#twirling my hair so severely i go bald
rad-roche · 18 days
listening to those old-ass richard diamond radio shows while i do this comic and behaving normally (tittering coquettishly whenever dick powell says anything)
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simpingsuzuki · 1 year
Niccolo x Sasha- Playing with Hair and Thinking Future Thoughts
The very tips of his fingers dipped to the roots of her hair before combing through the jagged locks. With every stroke, Niccolo gathered more and more strands, both long and short. His gaze stayed low and his brows knitted together just enough to show his concentration.
"You look constipated," Sasha giggled. Sitting on a chair in the kitchen, she stared at their reflection from the patio door. It was dark out and the lights inside the house were brought to life just a few hours ago.
"I am not constipated," Niccolo muttered.
"You're just that focused?"
"Yes. I'm not used to long hair," Niccolo replied. Once her hair looked presentable in a way he was used to, he pulled the hair tie forward from his wrist. "I still can't believe you're not annoyed with this. You seriously tie it up every day?"
"Yup! A few times a day, to be exact!" Sasha chirped. Swinging her feet from side to side, she kept her gaze steady on the reflecting glass. Her smile widened with growing amusement. "Don't you get tired of playing with your hair all day?"
His lips twitched into a slight frown from the question. Slipping her hair through the band, his fingers twisted while he wrapped it around her hair several times.
"I don't play with my hair."
"Nicc, you're constantly fixing it."
"I do not," he defended.
"My eyes don't play tricks on me!" Sasha sang playfully. Holding a finger up, she twirled it about. "You're always combing your hair and you make sure it's perfectly split! I see the way you get annoyed when its a windy day! The wind messes up your line!"
"My line?" Niccolo repeated rather dully. Once he deemed his job was successful, he stood straight. Blinking in surprise when Sasha suddenly jumped from her seat and spun on her heel, his cheeks dusted a pale red from the close proximity.
"Yup! Your line! This one right here!"
Reaching out, Sasha allowed a single finger to glide the length of where his hair parted. Steadily, all her digits widened and she teasingly ran them through his short hair. The simple touch caused her heart to flutter from the way Niccolo was bashfully acting.
"You're making it sound like I'm balding. Is it really that noticeable? The line?" Niccolo suddenly wondered. His hand rose and he tapped the tips of his fingers against his own head.
"So noticeable that a plane could lane right on it with no issue!" Sasha joked hysterically.
"Sasha! That's not funny! I-"
Niccolo shut his mouth when hands cupped his face. His lips thinned and wave with fluster when Sasha guided him closer. He obeyed and soon enough, a sweet kiss was placed on top of his head.
"You're as spunky and as handsome as a young stallion. You're very handsome, Nicc, with no flaws whatsoever," Sasha whispered. She watched his head lift just enough for their eyes to meet. "I'm just complimenting at how pretty you keep your hair is all."
"So... I'm not balding?"
"Nope. You have another thirty or so more years before that even happens!"
"Cut that time in half. The way Connie and Jean stress me out is ridiculous. I know I'm going to start going gray by the age of thirty, maybe sooner," Niccolo tiredly sighed.
She laughed from the mention of her friends. Sasha was head over in heels in love with the man and her expression grew even more tender from an intruding thought. Imagining what Niccolo would look like with gray hair and eventually wrinkles, something very warm caught her chest.
"You're always going to be handsome to me, Nicc. No matter how old we get and what our appearances may look like," Sasha whispered. She nuzzled her nose against his in comfort.
His heart swelled with warmth and Niccolo allowed his hands to rest on her waist.
"And you're always going to be gorgeous to me, Sasha. No matter what the future holds," he replied sweetly. Leaning further down when Sasha began to arch forward on the tips of her toes, Niccolo shared a lingering kiss with his girlfriend.
His hands crossed one another and he brought her into a hug. Sasha's wrapped around his neck and she lazily hung her arms over his shoulders. The couple shared a few more pecks, some where quick while others lingered, before they pulled apart to speak.
"Hey, Nicc?"
"Yes, Sasha?"
"Can I do your hair too? Please?" Sasha pleaded sweetly. Watching his brows rise in sudden confusion and question, her eyes glinted with satisfaction when Niccolo nodded in acceptance.
"Of course you can. Make sure that runway is clear from any debris, got it?" He joked dryly.
"That's the spirit! Sit down, sit down! I'm going to go get more hair ties!"
Rolling his eyes from her enthusiasm, Niccolo's smile grew. He made himself comfortable on the chair Sasha had abandon and his gaze sought for himself in the glass door. Niccolo shared similar thoughts and he felt his weakening blush darken again. He adored the idea of Sasha's hair growing pale through the years to a beautiful white, her bright spirit never wavering with weakness.
"Alright, Nicc! It's your turn to get your hair done!" Sasha excitedly cheered.
He hummed in reply and his eyes rose to the reflection of Sasha's face. Niccolo felt her fingers tease crop hair before they delved further into lengthened locks. He didn't have nearly as much hair as her, but Sasha took just as much time giving him attention.
Her fingers combed through strands, Sasha teasing them down in his signature style or experimentally combing his hair back. She tied parts of his hair up in silly, stubby rabbit ears or braided them to the best of her ability. Sasha stuck her tongue out in concentration.
Niccolo didn't even bother to tease her in the way Sasha did to him. His eyes closed and he leaned into her caring touches. The couple spent the rest of their evening like that; both taking turns undoing and doing their hair while their minds wandered to their shared future.
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tickle-beans · 1 year
Ravonna felt the concrete floor hit her head.
“You work for me!” She screamed at the guards who had brought her here.
“Not anymore,” a voice behind her that sounded soft but also had a hint of playful evil slithered into her ears and down her spine.
“We will stop you,” Ravonna didn’t want to look at him.
She felt a force lift her in the air and hold her upside down turning her so she had to see that awful grin behind that bushy black beard.
“Your organization is destroyed, the variant laufeydottir made sure of that when she killed your boss.” The man at the throne sat back and lifted his hand in the air, Ravonna felt a tickling sensation across her sides and back but she refused to succumb to it. Although she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold for long.
“You will hunt down Wade Wilson and you will bring me him ALIVE!” He leaned forward to peer at her.
“If you don’t,” he twirled and wiggled the fingers on his hand hold Ravonna in the air and she felt the tickles grow across her sides and belly and she lost it thrashing in the air and turning red, humiliated.
She fell to the ground.
She instantly got up brushing herself off and walking out just before the two guards held their batons up to stop her.
“Do not fail me,”
She turned and looked back at him.
“Yes, Immortus.”
Ravonna waved for the two guards to follow her before walking through an orange portal to a new timeline where they could begin the hunt for…
Tumblr media
“So Tumblr, I bet you are wondering how I ended up in the hand of a three headed God,”
“Wade Wilson!”
“Speaking of him, them? What exactly are your pronounsUWAAAAAAOOH!”
The Living Tribunal swung Wade up in their fist to look at him.
“So uh where’s your boss?” Deadpool asked.
“That’s a first,” Deadpool giggled.
“A cancer grows in this multiverse and will destroy everything, you must find Loga-
A white blinding light cracked open in the space in fromt of them and shot through right into the abs of The Living Tribunal.
The Living Tribunal threw Deadpool across the starry void and they were lifted into the air and taken into the beyond. Deadpool swore he could have saw glowing eyes within the white light that looked familiar… but he didn’t think on it for to long and enjoyed the joyride across several universes.
“WEEEE!” He yelled.
“HI!” Deadpool screamed as he passed a cloaked bald headed man with glowing eyes in between one of the universes.
“Hello Wade Wilson,” the man said.
Deadpool looked up.
“Commisoner Gordon sure let himself go,” he winked.
He crashed through the last hexagonal barrier right onto the ground.
“Wow what a start to Phase 3 huh,” Deadpool laughed as the symbiote protruded from his side and dug into his ribs.
“Quihit it nohot nohow!” Deadpool giggled.
The symbiote didn’t listen, it pushed Deadpool over, jabbing and poking at his belly and sides as he howled and cackled with laughter.
“Uh, you okay?” A voice said.
The tentacle turned, stopped poking Deadpool and retracted back into his side.
“Yes my friend here just is excited easily, do you know where we are?” Deadpool asked noticing the man had gray hair and a mustache and was riding on a jet-ski in a brown suit.
Deadpool facepalmed.
“The West coast of what will eventually become North America in the early years, one day before the asteroid hit killing the dinosaurs.” Answered the man.
“Why are you here?” The man asked Deadpool who grinned.
“I could use a vacation,” Deadpool put his arms behind his head.
“By the way, what’s your name?” Deadpool popped his head up.
“I’d rather not say,” the man responded vaguely.
“Hey new friend,” the symbiote popped out of Wade’s side.
“Make him tell me who he is, i’d do it but I am on vacation!” Deadpool put his head back down enjoying the breeze. The symbiote tentacle grabbed the man lifting him in the air off the jetski and digging into his ribs.
Deadpool snapped his fingers and the tentacle drew back into his side.
“I’m Mobius M. Mobius, Third most wanted by the T.V.A. And The Rogue Agent.”
Deadpool poked his head up.
“Wow,” he said in a breathy mocking voice.
Deadpool turned.
“Nobody tell the Mobius and Wade Wilson fandoms,” whispered Deadpool.
“Gasp!” Deadpool jumped to his feet and his symbiote popped from his back.
A T.V.A. Portal closed behind Ravonna Renslayer and two T.V.A. Guards, as they drew batons.
“Ravonna! Honey! Sweetie! Good to see you how are the kids, hows the job, the new boss tell me everything girlllll.” Deadpool waved his hand in an overly unnecessary fashion.
“You will come with us under the order of The Tickle Dynasty.” Ravonna and the two guards cracked their batons open.
“Hmmm how about this instead,” Deadpool showed them his middle finger and raised his arm in the air.
The symbiote shot out of his side and smacked into both guards knocking them into the ground. Ravonna zapped the tentacle with her baton and the tentacle twitched, before turning and arching back, like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse. It wrapped around the baton and lifted Ravonna who was still hanging onto it up in the air.
“SECOND ONE!” Deadpool yelled with excitement raising his other arm and another tentacle shot out of his side and slithered towards renslayer.
“Wait no don’t you dare!” She screamed as the tentacle jabbed into her belly causing her to writhe in laughter and struggle to hang on to the baton. The tentacle slipped in between the buttons of her shirt teasing her bare belly. Ravonna lost it, squealing and laughing in the air as she began to loose her grip on the baton.
“FINISHING TOUCH GO!” Deadpool yelled and one more tentacle shot out from his belly and slithered over brushing on her neck and ears before travelling under her shirt and into her armpits and her spine.
“AHHHH NOHOOO QUIHIIIIT IHIT TIHICKLES!” She was in full on belly laughter and slipped falling to the ground.
“Bingo!” Deadpool smiled and the tentacles grabbed her tem pad and baton bringing it to him.
“Good work buddy!” The tentacle slithered back into him and he turned back to Mobius who’s mouth was on the ground.
“What you staring at, you like my bootaaaay!” Deadpool winked and patted his behind and Mobius shut his mouth shaking his head.”
Deadpool tossed the baton to Mobius and hopped on the back of his jet-ski.
“Where we going?” Mobius asked.
“Anywhere but here we need to talk properly.”
They drove off on the jet-ski.
Written by tickle-beans
An M.F.T.B.U. production
Ravonna was dragged by her knees, kicking and screaming through the portal by the guards and thrown before Immortus.
“I’m sorry!” She cried.
“I had high hopes for you Ravonna, you were my last hope of making sure the mutants went officially extinct, my one chance to find Wolverine and The Egg of the mother but now it’s gone.” Immortus stood picking her up with his powers and bringing her towards him. He leaned in close to her.
“What will my bosses say when I tell them Ravonna Renslayer lost to being tickled?” He grinned and Ravonna squealed as the powers attacked her belly sides ribs and everywhere she could feel a tickle.
“Come now we have an invasion to start!” Immortus walked to the balcony of the throne room as a squealing thrashing and laughing Ravonna floated after him.
Immortus looked over the balcony and down below him he saw a grand site.
“MY ARMY!” His voiced boomed to them.
“OUR NEW GLORIOUS LEADER HAS GIVEN YOU PURPOSE!” He looked to the banner of Kang Prime, and the banner of himself.
“WE SHALL CONQUER, CONQUER AND CONQUER!” Immortus screamed to the army, turned T.V.A. soldiers who had willingly turned to his side, and those who had been forced through… other means to turn. The helmets on their head no longer read T.V.A. instead they had three new letters redrawn on them.
Immortus formed a cheeky grin on his face as his army saluted him.
Next stop Earth.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Subconsciously Start Playing With His Hair ~ Seventeen Reaction
As a sharp intake of breath came from Seungcheol, he grabbed your attention straight away, worried eyes looking back across at him.
His eyes were wide as he looked across at you, “what are you trying to do? Play with my hair or pull it all out into I’m bald?” He joked, scratching his hand over the top of his head carefully.
“Sorry,” you giggled, “I didn’t realise quite how hard I was tugging, I was just thinking about the office today.”
All of his frustration quickly disappeared as Seungcheol heard you spoke. “Do you want to talk about it? Rather than taking it all out on my hair instead.”
“It’s stupid,” you assured him, “I’m just stressing over nothing really. I promise that I won’t play with your hair quite so harshly and be more careful from now on.”
Seungcheol’s head nodded as he sat back down, “if you start pulling too hard again on my hair, I’ll force it out of you. You know that you shouldn’t go through any stressful periods alone.”
“I promise that I’m doing alright, don’t worry.”
You had no idea of your hand coming up to start playing with Jeonghan’s hair as he laid into your side, a habit of yours that you never realised.
Jeonghan did, however, giggling away to himself. “I love how you always do this,” Jeonghan smiled just a few minutes after your hand began to twirl through the messy strands of his hair.
“Do what?” You asked with intrigue in response to him, uncertain what it was that you were supposed to have done.
Jeonghan’s hand came up and tapped over the top of yours that was at the top of his head. “Whenever I cuddle you, you always grab my hair.”
“That’s because I like your hair,” you laughed back to him, “I don’t even realise that I’m doing it half the time, I just like to be able to play with your hair.”
The smile on Jeonghan’s face grew as you spoke, “I’m definitely not complaining about you playing with my hair, you know how it always helps me fall asleep whenever I’m tired.”
“I’ll keep playing until you fall asleep.”
He wasn’t surprised at all as Joshua’s eyes flickered up to see you battling sleep, trying your best to stay awake and finish the movie that was on.
Unlike you, Joshua wasn’t quite so stubborn. “Why don’t you close your eyes if you’re tired? You only ever play with my hair like this when you’re trying to keep yourself awake.”
“I’m alright,” you smiled, bringing your eyes down to meet Joshua’s, “I’m just having a bit of a yawn, that’s all it is.”
His head shook back across to you, “you’ve always been a terrible liar whenever you’re around me. Keep playing with my hair and get some rest, you need it.”
“When the film finishes,” you told him, but Joshua still wasn’t quite convinced as he listened to just how sleepy your voice was you spoke to him.
However, he knew that he wasn’t going to win. “If your eyes close, don’t feel bad,” Joshua told you, knowing that eventually you would find yourself unable to stay awake any longer.
“My eyes won’t close; I’ll be wide awake.”
Your eyes blinked several times as a hand waved over your face, glancing across to where a laughing Junhui sat just by your side.
It took a moment for you to come back into the room, sighing softly. “It felt like you were having a pretty good dream there with how softly you were playing with my hair.”
“Was I?” You quizzed in surprise, looking across to see your hand resting against the end where his hairline stopped.
Junhui’s smile continued to grow at how innocent your smile was. “You know, one day you’ll play with my hair and realise when you’re doing it too.”
“It’s honestly just a habit of mine,” you tried your best to defend, “when I’m happy, sad, or anything else, playing with your hair just seems to make things better.”
A gentle chuckle came from Junhui as you spoke, “the stressed version of you playing with my hair always makes me worry how many strands of hair I might end up losing though.”
“I’m not that rough, stop exaggerating so much.”
A hand tickling against your side made you jump. Soonyoung felt your body shuffle away from him as you flinched, hitting against his arm.
His hand immediately came up and covered the spot that you had hit. “Hey, don’t hit me! You’re the one that keeps tickling me playing with my hair, I’m just getting you back for it.”
“I wasn’t doing anything,” you protested, but Soonyoung’s head shook back across to you with a wide smile on his face.
He thought you were joking until he met your eyes. “I’m being serious, you’ve been stroking my hair for ages, did you really not think you were doing anything?”
“I just thought I was laying here,” you frowned, confusing the two of you. “My hand does seem to have a bit of a habit of playing with your hair these days.”
A hum of agreement escaped from Soonyoung, “I’m definitely thinking that this was one of those times. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to hold back a laugh this past hour.”
“Honestly, I really didn’t have a clue at all.”
Your eyes narrowed as you felt Wonwoo smiling up at you, furrowing your brows as you tried to figure out what it was that had caught his attention.
As you kept staring, Wonwoo couldn’t help but chuckle. “You keep tugging at my hair,” he told you, watching as your eyes looked down in surprise to see your hand running through it.
“Is that what you’re smiling at?” You sighed, “I thought that I’d done something bad the way you were staring.”
Wonwoo’s head shook as he continued to laugh to himself, “I was wondering how long it would be until you’d realise what it was that you were doing.”
“You’d have been waiting a long time,” you confessed with a small smile, “I’ve been lost in my own little world for the past half an hour without a clue.”
Wonwoo’s smile turned up too as his head still shook, “I was beginning to think that you had fallen asleep on me the way your hand just brushed through my hair so effortlessly like that.”
“I was pretty close to it, I can’t lie.”
Your hands crept slowly into Jihoon’s hair as you stood behind his chair and watched as he showed you a couple of the things he was working on.
It didn’t take long at all before he felt you beginning to play with his hair. “Enjoying yourself?” Jihoon asked, pointing to the back of his head so that you’d notice what you were doing.
“Do you want me to stop? Are you concentrating?” You nervously asked, only for Jihoon’s head to shake in reply.
His hands reached back and brought your hands even further into his hair, “I don’t need you to stop, you’re the one needing to concentrate to listen to this.”
“If I need to concentrate, I should stop playing with your hair,” you laughed, “I will definitely get distracted if I play with your hair whilst doing anything.”
With a sigh, Jihoon felt your hands slip out of his hair. “I want you to listen to this, that’s the whole reason why I invited you down to the studio, not so that you could just play with my hair.”
“I promise that I’m listening now, don’t worry.”
The sudden sound of Seokmin laughing caused you to jump, looking down at him against your chest as his hand brushed the back of his ear.
The look of confusion on your face had him laughing more as you froze up. “Your hand tickled me,” he explained, “the top of your finger brushed against my ear, you know how sensitive I am there.”
“I had no idea that I was even playing with your hair,” you chuckled, noticing your hand pressed to the side of his head.
Seokmin’s smile grew as your clueless eyes looked between you and him. “You’ve been playing with my hair for ages, how have you not even noticed it?”
“It’s just one of those things that I do, a habit almost,” you admitted, “I honestly don’t realise that I’m doing it half the time, I think I’m just attached.”
His head shook as you began to play with his hair once again, “maybe when it’s one of those things you do, you could pay attention so that you stop tickling me as much as you are.”
“I’m sorry, I swear I won’t daydream anymore.”
As you came up behind Mingyu, it was instinct for you to start playing with his hair, peering just over his shoulder to be able to see what was going on.
It didn’t take long before he felt your presence beside him too, smiling as he realised where your hands were. “Are you alright?” Mingyu asked, trying his best to glance behind his shoulder.
“Yeah,” you smiled back across to him, continuing to play with his hair, allowing your hands to do whatever they wanted.
As you carried on, Mingyu found himself relaxing back to press his head into your hands more and more. “I love when you stand behind me and do this.”
“I keep doing it hoping one day I’ll pull your hair so hard that you’ll duck down and stop blocking the view,” you teased back to him, bringing a laugh out of Mingyu too.
He slowly lowered himself down, before standing back upright again. “You’ll have to do a lot more than just play with my hair to get me to move out of the way, but nice try.”
“It is far too unfair how tall you are.”
Your hand began to brush over the top of Minghao’s head as you bit down on your bottom lip to try and stop the tears from falling as the drama continued.
Minghao’s eyes flickered up as soon as he felt your hand through his hair, noticing your lips quivering. “You’re not going to cry, are you?” Minghao chuckled, knowing what was wrong.
“It’s an emotional scene,” you defended as Minghao’s laughter got louder, “what do you expect me to do right now?”
Minghao’s head shook back across at you, “I expect you to carry on playing with my hair as it’s the only thing that you can do to stop yourself from crying.”
“I’m not…oh,” you chuckled as you looked down to see that your hand was through the middle of Minghao’s hair to try and do exactly what he assumed you would.
His eyes rolled as you let go of a groan, hating just how well he knew what all of your habits meant. “If you want to cry over the drama, then I promise that I won’t tease you about it.”
“You definitely will tease me, you’re such a liar.”
You were completely distant as Seungkwan looked back to you, watching your eyes that were staring out of the window as your hands played with his hair.
It was only when his hand poked against your waist, your eyes looked across to him. “Stressed?” He quizzed, knowing exactly what it meant whenever you started to play with his hair like you were.
“A little,” you sighed, feeling the pressure of the day weighing you down, “it’s just been a day that I’d like to forget.”
Seungkwan’s expression softened as soon as you started speaking, hearing the frustration in your voice. “I’m sorry that today hasn’t exactly been ideal for you.”
“It’s alright,” you weakly smiled in reply, continuing to play with his hair, “I’m definitely feeling a little less stressed than I felt at work being back here with you.”
Seungkwan nodded as he stepped back towards you, “in that case, why don’t you keep playing with my hair? I think my hair could do with it too, it got slightly ruined whilst at work today.”
“I’ll tidy it up and relieve my stress all together.”
A sharp intake of breath came from Vernon as your fingertips pushed through a knot in his hair, the jolt in his body causing you to jump and move away.
His hand came up to where you had tugged, feeling the knot you had caught. “I didn’t realise how messy my hair had gotten through the day,” Vernon sighed, “I didn’t mean to make you jump.”
“I didn’t even realise what I was doing,” you admitted, “I wasn’t paying attention at all to be able to spot any knots.”
Vernon’s head shook as he untangled the knot that was in his hair himself, “I could tell that you were in your own little world there, your eyes were looking all over the place.”
“I was relaxed,” you chuckled in reply to him, “that was until you decided to shriek and end up making me jump, my heart hasn’t raced like that in a long time.”
Vernon smiled apologetically back across to you, “that’s what you get for not paying attention,” he teased, feeling your hand push against his arm in response, making him wobble.
“It’s your own fault for having messy hair.”
Your hand came up behind Chan’s head as soon as his head came down to rest against your chest, brushing through the back ends of his hair without realising.
Unlike you, Chan was quick to realise, feeling smile grow as soon as you began to play with his hair. “That feels nice,” he whispered, capturing your attention and your eyes down to him.
“What does?” You asked in confusion, unaware of what you were doing, your cluelessness bringing a smile to Chan’s face.
As his hand came up behind his head, you felt Chan’s hand rest against the top of yours. “You playing with my hair,” Chan laughed as you finally realised what you were doing.
“Sorry,” you whispered, but Chan’s head shook back at you, refusing to let you move your hand away as you worried that what you were doing was irritating him.
He pushed your hand further through his hair, “I like it, there’s no need to apologise,” Chan assured you, offering you a wide smile too, “I could lay here all night long with you doing this.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you laid here all night long either.”
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christ0pher-evans · 3 years
Could you please write a Chris Evans imagine where the reader is an actress and has to shave her head or cut her hair short for a role and is worried that chris will no lomger be attracted to her anymore? And he reassures her that he loves her no matter what?
Always | Chris Evans ♥
Pairings: Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Warnings: Mentions of Mental Health Issues [Anxiety] / Tooth-Rotting Fluff! Word Count: 881
My first request😘😘 hopefully this fluffy imagine will help me out of my writers block! Thanks for the inspo anon! Hope you enjoy x [Also pls feel free to send me any requests, they are always open!] Please reblog and like🖤
As you sit in front of the mirror in your bedroom, you sigh at your reflection. Catching your eyes in the background, you look at the wall of photos of your life so far with Chris. Premiere photos. Wedding photos. Honeymoon photos.
You had been married to Chris for almost a year now and it had been just over that amount of time that you’d decided to take a break from your acting career. You loved your job and you loved your husband, but combining the two could be a vicious circle. You had amazing and supportive fans, but somehow the negative and nasty people seem to shine through and stick clear in your mind. The publicity of your marriage to Chris had bought about some horrible comments about you online and it had really knocked your confidence as a person and as an actress.
Leading you to this moment, staring at yourself in the mirror as you’d just been offered the biggest movie role of your career yet. You were so excited and couldn’t wait to tell Chris and you felt so overwhelmed with happiness that you knew this was the right time to jump back into your job. You felt you’d been away long enough for the dust to settle. But there was one big catch, well not so much a catch, but one big decision to be made first.
Your character in the movie was bald.
You wanted this movie to be perfect. You already knew you were going to pour your heart and soul into it, and the directors had recently raised the question of whether you would shave your head for the role. They had told you a bald cap could be possible but with your longer hair, it would take at least an extra hour every morning to get that fitted and you didn’t want to be an inconvenience.
Which posed the question, should I shave my head?
Ever since you met Chris, you had aways had luscious long locks and had never changed your hairstyle or hair colour. Your anxiety reared its ugly head as you admired your hair in the mirror. Would people hate on you for going bald? Would you look really weird? Would Chris still be attracted to you if you looked severely different to the person he fell in love with?
Footsteps echoing up the stairs startled you out of your panic and you composed yourself just before Chris drudged himself into the bedroom, flopping straight down on your shared bed.
“What a long day!” He huffed before turning his head towards you.
You smiled weakly, “Hi babe.”
Before it had even registered, Chris was up and standing behind you at the dressing table, a look of concern etched across his face.
“Whats up sweetheart?”
You bite your lip nervously, subconsciously twirling your hair round your fingers.
“So I got offered that lead role..” Chris grinned profusely.
“God baby! That’s amazing! I knew you’d get it! I bet you can’t wait to get started!”
Chris’s excitement was infectious as you showcased a stupidly big grin, which was quickly wiped from your face as Chris started playing with your hair casually.
“So what’s the problem?”, Chris enquired.
You cringed as he played with your hair. It almost seemed like a cruel practical joke as you dealt with your internal battle.
“Chris, would you still love me if I was bald?” You blurted out suddenly and loudly.
“What?! Bald? What are you on about?”
You sighed, “My character, she is bald in the film and they asked if I’d shave my head for the movie but I’m scared of what other people will think, scared you won’t be attracted to me anymore.” You look down, embarrassed.
Immediately, Chris was crouched down by your side, lifting you chin up to force your eye contact with him.
“Baby, there is nothing that you could do that would ever make me not attracted to you. You are quite literally the sexiest person I have ever laid eyes on. Why do you think I put a ring on it ey?!” He nudges your knee playfully, before using his other hand to wipe a tear that was sliding down your cheek. You let out a blubbery chuckle.
He continued, “I love you Y/N. I chose you because there is no one else I want to spend the rest of my life waking up and falling asleep next to, you’re it for me. I don’t care what you look like because I married you for your gorgeous heart and your crude sense of humour and for the way you love me unapologetically, even when I had that moustache!”
You laugh again, a lot louder this tie as your anxiety starts to fizzle away as Chris’s words wash over you. You lean forward, giving Chris a deep kiss, a I don’t know what I would without you kiss.
“Thank you baby, I love you too!”
You knew that whatever decision you made, Chris would still love you because beauty is on the inside. If you could love him when he had that bizarre moustache then you knew he would love you if you shaved your head.
Love is infinite support and meaningful words, simplistic gestures and eternal comfort.
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trentaafcsblog · 3 years
Prompts - Gemma Collins
6. “Kiss my designer vagina”
A cheeky bonus for my bestest gewl @travellvogue, ask and you shall receive, you’ve definitely earned your divaship after requesting this one xxx
You’ve been a brat all day, you know you have. Pushing all of Trent’s buttons for no particular reason and driving him up the walls with your petty comments and unnecessary remarks, especially the ones that you let slip in front of his mates. The look that’s etched deeper and deeper into his face each time you make a snidey reference informing you that your relationship will be ending tonight if you don’t stop what you’re doing, but you’ve started now, and you’re not one to do things half-heartedly, so you might as well keep digging. 
“You might wanna tell her to keep her wandering eyes under control the next time she’s around my man” you sass when one of his friends happens to mention his girlfriend, everybody falling silent and turning around to look at you, in shock that such a timid and polite person has suddenly shown a different side - one that they definitely never associated with you. “Oopsie, didn’t you know that she was busy undressing T with her eyes the last time you came over? You wanna watch her, my love, the next girl might not be so forgiving” you smile, taking a sip of your water before looking across at T and gently tilting your head to the side. “Stop it” he’s mouthing, his knuckles turning white when you shake your head and a small smirk breaks onto your face, confirming that he’s fighting a losing battle if he thinks you’re packing this in anytime soon. 
“If looks could kill” you tease when he shuts the door after his friends and turns around to face you. “What’s got you all moody, hey?” you’re cooing, reaching out to cup the side of his face and pissing him off even more with your sudden innocence. “You” he snaps, taking a step towards you and it’s like he’s flicked a switch for a split second, your attitude flying out of the window and being replaced by an overwhelming sense of submission, the rage in his eyes leaving your jaw hanging open slightly, your previous words of spite now struggling to free themselves from your throat. “Thanks for making me the friend with the biggest bitch as their girlfriend” he’s spitting, scoffing at the end of his comment when the memories of you taking digs at anyone and everyone flood his mind.
“I’m glad I’m the reason that you’ve taken that top spot” you’re saying smugly, genuinely never feeling prouder of an achievement that clearly T never thought he’d win. “Just stop” he’s hissing, looking you up and down in disgust whilst you stand before him shaking your head and twirling a section of hair around your finger, just like you’ve been doing all day - something you’ve never done before but it compliments the bitchiness perfectly. “Not unless you make me” you sass back, your voice barely a whisper come the end of your words because Trent’s already anticipated what you’re about to say, not that he was expecting anything less to leave your mouth after today’s attitude. Taking a step back towards you and grabbing the top of your throat with one of his hands, his thumb gently stroking along your jaw and forcing your eyes to lock with his. 
“Up you go then” he’s saying, his breath hot across your face and causing goosebumps to arise on the surface of your skin as he nods towards the staircase. Looking at you for a few seconds and smirking slightly when he realises that you’ve been completely paralysed by his stare, something about his dominance stopping the connection between his words and your actions. “Up” he’s saying again, much more harshly this time and you’re not hesitating any longer as you move from before him and take a few paces to the left. Looking back over your shoulder to check that he’s following you as you make your way up the stairs, stopping when you reach your side of the bed. And you can’t help but turn back to old ways whilst you wait for him to catch up, the same section of hair that you’ve been playing with all day finding itself being wrapped around your finger again at the thought of what’s to come, a pool of arousal growing in the crotch of your panties the closer his footsteps come to reaching you. 
“Pack it in” he’s snapping when he walks in to see you staring at him through your eyelashes with the same smirk that been stuck on your face all day. “Well don’t just fucking stand there” he’s saying, moving towards you and practically pushing you onto the mattress before his fists are bunching up in your dress and helping the material slide over your head. “Look at ya” he’s growling, referring to the damp mark that’s stained the lace of your baby pink thong. “Better get rid of that” he’s saying, peeling it away from your body and inspecting the pearlescent pool in the crotch for a few seconds before it’s being discarded onto the floor.
“You’re gonna stop being a brat now, aren’t ya?” he’s asking, lifting your chin with his index finger so that you’re looking straight at him. “Gonna let me get my own back, hmm?” he’s pushing, waiting for you to nod until he’s lowering himself down to your pussy. “I don’t wanna hear anymore from you” he’s mumbling, his nose now level with your clit. And obviously you’ve got to have the last word since your bitchiness is about to have an end put to it, so you can’t help but break the promise you’ve just made when the warmth of T’s breath spreads across your core.
“Kiss my designer vagina” you’re whispering, purposely saying it quietly just to wind him up because silence was never an option when you set off to insult everybody this morning. “Fucking slut” he’s scoffing, ripping your legs apart with his hands and looking up at you before he’s pressing a gentle kiss to your clit, something in him caving in and just giving you what you want. And just like you, once he starts there’s no stopping him. His tongue repeatedly licking stripes up and down your pussy whilst you grip onto his curls for dear life, tugging harder when he pushes himself further into your core or his lips form a suction around your sensitive nub. Pulling away for a few seconds to admire you struggling for something to say, your brain giving up on trying to string several words together and instead leaving you helpless, only a few whines and whimpers falling from your lips as you gently buck your hips towards T’s face in the hope of some sort of release. 
“Gotta be kidding if you think you’re getting off that easily” he’s saying, shaking his head at your desperation as you try to push him back down to where you need him the most. And god you’re only made even more needy when he turns his head to the side slightly and the lights catch the stripe of arousal that runs from his nose down into his beard. A thicker coating on his Cupid’s bow from where the indentation holds more of your juices, only to release them when he looks down and a bead trickles onto his top lip, his tongue hardly giving it chance to continue its journey before its swiping it away with a satisfied hum.
He’s waiting until you’re practically begging him for more, the desperation in your eyes making him smile slightly now that you’re getting a taste of your own medicine. Watching every groan and tensing of your muscles as he lays between your legs and looks up at you, your eyes meeting his a few times before they’re fluttering shut and your imagination is taking you to all of the places that he isn’t, hence the random bursts of heavy breathing and the occasional whimper. And now he’s the one being a bitch because he’s just latched onto your pussy again with no warning, purposely waiting until you’re lost inside your own head before he’s making all of those dreams come true. His tongue moving at a hundred miles an hour as it dips in and out of your folds, managing to capture every single nerve ending as it does so. Flicking over your clit and causing surges of pleasure to ripple through your cunt and down into your legs, his hands now pinning them down to stop them from trembling so intensely.
“Fuck T” you’re whimpering, your brain finally stringing two words together and helping you out of your pleasure-induced, borderline paralytic state. “Shut up” he snaps, ripping his mouth away from your core just as your orgasm starts building. “Told you to be quiet” he’s hissing, the rage that was behind his eyes a few moments ago now returning, eliciting the same submissive change in you. “I’ve got work to do” he’s mumbling before carrying on where he left off. And fuck, it’s the hardest thing ever to try and keep quiet, especially when he starts slurping away at your juices at the most ridiculous volume because he knows it drives you insane. Your whole hands almost white from how hard you’re gripping onto T’s curls, twisting different sections around your fingers each time he brushes over a particularly sensitive spot to the point where it’ll be a miracle if he’s not bald by the end of this.
He knows your body like the back of his hand so he’s sensing when you’re seconds away from cumming, your pussy tensing up against his mouth and spasming gently against his nose as the knot in your tummy starts being pulled tighter and tighter and tighter. And then it’s snapping. A gush of your juices releasing themselves all over his face, completely drenching his features whilst your clit continues to contract uncontrollably. Beads of your arousal trickling from his forehead and down onto his nose before dripping off into the bedsheets - a sight you can’t seem to get enough of when you finally open your eyes. 
“Alright?” he’s asking as he wipes his face with the back of his hand, your juices now running down his arm. “Mhm” you’re replying, shuffling up the mattress until you’re in a sitting position. “Won’t be doing that again, will ya?” T’s saying, obviously referring to your bratty behaviour but you can’t help but throw a bit of sass in there again, especially since his way of ‘punishing’ you is quite frankly what dreams are make of. “Do what? Lay there with my legs over your shoulders whilst you eat me out?” you ask, tilting your head innocently and looking at him. “Don’t start this again” he’s groaning, practically pleading with you to just pack it in for five minutes because he can’t take another snidey remark or dig at his ex-girlfriend for living on the same planet as you.
But you just can’t help yourself, not when you’ve been treated so ‘badly’ the first time. The anger behind his eyes and the dominance that he can so easily exert over you, making you completely powerless in a matter of seconds, only giving you another reason to piss him off.
“I saw you looking at Tyler’s girlfriend when she wore those shorts the other day, not very respectful to be looking at your big brother’s lady is it?” you question, biting your bottom lip and waiting for him to snap again. 
PS - I made myself cringe so hard writing this (I haven’t written any proper smut in like forever) that it genuinely made my arsehole hurt for the whole 5 days that it took to write it so please give it some love to save my tears xxx
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
First Kiss
Pairing: young!severus X fem!reader
Word Count: 1,013
Rating: E for Everyone
Plot:  Severus makes a new friend and receives his first ever kiss.
Warnings: None
A/N: For Snape Appreciation Month, prompt 10: Snape’s first kiss. @snapeloveposts​
Posted: 6/22/20
(y/h) = your house
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~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
“Excuse me… Excuse me… Severus?”
Severus snapped his head up at the (y/h) girl standing in front of him. He had been completely engrossed in his book and hadn’t noticed she was trying to get passed him to the other book section. His legs had stretched out and the only way to pass was to jump over him or disturb him.
“Sorry,” Severus pulled his legs in and hid his face in his book until she had passed.
She crossed into the new section but stayed standing close by. He tried ignoring her, but he found himself glancing at her every so often. She’d pick out a book, flip through it, and put it back. He hoped she would soon find the book she wanted soon and leave him to sit in the dark corner of the back of the library, but she stayed for several more minutes.
He glanced up at her again and noticed she was looking down over her shoulder at him and his book. He jumped and couldn’t help letting his embarrassment get the better of him.
“What,” his voice was harsh and venomous. After years of dealing with hate and torment, it was just easier to scare people away than hope they wouldn’t immediately try to hurt him.
She jumped back and shook her head, “Sorry I just… What book are you reading?”
Severus blinked in surprise, “What do you care?”
She smiled and sat down next to his shoes, stretching her legs out as well. “You were really entranced when I asked you to move,” she smiled.
Severus nodded, not knowing how to react to such friendly behaviors from someone who knows who he is already. She was still looking at him, puffing her cheeks in waiting at his response, which he wasn’t sure he wanted to give.
“It says ‘Benevolent Brewing by Beatrice Boole’.”
“Yes. It does.”
She pulled her legs in and laughed, “Can brewing really be benevolent? How does one brew kindly?”
Severus thought for a moment, “Well doesn’t it depend on what is brewed?”
“I think it has to do with your attitude,” she chuckled, “How can amortentia be brewed correctly if you do it all angry?”
Severus couldn’t help but laugh, “It doesn’t effect much. Some people don’t understand that putting in proper ingredients and stirring correctly is almost all the work.”
“Almost… So I can get better grades if I smile more?” The girl smiled and looked down at her knees, twirling a strand of hair between two fingers, “I guess frowning while you brew doesn’t stop you from getting top marks though.”
Severus looked away awkwardly, realizing she paid more attention to him than he ever had for her. He swallowed the lump in his throat, “What book do you have?”
She tapped the cover with her nails rhythmically, “‘Bountiful Ingredient to Never Purchase Again’. I think I can grow five different types of leaves and two mushrooms from my windowsill at home if the light hits properly.”
“I don’t think that’s allowed without a license,” he put his book down and crossed his arms.
“And who’s going to turn me in?”
She stood up and moved to sit next to him, opening up the page to an odd-looking purple ivy plant with tiny buds growing on it. He noticed the petals were often used in many feather regrowth potions for mail owls.
“Why do you want to grow that?”
She scoffed, “Someone’s owl keeps fighting with mine. Poor thing comes back with three missing tail feathers and a bald spot on its back.”
“Why don’t you try the feather hardening one. It’s really low level but it makes the feathers hard to pluck,” he stood up and walked over to a specific shelf, sliding his long fingers aver all the spines until he reached a short black one and pulled it out.
He sat back down and opened it up to the bird section and flipped through the pages until he found the right potion. She leaned her head in and ran her finger down the ingredients list.
“Did you know that one makes you burp for twenty days if ingested?”
Severus looked at the girl and smiled. He did know that. It was in the potions book he picked out last week.
“So why are you trying to brew kind potions?” she reached over him for the book he was planning on checking out.
“A friend told me I should change my attitude, especially when I brew. Apparently I get… angry… and the potion doesn’t turn out as well as it could. She thinks that’s why Slughorn doesn’t pay much attention to me even though it comes out nearly perfect.” He couldn’t help thinking about things that made him angry when he brewed. The people he hated most in the world always stood close by, mocking him in secret – though they knew he could hear them.
The girl cleared her throat, “‘Emotions are what gives potions life. For the hot-headed and ill-tempered it is suggested to focus on the shimmering liquid that flows at your control.’” She laughed and gave him the book back, “What makes you have a bad attitude?”
Severus rubbed his sleeve over his face, trying to wipe the embarrassment away and shrugged, “Morons.”
The girl giggled, “Are you too smart to deal with them?”
“Yes,” his voice was venomous, waiting for the insult to come.
The girl leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek, “I like your attitude just fine.”
Severus blushed and looked down, hiding his smile behind his knees, “Why don’t I – ” he coughed, “Help you with the potion for your owl.”
They stood and the girl handed him both books, “And you can work on focusing on the shimmer.”
Severus smiled and nodded, deciding he liked his new friend very much. He set both books back on their shelves and felt her loop her arm through his. He blushed and looked at her, feeling very lucky all of a sudden, for the strange company he found himself in.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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forestdreamersworld · 4 years
Writing Prompts #001
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Ah, yes! I love writing prompts about things that don't get enough attention and one of those things is definitely my favorite Greek mytho, Medusa! Ever since I was a young boy and got into Greek mythology like all middle school kids do, I was absolutely fascinated with her tale. Of course, I think the version where Poseidon (wet fish trash) took advantage of her and as a result, she was cursed by Athena is what truly established her as the symbol of protection for young women. Her unfortunate demise by the hands of Perseus feels like a slap to the face for anyone who actually saw her story as something to relate to. Even though in modern times, she has very much become a pop culture topic I don't see enough fics or prompts or stories or art about her. For me, she is a symbol of feminism, the toxic side of women to men relationships, and should be written about more. I want to give her more of a happy ending. I also feel like she is a wlw icon, but that's just me. Art by @ _daifei on twitter
To love the Gods, is a cruel fate that only leads one down a path of betrayal. Make one wrong step, and there was no room for forgiveness from the divinity that we—they—the humans worshipped.
Medusa had learned this the hard way, when no matter how much she pleaded and prayed for the Goddess, Athena, to forgive her, that it wasn't her fault, the Diety was not swayed by her tears. Athena was ruthless, picking up the wreck of a woman by her hair and winding it around her wrist. The rage of the wrathful woman took hold as she pulled on Medusa's hair. Medusa's wail of a cry reverberated off the walls of the temple, her blood shot eyes pleading with the Diety to show mercy. Her lips moved frantically to explain that none of it was her fault, as if the torn tunic and bloodied thighs weren't evident enough. As the Goddess pulled, nearly lifting Medusa off the cobblestone floor, the hairs from Medusa's scalp began to snap away in tufts. The patches of bald skin began to bubble with blood, the blood pooling, then as if rising from a lake, a snake's head appeared. The body would follow and as more hair was removed from Medusa's head, and snakes began to take their place, this is when she saw the true nature of the Gods she once worshipped.
Even now, decades later, the betrayal still hurt. Her vocal cords, still raw from that day, let her know that words, pleas, and begging are for the weak. As she rolled the severed head of the man who came to kill her with her toes, she looked out towards the horizon, twirling his sword with her fingers. The Goddess had punished her once, but to send an assassin after her triggered something within Medusa. Decades of rage and hurt don't go away with time, and don't get buried because the one they are directed toward is a Goddess.
Medusa may have been silent for a long time, but it was because she was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike her revenge. Now, with these unique weapons sent by the Gods, her plan can finally flow into motion. First, the God of the Seas' head would become her victory chalice.
It was snowing when he came to Medusa. He looked as if he hadn't aged a day since they last parted ways. His dark, wavy hair pulled back in order to stay out of his eyes and his skin a bit darker due to the long past summer.
He approached her, as bare as he could in such a weather, he wanted her to believe that he meant no harm to her. Despite their countless adventures together, trust for one another was something they never shared, yet, he now needed her more than ever.
He remembered when he first met her, all those years ago. How their meeting would turn his tale into the story that would be told for decades to come. All the lies he spun just to remain the hero in the eyes of many and for her to remain dead and buried. Without her, Perseus would be nowhere. Here he was again, about to ask her the same question that started it all, the one that put them on a different course. Instead of killing her, they became the best duo of his era.
The 21st century may be a different time for them, Gods walked among men and monsters learned that human weapons were on par with anything a Titan could throw at them, but legends were still the same and history was bound to repeat.
He approached her, sitting alone at a park bench late into the night. She had seen him coming, and knew never to take her eyes off the Son of Zeus. Her former assassin.
"Hello, Medusa."
She was lithe and by the way her body moved fluidly, she had a lot of spry in springs still. Immortality had blessed them both.
"Perseus. I never thought the day would come again so I'm hesitant to say, but you look as if you need my help."
It had been a long time since Medusa enjoyed the company of another. After everything that had happened to her dealing with Poseidon, Athena's undeserved punishment, and the recent attempt on her life by Zeus' son, she learned to close herself off to all things.
The narrow escape of her life, made her feel more alone than ever. Abandoning her home, abandoning the only things she could ever love at that time, the statues, was hard for her to bear.
She thought this was another of Athena's punishments. The very realization that this may be fact, sent her into despair. The wrath of the Gods seemed never ending and with that, a brutal and bloodied death seemed to be awaiting Medusa.
Until she fell into the arms of a woman who broadened Medusa's horizon on life.
Medusa never thought it would happen, her time of beauty had long passed and the curse of her gorgon body had firmly seated itself in her life. She thought only misery and growing hatred for all things beautiful and man would replace her hope for more than a life of death and solitude.
Yet, as the fingers of the woman followed the curve of her waist to her hip, Medusa realized relief and happiness were within her reach.
The blind woman caressing her would never meet a fate so terrible as others had that got too close to Medusa.
Medusa would do anything to keep this woman, this feeling, this hope, by her side.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 11
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 11 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 11/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
[A/N - I’ve enjoyed writing this episode so much! I hope you like it too!]
“And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head,” the Doctor told Rory, who was sitting in the pilot seat.
Amy came down the stairs.
“Do you believe any of this stuff?” he asked her.
“I was there.”
Elise smiled from her spot on the stars where she was sketching the TARDIS rotor.
“Oh, it's the warning lights. I'm getting rid of those! They never stop!” the Doctor yelled, kicking the console. At one point in time, Elise would have yelled at him for it. But she ignored him.
There was suddenly a knock on the TARDIS door.
“What was that?” Amy asked.
“The door. It knocked,” the Doctor said.
“Right. We are in deep space,” Rory reminded him.
“Very, very deep”.
The knocking came again.
“And somebody's knocking.”
Elise briefly wondered if it was River coming for a visit.
The Doctor opened the doors.
There was a small glowing box floating outside.
“Oh, come here. Come here, you scrumptious little beauty.” The Doctor reached out for it, but before he could touch it it flew inside and darted around the console. It slammed into the Doctor’s chest.
“A box?” Rory asked.
“Doctor, what is it?” Amy asked.
The Doctor picked up the box. “I've got mail!” He ran up to the console. “Timelord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Timelord still out there, and it's one of the good ones.”
“You said there weren't any other Timelords left. Besides you and Elise,” Rory said.
“There are no Timelords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake? The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl.”
The console sparked and popped.
“Oh, what is happening?” Rory asked.
“We're leaving the universe!” the Doctor yelled.
“How can you leave the universe?” Amy asked.
“With enormous difficulty! Right now I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery. Sayonara, squash court seven.”
The console continued to spark as Amy screamed.
The TARDIS landed and everything went quiet.
“Okay, okay. Where are we?” Amy asked.
“Outside the universe, where we've never, ever been,” the Doctor told them.
The lights in the TARDIS started to go out.
“Is that meant to be happening?” Rory asked.
“The power, it's draining. Everything's draining. But it can't. That's, that's impossible,” the Doctor said.
“What is that?”
“It's as if the Matrix, the soul of the TARDIS, has just vanished. Where would it go?”
They stepped out into a junkyard.
“So what kind of trouble's your friend in?” Amy asked.
“He was in a bind. A bit of a pickle. Sort of distressed,” the Doctor told her.
“Ah, you can't just say you don't know.”
“But what is this place? The scrap yard at the end of the universe?” Rory asked.
“Not end of, outside of,” the Doctor said. He threw his arm around Rory’s shoulder as Amy rifled through some junk.
“How we can we be outside the universe? The universe is everything.”
“Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside.”
“Well, it's nothing like that.”
The Doctor tapped the doors of the TARDIS. “Completely drained. Look at her.”
“Wait. So we're in a tiny bubble universe, sticking to the side of the bigger bubble universe?” Amy asked.
“Yeah. No. But if it helps, yes. This place is full of rift energy. She'll probably refuel just by being here. Now, this place. What do we think, eh?” the Doctor picked up a rock and threw it.
“Gravity's almost Earth normal, air's breathable, but it smells like…”
“Armpits,” Amy supplied.
The Doctor jumped inside a bathtub. Was he incapable of standing still for one second? “Armpits.”
“What about all this stuff? Where did this come from?” Rory asked. He twirled a light fixture.
“Well, there's a rift. Now and then stuff gets sucked through it. Not a bubble, a plughole. The universe has a plughole and we've just fallen down it.”
“Thief! Thief! You're my thief!” A woman ran towards the Doctor. She was wearing a ratty blue dress.
A man and an older woman followed.
“She's dangerous. Guard yourselves,” the older woman said.
The younger woman ran up to the Doctor, frantically touching his arms and chest. “Look at you. Goodbye. No, not goodbye, what's the other one?” She launched herself on the Doctor, kissing him.
The man pulled her off the Doctor, who was wiping his lips and running a hand through his hair in shock. “Watch out. Careful. Keep back from her. Welcome, strangers. Lovely. Sorry about the mad person,” the man told them.
“Why am I a thief? What have I stolen?” the Doctor asked.
“Me. You're going to steal me. No, you have stolen me. You are stealing me. Oh tenses are difficult, aren't they?”
The woman walked over to Amy and played with the ends of her hair. Something about her felt familiar to Elise. Like she knew her from somewhere. “Oh! Look at you!” the woman said, kneeling in front of Elise.
“Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my dove. She's off her head. They call me Auntie,” the older woman, Auntie told them. She stepped forward and shook the Doctor’s hand.
The man did the same. “And I'm Uncle. I'm everybody's Uncle. Just keep back from this one. She bites!”
“Do I? Excellent,” the woman said. She grabbed the Doctor and bit him on the ear.
“Ow! Ow!”
“Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner.”
“So sorry. She's doolally,” Uncle said.
“No, I'm not doolally. I'm…I'm…It's on the tip of my tongue. I've just had a new idea about kissing. Come here, you.” She reached for the Doctor, who ran and hide behind Amy and Rory.
“No, Idris, no,” Auntie said, grabbing her.
“Oh, but now you're angry. No, you're not. You will be angry. The little boxes will make you angry.” The woman, Idris, looked at Elise. “And you. You’re going to learn something that is going to make you sad. Sad and angry.”
“Sorry? The little what? Boxes?” the Doctor asked.
Idris started laughing. “Your chin is hilarious!” She turned to look at Rory. “It means the smell of dust after rain.”
“What does?”
“But I didn't ask.”
“Not yet. But you will.”
“No, no, Idris. I think you should have a rest,” Auntie told her.
“Rest. Yes, yes. Good idea. I'll just see if there's an off switch.” Idris collapsed.
The Doctor and Rory caught her, setting her down on a chair nearby.
“Is that it? Is she dead now?” Uncle asked, “So sad.”
“No, she's still breathing,” Rory told him.
“Nephew, take Idris somewhere she cannot bite people.”
The Doctor turned around. “Oh, hello!”
Amy, Rory, and Elise turned around as well. Amy jumped back and hid Elise behind her.
The alien was wearing a jumpsuit. It was bald and had tentacles where its mouth should be.
“Doctor, what is that?” Amy asked.
“Oh, no, it's all right. It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love an Ood. Hello, Ood.” The Doctor approached the Ood. “Can't you talk? Oh, I see. It's damaged. May I?” He picked up the white ball attached to the jumpsuit and disassembled it. “It might just be on the wrong frequency.”
“Nephew was broken when he came here. Why, he was half dead. House repaired him. House repaired all of us,” Auntie explained.
The Doctor got the ball working again and a voice came out of it.
“If you are receiving this message, please help me. Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey. Tell them that I am still alive. I don't know where I am. I'm on some rock-like planet.”
Several other voices were trying to come through as well.
“What was that? Was that him?” Rory asked.
“No, no. It's picking up something else. But that's…that's not possible. That's…that's… Who else is here? Tell me. Show me. Show me!” the Doctor demanded.
“Just what you see. Just the four of us, and the House,” Auntie told him, “Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody?”
“The House? What's the House?”
“House is all around you, my sweets.”
Uncle jumped up and down where he stood.
“You are standing on him. This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him?”
“Meet him?” Rory asked.
The Doctor hushed him. “I'd love to.”
“This way. Come, please. Come.”
Auntie and Uncle walked off.
“What's wrong? What were those voices?” Amy asked the Doctor.
“Timelords. It's not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by there are lots and lots of Timelords.” He took Elise’s hand and they hurried after Auntie and Uncle.
They led them into a spaceship.
“Come. Come, come,” Uncle told them, “You can see the House and he can look at you, and he...”
The Doctor walked over towards them and looked into metal grating on the floor. “I see. This asteroid is sentient.”
“We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food,” Auntie said.
“Smell its armpits,” Amy commented.
A deep, sophisticated voice came out of Auntie and Uncle. “And do my will. You are most welcome, travelers.”
“Doctor, that voice. That's the asteroid talking?” Amy asked.
“Yes. So you're like a sea urchin. Hard outer surface, that's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, that's you.”
“That is correct, Timelord,” House said.
“Ah. So you've met Timelords before?”
“Many travelers have come through the rift, like Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break.”
“So there are Timelords here, then?”
“Not anymore, but there have been many TARDIS’s on my back in days gone by.”
“Well, there won't be any more after us. Last Timelords. Last TARDIS.”
“A pity. Your people were so kind. Be here in safety, Doctor. Rest, feed, if you will.”
Auntie and Uncle relaxed, now back to normal.
“We're not actually going to stay here, are we?” Rory asked.
“Well, it seems like a friendly planet. Literally. Mind if we poke around a bit?” the Doctor asked Auntie, Uncle, and Nephew.
“You can look all you want. Go. Look,” Auntie said. She walked up to Amy and touched her face and hair. “House loves you.”
“Come on then, gang. We're just going to, er, see the sights.”
They quickly left the spaceship.
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pledis-17-trash · 4 years
BTS Scenario - reader who overthinks - Hyung Line (pt.1)
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I would like to apologise for the delay....My college started again and then my phone decided to give up on me and everything I have ever written was in...I tried to re-write everything until my phone is back, which is why I decided to put this in 2 parts. 
I am really really sorry for the delay and how bad this turned into...I am not proud of it but I hope you will enjoy it. 
I apologise once again! 
Pairings: BTS X reader 
Warnings; None 
Admin; _Maggie_ 
Kim Seokjin  
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You walked in the living room where your big mirror was at. The big two-meter tall mirror stood in front of you and you looked at yourself in it. Baby pink fluffy sweatshirt you had on was a bit stretched and fell slightly over your shoulder, tight jeans with ripped parts hugged your body perfectly in every single way. Baby pink heels with straps on your feet, made you look elegant. You huffed, chewing onto your bottom lip as you looked at your face..the makeup contained natural colour and you kept on pulling your hair up and letting it down. Trying to see which fit better.  
Jin stared at you from the couch, his breathing stopping as you twirled in front of the mirror. Posing and turning around, checking yourself from every angle with your hair up and down. Tilting his head, Jin furrowed his eyebrows as he heard you muttering to yourself.  
“If I have my hair up then my neck and shoulders are too exposed...if I have my hair down then I will be too hot and if the curls soften through the time...it will look lame “ you muttered to yourself, frustrated. “Last time...I looked too dumb with my hair up in a tight ponytail. This might be too much since the shirt keeps on falling over my shoulder-“ Jin blinked several times, amused by the amount of rumbling coming out of your mouth.  
“Jinnie, what do you think?” You asked, seeing him stare at you and he raised his eyebrow. “About what?” he asked, blinking several times. “Hair up or down?” you asked, coming to him, holding your hair up with your hand. “I mean..what if my shirt falls down too much? It will look bad on the pictures and I will look like a goddamn giraffe.” You commented, releasing your hair from your grip. “If it’s down then it will look bad if the curls don’t stay long.” Jin watched you constantly pull your hair up and then releasing it down.  
“I like it up.” He said and you chewed onto your bottom lip. “But down looks better-“ you scoffed “Then let it be down.” “But then-“ Jin sighed, getting up from the couch. “What is the big deal anyway? We are going to PD-nim’s birthday party...not the red carpet...I mean look what I am wearing.” He said, posing for you and you scanned his outfit.  
Simple white button-up shirt and baby pink jeans (which he picked out when you said that you will wear the fluffy sweater). “You look good in everything!” You huffed and Jin chuckled. “Well, I am worldwide handsome.” Rolling your eyes, you turned around “I will just go change to-“ Jin grabbed your hand, turning you towards him. “Babe seriously, stop overthinking.” You pouted, looking at him. “You choose then...please,” you begged and Jin moved the hair from your shoulders, pulling it up in a loose ponytail, few wisps on each side of your delicate face. “Then go like this.” He said with a smile and you looked at your reflection.  
“Are you sure it won’t look bad on pict-“ stopping you mid-sentence, Jin placed a soft kiss on your lips and moved away a bit, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulled you close. “It won’t...your fucking beautiful neck and collarbone will be visible...which I fucking love aaaaand-“ he leaned down, his lips brushing above your neck. “I can do this any time.” You blushed when his lips kissed your sweet spot. “O-Okay-“ you breathed out and Jin smirked, his teeth gently nipping your skin. “Good, now let’s go.” You nodded and Jin took your hand in his...leading you out if the apartment.  
Kim Namjoon  
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Namjoon fastened his walk, trying to reach your shared apartment as soon as possible as he checked his watch...your final exam results will be out in an hour and he promised you that he would check them with you.  
He finally reached the apartment and when he opened the door, he was left standing there...his jaw wide open as he looked at the sight in front of him. There you were, his beloved girlfriend of two years at the desk...writing something maniacally down, muttering to yourself. Your hair was all over the place and you chewed onto the end of the pencil before you took an eraser and began to aggressively rub it on the paper. You did not even hear him come in.
 “(y/n)?” Namjoon called softly, shaking his head and at that moment the paper in front of you tore apart. “SON OF A BITCH!” You screamed, scratching your head furiously  “Yo, babe-“ Namjoon called, his voice stronger this time and you looked up. “Oh, hi.” You replied and Namjoon chuckled at your adorable, confused face. “What are you doing?” he wondered “What time is it?” you asked, focusing on the papers in front of you as you began to write something down again. 
“Its 4 pm.” Namjoon replied, shutting the door behind him. “Will you tell me?” he repeated his question “I am rewriting the questions and answering them and-“ your voice died down as your mind was focused on the answers. “I am going to go take a shower, you better be done by then.” You nodded your head his statement.  
Namjoon took a short shower, preparing himself for what is about to come next. This happens once a year when you have finals...he loved the way you were determinate and focused on your goals, you wanted to graduate as an honoured student and He always tried his best to be your support as well as you were his. Which is why you needed him the most now.  
Your goal was to be a psychiatrist, you did your internship in the most prestige hospital which is how the two of you met three years ago. He fell in love the moment he saw and heard you interact with one of the patients; the amount of care and understanding that radiated from your body threw him off his feet. When he asked why psychiatry...your response was one reason more he fell in love.  
“Because I want to help people, especially teens...this might sound like I am trying to get you to like me, but...I want to help young trainees and idols overcome their depression and hurting...I want them to know that there is somebody who would always be here to listen and understand.”  
Namjoon went back to the room and came close to you, turning your chair towards him as he crouched down, making you look at him. 
“Babe, stop worrying...I am sure you did amazing and going over answers and questions over and over again will go bald.” He joked, making you smile a bit. “I-I can’t help it...I am scared I did not do a good job and my GPA needs to be good.” You complained, Namjoon placed his hands on your thighs. “What is the grade you will have if the exam went as planned?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “A.” You replied, nibbling down onto your bottom lip.  
“I am sure you will get an A babe...so please calm down.” “If I fucked it up, I can get an F and then my GPA will drop-“ you shook your head, Namjoon caressed your thigh. “Okay, if that happens...what will your final grade be?’’ his fingers brushed against your hip as he looked into your (e/c) orbs. “B.” Smiling a bit, Namjoon took your hands in his. 
“That is not the end of the world love...and your final GPA will be-?” “3.97.” Your response made Namjoon’s eyes to widen and in an instant, he was on his feet.  “That is it.” He barked, pulling you up and over his shoulder. “N-Namjoon-“ you squirmed as he threw you on the bed and hovered above you. 
“You. Need. Rest.” He growled “B-But-“ “No fucking but’s (y/n), for fuck's sake I thought that your GPA will be like 3.2 and you won’t be an honoured student. And you are telling me that it will be 3.97 which is only 0.3% from perfect 4.0 GPA!” his eyes stared at you and you swallowed. 
“We are watching a movie and, we will check the results after.” He stated, laying down and pulling you close to him, your backs pressed against his chest as he tightened his grip around you. “Do not even think about squirming out.” He growled, ordering you and you nodded...silently thanking him for it.  
After the movie, Namjoon got a hold of your phone and checked the results instead of you. “S-So...how did I do?” you asked as a big cheeky smile appeared on Namjoon’s lips “You did it, babe, you got an A.” He replied and in an instant, a huge burden fell off your chest and your body relaxed. “As I have said, you did an amazing job baby.” Namjoon praised, leaving small kisses down your shoulder, making you giggle.  
“Yeah, you were right.” You replied, your body melting underneath his lips. “Now, I have cancelled everything on my schedule so that both you and I can finally have a deserved 12-hour nap.” Chuckling sweetly, you pressed your lips against Namjoon’s “I love you.” You purred and Namjoon smiled. “I love you too.” He replied and both of you took a long ass nap.  
Min Yoongi  
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You tossed and turned in your bed, the empty spot next to you bothering you way more than usual. Yoongi was working late, and you felt like shit, constantly waiting for the interview to come out.  
4 am  
Fucking great  
You cursed, throwing your phone away and letting your body fall onto the fluffy pillows only to raise a second later, refreshing the fucking site again. You knew that nothing would change since it’s fucking 4 in the morning and nobody in their right mind would be awake at this time...and even more be awake to upload the interview. You took one of the pillows and pulled it to your face, screaming at it as you threw a fit, your legs hitting the soft mattress. And once again, you went through the whole interview questions  
Yoongi looked at his watch...it’s almost 5 am and he smiled a bit, the image of your sleeping figure curled in blankets popped up in his head. It was his favourite view, your small body on the big bed, your hair scattered on the pillows; and it was the best feeling when he would slowly move under the covers, pulling your body close and you would always softly murmur “Welcome home Yoongi-“ before he would fall asleep with you in his arms. Sleeping with you was his favourite time of the day.  
“(Y/N)...seriously.” Yoongi hissed, seeing you wide awake walking around the living room like the toy puppy on the batteries. You stopped turning towards him. “What?” You asked confused and Yoongi sighed, coming to you. “Why are you awake? It’s 5 fucking in the morning.” He scoffed and your eyes widened. 
“It’s already 5?” you asked and Yoongi chuckled. “Yes...so what is stressing you?” “T-The interview...” you replied, looking down. “Why?” he asked and you shrugged. “What if I messed it up? I mean...the the whole interview is all over the place...I was stuttering and blushing and-“ you stopped, mid-sentence and Yoongi cupped your cheeks with his warm hands. 
“You are stressing and overthinking too much...come on, people know it was your first interview ever and you are adorable when you blush.” He purred sweetly, his lips meeting yours. “Now, go straight to bed and wait for me there.” He ordered and you nodded, not wanting to anger him.  
His hands wrapped around your waist and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t fall asleep. Everything was bothering you too much and you tried to stay calm but with each second that passed, you grew more restless. Several moments later, you moved out of Yoongi’s hands “I fucking should have said this!” you mumbled, throwing blankets off.  
“(Y/N)-“ Yoongi caught your hand, stopping you from exiting the bed as he pulled you to him. Your chest pressed against his, his backs against the mattress and hands firmly wrapped around your torso. “Fucking stop.” He growled. “I-I can’t sleep, I need to-“ you complained, trying to get out of his grip. “You need to calm down and stop thinking or I will get mad,” Yoongi commented and you ighed.  
“Here-“ he said, handing you his earphones and you raised your eyebrow. “You want me to watch something till I fall asleep?” you teased and Yoongi rolled his eyes, unlocking his phone. “I love to sleep, and I love sleeping with you and I know that you have trouble sleeping often so I made something for you.” He murmured, placing earphones in your ear. 
“It’s not done yet, but-“ he pressed play, a slow beat filled your ears and moment later Yoongi’s slow rap followed. Your eyes widened, tears filled your ears as you kissed him. “You are the best!” You commented to which Yoongi chuckled, pulling you onto his chest. “Good night Princess.” He kissed the top of your head and you drifted to sleep, Yoongi’s voice calming you down.  
Jung Hoseok  
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You two were the overthinking couple, at least boys called you that sway as the two of you were often caught overthinking. Hoseok loved that, because the two of you could talk about ‘what if’ all the goddamn time, thinking about every single possible positive and negative outcomes of any situation. You loved that he understood, everything except the way you felt about yourself.  
That is one of the things Hoseok did not get...your picture of yourself. He was a confident man, but you? You weren’t and you would always argue about that...him telling you how gorgeous you look and you, beating him up with low comments about yourself and disagreeing.  
“I need to lose few pounds before the charity event, I can’t fit into my dress anymore..” he heard you mumble and instantly, his head snapped in your direction. 
“(Y/N)-“he called, his voice low and you flinched. “what are you talking about?” he asked and you chewed down onto your bottom lip. “N-Nothing-“ you replied, not looking at him and Hoseok came to you, his hands wrapping around your hips. “(Y/N),” he called again, softly, making you look him in the eyes. “please tell me what is bothering you.” You hesitated but decided to confess.  
“The charity event, in a few days...I can’t fit into the dress anymore and...I don’t want to look bad in the pictures...” you murmured and Hoseok kissed your forehead. “We will get you another dress.” He said, trying to calm you down...it backfired at him. 
“SO, YOU DO THINK I AM FAT?!” You growled at him, your (e/c) eyes sending daggers his way and Hoseok whimpered for a second. “I am saying that we can get you another dress and-'' “I WANT THAT ONE!” You growled and Hoseok sighed. “Seriously...” your eyes filled with tears and you punched his chest. “You don’t understand, I need to look good...otherwise I can’t stand next to you...you look good in everything, fuck.” Tears fell down your eyes and Hosek bit his bottom lip.  
“(Y/N), love...I love you, I love every single part of you and please stop thinking that way about yourself....” he begged, caressing your face. “B-But-I-“ “You are overthinking way too much and you can’t fit any of your clothes because of the reason which is not just you gaining weight...’’ Hoseok smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss against your lips. “ Baby, you gave birth to our baby girl a few months ago!” He finished his sentence and You looked up at him. 
“People know, fans know and for God’s sake you are only 1 confection number up...you will go back in no time but you can’t now...not when you are still nursing.” You chewed onto your bottom lip. “I know..”You looked down and Hoseok pulled your hand “We are getting you a new dress, now.”   
Few day’s later, you walked down the red carpet with Hoseok. He held you close, a proud smile on his face and when you paused for pictures, you heard the comments. 
A blush appeared in your face and Hoseok leaned to your ear. “I told you, you are fucking beautiful,” Hoseok whispered and you smiled. “Thank you.” You whispered and Hoseok kissed your cheek. “I love you, idiot.” He chuckled “I love you too Hoseok.”  He grinned, posing fr pictures and showing you off 
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Dragon Dancer Chapter 13: Matriarch
I was moving. Voices came from on either side of me, talking, reading out my blood pressure. The feel of the rumble under me was enough to clue me in that I was being rolled, sitting up in a wheelchair. I lifted my head and tried to rub my face, but my arms were fastened to the armrests. My head was heavy. My vision swam.
We entered an elevator.
A woman in a tight fitting short white skirt and heels pulled her tag off her jacket and scanned it against a reader. The doors closed and we started rising, quickly and silently. 
When the doors opened again, the wall on my left was completely glass, overlooking the city of Chicago at night. A ferris wheel glowed from the park in the distance. I saw the blinking lights of planes navigating to the airport. The headlights of cars were like Christmas lights, many stories below.
Previous Chapter
Go back to the beginning
I felt exhausted and disoriented. I tried to speak but my voice came out a whisper. “Who… who are you…?”
No one answered me.
Ahead, a double mahogany door was guarded by two men wearing guns at their hips. One knocked twice. The other opened it and I was wheeled inside, off the hardwood and onto a patterned carpet. A fireplace cast flickering red light into the room as the only illumination. The dark city skyline provided a glittering backdrop to the room. The two women turned and left. The door shut.
One man to my left. I recognized him as the bald guy from the warehouse. He sat, one leg over the other, leaning back in a leather chair. A large golden ring glinted on his finger. He didn’t look at me, staring idly in the distance. 
A small white dog rose from the warmth of the fireside, stretched, its tongue curling back into a yawn, and trotted over to me, sniffing my feet in the wheelchair. It rose up on its hindlegs, leaning its front paws on my knees, pleading to be pet.
A woman behind a heavy wood desk stared at several monitors. Her silvery hair is tied back into a neat braid running down her fine embroidered blue housecoat. Her face was illuminated in blue light, her dark eyes flicking as she read, her hands moving the mouse. 
She swiveled her chair to face me, leaning on her elbows and clasping her hands in front of her. Her eyes crinkled in a smile that deepens the lines on her face. “Why do you want to save Isaac?”
The question wasn’t what I was expecting. She waited patiently while I put the words together in a mind still addled by medication. “Because… what’s going to happen is partly my fault. If I never took what he gave me, none of this would have happened... “
She tilted her head, her eyebrows raising.
Then she leaned back, looking at the screen. Her smile was gone. She spoke quietly, but her voice carried in the paneled room, audible over the loud ticking of a grandfather clock. “I’m going to try to keep things simple for you. I believe your story, because of what you know. What you told us about your experience with Isaac.” She picked up a pen and twirled it between her fingers. “The area he showed you is a secret. The serum he gave you is a secret.”
“What day is it?” I objected. “Maybe he hasn’t shown me yet. He won’t show me until the day after I get to Cassell… There might still be time!”
Chafing at my words, a soft impatient sigh escaped the man next to me. He gazed at the fireplace, frowning.
The woman continued. “How much of the past can be changed is something that will always be up to debate. Because if the change occurs, how could we ever know?” She gave a shrug of her shoulders. “The only people who try to change the past are the ones who feel guilty… feel responsible somehow.” She turned back to me. “I can tell you, honestly, you’re not responsible.”
Her words brought tears spilling out of my eyes down to the white dress I was wearing. “But… I can’t stop thinking about it. I didn’t want to do it. I don’t want to do it.”
She nodded to the man who stood up and unstrapped my arms from the chair so I could catch my tears in my sleeve.  She continued to speak, looking at a framed picture on her desk.
“No, in fact, I should be the one to apologize. He’s my grandson. It was my son who convinced me to marry the girl he loved, despite my better judgement. That girl that...  convinced me that Isaac’s genetic deviancy wouldn’t be an issue. Against my better judgement. And…” She shook her head, speaking slowly, softly. “Their pleas about chances and potential… carried me all the way to this moment.”
The bald man helped me stand up and moved me to the chair where he’d been sitting. He then got a cup of water from a dispenser. The little white dog followed him around, wagging its tail.
“And I invested in him, my first grandbaby. His gene therapy, his schooling. His career within the company.” She put the picture down. “I sent him to Cassell. This was all a mistake and, worst of all, I knew it. Deep down, I always did.”
The man returned with a cup of water and a few napkins to wipe my face. I drank it down quickly, the cool water soothing the cottony feeling in my mouth.
“But sometimes we do things we know are wrong. Convincing ourselves that...maybe generations of progress in the field of alchemy and genetic engineering may be able to counteract what our nature has etched into law. That those with unstable bloodlines inevitably will turn into servitors and perish.” 
She lowered her eyes. “Sitting here now. After receiving your message. I am astonished that I could have made that mistake.”
“I promise you…” She said, watching me wipe my eyes and regain my composure. “I will not make the same mistake again. And I will do everything I can, to make it up to you. You shouldn’t have been the one to kill him. My family is my responsibility.”
I crumpled the tissue in my hands. “You’re not going to save him?”
“Sweetheart… I’ve been trying to save him for eighteen years. I should have ended his life the day he was born… Maybe even before that.”
“But… he’s your grandson…” My shoulders fell, not quite understanding what I’m hearing.
The woman called her dog over with a soft whistle. It leaped into her lap, licking at her fingers as she tried to pet it. “You see this little one here? She’s a Maltese. Now…” She chuckled as her dog refused to settle, panting and wagging her tail and trying to lick her face. “... her breeder has worked very hard to make sure she has good skin, a clean white coat, no defects. But … what about the ones that have defects? What then? Did she breed those too? Of course not… that is not his goal and that would not be kind to the dogs.”
She picked up the dog and it licked her cheek before she set it down.
"People aren't dogs!"
“My daughter-in-law told me the same thing. It’s what a human would say.” She gave me a pointed look. “We’re not human.”
“We’re something else. Something new. And if we’re going to be fit enough to survive in the future, we have to think more biologically than humans do. That’s what our ancestors understood and what too many of us have forgotten. My daughter-in-law… And Principal Anjou.” Her eyes fell and she sighed.
“The kind thing… for Isaac, for his children… and for all of the Hybrids is to stop artificially ensuring that genetic weakness spreads. That weakness that now causes me, the Matriarch of the Comemnus family, to be in debt to a nameless orphan.” She snorted, chagrined.
I was stunned. “In debt?”
Her eyebrows went up again. “Yes… Thank you.”
“....no… No, no… not thank you! You can’t thank me for that!” 
“Isaac would have just brought you down, ruined your sterling genetic heritage.”
At my confused silence, she sighed and stood up walking up to me. “It hurts me. That a purebred like you is so naive and uneducated. So, I’ll make you a deal. Instead of going back to Cassell and their regrettably low standards of admission, you’ll learn the truth here from me.” 
She leaned close to where I was sitting. “I’m not going to hide the ugly truth from you, the same way you didn’t hide the truth from me. And if by the end of your studies, you still think I’m wrong for my decision, you’re free to go. But I don’t think you will.”
“You are wrong.” I glared into her eyes. “I know the truth. People who are unstable turn into servitors if they use their powers. I know that. But I was given the ability to heal their instability. I can save Isaac.”
“Hm?” Her gaze shifted from confusion, to shock. “Can you say that one more time?”
“I … I can cure people with unstable bloodlines. I can fix it.”
The woman glared at me. "You will need to prove your statement. No one has been able to do that."
 "Yes, I know…" I said willing her to believe me.  "But I was unstable. And now I'm not."
She straightened. “You have a lot to learn. I’m going to educate you.”  When she spoke again, they weren’t the words in our common language, but the words of a dragon. Her eyes flashed yellow.
“Speaking Spirit - Sight.”
A bright rune blazed over the windows and the sparkling panoramic view of Chicago was obscured in shadowy gloom before both dissipated.  “If you try to leave, I’ll know it. I can’t have you skipping school before classes are done.”
She put the glass down onto the desk. “Take her to the Phoenix Suite. Make sure she’s well rested and fed. I’m going to make a few phone calls. Tell the family the good news.”
The bald man helped me stand and led me to the wheelchair. The woman ignored my furious glare, as she reached over to put the phone on speaker. "Get my son on the line."
I was wheeled back out of the room to the elevator, burning with rage and disbelief. The bald man pressed a button. The doors closed. “Did you know him? Isaac.” I asked.
He didn’t reply. In the reflection of the shiny metal doors, he looked away.
“Don’t … don’t ignore me! You should do something if you care for him at all!”
The elevator stopped. I leaped up and pressed the close elevator button before the doors could open. As burly and frightening as he appeared, he didn’t respond with force, pressing the open door button again. “What the boss says goes.” He said in a gruff baritone, glaring at me out of his peripheral vision. 
“You’re terrible. You’re bad people!” I grumbled bitterly, my lip shaking. 
“If you can walk…” He held his elbow out to me.
I backed away from him.
“Don’t try to escape. We know where you live. It would be terrible if something happened to your family.” He said, unmoved. “Come on.”
I hung my head and accepted his arm.
As if the dorms at Cassell weren’t opulent enough, this room was trimmed in gold accents, containing yet another fireplace and embroidered tapestries depicting humans battling dragons. In the corner was a large imposing grandfather clock with a heavy golden pendulum. 
“There’s nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice for her family’s future. You’ll understand.” He said. “I’ll come get you for breakfast in the morning.”
He pointed over to the bookshelf. “Read those. They’ll help you see things her way.”
He watched me cross my arms over my chest. 
“Hybrid breeding used to be a lot worse than what she’s doing. A lot worse.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his steely eyes looking away. He turned to leave.
I let him go and he walked away, shutting the door behind him.
That old woman would know the moment I left, but it wouldn’t matter. I was teleporting back to Cassell. I would go there to warn my friends. Then I could teleport to my family’s house. It was the only way.   
I visualized the basketball court, the lights from the baseball diamond. I took a step forward. But instead of that strange cold of teleportation, something seized my throat, wrapping like a belt. I was still in the room, suspended from the ceiling. Red glowing eyes blinked down at me from a black haze that rolled above me like smoke. It dropped me.
I land hard, crying out in fear. I scrambled away from the monster. It didn’t follow but watched, formless, stretching, lowering from the ceiling to regard me, it’s faceless eyes blinking.
The sound of me hitting the floor must have alerted someone because the bald guy was back and lifting me back to my feet. “You really are stubborn.”
“What is that?” The haze moved across the ceiling, toward the window.
“It’s a servitor. It sensed you using your abilities and stopped you.”
I paused. “Oh. It’s… it was human.” It seeped through the window, spreading its smoky form against the glass.
“Hybrid.” He corrected me. “At some point, yes, it was.”
“If I was your daughter, and if you knew that I was kidnapped and held against my will, what would you say?”
“Eat, sleep, read. You’ll be a lot less upset if you learn.”  He seemed to be about to leave again.
“Wait!” I reached out and grabbed his wrist. “Just tell me.” I watched him sigh. Pain flashed across his features. “You do care about Isaac but you’re still not going to help. Why not? Just tell me!”
“You think we're evil people. Today, we have genetic testing, advanced genetic matching systems, DNA databases, interactive predictive family trees that can project genetic deviations over generations. Back in the day? They had nothing but superstition, anecdotes, and ink and parchment.”
He looked at me, sadness in his eyes. “It didn’t matter how rich your family was or how much influence you had. If you were born with the wrong genes? You were dead. And if someone had the right genes? They were bred. Forcibly.”
“You want to talk about evil? Do you want to know who the bad people really are?” He pointed to the bookshelf. “You read those books. And then you come back and talk to me about evil.”
I chewed my lip as he lowered his voice. “You may have these ideals of helping Isaac. One person. But you’re capable of way more than that. You’re more important than he is. We’re not going to endanger you by trying to change what happened to him. Do you understand now?”
When I nodded, he stood up, and left the room once again, slamming the door behind him, leaving me shaking and alone.
Ielia appeared, sitting next to me. She put her hand over mine. Even though I couldn’t feel her touch any more, I remembered what it felt like. “What am I going to do now? Go back to Cassell? And then what? Something might happen to my family? And if I stay here...”
Ielia shrugged and shook her head.
“Hey… are they right? About letting Isaac die.  Do you have this problem in your world?”
She nodded once.
“What do you do?” I whispered.
She folded her hands and hung her head.
“You kill them too?”
She shook her head.
“Right. In your world, you have our father to help you.”
She pointed to the bookcase so I stood up and made my way over. The tomes were elaborately bound in leather and embossed. I picked up the one she pointed to. It was called “History of the Blood.”
I opened it up, looking through the table of contents. “Early Hybrid civilization…” I read.
I flipped through the pages to that chapter.
In the early days, women volunteered or were forced to be mothers to hybrid children. Through alchemy, their unborn children received dragonblood. These were human women, so the pregnancies ruined their bodies, drastically shortening or ending their lives.
The children were raised by wet nurses who watched them carefully. Those who had affinity with dragons but maintained their humanity were set aside to further the bloodlines. Those who were determined to be unstable and likely to be servitors were thrown in cages and stabbed to death with spears.
Thus, at the cost of countless lives, the bloodlines began to stabilize over time.
I stared at the pages, my eyes running over them again and again. The images of children and infants being brutally murdered in cages etched itself in my mind.
I closed the book, trying not to think about it any more. But the words of Isaac's grandmother echoed. She’d been trying to save him for years but in the end, it was the same.
He was dead. And I had killed him with a spear. 
The next morning, I woke up groggy, surrounded by scattered books and used kleenex, under surveillance by the creepy pair of roving eyes of the servitor in the window. When I fell asleep, the nightmares of the war, conflict, and inhumanity I had read about in the books assaulted me. I couldn’t find a way to fit together the paradise of love and affection I’d grown up in as a child with the reality I found myself in now. Outside the borders of my memories was a wasteland of cruelty.
Royal families, mafiosos, oligarchs and aristocrats all hybrids and all jockeying for positions against each other for power and control and with a constant eye on the possibility of a third coming of dragons. They owned vast swaths of property, controlled the flow of wealth and resources, and some ran entire countries, all thanks to the gifts of their dragon heritage.
The way Isaac was so pushy and overbearing was completely in step with how he was used to acting. It was exactly as his grandmother was acting, and even the people at Cassell, and in Japan. Constant fighting, strategy, and intrigue. They did whatever they reasoned was necessary to maintain their power. 
Now here I was, a prize in their eyes, someone with royal pure dragon blood. Caesar hadn’t been teasing me when he told me I was a secret princess, but this was no fairy tale.
Just as with Cassell, I was denied access to the outside. I was confined to the floor of this highrise building in the middle of Chicago. My meals were brought to me, my clothes were handed to me. I was constantly having my blood tested, my pressure checked, my temperature taken. 
It was only because a nurse let it slip that tomorrow was New Years Eve, that I figured out what day it was.
I was getting ready for breakfast twisting my unruly locks into a high bun.  I went over the timeline in my mind. Today my past self would meet Caesar, Nono, and Isaac for the first time. Tonight, my past self would meet Johann.
By tomorrow night, Isaac would be dead.
At the usual time, I was met by the bald man to escort me. His name was Anthony and he became my constant companion. He escorted me everywhere I went. Today, there were more people around, walking down the hall, on the phone, carrying boxes. 
He escorted me to a room that was sealed by key code. It was a storage area full of filing cabinets and boxes shoved aside to make space for people in lab coats poring over tablet computers. Together they looked at me as I walked in.
The matriarch was there, her arms crossed over her chest. “I hope you slept well. It’s time to put your claims to the test. To see if your Speaking Spirit can really restore corrupt genetics.”
A dropcloth was pulled down where it had been draped over a large metal cage. Inside the cage was something resembling a young boy.
He looked to be about ten or eleven.  The twisting of his body into this half human half dragon creature shot a painful sympathetic ache through my bones. I recognized the scaled over skin, the eyes that were golden and near reptilian. This boy wasn’t a complete servitor but he was almost there. He sat in the corner, in a fetal position, rocking back and forth, trembling, teeth chattering. 
“He has hours to live. If you can cure him, you can cure anyone.” The grandmother said.
I hadn’t used any abilities since I’d killed Isaac. I wasn’t sure how to do it but just being in the presence of this person was painful in a way that I had not felt before. It was like hearing the screech of feedback from a loudspeaker. I wanted his pain to stop and I wanted it to stop immediately.
The words that sprang to mind were given to me by my father. “Speaking Spirit - Release!”
Next Chapter
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the-jade-cross · 4 years
Over the Mountains - Chapter 1
My name is Persephone Anatello. My first name is pronounced (p-ur-s-eh-f-oh-n-ee) and my last name is pronounced (Anne-uh-tell-oh).
I an 99 years old but I only look like I could be twenty or so. I have deep brown hair and leaf green eyes. I was born alongside by twin brother, Prometa (Pro-m-eh-t-ah) but he died during a war. My mother was a halfbreed: half dwarf half elf. Her mother was an elf and her father was a dwarf. My father...was also halfbreed: half skin changer (on his mother's side) and half wizard (on his father's side). In that case, I'm not a half breed but more like a quarter breed. I am part elf, dwarf, skin changer and wizard!
With all of these heritages, I have many powers. From my mother's side I have developed mostly my style of fighting and my features. I am petite like a dwarf, but not as short as a hobbit, standing about four feet tall at most. That is taller than most hobbits luckily. I don't possess the dwarves's rugged figure but rather the slender, graceful and delicate body of an elf, including the ears but they aren't as pointed as most elves, but they're pointy none the less.
I have no beard (THANK THE HEAVENS!) but my dark hair (according to my parents) came from the dwarf side. It's thick and hardy like a dwarves but soft and silky like an elf's. I have developed the strength, endurance and stubbornness of the dwarves but the agility, gracefulness, patience and good manners as well as fighting style from the elves.
My fighting style is a mixture of all my ancestors so most people think I am a completely rare race myself. Most people call me A Whisperer but before my brother died, he named our 'race' Faerie.
The traits that I have inherited from my father is my ability to transform into a wolf. My father's ancestor was a fox skin changer but I turned out to be a wolf skin changer. most people don't believe it because I don't look like most skin changers when I am in human form. I can fool anyone. I'm not as tall nor aggressive and am actually very kind and a good companion when in wolf form. I can transform whenever I wish but sometimes I cannot help it especially if I'm upset, scared or angry.
From my wizard heritage, I have developed the ability to use some magic. I can conjure fire, water, light as well as a levitating spell but sometimes they don't work especially if something is on my mind, I'm wounded or upset.
As far as features go besides my hair, my parents told me that my green eyes came from my skin changer side for they are the rarest green color ever.
However, they match my rich brown hair perfectly, setting off the copper colors in my hair. Of course however, my hair and eyes change color whenever I am going through transformation from human to wolf, or when I am using my wizard magic. During that time, my eyes turn violet and my hair takes on several shades of purple and pink.This soon developed into the wizards referring to me as the Purple Wizard or the Wizard of the Milky Way.
Having all these talents soon proved my downfall for no dwarves or humans would let me near them. My elven people of Rivendell took me in shortly after my brother was killed in battle and I stayed with them for a good part of my life. After that I went and lived with Gandalf the Gray for a time as well as Radagast on and off. I never lived with men or dwarves but I ran into them occasionally. In terms of skin changers, they were all wiped out before I was born so I never found any of my skin changer people.
By the time I turned 80, I ran away from other people but kept in touch with the elves and wizards. I lived on my own in the wilderness, wandering around and exploring. Before long I knew almost every single corner of the world. I worked as a spy for the wizards and elves and made many friends especially with Arwen, Elrond and Galadrial.
It wasn't until I was 99 that I received a visit from the Wizard. Gandalf had a mission for me.... but that meant I would have to come out of hiding. Well, better late than never.
"So listen here Sepha," the wizard said, using Persephone's nickname. "I'll be going in with the dwarves. I want you to wait until all the dwarves arrive."
"How will I know when they're all here?" Persephone whispered.
The two were hiding in the bushes of the garden, watching the dwarves who were one by one approaching the hobbit hole.
"I'll let you know when I want you to come in," Gandalf whispered. "How about that?"
Sepha nodded and sat back in the bushes, "I'll just stay here then."
Gandalf nodded and got up, brushing himself off and heading to the door just as a group of dwarves arrived.
Sepha drew out her two swords and began to run her fingers over the elvish runes.
The swords she had fashioned herself but in memory of her mother, she had etched in elvish designs to the blade, as well as styling the sword to look ancient elvish. However, on the other side of the sword that most people didn't see, she had etched dwarfish designs.
After a while she set the sword back onto the hilts on her back. She messed with the iron wrist brace that she wore on her left wrist. After her brother died, she had decided to hold her race with pride. People always tried guessing which race she was so she decided to make Faerie's official even though there had only been two.... and only one was still alive. She had fashioned a large metal bracelet type thing that came from below her elbow to her wrist, hugging her arms snugly. Two strips of thin metal ran around her middle finger, connecting the brace.
Etched deep into the brace were designs that she had designed herself, making them 'Faerie' designs. most of them were shaped like skin changers with a mixture of dwarf and elf designs intertwined as well as magical designs for their wizard culture. On the underneath where no one but she could see, she etched in her family tree in Khuzdul and around the tree was a wolf, a swirl of magic, a dwarf axe, an elvish arrow and at the top, her brother's name in elvish.
She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knocking beside her. Turning, she saw Gandalf looking at her through a window, winking at her. Time to go inside.
Standing up, she pulled her hood on and pulled her mask over her face, only letting her green eyes show. She put her swords onto her back and put her left hand under her cloak. She didn't want to flash her Faerie band just yet.
She knocked firmly on the door and it was answered by a little man whom she guessed was Bilbo. he was shorter than her and looked slightly shocked.
"GAAAAANNNNDDAAAALLLLFFFF?????" Bilbo called, looking at the girl uncertainly.
Gandalf arrived within seconds and smiled at Persephone, "Ah there you are my dear. Come on in."
Sepha stepped inside and soon saw that she was the last person to arrive. There was a host of dwarves standing in the kitchen doorway, all of them crowding to see who had arrived. She glanced over them quickly and caught sight of two young dwarves who looked about her age, both staring in awe. The tallest dwarf was bald and had his arms crossed, considering the girl thoughtfully. However, the dwarf who was obviously a leader had his eyebrows down.
"Who is this Gandalf?" a young dwarf asked quietly.
"Everyone, I would like you to meet the fifteenth member of the company: Persephone Anatello." Gandalf said. "Persephone, I would like you to meet THorin Oakenshield."
The leader stepped forward and looked slightly down at the girl. Persephone considered him from beneath her hood, not letting him even see the color of her eyes. He was strikingly handsome with ebony black hair, the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen and firm features.
"We are not taking a woman with us Gandalf," Thorin snapped.
Persephone rolled her eyes which at once caught the attention of FIli and Kili.
"Uncle, we don't even know anything about her. She might be a really good fighter." Kili suggested.
THorin snorted, "She wont even show her face."
Sighing, Persephone reached up and pulled her hood back, letting her brown hair down and revealing her bright green eyes. Everyone was taken aback by her beautiful eyes but they weren't prepared when she pulled her mask down.
Fili took a step back in shock and Kili's jaw dropped open.
"By my beard," Bofur whispered to Nori, "She's a bonnie lass!"
An old dwarf, Balin, stepped forward and considered the girl, "How old are you lass?"
Sepha smiled, knowing that they all probably thought she was a human, "99 sir."
Balin's eyebrows shot up and Sepha saw Thorin's eyes widen in surprise.
"I am part dwarf," she explained. "That's why I'm short."
Fili snickered when Kili frowned, not liking the idea of being called short.
"What about fighting?" Dwalin inquired, towering over the girl.
Sepha looked up at the huge intimidating dwarf with no fear in her eyes. This surprised everyone for Dwalin was rather frightening. She smiled. "Swords."
Dwalin looked at THorin in time to see a faint smile lick across the dwarf's face. Thorin was especially fond of the sword, even over an axe. That was a good first impression on Sepha's part.
"I like her," Fili chirped while Kili still gawked.
Balin nodded, "I think she would be a good asset to the team."
"Sepha is also a trained healer," Gandalf pointed out. "She is also extremely talented in navigation and tracking."
"I'm in," Dwalin remarked.
All eyes turned to Dwalin in surprise. He was considering the girl with a firm look but a smile on his face. He was nodding slowly.
"Never judge a book by it's cover. Let's give her a try."
All eyes turned to Thorin who was pinching the bridge of his nose. He obviously wasn't all for it. He sighed.
"Fine. But on a trial basis."
epha tried to avoid the dwarves at all costs while they lingered around the place, bothering the poor hobbit. She soon found her way into the kitchen where Nori and Ori were putting the dishes away. She could tell they would be there a while so she twirled her fingers, not letting them see her in the shadows.
Suddenly, the dishes began to float and levitate to their cabinets, leaving Ori and Nori stunned. Halfway through, the two let out horrified squeals and rushed from the kitchen. Sepha chuckled to herself, finishing her job and turning.
That was when she realized that two pairs of eyes were staring at her in awe: Fili and Kili.
"That is absolutely brilliant!" Kili gushed. "How did you do that?"
Sepha smiled, "I'm part wizard on my father's side."
"but you're part dwarf too?" Fili inquired, "That is officially the coolest thing I have ever seen!"
Sepha chuckled and pulled her hood over her hair, leaving her mask down, "What are you guys going to do next? It's a few hours before it's time for bed."
The two nodded, "Thorin is calling us into the sitting room. Come on."
The two grabbed each of her hands and pulled her into the living room. All the dwarves were there and Sepha could see Gandalf sitting in the other room, nearby while Bilbo was in his bedroom, the door open.
Sepha didn't want to intrude because of the silence in the room, she knew that this was a dwarfish thing. Pulling away from Fili and Kili, she stood in the doorway, arms crossed, partially in the shadows.
She could see the smoke from the pipes make swirls in the air and it smelled sweet to her. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a deep baritone voice singing and Sepha realized in shock that it was THorin!
He was staring into the fire, one arm on the mantle, singing deeply as the other dwarves began to join him.
Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To find our long-forgotten goldThe pines were roaring on the height The winds were moaning in the night The fire was red, it flaming spread The trees like torches blazed with light
When they finished, Sepha found herself smiling. One by one, the dwarves said goodnight to each other and headed out of the room, off to find a corner of the room to sleep. Soon, it was only Dwalin, Fili and Kili in the room. Kili was staring at the fire, almost sadly while Fili had an arm around his shoulders. Dwalin had a hand on his shoulder, patting it.
"Kili," Sepha said, stepping into the dim light, "Are you alright?"
The youngest dwarf nodded, "it's just.... this is my first time really being away from home and.... I don't know...."
Sepha smiled and sat down on the other side of Kili. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and the dwarf laid his head on her shoulder.
"I know what it feels like," she whispered. "I had to leave my home... when I was young and I felt lost and alone. Even though there were people to care for me, I felt like I didn't belong."
"What happened to your parents?" Kili whispered.
Sepha stiffened and Kili sensed it, "You don't have to tell me if you dont want to."
"They... were killed in war," she whispered, "So was my twin brother... Prometa."
"I'm sorry lass," Dwalin said, standing by the mantle where Thorin had stood not long ago, "No one that young should lose their loved ones."
Sepha nodded and stroked Kili's hair and she felt him shiver, "What do you miss about home the most Kili?"
FIli and Dwalin could tell right away that she was trying to comfort him so they didn't say anything.
"I miss my mother.... she was a woman.... but she was so strong too! So brave when everyone else was scared or upset. She was the strongest person I know..." Kili whispered.
Sepha smiled and hugged him tighter, "Never feel like you should feel ashamed of missing your mother. It's the cowards who say that they don't miss their mothers, or sisters or wives. It's the strong brave ones who know that we aren't here to make them seem weak, but to help them be stronger."
Kili sniffed and sighed, "Can you sing something? My mom always sang when Fili and Kili were scared."
Fili was about to point out that she hadn't done that since they were kids but Sepha's smiled cut him off.
"Sure thing."
Fili sat forward, watching Sepha and Dwalin considered the young girl. Her face seemed to relax and her features lit up as her angelic, soft voice gently filled the room with a soft sensation that the dwarves had never felt before.
I saw the light fade from the sky On the wind I heard a sigh As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers I will say this last goodbyeNight is now falling So ends this day The road is now calling And I must away Over hill and under tree Through lands where never light has shone By silver streams that run down to the sea
Under cloud, beneath the stars
Over snow one winter's morn I turn at last to paths that lead home And though where the road then takes me I cannot tell We came all this way But now comes the day To bid you farewell
Many places I have been Many sorrows I have seen But I don't regret Nor will I forget All who took the road with me
Night is now falling
So ends this day The road is now calling And I must away Over hill and under tree Through lands where never light has shone By silver streams that run down to the sea
To these memories I will hold
with your blessings I will go
to turn at last to paths that lead home
and though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
but now comes the day
to bid you farewell
I bid you all a very fond farewell
When she finally finished, Fili's mouth was practically dangling open, Dwalin was smiling fondly at the girl and Kili was sound asleep, on the verge of snoring. Not looking at Fili or Dwalin, Persephone reached over and slipped from underneath Kili's head so that he was lying in front of the fire.
"Brisingr," she whispered, fire shooting from her fingers and making the fire burn brighter.
Dwalin jumped slightly at that but Fili just grinned in awe. As the girl slowly stepped into the kitchen, where she was going to bunk down for the night, Dwalin caught sight of Thorin standing in the doorway. His blue eyes were staring in wonder after Persephone while the rest of him was silent and serious... but calm.
Dwalin smirked and headed past THorin to get some sleep, "She's a special one," he whispered as he passed. "I can tell."
When the dwarf was gone, THorin looked at where Persephone had curled up against the warm stone wall next to the fireplace. He had to admit that even though it wasnt the most comfortable position, sleeping sitting up, her idea of sitting against the hot stones wasn't a bad idea.
"We'll see," Thorin whispered, looking from the girl to his two nephews who were sleeping by the fire.
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pessimisticlatte · 5 years
Glass Roses ~ Chapter 12
~ Marichat ~ Adrienette ~ Lukagami ~ Chlobrina ~ Alynino ~ Lila Rossi x Dying a Terrible Death ~ Gabriel Agreste x Eating a Bag of Shit ~ Emilie x Nathalie
Gabriel tasted the jealousy and anger coursing through the emotional web of Paris. The emotion was syrupy on his tongue, thick and sweet and cloying, intoxicating. Hands clasped behind his back, Gabriel entered his office and locked the door, the strength of the delicious furiosity sizzling on his tongue told him that this person, the person releasing such strong waves of emotion, was going to be perfect. Pressing the buttons on Emilie’s painting that took him to his lair, Gabriel buzzed with the emotional high and the delirious excitement that came before he akumatized someone. Sinking down the metallic tunnel, he plucked Nooroo’s brooch from his breast pocket and called the Kwami into physical existence.
“M-master, ca-can you feel it?” Nooroo was shaking, his being was more forcefully entwined with the emotional auras surrounding him, the particular tidal wave he was asking about was so strong it had almost completely drowned out any other emotions that should be pricking the back of his skull. 
“Yes, Nooroo, isn’t it glorious?” Gabriel’s lungs felt larger than they ever had in his entire life, his chest swelling with excitement.
“Ye-yes, master,” The Butterfly Kwami’s normally thin voice had grown even more watery, wavering in the air. The platform landed in the Butterfly Chamber, Gabriel’s white butterflies fluttering around the room, the soft beating of their wings calming. As Gabriel stalked into the middle of the room, the butterflied kicked up and floated away from him, resting in the darkened corners of the chamber. The great window opened and looked out across Paris, tied into a constant stream broadcast from cameras all over the city, once he had made his villain, he would be able to see through their eyes on the screen before him. Multiple cameras flickered between different locations, streets and homes and shops, even Adrien’s school. 
“Nooroo, dark wings rise,” Nooroo was sucked into the brooch now pinned to Gabriel’s cravat, Hawkmoth’s suit bleeding from it and wrapping around his body. The cane Gabriel had chosen as Nooroo’s weapon, solidified in his hand and with a masterful twirl, Gabriel cracked the bottom of the cane against the stone floor and summoned a butterfly to him. Holding the insect gently in his palm, Gabriel watched as one of the screens showed a girl with terribly bleached blonde hair practically fuming on a balcony at the Franciose Dupont college. He couldn’t see who she was looking at but he could taste her fury. “Fly, my little Akuma, and evilise her.”
Imbuing the butterfly with malicious intent, Gabriel sent it out through the screen focusing on the girl. The insect collided with her hand, sinking into a faux rolex watch clasped around her wrist. 
“Hawmoth, we meet again,” A dark grin spread across the girl’s face as she absorbed his power. Her hands tightened on the railing beneath them, her rage flaring brighter and higher, a drug to Gabriel’s senses. “I shall bring you Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses but you must give me Adrien Agreste’s heart in return. I know that he is your son.”
A strange request. “What use do you have for his heart, Revenger?”
“Only the power that comes with his name will fix me, will make my life what I deserve,” Her voice took on a very dark tone, the pure malice oozing from her vocal chords was terrifying.
“Then you will have what you desire, Revenger, but bring me those miraculouses,”
“What power do you bestow upon me, Hawkmoth?”
“The power to make anyone you touch see their loved ones for the darkest parts of themselves, once they have been infected they will follow you and only you as you will be a paragon of purity in their eyes,” 
“Thank you, Hawkmoth,” Purple smoke enveloped her body, Lila Rossi faded into Revenger. A black suit that seemed to swallow light formed around her body, wrapping like bandages. A small crossbow dropped into her hand out of thin air, a small quiver of bolts formed on her thigh and was secured by a belt around her waist. Her hair returned to its natural lustrous brunette, the bald patches regrowing and the once dead locks regained life.
“A gift to you, Revenger, once you cease to be under my control, your new hair will remain as it is now,” It wasn’t exactly a gift, the fashion designer part of Gabriel (so 99% of him) absolutely hated the way the bottle blonde made her look. She looked pallid and yellow, sickly. It wasn’t flattering.
“You are too kind,” Lila climbed up on the railing and balanced perfectly on the balls of her feet. “I am Revenger and you have scorned me for the last time. Let the world see you for who you truly are.”
Marinette and Adrien’s eyes snapped up to Lila, the girl stick straight and menacing. Lila raised the crossbow and notched a bolt, aiming it at Marinette’s neck. Gabriel’s screen formed to show what Lila was seeing, he saw his son with a dark haired girl, her legs stretched across his lap. Adrien had a girlfriend and he hadn’t told Gabriel? How had his son become so selfish? As Lila pressed her finger to the trigger, loosing the bolt toward the couple, a green figure leapt in front and lifted a turtle shell shield.
The bolt bounced off and pinged into the ground, melting away and reappearing in Lila’s quiver. 
“Marinette, Adrien, go,” Carapace yelled at them, his shield held in front of him, legs braced so the next impact would not knock him back. “Go!”
Adrien scrambled to his feet and grabbed Mari’s hand, pulling her after him as he ran as quickly as his legs would take him. Lila nocked another bolt and shot it at the retreating couple, missing. An angry scream tore from her throat as the bolt smacked into a metal pillar and disintegrated. Shield still raised, Carapace ran backwards out of the courtyard, his eyes scanning the space below the balcony, Lila guessed that other students were currently under there. Her eyes snapped to the alcove across the room from where she stood, Chloe Bourgeois had leapt in front of Mylene, Sabrina, and Nathaniel, her arms outstretched. She was more than willing to take one of Lila’s bolts to protect the three behind her.
“Ivan!” Chloe’s eyes focused across the room from herself. “Get everyone on your side out the door! Mylene, Nathaniel, Sabby, you have to run.”
“Chloe, no!” Sabrina placed a shaking hand on Chloe’s shoulder. “You can’t stay here.”
“If it gets you guys out, I don’t give a shit,” The blonde girls jaw set, her shoulders rolling, and her stance unwavering. “Pollen, BUZZ ON!”
She knew that she had no choice but to transform here, Nino had been able to duck into the boys bathroom and transform but if Chloe moved an inch, Lila would loose another bolt and strike down those behind her. The yellow and black suit stretched across Chloe’s body and solidified.
“Sabby, Mylene, Nathaniel, GO!” Sabrina’s eyes were wide but she listened to her girlfriend’s words and pushed the fear frozen Mylene forward, gripping Nathaniel’s sleeve. Lila shot a bolt, Chloe dived to the side and deflected it with the chitinous vambraces now protecting her forearms. She shot another, hoping to catch any of the students as they ran but her aim was off and Chloe kept smacking the bolts away using the vambraces.
“Woohoo, Pollen!” Chloe released a joyful whoop. “These are damn cool! Glad you took inspiration from Wonder Woman with her indestructible braces. I could marry you!”
“SHUT UP!” Lila was fuming. Rage boiled in her veins and clouded her vision.
“Aim for her neck, Revenger,” Hawkmoth’s voice cooed in her mind.
“I would if she stopped moving!” Lila gritted her teeth and shot another bolt, Chloe ducked out of the way and did a handspring over the next bolt she released.
‘Hey, fuck you, Rossi,” The heel of someone’s boot made contact with Lila’s temple and sent her sprawling off the railing, landing with an oof on the courtyard floor. Rolling backwards, Lila uncurled to her feet and stood with the crossbow nocked and braced on her forearm. The person who had kicked her was Rena Rouge, now standing a few feet down the railing Lila had been balanced upon. Rena’s flute twirled behind her back before she caught it in front of her with one hand and launched into a one handed cartwheel, pressing the flute to her lips. “Heard you could use some help, Queen Bee.”
“I have never been more glad to see you in my entire life, Rouge,” Alya played a gentle tune through the flute, Lila couldn’t hear what she played but Chloe could. Chloe knew that she was calling Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Luka, and Kagami to join the fray, telling them that the school was clear and that the only people left were them. “Wanna whip some lying ass?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Alya released a laugh and flipped down off the railing, Lila followed her movements with the end of her crossbow, her finger itching to pull the trigger. As Alya reached Chloe’s side, Lila pressed down and loosed the bolt, aiming for her throat. Almost lazily, Chloe stretched her arm out and deflected it away from Alya. “Damn, thank you.”
“All in a day’s work,” The glass of the skylight above came crashing down, Chloe held her braced arms above her head to protect herself as Alya did a back handspring out of the way of the sharp shower. Kagami, as Ryuko, landed in the middle of the courtyard, her blade drawn and pointed loosely at Lila, the champion fencer’s stance was perfect and fearless.
“I think it would be best if you dropped that crossbow, Revenger,” Complete indifference woven through her steady tone as she flung the sword up, it flipped in the air, and she caught it in her opposite hand, pushing the foot on that side forward to brace herself. 
“I think it would be best if all of you WENT TO HELL!” Lila pulled the trigger, Kagami arched her blade through the air and severed the bolt. Unlike the ones that had missed or that Chloe and Nino had deflected, this one didn’t disintegrate and remained in two perfect, wooden halves on the concrete floor.
“That sounds like a no to me,” Luka came to a skidding halt beside Alya, his lyre clasped in one hand as he watched his girlfriend stare down Lila with such terrifying intensity. “Honestly, Lila, this looks like a no win situation for you.”
“I,” Lila nocked a bolt. “Do,” She balanced the crossbow on her forearm. “Not,” She cracked her neck. “Lose,” Lila pressed the trigger, aiming for Luka this time. 
“Honestly? I am directly in front of you and you still want to shoot them?” Kagami lazily cut through the bolt again, the two halves of the shaft skidding across the floor. Luka laughed, Alya rolled her eyes, and Chloe flipped open a panel on her vambraces, sending a direct message to Marinette’s yoyo and Adrien’s baton.
“It looks like you’re losing to me,” The voice came from above the congregation, Chat was lounging on the railing of the balcony, his leg hanging down over the side and swinging back and forth. His baton was secured to his lower back and he appeared to be admiring the clawed nails on the tips of his fingers. “But who am I to judge what you think winning is?”
“You,” Lila changed where her crossbow was pointed, aiming it at Chat’s head. Nonchalantly picking at his teeth, Adrien was completely ready for her shooting a bolt at him. Nino was actually standing on the roof, looking through the skylight, with Marinette, if Lila tried to shoot him, Nino would drop through the roof in front of Adrien and deflect the bolt.
“Me?” Adrien tipped his head and placed a hand on his chest.
“Give me your miraculous,” She was so angry that the hand holding the crossbow had begun to shake, her stance less steady than it was before he’d arrived. “And give me your friends ones too.”
“Let me think about that,” Adrien reclined back on the railing and folded his arms behind his head. “What do you guys think? Viperion? Should I give ‘em all up?”
“That seems like effort to me, Chat,” Luka gave a half-hearted shrug, a grin playing on his lips.
“What about you, Queen Bee? Do you think she deserves them?” He looked down at his friends lazily, the blonde waves of his hair gliding across his forehead.
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” Chloe paused. “NOT.”
“It looks like you’ve stung Queen Bee, Revenger,” Adrien stretched his hanging leg out and arched his back slightly. “Rena Rouge, do you disagree with our friends?”
“It’s hard to disagree if they’re right,” Alya slung her flute across her back languidly, rolling her neck and shoulders.
“Ryuko,” Still swinging his leg, Adrien strung out the vowels of Kagami’s hero name. “You’re the deciding vote; should she have them or should we beat her ass?”
“I think that is a given, Chat Noir,” Kagami’s eyes didn’t leave Lila, the cold intensity in them sending goose bumps across the villain’s skin.
“It looks like you’ve been outvoted, Revenger,” Chat at up and rested his elbow on the leg propped up upon the railing. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way-”
“STOP FUCKING STALLING!” Lila pulled the trigger, sending the bolt flying toward Adrien’s golden head. Just as ceremoniously as Nino had planned, he dropped from the skylight and sent the bolt bouncing off across the courtyard, landing and rolling expertly, Nino raised his shield toward Lina from her left. 
“And you thought that we’d leave Chat, of all people, to be an idiot undefended?” Nino looked up over the rim of his shield, of course Adrien wouldn’t be left within shooting range undefended. None of them would do that, Chloe shouldn’t have even done that but she could deflect the bolts, Adrien couldn’t.
“ARGGHHH!” She released an angry scream and shot a bolt at Nino, it bounced off his shield as he ducked back behind it with a laugh.
“I get that he’s a sitting duck but he can literally deflect them, are you actually thinking this through?” Alya gestured toward Nino. Lila shot a bolt toward Alya, which Kagami sliced in half almost immediately with a small, tired sigh.
“Where is Ladybug?” Lila’s scream echoed through the courtyard, reverberating across the concrete and metal with distressing pitch. 
“My lady,” Adrien sang, looking up through the skylight. A red blur dropped from the roof and landed gently on Lila’s right. “There you are, we were beginning to think that you got lost.”
“I’m the one with the sense of direction, Kitty,” Marinette raised her fists in front of her face and took a fighting stance, she’d been taking martial arts since she could walk and Ladybug’s yoyo wasn’t as useful a close combat weapon as Kagami’s sword, Adrien’s baton, or Nino’s shield. Chloe had forgone a weapon, relying on stingers she could release from her fingertips when she wanted to. Luka and Alya were both ranged heroes, their musical instruments allowing them to throw sound if they chose to do so. “I see you’ve met the gang, Revenger. How do you like our little group?”
“I want you gone,” Lila ran toward Marinette, the crossbow slung on the hip opposite to her quiver, fists raised. Mari slapped her hand away and landed a blow to the villain’s abdomen, winding her and sending her sprawling backwards. Nino and Kagami advanced, Adrien dropped from the railing and pulled his baton from the small of his back, extending it. Lila pulled herself back up and continued to wail on Marinette clumsily, Mari blocked every blow and ducked beneath a weak kneed kick Lila swung toward her. Realising that she was surrounded, Lila tried to swipe and slap at all three of them at once, her movements clumsy and off-kilter. Kagami had sheathed her sword and taken a stance similar to Mari’s, she wasn’t just a trained fencer but she was also a black belt in Karate and dabbled in competitive judo; Kagami was a force to be reckoned with. Nino’s shield was still raised, he held it over his chest and abdomen, protecting the soft parts of his body from any blows Lila might accidentally land. 
Trying to fight both Marinette and Kagami, Lila was beginning to tire. Hawkmoth’s whispering in her ear was ignored, she was too angry, too destructive, she had ceased to care about the power he had gifted her. Alya and Luka looked at each other, the small group crowding the flailing Lila starting to grow ever smaller. Lila landed a punch to Mari’s cheek, sending blood flying from Marinette’s mouth and onto the floor; the sight shocked Alya to the core as Kagami grabbed Lila’s fist and launched her into Nino’s shield, the villain’s body smacking the ground thickly. Raising the flute to her lips, Alya played a gentle, healing melody, the music wrapped around Mari’s bruised jaw and drew out the pain, healing her. With a grateful grin to her best friend, Marinette crossed the floor to Lila and snapped her crossbow. No akuma was released.
“Check her watch,” Nino had lowered his shield to sit at his site, secured to his arm. Marinette reached down and pulled the faux rolex from Lila’s wrist, stomping the time piece beneath her heel. The dark purple butterfly flew free from the watch and tried to flutter away, releasing her yoyo with a small flick of her wrist, Marinette caught the akuma.
“No more evildoing for you,” She released the now white butterfly from the yoyo and watched it fly away. “Bye bye, little butterfly.”
As she hadn’t used Lucky Charm, Marinette couldn’t fix anything, not that she actually cared about Lila’s watch. The brunette girl’s costume melted away, the luxurious mane of hair Hawkmoth had given her remained, falling messily over her shoulders.
“Fuck you, Ladybug,” Lila tentatively pulled herself to her feet and wiped an oozing smudge of blood off her face with her sleeve, her nose was bleeding profusely. “Fuck all of you.”
“Fuck you too,” Luka wanted to feel included. Lila shot him an incredibly greasy glare and stormed from the building.
“That could’ve gone worse,” Adrien wrapped his arm around Marinette and kissed her inky hair. “Great job team.”
“Yeah,” “Good job, guys,” “We kicked ass,” responses melted together as the group stood in the destroyed courtyard. 
“I-I should do Lucky Charm so we can fix the roof,” Mari pulled out of Adrien’s hold and called upon her power. Not paying attention to what the spell gave her, Marinette tossed it into the air and released a cloud of ladybugs that fixed the smashed roof. “Tikki, spots off.”
The group returned to their civilian forms and fled the courtyard before anyone else could come. Eventually, the students returned to the school, reporters asking them for stories of what happened, the now civilian superheroes blended into the shaken crowd. Adrien held Mari’s shaking hand, Chloe ran to Sabrina and hugged her tightly, Nino rubbed his hand gently up and down Alya’s back, Luka pressed a kiss to the back of Kagami’s hand which made her blush. All the other students had seen Chloe transform but, somehow, they had all come to the unanimous decision not to tell any of the reporters or even the teachers. Because Chloe had put herself in front of her classmates, she had put herself at risk for their safety, the perception of her had changed. When Chloe released the now sobbing Sabrina, Ivan walked up to her and thanked her profusely for protecting his girlfriend, Chloe pulled Mylene into a hug and promised the smaller girl, and her boyfriend, that she would protect them no matter what. Mylene’s eyes started to fill with tears, this girl had bullied her for so many years but had been willing to sacrifice herself; with beautiful gentleness, Chloe wiped Mylene’s tears away and promised, again, that no one would ever have to fear her again. Ivan pulled Mylene away, both gave Chloe sincere and watery smiles, and sat down on a bench side by side. 
“You have changed,” Marinette placed her hand on Chloe’s wrist and looked at her earnestly.
“I told you I had,” Sabrina walked back over to Chloe and took her girlfriend’s hand, squeezing. 
“Thank you, Chloe,” Mari gave her a quick hug and returned to her boyfriend. 
“Are you alright, Sabby?” Her eyes roamed over the face of the redhaired girl beside her. Sabrina’s eyes were wide, fearful and awed. She didn’t look harmed in the slightest. Without warning, Sabrina released Chloe hands and gripped the blonde girl’s cheeks, pulling her face down to meet her level. Sabrina kissed Chloe, cheers and gasps rising up around them as their lips moved together. She’d insisted that Chloe keep their relationship quiet until she was ready but Sabrina couldn’t wait any longer, releasing Chloe from the kiss, Sabrina pressed her forehead to Chloe’s. “I-...uh...wow.”
“I love you, Chloe Bourgeois,” Sabrina’s voice was thick with unshed tears as she looked into Chloe’s sparkling blue eyes.
“I love you too, Sabrina Raincomprix,” The two girls kissed sweetly again, their classmates letting out happy whoops for the two as they held each other.
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globgor-of-mewnie · 5 years
Since When Has Our Relationship Ever Been Easy?
Okay, SO. I have grown to the point where I feel like song fics cause your work to be taken a little less seriously. It dates the work and can make it appear a little jarring. Of course, this doesn’t apply to work based off a song, but rather trying to insert lyrics into your writing in order to set a certain mood or, really, you just like the song.
 Where am I going with this? Well, I guess it’s karaoke time, because I have to insert a song into this chapter. I tried everything I could think of to not use it, but there’s going to be singing involved at some point, and I’m not creative enough to write a song! I’ll go into more details at the end of the chapter, lest I spoil what happens with this introduction. Take care and enjoy!
*Also please let me know if the extra spacing between the dialogue in this chapter bugs you guys. It takes a little extra time to get it with less space, but if that’s how you guys prefer it, I’ll be happy to oblige!
 Globgor: 9
 Eclipsa: 8
CH3-Among the Enemy
Among the Enemy
It seemed no matter where she went, Eclipsa was a stark contrast to everyone around her. Whether it be with her friends, her family, or in this case, the guards who stood valiantly along the halls of her home. They remained stoic and unmoving, even as the princess skipped happily through the carpeted corridors. Sure, she tried waving to them once or twice, but as usual, she was ignored. Most adults seemed to enjoy doing that. Blowing her off like some sort of fly. She never really understood that. Wasn’t she going to be queen one day? Shouldn’t people be giving her some attention?
 Then again, maybe her invisibility was actually a blessing considering all the mischief she had been getting in to as of late.
 She stopped at her destination-a simple door that worked as a sort of supply closet for all the magical doohickeys Glossaryck left lying around. Her mom had told her magical mentor to pick up after himself, but so far he had yet to comply. So the queen usually just wound up getting the servants to toss his junk in here.
 Much to Eclipsa’s delight.
 She rubbed her hands together eagerly as opened the door. As expected, none of the guards paid her any mind. There was nothing in there that could be considered dangerous. It was filled with a bunch of junk, like apples that could sing in a foreign language, or sock puppets that held staring matches. Annoyances rather than weapons. But what was one queen’s trash, was another princesses’ treasure!
 Eclipsa turned on the lantern that hung from the ceiling as stepped inside. She pushed some junk aside, wanting to make some room. Almost immediately, all the magical items that could talk started to chatter. The clock that snored, the hairbrush that brushed its teeth while whistling, the gloves that never stopped clapping, the list was endless. However, as fun as all these gimmicks were, there was one object the princess was searching for in particular.
 “Aha! Got you!” She stood on her tip toes in order to reach behind the mirror that showed you what you would look like if you were the opposite gender and pulled out a music box. It was a white box that glittered like a pearl. It had several knobs on the lid, each channeling a different song. Not just any songs though. These were songs that came from other dimensions. Some of them weren’t even written yet in their world and were pulled out from the future!
 Eclipsa hummed happily to herself as she sat the box down on the dresser that ate your clothes. As much as she loved hearing some of that hard-hitting music that made her want to swing her head around, she was in more in the mood for something softer at that moment. She reached for the fancy knob on the right hand corner and opened the lid. Because she had chosen an elegant song, a small ballroom dancer appeared when she opened the lid. Both she and the dancer gave a little bow to each other before the doll began her song.
 Eclipsa swayed to the music, humming along to the song she had heard many times. She imagined dancing in the middle of the forest with a bard playing nearby. After all, it would be much more fun to dance around nature and life rather than the stuffy balls the Butterflys were notorious for throwing. Much more room out beyond the castle walls. Not to mention much more excitement.
 A small smile appeared on her face as she imagined a dance partner to share this song with. Of course the first person she thought of was her secret monster friend. Ha! The very thought of Globgor dancing was priceless! He was much too serious to do something like that! She doubted he had an elegant bone in his body. He was always too dirty and grouchy. She liked him anyway though. She could tell he was a nice guy because he often brought over monster things during their secret meetings for her to see. He showed her their books, their games, their clothes, their customs, all sorts of things. She always made sure to return the favor of course, even though he acted like he had no interest in her culture. He made it very clear to her that although he made an exception for her, he still despised all Mewmans.
 Oh Globgor. She was sure if he would just take the time to have some fun, he wouldn’t be such a grump. He was way too invested in all the arguing adults got into. He was almost as bad as the princesses of the Butterfly allies. Still though, at least he gave her the time of day, something she couldn’t say about….well, most people in her life!
 “Hey Glossaryck, is that you in the-“
 Eclipsa halted her twirling as someone unexpectedly entered the room. It was a strange looking woman with white skin, long red hair, and golden eyeballs. The minute their gazes locked, the intruder swore under her breath before turning tail in the opposite direction.
 “Hekapoo!” Eclipsa shut the box and raced after the woman. She saw her walk down the hallway, pushing the rest of the High Commission with her. They were speaking in loud whispers, leaving the woman to shrug her shoulders in defense. “Hey guys! Wait up!”
 The group tried to speed up, only for the princess to run around them and plant her feet firmly on the ground, her eyes locked on them.
 A look of defeat crossed the members’ features before the big skull guy called Omnitraxus Prime spoke. “Ah Princess….we didn’t see you there!”
 “Yes you did.”
 “Well, okay it was more like we didn’t want to see you,” Reynaldo the Bald Plate said before earning a jut from Hekapoo’s elbow. The giraffe man shrugged as if to say ‘well it’s true’.
 “Baaaaaah,” the goat demon Lekmet cut in.
 “Yeah, yeah, you’re right.” The crystal-head guy named Rhombulus gave a pointed look towards the young girl. “So uh…Princess Eclipsa, is there something we can do for you?”
 Eclipsa paused. “Well…..how are you guys?”
 They all stared at her with blank expressions. They turned to confusion as they looked at one another.
 “What does she mean by that?” whispered Rhombulus.
 “Not sure. I don’t think we’ve included her in our battle strategies.” Omnitraxus looked over at his goat accomplice. “Lekmet, check our rosters. She is quite small. Maybe we just didn’t notice her.”
 Rhombulus raised one of his snake hands.“Lekmet says a good leader should know who’s attending a meeting, who could be attending a meeting, and who already had attended a meeting at all times. A roster is nothing more than a cheat sheet for lazy planning.”
 “He ate it, didn’t he?” Hekapoo quipped.
 “Guys, guys!”
 Everyone turned back to look at Eclipsa as she frantically waved her hands back and forth. “I wasn’t referring to the war! I just wanted to know how you guys were doing in general!”
 A pause.
 “……Why?” Reynaldo inquired.
 Eclipsa sighed. “Well, it’s just that, every time you guys show up here, you meet with my mom and then immediately leave. How come you guys never hang around? I mean, you do for big events, but-“
 “What is she talking about?” Omnitraxus whispered, as if the princess wouldn’t be able to hear him if he softened his voice.
 Instead of answering him, Hekapoo raised a hand. “Princess, I’m gonna stop you right there. Our job is to monitor and regulate the magic throughout the multi-dimensions. Our association is with the queen. We’re not here to sit and chat with the rest of the family.”
 “But I’m going to be queen one day!”
 “And when that happens, you’ll see so much of us it’ll be nauseating.” Omnitraxus said, his voice condescending. “Until then, well, we really have no need to associate with you.”
 “….” Eclipsa folded her arms and looked dejectedly off to the side. “….You know, I really don’t have many friends here. Everyone is so obsessed with the war. No one is interested in just hanging out, talking, or having fun. It’s like no one has the time to be happy.” She made a noise of frustration as she turned to face the window reflecting to her left.  
 “Mom says that we fight to stay alive, but what’s the point of that if we don’t do anything with our lives? It’s like we fight to live so we can live to fight! Is anyone actually interested in winning this thing? Who exactly is my mother if not the valiant she-knight revered by her people? And what will I be-“
 Her words halted as she turned to see the High Commission had fled the area, leaving her to stand alone.
 Her head sank as she tightly gripped her right arm. She had actually surprised herself with the amount of insight she had spilled on the group of magic leaders. She had always known she hated the war, but she had never put her feelings into detail before. It wasn’t just about no one having time for her. She was tired of seeing everyone so angry and miserable all the time. This war had been going on her whole life. Would it go on for the rest of it? Would everyone be unhappy forever?
 Eclipsa sighed as she made her way over to the window. She cupped her cheeks and leaned her elbows on the sill. How she wished Globgor was available to hang out that day. It was amazing that he was so involved in the war she despised, yet he still made time to meet with her once a week. It was always random days, as Globgor thought it would look too suspicious if he disappeared around the same time every week. This week they had planned to meet on Friday. Stupid ‘ol four days away Friday.
 Ugh, she didn’t want to wait that long! She really missed him! She wanted them to play together! She wished she could just go say hi to him, but no doubt the other monsters would be pretty mad about her being there. Plus she really didn’t want to get him in trouble.
 Her eyes brightened. She released a happy gasp before quickly heading off to her bedroom.
 A Mewman named Hue grunted in dismay as he landed face-first in the mud in front of him. He swore he could hear the animals of the forest giggling to himself as scrambled back to his feet and wiped himself off. This was just not turning out to be his day. How could he have gotten so lost? Ugh, it was all his cousin’s fault! Why did he have to give him such a crummy map? It was like a two-year-old drew this thing!
 He groaned as he kicked off some aquatic creature from his boot. He pulled out his map and studied it closely. He had no idea which part of the territory belonged to monsters and which one to Mewmans. How was he not good enough to get a ride to his destination? Did one have to be a soldier in order to get a little respect in the kingdom? Why, without him and his scholarly knowledge, his village would be left-
 “……” Hue stared in disbelief at the spear that not only shot through his map, but went straight through his chest. He gave a watery gasp as he watched helplessly at the red stain growing over his shirt. He tried to speak up, give some sort of vocal protest over having been slain in such a way, but his body collapsed and shut down before he could get a word out.
 “This string bean is what you stalked after for the last half hour?”
 Globgor was clearly unimpressed as Tigre, the red, bipedal tiger monster with blue stripes, walked over to the hunted Mewman and retrieved his spear. “I mean, look at how thin he is! That’s not going to feed our soldiers and their families!”
 “Hey, more meat is more meat,” Tigre retorted. He spoke with an accent similar to Globgor’s, and matched him in terms of height and build. He bound the Mewman’s ankles with rope so he could drag him back to the village.
 Globgor smirked and looked back at the much larger game, which he was also dragging along. “Everyone back home is hungry. Your little entre just made them have to wait longer. My game is more than enough!”
 Tigre rolled his eyes, but smiled regardless. “Yeah, that’s why you came to my house begging me to go hunting with you, right?”
 Globgor smacked him on the head with his tail. “I do not beg. I said an extra pair of hands would be helpful. That’s it!”
 “I’m pretty sure you threw in a ‘please’ in there somewhere.”
 This banter continued until they got home and delivered their Mewmans. The chefs and cooks took them gratefully, and got ready to prepare them along with the other hunted trespassers.
 “Can you believe your idea has completely changed the menu for monsters?” Tigre gave the Size-Shifter a playful shove on the shoulder. “Not only are Mewman numbers going down, but our resources are completely stocked!”
 Globgor raised his left eyebrows. “Do I hear an actual compliment coming from you?”
 His friend shrugged and pointed to a few adult monsters giving the Size-Shifter admiring glances. “I may as well join the crowd. You’ve gained a lot of respect over the past year, and your size changing powers haven’t even kicked in yet!”
 “Um, my growing abilities haven’t kicked in, you mean. I can still shrink to the size of an ant!”
 “Right. Impressive,” the other said with an eye roll.
 “It is impressive! You’d be surprised how much you can do when nobody can see you!”
 Tigre shrugged. “Maybe, but monsters won’t be able to look up to you if they have to look down at you, y’know?”
 “…..” Globgor folded his arms behind his head and tried to hide a smile. “…I don’t’ care if the other monsters look up to me or not. I’m just here to do my part.”
 “Oh Globgor, you’re so noble.” Tigre mocked while batting his eyes at him.
 “I mean, I’m not saying I don’t like it-“
 “-Which is why it’s going to suck when I grow stronger than you, and I become the hero of monsters!” Tigre goaded while jutting the other with his elbow.
 Globgor smiled at the challenge. “Haha, right. Didn’t we just discuss how one day I’m going to grow to the size of a giant?”
 “Well, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
 “Oh yeah?”
 Their grins grew as their eyes narrowed at each other. Nothing else needed to be said. They knew what came next.
 The stiffed their stances, posing as if they were getting ready to square off. Then they both threw their tails out and latched on to the other’s. They grit their teeth as they proceeded to wrestle with their tails, gearing to dominate the other with their strength.
 “Give it up, Tigre! Even if I don’t beat you today, one day I’ll be able to grow my tail and snap yours in half!”
 “Oh yeah? And what if you never learn how to grow? Have you considered that?”
 “Of course I will! All Size-Shifters learn once they go through puberty!”
 “How do you know? The only source you have for Size-Shifters was an old guy who-“
 Both monsters paused their battle. Globgor looked away, a perplexed look on his face.
 Tigre loosed his grip, his ears flattening against his head. “Oh hey man, I didn’t mean-“
 The boy’s words were cut off as Globgor suddenly tightened his grip on the other’s tail and flipped him over on his rump. Before he could get back up, the other boy placed a three-toed foot firmly on his chest.
 “You’ll never get stronger if you let your guard down like that.”
 “Oh come on, Globgor. You have to admit that was a little underhanded!”
 Both boys looked up to see a girl with a purple cloak pulled over her head. Her face was green and she had red speckles across her face. Her eyes were chastising, but she was smiling nonetheless.
 Tigre allowed Globgor to help him to his feet while he inspected the girl. “That’s right. ‘Ol Glob-Glob isn’t as valiant as he looks at first.” He looked over at the monster in question “What gives, man? I thought I was the only friend you had in the village.”
 Globgor shrugged. “I don’t know this girl.”
 “I’m from a village not too far from here!” the girl said, a sneaky smile on her face. “I heard about the super awesome Globgor and came to see for myself!”
 Tigre raised an eyebrow at the bewildered Size-Shifter. “That right?”
 “You’ve….heard about me?” If he was being honest, the news was flattering. He approached the girl with a confident expression. “Um, mind telling me what you heard?”
 The girl giggled. “I’ve heard that you’re very strong and loyal to your people! You work very hard each and every day! In fact, the only thing that can break that iron wall you keep around yourself is a sweet, chocolatey snookers bar!”
 Globgor’s smile disappeared. He felt his stomach drop as he inspected the face of the stranger closer. He could practically feel the color drain from his face once he realized that the green in the girl’s face wasn’t skin, but paint….
 No. Surely not. Even she wasn’t this stupid.
 The girl smiled again and gave him a small wave. “Hi Globby!”
 Behind him, Tigre released a resounding laugh. “Dude, did she just call you ‘Globby’? Ha! I need to remember that one! It’s so cute!”
 Globgor pushed down his indignation as he tightly grabbed on to the girl’s shoulders. “Um, I’ll be right back! The girl and I need to have a talk.” In a flash, the monster dragged the stranger through the village to a secluded place behind a house. Immediately he slammed her against the wall, his four eyes glaring daggers at the imposter.
 “Are you out of your mind?!!” He yelled as loud as he dared lest someone heard him.
 The girl pouted at him. “I thought you’d be happy to see me!”
 “Why on mewni would you think that, Eclipsa?!” He covered his mouth once he realized he said her name. He looked around, making sure no one had heard him. Oh, he couldn’t imagine what would happen if everyone found out the Mewman princess among them. No doubt she’d be killed or captured in ten seconds flat.
  He glared at the girl. “We agreed to meet this Friday! Last time I checked, it wasn’t Friday!!”
 “But I wanted to see you now.” Eclipsa insisted. “I’m so lonely back at the Butterfly Castle.”
 Globgor gave her a mocking pout. “Oh. Is the poor princess bored?” He glared at her, baring his fangs. “Well, we’re hungry, cold, sleep-deprived, and above all, scared! So excuse me if I’m a little less than sympathetic!”
 Eclipsa frowned at him before her bottom lip began to quiver. She turned around so that she wasn’t facing him. “You don’t have to make me feel bad. I know you work very hard. It’s just…you’re the only friend I have.”
 “That’s sad, but not in the way you’re thinking.” The boy groaned as he noticed the tears appearing in the other’s eyes. “Oh come on now, don’t start crying.”
 “I’m not…” she mumbled, wiping at her eyes.
 Globgor dragged his hands down his face with an exaggerated sigh. “Look, I’m sorry for yelling at you, but what you’ve done is incredibly dangerous for both of us!”
 The boy didn’t notice the satisfied smile that appeared on the girl’s face as the boy caved in to her crocodile tears. She turned back to him with a soft smile. “But you actually know me, and you didn’t recognize me! Look, I have my cheek marks covered! No one will know it’s me!” She shrugged. “Besides, even if they do find out, they should be okay with me since they like you and I’m your friend!”
 Globgor rubbed his lower eyes in exhaustion. “Eclipsa, you don’t know how wrong you are.”
 Eclipsa looked hurt. “You’re not my friend?”
 “Of course I’m your friend! I wouldn’t be risking my neck to hang out with you if I wasn’t!” He gave her a hard stare. “But there’s no way I can choose you over them. I promised to be there for my people. If you get found out, I don’t know what I can do to protect you.”
 Eclipsa smiled and grabbed his hands. “Don’t worry, it won’t come to that!”
 “Won’t come to what?”
 The two children looked to the side to see a young pink cat monster walking up to them with a basket in her paws. She looked between the two with wide, blue eyes.
 “P-Puma!” Globgor squeaked, putting a little space between him and Eclipsa. “Um…we were just…uh…”
 “How do you do?” Puma seemed to have forgotten her question as made her way over to the disguised princess, causing Globgor to stiffen with fear. “Have we met before?”
 Eclipsa smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m from a different village. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Puma!”
 The feline gasped as she look at Globgor in surprise. “Oh my goodness! This visitor knows my name! I feel so special!”
 “Puma, I just said what your name i-“
 “I made muffins filled with nuts!” Puma turned back to the girl and held up her basket. “I’ve been passing them out to villagers! Would you like one?”
 “Thank you!” Eclipsa took one and took a bite. It certainly wasn’t as sweet as treats back at the castle, but that didn’t make it necessarily bad. It was warm and had a sort of comforting clasp on her taste buds. “Mmm! Tasty!”
 “That’s so nice of you to say!” Puma said, placing a paw to her chest.
 Eclipsa gave her a bright smile. She was doing her best to play natural, but inside she was brimming with excitement. She had just received a gift from a monster! She was having a polite conversation with one! This was something most Mewmans said was impossible. Why wasn’t it something more people tried to do?
 She was interrupted from her thoughts as Globgor suddenly came up behind her and began to push her away. “Well, thanks for the snack Puma, but she really has to go now! We’ll have to catch you later!”
 “Already? She just got here,” Tigre said, suddenly approaching the two while giving Eclipsa a skeptical look.
 Globgor waved a hand. “Yes, but it’s a long way back to her village, and she needs to get back before dark!”
 “How do you know?” Tigre asked.
 “I just know! What’s with all the questions?!”
 “Why are you acting so skittish?”
 Eclipsa bit her lower lip as she watched the boys argue. Shoot. She hadn’t meant to get Globgor so riled up. Why couldn’t he just relax? She wasn’t afraid, so he shouldn’t be either.
 She ginned widely as she looked at the monsters roaming around in all different shapes and sizes. Well, okay maybe she wasn’t feeling relaxed. Rather, she was itching to go around and see what she could. She had never seen so many monsters in her life. She was surprised by how….normal they seemed. Oh sure, they looked nothing like her kind, but she could see a mother with her baby, two boys rough-housing nearby, and a woman tending her garden. These were all things she could easily see by looking out a window back at the castle. Who knew the two races partook in every days that were parallel to each other’s?
 Unable to help herself, Eclipsa rushed out into the streets, wanting to get a better look.
 “Look, I swear I don’t know this girl!” Globgor promised, throwing his arms up at the two feline siblings. “But you know I tend to make it my responsibly to look after my fellow monsters. That’s why I want to get her home before it becomes too late to get her to safety! I just want to make sure she’s safe!” He turned around….to see that the girl was no longer beside him.
 “I’m gonna kill her!!!” he roared.
 Eclipsa was unable to keep the smile off her face as she made her way through the town of monsters. It was so surreal! Sure, there was a rough-looking guy here and there, but everyone else seemed so friendly! Every time she waved to someone, they would smile and wave back. It was all so amazing!
 As well as….confusing. Her mom had always said the only thing a monster could feel was greed and bloodlust. So, why did these monsters act so much like Mewmans? They played together, talked together, did business together….
 A sudden thought occurred to the princess. Stopping in her tracks, she closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her. She paid no mind to her eyesight and decided to rely entirely on her ears.
 “…..Hey Mom, is it okay if Gingy stays a little longer?”
 “-on my mother’s grave, the fish was THIS big! If I had a stronger net, I would be a hero right-“
 “-found this tea that will go perfectly with that salad you put together-“
 “-don’t want to go yet, Daddy! Just five more min-“
 “-has your eyes!”
 “-love your shoes!”
 “-see you tomorrow!”
 Eclipsa was floored. In her mind, she wasn’t currently in a village filled with monsters. Rather, she was back at home, walking among her own kind. Nothing she was hearing could make her see differently! This didn’t make any sense. If everyone hated each other so much, why were they-
 Her eyes flew open as she was suddenly struck with a ball to the face. She fell over, groaning a bit as stars flew over her head. Luckily she had enough sense in her to keep her hood on, lest anyone see her Mewman hair.
 “Oh, sorry about that!”
 Eclipsa sat up to see three different monsters-a lizard girl, a frog boy, and some red one-eyed thing-look at her with concern.
 “I didn’t mean to hit you! I guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes!” the lizard girl said with a sheepish grin.
 “I told her Suzie she was going to wind up hitting someone!” the frog boy hugged.
 “Oh, get off my back, Todd!”
 “Hey, it’s okay, really!” Eclipsa stood up, holding the ball in her hands. “No harm done! What were you guys playing anyway?”
 “Just a little game of pass-along,” the red kid said.
 “’Pass-along’? Are you kidding? We have that game back at the ca-I mean, my village!”
 “No kidding?” Suzie said with a laugh. “Well heck, up for a round? The game is more fun with four players anyway!”
 “Can I?!” Eclipsa practically jumped.
 “Yeah, come on! Over here!”
 Eclipsa gleefully joined the three monsters and formed a circle with them. It was a pretty lazy game where all you did was put your fists together and pass the ball to other members by hitting it. If you tried to pass it to someone and they missed, they were the ‘loser’ and had to sit out for the remainder of the round. Despite the simplicity, the princess was overjoyed to be playing with a group of kids her age. It’s something she had been wanting for a very long time.
 They all seemed to be enjoying themselves as they passed the ball to each other, doing an excellent job at keeping it in the air. As it turned out, the red monster was the first one to miss the ball.
 Then things got awkward.
 “Oooh! You’re out, Fred!” Todd said, pointing at said monster.
 Suzie giggled as she tightened the circle of the group and grabbed the ball. “You’re the rotten Mewman, Fred! Park yourself off to the side so we can continue!”
 “…” Eclipsa lowered her hands as she felt her joy diminish by the monster’s words. “…’Rotten Mewman’?”
 Suzie shrugged. “Yeah, you know, the loser? Do they not have that in your village?”
 “Um…” Eclipsa looked off to the side, not knowing how to respond to the girl’s words. “Well…that’s kind of mean, don’t you think?”
 “Oh, don’t worry about it!” Fred said with a wave. “It’s just a game. I don’t mind being called a Mewman.”
 “Can’t we play this game without insulting Mewmans though?”
 The children went silent.
 Suzie was the first to speak, cutting the air with a laugh of disbelief. “You’re kidding, right? Why shouldn’t we insult them? That’s the least they deserve after all they’ve done to us!”
 Eclipsa’s heart sank. “I…don’t think that’s entirely fair. I mean, monsters have hurt them too-“
“Oh my gosh, are you actually defending them?” Todd said, backing away with the other two kids.
 “But it’s true! Monsters have hurt Mewmans too!”
 “Because Mewmans started it!” Suzie said, stomping her foot. “Monsters were here on Mewni first, and Mewmans forced them to leave their homes!”
 “Monsters didn’t stand a chance!” Fred added. “They had magic and we didn’t!”
 “They took our land, so now we’re barely scraping by with our food!” Todd said, clenching his fists tightly. “And they won’t rest until they’ve stolen every inch of land and killed us all!”
 “That’s not true!” Eclipsa said, genuine tears starting to rise in her eyes.
 “Oh no? You can seriously look at Solaria and say that’s not what she’s doing?” Suzie demanded.
 Eclipsa opened her mouth to deny the claims….but stopped. Her mind went over the times she had caught her mother making battle plans with the High Commission. All the red circles she would scribble over the map…..She had always known that that those were lands her mother had planned to conquer, but….she’d never thought of them as people’s homes.
 Of course she knew that monsters had inhabited Mewni first, but….they were….evil….No. They were just like Mewmans. She saw that today. So…if the Mewmans misunderstood the monster’s intentions from the beginning….
 ….did that mean that the war was all the Mewmans fault?
 Eclipsa felt glued to the ground as the monster children decided to leave her, muttering that they didn’t want to play with a Mewman-sympathizer. She gripped her arms tightly, suddenly feeling very cold. It was like a veil had been lifted from her eyes. All her life she thought it was the monsters attacking and causing Mewmans to fight back with a vengeance. Causing her mom to fight.
 Now so many pieces were starting to connect.
 Her pupils shook as she took a second look around at the monsters inhabiting the village. She had been wrong before. There was one key difference between the two races.
 There weren’t any Mewmans shivering on the sidewalk.
 There weren’t any injured Mewmans sitting nearby without any bandages.
 There weren’t Mewmans moving off to the side so they could vomit in peace.
 The Mewmans didn’t eat the tiniest portions of food she had ever seen in her life.
 The Mewmans weren’t living in broken houses.
 The Mewmans weren’t suffering like the monsters were.
 That…..that wasn’t fair.
 The bad guys….were the Mewmans.
 Eclipsa covered her mouth as she sat down on a bench resting nearby. Had the signs always been there? Had she just ignored them? Sure, she actively tried to not pay attention to the war, but never would she have guessed that it was her own people who were causing all the misery in Mewni. Her poor mother. She probably had no idea how screwed up everything was. She needed to say something. She had to tell her people that the monsters weren’t that different from them after all.
 ….But how could she do that without revealing she had been in monster territory? What if the High Commission found out? What if her mother did? They’d lock her away for the rest of her life! Worse, she’d may be unable to see Globgor ever again! What could be a more tragic fate than that?
 No, she’d have to find another way to help the monsters. A discrete way. Maybe with Globgor’s help. He could be her connection to the monster world. She’d think of ways to make up for the carnage. She just wished there was something she could do right now to help them a little….
 As if the Stump itself decided to answer her prayers, her mauve eyes landed on an abandoned guitar sitting nearby.
“-rip her stupid spades off then use them as a sleeping mask!” Globgor was in a foul mood to say the least. He had spent the better half of an hour trying to find his so-called friend before she did something to get herself killed. Did that girl ever think? Like, ever? Why was it she never took potential threats seriously? Did she really think she was immune to the deep-seeded hatred between their races?
 He was about to take another search around the block, when he bumped into a random monster. He was about to apologize when he noticed that many monsters were headed in the same direction he was. In fact, he was the only one heading in the opposite direction. Where was everyone going?
 His ears pricked up at the faint sound of….singing? Who was singing? Nobody in his village sang as far he knew. He turned in the direction of the noise, furrowing his brow in concentration.
 “Dreams to dream. In the dark of the night, when the world goes wrong, I can still make it right. I can see so far in my dreams. I’ll follow my dreams until they come true~.”
 …..Okay, Globgor had little to no experience with music, but this was the most melodic sound he’d ever heard in his life. He turned around and followed the rest of the monsters who were crowded around the source of the magical sound. He took the opportunity to shrink to a miniscule size so he could squeeze past the others. Once he reached the front, he returned to his normal size, his widened at the sight before him.
 Eclipsa was sitting a bench with a guitar, singing to her captivated monster audience.
 “Come with me. You will see what I mean. There’s a world inside no one else ever sees. You will go so far in my dreams. Somewhere in my dreams, your dreams will come true~.”
 ….How….what….Eclipsa could sing?! And play guitar?! Like really really good?! Like, he could feel her voice working as some sort of balm over his aching muscles. He had never heard a sound so pleasing to his ears before. Before he knew what he was doing, he closed his eyes so he could concentrate more on her voice.
 “There is a star waiting to guide us waiting to guide us, shining inside us, when we close our eyes~!”
 Globgor gasped as his friend hit a high note at the end. It sent shivers down his spine.
 “Don’t let go! If you stay close to me in my dreams tonight, you will see what I see. Dreams to dream, as near as can be, inside you and me, they always come true~.”
 Globgor opened his eyes as his village applauded the stranger’s song, clearly having enjoyed someone taking the time to give them a show. He watched as the princess stood up, giving a little bow.
 It was only when their eyes locked did he realize that tears had appeared in his eyes.
“I’m telling you, I just got some dirt in my eyes!”
 “All four of them?”
 “It happens!”
 Eclipsa pushed his shoulder, giggling to herself as she made her way through the forest fauna. “Why is it so hard for you to admit your more sensitive feelings?”
 Globgor grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Look, I already admitted you have talent. What more do you want from me?”
 Eclipsa’s smile softened as her eyes became downcast. “Well…next time we meet, I’m going to do better than a song. I’ll bring you some food and stuff to give to your people. I want to do what I can to help them. That’s all I can do right now until I’m queen.”
 “……” Globgor cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. “….Thanks Eclipsa. That means a lot to me.” His face became uncharistically soft as he looked her up and down. “Are you uh….okay?”
 She nodded despite the sad smile on her face. “Yeah….I guess I just didn’t want to believe you about my people. I can’t believe we’re the bad guys. We’re really awful people. I mean, I know you told me this already, but I just thought you were being a jerk. I had no idea our living conditions were so different.”
 “…..I mean, you’re not a bad person.” Globgor said, giving a careless shrug. “So…I guess as long as there’s one good Mewman, there should be hope for the rest of your people….maybe.”
 Eclipsa grinned and mimed the action of playing a guitar. “You know, everyone seemed to really like my singing. Maybe I could come back some time and-“
 “NO.” Globgor caught the girl with his tail so that he could stop her from walking. He turned her so she could see his eyes digging into her. “Eclipsa, you can never pull what you did today ever again. Do you understand?”
 “But everyone loved me!”
 “Because they thought you were a monster! It doesn’t matter how kind you are to them, or how nicely you sing, if they find out you’re a Mewman, you. Will. Be. Killed.” He groaned and ran his fingers through his light-pink curls. “I have enough on my plate as it is, I don’t need to add worrying about you on top of everything else!”
 “….” Eclipsa gave a small shrug. “It’s okay. I can look out for myself.”
 “Of course I’m going to look out for you!” Globgor said in exasperation. “I don’t want to lose you!”
 After a pregnant pause, Globgor squinted his eyes at the girl in a threatening manner. “I hate you for making me say that.”
 Eclipsa’s cheeks lit up as she heavily blushed. “Oh, you!” She turned to face him. “Thanks for showing me what monsters are really like, Globgor.” She then stood on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.
 As expected, the boy shot back like she had just bit him. “H-Hey! W-What are you doing?!”
 Eclipsa giggled and raised a digit. “You’ll never get stronger if you let your guard down like that!” She gave him a wink before heading in the direction back to the castle.
 “…..” Globgor shifted in indignation. “If you ever call me Globby again, I’ll bite your face off!” he called.
 “No you won’t!”
 “Well….I’ll want to!”
 He watched her until she was out of his sight. Once she was gone, he gently touched the spot she had kissed. No one had ever done that to him before. His first instinct was to scrub the spot clean, but he ultimately decided against it
 Geez, why did he keep getting the suspect feeling this girl was going to get him into a lot of trouble?
 And why did he feel so okay with that?
   *Song is Dreams to Dream from Fieval Goes West. You can find it on Youtube. Make sure to listen to Tanya’s version!
 I want to start by reassuring you guys I’m not going to make this story as simple as ‘monsters good/Mewmans bad��. The fault in monsters is going to be covered in later chapters. I believe it’s important for Eclipsa to be the first one to realize that her race isn’t as innocent as she was raised to believe. After all, I imagine her to be the more open-hearted one, not really wanting to be enemies with anyone. It would be a lot easier for her to let go of any prejudices she had than it would be for Globgor, who’s actively involved in defeating the Mewmans.
 Now, let me explain why I needed to use a song for this chapter. I don’t know if anyone else notices this, but Globgor always seemed entranced whenever he heard Eclipsa sing during the show. He always stood and watched before he joined in harmony. This causes me to believe he adores his wife’s singing voice. Therefore, I needed the first time he heard her sing to be nothing short of magic. I didn’t feel like I could really capture by just saying Eclipsa ‘sang really good’. I needed a song to refer to. I really didn’t want to, but I’m not creative enough to come up with my own song! On top of that, I was crazy about this song as a kid, and I still find it to be a sweet tune to this day. I hope you guys are okay with how I handled the moment and will forgive me for pretty much making this chapter a ‘songfic’ one.
 Another time-skip will happen in the next chapter. And we’re going to cover a topic that I know a lot of you have been eager for.
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angeldoggowow · 4 years
Ashes to Ashes
Amy treks the path up the mountain, determination shining on her  face. With each step she can feel herself getting more and more tired, wanting to sit down, wanting to rest. She shakes away the feeling and jogs up the mountain trail, now forgotten by society. Wild thorn bushes stab at her legs and trip her, other plants grab her blond hair. The trees above drop leaves like rain and shake, seemingly with fear. Amy runs her hand along every tree she passes and gently grabs the leaves of plants as she passes. The crunch and crack of twigs and dead leaves under her feet calms her racing heart, but she’s thinking a million miles a minute. Every few steps her feet hit a wooden plank which is meant to be part of some stairs that have fallen away long ago. She looks up, the sky clouding over, “It looks like it’s about to rain!” Amy gets pulled back by her shorts. “Aaii!” she squeaks, ripping away from the rogue branch. She pats her shorts as she continues on her way.
Amy giggled as she watched the group of children climb the mountain. “They won’t ever find me up here!” she whispered against the trees damp bark. They trek away up the path. Minutes pass like hours, and the sky goes from baby blue to vivid oranges, purples, and even pinks. Amy dangled her feet over the edge of the branch absentmindedly. Have they forgotten about me? Tears pricked in her eyes as she hurriedly scuttled down the tree. She landed on the ground, dried leaves getting crushed under her tiny feet. Pushing herself away from the tree she now feared, she sprinted up the trail. Amy smacked away any leaves or branches in her way. It seemed like she stepped on every throne branch on the ground and tripped on every bump and rock. She finally got to the temple and ran into her friend’s arms, sobbing. “I-I-I wa-was so s-sc-scared!!” Her friends looked at each other, but shrugged. Amy’s heavy breaths ring in her head as she reaches the place she has been trying to get to: a old temple. The stone temple is covered in moss, vines, and other plant matter that has dyed the stone green. The roof curves downward and has holes in several places. Part of the roof has fallen in and one wall has crumbled to rubble. The wooden arches leading to the temple itself has rotted and fallen apart. Amy calms herself before stepping onto the stone path leading to the ruins. Her bare feet slightly stick to the cold stones. As she passes, Amy puts her hand on the arch. “Damp, like always,” she murmurs sadly. She looks at the stone pillars that were said to reach the gods. Behind her there’s a sickening crack and a thud. She turns, and sees the first wood arch has finally fallen. Amy stares at it, her green eyes clouding over with thought. Laughter rang out amongst the pillars as children ran in and out of them. Amy ran from the pillars to the arches and spun around them happily. The other kids follow her like ducklings, still giggling and laughing. “This is the gate of the gods!” Amy cheered, weaving in and out of them and her friends. The children stopped in their tracks, staring up at the wooden torii gate. “A-amy...we’re not supposed to mess with them…” one of them stuttered out. “But we’re not messing with them! We’re dancing around them!” Amy stated, twirling around. They looked at each other before a few shrugged and joined Amy in her frolicking. The rest, one by one, joined her. The only one who didn’t was a little girl who hadn’t followed them to begin with in favor of sitting on the steps of the temple and reading. Amy finally spotted her and broke from the rest of the kids. She stopped in front of her and smiled, “What are you doing?” “Reading.” “Well, what are you reading?” “A book about culture.” Amy sat next to her as she talked. “But don’t you want to go play?” she asked. “No, I’d much rather read,” the little girl responded, flipping a page. Amy frowned, but was not deterred. “Then I’ll stay here while you read!” she smiled brightly. “Y-you don’t have to…” the girl whispered. “But why would I leave you here by yourself?” “You don’t know me…” “I didn’t know I need to know someone to talk to them.” The little girl smiled shyly. Gently closing her book and setting it down, she got up. “What are you doing?” Amy asked. “Going for a walk; it’s obvious you won’t leave me unless we do something,” she said, walking away from Amy. Amy scrambled to get up, screaming after her, “Wait for me!” Amy keeps walking, but much slower than before. She walks to the broken entrance, the once lavish crossbeam missing from view. The jewels that were stuck into the building are also gone, taken by robbers looking for a quick buck. She runs her hand up the beam, the smooth dirty marble cold and damp against her finger tips. As Amy stands there, a few small droplets hit her forehead and nose. She lazily looks up, and it begins to pour. Rain drops the size of bullets pelt her face and any other bare skin and soaks through her thin, oversized shirt quickly. She stares up at the sky, seemingly not caring about the sudden downpour. The rain streaks down her face like silent tears, or perhaps they are tears, blending perfectly with the rain. Soon Amy’s golden locks stick together and become sticky wet ropes, clinging to her face. Sighing, Amy walks into the ruins.
The high ceiling has several holes which allow the pouring rain to break through, splattering the floor with giant droplets. The once colorful walls are now dull, and most are gray. The gold lining has been scrapped off and any marble chipped away. The once large statue of the Buddha is missing, leaving his stand unattended; covered in a thick layer of dust and vines. The tall torches next to it are missing the golden bowl meant to hold their flames, but the poles remain, buried by flora. The golden bowl for food for the gods is also missing; probably stolen like the rest of the valuables. The only thing remaining is the jade green and ruby red floor with gold, jade, and ruby colored balls mixed in; it’s nearly impossible to steal those without tearing the whole thing down and then some. But the once beautiful sight is obscured by years of dirt, dust, and dried blood. Amy looked around at the sight she found herself in; the temple built for the buddha and the gods. A group of maidens huddled together, speaking in hushed tones to each other while occasionally glancing at Amy. She traced the mesmerizing swirling patterns on the floor, which were seemingly mixed by a stick. It seemed like hours before a monk gently tapped her on the shoulder. “Come with me, young one,” he said, holding out his hand for her to take. Amy stood and took his hand carefully as he lead her away to the depths of the temple. She strolls to a pile of rubble that looks like it hasn’t been touched in eons. She gingerly picks up a stone chunk, stretching out a old dusty cobweb in the process. “He was right; not even a spider would stay here after what happened,” Amy sighs, throwing the chunk aside. At the bottom of the pile, a slight gleam catches Amy’s eye. She clears away the stones and vines to find a monk’s staff; a five foot pole made of redwood and gold. At the top is a golden ring, and a golden spike pierces through the ring. Other smaller rings occupy the two halves of the loop, six on each side. She picks the oriental staff from the ground and looks at it in wonder. “How did you survive? Perhaps…” she trails off as she twirls it around. Only then did she notice the numerous cobwebs keeping the smaller rings from clinking together or even moving. “Tiny pests, clogging my music,” Amy remarks with disdain, ripping the cobwebs away. Once the webs are cleared, Amy swings the staff around, allowing it to make a sound similar to a wind chime during a storm. Her racing thoughts slow to a near stop to take in the familiar sound. Amy watched as the other children starred past the wall into the main hall. “What are you all doing?” she asked them. “Watching the monks with their shiny staffs!” “And their special robes!” “Okay...what are they doing?” Amy asked, stepping closer to the hoard. “We don’t know! No one will tell us!” a few hissed, by most shushed her. Walking carefully around the crowd, she seen several tall men with bald heads, orange and white robes, and tall staffs. Most of them were seated on the polished ground, chanting something under their breath with their hands clasped together with ceremonial beads. Four were standing, chanting louder than the rest. A small girl with black hair sat in the middle of the four, with her back facing the crowd. Her face was tilted downward, hands together and finger tips touching her forehead. Unlike the monks, she didn’t have black beads strung around her hand, but a red ribbon. A red silk ribbon tied her hands together. Another monk stood in front of her with a wide hat that resembled a woven basket. He otherwise wore the same things as the rest. A loud noise rang out through the hall, making the children scatter and scramble away. Amy dived to the now empty wall and peaked around the corner. It sounded again, but this time Amy knew were it came from; that monk had hit his staff hard against the ground. The monk called out something in a deep voice, making the others begin to repeat him. He hit the staff against the ground several more times, and Amy noticed the tingling undertone of the staff. Her spinning slows to a stop. The joyful, childlike gleam in her eye fades just as quickly as it came, though. Amy glances around, her sad expression returning. A side entrance catches her eye from across the hall, it’s pitch black emptiness causing her to walk swiftly to it. Peering down the hall, Amy’s expression turns blank. “It’s like a black hole…” she comments somberly. She props the staff up against the wall and turns back to the great hall. She glances at the rubble piles until she sees a piece of wood sticking straight up out of one. Walking to it, she yanks it out of the pile of rocks. “You won’t be needing this at all…” She saunters to the stump of a marble column and presses one end of the stick to it. She pulls down with all her strength. A yellow-orange glow erupts from it, lighting up the area around it. For a fraction of a second, a shrill scream sounds, and the building shakes. Strong winds blow from all sides, pushing Amy down to the ground. But it ends just as quickly as it started, and the world is still again. Pushing herself off the ground onto wobbly legs, Amy stumbles her way to the hall.
She gingerly picks her staff up from the ground and thrusts the torch into the darkness. Webs are built up in the corners, with several bug carcasses frozen in time and covered in dust. Dust hangs in the air, and it smells musty. Parts of the stone ceiling and wall have fallen out but are nowhere in sight, like a puzzle missing it’s pieces. Echoes of water hitting water sounds from somewhere deep down the hall. She carefully begins the descent into the depths. The flame tries to grasp the cobwebs and reaches for the walls, but Amy holds it firmly in front of her. The only sound in the small space is the crackling of flames, the dripping water, the ringing of the staff, and Amy’s own breathing.
The darkness looms over the small girl as she stood at the end of the hall. She shivered, her black hair swinging noticeably. “Hey!” Amy screamed from behind her. The girl screeched and turned to her, her breath heavy. “A-amy? P-please, don’t do that!” she said. “Whatcha doing?” Amy cocked her head to the side. “I-I...have to use the bathroom…” the girl whispered. “Ooohhh...and the hallway is dark…” she said, peering down the hallway. “I can escort you there, Aya!” Amy held her arm out to her. Aya looked from Amy’s arm to Amy herself. She gently took her arm and clung to her. Amy’s face burned bright, but she smiled nonetheless. Hot air whips around Amy at seemingly random intervals, sweeping her hair and clothes back. The flames attempt to lick her face with each strong puff of air. Her clothes stick to her as she sweats, as does any dust or dirt that falls. After walking for a while, Amy comes out to another hallway. The staff rings with each step, and the crackling of flame fills the empty space Amy couldn’t hope to fill herself. She walks to the first dusty door and gently pushes it open. The door creaks heavily. Amy gently pushes the torch into the room, burning cobwebs in the way with a sizzle. Along the walls were beds with blankets of dust. “Hmm…” Amy hums, bringing the torch to the floor. Wooden toys are scattered among the floor, the paint wore off them and dirt ingrained in the cracks. Under them are slightly less dusty; but only slightly. Amy tiptoes her way to a bed in the corner; the only bed that has red blankets. She props the staff against the wall and makes her way to the bed. She smiles and runs her hand across the dust layer, digging up years upon years of crusty air. With a few swift motions, part of the vibrant vermillion hue shines through. “What happened to the girls bed?” “Why is it suddenly red?” “Is she using dark magic?” The whispers made by the priestesses echoed through the hallways. Amy sat just out of sight in the children's room, listening intently. “Should we switch whose going?” the youngest priestess asked, looking to the head monk and priestess. “Perhaps we should…?” The priestess murmured, looking down with a frown decorating her face. “No doubt; this is the work of the gods. We must change everything,” he replied firmly. The small group erupted with whispers and hushed tones. “Quiet now, quiet! It’s settled; she will our new sacrifice.” Amy’s eyes widen and water. “No...no!” she cried, bringing her hands to her face. Salty tears poured down her cheeks like waterfalls. She muffled her sobs with her hands. The group dispersed, but Amy stayed, sobbing quietly to herself. “I-I have to f-f-find a w-a-ay t-t-too...” she sobbed, getting to her feet. Amy sighs, her weary eyes scanning the bed. She stands, dust sticking to her shorts and damp shirt. She walks swiftly to the door and grabs the staff she left there. Her eyes meet a torch-holder on the wall across from the door. She swings her torch to the unlit burnt stick, lighting it. The hall illuminates, casting long shadows on the bland walls. Amy wanders the hall lazily. The next door she comes across has intricate carving in the stone. It’s slightly ajar. A strong smell is leaking through the door; similar to death. Her eyes connect with the torch holder next to the door; empty and covered with crusty cobwebs. She slides her torch in the holder. “Fits like a glove,” she remarks. Amy stares at it, watching the flames lick the ceiling greedily. She shakes her head and pushes the door open fully. Bookcases line the walls and a cot is pushed in the corner of the room like it’s a second thought. The upper shelves are sparse in terms of books, but holds trinkets, jars of things in a strange discolored liquid, and other random valuables that aren’t really valuable. Amy scowls as she walks in, the air musty like the rain had made its way in the room itself. She glances at the floor by one of the shelves. One of the jars have busted, and the liquid has already run down the book shelf, effectively ruining the books it touched. There is a pool shaped blob on the floor where the liquid had settled. “What are you doing in here?!” The monk screamed. Amy whipped her head to him, half terrified half angry. “Is...is THIS what you plan to do to her?! Turn her into...into...into THIS?!” she screamed back, tears pricking into her eyes. “How did you get in here?! Get out!” he growled, grabbing her arm. He pulled her away from the bookshelf, making her drop the book she was holding. “No! No no no no! I won’t let you do this!! You WILL NOT do this!!” Amy screamed, salty tears blurring her vision and running down her cheeks. The monk picked her up by the waist. She kicked, swatted, and flailed, all the while with her eyes screwed shut. Her hand connected with something smooth and cool, and with enough force to push it. Almost immediately the horrendous sound of glass shattering filled their ears. The monk froze. Amy froze, and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she seen was one of the many jars on the shelf, broken, on the ground; she had pushed it off in her frenzy. She turned her head upward to look at the monk. His face read pure rage. With a animalistic growl, he threw her into the ground. Her head connected with the ground with a harsh thud. Amy growls, glaring at the bookcases. She throws her staff to the ground and reaches for the heavy object. She grips the edge and pulls. In seconds it tumbles to the ground like a tower made of bricks, but no mortar. The glass jars shatter on the ground and part of the bookcase itself seemingly crumbles, from what looks like dry rot. She tears down every bookcase in her brief, blind rage. After a few minutes, she calms down. She pants heavily while walking to her staff. Amy picks it up, and walks to the doorway. With a quick, almost mournful glance at the room, she saunters off down the hall.
Amy stops, just on the edges of the fires light. On the edge of her vision, she can see a door. She takes a few deep breaths and feels her way there. The door is plain, almost blending perfectly into the wall. There isn’t a handle, either. The only way to tell it’s even there is there’s a ever so slight sparkle in the space between the door and the wall; almost like there’s a light on the inside. Amy firmly plants her hand in the middle of the door. She gently leans in, her forehead connecting with sandy texture of the door. She chants something under her breath. A loud, odd click sounds from the door. Amy pushes the door open. The first thing that hits her is the heavy smell of sulfur and rotting flesh. She gags and covers her mouth, coughing like she’s hacking up her lungs. The faint, white outline of a pentagram stained with a unusually large amount of blood; certainly not enough for one person. She feels tears prick into her eyes heavily at the thought of her friend having come here, once upon a time. “NNNOOOO!!! NO, NO WAIT!!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!” Amy cried heavily, crawling after the woman dragging her friend away. “W-wait! I-I change my m-mind! I don’t wanna go anymore!” Aya cried, tearing at the arms of the burly woman holding her. “Shut it!” The woman barked, re-adjusting Aya in her grasp. “I-I thought you s-said I c-c-could decide w-whether I wanted to d-do this or n-not!” Aya squeaked. “I did. Until just now,” the woman growled cruelly. Amy stretched her hand out as far as she could, and Aya did the same. Their hands catch and they latch on as hard as they could. The woman snarled and yanked Aya to her, dragging Amy closer to her with a yelp. The woman smirked, a sadistic glint in her eye, and whistled. Amy looked up at her. She then flew backwards, a meaty thud sounding through the hall. Aya screamed, tears now pouring down her cheeks. She stared at Amy, blood running from the fresh wound in her forehead. Amy sniffles. Her hand slowly comes to her face to feel the wet streaks. She braces herself before walking into the dark room. The walls and floor are a much darker color than the hall or any other room; more of the color of lava rock. In the middle of the floor is the blood stained pentagram. There are four long, lamp like torches like the ones in the temple over head, but almost pitch black. The walls are carved to match the image of the gods with no free space at all. Amy’s hand gingerly connects with the wall as she walks the outside of the room. The feeling of carved faces, ridges that make clothes, and smooth parts that form landscapes bring a very, very limited comfort to her. She gets to the wall opposite the door, and brings her hand to her side. She stares up at the figure. Though none of the carvings have color, she knows this one like the back of her hand. The female figure is in the middle, above the others with the sun behind her. Her face the epitome of beauty, and her clothes fitted to her slender form. Amy sighs, “I suppose I was prettier back then…” To Amy, it feels like staring into a mirror and seeing who you were, not who you are. She glances at the other figures; men, women, and animal alike were gods, like Amy. Her eyes connect with the ancient writing that spells out her name; her real name. “Amaterasu… a name I haven’t been called for some time…”
Amaterasu’s melancholy gaze is catch on the other gods she knew; she was their friend, their boss, and in some cases their lover and enemy. “I said we’d live forever. I said we’d never grow old. I’m sorry; I lied to you all,” she moved to the man on her left and touched his face as she spoke. She shakes her head. Moving around the stained floor, she makes her way out of the room. The door all but slams behind her. What does it mean to be immortal? Her slow footsteps, the ringing of the staff, and the faint crackling of the torches don’t seem comforting anymore. I have no one. They seem to haunt her. Amaterasu stops at the windy hall, her eyes glossed over. With a sigh and the snap of her fingers, she marches down the hall.
With every step her appearance changes. Her white, loose shirt and shorts blend together and grows longer so it becomes a kimono with a long train; it shimmers the colors of the sunrise and sunset. The sleeves grow and cloak her arms so they’re almost invisible. Her hair darkens from blonde to a blue-black color. Her face clears of any blemishes or marks. Even her eyes change; her bright yellow eyes that shined bright than the sun are now dull, having lost their spark. When she emerges from the hallway, she is no longer Amy; she is Amaterasu. Vermillion, violet, peach, and pink paint the sky outside. It’s sunset. She slows her pace as she leaves. Don’t worry, I will join you all soon. The light paints her face as she steps out of the temple. She walks through the first arch, and stops at the collapsed one. She looks at the sun. “You were right, weren’t you brother? Eventually, humans wouldn’t need us. Like now; they aren’t children anymore...I guess I’ll see you...whenever.” She heaves a heavy sigh and closes her eyes. She feels the wind pick up and she breathes in the scent of after-rain. Her feet and the kimono train fades into the wind slowly like dust mixed crudely with glitter. It continues up her body until she’s gone. The staff falls to the dirt and stone ground, clattering as it hits stone.
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strwbryfemme · 5 years
i didn’t know who she was for a while after we first met. she just—literally—bumped into me in the coffee shop and asked me could she stay with me for a while? no introduction, no salutation, just that question. and, because clearly i haven’t seen enough horror movies, i said yes.
so i took her to my apartment, and i gave her some clothes since we were roughly the same size, and i showed her to my bed. i would sleep on the couch. she whispered a thank you and i told her i don’t mind.
she was still asleep when i got up to go to work the next day so i made her an omelette and hoped she wasn’t lactose intolerant and left. when i came back, she was still in bed. i quietly walked into the bedroom and peeked at her, telling myself i need to make sure she’s asleep and not dead so i wouldn’t get embarrassed by just how much i wanted to see a stranger’s face again.
of course, she decided to wake up then. i jumped out of the room, as if leaving then would somehow make her forget that she had seen me hovering over her seconds before.
cool it, you fucking weirdo, i berated myself as i stumbled into the living room and paced. she walked out a few moments later. she had changed out of the clothes i had given to her and back into what she wore when i met her, this fluttery red dress number.
god, she’s so pretty.
will you walk me outside, she asked, leaning against the doorframe.
fuck! i thought inside my head but out loud i said, sure. i’m going to the coffee shop from yesterday to get some work done, would you come?
with bated breath i waited for her response, hoping i hadn’t scared her away with the bedroom stint and now with my voice literally dripping in desperation.
but she nodded, slowly, and i hurriedly gathered up my computer and binder and we headed out the door.
we didn’t say much to each other at the coffee shop. i was still mortified that she’d caught me spying on her earlier, and she—well, i don’t know what was going through her mind. she seemed tense, like a bird ready to take flight at any second. but i learned that she liked her coffee opposite of mine, with lots of cream and sugar.
we left the coffee shop a couple hours later when of wrapped up my work. there was still light outside, but not much. i held the door open for her so she could leave first, and she said another thank you and practically fled down the street. damn, i didn’t think i was coming off that strong.
but suddenly a few shops ahead i saw her freeze. she stopped so fast her dress twirled around her ankles. i followed her eyes across the road, and saw that she was staring at a couple of armed men—military, it looked like, or guards. they didn’t see her, and when they had turned a corner, she collapsed, a pile of red.
i hadn’t run so fast in my life as i did when i ran to her. i let my laptop case and papers fall to the ground as i slammed to my knees and hoisted her up from under her arms, saying hey hey are you okay? hello? wake up! i still didn’t know her name.
her eyes gradually fluttered open. how beautiful they were looking up at me but never mind that this girl had just passed out on the street, this girl i didn’t know at all but wanted to help.
hey, are you okay? i asked. my eyes searched over her for bruises and cuts.
she nodded. can i go home with you?
my heart jumped. of course.
so we went home, and i put medicine on her rashes and gave her a sweater to wear because it’s winter and she shouldn’t be wearing a dress in this weather, and i made her some tea. that’s when she told me.
she was actually a princess. like, a real one. like the ones in fairytales who wear crowns and throw balls and marry princes. she told me some people wanted to kill her (the ones that made her faint today? yes, those ones) because of who she was.
doesn’t your family protect you? i asked. what about the royal army or whatever?
she looked away. my family are the ones who want me dead.
oh. i was confused, but she clearly didn’t want to talk about that part, so i asked for her name instead.
Rosana. But call me Ana.
That’s a beautiful name for a princess.
She blushed. And yours?
I sighed. I had always hated my name. It was plain. At any given point of time in my life I had known three people with the exact same name as me. But I told her anyway.
Olivia. She tasted the name on her tongue. A smile spread across her cheeks. Beautiful. I knew she meant it.
So how do we hide from the guards? I asked. This close to the castle, they’re always crawling around.
She said she knew someone, Beatrice, who could help, so we waited until the night was dark enough to cloak us and then left to find her.
The route wound through the city until I had no idea where I was or where home was anymore, but Ana did. She held my hand in hers as she led the way, finally to a little two-story Italian restaurant. We went around the back and climbed the fire escape stairs to the top, where there was a window. Ana knocked quickly four times.
Go away, Ana! A coarse voice whispered loudly from inside.
Beatrice, please open the window, Ana whispered back.
The window opened a crack. Dry pink lips spoke through the rectangle of space. Ana, you know I can’t help you.
No, you’re the only one who can. Please, Beatrice. Ana continued pleading until Beatrice finally gave in and propped the window all the way open. Ana slinked inside and I fell in behind her.
The room we entered was small and cramped, with peeling walls and cracked floorboards. But these were things I didn’t notice until a few trips later because on first sight, I was overwhelmed by the plants and crystals and books everywhere: stacked in piles on the floor and shelves, hanging from the ceiling, even lining the clearly neglected ceiling fan.
Well, sit down then, let’s get this over with, Beatrice said gruffly, but I saw the warmth in her face when Ana said thank you.
Ana gestured towards a pair of wicker chairs facing the window and as we walked to them she told me that Beatrice works with Diana the moon and she is going to change our appearance so we don’t get caught, would that be alright?
Considering I had just moved to this city and didn’t know anybody, I kept my family at a distance, and I had my doubts about magic, I said yes. Ana’s smile ensured that I wouldn’t change my mind.
So we sat in the moonlight-soaked chairs and Beatrice stood over us and mumbled some enchanting words and I don’t know how long we sat there for I just know that Ana’s palm never left mine and yet at some point it started to feel different.
Finally, Beatrice muttered that we were done and we could leave now and i opened my eyes and gasped. The person whose hand I had been holding was no longer Ana, but someone much older, with wrinkles and wiry hair and age spots. But then I saw her gentle smile, and I knew it was her. She cupped my cheek in her other hand.
Well, aren’t we the old married couple? She laughed. Suddenly I felt that my bones had aged several decades and I realized that I probably didn’t look much like myself either, which was the point. We laughed together until Beatrice shooed us out for good and we went back to my apartment.
A little while turned into a few years, as Ana continued to stay with me. Every other month we would visit Beatrice and take on new identities, but she was the same Ana I grew to know, whether she had electric blue hair and green eyes, or was six-foot-five-inches with a thick foreign accent, or completely bald. I learned that she likes walking like I do, so we always go on long walks together. I learned what color of fall leaf was her favorite and that she prefers sweet smells over floral ones. I learned she is afraid of thunderstorms and loud, sudden noises, so when the first one came through, I held her until it passed, and I didn’t go back to the couch after that night. I learned that she loves to bake so I helped her get a job at the coffee shop where we met, and even though she has to reapply every couple of months under a new name, she loves it. (Luckily, my job is off-site so I never have to worry about that.)
I don’t know when the identity spells stopped being as effective. I just know that one night, during a visit with Beatrice, I looked at Ana and she was back to being Ana. My beautiful princess. And I realized, I hadn’t just grown to know her—I had grown to love her.
The following day, I walked her back to our apartment after her shift at the coffee shop like I always did. Even with our changing identifies, we were always cautious on these walks just in case we passed the eye of a suspicious guard, so we didn’t hold hands and walked with a couple feet between us.
Today, we did pass a guard. Ana had always averted her eyes and walked farther away when this occurred, but today—something changed. She looked right at the guard and grabbed my hand. I gasped and tried to pull away, but she refused to let me go, and eventually I squeezed her fingers between mine.
The guard’s uncaring eyes were suddenly very interested in the two of us. The knuckles on his gun whitened ever so slightly, but he didn’t do anything except stare. And Ana didn’t let go of my hand.
We didn’t stop walking until we knew we were alone and safe again, and before I could exclaim anything, she kissed me.
I’m tired of running, she said. I’m tired of being afraid. I just want to be with you. I love you, Olivia.
I cupped her face in my hand as she had done so many moons ago, and I told her I loved her, and the princesses lived together happily ever after.
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