#anti Tony Stark stans
xgoddessoffandomsx · 6 months
Bro what are these tags? 🤣🤣🤣, gotta love Stark stans that go off the fucking deep end
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
did i seriously just see people on tiktok say that rdj was uncomfortable with the prima nocta joke in aou because it “didn’t fit stark’s character”?? did everyone forget his sexualizing the female reporter in im1, natasha in im2? the way he treats pepper 95% of the time?? he would ABSOLUTELY make that joke because a man who treats women like he does has no issue trivializing our suffering for laughs.
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wildestheart4ever · 5 months
Got into Tumblr looking to see if there were any additional content on the post I subscribed to and found someone has commented on my old Tiny Stink posts
The gist of it is that there are still people who greatly enjoy character butchering a la Not Steve Rogers/Team Cap Friendly and see nothing wrong with needless bitching in properly tagged fics
An obnoxious thing to see at the start of the day but whatever.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 1 year
My villain origin story is reading an article about how Tony and Wanda are quite similar (correct) and then getting mired in a paragraph about how Wanda is wrong to blame Tony for the death of her parents because while Tony indeed was getting rich on weapons manufacturing, uwu he didn’t mean his weapons to be used for murder you guys! 😩
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I dunno, tony presenting his weapons as a good way to pot plants the fuck do i care, christ he even says that historically the best weapons have been the ones you need to only fire once, he says it, the fuck do people think he meant by that, should he have used glitter to make a nuclear cloud so that you idiots get it god I’m tired
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lizisthecoolest · 6 months
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basically a summary of civil war tony
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confused-much · 5 months
I've seen some anti Steve Rogers posts and the level of delusions tony stans have is appalling.
They accuse Steve of being a hypocrite (why???) while ignoring the fact that Tony:
- created murder bot and then faced zero repercussions AND the blame for that murder bot fell on ALL Avengers somehow
- signed the Accords and then broke them when he involved Peter into the fight and when he left for Siberia
And you know what's the funniest? Almost every single villain in Tony movies (or even in Spider-Man movies) was Tony's creation.
And all villains in Steve's movies are outside of his influence (Hydra, the corrupted government).
So it speaks volumes about the kind of characters those two are.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
imagine thinking ca:cw existed for a reason that wasnt an rdj tantrum that forced them to scrap cap 3 which was supposed to be focused on steve, bucky and sam, and instead make into ironman 4🤣🤣🤣
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
I love calling white male characters i hate colonizers.It's within my rights as an afrolatina and also hilarious and also also true
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starforgedthor · 11 months
Did I unfollow a mutual who was spam posting Irondad-Spiderson content out of nowhere? Fucking absolutely. As a reminder; fuck billionaire, war-profiteer, accountability dodger, child endangerer, self-aggrandising, self-centred asshole Tony Stark. The only care he feels for Peter is out of -AT MOST- a guilty kind of moral obligation.
Tony has an actual child, and Peter already has a parental figure;
Aunt May loves Peter in the way you all project onto Tony Stark in Irondad scenarios, and unlike Irondad, that's canon. Argue with a mirror, I'm right.
Stan Aunt May, cowards.
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
Ross’s quote about the Avengers ignoring sovereign borders comes up a lot and is often used to accuse Steve of American imperialism, so let’s have a look into it.
You've fought for us. Protected us. Risked your lives. While a great many people see you as heroes. There are some... who would prefer the word "vigilantes". What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals, who routinely ignores sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind them?
Sooo. Civil War was a terrible piece of world-building. The first problem is that it came way too early in the franchise, not just for the fracture between Tony and Steve to be anywhere near meaningful, but also the number of missions preceding this that would actually fit Ross’s accusations.
Let’s look at all the MCU movies so far leading up to Civil War:
Iron Man 1-3
Captain America 1-2
Thor 1-2
Avengers 1-2
(Guardians of the Galaxy)
Cap 1 took place in WW2, Cap 2 took place mostly on US soil, with the exception of the Lemurian Star which was a SHIELD mission. Thor wasn’t part of Civil War but he was dealing with extraterrestrial threats that came to Earth. Avengers 1 similarly - the only time the team was out of US was to confront Loki in Germany, and again that was under the supervision of SHIELD. Ant-Man also happened in US territory.
The only person on the team who “routinely ignores sovereign borders and inflict their will” without any oversight was Tony. He did it in IM1 against the Ten Rings. In IM2 he opens the movie with:
I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me (...) I’m not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because I haven’t come across anyone who’s man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day.
It is implied - the showing was done in the first movie - that Tony continued his "peace-keeping" activities which consisted of zipping into other countries and blasting everything with fire.
Never forget that even Rhodey assessed Tony as:
As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.
Operating outside the law was started by Tony, not by Steve or any of the other (original) Avengers, most of whom were working for SHIELD until they had to bring it down themselves to stop Hydra from killing millions of people.
The narrative problem lies in the vacuum between Captain America 2 and Captain America 3. Avengers 2 deftly avoided discussing who was overseeing their operations, and by the time Cap 3 rolls around they're suddenly a privately operated group of vigilantes?
Speaking of Avengers 2, that's the time someone decided to make a “global peacemaking initiative” without involving his team, much less the global community.
Bruce Banner: So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team.
Tony Stark: Right. That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley. I see a suit of armor around the world.
Tony knew the ethical implications and the risks of this but forged ahead anyway. Said murder-bot went all over the world intent on human extinction while the Avengers tried to chase him down. We can argue over whether it was appropriate for Avengers to intervene with Ultron before waiting for the UN to have their emergency committee hearing in 3 days, but I think the key is the Avengers risked their lives to tidy up Tony's their own mess, which is what accountability and dealing with the consequence is all about.
And that's the crux of Steve's argument, which I think a lot of people gloss over.
We are (giving up) if we're not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blames.
The Accords passes the buck upwards to the UN…this means both the decisions and the responsibility for the decisions go elsewhere. The situation that riled Tony up in the first place was a mother telling him “I blame you” for Sokovia. Assuming we ignore Tony’s role in creating Ultron, how would oversight have changed the situation? They wouldn’t have been able to create Vision off the cuff, nor would they have been allowed to recruit the twins. The people in Sokovia? Would still have died, and likely far more of them because of a slower response.
But what Tony is saying is if they had oversight, the mother wouldn’t have marched up to him and blamed him. Or as Steve points out, he could shift that blame onto the UN.
Steve’s version of accountability is about taking ownership of their mistakes and finding a solution. Tony’s version of accountability is having someone else make the call and take the blame. (* I feel like this is a thing a lot of people - often young - get confused about. Accountability isn’t just about having someone telling you what to do. Some people and some organisations find themselves in the rare position of having no direct oversight, but they still need to have accountability measures in place - look at the UN Charter for example)
Going back to my original point, the only one shown to routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict his will wherever he pleases was Tony. The one operating outside government sanction for the majority of his appearances was Tony. The one actively seeking out “criminals” and trying to “win a war before it starts” has always been Tony. Tony might not be the one wearing the red white and blue but he’s the only one gloating about having done the job for “Uncle Sam”. The greatest advocate for American imperialism was Tony, not Steve.
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
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“if they just signed away their rights and became slaves to the government this wouldn’t have happened! the government would’ve listened!!” and “tony could’ve killed them if he wanted to but he didn’t so he’s a hero!” are the most delusional takes I’ve ever seen in this fandom. you really think tony motherfucking stark was holding back? did you miss the scene where he aimed for bucky’s face? did you forget that steve and bucky are both SUPER SOLDIERS?? tony is a man in a tomato soup can that goes pew pew. he’s also a selfish cunt. and he lost. that’s what nazis do in cap films bestie.
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sunnysideprincess · 11 months
I get "justified" hate from Tony-antis because it was "wrong" for him to go after Bucky and Steve, even after being confronted to the truth of his parents' murder so brutally, after Steve lied to his face and probably used Tony's resources to go after his mother's (unwilling, brainwashed, I get it) murderer. Tony's rage at this betrayal is reduced to a "tantrum" or just a "stupid man-pain" by so called fans and that he is the villain for going after an innocent man.
Meanwhile Wanda Maximoff and her brother saw Tony's surname on a missile that blew up their home and they immediately joined a Nazi cult for their quest for revenge. Instead of going directly after Tony Stark, or the people who actually blew up their home—Wanda decided to destroy an entire city by unleashing Hulk on them, mind fucked a man so he creates something that nearly destroys the entire planet and thought it was all fine and dandy to be on the side of something that felt no regard to human pain until she realised "oh shit, maybe this evil robot's plan would kill everyone, including me" and the fans dub her a "hero", a "traumatised sad child" who lost so much.
People paint Tony as the bad guy for calling Wanda a weapon of mass destruction in CW forget that this is coming from the man who was shown a vision of all his friends dead near his feet while his worst nightmare comes to play by her. Who knows and has seen what she's capable of. Yet he still keeps her fed, housed and bathed in luxury via his own "blood" money, makes her armor and tries to protect her from Ross' wrath.
Flash forward to Tony dying for the universe after finally getting a life worth living for and people saying "he didn't deserve the elaborate funeral mcu gave him" and then theres Wanda holding an entire town hostage and getting thumped on the back for being so sacrificing and kind by both mcu and her stans
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whentheynameyoujoy · 1 year
Also, while I’m at it, absolutely love that so many of the wanda bad tony good fics are centered around Wanda being shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that Tony is a good guy akschually because he no longer manufactures weapons or more braindead yet, that he destroyed the weapons Stane smuggled to Ten Rings, as if that has anything to do with her parents dying by Stark weapons legally supplied to the U.S. military.
Like, my guys, Tony stopping weapons manufacturing was kinda a big deal in universe. There was this scene in the first movie with a press conference about it. Stark Industries were a major weapons supplier to the U.S. government - aka the party that waged war on Sokovia in the first place. You really think something like this wouldn’t be huge news in that stupid nonsense country which apparently has a thriving movie piracy market Wanda’s dad was involved in?
I swear, the shit you can come up with if you just assume Eastern Euros are an uncontacted tribe that has never heard of this little thing called TV.
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The reason I like Bruce Wayne but not Tony Stark is because, unlike Tony, Bruce uses his money to improve people’s lives.
Mr “I’m gonna spend trillions of dollars to give Daredevil sight again then take it away again.”
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hainethehero · 2 months
This is what I mean when I say the anti-Steve Rogers hate is annoying because why every time I come across a tiktok/post about Steve/Captain America, I have to see Tony stans 🤣
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You can very easily see that it TRANSCENDS fanfic and socmed platforms because they actively go out of their way to make sure everyone knows what they think of Steve. And almost 100% of the time, they're Tony stans.
YOU WILL NEVER SEE A STEVE FAN DOING THIS. (And if u do, it's one-off comments, not spam)
I'm a Tony fan, I love him in almost every version of him across the marvel media, but this level of obsession with Steve has to be studied💀🤣. In tiktoks about Tony, you won't ever find this much comments about Steve to the point where it's spam. But almost all the ones about Cap, the comment section is flooded with hate for Steve.
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And all the pro-Tony/anti-Steve bugs that came out of the woodwork for my last post about this? THIS is why discourse is needed and nuanced discussions about the mischaracterization of characters to the point where yall are doing this on posts that aren't even about Tony.
Steve fans will have discourse about the different elements of his character, admit his flaws, and KEEP it to ao3 or tumblr or wherever the discourse is happening.
Tony stans will go out of their way to tell the whole world how much they love Tony and hate Steve and they'll do it wherever and whenever they can. That's the difference between Steve fans and Tony stans (and I use stans for Tony because yall are bordering on cult behaviour.)
N.B. Don't take this personal cos a lot of yall got pretty upset at my last post 😭
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themoonking · 1 month
thinking of making a post about a bunch of the team iron man / anti steve rogers fanfiction tropes that were really popular immediately post civil war and how ooc they were to have gotten so big. might not make the post at all but if i do: what are your favorite (or maybe favorite is the wrong word...) wildly ooc team iron man fanfiction tropes, specifically ones that got really popular.
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