#oh and i keep confusing all the problems my trash ex had with him and im like wait. you love your parents and they treat you. like. nicely?
#hey shout out to the guy who reminds me so intensely of my ex#he's put up with a lot from me because my traumatized brain has given up on logical function when im around him#and i assume he wants to be a piece of crap to me#even tho hes a great dude and really kind#i just have a crap time differentiating between him and the person he reminds me of#which of course ill never say to his face unless asked because what am i gonna say? your existence sometimes makes me want to cry? but#i deeply appreciate being your friend?#like no lol#cant say that cause he'll feel like its his fault but its really not it's just my brain's and its annoying af of course#but yeah#shout out to him. he's putting up wtih some BS fairly often. and its usually my bs#because i swear it to you i do want to be nice to him#i just. hrgh. i see him and something in my brain highlights him in red and i have three reactions and they're not good#and hrgh. would that i were better about that. it's unkind to him and he doesn't deserve it because he's never hurt me#he just reminds me of who did and it sucks for the both of us but i do enjoy his company#and there's no way around him because we're friends now#hes just a massive red flag for me even tho he's literally done nothing to warrant it#oh and i keep confusing all the problems my trash ex had with him and im like wait. you love your parents and they treat you. like. nicely?#and he's like yeah??? i love my dad and my mom is great???#and i go like 'oh wow' and internally im just screaming because he didnt deserve the mental gymnastics my brain does#sigh#life is hard sometimes
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jujuspams · 2 years
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This here is Koga “You gone be my woman today”
Also known as Koga “I don’t give a damn if you got a man. Tell that nigga I want all the smoke
He honestly reminds me of a fuck boy just a bit
I mean nobody has Miroku the fuckboy beat
That nigga was known for trying to holla at everybody, but at least he had a reason
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Let me suck ya dick
I mean you gone have to wash that bitch first but hey
I’m ready to have some half wolf babies
Bitch just call me mama wolf in this bitch
Ohhh lord I’m ready
I wanted Inuyasha to have the energy that Koga had
Like my nigga if you don’t stop thirstin after a dead bitch
He acted like it was so hard for him to choose
Oh, ok now it’s all fun and games until Kagome hops on the wolf penis
He gone be looking really stupid then
I hated that he only seemed to show his feelings when Koga wanted a piece
Like noo playboy keep that same energy
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I'll be strong for you daddy Koga!!!
Please just give me one chance
You can't tell me this man wont worship the ground I walk on
I just know he'll make sure I have everything i could ever need
I could get lost in those ocean blue eyes
Kagome don't know what to do with that
Like girl these men are trash nowadays you better hop on that
Young me just did not get what was so hard
Like this man clearly has some strong as feelings for you and you want the one that's hung up on his ex
But I can't lie I got friends like that and imma stick beside them cause they my girls
If you see this girl let that trash ass man go sis, he is messing up yo ph. balance
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And let's not forget my boy was not scared to fight for some love
he stayed running the fade with Inuyasha
Koga the type of dude that when you tell him you got a man, he tells you to go get that nigga
like sir what
and they stayed calling each other slurs like Koga why are you calling this man a mutt
Like the beef was always on sight
My girl Kagome had them fighting over the pussy
that is until Kikiyo came around then she's on her own
And we not finna sit here and act like Koga wasn't feeding Inuyasha them feet
hit him with a swift kick to the chin
Hit his ass with that sweet chin music
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Yall heard it here first if a man ever does this to me im folding like freshly dried laudry
im sorry baby i still love you
but this right here does something to me
Like yea it gets the waters rolling but it also gives that little girl from middle school the romance she always wanted
like look me in the eyes and tell me what you love about me and why you would never leave me
like pls i desevre it
everybody deserves something like this
Koga never had a problem with telling Kagome that he loved her
i honestly think thats what i love so much about his chareter
like yea he was cute and all that, but i really just enjoyed how open he was with his feelings
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Now that we passed that babydaddy
like what do you mean you got a whole wife out here
and you just acting like my girl Ayame don`t exist
I was confused as hell when she stepped on the scene
I was like now wait a damn minute sis I called dibs first
like we can be sister wives, but just know I'm the one in charge
like Koga deadass treated her like she was a redheaded stepchild
my boy said no face no case
I was like nobody is safe, all of these men are trash
like God the men you are giving us suck, like can you drop a new update or something please
just when you think you got a good one, here come the wife from the woodworks
like bitch where were you earlier when he was pouring his heart6 out
I then fell for him now bitch, now we gotta share him
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I can truthfully say that Koga is the reason that I would fuck a werewolf now
yea I said it, I would 100% without a doubt throw it back for a werewolf call me what you want but a coward isn't one of them
And I'm not talking about some oh maybe if there weren't any other choices no, they the first choice
Look at Kagome yawl see how happy she looks
she loves it over there
I bet he gives good hugs
But in all seriousness, I probably would have folded for Koga
Seeing as how Sesshomaru and I aren't talking anymore
Raggedy bitch
I feel like yea he's a safe choice because I know he'll love me unconditionally but it's nothing wrong with that
I don't always want somebody that I have to fight for
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So that's how I feel about my boy Koga
And oh my goodness it's been so long since I've done one of these
Like I almost forgot how I use to do these
But you can never forget the thirst that is forever
You always end up coming back to your roots
And besides I missed y'all
But imma end it there if it's any mistakes I'll just come back and fix them
But it's like 12 in the morning and i just got the sudden urge to do this
But Imma head out ya'll stay thirsty my hoes
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Here you go, Tokoyami as promised
I wrote all of this between assignments and finals so it’s safe to say I’m hella exhausted and my brain is done for.
This is the best quality that I could do for now in my current state.
Idk what it is about reader being a kind of fatherly figure to the students but it sparks joy in my brain.
I was also thinking of making this a series but I’ll only do so if y’all enjoy this one lmk if you want this to have more parts but with different students.
I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: (Platonic) Tokoyami Fumikage x (older) Male Reader
Words: 1.3k (1,303)
Warning(s): none
Requests: Closed
‘Business sure has been slow today.’
You leaned against the counter, empty cup in front of you and soft lofi music playing through the speakers.
The sky outside has been overcast all day blowing frigid winds that would chill you if you didn’t have enough layers on.
Usually, on days like this, you got a lot of customers, looking for a place to get something to warm them up before going about their days.
But the shop was completely empty, not a single soul besides you.
The last couple of hours were spent cleaning and organizing the shop so there wasn’t anything to do besides scrolling through your phone but even that got boring after a while.
Pushing off of the counter you tossed your empty cup into the trash, the sun already set a while ago.
Normally you stayed open well throughout the night but since hardly anyone came by you just decided to close up early.
You stretched before beginning the process of closing.
You were kneeling below the counter restocking the utensils when the bell above the doorway jingled.
“Ow! Sorry, I’ll be with you in a sec!”
You stood up, this time without almost giving yourself a concussion.
“Hello, welcome to the Night Light Cafe, what can I get for you tonight?”
The boy who stood before you was none other than the bird-headed member of UA’s class 1-A himself: Tokoyami Fumikage.
He looked rough, the feathers on his face were ruffled and his shoulders were tense.
“Oh, yes, can I get a um..”
He stared at the menu for a moment but you could tell he couldn’t quite concentrate on it.
You waited for over a minute for him to order but he stayed quiet slightly swaying unfocused eyes not registering what was on the menu.
You leaned over the counter.
“Hey, bud.”
His unfocused eyes slid over to you.
“I’ll make you something, any favorite flavors?”
He nodded.
“I like.. um.. apples.”
You smiled at him.
“Great, I’ll go whip something up, go sit down for me kay?”
He nodded once again and shuffled to one of the booths.
You gave him one last concerned glance as he dropped his bag on the floor and slumped into one of the seats before turning around and beginning to make his drink.
You walked over to the booth Tokoyami had been sitting in.
He had his head down in his arms and appeared to be sleeping.
You put a hand on his shoulder and gently shook him awake.
“Hey, kid.”
He jolted and sat up rubbing his eyes.
“I-I apologize I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
You smiled at him and placed his tea down in front of him.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind, here be careful it’s a bit hot.”
You slid into the cushioned seat across from him as he picked up his mug.
Tokoyami glanced at the mug, there wasn’t a straw but before he could say anything you reached into a pocket in your apron and pulled out a straw handing it to him.
He gently took the straw from your hand with a small thank you.
It took him a moment to open the straw shaky hands struggling to tear the paper but he managed to get it open and put it in his mug.
First giving it a quick stir he took an experimental sip.
His face brightened.
It was good.
Usually, when he orders apple-flavored drinks, they’re either too sweet and it completely overpowers the apple flavor, or they’re not sweet enough making the drink too bitter causing him to douse the drink with sugar to alleviate some of the bitterness.
“Is it okay?”
Tokoyami looked back up to you.
“Yes, it’s quite good, thank you.”
You sighed in relief.
“That’s good to hear.”
The two of you sat in silence after that.
Surprisingly the silence didn’t feel awkward to Tokoyami.
The soothing taste of the warm tea combined with the soft music playing over the speaker made him feel relaxed.
Letting his shoulders drop and eyes close, he let out a soft sigh.
“I apologize for my strange behavior, today was rough and I’m very exhausted.”
You hummed.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself to me I’m just glad that you’re okay. It’s pretty cold outside and you don’t seem too well equipped for the weather.”
Tokoyami looked down at what he was wearing.
A simple jacket and ripped jeans not the most suitable attire for cold weather.
“It’s a good thing you stopped by you can take as much time here to warm up and rest as much you need alright?”
Tokoyami put his mug down.
“Thank you, but I don’t want to keep you here longer than you intended I can leave—“
“Hey, I really don’t mind, I’m usually open much longer I’ll be here for as long as you need me to be.”
You stood up and patted his shoulder.
“Now rest up I’ll be up by the counter if you need anything.”
He could only nod.
Tokoyami peered down at the tea that you had made for him.
You were obviously about to close yet you allowed him to stay even giving him tea.
He looked over his shoulder to see you humming along with the music wiping down your area, not at all bothered by the fact that Tokoyami is making you stay longer than intended.
Tokoyami glanced back down at his tea.
You did say that he could stay here and rest up just a few minutes couldn’t hurt right?
Around 15 minutes later you were sitting down with an almost empty cup of the apple tea you had made scrolling through your phone again.
“Excuse me.”
You looked up to see Tokoyami holding his now empty mug with his bag slung over his shoulder.
He looked less frazzled but still exhausted.
You put your phone down.
“Are you heading out now?”
“Yes it’s quite late and I am late for curfew.”
You nodded and took the empty mug from his hands beginning to walk towards the sink to wash it.
“Alright, well you have a good night and be safe.”
Tokoyami stood there confused.
“W-wait what about my tea don’t I still need to pay for it?”
You shut off the sink and put the mug on the drying rack before turning to him.
“It’s on the house.”
He was taken aback.
You held up a hand to silence him.
“You’re having a tough time right now and I don’t want to add onto it so it’s the least I could do.”
“Now you should probably get going the weather report said that it’s going to rain tonight.”
Just as you said that thunder roared outside and rain began to fall hitting the glass windows of the shop.
Tokoyami’s shoulders slumped.
“Huh, I spoke too soon sorry about that, wait here a second.”
You disappeared into the backroom for a minute before you came back and walked around the counter holding an umbrella and other things.
“Here, use this umbrella so you don’t get soaked.”
You handed him the umbrella.
“And here’s my scarf, it should help you stay at least a little bit warmer.”
You neatly wrapped the scarf around his neck.
“Also here are some apple slices for the road so you have something snack on.”
You patted his shoulders and ruffled the feathers on top of his head.
“Alright kid, you should be all set, be safe out there okay?”
Tokoyami nodded.
“Y-yes sir thank you.”
You gave him another smile.
“No problem, you have a good night.”
Tokoyami gave you a wave and opened the umbrella as he stepped outside into the rain.
He was glad he found this shop.
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americasass91 · 3 years
His Kind of Beautiful
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Hello lovely people! I don’t even know where to begin here. My ex popped up as a friend I may know on Facebook the other day. Of course it brought up all these memories. (I’ve been with my husband for over a decade so this ex was from way back when.) Anyways, I couldn’t help but think back to when and why we broke up. We worked together (that was a mistake) and I was chatting with one of our coworkers. The guy looked at me and was like ‘I don’t want to get in the middle of anything but your boyfriend said something about you the other day and it bothered me.’ I told him to tell me what he said. ‘He said you weren’t pretty enough to blow him.’ (Fun fact! I had already blown him a few times by this point.) So of course I thought my life was ruined. I mean I was only 17/18. I called him right away and asked him if it was true. The fucker didn’t even deny it! He was like I was just joking around. So I told him since I wasn’t pretty enough to blow him, I wasn’t pretty enough to date him either. That’s the last time I spoke to him.
Anyways! That’s what inspired this little fic. I know we all go through days where we don’t feel pretty or beautiful. But you know what? We are all beautiful no matter what! Please if you ever feel less than that and need to talk, I am here and willing to listen! Nobody should go through life feeling anything less than beautiful.
So I knew I needed to somehow incorporate this into a fic. At first I was going to go with Steve but I took a look at my Masterlist and realized I only had one Andy fic on there. That’s just despicable! So without any further ado, please enjoy this fic with our lovely, handsome floofy haired lawyer daddy!
Rating: Explicit (Like I could write something that doesn’t involve sex with Andrew)
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Language, fingering, unprotected sex(Remember: Sex is cleaner with a packaged weiner), and just Andy being fluffy
You honestly didn’t even know why you had agreed to this. You hated first dates in general, let alone a blind date.
But your friend, Jane, assured you this guy was handsome and nice and worth your time to go out with.
So, you pulled a blue dress from your closet that you’d only worn maybe twice in your life and actually did your eye makeup.
After getting fully ready you take one last look at yourself in the mirror. For once you didn’t hate the woman staring back at you. This dress happened to accentuate your curves and the color of your eyeshadow made your eyes pop. You wouldn’t necessarily say you were pretty, but you looked decent.
You slip on your heels and grab your purse and head out of your apartment. As you go to lock your door, the apartment door behind you opens.
“Good evening, neighbor.”
You turn around with a smile on your face and return the greeting to your sinfully handsome neighbor, Andy.
He can’t help but notice how pretty you look. “Where are you going all dressed up?”
You blush and start heading towards the elevator together. “Oh, my friend set me up on a blind date. I’m nervous. Haven’t been on a date in awhile.”
He presses the button for the lobby. “Blind date, huh? Yeah I went on one of those recently. First date since the divorce. It was...interesting.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as you both headed into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. You turn towards him. “Interesting, how?”
“Well, for starters, she was almost an hour late. Then when she showed up, she didn’t even apologize for being late. She just sat down and demanded the waiter bring her a cocktail. By snapping her fingers at him.”
The elevator doors open. You head into the lobby and notice Andy following you. “So I think it’s safe to say you aren’t calling her for a second date?” He opens the door to the outside for you. You smile in thanks and head out into the warm evening air of Boston.
He rolls his eyes as he follows you onto the street and hails down a cab. “Absolutely not.” He gestures for you to take the cab.
You look at him confused. “Don’t you need one?”
He waves you off. “Nah, I’m heading to pick up Jake to take him to dinner. He finally found some time to fit his old man into his ‘busy’ teenager schedule.” He heads towards his Audi you now realize is parked in front of the building right behind your cab.
You scoff at him as you open the cab door. “Old man? Oh, please. You can’t be more than what? 38?”
He opens the door to his own vehicle and smirks at you. “Try 43, sweetheart. Hey! Good luck on your date!” He waves and gets into his car. You return the wave and get into the cab and give the driver the address to the restaurant and try to get your mind off of how good Andy’s ass looked in the jeans he was wearing.
You arrived at the restaurant with a few minutes to spare. You wanted to get there a little early so you could get a drink from the bar and calm your nerves.
You find a seat away from the other patrons and order a glass of wine. You scan your eyes over the room to see if your date has arrived yet. You weren’t entirely sure what he looked like but you knew he was going to be wearing a red shirt.
The bartender sets your wine in front of you. You hand over a 10 dollar bill and tell him to keep the change. As you sip your wine, you check your phone for the time. 7:02. You’re about ready to text your friend to ask if your date is normally late when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You turn around and look up at who you assume to be your date for the evening. He was handsome. Not as handsome as Andy, but handsome enough.
He gives you a small smile. “Hi, are you Y/N?”
You nod your head with a smile. “Yes, hi! It’s nice to meet you. You must be Jason?” You then gesture to the seat next to you. “Would you like to have a drink before we get a table?”
He nods once and takes a seat next to you and flags down the bartender to order a scotch.
The bartender sets the drink in front of him. Jason thanks him and pays for his drink.
You can feel the awkwardness start to creep in. And when that happens, you tend to get chatty.
“So, what do you do for a living?” You smile hoping to ease the tension building.
He turns to look you up and down. And not subtly. He shakes his head in disapproval and downs his drink before standing up. “Listen, I’m sorry but I can’t do this. Jane lied to me.”
You can’t help the confused look that crosses your face. “She lied to you? How?”
He gives you another not so subtle once over. “She told me you were beautiful. And no offense, but I just don’t see it.”
You can’t help the jaw drop. Sure you knew you weren’t gorgeous but damn. You’d never had a man be bold enough to actually say it to your face. “So, you’re just gonna leave? Not even give me a chance because I’m not your version of beautiful?”
He scoffs and checks out a girl that walks by the two of you. “What can I say? I’ve got standards that you just don’t meet.”
You feel like you’ve just been punched in the gut. That’s it. You’re fucking done. You reach behind you and grab your wine glass and throw the drink in his face.
You grab your purse and head towards the door. You turn back to face him. “I may not meet your ‘beauty standards’ but at least I’m not an asshole!” With that you flip him off and head outside to hail a cab to head back home.
You manage to make it almost all the way home before the tears start to fall. Sure he was a stranger and his opinion didn’t matter. But it still fucking hurt that he didn’t want you and didn’t even think you were pretty enough to share a meal with. Your self esteem already sucked and this asshole sure as hell didn’t make it any better.
The blue dress goes in the trash as soon as you step into your apartment. You take off your nice lace bra you had put on. You take your makeup off with a wipe and pull your hair up in a ponytail. You throw on some hello kitty pajama shorts and a t- shirt that’s at least 2 sizes too big for you.
Then you head into your kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine from a bottle you keep in the fridge for emergencies. You think this classifies as one.
You grab your phone off the counter and call your favorite Chinese place. You order double what you normally do because nobody wants to sleep with you. Might as well eat whatever the fuck you wanted. God, you can’t believe you shaved your legs for that asshole.
The lady on the phone lets you know it’ll be at least an hour. You give her your card number and thank her before refilling your now empty glass.
As you’re sitting on the couch waiting for your food, you can’t help but replay the events of the evening. Then that takes you into a downward spiral as you think back to all of your exes.
Come to think of it, they’ve all left you for one reason or another. A majority of them cheated with someone way prettier than you. Wow, maybe you were the problem. Clearly you were going for guys out of your league.
Maybe you needed to reevaluate the standards you had. Which quite frankly, wasn’t much. You just wanted them to not be a serial killer.
Perhaps you should just give up on dating. You were perfectly happy alone. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be for you.
Before your thoughts could spiral anymore, your doorbell rang. You glance at your phone. Damn that hour flew by.
You grab $10 out of your purse for a tip and open your door. As you’re grabbing the bags and thanking the delivery guy, Andy steps out of the elevator with confusion written all over his face. “Hey, Y/N. Thought you had a date?”
You could almost feel the tears trying to well up again. No, you weren’t going to cry. Especially in front of your handsome neighbor.
“Yeah, it uh, didn’t work out. Shit happens.”
He puts his key in the lock and opens his door then turns to look at you. “Not your type?”
You can’t help the rush of air that leaves your mouth. “Not exactly. I wasn’t his. Apparently Jane, our mutual friend, told him I was beautiful and well. He didn’t agree with her.”
Andy furrows his brows and cocks his head to the side. “What? Was he blind or something?”
You shake your head. “Nope. I just wasn’t up to his standards.”
Andy mumbles something under his breath. “Well, I’m sorry. Some guys can be real assholes.”
You wave him off. “No need to apologize. I get that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
Andy shakes his head. “Still, I’m sorry. That really sucks. And he really said you weren’t beautiful to your face?”
You give him a sad smile and shrug your shoulders. “It’s okay, really. I’m used to not being wanted. Have a nice night, Andy.”
You turn and head back into your apartment before he has a chance to reply. You don’t need his pity. You just need to drown yourself in the rest of your wine and gorge yourself on the greasy Chinese.
Just as you set the food down on the counter, you hear a knock at your door.
Confused, you head over and open it to find Andy standing there. And he looks kinda pissed.
“What do you mean you’re used to not being wanted?”
You sigh and put your hands on your hips. “It’s not the first time some guy hasn’t wanted me and it won’t be the last.”
Andy shakes his head as he pushes his way inside and shuts the door with his foot. “There’s just something I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “And what’s that?”
He then proceeds to walk closer to you, forcing you backwards until your back touches the wall. He puts his hands on either side of your head and gazes down at you. You’ve never been this close to him before. You can feel his chest move against yours as he breathes. You can feel the heat radiating off of him.God, he smells good.  You realize you’re not breathing and take a deep breath. He smiles down at you and takes his left hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear that had fallen free from your ponytail.
“That some moron would think that you’re not beautiful. He’s fuckin crazy, Y/N.”
Your breath hitches as his left hand has now grabbed the back of your neck to raise your lips towards his. You close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable kiss. “I guess I’m just not everyone’s kind of beautiful.”
He leans in, just barely brushing his lips against yours. “You’re my kind of beautiful.”
WIth that, he presses his lips to yours for a slow but intense kiss. You can’t help the moan that escapes your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him all the way up against you. He grunts when his hardening cock comes into contact with your soft belly.
After a few minutes of intense kisses that take your breath away, he pulls back and presses his forehead against yours. “Will you let me show you how beautiful I think you are?”
You don’t even need to think about it. “Yes, please.”
He smiles and leans in for one more quick kiss. “Take me to the bedroom, pretty girl.”
You quickly grab his hand and lead him down the hall towards your bedroom, making a quick stop in the kitchen to throw the Chinese food in the fridge.
Once in your room Andy spins you around and presses your back up against his front. He leans forward and starts placing soft kisses against your neck. His left hand rests at your waist while his right hand moves up under your shirt towards your breasts. “Is this okay, pretty girl?” His voice is so low and husky. Your panties didn’t even stand a chance.
You nod. “Yes, please. Touch me, Andy.”
He groans a little and reaches up to cup your right breast in his hand. You hear him let out a growl as he continues to fondle your breast. While his left hand makes its way into your shorts, brushing his finger over your clit. You jolt forward at the sensation, whimpering out in the process.
“You like that, pretty girl? Like my fingers on your little cunt?”
You grab a hold of his wrist and writhe against him as he lowers his fingers towards your entrance. He gathers your slick up before moving his fingers back towards your clit and starts slowly circling it.
“Fuck, Andy. Feels so good.”
“Yeah? You want my fingers inside you, baby?”
You quickly nod. “Please. Need to feel you.”
He lowers his hand back down to your entrance and slowly slides his middle finger against your walls. You arch your back and moan out his name as he starts pumping it slowly.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so tight. When’s the last time you’ve been touched, pretty girl?”
“Too long. Feels so good. I need more. Please.”
His index finger quickly joins the middle one. He starts pumping them in and out of you quicker, curling them just right so they rub up against your g spot. “Oh, fuck!” You can’t help but yell out at the feeling. It’s been so long since someone’s taken the time to pleasure you, let alone find your g spot. You could feel the coil tightening already. You were embarrassingly close and he hadn’t even really started yet.
“You gonna cum for me already, pretty girl? Do it. Make a mess on my fingers.”
He moves his thumb and starts circling your clit. Your legs start shaking. He presses his thumb down just a little harder and you’re gone. You cum with a shout of Andy’s name into the otherwise empty room.
He continues pumping his fingers in and out but removes his thumb from your clit, not wanting to overstimulate you too much. “Good girl. So fuckin’ pretty when you cum.”
You lower your head in embarrassment. He spins you around and places his finger under your chin so he can raise your head so you’re looking at him. “Don’t hide from me, pretty girl. I want to see everything.” He takes his left hand and raises it to his mouth, sucking your essence off of his fingers. He moans into his hand. “You taste so fucking sweet. Knew you would.”
He grabs your face to pull you in for a sweet kiss as he slowly pushes you towards the bed. The back of your knees touch your mattress before he pulls away. He smiles down at you as he grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up and off, tossing it somewhere in the room. His gaze then falls to your breasts. He licks his lips hungrily. Before he can get too caught up, he hooks his thumbs into your shorts and pulls them and your panties down and off your legs, helping you step out of them.
He stands back up and pulls you in for another kiss, your hands fall to his chest. You start to unbutton his shirt, revealing his chest to you a little at a time. You pull away to get the last few buttons and push his shirt over his shoulders and are surprised to see his chest and abdomen sprinkled with various tattoos. You never would’ve guessed. You can’t help but let your hand trace over a quote on his collarbone or onto the eagle covering his pec.
“I never would have pegged you for a tattoo guy. These are amazing.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I only have them where they can be covered up by clothes.” He grabs your wrists to stop your tracing. “You can trace all of them some other time, pretty girl. Right now, I need to be inside of you.”
You can’t help the shiver that runs down your spine at his words. His dirty talk was going to be the death of you.
He moves his hands towards his belt buckle and starts undoing it. You couldn’t help but notice the slight tremble to his hands. You place your hands on top of his and look at his face. “Hey, if you don’t want to do this, that’s ok.”
He looks into your eyes and gives you a shy smile. “No, I want to. God, do I want to. It’s just, I haven’t been with anyone since Laurie and I guess I’m a little nervous.”
You couldn’t help the pull you felt at your heart at his words. He was nervous. Thank god. So were you. This beautiful man wanted to sleep with you, of course you were nervous. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous too. You’re kind of intimidating.”
He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brows. “Intimidating? Why is that?”
You remove your hands from his and gesture up and down his body. “Just look at you. You’re breathtaking, Andy. And I’m just me.” Your gaze falls down to your feet, unable to look at him.
He puts his finger under your chin and raises your head so that you’re forced to look at him. “Speak for yourself, pretty girl. You’re the breathtaking one.”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Yeah, right.”
His gaze on you hardens just a little. He grabs your hand and places it over his pants against his erection. “Do you feel that? Feel what you do to me? Nobody but you can make me this hard, pretty girl. I’ve been in a constant state of arousal since I moved in, watching you coming in and out of your apartment in your tight skirts and almost see-through blouses. Making me go fuckin’ crazy.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything or make a move then?” Of course your self doubt was starting to creep in. Maybe this was him just wanting to get his dick wet. You needed to know.
He grabs your hands and brings your knuckles to his mouth, giving them a soft kiss. “Honestly? I thought there was no way in hell an old man like me would have a shot with a sweet thing like you.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your mouth. “Please. You’re only 43.”
He pulls you in for a sweet, lingering kiss. “Yeah, well. Probably too old for you. But after what you said to me, about how you’re used to not being wanted? I stopped caring how old I was. I needed to show you just exactly how much you’re wanted. So, can I still show you, pretty girl?”
You quickly nod your head and help him finish removing his pants, leaving him in just his black briefs. The fabric doing nothing to hide the outline of his hard cock. Jesus. He looked big. Bigger than anything you’ve taken. You couldn’t wait.
You quickly pulled his briefs over his hips and down his legs. His cock sprang free and smacked against his inked abdomen, making him hiss. You grab him at the base and slowly start pumping him, looking at his face for his reaction. His head is thrown back and his eyes are closed as he moans out your name at the feeling. His hands are gripping your hips.
You smear his precum that’s gathered at the tip and use that to help jerk him off a little faster. You tighten your grip as you pick up your pace, loving the sounds you're pulling from him. You start to go on your knees when he suddenly pulls you back up. You look at him in confusion. “If I let you continue, this will be over before it even starts. Gonna make me blow my load like an inexperienced teenager.”
You couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself but once again furrow your brows as Andy walks to the other side of the bed. He starts looking around in your nightstand. “Do you have any condoms?”
You shake your head. “I did but they expired. If you’re okay with it, I’m on birth control. And I got tested after my last partner and I’m clean.”
He pushes the drawer to the nightstand back in and climbs onto the bed and lays on his back, hand lazily stroking his cock. “I’m more than okay with that. I just had a full work up done. I’m healthy as well.”
You barely acknowledge what he said, unable to remove your eyes from his hand that’s wrapped around his cock. You pull your bottom lip in between your teeth and let out a little whimper. Andy chuckles at you. “Well, are you going to just stare at it, pretty girl? Or are you going to hop on my lap and get comfy?”
That gets your attention. You meet his gaze. “You want me on top?”
He nods. “Wanna be able to see all of you, baby girl.” He removes his hand from his cock and pats his thigh. “Come on, pretty girl. Ride me.”
Well that sight just caused a new wave of arousal to pool at your core. You had only been on top once before and it was only for a short time.
You place your knees gently on the bed and crawl the short way to him. You swing your left leg over him so that you're sitting right above where he wants you. You thread your hands through his hair and lean down for a heated kiss. You lick his bottom lip, wanting in. He doesn’t even hesitate to open his mouth to let you in.
He places his left hand on your hip while the other grabs his cock. He pushes your body down so that you’re hovering over it. “Please. Fuck me, pretty girl.”
You keep your lips attached to his as you slowly sink down on him. You get about halfway before you stop and pull away to look at him, trying to slow down your breathing. He brings his right hand up to cup your cheek. “You ok? Do you wanna stop?” The quick shake of your head makes him chuckle. “No, god no. I just need a minute. You’re fucking huge Andy.”
He can’t help the cocky smirk that appears. “Yeah, I know. Just take all the time you need.” He rubs his hand up and down your back to help calm you down. It only takes you a few more seconds before you continue to impale yourself on his impressive dick.
You let out a breath of relief when your hips settle flush against his. He grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for another kiss. You slowly start rocking your hips against him. He feels fucking incredible. Hitting all the right spots inside of you.
You pull away from the kiss and raise up a little and plant your hands on your headboard for some leverage. The rock of your hips speed up significantly. You move all the way up until his tip is barely inside before you slam yourself back down against him. You’re pulling the most beautiful sounds from his lips. It makes you move that much faster and harder against him.
Andy moves his hands to your breasts and gives them a good squeeze. Then he starts pinching your nipples, eliciting a moan from you. “That’s it, baby girl. Doing so good. You look so gorgeous fuckin’ yourself on my cock. Goddamn. Riding me so well.”
The praise he’s giving you just spurs you on. You raise up even more and place your hands on his chest and pick up your pace just a little more. You can feel the coil tightening in your belly. You’re going to cum and hard.
Andy keeps his left hand on your breast and keeps pinching your nipple. He moves his right hand down until his thumb is pressing against your clit, giving you the friction you needed. “Can feel you squeezing me, pretty girl. Cum for me. Make a mess.”
He presses his thumb just a little harder and that’s all it takes. You free fall over the edge of bliss with a scream of Andy’s name, your hips faltering from their rhythm.
You slow down your pace as you come down from your high, collapsing against Andy’s chest. He cradles you in his arms and rubs his hands up and down your back. “Still with me, sweet girl?”
You weakly nod your head and take just a second to catch your breath. It takes you a moment to realize he didn’t finish. You raise your head off his chest to look at him. “Why didn’t you cum?”
He smiles and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. “Oh, I will. Don’t worry. Just wanted to watch you fall apart on top of me. And let me just say, it’s one of the prettiest sights I’ve ever seen. You look gorgeous when you cum, Y/N. Almost made me lose it. Think you can take some more?”
You nod your head eagerly, already wanting to cum around his cock again. “Then why don’t you be a good girl and turn around and get on your hands and knees for me?”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You quickly pull off of him and turn around to get on your hands and knees. He takes a second to admire the view of your once again dripping pussy before he gets up on his knees behind you. He grabs a hold of your ass and gives it a hard squeeze. “Such a nice ass. I bet it’ll jiggle real nice while I’m fuckin’ you.”
He grabs a hold of the base of his cock and moves it towards your entrance. Before he starts pushing in, he gives your right cheek a hard smack. You drop down onto your elbows and moan into the sheets below you. Fuck. You didn’t know you liked that. He places his right hand on your hip and squeezes.
“Hmm. We’ll have to revisit that later.” And that’s the last thing he says before he slams home. You arch your back and fist the sheets as he sets a hard and fast pace.
And boy was he right. Your ass does jiggle nicely with every snap of his hips against it. He threads his left hand through your hair and gives it a tug. It makes you clench around him. “Fuck, baby girl. Keep squeezing me like that and I’m not going to last long.”
You move your head to the side and peer back at him. You clench around him again and it earns you another groan and smack to your ass. “Want you to cum for me, Andy. Please. Fill me up.”
He stills for just a second and wraps his left arm around your chest and lifts you up until your back is flush against his chest. This time he keeps his thrusts nice and slow. He places a kiss to the side of your neck. “Yeah? Want me to fill that pussy up, huh? To claim you as mine?”
You let a whimper escape your lips and you grip onto his arm that’s holding you against him as he starts picking up the pace of his thrusts. You clench around him again. “I am yours, Andy.”
He quickly moves his right hand down and starts circling your clit. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re gonna make me cum. Cum with me, please.”
You start pushing back and meeting his thrusts, desperate to get him to his release.
It only takes a few more snaps of his hips and circles against your clit before you're both falling over the edge while moaning out the other's name.
He continues pumping his hips until he’s completely spent and gently moves to lay the both of you onto your sides, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms.
He slowly pulls out of you and turns you around so that you’re facing him. He tucks your now loose hair behind your ear. “Hi, there.”
You chuckle and move up against him and press your face into the crook of his neck. “Hello.” You place a gentle kiss to his pulse point and relax as he wraps his arms around you.
There’s only a few minutes of peaceful silence when:
“So, was that good for you?”
You pull away and look up at him with an incredulous look on your face and smack his shoulder. You both start laughing.
“Of course it was good for me. Did you enjoy yourself, Andrew?”
He pulls you in for another sweet kiss. “Oh, yeah. But you know. Just to be sure. We might need to do it again.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. It only makes you laugh once more.
“You are such a dork. How about we get a shower and then heat up the food you so rudely interrupted me from eating before?”
His jaw drops in mock hurt. “You weren’t complaining when I was making you come around my cock, pretty girl.”
You sit up and stretch your arms over your head. You swing your legs over the side and stand up, wobbling just a little. You hear a chuckle behind you and playfully send a glare his way as you make your way to the bathroom.
You turn on the light and can’t help but look at your reflection in the mirror.
Your hair is a hot mess, having fallen out of it’s ponytail. Your lips were swollen and red from all the kissing. Your nipples looked slightly red from all pinching they had been subjected to. Your skin flushed from the orgasms. And there was what looked like a bruise forming on your hip in the shape of his hand.
And yet. You’ve never felt more beautiful.
You see Andy walking up behind you in the mirror. He smiles at you.
You turn around and return it before throwing your arms around his neck and raising yourself up on your toes to pull him in for a kiss. He gladly wraps his arms around you and reciprocates.
You pull away with a smile still attached to your face. “Not that I mind, pretty girl. But, what was that for?”
You shrug. “Just thank you. For making me feel beautiful.”
He smiles down at you and pulls you in for another quick kiss. You can feel him hardening once again against your hip. “Why don’t we skip the shower for now? I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
And with that he pulls you back into the bedroom where he spends the rest of the night showing you that you’re his kind of beautiful.
Permanent Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @IIIoIs 
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Twilight Moments With You
Ex-mob!Bucky x Reader AU.
Run-through: You were just an innocent girl who works in her family’s patisserie. You had an absolutely normal life, until the day you got tangled in the mess between ex-mob James Buchanan Barnes and one of his enemies who is still out to get him. Things changed after that. But not all changes are terrible…
Themes: fluff, smut, age gap
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That Friday afternoon, you happened to be at the right place; but at the wrong time.
“Dad and I will be gone by the time you get back, so make sure you lock everything well before going home. And please be careful. And lock the front door before going to bed. Alright honey?” your very worried mother instructed you while she handed you the bag that you were supposed to deliver to Mr. Barnes.
You smiled at her. Sometimes your mom made it seem like you weren’t a grown adult, instead treated you like you were 10. You lived right down the street from your parents’ house, and they were still worried sick to leave you on your own each time they left town.
“Yes. I’m not a kid, mom.” You grabbed the paper bag and grabbed your car keys. “Have a safe flight, both of you.” you waved at your parents and walked out of the shop, and drove off to Mr. Barnes’ house. By the time you would get there, your mom would’ve already called him to let him know you were coming, just like always.
You smiled at the thought of him. Mr. Barnes…
You had always thought he was one of the most handsome men you had ever laid eyes one. He was gentle and kind, and very humble. You had heard rumors going around of how he had a dark past, when he was much younger. Some even said that he was involved with the mob. Or dealt with guns and black money and what not.
But you never paid too much attention because, whenever one succeeds at life, and owns a flourishing business, and is well off – being one of the richest men in town; fake rumors were bound to follow. People just can’t help but talk trash sometimes.
To you, Mr. Barnes was just one of your regular clients. He had developed a good, friendly relationship with your parents over the years, and inevitably; you as well. He would often call and place his order, and you had the habit of delivering his order to his place. Often, when he was at home when you came by, he would ask you to stay for a little while and keep him company.
You realized long ago that he was truly amazing. Mature, wise and awkwardly funny as well. You wouldn’t lie, you did have a minuscule crush on the man. How could you not? He was perfect. Always well dressed, and perfect, fluffy hair and well maintained facial hair. He could make anyone’s heart flutter.
 There you were, entering Mr. Barnes’ house to deliver the order he placed an hour ago; éclairs and blueberry cheesecake – some of his favorites from your shop. You had also taken the liberty to throw in some scones in there for him, because you knew how much he liked it. He had mentioned it to you over a conversation once.
Only right when you stepped at the door and knocked, your phone rang. You fished it out of your bag while you waited for the housekeeper to open the door. You saw that it was Mr. Barnes who was calling. You answered immediately.
“Oh hello Mr. B-“
He cut you off frantically. “… don’t go inside! Turn around right now, you hear me.”
You were confused at how concerned and frustrated he sounded.
“What? Why?” you asked back. He had always been so calm and collected, you had known him for over two years and he had never been this way.
“Y/N, just listen to me. Don’t go inside the house, please. I’m coming over right now, it’s-“
“But I’m already at the door and-“
You two were still talking when the door flew open. And a lean, dark haired man stood on the other side.
“Well hello.” The unfamiliar man said.
You froze and your heart sank. Your hand involuntarily lowered the phone from your ear and the last thing you heard was Mr. Barnes swearing. Your heartbeat increased at the sight of the gun the man at the door held in his hand. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
You knew immediately that something was wrong. But there was not much you could do. You couldn’t even run, this man looked like he could easily run much faster than you, plus he had a gun.
You heard a voice coming from inside. “Let her in. Can’t keep a lady waiting now, can we?” the deep voice from inside spoke up again. An unpleasant shiver ran down your spine.
The guy at the door opened the door wider and let you in. You had no other choice but to step inside. You looked around, seeing if you could see any familiar faces; one of the maids, or the housekeeper. But you saw no one. Just tons of men in black suits. Armed men in black suits.
The guy at the door led you inside, his gun in his hand by his side. You held the bag of baked goodies like your life depended on it as you walked in reluctantly. You spotted a group of people in the living room. One man sat on the couch, the others; who looked like guards were scattered all over the room.
“Hello beautiful. Do you know me?” the man asked.
You took in his appearance. Long blond hair tied at the back, deep blue eyes, large frame, muscular – he looked weirdly familiar. You stared at him until it clicked.
“You… you’re- are you…” you trailed off, unable to believe that the man who has been all over the news lately was now sat in front of you; smirking.
The man chuckled. “I’m Thor. What’s your name?” he asked as though talking to a child. You were somewhat offended.
You straightened your back and faced him with a slight frown. “What are you doing in Mr. Barnes’ home?” you asked.
Thor got up and walked over to you. You flinched as he reached out to touch your face; gently running his knuckles against your skin. He scoffed. “I see why Barnes likes to have you around, you’re a pretty little angel.” He whispered so that just the two of you heard.
You looked up and glared at him, which for some weird reasons made him chuckle. And just as he was laughing, you heard a group of people barge inside the house in a rush. A group of men; armed and led by the one and only – Mr. Barnes. They rapidly made their way into the living area while Thor’s men all turned to face them, with their guns at the ready.
  When Bucky drove into his yard, he saw that the front door was wide open. Shit. Shit. Shit.
All he could think of was you. Thor was in there, that he knew because the latter had bothered to call him and boast about breaking into his home. So Bucky called his guys and they all followed him till here. Thor wasn’t a problem; Bucky could easily handle him.
But you were unfortunately here as well. Bucky had to keep you safe, no matter what because… you were the one who had stolen his heart the minute he saw you two years ago, in that lovely shop of yours; wearing that little apron, with a bit of flour on your cheek. Warm smile, kind words and pretty eyes – Bucky was floored.
For two whole years he had tried to confess his feelings, but for some reasons, he never could. So he made do by visiting your shop more often than he should. And ordering more baked goods than one should consume. And his heart always fluttered whenever you came by to drop his order. But he never once mentioned all that he felt for you. He was always too worried; worried that if you rejected him he’d lose your friendship as well. Scared that he might put you in danger because of his past.
Just what was happening now.
As he marched over to his front door, followed by his men, Bucky couldn’t help but worry about you.
Don’t you worry sweetheart, I’m here now.
He knew Thor wouldn’t hurt you, else Bucky would have his head. But if Thor ever so much as touched you, Bucky knew he would go insane.
Bucky tried his best to hide his own gun behind his coat so as not to startle you because the last thing he wanted was for you to be scared of him. But the moment he saw Thor’s hands on you, he lost it. Bucky aimed his gun at Thor and cocked it, the sound resonated around the quiet room.
And just like that, all eyes were on him – including yours. He didn’t see fear in your eyes, so he calmed down a little bit.
“Get away from her. Now.” he sounded menacing. Cold. Bitter.
 You had never seen Mr. Barnes with a gun before. You didn’t even know he had one. But regardless, you were just happy he was here; saving you from Thor.
Thor laughed again. “There you are, I’ve been waiting for a while. Luckily I had this pretty thing to keep me company.” Thor spoke and grabbed your arm, pulling you into him forcefully. You tried to get out of his touch but he only tightened his grip around your arm the more you tried to get away.
Bucky’s anger amplified.
“Let go of her.” He threatened, maintaining his aim at Thor.
Thor smirked. “Is she your little girlfriend?” he asked. Both you and Bucky shared a look before Bucky shifted his focus back on Thor.
“She has nothing to do with this. Let her go.” He spoke, calmly and menacingly. And the authority in his voice sent a tingle down your back – not in a bad way.
Thor finally let you go. And you rushed to stand on Bucky’s side. You were sacred, but you always had a talent to hide your emotions so you seemed visibly calm.
“Go upstairs, to my study. And don’t come out until I come and get you.” Bucky ordered, and when you realized he was in fact talking to you, you didn’t even question him.
You just nodded and rushed upstairs. You had been to his house a lot of times, you knew your way around. So you found the study in no time, shut the door behind you once you stepped inside and finally let out a sigh of relief.
You set the paper bag full of baked goods aside and dropped your bag on the floor and looked around. You were panicking in the beginning, but as you looked around the vintage-style study/office, you calmed down a little.
Despite whatever was happening downstairs, you couldn’t help but walk around in Mr. Barnes’ study. The room smelt like him. Like cedar wood and citrus fruit and amber. You relaxed as you breathed in his scent and looked around the room. Large, wooden, filled book shelves. A majestic chair at his desk. Several papers scattered all over his desk. Files neatly arranged in the cabinet beside his desk. His own little orderly mess.
He even had a typewriter on his desk. Although you doubted he ever used it.
 While you were alone in his study, that gave you time to think. Were the rumors circulating around town true after all? Was Mr. Barnes actually involved with the mob? Well, the previous scene did confirm that for you but you were still not entirely convinced.
Mr. Barnes, someone so gentle and kind. One with whom you had had many conversations in the past years. One who would always see you off till his front door when you came by. How could he, someone so nice, be affiliated with the mob, and gangs, and gangsters?
You were busy overthinking and checking out the books mindlessly when you heard the door knob being turned. You panicked and turned around to face the door and relief washed over you when you saw Mr. Barnes’ smiling face.
“Hi.” He said, and walked into the room.
You placed the book back in its spot and smiled back at the man. “Hi.” You replied. Both of you wondering to how even begin to address whatever just happened.
“I’m sorry.” He said, looking down at the ground and shoved both his hands in the pockets of his coat. He had left his gun downstairs, he didn’t want to scare you.
“Oh don’t be. Please.” Your words made him look back at you. “If anything, I’m sorry. I should’ve called before coming, I didn’t mean t-,”
He cut you off.
“No, hey. I- I know you have a lot of questions and I’m willing to answer all of them. These people that were downstairs, they…” he trailed off, not knowing what to say.
“Thor, right? He’s been all over the news lately.” You had heard of Thor before.
Bucky scoffed. “He’s bad news.” He commented and awaited your follow up question.
“Are you?” you asked, then realized it might have sounded rude. “I’m sorry, but… people talk, you know?” you lowered your head in shame. Mr. Barnes was a friend of your parents and here you were, interrogating him.
Bucky walked up to you. “What do they say about me, Y/N?” there was something about the way he said your name. You liked your own name better when he said it. It rolled off his tongue perfectly.
You bit your lower lip and looked down for a moment. “They say you were one of the bad guys once. That you were, um, affiliated with the mob. That you used to lead the biggest gang the city had ever seen.” You told him all that you had heard around in your shop.
You lowered your head again. Bucky sighed. “Look at me.” He ordered and you listened. You looked up and found yourself staring into deep, ocean blue eyes which reminded you of a stormy weather. “The rumors are true.” He confirmed.
But while he expected you to seem visibly scared, or take off running, you just stood there and nodded slowly.
Because truth is, you weren’t scared of him. You knew him, maybe not his past self, but the man he was now wouldn’t hurt anyone. You were sure of that.
“But I don’t do all that anymore. I still have my people around, just in case. Like when situations like today arises, but other than that, no. I’m a changed man.” He desperately needed you to believe him.
And you did.
“I believe you.” Just three words from you, and Bucky’s heart fluttered. Who knew that all it would take would be a pretty girl in a brown sweater, telling the ex-mob boss that she believes he’s a changed man, to make him all giddy and almost light headed.
“You do?” Bucky couldn’t believe it.
You nodded, and faintly smiled at him. “No one is defined by their past. It’s who you are now that matters. And if you ask me, I think you’re a very kind man. You’re a good person. I’m sure my parents would say the same, Mr. Barnes.”
Bucky was floored. If you unknowingly hadn’t already, you definitely had him wrapped around your little finger now. And in that moment, as you looked up at him and smiled softly, Bucky knew that he would protect you – come what may.  
He smiled a little and lowered his head. “Thank you for saying that.”
You gave him another smile and checked the time on the clock placed on his desk. “I should go. It’s getting late.” You started walking away but he stopped you.
He gently grabbed you by the arm and cause you to halt in your steps. His touch was gentle and comforting – a contrast to Thor’s grip from earlier. You turned around and faced Bucky.
“Promise me you’ll stay with your parents for a couple of days. With Thor and everything… it’s not safe for you to be alone. Alright?” he hated the thought of Thor getting to you again.
Only there was one problem.
“Uh, Mr. Barnes… mom and dad are gone for the weekend.” You told him.
Bucky frowned.
“What do you mean?” he asked, already worried.
You then explained to him how there was a wedding in the family, and how your parents were out of town and wouldn’t be back until Monday night.
“You can’t stay alone. It’s for your own safety.” Bucky thought over it for a minute. “If you don’t mind, may I suggest something?”
You nodded, picking your bag up from the ground.
“Maybe you could stay with me. You can have the guest room. I’ll tighten the security anyways so, you’ll be safe here.” He added, “Besides, it’s just for a few days. You can tell your parents you’re staying with a friend or something.”
You gave it a thought. Sure, this was odd. But the thought of it didn’t make you uncomfortable, not in the least.
Bucky spoke up again. “I just don’t want you to find yourself in a situation where Thor or anyone of his men break into your home and try to hurt you. He’s a lunatic. I just want you to be safe.”
The thought of Thor possibly trying to hurt you made you shiver. And Bucky noticed, and he hated it. He wanted you to be safe, and comfortable. With him.
“I, uh, I wouldn’t want to be a bother Mr. Barnes.” You spoke, sheepishly.
He scoffed and stepped closer to you. “Of course not. But you were caught in this mess because of me. The least I can do is ensure your safety. Please, let me keep you safe.” The softness of his voice made you all mushy inside.
You thought over it again, and nodded.
Bucky smiled. “Now tell me, what do you need from your house? I’ll have a car ready to go fetch everything you need.”
You suddenly felt very spoilt. “Just clothes. And my dog, please.”
Bucky smiled again. “Of course, doll.”
As promised, all your stuff was here before the evening. He had sent his assistant to pack your bags, and sent some of his men to close your shop and put up a notice that you won’t open for the weekend, and he also strictly told you that you were not to go anywhere alone for the coming few days.
You settled into his guest bedroom alright. It was spacious, and comfortable and reminded you a lot of your own bedroom so you blended right in.
As you slept at night, you thought about all that happened today. Talk about a crazy day. You went from working in your shop, to being caught in the crossfire among mob bosses, to being roommates with the most handsome man you know.
Then as usual, some of the day’s highlights popped out to you. Like how Bucky’s didn’t deny or say anything when Thor asked if you were his girlfriend. Or how he called you ‘doll’ earlier, so effortlessly. Or how he was so protective the minute he saw Thor’s grip on you.
Just thinking about all that made you giddy.
 Bucky thought of you too as he slept, with a lovesick smile on his face with because he knew you were just two rooms down from his.
He thought about how your face lit up the minute you saw him earlier, and how you rushed to his side and away from Thor. He liked how you obeyed him without a question. Such a good girl you were today. And he felt a warmth wash over him at how you weren’t judging him for his past. Instead, you trusted him enough to protect you.
 And both of you were really looking forward to spending the next few days together.
 Being in Bucky’s company was everything you expected it would be. He was great company, and could be funny as well. And you had never thought you’d be so attracted to him. You could feel your little crush on him developing into something more… intense.
The next morning, when you stepped into the kitchen; you found him making breakfast. And you never knew that a man could look this handsome while making pancakes.
And you often wondered if it was just your imagination, or was he actually subtly flirting with you? You could never figure it out. Although he did do everything in his power to make you feel at home and comfortable. He even told you that you were free to bake whatever you’d like whenever you’d like.
And the next day, at around 11 p.m. at night, when you couldn’t sleep; you got downstairs into his kitchen and began making apple pies. You tried to be as quiet as possible, and soon, Bucky joined you in the kitchen.
“Oh I’m so sorry. Did I wake you up?” you wondered if he’d be grumpy about it.
He wasn’t. He smiled and took a seat at the kitchen island.
“No, not at all. I wasn’t asleep yet, and I heard you in the kitchen so I thought I’d keep you company.” He answered with a smile.
You smiled back and went back to your pies.
This was one of the things you liked most about him, silence was never uncomfortable or awkward when he was around. It was peaceful. You two could just sit at the same table, drinking a warm drink and not utter a word, and that was okay. It wasn’t weird.
When you sat at the kitchen island a few stools away from him, both of you sipping on the tea you just made and waiting on the pies – only then did you realize how comfortable you had gotten in his house. And how comfortable you were with sharing space with him.
Out of curiosity, you asked, “Have you, um, spoken to Thor? You know, after the whole… thing?”
Bucky smiled faintly and gave that soft look which made you melt. Only this time, it also made a tingle dance down your spine.
“He will be taken care of, don’t you worry about a thing. He will never hurt you, I’ll make sure of that. Okay?” his voice was so soft and smooth that you had trouble believing that this very gentle, and caring man had such a dark past.
You nodded. “I trust you.” you said, out of nowhere. And like before, Bucky’s heart raced at your words. There were very few people in this world who trusted him so wholeheartedly. And it filled him with warmth that the girl he likes so much does.
He didn’t say anything, he just stared into your eyes and you in his. If he was close, maybe he’d even dare to lean in to steal a kiss or two. And you’d let him, you knew you would. The more he stared into your eyes, the more you realized that his eyes weren’t just blue. But they reminded you of a stormy weather over the sea. Breathtaking, beautiful and dangerous.
Dangerous because you caught yourself thinking and daydreaming about him all weekend long. Each time he was near, your heart skipped a beat. Each time he said your name, your mind would immediately go to filth. Each morning when you heard him grunt while he was working out in his indoor gym, your body throbbed shamelessly. And before you knew it, you found yourself crushing on him. Hard.
How could you not? He was powerful, and charming with a bad boy past. And you had always secretly been a sucker for men like that. Not to mention he was older – just your type. But you couldn’t do anything about your crush on him. He was doing you a favor and keeping you safe, you couldn’t possibly tell him you like him, could you?
 Meanwhile Bucky was suffering in silence and pining as well. Each time you came downstairs in your PJs, or your messy bed hair or whenever he found you just lounging anywhere, or in his kitchen just walking around and cooking. He wanted nothing more than to just have you in his bed, and whisper in your ear about how much he likes you and show you that he can definitely treat you better than the boys your age.
But you were always so polite and sweet to him that he felt ashamed of all the vulgar thoughts he had regarding you. But he couldn’t help it, he didn’t choose to fall for you; his heart did, right?
But then Sunday evening changed everything.
For the whole day, you had been feeling all warm and tingly whenever he was around. Then in the afternoon when you were in the kitchen, trying to reach the top shelf to look for a jar to put all the cookies you just made in, Bucky came up and stood behind you. He smiled softly at how you struggled to get the jar.
Without a word said, he placed both his hands on your waist and gently pushed you aside. “It’s okay I’ll get it, doll.” he said and reached up to grab the jar for you.
Your lips parted as you shivered from his brief touch, and the nickname. Bucky handed you the jar and almost smirked at your flustered demeanor. Well, well. Who knew that all it would take was a nickname to get you all worked up?
“Are you okay?” he asked, and you caught the teasing tone of his immediately. Oh… you could feel the tension and the pull between the two of you as though it were tangible.
You cleared your throat in order to sound more confident. “Yes, I am.”
He chuckled and walked away.
 You thought that this would just end up being another night where you slept with the thought of him in your mind. But then halfway through the night, you couldn’t fall asleep for the life of you. So you decided to tiptoe into his study room to grab a book because his collection was incredible.
However what you didn’t know, as you skimmed through the books on his shelves, was that you weren’t alone in the room.
“Trouble sleeping, doll?” you heard a voice ask, and you immediately turned around to find Bucky sat on the couch on the other side of the room.
“Oh,” you suddenly got very nervous and self-conscious in your little PJ shorts. “I was just…” you trailed off and ceased talking the moment he stood up and made his way to you, lazily but making your heart race.
“Just what?” he asked, stepping closer to you. His voice was low, and deeper than usual. Almost raspy and it sent another tingle dancing down your spine, and you were almost certain that you also got goose bumps just with the sound of his voice.
Luckily, you found your voice again. “Just looking for a book I could borrow.” You explained. “What are you doing up?” you asked, casually. Trying to hide your nervousness as best as possible. But he caught it in your eyes, and he saw you checking him out.
“Just thinking.” He spoke, softly. He inched forward and twirled a lock of your hair in between his fingers and then stared right into your eyes.
“About what?” you asked, getting breathless from his proximity alone.
You felt it then. The shift in the mood, in the air; in between you two. The pull, and the sparks were more intense than ever. And without realizing, you were the one who began leaning in first. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pressed his body into yours. He leaned in as well, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss.
Remnants of his cologne filled your senses as you held him close with your hand sliding into his hair. You tugged on his hair, gently but firmly as his tongue slipped into your mouth once again, slowly stroking the top of your mouth. Your mouths moved perfectly together, Bucky nibbled on your lip and kissed your open mouth with ardor. His hand slipped under your sweater and he caressed your warm skin with his slightly cold hands; tracing the skin right under your boobs – most definitely leaving goose bumps where his fingers touched you so lovingly.
A moan escaped your lips, you whimpered through the kiss as his hand reached your lower back and landed right on your ass, giving it a little squeeze. He smirked at your reaction and did it again while walking the two of you backwards until he sat you down on the edge of his desk.
Bucky pulled away then to look at you with adoration and hunger in his eyes. “You okay, doll?” he asked, softly.
You nodded quickly. He smiled and leaned in for another kiss, this time slowly lifting your sweater up until he finally took it off and tossed it aside carelessly, leaving you in just your shorts. But neither of you minded the nudity. His lips slowly moved along your jaw and down to the side of your throat, leaving dark red marks behind on your skin.
“You are so perfect…” he mumbled against your skin, causing you to shudder in his arms. You involuntarily whined when he playfully bit your neck. He figured that must be your weak spot so he teased that area with his lips, tongue and teeth – making your arousal slowly flow out of you and accumulate into your underwear.
He was purposely messing with you, touching you but still avoiding where you needed him the most. And you were getting impatient, so you grabbed his hand which was on your waist and you brought it in front of you and dipped it into your shorts, placing his palm right on top of your dripping heat.
Bucky smirked; both turned on and surprised at your sudden confidence and behavior. He took the liberty to mess with your wet folds by gently moving his fingers around and smearing your wetness all over your clit. You moaned into his mouth and he chuckled. “Seems like you need me badly, don’t you babygirl?” he mumbled against your lips.
You never knew that you were one who would immediately feel weak in the knees at the sound of a nickname. But now you did.
You nodded quickly and he chuckled. “Such a good girl.” He spoke as he pushed you down on the table. Your legs dangled at the edge of the table as he took your shorts off in no time. He smirked when he saw that you had no underwear on, and leaned down to leave a trail of kisses from your ankle up till your inner thighs. His beard felt rough against your skin, but you loved it.
He left dark red marks once again all over your inner thighs. His wet mouth moved from your inner thighs to your hip bones and back. He kissed you everywhere except for where you needed him the most; teasing you and making you whine in need and desperation.
You tangled your fingers into his hair and guided his face to your dripping core. He looked up at you and smirked again as he grabbed your right leg and hooked it over his shoulder. The moment his mouth touched you, you let out a moan. His lips moved along your wet folds as his tongue teased your entrance. His facial hair scratched your sensitive skin, as your arousal spread all over his mouth and chin.
He secured your leg over his shoulder and he ate you out passionately, closing his eyes and savoring your taste. He made you forget about the rest of the world, like nothing else mattered other than the two of you. He kept teasing your core with his mouth and soon, you were a nothing but a wet, moaning mess under him. He lifted his mouth off of you as he felt your orgasm building. He pushed his two fingers past your entrance and pumped them in and out of you rapidly. He felt your walls clench around his fingers as you moaned louder and louder with each stroke of his fingers against your walls.
You couldn’t hold back the pressure anymore so you let go and came violently around his fingers. You moaned out loud as you came, and Bucky placed his mouth on your wet core once again, to lap up everything you had to offer. He licked each and every drop of your cum as it spilled out of you.
Your body trembled on his desk as he stood up and lowered his pants. He chuckled as you struggled to sit up, and moved forward to wrap his arms around you as you wrapped your legs around him. You smiled shyly up at him. He smiled down at you before pushing you back down on the table.
Bucky leaned down and his mouth latched on to one of your nipples. He sucked on it gently as his teeth teased the bud and your back arched off the table in pleasure; whining. Your hands found their way into his hair and you tugged on his hair softly, making him groan. He kissed his way up to your neck once again as he aligned his cock to your core. You could feel his tip, leaking with precum, slightly pressing against your clit. Slowly, he slipped inside of you, groaning at how tight you were. You felt his length stretching you out entirely.
He panted as he started rocking in and out of you slowly, carefully watching your face intently – looking for any signs of discomfort. Finding none, he sped up. You moaned out loud, feeling all of him; stretching you, filling you up, moving rapidly in and out of you to the point where the only thing you could focus on was his body.
“Fuck… you feel so good…” he whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he bent down to kiss your open mouth, swallowing all your moans and mewls in the process. You whined upon hearing the wet, slapping sounds your bodies made when they came in contact with one another. Mixed with his scent and the growls leaving his mouth, it was all too sinful.
“You’re all mine, you hear me?” he asked, driven by his lust and passion for you. He stared down at you, his ocean blue eyes seemed even prettier in the dimmed room. You could only nod, unable to form coherent sentences while he pounded into you like he owned you. He leaned in again, kissing you softly. “Say it, doll. Tell me you’re mine.” he whispered against your lips.
Something about how he sounded so calm even while he was fucking you hard made you tremble under him. “I’m yours…” you whispered, shuddering under him. He smirked and sped up into you again, relishing the feeling of you wrapped around him like you were made for it.
Hearing you moan and squirm under him only encouraged him to thrust deeper into you, he wanted to feel all of you and he wanted you to feel all of him. He was relentless. He growled right in your ear as his body moved perfectly against yours. You whined; feeling a thin layer of sweat covering both your bodies as your walls milked him perfectly. A tear fell from your eye, out of pleasure. He was quick to wipe it away. He bent down and kissed your lips, pounding into you rapidly like his life depended on it.
Bucky felt you clench and tighten around him, “Come on, doll. Cum for me.” He whispered, his voice strained and raspy. Your mind was foggy by now, and it took your brain a few seconds to register and process his words.
Not even a few moments later, you felt him twitch inside of you; his cock throbbing against your walls. He came with a growl, griping your hips. You whined as you came around him as well. Swear words flowing out of your mouth like a chant as you felt his cum dripping out of you as he slowly slipped out of you. His body went limp and he fell in your arms, his body weight reassuring you that you were safe in his embrace as his body heat gave you comfort.
You both panted, trying your best to calm your racing hearts. He placed his face in the crook of your neck and his ragged, warm breath fanned your shoulder. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulder and held him close. His bare chest on top of yours and his length pressed unmoving against your core.  
Moments later, he placed both his hands on both sides of you and lifted himself up slightly so he could look at you. He gave you a bright smile and leaned down just the slightest bit to kiss your forehead. The feel of his beard against your skin made you giggle. “Are you okay, doll?”
You smiled and nodded.
Bucky smiled down at you, “Come on, let’s go to bed.”
That night in his study room changed everything. The next morning, as you joined him in the kitchen for breakfast, your parents called to let you know that they were gonna be away for a few more days. They asked if you’d be alright on your own. You told them you would be. Then you told Bucky about it and he pulled you in for a kiss.
“Looks like I have you all to myself for some more days.” He mumbled against your lips and held you closer.
And as expected, the next few days were pure bliss. The next day, Bucky announced that there was no need to be afraid of Thor anymore because he had been ‘dealt with’. You didn’t know what that meant, but you didn’t bother asking because all that mattered was that he was not going to pester you anymore.
During the week, you did open your shop and you worked like you always did. But after closing, you made your way to Bucky’s place instead of your house. He insisted on it. Besides, you loved spending time with him. And sleeping in his arms at night, knowing you were safe and sound was much better than sleeping all alone in your bed.
Bucky was good to you. However, you did wonder what would happen to your ‘situation’ once your parents get back home. You often thought about it whenever you were alone at work, so you eventually asked him about it.
You found him, yet again, in his study room one evening. It wasn’t too dark yet outside, but it was dark enough that he had to turn on the reading lamp in the room. And only upon entering the room did you realized just how much you liked watching him sit on that majestic and comfy chair in his study, with the golden light from the lamp shining down on him. He looked angelic in his all brown, vintage-styled study room.
“Hi.” You spoke softly as you walked into the room.
He lifted his head up from a book and smiled immediately upon seeing you. “Oh there you are, sweetheart.” He extended an arm for you to take, “Come here.”
You took his arm and settled on his lap, like you had done so many times. You hugged him tightly and pushed your face into the crook of his neck. Bucky smiled and hugged you back, his hands casually resting on your butt.
“What is it, baby?” he asked, noticing that you seemed a little off.
You told him about all that you’ve been thinking about lately. And how you’re worried about what your parents might think or say regarding this, and how you’re worried that things would change between you and him once you move back to your home.
He listened with a smile on his face.
“Hey, calm down.” He ran a soothing hand down your back as you straddled his thighs. “I have had feelings for you for two years now. I think it’s high time I make you mine.” he smirked just a little. “So tell me, will you be mine?”
You smiled shyly and nodded, quickly hiding your face into his neck again. Bucky spoke up again, “Don’t you worry about anything, doll. I’ve got you now.” He smiled when you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
“I’m gonna protect you with my life.” He whispered against your hair and kissed the top of your head. He had been dreaming for way too long about these lazy evenings in your arms, these twilight moments with you. And now he finally had you, and he was the happiest man alive.  
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 14
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
“It was so good to see you, Will,” Valerie says in a muffled voice against his chest as he has her wrapped up tightly in a bear hug.
“I know, I’m so glad I ran into you,” Mulder replies, brushing his hands over her back. He pulls away and kisses her softly on the cheek.
“It makes me really happy to see you so happy,” she says with a smile, her long brunette hair lifting softly in the breeze, brown eyes holding affection that can only be held between two people who have the type of bond that can withstand a breakup and then a transition from lovers to friends.
“Likewise,” he says, nodding towards the small swell of her growing belly.
“I’d love to meet your girlfriend someday, if you think she’d be okay with that,” she says, collecting her purse.
“Yes, I’d really like that. I think you two would get along really well, actually,” he says, and she smirks at him.
“You’re not afraid we’ll bond over having to sit through your shitty movie collection?” she teases, and he laughs good-naturedly.
“Hey, Scully likes my shitty movies, that’s why we’re a perfect match,” he retorts.
She squeezes his arm.
“Call me sometime, okay?”
He nods and watches her walk away, feeling like he’s on cloud nine. A great friendship with his ex-girlfriend, a promising new love with the woman of his dreams; he can only imagine what lies in store next. He practically skips on the walk back to his car, wondering if Scully might let him come by tonight, hoping that he won’t have to wait until the weekend to see her again. He decides to call her as soon as he gets home.
The first few times he gets her machine, he assumes she must be at her mother’s. When she still hasn’t answered or called back by 9:00 pm, he’s confused. When he emails her the next morning and still hasn’t gotten a response at 10:00am, he’s officially worried.
Something is wrong.
She had eventually turned off the ringer on her phone and put the volume all the way down on her answering machine so she wouldn’t have to hear his increasingly obsessive attempts to get ahold of her, then slept fitfully all night.
She knows that she needs to give him some kind of response or he’ll show up on her doorstep, but she can’t bring herself to face him, even in voice. Every time the image of him with that woman pops back into her head, she feels a lump form in her throat immediately, a sick sadness welling in her belly. She’s pored over every memory in her mind, every interaction they’ve had, searching for signs. Signs that he was seeing someone else, that he wasn’t interested in anything other than getting in her pants, that he was lying to her. Her thorough inventory brings up next to nothing, which almost makes it worse; how adept he must have been at creating a false reality for her to exist in. Perhaps he’s garnered some tips from the sociopaths he studies, or maybe his background in psychology allowed him to manipulate her.
When she arrives at work, she is unsurprised though still dismayed to see an email waiting for her.
Sent: May 5, 1997 7:57 am
Subject: Where are you?
Scully, you’re freaking me out. Are you okay? Please respond.
She deletes it immediately and tries to focus on work. She performs an autopsy and teaches a class, both welcome distractions from her emotional torment. Just before 11:00 am, the phone rings.
“Autopsy bay, this is Trudy…yep, she’s here, one second.”
Trudy turns and opens her mouth to speak, but sees Dana waving her arms and shaking her head. She makes a confused face and puts the phone back to her ear.
“Oh, actually she just stepped out, sorry. Can I take a message?”
She watches as Trudy scribbles something on a piece of paper.
“Uh huh…yes. Okay, I’ll tell her…you have my word.”
She replaces the phone on the receiver and hands Dana the paper with a sympathetic frown.
“Trouble in paradise?” she asks rhetorically.
Dana looks down and deciphers Trudy’s messy scrawl.
Call Mulder immediately. Send a sign of life.
She crumples it up and tosses it into the trash can.
“You wanna talk about it?” Trudy asks.
“Nope,” Dana replies, turning back to the computer.
Sent: May 5th, 1997 11:03am
Scully, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but if you don’t reply to this within an hour I’m driving down there.
Please respond
She feels fresh tears well in her eyes. Why is he trying so hard if he’s seeing someone else anyway? Why is he doing this to her? With a surge of anger, she hits reply.
Sent: May 5th, 1997 11:05am
I’m fine, Mulder. Please just give me some space.
With that she closes her email, begs someone to take her second class of the day, and goes home.
He feels like he’s stepped into an alternate universe. He’d left her happy and satisfied, and out of nowhere she’s shutting him out. What does she need space for? Space from him? Why? Did he come on too strong and freak her out? He thought they’d moved past that. He picks up the phone again.
“Autopsy bay, this is Trudy.”
“Trudy, it’s Agent Mulder again. Look, I don’t want to put you in an awkward position, but is Dana there?”
She pauses. “No, she went home for the day. She seemed pretty upset.”
“Do you have any idea why?” he implores.
“No, other than the fact that it seems to be directed at you.”
“Yeah, that much I gathered. Thanks, Trudy, sorry to bother you.”
“No worries, good luck.”
He slams the phone down, grabs his jacket off the back of his chair and leaves.
She is half expecting his knock, but it still makes her jump, nearly causing her to spill her wine. She wants to just ignore him until he goes away, but she knows his proclivity towards persistence won’t let him do that. Better to just get it over with, she thinks as she slumps towards the door.
The second she lays eyes on him in his slacks and dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his tie discarded, she feels her chin pucker and tears threaten her eyes. As angry as she is, she immediately wants to go to him, to curl up within his embrace so he can comfort her. The problem is, what she needs comforting from is him.
“What is going on?” he says with a mix of frustration and fear.
She stands in the open doorway, not making space for him to enter.
“I saw you,” she says, her voice strained with emotion.
“You saw me...what?” he asks, his face a mask of confusion.
She lifts her chin, clenching her jaw and summoning strength.
“I saw you with her. Yesterday, at the Bluebird Cafe. After I had lunch with my family.” her voice holds steady, anger carrying her through.
His face falls and her gut twists. She wishes she didn’t have to watch this.
“THAT is what this is about?” he asks, but there’s no shame or regret in his voice. If anything, he sounds a little mad.
She nods curtly.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he spits out, and she recoils a little at his vitriol. “Let me in, Scully. Right now,” he demands, and against her better judgement she moves aside.
He pushes past her into the apartment and she closes the door softly, leaving it unlocked in case either of them decides to make a hasty exit.
“Did you consider,” he begins, his back to her, “maybe, I don’t know, asking me about what you saw?” He turns to face her, one hand on his hip and his face contorted with anger. “Or were you just planning to avoid me until I gave up and went away again?”
She doesn’t know what to say. She’s confused about why he’s yelling at her when he’s the one who did something wrong. She just looks at him, expressionless.
He juts his chin out expectantly, waiting for an answer, but gets none. She averts her eyes.
“Is that all this is worth to you, Scully?” he continues, “you’re ready to throw this away over a simple misunderstanding, without even talking to me?”
She lifts her head and looks at him with a pained expression. “Okay then, talk,” she gets out.
He drops his head in frustration. “The woman you saw me with,” he says flatly, lifting his head to meet her eye, “was my ex-girlfriend, Valerie. I ran into her while I was running errands yesterday, and we had lunch. She has a boyfriend and is three months pregnant. We spent the majority of our meal together talking about you.”
She shakes her head gently, her throat closing as a tear rolls down her cheek. “I saw you kiss her,” she whispers, her jaw quivering.
“You saw me kiss her on the cheek? I also kiss my mother on the cheek, Scully, it’s hardly an intimate gesture.”
She feels a new wave of sickness pass over her, but this time it’s entirely different. This time it’s the sick feeling of realizing that she was very, very, wrong, and that she has, yet again, hurt the man who loves her. She opens her mouth to speak but she can’t find the right words.
He steps forward but doesn’t touch her. When he speaks, his voice is softer, more defeated than anything else.
“I’m sorry that you saw something that upset you. But if you actually thought for a single second that I want to be with anyone but you, you’re fucking insane. I meant what I said the day you left my apartment last year. I felt it then, and I feel it now. I want this to work more than anything, Scully, but for that to be possible you have to trust me. I can’t live with the knowledge that you might just shut me out at a moment’s notice when you get scared.”
She keeps her head down, overwhelmed by a combination of shame, embarrassment, and gratitude that he wouldn’t let her walk away. She does not deserve this man, but she wants to.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, still unable to meet his eye.
“I know you are,” he replies, moving towards the door. “Take the space you need, and let me know when you’re ready to trust me.”
When she hears the click of the door closing behind him, she collapses to the floor, sobbing for so many reasons she couldn’t possibly name them all. When it’s faded to snivels and hiccups, she stands and goes to the hallway, picking up the phone.
“Missy,” she chokes out, “Can you come over?”
He’s not sure if leaving was the right thing to do. The risk that she might not come back around is one that sends his stomach into knots, but at the same time he finds it hard to accept that she wasn’t even going to give him the opportunity to explain. He’s been actively working to temper expressing his feelings so he doesn’t overwhelm her, but then she gets it in her head that he’s not invested. It feels like he can’t win.
He goes back to work and stops by Kirkbride’s office to apologize for disappearing. Kirkbride just gives him a quizzical look, clearly not having noticed he had left. The rest of the day he buckles down on his caseload, distracting himself from the catastrophic thoughts that dance through his head, and gets more work done than he has in quite a while. When he leaves the office just after 5:00 pm, he feels melancholy and grouchy, and annoyed that he left the ball in her court.
The elevator dings to announce his arrival on the fourth floor and he steps out with a takeout bag in his hand, eyes downcast. Halfway down the hall, he readies his key and looks up, startling when he sees Scully sitting on the floor against his door, knees tucked up against her chest and her forehead resting on her kneecaps. She’s very still, and as he gets closer he realizes that she’s asleep. His heart aches knowing that she’s been waiting that long, that she didn’t want to leave without talking to him.
He crouches down beside her, setting his dinner on the floor, and gently touches her shoulder. She jerks, her head snapping up and her eyes wild for a moment while she tries to orient herself. When she focuses on him, she immediately starts crying, reaching out to wrap her arms around his neck. He’s surprised by her uncharacteristically emotional response, but says nothing and just holds her until his knees start to ache, at which point he sits down on the floor and pulls her into his lap. They stay this way for several minutes, long enough for one of his neighbors to walk by and politely avert their eyes, entering their apartment as though there was nothing out of the ordinary happening in the hallway. When the crying seems to have subsided a bit, he gives her a little squeeze.
“Wanna go inside?” he asks, and she nods against his chest, his shirt damp from her tears.
She stands unsteadily and he follows her, grabbing the takeout bag off the floor. They enter the apartment and Priscilla plods up to them with an excited meow. Scully leans down and picks her up, tucking the cat against her neck as they nuzzle each other. Mulder smiles at them with a bemused expression.
“She was talking to me through the door,” Scully says with a small smile, “she heard me knocking and was meowing from the other side. We had a conversation.”
Affection swells in his chest and he steps forward to kiss her. Her shoulders drop and she lets Priscilla down so she can get closer, threading her arms around his waist and kissing him back in earnest. Desperate, thought I’d lost you again kisses that are as arousing as they are a relief, because he knows that they will be okay.
He pulls back a little and she makes a whimpering sound in protest.
“I’m gonna go change really quick, okay? Then can we talk?” he asks, and she sighs and nods. “You can have half my Chinese,” he adds, and she gives him a tight-lipped smile.
When he sits on the couch beside her five minutes later, she scoots closer so they are pressed against each other, and he gathers that she needs physical closeness right now. He loops an arm around her shoulder and she crawls right back into his lap, curled against him as though trying to fuse her body to his own. Her head tucked beneath his chin, she holds one of his hands in her lap, fingers laced tightly together, and begins to speak.
“After you left, Missy came over and we talked for a long time. I’ve come to realize how much I’m still affected by...what happened last year. I harbor a lot of guilt for being unfaithful to Ethan, and that’s actually largely why I married him even though I knew my heart wasn’t in it.” She pulls in a deep breath, pressing their joined hands tight against her belly, trying to get even closer. “When you and I reconnected, in a way it felt like a chance to validate it. As though things working out with us would mean that what I did wasn’t as bad, because there was something real between us. But at the same time, a big part of me doesn’t believe that I deserve to be happy.” Her voice remains steady, but he feels the wet drop of a tear on the back of his hand.
He tightens his arm around her waist. “I’ve always been a person who values doing the right thing, and integrity was something that was very important to my father. It was his measure of a person’s character, and that’s something he instilled in me as well.” She sits up a bit so she can look at him, and his heart breaks at her red-rimmed eyes, her icy irises so mournful. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Mulder. You haven’t given me any reason not to. It’s just that I don’t feel like I deserve this, especially with you, and I’m waiting for the moment it all comes crashing down. So when I saw you with that woman, it was almost like I’d been waiting for it, expecting it. Getting what I deserved.”
He brings his palms to her cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs.
“Thank you for telling me that,” he says softly. “I wish I could change how you feel, but I know that I can’t. I do know how it feels to spend your life harboring guilt over something you could have done differently, and I can tell you that punishing yourself won’t make it any easier. It makes me really sad that you’ll always regret how we met.”
She closes her eyes and shakes her head gently. When she opens them, her expression is more tender than it is mournful.
“I don’t regret it, Mulder. I do feel guilt, and shame, for not ending it with Ethan so we could have done things the right way, but I could never regret meeting you.”
He pulls her back into an embrace, her arms wrapping around his ribcage, and plants a kiss to the top of her head.
“Are we okay?” he asks softly.
“I hope so,” she says hoarsely.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that Valerie wants to meet you sometime?” he asks, and she laughs.
“I don’t know, did you tell her that I freaked out on you because you had lunch with her?” she replies, and he can already hear her tone shifting back to their typical lighthearted banter.
“No, of course not. That’ll be our little secret. Well, plus Trudy. I think Trudy knows too much honestly.”
She laughs again, and god he could spend the rest of his life trying to make her laugh. In fact, that’s exactly what he hopes to do.
“Speaking of meeting people,” she continues, “Missy mentioned you to my mother yesterday and she wants to meet you.”
A grin stretches across his mouth, but he doesn’t say anything. She pulls back to look at his face, to gauge his reaction, and smiles softly in response.
“You want me to meet your mom?” he asks, the delight on his face carrying over to his voice.
Her mouth screws up shyly. “My little brother will probably be there too, and Missy. Is that too much?”
He shakes his head. “Sounds perfect. But, there are some friends I’d like you to meet too, if we’re meeting people.”
“The Lone Gunmen?” she asks with a skeptical lilt.
“Those are the ones. They’re my only friends, actually. Aside from Val.” Just then, Priscilla hops up onto the couch beside them. “Oh, and you Priscilla, sorry,” he adds.
Scully smiles at the cat, and then at him. “Can I bring Missy as a human buffer?” she asks hopefully.
“Of course. You may set a record for the highest number of female visitors to their lair in a day.”
“Lair?” she asks with wide eyes.
He chuckles. “They’ll grow on you, I promise.”
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Chapter 11 - The Introduction
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: Fluff, smut (just a good ol' handjob in a tub and implied smut) and a lil bit of angst/tense situations + uncomfortable talks/thoughts of pregnancy and trauma.
Summary: Unprepared for the consequences, the reader has to put up with two new arrivals, even though there's something off about them. Something more than just the shock of survival.
Word Count: 6.810
Author's Note: This chapter is set between April and July 2036, I apologise bc the reader is slowly turning into her own character, like Dolly's becoming an OC 😭 but yeah I love you all so much, thank you for reading my series 🥺💗
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"Well, well, what have we here."
The trio halted in their tracks as your voice echoed in the stables, your flashlight shining on them.
"Hey, Dolly," Ellie turned around, dying inside. Beside her was Cat and Jesse, turning around with pursed lips. "What'cha doin'?"
"Oh not much- patrol, you know," You said nonchalantly, walking towards them with threatening steps as you did. "Making sure people don't sneak off in the middle of the night with the horses. Kinda like what you three are doing."
"We weren't sneaking off," Jesse chuckled, but the panic in his voice gave him away easily. "We're just here to... feed the horses?"
"They're being fed regularly, you know that, so cut the crap." You spoke sternly. "Where the hell are you all off to?"
"We were just-" Ellie took over. "We're meeting with Dina. Eugene is there with her."
"What for?" You inquired. "What does Eugene have to do with whatever it is you're planning?"
They were struggling to reveal the truth, but Ellie knew better than to lie. She knew that, as long as it was the truth you wouldn't get angry; it was your thing and Ellie had noticed it from the Boston QZ, so she gave a look to Cat, whom you suspected to be Ellie's girlfriend, and she spoke: "Eugene has weed."
"Ex-cuse me?" Your eyes widened with a long blink at the three words. You weren't against it or anything, but you were just shocked- How and where in hell did Eugene find weed?
"Yeah, shit- Uh, we'll head back," Jesse mumbled.
"No it's-" You quickly recovered and fixed your posture. "How?"
"We were going to find out," Cat offered an apologetic smile.
"Christ," You chuckled. "Oh, Eugene, Eugene..." You quickly look around, a devilish smirk spreading across your face. "You know what? Go."
"Are you serious?" Ellie asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. I'm not gonna rob you bunch from your teenage years," You chuckled. "Under one condition: I'll ride with you all."
"Oh, okay," Cat grinned excitedly and proceeded to climb on a horse, Jesse mirroring her actions after he offered his thanks.
"Okay," You pointed at the rifle you had in your hands after climbing on a horse. "Let's ride quick, I'm probably gonna get in a lot of trouble as it is, so..."
"Thanks, Dolly," Ellie spoke after she settled behind Cat.
If Eugene wasn't there, you wouldn't have let them out and would've proceed to fetch anyone who was already outside. You knew they could handle themselves, but you just didn't want anything to happen to them. It had just finished raining so it was extremely dark outside. After the quiet and fast ride, you saw them off into the partly wrecked building.
"If it's legit, we'll bring you some." Jesse smirked after the girls waved goodbye and walked in.
"Go on, get!" You chuckled and shooed at him, then began riding back the way you came while ignoring the offer, which was actually quite enticing.
It was near dawn when you heard a bunch of horses riding at full speed, nearing your position. The sky was turning a bright shade of blue, and you couldn't deny the beautiful scene in front of you. The air smelled of earth and remnants of rain from a few hours ago and there were the occasional chirping of birds and a squirrel here and there - the peace however was gone the moment the horses appeared. You immediately shot up from your place to see what was going on, shoulder aching a little whenever you gripped your rifle (the bullet which had teared its way into your flesh right before your showdown with Axel, although healed for the most part, still hurt).
You let out a relieved sigh when you recognised Ellie's red hair and Eugene's white ones, then you saw Dina and Jesse, but there were two other people you didn't know riding with them. You blinked a couple of times after you lowered your rifle, then shouted down to Cedric: "Open the gate!"
You made your way down and immediately went over to Eugene and the strangers, hand on your rifle just in case: "Hey, what's going on?"
"Cedric, take them to Kat, have her take a look at their wounds," Eugene instructed and he immediately obliged. After they disappeared and the kids went to put their horses in the stables, he spoke: "We were on our way back here when we heard shouting, found this couple fighting for their lives against a dozen infected in the woods. We took them down easily and offered them help afterwards... They're a bit freaked out, but they'll be okay."
"Okay, I'll let Ma-" You suddenly stopped, realisation dawning on you. "How the hell are we gonna tell Maria?"
Eugene looked deep in thought for half a minute, then spoke: "Tell her it was me and Dina. We were patrolling anyways-"
"What about the couple?"
"We'll ask them to say it was just the two of us, and to decrease the number of infected, problem solved. Relax, will ya?"
You nodded quickly, then walked off after telling him to alert the kids about the plan.
You stopped by the infirmary first. Daisy and a new medic, Angie, were tending to them and Cedric was standing guard while Kat wasn't present. You walked up to your patrol partner and tapped his shoulder: "You can go now, I'll take over from here."
"Sure," He shrugged, yawned, then waved goodbye. You slowly approached the beds the pair were sitting on, opposite each other, the grip on your rifle strong.
"How are you two holding up?" You said awkwardly, making them look between themselves before the woman spoke.
"We'll be okay... Thanks for helping us."
"Right- sure," You sighed quietly. "Could I ask for your names?"
The young woman looked at her partner once more, as if asking for permission, then looked back at you: "I'm Kiki... This is my husband Ward."
You nodded and offered a simple nice to meet you, but didn't give your name to them. Instead, you turned to Daisy: "Let me know when you're finished."
She nodded and proceeded with her stitches before you left the room. You weren't the one to judge people right off the bat, especially in the apocalypse. A lot of newcomers (including you) came here looking bewildered and drained because they were either almost eaten by a pack of infected or murdered by bandits, simple as that.
Ward was a brunette with a dark stubble, thicker than Joel's and had short, black hair. His nose was large but suited the rest of his face just fine, with big, dark brown eyes. A scar ran over the crook of his nose down his cheek and he looked hardened, just like everyone else. Kiki, on the other hand, was also a brunette, but her features weren't as sharp as Ward's, or she was just much younger than him. She had long, black hair and her eyes matched the colour; she was also smaller than Ward, with a petite figure. She was very beautiful, too and looked frightened rather than hardened.
Around ten minutes later, Daisy walked out: "Angie's finishing up, but I'm done. I'm heading over to check on other patients, if you need me I'll be there."
"Okay," You nodded and walked back inside. The couple was neatly patched up and sitting quietly, eyes wide. When you walked in, Kiki jumped, but relaxed the same moment she saw your face. "Must've been through a lot, you two..."
"You could say that-" Kiki murmured, then looked over to Ward, who didn't seem to take notice of he conversation. There was a gash on his chin and he was squeezing the hell out of the bed sheets as Angie worked on the wound. He didn't make a single sound, but the nurse looked a little distressed. "Do you-" Kiki abruptly asked. "Do you run things around here?"
"Uh- No," You turned your head towards her, your grip on your rifle never faltering once. "No, I'm sort of responsible for the security. The boss lady will be here soon."
"Lady?" Kiki looked genuinely confused.
"Yes." You offered a simple nod. "I'm gonna ask something of you both. Don't worry, it's something simple."
Ward immediately intervened before Kiki could open her mouth: "What?"
"Relax," You warned, keeping your eye on him. "Angie, could you give us a minute?"
"Of course, I'm done anyways," She practically threw the equipments onto the small table next to the bed, took off her latex gloves, tossed them into the trash and ran out.
You gave Ward a hardened look, then spoke, walking between their beds, keeping them in your vision: "When the boss comes here, she's going to ask you a few questions... I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about the kids' being there when they found you."
"Why?" Kiki asked, worried.
"Well, they weren't supposed to be outside- Except for the girl with long, black hair and the man who brought you here. It'd save us a lot of trouble if you didn't mention them."
"So, what, you expect us to lie?" Ward huffed.
"No." You spoke coldly, rivaling his hostile tone. "I'm simply asking you to leave out the part where there were 4 kids- There was just one. Besides, she may not even ask about it."
Your staring contest with Ward ended when, as if on cue, Maria, Tommy and Eugene entered the room. You saw the fright in Kiki's eyes, so you spoke calmly: "Hey, it's okay. That's her, the boss lady- and her husband."
"Boss lady?" Tommy chuckled and stood next to you, Maria and Eugene mirroring him.
"It's okay," Maria spoke: "We got this, you can go now."
You nodded once and reluctantly walked out from the room. Stepping outside the infirmary, you came across Cedric waiting by the entrance. You shook your head towards the gates with a simple: "Let's go."
Cedric was almost 15 years younger than you, had even younger features than someone would have in their 30s. He had chin length, dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes fleeing to green. He was a calm and collected person, unlike most people in Jackson. Your tactics and strategical thinking were similar, which made patrol much more effective and easy.
Both of your shifts ended around two hours later, when the sun was up completely and shining down on the streets, calling people to duty; it was, however, your call to hit the bed. After turning over your weapons and heading your separate ways with Cedric, you walked over to your house, a smile spreading across your face at the thought of seeing Joel.
You hadn't seen each other in almost three days due to different shifts but, with the weekend off, you could finally rest in your husband's arms.
You quietly entered the house and tiptoed up the stairs. The bedroom door was closed, he was obviously still asleep. Normally, he'd be awake by 7AM, but lately he'd been really hard on himself with patrols- it was only right he treated himself to a few extra hours of sleep. You really wanted to crawl next to him, or just take a small peak inside the room to see him, but you knew better. He awoke to the slightest creak of the bed when you got up, or simply turned to drink some water. You wanted him to rest though, that came first, so you used the bathroom outside your room to get cleaned up, then moved into the bathtub to treat yourself. It had been a while since you let your muscles rest and relax in the deliciously hot water.
Not even five minutes later after you settled in the warmth, you heard the slow opening of the door. You opened your eyes to find Joel with nothing but his boxer briefs on, heart beating with ecstasy and joy at seeing him in his sleepy state: "Hey," You giggled. "Morning handsome."
"Mornin' baby," He rubbed the corner of his eyes with the back of his hand.
"I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Would you believe me if I said no?" He smirked as he proceeded to take off his underwear.
"Probably not," You smiled apologetically, he'd quite possibly woken to the sound of the water filling. You extended both of your arms to him, calling him to your embrace while stretching and yawning: "Come here, I missed you."
The words made Joel stop in his tracks for a short moment, heart wearming at them, then walked over to the tub with his naked glory: "Scoot."
You simply leaned back and parted your legs, offering him to lay against you. He obliged, got in and sat, making the water level rise when he laid down against your chest. Your left arm rested on his chest, partly hugging him, while your right hand went through his hair. You gave him a kiss on his neck, a lovely kiss which made him sigh contentedly: "M-hm, I missed you too. Missed this..."
You wanted to stay like that forever: Caressing his hair and the occasional, soft kisses against his jaw, cheek and neck which made his heart melt. You could sense that this small gesture made him very happy, which in turn made you hug him tightly.
"What do you say we..." You purred into his ear. "Ditch the dinner plans for tonight, hm?"
His eyes were closed when he spoke: "Why? Got somethin' else in that pretty little mind of yours?"
"Yeah," You confirmed, running your hand up and down his chest. "We could do something, just the two of us."
"Hmm, like movie night? Or you can play me something?"
"Only if you sing." He grinned.
"Nope, scratch that," You chuckled and shifted under him a little. "Or we can just... You know, fuck." He coughed out a laugh at your bluntness. "What? You don't want to?"
"I didn't say that," He turned a little and looked up into your eyes with a brilliant smile. "I'd love nothing more, actually, but these are Jesse's parents." You sighed, disappointed, saying I know, I know. "We have two days to ourselves, (Y/N)- You can have me all to yourself, except for a few hours."
"Fine," You growled jokingly, smiled and kissed his lips softly.
What was intended to be a simple kiss now slowly moved in the direction of a filthy make-out session, his tongue parting your lips with ease and meeting yours. Joel grabbed your calf and caressed it slowly, while you took advantage of his distraction and sneaked a hand down his abdomen.
You shifted a little more to the side and took his cock in hand, which made him sigh and drop his head on your shoulder: "(Y/N)..."
"Hmm?" You hummed with a smile when your thumb pressed on his slit, making him hiss and become harder. "Let me take care of you, huh?"
You watched Joel's brows drawing together when you slowly started to pump him. You kissed the pulse on his neck, then moved down to his collarbone. His grip on your leg was more solid the firmer you worked his length, and he jumped ever so slightly when you bit down on his collarbone. His erection grew bigger by the second all the while you sucked and bit a small hickey on his skin.
"Shit..." He shifted in the water, pulling himself upwards so that you didn't have trouble reaching for his shaft.
"You want me to go faster?" You whispered and kissed his shoulder. He nodded but didn't speak and let you work your magic.
You picked up pace, flicking your wrist and focusing on the underside of his head, making him groan broken, unclear profanities. After a while, you felt him tense under your touch, his breathing turning a little laboured.
"(Y/N)..." He sighed through gritted teeth, letting you have your way with him.
"That's it..." You cooed and continued kissing him. Soon, he let out a loud groan and came, making you moan quietly.
Seeing Joel like this -relaxed and euphoric- was always a treat, moments like this where it was just the two of you; no infected, no survival, no bullshit from tha past. You were aware of how it was a luxury to do the things you were able to do: Taking a hot bath, finding someone you loved and marrying them, sleeping on a bed with clean sheets without worrying if infected or bandits were going to jump you.
You were grateful, you were reminded of this everyday, but it took its toll on you, too.
A lot of people, innocent kids were out there, suffering- dying, surviving... You wished you had the power to help them all and rebuild, but you were aware of how dangerous it was out there. It was simply too risky to leave Jackson. You weren't some superhero, after all.
Not a hero...
"What's got you thinkin'?" Joel snapped you out of your thoughts, his fingers ever so gently tracing your cheekbone as you laid on the bed across each other. It was night-time, after dinner with Jesse and his parents and, of course, a round of much needed love making. You both were a little sleepy, definitely content with sweat covering your bodies like a thin layer of blanket.
You looked into his eyes from where your head was -which was on the crook of your elbow, resting on your pillow- and gave him a phantom of a smile, nodding slightly: "Nothing in particular. You?"
"You," He smiled, which made you chuckle. Convincing Joel that you were absolutely, 100% okay was getting trickier as he'd spent just enough time to sense a depressive episode's approach; you didn't want to burden him with your self-doubt and self-loathing, as you hated it when his mood shifted for the worse because of you. "Wonderin' what goes on in that head of yours."
"Wish I knew that myself," You grabbed his hand which was tracing the left side of your face, then turned the back of it for a kiss.
You knew, though. While you and Joel were helping with the dishes in the kitchen, Jesse's mother, Robin had asked if you were planning on having any children. The question you'd been dying to avoid had finally been asked, which made you drop the plate you had in your hand into the sink. It truly was an off-guard moment for you, which startled Joel, but luckily the topic was never brought up again after the plate in question shattered into pieces. You weren't sure if you wanted a child, not after the incident with Miles.
The moment when the contents of his skull splattering onto the ground while he was in your arms- under your supervision haunted you day and night. You never talked about it to anyone, and no one had asked, but it only intensified after your wedding. Because you knew what people had in their minds: Will we be seeing a Joel or Dolly Jr. running around?
You were fucking old, too, and so was Joel. Even if you didn't know whether you'd be able to carry due to that, there was no point in risking it either way, since I clearly suck at watching over kids.
"I think you do," He pushed himself closer to you and sneaked the hand against your mouth onto your waist, propping his arm up and putting his head against the palm of the other. "You just don't wanna talk about it. Which is okay, y'know." You nodded, smile growing a bit wider. "We've been over this before, but If you ever feel like- y'know... you're borin' me or something-"
"I know," You offered a full smile, pushing your thoughts away at the best of your ability. "I see you, Joel Miller," You then put a hand against his chest, where his heart should be: "I know you, you know me... You know what I think?"
He gave you a curious look, but it got replaced with something that hinted excitement when you ever so slowly pushed him on his back with the hand on his chest, then straddled his hips. Joel chuckled: "How is it that you still have this much energy after only four hours of sleep?"
The sleep in question took place after the 'mingling' in the bath. Warm April breeze, even warmer covers and warmest above all, Joel's body pressed against yours, both of your hairs wet and drying on their own as you slept in your lovers arms. He woke up after an hour or so, lingered there for awhile, just enjoying your presence by his side; he then quietly left you to sleep- lord knows you needed it.
"You're just getting old, baby," You giggled and leaned down to kiss him, his hands immediately going to your hips. "Not complaining, though."
An uneventful few weeks passed as Jackson entered the first week of June. Two losses in the town, but no new arrivals after Katie- Kiki and Ward. No raids as well, so overall it was calm.
After reporting in about the week in general, one evening, Maria asked you to stay behind: "It's time for Ward and Katie to go through the test," She declared. "We gotta see if they're fit for patrol or not."
"You got it. When?"
"Tomorrow. I already notified them, we'll meet at the northern training post-"
"We who?" You ran a hand through your hair.
"You and me. Robert and Eugene were supposed to be there originally, but they'll be off hunting." She explained and you nodded. Without further ado, you walked out and made your way back home.
The next morning, Joel accompanied you to the training post. Normally it was your day off with him, but training awaited. The weather was particularly hot for an early morning, so it came to you as a little shock when you saw Kiki, who was wearing a rather thick looking blouse. You didn't question it of course, but it made you think.
"Alright," You cleared your throat, after a quick greeting, stepping into the open training area. Joel and Maria remained inside, arranging the medical needs list while keeping an eye on you three. "I'm gonna put you two through a little test. Maria tells me you decided to stay here in Jackson, so we need to decide which duties you're fit for."
Ward remained incredibly still while Kiki nodded. Her hands were resting between her knees, while Ward had his arms crossed. They were sitting on a bench under the shade: "It's going to get a little physical, but I assure you I'm not going to hurt either of you." You turned around and walked over to the middle of the area: "Right, let's start with you, Kiki."
She gave a panicked look to Ward, but he just nodded with a thoughtful frown, rather than a permitting glare. Over the weeks they had been in Jackson, people sort of got used to their non-verbal interactions, even though some people found it suspicious. She got up and made her way over to you and, by the look on her face, regretted her outfit of choice as she tried to loosen the collar.
"If you want to stop- at any moment, let me know," You reassured her. She nodded, went to roll her sleeves up, but stopped immediately. You acted like you didn't see it, then proceeded to get in stance and lift your hands up: "Okay, let's start with something simple. Show me your stance."
She gave you a blank stare: "My what?"
"Your... stance, you know, fighting stance?"
"I don't have one," She simply shrugged.
"Okay," You sighed quietly. "Then show me how you punch."
She threw what could've been a proper punch but it was weak, you immediately caught her fist in your palm. She panicked and pulled back, and you immediately let go. You glanced at Ward, who seemed to be on high alert.
"Again," You got into stance and she obliged, throwing another weak punch your way. Her stance was there, actually, and her punches came through like she knew what she was doing, but the impact wasn't effective.
It went on a couple more punches, which you caught in your hand each time, until she spoke: "Why do you do that?"
"What?" You lowered your hands.
"You keep holding my hands," It was as if she was more annoyed than confused. "Can you not do that?"
"It's a reflex-" You explained, glanced at Ward again, then looked back at her. "I do it with everyone I train, but if you don't want me to then it's fine."
Not everyone, only the ones with punches as slow, weak and predictable as hers.
"Okay, now let's try some... combos," You added and got in a more secure stance. "Throw one punch after another. Fast and hard. Don't hold back."
"I'm not holding back," She grunted and did a typical boxing combo, which, generally, only people trained in boxing knew- but her punches were still weak. You remained quiet and let her go at it for a few rounds.
You suddenly took a step back, raised your hand up to the same level as your face and spoke: "Kick."
Instead, she went to kick you between your legs. A rush of panic and years of reflexes kicked in and you caught her feet between your knees. You looked up with a what the fuck was that? expression on your face and waved your hand in the air: "I meant here."
"We're fighting, right? We need to be unpredictable," She said with a tone of... irritation? Was she snickering?
"Do I look like a bandit to you?" You let go of her leg, giving her a displeased look.
"You did say you wanted to see what we were capable of."
Where was this sudden confidence coming from all of a sudden?
She was always a little weird with you. Not that you saw her too often but the moments when you two were together, one minute she'd look like she wanted to be your friend (which was when Joel was around), other times she'd remind you of a cruel, rank-wise superior back in the Boston QZ (which was when Joel wasn't around).
You gave her a hard look: "Alright. Let's see how you're gonna do when someone's actually fighting you, then."
Her expression went from somewhat cocky to seriousness as you took a few steps foward and towered over her. Your instructions were simple and clear when you spoke: "I'm gonna put you in a lock. Wriggle out of it."
You slowly grabbed her wrist, giving her time to get ready and process what you were doing. Then, you twisted her arm carefully around her waist and turned her around, pressing her arm on her back, only for her to suddenly squeal: "Okay! Enough!"
You quickly took a step back, startled at her reaction, you weren't even applying the slightest pressure. Ward suddenly shot up from where he was sitting and yelled: "What did you do to her?"
"I didn't do anything!" You frowned.
"It's okay!" Kiki suddenly stepped in front of Ward who was advancing your way. "I panicked, she didn't-"
"Woah there," You suddenly heard Joel and Maria approach the field. Confusion was superior to your anger at that moment: Had you really hurt her?
"Calm down," Maria put her hands on her hips. "She specifically warned you that she wouldn't hurt you under any circumstances. Relax."
You gave Maria a grateful look as he defended you: "I didn't even apply pressure- Look, no one's here to hurt you on purpose."
Ward and Kiki stared into each other's eyes, and by all means it was not a romantic moment, then the bigger of the two finally groaned: "I think she's had enough. For today."
"You think?" You unintentionally slipped it out, but the companions by your side seemed to agree with what you were getting at. "Do you want to stop Kiki?"
"Um," She looked at the three of you, chewing on her bottom lip, then answered quietly after a tense moment of silence: "Yeah, I think I should stop."
"Fine," You said, trying to keep your voice as netural as possible. "Let's continue with you then, Ward." Before anyone could say anything, you and the man you challenged found yourselves back on the middle of the combat area. "Show me your stance and let's begin."
He did as you asked but didn't wait for you to size him up, throwing a punch into your palm as soon as you lifted it, startling your audience. That didn't stop either of you from starting off with a much quicker and a harsher routine, which seemed to have everyone on edge.
You didn't counter once, but it was as if he was forcing you out of the defensive with his strikes, not to mention he was forcing you to step out of the area.
"What the hell's goin' on?" Tommy half jogged over to where the three were standing, watching you two roll from a snowball into an avalanche. Ward was grunting with each hit missed, anger taking over his features, while you kept your cool. It was as if he was riling himself up because he couldn't land a punch - his aim was messy and unstable, which was nothing compared to your years of disciplinary training.
"Okay, I think you've proved your point, Ward." Maria spoke loudly after Tommy's sudden entrance, but he didn't seem to hear her.
"I agree," You grunted and dodged a rather heavy looking punch, rolled over behind him and got up immediately; before you could say anything else, thinking he had stopped, you momentarily let your guard down. Everybody seemed to have thought the same, but what none of you saw coming was the exceptionally hard blow on your nose.
"What the fuck?!" You heard someone, weren't sure who, yell as you saw a blur of people rushing toward you when you stumbled backwards, hands wrapping around your possibly broken nose with a brief shout.
Giving into your anger, before anyone can get a grip of what you were doing, you launched yourself at Ward: "Son of a-" You grabbed the collar of his shirt and headbutted him: "Bitch!"
It was beyond everyone just how fast you had moved, broke his nose with an equally strong strike and had him falling on his arse. Kiki rushed to his husband's side, Maria to yours while Tommy kept Joel from ripping Ward to shreds. You were sure you were going to pass out when Maria got a hold of you, feeling as if you were under water with the blurring of your vision and hearing. The adrenaline rush in your veins kept you from losing consciousness, though.
"(Y/N)?" Maria's voice got clearer each passing second as you chased the lingering faint away from your mind, finally opening your eyes completely to see a displeased face. "(Y/N) are you okay?"
"Yeah," You sighed, whipping your hands in the air around your waist to shake off the droplets of blood from your bleeding nose as best as you could, tears at the corners of your eyes. "Just fine and dandy."
You felt the familiar, calloused hands of Joel gently hold your elbows as Maria turned around to see to Ward: "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Joel," You nodded and wiped the blood on your white t-shirt in a pissed, exhausted manner.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You heard Maria growl at Ward, who was still shaken and sitting on the ground, face looking about the same as yours. "You can't just come up and punch people because you got angry at them! This is Jackson: You're not outside, and she isn't your enemy."
"It's okay- I'm sorry Maria- He's a little, uh," Kiki whined on her knees where she had knelt, but went quiet when he looked behind her to see you and Joel.
"You're not his mother, Katie," The blonde spoke, more calm now but no less strict. "He can speak for himself, and the same goes for you."
There was an intense moment between the three, while Tommy nodded at what Maria had said, his hands on his hips, looking at them disapprovingly: "Alright, c'mon, let's get you to a doc."
Joel in the meanwhile, like a mother duck, studied your nose and held a piece of cloth against the bleeding. He kept you focused on him while Maria and Tommy handled the other couple: "Fuckin' bastard..."
You chuckled at the way he grumbled as he wiped the blood off your nose gently: "Got what he was asking for though, don't go around wanting to kick his ass."
"Yeah, that was a pretty damn good hit..." He spoke, but his voice faded into the background when you curiously looked over to see what was going on, only to come across Kiki's face first things first. What you saw on her face sent a shiver down your spine.
Not because you hurt Ward though, no. It was more than that.
It was jealousy.
You knew both because you had spent enough time with her to understand what that look meant, and her expression wasn't hard: It was soft, a certain yearning spread across her features as her eyes went back and forth between you and Joel. You couldn't tell what irked you the most: The way she looked at you, or him. You seemed to add more to her anger, while when she stared at your husband (and stared at him longer), there was longing and confusion.
The moment you made eye contact, she immediately turned around and scurried off, leaving you two and Maria alone.
"Hm? Dolly?" You heard Joel again once you brushed off the odd stare you got from Kiki.
"What?" You gave him a puzzled look.
"I asked if you wanted to have this looked at," He repeated in a soft voice. Most of the time, with small scratches or wounds which didn't need stitches or weren't cut too deep to get an infection or anything, you preferred handling it on your own to not waste the town's medical supplies.
"No, I got it," You nodded quickly and took a step back, feeling your nose while Maria approached you both.
"What the hell was that, (Y/N)?" She had her hands on her hips as well.
"I don't know, Maria," You emphasised each word, making your discomfort and irritation show. "...I have a few ideas though."
You moved inside, away from the burning sun and began discussing your first impression.
"So, what do you think?" Maria asked from behind her desk. Two pairs of eyes watched you quietly as you sat up on your chair, still holding the cloth up to your nose.
"Well, they're definitely not military, I can tell you that much. They don't know the first thing about combat - Kiki doesn't, anyway." Something's not right with them, you wanted to say, but decided to keep it to yourself for the time being and continued: "She's weak, can't even throw a punch. Almost lost her shit when I put her into that lock- I couldn't even put her into the lock, she just screamed."
"Yeah, what was up with that?" Maria asked but didn't demand an answer, it was more like a rhetorical question. You explained how she also went out of the training routine and tried to kick you, but again, it was weak.
"It's actually not that she's weak, but more like she's holding back," You said thoughtfully after a moment of silence.
"How do you mean?" Joel spoke for the first time.
"I mean, you can feel that she's holding back on purpose." Much as you hated your years in FEDRA, your experience with training and being trained came in handy on a daily basis - as much as you hated it, you were also grateful. "While Ward, on the other hand," You shifted in your seat, annoyed, "Fights like a feral beast, and I can tell that wasn't his full potential."
Joel growled quietly and crossed his arms. You then continued with your observation: "I don't want to be too quick on my judgement, but there's something not right with them."
Tommy walked in at that moment: "Well, that was a shit show."
"What happened?"
"They argued the whole way," Tommy sighed and pulled a chair between you and Joel, then sat exactly the same way his brother was sitting. "It was... weird is one way to put it."
"Let's keep them under supervision for awhile," You offered.
"You're volunteering?" Maria raised a brow.
"Hell no, not after that anyway. My existence would just antagonise them."
"What are you suggestin'?" Tommy turned to you.
"Put them through another training session with Walt, he'll know what I'm talking about... And Eugene found them, so maybe he'll be up for the task."
A moment of quiet and glances were exchanged among the family, then Maria cleared her throat: "Fine, we'll see what the other's think of that and vote for it."
"Okay. Now if you'll excuse me..." You murmured and got up, walking out of the room absentmindedly, deep in thought. A headache settled to the front of your head and you felt fatigue take over as soon as you stepped outside, while you left the other Millers confused.
"Hey," You heard Joel's soft voice from behind you not much later, which made you stop in your place and turn around. You gave him a blank stare, the cloth holding hand dropping to your side to reveal the smeared, dried blood around your nose. Without any rush, he walked over to you with a worried look and stood right in front of you.
After gazing into each other's eyes fro a while, Joel no doubt searching yours to understand what was going on and you just finding comfort in his, he slowly took your empty hand in his. With a soft tilt of his head in the direction of your house, you blinked once in acknowledgement and started walking with him.
Your anger and irritation started dissipating the more you walked like that, hand in hand and in silence, but your headache and slowly worsening mood, the taste of blood on your tongue remained. Not many words needed to be said with Joel, he knew what you needed by just one look. You were sure if Kurt saw you like that, he would laugh until his lungs couldn't take it: Look at you! Although the thought made your heart warm, it wasn't enough to lift the corners of your lips. You unconsciously held onto Joel's hand tighter as you walked to your house, and he returned the gesture, a simple gesture- an assurance that let you know he had you.
Once you stepped inside and he closed the door while you stood in the hallway, he walked up to you and held your shoulders and gave you a soft, still concerned look. You looked up at him with a soft sigh through your nose some seconds later, and finally spoke: "I'm gonna... I'm gonna go lay down a little."
"Okay," Joel gave you a reassuring smile and placed a kiss on your forehead. "You let me know if you need anything."
"Of course," You smiled back, a lifeless, small but an equally reassuring smile. Joel watched you climb up the stairs slowly, thinking about how long it would take you to feel better while also thinking of how he could make you feel at ease during the time.
His fears were similar to yours: He didn't want you to feel responsible or upset because of his own self-doubt and self-loathing, and he hated having you show all the effort to make him feel better about himself, about the things he had done. You kept assuring him that that was what being partners was all about, that you do what you do for him gladly and would continue doing it for as long as you were able (which meant as long as you were alive). He was glad to have you by his side, but of course didn't rely on you as if you were a rehabilitation centre, and it went both ways.
While thinking about all of this, with a cup of coffee in hand and sitting on his porch, his ears perked up at the round of laughter coming from behind the house. It was then, when he came up with a plan to make you feel better, even in the slightest.
tags: @spideysimpossiblegirl
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imagine-docx · 4 years
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Summary: Bucky is a cute single dad who needs to get a dress for his daughter because his ex wife’s wedding is in a few weeks. Insert you, the cute kids shop owner who has a ton of knowledge in this department. [ChubbyBucky!SingleDad!AU]
Warnings: swearing, and some insecurity mentions and some body shaming, suggestive content right at the end.
A/N: the amount of love i got on sneaky is astronomical! and i love and appreciate each and everyone of you who read it and enjoyed it! also, please remember to sign all the petitons, and donate if you can and attend protests if you can! black lives matter. - amanda
Nope, nope, no, absolutely not, fuck this. Was the exact thought process Bucky went through his mind. The reminder just popped up that in two weeks was his ex wife’s marriage ceremony and reception.
Bucky and Natasha were once married, and had little Layla from the marriage. Layla was caught in the crossfire of a nasty divorce when Bucky and Nat ended things when she was only 3. When Bucky got the invitation for the wedding, he felt the same exact heartbreak when he realized Nat was cheating on him, and felt someone throw his heart into a fire when he realized the man she was currently engaged to was the exact man she cheated with.
He got up and realized that he should check if Layla had any clothes to wear to the wedding. He looked through her closet and realized Layla outgrew almost all of these or weren’t there for the wow factor.
He sighed, closing her closet. He ran his hands through his hair, he turned around and was greeted by the mirror that was there. 
The divorce was hard on Bucky and it was obvious. He put on a few extra pounds around the waist, his shoulders rounded out, and his thighs filled out his pants from all the late shifts at the security firm. Another sighed escaped his lips, he was seeing his ex in laws again and he didn’t look the greatest. 
He walked down the stairs and grabbed his keys, and was going to pick up Layla from Wanda’s house and take Layla dress shopping.
“Wow you look like shit,” Wanda greeted him.
“Glad to know someone like you is caring for my kid,” Bucky sarcastically responded, allowing himself into her house. 
“You already knew what you were signing up for when you knew I was dating Sam,” Wanda said, guiding him to the kitchen.
Bucky met Wanda through Sam. Sam met Wanda through the security firm, when Wanda was working for her old company and they changed the codes without her knowing, she flipped out and somehow Sam and Wanda clicked, and here they were. 
“Where’s my kid?” He said, looking around for the little bundle of joy.
“Upstairs with Sam,” she responded. He eyed Wanda, “Listen, they’re bonding because I need to talk to you.”
“Shoot,” he said, grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.
“Nat’s getting married next week.”
“I know that.”
“You should get a date,” Wanda said bluntly.
“I would, if I could.” He stated, “Oh, I need a dress for the wedding.”
“Even better!” Wanda exclaimed, “That cute shop owner seems like she can help you out.”
“Wanda,” Bucky warned. Wanda was referring to you. You owned this little shop called Sew Lovely and were always helping him out with clothes for Layla. 
He learned about it through Wanda as she was friends with you, and god was he smittened by you. You always helped out with what she wore, and the majority of her closet came from your little shop. 
Everytime he came to see you, he felt like he was falling deeper and deeper, and it didn’t help that Layla would spend any given moment with you, and you were amazing to his kid.
“I’m trying to help,” she said defensively.
“Daddy!” He heard a little voice exclaim from around the corner. 
“Hi pumpkin, did you have fun with uncle Sam and aunty Wanda?”
“Uh-huh, we coloured, watched movies, so much fun.” Layla said.
“Tell me more while we’re in the car,” he said, getting up from his seat and walking to the door. Before leaving he leaned back to Wanda, “I’m going for the dress,” Wanda smirked, “Not for the girl, for the dress.”
Wanda kept that smirk on her face, “Of course Buckaroo.”
He decided to take Layla out for smoothies before shooting you a text asking you if you were free to help find him a dress. He poked the straw into Layla’s drink before he felt the buzz from his phone in his pocket. He pulled it out and read the text message while poking his own straw into his drink. He let out a small smile “Come love,” he said grabbing her hand before making their way back to the car. 
Upon buckling her in, he brushed some hair out of her face, “We have to go shopping baby,” he cooed.
“I love shopping!” she exclaimed. 
“Glad to hear baby,” he said, before navigating to the shop. 
He held Layla’s hand, while navigating to your shop. “Is aunty here?!” she asked, excitedly. 
“Of course,” he chuckled as Layla dragged him into the store.
He heard someone call out Layla’s name and it could have been confused with an angel. “I knew that was my favourite sugar puff!” you exclaimed, crouching to hug her. 
“Aunty! I’ve missed you!” Layla exclaimed, throwing her arms around you. 
“And would you look at that, it's my favourite client,” you said. 
Your hair was tossed into a messy ponytail, you were wearing an oversized white knit sweater, a pair of black jeans and some white sneakers. Even though the outfit was simple, you look like god himself spent ages creating you. “You know I would have no idea what to do with fashion,” he joked. 
“Of course I do,” you joked back. “So how can I help the two of you today?”
“I need a dress for a wedding,” he said, biting back the fact it was his ex wife’s wedding. “Say no more,” you said, before crouching back down to Layla, “Alright love, we need to get you a dress. What are you thinking?” 
“I want poofy! Colours! Flowers!” She exclaimed. 
“Oh she knows off the bat, let’s go sugar puff,” you said, getting up and grabbing her hand and taking her around the shop. 
And that’s how Bucky spent the remainder of his day looking at dresses with you and Layla. He sat while the two of you looked around and tried things on. He admired how well you two bonded, as if you were mother and daughter, “I like this one the most sugar puff. What do you think?” 
“I love it!” She exclaimed, she threw her arms around you for the second time today, “Thank you Aunty!” 
Bucky looked over and saw that Layla was sporting a poofy white dress with red flowers and green leaves around it. “I love this one,” he said in awe at his daughter. 
“No problem baby, I guess we have to get you matching jewelry,” you said, engulfing her into another hug.  
Bucky let out a groan, “You guys have been shopping for so long.”
“Don’t rush a girl,” you joked. 
Another forty five minutes and almost two hundred dollars later. They were done. “Remind me to never go shopping,” he joked. 
“When you have a girl, you can never say no,” you smiled at him, making his heart melt. 
“Thank you so much,” he said, feeling insecure because he knew someone like you would never like him. 
“Not a problem sugar,” You said, and his heart skipped a beat. “See you next week?”
“You can count on it,” he said, giving you a small smile.
“Bye Aunty,” she said, hugging at your legs.
“Bye sugar puff, bye Buck,” you said, as they walked out the shop.
He should probably stop spending so much money at your shop, but seeing you made it all worth it.
At this point, there was a week until Nat’s wedding and he was internally freaking out, he tried on his suit the previous night and it didn’t fit. The pants could barely make it past his midthigh, the dress shirt needed about three more inches before it could fit around his frame, and the jacket couldn’t even fit his arms.
Layla was asleep in her room, and he sat on the bed and tears started brewing in his eyes. Makes sense why Nat left, and why she wouldn’t like me, he thought referring to you.
He shut his eyes to prevent tears from slipping down his face. He steadied his breathing before shooting Wanda a text asking if she could watch Layla for a little longer than he anticipated. He tossed his phone on his bed, before dumping the suit in the trash can and going to shower.
Bucky left work early, having asked Steve to cover for him while he went suit shopping. Once leaving work he somehow found himself on your street. He decided to see what you were up to before going suit shopping. 
He walked up to the shop and saw you were sitting on the bar stool, innocently chewing at the tip of your pen while looking at the notebook that sits in front of you. You were wearing a black romper with sunflowers all over them, an oversized black cardigan that was slipping off of your body, you had your hair tossed into a messy bun, glasses sat on your nose, and a pair of black sandal heels were on your feet. 
He found himself slowly walking up to the shop, opening the door, the bell went off from above him. You looked up and let out a huge smile, which made his heart melt and he returned a goofy grin. 
“Got worried for you Buck, haven’t seen you in a while,” you joked.
“Dad duties call, doll,” he said walking up to the counter, “You alone?”
“Jessica and Natalie are in the back,” you said pointing your pen off to the back, “It’s fairly early, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“Don’t want me here doll?” He said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“No, I just need to make sure you have the funds to keep my store running,” you joked.
“Gotta go suit shopping, was on my way, and thought I should stop in and let you know I’m fine,” he joked.
“You going by yourself?” You asked.
“I have no one else doll, Steve and Sam are at work,” he said running his hand through his hair.
“I can come,” you said, quickly adding, “If you want.”
“I don’t want to drag you away from work,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hush hush, I’ll come.” You closed the notebook, got off the stool, “Let me tell them I’m leaving and grab my bag?” 
“I’ll wait here,” he said smiling at you.
“Don’t move,” you warned, before walking to the back.
He looked around at the new displays, he thought about how much time you probably put into it, “You moved, about an inch. Can’t trust you anymore, Barnes,” he heard you say from behind you.
“My apologies doll, how could I possibly make it up to you?” He asked.
You linked your arm around his, “I’ll come up with something,” you said, as the two of you exited the shop.
The two of you found yourselves at this small suit shop at the edge of Brooklyn. Walking in, the two of you heard someone yell, “James.” And an elderly Italian man came and greeted him with a hug.
“Hi Bruno,” he said, returning the hug.
He pulled away and noticed you, “Who’s this beautiful dame?”
He introduced the two of you, before Bruno brought the two of you deeper into the store, “He’s provided suits since I was young.”
You nodded, “It’s cute.”
“How about have the pretty dame sit and I do the measurements,” Bruno said. You sat on the stool provided and sipped on the smoothie that you bought for the two of you. Bucky felt embarrassed as Bruno took his measurements in front of you, but you flashed him a reassuring smile, and he felt some of the insecurities fade away.
An hour later and Bucky found himself getting frustrated. Nothing looked good on him. He tried navy blue suits, beige suits, grey suits, plaid suits, and to no avail he could find anything. Bruno went to look at other options, while Bucky looked in the mirror. It was obvious he was picking at his own body.
You got up and walked over to him, rubbing his back, “You look gorgeous Buck, don’t deflate yourself.”
“It’s just that,” he started, “It’s my ex wife's wedding, and I don’t look good. I want to impress the family, but I look like-”
You cut him off, “You look amazing, and she’s an idiot for letting you go. If her family doesn’t like it, that sucks, cause you’re no longer their family.”
“Thank you,” he said, pulling you into a hug.
“I got your back Buck,” you said, hugging him back, “But you should have told me we were dressed to kill, I would be on it.”
“Now that you’re in on it, what’s running through that mind of yours?” He said, pulling away.
“Black,” you said, “Can’t go wrong with that.”
He smiled before yelling out, “Bruno? You got a black suit?”
He hated how right you were, but also simultaneously loved that you knew him that well. He smiled at you, “Doll you know me well.”
“Gotta look out for my two favourite Barnes, don’t I?” you asked.
“James, you look amazing, you just need a tie,” Bruno said, before going off to find a tie.
You got up and smoothed out the suit near his shoulders, “I owe you one,” he said, looking down at you.
“You owe me a lot sugar,” you said.
Bruno came back with a red tie, “I think this would look good on you James.” You moved away from him, and let Bruno tie the tie to complete the suit. 
“The colour brings out your eyes,” you commented. 
The tie was rich, vibrant, red, and contrasted nicely against the black suit and his blue eyes. “You look amazing James.”
“Thanks Brun, I’ll take it,” Bucky said, looking at himself in the mirror, smiling at how good he looked.
Bruno walked to the front and rung up the order, “You really know what’s good for me doll.”
“What can I say? I know my Barnes,” you joked.
“How about I go change, then I’ll treat you to dinner?” He asked.
“He’s living up to his word,” you joked.
“I always do doll,” he said, before walking back to the dressing room.
Bucky was a man of his word and took you to the small dinner about three streets away, but still was on the outskirts of town. You finished up dinner and were driving back, “You know your way to a girls heart.”
“I always do,” he joked.
You two sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way back. Pulling up to your house, he walked you to your step. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Anytime Buck,” you responded.
He scratched the back of his neck, “Are you free this Saturday?” He realized what it sounded like, “I mean, you can be my plus one with Layla,” he rushed out.
“Of course I would come Buck,” you unlocked the door, “Text me the details?”
“Of course. Good night doll,” he said.
You kissed him on the cheek, “Night Buck,” you said before scurrying inside, missing the blush that rose to his cheeks.
Bucky didn’t see you at all that week. He was busy getting his haircut, buying other last minute things he needed before the wedding. He kept in contact with you through texts, telling you he’d pick you up at four.
It was three fifty and he was in his car, with Layla in the backseat singing loudly to the pop that played on the radio. He was nervous, he didn’t know what to expect. He unbuckled Layla, before making his way up the steps. He rang the doorbell and waited for you to answer.
Once you opened the door, he felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs. Before him you wore a red satin dress, with a low cut exposing your cleavage, the black heels accentuated the length of your legs, you had a necklace with your initial as the pendant, a small gold bracelet and some gold earrings. 
“Aunty! You look so good!” Layla said, breaking Bucky’s train of thought.
“Thank you sugar puff, you look beautiful,” you said stroking her hair. You pulled the door in behind you and locked it, and dropped the key into your back. 
“You look gorgeous doll,” he said, still in awe at you.
“You clean up well Barnes,” you said, “Let’s get to that wedding.”
Bucky found himself looking at you with awe whenever you didn’t notice. A lot of the family Bucky once met at his wedding leaned into him saying that his current family was cute and received their blessings. 
He didn’t notice how much the three of you looked like a family until one of Nat’s cousins pointed out that his tie, matched your dress, which matched the flowers on Layla’s dress.
He looked over and saw you, Wanda, Carol, Nebula and Sharon sitting and sharing a drink. He smiled, before he heard someone call out his name, he turned around and saw Natasha, “Can we talk?” 
“I wanted to apologize for everything, and I’m glad you found someone who treats you well and loves Lay,” Nat said, motioning to Layla sitting on your lap.
“Thanks Nat,” he responded, sipping on his soda.
“Truce?” She asked.
It was well after twelve, and Bucky was dropping you home. Layla was taken to Wanda’s earlier, and Layla was going to spend the night there. You and Bucky had a grand time, you two laughed, shared drinks, shared a few dances, and a few glances here and there. 
You were wrapped up in his suit jacket due to it being colder than you anticipated when you were leaving the hall. “I had fun tonight,” you said, as you walked up the stairs.
“Thank you for coming, I appreciate it,” he said.
“Anything for you,” you said looking at him, you felt the air shift and you didn’t mind.
Both of you leaned in, until your lips were touching and moving in harmony. Your arms found their way behind his neck, and his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. You broke away when you needed air. You gave him a sheepish smile, before he pecked your lips again.
“Glad this dress did its job,” you joked.
“You bought this just for me?” He asked, running his fingers along the satin material that was along your waist..
“Of course, I needed to match your tie, for obvious reasons, and I hope it would lead to something like this. Needless to say, it did its job,” you said brushing hair out of his eyes.
“Well, if this dress is for me, I would like to see it on the floor,” he whispered seductively in your ear.
“You better get to work loverboy,” you said, before he picked you up and took you into your house.
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Four No’s and a Yes.
Prompt: Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve.
Warnings: None, cuteness, fluff i guess lol
Dean x Reader (Childhood friends)
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Chritsmas Eve 2016.
The Y/L/N’s house was decorated to the T, Mrs. Y/L/N always went all out for Christmas and to say Dean loved it was an understatement. Dean had grown up next door to y/n and her family all his life, every Christmas was spent with his best friend and her family, their families took turns every year on which family would host the big Christmas dinner. It was Christmas eve, this year, Y/n’s family was hosting Christmas Eve and Day. 
He watched as you sat down across from him, the same way you did every year, this time your boyfriend of almost a year sitting next to you. Dean frowned but for the most part accepted him and tried to make Carl as welcome as possible. 
It’s not that he disliked the guys she dated, he just never thought they were good enough for his best friend, it had nothing to do with the fact he’d been inlove wih you almost all his life, despite what Sam and his parents had to say about it. 
The meal conversations began, Dean smiled as he watched Sam’s wife wipe a smudge of food off his brothers face before then placing a small peck on his cheek. He was imsensely happy for his little brother, he had tried to find love himself but despite all the girls that came and went, none were ever good enough to bring home to Mary and John, none ever compared to, well, you. 
“So Dee, any news about that girl you took out last week? She seemed nice.” You ask, shoving a fork of ham into your mouth, he chuckles watching before he replies, “uh no, didn’t pan out, first date and she was already naming our kids.” He shakes his head, cringing. Y/N makes a funny grossed out face, “Yikes, stage 5 clinger”, Dean smirks, “Exactly, not my style, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” Carl pipes up, raising an eyebrow at Dean. Right, Carl hated when Dean called you by a pet name, sucks for him doesn’t it. Dean shrugs, y/n reassures him its just for fun, that they’ve been friends forever and Dean’s the only other man allowed to call her that. Carl doesn’t seem happy but strugs it off. 
It’s almost 9 Pm when Carl speaks, he stands up from the tables, everyone having had a few rounds of wine by now and 50 conversations going on at once. He clears his troat, tapping his champagne glass with his fork, everyone stops, their attention on him. 
“Well, this has been an amazing night, y/n your family is incredible, i’m so happy to have shared this holiday with you all, but tonight, i want to share another moment with you guys, i know how important family is to y/n and i want to make sure i do this right.” He pauses, grabbing y/n’s hand and pulling her up, Dean can see the look on her face, shes shocked and confused, not sure what the hell Carl thinks he’s doing. 
He pulls something out of his pocket, Dean lets out a soft groan before taking a huge chug of his beer, Sam pats his back, a silent signal asking if he’s okay. He shrugs it off. 
“Y/n, i know we haven’t been together as long as other people, but my love for you has no limits, we are a perfect match and you’re a perfect part of me, you make me better, i love you so much, and i don’t want to waste anymore time,” 
He gets down on one knee, Dean watches, slightly angrily as y/n gasps, she slightly looks at Dean and he can see the panicked look on her face, she’s not ready for this, he’s ambushed her. 
“Y/n Y/l/n, would you do me the honor of being my wife, my partner in crime, my forever.” Dean rolls his eyes, his mother swatting his arm and giving him a disapproving look. Y/n stays silent, looking around as everyone watches her, Then, she bolts. 
Dean chases after her to see if she’s okay. 
Carl was never seen again after that night.
Christmas Eve 2017
Christmas was different this year, Their parents had decided they wanted a break from cooking, so they had booked a cruise for vacation, not telling any of their kids until last minute. 
Sam and Jess had decided to have Christmas with her family now that they were expecting their first child. Sam was over the moon at the chance to be a dad, he was going to be an amazing one. 
Dean checks the tickets, finding the seats and throwing the jackets over them, y/n heads towards him, sitting next to him in her own seat and she hands him his beer and the hotdogs she grabbed. Dean was lucky he booked last minute tickets to the wrestling match, not surprised that even on Christmas eve, the stadium was booked solid. 
They enjoy the fights, they’re small local fights, no big names, but they both enjoy it, laughing and enjoying their time together as best friends, it’s been a while. Since she started dating Max four months ago, he barely sees her, he’s insecure, especially when Dean’s around, probably because Dean’s twice his size in height and muscle, but that’s not his problem. Max starts fights with y/n anytime they hang out, so for her sake, he keeps his distance, waiting for her to call him for a hangout instead. 
An hour in and it’s break time, they sit and chat, and before they know it, a voice is speaking over the PA system. “Sorry to interupt everyone, but since we are on a break, it seems like the perfect time to do this. Y/n Y/l/N, if you wouldn’t mind looking up at the jumbotron, we have a message for you from Max.” 
Y/n’s eyes go wide, she looks at Dean curiously and he shrugs, just as confused. She looks at the screen, Max’s smiling face on the screen as he’s handed the microphone. 
“Y/n, i know this is random and out of the blue, but you make me really happy, i know you’re not big on attention and big romantic gestures, but i wanted to do something memorable, so, i was hoping you’d be down for being my wife, will you Marry me?” he speaks, Dean almost can’t believe it, what was with these losers, she deserved to be proposed to, but not so soon and definitely not on the spot, she hated grand gestures that drew attention to her. Y/n barely knew what she wanted to do with her life, let alone to settle down. 
Y/N starts breathing heavy, tears forming as she starts to panic at the whole stadium now staring at her and waiting for her answer, and just like that, yet again, she tries to run but Dean stops her, suggesting they go outside and talk to Max privately before she has a complete anxiety attack.
Another douchebag he never sees again. 
Christmas Eve 2018
Another year, another Christmas Eve, y/n is sitting on Deans couch, the two of them got stuck at the airport due to a snow storm and aren’t making it home for Christmas. They had driven back to Dean’s place and she decided to crash with him, She’d just broken up with her recent douchebag boyfriend and wasn’t in happy spirits. She lies on his couch, sniffling as she watches her favoirte Christmas movie, which is currently everything on the hallmark channel. 
Dean sits next to her, her feet in his lap as he messages her feet, warming them up from the cold. 
“Am i ever going to find the right guy? i mean, at this point it’s become a pattern, every fucking Christmas i end up single and alone, i should just give up finding the perfect guy.” She shrugs, wiping away a stray tear.
Dean sighs, “First off, you’re not alone, you have me. Second, you pick crappy guys, you have shitty ass taste. Give it time, sweetheart, the perfect guy for you is out there, and you’ll find him, you’re just looking in the wrong places.” Dean assures her and she gives him a dry chuckle.
“Oh yea, well if you ever come across prince charming, send him my way.” She rolls her eyes and he laughs. He hates seeing her upset. 
Theyre at the local skating rink when it happens, he finally got her to stop crying enough to take her out and here comes Jack, Jake, Joke, whatever the fuck his name was holding a bouquet of roses and a ring box, smiling widely at her, this jackass really thinks a ring will fix everything he’s done to her. What a damn clown. 
Y/n stops abrutly, eyeing him up and down, she’s definitely angry still. 
“That better not be what the fuck i think it is.” She snaps, tossing the roses in the trash. “Y/n, i know i fucked up, but you’re worth more than-” He’s cut off by the sound of her hand meeting his cheek. 
“NO!” She shouts, a few people now stopping to watch. “You have some NERVE showing up here, after cheating on me and for what? to propose? ARE YOU FUCKING DRUNK? In what fucking small minded universe that you live in do you think proposing to me is going to fix what you broke? No, i will not marry you. Go to hell, Jeff.” She stomps off, as good as she can in skates. 
Jeff, that’s his fucking name. He looks over at me and i shrug. “You fucked that up on your own man, you don’t deserve her.” Dean walks away.
She never mentions Jeff again.
Christmas Eve 2019
Their families get together again, Dean’s family hosts this year, y/n and he had flown home early this year to help with the food and decorations, y/n had run into one of her exes, a guy she dated back in highschool, He’d ran in Sam’s circle of friends, one of his old football buddies. They had gone on a date to catch up, ending up at the local bar with some old highschool friends.
Sam sits next to him, downing his own beer. “Man, why don’t you just tell her you’re her prince charming, watching her get with and dump all these idiots is getting tiring. Even mom and dad know you two belong together.” Sam chuckles, letting out a burp, he’s clearly borderlining between drunk and tipsy. Dean sighs, he’s going to have to call Jessica soon. 
“If i was her soulmate, she’d have noticed by now. I’m not going to make that choice for her. If it’s meant to be, she’ll realize it on her own, not because i forced her to like me.” He shrugs and Sam laughs, “You’re both so stupid.” Sam huffs and shakes his head. 
Before Sam can continue pestering him about his failure to woo Y/n, they hear a commotion, they turn to see Eric covered in beer, calling y/n a bitch and some other not nice words. 
Dean gets protective, not even a split second before he’s standing next to her, shoving Eric away from her. “Easy man, get away from her.” He yells and Eric huffs, throwing his arms in the air, “Whatever, you’re a waste of time, can’t believe i ever dated you, i forgot what it was like being with you.” He snarls before stepping outside, no doubt to light up another blunt. 
Dean frowns, “What happened?” he asks and you laugh. “He proposed, said he missed me and regretted ever breaking things off, said he finally realized i was the one that got away.” She airquotes before she sips her beer, huffing, “Turns out, that’s his game, he was hoping if i said yes i’d be over the moon and jump into bed with him again. Ugh, i hate men.” she grunts before walking out, Dean slaps a few bills on her table before going after her, a semi drunk Sam at his side. 
Chritmas Eve 2020
Christmas Eve dinner is a hit. Changing things up, Dean and Y/n had decided to host this year, flying their families out to vancouver. It’s cold and snowy, but makes Christmas actually feel like Christmas, unlike the warm sunny holiday in california, they love it there, but this year, with the snow, it actually feels like a real Christmas. 
They sit out on the back deck, taking a break from the family game night and friendly comeptition and yelling going on inside. Their families are nuts, but it always makes for a great time. 
Dean’s sure he’s ready, she hasn’t dated anyone since the last proposal, and he’s insane, he’s sure of it, he’s sure just like the others, he’ll be turned down, and he’s willing to make an utter fool of himself, but it’s time, he’s waited long enough, he needs her to know, he needs to tell her, he’ll never be able to truly move on and get over her if he doesn’t at least get an answer on wether she feels the same. 
“How long do you think that bingo game is going to last?” She asks, chuckling and she watches their families fight over who had bingo first. 
“Marry me.” He blurts it out without even realizing it. That’s not how he wanted that whole thing to go, he had planned it out, but plans go out the window when you spend time obsessing on things being perfect.
“What?” She’s stunned, but she hasn’t run away yet, and she’s not hyperventilating, that’s a good sign. He begins to babble like a damn idiot.
“I don’t have a ring, or a proper set up like a jumbotron or some shit, and this isn’t even how i planned on this day going, i’m not perfect, and i have my flaws, hell i’m so fucked up i’d be insane to think i even deserve even half your love, but i’m crazy about you, and i have been since 5th grade, when you gave me my first valentines card because no one in class gave me one and then kissed my cheek and told me you’d always be my valentine. I guess, what i’m trying to say is i may not be your prince charming, but you’ve always been my girl, i’ve never chosen anyone but you, and i realize, i don’t ever want anyone, except you.” He finally takes a breath, too scared to make eye contact, and he sighs.
“I know this is stupid and random and you can totally say no or run away if th-” 
“Yes.” She stuns him, completely silencing his rant.
He finally meets her eyes, “What?” He asks, sure as shit he heard her wrong. 
“Yes, Winchester, i’ll marry you.” She says, this time clear as day. 
He huffs out a laugh, “ Wait, seriously?” he asks, stunned and still thinking she has to be fucking with him.
She shrugs and smiles, “Yeah, I’ve known you all my life, you were always my prince charming, my perfect match, i was just waiting for you to figure it out.” She laughs. Dean’s eyes roam her face, for the first time, seeing how perfect she really is for him. 
“I literally could have been with you this entire time?” he raises and eyebrow and she shrugs, smiling. He shakes his head, not believing his own stupidity before he takes full advatnge, leaning in and finally claiming what’s been his this entire time. 
Safe to say, that was the last proposal she ever recieved. 
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jason-pipers · 3 years
the jason/piper breakup and jason’s subsequent death
it is a long and angry post so you have been warned 
 I’m really sick of seeing Jason Grace/Piper McLean slander in their own tag, and I’m really, really sick of seeing people justify their breakup/his death as good writing. 
As I’ve been studying literature and text for the past four years at Uni- I can say with absolute confidence that The Burning Maze utilizing Jason and Piper was horrible. Like a bag of shit mixed together then smeared on paper and published kind of horrible. Actually, you don’t even really need a degree to be able to point out the very basic absurdity of them appearing in TBM. So even though I have a paper due on a completely unrelated topic and a lot of homework, I naturally decided this was a much better thing to write about: 
 Maybe in another world, Rick’s ghostwriters will be better at writing his books. The reason why the Jason/Piper breakup was extremely confusing and done very poorly in the sense of their character arcs was that there was no buildup to the breakup. In fact, I think these two got together off-screen and broke up off-screen. Yet, I’m sure Riordan sat at his desk thinking “now why don’t people just like Jason and Piper?? I give them so much!” Actually, you gave them nothing. It’s also considerably easy to disguise their breakup as logical when it isn’t. Now, people will argue that the basic foundation of the relationship was poorly made because of Hera’s meddling and that’s why they broke up. This is a lazy way to think about it because it’s obvious you don’t care about the characters so you should just say that and go. Hera’s meddling (putting false memories of Jason in Piper’s head and wiping Jason’s brain) really only gave Piper a vague notion of Jason (based on real attributes the Mist pulls) and also gave PERCY and Jason multiple relationships after the switcheroo. But Piper actually meets Jason and then has a subsequent breakdown that maybe he’s not her boyfriend. However, once she gets to know the real Jason (very accurate to the one she knew in her memories because Aphrodite said she could sense real possibilities hinting at their romance), she is still developing romantic feelings for him. It’s implied that the reason why Piper is falling so fast is because the memories she has of Jason are based on the real Jason. It’s easy to establish that Piper has real romantic feelings for Jason, not the made up Jason because the majority of TLH is them getting to know each other. If she felt like there was some confusion on her part about developing feelings for him because of Hera switching Percy and Jason- why did it not come up EVER? The months where Jason and Piper started dating. How about that long ass quest on the Argo? It could have been a valid plot line but it never came up. If it had come up near the end of the series or maybe even if it was a small subplot in the series, it would make the breakup logical, at least narratively. But no, we end Blood of Olympus with Jason and Piper coming full circle with the moment in the stars. Flash forward three years later to TBM where everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) about Piper and Jason are thrown into the trash. They’re broken up due to the false memories and overall I guess it’s implied Piper doesn’t have feelings for him anymore or something? Or the trauma of being in something like that prophecy was a lot for her to handle and she needed some time to figure things out? Yeah of course! Just like when she will go through another trauma (Jason dying for her) and start dating someone new right after. This would be so much easier to read and digest if these things are shown- in their own series and maybe not as a side thing to Apollo’s series. Reading it in TOA was completely out of left field. I know SO MANY PEOPLE were like that makes so much sense! Good for you Piper! But I was like girl, who are you? I feel like I have not spent any time with you and none of what you’re saying is connecting to anything you were like before. Which leads me to believe people just did not like Piper in HOO but just say that and go. HOO Piper is not TBM/TOA Piper. RR doesn’t know how to characterize his own goddamn characters. Furthermore, everything in canon up until TBM implies and directly states that Jason and Piper are endgame. It’s not to say they didn’t have problems that were resolved or that the way they got together was conventional. There was not even a smidge bit of reluctance to admit they were canon endgame- I think RR even had Cupid involved. There was no prediction or even hint of what would happen in TBM in HOO, which is a very big narrative problem. Jason, always isolated by loved ones and quite frankly always shouldering way more than a human can handle dies exactly the way he suffers. There is no growth or even a small lovely moment where we can see Jason. 
This brings me to the most unnecessary death I’ve ever read in my life. I know RR’s ego hurt from the complaints about Jason/Piper/Frank/Hazel/Leo (basically a non-Percabeth character) being underdeveloped. I know his ego was fucked when he “killed” Leo but didn’t really kill Leo so everyone was like what the fuck. I know he wanted to prove he is a good writer but like any other bad writer, he decided to jump the shark. And I know he wanted Jason and Piper to be more likable but the fandom really wanted a Leo-esque character. The breakup really happened because he wanted to demonstrate to critics that he could live with couples not being endgame and knew Jasiper was relatively unpopular compared to Percabeth/Caleo/etc. He wasn’t thinking in terms of ‘does this fit what I’ve created’ but in terms of ‘people might be like oh shit this is violent and they’re finally gone!’. I don’t know what idiotic thought process made him reach the point of killing one of them but he obviously got there. See, there is no difference between Jason or Piper dying in TBM. It could’ve easily been Piper who was impaled by Caligula and reminded Apollo “what it’s like to be human”. They were made *that* insignificant in TBM. Pretty much fucking interchangeable. IN DEATH. It also could’ve been anybody else in the world. It could’ve been that cheerleader from The Battle of the Labyrinth. It could’ve been Piper’s dad. It could have been Sally Jackson. Not a single part of Jason’s death was really related to Jason or his growth. Jason was the main/lead from HOO and if he was destined to die (which he wasn’t because RR doesn’t think anything through anymore), he should have died in his own series. That would make his sacrifice more compelling and important, but dying in TOA is just a big fuck you to his character. I think the only equivalent I can think of is if HOO had solely been Jason’s series but RR pulled up Percy to simply kill him and then just kept writing. What the fuck does TOA have anything to do with Jason or Piper? Or even Leo? I usually love when characters make cameo appearances to remind us of the past we loved them in. Kind of like when Lynda Carter appeared as Asteria in WW1984. Conversely, involving them in the plot and then using them as a plot device for the main character- AKA USING YOUR MAIN CHARACTER AS A PLOT DEVICE FOR ANOTHER MAIN CHARACTER IN A SEPARATE SERIES- is not only dumb but it truly makes everything else you’ve written for the first main character devoid of any real significance. Jason was never a fully fleshed-out character, the way he deserved to be written, because RR couldn’t world build as well as he thought and that ‘every single character gets a POV’ didn’t do the legendary thing he thought it did. However, anything that mattered about Jason was pretty much killed in TBM because he was easily killed by a villain that was not even remotely interested in Jason or aware of his existence. What does FUCK does Caligula mean to Jason? Nothing. Did the final battle create a full circle for Jason other than the line “remember?” which is not really related to his amnesia- no. His character arc was about an identity crisis- being pushed and pulled in two directions. Jason barely means anything to Apollo so RR using Jason as a convenient kill to send home a message is also shitty for Apollo. Lead hero characters can die- they sometimes just have to. Marissa Cooper’s death in the OC narratively makes sense due to the nature of the character being a damsel in distress from the very beginning- a foil to her counterpart, Ryan Atwood. But in this case, RR knew he had to shock people to keep getting $$$. I never got the impression RR cared about Jason or Piper, especially since he was incredibly disrespectful and lazy when writing about Piper. (For that- I can link really detailed posts explaining his racism). The truth is Riordan cannot live without putting his characters in relationships- Frazel, Caleo, Tyson/Ella (?), Hedge/Mellie- but he wanted to prove that he could which is why Jasiper broke up.
Piper’s girlfriend in TON- I didn’t read TON for the reasons above and I don’t think I’ll ever read a Riordan book again: I did find out that Piper gets a GF in TON which at first I thought was incredibly neat but then later became angry when I learned it was only months after Jason’s death? I have always wanted Piper to explore her sexuality but RR has this case of never giving important things the development it deserves. He’s incredibly messy and inconsistent when he creates lgbtqia+ characters, usually only including them so he can get credit for including them. He’s never actually explored Piper’s sexuality fully in the series, but he threw her in yet another relationship we didn’t get to read about right after she was almost beaten to death and then witnessed the murder of her ex-boyfriend. If you think that is representation, please rethink that. We don’t get to hear her talk about anything at all, except maybe mentioning the girl’s name. A subtle hint. Just representation is not good representation and it is right that we demand better representation. Don’t settle for less. For fuck’s sake, Riverdale is only really good at queerbaiting but they get so much praise. (Do they? At this point I can’t tell). If we wanted to explore Piper’s sexuality, it could have been done while she was with Jason or even broken up with him in her own series- why didn’t RR explore the nature of being lgbtqia+ in an Indigenous family? He had the chance to demonstrate an awareness of intersectionality through Piper but he fucked up. He had so much to write about. So, people who are yelling happily about that Piper appearance in TON-??? 
 This was long and frustrating to write. But I had feelings.
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1oserjk · 4 years
— full stop | 02
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a series.
a messy divorce, unrequited feelings, and a five year old.
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01 ⇋ 03
x full stop masterlist | x masterlist
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full stop | 02: kim seol: the new girlfriend
“Here, again?” Jimin teases when your figure slips through the door and the greeting bell goes off. 
Your lips quirked up and you arch a brow. “Of course.” The bags are heavy, almost straining your fingers completely when you weakly attempt to set them on the front counter. The shorter man doesn’t even offer to help, only snickering from his spot behind it. “If I stopped doing this thing for you guys, you’d all starve,” you explain plainly. 
And Jimin knew for a fact, that you were right. Everybody around the shop absolutely sucked at remembering their proper eating times and would skip it for most of the missed opportunities when it’d be too late - solely for the fact that they were always so busy. Ever since you’ve been dropping off food for Jungkook during the time of being together, you’ve added Jimin and Taehyung onto the list whenever they’d whine and complain over the food they would forget to order and pick up themselves. 
Without you, they’d probably be cranky, tired, and a few pounds less. 
And you were greatly aware that even with all of the teasing Jimin and Taehyung had given you, they appreciated it a whole lot when you’d come in with bags full of take-out, especially when you’d continue to do so, even after the divorce. They’ve tried to let you down slowly, assuring you that they’d take care of themselves on their own to make it easier for you, but you shook their offer off and told them you’d be fine anyway. 
Taehyung had already sensed the food down the hall, barrelling through, trying to grab his share of it. 
You remembered the first time he told you his order, and ever since then, you hadn’t asked him for it again, already memorizing each of theirs and strolling through the shop within thirty minutes.
You poke at his rib when he fails to greet you, searching for the disposable chopsticks in the bags. 
“Hey, _____,” he mindlessly murmurs. 
“Make sure to get the extra box in there,” you point. “I got an extra serving of vegetables for all of you.”
They both whine, Taehyung practically throwing his head back in decline. 
You wave them off. “It’s take-out ninety percent of your days in here, at least get some nutrition in,” you request. 
He reluctantly takes it in the end, and beelines straight towards his den, kicking the door shut. 
You blink a few times before Jimin has to explain, “He’s been busy these days, a client wants a style he’s never done before.” 
“Oh,” you say, before you timidly suggest, “Jungkook can’t—?” 
He shrugs. “You know how his client list always looks.” 
You nod slowly. 
“He’ll pop up in Taehyung’s section sometimes and help him, but he’s been alone most days trying to figure his own shit out.” 
“I,” you timidly start, “Is he.. He’s eating, right?” You can’t help but grow weary, already knowing fully well when Jungkook would go on like this, enrapturing himself fully into the job, almost isolating himself and barely realizing the damage he’d do to his own body after not resting or eating properly on most days. He’d have to be reminded of these sorts of things. 
Jimin nods, catching onto your eyes that bounce back and forth towards his closed door. “Yeah. He’s actually been eating out most days..” He drags off, sheepishly tugging at the ends of his hair on his nape. 
Your brows shot up in full shock, before they turned a bit confused. “Oh,” you pause before asking, “Really? For what?” 
His mouth opens precautiously, avoiding your eyes and looking off to his own drawings, like the answer would be clearly written on the papers. “I—He’s been, you know-“ 
You don’t. Not until the door of your ex-husband’s open up, and he comes out — smiling, eyes crinkling in the corners, almost looking well-rested, dark rings under his eyes finally cured. It’s a pleasant surprise - to see him recovered enough to actually smile, and not the straining ones that almost hurt to do. A real one. 
It almost makes you want to smile back. 
You refrain from doing so when you see another figure come right beside him. 
Kim Seol, the receptionist for Golden Closet: Tattoos & Piercings, being way too close with the owner for only just being a mundane receptionist who guides clients and bookings. 
Just from a mere glimpse of them, his arm that was reached out to the back of her, most likely his fingers splayed across the small of it — that none of this was business. 
He doesn’t even notice you at first, too pleased by whatever the female had previously said before the door had opened up. 
Jimin lets out a few coughs and grunts, to get the younger’s attention and maybe a head-start warning. 
It’s Seol who finally realizes. “Oh, uh.” She nervously looks away immediately when she meets your gaze and shuffles herself some distance away from Jungkook. You watch carefully when the arm on her lower back falls slowly, and only turn your attention back to Jungkook when it lands softly to his side. 
His eyes grow surprised, almost widening before calmly letting it trace over your presence. “_____,” he calls. “Hey - I.. I didn’t know you were going to be visiting.” They both slowly head over, only the counter separating you from him, and in this situation — fortunately. 
You clear your throat and nod. “Uh, yeah.” The plastic bag full of his memorized order rustles behind your back, fingers tightening at the strands. “I’m actually about to leave - had to give something to Jimin first.” You muster up a tight lipped smile and nod over to the keys in his hand. “Were you guys about to head out?” You question with feigned curiosity. “To lunch?” 
Jimin winces. 
Seol speaks first when Jungkook fails to say anything at all, mouth only gaping and closing. “Yeah,” she confirms, looking up at the man beside her. “We actually were.” 
You smile again and step aside, a wide gap for them to cross over. “Don’t let me stop you.” 
Seol moves her feet, already the closest to the door. You don’t even bother turning to observe her. Jungkook though, he stays rooted in his spot. You both look expectantly at him, and it’s almost like there were contrasting sides to choose from, either explain himself to you - even if he wasn’t exactly obligated to, or leave, wondering how you felt about the clear insinuation between Seol and him. Especially when you’ve voiced your clear unsureness of the female since the beginning of her working for the shop. 
Out of all people, he chose to go out with one of your biggest insecurities and main problems that were rooted in your relationship from the past. 
You hear footsteps pat softly behind you until they are wearily close. Seol takes the keys from his hand and announces, “I’ll start the car for us.” 
You tongue the inside of your cheek, a habit you’ve grown from Jungkook when things become too complex to comprehend properly. The keys jingle in her hand with every step, almost ringing in your ear obnoxiously, until you hear the door being pushed open and the greeting bell going off again. You scoff quietly, like she’s taunting you and holding what you don’t have over your head, what she finally got a hold of when she was given the proper chance. Of course. 
You, Jungkook, and Jimin sit in absolute silence - save for the soft R&B in the background, courteous of Kim Taehyung who’s probably continuing to stuff his face with no clue on what’s going on outside of his office. 
Jimin pats his thighs and maneuvers himself away from the situation, chair rolling away when he pushes himself off of it. “I’m going to go and finish my food with Taehyung, because uh, he might need help.” He nods to himself. 
“You pierce, though,” Jungkook says flatly. 
He gets hit on the back and pinched on the elbow by the shorter man, an expression held over his face that had clearly read that he was definitely on his own for this particular situation, especially when it involved you. “If Taehyung wants me to draw a cat perched on top of a tree branch, I’ll fucking do it.” 
Jimin stealthily makes his exit and lets you bask in your own overwhelming thoughts and opinions. 
After a couple of minutes of planning on what Jungkook would exactly say to all of this, he takes a step forward, “_____,” he attempts. 
You raise a hand up and only smile - the only thing you could really do in this situation, only because: of fucking course you would land yourself in something like this. It’d be bound to happen sooner or later, though definitely not even close to being prepared for the former to happen this quickly, almost ramming into your chest until it burns and aches. 
You shake your head, taking one timid step back. “Don’t,” you order firmly. “At least, not right now.”
He falters. “Then, when?” 
You automatically feel like crying, to weep like a fucking schoolgirl for being played, but in no way, you were allowed to feel like this, not even close. It still doesn’t excuse how shitty you feel right now. When your eyes meet with his, they almost do, leaning more on just letting the surface wetten a bit before you’d get in your car and speed home to cry in your own privacy. But even then, you wouldn’t even be able to, not when you had Yeona who’d wonder why in the world her own mother was crying, not when she looked up to you, and definitely not when you made sure to keep her own happiness and this situation at bay. You have work, a multitude of chores to do, dinner to make, a lot of things to keep you busy from this. You had time to suppress all of these emotions that were close to bubbling and spilling over, making a big mess for you to clean up as a result. 
“When I’m ready to take what you give me.” 
Fortunately, he doesn’t stop you from exiting the shop. 
You hold the bag tightly to your chest, until you’ve reached the outside of the parking lot and a nearby trash can to dispose of it, extra servings of vegetables and all. 
Three days pass by, and it’s a friday night.
Usually, Jungkook would be elated to reach his shared apartment, opening a few bottles of beers and settling his feet on the coffee table Seokjin would forbid him from actually doing. 
But tonight, it’s different. 
Tonight is a date night. 
His plans were to take Seol to another restaurant he hasn’t tried before but claimed it was good enough, and fill in the hours of the evening to wine and long conversations. 
He had taken a long and drawn out pause over the course of a couple of years when it came to dating, but he figured he’d give it a try after finding out about Seol’s interest in him. She made it quite obvious when he had hired her, which should’ve been a red flag from the very start - since he was married during that exact time. But instead, he chose to ignore it and keep it professional for the time being until he found another person to take over. However, she quickly became part of the shop and he had never once thought about firing her again after that, even if he was aware of how bad the feeling sat within you when he would tell you about the new employee. 
It wasn’t out of a place of jealousy or insecurity, you simply knew the type of person she was. You knew that about a lot of people. You were always quick-witted and knew exactly who to be associated with and who would plainly waste your time. Seol was definitely one of those people that ended up on the odd end of the spectrum, where everybody thought nothing wrong of her, while you had a few silent urges to question her, and if you would actually voice out your opinion about her - they would all call you insecure and delusional. 
His intention was to never let you assume that he had gotten with Seol to pick a bone with you, or to plainly be a dick. He’d never. 
A few personal conversations started, things had happened, and the rest is only history. Granted, it had only been a few weeks spending time with her, but he liked it. He saw it as being lonely, and he thought there would be nothing wrong with that. 
Turns out, he’s absolutely wrong in every possible way.
“You’re fucked,” is all Jimin says. The chair he pulls up screeches against the floors of the building and Jungkook winces. 
“Yeah,” he ends up agreeing with before rhetorically asking, “You don’t think Seokjin has already said that?” Anxious fingers reach up to his hair and tugs, sighing out harshly with tightly shut eyes. As soon as he had informed his roommate over the phone about the situation, he was scolded and cursed at. 
The older shrugs. “I’m here to remind you.” 
“Fuck off,” he breathes with a glare. “I have to leave in twenty, anyway.” 
The other’s eyebrows knit together. “Where are you going?” 
“Some sushi restaurant with Seol,” he briefly explains. “It got good reviews on Yelp, so hopefully-“
“Whoa, wait,” Jimin stops him. “You’re going out again?” 
“It’s friday,” Jungkook tries to reason. 
Jimin scoffs. “Yeah, but it’s also been a few days since your ex-wife ran into your new thing.” 
“She’s not-“
“Doesn’t matter,” he says dismissively. “You didn’t call or text her to see if she was okay. Fuck, even a visit wouldn’t hurt.” 
“She still hasn’t given me the okay to contact her, what the fuck do you want me to do?” 
“Doesn’t matter,” he repeats again. “She can’t keep guiding you through what hurts her and what doesn’t, you should know by now.” 
Jungkook slumps in his seat defeatedly, head thrown back and neck slightly sore from having to bend down for so long. He knew Jimin was right and that at some point, he’d have to face you. 
After a few elongated minutes of the thoughts that circled around his head, there was a soft knock to his door, and a small head peeking out from the corner of his vision. Seol smiles before widening the frame. 
Jimin sends her a polite smile before gently excusing himself and slipping out to head back to the front. 
“Hey,” she coaxes. “I thought we should head out since everything should be settling down by now. I’m pretty sure Jimin and Taehyung can handle the rest.” 
He slightly nods before sheepishly replying, “God, I’m sorry. I should have let you know beforehand..”
She shakes her head, walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong? You can tell me anything,” she assures. 
He sighs tiredly, “I don’t mean to cancel today—but I’ve been meaning to have dinner with my daughter this weekend.” 
“Oh,” she perks. “Yeona can tag along, I don’t really mind-“
He brings a hand up. “No, I mean with her alone - back at the house.” 
“Oh.” It’s set in a completely different tone, almost in distaste. “Are you sure? I swear I won’t mind if she’s there with us-“
���Seol,” he warns. “I want to have dinner with Yeona but I'm not going to exclude her own mother in it - I need to have a talk with her, anyway.” 
It’s not exactly what Seol wants to hear, but she musters herself up a tense smile, nodding rapidly. “I get it,” she promises. “Then, maybe another day for us.” 
He nods, reiterating with a promise, “Another day for us.” 
An abrupt kiss is delivered on his cheek and her wide eyes stare back at him when she bends down, “Just — Call me, okay?” 
He obliges. 
Tonight was a movie night. 
Yeona’s favorite night of the week, because it’s the one time she gets to fully indulge in her favorite pair of pizza and whatever animated movie she was currently obsessed with. It was a perfectly curated time to bond for the both of you. 
“Life of Pets?” 
She nods frantically. For a while, it had been The Croods, but she had shifted her interest as soon as your streaming service added the movie to their collections. You were grateful that her obsession ended when the movie in the past included a selfless father that made you tear up every single time he’d throw the family to the other side without him. Instead, she watches an exuberant bunny run around with determination at anything he did. 
Sighing, you relax into the blankets and dig into the food presented in front of you. 
True to your word — you still haven’t cried. Being busy around the house and with Yeona made it so much easier to maneuver your thoughts elsewhere, somewhere safe and with a key for you to open later. To open it, though, was surely questionable at this point, you weren’t even sure if you would end up letting it take over you or to just push it away completely, for your own sake.  
When the pets are finally introduced on the screen, she grapples onto your arm and gushes, “They are so cute. Mommy, look!” 
“Yeah,” you agree with a tender smile, eyes landing on the bunny with furrowed brows. You point when he starts talking, “I like him.” 
She giggles and nods along with you. And after a few more minutes, she’s fully entranced by the movie, whispering for help a few times when she needed it for another piece of pizza on her paper plate. You wipe at her mouth when the sauce ends up landing all over it. 
“Good?” You ask, offering a thumbs-up.
She nods again with a smile, returning it. “Thank you, Mommy.” 
Half an hour into the movie, you go sleepy. Head pulling back, you can’t keep up with the doe eyes of Yeona who stares at the screen with the same exact excitement she started out with. 
Before you could even bury your face in one of the pillows and wait for Yeona to topple over you when she was ready for bed, the front door clicks and beeps, indicating that whoever was at the front, knew the code of your home. 
With squinted eyes, you look over to the door that opens with the last person you wanted to see. Tonight or ever. 
Your breath hitches, chest tightening wearily while you stare back at your ex with anxious eyes that were definitely awake now. 
Yeona runs up to him before being swooped up and drowned in kisses. “Missed you.” She immediately goes in a fit full of giggles and wraps her tiny arms around his neck. 
Back hesitantly meeting the couch again as you attempt to relax and calm down, his direction shifts to the couch. 
He sets Yeona down in her previous spot next to you, only for her legs to wrap tightly around his waist to pull him down alongside her. Now, you’re all placed on the couch, Yeona set in the middle between the both of you. He hasn’t greeted nor acknowledged you yet, a pang of hurt flares through when he can’t even return your stare.
He scans the coffee table full of pizza and sugary drinks. “Is it movie night?” 
To his surprise, you answer. “Yeah. We finished the pizza, but the fried chicken is on the way,” you inform before asking, “Want some ramen to wait?” 
His mouth opens and he finally turns his full attention to you, your daughter still cuddled into his arms and her stubby fingers squeezing and playing with his jaw. “I—Yeah, it sounds good. Been hungry all day.” 
You hum and ask, abrupt bitterness sat on your tongue out before you can even stop it, “Didn’t go out to lunch today?” 
His eyes downcast and he awkwardly grunts out a cough before calling your name hesitantly. 
A second after, you suddenly stand and brush off the crumbs collecting between your thighs from Yeona knocking herself against your plate a few times in accident. Maybe tomorrow you would vacuum to add onto the list of distractions. “Great,” you say. “I’ll go boil some water.” 
“_____,” he tries again, but you’ve already stubbornly left and into the kitchen to grab the instant noodle packets you have stocked in your pantry.
Within the five minutes of your absence, he had successfully convinced Yeona to press resume on the movie and focus on the talking animals instead, with only the promise he would come back with a few sweets. 
You’re aware he’s close and near, but you continue to refuse, back turned fully to him. 
“Hey,” he breathes out. “Can we talk?” 
You don’t acknowledge his proposition, only rustling through the millions of brands you have in the corner of one shelf. “Start the water for me,” you order, pointing to the electric kettle on the counter behind him. 
His feet reluctantly move, fingers grabbing the handle and filling up the container with water. 
Holding up a familiar packet, you ask, “Do you still like this brand? Or did you want to go for another.” 
Whether it was a poke at his side, he doesn’t mention it. “That brand is fine.” 
You finally move beside him and open up the seals, carefully placing the flavor and vegetable packets aside. 
“I came here to apologize,” he says.
The only thing heard is the shallow dialogue from the movie and some of Yeona’s giggles. You were thankful that it filled in some of the blank spots in your mind and calmed you down enough to think about the next words you’d be saying to him. 
You shake your head, asking obliviously, “Why would you need to?” You were hurt. Of course, you were way too stubborn to admit it — absolutely willing to put up a hell of a fight before you’d be able to utter a confession like that. 
He leans on the counter for support, arms crossing and eyes leveling towards you, “I know you.” 
Your arms cross when you argue back, “And I know you, so what are you trying to say?”
He sighs, “I know you don’t like Seol.” 
You scoff. “Seol? You think my problem is with her?” 
“You’ve never liked her,” he exasperates. “And now that I’m going out with her-” 
You stop him immediately, fingers tightening around the paper cup on your left hand. “I’m not mad at her,” you quietly start. “In fact, she’d be the last person I would be mad at. Bitter? Sure, but I guess that’s on me.” 
“So, is it me? You’re mad at me..?” He immediately assumes. 
You blink a few times, fingers rubbing at the top of your temples, “No.” 
“I’m.. Not mad,” you insist. “I think I understand enough that you would have to move on at some point.” You don’t bother to tell him you never expected it this early. There’d be no point, really. Frankly, you don’t think at any time you’d be able to properly prepare for any woman to be introduced to you as his new partner - temporary or marital, it didn’t matter. You’d still be immensely hurt in the end, regardless. 
“What about..” His throat tightens at saying this, “You?”
You shrug, staring to the side and hoping that the water would be done boiling soon. “I don’t think I’ll ever have time for any of that.” You shift back to him, mustering a smile that never reaches your eyes. “I’m okay with the way things are now.” 
He feels it. He cannot pinpoint it exactly, but it’s there - guilt and regret all bound to one. 
“I think I’m just scared,” you hesitantly admit. “Scared for the future. For the next woman that’d be introduced to Yeona. Who might spoil her more than I do and give her things that I can’t.” Your eyes direct themselves to his when he witnesses you beginning to bawl right in front of him. “I’m scared she’ll lose the vision and meaning behind the word Mom, and forget the way I care about her overall. I-I don’t want that.” 
For once, you want to be selfish and use your power to move away the attention of another woman who’d get to take care of your daughter from time to time, maybe even several within a short time span. For once, you want to keep your daughter to yourself as a mother. Nobody else. No other woman but you. 
His eyes soften and his hand raises itself, subconsciously towards the direction of your arm - to hold and to comfort. 
You turn away with a sharp intake of air. “It’s stupid.”
His head shakes rapidly. “_____..” 
It’s not, but you think it is, and it wasn’t like you had anybody to tell you otherwise. It was simply the way your mind had reeled in by its own misery and unsureness - no one to assure you. You nod, an action of understanding and realizing that you would never be able to get your way in all of this, not when it never was in the first place — look at your divorce. 
That in itself, hurts.
Setting the cup down, you suddenly decide and urge, “I’m not hungry anymore. The tip is on the table for the delivery guy. If you’re going to stay and put Yeona to bed, lock the front door when you leave.” 
“_____, wait,” he rushes. “That’s not—you’re not..” 
You don’t stop with your steps, already moving up the stairs.
It leaves Jungkook frantic, trying to decide whether running up the stairs to stop you would be the right thing to do at this very moment, or you’d be even more irritated with him than the overwhelming amount right now. 
In subtle yet poor timing, the flip of the kettle switches itself off. 
The water was hot. 
[11:18] won’t be dropping lunch off anymore :3 
[11:18] hope u understand. 
* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.  
let me know ur thots, i’d like to know :]]
* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.  
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Ok but like for your Ready Made Family AU, I had this thought that Ichigo eventually gets around to trusting her boys enough to trust them with keeping Yuzu and Karin safe and then immediately what pops up into my head is the two of them calling the guys nii-san which just utterly blows everyone's minds. Like I'm Uraichi trash so just think about 12th division people just staring in shock at Urahara freaking Kisuke (you know ex-assassin and all) being called Kisuke-nii.
Kisuke has always been good at tests.
His inborn and ever hungry sense of curiosity has always been a blessing in that area as it’s been a curse in others.
Logic puzzles, equations, battle simulations, they have always come relatively easy to him.  Tests of control, of strength, of loyalty, have always been taken in stride as well.
He excels in his strengths, compensates and plans around his weaknesses, bends and twists rules when and where necessary.
It’s rare for a test to take him truly off guard for longer than a split second before his mind begins to work and plan and weave.
Which is why he’s at bit at a loss as to what to do at the moment.
Because, Kisuke can’t help but muse as he stares down into two upturned and chubby cheeked faces, this is most certainly a test of some sort.
Kurosaki-chan, Ichigo some covetous part of Kisuke’s mind can’t help but whisper, has left her precious sisters in his care for the afternoon.
Kisuke is one part delighted and one part absolutely terrified.
Because this, the trust, the connection, the two smiling faces staring up at him, is a glimpse of everything he’s wanted since the moment he’d first seen his beloved.
So he absolutely cannot afford to fuck this up.
If he does, Kisuke is sure that Ichigo will cut him directly out of her life and no amount of pleading or stubbornness will change her mind.
And Kisuke most certainly will not be allowing that to happen.
The only problem is that, despite his persistence and his hovering, this is also one of the first times he’s been allowed to be completely alone with the twins.  Alone without Ichigo at least within shouting distance.
And Kisuke has no idea what he’s supposed to do.
A hand coming up to tap his finger against the swell of his bottom lip, Kisuke contemplates his options.
He wants the girls to like him more than they already do and wants Ichigo to be pleased with him.  Wants to, hopefully one day soon, be a real part of their family.
So, with that in mind, perhaps his best choice is the simplest.
Something educational but entertaining.  Ichigo will be pleased that he taught them something useful and the girls will, hopefully, have fun.
“Tell me, Yuzu-chan, Karin-chan,” Kisuke blinks as he stares down at the two of them, “how do you feel about arson?”
Yuzu and Karin share a look and then they both turn back towards him and beam.
The looks Kisuke receives when he arrives at the 12th Division with two small children in tow range from blank shock to horror but he doesn’t focus on any of them.
Instead he ushers Karin and Yuzu into his lab to gather a few supplies before they head out.
Hiyori-fukutaichou bursts into the lab right as Kisuke’s ready to head out with the girls, chest heaving, face flushed and sandal in hand.
“No time to talk, things to do, fires to set,” Kisuke tell her cheerfully before he reaches down to scoop both girls up under a arm and, with them dangling by his sides, exits out the window with a quick burst of shunpo.
Behind him Kisuke hears her scream after him but he ignores it.
He only has the afternoon with them before Ichigo’s business will be concluded and Kisuke intends to make the most of it.  He doesn’t have time to deal with whatever is bothering his fukutaichou at the moment.
A few hours later, Kisuke makes it back to Seireitei.  He’s covered in soot and dangling from each of his hands is an equally soot covered but still giggling twin.
Kisuke’s pretty sure that means he’s passed at least half of this test.
Still, the last thing he’s expecting to happen is to be met in the courtyard by a crowd of people including the majority of the 12th Division, Yoruichi, Hirako-taichou, and a number of other Gotei 13 members of various ranks.
“Ah,” Kisuke stalls out for a moment, “is … there a problem?”
“Urahara-taichou,” Ukitake-taichou looks pained, “we’ve heard some unsettling rumors and it should be known that experiments involving children are not condoned by the Gotei 13.”
Kisuke blinks, confused. Yoruichi lets out a loud bray of laughter that she instantly tries to tamp down on with only mild success.
“Apologies,” Kisuke bows shallowly before straightening, hands coming up at his sides as he shrugs just a bit, the movement sending Yuzu and Karin into new rounds of giggles.  “In my defense the fires were controlled and they seemed to enjoy it.”
“Kisuke-nii is lots of fun,” Yuzu agrees with a bright smile despite her soot covered face.
“Kisuke-nii let us make things go boom,” Karin cheers as she throws her hands in the air, unconcerned with the way she’s so far off the ground.  “Best day ever!”
Around the courtyard everyone seems to freeze much to Kisuke’s bewilderment.
“K-Kisuke-nii?” He hears someone whisper.
“Hopefully your sister will agree,” Kisuke tells both of them because now that he knows they really had enjoyed the afternoon that’s all that matters to him.  “My beloved is very demanding after all.”
“B-Beloved?” this time it’s more of a echoed shriek than a whisper.
“What, exactly, is going on?” Ukitake-taichou interrupts then.
“Oh,” Kisuke blinks again, attention turning back to the gathered mass in front of him.  “Did you not know?  I assumed it was obvious.”
“No,” Ukitake-taichou looks somewhere between flustered and pained.  “I’m afraid we’re all at a bit of a lose Urahara-taichou.  Please explain why and how you have these children.”
“I agreed to watch Yuzu-chan,” Kisuke raises the hand holding her up in emphasis, “and Karin-chan,” that hand goes up then, “because their sister had business to tend to today.”
“Someone voluntarily let you watch kids?” HIyori asks, disbelief thick in her voice.
“Yes,” Kisuke can’t help the way he puffs up just a bit in pride, “I insisted.  We’ll be family one day soon if all goes well after all.”
“Family?” One of the lower ranked members of the 12th speaks up then.  “You’re gonna have a family?”
“Indeed,” Kisuke agrees easily enough. “As soon as I convince their sister, Kurosaki Ichigo, to marry me.  She is very stubborn but, as you can tell, I am madly in love.”
There’s a moment of silence once again.
And then …
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 6
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: cursing
“Walter” she grinned softly as she shook his hand, feeling more at ease as he gave her a reassuring nod “a pleasure to see you again”
  “Wait how do you two know each other ?” Tim asked baffled as he furrowed his brow “Met here about 3 months ago” Walter nodded as he made the save for her “I was actually looking at getting a place here for when I came to tapings, my fiance and I met her here when we went to her complex” he lied as he sat down   “Oh nice” Tim grins “well I don’t need to introduce you two then, well glad she at least knows one of my good friends now”   Maya grinned weakly as she sat down with the feeling of anxiety coming up from lying to Tim’s face. She knew she had to tell him soon before it got too late and now felt horrible for involving Walter in her mess.   “Walter” she said softly as Tim left for the restroom “Please don’t think I’m some kind of...you know what I mean. I can explain, I swear”   “Maya, it’s alright” he answered genuinely “What happened in the past truly doesn’t matter, at least not in my eyes but I also know that Tim should know. Especially if things are going to proceed with you two, it’s only fair he knows sooner rather than later”   “I agree, I do but what’s gonna happen when I tell him it’s Marcel, what’s gonna happen when I tell him my ex boyf-fiance is one his closest friends and that I do in fact know a lot about wrestling and that the only reason we never met was because for some odd reason he never showed up to our get togethers ? Huh ? Care to help me dig an even deeper hole ? I mean now you lied to him too, this is so wrong” she sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose   Walter sighed as he patted her shoulder with his hand “Hey, don’t get upset okay ? It’s the past and truthfully he shouldn’t be upset when you tell him. It doesn’t have to be today or even this month but soon”   Maya nodded as she let out a sigh “you’re right, you’re right”     “Have you seen him, Marcel ?” he asked timidly “Yeah” she whispered as she looked down “earlier today actually at the gym, came up to me and told me the past was the past and to forget about it, his usual stance on things”   “It’s best to let him be, he was the one who ended things with you not the other way around. Marcel’s my good friend and I love him like a brother but the way he ended things with you was wrong and I won’t defend his actions. And honestly, I would prefer he doesn’t come around you and I’ll be sure to make it known to him” he nodded   
Maya sighed as she sat up and looked up at him, feeling assured by his demeanor. When she had first met him she was pretty scared, it wasn’t everyday she met a 6’4, 290 pound man who looked like he could crush her with one finger. Her fears were quickly put aside once she started speaking to him more and got to know him and his fiance pretty well. To her Walter represented a form of comfort and an older brother figure she could trust.
  “I appreciate that greatly” she said softly “I just, I don’t want him or any of that anymore truly. I know I’ve only known Tim for a short amount of time but I really enjoy his company, and I don’t want to hurt him.”  
 Walter chuckled as he leaned back in his seat “I can guarantee you, he feels the same about you. He brought you to eat somewhere that actually looks enjoyable and he’s eating out of his usual diet. Not to mention, he’s wearing a white t-shirt, he only wears a white t-shirt when he’s trying to impress someone”
  She blushed as she looked around “You really think he likes me ? You don’t think he’s just being nice ?”
“I think he likes you a lot, believe me when I say he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t” he answered   
Maya grinned as she looked down on her lap “well I sure hope he does because I really like him and I wanna keep seeing him. So put in a good word for me”
“I will be sure to do so” Walter grinned “plus any woman who gets Tim to get out of his routine is a woman worth keeping. You keep doing what you’re doing and just….keep making him enjoy life” he says softly as he got up “Tell Tim I had to go, you have my number call me if anything happens or if you just want to talk. I’m here for you Maya, my fiance misses you greatly and will always remember how kind you were to her”
She smiled softly at him as she nodded “Believe me when I say I needed you two way more than you two needed me at that time and it’s something I’ll never ever forget. My offer still stands, the second you two are ready to say I do I’ll make sure she gets a dress from any designer she pleases”
 He gave a genuine grin as he shook her hand and kissed her forehead lightly “deal, see you soon”   
Maya sat up as she saw Tim come back and sipped her water “Walter had to leave, he said something about seeing you soon though” “
Yeah he’s here for a bit before he heads back to Germany, kind of how it goes” Tim nodded “He comes for about 2 weeks then leaves and comes back again another month. He doesn’t wanna leave his fiance and move here full time like I did”   
“And how hard was that ? I mean I know you told me you lived here in the states but you also said Germany was a big part of your life as well” she asked softly   
He sighed not wanting to get too deep into things so soon and put his card down as his walls built up again “I uh I just remembered I have to go down the performance center for a promo class. I’ll see you around though, maybe next week again”   
Maya looked at him confused “It’s 8 pm ? You have a class at 8 pm ?”   
“Yup” Tim nodded emphasizing the p “I do, when wrestling calls I answer. Sorry if you can’t understand that, it’s not like modeling that’s all just fun and games but wrestling takes a little more than looking pretty in front a camera Maya”   
“Okay” she whispered quietly as she felt the sting of his harsh words and got up “yeah, I get it. See you around Tim , this was really nice and I enjoyed spending the day with you. Have an enjoyable class and rest of your night” 
  Tim nodded as he left hastily, not wanting her to know the life he lived and wondered what her true intentions were. For over 10 years he had lived alone and had a consistent routine every single day, the only time he didn’t live alone was when he had roommates down in Germany. This girl had captured his soul in every way yet he couldn’t let her in just yet, he noticed the looks she and Walter exchanged and felt nothing but anger and disappointment as he left the restaurant.
Three months, three whole months had passed since Maya had heard from Tim, she had called and texted him and got nothing back. She did her daily gym routine and never saw him there, she went to their old spots and once again nothing. She had gotten the memo but still felt so betrayed he would just ignore her and never bothered to tell her what she did wrong.
  “He’s a bastard Maya that’s what he is” Walter shook his head “He’s been acting like normal all this time, never mentioned that he just stopped seeing you that night. I promise you I’m going to have a serious talk with him, he can’t be acting this way” he said sternly as he looked her in her eyes “You don’t deserve this, you don’t. I have no idea who he thinks he is but believe me he’s going to hear it from me”  
 “Walter” she rubbed her face “No, you’re not going to do anything, anything at all. You understand. Clearly I did something wrong and him being the ass...introvert” she corrected herself “being the introvert he is, he just didn’t tell me why.”  
 “Maya, this is a 38 year old man. You cannot defend his actions, why are you ? He stood you up and treated you like trash” he said upset   
“I really liked him” she whispered, her voice meek “And I stupidly thought he really liked me but he didn’t, he was harsh and belittled my job and it hurts because I know he did it on purpose. He said it to insult me and it worked”  
 “That’s it !” Walter hit the table with his hand “I’m gonna kick his ass next time I see him, he’s so wrong in this”
“Yeah are you ? I’d like to see that Walter”
Maya turned as she heard Tim’s deep voice approach their table from the back of the cafe, clearly agitated as he stood directly in front of them  
 “I knew you two were too close for comfort, I saw you two being close and touching and laughing just before I left the bathroom hallway. Guess I was right” Tim gave a scoff as he nodded “You clearly have a thing for athletes, hell that’s why you came up to me at the bar right ? For a night full of pleasure ?”   
Her face dropped as she felt a pit in her stomach and her eyes began to well up “I-I h-how could you say that ?” she whispered  
 “Because it’s the truth” Tim snapped “you’re THAT kind of girl Maya, I wanted to believe you weren’t but you are. It became clear after how you acted towards me only after seeing each other for days, who acts that way around a guy they barely know ?”
Maya got up and grabbed her purse quickly as she felt tears fall down and hit her shirt , gasping when she she saw Walter shove Tim against a wall “N-no please let him go, problems are already here and I don’t anyone getting in trouble, please Walter please” she pleaded desperately as she tried her best to get him to let Tim go as he was clearly struggling against his larger frame   
“Yeah, listen to your other girlfriend” Tim nodded as he looked him in the eyes, earning a punch as he fell against the wall and held his now bleeding nose   
“Maya is my friend !” Walter raised his voice as he shook the pain from his hand off “and you wanna know the truth ? I actually met her in Germany over 3 years ago. She was in a photoshoot at a park and my fiance approached her to compliment her dress and pictures and Maya was kind enough to help style her for our engagement photos afterwards, within minutes of meeting her and with a language barrier she met up with her at our house that day. We’ve been friends since, she’s been nothing but kind and gracious towards her and me since then. She went as far as to send her dresses and clothes from her photoshoots for work and events to help her with her confidence. She got me and her an interview at her apartment complex when there was a waitlist. So yes, I am very close to her, as a friend. I consider her a younger sister and the fact that you just insulted her worth and career doesn’t sit well with me at all. And consider yourself lucky I only gave you punch across the face because next time I won’t be so gracious TIm” Walter spat as he left   
“No..” Tim whispered as he quickly wiped his nose and stumbled up and out of the cafe as he looked around for her outside   
“Fucking hell !” He exclaimed kicked a fire hydrant on the street and rubbed his forehead   
Never had he fucked up so badly before, the insults he spit out so easily towards her made him want to throw up. 
 “You should’ve simply asked” he told himself as he walked towards her apartment building over 15 miles away “you should’ve asked why her and Walter were so close and she would’ve told you, you fucking imbecile” Tim repeated in his head as tried to even think of the words to apologize to her 
 “That kind of girl” Maya sniffled as she tried her best to keep composure as she got her necessities for the week, there was no way she was leaving her apartment in a few days after that mess.   
She looked down at her purse as she felt her phone vibrate and light up with Walter’s number and sighed as she picked up “Walter why ? I told you to let it go and you punched him. What if this gets back to your job ? You can both get fired and it’ll be because of me !” she cried as she sat down in an aisle  
 “Maya, no” he said “That won’t happen, and if it does then I got fired for a very good reason. The things he said were disgusting, to insinuate you’re…..you’re what he said is horrible”   
She wiped her eyes as she hiccuped and nodded “He said it with such venom in his voice, he hates me. He thinks the worst of me and I never even got to tell him the full truth. Imagine if I did ? God maybe I am what he said, maybe I am some kind of whore”  
 “Enough” Walter said with a soft yet stern tone “Don’t say those things, get yourself home and just relax okay ? None of what he said is true and don’t ever think otherwise. You call me if he comes around you again”   
Maya nodded as she stood back up “Thank you Walter, it means a lot it does. Have a good rest of your day if you can” she hung up and looked at her mascara tear stained face on her phone screen as she tried her best to wipe what she could off her cheeks and grabbed things to put in her cart crashing into a display as she bent down to pick up the vitamin bottles on the floor feeling a hand touch hers  
 “Here I’ll help you” Marcel grins as he picks some up “happens to me all the-...Maya ? W-why are your eyes so red ?” he asked gently “are you alright ?”   
Of course, of course it was Marcel of all people she runs into after crying her eyes out in the snack aisle of a CVS. This day just possible couldn’t get any worse than it already was.   
“Just a crap day is all” she muttered as she got up
“I’m sorry you’re having a bad day, is there anything I can do to help you ? I know our encounter that time wasn’t the best but I’ll do whatever you need me to do” he said genuinely “Oh….this is serious, you have sour patch kids AND peanut M&M’s in your cart” Marcel chuckled trying his best to lighten the mood, giving a warm smile as he heard her laugh  
 “Yeah...I guess you could say that” Maya gave a soft laugh “I um I gotta go, I’ll see you around though. Have a good day”   
“Wait…” he held her cart with his hand “Dinner, if you want. Dinner you and me tomorrow ?” he gulped nervously   
“Okay” she nodded “but I don’t wanna go out anywhere, you can come by my apartment” she takes out her phone as she watched him put in his information “and don’t think there’s gonna be any funny business alright ? Or I’ll drag you by your big ass dumbo ears right out”   
“Absolutely no funny business” Marcel nodded quickly “I’ll see you then Maya….bear” he grinned softly using the old pet name he had for her as he left
She laughed genuinely for the first time in what seemed like forever as she noticed he put in his name on her phone as “große Ohren”, big ears.   
“Of course he’d do that” she chuckled as she paid and drove back to her apartment and went up to her gate seeing her security guard rush to her and take her inside though the back door   
“Gabriel, what’s that about ? Is something going on ?” Maya asked concerned
“Ms. Dawson, there's an irate man outside who won’t take no for an answer and keeps asking for you, can you please confirm for us if you know him from our video footage ?” he asked 
 Tim, it had to be Tim, of course Tim would show up at her and act angry after everything he said to her. Her concerns were confirmed when she saw the footage and shook her head both mortified and angry. Angry he had the balls to show up to her apartment after everything he did and mortified seeing his face and shirt still bloody and his left side of his face bruised and swollen. Walter had sure as hell landed him with a good one.  
 “Tim, get the fuck out” she called sternly through the apartment buzzer at the entrance
“Maya, Maya please please let me talk to you” he stood up quickly as he pressed and spoke back “I-I was so so so wrong and you have no idea how embarrassed I am, I don’t even have words. Please let me explain myself” Tim pleaded desperately “I-I just want to apologize”
“You meant what you said, don’t pull back on it. Own your words Timothy, and by the way eat shit” she said angrily as she hung up and went back to her apartment   
She angrily put her things away as she heard little pebbles hit her window and looked out seeing him sit in a tree “What the fuck are you doing, you’re in a tree ! Get the hell down !”
“You won’t answer my calls or texts” he said back as he panted clearly exhausted
  “Oh I didn’t ? Welcome to my world for the last 3 months asswipe” she snapped back as she opened her window   
“I’m an idiot, a complete fucking idiot Maya. You didn’t deserve an ounce of what I did, I can’t even explain how sorry I am. I said things that were extremely unacceptable and so out of my character, I am so embarrassed and full of regret. The second I felt confused by yours and Walters' interaction I should’ve immediately just asked you, hell I could’ve just asked him and instead I acted so immature and I insulted you. I insulted you and I did it on purpose” he admits “I was hurt and I wanted you to feel hurt like I was”   
“I know you did” Maya whispered as she looked down  “and then you really let me have it at the cafe….you meant what you said Timothy”   
“I said it clouded by anger, I let anger takeover me” he said softly “I don’t deserve you forgiving me I don’t but I just want you to know that I’m aware I fucked up big time and I probably won’t ever forgive myself for it because during the time we spent together I felt….good. I felt like maybe there was a reason we met that night. And I just need you to know that”   
Maya nodded knowing his words were genuine but still feeling immense hurt, and she also knew if she told Walter she’d hear it from him. She took a second to look at him and noticed how sincere his deep brown eyes were, when he was sad he had those big puppy dog eyes and he wasn’t even aware of it yet there she was melting into them. Next thing she noticed was how bruised his face was, he definitely needed some ice and his face cleaned.
“Why are you such a pushover” she said to herself lowly as she walked towards the window   
“You’re 6’3 and you’ve got lanky long legs, my window step is maybe 2 feet away from where you’re at, come in” Maya said simply as she crossed her arms “if you don’t fall and hurt yourself that it, would be quite a fall to have since I’m on the 8th floor”  
 Tim nodded as he carefully focused and crossed over into her window, letting out a sigh of relief as she sat on a stool by her kitchen “I fucking hate heights, I hate them more than anything” he panted as she patted his chest
“Yeah well I hate it being insinuated I’m a whore and sleep with wrestlers and being insulted and demeaned before 11 am but I mean here I am you know” Maya nodded as she stood in front of him and gently dabbed away the dry blood from his face as she put her hand on his shoulder for balance “Walter got you real good, love that for me”
Tim swallowed hard as he nodded “Yeah he did, I deserved it though for….that whole scene I created. You can punch me if you want to ? Or hit me with your Louis Vuitton, it looks pretty sturdy”  
Maya did her best to stifle the laugh that so badly wanted to come out and looked in the freezer for an ice pack and put it over his nose “keep this on and off for 20 minutes”  
“Got it thank you, but...um can I have water ?” he asked timidly “I walked all the way from the cafe to here, was about an hour and a half”  
“It’s 20 miles from there to here” Maya turned around, looking him in the eye. “Did-did you walk 20 miles to get here Tim ?”  
“Yeah I did” he nodded “I was across the street at the gym when I spotted you and Walter, I walked over and after all that happened my mind kind of went blank and I forgot I had a car and I really needed to talk to you so I walked, I remembered where you lived. I got here like 4 hours ago and just waited” Maya sighed as she went and got him a glass of water for him and observed as she watched him try his hardest to not chug in one gulp “I’m pissed at you, but I can see you’re exhausted. Would you like to stay for dinner ?” she asked as she looked at him “I promise I’m not gonna poison you” Tim let out a small chuckle “and even if you did I deserve it, but I accept. I’ll help” he stood up  “Get to chopping” she shoved carrots against his chest  “My chance” he said to himself “my chance to redeem myself”
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Deals with the Devil- 14
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Author: Amanda Preston
Summary: A need to fill a void and an encounter to start something new, Elijah and Katya never knew that a simple one night stand would wind up into a love affair filled with family drama and side deals gone wrong.
Deals with the Devil Masterlist  
        “I don’t care if you kick me to the curb and set up my room on Craigslist but I refuse to work with misogynistic, egotistical, piece of Euro-trash that is your shitty, lying, cheating ex-boyfriend Lorenzo St. John.”
        Bonnie is out of breath by the time she’s done with her rant and Katya lets out a sigh at all of the prying eyes around her office that are waiting for her response. 
        “I really ought to rethink this whole open-door policy,” Katya mutters tiredly. “I desperately need my door back.”  
        She looks up at her best friend/editor in chief and lets out a sigh. 
        “Look, I can’t.” 
        “You can’t or you won’t?” 
        “I can’t,” Katya repeats. “Enzo wanted me to be his editor and I have too much on my plate to fall onto his lap and do his bidding all over again. You are the only one I can trust that he won’t try to flirt or friend into getting his way. I need you to do this for me not only as your boss but as your friend.”
        She pauses as she notices Bonnie’s resigned expression. 
        “Mostly as your boss though,” Katya amends. “If HR asks, it’s because I’m your boss.” 
        Bonnie has to let out a laugh at that and the tension in your office is soon relieved. 
        “Fine, fine,” she sighs out. “I’ll do it but you owe me. Big time.” 
        “I’m already planning on doing so,” Katya relent. “A midnight bar crawl or a road trip to wherever you choose. Or maybe…” 
        Katya slides the folder across her desk for Bonnie to take. 
        “What is that?” she asks curiously. 
        “Why don’t you take a look and see for yourself?” 
        Bonnie takes up the folder and looks through the contents. 
        “Oh my God,” she exclaims. “The lit mag got approved!”
        Katya grins at her excitement. 
        “This is your baby, Bonnie,” Katya tells her. “I’m letting you take control here but I have to let you know of one big requirement and I hope you don’t hold it against me.” 
        “Alright,” Bonnie nervously agrees. “What is it?”
        “The publication of MoonLit will have to have its first release at the same time as the MoonStone Online Publishing website.” 
        Bonnie lets out a sigh of relief at hearing this. 
        “That’s fine,” she answers. “I won’t have things done by then anyway.”
        “Perfect,” Kaya responds with a smile. “Now, get to work! We’ve got a lot to do today.” 
        “Ay, ay, chief,” Bonnie states with a mock salute. 
        Katya watches as her best friend practically skips her way out of the office. She leans back into her chair relieved to have that issue out of the way but knowing there were hundreds more like it that she had to filter through. 
        A knock on Katya’s door frame interrupts her again and she finds a shy Davina to be the cause. 
        “I’m sorry to break in on your already busy day,” Davina apologizes as she steps up to Katya’s desk. “But I just got a call from Viking Co.” 
        “What did they want?” Katya asks in alarm. 
        She wasn’t sure if the acceleration of her heart was one out of panic or excitement. Katya hadn’t heard from Elijah since their outing on Sunday. She had expected some sort of text or maybe a sudden appearance to her office but he hadn’t done any of those things. Just pure radio silence. 
        “They were hoping to have a follow-up meeting over the online publishing project,” Davina summarizes. “I know it’s late notice, but they set it for this Friday at 5.”  
        “Alright,” Katya mutters anxiously. “That’s quite soon. We need to have something… anything ready for them then. I… crap.” 
        Katya rolls her chair out of her desk and starts to motion for Davina to follow her. 
        “Get Josh into the conference room,” Katya orders. “We’ve gotta bulldoze through two weeks of work in hopefully one day.” 
        Davina’s eyes widen at her statement but does as she’s told watching as Katya stormed into the conference room and began to write an outline on the dry erase wall. 
        Katya fidgets with the hem of her skirt unable to stop herself from doing so. She had everything prepared for this impromptu meeting but she couldn’t stop herself from being nervous. 
        “You’ll be fine,” Bonnie assured her as she stopped by her office before she left. “You put your heart, mind, and soul into this and it's perfect.” 
        Katya just smiled nervously. 
        “Unless you’re nervous because of something new altogether,” Bonnie pinpoints. “You never did tell me about that Sunday meeting that took all day.” 
        “It was nothing.” 
        “If you say so,” Bonnie shrugs with a grin. “I guess if all fails, you can always sleep with the gentleman Elijah and hope to appease his mind that way.” 
        Katya had immediately shunned Bonnie out of her office at that comment and had tried to keep her mind clear of any sexual thoughts revolving around her boss.
        It was hard to prevent her mind from straying towards that direction but Katya focused on her work. Her hard and great work. 
        She wasn’t someone who sought praise in everything she did, but Katya wanted Elijah to appreciate the work that she and her team had done in the few days they’ve had. It wasn’t perfect, but the potential it had was driving Katya fully. 
        Katya wanted to prove to Elijah that his investment in MoonStone, that his investment in her, was not a mistake. MoonStone under her leadership has true potential and she wanted Elijah to see what the future held for it. 
        With one deep breath, Katya makes her way to Gia’s desk who is quick to motion her towards the conference room. 
        “He’s ready for you.” 
        Katya thanks Gia before making her way into the conference room. She smiles at the sight of Elijah who immediately stands up from his seat to greet her. Except that smile fades away at the serious expression he held on his face that hid all emotions from her. 
        She keeps up the smile though as she realizes there’s someone else in the room. 
        “Good evening, Mr. Mikaelson and...?”
        Elijah was too slow to make the introduction as Kol is quick to rise from his seat and offer out his hand to Katya. 
        “The younger and more handsome Mr. Mikaelson,” Kol responds with a kiss on her hand. “Charmed, I’m sure?” 
        Katya has to fight back the laugh on the back of her throat as she glances over at Elijah for confirmation as to what has just occurred. Elijah looks as if he’s in physical pain which is the most emotion she’s seen in him since she’s come in. 
        “I apologize for the behavior of my younger brother, Kol,” he explains. “He will be shadowing me for the time being. I hope you don’t mind.”
        “Not at all,” Katya answers as she pulls her hand away from Kol’s hold. “Shall I begin then?” 
        Katya looks between the Mikaelson brothers confused at the responses. Elijah pinches the bridge of his nose while Kol just continues to grin.
        “Isn’t it proper to have some polite conversation instead of jumping straight into business?” Kol offers up. “Like how’s your day going? How have you been? Etcetera, etcetera.” 
        “My day’s been fine and I’ve been great,” Katya answers as she slides her presentation to the both of them. She was relieved to have made an extra copy now but that ease was quickly turned into turmoil by the chaotic intruder in the meeting. “I’m assuming things have been good for both of you?” 
        Once again the conflict of their responses do nothing to ease the tension in the room. Elijah simply lets out a sigh and nods for Katya to begin her presentation which she does. 
        “...We’ve got an approximate timeline to launch online MoonStone by early May. My team will be focusing on this solely while my Editor in Chief will have MoonLit magazine ready to launch on the same date as well. As you can see from the budget…” 
        “That’s quite low,” Elijah interrupts. “Are these numbers right?” 
        “Yes,” Katya answers with a small smile. “It’s also just an estimate but I’m confident that we will either reach or be below that budget.” 
        Elijah skims down the spreadsheet and pinpoints the problem. 
        “Your team consists of two?” 
        “Aside from me and some advice from my lawyer Mr. Gerard, yes.” 
        “That’s quite small for the amount of work that is required.” 
        “I know what needs to be done and I know that my team of two can easily do it all.” 
        “Well I beg to differ.” 
        Katya has to refrain from getting defensive. It was such a minor detail in her presentation. 
        “I know what my team and I are capable of…” 
        “Your timeline is a hopeful estimate at best. It would be wise for the sake of keeping the deadline to increase your team. I’ll approve of the new budget once you get those new numbers calculated.” 
        “That’s great but I’m not going to hire more people.” 
        Elijah looks up at her and Katya has to remain calm at the new demeanor he held at the moment. 
        “Excuse me?” 
        “I know I have you backing me financially but the finances are not the issue here. My team is capable of doing the work and to make that deadline.” 
        “More work means more people are required. At least to lighten your load.” 
        “I can’t argue with your logic there,” Katya responds. “But I am no better than my employees just because I’m the boss. I can do the work so I will do it. There is no need for me to expand my team. We’re fine as is.” 
        “You have a company to run. You can’t be spreading yourself thin.” 
        “I am not,” Katya argues. “I know what I’m capable of.” 
        “I don’t think you do.” 
        Katya can’t hold herself back this time. The hitch in her breath at his statement was the only response she could make. 
        “As entertaining as this is, I’m getting hungry.” 
        Elijah and Katya turn to Kol in surprise. Amidst their argument, they had forgotten his presence. 
        “You don’t trust her and she is hurt by it,” Kol continues. “So in order to remedy the situation and wrap this up so I may take myself out to dinner, how about we come up with a solution to this menial problem?”
        “What do you suggest we do?” Katya asks the younger Mikaelson.
        Kol smiles at the question and leans forward in his seat.
        “Middle ground,” Kol suggests. “My brother thinks you need more help and you don’t. Hence, I come into play.” 
        “Kol, enough.” 
        Kol ignores his elder brother and continues with his explanation to Katya.
        “I have no experience whatsoever in the publishing realm so I will be no aid to you which is what you want. What I can do though is keep an eye on you and your team and if you are to fail… spread yourself too thin or miss certain deadlines then I will report to my brother which then he will be forced to expand your team. A win-win and a lose-lose situation.” 
        “I’m not going to allow you to…” 
        “I’m in.” 
        Elijah turns to Katya with a mix of surprise and betrayal. 
        “Katya, you don’t understand…” 
        “It’s business hours, Mr. Mikaelson, you are to address me as Ms. Fontaine,” Katya corrects him as she shuts her portfolio closed. “And whatever I don’t understand you may type up into an email and send to me by Monday morning which is when I expect you at work, Mr. Mikaelson Jr.” 
        “Ms. Fontaine…” 
        “This meeting has surpassed the hour scheduled for it,” Katya continues ignoring Elijah’s attempt of mending the situation. “I won’t keep you much longer. We wouldn’t want you to spread yourself thin just because this meeting ran too long.”
        “Katya, please…”
        “If you have any questions or concerns, call my assistant and set up another meeting. Have a good night.” 
        Katya packs up her things and takes her leave without another word. Elijah simply watches her go knowing better than to chase after her while Kol was present. Though, he regretted not doing so anyway.
        “Well I think that went very well considering you insulted her blatantly to her face,” Kol states with a grin. “All of this could be remedied though if you just…”
        “I’m not firing you, Kol,” Elijah interrupts him. “You made a commitment now and you’re going to follow through it.” 
        Elijah leaves the conference room and Kol simply shrugs off the order. 
        “You’ll regret this soon enough, brother. Just wait and see.” 
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dreamer95 · 4 years
Used To Be
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Warnings; Angst, A Little Bit Of Fluff(Maybe) Self-Esteem & swearing. Mental Abuse, Toxic Relationship, Don’t Read If It Might Trigger You.
This Is All Made Up, I Don’t Believe The Boys Would Do Any Of This. Our Boys Are Angels❤️ Remember That Chan Is The Most BEAUTIFUL Human In This World And He Will Never Hurt A Fly.
     You saw it coming, he was not the same anymore. You saw him distant himself from you & as much as you tried to hold on you know that there was no point. He started to act different towards you, he ignored you every time you called or texted him saying he was busy. When you saw him around school, he would walk pass you without glancing at you. But deep down you knew it was about to happened eventually. You knew Chan did not love you anymore, that the feelings for you disappear you were just waiting for him to end it.
     This was not the first time it happened to you; your past boyfriend did the exact same thing. When he was done with you, he threw you away like you meant nothing to him, like your present bother him. It has been two years since that horrible heartbreak & then you met Chan. Little by little you started falling for him, his smile, his laugh, his personality just everything about him. He gave you hope that you needed at the time but if you knew that it was going to end the same why you would have left before it was too late.
     Now you are sitting in the gym, crying your heart out thinking on what you could have done wrong. ‘Why would he stay with someone like me? He is so handsome and nice, he is perfect. I am just average there is nothing special about me. It is my fault for thinking this time it would be different. He deserves someone better than me’ you thought. You heard the bell ring which meant it was time for class. Before you went to your last class you stop at the bathroom and cleaned yourself up. Your last class was with Chan and his friends and you did not want to look like a wreck.
     You walked into class and sat in the front, while Chan and his friends sat at the back. You felt your phone vibrate it was a text from Chan.
     Channie💛: Can we talk after school? Meet me at the table by the tree outside the building.
     You felt your heart drop because you knew what was happening. You knew he was going to break up with you. You started to mentally prepare yourself.
(Y/N): Sure.
     Time went by fast before you know you were walking towards the table. You saw Chan and his friends but as soon as they saw you Chan got up walked towards and you guys made you way towards the tree. His friends just started but look away to give you guys some privacy.
     You played with your fingers while looking down at the grass. You were scared to look at Chan because you knew you would break down. You heard him sigh.
     “Listen (y/n), umm I don’t know how to say this but umm I think we should break up.” Chan started making your heart break more. “I just don’t feel the same way anymore & I don’t want to hurt you more than I already have. I’m sorry it ended like this but it’s for the best.” Chan finally said. You looked up at him & gave him a weak smile. You knew it was coming so you were somewhat prepared.
     “I understand. I am sorry I was not enough for you. But I saw it coming.” You told him. Chan looked at you confused, “What do you mean?” “I mean it’s my fault Chan. You are this perfect wonderful guy and I am just me. There is nothing special about me, I knew that sooner or later it was going happen. I just wish it happen before I fell in love you.”
     “Wait no, that’s not wh-” you caught him off before he could explain. “It’s okay, you’re not the first someone to leave me” you gave a small chuckle. “It’s okay, I understand I hope you find someone that makes you happy” with those last words you left feeling a bit proud that you did not cry at least not in front of him. You walked by his friends and they were giving you pity looks. That was the last thing you wanted because you knew once everybody found out that is how they were going to look at you.
     You made it home and broke down. ‘I should have known this was going to happen. I’m so stupid to think this time was different. That a guy like him would like a someone like me. I couldn’t even keep my first boyfriend, why would Chan be different.’ You kept thinking, your mind would only think about Chan and everything about him.
     Days passed and you decided to go back to school. Finals were coming up and you could not miss anymore school. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you could not recognize the person staring back. You had bags under your eyes, you look skinner and pale. You didn’t care, you left to school trying to figure how avoid Chan and his friends. You got to school, and you kept your head down walking towards your locker, but you could feel the stares and hear the whispers. You tried your best to ignore it, that was until you walked passed Chan and his friends. The scene in front of you broke more than you could imagine. He had another girl in his arms, looking at her with love the same look he would give you. You put your head down and walk faster but you heard Woojin call him and point to you.
     You ran into the bathroom and locked yourself in there. ‘It’s only been a few days and he already has someone else. She is so beautiful no wonder he left me. He had found someone better than me & I was holding him back. This isn’t some love story where he would fight to win me back. It’s only been three days and he has someone else’ you cried. The bell rang and you cleaned yourself up and went to class. Every class was a drag, but you were surprise on how well you were doing. Nobody really talks to you, you didn’t have that many friends and you the few friends you had haven’t really check up on you. During lunch, you decided to go the library to study hope the last bell won’t ring.
     You didn’t want to go to the last class because Chan was in there and the last thing you want is to see him. The bell rang and you took a deep breath and walk to class. You sat in your chair and waited for class to start. As soon as Chan and his friends walked in everybody in class walking in making the class get quiet and look at you guys. You put your head down and started to pull your stuff out. Chan walked to his seat and acted like nothing happened.
     Soon the professor came and started teaching, you payed attention to everything he said and wrote down notes. 20 mins before the bell ran the professor gave you guys some study time and left the room. You were in your own little world trying to study when you felt the chair next you being pulled and someone sat down. Your first thought was Chan but you were more surprise when you saw your ex-boyfriend Michael. You gave him a confused look and he just smirked at you.
     “Do you need something?” You ask in a quiet voice and this point. You saw that everybody was staring at you, including Chan and his friends. “No, I just wanted to ask you if you were okay?” He asked you. You look puzzled, but before you can answer he cut you off. “Haha who am I kidding you look like shit. I’m sorry but come on (y/n) you should have seen that coming. Chan will never love a girl like you if I didn’t want you why would he?” He said loud enough for everybody to hear. All you could do is look down and clench your pencil. You hated him; how could he embarrass you like that in front of the class. “He didn’t even care about you, he already has another girl and forgot about you like the trash you are haha” at this point you were crying but what he said next made your heart into dust. “If you were good enough maybe we would have kept you.” You got up so quick and left that you didn’t see Chan behind you ready to punch your ex.
     Chan saw you run out crying but decided against running after you. He had to take care of your ex first. “What the fuck is your problem man!” He said while grabbing him by his shirt. Woojin and Mihno tried holding him back but it was useless. Chan was pissed that he would talk to you like that. “Oh, come on chan. Don’t try to act like the hero here because you left her just like I did. You threw her away and found someone new. Or am I wrong” he said while smirk. Chan punched him in the face and walk out followed by his friends.
     You ran all the way home & locked yourself. Turn off your phone and just cried & cried. You couldn’t believe this was happening you felt so worthless, unwanted and you don’t even know what you did to Michael to have him hate you so much. You wanted Chan, you wanted him to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay that he loved you and nothing else matter. You want his kiss, his touch just everything. But you knew that he wasn’t your anymore.
Should I make a part 2?🦋
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Jim’s Best Friend
Part Twenty Four: A Severe Attitudinal Problem
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Word Count: 3.6K+
Author’s Note: Agh! Sorry! My week has been hectic and I just haven’t had the chance to sit down and write properly. But, I have finally produced something with this chapter that I wanted to share, and I quite like it. So I hope you enjoy. 
Warning: discussion of past abuse (briefly. We bring up Brian again, remember that asshole?)
For previous chapters, click here.
June, 2008.
"DID I STUTTER?" Stanley asked in a raised voice, his question directed to Michael. Your boss had messed up, you knew it: no-one bothers Stanley enough to get him shouting, but Michael interrupted his crossword. The entire conference room fell silent in the wake of Stanley's address, Jim glancing over at you, his hand sat comfortably on your thigh, drawing little circles. A few minutes ago, he was winding you up, having you thinking that he would propose in the middle of a meeting. And however much your boyfriend's teasing would border on anxiety-invoking, it was so much better than the sheer silence around you now, and the look of shock on Michael's face. The same face that had been submerged in cement earlier that morning... What fun times you let fly by you...
"Good... This is good." Michael said quickly, turning away from his paper chart board with the word 'Energise' scrawled over it, now facing the door. "I'm going to get myself a glass of water." He exited quickly, leaving his employees to their own devices, and you knew he had gone into the storage closet to cry. Michael did it a lot.
You were the first to move after a minute or so of Michael disappearing, the phone at reception beginning to ring and seemingly shaking the rest of your office from their stupor. You squeezed Jim's hand before rushing out the conference room to answer the phone, taking a seat at your desk with a happy sigh as you tried to bring back your cheery tone of voice.
"Dunder Mifflin, this is Y/N." You answered, smiling as the rest of the team exited and returned to their desks, sending a wink Jim's way. You listened for a moment, hearing heavy breaths on the other end of the phone, causing you to frown a little. "Hello?" You asked.
"Sorry, who am I calling?" The voice on the other end was male, gruff, and you cleared the lump from your throat when replying.
"That's alright sir. This is Y/N Y/L/N, at the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch. Is there anything I can help you with today? Have you dialled the wrong nu-" Before you could finish your second question, the caller hung up, and you let out a note of confusion as you set down the phone. You spun in your chair, quickly gathering some files for Toby, and getting up from your desk, Jim grabbing your hand as you walked past.
"Y/N..." He said seriously, reaching into his pocket and causing your breath to hitch. The reaction made him grin, and you knew he had got you again. "I propose that you tell me who was on the phone." He suggested with a cheeky smile, and you hit his arm lightly, his other hand retrieving a pack of gum from his pocket.
"Some old guy, I think he called the wrong number." You said with a shrug, taking one of the fruit gum strips and unwrapping it. You popped it into your mouth quickly, Jim following suit.
"You know, it might be your stalker." Dwight interrupted, not looking up from his computer, causing you and Jim to look over at him. you almost choked on your gum.
"Run that by us again, Dwight." Jim asked quickly, tilting his head to make sure he heard his co-worker right the second time.
"Y/N's stalker." Dwight restated, and your eyes went wide. Since when had you had a stalker, and since when did Dwight know?
"Dwight, you really need to expand on this on, buddy." you said quickly, a little off-guard. Dwight looked over at you, rolled his eyes dramatically, and turned his chair away from his computer.
"There's a man, who hangs around the building sometimes. Especially in the last couple of weeks. He watches the cars come and go, I saw him last week watching you leave." Dwight said nonchalantly, and Jim looked up at your shocked expression which matched your own.
"Why wouldn't you tell me this, Dwight?" You snapped, your heart beating a little faster in your chest. the subject of your anger shrugged.
"It's not my fault you aren't observant."
"I'm... This is a prank right, Dwight? You're getting back at Jim for last week by pranking me?" You let out a nervous laugh. "Good one!" Before either of the men could refute what you were suggesting, you tapped on the papers in your hand. "I need to get these to Toby. Excuse me." You were quick to hustle your way to Toby's desk in the annex, shaking Dwight's prank from your mind. It had to be a joke, right? Scranton isn't the place you have a stalker. It just isn't.
Unless Brian was back, then you had a whole other problem and a restraining order to keep him away.
"Oh, thanks Y/N. I was just about to ask for these." Toby said with a weak smile as you handed over the stack of paper, and you returned the facial expression. He went on to ask how your day was going as Michael walked past the pair of you, a tub of ice cream in hand as he shuffled back to his office from, now confirmed, the storage closet.
"You know, might be an idea for you to talk with him about the whole Stanley thing..." You suggested, and Toby sighed, responding with a nod. You weren't sure what was meant to happen when an employee shouted at their boss, but Michael needed to at least talk about it. You gave him a final smile, quickly poking your head over the separator to ask Kelly if she wanted a coffee. When she politely declined, you headed back to the kitchen,dumping the gum in the trash, making yourself and Jim up some coffee, Angela and Andy sat at the kitchen table playing some sort of madlib on thier break.
In all honesty, you were surprised they were still together, but glad it seemed to be working out. Even Dwight seemed to be moving on, what with the photo Michael shared the other week of Dwight swapping saliva with a six foot two college athlete in New York.
"Hey, you guys." you got their attention with a quick smile, the pair looking up form their rather tame madlib. "Sorry, I just had to ask... Has there been a guy hanging round the office? Brian, maybe?" The final question was directed more towards Angela, who seemed to see how anxious you were about it. She stood up and walked over, placing a hand on your arm before helping herself to a bottle of water from the fridge.
"I haven't seen Brian in over a year, Y/N. Probably more. If any of us saw him, we would let you know." Angela assured you, and you felt yourself relax a little. Despite the on-off friendship you shared with the small blonde, when you finally had to ask Pam, Oscar and Jim to testify at your court proceedings for your restraining order against your ex, you made it clear to the office that Brian was not a good man. You didn't go into much detail, but everyone got the jist, and since then he had been put on a banned list for the business park.
"Thank you... Dwight must have been joking." You explained, topping yourself up on sugar and creamer before heading back out to your desk, setting a cup of coffee on Jim's as you went. You sat yourself down, taking a sip of your own beverage as the phone rang. "Dunder Mifflin, this is Y/N." you said quickly.
"I propose that you are the best girlfriend ever." Jim said over the phone, and you looked over, rolling your eyes at him. "Thank you for my coffee."
"You are very welcome, Mr Halpert. Now get off my line, I have clients to transfer and voicemails to answer." You couldn't help but giggle as you spoke. The pair of you put down your phones, you continuing about your business answering emails and calls, catching Toby heading into Michael's office and closing the door behind him.
As morning turned to afternoon, and Michael's attempts at denying Stanley's outburst at the morning meeting became even more futile, oyu had the displeasure of welcoming Ryan into the office, the scrawny temp having done his best to ful full douchebag with his permanent stubble beard and blinding white shirt. He walked past you without a second glance, throwing his coat onto your desk as he typed away at his blackberry.
"How's my favourite branch doing?" He asked, a habit he had gotten into when visiting his old workplace, before heading straight into the conference room with Tboy at his heels.
You looked at his coat in disgust, using a pencil to scoop it up an throw it onto the coat rack haphazardly, earning a chuckle from your approaching boyfriend.  He leaned onto your desk as you wheeled back to your usual position, smiling up at him.
"Were you about to go for more coffee?" You asked, running a finger along his exposed forearm. "Because I propose that you get me a fresh cup." You teased him, switching his game on its head, and getting an impressed look from your boyfriend.
"Touché." Jim said simply, giving your hand a quick kiss before grabbing your mug, along with his own and heading for the kitchen. You watched him in your peripheral, enjoying the view of your extremely good-looking boyfriend fetching you coffee, but tried to stay focused on the email you were drafting to send to corporate. You were doing it so Stanley didn't have to, trying to keep on the older employee's good side. It seemed to have worked, he smiled across the room at you as you sent the draft his way, getting a nod of approval.
Jim, on his way back to deliver your coffee, was stopped as he passed the conference room door, called in by Ryan.
"Hey Jim! Come here for a second!" Ryan called him in, and Jim gave you a quick shrug before heading into the room, a coffee mug in each hand. "Can you answer me something as, as a true Eagles fan?"
"Oh boy..." Jim sighed, a smile appearing on his face.
"How do you live with a franchise this bad?" Ryan asked, and Jim let out a chuckle, one you could hear from your desk when you listened hard enough.
"On a wing and a prayer mostly." Jim responded, sharing a quick smile with Toby.
"All right, whatever you say. Uh, listen. While I have you here with Toby, I need to give you a formal warning about your job performance."
"A formal warning?" Jim let out a nervous chuckle.
"It's actually not a joke." Ryan cut him off, dead serious. "I know how you spend your time here. And I know how little you care about your job. And, honestly, if spent as much time selling as you do goofing around with Dwight and hanging out a reception with your girlfriend, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"I'm sorry..." Jim was shocked, to say the least. "Is this because I talked to Wallace about your website? Because I really didn't mean to go over your head." Jim asked. He had been against the idea from the beginning, a voiced his concerns about Ryan's twisted version of your website idea with David Wallace at Christmas time. Ryan, undoubtedly, hated Jim for a number of reasons, and Jim did not liked Ryan. The problem was, one of them was in a position of power now, and it wasn't your boyfriend.
"This has nothing to do with that, all right? I always appreciate constructive criticism about my job performance. I thrive on it." Ryan said decidedly, leaving Jim a little lost.
"I'm sorry, then do you mind explaining a little better?" Jim asked, looking down at the mugs of coffee in his hands, starting to go cold. "Because I'm not sure what's really-"
"Woah, don't get all defensive, all right?" Ryan cut him off, holding his hands up in faux surrender. "It's just a warning. If you want the details, Toby can provide.you take it easy, all right? Say hi to Y/N for me." Ryan dismissed Jim with that line, the lanky shaggy-haired man walking out with a face displaying puzzlement as he walked over to you, setting your cooling coffee on your desk. You took a sip, trying your best to hide a grimace as you drank the too cold to drink coffee, and glanced back at Jim.
"Everything ok?" You asked him as he took a sip of his own coffee. He frowned as he swallowed.
"Just talking about bureaucratic stuff. Let me make us some fresh cups." He said softly, taking your mug back and heading to the kitchen, not saying another word on the subject. You kne he would talk to you in time, he always did, so you let it go, continuing to type away on your computer. When Jim returned a few minutes later, he dropped off your coffee with only a smile, heading back to his desk to start making calls. You hadn't seen him so focused at work in months.
It was coming on half four when Michael finally emerged from his office, conveniently the second Stanley left for the bathroom. Ryan had only dropped in for an hour or so, taking time to pull in a few employees about HR problems, corporate benefit changes, the boring bureaucraatic stuff Jim had told you about earlier. Luckily, he was gone by the time you had come back from your lunch break, and you had enjoyed the more relaxed afternoon.
That was, until Michael decided to ruin it.
"Ok, everbody, shh. Listen up." Michael stage whispered as he entered the main office. "Earlier today, Stanley sassed me. And Toby gave me some suggestions on how to discipline him. They did not work, obviously, because they were stupid. So I am now going to fake fire him." Michael explained, and you raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Michael, what does that mean?" You asked, looking up as you sent an email away. You loved your boss, you really did, but sometimes he was so, so stupid.
"It's like a mock execution."
"That's not a good idea." Jim injected, inhaling sharply.
"Yes it is a good idea." Michael defended. "It's the only possible solution I have left."
"Well, you can actually fire him." Toby suggested.
"No! Ok, I've had enough of you." Michael scolded Toby, who just sighed.
"Why are you telling us this?" Oscar asked, voicing the question you were all thinking.
"Because I want you to behave like I'm actually firing him, Oscar, ok?"
"Michael, if you hadn't told us this, we would have thought that you were actually firing him." Kevin chimed in, and Michael seemed to get even more distressed.
"I'm not firing him! I'm not! I just- what I'm going to do is I'm going to pretend that I'm firing him. And I need you to act like I am firing him. Do you get that? Do you get it? I'm teaching him a lesson." As Michael spoke, you watched Dwight, who nodded along with every word the boss said like it was gospel. "He needs to learn humility. All right? that's all I'm-" The creaking bathroom door set Michael on alert, his eyes darting around as Stanley exited the bathroom. "Ok, here he comes. Let's just play act." As Stanley walked back into the room, Michael composed himself. "Stanley, may I talk to you for a second?" Michael asked, the older gentleman sighing and walking round to stand face to face with Michael. "Stanley Hudson, you are fired."
"Are you serious?" Stanley asked quietly, looking around the room. You instinctively averted your eyes, glancing back down at your computer.
"I am serious. We are all serious. You are fired like a heart attack." Michael had his arms folded over his chest, doing his best not to break.
"You're firing me over three words?" Stanley clarified, and when Michael nodded, Stanley took a deep breath. "Have you lost your mind? Do you think I'm going to let you do this to me? I've watched you screw up this office for ten years, and I'm filing a lawsuit, and I'm going to tell them about every stupid thing you've  ever done up in this office." Stanley said with confidence that only came with honesty, and you shared a look with Jim.
"Alright, ok. You know what? Now you know how I feel." Michael took his turn to speak, holding out a hand as he spoke, managing the distance between him and the disgurntled employee. "This was a fake firing. Lesson learned. Good work everybody. Very nice." Michael sent a thumbs up your way, and you just sat your head in your hands.
"So I'm not fired?" Stanley was beyond confused, and getting angrier by the second.
"That's it." Michael nodded. "And do you have anything to say to me?"
"Ooh, yes.. I do" Stanley almost growled the words, before taking a deep breath. Everybody in the office mentally prepared for Stanley raising his voice for the second time that day. "You are out of your damn little pea-sized mind. What is wrong with you? Do you have any sense? At all? Do you have any idea how to run an office? Everyday you do something stupider than you did the day before! And I think there's no possible way he can top that! But what do you do? You find a way, damn it, to top it! You are a professional idiot!"
"HEY! Stop it!" Michael yelled back, causing Stanley to go silent, the two men facing off. Michael took a breath, and you saw his eyes were red and watery, sending a pang of pit to your heart. "Ok, everybody out. Everyone except Stanley." Michael ordered, the office quickly clearing, Jim taking your hand to lead you out the door quickly. Neither of you needed to see what happened next, no-one in the office did, so you all filed into the elevator for the parking lot.
Stood out in the parking lot as Stanley and Michael discussed upstairs, you looked up at Jim, who, like so many others in the office, had been smart enough to leave with his bag and coat, the latter draped over your shoulders to block out the chill that came with the approaching night.
"Y/N, will you do me the honour..." Jim started, leaning onto one knee, causing you to gasp and glance around. Most of the office had gone home, the few stragglers stood by cars while you waited at the door. Jim looked up as you inhaled the air, his hands tying his shoe and his lips forming into a wide grin. "Of coming over to my place for pizza tonight?"
"You bastard." You muttered, kicking him lightly in the foot, more of a tap than anything. Your cheeks were flushed red, you heart just slowing down. "You can't keep this up, Halpert." You said with a small smile, and as he stood up his lips connected with yours. It was soft, delicate, but you melted into him, eyes fluttering closed. Everytime he kissed you, it felt like you were getting a taste of heaven.
"You want to head now?" He asked. Almost everyone else had headed home, Dwight being the only person waiting until it struck exactly five o'clock. You shook your head.
"I left my stuff upstairs, I'll be at yours within the hour?" You promised, and Jim kissed you once more, shorter this time, before heading to his car. As he pulled out, Stanley walked out the door past you, smiling quickly at you as he walked to his own car, and you took it as a cur to head back inside and pick up your stuff.
When you got into the office, Michael was leaving, the pair of you sharing a quick smile, wishing the other a good weekend. Michael seemed more excited than normal, no doubt having a date the next day. Ever since he and Jan had broke up, the man was just happier. It only took you a few minutes to gather your things, sitting down to send the last few emails of the day before closing up the office for the night. You had been in the office no more than thirty minutes, but the sky was already dark, no doubt in part because of the fog that seemed to have settled.
You took the stairs down to the ground floor, notcing Hank had left early, though you couldn't blame him. Driving in the fog was going to be a nightmare. The parking lot lights helped a little, and you rummaged through your bag as you exited the building, looking for your car keys. Quickly grabbing them, you unlocked your car and headed over, putting your stuff in the back seat.
A sudden rustle of the hedge leaves cause your eyes to snap towards the sound. Was your mind playing tricks on you? There was no-one there, no-one left in the building. You shook it off, opening your phone and dialling Jim's number, hoping to offer to collect the pizza on your way back, but it went straight to voicemail, Jim no doubt on the phone to the restaurant at that very moment.
Another rustle, followed by the snapping of a twig, caused you to tense up. Insinctively, you slide your keys through your fingers, this time entering 911 on your keypad as you walked round your car to the driver's door. You knew how horror movies played out, and you weren't going to be a victim.
In the few seconds it took to shift your attention to unlocking your door, you looked up at a shadowy figure. Your heart seemed to stop for a moment before speeding up, fear taking over. Surely Brian knew what would happen if he tried anything?
"Look, Dwight, it isn't funny!" You said, a small part of you hoping this was all just some elaborate prank. But the figure kept moving towards you, and you stumbled back, rushing round your car door, planting one foot in the car before the figure finally spoke up, in turn entering the light given by the street lamp above you.
"Hey, kiddo." The voice was gruff, familiar, for more than one reason. The man in question had his hand shoved deep in his jacket pockets, with polished shoes and a jacket and suit that looked more expensive than your used car. In fact, he looked more expensive than anything you had imagined. Photos of him from years before had him as overwight, with no grooming tendencies whatsoever, a proclivity for beer. This wasn't the same man, but those eyes were your own, and the pit in your stomach opened wide.
Tags: @imsuperawkward​ @poppirocks @rosie2801 @onceuponahuntersrealm @aziggya @suitelifeofafangirl @legendaryoafhairdozonk @dxbriksx @retrodrummers @sugar-snap @art-flirt @biwwie-iwish​ @im-a-writer-right​ @hiyaitssans​
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