#pro spiderson
aryacontrast · 2 years
"peter and tony's duo was unnecessary and irrelevant" if it weren't for peter and tony's duo your favs would've stayed dead
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Here to remind you how Tony was unfocusing his gaze 'cause of the pain he felt while probably struggling to recognize what was happening around him and who was the person in front of him, but as soon as he heard "it's me, it's Peter" he immediately focused on him.
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And while he couldn't find the force to speak, my theory is that he didn't do it also because he didn't know what to say to make the kid stop crying, to make the pain go away.
He knew what to do with Pepper and with Rhodey, their reactions were so part of their characters: Rhodey and Tony didn't need to share a word, they have been friends since ever and they understand each other without the need to talk; Pepper and Tony both smiled at each other, to reassure the other that everything and everyone will be fine.
With Peter? I think Tony not speaking was also in character. He didn't almost speak when Peter was dying, he didn't know what to do. He tried to comfort him when he said "you're alright", but as soon as things got worse he just stood there in shock, without never taking his eyes off him while Peter was crying and begging him to do something.
The same happens here:
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In the photos you can't catch it very clearly, but if you watch the complete scene you can see how Tony is not taking his eyes off him and -even when Pepper is there and is trying to take him away- he's trying to calm him down with his eyes, because that's Peter, the kid he lost and that he found five years later just to lose him again. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I almost saw panic in his eyes, it's like he was scared about Peter not being okay and about him not saying a word again. That's why he whispered kid once he wasn't in his gaze anymore, he wanted to see him one last time, to make sure to reassure him like he did with Rhodey and, soon, with Pepper. To make Peter sure that he will be fine even without him.
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starforgedthor · 1 year
Did I unfollow a mutual who was spam posting Irondad-Spiderson content out of nowhere? Fucking absolutely. As a reminder; fuck billionaire, war-profiteer, accountability dodger, child endangerer, self-aggrandising, self-centred asshole Tony Stark. The only care he feels for Peter is out of -AT MOST- a guilty kind of moral obligation.
Tony has an actual child, and Peter already has a parental figure;
Aunt May loves Peter in the way you all project onto Tony Stark in Irondad scenarios, and unlike Irondad, that's canon. Argue with a mirror, I'm right.
Stan Aunt May, cowards.
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juria9090 · 1 year
Well guys. I am questioning everything in existence right now because i am searching for boku no hero academia and avengers crossover with peter parker thrown into the mix and i think its stupid that most of the story only focus on Midoriya Izuku, romance and other nonsense. Not fair people not fair.
What i want is the dynamics between peter and tony
Them being powerful duo they are. Oh what is this. Another idea thrown into the mix.
What if loki is there too?
The loki who was killed by Thanos?
And then we have Thor for another universe. A bad universe where he was killed and the world ended because of Thanos.
And yeah. Throw in Hela into the mix because why not? A Hela who grow up with both her brothers. Yes. She was killed in her universe too.
I'm just saying, this sort if trio will take the world by the storm and throwing irondad and spiderson into the blender with cherry on top?
Yeah. I would love to see what will happen.
Half of them are dying and critically injured. Hela can't help because death powers duh. Loki is uh well, not having a good time there being at death's door and peter ummm... Well, let's just say he is having a rodeo with his regenerative cells right now.
Throw magic into the mix and wow look at that! Everyone looks a bit younger. Oh no, loki is in coma. Thor is uh... Yoou good there buddy?
Tony is trying not to have a freaking stroke.
Hela is in a middle age crisis.
Bruce just want to sleep.
Other avengers and people would like to have a break but nooooooo..
What the heck are pro heroes?
You mean you get paid becoming a hero?
Steve will gonna have a tirade after this.
No romance dude cuz its trauma time.
I want to see the world having crisis of having heard that the world mightiest heroes have quirkless people in it. Well. All of them are quirkless.
I mean we have a red room assassin.
Iron freaking man.
Super serum soldier.
Another assasin but villain theme.
Freaking spy archer ninja.
Wall crawler child who is too precious for the world but a menace too.
Three asgardians that looks like they came descending down from from hell.
This scientist who have dangerous anger issues.
Like man.
You get me or what?
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psycho394 · 2 years
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Same energy lol!! 💥❤💥
#irondad spiderson #severitus
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wingitbold · 2 years
Tony: Peter, you can do whatever you want to do. I will never stop you. I am not those boring kind of mentors.
Peter: Thank you Mr. Stark.
Peter: So, Can I try jumping from the top of Stark Tower?
Tony: No... That’s not safe.
Peter: Can fly with Thor?
Tony: Pete... No. He has no regard for safety.
Peter: Can I go sparring with HULK?
Tony: No... What? Absolutely NOT. 
Peter: Can I learn magic from Dr. Strange.
Tony: No... absolutely NOT. No.
Peter: Can I go drinking with Loki?
Tony: No Peter. Absolutely Not. Not with Loki.
Peter [sarcastically]: Yeah, I can absolutely do anything I please?!
Tony: Yes, absolutely anything. I will never stop you from having fun.
Peter [mumbling]: Hypocrite
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retro-memo · 2 years
Three people who I don't want to see in the irondad tags here on Tumblr:
Anti-irondad: This speaks for itself, you don't like irondad or Tony Stark? Fine, but don't tag your crap as irondad then, tag it as anti-irondad or anti-tony stark. I don't want to see your shit when I'm looking for wholesome content of my comfort characters.
St*rkers: I think this speaks for itself.
Anti-Ned Leeds: No. You don't go hating on my baby. Especially in one of my favorite tags. You can take your edgy reddit ass out of there and go bitch somewhere else. YOU DON'T PUT IT IN THE IRONDAD TAG SECTION. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY.
I don't appreciate hate on Ned, of any kind. You don't like him? I don't care, keep it to yourself and out of my favorite tags.
Rant over.
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cornholio4 · 3 years
Anti Irondad fic recommendations please
I have seen ones written by myself, Phillipe363 and perhaps bl4ckhunter but I was wondering if you can help me find anti Irondad fics. Here is some criteria I am after:
* Any argument has Peter in the right and he gets to point out that he was the one that was kidnapped to fight in Tony’s fight and peter now realises he was on the wrong side and the ferry incident only happened because Tony was dismissive and never made any attempt to Let Peter know he was forwarding information to authorities
* Peter tells Tony that he is not his dad and never has to take it back
* Aunt My acknowledged as Peter’a only real living parental figure
* just to be curious I wouldn’t mind if Morgan was involved like post Endgame and Peter decides he wants nothing more to do with the Stark family, he has to gently let the girl know Tony was never really a dad to him
* Peter was on Steve’s side from the beginning, like maybe Steve in civilian clothes spots Spider-Mn and ends up helping him learn to fight with his powers and doesn’t drag him into the civil war because that would be irresponsible. While also encouraging peter to tell Aunt May when he is ready
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Tony: What are you doing?
Peter, tangled in Wii nunchucks: I’m in the middle of my workout session.
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midethefangirl · 2 years
Debating on not posting my irondad fic because of team Cap trolls. All I see is people saying Tony kidnapped Peter, bribed Peter.
Tony made Ultron. I'm just sick of it man
trust me, they are so annoying but still, go ahead and post your irondad fanfic. fuck what the team cap stans have to say, no one should ruin your enjoyment of a platonic/familial ship
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rednether · 3 years
Behold, Peter Parker's real dad!
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ircn-dad · 2 years
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gifs not mine
I saw on the original post of these gifts the reblogs and...wow. Not the people saying "Tony reacts like that because that's what Steve tried to tell him before!! #antitonystark"
What actually Steve said: This job... We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody, but, if we can't find a way to live with that, Next time... maybe nobody can be saved.
Peter is basically saying he can't live with the knowledge of not helping everyone, Steve is saying that they have to learn to live with it because it's better saving someone than not saving everyone.
While I think Steve is not an asshole and doesn't like when someone dies, I also think that Peter and Steve are not guided by the same morality. Steve accept the fact a lot of people die with his job, Peter and Tony don't. They can't accept the fact they cannot save everyone, they feel responsible for every damage they cause. That's why Tony had that look, because he related to Peter's words. That's literally the point of why he wanted the accords.
Tony blames him self and not just for Ultron. He blamed himself since IM1. When he said "I just finally know what I have to do, and i know in my heart that's it's right" and right before that he mentioned the soldiers who were killed by his weapons, even if it wasn't directly his fault. You can se the parallels between the two of them, they both blames themselves for everything.
Were the accords bad? Yes. Were they needed? Also, Yes. The idea of the accords was good because if I was one of the civilians like Zemo I would want them, and you cannot say otherwise if you were in their place.
So yes, I still think Peter would have been on Team Iron Man anyway because Peter would never turn his back on the civilians (He sacrifices his identity for them, he sacrificed his whole life for them). Even if he didn't like the accords, he would have accepted them and willed to change them. Peter and Tony have the same guilt, the same morale. Tony choose Peter because he saw himself in him, and Peter found comfort in Tony because he was the only one who understood him (Like confirmed in IW novelization).
Tony was the best person to mentor him.
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stark-eftychia · 4 years
if your religion isn't Tony Stark then I don't wanna hear it
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jaijaiwriter · 4 years
Okay tumblr whyy. Why they do this?
Tumblr: oH hEy, HeRe’S a TuMbLr BlOg ThAt WoUlD cOmPeLeTeLy DiSgUsT yOu. EnJoy!!!
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jasntodds · 5 years
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Uh, yeah. They’re gonna reveal that Tony faked his own death so the other Avengers would finally leave him alone and Nick Fury would stop calling him
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I cried, real tears, when Back in Black started playing as Peter was building his suit. That was a parallel I wasn’t ready for and it broke my heart.
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