#i always get so stressed answering this bc I don't want to forget someone or not list someone and make them feel bad
marvelouslizzie · 8 months
sooo, i read your fic "like someone i know" and it was absolutely hot AND amazing. i am obsessed with miscommunication of how they thought they hated/were against each other but not. 😭
if you do take requests, could you write a drabble or something of them finally dating and bucky still teasing the reader but obviously in love now? JBJDJSHS maybe make the entire class confused bc they're aware of their rivalry. i just LOVEEE the fluff after enemies/rivals to lovers plots. 🥹
if you don't take requests, it's okay!!! your fic was amazing and now i shall read more of your work to my heart's content!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️
Oh, I absolutely love this! I tried to write a cute drabble and I hope this works for you.
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summary: Set after Like Someone I Know. You and your former academic rival, Bucky, begin a secret romantic relationship. What happens when you two have another exam?
pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
warnings: None actually. Pure bickering and a bit of fluff + no mention of y/n.
word count: 842
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
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Another day, another test. You feel stressed by the number of lessons you had to study for this one. There were so many things, even though you went through all of them, you feel like you remember nothing. Nothing at all.
You open your bag and reach for your notes while your back rests against the cold wall. Maybe you will feel confident enough if you go through them one more time. Refreshing your memory does not hurt, right?
You start to read and repeat the most important info in your mind, trying to remember where and how you wrote them so you can use them during the exam, but it’s hard to concentrate. Especially, when Bucky’s voice is booming through the hallway. His laugh is so loud, and it annoys you because he isn’t laughing like that because of you. He’s just messing around with Steve, Sam, and Natasha, as usual. You are pretty sure Natasha is the one that made him laugh this loudly, and jealousy takes over you. 
“For the love of god, just stop talking for a sec! Some of us are trying to study here.” 
No one bats an eye. They are so used to you two bickering before and after exams, but Bucky immediately turns to you. You see the mischievous spark in his eyes. He’s so amused by the comment.
“Do you mean yourself, princess? Because I don’t see anyone else besides you studying right now.”
You make a sour face when you hear him calling you princess. That’s new. He usually calls you doll.
“Does it matter?”
“Matters to me.”
“Fine. I’m trying to study. Shut your mouth, kay? Bye.”
You try to turn back to your notes, but no, Bucky is not done bickering with you. Of course, he isn’t.
“Don’t worry, you will get a good grade. You always do.” It could’ve been such a sweet encouragement if his tone had been different. It just feels like he’s patronizing you.
“So what? I should stop studying?” 
“Yeah. Give yourself a break, doll.” He stops for a second, then dramatically adds. “Live a little.”
“Studying first, living later.” That kinda sounds like a promise, but no one but Bucky gets that.
You think you can finally read again, but Sam doesn’t let go of the conversation for some reason. He always likes to interject.
“Are you worried Bucky will get the best grade?” 
“Oh, come on, Sam!” Steve sounds tired already.
“I would like to see him try.” After years of being rivals, your answer comes automatically. You forget there’s no need for this anymore.
“I got the best score last time, remember?” Luckily he doesn’t sound offended. Maybe he just missed your usual bickering.
“And I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.” You give him a fake smile. You really want to get the best score, even if that means beating your boyfriend.
“You always say that, but…” Suddenly he stops talking, and you wanna know how that sentence ends.
“But what?” 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Come on!” You challenge him. He shouldn’t stop himself from voicing his thoughts just because you started to date a while ago. Your rivalry is still there. He should be free to say whatever he wants. “Say it.”
“Maybe later.” He resists.
"Come on, Barnes! Since when are you afraid to speak your mind?" Your taunting works like a charm.
“You always say that, but I never saw you upset because I beat you.”
You can’t help but smile. If someone is gonna get the better grade, it has to be Bucky. Any other option is simply not acceptable.
You feel the stares of Steve, Sam, and Natasha on you. They didn’t expect this turn of events. They have been holding their breaths to see your reaction. Are you gonna get mad? Snap back at him? Shove his flirtatious comment up his ass?
“If it's not me, then it has to be you, right?” You watch Bucky’s smile grow while others mumble with confusion.
“If not my girl, then who else?”
Oh, he really went there. He didn’t miss the opportunity to claim you, and even though you wanted to do that very differently, you can’t help but feel giddy about it.
You don’t say anything at first, slowly walking towards him. You stop right in front of him, staring into his pretty blue eyes. He doesn’t know what to expect, so you can see how puzzled he is. You stand on your tiptoes and gently place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Good luck, baby,” you whisper into his ear, then you just turn on your heels, like nothing happened. “See you after the exam.” You don’t look back, but you hear others talk.
“What the fuck just happened?” 
“Did she just-” 
“I told you they would eventually fuck, Rogers! Pay up!” 
“Language, Sam! We don’t even know…”
“Oh, they definitely did.” Natasha sounds rather amused.
“Oh, come on! You betted on us?” Bucky’s charming voice is the last thing you hear before entering the classroom.
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camels-pen · 3 months
completely unrelated thought to literally anything i've been doing today:
canon Sanji getting swapped with a Sanji from a genderswap AU. key point is that everyone's p much the same personality wise
there are crises going on. but mostly for canon Sanji lmao
this includes:
Luffy still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Franky also still likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
Usopp, guess what, also likes to walk around w/ an open shirt
granted, Usopp at least wears crop tops sometimes
Brook looks pretty much the same except for speaking mannerisms / voice pitch; startles the hell out of Sanji bc he keeps expecting it to be his Brook until a Skull Joke comes out of those chuckling teeth
The knee jerk reaction to Robin and Nami keeps crossing wires- one moment Sanji will just register a guy in his peripheral but not who he's speaking to and cuss and complain and shit. then the realization will kick in and he'll be caught up trying to apologize, but then wondering if he does need to apologize because uh, Nami and Robin are guys here right?? and they're not his Nami and Robin, but at the same time he can't just be rude to Nami and Robin-
he ends up staring into space for a while thinking in circles about it
Zoro is now of the gender he typically dotes on
"H-Hey, Moss-chan-"
"Don't call me that"
"Right. You want a smoothie?"
"I'm not gonna fuck you."
Usopp is the easiest to dote on, followed by Chopper, Franky, and Luffy. funny thing is, aside from Zoro, none of them have complained about/refused said doting. Sanji is reassuring himself that his list doesn't mean anything. he's not falling for Usopp just because of a pair of tits. that'd be ridiculous. after all his Usopp has got plenty big tits already-
he slams his head into a wall trying to forget that thought
also. he has no outlet for any frustration/anger/overwhelming feelings because he's got his code of chivalry thing. so he can't fight Zoro and he doesn't want to fight Robin or Nami. he starts smoking more to compensate, but then he either runs out or Chopper intervenes and gets him to promise to limit his use
in short. suffering.
This Nami and Robin do notice though & while Nami very much does not want to fight Sanji on account of, yknow, not wanting any broken bones or terrible injuries, Robin on the other hand-
He knew it'd help Sanji and it'd be nice to have a sparring partner to practice the more deadly things he can do on someone who can handle it, so he's kinda like "if it'll help, i don't mind sparring"
Sanji is caught between "oh fuck yes, finally someone to kick" and "I CANT HURT ROBIN-KUN"
the sparring ends up very pathetic on Sanji's side of things- think his fight with Kalifa but without him trying to bluff and looking openly stressed- Usopp listens to Sanji's woes about it later while she tinkers on inventions lmao
Usopp is also oddly clingy with Sanji, more so than his own Usopp. However, Sanji doesn't even bother thinking about it, just happy to soak up all the affection. He always has some sort of crisis thinking about his own Usopp later though.
Zoro, and I cannot stress this enough, is a woman. a buff, sweaty, mossball of a woman.
so yeah, suffering.
fem sanji, on the other hand:
having the time of her life
proud bisexual woman going "dear god, so many hot guys- wait shit, is that mosshead"
starts getting "overly friendly" with Usopp- laying his head in her lap, playing with his hair, carrying him around, calling him pet names, making him special snacks, etc.
everyone else puts it together real quick, except Usopp. who doesn't realize the answer until fem Sanji gives him a goodbye kiss on the cheek before going to prep for dinner
The answer: fem Usopp and fem Sanji are dating
fem Sanji: he's Usopp, therefore he's my partner in this flipped world, therefore I gotta treat him right while his own Sanji isn't here
Usopp wants to tell her the truth. but also. doesn't.
he is a mix of guilt and happiness every time he doesn't speak up and gets some gesture of love from her
in conclusion: one way or another, there is suffering all around <3
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ffeelann · 2 months
Can you do a fluff rindou fic??? Where the reader pulls out a cheating prank on him? Thank you!!! I love your stories!!!! 💓
a/n: omg ty so much😭😭😭😭✨✨✨ uni is taking some time but I LOVE TAKING REQUESTS It makes me Happy yay. Btw I was súper sad while writing this but I ended up feeling better so💋THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE.
Commissions and tips open too!!!
Warning: cheating prank(?, treaths but just a little, fluff, gn reader bc i'm used to it now.
—Ah, no. I wouldn't like to have you there— Rindou explained. He was, in fact, worried about you. He would have never wanted you to get hurt into some...thing? Some situation he would never love to put into words in your company.
But, sometimes, you could forget how he was when he first met you and, of course, how he was when he attracted you first.
—Uh, sure. He said he'd want me anywhere, anytime— you said, taking away your jacket and placing it into the closet.
It was just a tiny little immature comment. Everyone has them. Just a little joke you act out because it would suit the non existent script wonderfully.
But he was not answering.
He would have.
—what? Why do you stare like that?
—the fuck is 'he'?
—the one's who does wants you...?
—oh, so you don't want nor like me? Okay...
Rindou placed his hand on his face, hiding himself from the judgement of the moment. You knew you were just playing, but apparently he didn't.
He usually did, though. But... maybe those things he wanted to protect you from were... real stuff you needed to be protected from. Maybe that was making him stressed.
All Rindou could feel and see was his hand, until you took it away from his face to kiss his fingers and sit on his lap just to hug him more comfortably.
—It's a joke, it's a joke. There is no he. You're him.
He kissed your neck, burying his face on your shoulder.
—I hate you sometimes...— he said, caressing your back trought your shirt. You were always... you. And he could never be mad at someone who was just like you.
—no you don't, i'm funny funny.
—no I don't. And, by the way, funny the way I'd beat the shit out of...— "me?" You said, accentuating the jokingly tone without doing a single move. He would never touch a single hair of yours— y/n...
—I know, I know. I'll stop being funny funny.
You kissed his chin softly.
—don't. You can be funny funny. If someone does want to beat your ass, I'll make sure they can't.
You cupped his face on both your hands, caressing it with your thumbs. He wouldn't admit it, but if you stopped doing that for any random reason in the future, he'd be so lost.
—can we just have a one cute couple moment without any random treaths to people who doesn't actually exist? I'd like to spend more time with you before you go...— when you said that, he kissed your hands, still caressing his face.
—sure. Are you hungry?
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It's so funny that Alex is an all day stressed person.
but imagine him and Willie living together, Alex waking up relaxed and chill, just to find out that Willie's all day very chill relaxed non challant personality, doesn't exist in the morning.
Alex is making coffee for them both and Willie sits down. First of all, he looks sick, eye bags, his face has marks from the scrambled duvet, his hair is frizzy and matted up, and he has the facial expression of someone that saw a dead cat in the road.
And then Willie looks at him, no good morning, only "why did you let me sleep with my hair loose? Look at this mess."
Alex :well you fell asleep when we were watching tv i didnt wanted to disturb you.
Willie: So why YOU didn't fixed it for me?
Alex has no answer to that.
Willie express the nexts thoughts, his coffee is making him nauseous, his eggs smell horrid, his juice maker is too loud and "No, Alex, I didn't brushed my teeth yet, what are you? A dental cop?"
Alex is just amused and staring while Willie is running his hands through his hair and staring an empty plate.
Luke, Reggie and Julie come in bc they have some band stuff and Luke looks Willie up "Jesus...alex how are you attracted to this?"
And Reggie "wow we really fell into the trap that willie was a hot godsend. Shame."
And like THEY NEVER saw Willie in the morning so they don't think Willie will be upset by their clownery.
and alex wants to stop it but he also wants to see what willie will do about it
Willie tell them to get out his face, as he is ignored and the boys start to look for breakfast.
Willie: didn't you heard me? I told you that get out.
Luke: chill man we just mess-
Willie: OUT! Now!
Reggie: dude that breath is foul, you kiss alex with that mouth?
Willie, gets up and slam the table: If you don't get out of my house right now, i will kill the both of you with this butter knife and throw both your bodies in that dumpster outside!!!
Luke and Reggie: okay... Alex, we will get donuts and meet you there.
Willie looks at Julie who is puttint herself eggs. "Do you have anything to add too?" "... I love your shirt." And points to the shirt that is definitely stained with dental cream and drool. "Thanks, its Alex's." He says unamused and sits down.
Alex is staring and Willie catches him. "thanks for defending me, by the way." And alex "I want to marry you." "Then you should've gotten ME some donuts."
but alex is just always happy to have a demon boyfriend in the morning.
But he learns too, for example, Willie hates coffee and juice is not an everyday choice, willie WANTS pancakes and bacon and donuts but pancakes, bacon and eggs or anything that has too much carbs make him feel heavy and stuffed, and fruit just and juice are too acid for the morning.
ideal breakfast for willie in the morning that won't get him to complain? Tea and oatmeal with smashed banana and honey. Or guacamole if they have it.
Willie never gets better in the morning, Alex learned that he doesn't care how "healthy" it is, Willie doesn't brush his teeth in the morning. If he forgets to braid his hair before sleeping (which he does. A lot. Sleeps watching TV or drawing a lot.) Alex will either braid for him, or in the morning, Alex will get Willie through breakfast and sit him on the bathroom with a comb and some water, and gently get the knots out. Which usually gives Willie tingles and quiet time so he's more chipper after it. One time willie kissed him after it and said "sorry I am being a dick to you after I wake up." And Alex "please never stop being a dick to me in the morning."
And like when people finally learn to not talk to Willie in the morning, they think Alex mastered how to deal with him but.some mornings willie come in and Alex "i made your breakfast" and willie will go "i dont want it." And start preparing toast and bacon. And alex will look at him like "you know u dont like eating those at this hour, right?" And willie "i WANT to eat it, you can't tell me what to do!" And whoever is there thinks "wow alex is being a super sweet boyfriend and willie is being really moody" and when willie gets his breakfast ready he sits, stares and looks down.
Alex: you don't want it.
Willie: shut up.
Alex: well these look really good, so what about you gimme these, and you can have my yogurt with cereals. It has those dried minced fruit.
Willie: ... Is it creamy?
Alex: no.
Willie: ...fine.
Willi plops into Alex's lap and reach his made breakfast to Alex. And eats "alex's breakfast"
It basically means alex has double breakfast sometimes.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
ive been listening to too much taylor swift
🌽 CORN MAZE: With "Losing him is blue like I've never known" bc im in an angsty mood with Steve? Pretty please emma?
sweet athena you know me i can't JUST do angst, so we start there and go back to fluff at the end <3 love u and let me know what u think! -- "There's no way he'll forgive me," you stutter out. "It's been three days and he hasn't said a word and I don't blame him."
Robin rubs your back as you cry into your hands. You haven't stopped crying, really, ever since you left Steve at his house, a shocked look on his face. After you yelled at him and said things you'll never forget.
"You won't know until you ask," Robin says. "I'm sure he wants you to."
"Has he said that?"
"Hey," she chastises. "I've told you both a million times that I won't play middle-man when you fight. But I can be there for both of you."
"No, you're right. Sorry." A fresh sob swells in your throat. "Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with how much I feel for him and it scares me. And I just freaked out."
The doorbell rings. Robin looks at you and you nod, so she putters down the stairs to answer it. Hushed voices and footsteps and someone comes back into your room.
"Who was it?" you ask her, face in your hands.
"Uh, hi," Steve says. You sit up so fast you wobble a little on the bed. "Can I come in?"
"Steve," you breathe. "I should be coming to you. Not the other way around."
"Yeah, well," he shrugs. He looks tired. "Didn't want to wait any longer."
"I'm sorry." You stand but keep your distance, just in case. "I'm so sorry, Steve. I didn't mean any of those things that I said. It was cruel of me to call you stupid and you have to know I don't think you are, and I'm just stressed about trying to figure out if I'm actually going to go to college but that's no excuse for taking it out on you when you were just trying to be kind because you're always kind to me --"
You're crying now, but he doesn't say anything. You keep talking, desperate for him to at least know you didn't mean any of it.
"And I understand if this is it for us because you should be with someone who treats you the way you deserve because you're the best man I've ever met and you don't have to forgive me but you have to know I didn't mean it and you're amazing and I love every inch of you --" He puts his hands up and you stop immediately.
"Okay, that's enough," he sighs. "I thought it would feel good to hear you apologize but it just makes me feel sick to stand so far away from you. C'mere, please." He opens his arms and you fly into them. "It hurt, I won't lie," he says into your hair. "But I know you didn't mean it. Just good to hear you say so."
"If you want more space --"
"No," he says firmly. "I don't. I'm not breaking up with you, either."
"I love you, Steve," you say. "So much I don't know how to deal with it sometimes."
"I know the feeling," he whispers and just holds you and holds you and holds you.
join the celebration!
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13leaguestories · 1 year
OH SHIT wait WAIT *rearranges birthday speech notes* goddamn it I didn't know exactly when your birthday was so I didn't know when to send this, omg sorry I was freaking out over this and still missed it but here it goes anyway 😂
happy birthday Tierra!! I've been reading everything you put out since Dragon Racer days, and though Superstition is my favourite, it's probably just my personal preference for more serious and sober writings, and bc we have a lot of stuff from that one specific IF out already so I feel like I can sink my teeth into it, but that doesn't mean I haven't read literally every other IF of yours and even your patreon stuff when I occasionally can support you, and they all stick with me for different reasons!
anyway, I'm just here to wish you an amazing day/week/month, and hoping you feel better soon, bc in your monthly forecasts you told us you've been having a tough time with your writing lately... well, you should know many of us genuinely care bc you're an actual talented and proficient writer, not to mention a fun and kind person - I love reading through the actually interesting and insightful asks you get sometimes, and I die with the unhinged funny ones and how you understand where some of us are coming from in our unhingedness that ain't a word OH and I admire the patience you have with some people asking the same stuff you've already answered thousands of times before bc I could NEVER 😂 and even when you burn some rude people too for being way too comfortable with their asks 🤣 love that
like, I'm just thankful for your hard work, you have no idea how happy your writing makes many of us - as one of the most beautiful forms of art, for me, the main objective of writing is to take the reader somewhere else entirely, like, just grab them and pull them away from real life, bc sometimes life can suck, and even if it doesn't, the feeling of living other lives, being someone else, somewhere else, it's just amazing and unique to experience... and you do all of that amazingly well?
let's take Superstition as an example but this applies to all of your works: how many times have I laughed, or cried or gone feral while reading it? genuinely excited? it doesn't feel like I'm reading through a story on some fictional land far away from our own (even when sometimes it is), or about a character far removed from here, it feels like me, like I am literally there instead? when my character has to fight, or help, or argue, push, or hug, or love, or hate any of the others, or when they cry, or get hurt, or reunite, or get head over heels... that's me, not Roe, (or the Apprentice, or Phoenix, etc) right there, going through it? so it feels kinda personal? like, sometimes it's even hard to come back to my own reality, but not because it's boring/sucks, but because I was just enjoying being there in that book/IF, in that particular storyline, and having so much fun I feel like I could actually live there for some time and enjoy every second of that adventure I was participating in... it's refreshing, and it feels like wandering through fantasy, and that's extremely amazing, and very hard to accomplish I would think, because not every IF or even traditional writing captures that? so yeah, just wanted to say thank you, I guess? 😂 don't ever forget your writing literally brightens many of our days - like how whenever a new episode of Superstition comes out it's always like a holiday for me 😂
so hey take your time and don't stress over it bc art takes time, and it always has to run its course, sometimes it feels like it has a mind of its own - I know that bc I write too and it can be overwhelming... so take care of your mind so it can do its thing, and also don't forget that all of us have stayed here for this long and enjoy your writing because it truly is a special little part of our days, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!😂🥳🎉
Thank you so much! And it's understandable I only said the month lol. But thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to write and send this in. Ugh, cheeks, be calm. This was so sweet of you and so motivating as well. Ugh, nope, I can't. I refuse to get emotional while eating a bagel. Damn you!
But again, thank you so much, I don't think thank you really encapsulates how grateful I am.
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nrtsky · 2 years
❪ ⚡️ ❫ 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐜𝐬 | hp
─ ഒ paring: Hermione Granger x fem!reader
─ ഒ fandom: Harry Potter
─ ഒ warnings: idk, maybe homophobia? Let's check. Minor half-blood prince spoilers and Draco Malfoy being uh… himself. And Pansy being an idiot.
notas: english is not my first language, sorry in all the cases!!!! I have SO many things i wanted put, but i don't wanna make this so long. Let me know if you like my writing;) GIF NOT MINE
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The sweetest girlfriend ever, change my mind
ALRIGHT, this is passed in half-blood prince - when they (golden trio) had 15/16.
I want to clarify the way THIS happened, so………… you met her in potion class: New professor. No snape. New lessons. With this, I wanna mean peace.
Actually, you always knew her (i mean, who doesn’t know her?) because of Harry and Ron! You used to be their friend, but not Hermione. Maybe ‘cause they were afraid you guys wouldn't get along. Poor boys.
You and Mione already interacted, but your weird way of acting when she was around made her think YOU thought she was weird. And it kinda hurts, ‘cause she always thought you were soooo pretty.
You always… had a crush on Granger. But you thought that was a teenager thing, like… just an illusion. This is in 3th grade, 13 years old. But, now, with 16, you STILL liked her.
When you learned about amortentia, Hermione said that it was the most love powerful potion in the world.
‘’It’s rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them… For example I smell…’’
Well, she already felt this smell before. For Sure.
Trying to do Felix Felicis, you were on Hermione's side, stressed bc you just COULDN’T DO THIS POTION. You looked at your side and saw her disaster.
‘’omg, if EVEN Hermione can't do this, how can i do????????????????????’’
You payed attention to what Harry was doing as he was succeeding. He told you and Hermione about crushing the sopophorous bean. She said ‘’no’’ at the same time, but you tried it.
Once you approached her to take the blade, Hermione recognized where the smell of amortentia came from. She blushed sm omg.
So, let’s talk about dating hcs!!
How does she go for a good part of her own day in the library, you used to spend a good part of your own day in the library, just following her.
If you grew up in the magic world, she loves read muggle books for you. But if you grew up with muggle parents, she likes to know about your family histories
She charges herself too much when we are talking about school numbers; in her mind, she HAVE to be perfect in EVERYTHING. So, giving her a time-out is definitely on your list.
But it doesn't matter how she loves you or how you love her, she's gonna turn kinda insane if/when you take a book from her.
Taking the her scare side away, she is sooooooo sweet with you 🥺🥺🥺
I MEAN, she is 😵 for PDA, but still very sweet!
She likes to kiss your forehead and hands, but not in public. In part ‘cause once Draco and Pansy saw she kissing you and they acted like two idiots (nothing new), but she never liked to do things like this in public.
Fool girl will turn literally RED if you kiss or hug her in front of everyone.
She calls you ‘darling’ and ‘love’, but private. Sounds so special and cute from her.
Hermione blush for little things. What i can say? She isn't used to receiving love this much and intensively.
We can’t forget: we are in 1996, so your relationship is a secret to everybody (less Harry and Ron. If you have close friends, you and Hermione tell them). Hermione just doesn't want you and her suffering from homophobia.
You are so glad for the girlfriend you have - even if few people knew -, so you helped her in S.P.E.W at the same time she told you the idea. You love the way she is just good with everyone.
You and Harry and Ron defend Hermione from racist people, who call her mud-blood. Have you ever cast a spell on someone bc of this, ANYWAY………………
She will help you if you have a difficulty on some subject. Or will give the answers of some homework you, Ron and Harry forgot to do, but she’ll argue with you guys.
You support each other so badly.
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its-tiamat · 2 years
Hiii! I hope you're doing great o(≧▽≦)o I have a request, if it's alright :D I'm soo curious, how does it feel to be close friend with Shigaraki and Miruko (separated. and, if you write for Miruko. If not, just Shigaraki is fine!)? I wonder how they will treat their closest friend, and how they will spend their time with said friend~ that's my request heheh. Thank you soooo much!! (≧◡≦)
Ofc I will write for them! I love them both! Also there's not that much Miruko content, so it's an interesting request <3 I do have a soft spot for Shiggy too, actually I should write more about him. Anyway here we go, hope you will like this!
Pairings: Tomura Shigaraki × gn!reader • Miruko × gn!reader
Warnings: there are some swear words here and there lol
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Shigaraki doesn't have a lot of friends, and sometimes he doesn't text back for months.
You know he's probably busy with the League though so when a week later he finally answers your text, asking if you wanna go over to play videogames, you always accept.
As I already said in my other headcanon, please bring him snacks bc he forgets to eat. And to clean his room. I just KNOW his room is a mess, and that there are little piles of dust on the floor that used to be things he didn't need anymore, and that he decayed for fun. And left there.
The other members of the league are used to it/too scared to point it out, when you come over and start scolding him they are kinda relieved. Of course, you're the only one that can bully his dumb ass without getting decayed.
He's almost nice to you to be honest. He can't really bully you back without sounding like an offended toddler.
"God, Tomura, your room looks like shit. I bet there are rats living under your bed."
"Who cares, I've already turned on the console, let's play." He shrugs.
"No, you landfill raccoon looking hobo," you say unplugging his game, "We are cleaning up this place."
"Are you ssstupid?" he hisses back. You point at a pile of dust near him. "What did that use to be?"
"...I don't remember."
After the room goes back to looking like a place you can actually live in, you finally let him beat you at whatever game he wants, and try out new ones together. Sometimes you let another member of the league join, as long as they bring more snacks.
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To you, Miruko (but you call her Rumi of course) is like an older sister. An energetic, loud, stubborn older sister.
Like, I honestly can't imagine her if not as an extremely loud person, probably when she calls you on the phone you gotta turn the volume down a bit if you don't want everyone in the room to know what she's saying. And to save your eardrums. Anyway, not someone you can play Telephone with.
Also, forget about putting her on speaker around others. She just can't keep herself from swearing, and all the four letter words she managed to keep to herself while on hero duty are going to come out. You don't really mind it, she has such a stressful job after all. She needs to blow off some steam, and that's what friends are for.
"Hi Ru-"
"You have no idea what piece of fucker I had to save today. Shit, those people should be left to drown."
"Girl, you shouldn't say that kind of stuff though..."
"No Y/n, you don't get it. I'm jumping out of a canal with this man over my shoulder. And the fucker tries. To touch. My ass. Stop laughing, I was this close to dropping him back in the water."
Also, she's stubborn af so get ready for long ass discussions on whether she's right or you are over the most disparate topics.
God only knows how many times you were just about to throw hands, but that's also part of your relationship. You value her opinion. She values yours.
So even when you argue, it's never just for the sake of it. Which I think would be kinda toxic, to be honest.
Under her tough exterior of muscles and swear words, your friend is an honest, caring woman. You can trust her to always be true to you, and to be there when you need someone to cheer you up.
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Hey. I know you 100% mean well and you treat all your anons with respect and the assumption that they mean well too, That makes you a good person. But the whole Louis is an addict thing comes entirely from Harries, not least the appalling zot3 who makes up a major part of the destroy-Louis nutters project all on her own. The idea that he’s permanently drunk is demonstrably stupid and untrue along with every other insane accusation against Louis they’ve hurled against the wall in the hope it’d stick, but it’s become about the only thing they have left to attack Louis on, after the success of his last tourThat’s not to say some genuine Louies haven’t taken it up too now but maybe that shows how young or naive they are. Louis comes from a UK working class culture and a generation that views alcohol as generally fun, not as a fast track to addiction. A lot of people can drink a lot on nights out and thats it. No hurtling toward the gutter. A bottle of vodka on the table in rehearsals. So what? What time of day or night was that taken? Why the assumption it’s there just for Louis? The OTT puritanism and extreme safety-ism of subsequent generations hasn’t bitten Louis or the people he works with. And btw drinking to party or just to relax and smoking a bit of weed is quite a bit safer than the kind of substances Harry promotes and those same faux pearl clutchers defend. Louis smokes far too much, yes, but that’s a stress thing I suspect. He’ll make an effort to stop if he wants to. And a lot of singers smoke. It’s not new sadly. Bowing to bad actors making huge deliberately destructive claims about addiction, worrying well meaning younger fans, is a huge gift to the inadequates who need to hate him and genuinely suffer when they see how brilliant his tours are and how happy he makes his fans.
bestie I know all this, that's why I said these conversations would go differently if everyone had good intentions!
I've just decided to not answer an anon I just got bc I could tell from their tone they're one of those assholes who'd rejoice in louis actually suffering from serious conditions and those are just not people I'm willing to speak with
but at other times I think there's fans (and people) who are genuinely just not informed on the matter and who are genuinely worried for him bc they Care and I think it could be useful to have these conversations for them !
also in general i think people forget that fans are people too and we all live in the world so what people learn within the context of fandom is still something that they will take with them in the world and that shapes how they will act and that's why I think the narratives people create here are extremely important and not just silly things about some celebrities! that's why I always expand the conversations from just talking about louis or harry or liam etc to also point out the deeper issues that are driving these choices and these conversations whether that is capitalism, hyper individualism, selfishness, rainbow washing, victim blaming, addiction stigma, mental illness, misogyny etc those are all really huge issues and real ways of living and thinking that inform people's behavior and actions in this fandom just as much as they do in the real world and I try to make an effort to speak about them hoping that if I even manage a little to make someone question their beliefs then I am making a small difference
anyways all this to say that I get where you're coming from and I do try to pick the right anons to answer and to make it harder to derail the conversations into just hater territory even if I don't always succeed rip but I also think it's important to call things what they are and to not minimize the risks of ALL substance abuse just as its important to defend those people's rights as human beings!
also remembering that like I mentioned, we can't diagnose anyone without actually knowing them and a few pictures or videos of someone are definitely not enough to declare anyone anything!
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indigodawns · 2 years
hii!! did it take me a long time to get used to? to get used to thinking of myself as autistic? if that's what you meant damn it's a hard one!
as i didn't grow up thinking of myself as anything but average/shy/depressed/lonely i completely forget about it when i'm all by myself in my bedroom or out there doing my thing i'm just being me. but as soon as i do something unusual/interact with unusual people, it's like, right, i am not really like you huh.
after the diagnosis i did some worshops for social cues and anxiety that truly helped me so much and so now i know what my limits are and where/when i can or can't push through. so for the part of getting used to knowing how i function, i think it's a never ending process but it's felt truly liberating and i think it was quite quick.
oh! something that did not change for the best is that i always wanted to have kids but now i keep wondering if i'm even physically and mentally capable of taking care of a child? of thinking i might be neglectful without wanting to? which i only wonder about because of the diagnosis? it's the only thing for which i wish i never had the diagnosis
i think if you accept that kind of diagnosis as an adult, you have to grieve the person you grew up thinking you were and would be. a diagnosis can be eye opening or it can be the end of the world for some. in the workshops i went to, i met people who were angry and frustrates because they couldn't yet accept themselves.
if you don't feel that it's truly right, i think that's okay. you can take knowledge and whatever else from it that can help you in your everyday life and just not think too hard about it?
i hope i made sense and answered your question eline!
thank you so so much for this open and elaborate answer, i appreciate it so much!!!
that was exactly what i meant, and "i didn't grow up thinking of myself as anything but average/shy/depressed/lonely" made me [handshake emoji] bc i feel exactly the same. and "unusual people" fmgnfmng like neurotypicals? :') (again, mood). also those workshops sound so nice, i'm so glad they helped and felt liberating and also makes sense about it being a neverending process!
and shit im sorry the diagnosis made you doubt that, that must be a hard one. for what it's worth, i couldn't imagine one being neglectful without wanting to be, and there must be (might be?) ways to deal with the sensory stress that comes with children. if that's the part you're worried about? (though obviously you don't have to elaborate on that to me!) as for everything else, i keep seeing gentle parenting tiktoks and that seems like a way of communicating that is really straightforward and honest (and i've also seen parents be like "alright, i need a bit of alone time, please give me an hour" etc) buuuuuuut i'm saying a bunch of things without knowing what exactly it is that made you feel that way, and what i want to say is that i can imagine the diagnosis made you question this and im touched you felt okay sharing that particular worry with me and that i hope you find a "satisfying" answer for yourself to this (and then also, i feel you, especially the taking care of part freaks me out bc i often just don't have energy to be there emotionally or physically for people and i wouldn't want to put that on any potential kids)
and ahhhh i love what you said about grieving, i've been thinking about that a lot. it must be really hard for those people who can't accept it (yet), and it sucks that with autism there's just so much stigma around it
and ahh, not thinking too hard about it (anything) is a tricky one :') you're absolutely right of course, but i'm also very much someone who wants to Know (Right Now), like i couldn't STAND not being certain of my sexual orientation nmgnfmgnfmgn i like categorising myself (rip, i know...) but i will let this idea sink in and try to be a bit ~looser with it all (which my therapist helped with too! she was very good about going through the whole diagnostic report with me bc i'd taken notes on stuff i thought was either incorrect or needed elaborating dfmndjfhdjfh and she also emphasised we can just start here and i can read up on things and see where we land)
all this to say, thank you so much!! this has helped a lot and i found myself really looking forward to and rereading your messages <3
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
today I feel awful... idk my insecurities are taking over me and I just want to curl into a ball and cry. maybe it's my hormones maybe the fact that I weighted myself and found out I gained weight (I can't fit into my jeans 😭) and the fact that I saw my sister in a tight skin dress looking perfect while I'm in my pj's just destroyed my confidence. I need something angsty to read to make me forget about my sad, miserable lffe right now. would you be down in writing sth angsty with nat maybe? you don't have to though. it's fine either way. I really appreciate all of your work and I keep reading on repeat whenever I'm feeling down. makes me cheer up. thank you, van ❤️
It's like we're the same person because I also went to visit my sister recently and my sister has gotten her life together and is living her best hot girl bod while I...let's not go there.
I just want you to know that you're hot as fuck and a body is just a body that we can change with time and effort. We're lit rally in this together. This time next year, we will be rocking the body that makes up happy and we'll be healthy!!! 💘💘
But I will still give you nat angst...but with a happy ending bc I said you deserve a HEA!!
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The Withers of Springtime Bloom
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spring is a time of blooming and when things come back to life. You can't help but notice things that may be causing your relationship with Natasha to wither.
Warnings: self-esteem issues, insecurities about body, relationship with working out and food, seasonal depression. angst with HEA.
Count: 2.1k~
You're not sure when things changed.
Things change so slowly after all.
Without you noticing, things change and change and change until one day, you do notice.
You notice that Natasha has become quieter, somber.
You notice the lack of date nights and affectionate touches.
You notice that you've let yourself go a little.
You're standing in front of the mirror, staring at your body with a frown. You've gained weight since dating Natasha, but relationship weight gain was normal, wasn't it?
But you remember how Natasha was just as fit as she was before she met you. Sure, she was a superhero, and you were a regular civilian; there was no reason for you to train long hours as Natasha did.
You turn to the side and peer at yourself in the mirror again.
You can't help but wonder...were you becoming less attractive to her?
It had been the beginning of fall when you met Natasha. You loved the season of change and when things turned into warm colors before withering away for winter to come.
Natasha had come like a blessing, and in the winter, she was just warm as the colors of fall. Instead of withering away, she bloomed and invested that warmth in your relationship with her.
Despite always being an early riser to work out, weekends were the days she stayed in bed with you just a little longer. There had been so many breakfasts, lunch, and dinner dates. You found yourself moving things around or neglecting to work around her busy schedule.
Perhaps that was when things began to change. Eating out so often and forgoing working out to spend time with Natasha was what led to this.
Spring has arrived, and things are coming back to life. Yet somehow, your relationship with Natasha was withering away.
"Hey," you greet her as you come home, shopping bags in hand. You bought some more clothes when things felt like they didn't fit comfortably anymore. The experience had been upsetting for you, and you didn't end up buying too much, telling yourself you didn't want to spend too much when you were going to lose the weight.
Natasha was working in her office, peering down over reports, and barely acknowledged you other than with a hum.
"Long day?" You ask her as you put your things away and walk over to her.
"Yeah," Natasha sighed. "Trying to get these reports done since Maria needs them tomorrow."
That had been Natasha's excuse for spending long hours in her office every night for the last two weeks.
You place your hand on Natasha's shoulder with a reassuring squeeze, but she leans to the side as if to readjust herself, but still away from your touch.
The sting immediately comes, but you try to push it down, so it doesn't hurt as bad.
"Right," you say hoarsely, but Natasha stares on at the reports. "I'm just going to get ready for bed. It's been a long day and all. Let me know if you need anything."
Natasha gives you a nod as you leave the room. You feel awkward as you lie in the bed you share with her. You wonder if you're taking up too much space.
There's a pang of something as you try to curl yourself to be smaller and only distantly realizing you've skipped dinner before you fall asleep.
You fall back onto the mat, chest heaving and your lungs burning.
It's been a while since you've worked out, and now you're definitely paying for it with how unfit you are.
The gym is moderately empty with the hour it is. You hate going to a public gym because it always feels like someone is staring, but it's better for strangers to stare than working out at the Compound for people you know to stare at you.
The rational part of you knows that you should just talk to Natasha, but the emotional side of you whispers that you won't like what Natasha has to say, that she might even end it before you've had a chance to change yourself.
When weeks pass, and you weigh yourself again, you almost start crying because you've only lost a couple of pounds.
It's normal, you know it is. You're losing weight at a normal rate, but it's not enough. You know fast weight loss wouldn't make sense for your body but you also feel you don't have half a year to go back to your normal weight.
You sit on the bathroom floor for hours, debating what to do when you hear a quiet knock.
"Sweetheart, are you in there?" Natasha's muffled voice comes through.
You wipe at your eyes furiously as you stand up.
"Y-Yeah," you answer back. "I'm just in the tub soaking."
There's a moment of silence through the door before Natasha answers back, "Alright. Enjoy yourself. Did you want me to order anything specific for dinner?"
"No, it's okay," you tell her. "You order anything you want. I already ate on my way home." You think about the chicken salad you've been eating for the past two weeks and almost sigh.
Natasha answered that she just came back to see if you've eaten, but she actually had to head back to the Compound. You were Natasha shuffling around before leaving through the front door, and you let out the breath you were holding.
You actually take a long, hot shower before putting on sweats and a big hoodie.
The truth was, you were hungry. The chicken salad was okay on the way home, but it had been a couple of hours since.
You knew starving yourself wasn't the answer, so you went into the kitchen to see if you could find something healthy to hold you over until you could go to bed.
But you can't find anything in the fridge except for Natasha's leftovers from whatever she ordered the day before. You can't find anything except frozen pizzas and microwavable foods.
You check the calories on the back and let out a frustrated sigh. Checking your watch, you realize it's too late in the evening to go grocery shopping because, by the time you get there, stores will have closed.
You slump down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets as you let out a pathetic whimper while your eyes became hot with tears.
You miss Natasha. You want Natasha holding you and telling you it would be okay. But you couldn't have that until you were back to what you were when you met her.
The front door suddenly opens.
"Have you seen my—sweetheart?" Natasha started to call before she noticed you sitting on the floor. "What's wrong?"
You use your sleeve to wipe at your eyes as you sit up straight.
"Nothing," you sniffle before you start to stand. "I just stubbed my toe against the edge of the kitchen island. What were you looking for? USB? You left it next to the bedside."
Natasha stares at your back, hair still wet as she takes in your attire.
"It's a little hot to be wearing a hoodie and sweats, isn't it?" Natasha asks softly. "Doesn't seem like you turned on the aircon in here."
You keep walking, but Natasha starts to follow you.
"'m cold," you say quietly so she can't hear the tremble in your voice.
"Are you feeling sick?" Natasha asks with concern as you sit down on the couch, turning on the TV. You pull the blanket over you as if to make your point.
"No," you tell her because you don't want her to worry. "Just cold after a bath."
Natasha sets her things down before she takes a seat next to you. Even in the low lighting, she can see your eyes rimmed red and dampness of them.
You're refusing to look at her as you have your knees drawn up to your chest and stare stubbornly at the TV screen.
Then she hears it.
Your stomach grumbles.
"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly again. "We can just order food and stay in tonight."
Your cheeks grow hot. "Don't you have to be at the Compound?"
You don't mean to snap at her, but you can't help but feel embarrassed.
Natasha remains quiet for a moment, quickly thinking over the last few weeks before she feels guilt trickle in.
She doesn't remember the last time she ate with you—doesn't remember the last time she saw you eat.
"Sweetheart," she calls you gently again, and you bristle at the tone. "Is there something wrong?"
The fragile dam you've built to keep the weeks of compiling emotions at bay breaks, and you're hurtling down the stream over the waterfall.
"Are you not in love with me anymore?" You choke out as you begin to cry.
You can't even register to feel horrified at your breakdown because you just need to know.
"I know...I know my body has changed since we first met and I've gained weight but I really am trying to lose it. I just—I feel like you're avoiding me. At first, I thought things at work have been really stressful for you, and I wanted to give you space but you're gone all the time. You're gone even when you're here."
Natasha can barely understand anything you've said after hearing you say the first part. Her breath hitches painfully in the back of her throat, and she legitimately feels appalled at herself.
She starts to say something, but you keep going.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make this about me because if you're going through something then I want to support and be there for you. But I can't help but feel like you're grossed out by me. I mean—I feel grossed out when I look at myself. I feel like I'm taking up so much space—"
Natasha cuts you off abruptly, pulling off the blanket as she pulls at you until you're in her lap.
"You're not gross and this is not about the weight you have or have not gained. You hear me?" Natasha says forcefully as she holds you close to her, hand over your thigh to keep you against her.
"God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've been making you feel like you're not attractive me," Natasha's eyes well up as your tears wet her shoulder. "You're literally still the most gorgeous person I've ever met and you're always going to be that to me."
Natasha's hand at your waist dips underneath your hoodie, her fingers trailing up your back as she sighs at your warmth. "I should've told you, but the springtime is just really hard for me. It's odd because it's a time for things to come back to life but some of the worst things have happened to me during the spring and things blooming makes me think about things that aren't coming back. I think it's also just a little bit of seasonal depression too. I'm just the rare percentage that gets it in the spring."
The explanation makes your body sag with relief because while you feel so horrible that there is a reason Natasha doesn't like spring, she's not falling out of love with you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I was hurting you," Natasha apologizes again. "I didn't mean to be so distant but I didn't want to bring your mood down as well, which is why I've been working so much to keep busy."
"It's okay," you muttered as your turn your head, forehead pressed against her neck. "I'm sorry spring is depressing for you."
Natasha merely hushes you as she kisses the side of your head.
You begin to feel awkward, thinking about how you must be heavy on her and try to move, but Natasha doesn't let you.
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to convince you that you're perfect to me," Natasha says so seriously as she forces you to look at her. "If you want to lose weight because that is what you want, then I support you. But I need you to understand that I love you no matter what. I don't care either way because you're so fucking lovely to me always. Do you understand?"
Timidly, you reply, "Okay. Thank you."
Natasha presses her lips against yours in a long kiss before she pulls back.
"Now, I'm going to ask again. Are you hungry? We can order in and watch that new show on Netflix I heard was pretty good from Wanda."
You feel lighter. You think you might still want to work out because that would make you happy, but you don't feel the rush like you did just a couple of hours ago.
"Yeah," you say shyly. "But maybe something not so heavy?"
Natasha nods as she presses another kiss into your cheek as she helps you settle onto the couch right beside her to grab her phone.
"Anything to make you bloom."
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petersasteria · 3 years
hope ur ok || holland!reader
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sour masterlist || holland!reader || sour taglist
3,637 words tw: sad shit bc spoiler: someone dies, italics are flashbacks, bold is a letter i don't have a holland reader banner so i used the olivia banner instead. also, sorry for the delay of posting this lmao
* * * *
You were in your room, sitting on your bed as your eyes looked around. Your room was painted your favorite color and it made your brothers jealous because their rooms were painted white, it was boring. Yours had posters, polaroids of you and your siblings, fairy lights, a bean bag chair, and a simple full body mirror. You heard a knock on your door and you looked to see that it was Tom smiling brightly with a plate of your favorite cookies.
“Hey.” He said softly as he entered the room and shut the door behind him with his foot while balancing the plate of cookies in his hands.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“Sam kicked me out of the kitchen, but I was there first and fortunately, I finished the cookies on time. I hope they taste alright.” Tom said as he sat beside you, the plate of cookies in between you.
“They smell good, so you did a good job.” You chuckled. Tom took one cookie and looked at you, “Taste test.”
He took a bite and chewed it a few times before saying, “It tastes alright. It’s not like how Sam makes it, but I’m not Sam. I’m Tom.”
Both of you erupted into a fit of giggles as you talked about random things. The plate of cookies were now on your bedside table and only half of the cookies were eaten.
“Hey, how’s your friend?” Tom asked casually. Both of you were laying on your bed, facing the ceiling.
“Which friend?”
“The blond one who had one hell of a musical talent.” Tom said. “He used to come here and play on Sam’s piano.”
“Oh, James! I don’t really know what happened to him. We, uh, fell out of touch.”
“I see.” Tom said. “I hope he’s okay.”
“Same here.” You told him. “My friend, Madeline, got a scholarship last time I checked. She got accelerated in school and she got to attend uni ahead of us. I’m really proud of her, y’know?”
“Where is she now?” Tom asked.
You looked at Tom with sorrow in your eyes. He glanced at you and he could see how hurt you were. “We don’t talk...anymore. We used to. She’s basically like a sister to me, but we don’t talk anymore. Regardless, I’m really happy for her and I miss her. Wherever she is, I hope she’s alright.”
Suddenly, there was a knock on your door and Tom sat up quickly. The door opened and revealed Sam. “Hey, it’s time to eat dinner. You’re washing the dishes tonight, Tom!” Sam said before leaving.
“That little shit.” Tom laughed. “C’mon, Y/N. Let’s eat!” He got up from your bed and you followed suit with worry and concern in your eyes. You shook your head and shrugged it off. What you’ll say can wait.
Both of you went down to join everyone on the dining table. You sat in your usual seat, but didn’t contribute in the conversation. You were just happy to be there. You looked around and saw how happy your brothers were. You looked at your parents and saw them smiling. It was a beautiful sight to see. After all, all you wanted was for them to be happy. They deserve to be happy.
Harry and Tom cleaned up as you watched them help each other. “Next time, we should cook Y/N’s favorite dinner.” Tom said. Harry looked at him and shrugged, “Why not? I never liked it, but I’m sure she’d appreciate it very much.”
The next few days were spent with Tom. He never left your side and he made sure you were alright. You were the youngest and as the eldest Holland child, he made it his job to look after you. He wasn’t close with you before, but somehow as you grew older, it changed. Tom was now excited to spend time with you. He loved talking to you and he loved laughing with you. In his opinion, you make his stress and worries fade away.
Your birthday is coming up and he wanted everything planned out. He already had plans, actually. He knew what cake you wanted, he knew what decorations to put up, he planned the food, and he even had a theme in mind. He was really prepared. Paddy had to go with Tom in town just to buy balloons. Tom was really going all out.
“Are you going to help me set up tonight? Y/N’s birthday is tomorrow and I want her to be surprised when she wakes up. I can already imagine her face.” Tom smiled excitedly as he parked the car in the driveway.
“I can’t help you tonight. I have homework.” Paddy said as he looked at Tom who just shrugged. “Alright. No problem. Stay in school, Pads.” Tom smiled before exiting his car with Paddy following him.
They walked in and Tom saw you sitting on the arm of the couch with Sam and Harry. Tom smiled at the sight. “Hey, guys!” He greeted, causing the three of you to look at Tom and Paddy.
“Wow, you went shopping for a lot of things.” Harry pointed out.
“Yeah, what’s up with that?” Sam asked with a grin.
“Nothing.” Tom smirked. “I’ll put these in my room.” Tom left and went upstairs to his room as Paddy walked to the couch and sat next to you. You looked at Paddy and smiled. You weren’t close with him, but you loved him dearly. You were only one year younger than him and he was always kind to you and you liked hanging out with him.
You looked at Sam and Harry and you held back a chuckle as you watch them annoy each other. It was a lovely sight to see.
Night time came and dinner was over a few hours ago. You were just standing in your backyard feeling the wind blowing and you knew that something was about to happen. You just didn’t know what. The backdoor opened and you turned around to see Tom with a small smile.
“What’re you doing out here? It’s cold.” He said as he tugged his jacket closer. He walked towards you and stood beside you. “What’s on your mind?”
You shrugged, “Nothing. I guess I’m just tired. I think I’ll rest now.”
Tom nodded. He suddenly remembered his plan and said, “Yeah, you can go upstairs now. I, uh, prepared your room.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at him. You walked towards the back door and stopped to turn around to look at Tom. He was already looking at you and you said, “I- Good night, Tom.”
“Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams.” He smiled sweetly. You opened the door and walked in and went straight up the stairs to your room.
Tom stayed outside for a minute before walking in. He locked the back door and went to the living room where his brothers were. “Hey, guys! Ready to decorate?” Tom asked with a huge smile on his face. It was evident that he was excited.
“What’re you talking about?” Sam asked, looking at Tom with a confused face.
“Yeah, what’s happening?” Paddy questioned.
Tom scoffed and crossed his arms, “How could you guys forget?! It’s our sister’s birthday tomorrow and you guys aren’t preparing at all!”
Tom was yelling as the rest were looking at him sadly. Sam’s eyes were clouded with tears as he looked at Tom. Harry and Paddy looked at Sam, not wanting to be the ones to remind Tom. Sam sighed and closed his eyes and his tears fell. He wiped his tears and opened his eyes to face Tom.
“Tom, mate, she’s dead.” Sam said softly. “She’s been dead for two months now.”
“W-What are you talking about?” Tom shook his head slowly. He looked away from Sam and he saw you standing behind Sam. “She’s right there, Sam! She’s literally right behind you! How can you not see it?!”
“Tom, stop! She’s gone, okay?!” Harry exclaimed. “Y/N’s not here! She won’t be here anymore and it’ll be that way forever. We just have to accept that.”
“It was leukemia, Tom. She didn’t make it and we had a funeral and everything.” Paddy said softly.
You were confined in the hospital for about a week now and you were getting weaker and weaker as the days went on. Your family was trying to be positive, but all of you knew that it was your time to go. Before you were confined, you had written letters for them to read after you die and it was now hidden in their drawers.
Tom and Harry weren’t there when you passed because they were in a different country. They immediately went home when they heard the news. All of you knew that you weren’t going to make it, but all of you ignored that fact. Everyone except Tom was grieving. He held his mother as she cried and he stayed strong for his brothers. He couldn’t remember the last time he and his brothers slept in one room and he hated that they chose to do it again as soon as you were gone.
It was like a sleepover. They all talked about you and everything you did that the others didn’t know about. Turns out, you had secrets you shared with everyone except Tom.
“Wait, she told you guys about her secrets?” Tom asked that night.
“Yeah.” Harry nodded, eyes bloodshot from all the crying. “If something happens to her, she tells the first person she sees.”
“She never told me anything.” Tom stated.
“That’s because you’re the eldest. No one tells people about themselves to the eldest sibling.” Paddy answered.
“That’s unfortunate.” Tom frowned. “I wish I knew the things you knew.” He added.
“It’s alright, Tom. She didn’t have major secrets, anyway. Besides, she was just scared to tell you. That’s why she did that.” Sam explained.
Tom couldn’t sleep that night as he looked at his brothers. They were cuddled up next to each other and were fast asleep. Tom couldn’t help but think of you before finally drifting off. Days later, it was the funeral. The whole house was quiet and while your mum, Nikki, would appreciate it, for once in her life she wanted the noise. She wanted to hear boisterous laughing, heavy footsteps running up and down the stairs, yelling, the sound of Sam cutting vegetables, Dom’s loud typing, Paddy talking to his friend on the phone, Harry telling you to wake up and calling you a lazy bum for not being productive, and Tom playing with Tessa outside. Now, there was none of that.
When a husband or wife dies, the one they left behind is called a widow. When a child dies, what do you call their parents? No one’s ever come up with a word for that yet because it’s too painful to think about. You were young and you deserved all the best life has to offer. Nikki was devastated, but she knew that wherever you were, you aren’t in pain anymore and that was enough for her.
Tom wanted to scream, but he didn’t. He was numb. After the funeral, he and Harry decided to take a break from traveling to spend time with the rest of the family. He stopped working for a while and everyone understood that.
When they got home, Tom went straight to his room and cried. He cried and cried until no tears came out. His head ached, but he didn’t want to get up and get himself a glass of water. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table to ask Harry, but his phone died. Tom scoffed, sat up, and reached the drawer of his bedside table. He leaned over to look for his phone charger, but he saw a letter instead. It had his name on it and he realized that it was your handwriting. Tom quickly grabbed it and put his phone back on the bedside table. He opened the envelope and read what you wrote for him.
Dear Tom,
Hi. When you read this, you know that I'm gone. I'm sorry that we never got to bond a lot. I guess it's my fault because I was so scared of you. Despite that, I want you to know that I'm really happy for you and I'm proud of you.
You're my inspiration and please know that I'm very proud to be your sister.
I don't know where I'll end up when I'm gone, but please don't worry about me. I'll be okay, I can feel it. I'll just go where the wind takes me.
You're a kind person for the whole time I've known you. I'll miss everything and I'll miss your pranks and jokes. Please never stop doing those just because I'm gone. I hope you think of me whenever you tell a joke or pull a prank on Harry again.
I wish we bonded more. I wish we made cookies until Sam kicked us out of the kitchen because he needed to prepare for dinner. I wish we watched movies together and I wish we spoke often.
I'll miss you all the time and I love you. So much. Never forget that.
Your sister,
Y/N/N x
Tom cried again until he slept with the letter resting on his chest. The next morning, he got up to go to your room. He dreamt of you and he wanted to tell you about it. He glanced at the door and noticed that it was unlocked. He slowly opened it and to his surprise, he saw you standing there watching everyone outside from your window.
“Y/N.” Tom said.
You turned around and smiled at him, “Hey, Tom.”
“I dreamt of you! And in my dream, you were a ballet dancer. We did ballet together. Wouldn't that be something? It could be a bonding thing for us." Tom said with a big smile as he fully entered your room. All of a sudden, he forgot about your sickness, your death, your sickness. From an outsider's point of view, it was a sad sight to see. He was clearly in the denial stage.
Harry was on his way downstairs when he heard a voice coming from your room. He quietly opened the door and saw Tom excitedly talking to thin air.
"You know, I'm not doing anything anytime soon. Why don't we go out? It'll just be you and me, Y/N." Tom smiled. Harry's heart broke upon hearing this. His older brother was imagining their dead sister. Harry kept it to himself because he thought that Tom was coping that way.
It wasn't until Sam witnessed the same thing. Tom was in the kitchen and he was talking to thin air once more. Sam watched as Tom laughed and said a bunch of things. Sam kept it to himself too.
Paddy, however, was different. He went to Harry and Sam's room, unannounced. He closed and locked the door behind him as the twins looked at him in confusion.
"Okay, I can't be the only one to notice it." Paddy said with arms crossed.
"What're you talking about?" Harry asked.
"Tom." Was all Paddy said. The twins looked at each other before looking back at Paddy.
"What about him?" Sam asked, his eyebrows were raised a bit.
"Tom told me that he'll bake Y/N's favorite cookies tomorrow because Y/N said she was craving for it." Paddy explained.
"I saw Tom talking to thin air the day after the funeral. He was in Y/N's room." Harry confessed.
"I saw him doing that too, but he was in the kitchen this time. I'm worried about him." Sam said.
"What should we do?" Harry asked with a frown on his face.
"Let's just let him be for a while. Let’s just intervene when it gets out of hand.” Sam decided as the other two nodded.
They just let Tom be until they had enough.
Tom couldn't believe what his brothers were telling him. He felt sick to his stomach. His baby sister was gone and the thought of it ate him alive. He shook his head and Sam said, “Tom, everything will be alright. We’ll get through this together. We’ll be fine.”
“That can’t be true. I’ve been speaking to her. Stop fucking lying.” Tom cried.
“Tom, wake up! She’s not here, alright?! She’s not in her room anymore. Her things will forever be untouched and her books will be dusty. Her phone hasn’t been charged since she died and it’ll stay that way. All we have left are pictures, videos, and memories of her. We should accept that because no matter what happens, we can’t bring her back!” Harry said as his voice was raised.
“Just go to bed, mate. You’re tired.” Paddy said softly. “We’ll deal with this in the morning.”
Tom wiped his tears and went up to his room, slamming the door. He went to sleep and dreamt of you again. Both of you were on top of a small hill and the wind was blowing softly.
“Why can’t they see you?” Tom asked you.
“Because I only showed myself to you. I know that we haven’t been really close and I figured you’d want some kind of closure. In truth, I’m only here because of you. The light has been calling me and they want me to leave already, but I can’t because I know you’d be sad. I hate seeing you sad.” You explained.
“Then stay here.” Tom begged, but you shook your head.
“You need to let me go, Tom. It’s time. I can’t stay here forever.” You chuckled lightly.
“I just- I feel like nothing. When you were around, I felt like I had a purpose. Now, I just wish I could be with you.” He admitted.
“Don’t say that. Imagine how everyone will react if you’re gone. They’ll be upset. I’m so proud that you’re alive and well because you’ll get to go on with life and grow old. If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. Live the life I never got to live. Trust me when I say that you’ll be happier when you move on.”
“I don’t want to forget you and I don’t want you to think that we’re having fun without you.” He said.
“I won’t think that way because all I ever wanted for all of you is to be happy and healthy. I love you and I miss you, but I want you to have fun and to keep doing everything you love. Don’t stop because I’m gone. Don’t let me be a hindrance because that’ll make me sad and I’ll haunt you forever.” You said as Tom chuckled. “Besides, you don’t have to forget about me. I’ll always be in your heart.”
“Alright.” Tom said. “I think I’m ready to let you go.”
You smiled and nodded as you walked away and stepped into the light. Tom shouted, “Happy birthday, Y/N!”
You looked back and smiled. With that, he knew you were thanking him not just for greeting, but also for everything.
Tom woke up and it was already morning. He decided to get ready and to head to the cemetery. He walked downstairs and saw his brothers eating breakfast.
“Where are you going?” Harry asked before eating his cereal.
“The cemetery. It’s Y/N’s birthday.” Tom said. “I’ll go now. I don’t know what time I’ll be back.”
Tom left and the drive to the cemetery was short and quiet. He parked the car and walked to your grave. He smiled when he saw a small, framed picture of you that Harry placed there not too long ago. He sat in front of your grave and smiled, “Hey, Y/N. I know you can hear me.”
“I guess I did look crazy for a while and I now understand how everyone felt. I, um, I read your letter. I’m sorry too, y’know? I’m sorry I never made the effort to spend time with you. I guess it’s because all my life, I’ve only known about having brothers and when you came along, I didn’t know how to act. But I’m really happy that I got to see you grow up and I’m happy with our few moments together.”
“When you were five, I was fourteen. It’s a wide gap and I remember being so annoyed because your toys were everywhere.” He chuckled at the thought. “Regardless, I loved you and I still do. I’m happy that you grew up to be kind and loving. I’m really fucking happy for that.”
“In your letter, you said that I shouldn’t worry about you. Y/N, I’m sorry, but I can’t promise that. I’m your older brother and that automatically makes me sort of like a second parent especially when mum and dad aren’t around. So, I’ll always worry about you even though I know you’re okay and not in pain.”
“I do, however, promise to always dedicate my pranks to you. I know you’d love that. I’d wish that we bonded, but we already did that. You gave me a chance to get to know the sister I never got to know and that, above all, makes me so happy and grateful. That’s enough for me.”
“I don’t want to say cheesy shit and ask for guidance. I don’t want to burden you in heaven. Like, it’s called a resting place for a reason and I want you to rest easy. I just want to say that I miss you so much and I love you. Happy birthday.” He finished.
Just then, he felt the wind blow in his direction and he knew that you were okay.
* * * *
𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @celestialholland @alinastarkrovs @piscesparker @prancerrparkerr @spideyspeaches @givebuckyhisplumsnow @blueleatherbag @theonly1outof-a-billion @hollandbroz-n-haz @starlight-starks @webmeupspiderdaddy @studiesinspanish @bi-lmg @minejungwoo @blossomhollands @markhyucksmells @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch
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catzula · 3 years
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a/n: this is a lil brain dump bcs I've been really inactive lately, sorry!! I wrote it in one sitting and I dint really know how I feel about it but yeah
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warnings: toxic relationship i think? But its resolved in the end. Angst, miscommunication, anger management issues, conflict, break-up, but as I said, resolved in the end.
honorable mentions: female reader, 1.9k words, not proofread
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Katsuki Bakugou.
Many might think he's an open book, a simple, hotheaded boy with anger management issues. He doesn't know any feelings other than anger. He can't understand others' emotions, doesn't care. 
They were right about him being bad at controlling his emotions, but everything else was false. Bakugou had never been a simple person, and it was rare he met someone who truly understood him. You, for instance, were the only one that had come as close to understanding him, but no one could ever understand someone fully, could they?
Still, ever since he had met you, Bakugou was trying to change, or he liked to think he did. You did, too. 
You tried to ignore those times it became apparent that he couldn't, didn't, wouldn't. As much as Bakugou tried to prove to you that he was giving it his best to try and change, there were times that proved it incompetent, not enough, and even a lie.
But you always did your best to forget, suppress the thoughts. It was near impossible not to when Bakugou came back to you, an apology hanging from his lips -although never spoken-, warm hands pulling you to him for a hug. 
He's trying to change, you repeat to yourself. He's trying to change.
You think of the last fight you had and shiver as he lies on you, eyes droopy with sleep, nuzzling his face to your neck as you rub soothing circles on his back. The way his back rises and falls steadily makes you smile. 
It was gradually getting worse, the fights. 
As the months passed and exams approached, Bakugou became even more jittery. You felt your heart sink as you remembered his spitting words, "you're not even in the hero course! How would you fucking know how I feel?" But you did. You knew your boyfriend far too well, and even though you weren't experiencing it firsthand, you could see how stressful it was for him.
"Stop fucking babying me!" He had shouted when you tried to approach him, to get him to calm down. "Can't you see I'm trying to change? I'm doing all of this for you, and you keep asking for more- I-I'm doing it for you, okay? I'm trying to become better, so stop asking for more!" 
You weren't asking for more, that, you wanted to say. You were trying to-to help.
"I don't want you to do this for me, if all the reason you're changing is for me, stop! I want you to change for yourself, not for me!"
That was unfair, how he was looking at you like he hated you, like he wanted you to disappear.
It's okay, you tell yourself. Katsu's with me now, in my arms, calm, promised me he would try to get better. 
And he did, too. He always did. After a fight, Bakugou became the kindest person you knew, treating you like fragile glass, showing you love in his way. And it always led you to think. This is it. No need to worry anymore, you tell yourself when he kisses you softly, oh, so- so softly that you're sure there's no way this man that's holding you like this would ever hurt you ever again. Never. 
That never is never longer than a few days, though. 
In a few days' time, he- Katsuki forgets. The spite comes back, the snarky comments fitted in his sentences, the slight anger in his eyes. Why is he so angry? That, you can never tell. He's furious with you all the time, even when he himself doesn't know it.
"Katsuki?" You whisper meekly, and his eyes flutter sleepily. "Do you love me?"
Yes, he wants to say, I love you more than I love myself. But it's a soft grunt you get as an answer. 
It's okay, though, since you understand it well.
"Tell that extra to bring my shit back." It's a gruff sentence voiced with a fury that tears you away from your thoughts. 
For a second, your heart leaps. It's Katsuki! But the feeling sinks quickly. "It's Bakugou to you." You remember when he told you that, you remember too well the way he spitted the words as if he had spitted them on your face, a lump appearing in your throat quickly. He's not talking to you, rather about you, and it stings even more. You're the extra now, an extra that has his belongings in their room and nothing else, and he can't even tell you to bring them himself. Kirishima does it for him.
A half a bottle of his perfume that was never successful at suppressing his sweet smell. 
A sweatshirt of his that he knew was your favorite. 
A pair of socks, pencils and some other pieces of clothing, the usual. 
A full, newly-bought bottle of his shampoo.
For some reason, that last one hurts more than anything else. It's not the shampoo itself, rather the fact that it's new, that Bakugou bought it just a few days ago when breaking up was never a thought. 
Why did you break-up? It's very complicated. So complicated that you don't know it yourself. But you do know that he's angrier than ever, with you even more, for some fucking reason. He can't stand the sight of you, you know, he knows, too.
Bakugou himself doesn't know why he's so angry at you. He was the one who broke up, so what gives him the right to feel like this? Why do his hands clench into fists with the sight of you? His heart beating twice as fast with fury, head dizzy, his teeth clench, he can't breathe, a tightness heavying on his chest. With anger, he repeats. All these feelings are because he's so angry with you. 
The day you knock on his door, a soft thump audible from the other side of the door, Bakugou knows you brought back the box of his belongings, and he wants nothing more than to open the door and pull you in. But what is he going to do after that? He doesn't know. All he does know is that the lump in the back of his throat is because he's holding back angry shouts. His eyes are stinging with tears that are caused by anger. There is a feeling boiling in the pit of his stomach that makes him feel sick, but it must be fury.
Why did you leave it to the door? Couldn't you have waited for him to open it and look at you for once? Do you hate him that much? 
You have the right, too. 
Bakugou hates to see you cry. 
It's so annoying, he decides one day, as he catches a glimpse of you crying in your friend's arms, hugging them, telling them how much you missed Bakugou as they rub circles on your back. 
"He never deserved you, anyway." He hears them say. It makes you cry even more.
Seeing you cry always makes him feel angry, Bakugou decides. 
The way he discovers the reason for his anger is in a rather sick way.
All it takes is for him to see you laugh. 
It's spring, the winter you broke up is over, the feelings aren't, though. 
You're laughing, and you look so pretty under the tree, body swiftly shaking with laughter that doesn't seem to end.
Bakugou knows you like spring, and he notices it's been more than a winter since he last saw you laughing like this. Even before you broke up, he realizes you hadn't been laughing as you did now. That realization stings. You always laughed, smiled when you were with him, but it had a tinge of bitterness that never seemed to go away.
For the first time, it doesn't anger him, but it hurts. 
Somewhere inside, Bakugou had always been able to sense your bitter melancholy. It's a feeling you felt even when you were the happiest, but he just hadn't realized it. Like pieces of a puzzle, every other realization starts dawning on him too. 
He was angry at you because you always made him feel like he could never make you happy. All he could do was make you cry, you cried and cried, whenever you were with him, and it made him feel so frustrated- he hated it, he hated, hatedhatedhatedhatesyou.
But it wasn't you, it was never you Bakugou was angry with, but it was Bakugou himself. 
Bakugou hates himself for never being able to make you happy.
Bakugou was never angry at you, he realizes. He was heartbroken. All those times he thought it was fury he felt when he saw you- 
People think Bakugou doesn't feel anything other than anger. 
They're wrong. 
Bakugou feels many other things than anger, but he doesn't know how to differentiate them. 
The next time you meet, there are two changes you realize about each other. 
It's a cold night, another sleepless one you let yourself feel everything you suppress during the day. You don't expect to hear footsteps approaching you, it's the dead of the night and very cold, but you freeze when you take note of the sweet smell the sound brought with it.
You can't speak, do anything other than raising your eyes that are wet with tears to see if it really is the owner of your heart.
"We need to talk."
You don't want to, but you missed his voice more than you thought, that you're unable to leave. 
But it's the moment your eyes meet with his blood-red ones that you realize why he's here. For the first time in a long while, there isn't a trace of anger in Bakugou's eyes. 
He looks sorry, and that night is the first time you hear him apologize to you. 
Despite how much he wishes it was, this apology isn't the last.
Bakugou is flawed. He will and does make you cry, maybe more than anyone else. He knows it, and you do too. But love is a strange thing, and it took him years to realize that you would rather cry your heart out than be without him.
So this time, when he takes you between his arms and lets you cry, two things have changed since the last time you both were in this position. 
1: You noticed that this wasn't going to be the last time you cried because of Bakugou.
Throughout your relationship, you hoped, prayed that fight you had was going to stay the last, it never was. This way of thinking was flawed, damaging the relationship as much as the fights did. Bakugou could feel your growing sadness, dissatisfaction, fear that you were going to fight at every smallest disagreement you had, and they did nothing but make him angry, turning the conflict into a full-blown fight.
2: Bakugou wants to change. And not for you, but himself. 
He wants to be a better person. He always did, but it was only because you asked him to. He wanted to be better for you, and it was the only thing he could think of whenever you told him he had to change. Its pressuring, made him insecure, made him feel like anything he did was never enough. But this time, right then as he envelopes you and pulls you into his embrace, Bakugou wants to be a better person. Not for you, not for anyone else. He just wants to be better, and he will start here. 
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brightjimini · 3 years
The Fire Nations Princess
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Anon: hi! can i request a zuko x reader where its just super fluffy & cute & can it also be where the reader & zuko are married & izumi is like 3 years old? thanks!
Zuko x female mother reader
Word count: 1K
Warnings: children crying, child missing her father, being a mother (i know its sound weird but personally I don't like the idea atm and I know some also don't like it)
A/N: Now this was out of my comfort zone lol. I don't want kids (maybe adopt idk) so I really didn't know how to make this but I hope you like it. I couldn't help myself and it has a little angst but it gets fluffy. I did my best. Here is your dose of dad/husband Zuko. Please let me know what you thought of it bcs my recent fics got 0 comments.
I was leaning against a tree next to the pond in the garden of the palace.  Izumi was running on her tiny legs after a turtleduck with a friend she had made. Her friend was one of the children of the head chef, a girl named Anzu. “Izumi, Anzu be careful!” I shouted. I had been writing on a scroll of paper to report on the things that happened this week. Most of the time Zuko did that. But he was in the newly built Republic City taking care of some things with Avatar Aang. Sadly we had not seen Zuko in three weeks and Izumi did not fully understand how important the position of a Fire Lord was. I had been taking care of the problems that occurred here in the Fire Nation and trying to give Izumi the attention she needed. So I was kind of stressed out. 
I heard someone’s footsteps coming closer. I looked up to my left one of my personal maidens stopped a few meters before me with her head down. “Yes?” 
“Your majesty, dinner has been served.” She said in a tiny voice. It was hard to get used to how people treated me here. Like I could slap them any moment. I could but of course I am not going to. Unless someone hurt my family on purpose. That might sound weird, but there had been a few attempted kidnappings and assassinations. None were able to succeed. 
“We will be there in a moment.” I answered. She bowed and walked away.
I rolled the scroll up and got everything organized to take inside with me. I stood up and walked to my daughter and her friend who were crouching over a few ants. “Girls it's time for dinner, Anzu your father might already be waiting for you.” Anzu looked up to me with her big brown eyes. “Okay, Your Majesty.” She answered shyly. I had told her many times that she could call me Y/N, but she told me that that was weird. I laughed and nodded. She was very polite.
“When is dad coming back?” That question hurt my heart every time. I kneeled next to her. Anzu stood up and ran back inside. Izumi did not even notice. Suddenly I saw little spots on the ground below her darken. Tears were falling down. “Oh my little firefly.” I wrapped my arms around her but her tiny hands pushed my arms away. She stood back up and ran away. Her dark hair moving wildly behind her. “Izumi!” I yelled in a stern voice. 
I sighed. One of the servants that was close ran after her. I gripped my. Writing supplies and scroll tighter and hurried after her. Outbursts like this were normal at her age, but it did not make them in any way easier.
Later that night I told her two maids that I would like to be alone when I would help her get ready for bed. They nodded and hurried away. Probably having already heard of her mood. She was laying on her bed in her loose night clothing. Her hair was spread out over the mattress. A few candles were lit at her vanity. I walked towards her and sat down next to her. Her back was facing me. I sighed. 
“Honey.. I know you miss him, but don't forget he has an important job. He needs to protect us against bad people. And if he does not go sometimes the fire nation will have many problems.” She slowly turned around and her cheeks were stained with tears. A few hairs stuck to her face. I brushed the hairs out of her face and dried her face with my sleeve. “I just want to play with him again.. he always tells me stories about his adventures with uncle Aang.” She whispered. Her throat probably hurt from crying. 
I kept stroking her hair. “ I miss him too Izumi, but getting angry at me will not bring Dad back okay? Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight?” She smiled. I picked her up and we walked to my room.
Two days later…
“Mommy! Dad is back!” Izumi’s voice sounded. I looked up from my paper and immediately stood up when I realized what she said. I opened the door of the office room I was in and saw Izumi running towards me. “The airship is landing!” She said excitedly. Together we hurried through the halls  to the main entrance of the palace. The sun was at her highest point in the sky and shone over the palace grounds. Three airships were tied to the ground and people were walking on the platforms to their homes or meetings inside. 
Finally I spotted him. He towered over a few people that were with him, most likely advisors. The front of his long black hair tied in a top knot the rest on his shoulders. Zuko wore his usual armor for travels; it was black, red and had golden pieces attached to it. Before I could grab a hold of Izumi's hand she was already sprinting towards her father. “Dad!” She screamed. A few people around us casted a glance at the energetic girl that was the princess of this nation. I hurried after her. 
Zuko met us halfway and he picked his daughter up with a big smile on his face. The sound of her laughs filled the air. I watched them as he kissed her all over her face. He put her down and his eyes met mine. In a blur his arms were around me. My face in the crook of his neck. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him back. “I missed you so much.” I said. I shut my eyes tightly. I had tried to be strong for everyone, but Zuko finally being here felt like everything was finally as it was supposed to be. He leaned back without removing his arms from my waist. “I missed my two favorite girls even more.” My husband said. Izumi that was hugging his leg did not let go. Zuko gave me a kiss and picked Izumi back up. Together we walked back inside. “Well little firefly were you kind to mommy when I was gone?” Izumi immediately looked at me. “I was! I even helped mommy with work stuff.” I smiled. Zuko looked at me with a proudness in his eyes. “Well maybe next time we let her rule this nation on her own.” He said.
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anischa22 · 3 years
Cute moment between Chevalier and Clavis UwU
I'm in very badmood state, but thanks to interaction story between Chevalier x Clavis, my sadness is less now 😀
I can't show the whole story since my translate is suck (very very suck), you'll get headache if you read my translation (even i already get the headache😌)
Event : Anniversary Story part 1 : Chevalier > Sweet End
I tried really hard to be able to read this ending after finishing all the premium endings *sob* goodbye all my energy saving :')
This interaction is translated according to my understanding, so I'm sorry if there is a misleading in it 🙇
After the incident, Chevalier and Clavis in carriage went straight home. From Clavis expression, Chevalier know he is sulking, stressed bc his hated brother saved him lol
And suddenly Chevalier remember their childhood :
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(Only few people know, Clavis used to be a crybaby)
Holy shet! It's confirmed by Chevalier! When route Clavis wants to be released, more and more info is revealed about him!
Flashback : At the training ground, Chevalier defeated Clavis in a sword duel ...
Chevalier : if you want to cry, go somewhere else, it's annoying.
Clavis : I'm not crying! It's just a dust!
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".... Hick ... Why are you not only smart, but also good in sword!"
Omg baby really cry here 😂 i know that feel, Clavis. Feeling stressed with someone who is very talented, especially siblings😌
Clavis complaining how he had to try, whereas Chevalier could always do anything even if it was the first thing for him.
Chevalier : it's called talent. If you have time to envy someone, why don't you use it to learn?
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"When you cry, nothing changes."
Bruh, that's very brotherly advice
And what was Clavis's answer?
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"You're just saying bc you don't know it, idiot!"
Wow, Clavis call Chevalier an idiot😂
Flashback end, back to present.
Chevalier thinking why is he always surrounded by crybabies, there's Alysia, Clavis ... Although Clavis won't cry like he used to, but his expression is clear.
Suddenly he remembered Alysia will be home soon and Clavis will definitely make a mess. So he told Clavis to make a report on today's incident, because of his mistake, Chevalier also had to step in (yeah Cheva trying to keep Clavis busy😂)
Clavis : ...Even if I write it, you won't read it.
Chevalier : If you want me to read it, decipher that bad writing and put out something worth reading
Clavis : I see? In other words, harassment?
Clavis : ... Haha, I'm sorry If you want me to do that, i have to hit your face first."
Chevalier didn't push more. He thought that life surrounded by pits, flour, banana peels, etc. Will continue for a while ...
Clavis : however ... You're pretty creppy.
Clavis know what is Chevalier doing is because of MC's influence. Lately, MC is the reason for all of Chevalier's current behavior. Chevalier knows this well.
But he don't take the bait and just give more punishment with the excuse 'to let Clavis have more free time by not being by his side'
Clavis laugh, but then kick Chevalier's leg. Ofc Chevalier don't received that, so he kicked Clavis back 😂
In the end, Chevalier say Clavis should thank MC for being alive
Chevalier : There are so many thing that you can't return even if you spend your whole life. Don't forget that.
Clavis : ... haha, let's remember, and i will definitely make you cry someday.
I need their interaction more 😂 I expect a lot in Clavis route when released later
And because I've finished 2 endings, I got Chevalier's letter. One of the contents said:
.... However, there are not so many events that I dare to write. The only thing that has changed since you're gone is breakfast. After all it is troublesome to eat alone. I'm not going to have breakfast until you come back ...
The heck?? You're making that excuse so that the MC will come back soon right?? 😂
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witchcastors · 2 years
Ask Game! I'm pretty sure I know how you feel about most of them, so: 2, 3, 13, 20 💙💙
Hey, Morgs, dear! Thank you for the questions, I'm going to apologize in advance bc this will probably get a bit rambly 💜
✨ 2. Do you have any daily practices? What are they?
I have quite a few! I try to do them daily, sometimes I don't have the energy/forget bc of work and ADHD, but I do try. I almost always veil in the mornings if I have work, at night I make sure I cleanse and energize my devotional charms. I journal daily, for gratitude/manifestation purposes. I knock primary deck daily (more if I have the energy) and try to keep up with my daily pulls for my loved ones (I admit I slack on readings for myself, though). I have a car ritual, as well, but that's for protection so it's hushity hush
✨3. What's your favorite type of magic to use (knot magic, candle magic, pop culture magic, etc)?
I truly adore any type of green or death craft, but I also love working with oils! I use oil magic for divination, cleansing, warding, glamours, etc. I'm recently reconnecting with my slavic folk craft, which has been lovely stressful, as well
✨ 13. What types of divination readings are you willing to do, but don't really enjoy?
Ah, this is...I'm not entirely sure how to answer this question? My immediate response was oracle reading, but that's not really true. I find oracle reading to be a bit more...challenging for me? I'd prefer to use tarot/tea/runes/oils. But I do like oracle, I just don't bond with Oracle decks as well as other divinative tools. I also love to scry, but I don't read that way for others. And as far as subject matter, I'm ok with virtually everything, but I won't do what I consider fear mongering/nonconsensual readings (ie I'm not going to tell you when you're going to die, advice on how to get rid of someone in the way of you and your crush, etc)
✨ 20. What’s your unpopular opinion regarding magic, spirituality or religion?
Honestly, I'm kinda drawing a blank rn. I feel like I ramble all the time about my unpopular opinions but ya know, lol. This isn't really an unpopular opinion anymore, but I do stand by the fact that pretty much anyone can be a witch. I will say, though, that I think as it is a craft and a spiritually, sometimes I think not enough people in the community take it as seriously as they should (I don't think I'm wording this properly). I'm not saying that your craft can't be more of a hobby, because it can. But I don't like seeing people treat it as a joke. If you want to use the witch aesthetic, that's perfectly fine (considering it slaps), and I fully support it, just be respectful of others' practices and cultures
✨ Ask the witch! ✨
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