#royal kate bishop
sexymilfwitch · 11 months
Today was a Fairytale
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Parings: Princess!Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader 
Summary: Kate choses she wants to marry y/n after silently admiring her from her castle’s bedroom window
Words: 2197
Note: The title is after a taylor swift song, this is my second fic and idk how i feel about it but i hope everyone who sees it enjoys it!!
 “Excuse me? Y/N?” I hear in a somewhat quiet voice
I turn around to come face to face with the princess, immediately I go to bow but she stops me once she realizes what I’m doing. 
“No no, please there's no need for that!” Princess Kathrine says as she giggles a little
“Forgive me for my reaction your highness, it's not everyday you run into the prettiest woman in all the lands.” I state as the princess’ cheeks turn a light shade of pink “To what do I owe this extraordinary pleasure of talking to you Princess Kathrine?”
“Please, call me Kate” she insists “I am here because as everyone knows i am to be betrothed soon” a twinge of pink hits her cheeks as she begins speaking again “And as you probably have heard in whispers around the kingdom, i've turned down every suitor who has come to court me.”
“Yes I have heard about you declining them all, but there was talk that you and Princess Maximoff were getting along well” the second i said that her eyes widened as she playfully shook her head
“Wanda? Oh no she's one of my best friends, nothing more.” 
“Princess Kath-” she put a finger up to my mouth to shush me as i went to speak
Removing her finger from me I was met with “Kate, I told you to call me Kate silly.” 
“My apologies Kate but as I was trying to ask, what brings you here?” I questioned “Don't get me wrong, I adore your company and presence. It's just that my bakery is far from the castle and it seems you’re not accompanied by any guards.” Kate blushed and started to smile 
“Did you know that my bedroom window looks perfectly at your bakery?” 
“No your highness, I didn't.”
“Well it does, and I've been watching you from afar for a while. Your breathtaking smile and energetic personality, I realized once my mother started inviting royalty from other kingdoms to court me that none of them would ever be you!” I was a bit taken aback by this information but kept listening to the princess “I know this all sounds a little crazy but I am in love with you!” 
My breath hitched as the princess hid her face in her hands. “What i'm trying to say is that i want to wed you y/n, i want you to come to the castle and court me.” she stated as i stayed silent 
With wide eyes and shaky hands I grabbed one of her hands in mine. “Princess, you don't know who I am, how could you be so sure that you want to be wed to me?” i looked into her eyes “i am only a baker your highness, I feel honored but surely one of your royal suitors would be a far better match for you.” I whispered as i looked away from her
“I know what I want, I am not some child anymore.” she stated “you being a baker and trying to look out for me is even more endearing y/n, i get that this is an outlandish thing to spring onto you and i'm truly sorry, but if you just come to the palace and let me show you who i am i promise you won't regret it.” 
As I looked back towards her she sent me a small smile “I will come to the castle” her smile grew a little “but I will not wed you right away.” as her smile started to fade i began to talk again “i want to know you, learn who you are. I'm not the type to jump into marriage, your highness. I would like for you to know who I am and for me to know you before we wed.” that gorgeous smile made its way back onto her face.
“Oh lovely! You will not regret this y/n!” she looked so happy as i smiled and hoped i wouldn't regret this. 
It had been a month since our first meeting. I was brought to the castle the next morning, Kate had accompanied the driver saying how she didnt want me to ride alone. The past weeks have been hectic, lots of people taking my measurements and teaching me what fork was for what dish. Why were there so many utensils on a table? Honestly it seemed absurd. I had barely gotten to spend time with Kate to learn about her although I had started to warm up to her, what little time i did get with her was mostly her asking me about myself.  
I was broken from my thoughts as Kate walked in and grabbed my hand as she wordlessly pulled me along with her “Kate? Where are you taking me?” 
She turned her head to the side a little to look and smirk at me “I’m taking you out, you've been cooped up in this castle too long!” 
I smiled and giggled out “Kate, I have to go to a fitting soon!”
“Too bad! I'm taking you to meet our head guard, he's also my best friend but he won't admit to us being friends, so don't listen to anything he says." I laughed at that last part and she smiled as she started walking next to me holding my hand as we got outside.
As we reached a training round with targets in a line far away, a man with ashy blonde hair and a bow in his hand came into view.
“Y/N this is my best friend, Clint Barton!” she exclaimed as he grumbled something about only being her teacher with a smile on his face.
He put down the bow as he walked up and hugged Kate “Technically im her archery teacher, but she's a little delusional so i just let her say im her best friend.” she hit his arm as she turned to me 
“I told you he'd deny it.” she whispered as i giggled 
Clint looked at us and smiled “Look this is cute and all, but Katie has some practice to do.” 
Kate walked towards her bow and ushered me over “actually Clint y/n here is going to be shooting, And I was hoping I'd get to teach her alone.” 
The blonde man simply smiled, raised his hands in the air and walked away.
“Katie? That's a cute little nickname” she blushed “also, i’m not actually shooting this thing am i?”
She raised the bow up “this thing is my bow and yes, i know you really only know random things about me like what my favorite book genre is or my favorite color. I want to share this with you, archery is something I love dearly. Just like how I love you, and I want to introduce my one love to my other love!” 
Even though I do know she loves mystery novels and her favorite color was purple, I was happy to learn about her interests. I frowned a little as she said she loved me, i haven't been able to say it back and i want to i'm just not ready yet. She's constantly assuring me it's okay and that my emotions move at their own pace especially since it's only been a month which i appreciated. 
I smiled and looked up at her “Well what are you waiting for bishop? Introduce me.” 
Her face lit up as she placed the bow in my left hand and got behind me as she fixed my stance. Once the arrow was set on the string for me she placed her hands on my hips and moved her head to my right shoulder.
“Okay now draw the bow and look at your target.” her breath on my neck made my ears turn a shade of red “Good girl, now release.” my heart sped up and I let go of the bow string.
The arrow struck the target right in the middle. I didn't notice seeing as I had already turned to look at Kate. she didn't notice either because she was already looking at me, my breath hitched once i realized we were face to face. Our mouths were inches away, Kate lifted her hand to hold my cheek as we leaned towards each other. 
Right as our lips were about to connect Clint came back “Katie! You both should be heading back in soon it's going to rain!” our heads turned towards him so fast im surprised we didn't get whiplash
Once he left we turned back to each other and laughed as Kate rested her forehead on my shoulder. 
She lifted her head and laughed out “Some best friend he is!” 
“It's okay Kate, we don't have to rush anything, you will have plenty of other opportunities to kiss me.” I kissed her cheek and walked away to head inside “You coming? It's going to rain.” 
“Yeah you head in, I'll meet you inside!” Kate said with pink cheeks as she headed towards the target y/n had shot minutes prior to drag it inside so she could keep it safe.
The past week with Kate was heavenly. I had learned so much about her and all of her interests, she told me about everything and anything. I realized I was ready to tell her I loved her and was ready to marry her, but I had never found the right time. She was taking me out today to a ‘very special place’ so hopefully I would be able to tell her then. 
She had made me put on a blindfold the second we got into the car claiming it was a secret, she had chosen to drive her own car which i loved since her purple Firebird was awesome. Once the car started to slow down I realized we were there.
As I was unbuckling my seatbelt I heard Kate get out of the car and run around to my side of the car.
She opened my door and grabbed my hand and stood behind me as she took off my blindfold.   “Y/N i'm trusting you with this place because i love you and i want you to know all of me, this waterfall is my favorite thing in the whole kingdom, second to you of course.” 
 I looked around, and took in the gorgeous colors, it truly looked like a place you'd see on a greeting card. 
“Y/N, Look at this!” Kate shouted from the top of the waterfall how she got there so fast and how i didnt notice is beyond me.
“Kate, get down from there you're gonna get hurt!”
As soon as I said that she jumped off into the water below, after waiting a few seconds for her to come to the surface, she didn't pop back up.
“Kate stop it, you're scaring me Kathrine!” no response “god damnit bishop” i said as i ran and jumped into the water.
The second I jumped in and my body hit the freezing water, there she was popping her head back up. 
I swam over to her laughing form and hit her shoulder “you scared me, don't ever do that again! I thought I lost you before I had the chance to tell you I love you, you idiot.” 
Her eyes widened and she smiled “you love me?” 
“Of course I love you Kate, I have for a while now. Since the day we almost kissed at the archery range. I've had feelings for you since you walked into my bakery and asked me to wed you” i smiled at her lovingly 
I wrapped my arms around her neck as her hands came down to rest on my waist. “Kate, can I kiss you?” 
“Yes y/n please kiss me.” kate begged 
The second she said yes our lips were crashing against one another. My fingers ran through her hair and her grip on my waist tightened, we parted smiling and slightly out of breath as our foreheads rested against one another.
“I love you Kate.” i finally whispered 
Kate smiled “You don't understand how badly I've wanted to hear you say that. Y/N i truly deeply love you.” 
Our lips found eachother once again, but this time it wasnt messy or rough it was just passionate. As her grip on my waist tightened again I pulled her even closer to me, we were soaking wet kissing under a waterfall, it was like one of those cheesy scenes in a rom-com.
As we broke away again I smiled at her “Did you just quote Padme from Attack of the Clones to tell me you love me?” 
The raven haired woman smirked “Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.” 
“Marry me Kate.” her eyes widened and smile deepened. “I'm ready to marry you.
Two weeks later we were married. The wedding was a lovely lilac and white theme with plenty of people in attendance. The honeymoon was even better if you catch my drift. When we got back home Kate had gifted me with the target I had shot all those weeks ago, the arrow still embedded in the bullseye.
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asgardwinter · 2 years
🪷 with kate bishop for the ask game! :3
so sorry i took this long, my brain was empty and with absolutely 0 ideas!! but here we go...
The Archer and The Baker 🏹 (kate bishop x reader)
The annual fair was an event on the small city, all the members of the royal guard could show they habilities towars many modalities of combat and the inhabitants were able to sell their products to the royals and travelers from other kingdoms.
Your spot at the cakes and pastries stand was secured as always, leading your sister to sell the notorious and traditional baked goods your mother once was responsible for.
That was you sole focus until you saw her walking side by side with the other tournament participants. Her braided hair fell into place perfectly and the way she smiled confidently was enough to make you hipnotised.
Too lost inside her eyes you only woke with the wink she gave you before disappearing into the crowd.
"Gabbie, can you watch over the booth for some minutes?" You asked you sister who looked at you with curiosity. "I want to see the archery competition."
send me a "flower emoji + character name" and i’ll make up a fic about them
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just-aake · 8 months
Boundless Devotion - Part I
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Pairing: princess!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: MedievalAU. Natasha is the eldest princess of the Romanov Kingdom. As the time of her coronation approaches, she is suddenly forced to make a decision – either find herself a partner or her parents will choose one for her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Warnings: slight angst
Words: 1991
In the training yard of the castle, the sound of clashing steel fills the air as the Captain of the Royal Guard, Steve Rogers, faces off against the eldest princess and heir to the Romanov kingdom, Princess Natasha. 
The sun shines on the area as the two circle each other, carefully watching the other’s movement.
Surrounding them, some of the castle’s staff and the other knights pause in their activities to watch the match with anticipation. 
The captain lunges forward first, his polished sword gleaming in the sunlight. With a swift flourish, he aims a diagonal strike at her midsection.
In response, Natasha sidesteps the attack gracefully, her own blade moving smoothly to parry his sword.
The crowd watches with rapt attention as Steve continues to press forward with additional powerful swings, but the princess evades every strike, stepping as if she were dancing.
On a particularly powerful thrust, Natasha ducks under his attack, extending her arm to him. Then with a twist of her wrist, she expertly hooks her blade around his sword’s hilt and applies pressure. Using his momentum against him, she jerks the sword out of his grasp, sending it spinning through the air. 
The blade lands with a clatter several feet away.
Then in a swift and uninterrupted motion, she hooks her leg around the back of his knee, sweeping it out from under him. 
Her sword points at the captain’s chest in victory, ending the battle, as cheers and applause erupt around them.
With a quick twirl, Natasha holds her sword behind her before extending her hand to the captain. Steve gives her a grateful smile and takes her hand as she pulls him to his feet. 
He dusts himself off before giving her an exasperated look.
“Did you really need to show me up in front of my knights?”
Natasha gives him a smirk, replying.
“Well, I have to keep you humble.” 
Captain Steve Rogers was the one who trained her and her younger sister, Yelena, ever since they were little. Years later, they have both mastered their sword and martial arts skills, becoming one of the best in the kingdom.
Glancing around, Steve gives a stern look to the surrounding knights who rush to resume their training. When he turns back to Natasha, he nods in the distance.
“Looks like you have some guests, your Highness.”
Natasha brushes her hair out of her face, turning to look at the directed area.
At the edge of the training yard, she finds you standing alongside another noble, Lady Kate Bishop. 
Kate waves excitedly at her in greeting, and the golden retriever next to her also jumps in place, matching his owner’s energy.
Visits to the castle from the two of you were not surprising. With both of your noble families having prominent positions in the kingdom, it was natural that the four of you, including Yelena, would end up forming close bonds, having known each other since you were children.
Kate is Yelena’s closest friend while you are hers.
Well, you two used to be close.
However, ever since the incident last year on the night of her birthday, you’ve kept your distance from her, only seeing or talking to her when necessary. 
Even now, Natasha can see that the only thing holding you in place is Kate’s interlocked arm in yours.
Your body is turned towards the castle, and your eyes are looking everywhere else but her.
Natasha sheaths her sword at her side and walks over to the two of you. She is knocked back slightly when the golden retriever leaps at her in greeting, his tail wagging enthusiastically.
Natasha chuckles and pets his head, “Well, hello to you too, Lucky.”
Kate’s excited energy follows, moving closer, which in turn pulls you forward also. 
“That was amazing! You have to teach me that move!”
Natasha releases the dog with a final scratch before letting him return to his owner’s side. 
“I’m sure Yelena can show it to you the next time you two practice,” she tells her.
Kate nods to herself, reminding herself to ask the younger princess about it later.
Natasha turns to you, giving you a hopeful smile.
“How have you been, Y/n?”
You give her a slight bow in acknowledgment, your eyes still averted from hers.
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking, princess.”
Natasha's smile drops slightly at your neutral response. 
So far, her interactions with you have been like this, formal and distant, unlike the usual banter and casual teasing that typically characterizes your friendship.
Before she can ask anything further, Natasha notices a slight movement in your arm as you discreetly tug Kate, trying to get her attention. 
Kate turns to look at you in question and sees your pointed stare as you tilt your head subtly towards the castle.
Her mouth opens in realization, and she turns to Natasha apologetically.
“Oh, that’s right! I’m sorry, Natasha, but we have to get going. Y/n has a meeting with the queen.”
You are practically dragging her away as she finishes talking, offering Natasha a tight smile and a small farewell bow.
Natasha’s shoulders slump in despair as she watches you rush away.
It was disheartening to see her closest friend become almost like a stranger, but she can only blame that incident which caused this rift between the two of you. 
Sighing sadly, she pulls out her sword again and heads back toward the center of the area to resume her training.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Natasha is practically sprinting to the dining hall with how fast she is walking through the hallways.
Guards and maids dodge out of her path as she rushes by, already understanding the need to hurry, judging by the time. 
As she approaches the entrance of the dining room, the guards open the doors for her to enter. Stepping into the room, she is immediately greeted by the queen’s reprimanding voice.
“You’re late, Natasha.”
Her mother, Queen Melina, sits at the head of the table while her father, King Alexei, occupies the opposite side. Yelena is positioned on the table's side facing her, subtly shaking her head in warning as her eyes gesture meaningfully toward their mother.
Natasha thinks back to how she spent the remainder of the day after her encounter with you, destroying the training dummies around the training yard in frustration.
By the time she realized how long she’d been training, the sun had already set. 
Deciding there was no point in making up an excuse, she settled with the truth.
“I lost track of the time,” she replies.
In response, Queen Melina nods at the chair closest to her, indicating for her to have a seat. 
When Natasha sits down, a member of the kitchen staff places a plate of dinner in front of her before stepping away.
In an attempt to break the tension, King Alexei claps his hands together and exclaims joyfully.
“Great, the family’s all here! Let’s eat!”
The members of the royal family start eating their meals, except for Queen Melina, who instead turns her attention to Natasha.
“I heard that you were at the courtyard today, training with the royal guards.”
“I was,” Natasha responds casually.
“What about your studies?”
“I already finished them all.”
“If you had told me earlier, I could have given you the next part of your lessons,” Melina admonishes before continuing her lecture. “You are about to be crowned soon as the next ruler of the kingdom. There’s always more that you can learn.”
A small snicker from Yelena catches Melina’s attention, causing her to direct her lecturing tone to the younger princess.
“And you should not laugh at your sister. At least she finished her studies. I heard that you didn't even show up for your lessons. Where exactly were you all day?”
Yelena shrugs nonchalantly before looking down next to her chair at the Akita dog eating from her bowl.
“Fanny wanted to go out for a run, so we spent the day out in the fields.”
At the sound of her name, the dog looks up attentively.
In response, Yelena gives her a gentle scratch on the head, before turning the dog's face toward her mother.
“You can’t say no to this face,” Yelena coos. 
Melina gives the two of them a deadpan look before shifting her gaze forward to her husband.
Alexei chokes on his food in slight panic when he realizes her attention has now turned to him.
“Our daughters have inherited your adventurous spirit,” Melina remarks accusingly.
“That’s my girls!” Alexei exclaims proudly before he catches the sharp glare from Melina. “I-I mean, girls, your studies and lessons come first. You know how important they are to your mother.”
Melina sighs defeatedly, shaking her head at his poor attempt at scolding. She returns her attention back to her eldest daughter.
“I have scheduled several meetings for you this week, Natasha. They’re with the daughters from some of the noble houses, so be sure not to miss any.”
Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Natasha brings her cup up for a drink as she asks for more information.
“What are the meetings for?”
“To find you a partner, of course.”
Natasha spits out her drink in surprise, coughing as she reaches for a napkin.
“Mind your manners, Natasha,” Melina chastises.
Ignoring her mother's reprimand, Natasha exclaims in outrage.
“Why am I looking for a partner?!” 
Unfazed by her tone, Melina answers her question with a serious expression, “Taking on the responsibilities of the kingdom is a lot for one person. You should have someone at your side.” 
Natasha makes a sound of disagreement and gestures at her in accusation.
“A couple of months ago, you told me that I was fully prepared to take over the throne,” she reminds her mother. “You’ve never mentioned that I needed to have someone back then!” 
“Well, that was before I realized that you have obviously made no attempt at looking for a potential partner. So I took the liberty to invite these lovely candidates to help you get started, and you will meet with them.”
Natasha huffs and crosses her arms, shaking her head in disbelief.
Seeing her reluctance, Melina continues, declaring, “If you cannot find someone by the time of your coronation, your father and I will choose one for you.” 
Natasha’s eyes widen, and her mouth hangs open in shock at her words.
This was not fair.
Throughout her life, her parents have never shown interest in her romantic relationships before. Suddenly, they decide that she is not capable of taking over the kingdom unless she has someone by her side. 
As Natasha tries to come up with a way so that she can get herself out of this situation, an idea comes to her mind.
“What if I’m already in a relationship with someone?” Natasha asks.
Three sets of eyes stare at her with varying looks of disbelief on their faces.
Yelena speaks up first, giving her a skeptical look.
“Nat, you’re popular throughout the kingdom, but the truth is, you spend more time with your sword than you do holding a lady's hand.”
Natasha subtly kicks her sister under the table in response to her comment, causing her to curse in pain. 
“Watch your language, Yelena,” Melina reprimands her before resting her clasped hands on the table and focusing on Natasha. “But she’s not wrong. I have not seen you romantically close with anyone,” she points out accusingly.
Without hesitation, Natasha smoothly lies, “We’ve been meeting in secret.”
Melina examines her critically, and she matches her mother's intense stare.
When Natasha’s gaze doesn’t waver, Melina relaxes her posture and relents. 
“Alright then, if you could tell me who you are in a relationship with, I will cancel all of the meetings.” 
The name rolls off naturally on her tongue before Natasha can even stop herself.
“Lady Y/n Dreykov. I’m in a relationship with Y/n.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Series Masterlist : Boundless Devotion
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loislame84 · 4 months
Yelena, talking to herself outside of the compound: okay Belova. Don’t be a pussy. No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone.
Kate, giving a little wave: hey Yelena, coming inside? *holds the door open for her*
Yelena, after one smile: Yes, I am right behind you. Go on in, Kate Bishop.
*watches Kate enter the building*
Yelena, letting her head hit the wall: you are royally fucked.
Sonya: did she smile at you again?
Yelena: I hate you.
Sonya, leaning against the wall while handing Yelena a lit cigarette: no you don’t.
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wintersoldierslover · 2 years
my fic recs masterlist
Bucky Barnes:
all bucky barnes
headcanon  -  blurb  -  one-shot  -  series
dbf!bucky  -  brothers bff  -  bff’s brother
neighbour  -  housewife reader
lumberjack  -  firefighter  -  bodyguard
priest bucky  -  college
football player  -  hockey player  -  boxer
professor  -  teacher  -  librarian/bookshop
coffee shop  -  soulmate  -  royal
other AUs  -  taboo
Stranger Things characters:
all eddie munson - all steve harrington
eddie and steve (x reader)
billy hargrove - jason carver - mike wheeler
dmitri enzo antonov - jim hopper
robin buckley - nancy wheeler
Outer Banks Characters:
all Rafe Cameron
all JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron and JJ Maybank (x reader)
Pope Heyward - Topper Thorton
John B. - Sarah Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Marvel characters:
Wanda Maximoff  -   Kate Bishop
Natasha Romanoff  -  Yelena Belova
Peter Parker  -  Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers  -  Stephen Strange
Frank Castle  -  Matt Murdock 
Moon knight  -  Steven Grant
Joaqín Torres - Clint Barton
Loki Laufeyson - Druig
Eddie Brock - Miles Morales
Miguel O’hara - Hobie Brown
Harry Potter characters:
Sirius Black - Remus Lupin 
James Potter - Poly!Marauders
Lily potter -  Cedric Diggory
George Weasley - Fred Weasley
Severus Snape - Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Avatar (James Cameron) charachters:
neteyam - aonung - lo’ak
rotxo - kiri - spider
jake sully - neytiri - tsu’tey
tonowari - ronal - colonel quaritch
Top Gun chracters:
Fanboy  -  Hangman  -  Rooster - Bob
Wednesday characters:
Xavier Thorpe - Ajax Petropolus
Wednesday Addams - Divina
Bridgerton characters:
Anthony Bridgerton -  Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Criminal Minds characters:
Spencer Reid  -  Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
The Last of Us characters:
Joel Miller - Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
The Devil All The Time characters:
Tommy Matson - Lee Bodecker
Uncharted characters:
Nate Drake - Sam Drake
Euphoria characters:
Elliot (Euphoria) - Fezco
On My Block characters:
Mario Martinez - Oscar Diaz
Modern Family characters:
Luke Dunphy - Alex Dunphy
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent - Jamie Tartt
NHL players:
Matthew Ktachuk - Trevor Zegras
Nolan Patrick - Tyler Seguin
Sebastian Stan - Joseph Quinn
Jamie Campbell Bower - Danny Ramirez
Drew Starkey - Rudy Pankow
Ben Hardy - Bella Ramsey
Jenna Ortega
Miscellaneous characters:
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz  -   Marcus Baker
Rodrick Heffley -  Hunter Sylvester
Lloyd Hansen - Ari Levinson
Nick Fowler -  Tangerine
Rhett Abbott - Hayden ‘Harvard Hottie’
Colin (Not Okay) -   Min Ho (Xo, Kitty)
Ash (No Exit) -  James Maguire (Derby Girls)
Jake Peralta - Nick Miller  - Brian O’conner
Anakin Skywalker - Bruno Madrigal
Tadashi Hamada - Kakashi Hatake
Miscellaneous real people:
Billie Eilish - AEW Hook
*Updated whenever there’s a new character <3
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midnightmayhem13 · 9 months
hi midnight!! 💜💜 I love ur hcs and I was hoping (if u have the time) u’d write something for Dress, who’s wearing the dress and who’s taking it off 👀 reader or one of the ladies + if u want cause I love a flustered woman 😍 how they’d react to helping you get dress whether they’re helping zip up the dress or putting a necklace on for u
love this idea enjoy❕🩶 ladies helping w a dress or necklace
carol danvers
carol isn't very used to seeing people in such fancy clothes. other than maybe royal alien she's never been around such elegancy. but when she see yours putting on the most beautiful dress she's probably ever seen, her jaw drop. big bold captain danvers will turn into a pile of mush. she feels as if she's standing before a goddess when shes watching you get ready for a gala. when you ask her to help you zip up your dress she's gets nervy omg. she'll respond with a breathy "y-yeah" and she's so gentle with the zipper and you. she knows how strong she is so she doesn't want to break the fragile zipper. she make sure non of the fabric gets caught too. she'll be very focused. when she's done she'll wrap her arms around you and tell you how beautiful you look.
sharon carter
sharon buys you jewelry because she got the money and she loves showing you off. and when she sees you get ready for a date or a night out she literally almost drools. she craves you and your body and your moans. but she also cant help but think you look absolutely beautiful. she'll watch you change (she's a lil perv) and just smirk until you huff and ask for her help. she'll get up from her spot where she was watching you from behind, and let out a chuckles and "of course baby" she'll kiss your kick while she does it and leaves hickies as if to mark you as her own. and sharon can't wait to rip the dress off of you later that night.
darcy lewis
when she sees you wearing a dress darcy's gonna be all over you bro. she's gonna be like "you're so hot babe" and she'll definitely hold you tight nd be like "alllllll mine" and smirk. if you ask for help she'd be so excited to be up close as if you were a celebrity, to her you are. and like if you give her affection while you're dressed so beautifully she gets so flustered. she'll hold your face and attack you with kisses saying how hot and gorgeous you look. she also cannot help but smack your ass while being behind you. then she turns you around and fixes your necklace or adjusting your neck line.
nebula watches you like a hawk. she'd deff get a little jealous. in the sense that you're just gonna go out looking like that?? so beautiful for no reason my god. and if you ask for help she'll be glad you asked her. and omg she'd struggle doing it, especially hooking a necklace bc of her metal fingers. she'd be letting out frustrated little grunts and huffs. she'll definitely mumbles some things like how you should stay with her all night, and that people are gonna be looking at you when you're hers. and while she'll be a little grumpy, she'll smile when you peck her lips and promise her to let her have to tonight.
maria hill
maria might be distracted you while you're getting ready, but when she turns to face the goddess of her girlfriend, her jaw will drop and she'll do a double take. she'll rush over to you and just stare. like a pervy teenager. she actually offer help just so she can be close to you. and if you ask for help with your dress she zip it down instead. she'll kiss your back and shoulders until you collect yourself enough to tell her to actually help. she'll hesitantly zip it up and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. then maria turns you around and makes out with you really passionately, ruining your lipstick in the process.
kate bishop
she'll try to be like all respectful and not look at you when you're putting on you're dress but she'll turn around just wanting a peek. then katie gets super flustered and turns super red. she'll definitely turning mush. when you ask her for help zipping up your dress she's be nervous for no reason. smelling your sweet scent and hearing you're soft breaths makes her so happy. she just feels like she's living her dream and she couldn't be happier. she'll keep repeating praises too. just lost in the thought of you. you're beauty makes katie go mush.
a/n yalls request are so fire and i'm getting to all of them but HERE YOU GO BABIES also i'm going to be trying to pump out a lot of writing rn
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
The DM's Excerpts - Charles III: New King, New Court
Robert Hardman (who also wrote Queen of Our Times, published 2022) has written a new book about the British Royal Family. The Daily Mail is serializing parts of the book over four days, from 12 - 15 January 2024. Here are the links. If anyone has any others, feel free to share them in the comments.
If you don't want to give the DM clicks, I've included highlights below. (My browser doesn't recognize archive.vn or archive.ph as a valid domain so I can't create or access those links.)
The day the Queen died, 12 Jan 2024
Secret summits over making Charles regent in Queen's last years, 13 Jan 2024
How the royals have dealt with a torrent of allegations from Harry and Meghan, 14 Jan 2024
Harmdan's intimate portrait of a woman who dances at Abba concerts, jabs the King with her handbag and 'knows when to wink at a bishop,' 15 Jan 2024
Excerpt #1, 12 Jan 2024
The last time most of her staff saw The Queen was at the pre-dinner cocktails the evening of September 6th. She was happy, chatty, and in a good mood. (September 6th was the Boris Johnson-Liz Truss transition.)
It was sheer luck that Anne and Peter were at Balmoral during this time. Anne was passing through for work, Peter was preparing for a shooting party he was going to host over the weekend (which ended up cancelled). Also Sarah Chatto was nearby.
On September 7th, The Queen planned to attend the Privy Council meeting as it involved new Cabinet officials being installed. She eventually cancelled on medical advice. This was the first signal to many that she wasn't doing well.
Charles and Camilla were on the western side of Scotland for a series of engagements September 7 - September 8. The morning of September 8, Anne called Charles to come to Balmoral at once. On the helicopter to Balmoral, everyone was reviewing the Operation London Bridge papers. They arrived at Birkhall around 10:30am and traveled to Balmoral in a borrowed car.
William was called around breakfast time and informed of the situation, including that was on his way to Balmoral. Charles himself called William (and Andrew, Edward, and Harry) that they should also come. After Charles's calls, Kensington Palace began coordinating with Royal Lodge (Andrew's office*) and Bagshot Park (Edward's office*) on travel to Scotland. William and KP did not reach out to the Sussexes because betrayal, and they felt the responsibility should have been on the Sussexes to make contact. (*Not really their offices, but it's the easiest way to keep them separate so you know who I'm talking about.)
Everyone was disturbed by Harry's inclusion of these events, especially the "Meghan's not coming/she's my wife/Kate's not coming either/that's all you had to say" bit, in his memoir. Harry's recollection of how he was notified of The Queen's death isn't true - he claims no one was talking to him but actually Charles and the palace had been trying to reach him repeatedly. The calls weren't going through because he was in the air. (Interesting that he'd check the BBC first as opposed to calling back after seeing a dozen of missed calls...or not springing for the wifi package...)
Liz Truss, the new PM, was in a G7 conference call on September 8th when she was notified of the situation in Scotland. She bowed out of the call early and quickly. The G7 leaders knew what was happening.
Charles was rather close to Balmoral when he received the call that The Queen had passed. William, Andrew, Edward, and Sophie were on the way to Balmoral from the Aberdeen airport. Charles called them himself to let them know.
The Archbishop of Canterbury was in France on a personal holiday. He and his wife began preparing to return home after seeing the palace's first statement about The Queen's health. They drove home overnight so Welby could make an address in the morning.
Excerpt #2, 13 Jan 2024
The Queen had been quite ill in her final year. She knew and was aware her time was ending that summer.
A regency would have been created had she lived as long as The Queen Mother because everyone was fearful of a health condition flaring up in public.
Planning for Charles's accession and coronation began in 2015. Sir Alderton, his private secretary, created a "training video" of the accession/transition then that Charles, Camilla, and William watched in the evening of September 8th during their private dinner at Birkhall, while Princess Anne hosted the rest of the family at Balmoral. If Harry wasn't such a dick (my word, not Hardman's), he'd have been part of the Birkhall dinner but he wasn't and there were very serious concerns he would write about it in Spare.
The announcement of The Queen's death was delayed because family members hadn't been informed yet. (I think it was Harry they were waiting on, per the events in the first article.)
The royals were very touched by the outpouring of public affection for The Queen, themselves, and their family. Camilla was struck by how supportive the crowd was of her. Anne was touched by the tractors, horses, and the crowds that lined the roads in Scotland. It was a six hour drive, and she and Tim had had snacks in their car but they both felt it would have been rude to everyone that came to see the procession and pay their respects to be seen eating.
Camilla sobbed through Charles's first speech.
The Privy Council were concerned that the political upheaval in the government would cause problems for the accession, transition, and royal mourning.
It was William's idea for him, Kate, and the Sussexes to do the Windsor walkabout together. He organized it in two hours. No one found it easy or enjoyable.
Excerpt #3, 14 Jan 2024
The Queen felt she had to say 'yes' when Harry contacted her about naming his daughter Lilibet and she was very angry with him for it. (Reading between the lines, it sounds like the decision was presented by the Sussexes as "fait accompli" and The Queen took offense.)
The Sussexes tried to force the palace to go along with their version (that they had asked The Queen for permission) but the palace refused to play. They also tried to intimidate the press with legal action if anyone didn't report "their" version of events, even going so far as threatening the BBC with a lawsuit.
Everyone at the palace rolled their eyes about the Sussexes getting the RFK "Ripple of Hope Award." They felt that the "legacy" the Sussexes were being rewarded for was laughable, especially when compared to Charles's work.
The Caribbean gets its news through the US media. (I believe this confirms the theory that Sussex PR influenced the Caribbean's coverage of the Royal Family)
William saw Harry's comments in the Netflix documentary that they're expected to marry someone who fits the mold as an attack on Kate and he's been furious since. He feels betrayed by Harry having discussed their relationship so freely, thinks it's an intrusion of privacy.
Neither William nor Kate have read Spare but they are aware of what's being said and their staffs have briefed them.
Harry's version of events when The Queen Mother died is totally made up. (In Spare, Harry says he was alone, it was springtime just before Easter, and he took the call himself, but actually he was in Switzerland skiing with Charles and William and all three were told together by an aide.)
It's very suspicious that Spare largely skips May 2018 - March 2020. The palace thinks it'll be covered in the second version or Meghan's memoir.
The door is open for Harry and Meghan to return but they'll have to make the first steps since Charles has given up.
Anne's seat the coronation in front of Harry was a last-minute change so she could leave more quickly after the service in the procssion. She was concerned about keeping her hat on since it was "decent-sized" but she was told to keep it on.
Excerpt #4, 15 Jan 2024 - TBD
It's been a difficult transition to Queen for Camilla, but everyone believes she handled it well. Her family finds it surreal.
Camilla doesn't mind being second fiddle to Charles.
She still has her Wiltshire home, Ray Mill, which she bought after divorcing Andrew PB. She still visits and stays there to this day.
Everyone walks a bit on eggshells around Charles because he's a bit temperamental, but Camilla steadies him.
Camilla likes her rooms hot. Charles like his rooms cold and windows open.
Charles skips lunch. Camilla does not.
Camilla keeps Charles running on time when he gets chatty.
Camilla is hands-on with her charities and patronage.
I find her sister is overstaying her welcome. After her starring role in the coronation documentary and now her interviews with Hardman for the book, it's too much and feels like she's trying too hard.
Other stories by Hardman from his book:
Foreign Office officials 'ditched buses for dignitaries' at coronation after backlash at the Queen's funeral, 13 Jan 2024
Brigadier who helped carry Queen's coffin was at a wedding in Corfu, 13 Jan 2024
Queen's funeral rehearsal was a comedy of errors as even the band went AWOL, 13 Jan 2024
Prince Andrew could be 'far more damaging outside the loop,' 14 Jan 2024
The DM's other royal reporters - Martin Robinson, Rebecca English, Natasha Livingstone - are publishing "recaps" of Hardman's excerpts. Some of Rebecca English's stories are augmented by her own sources. Here are a few:
Insiders revewal how the Queen was so upset by Harry and Meghan's Lilibet decision that she told aides 'the only thing I own is my name. And now they've taken that': The royal row taht troubled Her Majesty in twilight of her reign, 15 Jan 2024
'For William, this was the lwoest of the low,' 15 Jan 2024
Camilla was given the affection nickname 'Lorraine' before seh became Queen, 14 Jan 2024
Harry and Meghan likely caused Queen 'distress' in her final years over naming of baby Lilibet, 15 Jan 2024
The Queen's final years were overshadowed by Harry and Meghan's hunger for publicity, 15 Jan 2024
Also, these are reminding me of some things Harry and Meghan (Harry mostly) have claimed and Hardman's articles are debunking them. I need to do a bit of research to check if the dates on what I'm remembering line up with the timeline Hardman is presenting. I'll do a separate post on that since this is already quite long.
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magnetothemagnificent · 3 months
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kizzyedgelll · 3 months
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Hi, everyone! Welcome to my 23rd shoutout series! I've already explained it here, but this series consist of me praising content creators and showing my favorite creations every week (or at least I try to).
Under the cut are my favorite creations from the past two weeks (jan 20 - feb 3):
Kate Bishop from Hawkeye gifset by @danesdehaan
Yelena and Natasha from the MCU gifset by @tthrawn
Henry from Red, White and Royal Blue gifset by @mulderscully
Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop artwork by @goomyloid
Iron Man from Marvel Comics graphic by @brw
Henry from Red, White and Royal Blue gifset by @strandtk
Up gifset by @sadbeautifutragic
Tangled gifset by @sunhealings
Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse gifset by @crowleybrekkers
Isabel and Josie from Bottoms gifset by @miwtual
Alex and Henry from RWRB gifset by @artofobsession
Maddie from 911 gifset by @zerokinkade
Yuuji from Jujutsu Kaisen gifset by @cal-kestis
Bottoms gifset by @antlerqueer
The Bear gifset by @marv-el-spot
Tori from Heartstopper gifset by @jakeyp
Miles Morales from Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse graphic by @kochoe
RWRB gifset by @ninzied
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holylulusworld · 6 months
2023 Steve Rogers Bingo masterlist
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Preview for the upcoming fics to fill the squares.
Please consider none of the stories is available yet. I do not take requests to fill the squares.
Stories written for: @steverogersbingo​
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A1: ??? (FA!Steve Rogers x Reader): Howling Commandos
A 2: Suspicious Minds (Endgame!Steve Rogers x Reader x Bruce Wayne): DC Crossover
A 3: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Bad flirting
A 4: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Serum gives more powers over time
A 5: Burned water (Steve Rogers x Reader): Steve is a super shitty cook
B1: ??? (Skinny!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader): Never serumed Steve
B2: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): "I never met a more stubborn person in my life."
B3: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Pranks
B4: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Hotel sex
B5: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Oversensitive / Enhances senses
C1: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Steve vs Social Media
C2: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Lap dance
C3: Dishonored (Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader; Lord Barnes x Princess!Reader): Free space - Royal AU
C4: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Puppy / Kitten interview
C5: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Veteran Steve
D1: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Bounty hunter
D2: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Deaf Steve
D3: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Wakanda
D4: Unwanted mate (Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader): Maria Hill
D5: ??? (Dom!Steve Rogers x Sub!Reader): Mental Bondage
E1: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Hand Feeding
E2: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Enemies to lovers
E3: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Brooklyn Dodgers
E4: Silent Tears (Steve Rogers x Reader): Unrequited
E5: ??? (Steve Rogers x Reader): Kate Bishop
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Find more special events/bingos here: Special Events & Stories Masterlist
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archiveikemen · 11 months
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 23 (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
There was no hesitation, panic, or shadow in those rose coloured eyes.
Instead, they contained a roaring flame of life that overcame all sorts of hesitation.
— 6 minutes before the curtains rose.
Liam: … Kate?
Liam: Ah, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you.
Liam: Listen, Kate.
Liam’s fingertips squeezed my pinky finger, ring finger, then my middle finger… and he intertwined his fingers with mine.
Liam: On the day you saved my life, I couldn't hold your hand.
Liam: Although you were screaming and crying.
The feeling of desperately gripping his hand and fearing for his life that could have disappeared any moment then was deeply ingrained into my memory.
As well as the overwhelming feeling of helplessness.
Liam: But when your tears fell onto my cheek, no… when you said that you loved me…
Liam: No, no, that’s not it…
Liam bit his lip as he struggled with the conflicting emotions swelling up in his heart.
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Liam: Ever since the night I met you for the first time, my heart has been screaming for me to change little by little.
Kate: … Liam.
Troupe Member: — 3 minutes till the curtains rise!
Liam: … I
Liam: I…
As the atmosphere backstage got even more boisterous, Liam looked at me and spoke with a trembling voice, words that were strong enough to pierce right through the core of my heart.
Liam: Someday, I want to become the kind of person who can reach my hand out to you.
Kate: …
Those unexpected words left me at a loss for words.
Troupe Member: — 1 more minute till the curtains rise!
Liam turned his gaze to the stage and stood up from his chair.
Liam: In order for that to happen, I need tonight’s performance to be a success, and have my past dealt with once and for all.
Liam: Therefore, wait for me. And… stay by my side.
Kate: Of course. I’ll definitely stay by your side, always.
Liam: … Mm-hmm.
Troupe Member: — Time for the curtains to rise!
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Liam: … Alright.
Liam: Well, here goes.
I watched as Liam’s back disappeared into the dazzlingly bright spotlight.
From this point on, it’s a battle Liam has to fight on his own.
(... Take care.)
Willaim and Victor took their seats on the second floor of the audience, and the bell rang.
The bell ringer, Quasimodo, was born with a horrifyingly hideous appearance.
He was abandoned not long after his birth, and was raised by Claude Frollo, the assistant bishop of the cathedral.
However, it was Frollo who murdered Quasimodo’s parents. He was heavily influenced by lust, jealousy, and greed.
On the stage, Frollo lovingly caressed Quasimodo’s face.
Frollo: “Quasimodo, you must remember. You are hideous and filthy… you are a monstrous atrocity who will never be loved.”
Frollo: “You will be my follower. You will be grateful and follow my every command. Only this way, you will never be hurt.”
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Quasimodo: “Yes, I am grateful to you for keeping me alive and allowing me to live in the Notre-Dame Cathedral.”
Frollo: “This cathedral is your sanctuary… Quasimodo. You will live in this place for the rest of your life.”
Quasimodo: “Yes, I will do everything as you say. For I am a hideous monster.”
Frollo had complete control over Quasimodo, denying him of his freedom.
As the story progressed, Frollo got into a scandal involving someone in the royal court who went by “Golden Butterfly”.
Newspaper Reporter: … Hey. Was the plot like this in the original work by Hugo?
Magazine Reporter: … No, I’m not so sure.
The spoonful of poison Tom added into the play created a ripple that spread across the audience.
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Victor • William: …
Quasimodo had one dream while he lived high up in the tower.
It was to spend time with everyone, laugh alongside them, and go out into the city.
Quasimodo: “Just one time is enough. For once, I want to leave this cathedral and feel the warm sunlight on my skin.”
At last, Quasimodo escaped the cathedral and met a beautiful dancer by the name of Esmeralda. He was able to experience what it was like living in the outside world and falling in love.
However, as Quasimodo underwent those changes, Frollo’s wicked deeds and ugly nature were exposed.
Frollo: “The dancer, social standing, honour, and money… they’re all mine!”
Love, lust, destiny, and other complicated emotions intertwined—.
In the end, Frollo kills the dancer Esmeralda.
And Quasimodo kills him by pushing him off the tower.
Quasimodo, who had lost everything he ever had, stood alone at the centre of the stage and looked up.
Everyone in the audience had their eyes focused on Quasimodo.
Quasimodo: “This world…”
Quasimodo: “This world I live in can be so cruel that there are times I want to look away from it, abandon it… and even stop living.”
Quasimodo: “But, even so… I have to keep on living!”
Quasimodo opened his arms wide and raised them up towards the sky.
Quasimodo: “Until the day this heart stops beating…!”
The final line brought upon a frightening silence.
One second, two seconds, three seconds — then came a roar of thunderous applause. A standing ovation.
Liam: … *pant*... *pant*
Liam’s image as Quasimodo faded away, and he bowed to the audience as himself.
The venue shook with passionate cheers.
Curly Hair Woman: … I’m… speechless.
Freckles Woman: … Yeah.
Newspaper Reporter: I’ll start on my article the moment I get back!
Magazine Reporter: Golden Butterfly, hm. Haha, that plot twist was interesting indeed. I’ll get to work as well…!
(Why do I feel like crying…?)
Liam looked like a burning red Betelgeuse as he stood on stage amidst the continuous applause.
William: … The spoonful of poison will surely spread throughout England and reach Golden Butterfly.
Victor: Kate. According to the results of our investigations, Liam’s father has nothing to do with the revival of “Golden Butterfly”.
Kate: He has nothing to do with it…?
That man threatened Liam by saying that he had Golden Butterfly backing him.
Victor: He was deceived by a ruffian who used the Golden Butterfly’s name despite not knowing anything about them.
Victor told me that there was no way Liam’s father would’ve known about the existence of Crown.
However, it was possible that he found out that Liam was related to William.
Victor: William was involved in the annihilation of Golden Butterfly. He must've thought that if he brought them the dead body of Liam, a friend of William’s…
Victor: He would be able to become a part of them. But all of that was false.
(Does that mean Liam was about to die a meaningless death…?)
(No way…)
William gazed calmly at Liam with his red eyes.
Kate: Liam… he knows about this, right?
William: Yes, that’s right.
Liam stood on stage, fully aware of his father’s intentions.
William: The butterfly won’t be showing itself here. Crown, retreat.
William: Kate, we’ll leave the curtain call to you and Liam.
The wildly enthusiastic and excited audience members left the theatre.
Liam and I remained in the large theatre, alongside his father who stared at the spotlight shining down onto the stage.
Liam: … Kate, don’t leave my side.
Kate: O-Okay.
We exchanged glances, maintaining a distance of five steps between us.
(This man… Max has committed crimes in the past that were related to “Golden Butterfly”.)
Even if he had no direct connection to the butterfly that was showing signs of possible revival, there was no erasing his past crimes.
Pass judgement on him for his sins — that was Crown’s mission.
(Will Liam be the one to kill him? Or will it be another member of Crown?)
(That decision has to be made tonight.)
I didn't know which option Liam would choose.
But as a fairytale writer, it was my job to stay by his side and watch over him.
The silence was broken.
Max: I’m here because I received an invitation from Earl Rex… Liam, was this play meant to be a jab at me?
Max: Was I supposed to be Claude Frollo, and you’re Quasimodo who kills me?
Liam: No. You’re not Frollo, you're Quasimodo.
Max: … What did you just say!?
He removed his hood in a fury and his burnt face was revealed under the spotlight.
Max: Are you mocking my appearance, that was ruined because of you? YOU, MOCKING ME? Don’t fuck with me…!
Liam’s voice remained calm, despite being yelled and spat at.
Liam: That’s not true. I’m referring to the core of your heart. It’s empty, just like Quasimodo’s.
Max: My heart?
Liam: Even though you and mother got married, she never loved you.
Max: … *gulp*
Liam: Therefore, you worked hard for your business to be successful. You wanted to see mother smile.
Liam: You must've gone through so much. I can imagine how many times you’ve had to bow your head to others.
Liam: And yet, having a successful business wasn’t enough to make her turn around and look at you.
His fists that were clenched tightly as if holding on to something trembled slightly.
Liam: On top of that, the successful you were surrounded by nobles who belittle you and people who only approached you for their personal gain.
Man: What would you have known as a child…!?
Liam: I knew. I saw the way you constantly got drunk on alcohol and always wanted to look good in front of everyone around you.
Liam: You… you wanted to be loved.
Max: … Love?
Liam: You begged and begged to be loved. But the more you chased after love, the more you had it slip right through your fingers.
Liam muttered that love’s true nature was that the more you chased it, the further it would get from you.
Liam: I became an outlet for you to vent your frustrations.
Liam: Each time you burnt my back and claimed that you were educating me, I tried to convince myself that you were doing it out of love for me.
Liam: … Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to let myself be at peace.
Liam: Also…
Liam: Facing the truth would only break my heart, so I didn’t.
Liam: The truth was that the “education” you gave me wasn’t out of love. That wasn’t love.
It must’ve been so hard for him to admit that what he received wasn’t love.
I wanted to hug Liam right then and there, but I stopped myself from doing so.
Max’s anger was quietly bubbling inside of him as he stared in silence.
Liam: But I still tried to fulfil your wish, thinking that it would save you.
Liam: However, that was a mistake.
Max: … A mistake?
Liam: Even if I vanished from this world, you would still be lonely.
Liam: Your heart will forever be lonely, and nothing can ever fill that emptiness.
Liam: I know that, however much I hate to.
The anger that had been silently bubbling up inside Max burst out.
He went up to Liam and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him onto the floor.
Kate: … L-Liam!
I wanted to help Liam, but he gave me a look to stop me.
As he fell to the floor, Max straddled him and raised his fist.
Max: Shut up, shut up…! You have no right to say all that, because you're a failure through and through!
Max: You… you…!
With his burnt fist, he punched Liam’s face, body, everywhere.
— However, Liam didn’t stop him.
(Ah, I get it now.)
He suffered burns all over his body, and was once at the brink of death. He no longer had the strength to hurt Liam the same way he used to.
Max: You… you!
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Liam: …
(It was Liam he was hitting, but the pain was on himself instead…)
Liam caught the arm that was slowly losing the strength to raise its fist.
Liam: There’s a secret I’ve been keeping from you for a very long time.
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simshousewindsor · 4 months
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[Griffin Park, Buckingsimshire 2:08 PM WST]
Lady Sonja: Your Majesty, forgive me for disturbing you. I've just had a call from the Queen's private secretary. The Queen asks to see you immediately.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Whatever for?
Lady Sonja: This is all the information that I have.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Thank you, Sonja. Have the car brought around.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 2:51 PM WST]
(indistinct conversations)
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(indistinct conversations continue)
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(indistinct conversations)
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(chattering quiets down)
All: (bowing)
Father Benoit: Your Majesty.
Queen Katherine: My Lord Bishops.
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Queen Katherine: I asked you all here today because the Prince consort has requested my permission to sit beside me during coronation homages and not kneel. And I think I'd like to grant it.
Lord Bishops: (awkward silence)
Father Benoit: And, of course, as head of the Church of Windenburg, that is your right... but it will not be straightforward...
Father Javlen: or, one suspects, popular?
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Queen Katherine: Why? He wouldn't be crowned King. I was led to believe the General Synod had eased its stance on the crowning of prince consorts.
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Father Simeon: Oh, it has, but... many people in this country still believe in tradition. Law dictates that Prince consorts kneel before their sovereign.
Queen Katherine: "I am not looking to break tradition or law."
Father Pierre: For the Church of Windenburg to be seen to be blessing it could risk a split in the Vanglisim church.
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Queen Katherine: I do have a compromise...
Father Benoit: The Church, I think, needs to be satisfied that permitting Rainier to sit beside you during homage would also not, in effect, consecrate a future claim to the throne. Appearances!
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Queen Katherine: I've always taken comfort in the knowledge that God delighteth in mercy. Whatever short-term risk Rainier's sitting beside me may present to the integrity of the Church, one has to imagine it would do less damage than the criticism received after a husband kneels to his wife in todays society.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[3:27 PM WST]
Alfred: Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Hello, Alfred.
Alfred: Right this way, ma'am.
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Prince Vester: I was surprised when I received a call from Martin. Now, seeing you both here I'm far more curious as to the summons.
Princess Lara: One thing my sister lives for is the dramatics. Let's just hope she's not announcing her abdication! (laughs)
Prince Louis: That's not something to laugh at, Lara. the Duke of Brindleton Bay's abdication still haunts this family over 100 years later.
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Rowena, Queen Mother: Goodness! Louis and Lara, you were summoned also?
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Rowena, Queen Mother: (shock) Vester! I see everyone was summoned.
Prince Vester: (unenthused) Your Majesty...
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(indistinct conversations)
Rowena, Queen Mother: "Does anyone know why we've all been urgently summoned?"
Princess Lara: "No. We were just sharing intel."
Prince Louis: "Are those the Lord Bishops leaving?"
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[Aide]: Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Her Majesty will see you now.
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Rowena, Queen Mother: Kate?
Queen Katherine: Thank you all for coming.
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Queen Katherine: Now, I need some air. Would you be very upset if I suggest we go for a walk?
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Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Consort Redemption (story)
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Second Place Countess (story)
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cowboylikebee · 4 months
hi loves, i'm bee, welcome to my blog here's a little introduction
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✉ about me. she/her, 18, infp, cancer, hufflepuff, bisexual (i think??), adhd, i love music so much, i'm very passionate about stuff, truly a fangirl at my core! you'll find a list of my interests below <3
little side note: if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. or you just hate fun then this blog is not for you
✉ music. gracie abrams, taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, boygenius, renee rapp, harry styles, niall horan, lizzy mcalpine, zayn, louis tomlinson, one direction, new hope club, inhaler, nieve ella and more (these are just the ones i'm most insane about lol)
✉ books. harry potter (mostly marauders era tbh, fuck jkr), the hunger games, heartstopper, a good girls guide to murder trilogy, red white and royal blue, i kissed shara wheeler, the midnight library, the society for soulless girls, the lucky list, the naturals (series), percy jackson, and more
✉ movies + tv shows. marvel, stranger things, percy jackson, heartstopper, the wilds, dickinson, yellowjackets, red white and royal blue, first kill, brooklyn nine-nine, hunger games, harry potter, shadow and bone, bottoms, deadly class, lost, twin peaks, and more
✉ characters. natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, kate bishop, yelena belova, max mayfield, robin buckley, remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, regulus black, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, jake peralta, nick nelson, and more
✉ other. i'm also an anxious little bitch, a reality shifter and i love women haha
thanks for reading all of this i love you
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Mid-Summer Supplemental - The Marvelous Super Pets
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Lockjaw the Pet Avenger
This pupper’s mother was subjected to the mutagenic properties of the Terrigen Mist.  As a result, Lockjaw and his littermate were bestowed super powers.  Lockjaw grew into a massive form possessing greatly enhanced strength, cosmic awareness and the ability to teleport himself and others across vast distances, even between dimensions.  Along with serving as watchdog to The Inhuman Royal Family, Lockjaw has additionally embarked on many adventures alongside countless heroes, including the Fantastic Four, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man.  He additionally helped form the mighty Pet Avengers!  Lockjaw first appeared in Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #45 (1965).
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Chewie the Flerken
Carol Danvers, the heroic Captain Marvel, was unaware that her pet cat, Chewie, was actually a powerful alien being known as a Flerken.  The pocket dimensions these Flerken possess within them proved to be of great help during Captain Marvel’s adventures in space.  A version of Chewie appeared in the Captain Marvel movie, renamed ‘Goose’ and portrayed by a quartet of tabbies named Gonzo, Rizzo, Archie and Reggie.  Chewie first appeared in Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 (2006).
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Bats the Ghost Dog
Bats was an aged basset hound who ended up in the care of Stephen Strange during the time he had become a veterinarian after being deposed from his title of Sorcerer Supreme. Strange enchanted Bats with a translation spell that allowed his barks to be interpreted as English.  An encounter with Loki resulted in Bats suffering a fatal heart attack.  The old boy had so enjoyed his time with Dr. Strange, however, that he decided to stay at the sorcerer’s side in a ghostly form.   As a specter, Bats continued to accompany Strange on many adventures.  He’s a very good boy and first appeared in the pages of Doctor Strange Vol .1 #381 (2017).  
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Tippy-Toe The Squirrel
The intrepid squirrel known as Tippy-Toe first aided The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl in a battle  against the villainous Maelstrom.  From there on out Tippy and Squirrel Girl became inseparable and Tippy has proven her valor time and time again as one of the best sidekicks a superhero could ever ask for.  She first appeared in the pages of Great Lakes Avengers #4 (2005).  
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Lucky the Pizza Dog
Lucky had previously belonged to the villainous Tracksuit Vampires, but he chose to save the Avenger, Hawkeye, and ended up hit by a car.  Hawkeye rushed the dog to a veterinarian.  Although he lost an eye, Lucky made a full recovery and went on to be a constant companion to both Hawkeyes, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop.  His favorite food is pizza!  Lucky featured in the Disney+ series Hawkeye, portrayed by a pair of pooches named Jolt’ and Eevee.  Lucky first appeared in Hawkeye Vol. 4 #1 (2012)
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Redwing the Avenger
Sam Wilson came across a juvenile falcon while exploring the caribbean island of Exile.   Sam named him Redwing and the two soon discovered they shared a psychic bond where the two could communicate through telepathy.  Sam would go on to find that he could commune in this fashion with most all bird, but his link with Redwing remained the strongest.  Redwing would go on to be Sam’s partner throughout his many adventures as both The Falcon and Captain America.  He first appeared in Captain America Vol. 1 #117 (1969).
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Jeff The Landshark
Jeff was created by the villainous BRODOCK who had mutated sharks into bipedal creatures.  Jeff was not especially vicious and ended up being taken in as a pet by Gwenpool.  After spending some time on Monster Island, Gwen decided to leave Jeff in the care of Deadpool after she had doubts that she would have a solo series again, causing her to be worried about his future.  The little guy first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 3 #7 (2019).
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Oliver, Lucifer & Figaro
 Some time back, the villainous Sabertooth gathered up a trio of kittens who he planned to eat as a ‘snack.’  Mystique saved the kittens, depositing them in Gambit’s apartment.  Mystique had believed Gambit would feel annoyed or put upon having to take care of the three cats.  To the contrary, Gambit loved the little fur-balls and they have brought tremendous joy to his life.  He named them each after cats who have appeared in Disney animated movies.  Now grown, the three cats currently live in Gambit and Rogue’s residence in the Braddock Lighthouse on the isle of Krakoa.  Oliver, Lucifer, and Figaro first appeared in Astonishing X-Men Vol. 3 #62 (2013).
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Cosmo the Space Dog
Cosmo was formerly a test animal for the Soviet Space Program (СССР). He was launched into Earth's orbit as part of an experiment but his spacecraft drifted out of orbit and entered into a wormhole that sent him to the space station known as Knowhere.  At some point during his spacial drift, cosmic rays mutated Cosmo, giving him his psionic powers. Thereafter, he became the station's Chief of Security for Knowhere.  Cosmo makes a cameo appearance in the movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 where he is portrayed by Fred the Dog.  The space-faring doggo first appeared in the pages of Nova Vol. 4 #8 (2007).
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Liho & Alpine
Who would have guessed that the cold warriors known as The Black Widow and Winter Soldier would have such warm hearts when it comes to cats?  Well, they do and both of these Avengers have found themselves adopted by a pair of furballs.  Liho decided to make the Natasha Romanoff hers in the pages of Black Widow Vol. 5 #1 (2014); whereas Alpine took in Bucky Barnes in Winter Soldier Vol. 2 #1 (2018).
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Lockheed the Dragon
Lockheed is a member of a highly advanced dragon-like extra-terrestrial race.  Lockheed himself was celebrated by his own as a brave fighter and hero against the Brood.  Kitty Pryde of the X-Men happened upon Lockheed during an adventure that took the X-Men into space.  She took care of the little dragon as though he were a pet, not realizing his sophisticated intellect.  The two had numerous adventure together and it was later revealed that Lockheed had been assigned by his kind to stay with the X-Men so to keep tabs on them.  Kitty felt betrayed when she ultimately learned this truth, yet she and Lockheed were ultimately able to amend their friendship.  The dragon first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #166 (1983).
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Mister Dibbles
A turtle is an interesting pet for the fastest man alive, but that does not change the fact that the Avenger known as Quicksilver loves little Mr. D here with all his heart.  The terrific turtle first appeared in Quicksilver: No Surrender #2 (2018).  
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Niels The Cat
Niels was exposed to the same cosmic energies that imbued the heroic Speedball with his special powers.  Niels gained the same powers and is able to generate a protective forcefield that absorbs all kinetic energy and redistribute the energy by bouncing about like a pinball.  Niels embarked on numerous adventures alongside Speedball and even joined the lad during his memo phases wherein Speedball became ‘Penance’ and Niles became ‘P-Cat The Petulant Puss.’   Niles was later adopted by Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch.   The fantastic feline first appeared in Speedball #1 (1988).
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Zabu of The Savage Land
Zabu is a Smilodon (or saber-tooth tiger) who grew up in the Savage Land (an artificial preserve for prehistoric wildlife situated in deep Antarctica).  Zabu became the companion of Ka-Zar the Savage and the two would embark on many adventures together.   Later, Zabu joined Ka-Zar’s wife, Sahnna in a competition to possesses the Phoenix Force.  He first appeared in X-Men Vol. 1 #10 (1965).
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Mewnir (or Mew for short) is a white-haired cat owned by Nancy Whitehead, the roommate and best friend of the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  Mewnir is named after the phonetic pronunciation of Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir.  Mew's diet consists of half a cup of kibble mixed with half a can of wet food per day, so keep that in mind!  She first appeared in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1 #1 (2015).  
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Ms. Lion
The fabulous Ms. Lion is a small dog owned by May Parker and lived in Queens, New York.  The little pupper ended up joining Lockjaw’s Pet Avengers in an adventure where the team prevented the Infinity Gems from falling into evil hands.  In the universe of Spider-Man and The Amazing Friends, doggo is cared for by the heroine, Firestar.  Ms. Lion first appeared in the pages of Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 (2009).  
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Throg the Thunder Frog!
A frog who possesses the power of Thor.  He is Throg!  ...and first appeared in the pages of Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 (2009).   
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
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Kate Bishop Masterlist
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts
[Join my Taglist!]
The Best Medicine is Honesty : Reader runs a clinic in Hell's kitchen but spends their free time patching up stray vigilantes that show up on their doorstep.
Royal Pain: The queen has a bounty on Readers head and sends her best archer after them.
Katie & Coffee Cups- Kate shows up at Readers door to get patched up after a fight on the rooftop with Clint.
Two Fingers of Whiskey [18+]- Reader is having a rough day at work and Kate knows just how to remedy the situation.
The Sun Also Rises- When Reader gets injured during a mission, Kate realizes that it's now or never.
Past Tense- Kate Bishop returns to her hometown unexpectedly following some bad news. She's shocked when she runs into you and struggles to grapple with her past choices.
I'll Be Home For Christmas [Completed]
When Reader needs a last-minute date for the holiday weekend, she blackmails Kate into attending as her partner.
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Epilogue]
Just Like the Ones We Used to Know [Sequel]
It's been three years since your disastrous plot to bring a fake girlfriend to the family Christmas. Not much good came out of the endeavor, but you did manage to get the girl. What happens when your estranged family makes a second appearance, disrupting your life with your found one?
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
The Bishop Girl [Completed]
Reader works for a company that caters all of the Bishop Families events. Here, y/n gets into trouble with Eleanor Bishop's elusive daughter.
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three]
A Favor For Clint [Completed]
Reader used to work as an expert hacker for SHIELD, but has since severed ties with the organization. They will help Clint Barton out from time to time, and now, his protege Kate Bishop.
[Part One | Part Two]
En Garde! Kate Bishop
Kate Bishop and reader have been adversaries since childhood. But years after graduation, the two cross paths again and struggle with a past rivalry shrouded in new feelings.
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
I Don't Bite
After a sick day, reader realizes some weird things about her next-door neighbor: like pointy fangs and a thirst for blood.
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight]
Once Bitten, Twice the Idiot
Reader encounters a wolf in the middle of the woods and suffers dire consequences.
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six]
Magnetic [Completed]
Reader is from Earth 2099 and is fated to fall in love with Kate Bishop in every Universe.
[ Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
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mermaidxatxheart · 2 years
Hot Writer Summer Challenge
Hey, everyone. It's been a minute since I've seen a writing challenge going on. I was talking with @musings-of-a-rose about hosting one, and since I'm close to being at 18k followers, I figured why not? so here it is. I'm excited to start this.
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You don’t have to be following me, but it would be wonderful if you did. 
This will be for Marvel, Star Wars, Triple Frontier, and Top Gun: Maverick.
I 100% approve of noncanon. That’s the beauty of fanfiction. Make it what you want. 
Two people per prompt. (I can be persuaded to go up to three if they’re different fandoms) 
No underage, noncon, and tag appropriately for warnings please. 
Due Date: August 31, 2022
Please send me an ask with the prompt and character you choose. The ask will help me keep track of it easier and make sure I get everyone tagged appropriately. 
There isn’t a word limit, but if it’s over 500 words, please use the Keep Reading line
Use the tag #hotwritersummerchallenge and please be sure to send me a message if I don’t respond to it within 24 hours. 
I will be making a Master List of all the stories and it will be added to the one already in my bio. 
Prompts are below the cut!
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
There was only one bed(@garnette-gal Jake 'Hangman' Seresin) (@musings-of-a-rose Benny/Frankie)
Locked in a room
Snowed in
Fake dating (@skvatnavle Robert 'Bob' Floyd) (@valthevalkyrie Benny Miller)
Forbidden love
Secret billionaire/identity/royal
Second chance
Girl next door (@skvatnavle Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
Damsel in distress
Unrequited love
Best friend’s brother/sister
Soulmates (@utterly-in-like Jake 'Hangman' Seresin)
Social Media
Musicians/band mates
Somebody you loved- Lewis Capaldi(@skvatnavle Frankie Morales )
Bad Habits- Ed Sheeran
I hate love songs- Kelsea Ballerini
Addicted to you- Avicii
The night we met- Lord Huron (@stevenswetdream Marc Spector)
If you love her- Forest Blakk
Great Balls of Fire- Miles Teller
I don’t know about you- Chris Lane
What a shame- Layla Blue
Can’t help falling in love- Elvis
Marry you- Bruno Mars 
Marvin Gaye- Charlie Puth 
Tennessee Whiskey- Chris Stapleton
Toothbrush- DNCE (@spiderl0rd college!peter parker)
Unsweet- DNCE
Happier- Ed Sheeran
Wrong side of heaven- Five Finger Death Punch
Best I ever had- Gary Allan (@opalinedaydreams FloydSin)
A minute without you- Hanson
All of me- John Legend
Still in love with you- Jonas Brothers
Love bug- Jonas Brothers
Better together- Luke Combs
The story of tonight- We The Kings
Boyfriend- Tyler Cassidy
Check yes, Juliet- We The Kings
Girlfriend/ Avril Lavigne
I never planned on you- “Newsies”
50 ways to say goodbye- Train
Someone like you- Adele
Pov- Ariana Grande
Seize the Day- Avenged Sevenfold
Should’ve said it- Camila Cabello
Drinking alone- Carrie Underwood
I love you as much as someone like me can- Galavant
My finger trembled above the trigger. “I’m so sorry.” (@fangirl-316 Benny Miller)
I’m covered in the memories of you. 
“Are you even listening?” “Yeah, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid all at once.” (@utterly-in-like Hangnab/Rooster)
Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home.  (@nekoannie-chan Steve Rogers)
You want a fight? I’ll bring a war. 
“It never stops hurting, does it?” “What?” “Giving someone the best of you and watching them choose someone else.”(@utterly-in-like Top Gun Maverick)
We can’t giggle, it’s a crime scene (@stuckonjbbarnes Yelena/ Kate Bishop)
“You can’t love someone else unless you love yourself first.” “Bullshit. I have never loved myself. But you? Oh god. I loved you so much, I forgot what hating myself felt like.” (@skvatnavle Benny Miller)
Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture. (@honey-dew-woo (Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw)
“I thought you forgot about me.” “Never.”
“How drunk were you last night?” “Well, I still have my pants on, so not that drunk?” “Those aren’t your pants.”
She opened her apartment door to hundreds of roses. She knew they were from him; he had found her. 
Mood boards
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(@vanemando15 Frankie Morales/Friends to Lovers)
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Tagging my usual Tag Lists in case anyone would like to participate.
Everything Tag List
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @bitsandbobsandstuff @wkemeup @barnesandco @gambitsqueen @lokisironthrone @imanuglywombat @also-fangirlinsweden @ravenesque @murdermornings @countryrockmama @kato-ptris@katzenwahnsinn @heli0s-writes
Star Wars Tag List
@bookishofalder @doctor-warthrop @acrossthesestars @waterpancakeao3 @generousrunawaydonut @eclipsedplanet @general-latino @marvelobsessiononastick @itsdameron @mads-weasley @rawrrimamonsterr @diaryofkali @mrsdaamneron @sabxism @fanfictionismydeath @rainlumos @jaxrando @fallinallinmendes
@unicornships @rooster-bradshaw @thebradleybradshaw @fitzells @halfway-happyyy @cherryblossom-enthusiast @mmurdock85 @charnelhouse @infuriatinglyoptimistic @cowboystokes
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