#Nutrition Diary
vedplanner 1 year
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Struggling to find balance in your health journey? 鈿栵笍馃挭 The 2023-2024 Ultimate Health & Fitness Planner is your answer. Achieve harmony between workouts, nutrition, and self-care with ease on your reMarkable Tablet. Unlock your potential now!
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youngballoontheorist 5 months
To start gym. Journey here is best meal plans.
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Here's a concise gym diet chart:
**Meal 1 (Breakfast):**
- Protein-rich: Eggs, Greek yogurt, or protein smoothie
- Complex carbs: Oatmeal, whole-grain bread
- Healthy fats: Nuts, seeds, or avocado
**Meal 2 (Mid-Morning Snack):**
- Protein: Chicken, tuna, or protein bar
- Carbs: Fruit or whole-grain crackers
**Meal 3 (Lunch):**
- Lean protein: Grilled chicken, turkey, tofu, or fish
- Complex carbs: Brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes
- Veggies: Broccoli, spinach, mixed greens
**Meal 4 (Afternoon Snack):**
- Protein source: Cottage cheese, almonds, or protein shake
- Carbs: Fruit or rice cakes
**Meal 5 (Pre-workout):**
- Protein: Whey protein, yogurt
- Carbs: Banana, whole-grain toast
**Meal 6 (Post-workout):**
- Fast-digesting protein: Whey protein shake
- Fast-absorbing carbs: Rice cakes, white potatoes
**Meal 7 (Dinner):**
- Protein: Lean meat, fish, or plant-based protein
- Healthy fats: Olive oil, nuts
- Veggies: Asparagus, bell peppers, mixed greens
**Additional Tips:**
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Adjust portion sizes based on your individual needs and activity levels.
- Consider nutrient timing around workouts for optimal energy and recovery.
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infpiscutting 1 year
Scrolling through Edblr after mom made my fav meal...
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haruharuz 1 year
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Here鈥檚 this coming weeks meal plan. I spent $150 (for TWO people) so far and still need to get : shrimp, mochi, muffins, nuts, seaweed. Which shouldn鈥檛 be more than another $20-30 but some of it will last another week too! I can substitute the salmon for tilapia if I need :)
This helps a lot with keeping balance. You see a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, but there鈥檚 plenty of fun items too. Next meal plan goal: add more leafy greens and try hot pot!
Here鈥檚 the meal plan list of options written out:
Smoothies, cereal + fruit, pizza bagels
salad, burrito bowl, onigiri, burger + tatoes, leftovers
salmon + rice & asparagus, Onigiri bento, bibimbap, shrimp pasta, diy pizzas
If I can I鈥檓 going to take any leftover ingredients and freeze them/meal prep them for later use!
For reference:
I keep a huge thing (20 pounds) of rice in my house at almost all times.
I already had black beans and a few other ingredients on this list in my home. If you haven鈥檛 already: STOCK UP ON PANTRY STAPLES!
I already had the majority of my stuff for smoothies in my freezer. If you plan on doing smoothies, stock up on frozen fruit (it鈥檚 still just as nutritious and in some cases more) ! You can make smoothie cubes to make the process easier.
Hope this helps !
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t00m4nym4ng0s 8 months
grief of gluttony
as i take another bite i feel myself growing at the second ,
i feel my body demoralizing , more and more ,
i let gluttony consume me ,
just as i consumed it .
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sheshomemade 23 days
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Rainbow trout topped w/ brown anchovy butter served with a roasted asparagus salad over rosemary jasmine rice.
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cali-mp3 2 months
Just so everyone know huge tw for unhealthy eating and so on, I don鈥檛 want anyone to get triggered by me at all. I would appreciate everyone reads this warning before following!
Also not trying to promote any Ed鈥檚 at all!
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outofthehaze 3 months
kinda wanna become one of those nutritionists who help with women鈥檚 issues (like nutrition post menopause, during pregnancy, with hormonal disorders, etc etc) and like find foods and plans that make women feel better.
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soleillady 3 months
Comprei uma saia jeans na shopee (ia ser na shein, mas n achei nada q eu gostasse e q fosse de envio nacional), s贸 q n tinha as medidas, s贸 dizia que tinha do tamanho 34 ao 44, e eu normalmente visto 38/40. Seguindo as dicas dos coment谩rios, pedi 36, se n茫o couber...
To agoniada, quero que a minha coxa fique bem separada logo, q a minha bunda gigantesca diminua, q 贸diooo. Quinta feira vou ficar em casa por algumas horinhas, vou aproveitar e ir na farm谩cia me pesar, que eu tenha perdido pelo menos uns 100g, 茅 melhor do q nada n茅.
Dif铆cil essa vida amigos, mas no fim vale a pena 馃槉馃挐
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dietetary 10 months
Mam dla Ciebie 膰wiczenie na samoakceptacj臋.
Pomy艣l o najbli偶ej Ci osobie. Mog膮 to by膰 rodzice, ale nie tylko. Najwa偶niejsz膮 osob膮 mo偶e by膰 r贸wnie偶 przyjaciel czy druga po艂贸wka. Wyobra藕 j膮 sobie tak dok艂adnie, jakby sta艂a na przeciwko Ciebie. Mo偶esz zamkn膮膰 oczy. Pomy艣l o jej rysach twarzy, postawie, spojrzeniu, sposobie wys艂awiania si臋, aurze, kt贸ra j膮 otacza i energii, jak膮 emanuje. Widzisz j膮 ju偶? Je艣li tak, powiedz na g艂os, za co j膮 lubisz? Dlaczego jest ona dla Ciebie najwa偶niejszym cz艂owiekiem na ca艂ym 艣wiecie? Czym sobie na to zas艂uguje ka偶dego dnia? Poczuciem humoru? Ciep艂em, empati膮? Zrozumieniem i cierpliwo艣ci膮? Wsp贸lnymi pasjami? Je艣li ju偶 wiesz, za co konkretnie kochasz t臋 osob臋, odpowiedz teraz samemu sobie czy wymieni艂e艣 wygl膮d fizyczny? Czy cenisz sobie tego cz艂owieka za jego wag臋 i czy w og贸le ocenia艂e艣/a艣 go za wag臋? Je偶eli nie, dlaczego tak oceniasz siebie? Dlaczego oceniasz siebie przez pryzmat kilogram贸w, skoro nikogo innego z bliskich nie kategoryzujesz ze wzgl臋du na BMI?
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userdoesntexsist 23 days
Heyyyy who wants to be mutes???? I need some friends who are helpful :)))
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wannabethighgap 5 months
12/10/23 relapsed back in the game.
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sunsparks6 1 year
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Chicken And Salad
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pretttbonesxo 8 months
This month鈥檚 choices are next month鈥檚 body
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elemparticles 10 days
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breakfast- 1/4 cup oats, 1/2 cup almond milk, scoop of vanilla protein powder, serving of collagen peptide powder, blackberries, espresso over ice (366 calories)
snack- fruit bowl (117 calories)
lunch- lemon garlic chicken breast, 50/50 spinach/spring mix with low-cal balsamic, sweet potato (387 calories)
snack- nut thins with a light creamy laughing cow wedge (72 calories)
dinner- sriracha/tamari chicken breast, lemon garlic broccoli (231 calories)
late night snack- 1 tbsp peanut butter on keto bread, quarter of a grapefruit, 4 olives, light creamy laughing cow wedge, nut thins (305 calories)
total: 1472 calories
this is what I ate for maintenance/slow muscle building as a 5 foot 3.5 woman who is trying to stay 115 lbs. Did not bike or lift today. 60 oz water daily.
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sheshomemade 26 days
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Tandoori Naan wraps with pickled onions and cucumber salad
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