#also stevies just laying there laughing her ass off
eddie super high and trying to have sex with stevie like
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canmargesimpson · 1 month
Spring Cleaning
I believe that Steve's mom was a bit of a control freak. I mean, she went on business trips with her own husband to make sure she wasn't cheating on him. so she clearly likes to have her own rules in her house. 
i mean she went on a trip with her husband to make sure he didn't do anything sus. So I feel like she would also be this clean freak, every spring, she would tell Steve to clean his entire bedroom and get rid of the things she didn't need. After a while, this became a bit of a habit for Steve, so, when spring arrived and the sun started shining once again, he would clean his entire room and re-organize everything.
Later, when he is about to move in with Eddie, he realizes his room is a complete disaster. So he went full on mom mode. He summoned the entire party, put on an apron that said “Mom’s kitchen!” and bought a bunch of cleaning products (most of them he knew for cleaning after a party). At first Eddie thought Steve was messing with him, but when he showed up with the kids and the offer for them to clean his room, he was left with no choice but to say yes. And so they got to work.
First they took off all of the posters, in which Eddie was very whiny about, saying that if they broke them or even wrinkle them, he was going to sue. Then went to the closet, in which Steve, Robin and Nancy took care of. Lucas took the records and boxes of music outside to organize them next to Max, who was just sunbathing. Will, Dustin and Erica took care of the books that were everywhere. Like… Everywhere. 
“Why would you leave a book in the oven?” Dustin exclaimed as he took the collection of Sunglasses After Dark books
“Cuz i had no place to leave them” he shrugged as he turned around and kept trying to keep calm at everyone touching his stuff
Mike and Eleven were in charge of collecting the plates, empty beer cans, and food which were laying around. Finally, Argyle and Jonathan were in charge of organizing what was for donations, trash, and to keep. BUT, Argyle was lucky enough to find some edibles and weed treats and they both ended up high as hell on the couch watching looney toons. They weren’t much help at the end of the day, but at least they didn’t stand in everyone’s way. After organizing the clothes from the category, they sat and tried to see which ones were appropriate to keep, which were clean, and which were… actually clothes.
“Oh I missed this shirt!” Eddie took it from robin and raised it to see the cover of a weird ass band album cover.
“Mama’s boy? Really?” steve raised a eyebrow at his boyfriend
“Hell yeah! in 1985, they opened for Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, it was a hell of a night. I got the cassette too! Hold on” he ran outside to find lucas and max laughing
“Red, Lucas, Mama’s Boy, Power and Passion” 
“Let me- god where did I leave the M…”
“Third box, right after Malice” Max said nonchalantly, leaving both boys astounded and she just smiles “just because im blind doesn't mean i can’t see anything” 
Lucas took the cassette and handed it to eddie who was quickly inside and went to the trailer and placed the cassette in the player and connected it with the speakers, and pressed play, and the music started ( lol this is the link of the album, since its not in spotify, it should tho, their music is great tho)
“Wait…” Robin called as everyone turned to her “Why do you have like… four of their shirts?”
“Well…” eddie bit his lip and looked away trying to come up with an excuse… but at this point, he had no option but to tell the truth “I MAY have… slept with the drummer, and i might have stolen them”
“You what now?” steve smiled a little confused
“It was like, 3 years ago Stevie, don’t worry, he probably doesn't remember.” he reassured
“You slept with a drummer from a famous band?”
“Well i have fucked more famoust people, Tommy McManus is a particle compered to what i have gone through” he shows off but when he turns to his boyfriend with an un amused face
“Who then?
Eddie started laughing nervously, looking around for help, but robin and nancy were trying not to laugh while Dustin and Erica were clearly enjoying this.
“Joey Tempest… from Europe…”
“You fucked a Eurpoean?”
“ i mean, he is from sweden, and his in the band called Europe, but yeah”
“Do they sing a song we may know?”
Eddie’s cheek turned bright red as Steve looked at him with such an intimidating stare, it was too pretty for Eddie to say no to.
“You know… It the final countdown, tanana, tananana, tanana, tanananananana aaa” eddie sang in a low voice, pretty embarrassed of the situation he’s in
“Oh my god” Steve rolled his eyes and groaned
“You slept with carol perkins while she was dating tommy!” 
“Don’t you dare play the carol card on me right now!”
After a long discussion over each other's sex lives, they got back to cleaning and organizing, till the sun was setting.  They all ended up on the couch, in front of the tv, discussing which movie to watch. Their options were Howard the Duck, Mary Poppins, and Lawrence of Arabia, in which they chose Mary poppins. Steve ordered a pizza for everyone, and when Wayne came back, he could help but to join the kids watching the childish movie. They eat everylast pizza piece, and they all fall asleep on the couch munched together, and it was too cute not to take a picture, so wayne grabbed Eddie’s polaroid, snapped them a picture, which ended up the first frame that was hanged in the Munson - Harrington flat.
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eddies-whoreee · 1 year
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Summary: Steve hosts a pool party for the group and as the night fades away, you get ambushed in the kitchen by two horny guys.
CW: bestfriend!steddie, sexual touching, dirty talk, allusions to sex at the end. BASED IN MODERN TIMES!!
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You had just arrived with Robin, the door was already unlocked so you headed straight for the back yard where Steve and Eddie sat smoking a joint. Their heads both turn as you open the sliding door. “Hey princess” Eddie says with a goofy smile passing the joint to Steve. “Hey Eds” you peep setting plopping down next to Steve making grabbing hands for the joint which Steve immediately hands to you. “Where’s Robin?” Steve asks. “She’s raiding your super fancy fridge” you tell him taking a hit. “That’s all she comes here to do I swear” steve scoffs. “You’re rich Steve, you have to expect it” you reply. “You’re rich too! Even richer than me you have a summer house” Steve states. Making you roll your eyes. “Whatever, enough talk about this, I have some important news” you tell them passing the joint to Eddie.
“Kevin Wilson, from swim team asked me out on a date” you say. “Kevin? Creepy Kev?” Eddie asks shocked. “Stop you guys! That rumor was proven to be fake. And he’s kinda cute” you state. “His dick is small” steve tells you. “No it’s average not every guy can have a monster cock like you, Steve” you huff. “ a monster cock? Never heard that one before” he chuckles. “Okay anything above 9 and a half is consider a monster, especially if the width is above 5 inches” you inform him. “Sweetheart do you do studies in guys dicks or..” Eddie jokes. “No, it’s human anatomy and I am studying to be a nurse” you state. “And knowing I have a monster cock helps that how?” Steve asks. “Ugh, should’ve never told you that!” You groan. “Yeah because now I have an inflated ego” he smirks. “C’mon harrington like you didn’t know you had a huge dick” Eddie speaks nudging Steve shoulder. “Well yeah, but not a ‘monster’ ” he laughs. “And remind me how you know y/n?” Robin comes behind you asking. “It all started one dark and stormy night” you joke making Eddie and Robin laugh. “Who hasn’t fucked steve he’s a man whore!” Robin states. You guys all look at her, “I’m lesbian so I don’t count!!” She tells you guys. “And I am no whore!” Steve tries to argue. Eddie puts his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “You’re a whore, no shame though.” Eddie says with a smile. “Whatever” steve rolls his eyes. “Hey guys!” Nancy speaks walking through the door with Jonathan. You roll your eyes and stay silent.
“Someone’s jealous” Eddie whispers in your ear. You snap your head at him, “of who?” Your ask slightly offended. “Of Nancy, you’re so jealous she used to date Stevie” Eddie responds poking your side. “First off, I did too and there is nothing she has that I don’t plus more” you reply flicking his forehead with your middle finger and thumb. “Whatever I’m ready to get in the pool it’s burning up out here” you state getting up and taking off your cropped tank and flowy shorts revealing your bikini that hugged your figure perfectly. Everyone stopped their conversation to look at you. “What? This is a pool party right? Was I supposed to wear overalls?” You ask. “No, what you have on is perfectly fine” steve stutters out staring hardly at your ass. “Dog” Robin mutters at him slapping his chest. “Who needs playboy when you have y/n” Eddie jokes making you roll your eyes playfully reaching to the sunscreen. “Can someone put sunscreen on me?” You ask going to open the bottle. “Me!” Steve, Eddie, and Robin.
You giggle handing the sunscreen to Robin who sticks her tongue at the boys which they retaliate by flipping her off. You lay down on your stomach so Robin can get easy access to your body. After her rubbing sunscreen on your legs, ass, back, and shoulders. You turn around laying on your back. “Can you also do this side, I’m lazy” you ask giving her sweet smile. “Sure” she says her hands diving for you boobs making you giggle as the cold substance makes contact with your skin. Once you are all covered in sunscreen you turn to lay your towel out and see Eddie and Steve staring you down. “You two okay?” You question laying out your towel on the chair. “Yep! Perfect, I’m gonna go get a beer” Eddie states getting up and walking toward the door. “M-Me too” Steve speaks following Eddie. You shake your head playfully and slowly enter the pool since it was freezing cold to you. Once you get you your midriff and below in the water you decide you submerge the rest of your body in the water. As you pull yourself back up hands running over your hair to get the access water out. “You gonna join Nance?” Robin asks. “Maybe later I’m gonna tan” she says laying back. “Well I’m gonna join” Jonathan states taking off his shirt and tossing it to the side. “Have fun babes” Nancy says. Robin and Jonathan both cannon ball into the pool making a huge splash. You all giggle and start splashing each other.
The night goes on and you end up getting out of the pool for good around 7 or 8. Everyone had left but Robin, Steve,Eddie, and you were there. As you exit the pool retrieving your towel and wrapping it around your waist creating a little knot on the side still revealing some of your hip. “I’m gonna go get a water do you guys need anything?” You ask walking towards the door. They answer no so you go in. As you got the water bottle your phone went off so you decided to check it. As you were scrolling through social media, you didn’t even hear anyone enter the house. “Hey princess” is all you hear from close behind you making you jump and yelp. “What the fuck Eddie” you turn around ready to slap him when you are faced with Eddie and Steve towering over you. It was always intimidating when anyone taller was towering over you but two, sexy, shirtless, men. “Oh hi guys, whatcha doin’ ” you ask as your voice pitched higher showing signs of nervousness. “Nice tits” Eddie says earning a nudge from Steve. “What happened to a subtle approach” he mumbles. “What he’s trying to say is you look good and we couldn’t keep our eyes off of you” Steve says softly. “You practically have us drooling over you” Eddie states pushing his body closer to you. You were cornered in the kitchen. “So, the only logical thing to do is fuck your brains out” Steve states with smirk. “B-But what about Robin? She’s still here” you ask. “She left a couple minutes ago we told her you asked to stay the night” Eddie smiles. You blush looking down to the floor. “C’mon baby, let’s us show you how bad we want you, yeah?” Steve asks you nod obediently. “Good girl, c’mon” Eddie’s says picking you and throwing you over his shoulder making you gasp. He lands a harsh slap on your ass as does Steve making you giggle with excitement. Tonight is gonna be a fun, looooong night!
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
While You Were Sleeping... | dark!Stucky x reader
warnings: noncon, somnophilia, dp, slight breeding kink, kidnapping, bondage, drugging, pain kink, choking, spanking, slapping, degradation, mention of blood
word count: 3.3k
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Thunk.            Thunk.            Thunk.
The sound was the first thing you became aware of.  Your eyes were heavy, so heavy you couldn’t open them, as hard as you fought.  All your effort led to one brief sliver of light, but it was gone so fast you couldn’t process what it was.
Thunk.            Thunk.            Thunk.
You heard yourself moan softly as you tried to stir, but your whole body was half-numb and as dense as lead.
Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.
It was faster, and louder, until it suddenly stopped.  Something shifted after that… something outside you, and something inside you.
“Your turn.”
Hearing words tore one more layer of your sleep away, and you managed to open your eyes for just a moment longer, long enough finally to see your surroundings for a second.
You were face-down on a bed; no sheets, just a mattress.  It shifted again, and you realized another weight was settling onto it.  
Something warm ran down your spine.  Fingers?  Was someone touching you?  And not through clothes, but straight onto your skin.
...am I naked?
You fought through the static tingling your tired limbs, and wiggled your arm a bit.  A jingling noise, a tightness on your wrist; a shackle and chain.
“Are you wakin’ up now, doll?”
Bucky? you tried to speak, but your lips wouldn’t move.  You were nearly paralyzed, but conscious enough to move your arm again, shaking the chain louder this time.
“Good,” you heard him reply.  “I’ll be honest, the drugs were a compromise for me.  I want you to be awake for this.”
Your legs were pushed wider apart.  Something hot was pushing against your— no, that can’t be right.  This can’t be happening.  This isn’t happening.
A shift inside you.  He was inside you.  You tried to kick him away but all that came of it was a twitch in your calf.
“That all the fight you got, sweetheart?” Bucky chuckled.  You could feel his hands on your hips, pulling you into him each time he thrusted forward.  You were thankful for the numbness, because you knew this would be painful without it; you could feel how far his intrusion was stretching you, how deep he was inside you.  So deep that you could feel it in your stomach.
Thunk.            Thunk.            Thunk.
The headboard slammed into the concrete wall with every thrust, the sound marking each time he buried himself as deep as he could go.  He was so impressed that you could take all of him, even though it would probably be challenging for a version of you that was fully lucid.  There had been a little blood after Steve was finished with you, so he knew you were being pushed beyond your limits.  But he also knew you could take it.
Well, he knew you had no choice but to take it.  So maybe not so much that you could, but that you would.
“So tight, doll, especially when you try to fight it,” he praised, groaning when your walls pulsed around him again.  “You came when you were knocked out— twice.  Wanna see how many times I can make you come when you’re awake?”
You fought the instinct to writhe in protest, knowing now that it only egged him on.  
“There’s a good girl,” he groaned, “just lay there and take it, honey.  I’m just sorry you can’t feel all of me like you know you want to.  The last of the tranquilizer should wear off soon…”
No, no, that’s the only thing making this tolerable, you realized.  “No…” you managed to mumble aloud, though it was broken and nearly inaudible.
A harsh slap landed on your ass and your body jerked with the pain.
“What’s that, doll?  Can’t hear you,” he mocked.  
“Bucky…” you murmured, still barely able to believe that he was doing this.  He’d acted weird around you a few times, Steve had told you it wasn’t a big deal—
Steve… Steve would help you.
“Steve?” you slurred.
“What is it, pet?” his voice echoed from behind you.
He’s already here?
The realization made your gut sink.  He was already here.  Your turn, you remembered someone saying; it was him.  He’d been here a long time, hadn’t he?
“Want me instead, huh?  Buck’s not doin’ it for ya?” Steve laughed.
“Shut up, punk,” Bucky groaned.  “She’s gonna cream on my cock any second, I can tell.”
“Go ahead then,” Steve encouraged you, “come for him if you like it so much.”
“No…” you managed to sigh again, but it wasn’t to them this time; it was to yourself.  You needed to stop this, because Bucky was right and you weren’t ready to cope with that in this moment.  You needed to hate this, it needed to hurt.  And both of those things were true… but you were going to come in spite of it.  Or, perhaps, because of it.  
You started to sob as your mind warred with your body, as pleasure and fear and dread and disgust were all overshadowed by a deep primal need.
Bucky leaned down, his body crushing yours as his teeth nipped at your neck.  “You’re drooling all over the mattress, sweetheart; our brainless little fuckdoll, so stuffed with cock you can’t think.”
A tingle ran up your spine so strongly that your back arched involuntarily, pushing his cock even deeper into you.  Bucky grinned and you would’ve grimaced if you could move your face that much.  “Oh, you like that, don’t you?  We knew you needed to let go, but you would never do it on your own.  That’s what the drugs were for, to loosen you up a bit.  But you’re awake now, and you’re finally realizing how good it is to be owned, aren’t you?  Nobody’s here but us, baby, we won’t tell anyone how much you love it.  It’ll be our little secret.”
Out of nowhere, you came.  It was dulled and distant as it fought against the effects of the drugs, but undeniable.  You felt hot all of a sudden, like you would burn up, as you shivered and tightened involuntarily.  You could really feel him now, every ridge and vein, every detail sliding along your insides and stretching you impossibly wide.  It felt like it wouldn’t stop so long as he didn’t stop fucking you; your skin erupted into goosebumps, even though you felt anything but cold.
“Just like that, doll… so fuckin’ good,” he groaned, the deep timbre of his voice reverberating through your bones.  “Squeezin’ me so goddamn tight, I could come right now—”
“No!” you yelped.
“Is that the only word you know?” he hissed.
“Not… not inside…” you murmured.  
“Not inside?  Doll, Stevie already filled this filthy little cunt,” Bucky informed you with a purr.  “You couldn’t even tell, huh?  Don’t worry, you’re gonna feel it this time.”
You whimpered but couldn’t put a sentence together, focusing most on not moaning every time he thrusted into you; his balls slapping into your clit was just enough sensation to keep you on the edge, but his thick head massaging your g-spot was too intense to ignore.
When you opened your eyes, you could see Bucky’s long hair falling in front of your face, and his hand reaching out to interlace his fingers with yours.  How could he do something so intimate, like he couldn’t feel the restraint around your wrist as he did it?
“I’m close, sweetheart, you’re gonna make me come,” he grinned, and it was weirdly prideful.  Like he knew that some part of you craved for his approval.  Of course you did; he was your superior, your Sergeant, your boss.  You just didn’t intend for this to be the way you got it.  
Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.  Thunk.
You bit down on your lip to keep quiet, hoping you could give no reaction at all.  It didn’t work, because just as he’d promised, you could feel his cock flexing and pulsing, you could feel his seed pumping into you.  A groan of protest slipped from your lips, louder than you’d expected.  It seemed to go on forever, or maybe it was just because you knew the potential this had… he’d said Steve had come inside you, too.  You just hoped they’d let you go in time to get a Plan B.  Surely they were going to let you go soon, now that he was done and they’d both had their turn.
The idea of them taking turns with your body made you feel sick.  So did the rush of hot liquid that oozed out of you as Bucky pulled his cock out.
“Can you go again, Buck?” Steve asked gruffly.
“Sure,” Bucky answered, seemingly just as curious as you were as to why he would ask that.
“Get under her,” he demanded.
“Wh… what…?” you moaned sleepily, trying to understand what was happening.  You were being lifted and manhandled, limp in his arms, as Bucky slipped under your body and wrapped his arms around you.  Your head laid against his chest as you pulled at your restraints again, more determined than before but just as fruitless.
Another weight moved in behind you; Steve, of course.  You could tell by the little laugh he made as his rough hands moved up the backs of your legs.
“Your pussy looks completely ruined,” Steve informed you, “like it was meant to be.”
He reached down and gathered some of the come that had leaked out of you— yours, Bucky’s and his own all mixed together— on two of his fingers and pushed it back into you.  You winced and struggled, even just his fingers big enough to stretch you.  Then again, anything was big enough to reignite the pain in your sore channel by this point.
“But this hole is still untouched,” he added, his fingers slipping out of you and trailing up to— oh.
“N-no,” you moaned quietly, “not there…”
“Not where, honey?” Steve taunted, his wet fingers drawing circles over your puckered opening.
“Not… not in my ass,” you pleaded weakly.  You could hear Bucky’s heartbeat get faster next to your ear.  “You can use my pussy again just… not there, please.”
“Oh, so generous,” Steve grinned, but his amusement turned to anger as he slapped the inside of your thigh.  You squealed with the pain, jerking inside Bucky’s embrace, and Steve hit you a few more times.  “Bargaining with your body as if it’s yours in the first place.  Stupid whore.  Both these holes are mine, you understand?”
You cried out when he hit you again, the telltale burning of oncoming tears starting to sting the backs of your eyes.  But you refused to cry.
“Do you understand?” he repeated, firmer.
“Yes, Captain!” you blurted out, an old habit from when you were at work.  You felt your face burn with shame as both of them laughed at your obedience.
“Such a good soldier,” Steve praised.  “I know you can take it, baby, if you just relax and let it feel good.  I’ll make it good for you.  Buck’s gonna keep that greedy little cunt full, too; won’t you, Sarge?”
“Yes, Cap,” Bucky grinned, rubbing his cock through your swollen folds again.  You hadn’t anticipated that their stamina would apply to this. They’re going to keep me here for a while, aren’t they?
As Bucky teased your clit with his fat and leaking head, Steve pushed his fingers into your hole.  You tried to relax through the burn, gasping and groaning in spite of yourself.
“Ever been touched here before?” Steve asked, curling his fingers inside you until you let out a little moan.  “Doesn’t seem like it.  You were always hard at work, never had time for a boyfriend did you?  Not one that knew how to treat you right, at least.”
“Is this your idea… of treating me right?” you hissed through heavy breaths.  “Knocking me out?  Chaining me up?”
“That was just the only way to get you to let us take care of you,” Bucky explained.  “This is treating you right.”
Before you could ask what he was referring to, both of them pressed their cocks into your holes.  Bucky’s cock slid in with a hint of pain, but Steve’s hit more resistance— not that that stopped him.
You screamed, knocked out of the last of your drug-induced haze and thrown head-first into reality.  Sick, stinging, sharp reality.  Your arms pulled at the chains as your legs kicked wildly.  Steve grabbed your ankles as they swung by, pushing your legs up and holding them down until you were forced to straddle Bucky.  The new angle made you feel somehow more exposed to both of them.
“Shut up and take it,” Steve groaned darkly.  They both pushed in deeper, their cocks getting thicker the further down you got, and your eyes rolled back into your head.  
“That’s it, just let go, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered.  “You can take it, you were made for us, you can take it…”
You were too overwhelmed to process his words, though, as they kept filling you and you wondered if it would ever stop.  You wondered if you wanted it to stop, even though it was painful and degrading and beyond twisted.
“Almost done, honey, you’re takin’ us so well,” Steve cooed.
“She might pass out, Steve,” Bucky realized as he examined your face, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Maybe then she’ll stop fighting,” he shrugged in reply.
Bucky was buried all the way into you, but there was still some of Steve left to take and you were sure it wouldn’t fit.  You already felt so full that you could barely breathe.  Just to rub it in, Steve slammed that last inch into you, knocking the wind out of your lungs.
“Fuck,” Steve sighed, “you feel so good, babygirl.  The others call you a tightass behind your back, did you know that?  They don’t know how right they are…”
“Talk to me, soldier; are you still with us?” Bucky asked, slapping your cheek lightly to get your attention.  You nodded quickly.  “Feel how full you are, doll?”  You nodded again.  “You like it, don’t you?”
You stayed silent this time.  
“No need to pretend, honey, we can tell,” Steve groaned.  “You’re dripping all over the both of us, and your cute little ass is clenching around me.”
“Just say it,” Bucky moaned.  “Say you love it.”
“I… I love it,” you stammered, hoping that it was just to appease them.
“Then ride our cocks, like the little slut you are,” Steve demanded, smacking your ass one more time.  You tried to lift your hips, shuddering with the way it moved both of them inside you, but it was so difficult with your weak and aching muscles.  When you did it again, you fell suddenly with a wavering groan.
“Too weak, baby?  You’re so pathetic; let me show you how,” Steve offered, grabbing your hips tightly and lifting them with almost no effort.  You moaned, properly, as he used your body and dropped you up and down on his and Bucky’s cocks roughly.  “The least you could do is sit up; go on, put your hands on Buck’s shoulders and arch that back, show me how bad you want it.”
The chains were long enough that you could do it, though looking down at Bucky and the metal cuffs on your wrist was a lot to take in.  With a groan of pain, your wobbling arms lifted you up.
“I knew you could be a good girl,” Steve sighed, moving your body faster against his as his grip left bruises in the shape of his fingertips on your skin.
Bucky reached up and wrapped his cold metal hand around your neck, choking you suddenly.  Both men groaned as the loss of air made you flutter around them.  “Fuck, you like that, huh?  You like getting choked, doll?  Dirty slut.”
When he finally let go, it was like all the sounds that had been caught in your throat came out at once.  A groan, a sigh, a moan, and a sob churned together to make something inhuman and debasing.  They were fucking you like animals, you were shackled and bound like an animal, and now you sounded like an animal.
“Do you wanna breathe, doll?  Or do you wanna come?” Bucky growled.  
“I wanna… I wanna come,” you moaned.  The hand on your neck tightened again, and the tingles of lost sensation spread over your body quickly.  You were so close to coming again that you could barely imagine how it happened so fast.  They were reaching every sensitive spot inside you— rather, they were turning every spot inside you into a sensitive one.  The loss of air only pushed you closer, and you wanted to scream but all you could do was dig your fingernails into Bucky’s shoulders as it hit you hard.  You went completely limp in their arms, only Bucky’s hand holding you upright.  He relaxed his grip, still tight enough to keep you completely aware of his power over you, but loose enough that you could breathe.
“Don’t stop coming, sweetheart, I love seeing you do it,” Steve beamed.  “You can give us a few more before we’re done— right, Buck?”
“I don’t know man, she feels really good,” Bucky moaned, choking you again so you wouldn’t interrupt their conversation.
“Get it together, man,” Steve teased, “you can’t get all sentimental on me again.”
“I can’t help it, okay?  Been waiting for this for so long…”  Bucky trailed off, or maybe it was just that your hearing was fading out as the loss of air pushed you towards the beckoning darkness.
You gasped when he let go again, your moans turning into sobs and tears finally rolling down your cheeks.  You’d sworn you wouldn’t let them see you cry, but you couldn’t even remember that now.
“Such a cute little crybaby,” Steve purred, slamming into you faster.  “Can��t take it anymore, huh?  It’s too much for you?”
“Please…” you whispered, so hoarse that you couldn’t recognize it as yourself.
“‘Please’ what, doll?” Bucky pressed, massaging your neck in his palm.
You didn’t know what you were begging for, truly.  Bucky choked you again, grinning up at you and fucking you rougher than before.
“I know what you want: you wanna come again, yeah?  So needy… this’ll be, what, the fifth today?  Go ahead, princess, show us how bad you need us.”
They all started to blend together after that.  Just one big haze, interlaced with so much sensation that you couldn’t parse any of it into separate incidents.  Steve leaned forward to suck a mark on the back of your neck; Bucky used his free hand to twist your nipples and slap your tits, before moving down to roughly rub your aching clit with his thumb.  Bucky came first but stayed inside while Steve roughly pumped into your ass.  Without the distraction of Bucky’s movement inside you, you became more aware of how far Steve’s cock was stretching you.  He came with a cry and Bucky’s fingers pulled another orgasm from you, too.  He never stopped rubbing you there, not even when they’d both stopped moving and you were too exhausted to do anything but take it.  It made your body jolt even though your muscles ached and begged for rest.  You vaguely remembered begging for rest, too, but you didn’t get it until Bucky was satisfied.
When they both pulled out, you could feel the hot sticky mess gush from your holes; it was disgusting, and yet you felt a weak pang of arousal run up your spine.  Bucky slipped out from under you with an exhausted groan of his own, leaving you to flop down onto the bed lifelessly.  
“Get some rest, honey,” Steve encouraged.  “We’ll help you shower when you wake up.”
Any other day and you would’ve needed to shower first before you could fall asleep again, not to mention having your wrists freed from the chains.  But you were already nearly gone by this point, your eyes heavy again as your mind went blank.
The last thing you heard was a heavy steel door slamming shut: thunk.
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Fall Into You | Laszlo Kreizler x Reader
Alright my friends. Here is my latest piece of insanity.
It is completely raw and unedited. So, if there are a ton of mistakes, I apologize in advance.
What a whirlwind thing this was. I literally only planned to write the last little bit at the end, that was the entire premise and then 7000 more words came along with it.
This is a partial crossover fic.
TFATWS | The Alienist | Dr. Strange | Loki | universe all mushed together in bits and pieces.
But mostly The Alienist.
Hopefully the characterizations feel okay. Dr. Kreizler and John Moore can be a bit tricky to write and I've never written them before. So, please bear with me on this.
Buckle up. It's going to be a doozy. Kinda.
Word Count: 6,900 - ish
What happens when you wind up 124 years into the past and meet a relative of Baron Helmut Zemo's?
A lot.
It was early evening and you were perched on one of Dr. Kreizler's fine couches, in front of the fireplace, reading a book.
You were waiting for Stevie to drop by and drag you to some musical street performance not terribly far from Dr. Kreizler's residence. Normally, you would have stayed hidden indoors, but you took a liking to the kid when you first met him, and decided you couldn't let him down.
Hopefully Stevie wouldn't drag you out too long, otherwise Dr. Kreizler would start to worry. Although, he would never outright admit to it, but it was the subtle things he did that indicated his concern. Or perhaps it was annoyance. That wouldn't surprise you either. You were loud and very talkative. He'd probably grateful to have to leave his house; so he can finally get some peace and quiet.
Dr. Kreizler always kept to himself and rarely made a display of his feelings to anyone, but you were a good friend of his in the short time you had come to know him. So, you got little peeks into what lay hidden away.
He was gracious enough to allow you stay in his home until you could figure out a way to get back to your own time. One minute you were talking to Wong inside Dr. Strange's sanctum in New York, and the next a portal opened up underneath you and you were falling.
After travelling through an empty void that seemed to go on forever, you finally exited through the other side, which landed you in front of a police precinct. You had looked around after picking yourself up and realized you were in quite the pickle. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was not your New York.
People were starting to stare at as you took in your surroundings. You initially thought it was because you had randomly fallen out of the sky, but realization had dawned on you; it was because of your clothing.
Ah, yes. You suppose compared to what all the other women were wearing, you were a sight to behold. Jeans, a forest green blouse, and short brown leather jacket, would draw some attention, when all the other women were dressed so conservatively in dresses. You laughed nervously backing away from the small crowd on the sidewalk. You calmly but quickly darted over to a newsie holding up a paper for sale.
You paid the kid a dollar and snatched the paper out of his hand. Not paying attention in the least to his shouts of joy on making so much off of one measly paper, but you were too focused on finding out what time period you were in.
You caught the date at the top of the newspaper: April 1st, 1897.
April Fool's Day.
Typical, something like this would happen to you. Joke's on them, as someone is going to have a hell of time trying to figure out where you went. You're quite sure Wong was trying to sort through what happened and had already calling Strange.
Well, you hope he had.
You put down the paper and tried to think of what to do, but a small crowd of people were still stopped and whispering to each other, pointing in your general direction.
One man was gesturing in your direction and started shouting, but not at you.
"Hey Kreizler, this one looks like a crazy. Should probably haul her off to Bellevue!"
You raised your eyebrow at the man, but didn't say anything, instead choosing to turn and see who he was yelling at.
A very well dressed man wearing a bowler hat was walking down the steps of the police precinct in a rushed sort of manner. He had a cane with him, and it appeared his right arm was tucked against his body as if protecting it. A few steps behind him there was another man darting to catch up with him, also well dressed and carrying what seemed to be a sketchbook.
The guy on the street had yelled at the gentleman in the bowler hat again, which you had assumed at this point was Dr. Kreizler. As the two men reached the bottom of the steps and were about to step into their carriage, the incessant yelling had managed to grab Kreizler's attention. At least it seemed so, because the man with the cane had paused and turned his attention towards the direction of the yelling.
You could see from his body language he wasn't all that interested, but when his eye-line landed on you, he backed away from getting inside.
The other gentleman that was accompanying him, the one with the sketchbook, said something to him, but Dr. Kreizler just waved him off as he started to walk over to you.
You look over to the rude gentleman that had now drawn even more attention to you and gave him an unappreciative stare.
You steeled yourself, ready for whatever this stranger was going to say to you, but your guard had dropped slightly upon getting a better look at his face.
No way.
This was not possible.
The man that had come over to you was the spitting image of one genius, criminal mastermind and general pain in your ass, you knew all too well. One who's currently locked up in The Raft.
If it wasn't for the beard, you'd swear you were looking at Baron Helmut Zemo.
As Dr. Kreizler stopped a few feet from you, he tilted his head to the side and eyed you warily, but not unkindly.
That head tilt, a family trait for sure. Zemo had to be some distant relative of this man in some way, there's no chance they aren't with how closely the two resemble each other. She'd have to make a trip to The Raft and ask him about it sometime, if she ever got back home.
"My dear, you seem out of sorts. Are you alright?" the man inquired, gazing at the small gathering of people and then back to you.
"I kinda stick out like a sore thumb, yeah?" You laughed as you answer his question, peering down at your outfit.
"Quite," he replied.
You saw while he may be cautious around you, you've seem to grab his interest with the scrutiny and intensity of his gaze.
"If I may introduce myself, my name is Doctor Laszlo Kreizler," the gentleman stated.
Ah, so this was indeed the man who was being called out from the street. You noticed he didn't extend his hand in greeting, but then again perhaps it wasn't a pertinent gesture for the time period either. So, you didn't take offense to it.
Your eyeline moved behind Dr. Kreizler and could see his friend at the carriage watching with interest, but also growing impatience.
You gave a kind smile as you introduced yourself and added, "Thank you for humoring the nosy man over there, but I'm not in need of a doctor. I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your day."
"Not in the least. And I may be a doctor, but I am an alienist more specifically," Kreizler explained.
Your eyebrows shot into your forehead and then contemplated his title. An alienist? Where had you heard that before? If you remembered correctly, an alienist was someone who assessed individuals for competence?
The shouty man had mentioned Bellevue. Okay, now you understood.
"An alienist! That term is...." you paused trying to think of a better way to phrase you response. "The term is outdated where I'm from. Instead we simply acknowledge your specific doctorate profession as psychologists, since the very definition of what you do is to study the mind and behavior of individuals," you answered, satisfied with your explanation.
"Outdated. How intriguing. Perhaps we could continue this conversation away from prying eyes and gossipy busy-bodies?" Kreizler asked.
You wouldn't be able to read it on his face, but you can tell you've piqued his interest even more so now with his body language. And his eyes had this sparkle in them as you spoke of his profession so specifically.
Though you felt you could trust this man, you couldn't take the chance that he might, in fact, lure you into his carriage and ship you off to the nearest mental institution, such as Bellevue Hospital.
You'd be lying if you weren't equally intrigued by this enigma of a man standing before you. The resemblance to Baron Zemo was uncanny, and that alone made you want to find out more about him; however, Zemo was not to be trusted as far as you could throw him. Though he did have his moments. You'd give him some credit. Doesn't mean distrustful behavior runs in the family, but it also could. It was a difficult decision.
Your eyes narrowed assessing Dr. Kreizler as you came to decision.
"Shouldn't you give me a mental health assessment test before asking a complete stranger to travel off to who knows where with you? Why shouldn't I be suspicious you aren't going to drop me off at the nearest institute? No offense," you replied warily.
"Thank you!" the man with the sketchbook at the carriage shouted at both you and Dr. Kreizler, clearly in agreement with your answer.
You snickered at his sarcastic reply, but attempted to cover your ever growing smile by coughing.
The corner of Dr. Kreizler's mouth ticked up in a smile as well.
"No my dear, if anything you've just proven you're at least slightly more sane than my counterpart, Mr. John Moore," Dr. Kreizler shook his head and jutted his thumb behind him.
"Heard that Laszlo!" Moore responded with indignation.
"That was the point John," Dr. Kreizler answered back with dry wit.
Yeah, she liked him already.
"Shall we?" Kreizler turned slightly to gesture to his carriage.
You sighed internally. Why the hell not? You had nothing better to do and no idea what your next move should be trying to get home. Dr. Kreizler would no doubt be curious about your attire and that alone with most likely bring up a slew of never ending questions. You'd have to be careful how to explain your situation and make sure what you revealed was limited, but truthful. You wanted to tell him the truth about where you were from, but you needed to word it in a way that doesn't make you out to be a crazy person, but present the information with facts and evidence that Dr. Kreizler could not refute. Luckily you had some tech with you that could prove your point rather efficiently should the need arise you convince him of what time period you come from in the future. 124 years it a length period of time. It would be difficult for anyone to accept your explanation, but Dr. Kreizler seemed to be different. Let's hope you aren't wrong about him.
"I accept your offer Dr. Kreizler, thank you," you spoke kindly.
You were formally introduced to Mr. Moore and to Stevie before getting in the carriage. Mr. Moore seemed uneasy, but went along with Dr. Kreizler's acceptance of you. He was a trusting friend of his, you could tell right away. And something told you, Dr. Kreizler was a tough nut to crack and didn't seem to be the type of person who might have very many. Only a close few.
"What made you decide to take Dr. Kreizler up on his offer so quickly," Moore asked standing outside the carriage as Stevie was getting the horses ready.
Dr. Kreizler had held the door open for you and waited patiently.
You looked at Dr. Kreizler before turning back to Mr. Moore, "You mean besides his sparkling personality?" you winked and got in the carriage.
John leaned into Kreizler before adjusting his hold on his sketchbook and climbing into the carriage himself.
"Oh, well I like her already Laszlo," he grinned incessantly and gave Kreizler a clap on the back.
You saw Dr. Kreizler bend his head down in amused exasperation as a small huff of laughter sounded with the movement. He sighed somewhat dramatically before getting in the carriage and closing the door.
"You know, I've never actually ridden in one of these before," you say slightly awed.
Both Moore and Kreizler gave you confusing looks before Dr. Kreizler used his cane to tap on the rear enclosure signaling Stevie to head home.
Home. Well, this should be interesting indeed.
You closed your book with a snap and slumped into the couch you were perched on. It had been six months, since that day. Six months, you've been trapped in this pocket of 1897.
You had reflected back on how well John and Dr. Kreizler had taken the explanation you were from the future. As you told your story, your only requirement was that they wait until the very end before asking any questions. That gave you the chance to be very methodical about how you explained the future and how it was you ended up in 1897, which to be fair, you don't know exactly how that portal opened still, but magic was involved to say the very least.
It was oddly reminiscent of when Loki used the space stone, which gave her pause. All the infinity stones had been destroyed, and yet you knew that there was an errant 2012 Loki running around the universe with one. It is plausible, he could factor into this, but how or why you, you have no idea.
After you had explained your fanatical circumstance, to help prove you weren't absolutely off your rocker and have Dr. Kreizler change his mind about you, you showed them your phone.
Yes, there may not be any service available, but you could still access all your photos and videos and holographic imagery, etc. That was what allowed John and Dr. Kreizler to accept your story; paired with your unique clothes; they had a surprisingly open mind. John had gaped like a fish for a good 10 minutes before Dr. Kreizler told him to get over it already. John was somewhat outraged that he wasn't more shocked by your existence. But like all things, Dr. Kreizler took everything in stride, which was quite a relief to you. He was incredibly understanding and offered a room in his home to you until you were able to get back to your own time. You made a promise to Dr. Kreizler that you would never lie to him, about anything. It was the least you could do since he opened up his home and essentially part of his life to you.
You understood why he was an expert in his field. His patience and intellect allowed him to be open-minded and grasp concepts others word merely scoff at. However, there was another side to that coin; he was also closed off, and could at times, be calculating and manipulative. Though, none of these traits were used in any nefarious manners, they were there all the same.
He reminded you of Zemo to be sure in this regard. Some personality traits apparently do get passed down through the generations. In some ways, after meeting Dr. Kreizler, you felt you knew Helmut Zemo a bit better. And somehow, you missed him. Not that you were ever particularly close to him, but the time you spent with him in Latvia with Sam and Bucky forever altered your opinion of him.
So while you've been living at Dr. Kreizler's residence, in your spare time, you had been working different avenues of how to achieve ways to get home. You couldn't just solely rely on your friends to get you out of this mess. So, while Dr. Kreizler was at work, you enlisted the help of Stevie to run down leads of potential scientist and gathering of general information of the time period to help you put together some sort of road map. None had turned out to be very promising.
You had, over time, gotten more acclimated to living in 1897, though you mostly refused to wear the clothing of the time period. John Moore would always comment about how you would draw attention in the public eye, should you dare to go out. But you refused to give in most of the time, saying that 1897 would just have to catch up to your fashion sense, and you weren't about to apologize for it. If you were going to be stuck here, you were going to be stuck here, comfortably. You fondly remember Dr. Kreizler's reaction. He seemed pleased, possibly proud of you in that moment. Probably because you had refused to conform to the times, and set your own rules to live by. Not giving in to anyone.
The question lingered, how exactly did you get away with living in this time without having to dress in the clothing of the period? Well, a friend of yours, Scott Lang, had gifted you a device that allowed you to chose one object to shrink and return to it's normal size. So, of course, since you traveled so often with the Sam, Bucky and the other Avengers, you chose your wardrobe. You were just thankful you had it on you already when you got dumped into that portal. So, essentially you had all your clothes with you, making things a bit easier.
Life was not fast paced here, which made things a bit difficult for you. You were used to always being on the go, another crisis to fight through, another area of the world that needed help. But here, here everything was, for the most part, quiet.
It drove you nuts sometimes. Made you antsy. You managed to weasel your way into helping John, Sara and Dr. Kreizler on one of their serial killer cases recently to pass the time. Dr. Kreizler was unhappy at first. You were able to prove your usefulness though with advanced techniques and theories on how to potentially catch the killer in question. Be that as it may, Dr. Kreizler still seemed grumpy, if that were the correct word to use, about you working on the case. You confronted him about it one evening, but he glossed over the whole thing. He was holding back, but what that was, you weren't sure. Maybe he still didn't fully trust you yet. It was a fair assumption, but he was always so hard to read. Though you've managed to get a few good laughs out of him from time to time. Those were the days that really made you smile. Seeing him happy, as most of the time he was always so guarded. It made you feel like you and Dr. Kreizler shared this little secret when no one else was around.
Dr. Kreizler let himself relax ever so slightly around you, but it was far and fleeting. On rare occasions. You savored all those memories and tucked them away. Everyone was so refined and conservative in their mannerisms. You missed just wanting to hug someone. You craved some sort of physical affection, and it was hard, realizing just how different the times were from the future. They weren't terrible by any means, but the social norms of the times had been trying on you, to say the very least. Dr. Kreizler, ever astute, had picked up on this.
He had been gracious enough to offer himself if you ever needed to hug someone. This had been roughly 4 months into your stay at Dr. Kreizler's. You both had gotten more comfortable around the other, and even had a routine of sorts. You had thanked him for his offer, and told him you would not abuse the privilege he had bestowed on you.
Something told her there was more to it, but you hadn't dwelled on it, you were simply appreciative of his friendship.
However more recently, it was more than just friendship you felt. You kept squashing your feelings down, telling yourself this was the worst possible time to develop feelings for someone. Especially someone like Dr. Kreizler. There would never be a happy ending. At some point, you would return home, and that would be that. But there was that nagging sensation in the back of your mind, reminding you, you might not ever get back home. You tried to reason to yourself that you were possibly transferring some of your fondness of Zemo to Dr. Kreizler because of how he reminds you of him. But then you were just lying to yourself. Dr. Kreizler was a person all on his own and one of a kind. You knew better, you were just fighting yourself tooth and nail to live in denial a bit longer.
Footsteps from the kitchen were headed in your direction knocking you out of your musings.
You twisted on the couch to see Dr. Kreizler had returned home from his institute.
"Dr. Kreizler! Good evening," you voiced into the low lit parlor room.
"Good evening to you as well, I trust your day was fruitful?" Dr. Kreizler inquired, coming to rest on the opposite end of the couch.
"It was, thank you. I was somewhat restless earlier, so I took it upon myself to work on the cryptogram the killer left his last victim, with the hopes of figuring out his next location before he strikes," you sheepishly stated.
Dr. Kreizler ruefully smiled at you and shook his head. At one time, he might have gotten upset, but he had been taking your antics more in stride, and you managed to be helpful providing much needed information. So, he'd act unhappy, but silently was thrilled.
"And did you uncover anything useful?" Kreizler queried, he got up from his seat and walked over to the chalk board.
"Not completely, I believe I've broken the code word and the book that the killer has been using to write his cryptograms, but I have yet to comb through all the evidence to gather the page numbers, line and word number to crack the full message. I planned on working on it when I got back with Stevie later this evening," you happily expressed while fidgeting with the watch on your wrist.
"Impressive work. And what book has our killer been using?" Kreizler asked, eyes still going over the work on the board.
"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. You'd think we could have figured that one out sooner given our killer's eclectic methods of murdering people," you answered sarcastically.
Dr. Kreizler bent his knees in utter annoyance, "Of course it is. Of course. How ridiculous to have missed such an obvious choice."
You smiled knowingly. He was irritated he hadn't figured it out sooner.
A companionable silence continued for a few minutes after his outburst.
Dr. Kreizler was still staring at the board with mild interest when he spoke next, "May I ask you a personal question?"
You had just reached over to place the book on the coffee table next to you when he asked his question and you froze mid motion.
Dr. Kreizler generally didn't push too much into your personal life, so this was somewhat out of left field for him. Never-the-less, you recovered after a beat and placed the book on the table.
"Of-of course Dr. Kreizler. I told you I would always be truthful with you regarding anything. Please, go ahead," you answered, motioning for him to continue.
"Why do you always regard me as Dr. Kreizler and not by my first name?" he questioned softly, almost hesitantly.
This was not the question you thought he would ask. There were a million questions he could have chose, but it was this one he went with.
This really was personal.
You glanced down at your hands sitting in your lap as you pondered how to answer his questions. You could lie about it, and he'd be none the wiser, but it's not who you are. And you promised.
Dr. Kreizler went on to further express his inquiry with a bit more confidence, "You call John Moore by his first name and the same with Ms. Howard, including our other friends we work with, but not me. Why?"
You opened your mouth to answer him when the front door slammed open and Stevie came barging in.
"You ready?" he exclaimed loudly. Stevie was clearly excited at the prospect of showing off his musical talent. "Oh, excuse me Dr. Kreizler, I didn't realize you'd gotten home yet. Thought you were working late," Stevie took off his hat and looked sheepish as he apologized for the disruption in his home.
You sighed. This was your saving grace. You could probably make an excuse and make a run for it with Stevie. You mulled over what to do, battling with the decision.
"Hey Stevie. Nice to see you too! Go on outside, I'll be right there. I just need to put my coat on," you laugh at his enthusiasm.
He nodded at you and dashed back down the hallway and out the door. You could hear one last shout as he exited, "Okay, but don't be too long, we're going to be late!"
Dr. Kreizler gave a look of displeasure at Stevie's unrefined outburst, but didn't say anything as he knows his antics all too well from over the years.
You stood up grabbing Dr. Kreizler's attention.
"Walk me to the door?" you ask, jutting your head in the direction of where your coat hangs.
"Do you plan on providing me with an answer?" he kindly jabbed as he nodded his agreement to follow you out.
You outwardly sighed, trying to figure out how to best answer his question. As you both walked to the front door, you start to answer him.
"Okay, so I address you as Dr. Kreizler 33% of the time, because you deserve the respect that comes with that title. You went to school for many years, and you earned it. So, it's only fair to address you as such," you tell him confidently.
A completely reasonable and partial explanation, you thought.
You both reached the front door, and you grabbed your jacket. Dr. Kreizler, the gentleman that he is, assisted you in putting your coat on. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror, making sure you looked okay before heading out.
You caught Dr. Kreizler staring at you in the mirror as you adjusted a stray hair that had fallen onto your face.
"You look lovely," he quietly voiced.
You turned to face him as he had opened the door for you and stepped outside.
"Thank you," you said, a bit bashful by his sudden compliment.
His expression had gotten softer and his eyes were glowing in the evening lit night.
Your resolve was crumbling even more so now.
"And the other 67%?" Kreizler softly spoke, head cocked to the side.
"Hey - Miss! We need to be going!" Stevie cried.
You turned to Stevie and hollered, "One mo, Stevie! Don't lose your head!"
"I'm sorry I have to go otherwise Stevie is going to have a coronary," you apologized to Dr. Kreizler.
You walked down a few steps, but stopped. You couldn't not answer him.
You go up a step but not completely back to where you where standing in front of Dr. Kreizler. You inhaled a deep breath and exhaled before continuing, looking up to see Dr. Kreizler eyeing you with slight confusion and anticipation with your hesitance to answer his question in full.
"And the other 67% of the time, I call you Dr. Kreizler because..because," you drifted off closing your eyes. You open them again with quiet resolve shining through, finding your confidence. You take another step up to now stand just a foot away from where Dr. Kreizler was.
"Because, I love you Laszlo. And I use your professional title as a barrier, to - to remind myself I have boundaries. It's just easier to separate you this way or well, to keep myself living in denial," you quietly and defeatedly said, laying it all out for him.
You wanted to open your mouth to say something else to him, to let him know it was okay he didn't feel the same way, but you could never quite form the words that needed to come out.
The shock was written clearly on his face. You had completely gob-smacked this man. His eyes had widened considerably and his jaw had gone slack from your answer.
But he never said anything back. You weren't expecting him to.
So instead, you did what you did best. Ran.
"You've got your answer. I-I really have to go now, I'll see you later," you stuttered out, suddenly drained from your revelation.
You took one last glance at Dr. Kreizler before making a mad dash for it with Stevie.
You were gone before Dr. Kreizler recovered from what just happened. And you never got to see the expression on his face after.
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tuiccim · 3 years
Terrigenisis (Part 8)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 2247
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: Fluff and SMUT (18+, NSFW) 
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist       Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Two weeks later, the three of you wake in Bucky’s bed, where you end up most often. Steve looks at the clock and groans, “I gotta head back to my room.” 
"No, stay." You murmur, pulling him closer. 
"I gotta change for our run, Doll." Steve chuckles.
"No run today. Just bed." You whine. 
"You say that everyday." Bucky laughs sleepily. 
"I mean it everyday." You grumble. 
Steve kisses you, "I'll see you in a little bit."
"We need to build a secret passageway between our rooms." You say.
"Actually, I was thinking…" Steve pauses.
"What were you thinking, punk? Don't leave us in suspense." Bucky says.
"I was thinking once all this is out we could combine our three rooms. Turn it into an apartment with a living room and a small kitchen."
"And a bigger bathroom." You add.
"Exactly. What do you think?" 
"Sold." You grin.
"Same." Bucky says. 
“I love you.” Steve says.
“Love you.” You and Bucky say in unison. 
You start to get up as Steve leaves but Bucky hauls you back against him. "Where ya going, Doll?"
"I should go change for our run, too." You chuckle and snuggle against him.
"I know. Just wanted a few extra minutes." Bucky nuzzles his face into your neck. 
"Mmmmm… Bucky. We have a-" you're interrupted by a kiss, "mission briefing-" another kiss, "at nine." You give up talking for a moment and just give in to Bucky's need for attention. However, when Bucky's hand begins to drift south of the border, you stop him. "We have to train. Let's go, love." Rolling away from him quickly, you bounce out of the bed. At the door, you blow him a kiss before heading to your own room to change. 
You go on your run with your guys and Dizzy then train, shower, and go to the mission briefing. The mission is a simple turn and burn. The entire team goes and returns in less than 14 hours but somewhere towards the end of the mission you notice a change in Steve’s demeanor. You had recovered a good bit of Chitauri weapons and energy cells from the base you had invaded. You wonder if it brought back memories of the Battle of New York for him. 
After a quick shower, you head to Steve’s room. He answers your knock and you slip into his room. 
“I was about to head to Bucky’s room. What are you doing?” 
“I wanted to check on you. Something triggered you on this mission. I could see it.” You see him warring with himself. 
“Chitauri stuff always brings back New York.” He says quietly. He moves to his desk and pulls a small card out of his drawer. It’s a vintage Captain America card stained dark brown around the edges. Dried blood.
“Coulson.” You say without thinking. 
“You know about Coulson?” Steve says, surprised. 
Realizing your blunder, you recover quickly to say, “My last team told me about him.”
“You never did tell me about your team from before. You’ve never spoken about them.”
“It’s classified, Steve. I can’t. I’m sorry.” Your eyes beg him to understand. 
“I have level 8 clearance. Your clearance is only level 6. You can tell me.”
“It’s codeword classified. Please understand, love, I would tell you if I could,” you look at him pleadingly.
“I understand. I didn’t mean to push you.” Steve wraps his arms around you in a hug.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask. Steve nods and tells you the story of meeting Phil Coulson and his death before fighting the battle of New York. You hold Steve the entire time he speaks. “I’m so sorry you lost him. It sounds like he was a good man who you respected.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, doll. I know you’ve lost a lot of people too. I shouldn’t let it affect me so much.”
“Don’t ever apologize for telling me how you feel.” You say as a knock sounds on the door and Bucky enters. 
“Hey. Everything okay?” Bucky looks between the two of you. 
“Yeah. I was telling her about Coulson.” Steve says quietly and takes the card from your hand. He looks at it, sighs heavily, and places it back in the drawer. Bucky wraps his arms around Steve from behind and Steve’s head drops down as he covers Bucky’s hands with his own. 
“It wasn’t your fault, baby.” Bucky says quietly. 
You move to them and wrap your arms around them from the side. Part of you still feels like you are an intruder in their relationship at times. A larger part of you right now felt incredibly guilty that you couldn’t tell him that Phil Coulson was alive and well and Director of the Inhuman division of Shield. There is a chance you can, you realize. Once the three of you separate, you agree to meet in Bucky’s room as usual. You hurry to your room and grab your phone. Dialing the special line Hill had provided, you wait for an operator to come on the line. 
“Codeword: Tahiti. Protocol: Delta. Team: Avengers.” You say. 
A brief pause and then a single word, “Denied.”
“Codeword: Tahiti. Protocol: Delta. Individual: Steve Rogers.”
“Direct line. Fury.”
“Direct line. Maria Hill.”
You hold on the line as it rings through to Hill. “Maria Hill.”
“Hill, I need to talk to Fury.” You say emphatically.
“He’s not going to clear the team to know about Tahiti.” Hill says curtly. 
“I can’t keep lying to them, Maria.”
“You aren’t lying. You just aren’t telling them everything.” 
“It’s not right.”
“But it’s what has to be. I’m sorry. I know this isn’t easy but the less people that know about the Inhuman Division the better right now.”
“Right. A bunch of Enhanceds shouldn’t know about a bunch of Gifteds even though one of them is among them.” You reply sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. Good luck.” Hill says, hanging up. 
You resist the urge to throw your phone at the wall. After taking a few minutes to calm yourself, you change into a nightgown and make your way to Bucky’s room. You find Steve and Bucky already curled up together in the bed. Steve is laying on his side with Bucky curled around his back. You slide into the bed, facing Steve and wrap your arms around the two of them. 
“Hey Doll.” Steve whispers.
“Hey Baby. Are you okay?” You ask. 
“Yeah. I’m okay. I think I’m in your spot though.” He chuckles lightly. 
“I think you’re right where you need to be. Wrapped up in the arms of the two people who love you most. Right, Bucky?” You say. 
“Absolutely. We’ve got you.” Bucky whispers and kisses Steve’s shoulder. 
“I love you both, too.” Steve says as he puts his hand to your neck and pulls you to him for a kiss. His lips move over yours firmly and his tongue slips into your mouth. You moan as you press more firmly against him. Steve’s hands become more demanding as he lifts your nightshirt up to grab a handful of your bare ass. He presses his forehead to yours and says urgently, “I need you. I need both of you.” 
“You have us, Baby. Whatever you need.” Bucky’s hands rove over both of you. He helps Steve slide his pants off and Steve’s hands pull your nightshirt off. Bucky gently strokes Steve while Steve explores your folds. He traces over them lightly pulling breathy moans from you as he thrusts into Bucky’s hand slowly. When he presses a finger inside you gasp at the pleasure that rolls through you. He works you quickly building your passion until you’re thoroughly wet and then pulls your leg over his hip. His hard length slides along your wetness until he finally presses home. You kiss him as he sheaths himself inside you and you feel Bucky’s hand trail over your body until he rests it on the small of your back encouraging each thrust. 
“Bucky, need you.” Steve groans as you clench around him. 
“I’m right here, baby. What do you want?” Bucky whispers. 
“Need you inside me, Buck. Please.” Steve says.
Bucky prepares himself and Steve slows his thrusts into you as Bucky presses into him gently. You reach around Steve, opening him for Bucky. This is the first time they’ve shared this intimacy with you. You were always the one in between them and their focus was more on you than each other, but tonight Steve needed to feel you both. To feel the love you have for each other envelope him. Bucky readied Steve and then slowly pressed into him. Steve’s body tensed and relaxed at the intrusion. 
“Fuck, Stevie. You’re so tight around me. Been too long since I felt you. God, I love you.” Bucky groans as he begins to gently thrust into Steve. Steve’s face twisted in passion and he moaned as you clenched around him and Bucky thrust into him. 
“Oh, God. It’s so good. Feeling both you.” Steve grabbed you around the waist and pulled you down on his cock hard causing you to cry out in surprise. “Shit, did I hurt you, Doll?”
“No! Don’t stop, baby. Give it to me. However you need it. However you want. Give it to me. Now.” You say staring into his eyes. The intensity in his face turns you on even more and you stare into each other as he repeats the action over and over again. The three of you move in rhythm, moaning your pleasure, and giving into each other’s needs. Your orgasm builds with each thrust into you, each grunt as Bucky works into Steve, and each moan Steve releases as he feels his two loves surrounding him. 
“I’m close.” Steve grits out as he slams into you again. 
“Me, too,” you and Bucky say nearly in unison. 
“Fuck. I want this forever. It’s…” Steve falters as the pleasure washes over him. 
“Perfect.” Bucky groans as he loses himself to the sensations. You hold tightly to your two men as your orgasm overtakes you. Each of you release long moans as you cum together and even after your bodies rock together as you come down from the high. 
The next morning as Bucky showers, Steve is sitting against the headboard as you wake up.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Mmm, good morning.” You say as you stretch. You look up at him with a smile but his expression is troubled. “Hey. What’s the matter?” You ask as you sit up. 
“Are you… happy?” He asks. 
“Steve.” You pull yourself up on your knees next to him, “Yes, I am. Very happy. Why would you ask me that?” 
“I just… were you okay with what happened last night?” He asks looking down at his hands. 
“Baby.” You cup Steve’s cheek as you move to straddle him, “I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t I be okay with last night? We made love. It was wonderful.” Steve looks into your eyes searchingly and suddenly it dawns on you what he’s alluding to. “Stevie, did you think I’d be upset that Bucky was inside you?”
“It’s not that I want you less or, or, or anything like that. I just needed-”
“Shhhh,” you put your fingers over Steve’s lips. “Don’t ever feel like you need to justify your love for Bucky, emotional or physically. To anyone. You and Bucky were together before I came into the picture and you told me your relationship was physical. Why would you think I’d ever have a problem with you two making love in any way you wanted to?”
“There’s still just a stigma to it, I guess. We haven’t done that before with you and I don’t know. I guess a part of me still felt like because you were here we shouldn’t anymore.”
Your heart hurts at that confession. Despite everything, he was still holding back from you. Scared that you would judge him for loving Bucky so completely. A tear falls from your eye and you swipe at it quickly but he sees. 
“I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Steve’s voice cracks a little. 
“I want you to love Bucky as completely as you love me and vice versa. In every way you see fit. Please don’t hold back part of your relationship just because of me. I want to be with you both. In every way. In any combination of ways.” You give a little laugh through your tears. “Love us. Love us all the way. With everything you want to give us. I promise you, I will never judge your love for Bucky. Love me enough not to hold part of yourself back.”
Steve’s chest heaves as he puts his forehead to yours, “I love you. God, I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, Stevie.” 
“Can I join in on this love fest?” Bucky’s voice breaks in. 
“Just the man we were talking about.” You sass. 
Bucky sits next to Steve and puts his arm around him. “In our time, Doll, our love, our relationship would never be accepted.”
“I know. And even now the three of us being in a relationship will be hard for people to accept, but I would walk through fire for you two. A few nasty comments definitely won’t change my mind.” 
“Mine either.” Bucky says. 
“I’m with you.” Steve says. 
“Til the end of the line.” You smile at them. 
Part 9 
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @buckyluvrs-deactivated20201210​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @cap-n-stuff​ @finleyjayne​ @caplanreads​ @connie326​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​ @bugsbucky​ @chrisevanscardigan​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @palaiasaurus64​ @rebekahdawkins​ @maaaaarveeeeel​ @tllynn15​ @learisa​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @fistmebuckyskywalker​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ @liebs82​ @stuckyslutt​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @baddie-barnes​ @aikeia​ @paleo-runaway​ @marvelgirl7​ @starlightcrystalline​ @xxloki81xx​ @kcd15​ @slytherinambitious​ @sallycanwait68​ @slytherdorxmd​ @fangirlforever2412​ @rainbowkisses31​ @whisperlullaby​ @thejemersoninferno​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @supraveng​ @dispatchvampire​ @juenenfeu​ @sxbby-barnes​ @allonszassbutt​ @y-napotat​ @ixoxi-deactivated20210106​ @is-it-madness​ @harold231​ @buckysbaby32​ @purselover2​ @ene-rene​ @chrisevansbaby​ @mrsbarnes-rogers​ @sarahp879​ @rosesanchez12298806​ @xxpapasfritasxx​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @softie-socks @bestofbucky​ @bella-bear03​ @randomfandompenguin​ @jjsoccer11​ @hiddles-rose​ @am3I1a-24 @courtneychicken​ @prbykt​ @awaywithtime​ @automatic-tragedy​ @bertinasum
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Wonderwall-part 5
Summary: Steve get closer to you the more your pregnancy advances and tony tries to keep his distance as he come to realize his feeling
Pairing: Tony stark x reader x Bucky barnes, some stucky x reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol , some minor angsty angst, 
Notes: Ok i really like wonderwall right now so i'm going to update this more frequently (i say and watch i suddenly just hit a wall for this story)
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It had been a month since your ultrasound and tony had been so distant but steve had been very close with you and bucky. if bucky was away he was everywhere you were caring for your every move. Bucky appreciated it  and loved seeing you and his best friend so close.
You currently were laying in bed with steve watching a movie. your head was on his stomach and he was playing with your hair. you two were eating chips and really only half watching it as yall kept joking around. 
Bucky was on a mission so steve has been caring for you these past few days. “you feeling ok?” steve asked and you chuckled “for the tenth time yes i promise i'm ok” you said tilting your head looking up at him. he smiled down at you and booped your nose. you laughed and smiled “just checking you've been silent for a while” steve said going back to playing with your hair.
“I was just thinking how nice its been being with you” you said reaching up and stroking his cheek. he smiled softly down at you. he cleared his throat “uh y/n-” steve started to say but the bedroom door opened. “oh hey steve figured you'd be in here” bucky said walking in “hey babe” you said. bucky walked over and kissed your forehead and gave steve a side hug.
steve's head landed on bucky's chest as he kept messing with your hair. “heard you've been taking care of her these past few days” bucky said. “he's been a perfect gentleman” you said with a small giggle. bucky laughed and out his stuff down sliding next to steve. you laying on both of them your legs on steves lap and head on bucky's.
“Tony said he's planning a party to celebrate our return” bucky mentions. you turn your head at the mention of tony. He had been avoiding you recently. Anytime you came near him or tried to speak to him he ran off in the other direction or suddenly had things to do. 
“tony spoke to you?” you asked. bucky knew how tony was avoiding you more so because he was also avoiding bucky. “nope he told nat and also told her to tell me something about him being too busy planning to do it himself. i don't know” bucky said with a shrug
“he still avoiding you two?” steve asked and you and buck replied with a simple nod. you were hurt by it, he had started this vow of silence to you since you had told him your past. you started to wonder if maybe he saw you were too broken. did he even want to be in the baby's life anymore? you sighed before shaking your head “lets go tony cant avoid me there” you said sitting up. 
“sweetheart honey you can barely spend an hour without puking or getting nauseas at least” bucky said stroking your hair “ill be fine. were going no if ands or buts about it” you said huffing and standing up. you walked to your closest and steve turned to bucky “there's no point in trying to change her mind” steve said and they both chuckled. you found a dress and set it up on the door handle. “now what time is it at?” you asked with a small clap. 
bucky gave a small laugh before speaking. He knew that he had no choice but him and steve would be on your tail the whole time making sure your ok. “9pm” bucky said. you gave a small nod looking at the clock which said 5pm in glowing letters. only 4 hours then tony has to speak to you.
at 8:00 you walked into the large bathroom attached to your room.stripping down you looked in the mirror touching your small stomach bump. you were close to the 2 month mark and your stomach was starting to prove that. you walked into the shower letting the warm water wash over you. you closed your eyes relishing in the warmth. you soon felt arms wrap around your waist, one human one metal. letting your head rest on bucky's chest he gave an approving groan before reaching for a bottle of soap and washing your hair. “how are you feeling today?” bucky asked massaging your scalp “mmm good steves been so much help and such a great friend when your away its nice” you said with a small smile. 
Steve was almost always around you and bucky. Anything you needed he got you any help you needed he helped. whenever you got sick he kept your hair out of your face. he’d always help you wash up after. he cared for you when your emotions got too prominent and took control. he kept you still doing small exercises and even researched what you should do when you got self conscious of all the weight you were gaining. He slept in your bed holding you close on days bucky was gone and you couldn't sleep. He cared for you, more than you or bucky knew. 
This isn't just for you though, he spent every moment not with you with bucky. they researched on the baby together things to do once their born how to be a good parent. They even tested how to make baby bottles even thought you had almost 7 months to go before the baby was born. you often walked into the room to find the two boys joking around, laughing. There was the one time you walked in on them slow dancing together to music from the 40′s. They said it was from the last dance they had gone to. You of course recorded it and kept it no matter how much they begged you to delete it. Steve cared for you two and would put his life on the line for you two even if it meant it'd be the end for him.
You stepped out of the shower and bucky followed after wrapping you in a towel. “steve is great isn't he” bucky said with a soft smile. “yea” you replied with a soft smile of your own but also a smirk. you looked at bucky's soft reaction to hearing your approval of steve. how his eyes glistened in happiness and a small smile stayed pressed on his face.
When bucky had first showed up at the compound the connection him and steve had lead you to believe they were together. One night you asked steve and he gave a small laugh before telling you otherwise. Not long after you started seeing bucky. You were honestly shocked nothing was going on between them and nothing had ever gone on. The chemistry they had was unbelievable and the sparks was as if someone was trying to start a fire.
Thou bucky had also thought you had a thing for bucky when he returned into steves life. The way you two smiled and laughed with one another. He saw it as a couple, he was never jealous just happy his best friend finally found someone. That was till you asked him out and he was confused. That lead to you telling him how you thought him and steve were together.
You slipped into your nice dark blue dress. you and bucky walked into the loud living room at 9:00 seeing everyone dancing and drinking. steve spotted you two immediately running over. “hey you two” he said with a large smile. “have you seen tony?” you asked. steve pointed to the bar where you saw tony drunkenly flirting with two girls. rolling your eyes you strolled on over leaving the two boys together.
 “shes gonna beat his ass if she has two isn't she?” steve asked and bucky patted his shoulder “that's our girl” bucky said before walking into the group chatting with other, That remark ‘our girl’ caused steve to chug down the rest of his strong drink. He wanted more no needed more but he really didn't want to enter the warzone known at you and tony.
You grabbed tony's jacket shoving him against the bar. the girl ran off in fear and tony put his hands up in surrender. you slapped him across the face before grabbing his jacket again “listen here stark your not getting away anymore ok. not happening nope. now your going to tell me why your avoiding me or ill keep slapping you till you do” you said pulling him forward and slamming him against the bar again. 
Steve had walked over to natasha stealing her drinking downing it too. “jesus what's up with you?” she asked seeing her tipsy friend. “thor you have any asgardian alcohol on you?” steve asked. thor nervously handed his friend a small shot of it. steve immediately downed it feeling the tingly sensation down his body “them” was all steve said “both of them” he said dropping his head onto the table. they immediately got it “so you finally admit it huh?” nat asked rubbin steves back steve lifted his head “you knew?” he asked. and thor laughed “of course we knew everyone did except tony,y/n, and bucky obviously” thor said. steve groaned and rubbed his face “what do i do?” he asked. nat patted his shoulder “tell them dumbass” and with that steve asked for another shot from thor.
You were still interrogating tony “I told you i cant say”  he replied and was hit with another slap. at this point his face was numb. “Bucky will slaughter me if i do and ill never be able to see my baby” he said tears brimming his eyes. “tony just tell me i wont let that happen” you said releasing your grip on him. “i cant” he said. you slapped him once more. tears fell “tony” you huffed out. he looked at you before rolling his eyes shaking his head “i'm in love you” he said tears flooding out, and with that he walked off. you felt your whole body freeze. you sat on the couch in the corner.
bucky walked over sitting next to you “you get your answer?” he asked. you cleared your throat trying to act natural “uh no no he would say i dont know” you said with a shrug. bucky groaned kissing your temple before walking back to the people. about an hour later a drunk steve plopped next to you. “heeeeeey” he slurred. you laughed before replying “hi stevie” you said ruffling his hair. it had grown out a little sense he'd been so busy caring for you he never had the time to cut it but honestly you thought he looked nice with it a little longer. “your so prettyyyyyyyyy” he said falling into your lap. you laughed and smiled down at him “your pretty too” you replied. steve pouted and you were confused but also adored it, he looked like a sad puppy. “what wrong stevie?” you asked rubbing his torso
“I have an issue” he said squirming and groaning. “what is it?” you asked tilting your head “i am in love with your boyfriend” he said. you laughed a little leaving steve confused. “I know” you replied. “huh?” he asked sitting up. “well yea i mean i knew” you said with a shrug “is that it?” you asked and he shook his head “i love you too” he said his head falling back. “me?” you asked with a small smile. “yes youuuuuu i am in love with 2 of the most perfect people and they love each other” he said slurring. “wait” he said looking at you “your not mad.” he stated. you laughed “no stevie a little shocked you love me? sure but i knew you love bucky always have and its not like you can control who you love” you said with a  shrug. “look tomorrow when your sober tell bucky just trust me. tell him. ill deal with him after” you replied. steve fell into your lap again.
once he was asleep you gave a small smile to him “i love you too stevie” you sai combing through his hair. bucky walked up to you “he asleep?” he asked. you nodded with a small smile. bucky lifted steve bridal style starting to walk to steve's room “where are you going?” you asked. bucky looked at you dumbfounded “to put him in his room” he said confused. “come on” you said entering you and bucky's room. bucky shrugged walking in, he layed steve down and he immediately curled into a pillow. “why here?” he asked. you gave a small shrug and smile “cause he has something to tell you tomorrow” you said leaving bucky confused.  Of course you still had no clue on what to do about tonys confession but that was another problem for another day. maybe one where bucky wont slaughter tony for it.
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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Stark Spangled Kinks
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The Devil Wears Nada
Summary: Steve’s fed up of getting cock blocked during what was supposed to be bit of alone time and would make a deal with the Devil herself to get some alone time with his wife… Warning: SMUT SMUT SMUT- (NSFW, 18+) Like seriously, if you’re under 18 get off my blog.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark.
A/N: This is possibly the filthiest thing I’ve ever written...and I’m not even sorry. It follows on directly from Bumps In The Night which was written by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ as part of Stark Spangled Banner’s Birthday Party. Give it a read, its wonderful!
SSK Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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 Katie and Steve headed back inside, Katie diverting into the lounge to go and retrieve the candy off the kids before they ate too much of it in one sitting. Steve had to snort at the various cries of protests that rang round the lounge and his wife’s stern voice telling the three children in there that she didn’t care if it was Saturday, they weren’t consuming enough E-numbers to fuel an army before bed. He made his way into the kitchen and was completely unsurprised to find Bucky already had his head buried in the fridge.
“Make yourself at home.” He deadpanned and Bucky looked at him, thrusting a beer in his direction. “Gee thanks.” Steve’s dry sarcasm still present as he looked at his friend who was offering him his own fucking beer. Bucky grinned and shrugged as he passed one to Sam as well as he strode into the room, the three men popping the tops. Steve took a long pull from his as he eyed Bucky “Why are you here?”
“Rude much?” Bucky asked, his eyes still checking out the contents of the refrigerator. “We were concerned uncles…you weren’t with the kids.” “They were with Emmy and Queens” Steve arched an eyebrow “Perfectly safe.”
“They showed up on Tin Man’s doorstep.” Sam grinned “We were halfway through studying a couple of files and they basically swamped us and said it was their last stop of the night. Bucky thought it would be fun to come back with them.”
“To bug the crap out of me or…”
“I wanted candy.” Buck shrugged.
“Then you should have gone Trick Or Treating.” Steve replied “And let’s face it, with a face like that, who needs a mask?”
“Ouch, Stevie…” Bucky looked at him as Sam chuckled in the background, before he turned his attention back to the fridge “Oooh, your Missus made a cheeseboard.”
“What are you a fuckin’ mouse?” Sam asked as Bucky pulled out the platter, setting it on the side.
“Just ‘cause I appreciate the good things in life, Seagull and you can’t.” Bucky shrugged, unwrapping the film from the cheese. “You know, Steve was just like this growing up.”
“Yeah, well, now I have better taste and I’m also big enough to kick your ass so stop eating my food and go home before I throw you out.”
“What’s got into you?” Bucky looked at him.
“You’re disrupting my plans.” Steve said simply.
“What pl-ooooooh!” Buck’s question morphed into a noise of acknowledgment as he looked at his friend “Then you should have taken advantage of the empty house earlier.”
“School boy error, Cap.” Sam smirked and Steve let out a growl of frustration.
“Well our various attempts to were thwarted one way or another, and now you two punks are ruining it again.” Steve glared at them “Put the cheese back and piss off.”
Bucky smirked. “Imma tell Katie you’re being nasty to me.”
Steve narrowed his eyes knowing full well the soft spot his girl had for Bucky and Sam. If she got so much as a sniff he was being a bit of a shit to either of them he’d be in for it. “You wouldn’t…”
“Wouldn’t what?”
At the sound of his wife’s voice Steve jumped and turned to see her clutching the huge bowl that had previously contained their candy by the door and now sported the combined content of their kids’ bags, Harry toddling behind her, his eyes fixed on the prize.
“Oh this is gonna be good.” Sam smirked, leaning off to the side unwrapping a Reeses which he pulled out of his pocket, slowly chewing as if watching a movie.
“Hey Doll Face” Bucky grinned at her “Steve won’t let me eat the cheese.”
“Ignore him, you help yourself Buck.” She waved to it as she passed Steve the bowl of candy “Stop being so moody, stick that up high somewhere.”
“You know that won’t stop Jamie, Rori or him don’t you?” Steve looked at her as she picked Harry up who watched shrewdly as his dad placed the bowl on the top shelf of one of the cupboards “All 3 of them had scaled the refrigerator by the time they were 2.”
“No but it might delay them enough for us to catch them.” She shrugged, her eyes moving to Bucky who was eating a block of cheddar like it was an apple “Buck, do you want some crackers or…”
Bucky nodded but Steve cut him off. “No he doesn’t.”
“Yes I do.” Bucky smirked as Katie looked at Steve, arching an eyebrow at his unusually frosty nature towards his friends. She set Harry down on the counter by Bucky who grinned at the toddler, offering him his hand in a hi-five. Harry grinned and slapped his Uncles palm before he looked at the cheese.
“Absolutely not pal.” Steve said to him and Harry looked up.
“Dinosaurs don’t eat cheese.” Bucky shook his head at Harry who stared at him and blinked before he shrugged.
“But I hungry.”
“You can’t possibly be.” Katie looked at her son
“I am Momma.”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Steve glared at Bucky.
“Me?” Bucky scoffed, his mouth full “What did I do?”
“Set him off, look, why don’t you go and eat Jen’s cheese?” Steve asked and at that there was a pause before Sam, Katie and Bucky all burst out laughing. Steve groaned “Ok, that came out wrong.”
Sam snorted “that’s what she said.”
Katie laughed harder and Bucky grinned, swallowing his mouthful as Katie headed into the pantry. “Innuendo aside, I can’t. She’s got something going on at the coffee shop. Bunch of teenagers doing Halloween activities or something, I don’t know. She won’t be free until later.” He turned to Katie as she walked back in, handing him the box of crackers and he thanked her “So I thought I’d come see my best friends for a beer seeing as it’s not even half 8 on a Saturday yet.”
Katie smiled at him “You two are always welcome here, you know that. Isn’t that right Steve.”
Steve fixed a smile on his face and glared at Bucky who was positively beaming at the fact he knew he was being a cock-block. “Course it is honey, course.”
“Right my little Jurassic baby…” Katie picked Harry up and he giggled, the hood of his dinosaur costume falling over his eyes. “Bath time.
“No bath Momma” he shook his head furiously, looking up at her as she pushed the clothing back off his head “I have one tomorrow.”
Katie looked at him, “Your face is filthy.”
“Wash my face then.” He looked at her and Katie raised her eyebrows and looked at Steve who chuckled.
“Wanna help me out here daddy?” Katie asked and Steve looked at his son.
“Ok, how about momma washes your face tonight but you’re having a bath first thing in the morning.” Steve looked at Harry as his son considered it for a second. It was late after all. Skipping bath night one evening wouldn’t kill him.
“Deal” Harry nodded, holding his hand out. Steve shook it as Bucky and Sam both gave snorts.
“You need a hand?” Steve asked.
“No, I got it.” Katie shook her head “I’ll get him sorted. You can send Rori and Jamie up in 15 though.”
“Sure.” Steve nodded.
“Say goodnight Harry.” Katie said, turning round so Harry could see Sam and Bucky.
“Goodnight Harry” he grinned, before he cackled at his usual joke. The tot had no idea why it was funny, but when he had first said it, it had cracked both Katie and Steve up so now he seemed to say it every night. Bucky and Sam obligingly laughed as Steve dropped kiss to his son’s head, before pecking Katie’s cheek as she carried him out of the kitchen.
**** Half an hour later, after Rori had done one final parade around the kitchen in her princess cat outfit, beaming when Bucky had declared her the “prettiest kitty cat in all the world” and Steve had once more told her “no, you can’t have a real cat”, all 3 kids were clean and in their rooms. Harry and Rori were both tucked up in bed, lights off, whilst Jamie was watching TV with a warning from Steve that he had 30 minutes before it was time to turn it off. Steve knew Jamie would listen, it was part of the deal that he got to have a little time like that in his room as he was the eldest one now. Jamie took it seriously, knowing full well that abusing said privilege would mean it was revoked just as it had been a few weeks months when he’d been giving Steve some serious back chat and cheek. Steve had sent him to his room and Jamie had simply shrugged responding sarcastically “Fine, I’ll go watch my TV, what a huge punishment.” Steve had seen red and headed straight into the garage before coming back with a pair of pliers. He’d walked straight into Jamie’s room, cut the plug off the TV leaving his son staring at him, open mouthed as he breezed out of the room with a simple “watch it now, smart ass…”
The 4 adults were all sat in the lounge, sprawled across the various sofas with a drink each as the fire roared giving the large living room a cosy, homely feel. Stark was stretched out on the rug in front of the fire, snoring slightly, and the stereo was on playing a little background music whilst the rain pattered against the large ceiling to floor windows. Steve adored this time of year for precisely this reason. Katie snuggled under his arm, her back resting against him as she lay stretched out down the cushions, his arm looped around her crossing her chest. The hand that wasn’t holding her wine was gently rubbing over his forearm, her nails softly skating across the skin. Steve dropped a kiss to her head as they both listened to Sam who was recalling how Bucky had ended up with a load of candy stuck on the hand of his metal arm without realising, which he had then stuck in his hair when he’d run his hand through it.
“He cried like a bitch when I was pulling the gummy bears out.” Sam grinned and Steve tipped his head back, a huge laugh rumbling through his chest as Bucky glared at him.
“Punk.” He looked at Steve who simply smirked and took a drink from his bottle
“You know, I gotta say that these kids take it to the next level nowadays.” Sam swallowed a mouthful of beer. “I mean, some of those costumes are awesome. We saw a really cool Iron Man who had the reactor in his chest all lit up.”
Katie smiled “Yeah, Tony does seem to be a popular choice.”
“We got a Captain America.” Steve offered, not one to be out-done and Katie smirked to herself, “And by that I mean when it was me, or I was it, whatever. He may or may not have gotten extra candy.”
Sam and Bucky chuckled and Katie sipped her wine before she tilted her head back and looked up at Steve.
"At least we got no clowns this year..." Katie smirked and at the mere thought Steve shuddered and Bucky let out a huge snort.
"What...you're scared of clowns?" Sam looked at Steve but before he could answer Bucky jumped in.
"He ain’t just scared man, he's petrified. When we were about 8 and my folks took us to Coney, this guy dressed as a clown tried to give Steve a balloon and he ran away, but the best thing was…” Bucky leaned forward, his words coming between his howls of laughter “this clown kept doing it up until Steve was about 18 because he was so small and looked like a 10 year old.”
“Fuck you.” Steve narrowed his eyes at Bucky as he and Sam fell about laughing. Katie kissed his arm and sat up, pointing at Bucky.
“Stop making fun of him…he was cute when he was a smol bean.”
“Thanks sweetheart.” Steve grinned, pressing a kiss to her head. 
“Coulrophobia” Sam nodded sagely, “Quite common actually.”
“I’m not surprised.” Steve shook his head “They’re horrible. I mean, who on earth ever thought they were suitable as entertainment?”
"I dunno, it was kind of entertaining when Jamie dressed up as one.” Katie smiled and Steve physically shivered at the mere memory of that particular Halloween.
“Wait, what?” Bucky asked, looking at Katie and Steve groaned as he steeled himself once more to be the brunt of a joke.
“You seen IT?” Katie asked, “As in the newest one?”
Bucky nodded, grinning “A particular favourite of mine and Jen’s….although last time we watched it we kinda got distracted.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Katie snorted.
“Don’t wanna know,” she shook her head as Sam Hi-fived Bucky “but anyway, we had a Halloween party about 9 years ago at Tony’s. Emmy asked if she could be in charge of hers and Jamie’s outfits so we said yes. Little did we knows she’d had a little help from my dearest brother and just as we were about to set off…” she snorted and started to laugh “they come down the stairs and Jamie’s dressed in the BEST Pennywise outfit I’ve ever seen.”
Bucky’s face split into a huge grin as Katie continued to laugh, shaking her head. “So he’s toddling towards Steve and his face…” she stopped talking, as her laughter was now uncontrollable and she shook her head and Steve sighed.
“It’s not funny.”
“It is.” She stuttered, wiping her eyes. She took a deep breath “You stood there stock still, this look of utter horror on your face and I knew you were fighting the urge to turn and run…”
At that Bucky and Sam both burst out into laughter and Steve shook his head. “He was so upset when I wouldn’t pick him up.”
“You stopped the car at the top of the street because you couldn’t drive as you kept seeing him in the mirror…” Katie howled, tipping her head back in absolute, unadulterated laughter and Steve shook his head.
“You heard Sam, it’s a phobia…” he looked at her “I can’t help it, any more than you can about spiders.”
“Horrible eight legged bastards.” She shuddered as her laughter died down and she glanced up at him winking, as her voice dropped. “But you know the way to my heart…”
“Kiss you often, fuck you well, feed you snacks and kill the spiders.” he intoned, grinning as she chuckled “I know Doll, I know.”
**** Despite his best laid plans going to shit, Steve had to admit it was a nice evening as all 4 of them chatted and laughed but by the time Bucky and Sam left some 2 hours later, Katie had already gone up to bed about 15 minutes prior saying she was tired which meant Steve was now very doubtful he’d be fucking her well at all. Cursing Trick Or Treaters, counter surfing dogs, hungry babies and cheese eating, beer drinking friends he cleared the empty bottles off the coffee table and dumped them in the recycling before he let Stark out into the back yard so he could do his business. Steve stood watching him, the cold October air biting at his skin a little as he glanced up at the now clear sky, the rain having stopped roughly half an hour or so ago. He couldn’t believe it was November tomorrow. Another year almost done with. They were flying by, far too quickly for his liking. This year had marked 7 years since they’d reversed the snap and it still seemed like only yesterday since he’d walked away from it all and passed the shield to Sam, settling down into the domestic life he’d never dreamed in a million years he’d get. He was jerked from his thoughts when Stark walked back up to him, nudging his hand with his cold, wet nose and he smiled, petting the dog’s head as he walked past him into the little laundry room and sat obediently waiting for his paws to be dried. Steve shut the door, locking it and then towelled the dog down before the tan and white mutt shot off through the kitchen and into the hall. Steve heard his collar jangling as he bounded up the stairs to Jamie’s room whilst he himself made his way through to the lounge. The fire was still going, but he knew it would die down over night and he was just moving the grate to the front of it to avoid any embers spilling onto the floor when his ears picked up footsteps on the stairs. He instantly knew they were Katie’s and found himself smirking a little. Maybe he was gonna get a little frisky after all. And then he heard her walking across the hall and frowned, because it sounded like she was in heels.
“Honey?” he called, standing up straight and turning to see his wife leaning against the door frame, one arm extended above her head, the other hand falling to her hips as she looked at him, biting her lip. Steve felt his mouth drop open as he took in her appearance. She was indeed wearing heels, a pair of sparkly, high heeled red Jimmy Choos- her “Ruby Slippers” as Rori dubbed them, and his eyes scanned up her bare legs to the hem of the sheer, red negligee which finished mid-thigh. He could see the outline of a pair of matching, red lace panties underneath as he continued to take in her appearance. The top of the garment was low cut, her cleavage amplified somewhat as her breasts swelled over the lace cups and he swallowed as he felt his cock twitch whilst he simply stared at her, slack jawed. Fuck, she was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his entire life and when she did stuff like this…Jesus.
He glanced at her face, her hair falling over her shoulders in waves and it was then he noticed that on the top of her head sat a pair of fake red horns. Steve’s mouth curled up in sinful grin as Katie gave a dirty giggle, her green eyes sparkling with mischief as Steve strode towards her purposefully, one thing on his mind.
“Read to sell your soul to the Devil, Solider?” she asked and Steve let out a chuckle as he stopped in front of her, his hands gripping her hips
“I sold it to you years ago, Doll.”
She grinned at him as he pulled her closer, his fingers curling against her gentle curves, tangling in the soft material of the negligee as he dropped his head to hers, kissing her deeply. Her hands smoothed over the top of his grey Henley coming to rest on his chest as he curled one arm around her waist, pulling her closer. At the feel of her pressed against him, Steve let out a soft moan
“God I’ve been waiting for this all night” he mumbled and Katie grinned against his lips.
“Well like I tell the kids, a little patience goes a long way Stevie.” she purred and Steve shrugged, his hands dropping to the back of her thighs as he easily lifted her, her heel-clad legs wrapping around his waist.
“And as you know when it comes to you baby girl, I have very little self-control.”
“Don’t I know it, there’s reason we have 4 biological kids.” she pondered for a moment and Steve laughed as her lips met his again and her hands raked into his hair, her nails biting gently against his scalp.
With steady strides, Steve carried her over to the spot in front of the fireplace where he gently set her on her feet and knelt in front of her. The light of the fire cast a bronze glow against her smooth skin and taking his time to simply enjoy the moment, his hands traced up the back of her calves to her thighs, his touch feather light as he reached up to her ass. He gave her flesh a squeeze before pulling her forward a little and her hands reached out to rest on his shoulders for support as he pushed his head under the bottom of the lace garment, nose skimming along the waistband of her panties. He peppered hot, open mouthed kisses across her soft skin, before he dropped his head lower and nudged his nose over her covered mound. She whimpered a little as he brushed her nub and her hips moved forward, seeking him out.
“Now who’s impatient?” He looked up at her and she glanced down, arching an eyebrow.
“It may have escaped your notice…” she took a deep breath “My self-control is also pretty non-existent around you too.”
“Well, I’m not one to keep a lady waiting” Steve smirked and in a swift movement he hooked an arm round her waist causing her to shriek a little before she laughed as he deposited her gently on the rug, caging her with his arms. He glanced down at her, brunette waves fanning out over the light grey and black of the soft tuft wool and leaned down, his nose nudging against hers.
“You know I love you, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” she frowned a little, as Steve brushed his lips over hers.
“Good, now remember that. Because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t.”
Katie barely had time to register what he said before he’d moved down her body, hands skating up the outside of her thighs where his fingers bunched in her panties. With a sharp tug he’d snapped the elastic and tossed them to one side, grabbing her ankles and moving her feet so they were planted on the floor, the heels she was wearing caused her pelvis to raise up off her floor slightly. Without another word he pushed her knees apart and his mouth was on her, and he wasn’t holding back.
Katie’s body jolted as she let out a soft sigh of his name which was laced with satisfaction as he set his mouth to work, devouring her with the enthusiasm of a man starved, which in all fairness he was. He was low key horny around her all the time and he’d been sporting a fucking semi pretty much since the first time they’d been interrupted that evening. Having her so close yet out of reach all night so to speak had driven him wild.
His tongue licked, and lapped, flicked and curled over and over and Katie’s groans and pants grew louder and louder as he worked her into a frenzy. She curled the fingers of one hand into his hair, the other gripping at the rug underneath her as she arched her back even more, pushing herself against his face as her head began to spin. The contrast of his short beard scratching at her sensitive skin to his soft tongue and mouth was sending her entire body into overdrive and Steve could tell. He gently grazed her bud with his teeth, inserting 2 fingers inside her, both actions causing her hips to violently buck, her nails dug further into his scalp and he gave a chuckle which vibrated against her clit causing her to groan loudly.
“Jesus Christ Steve…” she panted, looking down at him. He peeked up from between her legs, a cheeky glint in his eyes which shimmered in the light of the fire, full of a blaze of their own as he continued, his tongue flicking at her entrance, before he sucked on her bud and then she was gone. Her legs trembled as her hand pulled his hair, almost to the point it was painful as she gave a loud cry, her other hand reaching to his head as she used both to push him away from her sensitive sex. He moved his head back but his fingers stayed exactly where they were, curling against the soft sponge of her walls as she clamped down around them, giving a little groan as she did, her legs flopping down flat on the floor. With a smug sense of satisfaction at having undone her to the extent he had, Steve pushed himself up, wiping his wet face with the back of his forearm and crawled over her, cupping her cheeks, kissing her again, his tongue tangling against hers. Katie moaned wantonly into his mouth as she could taste her arousal as his mouth dominated hers before he pulled back, his thumb and forefinger gently gripping her chin making her eyes open and lock onto his.
“On your knees sweetheart.” His tone was low as he used his Captain’s voice to issue the instruction, telling her not to argue. Not that she would, as mouthy and stubborn as she was this was the one area of their relationship in which she was always willing to surrender to him completely. With a graceful movement she pulled her legs back towards her and turned her body, rising to her knees, palms planted on the floor.
Steve pushed the waistband of his sweats and boxers down before he moved his hands to her hips, pulling her back with a swift action, placing one palm on the base of her back. With the other he took his throbbing cock in his hand, gave himself a few quick strokes before he lined himself up. With a snap of his hips he buried himself in her heat, balls deep, jolting her forward. The rumble from his throat slipped out of his mouth at the relief of finally being inside her, drowning her cries out.
His pace was relentless from the outset, just as it had been when he’d worked her with his mouth and his hands gripped her waist tightly as he drove in and out of her over and over, in fast, deep movements, pulling her back onto him with each thrust he made. He watched her face as her head fell forward between her arms, her bottom lip clamped between her lip, eyes closed in pleasure, those dirty little noises she made joined the sound of skin slapping skin as he did just as he’d said he was going to do, and fucked her hard.
It was raw, animalistic even, and a far cry from the usual way Steve liked to love on her but hell, it felt just as good to Katie as anything he ever did and after a particularly deep drive she cried out, fisting her hands into the rug, as she felt him bend over her, his large frame crowding hers from behind.
“God you feel so good baby…” he groaned, his chest was pressed to her back, his mouth nipping at that spot on her neck as she felt the heat pooling in her belly again. In an almost automatic movement, her head rolled to the left, allowing him access to her neck where he nipped and sucked at her skin, her gasps growing louder as he continued to thrust. “So fuckin’ good…”
As he spoke, Steve reached up and wrapped one large hand around her neck, tipping her face round to his so he could kiss her. It was all Katie could do to kiss him back, allowing him to control the pace as she was completely gone, the sensations lancing through her body had left her totally pliant to his ministrations.
“Captain…” she panted softly against his mouth as Steve gave an almost pathetic whine at the sound of that name slipping from her throat as he continued to push into her, driving deep before he stilled, his hips flush to her ass. Katie gave a squeak as he rotated his hips, letting go of her neck and pushing himself back up as his hand slid down her body, between her legs drawing a long wail of delight from her mouth as he fondled her bud, “Shit…I’m…Steve I’m gonna...”
“Go on, come for me baby…” he hissed, his jaw clenched, the sweat beading on his brow as he rutted forward again, once more grinding against her “Give it to me, let go…”
With a last, loud, filthy lament she came, hard, her knees almost buckling, but Steve’s arm quickly looped around her waist holding her up as she blissed out completely, the entire world fading around her as she felt nothing but the familiar hot, warm pleasure as her abdomen contracted and relaxed as her walls spasmed around him over and over.
“Good girl.” he praised as he continued thrusting through, the heat in his own belly now beginning to spike even more, “Such a good girl for me.” Katie preened at his praise, relaxing slightly as he bent over and kissed her neck once more, picking up the pace slightly. And then, she pushed back suddenly catching Steve off guard, sending him sprawling onto his back. She went with him, his cock still stuffed inside her, her back sliding on his chest as he continued to fuck up into her, his knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Katie’s head fell back against his shoulder, her face tilting to kiss his as she lay on him, legs spread, feet planted either side of his hips. His hand crept over her stomach, dipping into her folds as his fingers and palm furiously toyed and played with her, brushing against his shaft as he rocked in and out of his wife.
“Steve…” she whined “I can’t…it’s too much…” “You got one more in you.” he all but growled, “I know you do. And I’m taking it, whether you want me to or not.”
True to his word he continued his unyielding assault on her senses and before long her breathing had risen and his name was slipping from Katie’s lips in that familiar staccato pant. She gave in, and this time the climax almost feeble but still just as pleasurable as she fluttered around him. At the feel of her round him, and the sound of the exhausted, sultry groan she let out into his hear Steve was done for, and with a final, violent buck upwards he came, biting down gently on her shoulder, muffling the noises of satisfaction and pleasure that rolled from the back of his throat.
The pair of them lay still, chests heaving  and Katie licked her lips, eyes closed as she waited for her body to gain some form of control over itself. After a little while, she felt Steve’s hands gently slid up her side to the outside of her arms, giving a gentle rub as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“You ok?” he asked.
Katie hummed a little and grinned, tipping her face round to look at him “I’ll say…that was…”
“Yeah…” Steve nodded, the pair of them chuckling. “It was worth the wait.”
Katie’s head lolled back against his shoulder and she closed her eyes again. Not wanting to move just yet, the feeling of her lay over the top of him whilst he was still buried inside her was too nice, Steve wrapped his arms around her front as he shifted slightly so he could press a kiss to her lips. She wiggled her hips a little and he gave a low grunt at the sensation and he looked at her as she arched an eyebrow.
“You want more?” he asked, his voice low and she fixed him with a look that was half suggestive, half apprehension as to whether she could actually take anymore. Steve grinned and pressed his lips back to hers, the kiss deepening as he felt himself starting to grow hard inside her again, and just as he had pushed her up into a sitting position, backwards on his lap, the security system sounded and the front door clicked open.
Katie’s head turned back to look at him over her shoulder, both faces sporting expressions of utter horror as Emmy and Peter’s voices drifted up the hall.
“Shit…” Katie jumped up, glancing down at herself as Steve scrambled to his feet, tucking himself into his pants, hastily yanking at the crotch in an attempt to make them a little less snug, so to speak.
“Give me your shirt…” Katie hissed and he reached over, grabbing a fistful of it in his hand. Yanking it over his head he tossed it to her and she shoved it on over her skimpy little outfit, before she kicked off her heels, and she’d just smoothed her hair down when the door to the lounge opened. Emmy and Peter stopped dead. Peter hastily turned away as Emmy’s eyes roved over Steve’s shirtless form, then to Katie who was stood in his Henley which thankfully was big enough to cover her body down to the middle of her thighs, hiding the red lace garment underneath. Whilst they might have hidden their modesty for the most part, there was no hiding the fact both of their faces were flushed with exhaustion and sexual gratification…nor was there any disguising the fact Katie was stood with her legs crossed in a desperate attempt to stop Steve’s release from dribbling down her leg. And then just to make it even more obvious, Katie’s shredded red lace panties were dumped in the middle of the floor right by her discarded heels…
“Jesus Christ…” Emmy mumbled, backing out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Katie and Steve glanced at one another, and Katie burst out laughing at the look of utter horror on Steve’s face.
“Cheer up Steve…” she patted his chest “Could have been worse.”
“Seriously?”  he blinked “What could be worse than basically being caught in flagrante by our daughter and that boy?”
“Ok, first off, his name is Pete…and actually I can think of a few things.” Katie shrugged, bending down to pick up her shoes and her destroyed underwear “Had she come in like 2 minutes earlier she’d have caught us in a much more compromising position…or even worse than that, we could have walked in on her.”
“Doll, just don’t!” Steve held his hand up, giving a groan.
Katie laughed and made her way to the door. “I’m going upstairs to clean up and get in bed, can you bring me a bottle of water up please?”
Steve sighed and nodded, watching her go. Taking a deep breath he wandered into the kitchen were Emmy was stood scowling, leaning against the kitchen counter as she glared as his topless form, Pete hastily averting his eyes.
“You two are disgusting.” Emmy shook her head “It’s bad enough hearing you in your bedroom but…fucking hell Dad!”
“Watch your mouth Emily.” Steve said sternly as he felt the heat rising in his neck. He made his way to the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water before he straightened up. “We weren’t expecting you back so early.”
“Clearly.” Emmy arched an eyebrow.
“You know what?” Steve’s temper flared a little “This is mine and your Ma’s house, and well, frankly, we’ll do what we want, where we want.”
At that Peter gave a little cough and pushed himself up off the counter, “I’m gonna…yeah…” he said, pointing to the utility room door “I’ll be in the cabin Em.”
Neither Steve nor Emmy paid him any attention as he scuttled off, the door clicking shut behind him.
“Dad!” Emmy spluttered, her face in her hand as she shook her head “That was so embarrassing!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs for us either you know Em!” Steve groaned “Like, seriously, why did you even come in here anyway? You don’t need to come through the house to get to your annex!”
“We were hungry.” She whined, “Mom said she’d leave us something in the fridge although frankly, now I’ve lost my appetite.”
Steve wiped a hand over his face before he shook his head, taking a deep breath “I’m gonna go up to bed. Can we just forget this happened, please?”
“I’d love to.” Emmy practically growled as she made her way towards the rear of the kitchen. “God, I need to scrub my eyes with bleach…once you’ve finished using it to mop wherever you were…you know.”
Steve arched an eyebrow and that little devil on his shoulder reared his, or her as the case may be,  head and he couldn’t help the sarcastic response as it flew from his mouth “I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I’d need a lot of bleach to wash down each surface of this house I’ve had your mother on.”
Emmy’s mouth fell open and she looked at him, before she let out a loud groan. “You’re disgusting. Like, I can’t even…”
She shook her head and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her. Steve shook his head, watched as the security light clicked on whilst she stormed across the back garden to her little annex and with a chuckle he made sure the door was locked and turned off the lights.
All in all it had been a damned good day now he thought about it. He’d carved pumpkins with his kids, seen them all have a great time, eaten Italian, drunk beer, chatted to his friends, fucked his wife exceptionally well and now embarrassed his eldest.
“Mission accomplished…” he snorted to himself as he took the stairs two at a two, padding across the hallway and entering his bedroom, closing the door behind him.
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fkingsteverogers · 3 years
Tell Me We’ll Be Just Fine
A/N: A couple points: 1) I made a new blog for these writings to make them easier to find 2) I have a tag list! lmk if you want to be added to it 3) For my non US babes and others, your third amendment rights say you can’t be forced to house soldiers. Long Story Short 
Contains TFATWS Episode 5 spoilers
With John Walker being Honorably Discharged after an International Incident, you’re stuck under house arrest.  (The United States Government would tell you house arrest is too strong of a word, it’s simply Strongly Advised you stay in your apartment.) You want to scream from the rooftops that you had nothing to do with him, that it was all an act, but you’re being Strongly Advised, so that’s not an option. You hope, wherever he is, Bucky is having a better time than you are. 
Five Days; Eastern Europe:
Bucky is not having a good time. They’re in a country where everyone wants them dead, holed up in a shitty motel and all he can think of is the absolutely devastated look on your face when he walked out the door. It makes him brood. 
“You have to talk about her sometime.” 
“Whoever makes you frown like that.” 
“‘M not frowning. What do you know about it anyway? You’re single.” So maybe he was being an ass about it. You were so far away, probably cuddled up with John or Steve, and he was here, sitting in a motel room with Sam. John Walker was probably feeling you up right now, running his hand over those beautiful thighs of yours as you kissed him, making soft little noises--he clenches his fist so hard he breaks the bowl he’d been holding, splattering rice and beans all over the floor cracked tile floor. 
“Yo, man, what the fuck?!” 
Day One; New York City: 
Steve’s allowed to visit, because of course he is. He flashes some badge and the guards (who are Strongly Advising you), stand down. “Why are you here, Stevie?” And you hate that you still call him Stevie. Stevie is what you called him on the quiet nights when you two were alone and he was still yours. Steve gives you his sad smile and you want to fall into his arms, to sob into his chest and tell him how you fucked it all up. You don’t. 
“Just go, Stevie.” 
Four Days; Eastern Europe: 
Sam goes to do some surveillance, announcing that he “couldn’t deal with this shit,” leaving Bucky alone in the shitty room they were sharing. Before he’d been deployed, he would’ve spent an afternoon alone in a hotel curled up with a pretty girl or a handsome boy. During the war, he’d spend a quiet day catching up on some sleep or rereading a well loved copy of The Hobbit. During his Hydra days (which he hated thinking about but also couldn’t stop thinking about), there really weren’t days off. There were days where he killed and days where he didn’t. Since then, he’d spent most of his days off trying to remember how to be a human. 
You had made those days feel like living again. And now you were John’s girl, dressed all pretty up for him and everything. Bucky’d been fucking stupid to think you’d want someone like him, someone damaged, someone with blood on his hands. You were good and soft and pretty. You spoke four languages and had probably read every book ever written. 
You’d been good enough for Steve. 
He breaks another bowl and has to lay down after.
Day Three; New York City: 
You glare down the solider that’s sitting in your kitchen, eating a sandwich. “This is violating my Third Amendment Rights, you know.” 
The smug bastard grins and keeps eating his sandwich. 
Two Days; Louisiana: 
“That shield’s the closest thing I’ve got left to a family, so when you retired it, I felt like I had nothing left.” 
The mission had gone down as well as any of their missions go, they’d been shot at, gotten out by the skin of their teeth. Sam left to go back home as soon as he could, Bucky followed. Where else did he have to go?
“You have her.” 
He didn’t, not really. 
“I don’t want to talk about her, Sam.” Bucky tosses the shield, scowling deeply. 
Sam sighs, catching the shield. He turned to face his friend, were they friends?, and looked him up and down. “Yeah, you do.” So maybe Bucky does want to talk about you, about how betrayed he feels by you choosing Walker over him. The government hadn’t been powerful enough to stop some gossip magazine from publishing a spread of you and Walker, you in a little red sundress that makes you look incredible and his hand on your thigh. There’s some bullshit story about how you met and had been so enamored with him you’d asked him for coffee on the spot.
 It makes Bucky physically sick with rage. 
Day Four; New York City: 
After four days of being Strongly Advised, you’re ready to start pulling out your hair. The news is nonstop coverage of what happened to John Walker, the green beret who had gone crazy and killed a man in a moment of grief induced rage. And to top it all off, People released a spread that makes you want to scream. The whole shoot hadn’t been your idea, some government publicist had insisted it was necessary to sell the story. In reality, it’d been five hours with John’s hands all over you, grinning like the cat that got the cream. During a break, he’d asked you about Steve, his tone suggesting something that was none of his business. 
“You don’t get to talk about Steve.” John had smirked at you, running his tongue over his teeth. It clearly annoyed him, someone thinking he wasn’t good enough for something. “What about your wife, John?” A look of surprise crosses his face but it’s gone in a moment, the mask he wears to keep people out back in place. 
“Olivia isn’t part of the deal. I thought we could be friends,” he spits the word out like it’s dirty, “but clearly you’re not interested in that, clearly you’re interested in--” 
“Be careful how you finish that sentence, John.” Your voice is low, betraying the landmine he’s almost stepped on. Given the chance, you’d stab John Walker in his pretty face. Decades in prison means nothing when the love of your life abandoned you and the man you thought you could count on ran out. (So maybe you were thinking about Bucky, it doesn’t actually matter.)
Bucky had been a solid presence in a sea of uncertainty. He’d made you feel safe and okay. After Steve’s departure and the death of Tony, the only member of your family left, solid and safety had been in short supply. He’d showed up, ate his cold beans in silence in the kitchen, and hadn’t left. He’d made you laugh in a way you hadn’t in months. You’d developed a routine, Bucky would wake up before you and boil water for tea, you’d stumble out and cook something to serve as breakfast, and you’d both go about your days. In the evenings, you’d come together, talk about the stupid shit that had happened during the day, watch a movie on Friday nights, and go to bed. It was nice to have a routine, something and someone you could depend on. 
The nights had been quiet since he left. 
Twelve Hours; New York City: 
Bucky’s plane lands and he breathes a sigh of relief. 
It’s raining when he steps out of the airport, a down pour by anyone’s standards. Fine by him, less people to avoid. He manages to make it to the little coffee shop outside your apartment without getting too soaked. Going up there wasn’t an option, not when you were probably angry with him for running out. So he sits, drinks endless cups of coffee and watches. 
“She takes it two creams, no sugar, if you want to bring it up to her.” Bucky turns and finds himself face to face with Steve. His friend looks old, but happy, at peace even. There’s so much he wants to say, he wants to ask Steve why he left, what he thought about Walker. He wants to punch him or throttle him or hug him. Bucky wants a long fucking hug. 
“I don’t think she wants to see me, punk.” Steve sits, shaking his head. 
“I didn’t think she wanted to see me, either. Sometimes she doesn’t know what’s good for her..” 
Before Bucky can reply, before he can really process what Steve is saying, he gets a text from Sam and he’s off to save the world again.
Day Five; New York City: 
Because the universe hates you, you can’t even use your phone to entertain yourself. Someone leaked your personal number and it hadn’t stopped ringing since. And, since the internet has no nuance, they’re mostly death threats. You’re reading a book when the guards who are Strongly Advising you abandon their posts. There’s something going on, something that no one bothers to inform you about. 
You go back to reading your book. Hopefully Bucky’s not being thrown through a wall. 
Thirty Minutes; New York City: 
Bucky gets thrown through a wall. 
It fucking hurts and he’s dizzy after. Like can’t-walk-straight-am-I-actually-drunk-dizzy. Sam, the useless bastard, loads him into a taxi, tells him he’ll be fine, and gives the driver your address. Bucky’s dimly aware of this fact, aware of the fact that this poor man is driving him, a bleeding super solider, to the one place he wanted to be but wasn’t welcome. 
Two Minutes; New York City: 
The guards aren’t back by the time the downstairs buzzer starts ringing incessantly. You’re in the middle of your book, right at the moment where the head-strong damsel and the Lord she hated are about to kiss. You try to ignore it, With a groan, you stomp down to the doors. 
Standing there, half supported by Vasily, the Russian cabbie (who is definitely into some shady business), is Bucky. 
Now; New York City: 
You thank Vasily, telling him you’ll pay for the cab when you see him on Friday for Shabbat, and take the bleeding Bucky into your arms. Bucky mumbles something, clearly speaking Russian but too lowly for you to actually understand. Vasily glares at him, muttering curses as he stalks away. 
Dragging Bucky up to your sixth floor apartment means sharing a run in with Daisy Mae, your elderly neighbor who’s 90% blind and enjoys loitering in the elevator. She seems to take offense to Bucky mumbling Russian children’s songs to himself. 
“Speak English dear, not Communism. We’re in the United States.” 
“Mind the business that pays you, Daisy Mae.”
She hmphs, but doesn’t say anything else. Bucky, for his part, gives a rousing performance of the Russian alphabet. Finally, you get Bucky into your apartment and unceremoniously drop him on your couch. 
It’s not long before he falls asleep, leaving you to stare at him for hours, wondering just what he’s going to say when he wakes up. 
When he does wake up, it’s to the scent of your soap, sweet watermelon that always leaves an aching in the pit of his stomach. Waking up on your couch, smelling your soap, and listening to you cook feels like a dream. How many times had he thought about this exact moment while he was with Sam? Soon enough you’d turn the corner from the kitchenette and smile at him, that beautiful smile that never failed to make him feel a little dizzy. 
And then he’d wake up in a shitty hotel room, listening to Sam take a shit through the paper thin walls. 
He waits, but when you appear, you’re frowning anxiously. And God, you’re so fucking beautiful. You’re wearing a pair of tiny sleep shorts that expose your long legs to his greedy eyes. Your hair is pushed back off your face, exposing the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen. 
Steve was a lucky man, to be able to love you.  Maybe one day he’ll find a woman like you to love, if he’s lucky. Has he ever been lucky?
Bucky looks confused when you appear holding tea. “Hi.” He doesn’t say anything back, just frowns back. Your mind races, realizing he probably doesn’t want to see you, that he was dropped off here by some well meaning friend, and he was going to get up and walk out the door again. 
“At least let me clean you up before you go.” Bucky nods wordlessly, looking like he’s still a little stunned. He takes a seat at the kitchen table as you pull down the first aid kit you’d put together when Steve was still here. There’s a cut above his eyebrow that’s still oozing a little blood. It’s in such a place you have to situate yourself between his legs in order to get to it. 
It’s quiet while you work, Bucky’s never been a man of many words and now he’s probably trying to figure out how to tell you you’re never going to see him again. As soon as he’s cleaned up well enough that you’re satisfied he won’t die sitting at your kitchen table, you step away to admire your handy work. Bucky’s left hand, his metal hand, catches your wrist and pulls you back to him. It holds you there while his right hand comes up to cup your face, running a thumb over your cheekbone. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
He’s not sure what possesses him when he pulls you back into him. All he knows is if he doesn’t get you close, if he doesn’t tell you how fucking beautiful you are, he won’t be able to breathe. You make a little noise of exasperation, your gorgeous lips parting. “I mean it.” “Bucky…” You try to pull away but he holds you there, studying every inch of your face and committing it to memory. There’s an electricity between the two of you, it feels like the air is charged enough to light that stupid snail lamp you’d bought from Arrow or whatever that store you loved was called. “Bucky…” You repeat, your voice softer, in a tone he can’t quite describe
Before either of you can move or say anything else, the door swings open to reveal Sam and Torres, flanked by three soldiers. None of them take notice of what feels like a very compromising position. 
“Oh good, you’re here, Sargent Barnes. You're all being moved to a safe house. Pack enough for an indeterminate amount of time.” 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Kids Have Terrible Timing (Biadore) - Sarcastacnt
Summary; One of Roy and Danny’s two daughters has a tendency to get over excited at the smallest things and at the worst possible time for her fathers.
“We can always return her right?”
“See, this is what happens when we trust your genes. Let’s take a second to notice how the spawn with my genes is basically a Saint compared to her sister.”
Danny pulled a face and whacked Roy with a pillow. “Not what you said when she ruin, how many of your gowns was it again? 9?”
“It was 15 and you know it.” Roy grumbled still puzzled at how the then five year old Sabrina had gotten a hold of the gowns, let alone figured out how to work his sewing machine. Something that still eluded Danny.
“Let’s just agree that they’re both evil in their own special ways.” Danny offered, trying desperately not to laugh at the pained expression on Roy’s face.
Roy snorted, “Not much longer until they go through puberty. That’s when we cash in all those offers to babysit from Shane.”
Danny groaned and flopped down dramatically against the bed. “Two teenage girls in one house. What the fuck were we thinking?”
Roy shrugged, “Probably that at least one of them would be a boy.”
Danny laughed, “At least then they wouldn’t bug to borrow our drag. Well, your drag.”
Roy laughed at the memory of the two dark haired girls gasping in disbelief at the room full of princess gowns and lumberjack clothing. “Still can’t believe how good that read was, fucking lumberjack.” He was still snickering when Danny decided he was no longer comfortable laying on the bed.
With a surge of power from his left leg he moved to straddle Roy’s hips. “You’re the one who married a lumberjack Haylock.”
Roy automatically dropped his hands to rest on Danny’s thighs. “You married a princess, least I’m still gay in this version of reality.”
Danny snorted, “Whatever, that makes you a princess, least I’m still a man.” He leaned forward and licked Roy’s neck before whispering in his ear. “Although every single time I’ve fucked you while you were dressed as a princess was hot as hell. You really should let me fuck you in drag more often.”
Roy let out a groan as Danny squirmed on his lap. “Why would I put a bunch of clothes on for sex? Doesn’t being naked make everyone’s lives easier?”
Danny began kissing Roy’s jaw, taking a familiar path down to the collar of Roy’s shirt. “I meant when we preform asshole.” He said as he started to work the buttons of Roy’s shirt open.
Roy rolled his eyes, “Because normally after we preform you’re so fucking horny that you beg to get fucked.” Roy brought both hands crashing down on Danny’s ass, “Remember?”
Danny started to kiss his way down Roy’s chest now that the button down was pushed open. “Fuck yeah I do.” He looked up at Roy, eyes gone a little glassy with arousal. “Speaking of which, it’s been quiet for almost an hour. We should probably take advantage while we can.”
Roy chuckled and began to tug at Danny’s shirt. “You’re absolutely right.” When Danny didn’t move to remove his shirt quick enough, Roy rolled them so he was on top. He quickly pulled off the light sleep pants Danny wore and began stroking the already half hard cock. “Doesn’t take much to get you going, does it?” he teased before taking Danny’s erection into his mouth.
“Never has.” Danny admitted before groaning at the very talented tongue that was quickly turning his brain to mush.
Roy held out his hand, without stopping the blow job and Danny reached blindly for the small bottle of lube on the nightstand. He pushed it into Roy’s hand before letting his head fall back against the pillows.
Wasting no time, Roy lubed up two fingers and pressed them into Danny. It only took a few thrusts before Danny was demanding that Roy ‘stop fucking around and put your dick in me!’. With such a sweet request, how could Roy refuse? He pushed his own sleep pants down and lubed up his erection before taking a second to tease Danny’s entrance.
“Fuck me Roy!” Danny demanded, his hips lifting off the bed in frustration.
“Fine, but next time we have time I’m gonna make you pay for being an Impatient bitch.” Roy said as he grabbed Danny’s hips and started to push himself inside-
Roy didn’t know how he did it but somehow he got both of them covered up under the blanket before 6 year old Stevie managed to scramble up on the bed.
“Stevie remember how we talked about knocking? And you’re not listening to me at all, are you?” Roy sighed as he swung his legs over the far side of the bed and pulled his pants up. Danny had no chance to pull anything on, Stevie was not only on the bed but sitting happily on Danny’s stomach.
“Daddy! I found something cool! You gotta come see this!” the little girl had a big grin on her face as she waved her hands in the air. Stevie’s grin was an exact match for Danny’s (pre lip injections, of course). In fact Stevie was the spitting image of Adore, especially on the odd occasion her fathers put her in make up. Not only was the physical resemblance strong but both Stevie and Danny were two of the loudest people Roy had ever met.
A quiet knock at the open door caught Roy’s attention. He looked up to see blue eyed eight year old Sabrina shaking her head in exasperation. “Sorry dad, I tried to remind her to knock but…” she trailed off with a shrug, gesturing to the excited noises coming from the bed as Stevie and Danny talked about something Roy couldn’t quite catch.
Roy chuckled, “It’s okay, I understand my love. What were you two doing anyways? I thought we said goodnight an hour ago.”
Sabrina walked around the bed, giving it a wide berth. She had walked too close to the bed once during a similar situation just in time for Stevie to launch herself off the bed (much to her fathers horror) and land on not only her feet but her sister’s as well. “I showed her a book.”
Roy ached an eyebrow, “Why is she so excited about a book.”
Sabrina made a huffing noise as she crawled up on the bed to sit next to Roy. “There were no pictures in it.”
“You’re telling me your sister is losing her mind over a book, without pictures?” Roy could feel his eye start twitching.
Sabrina nodded, “Are you sure she’s really my sister?” she eyed Roy suspiciously.
Roy sighed, they had this conversation every few weeks. “Yes Rini, you both have the same mother, remember?” Roy remembered the initial thrill when they discovered that the surrogate they had used for Sabrina was more then happy to take on another pregnancy for the pair when they decided to expand their family a year and a half later.
“Are you really sure? Did you check?” Sabrina grilled her father as she watched Stevie and Danny (who had managed to pull pants on while he was distracted with Sabrina) rush out of the room to get a look at this ‘amazing book’ that Stevie had discovered.
“Yes Rini I’m a hundred percent sure she’s your sister. Besides she acts just like Dad, doesn’t she? I promise she’s part of this family.”
Sabrina frowned, “Whatever. I’m gonna go make sure they don’t break my stuff.” She hopped off the bed, her long twin braids floating behind her as she stormed off after them.
Roy fell back into bed and began laughing uncontrollably. He had no idea which part of the last five minutes he found so funny. The interrupted sex, Stevie’s excitement over a book without pictures or Sabrina’s continued irritation that her sister was insane.
Tears were streaming down his face, high pitched giggles still escaping him and abdominal muscles cramping when Danny returned.
“She’s nuts.” Danny proclaimed as he flopped down next to Roy.
A minute later, Roy managed to get his laughter under control. “Was she really that excited over a book with no pictures?”
Danny nodded, eyes wide in disbelief. “War and Peace! I didn’t know books could get that big! That shit’s more complicated then anything I ever read!”
Roy nodded, “Katya was reading it last time her and Trixie were over with their hellspawns. She probably forgot it here.” They almost always used drag names when referring to Brian and Brian just to save themselves the confusion.
Danny snorted, “Least we had time to breathe between kids. I don’t know how they managed 3 at once! Like who even has triplets?”
“Trixie and Katya do, poor bastards. If two teenage girls seems like a nightmare waiting to happen, imagine three hormonal teenage boys. The structural damage alone may just bankrupt them! If those two weren’t bald already that’s what would finally do it. Trying to figure out how much to add to the budget for household repairs every week.” Roy mused, choosing to ignore the fact that while he and Danny did in fact have one less kid, one of said kids shared genetic material with Danny. Roy hoped, not for the first time that Stevie calmed down as she got older. Last thing he needed was one of his daughters proudly proclaiming to be a ‘messy slut’. The thought of the generally sweet (if loud) Stevie strutting around in a mini skirt and low cut shirt made Roy shiver in fear.
“We’re never gonna have sex again, are we?” Danny half heartedly complained, lacing his fingers with Roy’s as they looked at each other with tired smiles on their faces.
Roy released Danny’s hand and rolled so he was on top of his husband. “So dramatic.” Roy teased as he captured Danny’s lips in a breath taking kiss.
It wasn’t long before Danny was a moaning, begging mess under him. Roy sighed in relief as he entered Danny roughly, rather pleased with himself for the broken sound that tore itself from Danny’s lips.
“I’m taking her back!” Danny proclaimed loudly as Roy pulled away from him and managed to get their pants back on before Stevie came flying into their room again. This time she was screaming something about the ‘coolest bug ever!
Wasn’t parenting fun?
A/N Thank you to the annon who requested a kid fic where Roy and Danny keep getting interrupted. Swore I’d never write one of these but hey, here we are! I’m also tempted to continue this but for the moment it stands alone.
The girls names; Stevie is named for Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac fame and Sabrina is name for an alternative name for a boat neck collar. I know nothing about fashion so that’s what a quick Google search pulled up.
As for the teasing each other about which kid has which genes, it doesn’t mean they love either kid less then the other. I think most parents like to harass their partner about who is responsible for which less desirable trait their off spring demonstrates. Like when Sarabi says to Mufasa in The Lion King “Before sunrise, he’s your son.”
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
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For Steve
Commission for @cherrydreamer, thank you so much for your commission and your idea! 💕
Read on ao3
“Oh damn .”
Steve smiled bashfully, looking down at his feet, wrapped up in silk.
He had gotten a new set today, pretty lace panties matched the garter belt perfectly , stockings clipped in and held high on his thighs.
The bralette was see-through, but the lace on the trim matched everything else.
“Gimme a spin.” He turned around for Billy, throwing him a sultry look over his shoulder.
The panties were cut high on his ass cheeks, and he knew the straps of the garters framed his ass just right . He had checked in the mirror.
Billy was just about salivating as Steve turned back around, walking slow and sexy back to him.
“Jesus, Baby. I’ll never get tired of you dressin’ up all pretty for me.”
Billy grabbed him around the waist, tossing him onto the bed, pressing his body over Steve’s.
And Steve loved sharing this with Billy, loved that Billy got such satisfaction from his outfits , his makeup , but something didn’t sit right with Steve.
Maybe it was the dressin’ up all pretty for me .
It wasn’t for Billy.
It was for Steve.
He felt the most beautiful , the most confident , the most himself in stuff like this, delicate lingerie Billy was now taking off of him with his teeth , pretty dresses, and elegant makeup.
He had since he was little and he and Carol would sneak into his mother’s things to play dress up with her expensive clothes, her fine jewelry and her makeup.
“Stevie, you with me?” Billy was kneeling between Steve’s legs, his brows drawn close together. “You kinda zoned out on me for a second.”
“Yeah, uh, sorry.”
“What’s up, Buttercup? You not in the mood? ‘Cause we don’t have to-”
“No, it’s fine. I mean, got all dressed up. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.”
Steve was expecting Billy to say something vulgar, maybe lick a stripe up Steve’s chest, but Billy’s eyebrows just scrunched closer, and he pulled away .
He moved to sit next to Steve instead of his position between his legs.
“What’s goin’ on?” Billy had put on his serious voice . “Why would it go to waste?”
“If we don’t fuck.” Steve was feeling too exposed, the lingerie usually felt like a fucking suit of armor , but it was all askew, tugged on and shifted, and Steve felt like he had nothing tethering him down , not Billy, not the lingerie.
“But, I mean, don’t you just like wearing it?” Billy was talking slowly, the way he always did when he had too much going through his brain, had to choose his words carefully .
Steve took a breath.
“Look, you’ve been really cool about all, uh, this ,” he gestured to himself, his body wrapped in lace and silk. “But I know you only roll with it for sex stuff-”
“Okay, wait just a damn minute .” Steve snapped his jaw shut as Billy held up a finger. “You think I just roll with it for sex stuff ?”
“I mean, yeah.” Billy sighed, shaking his head.
He stood up from the bed, went to pace in front of it.
Steve’s shoulders rose closer to his ears with every pass Billy did at the foot of his bed. He tugged the duvet up and over himself.
“I can’t believe you would think that I just rolled with it for sex stuff .” He was talking really fucking slowly, taking calculated breaths as he paced. “I don’t know who to be mad at.”
“Wait, I’m not following.”
Billy finally turned to look at him.
“If I should be mad at you for thinking so little of me, or mad at myself for leading you to think that.”
Steve’s jaw fucking dropped .
“Steve, I love when you wear the things you do. I love how beautiful- how confident you are in them.”
“But you, you said when I dress up for you -”
“That was just, like, dirty talk. I know it’s not for me.” Billy’s eyes were intense , he had stood pacing, holding onto the footboard of the bed so tightly his knuckles were white .
“Oh.” Steve looked down at his lap, fidgeting with his fingers.
He felt fucking stupid .
“Baby, look at me.” Billy moved to sit on the end of the bed.
Steve glanced up at him, looking back down.
“Baby.” Steve forced eye contact.
“I’m sorry I made you think I was only letting you dress like this for sex. I want you to be happy , Sugar. In any way that means.”
But Steve’s smile was way too tight, and it just didn’t sit right with Billy.
“I got you somethin’.” Steve perked up at the idea of a gift, loved getting presents.
But like, not in a selfish way.
“What is it?” Steve scoot right up next to Billy, hooking his chin over his shoulder to look into Billy’s bag.
Billy tried to keep it closed, feeling around inside of it.
“It’s nothing really special , and I mean, it might be like, cheap -” he was actually nervous , babbling along about whatever it is.
“Billy, just gimme .” He jammed his hand into Billy’s bag, snatching the wad of fabric and tugging it out.
It was a dress.
A pretty simple dress, soft thin cotton with a pretty little floral pattern. It was spaghetti strap, and Steve fucking loved it .
“Oh my God .”
“I got it at the thrift store. Didn’t steal it or nothin’.”
“Wouldn’ta minded if you did.” Steve planted a kiss on his cheek, shooting off up the stairs to go try it on.
Billy was, well he was a little bit giddy to see Steve in the dress.
He had been aimlessly wandering the aisles, trying to think of things he’s already seen Steve wear before, but kept trying to stay focused , didn’t want to get anything too sexy .
Which was fucking hard to do , because he's pretty sure Steve could wear a goddamn potato sack and still look-
“Oh damn .”
Steve bit his bottom lip, modeling the dress for Billy.
It fit him well, Billy was pleased.
It was black, little pink and purple flowers dotting the fabric.
He gave a spin, the skirt flaring out just a bit.
“You look beautiful , Baby.”
“Thank you, Bill. This was really sweet of you.”
“These would be cute on you.” Steve just barely reacted to Billy’s voice quick enough to catch the pair of overalls he had tossed.
They were cute, would be a little baggy on Steve, but that was kinda the look , Steve guessed.
“Don’t you think they’re kinda, like, schlubby ?” Billy raised one eyebrow, a sparkle of laughter in his bright eyes.
“You’ve worn schlubbier.” Steve snapped the overalls at Billy. “They’ll be cute! Just put ‘em on.”
Billy was right .
Steve had put a lace bralette underneath them, and even though they were baggy, they were cute.
And they were also the most non-sexualized thing Steve has ever seen .
Even with the peak of skin on the sides, they weren’t sexy , they were just fun and comfortable and fucking cute .
Billy’s eyes lit up when he saw Steve.
“I told you .” Steve just gave him a look . Billy tugged on the straps, pulling Steve closer to his body. “They’re cute. You’re cute.” Steve just laughed, dodging Billy’s attempt to plant a kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“Yeah? Well, you’re buying.”
“You look nice.” Billy planted a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
He had been careful with his compliments lately. Wording them very specifically.
Saying you look nice or that color is very pretty on you. Makes your eyes pop or even a I can tell you feel good .
It was sweet , his own little way to affirm Steve, trying his very best not to sexualize his compliments.
He’s been extra careful about validating Steve in the everyday.
But sometimes, Steve wanted to be a bit of a tease .
They were quiet moving down the stairs, the socks resting high up on their thighs.
Billy wasn’t paying any attention, immersed in one of his heavy books he devoured like candy.
Steve bit their bottom lip, causally knocking a coaster of the end table.
“Oh, oops .”
Billy looked up just in time to see Steve bent over, short lilac skirt riding up, delicate lace panties on display.
He swallowed thickly, eyes snapping back to his book as they move to stand.
Steve pouted for a moment, slowly smiling when they realized how pink Billy’s cheeks had gone, how his eyes had gone unfocused.
“You know, you’re allowed to look , sometimes. I know you’re being all sweet , but sometimes it’s okay to be, not sweet .”
Billy looked up, his tongue rolling deliberately across his bottom lip.
“Baby, you’re makin’ a man lose all sense of resolve.” Billy sounded wrecked .
Steve was delighted .
They were in a short skirt, one of Billy’s shirts tucked into the top, and of course , the long socks.
But Billy’s seen them in sluttier , in flimsier and more see-through, in sexier .
So maybe it wasn’t how much of their body was on display, Steve thought as Billy slammed his book closed, pinned them up against the wall with his body.
Billy was like a little puppy when Steve returned home from a shift at Family Video that evening.
It was their first weekend in the new apartment, the teeny little shoebox overlooking the gas station, with only one bedroom and only one queen-sized bed.
“I did something.” Billy was hopping from foot to foot, positively giddy .
Steve took their time removing their shoes.
“How worried should I be?”
Last time it was I did something , Billy had flooded the bathroom in Steve’s parents’ house.
“Oh, ye of little faith. Just come on .”
Billy pulled their wrist, made Steve stumble along behind him.
He smiled brightly outside of their bedroom, pushing the door open with his hip as he slid both hands over Steve’s eyes, leading them inside.
Steve was dizzy, completely disoriented.
And then Billy pulled away his hands.
Their shared closet had been completely redone.
Billy had worked all day installing the organizing system.
There were drawers, organized with extreme care.
“So, I got all your just for show stuff in this set of drawers, and this set is all your more practical stuff,” Billy opened one of the just for show drawers, revealed a few lingerie sets stored delicately, laying flat and wrinkle-free. “All your clothes-clothes are hanging up, and shoes are on the rack.”
Steve was speechless , began pawing through the three-quarters of the walk-in closet that now belonged to Steve and their stuff .
“Bill, I-”
“I mean, I got a few new things, too. I was walking past that boutique Susan is always trying to get Max into, and I guess they’re going out of business, or something, because everything was like, seventy-five percent off , so I just like, took a bunch.”
“Yeah, the whole fucking store ?”
Billy just smiled bashfully at his feet.
“You like it?”
Steve wrapped their arms carefully around Billy’s neck.
“I love it .”
Billy stopped dead in his tracks.
His heart was fluttering in his chest, and he kinda felt like he could throw up from such a perfect scene.
Steve was humming to themself, swaying along to the Proclaimers record playing in the kitchen, turning to their cat to sing along to Over and Done With .
Their dress brushed the tops of their ankles, the pretty floral material flowed as they danced.
Billy was so fucking in love.
He dumped his bag down, kicking off his boots to stalk towards Steve.
The dress was silky and delicate as he wrapped one arm around Steve’s waist, the other hand holding tightly to their hand.
Steve gave a bright laugh as they began clumsily dancing with one another.
“I love you so much .”
Steve’s smile was like the sun , made Billy feel warm to his core, made him feel whole and healed and safe .
Steve tossed their head with the music, let Billy lead them into a spin, a terrible dip.
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part three babies! my favorite one! enjoy <3
wc: 2.9k
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part one part two
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
The weekend had gone by way faster than you’d expected, and you were sad to see Anne and Gemma leave. 
You were sure that you were probably sadder than Harry as they were driving away from the house as you watched their car before it was nowhere to be seen. Harry chuckles beside you, and practically pulls you into the house as he tells you ‘don’t be sad’ and ‘I’m sure you’ll call them up to hang out again once you get home’, and he was probably right. 
It was already Monday, meaning there were five days left of this trip, more so four, since everyone was leaving on Saturday. The trip had made your emotion ride a rollercoaster, and it was an obstacle to say the least. You and Harry have been comfortable and doing well so far, and you’re glad for it. 
For the last week at the lake house, everyone decided to just go with the flow since Dan and Lina didn’t have anything planned. Everyone was pretty tired of doing the same thing, so they did their own thing. 
Dan and Jackson had gone out and took a boat ride somewhere. Minny was on her laptop, sitting on the lawn chair while Lina was right next to her, enjoying the sun. Harry was in the living room, watching a movie. And you were in the kitchen, learning a new recipe. 
You were learning how to make an entire cheesecake, so everyone can have it for dessert, and it’s going really well, which surprised you seeing you can’t cook for shit. But you think baking has the opposite effect; you thoroughly enjoyed baking. 
“Need any help?” You jump slightly from being startled by the new voice in the room. 
“I’m okay right now, thanks.” You smile softly, thanking him, and he nods. “So tell me, Harry.” 
“What do you wanna know?” He leans against the counter, watching you mix the wet ingredients in a mixer. 
“Are you excited to start touring?” You ask like you don’t know the answer. Of course, he’s excited to travel again. It was always his favorite part about being a musician. 
“Yeah…kinda.” You were surprised by his hesitation. 
“Yeah, I mean, I love touring and all but…” he trails off. Yes, he loves touring, but that was when you were together. As much as he hated leaving you, it only gave him a reason to come back and come home. Now, he doesn’t have anyone to go home to. He hates walking into an empty house after traveling for months on end. 
“But…” you urge him to continue. 
“It’s nothing. But yeah, I’m excited.” He opted for a little white lie; something that won’t cause you both trouble after this conversation. 
You two talk about his upcoming tour outfits, the stage setup, and the set list, and you begin to realize again how easy it is to talk to him about things. Although Harry would usually prefer if people talk about things other than his work, he doesn’t mind with you. He knows he can tell you these things, and he loves hearing you talk in general, so it didn’t matter the topic, he just wanted to hear you talk. 
Talking to you has always been easy. Not only were you willing to talk, knowing Harry is usually the type of person that lets the other person talk, but you were also willing to listen to him when he did talk. With you, Harry can ramble for so long because that just shows how comfortable he is around you, and he really appreciates it, or rather he took it for granted. 
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
Day ten of the trip, and you had slept in. 
With consistently waking up before or at 8 a.m, waking up early and sleeping late at night was beginning to take a toll on your body. Your body and mind needed rest, so you slept in until 11. You were even surprised that the bright light coming from the big window didn’t wake you up. You most likely would’ve slept past that, but when you opened your eyes, you were met with Harry’s green ones and his hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you to wake up. 
“What?” You grumble, not knowing why he’s waking you up, and you shut your eyes closed again. 
“Wake up.” He says in a soft and hushed voice, and you bury your head into the pillow. 
“It’s already 11, you got to wake up.” His hands rake through your hair, and it is definitely not helping you wake up. 
“Still don’t understand.” 
“Everyone has been awake for an hour or two, and we’ve eaten breakfast without you already. So get your sleepy ass up.” He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, knowing that you’re always so difficult to get up in the morning. He also didn’t want to leave, knowing that you’ll fall right back asleep once he steps out of the room. 
You groan against the pillow for what Harry thinks is the millionth time. You eventually open your eyes wide, waking yourself up fully, and remove the covers. Harry notices that you’re only wearing your panties and a big shirt that he recognizes it’s your dad’s, and he gets slightly flustered, even though he’s seen you in less many, many times. 
You let out a throaty mumble, “I hate you.” Harry chuckles and pats your leg. 
“Alright, let’s go.” 
The two of you make your way out of your room and downstairs where music was slowly getting louder the closer you two got. You greet everyone and walk towards Minny who is sitting on the couch to give her a hug, which she gladly takes you in her arms, knowing that you’re affectionate when you just wake up. 
Everyone swayed to the music whether they were sitting on the couch or standing. Lina and Dan always loved playing music from their record player when they were inside doing nothing. The music jumped from artists, mostly Fleetwood Mac to Queen to The Zombies. 
You see Harry change out the vinyl, skipping a few songs before landing on one and walking back to where you were sitting. He takes his hand out for you to grab, and you recognize the song; one of your all time favorites. 
1973 by James Blunt. 
You gladly take his hand, and he leads you behind the couch so you two have more space to dance. Your hands are in his, putting a space in between you two as you both sway and Harry sings. 
“Your journey’s been etched on your skin.” 
He lets go of one hand to twirl you around, making you laugh, but you freely go with the flow. Lina and Dan are both dancing in their own little bubble and talking, most likely talking about their journey together and how far they’ve come with two kids. It was admirable, really. You loved watching the people in love, be in love. 
“I would call you up every Saturday night, and we’d both stay out until the morning light…” Harry’s singing brought you back to him as you were simply appreciating the love that was bouncing off the walls and across the room. 
The lyric took you back to when you and Harry were dating; when you would both stay up until the early morning to go on adventures and find places that were open late at night, or laying in bed talking until the sun came up, completely losing track of time, but not caring because neither of you were tired. Talking or making love until the morning light was shown through the curtains of his room, reminding you that you haven’t slept an ounce, but you didn’t care. 
The song that you and Harry always loved dancing to in the living room on a relaxing evening with wine in your hands that was replaced by his hand as he pulled you closer. You remembered the feeling of swaying and dancing with him in his living room as old lovers’ hippie music was playing in the background. And you remember it just like it was yesterday. The times you were so happy and everything was okay. He held you in his arms, and whispered soft and sweet words in your ear, telling you how you looked so beautiful and how much he loves you. 
The song that reminded you so much of your relationship with him, that’s why it was both of your favorites. 
“Simona, I guess it’s over. My memory plays our tune, the same old song.” 
Harry sings, but with a small frown on his face. And you think—no, you know, that he was thinking the exact same thing as you were. How you were taken back by flashback down memory lane, thinking of times during your relationship; how happy you both used to be. Harry had the realization that after everything, this song was still relatable to the current situation. 
He would play this song over and over again. In times when he missed you, which was always because he’s played it at least once everyday since the breakup. He would play the same old song, missing your touch and your love. And he’s not sure if he’ll have that again. 
The chorus plays again, and he’s taken out of his thoughts. He looks down at you to find you in your own head, and he gently pulls you closer to him so your chests are pushed together and his arms are wrapped around each other. You don’t wrap your arms around him though, not being sure if it’s the right thing, and he senses your hesitation. 
“Just dance.” He says one ear. “This will pass.” He says in the other. He pulls back so you’re face to face with him. “Love will find a way.” He says looking at your lips. “It always does.” He says, this time looking in your eyes. 
Shivers immediately ran down your spine with his hushed voice that caused goosebumps to grow on your skin, and made the hairs stand up. 
You were about to say something until a realization hit you. “You did not just quote Stevie Nicks’ Instagram post…” 
Harry throws his head back in laughter, causing everyone else in the room to look at him funny. You love when he does that; throwing his head back, showing the amusement in his laugh that echoed the room. “Way to ruin the moment.” You chuckle. 
“You would do that.” 
“What, it’s a good post.” He smiles. 
“Yeah, just because your name and album is on it.” You roll your eyes in amusement, and he shakes his head, thinking how crazy it was that you caught on to that. 
The song had ended and the next one played. You thought your dancing session with Harry had ended, but he stays still, keeping his arms wrapped around you safely. You don’t say anything, not like you want to, so your arms find their way back around his waist, holding him close and thinking how lovely it would be to make this moment last forever. 
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
Day eleven and twelve was spent all together. 
Minny had suggested another boat ride, and everyone agreed since they were coming down to the last few days. Two weeks had gone by rather quickly, and it was a trip that was memorable. 
You’ve learned a lot during this trip about you, Harry, Minny, everyone. It was a bonding experience that you were grateful to have. 
The moment you had with Harry, dancing to the music that was playing softly from the record player, made your stomach flutter. The way you both held each other so tight and didn’t want to let go will forever be ingrained in your heart. You don’t know how you’re feeling or what you want to feel, but you know it’s something that you can’t describe. Being with Harry and the emotions that come with it was a whirlwind of many things, but you missed it wholeheartedly. 
After the boat ride, everyone was out in the water, and you decided to lay a towel on the shore, basking in the sun. You heard the laughter of your family as you watched Jackson practically tackle Minny into the water, making you laugh as well. 
A towel was set beside you and you see Harry lay on it. You look up at him through your sunglasses, and see his tanned body that was etched with tattoos and gloriousness. You thought of how beautiful he is, inside and out, and although he made some mistakes in the past, it doesn’t make him any less beautiful, just human. 
“Doing alright?” He asks, noticing your linger and making him blush. 
“Yup.” You respond, looking away. 
“Did you have fun on this trip?” His eyes don’t stir away from yours, and you feel the heat, that’s not from the sun, creeping up your body. 
“Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Learned so much about myself and all of you, and it’s nice to just let go.” Harry wanted you to elaborate on letting go, and he’s wondering if you’d let go of what happened a year ago. But he doesn’t push it. Not wanting to make a mess in something he can’t go back and fix. 
“That’s good. I’m glad.” You nod.
“What about you? Did you have fun?” You reciprocate the question.
“Mhm. Had a lot of fun. It’s nice spending time with everyone. With you.” You turn your head to look at him. Seeing if he genuinely meant what he said, and no lies were detected. But you don’t say anything, just acknowledging the fact that he enjoyed your company. 
It was silent for a moment, and the only thing that was heard was the water and the laughter. The sun had gone down slightly, but it was still bright and hot enough to stay outside. 
“I wanted to ask,” Harry suddenly says. You turn your head, giving him your attention. “I wanted to ask if you’re okay. With everything. How are you feeling?” You know he’s asking on a deeper level, and not how you’re feeling at the moment. 
“With you or with life in general?” 
“Uhh…I—both?” You nod. 
“I know there’s some—a lot of unresolved things that we might—should discuss, but so far so good. I’m fine with everything. As for life, I don’t know…” Harry’s brows furrow as you trail off, but he doesn’t say anything, rather letting you gather your thoughts and letting you finish. “It’s hard, y’know? I miss him so much. I just want him here. He should be here, and I’ve just never felt more alone than I did for the past year.” Harry feels guilty, but he can’t do anything about what he did in the past. But he does have the present time and the future to make it right. 
“You’re so strong, you know that? One of the strongest people I know. Don’t know anyone who’s getting stuff thrown at them and taking it like you. It’s why I admire you. You don’t give up. You keep going.” Your eyes well up with tears, and you’re thankful for the sunglasses and the coverage from your glossy eyes it’s providing you. 
“Thank you, Harry.” 
After dinner, the group was gathered around the coffee table in front of the fireplace. They all agreed to stay inside, instead of lighting up the fire pit since they all had already showered and didn’t want to go to bed smelling like smoke. 
Conversations had flown across the table with a glass of wine in front of everyone, and as always, music was playing on the record player. 
Everyone had a slight buzz to them, some more than others, as they proceeded to get louder and more fond of each other. 
“Oh my gosh!” Minny squealed, immediately getting up once she found out what vinyl Dan had put on.
 You recognize the first song once it starts playing it’s groovy beat, and you either want to cry or dance. You look down and smile fondly, taking a glance at the shirt you had brought for comfort and safety. Once you put your head back up, everyone was staring at you, but not in a creepy way, but more of an adoring and warm smile. You take a deep breath, and get up to join your best friend. 
‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston was playing, and a smile so big as Whitney’s matched your face. 
Your dad was the biggest fan of Whitney, and went to all of her shows every time she came to your hometown. Some people might’ve thought it was weird for a man to love Whitney so much, but he simply didn’t care. He just said ‘okay, and?’, and would carry on with his day. You loved that about him. 
Everyone else joined you and Minny; jumping, dancing, and singing practically vibrated the whole entire house, making you feel so loved and grateful. 
As the song was almost coming to the end, and everyone, except you and Minny, were still jumping and dancing, you two hung back, hugging each other. 
“I love you.” She says as her grip becomes tighter, more warmer. 
“I love you too. Thank you for everything.” You smile into her shoulder, relieved that you’ve got a best friend and sister like her. 
“He really did love Whitney, huh?” You let out a breathy chuckle and pull away. Tears threatened to fall, but they were happy tears instead of frustrated and upset ones. 
You nod, knowing how much your dad would love to be here in this moment with everyone he loves. But you also know that he is here, with you. With everyone. And in the comfort of his shirt, just like it always does every night, it eases your anxiousness all together. 
“Yeah, he really did.” 
just one more part left before the epilogue!
feedback is appreciated pls!
taglist : @pradaxstyles​ @iconicharry​
193 notes · View notes
holylulusworld · 4 years
The third man (2) - The brand-new toy
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Summary: You and Bucky rule the underworld of the whole of New York, always grasping for more. When your eyes land on a brand-new toy, you can’t resist. Will the golden boy, New York’s highly decorated Detective fall for you and the games you play?
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Mobster!Reader, Cop!Steve x Mobster!Reader, possible Mobster!Bucky x Mobster!Reader x Cop!Steve
Characters: Tony Stark 
Warnings: angst, mobster business, illegal activities, foul language, seduction, lies, smut, unprotected sex, mentions of sexual intercourse (implied), voyeurism, jealousy, masturbation
A/N: Please be aware this series has nothing to do with the movie “the third man”. The title will make sense in later chapters. 😉
A/N2: Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“What did Tony bear say?” Giggling you run your foot over Bucky’s chest, a dirty grin on your lips when he grabs your foot to suckle at your toes.
Water splashes out of the bathtub, but you don’t care. Not when your husband rubs around your bundle of nerves. “Bucky…god, you are insatiable…”
“Only with you, doll. Now back to business…” Disappointed you purse your lips when Bucky tries to talk to you about business instead of fucking you.
“No! I want to ride you while you tell me everything Tony said. Be my good husband and I’ll let you do the thing with thing you like so much.” Snickering you straddle Bucky’s lap. “Look who’s hard for his wife.”
His hands press against your lower back, just resting them there while you raise your hips to line his cock up with your entrance. “Baby doll, don’t make me go crazy…”
“Would never dream off doing so.” Being the devil in disguise again you painfully slowly sink down his length. “Feels so good Buck’, maybe I forget about Rogers?”
“No, you won’t, dirty girl. In a week you’ll beg me to help you corrupt the poor guy. I bet he will be putty in your greedy hands.” You rock your hips slowly, savoring the way Bucky fills you perfectly.
“You’re still the best…” Moans fill the room, along with the sound of water splashing out of the bathtub when you move faster on top of your husband. “The only one holding my heart…”
“I know you want Rogers but be careful this time. Rumlow was easy to get rid of. He was a small-town gangster.” Humming you wrap your arms around Bucky’s neck to hold tight onto him when your husband starts to fuck up into you.
“Oh-right there, baby. Don’t stop…don’t…fuck…fuck…” Your teeth sink into your lower lip feeling your high ripple through your body. “Love it when you cum inside of me.”
“Love to cum inside of you…” You peck his neck, just holding Bucky pressed to your body. “Love you…”
“Love you too. It’s just... Why can’t I stop playing?” Bucky falls silent before he clears his throat.
“We are kinky?” Your husband offers and you nod silently. “I don’t know, doll. It makes me go crazy seeing someone else touch you but at the same time, it makes me rock-hard. Do you want to fuck Rogers or just play with him?”
“Rumlow was a toy to play with and Tony, well he was fun for a while and a great investment. He’s still my Tony bear.” Laughing Bucky presses his lips to your neck. “I only love you, Buck…”
“I know you do, doll.” For a while, you just stay like that. Tangled in each other you let the minutes tick by. “Tony said Rogers believes I hurt you. He also said we can play with Steve, but not harm him.”
“I don’t want to harm him, Bucky. He’s just so shiny and new. I want to make him dirty and rotten. When I am done with him, he’ll yearn for me in a way Stevie will never understand.” Bucky loves your evil way to get what you want.
“You didn’t hurt Tony. He’s a cop too, Y/N.”
“Tony was never a problem, baby. He’s hopelessly in love with my cunt. One snap of my fingers and he is my good boy…and yours…” Bucky smirks, remembering Tony’s submissive side.
“Tony is reliable, not a liability as Brock was. That drooling bastard never knew his place.” Hissing at your failure’s name you look at your husband.
“It was my fault, Bucky. I was the one choosing the wrong guy. He was my first after we had fun with Wanda.”
You still remember the wild nights with Wanda and Natasha. It was a natural connection drawing you to them. “Pity they married and want an ‘ordinary’ life…”
“I missed them too…especially the thing they did with you when I was only allowed to watch,” Bucky smirks when you start to squirm in his lap. “I enjoyed it, tho.”
“I did too, baby. Now, tell me about Tony and his weekly report.”
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“Looks good. The clubs are still profitable and the deal with Thor went smooth. Still, I miss Loki and his bad jokes.”
Poking Bucky’s biceps you give him a dirty grin. “I mean, he was a snake, but reliable. A pity Rogers brought him down six months ago.” Glancing at the papers in Bucky’s hands you sigh.
“You hated Loki. Thor is the better partner and not interested in killing us. Loki was always one step from shooting you, Bucky.” Nodding your husband closes the folder.
“Tony likes Rogers. I don’t know if we should involve him with your game this time. What if Tony decides your cute ass ain’t worth Roger's downfall?” For the first time, you worry about your plan.
Tony was an easy prey. He always had a thing for you and Bucky. One thing led to another and you ended up in a ménage a Trois for a while until you decided he’s better off with Pepper Potts.
“Let me sleep about it, baby. Maybe you are right, and Tony won’t keep his mouth shut but I’d like to play with Rogers. Stevie looked like a kicked puppy when I left him.”
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“Boss, do I have permission to investigate the club and Barnes activities? I don’t want to cross a line, but apparently, he’s hurting his wife.” Steve insists. “If I can get her on my side…”
Tony chuckles, not knowing how to explain that Bucky would never dare to lay a finger on you.
“Listen, that’s a game they play. Y/N Barnes may be a lot of things, but she’s no damsel in distress. She’s as dangerous as her husband. I highly recommend not to get involved with her. Whatever you believe you saw or heard, it’s untrue…”
Tony swallows thickly, remembering the way you wrapped him around your pinkie. “I made the same mistake, Rogers. I tried to save her only to fall for her lies. It’s too late for me to stop them, but you can still make it.”
“I don’t understand, Sir. You fell for her…oh-I get it.” Steve stammers realizing his boss was sinfully involved with you. “What about her husband?”
“You see…we got drunk, there was a whirlpool and…well…things happened. One thing led to another and…” Tony’s flushed face tells Steve there was more than a bit skinny dipping. “If you tell anyone what I said, you are fired.”
“Boss, your privacy is important to me. I would never do anything to damage your reputation.” Steve is not used to talking to his boss about sex, so he clears his throat and tries to change the subject. “You think she wants to do the same to me?”
“Oh-she does it good…so good. I never…” Tony groans, almost vibrating when he remembers the nights, he spent with you and Bucky. “Y/N is a force of nature. Wild, and dangerous. Unleashed she can rip you apart and put you back together…”
“I’ll pass, Sir.”
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“Tony was silent today. I got the feeling he was hiding something from me.” Nipping at your drink you sigh deeply. “I think he’s no longer reliable, Bucky…”
“Why’d you say that? Didn’t he give you enough attention?” Your slap to his cheek stings, but Bucky knows, he deserved it.
“It’s not about giving me attention, James.” His full name leaving your lips stings even more. “You know, last time he was all cheery to see me instead of you, and today he dismissed me like I am a random bitch in heat…”
“What exactly makes you think your Tony bear is hiding shit from us?” Bucky slides his fingers over your thigh, a smirk on his lips. “Did he say something wrong?”
“It was rather the things he did not say, Buck. We talked about business, his engagement with Pepper, hell even the weather but not a single word about Steve Rogers. I think Tony is not on our side any longer.”
“He’s playing with fire then…” Leaning against the counter Bucky chews on a toothpick. You hate his habit but remain silent tonight. “If Stark is not on our side, he’s an enemy and we take enemies down.”
“We can’t, baby. If Tony told Rogers anything about our arrangement or what we did behind closed doors, he’ll go after us when Tony disappears or falls victim to an accident.”
You mirror Bucky’s posture, letting your eyes wander around the crowded club. “Speaking of the devil.”
“I thought he’s the golden boy, doll,” Bucky smirks, riling you up for fun. “Do you still want to play with him?”
Meeting your husband’s eyes, you shrug before you turn your attention toward your drink.
“I will let him come to me, baby. Anything else would make him suspiciously. It’s his decision to play with fire, not mine…”
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Steve hides in the darkest corner to watch you and your husband. He can see Bucky’s hand trail down your back and wishes it was his. When Bucky places a soft kiss to your neck Steve imagines you whisper his name.
There is a dark side in Steve wanting to break through seeing you with your husband. Never before did he feel a stronger pull toward a woman, another man’s girl.
“Anything I can do for you?” Liliane purrs but Steve dismisses her with a wave of his hand. Only taking the drink the waitress brought he trains his eyes on Bucky who slides his fingers over your exposed thigh.
Moments later you leave the crowded room to rush toward your husband’s office. Steve almost drops his drink to follow you close behind, forgetting you could see him.
Your mouth seals Bucky’s in front of his office and Steve can feel his pants tighten watching you palm your husband’s cock.
“Fuck me, baby. Please…I need you.” Your needy voice let a choked groan escape Steve’s throat as he must watch you push your husband into his office only to slam the door shut.
A heartbeat later you moan Bucky’s name and to his shame, Steve walks toward the office to press his ear to the door. He’s grasping the door handle, silently opening the door.
Throat dry Steve looks at the scene, not missing the way you react to your husband’s touch. Now he knows what Tony was talking about. He’s mesmerized by the beauty of your bodies moving in sync.
Bucky moans your name, gripping your thighs tightly as you slide your fingers through his hair. Your legs wrap around your husband’s waist and you are too lost in pleasure to recognize the man watching you and Bucky with darkened eyes.
Moan, grunts and the sound of your bodies collide fill the office. Eyes closed shut you cry out with every hard thrust while Bucky urges you on to come for him. “I love you, doll. No one else can have you…”
“Yours…only yours…” Right at that moment, you mean it as you always do. You play with other people, but your heart, body, and soul only belong to Bucky, your sworn partner in crime. “I love you…”
Steve silently closes the door, knowing he’ll never forget the way you writhed underneath your husband. He’s pressing his forehead and palm against the door when a cry of pleasure erupts from your throat.
“Let’s forget about that guy, Rogers. We don’t need him, baby. I only want to feel you buried inside of me. No more fooling around. It was nice to imagine having him but I don’t think he wants me enough to stay…”
“He’s a fool…” Bucky moans your name, shuddering as his high makes him buck into you repeatedly. “We could’ve given him the world…you…”
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The cold shower doesn’t help to wash away the shame and the need Steve feels. His hand harshly fists his cock, imagining it’s you touch him the way he wants to.
For the first time in his life, Steve is losing control over his emotions and he doesn’t know if you will become his toy or the other way around…
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alovesthis · 3 years
All Things Must Pass - Dean Winchester CHAPTER ONE
Dean Winchester x Female!Reader Fic 
Fic Summary: Reader, her sister Stevie and the Winchesters reunite after not seeing each other in a few years. Ever since Dean told her to leave him and his issues behind, reuniting wasn’t what you expected it would be like. Hunting, past feelings, memories and a life threatening situation that was placed upon Dean Winchester creates tension between you two and everything else. 
Warnings: None? Angst, Flashback
Word Count: 5.3k
Hunting was difficult, and sometimes exhilarating even. It was everything and it was a life you were born into. There was no running from it, at least that’s what you were taught; no leaving it all behind without a guilt of innocent lives in danger you know are always at risk. This was the life of you, your sister and the Winchesters. It was the life of your family in the past. The four of you shared similar stories and childhoods and even knew each other since you were all kids considering everyone's parents were hunters. 
It was rare though, you and Stevie seeing the Winchester brothers. Growing up through the years and raising your sister after the death of your parents was rough, but bumping into the boys and John was rare. When John wasn’t around, the four of you had spent time hanging out, or working on a case or two together. But when you all did meet up, it was like time hadn't passed. The two of you were the oldest of your siblings so you always looked out for Sam the same way Dean looked out for Stevie. But the way you both watch each other's backs, the shared intense gazes...there was always something there that the two of you could never even begin to explain. 
Flirting was a thing that always happened back and forth between Dean and you. It started when you were kids, teenagers, and it never stopped. At first it was just cute and a way to distract each other from the horrors of hunting but then as you got older there was some tension that both Sam and Stevie so obviously saw. 
There was jealousy among both sides, as Dean would see other girls and you would be seeing other guys. But neither of you said anything, because you were just kids trying to find some type of normalcy in an unconventional life you shared. But that’s also when the very rare hookups began that started out platonic but turned into something more as both your feelings lingered between each other. It wasn't spoken but it was known that Dean felt something more and so did you. 
And those feelings you two felt was nothing you could ever imagine in a life like this. Feelings like this could never be pursued in a hunters life, as Dean would think. You often wondered why couldn't they at least give it a try?
But losing people by the hands of a vampire, rougarou or a damn demon did make it worse to feel love for someone. It was bad enough the two of you had a younger sibling to protect, so there was never any mention of trying, not a word came out of you to let Dean know you wanted something, wanted him. 
You hadn’t seen them in a while, especially Sam. He left them to join college and Dean had stuck to hunting with his father, even after he went missing. When John was missing, Dean called you and Stevie to help him and Sam search for a while, but eventually he pushed you away to keep you and your sister safe once things got more dangerous. You protested his demands then obliged but never stopped helping or looking for their dad. It was the least you could do since John helped you and your sister when your parents died all those years ago. 
And ever since that night Dean told you to leave, you hadn't seen them again. But tonight you would have no idea you'd be encountering the Winchesters again. Without any idea of the weight they were about to lay on you.  But here you are in Upstate New York, just shy of seven at night, getting ready to solve a case after you and your sister finished a hunt with werewolves a few days ago, just states away. 
The diner is blaring, filled with Christmas music playing, families, couples and teens talking over it. It’s stuffy from the heat blasting from the vents and crowded diner. The holiday season was upon everyone, the overbearing christmas decorations and the big glowing multicolor string lights hung throughout the walls of the diner. A few stray strings of tinsel lay on the checkered floor. Sam and Dean sit in a booth, the Christmas lights shining on them as they discuss a case they've been seeing through.
Dean checks out one of the waitresses that walk by him as he smirks to himself as Sam coughs trying to get his attention. He just turns his head at his brother and shrugs laughing before he takes a sip of beer.
“Back to the case, yeah?” Sam smiles as he types away on his laptop after handing over a file to his brother. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Dean takes the file with aggressive force, exhausted from previous cases. “Let’s just hope this one doesn’t attract a certain woman psycho.”
“That bitch is all types of nuts.” 
“Yeah well,” Sam shrugs, “we’ve got some important things to focus on Dean. Like vampires?”
“So, let me guess. The usual? Dead bodies poppin’ up at night all around town, drained of their blood and teeth marks on their necks?” 
Sam looks at him dumbfounded, “Sorta. Except some victims end up staying alive in a hospital.”
“There’s always a catch.” Dean gulps down some beer and rolls his eyes.
You and Stevie walk side by side make your way to the diner counter without any idea you'd be seeing anyone you would know — even the Winchester boys. New York was a place you loved, because it reminded you how big the world is, and whenever you felt small growing up in a small town, the city made you feel like you could take on anything, be it monsters, ghosts or even your own issues. 
The last time you saw them was a few years back at Bobby's when you needed his and the boys help in finding your sister after a hunt went wrong. Thankfully they were there for you and like always, everyone worked well with each other.
Stevie shrugs off her faded large black jean jacket and drapes it over the back of the seat as she grabs two places at the counter. Your hands are still in your leather jacket pockets, still cold from the rainy and freezing atmosphere of Upstate.  
"Those damn werewolves the other night...god it really tired me out." Your sister says sighing once she sits down on the cushioned seat. 
"Yeah well we got the job done, that's how we do. On to the next." You smile smugly, turning your head to speak to a waitress. "Can we get two beers over here? Thanks."
"And two plates of fries!" Your sister adds.
Shifting around to lean your back against the counter, you peer out to the people sighing in annoyance. It was either too many people for your liking or you were sick being in these diners and even the road bars and being hit on way too much by men of all ages. It was rare to actually take a night off and get one of the men or women back into your motel for the night as Stevie hung around somewhere else.
But when you did get that night off, it was a great way to wind back and forget about the real shit that no one else but hunters can imagine.
Just as you were about to finish scanning the room you feel your sister nudge you. Turning back around to the counter you see your beer waiting nice and cold, water slipping down the bottle just waiting to be drunk. Drinking together was celebratory for your sister and you, and the only time you drank was whenever you beat the monsters with her. Other than that, you'd never drink.
“So,” Stevie begins, “Are we here for this vampire hunt or another one of your breaks?”
After gulping down a drastic amount of beer, you place it down on the counter then rest your elbows on the counter, as you stay leaning against it. 
“If I’m lucky, maybe both.” You say sarcastically, raising your eyebrows up and down before rolling your eyes. “Nah, whenever we finish this hunt I thought you might like to do some tourist bullshit in the city. We deserve some bonding time that doesn’t involve hunting.”
Stevie gasps dramatically, “No motel hookups for you? That’s surprising.” 
You laugh and hit her arm with the back of your arm. 
“I don’t even need to doubt that you’re my sister. Anyways, yes we deserve an actual break. One that doesn’t include drinking to get drunk or waking up with a person you don’t even know.” 
Stevie smiles and raises her beer bottle to you. 
“To a well deserved break.” 
You roll your eyes and grab your beer once you turn around, “To a well deserved break.” 
Just across the diner sitting in a booth, Dean shifts in his seat once he eyes the back of you and your sister from afar, standing at the counter with your backs turned. The leather jacket clings to your body just like the light blue jeans you wear. He bites his bottom lip almost as if he was in agony as his eyes were glossing from the top of your head to your back and down to your ass as he checked you out.
He doesn’t know it was either of you, but all he sees are two hot women from behind and he slammed his beer down in smiles.
“Dude.” Sam looks up at his brother once he stands up from the booth.
“Sam, we are in freaking New York. The chicks out here know what they want.”
He fixes his jacket, popping up his collar and takes a step forward. 
“We’re on a hunt! Besides, don’t be a creep, there’s families here.”
“Never stopped me before.” He slaps Sam on the shoulder. “There’s two of them and two of us. Let’s get some, Sammy!” 
Stevie and you are drinking beers and discussing some book the two of you finally finished reading -- this was your favorite thing you and your sister shared, other than hunting, books were a good way to escape your harsh reality as a hunter. 
“I don’t understand why she had to end up with him.” Stevie rolls her eyes. “I get the time period of it all, but surely she could’ve fucking been the one to end that gender role of marrying an asshole of a rich guy and be her own person? She was smart!”
“I don’t think that’s what it was about.” You say, tilting your head and looking around as you think about the book. 
“Well, she didn’t have to marry him!”
“Well, she did.” You pat Stevie on her back in sarcastic comfort. 
“It’s called Pride and Prejudice! How did that end up having a happy ending?” Stevie practically yells as she complains about Jane Austen’s book. 
“Alright there, calm down.” You laugh. “I’m sure we can find a new book where the main girl doesn’t fall for a man and stays on her own.”
“Or better yet, falls in love with a woman. Could it kill these writers to have some or decent representation?” 
“You’re not wrong there.”
“When am I ever wrong?” Stevie pridefully says, as she stuffs her face with french fries. 
Before the conversation went further, you hear heavy footsteps coming from behind you. You were beginning to hope it wasn't anyone trying to hit on you or your sister and that it was just someone trying to order food or their check. 
"So uh, what's the deal? You two best friends, sisters?" A gruff voice asks, attempting to flirt as he lets out a laugh. "My brother and I have a booth if you wanna join us, or you know a motel room eventually."
"Dude." You hear another voice say. "Seriously?"
"Uh- not together. No, nope that is so not what I meant."
You furrow your brows and let out a chuckle, turning around coming in contact with those wide greens eyes you know. The guy's cocky smile fades and his mouth goes ajar.
"Well shit, Sam and Dean." You raise your brows as your heart starts to pound just a tiny bit faster than normal. It's Dean. “Hi boys.”
"Hitting on women in a diner? Have you finally hit a low, Dean?" Stevie jabs at him, smiling and looking at Sam. "Has he?"
Her head tilts to Sam and they both laugh as they embrace each other in their arms for a warm, welcoming hug while laughing.
Dean is still stuck frozen once he has the realization it's you. Still in shock at the fact that he had embarrassingly flirted with the person he hadn’t seen in two years, someone he was a complete jerk to. Your eyes don't leave him and you both weren't so sure how to greet each other since the last time you saw him.
"Dean, I know you want to protect me but you forget I do the same thing you do. How can you be so stubborn?"
"Because I can't lose you and it's best that you go. This yellow eyed demon is no joke," he says your name and pleads. "If I can make sure you go, I can make sure that you and your sister are safe."
"But we're all family." You argue. "And family stays together, fights together."
"Family doesn't let family die."
"Which is why we won't leave you and Sam to do this on your own." You make a point but Dean shakes his head. "So that's that then? Won't let me help find your dad, the one who saved me and my sister's life? I owe it to him to help."
"He wouldn't want you to help."
"You don't know that."
"Of course I do! If my dad doesn't even want us looking why would he want you to risk your life?"
"Don't you see it Dean? You just said it yourself, don't be a hypocrite and don't you dare push me away. We've been through too much together, let me help. I love you, okay? I love Sam and I'd do anything for you guys."
"We can't keep doing what we're doing. I don't want to see you dead for me or for my dad." 
Dean looks away as tears form in his eyes as he tries to ignore the three words you told him. 
He rubs his hand over his face and through his short dirty blonde hair.
"I don't want to hurt you, but I'm doing this to keep you safe."
"But you are hurting me, Dean. My heart -- listen, please don't push me out. I'm a goddamn hunter this is what we do, it's just another case."
"It's not just another case. It’s better you're hurt and far away from me than dead because of me."
You look away from his eyes once the memory of your last encounter with him pops in your head. A smile forms on your face as your sister leaves Sam's embrace and nudges Dean in his arm to hug her. Dean looks away, pulls your sister in and smiles.
You roll your eyes at Sam's huge smile then engulf him in the biggest bear hug ever. You take a step back to lean against the bar again not wanting to embrace the guy who hurt you— the guy who was a hypocritical coward that night, even though you wanted nothing more to be in those arms again.
"It's good to see you. What's going on?" Sam says, pulling away and waiting for your sister and you to explain.
"How long has it been?" Dean clears his throat to pull himself together as you feel his eyes on you, but you're not sure how long you can stand it.
"Been too long." You smile sadly at him. "We just finished up a case back in California, bunch of werewolves."
"And you're here in Albany now, why so far?" Sam asks.
"Besides wanting to see the city again, I hear there's some vamp activity around town, so we figured to take a quick beer break and then dive right into research." Stevie explains.
"Well look at that." Dean smiles at Sam before glancing down at you and your sister. "We're already on it."
You furrow your brows, "aren't you gonna let us join you boys? For old times sake?"
You're not sure why you said it, because seeing Dean was something you weren't so sure you wanted. Of course you missed him, of course you wanted him back in your life...but knowing Dean, he'd be too stubborn to let that happen. But your thoughts were shaken by Dean accepting the offer.
"Hell yeah, let's do this and get this son of a bitch."
"There could be more than just one, Dean." Sam says, as Stevie and you laugh.
"Then...let's get these sons of bitches."
"Sam, I have so much shit to tell you." Stevie grabs Sam's arm and pulls him away towards the booth as she pats Dean on the shoulder when she walks by him. "Let's let them catch up."
You catch on to what your younger sister is doing, acting like she's in her teens again and playing matchmaker. You scoff as the two of them head back to the booth and geek out over previous cases they wished they could've done together. See those two were like the closest friends you'd ever seen, and despite Dean practically kicking you out and pushing you away, Sam and Stevie kept in touch.
"Those two," Dean sighs as he tries not to be awkward. "When are they gonna get together, am I right?"
Taking a step back to lean on the counter of the bar again, your brows furrow and you cringe at the thought.
"What? I'm serious."
"Dean, my sister is not into Sam."
"Oh come on, look at how she looks at him."
The two of you glance over at the booth to see them smiling brightly at each other, her eyes wide as she seems to be telling him a story. You scoff and lift the beer up to your mouth and scoff. Dean leans next to you, staring with a questionable look.
"Gosh, you are so damn oblivious. You think you'd know someone practically your entire life and they don't know..."
He looks at you trying to understand, his eyebrows raised while his mouth goes slightly agape.
"My god Dean, she's into women!"
You stare at Dean's face as he's trying to figure it out, then frowns while nodding his head while with a small smile.
"Makes sense."
"Oh does it now?" You laugh. "And how exactly does that make sense?"
"I'm just saying, I mean there was that one time she got mad at me for checking out a college chick. She knocked me in the face, remember? I thought it was because I was supposed to be focusing on the case, but I guess not. Maybe she was jealous-”
"My god."
The conversation ends in laughter, awkwardly of course, as you both stand there at the counter drinking and letting your siblings catch up. You are beginning to feel overwhelmed by his presence and you try and take a few steps forward before he catches onto your wrist with urgency.
"Listen," Dean starts as he says your name. "The last time we spoke-"
"We don't need to talk about it." You get out of his soft grasp , down your beer then slam it on the counter.
You smile bitterly, "It's all good! Once this case is over you don't gotta ever see me again like we discussed."
And with that, you walk towards the booth where your sister and Sam hang out eager to get the night and case over with.
Most of the night in the diner goes smoothly as you all get caught up with each other's lives and the cases you've been on since the last time you saw each other.
"How's uh, life been going?" Dean raises his brows in your direction as he stands up and sits in your side of the booth, after you sit back down from letting your sister out of the booth. Sam and her go to grab more beer for the four of you, leaving Dean and you alone yet again.
"Like always it's been...well you know how it is." You roll your eyes. "Been chasing cases and never really stopping."
"Looks like you were stopping tonight."
"Having a drink before another case? I don't think so. The last time I stopped hunting it wasn't so fun."
"Why's that? Finished all the beer in the town you were in?"
"Very funny Dean."
He sits back in the seat and rests his arm on top of the booth which are a few inches away from your shoulders. You shift in your seat, feeling uneasy because of the awkwardness. That, or because of the fluttering butterflies you got when he was near you. 
"Hey, I'm just saying. Our breaks don't get to be fun, or even relaxing. Lucky we get a few hours of sleep at most, or something else." He wiggles his brows. "There wasn't anything fun to do besides hunting?"
"After the last time we saw each other...you know. Us hunters don't get breaks, remember? I kept working case after case, drinking even though I didn't like it I even went back to motels with different people I would never even talk to again."
Dean furrows her brows in question, "Different people?"
"I tell you all that and that's what you take from it? Dumbass."
"Sorry, I just didn't-"
"Know. That's alright, I never told anyone. I didn't think it made a difference from who I am, you know? Anyways, besides being bisexual Dean, I was a wreck. My sister really helped me but I don't think I'm over things."
He leans forward and reaches his hand out for you.
"Dean, I'm serious when I say we don't need to talk about what happened. It's over with and after this case I was-"
"Look, my dad died." Dean begins to explain but you cut him off again.
"I heard," your head drops down and away from his gaze, but your hand finds him on the table. "I'm sorry I didn't call. I took it serious when you told me to stay away."
"It's alright, I guess I kind of deserve that." He shrugs. "But I need you to listen to me when I say the things I said to you then.. you didn't deserve me yelling in your face and saying harsh shit. I just wanted to keep you and your sister safe, away from that demon."
You raise your head and turn back to look at him in slight disbelief.
"I've handled a demon or two before Dean."
"Not this one, this one had yellow eyes and was too powerful and dangerous. I couldn't get you mixed up with that and I couldn't put you at risk."
"But why Dean? I really don't understand why you wanted to push me away?"
You were too scared to admit to yourself that maybe it was because he really did love you. Although it was unsaid, you both knew the feelings you held for each other were real and they were there. But to say it out loud? That was something else.
He stutters but words don't come out.
"Forget it." You say, as you see Sam and your sister walking back to the booth.
"I do want to fix things." Dean quickly says before his brother and your sister come back to join you guys.
Your eyes stay fixed on him as he drinks away the beer and plays around with the new plate of fries you know Dean and your sister wanted. The conversation gets away from the both of you, and instead Sam and your sister spend the most time talking and occasionally poking fun at Dean and his moments from the past.
The four of you leave the diner and make it back to a motel not so far from where it is. You drive the truck you've had for a few months with your sister in the passenger seat, following the impala to the motel.
"So, did it feel awkward?"
"What?" You ask your sister glancing from her then to the road.
"Seeing Dean again." She shrugs. "I mean the last time we saw them, he basically screamed and kicked your ass out on the curb."
"Our asses." You say. "That was what, two years ago? It didn't... feel awkward... it just felt sad. I'm sure you felt the same."
"Yes, but that's different. I'm not sad like how you are because I'm not the one who's in love with one of them."
"I'm not in love with Dean." You sigh in annoyance, even though you know she's right and made a good point but you wouldn't ever admit it.
“I never said Dean.” 
You scold at Stevie and grip the steering wheel tightly,  “My statement still stands.” 
"Sure." She mutters.
You pull up next to the impala in a parking space and roll your eyes as you grab your bag and make way to get a room for your sister and you. As you all get settled down in your rooms, you meet back in the Winchester's room and pile on the books and research. All in unsettling silence or an occasional info dump from Sam or Stevie, you and Dean would steal glances at each other. After an hour or so of research your sister and you took a vending machine break and let the boys read this time (the last time you worked on a real case with them, you were stuck with the pile of books so it was only right).
A bit later you came back into the motel and the atmosphere between the brothers were off as Dean looked agitated and a bit exhausted. Without figuring out what was happening like you used to do, you let things go and decided that you and Sam would leave and pick up food for everyone, leaving your sister with Dean to research more through books and the laptop.
Sam decided he wanted to drive, so he took the keys to the Impala and Dean didn't even protest against it. Once the two of you arrive back at the twenty-four hour diner, Sam orders inside a bunch of mixed foods; breakfast stuff and coffees for everyone just in case you all wouldn't get a chance to eat breakfast in a few hours. The two of you wait outside for the food, holding paper cups of coffee as you stand by the impala.
"What's up with Dean, Sam?" You lean on the impala as Sam and you wait for the food you're picking up for everyone. "Eager to have us join this case and work together? What's next, singing kumbaya in a bar or around a damn campfire?"
Sam looks down on the ground for a moment as if he's hesitating, thinking of a way to tell you without being the one to break your heart.
"You know how Dean is...protective." Sam says as you nod your head.
"Oh I know," your eyes go wide, "which is why he doesn't seem like his one hundred percent self tonight."
Sam stays silent for a few minutes, as you were staring up at him painterly waiting for him to answer.
"Well?" You plead. 
"His time..." Sam is hesitant, unsure if he should be telling you his brother's truth. "His time is running up and he did it for me."
"Time is running up? What the fuck does that mean?"
"He made a deal with a demon."
"He made a deal with a goddamn demon?" Your pulse begins to quicken as your face scrunches as panic rises in your throat. 
"He's got a year to live and if he tries to stop it he'll die right then and there."
"A year?" Your voice trembles as your words barely make it out your mouth. Backing away from Sam you hear him try to console you but your hand goes up and he stops walking.
"What a way to reunite.” You close your eyes and shake your head. “Fuck.” 
Your mind is racing with thoughts and your heart begins to break, knowing that Dean and you might never get a chance ever.
"Wait, is that why he let us join this case?"
Sam nods with empathy, "Probably. I think this is probably a way to make amends with you, make things right before he you know...dies."
"Fucking dick." You scoff. "So he just thinks just because he's gonna die that I'll forgive him? Why is he so selfish?"
"Look, he took a deal with a crossroads demon. My life, for his. I'm upset, angry too but you know how Dean is."
"Yeah he's a dumbass." You sit back onto the impala and bite your lip to stop yourself from crying.
Sam scoffs, "yeah, he is. He did it for me but I just can't help but feel like I need to save his life now."
"Can we?" You ask him quickly. "Is there anything I can do to help, to help save him before his time is up?"
"We could hunt the demon down. But look, I know Dean wouldn't want me anywhere near this, and if he finds out that you know, things will be different."
"As if it isn't already."
"I know it hurts and I know all about what happened, trust me I've tried talking to him about it. I know he's only got a year but if he wants to be at peace with the people in his life the least you can do is hear him out. I'm serious when I say give him-"
"I'll listen, but I want to talk to him." You stand up and make your way to the passenger side and open the car door, resting on top as you wait for Sam.
"About it all, everything."
"Yeah, okay. But what about the case?"
"We'll work in teams. Watch out for my sister, she'll watch out for you. Dean and I will go together and I'll talk to him then."
You sit down in the car and slam the door, slightly cursing to yourself that it might've been too hard. But then you remember Dean isn't driving — he won't know. Sam gets in the car and starts her up.
"He'll try and talk you out of it all. Dean...he's pretty adamant about wanting to be saved. If he.. if he even goes near trying to get out of the deal, he'll die. We all know how he is, with or without this deal he's protective and never wants people he cares about to get in danger because of him. And I agree with that sometimes.”
You stay quiet. 
“Look, you're family and I can't let you and your sister just let everything go and help us."
You furrow your brows at him almost as if you're about to scold him, but also because you're starting to feel worried.
He says your name, “just because I'm not the one you love doesn't mean I won't be as protective as him. Talk to him if you want, just know his mind is pretty much set on this deal."
You look down in your lap and play with your fingers as you anxiously think about Dean's deal and wanting to talk to him. After Sam explains that he's pretty straight on the deal, it makes you nervous to tell him you know. You nod your head then turn to look out the window as he begins to drive back to the motel. The more you began to think, the more worried you were on how you were going to focus on this case and even muster up the courage to confront Dean about the past, his deal and the things unresolved between the two of you.
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@akshi8278 @deanswaywardgirl @canonboobs @vikkiwalker
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
All In
Bucky x reader x Steve x Sam
Notes: Bucky did not kill Tony’s parents. Civil War did not happen.
Steve had met Bucky in the forties. The two knew they were soul mates when Steve broke his arm and Bucky was suddenly sporting the same injury. Of course, they had to keep it a secret. Soul mates or not for the time their relationship was incredibly taboo.
Sam and Y/N met in 2010 after a friend had introduced them. They knew they were soul mates when Sam slashed his arm when attempting to assemble his wings and Y/N got a matching cut. In 2010 they had nothing to hide.
In 2014 you and Sam were on a run when you tripped over an uneven part of concrete. You weren’t injured apart from some skinned knees which Sam hissed about.
“You just had to trip.” He sighed, helping you up.
“Oh shut up.” You rolled your eyes fondly. “You could be sympathetic to the uncoordinated.”
“It doesn’t hurt that bad.” A blonde man said, jogging over to the two of you, his knees freshly skinned.
If you and Sam were shocked at having another soul mate, you both damn near passed out when you learned of Steve’s first soul mate. You’d only heard stories of multiple people sharing soul mates, but you never thought they were real, until that day.
It was another year before Steve was reunited with Bucky and you and Sam finally got to meet your fourth.
“What’s taking Steve so long?” You wondered aloud, watching Sam move around the kitchen.
“He has a meeting with Fury and Natasha.” Sam reminded you. “And then he is going to pick up dessert.”
“Hopefully it’s something caramel filled.” You groaned, leaning back on the couch before letting out a yelp. “Jesus, Sam.” You said, applying pressure to your bleeding hand.
“It’s not like I did it on purpose.” He said, applying pressure to his own hand.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” You said, moving into the kitchen and grabbing the first aid kit. “Steve’s going to give you a lecture on being more careful now.”
“I thought that lecture was just for you, you klutz.” He chuckled before hissing as you pressed down on his wound. “I mean I love you and you’re perfect.”
“That’s what I thought you said.” You smirked and finished bandaging his hand.
“Which one of you did it?” Steve yelled as he entered the house.
“Bird brain did it.” You responded as Sam wrapped your hand. “Come to the kitchen and I’ll fix you up.”
“Can you fix someone else up as well?” Steve questioned as he entered the kitchen with a long-haired brunette beside him. A brunette with a bleeding hand.
“Of course.” You smiled. “Nice to finally meet you, Bucky.”
Non-reader POV
“Hey, are you still coming with me today?” Natasha asked, entering Tony’s kitchen behind Pepper.
“Aunty Nat!” Morgan exclaimed, rushing over to the red head. “I missed you.” She said once she was in Natasha’s arms.
“I missed you too, kolibri.” Natasha said, pressing her lips to the girl’s temple. “So, are you coming?” She repeated, turning to the man.
“Don’t hit me when I ask this, but, where are we going?” Tony asked, pouring his wife a cup of coffee.
“We planned to go see Y/N and the boys today.” Natasha reminded him. “If you’ve scheduled other things, you don’t have to worry.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I got nothing better to do than see my favorite foursome.” He said. “Do you need me to take Morgan?” He asked his soul mate.
“No, I’ll be fine. Say hi to them for me.” Pepper smiled, taking the young girl out of Natasha’s arms. “Say good bye to Daddy and Aunty Nat.”
“Bye.” Morgan waved.
“How’s everyone settling in at the compound?” Tony asked Natasha as she drove them.
“Pretty well. Bruce and Wanda are working on bringing Vision back and Thor finally worked out a way to contact us.” She said.
“How’s Clint and his family?”
“They’re doing well, they’re all adjusting as well as can be expected but I spoke to Clint last night and he’s just happy to be home. How’s Rhodes?”
“He’s doing pretty great, he finally got Ross off everyone’s ass, so he’s going on vacation.”
“Vacation sounds nice.” Natasha commented with a wistful sigh.
“You know you can go on vacation, right Nat?” Tony asked her. “You’ve done enough Romanoff; you deserve a break.”
“Maybe. Maybe I like being needed.” She smiled. “I remember you having this conversation with them, before it all.”
“Yeah and look at them now, those lucky bitches are retired.”
Tony had thrown another one of his famous parties. The night had been loud and full of drunken people, people no-one really knew. Once the hours became earlier Tony had kicked everyone out except the team.
It was currently three a.m. and everyone was quite intoxicated as they all lounged in various positions.
Y/N was sitting on Bucky’s lap who smiled at her as she fiddled with his hair and Steve had his head on Sam’s shoulder as he laughed at Clint’s story.
“You’re a bigger idiot sometimes than Steve.” Bucky smirked.
“That’s uncalled for, you jerk.” Steve said. Steve had indulged in some of Thor’s mead and everyone had noticed he was acting different, more laid back, more relaxed.
“You love me.” Bucky smiled.
“Not anymore. Only Y/N and Sam get my love.” He said, snuggling into Sam’s side.
“Oh, you’re wasted aren’t you, Stevie?” Sam smiled, playing with the ends of the blonde’s hair.
“Well, I love you Buck.” Y/N said loudly, her own intoxication levels quite high. “Doesn’t matter if Steve doesn’t give you his love, you got mine.” She said, peppering the brunettes face with kisses.
“No, she’s wasted.” Tony laughed. After Steve had introduced Y/N and Sam to the team, Tony had become quick friends with the women and he always found it amusing to watch the women drink.
“You’re drunk more than I have.” The woman slurred, pressing her face into Bucky’s shoulder.
“The difference baby girl, is that this is like water to him.” Sam chuckled. Tony flipped the bird at the man in response.
“Let’s just agree that everyone’s drunk, except Bruce and spider boy, and leave it at that.” Natasha said, shaking her head. “I need a vacation.”
“Hm, a vacation sounds nice.” Bucky hummed, tangling his fingers in Y/N’s hair. “Don’t feel like I’ve had one of those in a century.”
“We could go to the beach, lay water side all day. I could get behind that.” Sam nodded.
“Why don’t you go then?” Tony asked. “Take that vacation, take longer than a vacation. The four of you have done plenty.”
“One day, Tony. We’ll go one day.” Steve said after exchanging looks with each of his soul mates.
“When did you raid a florist?” Tony asked, looking at the back seat which was teaming with different flower arrangements. “Seriously, how did I not notice this before?”
“Because you’re blind. It’s your age.” Natasha smirked.
“Rude. No one else would treat me like this.” He grumbled.
“Yes they would.” She grinned. “Alright let’s do this.” Natasha said as they pulled up.
“Do you need a minute?” Tony asked her.
“Do you?” She fired back with no real fire.
“No I came here with Pepper a couple weeks ago, I got it all out then.” He explained, staring out the front window. “It felt good.”
“I shouldn’t even be here, Tony.” She murmured. “I died on that rock, I accepted it. I shouldn’t be here.”
“We all were rocked by the snap, Nat. Things have happened, things we can’t change.” Tony said. “I’ve been through this before, this feeling of only being alive for a purpose and it’s not real. Steve’s been through, Y/N, Bucky, Sam, me, it happens. And all of us will tell you, you’re alive for you and you only. There is no other reason.”
“You’re right.”
“I wish I were recording that; no-one’ll ever believe me when I say you admitted I was right.” Tony said.
“Shut up.” Natasha laughed, hitting him lightly on the arm. “Alright, let’s actually do this.” She said, unbuckling her seat belt.
Reader POV
“We got really lucky.” You said, running your fingers through Steve’s hair. “And I know you feel guilty about that but this is not a punishment.”
“That’s not what I think at all.” Steve said, looking up at you. “It’s just when I talk to these people and they’re all distraught because they’ve lost families and soul mates, all I can think to myself is; ‘Thank God that’s not me.’ I can’t help but feel guilty.”
“It’s normal to think these kinds of things, to be grateful nothing has happened.” Sam told him, sitting on the bed next to you both. “Everyone in this room has suffered more than we ever should have and we deserve something good.” He said as Bucky sat next to him.
“Steve, you are one of the best men I know. You have worked your ass off to save this country, this world, hell this universe. While not everything you’ve done has turned out the way you wanted, you have saved so many people. You are allowed to feel guilty for those you couldn’t, but you are also allowed to feel grateful for having survived.” Bucky told him.
“I just wish I could do more.” Steve sighed.
“And that’s why we love you.” Sam said, laying down so he was spooning Steve. “Because you are so selfless.”
“Even if it borders on stupidity most of the time.” Bucky added, situating himself behind Sam.
“You always do the right thing, Stevie. We trust you.” You smiled, still playing with his hair.
“I love you three.” Steve murmured. “I don’t know what I’d do without you all.”
“We love you too, Stevie.” You said.
“Till the end of the line, we’re all in.”
“We’re losing, again.” You said, shooting another of Thanos’s men.
In the span of an hour, you’d managed to travel back in time, lost one of your own, gain all the stones and snap everyone back to life. But Thanos had attacked, the building had blown and now you were losing.
Everyone was pinned down or injured in some way, you wondered if you would survive this.
“We’re not going to lose. We’ve fought too hard for this.” Sam grunted.
“Sam you and Steve are too optimistic for your own good.” Bucky chuckled humorlessly.
“Carol’s down.” Steve reported. “Thor’s down.” He added before getting knocked down. You were the only one in the area and while Tony attacked and distracted him you snatched the glove.
“I’ve got the glove.” You said into the coms. “Oh, shit I’ve got the glove.”
“What do we do?” Sam asked as he and Bucky joined your side, Steve struggling over to the three of you.
“I’ve only got one plan, and it doesn’t end well for us.” Steve said, standing beside you all.
“We don’t have any other options so share with the class.” Bucky said, shooting those who were racing towards the four of you.
“Put the glove on, Y/N.” Steve told you, throwing the hammer. “Put the glove on and snap.” 
“That’ll kill you three, not just me.” You shook your head. “Think this through Steve.”
“We don’t have another choice.” He told you.
“We’ve done enough. We might make it through this but if we don’t. We’ve done enough.” Sam said.
“It’s your choice, kitten.” Bucky told you. “Whatever you decide we’re all in.”
A loud yell directed your attention back to Thanos. The man had thrown Tony away from him and was staring at the four of you.
“You can’t stop me. I am inevitable.” He yelled before, running towards you. Without another thought you shoved the glove onto your hand. A small cry left your lips as the power coursed through you and your knees buckled.
Sam held onto you as you smirked at the titan.
“And we’re the avengers.” You said before raising your hand high and snapping. All around you people began to disintegrate and you managed to stand long enough to see the purple titan turn to dust before you fell to the ground, all three of your boys around you.
All four of you were touching each other in some way as the team rushed over.
Tilting your head upwards, a small smile twitching the corners of your lips, you used the last of your strength to say;
“I love you. I love all three of you.”
Their murmured responses were the last thing you heard before the world went black.
2 days later
Non-reader POV
After the joint funerals of Steve Rogers, Y/N L/N, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff, everyone had gone back to Tony’s house. It was there Bruce had volunteered to return the stones.
“Are you ready, big green?” Tony asked, with Peter beside him. The rest of the Avengers and their families nearby.
“As I’ll ever be.” He replied.
“3, 2, 1.” Tony said before sending Bruce back in time. “And returning in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” He said but Bruce did not reappear.
“Where is he, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked as the billionaire fiddled with the machines.
“I don’t know kid.” Tony replied.
“Tony.” Clint spoke up. “There.” He said, pointing to the lake. Everyone looked to the lake to see Bruce walking back towards them, with a woman beside him.
“The guardian said, four souls were sacrificed and that mine was no longer needed.” Natasha said before any of the stunned people could speak. “He said, they wish us the best for our futures.”
Natasha and Tony stood in front the four gravestones of their family. The flowers Natasha brought covered the surrounding area and provided color that the four would have loved.
Neither said anything as they stood there, Tony’s arm around Natasha’s shoulders and her head resting on his shoulder.
“I wish they could know we’re doing alright.” Natasha murmured after an eternity.
“They know.” Tony assured her. “They all know.” He added, staring at the plaque that laid in front of all their graves.
Bucky Barnes, Y/N L/N, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, soul mates. Friends. Family. Heroes.
@rvgrsbrns @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @hopingforbarnes @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @jelly-fishy-babie @smilexcaptainx @starlingelliot @reann-loves-sebstan
Coming soon
Dean x reader x Cas
Tony x reader x Bruce
Natasha x reader x Wanda
Meg x reader x Cas
Wanda x reader x Vision
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