#never gonna miss a chance to mention that movie i swear
musingmixtape · 8 months
closed starter | @gothwives
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“Alright, I’ll let you do my makeup, but only because you have the expensive stuff,” this time, Birdie hadn’t even had to insist as much as usual to get Mara to agree. Usually, it was amusing to get her to beg a little before, but tonight the brunette was in a great mood and her friend was objectively way better than her when it came to the beauty department. There was a reason why one of them was a pageant queen and the other one was looked at suspiciously when she walked into Sephora. Not that she wanted to be their client, anyway. “If you make me look like a clown, or God forbid, like someone who could’ve been an extra on Miss Congeniality then I’m never gonna forgive you,” she added, the threat sounding weak as she sat close to the blonde.
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sunvmars · 9 months
sour | s.r. [2]
pairing: steve rogers x afab/fem reader
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word count: 3.2k
warnings: swearing, brief mentions of abortion, pregnancy/pregnant reader- that's ab it
summary: you and steve discuss plans for the pregnancy, steve faces the consequences of his actions
a/n: oh boy have i got a little plot twist coming for y'all soon. also, the chapters will get longer as more of the story is revealed!
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“I’m pregnant, Steve.”
Steve's hold on you became a little tighter. He found himself unable to fully process the information you'd just dropped on him; you being pregnant wasn't something he had even considered. You stood still in his arms, allowing him time to process the news and awaiting any type of response from him. He took a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The words kept repeating in his head; she’s pregnant, she's pregnant, she's…pregnant.
"Steve? Did you hear me?" you questioned, voice slightly muffled by how you were being pressed into his chest.
Only after hearing your voice again did he move. He released his grip on you and took a step back to look you in the eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, his expression containing a mix of disbelief and confusion. There was something else hidden below the surface of his gaze too- a deep-rooted concern. A concern not only for you but for the tiny little life growing inside of you too, the life both of you created.
"What..? I'm sorry, this is just, uhm, wow."
You cock an eyebrow up at him, "That's all you've got to say?"
When he doesn't respond, you scoff. His eyes search the room as he tries to avoid direct eye contact with you.
"Well, now that you've made this abnormally awkward, I think I'm gonna go home now," you chuckle, trying to hide your irritation, ''Since I'm having your baby, please feel free to call me when you've got something else to add, alright?"
He grabs your arm when you turn to leave, "Wait. I'm sorry, y/n. Come inside, please. We can talk in here.”
Reluctantly, you allowed Steve to guide you into the apartment. His grip on your arm stayed gentle but firm like he thought you were gonna turn and run away at any moment. Once fully inside, you noticed how everything seemed so familiar yet foreign at the same time. Most of the pictures were off the wall except for two.
One picture was one that Tony had taken at the beach a year ago. The photo was of you, Steve, and Bucky sitting in the sand. You were laying in Steve's lap with your head resting on his chest while playing rock, paper, scissors with Bucky for the last slice of Steve's birthday cake.
The other photo just had you and Steve on your first date. You'd made him take a picture with you in front of the movie theater you went to. It was the oldest theater in town and, at some point during the night, you made a joke about how the theater was the only thing as old as him in the city.
He'd rolled his eyes at the joke but found himself unable to contain a smile when he saw your face light up as you laughed. You were witty, and that was his favorite thing about you, even if he was on the butt end of the joke. As long as you still had that pretty smile on your face, he didn't care how many jokes you made about him.
The soft, white couch you'd picked out together when the two of you first moved in was still there too and so was your favorite vase. The vase was missing the flowers though- the flowers he'd come home with every Friday without fail. More often than not, the ones he bought the week before weren't even dead yet, but he'd buy you new ones anyways.
"Ma used to tell me that if someone buys you flowers and they don't die for a long time, that means they really love you. But it's unavoidable that they'll die eventually, right? So I figured that if I buy you new ones before the old ones die then you'll never get the chance to forget how much I love you," he explained, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
"Right, but what if I forget anyway?" you joked with a smile.
And then he shrugged and gave you a peck on your nose, "Then it's a good thing I'll be right here to remind you, honey," he cooed.
You bit your tongue, forcing the lump in your throat to go back down upon remembering all of the moments you shared. This was your home until just a couple of months ago, and now it felt like you were standing in a shell of what used to be your safe space.
Steve led you to the living room, the last room you'd been in before he gave up on your future together. He gestured for you to take a seat and you plopped into your favorite recliner that didn't even seem like it'd been touched since you left. The tension in the room was palpable as he sat on the far end of the couch, the side farthest away from you.
"You scared I'm gonna bite you or something?" you joked, rubbing a hand over your aching stomach.
He gave a short-lived chuckle before speaking, "Listen, I'm sorry for my reaction," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "I didn't expect this, and I'm sure you didn't either."
You nodded to show your understanding, "It's alright, this is a lot for both of us."
"What do you wanna do..?"
His brain blanks as he tries to think of whether or not he'd said something wrong.
"Yeah?" he finally says, almost saying it like a question.
"It's not just my decision, Steven. You get a say in this too."
"I do?"
You laugh a little at his confusion, "Yes. You do."
"I'm sorry, it's just that with everything that happened I... I'm trying to say that I'd understand if you didn't want me involved in this decision," he says, looking down at the floor to avoid your eyes.
"Steve, look at me," you begin, pausing until he looks back up at you, "I wouldn't leave this choice up to just me. Whatever decision we make has to work for both of us though."
He looks up at you with surprise etched all over his face, "Thank you, y/n. It's more than I deserve."
"Mhm, tell me about it," you sigh while still rubbing a hand soothingly over your stomach, trying to ease the nausea.
He's silent, avoiding the dreaded breakup conversation. Luckily enough, neither of you are ready to have that discussion yet. He claps his hands together in his lap quietly and clears his throat to get rid of the silence.
"Do you know how far along you are?"
"No, not yet. I have to find a doctor. I'll ask Tony to make the call for me tomorrow."
"So, what do you wanna do?" he asks again, emphasizing the 'you,' "Have you thought about...you know?"
"The alternative? Yeah, I thought about it for a bit, but I think I wanna keep it. I've only known about the little guy for less than an hour and I'm already attached."
What you said was true, you did think about every possible alternative from abortion to adoption; but at some point on the way here, you'd decided on keeping it. You feel a bit of hope when you look down at your stomach. You smile to yourself, momentarily forgetting all your troubles. Though your smile is quickly replaced with a frown when you remember the situation at hand. You look up to lock eyes with him, seeing he's clearly hesitating to respond.
"But if you don't want this, I can raise him or her alone. Y'know, move out of town or move a few states away to be closer to family so there are no unwanted run-ins. The whole nine yards," you say softly, wiping a stray tear off your cheek.
"Oh, y/n," he mumbles, "I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be like this- I didn't want any of this."
You take in his words, trying to make sense of them. You felt your heart beginning to break as he remained silent. How can he just give up so easily before it even gets hard? Not that you'd pressure him into raising a kid he didn't want, I mean you did give him the choice, but his words still come as a surprise.
"So, the whole nine yards it is then?"
"I'm sorry, y/n..."
“I need you to look at me and say it, please.”
Steve looked around the room, appearing as though he was about to cry. His eyes finally land on you and you swear there's bits of guilt and regret in them.
"I don't want this baby."
That was all you needed. Hearing him say the words to you only solidified that y/n l/n and Steve Rogers didn't stand another damn chance. You sniffled as you stood up, trying to conceal any glimpse of sadness he could possibly see in you. You make your way to the door and go to turn the handle only for him to start speaking and stop you in your tracks.
"Y/n. I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't expecting any of this. I don't know what I want yet."
"Of course you do, Steven, you just said it," you say with a fake smile as you turn to look at him, "I'm not upset with you for not wanting this, but I'm disappointed that you're not the man I thought you were. If you change your mind, you know where to find me, but decide soon because I won't let you be in and out of our lives."
With that, you leave and quietly shut the door behind you.
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The drive back to the tower is entirely too slow and painful. You slipped your shoes off once back inside the comfort of your room and made your way to the bathroom to run a bath. After sinking in the warm bubbles and water, you unlocked your phone to unblock Steve's number. You awaited a text as you bathed- a text that never came, that is. You felt a little silly for ever thinking he'd want this with you but brush the feeling off quickly as it makes you feel physically sick.
You dry off, slip into your favorite night clothes, then slip under your covers. After trying to fall asleep for four hours and either waking up after a few minutes or not being able to fall asleep at all, you text Bucky to see if he's awake. It's about 3 a.m., but he responds after only five minutes to tell you he's coming to your room. The fact that he knew you wanted him to come over without saying it had a smile spreading across your lips.
When he arrived, you hugged him tightly and let out a shaky breath you'd been holding. He pulled away from the hug and looked at you with a concerned expression painted on his face.
"What's wrong?" he asks, hands resting on your arms.
"I'm pregnant, Buck."
You laugh a little to hide the way your voice cracked but Bucky sees right through it. He frowns at the sight of you, taking in the dark bags under your eyes and your skin that was paler than your usual tone.
"Let's go sit down, yeah?" he smiles warmly.
The two of you sit on your bed in silence as you lay your head on his shoulder. You make small talk after a few minutes, Bucky mainly asking questions about what you plan to do and how you feel.
"I'm guessing you told Steve?" he inquires.
He feels you nod slowly against his shoulder and he takes it as a sign to continue.
"And how did he take it?"
You shrug before speaking, "It seemed like he wanted to be a part of it all at first...then he said he didn't want this, but then he said he wasn't sure."
"Huh," he sighs out of confusion, "You know I'm here for you though, right? Both of you are my best friends, no matter how stupid he's being."
"I know you are," you reply.
"I know it's early and all, but have you thought about if you want a girl or boy?" he asks cautiously, worried the topic might upset you, "If you keep it, that is," he quickly adds.
"Buck, can I be honest with you?"
"Of course."
"I went to Steve's to get his input, but I think I decided to keep it as soon as I found out about it. I hate Steve so much right now, but this baby is a piece of both of us. I can't bring myself to get rid of something so innocent just for being a part of him," you explain, "I know it's not that simple for other people, but I did want kids with him eventually. I'm not unhappy with the pregnancy, I'm unhappy with the circumstances. Boy or girl, I'll be overjoyed either way."
He smiles to himself briefly, "You've got the biggest heart, you know that? You'll be a wonderful mother, y/n, and I mean that."
As hard as he tries to come up with an explanation for his friend's odd behavior, he can't. He'd promised you that he wouldn't go digging for answers when you broke up, you'd told him you didn't care to know and that it wasn't his problem. You're his friend, so he respected that. But now? Now it wasn't just you that Steve was abandoning, which meant that now he had to have answers.
Your breathing slows after a little bit, a sign that he recognizes as you getting sleepy. Slowly, he lays down, cradling your body so that you lay down with him. He lets you rest your head on him as he strokes your hair back soothingly. He waits until he hears your soft snores to gently ease your head onto your pillow before getting off the bed. He'd decided that he was going to get answers, even if it was three-forty in the morning.
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Back at the apartment, Steve had only moved once to turn off the lights, pour a glass of alcohol, and sit in your recliner. He would never say it now but he hated being alone in the apartment without you. This wasn't his home, and it never was, not without you there with him. The space that used to be filled with your laughter and your love now felt void of anything other than cold. He sat in the dark, alone with his thoughts, as he did almost every night since you broke up.
His phone buzzed, startling him out of his thoughts. The timing of him getting a message was unusual given the late hour. He picked up the phone and saw it was from Bucky, he smiled softly in hopes that his friend would offer some sort of help. He was sadly mistaken.
Bucky: We need to talk.
Steve frowned at the cryptic message as he typed a response.
Steve: About what?
Bucky's reply was swift.
Bucky: You know exactly what.
A knock sounded at the door no more than ten minutes later. He sighed, mentally preparing himself for whatever talking to he was about to get.
"It's open," he called out.
The door opened to reveal Bucky. As he walked in, the light from outside lit up his face and allowed Steve to see his expression of concern and irritation. He closed the door behind him and then turned to face Steve.
"I'm starting to worry you're turning into a vampire or something, punk. Why are you sitting with all the lights off again? Haven't we had this talk before?" he questions, flipping the overhead light on, "Have you been crying again?"
Steve groans and rubs his wet eyes with his free hand, "No," he lies.
His eyes narrow in Bucky's direction as he walks towards where he's sitting. Steve then brings the drink up to his lips to take a sip only to have it yanked away.
"Now this is new, is this alcohol?" Bucky asks, bringing the glass up to his nose only to recoil at the scent, "Steve, oh my God, What is in this?"
"Whiskey, tequila, a little bit of everything. Well, everything she left here."
Bucky looks away, desperately trying to contain a laugh, "You can't even get drunk. What are you doing? What's the end goal here?"
"The taste helps me forget how big of an idiot I am," Steve confesses as he snatches his drink back, "It's like a punishment."
"Glad you know you're an idiot, it makes my job here easier."
"Did she send you over here," Steve asks, looking up at Bucky through his eyelashes.
"No, she didn't. But she told me what happened and I came here on my own," Bucky responds, "You know as well as I do that she can fight her own battles."
"Then why are you here?"
"To check on you. And like you said, you're an idiot. I'm here to figure out why you're being such an idiot, though. Whatever Steve you've been for the last four months isn't the Steve I know."
When he doesn't answer, Bucky continues talking, "I've let this go on for far too long. I should've asked when I noticed you were acting weird, but I chalked it up to how rough that last Hydra mission was. But this whole baby thing is the last straw, Steve. I've had to put up with your dumb decisions recently, I deserve an explanation. The woman carrying your child does more so, but we'll get to that."
Steve let out a heavy sigh and his shoulders slumped as he realized there was no escaping the conversation. Bucky had always been a straightforward friend. For as long as they knew each other, he was never one to beat around the bush, and he wasn't about to start letting Steve get away with stuff now.
"I don't even know where to start," Steve admits, his voice laced with frustration.
He takes another sip of his drink, hoping it might give him the kick he needs to explain himself. His face turns up at the taste and Bucky tries yet again to conceal a laugh.
"Okay, enough of that," he says, taking the drink back out of Steve's hands.
Bucky crosses his arms and sits on the end of the couch closest to Steve, giving him a stern look, "How about you try starting with why you decided to walk away from her? She's the best thing that ever happened to you, Steve, we both know that."
Steve winces at his words. He knew Bucky was right, as he usually was, but facing the same truth every day didn't make it hurt any less. It actually hurt worse since he knew that this entire situation was his fault.
"So?" Bucky says, urging Steve to speak.
Bucky instinctively brings the glass up to his lips and takes a sip. His expression turns from understanding to disgust as he spits the drink back into the cup.
Steve chuckles under his breath, "Habit?"
"Think it was the feeling of the cup in my hand, not sure why I did that. Guess old habits do die hard," Bucky explains, "Anyways, get to the explaining."
"I... I don't know, Buck. I messed up, bad."
"We already know that, care to elaborate?" Bucky prodded.
"It wasn't up to me, Buck," Steve sighs, speaking again when he sees Bucky's confused look, "Remember that Hydra mission you were just talking about?"
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taglist! @vicmc624 @tooruen @athenabarnes @blackhawkfanatic
to be added to or removed from the tag list for this series, leave a comment or message me :) submissions and asks are now also open
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scatorcciogf · 2 months
let the light in
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¬ summary: spider!lottie saves you from a criminal. established relationship but reader doesn't know she's spidey yet :) ¬ warnings: cursing, gun mentions (nothing happens), slight violence + injury. gn!reader ¬ word count: 2.5k.... i swear this was supposed to be a drabble
it’s a quiet night tonight. 
well. as quiet as it can get in the city that never sleeps. but you’re not necessarily in the city — you’re on the outskirts, waiting for a bus back home — so it's way calmer. you were visiting a friend, got a little carried away (see: watching three bad horror movies instead of just one), and now you're definitely gonna have to wait a while until you can catch a ride to the city. 
you sigh, sitting down on the bench. you wish you had lottie there to keep you company, but she had to stay behind and study for an upcoming biochem test. you curse her for being such a responsible student and you curse nyu for existing, and then you take out your phone because you should probably shoot her a text.
at the bus stop now :) see u soon, you write. 
you don’t expect her to reply quickly, considering that she usually leaves her phone in the other room when she wants to focus on something. you’re surprised to see her read it immediately, type for a few seconds, then disappear again. you’re about to ask her about it when she calls you instead.
“hard at work, i see.” you say in lieu of a greeting, and you can almost hear her eyes roll.
“i’m taking a break. don’t be a brat.”
“why’d you call?”
“i wanted to hear your voice. i miss you.” 
you chuckle. “it’s been, like, six hours. you’re ridiculous.” 
despite your teasing, you think it’s cute — and she knows that. she knows how easily you melt at her sweet words and soft smiles.
“well, i also wanted to talk with you while you wait. you know, make sure you’re safe. i don’t like the idea of you being out alone so late at night.” she argues.
“and that’s very sweet of you,” you say, smiling. “but there’s literally nobody here. you don’t have to worry about me, you should go study.”
she groans. “but this lesson is so boring. and i’m only revising now, anyway. it’s not that important.”
“fine… but if you get kidnapped, don’t blame me.”
“as if you could do anything about it all the way from our apartment!”
“i would think of something.”
and you open your mouth to tell her to just go already, but your words die in your throat as you feel something hard and cold pressed against your back. the next voice you hear comes from behind you, not from the phone, and it's much deeper and rougher than your girlfriend's. 
“hang up. right now.”
fuck. did you accidentally manifest getting kidnapped? you're frozen in both fear and indecision, bar your shaking hand. was that a gun or a knife? you want to tell lottie to call the police, but you're also afraid of what the man would do to you if you did. what if he kills you anyway? fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“baby?” you hear her confused voice at the same time as he shouts: “i said now!”
you want to tell her you love her before you end the call, fearing that you might never get another chance, but you find yourself too paralyzed to speak. instead, you press the button and drop the phone, hearing it shatter as it hits the ground. you know she knows anyway. 
the man speaks again, and you realize his voice is muffled by what must be a ski mask. “give me all your money. come on.”
you shake your head, eyes welling up. “i don't have anything on me, i swear.” 
“don't make me hurt you. just give me your fucking wallet.” 
“please,” you somehow manage to say as you show him your pockets are empty. “i already told you, i don't have my wallet with me.”
“and i don't believe you. what about your bag?”
you feel your heart rate picking up as he gets more aggressive in both his tone and actions — you're going to have a bruise with how strongly he's pressing his gun to you. if he doesn't actually pull the trigger, that is.
you slowly reach for your bag. you really don't have anything valuable in there, besides headphones and a water bottle. maybe he'll be satisfied with just that if he's particularly thirsty. 
you open it up and shift it vaguely towards where he's standing. “see? no money. please just—”
you're interrupted by a sudden thwip sound behind you. weird sound for a gun to make, you think, before you realize it's not the gun that you heard, but rather what grabbed it. a thin, but seemingly firm, spiderweb-like fluid, swiftly tugging it towards—
spider-woman. holy shit. 
“have you ever considered getting a job? it's this thing where you contribute to society and get paid, instead of mugging innocent people at night.” she says, tossing the gun aside. 
your mind is still racing, but you have the common sense to step away from the guy. it's only when you turn to look at him for the first time that you realize he doesn't need a weapon to be able to hurt you — he's massive. and now, it seems, pretty angry too. 
“not you again,” he growls. “mind your fucking business.”
she jumps down from the tree she was in, elegantly landing a few feet away from you. her gaze doesn't leave him, however. 
“the safety of people who live here is my business.”
he scoffs. “what are you gonna do, then? arrest me?”
“something like that.”
he lunges towards her before she can make the first move, looking ready to strangle her. she's too quick for someone like him, though, and she dodges every punch he tries to throw her way. you assumed she'd immobilize him with the web or something, but then again, what do you know. maybe she's just too busy trying not to get beat up. 
they spar for a minute or two, the guy holding up better than you thought he would. you should probably run away or call the police (scratch that, she just stepped on your phone and you swear you heard a crack! in between all the grunts and hits), but you're so captivated by the whole situation that you can't look away. it's not every day you get to see spider-woman up close. 
she kicks his side and manages to shoot the web into his eyes while he's catching his breath. he winces and swears loudly, stumbling back. he's scratching at it, and you can tell it's very tough to get it off. 
“oh, fuck this!” he exclaims before she can do anything else. 
still functionally blind, he starts running away, slamming against you in the process. he's clearly not impacted by it because he just continues running off, but you are. it was too forceful for you to stay on your feet, and in a flash, you're on the ground, dull pain in your head from hitting the bench. 
“ow…” you mumble, reaching to touch the back of your head. 
you feel blood under your fingers. great. you think about telling spider-woman to call the ambulance before she goes to catch the bad guy, but she's hurrying towards you before you even have to ask. you can't see her face, but you can tell by her voice that she's worried. 
“are you okay?” she asks. “oh, god, is that blood?”
you hum in response, starting to feel a little dizzy. your eyelids suddenly feel heavier, too. 
“no, no, don't pass out. talk to me. what do you feel?” 
you blink a few times, trying to stay awake. “i don't know… i feel dizzy. and in shock. and it hurts.”
she sighs. “i know, but you can't fall asleep, okay? please. you'll be okay, i just have to get you to a hospital.”
“aren't you going to run after him?”
“that guy? no, i'll just find him later,” she turns to look at your bag. “do you have any tissues or something? we should apply pressure to— you know.”
“no,” you shake your head. “it's fine, i'll just…”
you try to get up, but you soon realize you didn't just hurt your head. you feel sharp pain in your ankle, too. you're not entirely sure you could stand up if you tried. 
spider-woman notices, and she seems even more concerned. “it's not fine. i'll carry you.”
“you can't exactly swing around if your hands are occupied.”
“then i'll walk,” she retorts, inching closer so she can look at your head. “are you sure you don't have anything we can use for that?”
she looks back into your eyes. “you're bleeding a lot.”
she's still for a few seconds. you wonder if she's finally considering the logistical nightmare that would be carrying you to a hospital. you wonder if she's just going to give up leave you there, bleeding and unable to move. 
then, she takes a deep breath and removes her mask, pressing it firmly to your wound, and you wonder if you've gone insane, because the eyes you make contact with are lottie's, and there's no way that isn't a hallucination, right? 
you don't get the privilege of processing this information, though, because the pressure is painful and makes you feel lightheaded again, and soon enough, you pass out. 
— 🕷 —
your eyes sting when you finally open them. it's too bright in the room, both because of the sunlight and because of how… white and clean everything is. 
so she did get you to a hospital. 
you sit up, beginning to register the dull pain that's still present in the back of your head. you look around, and there she is — curled up on a chair beside your bed, blissfully asleep. you smile at how cute she looks, but then you remember last night, and your smile is replaced by a tight feeling in your chest. 
she can't actually be spider-woman… right? 
you clear your throat, not really willing to wait to find out. you hope the conversation you're about to have will be less confusing than the thoughts floating around in your head. 
“lottie?” you call out. 
her eyes immediately snap open, then widen when she realizes you're up. she shifts in the chair, clearly nervous. 
“oh my god, you're awake. how are you feeling?”
“i'm fine.” you pause. “how are you feeling?”
she seems to stiffen. she just looks at you, as if she's trying to think of what to say. 
“you know, since that guy got in quite a few punches.” you add. 
she sighs, looking away. “i thought you were already passed out when i… when i took off the mask. your eyes were already closing.”
it's a confirmation, and you're almost surprised that she didn't try to act confused or change the subject. but it's lottie, and she's never been good at lying to you. 
(despite the fact that she hid her superhero identity from you for the whole duration of your relationship. although, in hindsight, there were a couple of times where it was your own fault you didn't connect the dots.) 
you shake your head. “no, i saw you.”
you can’t really read her; the look on her face — is it shame or relief? maybe it’d be easier to tell if she just looked at you, or said something. anything but the uncomfortable silence filling the room right now.
“i’m also fine,” she says after a few moments, “knuckles were a little bruised but i heal pretty quickly.”
you nod, relieved to hear that, ignoring how surreal everything about this is. you’re not sure which is harder to process — the fact that you had a gun to your back or the fact that the person who saved you from getting shot was spider-woman, who is actually your girlfriend. your chest feels heavy again. she finally looks at you, and you open your mouth to ask her something, but you both speak at the same time. 
“how did—”
“i’m sorry for—”
“you can go first.” you say, offering a small smile.
“i’m sorry i never told you. i wanted to, but it’s just… difficult to get the words out. i didn’t want you to worry, either, that’s the main reason. you already have enough on your plate.” a beat. “but now that you know… it’s fine if you want to break up. i lied to you, and i know it’d be stressful knowing this, so.”
your eyes widen. “what? lottie, i’m not gonna break up with you.”
and, well, you’re pretty sure the look on her face is relief now. 
“no?” she asks quietly, and your heart breaks a little as you realize she fully believed what she said.
“no, of course not. oh my god. come here.”
you shift a little to the side so she can sit next to you, and she does, albeit a little hesitantly. you pull her closer, enjoying the warmth as her body presses into yours. you slide an arm around her waist and pull her in for a gentle kiss, before putting your head on her shoulder.
“are you sure you’re not mad?” she asks.
“i guess i’m more in shock than anything else.”
she tenses a little. “i can’t believe this happened to you. i’m so sorry, i should have stopped him, i…”
“lottie.” you look up at her. “you did what you could. which, speaking of, how did you get there so quickly?”
she grins. “i have my ways.”
you roll your eyes, then close them again, burying your face in her shoulder. a few moments pass where you’re just holding each other in silence, and if you hadn’t just woken up from a coma, you would fall asleep on the spot. as it is, though, you just sit there, breathing in her perfume. 
“does anyone else know?” you ask after a while.
“not really, no. i didn’t want anyone to get wrapped up in this.”
“really? i figured you’d have laura lee as your sidekick or something. you know, have her pray for you every time you go out to do your thing.”
she laughs. “i didn’t think of that. it’s not an entirely bad idea.”
you weakly slap her on the arm. “hey, no. i’m helping you now. i won’t tolerate competition.”
“helping me? you don’t plan on getting a costume of your own, do you?”
“mmm, i was thinking more along the lines of patching you up when you get home. i like seeing you shirtless.”
she grins and pulls you in for another kiss, a little less gentle this time. she slides her arms down to your waist and you let her press your bodies together as tightly as physics allow, melting into her. you still have a lot of questions — both about the life she’s been leading behind your back and the life you two are going to have from now on — but they can wait. for now, you’re content with just getting to kiss her senseless until a nurse comes for a check up.
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jade-04 · 2 years
Dove (Part 1)
Eddie Munson x fem!Henderson!reader and Steve Harrington x fem!Henderson!reader
Summary: Dustin Henderson’s older sister finds herself in a predicament having to choose between Steve “the Hair” Harrington and Eddie “the Freak” Munson
a/n: Hi! This is the first fic I’ve ever written so let me know what I can improve on. This is just the first part and I’ve already written more, just didnt want to release it all at once :) Hope you guys like it!
Warnings: mainly just swearing, that's about it.
“Seriously (Y/N), youre bailing on us?” Robin whined.
“C’mon this is a big chance for me! Besides, I havent bailed on movie nights as much as Harrington has!” You argued back knowing tonight was gonna be big for you. 
A local band was holding auditions for a lead singer and you knew this was your opportunity to show off your skills. The only problem was that the date and time of said auditions happened to fall on your weekly movie night with Steve and Robin. You felt bad, truly you did, but it was the first time you’ve ever missed a movie night.
“Hey! At least my excuses to miss movie nights are valid!” Steve argued back.
“My excuse is valid too! Also, may I remind both of you” you paused, shooting them both desperate glances “that this is the first time I have ever missed movie night. Besides, we’re watching Ghostbusters! Do you understand how many times my brother has forced me to watch that movie with him?” 
“Oh come on, little Henderson has great taste and you know that (Y/N)! It’s a good movie!” Steve began to argue trying to defend your younger brother.
You could never win an argument with Steve, especially if you mentioned Dustins name. He was your brothers favorite person, which made you slightly jealous because that spot used to be yours up until 2 year ago when Steve became his idol. 
“Please guys. I’m begging you!” You whined. “If this audition goes well, this could mean big things for me! This could be my big break!” 
“So… youre telling me that you think your “big break” is gonna come from being the lead singer of a band in a small town like Hawkins?” Robin question you raising an eyebrow. You knew she was skeptical because she just wanted the best for you, but it also didnt help that she knew if you were’nt coming to movie night, neither was Steve. 
She knew something you didnt about Steve and it was the fact that he had a massive crush on you, he has since you worked at the comic book store across from Scoops Ahoy before the mall burnt done. You would come in during your 15 and order a scoop of cherry icecream and sit in the booth closest to the entrance to make sure you could dart across the mall to get back into the shop on time. Gradually, you started to come in more because you started to make friends with Robin, though she hated to admit it, she was a nerd who loved comic books, so you would both always see eachother at work, which slowly turned into becoming best friends with eachother. The more you came in to bug Robin and buy ice cream, the more you and Steve saw of eachother and because of this you and Steve became friends. This also caused him to develop a crush on you.
“We all have to start somewhere and this, this is could be my start!” You were desperate for forgiveness from the two of them and you weren’t going to let this go until they said they would be fine with it. “Please. Ill make it up to you! Double feature next Friday?” You offered up the deal hoping they would take it, you also knew Robin could’nt resist a double feature. 
“Hmmm… okay fine!” Robin said enthusiastically “I get to pick the double feature though!” 
You were so excited that at least Robin was okay with letting go of tonight movie night if it meant getting full control of what movie and it being a double feature next week.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You squealed hugging Robin over the counter excitedly.
“Hey hey hey! I did not agree to this” Steve crossed his arms “First of all, you know how I feel about double features. Second of all, Robin has horrible taste in movies” he motioned to Robin frustratedly.
“She does not! I have absolute faith that she’ll pick a great movie” You said jumping to her defense “Also, I’ll add one more thing to my deal. Okay, Steve?” You glared at him.
“Fine, what is it?” He asked sounding slightly irritated.
“Ill bring you guys lunch tomorrow AND Ill bring dinner for next weeks movie night.” You raised your eyebrows hoping he would take your offer
“And how do you plan on bringing us lunch tomorrow? You work the same time we do.” Steve raised his point hoping you’ll just back down and come to movie night.
“Did you forget my job is right next to the best burger place in town?” You let out a small laugh with confidence knowing this would work. They both can never so no to food, especially if it’s free.
You worked a couple blocks down from the Family Video at a tiny record store, that just happened to be connected to the diner where you, Robin, and Steve would occasionally hang out at after school and before your shifts at your respective jobs. Though Steve was out of school, you and Robin were in the 2nd month of your senior year. You would have been out of school by now if not for your mother deciding to make you go through kindergarten again because you were struggling with comprehension. Robin was the only one who knew, she was your best friend after all, but she really appreciated that she would have a friend with her throughout senior year. 
“Fine, I guess.” Steve said narrowing his eyes at you with a smile. 
You pulled him into a tight hug. “You guys wont regret it! I promise!” You let go, jumping up and down, something that both you and youre brother seemed to do when excited. “Okay okay okay, I have to go now because my break is over in like 5 minutes and I cant have my boss getting mad at me again.” You gave them each a quick hug before running out the store and getting into your car to head back to work. 
It was a couple hours later, your shift just ended and you had about an hour to go home and get ready for your audition. You had no idea what to wear especially because you didn’t want to look overdressed or underdressed. After about 10 minutes of contemplation you decided to keep on your jeans and boots and just switch out your work uniform top for a black satin tank top. You figured it was good enough, but you wanted to accesorize a little. You threw on a couple rings and a necklace your mom and brother got you last christmas. You brushed out your hair and refreshed your makeup leaving you without about half an hour before you needed to leave your house.You wandered out to the living room so you could chill for a bit and calm your nerves before needing to go. You didnt think you were gonna do bad, you were confident in your skills. Mainly you were nervous because you had no idea who was in this band. You just saw the sign for auditions and decided to go for ti. Probably not the best idea, but you were willing to take that risk. 
Before you knew it, it was time to go. You grabbed your jacket and keys and headed out. The location of the auditions was weird. It was at somebodys house which already made you slightly skeptical, but you knew how to protect yourself after everything that’s happened these last few years. You parked at the end of the driveway and as you walked up you were shocked to see that there were only 3 people auditioning and you were the only girl. 
‘Shit’ you thought to yourself starting to regret your decision. You even thought about turning around and just driving to Robins house and enduring through Ghostbusters. You were getting in your head as you started getting closer to the garage the auditions were being held in, but a voice drew you out of your head.
“My my my, do my eyes deceive me or is that (Y/N) Henderson?”
Eddie fucking Munson. 
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 8
Elvis (Movie) x Black!OC
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Summary: Elvis is looking for a break from his stresses, but his problems seem to follow him wherever he goes.
Warning: Racial issues, swearing, mentions of underage tobacco use
Note: It was so difficult for me to write in Elvis’ POV for some reason, so I hope it’s still good
Song: Long Tall Sally by Little Richard
- Elvis POV -
All this damn drama fillin’ my head. Too much stress back home, too much stress out on the streets. Just need a place to clear my head. A place to forget about all of it. Unfortunately, the only place I could think of around here with some real fun is Club Handy.
I been hesitant on coming back here, rather not take my chances with runnin’ into Honey, ‘bout had enough of her recently, but something told me I wouldn’t be seeing much of her in the future. Atleast, that’s how I’m planning it.
“Hey, what up, E.P.?” B.B. lifts his arm to hit me with a casual handshake, greeting me when I walk in the door.
“Ah, you already know.” I say with a defeated sigh in my voice.
King shoots me a quick sympathetic look. “Well, hopefully tonight can help take your mind off things for a while. You know there’s always a good time here.” He gives me a friendly slap on the shoulder, before pushing open the club doors,  smiling pridefully at the gathered audience.
The music immediately overwhelms my senses, drawing me into the room like one big magnet. “Yes, sir.” I agree with a laugh, giving him a pat right back as I watch people groove and shake to the music, doing moves I ain’t never seen before, but things like that are always expected at Handy.
Gonna tell Aunt Mary about Uncle John
He claim he has the misery but he havin’ a lotta fun
Oh baby, yeah baby
A man takes the stage. A man I now know as Little Richard. He sings his heart out to the crowd, looking into the audience with wide eyes and a thrill as he prances across the stage with the mic stand. Folks gather ‘round him, absorbing his energy and enthusiasm deep into their bodies and letting it back out through dancing and screaming.
I follow B.B. lazily to our usual table in the back corner of the club, but my eyes are glued to the stage. A few fans come up to shake my hand along the way and I try my best to engage with them as much as I can without missing too much of the performance. We sit together, a small shadow hiding us from the rest of the club, giving us peace to discuss the artists and, for the first time in a while, observe the atmosphere as an outsider instead of a performer.
“You excited for tomorrow?” B.B. asks.
My eyes perk open wider for a moment, almost forgetting he was next to me at all. I scoff out a sarcastic laugh as I process his question. Nearly forgot about that too… “As excited as I can be. Ain’t allowed to do nothin.” I mumble out while taking a large drink of my cola.
WDIA, a black radio station, is holding one of their annual benefit concerts tomorrow. They got folks like Ray Charles, Rufus Thomas, hell, even King gon’ be there. They asked that I make an appearance, but that’s just it; I’m ‘forbidden’ from performing. Just gotta show my face and leave. Colonel says it’s already enough that I’m risking showing up to ‘a place like that’, and that I can’t keep wiggling all over too. But why the hell else would I become a performer if not to do those exact damn things? I can’t just disappoint my audience like that. Ain’t right.
B.B. chuckles. “I’m surprised they’re even lettin’ a cat like you in. Ain’t never let a white boy on stage with us.”
I scoff at the thought. If only I really could perform tomorrow. Then maybe one day the two of us would be able to actually work together. Colonel though don’t seem too keen on the idea of collaboration’, but I know I can talk some sense into him eventually. Nonetheless, things is finally changing. I’ll make sure of it! I just wish– Honey… could see that… 
Damn. And to think I almost had her out of my head for tonight.
“So, what’s the update with Honey this week?” As if he done read my damn mind.
“Ain’t nothin’ to tell.” I mumble, taking another sip of cola.
He raises a brow, resting his head on his fist with a quiet amusement in his eyes. “Nothin’ to tell or nothin’ you wanna talk about?”
“Both.” I turn my head away, sweeping the audience for said woman, just to make sure the coast is still clear.
He snickers at this, shaking his head. “Don’t worry. She don’t work the club tonight. She’s up cleaning the hotel rooms.”
So she is still here.
Honestly, it hurt like hell knowing I lost one of my best friends, especially over something dumb like this. All the stuff we went together, just to end up like this. Miss those good ol’ days; running around in the sand, sneaking behind our mama’s backs, stealin’ cigarettes from that old man at the end of the block. Man, she was hackin’ up tobacco smoke for hours after one little puff. Shit, she was funny. Always doin’ the damndest things to try and prove herself to us boys. To me.
Wish I could tell her how guilty I feel about everything. After that little kiss I gave her all those years back, I got cold feet. Mama didn’t like me having no girls around. Shit, she still don’t. But even at that young I still knew the world weren’t ready for a girl like Honey. I always thought she the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. It amazes me others don’t see it. She always had this innocent way of lookin’ at life, for better for worse. Shoot, I can’t blame her. Look where my own hopes and dreams got me; Elvis the Pelvis. She always inspired me though. As I aged, I began to fear the pain she’d go through with all her trust and faith in the world. I couldn’t stand the thought of the filthy and savage things they’d said the her. So I thought I’d save her the trouble.
I got scared talking to her after that. Thought if I hung around those old feelings would come back up, and boy, was I right. I tried dating other girls to get her off my mind, but nothin’ worked. I wanted her. Hell, I mighta even loved the damn woman, but I ran away. Guess it’s my turn to feel her pain, Maybe it’s what I deserve. 
She still stubborn as hell though. I tried tellin’ her things would be okay with me by her side, that she’s safe with me and I’d do everything to protect her, but anytime I bring it up it’s like talking to a damn wall. 
“How did you two become so close anyway?” I ask King, more eager for an answer than I planned on sounding.
He puts his hands up in the air. “Hey, I ain’t out to steal your girl or nothin’. I just know talent when I see it.”
I let out a dry laugh. “Apparently Micheal do too.” I mumble, taking a bigger gulp of my cola, the carbonation leaving a quick sting in my throat.
King puts a hand on my back. “Man, you are Elvis Presley! You need to show both of them who you really are. I saw you that night at the party. You let that man walk out of there with your woman!” He exclaims in disbelief. 
I snap my head up, warning in my eyes. “I ain’t let him do nothin’! I was thinkin’ bout what Honey wanted!” I say in defense.
I ain’t no fool. I’m well aware why she’s doin’ what she’s doin’. Ain’t happy bout it, but I get it. I can’t stop her from wanting to be a singer or wanting a safe husband and kids. She’s knows Michael’s willing and able to give her that. I just wish she’d stop thinking he’s the only option. King could set her up with 10 better records than that asshole ever could. And marrying Michael won’t protect her from shit. Hell, she’d be better off marrying me. At least I’d-
Marrying me…
“And how’s that treatin’ ya?” King asks, eyebrow raised like he already knows the answer.
The only excuse I can think of is to shake my head. I need to get these thoughts out my head. I about had enough of ‘em.
The crowd screams as Little Richard jumps atop the stage’s piano and begins tearing his clothes off. He squeezes his eyes shut with every scream he lets out. I chuckle in amazement at his energy, finding his stage presence so powerful and entertaining.
“Damn, he sure know how to put on a show!” I holler out to King, who still looks at me with doubtful eyes.
Well I saw Uncle John with bald-head Sally
He saw Aunt Mary coming and ducked back in the alley
Oh baby, Yeah baby
Obnoxious and loud whoops start coming from the entrance, overpowering the rest of the crowd. What drunk bastards got in here this time? I spin my head around to look over my shoulder. A group of familiar men enter the club.
God must really be testing me recently.
Out comes Michael from his band mates, smiling. Something’s different about him though. Cocky, and laid back. Acting more like a wad of shit than normal.
As much as I can’t stand thinking about that damn woman anymore, I can’t help but still be concerned with what she’d got goin’ on with Michael. I ain’t trusted that man since the moment we met. Everything was always competition with him growing up. Although entertaining at first, now that we’re adults, it’s all so childish.
I know Honey’s just scared, but the way she’s been acting is completely unlike her, nothing like she used to be. That don’t mean I forgive her or that it hurts any less, but something just ain’t right.
His crew goes off in different directions, mostly to the bar, while Michael shuffles his way to a table. He sits, waving his had to call someone over. A woman jumps excitedly over to him, sitting in his lap to give him a kiss. He looks down at her with lusty eyes, grabbing a handful of her bottom. All done in the middle of the same damn club he knows Honey works at.
I see the apple don’t fall far from the tree with this band. I can’t believe this God damned man. I knew it!
His eyes flick up, looking just past her head and staring right back at me. He smirks with a smug eyebrow raises, giving me a ‘what are you gonna do about it?’ look.
My knuckles turn white, wrapped around my coke bottle while I watch him. There are many things I’d like to do right now, none of which should be acted on. I should just leave before I do something I’ll regret. Last thing I want on top of all this is Colonel on my ass again.
I burst up from my chair, the piece of furniture making a hard squeak against the wooden floor as I turn for the door.
“Hey! EP! Where you goin’?” King calls.
“Out.” I say sternly, never taking my eyes off the creature across the room from me.
Michael’s glare turns dark, instantly telling the woman all over him to get off so he can follow me outside.
I push my way through the crowd and into the stairwell, not surprised when I hear the doors open and close a few seconds later.
“So what now? You gon’ tell her, pretty boy?” His voice asks from behind me.
I bite my cheek, holding back on my anger. “Why not? I know you ain’t.”
He’s amused by this, laughing dryly, but threateningly. “You know how hard I worked to have her? All those years of you distracting her with your dumb little dances, I finally got her. So just accept that you tripped and mind your damn business.”
I throw my hands in the air in frustration. “Man, it is pathetic seein’ what happened to you. Playin’ marbles one day, feudin’ like this the next, and all over a girl. We grew up together, for Godsake. And I thought I knew you better than to be goin’ about and lyin’ behind a woman’s back, Honey’s no less.”
“Don’t pretend to know a damn thing about me and my life, Presley.” He threatens.
Already knowing where he’ll take this, I ignore his remark and cut back to my only concern. “I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing with her, but if I ever find out you hurt her-”
All he does is laugh and shake his head while he kicks a piece of rubble on the ground. “I ain’t doing nothin’ she don’t want me to do to her. Ain’t nothin’ you need to be worried about.” He smiles.
I slam my fist onto the failing, feeling the metal shake against the wall. “Like hell it ain’t nothin’ I need to worry about! Together or not, she’s like family to me, and you were once too! I’ll be damned if I let something happen to her.”
He cocks his head to the side, examining me. “Don’t tell me little white boy’s in love?” He scoffs. “I’ve known since we were kids that y’all had somethin’ goin’ on, and I saw y’all dancin’ the other night too. Honestly, I’m fine with it.” He puts his hands up in a surrender way, stepping closer to me until he can put his hand on my shoulder in fake comfort. “She knows she has to give you up. Besides, heartbreak records are top sellin’, and I promise to provide her with any extra comfort she may need.” 
I smack his arm off, stepping back in disgust. “She’d never be dumb enough to fall for your horse shit. You don’t know nothin’ about her.”
He comes back closer to me. I try not to let our height and weight difference get to me, cause I know damn well if it came down to Honey, I’d kick his ass in a heartbeat. Over my dead body would I let him get away with something like that. He glares into my eyes, carrying a sudden sense of seriousness in them. “So when I ask her to come to Chicago with me tomorrow, she’ll turn me down? When I tell her how much more she’ll be accepted, how much more money she’ll be making up North compared to this pissant place, she’ll say no? And why? Cause you? After all the times she’s tried to hide you from me, you still think you’re that special?”
I stay quiet, unable to think of a good comeback. Just then, King walks out, hesitantly walking over to me as he quietly reads the situation.
Michael sighs in a pitiful  and mocking way, not minding one bit that King has joined us. “Look, she’s coming to Chicago with me. She’s gonna make out label millions, and by then, she’ll either be so grateful for everything I did for her that she’ll marry me and stay home everything with our kids while I run the company, or once she’s used out and proven worthless, I’ll personally drop her off on your doorstep and you can have her then. Sound good?”
Without any further thought, I push him against a wall with a growl, slamming his back into the bricks.
King immediately starts pulling on my shoulders, trying to get me to back away from Michael. “Elvis. Hey! He ain’t worth it!”
I yank myself away from the both of them, loosening my tensed muscles with a few shakes while I catch my breath. “She’s gonna see right though you, you manipulatin’ pig!”
He chuckles, tilting his head back against the wall. “We’ll find out then. “He challenges. He pushes off the bricks and turns back into the club, but stops right before the doors. “Oh, and word of advice. Stay in your lane, white boy.” He glares before going inside.
I stay standing in the same spot. King says something, but in this moment I can hear absolutely nothing. If I ever see him near Honey again, Lord knows what I’ll do. I have to tell her. I have to warn her!
I look up to the ceiling as if it’d help me hold in my rage, but in my heart, I can’t help but doubt. What if she does go?
Have some fun
Havin’ me some fun tonight
- Tag List -
@tearupmyhead @chouetteschaussettes @il-giardino @theliterarybeldam @re3kin @anangelwhodidntfall @felicityroth @crash-and-cure @mama-pankow @tzillas @wonderlandlovelove @mirandastuckinthe80s @queenslandlover-93 @coconutessential @pumkiinpasties @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @biafbunny @darkestbeforethedawn16
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littlegiantposts · 2 years
Magic of Retail
pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem!reader
summary: more nervous bakugo more nervous bakugo more nervous bakugo
warning: some swearing
a/n: indulgent as frick! i just wanted a place to post so dont expect much lol
Y/n didn’t really like opening shifts
They were too boring cuz no one goes to the mall at 10 in the morning
But let’s formerly meet her, yea?
Meet retail y/n
She works at a gift/retail store. The products r like pop culture stuff like favorite shows and movies
Y/n is a pretty damn good sales associate too, probably the best you can find
She knows how to talk to people and find them the perfect gift
She’s hardworking
And not to mention totally effortlessly gorgeous
She may be just folding some shirts but she looks damn good doing it
“Why did I have to come with you, shitty hair?”
U can already guess who entered the gift shop ಠ_ಠ
“You already know Mina’s birthday is coming up and we gotta get her the best gift, man” Kiri expressed with a sigh
Y/n perked up as she overheard a opportunity to get a sale, she makes her way over, all pretty and all
"Hey guys! Are we looking for any favorite shows or movies today?" Y/n said for the trillionth time that day
"Oh, yeah! Actually. We are looking for a gift and I know she likes this show," Kirishima offers his phone to show a poster/pic of said show, "If you guys have anything with the show?"
While Kirishima was talking, but Bakugo was too busy looking at how pretty you were
like you know in those movies when the opposing love interest walks in and it seems as if they are walking in slo mo? With the wind rushing through their hair and there is a spotlight on solely on them?
Yeah, Bakugo never believed in love at first sight
But with you, he might consider it
back to looking for Mina's bday gift :D
Y/n leads them to the section in which had Mina's fav show at the moment
"Yeah, so we have some apparel items, but mostly merchandise items as of right now as it is a popular show" Y/n informs Kiri and love struck Bakugo
Bakugo got heart eyes dead ass
Mf looking like (。♥‿♥。)
but to you he sort of looks creepy with the dumbfound expression lol
"Wow! Thanks so much, this is great!"Kirishima
Yeah, got ya! My name’s y/n if you need anything
Some time passes and Kirishima has found the perfect gift
He asks for bakugo’s opinion and he says, “yeah, Pinky’s gonna love that” in a gruff voice
Acting as if he doesn’t want be there
But secretly he keeps making glances at you while you are refolding shirts
Y/n makes her rounds around the store and stood by the pair, “found a good gift, guys?”
“Yeah! Thanks for your help. I think we are ready to check out” Kiri adds
And bakugo realizes the window of seeing you is closing
However Kiri ends up going through the transaction and they end up leaving the store
Much to bakugo’s internal dismay
They go to a couple of different stores and it looks like their shopping spree is about to end
Bakugo takes his chances and mutters to Kiri, “I left something, I’ll meet you at the pretzel stand, then we’ll go”
Kiri is confused
Bakugo doesn’t really carry a lot of stuff with him
But he goes along and agrees
Bakugo runs
I mean sprints
Back to that same gift shop you’re working at
Hoping that you are still working you’re shift
He gets there, a bit panting
He walks around
Scouting the area
He doesn’t see you :(
He is frowning
Did he miss his chance
He looks down
“Finding everything okay? Oh, hi again! What’s up”
It was like music to his ears
He looks up and sees you in all your pretty glory
In reality, u just came back from ur 15 minute break
But to bakugo he felt it was destiny maybe
He just stared at you
He didn’t realize he didn’t respond
Did I say something wrong..??? Y/n thought
“Just looking at the key chains…I’m guessing haha” y/n tries to play off this conversation
“Y-yeah I was looking if you guys had a different size” bakugo just throws out there in desperation of saying anything
( •︠ˍ•︡ )
Bakugo forgot he was standing in front of the keychain stand.
There’s no sizes for the keychains
They r all one size
No varying size here
Bakugo felt his cheeks go warm in embarrassment
“I-I mean-”
He gets cut off by your laugh
Oh, what a beautiful sound it was
He could here it all day
Your laughter dies down a bit and you say, “unfortunately, all of our keychain sizes don’t vary so this is what we have” with wiping a stray tear from laughing
“Right, uh, I’m” bakugo looks at the keychain stand
He stares at it hard
None of the keychains look familiar to him
So he just picks one at random
“I’m gonna get this one and I’ll be ready to check out.” He manages
“Perfect! I’ll ring you up on the first register”
(Side note: y/n is actually not on register. She was a wing woman for the day, mainly just getting sales and talking to customers. But she found this blonde customer really cute and wanted to keep talking to him. So she hopped on register for this transaction)
(But don’t tell bakugo that shhh)
Bakugo swears his heart is gonna beat out of his chest at any moment
So you guys are going through the transaction like normal and u ask
“So what’s you’re fav character from (insert your fav show or movie)”
Bakugo freezes
Should he know this??
“You’re keychain, it’s from (fav show or movie) ofc haha I really like it too”
Bakugo feels his head go a bit dizzy
Literal red sirens go off in his head
He doesn’t know anything about this show/movie
He looks down at the keychain for help
It doesn’t give any help tho ಥ_ಥ
Bakugo decides to come clean, “to be honest, I only got this so I can talk to you” he says all in one breathe
Now you are the one who doesn’t know what to say
How sweet awww
You turn into a tomato
You’re heart rate picks up
U start sweating a bit from the heat
“U-uh well” you look down awkwardly and immediately print the receipt, hastily pick up a coupon and scribble something, placing his item in a bag and handing it to him, “thank you! Have a great rest of your day!”
Bakugo stared at you
He definitely messed up
He wanted to kick himself
“I- oh, uh. Thank….you” he said quietly
He walks out of the store with his bag
Dazed from the encounter while he meets back with Kiri who is chowing down on a pretzel
“U want some bakugo?”
Bakugo’s too sad
He really ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
He should’ve said something more cool
Both are walking back, specifically to the bus stop
They get on the bus
Bakugo gets the window seat
He stares out the window with all the melancholy he can muster
He looks at the mall, thinking of you, and sighs
He looks down at his bag
He notices the coupon
There’s black marker on it
He scrunches his eyebrows
He reaches down into the bag, grabbing the coupon
It’s a 30% off coupon for his next purchase
Hm, not bad
He flips it over
And there it is
A phone number hastily written in black marker
Bakugo’s eyes go wide
A small smile makes its way onto his face
Kiri turns and notices said smile. He gets suspicious hmmm
Bakugo quickly shoves the coupon into the bag
“Happy with what you got?" Kiri asks quizzically at his friend
Oh, because bakugo is smiling down at this brown paper bag
Let me repeat that
Kiri thinks this is like a milestone
“Yeah, I’m happy with what I got” he answers
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (pt. 3)
Pairing: JJ x Female!Reader / Topper x Female!Reader 
Warnings: underage drinking, mild swearing, mentions of drugs 
Words count: 2k (it’s short but the next part is long) 
Part Summary: As the night dwindles away, JJ feels pressured to secure a place in your life. His chances grow times ten when Sarah arrives with some interesting news. 
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You and JJ share a log around the fire. His arm rests over your thigh, his hand gripping your knee slightly. Your chin rests on his shoulder as you two exchange whisper back and forth, making the Pogues sick with how lovey-dovey you two already are becoming. 
“What are you doing tomorrow?” JJ asks, kinda hoping he could ask you for real date but he’ll understand if you already have plans. 
“Hanging out with you,” you cheekily answer, earning a blushing grin from him. 
“Oh! cool, cool...” He presses his lips together with a faint laugh, finding it hard to hide his childish grin. 
You giggle at his bashfulness. He’s so shy around you and you can’t help but find it adorable. 
"Here comes Sarah!" Kiara announces as he spots their friend's car rolling up the drive. 
You and JJ finally break your hype-focused attention away from each other. Almost to make up for the lack of verbal communication, JJ shifts closer to you and plants a quick peck to your temple. 
"Hey! Sorry for the delay!" Sarah announces as she walks over from her car. John B rises from his position, trying to intercept Sarah before she sees you and JJ. Once she reaches John B, she notices how you and JJ are sitting. Her brows scrunch together, but she does her best to mask her confusion. "My parents were having a hissy fit about me borrowing the car. I told them and Y/N's parents that we were staying the night at Kiara's since she doesn't feel well. I hope that's okay, Kie," she asks as she gets closer to the bonfire. 
"Yeah, no problem!" Kiara waves her hand, not caring at all. 
"Wait, so what's the game plan?" You ask Sarah, but also everyone else for their input. You're thankful for the group's help, but weren't exactly prepared for an overnight stay. You understand why Sarah did this nonetheless. 
"You all can stay here tonight," John B shrugs as the Pogues do it all the time. 
"Your parents believed it," Sarah assures you. "I would just text your parents to help it seem more legit." 
"Okay! I'll text my mom," you comply with enthusiasm. 
Hey, I told Sarah to tell you but in case she didn't, we're staying over at Kiara's tonight. I had to drive her home in her dad's car because we think she got food poisoning or something. I'll text you when I'm heading out in the morning. Sarah can drive me home or something :)
"Finally! It'll be nice not being the only girl! I was kinda hoping you and Sarah would stay over anyway," Kiara adds, offering you a kind smile. 
"That makes two of us," JJ whispers for only you to hear. 
"My folks were pretty pissed about me ditching on the party, so I feel no urge on going home," Sarah huffs, right as John B asks for her to help him inside real quick. 
You and JJ watch as John B escorts Sarah inside by the arm. They try to be nonchalant, but it's so obvious they're freaking out. Sarah's whispers aren't exactly quiet and John B's doing his best to fill her in on what he knows. 
JJ turns his face toward yours with a smirk, suppressing his laughter. "They're definitely talking about us." 
"Oh for sure!" You nod slowly with a snicker. 
You two share in your amusement as your friends slowly lose their minds. A Pogue from The Cut was caught kissing the Princess of the OBX. If your friends from the other side of the island found out they would have an even more dramatic reaction. 
Your phone buzzes in your lap and it's from your mom. 
Ok. Text me when you wake up. 
"All set!" You voice to everyone remaining around the fire. "I doubt they'll even care since "I'm still on the Figure 8,” you make air quotes. 
"Yay!" Kiara claps her hands. 
"I say we watch a scary movie tonight!" JJ suggests beside you. 
"The Conjuring!" You vote swiftly, earning a laugh from JJ. 
"No!" Pope instantly refuses. "Nope! Last time we watched that you guys made me sleep on the porch and I heard creeks all night!" 
"Aw, I'll stay with you tonight Pope," Kiara offers, reaching for her friend's hand with a pout. "I'll keep you safe from all the ghosties." 
JJ leans in brushes his lips against your ear. "You gonna keep me safe?" 
You smile softly, turning your head toward him as you nod slowly. "I'll have your back if you have mine." 
His beautiful eyes meet yours in the gold flickering light of the fire. "Always, Baby." He plants a kiss to your lips, this time slow and comforting, as though you two have been doing it forever. 
All six of you are gathered in the living room, watching The Conjuring. John B and JJ insisted that all lights in the house must be off, much to Pope's dismay. Kiara and Pope are positioned on the carpet, their backs against the couch. Pope has been hiding in a ball with his face behind the blanket he shares with Kiara. Sarah and John B are sprawled comfortably on the couch, well invested in the movie. You and JJ share the old red recliner, tucked close in a ball under a comforter. Right before the movie starts to get interesting, you shift forward in your position. JJ whines, disappointed in the loss of contact. His pouty face makes you giggle and he playfully tries to keep you close by holding onto your wrist. 
"I need another drink, anyone else?" You offer quietly, making sure not to step on Kiara or Pope on the floor on the way to the kitchen. You receive various forms of declines as you do your best to navigate your way through the dark and unfamiliar house. 
Finally finding yourself in the kitchen, you make yourself a glass of water. The moonlight shining through the window over the sink acts as your saving grace. Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms slip around your waist, causing you to jump. 
"Hey, Gorgeous," the blonde whispers against your neck. 
"JJ!" You gasp your heart racing. 
"Did I scare you?" He chuckles quietly to not alert the others. 
You spin in his hold and nudge him on the shoulder playfully. "You did that on purpose!"
"Not really but-" In one swift motion, JJ picks up and places you on the counter. He parts your legs to stand between them. His palms glide up and down your thighs. "That I did mean to do," he smirks, biting down on his lip. 
"JJ! Y/N! You're going to miss the wardrobe part!" Pope shouts, his voice shaky with fear. 
"I wish I had spoken to you sooner," JJ confesses abruptly, completely his friend in the next room. All he cares about right now is you. 
"Dido," you smirk, placing your arms over JJ's shoulders. 
"Really?" He voices in disbelief. Despite how much you've reassured him or have reciprocated his affections, he still isn't convinced that you truly like him. 
"That first time I saw you at the Cameron's?" You recall with raised brows. "Um, yeah! You looked hot in that pale green Ron Jon shirt." 
"I can't believe you remember that," he shakes his head, leaning in closer to you. I thought there was no way you'd know who I am." 
"JJ," you say his name in a mild groan with a toss of your head. How can this boy not see how amazing he is? "You're definitely worth remembering." 
"It was at the Boneyard," he states a matter-of-factly. 
"What was?" You grin. 
"The first time I ever saw you," he tilts his head back slightly, relieving his sharp jawline. "You were dancing with Topper on the wall. The fire made your skin glow and shimmer like bronze. You wore a navy blue bikini with ripped white booty shorts. Your hair was half up and all I could think about was how much I wanted to run my fingers through it. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen," he tells you, never once breaking eye contact. 
"That was last summer!" You can't believe he remembers that. 
"I know," he replies as though it's completely ordinary. 
Your jaw drops, "you're saying you've been waiting to talk to me for a year?!" 
"Okay well, when you put it that way," he tries to play it off and be cool now. 
"Aw JJ!" You express a little too excitedly, bringing your hands to his cheeks. 
JJ is quick to press his hand over your mouth. "Shh, Baby. Before you alert everyone in the living room!" Mischievously, you plant a kiss on his palm, catching him off guard. JJ swallows hard, peering down at you with hooded eyes.  "Okay, now you're just teasing me." 
You place your hand over his and remove it from your mouth. "You make it too easy," you giggle in a whisper. 
JJ simply stares down at your lips as he bites down on his own. Before you have a chance to react, he hungrily presses his lips to yours. Ever kiss up until now has been gentle, new, and hesitant. Now, JJ is forgetting his nerves and is acting on impulse. He breaks away from you and moves his assault to your neck. You comb your fingers through his thick blonde hair, gripping the strands on the back of his neck. 
"JJ," you pant breathlessly as your eyes fall shut. "What are you doing?" 
"Making up for lost time," he breathes against your neck. I'm really kicking myself right now." 
"It's my fault too," you try to speak as JJ makes a track down your neck to your collarbone. "I could've at least said 'hi' instead of smiling like an idiot." 
"At least you were nice," JJ mumbles against your chest. "I was a statue. Plus, I always thought you and Rafe may be-"
"Ew! Don't even finish that sentence," you scoff in disgusts. 
"You were always at the Cameron's. He's always on top of you and watches you like a hawk," JJ explains as he pops up for air. 
"He's had a thing for me for a while now. I've turned him down," you inform him.  
JJ frowns in confusion. "Why?" 
You figured it would've been obvious, especially considering how much JJ hates Rafe. "He's an arrogant ass. He thinks he's invincible and I hate people like that." 
"Well, you can tell him you're taken now," JJ grins, leaning in to kiss you. 
"Oh, I am?" You question playfully against his lips. 
"Yep," the boy nods as he begins to glide his lips across your jawline. "You're mine... and only mine..." He whispers, making you bite your lip with anticipation. Boy, this kid knows how to get you turned on. "I'll make sure everyone in the OBX knows it too," he declares as he starts to suck on the sensitive skin on your neck. At the rate JJ is going, he's certain to leave a mark or two, just as he wanted. 
"You guys!" Kiara calls this time. 
JJ huffs with annoyance as he appears out from your neck. "Coming!" He shouts, completely unfazed by what he was just doing. "Got you're so sexy," he plants a quick peck to your lips. "I hope you know I'm going to be dying through this entire movie." 
Ever the gentleman, he grips your waist and helps you down from the counter. He slips his hand into yours and grabs your water with the other before leading the way back into the living room. 
"She couldn't find the sodas in the fridge. I had to grab a new box from the back," he conjures up as you two cross the living room toward the recliner. 
"Sureee," John B and Sarah say in unison with amusement. 
"Sorry guys, what did we miss?" You ask while you and JJ get settled. 
After you take a quick sip from your water, you place it on the side table between the recliner and the couch before getting comfortable again with JJ. 
"Nice water, Y/N." Sarah giggles as she peaks over from the couch at your hand, earning an eye roll from JJ. 
"The crazy demon lady jumped on the daughter. I hate this!" Pope rushes out to answer your question. 
"Oh my God! You're fine, Pope!" Kiara groans, not hiding her annoyance. 
"I wish it wasn't so dark in here!" Pope shouts dramatically. 
"I kinda like it," JJ purrs in your ear. 
You turn your head to the side and he plants a kiss on your lips. As the others watch the movie, you and JJ spend most of the time whispering back and forth or too caught up in each other physically to talk at all. Of course, you two are respectful of your friends and keep it PG. Yet, you can't get enough of each other. It's all so soon, energetic, and freeing. As the thought of tomorrow morning lingers in the back of your mind, you’re starting to dread the idea of parting from JJ. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things
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vannybarber · 3 years
Know Your Place
Summary: Christopher Jamal Evans puts your ass in place.
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Chris Jamal Evans x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, aggressive behavior (nothing serious), mentions of cheating, implied smut, degrading.
This is based off of Barbershop: The Next Cut with Terri, Rashad, and Draya, with their whole situation😂.
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"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here."
"Fine!" You rush around to your car door and slam it shut once you get inside. You watch Chris go to his, also slamming it shut but not for the same reason as you. You were more so the reason.
Starting the car and driving off with him right on your tail, you turn the music up to drown out the many cars that honk at your recklessness and poor wheel skills. If only they knew, they would be acting just like you.
You had come over to the building where Chris was shooting a movie with his female costar, Melanie. You absolutely despised her because she often came onto Chris. Both infront of you and when you weren't around. Of course he shot her down every time because he knows better. He knew you weren't the one to be played with.
But today, when you didn't see him as soon as you walked inside the shoot, you scan the room for Melanie. Not seeing her either, you began to roam around through the halls. You look in a room and see his stuff on a couch inside. You walk into the room calling his name.
"Chris? Baby, where you at?" You check in the bathroom and its empty. "Boy, I got your nasty seafood salad. Where the hell are you?" You scan the room one more time before smacking your lips and heading to the door.
Chris was in the closet changing when Melanie came in trying to feel up on him. He was getting ready to finally cuss her out, but he heard you yelling for him and so he freaked, shutting the door. He specifically told her not to make a sound and she followed orders, up until the last minute.
As you hit the threshold, you hear something hit the floor. The sound seemed to have come from the closet. You pause, scared at first because it was evident that no one was in the room except you. But then you grow suspicious because Chris and that bitch were both missing. You turn around slowly and stalk towards the door.
Chris was fuming when she knocked the box over, but then started to freak when he heard you walking over to the closet door. He gave her the look with a mix of panic and 'I'm gonna fucking kill you'. He sees the door handle turn and prepares for your wrath because you damn sure were gonna give it to him.
You open the door and there was your man and Melanie. Her hands were covering her mouth, eyes wide. Your eyes relocate to Chris and his shirt was halfway on his torso. He clambers to get it fully in, stepping towards you and away from her.
"Babe, just listen and you'll understand everything. She came in while I was changing and-" he doesn't get a chance to finish, for your voice overpowered his.
"You got five seconds to explain to me what the fuck you're doing." You hand is still on the door, not planning on letting them out the closet just yet. Chris was confused, but discerned that you weren't talking to him. You were talking to Melanie. He looks back at her and she was now biting her nail, clearly anxious.
"Look, Y/N, I really don't want any problems." She is trying to be straight about it, but her voice is fastened with fear. She knew exactly what you were capable of and she still is trying to bullshit you.
"You don't want want no problems? You've been trying to sleep with my man since the first day you found out you were working with him!" You must look like boo boo the fool for her to think she was pulling this shit on you.
"And as for you Christopher," you turn towards him, jabbing your finger in his chest, "what the hell are you thinking? Are y'all just lying to me and actually messing around?" You had no problem whooping both their asses.
"Y/N no! Listen, she came inside the closet while I was changing and I was going to kick her out, but I heard you coming and I just...freaked out." He's trying to dissolve the situation, but is only making it worse.
"You instead of coming out, you decide to stay in there with her? You see how this is worse right? You're just giving her the benefit to think she could even get with you. This is entertainment for her. Don't you realize that?" Now your hand was off the door and balled into a fist because you were 2.5 seconds from losing it.
"Baby, I was going to put my foot down this time. I know its long overdue, but I didn't want any issues with the people I work with. And I should've realized how unfair that was to you. I'm sorry. But don't think I would ever cheat on you." He grabs your arm and pushes you back so he could get out the closet.
"Yeah, you damn right. All this could've been avoided. She's harassing you. You need to report her ass!" You snag your arm away from him and point back at her, who's now trying to ease out of the closet. You catch her and she runs off, you not far behind. You damn sure were not a runner, but you were going super sonic right now.
She turns down she same way you came to find them and Chris is right on your ass too. You guys get to the front of the building and you lunge for her, but no contact was made for Chris had you in a hold. You brawl against his wide chest and eventually give up when he doesn't let go.
People are watching in absolute shock and some even were laughing their asses off. It would've been even funnier if Chris had let you get one hit in. Of course that didn't happen since he scooped you up with minimal effort.
"Y/N chill! Stop, you're making a fucking scene!" He grabs on your flailing arms, yanking them back.
"I don't give a shit! Let me get her. Just one good time," you plead and scream at the same time. He literally drags you away outside with great struggle since you weren't giving in. When he got you out there, you accepted your defeat and he let you go, watching you extra closely in case you pulled a fast one.
"You should've let me get her! Why the hell you stop me?!" He runs his hands through his hair, obviously frustrated and very much embarrassed. But you could care less. She needed her ass whooped.
"It's not worth it. We need to go now!"
"I don't have to go anywhere!" You could give less of a fuck if the onlookers labeled you as 'the angry black woman'. Because infact, you are a black woman. And damn right you were angry.
"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here!"
After reminiscing over the lovely previous moments, you pull up at your even lovelier home. You hop out the car and open the gate. Walking back to the car you peek and see Chris with his arm against the window, leaning on it and watching you. For sure he had a headache by now.
Instead of pulling up all the way into the driveway, you park at the end, leaving no room for Chris to drive in.
"Really? Pull all the way in!" You sit for a minute with your arms crossed for a bit of rebellion before complying like a child. Only because you didn't want to walk the extra way to the door of course. When you park again, Chris pulls in and gets out to shut the gate.
You were already unlocking the door and stepping in, but before you could slam it in his face, he was right behind you. You toss the keys and kick off your shoes.
"Where are you going?" You hear him call from the front of the house.
"None of your business." You were just going to the fridge to get your pineapple juice. You drink it almost every single day. And you definitely needed some right now.
"Okay we need to discuss what the fuck just happened. What the hell was that Y/N?" He's standing across the kitchen island from you staring in anger.
"Well for one, I caught you in a closet half naked with that bitch after I called your name repeatedly. Then she's playing in my face and you're trying to defend her! You really need an explanation for my actions, Chris?" You close the bottle and slam it on the counter.
"Look Y/N, I explained to you what happened. I am sorry. I knew that if I had came out that closet with her, you'd still react the same way, probably even worse. I was literally fearing for my life, no joke." He puts his hands up in surrender. You almost laugh.
"I rather you just have came out and told me straight up. Yeah, I would be mad of course. Who wouldn't? But you made it more difficult yourself." You still have an attitude and even though he apologized, you still wanted to be mad.
"Baby, I tell you you're beautiful everyday. Why? Because I want you to know that no other woman could ever be at the level you are for me. I want you to know that you're the only one I see and there isn't anyone else for me." He's now standing infront of you, his 6'0 figure imposing over your frame.
You can't and won't lie that those words had you in your feels. You swear, Geminis really are sweet talkers. You could've gave in right then. But not just yet.
"You sound like a real bitch right now." You fold your arms and look at him with testy eyes. You slightly regret saying that because what he said was genuine. But who are you without some back talk?
His eyes go caliginous. You've only seen this a one time when you've stepped out of line with him. Your big mouth could argue for days, but you never held a grudge. You kind of forced yourself to keep going as if you were still upset. Stubborn was an understatement.
You scratch your straightened hair nervously before flattening it back down. You internally hope it wasn't obvious that you lamented what you had just said.
"I already apologized to you and explained what happened. Now you can be mature and we can have a real conversation or you can be childish and act like you're still upset and we can end it right here." He steps closer to you, if that's even humanly possible. "But this is will be the first and last time you call me a bitch. Got it?"
He's breathing heavily on your face. If only you could see your face right now. It would read shock, with a bit of fear. He never checked you like this and let you get away with a lot. But this right here, was well deserved. But the way he's over you and his voice lowering with a sharp tone had you...turned on.
Something about him putting you in place made you wet and excited. All the fear had vanished almost immediately. You finally respond.
"Yes," you say quietly, nodding your head. "I'm sorry." Your eyes remained on him looking up through your lashes nibbling your lip. If only you knew what it was doing to him.
The sight of your body go automatically submissive to him after he got firm with you threw him in a complete frenzy. He was dominant most times, but you had many moments where you didn't back down to a challenge and took the lead. You not clapping back and apologizing threw him off a slight bit, but did not disappoint him. It turned him on.
"Good girl." He grabs your arm, spins you around so that your back is turned to him and bends down next to your ear.
"Go into the room, take off everything but your panties and lie on the bed. Mkay?" He moved his hands behind your arm to your lower back. You might as well save yourself the embarrassment and take off your panties too because once he sees the tropical storm, it's a wrap burrito. But you nod your head in compliance.
He gives you a smack on the butt and pushes you forward. You walk the rest of the way to the room and follow his exact orders. You remove every clothing item except the saltwater cloth covering your most needy part. You lay on the bed and wait for him.
He comes in a few moments later and eyes you down, making sure you followed his instructions. Of course you would. He stands in front of the bed and starts to remove his clothes. The entire time his eyes alternate from your body to your eyes. It made you nervous, but still excited.
"I'm very much used to your little tantrums and what not, but there's a limit. And when you pass that limit and step out of line, you need to be taught a lesson." He's in just his briefs by the end of his sentence and crawls in the bed.
You adjust yourself onto your back, shamelessly welcoming him to help himself to you. He positions in between your legs and lowers his face to yours, lips gliding against yours and pulling back when you try to kiss him. You pout and he smirks a little.
"Tell me what you want, honey" he whispers as he rubs up your leg to your thigh, grazing his fingers against your soaked panties. Just when you thought you couldn't get any wetter. Damn.
"I want you to touch me. Please." Your hands are gripping the sheets just thinking about his hands on your body. You completely forgot about messing up your hair as you throw your head back when he starts circling his fingers on your clit.
"I'm starting to think that this isn't very punishing for you, sweetheart." He picks up pace and reaches for your boob, kneading it full in his palms. "You seem to really be enjoying it. A little too much."
You weren't even listening to him, only chasing your orgasm, rolling your hips against his forceful touch. You successfully make it a few seconds to cumming before he snatches his finger away. You pick your head up right away, looking appalled.
"Why'd you stoooop?" you whine out. He looks at you innocently.
"Hmm that's just something us bitches like to do." Before you could respond, he flips you over and smacks your right cheek. "These have been on way too long." He pulls your panties off quicker than Pietro Maximoff. Tossing them to the floor, he starts his teasing.
"Damn, Y/N. All this is for me? If this doesn't tell me you loved the beginning of your lesson, I don't know what does."
He drags his fingers through your wet lips, coating them with your wetness. He brings his hands to his face to taste the mess you made for him.
"Hmm. That pineapple juice is kicking in fast."
The entire time he's talking, you're moving around coding him to stop teasing you and do something to make you feel good.
"You really are a desperate whore, huh?" You moan in the sheets in agreement. You were never into name calling, but it was something with Chris that made you love it.
He lowers down to your pussy, breathe frisking over it. You shiver and wait for him to start.
"As much as both you and I would love this, you don't deserve it. So ass up." You internally start cursing him out, calling him all things forbidden. But you comply and slightly lift your lower half.
Chris gets directly behind you and lines up with your entrance. When did he even take his briefs off? You inhale sharply at the contact and moan as he slips inside you with little to no effort. He fills you quick, starting his thrusts right away.
Your left cheek is against the mattress and both hands are gripping the sheets.
"Oh my- fuck!"
"How's it feel baby?" He asks you, going deeper at every thrust back inside you. Between the loud claps of your bodies, your pornographic moans and the sounds of your WAP, he knew the answer.
"It feels so good Chris" you manage to get out between breathes that were suddenly hard to take. You suddenly get a hard slap on your right cheek, making you squeal.
"That's not my name." You quickly correct yourself.
"Look at this" he starts thrusting faster, both of you not far from climax.
"Just an hour ago you were bitchin' about me and now you're basically grovelling at my feet. You can barely make a word. I guess I'm not such a bitch now, huh? " He locks your arms behind you and you automatically lift your ass up further, helping him slide in you even easier.
"No Daddy, I'm s-sorry." He groans and grabs a fistful of your hair and leans down to your ear. Normally you would be pissed because he touched your hair, especially since it was just done. But you could give less of a damn right now.
"Yeah I bet you are. Would a bitch be fucking you like this? Hm?" He pounded into you hard at every word. Your face in the mattress, you let out a scream that would have the neighbors dialing 911.
"No, baby- oh GOD" you yell, right at your peak. Just a couple more thrusts away and you were gone. Chris recognized that yell. He wanted to send you off right.
"Go ahead and cum for me baby. But just remember,"
He was right behind you and close himself.
"No matter how smart you get with me, at the end of the day, you're always gonna be a little slut for me." The last 4 words sent you over the edge and you cum all over him. He doesn't fall short and fills up the rest of you.
"Fuuuck" he let's out as his seed spills inside you.
His body collapses next to you and you find the energy to move your body. You turn and look at him with this dumb smile on your face. He reciprocates with the same dumb smile and pats down your hair. You slap his arm, turning your nose up at him.
"Ow. Why'd you do that for?" He rubs his now red arm.
"That's what you get for messing up my hair. You're gonna give me money to get it done again." Remembering, you hit his arm again.
"Baby, what the hell?"
"That's for also making me leave my pineapple juice out the fridge."
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Idek what I was doing here 😭 This is the kind of stuff I daydream about, but it never looks as good written out 🥴
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
The Pact - Date #7
Pairing/Genre: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
Word Count: 7.2k
Premise: The truth about the pact the boys have about you has been revealed. What happens when you agree to go on a single date with each of them?
Warnings: a bit of talking down on yourself, the confusion continues, general fluff with a touch of angst 
a/n: this is the final date. guys...how is this going by so fast?? please let me know your thoughts on the date, on everything else overall...and I’ll see you soon? Next Saturday is the finale!
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Date #7
series masterlist ∆∆∆ join the taglist
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Note from the creator of this stupid idea:
I loved her first.
 “Who do you think it was? Any ideas?”
           “I…” you shrug. “No?”
           Gina arches a brow, staring you down from across your kitchen table. “So, that was a lie.”
           You can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up from your chest, Gina also chuckling. It’s a relief, the fact that she doesn’t hesitate to call you out. You’re grateful that you finagled her number from Jin, shooting him a text that looked a lot like this:
Me: Burn this after reading
Me: We can’t have any evidence !!
Kim Seokjinnie: ok, hi. I’m not burning my phone weirdo. I’ll just keep it away from Jungkook. What’s up??
Me: Hi. You know what I meant.
Me: Can you give me Gina’s number?
Kim Seokjinnie: Sure, I’ll send you the contact in a second. You two gonna hang out or something?
Me: Hopefully…do you think it’s weird if I just ask her out of the blue? Will she not wanna come?
Kim Seokjinnie: Nah, she’s pretty chill. I bet she’ll come
Kim Seokjinnie: *Kim Seokjinnie shared a contact with you*
Kim Seokjinnie: do you need anything before I burn my phone?
Me: no, thank you!! I owe you one. I’m short on friends rn, hopefully she’ll come over
Kim Seokjinnie: I’m sorry  miss you. We’ll all get to hang out once this is all over, I promise.
“Yah! I really don’t know. I mean they’ve all be so…”
“So what?”
You sigh, sounding like some kid in a dreamy teen movie. “Perfect?”
“There’s no such thing,” Gina huffs, leaning back in her chair. It’s a bit rickety, you’d found it at a yard sale with Namjoon and Jimin. You had just moved into your apartment, and realized that you were a little low on furniture. Together, you’d managed to find three mismatching chairs that made you grin each time you saw them.
It was a little odd at the time, you didn’t want to buy three chairs. Two seemed like plenty. They convinced you though, and looking back you understand why they were so adamant.
Wasn’t it rule #3? “Limit one-on-one interaction”? Three chairs made it so that there was always space for at least two of them.
Suddenly you look at the most average things in your house with different eyes.
Groaning, you rub your hands over your face. You’ve probably smudged your makeup, but you don’t care. It’s Friday night, you can do whatever you want.
“Unfortunately, I really think that there might be.” You let out a dry chuckle. “Seven dates with the world’s most perfect men. I knew I was screwed from the beginning, but this, I mean, I didn’t expect it to go this far.”
“On the bright side, you only have one more to go.” Gina gets up, stretching before moving to put her plate in the sink. She’d picked up some takeout on her way to your house, proving to you that you two are going to be friends for a long, long time.
“I’m terrified because of that. What happens after tomorrow’s date? I know it’s up to me, but I feel like I’m waiting for someone to come tell me the next step.”
Gina hums in agreement, shooting you an apologetic look. “Maybe I shouldn’t have pointed out how flirty they were at the haunted house. You never would have gotten into this mess.”
“No,” you wave her off. “It’s not your fault. Jungkook let it slip anyway, after the door closed on us in the basement. Ugh, I still get freaked out thinking about that. Has that happened since?”
Gina pauses over the sink, back turned to you as she runs her plate under the hot water. After a moment she shuts it off, turning around to wipe her hands off on a dish towel before leaning up against the counter.
Your stomach drops. “What.”
“It’s just…” she crosses her arms and uncrosses them, unsure of what to do with her hands. “The door is connected to a little button on every employee’s key fob. You know, just for some extra scare factor.”
You meet her sheepish gaze with a blank stare. “So you’re telling me…”
“It’s just a part of the tour,” Gina shrugs. “Wait, what happened? He told you about the pact when the door closed? That’s…that’s honestly not the most romantic setting-”
“No no, we had a little moment after the door closed, and we almost kissed. But he stopped himself and said the I didn’t have to worry about him making a move. When we got out, I asked him why, and that’s when he mentioned the pact.”
“So tomorrow is the last date, correct?”
           “Look,” Gina notices your worried expression. “Do yourself a favor. Let go. Don’t waste tomorrow thinking about what’s gonna happen next. Focus on the moment, ok? Then how about we get together next week sometime to talk everything over? If you feel like that might help, that is.”
           You definitely made the right choice in inviting Gina over. You can already feel your stress levels going down.
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           You’re up early the next morning, earlier than you’d like. You’re not sure how long you’ve been sitting on your sofa, basking in the golden morning sun and watching the little dust motes float in the air, but it’s certainly been a while.
           For once, it’s quiet in your mind. You’re not sure why now, why today. There’s no doubt you’ll be your typical bumbling mess once Yoongi picks you up, but for now all is peaceful.
           It’s the last date. Somehow, despite how much you’ve enjoyed these little escapades, you feel relief at the thought. Knowing that you’ve made it nearly to the end without doing anything remarkably stupid (you’re still mortified that you and Jimin got kicked out of that basilica but oh well), and now you’re so close.  
           For now, you slide your worries under the rug, to be left there for the weekend. You curl your legs under you and lean your head back against the cushions to drink in the sunlight. It warms your skin, leaving you feeling even better than before.
           Yoongi is supposed to be here around four. Jungkook had sent you a quick text earlier in the week checking that you didn’t have any plans for Saturday afternoon and night. You didn’t bother to tell him that you always had all day open for them.
           While the exchange had been short, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was blushing just as much as you when his contact popped up on your screen. In an instant you were plunged into the memory of clinging to him just outside your front door, Jungkook’s shaky breaths the only thing keeping you planted in reality.
           Either way, it was safe to say that you were a blushing mess despite the simplicity of the text. He kept it strictly professional, not once alluding to the events of last Saturday. But you could still hear those words he uttered when he asked if you ever thought about what might have happened if he’d kissed you in the haunted house when he had the chance.
           “I do. Every day.”
           Of course you thought about it. You let out an amused huff on the couch, laughing to yourself. Who wouldn’t? But the only thing was the fact that you were thinking about a lot of things. Not just Jungkook.
           Or his lips, for that matter.
           The couch rustles as you get up, deciding to change out of your red sweatshirt for a green one. You’d been instructed to dress warm, which made you wonder what was planned for today. Outside everything looks warm and pleasant, certainly no need for anything too heavy.
           By the time afternoon rolls around, you’re tempted to call up Gina for a late lunch or something. To say you’re antsy is an understatement; you’re positively losing it. The clock on the wall has decided to try its hand at stopping time altogether, and you think it’s doing a pretty good job of it. Every time you glace over, seemingly no time has passed.
           This time, you really start to wonder if no time has passed. You swear it’s been stuck at 3 o’clock for a while-
           The sound of someone knocking on your door has you nearly tipping over from where you perch trying to grab the clock.
           For some stupid reason, you’re frozen to your spot at the far end of your living room. Holding the clock in your hands, you jump a little as a second tentative knock sounds.
           To your utter mortification, your mouth opens and you yell out, “Come in!”
           You’re still frozen in place when the door opens and Yoongi pokes his head in. His eyes immediately land on you, a sheepish smile that he has a hard time containing immediately breaking out.
           “You’re not planning on throwing that at me, right?” He asks, making you glare down at the clock you cling to.
           “Oh.” Your knuckles have turned white, and somehow your heart has decided to try its hand at sprinting a marathon. “No. I- it’s broken. I think.”
           Yoongi shuffles inside, closing the door gently behind him before wandering over to you. His pale complexion makes the pink on his cheeks easy to spot. Somehow the fact that he’s blushing makes you blush.
           “Do you have batteries around here?” He asks quietly, hiding his amusement.
           “Maybe in the kitchen?” You brush past him, handing off the clock. “Would you mind getting the old batteries out?”
           He mumbles out a sure, plopping down on your sofa while he gets to work on the clock. He’s wearing a similar outfit to you, which makes you smile. It’s not very often these days that he sports a bandana and you wonder if he somehow knew that you love the way he looks in it. His hair looks particularly fluffy as it kisses his forehead, the dark bandana giving him an air of coolness you know you could never pull off.
           Rummaging around your kitchen drawers, you pause when you realize what you’re doing. Are you stalling? What’s the rush to fix a clock when you have Min Yoongi in the other room waiting to take you out?
           Closing the drawer, you take a deep breath and shake your head.
           “Sorry Yoongi,” you call out, trudging back into the living room. “I’m an idiot.”
           He looks at you over his shoulder, a smirk tugging at his lips. “What’s your reasoning?”
           Yoongi chuckles, setting the clock down on the coffee table before getting to his feet. “Wow, is it just me or…”
           You wince. “This got off to a bad start, huh.”
           Looking at each other from across the room, you realize just how much you’ve missed him. His witty sarcastic remarks, his honesty.
           “Can we start over? Go knock on the door again.”
           Yoongi’s already on his way, huffing out a laugh as he steps outside. “Alright, see you in a second.” The door clicks shut behind him, and you’re suddenly left with the silence of your house.
           As Yoongi timidly knocks on the door, the same sense of calm you experienced this morning settles over you.
           The seventh date. No more guessing who’s on the other side of the door, no more anxious glances in the mirror to check that everything looks flawless. It’s just you, Yoongi, and the door between you.
           There’s already a smile on your face as you open that door, finding Yoongi standing with his hands in his pocket. He returns your grin, feeling like a fellow conspirator in a heist that has yet to be planned.
           “I’m here,” he announces, then adds with a chuckle, “finally.”
           “Took you long enough,” you tease, reaching out to grab his jacket and pull him inside. He feigns a horrified expression at your flirty nature, but you just roll your eyes. You’re not sure who wraps their arms around the other first, but the next thing you know, you’re wrapped up in a tight embrace.
           I missed you, is what you want to say, but the words get caught in your throat. The lump that’s formed there only grows thicker with emotion as Yoongi’s gravelly voice rumbles against your hair.
           “How’re you holding up?”
           Your arms fall around his waist, ever aware of his shoulder. Even though he says he’s completely healed now, you aren’t taking any chances. It’s quiet for a long moment as you struggle to find an answer.
           “I…fine. I’m fine.” You pull away and arch an eyebrow at him, pleased to see that is cheeks are still rosy despite the serious look in his eye. “How are you holding up?”
           He lets out a breathy laugh, dropping your gaze. “Fine.” Then, when he catches your disbelieving stare, he states as innocently as possible, “What? Aren’t we lying to each other tonight?”
           “You suck.”
           “See!” He exclaims as you step out of his grasp to grab your things. “You always do that when you’ve been caught in a lie!”
           “Ugh, yah! I wasn’t lying,” you turn around to face him, walking backward toward your room. “I’m fine, really.”
           He shrugs. “And so am I.”
           You stifle your laughter as you enter your room, grabbing your things and wondering if you should grab a coat. “Do I really need a coat?” You call down the hall.
           Pursing your lips, you snatch the puffy monstrosity from your closet before turning to head out. Double checking that you have everything you need; your eyes can’t help but glance at the item sitting atop your dresser.
           You stick your tongue out at it. A few seconds later it’s tucked safely away in your top drawer and you’re heading out into the hallway. Your stomach does an uneasy flip as you recall the words that are practically burned in the backs of your eyelids now.
           I loved her first.
           Yoongi gets up from off the couch, waiting for you beside the door. His dark eyes survey you as you walk toward him. “Good to go?” He asks quietly. Clutching your coat a little tighter to your chest, you nod.
           The two of you head out, locking up your apartment and settling in the car that Yoongi drove over. Before long, you’re out on the highway, speeding toward your destination.
           Which, you’ve just realized, is still a mystery to you.
           “Sooo…” You begin, smiling lazily at Yoongi. You take a moment to admire his hands that are wrapped around the steering wheel. “Where are we going?”
           A smile tugs at his lips, but he manages to contain it as he adopts a serious expression. He glances over at you. “We’re going to see the sea.”
           “We’re…” you stutter, furrowing your brows. “We’re going to see the sea?”
           A breathy chuckle escapes him. “Yeah. But it’s a long drive, so are you down to listen to a murder-mystery with me?”
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            You’re still pretty sure that it was the nosy maid that did it by the time you arrive at your destination. Two hours, one murder-mystery short audiobook, and several snacks later, the sun is well on its way to the horizon when Yoongi pulls off to a sandy parking lot filled to the brim with cars.
           There’s tons of people mulling about, several of them appear to be young families who smile fondly as their children laugh and play in the sand. There’s a couple of food-trucks that have popped up on the beach, which sport long lines. Yoongi observes them woefully, seeming to come to some sort of understanding with himself before moving to get out of the car.
           “Woah, what’s with all the people? Is this beach always this busy?”
           It’s a beach you’ve never been to before, the pristine sand glowing as the sun makes its way across the sky.
           “Today’s a special occasion,” Yoongi explains, popping the trunk and rummaging around. “We should probably pick out a spot now before all the good ones are taken.”
           You come around to the back of the car to meet him, taking the blanket he extends out to you. Leaving your big coat in the backseat, you hope he doesn’t scold you and tell you to put it on. Right now it’s windy, but fairly warm. No need to look like a living marshmallow just yet.
           Before you can inquire after what the special occasion is, Yoongi passes you a couple of water bottles and begins rattling off instructions.
           “How about I jump in line to buy us some dinner,” the way he says it so casually has your heart skipping a beat for some reason, “and you head down the beach to scout out a decent spot?”
           “But what kind of spot do you mean? Is there a show or something?”
           Yoongi pauses, closing the trunk and running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, something like that. A show. Just find a spot that you like, I’ll come find you with our food, ok?”
           “Ay ay, captain.” You trudge away, hoisting the blanket up higher in your arms as you begin to look for an empty space. The immediate surrounding beach area appears to be pretty packed, which has you marching farther and farther away from the parking lot.
           You grin as a couple of children race past you, giggling as they fly their kites. It’s looks like it’s a little boy and with his younger sister, trying their best to keep their kites afloat in wind. Waving at them, your smile only grows as the boy sheepishly turns away and the girl cheerfully waves back.
           It feels like you walk for years before finding a clearing. You were definitely looking for a semi-secluded spot, not too keen on spending your long-awaited date with Yoongi surrounded by strangers. It doesn’t even occur to you to ask someone what the big deal is about today before you’re laying the blanket out. Not wanting to leave anything unattended just for it to blow away, you decide to just be patient until Yoongi finds you.
           The sand is warm beneath the blanket as you plop down, resting with your face turned toward the sun as you let out a content sigh. Despite the chill of the wind, the sun warms you right up.
           “Why are you alone?”
           Peeking one eye open at the little voice, you’re delighted to see the same little girl from earlier standing a little ways away. She watches you with a meek expression, her kite forgotten at her feet.
           “Oh, I’m not alone,” you explain. “I’m just waiting for my friend to come find me. He went to go get food.”
           “Oh.” The young girl shuffles her feet. “My mommy says that I need to get all my wiggles out before the show.”
           You chuckle. “Really? What show are we watching tonight? Is it Disney?” That would certainly make sense for all of the young families here tonight. Did Yoongi bring you to a beach-front outdoor movie?
           “No, silly!” The girl giggles at your questions. “The sky’s coming to say hello!”
           “That’s what my mommy said. She said, ‘Young-mi get your wiggles out, the sky is coming to say hello soon!’”
           You blink, a little amused by Young-mi’s earnest response. “I see…I didn’t know that the sky was coming to say hello tonight.”
           “Then why are you here?”
           “Oh,” you crane your neck toward the parking lot, but it’s too far away to see Yoongi. “My friend brought me, as a surprise.”
           “Wow,” Young-mi utters in a reverent tone. “Can I meet your friend?”
           “I don’t see why not.”
           With a gleeful shout, Young-mi takes off running, her kite skipping along the ground behind her. She runs toward her family, her mother grinning at the sight before reaching out to pull her into her arms. You watch on with a forgotten smile, wondering for a split second what that would be like.
           If you squint, that could be Yoongi sitting beside Young-mi’s mother, throwing his head back with laughter at something his daughter says to him. Their son crouches in the sand nearby, digging around as though searching for gold.
           Laying down with a soft sigh, you close your eyes and let the little daydream take over. Here, at the beach. Telling your children that this is where you had your first date; laughing as they make disgusted faces when Yoongi plants a loud kiss on your cheek-
           “Did the nosy maid get to you?”
           Yoongi stands above you with arms laden with food. He blocks out the sun, the rays coming around to make him appear like an angel. Judging from the delicious smells radiating from the food he carries, you think he actually might be.
           “Ah, so you agree that you think it was her that murdered Duke Rittington?” Your voice sounds a little croaky, a testament to the fact that you were just dozing a moment ago. Leaning up to ease some of the food from his arms, Yoongi snorts.
           “No. It was obviously the son. Why can’t you see it?”
           Rolling your eyes, you pat a spot next to you on the blankets. Yoongi takes the seat without hesitation. “Because, the son seems like too easy of a suspect. Whereas the maid-”
           The screams of Young-mi as she rushes toward you cut you off. “You have a boyfriend?!”
           “Oh, no.”
           Yoongi leans over, still busy arranging the bags of food – is that a cheeseburger you see? – around the blanket. “Who’s that?” He mumbles.
           “I, uh, made a friend while you were grabbing food,” you explain with a small smile.
           Now Young-mi reaches your blanket, dropping to her knees as she gazes up at Yoongi with wide, innocent eyes. “Hi, my name is Young-mi and I’m four years old. I’m the second tallest in my class.” Young-mi prattles off information, her large eyes never once leaving Yoongi’s face. “Are you her boyfriend? I hope you’re her boyfriend.”
           Yoongi lets out a startled laugh. “You do? Why’s that?”
           “You’re so pretty.”
           Now both of you burst out laughing, Young-mi looking utterly confused at your outburst. Yoongi covers his face with his hands, shaking his head.
           “What? What’s so funny?” Young-mi questions.
           You grin at her. “You think he’s pretty?” The little girl nods enthusiastically. “I do too.”
           Yoongi peers over at you at this comment, an unasked question in his eyes. The pink in his cheeks has intensified, as has your own blush.
           “Aren’t I supposed to be the one complementing you?” He asks under his breath. You shrug.
           “You brought food, so now we’re even.”
           Young-mi lingers a little while longer, asking a few questions and drawing in the sand. Munching down on your cheeseburger, you eye Young-mi’s kite.
           “Do you mind if I try to fly your kite for a second?” The question is out of your mouth before you can fully process it, but Young-mi looks up at you excitedly.
           “Yes!!” She squeals, immediately dragging the little handle over to you. “You have to run really fast, that’s what my mommy told me. Then it’ll fly!”
           Glancing back at Yoongi as you clamber to your feet, you don’t miss the fond smile he wears as he watches the interaction take place. You wave at him, heading off down the beach with Young-mi. Once you’ve walked far enough, you wink down at her.
           “Ok, you run on ahead and I’ll catch up in a few seconds.”
           The girl wastes no time running off, her laughter making you feel lighter than you have in weeks. Once she’s far enough off, you take off after her. She heads straight toward her family, who smile at you as you attempt to get the kite off the ground.
           Sand flies up behind you as you race, and you catch a glimpse of Yoongi with his phone out, recording you with a wide smile on his face. The sun has hit the horizon now, a dizzying array of colors sending your mind into a joyful frenzy. Up ahead, Young-mi has successfully made it to her family and is waiting for you to catch up. She jumps up and down as the kite soars above you, the little pinwheels attached to it spinning around in the wind.
           A bit more energy overtakes you, and you sprint the last few yards toward Young-mi, unable to stop the laugh that jumps out of you. You feel so free, here on the beach. It’s almost like you’re up there flying with the kite-
           Someone shouts it, you’re not exactly sure who, but by the time the plea registers in your ears, it’s too late. Foot catching in the hole that Young-mi’s brother had been digging earlier, you feel a twist of pain before tumbling to the ground.
           You cry out, barely managing to catch yourself before faceplanting it. The handle from Young-mi’s kite digs painfully into your hand, but that’s the least of your problems at the moment.
           Young-mi’s family rushes over to you, but before they reach you Yoongi is dropping to your side.
           “Oh,” you pant, “hi Yoongs.”
           “Are you alright?” He’s also panting, and you wonder if he had begun running after you before you even fell, foreseeing your path. “Your foot…”
           “I am so sorry!” Young-mi’s mother stoops down on your other side, her husband right behind her. “We completely forgot that Doyun even dug that hole! Can you move? Are you in pain?”
           From where you’re laying belly-down on the sand, you can’t help but feel the burn of embarrassment in your cheeks. “I…move? Yeah, I can – ah never mind.” You wince as you attempt to get to your feet only for the dull ache in your right foot to flare up to a fiery red pain. Yoongi immediately reaches out for you, unsure of what to do. His hands ghost over your leg, but retract when you hiss in pain.
           “Here, my husband-” Young-mi’s mother points over her shoulder to the man in question. “He’s a nurse. Honey, could you…?”
           “Do you mind if I take a look at your ankle?” The man asks in a gentle voice. “Just to make sure nothing’s broken.”
           With a nod, you allow both him and Yoongi to help you swivel around to sit the correct way, the blush you already have deepening even more when Yoongi takes up a spot at your back. He gently pushes your shoulders back until you’re leaning into his chest, his arms coming to wrap around you in a protective manner.
           When you wince as the man delicately presses down on your already swollen ankle, Yoongi begins talking.
           “So, is it just me, or has this entire night been a disaster?”
           You let out a choked laugh. “No, Yoongs. Well, maybe it has, but it’s all my fault. I can’t believe I fell, how embarrassing…”
           “Oh, are you two out on a date? Er, sorry for prying…”
           Both you and Yoongi awkwardly chuckle. “No, no…um, yeah. We are.”
           “It’s our first date, actually,” Yoongi adds as an afterthought.
           “How exciting! Honey, it’s their first date, did you hear that?”
           The man currently inspecting your ankle spares the two of you a kindly glance. “Good for you two. You make a good looking couple.”
           “But I swear I’ve seen you before,” the mother comments, squinting at Yoongi. “Where do I know you from…”
           You can feel Yoongi tense up behind you, but he doesn’t say anything yet. Instead he takes to finding your hands (which you’ve slipped into your sweatshirt pocket to avoid accidentally punching the man poking and prodding at your foot), eventually curling his hands around yours and steadily unclenching your fists.
           “Oh! I know it! Do you do commercials?”
           Yoongi lets out an audible sigh of relief, which makes you smile for half a second before a particularly hard prod at your ankle sends you into a tailspin.
           “Yeah, I’ve done a few commercials.”
           “I knew it. How’s it looking, honey?”
           Her husband sits back on his heels, giving you a nod. “Nothing appears to be broken, you just twisted it pretty good. Babe, grab that icepack out of the cooler. You should keep ice on it for a while to counter the swelling.”
           A second later you’re handing a little bag of ice. “I don’t wanna take your ice,” you comment lamely. Yoongi chuckles in your ear, pulling back from you and standing.
           “It’s just a disposable pack we used for the cooler,” the mother explains, waving off your concern. “No need to worry. We’ve got plenty more. Now, go enjoy your date!”
           “Yeah, try your best to have fun. And keep ice on that, on and off for the next couple of days. It shouldn’t give you too much trouble after that.” With a wink toward Yoongi, your temporary nurse gives him a little nudge. “You seem like a good man. I think you’re in good hands here, miss.”
           Young-mi bids you a mournful goodbye as you limp away with Yoongi, quickly coming to find that sand isn’t the kindest to people hopping around on one leg. You’ve made it all of four hops while clinging to Yoongi before he stops.
           “Hop on my back,” he commands, stepping directly in front of you.
           You blanch. “But Yoongi…your shoulder.”
           “It’s fine. Just hop on. You don’t need to limp all the way back to where we’re sitting.” When you hesitate another moment, he looks back at you over his shoulder, his dark eyes sparking in the sunset. “Jagiya.”
           Well, the man puts up a convincing argument.
           Yoongi crouches down so you don’t have to jump, and with a bit of careful maneuvering you manage to hop onto his back. His hands grip your thighs, hoisting you up a bit higher which makes you gasp a little. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, careful to avoid putting too much pressure on shoulder.
           Setting off toward your abandoned blanket and food, you can’t help but feel a rise of disappointment in your chest.
           “Yoongi?” You mumble, almost sounding like an embarrassed child.
           Hiding your face in the back of his neck, you groan. “I’m sorry.”
           Yoongi’s steps falter before he continues on, confusion evident in his tone. “Sorry? For what?”
           The calm that you felt earlier has completely shattered at this point, and you grit your teeth against the pain in your ankle and the onslaught of emotions that surface. What happened to picture perfect? Why couldn’t you focus?
           Other than sitting in the car together, you feel as though you’ve hardly touched base with Yoongi. You haven’t seen the man in nearly two months, and yet here you are distracted as ever. Distracted with your dumb broke clock, distracted with the audiobook, distracted with a kite.
           Yoongi stops in his tracks as he feels hot tears against his neck. “Jagiya?”
           “I- I’m so sorry, Yoongi,” you blubber. “I’m an idiot! I c-can’t focus on anything tonight and…and now I’ve made everything fall apart by going and getting h-hurt…Yoongi, it hurts so bad. A-and now I’m complaining, which is making everything worse!”
           You’re surprised when Yoongi doesn’t say a single thing, instead picking up where he left off as he trudges on toward the blanket. In response to his silence, you continue in your repentant monologue.
           “And you waited in line to get us fooood,” you bite down on your lip as you fight the urge to wail. “It’s probably c-cold now, and you waited for s-so long to get it…I feel like such a bad person…if you don’t wanna continue the date, I u-understand. I promise I won’t tell anyone if you want! J-just, I’m so sorry, Yoongi. I’ve completely ruined this, and you drove t-two hours to get me here….” You’ve reached the blanket now, Yoongi gently sets you down, and you hobble on one foot as you half-expect him to grab his keys and set off toward the car. “I just can’t think straight because I read that stupid pact and-”
           “Woah, back up.”
           Swiveling around to face you, Yoongi has a frown etched into his face. It makes you want to turn and run, to crawl into a cave to die from embarrassment, but it’s the fact that you can barely manage to stand on one foot at the moment – let alone run – that has you standing still.
           “You read the pact?” You blink, hopping a little. When Yoongi sees your struggle he reaches out to you, steadying you. “Here, let’s sit.”
           “W-we’re staying?”
           Yoongi gazes down at you, the look in his eyes turning unspeakable soft. “Yes, jagiya. Unless you aren’t feeling up to it anymore?” He looks as though the thought of leaving now pains him, but he waits patiently for your answer.
           “I wanna stay.”
           “Good. Now, what’s this about you reading the pact?”
           Having successfully turned into a sniffling mess, you wipe away your tears with an angry swipe. It’s time to come clean.
           “I found a copy in Jin’s room-”
           “What were you doing in Jin’s room?!” Yoongi whispers frantically, growing more concerned by the second. You wave him off.
           “-and I took it! I knew I shouldn’t, but I just wanted to know, you know? So I stole it but that was stupid because then I saw that thing on the back…the little note.” Your words trail off, unable to even say the word lovewhen Yoongi’s looking at you like he’s unsure of whether he wants to laugh or cry.
           “The little…note?”
           “Yeah, you know…” You shake your head, moving on. “And since I saw that, I’ve been a mess. Like, an actual mess. I finally called Gina help just to get some help, I needed someone to talk to because you know, I can’t talk to you guys right now which is stupid. But I’m still so lost and I screwed everything up and my ankle hurts Min Yoongi!”
           You’ve stunned yourself into silence with your outburst, Yoongi across from you looks a bit lost himself as he sits back on his heels. It’s clear the moment he comes to a realization.
           “The note.”
           It’s all you can do to breathe normally and not burst out into tears again. Yoongi’s expression turns mournful when he sees you.
           “Oh, jagiya…” leaning forward, Yoongi somehow manages to pull you into his lap. Wrapping his arms around you and tucking your head close to his chest, Yoongi pulls you in as close as he can. He sways gently back and forth, a hand coming up to cup your cheek to make you look at him.
           You do so begrudgingly, feeling like nothing more than a large child. However, the moment you meet his eyes, it hits you like a lightning strike.
           “Do you remember,” he begins quietly, “that time when your final paper accidentally got deleted? All you had left to do on it was add the reference page. You were distraught, remember?”
           Of course you do. It’s the stuff of nightmares. Countless hours spent laboring over a final essay for a class you loathed, only to make a stupid mistake and delete it all. All of it, all nineteen pages were gone in a blink. Your hard work along with it.
           “I remember you called me, a sobbing mess. Obviously I thought you’d hurt yourself, the way you were crying about killed me.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, leaving you completely enraptured in his spell as he continues speaking. “I fought with Namjoon because I needed to go see you, but we had a schedule. It was an interview, I don’t even remember for what or with whom, but I was so angry. I seriously thought I was gonna punch him. Then I remembered he goes to the gym a lot more than me, so I didn’t.”
           He manages to make you crack a small grin at that. The sight spurs him on. “But I’ll never forget the sight I saw when I finally made it out to your house later that night. It was like what, two in the morning? No one knew I was even going over, which obviously I did on purpose. I didn’t want to get into another argument. When I walked in your apartment, you were sat at the kitchen table. Remember?”
           The memory is vague, tinged with exhaustion and disappointment, but it’s there. You’d set up camp at your kitchen table all day, missing all other appointments just to try to rewrite your paper. You were half delirious at that point, staring at the screen seemed equal to burning at the stake.
           “I’ve never seen you look more exhausted in my entire life,” Yoongi chuckles. “I remember I was ready to write the paper for you, I was so sad for you. But when I made it over there, I was floored to see that you’d already written it. Not only that, but you’d written twenty-seven pages. Twenty-seven! Who does that?!” He shakes his head at you, looking absolutely shocked.
           “When I asked you why you would do that, you just shrugged and said, ‘why not reach for the stars?’ Then you submitted it, stood up, walked over to me and gave me a hug before going straight to bed. I was so shocked that I just stood there for ages, trying to fathom what had just happened.”
           Yoongi sighs, glancing up at the night sky. You admire his jawline from this angle, nuzzling in a little closer to him for warmth. He notices that you didn’t bring your coat out with you, giving you a playful glare before gently rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
           “Why did you tell me that?”
           You can feel his shrug. “You are more capable, more special than you will ever know. I’ve always kept that in my heart, over the years. Why not reach for the stars? Jagiya…”
           Yoongi shuffles a little bit before cupping your chin and pointing toward the horizon where the sun has slipped down. The night sky is becoming more visible by the second, a few stray stars winking down at you.
           “Look.” He points at a certain spot in the sky just in time for you to see a streak of breathtaking light.
           A falling star.
           In the span of a few minutes, you’re completely speechless as the sky continues to darken and your eyes are glued heavenward. Gradually, more and more falling stars dart across the sky, taking your breath away. As they continue, you recall Young-mi’s words. The sky is coming to say hello.
           Yoongi reaches for your hand, easily enveloping it while tracing the outline of your knuckles.
           “You,” Yoongi breathes out, sending tingles down your spine. “Are the stars I’ve been reaching for ever since that night.”
           Heart thundering against your ribs, you turn to look at him only to find his eyes also trained on the heavens. He speaks the words softly, almost to himself, but you still catch them.
           “You’re a star, all the way up there…and I’m all the way down here. Maybe all I’m meant to do is admire you from afar. But for tonight, just for a moment, I’ll hold you.” His eyes slide down to meet yours, glinting with pure starlight. Cold and beautiful. Hurtling toward you, burning up in your atmosphere and leaving you wondering what would happen if you let him in.
           If it would lead to utter destruction or the most beautiful thing you’ve ever witnessed.
           All words have escaped you at this moment in time, but you don’t feel the need to scramble for some sort of a response. Instead you settle for snuggling in a bit closer, allowing Yoongi to hold you a bit tighter.
           Tonight, he’ll hold you close to his chest while what will later be recorded as the most prominent meteor shower in recent history rains down above you. The dark night sky is set aflame with streaks of silver as falling stars graze the earth, sharing a sweet goodnight kiss as they hurtle through space. You marvel at the seemingly never-ending parade the night sky puts on, relishing the way Yoongi keeps your warm as he also marvels at the wonder above you.
           There’s no words that are exchanged for the entirety of the meteor shower, the only form of communication found in the patterns Yoongi traces out against the back of your hand and the way he gazes down at you from time to time. As though making sure you’re really there.
           It’s a long while before the meteor shower begins to fade, and it’s only when you hear Yoongi softly calling your name that you realized you’ve dozed off.
           “It’s over, jagiya,” he coos, brushing hair away from your eyes. “Let’s get you to the car, then you can sleep the rest of the way home.”
           Somehow you two manage to make it to the car, you yourself being much more coherent by then due to the sharp pains in your ankle. You realize that you two are some of the few people left at the beach, making you wonder when everyone else left.
           Your eyes are half-closed when Yoongi begins to drive away, your hand finding his atop the console.
           “You know you don’t need to worry about us, right?” Yoongi mumbles out, glancing over at you with a worried expression. “We’ll support whatever you decide to do. Remember what I said before? You’re the most capable person I know. You don’t need us, not really. Just…be happy.”
           You mumble out something incoherent, not completely realizing that he’s referring to the aftermath of the pact until you’re already asleep.
           The next thing you know, you’re parked in front of your apartment and Yoongi is grinning down at you from the passenger side door.
           “C’mon,” he urges, helping you out of the car. “Careful with the ankle.”
           It takes a bit of careful maneuvering to get up the stairs to your apartment, but you manage to make it. Leaning up against the door, you fumble for your keys.
           Once you’ve found them, you hand them straight over to Yoongi. You’re far too tired to attempt unlocking your door at the moment. He laughs at your behavior, shooting you a proud gummy smile when he unlocks the door. You don’t even have to ask before he’s assisting you inside, helping you hobble to your room before turning to leave.
           “Thank you, Yoongi. For everything.”
           Yoongi smiles down at his shoes. “We’ll swing by tomorrow to check up on you if that’s ok?”
           Your stomach flips to remember that you’re over now with these dates. Now what-
           “Or just shoot me a text? I know that might be awkward if we all show up…”
           “Thank you. I’ll text you?” You sigh, running your hands over your face. “Yoongi, I…” You trail off, staring up at him from your bed as your mind and heart races. There’s just no words.
           With a soft smile, he leans down and pecks your nose. The innocent gesture has your ears turning red, which widens his grin.
           “I know.” He whispers back.
           And then he’s gone.
           And you’re left here, suddenly colder than ever.
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main masterlist
the dates are DONE. please let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you! Tomorrow I'll be opening up a poll for your top two dates, so stay tuned for that! 
alsooo stay tuned this week because I may have a lil bonus chapter for you guys 
taglist: @baepsaetay @dreamcatcherjiah @kookie-vuitton @thecaffeinatedscribbles @moon-write @fangirl125reader @heishichoulevi @knjkitten @sacha-cff @vik7797  @eusticenatalie @hesmyphenominiall @miriamxsworld @kayahay @secretlycrazyhummingbird @marianeamine @hqtetsurou @protontippens @beginwithamin @delacyrose224  @luvtaeha @fanfictionreader05 @mininimmy @dreadity  @starlight-night0 @luzaroon @seaoffangirling @prachi05 @fangirl125reader @bluehairedotakugem @hunnibxbe @kayahay @fanfictionreader05 @seokjinmoonfics @littletinyhobi @honeyhalcyon @yoontaethings @herrmionejgranger  @beepbeep11 @extraordinary_reads @vntwishlist @aussiebeachbabes​ @hitsussi @hannah2291 @alwaysasadaesthetic​ 
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
BABES! What is she’s a little mix member and a cast member of Spider-Man 💀
YES! Hiya my love and thank you for the request💜 I’m honestly so obsessed with these Little Mix requests, I didn’t think people would like them, but turns out people love them! I’m totally obsessed with these AHHH! Happy reading darling😌
The girls aren’t really involved in this one, but they are mentioned💜 Heavy on the dialogue, I tried :)! This one’s more focused on Tom & reader:)
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(Gif from Pinterest)
For your first time being in a movie, you’ve hit the jackpot. Not many people can say that their very first project in the movie industry was with Marvel Studios. You’ve been lucky enough to be casted in Spider-Man: Far From Home, playing Amelia James, a classmate of Peter but was from another universe. Though that last part wasn’t established yet.
You were currently at Capital FM’s studios doing an interview with Roman Kemp, someone who you were very familiar with. Accompanying you were your cast mates, Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, and Zendaya. You lot were currently on the press tour promoting the movie that was only days away from premiering in London. You were all laughing at Tom who has been retelling a story of him getting punched on set.
Though you’ve only met him a few months ago, you felt as if you’ve known the charming man since forever. A fond smile was set on your lips as you watched him talk animatedly into the mic. You felt a nudge beside you. Turning, you see Zendaya smirking at you. She’s caught on at how you looked at Tom, always teasing how when either of you looked at each other, your eyes would turn into beating hearts.
You playfully roll your eyes and nudge her back. Your attention is diverted from her when Roman calls on you, “I’ve been wanting to mention this from the beginning, but it’s odd to see you without the girls in the studio.”
You nod chuckling, “I know! I actually feel weird not having them with me here because I’m so used to doing everything with them.”
“How was that like? I know you girls are genuinely close in real life, so how was it being away from them for so long?” Roman asked you.
“Honestly, I felt a bit anxious not having them by my side all the time. I hate not being with them because they’re like my safety blanket.” You explained. On your other side, you saw Tom frown at you.
You quickly add, “Not that I’m having a horrible time with you guys, it’s just that I miss them a lot. Like I don’t have Jesy beside me to make jokes with or Perrie to mother me around, you know?”
“She’s lying, she can’t wait to leave us. We’re horrible.” Tom jokes looking at you with that cheeky grin of his. You sigh swatting his arm, “That’s completely false, I loved working with these guys.”
“Have the girls visited you on set?” You tilt your head in thought.
“Well—not really. We’re busy working on our sixth album so everyone’s been at the studio here in London. But we have called each other on FaceTime and texted almost everyday, so we were always in contact even when I was away.” You answered fiddling with the hem of your dress. Tom has known you long enough and been in many interviews with you to know that the gesture was something when you felt nervous. Discreetly, he inches his hand closer to yours under the table until his large palm rests atop your hand. You look at him and flash him a smile before turning back to Roman.
Roman continues with his questions, “I know the girls are very supportive, but what was their reaction when you told them you were gonna be in a movie?”
You feel Tom’s hand squeeze yours and you couldn’t help the smile that makes it’s way to your lips. “They were so supportive and excited. I was actually reluctant about accepting the role, but they literally pushed me to do it and I’m so glad they did. I’m truly blessed to have them in my life.”
“Yeah, thank God for Little Mix, or else we would have never met (y/n).” Jacob says into his mic. Zendaya let’s out a “YES!”, high fiving her friend in agreement. You laugh at the two’s antics.
“Aren’t you glad they pushed you to take the role? Now you have us in your life.” Tom proudly states smirking at you.
“No, it’s actually worse now because you’re in it.” You tease him. Tom gasps and placed his free hand to his heart.
“I actually made it harder for myself because I told him some stuff about the new album and now I’m just nervous he’s going to spill something. Then I’m gonna be in trouble.” You go on to explain. Z shakes her head at you, “I told you not to tell him anything.”
Tom perks up and leans forward to glare at her, “Excuse me? I’m capable of keeping a secret, for your information.” He sassily tells her. You and Z burst out laughing at the man in beside you.
“Ok, so are we just going to ignore the fact that you were about to post a video of me in the studio recording a new song?” You question him. Tom was about to speak but Jacob beat him to it.
“I swear if it weren’t for me or Daya, you would’ve been responsible for leaking a song.” Jacob pointed out. Tom huffed out slumping himself into his chair.
“I just can’t catch a break can I?” He asks rhetorically looking at the ceiling. Roman smiles at the four of you, “Obviously from the energy in this room, you guys all seem to get along.”
“Everyone except for Tom.” Z mumbles under her breath. Roman snickers before continuing, “How was it like working with each other? Especially for you (y/n) because you’re the newbie of the group.”
“I mean for me, it was nice to work with everyone again. These guys are my friends so it was like hanging out with them everyday with a side of working. (Y/n)’s part of the group now too, so even better, karaoke nights are gonna be lit.” Jacob answered first. You sent him a wink with finger guns, him doing the same thing to you.
“I’m just glad there’s more women in the group. Laura wasn’t in this one so we were one girl down, then (y/n) came and we just had an amazing time together. It was nice to get away from those two and all the stuff they’re up to.” Z gestured to Tom and Jacob. You loved both of them, but when they were bored they were always up to no good.
“This was my first movie, so I was really nervous to step foot onto set. I remember when we had our first table read and feeling so intimidated because everyone there were professionals and had experience. Meanwhile there’s me with zero experience at all trying to fit in with all these actors.” You answered with a slight chuckle. Tom hums beside you squeezing your hand once again.
“But everyone was so sweet and welcoming. From the crew to the cast, they’re a really great group to work with and I’d like to work with them again, if given the chance.” You finished off.
“You know, for your first movie, you did amazing.” Tom complimented you. Roman quickly swooped in, “Tom, I actually wanted to talk to you about something you said last time you were here.”
Tom looks at him confused, “What did I say?”
“How was it like to finally meet (y/n)? Last time you were on here you admitted t—.” Roman began to talk but Tom cut him off.
“ADMITTED TO LISTENING TO LITTLE MIX!” Tom yells over Roman. He has slightly gotten up from his seat and was making wild motions at Roman with his hand. Everyone shot Tom a look except for Roman who stared at him amused.
Roman shook his head, a cheeky grin on his face, “Not quite, mate.”
“Y-yes. I did admit to listening to them, Touch is my favorite song.” Tom said nervously, regretting that he mentioned Touch.
Roman snickered at Tom, “Well it definitely had something to do with Touch, you had a lot to say about—.” Tom cuts him off again.
“The visual effects.” You raise a brow at Tom.
“Tom, there were barely any effects in that music video.” You tell him. Tom glances at you with wide eyes before correcting himself, “The camera work was really good.”
“Are you good?” Z asks Tom squinting at him. Tom let go of your hand and rubbed his palms together, something he did to ease his nerves.
“I’m great, man.” Tom’s voice pitches as he adjusts himself in his seat. Roman stifles a laugh before turning to you.
“Tom’s admitted to fancying you.” He reveals. Your eyes widen as Jacob and Z have smirks plastered onto their faces.
“Oh? When was this?” You look between Roman and Tom. Tom was cringing at himself hiding behind his hands.
“This is cruel.” You hear him mutter.
“He was promoting Homecoming I think. Then we were playing Touch and Tom just went into a whole conversation about the band and you.” Roman answered, a shit eating from on his face.
Tom pops up from his hand, “You don’t have proof!”
Roman looks at him with a ‘seriously?’ kind of expression as he pulls up a video on the screen. Shaking his head at Tom, “Mate, it’s my radio show.”
Tom groans as he shoves his face behind his jacket.
“Oh this is good.” Z laughs leaning back to face the monitor on the wall.
“Shall we watch my evidence, everyone?” Roman presses play.
“Is Touch the only song you know from Little Mix?” Roman asked. Tom shook his head almost offended.
“No! I’m a big fan of them, I really enjoy their music. Shout Out To My Ex, Woman Like Me, Wasabi? Ugh!” Tom closes his eyes while doing a chef’s kiss, “I’m a man, but their music is so empowering, I love it.”
Roman teasingly smiled at Tom, “Do you fancy any of them?”
“Mate, you can’t ask me that. They’re all very beautiful.” A blush starts to form on Tom’s pale cheeks.
Roman continued to prob at Tom, “You really don’t fancy at least one of them the most?”
Tom shyly smiled looking around, “I mean, (y/n)’s always stood out for me, if I’m being honest. Not just cause of her looks, but I’ve watched her interviews and she seems like a really sweet and funny person. I find that very attracting about her.” He admits.
“Have you seen the Touch video yet? Everyone was raving about her in the video.”
“Oh I definitely have, maybe a few times. She looked stunning, as always.” He dreamily smiled into his palm.
“If she were to watch this, what would you like to say?” Roman asked him. Tom’s face dropped at the mention of you seeing his confession.
“I hope she doesn’t see this. She’s gonna think I’m weird or something. I just ruined my chances.”
The video cuts off and Tom is still hiding behind his jacket. Jacob’s mouth is agape as he looks at Tom, “Dude, you just got exposed.”
“Really Jacob? Have I been exposed?” Tom finally comes out from behind his jacket, face fully flushed in embarrassment. You pouted at him, feeling bad that he was embarrassed, but your heart felt all giddy inside at the fact that he fancies you.
Roman holds his hand out cautiously at Tom, “Now before you permanently hate me, your mate Harrison put me up to this. Something about payback for a prank?”
Tom’s jaw drops as he looks out the window of the booth. Outside Harrison and Harry are seen laughing there asses off with tears in their eyes. Tom curses under his breath. The room suddenly felt like an oven, his face was flushed, his palms were sweaty, and his heart rapidly beated against his chest. Mustering up his courage he looked at you.
“Hey, at least you know who my favorite Little Mix member is now?” He awkwardly shrugged. You smiled at him, cheeks flushed as well.
“I can’t believe you’re an actual fan though!” You say, trying to ease off the embarrassment off him.
“Uh—that’s what you got from the video?” Z asked from beside you. You glance at her real quick to give her a look. Of course you were thrilled that Tom reciprocated your feelings, but at the moment it looked as if he were gonna pop a blood vessel at how hard he was glaring at Harry and Harrison.
“Of course I’m a fan! Who wouldn’t be? You guys are phenomenal, I remember watching you guys at the BRITS when you performed Shout Out To My Ex, it was epic.” His attention immediately turns to you, his eyes softening once they meet yours.
You place a comforting hand on his arm, “Why didn’t you just tell me I was your favorite?”
“Because he has a crush on you.” Jacob states as if it were an obvious fact. Tom was about to protest when Z cuts him off, “Man, don’t even try. You already got exposed and you were never good at hiding your feelings in the first place.”
Roman’s eyes shift to look at each of you, “Did I just unintentionally successfully set two people up?”
You look at Roman and shrugged your shoulders at him nonchalantly, “I don’t know yet Roman, maybe if Tom agrees for dinner, then you could say you’ve successfully set two people up.”
“Oh that was smooth.”
Tom looks at you mouth agape since he couldn’t believe you just asked him out on a live radio show.
“What?” He asks in disbelief.
“I’m asking you out, Tom.” You chuckle, your thumb tracing patterns onto his arm. Tom looks around wide eyed and leans into you, “Is this for the movie?”
Everyone in the room groans except for you and Tom. Instead you roll your eyes at him and shake his shoulders. Moving to be in his view your eyes connect with his brown ones.
“Hi, Tom, honey? I’m asking you out for dinner, don’t make me regret doing this on live radio.” You tell him, slightly joking. His eyes glance down at your lips before they return to your eyes.
“Yes, yes, yes—please, I would love to have dinner with you.” He finally snaps out of his thoughts and a smile forms on his lips. You smile back at him and lean back into your seat, “Great, we could go out tonight.”
“Sounds good.” He nods leaning back into his chair. Tom tries to fight the smile on his lips but was unsuccessful. So he sits there, smiling like an idiot. Sure, he just got humiliated on air, but it was worth it since he left that studio with the girl of his dreams anticipating the night to come.
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 - 𝑁𝑎 𝐽𝑎𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 - 𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
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pairing: Jaemin x reader
special guest: Jeno
summary: Letting random guys use your body wouldn’t bring him back, you knew it, but you still let them use you. Jaemin, the love of your life, promised you to come back. When Jaemin left to fulfill his dream of becoming an idol, he told you that he’d come back to get you. You fed yourself with lies and you were still waiting for him, even after years. You didn’t want to let someone else love you, only Jaemin could love you.
song: nobody - Selena Gomez
genre: breakup!au, idol!au, angst, a dash of fluff
warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, not a happy ending
word count: 1,7k 
A/N: This one’s really short but i still love it so much. I hope you like it as much as I do. Have fun reading 𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑑𝑦 !!!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
No heart, no hands, no skin, no touch Can get me there, nowhere enough To love me like you do, to love me like you do No kiss, no lips, no feel, no rush Can you keep me high, I swear no one Can love me like you do, can love me like you do, no
“We should do that again.”
You felt bad. You felt so bad for trying to replace him, replace his touches on your body and the taste on your lips.
“Yo, can I use your bathroom?” Jeno asked you. You just nodded. You hid yourself under your blanket, you didn’t want to look at your naked body, painted with a stranger’s touches.
It was always like this, you trying to get over him with someone else, but nothing and no one helped. Whenever you closed your eyes, it was him. Only his face, his hands on your body and the way he told you that he loved you as he made you cum.
You’ve been dreaming about him, thinking about him, and missing him. It was hard not to, everything reminded you of him. Your apartment, work, even your friends and family.
You felt empty, lost, worthless.
You let them fuck you and use your body, but you still felt useless.
Your soul was wandering around as they thrusted into you, deep, but you never felt like how you felt with him.
Nobody is going to love you like Na Jaemin.
Nobody's gonna love me like you Nobody, uh
three years ago
“Why are you staring at me?” you asked Jaemin after a while.
“You’re pretty.”
It was a night like any other night with him, you had dinner with Jaemin and then you watched a movie, well you watched the movie, he was staring at you the entire time.
“Watch the movie, not me.” You said shyly. “I’d rather watch you.”
You turned your face to him and pecked his lips, the little kiss was too short for Jaemin, so he took your face in his hands and pulled you closer to kiss you fully on the lips. His right hand pulled you on his lap, your legs one each side of his hips and his arms around the small of your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.
He slowly pulled away after your heavy make out session, both of you breathing heavily. “You know, you are the love of my life.” He breathed out as he put his forehead against yours. “You are my soulmate, my better half. My everything.”
“I love you so much, I never thought I’d be capable to feel so much for someone. Well, not just someone. You are Y/n and you are perfect. I don’t know what I did in my past lives to deserve you. I wish we could get married now, I can’t wait any longer, but I promise you, I’ll marry you one day.”
You felt the tears roll down your face. The words that left Jaemin’s lips made you feel so special, so loved and just over the moon.
“J-jaemin-“ you whimpered.
“Baby, are you crying? Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He panicked and wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“J-Jaemin I love you so, so much, I don’t think that I could live a day without you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” And then, he kissed you again.
His hands caressed your skin under your shirt as your hands wandered to his hair. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips.
No oxygen, can barely breathe My darkest sin, you've raised release And it's all because of you, all because of you And I don't know what it is, but you've pulled me in No one compares, could ever begin To love me like you do And I wouldn't want them to 'Cause
“We should go on a date, like, a real date. Not just fucking. I’m mean I love to fuck you, but yeah, I like you-“
Going on a date with someone who wasn’t Jaemin? You would never do that. You would never even think of doing romantic stuff with someone who wasn’t Jaemin.
They could fuck you and that’s it. No strings attached.
“Not gonna happen.” You put your bra and panties back on and ignored Jeno’s gaze on your body.
“Why? You can give me a chance. A simple dinner. Come on, Y/n. It won’t kill you.” Jeno still insisted.
It won’t kill you because you were already dead.
You couldn’t do that, you couldn’t let him manipulate you. You promised yourself that you’d only love Na Jaemin and you promised him. You would never dare to break that promise, because you only loved Jaemin and that would never change. Nobody could change that.
“I said no. If you want more than what we have, fine, go to someone else. I don’t need that, and I don’t need you.” You said coldly.
“He won’t come back. You know that right? You can push me away as much as you want, you’ll never get him back. He’s gone, Y/n. And he will never come back. Not for you. He left you, he left you because he didn’t love you as much as you love him. He left you because you weren’t enough for him. Jaemin left you behind, he left you all alone and broken and you will never get him back because he simply loves his idol life more than he has ever loved you. He’s in a fucking relationship and here you are still crying over him after years! Jaemin is not worth your love! Get that through your thick skull Y/n!” Jeno yelled at you.
You looked at him without any emotion on your face. “He loves me. He promised me he’ll come back to me. Jaemin promised me. He promised me that we’ll marry each other and that we’ll be happy together forever. Jaemin promised and he never breaks his promises.”
You were breathing heavily without noticing it, your voice broke and tears streamed down your face. Your hands were formed into fists and your nails dug into your palms. “He promised…” you whispered before you broke down completely. You were on your knees, crying your heart out because deep down you knew. You knew that he left you forever.
You were screaming hysterically and punching the floor with the little strength you had left.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please stop crying. I shouldn’t have said that.” He caged you in his arms to stop you from hurting yourself. You let him. For the first time in forever you let someone who wasn’t Jaemin hug you.
“It’s okay, let it all out, it’s okay.” He whispered. You hugged him back, “It hurts so bad.” You sobbed into his chest. “I know, it’ll get better, I promise you.”
You cried in his arms until you fell asleep. Your body was exhausted and so was your soul.
Nobody's gonna love me like you Nobody, uh
Two years ago
“I love you, baby. But this is a huge opportunity for me. I can finally live my dream. I can finally become an artist.” He hugged you and you didn’t say a word.
“You know how much this means to me, right? Babe. Look at me.” He cupped your face and you looked at him with bloodshot eyes.
“You know I love you right?” he asked.
“I-I love you too a-and I’m so, so proud of you. I’m c-crying because I’m so happy for you.” You forced a smile on your face.
You weren’t lying. You were proud and happy for him, but the thought of being apart hurts you so much.
“So, you understand that I have to go?” he pecked your lips.
You nodded, “Y-Yes, and everyone is going to see my talented boyfriend. Everyone’s going to love you- Na Jaemin. You’re perfect and you deserve this so much.”
“You’re the best supportive girlfriend someone could ask for. Don’t worry baby, I’ll come back, and I’ll take you with me. Remember? I promised to marry you and I always keep my promises.”
“I love you, Jaemin. So much, I don’t know enough words to describe it.”
“I love you too baby. I’ll love you forever.” He pressed his lips on yours. Jaemin kissed you with so much passion and longing and you kissed him back and you knew that would be your last kiss.
That night, Jaemin showed you how much he loved you with his hands and lips all over your body. It was not your first-time having sex with Jaemin, but it was your last time.
I don't want nothing else Not when I've had the best I don't want nothing else 'Cause you showed me the best
One year ago
Na Jaemin and Shin Seolhyun reported to be dating!
You looked at that article for hours. Dispatch also added pictures of their secret dates, it was definitely Jaemin and a really pretty girl was on his side. It was hard to see his face. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses, he looked like a celebrity- well, he is a celebrity.
You cried yourself to sleep that night and when you woke up the next day, you wished you would never have woken up.
That was the big headline, once you started reading, you couldn’t stop the tears.
Na Jaemin and Shin Seolhyun are currently meeting each other and have mutual feelings for each other. They have been dating for 4 months already!
Congratulations to the couple!
He broke his promise. Na Jaemin broke his promise to love you forever.
You tried to erase that day, that day you decided to let men to use your body to forget about Jaemin. You and Jaemin were dating for four years and it’s been two years since he left you without contacting you ever again. Jaemin broke his promise but you were still completely in love with him. It hurt so much, so much to see him happy with someone else. Did he promise her to marry her too? Did he love her like he loved you? Did he forget about you?
No matter how often you let someone fuck and use you. No matter how much you tried to distract yourself. No matter how much you tried to hate him, you couldn’t. You couldn’t hate him, and you couldn’t let someone else love you, because nobody, nobody could love you like Na Jaemin.
SEQUEL:  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 - 𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
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movie marathon ~ duncan shepherd;house of cards
word count: 1298
request?: yes!
@mikhalxngdon “The reader is a hardcore cinephile and she and Duncan wanted to do a movie marathon and it was almost like a decision of life and death. Duncan KNOWS his girl is very exquisite with her taste in movies so if her boyfriend EVEN dares to choose a stupid movie she will force him to sleep on the couch. Movies weren't just a "thing" to watch it was an EXPERIENCE.”
description: in which she is very picky about her movies, so he has to choose wisely for their movie marathon
pairing: duncan shepherd x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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One of Duncan’s favorite things about his girlfriend was her love for movies. Not just a casual love for them, but a hardcore cinephile. On their first date she talked for nearly an hour straight about her favorite movie and why it was her favorite. She knew things that no one else had ever known in regards to movies.
But she was also something of a movie snob. She was one of those people that decided what movies were “true cinema” and what wasn’t. Duncan found this out the hard way during one of their movie marathon dates. It was Duncan’s turn to choose, so he decided to start with a raunchy comedy movie that he hailed as one of his favorite movies of all time.
They didn’t even start the marathon. (Y/N) had been so offended by his choice that she straight up left and didn’t talk to Duncan for a full day.
After that, when it was Duncan’s turn to pick the movies for their marathon, it became a challenge to make sure (Y/N) was happy. She would always be watching him closely as he’d enter the living room, carrying a handful of DVDs. She’d eye them, trying to decide if she’d be staying or not.
On the night of his next turn, (Y/N) showed up to Duncan’s place with wine and take out as Duncan was setting up the TV. She walked into the living room, a smile on her face, before looking at the TV with a confused look.
“Disney Plus?” she questioned.
“Uh-huh,” he replied. “We’re having a Disney marathon tonight.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look that he had seen few times before. Duncan got up to stop her before she could walk out.
“Hey,” he said. “Where are you going?”
“To find a better movie marathon,” she replied.
“What’s wrong with Disney?”
(Y/N) scoffed. “The fact that you have to ask is highly offensive itself. You really think I’m gonna sit here all night and watch some kids movies?”
“When was the last time you watched a Disney movie?”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and shrugged. “I don’t know, when I was like 10 I guess.”
Duncan wrapped an arm around her shoulder to guide her to the couch. Reluctantly, (Y/N) allowed this, placing the wine and food on the coffee table in front of them.
“You can’t judge these movies because they’re animated,” he said. “That’s how you miss true masterpieces. Especially recent Disney movies, which are just beautifully made and have all sorts of messages, not to mention great songs. How can you judge them when you haven’t watched them in years?”
(Y/N) settled back against the couch, begrudgingly accepting Duncan’s movie marathon theme. Duncan smiled and dipped to kiss her cheek. She tried not to smile back as he rose from the couch to get glasses for their wine.
She had to give Duncan props, he decided to start off on a high note with a Disney classic: Mulan. Despite her earlier protests, (Y/N) actually really liked Mulan. It was one of her favorite movies as a kid and, although it had been so long since she watched it, she still loved it to that day. She tried not to make it so obvious as she sang along under her breath. Duncan smirked at her as he sipped his wine.
“Seems like you enjoyed that one,” he commented when the end credits started to roll.
“It’s a classic,” she responded with a shrug. “Hard not to enjoy a classic, even an animated classic.”
Duncan was smiling triumphantly to himself. (Y/N) stuffed her mouth full of food, not wanting to admit Duncan may have been right just yet. There was still plenty of time for her to be proven right.
“If you put on Frozen I’m breaking up with you.”
Duncan chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m not into Frozen either. Way too overplayed.”
Instead, the next movie that Duncan chose was Moana. It was another movie he figured had a great message, and kick ass songs. It didn’t even feature a love story, just a strong female lead and Dwayne Johnson playing a cocky demi-god. What more could one ask for?
(Y/N) was much more obvious with her enjoyment of this movie. She cuddled into his shoulder and swayed along to the music. When he looked down at her, she had a sheepish smile on her face. He felt a cocky sense of pride swell within him to see that she was having such a good time, but he was also just glad that (Y/N) was enjoying the movies.
“I need more movies with Dwayne Johnson like this,” she said when Duncan got up to bring their emptied plates to the kitchen. “He does so many awful action movies, but he could be doing something so much more heartfelt and cinematic.”
“No one would take him seriously because of the action movies,” Duncan commented. “But it’s nice to see you’d be willing to give him a chance if he were in more movies like this.”
“I’ll give any actor a chance eventually. You know my dislike for Adam Sandler, but Uncut Gems was probably the best movie of 2019.” She settled back against the couch as Duncan re-entered the room. “The wine is starting to hit me. I feel so sleepy.”
“One more movie then we’ll go to bed,” he insisted. “I saved the best for last and I want you to watch it.”
With the wine in her system making her feel warm and tired, (Y/N) cuddled into Duncan’s side again and started the last movie he had decided to put on, a recent Disney film called Soul. It was one of few Disney films that had peaked her interest because she had heard so much positivity about it. She never got around to watching it because it didn’t feel like a priority on her “to watch” list.
She came to regret that by the time the movie ended. At some point, (Y/N) had moved from Duncan’s side and sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes wide as she watched the breathtaking animation before her. It was like the tiredness had been completely wiped from her body and now she was engulfed in the world the movie had created. She barley even noticed when the end credits finally started to roll, or the tears that were falling down her cheeks.
Duncan had been watching her more than the movie the entire time. He had a slight smug feeling knowing that she had the reaction he was anticipating, but he was also just glad to see that she had really enjoyed the movies.
When he turned off the TV and turned on the lights, (Y/N) winced against the sudden brightness. Her cheeks glistened with the streaks of her tears and she quickly wiped them dry, although what was the point? He had already seen her cry through the whole movie.
“Ready for bed?” he asked.
The tiredness suddenly fell on her again and she yawned. Duncan smiled and walked over to pick up his sleepy girlfriend, causing her to giggle as she held on around his neck.
She put on one of his t-shirts and got into bed, enveloping herself in his warm blankets. Duncan slid into bed next to her and took her into his arms, wrapping her in warmth.
“Did you enjoy the marathon?” he whispered.
She nodded her head against his chest. “You were right, they were really good movies.”
“Wait, can you say that for me again?”
She smiled. “You heard me, I’m not repeating myself.”
Duncan chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight love.”
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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Hey! So this is a Supernatural My Babysitter’s a Vampire crossover requested by @the-fifth-marauder101 The request wasn’t super specific so I kind of just ran with it. Jack’s a bit younger in this for the sake of the story. And I know that the timeline is off and stuff but like don’t @ me about it please. I know it’s off. Also this is a reader insert because, ya know, that’s literally all I write. Lol, but anyways, I hope you like it, and keep those requests coming!
Another school. Another town. Another day. That’s how it always went. Avoid making friends at all costs. Well, she had Jack at least.
“What are we here for again?” Y/N asked sighing.
“Your dad said something about vampires or werewolves. They don’t know what it is yet. Said something’s off with this one.” Jack replied glancing over at a group of whispering teens.
“What do you think their deal is?” Erica asked eyeing both Y/N and Jack.
“They don’t look like siblings, at the very least not biological ones.” Sarah responded.
“I don’t know, but can I just say, the girl is hot. Like hotter than anyone I’ve ever laid eyes on. Like if I had to choose between her and a young Carrie Fisher, I’d choose her.” Benny said.
“No way. You’re joking right?” Ethan asked.
“No. I never joke about a babe.” Benny said seriously.
“I don’t know. Personally I’d love to sink my teeth into either of them.” Erica smirked.
Y/N looked from the group to Jack in confusion. “Is it just me or do we have a literal fanclub?”
“I wouldn’t call them a fanclub. They’re just…unusually interested.” Jack responded.
“Should we introduce ourselves? Don’t get me wrong. I know we probably won’t stay for very long but…I just…it would be nice to make friends for once, you know?” She asked Jack as she looked at them, or more specifically looked at Benny.
“I mean, how could it hurt right?” They approached the group.
“Dude they’re coming over here.” Benny said while slapping Ethan’s arm.
“Yeah. I know. I can see dude.”
“Hi.” Y/N said shyly.
Jack stepped in at that point. “Hello. My name is Jack and this is my friend Y/N.” He introduced.
“It’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Sarah and this is Ethan, Benny, and Erica.” Sarah smiled.
Benny had a dumbstruck look on his face. “Excuse him. He gets nervous around girls he thinks are pretty.” Ethan said.
Benny looked at him with a glare. “Dude.” He whisper shouted at him. They then had a small slap fight.
“Alright you two are embarrassing yourselves. Hi, as Sarah said, I’m Erica, and I would love to take you under my wing, Y/N was it? Please let me give you a makeover tonight. You have so much potential if we removed the flannel and the old leggings.”
“Sorry. She’s straightforward like that. She doesn’t mean in a rude way or anything she just thinks your pretty and wants to do your makeup.” Sarah said.
“I guess I could come over.” Y/N said nervously. Jack have her a look and lowered his voice.
“Y/N, Dean said to come straight home after school, and that we can’t go out. You can’t. If you leave on my watch, Dean and Cas will, what is it that you say? ‘rip me a new one’” He quoted.
“Who’s Dean?” Ethan asked.
“My dad. He’s just a little bit overprotective, and if you don’t want me to go out without you, then just come with me.” Y/N said.
“So, you two like live together?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah. Our dads work together. It’s a whole thing.” Y/N said.
“Anyways, I’ll talk to him if he’s home and if not I’ll text him and let him know it shouldn’t be a big deal.” She said.
“Great. Sarah you’re coming too right?” Erica asked.
“Actually, I have to babysit Ethan and Jane tonight.”
“No problem we’ll just go over there.”
“Sarah’s your babysitter?” Jack asked.
“No! Well, I mean, yes, but it’s only because my mom doesn’t trust me to babysit my little sister. Benny you’re still coming over to play that new zombie game right?”
“Like I would miss that.”
“Think we have room for another player?” Ethan asked.
“Not if you’re talking about Rory.” Benny complained.
“I’m clearly talking about Jack, Benny.”
Sarah and Erica both rolled their eyes at their antics. “Come on, Y/N. We’ll walk you to class. Honestly, I swear you geeks almost scared her off.” Erica said.
Y/N waved goodbye at Benny, Ethan, and Jack, linking her arms with Erica and Sarah.
The bell then rang. “Do you guys know where Mr. G’s class is?” Jack asked.
“Yeah we have him for first period too. Follow us.” Ethan said.
School seemed to go by like a breeze with their new friends by their sides. Before they knew it, they were all heading out the doors.
“Alright. Jack and I need to head out, but we’ll meet you guys at Ethan’s house later. See ya.” Y/N said. There was a series of byes and Jack and Y/N hopped into the Jeep they had jacked from the bunker.
Erica left shortly after that saying something about how she needed to pack some clothes and makeup for later.
“I should give her a love potion.” Benny said.
“Do you remember how that turned out last time? I still have nightmares.” Ethan shuddered.
“Benny, don’t let this get to your head, but I think you might actually have a chance with her. She stared at you throughout the entirety of biology class. You should just ask her to see a movie with you or something.” Sarah advised.
“Yes. I need to be more like Han Solo. God, she’d be such a pretty Princess Leia.” Benny sighed dreamily.
“Okay lover boy. You wanna stand out here all day? We’re practically the only ones still here. Your grandma is gonna get mad if you make her wait any longer.” Sarah said glancing at the SUV Benny’s grandma sat in.
“Right. See you guys later!” Benny called.
“Bye!” They said in sync.
“I’ll see you later?” Ethan asked.
“Duh. If I want to get paid I don’t really have a choice.” Sarah joked. Ethan waved awkwardly and jogged to his mom’s car.
“Dorks.” She muttered to herself a slight smile on her face.
Y/N and Jack entered the place one of their hunter friends had loaned them and saw Sam researching by himself.
“Hey, Sam! Do you know when dad is gonna be back?” Y/N asked.
“Um…not really, but it probably won’t be for a few hours. He and Cas are interviewing at the moment. Why? Do you need something? Maybe I can help.”
“Well, Jack and I were wondering if we could go over to a friend’s house around seven ish? We’re just hanging out, nothing big.”
Sam looked up from his laptop. “You guys made friends?” He asked.
“Yeah. I know. I know. We probably won’t stay here, but it’s hard avoiding people everywhere we go and they’re really nice.” Y/N explained.
“Y/N, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I think it’s good that you guys are making friends, and I think it’s fine if you go out as long as you’re back by 10:30 or Dean will flip.”
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You’re the best uncle in the world.”
“Do you need any help with research?” Jack asked.
“No. It’s fine. You probably have homework to do.” Sam replied. Jack then headed to his room with his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Hey, Sam?” Y/N asked sitting across from him.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
“You know that you can tell me anything Y/N.”
“I don’t…I don’t think that I can keep doing this.” She sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“The whole moving towns constantly and the saving people hunting things…I just don’t want to keep moving around. I know that it’s stupid. You’re saving the world. All of you, but I feel like I haven’t even lived. I’ve never really gotten to stop and smell the roses you know?”
“Y/N, it’s not like we can just leave you in a town by yourself. You’re only sixteen, but you’re in luck. We’re going to be here awhile. There are multiple cases in this one town and they all seem different. I don’t know what’s going on here. It’s like a Supernatural beacon.”
“Are you sure you don’t need help with research?” Y/N asked.
“No. You have homework too I’m assuming.”
“I finished all of mine in study hall. I’m available for four hours.”
Sam sighed. “Fine. You can help. I’m just looking through lore right now to try and figure out the first case.”
After about three and a half hours of researching, they both still came up with nothing. Y/N groaned.
“Are you sure there isn’t like more than one type of vampire?” She asked.
“Not according to any hunters I’ve met.” Sam said.
“Well, we didn’t think angels existed at one point and look at Cas. Look at Jack. We got an angel and a nephilim living in our house. Not to mention me. I’m a freak of nature.”
“I don’t know, Y/N. If we haven’t encountered one before, I don’t know why we would now.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna go upstairs and grab a few things, then Jack and I are leaving. I’ll see you later Sammy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname but told her goodbye nonetheless and went back to his research. Y/N grabbed her small bag that contained hand sanitizer, chapstick, lotion, a first aid kit and a pocket knife and knocked on Jack’s door.
“You ready?” She asked.
“Yeah let’s go before we’re stopped by Dean and Cas getting home.” Jack said.
They drove over to Ethan’s house and everyone else had already arrived. Y/N knocked on the door to see Benny with his mouth full of marshmallows. Y/N gasped in excitement.
“Are you guys seeing who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth?! I bet I can win! I want in on this!” She exclaimed rushing past Jack and in the door.
“What’s the record I’m trying to beat?” Y/N asked Jane.
“It’s unclear. They argue all the time about which got the highest amount and what the highest amount is. I think it’s 176. You don’t need to waste your time here though. You should come play dress up with me and Sarah. I promise it’ll be much more fun.” Jane ranted grabbing her hand.
“Come on Y/N it’ll be way more fun.” Sarah joked. Y/N shrugged.
“You know what? Why not let’s go. You coming, Erica?”
“Playing ‘dress up’ with you is literally the only reason why I’m here. Of course I’m coming.” Erica replied grabbing her bag. They all rushed upstairs leaving the boys behind.
The marshmallows fell out of Benny’s mouth as he was watching Y/N go upstairs. Ethan fist pumped in victory.
“I win!” He yelled through a mouthful of marshmallows.
“Hey! Dude that is so not fair!”
“It’s completely fair! Just don’t get distracted next time and you might win.” Ethan said back smugly.
“Whatever. You guys wanna watch Star Wars or something?” Benny asked.
“I don’t know. Y/N might get mad if we watch it without her.” Jack half joked. Benny looked at him in exasperation.
“She likes Star Wars too?! What’s next?!”
Meanwhile, upstairs Erica had already began using Y/N as a human doll.
“Those dorks are literally not going to know what to do with themselves when they see you.” Erica praised.
“You look really pretty, Y/N. Dare I say, prettier than Debbie Dazzle.” Jane complimented.
“Is that a compliment? What’s a Debbie Dazzle?” Y/N asked Sarah.
“You mean you never had a Debbie Dazzle doll growing up?” Sarah asked. Y/N shook her head no and thought of her childhood.
“We…well, we’ve always moved around a lot, and I matured earlier than most kids. Never really got into that stuff, besides wouldn’t have anyone to play with it with anyways.”
“What about your dad or your mom?” Erica asked while brushing Y/N’s hair.
“My mom?” She asked mostly to herself. It’s not like she could straight up say that her mom was God’s sister. “My mom left us when I was young. I barely remember her.” She said. When she was born she automatically aged up to thirteen, similarly to Jack.
That was the end of that conversation. They didn’t want to pry into her personal life. Even if it felt like they’d known her for years, the truth of it was that they were practically strangers.
“Okay. All done.” Erica smiled. Y/N looked in the mirror Jane had in her room. She was shocked to say the least to see what was staring back at her. For the first time in her life, she felt normal. She felt like a regular teenage girl, not a demi-god who hunted monsters.
“Wow. I look-“
“Beautiful.” Sarah, Erica, and Jane all said at once.
“I was gonna say normal, but yeah.” She laughed.
There were a few seconds of silence then Y/N suddenly jumped out of her seat. “Is that the Star Wars theme song?!” She exclaimed. She started heading downstairs.
“What a cute little nerd.” Erica said.
“Can we go downstairs to get a snack?” Jane asked Sarah.
“Sure but you have to be in bed by 9:00 remember?” “9:30?” “Fine.”
When Y/N got downstairs she plopped on the couch in between Jack and Benny.
Benny glanced at her and did a double take. “Woah. Erica did a really good job…not that you weren’t pretty before. You’re really pretty, either way. I’m so sorry. I’m totally rambling again.”
“Are you done?” She asked jokingly.
“Yeah…well, actually,” she laughed. “So no then?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie sometime…with me. I’ll even suffer through the new Dusk if you want.”
“No way are we watching Dusk. Pick me up Friday. We’re watching the new Avengers movie.”
Benny elbowed Ethan. “Dude. Did you hear that?”
“Yes, Benny, congratulations.” Y/N’s phone abruptly began to ring.
“Shoot. I gotta take this.” She got up and walked into the other room.
“Hello?” She asked. “Y/N? Where the hell are you? I told you and Jack to come home and stay home after school. Sam is not your dad. I am. You could’ve at least called and asked.” Dean grumbled.
“And you would’ve told me no and I would’ve been mad and you would’ve been mad and it would just not be fun at all so…”
“Are there boys there?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Does is matter?”
“Yes. It matters a lot.”
“You don’t know. I could be a lesbian.” She stated.
“Cut the crap, kid. You and Jack need to get your sorry asses home or youre grounded. Both of you.”
Y/N ignored that statement. “Well, I’d love to talk more, but I’m gonna hang up now.”
“Y/N Elaine Winchester I swear to Chuck if you hang up…”
“Calm down. We’ll be home in like twenty minutes. Bye.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“Jack, we have to go. Dean is flipping out.” She said walking back into the living room.
“Did you just refer to your dad by his first name?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah I did. Because I’m mad. It’s a symbol of defiance…even if he can’t hear it. Anyways, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Y/N, with annoyance, walked into the kitchen and said goodbye to Erica, Sarah, and Jane as well, before leaving with Jack trailing behind her.
Once they got home, they were greeted by all three hunters still sitting at the table researching.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Dean asked in disgust.
“Clothes. Goodnight. Good riddance. Love you partially and all that jazz. I’m going to bed. I have school.” She said running upstairs not letting anyone else get a word in.
The three men sighed. “Were there boys there?” Dean asked Jack seriously as he had Y/N on the phone.
“Yeah. Just two. Y/N has a date Friday.” Jack responded casually.
“She what?!”
“Anyways goodnight. Good riddance. Love you. And all that jazz as Y/N would say. See you tomorrow.” Jack repeated charging up the stairs.
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Meeting and Dating Max Dennison
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Max after he moved to Salem. The two of you were in the same History class and sat fairly close to each other. Because of this; and the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous, he quickly developed a crush on you.
- It doesn’t take long for him to shoot his shot but there is a period in time where he’s waiting for the right moment to say something and just doing the typical “I have a crush on you” things.
- When Max has a crush, he’ll do whatever he can to see them more; making sure he’s behind them on his bike as they begin to walk home, sneaking glances at them in class, strategically sitting at a lunch table where he’ll be able to watch them or standing close to their locker.
- Once he’s had enough of just watching, he’ll move on to using any excuse he can to seem cool and/or talk to them. This is usually when he begins to come up with a plot to ask them out and it’s not long after that he actually does so.
- Max asks you out only about a week or so after he moves to Salem. He was just planning on giving you his phone number or asking if you’d like to hang out sometime but things didn’t really go as planned.
- He’d wanted to go out and explore the town by himself but his parents forced him to take Dani with him while they continued to unpack. So, he begrudgingly let his sister join him on his adventure, figuring that the worst that could happen was her slowing him down and slightly annoying him.
- They’d gotten a good ways into town without a hitch; besides Dani forcing him to pick flowers, and Max had just about let his guard down. Well, that was until he saw you.
- He immediately froze in place, greeting you in surprise as you just so happened to turn and spot them. Dani immediately connected the dots as to who you were, she’d heard her brother secretly fawn over you more than once.
- It was only after you glanced down at his hand that Max remembered he was holding his sisters wildflower bouquet. He laughed nervously, raising his hand a bit and trying to make himself seem less like a loser as he explained he was looking after his little sister …and her flowers.
- While Dani is undoubtedly an adorable sweetheart, she is also somewhat devious. She uses this delightful coincidence to get her way, mentioning that Max was “just about to take her to the park”. He was just about ready to kill her before you chimed in.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Bingo.
- He immediately acted as though that was the plan all along and invited you to join them while Dani smiled at her obvious success. A cute boy asking you to go to the park with him and his little sister, why wouldn't you agree?
- So you joined the two of them, laughing and watching on fondly as he played with Dani and getting to know each other more and more whenever she went off to do something on her own. You wound up staying there for hours and probably would have stayed even longer if Dani hadn’t mentioned that her feet hurt and that she was tired. 
- If Max had learned anything at all, he learned that you thought it was cute when he was nice to his sister, so he offered her a piggyback ride as the three of you walked home. When you arrived at your house, he set Dani down and walked you to your door. 
”Well, if you ever want to go to the park again, you know who to call.” He smiled, handing you his number before joining back with his sister. 
“Dani? Have I ever told you that I loved you?” The little girl couldn't help but smile at her goofy older brother. 
- The two of you had your first actual date a few days later. He took you to the movies, then to go get some ice cream, and finally you wound up back at the park you’d gone to, sitting on the swing and eating your dessert. 
- He told you that you had something on your face, smiling as he leant in and kissed the corner of your mouth before slowly making his way to your lips. 
- It was in that moment; with your lips pressed against his, that Max thought to himself maybe Salem wasn’t so bad after all. 
- Innocent pda all the time. He just can’t help himself when you’re standing right there and looking so adorable.
- Handholding whenever you can. You swear he’s gonna learn how to be ambidextrous with how much he wants to keep your hand in his.
- Soft, chaste kisses.
- Cheek kisses. He can never hold back a smile when you give him one.
- He likes keeping his arm around your waist while you walk together. He likes how perfectly you fit into his side.
- Tight hugs. He does that thing where you give the person a squeeze and sorta sway with them while you hug, it’s very nice.
- Hugs from behind. He always presses a kiss to your head before he pulls away.
- This boy literally daydreams about cuddling his crush; he’d adore cuddling you anytime, anyplace. He usually wants to be the big spoon but he’d be up for any type of snuggling.
- He leans his head on yours whenever you rest your head on his shoulder.
- Hanging out with him in his widows walk, stargazing or watching the sunset/sunrise.
- He really doesn’t care what the two of you do as long as you’re together.
- Typical teenager dates: going bowling or roller skating, watching movies, getting pizza or ice cream; things like that.
- He tries to make you laugh with little impressions and exaggerative comedic routines.
- Getting teased a lot. He’ll pop out from behind corners to spook you, jokingly mock you and your little superstitions, and attack you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and growling while nuzzling his face into your neck. He thinks your reactions are cute.
- Watching him play his drums. Sometimes he’ll try and teach you how to play, othertimes he’ll just try to show off.
- He really wants you to think he’s cool and to be in awe of him. He’s constantly trying to show off and peacock for your attention.
- He’s quite fond of nicknames and pet names. He uses special ones though, something uniquely you.
- He keeps your photo framed on his nightstand or tucked under his pillow. He kisses it like every morning and night, occasionally talking to it when you’re mad at him or when he doesnt know what to do in a situation. It’s cute ...in an odd way.
- He’s in awe of you everytime he sees you dressed up or after a long time of not seeing each other. Sometimes he just can’t believe how beautiful you are.
- The amount of doodles he’s made of you while in class couldn’t even fit in a normal sketchbook.
- Dani is always interrupting the two of you, busting into his room and jumping between you as you sit on his bed or forcing her way between you two on the couch. She winds up accompanying you on a few of your dates, especially when his parents are busy. He can’t say he’s completely upset about it though, he likes watching you interact with her.
- You and her are probably best friends and occasionally hang out on your own without Max. She’s definitely spilled some embarrasing facts/secrets about Max whether one front of him or not.
- He’s sort of embarrassed by his family and their shenanigans. He turns bright red whenever they start acting all excited/childish. You cant imagine his relief when you assure him that you think its cute.
- He has a little sister so even though he’s a fairly typical teenage boy; he has that “I actually respect females” mindset. To an extent of course, he still can’t help but think about your yabbos from time to time.
- There isn’t a lot that grosses him out anymore since he was already a little grown up by the time his parents had Dani. He had to go through all those yucky baby phases so he has no problem holding your hair as you puke, bandaging your cuts, dealing with periods, wiping dirt off of you, and so on. Life’s gross, he’s accepted that a long time ago.
- Standing up for him. He finds it both embarrassing and touching at the same time.
- Letting him rant to you about how much he misses LA. He always absentmindedly adds on that you’re the only good thing to come out of Salem and it never fails to make you melt.
- Comforting him. He has a tendency to blame himself when things go wrong or work himself into a fit when something bad happens. You try to make sure he doesn't while also making him feel better. He’s always there for you when you need it as well.
- He’s a sweetheart and an adorable one at that. He’s always trying to make you feel better whenever he can and; overall, just being super nice to you. Making sure you’re happy is very important to him.
- He’s got a hard time keeping his mouth shut; he just cant help but say what he wants and not inconspiciously or very quietly either. You’ll oftentimes have to get him out of a situation before he starts more trouble than there has to be.
- Bringing out the best in each other.
- He sends a glance your way whenever someone mentions lovers, couples, or otherwise romantic things. It’s sort of like he’s saying “yeah, I’ve got one of those” or making future plans for the two of you in his head.
- Riding your bikes together or walking alongside him while he purposefully keeps pace with you on his.
- Going on stupid little adventures. They may be a bit reckless but they sure are fun.
- He’s somewhat of a pushover. He can very rarely resist your pleading/puppy dog eyes, especially when its combined with affection. You could genuinely stop him in his tracks with a single touch.
- You’ve definitely convinced him to let you put a face mask on him, braid his hair or do his makeup. Dani may or may not have been present or at least walked in on the two of you. She has not let him live it down since.
- He’s not scared of the supernatural; at least not yet, or spiders/insects, so he leaps at the chance to “protect you”. He tells you to “fear not” as he “vanquishes the beast”, delicately pushing you behind him and killing the thing or calling out to whatever ghouls may be lurking around.
- He insists in walking you home, mainly because it gives him the chance to spend more time with you.
- A trait he’s developed as an older brother is being protective of his loved ones. He won’t let anything happen to you; if he can help it, and usually has a pretty good plan when trying to get you out of trouble.
- He’s not an extremely jealous person. People being outwardly flirty or interested in you would tick him off but he reasons that you want him, not them and then he’s fine. Old boyfriends don’t bother him either, he’s your new and improved boyfriend; what would you want with them.
- He lashes out when he’s upset so you’ve definitely had your fair share of fights though they never last for very long. He immediately feels bad when he notices he’s actually hurt you and does whatever he can to apologize.
- He starts off with a genuine apology before he trying to explain himself, making a few little comments to try and get you to smile afterwards. Once you seem to forgive him, he shyly opens his arms and smiles as you go to hug him.
- He tells you that he loves you a lot; he just can’t help it. Everything you do makes him want to shout it out to the world.
- Prior to meeting you, he didn’t want to go to Salem at all, but now that he has you? He can’t bring himself to even think about leaving it.
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word-scribbless · 3 years
Gibbs x female reader
Warning: Sexual talk but no actual smut.
Summary: Y/N is an FBI profiler who consults with NCIS. Gibbs interigation of Holly Snow, and his remarks about how he may or may not be in the bedroom lead to interesting talks between Y/N and Gibbs.
A Time and a Place.
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Y/N watched the integration of Holly Snow with a small smirk and an undeniable twist of jealousy and something else she didn’t really want to name in her gut. Sure the FBI profiler had had a crush on the agent since she began consulting for NCIS about 5 years ago now. They always flirted, and he was nicer to her than anyone, but he was Gibbs. He was unattainable and she knew she had to just be happy with being flirty friends.
She stood on the other side of the interigation room glass, trying to hide how much his words were affecting her. Tony teased her enough as it was she didn’t need him to her reaction to Gibbs saying there was a ‘time and place’ to be rough fueling the fire. Which is why she waited until after the interrogation, when Gibbs had entered the observation room and tony had left to make her comment.
“Sooo” she said with a smile, watching as Gibbs turned a skeptical eye towards her. He knew that tone. “A time and a place huh?” Referring to Gibbs answer to Snow.
She watched Gibbs roll his eyes and move towards her. She didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened a little at her words though, and she loved that.
“Yn” he warned, fixing her with the Gibbs glare.
“What? She asked innocently, touching his forearm. He leaned closer to her and warned again.
“Right not the time?” She smiled.
“Or the place.” He whispered teasingly in her ear. So close she could feel his breathe (and his smirk) on her neck. He Loved the shiver it caused in her. They were always playful and flirty but god she wished he’d make a move. She knew though, this was better than nothing. He was rarely this open with anyone.
“Okay okay” she held her hands up and began to walk away. “I’ll get back to work.”
Before she could get too far she felt Gibbs gentle grip on her arms. She turned back to face him and swallowed deeply at the look in his eyes. It was between desire, nerves, and something else she’s too scared to name.
“Tonight my place.” He said in the low gruff Gibbs voice that she loves.
She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked,
“Is that the time and place?” She joked.
“Mhm” he replied with a small smile before brushing some hair behind her ear gently and adding “it’s also a date.”
“A date?” She answered, breathless at his gentle touch and his unexpected request.
He Nodded at her with a smile.
“Okay I’ll be there” she nodded back, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
Before she could move to the door again Gibbs placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered “good”.
Causing her to smile as she reached for the door. “Tonight” she said with a smile.
“Tonight” he confirmed and watched her turn the handle to leave.
Relief washed over him that he finally was able to make a move.
Y/N wasn’t a new guest at Gibb’s house. They often had take out or watched movies. Tonight however, was the first time she was nervous. Those nerves quickly washed away as she laughed, and ate and drank with Gibbs.
Things were slightly different than usual, he sat a little closer, held her hand every once in a while, kissed her cheek. All things she decided, she’d love to get used to.
After dinner, they moved to the couch, Gibbs pulled her under his arm and they settled in to a comfortable silence as an old movie played.
Eventually y/n felt comfortable enough to bring back up their usual banter.
“So are we gonna talk about what you said today?” She smirked looking up at him.
“You really haven’t dropped that?” He chuckled.
“I mean I’ve thought about it, I’m curious.” She said and looked down shyly, realizing what she had just admitted to him.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked, lifting her chin back to look her in the eyes.
“Yeah, you’re sorta hard to figure out. You’re so stoic and strong I could see you liking to be rough but you’re also passionate and caring and careful, especially with me.”
He Huffed a small smile and looked a little shy at her words.
“What you think I don’t notice that you’re different towards me?”
Gibbs Shrugged, but she noticed the small smile didn’t leave his face.
“My favorite part of the day is when you look up from your coffee to check on me, or when you walk me to my car, just to make sure I’m not in the dark alone.” She admits and takes his hand.
He smiled at her and then reverted back to the original topic with a smirk.
“so what’s your assessment doc? Was I telling the truth?”
“I think so” she nodded
“Yeah?” He pressed and watched her nod before speaking again.
“There’s a time and a place. I think if you took me to your bedroom right now you’d be slow, and sweet. You’d still want to be in charge but you’d be careful with me. I think the more comfortable you got with me, the more we, were intimate...”She said and they both laughed softly. “you’d enjoy letting me take charge too. Let me set the pace, let me make you feel good, show you how sexy you are to me.” She said the last part softer, moving one of her hands to his chest. “But that takes trust, love.”
She said and they both looked down a bit shyly.
“Either way, you’d be sure I was take care of. safe but also...” she paused and then softly added “Satisfied, really satisfied.” She looked back up with a small smirk to see Gibbs smirking back at her.
“Am I right?” She asked quietly.
“Mhm” he nodded “you didn’t really mention the rough part too much though” he pushed, enjoying this side of her much more than he’d ever let himself before. They always joked about these things, but this, a real conversation about it? He couldn’t deny it was affecting him, in a very good way.
Y/N smiled and said “I think that’d be easier for you than letting me take charge. I think you’d like to be a little bit rough, make me breathless and clawing at your back, give a hickey or two, let me give you some. but you’d never hurt me, wouldn’t do anything too risky. I don’t think that type of rough would be enjoyable for you, even in a playful way. Which I appreciate.”
Gibbs nodded and replied. “I know.”
“You know?”
“Mhm” he replied causing y/n to raise a questioning eyebrow.
“You’re not the only one that’s thought about it.” He admitted and she could swear she say his face redden just a bit.
“Hmm what do you think I’d be like then?” She asked, readjusting her self so her legs were over his lap and she was facing him more, still tucked under his arm, his other arm now resting over her legs.
“Passionate,” he responded, looking away, almost as if he were imagining it. “you’d lose yourself in me. Throw your head back, move with me, trust me to take over. Trust me to give you pleasure and care for you.” He said softly, his eyes turning that dark color she had seen earlier as he looked back into her eyes.
“I do trust you.” She said taking his face In her hands.
“ I trust you too.” He said, pulling her closer by her wait.
“Yeah?” She whispered and he began to lean in.
“Mhm” he said before connecting their lips. She sighed at the feeling of his lips on hers and melted into him. Opening her lips to allow his tongue entrance. Gibbs began to deepen the kiss even more when Y/N pulled back gently.
His hand that wasn’t on her waist was cupping her cheek and he moved his thumb over it lightly, looking at her in question.
“Gibbs I think you know this, but sex, it it doesn’t come with out feelings for me.”
He nodded “I do know” he said and placed a loving kiss on her head, sensing that she wasn’t finished.
“I- I have feelings for you, feelings I’m not going to express fully because I don’t want to scare you away.” God she knew him too well.
“I’m not scared Y/N.” He assured her.
Sure he’d been terrified of his feelings for her at first. He denied them, wished them away, saw women that would never be her, but the truth was he didn’t want them to go away. He’d do anything for her, to make her happy, safe, loved. He wanted to be the one to deserve her, and he was ready to try to be.
“I know, but I know you, when your heart gets involved you shut down.” She said as she stroked his cheek.
“My hearts been involved for a long time.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss her nose and nuzzle his against her neck.
He knew being affectionate and truthful was the only way to show her he was serious. She hugged him tighter around the middle and asked the question he was waiting for.
“Rule 12?”
“You’re a consultant” he replied against the soft skin of her neck.
“Ahh a loop hole” she laughed softly and pulled back to look at him.
He nodded and lifted his head to look at her.
“I’d transfer” she said looking in his eyes.
He wasn’t expecting that.
“Y/n” he sighed.
“I don’t want to push you, if you don’t feel how I do, but Gibbs I lo- I care about you and I’d transfer if it would mean you giving this a chance.” She blurted.
“Don’t transfer.” He said cupping her cheek.
She nodded and looked down, a bit sadly. Gibbs realized she misunderstood him.
“I understand, but this, the things we talked about... in the bedroom, I can’t do that with out strings.” She said and Gibbs hated how defeated she sounded.
“I’m not asking you to.” He said
She nodded, still looking upset and he realized it was time to be be clear. He took a deep breath and put his hand on the side of her neck, guiding her eyes to his.
“I want this Y/N.” He confessed.
“You do?” She smiled wide as he nodded.
“Yes, I trust you. I know you deserve more than me...”
“N-“ she tried to disagree but he stopped her
“BUT. I know you don’t want anyone else. You deserve everything you want.”
She nodded and kissed him quickly.
“Jethro, I want you.” She whispered against his lips.
“I want you too.” He whispered back.
She kissed him again, slowly before pulling away and moving to straddle him.
“I want this” she said kissing his head, “this” kissing his heart, “and th-“ she began to say and move lower before he stopped her, pulling her back up.
“What?” She breathed out.
“Y/N I love you.” He breathed out quietly, staring into her eyes.
Her breath caught as she tried to speak. “I-“
“I needed you to know before this goes further.” He confessed.
His words caused her to smile and kiss him sweetly before pulling back, cupping his face and responding.
“I love you too jethro.”
“Mm” he hummed as he kissed her lips. “Good.” He said kissing her again. “Proceed.” He said looking toward where she was originally headed.
Y/N giggled along with his laugh and kissed him, repeating her previously intended path.
@diesinspanishbcimhispanic @averyhotchner
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alegacyofmonsters · 3 years
4x03 Reactions
- For a minute, I forgot about Malivore and Ethan and thought he just meant the vampire blood
- Lizzie wearing this shirt again >>>
- Hope wearing colored pants >>>
- Dorian is me whenever things get awkward
- The sword!!!
- I’ve missed angry Hope
- “Does this boy think I have not been looking for a way out?” 😂😂😂
- Landeo rising???
- “Helping old ladies cross the street.” 😂😂😂
- Methan rising!
- “Tell me that you’re going to try to win.” Well she put on a whole show and decided to merge early ... she’s pretty committed to winning ...
- Hope’s back with the bad one liners 😭😭😭
- I thought it was going to be Landon she killed but I had the right idea
- Hope looks so good this episode (every episode)
- Why did the first ten minutes feel like a full episode?
- Aww. An ad for a movie called Finch. They know what’s up.
- Whose room are they in? Hope’s room didn’t have two beds after Cleo left?
- “The old vampire hunter who took me in.” Melt my heart, why don’t you?
- Oh this episode is GOOD-good
- MG knows what’s up
- A Hafael hug???
- But does Rafael even know Landon’s been missing? How in the loop is he?
- Commercial break so I’m circling back but is Alaric is not wrong? I already know people are gonna be mad like 1x02 but he has solid points and Hope knows it.
- “I use it on everything.” I love that.
- “It’s only a prison if you feel trapped.” Sometimes Legacies’ lines are cringey but sometimes they hit hard
- Hafael holding hands!!!
- Dorian is such a softy
- God my heart. It’s gonna explode before the episode is over
- MG snapping necks is something I could get used to
- The Mizzie KalebG parallels!
- “Hope deserves our trust.” 
- The ice cream shop! She has returned to me!
- All of Rafael’s lines are slapping hard
- The random students in the back ... 😂😂😂
- Heart too full.
- Jedeo? Cled? Jeo? Whatever! They hugged!
- “You can’t prove that was me.”
- “Especially with you.” *stares at Lizzie* 😭😭😭
- Hizzie cinematography is unmatched
- “I think I’m ready.” I’M NOT.
- Cleo got tricked again 🥺🥺🥺 So did I
- Kaleb outsmarting everyone else >>>
- “And so I got you an art set.” I’m gonna bawl
- “You are.” SOBBING
- “I’m not ready.” CRYING
- Hope getting scenes with Freya???
- I swear if that hug was all the time they get again ...
- On a joking side note, if DRR calling Hizzie and Hosie sisters didn’t crush your soul, I bet Hope and Alaric calling them sisters did ...
- “You’re going to be this beautiful forever.” Please?
- An Elijah mention? Yes please.
- “She would never disappear without a fight.” Well .... not to get technical but that’s exactly how she died ... without a fight ...
- “You’re already better than all of us.” x “These kids will be better.” parallel coming soon
- Heretic!Lizzie rising???
- Hope: *becomes a vampire*; Lizzie, immediately: “Me too?”
- She says “murdering my sister” with such disgust like she didn’t already do it once 😂😂😂
- Finsie rain kiss??? Pretty please?
- The Finsie/Posie parallels
- “I’m so proud of you, Hope.” God the Frope x Holaric parallels
- Can we go into Hope’s subconscious? We’ve been in everyone else’s.
- “Is that peace?”
- Kaleb no ... no
- Kaleb I am watching you
- I am fucking watching you
- God damn it
100000.10. New favorite episode? Very big chance. The heart strings were YANKED, the ships were RISING, the plot was THICKENING.
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