#like clint and bruce make so much sense as friends (or as more whatever you want) if you think about it for more than five seconds
captainsolocide · 2 years
how are there still zero mavg!Bruce/Clint fics on ao3. what more could you want. bruce offers, unprompted, clint an air mattress in his room even though there are at least three empty crew quarters he could use. they have a secret coffee place that clint didn't want bruce to take monica to. clint warned bruce to stay away from monica. bruce is learning asl even though he's terrible at it. bruce is aware that clint consistently goes through their rooms and is only mildly annoyed at this. 1/3 of clint's audio files are to bruce. THEIR COLORS ARE PURPLE FOLKS C'MON
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m2ok · 2 years
Loki X Stark!M!Reader
A/n Hello! So this is my first fic :P I’m not that proud of it, and it’s weird in some places but I needed something to kick start the creative juices. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings mainly fluff, slight angst if you squint
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Being Tony Starks son had afforded you many opportunities in life, most of which you’d opted out of in favor of a quieter life. You’d always been that way, always shied away from the camera when you were a kid and your dad would take you out, spending most of your time in your room as a teenager to ignore the hustle and bustle of your dads life. But now, as an adult, you found that this self-induced isolation worked more as a counter weight for success than it did anything else. You weren’t the best at interacting with people, and you took on a bit of your fathers short temper, so naturally this meant you didn’t have very many friends. A few that still lingered from high school, sure, but no one you could regularly talk to besides your father. So Tony, being the observant parent he was, decided it was high time he pulled you out of this sort of life style.
And the best way to do this? Let you join the avengers of course!…well sorta. He was still your dad after all, so going out into the field was off limits. But you were allowed to tinker down in his lab with the equipment, talk to the others and tell them your plans for upgrading their weapons. It was easy for you to get used to the new environment, Tony had warned the team of your standoffish-ness, so they took care to be gentle and patient with you while you warmed up to them. The more time you spent around the team, the closer you grew to them. You could make fun of your dad with Steve and Bucky, talk boys with Natasha who’d always longed to have a little brother, conduct fun science experiments with Bruce, and of course, explore the streets of New York with Clint.
Thor was hard to spend time with, usually he was off doing…well whatever a God did when he could fly through space. And when he was on Earth it was typically just to drop Loki off when there was no one to watch the mischievous God back on Asgard so that the team could in a sense babysit him. You had taken a certain liking to Loki. You found he was the easiest to talk to, it seemed he spent just as much time holed up in his room as you did so it was easy for you two to relate to each other. He was really the only person you could just sit in silence with and do your own thing. He’d be on the couch reading a book while you finished a few calculations for a new experiment, not worrying about the awkwardness of the still air since there was simply nothing to be awkward about.
Everyone could see the way you two clicked, how Lokis shoulders seemed to relax when you were around, how his eyes lingered on your for just a little longer than they did the others, and how he always had this sort of fond look in his eyes when you spoke as opposed to the one of disdain he held with everyone else. Everybody could see that something more was bound to happen, including Tony. He wasn’t keen on his son, his brightest star, his pride and joy, being with someone like Loki. And you knew that, of course you did. There was no way you couldn’t notice how he’d usher you out of the room to ‘fix some reactor’ whenever he’d seen you and Loki getting just a bit too close for his liking. Or how he seemed to stare Loki down whenever the god would glance over in your direction.
But it seemed that on a certain day the universe was in your favor, Tony was off at a meeting that you, frankly, didn’t care enough about to remember what it was for, and the rest of the team was either on a mission or training down in the gym. Which meant that for the first time you and Loki were completely alone together. You’d both opted to stay in your room Instead of the living room. You said there was ‘more to do’ and Loki was not about to argue with being behind a closed door with you. You wanted to take the moment to tell him how you felt, to confess your attraction to him in hopes he’d feel the same. But it felt like your mouth was taped shut. You’d never confessed to someone before, you had no idea what you were doing! You were more afraid of embarrassing yourself at this point than you were getting rejected.
You tried to bring it up multiple times. All without luck.
“Uhm…Hey, Loki,” you asked as you tentatively looked over at him
“Mhm yes, [Y/N]?” He questioned back
You felt the little bit of confidence you had slip away as he looked over at you with a gentle smile, you returned one back before shaking your head and staring back at the tv
“Never mind..forgot what I was gonna say” He could tell you were lying, and that you were nervous, but he wasn’t going to push it.
The second time you got just a bit further
“Loki” you’d say suddenly
“Yes my dear?” He’d reply
“I just..I wanted to say that I like-“the words were coming out of your mouth quicker than you could process what he’d said. The little nickname flushed your face a bright red and, once again, your confidence was gone.
“I like the book you’re reading.” You’d say hurriedly, hoping he wouldn’t get suspicious. He was. He knew you’d never read his book.
The third time, you decided, you were finally going to spit it out. Get it over and done with before you could make a fool of yourself again.
With a deep breath you pulled the book away from him and tossed it to the other end of the bed
“Loki look. I don’t know how to do…this” you gestured between the both of you
“I’ve been trying all day and the words just keep getting lost, but I want to do this now while everyone is away.” You looked up at him for the first time since you started speaking, his eyes were soft, his lips had a little smile on them. Not the slick grin he typically had, no, this one was kind and showed you nothing but adornment.
“I..I really like you. More than I think a friend should like another friend. And- and I wanted to be more than that- friends I mean. I want to be more than friends. With you” you rambled on, looking up at Loki once again for a reaction.
All he could do was stare down at you, searching for any sort of untruth behind your eyes. There was no possible way someone as incredible as you could have fallen for him, he thought himself a monster, unlovable. But here you were, telling him with your whole heart how much you liked him. But you took his silence as something else, as rejection. Like he was just looking for the right way to let you down easy. Your nerves were going wild, tears going to your eyes less from rejection and more from the sheer anxiety running through you.
“You don’t uhm you don’t have to feel the same. I just needed to tell you-“ he put his hand behind your head, pulling you closer so he could connect your lips with his and affectively end your rambling by shutting you up. You were shocked for a second before reality set in and you were closing your eyes, your hands coming to rest on his shoulders while his moved down to your waist to pull you on to his lap. You had always assumed you’d get the cliche sparks flying when you kissed Loki, but this was so much more than that. The sparks felt like little bursts compared to the sheer amount of love Loki was pouring into the kiss, you didn’t even know this much emotion could be put into one movement. You felt about ready to cry your eyes out at how overwhelmingly intense the kiss was.
Loki pulled away just before you lost your breath, you whining at the loss of contact anyways “no need for that, my love” he said, the pad of his thumb coming to wipe the small tear from under your eye “I’m sorry that for even a second you thought I didn’t feel the same way…I was just shocked. All my life I didn’t think I’d find someone I cared for as deeply as I do you. I’ve watched those around me fall in love, and I always thought that luck just was not in my favor for that. But here you are, you come along and suddenly my entire world is turned upside down in…in the most wonderful way I’ve ever known. I’m completely and utterly in love with you, please never for a second think that I’m not”
He pulled you into yet another kiss like he had to prove to you through something other than words that he meant what he said. You moved your hands to cup his face, pecking his lips three times before pulling away to look at him. “I don’t think my dads gonna be very happy about this” you said softly, but he only laughed. Shaking his head as he wrapped his arms completely around your waist, pulling you in so you were flush against each other. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him” and you could only agree.
You’d worry about your father’s reaction later, for now you just wanted to enjoy the blossoming relationship you had with Loki.
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wellsayhelloaagin · 2 years
Angst Week 2.0 Story 4/7 | Angst Week 2.0 Masterlist
Summary: Sequel to Dust. Moving on after the snap was hard but losing someone else was harder.
Pairing: Natasha x reader, Wanda x reader
Genre: Angst
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: fighting, character death
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You stared up at the compound in front of you, the walls representing all that you had lost just days before.
The final number hadn’t been calculated but you all knew regardless.
Half of the world.
Half of the universe.
Gone in just a single snap. 
A few of you had survived, the last remnants of a team that was supposed to be the mightiest heroes.
You felt like a failure.
Steve had barely talked to anyone, his stoic silence keeping you constantly on edge.
Bruce was the opposite, spending his time mumbling about algorithms and chemicals. You knew this was his way of coping, to try and make sense of this new world by explaining it through science but it just made you more anxious.
Thor was angry. He had spent the past few days walking around, swinging his axe through the air. He would mutter promises under his breath about not missing the chance again. You did your best to stay out of his way.
Natasha seemed more at ease after hearing from Clint, the archer making his way toward the compound to help assess the damage. 
No one had heard from Tony. Pepper and Rhodey were often seen sitting together, their faces a mask of identical pain. 
The rest were scattered, some staying behind to begin the clean-up in Wakanda, others venturing into the world to find answers or a way to reverse what had happened. 
The list of lost souls kept growing, the world left behind was in utter chaos as people desperately clung to the hope of their loved ones being out there somewhere.
Your heart felt heavy, like you couldn’t quite catch your breath.
You had lost so many.
Vision, Bucky, Fury, Hill, Wanda.
Even thinking her name brought tears to your eyes, the sharp pain of loss so fresh.
You couldn’t get rid of the image of her disintegrating before you, her body floating away in the wind as if she had never been there to begin with.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you look over to see Natasha, her blond hair still grimy from the battle.
“We’ll find a way to bring them back,” she promises you, her voice confident. “Whatever it takes.”
Time passes.
The world settles into a new normal. 
Tony returns a few weeks after the battle. He brings news of more loss but the relief that floods Pepper’s face is unmeasurable. 
Thanos is killed, not that it made much difference.
The stones were gone and the hope of bringing everyone back was destroyed with them.
People cope in their own ways.
Tony starts a family.
Steve tries to help those who remain.
Thor tries to escape the pain, hiding away and living his life blissfully numb to the world.
Clint disappears. There are whispers of what he does but you don’t want to believe them. So you ignore them instead. 
The rest of you do what you can, saving people who need to be saved, trying to live up to the legacy left behind by the ones you lost.
Natasha never stops trying.
She gives it her all every single day, her mind constantly trying to crack the puzzle, to find the missing piece to bring everyone home.
You spend most of your time with her.
At first, it makes the pain worse.
The constant reminders of Wanda stitched into every moment with Natasha.
She had known Wanda just as long as you had, helped to train her and guide her. She had been a friend to both of you and one of the biggest supporters of your relationship.
The years you and Wanda spent on the run, Natasha was the reason you could stay together.
But slowly, being around Natasha began to hurt less. 
The two of you would share your memories of Wanda, reminiscing about the past and you would smile instead of cry. You would laugh together as you worked, and you began to feel lighter around Natasha. You started to feel like your old self again, like maybe — just maybe — things would be okay.
A few years after the snap, things start to shift.
When you look at Natasha you can feel your heart beat faster.
When she smiles, your stomach does somersaults.
When you hear her laugh, you want to capture the sound to play on replay.
You recognise the signs, you realise that you’re starting to develop feelings for her.
You try and run from them.
You stop spending time with her outside of work. You avoid talking about personal things with her. You try and distance yourself from her, a desperate attempt to stop the feelings from growing.
You couldn’t shake the guilt that you were betraying Wanda somehow. That your feelings for Natasha would somehow erase your feelings for Wanda.
It doesn’t work though.
Natasha calls you out on your bullshit, demanding to know why you were avoiding her.
The conversation is messy, and all your fears are laid out on the table. She does the same, crying about how she couldn’t stand to lose someone else she cared about.
How she couldn’t lose you.
Things clicked then. Maybe Natasha cared for you too. Maybe you could love again. Maybe you could be happy.
When she kisses you, you don’t push her away.
The kiss is salty, her tears mixing with your own.
You feel like you’re flying.
You feel whole again.
Loving Natasha was easy.
You had known her so long and she knew you too.
The days seemed brighter and you began to look forward to the future again.
Natasha was still stuck in the past though and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t help her shake the insistent need to fix things. 
She worked herself to the bone, constantly on alert for any sign of a threat. 
You would frown when she would crawl into bed well past midnight, her body sagging in exhaustion. She would be gone before you woke up each day, already down in her office pouring over the files there.
You tried to support her best you could, bringing her food so she didn’t rely solely on peanut butter sandwiches, helping her sort through paperwork to lighten her load, making her smile when you could.
You just hoped that one day she would forgive herself for what everyone else already had.
When Scott Lang returns unexpectedly, things start to fall into place quickly.
All of a sudden everyone seems excited. Words are being thrown around that you don’t totally understand.
Tests are being conducted, some more successful than others.
Before you know it, a plan is in place. 
You want to remain hopeful but you can’t shake the feeling of dread that’s eating you up inside.
“What if we fail?” you whisper to Natasha.
The two of you are curled up in bed, noses pressed together and legs intertwined.
You know you should be sleeping, everything set for the following day. But you can’t sleep, not knowing what to expect has you on edge.
“What if we don’t?” she counters, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Please come back to me,” you beg, not even caring about the desperation in your voice.
“I promise,” she replies easily, hand cupping your cheek as she pulls your lips towards hers.
You wanted to protest when the plan was changed, Nebula insisting that Clint would be a better option to travel with Natasha. You want to yell and scream that you don’t want to leave her.
But you stay silent, nodding in agreement when you’re told to travel with Tony. 
You can’t shake the feeling like this was all a mistake though, your mind running wild with endless possibilities.
“See you in a minute,” Natasha smiles confidently at you, her green eyes shining with excitement. 
Buttons are pressed and you’re taken back to the battle of New York. You follow Tony’s directions, collecting your stone as planned and making your way back to the present time.
“Did we get them all?” Bruce asks as your suits disappear.
You look around the circle, searching for a familiar triumphant smile.
“Are you telling me this actually worked?” Rhodey holds up an orb, confident in the mission.
Your eyes land on Clint as he sinks to his knees before you.
“Clint, where’s Nat?” You don’t really need to ask the question but you do anyway.
The silence in the room is deafening, no one knowing how to respond.
All the joy of collecting the stones is overshadowed in an instant.
You want to scream. How could this be happening again?
You feel your knees give out, your body falling to the floor. You’re aware of an anguished cry echoing in the room and it takes you a moment to realise that you’re the one making it.
You feel a hand on your shoulder but it’s not the comfort you want right now. You want Natasha to appear, to tell you everything was fine.
But she wasn’t coming back.
Her soul traded for a stone.
Your heart once again torn apart.
You don’t have time to grieve, the battle for the universe finding you once again.
The compound is destroyed, Thanos and his army once again threatening life as you know it.
Despite the fight waging on, you can’t seem to focus. All you can think about was Natasha. How hopeful she had seemed.
You wanted to tell her that it worked, that everyone had returned with their stones and that Bruce had used them to bring everyone back.
You knew how badly she wanted it, how she gave her life just for the chance for it to work.
You wanted to make it mean something.
Standing amongst the debris, watching Steve walk alone towards the mad titan, it felt like it had all been for nothing.
Natasha’s sacrifice would mean nothing if you lost now.
But all at once, thousands of portals appear and he doesn’t seem so alone. Your old teammates, ones you hadn’t seen in five years are walking out to join you all.
You spot the red energy a few hundred feet away and your heart leaps into your throat.
You don’t know how to feel.
Your heart still aches for Natasha, the loss still fresh in your mind. But Wanda was back and to her, no time had passed at all.
You didn’t know how you would explain everything to her, how you were going to tell her that you had moved on while she had turned to nothing.
You felt torn between the person you were then and the person you were now.
But the fighting resumes and you don’t have time to think, survival instincts kicking in. You dodge and weave through the bodies, trying to get close to Wanda, to let her know you were still alive.
You watch as she attacks Thanos herself, looking stronger than she ever had before. You’re certain she’s going to finish him on her own but then you’re all ducking for cover as you’re being fired upon.
Wanda is blown away and you want to run to her, to try and see if she was okay but you’re faced with a wall of creatures heading straight for you.
By the time you’ve cleared the way with the help of some Wakandan soldiers, you’ve lost her again.
You resign yourself to the fact that you won’t see her until after the battle, hoping with your entire being that she survives.
You weren’t sure you could handle losing her again.
The fighting continues around you, your body utterly spent after the exhaustion of the last day. Just when you think you can take no more, you spot Tony up ahead of you. He dives toward Thanos and they fight over the stones before Tony is flung away.
You hear your name being called and you turn to see Wanda running toward you, her face flooded with relief. You start to run toward her but you’re distracted by an alien creature behind her.
She hasn’t noticed it yet, hasn’t seen it raise its weapon in her direction. She’s only a few feet away and you act without thinking.
You leap forward, placing your body between her and the blast of energy shot toward her.
You feel the impact, the pain radiating from your chest as you fall to the ground. Wanda cries out, firing a red ball toward the creature but it has turned to dust, as has the rest of Thanos’ army.
“We won,” you gasp as Wanda falls to her knees beside you, cradling your head in her lap. 
“We did,” she replies tearily, hand smoothing over your hair. “We won.”
“I-” you begin before coughing, blood dribbling from the corner of your mouth.
“Shh,” Wanda tells you, wiping the blood away. “Don’t try to talk, save your energy.”
She looks around for help but there’s none to be found, just the destruction from the battle.
She turns back to face you, offering you a teary smile.
“Please, hold on,” she begs, her hands hovering over your wound, her magic trying to heal you. “We can fix this.”
“I’m so glad you’re alive,” you whisper, the effort of talking becoming too much. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Wanda professes, hands working desperately.
But it was no use. You can already feel yourself slipping away, blackness overtaking your vision.
“No, no don’t go,” Wanda’s voice sounds frantic. “I can’t lose you.”
You want to say something but you can’t, your body feeling heavy.
The last thing you hear is Wanda’s cries and then, nothing.
I no longer do taglists but you can follow my library blog and turn on notifications to get alerts when I post a new story @puppiesbrainsandbabieshearts
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writtenbywings · 2 years
The Widow’s Watchman
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The Winter Soldier has a quest for revenge, and Melina Vostokoff is at the top of the list. In order to save her mothers' life, Natasha must go against Bucky. 
Anger, malice and death are on the cards for this slow burn adventure, though love was never an expected guest.
Chapter word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Language
Link: The Widow’s Watchman
Type: Slow burn romance 
I'm humbled by the smiling pie in front of me– its shortcrust edges and gelatinous berry center filling the kitchen with flavor– too fancy to be from New York. No, the pie itself had come from a quiet little French patisserie in the south, where the fruit was sharp and sweet, and the pastry was blind-baked in a clay oven. There was no note attached, though piped cream had been swirled to form an 'x' at its center. An oh-so threatening message.
A warning.
"That's the third one this month." Steve said, coming into the kitchen with an armful of wood for the fire. Winter had crept in overnight, the biting fingers of frost finding its way into our penthouse apartment, and its 250-bag lease.
I mumbled something half-heartedly and closed the lid to the pink-box, not wanting him to read too much into the sugar, egg and icing that was my kind admirer.
The wood fell to a thump on the ground, and Steve gave one of those boyish half-smiles that went kindly with a flushed face. "Error at the bakery?"
"Something like that."
"Something like that, she says." I hear him laugh, his footsteps getting nearer. He appears at my side, a hand outstretched for the lid.
My movements are quick, and I fight off his fingers with a slap.
"I'm not allowed to eat this one either?"
"We don't know who sent it. It could be laced with all sorts of poison."
"Just a bite. I'm sure a little cyanide wouldn't kill me."
I rolled my eyes and stepped aside, welcoming him and his golden-retriever grin forward. He took a fork from the drawer and began to pick at the death-marked dessert, not seeming fazed by its ingredients.
"Have you heard from Tony?" I asked, a half-attempt at conversation.
Steve and Stark weren't on speaking terms, though for what hundredth reason, I didn't know. Perhaps the one time I had been left out of the loop… something that didn't happen often.
Gone were the days I braided Stevie's hair and burped Tony over my shoulder. They were both as bad as each other, and my patience for their girly squabbles had worn to nothing.
Though this time felt a little different – a little off. And whatever Steve had done to Tony's ego… wasn't good. Robo-cop wasn't even returning my calls.
With a mouthful of pie, Steve shrugged, his face losing a little of that outdoor flush.
"Have you tried talking to Pepper?"
Steve shrugged again.
I was ready to let the topic dry up, when Steve pulled out a letter from his back pocket and slammed it on the counter. It was thick paper, hand-written and pressed in black foil.
Stark Industries had been printed on the header.
My eyes snapped quickly to the mention of Hydra, and blurred out all the unnecessary military gunf.
"A group of classified files have been stolen. An unknown hacker, with seemingly no fingerprint on any program we own, managed to deep-dive into Tony's system and pull an entire century's worth of metadata out with the snap of a finger."
My blood ran cold, and I pressed my lips together, trying to make sense of what spewed out in front of me.
"They're saying Tony did business with some big-money dealers a few years ago. He wanted to end the contract after what went down in Afghanistan, though it was too late. They came to collect."
"My family." I blurted. "I trusted SI with the identity of my family… my friends. God, all of my life is in that system. All of yours, Bruce, Clint… even Clint's kids."
"This is what I said."
Steve chewed a mouthful of pie and then swallowed hard. "The conversation got a little more… heated."
"Was it Tony's fault?"
"The board."
I sighed, my knife getting hot without a victim to stab away the blame. I glanced to the pie, to Steve's dirty fork, to the letter that made everything in our downtown apartment look cheap.
I needed answers.
"Nat–" Steve hurried, though my hand was already on the keys. "Nat, where are you going?"
"To speak with Stark Industries."
Tony was sat behind a mirrored table– the wedge of glass thick enough to hold an aquarium, or a mountain of classified files. He had an elbow resting on it, and the other toying with one of seven sharpened pencils– STARK printed at the narrow end.
Pepper wasn't here - no one was.
The little hideaway that Tony had built strangely silent– not a vengeful axe or a deathtreat headed his way. Strange, as paparazzi had greeted me near the gates.
"I told you once, and I'll tell you again - I don't know how they did it."
I splayed my fingers on the arms of the chair I was sitting in, trying not to squeeze the life out of the leather. "You're Tony Stark… you made life support out of old car batteries and red wires. You're telling me you don't know how someone managed to hack the business that's arming the world's defense from space?"
He sighed that Tony sigh, flicking his eyes to the floor and then to the city-wide view behind me.
He knew more than he was letting on… he knew something was coming.
I stood abruptly and narrowed the space between us, slamming my fist on his perfect desk.
It didn't make a dent - though the glass chinked on impact.
"Who did it?"
"Who did it?"
"Listen here, warrior princess–" Tony stood, "I got ten men arming my front door and a basement full of blood-soaked files downstairs that could have been leaked to the press, hadn't I got there in time. I saved what I could, I've inscripted the rest of the data to keep everything safeguarded, and the moment this bastard releases so much as a phone-pin to the newspapers, I'll have every top-ranged Russian sniper aimed at his ass."
My eyes narrowed, though I didn't move.
So it was a 'he' that did this.
Tony released a long breath and looked helplessly to the floor.
"It was James Barnes." He eventually fessed.
The muscles in my jaw tightened. "Bucky?"
Stark nodded.
"Why would he do this? What did he have to gain?"
The Avengers had dealt with their fair share of Winter Soldier drama back in the day – mainly with Tony in the firing line, and Steve with his tangled heartstrings keeping us all at bay.
We had bigger fish to fry once the drama was squashed, though Bucky had always kept his eye out– that skull crushing arm just enough in reach to cause damage when the time came.
Apparently, that time was now.
"What does he want? He's been off the grid for years…"
"He wants revenge."
"On us?"
"On the people that did this to him."
My brows hitched. "What would Stark Industry have to do with Hydra's experimenting? He killed your parents, does he want to finish off the bloodline now too?"
Tony smiled, too much of a stickler for sour comedy.
I thought I had pushed it too far, as his grin went stale and dry, though something else reached his eyes - a pity, a sadness.
"He wants Melina Vostokoff."
My blood began to boil.
"Why?" I demanded– a simple word for a simple answer.
Tony began to clear his throat and adjust himself back into his seat, looking to flower up the reason I wanted. No.
Not like this.
"Give it to me straight." I simplified.
"Melina was involved in the Winter Soldier project. She, unfortunately, is on his hit list."
I laughed, short and stiff, enough to make an average man sweat.
Tony was no average man.
"And he got Melina's details off the data… of course." I shook my head. "I can't let him kill her. I won't let it happen."
"No, Tony. I trusted their whereabouts with you and Stark Industries. What if he goes after Yelena? What if this breaks out into a war?"
Tony sighed, absentmindedly scratching the electric plate that bloomed like a ray of sun from his chest. A heart without a pulse– it cast a shadow from beneath his shirt, though I didn't acknowledge how mortal it made him seem.
As much bone, blood and brain as I was.
As Melina was.
No, I couldn't let Bucky get to her. I couldn't let him take the only mother I had known.
I would go to Russia and stop him before he made contact, and hopefully, before Steve got in the way of my gun. 
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@thefleetsfinest sent the MISTLETOE prompt -> 🌿🍒 x how ever many you want to write for however many muses of any combinations of our blogs. <3 -> well obviously there are three combos of babes i am going to start eith, but I might write more little things uwu
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For whatever the real reason mistletoe existed, not the literal plant, but the tradition of hanging it in doorways and KISSING whoever was met underneath was one that Clint followed. Now over the years he has accused, with reasons that were false, that he was using this to kiss anyone and everyone. A seasonal form of Hawkeye harassment.
Now he did in fact kiss, and hey come on it was always a cheek kiss with consent, everyone thst would appear underneath where it was hanging. Somewhere along the way over the years he was sure the meaning if mistletoe and kissing was misconstrued but Clint kept with hanging some up. The REAL reason being was it gave him the opportunity and chance to dote affection for the many, MANY important individuals throughout his life. Fellow avengers, friends he otherwise didn't see often, the inner circle of people that at this point in time Clint could not find himself to be able to live without anymore (that was an alarmingly large circle).
It's a lame excuse he knows, but it felt necessary in many cases when he would again cite the other half wasn't easy to dote on or he didn't see often and OH LOOK OPPS before he move to plant a cheek kiss (pending any rejection). Most of which suffered and let Clint away with this. It's the easiest way to hide affection, to show some of that while giving a lame excuse to pass off than having to admit that the archer superhero's heart was a lot bigger than his chest and there were so many that he appreciated.
Now LEONARD MCCOY was someone who in category C of all places in his life. Primarily meaning he was someone whose come into his life and he didn't think he could live without, someone he trusted implicitly would be there for the next several hundred mistakes and failures Clint would make. Someone who would catch him when he fell again and again.
He's like a brother to him, at the beginning a civilian doctor who saw the injuries he occurred after he came back to life. Scrapping together the pieces of what happened to the world after his sacrifice. Captain America gone, his marriage with Bobbi got a whole lot more complicated when he found out she had been some pawn in a long con Skrull invasion (that further robbed of his sense of reality which he had already been grappling against after everything he vaguely couldn't remember eith Wanda). He wore a different suit then, took a different name because Steve Rogers was dead and he hadn't ever been able to admit how much direction in life that man had given him.
Everyone remembers how he antagonize him but came to trust him more than any man he ever before when Clint was young and in his twenties.
Leonard McCoy had been there when he was piecing everything back together. A lost man himself he would later understand and the southern doctor tended to his scrapes and bruises over the hardest years of Clint's life.
The only person he requested to call while awaiting his trial for the killing of Bruce Banner, the only person who saw him before he vanished from New York City when he needed to try to reclaim some sense of reality, of sanity, when he couldn't get the shake out of his hands because he'd remember the weight of what he did for Bruce. The arrow he gave him, the shape and weight memorable. Leonard knew all of that, listened for months as he struggled his way across the country trying to HELP others and himself.
The friend who got the calls from him when he was living LA and felt like life was okay as he watched Kate with pride resurrect a West Coast team.
So catching Leonard under the mistletoe, he had been on the list of someone who needed to be caught under it. Now his sponsor, best friend, the man who helped him with his own recovery, Clint hardly needed an excuse to show him affection. He thought he was quite affectionate but catching Leonard there was an agenda.
It's a the perfect excuse to show the man how much his friendship had value in his life. He's sure that Leonard knew, how could he not and if he didn't? Well, then Clint has really screwed up here.
Either way, he manages to catch Leonard under the mistletoe, recently hang back up for the man's invitation over to his apartment for quality time because he's family more then friend. His fingers curl into the man's right shoulder, bunching up his shirt and keeping him there. ❝ C'mon, it's tradition. You scared of a little green plant, Doc? ❞ He asks before he's going in for the kiss.
Now this was Leonard and the only way to convey how much he means is not slip of the lips on his cheek. He presses his own lips to the corner of Leonard's mouth, half onto his lips. He holds there, kissing the man and he's sure that he understand that this was platonic, that man was his brother and he just needed him to known and feel that love. That he was a cherished friend.
Clint pulls away, his face almost red because he held way longer than others and now knows what flavor of chapstick that Leonard applied. ❝ You kiss Linda with sunscreen flavored lips? ❞ He says when he pulls away, absolutely judging the man before he dips his head.
❝ I love you, buddy. ❞
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robertdowneyjjr · 2 years
ahh its me again!! my stevetony ideas are endless
tony has a habit of nicknaming everyone he loves bear, like rhodey is honeybear and bruce is brucie bear and peter is spidey bear, and steve is the only one who doesnt have a nickname. hes sad about it because he thinks its because tony doesnt like him but obviously the truth is tony likes him too much and is trying to hide it 🥺
Steve isn’t sure why Tony doesn’t seem to like him as much as the others. He’s trying so hard, too, to be as good a friend to Tony as Rhodey or Bruce are, and most days he thinks they’re doing pretty well. Tony smiles at him, jokes with him, spars with him, eats lunch with him… They actually hang out together all the time, and yet Steve can’t help but think that Tony’s just humouring him, pretending to be friends for the sake of the team.
He knows it doesn’t make any sense. Tony’s a busy man. If he doesn’t like Steve he wouldn’t be spending so much time with him when he could and should be focusing on other things that are more important.
But Steve can’t help this feeling when he’s the only one who doesn’t get a cutesy bear nickname.
Every time Rhodey comes to visit, Tony greets him with an “I’ve missed you, Rhodeybear!”
When he’s in the lab with Bruce, doing whatever it is that geniuses do together, Tony tells him, “Thanks, Bruciebear” whenever he’s handed a new set of data.
Even Natasha gets a “Be nice to me, Nattybear!” when she joins their sparring sessions, and she even lets Tony off the hook for it.
Meanwhile, Steve gets called Capsicle or Iced Cappuccino or Capri-sun. What he wouldn’t give to hear Tony call him Steviebear. Hell, at this point, he’d even settle for Capybara.
He’s doing his best to destroy a punching back after passing by the living room earlier and overhearing a familiar voice tell Thor, “I’m gonna kick your ass at this game, Thunderbear” when Tony enters the gym.
“Ease up on the bag, Capslock, and come grab pizza with me.”
Steve sighs and stills the bag, resting his forehead on it for a moment to catch is breath. He doesn’t respond to Tony or acknowledge his presence right away, trying to quell his frustrations so he doesn’t lash out at Tony.
“Cap? Steve, you okay?”
Hearing Cap again cinches it for him. He spins around and before he knows it, he’s confronting Tony.
“Why don’t you ever give a cute nickname like the rest of the team?”
Tony frowns. “What do you mean? I give you nicknames all the time.”
“Yes, but they’re always just variations of Cap. But you call everyone else bear. Rhodeybear, Nattybear, Bruciebear. Even Clint gets a Clintonbear, although I really think you need to work on that one.” Steve closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them again to ask the million dollar question. “Why am I never Steviebear? Do you just… Why don’t you like me?” He finishes weakly.
“Of course I like you!” Tony insists. “If anything, I might like you too much.”
“I don’t think that’s possible.”
“It is when it’s not reciprocated.” Tony steps closer and takes Steve’s hands. “If I start calling you Steviebear, I won’t be able to stop there. Eventually it’ll be sweetiebear, then honeybear, then just honey, and sweetheart, and angel, and any other term of endearment I can think of, and I can think of a lot.”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable just because I couldn’t control myself.” Tony gives Steve’s hands a quick squeeze before letting go, but Steve hurriedly grabs his wrist, unwilling to let Tony just walk away now.
He softly brushes across Tony’s pulse point with his thumbs.
“You wouldn’t be making me uncomfortable. Call me any endearment you want. I promise, I’ll like it because it’s you saying it.”
“Okay. Whatever you want, darling.”
Tony leans forward and before he could say anything else, Steve meets him in the middle with a kiss.
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marvelslut16 · 3 years
The one with two Pietro’s
Pairing: Pietro x reader, Wandavision!Pietro (Peter Maximoff) x reader FORCED 
Synopsis: you find yourself in Westview living with Wanda, Vision, the boys, and your boyfriend Pietro. But happens when you start to remember your Pietro and figure out what Wanda’s doing to you and everyone else? 
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Swearing I think. Angst. Fluff if you squint. Mind control. Forced relationship. Briefly mentions the idea of a forced magical pregnancy. Bullet wounds. Death. Grief I suppose. Mentions pmsing. The over use of italics. Kinda feel like I make Wanda a psychotic asshole. SPOILERS FOR WANDAVISION!
A/N: This was so much fun to write! Probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, if you can really call it dark. Writing for Wandavision was a fun little challenge. Takes place in the 90′s so my title is a reference to friends, and so is a tv show character I use in the one shot. Pretend Evan Peters’ hair isn’t that blonde cause I will always see him with the silver he has in xmen and wrote him as such. 
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"Vision, that's not my Pietro," you mutter in horror to your friend as the two of you stand in the kitchen. 
You’re not quite sure what makes you say it, but you’re glad you do when you glance at the new Pietro in the living room, he's been playing video games with Tommy and Billy for close to an hour now. He's sweet and funny, but he's just not your Pietro.
"I'm afraid not, (Y/N)," Vision's voice is sullen, but he's glad you're not in on Wanda's mind games. Unless you are, and this is just another way for Wanda to mess with him. He’s not quite sure what’s happening, but he knows from what you’ve reminisced in passing to him about Pietro on nights when Wanda isn’t in the room, that that’s not the Pietro you know and love. 
"Oh my god," you murmur, hand coming to your mouth as little bits and pieces of memories race through your head. The genuine pain, horror, and sadness that cross your face make it obvious to Vision you're being manipulated like everyone else, even if you are Wanda's oldest friend. "My Pietro, he had an accent."
Your knees buckle when you hear his native accent saying his catchphrase in your head, 'you didn't see that coming.' Vision rushes to your side to help you stand more firmly.
"His face was longer, hair a white blonde not silver, his body more toned, and he had gorgeous blue eyes- bluest eyes I've ever seen," you grip onto Vision's arms as you imagine moments with your Pietro.
You grew up in the cell beside his and Wanda's, immediately forming a sisterly connection with her at a young age while Pietro hated you. He would tease you, pull on your pigtails, and steal some of your food on the off chance you three were eating outside of your cells. Over the years the teasing turned to flirting, and your dislike for him turned into a huge crush.
One night-a night you can normally remember with full clarity- after Hydra fell and before Ultron, the two of you were out on a walk, much to Pietro's chagrin. You were telling him about this new book that you were reading and how the characters annoyed you so because they were obviously in love but wouldn't admit it. Pietro zoomed in front of you, causing you to smack into his chest and almost fall to the ground, you would have if not for Pietro's arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close to his toned chest.
The wind was blowing his hair into his eyes ever so slightly, so without thinking you reached up to move it out of his face and away from his eye. The small act of tenderness that you had displayed caused Pietro to give into his desires, he leaned in and his wind chapped lips descended onto yours. You melted into the kiss, clinging tightly to his biceps to ground you. One of his hands slipped down from your waist to squeeze your ass, the other wrapped more tightly around your waist and kept you anchored to him.
"I love you, Printesa, I have since we were kids," he admits when you pull apart for air, leaning his forehead on yours.
"I love you too, Quicksilver," you use the superhero nickname he gave himself when you were twelve. He grins before attaching his lips to yours once more, it was an unforgettable kiss that filled you with warmth and hope for your future.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Vision's voice brings you back to reality, or whatever this is.
"No," your voice cracks as you remember the last kiss Pietro planted on your lips, right before he protected Clint. The memory that still haunts your dreams, seeing him with all those bullet holes and knowing there was nothing you could do to save him. "What kind of person forgets the love of their life? I'm a terrible person Vis!"
"No you aren't (Y/N)," the sincerity in Vision's voice makes you really believe him. "Wanda's doing this, she didn't want you to remember."
You gasp as another memory floods your mind. You had agreed to go on a road trip with Wanda after being resurrected from Bruce's snap and defeating Thanos. You both wanted a break, or so you thought.
Wanda had stopped right when you had passed the entrance into Westview, she claimed to be checking her directions when you asked why she had stopped in the middle of nowhere. And no matter how weird it was that she chose to stop at the border to the town and not at a gas station, you believed your best friend and sister in law because she had no reason to lie to you.
A moment later her eyes and hands were glowing red as she touched your temple. She pushed all your memories behind a wall in your brain, then filled your head with memories of a happy life with her and Vision in Westview.
She did it again when 'Pietro' showed up on your guy’s doorstep, this time filling your head with memories of him. Memories of a different first kiss, but an eerily similar first date to the one you and your Pietro had. It makes sense to you now, you and Pietro had never told Wanda the real story of your first kiss, instead telling her you had it weeks later on your first date. You had tried to keep your relationship a secret for a little because you didn't want to make it awkward for Wanda if it didn't work out.
Another thing she didn't add was your engagement and subsequent marriage to her brother. In this reality you and 'Pietro' are just dating. You have to assume that it's because it happened weeks before the battle against Ultron and she doesn't want to remember anything that close to her brother's death.
The thing about the new Pietro is that he seems to rub Wanda the wrong way, something your Pietro never did. He makes comments that you know yours would never, and Wanda always tenses up near him. This Pietro likes to show you off more than yours did, which is saying a lot because your’s used to cling to your side, praise you, and show you off in town when girls would flirt with him. Every time this Pietro kisses you it doesn’t feel right, it’s nowhere near the earth shattering kisses that you had somehow managed to remember from the deep parts of your brain. 
"My ring," you shudder in horror when you realize the diamond ring that your Pietro stole from the jeweler in Sokovia is no longer sitting delicately on your left ring finger like it was before entering Westview. You hastily search your body for your most prized possession, sighing in relief when you find it hanging from a simple silver chain around your neck.
"(Y/N)," Vision says gently, resting a hand on your shoulder, it’s one of the few times he doesn’t know what to say. 
"He's dead," you cry, knees buckling under your weight again. This time you catch yourself on the kitchen table, before sinking in the seat to your right.
"Who's dead?" Wanda appears in the doorway out of nowhere. She has an innocent, concerned expression on her face, but the tilt of her head tells you she'll come take your memories away again if you slip up in the slightest.
"Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives, the soap opera I was watching this afternoon when you and the boys were out. He fell down the elevator shaft, and I'm apparently taking it harder than I thought I would. I must be pmsing or something."
"Or maybe you're pregnant," there's a red glint in her eyes that scares you to no end.
"Oh," you swallow the lump in your throat, and hold back the bile rising up your throat from anxiety. "I don't think so, I'm not ready to be a mother yet."
"It would be so fun though," 'Pietro' zooms behind your seat, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek. "Little mini me's and you's running around the house with Billy and Tommy."
"I think two super human children are enough for the house right now," you let out an uncomfortable giggle. You and Vision side eye each other, both very aware that you'll probably be as pregnant as Wanda was a few days ago within the week.
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queeenpersephone · 2 years
Thank you so much for the headcanons!!! first of all YES I would love to hear your thoughts on the im2/cw parallels. Second, I'm really interested in any hcs/metas you might have regarding how and why Nat falls for Tony? Most fics tend to be from Tony's POV while Nat's perspective is left so secretive
ofc, i'm so happy you enjoyed them! okay, i'll do the parallels in a separate post (if you can make gifs hmu), but i love that you picked up on how much nat's perspective is underrated in ironwidow fic. here are a few reasons i think nat falls for tony (i'm going to have a separate them out into concrete vs. cerebral - might be an arbitrary distinction, but another way to think about it is initial attraction/everyday compatibility vs. deep love/moral and emotional alignment)
concrete reasons
tony's confidence. nat needs someone who has no qualms
physical experience. nat is experienced. she likes that tony is unapologetic about his sexuality.
he's a great conversationist. nat is witty as hell, and there's really no one else in the mcu that's as clever and quick with words as tony (maybe clint, but that's bff energy only). we have plenty of evidence that nat likes humor, likes tony's sense of humor (see: 'miss me, agent romanoff?') and i really don't think she would end up with someone who's not willing just to engage in some teasing. i really think tony would actively try to draw it out of her as well, which would further endear her.
cerebral reasons
tony's relentless hope. this is tony's best trait imo and it's one that pairs really nicely with nat’s suspicion and doubt of other people’s motives and abilities. 
tony has red in his ledger, and he wants to wipe it out. remember brucenat? the goal there was to draw a parallel between bruce and nat's mistakes, ignoring that tony and nat's pasts are actually more similar. they hurt people, they were able to realize that their lives were not truly their own and break free of it, they consider themselves at fault when they were at the machinations of powerful people, and now they want to spent their lives repenting. relationships happen between people who might be ostensibly different, but deeply share the same values. i think tony manifests it as a futurist, an idealist, where nat is more concrete and detailed, but they can also appreciate the opposite perspective. i just think nat recognizes a similar mindset in tony, likely before he did in her. she understands him, and she likes that he understands her. 
tony, i think, is very thoughtful in gift-giving and spending quality time. i just think he’d make an effort to appreciate nat’s russian heritage and love of the ballet. he 100% made her a ballet studio and she was instantly a little in love.
he appreciates her abilities and i hc him as the only one to note her genius in closing the portal in avengers 1, so much that i put it in a fic. more than that, though, he actively tries to improve her abilities - gadgets, etc. she definitely love when he excitedly bursts into her room to show her a widow bite update
finally: i think my usual hc about ironwidow getting together is post-cacw. here, nat falls for him because he doesn’t run away from the world. he sticks it out, he fights, he forgives, he tries his best to fix whatever he breaks. seeing tony’s hope (that she’s appreciated for years) turned onto her? onto the idea that they can be friends, be more? it’s irresistible. by hoping, by depending on her, tony makes nat better. who wouldn’t fall in love after that? 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Hi!! Hope you're doing good and drinking water :) May i request something? 😁 I was listening to "the 1" by Taylor Swift (queen) and got me thinking about a Wanda X Reader story where maybe idk they dated in high school/college but ended cause whatever reason but they never actually stopped liking eachother (yknow, like the song) and then they just meet somewhere and get to talk and you know... happy ending lol But only if you like the idea really. Have a good one!
Hello anon! Here it is, hope you like it. It’s short but is sweet, i hope you like it.
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader - The One
Summary: Prompt based “A story where Reader and Wanda broke up and never stopped loving each other. Inspired by the song “The 1″ from Taylor Swift.
Words:  2.531k    ///// Read on AO3
Warnings: None.
Marks: @mionemymind @wandamaximoffpuppy
Wanda Maximoff came into your life during autumn.
You were both in the same art history class, and she lent you a pen.
All it took was two dates, and you were completely in love. Unfortunately, as quickly as it started, your relationship burned out.
You wish you had a big plot justification, with betrayals and twists and turns to justify to your friends your emotional misery when it ended, but the only reason was the complete emotional immaturity you had.
There were fights, and accusations, and so much jealousy. And you wish so much that you had gotten over it, but you couldn't. And then Wanda was gathering the clothes that she had in your dormitory, and throwing the key at you.
You swore you wouldn't cry anymore, because there were no more tears after so many weeks, but you kept going. Until all that was left was the bitter feeling that you had ruined everything and lost the most important person in your life.
It had been more than two years since you two had broken up, and you still had the number saved on your cell phone with a heart emoji, even though the conversation had been archived a long time ago. And then you were walking out of the main building at NYU, and your friend Natasha Romanoff called out to you as she walked quickly toward you.
- Hey, girl! - she said with a smile. - How are you?
You shrugged as you walked with her around the campus toward the secondary building, where the Philosophy classrooms were.
- I’m surviving. - You joke with a weak smile, Nat looked at you worriedly, but you shook your head, trying to reassure her. - And how are you doing? 
- Fine, I think. - She says, entwining your arms. - I miss you, but things are fine.
You nod, looking forward. You knew that you had been absent in your friends' lives, simply because it seemed that things no longer made much sense since you were no longer with Wanda.
- Did you hear about Bucky and Sam? - she asked, and you let out a sigh.
- Yes, I... I don't know if I'm going to make it.
- Ah, Y/N, please. - She says. - It won't be the same if you are not there.
Natasha was talking about your friends' engagement party, which you were invited to a week ago. You hesitated, because all of Bucky and Sam's friends were invited. And that included Wanda.
You let out a sigh.
- I will make an effort to be there, I promise. - You assure her with a smile. 
- You don't want to see Wanda, do you? - Nat asks. And you look at the ground. - Look, I just... I never really understood why you two broke up. But maybe it will be good to see her, you know. Maybe you two need to talk after all.
You shrug, feeling the familiar sadness take over your chest every time you think of Wanda. 
- Let's talk about something else okay? - You ask her with a weak smile and Natasha nods, changing the subject as you two walk along the campus.
You straightened your clothes before knocking on the door. It had been almost two weeks since you had spoken to Natasha, and the day of the party had finally arrived. You saw many cars parked outside the Barnes residence, and were not surprised when one of the family friends answered the door instead of the owners.
You smiled and greeted the gentleman, saying that you were a friend of the grooms, and he smiled back when he let you in. You overheard someone say that it was better to leave the door open because of the number of guests, and you let out a small laugh. 
The house was full, and it took a few minutes for you to find Bucky, who looked extremely happy. He smiled slightly surprised when he saw you.
- Hey, you're here! - he said, walking over to you. - It's so good to see you!
Bucky hugged you tight and you laughed lightly, saying that it was very good to see him too.
- How are things going? - you asked as you broke the embrace. - Are you feeling anxious?
Bucky laughed, putting his hands in his pockets.
- Everything is working well. My parents are helping me and Sammy to organize everything. - he says, smiling. - And damn, yes. I can't wait for the ceremony.
You laugh, nodding in understanding. You talk for a few more minutes until Sam comes to check on the groom.
- Wow, look at you Wilson! - You exclaim when you see him, and he opens his arms toward you, grinning contently. You hug each other tightly. - It's good to see you, my friend.
- Yeah, it's great to see you too, stranger. - He smiles back, and then you part. - Glad you could make it.
- I couldn't miss the first wedding of the group. - You joked and made them laugh. 
And then they were talking about the preparations for the wedding, and the family members who had come from far away, and you were smiling and laughing at the stories. But everything seemed to slow down when your gaze focused on someone behind Bucky, the only person who always had the ability to capture your full attention.
Wanda had just walked through the front door, and was taking off her coat. You barely noticed Pietro standing beside her, as your heart started racing at seeing her again. Sam called out to you a few times, until you blinked and looked at him.
- Wow, you really haven't changed at all. - he teased. - Three years and you are still completely out of breath when you see her.
You blushed, telling him to shut up, but Bucky and Sam just giggled. And then you swallowed hard, because Wanda was looking around and her gaze met yours.
Your gas in surprise, and you told the couple in front of you that you needed a drink, then you rushed to escape the room.
You ended up on the balcony, trying to recover from the intensity of the previous moment, completely affected by seeing Wanda again. 
You thought it was the best to greet the people you knew at the party, and after talking to Clint and his girlfriend Laura, and also to Steve, Tony and Bruce, you made your way to the family circles. Bucky's parents and siblings were very friendly, and Sam's family was very warm, and they all hugged you and smiled. And then you were walking around the house again, and Nat approached you, two drinks in her hands, and one of them she handed to you.
- You really came. - She said with a smile. - Bucky just told me and I didn't believe it.
- The faith you have in me is touching. - You sneered with irony and she laughed before taking a sip of her drink. You looked at your own glass suspiciously.
- Is this champagne? - you asked, and she nodded, making you sigh. You put the glass on the balcony table near you. - Thanks but I'm driving.
Nat grumbled in understanding.
- You're running away from her, aren't you? - She remarked when she noticed your gaze wandering around the room.
- Is it that obvious? 
Nat laughed lightly.
- I suppose you are going to be uncomfortable for the next few minutes, since I just told her I was coming to talk to you and invite her to join me. - She tells you and you turn your face to her sharply with a surprised expression.
- Wait what?
But Nat is smiling past you and then you feel your body tense up as Wanda's voice sounds behind your back. Nat is saying something about how nice it is that everyone is together, while you turn around and you’re probably staring, but you can't react to having Wanda in front of you. Just as beautiful as she was three years ago.
- Hi. - She said a moment later looking up at you, a slight blush on her cheeks. It took a gentle nudge from Nat's elbow on your rib for you to react.
- Hi. - you exclaimed surprised and slightly uncomfortable. - How... How are you?
Wanda smiled awkwardly.
- Good, I... i'm good. And you? - she asked hesitantly. You nodded frantically, trying to smile.
 - Good, good. I... Good.
- Jesus. - You heard Natasha say as she looked at the two of you with a frown. - Okay. I'll put our names in the gymkhana, and you can continue with whatever this is by yourselves.
You scratched your neck uncomfortably as Natasha hurried to leave. 
- So... how are things? - Wanda asked, putting her hands in her pockets.
Ignoring your current anxiety, you assumed a thoughtful expression for a few seconds.
- Things are fine. I’m... I... I'm graduating. - You tell clumsily, running your hands through your hair. - Yeah, I... I'm graduating in a few weeks. 
- Wow, that’s actually really cool. - She comments with a smile. 
- I think so. - You say, laughing nervously. - What about you, Wands, how are you? Are you still studying?
Wanda blushes at the way you call her, looking away. You barely notice the nickname escaping your lips. But then she is smiling, so you don't notice much beyond that.
- Yes, I still have a year to go, but I'm doing well. - she says. You nod in understanding, but then Pietro is joining you two, a smile on his face.
- Wow, it's really good to see you Y/N. - He remarks as soon as he reaches you two and hugs you. You laugh lightly. 
- It's good to see you too, Pietro. - you say when you let go. - I like the beard, by the way.
- Thanks, I'm trying to look older. - He comments with a cocky smile, and you laugh, ignoring the nervousness of having Wanda looking right at you. - I didn't know you would be here today, I heard you were going back to California.
- Oh, yes, I... I am. - You say clumsily, gazing at Wanda quickly. - After I graduate, I'm going back home. I don't really have anything to keep me here.
- That's a shame, really. - Pietro says and you try to focus on his face and not on Wanda's frown. - But I hope you will keep in touch with everyone by skype at least.
He jokes last, and you laugh, nodding. And then he starts asking you about college and your parents, and you answer politely, trying to ignore the nervousness in your stomach that has settled with Wanda's attentive look on you.
- Pietro, would you get me something to drink, please? - Wanda asked after a moment, and you and Pietro looked at her in surprise, but she just smiled innocently, and her brother grumbled, before nodding and leaving. - Can we talk for a moment?
You blinked in confusion, but agree. Wanda took your hand next, and you bit the inside of your cheek, feeling your face flush as she pulled you around the yard, toward a farther area.
When she stopped walking, she let go of your hand, and turned around to face you, looking nervous and a bit anxious.
- Are you really leaving? - She asked with a almost sorrowful expression.
You straightened your posture, frowning slightly.
- Yes, I... Wanda, what is it? 
- Okay, I’m.. I'm going to say this once, because I have to, and then we'll go back to our life as before, okay? - She said hurriedly, closing her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath while you just stare her. - I'm still in love with you. And I know we broke up two years ago, but I just couldn't move on. And I guess a part of me never will. - She confesses and you feel the air escape from your lungs. - And I need you to know this before you leave, because I almost couldn't come to this party because I knew you would be here. And I can't believe that we were this intense and amazing thing only just for me. - She says last. But you are in shock, so Wanda swallows dryly. - Damn, I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything and…
- I love you. - You confess interrupting her, listening to your heart pounding in your ears.
- W-what?
- I love you. - You repeat breathlessly as you are moving forward and kissing Wanda firmly. She stumbles back in surprise, but you keep your hands on her face, until she sighs in delight and kisses you back with the same intensity. It feels as good as you remember, but eventually you part breathlessly and start talking with your forehead touching. - I'm sorry I ruined things between us. I was stupid, childish and a bloody idiot. But I'm completely in love with you and i have always been. 
Wanda lets out a surprised laugh, her eyes filled with tears. And then she kisses you again.
- God, we are a complete disaster. - She comments as you separate, making you laugh lightly. And then she swallows dryly, stroking your face with her thumbs. - What are we going to do now?
You smile, hugging her waist.
- I'm not going anywhere if you ask me to stay. - You tell her, making her sigh with surprise and happiness.
- Be my girlfriend, then. - She asks, and you let out a giggle. 
- I'd love to. - You say, and then back away a little. - We'll make it work this time, Wanda. I'm going to love you the right way now.
Wanda nods in understanding, looking at you tenderly.
- You have always loved me the right way. - she says. - We just didn't know how to show it properly.
You sigh.
- I missed you. - You say, bringing your foreheads together. 
- I missed you too. - She breathlessly retorts before kissing you again.
The kiss intensified in the next second, and you ended up pushing Wanda against the outer wall of the house, and she sighed into your mouth. God, you missed her taste. Then she sighed against your lips, and you slowed down, because you are literally in an engagement party.
When you parted, you let out a breathless giggle.
- We should get back to the party. - Wanda comments, her face close to yours. You grumble in agreement, before kissing her again, your tongue running slowly and sensually across her mouth, making a warmth rise in the pit of your stomach.
- Wow. - You say breathlessly a moment later, breaking the kiss for breath. Wanda's hands are dangerously low. She lets out a breathless chuckle, her face flushed. You swallow dryly, clearing your throat. - We'd better go before I can't stop.
Wanda smiles, nodding her head in agreement. And then you took a step back, and it was easier to breathe and think clearly.
When you returned to the party, holding hands, Natasha stared at you two and sighed, taking a twenty-dollar bill from her pocket and handing it to Pietro, who had a smug smile on his face. She complained that she had bet that you two would only get back together after the party, while Pietro had bet that it would be during. You and Wanda's faces reddened, but you laughed at the story.
Two years later, you visited Bucky and Sam, but now, the wedding invitation in your hand was yours.
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Avengers on YouTube
Steve has a baking channel, but he doesn’t know how to edit so the videos end up being like 7 hours long because he’s like "ok now you’ve gotta let the dough rise for 5 hours" and leaves the camera on for the entire 5 hours. And then he doesn't edit the five hours out so you can watch Nat coming into the kitchen and calling Clint because she has "a genius idea for a prank", Clint crawling out of the vent and hiding behind the cabinet to scare Tony when he comes in looking for a granola bar because Pepper told him to eat, Bruce making hot chocolate and spilling it everywhere when Clint jumps out and causes Tony to scream at the top of his lungs, Thor running in and almost hitting Clint in the face with his hammer because he heard Tony scream and he thought there was an enemy to fight and almost didn't realize it was Clint until it was too late, and Nat laughing at them all from a safe distance on top of the refrigerator. So Steve's videos are massive successes and Steve thinks its because of his baking talent and no one wants to hurt his feelings so they don't tell him that's probably not the reason.
Natasha has a pranking channel where she comes up with prank ideas and convinces other people to do them for her so she never gets in trouble, and then she hides and films the whole thing. And of course no one ever tattles on her because she's a terrifying Russian assassin so no one except her viewers know she's the real prankster of the tower. but on April fools she goes all out and takes credit for her own pranks, and the avengers are all relieved that Nat doesn't use her pranking abilities regularly cause everyone already pranks each other too much and can you imagine what would happen if Nat's genius was added to that? Nat just smiles.
Tony has a channel where he critiques people's fashion sense. He takes pictures of the avengers around the tower in whatever they're wearing, even if its their pajamas, and does a whole video critiquing it. "Today we have an outfit of Clint's, it almost looks like he's wearing his pajamas, and if anyone ever says that about your outfit you know its a fashion failure . . . the buttons are rather large, what were we going for here? this isn't the world's biggest button competition . . . the rubber duck pattern is far too colorful, its like looking at a walking neon sign outside a rubber duck store, but I appreciate the size of the ducks, a much more reasonable size than the buttons . . ." You would think the avengers would be annoyed, and they are, but they also think its hilarious. So sometimes everyone except Tony goes thrift shopping and tries to find the most ridiculous clothes, and then the next day they walk past Tony until he pulls out his phone and takes what he thinks is a subtle picture of them, and they wait eagerly for his next video to be uploaded to his channel.
Thor has a channel where he answers frequently asked questions about Asgard, because when the team was explaining youtube videos to him Nat said one thing they can be is educational. In every video he ends up praising Loki, or the Warriors Three and Sif, or the Valkyries for minutes on end because its clear he just thinks they're all amazing. And its just so wholesome that people will specifically ask questions in the comments like "tell me about the moment when Sif was the most heroic" and he will go off for forty minutes describing a battle where Sif saved hundreds of innocent villagers from invading aliens. And he's actually surprisingly funny? Like all his stories have comedic moments and even when you're crying about how much he loves his friends and how much you wished you had friends who loved you like that, you'll laugh out loud at a joke he made.
Clint has a vlog where he talks about any random thing that comes into his head. He never updates regularly: he might update twice in one day and then for three months he doesn't post anything. He doesn't have a specific place he films: one day he's sitting at his desk, the next he's on top of the refrigerator, and the next he's in the vents. He doesn't have any topics that are off limits: one day he's talking about the superiority of rubber ducks and the next day he's breaking down fascism and how it has surfaced in modern politics. His channel gets a lot of views because people think he's interesting because he's so unpredictable, plus most of his videos are kinda funny.
Bruce has a channel that's just edits of the other avengers. He's kinda camera shy himself, but he tapes tiny cameras all around the common areas of the tower and makes random edits. He has videos called "Nat smiling" (5 minutes long), "Steve making inspiring speeches" (2.5 hours), "Clint climbing into the vents awkwardly" (54 minutes), "Clint falling out of the vents" (42 minutes), "Nat convincing other people to do her pranks when she thinks no one is watching" (3 hours), "Thor being confused about Earth references" (1 hour), "Tony making random pop culture references" (11 hours), "Steve forgetting how to use his phone" (5 hours), and "Tony going to bed at a normal time" (7 minutes). His channel is probably the most popular of all, and Bruce is very proud of it.
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vdlest · 3 years
You left something
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Bucky Barnes x ExAvenger!Reader
It has been a year since you left the life of being an Avenger. But after a year, someone showed up in your house, telling you that you left something when you left your old life. What could it be?
Mention of sex/one night stand
Bucky being soft (it's a warning, right?)
One of the best years of your life was being an avenger. You were one of the greatest assets of the team, that's why when you left the team, they had a big loss. It wasn't really your intention to leave the life you had, but when Steve disappeared, Tony and Nat died, you were deeply devastated. You and the rest of Avengers like Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Clint, Bruce, Thor, the Guardians, and Spider-man continued what the original six started. However, one heated argument between you and Bucky made you leave the team — after a mission in Norway, you comforted Bucky when you saw him alone in the roof of the compound, you told him that he shouldn't let sadness take over him and his life, but Bucky didn't liked it. He exploded and told you that instead of Steve, Nat, and Tony, it should have been you who died and disappeared.
The very next day after your argument with Bucky, you left the compound and you just left them a letter, telling them how sorry you were for leaving them. You told them that you are not worthy anymore to be part of them, so you made a sacrifice, leaving the old life you had.
Upon leaving the Avengers, you moved to a small city in California. You started your own farm there and live in a peaceful life, but sometimes you miss being on the team, especially when you see them on the news.
But you had to make a sacrifice. After all, you think you're not worthy enough, not like what Tony, Steve, and Nat has always been telling you.
They're gone, and so is your faith in yourself.
You're in the middle of painting your front porch when you heard someone walking towards you. Your back is facing the front yard of your house, so you don't know if someone's coming or not, but because of your super hearing, you heard that someone is walking behind you.
You got up from painting the base of your porch and turned around to see who was walking towards you.
It's the most unexpected guest you ever had in your entire life — it's the man who made you decide to leave your old life, James Buchanan Barnes.
You avoided his gaze and continue whatever you are doing.
"Y/n," you heard him called you, but you just continue with what you're doing.
"What are you doing here, Barnes?" you asked him without looking at him.
"It took us so long before we could finally trace your actions for the past year. Did you really think we wouldn't find you?" he asked you.
You knew it was Wanda who always wanted to find you. She's your friend. It was you, Nat, and Wanda who had always been friends, but after Nat died and after Wanda disappeared, you lost the only friends you had. Eight months ago, you found out from the news that Wanda came back, more powerful and more capable of helping other people. You knew she wouldn't stop until she found you.
But why is Bucky Barnes who came after you and not Wanda?
"Ever since you left, all of us did everything what we could do to find you, but hell, you are good in hiding. Even Dr. Strange and Wanda cannot find you," Bucky continued talking as he walk closer to you.
You chuckled sarcastically, "Can't you just go straight to the point? Why are you really here?" you put down your paintbrush and faced him, "What do you need from me?"
He took one last step closer to you, "I need you to come back to the team."
The moment you heard him said that, you laughed and walked towards your tool shed. He followed you and you could see how confuse he is when he heard you laugh at him.
"What is so funny?" he asked you.
"You are funny, Barnes," you stopped from opening the door of your tool shed and faced him, "You were the one who wanted me to be out of the team, right? You told me that instead of Nat, Steve, and Tony, it should've been just me who died and disappeared. You remember that?" you asked him, fighting the emotion that is stsrting to build inside you.
He did not answer you and you see guilt in his eyes. But it's already too late for him to feel that way — he already caused you so much pain.
"Why don't you just go back to where you came from and leave me alone? You wanted this right? You wanted me to be gone? So here I am, I've been gone for a year. What else do you need from me?" you asked him.
You resumed in opening the door of your tool shed but before you could finally opened it, you heard him spoke again.
"When you left the team, you left something in there," he said.
You have no idea what he was talking about. When you left the compound, you made sure you got all your things and other belongings. So you have no idea what something you left when you left the compound.
You rapidly turned around to face him once again.
"What the hell are you saying?" you asked him unbelievably.
"You left me feeling guilty for what I did and say to you. You left me and I wasn't able to ask for forgiveness for what I did. You left me hanging. And most importantly, you left me wanting you," he said continuously. You did not noticed that in every word he says, he is walking closer to you, and in ever step he does, you move back, but you stopped moving the moment you felt the door of the tool shed behind you, "The night you and I had an argument, I was having a rough time. I didn't know how I could live a life without my best friend, Steve. I wasn't ready to move on, but you kept on telling me to move on."
Your eyes remained on his gaze. You didn't even had the guts to move away or push him away. It seems like you were hypnotized by the way he looks at you and how he caged you between his body and the tool shed's door.
"I didn't mean any word I said that night to you. I don't want you to die or be gone as well. I want you to stay with me until the end."
When you heard him say those words to you, you came back to your senses. You pushed him away and walked away from him. It's not a surprise that he followed you.
"Y/n, I am telling the truth," he said while following you. "I thought I was just feeling guilty the whole time you were gone. Everybody is blaming me for your disappearance, and I thought I was just guilty about the fact that it was really my fault why you left. But no, it's not just about the guilt. It's about the longing I felt when you left."
"Longing?!" you growled as you stop from walking. You turned around and faced him, "You long for the person you wished to die and just disappear?" you scoffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest, "Do you have any idea how painful it is for me to hear those words coming from you? You, of all people, Bucky! You, of all people, said those words to me and made me feel like I'm just a nobody in your life! You made me feel I'm just a fucking whore you fucked once, and that was it! You made me believe that there's something special growing between us, but I was God damn wrong!"
Before you left the compound and the Avengers life, you and Bucky shared a beautiful moment together. You were with him when he visited Yori and apologized for the death of his son. After that, he asked you if you could stay with him for a while and he'll cook dinner for both of you. And so he did, soon after your dinner, you found yourself giving in and kissing him back. You thought it was the start of something beautiful and something deep with him, but after a week, he exploded to you and told you harsh things you never thought you could hear from him.
"I thought we're onto something good, Bucky. But it was just all a fucking thought," you wiped your tears away as soon as you felt them on your cheeks.
"I'm sorry for making you feel that way, y/n," he walked towards you and cupped your face. You wanted to avoid his touch but your body did not oblige to your will, "I was just lost at that time. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was ready to give my all to you and just lose you. I thought by pushing you away, it would be less complicated for both of us. I can't afford to lose another person in my life. But I still did lose you."
Your tears continue to run down your cheeks as you listen to his words, his explanation.
You told yourself a million times, the next time you'll see him, you'll break his face, his bones. But you couldn't, especially seeing him now this close.
"Everyday, I hated myself for hurting you and letting you leave just like that. Everyday, I am regretting the words I pierced through you. And everyday, I am killing myself for wasting the beautiful start we had," he uses his thumb to wiped your tears away, "I tried my best to find you, to take you back, to apologize, and to have you again by my side, because without you, I am nothing, y/n. And I am not saying these words just because I've made a mistake to you. I am saying these words because I want to have you back in my life."
You looked down, making him remove his hands on your face, "I...I don't know if...if I could trust you again, Bucky."
You were too scared to trust him again, especially with your heart.
"You're asking me to give you my full trust again, Bucky. And it's a big thing to ask from someone who got scared of trusting people again," you said while looking down.
He uses his hand to hold your chin and make you look up to meet his gaze again, "I am willing to do anything to earn your trust again. I am not forcing you to do it right away, but I will earn your trust in every possible way I can," he seems like he was vowing or promising. "But I did not come all the way here just for your trust, y/n."
Your brows furrowed with what he said.
"I also came here to be worthy of your love."
Before you could say anything, he grabbed one of your hands and placed it against his chest, where his heart is.
"Because when you left, you left this one as well," he said referring to his heart.
You imagined countless times that you want Bucky to suffer and feel the pain you felt when you left everything behind because of him. But after a year of hiding your love for him with anger, you finally realized that it wasn't anger at all, it has always been love. Your heart has always been with him. You thought, why make him suffer when you can make him earn what he lost from the times that you've been away from each other — your trust & your love for him.
You hated him because he hurt you, but after hearing his explanation, it all made sense to you.
You are still in love with Bucky Barnes.
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 20
Request: Yes or No
"Time travel sounds fun until you see how cringy you used to be." You said, watching Nebula fix some things on the suit Scott had on.
"I've never been cringy." Scott said. You stayed silent in response, glancing at Rhodes. Scott blinked, scoffing softly as you giggled.
"You're great, Scott." You gave a tired smile. Bruce went to put in the red capsules.
"Hey- Hey, be careful!"
"I'm being very careful." Bruce replied.
"No, you're being very Hulky." Scott put in the capsules himself. Even if Bruce was careful, he could still crush whatever was in there without even thinking about it. It was weird seeing Bruce in Hulks body but you supposed it helped end the beef they had. Scott and Bruce went back and forth until he turned small and big in a second.
"Alright, one test run." Scott gave a sheepish smile, glancing at everyone in the room. "I'm not ready for this."
"I'm game." You turned your head, looking at Clint. You crossed your arms, a soft sigh leaving you.
"I'll do it." Clint shrugged. Scott licked his lips, looking at Bruce. Bruce gave him a small nod so Scott walked out of the room to change out of the suit. Clint followed.
"So.. He got a new tattoo." Rhodes glanced at you. You licked your lips, shrugging lightly. Rhodes sighed, leaving the room momentarily before returning with some twizzlers. He offered one to you, giving a small smile. You took it, taking a small bite from it as Clint walked into the room with the suit on. Nebula made sure everything was good with the suit.
"Clint, you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the shift. Don't worry about it." Bruce told him.
"Wait, wait.. Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos and just.." Rhodes made a wrapping and squeezing motion.
"I mean, it's a solid idea. Baby Thanos was probably real ugly anyways." You said, chewing on the candy. Bruce stared at you and Rhodes in disbelief.
"First of all, that's horrible-"
"It's Thanos."
"And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"We go back and get the stones before Thanos gets them.. Thanos doesn't get the stones!" Scott said, shrugging. Rhodes nodded, motioning to him.
"Problem solved!"
"Bingo." Clint nodded as Nebula glanced at them, giving a small shake of her head.
"That's not how it works." She muttered.
"Anyways, who told you that?"
"Star Trek, Terminator, Time Cop, Time After Time, Wrinkle in Time, Hot Tub Time Machine-"
"So, any movie with time in the name." You said with a chuckle.
"Well, it doesn't work like that. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes your past." Bruce explained. You hummed, continuing to munch on the twizzler.
"If time travel works.. That means there's different versions of ourselves in different.. Dimensions, right? Like living things we've lived and making decisions we'll eventually make?"
"Yes, actually." Bruce nodded, glad that at least someone was getting it.
"For example, my past self might be in Sokovia fighting Ultron right now while my future self might be relaxing on a beach." Bruce said with a shrug. You hummed, nodding.
"I wonder what my future self is doing.."
"Probably getting therapy instead of napping and drinking." Rhodes muttered, glancing at you. You scoffed softly.
"You drink?" Clint questioned, brows furrowing as a frown tugged at his lips. You shifted your gaze back to the man you used to call dad and shrugged.
"Occasionally." Once the suit was good to go and Bruce had told Clint everything he needed to do, you followed the guys and Nebula to the platform Rocket had built. It was surprising how much a raccoon could built. You glanced at Thor, giving him a small nod. Bruce walked up to the controls, the others standing behind him as they watched Clint stand in the center.
"Alright, Clint.. We're going in three.. Two.." You could tell Clint was nervous, you were too. Despite everything, he had still been someone who took you in and loved you. You slowly chewed on the twizzler, gaze flickering around the platform. To Clint it could feel like hours but it would merely be seconds for you and the others. Clint suddenly appeared, falling on the ground. The helmet retracted as he panted. Natasha quickly rushed up onto the platform with you following incase he had injuries. Natasha helped him up, getting him grounded as Clint looked around.
"I saw her... I saw Lila again.." Clint panted. You stared at him, swallowing as your grip on the twizzler tightened. Clint tossed a baseball glove at Tony, nodding.
"It worked." Clint said. A sense of relief filled you along with everyone. There was a chance at getting everyone back. The team turned, heading to an office in order to talk more and come up with a game plan. You finished your twizzler, taking a seat and watching Tony pull up pictures of the stones.
"We gotta find out the when and the where." Steve said, looking over all of the stones.
"Almost everyone in this room has had at least one encounter with an infinity stone." Steve turned his attention onto everyone. You supposed Vision counted as an encounter.
"Or substitute encounter by being damn near killed by one of the stones." Tony added, shrugging as he sipped on his coffee.
"I haven't." Scott piped in. "I have no clue what the hell you're talking about."
"Regardless, we only have enough pinparticles for one trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Bruce said, slowly walking around the office.
"Our history." Tony reminded him. "So, not alot of convenient spots to drop in."
"Which means we'll have to pick our targets." Clint muttered. Tony nodded, shooting him the side eye. You cocked a brow when you made eye contact with Tony. Tony simply patted your shoulder.
"Let's start with the ether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve asked, everyones' attention shifting onto the god of lighting. Thor sat in a corner, coke bottle in hand and sunglasses on.
"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked after Thor didn't answer. You stared at him. The last five years had definitely been rough for him.
"Pretty sure he's dead." Rhodes mumbled. You sighed, reaching forward and grabbing a cup of water. You made it turn ice cold before tossing it at the god. Thor jolted awake, looking down at his wet shirt.
"Thor, the reality stone. What do you know about it?" Steve asked again, watching him stand and approach the picture of the reality stone. You listened to Thors' rambling, turning to look at Tony. Scott was the only one interested in what he had to say. Tony approached him, urging him to sit.
"Alright.. Who's next?"
You stared at the pictures. Three stones in New York, one in Asgard, and the other two in Morag. You looked at Steve as he approached the hologram.
"Alright, we have a plan. Six stones, three teams. One shot." Steve said. You swallowed, glancing at Rocket and Thor. You had been assigned on their team. Just in case. You stood up with the others, going off to change. You stared at the two pictures in your locker. One of the Barton family and the other of the Stark family. You headed towards the platform after changing, standing beside Thor and Rocket.
"Stay safe." Natasha said softly, giving your arm a squeeze. Steve gave a pep talk before you put your helmet on. You absolutely hated the feeling as you went through what looked like a blue tunnel. When you blinked, you were in Asgard. Thor held a finger up to his lips, passing by a room. You followed, glancing back and seeing his brother. You had never officially met Loki but he was an odd dude. You reached a hall, standing besides Thor. You listened to the women talk in the hall. You shared a look with Rocket.
"There's Jane." Thor whimpered, shaking his head. Rocket sighed.
"Alright.." Rocket hopped off the stone block, looking at you and Thor.
"You're gonna charm her, (Y/N) will be our lookout, and I'll poke her with this thing, get the stone, and we'll be gone." Rocket said, watching Thor. You gave a nod but Thor sniffled.
"I'll be right back. The wine cellar is just down here. My father used to have this huge barrel of ale." You stared at Thor, letting out a sigh as you scratched your forehead. You heard a door opening and quickly ducked besides Rocket.
"Yes, and could you also let me know when Gaia plans on visiting again?" You blinked, feeling your body freeze. You slowly stood, glancing at Thor as he slowly walked down the hall, gaze on the woman.
"Who's the fancy woman?" Rocket asked, hopping onto the stone. You swallowed, turning your head and looking at the woman.
"That's my mother..." Thor answered. Your eyes slightly widened, turning to face Thor. You opened your mouth to ask him a question.
"She dies today." Thor whispered. You shut your mouth, frowning. You licked your lips, gaze flickering around.
"How.. How does she know Gaia?" You asked softly. Thor glanced at you with furrowed brows.
"She was a friend of my mothers'." Thor answered. He looked back at where his mother had been, shaking his head.
"I can't do this." He breathed out, beginning to pant softly. You and Rocket faced him. Rocket told Thor to get closer as Thor rambled. You blinked as Rocket slapped him, almost laughing at the sight of a raccoon slapping a god.
"You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had. Same with nature boy over here. I get you miss your mom, but she's gone. Really gone and there are plenty of people who are kind of gone. You can help them. So is it too much to ask that you brush the crumbs out of your beard, talk to the girl, and when she's not looking, suck the infinity stone and help us get our families back?" Rocket stared at him. Thor nodded, a small whimper leaving him as his eyes watered.
"Thor, calm down." You said softly, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "You're the god of lighting, Thor. You can do this."
"Yeah, yeah, I can." Thor nodded. You gave him a small smile, following Raccoon towards the door. You turned, hearing footsteps rushing away. You sighed.
"He's gone." You muttered. Rocket groaned softly.
"You go after him. I'll go get the stone." Rocket said, turning around and walking towards the room.
"I don't know this place." You huffed, looking at the talking raccoon. Rocket let out an exasperated sigh.
"Be my lookout." He mumbled. You walked towards the room Jane was in, watching Rocket enter. You stood infront of the doors, gaze flickering around. You had no idea what you were gonna do if somebody asked you what you were doing. You swallowed, glancing in the direction Thors' mother had gone in.
"He'll be fine." You assured yourself, speedwalking in the direction. You spotted Thor, quietly walking towards him.
"Shh." He brought up a finger to his lips. Thor grabbed you, keeping you hidden behind the pillar as his mother passed by. She dismissed her girls. You and Thor peeked around the corner.
"What are you doing?" You flinched, letting out a yelp as a woman yelped as well. You turned and faced her, watching her look at Thor. Thor suddenly grabbed you, covering you with his jacket.
"You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother." The woman said, head tilting.
"What are you wearing? Who is this?" She asked, stepping forward. You swatted Thor's arm away, clearing your throat.
"Uhm, I'm- I'm (Y/N)." You said. Rocket was gonna kill you.
"Frigga." She gave a polite smile. "What are you wearing?" Friggas' brows furrowed, looking Thor over. Frigga slowly approached her son, placing a hand on his cheek. Thor rambled slightly. Frigga smiled softly.
"You're not the Thor I know, are you?" She asked softly.
"Yes I am."
"The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?" She gently brushed some hair out of his face. You watched her, gaze softening. You could see why Thor loved his mother so much. They shared a tight hug, something Thor had desperately needed.
"Let's talk." Frigga smiled. You tuned out as Thor spoke to his mother. You walked around her room, looking over the glass. You licked your lips, looking over at them.
"How do you know Gaia?" You asked softly. Frigga turned to look you curiously.
"Like, uhm, Thor told me but I.. I wanna know more." You said, facing her. Frigga tilted her head, slowly approaching you.
"Gaia? What would you want with her?"
"She's my mother and she.. She kind of abandonded me." You shrugged lightly, letting out a small awkward laugh. Frigga hummed, gaze softening.
"Gaia's in.. It's hard to explain. She's in The Garden. She lives there and it's how she watches over her creations." Frigga explained.
"How do I get there?"
"Fairy rings. Only certain people have access to her portals." Frigga said. You nodded, keeping it in mind. Thor stood, approaching you and his mom.
"Mother, I must tell you something-"
"No, Thor." Frigga turned to face her son, pressing a finger to his lips.
"Guys!" Rocket shouted, running towards you. "You were supposed to watch the door!"
"I know." You gave an apologetic smile. Rocket shook his head, showing the stone.
"I got it." He breathed out. "Oh, hey, you must be mom."
"I wish we had more time." Thor said softly. Frigga smiled gently, grabbing his hands.
"This was a gift. Now you go and be the man you were meant to be." Frigga said softly. Thor gave her a sad smile.
"I love you, mom."
"I love you." Frigga hugged Thor tightly. She pulled back and smiled. Rocket began to count but Thor stopped him. He extended his hand towards the balcony area. You and Rocket shared a look.
"W-What are we looking at?" He asked.
"It takes a second." Frigga chuckled softly. Thors hammer returned to him, making him beam. You smiled softly as the suit returned.
"Nice meeting you." You said.
"Same here." Frigga smiled, giving a small wave. The helmet came on and you went back through the nauseating blue tunnel. You grunted, shutting your eyes tightly.
"Yeah, fuck that." You muttered, rubbing your forehead. You looked around, noticing Clint fall to his knees with teary eyes.
"Where's Nat?"
Tags: @geek-and-proud @wolfelocksley @babyvisionisamenace @jjk-is-my-shit
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It’s Always Been You ~ 146
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,180ish
Summary: The team returns from the time heist.
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time. (gifs are not mine)
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Everyone landed on the platform in the same place they had left. They were all looking around, checking over each other. Y/N immediately felt a sense of deed sadness.
“Did we get them all?” Bruce asked.
“You telling me this’ll actually work?” Rhodey added.
Clint fell to his knees. He was all wet with a dazed look in his eyes.
“No,” Y/N gasped, coming to the realization of what happened. She shook her head and stumbled backwards, Tony quickly coming to steady her. “No.”
“Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce carefully asked.
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Clint looked down, tears rolling down his face, silently giving them the answer. Y/N began crying into Tony’s neck as he tried to comfort her. Bruce fell onto his knees and hit the floor in grief. Slowly, each person walked off the platform and heading to their rooms. To change, to mourn… Those who had a Stone, dropped it off in the lab, where Rocket said that he would watch them until everyone was ready.
Tony was practically carrying Y/N has they headed to their room. By the time they arrived, her cries were simply small sniffles and hiccups. They worked together in silence, helping get other change. There was nothing sexual about it, just incredibly intimate. Like they were both making sure the other was alright and that they were actually okay. Once done, Tony pulled Y/N in for a loving kiss, making sure it was gentle and that he was pouring all the words he couldn’t say into it.
Holding each other close, they headed out to the dock, where they already saw Clint there. The other original Avengers soon joined them, all grieving the loss of their friend. Steve was seated on a bench, tears slowly trailing down his cheeks. Tony was next to him, standing with one foot on the bench. The others were around the dock, each looking out on the water.
“Do we know if she had family?” Tony wondered.
“Tony—“ Y/N sighed.
“Yeah. Us,” Steve responded.
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“What?” Thor asked, confused.
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“Huh?” Tony responded.
“What are you doing?”
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“I just asked a question—“
“Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the Stones, right? As long as we have the Stones, Cap, we can bring her back, isn't that right?” Thor growled. “So stop this shit. We're the Avengers, get it together.”
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“We can’t get her back,” Clint stated.
“It’s can’t be undone.” He glanced Y/N’s way, who was clinging to herself and not looking at the others. “It can’t.”
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Thor dryly laughed. “I'm sorry. No offense, but you're a very earthly being. Okay? We're talking about space magic. And "can't" seems very definitive don't you think?”
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“Yeah, look, I know that I'm way outside my pay grade here. But she still isn't here, is she?”
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“No, that’s my point—“
“It can't– be undone. Or that's at least what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him, okay? GO GRAB YOUR HAMMER, AND YOU GO FLY AND TALK TO HIM!” Clint’s anger quickly changed back to grief. “It was supposed to be me. She sacrificed her life for that goddamn Stone. She bet her life on it.”
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“Y/N?” Steve called. She inhaled sharply, already knowing what was about to be asked. “Is there anything you can do?”
“The Stones are powerful,” Y/N whispered, not making a move to face anyone just yet. “And I am powerful with the Stones. But…” She slowly turned around. “But I cannot bring her back.”
In a sudden burst of anger, Bruce grabbed a bench and hurled it across the water. “She’s not coming back,” he said, looking at the others. “We have to make it worth it. We have to.”
Steve stood, determined. “We will. We need to get those Stones in the glove.”
They all started heading inside, except Y/N. Tony and Steve both paused, sharing a look before glancing Y/N’s way. The others kept going back to the compound and they went back to Y/N.
“I should have known…” she whispered, looking down at her feet as she hugged herself. “I should have known more and been able to warn her… I should have been the one to go.”
“No!” Tony quickly said, moving to hold onto Y/N’s arms. “Nat knew what she was doing.”
“Whatever it takes,” Steve added. “She did just that.”
“When I was first told a little bit more about the Soul Stone,” Y/N started, “I was told the price to receive it… A soul for a soul… I never understood what that meant until now.”
“You can’t blame yourself,” Tony said. “You can’t. And Natasha would be furious if she found out you were doing this.”
“The only thing we can do now is bring everyone back,” Steve added. “To make her sacrifice worth it.”
“Bringing everyone back won’t stop what I know is coming,” she whispered, looking up at the men with teary eyes. “I don’t know how to stop it from coming… I don’t even know how I’m supposed to end it…”
“Doesn’t matter,” Steve said, shaking his head. 
“What? But you—”
“I know what I said before, and I’m taking it back now. It doesn’t matter what happens or how, as long as we have each other and stand together. A family.” Steve grabbed onto your hand. “Together.”
“I’m with the old man,” Tony added, taking your other hand and placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Together.”
The Team watched as Y/N carefully handled each Stone and placed it into the nanotech glove Tony had created. She was inside a glass room, just in case. They were mesmerized at Y/N’s ability to control the Stones. She never physically touched them, but the levitated each one into its spot. Once the last one was placed, Y/N turned and gave Tony a slight nod, signaling it was time. Carefully caring the glove, Y/N came out of the room and set the glove on a table. She glanced around, noticing that everyone had suited up.
“Alright. The glove’s ready,” Rocket stated. “Question is, who’s gonna snap their freaking fingers?”
“I’ll do it,” Thor quickly offered.
“Excuse me?” Scott questioned.
“It’s okay.” He headed towards the glove, everyone rushing to stop him.
“No, no, no, whoa.” / “Stop.” / “Wait a sec.” / Hey, hey.”
“Wait, wait, Thor, just wait,” Steve said. “We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet.”
“I'm sorry. What, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?” Thor questioned.
“We should at least discuss it,” Scott replied.
“No, no, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty.”
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“It’s not about that—“ Tony tried, stepping in front of his friend.
“It's not that– Stop it! Just let me!” Thor teared up. "Just let me do it. Just let me do something good. Something right.”
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“Look– It's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, I'm telling you, you're in no condition.”
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“What do you– What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?”
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“Cheez Whiz?” Rhodey commented. 
“Yeah,” Tony sighed.
“Lightning won't help you, pal. It's gotta be me,” Bruce said. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive.”
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“How do we know you will?” Steve asked.
“We don’t. But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like… I was made for this.”
“Y/N?” Steve turned the attention onto his sister. “You’ve been awfully quiet through all this.”
Y/N sighed, taking a look at the Stones. “This is not where I wield them…” She responded, whispering. “I think…” She turned to look at Bruce. “I think you’re right, Bruce. You were made for this.”
“Okay then.”
“Good to go, yeah?” Tony wondered.
“Let’s do it,” Bruce responded.
“You remember– everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years.” Y/N and Tony shared a look. They couldn’t lose Morgan.
“Got it.”
Everyone circled around Bruce and the glove, but not too close. They were all suited up, preparing for what could possibly happen. Y/N was behind Tony, beside Clint. Tony had his suit on and had a shield formed in front of them.
“FRIDAY, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?” Tony requested.
“Yes, boss,” FRIDAY answered, with the whole compound quickly locking down.
Bruce walked up to the gauntlet. “Everybody comes home,” he whispered. Y/N could hear his thoughts adding something, “Even Nat.”
The gauntlet’s nanobots expanded themself to fit around Bruce’s hand as he slipped the glove on. A power surge immediately overwhelmed him, causing him to grunt in pain and get down on one knee.
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“Take it off! Take it off!” Thor panicked.
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“No, wait!” Steve ordered, holding out a hand to Thor. “Bruce, are you okay?"
“Talk to me, Banner,” Tony added.
“I’m okay,” Bruce responded, clenching his eyes shut as he nodded. “I’m okay.” Thor gave him a double thumbs up.
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“Help him,” the Stones whispered to Y/N.
“How?” She responded.
“Will us to do your bidding. Use us. Help him with the pain.”
Y/N’s hands moved ever so slightly as she concentrated on the Stones. There’s was almost an immediate difference in the amount of pain Bruce was in. The only problem now was that Y/N was feeling it. She let out a small whine of Y/N, causing Clint and Tony’s heads snap to look at her. Their eyes widened when they noticed her hands glowing.
“What is she doing?” Clint asked.
“Y/N?” Tony called, panicking. “Y/N?!”
“Stark!” Steve said. “What’s going on over there?”
“We don’t know!”
“She’s taking my pain,” Bruce said. “I have to hurrying and do this before it’s too much for her.”
Grunting, Bruce lifted up his hand and snapped his fingers. He fell back, panting, and the glove slid off his hand. Clint kicked it away. 
“Bruce!” Steve exclaimed, everyone rushing to him but Y/N. She was standing, trying to catch her own breath.
“Don’t move him,” Tony ordered, noticing the burns the Stones left. He began to spray nano particles on his arm.
“Did it work?” Bruce asked.
“Worth a shot,” Steve responded.
“It’s over,” Thor comforted. “It’s okay.”
Suddenly, there was a thud. They looked in the direction to see Y/N unconscious on the ground.
Steve and Tony rushed to her side, Tony carefully cradling her. Him and Steve looked over her, trying to see if there was any visible sign of what was happening.
“Come on, honey,” Tony pled. “Don’t do this now.”
Clint, who had been watching the couple, was suddenly distracted by his phone ringing. Looking at it, there was a picture of his wife. Shakily, he picked it up and answered it.
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“H-honey,” he struggled to speak from sheer happiness, “Honey.”
At the same time, Scott had walked towards the outside window, noticing the new plants and birds.
“Guys!” Scott yelled. “I think it worked!”
But before any celebration could be had, an array missiles hit the compound. Causing everyone to fly in different directions.
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“What the hell am I doing here?!” Y/N exclaimed. She had woken up in the Mirror Dimension, alone. “I need to see if it worked! If we brought everyone—“
“Everyone’s back,” Dr. Strange said, speaking up from behind her.
Y/N spun around. “Tell me what’s going to happen. I know you saw every detail of it. So tell me!”
The doctor shook his head. “I can’t.”
“You know that I could just get into your head, right? Figure it all out?”
“But you won’t. And the Stones won’t allow it anyway.” He came closer. “Are you prepared for the fight ahead?”
“I am.”
“Y/N, this is serious. Are you prepared?”
She gave in. “Honestly, I don’t know.”
“Follow your instinct, follow the Stones.”
“I hate those damn Stones.”
“I know. But they’re the only way to end this. And you’re the only one who can.”
“Before we part… before whatever happens, happens… please, tell me this… does Tony survive?”
“Y/N, I can’t.”
“Stephen, does Tony survive? I can not let my child grow up without at least one of her parents. Please tell me that he survives this.”
Strange frowned. “Who said you wouldn’t?”
“I’m not planning on it. So I need him to.”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Then promise me that you’ll keep him safe. That you won’t let him stop me from doing what I have to do. Knowing him… he’ll try everything he can to keep me safe. Even if that means stepping in the way of what I have to do… So promise me, Stephen, please. Protect him as much as you can.”
“I promise.”
next chapter >
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Tony being jealous of Justin’s attention on Doom is HILARIOUS
You're laughing.
Tony has been moping for like a week straight, and unintentionally showing just how not-straight he is to everyone around him because he hasn't shut up about "what does he have that I don't?" ever since Justin cancelled on him to spend time with Victor, and you're laughing.
...okay but seriously, yeah, it's entertaining as heck for anyone not personally invested.
Clint and Natasha have taken to sitting back and splitting a bag of popcorn when Tony gets going, partly because of the faces Tony makes, and partly because of how clumsily Bruce and Thor try to make him feel better— despite having drastically different ideas of why he's so moody.
Everything Bruce has said gives the impression that he thought those two were exes-now-rivals-but-it's-Complicated™, whereas Thor's sympathy about brothers who do things you can't understand is also very appreciated.
...Steve, meanwhile, seems to have bluescreened when Tony mentioned being bi and is still rebooting while trying to process that, and has taken to trawling through several decades' worth of trashy magazine articles because everyone thought Justin was straight but now thanks to this latest reveal, that might not have been the case?
It doesn't help that while Justin's fairly reserved, Tony tends to be physically affectionate with those he knows and likes and Justin tolerates the odd clap to the shoulder and side-hug with an amused look. Add to that the constant background speculation Justin's had to deal with, since he's all of two years older than Tony yet has not once expressed romantic interest in anyone, regardless of gender, and, well...
This latest revelation throws his and Tony's dynamic in a very different light, and now Steve's been grappling with why he's been feeling weird whenever Tony starts looking sad again?
Guys, a little help here? Please?
...aka yeah, this is the AU where some offhand comments may or may not have ended up giving Captain America a sexuality crisis, even as Tony's actual childhood-friend-and-nothing-more-complicated-than-that shows up and ends up clearing the air.
James Rhodes is the one who has to give them the "queerplatonic relationships" talk, because it's the best way he can explain the really weird and hard-to-define dynamic Justin and Tony have.
How their rivalry worked, and some of the rules of engagement he's picked up on over the years. How those two could be at each other's throats one minute, and the next Justin'd ask if Tony'd had lunch yet. The way they fiercely competed in the stock market [and everywhere else, for that matter], and the frankly ridiculous amounts of money Justin put into searching for Tony when he went missing in Afghanistan because, in his words, "can't win if there's nobody to compete against."
No, their dynamic still doesn't make sense to anyone else, but... they can kinda see it now? Maybe, if they squint?
At least, nobody's calling them exes anymore, that's something.
To add insult to injury, however, the entire debacle kinda ends up being a moot point when Victor von Doom loudly proclaims one of his classmates in grad school to be his one and only rival not long afterwards.
Tony doesn't know who this Richards guy is, but he is thankful he exists because whew, now the world makes sense again! Justin was his rival, now von Doom had his own and wouldn't try to steal his!
...then he actually meets Reed Richards and is immediately thankful about who his own rival is, even as he's torn between mentally drafting a letter of sympathy for Victor, and questioning him on his taste.
Really, von Doom? That guy? Sure, he was a genius, but... eh, whatever, not his problem.
At least Tony's rival was competent.
...and then later it turns out Justin and Victor are part of the same League of Evil, and oh, okay, yeah, seems legit. Annoying, sure, but that makes much more sense than what Tony'd been afraid of.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
summary:Being trapped in space with tony wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to someone except when your running out of food, and water, and happen to be dating the guy who killed his parents...ok maybe it is the worst thing to happen.
Inspired by Into the blue
pairing: tony stark x reader x bucky
warning:starvation,depression,angst, hopeless feeling,cheating,implied smut
note: Don't expect the other chapters to be as long pfft Just this being the first one i wanted to get the entire plot out.
Wonderwall masterlist
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Being trapped in space with tony wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to someone except when your running out of food, and water, and happen to be dating the guy who killed his parents...ok maybe it is the worst thing to happen.
This had all started almost a month ago when they were on a mission that meant going off of earth. To find the leader of the aliens that invaded new york. Who gave loki his army. It went as well as you'd expect leading to dead end after dead end. eventually you and tony decided it was time to return back to earth it was smooth sailing until something happened and the ship completely shut down and simply became a vessel floating. Tony tried to figure out what was wrong but seeing no damage and his suit running out of power left him having to go back to the ship and figure out what to do.
Suspecting that they couldn't be out there for more than 2 weeks they rationed the food and water between the two of them for that time. Slowly as time went on they realized they'd be there longer than expected. Slowly supplies ran out and tony was running out of solutions. y/n’s powers started to fall from her control as she got weaker. This made it hard for tony and y/n to be around one another.
Her powers are to control and manipulate thoughts and feelings. she could also make people see her thoughts. similar to wanda's except she couldn't create thought simply spread things she already knew.. Shes has them sense she was 5 and the older she got the more out of control they got. at 17 fury came to her and took her in. y/n and natasha got very close due to being there at such a young age. When wanda came they became close from similar powers. They showed her how to control her powers and use them for good. This felt similar to how she felt then. out of control whatever thoughts or want she had happened at a simple touch. She felt weak and powerless while also being powerful. Tony was currently in his mini lab trying to figure out how he could fix the suit.
y/n sat in the control room on the floor feeling empty. They were currently having to skip eating some days. This was hurting y/n more than tony and as such she could barely move anymore. sitting on the floor she was trying to get up but failing from tiredness. Tony came out his lab to see her eyes closed and head back. The soft breathing was the only way he knew she was still alive. They both looked like a wreck but y/n looked on the edge of death. “hey” tony said softly sitting next to her. “you shouldn't be here” she replied wearly still keeping her eyes closed and head back. “You won't hurt me. I trust you” tony replys sleepily. “mmm thank you but I can't control it anymore” she says softly. “Then I won't touch you” he says.
y/n finally cracks open her eyes. “How are you feeling?” tony ask. How was she? she wasn't sure herself. She felt sick and tired and her vision kept spinning. She couldn't even peel herself from the floor. she simply shrugged. “here” he says handing her an almost empty bottle of water. 
she shook her head “that's yours” she says pushing it back towards him. “I'm not the one about to shake hands with the grim reaper.” tony says pushing back the bottle. she sighs and grabs the bottle. as soon as the liquid touches her dry lips and chugs the rest of the water. 
“Better?” tony ask with concern. she nods “much” she replies with a satisfied sigh. “Tony... do you think we’ll ever get back home?” she ask finally turning her head and looking at tony. He gulps and looks over at her. Her eyes look broken a look once filled with happiness and hope and what felt like the sun is now a glance of tiredness not just as in needing sleep but tired of all of this mess. The look of someone broken and hopeless.
“no” is all he can say. She would know if he lied so why even try. she sighed looking down. “me either.”she says turning to look out the large window. It's all dark outside only light being the stars. For a few days it was such a beautiful view but now it's just a reminder they are floating farther and farther from home.
they sat there just staring out into the emptiness. Tony looked over at her. Her eyes were closed again and her breathing had deepened showing she had fallen asleep. He stood up grabbing a package of food leaving it for her. it was his portion and hers. She needed it more than he did. which is exactly what he wrote on the note he stuck on the package. Even on the verge of death he thought she looked beautiful. The thought threw him off. he shook it off assuming it was the tiredness and being together for so long. she looked very uncomfortable. 
Sitting back down he took off his jacket and laid her down on his lap. He placed his jacket on top of her to keep her warm. He stroked her hair starting to fall asleep himself. his brain starts to get fuzzy with what feels like a dream but not his own. He tried to pull away but felt stuck. The dream was or y/n and tony still on the ship. They were in the lab. They seemed happier. y/n walked over to tony and they kissed. not like it was the first time but like it was just any normal thing. after that tony finally pulled away. It took him a while before figuring out that was y/n’s dream. She had accidently spread her thought into his mind. He felt bad he wasn't intended to see that and she didn't intend for him to. 
Tony was left confused. Why would that be her dream? Why wouldn't she dream of being back at home happy with bucky. feeling her move he shoved his thoughts aside. her eyes opened looking up at him she softly smiled “hey” she said. “hey” he replied he wasn't sure on what exactly to say. She sat up and realized tony's jacket was on her. “This is a nice jacket” she said voice still covered in sleep. 
Y/n handed tony back his jacket. she tilts her head and reaches for the package of food. She reads the note and smirks. “Tony today isn't our day for food” she said. “you need to eat today. now. eat.”  tony said with a stern face. she sighed and opened up the container of food and got to eating it. She started to eat fast before tony grabbed her hand. “slowly or your body will shut down.”  he said. she nodded and ate slower. 
once she was done her eyes started to get droopy again. “hey um y/n?” tony said. She turned to him with a face to show she was listening. “your thoughts accidently got pushed into my head while you were asleep...” he said trailing off. she started to feel her heart speed up. She remembered her dream so she knew what he saw. “uh...” was all that came out when she tried to speak.
Tony shook his head “no no i get it we've been together for over a month ok I just uhm ok” tony said in a panic. Never before had tony been at a loss of words. “tony...” she said softly. “We aren't getting home and you and I have gotten closer than ever and I just I don't know...” she said looking down at the floor. She sighed “I just want the world to stop. The pain to stop for the inevitable of this to not seem so fucked!” she screamed feeling all the pain and anger in her rise. All the hurt she felt over all this time. “I need it to stop!” she yelled over and over. Tony grabbed her face. y/n stopped speaking. “Do you want me to stop it?” he asked looking over her face. She wasn't sure. This situation seemed so stuck and to turn it off would be amazing. She wasn't going to back in bucky's arms....ever. To just be touched and held by someone before their inevitable doom would be amazing. So that was it. “yes” she said softly.
With that tonys lips were on hers. It was soft and smooth. His touches and strokes. His lips and mouth were so soft. Everything he did was as if he would break her. This wasn't rough and wild sex this wasn't tony being a playboy. This wasnt love though it wasn't someone making love. This was the pain of two people who saw no way out. Two friends saying goodbye. 
After they laid together. y/n on top of tony as he held her close to him. his hand rubbed up and down her back as she slowly fell asleep. “Thank you” she said softly before falling into a slumber. He smiled at her. He felt his heart do cartwheels at the sight of her asleep, comfortable, and close to him. He knew this feeling and it frustrated him. He shook his head. He took this as simply being the fact that they had been up there for so long and had just slept together. Falling into a slumber he felt the weight of the world fall off her chest.
The next few days were better but y/n felt her body shut down more and more each day. It was halfway through month 2 of being stuck together. Then the ship shook and the door opened. y/n was sat at the control panel trying to stay alive with all her strength. 
The door opened to the ship and 5 people walked in. The last people that tony and y/n ever expected. Steve, natasha, clint, bruce, and the one that caused the most shock. james buchanan barnes.
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tlcwrites · 3 years
Two Hearts Make a Whole
Prompt: “Kiss me again, like you mean it.” Photo prompt below.
Summary: NYC Pride is for celebration, and occasionally, long-overdue revelations.
Word Count: 2,001
Tags/Content warnings: Marvel. Stucky. If you have a problem with it, there's the door. SFW. Slight TFATWS spoilers so read at your own risk. Platonic Reader. Two idiots in love. Technically canon-divergent because I'm still in my everyone-is-alive-and-in-this-timeline happy place that I will never ever leave fuck you very much Russo brothers but not AU. Found family. All the feels. Complete and total LGBTQ+ support. Lots of bad language words because #me. Un-beta'd.
Author’s Note: Okay so yes this is technically 4 weeks late for @autumnleaves1991-blog's Writer Wednesday weekly challenge. BUT, it was incredibly important to me to finish this one before Pride month is over. Made it by the skin of my teeth.
Happy Pride, y’all. If you’re out, you’re amazing. If you’re closeted, you’re amazing. However you identify is valid and important. Trans folx are LGBTQ+. Bisexuals are LGBTQ+. Ace folx are LGBTQ+. Anyone who identifies or thinks they may be as queer is LGBTQ+. All are welcome in the family. You have the right to choose your pronouns and we have the responsibility to use them. Live whatever your truth looks like to you and love each other. Love is love is love is love. If your family doesn’t accept you for you, I’m your mom now and I’ve got mom hugs available on demand. Homophobes and TERFS can fuck off and roll in poison ivy. Always punch Nazis. Pride shouldn't be limited to the month of June. And don’t you dare forget that Black and Brown trans women were the ones who rioted at Stonewall, and we owe everything to their bravery. Don’t forget that much of popular ‘gay’ culture was appropriated from Black women. And for more facts about Pride that you should absolutely know, Rawiyah Tariq (@ mammyisdead on Instagram) has a phenomenally good overview.
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“Oh my god.” You gasp loudly. "Oh my GOD. Is that-"
“What?!” Instantly in First Avenger Protective Mode™️, Steve surveys the crowd, wishing he had an actual shield instead of the screen printed one on his shirt. “What is it?”
You gasp again, smacking Sam’s arm repeatedly. “OHMYGOD IT IS HOLY FUCK.”
“First; ow.” Now-Cap rubs his bicep. “Second; clue in the class before Steve has an aneurysm, please.”
Vibrating with excitement doesn’t begin to describe your current state. “HER ROYAL HIGHNESS MISS LEMON MERINGUE IS STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE.”
With the finesse of a shampoo commercial, Bucky's dark locks fly as he whips around. “What?!”
“RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE.” You abandon a relieved Sam and latch on to Bucky’s vibranium arm. “Oh my GOD I love her so fucking much.”
“She was robbed, absolutely fucking robbed,” he agrees, craning his neck to get a better view. “Divine Tension’s lip sync was shameful.”
Sam glances at Steve, who is slowly coming out of protector mode. “What the ever-loving hell are they talking about?”
“RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Nat flicks more confetti at both Cap-the-former and Cap-the-current. “They watch it every week.”
“Really, Steven, for a guy with enhanced super senses, you miss a lot.” Tony hefts a bedazzled Morgan higher on his back. The toddler, accompanied by Scott playing air-piano on the ground, sings along with the ABBA song being blasted at full volume through the street. Tony continues as if this is an everyday occurrence. “Why do you think both of your People disappear every Friday evening?”
Ears pink, Steve mumbles something.
“What?!” The only other one with hearing enhanced enough to hear a murmur over the cacophony of several thousand people belting out the chorus of ‘Dancing Queen’ at the top of their lungs, Bucky turns to stare at his friend. “You thought we were datin’?”
Steve’s blush extends down his neck.
You and Bucky stare at each other for a moment before you both collapse on each other, exploding into stomach clenching, thigh slapping laughter.
“I’m gonna guess that’s a ‘no’?” Clint confirms with Nat.
“Oh, a big ‘no’.” She watches affectionately as you and Bucky calm down enough to look at each other, breathe for a second, and both promptly dissolve into hysterics once more. “Like, the biggest ‘no’.”
Sam crossed his arms across his chest, his stoic stance so reminiscent of Steve it’s amusing (as well as a beautiful disparity to the sequined crop top he’s sporting. Oof, those abs.). “How do I not know about this?”
“Because you’re not a former super spy?” The usually-Black-but-today-Rainbow Widow tosses the last of her confetti at Tony, who spins a jubilant Morgan into it. “Or because you and that leggy barista from the lobby coffee shop are too busy playing hide-the-“
“-Baby Shark!” Morgan suddenly shrieks, flailing towards a guy on roller blades wearing a fin and tail (and not much else).
“Yeah,” Nat finishes with a smirk, “Hide-the-Baby Shark.”
Sam flips her a gesture that makes Clint laugh and Bruce sigh.
You and Bucky have finally managed to pull yourselves together. “Oh my god, Steven Grant,” you gasp, wiping tears from your eyes. “That’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve ever fucking heard.”
Steve glares at Tony. “One. Time. It was one. Time.”
Bucky slings his flesh arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Oh, punk. You may have perfect vision now, but sometimes you’re still as blind as you were before.”
Visiortn himself nods sagely. “Humans can be quite unperceptive when it comes to matters of the heart.” Vision casts a fond smile at Wanda, who is using her powers to make Pietro’s tinsel wig fly on and off. “Sometimes you have to look harder to see what’s right in front of your nose.”
A confused frown on that handsome face, Captain Clueless looks at Bucky. “Why do I feel like everyone else knows something that I don’t?”
His bestie sighs deeply. “Because, Stevie, almost everyone else on this planet knows that my tastes tend towards tall, blonde, blue-eyed knuckleheads who have zero sense of self-preservation.”
“And an ass you could bounce a quarter off of,” Scott helpfully supplies.
“And that,” Bucky agrees.
Steve frowns.
You press your palms to your eyes in vexation. “You, Steve. He’s talking about you.” (Seriously, how has this idiot survived for over a century while being so dumb?)
Whatever he was expecting, it was certainly not that. “He-“ The Man With A Plan gapes as he turns to his oldest friend. “You-“
“Me,” Bucky says gently.
Even though you’re slightly surprised that Bucky is going to do this in such a public forum, you can’t help but be so proud of your friend. It has taken a long time for Bucky to believe he deserves to be happy. There are days he still sinks into that dark place, where his inner demons whisper that he should have fought harder against his Hydra captors, and that his past actions were still somehow his fault. Those are the days no amount of baking or Modern Marvels will bring him out of his funk. You, Steve, Sam, and Nat have all held those strong shoulders as they shook with sobs, overwhelmed by the shame and horror at what his hands had done without his consent.
But he’s here. He’s free. And he’s smiling nervously at his best friend.
“I-” Steve is short-circuiting. “Me?!”
“Stevie.” With the kind of tender patience that can only be born of a lifetime of keeping (or attempting to keep) an idiot such as one Steven Grant Rogers from flinging himself headlong into every fight he comes across, Bucky moves his flesh hand to the back of Steve’s neck. His face is full of such soft affection that you almost want to look away for fear of intruding on this suddenly intimate moment. “What do you think ‘til the end of the line’ means, you idiot? You’ve been it for me since I was thirteen-years-old.”
Blue eyes are locked with blue eyes as Steve processes this revelation. “I-” He shakes his head as if to declutter his thoughts. “This whole time?”
“Since the first time I saw that asshole knock you down, and your scrawny ass climbed right back up.” A wry chuckle escapes as Bucky reminices. “You were ninety pounds soaking wet, and you stood there, against a guy who was three times your size, and never waivered for a second. It was magnificent.”
“I don’t like bullies,” is Steve’s quiet response.
Bucky’s grin is adoring. “I know, sweetheart.” He gently strokes the back of Steve’s neck with his thumb. “You’ve always had a heart way bigger than your brain.”
Steve is still back on the first part of Bucky’s admission. “If you’ve felt- if you-” He’s practically pleading. “Why didn’t you say anything then?”
Bucky shrugs, attempting and failing nonchalance. “It was a different time, you know?” He’s uncharacteristically unsure of himself, the subtle waiver in his voice revealing the anxiety born of a lifetime of being forced to hide his truth. “I mean, you remember how it was; you didn’t talk about, no one talked about- about being- about people like...” He swallows thickly.  “And I was so scared you didn’t, that you weren’t-” His voice breaks.
Even though you’ve all been emotionally invested in this love story for years, the entire team respectfully pretends not to listen as the former Winter Soldier quietly admits his deepest secret to his closest friend. It’s enraging as Bucky confesses yet another way he's been a victim of his circumstances, and denied his right to live freely without derision. Once more, you’re awed by his resilience.
“-it was a risk I couldn’t take,” Bucky finally gets out, that stubborn fire back in his eyes. “I couldn’t lose you, Steve. I couldn’t chance it. I could live with just being your friend and only your friend so long it meant you were in my life.”
Stunned silence meets the end of his confession. Steve’s face is impassive, those cerulean eyes uncharacteristically inscrutable.
You can all tell Bucky is heading steadily towards dread and heartbreak the longer Steve takes to respond. You and Sam exchange a look, both ready to intervene if Steve demonstrates any of the abhorrent attitudes that were so prevalent in the society of his youth. It would be completely out of character for him, but...
Finally, Steve speaks. “You’re telling me,” he says, his words slow and deliberate, “that you made me wait ninety-three years to tell me you’ve felt the same way about me as I have about you since the day you picked me up out of that alley?!”
The whole found family breaths a collective sigh of relief as Steve pulls Bucky even closer, broad chest to broad chest.
“Okay, to be fair, you were an ice cube for most of that time and I wasn’t exactly available for a relationship.” Bucky’s grin stands in contradiction to his mullish defense. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” There’s the Bucky you all know and love, biting his lip with those perfect white teeth. “Now, punk, I’d really like to kiss you now, but first I need you to say you want me to.”
“You-” Steve’s throat works as he attempts- and fails- to rein in his emotions. “You jerk.”
And then the Star Spangled Man seizes the president of the Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club by his ridiculously perfect face and crashes their mouths together.
At any Pride event, seeing two men kissing is, obviously, to be expected. But seeing The First Avenger and The White Wolf attempting to swallow each other’s tongues is not at all routine. As people realize what is happening, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy the likes of which is usually reserved for the aftermath of sporting events and elections that defeat fascists.
Watching the two men embrace, Scott sniffles loudly. “I’m gonna cry, I’m so happy.”
He’s certainly not the only one. Wanda has a watery smile as she wraps her arms around Vision and Pietro; Pepper, Tony, and Bruce are watching with fond parental energy; you and Sam sandwich Peter between the two of you, grins practically splitting your faces. Even Nat’s eyes look suspiciously shiny and she and Clint sling their arms around each other with platonic affection. And that’s not counting the several thousand people who are cheering for love being love being love being love.
When they finally break their embrace, the Centennial twins are startled to see they’ve collected quite an audience.
“Uh, so…” Suddenly bashful, Steve glances back to his- partner? Boyfriend? Soulmate? Is there a word that can accurately describe two people who have found each other time and again in a world that seems hell-bent on keeping them apart?- his ears practically maroon with embarrassment. For a guy with one of the most-recognized faces in the world, Steve is still incredibly and endearingly uncomfortable with attention. “Buck?”
Bucky seems just as stunned as Steve.
Thankfully, the masses demonstrate the usual support that’s the hallmark of Pride. “LOVE IS LOVE!” someone screams in the crowd. It’s quickly echoed, and chants fill the park.
The attention momentarily off them, the former Winter Soldier and his giant himbo of a soulmate look back at each other. You pretend not to watch through the happiest tears as they embrace again, bringing their foreheads together. The relief they share is palpable, as they’re finally able to show the world- and each other- the love they’ve each hidden for so long.
Bucky’s voice is so soft you have to strain to hear it. “You have no idea how much m’in love with you, Stevie.”
“Pretty sure I do,” Steve answers, bringing a hand up to carefully wipe the tears from Bucky’s face. “‘cause it’s as much as I love you, Buck.”
Bucky's answering grin can only be described as saucy. “Then kiss me again, like you mean it.”
And Steve, for once in his long life, does exactly as ordered.
A/N: “The Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club” is from Starry_Emerald173’s BRILLIANT The Avengers Wrangler over on AO3. If you haven’t read it yet, drop what you’re doing and do so immediately. Make sure you're not drinking any liquids, or your keyboard/phone may be in peril.
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