#who knows that he wanted her to look at so badly but he won :D
birchbow · 8 months
Your character designs are always so dang cool!!! Are the captain positions on other ships in the holy fleet challenged for like the position of GHB in a duel to the death, or are they appointed? (Some combination thereof?) The Orisoner looks so friendly, but I bet he’s brained somebody with that whimsical staff! I love that in the group shot Kurloz’s frame is almost a 2x scaled up version of Sister Waspclaw - his Gigantic Lankiness is just so fun. (Also LMAO at Kurloz being too prudish to claim his right to show tits! Honestly any time he mentions modesty standards being different a couple centuries ago it cracks me right up 😂)
Aw, thank you! :D Waspclaw is real small for a highblood, especially a relatively old and powerful one--smaller than pretty much all her pupated students, and a few of the pre-pupation ones! So next to Kurloz "Big Motherfucker" Makara, she's absolutely tiny. But does still manage to have more boobs than he does. Tragic.
RE: succession, it varies! It's pretty much always going to include some amount of combat--some of the variety where the loser is allowed to slink away and lick their wounds, and some where they definitely don't. Let's see. On a scale from most to least "Challenge To The Death"...
Definitely the Behemoth. It follows the same rules as the Grand Highblood challenge--if two trolls who want to be in charge walk into what passes for a captain's court on the Freakshow, only one is going to come out. Yozuna's not fast, and most trolls who ARE fast aren't nearly strong enough to make a dent in it even if they hit it--but the fact that Kurloz is big enough to really hit it hard and also came up specializing in speed and evasion is probably a real big part of the reason it hasn't made any attempt to challenge him for the throne, honestly.
Waspclaw. She's very lax with gutsy newbies getting fresh with each other and their superiors, thus the Joker's reputation for letting people get away with stuff, but stepping to her directly is SUPER dangerous. Make your gamble if you know you can get away with it!! But always know you aren't going to get away with it with her. :o) Plus, much like the Uderaks and Untoxxic, she works in poisons and venoms, and also she's heavily min-maxed into speed, so by the time you realize your challenge fight has officially been accepted, she's gone "well, they made their choice!" and you've been stung with something fatal.
The Abattoir. He isn't fucking around, although she also strikes me as very businesslike about it, and not inclined to be vindictive about the act of the challenge itself. I think the format is a little less "immediate fight to the death" and a little more "courtly duel" in keeping with both of his knightly sort of vibes. The exception being if you manage to draw blood on either of him, in which case shit flips very much into death-match mode. Also like. Hard-mode. You do have to challenge for both ships at once, and you will be fighting both of her. So like, considering authority over Elixir and Stardust features a lot of interfacing with the nonbelievers and doing Finance and shit, not a lot of people are jumping at THAT daunting prospect lol.
The Judgment. She wants to hear your argument for why the fuck you think you have what it takes to perform the physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually-taxing work of disciplining the wayward sinner-criminals of the church, and she's not getting any younger, here! If she feels like she's won her argument and the battle and you're inclined to back down in shame, she's not going to continue to press the point, but she will definitely openly think less of you for making a stupid and badly thought out attempt on her authority. She's as close as the church fleet gets to having a legislacerator taskforce, and she's just as stern and hard-assed as the Cruelest Bar, but also a large part of the Penitent's function is for flagellation and rehabilitation (???) of potentially-redeemable highbloods who've fucked up in ways that the church considers forgivable enough to give them a shot. She's down to clown (fatal) but also she's not an executioner necessarily.
Brother Libation. I drew inspiration from Il Dottore from the commedia del'arte, Bacchus, and the whole concept of drunken fist characters as an archetype, so if he's challenged he's got like... a 33% chance of just offering some kind of whimsical puzzle challenge that nobody ever manages to solve to his satisfaction, a 33% chance of just verbally convincing them to chill the fuck out by being a Cool Hang, and a 33% chance of bonking them heartily to the brink of death with his big spiky gourd.
The Orisoner wins for least deathmatchy. You can try to challenge, but you'll just get invited to come chill and vibe and just like. Really get into why you think your leadership will be hilarious and honoring to the messiahs, and what you think about art, and why you feel like you need captaincy to make the changes you want to see in the church and empire. If anybody attempts to escalate to violence, they'll mostly be met with a vaguely disappointed, surprisingly benevolent no-weapon-open-palms kind of rebuff, and if things continue to get more aggressive from there, the big spiky walloping staff will come out and be employed with startling effectiveness and skill lmao. But! If there were ever going to be highbloods inclined to take debate of best leadership policy over violence, it's the ones who decide they want to be theologians professionally. (Debate of best religious interpretation is a whole other ballgame, and gets aggressive here more than any other ship on the fleet lol). Orisoner in general though, would be one of the safer trolls you could be around as like, a human or a lowblood, if you had to pick a ship.
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
Love your Jamie Fics soo much!
Would you be able to write a fic about Jamie and Fem!Reader battling it out against each other at a Tournament at the local stadium?
Maybe reader wins, and things get a little heated in the locker room afterwards? :D
Thank you!!! And absolutely can do, this one was fun, reader and Jamie aren't dating in it but it was def not their first rodeo
Warnings: 18+, fem!reader, relationship is complicated, fwb (teacher with benefits?), jamie is a bitter sore loser but also very proud of his disciple, biting, marking, drunk sex, piv, jamie is possessive in this one
Sore Loser
Word count: 1243
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"You can almost cut the tension with a knife!"
The spectators cheer as the announcer hypes the match up.
You and your opponent both struggle to keep it together, you can hardly believe you've made it so far. You'll be hurting and putting ice packs on your bruises for hours after. Same goes for the fighter standing in front of you who is none other than Jamie Siu, your mentor, who's got blood dripping down his nose and onto his lips and chin, courtesy of a punch landed by you, of course.
The way you both move spacing each other and trying to read the next move is more akin to a dance than a fight. You both know that whoever manages to land the next attack will win thanks to the exhaustion.
Both of you have had five fights back to back before this one. What kind of tournament even does that?
Well, Metro City being Metro City you suppose.
Jamie tries to hit you by surprise.
"Aaand the brash peacekeeper makes a move! Is he desperate for an opening?"
The bottom of his palm brushes you just as you dodge right on time and with that you grab onto his arm and toss him over you. He falls flat on the ground.
"And the former winner of the Novice Tournament steps aside! Nothing goes by unnoticed by her aaaand there he goes! Thrown on the ground, will this be it? Will the novice fighter really take on and win against someone of this caliber?"
You know you won. Jamie is not getting back up, he's far too worn out, same as you, and you both knew, whoever would hit the other would take the win under their belt.
Jamie can't even express how he feels as he punches his own locker.
Under his breath he mutters to himself as he tries to make sense out of his emotions.
"I can't fucking believe this shit. She's my disciple. Mine. And I fucking lost to her." He kicks the poor innocent locker this time. "This crap was broadcast everywhere, how the hell will I move on knowing EVERYONE has seen me getting my ass handed over to me by someone who got trained by ME?"
He's furious. Then again. He's also insanely proud, you've come so far since he has taken you under his wing, but he's not pleased with how it turned out.
He hears you arrive at the locker room.
"What the fuck do you want?" He blows a loose hair out of his face.
"I just wanted to-“ you're cut off.
"To rub your victory on my face?!" He turns around, he looks like a mess. He's clearly been drinking since the match ended. "How the hell will I show my face in public after this?" He's walking towards you, gourd in hand and face scrunched up, clearly not pleased by any of this.
"S-same way you always did?" Your voice is small and uncertain as you step backwards, you didn't realize he'd be affected this badly and you feel bad for even joining the tournament at all. "I'm sorry, I- it was a really close match... It was amazing to fight you, I didn't kno-"
His mouth meets yours. You don't pull away. It's not the first time you've done this.
You reciprocate his kiss and you can feel his hand on your shoulder gripping tight as if warning you. Suddenly he pushes you onto the wall of lockers and dominates the kiss entirely. Tongue ravishing you, making you feel weak, imaging what else that tongue could do.
He breaks away from the kiss. Anger has mostly dissipated from his face, it's nothing but wanton lust now.
"How fuckin' dare you humiliate me in front of everyone," his words are sharp but his voice lacks malice "how dare you make a fool out of me... I'm gonna make you pay." He bites into your neck and sucks on the skin. He wants to mark you as his.
You feel the heat form between your legs.
"I'm so proud of far you've come... All because I taught you, and then I let my guard down and you do this? You need to be taught a lesson don't you think?"
"Huh-uhh!" You whine, god. Fuck. You need him. Was this caused by the adrenaline of the fights? Maybe but you need him.
"You belong to me. You belong t- to Jamie Siu, and 'm gonna show you." He's growling at your neck, possessiveness coming forth thanks to the drink. "Gonna make you beg for forgiveness. You'll know where you belong when I'm done with you."
His hands work at your waistband, grabbing both pants and underwear at the same time and pulling down leaving you vulnerable. You quickly wrap your legs around him and his fingers find your clit.
"You're so fucking wet, is this all for me? Are you so desperate to please your master? Maybe you should learn to be a better disciple huh?"
He starts rubbing you, showing no mercy. He wants you to lose control and he wants you to come for him, he needs a victory.
"You're so fucking pathetic. About to get fucked in the locker room... And here I thought you were a champion?" His teeth sink into your neck once more.
His other hand busy trying to free his dick.
"How badly to you want me inside you?"
"So bad! ...Jamie please!"
You're so terribly turned on by his behaviour. Maybe you should try and beat him more often if it leads to this.
He pushes himself into your wet folds, "Shhhh quit being so loud and be a good little disciple for me yeah?" He cups his hand over your mouth and bites at your shoulder. Thrusting in and out, keeping you pinned in place with the weight of his body.
"That's right... Take Jamie's cock, beg for more like a weakling and a loser... Come all over me."
He's working you fast, pumping in and out of you, you're overwhelmed, his dirty talk is driving you insane, his teeth on your neck, warm breath making you quiver, you can't contain yourself for much longer.
"Please Jamie...! I-“ you can't even finish what you wanted to say before you see white. Your body tenses up and he tightens against you. You're not going anywhere, he wants you to ride out the orgasm in full.
The locker room has been filled by moans and the sound of skin slapping at breakneck pace.
"That's right... That's my good girl, my good student... You're not taking any wins from me anymore from now on because you belong beneath me with my cock buried in you."
You're seeing stars. You know Jamie is close to cumming as well, he's far too sweaty and slurring the words, swears escaping his lips with ease.
He grabs onto your arms as he loses it. This is it, he can't take it any longer either.
"M- I'm so fuckin- p-proud of you, you're so fucking good- you take me so well" he turned to praising you as he comes undone and it riles you up again, your cunt still filled and now dripping with his seed.
His body limps and finally lets up on you. You both lower yourselves to the ground out of breath.
"Y-you good?" He asks you with an eyebrow raised.
"M-more than good-" you reply with a sideway smirk.
"God you make me so fucking hard, do you have any idea of how hard it is to focus and fight while trying to hide a boner? You're not fair-"
There's a knock at the door "PRESS INTERVIEW IN 5!"
You both jump out of your skin, you need to clean yourselves up and fast.
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gerrydelano · 2 months
bad end pbr is eating my brain so badly i am so sad but also it has Fascinating implications for jonah's next steps. ANNABELLE'S next steps.
like. dude, jonah SCREWED HIMSELF body hopping into faraday and losing his positioning at the institute. he staked CENTURIES of work on this decision. like it was a smart as fuck move in the world where gerry reads that final sentence (pbr canon) but if danny succeeded in killing gerry???? if it all ended right there????
pharos would have successfully wiped the chessboard completely clean by asking danny to kill him. they would save the fucking world, for the time being anyway, and it'd all be because pharos had the foresight to say "i'm not making it through this." they would have fucking won, technically, and even jonah would have no idea what his next move would be for a while. annabelle might keep him in her back pocket but even she might open up her options to somebody else who wants to pull off the same thing. it would take fucking forever to get started again. pharos would have stolen elias' privileged position, his opportunities, his entire pool of candidates, everything. he took everything from him by saying, "kill me." and he would be satisfied in knowing that, because gerry would see it as worth it, too.
the problem is that it's as pyrrhic as a victory gets for the archives team because now imagine them having to go back there without gerry. imagine tim without gerry. danny with this new sin on his scoreboard. jon completely lost, sasha consumed in TIM'S grief a la corruption style, martin still the only one on danny's "side." which danny wouldn't even want! he would literally skip town and grift his way around the globe for like, ten months solid without a word to even martin. he can't handle this, the weight of it is too much, it's just too fucking much to live with when his brother finally can't look at him. finally, a punishment from tim for any number of the things he's done all this time and yet if that's all the punishment is? a cold shoulder? danny is like That's It????? that's all anyone's gonna give me here? a slap on the wrist? he can't handle that. he can't.
and tim. tim. oh tim. he just sinks so deep into the end that there's hardly a day goes by where he's not 1) wet 2) stone-faced and cold. how do you come back from this? how do you stop the apocalypse only to see your wife dead on the floor and knowing your own brother is the one who swung a hammer at his head? it's impossible. how do you go on with that knowledge? having known in advance that pharos and danny made that deal in the first place?
in this world, tim would have dreamed of gerry in the coming days beforehand and he would have been absolutely losing his mind because that was his own worst fear. and here it is. a technical suicide that he had to witness the aftermath of, just like everything else he feeds on. he's snacking on his closest friends and the grief is so deep that it makes him stronger and he hates it. he hates it. he hates it.
his next move is that he wants to kill elias. whatever it takes, he's going to hunt him down and kill him and then he's going to try and leave the institute using the knowledge that gerry would have passed to him when he told tim about his conversation with Eric. they have the secret right there. they could all leave, if they could stomach it. tim thinks he will, once he does what he needs to do.
and jonah should be very scared. because tim is basically the walking creature from it follows and he is not going to give up anytime soon.
also isla-mae wants to kill elias, too, so there's a hunter after him as well! yay! everything is bad for jonah and we love to see it.
but by g-d is it lonely. it is so empty. it is so quiet. it's so wrong without gerry here and no one knows what to do.
divshah brings cocoa with the rest of their regular orders one too many times and sasha has to tell her to stop. gerry's not here anymore, and seeing that fucking cup of cocoa is just. too much. please, stop.
and divshah is one of the only outsiders to actually mourn him and cry openly about it and seeing that just rocks tim's world. evidence that even people who barely knew gerry still care that he died and it wasn't completely silent. even if no one will ever know that his sacrifice saved the fucking world, that doesn't matter. somebody cares that he's gone. his life was almost a secret the whole time, his suffering was a secret, he was presumed dead HOW many times? eventually you feel like the boy who cried wolf. but it's real now. it really happened this time. he's not just lurking in the shadows anymore, he's gone. and finally, somebody notices.
i'm like actually tearing up lmao this fucking au! hurts!!!! i want to go home and keep writing dammit
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Who The Hell Taught You That Word? (for Jimin)... ((I guess Imma end up doing all the members lmao T-T))
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warnings: language, kissing (just smoochies :))), mentions of... achem- Intercourse. Jimin's daughter sassing them lol ((I BEG- TRY TO COME UP WITH YOUR OWN IDEA and DON'T TAKE MINE? Please?))
PARK JIMIN!FEM READER (I promise I have gn stuff, you just gotta look T.T) Wc; 505
I am in no way trying to portray the following idol negatively in any way whatsoever, tho I do think Mr. Park would make a wonderful dad. :)
A/n: Ok, ok, the gif isn't mine, cuz... I dunno how to do that yet, BUT THE FIC IS ALL MINE. I got the title from a writing prompt site called 'Kpop Fic Prompts' and I'm not even joking... This is for Chim. I did one for Jk so CHECK IT OUT. Or don't... Idc. ToT I hope this doesn't offend anyone... I mean, it shouldn't, but... ya know... people, ig. (You're [_____], btw)
"So you did miss me?" Jimin secured his arm around _____'s waist, grinnin' like a maniac.
"Of course I did. Who wouldn't miss the sexiest man to walk the Earth?" _____ smirked at his shy appearance, kissing his cheek.
"Nah," he blushed, nestling his face in her neck. "I don't deserve you, babygirl." Gosh, _____ loved seeing Jimin in this state. WEAK. Just for her.
"Heeheehee..." she giggled. She placed a sloppy, wet kiss on Jimin's forehead, leading him to respond with a similar one to her lips. And another one. And another one. And another... much longer one.
"Mmhm..." _____ cooed. She pushed her lips a bit deeper into his, sending the blood flying through Jimin's body. These moments were the ones he cherished more than any others. With his girl.
_____ cupped the side of his face with her hand, tilting her head at precisely the right angle to get the taste of his lips in full. Jimin slid his left hand up her shirt, using his right hand to draw little circles on her cheek. He parted her lips with his tongue, a tiny, but accidental gasp slipping through her lips. Jimin tried his best not to smile, but her red cheeks drove him over. He grinned a little on her lips, pulling her shirt over her head, and then reconnecting. This kiss was more passionate now... Spicier. Needier.
"What in the shit-" came a small voice. Startled, _____ pulled away, sliding her shirt back over her head.
"Who's th- Kbug?"
Don't laugh. Dooooon't laugh.
"Were you guys about to have sex?" Their daughter tilted her head innocently.
"Uh... Chim?" _____ turned to her husband.
"Uh-" Jimin stifled a snicker. "Baby, who the hell taught you that word?"
"Jimin..." _____ smacked her head.
"Which one?" she grinned.
"Both!" _____ actually seemed a bit irritated at this point.
"Ohhhh... Daddy taught me. Well, he didn't teach me, but I heard him say it a lot when you guys were wrestling on Sunday. Oh, wait..." she paused, thinking. "Were you guys having sex then?" Her giggle only echoed pure curiosity, as Jimin tried to hide his burning cheeks and fully erect... little brother.
"No, honey... We were- Uh... What did you call it?"
"Wrestling?" she giggled.
"Yeah... Yeah... Er, wrestling." _____ scratched the back of her neck, glancing toward Jimin. "And just where do you think you're going, sir?" He was halfway to the bathroom, cupping his crotch, clearly flustered.
"Heheh... I, uh- Gotta take care of something." and he was gone.
"When you guys first wrestled, did Daddy lose?" D/N whispered. _____ smirked. She thought about the first... match (lmaoooo), and how badly they wanted a kid. When she found out she was pregnant, Jimin was ecstatic, which also explains D/N and D/N's older brother, (who was out with friends:).
_____ picked up her daughter, sitting her on their bed.
"Well, kiddo- I think we both won."
hOpE yOu EnJoYeD!
"Yeah, kiddo?"
"Why did you wrestle with no clothes?"
"Jimin!" He scurried off. "Dude!"
"Heheh... I gotta take care of something else."
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
You tried starting up a light cycle circuit and we have like five of these places and they're pretty big and he says why can't we this is people don't show up for the race well that's see we have five places and no others yes and they're all over the world yes they are what are their locations I'm talking to our son Zeus and daughter Hera
Africa has one and it's in a major city
China has one and it is in the capital
Europe has one in France
South America has won in a major city area
USA has one planned but it's not built yet and it's a large one not the massive one we can't seem to build it for some reason and yes it's a permitting issue they won't let us build it because of what Tommy f was doing they said they want to see a certified circuit racing form before they let it go up so our son suggests smaller ones and he suggests using existing tracks to start the circuit and to run the circuit on existing tracks or it's never going to get going including the tracks that are like formula 1 where they race in the streets there's no reason why we can't do that we don't have to go top speed in a circle and it shows the versatility of the bike I'm going to go ahead and do that and set up a circuit with Mac and others Tommy f if you want to try and beat us in a race and see if you have power so he's willing to cuz he is beat us in one race already barely and it was her son's son actually who he beat and he was Savage.
He said his game I want to be involved and it's going to sponsor it and boy what a way to do it he might even actually JV and having the races back up it's kind of like cover I'm going to go ahead and do it they said so I'm going to pick where I think we should have the circuit races and how many tracks and where and when and he says we should do it from a month and not draw it out, and every other day which will only be 15 tracks but you have to qualify and we're not going to do this stupid s*** when you qualify on the same track on the same day you have to qualify to get into the circuit of 15 or 16 races and then the large tracks and then the mega track and they'll be a mixture of like formula One type oval round and a large oval and more but it's going to be fun because we know now that people are interested and people can bring their Tron stuff is a huge number of light cycle fans and Tron fans they're trying gear their helmets tons of idiot molec with funny looking costumes feel better because they're cheap just doesn't have money, his costume is not so good usually it's cuz I'm more like so it feels better cuz they look like idiots Miss who can buy it online now we have money at least trumpsters do so we know who's buying pizza tonight as a test run okay you said it buddy.
I challenge you to do it Brad cuz I don't have a bike or sponsors I can probably get Dunkin' donuts to sponsor me said yes and you come in frequently and Mac is raising his hand... Well if you get together I'll do the junior ones I'll step over the above the junior ones. Who's going to work on that tons of people want to do it instead the pain up like a Dunkin' donuts store... Actually Dunkin' donuts wants to sponsor it and Mr Tom wants to be Mr donut it's now a huge amount of interest. Brad is pulling his bike out he built a new one says it works.
We're going to work on this we have a lot of stress but we're going to alleviate it soon this is a great way to do it 16 races a lot in a series and people have to qualify so they don't have like Brad out there
Thor Freya
Hahaha very funny but I can go fast and race I'm pretty sure I can not really sure how fast one of those guys at the life cycle track of beating me pretty badly too
That means you just lose damn it
Tommy f
Yeah I'm going to race and I can beat you guys I can be tommy f. Maccabeer real challenge in some of the other racers but really I think I can beat you Tommy f I've seen you raise the light cycle you don't go fast enough to do it
You don't see me race that's why on different form for Christ's sake lol
Tommy f I did not say lol it was a serious thing but it is funny
Well we're off to a good start I tell you what we wanted exhibition race none of that stupid race no we could get to where though Fontana Walter Lewis says good and it's loose l u c e and will and Bill say yes and our son wants to go and we say no and Tommy f is up for it and we're looking at the schedule and is opening tomorrow and it would work for people that are going out there tomorrow and we're going to say what class like it's not the huge one it's the top of the line Sim with all the restrictions and all the requirements and the rules and the track will have to do the way it is there's only a few things you have to change we have portable stuff we can put in a few minutes so we're going to bring that to make it regulation and we want the media to be there so I'm going to invite them formally with our invite stuff this is going to get out there Garth he says he has a bike and he's going to be in it but he's going to send people the film and Brad's we're bringing his bike so he might as well bring his whole film crew. You have to qualify for this exhibition race with two laps alone and then the race will begin after everybody's qualified and we're going to enter racers who are racers with erasing history but for the actual circuit there's going to be a semi-pro qualification opportunity for just billions of people and who knows maybe they'll be like a diamond in the rough out there you know Jason will grow into it also it's a weird stuff maybe a diamond in the rough too. We're getting phone calls now at Sim they want the bike and you can make it racing with you you trim it down and stuff like that we're getting ready cuz they're all saying yes it's tomorrow at noon in Fontana
Thor Freya
I'm going to reserve the track
I see it's open but I'm going to double-check it just like he is there's a lot of people threatening and they're all stupid
Tommy f
We're here to ruin your day and night why you can't qualify for the race that's why huh probably I knew it fine we're going to try and qualify and that's what you're saying it's right down the street from that building you f***** up or your buddy f***** up had enough of this s*** I'm going to go out there and qualify
You approved this message and block one and two are going in tonight get out there prepping and they're putting in pads and we can't put in the flying type so the real pads and they will be ready tonight high earlier about midnight so they're moving that and I've got a roadway but it's gravel right now cuz we're using all heavy trucks it's off the main drag it's off the North Dallas 40 about 10 mi North it's not that far away usually they're further and it's not in the way of the highway that will be 10 miles south of the other roadway which is a byway
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Soft niragi hours drunk texting gf.
(please, and thank you)
Characters: Niragi Suguru, his girlfriend
Genre: Fluff. Niragi's drunk off his ham.
1.2k words
It’s going to be in the POV of the girlfriend, which is a first for me, since I usually drift towards using the actual characters more. Still don't have a name for her, so it's just... never mentioned once.
Also, we’re going off the basis that phones do work in the Borderlands, but the only numbers that work are within the Beach members because somehow they’re just like that sometimes.
Be notified that there is the barest mention of just sex but it's so briefly glossed over that it's unimportant. Also, mentions of being drunk. Obviously.
Also I am gonna base drunk texting on A) how I imagine soft Niragi would text like, and B) Drunk texts I am reading online. Hope you don’t mind.
Oh, and I was this close to making Niragi’s nickname on the texting section Calf. You know, because baby giraffe.
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The phone sits peacefully on the benchtop as she stirs together leftovers in the pan, wondering where her boyfriend has been. It’s been a while since he left to hang out with the other militants down at the bar, and she came down to the kitchen to make herself dinner. It sucked that she couldn’t have dinner with her beloved, but sometimes things kept them apart and they had to do things on their own. Still, she couldn’t wait to give him all the cuddles when he got back to their room, as well as give him smooches before bedtime.
She pauses her stirring for a second as she hears her phone cheerfully chime with a notification, pulling the pan off the heat as she checks.
Nini: honyyyyyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiiiiiiii mis yiu ;(
She giggles, her lips curling in amusement at the obvious state her boyfriend was in.
Kitten: hi niragi you good?
Nini: i miss youuuuuu
Nini: wannna
Nini: wanna hug you and kisss youu
Nini: wAnt to touch
Kitten: awwwww you miss me that badly? i love you too
Nini: ❤️❤️❤️
Kitten: ❤️❤️❤️ you too!!!
Nini: nuh uh love you more ❤️
Nini: love you soooooo muuuhchh wanan
Nini: can we buy a babyy
That earns a loud snort from her. That was quite a conversation switch. She was lucky nobody was in the kitchen with her. She glances at her leftovers, and slides them back onto the heat to finish cooking. She could watch both. Maybe.
Ah, she was probably gonna burn them. She could still try to multitask.
Kitten: what do we need a baby for?
Nini: so i can hold
Nini: both
Nini: babaabbabya
Nini: i wanna name it belc
Kitten: belc?
Nini: heah
Nini: best bame for best baby
Kitten: haha okay
Kitten: i would love to raise a family with you
Kitten: be the most kickass family of all!!!!!
Nini: yeahhhhhh
Nini: gonna be so strong!!!!!!!
Nini: hey hey hey hey
Kitten: yes?
Nini: imma win this bet watch me
Kitten: okay! you can do it niragi!
There was nothing, leaving her to be able to focus on her food, which somehow hasn’t burnt, and she plates it and heads outside to the tables to eat. Her phone pings with a new text as she sits down and begins to eat.
Nini: i wondid you se did youseee
Kitten: of course! you did it!
Nini: yeha!!!!!!!
Nini: im the greatest person
Kitten: yes you are
Kitten: do you want me to come grab you later so we can cuddle?
Nini: you read my mindd!
Nini: of course i do kitten please i want your cuddledse
Kitten: just let me eat first okay?
Nini: okay take care love you!!!
Kitten: <3
Nini: <333
Kitten: <3333333333
She smiles as she sends that last heart to Niragi, and goes back to eating her food, hurrying just a little more. She couldn’t wait to be with Niragi, even if he was drunk off his mind. Maybe she could get him some water to ease him, and then head down to the infirmary to grab him some hangover pills. She would hate it if he woke up with a headache, it sounded terrible.
She doesn’t even clean up as she shovels the last bit of food into her mouth, getting up and speed walking towards the bar, pulling out her trusted kitty headband from a special pouch she kept on her and putting it on her head to make her search decades easier. It was full of people partying and drinking their cares away in alcohol, and a few mating rituals here and there. She ignores it though, heading over to a rather secluded VIP area near the back of the bar. A few militants were there, some who greet her with a casual wave.
She doesn’t really manage a greeting back as a blur of black pounces on her, the smell of alcohol hitting her nostrils. Niragi giggles happily as he squeezes her, rubbing his face against her, making her laugh.
“ You came~” Niragi purrs happily into her crook of her neck. She cards her fingers through his hair, which was still greasy from the amount of whatever he slapped in there that morning. She lightly tsked at that. She needed to give it a proper cleanse one of these days. Niragi would probably love having the softest hair imaginable than whatever the hell this was.
“ Of course I did! I wouldn’t have left you alone to be drunk on your own!” She gently pushes him away so she could reach his face, kissing his nose, Niragi grinning dopily at that. “ Ready to head back?” “ Fuck yeah I do~ Cuddles with my girlfriend are the best! Hey everyone! Look at my girlfriend!” He shouts out to the entirety of the world that resided there, pulling her close to him. A few just look to them and take a silent acknowledgement, others clapping for him with several different emotions attached. She giggles and wraps her arms around the back of his neck, resting against him.
“ Okay you dork, come on. The longer we stand here, the less we have to- Eep!” She yelps as Niragi scoops her up and starts fucking running, laughing all the while.
“ I wanna cuddle now! Time’s wasting!” She laughs, holding onto him as he runs in his clear drunk state, somehow managing to get quite far. That is, until he trips on literal air and they go flying, landing on the ground. She grunts, her butt taking most of the brunt, Niragi not that far and on the ground face down. He rolls over with a drunken giggle before she could ask if he was alright, grinning at the ceiling.
“ Oopsie.” Niragi slurs quietly, and she comes over, brushing away hair that fell in front of his face. “ No problem! Come on, we’re so close. We can walk normally! Don’t worry, I have my trusty headband on, so we will get there instantly!” Niragi’s eyes brighten despite how far away they were, and his lips curl even higher.
“ Then what are we- We waiting for! Come on!” He tries to get up, stumbling a bit. She giggles and grabs her boyfriend’s hands, carefully pulling him up. She keeps one in her hand as they walk hand and hand down the hall, heading up to their room for much needed cuddles.
“ When we finish cuddling, you’re gonna drink some water so it doesn’t hurt as badly, okay sweetie? Then I can grab you some pills for the morning.”
Niragi hums with his smile still plastered on his face, squeezing her hand a little. “ You’re- You’re soooo good to me. You’re fucking great~” “ So are you! Now come on, it’s about time!” She opens the door, pulling her boyfriend in. Niragi loudly cheers, making her laugh even more.
Man, she loved this sweet man so much.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Be good — Five Hargreeves.
Requests: “can i get car sex w/five and lots of praise kink tyyyy 💖💖”
“Hi! Could I request smut prompts 11, 22, and 29 as well as fluff 40 for five hargreeves? Ty!”
Smut prompts:
11. “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
22. “I’m not going to touch you unless you beg.”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
Fluff prompts:
40. “Come cuddle.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
I hope you guys like💖I decided to compile these two requests, since they were the same energy and they prompts connect to a central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. Good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: explicit smut, degradation, dirty talk, bad words, fluff.
— — — — —
Part of Five thought it was absurd to feel this way, so wrong. You were young, so young, with an adventurous face in your 20s and bright eyes. Full of life and with such a loose spirit. You had that cool breeze with a free soul, a bright smile and, holy mother of God, you had a body that would be the reason why he would be banished from paradise.
There was something about your youthful innocence that clenched Five's teeth, that made him clench fists to control the urges to touch you at any time. This irritated him deeply.
You were so... so... sweet.
So fucking sweet. From your summer dresses, your delicate mouth, doe eyes and silky hair. You looked like a fucking princess and Five wanted to destroy you for that. You didn't look real. It looked like it came out of a fairy tale and it hit something very deep in Five. Oh, he was burning in a very dangerous fire.
Worst of all, you always knew what you were doing with him. And the way you pretend you don't make him even more angry.
Five remembers the exact moment when he threw in the towel, stopped fighting that insane desire and kissed you as if you were the last glass of water in the desert. And all of this was caused by a trigger so simple, ridiculous to be honest.
He gave up control one afternoon, when you were playing cards with Klaus in the living room, you had just won and got up, saying that you were going to get your phone that you were carrying in another room.
“It's hard to try to be mad at her, she's so cute.” Klaus said to Five, making a gesture in the air that represented pinching your cheeks.
If Five's mood hadn't been bad before, it was bad now. He rolled his eyes, hiding the expression on lips when he took a sip of coffee.
“You should learn from her, who knows" Klaus shrugged “She is so nice and you are... well, you are you.” Klaus pointed to Five's entire body, in a teasing of brother.
The deadly look that Five gave his brother made Klaus laugh even more. God, he was an idiot!
“Doesn't she look like those little movie fairies?”
“Is annoying.” Five rolled his eyes.
“It’s cute.” Klaus defended you “But you know, I think it's just superficial.”
That caught Five's attention, and Klaus realized and started to explain.
“She told me that she likes some more ... crude things, if you know what I mean.” Oh, Five understood “She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips.”
So Five was shipwrecked by Images of you. Tied to the bed, in white lingerie, your lips swollen from using that princess mouth of for something else. The giant wave invaded he mind like a ball of destruction, demolishing the entire barrier of self-control he had struggled to build. Brick by brick.
Five wanted to erase those images from his head, to exclude any universe in which you were on all fours for him, begging for more, with that fucking cute voice of yours.
But no matter how hard he tried, Klaus' words brought endless malicious situations that did not come out of Five’s mind.
So that's when he gave up. It was ridiculous to be controlling yourself like a puritan, like a stupid little boy who didn't know what to do.
And Five knew exactly what wanted to do to you.
Then, that afternoon, he disappeared in front of Klaus in the blue flash and reappeared in the room you were in. You must have said something, but Five didn't hear it, or didn't want to hear it. He just walked up to you, put his hands on your waist and kissed you with all the desire that the world had.
He barely touched you and you were already a modeling clay in he hands, sighing with strong touches, with raw kisses, purring like a kitten.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive." Five whispered against your mouth before he kissed you again.
Five Hargreeves thought that fucking you once would placate that sickly fire that was inside him. But it didn't placate, in fact, it was like pouring gasoline on the fire.
Everything inside him became wilder, more hungry, needy. And that was why he was there, fucking you hard in the car, on an abandoned street.
You moaned loudly, the top of your little red summer dress lowered, exposing your breasts that bounced as you slipped on Five's lap. The air was caustic and pungent, the two of you gasped, sighed, let out toxic and broken moans.
Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end in that second, and Five did not have the strength to squeeze your hips, pulling you down and up with brutality, pushing him dick deeper into you with every bounce you gave.
“So fucking tight!” He snarled, lowering his left hand to your ass, lifting the fabric of the dress and slapping you.
You contained the cry, pressing your lips against him neck, the tears already burning in your eyes. Five don't slow down the ruthless pace, fucking you with the fury of an animal, as if I've never fucked you before.
“Such a good pussy!” He hand let go of your skin to wrap his fingers in your hair on the back of neck, pulling your face into his, making you receive the moans against your mouth. “I can't get enough of eating you! Good fucking slut!”
You could see the anger, desire, lust and wildness in he eyes. Five wanted to destroy you and, god, you loved it. You let go of that innocent and mysterious smile that left him even more out of control, and Five slapped you down again, but now on your left cheek.
“Don't look like that to me!” He pulled your chin up at him "Otherwise, you're going to get out of here without being able to walk right!"
But it was logical that you did not hear. Truth be told, you were a fucking tease. You liked the game, the hunt, the adrenaline. You liked to play with fire, and Five Hargreeves was not just a flame, but the entire fire.
“Do... do what D-daddy?” You used your best voice, seeing he anger and lust spilling out of he green eyes.
Then you gave that smile again, more neat, more painful and more innocent, and Five snarled like a wild animal that has just come out of captivity. He immediately took you off his lap, taking he dick out of you.
“Go to the fucking backseat. Now!”
You obeyed, going to the backseat and placing yourself on all fours, resting your chest on the seat while lifting your hips.
“You already know how to stand. You are is a little slut, really!” Then a loud slap came on your ass, and you bit your palm to keep from screaming.
“D...Daddy!” You whined.
Five pinned your hair up in a ponytail with he hand, pulling your body back until it was glued and glued to his.
"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg." He snarled in your ear, the hot temperature of he dick an inch from your needy center.
“Please!” You cried “I'm go to be b-good! I promise, daddy!”
“Beg!” One more slap.
“Please!” You rummaged your hips, trying to make any contact. “Please!”
Then Five entered you. Strong, rough, badly and aggressive. He barely gave you time to moan before he started hitting your fragile walls, flooding your eyes with tears that flowed. It was too much stimulation, too much strength, too much desire that made your body want to scream. You and Five had a security password, but you were too horny to want to use it because of the pain.
“So fucking good tis pussy!” Five kept his hand firmly in your hair and the other on your hips, pulling you to his dick. “You have to be a desperate slut to give it to me in the car, don't you?” another slap “Such a needy little slut.”
“Yes, d-daddy!”
Then he continued, relentless. You turned your face to see him, and that was even more of a discharge of electricity between your legs.
Five's coal-black hair was sweaty, clinging to his forehead, with a few droplets running down his firm face. He was without a suit, his shirt wrinkled and unbuttoned, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his vein-streaked arms, marking the white skin that was covered with a layer of sweat mist.
His green eyes contained all the wildness, fury and lust in the world. He looked like an angry young god. And that took you to the apex.
Five let out a short, husky, sneering laugh at how fast you always came for him, and he increased his movements until he poured the hot liquid as deep as possible into you.
“Your pussy is so good.” He whispered in your ear, slowing you two heartbeat with a few kisses on your shoulder.
Five pulled the suit that was lying on the floor of the car, placing it under you and turning you on top of the cloth, so that the cum dripped on the suit instead of the seat. He watched in lust as the cum poured out of you.
Five pulled the air against his teeth, not controlling himself and leaning towards you, sticking your lips together in an angry kiss.
“You are so hot." You smirked at his comment.
“Where were we even going?” You laughed.
You loved how he used the word "home" with you. As if it were the home of the two of you.
“Take a shower and have dinner?” Five nodded, removing a lock of his hair from his face. "And after... we are come cuddle?”
He laughed, shrugging and sticking his lips to yours again.
“If that is going to make you stop talking. Of course, dear.” He grunted playfully on your lips, and you laughed.
God, you loved that man.
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
Tag! You’re It!
Pairing: Bucky x reader 
Word Count: 1,220
Summary: You convince Tony to let the team play Laser Tag and you get paired with Bucky on team Cap. 
Author’s Note: This is for the @redhead-wine-and-literature-club Love in Bloom Challenge and day 28: Cornflower which means good-luck charm. I didn’t use the actual flower this time but the meaning is here. Also, laser tag is so fun, I’d love to be on Bucky’s team! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf
Warnings: lots of flirting, fun and fluffs! :) 
Thank you so much to @jamesbrns for this awesome gif :) Just imagine it’s a laser tag gun instead of a real one haha :D 
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Love in Bloom Masterlist
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“Why do you get to pick who’s on our team punk? Don’t Sam and I get a say in this? Bucky grumbles.
Steve sets his hands at his hips and purses his lips. “I didn’t say you couldn’t help Buck and if there is someone you want on our team so badly just say it! You’ve been a pain this whole time.”
Bucky now smiles, shooting Sam a sideways glance before blurting out your name.
“I KNEW IT!” Sam shouts triumphantly. “Alright Steve, they are definitely paired up. You’re stuck with me.”
Bucky doesn’t bother to hide his happiness at being your teammate, walking off with extra pep in his step as Sam and Steve’s laughter follow him.
The next day everyone is seated in the common room and you’re bouncing in your seat with excitement. Tony stands in the center and pulls up his holographic screen.
“Alright Avengers. We’ve got my team here on the right and Steve’s team on your left,” Tony states. “You have the rest of the morning to figure out your game plan and we’ll meet at the facility at 2. I rented the entire building so we can do what we want.” He throws everyone a grin before hailing his team and walking off.
“Ok gang,” Steve starts. “I think it’s best if we pair off, this way no one is left alone or unguarded.”
Everyone nods their heads in agreement. You’re seated across from Bucky and you catch him staring. You throw him a wide smile before giving your attention back to Steve.
Steve rattles off the pairs and when he says that you’re with Bucky you jump out of your seat and plop yourself next to him.
“I was hoping you’d be my partner,” you whisper.
Bucky can’t stop his surprised look but it quickly turns in to a smile when you continue.
“I know you’re the best shot so you’re going to be really good at this.”
He leans in close to your ear. “That’s not the only thing I’m good at doll face.”
You turn your head at his remark, your face now only inches from his.
“Is that so?” you ask with a smirk.
Before you can ask him to elaborate, Steve let’s out a dramatic sigh. “If you two are going to flirt the whole time then maybe you shouldn’t be partners. I don’t want anyone getting killed because they couldn’t keep their head in the game.”
Both you and Bucky scoff, dismissing him with a wave.
“Whatever punk. We got this,” Bucky assures him, sending you a wink.
“And it’s laser tag Steve. No one is getting killed,” you add with a roll of your eyes.
Steve’s hands are on his hips once again and he glares at you. “No one ‘dies’ on my watch and I want to win this thing.”
With that he storms off, yelling, “I’ll see you all at 2. Don’t be late!”
When you get to the building everyone starts putting on their gear. You’re struggling with the buckles on your vest when Bucky saunters over.
“Need some help doll?” he asks.
You look him up and down, enjoying how his dark jeans and black tee shirt fit tightly across his body.
“That would be great Bucky, thanks,” you reply.
He moves closer and his chest brushes yours as he reaches behind you to secure the vest. You inhale his scent and try to keep your hands at your sides, the need to touch him hard to resist.
When he pulls away and sees the heat in your gaze he licks his lips.
“Ready to play baby doll?” His tone is laced with promise and it takes you a moment to pull your head out of your lewd thoughts.
“So ready,” you purr.
The game gets underway and you and Bucky sneak off to find a hideout.
“If we hide ourselves well enough I can pick people off while you keep watch,” he explains as you walk through the field.
You trip and curse, following it with more curses for the noise you made. Bucky turns around and grabs your hand, holding it tightly as you creep along a darkened wall.
He silently motions for you to hide behind a large wooden box. You get into position and almost let out a loud gasp when he covers your body with his and presses against you.
“Just stay low and keep a look out,” he whispers, his breath fanning over your neck.
You hold back a shiver, needing to stay focused on the task at hand. As the minutes pass it becomes increasingly difficult to do so as Bucky continuously swivels and his body rubs along yours. He’s so close you can feel his muscles flex with every movement.
Bucky tags Tony and then Bruce and you give him a high five. A few minutes later you catch some movement out of the corner of your eye and discover Peter slowly inching closer. You elbow Bucky and he turns just as you tag Peter on his vest.
Bucky continues to tag people from your secret spot and you start to get distracted by his closeness. He unexpectedly bends down and presses you into the wall.
“Don’t move,” he warns.
You hear the scuffle of boots approaching and you stop breathing. Even under the low lighting you can see Bucky’s eyes drift to your lips. The sound of footsteps gets closer before they eventually start to recede and you realize whoever it was is gone.
“You must be my good luck charm,” he says sweetly before inching up and checking the area. “It’s safe,” he says, pulling you up by the hand.
In the next hour, the game really gets going and only you, Bucky, and Nat are left.
“We’re going to have to team if we want to tag her,” Bucky whispers. “Nat is an expert.”
You acknowledge the truth in his words with a silent nod. You both lay low, waiting in the stillness for any clue to her whereabouts. Bucky’s hand settles at your waist and he nudges you forward. You start to move as quietly as possible and the only sound you hear is Bucky’s steady breathing.
A flash of red moves across the field and you instinctively give chase, watching Nat skillfully evade your tags. Thankfully, Bucky goes in the opposite direction and heads her off, tagging her point blank when she rounds the corner.
You give a loud hoot and start jumping up and down. Bucky rushes over, laughing at the string of curses that leave Nat’s mouth. He picks you up and twirls you around.
“We won!!!” he shouts.
As you slide down his body you feel adrenaline rush through you and you plant your hands on his chest, grabbing his laser tag vest.
“I guess I really am your good luck charm,” you simper.
With one swift motion you haul his mouth down to yours and kiss him hard. He immediately drops his gun and circles his arms around you, sliding his hand to the back of your neck. You’re not sure how long your lip locked but when you finally come up for air you’ve gained an audience.
“Now I see why he wanted her on his team so badly,” Steve chimes with a smile.
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@addikted-2-dopamine @book-dragon-13 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @la-cey @lookiamtrying @loricameback @lorilane33 @loveitorleaveit20 @lizette50 @ironmansuucks @mardema @meetmeatyourworst @moonlitskinandcrimsonribbons @marvelgirl7 @moonlacebeam @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @starlightcrystalline @white-wolf1940​
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dracowars · 3 years
Really love your draco ficsss 🤗🤗🤗 i was wondering if you can make one before the war where draco obliviated reader then looks for her after the war aaaa would love to see your take on ittt tag me
remember me | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,8k
summary: where draco obliviates y/n
a/n: while doing research for this one i didn’t even know that when you use obliviate, you can’t reverse it anymore if you’ve used the wand for another spell :o i guess you always learn something new lmao @belladaises i hope you like it! <3
warnings: angst, mentions of blood
universe: harry potter
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Footsteps and screams echo through the dark corridors of Hogwarts as Draco finds himself in one of the hallways after apparating there mere seconds ago. Getting to the right place at the right time, he immediately gets hold of some of the Slytherins, including his friends, whom he pulls with him, informing them about his – or rather Lord Voldemort’s – plan. Draco knows what he has to do, but he also knows the consequences his actions will have.
His hands are shaking, and he is having a difficult time to breathe after they walked from one side of the castle to the other, wands drawn and always at the ready in case there are any emergencies or incidents on their way. What Draco did not expect, however, is that he will find you along his way.
With a pained expression on your face, you lean against one of the cold brick walls, about to lose your footing and to fall to the ground when Draco is already at your side and catches you in his arms before you can hit the hard floor. Previously, he quickly ordered Blaise and Goyle to move on without him and wait for him until he is done here. Carefully, Draco sinks to the ground with you and places you close to him in order to be able to take a closer look at you.
“Y/N! Y/N, what happened?”, he asks you with concern in his voice and already reproaches himself internally for not being here to fight by your side. But he knows that he can’t. After all, you are on the opposite sides in this terrible war.
Slowly, you raise your head and do not seem to recognize him at first, until your vision clears, and you look directly into his worried face. You immediately push yourself closer to him, his closeness bringing you some calmness and making you feel protected and safe, although walls are blown up around you while wizards and witches give their lives in the bitter fight for Hogwarts.
“D-Draco? You are here”, you breath out, your voice rough and strained from your previous screams. You had split up into groups to face the Death Eaters, but you were separated from them when a part of the ceiling fell down, several pieces burying you beneath them. The hope that is now reflected in your eyes upon seeing him, here and with you, breaks Draco’s heart. You really think he is on your side.
It is only when you groan in pain that Draco realizes that you are clutching your leg, which is covered in blood.
“Come on, I will get you out of here”, he whispers to you and helps you straighten up, the guilt plaguing him. You are badly injured, and he was not here to prevent you from getting hurt. Carefully, he puts your arm around his shoulder so you can move faster together than if he would carry you. Since it is not anything than safe here right now, Draco hurries to get you out of there as fast as possible.
“It is not as bad as it looks. I promise”, you try to calm him down, but once your foot touches the ground you twitch in insufferable pain and pull your foot back with a hiss, your hand immediately going to your tigh where it hurts the most.
“What happened?”
“I was careless and then a part of the ceiling buried me beneath it.”
The shock on Draco’s face is enormous when he realizes what could have happened, how it could have ended with you laying under masses of bricks with no one knowing. That he could and still can lose you in this bitter war for life and death. Briefly, he carefully inspects your leg – broken – and without any hesitation, he picks you up in his arms and carries you to a safer place. The safest place would probably be where all students, who do not fight, are hiding, but if Draco asked you about it, he would have to pass this very important piece of information on. And thus, he would also leave you to a terrible fate.
“You are safe here. For the time being”, he finally says as he places you at the end of a staircase that no longer leads to where it originally should, and kneels down in front of you, stroking his hand over your cheek lovingly. Shaking, you place your own on top of his and press his palm to your skin to feel its warmth.
“Draco, if we make it to the seventh floor then-“
“Do not tell me. Please”, he almost begs you. His pleading leaves you puzzled and slowly but surely makes you doubt why he is actually here. Gently, Draco takes your hand in his and places a delicate kiss on your knuckles. You sadly watch him until you bring up the courage to ask this one question that burns on your tongue.
“Why are you here, Draco?”
The realization hits you like a train, much more painful than the pain in your leg, when he just looks at you with glassy eyes and fails to give you an answer. Tears well up in your eyes when you notice that you no longer have your loving boyfriend in front of you, but your enemy.
“Why, Draco?”, you ask him desperately, the first tear already finding its way down your cheek, but Draco does not have the heart to look into your eyes, too scared to see the pain and disappointment in them. Sighing, he shakes his head, letting it sink.
“Everything will be fine, I promise”, he manages to say while his heart contracts in pain. Suddenly, he perceives voices that are still far away, but he hears them coming closer. With trembling hands, he reaches for your wand, which is sticking out of your boot as he has made his final decision. Confused, you look back and forth between him and the wand in his hand.
“What are you going to do? D-Draco? You do not have to do this”, you stutter out as he looks directly at you with his gray eyes which seem much darker now. Gray eyes that once shone with so much affection and now only radiate a tremendous coldness that makes you shudder.
“Now listen carefully to what I say, Y/N. You have to promise me that you will not use your wand anymore”, Draco explains to you, but you can only look at him speechlessly while tears run down your cheeks in waterfalls, not knowing what he will do next.
“I am so sorry”, is the last thing he says to you before casting a spell. “Obliviate.”
With these words, Draco pulls any memories you have of him out of your mind. Every shared laughter, every shared grief, he frees you from all of it. He frees you from the burden of ever knowing him.
With one quick movement he puts your wand back in its original place and quickly stands up, watching how your face loses all emotion as you abruptly stop crying over nothing. Before he can regret his decision, he turns away from you and looks into the corridor from which he previously heard the voices. At the other end of the corridor, he discovers Neville Longbottom, who is running through Hogwarts with some students. Clenching his fists, Draco walks in the middle of the corridor, facing them from afar.
“Neville!”, Draco shouts as loud as he can, immediately gaining Neville’s attention, who now comes running towards him with his wand drawn, ready to attack. Draco swiftly runs back to where you still lean against the wall, but just as Neville turns around the corner, Draco disapparates to another part of Hogwarts.
You are safe at last.
Surrounded by nothing but rubble and ashes, Draco wanders through the last remains of Hogwarts alone. His clothes are torn apart, and his face is soiled – all signs of the bitter fight that took place here before. But now it is over. They lost.
But Draco does not care who won or lost. He chose to switch sides in the end anyway. All he wants now is one more thing: to find you and to make sure you are okay. Every time he trips over a lifeless body on the ground, he looks away in fear that he may recognize your face in one of the corpses. Pressing his hand against his aching left shoulder, he walks into what is left of the Great Hall and a glimmer of hope builds inside of him as he recognizes Neville standing in the middle of it.
Quickening his pace, Draco walks towards him, his gaze fixed on the people he is currently talking to. When Draco gets to them, however, his heart sinks and panic pervades him as he does not see you. You are not here.
Desperately searching for any signs of you, he looks around, his pulse getting faster by the second, until Neville finally taps on his shoulder and points to somewhere behind him. Draco turns around immediately, only to see you limp into the Great Hall with the help of Ginny Weasley, improvised stabilization around your broken leg.
Tears of joy well up in Draco’s eyes and he cannot help but run up to you and close you in a tight hug that almost knocks the both of you off your feet. Draco exhales in relief, clutching his arms around your fragile body, glad to hold you in his arms again, until he notices that you are trying to push him away.
Realization his Draco and he abruptly moves away from you.
“What was that supposed to mean?”, you ask him reproachfully, irritated as to why Draco Malfoy almost suffocated you in a hug.
“I- Well-“, he stutters, but the fact that you actually do not know him anymore is driving an ache through Draco’s chest again. “Where is your wand?”
“Excuse me?”, you huff out, the confusion evident on your face, but Draco quickly reaches for you wand before you can react, which pokes out of your boot, as always. Internally praying that you listened to him and did not use it when he was not by your side, he reverses the Memory Charm and watches a white streak touch your temple, piercing through your skin before vanishing completely.
You blink once, then a few times rapidly, adjusting your eyes to the light and when your gaze falls on Draco, tears well up in your eyes right away.
“Thank God”, Draco sighs in relief and hugs you tightly, but this time you actually return the hug. Weeping, you claw your hands into his shirt, your tears wetting the fabric, whispering what an idiot he had been and that he should never do this to you again. But at this moment nothing else matters.
You survived and found each other again despite the difficulties and obstacles. And from now on nothing and no one will separate you again. Ever.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Leafy 🍃 again! I loved that 💗! Marvelous ending. Making Thranduil the dancer was the best idea EVER! now I must request for Leggy because I feel like I betrayed him lol! 1. Night out 2. Nurse 3. Did you enjoy yourself last night? Please and thank you!
Hello 🍃 anon...How are you, my dear?
It is still my honour and pleasure to try and come up with something for you :D
So, here we go...Legolas this time, huh? I'm sorry, this got a little out of hand 😞
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Words: 2,5 k
Warnings: blood, injury, cursing, harassment
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“Come on,” the woman who was not only your best friend but also had been your only supporter through nursing school whined, “one drink.”
“Do you know if the Polo-team won or lost?” you asked distractedly as you stowed away your books onto the clean shelves in your living room while pride swelled in your chest.
“What does that matter? Since when do you care about those preppy boys?”
“When they win, they stay in the clubhouse, but when they lose, they come to the shady part of town to drink away their shame,” you explained with a sour quirk of your full lips; she was right, you held nothing but contempt for those rich kids who had – unlike you – been given everything in life to succeed.
You had had to claw yourself through your education, juggling two jobs just to make ends meet, and it was certainly not interest that made you ask about them; this one night, after all those trials and years of struggling, you wanted to celebrate in peace.
Originally, you had planned to stay in and open the bottle of top-shelf wine you had bought for the occasion, but your friend was decided that the diploma displayed on your flaky walls deserved to be toasted in a public setting.
“It’s just down the road,” she coaxed, “come on, babes, it will be fine. Polo-assholes or not!”
Unable to deny her – after she had been by your side through every setback and challenge – you slung your bag across your body and nodded slowly.
“One drink!”
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Of course, they were there.
They won as often as they lost, so there had been a fair chance that you’d have the run-down pub at the corner of your street to yourselves, but – as was typical for your luck or lack thereof – this had to be one of the days where everything went just wrong enough to annoy you without destroying all your plans.
A bunch of mopey, spoiled brats would not take away the monumental victory you had hewn out of the unyielding mountain that was life.
“Hey poppet,” someone jeered behind you and your friend.
The sullen group of youngsters groaned; apparently, the winning team had been petty enough to follow them all across town to goad them some more over drinks about their recent victory.
Unfortunately, those childish metaphorical pissing-contests became secondary as soon as fresh meat appeared and – in this moment – that late-night snack were you and your friend.
“Do you want to drink something?” a big, burly man with short black hair asked, his voice sounding cavernous and badly articulated.
“No, we’re here for the charming décor,” you shot back, acid lacing your otherwise own overly sweet tone.
“Ah, come on,” he laughed, but there was something sinister in the sound that made both you and your friend retreat hastily.
For a good while, you chatted about your new job at the hospital you had interned in for your studies, trying to ignore the less than discreet posturing of the two Polo-teams who tried to murder each other with looks alone.
“Is that the silver boy?” your friend asked and nodded at a tall, elegantly lithe youth leaning against a jukebox that hadn’t worked since before any of you had been born; indeed, Legolas was some sort of a myth amongst all the single women in the local school system, and right in this moment, he waited his turn to throw darts at a woefully worn board.
Born rich and privileged, he was fabled to be excessively kind and righteous, and – which contributed much more to his reputation and fame than any golden heart – he was blindingly obviously handsome.
People said that he took after his father – the kind of man that made every woman within his direct vicinity fall over her feet whenever he appeared – with his long, sleek, almost colourless hair and those huge crystal-blue eyes that were changeful and deep as frozen lakes and summer skies.
“It is,” you muttered quietly; he was the star player of his team – fused to his horse, fast, and astonishingly strong – and you had already met him once or twice in the emergency room when you had been on duty.
He had never been anything but kind and patient with you, even when his teammates had been complaining about the delays and tiny errors or hesitations on your part; hence why you felt incredibly spiteful when you rolled your eyes behind his back as if Legolas was the worst person in the world.
The plain truth was that you were envious; his appearance, his status, his competence, and his general demeanour were benchmarks you’d never reach no matter how hard you worked or how much you changed. Some people were just not born with that kind of potential.
In the meantime, the other team had found a lone girl drinking away her sorrow in the corner of the room; the same idiot who had harassed you earlier was now aggressively flirting with her and – through the haze and under heavy lids – she tried to frown discouragingly at him.
As was usual with that type of self-enamoured prick though, her evident disinterest only spurred him on, and he redoubled his efforts to win you knew not what; some men just wanted to triumph independently of what was at stake.
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” you hissed under your breath, not sure if you were talking about the girl who had decided to get drunk in an unsavoury bar such as the one you were sitting in or the pompous ass who paraded around like a baboon.
“Maybe we should…” your friend started when he proceeded to poke the dazed young woman repeatedly.
“Leave her alone,” a cold, controlled voice cut through the ambient sea of noise, “she’s clearly not interested in you.” You had not noticed that
Legolas had stopped focusing on the dartboard and – instead – had made his way over to your side of the bar with the smooth, discreet movements of a predator on the prowl.
“Shut up, princess,” the man barked, annoyed by the interruption, “didn’t you have your fill of humiliation for today? Nothing better to do than to seek punishment?”
“There’s not much better to do at any time than to protect someone from being harassed by a dull meat-head such as you,” Legolas quipped, but you saw his fingers tighten around the single dart he was still holding; this was how all the stories you heard at work started and you tensed as all hell broke loose a single heartbeat after your prescient, almost prophetic thought.
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As if nailed to your chair, you could but stare helplessly as that mooncalf of a man barrelled into Legolas at the exact same moment as he lifted his arm to deflect a potential blow, brow and elbow collided, and – grabbing onto Legolas’ shirt as he fell – the bigger fool of the two took down not only his opponent of the day but also an innocent table just doing its job.
Enmeshed and still struggling, both banged against furniture on their way down until they landed in a tangled heap of limbs on the dirty floor.
The cacophony of screams and grunts swelled and then was strangled into ominous silence.
“Jesus, Leg, you’re bleeding,” one of the silver boy’s teammates cried out as he extricated his friend from the human knot, “and you banged your head pretty good it seems.”
“Aren’t you going to check on him?” your friend asked you with a small nudge.
“I am off-duty,” you smiled mockingly, “and I’m sure he’ll be fine; he’s a sturdy fellow, I’ve seen him before…in the ER.”
Despite your words, you couldn’t help but throw a quick glance over at Legolas – swaying alarmingly – just to make sure that you had not completely underestimated the situation; also, there had been talk of blood and professional curiosity was rearing its annoying head.
A small snort of amused pity escaped you upon realising that this ridiculously sassy man had somehow managed to get his own dart stuck in his thigh.
Moreover, there was a visible bump on that fair brow now where Legolas had hit the edge of the crummy table on his way down; a smidgen of pity welled up in your heart and – when your friend announced that she’d make sure that the young woman would get home safely – you accepted that this jock was your charge for the night.
“We should take him to the hospital maybe?” one of his teammates mused aloud; the way he slurred his words told you that they had also indulged in more drinks than was reasonable to soothe their aching pride.
After a quick, perfunctory check, you shook your head: “His vitals are good; he needs to rest and put something cold on his forehead, but as long as he doesn’t get any worse than this, I don’t think that it’s worth spending hours in the ER.”
“But his leg,” the man whined, pointing at the dart still securely lodged in the muscular thigh, only – being slightly tipsy – he missed the moment to stop moving and nudged the thing hard enough for Legolas to grunt.
“Party’s over,” you finally declared after having assessed the damage superficially, “I live just up the street. I’m a trained and certified nurse as of today, and I’ll take a look at that leg. Good night, gentlemen.”
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Legolas was considerably heavier than you had thought which turned dragging his dazed self along the pavement into the strangest choreography of your life.
“Hey,” he slurred, “you are my favourite nurse. I remember you from when my hand was…”
He held up said body part and you smiled at the thin, white scar crossing the back of it in a straight line; open fracture, not a pretty sight, but he had been very brave, and you had said so to your mentor at the time.
When he lay – stretched out and moaning quietly – on your couch, you frowned down at him.
“I am pretty sure that dart could transmit more illnesses than a damn mosquito,” you grumbled, “I’m going to take it out and you’ll get out of your jeans, please.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“Yes, to get out of your slacks and let me see the wound,” you replied calmly, the professional persona taking over as you laid out your first-aid kit and carefully pressed a cold-pack that you kept handy for your wicked migraines on his swollen brow.
“Alright, beautiful,” he said with a lopsided grin and – without a moment of hesitation or the shadow of a doubt – he whisked off his trousers as if he was a professional stripper, revealing a pair of long, pale legs in an indecently tight pair of black boxer shorts.
The puncture was minimal and barely bled anymore, but you were meticulous in your efforts to clean the wound; it was a known fact that those darts were never cleaned, no matter what bodily or other fluids they might come in contact with.
“Am I alright?” Legolas asked after you had put a plaster on it and gave it a soft pat – out of habit more than real empathy – before getting up; in your concentration, you had almost – but not quite – forgotten that you had been bent over the open, naked legs of a stranger.
“Look me in the eye,” you demanded, shining a small flashlight into those blue depths that shimmered like underground caves in the garish gleam; his reactions were still very good, and you decided that it was most probable that all he needed was a good night’s sleep and plenty of hydration.
 “Drink this!”
The order – soft but decisive – fell easily from your lips and he complied immediately, downing the water and electrolytes obediently.
“You are very beautiful,” he whispered as you spread a light blanket over him, trying to get him to rest.
“Ok,” you laughed, “maybe we need to get you to a hospital after all.”
“Why? I was in hospital when I first noticed,” he answered suavely, wrapping his long-fingered hand around your gracile wrist gently, “I am feeling alright; believe it or not, I’ve hit my head before. Father always said that he’s dropped me once too often when I’m being foolish…I am not entirely sure that he’s joking.” The soft smile – affection and intelligence deepening it – on his face told you that he was lying, but he had achieved what he had set out to do for you relaxed and didn’t pull your hand out of his grasp.
“You should rest,” you heard yourself prompt him.
“Will you stay and make sure I did not split my fool head?” he murmured, fatigue and pain making his words sound blurry and slightly hollow.
“Yes,” you promised, “I’ll be right here. Just ring the bell if you need anything.”
Of course, there was no bell, and you spent your night sitting in your armchair – dozing off every now and again – and keeping watch over that fallen angel who seemed to shine with a silver light coming from deep within him in the semi-obscurity of your living room.
Two things were entirely clear to you: you had chosen the right job, and Legolas was indeed as handsome as they all said.
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Early in the morning, you stretched your tired limbs and padded into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for your little patient who was still fast asleep.
Or so you thought.
“Hey, do you have a painkiller?” a voice – thick with sleep but smooth as silk – resounded behind you and you grinned to yourself before turning around and pointing at the glass of water sitting right next to a small, white pill on the kitchen table.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” you asked ironically, but – to your surprise – he gave the question some thought, digging into the eggs and bacon despite the headache, before answering.
“Let me see, I’ve got my ass handed to me at the game, I had to interrupt an asshole who was harassing a poor woman, and I had a minor accident that was not even a cool, sports-related, heroic incident…”
“I thought it was rather heroic…Well, it was at least decent and that’s rare and valuable,” you interjected and earned a warm smile for it.
“But then,” he went on, “that lovely nurse I didn’t catch the name of appeared and took care of me, so I guess…I’d give it a 4 out of 10. By far not the worst night out I had.”
“I’m not sure I even want to know,” you mumbled, sliding the rest of the food from the frying pan onto his plate.
“How about I tell you about it over drinks? No darts, no brawling, no Polo team?”
His smile was disarming, and you felt your heart flutter in your chest.
“I guess we can do that, 24-hour observation and so on…” you agreed with a serious face that did not fool him for a single second.
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So, that was that...😇
Legolas being a drunk idiot...but a good boy :D
I hope you liked this, I am always happy to hear from you my beloved 🍃 anon...
Have a lovely evening ❤️
@fellowshipofthefics here's another one :D
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
for the feysand oneshot, how abouuuutttt............ omg a feysand wedding!!!!! we've been deprived of it and you're the only one i trust to write it correctly :D
Hello my lovely anon! Sorry it took me so long to get to this one, I got a bit swept away yesterday and then I was prepping for the ACoFD upload today, but we got to it in the end! This one was a little tough for me because I may or have not already written a Feysand wedding scene for ACoFD and I didn't want this one to by a copycat.
Anway, here's a short and canon compliant wedding scene starting immediately after the end of chapter 60 in ACoMaF:
Read on AO3
“So I won my wedding ring without even being asked if I wanted to marry you.”
Feyre cocked her head. “Do--do you want me to wear it?”
“Only if you want to.”
“When we go to Hybern… Let’s say things go badly. Will anyone be able to tell that we’re mated? Could they use that against you?”
Rage flickered in his eyes. “If they see us together and can scent us both, they’ll know.”
“And I show up alone, wearing a Night Court wedding ring--”
He snarled softly.
Feyre closed the box, leaving the ring inside. “After we nullify the Cauldron, I want to do it all. Get the bond declared, get married, throw a stupid party and invite everyone in Velaris--all of it.”
Rhys took the box from Feyre’s hands and set it down on the nightstand before herding her toward the bed. “And what if I wanted to go one step beyond that?”
“I’m listening,” she purred as he laid her on the sheets.
And Rhys slowly explained his plan to Feyre as he unwound her in his arms. A whisper of words across the valley of her chest, his tongue and lips emphasizing each promise of devotion. He summarized the vows with his head buried between her legs, and explained the ceremony as their body joined. It was certainly a thorough demonstration. Once Feyre had thoroughly become undone in his embrace, he kissed her lips, her neck, her stomach, her legs, and helped her dress.
Still lost to the stupor of their love-making, they snuck out of the town house with a twin pair of elated grins. Rhys looked about as dazed and in love as Feyre felt. She took the moment to savour the feeling, understanding that it was fleeting. That tomorrow, they’d wake up and go to war. But right now, she was walking through Velaris with her mate at her side and the stars above and everything was as it should be. This taste of bliss, it would be worth whatever tomorrow brings.
When they arrived at the temple, the two of them were nearly giddy, drunk on the love and joy throbbing through the golden thread that tied them together. Their sacred bond. The High Priestess was already waiting at the entrance, having been mentally notified of their arrival by Rhysand. She offered them a pleasant smile beneath the hood of her blue robe and bowed her head respectfully before she led them through the temple.
They were escorted into a room with large moonstone arches in place of windows, the space completely open to the soft, saltwater breeze blowing in from the Sidra. The ceiling above was carved with markings reminiscent of Night Court and at its apex, it opened to the night sky. Feyre stared up in awe, marvelling at the waxing moon that shone through, bright and bold among the star-swept sky. It was the perfect place to offer her heart to her mate and his court.
Feyre turned to face Rhys. He was staring at her, adoration plain on his face, and her face heated to realize that he’d been marvelling her in mirror to her gaping at the temple.
Of the glorious sights in the world, Feyre, your beauty surpasses all.
She raised her brows, stepping closer to her mate to play at adjusting the lapels of his jacket. The sight before me certainly challenges such a statement. She made a point of sweeping her gaze over him, stopping at those heartbreaking eyes that were staring at her with such a soft love. Feyre swallowed thickly, feeling all at once enveloped in warmth, like she’d been bundled in a pool of silk.
Rhys swept his arms around her, encircling her in his embrace as he pulled her closer. Then what a view the pair of us must be, he mused.
The High Priestess had been scurrying about, gathering items for the ceremony, but now she appeared at their side. Any mortal notions about modesty didn’t seem to exist in fae ceremonies, for the priestess seemed almost encouraged by the way Feyre and Rhys were clutching onto each other. She made no move to separate them as she began the proceedings, and Feyre was grateful for being able to stay in Rhysand’s arms, safe and warm and complete.
“Feyre Cursebreaker,” she began, her voice loud and clear. It echoed in the open space of the room, carried through the gentle wind, “do you swear to protect and serve the Night Court; to uphold its laws and stand against its enemies; to lead and govern its people; to be a just ruler; and to bow to no and nothing but your crown?”
Feyre pulled away from Rhysand’s embrace, but kept his hand grasped firmly in her own as she faced the High Priestess. “I swear on my life,” she answered resolutely. “I will protect and serve the Night Court and its people. I will lead and govern as a just ruler, and I will uphold the Night Courts laws and stand against its enemies. I will bow to no and nothing but my crown.”
“Kneel now, Cursebreaker, to your crown and country.” The High Priestess gestured to the symbols carved into the moonstone floor and Feyre realized they were standing on the inside circle of the Night Court emblem, the High Priestess just outside the carving.
Feyre nodded, bowing to her knees before the three stars of Ramiel engraved on the floor. The Priestess retrieved a shallow bowl she’d placed on the ground and raised it before Feyre.
“Drink now, from the water that flows through the streams of Ramiel, and let the Mother bless and protect you as the High Lady of the Night Court.”
Feyre raised her chin and drank from the bowl, letting the cool water stay on her tongue as she sent a silent thank you to the Mother and her Cauldron, for having been blessed with such a place to call home, and such a mate to stand beside. And as she drank, she felt her right hand tingle as a twin to her bargain tattoo etched itself into her skin like a lace glove, marking her as High Lady.
When the High Priestess removed the bowl, Rhys was instantly there, fingers placed under her chin. He used that contact point to raise her back to her feet until their lips met. He kissed her so tenderly it scorched her soul, branded her there irrevocably. No one’s touch would ever feel so harmonious, so magnetic.
Then, Rhys pulled away. For a brief second their eyes met, and the burning reverence she saw in those starkissed eyes was staggering. Her whole body felt ablaze as he dropped to his own knees before her, drawing the back of her hand to his lips. “My Lady,” he breathed, his voice thick with emotion. “I will protect and serve. Always. Your word, your command, your will, they are as good as my own, and I will uphold them all. Every breath I take, it will be in your service. Everything that I have, it is yours. Will you take me, as your mate and husband and High Lord?”
“I will,” Feyre said, her voice cracking on the word as she fought against the emotion that clogged her throat, that stung the back of her eyes. Were High Ladies allowed to become blubbering, happy messes in the sacred temples?
Your High Lord has already become one, so I don’t see why High Ladies should be excluded, Rhys murmured. Feyre met his glittering eyes, where tears fell freely down his cheeks. With a sob, Feyre joined him on the floor, both of them kneeling together on the Night Court emblem.
“Will you take me, Rhysand?” Feyre managed to choke out through her tears. “As your mate and wife and High Lady?”
“I already have,” he whispered. “From the moment I met you, and long before that. I have loved you and accepted you as anything you would offer to me. And I always will. My wife, my mate, my High Lady. I love you with everything I am.”
“I love you too, Rhys,” she answered, throwing her arms around his neck to crash her lips to his.
She could taste the salt of their tears, but beyond that she could taste him. Her mate, the soul for her soul, the very person she’d been searching for all her life. And as they burned together on the temple floor, as bright and enduring as the stars themselves, Feyre thought that she was finding more than her other half. She was finding herself, her family, her home, everything that had always felt unattainable and farfetched. For so long she’d never known what it was to be loved, but now, in her husband’s arms, crowned as his equal in every way, she felt so much more than that.
For the first time since turning High Fae, she truly felt immortal. Powerful, everlasting, eternal. High on love and life as she kissed her mate endlessly under the blanket of moonlight. She’d never dreamed she could feel this way, so liberated, so unabatedly happy.
To the people who look up at the stars and wish, Rhys.
To the stars who listen, mate. And the dreams, like this one, that are answered.
Taglist:  @cretaceous-therapod @live-the-fangirl-life @feybaenc @imsecretlyaherondale-blog @tanvee1231
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sainz-zayn · 3 years
01: Cheating On You
Warnings: None.
► Part of Heartbreak Playlist
Word Count: 847
Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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Different night, same argument. Why did we become like this? we did everything to work this out but the spark is not the same anymore.
"She`s just a friend and nothing else why can`t you understand that!?"
you`re spewing the same thing again. Sometimes I want to ask you if this relationship still means something to you but I`m scared to let go. Am I selfish that I want to keep you for myself?
"Is she really?" you ask, why is it so hard to love you? or I`m the one who`s not worth it to be love?
"I`m done, we can`t keep going on if you keep doubting me" it`s coming from Xiaojun`s lips, his very own lips. 
"Y/n, let`s break up" he`s scared, scared to face the confrontation, stupid to think what`s better for him.
"Don`t say that Xiaojun please look at me, don`t do this to us" I never beg for someone to stay but for you, I will kneel and beg just to make you stay. 
"There`s no "us" anymore Y/n" he wants to let go, will you let him? 
"It`s better this way" why do you have to say it? why do you have to end it?
"Please" for you I will cry a river, I would lie, I would kill, I would die for you but all you want is happiness and I know that you deserve it.
"Can I hold on for another night?" this is our goodbye, isn`t it? 
waking up every morning and there`s no more "you", your hug, kisses, touches, voice, everything. Why is it so hard to forget you? 
Why did you run away?
It`s been 1 year and I heard that you`re with the girl you told me not to worry about. Love is so cruel, isn`t it?
I saw you last night, is she making you happy? I hope she does. Our gaze met but why your stares hold something else? it`s wrong that I`m loving someone`s boyfriend that I used to call mine but I guess it goes that way for us.
It all started with a kiss on your Mom`s couch, a hot summer night, warm touches. Now, It doesn`t feel the same way anymore but it`s the same way he held you that night.
 your love was everything
1 year has passed, does anyone holds you the same way I do? I tried to forget you but there ain't no lips like your lips. Thought I could get you back any time of day but when I did I never thought that I have already lost you.
Xiaojun thought that It'd be better when he found someone new but why does it feel like he`s always yearning for you? looking at the sleeping girl beside him, is it right that he wants it to be you?
Why did I run away?
Calling you is the only thing he can think about at this moment, nothing else, can he still be on his way?
Sitting on the balcony while heads looking up in the sky stars making it shine. Hair slightly going with the flow of the cold breeze.
Now, he`s right here in front of you, you want to be with him but he wants to be with her.
"Tell me this is wrong. Please, push me away" the taller man beside you spoke.
"You`re drunk Xiaojun, go home" a warm smile tainted in your lips, tears threatening to fall.
"I know I said goodbye and baby, you said it too but when I touch her I feel like I'm cheating on you" never knew what pain is until I realized it because now we`re both in pain.
I miss you badly, really, really, bad.
"This might be the last chance I can say this to you, I lo-" you don`t want to hear it. You love him, he used to love you but it`s not the same anymore.
"D-don`t" tears brimming out. He never knew that this one word can cause a lot of pain.
"Is it going to be like this for us?" he wants your answer, he wants it really bad. Is the pain he`s feeling now is the same feeling you felt the day he decided to break your heart?
"It`s better this way" despite the lump forming in your throat you never knew that you dare to say it. Breaking you is not my intention. Now, I want you to leave me and walk away.
"I`m sorry" your sorry won`t fix anything but it means a lot to me. Now, that you walk away. I hope she will give you the love you deserve.
"It`s still you Xiaojun" whisper and unspoken words.
Walking away, goodbyes, love, letting go, regret. It`s all pain but I want you to know that...
your love was everything.
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‘Their love was strong, but the timing was wrong, and love decided that they didn`t belong’- S.t.
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Tag list: @reiichann​ @leolo404​
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Summary: Connor and Gavin find an unresponsive RK900 android in an abandoned Cyberlife warehouse and take him home to fix. (Not so subtle plot twist: both of them fall in love with their secret science project)
The crew from Jericho led a successful revolution but there’s still a lot of work to be done. Markus may have won human hearts and gotten the federal government to back down, but Cyberlife is still at large.
Sure, hundreds of androids at the Tower escaped to march on the streets behind Connor, but that was just a little dent in the big machine. Cyberlife has tons of intellectual property and assets that could easily put them back in power.
Simon and Markus insist they can work with the authorities to regulate and ring-fence the massive corporation. Josh agrees. North laughs in their faces.
She goes to find the only other Jericho member who still has any grit left.
The daring, brazen RK800 who stared down death and spat in the face of destruction. He blinks at her in polite confusion when she tells him what she wants to do, but the fiery LED tells her everything she needs to know.
They hatch plans behind Markus’ back. They steal and stockpile biocomponents. They sneak into the Tower to encrypt Cyberlife’s R&D files with codes that only RK algorithms can break. A few other Tracis join them and they slowly start gaining an edge.
Their schemes start getting grander and one night something goes wrong. North is shot.
Connor carries her to the only safe place he knows other than his stasis pod in Hank’s dilapidated garage. The DPD Central Station.
It’s way past midnight. It’s deathly quiet. Connor is sure no one will see them, and he can easily tamper with the security cameras.
What he doesn’t bank on is the over-caffeinated loser still bent over his desk in the bullpen.
A noise from the archive room breaks through the quiet. Quelling his fear of the supernatural, Gavin stands up shakily and goes to investigate. He flips on the light and sees blue everywhere.
Connor is bent over a badly damaged Traci and three other girls with identical tear-streaked faces are on their knees beside her.
Chocolate brown eyes meet storm green beseechingly, their rivalry forgotten in that moment of desperation.
Before he realizes it, Gavin is moving. He takes several packs of thirium out of the fridge and grabs the Department’s toolkit, praying that whatever’s in there can help.
Old engineering knowledge kicks in and Gavin’s hands join Connor’s over the cracked chassis, pulling out damaged tubing and securing the leakages. It takes a while, but North is patched up. She first recoils in absolute terror at the human man hunched over her but regains composure at Connor’s touch… interface. She nods briefly to express her gratitude, somehow regal and intimidating even after being so vulnerable. Gavin decides he likes this proud and brave creature.
He drives them all back to his apartment for the night. They’ll take North to a technician first thing in the morning and get her back to New Jericho before Markus even notices. Adrenaline pumps through Gavin’s veins. He hasn’t felt a thrill like this in years, not since… not since…
“How did you know exactly where to put your hands?”
“A layman would have broken that biocomponent trying to take it out.”
“You know I’m not exactly a layman.”
“I also know they don’t cover Cyberlife’s proprietary designs in engineering school.”
Gavin stays quiet. Connor puts a hesitant hand on his shoulder, poised to jump away immediately should the detective revert to his usual self.
“Thank you. For everything you just did for us. I don’t know how to repay-”
“I want in.”
“Whatever you’re doing. I can help.”
Connor cocks his head. His LED goes berserk.
They make a great team. Gavin and Connor. North’s best men. Who the fuck would have thought. Breaking into high-security locations using police databases and surveillance resources. Covering for each other during extended absences from work. They start to take down Cyberlife in a such a precise manner, it’s almost surgical. The dissection of a multibillion dollar business.
Gavin has an intimate understanding of android technology and an even closer intuition of Cyberlife’s overall strategy. Connor thinks he understands why. There’s an undeniable resemblance between the only two men on earth whose motivations evade his understanding. But of course it’s just a coincidence that Elijah Kamski and Gavin Reed have the same jawline... facial structure... voice.
Connor says nothing... and Gavin is quietly thankful for that. And the chance to finally live the kind of exciting life he dreamt of since he was a little boy. To make a real difference. Just as he wanted to before it all went wrong.
Somewhere along the way, they grow close. Gavin and Connor. Two rival cops turned vigilante comrades turned something else... It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly it happened... perhaps sometime between the cup of coffee placed tentatively on Gavin’s desk the morning after North's near-fatal injury and the heated kiss they dragged each other into after a particularly dangerous mission.
North is unsurprised. She doesn’t bat an eye when the usually unruffled RK800 shows up to planning meetings shirtless and disheveled. Her lips even twist into a little smile as he drapes himself slovenly over the only human at the table.
Things fall into a pattern. A good one. Several months from where they started, Cyberlife share prices have fallen to an all time low and other tech enterprises have begun to move in, circling the troubled company like sharks. If North’s next heist goes to plan, the last shred of IP that brands Cyberlife as a robotics company will be out in the public domain for all to take.
 She is rapturous as she swings in through the broken window and rolls into a crouched position. Gavin and Connor follow her cautiously through the abandoned warehouse, weapons drawn and eyes roving. 
“What the fuck!” 
Connor throws a protective arm in front of Gavin, shielding him with his chassis. But North’s cry was merely one of disappointment. 
“Shit! We wasted so much effort. There’s nothing here!”
Where they had expected to find a secret server room or a high-tech vault containing the crux of Cyberlife’s groundbreaking designs... was a single android storage pod. North restrains herself from kicking it in frustration. She gestures harshly at it before leaving in a huff. 
“It’s occupied. Wake them up, Connor, whoever they are. It’s still our duty to set free any androids we find.”
Gavin tries to catch her arm in a conciliatory gesture but she shakes the human off easily. He shrugs at Connor and inclines his head at the android in the pod. Unfortunately, North’s annoyance has brushed off on the RK800. He glares through the broken window the Jericho leader has just jumped out of.
“Don’t you think she bosses me around a little too much?”
Gavin sighs and walks over to the pod, looking for the latches to open it. His boyfriend has a problem with authority... and so has he to be honest.
“Better her than Fowler, dontcha think?” 
“Hmmpff. At least Fowler doesn’t lead us on wild goose chases.”
“Come on, babe. None of us saw this coming. We really thought this was it. Maybe we’re at a decoy location? Let’s go back to the drawing board after we wake this guy... or girl up.” 
“You’re awfully chipper for someone who just scaled a building for nothing.” 
Gavin shakes his head as he smiles to himself. It’s true. Even the worst days with North’s crew are better than his best days at the DPD. Maybe it’s because he’s finally doing what he was born for. Using the knowledge and skills that practically run through his veins. Maybe its the man by his side.
He gets the pod open and steps sideways to avoid the swing of the door, and freezes.
No response.
“Hmm. Give me a second.” 
“Take a minute. You’re going to want to brace yourself for this one.”
The android lying peacefully within the pod is a stranger with a face entirely too familiar to Gavin. A face he was just looking at. A face he’d recognize anywhere, even without skin.
“Are their battery levels- holy shit.”
Connor’s LED spins faster and faster as he registers the sight.
“I thought there were no surviving RK800s apart from you and that grumpy SWAT guy Sixty.” 
“This... this isn’t an RK800.” 
Connor traces the serial number printed on the android’s cheekbone. RK900. 
“Shit. Did you know this model existed?” 
“No, did you?”
Gavin shakes his head. He hadn’t been privy to Cyberlife’s inner decision-making for nearly fifteen years, but he always answered Connor’s persistent questioning without losing patience. Honesty was what kept them together despite the hundreds of reasons to fight and fall apart.
“What should we do? If he’s your successor, I’m not sure waking him up is the safest thing for you to do...”
“We can’t leave him here, Gav. He’s probably been here from before the Revolution. That’s more than a year of being in a box. It’s not... fair...” 
“He’s not deviant, babe. We don’t know what his programming is like.”
“It doesn’t matter. I can turn him.”
Gavin sees the look in Connor’s eyes and knows he’s made up his mind already. He steps aside, hand flitting to the holster on his waist. 
Connor takes an unnecessary breath and reaches for RK900′s forearm with his synth skin retracted. His fingers hover over the motionless android for a moment and then he makes contact. Gavin tenses. 
Nothing happens. The RK900′s LED remains unlit. There is no sign of life.
The couple look at each other automatically. Their instinctive reaction when the inexplicable occurs. 
“Is he-”
“No, I don’t see any damage. I think he’s never been activated. Not even for quality testing.” 
“Did you see a request for manual code input? Did any interface pop up at all?” 
“I can only see that his power systems are functioning.” 
“And his thirium pump?” 
“Not active. No compressions at all.”
Connor presses both his palms down on the RK900′s face. Still nothing. He looks up, defeated, with a furrow forming between his brows.
Gavin scratches at his stubbled chin. He peers closer. The perfect face is so calm. So familiar. So... magnetic? His apprehension is replaced by intrigue.
“Huh. Okay. I could take a look... but I don’t wanna try using the computer set-up here. Can’t take a chance... leave any traces...”
“We could take him home.”
Storm green eyes lock with chocolate brown. There’s something in the depths of each pair that’s mirrored in the other. 
It’s foolish. It’s a waste of time. It’s a risk. North would probably smack the two of them if she knew. 
But the night ends with them gently lowering the unconscious android onto the squashy sofa in Gavin’s living room.
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hello there! I love your writing so much! ❤️ And I have a request! Scenario with Kirishima on a mission with his fem s/o, whose quirk is solar energy, she can absorb the suns energy, store it within her body for use when it’s needed, and use it to attack either with bright light to temporarily blind an enemy or condense the energy tightly together to create burning physical attacks. She saves a citizen but gets badly hurt for it. It almost kills her but in the end she survives and fully recovers
A/N: Thank you for your sweet words! This is a really cute scenario you came up with and I hope that you like what I made of it! Please enjoy! (*⁰▿⁰*)/
Tags: Kirishima x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅  angst ✅
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My light - Kirishima x reader
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Big hands wrapped around your body as they adjusted the creme-yellow belt of your hero costume. With an amused gaze you watched as your red-haired lover struggled to perfectly align every single detail of your clothing with his big hands until you couldn’t help yourself anymore and began to giggle.
“Don’t laugh (Y/N), you know that I’m not good with this!”
“And yet you still insist on helping me with it,” you answer with a smile on your lips as you softly remove the man’s hands from you an squeeze them. As if to return your gentle touch he brought your hands to his lips and made sure to kiss every single knuckle, making you blush in embarrassment in the process.
“Are you ready?”
His sudden question took you by surprise, but after a couple of seconds you nodded confidently.
Both, Kirishima and you stood next to each other slightly nervous about what your superior had called you in his office for. The blond man in front of you looked over some documents before finally lifting his gaze, a grin immediately spreading along his mouth.
“Well hi there you two, there’s no need to be that nervous, you know? C’mon, loosen up a little!”
The two of you did as told and relaxed your tensed up muscles, after which you spoke up, asking the pro hero in front of you why he had wished for a meeting in his office.
Usually, Fat Gum wasn’t one that sticked to formalities, such as calling his workers - or in your case, heroes - to his office for a talk. He preferred to casually bring it up whenever he met with the person(s) in question, and that’s why Kirishima and you were so surprised when Tamaki had asked you to go to the main office for a talk with the boss.
Luckily, he was quick to realize that you both were pretty nervous so he immediately began explaining. It was truly a relief to hear that all he wanted to share with you were the details for a joint mission the two of you would be taking care of the following day. He gave you all relevant details and as always asked you to be careful and try to not get yourselves injured. With a promise to watch out for each other and be as careful as always Kirishima and you left your superior’s office and began reviewing all the relevant papers he’d given you. You were motivated and happy to finally have a mission with your beloved, since not only were you a great team but just being by his side during dangerous missions made you feel safe and somewhat relieved. While you looked at the red-haired man’s profile as he scanned over the paper in his hands, you promised yourself to make this mission a success.
Ah! It’s Red Riot and Sunshine!
E-Excuse me Red Riot sir, can I have your autograph?
Thank you two for always watching out for us!
Miss Sunshine, can I have a selfie with you?
After answering all questions and attending to everyone’s requests the two of you resumed your walk. Being stopped by people who treat you like some famous actors was nothing new to the two of you since this wasn’t the first joint mission you took on and yet you were always overwhelmed by the amount of love and support everyone showed you. But what made you even happier was seeing how Kirishima reacted to it all.
The way his cheeks became redder, his slightly stuttering but nonetheless loud voice, how big his eyes got whenever a fan of his showed him the merch they’d bought, and many other small and adorable things you noticed were simply heartwarming. As his lover you knew more than anyone how much effort he puts into his hero career and just how ambitious he follows through with the goal to step into Crimson Riot’s footsteps, so seeing his hard work being rewarded made you extremely happy.
A couple of minutes passed and you slowly had to resume your patrol, so you unobtrusively signaled your red-haired companion to wrap his talk up. The disappointment of his fans didn’t last as long as you’d presumed it would, but who could blame them when Kirishima flashed that sharp but angelic smile instead of bidding them a proper farewell.
“My bad (Y/N), I got quite caught up talking with them about their t-shirts!”
You giggled and pat his shoulder a few times before answering: “There’s nothing for you to apologize about, in fact I can’t really blame you since…the new collection of yours looks pretty cool”
Even though you had whispered the last part of your sentence, the man next to you heard it nonetheless and couldn’t help but smile broader than he already was. The moment he parted his mouth to give you an answer, a sudden explosion some meters away from you interrupted the wholesome moment you were having. You two immediately ceased your idle chatter and switched over to your hero personalities. While you began to evacuate the nearby pedestrians, your boyfriend rushed to the explosion site and helped the injured people out. Your eyes followed the backs of the innocent citizens as they ran away from the smokescreen that was enveloping the massive frame of Kirishima, who was holding onto staggering and hurt pedestrians as he brought them to safety.
Before you could go and help him out a figure caught your eye and just as you were about to call out to them, they turned the corner and ran into an alleyway. “Hey! Hold it!“ you shouted and almost immediately took chase, ignoring the young man’s worried screams behind you, pleading for you to at least wait for him and not do anything too rash. You heard him and nodded to yourself, repeating his warning inside of your head as you continued your chase.
Surprisingly enough, the person before you wasn’t as quick as you had expected so it wasn’t that hard to keep up with him and just as you were about to take a hold of their arm they cut the corner yet again. You spit out a curse before following the new route of the suspicious individual and that’s when the worst case scenario happened.
Just a few steps in front of you was a young school girl who was talking to someone over her mobile phone and because of that she failed to notice the two of you approaching. You shouted out a warning but her reactions were unfortunately too slow and allowed the suspect to grab her and hold a knife to her throat.
“D-Don’t come any closer or else this girl’s death will be your fault!”
Without much hesitation you obeyed and stopped, using the moment of silence to asses the situation as well as take a proper look at the person you had just chased. It appeared to be a middle aged man and judging by his wide eyes and slightly trembling hand you deduced that he wasn’t used to threatening people like that.
Perfect, I just need to calm him down and hope that words will be enough…I’d really like to avoid using my powers
As you thought that you glanced up at the sky where the sun was shining brighter than you’d ever seen it in the past few days and if you were being honest, it worried you a little. Your quirk was the accumulative type and allowed your body to store solar energy, allowing you to use it at your discretion, but it came at a cost. To put it simply, the brighter and stronger the sun shone, the more dangerous and taxing your power was on your body. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and began reasoning with the man who faced you.
“Sir there is no need for you to get other people involved, we can clear this misunderstanding between us, ok?”
You spoke slow but with a firm voice so that neither the man got more agitated than he already was nor scare the innocent girl any further. And indeed the man relaxed his grip ever so slightly but the moment you wanted to continue with your plan of calming him down the young girl screamed out for help and began struggling desperately.
“No…! Don’t-”
But before you could warn her to not make anything rash it was too late. The girl’s thrashing about ended up hitting the man behind her a few times, which resulted in him finally losing his patience and the moment you saw him raise his hand, in which he held the knife, you immediately activated your quirk and shouted: “Close your eyes!”
Fortunately for you, your message reached the recipient it was meant for and when you confirmed that the female student had obeyed your order, you released a portion of the energy you had collected from today’s sunshine and blinded the man. While he was stumbling back screaming, you used the short timeframe to grab the girl’s hand and start running.
“Ok I need you to listen and obey everything I’m about to tell you, got it?” you asked and waited for her affirmation first before you continued, “Run as fast as you can back to the main street and there you’ll meet the sturdy hero Red Riot, a muscular, tall, and red-haired young man, who’ll keep you safe while I take care of that man, ok? Now run!”
You normally would’ve gone with her, but your previous move took more out of you than expected, so you chose to leave her safety to your trusted lover while you won them some time.
The man’s quick and heavy steps were closing in on you, so you prepared yourself to attack once again if necessary. With the plans to either stun him a second time so that he can’t see where he runs or inflict a burn on one of his kneecaps to slow him down, you turned to face him.
“O-Oh my god…why didn’t you….? T-This can’t be happening! I-I….I have to g-get away from here!”
“Not s-so fast…” you utter as you hold onto his hand and your body temperature begins to rise. In a swift and quick motion you kick his shin, causing his knee to buckle and used that small timeframe to bring this man down, ultimately pinning him to the ground with your leg on top of his chest, and your hands tightly gripping his wrists. In order to make him surrender completely you released your powers and that energy caused slight burns on each body part you had come in contact with. You had to use and control your power which was pretty taxing to your body. Your vision slowly grew blurry and that’s when you remembered the small “promise” your loved one had made to you as you ran off.
Aah…Eijiro, please hurry up..
Hearing the familiar voice echo behind you just mere moments after you had thought of him made you smile in relief. You took one last glance at the knife which was deeply buried inside of your lower stomach before closing your eyes and embracing the darkness that had tried to claim you this entire time…
P-Please, you need to save her! I-I’ll do anything, so please-!
Sir I need you to calm yourself down, you’re bothering the other patients.
We first need to perform a checkup on her, s-
I don’t care what you have to do, j-just please!
That’s enough out of you shitty hair, let the doctors handle it and meanwhile we’ll wait outside!
While your consciousness drifted back and forth you could make out a couple of voices near you and one of them belonged to none other than Kirishima.
You felt a big hand tightly wrap around your own and squeeze it slightly, but before you could do or even say anything else, your vision once again blackened.
Calloused fingers caress the back of your hand as the tall man kisses your bandaged knuckles. His empty stare fixated on your sleeping form and the peaceful way you just lied there managed to put him at ease for at least a couple seconds before once again realizing the harsh truth of how grave you had been injured by that man and your own quirk.
“You idiot…I told you to be careful and not overdo it, didn’t I?” he silently whispered in front of himself as he used his free hand to stroke your cheek ever so gently. Since your hospitalization he remained practically glued to your side, refusing to miss even a single update on your condition, if it weren’t for his friends to literally drag him out of your room so that he gets something to eat or simply see the summer sun he would be in an even worse condition than right now. He was aware that he was a burden to others and that he behaved immaturely, but every time he tried to cheer up for their sake or simply try to worry less, he’d remember that day of the incident.
The scene of your back facing him while you were apprehending the man who had ran off seemed normal at first, but as soon as he was merely a couple of steps away from you, you had fallen forward right on top of the other man’s chest. He began panicking and apologizing frantically, saying stuff like I didn’t mean to do it or why didn’t she dodge, and that’s when he noticed the abnormal amount of blood that had stained the other man’s shirt…
While your lover recalled the unpleasant and rather traumatizing event, he failed to notice the way your facial features tensed up and your eyes slowly fluttering open. At first you couldn’t really feel your body, so all you did was glance around and quickly came to the conclusion that you were in a hospital room. All you could hear except the silence that surrounded you were the steady breaths of someone who most likely stood pretty close to you. Just as you were about to try and move your body a sudden voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) for being late…I-I should’ve hurried up and come to y-your aid quicker, t-then you wouldn’t have had to use your ability to that extend and e-even wouldn’t have gotten stabb– god, forgive me…”
His shaky voice was full of sorrow and guilt and as if that wasn’t painful enough for you to hear, Kirishima even squeezed your hands tighter than before and put them up to his forehead. The man continued muttering apology after apology and with each one he got sadder, so you finally decided to speak up.
“If you continue squeezing my hand like that it’ll never recover, you know?” you joked with the most cheerful voice you could muster and even though it ended up sounding more raspy, it achieved the surprise effect you were going for. Wide red eyes, filled with nothing but relief stared at your smiling face.
The man next to your bed got up so quickly that his chair fell over, he was so overwhelmed with the fact that you were awake that he didn’t know what to do first. Call the doctor and the nurses over? Ask you about your condition? Embrace you? Lecture you? Cry?
In order to take most of his nervousness away, you gently tugged on his hand and smiled up at him with glassy eyes.
“Ei, I missed you.”
One single tear rolled down his cheek and as realization slowly downed on him the stream of tears didn’t stop flowing down his face. He bend down to you and as gently as he could wrapped his arms around you, hiding himself in the crook of your neck.
A couple of minutes had to pass by until he was capable of properly talking to you and knowing just how worried he had been you figured that he’d most likely start lecturing you, but as you saw him push the button next to your bed that was supposed to notify the hospital staff in case of an emergency, you gave him a confused glance.
“(Y/N), I’m pretty sure that you know what I want to tell you and I hope that you’re aware of just how mad I am, but,” he paused and looked directly at your face, but to you it seemed like he glanced at something beyond you. After what felt like an eternity of torturing silence he finally resumed his initial thought with a somewhat sad smile: “…the only thing I’m most thankful for is the fact that you’re alive and well.”
A gentle knock on your door and the entry of the nurse interrupted your discussion. After she checked in with Kirishima you watched as he slowly left your room…
“Ok, then Miss Sunshine one last sign and you’re free to leave.”
You sign the last document she’d given you and smile, thanking her for everything they’d done for you. She simply smiled and humbly shook her head. “Miss I’m simply doing my job…just like you. Thanks to every hero’s efforts I can feel safe…and if by treating your injuries I can contribute to your well-being and performance then I’d gladly do so.”
With flushed cheeks, you chuckle at her words, and just as you were about to leave she stopped you.
“But if I may give you an advice for the future…please refrain from such reckless actions again. This wasn’t the first time you came here because of your quirk’s effects on your body…but this time was the worst. I don’t know what lead you to drive yourself beyond your body’s limits, but you standing right here in front of me in such good condition is nothing short of a miracle.”
“She knows that.”
The two of you turned to the person who’d just butted into your conversation and as expected it was none other than your boyfriend, who was standing behind you. He carefully wrapped one arm around your waist and held out a beautifully arranged bouquet to you with his other one. You took the flowers and blushed as you whispered a short thank you to him. With his usual broad grin, he kissed your cheek and took the bag you were carrying, slumping it over his own broad shoulder.
The two of you bid the nurse and her colleagues farewell as you slowly headed for the exit. She watched your backs as you walked past the entryway and focused on the man’s smile which seemed to never falter, as she recalled his words the day you had been rushed to the hospital right before his blind friend had brought him away…
I know that it’s not my place to say this, but please save her…
I’m begging you…
Please save my light…
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 years
The Voyage So Far: Paramount War (Part Two)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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ace’s execution is, in a way, the exception that proves the rule when it comes to one piece’s themes of blood and family. ace is set up to die for the crimes of a father he never knew and never wanted, and he does die here, but in the end he dies for the family he did choose, in the form of luffy, rather than the one he didn’t. 
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god do i wish we knew more about ms portgas d. rouge. with ace’s storyline pretty much wrapped it looks unlikely that we’re going to be learning more about her than what we got, which in my opinion is an absolute tragedy, because what little we do know about her is amazing and she’s an absolute badass. oda give us more female ds please.
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whitebeard’s power is so cool. it might be one of the visually coolest devil fruits we’ve ever seen, in my opinion. he he causes earthquakes and tsunamis while far past his prime; he pulls the sky apart with his bare hands. this whole arc is world-shaking, and whitebeard’s power is perfectly appropriate for it. 
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doflamingo’s speech on justice and rightness is one of the most well-remembered quotes from this whole saga, and rightly so. i’ve always found it fascinating, myself, because he’s right. he dead-on hits how the one piece world works- the world government and the marines rule the world not because of any inherent actual goodness or justice or right, but because they won a war a very long time ago. 
in a way, this reminds me of blackbeard’s line of “people’s dreams never die” from jaya. i like how oda isn’t afraid of letting his villains be right about the themes of the story, sometimes even having better awareness of them than the protagonists. 
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man, if i had to pick a single favorite spread out of the whole manga, it might be luffy’s marineford entrance. it’s so epic, and so completely unexpected for everyone else there. absolutely nobody was expecting strawhat luffy to drop out of the sky with a posse including two former warlords. it just makes me grin!! so much!! 
it also gets followed up by a solid two pages of just people’s reactions, from smoker’s “what the HELL is he doing with CROCODILE” to moria’s immediate incoherent rage, and i just love that the world and cast of one piece is so well-established and built up that we know exactly how all of those people know luffy and why they react the way they do. 
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going back to what i mentioned in the last post about marineford being luffy’s conflict of interest arc, i’d say it’s also the only time where he isn’t the future king first and foremost. in this arc, before anything else, he’s a little brother.
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there are a lot of what-if moments in marineford. moments where you kind of have to ask “what if this specific thing hadn’t happened, had gone differently?” would things have turned out differently? squard’s betrayal is one of them. does this change the outcome? would whitebeard have been able to survive if not for this injury? there’s no way to know. marineford is a lot of little tragedies, and they just pile up and up.
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marineford has just so many incredibly striking spreads. all of the momentous moments (and there’s a lot of them, in this arc) are done full justice. this is such an image heavy post just because marineford is such an incredibly visually strong arc. 
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conqueror’s haki is so cool and i love the way it’s set up and built up throughout this saga, with luffy’s constant inadvertent uses of it, from duval’s bull to marigold and sandersonia to the wolves in impel down, all leading up to this moment. 
i’ve heard people complain about conqueror’s as kind of a deus ex machina, but i honestly love it, it’s very cool and honestly i think it just seems to fit luffy as a power. if there was ever gonna be a character who turned willpower into a weapon, it would be monkey d. luffy. 
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i’m gonna take this chance to talk about garp, because this sequence of panels is heavily implied to be garp’s thoughts just before luffy punches him down, and it hurts. garp is a flawed person who makes some bad choices, and there’s no arguing that, but i think it’s very obvious he really, really cares about his grandsons, even if he never could understand them as people and that they never would have been happy as marines. and that’s just tragic, really. 
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the moment ace gets freed and the brief span of time where he and luffy can fight together feel so triumphant, and i think it’s one of the reasons the final tragedy of marineford hits so hard and feels so cruel, because luffy succeeds, here. he saves ace. he gives absolutely everything he had and makes it, and saves ace. the ultimate failure isn’t his. there was nothing more he could have done. 
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the first time i was reading one piece, i hit this page (which is also the last in the volume) and had to put the book away, take the bus downtown, wander around for a few hours, and buy myself some candy and some new books before i started feeling okay again.
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the thing about ace’s death, i think, is that it’s a tragedy, but it also feels so completely essential to the story going forwards and luffy’s character growth specifically that it’s really, really hard to imagine one piece without it. there are a lot of (really excellent!) fix-fics out there for marineford, and although those are often really good and their authors super talented, i think it’s really hard for them to ever hit the same way canon does with regards to this. 
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i always think of this scene specifically in contrast to zoro and mihawk’s fight, back on baratie. zoro and mihawk are both people who believe in honor in battle, true victory or death, and that’s reflected in their fight, in zoro’s refusal to turn and run even in the face of imminent death, and mihawk’s respect for that resolve. whitebeard, too, is an honorable man. he refuses to turn to run, even when facing certain death. 
the blackbeard pirates, however, are not. 
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i do enjoy how, just like roger’s, ace’s execution backfires tremendously on the marines. this was entirely a predictable outcome, too! this exact thing happened twenty years ago! the marines don’t learn. they don’t change. they’re so assured of their own rightness and power that they make stupid mistakes like holding a massive public execution after the last one blew up in their faces. 
(this is why they need coby so badly, for the record, and why it’s important that he still decides to become a marine after witnessing their corruption firsthand in shells town. the marines are long overdue for a reformation, one that orients them towards real justice.)
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i really, really enjoy crocodile in this saga. mostly because he hasn’t been redeemed at all, he’s still pretty much the exact same kinda awful person he was in alabasta, he’s just on luffy’s side this time, and it lets us see him in a better light, when he gets angry at whitebeard for nearly dying or when he helps luffy and jinbe escape to keep the marines from getting their way. few of one piece’s characters are truly so one-dimensional as they can seem, and i really appreciate that. 
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i really really love all the interactions between luffy, ace and sabo as kids. they’re so fun and bounce off of each other so well. even though we only see them together for a brief time, they really feel like siblings. (which of course only makes later events hurt so much more.
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i’ve always been a little fascinated by the fact that it takes us this long to get luffy’s full backstory. it’s almost a fakeout, because we get part of his backstory in the very first chapter, and we’re kind of led to believe that’s all there is. it’s not until ace’s introduction nearly two hundred chapters in that we’re given any indication there’s more.
but at the same time, it makes sense. marineford is luffy’s focus arc, as arlong park to nami or thriller bark to brook. he hasn’t had a focal arc that’s really about him before this, while all his other crewmates have. it makes sense that this would be when he finally gets his flashback. 
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i think it’s cool that dragon and the revolutionaries show up at the grey terminal fire, because it’s one of the only looks we’ve gotten so far into what their actual regular operations are like. and, of course, they’re saving people. i really like this about the revolutionaries, that helping people in trouble is basically their modus operandi, when pretty much everyone else in one piece’s world mostly does saving on an incidental basis if at all. 
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i think a lot about how the last line of sabo’s letter to ace is also both of their last words to the strawhats. 
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death in one piece always feels much realer and more impactful to me than in most other series, and i think this is part of the reason why: in one piece, we are always shown the mourning. nami at bellemere’s grave, carrot grieving pedro, ace and whitebeard’s funeral. 
there are fewer deaths, comparatively, than most other series, but they’re given so much room to echo. we’re still feeling the impacts of ace’s life and death in the most recent chapters of wano. it ties into the theme of inherited will and all the way back to hiriluk’s final speech, of men not being dead so long as they’re remembered. 
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the picture of luffy at marineford always kind of strikes me. he looks so young and so solemn, and yet much more himself than he did when we last saw him losing his mind on amazon lily. i really like it. 
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sometimes i just think about the sheer depth of trust and love the strawhats must have in each other to separate for two years, far longer than they were ever together, to solely dedicate themselves to improving for the sake of crew and captain. none of them even hesitate, and none of them ever doubt that the crew will be reformed at the end of it.
after all, luffy keeps his promises. 
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HC reading
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
Cards pulled on 19th September
I barely thought about the question The Moon and the 2 of Pentacles felt out. I was thinking a little because I haven’t thought about that question deeply yet, but I decided to keep that 2 cards as a summary of the reading and go back to it if I don’t understand something and the very end of the reading.
My question was how his next few weeks will look like.
Queen of Cups rx, Death rx,( clarified by the King of Cups and the Devil rx - both fell out so I kept both) 5 of Swords, 3 of Swords rx, 10 of Swords rx, Knight of cups rx
What I see is a lot of balancing, wanting something but resisting the change at the same time. Inner and outer battles.
Death rx could be many things one of it is resisting to change, something couldn’t come to its end. For example, a relationship is over but they cannot move on, stuck in. And I think they cannot really move on because they have some codependency between them (QofCrx). If this card represents a person, they are someone who cannot control their emotions, mood swings, hypersensitive to criticism etc. This also could mean heartbreak. I think the truth is the blend of this. There is this emotional insecurity and neediness that is not let something reach its end. Denying your own feeling to make someone else happy. New energies, new impulses don’t reach him and he is operating on those old ones that should be let go. He is somewhat lying to himself that he can juggle between new and old, that he can grow but can remain the same. On a physical level that could mean depression, sleep deprivation.
However, these two-card is facing each other like in a battle when the oppositions are ready to attack. So I think before he can move on or he can battle for some change he has to face the forces that don’t let him choose or move on (QofCrx. It could be another person or one part of himself) The next card is the 5 of Swords. 5 of S is a change, a battle, a battle coming to an end card and top of that his card suggests very strongly a bulling person or situation. Ungraceful win or mental suffering. With this card is very important that who you identified yourself with on the picture. The bigger figure, who won, who has a smug smile, who probably a bully and won unfairly, or the 2 little figures, who are defeated, humiliated, bullied. 
5ofS is losing the moral compass and integrity and I feel this could be a realization of his that he reached that point. He lost those things, his moral values and wants to break free (Devil rx) but he is stuck. Maybe he has to balance between his own mood swing or someone else’s. 
With those conflicting emotions, thoughts, I feel he is in an early phase of transition. This King (King of Cups) is emotionally responsible and with the Devil rx maybe he wants to break free from some emotional attachments. The King of C is the pleaser, the father figure, the dominant one so maybe somehow his father is playing some role in it.
Death rx is a very interesting card because if we think the upright is about rebirth the reverse should be about being stuck, not remain the same but Mary K Greer is saying this card could mean “emerging from the death” coming out from a stagnant period. (keep this meaning in your mind it will be important at the end!)  And I think the Devil rx is supporting this meaning but those cards as a whole suggest for me such an inner conflict, battling with yourself, what to do, what to decide. As the song says “ Should I stay or should I go”? 
5 of Sw, 3 of Sw rx, 10 of Sw rx, Knight of C rx
In this whole spread, there are cups and swords. Heart vs mind, emotions vs logic and a clear head
Both 3 and 10 of Sw rx means healing, escaping from something fatal (NOT necessarily in a death-life situation!! more like on an emotional, metaphysical level as Death card doesn’t mean physical death ), the swords are falling out. But that doesn’t mean the experiences or the process is not painful. Oh boy… it is, it is painful. but instead of the light end of the tunnel is a train it’s like…. we can still have hope it’s not a train. 
What a little worries me is the Knight of Cups rx because this is again, juggling, mood swings between seeing the positive aspect of this or feeling sulky and moody. With this RX  knight the problem is that he is overly romantic, daydreaming or the opposite, he feels everyone is leaving him and reject him. He is in emotional turmoil. And I feel even he won his inner battles and start to heal he will check back to the past. Not necessarily reconnect with an old flame but starting to live in the past and asking “what if…?” and starting to replay the past decisions, emotions and those are not healthy.  I think all of those will leave him emotionally insecure and confused. 
The relationship now (at the time of the reading)
2 cards felt out face down and when I flipped the first it was the Lovers. And I was WOW that is something new, how exciting, second was the World rx. I pulled 2 clarifications on the Lovers: the Empress rx and the Strength. First, let’s see these 4 cards. 
When I was thinking about the Lovers card’s sudden appearance after 6 months in the first time I felt (because of the other cards) that some seducing going on like they were doing it when I pulled the cards or some other games were going on like she was trying to convince him about something and she was seducing him to get what she wants.
The World rx is unfinished business, no closure, something is not finished yet, unfulfillment. 
I think she (because Emprx is always her in my readings) feels that this relationship is not dead yet or she is not ready to give up. Look at the Strength card. There is a woman, taming a lion, a beast with her, kindness, will, determination etc. This card is also the first card in the second set of sevens we can separate the Major arcana (1-7, 8-14, 15-21), so it could mean a new chapter too. I feel this is what she wants very badly. However, in this situation, the question is who has the real strength? Maybe she is on her way to use convincing tactics but in real life, she wants something HC has or something that she cannot get if he doesn’t want to give. And I think this is the relationship itself or some aspect of it.  
The World rx  is still not a bad card could mean success but that success is not what you wanted or how you imagines it. There is a serious anticlimax here. And it’s a very short-lived success, if at all. So no matter what female tactics she uses for keeping alive the relationship if HC doesn’t want to give the relationship another round, she can do anything, she won’t succeed.
On a very direct level, it could mean that the whole world is watching them and she feels the pressure of it “the world’s burden on her shoulders” Maybe there is a lost connection and she wants to make up this with sex or being physical. 
With the Emp rx and the Strength, I see a serious manipulation going on. 
The rest of this spread is The High Priestess, 2 of Swords rx, Ace of wands rx. If you want to imagine the “spread” it’s 5 cards, HP in the middle, on the left the Lovers ( without signifiers) and the World rx, on the right the 2ofSrx, AceofWrx .
Why is this important? I am studying the HP atm because for me this is the most fascinating card, I always have a hard time interpreting. Many people saying this is a secretive woman, someone with secrets etc...I think this is such a simplifying way to handle this card. HP is not secretive in a gossipy, mean girl way or someone who is cheating etc. She doesn’t share her knowledge because we are not ready, not because she is enjoying that she knows something we don’t. She is a gatekeeper. On the card, she is sitting before a veil (veil between the worlds), she has some sacred text in her lap. In the RWS deck, this is the Tora, in my personal deck, this is the Book of Shadows. She is aware of those deep truths, ancient knowledge. This is not some simple secret or gossip.The High Priestess wisdom in the light in the Hermit’s lamp that separates him from the complete darkness and shows him the path he has to choose.  On the veil, there are pomegranates that link her to Persephone whose faith was living between two worlds. She keeps those worlds apart.  (this was my short essay on The High Priestess for you,welcome :D )
So what is the significance of all of this? That I think in the spread THP separates the thing NV wants to achieve and the truth or the thing she wants to avoid. On the left there is the manipulation, the seducing, trying to tame the beast, trying to make it sexual again on the right distance in a relationship, cold heart, love cannot come through because of the crossed swords, no sexual desire (Ace of Wrx). A of Wrx is infertility, impotency or not wanting the other sexually anymore. This card upright is a phallic symbol that’s why it is connected to sexuality, fertility, pregnancy, in reverse not just the lack of this but a thumb down too. It’s like giving a thumb down to the relationship and this is not just an “ I don’t like something”.In ancient times that means a death sentence to gladiators. It’s like the death sentence of this relationship. And I feel very symbolic that the first card was the Lovers and the last is this in this spread. A polar opposite in meaning that is separated by THP. The HP is not passive, he is the epitome of eternal stillness, the boundaries between two extremes. I feel this relationship like the whole reading is about duality ( 2ofPent, 2ofSw, THP, Judgment) as the first row of this reading, swords vs cups, mind vs emotions. These two things are battling in him.
The outcome of this relationship
Judgment, 3 of cups rx.
Numerologically the Judgment (XX 20=2+0=2)
On the Judgment card, an angel blows her trumpet and people rise up from their coffins. Do you remember what I said about the Death rx?  That one meaning of this is “emerging from the death”. Clarity, decision made, realization, powerful understanding. Also means huge transformation. In a relationship could be a Karmic connection. With the 3ofC rx is the realisation that the relationship is no fun anymore. More work than joy. I don’t mean “it’s a pr “, I mean their time together is less fun more work in the relationship. Or no matter how much they try the fun is just lost.( for example they can have sex, the real desire is gone) Also, this is the drinking card so maybe the realisation they over partied and drank way too much in this relationship and they don’t like each other that much if they are sober. Also could mean infidelity or a third weel in not necessarily a cheating sense, for example, one of them has a friend/parent etc and that person is so involved and present in the relationship that the other feels it’s a third party in this. This card also means no reconnection, mistrust.
I think the theme of this relationship and his next few weeks is balancing and trying to conquer himself. Battling between mind and heart, logic reason and emotions. 
This reading has a 2nd part, I pulled some cards on 30th.
For now, I will only reveal from that reading one thing. I asked about timing and breakup. I got the 5 of Swords. So this card means October 3 times. How is this possible? 
1.Methond - days, weeks, months, years
Swords are weeks, so this card means 5 weeks from 19th September
2.Method Seasons
Swords means Autumn. October is Autumn.
3.Method Astrological corresponds
Swords : Air signs. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. 
Libra is September 23 – October 22. 
However, I felt I need a 2nd card, a clarification. It was the Hanged Man. This means, delays, no time period available. I interpret this as the break up will happen in October but we won’t know about it for a while. And yes, I am prepared that she or someone maybe reading this and they will organize something in October, but this doesn’t change the fact that I am getting October SINCE April. That’s why I said in a previous ask that, this is a joke from Universe if they won’t break up in October. 
I hope you enjoyed this reading.
Be blessed. :) 
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