#also i left the ending open so yeah he may have kidnapped us and may not have
teabutmakeitazure · 10 months
Dissimulation reader is better than me because the MINUTE you play about me going home to see my family I would have shot that man 💀 I felt that very much as an international student like my blood pressure kept on rising 😭🖐🏾
The fic has reached its target audience. That makes me very happy 😌
Also reader being passive about it was because of the thought that Childe didn't know. Plus reader thought that if he does know the worst that can happen is him pestering me even after I come back so let's keep it a secret and just vanish from his radar while I'm home. That was what reader thought since Childe seemed relatively harmless in the beginning, especially since the date. (I'm not saying he was completely harmless, just that kidnapping or coercion or anything such was not expected from him in the beginning)
I have many thoughts about this fic and there are quite a few implicit details that you have infinite time to catch
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faulty-writes · 5 months
[ Hello followers and or fans. I present to you a Tomura Shigaraki piece! This was inspired by the game Coffee Talk. I haven’t finished it, so no spoilers, please. Speaking of which, this piece may have minor manga spoilers so beware. There are also minor themes of kidnapping, a touch of blood, and unwanted affection. It’s Shigaraki, so shouldn’t really expect anything less. ]
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[ Being the owner of a coffee shop wasn’t easy, but you found purpose in it. While you were used to all sorts of characters entering your shop for a late-night cup of joe, none was stranger than the hooded man who began frequenting your shop. After a small conversation with him, you’re left feeling a bit shaken. Little do you know that he’s Tomura Shigaraki and he has plans for you. ]
As Tomura sat at his table in the corner of the small coffee shop in Esuha City, his partially gloved hands tightly gripped the cup of coffee he held. It burned him up to see you converse with another man who was one of those lame so-called “heroes.”
A young and ignorant one at that, who thought boasting about being assigned to night patrol for the first time was some monumental accomplishment. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t. He didn’t bother to catch the stupid hero’s name, not that it would matter.
But he had the most irritating suit that consisted of a yellow visor, and a white skin-tight top with some obscure number written across it. He also had yellow and green shoulder pads and a long red cape with matching red gloves, blue pants, and white knee-high boots.
His hair was styled in the most idiotic way Tomura had ever seen. Seriously, who spikes up their hair like that? His eyes were also beady and blue. But what was most irritating was that smile. Damn, he’d like to take a hammer and impact those teeth.
This wasn’t what made his blood boil, however. Oh no. It was the fact that you smiled and laughed at the pathetic excuse for a hero’s lame jokes. Like super lame jokes. Yeah, maybe you were just being polite. Business was business.
This didn’t cross Tomura’s mind. He thought your actions were genuine, and damn, did that piss him off. Why the hell were you even entertaining heroes? Yeah, your coffee shop was relatively new to the area, but it had unique features that set it apart from the competition.
For starters, it opened during the evening and remained open until dawn. You were a lifesaver for those who started their work shift at night. You also helped struggling students who needed a boost of caffeine and a quiet place to work on their assignments.
Or idiot wannabe heroes who thought they were just so cool because they patrolled the streets under moonlight. He clenched his jaw. Oh, if only he knew where the egotistical idiot was patrolling, he’d easily end his damn life. Turn him into nothing but a miserable pile of dust.
It was almost laughable to think that you didn’t even know he was one of the most feared villains in Japan and the leader of The League of Villains. Then again, ignorance was bliss and even villains needed a break occasionally.
This was another reason he tolerated frequenting your shop even if he just stumbled into it one night after “taking care of business.” From what he could recall that night he found himself on the edge of collapsing from exhaustion. It had been pouring rain and he was staggering along the crowded sidewalk.
His anger grew with everyone that passed him and the urge to disintegrate them was intensifying. He was wearing his usual get-up that evening: a large, oversized hood that concealed his face, long skinny jeans that ended just above his ankles, and his usual red sneakers.
He growled in frustration and reached up to wipe his face, but it was of no use considering the rain continued to come down. However, when he lowered his hand, he saw it. The neon sign gleamed through the rain and drew him in like a beacon.
This is also when he made the, admittedly, stupid choice to seek temporary shelter in your establishment and possibly hold everyone hostage if needed. He remembered the sickening warmth that washed over him, in contrast to the cold weary weather when he stepped inside.
He also recalled how the scent of coffee filled his nostrils, along with hints of cinnamon and honey. But what was most eye-catching was you. From the moment he spotted you behind the counter crafting one of your specialty drinks that wasn’t even on the menu for some useless dirtbag present in your shop at the time, he was intrigued.
Of course, that was another unique aspect of your establishment. You were known for your experimental drinks and always wanted to see how well they did with the few customers you had. Regardless, the way you gracefully moved behind the counter made him mesmerized.
He remained frozen at the door, seemingly in a trance until you looked at him and casually welcomed him to the shop. Your equally sickening smile seemed to churn something deep inside him and instead of feeling exhausted, a new and strange emotion enveloped him.
Maybe it stemmed from the fact that even if he looked like a drenched rat who just finished fighting its way through the sewers and onto the streets of the world above, you showed him kindness. He walked to the counter, ignoring the looks of concern from people he didn’t give a damn about.
Hell, he could easily murder them if given the chance. He laid his hands on the counter, ensuring that his thumbs were tucked inward and pressed against the bottom of his palms. His hood continued to cast a shadow over his face, and despite his intense red eyes staring you down, your stupid smile remained.
“What would you like to drink?” You asked, making his lips turn upward in a snarl. “Nothing,” he barked back. He had no money, not that he would pay even if he wanted anything from the shitty excuse for a coffee shop. As if sensing his hostility, you took a step back and cocked your head, appearing more like a puppy than a barista.
But the way your eyes studied him as if looking through his soul, made him curl his hands into fists. It was clear he was getting annoyed, both because of your reaction and the few customers observing his interaction with you. Then you said something he didn’t expect, “It’s on the house.”
At first, he thought it was because, to you, he looked homeless. Maybe down on his luck, but that didn’t make sense. You could have easily told him to leave if he didn’t order anything, and what authorized you to give drinks on the house?
That’s when something clicked and after glancing around to see if there were any other baristas present, he came to the only conclusion that was possible. ‘Hm…so you’re the owner, huh?' He remained quiet and briefly glanced at the menu.
You noticed what he was doing and glanced at it too, but it was challenging to know exactly what he was looking at. So instead, you suggested, “An expresso maybe?” His eyes tore from the menu and lingered on you for a long moment.
Then he shoved his hands into his pockets, marched over to the table in the corner of your shop, and carelessly plopped down. You blinked, somewhat perplexed but grabbed a coffee cup and began making the espresso for him. He wasn’t the first hard-headed customer you had encountered.
Another wave of exhaustion enveloped him, and he closed his eyes briefly, almost ready to give in when he heard something. It sounded like two glass objects scraping against one another. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was you and that damned smile. The second was the expresso sitting on a saucer plate.
A soft growl rumbled in his throat. He wasn’t sure if he was more irritated that you had given him something he didn’t even ask for or the fact that he let you get away with it. He could easily turn everyone in the cafe into dust, including you…so why didn’t he?
“Pff,” he grumbled and slowly straightened his posture before slipping two fingers through the cup’s handle. He brought it to his lips and paused when he noticed you were still standing near him. “Go away,” he demanded, his words coming out with a snarl.
“Oh, uh, sure!” You replied, nervously scampering away like a frightened rabbit back to the safety of its burrow. Yet, it was this moment that burned into his memory and kept him returning. Over a short time, however, his slight curiosity about you turned into an obsession.
The same obsession that burned with unmistakable fury whenever someone else captured your attention, even if for a moment. “Heh, well it was super amazing talking to you but I gotta go! See ya!” When that damned blond-headed idiot of a hero finally left, Tomura sighed, and his tense muscles relaxed.
He leaned back in his chair and glanced around. There were still a few people present, one at the counter mindlessly playing on their phone. Another sitting on the far side of the said counter, reading a book and casually taking sips of their drink.
The last one sat in the opposite corner away from everyone, typing on their laptop. “Tch,” he clenched his jaw and dug his nails into the table. He wanted them to leave so he could finally be alone with you. But if that’s the game they wanted to play, he’d wait them out. Oh yes, he would win.
Slow and steady, as much as he hated it, was the right approach to this situation. Like any good villain, he wasn’t about to deviate from the plan brewing in his mind. Oh no. He’d be patient. Like an animal stalking its prey and pouncing at exactly the right moment. So, there he remained, studying every move you made.
From the way your fingers grazed along the machines, to the way you poured milk into lattes and skillfully morphed it into art. He burned every facial expression you made into his mind. He pondered how it would be to see that sweet face turn into horror when you realized who he was.
The cafe emptied shortly after two in the morning. A twisted smirk danced across his face when he pressed his foot against the floor and slid his chair back to create an eerie scraping noise that echoed through the building and caught your attention.
To his amusement, you jumped, and your pretty little eyes were filled with concern as they looked in his direction. He tried to suppress the chuckle building up in his throat and went to the counter. Your back was now turned to him, seemingly over the slight scare he had given you.
He briefly glanced at the counter, noticing an empty cup sitting on a saucer. He grinned and picked it up, hovering it just over an inch above the counter before releasing it. He took pride in watching you jump and spin on your heels. Your eyes were yet again wide, and fear sparkled in them.
That made his lips curl into a wicked smirk. He couldn’t help but think about how he’d love to see that look in your eyes every day. Oh yes, what a good little addition you’d make to The League. Then again, he didn’t want to share you per se, so maybe he’d just keep you to himself.
Kurogiri would have some questions, he knew. It was almost pathetic that he needed a caregiver, but Kurogiri was trained to obey his every order. However, as of late, Tomura noticed a concerned and suspicious leer in those yellow eyes. Of course, that was something only an idiot would miss.
For now, he was focused on you and the way your hand was still pressed against your chest as you looked at him, still as a statue. “Uh heh…” you chuckled, sensing the awkward tension in the air. Then a thought dawned on you that this man had wandered into your cafe when it was raining particularly hard one night a few months back.
In addition to providing a welcoming environment, you connected with your customers and assisted them in any way you could. This usually involved letting them talk through their problems and sharing advice. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with this mysterious man.
He didn’t budge no matter how hard you tried to crack his shell and rarely spoke more than three words to you. If you were being honest, after that night, you thought you’d never see him again. Yet, to your surprise, he continued to return.
Another thought dawned on you as he continued to stare at you from across the counter. This was that you didn’t even know his name. Even if you did, it wouldn’t change that there was something about him you couldn’t place.
Ultimately, however, you knew it was wrong to judge a book by its cover. Even though that was quite hard not to do considering he never showed his face, some kind of hood was always hiding it. “Uh, hello,” you said, shifting your feet.
Your greeting was met with silence and the tension seeping through the air grew thicker with each second that passed, slowly suffocating you. For a moment, you thought it was because of the lack of customers and tried to convince yourself that if your cafe wasn’t empty, this would feel less…strange.
But another part of you couldn’t help but, again, feel there was something sinister about him. Although he had done nothing wrong…yet. “Uh,” you cautiously approached him, “is there something you need?” That same wicked smirk decorated his lips, and he took a seat at the counter, resting his arms against it.
His gaze was intense, and the longer he stared at you, the more your heart raced. His smirk then softened, and he leaned his elbow on the counter, cradling his cheek in his hand. “So,” the raspy sound of his voice shattered the silence that permeated the air, “what do you think of All Might?”
You knit your eyebrows, shocked that he spoke more than three words, and asked you a question on top of it. You had a front-row seat for most of the conversations at your cafe, conversations that sometimes, discussed heroes, and on occasion, the number one hero, All Might.
“Um…” you glanced away, uncertain how to answer. You had never been asked exactly what you thought of him! You knew many people admired and adored All Might and for obvious reasons. It surely wasn’t an easy feat becoming the number one hero, let alone retaining the spot for as long as he did.
But were you obsessed with him like others? Did you rush to get his autograph whenever you saw him? Not really. Maybe that was because you were busy trying to maintain your own life. In addition, keeping up with the fabulous daytime life when you were a night owl was hard.
Not to say crime stopped at any point of the day or night, but things seemed calmer when the moon and the stars decorated the sky. You awkwardly rubbed the side of your arm, your stomach twisting and causing a small wave of nausea to consume you.
“Well, he, uh, I mean I think…” you tried taking a deep breath to calm yourself. ‘Come on! You’ve dealt with worse customers,’ you thought before your eyes shifted back to him, and his shadowed face. Yet you could still see that smirk and it drew you in, as much as you hated to admit that.
“I guess I don’t have an opinion on him,” you replied, shrugging. “Kind of hard to keep up with uh, the heroes when you’re busy with your own life,” you motioned to your surroundings with an awkward chuckle. Tomura narrowed his eyes. That wasn’t necessarily the response he was looking for.
It didn’t take an idiot to realize you didn’t put much thought into it like you only said it to please him. While he didn’t mind that, he also appreciated the truth. “And what makes him so damn great?” His voice somewhat fluctuated as he spoke, and you sensed a happy tone dancing within it.
You shrugged, “I guess what makes anyone great?” Your answer stumped him. His posture stiffened, and he lowered his hand from his cheek. “Hm,” that smirk faded. “Is that right?” He asked before leaning over the counter.
“And what’ll happen when he falls?” His question made you jolt and look at him with a raised eyebrow. “Heh, a-are you a villain or something?” You joked, and to your surprise, he laughed, and the sound of it caused a violent shiver down your spine.
Another smirk painted his face and he slowly got up from his seat. He didn’t say anything, but the way he stared left you shivering again. Then he turned and walked to the door. The familiar sound of a bell signified his departure, and you leaned against one of the coffee machines behind you, feeling the heat against your back.
Your heart remained fluttering in your chest like a hummingbird and a wave of fear washed over you. The suspicions you had about him were now confirmed. There was something sinister about him. It didn’t sit right with you that your joke remained unanswered either.
In the back of your mind, however, there was a small voice, maybe your conscience, that told you it was still wrong to judge him. But after that interaction, how could you not? You took a deep breath, trying to regain your previous composure, and looked around the empty room.
The sounds of the night city continued to gently hum as you finally found the courage to close your shop. However, you were unwilling to open tomorrow for fear of seeing him again. Your customers, the very few you had anyway, would understand if you needed a break.
The sound of crunching leaves and twigs underneath his feet, and the melody of bugs chirping and owls singing in the night fell deaf to his ears. His hood, unlike in your cafe, was down, allowing his silver-white hair to shimmer against the moonlight as he walked down the dirt path that led to The League of Villains hideaway.
He scanned his surroundings again. Unlike the usual formal attire he wore, he sported a white sleeping cap with a pom pom at the end of it. His normal metal brace encircled his neck. A cotton button-up pajama top with purple polka dots and matching bottoms covered his body.
While he tried to sleep, it proved impossible as his thoughts remained on Tomura. It was his purpose to always serve and protect him. Yet, as of late, the young boy favored departing for an unknown location and was absent for hours at a time.
While he did not doubt Tomura’s abilities, that didn’t make his purpose less important. If something happened to him, he needed to be there to ensure he did not receive harm. As such, this was not the first night he had stayed up into the early morning hours waiting for the boy to return.
The sky was still dark, but he knew the sun would rise soon. His purple and black mist swirled around as he anxiously awaited Tomura’s arrival. When he heard footsteps approaching, he remained still and focused his attention forward. Relief washed over him when he saw exactly who he was looking for.
“Tomura Shigaraki,” he said, his voice deep and stern. His eyes narrowed the closer the boy came. As usual, no words were spoken between them but rather a silent acknowledgment as Tomura passed him and opened the door.
Kurogiri followed him inside and ensured the door was locked. Tomura grumbled as he walked up to the bar and took his seat. He stared mindlessly at the counter that reminded him of your cafe and the terrified look on your face replayed in his mind, making him smile.
This immediately caught Kurogiri’s attention as he walked behind the counter and to the small bar. Tomura rarely smiled unless someone else was hurt or he felt victory within his grasp. He narrowed his eyes but remained quiet as he grabbed a clean glass.
He added a few ice cubes to it, ignoring the clinking sound they created when they hit the bottom. He then grabbed the whiskey that Tomura was prone to drinking and filled the glass halfway before presenting it to him.
However, he noticed Tomura grabbed the glass and merely stared at the ice cubes floating in it. While he had no idea what was brewing in the boy’s mind, he would be shocked to know that as soon as Tomura looked at the glass, his mind envisioned a coffee cup.
It frustrated him to know you were on his mind again. Yet, the idea that you could be of use to him clouded his judgment. Surely there had to be a reason why he felt drawn to you. While he despised the feeling that stirred inside him whenever he was near or thought about you, he knew he would put it to rest.
Yes…soon he wouldn’t have to worry about this feeling bothering him constantly. Silence filled the space between them as Tomura finally sipped his whiskey. Kurogiri watched him intensively as if studying his every move. Perhaps if he had done that before, he would know the answer to the question he was about to ask.
“Where have you been lately, Tomura Shigaraki?” Without the hand obscuring his face, he could see how Tomura’s facial features contorted with annoyance and anger at his question. However, he continued to push, having become too used to the boy’s immature and sometimes childish attitude.
“You have been acting strangely lately, Tomura Shigaraki. I cannot help but assume there is something you have your sights set on,” he stated. “If that is true, then I must insist that I aid you in any way possible.” He would not accept any other alternative.
A growl rumbled in his throat, but he should have known this would happen. It seemed that he couldn’t go too far without Kurogiri trailing behind him. Hell, even when he tried to keep something secret, he was always found out.
It was pretty damn annoying, but in any case, Kurogiri was a Nomu and as such, he was created to obey his every command. Although at times, it seemed like he had free will. He lowered the glass with a thud and glared at Kurogiri.
However, he didn’t falter under the boy's intense gaze. Rather, he returned it with a blank stare. Tomura sighed and tightened his grip around the glass. The temptation to shatter it in his hand was strong as the image of you popped into his head again.
“Y/n,” the hatred in his eyes grew dark and obsessive as he growled your name and noted that it weighed heavily on his tongue. Kurogiri remained silent, processing what he had just been told. “I see,” he said, stepping closer although the counter separated them.
“Is this person of interest to you, Tomura Shigaraki?” He assumed that you were another villain or perhaps a hero student and that Tomura wished to recruit you as a member of The League of Villains. The burning in his throat was intense when he swallowed the rest of his whiskey.
Silence filled the air before he answered, “Yeah.” Kurogiri nodded but also noted that Tomura’s stare was now directed at the ice cubes that littered the bottom of his glass. This was, again, a strange reaction that contrasted with the boy’s usual personality.
After another minute of silence, an angry expression enveloped Tomura’s features. “They are,” he hissed, and like before, his grip tightened around the glass. His knuckles turned white, and several sharp cracks echoed as it shattered, showering his hand in shards.
Although many would react with concern when something like this happened, Kurogiri grabbed a rag and disposed of the shards that now decorated the counter. “Tomura,” he said. His tone was like that of a father, and he ignored the growl he received in response.
Instead, once the shards were dealt with, he grabbed Tomura’s hand and brushed away any remaining bits of glass. He noticed the few small cuts now etched into the boy’s skin, but it was unlikely he’d want them properly taken care of.
“What do you intend to do regarding Y/n?” He asked once he put the rag away. At the question, Tomura smiled wickedly and leaned his elbow on the counter. “I have a few ideas…” he responded. “I see,” Kurogiri leaned closer to him, “and what do you need me to do, Tomura Shigaraki?”
The sun had gone down by the time you arrived at your shop. Although you chose not to open, you figured you’d take this opportunity to catch up on work you had been falling behind on. This included inventory stock and maintenance.
Additionally, you had ideas for new cafe drinks you wanted to experiment with. Since the curtains were drawn and the establishment was closed, you could do so in peace. ‘Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe’ His eyes narrowed when he read the sign. Not exactly a catchy name for an establishment.
He could hardly believe that Tomura stated you owned this cafe. While Esuha City was known for its nightlife, he still thought it strange that you chose to open a coffee shop that stayed open late into the morning hours when there were already so many others that did so.
‘Perhaps they think they are…capable of conquering the competition,’ he thought, turning to Tomura who was wearing all-black clothing, including another hood that concealed his face. Of course, that meant very little considering the course of events to come.
“Are you ready, Tomura Shigaraki?” He asked, ignoring the passersby on the sidewalk. They needed to accomplish this quickly and ensure that any heroes present in the area could not interfere before Tomura got what he wanted.
He chuckled in response to Kurogiri’s question and lifted his head, his red eyes beaming from underneath the shadow cast over his face. “Yes,” he said, before pointing at Dabi who was currently nestled in the alleyway between your coffee shop and the next useless building.
His arms were crossed, and his leg was bent, allowing him to press his foot against the opposite building wall. He was wearing his usual attire, a large overcoat with multiple coattails. His shirt was crisp white and wrinkled, hanging loosely from his chest.
His pants were dark in color and had multiple stitch marks across them and as usual, he was wearing combat boots. “Pff,” he sighed. In the back of his mind, he wondered how he could agree to this. However, he had always been good at killing people and causing chaos.
The thought of that alone brought a wicked smirk to his face. He stepped out of the alleyway, shoving his hands into his pockets. He glanced up, noting the moon and stars in the sky before looking at Tomura. “What do you want me to do again?” He asked, his voice carrying a certain annoyed tone to it.
“Why don’t you just shut up and put those damn flames to use?” Tomura hissed in response. “Make sure these stupid people stay away from this place until I’m done getting what I want,” he said, narrowing his eyes on Dabi who, from the start, had always been a thorn in his side.
But at least he knew who was in charge and had enough sense to follow the orders he was given. Dabi rolled his eyes. What the hell was so damn special about you he didn’t know. But regardless, he continued to watch as people walked up and down the sidewalk.
“Whatever,” he replied before curling his hands into fists, his knuckles cracking softly as he did so. A blue flame ignited, engulfing his hands and wrists. “Let’s get this over with,” he grumbled and walked out into the middle of the street.
Car tires screeched, and horns sounded through the air. Some foolish individuals even cursed him out and asked what he was doing. They quickly received an answer when his flames consumed their cars and panic erupted. All of which made him smile.
“Heh,” his grin widened as he watched some people push others to the ground and trample them. Tomura watched the spectacle with amusement before walking to the front door of your establishment, Kurogiri trailing behind him.
“Open your warp gate,” he demanded. Without hesitation, the dark fog that surrounded Kurogiri’s body extended and formed what appeared to be a dark portal in front of Tomura. He stared at it a moment before stepping through, disappearing into the void.
Panic struck you when screams sounded from outside causing you to drop the mug you were holding. It shattered instantly when it hit the floor. Instead of cleaning it up, you jumped over the counter and rushed to the large display window to the left side of your shop.
You reached a shaky hand out for the curtain, your heart pounding erratically in your chest making you feel short of breath. Your throat tightened, forcing you to swallow hard as you finally pulled it back and peeked outside. The only thing you saw was a blinding flame, blue in color, blazing in the street in front of your shop.
The building across the way crumbled under the flames that consumed it. However, you also noticed an individual dressed in black standing in the street, among the flames that didn’t appear to be harming him. It was like he admired the destruction around him including the panicked individuals who continued to run away.
You knit your eyebrows and screamed when he suddenly turned his head. His eyes, almost as blue as the fire that danced around him, seemed to peer right into your soul. You released the curtain immediately before pressing your back against the wall.
Your heart was pounding, and you suspected that at any moment it would leap out of your chest entirely. Your legs trembled threatening to give out from underneath you. The fear that consumed you at the moment was unlike anything you had experienced before. Yes, villains have attacked Esuha City countless times but rarely at night.
You grasped your chest, allowing your nails to dig into the front of your shirt before something else caught your eye. Your head snapped sideways, and you watched in horror as some type of dark portal appeared. In a panic, you ran back to the counter and jumped over it to hide.
You crouched down, pressing your hands against the top of your head and forcing yourself to hold your breath when you heard footsteps. Tomura grinned as he stepped out of Kurogiri’s warp gate and glanced around. It almost brought him delight seeing your shop empty.
Of course, he knew better than to be fooled into thinking it was actually empty. Having overheard one of your many conversations with one of the many idiots that took your attention away, he knew you took priority over certain duties regarding your business when it was closed.
He knew you were here. Even if you were hiding, he’d find you. He continued forward, stopping at the counter, unaware that you lingered on the other side. He allowed his partially gloved fingers to skim across its slick surface.
“Tomura Shigaraki,” Kurogiri said, walking behind him. Your eyes widened when you heard his name, and that fear intensified, making you freeze completely. Tomura Shigaraki. He was a ruthless villain and leader of The League of Villains.
You couldn’t bear to think about the thousands of people he’s harmed, much less killed without feeling nauseous. However, this didn’t stop questions from racing through your mind. What was he doing? What did he want from you? Were you going to die tonight? Why did he bring someone else with him?
You swallowed hard, letting out a quiet breath, and slowly positioned yourself on your hands and knees. Maybe if you crawled around to the storage area located at the back of your shop you could escape or so you hoped. Tomura faced Kurogiri with a glare.
“Are you most certain Y/n is present?” He asked, aware that his question may sound silly, perhaps even stupid. “Of course, they’re here!” He growled in response, slamming his hand on the counter making the sound echo eerily through the shop.
A tremble coursed through your body when you heard your name, and you continued to crawl as quickly and as quietly as you could across the floor. However, you only made it halfway before something pierced your hand. You forgot about the mug you had shattered earlier.
It was one of those shattered pieces that cut your hand easily, making you hiss out involuntarily. Once you registered your actions, you clamped your non-bloody hand over your mouth, silently cursing yourself for giving away your location.
Panic coursed through your body again, and you decided it was better to run and die than to be a sitting duck. However, by the time you got up, Kurogiri had already moved. “You will not escape!” he bellowed. The mist around him spread like a blanket of darkness and his eyes blazed with fury.
Your shoes squeaked against the floor as you stumbled to a stop, and you grasped onto the counter to prevent yourself from falling. The dull ache from the cut on your palm was nothing compared to the dread you felt when you locked eyes with those yellow orbs that were filled with nothing less than hatred.
Once he was certain you were not escaping, the mist that had expanded from his body shrank. That’s when you noticed the oddly formal outfit he was wearing. The crisp long-sleeved button-up shirt caught your attention first, followed by the black tie that adorned its collar and was tucked behind the gray vest that hugged his figure.
He also wore a black belt and dark dress pants with polished Oxford shoes. His eyes narrowed and he looked at you with such intensity and sternness that you almost felt like a child. A frightened child trying to keep the monsters under their bed at bay.
Without thinking, you turned and ran in the opposite direction. What exactly you were planning to do was up for debate. Reaching the front door would be ideal for escape, but then you’d have to deal with the villain outside who was currently turning everything into ash.
Well, either way, it was better than dealing with two villains in a small space. Unfortunately, like Kurogiri, Tomura cut you off quickly. You stumbled to a stop again, but unlike before, you lost your footing and fell onto the floor. You frantically crawled back, despite realizing you were trapped.
“P-please I…” you could still feel those yellow eyes burning a hole in your back. Swallowing heavily, you thought it best to focus on the man in front of you. However, an odd feeling of déjà vu washed over you when you noticed the outfit he was wearing.
“W-wait a minute, y-you’re-” That odd customer, the one that had visited your shop countless times before and the one whose conversation left you trembling. “Heh, oh good, you recognize me,” he replied and lowered his hood. The sight of his appearance sent another shiver down your spine.
He was a slender man, with skin as pale as the moonlight. In addition to the wrinkles around his eyes, his right eye had visible scars across it. His lips were severely chapped and the right side, too, had scarring and a small mole. His hair was silver-white, and half of it was tied behind his head.
The front of his bangs hung in his face in uneven waves and the bottom portion of his hair brushed against his shoulders. His menacing smirk coupled with his bright red irises sent another shiver down your spine. The answer to your previous question was revealed.
He was a villain and he had pretended to be your customer. What could he possibly gain from doing that?! It didn’t make sense, and you still didn’t know why he was here or what he wanted from you. Of course, you failed to realize that he continued to return because he was fascinated by you rather than your coffee shop.
He chuckled, and the disgruntled sound made you spring to your feet. The urge to run was overwhelming, but when you glanced over your shoulder, you saw his accomplice was still present. Additionally, you knew he’d stop you if you made such a foolish attempt. Clenching your jaw, your hands balled into shaky fists.
‘Damn it!’ you cursed inside your head, feeling your eyes burn as they watered over like a dam ready to burst. Kurogiri noticed this, but it only added to his confusion about why Tomura was after you. Someone so delicate and fragile.
It was clear you had nothing to offer The League, yet he refused to believe it had to do with feelings. Tomura was emotional, yes but his emotions were usually negative. Kurogiri was certain that, if by chance, the young boy fell in love, he would take after All For One.
He would not see his token of affection as someone to take care of and tend to. Rather he would see them as his possession. Something that belonged to him and him alone, and whoever dared to do something foolish like take his possession away would suffer a most gruesome death.
Perhaps that was the recent change in Tomura. He had found a new possession to claim as his. Your chest felt heavy, and yet tight as if you were crushed by an enormous weight. Your whole body trembled, and your eyes were wide and looked irritated.
You swallowed and pressed yourself against one of the expresso machines that littered the counter. It was nestled between the coffee grinder and the iced coffee dispenser. Both threatened to tip over as you desperately grasped onto them like they were the only lifeline you had.
Once again you felt the dull ache of your injured palm and it reminded you that this was not a dream. Tomura continued to step toward you, further emphasizing that you were trapped like an injured animal in the corner of an alley.
The echo of your heart pounded in your ears and like you were deprived of oxygen, there was a suffocating tension in the air. His eyes gleamed like a powerful demon as he growled, “Don’t look so damn scared!” and slammed his hands against the machines that were currently digging into your back.
He grinned at the sound of your scream and pride filled him as he observed the devastated state you were in. Then he leaned back to remove his gloves. Kurogiri watched him drop them to the floor and made a mental note to pick them up before they left.
Although Tomura had plenty of specially made gloves, he preferred to keep as many as possible. “Now, heh, I’ll make this simple for you,” he said slamming his hands against the machines behind you again. The only difference this time was several loud cracks sounded, and in a matter of seconds they began to decay.
Their once shiny and solid surfaces turned gray and crumbled like sand. You felt the weight of them disappear, forcing you to steady yourself as they turned to dust. Your eyes never left his, however. As terrified as you were, you refused to look away.
“Come with me, or I’ll fucking kill you,” he growled, and his words shook you. There was no way you wanted to die, but you couldn’t go with him! That was a fate worse than death. In addition, you couldn’t abandon what you created. This shop, this business was your life.
Even though you only had a handful of customers, they needed this shop to act as a safe zone. A place where they could talk about their worries and problems without judgment. The very idea of taking that away finally broke you, and a soft sob passed your lips before hot tears rolled down your cheeks.
Tomura paused, and his eyes traced the tears that slid down your face and slowly dripped from your chin. Then his eyebrows knitted as if he was confused about why you were crying. But it didn’t matter. Even if you foolishly refused to go with him, he’d take you by force. As the seconds ticked by, Kurogiri narrowed his eyes.
“Tomura Shigaraki,” he said, watching the boy pause and look at him with a snarl. He knew he needed to be careful with his next words. While there was the possibility that you meant something to Tomura, even if the boy himself hadn’t fully realized that yet, it was clear this was going nowhere.
Despite knowing he did not take failure well, Kurogiri needed to ensure Tomura returned to The League safely with or without you. However, his focus turned to the front door of your establishment which not only ignited into flames but was ripped off its hinges when Dabi forcibly used his fire to barge his way in.
Tomura, surprisingly, seemed unphased by this sudden intrusion despite your accompanying scream. He leaned back, looking at Dabi blankly. “Just what the hell is taking so damn long?” He questioned, and your throat tightened as you tried to suppress another sob.
With Tomura in front of you, it was impossible to see the man who forced his way into your shop. Not that it would matter considering your vision was blurry due to tears. You could, however, see the blue flames that were beginning to consume your cafe, and the heat made you sweat.
The only salus you had, as much as you hated to admit it, was Tomura shielding you from who you could only assume was the same man you had seen in the street earlier. You then assumed that he was also part of The League of Villains.
“The heroes have been alerted, let’s go already,” he hissed, gesturing behind him and toward the now broken entranceway. Pain danced in your eyes as you watched his flames consume the building inch by inch. Tomura growled. “Shut up!” He snapped before looking at Kurogiri.
“Well?” He said, snatching his gloves off the floor and making you flinch. Sweat dripped down your forehead, and your tears had evaporated. You felt faint among the other overwhelming emotions that caused your knees to buckle and you to fall back onto the floor in front of Tomura.
He paused and glanced at you before his eyes fell back on Kurogiri. He looked at him blankly, awaiting his orders. “Use your warp gate already!” Tomura screamed like a spoiled child and placed his hands on his hips before glaring at Kurogiri.
He placed his hand on his chest and bowed. “As you wish, Tomura Shigaraki,” he replied, and your heart jumped in your chest. ‘Warp gate?’ Suddenly that image of the dark portal from earlier popped into your head. That was his quirk! Your eyes widened when you watched more dark portals appear, seemingly out of thin air.
You gasped. “Wait!” You cried out, but it was too late. The ground dissolved beneath you. A rush of wind enveloped you, and the sensation of weightlessness before gravity kicked in and you fell flat onto solid ground. You groaned, noting the floor was cold and rough.
You recovered after a moment and slowly opened your eyes. Despite your vision spinning you could make out various glass bottles lining two wooden shelves, and the bright yellow light behind them only irritated your vision further.
“H-huh?” You pushed yourself onto your knees, slowly taking in your new surroundings. The dizziness caused a wave of nausea to flow over you, but you refused to give in to the feeling. Instead, you took a deep breath and continued looking around.
You noticed there was a doorway covered with a purple curtain next to the shelves. A wooden counter surrounded the area, and a small television rested at the end of the counter. If this was a bar, a wide-screen television was usually present.
‘Weird…’ you thought, before noticing the walls were made from brick and a coffee machine was sitting on a small table next to the television. Your heart sank in your chest as you were reminded of your cafe which was likely nothing but a pile of smelted wood and ash now.
Your head immediately snapped toward the purple curtain as another dark portal appeared. You watched in horror as Tomura stepped out and frantically crawled back, only to hit something. You trembled, feeling your throat tighten as you tilted your head to see that strange mist man. His eyes stared into your soul again.
“Ah!” You frantically twist your body, wanting to get away from him. However, you hit one of the shelves and the sound of the bottles clinking together echoed eerily through the room. “W-Where am I!?” You frantically asked, your voice dripping with fear. Tomura sighed when he walked up to you.
Knowing you were trapped again. You could only shake uncontrollably as he crouched down and forcibly grabbed your chin. You could feel his nails dig into your flesh through the glove he was wearing and when you looked into his eyes, they had an inhuman glint.
“Don’t ask such a stupid question,” he growled, baring his teeth, and tightening his grip making you wince. “Kurogiri,” he said when he released your chin and threw you back against the shelf, yet again making the bottles rattle.
Your heart pounded, and you fisted your hands into your hair. Ignoring the dried blood on your injured palm and the accompanying sting that came with it. “Yes, Tomura Shigaraki?” He replied, shifting his attention from you to him.
“Make sure their stupid hand is cleaned,” he said, referring to your injured palm. Yes, he wasn’t so ignorant as to not notice it. He took pride in being observant. Noticing every little detail always gives you an advantage over others.
Kurogiri found the request rather…strange and shifted his gaze to you. Despite the distressed state you were in, he wondered what it was about you that made Tomura act like he cared. ‘Yes...what does he see in this one?’ It was surely a mystery, but perhaps you’d prove to be useful.
“Yes, Tomura Shigaraki,” he repeated before walking closer to you. A gasp passed your lips and you snapped back to reality when you looked at him. Your eyes were wide, and your face was colorless. “After that,” Tomura said, grabbing your chin and making you hiss out.
His eyebrows slanted, his eyes beaming as he stared at you. His lips twisted into a smirk and when he leaned forward, you squeezed your eyes shut. You expected more pain, perhaps even his opposite hand on your throat or tangled in your hair.
Instead, you felt the roughness of his lips against yours making your eyes snap open and your breath hitch. Kurogiri’s eyes widened as he watched Tomura initiate this act of affection and his body stiffened. Perhaps it was his instinct to protect Tomura, but this was the first time he had seen the boy act this way.
His eyes then narrowed, and his body relaxed. ‘Perhaps they have some value to him,’ and if that were true, then Kurogiri would too, see value in you. Dabi grumbled as he pulled back the curtain, opening his mouth to speak. However, he stopped short when he saw the scene before him.
He narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on his hip. “Just what the hell is going on?” He demanded and Kurogiri looked at him, unable to explain. When he realized this, he shrugged. He didn’t really give a shit about what Tomura was doing or who he was going to fuck or do who knows what with.
“Whatever,” he replied before walking around the counter and toward the door, muttering about burning something else. He growled against your lips, making your eyes widen. However, it wasn’t that difficult to figure out it had something to do with his accomplice entering the room and leaving.
Tomura hated interruptions as much as failure. When silence fell over the room again, he noticed that your lips felt plump, smooth, and perfectly shaped. It made his blood boil, like an angry firestorm that destroyed everything in its wake. Yet, there was a trace of undeniable greed.
That possessive nature reminded him you were his to take and do with what he wanted. Yes, you were his possession, and you would never leave him. However, his lips tasted bitter to you and left your skin crawling. What should have been a warm or passionate action was an unwanted advancement.
Yet, you were too afraid to move away. To push him, do anything to stop or break the kiss. How could you live with yourself having kissed a villain? Did he want you because he had feelings for you? Was everything he and his accomplices did because he wanted you for himself?
The realization made you gag. Although it was silenced between your mouths, it didn’t make Tomura any less aware you were gagging, and he pulled away with another growl. However, instead of hurling you against the shelf again, he stood up and walked around the counter to take a seat.
Even when he was a short distance away from you, your body continued to tremble. Kurogiri, meanwhile, grabbed the first aid kit. While All For One provided Tomura with medical attention when needed, courtesy of Dr. Kyudai Garaki.
Kurogiri kept a first aid kit on hand because Tomura had some self-destructive habits, such as scratching his skin open, primarily around his neck area. As such, he attended to these minor injuries and ensured they were properly cleaned and bandaged when needed.
Although he hated the idea of using precious resources on anyone except Tomura, he could not resist an order given to him. So, he crouched down beside you and grabbed your hand, making you gasp again. He paused, only to look at you. It was clear you were scared, and your trembling didn’t help.
But you weren’t resisting and so he gently took your hand in his, examining the cut. The skin around it was red and inflamed, and dried blood was smeared across your palm and fingers. However, that was nothing minor disinfectant couldn’t take care of.
Compared to Tomura, Kurogiri had a strange gentleness about him. At least that’s what you could gather from the delicate way he cleaned your wound and wiped the dried blood away before wrapping it up. When he released your hand, you pressed it against your chest, feeling the now steady pace of your heart.
You watched as he gathered the bloody rag and threw it away. After that, he returned the first aid kit to its proper place and looked at Tomura. “I am finished,” he stated. “Heh, great,” Tomura replied and leaned over the counter, looking at you.
“Why don’t you be useful and make me a damn cup of coffee?” He replied, but his smile faded when his order was greeted with silence. “Now!” he snapped, slamming his hands against the counter, and making you stagger to your feet.
Your legs remained shaking and felt like they would give out from underneath you at any moment. Regardless, you stumbled to the coffee machine you spotted earlier and cried out when your knees bent, making you desperately clench onto the small table.
You sharply inhaled, not having realized you were holding your breath. You could feel the weight of Tomura and Kurogiri’s stares and your hands trembled as you tried to open the coffee machine to see if there were coffee grounds in it. As you did this, another dark realization came. You captured a villain’s heart.
But not just any villain’s heart, Tomura Shigaraki’s. The one who could turn you into dust at any moment. Instead of having the happy life you envisioned, one where you served customers, lent them your ear, gave advice, and shared happy memories with one another. You were now and forever Tomura’s object of affection.
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olinblogin · 4 months
Good morning! I woke to lovely piece of yours with a Yan!Mayor & Yan!LBD with a fem reader. It was a wonderful piece that didn't stretch too long but left me feeling very happy due to the lack of Mayor/LBDxReader content there is here & anywhere from what I can see. If it's not too much trouble, may I please request a reader who can actually fight back against the Yan!duo?
Maybe she gained immortality because the women of her family had witnessed the Mayor's & LBD's powers generations ago, thus building the subsequent generations after the first witness (maybe someone who also caught the two's attention but managed to escape thanks to SWK, his "you should have stayed buried" line has cemented into my head) saw what they were capable of & feared their return. Generational training & horror stories ensue. The day of the ritual arrives & Mayor comes to collect Y/N but is shocked to see her resilience against Lady's call & chains. Maybe she [Y/N] uses the chains against him & he ends up bound instead? Same with LBD (not Bai He possessed tho, pls). I really think they'd be shocked & intrigued about reader's strength & ingrained tactical knowledge added to resistance to both of them... Might be very interesting~.😈
Bonus points if Y/N says something like "I see why you use chains, Chief; you look so darling all wrapped up~!" or "That is a lovely song you sing, but I am not one for such melodies, Baigujing." [<-LBD's real name] Imagine the reactions!
Sorry for the long read, I'm just so curious to see your spin on this if you wish to write it. Thank you for reading!
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P.S. Did you notice that Baigujing & Bai He have the same three-letter-start, 'Bai'???
I can absolutely do that! I’m ngl this is the longest req I’ve had before! (Not trying to be mean :])
I may or may not have taken a bit of inspiration from Naruto with this one, specifically with a “sharingan” kind of ability :3
—this is relatively short bc I didn’t know what much to do auaughhhh—
PS, the amount of times I’ve had to rewrite this bc I wanted it to be PERFECT…
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Being part of a family that had gained immortality and power was not always the easiest.
All your ancestors were always present, if they hadn’t been killed.
Your family had gained partial immortality; meaning they would not die of age. But if they were, perchance, given a life threatening wound, they wouldn’t survive.
But that just made your family more careful of how they used their immortality. Every day in your extravagant home you would witness the generations before you, still walking, talking.
It would be eerie to most. But to you, it was normal.
Another good thing that came from your family with immortality, is that among the generations power grew, you being the recent generations, it was strongest for you. It wasn’t very well combat-wise; but it allowed you the ability to deflect an attack and mirror it just as it was performed.
Your family never explained how they harnessed this. But listening in as a child to your ancestors at the alter briefly mentioned a name; Baigujing.
Your family soon brought you with all cheers to the alter, they had dolled you up with traditional robes of white, holding incense sticks and sage.
It dawned on you.
Your family made a deal for immortality. A sacrificial deal. You didn’t know what to feel. You couldn’t feel anything. You were kept in the dark for so long and for what, to be sent like a lamb to the slaughter.
You had no choice but to let it happen.
How else would your family progress.
A cool most wafted around you, a feeling of floating. It was like you were weightless. When you opened your eyes, you were standing, met with two people, a man. He wore a shockingly wide grin.
“My lady will be pleased with this sacrifice. How pleasing you are.” He hummed in an unstable voice.
Chains shot from under your feet, making you reel back briefly, before honing your ability to deflect and conquer the chains, sending them the man’s way; watching as they coiled around him like snakes and held him still in front of you.
The chains were strong, stronger than any you’ve seen; they emitted a soft, ghostly glow. Joining your hands under your sleeves, you kept a blank stare. “I see why you use chains, Chief;” you muttered, watching him stiffen. “You look quite lovely being held by them.” He could hear the coo in your voice, it made him wonder how this was a possibility.
But he didn’t have the time for that, unfortunately,
As the Lady Bone Demon seemed to materialize just behind him. “And what seems to be the problem,” there was a slight sneer in her voice before she laid her eyes on you. “Ah, our sacrifice. What a beautiful one, a shame.” She’d spoke calmly, releasing the Mayor from his own chains you deflected onto him.
“Come now dear, there is no use in resisting. You were chosen to be killed in return for their immortality.” The Lady Bone Demon hummed, walking circles around you, as if she were gliding.
She tried to latch onto you with a chain of her own, letting out a shocked gasp when the chain came back her way and clamped around her wrist. “What a lovely song you sing. I’m not one for such Melodie’s, Baigujing.” There was an eerie silence.
“I see you have done your research on the two of us; but still hadn’t known your family would sacrifice you to my will.” She spoke calmly, releasing the chain from herself once more.
“My dear, how do you deflect my chains so simply,” Baigujing said with a hiss, walking towards you; that’s when you realized how tall she truly was.
“It’s something I was taught..” you would simply respond back to her. She did not seem to buy it, however. But accepted that nonetheless.
“We are taking her back with us. We will hold the family’s end of the ritual; but we are keeping her.” There was a semi-shocked “What?!” From the Mayor, before he cleared his throat and corrected himself when the Lady Bone Demon shot a pointed glare his way, it shut him up very quickly.
“Come now, my dear. Or shall we have to take you by force.” YIU could only respond with a glare. This made the Lady Bone Demon turn her nose up with a huff, before she grabbed your face and tucked you close to her body, so you would not be able to get away. “Come now, let’s start anew.”
You reeled back your elbow hit her in the rib, making her groan in disdain. The Mayor immediately leapt into action. No, literally. He leapt on top of you and held you down. Sliding his hands up your neck and into your hair, he roughly yanked it back, which earned a strained groan from you.
“That was a horrible mistake, dear. For that we will have to discipline you. Since you wish to do this the hard way, we will treat you as you’ve chosen.” Her words were eerie,
And for as long as you would fight back, the more they would break you down.
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
Okay, so. A thought came to me. And it's semi supernatural? Like cursed object? Okay, uh...wait. Oh right! So,
oh yeah! Zhan Yao finds an old artifact and he has to transport it with Bai Yutong because people that are in contact with it claims they've time traveled, or whatever, right? And in the midst of transporting it, some criminals are chasing them cuz they want to steal it from some rich ass collector for whatever reason. Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong ends up in a crash cuz assholes stepped on the gas. (Poor little white car, it will be missed and fixed, or replaced. Cuz Yutang rich) Anyways, the car jerks and flings them around. When they open their eyes again, there are guns pointing at them. And a man approaches them, tells them they are under arrest for trying to steal a priceless artifact, and are taken to the police station where they are interrogated by dun dun dun!!!! Jiang Yuelou, who is in charge of recovering the stolen artifact, which at this time it's not and its just a rich man's love token from his deceased wife and he treasures the pocket watch a lot. Things happen, people gets kidnapped, some die and others get hurt, Yuzhi gets caught in the crossfire and saved by Zhan Yao who also gets caught in the crossfire, because they attract trouble like bees to honey. (Zhan Junbai may or may not be an ancestor.) Things get weird but along the way Yuelou and Yuzhi trusts Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao. (They can't be that bad if they rescued Yuzhi.) Yutong gets jealous because Xiao Bai stole Zhan Yao from him. And they eventually go back to their time via the power of the pocket watch and realize that only minutes, hours maxed, has passed despite being in the past for months. They doubt whether or not it was real. (Maybe they end up bring back a tiny proof that they did in fact time travel.) And artifact cracked so its not like they can try again. Maybe they'll meet Yuelou and Yuzhi of the future one day. Or maybe they are the reincarnated versions. I don't know. TBH, the idea was just "Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao time travels and meets Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi."
Ohhh...I'm listening, I'm listening...so what you're telling me is that Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong basically get isekaied back to Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi's time period...that's fucking hilarious, I love it
Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong had been assigned to some weird cases before but they swore this one was the fucking weirdest
You see, they walked into the office one day, only to be greeted by Bao Sir, who held a small box in his hand
“Bao Sir”
Bao Sir smiled before he held out the box to them
“I have a special assignment for you two”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao frowned before Bai Yutong reached out and took the box from him, opening it before he looked at him in confusion
Bao Sir nodded as he handed them a piece of paper with an address on it
“Yes.  A local professor who is a friend of mine asked me if I would put my two best detectives on an assignment of transferring this watch to the local museum”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao frowned
“Why did he want us?”
Bao Sir shrugged
“I’m not entirely sure.  When I asked, he said that all of the people he had previous asked to transport said watch mysteriously…disappeared”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao’s eyes widened
Bao Sir nodded
“Apparently, according to him, they all “time traveled”.  But that, of course, is nonsense as time travel doesn’t exist.  And since you both are men of science, I doubt you’ll have any problems”
He then smiled
“Good luck”
He then walked past them, leaving Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong alone with the box, a stunned look on both of their faces
After he left, Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked down at the watch before Bai Yutong sighed
“Come on, let’s get this over with so we can focus on actually important cases”
He then closed the box and turned, heading out of the department, Zhan Yao on his heels
After leaving the department, Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong got into Bai Yutong’s car, Bai Yutong typing the address into his phone’s GPS before he put the car into drive and began making their way towards the museum
As they drove towards the museum, Zhan Yao looked at the box in his lap before he opened it and pulled out the watch, looking at it
Bai Yutong glanced over at him before he hummed
“Do you believe what Bao Sir said?”
Zhan Yao glanced back at him
“What, that this watch causes people to time travel?”
Bai Yutong nodded
Zhan Yao shook his head
“There’s no such thing as time travel”
Bai Yutong frowned
“But how do you explain those disappearances?”
Zhan Yao hummed
“Well, maybe they got killed?  Because this watch seems pretty valuable and looks like something that would be in a collector’s collection”
Bai Yutong frowned
“Are you serious?  You think a collector actually had them killed?”
Zhan Yao chuckled softly
“You’d be amazed at collectors will do to get their grubby hands on something valuable or priceless”
Bai Yutong hummed
“I guess so”
As they continued down the road and through the intersection, they didn’t even see a large white truck coming towards them from the left until they were suddenly t-boned, causing both of them to cry out in shock as Bai Yutong’s Lamborghini flipped multiple times before it finally came to a stop
As it sat there in the middle of the road, smoking, one of the people in the white truck (who were actually hired by a collector to steal said watch that Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao were assigned to transport) got out and walked over to Bai Yutong’s Lamborghini, looking inside only to find it empty
“What the fuck?”
Meanwhile, when Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao both slowly opened their eyes, they blinked a few times in confusion, only to realize that there were guns pointed in their faces, causing their eyes to widen in shock
“What the hell?!”
Just then a tall man with light tan skin, brown eyes, and black hair styled in an undercut, his eyes hard
“You’re under arrest”
Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked at him in confusion
“For what?!”
The man huffed
“For theft”
The man pointed to the watch in Zhan Yao’s hand
“That’s an important artifact and you’ve stolen it”
Both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked down at the watch before they both shook their heads
“No, we were just—”
Just then, two officers surged forward and grabbed them, yanking the watch out of Zhan Yao’s hand as the man waved his hand
“Take them back”
The officers nodded and began dragging Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong away, both men struggling desperately in their grasps
A little while later, both Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao sat in a cell, irritation on their faces just as a tall man with light skin, brown eyes, and short black hair walked into the cell and raised an eyebrow
“Stealing a precious artifact…that’s pretty ballsy”
Bai Yutong tsked
“Look, buddy, we didn’t still shit.  We were assigned to transport that watch to a local museum”
The man raised an eyebrow
“Oh yeah?  And who assigned you to do that?”
“Commissioner Bao Heizei of the Hong Kong Police Department”
The man frowned
“Commissioner Bao?  I’ve never heard of him”
He then looked Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao up and down and hummed
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you two either.  What’s your name?”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao glanced at each other before they looked back at him
“Sergeant Bai Yutong and Dr. Zhan Yao, SCI”
 The man frowned
“Special Cases Investigation unit”
Bai Yutong then motioned to his pocket
“Check my ID if you don’t believe me”
The man hummed before he stepped forward and pulled out Bai Yutong’s ID card, looking at it
“Never heard of it.  Nor you”
He then placed his ID back in his pocket before he crossed his arms
“I don’t believe either of you”
Bai Yutong groaned as Zhan Yao looked at him
“We didn’t steal the watch, we promise.  Just let us call our Commissioner and he’ll explain it to you”
The man scoffed
“Yeah, I’m not going to do that”
Bai Yutong growled
“What do we have to do to prove to you that we didn’t fucking steal that damn watch?”
The man hummed just as Zhan Yao looked at him
“Do you even have any evidence that we stole the watch?  Other than it being in our possession?  Did anyone see us steal it?”
The man was quiet before he shook his head, a look of irritation on his face
Zhan Yao smirked
“Then you can’t hold us.  It’s just probable cause.  Until you have more evidence to link us to the theft, you have to let us go”
The man growled before he snapped his fingers, two officers soon rushing forward
“Yes Chief Jiang?”
The man, Chief Jiang Yuelou, motioned to Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao
“Release them”
The officers looked at him in shock but quickly did as they were told, as they didn’t want to get on his bad side
Once they were released, Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked at Jiang Yuelou as he narrowed his eyes at them
“Don’t go far…I will find a way to arrest you”
Bai Yutong huffed
“Yeah, good luck with that”
He then patted himself down before he looked at Jiang Yuelou
“Where can we get our guns back?”
Jiang Yuelou motioned with his head
“Follow me”
He then led them through the prison, both men looking around with wide eyes; it was nothing like the prisons that they were used to
Jiang Yuelou then motioned to an officer, who placed Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong’s guns before them, Bai Yutong taking his gun first before he handed Zhan Yao his
They both then looked at Jiang Yuelou
“We’ll be seeing you”
They then turned and headed out of the prison, Jiang Yuelou watching them with narrowed eyes
After leaving the prison, Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked around with wide eyes; they had no idea where they fuck they were…but considering the police uniforms that the officers were wearing…it definitely wasn’t their era
“Did we actually time travel?”
Bai Yutong shrugged
“Hell if I fucking know.  All I know is that we need to get back to the HKPD or Bao Sir is gonna have our asses for fucking up this assignment”
Zhan Yao nodded
They then began through the city, looking around in awe
“Jesus, it really feels like we’ve jumped back in time”
Zhan Yao hummed
“Maybe we have”
Bai Yutong looked over at him incredulously
“Don’t tell me you actually believe that the watch causes people to time travel”
Zhan Yao motioned to their surroundings
“Look where we are, Yutong!  How do you explain this?”
Bai Yutong was quiet before he huffed
“I don’t know”
Zhan Yao nodded
“That’s what I thought”
Bai Yutong tsked before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, only to find that he had no service
“Well fuck me, we can’t even call Commissioner Bai to let him know what happened”
Zhan Yao frowned and quickly pulled out his phone as well, only to find that he also didn’t have service
Bai Yutong groaned
“Well, this is just great, isn’t it?”
Zhan Yao hummed and placed his phone back in his pocket as he sighed
“So we’re somehow trapped in another time period and we can’t contact our boss…this seems like a nightmare”
Bai Yutong nodded
“Yeah, it does”
Just then, his eyes widened
“Fuck, the watch!”
Zhan Yao frowned
“What about the watch?”
Bai Yutong gave him a look
“We don’t have the watch anymore!  How are we supposed to transport it if we don’t even have it?!”
Zhan Yao paused before he hummed
“You’ve got a point…do you think that Chief Jiang would be willing to give it back?”
Bai Yutong scoffed
“Yeah, I fucking doubt it”
Zhan Yao hummed
Bai Yutong huffed
“You can say that again”
They both then sighed before they began walking, thinking about how they were going to get the watch back as well as get back to their own time when they heard shouting coming from a nearby alley, causing them to look at each other in concern before they ran towards the shouting, their eyes widening at the sight of two thugs beating up an old man
At the sight, Bai Yutong growled and quickly drew his gun
“Stop!  Police!”
At the bark, the two thugs turned to look at them before they scoffed
“You two aren’t police.  Get lost”
Bai Yutong narrowed his eyes and placed his finger on the trigger
“Step away from him or I’ll shoot”
The two men laughed
“You’ll do no such thing”
Just then, a gunshot echoed through the air before one of the men went down with a scream, clutching at their leg
They all then looked over at Zhan Yao, who was looking at them calmly, his own gun in his hand
“You never said anything about me taking a shot.  Now get lost”
The two thugs nodded and quickly rushed out of the alley, one of the thugs supporting the other as they ran
Once they were gone, both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong putting their guns away before they rushed over to the old man and looked him over
“Sir, are you alright?”
The old man nodded
“Yes, thank you”
Zhan Yao noticed that he was bleeding from a head wound, causing him to frown
“You’re bleeding.  We should take you to the hospital”
The old man shook his head
“No need.  Just take me to Yuzhi Hall”
Bai Yutong frowned
“Yuzhi Hall?”
The old man nodded
“It’s a clinic”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao both nodded in understanding before they carefully helped the old man to his feet and led him through the street, allowing him to show them where Yuzhi Hall was
When they arrived and stepped inside, a young man took one look at them before his eyes widened and he quickly rushed over to them, taking the old man out of his arms before he guided him over to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat him down
Once he was sitting, he quickly got to work on cleaning and bandaging the man’s wounds before he looked over at Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong
“What happened?”
“Uh, we saw him getting attacked in an alley not too far from here.  We fought them off and then brought him here at his request”
The young man nodded slowly
“I see”
He then turned back to the old man and smiled gently
“How are you feeling now?”
The old man nodded
“Fine, Dr. Chen”
The young man, Dr. Chen Yuzhi, smiled
“Good, that’s good.  But I think you should just rest for a little bit before you head on your way, hmm?”
The old man nodded
Chen Yuzhi then tilted his head at him
The old man nodded
Chen Yuzhi nodded before he looked at Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong
“And for you?”
Both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked at each other before they nodded
Chen Yuzhi smiled and nodded before he turned and headed off to make some tea as the old man looked at Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao
“Thank you for saving me back there”
He then tilted his head
“Are you two new police recruits?  I don’t believe I’ve seen you before”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao shook their heads
“We’re police officers, but not from here.  We’re from Hong Kong”
The old man looked at them curiously
“What brings two police officers from Hong Kong to Jing City?”
Zhan Yao frowned
“Is that where we are?”
The old man nodded
Bai Yutong nodded slowly
“And…what year is it?”
Both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked at him in shock
The old man laughed
“What year were you expecting?”
Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong both blinked, just as Jiang Yuelou stepped into the clinic and frowned
“The hell are you two doing here?”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao turned to look at him before Bai Yutong huffed
“We could say the same thing.  You don’t look sick”
Jiang Yuelou tsked
“Neither do you”
Just then, Chen Yuzhi walked back out with three tea cups full of tea and handed one to the old man before he looked at Jiang Yuelou and smiled as he handed Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong their tea
“Yuelou.  What are you doing here?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smiled before he cleared his throat
“Well, I was hoping you’d maybe know who the owner of this watch was”
He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the pocket watch his men had taken from Zhan Yao earlier
Just then, the old man gasped
“My watch!”
Jiang Yuelou, Bai Yutong, and Zhan Yao looked at him with wide eyes
“This is your watch?”
The old man nodded as he pushed himself to his feet and walked over to Jiang Yuelou, taking the watch out of his hand, a fond smile on his face before he looked at Jiang Yuelou
“I was on my way to the police station to see if you had found it when I was jumped. Where did you find it?”
Jiang Yuelou glanced at Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao before he cleared his throat
“Oh, one of my men found it”
The old man nodded slowly before he looked at Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao and held out the watch
“Here.  As thanks for saving me earlier”
Bai Yutong, Zhan Yao, and Jiang Yuelou looked at him in shock before Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“But…isn’t that the watch your wife gave you?”
The old man smiled
“Yes, but I think she’d be happy to know that it went to people with good hearts like them, since she had a good heart”
Both Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao blinked in shock before they bowed, Zhan Yao carefully taking the watch from him
“Thank you.  We’ll take good care of it”
The old man smiled and nodded before he continued out of the clinic, Jiang Yuelou, Chen Yuzhi, Zhan Yao, and Bai Yutong watching him leave before Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked at the watch
“Now we can fucking go home”
Zhan Yao let out a sigh of relief
“Thank God”
Chen Yuzhi tilted his head curiously
“You needed the watch to go home?”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked at him then at Jiang Yuelou before they both sighed
“It’s a…bit of a weird story and I don’t think you’re going to believe us even if we told you”
Jiang Yuelou crossed his arms
“Try us”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked at each other before they sighed and explained that they were from the future, that in their “era” they had been assigned to transport the watch that the old man had given them to a museum and that before they could make it there, they were t-boned by a truck
“However, instead of…basically dying, we’re here.  In the 1920s.  And we’re pretty sure this watch brought us here, especially because the person who owned the watch said it caused people to time travel”
Both Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi stared at them in shock before Jiang Yuelou looked over at Chen Yuzhi
“You’re the doctor here, Yuzhi.  You think they have a screw loose?”
Bai Yutong tsked
“We told you wouldn’t believe us”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“Well…I don’t know if it’s entirely possible but…I think they’re telling the truth”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him in shock
Chen Yuzhi motioned to Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao
“Well, they’re clearly not dressed like us…so they kind of stick out like sore thumbs.  Does that mean that they’re from the future?  I don’t know but…maybe”
Jiang Yuelou hummed before he looked at the watch in Zhan Yao’s hand
“So how is that thing supposed to take you back to…wherever you came from?”
Zhan Yao shook his head
“We don’t know…we don’t know how it worked the first time.  I mean…we got in a car accident the first time…but I don’t know if we can replicate it”
Jiang Yuelou shrugged
“We can try”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in shock
“Jiang Yuelou!  Absolutely not!”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him and huffed
“I’m kidding, Yuzhi.  I wouldn’t actually do that”
Bai Yutong shot him a look
“Yeah sure”
Jiang Yuelou glanced back at him and smirked as Chen Yuzhi looked at them
“Well…since we don’t really know how to help you…you’re more than welcome to stay here.  I have beds upstairs…and while it’s not much, it’s better than nothing”
Jiang Yuelou glanced at him before he sighed
“Since you two are also police men, you can work at the department until you go back”
Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao looked at the two men in shock before they dipped their heads
“Thank you”
After the rocky start, Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao slowly began to get used to “living” in Jing City
During the day, Bai Yutong worked at the Jing City Police Department with Jiang Yuelou while Zhan Yao worked with Chen Yuzhi at his clinic
Even though Zhan Yao was police like Bai Yutong, he felt like he’d be use to Chen Yuzhi, since the young man worked by himself
Though they did come by the police department whenever Jiang Yuelou needed consultation on a case
Then during the evenings, the four of them would meet up for dinner at the wonton stand that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi frequent before going to either Jiang Yuelou or Chen Yuzhi’s place to drink tea before going to Chen Yuzhi's clinic to sleep
And anytime they visited Jiang Yuelou’s place, Xiao Bai would absolutely clamor all over Zhan Yao, must to Bai Yutong’s jealousy because Zhan Yao was his cat
Everything was going rather well (though Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao were worried that their team was missing them) when one day Zhan Yao and Chen Yuzhi were summoned to the police department, only to find Jiang Yuelou, Bai Yutong, and a group of officers gathered in the lobby
“What’s going on?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at them
“We’re going to head out to do a raid on a known drug den.  We want you to come along as medics but stay at a distance, just in case”
Zhan Yao and Chen Yuzhi nodded
Jiang Yuelou nodded in reply before he headed out of the police department, Bai Yutong, the other officers, Zhan Yao, and Chen Yuzhi following after him
They then all got into the police cars before they headed to where the raid was
When they arrived, they all got out before Jiang Yuelou, Bai Yutong, and the officers made their way towards the warehouse while Zhan Yao and Chen Yuzhi stood a distance away
Inside the warehouse, all of the officers spread out while Bai Yutong followed behind Jiang Yuelou, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren, Song Rong and Sun Yongren flanking either side of Jiang Yuelou while Bai Yutong brought up the rear
As they made their way through the warehouse, everyone kept their eyes peeled when Bai Yutong noticed something out of the corner of his eye, making him turn before he fired, a cry echoing through the warehouse, making Jiang Yuelou and the others look at him in shock
“You could see that?”
Bai Yutong nodded
“Yeah.  So just keep going, don’t worry, I’ve got your back”
Jiang Yuelou, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren nodded, just as gun fire suddenly exploded boxes next to them, causing them to quickly take cover before they began firing back
Meanwhile, outside the warehouse, Zhan Yao and Chen Yuzhi watched the warehouse with nervous eyes, as they both had jumped the minute they heard gunfire
“I hope they’re okay”
Zhan Yao hummed
“Me too”
As they stood there, someone came to the window of the warehouse and pointed a gun at them, making Zhan Yao’s eyes widen before he grabbed Chen Yuzhi and tackled him to the ground, just as a bullet ricocheted off the roof of the car
“Stay down”
Zhan Yao then grabbed his gun and peered around the car, just as another bullet hit the ground beside the car, causing him to quickly duck behind the car before he peered around it once more and took aim, firing once
While he wasn’t as good as Bai Yutong, after training with him for a while, his aim improved and he was grateful for the time Bai Yutong took to train him as he watched the shooter fall forward out of the window
Once the shooter was dead, Zhan Yao lowered his gun before he looked at Chen Yuzhi
“Are you alright?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I’m fine”
Zhan Yao nodded
Meanwhile, back in the warehouse, Bai Yutong, Jiang Yuelou, Song Rong, Sun Yongren, and the other officers were taking down the dealers, doing their best not to get shot at
After they had taken out the drug dealers, Jiang Yuelou looked around
“Is everyone alright?  Any causalities?”
All of his officers, including Bai Yutong, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren, shook their heads, causing him to nod
“Good.  Seize the drugs and let’s go”
The officers nodded and quickly began to drag boxes and boxes full of drugs out of the warehouse as Jiang Yuelou, Bai Yutong, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren walked out of the warehouse and over to where Zhan Yao and Chen Yuzhi were waiting
“Everything okay out here?”
Zhan Yao huffed
“Someone took a shot at us, but other than that, we’re fine”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi in concern
“Are you hurt?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and shook his head
“No, thanks to Zhan Yao, I’m fine”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at Zhan Yao with a raised eyebrow, just as Zhan Yao pulled out his gun
“You forget, Chief Jiang, that I’m also a police officer”
Jiang Yuelou huffed softly and nodded
“Right, forgive me”
He then turned towards the warehouse, where the rest of the officers were exiting
“Is that everything?”
The officers turned to look at him
“There’s one more box inside”
Meanwhile, unknown to the officers, the drug dealers had set up a trap of a bomb to go off the minute it reached “zero” and there was only three seconds left on the bomb
Then, all of a suddenly, the warehouse exploded, sending everyone flying in the blast, Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong clinging to each other as they hit the ground, Zhan Yao accidentally landing on the pocket watch that was in his pocket
A little while later, when Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong woke up, they found themselves in hospital beds, Bao Sir and the other S.C.I. members gathered around them
“Dr. Zhan!  You’re awake!”
Zhan Yao let out a soft groan
“What happened?  Where are we?”
Bao Sir huffed
“You’re in the hospital.  You and Bai Yutong have been unconscious for hours”
Zhan Yao frowned
‘Hours?  It’s only been hours?  But…’
His eyes then widened
“The watch!  What happened to the watch?”
Bao Sir sighed
“Unfortunately, it was broken in the crash.  But the professor understands, he knows it wasn’t your fault”
Just then, the door to the room opened and a doctor stepped inside
“Ah, you’re awake, good”
He then looked at Bao Sir and the others
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to do a quick check up on them”
Bao Sir and the others nodded before they left the room, the doctor smiling as they left before he walked over to Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong
“Hello gentlemen, I’m your doctor, Dr.—”
Both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong looked at him in shock
“Dr. Chen”
The young doctor, Dr. Chen Yuzhi, smiled
“That’s right.  I’m quite amazed you know my name considering this is the first time we’ve spoken since you’ve woken up”
Both Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong glanced at each other before Bai Yutong looked at him
“How’s Chief Jiang?  Is he alright?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in shock
“You even know my husband?  Is this really the first time we’ve met?”
Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong laughed weakly
“No, it is…”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“I see”
He then quickly checked both of them to see how they were doing, and once he deemed them fine, he looked at them and smiled
“Everything looks good.  I’ll be back to check on you in a little while”
He then turned to leave when he paused and turned back to look at them
“And about Jiang Yuelou, yes, he’s fine.  He’ll actually be coming to interview you about the crash later on when you’ve recovered a bit more”
He then continued out of the room, leaving Zhan Yao and Bai Yutong alone in silence before Bai Yutong huffed softly
“So time travel…really does exist”
Zhan Yao hummed
“I guess so”
He then looked at him
“I didn’t expect to see them here”
Bai Yutong shook his head
“Me either.  You think they followed us?”
Zhan Yao shook his head
“I don’t think so…but I don’t know…all I know is that my head hurts”
Bai Yutong huffed
“Mine too.  Let’s go back to sleep…I don’t want to think anymore”
Zhan Yao laughed
“Me too”
They both then shut their eyes and let the drugs that were still in their system pull them back under, both of them trying not to think about how time travel was real…and how it was all thanks to one simple watch
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moonlightreal · 2 years
Fate season 2-4
We’re reached episode four!  First, an update to the last one.  Terra didn’t get a fancy outfit because she wasn’t going to the party.  Musa also wasn’t going to the party but she was wearing this… skintight sheer colored camo?  So I didn’t connect that those two just weren’t dressed to party while the others were.  So the show wasn’t actually dissing Terra.    
This next episode is entitled An Hour Before the Devil fell which portends… I’m not sure what but it certainly is portending hard!
Methinks this show portends too much.
But, per google, it is a quote!  The full quotation, “until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in heaven,” is uttered by Miller's John Hale, a puritan pastor involved in the Salem witch trials, and it warns against deception: what seems sweet may be wicked.
...I’m trying to think of characters that ‘seem sweet’ and that’s pretty much Terra and… just Terra!
As we finished last episode, Beatrix was getting got!  And it looks like she wasn’t killed or drained of magic, she was kidnapped!  Did the scrapers fly off with her?  No, I suppose they injured her enough that the human with them hauled her off.  This kinda feels like B’s arc could be coming to an end. Frees Rosalind!→doesn’t get the appreciation she hoped for→loses her dudes→loses her powers→nothing left to live for→dramatic death or sacrifice.  I think B hoped to be Rosalind’s protege and right-hand minion, and finally make her debut as Andreas’ favored foster daughter as well, and none of that happened.  Rosalind had no more use for her and Andreas does seem to love her but he’s loyal to Rosalind first.
Andreas is very worried, he wants all the soldiers to go out and look for Beatrix.  Rosalind is just like eh, kidnapped by Blood Witches, predictable, they just want to draw us out so they can catch some fairies.  Andreas is happy to throw another fairy away to get Beatrix back, he suggests an exchange. Rosalind says, “Because we have history, I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.”  So… Rosalind won’t hear of sacrificing a fairy student?  Another fairy student, because B is a student.  Andreas says Beatrix is like a daughter to him and Rosalind just says she warned him not to “form attachments” in case exactly this happened.
Yeah, “Raise this baby every day for sixteen years and don’t get attached” like that’s possible for any non-sociopath human.  Though Andreas is kind of a face-smashing murderhobo soooooo…
It is nice to see that he loves Beatrix though.  It’s a breath of fresh air in this show where it’s often hard to tell how any character feels about any other character.
In the school’s one classroom Badass Marco is grading papers.  Congratulations Marco, promoted to teacher! Guess he got tired of being a soldier after his partner got killed last season.  And the school had to promote somebody before they ran out of teachers entirely!
But Marco may not get to enjoy his new job for long because Andreas attacks and strangles him!  Not to death I don’t think, just to unconsciousness.  Murderhobo.
Opening sequence!
But school is going on as usual, students in the cafeteria, doing homework, staring at Bloom because she was outed as having the Dragon Flame just like they did over her being a changeling last season.  Aisha tells Bloom “The Dragon Flame’s a legend and now you are too.”
So the two girls are supposedly studying, in a perfect opening for an infodump since Aisha has been swimming with Grey instead of studying.  But Bloom first teases Aisha about “what’s Grey’s favorite ‘stroke’?”  Spare me.
Then we get to the good stuff!  Lore from the textbook!
Aisha: “I know about Blood Witches. They aren’t super common but they’re a thing.”
Bloom: “Their element is blood so they can control muscles and bones.  Theirs and other people’s. Creepy.”
Back in Dominion War times Blood Witches were so powerful they could puppeteer people’s bodies from miles away.
And that was the “last time the Dragon Flame existed” and since then it’s been dormant.
Aisha asks if it’s hereditary, suggesting that some magic is, but Bloom says Rosalind’s theory is that it “surfaces in times of great conflict”
Aisha reminds Bloom that Rosalind is shady and Bloom says they want the same thing: to stop Blood Witches from stealing fairies’ magic.  And Bloom’s glad they have Rosalind to help fight them.
Which… kind of a good point.  Now that we know about Blood Witches from a source other that Rosalind directly telling Bloom that confirms they are at least a thing that’s real.  I wish I knew more history though.  Why Blood “witches” instead of “blood element fairies” if it’s just another element? In fact why not “Healer fairies”?  Or “Shapeshifting fairies” if they can control their own flesh?  Does bloodbending automatically make you evil?  I figured it’d be something like “they’re humans with no magic who get magic by performing blood sacrifices” which would cover how they’re all evil.  I almost wonder if we’re going to have a “Blood Witches were evil back in the First Dominion but the ones now are a persecuted minority” plot.  Either way maybe it’s better for the plot to leave the door open for good Blood Witches just in case.
This show better keep its hands off Mirta though.  Seeing my and other writers’ special witch messed with might make me actually angry rather than just befuddled.
But let’s leave that terrible thought and go outside for some archery!  Fairy magic doesn’t work on scrapers so the specialists gotta step up!  Silva is back to teaching like he never left, which rubs Sky the wrong way.  Riven asks if he prefers Andreas and sky says at least Andreas is who he says he is. Of course who he is is a “massive prick” as Riven points out. They wonder if it’s because Beatrix is gone.  Rosalind claims to have sent her on a mission but nobody’s heard from her.  Riven is just happy she’s gone.
They’re shooting homing arrows which are enchanted to curve and hit the target.  Pretty cool.  Wonder how that works, magically.  You’d have to form a sympathetic link, so the arrow knows what the target is, easiest enchantment would be for the arrow to hit whatever the shooter is concentrating on hitting.
Rosalind and Silva share some more wisdom: they expect scrapers and Blood Witches to attack together. Mind fairies can protect the Specialists from Blood Witch bloodbending.
Musa is here to observe.  She’s wary of using her magic after what happened with Sam.  Rosalind says Musa is the strongest mind fairy in the school.  To do this they have to concentrate on protecting one individual specialist.  Musa tries to protect Dane while Rosalind “simulates at attack”  it’s just a battle of glowing eyes but Rosalind wins and Dane’s arrow goes off course.  
Over in the greenhouse Flora is checking out the fishtank o’ scrapers, which has been parked in here for some reason.  Hopefully not in the infirmary section where sick or injured fairies will have to try and get better with that in the room!  Flora wonders what the scrapers evolved from, so evolution is understood here.  Terra says maybe it didn’t evolve since it’s from the “Realm of Darkness, whatever that is.”
Aimee LeRoy the fluid mechanics alumni is going to be the new teacher for potions and Terra wants to get the greenhouse tidy so she doesn’t think their family are slobs.  The cousins talk a little about Ben and Sam leaving.  Terra is still angry at Musa, thinking she’s the reason Sam has to leave.  Which, yeah, Musa definitely made bad choices but Rosalind is the root of the problem.
Flora is going off to see the specialists.  Riven in particular.  Terra looks upset at this.
Over to Stella, wearing a lavender knitted tube top and sweater with little sequin flowers on it.  The clothes aren’t quite as washed out as last season but they’re pretty strange.  She’s been texting Beatrix to see if she’s all right.  Stella also wants some of B’s booze.  Stella is also searching the secretary’s desk outside of Rosalind’s office, which I guess is where Beatrix worked.  In one drawer are croc shoes. Stella’s croc shoes were a symbol of her not caring about her looks while she was depressed, then Beatrix fried them with lightning but I don’t immediately get the significance of crocs in the drawer.  they’re B’s and she went off without them?  Bloom catches her and she says she was just looking for a package from her mother.
Rosalind arrives, Stella flees and we go to a Bloom and Rosalind scene.  Bloom has been studying hard for her Blood Witch quiz since she wants to know everything about the people who kidnapped her when she was a baby.  She also read all of Rosalind’s reports on the fairies who were drained, and she’s amazed Rosalind managed to write long detailed reports, study the victims, and run the school.  Rosalind just says, ‘Sleep is for the weak. What I’m doing matters to the entire Otherworld.  I make time.  You’d better too.”  Bloom looks horrified at the idea of giving up sleep.
Rosalind is leaving for the capital. Bloom is impatient to go after the Blood Witches, she wants answers about her past.  Rosalind comes and sits down with Bloom and gives her the “you are valuable, you need to stay safe, Blood Witches are going to try to get you.” and Bloom displays her fire.  She could just flame ‘em!  She says “I have the Dragon Flame” in an awfully confidant voice for someone who didn’t know what it was a few days ago and maybe still doesn’t.  Cool fire effect though, a little sparkler flowing around her hand.
The Rosalind spills the beans about Beatrix being kidnapped.  She thinks it’s a Blood Witch in the school!  But they need more information before they can act, information she’s going to the capital to get.  Telling this to the student whose tendency to go off half-cocked is so strong it freed you from magic jail is… certainly a choice, Rosalind.  Bloom is shocked that they haven’t told anyone that a student is missing. Rosalind says it’s safer not to because ‘people are irrational. They act on emotion.”
And guess what Andreas is doing! Acting on emotion!  He’s out in the woods striding along hauling Marco along by the leg.  I thought Marco was a specialist but maybe he just never did magic on screen and he’s a fairy.  Andreas texts somebody a pic of Marco’s knocked-out face.
Rosalind tells Bloom emotion is only useful for magic so Bloom needs to stay in and study, not let emotions cloud her judgment.  Bloom looks horrified not sure why, then as Rosalind leaves Bloom’s expression changes.  Bloom is ready to do something foolish while Rosalind is away!  And I am here for it, now that Bloom’s emotions are gonna maybe make trouble for characters that actualluy deserve it this time.
Back in the suite I think Bloom came to rouse the troops for action but she finds Terra dressing up.  Or, talking like she’s dressed up but she’s just wearing a dark buttonup shirt and black pants.  With Rosalind out of town, everybody’s going to the pub!  Aisha, wearing a hideous mustard yellow jumpsuit, is going too!  Musa is in a n olive top and leggings like she’s going into battle and Flora is cute in a velvet jacket. Nobody’s scared of the blood witch since they have Bloom and her dragon flame along!
Stella, as a princess, would not wish to be seen by commoners in a gross dingy pub.
So they all go get beers!  Everybody else is there, and after a minute of drinking Sebastian comes in and Bloom goes to talk to him while Sky goes to find Riven, who he expects to be puking in a corner by this time.  But Riven is in fact bringing IPAs to Flora and Musa and a cider for Terra.  Which is sweet.  He proceeds to flirt with Flora.  Musa tries to make small talk with Terra but terra shuts her down, not forgiving her for messing up things for Sam and her dad.
Terra texts Stella a “wish you were here” but Stella is leaving a message for Beatrix.  She couldn’t find the whiskey but she found the crocs, she hopes the mission is going well, she’s worried… Stella is positively mooning over Beatrix!  Not sure this is supposed to be shipping or loneliness; Stella hasn’t really connected with the rest of the girls and she and Beatrix do have evil parents in common.
Sebastian tells Bloom he used to come to this pub to drink after failing in Specialist school.  He was a student when Andreas was a teacher… wait, Andreas was a teacher?  I thought he was just soldiers with the other adults before they became teachers.  He says Andreas is a bully.  And he brings Bloom a list of all the catering staff from the party, assuming the Blood Witch snuck in as part of the staff.  Bloom says she’ll start looking through it now and Sebastian says he does not condone underage drinking but he also does not condone ignoring friends and doing work in a pub.
Bloom says she has history with blood witches, and that she’s “the only fairy who can take on a blood witch.”  what? Why?  And that she doesn’t know how her friends will react when she tells then Beatrix is missing.  Serbastian says, “You’re also a teenager, Bloom.  Get drunk, act your age.” and tells the bartender to put Bloom’s drinks on his tab.  He gets a text and leaves Bloom with that encouragement to get plastered!
Like… do grownups really do that?
But Bloom opens the folder to start searching for answers.
Everyone else has fun.  Terra brings Riven beer and he says this is the nicest thing she’s ever done for him.  Terra then delivers the “If you hurt Flora-” threat.  Riven says they’re just having fun and Flora says, ‘You don’t have fun. You ruin people.”  and indicates that Dane is ruined from the post-trio heartbreak.  That was Riven having fun.
Dane sits down near Musa, who reads his mind.  Dane says he knows it’s pathetic, he’s the strongest specialist dating the hottest one (Dane has several hangers on, not sure which is his boyfriend) but he still moons over Riven.  Musa says relationships are hard.  Dane heard about what happened with Sam and tells Musa not to beat herself up over it.  They talk about mind fairies and emotions and Dane says he likes training because it’s just ‘do’ no ‘think’  He also says he felt Musa when she tried to protect him in the training exercise, and she almost blocked Rosalind, the strongest mind fairy in the Otherworld.  Musa is powerful.
Daytime, Rosalind goes to meet the head of the army, the Indian woman from the party.  The commander has blood witch contacts!  Who are “old guard” and don’t want to fight with fairies.  They don’t know anything.  So there are peaceful blood witches!  But the unpeaceful ones are stirring up trouble.  They killed Duke Hammerstrom.  
Andreas is approached by a bald dude with fuzz beard.  He offers up Marco, “the most powerful air fairy at Alfea” for Beatrix.  The dude says ok, then Andreas throws a knife at him and puts a sword to his throat.  But this guy was only a puppet!  The real blood witch kills him by snapping his bones!
The… same thing Rosalind did to Miss Dowling.
Then the witch starts bloodbending Andreas!  He says he’s sorry to Beatrix as the blood witch seizes control of him!
...is it Sebastian?  He did just leave the pub right before this.
Bloom reads the folder while everyone else dances to a really insipid pop song.  Outside it is daytime! Why are you drinking in the day that’s just weird! Sky is on the phone with Silva, who wants him back before dark.  Sky’s like, “So if I miss curfew do I get a lecture like you do or a torture like Rosalind does?”  Silva comes back with, ‘You’re speaking to your commanding officer” which I guess will not-work as well as anything else he could’ve said.
Bloom has come outside, and tries to say Silva’s just looking out for him.  Sky says that when Silva disappeared he finally felt like his own person, free.  Which… I can see.  Dad stuff and commanding officer stuff are two streams that definitely should not be crossed.  Bloom says she’s learned from Rosalind that things are usually more complicated than they seem. Sky says “that does sound like Rosalind” which Bloom finds disturbing.  So Bloom says they need to let loose, and chugs her entire beer.  Sky’s like, “Oh. That kind of let loose.”
So they go in and dance with everybody. Yaoi kissing with Dane.  Terra stands and disapproves of everything.
Aisha and Grey have gone off outside. Aisha says if she was still in the pub she’d end up worrying someone was too drunk and end up ruining the fun trying to protect them.  Grey says he’s more into acquaintances than friends, that makes it easier to go after what he wants without worrying about other people.  That’s a weird philosophy to say out loud, Grey. Right now he wants Aisha, with him, walking through the unbelievably lovely countryside this show shows off.  They hold hands on an ancient stone bridge.
Back at the pub Riven is outside smoking.  Flora finds him and asks if he’s going to offer her a hit, but he says drama waiting to happen.  And here comes Terra, more drama waiting to happen.  Terra invites them to come play darts versus her and Kat and Flora cuts her off with, “What’d you say to him?”  Terra assumes Riven told, Riven says he didn’t and walks off, leaving them to drama it out.
Terra: I was just looking out for you. he’s not a good guy.
Flora: according to who?  You?
Terra: No, objectively.  Trust me.”
Which is exactly what I was thinking. Hah!  But Flora says they’re just hanging out, it’s not a big deal so who cares?  She shoots Terra down as “You know everything, right?”
I feel like Terra is a lot less badass this season.  In the first season her character was “insecure about her weight, but super competent in a crisis” and this season she just seems to be judgy and unforgiving.  Correctly judgy; Musa did misuse her powers and Riven is objectively a bad idea, but how Terra is handling it is just not at all competent.  She’s coming off as a jerk.
Back at school Stella lies in bed watching videos of the dancing at the pub.  Then she gets a text. From Beatrix!  She thinks she’s in some ruins.  She needs help.
Bloom gathers the girls in the pub’s bathroom.  Terra thinks she knows the ruins, she found beer bottles and a creepy doll there once.  Hah!  Musa suggests grabbing the less drunk specialists to mount a rescue.
But Bloom shuts it down.  No rescue. This is a trap.  Obviously.  Nobody hears from Beatrix and now that Rosalind is gone Stella gets a text?  Trap.  Bloom is smart, but Bloom is also wobbly and drunk.  Stella still wants to do something and Bloom says, ‘I know for a fact Rosalind is at the capital because she is handling this.”  And so everyone finds out that Bloom knew Beatrix was kidnapped!  Noises of disbelief!
Which are a bit weird considering Beatrix is a bad guy but ok.  I guess the girls never found out she’s a murderer like they don’t know Rosalind killed Dowling.
So the girls feel betrayed that Bloom didn’t tell them, and it does not look good Bloom keeping Rosalind’s secrets.  But sensibly Bloom says they are all sloshed and should go back to school and sober up and make a plan.
But outside the pub, which must be a real place in Wicklow, Sky and Riven are suiting up.  When the girls didn’t help, Stella called the boys.  Bloom tells Sky it’s an obvious trap but Sky points out that they’re trained and mind fairies can protect them.  Musa says she’s in.  Bloom says it’s not safe for fairies and none of them are going, but Musa shoots back that “for once my magic’s useful.  I need this.”  Bloom is not happy, I think some of Rosalind’s need to be obeyed is rubbing off on her.  Then she realizes Aisha isn’t here.
Aisha and Grey are lounging on rocks by the stream.  Aisha says she’s an overachiever because of her family.  They “run a bunch of hydro-energy facilities on the border of Andros” for anyone playing home-realms bingo.  They wanted Aisha to take over the family business, she wants to be an academic, so she has to overachieve to prove she made the right choice.
Grey makes the water light up with “tiny bugs” so his magic is water creatures?  Aisha splashes him. They kiss.  They kiss some more.  Water rises in magical streams around them.
Night has fallen!  Sky, Riven and Musa have arrived at a gorgeous ruined stone barn with moss on the roof. Musa thinks it’s creepy and asks why they never get to break into a playground.  The boys put arrows on strings and they go inside.
Back in the suite Bloom paces and waps her phone on her hand.  Stella says, ‘You don’t always have to be the one to save the day, I know that’s a tough pill to swallow.” heh.  But Bloom shoots back that Stella doesn’t risk herself at all.  Stella tells them that she physically can’t leave, and finally shows them the tracking gem.  Flora and Terra gather around in pity, and Bloom in guilt.  Stella says she didn’t tell them because of those looks.  She gets up and goes into her room.
And that scene is the platonic example of the “the girls aren’t really friends” problem I have with Fate.  Stella couldn’t depend on them to empathize and leap to help her, and when they found out they didn’t.  Bloom didn’t ask what a tracking gem is, Flora didn’t know a risky acid potion to burn it off, everyone looked horrified but nobody said out, “This isn’t right, your mother’s terrible, and we’ll get this thing off you.”
Ok.  back to the action.
The ruin is overgrown and, I think, a soundstage because they go upstairs to find Beatrix.  she’s unconscious but Musa says she’s alive.  Musa also realizes an unconscious fairy couldn’t text Stella.  Then they hear the chittering of scrapers!  As the boys take aim someone else shoots Riven’s arm, knocking off his aim.  Ominous music plays as Andreas appears through a fallen archway!  he’s being puppeted!  Sky tells Musa to run and she does, as the boys draw their swords!
Musa makes a break for it but there are scrapers on the ground floor!  One grabs her arm and sucks out some of her magic before she throws it off and gets into a tunnel or something behind a door.  She calls the girls and tells them what happened.  Flora seems to know a lot, she says after a short scraper bite Musa will lose her magic for only a little while, it takes a longer attack for it to be permanent.  So Beatrix probably lost her magic permanently, she was attacked by a couple of them.  But Musa will be ok later.  She tells them that Andreas is here but he’s being controlled.  She felt “years and years of anger. A grudge like whoever’s controlling Andreas knows him.”
Yeah, it’s Sebastian.  That’s why he wanted Bloom to get drunk, so she couldn’t stop his evil scheme.
The boys fight valiantly but Andreas knocks them both down.  All seems lost!
And Silva rescues them!  Most dramatically, he jumps in and parries the descending blade with a shout of, “Andreas, no!”
Riven grabs Beatrix and carries her outside and hands her off to Dane.  Was he there before?  And props to the dudes who all seem to be strong enough to princess-carry Beatrix, which is harder than it looks.  They realize Musa didn’t get out.  Riven curses and goes back for her.
Musa is still in the tunnel.  Her eyes are glowing purple and I think she’s experiencing the sword fight above as Sky and Silva take on Andreas.  So her magic isn’t gone it’s just messed up I guess?
Back in the school the rest of the girls are realizing the Blood Witch isn’t an outsides, he’s someone who knows Andreas so--  Bloom realizes!  She runs off to go after Sebastian!  Without saying his name, but she says “hates them more than anyone, someone who’s been by our side this whole time” She goes by herself, Terra and Flora text Aisha but don’t go with Bloom for some reason.
Bloom gets to town while the sword fight in the barn still continues.  That’s one long sword fight! Eventually Andreas has Silva pinned and begins choking the life out of him!  Sky begs him to stop, just as--
Bloom enters the shop and goes into the basement and there’s Sebastian with his eyes glowing red!  But he’s distracted so he loses his hold on Andreas.  Wonder what it takes to re-control someone, can he just puppet Andreas anytime or do they have to be close enough to enchant?
Sebastian says Bloom’s ballsy to come alone but she counters quite confidently that all his scrapers will be at the barn trap and blood witch magic doesn’t work on fairies so she can just haul him back before he can do anything.
But Sebastian has a backup plan!  His veins start glowing silver.  he’s filled himself up with stolen fairy magic!  He got some light fairy magic, some water magic, a weak mind fairy… and Beatrix.  Sebastian throws down lightning and all the TVs in his show turn on with static and distorted pictures. Quite a well done bit of creepy!
Bloom says, “Whoever you’ve got, they’re not me.”  In the most obnoxiously edgelord “lookit my stone cold confidence” teenage voice.  And she summons a handful of fire.
And she summons her wings!  She can just have her wings whenever she wants?  There’s no “transformation” they just flame out behind her.  But it is kind of cool.  The wings shed light and the flame seems to move the air, blowing Bloom’s hair.  For a real life magic, it’s not awful.
Sebastian is not impressed!  He starts talking about how he knows all about Bloom, her powers, her childhood, her parents, and also her real parents.
Of course all he had to do was mention birth parents and Bloom unflames and goes completely vulnerable, stuttering a little as she says, “You know who my birth parents are?”
Sebastian says he’ll tell her if she joins him.  Joins him to what, he doesn’t elaborate.  He also says “if you’d stayed with me” and “it’s not too late” implying Bloom had previous chances to join him.  Just a writing weirdness or is he meant to be the Blood Witch who kidnapped baby Bloom and he planned to raise her or something?  Hard to tell.
Anyway Bloom’s totally about to join Team Blood Witch.  She doesn’t say so, just looks thoughtful, but Fate Bloom is so single-issue and impulsive I think was can all deduce what her choice would have been.
Rescue arrives as all the pipes in the shop burst and water sprays into the air, flowing to form a wall between them.  Aisha has arrived!  With a pretty useful power, Aisha has advanced since season one.  Bloom just says, “Great timing.” Sebastian escapes into another room and of course when the girls get there a second later he’s gone.
Back at the castle, with a gorgeous outdoor shot of the building, Terra and Flora are in the greenhouse arguing.  Flora did the research, but Terra wants to recheck.  Flora: Why do you always have to second guess me?”  Terra: Most of the time you need second-guessing.”  Flora says like with Riven and Terra says yeah like with Riven.  Then Flora says, “It’d be easier to talk about what’s happening if we could talk about what’s happening.  you’re jealous.  It kills you when I succeed without you.”  Terra gapes in surprise and says, ‘Is that really what you think?  If I’m so horrible why are we even friends?” and Flora says, “Sometimes I ask myself the same question.”
And here is another platonic example of nobody being friends.  I don’t even know what that scene’s trying to say.  Flora assumes she knows what Terra is thinking?  Terra is a busybody?  
We go to Rosalind walking through the darkened courtyard.  A specialist tells her they found Marco completely drained of magic.  Maybe that was his lightning Sebastian had not Beatrix’s.  Students are milling around worried and Rosalind shouts at them to go back to their rooms.  Bloom and Aisha return and immediately tell Rosalind it was Sebastian.  He went to Earth through the portal in his shop.  Rosalind asks if he said anything and Bloom looks super shifty and says he offered her knowledge for betraying Rosalind.  Rosalind is unbothered and says that all in all the day was a win.
Beatrix wakes up coughing and sputtering in Stella’s bed.  Of all strange places that are not the infirmary.  Stella tries to comfort her.  But Beatrix’s magic is gone.
Terra is moping in her room.  Flora comes in to apologize for what she said but Terra says, “You were right, I’m jealous.”  She offers her phone which has a picture of her and Riven snuggling.  Before the start of the series Riven and Terra were close, they even kissed once while drunk and then Terra puked because drunk.  it’s in the prequel novel and Terra mentions it in the first season.  Sparks did not fly and the drunk kiss was so embarrassing Riven started ignoring Terra and she was so mad she started ignoring him back.
But that’s not the jealousy.  Terra is really jealous that Flora is so free to be herself and go after what she wants. And Terra can’t.  Then Terra drops the bombshell1 Very hesitantly she says she thinks she picks bad idea guys because she’s not really into guys.  Flora says “You can say it” and Terra says she thinks she’s gay and Flora says “you’re perfect, everything about you is perfect” and they cry and hug.  It’s a very sweet scene.
But we’ve got Blood Witches to chase! Terra, Flora and Stella join Bloom and Aisha in the courtyard. Bloom asks if Stella’s ok after the emotions before and Stella says she is.  Then Sky appears and Bloom goes to him to say sorry she didn’t rescue him instead of going after the blood witch but Sky says she saved his life.
Flashback-- yikes!  Bloom broke Sebastian’s control but only for a second.  Andreas had time to basically say, “Do it!” and Sky ran him through!  He’s dead! Flashback to Sky weeping over his father’s body.  In the present Sky says, “He was gonna kill Silva.  I didn’t have a choice.” and Bloom hugs him.
Wow!  I’m not surprised, but I’m surprised it happened in a flashback.  Poor Sky.  Poor Beatrix, how will she go on without her magic and without her father?  
The other girls talk about what happened and how Aisha and Bloom saved everybody, and then they realize Musa hasn’t come back.
And Riven staggers in carrying her and calling out for help!  Musa is all bloody and unconscious!
Whew!  That was a lot!
Unrelated observations:
Rosalind says fuck and shit a lot. More than the teenage characters do.  I’m sure this is supposed to say something about her personality but I don’t know what.
It occurs to me that Fate is teens vs. adults while Winx is teens vs. teens.  The Trix are the same age as the Winx.  Some of the other villains are adults but they’re never adults in a position of authority over the Winx.  I’m sure that says something about the difference between the two shows but heck if I know what.
This show is very befuddling.
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syllvane · 3 years
graphology- kaz brekker x reader
a/n: here it is, my entry to @lxncelot ‘s writing challenge!! i chose to write kaz x reader with the prompt leaving letters/notes in each other’s pockets! hope you guys enjoy!
Kaz’s pockets are almost never empty, but he’s always aware of exactly what he has in his pockets- something as simple as that could mean life or death in the Barrel, whether or not he happens to be carrying a knife or a stone of a particular weight.
That’s where he found your grocery list, in his coat pocket, somewhere between his lockpick and a small stone.
Well, he didn’t know that it was yours, not by the contents of the list alone.
But there was the irrefutable fact that it was written in your handwriting, in the handwriting that Kaz had spent hours memorizing should the need to identify it arise.
He had always imagined that this skill would be used in the unfortunate event of your kidnapping, that he would use it to discern whether or not they were forging any communication or if they were making you write it yourself.
Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to memorize your handwriting.
In any case, there was also the fact that you were the only one at the Slat who would be bold enough to wear his jacket.
Standing in the middle of the street, Kaz Brekker smiled to himself, folding the grocery list neatly and tucking it back into his pocket.
He doesn’t return it to you directly.
You find it neatly folded on your nightstand when you return from your shift at the Crow Club, with no clue to how it got there.
You try to carry nothing valuable in your coat pockets, not as adept as Kaz at detecting when someone is trying to pickpocket you.
You keep a lockpick and a couple of stray knives in your pockets and a small roll of gauze, having nicked yourself on the knives on more than a couple of occasions.
You don’t usually keep stray pieces of paper, so when you feel one in your pocket, you figure that it must be one that you left in there accidentally.
When you pull the neatly folded paper out, it’s not your handwriting on it, but familiar handwriting nonetheless.
The paper is mostly blank, with only ten words written on the entirety of the page.
‘Why do you have so many knives in your pockets?’
You know it’s him by the way he writes the letter ‘k’- the rest of the words could be written by someone else for all you know, but you know that Kaz Brekker wrote that one letter.
You ran your finger gently over the words, feeling the imprints of the letters from the other side of the paper.
You held the paper in your hand and walked back to the Slat and into Kaz’s office.
“You know,” He started without looking up. “Some people have the courtesy to knock.”
He looked up at you, his blue eyes piercing yours before dropping to the piece of paper that you held in your hand.
An amused look flashed in his eyes.
“I could just give you a holster for your knives.”
“I like having the knives in my pockets- they’re easily accessible and-”
“They stab people trying to put notes into your pocket?” He finished, his eyes sparkling.
You smiled at him, your eyes sparkling as well.
“Yeah, something like that,” You said, setting the piece of paper down in front of him before turning towards the door. “Oh, and Kaz?”
“Thank you for giving my grocery list back.”
He fights the urge to say that he didn’t take it from you in the first place, that you left it in his coat pocket. He knows that he should tell you not to use his jacket anymore and that next time you leave something, he won’t be as kind, but he doesn’t.
After all, Kaz Brekker doesn’t make threats if he doesn’t intend to keep them.
He settles for shaking his head, a smile tugging at his lips.
The next time he puts on his coat, he really doesn’t expect another scrap of paper in his pockets.
Once was a mistake, something that could be easily overlooked.
Twice was a pattern.
He opened up the crumpled piece of paper, expecting maybe another errant grocery list.
Scrawled in your handwriting: ‘Stay safe, boss’
His heart skipped a beat as he read the piece of paper and he felt himself blush slightly- thankfully for the cold weather, the note didn’t make his cheeks any more red then they would be otherwise.
He was going to have to address this.
For now though, he tucked the piece of paper in a pocket on the inside of his coat, near his chest, shaking his head at how sentimental he had become.
‘Stop stealing my coat.’
That’s the message you found in Kaz’s own coat pocket and you couldn’t say that it was entirely unwarranted.
And it’s the message that Kaz sees again later when he’s wearing his own coat, though underneath his original message, you had added a single word.
Maybe he should’ve been furious at your defiance, at the very least annoyed that you were going to continue wearing his coat after he explicitly told you not to.
Instead, he looked at the note on his desk with a strange smile appearing on his face, feeling something dangerously close to happiness.
The third piece of paper that you leave in Kaz’s coat, much like the first, is completely by accident.
Only this time, it’s not a grocery list that you’ve left in his coat, but poetry.
And if that wasn’t mortifying enough in itself, of course the words had been written in his name, though it hadn’t been addressed directly to him. It may as well have been though, having been left in his coat pocket.
All of this left only one option- you had to get it back before he could read it.
When you opened the door to his office, you were surprised to see Kaz sitting there, though not as surprised as he was to see you in his doorway.
His expression twisted into something unfamiliar but before you could place it, he coughed and his gaze became steely once again.
“You still haven’t learned to knock,” He said pointedly and you looked around the office sheepishly before stepping back into the hallway, closing the door in front of you.
You knocked.
“No one’s home,” He said, his voice muffled from the other side of the door and you rolled your eyes before opening the door again.
“Liar,” You mumbled, though not loud enough for him to hear. “I need your coat.”
He blinked.
“Last time I checked, you had one.”
“It’s not as warm,” You said and although that was true, it was not the reason you wanted it.
He stared at you, as if sensing that you were withholding information, but he didn’t push you on that.
“Why do you insist on stealing my coat?”
“It’s not stealing. I always give it back.”
“Stealing, borrowing without permission, what is the difference really, when I would never allow it of anyone else.”
You didn’t say anything to that, didn’t know what to say.
It wasn’t new information, but there was an unspoken agreement between the two of you that it wouldn’t be spoken aloud. You would steal his coat and Kaz would be annoyed, as if this was something all the Dregs did. You would give it back at the end of the day or whenever you were done wearing it and he would simply shake his head, a small smile playing on his lips and he would tell you not to do it again.
There was never any threat of reprisal, never any threats at all. It was probably better that way- he was known for making good on his word and he would have never lifted a finger against you.
You trusted him absolutely and it had scared all of your common sense right out of you.
“I am going to go to the Crow Club for business,” He said, interrupting your thoughts. “I am going to leave my coat here. Don’t take it.”
You wanted to ask him Why don’t you just give it to me?, but you stopped yourself- you already knew the answer.
Giving it to you would be crossing a line in his mind, a line that he probably couldn’t come back from. It was one thing to leave it here, knowing that you would probably take it against his direct orders and another to give it to you, to watch you put it on.
You watched as he shrugged the coat off, setting it down on his chair. He walked over to the door, his hand on the doorknob.
“If you leave it here, I’m going to put it on.”
He stopped, lowering his head slightly before turning the doorknob and opening the door.
“I wouldn’t leave it here if I thought you wouldn’t,” He said before walking out, closing the door behind him.
You stood there with his words for a little bit before walking over to where he had set his coat down.
You put it on gingerly, as if Kaz might walk back in at any moment and change his mind.
You slipped your hand into the coat pockets and ran through the list of familiar items: lockpick, a couple of stones, a pocket knife, and a wallet that he had taken from a tourist earlier today.
Also there, a scrap of paper.
You unfolded it to see that part of the poem had been ripped away, leaving the very last lines of the poem in your hand.
‘You are home and there is nowhere I would rather be but in your arms.’
Underneath the last words, in neat handwriting that you had come to know as Kaz’s: ‘I don’t think I could’ve said it better myself.’
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
Protector (Batsis Reader)
(This is from a chapter of my original story but I quirked the character to be the reader. The reader can teleport and turn invisible and your hero name is Viper. You're also part of the Teen Titan's and Connor Kent is your love interest, although it's not too evident in this chapter. Alexandra and Alex are original characters in the Titans based on my two friends. If you like this chapter and you want me to publish the book, let me know. I would make the original character the reader)
"I'm going on a walk!" I announced, opening the Wayne manor door.
"Alone?" Alfred asked, walking towards me.
"Yeah," I shrugged.
"You may want to have one of your brothers accompany you," Alfred said. "Or Ace. You are the daughter of the infamous Bruce Wayne. And you're injured."
"I'm also the Teen Titan Viper," I chuckled. "I can take care of myself, Alfred. But thank you."
"Do be careful," Alfred said as I walked out of the large mansion.
I looked around as soon as I was outside before teleporting into the city. I teleported to an alleyway next to Gotham City Park. I swiped a strand of hair from my face before walking into the park. I smiled at the kids laughing and playing on the playground, remembering when Dick would bring my brother and I there when our parents and Bruce were working.
That's when I heard the scream. I spun my head to see two men with penguin masks grab a kid and pull him into an alley, his parents and all other adults apparently oblivious to the kidnapping.
"Hey!" I yelled, running toward the child and his kidnappers. I stopped at the alley, noticing that the child and the men were gone. I furrowed my brows, walking further into the alley. "Hello!"
"Help!" the child's voice echoed through the alley. I continued walking, ignoring the fact that the echo was unnatural, due to the fact there was no building covering the alley or stopping the sun from shining down. "Help!" I noticed that I had found the end of the alleyway. "Help!" I looked down to see a doll, the size of a small child, it's mouth open.
"Oh no-"
"You Y/L/N," a voice said from behind me. "So quick to save the day." Before I could turn around, I felt a slight prick in my neck. I turned around to see the familiar plump and long-nosed figure of Oswald Cobblepot or the Penguin, as well as the men from before standing next to him.
"Cobblepot," I mumbled, feeling drowsy.
"Careful there," Penguin said as I stumbled towards him. "Maybe you should just... relax."
I reached back and pulled out the thing that had pricked me. It was a small tranquilizer dart. I threw it to the ground as I fell to my knees. Dad, I thought before everything went dark.
"Wake up!"
I groaned, fluttering my eyes open. I tried to move my hands, only to feel a coarse rope around them. My eyes shot open at that realization. I sat upright, trying to move my legs, only to find them each tied to the leg of the chair I was sitting in. I looked around, to find myself in what looked like an abandoned penguin exhibit. I sat on a makeshift iceberg above freezing water, I let out a breath, noticing it come out in a puff of mist.
"Good, you're awake." I looked up to see the Penguin, in his top hat, monocle, and usual penguin tux. He held a raw fish, biting off it's head. He leaned casually on his lethal umbrella, a blade sticking out from the bottom.
I stayed stoic. First thing Bruce taught me in a kidnapping. "Why am I here Cobblepot?" I asked.
"Just a playing card," Penguin shrugged, some of the fish spitting from his mouth.
"So you want my father's money?" I scoffed. "Spend all of your family's fortune on that disgusting fish or buying this run-down zoo?"
"We both know Bruce Wayne isn't your father," Penguin said. "Your father blew up." He pointed the fish at me some of it's gut splattering on my face. "But yes."
"Why do you need Bruce Wayne's money?" I asked, pressing the Titan's distress button on my bracelet.
"Why do any of really need money?" Penguin sighed. "I need to rebuild the Iceberg Lounge."
"You really think people would go to a club owned by a former villain and current psychopath?" I scoffed. "Built off of stolen money?" Penguin growled and slapped me across the face with the half fish, splattering more guts and blood across my face. I spit out the few that got in my mouth.
"Some people don't matter who owns the club as long as they can spend their money on booze and beautiful women," he said, swallowing the rest of his fish. "Now let's notify Bruce that we have his dear little girl here, shall we?"
Penguin pulled out a phone and typed in Bruce's number and turned on the speaker. I tensed as the ringing began.
"Hello?" Bruce's voice rang through.
"Oh hello Bruce," Penguin said into the phone.
"Cobblepot," Bruce said. "What-"
"I just wanted to let you know that I have your dear daughter here with me," Penguin said. "Here Y/N, say hello." He held the speaker towards me, but I stayed silent. I felt one of his henchmen, grab my hair and yank, making me let out an involuntary yelp. He used his free hand to press a gun under my chin.
"Cobblepot, don't hurt her," Bruce said.
"Bruce, I'll be fine don't'-" I let out a strangled scream as Penguin stabbed my bicep with his umbrella.
"Now Bruce, she'll survive, as long as you get 4 million dollars to the Gotham Zoo, by noon," Penguin said, his blade still in my arm. I glanced at the clock on the phone, seeing that was ten minutes to noon. "If not then..." He twisted the blade, making me bite my lip to keep in a scream, but a small whimper arose. He then hung up.
"You won't kill me," I said through pained whimpers.
"I won't." Penguin agreed, pulling the blade out of my arm hard, making me yell again. I felt thick, warm blood drip down my arm quickly, and heavily. "But he might." The gun was pressed harder against my chin.
I swear Alexandra if you don't hurry-
My thoughts were cut off by Penguin being thrown off the makeshift iceberg. I held back a smile upon seeing Alex fully costumed, standing in front of me. She grinned at me.
I heard a loud crash and felt the sun shine on my back before left my chin. I watched as the man was thrown into the cement wall.
"Are you okay?" I heard Alexandra ask from behind me.
"I've been through worse," I said. I turned to see Jaime shoot another henchman into the wall with his scarab's laser.
"Superboy, get Y/N free," Raven said, flying above me. She created a magic cage around Penguin.
I felt something hot between my wrists before feeling the ropes snap. "You sure, you're okay?" Connor asked, flying in front of me.
"Totally," I shrugged, placing a hand on my bicep to stop the blood. Connor looked unsure but quickly laser-eyed the ropes around my ankles. I stood up and turned around to see Alexandra toss another henchman into a pile she had created and Alex ran around them, tying them up quickly.
"How'd you super twits get here?" Penguin asked.
"Shut up," Alex said, making faces at him.
"We're just here to help any citizen in danger," Alexandra said, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder.
"Raven, get him to GPD," Jaime said. Raven nodded before flying out of the hole they had created coming in, the caged Penguin behind her. "And Superboy-"
That was when Bruce appeared. He dropped dramatically in front of me, Dick and Damian following close behind. All fully suited up.
"Guess they beat us to it," Nightwing said, grinning at the Titans. "Nice job team."
Robin rushed to me, pulling my hand from my arm. He glared at me as he noticed the gushing blood. He pulled out a bandage roll and wrapped my arm. I winced at the roughness of his wrapping skills. "This is why you don't go on walks alone," he said, flicking my forehead.
"Thanks for the love," I said, rubbing my forehead.
"Robin's right," Bruce said, narrowing his eyes at me. "You could've gotten killed and worse, you could've gotten out of this by using your powers."
"I couldn't have given myself away," I said. "They could have connected me to Viper, then to you and to Robin and Nightwing!"
"Your safety is more important than our identities," Bruce said sternly. "I don't want you to leave the manor this week."
"Are you grounding me?" I scoffed. "Over something that wasn't my fault?"
"Busted," Alex mumbled.
"Bats, that's not fair," Connor said, walking forward. Bruce sent him a classic Bat glare, a mix of intimidation and Dad guilt. Connor stopped. "Or you know, whatever. Your kid."
"You can't-"
"I am your father, Y/N Wayne," Bruce said. "We're going back to the manor and I forbid you from leaving."
First part 2 on my masterlist: https://mooskey.tumblr.com/post/661991989629304832/%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B7%F0%9D%99%B4-%F0%9D%9A%84%F0%9D%99%BB%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B8%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%99%B0%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B4-%F0%9D%99%B2%F0%9D%99%BE%F0%9D%9A%82%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%99%B8%F0%9D%99%B2-%F0%9D%99%BF%F0%9D%99%BE%F0%9D%9A%86%F0%9D%99%B4%F0%9D%9A%81-%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%9A%A2-%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%9A%8A%F0%9D%9A%9C%F0%9D%9A%9D%F0%9D%9A%8E%F0%9D%9A%9B%F0%9D%9A%95%F0%9D%9A%92%F0%9D%9A%9C%F0%9D%9A%9D
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Eight)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 10.7k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) mentions of sex, someone gets punched by someone,
Notes: Enjoy this chapter guys:) Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev @marplest @calling-dips-on-j-hope @lecavivien @fancycollectormoon @mawwnsterr
© taestefully-in-luv
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The room you are in is as cold and empty as you feel. The one single table with 3 chairs, 2 on one side and the one you are currently occupying across from them. The room feels chilling like ghosts haunt it. Maybe they do, you think. The silence is truly deafening and the wait for these 2 other chairs to be filled makes you anxious. It’s been a few months since you have been back here and it makes you uncomfortable each time but you know little by little you are receiving answers.
Finally, after a long wait the heavy door to the room screeches open. And in comes a man and woman in professional clothing—he in a suit and the woman in a dress suit. They smile at you awkwardly like they feel pity. They both pull out their chair and take a seat.
“Have you found it yet? The island?” you’re quick to blurt out and they nervously look at one another before frowning.
“It isn’t that easy unfortunately Miss y/l/n. We’ve been in search of this company for over 50 years.” The woman taps her fingers on the table. “We have yet to find them or this island you speak of.”
You can’t help the scoff that escapes you as you roll your eyes to the side.
“What kind of intel agency is this? You can’t even find some lame ass fucking love company.” You spit out.
The man hardens his eyes at you as he takes a long, deep breath. Obviously trying to gather his patience.
“Here’s what we do know.” He begins. “They tapped your home, your cell, all of your accounts and spied on you for over a year. Doing their…” he pauses, biting his lip. “Research…”
“And drugged you and your parents the night of the kidnapping.” The woman picks up where he left off, “And then they drugged you again to return you home and also your parents…assuming so it wasn’t to wake them while they were in your home…” she gulps…she understands how invasive this all is.
“You didn’t think to set up cameras around my parent’s house? For when they would return me? You didn’t think to keep an eye—”
“We did.” The man clears his throat, “But they….” He drags his hand down his tired face, “This company is smart. They obviously know what they are doing. The night of your return the cameras we had set up miraculously stopped working.”
You can’t help the laughter that erupts from your body. You begin shaking your head in disbelief, your laughter dying when you realize how serious this is.
“This is fucking bullshit.” You say with a tight lip smile. “Anyway…do you…do you guys…did you look into what I asked of you?” your eyes slide to the side as you nervously pull at the ends of your hair.
“The man you were with? Kim Taehyung…yes, we looked into it. We have been working with Korea’s intel in hopes to solve this case. He has been working together with them. I cannot release any personal information though.” The woman eyes her partner and her frown deepens. “Miss y/l/n…I know this is difficult and you two have been through a lot together. But I am sure you can find a way to reach out—”
“I just wanted to know how he is doing is all.” You cut her off, “It’s fine.”
You stare at the letter in your hands, it’s an off white color and the font in quite fancy. Your parents let you see it a few weeks after you returned home but every night you take it in your hands and stare at it. Not knowing how to take it. The company sent it to them the day you disappeared…explaining the company’s goals. They sent photos of you and Taehyung every week to prove you were alive and well. Your parents said this is what kept them sane…trusting you were okay because they couldn’t—wouldn’t accept any other reality.
Your heart aches thinking of what your parents must have been through but not just them…your sister found out through your mom and dad about the situation and she grew so worried without you. When she found out you were returned home she immediately came to you, sobbing in your arms and hasn’t left you since.
You set the letter down and pick up the pile of photos on your night stand…it’s a thick stack. You begin shuffling through them and you feel like someone has stabbed you in the chest with a dull knife and they begin to carve your heart out. It’s slow and painful…they finally take your slow beating heart and squeeze it in their hands, blood spilling and spilling. Killing you.
Some photos are just of you but majority you are accompanied by Taehyung and seeing his smiling face makes you relieve the experience of getting your heart carved out of your chest.
You glance up at your ceiling as tears begin building in your eyes, you try to blink them back, your eyes opening and closing repeatedly. But it’s no use, not when you feel this lost and hopeless. Suddenly, there is knocking on your bedroom door and your father is walking in.
“Ready sweetie? Got the rest of your things?” He steps into the room, a worried expression on his face but he tries to hide it behind a forced smile. “We should get going.”
You quickly sniffle and nod your head, shoving the stack of photos and letter into your backpack before you’re swinging it over your shoulders.
“Yup, ready.”
It’s moving day. Thankfully you found another job in your old town that you lived in, you found a new, better apartment that is close to where you use to live, you finally are getting out of your parents hair.
“Alright let’s get this show on the road!” your dad pats you on the back as you walk past him. He’s got the truck loaded and ready to go for the couple hour drive. Back to the city!
“This place is so much nicer than your last!” Your sister sets a box down on your new kitchen counter, “You actually have a decent sized kitchen! Not that you really cook.” She laughs.
“Hey!” you whine, “I told you I learned quite a bit of cooking while on the island.”
“You also told me that your boyfriend cooked a lot too…so I’ll just assume he did all the work.” She teases and your face falls.
“He isn’t my boyfriend.” Your lips curls so far down that it’s almost comical but alas, it is not because you feel your eyes sting.
“Sorry…” your sister walks to the living room, joining you. She reaches for the box in your arms and sets it down on the floor. “y/n…just message him.”
“…I can’t.” you feel your chest start to burn, “The way things got left…I don’t know how to speak to him.” you admit. “and it’s been so long. If he hasn’t already moved on then he at least hates my guts.”
“Yeah I probably would too.” Your sister nods her head and you swat her arm.
“Thanks Ellie.” You deadpan. “Anyway, I just can’t.”
“He is probably waiting for you…he loves you.”
“You don’t know him?” you laugh quietly, “So how would you know?”
“I’ve seen the pictures of you two, in the moment pictures, and dude, he looks so taken with you in every single one.”
You can’t help the way your heart drops to your stomach. You told him you thought your feeling may not be real…those are some of your last words to him and that kills you. Without a doubt he has had to have moved on from you…why would he torture himself?
Later that night you are snuggled up in your bed with your sister snoozing beside you. You have your phone (Damn you missed this device) and are scrolling through Taehyung’s Instagram. You notice he posted a new group photo just 4 hours ago. You look at all the tags and see all his friends…Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook. But there are also a few girls in the photo. You notice the tag for Hana. You hate that your heart completely stops beating in your chest then suddenly starts racing. Hana. He’s hanging out with Hana? Wait, why are you surprised? You take a deep breath and click her name to view her page and then that’s when your heart really stops. Her most recent photo is of her and Taehyung, their faces smooshed together with wide smiles on their faces with the caption “Missed you.” With pink hearts.
She’s pretty. Really fucking pretty. No wonder Taehyung liked her. Liked? Or likes? Are they together now? They look awfully close. You feel your eyes sting for the millionth time this day and they begin to bubble with tears. This is your fault. You pushed him away, so far away, into another woman’s arms. You start to feel lost and hopeless again…you decide stalking Taehyung through social media probably isn’t the healthiest thing for you or your heart. You continue scrolling on Hana’s page…she has lots of photos with friends, pretty Korean scenery, selfies and more. She looks lively and beautiful, oh so fucking beautiful.
You exit the app and click your phone off. You squeeze your eyes shut and a few pathetic tears that you do not deserve slide out and down your face. You really need to move on, you really need to focus on you. But how can you when a huge part of you feels like it’s been ripped from you? Taehyung was a part of you and you think he still is. You feel crushed, fucking crushed. He is probably with Hana now and you absolutely cannot blame him.
Taehyung is doing fine. Just fine. With or without you. And that reality is setting in and it hurts. It fucking hurts. But you have no one to blame but yourself.
“Why are you doing this, huh? Things were so perfect.” He stops in front of you and pulls you up by the arms. Your chests almost touch from how close you are. “Unless…” he looks down at his feet, “You’re saying all of this because that’s how you feel. You’re the one unsure of your feelings. You’re the one who only likes me—loves me—because there’s no one else.” He looks into your eyes, searching for an answer.
“Maybe.” You finally say. And you wish you didn’t because Taehyung releases a shaky breath and his brows crease together as he forms the saddest smile you have ever seen. The canvas of his life is full of beautiful bright colors but you continue to splatter blue and grey paint all over it. The paint mixes together and drips down, a gloomy mess.
“Oh.” He steps back. “I see.” He takes another step back, carding his fingers through his hair. He looks into your eyes as his gloss over, “I’ll leave you alone then.” And he turns around and walks out of the room, leaving you behind.
Why does this scene replay in your mind every single day. Every single night. His sad, sad expression leaving an ever lasting imprint in your mind. You feel broken, but you also feel angry. How dare the company send you back when you and Taehyung have so much to resolve? What is the purpose? What are their intentions? You ball the sheets in your hands as you release breath after frustrated breath. What was the point of all this? Somewhere deep in your gut you feel like this isn’t over. You feel like the company still has some ties to you…you can’t explain it…just a gut feeling.
To say you hate yourself is an understatement. You truly can’t stand to even look yourself in the mirror. You ruined the best thing that has ever happened to you—Taehyung. But you should be happy, right? He’s doing well. He has his friends, his family, Hana. He is absolutely 100% doing just fine and you have to accept that.
“You can’t live like this dude.” Namjoon throws a trash bag on to Taehyung’s bed, signaling him to use it.
“Yeah…Joon is right.” Jimin starts picking up some trash off the floor…mostly empty food containers. “This is getting out of hand. I know things haven’t been easy—”
Jimin is cut off with Taehyung groaning loudly and dramatically. He lifts his head off his pillow, his face evident with sleep as he eyes his two friends in his apartment.
“Get up.” Namjoon lightly kicks the bed with his foot, “And open a damn window or something.”
“And maybe take a shower. You reek of this hangover I am sure you have…” Jimin sits down on the edge of the bed, his hand going to Taehyung’s back, rubbing it soothingly. “She isn’t coming around Tae.” Jimin says as softly as possible, “She isn’t—”
“We don’t know that.” Taehyung cuts him off, grumbling. “She could.”
“You said it yourself, she isn’t sure of her feelings…why aren’t you letting it go?” Namjoon sits down on the bed as well.
“I know her.” Taehyung begins to sit up from his place in bed, his hand flying up to his pounding head. “Fuck. I’m hungover.” He complains.
“You went too hard last night.” Jimin frowns, “Again.”
“So what? You think she lied to you? That she does love you?”
“She was just scared.” Taehyung whispers. “Trust me, I know her.” He repeats again.
Jimin and Namjoon share a look of pity mixed with concern. Jimin stands from the bed, taking the trash bag with him, he opens it up and starts filling it with the garbage around the apartment. Taehyung just watches Jimin clean up and he starts to feel a sense of guilt. Maybe he has been a handful the last few months.
Taehyung is trying his best though.
The unfamiliar bed along with the unfamiliar room was indication enough that Taehyung was in a place without you. It only took him halves of seconds to realize he was in his parents’ home in their spare room. A place he didn’t frequent very often. But he understood his situation right away. The island returned him home to Korea but suddenly this place feels like the last place like home.
When he made his existence known to his mother and father they cried over and over for their son. His father going on about his regrets, how he wishes he would have supported Taehyung more in following his own dreams and so on. His mother wishing she had cooked his favorite meal more often. They basically took his disappearance on the island as his death. At least that’s how Taehyung sees it.
His parents’ received the letter as well, even the photographs. They know all about you. They know that Taehyung is in love, they know Taehyung heart aches. They know everything. They were honestly rooting for you two…they could see how much love went on between the two of you even through pictures.
But as the days went on, as the weeks went on and as the months went on, Taehyung started to feel like he is withering away with every day that passed that you did not reach out to him. Did your time on the island with him mean nothing to you? Even if you ‘maybe’ weren’t in love with him like you claimed you were still friends for god’s sake. You still without a doubt had a powerful connection.
Things have been hard. Really fucking hard. But nothing is harder than the day when the Korean intel agency notified him that you were good, that you were okay. That you were home. But they could not release any personal information. You were home…you were okay…but you still have not reached out? He’s relieved you’re well but that also comes with the disappointment that you are choosing to stay to yourself.
“Yoongi wants to work on that new song tonight, what do you say?” Namjoon stands from the bed as well and makes his way into the small kitchen for a glass of water.
“Not in the mood.” Taehyung mumbles underneath his breath.
“Listen Taehyung…” Namjoon walks back into the room, his hands crossed over his chest as he looks at Taehyung with narrowed eyes.
“If you’re serious about this, being with her, that is. Then fucking do something about it.” Namjoon continues to stare down at him while Jimin keeps cleaning.
“I don’t have her number, I can’t find her anywhere on the internet and I barely know where she lives. What the fuck can I do?” Taehyung grits out, raising his voice just the slightest as he talks.
“….There has to be something.” Jimin speaks up. “A clue.”
“A fucking clue? What are we? Fucking detectives?” Taehyung throws his hands up, frustrated.
“Jimin’s right.” Namjoon uncrosses his arms and runs a hand through his hair, “She must have mentioned something, anything. You have to think.”
“You think I have the mental capability to think right now?” Taehyung questions with a bitter chuckle. “She doesn’t do much. She never mentioned some grand event she goes to every year, she didn’t mention what school she went to, she didn’t mention what company she worked for, she didn’t fucking mention anything. She stays to herself.” Then Taehyung’s eyes go wide.
“You know I use to go to this coffee place almost every single day. I miss it. That routine. It’s called ------------…a small, family owned shop. Only one of its kind. I would read, write, journal. Just relax. Every day.” You breathe out, missing your comfort spot.
Taehyung rushes to stand from the bed, he is quick to scoop Jimin up in his arms and place a dramatic kiss to his cheek.
“Jimin you fucking genius!” Taehyung suddenly remembered the night you had a panic attack. When you calmed down enough to speak you told him all the things you missed about your real life. Including some coffee place you would frequent on the regular. But he cannot remember the name of it for the life of him.
“What? What?” Jimin starts giggling, “Why?”
“A coffee shop! She used to go to a coffee shop!” Taehyung basically yells in excitement.
“Okay, what’s it called?” Namjoon smiles and immediately Taehyung expression turns sour.
“I…I don’t remember. But it was family owned, only one of its kind.”
Namjoon can’t help the frown that decorates his face but then he tries to smile.
“Better start doing your research lover boy.”
“Cozy Coffee. It’s in (Your city).” Taehyung slams a sheet of paper onto the bar top in front of Namjoon. “I found it.”
“What’d you find?” Jin asks from besides him, “Wait that place y/n goes to?”
Taehyung nods his head quickly with a wide ass smile adoring his face.
“Now what, kid?” Yoongi brings his beer to his lips as he takes a generous sip. “You going to call that place and ask for her?” he laughs a little.
“No.” Taehyung straightens his back as he speaks. “I’m going there.”
“You’re…” Hobi begins but stops when he sees how serious Taehyung is.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Jungkook starts shaking his head. “This girl—”
“y/n.” Taehyung snaps.
“Right…” Jungkook gulps. “y/n…she ignores you these last 6 months and you are still trying to be with her?”
All of the boys share looks with one another, frowns on everyone’s faces.
“Jungkook is right—”
“Tae told her he would do whatever it takes…he also believes in her feelings. So let’s believe in him.” Jimin cuts in, his hand going to Taehyung’s shoulder and giving him a smile.
“Jimin is right…” Namjoon breathes out, “Let’s trust in our Taehyungie.”
“But don’t forget what she did to you Taehyung.” Jungkook whispers seriously. “You weren’t okay…”
Another day passes and still, nothing from you. Taehyung brings yet another bottle of soju to his mouth as he starts downing it. He feels his world collapsing around him. He feels how everything around him is cracking and breaking apart. But the most cracked, broken thing is him. He looks at himself in the mirror and stares into his empty eyes, these same eyes that used to gaze at you. These same eyes that saw your smile, laugh, cry. These same eyes that undressed you. These same eyes that saw you coming undone over and over. These same eyes.
Taehyung chugs back his drink, his eyes never leaving his reflection as he finishes the bottle. He made a mistake tonight, a drunken mistake but a mistake nonetheless. He slept with Hana. Taehyung, the boys and Hana and her girlfriends were all at the bar tonight and he just doesn’t see her that way. Yet, he was inside her just an hour ago. He slowly closes his eyes, regret and guilt filling his entire being. What the fuck did he do?
His life is all over the place, a mess, if you will. A big, fat messy mess. He got a new apartment, leaving his parents’ house and he doesn’t think he has cleaned it even once since moving in. He drowns in alcohol, he drowns in unfinished songs, he drowns in his friends concerns and mostly? He drowns in you.
He stares at your photographs an unhealthy amount. He has cried over your photos countless times, he has touched himself to them too. Somehow that is more satisfying than the sex he just shared with Hana. The empty fuck he just gave her haunts him in this very mirror. Did he betray you? Have you also fucked someone new? Have you moved on?
Taehyung stares at himself, hating what he sees. You’re doing this to him. He went from being miserably depressed to angry. He’s beginning to blame you for everything with rage. But as much as he wants to hate you—he does want to—he just can’t. He can’t gather that type of energy in your direction. He just can’t.
Hana looks very pretty tonight…she’s been trying extra hard lately, Taehyung thinks. She is always casually got a hand on his arm, she always finds a way to be standing next to him, talking to him, leaning into him. Taehyung isn’t stupid. She wants him still. She apparently dated during the 8 months he was gone but nothing serious came from it. And now here she is, sleeping on his bed as he drinks by himself in his bathroom mirror.
So many different thoughts have gone through Taehyung’s head. Is he hard to love? That’s the main question that came out of all of this. You spent every day with him for 8 months and you weren’t even sure of your feelings. Shouldn’t a person know by then? He’s trying to be understanding…he is trying so fucking hard to understand but how can he? When he is balls deep in love with you and he doesn’t have to question it at all.
He is spiraling, he is being sucked into a darkness that he can’t crawl out of. He looks at himself in the mirror again, his eyes narrowing at his own reflection—disgusted with what he sees. He grips the empty bottle of soju as he feels his eyes wet with tears. He grips on to the bottle harder and harder, tears now leaving his big brown eyes. He growls out, groaning in frustration as he lifts the bottle up and throws it at his mirror. Glass shattering everywhere.
Startled, Hana jumps from the bed and rushes to the loud sound, finding Taehyung just standing lifeless, continuing to eye himself in the broken mirror. He likes what he sees much better. The cracked glass making for a better reflection, a more accurate representation of what he truly sees when he views himself.
“What the fuck?!” Hana yells out, rushing to Taehyungs side. “Are you okay???”
Taehyung walks closer to the mirror and lightly slides his hand down the cracked mirror, his fingers careful not to get cut.
“No.” he answers honestly and quietly. “I’m not.”
“I’m fine, Jungkook.” Taehyung assures him, “At least I will be…when I see her.”
“What if she doesn’t want to see you?” Yoongi says quietly, worried for his friend. He brings his beer to the bar top and stares at the liquid.
“I’ll get to that when I get to that.” Taehyung sighs out…”I can’t let go of this until I know for sure.”
Settling into your new job has been smooth, thankfully. It’s only been a few weeks but you can say you really like it. Your boss is an older woman, your coworkers seem nice and the work isn’t too taxing. Your apartment is starting to come together as well, only a few more boxes left to unpack. On the outside things are honestly going well…your life looks normal and put together. But on the inside you continue to fall apart.
“Come on!” Ellie whines, “Just give me one little, tiny, juicy detail.”
“Ew, no!” you laugh, “I have nothing to share!”
“Oh, bullshit.” Ellie takes a drag of her cigarette, blowing the smoke the other direction.
You two are sitting on your balcony, watching the evening sun set.
“You are trying to tell me you two didn’t fuck? Not even once?” Ellie gives you a knowing smile and you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay maybe once.”
“I call bullshit again.” Ellie starts to laugh, thrusting her hips forward theatrically, “I bet you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other.”
“Something like that.” You admit shyly.
“I don’t blame you. He looks so hot.” Ellie takes another puff of her cigarette. “What was he like in bed?”
“Ugh, Ellie.” You groan, “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Afraid of getting horny thinking about it?” She chuckles and you roll your eyes.
“Fine, I’ll tell you one thing.” You hold one finger up, giving her a look that says you are serious. Ellie giggles, nodding her head in agreement.
“He’s…big.” You basically whisper.
“He’s what?”
“Shut up, you heard me.” You laugh, “First time I saw it he wasn’t even fully hard and I was impressed.” You smirk, feeling proud of Taehyung’s gorgeous dick.
“Damn girl. Nice.” Ellie nods in approval, “Did he know how to use it?”
“Ugh….yes.” you roll your eyes back, remembering the feel of his cock. “He did. Aaaannnd he is probably using it on his new girlfriend.” You sigh, feeling your heart break piece by piece in your chest.
“What? What do you mean???” Ellie puts her cigarette out in the ash tray, “New girlfriend?”
“Yeah.” You keep it short and simple. “Anyway, I really do not want to talk about him anymore.”
“…Yeah, okay. Sorry.”
You give your sister a sad, small smile and she returns it. You feel your phone buzz in your lap and you go to pick it up, you quite literally feel all the color drain from your face. Your heart stops completely. What the actual fuck? Why is he texting you? Him of all people?
Finally gathering the courage to buy his plane ticket, Taehyung begins packing for his trip. He got a roundtrip flight for one week. He has one week to find you. He’s starting to get nervous, really fucking nervous. He had all this confidence to do this but honestly? Over the last 6-7 months he has become quite insecure. You left him in shambles. He grew weak without you, he grew pathetic in his eyes.
“Make sure you bring plenty of underwear.” Jimin teases, helping Taehyung pack. “You never pack enough and somehow end up going commando.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Taehyung is too nervous to even joke around, he is too nervous to even look at Jimin—his best friend—for more than a second because he is afraid he is going to see right through him.
“You’re nervous.” Jimin blurts out and Taehyung opens his mouth in shock. But should he be? Jimin is his best friend, he can read him like a book.
“I think you have every right to be.” Jimin pats him on the shoulder, “You have been through a lot…and so much is unknown.”
“Yeah….” Taehyung agrees, “I feel like I’m walking into this blind.”
“You kind of are.” Jimin admits quietly. “You kind of are.”
“Do you think…I’m making a mistake?” Taehyung sits down on his bed, messing with the blanket between his fingers.
“No.” Jimin answers honestly. “I am probably the one who has heard about y/n the most. I almost feel like I know her.” Jimin laughs, “And I think you’re right. She was scared. This company…fuck that company by the way, this company set you two up and tried to force love on you. Of course that’s going to fuck her up. Of course she is going to have her doubts…you can’t blame her Tae. Yeah, it’s fucked up she hasn’t reached out at all but dude…it’s a tricky situation.”
“I know…” Taehyung’s head falls into his hands, “Fuck…I know.”
“And…” Jimin sits down next to him, “I don’t want you to regret not looking for her, it sucks that it’s you doing everything, I can admit that. I wish she would grow some fucking balls and talk to you but looks like you got to do all the work buddy.”
Taehyung checks into some dingy hotel downtown in the city you live, the place is dark, gritty even. But it’s just one of the first places that was affordable that popped up when he was googling places to stay. He doesn’t totally mind, he doubts he will be spending much time in here. He receives his key from the girl at the front desk, she eyes him up and down, obviously liking what she sees.
Taehyung walks down a dark hallway to reach his room—he’s starting to feel like the main character in a horror movie. He reaches his door and unlocks it, opening it and shuffling inside with his luggage. The room smells dusty, the bed is small and the blanket thin. The room is loud with the AC unit blowing freezing air and the dark curtains don’t let in any light whatsoever.
He sets his luggage down on the carpet and sits on the bed…he takes his phone out and sends a text to his group chat that he made it alive.
Namjoon 4:02pm
Good luck man, we’re rooting for you.
Jungkook 4:02pm
Fingers crossed homie
Jin 4:03pm
Bring her back to Korea
Yoongi 4:03pm
He can’t just bring her back Jin
Hobi 4:03pm
I also vote he brings her back with him
Jimin 4:04pm
I agree, I want to meet the infamous y/n
Taehyung 4:04pm
Am I also allowed to vote that I want to bring her back with me?
Taehyung quietly laughs to himself as he clicks his phone off. He lays back on the bed and groans when he feels how hard the mattress is. But it doesn’t matter because he is here on a mission, a mission to find you and he wants to waste no time.
Day 1:
Taehyung wakes up early to grab a bite to eat at the diner next to the hotel, this place doesn’t even offer complimentary breakfast! The audacity. He orders pancakes but they definitely aren’t as good as yours.
Waking up and breathing the same city air you’re breathing makes Taehyung for the first time in 6 months—feel alive. Like being in the same place as you is slowly helping him regain some of his self back. He knows you are here. You live here. You walk these streets, you eat these foods, you breathe this air. The same fucking air he is breathing.
Nothing excites him and makes him more nauseas. He misses you. He wants to see you. But he is afraid at the same time. He’s so fucking terrified. How will you react? Are you okay? Do you really not love him? Have you moved on? Seeing someone new? His mind races as he cuts into these pancakes.
Taehyung pulls out his phone and checks the time…almost 7 am. He needs to hurry to the coffee place…because what if you stop by there on your way to work? Or maybe you don’t work right now and you go there just to chill? He doesn’t know but he knows he won’t miss a chance to see you.
Taehyung finishes up his plate of food and pays. He leaves the diner and starts walking towards Cozy Coffee, only a 15 minute walk. He inhales deeply, hoping to somehow get a whiff of you, he looks at all the flowers on the side of the sidewalks and thinks of you. Would you be interested in a bouquet of flowers? He recalls on your first unofficial first date he gave you a handful of flowers from the island and you liked it. Ugh, what is he thinking? All he needs to be worried about right now is fucking finding you.
Finally, Taehyung makes his way inside Cozy Coffee. It’s a pretty small place but big enough for a handful of people to be occupying the many tables. His eyes scan the area but they don’t come across you. He sighs and heads towards the counter to order a tea and take a seat at a table in the back near the restrooms.
He spends hours here in this spot. The entire day actually. No sign of you. And the owner has to literally escort him out when it is closing time. He walks back to the hotel with his head hanging low, he guesses today wasn’t a day for reading or writing.
Day 2:
These pancakes aren’t bad actually, not the second time around. Yours are still better, of course but he’s getting use to them. Maybe tomorrow he should try something different.
Taehyung walks leisurely towards the coffee shop, he somehow has this idea he might run into you on the street or something. But he doesn’t.
The coffee shop is a little less busy today, Taehyung goes inside, orders his tea and occupies the same table as yesterday. He pulls his backpack to his lap and brings out a notebook and pen, he decides he will work on song lyrics today.
Hours and hours pass, tea after tea is drank and still, no sign of you. Closing time approaches and he is once again, asked to leave. Taehyung nods in understanding, gathers his belongings and walks back to the hotel. Slowly of course, because deep down he thinks he just might run into you.
Day 3:
French toast today…not as good as the pancakes but still, pretty good. He wonders if you can make French toast? You never mentioned it. Taehyung realizes there is still so much he does not know about you. The thought kind of drives him crazy. He wants to know you. Know all of you. Know you better than anyone else.
The walk to the coffee shop is slow and enjoyable. The scenery is pretty as he strolls on the sidewalk, the flowers poking through the cement bring him a small level of joy for the day. Once he enters the shop, the owner gives him a smile. He orders his tea and makes his way to the back table, pulls out his notebook and starts writing his song lyrics.
On my pillow. Can’t get me tired. Sharing my fragile truth. That I hope the door is still open. Cause the window. Opened one time with you and me. Now my forever is falling down. Wondering if you’d want me now.
Taehyung sets his pen down taking a break from writing, he reaches for his tea and takes a few sips. The liquid has gone cold. He sighs out and lets the hours pass him by. Closing time approaches like it does every night and he is asked to leave.
Day 4:
He’s back to getting pancakes. He likes to pretend they are yours, that you made them for him. He likes to imagine a life where you make breakfast for him again. He likes to imagine a life where you’re just here again. It’s almost 7 am, he needs to head to the coffee shop. He strolls casually, wondering what you are up to on this Thursday morning. Are you finally going to make an appearance at Cozy Coffee? Are you running late for work? Are you in early today?
Taehyung enters the shop and the owner gives him a sweet smile and begins working on his tea. Taehyung feels grateful that it’s being made without him even ordering it yet, a smile adorning his face. He pays for the tea and makes his way to the his table, pulls out his notebook and continues working on his song.
I’m wondering are you my best friend? Feels like a river’s rushing through my mind. I wanna ask you if this is all just in my head. My heart is pounding tonight, I wonder if you are too good to be true. And would it be alright if I pulled you closer.
Taehyung lets hours and hours pass, his pen busy on his notebook paper. The lyrics coming to him so easily for the first time in months. He can’t help the sad smile that grows on his face as he reads and rereads his song lyrics.
Just like every day when the bell of the front door jingles his head shoots up to see who it is. Now is no different. A woman comes in and his heart almost stops because she looks like you at first glance. Taehyung groans at the disappointment. Because it’s not you.
Day 5:
Okay, he is back to French toast. It’s starting to grow on him, he definitely wants to ask you to make this for him. His imagination begins to run wild with dreams of making food with you again, kissing the side of your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind you. Like the many times he has done it.
“Taehyung…” you whine as he nips your neck with his teeth. “I’m trying to concentrate on this recipe.”
“I’m trying to concentrate too.” Taehyung smirks against your soft skin, “On you.”
You can’t help the blush that begins spreading across your cheeks, his fingers dig into your hips and you moan out.
“What is it baby?” he starts kissing your neck. “Want me to fuck you? Right here?” he digs his fingers deeper into your hips and you start grinding against him.
“Couch.” You breathe out. “I want to ride you.”
“Oh? You want to be in control? Maybe I will allow it this once.” He teases, his tongue licking a strip up to your ear, then he nibbles on the lobe.
Taehyung finds his pants getting tight as he recalls his memories with you. He misses kissing you, he misses touching you, he misses your scent, he misses your skin, your eyes, your lips.
Shit, it’s past 7. He needs to hurry to Cozy’s.
He’s seated in his spot with his tea and notebook out, he swears he is almost finished with this song…the chorus needs some work but he thinks he’s got it. Something about being ships in the night, but somehow he doesn’t have the courage to finish he song, he doesn’t want that to be his relationship with you.
Night time comes and still no sign of you. Tomorrow is his last day and he is starting to freak out. Where are you? He thought you came here all the time? Why aren’t you coming? Are you okay? He is asked to leave once again and he does.
Day 6:
Back to pancakes. Back to strolling on the side walk. Back to Cozy’s. Back to his tea. Back to his spot.
Taehyung feels the nerves in his body multiplying with every shaky breath he takes. Today is the last night, his flight is in the morning and he has made no progress on finding you. This place being his only hint.
“Excuse me…” Taehyung walks up to the counter and greets the owner.
“What can I do for you young man? Another tea?” he softly smiles at Taehyung but Taehyung shakes his head.
“I have a question…” he begins. “Do you know y/n y/l/n?”
“y/n???” the old man begins to smile after expressing his confusion, “Of course I do, that girl has been coming here for years.” He starts wiping down the counter with a rag. “Why? You looking for her? You aren’t some creepy ex-boyfriend are you?”
“No, no.” Taehyung laughs. “But I am looking for her…she usually comes here right?” he nervously chuckles.
“Usually. But she started a new job recently that has kept her a little busy…” the old man continues to wipe down the counter. “But she was in just last week! And It’s Saturday!” he cheers, “She always comes to write on weekends.”
Taehyung lights up at that. “Really??” he shows the old man a wide, boxy grin. He feels like he hasn’t smiled like that in what seems like forever. All because there is finally a chance he might see you.
“Oh…” The old man stops wiping to get a good look at Taehyung. “You look like a man in love.”
Taehyung’s eyes widen just a bit before he smiles, “Do I?”
The shop is busy today. Taehyung sits in his usual spot, writing and doodling in his notebook, his head lifting up quickly every time the door jingles. It’s never you though. It is already 6pm and there is still no sign on you and Taehyung hates that he is starting to lose hope. Are you not coming? He doesn’t have much time left.
Taehyung sits here, his pen between his lips as he thinks about you. He thinks about the first time he saw you…he really thought you were some girl he might have drunkenly hooked up with…he remembers your expression, how shocked, how scared, how overwhelmed you were. He wishes now he could go back in time and hug you. Tell you he’s with you, together. That you aren’t alone. Taehyung wishes he could kiss your temple, bring you in close and make you feel okay. He recalls the first time you two really interacted.
“We need to find out what’s going on.” Taehyung takes a deep breath, lifting his head up. He locks his eyes with yours again but you break contact to look at your feet.
“We don’t know anything…would if it’s not safe?” you quietly try to reason.
“Exactly, we don’t know anything and that’s a problem. You don’t expect us to stay in this room forever, do you?”
He has a point and you know it. You want to follow him out of this room but your feet seem to be glued to the floor.
“Well, no. But—”
“Didn’t think so.” He turns away from you, his body shuffling towards the bedrooms door but before he can become out of reach your hand flies to his shirt sleeve, tugging it softly.
“Wait! Just hold on—” Your voice wavers and Taehyung rolls his eyes. Rolls his fucking eyes at you!
“Listen, come. Or don’t. I don’t really care.” Taehyung releases your hold on his shirt, unsticking your fingers and throwing your hand towards your body. “Decide.” He states before swiftly turning around to head towards the door.
Oh. So this guy is a fucking asshole. Noted.
You end up following him because although he was rude about it, feeling someone’s touch when you feel so scared was slightly comforting and yes, you are aware of how fucking pathetic that is.
Taehyung stands in front of the door, his hand reaching for the knob when he turns his head to say, “Just trust me.”
And now you are the one rolling your eyes. Trust him? You just met the dude! 10 minutes ago his name was Future Murderer. How could you possibly trust this asshole?
“How can I trust you? I literally just met you.” The scowl on your face deepens when he smirks.
“Are you always such a fucking baby?”
“Are you always such a fucking baby?” you mock, eyes rolling so far into the back of your head.
Taehyung can’t help but chuckle. God, you were such a brat. It’s almost 7 now…still no sign of you.
“Maybe if you weren’t always following me, they would have sent us home by now.” Taehyung states bitterly as he puts his slice of bread on top of his now made sandwich.
“I’m not following you.” You roll your eyes, “I have to eat too.”
“You can’t wait until I’m done?”
“You look pretty done to me…” You point at his sandwich and he scoffs.
“I still have to eat it.”
“Eat in your room for all I care.”
You and Taehyung are getting along just fine…maybe not swimmingly but like, fine. It’s been a couple weeks and you have mostly stayed out of one another’s way but it’s moments like this that you end up interacting.
“I think I’ll eat at the table, thanks.” He grabs his sandwich and makes his way to the dining room table, sitting down with a thump. He aggressively picks up his sandwich and takes a bite while showing you a smart ass smile.
“Fantastic,” you state, “Me too.” You finish pouring milk into your cereal bowl and set it back inside the fridge. You dramatically make your way over to the table as well, giving him a wide grin as you sit down in front of him. You slightly slam your bowl down on the table, some milk dribbling over the edge of the bowl and Taehyung snarls.
“Great, you’re making a fucking mess.”
“If you went up and ate in you room you would have no idea about this mess.”
“But you still would have made this mess?”
“Ignorance is bliss, Taehyung.”
“You’re such a…” he stops, setting his lips into a firm line and you lean your head forward, clearly curious about what you are.
“Such a…?” you blink at him repeatedly and his lips curve upward into a charming smile.
“A fucking brat.” Taehyung grabs his sandwich again and takes an obnoxious bite while grinning and you give him your best annoyed eye roll.
Taehyung continues to chuckles as he goes down memory lane…he does regret being mean to you at first but god, you truly were a fucking brat. But he laughs about it now, loving every single memory he shares with you.
The door jingles and he shoots his head up, hoping it is you. But still, just like every other fucking time—it’s not.
Taehyung groans into his notebook, feeling lost and frustrated. What’s he going to do if you don’t show? He’s trying here. Is the universe really that cruel? And suddenly the door jingles again, but he doesn’t look up, he knows it isn’t you.
“Hi Mister Jones!”
Oh. Oh. That voice. That voice belongs to you. Taehyung whips his head up and there you are. You are standing at the doors entrance with a nervous smile on your face, why are you nervous? You are wearing jeans and a oversized t shirt, a casual but cute look. And Taehyung is falling in love with you. Seeing you in the real world for the first time has him frozen in place.
“The usual?”
“Yeah.” You reply calmly, glancing at the empty table at the front of the shop. You pull a chair out and take a seat, your back to Taehyung. He is still frozen. He all of the sudden feels unprepared for this. He all of the sudden feels sick. He clenches his jaw as he watches your back. You are here, living your life without even think of him aren’t you? Taehyung swallows down his anger now. He has to. Anger won’t do him any good.
He takes long breath after long breath trying to compose himself and find his confidence to go up to you and confront you. He blinks back his growing tears of frustration and stands from his table, the chair screeching against the wooden floors.
He stands here, frozen again. What if you really do not want to see him? That this was all intentional? He starts to feel sick again. He squeezes his eyes shut as he tries to get rid of the feeling of nausea.
“Taehyung…” you whisper his name, “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You think having feelings for me means that’s it? That it’s the end? Baby, it would only be the beginning.” Taehyung leans down again as he caresses your face. “I know you’re scared. I know you have trauma that you’re still getting through. I know your ex fucked you up. But I’m not him. I’m Taehyung. I’m…fuck, I don’t know. y/n, please just open your heart to me.” Taehyung looks at you with so much compassion that it physically hurts.
“I know,” your voice shakes, “I know you aren’t him, Tae.” You take his hand in yours, “I do like you.” You finally admit, shutting your eyes.
“Look at me.” Taehyung commands, “Look at me babe.”
You slowly open your eyes again, gazing into his dark ones and you feel yourself grow warmer and warmer.
“I’m only looking at you.”
Taehyung quickly opens his eyes as he finds his resolve. You love him. He knows it. He feels it. You wanted him, just like how he wanted you—wants you.
He nods his head, trying to pump himself up, about to gain the courage to walk to you when the door jingles again and a man walks in. A man that immediately looks at you and smiles.
This man takes a seat across from you at the small table and Taehyung feels his heart halting in his chest. He feels himself grow warm, he feels himself grow the company of something evil, something green. He feels himself grow incredibly fucking jealous. So you do have someone. You moved on. You have someone, someone that is not him. Taehyung slowly plops back down in his chair, his mouth slightly open as he watches this man talk and smile at you.
But suddenly, Taehyung notices how tense you become. How you grip on to your purse harder and harder with every word this man speaks. He can sense you from here…something is wrong. Who is this man? Why is he making you so uncomfortable? Is this not a date? Taehyung isn’t sure what to do. He could be reading this all wrong, he could be imagining this for his own sake. He could be creating this world where you don’t love anyone but him.
But then you stand from your chair abruptly and storm out of the shop, this man desperately tries to grab for you and quickly follows after you. Taehyung stands from his chair as well, already racing towards the shops door, in search of you. He didn’t even think about it, he just acted on instinct.
“y/n!” the man calls out after you but you continue to speed walk away until you feel a hand grab at your arm. You are quick to turn around, ready to give him an earful when your face goes completely pale.
“T-Taehyung…?” you stutter out, the shock riding in waves throughout your entire body.
“I said wait baby!” The man jogs up to you and Taehyung, Taehyung releases his hold on your arm and looks between you and this man.
“Baby?” Taehyung whispers out, already feeling his heart crack inside his chest. Maybe this is just a lovers quarrel. He continues looking between you and this man and you can see the hurt plastered all over Taehyung’s face.
“Who is this?” The man stands between you and Taehyung. “Who are you?”
“Ben, you can leave. I think I have heard enough.” You spit out and Taehyung’s eyes widen before they are narrowing at you.
“Ben…?” he asks, not even sparing Ben a glance, only focusing on you. “Why are you with him y/n?” Taehyung’s voice goes dangerously low. “I asked, why are you with him?”
“He was just—”
“I was just talking with my girl. Is that a problem?”
“Your girl?” You and Taehyung ask in unison.
“You’re fucking kidding, right y/n?” Taehyung’s face is taken over with a scowl. “There’s no fucking way you are seeing this asshole again.”
“It’s not—”
“Asshole?” Ben scoffs, “Who the fuck are you?”
Taehyung doesn’t even look Bens way as he eyes you, he stuffs his hands into his front pockets and stares at you with his hard expression.
“Answer me.” He commands. “Now.”
“Listen buddy—” Ben begins but Taehyung just a holds a hand up in front of Bens face and tilts his head at you.
“I said, now.” Taehyung finally lowers his hand, then he is feeling his body being shove backward.
“I said who the fuck are you?” Ben pushes Taehyung, his hands still on his chest at the collar of his shirt. “How do you know my girl? y/n…you been fucking other men?”
“I’m not your fucking girl Ben.” You finally snap out of your daze, “I said leave.”
Ben lets go of Taehyung shirt to face you, he walks closer and closer until his feet are practically touching your own.
“Sweetheart I said I was sorry…” Ben tries to caress your face but you smack his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You spit out, “Ever.”
Taehyung eyes the both of you with curiosity. What’s going on here? Are you with him or aren’t you? You notice Taehyung’s confused expression and move towards him to begin explaining.
“Ben is just here to explain why he did what he did…I don’t know why I agreed…but—”
“I’ve heard enough.” Taehyung stops you, he walks closer to you. “He’s bothering you?”
“I ain’t bothering anyone you fucking dick. And you never answered my question—who the fuck are—”
Your eyes are as wide as saucers and you watch the collision of Taehyung’s fist to Ben’s face. You swear you are witnessing it in slow motion, the way his fist crashes into the side of Bens jaw. The way Ben stumbles back and falls to the pavement. The way Taehyung grits his teeth as he brings his fist back to his own body. Did Taehyung just fucking punch your ex-boyfriend in the fucking face?
“She said to fucking leave.” Taehyung growls, “Now.”
“Taehyung!” you rush to his side, immediately reaching for his fist and inspecting it for any damage. You are hit with something massive…like the grandest bolt of electricity the moment your hand touches his. You try your hardest to ignore it, to ignore the fire that caught light, the raging fire that burns so wildly in your chest.
“Come. Come with me.” You say in panic, ignoring the fact that Ben lays on the concrete, probably knocked the fuck out. You hold on to Taehyung’s hand tightly as you lead him to the parking lot until you’re at your car. You hurry to let go of his hand, feeling so fucking nervous. What the hell is happening? Everything with Ben happened so fast that you haven’t even processed the fact that Taehyung is here. Here with you. In your city. In this parking lot. At your car.
You stop before you can even finish his name. He looks at you with something you have never seen before. He goes to open his mouth but he stops himself, not knowing what the right thing to say is.
“I don’t know what to say anymore now that I am with you.” Taehyung finally says after a long while, his eyes are wet and his expression is troubled.
“I thought I would get here and I would tell you I am ready to make this work, that I missed you, that I love you. But now…seeing you. Really seeing you, I don’t know anymore.” He admits. “I think I am angry with you.” He says softly. “Really fucking angry.”
“No.” he moves his head to the side, his eyes down at his shoes. “Let me speak. I have prepared a whole speech for you…but now, I don’t think I would mean any of the words.” He shuts his eyes, a tear escaping. “Did you go too far? Too far in hurting me?” he whispers. “Did you ruin me?”
You start breathing heavily, not knowing how to take his words. Why is he here?
“I had to fucking search for you. But did you even want to be found?” he questions you softly.
“Taehyung.” You say firmly. “I—”
“Am I a fool?” He chokes out, “A fool for doing this? Coming all the way here…sitting at this coffee place every single day waiting for you like the pathetic man that I am.” Another tear slips.
“Can I talk now?” you whisper. “Please?”
Taehyung gulps down his spit, anticipating what you might say. He gestures for you to speak and you take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reach out…” you begin, your chest getting tighter and tighter. “Every day that passed it got harder and harder to do it. If I’m being honest I stalked your account…” you admit with a bitter laugh, “You seemed happy. I wasn’t even sure you wanted me to reach out. Then Hana…”
“Hana?” Taehyung scrunches his brows together, “What’s Hana got to do with this?”
“You two are together aren’t you? I know, Taehyung.” You swallow hard.
Taehyung shakes his head in confusion, how do you know about Hana? You know he slept with her or?
“It was only one time.” Taehyung admits quietly…”but how do you know about that?”
“She posted you on her Instagram. I just assumed.” You say dryly, feeling a pang in your chest as you look at him. So he did get with her. You fucking knew it.
“Why are you here Taehyung?”
“I was here to tell you I love you. I want to make this work.” He says bluntly.
“Was?” you whisper and he nods.
“Now that I am here and I see you, I know I fucking love you still. But I think I’m lost and confused right now.” He admits between bated breaths. “I was so nervous to see you and to be honest looking at you now…I still feel nervous. Like, I could throw up.”
“I feel that way too.” You admit.
“You hurt me, y/n.” he steps closer to you, his gaze is dark and unwavering. “Can I forgive you?” he whispers and you choke back a sob. “Do you even love me back?...That’s also a main problem here.”
“I don’t know what to say.” You breathe out roughly, “I’m sorry for our last conversation on the island.”
“Are you?” he takes another step. “Are you really?”
“Yes, Tae…I …I…”
“You? You?” Another step.
“I was so scared, I was so confused.” You take a step back, but he continues walking towards you. “ But I was wrong.”
“Wrong about what?” he steps closer. “About that ‘maybe’ hmm?” he steps even closer until he is breathing the same zone of air as you. He reaches for your jaw with his hand and tilts your head up towards him. “I could have fucking told you that.”
“Taehyung…” you don’t mean to whimper, but you do. You fucking do. “I’m sorry. It just got so hard to talk to you but I have thought about you every second of every day.”
“Every second?” he scoffs, “Even as you were having coffee with fucking Ben?”
“It seriously isn’t what it looks like…” you rush to say, “He wouldn’t stop pestering me.”
“Tell me how you feel y/n. Right fucking now.” He roughly commands, his fingers still on your jaw.
“I want everything, every detail. I want to know exactly what’s going on in this brain of yours.” Taehyung looks at you with hard eyes. “I want the truth.”
You scrunch your face up as you try not to cry, you feel so many overwhelming feelings all at once. You don’t know what to say. You love him. But is it that simple? “I…” You gulp.
“You?” his eyes soften just the slightest, “Just talk to me babe.” His voice loses all its edge as you begin to silently cry. His thumb wipes away your falling tears. “Just talk to me.”
“I miss you so fucking much.” Is the first thing that slips out of your mouth, “You have no idea…” you sob.
“If anyone has an idea, it’s me.” He chuckles bitterly.
“I let time pass me by Tae, I regret it so much. But as the seconds ticked by I knew I was losing my window of opportunity. And before I knew it 6 months had passed.” You choke, “I am so, so sorry.” You stare into his dark eyes. “The company did me a favor.” You laugh, “They gave me you. I fell in love with you, Taehyung. I just…I’m so sorry I doubted myself, doubted you.”
Taehyung’s features soften as he listens to you, he feels himself grow weak. Especially with his fingers touching your skin. He pulls back from you and leans against your car.
“Are you still in love with me?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes.” You sniffle, wiping your face of your tears. “I think I always will be, even if you decide you hate me.”
“I wish I could hate you.” Taehyung throws his head back, “It would make this easier, I wouldn’t even be here.”
“Make what easier?”
“Leaving you behind.” He says quietly, “Leaving us behind.”
Your body begins to shake as more tears escape you, you feel the heavy weight of his words fucking crush you. He wants nothing to do with you. He doesn’t want you anymore. You fucked up too badly. Taehyung watches as you sob for several minutes, his eyes never leaving your flushed face. He clicks his tongue and puts a hand on your shoulder and rubs it.
“That’s what I think I should do.” He says, “But I can’t.”
Wait, what?
“You c-can’t?”
“I love you too much. And I all my friends voted I bring you back to Korea.” He says with a small smirk.
“But you?” you cry, “You said you are leaving me?”
“I was thinking aloud. And to be honest I wanted you to suffer a bit.” He says with his dark gaze. “I wanted to punish you just a little.”
Your wide eyes narrow at him and you can’t help but cry harder. “You fucking sadist.”
“Maybe a little.” He admits with a growing sly smile. “We have a lot to talk about.” He says after a moment. “Do you want to make this work with me or not?”
“Are you serious? Even after all of this you still want to be with me?”
“We’re soulmates, baby. Or did you forget?”
“You fucking smartass.” You wipe at your face, wiping your snots on the collar of your t shirt. “But yes…I want to make this work.”
“Spend a couple weeks with me in Korea. I want to start over with you. Take things slow. I am still angry. But I fucking love you.”
“A couple weeks in Korea?” you shake your head, “I can’t take off work that long.”
“I am not going to beg you.” Taehyung warns, “But please.”
A couple weeks in Korea? With Taehyung? Meeting his family? His friends? Starting over? Going slow? Can you two really do this?
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paintball169 · 3 years
Commissioner Gordon to the Rescue!
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Paris, Eiffel Tower, 4:34 AM
" Ladybug we can't keep this going! We need help! " a bee -striped heroine's voice is heard from a distance. Abeille .
" While that is true, who is going to help us? The justice league already called us a joke." someone says followed by a sharpening sound. Tatsu .
" Why don't don't we ask Batman? He's the most reasonable one" a calm voice reasons supporting his girlfriend's idea. Serpent .
" Yes, but how are we going to call Batman without ending up in asylum? Bailing ya outta there is hard work ya know?" the spotted armoured heroin asks. Ladybug.
" She's right guys" the quick witted fox hero chimes in. Reynard.
"Why don't we broadcast worldwide news that if Justice League doesn't show up in Paris within 24 hours we'll destroy the world" the usually quiet turtle cladded hero asks. Shellder.
"Yeah right! That way we'll have even more charges." Serpent says glaring at Shellder.
"Hey LB don't you know a police officer there? Afterall you are from there." Abeille asks the once street kid.
"Yes, Bug. You know the old guy. Maybe we can ask for his help." Tatsu asks her girlfriend.
"That's a nice idea. The Commissioner does have contact with Batman! Oooh then we might get to use the Bat Signal! Oh my Kwami, what if he doesn't recognise me?" Ladybug asks.
"He will recognise you Bug!" Shellder chimes in.
"The Bat Signal is real!" Reynard exclaims.
"That's out of the point. Don't get distracted!" Tatsu scolds.
"Ladybug, do you trust him enough to reveal your identity? Cause if you don't he won't believe you either." Serpent reasons.
"I guess. After all he saved my life multiple times." Ladybug answers unsurely.
"Ladybug there's no 'I guess' it's either Yes or No." Serpent says sternly.
"Then I do. I trust him." Ladybug answers firmly.
"Alright then, Yes it is." Abeille says.
"To Gotham we go!" and Reynard jumps off. Returns a minute later. "So, when exactly are we going and where?" he then asks.
"Now, Luks call Jagged and inform him. I'm sure he'll cover for us. Kalki if you may?" Ladybug asks.
"Of course Great guardian, but till Serpent finishes the call can you tell how and when have you been to Gotham?"
"Oh that, I was a street kid with my brother back then. We used to steal for a living. Jason took care of both of us. I was just three when we started living on the streets. Jay was eight. There were a few warehouses where all the street kids lived together. Commissioner Gordon came disguised as an old man and gave the kids blankets. He also anonymously left food for kids. When I figured out that was him I asked him why he didn't report us to the CPS. He answered Kid I know the CPS gives you Pipsqueaks shitty homes. Don't think about it. When I was seven I was kidnapped by Scarecrow. For testing some toxins. He threw me out saying I wasn't good enough. So somehow I found myself in Paris. Without my brother." Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.
"I called Dad and he said Okay because the Sandboy akuma was hard. Five hours particularly, all of your guardians think we're having a sleepover." Serpent says breaking everyone out of their stupor.
"LB, Can I use Kalki this time? Please?" Reynard asks.
"Fine, Here." She says giggling.
Gotham, Police station, 10:52 PM
Gordon POV
The shift is almost over yet I can't help but feel something interesting is about to happen.
Suddenly a blue portal appears. I take out my gun for defence.
"Woah, Woah no need for a gun. We come in peace." The one dressed like a fox answers.
"Who are you? Clarify your purpose!"
"We're heroes of Paris. We come to ask for your help." The one with a katana answers.
"Heroes? In Paris? Since when? I'd say it was a joke, But the portal proves it. Why wasn't the Justice league informed?"
"Slow down a bit, 3 years, Justice league laughed on us, to specify Green Lantern." Striped one? Answers.
"A...Alright, But how can I trust you, For all you could be joker's goons."
"You can trust us, If you don't, you know her you can trust us." The one with harp points to a spotted Ladybug?..
"Okaay, What're your names?"
"Official Introduction Time!" The flute one answers.
"The name's Reynard, Paris's Residential Fox Hero! Fox to meet you!"
"Or Nathaniel Kutzberg"
"The name's Abeille, Bow down Peasants!"
"AKA Chloe Bourgeois"
"I am Serpent, The most Responsible one."
"Or Luka Stone."
"I'm Shellder, Pleasure to meet you."
"Or Marc Anciel"
"Tatsu, Nice to meet you Commissioner, Kagami Trusugi"
"I... I'm Marinette Todd, Hi Commissioner"
"Dear Lord Mari is that really you? What do need my help for?"
"We need to come in Contact with the bats, And can you help me find my brother?"
"Sure Mari, But about your brother you see, He's a Bat too..."
"What?! Seriously?"
Bat Signal, Gotham, 11:13 PM
Red Hood's POV
"Alright we're here Gordon, What's the problem?" Big B asks in his Batman voice.
"We have visitors Batman, They're looking for you." Commiss says. Who in the world would look for Batman?
One by one Teens dressed as animals come out from dark. Drat everyone's just as confused as me.
"Alright who're you playing dress up? Ya know that's dangerous." I ask voicing everyone's curiosity. Suddenly a blue blob attaches to me and starts Giggling.
"Jay-Jay it's me" My eyes start to sting. Only one person calls me that.
"P-Pixie?" I ask unsurely. Pixie nods her head.
"Pixie-Pop it's really you!" I say once i register what's going on.
"I'm never leaving you again Squirt. You're alright! Remind me not to let you alone on streets again, Leave it to Mari for a recipe for trouble!" I tighten my hold on her.
"Hood who's this? Why are they all dressed up?" B. Yeah I forgot he was there as well.
"B, This is Marinette, my little sister. Although I do not know why she and those kids are dressed up."
"Allow me to explain, There's been a super villian in Paris for three years now. These kids are the Heroes there. They came to me First cause they didn't want to get arrested. Green Lantern called them a joke. I know you'd shoo them off, but Bats I saw a Portal open. They came through it. And Jason, Your sister's the team leader!" Gordon explains.
"What! That bitch let me at him! troubling my sister for no good !I, Jason Todd will Skin him"
"Hood! No names at the Field!" Demon Spawn says.
"Relax, She knows."
"Elaborate" B says.
Batcave, Gotham, 8:56 AM
"Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth!" Red robin exclaims.
"Ha! Take that Chat! I was right!" Ladybug says.
"Red robin can you do research on one Lila Rossi? She's probably working for him." Abeille says.
Batcave, Gotham, 11:12 AM
"Guys! Emergency meeting!" Red Robin Shouts.
"Lila Rossi wanted psycopath in 3 different countries!"
College Dupont, Paris, 11: 34 AM (Next Day)
"You bitch why did you file a fake report against Lila!" Alya barks out at Marinette.
"My daughter did no such thing." That wasn't Tom Dupain. There stood in all Glory Bruce Wayne himself.
"Yo-Your Daughter?" Alya asks
"Yes, my adoptive daughter, Jason todd-wayne's biological sister."
"Hey Alya don't shoot the messenger, I filed the evidence on behalf of ladybug and her team!"
"What do you mean? Multimouse isn't supposed to be active!" Agreste says.
"Oh, I didn't know that! I mean how do you think your miraculous was taken Chat Noir?"
Gasps were heard.
"It was you!"
"Yes. Now son of a bitch outta my way!"
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you heard Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth."
Andre's Ice Cream, Paris, 12:13 PM
"Well that went better than we thought, right Babe?" Kagami asks her girlfriend.
"Sure did Gami!" Marinette repies.
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I love your idea about EP 2. It sounds more better than the actual EP. Honestly Im disappointed of how Leona wasnt given his villain moment like Scar does. But I was even more disappointed that they made him more of a iredeemable person until EP 6. They couldve shown his more soft side like they did in his Bday.
[Referring to this post!]
Oh, thank you! ^^ I’m happy to hear that you like my rewriting of chapter 2!
Wow, I’m talking about Leona a lot lately 🦁 This is going to get lengthy, so look below the cut for my thoughts on Leona’s development chapters 3-5!
I definitely think that Leona’s Overblot seemed less... impactful (?) since Yuu and co. never got to directly interact with him much that chapter. It’s certainly weird to think about when they frequently ran into Riddle the last chapter. (It was also kind of sad that when we did get to see Leona interact with Yuu and co., he was just bullying them in Magift which seems petty in comparison to like... say, Azul, who although we didn’t interact with a lot, still got his important moments like protecting his contracts).
However! I don’t think that chapters 3, 4, and 5 left Leona “irredeemable”. Twisted Wonderland really plays with the concept of morality, what’s right and what’s wrong. To that end, many of the characters depicted are very morally grey. Yes, they do bad things, but they come from less than ideal circumstances and don’t know how to deal with their emotional turmoil and trauma. Each chapter’s ending isn’t a happily ever after—there’s loose ends, broken relationships, confused boys trying to get it back together. We see some of them try to work on themselves (Riddle and his temper, for example), others are still a slow work in progress (Kalim and Jamil mending their relationship), and as far as I can recall, Vil is the only one who apologizes for OBing because he already has a sense of maturity. For someone as stubborn as Leona, he seems very resistant to change, so I’m not surprised if he still comes across as no different than his initial introduction in chapter 2.
Rather than “irredeemable”, I think it would be more fair to say Leona is “stagnant”. And personally? I think the stagnation fits for his character! He’s lived his whole life with the mindset that others loathe him and that he will never succeed. He’s someone that is always fixated on the past, so of course improving himself (which takes time and effort) is difficult for him.
Another point I’d like to make is that while sure, it would be nice to see Leona’s softer side in the main story, it wouldn’t make much sense. Leona is never shown to be canonically close to Yuu and co. the same way that Grim, Ace, and Deuce are, and he has no reason to be nice to them. He helps them out in chapter 3, yeah, but he had a self-serving motivation behind it. Chapter 4 he wasn’t really around because he wasn’t relevant to the Scarabia arc, and chapter 5, we see him focusing on putting together the VDC venue. What reason does Leona have to be nice in these instances? I don’t think there really is one. (He is only “soft” to be polite to the birthday interviewer.)
I think if you read closely, you can see hints at Leona changing. He’s still pretty selfish in 3, but ultimately he DID choose to help Yuu and co. (just with his own motivation). In chapter 4, Leona is willingly returning home to the Afterglow Savanna for the holidays. In 5, Leona’s actively working WITH his team members on a project rather than leading them/sitting around and bossing them around like in the original chapter 2. He may not be perfect, but I feel like Leona is definitely taking those baby steps.
We should also consider that just because the game doesn’t show us Leona explicitly learning or being more kind, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been doing so off-screen. A character can develop without us seeing it just as much as they can develop when we do see it. It wouldn’t make sense for the story to cut away from Yuu and co. to show Leona being “nicer” to Savanaclaw or other students either, as that would disrupt the focus on Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore in their respective chapters.
The closest thing we get to “checking in” on characters post-OB is their cameos in other chapters where they’re just going about their normal school lives (like the booths in chapter 5 or the kidnappings of chapter 6). These are the moments you have to look at to see changes in behavior, subtle or not. Not every boy will announce that they’re going to confront a problematic figure in their life (like Riddle did in chapter 4, and I would argue that’s because Yuu is “closest” with Heartslabyul).
Leona never overstays his welcome, and he doesn’t have it in him to put on airs and be sweet to others. He’s still his arrogant and lazy self in chapters 3-5.
We don’t really get to see if he has changed significantly or not in these chapters because it is not that relevant to the stories being told. However, it does become relevant in chapter 6 because well, someone needs to explain what/who STYX is and establish what will happen while the Dorm Leaders have been kidnapped (aka hand power to Vice Dorm Leaders). It serves a clear purpose in the plot and it shows us that Leona has qualities of a good leader. He knows when he should surrender, and to leave his “people” in good hands while he is absent.
Again, I don’t think it’s Leona being irredeemable in chapters 3-5, but rather slow to change and still being unwilling to fully open up and trust others. There’s also the possibility of off screen development that we, the player, never see. I think he’s getting there, though (given all the subtle indicators)! Chapter 6 was a small glimpse into Leona’s full potential~
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
The Sixth Floor Game
heavy inspiration from the Elevator Game, as well as the Three Kings Game and a little bit of Silent Hill 3
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Warnings: blood, death, kidnapping
The Sixth Floor Game is a ritual that will put you into contact with otherworldly forces and, if done correctly, can take you to a world that exists outside of our own. To play this game, you must follow all of the instructions that have been written below. Take care to remember all of them, as one mistake could result in death.
First you must enter a dark and empty building that has an elevator and only five floors in between the times of 3 and 4 AM. The only items you can bring with you are a fully charged cellphone, an item of sentimental value to you and an offering for the demon.
It is not recommended that you give an offering that bares any resemblance to that of a clown or magician.
When you enter the elevator, you need to ride it up to the 5th floor and leave the offering just outside the elevator doors and then head back down to the 3rd floor. When you reach the 3rd floor, you then need to exit the elevator and use your phone to call the last person in your call history. The game begins when you call that number.
When the line is picked up, you must say “I want to visit the 6th floor”.
Be warned that at this point you may hear strange noises on the other end, as calling the number at this time and place has put you in contact with a demon. It is possible to gauge whether the demon is happy with your offering or not based off the things he may say, if anything at all. Do not hang up on the demon; you will go back up the elevator when he hangs up on you.
There are three possibilities awaiting you when you go back to the 5th floor to see what has happened to your offering.
If the demon doesn't care for your offering but hasn't been upset by it, you will find it in the same place as you left it outside the elevator. You must then collect the offering, go back down to the first floor and leave the building.
If the demon has been offended by your offering, you will find the offering destroyed in some way. Leave the building immediately if you find this, as it means that the demon is angry with you and will try to kill you if you stay too long.
But if the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor. If this has happened, you must close the elevator doors and then hit the button for the 5th floor again. This time, instead of the doors opening again, the elevator will begin to move up, taking you to a 6th floor that shouldn't exist.
The amount of time it will take to reach the 6th floor varies from person to person, but it should not take longer than two minutes.
When you reach the 6th floor, you will find yourself in another world. Accounts of what this other world looks like also varies from person to person. Some have said that the floor they entered was run down and wrecked to pieces in some parts. Others have said that the floor didn't look any different from the other floors. Regardless of the state of the floor, the one thing that is consistent is a giant glowing red cross that can be seen if you look outside. You will see nothing else outside aside from the cross.
It is not recommended that you to try to open any windows or try to climb down the building.
You are free to explore this other world until you are ready to leave. It does not matter how long you stay in the other world. When you want to leave you must simply walk back to the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. It is possible that you may come across the offering that you left for the demon earlier while you explore.
Do not take the offering back; it now belongs to the demon.
Reality on the 6th floor can be distorted and you may find yourself becoming confused. If you find yourself entering into such a state, take out the sentimental item you brought and focus on it. It will keep you from losing yourself and allow you to continue as you explore the other world.
Above all else, while exploring the other world, you must never look behind you. Even though the demon may have liked your offering, he also likes trickery and will try to make you turn around to look at him by making noise or by speaking to you. If you look at the demon you will be unable to leave the 6th floor and he will keep you there forever as he has claimed you as his.
It is not recommended that you speak to the demon even if you don't look at him.
Regardless of the outcome of your offering, when you have returned to the 1st floor you must exit the building and you cannot enter the building again for any reason until the time is 6 AM.
If you have upset the demon with your offering, it is not recommended that you try the game again.
There is no reward for playing this game. There is only the experience of leaving this world and venturing to one beyond our own.
This game is dangerous and could result in the death of the player, so please consider the possible outcomes of playing before you decide to do so.
You finished reading aloud the instructions displayed on the sketchy-looking site and looked to your friend Farah, who had her hands clasped together as she looked hopefully at you and the rest of your group who had gathered in her apartment.
“Well?” she asked after a moment, “what do you think?”
“.... Why does a demon have a phone?” you asked.
“Yeah and what phone company does he use?” Cliff asked after you, “or do demons have their own phone companies.”
“You're missing the point!” Farah exclaimed.
“And the point is....?”
“We need to try this!”
There was a collective groan throughout the apartment. The other one in the group, Carmen, rubbed their forehead as they told Farah “you're our friend and we love you, but I don't think any of us want to repeat that time we tried summoning ghosts in a public bathroom.”
“This is nothing like that!” Farah insisted, “it said that we need a building with five floors and an elevator! I promise, there won't be anything gross!”
“Where do we get a building like that?” Carmen asked.
Farah pointed to Cliff.
“You work security overnight at that one office building, right?”
“Do you seriously think I'm going to risk my job for this?” he asked.
“We won't do anything bad! We'll just play a game and leave some stuff on the top floor. If the demon doesn't like it we'll take it with us. It's literally in the rules that we need to clean up after ourselves.”
Farah stopped herself, but you could tell she wanted to continue about getting a chance to visit another world. She loved the supernatural and those kinds of urban legends, but she never wanted to try these things on her own.
Carmen sighed.
“Is anyone else even remotely interested in trying this?” they asked.
Neither you or Cliff said anything at first, and Farah's face began to fall as no one volunteered. Then, when it looked like Carmen was about to speak again, you tentatively raised your hand.
“It might be fun,” you said. At least in terms of memories of 'dumb shit you did when you were younger'.
Farah beamed while Carmen gave you a look that screamed 'I hate you'.
With you willing to give the game a chance, the other two ended up conceding to do the same, and Cliff had been convinced by Farah to let you all in a week from that day when he worked at that particular building. With his shift being 11 PM to 7 the next morning, there would be plenty of time for you to play the game and then let him get back to work. As long as nothing was messed up by the end of it, there would be no harm.
At first you were rather stumped on what to give the demon as an offering. Farah was the same, but she ended up deciding on a horror anthology book from the 1920s. Carmen just got a shirt they had been wanting since they were certain that this ritual wasn't going to work and they wanted to spend the money on something that was useful to them. Cliff went out of his way to get a particularly creepy clown doll. He claimed that he wasn't annoyed by all of this, but you found yourself questioning that statement when he sent a picture of it through the group text. You had no clue where the fuck he had found something that unsettling.
The night you all had settled on was approaching and you still didn't have an offering. It shouldn't have been that hard, and yet you felt like if there was the chance that you were going to run into some otherworldly creature, you didn't want to half-ass it and make it upset. If the supernatural was real it seemed better to try and keep it on your side.
You found yourself browsing a few online forums where people were discussing the game. Unsurprisingly, most said that the ritual didn't work, and the few that claimed that it did had written some uninspired stories about how the demon had told them how they were going to die or when the world was going to end, with at least one mentioning the coming of the Antichrist. When you scrolled down to the end of the page you were pretty bored of all of the comments you read and you were about to exit the page when one particular comment caught your eye:
the demon likes bats
It was buried beneath the comments of others, and nobody had interacted with it. Common sense would tell you that this was just more bullshit, but it just seemed like such a random thing to make up. Nowhere in the instructions had it mentioned bats, and no one else on the forums had said anything about it either. The user who had posted it hadn't interacted with anything else and seemingly just came on to put out that little tidbit. For that reason, you found yourself wondering if their ritual had been successful.
You leaned back in your chair while you considered the information.
Bats, huh?
And then by complete chance the next day, when you were in the mall trying to find something because it the date you'd set for the game was only hours away and you still had nothing, you spotted something through the window of a toy store: a pink stuffed bat plush.
It was rather overpriced, but if that comment was correct, then it should be worth it. If not, at least you got something cute out of it.
Surprisingly it was Carmen and Farah that had been less than impressed by what you had brought.
“I didn't realize you wanted to offend the demon too,” Farah commented bitterly.
“Maybe the demon likes pink,” you responded as you shrugged.
Nothing more was said about it as Cliff opened the front door of the building. In exchange for doing this, he made the rest of you go about the building to turn off all any lights that had been left on which you all grumbled about but agreed was fair enough. By the time you were finished scouring the building, it was 3:13 in the morning.
It had been agreed that Farah would go first, and the rest of you waited in a darker spot of the parking lot while she went in, watching the building to see if you could spot her movements through the windows. You had pulled out your phone, as you were the last person she had called. It would probably be proven pretty fast if this was real or not if she called you and it went through to you, though Carmen had said that they felt it was likely that Farah would probably not call and just say that she had.
You checked to make sure the sentimental object you had brought was in your pocket: a small, stuffed bear keychain that you had gotten as a present from a childhood friend. It was special to you, but you didn't feel like you'd be absolutely devastated if anything happened to it.
Farah came out a few minutes later, carrying her book and looking disappointed.
“It didn't work,” she said as she sighed.
“Did you call?” you asked.
“Yes,” she answered, somewhat indignant. To prove that she had, she pulled out her phone and opened up her call history. It listed her last call as being made to you only a few minutes ago. When you opened up your own call history, it showed that she had called you over an hour ago.
….. Okay. That was weird.
Carmen went next, and it was the same story with them, as they came out a little bit later still holding their shirt. Unlike Farah, they didn't seem too upset.
Cliff went after, holding that creepy clown doll and waving it around a bit as he walked to the elevator.
It was quiet again after that. You, Carmen and Farah waited patiently in the parking lot while the electric lampposts around you hummed. Cliff had been talking earlier so you hadn't noticed it, but it seemed eerily quiet outside. Usually there were bugs or other forms of wildlife at night that would keep things from being silent, but right now there was nothing; only the humming electricity of the lot and the occasional comment from Carmen.
Farah seemed anxious as she looked at the building, her hands playing with the charm on her phone while she waited for any sign of Cliff. The thing with the phone history seemed to convince her this was for real and she seemed nervous about Cliff's offering. Carmen didn't appear to be the same way and seemed more impatient, who'd begun to tap their foot as they waited.
“Did you hear anything when you called?” you asked the both of them. They looked at you, and both shook their heads.
“It was quiet when I called,” Farah said.
“Same here,” said Carmen. Farah smiled at that.
“That means that it's real, right?” she asked.
Carmen wasn't the best person to be around when they were tired and cranky, and you could see that Farah wasn't trying to take it personally. But looking back to Carmen, you noticed a slight furrow to their brow, and the impatient tapping seemed to have increased. At first glance you would have assumed that they were just really done with this whole thing, but as you kept looking, it seemed less like they were annoyed and more more like they were apprehensive.
“Cliff's taking a while,” they commented.
It was taking Cliff longer than the two of them, you realized, and you were about to try and crack a joke about him making it to the sixth floor when you saw the elevator doors in the lobby slide open, followed by Cliff walking out.
More like storming out, actually.
“What the hell?!” he exclaimed as he shoved open the main doors.
“Don't shout!” Carmen responded, “this is your job that we're not supposed to be doing this at, remember? What're you going to do if someone calls the police on us?”
Cliff ignored them, looking to Farah as he continued “are you serious? You want this stupid thing to be real that badly?!”
He was holding something that he then thrust in front of Farah's face. It was the clown doll that he'd brought.
Or at least, what was left of it.
It looked like it had been stepped on repeatedly, the body broken and the head having been caved in. One of the legs were also missing, you noted.
“You.... You think I did that?” Farah asked.
“Who else!” Cliff yelled.
“I've been here the whole time!” she shrieked back.
“She has,” you added as you felt the need to jump in, “none of us have moved from this spot.”
“Oh fuck off,” he answered, “I needed to return this. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
“Maybe you shouldn't have gone out of your way to be an asshole,” Farah spat back.
It quickly devolved into an argument between the two, with Carmen pulling you back when you tried to jump in again. It made sense why Cliff was upset, but Farah hadn't done anything.
“.... Should I not go?” you whispered to Carmen after a bit.
“No!” Cliff exclaimed, this time at you, “you should go! Do this stupid thing, and then let me get back to my work!”
“You're not allowed to go back in for the rest of the night,” Farah pointed out.
By that point Cliff was done, and he stormed off to another area in the lot. Carmen motioned for you to go while Farah quietly steamed. It wasn't the first time those two had fought, but the arguments seemed to be getting nastier every time they happened. Best to get this over with so they could be separated and have the time to cool down.
You walked through the darkened lobby of the empty office building, your path illuminated only by the streetlights outside. There was something about darkness and artificial light that somehow made it feel more foreboding, more dangerous. Even though you were an adult there were still thoughts that ran about in your head of creatures that you couldn't see awaiting you in the dark, and those thoughts made you tense a bit. It was such an irrational fear, but one your brain wouldn't let go of. The argument between your friends had only put you more on edge as well.
The elevator doors slid open, the bright blinding lights hurting your eyes for a second before they adjusted to them, and you stepped in the car, pushing the button for the fifth floor.
Fifth floor, leave the offering, then down to third.
There were some bits of Cliff's creepy clown doll that were in front of the elevator when you reached the top floor. It vaguely occurred to you that the instructions said to leave immediately if the offering had been destroyed, but it seemed like Cliff had tried to clean up some. Though that made sense, since he didn't want to leave a mess behind after his shift.
You pushed away some of the leftover bits with your shoe, and carefully placed the bat plush laying on its back in front of the doors.
Down to the third floor, then.
You checked again to make sure that the bear keychain was still in your pocket during the ride down, stepping out when the doors opened after you confirmed that it was.
Now to make the call....
There hadn't been anything saying you needed to wait until the doors closed to begin, but you waited anyway. When the double doors slid shut behind you, you hit the button on your screen to call Farah, the last person on your call history.
It rang twice before the call was picked up. Just as Farah and Carmen had said, it was silent on the other side. You cleared your throat before saying the words that had been instructed.
“I want to visit the sixth floor. Please.”
There was nothing that said you needed to be polite, but you figured it couldn't hurt.
You still didn't hear anything from the other end, and that silence continued for several more seconds. You held the phone close to your ear, straining to hear anything, any sort of indication that someone was on the other line. The “demon” was supposed to hang up first, you remembered, so you were stuck until something happened.
“.... That's actually cute.”
The male voice you heard on the other end was unexpected, but you didn't get a chance to say anything back before the phone call ended.
You stood very still for a few moments.
That.... That hadn't been any of the others who were still outside. Unless they had gone so far as to hide someone out there and have them answer the phone when you called Farah and all of this was just an elaborate prank. But none of them were really the kind of people to do things like that.
Remembering the instructions from the site, you turned back to the elevator and got on when the doors opened, pushing the button for fifth floor once again.
If the demon likes your offering, there will be no trace of it when you get back up to the 5th floor
The ding of the elevator signaled that you were once again at the top floor of the building, and when the doors slid back open and you looked to the spot where you'd left the bat, you found.... Nothing.
That space you had cleared from the broken bits of that doll was empty, the white tiled floor shining in the light that came from the elevator.
….. If this was all just a prank by your friends, you weren't sure if you'd be able to trust them after this.
The doors closed once again, and you took a deep breath before you pushed the fifth floor button.
The elevator began to move up.
There wasn't a sixth floor; you'd double checked that the building only went as high as five.
You told yourself to wait until the doors opened before you jumped to conclusions. You'd need to see this “other world” before you could say for certain that all of this was real.
The website said that it could take up to two minutes, but mere seconds later did the doors slide back open.
Everything looked normal. Just another floor of an office building.
Or it would have looked normal, had it not been for the fact that everything was bathed in a red glow that came from the outside.
Clutching your phone in one hand and the keychain in the other, you took a small, tentative step out of the car, looking to either side of you.
The hallways were empty. Nothing jumped out at you.
Slowly, you walked over to a window.
In the distance stood a glowing red cross.
…. This was real.
This was actually real.
It was almost too much to process for your shock-addled brain, and you had to wonder if anyone else who had been successful had the same reaction as you, to just stare dumbly at the scene before you.
It then occurred to you to get proof for when you went back.
You pulled up the camera on your phone. Or you tried to at least. Of all the times for your phone to act up, it needed to be when you needed to get a picture so people would believe you. The app kept taking forever to pull up before it would close and you repeatedly tapped on the screen as you tried to make it work. Somehow you managed to snap a few pictures of the cross before the camera closed again and you weren't able to open it back up. The lighting and your uncooperative phone made the pictures appear quite blurry, but one would be able to tell what they were looking at. No doubt some people would claim that it was fake, but it was enough to satisfy you.
You checked the time, finding it to be 3:30, if the phone was to be trusted. You wished you had checked before you came up here, but it was a bit too late for that now.
You stepped away from the window and went down one of the halls, looking all around before you remembered that the site said that you shouldn't look behind you. Or was that only when you heard the demon? Regardless, you kept glances behind yourself to a minimum as you made your way through the floor.
Aside from the red light that covered everything, it looked like a normal office floor, filled with different offices and supply closets and nothing that was particularly interesting to you. The one strange thing was that the red cross outside seemed to move along with you, as when you would move to a different room you would still be able to see it clearly outside. You went back to the windows a few times and tried to see if there was anything else outside, but all you found was an endless darkness with no signs of any kind of life or structure. Unsurprisingly there was also no sign of your friends down below, though it would have been hard to see where they were standing outside anyway given the angle.
The red light made you slightly sick after a while, and you tried opening up the flashlight option on your phone. But it refused to turn on. In fact, nothing on your phone was working now, and when you looked at the clock, the time was still 3:30.
Either time was being distorted or your phone wasn't able to function properly. Given how your phone was acting earlier the latter would seem to be the most likely option, but you also weren't sure what the rules of this place were. There was nothing that said that this world was bound to time in the way yours was.
The website had said that you could stay up here for as long as you wanted, right?
You began to see things out of the corner of your eye, little bits of movement in the darkness that dared you to look at them. You did a few times, mentally slapping yourself as you remembered what the instructions had said as you were now desperately trying to remember everything that had been written so you knew what you could and couldn't do. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time as you recalled what the site had said about possibly dying to this game, and at one point you felt so overwhelmed that you thought you were going to throw up. You managed to keep it down, but after that you decided that it was time to leave.
When you started to head back to the elevator was when you felt a headache coming on. It was mild at first, but when you went further along your route to the exit it started to hurt more, turning into a stabbing pain that jammed into your skull.
Had the website mentioned this? You couldn't be sure. Where were you even going again?
You stopped at an open door, leaning against the open door frame to rest. There was movement from inside the room, and without thinking you looked over to it.
The bat you had left on the fifth floor sat in the room in front of a whiteboard. A whiteboard that had been absolutely covered in drawn on hearts and your name repeated over and over.
…. The website hadn't mentioned that.
“Do you think it's a good place for him?”
The voice you heard came from a few feet behind you. The same voice you had heard over the phone.
You needed to get out. Now.
You brushed your hand against your pocket as you tried to stand up straight again, still fighting the pain of the headache when you remembered the little bear keychain.
It will keep you from losing yourself
With that thought in mind you pulled it out and focused on it, and the pain seemed to lessen by a good amount.
“You've got a thing for cute stuff, don't you?”
The voice came from directly behind you this time, like whoever was speaking was staring down over your shoulder as they were practically on top of you.
Don't look don't look don't look
You pushed off of the door frame, the keychain still in hand as you power-walked back down the hall. The headache was still there a little bit but it was nowhere near as debilitating as it had been before.
The voice whined from behind you.
“You're leaving already? You just got here.”
Don't speak. Don't look.
It was following you. You could hear the footsteps that trailed after yours, keeping up with your pace and almost being purposefully loud. Sudden noises accompanied the footsteps, making you jump and urging you to turn around. It was a natural thing to react to sudden sounds like that and you needed to catch yourself a few times from looking behind.
It was trying to keep you here and you didn't want to stay to find out why that was.
You turned several corners and walked down many halls, and the elevator wasn't anywhere in sight. That wasn't right. You had made a mental note of where the location of the elevator approximately was. As much as the headache was still messing with you, you should still be able to make it back. You knew where it was, goddammit.
…. Was it just you, or were these hallways getting longer?
A chuckle came from behind you.
“You didn't think I'd let you go that easy, did you?”
You started to run.
You weren't sure how long you continued like that – time didn't seem to be a thing up here. Around you the halls extended, stretching out and prolonging your time in this hell as you turned corner after corner and you still couldn't find the fucking elevator. The temptation was there to look behind and see how long the halls had become, but the laughter that followed you kept your eyes straight ahead.
Turning another corner, the doors to the elevator came in sight, and you let out a gasp of relief as you ran faster. Just a little bit more and then you'd be free.
…. The elevator seemed to be was moving away from you, messing with you just as the halls had done before.
You could hear him breathing directly in your ear as you ran. Still trying to freak you out, still trying to make you turn around. He hadn't touched you at all, though, and you wondered if there were rules for him that prevented him from doing so.
The attempts to get you to look back at him seemed to be getting desperate. If this thing was getting to a point where even he was desperate, you didn't want to know what the hell he'd do to you if you made the mistake of turning around.
Despite it all the elevator was getting closer. Escape was literally in your grasp-
And then something in the floor shifted that caused your knee to buckle and you were sent flying face down on the flat white tile.
The phone and keychain went flying out of your hands and there was blood in your mouth as you bit your lip. Your head ached again, though you weren't sure if it was because of him or because you'd just landed on the solid floor.
You lay there for a few moments, catching your breath as you tried to compose yourself.
You then became aware of the presence that was standing over you. He was quiet now, but you could feel his eyes burning holes into your back, as if trying to will you to look at him.
Pushing yourself up on shaky arms, you began to crawl forward, your hands searching for the phone and keychain that had gone flying and had vanished into the darkness, the light from outside now much duller than it had been when you'd first arrived.
Don't look don't look don't look
He can't touch you
He can't force you to look back at him
Just keep facing forward and-
A horrifically loud shrieking noise sounded through the hall. It was the loudest thing you had ever heard in your life, the noise so great that you felt the floor vibrating, and your hands immediately went to cover your ears to protect your hearing as best you could.
Don't you dare fucking look back
With your hands still over your ears, you crawled forward on your knees. It was slow and it had gotten so dark that you couldn't see the elevator anymore, but it was still progress. When your knee brushed against your phone you ignored it. Who gave a fuck about proof anymore? You just wanted to get out.
But you were still trying to keep a lookout for the keychain. It had helped before; if you could find it, it would probably make getting out easier.
You put out one hand on the floor as you blindly searched for your sentimental item, your eyes scrunching up in pain as the horrible sound continued.
For a split second your fingers brushed up against something soft.
You grabbed it.
Immediately after the shrieking noise stopped.
For just a moment, there was relief, even though you still had that noise ringing in your ears. But it took only another moment for you to realize that something was wrong.
You hadn't grabbed that bear keychain. It was larger and heavier.
Opening your eyes, you found that you were holding that fucking bat plush.
“Ah. You messed up.”
A hand reached from behind you and grabbed the plush out of your grip. A different hand was placed on your shoulder and you were spun around on the floor.
A fair-skinned man with what looked to be blonde hair stared down at you, one hand still on your shoulder as he waved the bat in front of you.
“You're not supposed to take this back, remember?” he asked as he smiled at you.
“No.... I didn't...” you trailed off.
“But you did, though! You grabbed and picked it up,” he said.
That wasn't possible. You had left that thing behind in that room that felt so far away now. But as you glanced to the side you saw that, to your horror, you were sitting next to that room again, the hearts still visible on the whiteboard. You were barely able to note that it had gotten brighter and that somehow the red lighting seemed less harsh before he was talking to you again.
“So you lost and now you don't get to go back,” he told you.
“No.... You cheated.”
It felt so juvenile to say that out loud, but it was all that could come out of you in your current state.
Strangely though, he didn't deny it.
“Can you blame me?” he asked, “I've never gotten a visitor as charming as yourself. When I heard you on the phone and saw what you left me, I just needed to keep you.”
He looked at the bat plush again and smiled at it as he sat down in front of you.
“Did you just pick this at random, or was it something else?”
You struggled to comprehend the question, and it took you a bit before you were able to blurt out “someone else said you liked bats.”
“So you mean you went to the trouble of looking up what things I liked? That's adorable. I love it!” he exclaimed.
You tried to subtly scoot away from him as he sat in front of you but you were noticed instantly.
“Where do you think you're going?” he asked. The look he gave you was so innocent.
“I-I need to go home. I want to go home,” you insisted.
“That's not an option, remember?” he asked, waving the bat around again.
You shook your head.
“You cheated. I should be allowed to leave because you did that.”
He laughed.
“There's no rule against cheating. As long as I didn't touch you it was fine. Don't be a sore loser.”
“Fuck you.”
You spat out those words in a bout of frustration, trying your best to sound strong, but it probably just made you seem more pathetic.
He only hummed at that, just staring at you for a moment.
It had been getting steadily brighter, the red going away with every passing second and you were able to make out different colors. The purple and teal on his clothes, the shade of blonde his hair was and the blue of his eyes were visible to you for a few moments.
He set the bat plush to the side, and the world began to darken again as red and black took over.
“That's okay,” he said, more to himself than to you, “you're scared and that kind of reaction is normal, so I'm not too mad.”
It was getting harder to see him, but you could see movement about him, things about his body changing. Horns that slowly curled out from his forehead. The tips of his fingers that darkened around long claws that took the place of his fingernails. Large, bat-like wings that unfolded from behind him and spread themselves.
You caught a glimpse of his teeth in the low light, and they looked sharper than they had before.
Panic shot through you as you began to scramble away from him, but your escape attempt was short-lived as something wrapped itself around your legs and pulled you back towards him.
A tail? Oh God that was a tail.
He was on top of you, and he caged you in his arms as he leaned down to whisper in your ear “don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time.”
You tried to push him away, but he ignored it.
“Oh! Before I forget, I should introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Shalnark. Nice to meet you.”
With that, his lips claimed yours in a searing kiss.
Your friends had been waiting a while.
Farah and Carmen stayed where they had been directly next to the building while Cliff hadn't moved from where he had stormed off to. Farah had been getting upset as she had become convinced that you were being an ass to her as well with how long you were taking. It was all Carmen could do to try and keep her calm.
Because of his distance away and how distracted they were, neither of them noticed the state Cliff was in.
They only noticed when he began to violently cough.
With Farah still slightly bitter from their earlier argument, Carmen was the one to check on him, asking if he was alright as they walked up to him.
Cliff gave no answer as he had begun to cough up blood.
Carmen's hands fumbled when they pulled out their phone to call emergency services, and they yelled at Farah to go inside and get you. The sight of the blood Cliff was coughing up had Farah sprinting towards the building, throwing the front doors open as she made a beeline for the elevator.
Carmen didn't notice it at first when Farah fell to the floor. Only when the ambulance had been confirmed and they looked back to the building to see if the two of you were coming out did they see her body lying limply on the floor.
Ambulances and cop cars arrived eventually, and both Cliff and Farah were declared dead at the scene. The autopsy reports later would declare that they had been poisoned. A thorough search of the building would find no source of where the poison had come from.
Nor did they find anything from you.
Carmen had told them that you were in there, but when they searched they found no trace of you. No personal belongings and nothing to even indicate that you had entered the building. When the search for you grew beyond the confines of the office building, there was still no trace of you. You simply vanished into thin air.
The case would puzzle investigators before they would ultimately put it aside for other cases that needed their attention. It would only gain some traction online when the files were released to the public and certain parties saw that you and your friends had been playing the Sixth Floor Game. For some people it added weight to their beliefs that the game was real and needed to be avoided. For others it was just a coincidence.
Regardless of what they thought, you remained a missing person that would never be seen again, forever immortalized by your unexplained disappearance and an urban legend.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 20
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
The boys are trying their hardest to find you. And you are trying your hardest to find out more, to find out why you are so important. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): Kidnapping, hint of violence. 
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“W-What do you mean gone?” Namjoon was the first to break the silence.
“She was talking to some of our employees. Then she went to the washroom but never returned. They found this placed behind the stack of hand towels.” Jin opened his palm and all the boys saw your wing charm. The one that was supposed to be on your bracelet.
“So, she was taken?” Jimin asked in disbelief. His words made all their stomachs sink, this was their worst nightmare. This was supposed to be the perfect night for all of you.
“It’s obvious she was taken. She left this there for a reason.” Hoseok pointed to the black wing charm.
“There are hundreds of people here. Someone must have seen her. Namjoon, can’t you get access to the cameras? This is your building.” Yoongi asked.
“Let’s go.” Namjoon nodded and led everyone back in.
“I need access to all the security cameras. Now.” Namjoon commanded. The manager nodded, hurriedly bringing the 7 bosses to the security room. Taehyung sat down, typing away.
“Look out for her.” Jin said.
“There!” Jungkook pointed. You were being escorted out by a group of people, walking calmly to not attract any attention. But it was obvious that someone was pointing a weapon at your back to push you forward. For a split second, you turned to the exact camera the boys were watching, meeting eyes with the lens. The boys held their breaths as they watched.
“No...” They watched you get into a car and the car drive away into the night.
“Call a meeting. Now.” Yoongi growled, slamming his palm onto the desk. The boys were quick to move, exiting the small room.
“We’ll get you back.” Taehyung whispered, placing his palm against your face on the screen. Pursing his lips in determination, he ran out of the room to assist his brothers.
“We’re going now. Run the license plate number and put out a notice to our allies.” Namjoon ordered. Their car pulled up and they jumped in.
“Every enemy of ours is a potential suspect.” Jin said.
“We have thousands of people who want to kill us! It might be too late by the time we go through everyone. There has to be a better, more efficient way!” Jimin said impatiently.
“Give doc more credit. She is smart enough to survive a lot longer than we think. Besides, they won’t be so dumb to kill her off quickly. They’ll definitely come into contact with us to give us demands or make us do something for her to safely return.” Yoongi stated, crossing his arms.
“Young masters.” The maid opened the door for them.
“No more visitors. The house is on lockdown until further notice.” Hoseok ordered and the maid nodded, running off to inform the other workers of the house. The boys went to the other wing.
“As expected, the plate is of an old vehicle. It was meant to be scrapped last week.” Jungkook said.
“Get in contact with all your underground informants. Someone must slip somewhere. See if anyone has heard anything.” Namjoon sighed.
“I’ll go meet mine first.” Jungkook grabbed his coat, leaving the house once again. The boys tried to busy themselves but there wasn’t much they could do with no clues. 
“We can hardly see their faces.” Hoseok pointed at the screen, rewatching the footage from different angles. 
“We shouldn’t operate here. Let’s use ‘Magic Shop’.” Jin said. Magic Shop was a shared business between the 7 boys. Like the name, it had everything they needed. Information usually passes through there.
On your side...
When you woke up, you were in an unfamiliar place. You looked around to scan the area, it was a small concrete room with an old bed in the corner, a small barred window to the right and two doors, you guessed one led to a bathroom. Your hands were tied in front of you, ankle chained to the wall, and there was a dull ache at the back of your head. You remembered what happened. 
You were finishing up in the toilet when you heard the door open and footsteps enter the washroom. From the heavy stomp of footsteps and heavier breathing, you knew whoever entered was male and not female.
“Come out. We know you’re in there.” A gruff voice sounded. You remained silent but you knew that this can only go on for so long. As quiet as possible, you tried to get your phone out of your clutch to reach the boys but there was unfortunately, no signal.
“We’ll break the door down.” They threatened.
“Okay, okay. I’m coming out.” You sighed, hand resting on the doorknob. When you stepped out, you looked up to see two men that you’ve never seen before.
“Let me at least wash my hands first.” You raised an eyebrow. They looked at each other before nodding. You washed your hands with soap, not even meeting eyes with them.
“Are you done?” One growled in annoyance.
“Yeah.” You picked up a hand towel to wipe your hands then tossed the used towel into the bin.
“You’re gonna walk calmly, out of the building. If you dare do anything else, it’ll be the end for you.” You felt cold metal press against your lower back. You nodded as one opened the washroom door for you.
“Go.” They pushed you forward. As you left the washroom, you side eyed the gleam of a gem under the light. You only hoped that the boys would see it. No one suspected anything as you walked out of the building with two men behind you, one standing suspiciously closer than the other. A car pulled up to the steps of the building.
“Get in.” They opened the door. Turning around, you caught sight of a security camera, staring at it for a few seconds before the men impatiently pushed you into the car, slamming the door shut.
As the car drove, you tried to remember where you were headed or at least, some landmarks.
“You guys didn’t blindfold her?!” The driver finally noticed you. The male that was sitting next to you pulled out a blindfold, getting closer to you.
“Get away.” You tried kicking him.
“B*tch!” The male squirmed when you successfully manoeuvred yourself to get him in a chokehold despite the small backseat. But you had forgotten about the other person in the passenger seat.
“Sleep tight, princess.” There was an impact to the back of your head. Black spots appeared in your vision and soon, it was dark.
“Look who’s awake.” One of the doors opened, a bright light shining into your darkroom. You winced slightly at the sudden brightness hitting your eyes. A suited male came in, walking towards you. You stared up at him but the shadow made it impossible. 
“Nice to meet you again.” He said, a teasing tone in his voice. 
“Do I know you?” You groaned. 
“How could you forget me? I’m hurt, doc.” 
“Well, if you didn’t know how light directions work, the light makes it a little hard to see your face. All I see is a shadow now.” You hissed with a glare. Then he bent down and you saw his face. 
“Recognise me now?” He smiled. 
“Not... really?” You tilted your head. His smile fell from his face as he frowned. He backhanded you, waking you fall to the side. Your cheek throbbed and you tasted iron in your mouth, knowing that you were now probably bleeding. 
“Look, I’m sorry you’re butt hurt about me not recognising or remembering you. But I meet new people every day. If everyone is like you and expects me to remember them, my job would be a lot harder than it already is. Stop being petty.” You growled. Usually, someone in your position would be more submissive, considering you didn’t have the upper hand. 
“Ever the smart mouth, doc. Let’s see how long you can keep that up.” He threw his head back, laughing. 
“I also wonder how long it will take for you to realise that kidnapping me and holding me captive isn’t going to do anything.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, doc. Ever so naive. What you don’t know is that with you being here, my boss already has control over your 7 mafia bosses. They’re probably scrambling and panicking to find you.” He said. 
“I’m just an employee.” You shrugged. 
“That’s what you think. You think every employee has a diamond bracelet like you?” He asked. 
“I never really cared, it was just a pretty bracelet to me. But I’m sure you’re about to tell me how important that is.” You said in a bored tone. Under playing everything was now your plan. 
“Only the 7 bosses have that bracelet. It’s a sign of their highest rank. And guess who’s the 8th person to ever get one?” He smirked. You didn’t let it show but deep down, you were surprised. You never really noticed the bracelet on the boys. Because like you said, you never really cared or gave it much thought. 
“So trust me, they’ll be here.” He scoffed.
“Hold on, I’m still trying to understand, so you and/or your boss is the enemy of the boys? You’re not from one of the families I cared for?!” You asked. 
“Oh, doc.” He shook his head, laughing. 
“Man, talk about shallow...” You rolled your eyes. The man just waved, heading for the door. He slammed the door shut, leaving you in darkness once again. You sighed, looking down at your dress that was now dirtied. 
“Who is he?” You wrecked your brains to try and remember. 
“The guy at the casino.” You finally remembered the incident that happened when you first had dinner with the boys outside, at Jin’s casino. 
He tried to speak to you as you were coming out of the washroom and it ended with Yoongi escorting you to the car while the others ‘dealt with him’. Though at that point, you didn’t know what that meant. Now, you imagined how the boys must have given him a ‘stern warning’, for him to have such bitter feelings towards you. 
“Talk about holding a grudge.” You sighed. 
“No wonder they didn’t want me to remove the bracelet. Some VIP treatment this is.” You wondered out loud. You needed to find a way out of here, you couldn’t just sit and wait to be rescued. 
“Let’s see.” You brought your bound hands up to your mouth, hoping to be able to use your teeth to try and loosen the knot. 
“Here. Eat.” The door opened, making you put your hands down quickly. It was one of the men that kidnapped you from the ball. He held a tray and a bottle of water in his hands.
“Is it poisoned?” You looked at him skeptically. 
“You never know until you try, right?” He raised an eyebrow, placing the tray in front of you. 
“Just eat!” He hissed impatiently. 
“You take a bite first. You eat it, I eat it.” You shrugged. The man was given strict orders to make sure that you ate. And all you were doing now was making his job a lot more difficult. He glared at you but you just stared back nonchalantly, not backing down either. 
“It won’t be poisoned. We’re waiting for the 7 to come. If you’re dead, there’s no use in all this.” The man scoffed. 
“If it’s not poisoned, then eat it.” You said. The man closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. You knew you were being infuriating but your attitude was the only thing that you could use as a self defence now. 
“I swear.” He scooped up the rice and kimchi, taking a bite. 
“Now that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” You said. The guy clicked his tongue, undoing the rope around your hands to let you eat. He took a seat opposite you on the ground, but keeping his distance. 
“This food is sh*t.” You took a bite. 
“Well, it’s all you’re getting so learn to like it.” He crossed his arms. You sighed, eating your food in silence. 
“Alright, I’m done. I might actually throw up if I continue.” You scrunched your face, pushing the tray. The man took the rope to bind your hands again. Seeing the gun holster on his waistband, you knew it would be foolish to try and fight back to escape now. So at this moment, you just had to be obedient and do whatever they told you to do. 
“Ugh.” You threw your head back, trying to get the stiff kinks out of your shoulders and neck. You stared at the metal brace around your ankle, that was gonna be hard to get out of. 
“Where’s Taehyung?” Namjoon asked when he came back from his meeting. It was safe to say that thanks to their parents, Namjoon and Yoongi had the most ‘ears to the ground’ in the group. 
“He went for a breather.” Jimin informed softly. 
“We need to think this through. Doc hardly meets anyone with us... Or at least, ones who are alive.” Hoseok said. 
“I’m going for a meeting.” Jin looked at his phone. He stood up and left with his bodyguard in tow. 
“Hyung is right.” Jungkook started a fresh document to list down the times you went to visit any of the boys’ place of business. Most of the time, the boys tried to go home for you to treat them since most of your equipment was at home but of course, there have been urgent times. 
“She came to mine. But the person was dead.” Jimin raised his hand and Jungkook noted that down. The door opened and Taehyung came in. He dragged his bloodied bat on the ground, falling onto his seat. 
“Where were you?” Yoongi asked. 
“Just needed some fresh air.” Was all the younger said. Taehyung didn’t deal with emotions well, which is evident considering what happened with his father. 
“Anyway, we’re listing down the times doc came to our place of business to maybe find out a time where our enemy might have seen her.” Namjoon got his up to speed.
“Did you forget she doesn’t even know that she wears our family band around her wrist?” Taehyung asked. 
“Did she not even notice?” 
“No, she didn’t even know what I was talking about when I mentioned it to her at the club the other night. She thought it was just a nice gift. I told her the gist of it but she probably thought that most, if not all, our employees have one too.” Jimin informed. 
“Whatever it is. We’re all just trying to form at least a list of suspects. Every option, we’ll try it.” Yoongi said. 
“She hasn’t been to Stigma or Singularity before. I usually handle those businesses outside and try to go home to get treated by her.” Taehyung crossed his arms.
“Stop looking at that.” He saw Jungkook still had the paused video of you staring at the camera on his computer screen. 
“Let him be.” Namjoon chided. 
“I got video footage from Daydream.” Hoseok informed. His place was one of the only one that the car could have possibly driven past. If they did, they would have a general direction of where you went. 
“Hook it up to the screen.” Jungkook handed Hoseok the cable to hook his computer up to the screen and he played the footage from the night before. He carefully skipped forward the seconds, they couldn’t risk missing something. Everyone was quiet, their focus on the video footage in front of them. Jimin stood up from his seat. 
“There. Fast backwards 10 seconds. Slow the video down.” He pointed. Hoseok moved the video back. In the slowed freeze frames, they saw the exact car drive past Daydream and take a left.
“Hobi, where does that road lead to?” Yoongi asked. 
“Uh, the car slanted left. That leads to the highway... Up north, I think.” Hoseok pulled up the map. 
“Yes. That highway heads north.” Taehyung said. Finally, the boys felt like they had a breakthrough. The kidnappers probably held you captive somewhere up north of Seoul. 
“Who are the clans in the north?” Namjoon asked. 
“Here they are.” Jungkook flipped through the photos on the screen. 
“It is one of them. No one else would let another gang on their territory, knowing that they kidnapped one of ours. Unless they want an unnecessary war on their hands.” Yoongi said. Even if they did have enemies, a lot of gangs would rather be an ally instead. Bangtan was just that scary. 
“I’ll call Jin hyung and let him know.” Jimin took his phone out, stepping aside to call the eldest, letting him know what they had found out so far. 
It only took 20 minutes for Jin to come back, unsuccessful from meeting with all his informants. No one had a clue as to who was vengeful enough to kidnap you from Bangtan. 
“We’ll start visiting some of them. You guys fill Jin hyung in on what’s going on. It’ll be faster if we split up to visit the gangs.” Taehyung said.
“Okay. Don’t be reckless.” Namjoon said. Jimin nodded, a silent promise to keep Taehyung in check. Grabbing what they needed, the duo left ‘Magic Shop’ immediately. 
“Show me the photos.” Jin said. Once again, Jungkook pulled up the photos. 
“Hold on. Go back.” Jin stopped the maknae. Jungkook clicked the slide, going back to show the photos of the leaders and righthand men from one of the gangs. Jin moved closer, squinting slightly. 
“That guy... Don’t you recognise him?” Jin pointed. 
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked. 
“We’ve encountered him before. That first dinner with (y/n) at my casino. He harassed her outside the washrooms. Jungkook came to rescue her in time and Yoongi took her away before he could reveal anything. We didn’t kill him since we didn’t want to make anything too obvious yet.” Jin frowned. The others finally remembered. 
“But she didn’t have a bracelet yet.” Hoseok reminded.
“From the way Jungkook sprung to protect her... They must have been keeping tabs on her.” Namjoon concluded. 
Just then, the phone rang. 
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hawaii5-0gurl · 3 years
Find Her
Characters: Steve X Reader, Danny, Kono, Chin, Lou, Grace, Wo Fat
Word Count: 5409
Warnings: Language, Angst, Character Death? Torture (mildish), Fluff ending
A/N: Request from @coffeewithoutcaffine. I hope you like it.
I loved getting requests if you have one, send it in.
“Can I request Steve X Reader, where she’s on the team and gets kidnapped by Wo Fat and tortured and its pure angst with a happy ending?”
A/N#2: Feedback is always appreciated. Good or Bad. Also I would like to say I’m sorry for part of this. I may have hurt my own heart.
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“Y/n are you ready to go?” Steve asked as he came into your bedroom.
“Go ahead without me. I have a few things I need to get done before I head into the office.” You looked you from tying your boots. “Should only take an hour max.”
“You sure? I can help.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Go before you’re late.”
“Ok.” Before leaving he came into the room, gave you a quick kiss and left for work.
You started locking everything up to leave when you get this uneasy feeling in your stomach. You pull your gun out of its holster an keep it at your side as you continue to lock up. Nobody was in the house, but the feeling was still there. After holstering you weapon, you lock the front door and make your way to your truck. Being sure to hold your self-defense rod in-between your fingers.
You walked down the sidewalk to the driveway, and around you truck to the driver side. You went to open the door when you heard footsteps rushing up behind you. You immediately swing your hand behind you. It collided with a person’s side. You whipped around to see a man holding his side. You started fighting, kicking and punching but he was able to block almost every single one of them. He pulled out what looked like a police baton and started swinging. You were able to grab the baton, but he quickly pushed you back against your truck to hold you in place.
“Not so tough now Y/n.” he got cocky as you tried to push him off.
“You sure about that?” leaving a confused look in his face. You used as much force as you could and kneed him in the groin. He fell to the ground, grabbing himself.
You leaned over him. “Dumb-Ass.”
You went to cuff him but before you could you felt a sting on the side of your neck.
“Ouch!” You grabbed where the pain was and looked to the side only to see Wo Fat with a syringe in his hand. Then everything went dark.
- At 5-O HQ hours later-
“This is Y/n, leave a message and I will get back to you soon.” Steve was calling you again to see where you were.
“Has anyone heard from Y/n yet?” Steve started asking the team when you hadn’t showed up.
“No” Kono and Chin said simultaneously.
“I haven’t either,” Danny said. “Did she say when she would be in?”
“She told me that she had a few things to do before work, but it wouldn’t take more than an hour.”
“Maybe they are just taking longer than she thought.”
“I’m sure that’s it. Y/n gets sidetracked sometimes.” Chin said trying to explain why you’re not here.
“Well yeah, but I have called her a few times already and she’s not picking up.”
“Here let’s try this. She has one of those squares to locate her keys, right?” Kono questioned Steve.
“Yeah, I bought a few after she kept losing her keys. I have one on mine too.”
“Let me see yours.” Steve handed over his keys. Kono placed them on the table and started typing to see if she could track down Y/n’s squares.
“Here we go.” She slid the table screen to the big screen. “There’s your keys here at HQ and there are 2 here, which is…  At your house? Y/n’s at home?”
“Why wouldn’t she answer your calls if she was home this whole time?” Chin asked.
“Alright, Danny and I will swing by there and see what’s going on.”
Steve pulled up, out front of his house. Your truck was still in the driveway. Steve went to the front door, while Danny went over to your truck. Steve was about to unlock the door when Danny called out to him.
“Steve, we have a problem.” Danny called out, causing Steve to look over at him. He was holding up your keys and phone.
Seeing him holding your keys and phone caused him to get a sinking feeling in his stomach.
-Abandoned Warehouse-
You were finally waking up. You were still groggy from whatever Wo Fat injected you with. You tried to move your arms and legs but quickly realized that you were tied to a chair. You looked up to see WoFat’s leaning up against a table.
“Look who finally decided to join me.”
“What do you want?” already annoyed with this.
“What? No hello. Straight to business.” He got up and started moving towards you. “Alright, I want to know where Shelburne is.” Coming to a stop right in front of you.
“Who?” You have no idea who that was.
“I have no clue who you are talking about. Who the hell is Shelburne?”
“The person who killed my father! Don’t act dumb, where are they?!?” He was getting mad, he leaned down grabbing your wrists and part of the chair.
WoFat’s obviously didn’t believe you. Next thing you know, you’re being slapped across the face.
“I know Steve knows. He would have told you about them. So where are they.” He was starring you down. “It only gets worse from here on out Y/n.”
“Fine. We will do this a different way.” He pulled your gun off the table. He pointed it dead center of your forehead. When you didn’t flinch, he moved it off to the side and shot off a round. Again, you didn’t flinch. You just looked more annoyed than before.
“You realize I have to write a report on every bullet fired from my service weapon.”
“I just pointed a gun at your head, and you’re worried about paperwork? You do realize I can just shoot you.”
“I’m not afraid to die. I know what I was getting myself into when I became a cop. Hey if you shoot me, I don’t have to do any paperwork. Just so you know if you do shoot me. 5-0 will be on your ass like white on rice.” At this point you were leaning forward to get as close to his face as you possible could.
“wow, you are a special kind of stupid. Aren’t you?” He raised your gun just enough to shoot you in the leg.
“UGH! Son of a Bitch!”
-McGarrett Residence-
Steve had called the team. They showed up a few minutes later.
“The house is secure, but I found boot prints on the side of the house.” Chin came up to the rest of the group.
“I found a couple of cigarettes over by those trees and bushes.” Kono held up an evidence bag before handing it off to one of the techs for DNA testing.
“Have you checked your security cameras yet?” Danny said as he pointed to the camera above the garage. It looked like it had been shot.
“Kono do you have a laptop?”
“Yea.” She went towards her car, everyone followed close behind.
Steve pulled up his security system up on the laptop. He went back to the time that he left. He looked at the back cameras first. He saw a man looking in the back windows but couldn’t see his face. Then he went to the front cameras. You were coming out of the house and going to your truck. when a man lunged at you, and you fought back. Then a second man came out and stabbed you in the neck. He began yelling at the first man. He got up off the ground and called someone. A car pulled up seconds later. The first man proceeded to pick you up and put you in the trunk of the car. This is when the second man turned to the camera, wave and shoot.
“Wait, is that…” Danny started to talk but Steve cut him off.
“Wo Fat.” Steve looked frustrated and had to walk away. He ran his hands down his face to try and compose himself. Danny was instantly by his side.
“Hey, we are going to find her.”
“Kono is there any way to we can see who the other guy is?” Lou asked to get thing moving along. Kono was instantly on the computer looking for a good image. When she found one, she put it through facial rec.
“Got him. This is Kehlani Koa. He has a wrap-sheet a mile long. Burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, car jackings to name a few.”
“Are you able to get a plate on that car?”
“No, the car wasn’t turned enough for that.”
Steve came back over, “you got an address for this guy?”
“Yea, already sent to your phones.”
“I want this guy alive.” He looked around at the team. He had anger and frustration in his eyes. “Danny let’s go.”
“You Son of a Bitch!” Now you were pissed off. “What’s wrong with you!? Were you not held enough as a child? What could have caused you to be so psychotic!?”
“If you would stop with the sarcastic comments and tell me what I want to know…” you cut him off.
“Well since you apparently are hard of hearing let me say it again.” You cleared your throat. “I don’t know who the fuck Shelburne is, You Dumbass! I can’t give you information that I don’t know jack shit about! Then again I wouldn’t give it to you if I did know.” You whispered that last part so he couldn’t hear you.
He pulled out a knife and he stabbed you in the thigh. Lucky for you he missed the femoral artery. You tried so har not to scream and give him the satisfaction. Then WoFat’s phone went off, he pulled it out of his pocket and left the room.
“Holy Shit that hurts!”
You start to move your arms to see if there was any wiggle room with the ropes. There was little, but it was just enough. You know you must get out of here. You slowly start to move your arms around to get the rope over your hand. Eventually getting them free. Then you quickly untied the other hand, before moving to your leg that didn’t have a knife sticking out of it. you worked as fast as you could while being careful to get the second leg free. You know that if you pull out the knife, you will bleed out eventually and risking it would be dangerous.
You slowly got up, trying not to touch the knife and not to jostle the leg with a the gsw. You couldn’t put a lot of weight on either leg. You ended up sitting back down. You ripped strips off your overshirt and tied them around the bullet hole as tight as you could. You start thinking again. You ripped off a few more strips of your shirt. You put them under your leg with the knife, making sure they make an x in the back.
“This is so stupid.” You said to yourself ad you reach for the knife. You pull it out while trying not to make a sound. Then you tie the strips over the knife opening. You have lost quite a bit of blood, but your adrenaline was still going. Not knowing how much longer it was going to be around you knew you must move. You get up again. Knife in hand and slowly start making your way to a different door than the one Wo Fat went out of.
-Koa Residence-
Unfortunately, when Steve and Danny got to the house Kehlani was already dead. They started searching the house. When Danny got to one of the back rooms, he found photos of Steve and Y/n all over the walls. There were maps with different locations that corresponded with some of the photos.
“Hey Steve! I found something!”
Steve came into the room and paused when he saw all the things on the walls. The others were right behind him as he walked into the room.
“He was following you guys.” Danny said as he was looking over all the information on the wall in front of him.
“No. He was following Y/n. Come look at this.” Chin said from a different wall. “This is all her. Driving, shopping, surfing and her just hanging out on the beach.”
“This is so creepy.” Kono said as she walked to a new area. She found papers on imports and exports, various warehouses and random places around the island.
“So what? Wo Fat hires this guy to watch Y/n, kidnap her then what? He ends up dead here. What’s the endgame here?” He turns to everyone to see if anyone has anything that makes any sense. “Why would he want Y/n?”
Everyone just kept going through all the papers in the room. There was so much of it that it was hard to make sense of any of it. Lou went to the closet. When he opened it, he found a large map on the back wall. It had a bunch of “Xs” in different areas. There were also a few circles with addresses as well.
“I got something.” He pulled the map off the wall. He brought it out and places it on the desk in the middle of the room.
“Does anyone know what these are circling?” Everyone started looking closely at the map to try and figure out what they were.
“This one is HQ.” Chin pointed to one of the circles.
“That’s my house.” Steve pointed to another.
Kono was on her phone typing away at the other addresses.
“This one is Y/n’s old apartment complex. This one is a bank, and that one is Kamakonas’.”
“These are probably all the places that she was at the most. This is how he followed her around the island.” Steve was starting to get even more and more uncomfortable the longer they were in the room.
“What about the group of X’s over here?”
“They look like a bunch of old abandoned warehouses.”
“About how many are there?”
“Maybe 10 to 15.”
“That’s too many to search. Call Catherine and see if she can get a drone or satellite footage in the area. I want to know if anything is going on down there now.” Chin went off to the side and called Catherine.
Steve looked over to the window to see a man standing in the backyard. He was on the phone. Once he saw Steve, he took off running. Steve ran over to the window, pulling it open to jump out to run after him. Danny followed close behind.
The man ran through yards and alleyways. Steve was able to catch him when he tried to climb a 6ft fence. Steve grabbed him and slammed him to the ground. Then pulled out his gun and pointing it at him.
“Where is she?!” Steve wasn’t wasting any time.
The man stayed quiet and just stared at Steve.
Steve pulled this guy up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. “I don’t make me ask again! Where is Y/n!?” He cocked his gun, that’s when Danny stepped in.
“Steve, you shoot him. We won’t find her. We need him to tell us where she is.” He turned his attention to the suspect. “If you don’t tell him where she is, he’s going to make you regret is. He’s a lunatic and will do what ever it takes to get her back. Now, where is she?”
You made it out of the warehouse without being seen. You needed to find out where you were. You start looking around to see if you can recognize anything. All you see is the shoreline, warehouses, shipping containers and the jungle.
Trying to swim is probably the worst idea. Bleeding in the ocean, with sharks is a no go. They would get you before you could get anywhere. Heading towards the warehouses and shipping containers seems like the most logical way to go. Try and find a vehicle, but there are way too many nooks and crannies for people to be hiding. Also, it would be too much noise if you did find a vehicle.
So, at this point your best bet would be the jungle. You could go until you don’t see the buildings anymore. Become Katniss Everdeen and climb a tree to hide out on.
Before you had the chance to really make up you mind, you heard yelling and banging coming from the building behind you. As quickly as you could you start running towards the jungle. You got about 30ft in front of the tree line before you heard a gun going off.
You ducked down and looked back to see Wo Fat coming towards you. You get up and continue running.  He kept shooting at you. After a little bit he had stopped shooting. You stopped running. You decided now you needed to get off the ground, you made sure to look to see if Wo Fat was around. When the coast was clear you found a tree and started climbing. It hurt like a bitch to climb but you had to do it.
You were able to get up into the tree, you made sure that your legs laid along one of the tree branches. Now you had to stay quiet and not move. Which was more difficult that you have anticipated, but you made it work.
After a while, you saw the sun was starting to go down. The adrenaline that you once had was long gone. The pain had come back with a vengeance. Now you were starting to get tired. You had to fight to keep your eyes open. You just needed to wait a little longer. At this point you knew Steve and the rest of the team were looking for you. You just had to hold out until thy got here.
Just as your eyes were closing again. You heard voices and gun shots, coming from behind you, back towards the building.
“This is it.” you said to yourself. You gripped the knife a little tighter. It was your lifeline.
-The Team-
Steve’s phone started going off, Kono’s name popped up on the screen. He quickly answered it.
“Go ahead.”
“Catherine said there are men in the area. There was a gunshot that went off a few minutes ago. Chin is still on the phone with her… What?”
Kono started talking to Chin. She must have pulled her phone away from her ear because Steve couldn’t understand what she was saying.
“Kono what’s going on? Kono!”
“Steve It’s Y/n. Catherine found her. We need to go now.”
“We are coming back now. Kono I need you to take this guy back to the palace. Put him in a cell and meet us there. Send everyone else to the warehouses.”
Steve and Danny got the man back to the house and into Kono’s car, she left quickly. Everyone else was already on their way to the warehouses. Steve and Danny got into Danny’s car and took off. Steve was driving way too fast.
“Steve, I understand that you want to get to Y/n but you can’t do that if you’re dead.”
“We aren’t going to die Danny.”
“Driving like this we might. I want to be able to go home to my daughter. So Slow Down!”
Steve slowed down just enough to please Danny but still fast enough to feel like he would get to you in time.
After arriving at the warehouses, everyone split up, to search all the rooms. Once one building was done they moved on to the next. Steve and Danny showed up when they were down to 5 buildings left. They jumped in and started searching with the rest of the crew.
When they got to the last building there was guards around it and on the 1st floor. One by one they were taken down. Each one of the guys took a room. They were all coming up clear until Chin yelled for Steve.
Steve entered the room Chin was in and saw a table with your empty holster, a knife and your wallet. Then he saw the chair that had rope on the ground next to it in a puddle of blood. He could only assume it was yours. There were shoe prints on the ground leading out one of the doors.
“Chin.” He pointed to the door, before they went to the door. Steve opened the door. He followed the trial of blood until it stopped. Danny and Lou had joined them at this point.
“Which way would she have gone?” Danny asked as they were looking around.
“I don’t know. Its obviously not back towards the buildings. We would have found her during the search.” Lou stated.
“She wouldn’t have tried to swim either. If she’s injured would be the worst thing to do.” Chin added.
“The jungle it is then.” Steve pointed and started walking that way.
The men started heading to the jungle. When they were about 15ft from the tree line, Steve spotted Wo Fat. Wo Fat started shooting and running. The guys quickly ran to the trees to get cover.
Steve ran after Wo Fat. He was able to sneak up on him. they started fighting. Steve was able to get the gun away from him. Steve was also able to pin him to the ground and cuff him. Then he flipped him over. Danny was there, he had his gun pointed at him. Steve stood up and pulled his gun out as well.
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know.” Wo Fat had no emotion on his face or in his voice.
“Where is Y/n!?” Steve was back down on his knees, with one had on Wo Fat’s shirt. Holding him slightly up off the ground.
“I don’t know, but I can’t imagine that she has much longer.” Now he had a sadistic smile on his face.
“Duke!” Steve yelled. Duke came over pretty quick. “Take Wo Fat, put him in one of the squad cars and watch him.” Steve turned back to Wo Fat. “She better be alive when I find her, or your dead.”
“Guys we don’t have much time. We don’t know how bad her injuries are. Everyone spread out. Find her.
You started hearing the voices get louder. Then you started seeing the lights of multiple flashlights.
“Damn it, Damn it.”
Then a man was walking past your hiding tree. You moved slightly trying to see who it was. When you did, the knife fell off your lap. It landed right next to him.
“Shit.” You said quietly to yourself.
The man quickly looked up, his gun and flashlight aimed at you.
“Chin! Thank God, sorry about the knife.” A sense of relief washed over you. you were finally able to relax.
Chin got on his coms, “I found her. She’s up in a tree.”
“And I will need help getting down.”
“And she’s going to need help getting down.” Chin let out a small chuckle.
The fire department had to bring in special equipment in to get you down. They couldn’t get their truck that far in. The paramedics were on the ground, ready to start working on you the second they got you down.
When you were on the stretcher, you had fallen asleep. The paramedics started working on you as fast as they could. They had to hurry and get iv’s set up to get blood and fluids back into you. they were also rushing to get you back to the truck, going quickly trying not to jostle you around too much.
Steve was by your side the entire time. When you guys were in the ambulance, he was holding your hand. He was also trying not to get in the paramedic’s way. On they way to the hospital your heart started slowing down, and eventually you had flatlined. The paramedic started CPR. Steve was still holding you hand but he had started talking to you.
“Y/n, I love you. Sweetheart please don’t leave me. You are so stubborn and strong, and you always fight back. Please fight. Please… Please…”
He was trying to keep his voice steady, but he was crying too much. His voice was shaky, and his breathing was off. He just kept saying “Please” to you. just before getting out of the ambulance he kissed your hand. When it was time to get out, the paramedic had to climb on the stretcher with you to keep doing compressions. Then you were wheeled into the hospital, Steve stayed with you as long as he could before a nurse stopped him and he had to let go of your hand.
The rest of the team came into the hospital shortly after. Steve immediately came over to them. Danny was the first one in. He brought Steve into a hug, and just held onto him.
“It going to be ok. She’s going to be okay.” Danny tried to calm him down.
“She flatlined Danny. She’s not okay.” He started crying harder.
Everyone was on the verge of tears at this point. Danny let Steve go and got him to sit down. All they could do now is wait.
-Hours Later-
The tears had stopped. Everyone was getting anxious. Steve and Danny had been taking turns going up to the nurses’ desk to ask what was happening or what was taking so long. They had gone up about 10 times in the last hour alone. They got the same answers every time. They didn’t know or you need to wait for the doctor.
Just as Danny was about to go try again, a doctor came out.
“Y/n Y/l/n’s Family?” Steve shot up and out of his seat and was in front of the doctor in a matter of seconds.
“Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay.” Steve looked like he was on the verge of tears again. Everyone was standing around him waiting to hear what the doctor had to say.
“Yes. She’s going to be okay. We were able to get her heart going again. She’s out of surgery. The surgery went as well as can be, but…” Steve’s heart just about dropped when the doctor said “but”.
“But she may not have 100% function in her legs. Her injuries were extensive, and with her moving walking or running for as long as she did, caused more damage. I have explained all of this to her already. Now she’s resting.”
“Can we see her?” Danny spoke up, Steve was in a state of shock and he wasn’t saying anything.
“Of course, but only for a little while. She needs to rest.”
The doctor walked over to one of the nurses and asked her to take them back to see you. She knocked as she opened the door. “Y/n? You have a few visitors if you’re up for it.”
“okay.” Your voice was a little horse from the surgery.
Steve was the first one through the door and he was by your side. He leaned over and kissed you on the forehead. Then just left his forehead resting on yours. You reached your hand up and put it on the back of his neck, just holding him there. After a few moments just being like this, someone cleared their throat causing you to let go of Steve.
“How are you feeling?” Danny was the first to speak.
“Like I just got hit by a tank. ya’know the usual.” You gave all of them a small smile.
You guys talked for a few hours. You were simply happy to be back with them. You were a little worried about Steve though. He wasn’t talking very much he was just staring at you. You are about to start yawning but you try to hold it in. Kono noticed what you were doing so she decided it was time for them to go.
“Guys I think we should let her rest. She looks like she’s about to pass out.” Kono gave you a small smile before pushing all the boys except Steve out the door.
After they were gone, Steve pulled his chair closer to your bed. He grabbed ahold of your hand. You could tell that he was trying to hold back his emotions.
“You died.” He was quiet. He wasn’t looking at you, he was staring at your hand. “You left me y/n. you can’t do that to me again. I won’t be able to handle that.” You saw tears starting to come down his cheek. You let go of his hand and he lifted his head up to look at you. when you saw his face, it just broke your heart. You quickly moved over and pulled him onto the bed to lay down next to you. after he laid down, he put his head on your chest. You pulled him as close as you possibly could. You didn’t even care about the small amount of pain going through your legs. He needed you. he may be a big, strong guy but even tough guys have bad days. This was his worst nightmare.
“Never again. I won’t leave you.” You kissed his forehead and started running your fingers through his hair. “I promise.”
You both fell asleep like this.
-A month later-
You had been working really hard to learn to walk again. You did physical therapy four times a week. That’s all the doctors would allow. You were able to walk for the most part but sometimes you needed assistance. The doctors were comfortable with sending you home early because of all of your progress.
You were already to go you were just waiting for Steve. He walked in with one of the nurses, pushing a wheelchair. You didn’t want to sit down but it was hospital policy.
After a quick ride home, you got out of Steve’s truck faster than you normally would have. You had gotten to the door before Steve was even able to get around his truck.
“Wait for me Y/n.” he jogged up to you. “Ya’know just because you can walk again doesn’t mean you have to practically run ahead of me.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just glad to be home, sleep in my own bed, have normal food and not having someone checking on me every two seconds.” You turned to him.
“well at least let me open the door for you.” He smiled at you, then moved in front to open the door.
You walked in and it was unusually dark. You walked to the light switches and flipped them on.
“SURPRISE!!” All of your friends were there.
“oh my gosh!”
“Welcome home!”
There were balloons, streamers and a giant “welcome home” sign. Everyone was blowing party whistles. Then Grace and Danny popped giant confetti cannons. They were all laughing and cheering. You realized Steve hadn’t walked in with you. You turned around and through all the confetti you see Steve down on one knee. Your eyes went wide, and your hands went up to your face.
“oh shit.”
“language y/n.” Danny said holding grace’s ears.
“Sorry.” You turned around briefly to apologize before looking back at Steve.
“Y/n, you have made me the luckiest man alive. As soon as you walked into my life, I understood why it didn’t work with anyone else. I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you. I’m crazy in love with you. I want to be your protector and your provider, and I love you beyond all measure. I can guarantee if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life because I know in my heart, you’re the only one for me. Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n will you marry me?”
Steve stood up, you grabbed his face and kissed him. when you pulled away Steve slipped a ring on your finger. Everyone had started cheering again. They started coming over to you and Steve, to congratulate you. everyone was so happy.
After everyone left, you went up to Steve and wrapped your arms around him.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Mr. McGarrett.”
“I can’t wait either.” He kissed you again. “I love you Y/n.”
“I love you too Steve.”
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 5: Then Let The Games Begin
Soooo, the Batfam is panicking, Gotham's confused as to why Iron Man is flying over Gotham like a madman, and Maria is with two of Gotham's Sirens (but only Ivy and Harley know this) having a wonderful time playing with Bud and Lou.
Let's start with the Sirens.
Harley is watching over Maria and Tikki as they sleep with Bud and Lou, Ivy walkes over to sit next to Harley, handing her a cup of tea.
"So, what's the diagnosis?" - Ivy
"She has some sort of trauma, has class issues... and handles more than she should, but still does everythin', on top of bein' a hero. She's been through some sh-t Pam." Yeah Harley may have found out Maria's a hero (if the tiny god and magic were anything to go by).
"Is she alone?" - Ivy
"No, thankfully, she has supportive parents, and friends that aren't little sh-ts. I think they're also heroes, she also has a lot, and I a mean A LOT of pent up emotions, she doesn't show anythin' negative, only positive things. She seems to shrink in on herself if she thinks she does somethin' wrong. Pam, we both know there's a limit to how much crap a person can take before they snap, and she's such a sweet kid. There has to be somethin' we can do to help her Ives." Ok she found out alot, but in Marias' defense, they have trustworthy souls, and they were the only other people (besides her friends) that she talked to about it, yes she had her Maman and Uncle to talk about hero stuff, but for the stuff her class does, she only ever vented (without being negative) to her friends.
"Her class is visiting the Botanical Gardens in three days, and it's a 2 part tour, so we can see just what's going on. If it's bad then we scare them a bit, if it's bad bad... they can handle a few slightly poisonous plants right?" - Ivy
"God I love the way ya think Ives, do ya think she can stay with us? I mean look at how cute she is with Bud and Lou... Oh my god, she's cuddlin' dem, and ya gave her a flower crown, how'd I miss that?! Where's the camera?"
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Harley took a picture to remind her of this wonderful moment. As Ivy and Harley looked at the picture, they both promised to keep Maria safe, and maybe become sorta kinda-ish parents to her while she's in Gotham.
•—–·Now back to the Bat-Chaos Bat-Cave·–—•
Tim took over the chair and was now searching the possible locations with Jarvis, Damian was sitting on a different chair, trying to act cool, but he wouldn't stop looking over at Tim, to see his progress. Bruce was talking over the comms with Tony. Dick and Jason, weren't helping (they kept feeding each other worse and worse ideas of what could have happened to Maria). Then they heard Jarvis speak.
"I have found the most likely area Ms. Dupain-Cheng would be in. Her phone died about 56 blocks away from her hotel, if we don't count kidnapping, or murder, she would have thought about asking for directions, but may have decided not to considering the city she is in. So that leaves us with a possible 15-25 mile radius from her last known location. I think it best to divide into groups of two, have Oracle stay and update you if anything on security, and or traffic cameras happens. Bruce will be with Tony, Dick will go with Tim, and Jason will go with Damain to search within the area. Stephanie and Cassandra will search around a 5 mile radius near Wayne hotel." as Jarvis continued to explain the other details, the Batfam began to suit up, Batman met up with Iron Man, and they took the North area, Nightwing and Red Robin took the East area, while Red Hood and Robin searched the South. Steph and Cass were on foot in civilian clothes, searching the West area they were assigned.
They searched for the whole day, and came up with nothing. Until Oracle saw a video from a traffic cam around 9pm, 15 blocks away from where her phone died. She called it in and everyone went back to the cave. Once everyone was at the Bat-Computer, Oracle pressed play, the cameras didn't have sound, and it wasn't close enough to see if she was ok.
They watched as she went to an overgrown parking lot and sat down. She was looking down at the ground, and that's when they spotted two figures round the corner and spot her. They watched as the two figures approach Maria, and saw the startled reaction she had. They realized it was Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy that were talking to her, then they saw Maria collapse. They watched as Harley made sure she was ok, looking over to Ivy before looking back to Maria and picking her up. The last thing they saw, was Maria being carried away by two of Gothams' most dangerous rouges, but now they knew where to look next.
•—–· Back to Ivy and Harley ·–—•
Harley continued to take adorable pictures of the children.
"God, they're so f-ckin' cute!" - Harley for the 20th time
As Ivy continued to watch while caring for her plants, Catwoman walked in.
"Hey girls, got the stuff for movie night, so what are we- Holy mother of cats! He adopted another f-cking child didn't he! Where the hell does he keep finding them?! 7 was ment to be the god DAMN LIMIT!!!" - Catwoman
Maria jumped at the sudden shouting and may have accidentally summoned a yo-yo (one made useing creation magic and protection magic) before saying.
"Tikki where's the akuma?! How long was I out?! Forget it Tikki spot-" she then realized she wasn't in Paris, and seeing a new face, she also realized she just spilled her secret to another person within the same day... kinda
"Fffffffffffudge sunday that fell on the pavement!" - Maria shouted in baker profanities
"That's not how ya curse sweetheart. It should go more like-" Harley was cut off by a vine Ivy had summoned.
"Harley, cursing makes the plants sad, you know this." - Ivy said removing the vine
Harley just walked over to Maria and whipsered it in her ear.
"You're supposed to say it more like this, ' ..... .... ... .. ....... .. ... .....' ok?" - Harley ended with a big smile
"... I will never see this world in the same frickin' light ever again." - Maria
"ehh close enough." - Harley
"Can someone please tell me, WTH is going on here, on our special girls day off?!" - Catwoman
"She is a new member of the Sirens as of today, and as a member, she's unda our protection, so effective immediately." - Harley
"Cool." - Maria
"Harley." - Ivy
"Wut... first things first, if she is going to join, she needs to be very flexible, know how to fight, and be incredibly intelligent." - Catwoman
"She beat Ed's @ss with a gun pointed at her, and solved every riddle with ease, so I'm positive she'll be an amazin' addition to the team." - Harley
'God she sounds like a new mother now' "But we don't know how good her flexibility is." - Catwoman
"I know, hey Maria, ya wanna do some tricks with me, of course we need to stretch first, but do ya wanna give it a go?" - Harley
"Sure." - Maria
Ivy and Catwoman sat down on a couch a few feet away from where Maria and Harley stood in the empty part of the building. They started out with stretches, and to Catwoman's surprise (and Harley's delight) Maria copied Harleys streches perfectly.
"Ok, now that that's done, we'll start with some cartwheels, then move on to flips, then handsprings and so on." - Harley
Maria gave Harley a nod... and they were off... literally, Harley did a cartwheel into a handspring, and a few backflips, Maria executed it flawlessly. Harley did some more complicated gymnastics tricks, and Maria did it, Harley did triple backflips going into a cartwheel, into a summersault, and Maria did that perfectly as well. This went on until both Harley and Maria were slightly out of breath, both having massive smiles on their faces.
"Ives, please let her join, she's like a mini me." - Harley then hugged Maria and they somehow both tripled in cuteness as they both did puppy (or Puss In Boots style) eyes at Catwoman and Ivy.
"Sure Harley." - Ivy said walking over to give Harley a small kiss on the cheek.
"Okay... but she doesn't have a costume yet, and she still has to think of a name for herself." - Catwoman
"Is a mouse good, like a mouse themed costume, that or a Turtle themed one. What do you think Harley?" - Maria
"Mmmm, I like that with the mouse you can always toy with Cat, ya know, cat an' mouse stuff, turtle seems... weird even fawh Gotham, so personally I would pick mouse, just because of the cheesy jokes you could do." - Harley
"Very funny, ok then, give me a moment."  Maria then reached out her hand, her eyes then started to glow an icy blue, and a small portal opened in front of her, she reached in and pulled out a small pendant necklace. After she put it on a small mouce appeared and greated itself, Marias' eyes going back to normal after closing the portal.
"Hello I'm Mullo, nice to meet you all."
"Omg omg omg, It's soooo f-ckin' CUTE!" - Harley
"Best to assume all of them are extremely cute Harls." - Ivy
"What the Hell did I miss in the week I was gone?!" - Catwoman
"Ehh, not much, oh but Iron Man did fly aroun' Gotham a few times earlier this mornin' like a madman." - Harley
"Oh sh-t." - Maria
"Maria are ya ok? That was ya first official proper curse in my presence." Harley said looking over to the girl.
"He's gonna kill me." - Maria
"Wait, what do you mean Marigold?" - Ivy
"... He's my Uncle, and I never got to text him I was ok, since my phone died before I met you." - Maria
"Hey, I'm sure he'll understand, now what are we watchin'?" - Harley
"I think we have more important matters other than movies at the moment!" - Catwoman
"Ok, Me Myself and Irene it is." - Harley
"No! You basically kidnapped Iron Mans' NIECE!!!" - Catwoman
"Technically, she fainted and us bein' the good Gothamites we are, decided to take her with us, to make sure she was a-okay." - Harley
"I'm ganna need more than just a six pack of soda to get me through this... Just put the movie on already." - Catwoman
Catwoman sat at the far left end of the couch, next to her sat Ivy, then Maria, and then Harley, Bud and Lou by their feet. All of them sharing one big blanket (Becuase if Iron Man did show up, or any of the birds, then Maria was in a protective burrito and they may not see her right away) and they started the movie.
"Oh god, the poor cow." - Maria
"Hahahaha, he stuck a whole f-ckin' chicken head in that guys @ss" - Harley
"The poor chicken." - Maria
"Maria you don't want to see this part." - Ivy then lightly covered her eyes for the ehem, chicken extraction.
"Anyone up for another movie?" - Harley
"That depends." - Ivy
"Any suggestions Cat?" - Harley looked across to the other end of the couch to see Catwoman already sleeping.
"She took her cat-nap already? Seriously?" - Harley
"... What about Pirates of The Caribbean?" - Maria
"I'm good with that." - Ivy
And they started the next movie, Maria was happy, it felt like when her maman and papa would sleep with her when she made a pillow fort. It was a loving atmosphere, it felt safe, and nothing could ruin it. Marias' eyes became heavy, and she leaned her head on Harleys' shoulder, falling asleep after a few minutes.
Ivy paused the move looking over to see both Harley and Maria sleeping, soon Ivy also fell asleep in the comfortable silence.
Around an hour later Maria woke up in a panic, she had a nightmare, and kept looking around frantically for someone with tears running down her face.
"What's the matter hun?" - Harley said looking around to see if someone had gotten in. When she looked back at Maria she saw that she was crying.
"What happened?" Harley asked in a kind voice that was filled with motherly love.
"I, just *hic* had a bad dream that's *hic* all, I'm fine." - Maira said trying to wipe the tears away.
"You're ok, I promise nothin's goin' to happen to ya as long as Ivy and I are here, ok hun?" - Harley hugged Maria, and she could feel the girl let out a few more sobs, and quick breathes.
"Thanks Maman." Maria didn't even realize what she had said, it just felt natural for her to say it.
"You're welcome hun." 'Omg I'm gonna cry, she called me maman!' Harley rubbed small circles over Marias' back, and began humming until she fell asleep, she continued to hug Maria until she also fell asleep.
•—–· Back to the Chaos Bat-Cave ·–—•
"What do you mean she's with two of Gotham City's Sirens?!" - Tony
"Tony, calm down, I'll call Selina, she can talk to them and get this all sorted out." - Bruce
"Your fiancee is a Gotham Siren too?! Why didn't you tell me?!" - Tony
"Why isn't she picking up? And unlike some people, this family doesn't like outing our secret identities... on live TV." - Bruce
"Oh well excuse me for not keeping my secret identity a SECRET!" - Tony
"I'll try calling her one more time." - Bruce
"Bruce, it's 3am. Who in their right mind ever stays up this late.... aside from this family." - Tim with a giant coffee mug in hand.
"... I'll just call her one more time." Bruce then connected it to the Bat-Computer so everyone could hear.
•—–· Back to the Sirens ·–—•
Catwoman's phone is ringing like crazy, waking everyone up, including a tired, annoyed, and confused Selina.
"Wth does he want at 3 in the morning?!" - Selina
"Just answer it so we can keep sleepin'." - Harley still hugging Maria
"I'm putting it on speaker, so you lot can testify against his @ss in court, for disturbing the peace."
•—–· Over to Batsy ·–—•
"Selina I need to ask-"
"Oooooh, she sounds pissed Bruce." - Jason
"I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but we need to find a girl that looks just like every single one of my other kids." - Bruce
"Bruce... I thought we agreed that 7 kids was. the. f-cking. limit." - Selina
•—–· Back to the Sirens ·–—•
Selina looked over to Maria before muting the speaker.
"Do you want them to know you're here Kitten?" - Selina
"... I'm tired, I haven't had coffee, I have no filter, so f-ck it, act like you never saw me today, and let them drown in chaos. " - Maria
"I think I like filter less Maria." - Harley
"Okay." Selina shrugged her shoulders and then un-muted her phone, putting it back on speaker mode.
"Where was she last seen?" - Selina
"She was last seen with Harley and Poison Ivy, I want you to see if she's still with them." - Bruce
Selina looked over to Maria and Harley, both of them shook their heads with mischievous grins.
"I've been with them all day, and I haven't once seen a girl that looks like your kids. Now can I go back to sleep, and forget this ever happened?" - Selina
"Oh, hey Tony, didn't know you were there, don't know who, or where your niece is, but good luck trying to find her. Oh and Bruce, I'm shutting my phone off so you don't keep calling till the butt crack of dawn. And congrats it's now 4am. you owe me a lunch date, uh-ba-bye." Selina then hung up her phone and turned it off.
"That went pretty well if you ask me, now I'm going back to sleep." - Selina
•—–· Back to Batsy ·–—•
The room was silent for a few minutes before Jason spoke up.
"Does that mean that Pixiepop ran away and is even more lost now?!" - Jason
"Oh god, what do we do, what if she got hurt?!" - Dick
"What if she got kidnapped?!" - Jason
"What if she's with a big time Gotham Villain?!" - Dick
"... What if she got more coffee?" - Tim
"Oh Hell No" - Jason/Dick
"... Lets all go to sleep, and when we wake up, we'll head over to their base and double check. She could've just said that because I called her at 3am." - Bruce
"But my niece is still out there!" - Tony
"You're going to sleep Tony." - Pepper then dragged Tony to his room.
•—–· Back to Maria ·–—•
Selina went to a different part of the building, where Maria assumed the bedrooms were. Ivy had gone to the greenhouse to be with the plants, and now it was just her and Harley left on the couch, and she couldn't sleep.
"... Harley?" - Maria
"Yeah hun?" - Harley
"I can't sleep." - Maria
"Well, watcha wanna do till ya get tired?" Harley asked sitting up a little straighter to get a better look at Maria.
Maria gave a sly smile, and looked Harley in the eyes "Want to go free-running on the rooftops?"
"... Alright, but lets get some coffee, and a snack in us first." - Harley gave her a side hug, before getting up to go make the coffee, and grab some snacks.
After they had their coffee, they climbed to the roof of the base. Harley was in her outfit, bat in hand and ready to do some bonding.
"So, how does ya outfit work?" - Harley
"Like so, ready Mullo?" - Maria
"Yes Maria" - Mullo
"Ok, Mullo, Get Squeaky!" A bright light flashes, and when Harley could see again, Maria was in a dark gray suit, wearing black knee high boots, with a strip of pink at the knee, and black elbow length gloves with the same pink strip at her elbow. Her mask was a slightly lighter gray on the top part, and pink on the bottom. Her hair was pulled into two buns with pink ribbons that faded to gray, and to black at the very tip. Her jump rope around her waist forming a tail going just below the back of her knees.
"Just when I think ya can't get any more adorable. So what should I call ya?" - Harley
"You can call me Multimouse." - Maria
Soon they were racing and doing tricks off different roofs, they were really enjoying themselves. From one of the roofs they heard a commotion in one of the alleys, when they looked down they saw a man holding a woman at gunpoint.
"Not good, seems like he's got issues, probably lost his lover, most likely has additions to drugs and alcohol, and seems to be a little tipsy." - Harley
"I've got a plan." - Multimouse
Multimouse droped a little way behind the guy, grabbing his attention while Harley got the lady to safety.
"You know there's a help center two blocks from here that would be more than willing to help you." - Multimouse
The crook just raised his gun to her trying to keep it steady as he spoke.
"Give me all your money little girl, or else I'll hurt you."
"1. That's not how you hold a gun. 2. That is no way to treat any girl. and 3. Instead of money, I'll give you my jump rope." - Multimouse
"Why the hell would I want your jump rope, that thing looks worthless." the crook lowered his guard enough as Multimouse pretended to hand over her jump rope, only to use it in a quick motion to dismarm the man, as Harley promptly knocked him out with one swing.
"Lets neva have ya at gunpoint again, okay hun? I'm afraid my heart can't take it." - Harley said while tying the crook to a lamppost.
"Sorry, but it was the best idea I could come up with at the moment, besides, any guy with a gun would feel like they have the upper hand if they're facing a random little girl with a jump rope, rather than Gothams' Harley Quinn with a bat." - Multimouse
"Sadly I'm just too popular with the kiddos on the street." - Harley
They continued to stop a few more muggers on the way back to the base, and when they got back they peaked around the corner to see the whole Batfam plus Iron Man talking with Ivy and Selina.
"How much you want to bet we can get back out before they see us?" - Whispering Multimouse
"... Lets try hidin' in the kitchen." - Whispering Harley
As they tried to sneak by (still in their costumes) Selina just walks over and draggs them to the group.
"Here, now let me sleep!" - Selina
"Dang it Selina we wanted tah see just how long we could hide out in the kitchen!" - Harley
Selina did a double take now realizing they both went out.
"... You didn't." - Selina
"We wanted tah go free-runnin'! So what?" - Harley
"She could've gotten hurt Harls." - Ivy
"My suits magic, I am invulnerable to bullets, normal magic, swords, knifes, anything staby staby, and I can withstand any temperature in it." Multimouse said with a slight pout.
"Hold up, is she a magical girl?" - Red Hood in the background
When Selina let go both Harley and Multimouse went behind Ivy for protection.
"We can still make a run for it." - Harley whispered to Multimouse
"... Ok, I'll meet you on the roof." - Whispering Multimouse
Harley gave a nod as she slowly inched her wasy closer to the door that lead to the roof, as she saw Iron Man approach Multimouse.
"Please get out of your suit, we need to talk about why you're here-" - Iron Man
"Multitute!" - Multimouse
Harley then saw Multimouse shrink into dozens of tiny little versions of herself as her clones spread out in all directions, one of which was heading right for her.
"Wth, you never told us she could use magic!" - Red Robin
Harley picked her up, and slipped through the door without anyone noticing.
"That was great, but how do ya get back tuh normal size?" - Harley
"Simple, I just merge back with my clones." As she said this, all her clones came back, and she merged with herself, becoming normal sized again.
"Where to?" - Multimouse
………… So now The Batfam is trying to find many long gone Mini-Multimouses, and Harley seems to have disappeared with her. Harley and Multimouse are now running over the roofs, heading for Wayne Manor.
"So why are we going to Wayne Manor?" - Multimouse
"Because, Batsy will neva think of lookin' for us at his own home, at least not fawh a little while." - Harley
When they arrived at the Manor, Multimouse de-transformed as Harley knocked on the door.
"Ms. Quinn, Ms. Maria, pleasure to see you here, please come in." - Alfred
"Are any of the bat-birds here?" - Harley
"Ms. Barbara, Ms. Stephanie, and Ms. Cassandra are the only ones here at the moment." - Alfred
"Do ya think you can keep us bein' here a secret from Batsy?" - Harley
"Harley? What are you doing here with Maria?" - Barbara
"It seems that Ms. Harley and Ms. Maria are now playing hide and seek with the rest of the family." - Alfred
"Did someone say hide and seek?" - Steph
"Yes, so could we maybe try and keep this a secret from everyone else, please?" - Maria
"Sure, it was starting to get boring around here. We can all hide in the living room no one ever use. Barbara you show them the way, I'll get the food/drinks and boardgames." - Steph
"Is this alright with you Alfred?" Maria
"It's all right Ms. Maria, you can hide out in the old living room." - Alfred
"Thanks Alfie, ya the best." - Harley
"Thank you Alfred." - Maria
"Ok then, follow me." - Barbara
In the old living room, Harley, Maria, Barbara, Steph, and Cass began to formulate a plan.
"Ok, so the best way for them to never find you is to have your phone off, stay away from any and all cameras, and show your face to no one." - Steph
"So, do you have anything in mind that you might want to do?" - Barbara
"Can we put them on a wild goose chase?" - Maria
Cass nodded to Marias' suggestion approvingly.
"I can hack a few traffic cams to help with that." - Barbara
"We can also throw in some useless hints, to throw dem even further off our scent." - Harley
"Good idea Harley." - Barbara
"Thanks, but how long do ya think we should make it last?" - Harley
"As long as Maria wants it to." - Barbara
"Then let the games begin." - Maria.
Chapter 5 complete. Hope everyone is stayin' safe, Rockin' those Positive Vibes, and havin' an absolutely wonderful day. BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar, 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
278 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Murder, He Wrote
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Part 1
Co-written with @southerngracela​
Summary: You’re sent by your asshole boss to do a review of a Celebrity Host Haunted Mansion, hosted by none-other than the arrogant, wild-eye browed actor Lucas Lee, but you’re worried you’ve missed the boat…that is, until at the last minute, an email arrives to say they can let you in on the last admission that night, which just happens to be Halloween… When you arrive, you’re actually kind of excited and intrigued…but it isn’t long until that excitement and intrigue give way to fear when you find yourself in a helpless situation.
Warnings: A creepy house, bad language words. MATURE (NSFW 18+) NON-CON situation, kidnap, violence. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THOSE TRIGGER… READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
Pairing: DARK! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  So this is a collaboration between myself and the wonderful @southerngracela​ for @jtargaryen18 ‘s  Haunted House 2020 challenge…and will be a mini-series, with an as of yet undefined number of chapters.
Once again READ THE WARNINGS!!!! This is a DARK Series… don’t @ us if you can’t follow simple instructions and end up with butt-hurt. And if you’re under 18…get off my blog.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and by writing it does NOT mean I agree with or condone the acts contained within. This fiction is classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Murder, He Wrote Masterlist // Main Masterlist.
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"Y/L/N," your dick editor poked his head into your office rather gruffly. "I'm gonna need that celebrity haunted mansion review on my desk by tomorrow morning. I want to run it ASAP.”
"I can't even get in, not even with a press pass, I've been trying for two weeks, Mick!” you looked at him, your mouth slightly open. You’d told him this countless times at morning briefings. You hadn't even heard back from the organizers about sneaking around the press pass issue and offering an exclusive on the joint, a small fact you kept Mick in the dark about.
"Make it happen." He said simply, before he turned and left.
You glared at his retreating form. What the fuck did he not understand about the situation? Mind you, what did he understand about anything? There was a reason everyone working for him called him Mick The Prick.
There was also a reason he was being extra prickish to you. Earlier in the spring time of the year you’d run an article on Ransom Drysdale- the stuck up, trust fund asshole who had literally gotten away with murder. He’d confessed to murdering his grandfather’s house keeper, attempting to murder his grandfather and then, in a violent showdown with 2 police officers and a private detective present, he’d attempted to murder his grandfather’s nurse, Marta. And he would have succeeded, except the knife he’d used had been a stage prop. It was like some fucked up Murder, She Wrote plot, and when you’d interviewed the real life Jessica Fletcher (in this case the rather charming PI named Benoit Blanc who’d been a character to say the least) it got even more confusing. Ransom had hired Blanc in some elaborate scheme to frame Marta for Harlan’s death to do her out of the inheritance via the Slayer Rule. That had back fired spectacularly when she had unwittingly switched back the vials of medication Drysdale had tampered with, meaning Harlan had truly committed suicide. 
The article was supposed to be done showing his side of the story, a way for him to set the record straight, but the more you’d dug and spoken to people surrounding the case, the more you were absolutely convinced of his guilt, not least because he’d been acquitted on the murder and attempted murder charges on technical grounds due to his confession being, allegedly, obtained under duress and without a brief being present. The only thing they’d managed to pin on him was the arson which had burnt the Chief Medical Examiner’s office to the ground, and when his brief had successfully argued mitigating circumstances- he wasn’t of sound mind given the shock surrounding him being cut from his grandfather’s will- he’d basically ended up being released on license.
It was a joke, and that was basically what your article had said. You’d written a scathing attack on how money could basically render you untouchable by the law, highlighting the failures of the Criminal Justice System. At the time, Mick the Prick had been delighted with it, publishing it under your suggested head line “Murder, He Wrote”- ha, go figure, and copies had flown off the shelves, the article online going viral.
And then money had talked once more, and the Drysdale’s had threatened to sue for defamation. That in itself was a joke, as you knew full well his mother, Linda, was only doing it to salvage her own reputation, the same reason she’d worked so hard to find a lawyer to get him off the charges despite the fact she knew full well he was guilty as sin. Mick The Prick had attempted to throw you under the bus spectacularly when the board had come looking for blood, but as editor the buck stopped with him, and he was given a formal warning whilst you were forced to publish a retraction and offer a written apology much to your utter chagrin.
Which was why he was now making your life as hard as possible, and your Investigative Journalism skills, that you’d honed over the last decade; from high school paper, college tribune and now your current employer, over the last 10 years or so since graduation were now being focussed on covering stories about housewives who found Jesus’ face in a slice of toast, or in this case a fucking Celebrity Host Halloween Haunted House review. Whereas you had dominated the first 2 pages once upon a time, you were now lucky if you made it further up than page 11.
With a groan you banged your head on your desk. Why had you not listened to your dad and become a damned teacher instead of a journalist. Dealing with snotty nosed brats would be easier than this.
By the end of your day, you were burning what felt like the midnight oil however it wasn't very late at all. Dark had settled in but it wasn't late by time. Just before you were to log off and leave for the night, a TV dinner and pint of mint chip waiting for you in your freezer (and probably a job search too seeing as you would no doubt be fired tomorrow morning for failing on your deadline) your email pinged on your desktop. You frowned at it, wondering who could possibly be emailing you this late but then you recognized the sender.
It was the reply you'd been waiting on from the organizers from the Celebrity Host Haunted House. Clicking the email open, your eyes scanned the message. The organizer was setting you up with a private tour, TONIGHT. "9 pm," you finished reading aloud, relief flooding your entire body. It meant a long assed, sleepless night whilst you wrote your article, but it was better than the looming threat of unemployment. Plus, on the upside, as it was a charity gig the organizer had pulled out the big guns and the blurb on the email told you that it was to feature none other than Lucas Lee, a once-upon-a-time famous A-List Movie star, who was possibly just as arrogant as Hugh Ransom Drysdale, but you had to give it to him, in the films you’d seen he was actually damned good, and also pretty hot so…every cloud.
Glancing at your clock, you had just enough time to clock out and grab a quick bite at a drive thru on your way. The location was nearly an hour outside the city so you needed to get gone and fast. A quick reply telling the organizer you were on your way was sent out and you grabbed your coat, pulling it on over your sweater dress and were gone. 
It took a good hour like you'd estimated and that was with stopping for a quick meal, to reach the address your GPS brought you to. It was creepy even at its first glance so you could only hope this payed off. With a quick swig of your watered down and flat fountain drink, you grabbed your bag and phone, exiting your vehicle and locking it shut. The cool night air bit at your exposed cheeks and you were glad you'd worn your coat and tights.
As you stood, gazing at the dilapidated house you shivered, as though, ice had replaced you spine. The walkway leading up to house was cracked, blood red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the gate and the moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the house. Vines formed a twisted maze upon the side of the of the house's walls which showed the black decay of neglect, in between which splotches of original paint hinted at the house’s former prosperity. Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey and you gave another shudder, as far as first impressions went, yeah, it was fitting for a Halloween Haunted House tour.  
Pulling out your phone, noticing you had no reception (of course you wouldn’t, wasn’t that the cliché?) you took a few photos to use in the article and then gave a little squeak as the door creaked open on its own. Arching your eyebrow slightly, in a manner very much like the man you were here to meet, you strode forward and into the house. Immediately a musty, dank odour crept into your nose. The house was deadly silent except for the intermittent creaks and moans typically associated with a property that age. Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling of the tall hallway you stood in and the windows that framed the door on either side were covered with grime and dirt meaning the calm moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness in thin thread rays, the main source of light being the open doorway. Sharp shadows roamed around the room and as your eyes adjusted to the dim light you noticed that there was a bright white envelope almost perched on the wooden table to the side of the hall. It was the newest thing in the room, so was obviously there for you.
You crossed over, the heels of your suede boots clicking loudly out in the silence of the hallway, and gently reached out for the envelope. A single word- Start- was written on the front in cursive, looping scrawl, very fitting for a spooky note. Another detail you committed to memory for your write up. You slid your finger into the crook of the envelope and slid it open. Inside was a small, white card, containing a message written in the same writing.
To ensure that you don’t become tomorrow’s big news, In this envelope you’ll find the first of 6 clues Of your super sleuth skills you should be proud, So make sure that you read your answers out loud. As one by one they lead to your ultimate demise. Which may or may not be a scary surprise…
Okay, now you were interested. This wasn’t just a walk through some scary assed, supposedly haunted house where Lucas Lee was no doubt set to jump out at you in some ridiculous disguise. This was a scavenger hunt, and your natural inquisitiveness was piqued. 'This could be fun', you thought as you reached for the next card that was in the envelope, reading the first clue. 
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. I also give heat but, not enough to prevent cold
You pondered for a second, heat was leading you to think of a fire, and they certainly grew shorter with time, well eventually when they burnt out…but then again, the longer they went the hotter they got, and they certainly prevented the cold. Scanning the hallway for anything that might fit the description, your eyes flicked up to the ceiling which held an elaborate, but tarnished candelabra style chandelier. And then it hit you. Tall when young, short when old.
“Candle…” you spoke “The answer is Candle…”
At that the door leading to the outside slammed shut behind you, and you gave an involuntary scream as the dominant source of light was sealed off. You spun round to look at it, and then your scream turned in to a laugh as you shook your head, for an Investigative Reporter you prided yourselves on steely nerves but so far that was twice this adventure had caught you off guard.
Turning back round, you then spotted that the door at the end of the hall was open, and you could clearly make out a Jack-o-Lantern looking at you, the candle inside flickering. Its face was creepy, really creepy. The nose and eyes were harsh triangles and the grotesque, twisted smile it sported was constructed of sharp, jagged teeth. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. You may have had no service, but the flashlight was working. Keeping the light held in front of you so you could watch your step on the cracked tiles of the hall, you made your way towards the lantern and found yourself in a large, run down kitchen. The lantern and your flash-light provided the only light in the room as the windows were all overshadowed by gnarly trees, their branches every so often scratching the glass as they swayed slightly in the wind outside. The only other sound to be heard was the drip, drip of the faucet in the porcelain Belfast sink. 
A closer look revealed the discoloration of the water, a brownish concoction as it swirled down the plug. There was an envelope on the side of the counter by the lantern and as you crossed towards it, a movement in your peripheral made you spin round only to see a lone mouse scuttling away across the dirty wooden floor. You placed your phone down, flash-light up causing it to light up an area of the Artex plaster ceiling, and picked up the envelope, tearing it open to find your next clue
Mr Jack-o-Lantern lights the night His eerie face is shining bright The ????? that shaped him lies around And holds your next clue safe and sound 
“Oh come on…” you muttered, “That’ ones obvious. Knife, the answer is knife…” You picked up your phone and shone it around the various surfaces of the kitchen and your eyes honed in on a wooden knife block containing a solitary knife. You crossed the room towards it and as you closed in on it, you noticed that the handle of the knife was an ornate silver filigree. It was no ordinary kitchen knife and as you pulled it form the block you realised it was in fact a dagger, antique by the looks of things. The blade was curved slightly, reaching a sharp point, the silver tarnished. But the more you looked at it, the more you suddenly became horribly aware that it wasn’t merely a dullness of colour at all. It was blood. 
“Dramatic…” you mumbled, and with a sigh you then realised there was no clue attached to it. Was this a distraction? A decoy? You were just about to stat ransacking drawers to find the actual knife you needed, when you glanced back at the block the dagger had been held in and noticed a flash of white peeking from underneath. Picking it up and moving it aside you smiled as you saw the same cursive writing, spelling out the word three. Seeing as you might as well play along, you used the dagger to slit the envelope open, tossing it back down on the counter as you read the next clue.
Many a Child on me they may play Any time be it night or day. My surface is hard, on it you can knock I have many keys, but can’t open a single lock…
“What has keys but doesn't open a lock?" You pondered aloud. Adjusting your cross-body strap, you sigh. Then the answer came to you, "a piano."
You fell silent, your mind racing to how the hell you were going to find a piano in this decrepit and yet enormous house. Then, your ears heard it. The subtle note from deep inside the house. It was a single key. But now that wasn't your concern, no, it wasn't the mice or the bugs or even the brown water. Your heart raced at the notion that someone was in fact in the house with you. 
"Alright, Lee, you were always one for a flare of the dramatics, let's see what you've got."
Step by step you followed the note that chimed every few steps and you found yourself beginning to wonder if it was a recording or if someone were really playing it, timing their play with the sound of your boots over the rotting floor. You wound your way through the narrow hall, ancient wall paper peeling from its tack, mastick and plaster falling away to reveal studs in places. 
Finally, to your left you heard the key loud and clear. It was in that room. Steeling yourself for a possible encounter, you carefully pushed the sliding door away from its hinge. Your booted feet traipsed across the brittle carpet, dust swirling in the air in front of your face. Cobwebs adorned many of the surfaces and there were dirty white sheets covering the various pieces of furniture in the room. Apart from, that is, the large ornate grand piano that sat in the middle of the room.
The stool in front of it suddenly jolted back and tilted toward you, making you scream at the  gracious invitation by an as of yet invisible host. 
“Get a grip Y/N” you mumbled to yourself. You were surprised to find just how much this place was starting to set your nerves on edge. You took a deep breath, the pounding of blood in your ears began to quiet and you took a look around the room. There was no one in there with you, you were alone.
With slow, deliberate steps you moved towards the piano, your eyes sweeping over the mahogany surface, searching for an envelope with the next clue, but there was none to be found. The surface of the piano was thick with dust and grime, but as you scanned over it you suddenly stopped. On one of the white keys the dust was disturbed, as if it had been wiped away and you instantly realised that had to be the key that your so far elusive host must have been playing. You paused, biting at the nail on your thumb of you right hand, before you reached out with your left and tapped the key. The melodic note rang around the room, clearly, echoing in the silence and for some reason you were taken back to a part of the article you had been thinking about earlier that day, and how Detective Blanc had told you that he had ‘played a key’ during the various family interviews ‘to make my point without interruption’. It didn’t pass you by how fitting that actually was at that moment but you didn’t have much time to reflect on it, as you heard a creak and a grinding noise and you spun to your left to see a panel in the wall sliding open. It made you jump slightly, but this time you didn’t scream. 
Not for the first time, you had to admire the effort Lucas was going to here. It was clear he had a flare for the dramatic, anyone could see that from his films and interviews but this was pretty damned good. It was making you wonder how he was doing it. Was he somewhere watching, pressing buttons to enact the various parts of his show? Instinctively you glanced up, looking for a camera or something you were being monitored by but you found no evidence of anything. 
“Well, in for a penny…” you muttered, crossing towards the small hatch. It was just wide enough for you to get your hand into, but you really didn’t want to. You grabbed your torch and shone it into the hole, finding nothing but the envelope so deciding it was safe you reached in and pulled it out.
Sometimes coloured, sometimes plain sometimes frosted, sometimes stain Be you short or thin, or fat or tall, this simple invention, lets you look right through a wall
You pondered for a moment, before the answer came to you. Fairly quickly you might add. Feeling a little smug you smiled and cleared your throat.
“Window. It’s a window.”
Usually, at that point, something happened to point your attention to the place you should be looking but this time, there was nothing. Instinctively you looked out of the one on the wall by the piano, but as you stared at nothing but the darkness outside you realised that was too obvious. Just then your ears picked up a sound you couldn’t quite figure out, but it was familiar all the same. And then it came to you, it was the familiar click and clack of a skateboard, the wheels gliding over the brittle old floor and you span round in the direction it was coming from to see a window you hadn’t noticed before, this one was an ornate, stained glass window which bore some kind of flower design that faced directly out into the hall. 
He passed by slower than a flash but just enough to allow you to catch only a glimpse. You audibly gasped, your breath coming in a sharp intake of fright, because until then you had been alone on this chase. But it appeared you dramatic host had finally come out to play. He was merely a shadow, bulky in frame, tall and dressed all in black as he moved past but it was enough to puzzle you. You didn’t remember Lucas being that broad, or tall. With a frown you ran into the hall to catch him but saw nothing, and heard nothing, the only thing to indicate he had been there was a faint smell of the cedar and amber of what you assumed to be cologne. 
You paced quickly down the hall in the direction the figure had gone but as you passed the stairwell the light flickered on, instantly attracting your attention. You’d only briefly noticed the ornate staircase before, but with the lack of light you certainly hadn’t noticed the writing on the wall, dripping in fresh paint. Swallowing, as you mouth suddenly felt dry with fear you stepped onto the first stair, and as soon as you did you were plunged into almost complete black. Letting out a shriek as, once again, he’d managed to get the drop on you, you shook your head and reached for your phone, taking another few steps up so you were level with the next clue which you read aloud.
“Tonight is not all fright and fear, a trick or treat is waiting near, the bedroom holds a sweet surprise, there solve the clue to claim your prize.” You bit your lip and looked up at the top of the stairs, wondering when someone was going to jump out at you. Taking a deep breath, you made your way up, cringing at each creak your feet caused on the old warped wood, but it didn’t sway your determination to make it to your destination. 
Halfway up, a shadow flickered at the corner of your vision at the top on the landing and you froze, your mouth going dry once more. As you stood there, shining your light into the dark you caught the same scent from moments ago lingering in the air only this time it was stronger, far more powerful and you were able to denote even more of the notes within. Alongside the amber and cedar your heightened senses picked up deep, earthy, sandalwood notes with a hint of citrus in the background.  And it was familiar for reasons beyond the fact you’d smelt it down stairs. But, as you’d surmised earlier, it was a cologne. Probably one worn by a few people you knew.
Yes that was it.
“Jesus Christ Y/N what has gotten into you?” You rolled your eyes and continued up the stairs, clearly your ‘Celebrity Host’ was once more nearby. 
You cautiously got to the top of the stairs and glanced around. Nothing. So turning to your left you entered the first room you found on the hall. It was empty bar a creepy looking doll that had been separated from its head which lay about a foot to the right. As you looked around the room, the wind intensified outside, the rustling of the leaves and branches became louder, as did the creaking of the house…and then you gulped, as you realised it wasn’t just the house that was creaking. In the corner of the room, the little chair had begun to rock, slowly. Blowing out a breath and shaking your head, you looked around at the thin strips of wallpaper which showed little trucks. Crayon markings scrambled upon the wall where wallpaper used to stick but other than that there was nothing in there bar some pretty good theatrics. You had to hand it to Lee, the creepy feel was fantastic and you were going to give him one hell of a write up for this. You took a while longer to take in the detail, smiling to yourself before you closed the door and headed to the one over the hallway. 
This room was a little lighter thanks to a lamp which stood on a nightstand. It wasn’t bright, by any means, but it was enough so that you could clearly see the bed in the middle of the room. And there, placed by the pillows was a thin box. On unsteady legs, you shuffled slowly towards the bed, the box before you making you quiver, your insides churning. A shaky hand tilted the lid open slowly, afraid something would pounce in a sneak attack. You shut your eyes ready to protect them in case a bat or bugs flew at you and when nothing happened, you opened them slowly and inspected the boxes contents. There was no envelope this time, just copy of a newspaper. Your newspaper. And you felt your blood run cold as you recognise the bold headline across the top. Murder, He Wrote: A twisted tale of Inheritance, Crime and Exoneration "Drysdale," you whispered in realization. But now, while you were well aware of what the article meant and who it was referring to, your brain shut down processing how on earth Lucas Lee and Ransom could possibly be connected. Your breathing deepened and you moved to pick up the article, but then the lid to the box caught your eye and you froze, for on the inside of the lid was another clue, only this one was a straight forward question which was spelled out using cut-out letters from the newspaper in question.
I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?
You froze, for the answer was simple. Breath. And that was it, you needed to get out. You started to back away from the bed, but before you had so much as made it 3 steps you collided with something hard. A forceful arm across your front pinned you to a firm and broad chest that engulfed your frame while a cloth with a distinct smell and cool moisture covered your airways.
"Surprise" The voice in your ear, calm, deep and known, was all you heard before nothing consumed you.  
When Y/N went limp in his arms, Ransom laid her across the bed only leaving the room to hurriedly cover his tracks, blowing out candles and removing any trace of her that had been in the house. His time as his grandfather's research assistant gave him far more experience than it should have. When he returned to the bedroom she was still out cold but light as a feather as he carried her downstairs and out the back door to the awaiting SUV, smug that his plan had gone so well.
But then, didn’t everything for him? He was Ransom Drysdale, and he was fucking untouchable.
He drove away from the scene of his new crime towards the city, driving through the dead of night, on the beltway, and continued twenty minutes outside downtown Boston before pulling into the garage of a large red cedar and quartzite home. He killed the engine and closed the garage door, pulling Y/N from the seat she was slumped in when it was clear to do so.
He couldn't be seen, he wouldn't be seen. He carried her inside the spacious home, his boots tapping heavily against the dark marble floor of the kitchen and finally the lush carpeted staircase that wound down into the basement.
This is where he laid her, in the basement, on a bed, but not just any bed, the one that would now become hers. He adjusted the lighting in the space, low enough not to disturb her, but bright enough to give the room a glow so he could finish what he'd set out to do. In the shock of the struggle in the bedroom, she’d dropped her phone and he’d made sure to smash it long before he left the haunted house, making sure there'd be no device to track her. He'd already disposed of her car while she was playing his little game, every loose end as far as he could see was tied up.
And now she was all his. 
He brushed the hair away from Y/N’s face where it had fallen over her eyes.  With gloved hands he manoeuvred her undone, black woollen coat off her body, leaving her in the bottle green turtle neck sweater dress and thick tights she was wearing before he tossed it over the chair in the corner of the room and then undid the zips on her brown suede knee high boots. He dropped them to the floor, kicking them towards the same corner with the equal carelessness he’d shown her coat. With a final meticulous movement he rearranged her on the bed, so he’d appear more comfortable and just before he left the room, he wrapped the cool, metallic cuff around the ankle. It locked in place with a clink and with a final glance at her still unconscious form, he turned and exited the room, the door latching shut and with the snap of the deadbolt he locked her in.
Your head pounded, your nose burned and your mouth felt dry with the faintest taste of something foul lingering as you swallowed. The light was low but still your eyes ached. You tried to decipher exactly what the hell had happened to you while you got your bearings. You tried to sit up but your body felt heavy, the soft bed you now realized you were lying on was not your own. Your breathing rapidly increased as you started to move in fear but a clink caused a screech to escape your throat. You felt the weight of the cuff around your ankle and a full panic set it.
Your night flashed quickly through your glutamate and adrenaline flooded brain
You remembered getting the email from the Haunted Mansion supposedly hosted by Lucas Lee. You had arrived and were sent on what you thought was a fun and exhilarating maze littered with clues and riddles and then you remembered the last piece of the puzzle. You gasped as you remembered how his breath felt hot on your skin and how his voice registered in your mind.
"Drysdale," you repeated the last word you had spoken in a shaky, frightful voice. "No."
Rage and fear collided in your chest as you screamed out the only thing you could think of, "HELP!" A strangled sound left your chest followed by another cry out for help, "Please, someone, HELP!" 
The door to your room, now coming into focus around you, flew open and there he stood, smug smirk, raging ocean blue eyes, hair neatly in place, dismantling frame clothed in a black sweater and dark denim, heavy footfalls sounding against the thick carpet under his feet. 
"Nice to see someone's awake," Ransom deadpanned.
You stared for a brief moment and screamed for help again, louder, and louder, and louder until you felt your voice crack and strain, your cords burning as the sound shattered away. 
"Are you done?" He cocked his head to the side and folded his arms across his chest as he stood firm and tall in front of the bed.
"What the hell are you doing? Why am I here?" It hurt to speak but you had to ask. 
“Because I want you here, Sweetheart.”
"I...I'm not, don't call me that," you spat defiantly as he moved closer, taking you in, his predatory eyes moving over your body. This was it, you were going to die all because some trust fund prick was a hurt baby about an article (that you forcibly apologized for) revealing the sick and sadistic truth about him, his family, money and the justice system. 
"Are you gonna kill me?” You watched him carefully as he crossed the room towards you, trying to keep your voice calm so as not to betray the utter fear that was coursing through your veins at the fact you were trapped, fuck knows where, shackled to a bed with a murderer being your captor. “That's what this is about, right? My apology wasn't enough?"
"Your apology was forced bullshit.” He responded, his voice carried a hint of amusement, because of course, this was all a game to him. “You smeared my name, dragged my reputation though the mud and you expected an apology like that, half assed and full of more crap than your original hatchet piece, to be enough?" He was standing damn near over you now, a hand moving up your leg that was held by the cuff, your body frozen in a confused silent argument of fight or flight.
"You... Killed... Him." You grit out through clenched teeth, and his hand was on your throat before you finished your breath, squeezing just enough to make a point.
"No. I. Didn't." He lied and you had to hand it to him, a lesser person might have bought the garbage he was talking, because he was good at it. Lying must have been enough of a second nature for him that he actually believed everything he said himself. But then again, it wasn't actually a lie was it? Sure, he'd planned on indirectly killing Harlan and that plan had backfired and Harlan had actually slit his own throat. So at most he was indirectly responsible for his death, but none of that had stuck with the prosecution and so now here he was, a free man.
A struggled chuckle came from your tightened throat, "Jesus Christ, you actually believe your own bull shit don't you?"
"You've got a fucking mouth on you," he breathed as his body loomed ominously over the bed and your frame, tiny in comparison to his.
You swallowed, feeling the hard lump strain to pass his grip, "Not really, you just don't like hearing the truth."
His eyes bored into yours and you struggled for breath as his hand constricted around your neck whilst he squeezed a little harder "Oh shut up Y/N."
"Or what, Hugh?" You croaked. 
A little flash of anger tore through his ocean blue eyes like lightning in a storm. His eyes bored into yours as you fought to swallow. 
"Or I'll shut you up myself."
"Try me, you son of a...." You didn't expect his lips to cover yours but they did. Unexpectedly warm and soft, despite the painfully harsh kiss. You managed to pull away but his hand still gripped at your throat and you felt the fear constricting your chest. But you were damned if you were going to show him a shred of weakness.
“You’re an asshole, Hugh…” It was all you had, the only thing you could use in your arsenal given your situation. You still had your voice. And you’d noticed that for whatever reason he appeared to hate that name.
“Don’t... fucking call me that!” his voice rose to a loud, angry instruction, apoplectic rage seeping from him to you, and it was almost stifling.
“Or what? You'll kill me?” your voice rose in both volume and pitch as your desperation began to show. “We both know you're gonna do that once you've fulfilled whatever sick, twisted little fantasy this is. What are you waiting for, Hugh? Huh?”
Ransom scoffed, "Kill you, no, see I'm gonna teach you a lesson. One about how money and status get you anything you want.”
You frowned, as you looked into his icy blue eyes, utterly confused “Anything you want? What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You'll see Princess” was the sole explanation you got as he knelt between your legs.
You stayed stock still as large and surprisingly gentle hands trailed your curves up the outside of your thighs to your hips. As he reached the hem of your sweater dress he paused as you wrapped your hands around his wrists.
"Don't" you squeezed, attempting to stop his wrists and close your legs.
“This will be much easier if you just play-along, sweetheart” he muttered as he pressed his lips to your neck. You let go of his wrists and raised your hands, laying them over the wool of his cable knit, palms flat against the plain of muscle as you attempted to push him off.
“I said no.” you tried to keep your voice stern, despite the fact you were fighting back the fear and sadness at the realization of his task was now at hand. His large hands smoothed over your dress, cupping your breasts and he let out a moan as you bit back the bile in your throat that was threatening to spill from your mouth. You pushed harder trying to force him off of you but it was of no use, his broad frame caged you in, engulfing you under him.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.” He ground out, his lips inches from your ear as he nipped at your skin. He was impressively strong and balanced, his weight even through his body as he kept his knees between your legs, a hand against your breast and the other stroking your sides and up your thigh. All the while, his lips sucked at your neck, teeth grazing your pulse point as you turned your head away, tears filling your eyes
"Please, stop," you managed. "Hugh, stop!"
“I told you not to call me that.” He growled against your skin and pulled back, his eyes blazing as they locked on to yours. In sheer desperation, you managed to wrench a free hand from between you and gave him a slap, nails biting at his skin. Instantly you knew you’d pissed him off. His nostrils flared, his jaw set and as his eyes filled with fire and rage.
And you knew then, you were in for it.
“Bitch…” he snarled as he raised his left hand to his face where you had struck him, and then both his hands grabbed yours, yanking your arms up, pinning them above your head. You bucked upwards, violently in an attempt to shake him off, but it was futile. He was far too strong. His grip on your wrists grew tighter and despite yourself you let out a small whimper of fear.
In one hand he had the ability to cuff both of your wrists and he did so while his other grabbed at your dress, shoving it further up your body, fingers curling over the waist of your tights and panties, a handful of the material fisted in his palm. They wouldn't slide down quick enough and you felt your body lift away from the mattress slightly as he ripped away the material, the snap burning your skin. You fought, boy did you fight. You had no control of your hands or arms as he had them easily pinned, but your legs and the rest of your body gave as good as they could. You thrashed from side to side all the time screaming your objections. You drew your knees up to your chest in an attempt to buck him off. You screamed protests, threw every insult you had at him, but it was no use. He was simply too strong.
He didn't even bother with his belt or button, he just unzipped the flies on his jeans, pulled his solid cock free and slid in. You were wetter than you expected to be, but it still burned with friction and ached from the thick stretch against your tight walls. It hurt, definitely hurt.
"You know you want this. I know you want this." He rasped as he pulled out before thrusting back in, his face twisted in a look that was halfway between being smug and satisfied. Just looking at him made you feel sick but for some reason you were unable to look away as he continued his slow assault, before he picked up the pace slightly, his groans of satisfaction filling the room as he bottomed out, balls deep and it was at that point you closed your eyes and tried to block out what he was doing to you. But try as you might to remain mentally detached from the situation, your body was anything but. And the more he moved in and out of you, the more you could feel your physical reactions. You were powerless to stop them and the heat between your legs and in between your belly was spiking with each thrust into you.
It felt good. And you knew it shouldn’t. So you fought it, but eventually, you couldn't fight it anymore, not with  the way his thick cock filled you, velvety smooth skin sliding in and out of your defiant core. You didn't want to cum, but your body told your brain it was going to and Ransom nearly puffed his chest as he fucked you into your body's submission. 
"You're gonna fucking cum, aren't you, Sweetheart? I can feel it," he ground out, chasing his own release. You remained silent, breathing heavily as your insides coiled and tightened. "Fucking tight ass pussy," he gritted. You refused to cry out, not wanting to give him anything you were able not to, and it took everything you had to remain silent. In desperation, to quell the cry that was rising from your throat, you bit your tongue, tasting the coppery taste of blood in your mouth as you came hard around his cock.
“Fuck, yeah…see…” Ransom’s hips began to move faster, and then with a sudden movement he pulled out of you, making you wince involuntarily at the sting. He shot his load all over your thighs, a growl bubbling from his throat, the warmth of his release trickling down your leg made you feel even more dirty than you already did. 
“Not so fucking smart are we now, huh, miss Investigative Reporter…” his snap was snide, and childish, but you knew he couldn’t help himself. Your head remained defiantly in its position on the pillow, turned to the right, eyes focussed on a spot on the wall. “Look at me, bitch.”
When you didn’t do as he asked, he grabbed your chin bruisingly, making you wince as he pulled your face round so he could see you. You knew he would be able to see the tears on your face, and you hated that. Hated that he would see how much he’d hurt you, scared you even, 
His hand let go of your face and you stared at him, swallowing, trying to gather your voice in your painfully dry throat.
"That's all you got? You're a fucking child, Drysdale. It's why you’re doing this." You said, your voice trembling and croaking from the fear and exertion of what he had just put you through and you shook your head. “You’re a fucking man child with mommy and daddy issues. A spoilt, little whiney brat who can’t bear to be told no.”
That struck a nerve, you could tell, as his jaw clenched tight and his fists clenched around the sheets by your side to the point they were shaking. He grabbed your chin once more with his right hand and pinned your face still, forcing your eyes to look back at his 
“You'll be begging me to accept your apology.” He snarled, his face contorted in rage “You'll see who the whiney child is soon enough. I promise Princess, it's not me”
As you looked at him, you felt your anger starting to simmer. This fucking ass hole had just raped you, and he had the gall to be saying you were going to tell him that you were sorry. No chance in hell. You knew you were screwed, literally and figuratively. Whilst he had you captive behind a bolted door, shackled to a bed you had nowhere to go, he knew that you knew that too and you could see it in his face as a smug smirk flickered on his lips. Well fuck this, if you were going down it was with a fight. With a sudden movement, that caught him off guard you moved your head slightly as much as you could in his painful grip, and spat right in his face.
Ransom blinked, his anger morphing to shock, then back to fury once more as he released your face and with a flash of his hand he back handed you straight across the face. The blow to your right cheek snapped your head to the left, sucking the breath from your lungs and leaving you a little dazed.
“Fuck you.” He sneered as he rose to his feet, wiping his face. Silently he rearranged his pants, tucking his now soft cock back inside them, and swept from the room, locking the door behind him.
***** Ransom stormed up the steps to the kitchen of the house, slamming the top door behind him and bolting that one shut too. He was furious that little bitch had scratched him and no doubt marked his face. He strode over the marble tiles of the room and walked into the large hallway and across into the den. He made his way straight to the bar, poured himself a healthy measure of good scotch, slopping a little on the dark wooden counter, before he glanced up at the large mirrored surface of the bar behind the shelves.
He could make out three vivid red lines down his left cheek where she’d dug her nails into his flesh and his jaw clenched. His hair was out of place, his cheeks flushed and his normally cold eyes were blazing with anger. But as he stood there staring at his dishevelled reflection, he knew it wasn’t the fact she’d scratched or spat at him that was pissing him off so much. It was the fact she had persistently voiced a name he despised, one that was used to control those lower than him in his every-day life. One reserved for The Help, for outsiders. It reminded him of his family, of his mother and father, the two people in his life who should have loved him unconditionally but instead had him out of ‘duty’ and had taken every opportunity to pass him off into the care of others they could. It reminded him of Walt persistently telling him he was a no-one, that he would amount to nothing over than a trust-fund baby. 
It reminded him of Harlan. The one person in that entire fucked up patriarchy that had shown him an ounce of care. But who had screwed him over in the end. 
The anger that had been simmering inside him boiled over, the blood pumped into his ear and with an angry yell and an almost involuntary action Ransom hurled the glass tumbler straight at the wall where it smashed against the tasteful silver and white wallpaper, the 25 year old single malt trickling down the wall…just like the tears and trickled down Y/N’s cheeks as he’d forced her to look at him whilst he took what was his. 
As she’d glared up at him he’d noticed a fierceness in her eyes that he was surprised to find had unnerved him a little, because she clearly wasn’t going to be as easy to break as he thought. 
“Fuck it.” He mumbled to himself, grabbing the bottle from the bar before he turned and left the room, taking a large swig as he went, the burn in his throat going someway to settling his nerves.
This would work out, because he was Ransom fucking Drysdale, a man who always got what he wanted in the end, and she was going to be no exception.
**** Part 2
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By My Side (Part 1)
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Summary: While at home one night, the reader, an actress, is almost kidnapped and at her friend’s suggestion she hires Jensen as her bodyguard. While the pair doesn’t get along, an incident at the reader’s new home leads her and Jensen to taking a drastic measure...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Word Count: 3,900ish
Warnings: language, minor injury, attempted kidnapping, drugging
A/N: There will be no taglist for this series. Please check out the masterlist for posting dates/times. Enjoy!
“Get the fuck off!” you said, kneeing the man that was halfway through dragging you down your stairs. You threw a punch and a kick, swinging more than a few times before the grip on you fell away and you booked it for the front door. You sprinted outside and down the driveway, dashing across the street and banging on your neighbor’s door. 
A light came on and you glanced over your shoulder, spotting the guy dressed in black and wearing a mask jog to the end of your driveway.
“Shit, shit,” you said, a strong arm grabbing you and yanking you inside before you could even turn back around. The door slammed shut after you and you took a deep breath, your neighbor standing there in his boxers, saying something to his wife in the background. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” said Jared. You straightened up and nodded, his eyes going wide. 
“Gen! Tell them she needs an ambulance too,” he said.
“I’m fine,” you said as he walked you to his kitchen and sat you down at the counter. Gen was in there, on the phone with the police it sounded like, as Jared went to a cupboard. He pulled out a red bag and then was walking back over with a wad of bandages, holding it up to your forehead. “I’m fine.”
“You’re bleeding,” he said. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” you said, pressing your hand to your head, seeing the half secured zip tie stuck on your other wrist. There were sirens in the distance and you shut your eyes.
“Hey, no sleeping. You might have a concussion,” he said.
“I’m not sleeping,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut. “Fuck.”
“It’s okay,” he said, the sirens getting louder before there were flashing lights in the window. Gen walked over to the front door, letting the police in. About four officers came inside, one of them immediately coming over to you.
“What’d he look like? How many?” he asked.
“Uh, all in black, with a mask. He was white I think from what I could tell. Maybe six foot, average build, strong. It was just the one as far as I know. Last I saw him he was at the end of the driveway before my neighbor let me in his house,” you said.
“You two, call it in for backup and start looking. Jones, get a full statement from these three. Start with the vic. Medics will want to look at that head,” he said. “Which house is yours?”
“Right across the street. Red front door,” you said. He left and the other cop in there pulled out a plastic bag from his back pocket.
“I need to cut that off for evidence,” he said, glancing at your wrist.
“Should we do anything?” asked Jared as the cop made a cut and bagged the plastic tie.
“I would keep pressure on that wound for the moment,” he said, writing on the bag and taking out a notepad and pen. “Alright. Let’s start from the beginning.”
“I was asleep less than ten minutes ago in my bed and I woke up to someone touching my arm and I found that tie thing on me and the guy tried grabbing my other arm but I rolled away. I got caught up in the covers while I was running away so he caught up to me in the hall outside my bedroom and I just started hitting what I could and then he tried to pull me downstairs and I hit him some more and then he let go and I ran over here.”
“How’d you sustain the head injury?” he asked.
“Well he was hitting me too when I started fighting back,” you said. “I was half-awake.”
“Okay. Sir, I’m going to need to ask you a few questions now.”
Three Hours Later
“Hey,” said Jared, setting a cup of tea down at his breakfast table. He rubbed your back and you sighed. “Rough night huh?”
“At least I don’t have a concussion,” you said, touching your butterfly bandages on your head.
“Police said your alarm wasn’t on.”
“So this is my fault?” you asked.
“No, I didn’t say that. I am saying that you and Gen have a very popular show together and if she didn’t have me around, I’d want her to have a bodyguard, maybe even full time,” he said.
“I have had this conversation with my manager multiple times. I’m not getting a bodyguard. For events and conventions, fine, I’ll have one. At work? In my life? No way,” you said.
“Y/N, you know I used to be in the army. Then I was a cop. Then I was on a SWAT team before I retired to become a stay at home dad,” he said.
“Yes. You’re an adorable scary badass. What’s your point?” you asked.
“When I worked SWAT, I worked a a few kidnapping cases. The honest truth is sometimes we don’t find you until it’s too late or we never do. It’s not like a movie. It’s not like your guys show and someone swoops in. No one shows up out of the blue to save you. You save yourself or you don’t get saved. Rarely do we get you out of that situation.”
“Again, what’s your point?”
“My point is whoever that person was, when they come back because they will come back, Y/N, and when they do, they’re not going to be that sloppy. They may drug you. They may knock you out. They could do a number of things but your chances of getting way again would be extraordinary. I love ya and I’ll always protect you. But next time, I might not be able to stop something bad from happening. You alone over there...I wouldn’t know until it’s too late.”
You were quiet, playing with the tea bag in your drink as he drank from his own mug.
“I don’t want a stranger coming into my home,” you said.
“Y/N, Gen and I want you to stay here for as long as you-”
“I meant a bodyguard, Jare. I don’t want somebody I don’t know to start coming into my life and controlling it.”
“I have a friend from my army days who does that kind of work. He’s between jobs at the moment. I’ll vouch for him,” he said.
“You’re not gonna give me a choice on this, are you,” you said.
“Gen and I are moving. A bigger place,” he said. “We think it’s a good idea if you had a change of scenery too.”
“You think she’s in danger too?”
“We don’t know but she’s five months pregnant. We don’t want to risk anything,” he said. “It’s just a thought.”
“Can...can I stay over here a few days? While I figure out what I want to do?” you asked.
“Yeah, of course, Y/N.”
Two Weeks Later
“I like the new place,” said Jared as he helped you carry in the last box. 
“It’s uh, a bit big,” you said. “But the owner wanted to sell fast and I wanted out of the other one fast so it worked out.”
“Seems like a lot of space for one person,” said the man walking in through the open front door. He was in a pair of dark jeans and a blazer, a tee shirt underneath. You stepped behind Jared but he chuckled. “Really Jare? Didn’t mention I’d be stopping by?”
“Y/N, this is my friend Jensen. I told you about him. You said you were interested in meeting him,” said Jared.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” said Jensen, holding out a hand.
“Y/N please,” you said as you shook it.
“I prefer to keep things professional,” said Jensen. “It’s easier that way. So, this is the new place, hm? Which room will be mine?”
“There’s a guest suite over on the first floor you can use,” you said.
“Where’s the master?”
“Preferably I’d like to be in a room closer to yours,” he said.
“Fine. Take the guest room upstairs,” you said. “This is just a test run remember.”
“My contract says this is a six month test run,” he said as he looked around. “I see you’re still moving in so perhaps we can go over some of our new procedures in the morning.”
“Sure,” you said. 
“I’ll move in my belongings then,” he said. “I don’t have much.”
“Mhm,” you said. He nodded and headed back outside, Jared catching the look you gave him.
“What?” he asked.
“He’s gonna be a joy to live with,” you muttered.
“He’s quiet until you get to know him. I wouldn’t have recommended him if I didn’t trust him. He’s saved my life before. I know he’ll have your back,” said Jared.
“Yeah,” you said, his phone going off. “Jared, go. I know you’re already late for the baby checkup.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I only have boxes left to unpack anyways. Go on. I’ll talk to you guys later,” you said. He gave you a wave on the way out, leaving you to stare at the pile of boxes sitting on your kitchen floor. You cracked your back and started to work, catching Jensen move in a few duffel bags of his own. He left and wandered around outside eventually, allowing you to try and get the essentials all stored away.
By the time it was seven, you were exhausted but your bedroom, bathroom and kitchen were all set up. You plopped down on the couch, closing your eyes. They blinked open when you felt a presence standing over you.
“I’ve done a review of the property. I’d like to have an upgraded security system installed tomorrow,” he said.
“Whatever. Just put it on the card my manager gave you,” you said.
“I’d also like to consider hiring an additional person to monitor the system at some point. They can be remotely based,” he said.
“Like I said, whatever,” you said, closing your eyes again.
“I assume I have access to use the kitchen as I desire,” he said.
“No smoking. No drugs. No random hookups you bring here and as long as you don’t bug me and stay away from my ice cream, we’ll be fine,” you said.
“I can agree to that. As long as you follow my rules, we’ll also be fine,” he said. You laughed and sat up, walking to the kitchen to find your phone. “Do you think that’s funny?”
“I think the fact you think you’re going to be making rules in my home that I paid for is very funny,” you said. You took the phone to check on the pizza and wings you ordered for yourself, Jensen walking over and stopping in front of you. “Can I help you?”
“You are paying me a very large sum of money to keep you safe. If you don’t listen to what I say then I can’t guarantee your safety,” he said.
“Let me get something clear. I’m doing this to appease my friends and manager. Do whatever you want around here but don’t start telling me how to live my life,” you said.
“I took this job as a favor,” he said, snatching your phone out of your hand and tossing it on the countertop behind him. You scowled and he walked forward, forcing you to back up until your back hit a wall.
“Dude, backoff.”
“Pretend I’m that man that tried to take you before. What do you do? Right here and now. What’s your plan?”
“I’m serious,” you said, trying to brush past him and getting a light shove into the wall for it. You glared at him but he held his ground, pushing you again when you moved.
“I’m serious. Tell me what your plan is. Better yet, show me,” he said. 
“I don’t care if you are Jared’s friend. I am this close to punching you. Move now.”
“I said show me.”
You narrowed your eyes and brought up your knee to hit him in the groin. He pushed it away before it connected though and you were off balance, Jensen grabbing you and yanking you away from the wall, putting you in a headlock and tugging your arms behind your back.
“Don’t go for the most obvious move in the world,” he said. “Now that didn’t go how you wanted it to. What’s the plan now?”
“Get off,” you growled, trying to stomp your foot down on his but he moved it back and kicked out your ankle, making you fall back against him. He picked you up and you started moving your legs, Jensen suddenly dropping you down onto the hardwood floor. You hit your knee and winced, a hand suddenly grabbing the back of your shirt. “Alright! I get the fucking point.”
“Do you?” he said, squatting down beside you. You tried pushing his hand away but it tightened and you tried throwing a punch, his grip almost too hard now and his free hand easily blocking the hit. “You have no plan. You’re too small and too weak to overpower someone. You can’t afford to have no plan. The thing is, when it’s real, you’ll be panicking and you’ll have no time at all to think of one.”
“Stop touching me unless you want me to call the cops on you,” you spat out. He moved his hand away and stood, staring back at you.
“You need to do what I tell you if you want to stay safe. I will teach you what to do if you’re in that situation for whatever reason. But the rules keep that situation from happening in the first place. Understand?” he said.
“Understand that you are fired as of now. Pack up your shit and get out of my house,” you said. You got to your feet and he raised an eyebrow. “I’m your boss and I can fire you whenever I want. Get out.”
“How on earth Jared is friends with a someone like you I will never understand,” he said. He headed upstairs and the doorbell rang. You forced a smile for the delivery guy and took your food back to the kitchen, digging in before Jensen was even tossing his first bag down the stairs. You rolled your eyes and were on your third slice by the time he was walking downstairs.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” you said. He shot you a dirty look, his head cocking as he set his bag down. “Oh now what?”
“You look really pale,” he said, walking over to you. “Your pupils are huge.”
“You know what else? You are so not as hot as you think you are,” you said, reaching for another piece of chicken before he smacked your hand. “You are this close to me calling...someone.”
Your head got dizzy for a second, Jensen grabbing your arms and setting you down on the ground.
“I feel funny,” you said, tipping over and resting against him. “Really, really funny.”
“You just got drugged,” he said, using his phone to dial a number. “No more takeout. Got it? Obviously this person knows you moved. I want to put someone at the house full time.”
“I’m gonna fall asleep now,” you said, shutting your eyes.
“No, nope, try to stay awake,” he said. You hummed and he grabbed your face. “Y/N. Try.”
“You’re really pretty for a grumpy grump,” you said.
“I thought I wasn’t hot. Just stay awake for me, Y/N,” he said.
Twenty minutes later you were in the ER with an IV in your arm and feeling a whole lot of crappy. Jensen said something to a doctor before he walked over to the stall you were in and stood by the bed.
“Hey. Police are at your house. Neighbor said they saw a silver pickup parked down the street. Seemed shady. It was gone by the time they got there,” he said.
“Course it was,” you mumbled.
“You more with it again?” he asked.
“Yeah. Feel really tired is all,” you said.
“Well I called your manager. He said he’d be here soon so I’m gonna head out,” he said.
“Huh?” you said, sitting up as he started to leave. “Wait.”
“Last I remember, you fired me. Nothing has changed,” he said. “Goodnight.”
“Wait,” you said, grabbing his wrist, the effort taking more energy than you were anticipating. He didn’t shrug you off, instead gently setting your hand back in your lap and pushing you to lay back down.
“You should rest. There’s a cop outside the room,” he said.
“Stop. Just...sit down,” you said. He sighed but sat on the edge of the bed, raising an eyebrow. “How could somebody already know where I moved? Hardly anyone knows.”
“You rent a moving truck?” he asked.
“Yeah. Movers did the furniture,” you said. He shrugged and you shut your eyes. “The movers?”
“No, probably not them. But that truck probably has GPS for mileage tracking and if this person has your credit card info, they could figure it out,” he said. “The food thing probably happened back at the restaurant you ordered from. Somebody slips in the backdoor, puts some stuff on your food and slips back out.”
“What’s your suggestion?”
“I don’t work for you anymore.”
“Let’s pretend earlier didn’t happen. Please,” you said. “I can’t...I can’t be alone right now and something feels really off about this whole thing.”
“This whole thing has felt off the second Jared told me about it. Tonight just further proved that point,” he said.
“You were in the army longer than he was, right?”
“He decided to retire, go be a cop. I stayed in. Worked on a few more specialized skills a bit longer before I left and got in this line of work,” he said.
“I’m going to assume you know what you’re doing then.”
“Yeah. I know what I’m doing. I can’t guarantee anything but I can give you some pretty damn good odds,” he said. He stared at you for a moment and looked you over. “You’re smarter than the stereotypical actress I pegged you for.”
“It had to have been someone on my team or that’s close to me in order to know that I was moving,” you said. “Or else the person never would have known to look today.”
“Someone that knows your go to takeout place too. You need to be extremely careful about who you trust right now,” he said.
“I trust Jared and Gen,” you said.
“I trust the guy with my life. I’d trust him with yours. Gen is fiesty when you piss her off but you’re her best friend. They didn’t do this.”
“Your expert opinion, what’s my next move?” you asked. He rubbed the back of his neck and made a face. “Jensen.”
“Ideally? You go off grid. I mean off grid, off grid. Middle of nowhere, no one knows where exactly. Cut yourself off and it’d give us more time to figure out who this person is and what exactly it is they want with you. If they’re as close as we think they are, they’ll find a way to sneak in again and next time, it might be my food that’s drugged. It’s a big risk to go back to the house.”
“I can’t go be alone though. What if they did find me somehow?” you asked.
“I said off grid. I didn’t say alone,” he said. “It’s an extreme approach, I’ll give you that. But it gives me more time to work on this and it’ll keep you safe.”
“Why not hire a bunch of guys to stay around me all the time?”
“Because you’re still in danger if you stay in LA and I don’t have the ability to check that many guys out. I got guys I know I can trust but they’re all over the country and the only other one here is Jared and Gen needs him. No offense but she’s got a kid with another on the way. More bodies means more priority,” he said.
“No, no. Please keep them safe too. If it’s a fan of the show, they could be in the same situation,” you said.
“I’m not going to try and tell you what to do because obviously, you weren’t a fan of me doing that before. But if you want to be able to sleep safely at night, we need to go, just you and me. Jared and Gen can know but that’s it and I mean that’s it. I can secure a safe place and everything we’ll need. But it’s going to be a drastic lifestyle change.”
“How drastic?”
“Like no internet and our electricity will run off a generator drastic.”
“If I stay here?”
“I give it a week tops before they try something again,” he said.
“We wrapped two weeks back and since Gen’s pregnant, we aren’t slated to start filming for another seven months. I’ll have to cancel some events but if I was ever going to go off grid, now’s the time to do it.”
“I will get it arranged. Do not speak a word of this to anyone,” he said.
“Jensen,” you said as he stood. “What was that back at the house? You acting all aggressive like that?”
“The last client I had, I was lenient, never taught them anything, let them push me around and dictate how I worked. They got put in a bad situation because of that. If you don’t take this seriously, then what’s the point of me being here.”
“Well wherever we go, I’m gonna need a few things. Women stuff,” you said.
“Make a list and tomorrow, pack a bag,” he said. “I want us on the road tomorrow night. I don’t care what you tell your team about why you’ll be MIA. Just tell them something so we don’t get a missing persons report on you.”
“Alright,” you said, Jensen nodding and starting to leave. “Wait. Where are you going?” 
“I need to start preparing. Like I said, there’s a police officer by the door.”
You stared at him and he took a deep breath.
“How about he stays in the room with you until we’re ready to go home and get what we need, okay?” he said.
“Okay,” you said.
“Hang tight. When you’re up for it, we’ll get out of here.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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