#my own thoughts
I am truly a giggler. A laugher. A chuckler. Just somewhere in the background snickering.
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midnight-in-eden · 1 year
One of the little joys of leaving the church? Getting to enjoy my hobbies guilt free.
No more “Is this movie inviting the Spirit into our home?” No more “If you spent as much time reading scriptures as you do reading novels it would be a way better use of your time!” No more “You can play some fun songs on the piano but you should mostly focus on learning hymns, then God will multiply your talent!” No more “You seem to care about this collection a lot, it’s not becoming a false idol to you is it?” No more internalizing all those critical thoughts until I can’t even enjoy those hobbies when I’m alone.
Now I celebrate the things I love. I don’t feel guilty or like I should be spending my time on more ~righteous~ activities. I know that humans need a variety of hobbies and outlets and I cherish the interests I have that let me experience different facets of life. Everything doesn’t have to have a gospel related purpose. Sometimes I can love a hobby with my whole heart just because it’s so fun :)
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davidthephoneguy · 9 days
A little (mostly Dialtown) rant of my own
Ok first of all you all need to calm down, I'm goin on this rant despite not currently being in the dialtown fandom but I was back around when the game first came out. I just feel like I gotta ask you to be calm because I know how agressive people can be online with that shield on anonymity. I also do not hate dialtown or Dogman nor do I blame them for said issues that will be stated.
Dialtown as a whole does pretty obviously have a problem about representation of fem/fem presenting characters especially in the fandom side. As a previous rant stated before most fem characters are either glossed over in favour of male/masc presenting ones, such as with the main dateables. It even extends to side characters which feels rather disheartening. Now I get why its mainly the male/masc presenting ones who get attention, I must highlight the fact that I am a Bi-Ace Transman and I tended to focus on Oliver and Randal over Karen so I was part of the problem on that part. So i get the gender serotonin of drawing them but I hope you can also see how it means that for example, Karen is almost completely overlooked. I would see myself in them because of the shared gender, I really do understand why this has been happening. You are not evil for doing this, that is not what this rant is about in the slightest. Like the previous rant before stated the game doesn't pass the Bechdal test (Which if you are unaware is a media test which requires two fem characters to talk to eachother about anything other then a man, already an extremely low bar to pass) which Dialtown does not pass. It's completely valid to have reservations about that as it is an overall problem with media at large. Media at large is still a white straight cis male dominated space and needs more diversity in all ways. Dialtown as a whole is a good game and has a diverse cast which is wonderful and amazing to see. The only issue is how some are highlighted more then others or demonized in a way that lines up with misogyny (Such as with Mingus' behavior being villainized by the fandom while Stabby and Shooty doing the same thing being ok and lighthearted in the eyes of the fandom which from an outside view just looks like misogyny I am sorry folks. If the only factor in if you like or dislike a characters actions is because they are a woman is misogyny even if they're cis or trans, misogyny is just the word for discrimination in this way) Pointing this out doesn't mean an attack on anyone, pointing out an issue is meant to bring attention to said issue so it can be improved or fixed. The previous person who I have been referencing and paraphrasing here (who I am not going to @ as they don't need more direct harassment) was slightly attacked for having a rant, yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but that does not give either side the right to actively attack the other. Please remain diplomatic.
People are allowed to highlight issues, if we don't then they won't ever get fixed. We're meant to stick together and fix things together, not attack eachother. Thats what people like terfs want us to do, they want us to tear eachother apart so that they get what they want, our destruction. We have to stand together with the things we love. My apologies for how long this ended up being but I just had to get it out of my head. Just my thoughts as a transman/voidrabbit on the topic
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liesmultixxx · 2 months
I’m just thinking about how Luke and Percy mirror each other and yet, the biggest difference between them is that Luke lost sight of who he loved (due to the blind need for vengeance) & Percy didn’t.
And then in the last Olympian, Luke finally regains sight of who’s important to him. He just can’t hurt Annabeth any more than he already has, causing him to sacrifice himself.
He sees now. And maybe- just maybe- the world will be as he’d envisioned it, every demigod finding their place and never feeling abandoned.
Slowly, they’ll make the world theirs. But with love, empathy and understanding, not with hatred, greed and fear.
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I really like how even under pressure like he is during Reality Trip, Danny is smart and it's shown a lot in this episode!
When the Guys In White invade his home, Danny immediately protects himself and his friends by activating the Fenton home security defenses. And he also knows when to pause and let the weapons do the fighting for him (such as on the stairs). Also, he remembers the buttons that he needs to press. Plus where they are hidden too!
And later on in the episode when Danny returns the spaceship to normal, he is on very limited time as he tries to avoid the Fenton jet. He manages to think and work fast as he successfully lands it!
Personally, I think Danny has a great memory and shows how good of a son he is, that he has listened to his family's safety measures.
And does amazingly well under pressure! As is shown time and time again! He’s able to adapt and react really fast, which are great skills!
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r2kisblog · 1 month
Something that needs to be addressed:
I haven't posted many drawings lately, and when I did, it's often simple drawings or sketches. To be honest, I'm keeping a lot to myself, I'm actually drawing quite a lot, but I'm not really in the mood to show everything on socialmedia because,..
..I am learning to draw for myself...
It might sound super strange but I'm realizing how social media has actually ruined my love for drawing.
Imagine constantly trying to draw something that could get a lot of likes, following trends because other artists are doing it too and gives you attention, putting yourself under pressure because you think your followers will leave if you don't post regularly and if you don't post the content they want to see.
Constantly comparing yourself to others to the point that it becomes super toxic and unhealthy for yourself.
As soon you start to focus on specific fandoms and you grow, all of these influences you a lot and you'll come to a point where you feel deeply burnt after every art you finish only for the sake of posting...
And then, you start unintentionally paying attention to the numbers. You constantly check if your post is a hit or not. You become disappointed when it does not reach your expectation. You are finding yourself checking on your phone, checking and checking...And then it becomes at some point a never-ending cycling...
It doesn't matter if it's the likes or the followers. In the end, it becomes an unhealthy obsession and the worst thing about it is,..
..that YOU DON'T REALIZE IT, until your love for your hobby becomes more of an hate and you start question yourself, why are you even doing this. It makes you sick....
..So much that you completely forget why you started painting in the first place. The moment I realized it burnt me, was the moment when I deleted my accounts and took a longer break. I disconnected pretty much with the things that brought me this kind of beeing "burnt." I stopped talking with some people, disconnected myself from social media, and started the process of healing. After a while i made a fresh new account, and while i had the new account i still found myself beeing trapped in the thinking " i need to be seen in social media or else what is the point of having an account " , " i need fast something that interest me hard so i can get into drawing again" " maybe i should enter a very large fandom, maybe this is gonna work for me "...
As soon as i realized the trap was here again, i moved again away from social media. This time, without deleting my Accounts, but rather taking my time trying to figure out what was the reason in the first place that i started to draw a lot, with the intention of improving. Honestly, after many, many months, i am still searching for an answer..and that's fine! It's telling me that i don't need to force myself to like something i am not interested in and giving myself just a lot of time until something truly interest me.
Right now i do not feel the need to post much on social media, the numbers don't do anything to me anymore because i realized in the end these are only numbers...
I see more people using the advantage of AI Tools to fool people for the sake of getting a lot of likes. I also see artists who suddenly trace or heavily refrencing other people art without credit for the sake of likes or to be seen by the people. Honestly, is this really making you happy? That's what I question myself every time I see people do this. 😥
All of this made me think that my long break is truly healing me, and i get my love for art back again. Slowly liking the little drawings i do truly for myself, without thinking if others might like it or not. And taking time finding the answer, what made me start to do art in the first place and what i want to aim. And not forcing myself to draw for fandoms, I truly don't want to do it for the sake of numbers.
If you read this and you might be in a similar situation 🤲..
no matter if you draw, write, or do anything else, your art will always matter because you put your dedication and love to something you truly love. And there will always be people appreciating what you're create but your priority should be always yourself . It is your creation you truly care for that will give you a smile which thousands numbers will not do the same. Never force yourself doing the things you don't fully enjoy.
Always do a break whenever you need it!
( English is not my native language I apologize for mistakes in advance)
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spiritual-nature · 2 months
The old man (the "3d"/old story) is like a bad dream, that shit never happened . You woke up and realized that your sp is laying right next to you, you are a millionaire , you live in your dream house/apartment etc. Right now you are asleep , blissfully unaware of the power you hold but one day you will awake. If not now then tomorrow but you will wake up, just don't keep going to sleep and continuing your nightmare.
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
I’ve always believed in the spiritual world, considering I have had paranormal stuff personally happen to me ever since I was younger, but Sam and Colby unlocked a whole new belief. I don’t understand how someone can’t believe in it, but at the same time, to each their own I guess, but from me, I cannot thank them enough for doing what they do.
I love them both so very much, and I just genuinely hope they’re both doing okay.
What are your thoughts on episode one?
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katewritesss · 3 months
If I'm honest, I know, I'd give it all back
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For a chance to start over
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And rewrite an ending or two
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For the boy that I knew
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Who was reckless just enough, who gets hurt
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But who learns how to toughen up when he's bruised
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And gets used by a woman who can't love.
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I be on my solo dolo.
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midnight-in-eden · 2 years
Letter to Abraham
Dear Abraham,
I wouldn’t have done it,
And that’s all I’m going to say.
I would have screamed
I would have rebelled
I would have chased God away throwing stones at his back
I would never have even thought of hurting my child
I wouldn’t have done it,
And that’s all I’m going to say.
Do you know how many parents have followed your lead?
Setting their gay children,
Their trans children,
Their beautiful innocent children
Down on an altar because you, monster, did it first?
I wouldn’t have done it,
And that’s all I’m going to say.
Why couldn’t you see what an evil it was?
Don’t you know what a parent is for? To love, to protect?
I’d have stood between God and my child like a lioness protecting my lamb from slaughter,
I’d have roared at him for daring even to ask,
I would never have relied on the mercy of an evil thing that demanded child-blood spilt in its honor
I wouldn’t have done it,
And that’s all I’m going to say.
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im-secretly-a-frog · 1 month
Self-love isn't all about treating yourself and going to the spa.
It's also letting yourself cry when you need to.
It's going to therapy.
It's making yourself eat when you know you should but think you can't.
Like any kind of love, it's hard. It's messy and you're going to screw it up. But it's also letting yourself screw up. Forgiving yourself.
That is self-love.
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liesmultixxx · 7 days
Hi🫶🏻 this is peak stream of consciousness writing so beware: cringe ahead (nonetheless I’d be happy if someone read this lol it would mean a lot)
The sky is blue
The grass is green
Still my mind is playing tricks on me
if what I feel and what I see would be less real
Then maybe I’d have a lot less ghosts
roaming around and fighting me
i am so tired, do you know
it takes everything in me to be this strong
I cannot stay, but I cannot go
who the fuck wants to die alone?
I guess I do, It’s all I know
an eternal curse put on to me
thanks to my lovely family
I do love them, I cannot lie
it’s just this feeling i’ve got inside
would someone love me for
who I am, this wretched mess
who am I kidding- of course they won’t
This life is all just for show
wish someone had told me this once before
just let go of your fears and ghosts
they’ll come back sooner or later anyway
no point in driving yourself crazy
wish I could believe this sage
I still choose to put the blame
all on me
it’s kinda sad
i don’t why
i won’t be loved, I won’t be liked
what can I do?
maybe I should just stop
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breelynnxoxoxo · 3 months
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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My Yoda, goodbye
Only a few months ago, our dog passed away with the arrival of spring. It broke my heart because he was a dependable dog, like Yoda. When he was gone, not only the mind, but also time and space were emptied that hardly any weight.
Empty winter coats, vaccination label, a brush, and most difficult of all, food... it was so sudden that it was just after a large bulk purchase. Besides, habit is a terrible thing, and I felt kind of restless, if I didn't feed anyone.
So I decided to give them to the neighbourhood stray cats, including Ginger, who is as fat as Garfield, and Tabby, who is also fat, on the kitchen back porch.
After a while, though, the large amount of dog food they had ran out...I had to keep buying food for them, as they too would be nuisance if I suddenly stopped. At times, when I was washing dishes in the kitchen, I could hear the sound of metal vessels scraping against the concrete ground, etc., and my heart was filled with "Oh, it's come, it's come".
After a while, the sesame seeds-like dots left on the plate began to bother me. It's Aesop's Fables ‘The Fox and the Crane’... it's ‘YOU’! I quietly peeked through the window and saw a huge crow with feathers as shiny as rainbow colours. It was the first time I had ever seen a crow that close up. Its black, round eyes were adorable.
When I started feeding them, it was still cold and snowing, so there must have been a lot of cat tracks around the house, but when...Aha - that's all right, why not? 'Stray cats are fine, crows are not' is a quite 'discrimination'. In the end, I stopped 'feeding' them once and for all, for both our sakes. Crows are extraordinarily clever, they know everything and I personally think they have psychic powers, anyway.
Goodbye my Yoda and thank you!
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それで、台所の裏口で、ガーフィールドのように太ったジンジャーと同じく太ったタビーたち近所のドラ猫たちにあげることにした。 とはいえ、大量にあった犬のエサもしばらくすると、底をつき…急に止められても困るだろうと、エサを買い続けることになってしまった。 
エサをやり始めた時はまだ寒く、雪も降っていたので、家の周りにやたらと猫の足跡があったはずなのに、いつの間に… あ―、ええじゃないか。「野良猫なら良くて、カラスは駄目」なんて、「差別」と同じだ。 結局、 お互いのために「エサやり」はきっぱり止めた。 カラスはことのほか利口だ、何でも知っているし、個人的にわたしは霊力を持っていると思っている。 
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undead-rocker · 19 days
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Apollo this man NOW
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