theambitiouswoman · 9 months
40 Examples of Self Abandonment 🤕👎💭💔
Self-abandonment means not taking care of yourself, your needs, and your feelings. It's like ignoring what's good for you and not being kind to yourself normally in a way that benefits everyone but you.
Not eating well or exercising.
Pretending to be happy when you're not.
Working too much without breaks.
Staying in a bad relationship.
Letting people use you.
Forgetting about things you enjoy.
Not saying what you want.
Always doing things for others.
Not asking for help when you're sad or stressed.
Being alone when you need friends.
Saying mean things to yourself in your head.
Giving up your dreams for others.
Avoiding problems instead of solving them.
Never taking time to relax.
Ignoring how you look or feel.
Not asking for help when things are too hard.
Trying to be perfect all the time.
Doing things that hurt you, like drugs or danger.
Changing who you are to fit in.
Not being yourself and doing what others want.
Ignoring your body when it needs rest or sleep.
Letting others make decisions for you all the time.
Keeping your feelings bottled up inside.
Surrounding yourself with people who bring you down.
Not pursuing your interests or hobbies.
Saying "yes" to everything, even when you're overwhelmed.
Putting up with disrespect or mistreatment from others.
Not giving yourself credit for your accomplishments.
Skipping important appointments or check-ups.
Holding onto grudges and negative emotions.
Comparing yourself unfavorably to others.
Not taking breaks when you're stressed.
Neglecting your financial well-being and overspending.
Ignoring signs of burnout or exhaustion.
Avoiding seeking help for mental health struggles.
Ignoring your own intuition and gut feelings.
Overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.
Constantly seeking validation from others.
Letting fear hold you back from trying new things.
Dwelling on past mistakes and not forgiving yourself.
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life-spire · 1 year
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See more like this.
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Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day
Follow me and check out my book. From the best available diet plans to simple exercise regimes, "Muddled in the Race for Fitness" is the ultimate guide to help you achieve lasting good health and well-being.
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destunkn · 10 months
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(via "1 | Oscar Wilde Quotes | 190708" Framed Art Print for Sale by valourine | Redbubble)
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caffeine-on · 6 months
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Prioritize your priorities, not your schedule. 🎯
Too often, we fill our days with tasks that are urgent but not important. This can lead to feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled.
Instead, take some time to reflect on what is truly important to you. What are your goals? What do you want to achieve in your life? Once you have a good understanding of your priorities, you can start to schedule your time accordingly.
This may mean saying no to some commitments or delegating tasks to others. It may also mean blocking off time in your calendar for the things that are most important to you, such as working on your goals, spending time with loved ones, or taking care of yourself.
When you prioritize your priorities, you are more likely to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.
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larimar · 7 months
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ca-createart · 9 months
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gentlelimerence · 1 month
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“If I touched you, if I kissed you limb by limb, I could teach you your body.”
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epicforwards · 2 months
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"No one wants to fail. So most of us don't even try."
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greatmotivation · 1 month
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Inaction breeds regret, a path paved with missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. Each moment of hesitation reinforces the chains of mediocrity, binding you to a life devoid of progress. Ignoring your dreams invites stagnation, a slow descent into dissatisfaction. Comfort in complacency is fleeting, leaving behind a hollow existence. Embrace apathy, and watch as ambition withers, leaving you stranded in the shadows of what could have been.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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saraftop80 · 1 year
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Pause and breathe before saying negative words, you can't take them back once they are out. #quotes #motivation #qotd #quote #inspiration #quoteoftheday #motivationalquotes @motivationapp #dailyquotes #inspirational #quotestoliveby #mqapp1 #motivationapp #inspirationalquotes #instamotivation #instainspiration #instalife #instaquotes #motivationdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2fNLZuFpw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Motivational message for today...
Your dreams don't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.
Follow me and check out my book. From the best available diet plans to simple exercise regimes, "Muddled in the Race for Fitness" is the ultimate guide to help you achieve lasting good health and well-being.
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destunkn · 1 year
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(via "2 | Oscar Wilde Quotes | 190708" Framed Art Print for Sale by valourine | Redbubble)
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