mxxnlightsblog · 2 years
If you have been brutally broken but still have the ability to be kind to others, you deserve a love that is deeper than the ocean.
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1. In this age of technology and virtual relationships, the first and the most important secret to a healthy friendship is TRUST. With no scope to have conversations one-on-one, it gets really hard to build trust between two people. The distance of miles, schedules and everything else makes forming assumptions very easy. With assumptions come the gradual bitterness. So, focus on keeping good thoughts about the other person and trust their intentions.
2. ACCEPT that no matter how close you are, it's humanly impossible for someone to be there for you every single time. Everyone is limited by the turns of life. Avoid counting their absences as their flaws. Instead, believe that they would have been there for you if they could. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
3. DO NOT KEEP THINGS TO YOURSELF ONLY FOR THEM TO TURN INTO GRUDGES LATER. Speak out. Share. Shorten the distance. Allow the other person to get a look into your routine life.
4. SHARE little things. Talk about your plan for the day. Talk about the little things that make you think, smile or laugh. Make the person feel included. Keep the connection flowing.
-Sabina Yesmin
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fake-elizabeth-bennet · 11 months
You might hate yourself for having a sensitive heart. You cry when someone raises their voice at you, you become sad when somebody ignores you, you hate it when you don't make your coffee right, you get disheartened when you don't get to talk to your favourite person. Being sensitive makes you feel everything deeply.
But having a sensitive heart brings you joy as well, and as easily. A nice cup of coffee, a cute kitten on the way to work, a cheerful "Good Morning" from your colleague, rewatch of your favorite show, a late night drive, a beautiul sunset/sky, sound of rain on your window, an hour long call with your Mom or sibling or best friend, a beautiful flower blooming on your terrace, a song you heard again months later, a book you can't put down and what not.
Sensitive heart brings us a lot of pain, easily and quickly but it can brings us happiness as well. As easily and as quickly. Next time your sensitive heart cries on silly stuff, try to make it laugh with some other silly stuff.
Thank you for coming to my half-witTED TALK.
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thebillionairelaw · 2 years
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Excuses won’t solve anything 🤘.
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tomcprior · 7 months
Get to know me...
Tom Prior is an exceptional talent in the realm of acting and filmmaking. 
After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in 2012 he has brought his undeniable presence to notable films such as "The Theory of Everything," where he portrayed the role of Robert Hawking, the son of Eddie Redmayne's character. His performance in "Kingsman: The Secret Service" showcased his versatility and ability to play an action hero. He left a memorable mark on television audiences with his appearances in the British ITV series “Endeavour."
Tom Prior delivered an extraordinary lead performance in the highly acclaimed and multi-award winning film "Firebird" (2022)”. Set against the backdrop of the Soviet Air Force during the Cold War, Tom's portrayal of love and connection in the face of adversity transcended the boundaries of traditional storytelling. His acting earned him a Breakout Performance nomination for the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA), 
Through his multifaceted contributions to “Firebird," as co-writer, a producer and later the music supervisor, Tom showcased his ability to craft compelling narratives that has touched the hearts of audiences worldwide. Firebird secured numerous accolades at the 60+ international film festivals it played at. 
His captivating performances on screen and stage are just a glimpse into his profound journey of self-discovery and his quest for truth and adventure.
With a newfound understanding of the inter-connectedness of body, mind, and spirit, Tom's acting talent has soared to new heights. 
Tom's artistic expression continued to evolve as he took on the role of Private Love in "Blood on The Crown" (2022). Through his performances, he not only entertained audiences but also shed light on profound truths.
Even on London's prestigious West End stages, Tom's commitment to self-discovery and personal growth shone brightly. His magnetic presence in productions such as "Tory Boyz," "Prince of Denmark," and "Romeo & Juliet" captivated audiences and reflected his deep exploration of the human condition.
Tom's passion for exploration has led him beyond the realms of traditional training and into the depths of meditation, the mysteries of quantum physics, and embarked on many transformative experiences with indigenous tribes working with consciousness expanding medicines including Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Bufo (also known as the God Molecule).
In his ongoing search and curiosity for truth, he actively shares his learnings influenced by Shakespeare, Rumi, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Ramana Maharishi, and A Course In Miracles.
Tom now coaches and speaks about these deep insights into reaching liberation from the limitations of the mind. His quests have taken him to the far corners of the Earth including Rwanda, Uganda, Bhutan, Nepal, Brazil, Cambodia and Antarctica. 
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Tom’s IMDB Profile: 
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In 2023, social media usage continues to surge with an estimated 4.89 billion global users, reflecting the profound impact of digital connectivity.
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adambja · 8 months
I have coaching for self-concept, the void state shifting and everything related to law of assumption also affirmation tapes and these are powerful they work instantly and its price is different from the coaching because it's based on your needs - custom affirmation tapes
I have almost 9 places left for 9 people only for September 2023
and then idek if I will do that coaching again or not so take that chance I have a lot of knowledge!
And the amount of money you pay depends on the time I will be with you whatever it's a week - 2 weeks - 3 weeks or a month and it's a month maximum also it depends on how much effort I will put in this with you and it starts when we decide a specific date that we start on!!
The payment in crypto and I will give u all the info you need for u to pay without knowing anything about your personal info it's with your credit card but you will need an id with a verification to pay it
Finally the price starts with 100$ for a week but it mainly depends on ur needs so it can be less or more
Anything related to a specific person this will start with more than 200$ in crypto
If you are the type that gets hopeless about everything after that payment is done i will find a way to get you ur money back but i will take 40% from it for wasting my time with your hopelessness I want people who are willing to put in work not people who are just paying then doing nothing waiting for it to happen on its own YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING I AM TELLING U AND DOING IT AS I TELL YOU then it will happen on its own when u shift your mind PERIOD
And I don't manifest for anyone for money again it's coaching for u to do it on your own!
A little note* I already entered my void state I don't even need that money I made it for money because I really do my best and put all the things I learned in it with you it's like I am giving you my time for an amount of money that I really deserve for that time and these information I am telling you also for another reason I really respect my time and my effort and I love myself it's just for you to take me seriously and take everything we are doing seriously to just let you know where you went wrong in your journey and fix it together because it's your responsibility to fix it I am here to help you for that amount of money that's it! And for the last reason which is setting boundaries and having a healthy relationship in the way we talk to each other if I notice any disrespect more than once I will just take a percentage of your money because of that disrespectful behavior then give u the rest back!
Once you talk to me and ask for that coaching I am not playing around I am giving you everything you actually need I am letting you know where you went wrong and I really notice the way you talk in the conversation that we have for the first time asking u the right questions and I am doing this because I have a little bit of free time rn so I decided to make it publicly here today
I think I made this post very clear and I am really happy about it
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placeforus · 1 year
"Liberate yourself from the need to be right." — Seth Godin
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3milyyxx · 1 year
Relacja z drugim człowiekiem na tle miłosnym jest jak zmiany pór roku pierwsze miesiące są jak wiosna życie na nowo nabiera barw wszystko dookoła rozkwita i nie patrzymy na to, że trawa od słońca usycha. Następnie występuje lato okres, w którym pszczoły tańczą pośród kwiatów i owoców, po tym czasie przychodzi jesień moment, w którym poważnie zastanawiamy się nad tym, czy chcemy przez następne miesiące zapaść w sen zimowy z daną osobą…
Wchodząc w relacje z drugim człowiekiem musimy mieć świadomość podejmowania decyzji i ciężkich wyborów, ponieważ wszyscy różnimy się od siebie, ale gdy już pokonamy dane przeszkody będziemy mogli dalej cieszyć się wiosną…
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1. ADMIT that a relationship has ended. A lot of time is usually wasted in DENIAL, and then, trying all the ways there is to make the other person change their mind. A tendency that takes birth from attachment and emotional dependency. The sooner you accept the truth, the quicker you will heal.
2. DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF to feel or act okay. Hurting has nothing to do with you being inferior or weak. It's one's natural response to a painful situation. You do not have to pretend or show anyone that you are strong when you do not feel it truly. Instead, take the time and space to figure out your next course of action. Because HEALING is the result of one's CONSCIOUS EFFORTS.
3. AVOID GENERALIZING. Just because one person or two couldn't treat you better, it doesn't make affection a myth. "Love is a lie," "True love is a myth," "Relationships are all a waste of time," and "I am never going to trust anyone again," are what I call the EASY-ESCAPE. Thoughts like these do not take anyone to a good place. People turn bitter, hard to trust and skeptical. Take everything as a part of a bigger process instead. Hold onto the trust in the good side of life. It's just a bad chapter, and not a bad story.
4. INVEST YOUR TIME in forming new habits or grooming yourself. It's so important for everyone to remember that any relationship is just a pretty part of their world and not their entire world. You still exist with your purpose and the potential to fulfill it.
5. REMEMBER that no pain comes empty-handed. It always comes with something very revealing and enlightening. Take the lessons to protect yourself from repeating the same mistake, and keep on the walk. Know that it's not the end until you are at ease with it.
-Sabina Yesmin
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thebillionairelaw · 2 years
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Be unique❤️.
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cacophany7 · 1 year
Self motivation + Decleration of independence from my ~ugly self~
Honestly felt bad for a while since I saw memories of myself like 2 years ago looking thin and happy with life and now here I am loll
A fat cow with no life but one will to shape myself to be a better person
Will be starting on 20th Feb.
All the best to everyone along the journey 💐✨
Towards a better future, and a new me💅🎊
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Slow living ✨✨✨🌿🌿🌿🌿
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mr-lvrm4n · 1 year
The willow project is a thirty year long project in the arctic, Alaska. This is 287 million metric tons of toxic chemicals going into the arctic. This will make animals have to relocate. By 2023 many people, plants, and animals will be dead.
one of the petitions
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