a question?”
“One more and then its sleepy time. Promise?” She held out her pinky. Zah nodded. 
“Promise.” They locked pinky’s. 
“Now what’s up little one.”
“Shuri can you live with us? You make my mommy smile a lot and you’re the coolest! I wish you could be here forever.” Shuri looked at him a moment, gathering her thoughts trying to figure out what to say. She stood and walked over to lay back on the bed with him as they both looked at the ceiling. She sighed.
“ You know if I had it my way, you and your mommy would be in Wakanda with me. You are such a brilliant little boy. I’d be proud to have you in my lab teaching you all that I know. Maybe one day your mommy will let me take you. Hm? But, right now you have to be here in school, your mommy’s work is here, and I have to be in my Country. I’d love to be here more often, but I’m busy making sure the world is safe for you. I promise to see you and your mommy more often though. Ok?” Shuri looked over at Zah who was obviously fighting sleep now, his blinking slowing down. 
“ Ok.” He says in his sleepy little voice. “I love you Shuri.” Shuri picks him up and lays him on her chest, her eyes watering a bit. “I love you too, Zah.” She says rocking him to sleep.
   Shuri lay a bit longer with Zah. The conversation they’d just had overtaking her thoughts. In all honesty, Shuri was taken with you. Had been the moment she’d laid eyes on you. She wanted nothing more than to come home to the both of you everyday. But, you were “straight”, so she respected your boundaries. It seemed that as time passed though, those boundaries became lax. Almost as though you felt the same. She’s tried to let this go, but it’d become so much more than a crush, and she couldn’t fathom that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Maybe she was setting herself up to be hurt, overthinking the signals. Either way, Shuri knew she was in love with you, and it felt like you loved her too. 
   She sighed, placing Zah gently on the bed and quietly making her way out of the room after placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. As she made her way to the living room, she stopped at the top of the stairs, looking down at you as you sat brows furrowed in concentration, as you tapped away at your laptop. She took note of how effortlessly beautiful you were. How just the sight of you made her heart pick up in pace. How being here with you and Zah made her feel at home. She quietly walked down the stairs, sneakily walking up behind you, she placed her hands on your shoulders. “You work too hard.” She says as she began to massage the tention out of your shoulders. You let out a low moan at the pleasure of her touch. 
“Says the Scientist Queen Panther.” You look up at her and smile. Shuri lets out a chuckle, as your eyes close and your head lulls forward giving her better access to your tense neck and shoulders. She bent down to whisper in your ear, “Don’t forget masseuse.” You let out a hum, as she kissed you right bellow your ear. She stopped massaging and walked around the couch to stand in front of you.
 “Is there a deadline?” She asked referring the work you were doing. “No. Just staying ahead of the game.” “Good, you’re done for the night. Relax with me.” She removed the laptop from your lap, and placed it on your coffee table. Plopping down on the couch and grabbing your legs to place them on her lap, you bit your lip as you watched her beautiful, tattooed hands go to work on your feet. “So what’s been up here? Have you started seeing anyone yet? “
“Why do none of my friends beat around the bush. Right into it huh?”
“No point. Answer the question.” 
“No. I mean, I’ve been on a few dates. They were just… Shit.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“Hm” Shuri turned to look into your eyes as she massaged you.“ I just had quite an intresting conversation with Zah.” 
“Hm? Really? What about?” Your eyes started to close again. Her hands were like magic. You couldn’t help but wonder how they were in other a-. “He says I should move in with you guys” Your eyes snapped open, and her eyes were still locked on you. “He says I make you happier. Do I?” She says, she scoots down slouching more in her seat resting her head back on the couch, not taking her eyes off of you. Quite frankly, Shuri no longer wanted to pretend so here it goes. “ I-I enjoy when you’re around? Yes.”
She snickers “You enjoy when I’m around huh?” She turns her head away from you staring straight ahead a moment before turning her body toward you fully. “Y/n. I gotta be honest. I want to move forward with Riri. I really like her. And she likes me. Like really likes me. She’s beautiful, intelligent, she makes me laugh, she’s easy to talk too, and she knows what she wants. Everything I could ever want or need in a woman. I deserve that.” You remove your feet out of Shuri’s hands and off of her lap placing them underneath you. “You’re right. You do deserve that. So what’s stopping you?” Shuri stares as though she’s looking through you.
“That.” She points at your eyes wiggling her finger back and forth between each eye.
“What?” You say, following her finger before swatting it away in irritation.
“The jealousy in your eyes when I mention her. The little eye roll in the kitchen earlier. I saw it.”
“Y/n, how do you feel about me? And before you answer, you should know that I see you. The way you look at me. How your body reacts to my touch. You haven’t been able to have a serious relationship since we met eachother. It’s been years. So what I need is for you to be honest with yourself.” You look at Shuri trying to figure out what route to take. You could continue on with your silent crush, or you could lay it all out on the table. You sigh and choose the latter. You stand and began to pace. 
“Shuri, you mean the world to me. I’ve never felt like this about anybody before let alone a woman. It’s scary. These feelings I have for you..i-it’s crazy how you make me feel. Just a look from you could bring me to my knees Shuri. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you look at me and touch me, It’s all so overwhelming. I honestly don’t know what I feel  or why I’m feeling it, and feelings are involved. I don’t want to experiment with you to try and figure out whatever these feelings are and then I loose you completely. Fuck! I’m so confused.” You continued to pace avoiding eye contact with Shuri. Nervous tears streaming down your face. 
  Shuri gets up from the couch walking over to you, grabbing your face with both hands wiping at your tears, and pulling your body up against hers. Wrapping your arm around her waist with one hand, she grabs your chin and lifts it until your eyes meet hers with the other. 
“ You’ve never asked if I wanted to be used.” You looked up at her, your confusion apparent. “I don’t think you’re confused. I think you know exactly what you want and it scares the hell out of you. But, see we’re at an impasse here. I can’t move on because you and that little boy have my heart, and believe it or not, you can’t move forward because I have yours.” You try to look away and she turns your face right back to hers.
  “Let me take care of your body. Express to you how I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually. I can show you how it feels to be loved by a woman. And if you don’t want it after I’m done. I promise you’ll still have me as a friend.”
You look up at her, heart racing, terrified at what she was proposing. This could potentially complicate your friendship, or you could end up in a relationship with the intimidatingly beautiful Queen you called friend. Both were equally scary for you. But, with her standing infront of you offering up her body to the science of your chemistry, you couldn’t resist. You nod.
“Take care of me.” Shuri smiled and nodded. Slowly she leaned in capturing you lips in hers. Her hands began to massage you everywhere releasing your tension. You’re heart beat against your chest as you finally kissed the lips you’d dreamed about. You let out a shaky breath against her lips. This was so much better than a dream. You couldn’t have imagined the feeling of being in Shuri’s arms like this in your wildest dreams. The first brush of her lips against yours took your breath away. Now as you stood kissing her, your hands entangled in her curls, you felt your knees give way. Shuri felt it as well, Her strong arms tightening around you as she moved backward to the couch. 
She sat as you straddled her lap your lips never breaking contact. She placed her hands on your plump behind pressing you into her, signaling for you to move. You began to grind against her as her hands moved to your hips helping you as she rolled her body up into you. Shuri breaks the kiss, lust now pooling out of her eyes.
“ That right baby. Keep moving for me.” She slapped your ass. “Here’s how this is gonna go sphalaphala sam (my pretty one). I’m going to make love to you. Well. Very Well. I’m going to make your body feel things it’s never felt before. I’m going to fuck your mind, your heart, and this pretty little pussy all at once. This will feel spiritual. I’ll be gentle this time, but If at any point you want me to stop just say it, and I will. Do we have an understanding?” At this point your body was screaming for her. You were salivating and would do whatever she said. 
“Yes” You moaned, and Shuri smiled. 
“That’s my good girl. Keep going.” She leaned foreward and removed her shirt. 
“Look at you. So sexy in this tight ass set and those waist beads.” She eyes you with her hands still on your ass, still grinding into you as you rolled your hips onto her. “Nah you’re not confused mtuwam. You know exactly what you want huh beautiful?”  You opened your mouth but the words got stuck in your throat. You could only let out a soft “Ah”.  
“Awww, My sweet Y/n, you need me don’t you. Tell me what you need?” You were panting, rocking against her, pussy tingling from the friction. 
“I-I n-need you to t-touch me.” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were here crossing a line with your friend that could change everything. But you were here now and there was no turning back. 
“ You sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes! Yes. Please Shuri” Looking into her eyes, you were now putty in her hands. She bit her lip, and raised her brow as though she was not convinced.
“Please baby. I n-need it so bad.” You whisper leaning in ghosting your lips over hers. You could feel heat seize your body as she smiled against your lips.
“Yea?” She whispered back. “I know baby.” She reached inbetween the two of you rubbing your pussy through your shorts. “She’s talking to me. Leaking through your shorts, so wet and warm. I can smell her. She’s calling out to her Panther.” She rubbed with a little more force as you continued to grind. “ You hear her..” She leaned up to your ear and whispered “Panther, Panther,” as she pressed into your pussy making it squelch.
“Fuck! Shuri please!”
“Shuri’s not here any more babygirl.”
“Ha uuuhn! Panther!”
“You learn fast sthandwa. Let’s take this to the bedroom hm?”
  She picks you up carrying you to your master suit. Closing and locking the door behind you guys. Once you two exited this room nothing would be the same again. 
“Griot play my “Y/n” playlist” 
“Yes, Panther” 
You looked at her shocked as “Anywhere” by 112 began to play.
“You made a playlist?” 
“What can I say. I am always prepared” She grabs your hips and kisses you walking you over to the bed sitting you down. She breaks the kiss once again. Backing up,she begins removing her sports bra. “You see, the best part about being with a woman. Is the body.” She removed her sports bra. “The curves, so soft and supple.” Her voice so soft and  seductive drove you crazy, as you were now met with her pretty breast “Do you want to touch me Y/n?” You nod, mouth slightly ajar as you took in Shuri’s breast. 
“No, no sweet girl. Use your words”
“Yes, I want to touch you.” Shuri proceeded to walk up to you, still wearing her sweat pants, while her upper half was completely bare except for the gold chain that contrasted so beautifully against her mahogany skin. She grabs your hand placing it up against her soft yet toned stomach. She let out a sigh as you moved your hand upward. Up, up, up until you were cupping her breasts. Shuri bit her lip as you pinched her nipples. 
“Can I taste them?”
“You can do whatever you want babygirl.” You lift yourself up and catch her nipple in your mouth. Suckling like a new born cub. She throws her head back. “Mhm. That’s good my pretty girl.“ The taste of her skin in your mouth and the sound of the moans that came from her made your pussy pulse. You hum with her nipple still in your mouth. Shuri pulls on the band of her sweat pants. 
“Take these off for me Sthandwa, finish undressing me.” You happily oblige. Reaching forward pulling Shuri’s pants and underwear down at the same time. She giggles. “Eager hm?” She stepped out of her pants and laid back on the bed. “Strip for me, slowly, I’ve been waiting for this, and I want to savor every moment.” You got off of the bed slowly and began to seductively strip for Shuri, determined to put on a show for her; not knowing she had plans to put on a show of her own. She slowly opened her legs and began to play with her pussy, eyes never leaving you. “Watch me while I watch you” She moaned. You were placed in a trance. 
You let your shirt come up over your head, as she began rolling her body into her touch biting at her lips. Her soft moans driving your senses wild. The light layer of sweat building up on her begining to make her body glow in the moonlight. Her breast heaving up and down as she let out heavy breaths moaning your name. Her toned thighs spread wide for you, folds glistening, a stream of light hitting it perfectly putting her on display. She was all woman, and that excited you. Your shorts collect one last release of your want before being pulled down your thighs. 
“You knew what you were doing with those tight ass clothes and waist beads.” Shuri smirked. “Straight my ass. Look at you. Mouth and pussy drooling for me. There’s nothing like a woman huh? Ahhh!” Her head falls back in ecstasy as you stand there caressing your breast, and teasing your nipples; completely naked, physically, and emotionally. You were entranced in her pussy, your sight not leaving her drenched core. The sounds calling out to you. “Shit! I could cum just from how desperate you look right now. Is that you want intel? You want to watch me cum for you?”
You nod but quickly correct yourself “Yes. Yes Shuri I want to see you cum please.”
“No.” Your eyes glance up to meet hers. “Tell me pretty girl. Tell me to cum for you.” You look at her. You smirk feeling a bit bolder. You lick your lips. “Cum for me beautiful.” Your voice was low in octave filled with lust. Shuri’s eyes widened briefly at the sudden change, before you watched her stomach contract and her body began to shake, as her once methodical strokes became sporadic. “Oh B-bast! Y/n! I’m c-cumming for you! Uuuhhnn!”
  As you stood and watched her cum, you knew for sure you were hooked. You wanted to hear her scream your name like that all the time. The girly tones of her voice awakening  something inside of you. She was a woman.
“Come my love. Touch me, feel what you do to my body.” You walk over to the bed and hover over Shuri leaning down to kiss her lips, as you reached down and touched another woman for the first time. You moan into her mouth at the feel of her. Her slippery folds encasing your fingers. Meshing around them perfectly. “That’s all for you baby. Now let me show you what I can make your body do for me.” The look in her eyes was devious. As she sat up positioning your body to straddle her thigh. “Grind for me”You began to move your body against her. Shuri wanted to ignite all of your senses, so she grabbed your waist and brought you closer wrapping you in a hug, pressing her body up against yours completely. 
 The feeling of her bare breast pressed against you felt so erotic, as she held you close and placed kisses all over your chest. “Oh Shuri.” You moaned in a whisper. She handled you so gently moving her hands down to your plump ass massaging into it as she helped you get off on her thigh. It felt as though she was worshipping your body. She kept one hand wrapped around your body and the other she brought inbetween the two of you, finding your pussy she began to rub. “Ah fuck! Baby!”
“You like the way I take my time baby. No rush. I want you to feel good in places you never knew you could.” Before you knew it you were laying on your back as she kissed and sucked down your body, making her way toward your pussy. She held up your thighs caressing them as she prepared to dive into her meal.  She licked and sucked all around your pussy, before finally making contact with your clit. “Fuck Shuri!” 
“Mhmm” she moaned into you as she devoured you. 
“Oooo eat this pussy Panther!” She smacked the inside of your thigh. Then she wrapped her arms around both of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Devouring your pussy. “S-Shuri ha hooo my g-god!” You were very sure you were seeing heaven, and then she placed a finger inside. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head “M-more. P-please Shuri more!” You reached down grabbing her by her curls grinding against her face. She placed another finger inside of you, and you felt like you were floating. “OMG! Uhn! I’m gonna cum Panther!” Shuri said something but you’ll never know what it was between euphoria and her mouth being filled with pussy. 
  You came hard in her mouth, she continued eating, getting you all cleaned up. And then she kept going. “I want some more pretty girl. Can you give me more.” 
“Uhn! I d-don oh Sh sh pleasassee!! “ your words were failing you.
“Yea you can give me more.” She palms your ass. Getting back up on the bed laying on her back. “Come sit on my face. Drown me in that shit baby. Use me.” She opened her mouth wide sticking out her tounge ready to be your seat. You carefully lower yourself onto her face, but she grabs your thighs holding you down as she ravished you. You started moving your hips faster getting close to another orgasam. “Oh baby I’m gonna cum again! Fuck me Panther! Drink me!” Once again the band snapped and you were cumming, but this time liquid sprayed from your pussy as you squirted on Shuri’s face. She took it like a pro drinking you up.
“Good fucking girl! You’re my good girl huh Y/n. You taste so good.” She said as you fall to the bed trying to control the shaking from the after shocks. “You’re doing so good for me. You’re going to give me one more. Can you do that for me? Want to watch me cum on top of you? ” You look up at her tears falling from your eyes. You didn’t know if you could, but you’d damn sure try if you could see Shuri cum for you again. “Mhmm” is the only sound you could get out. Shuri understood loud and clear. 
Shuri sat up, grabbing your legs pushing them all the way back, she straddles you in a squat.  “As bad as I want to strap you until you’re unconscious, I want their to be no misunderstanding that it is a woman is fucking you like this” She begans to move against you, feet planted firmly on the bed, the muscles in her legs flexing. “Mmmm!” You let out a long groan from the overstimulation. “Shshsh. Don’t worry baby I got you.”  She slowly whined her body against you in a circular motion. You looked down at her, chin still covered in your cum, body glistening in sweat. “ Ahhhh! fuck” she moaned throwing her head back. You followed a large bead of sweat  that moved down from her long sexy neck, to her chest, down the valley of her breast, slowing at her waist that whined expertly above the backs of your thighs. It was femininity in all it’s beautiful, ethereal, glory. You snapped. “Oh My God Shuri! You’re so fucking sexy!” You reach and grab her waist moving underneath her as best you can. 
She looked down at you like a goddess on her throne. “ You never felt like this before?”
“I c-can’t t-take it. You’re d-driving me crazy. Please! I want you! I need you Shuri. I want to be yours! Please Let me be yours!” You screamed, tears streaming down your face, as you were full out crying now. The whole experience was overwhelming. 
“Nobody’s ever known your body like this b-baby? Uuhn! Made you c-cum s-so much? Knew exactly how touch you huh?”
“N-no, n-no, nobody baby! Nobody m-makes me feel like you Shuri! I’m gonna cum again for you!” Shuri fell to her knees, causing her pussy to grind harder against yours as she picked up the pace. “Oh Fuck! Go ahead b-baby let it go, I’m right behind you!” As if your body ran on her command you opened up the flood gates cumming into Shuri’s pussy, as she followed behind. 
“OH GOD SHURI! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU! I’m so in love with you.” You cried. She collapsed on top of you shaking and breathing hard from her intense orgasam. You both held onto eachother tight. You wrapped your legs around her waist as she nuzzled her face into your neck. You heard the sniffles before you felt tears dropping onto your neck. 
“I know sthandwa. I’m in love with you too”
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labwebs · 2 years
@ironifiicd​ asked: “you don’t understand how dangerous this is.”
“I’m in space, in an alien spaceship, on my way to a planet way outside of where anyone on Earth has mapped yet, and there’s a pretty good chance that there’s more aliens there like the ones we fought in New York,” Peter summed up from his perch on one of the said-alien-spaceship’s support structures. “I think I’ve got a decent idea.”
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Now that the adrenaline had worn off from the fight to free the wizard guy, the reality of the situation was starting to sink in. Not that he regretting coming along- Peter did feel like he should be here and he was going to do everything he could to help Mr. Stark, but... Yeah, maybe he should’ve thought about this more.
“Wish I brought my backpack. May packed my lunch for the school trip...”
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ynscrazylife · 18 days
You know what I really miss? Avengers x teen!reader headcanons, there use to be so much avengers content and practically dominated tumblr🥲
It would totally make my WEEK if you would make some classic mcu avengers(before infinity war) x teen!reader x Peter Parker(romantic) headcanons just about reader having powers and what it’s like living with the avengers 💕
-possible your new 👾anon?
let’s do this 💪 and YES you’ll be my first emoji anon!! @ anyone else, feel free to claim ur emoji!!
avengers x teen!reader headcanons
The Avengers are definitely reluctant to add another teenager to the team. Having Peter is great but has been a big adjustment, as they had to train him and protect him, less they face the wrath of Aunt May.
However, you were a compelling case, with your extensive abilities. You didn’t have many other options as to where to go and you hit it off with Peter right off the bat, working very well together as a pair. So, they took you in.
Tony worked with you on designs for your suit, Natasha and Steve trained you in combat (which meant you were going on morning runs with Steve and Sam. How fun . . . Though Sam could be convinced to give you piggy back rides, and you became Clint’s personal arrow-picker-upper. If you had powers, Wanda would definitely help you manage them.
Peter was naturally in tune to science, which meant you hung around the lab with him and Bruce a lot. It became a nice time to get your homework done, as Bruce would definitely help you with that. Sometimes you acted as Bruce’s and Peter’s assistant with their experiments.
Bruce was also a very good listener and your go-to person to vent to about your life’s problems (when Peter wasn’t around).
One of the conditions to be on the team was that you didn’t lapse in schoolwork, so they were very on top of that and your grades. Tony even offered to go to parent-teacher meetings. Any one of them were ready to go to your teachers or principal if anything happened.
Natasha would routinely check in with you to make sure that you weren’t being bullied.
Pepper also became a motherly figure, as she cared very much about you and Peter. She’d offer you a Stark Industries internship.
Movie nights were chaotic, but absolutely the best. It was hard for anyone to agree, so the team had a system where they’d rotate who got to pick the meeting. Sam and Peter were also not allowed to make popcorn after many unfortunate incidents. Most of the time you fell asleep late into the night and one of the Avengers carried you to bed (they’d never admit this, but that also became an argument).
It was during a movie night when Peter realized he liked you romantically. You fell asleep during a movie, your head on his shoulder. Peter swore he never experienced something so precious before. He was adamant to keep your peace, glaring at anyone who dared to talk.
The team found your growing romance to be adorable and often teased the two of you about it. The only people who didn’t tease you were Bruce, Pepper, and Thor (because he didn’t really understand how to effectively tease).
If Flash messed with you, Peter was always on top of it. He’d always protect you.
Steve was also always making sure that you knew right from wrong. He’d give long speeches about how it wasn’t right to smoke, drink, do drugs, etc.
Then Thor gave you Asgardian alcohol once, not realizing how bad that was considering you’re both human and underage. That was a mess. Peter having to hold your hair back when you vomited and multiple Avengers escorting you to bed. Thor got an earful about it.
Clint was one of the ones who better understood you, seeing as he had experience with his own kids. He was always good at mediating and defusing the tension.
Laura also adored you, you were her favorite babysitter for the kids. Whenever they went on date night, they’d drop the kids off at the tower, and you would watch them (Peter would help when he wasn’t on patrol).
Patrolling with Peter was also very fun. More often than not he’d convince you to take a break, then swing you up on top of a roof to watch over the city and the sky.
On multiple occasions, KAREN would rat the two of you out to Tony, but he was never mad. He just wanted to know all about the “date”.
Prom was also very fun. Honestly, the whole team would want to come pick out outfits with you and Peter. They took many, many pictures on the night of. Peter also teared up when he saw you. He thought you were stunning.
Of course, you guys had a curfew, but it was alright. You and Peter had a fantastic night. All he wanted to do was dance and hold you.
You had Happy wrapped around your finger. You could really convince him to drive you anywhere you wanted to go.
You also managed to get an internship at the Sanctum Santorum, learning more about magic under Doctor Strange and Wong’s guidance. The Avengers weren’t particularly thrilled, as they were worried about you being hurt, but understood your want to explore.
You really wanted to see all the areas of being a hero. Clint taught you archery and Natasha taught you how to be a spy. You’d listen to Natasha and Clint’s spy stories for hours. Peter would have to pry you away.
Peter always insisted on having date nights and would go all out, making every date special. He’d do anything to make you happy.
And so would all the Avengers. They loved seeing you smile, it brightened up their whole world and made the team stronger.
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irondadmadlads · 1 year
Irondad Prompt #147:
Stark Industries hires a Karen to be apart of their security team (not knowing the Karen is a Karen). All hell breaks lose when Peter Parker tries to enter the building for his internship. And Tony is not happy about it.
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peterparkouryo · 9 months
operation, distract | ﹒⪩⪨﹒
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prompt; You're second best in every class you have with Peter Parker, and you decide that has to change.
warnings: fluff and banter, maybe typos nd stuff
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is short and bad, just a lil sumn for y'all since i've been gone for two whole months :(
You hated the feeling of seeming or even being remotely close to the brink of a failure. 
Which, yes is something every human has to go through in life in order to get to the top, but it's hard to lose all the time. You'd like to think you were a really good person, a great one even. Always helping out your community, all that good people stuff, and you were really smart, so smart that you're almost top of all your classes.
Just almost, though.
The thing is, when you want to make it to the top and be the best, there's obviously always going to be some sort of obstacle. Your obstacle is, Peter Parker.
Just thinking of his name makes that big fat vein form on your forehead, because of course someone as socially awkward and conveniently attractive as him has to be your competition to prove your smartness.
Peter is sweet, that much you can admit, but not to you and only because you dislike him just as much as he dislikes you. He can pretend he doesn't but you know your irritation and insults toward him really sets him off, which albeit is sometimes hilarious, but the boy's presence is insufferable and no matter what anyone says you, you will never like him.
You might be overreacting, and to be fair it's a possibility that you are, but is it your fault that every time you two share a class he just has to rub it in your face that he can solve math problems faster than you? Or that he has an internship with THE Tony Stark? It's unfair and you can't help but feel a little jealous.
"I hate gym." Cindy grumbles and sits next to you on the bleachers, and you pay her complaints no mind as you study for an upcoming test.
"Y/N?" She waves a hand in your face and you have to psychically fight back an eye roll just to look at the girl.
Cindy Moon is one of your only friends (sadly) and she's so sweet and understanding toward you when you want to rant about how hard your life is or how unfair the justice system is, which is something you two have in common.
"Are you listening?" 
"No." You go back to studying.
Before you can reread the paragraph you were looking at, Cindy closes your book and you look over at the girl in disbelief and frustration.
"Why did you just do that?" You glare at her as she innocently shrugs.
"Talk to me!" She pouts, you look away with a huff.
Another thing is, she's annoyingly good at getting what she wants, especially from you.
"I'm trying to study Cin, maybe later," You reach for your book and she moves it out of your reach.
You show her a disapproving look.
"Why do you need to study? You're the smartest person ever."
You show her a fake smile and reach for the book again.
"Thanks but if I want to be top of my science class, I need to study, no give me the book." You start climbing onto her lap to get the book.
All Cindy does is laugh at the lengths you're going to, and you both pay no mind to the staring students.
"We look like lesbians." She jokes and your eyes go wide, quickly looking behind you two at the lingering gazes.
Your embarrassment is probably evident so you decide to get out of your friend's lap before your lazy excuse of a gym teacher and other students think the wrong thing.
"Just give me the book," You sit next to her again.
"Fine, you're no fun." Cindy gives you the book and you smile in accomplishment.
A few peaceful minute go by, and the gym class drags on for another fifty minutes at you study in somewhat silence as Cindy watches a small basketball game going on, on the other side of the gym.
"Uh oh, Peter missed the shot." She mumbles and you snap your head up, looking in the direction she stared.
If there was one thing you wanted to see, was Peter Parker fail.
Unfortunately all hopes and dreams crash and burn because when you look at the small basketball game, you see Peter shoot the ball into the basket and you roll your eyes at your dumb luck.
Another few minutes past and the basketball game was over, thankfully, now you can study in peace as your friend is now reading a book you had so kindly recommended (you didn't).
"Hey Cin, and goodie two shoes," An annoying voice distracts you from your studying and you try to ignore him and his voice as Cindy looks up with a smile and greets him back.
"Hey Peter, good game," She nods, and you continuing studying.
"Y'know there's no point in studying when I'm just gonna get the highest grade anyway." Peter brags and if you weren't so bothered by his presence your left eye wouldn't twitch at his words.
You rub your forehead and look up at him with a subtle glare, he shows you a smile as you finally give him what he wanted.
In all honesty, what you wanted was to not be bothered by him and, his unruly sweaty hair, flushed face and—stop.
"Who asked you?" You raise your eyebrow with an irritated tone, and you can feel Cindy grow uncomfortable.
Peter just smiles at your question.
"I'm just saying, like sure you're smart, but you're not exactly 'Peter' smart." He emphasized with a shrug.
"Is smart Peter in the room with us right now?" You tilt your head and hear Cindy snort at your expense.
His smile drops and you watch as jaw clenches at your words.
"I try."
The silence takes over and you can't decide to either be thankful or what, and the tension is painfully palpable. The only thing you can do is stare at him as he stares at you. A staring contest you didn't want.
Cindy has to break the death glares you two were sending each other.
"Are you going to Flash's party?" She asks Peter and you want to hug her for saving the day.
Peter's gaze linger on you for awhile before looking at Cindy with a smile way different from the glare or whatever he was showing you a mere second ago.
"No, I wasn't invited." He shrugs.
"And a good thing too." You grumble, Cindy nudges you at that.
"Well I was thinking you come with me and Y/N, if you have nothing better to do." The girl offers with a grin.
You knew your kindness would come back and bite you, and she was proving to be no better as a "friend" by inviting your arch nemesis.
"Are you sure witches are even allowed to parties?" Peter looks at Cindy with fake concern and you go to stand up to attack but your friend grabs your hand.
And of course all Peter can do is smile at your reaction.
"Anyway, you should come, it'd be fun."
Peter considers this and nods at your friend with an awkward smile, and if you didn't despise everything he did, you'd think it was adorable.
"I'll think about it, thanks." He smiles before bidding his goodbyes to her, because god forbids he even thinks of saying another word to you.
Once Peter leaves you snatch your hand away and look at Cindy with a fuming expression.
"Why did you invite the real life walking devil to go to that party with us?" You shake your head in disbelief.
Cindy snickers and you're even more bewildered.
"Because, it's so obvious you two like each-other." She laughs.
You wanted to vomit at her words of disrespect. Like Peter? That's rich.
"Oh no, no I do not like Peter, trust me." You argue with a laugh.
Cindy nods, obviously unconvinced just as the bell rings for the next class.
"Sure and I don't have a crush on Keanu Reeves." She stands up and walks to the girl's locker room, you follow.
"But you do."
"Exactly." She shrugs and you roll your eyes.
"I do not like Peter, believe me." You try your hardest to embed that in your friend's head.
As you two walk into the locker room, she turns around.
"I guess we'll see at the party, yeah?" Cindy turns back around and puts in her combination to her locker before unlocking it.
You groan and do the same with yours.
You hated the fact that now there's was a possibility of you liking Peter, when of course you showed no signs of ever even considering him as more than a person you wanted to prove better than.
That's what it is, and that's what it'll be. 
Peter is nothing more than a person you want to prove better than.
there's obv gonna be a part two
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