#I’m honestly shocked anytime someone makes a positive observation about me
wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
No Cause For Alarm
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki blames himself when you get hurt on a mission. Thor is convinced that the only way to ease his guilt is for him to confess his feelings for you, so he and Peter hatch a plan to get Loki to do just that. Warnings: none I think; a little angst but mainly fluff
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki paced in the waiting area of the hospital wing, anxiously awaiting when the doctor would come out with some information on you. His heart was pounding in his chest, living in the moment of the accident. You’d been on a mission together, supposedly just for reconnaissance, but before long you had to engage in combat. Not that you hadn’t been prepared for things to go that way, per se; it was just overwhelming. Naturally, anytime one spends in the field should be trademarked by a preparedness for things to go south. It's just that your intel had been off, or else the enemy agents had been alerted you were coming. There was supposed to be five guys, max, and only two of them there for muscle. Instead, you were met with nearly thirty burly men, all armed with guns. Though you could protect yourself, you were terribly outnumbered. Loki had done his best to protect you against the impossible odds, but he had failed. And now you were hurt.
“How are they?” he asked as soon as the doctor appeared, fear creeping into his voice.
“They’re going to be fine. The left leg is broken,” they replied, showing Loki the x-ray. “It should heal in about two months.”
“With checkups, of course? To make sure it’s healing properly?” Loki questioned, concerned for your recovery, not even realizing how much he was overreacting.
“Yes. And as I’m sure you know, the Tower is fully handicap-accessible, so you don’t need to worry about them getting around.”
“Good. May I go in and see them?”
The doctor gave him the all clear and pointed in the direction of your room. He hesitated a second before knocking on the door, afraid you’d be angry or disappointed with him. Currently, he felt both of those things toward himself, and he certainly deserved that and much worse after what happened to you.
“Come in,” you called, voice muffled by the door.
“Hello,” he said in a soft voice after slowly pushing open the door. “I am certain I am the last person you want to see right now, but I have to tell you how sorry I am.”
“Loki,” you laughed, an amused smile making its way on your face, though you were trying hard to suppress it. “Cut the doom and gloom. I’m fine, it’s just a broken leg. I’ve been through worse.”
“That may very well be, but this is my fault.”
“No, it’s not. Don’t do that to yourself,” you argued, more distressed by his emotional conflict than your physical pain. “This was the fault of those Hydra agents, whose, I might add, asses we absolutely whooped!”
Loki couldn’t understand your upbeat attitude, but it gave him enough courage to go to your bedside rather than lurking by the door. He knelt down next to you and rested his head on the bed. You played with his hair as you waited for him to say that he forgives himself, ready to reassure him again that it wasn’t his fault. The way you were methodically braiding and unbraiding a few locks of his hair helped him focus on calming down.
“I should have protected you,” he whispered, unable to let the notion go.
“But you did protect me, Loki,” you responded gently, cupping his face. “You did.”
“Ok,” he said after a shaky breath. “If that is what you truly believe, then I will drop it.”
Though he relented, you could still see the remorse in his eyes. He knew you didn’t want him tearing himself apart over this, but he couldn’t help it.
“Good,” was all you whispered, not wanting to upset either of you any further.
Loki opened his mouth to say something else to you, but it was drowned out by Thor’s thundering voice as he burst into the room. Peter followed behind him and they were both carrying balloons and other get-well gifts for you.
“Greetings!” Thor boomed. “How are you feeling?”
Loki hurriedly stood up, not wanting to be caught in this intimate moment with you, regardless of the fact that his brother already knew how he felt. He’d done his best to hide it, but the God of Thunder noticed his longing glances sent your way. According to Thor, you felt the same way, but it was just based on observations he made. Without verbal confirmation from you, Loki would never believe it. After all, why would you like him of all people?
“Pretty good, all things considered,” you answered, shifting your position as much as you could.
“Make sure you take it easy, though,” Peter cautioned, knowing how hyper-active you could be. “You don't want to hurt it more.”
“I know, I know. Jeez, you all need to lighten up.”
You continued to talk with your new visitors and Loki snuck away as to avoid the bright atmosphere that clashed with his gloomy one. Thor noticed and followed him out, stopping him in the hall.
“Brother,” he asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, “what is the matter?”
“They will not admit it, but it is my fault that they are injured.”
“I have already read the mission report, and that is not what happened. You are just thinking this way because of your feelings for them.”
“Don’t patronize me, brother,” he said, jerking away. “You were not there. You do not know what happened.”
“Perhaps if you confessed your feelings, this guilt could clear up.”
“Enough, Thor. Please. Leave me alone.”
Loki stalked off to his room to brood in silence. How could everyone else be so flippant toward such a grave matter? Though, he supposed he did do everything in his power to keep you safe. Still, it wasn’t enough. He resolved to make it up to you any way you would allow. Later, he would go back to your room to take care of you, but right now he knew the best thing to do was stay away.
A little over a week later, Loki was still doting on you, though you had almost convinced him that your current predicament was not his fault in the slightest.  To be honest, you were a little overwhelmed by the attention he was giving you and wished he’d ease up a little.
“Honestly, Loki, don’t worry. I can handle it,” you chided when he put his arms out as if to catch you when you’d barely even stumbled. “I have the hang of it.”
“I am sure that you do, but one can never be too careful,” Loki scolded right back.
Both of you glared at each other for a minute before laughing. You knew he meant well, and he was doing his best to relax a little, so you shrugged it off.
“I guess you’re right. And, it’s nice to know that if I do fall, you’ll be there to catch me.”
Then you took the weight off your crutches and tipped toward him. Immediately, his arms shot back out and encompassed your body, pressing you to his strong chest. You relaxed against him as he hugged your frame tightly.
Meanwhile, across the room, Thor was watching the scene with sorrow. He was about ready to punch a wall when you laughed at something his brother whispered in your ear. It frustrated him to no end that Loki would not admit how he truly felt. For the love of all things good, you could not have more obviously returned his affections.
“Mr. Thor, are you ok?” Peter asked, wondering why the blonde god was standing off to the side, clenching his fists and muttering to himself.
“No. Can you keep a secret, spiderchild?”
“Absolutely,” he replied, wide-eyed.
“See, it is about Loki,” Thor whispered, leaning in conspiratorially and nodding toward where he was standing with you. “Look over there. They are in love, but they will not admit it!”
“Well, what if we created a situation that brings them so close together, they have to?”
“An intriguing idea. But what situation would that be?”
Peter started racking his brain, casually leaning back to rest against the wall. The only problem was he misjudged the distance and ended up flailing for something to grab onto as he fell back. Thor went to help him, but moved too late, and Peter somehow managed to pull the fire alarm.
“Spiderchild you’re a genius!” Thor shouted over the blaring siren.
“Oh, yeah. I meant to do that,” Peter said with a nervous laugh.
Knowing there was no real danger, the pair stayed and watched as Loki scooped you up in his arms and took off towards the nearest exit. They followed him down the levels of the Tower, eventually being met with a mob of people trying to flee the building. About halfway down, Loki teleported to safety with you, nervous that there would be too many people to get you out in time. By the time Peter and Thor stepped outside, the alarms had been shut off and Tony was talking to you and Loki.
“Are you sure there’s no danger?” they heard you inquire as they neared the spot where you were standing.
“No fires detected,” F.R.I.D.A.Y responded through the tablet in Tony’s hand.
“No malfunctions either. Someone tripped it manually,” Tony added, pointing at the offending alarm on the system map he was looking at.
Thor and Peter halted their progress toward you, and began to turn around. Not before Loki had spotted them, though.
“Were not the two of you standing by this location?” he asked as everyone else was told it was safe to return to the building.
“Uh, I don’t know,” Peter faked, thinking quick. “That’s kind of a confusing map.”
Thor agreed with Peter and, when it was obvious they weren’t going to say anything else, Loki magicked the group back up to the spot where they had been. After setting you on a chair for a second, he went to retrieve your crutches, which you had abandoned during your escape.
“Oh, this alarm,” Peter said in his best shocked tone. “I guess we may have been in the general vicinity.”
“Yes, it really was very hard to tell on that tablet,” Thor added.
“Honestly tell me, did you guys set it off?” Tony interrogated them, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I need to know for safety reasons.”
“Yes,” they sighed, finally telling the truth.
“But it was by accident,” Peter added. “Kind of.”
“What do you mean ‘kind of’ spiderling?” Loki asked with growing suspicion.
And then Thor realized that the only situation that would make them own up to their feelings was to call them out on it. So, he told the story of how he and Peter were scheming and ended up triggering the alarm. Tony walked away, muttering about how he was the only sane one in the whole Tower. Loki, on the other hand, was partly furious, partly amused. You, however, were mainly just the latter.
“Listen, it’s a sweet gesture, but an unnecessary one,” you told them.
“It is true. You see, I have already confessed my love.”
Peter happily gasped and started clapping his hands while Thor’s jaw dropped. He stood there for a minute before Loki’s words sank in. Once the surprise wore off, he grabbed Loki in a bear-hug, then gave you a considerably gentler one, being mindful of your injury.
“This is wonderful news, brother! But why did you not tell me?” he asked with sad puppy-dog eyes.
“It is a recent development.”
“Yeah. We were going to tell everyone at dinner tomorrow,” you contributed.
“See Mr. Thor, it’s all good. And now we can celebrate.”
“Indeed! We can have a party tonight,” Thor excitedly said, already making preparations in his mind.
“Not so fast, Thor,” Loki interjected. “It is lovely that we are all happy, yes, but you must stop meddling in my personal life.”
Then he scooped you up and swept you away from the room before Thor had the chance to argue. He should have stuck around, though, because there was no one to stop Thor from beginning to plan your wedding.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: the sims 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: settsu banri/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 2.1k words
𝐚𝐧: banri and reader? using the Sims as an excuse to flirt? more likely than you think. been playing Sims 4, and I got a surge of inspiration at like 1 am. also, friends to lovers is one of my faves, goes hand in hand w/ many tropes (fake dating cough cough)
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A laptop with no mouse, you’re such a pro-gamer.” Banri teases you, lifting the blankets slightly to let you settle in beside him. Fixing your position on the bed, you let out a laugh as he yelped from the skin contact.
“Your feet are fucking cold!”
You stick your tongue out at him, before turning on your laptop. “Then don’t make fun of my set-up, e-boy! You’re the one who wanted to game in bed.”
“I was expecting gacha-“
“I have event burnout,” you whine in protest, “I need a break from my eternal suffering, so we’re playing the Sims 4.”
Shuffling closer to you, his thighs now beside yours, he watches you load up an unfinished sim from your gallery. He snickers as he looks at the avatar closely.
“Oh, so we’re making each other then?” Banri asks, noting the various clothes that looked incredibly similar to stuff he actually owns. Clearly, you already got a head start. “My face looks kind of fucked though.”
Giggling, you turn to face him. “Obviously it’s hard to do your gorgeous, one of a kind face justice, have pity on my average sim-making skills.” You joked, observing Banri’s expression for a comeback. Whatever he throws at you, you’ll be prepared to throw back.
“Then I’ll let you look at my face as a reference, for as long as you want,” he replies, the quirk of his lips letting you know he had more to say. “Just like how you’re looking at me right now,” he continues, a little softer this time.
Caught off-guard, you force yourself to turn back to the bright blue screen as Banri’s sim lets out various sounds of Simlish non-sense. Did joining theatre make him even more smooth or something?
And here you thought you could avoid the feelings continuously sprouting in your chest. You supposed inviting the object of your affections over to your place didn’t help your case; with your friend spending more and more time as an actor, you secretly longed for and cherished the time you spent together.
Still, with how he grew and bloomed as a person it was hard not to catch feelings.
With a boyish grin set on his face, he found himself revelling in your cute embarrassment. “Made ya speechless?”
“Something like that,” you said half-heartedly.
You always found him attractive, bowl-cut, dumb animal print and all. Of course, as if you would ever tell him seriously lest his ego gets bigger. Yet when you were looking at a picture of him for reference, your thoughts weren’t ‘yeah my friend is attractive, what a good reference for this sim’.
Instead, it was more along the lines of, ‘I’d like to punch his mouth, with my mouth.’
Slightly concerned by your lacklustre response, Banri looks at your face for a sign of discomfort or anger. Lips slightly pouted, eyebrows somewhat furrowed, and eyes completely focused on the screen.
Wait, what were you doing?
“Yo what are you doing to my face! Stop stretching it out!” You were smiling again, so he wasn’t all that bothered by your petty retaliation really, plus it was nice to know he hadn’t said anything that was out of line with you.
“Fine, fine. I wanna get Banny’s face right.” You say.
Banri opens his mouth, then closes it, then lets out a huff of laughter. “You have a nickname for the sim now?” He was about to say more until one of your hands takes hold of his face.
Settsu Banri was not easily flustered, nor did his face turn red from small, insignificant touches. The tingling feeling rendered within him as your fingers brush against his skin, however, was present no matter how much he denied it.
This weird silence wasn’t really his thing, but if he spoke up now or teased you back, there was a chance you would stop. Why didn’t he want you to stop?
Your index finger traces his jawline, the pad briefly meeting his cheek before sliding upwards to the bridge of his nose. He didn’t close his eyes, but with your intense stare piercing through him, his gaze shifts towards somewhere, anywhere else.
The wall was a nice place to set his eyes on. Not so plain that his thoughts would wander but not so cluttered that he wouldn’t know where to start. There was a time when your room was littered with posters from different shows, games, bands- he could remember it pretty well, having made fun of you for it.
At the present a choice few posters still there, but now there was also the addition of photos of you and other people on the wall. Some were polaroids, others were pictures you printed out yourself and taped on.
From afar, he spots several photos with him in it- when you went thrift shopping together, the cultural festivals you dragged him to and the music festivals he visited with you. A part of him is pleased, smug even, to know that he’s important enough to you have his pictures up there.
He hadn’t really thought about it before, but when did the two of you get so close to hang out all the time? You had always been chill with him even when he was a delinquent, but after joining Mankai the two of you had grown closer.
“Oi, Banri. Look at this!”
Huh, when did you stop touching his face?
When Banri looked at the screen appraisingly, his sim version- Banny, you called him, looked a lot more like him. You even dressed him in clothes he would’ve chosen for himself.
“Like the animal print? Downloaded a bunch for you.”
He whistled, looking at the different outfits you chose. “You did pretty good, I guess. Could probably do better though.”
You scoff, looking a little doubtful. Sure, Banri excelled in many things, but making a good sim look-a-like isn’t a common talent, especially without any practice.
“Have you even played the Sims 4 before?”
Shrugging, Banri pulled the device onto his lap from yours. “2 and 3. Never touched 4, should be easy enough.”
He plays around with the options for a bit. After entering your name and gender, he looks through the possible aspirations and traits he could give your sim, which was easy enough. He briefly wondered if you would protest being given a mismatched trait, but when he hovers the cursor over one you don’t react at all. 
Calling out your name, he eyes you from his peripheral. This wasn’t the first time you spaced out today. One arm went in front of you as he waved his hand to catch your attention.
“You can… also,” you paused, chewing on your lip for a few seconds, “for reference. If you wanted.”
He whips his head to face you completely, looking a little shell-shocked.
‘If I wanted?’
He paused, figuring out how to phrase his response. Honestly, he probably didn’t need to- he already has your face mapped out and memorised in his brain at this point, but there was no way he was admitting that.
Besides, if you offered it wouldn’t be wrong wanting to accept.
“Not that I need it, but I’m just making sure, ya hear?” His voice was the same as always, not a sign of wavering to hint at his anticipation or nervousness. “Bet you just want my hands all over ya or something.” He said, doing his best to manage a playful tone but not quite making the cut.
If someone else had said it you would have felt called out, or at worst offended, but you knew he was merely slipping into the language he most felt comfortable using.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Your voice came out a little shaky at the start, but thankfully he doesn’t out you for it. “Just don’t be weird about it.” There was no doubt in your mind that your cheeks were hotter than the sun, but you were curious about how it felt.
“No pressure,” Banri said, hoping his face is still the picture of nonchalance despite the erratic thumping of his heart in his chest defying it. “You can back out anytime.”
You don’t answer, steadily avoiding his gaze by observing the hand hovering near your face. It twitched.
The blanket shifts as Banri sits in a way where he could look at you properly, putting the laptop aside.
As soon as you felt his fingers come in contact with your face you immediately shut your eyes, unable to bear the embarrassment. A multitude of questions ran through your head, unable to concentrate on a single one.
Why did you offer? Why did he accept? You did the same, so why was it such a big deal if he touched your face? Why did you touch his face in the first place? Why were you so touch-starved? Why did he it feel so nice?
You hoped closing your eyes hid the self-consciousness and pleasure you felt at this moment, enjoying his knuckles glide against your skin.
Banri narrows his eyes, stomach twisting at how overwhelmingly adorable you looked and how soft you were. Hell, you were turning him all soft and sappy and disgusting but that was the least of his worries right now. At least your eyes were closed, he doesn’t have to put on a facade— that this was just a friendly thing, because if he was reading the signs right you were both venturing somewhere beyond that.
His thumbs press against your cheekbones, so featherlight the sensation might as well be from a ghost. You stay still, unable— or perhaps unwilling— to move, and as much as you try to hold it in your breaths grow more and more uneven the longer Banri’s hand lingers on your skin.
You wonder if this is as intimate for him as it was for you.
Your skin is warm and soft, he’s a little conscious if the callousness of his fingertips feels uncomfortable to you.
Even with the slight roughness, his fingers felt infinitely tender as they swept through your cheeks.
Following your cheekbone, he moves to your jaw, to your chin, and with his fingers up again to his forehead, learning the planes of your face. He’s had you memorised visually, but it wouldn’t hurt to familiarise himself with the feeling of you. Banri stretches out his fingers before fully cupping your face with his palms, swallowing when you lean your head into one of them.
“Do you know,” Banri hesitates, “what you’re doing to me?”
His courage wanes, he wants to say more but it’s so difficult sorting out the emotions overflowing within. His head hurts a bit from figuring out what to focus on, the anxiety and panic or the joy and euphoria. The only constant right now was you.
One hand falls to your arm, slowly sliding up and down while leaving goosebumps in its wake. The other continues to rest on the side of your face, thumb inching closer and closer. As the pad brushes against the corner of your lip, your eyes open wide and gaze directly at the familiar pools of blue.
The first thought that flies through your mind is that he’s close enough now to kiss you. Everything about him, the air around them, feels warm and humming with an energy you’ve never felt from anyone before— other than Banri.
“This isn’t easy for me,” Banri lets out a breath, both of you doing your best to not disturb the feeling in the room. His hair falling loose but his eyes never leave yours for a second. “I’ve never… Look, I like being around you. You matter to me. A lot.”
You can’t help the smile that makes its way on your face, the utter adoration, and fondness and love you had for him escaping all at once. With what little space you had between, you pressed your forehead against his.
“You matter to me too. A lot.” You muttered, repeating his confession, closing your eyes again before ever so gently pushing your lips to his.
You’ve imagined how it would be like to kiss Banri before, rough and a little harsh, but as you felt his hand through the baby hairs at the bottom of your head you were more than content at his gentle kissing.
Banri continues kissing you slowly, unsure if the sun had already set, but all that mattered was this moment.
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want to order again?
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 22: Futuristic
In a world where cybernetic enhancements have reached the point of genetic inheritance and only those without them are seen as ‘pure,’ Logan is a mechanic attempting to hide his cybernetic status. He somehow catches the eye of Prince Roman, a human who has an interesting view of the Enhanced.
Logan POV, Logince
TW: Racism against cyborgs, brief mentions of oppression and public beatings/killings
Day 21 | Masterlist | Day 23
Logan sighed as he attempted to weld the two pieces of metal together. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, but Logan wanted to get this done as soon as possible. The client had promised to pay him extremely well if he had it done in under 24 hours. And if there were two things that Logan would admit to being, it would be determined and dirt poor.
“Ah!” Logan hissed as his right hand was burned through the glove. He winced, fully removing his right glove before moving to the back room, away from any potential prying eyes. He used his teeth to remove his gloves, not wanting to get anything on his burn. His navy blue metal hand gleamed softly in the light, and Logan resisted the urge to scowl at it. He grabbed some burn cream and bandages from a nearby table and started to wrap his right hand up. The sharp contrast between his hands drew in Logan’s attention. Right and Left. Weak and Strong. Flesh and Metal. Pure and Enhanced.
Logan scowled. A little over 300 years ago, people first began obtaining cybernetic enhancements to make up for missing limbs. Soon, there were entire generations that used cybernetic enhancements to create ‘perfect’ children. Around 80 years later, science had evolved to where cybernetic enhancements could be applied down to the cellular levels. Any inhuman enhancements could now be chosen before birth, and could even be genetically inherited. After 200 years of cybernetic enhancements, the ‘Enhanced’ took up over 40% of the population. That’s when people began to discriminate against the Enhanced, saying that their enhancements made them ‘less than human.’ It didn’t help that by that point, 90% of the Enhanced were born with their enhancements. It was soon seen as wrong for Enhanced to hold positions of power, or have any children. The people without cybernetic enhancements were seen as ‘the Pure.’
Logan sighed. While there weren’t any legal ramifications to being an Enhanced, there was still major discrimination against them. If anyone saw his external enhancement, he’d be fired within the week. Most people had obvious external enhancements, such as metal eyes and limbs. Very few were born with internal enhancements, such as multiple sex organs or a cybernetic immune system. Logan had a few internal enhancements, but his only external enhancement was his left hand, which he tended to cover up with his gloves.
Logan sighed as he finished wrapping up his human hand. He quickly put back on the gloves before heading back to the front of the repair shop. He was surprised to see someone there, staring at the metal pieces he had been working on. Logan cleared his throat. “Excuse me, can I help you?”
The person jumped, turning to face Logan. Most of their face was obscured by their hood, but Logan could vaguely make out their tan skin and reddish-brown hair. “Hello! I’m looking for Logan Croft; is he here today?”
Logan adjusted his glasses while staring down at the stranger. Not for the first time in his life, Logan was thankful for the glasses. Most Enhanced had perfect hearing and eyesight, so he was usually assumed to be one of the Pure. “My name is Logan Croft; what do you need today?”
The stranger looked through the window towards the street, where the entire street was empty. He then turned back and pulled down his hood. Logan felt his heart stop. The stranger was extremely attractive, with big green eyes and plump pink lips. The stranger smiled. “Greetings, my name is Roman. I was told that you are the best mechanic in the kingdom.”
Logan felt a small amount of recognition at the name, but he couldn’t remember where he had heard it. He then blushed at the compliment. “Nonsense, I’m sure there are plenty of mechanics in the area that surpass me in terms of skill.” Besides, even if Roman was being truthful, people didn’t hire Logan that often. Especially since he didn’t discriminate against the Enhanced.
Roman shook his head. “Even if they are skillful, it is rumored that there is no problem that you cannot find the solution to. Even when you are physically incapable of fixing it, you can easily discover and explain what the issue is and how to fix it. That is deeply admirable.” He turned towards the metal he had been observing previously. “What is this supposed to be? I’m afraid I’m not well-versed with machines, and it’s been bugging me since I got here.”
Logan quickly answered, grateful to no longer be under Roman’s praise. “It’s a compact engine for a replacement eye. My client suffered from minor head trauma, and one of the wires snapped. Since the engine is so small, I had to completely take it apart before I could repair the wire. I am currently piecing it back together. With any luck, the engine should be fully repaired before noon.”
Roman turned to stare at Logan. “You have enhanced clients?”
Logan immediately became defensive. “Do you have an issue with that?”
Roman shook his head. “No! It’s just not often that I get to meet mechanics that work on Enhanced. It’s a dying field, sadly.” He sighed. “The world’s prejudice against Enhanced is pathetic, really. It’s not like the Pure are any better biologically. Actually, most Enhanced people are better than the Pure, both biologically and as people in general.”
Logan raised his eyebrows in shock. “That’s a very bold claim.”
Roman scowled. “And what’s wrong with that?”
Logan shrugged, moving to collect the metal pieces around him. “I didn’t say there was anything incorrect with your claim. You’re quite correct, actually. But I’m one of the few people in this area that actually believes that. And the Pure tend to get violent when opposed.”
Roman gasped. “I didn’t realize that things were that bad.”
Logan nodded, not turning to look at him. “If an Enhanced has any visible enhancements, it’s nearly impossible to walk down the street without getting harassed. And if one is getting beaten or even killed, people have learned that it’s best to turn a blind eye. Even if you’re also Pure, if you try and defend the Enhanced you’ll find yourself beaten within an inch of your life. And the royals don’t bat an eye at the loss of a few hundred Enhanced.” He held up the motor he was working on, nearly complete. “That’s why I do this. Even if I can’t stop the Enhanced from getting harmed, at least I can help them back up if they survive.”
Roman stayed silent for a long moment. Logan turned to look at him, and nearly flinched at the cold expression on Roman’s face. Logan was slightly shocked at the fact that Roman knew nothing about the violence against the enhanced. How sheltered would a child have to be to not even know about the people that are beaten out on the street?
Roman suddenly smiled. "Thank you for telling me that. It is quite apparent that I have much to learn." He then pulled an envelope out of his jacket. "The Enhanced are actually what I wished to discuss with you. My dear friend's leg was injured a few days ago. I was wondering if you could examine these photos and see if it is repairable. He's severely wounded in other areas from the attack, so he is currently on bed rest. I will pay any price, I just wish for him to walk again."
Logan took the envelope and grimaced when he opened it. It was filled with photos of the patient's leg. The leg was violet in color, with a giant gash running from the Achilles heel to the knee. Several wires were sticking out, and Logan noticed some serious dents around the ankle. "I'm afraid these photos do not provide enough detail. I will have to view the patient in person. If you could arrive tomorrow at sunrise, I will have everything ready for a thorough examination. I will not ask for any money until I have determined the extent of the damage. Does this sound acceptable?"
Roman nodded. "That sounds perfect! I will be here tomorrow to escort you to him." He bowed his head slightly. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Logan."
Logan smiled, bowing his head in return. "The pleasure was mine, Roman."
Logan sighed as he popped the eye into its socket. "Janus, you need to stop antagonizing people."
Janus snorted as he moved his eye around. "Honestly, you make such a big deal out of things."
Logan frowned "One day you'll go out there and they won't let you come back alive. Being rich won't protect you forever."
Janus rolled his eyes. The mechanical eye glowed a little as he spoke. "Right, and pretending to be Pure will definitely protect you forever. Especially when you do nothing to hide your sympathy towards fellow Enhanced."
Logan winced. Janus had an internal enhancement that allowed him to taste lies and see when someone was hiding something. Janus had known since the first day he came in here that Logan was Enhanced. "Even so, at least I keep my head down. You need to be more careful."
Janus suddenly froze. Logan was about to ask what was wrong when Janus whispered. "You're lying."
Logan blinked. "What?"
Janus frowned. "Every time we talk, you say that you keep your head down. And every time before now, you've been telling the truth. But today you lied." His eyes widened. "What did you do?"
Logan blushed. "A Pure man walked in here asking for assistance in fixing his Enhanced friend's leg. I'm going with him to visit his friend tomorrow. His ideals were very similar to mine, and I will admit he was rather handsome."
Janus smirked. "So, what's his name? And should I be ready for a wedding anytime soon?"
Logan's blush grew. "We only met today. He's just my client, nothing more." He looked down at his glove, a sense of shame filling him. "I didn't even have the courage to tell him that I'm not Pure."
Janus scoffed. "You just told me that he sees the Enhanced and Pure as equals. And I'm sure he'll understand why you kept it a secret." He moved to lean over the worktable, resting his chin on his hand. "So, what's his name?"
Logan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "His name is Roman. He's very kind and charming. He also seemed to come from nobility or wealth, since he was essentially oblivious to the street violence."
Janus started staring at him again. Logan tried to figure out what he'd lied about before Janus turned towards the monitor on the workbench. He typed something too fast for Logan to read before the screen showed a head-only picture of Roman. "Is this your Roman?" Logan nodded, confused. Janus pressed a button and the image expanded to show Roman standing in front of a crowd. He wore a white suit with red and gold accents. A sword was sheathed on his side. But what grabbed Logan's attention was that crown on his head. "That is Prince Roman, first in line for the throne." He turned back to Logan. "And not only do you have a crush on him, you also promised to see him tomorrow."
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gt-fluff-n-stuff · 3 years
G/T headcanons for the Host Club
Nobody asked but I need comfort fuel and maybe someone else will appreciate this post. This is basically some headcanons about how the hosts would react/behave (in my opinion) with a small reader.
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Lets start with the King himself!
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· First encounter would be hell for you considering Tamaki would immediately reach for you and scoop you up in his palm.
· He wants to touch you and pick you up all while being his loud self.
· After seeing your expressions of fear he catches on that you are terrified of him.
· He takes his voice down a couple notches before officially introducing himself.
· He would want to introduce you to the rest of the host club but the moment you tell him you’re not too comfortable with that yet he would understand.
· Suoh thought that commoners lived weird lives but hearing how you lived was like talking to an alien species from a planet lightyears away.
· Tamaki blushes when he feels you cling to his neck while you sit on his shoulder.
· This man would dote on you 24/7 without hesitation. Giving you loving pet names.
· From day 1 Tamaki would feel protective of you…maybe overprotective.
· Boundaries are definitely something you would have to set with him. Picking you up without warning, cheek pokes etc.
· After you explain that his action are uncomfortable he would try his best to be respectful.
· If you decided to live with Tamaki you already know this boy would not hesitate to accommodate any need you may have,
· “Do you need a little bed? Or a wardrobe? Is that blanket too rough?”
· You usually end up sleeping on the pillow next to him. It’s pretty comfortable.
· Overall you feel safe with Suoh.
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· When Kyoya comes across you it feels like a hawk has spotted you. His gaze is so intimidating for a solid minute you just wouldn’t move.
· Unlike Tamaki he would not just reach down to pick you up. This man would crouch down on one knee to try and seem less intimidating.
· “Well, are you going to say anything or just stare?”
· Kyoya would feel awkward about holding you for the first few times.
· “Is this okay? Make sure you hold on tight in case I trip.”
· Once you grow closer with him, you tend to lay across his shoulder and watch him work on budgeting the host club’s finances.
· Kyoya is curious about where you came from and how your life has been so far. He’s a great listener.
· He has notes about your life.
· Kyoya wasn’t too thrilled to introduce you to the host club out of caution for your safety.
· He makes sure while the guests are there you are safe in his coat pocket.
· Every now and then he would give a soft little pat to his pocket just to feel you in it.
· You tend to poke light at Kyoya when he’s feeling down to try and lift his spirits and he appreciates it a lot.
· Anytime you get sick he makes soup (or at the least he has someone else make soup) for you and stays by your side until you feel better.
· One time you woke him up from his sleep and you felt like you witnessed a giant demon hovering over you.
· “It is a good thing you’re cute.”
· Loves flustering your little self for his own amusement.
· There’s a soft side of Kyoya you see that the others do not.
· You make Kyoya feel important whenever you hold on tight to him. All he can think about is keeping you close.
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· She’s shocked to see someone so tiny but out of all the host members she’s the most respectful in the first encounter.
· Kneeling down, she’d ask if you were okay or if you needed help.
· She’d reassure you she means no harm.
· Haruhi keeps you a secret for as long as she can but it would be the twins to find out about you due to how nosey they are.
· She sets up a safe place for you to sleep at her house.
· Anytime you seem uncomfortable with something she does her best to get you out of the situation.
· You’ve managed to get separated in the grocery store a few time, which was equally scary for both of you.
· Definitely fall in love with her cooking even if its something simple.
· Meeting Haruhi’s dad was almost like meeting Tamaki with more questions and less touching.
· Whenever you’re chilling on Haruhi’s shoulder she makes sure to be careful with you and how she moves.
· Introducing you to the hosts was difficult for Haruhi to watch without wanting to hold on tight to you.
· Haruhi trusts in you to not get hurt and out of all the hosts you get the most time to yourself to do whatever.
· “Let me know if they cause you any trouble. They can be a handful 101% of the time.”
· This girl has taught you how to see the positives in life no matter how hard it may be.
· At school you would definitely chill in her bag.
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· Kaoru would spot you before you spot him.
· He would definitely lift you up by the collar of your shirt in curiosity.
· It wouldn’t register to him how scary it is for you until you’re either yelling at him or crying.
· He would apologize and set you in his hand.
· Kaoru has a habit of poking your cheek when you’re not paying attention.
· The younger twin wouldn’t rush to tell Hikaru about you but he would not actively hide you from him.
· Kaoru seems more relaxed than his brother which in return makes being around him feel less stressful.
· It would not take long for you to feel safe with this boy.
· Whenever you seem worried or frightened, he would gently reassure you that he would be there by your side.
· “(Y/n) It’s okay, as long as I’m around nothing bad will ever happen to you. I promise.”
· And I mean he barely leaves your side.
· Your safety and comfort would always be on this sweet bean’s mind
· And your clothes. Oh this boy.
· Giving you the highest quality clothes you could ever ask for was almost a priority for him.
· “Do you like how that feels? Is it too costumey?”
· You would have to remind him constantly clothes don’t mean much to you as long as they keep you agile and comfy.
· He would often watch you do your own thing just completely in awe with how you function.
· Kaoru around the others with you I got one word. Possessive.
· I’d say that more than protective because its not that he distrusts the hosts, he just doesn’t want to leave your side.
· “Please be safe. Don’t fall off anything.”
· At times it can be annoying how much this twin feels the need to protect you but he means the best. You talk to him about needing your own space and time and he’ll pout but he will definitely learn to back off and breathe.
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· This boy has 2 braincells and handling a tiny human is definitely not something he can do without scaring the daylights out of you.
· “What the hell are you?!”
· Cue this twin holding you by your damn leg in front of his face.
· At some point you have to straight up fuss at him to set you down.
· “Jeez my bad.”
· Hikaru has to learn to be gentle and being around you is hard for him at first.
· “Fuck I forgot you were there can’t you watch where you’re going...Sorry.”
· He has so many questions about everything you do.
· “What the hell are you even wearing? How do you not know what sushi is? Your people don’t have fancy food?”
· When you warm up to him though he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
· Anytime you lean against him all he wants to do is protect you.
· Sometimes he’ll just pull you against him and pet your head until you fall asleep.
· Similar to Kaoru he makes sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.
· Sometimes it takes tough love to get through his thick skull and after dealing with this boys shenanigans for long enough you definitely are not afraid to share your mind.
· Hikaru is a tease though and takes any chance he has to compare you to something small.
· Whenever he gets a smirk on his face you feel a shiver down your spine.
· Hikaru would be the first to give you “fancy tuna”
· Also lots of pranks so prepare your heart for him to pop out of nowhere.
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· The first time you see Mori you damn near have a heart attack.
· He’s not the tallest human you’ve seen but he is definitely the tallest human to personally handle you.
· When he first sees you he freezes. Afraid that he may crush you accidentally with one wrong move. Honestly you had not even noticed the teen behind you until you turned around. With Mori you would be the first one to break the silence.
· Mori cautiously crouches down to hold his hand out to you and is so slow to lift you, you get a little impatient.
· You’re a little uncomfortable being so high up from the ground when Mori holds you but you trust the giant not to drop you.
· As you get closer to him you both begin to open up to each other. His voice is soothing and makes you feel safe.
· Because he is so observant it doesn’t take long for him to notice what makes you uncomfortable, happy, upset etc.
· Mori is good at getting you to talk about how you feel.
· He gives you gentle nudges whenever you seem down.
· “Do you want to talk about it, or do you want a hug?”
· Oh Mori Hugs. Sometimes it was hard to not choose hug each time.
· The other hosts have a hard time handling you without Takashi watching them from wherever he is.
· Gave you a push pin for self-defense because he’s Mori and he cares about you.
· He likes being by your side because he feels like he can be his authentic self with you and trusts you not to judge him.
· 100% loves when you nap on his chest with his hand gently over you.
· Overall Takashi is a huge protective softy and you can not help but feel loved and protected with him.
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· At first you think you’re staring at the face of a kid.
· Honey talks your ear off when you first meet him.
· He asks you so many questions you are not sure where to start or how to answer.
· Mitskuni is super gentle with you and makes sure to take caution whenever you’re on his shoulder.
· He always shares his sweets with you and checks on your comfort.
· Mitskuni may have told the hosts about you as soon as he found you.
· It’s a bit overwhelming trying to catch your breath with Honey’s energy.
· Honey loves to talk to you and about you. Hearing your name puts him in a good mood.
· Honestly you could say he hugs you more than Usa Chan.
· Mitskuni tells you how adorable you are constantly.
· This boy will get you out of your shell so fast.
· He always gets your opinion before doing something so you can feel heard.
· Like his cousin, Mitskuni is super observant of your mannerisms and does his best to not make you uncomfortable.
· He is so good with communication you rarely feel like there is anything you need to hide from him.
· Since he sits on Takashi’s shoulders at time, it can feel overwhelming to be so high up. But you also find it relaxing to not be below everyone.
· At home you have your own space to relax and be by yourself. Honey knows how overwhelming the hosts can be at time and respects that you need your time by yourself.
· Sometimes you literally just sleep on his head since his hair is so fluffy. And speaking of sleep, you’re surprisingly not afraid to wake him up.
· The most he does is glare at you and get over it 20 minutes later. Which you find hilarious.
· He’s the sweetest out of the hosts.
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reynesofcastamere · 4 years
Thrown Gauntlet[Ω]
(A/N: Sooooo....I’ve decided to start another series of fics that I will be marking with [Ω] in the titles: To disinguish them from both the main series (which I am still working on) and the [β] drabbles (which are all over the place in terms of timeline, setting, universe, etc.). Essentially a very self-indulgent AU where Savage, Maul, and Feral all get adopted by Clan Wren. This installment takes place in 20 BBY, so Ahsoka is around 16 and Maul is about 34. However. I want to state outright that the dynamic is intended to be a verrrrry slow build and that nothing romantic and/or sexual will be occurring between Maul and Ahsoka until MUCH later. If what I’ve described does not sound like your personal cup of tea, then by all means, feel free to give this fic and/or series a pass. This is getting a bit long, so to sum up: No trigger warnings, Obi-Wan is an Incurable Flirt, Rex is Flustered, and Maul is about 100% Done With Everyone’s Nonsense. Unbeta’d)  The Jedi Temple is buzzing. Not literally, of course, but Ahsoka can feel a strange vibration in the Force. Excitement, or maybe irritation? There’s definitely quite a bit more whispering amongst her fellow Jedi and the clone troopers she passes on her path to the east hangar. Master Anakin had told her to pack for a long trip, which she can only assume means they’ve been assigned another mission and he’s withholding the details so as to ‘surprise’ her appropriately. Typical Skyguy.
She spots Rex near the door, sans helmet. “Good morning, Captain.” A proper salute, quickly returned, though her tone is light. “Morning, Commander. And-er, yes, it certainly is.” He actually seems to be fidgeting a bit, and his face- “Rex, are you...blushing?” “N-no. No. Just-ah...Finished up my workout routine. Took more out of me than I expected. You know how it is; One day you’re all shiny-new and the next you feel older than General Yoda.” “Reeeeexxxx....Come on, whatever it is can’t be that bad.”
“The Clawbirds arrived about an hour ago. Captain Wren’s refusing to do much of anything until he finishes repairs on General Skywalker’s ship.” Rex caves, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Master Anakin can’t be too happy about that.” Ahsoka observes, knowing just how...particular he is about his personal projects. “Should I be worried?” “Er...maybe? It’s kind of a toss-up. Depends on whether M-” He begins, before a subtler voice cuts in. “Captain, there you are. I was hoping to speak to you.” The speaker is a male Zabrak with soft golden-yellow eyes and skin, the latter of which is liberally patterned in brown markings. Unusual enough, but he’s also clad in full Mandalorian armor, helmet tucked under one arm and carrying what looks like field medic gear along with the standard jetpack and arsenal of weapons. And he’s glowing; a defined Force signature radiating Light and positive energy like a solar lamp. How-? “Medic Sergeant Wren. They are still getting along, right?” “Oh yes. He’s in a much better mood than last time. Apologies, am I interrupting?” “Thank the Maker. And no, um. Commander Tano, this is Medic Sergeant Feral Wren.” Rex looks like he’s in danger of heatstroke with how red he’s gotten. It’s not hard to see why, especially when Feral gives a smile that could melt half the ice on Bahryn. Rather than salute her, he stretches his right hand out so that they can clasp forearms briefly, a greeting from one warrior to another. “It’s a pleasure, Medic Sergeant.” She smiles back. Ahsoka can’t help it. He’s just...She’s fighting the urge to hug him like some kind of stuffed animal toy. Which is bizarre and will most definitely not be happening anytime soon. “Tano...Oh, you must be ‘Snips’. It’s almost a shame Savage volunteered to help the younglings train, we’ve both wanted to meet you for some time now.” Wait, what? “Tranyc’vod [Sunny(star-burned) brother] Anakin hasn’t been able to call as often, but he’s very proud of your accomplishments.” Feral remarks, genuinely pleased even as her head spins with the implications. Her Master has a lot of explaining to do. “Speaking of which, I’d better not keep him waiting much longer. I look forward to talking to you again, though. See you later, Captain. Maybe you should ask the Medic Sergeant about those stamina issues you’re having?” She can’t resist ribbing Rex as she departs, watching him splutter as Feral, like any good medic, starts making inquiries about his ‘condition’ while looking him over. And placing a hand on his chestplate, apparently. Huh. Maybe her friend’s obvious crush isn’t quite as one-sided as she’d thought. Ahsoka navigates her way through the semi-organized rows of ships. Even if Anakin’s presence in the Force wasn’t abnormally strong, she doesn’t need to focus to find him. Not when he’s talking loud enough to be heard across half the hangar. “-last time, it’s fine! You’re just being paranoid, as usual.” “Every ship I have been forced to borrow from you has either crashed, suffered a critical malfunction, or was confined to the scrap heap mere hours after landing. No one is setting a foot on this poorly-constructed death trap until I am absolutely certain it won’t spontaneously combust mid-flight.” And that must be Captain Wren. He sounds...irritated, to say the least.
“My ships run perfectly, thanks. Must hurt that Mando pride, knowing a Jedi is a better pilot and mechanic than you, Captain.” She’s not quite within visual range yet, but she knows her Master is smirking. “How sad that as a Jedi, you cannot recognize your own failings, General. Perhaps you should conduct a survey of your ‘victims’ instead of this poor attempt at distraction. Mir’osik adiik be’kyorla hut’uun![Dung for brains child of (a) rotten coward!]-” “Ouch. What, did one of your horns get caught in the hydraulics?” “Hilarious. Make yourself useful by grabbing a towel, or something from Kenobi’s closet. I’m coming out.” “Ah, Captain Wren. I thought the general ambience had improved. What were you saying about my clothing?” She hadn’t been aware of Master Kenobi’s presence before this. Either he’d used a secondary entrance or had been waiting for his chance to join the exchange while the captain was busy. “Kenobi.”
“Oh come now, surely you can muster a more polite greeting than that. You’ve been away so long I’ve had to listen to recordings just to remember the sound of your lovely voice.” “Perhaps I will address you with respect when you learn to stop leering at me, besom [ill-mannered lout].” “Busted. Again.” “You’re not helping, Anakin.” Ahsoka rounds a corner and-Oh. Wow. How far down do those-? She blinks a few times, just to be sure of what she’s seeing. Yep, there is a very shirtless Zabrak with the kind of muscle definition that would make scores of artists weep standing with his back to her and wiping his face off with a towel. She desperately hopes that her jaw is not hanging open as he turns his head to survey her with one vibrant yellow tourmaline eye. She honestly doesn’t know if she wants to draw closer or back away in that moment. His presence in the Force is not a benevolent, harmless light, but rather a controlled fire that sparks and issues dark threads of smoke. This...Ahsoka doesn’t understand what is going on, and it’s starting to make her uncomfortable. “The spy finally shows herself.” He remarks, assessing and dismissing her as a non-threat within the span of a few seconds, continuing to wipe off whatever type of mess had been spattered on him. “Don’t mind him, Snips. Someone shoved a shock baton up his ass years ago and the medics never found a way to pull it out. Tragic, really.” Anakin Skywalker grins, arms loosely folded across his chest and leaning against the outside of his ship. “Ahsoka, this is Maul. We’ll be working with him and his people for the forseeable future.” It clicks suddenly where she’s heard both his name and that of his group before: Captain Maul of Clan Wren and his company are the only Mandalorian supercommandos who will actually work with the Jedi Council. At least, when they’re not busy with bodyguard or mercenary jobs. Part of that involves what is referred to -with some awe and a lot of fear- as ‘running the gauntlet’, a mandatory training course for any Padawans or Knights posted to or intending to spend a considerable amount of time in the barely-civilized regions of space. It’s been suspended since the war started in earnest, but if they’re going to be sticking around for a while...Well, the implications are pretty serious. And Ahsoka has somehow managed to ogle one of the most infamous hardasses this side of the Mid Rim. Fantastic. Really. Maul disposes of the stained towel and turns to face her properly, Ahsoka’s gaze staying determinedly on his face as they grip each other’s right forearms. He doesn’t pull back after a few seconds as Feral had, hand locking in place as he seems to peer into her soul.  “I will say this once. We are not like our evaar’la vod’e[young brothers]. We are not subservient to you, and I do not accept excuses or blatant disrespect.” A pause and a slight increase in pressure, just below the threshold of inflicting pain. “Are you ready, Ahsoka Tano?” “Yes, Captain.” She answers with a certainty that she can feel in her very bones, and is rewarded with the hint of a wry smile when he lets go. Well that’s...something. Master Kenobi clears his throat pointedly. Right. Mission briefing first. Sort out her feelings later. Still, she can’t help but look forward to whatever comes next. (A/N: *cracks knuckles* Well, that’s the first installment. A little vague on the details, but I’m hoping to elaborate on what’s been hinted at here relatively soon. The name of the supercommando company comes from the Legends novel Maul:Lockdown by Joe Schreiber. And yes, for fellow Rebels fans who are reading this thing: In this AU, Sabine and Tristan get three badass Zabrak-hybrid uncles and a fair amount of adopted cousins. (Which is entirely Savage’s doing.) I do believe that Anakin is a gifted mechanic, but also couldn’t resist the running joke of ‘Skywalker’s ships/anything he tinkers with only work for him and Artoo’. Cheers!) 
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war-sword · 5 years
red caps
anonymous said: Ahhhh what should I request! Ehh... could you write something about a girl, who isn’t vulnerable or unable to handle herself, but who gets into some sort of danger which Draco then protects her/saves her. Possibly at the end she gets upset and he comforts her?
pairing: draco x female reader (unspecified house) words: 2.6k a/n: this is set in fourth year, during the time of the triwizard tournament, but it’s honestly only important to some aspects because i don’t mention the other schools. mostly just context. hope it’s not too short for you all! taglist: @accio-rogers @diademofdraco @mayorofzillyhoo @clockworkherondale(please comment on this post or send a message to be added to my overall taglist!) read the rest of my masterlist here
“… And one last warning students, please be careful as you venture to outdoor classes such as Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures this year. Teachers will be waiting to escort students to these classes in an effort to lessen incidents, but I must ask that no one venture to unpaved areas when getting some fresh air. Our groundskeeper is working to fix the problem, but until that time, please exercise extreme caution. That is all!” Dumbledore clapped his hands together, dismissing everyone from the first feast of the school year.
You stepped up from the table with the rest of your housemates and made your way to the dormitories, gossiping about the unnamed threat Dumbledore had mentioned.
“This happens every year! We get here, first day, and get told ‘Don’t go on the third floor west corridor— you’ll be slaughtered!’ ‘Watch your step on the moving staircases, students, portable volcanoes sprouted up over the summer and we’ve yet to remove them. Sorry!’ Honestly, dad never told me it was this bad in his day,” your housemate, Evan, laments.
“We don’t even know what’s outside!” Your best friend Vivian adds. “If we knew, maybe we could be more prepared.”
“True,” you say. “I hope they take care of whatever it is soon. I don’t want to spend all my free periods in the stone courtyard.”
“What’d ya think it is?” Evan asks, poking you with his elbow. “Erklings? Chupacabras?”
“Oh shut up, Evan,” You say, poking him back. “Chupacabras don’t even live in Europe. They’re native to Puerto Rico–“ you trail off as your throat catches, due to your first sight of pale blonde hair.
Evan follows the line of your stare over to Draco and laughs. Vivian just groans. “Please Y/N, I thought you were over this!”
“Sorry!” You huff, crossing your arms as your face heats up. “Not my fault he gets more attractive each summer.”
“Well, don’t get your hopes up, I think Malfoy’s nose is too high in the air for him to see you,” Evan jokes. “Didn’t you hex him last year outside Charms? Whatever happened to that?”
“Yes,” you grumble. “Believe me, I’m well aware how annoying he is. I just wish he wasn’t so hot.”
Vivian feigns throwing up. “Please, quit while you’re ahead, Y/N.”
As it turns out, Erklings end up in your Defense classroom as opposed to the sprawling lawns outside. Professor Moody has a taste for the hands-on that Professor Lupin did, but with a slightly more dangerous twist. Not that you mind, of course. When Professor Moody drops the cage onto the floor of the DADA classroom and asks for a volunteer, your hand is the first one up.
“As usual, Ms. Y/L/N is the only one of you who wants to participate!” His good eye focuses on you in almost a sympathetic way. “Let’s have someone else. Longbottom!”
Poor Neville. He was never ready, Professor Moody should know that by now. You wait patiently as he calls on several other students. Hermione is the most successful with the Erkling so far, using the Melofors jinx to encase it’s head in a pumpkin.
“Well done, Ms. Granger,” Moody says, using the Impirus curse to make the Erkling walk back into its cage. You shiver a bit— you’ve still not gotten used to seeing the former auor use unforgivable curses in classroom settings. “However, if this Erkling were larger, more powerful, it would still be able to sing loud enough to affect you even with its head covered.” His beady eyes scanned the group of you again, fixing on you at last. “Y/L/N, I assume you know the spell I’m looking for?”
You jump to your feet eagerly and head to the center of the classroom. Professor Moody opens the cage again, and out comes the Erkling, singing it’s eerie and hypnotizing song. The Erkling you’re working with is small and you’re old enough that the creature’s voice doesn’t affect you as much as it would a young child, but you feel your thoughts become a bit muffled anyway. You fight the feeling of passing out and put all your energy into casting.
“Pullus!” You whip your wand in an ark and the Erkling transfigures in a pouf of feathers. The cloudiness in your head fades, and you find yourself standing before an ordinary chicken instead of a child-eating elf. You smile as Professor Moody leads the class in hearty applause.
“Well done! You see, Erklings are very susceptible to the Pullus transfiguration. Even if an adult Erkling has a teenager such as yourselves under it’s spell, even a weaker version of the charm will be enough to allow you to gain the upper hand,” Moody explains.
You head back to your seat and ignore Hermione’s calculating stare. Instead you notice Draco watching you with interest. You glow anew, and take your seat next to Vivian. Everyone then takes turns transfiguring the Erkling with the Pullus charm. As Draco walks back to his seat after successfully transfiguring the creature, he catches your eye again. You turn to Evan behind you and tell him maybe Malfoy’s nose isn’t too high to notice you yet.
In early December, cold rain is pelting the castle walls. The school is abuzz with talk of the Yule Ball, but you were more interested in the baby Kappas that Hagrid had mentioned you would be studying today. The rain was the perfect day for them to be observed swimming in puddles.
You’d almost made it to the alcove where your Creatures class met when you realized you’d left your outdoor rain cloak in your last class. “Bollocks,” you mumble. “Vivi, cover for me? I’ll be back as quick as I can.”
“But you can’t go down the path to the forest alone, Y/N!” Vivian argued. “It’s pouring, you’ll hardly be able to see as it is!”
“I’ll be fine, nothing bad has happened to anyone all term anyway. I’ll be okay walking to one class unsupervised, ” you insist, and sprint back up the stairs two at a time to the Charms classroom.
When you return to the alcove, your class is already gone. You secure your bag and slip your rain cloak on, fastening it tight, then venture out into the torrential rain.
You hate to admit it, but maybe Vivian was a little right. It’s hard to see ahead through the wall of grey the rain creates.  Water keeps getting in your eyes despite your hood. You pull your wand from inside your robes and prepare to cast the umbrella charm when something slams into your thigh, knocking you to the ground.
You scramble on the wet grass, trying to right yourself. The next blow lands on your upper back, and you cry out in pain. Your hood falls off and rain flows freely into your eyes, but you squint against it and let out a small growl of determination. Before the next hit can come, you roll to the side and raise your wand, only to feel instantly frozen in fear.
A very wet, and absolutely murderous Red Cap glares down at you, bone club raised and at the ready. You stare helplessly back at it, rain running straight into your wide eyes without you even noticing. You can only look at it’s dark and dirty hat, and think about how your blood is going to saturate it next.
The Red Cap collapses into a fit of laughter and falls to the ground, clutching its sides as it’s hit by the tickling hex. You hear another spell cast, and the Red Cap goes flying away from you in the opposite direction. As soon as it’s out of sight, you flop back onto the wet ground, still in shock. Someone comes running from the direction of the castle, and you didn’t think you could feel more surprised than when you see Draco Malfoy’s face hovering over your own.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” The hood of his own rain cloak has fallen back, presumably when he was running. His fine hair is getting soaked and sticking to his forehead, and his hand is on your upper arm, trying to get your attention. “Y/N? Are you listening? Can you stand?"
Instead of answering, you burst into sobs.
“Oh no,” Draco says. He puts his own wand back into his robes and grabs your shoulders to pull you into an upright position. “Y/N, come on, let’s get you back to the castle.”
“B-but the Kappas…” You sniff.
Through your tears and the rain, you barely make out his tiny smile. “The Kappas can wait. I think you’d better skip this class.” Draco finally is able to get you standing, and you lean against him as you continue to sob all the way back inside.
“It’s a good thing I was running late, too. You were the last person I’d expect would need help, though.” Draco says as he sits you on the first bench you come across.  “Do you need the hospital wing?”
You shake your head, finally calming down. “No, it only got me twice. Just a bad bruise, I’m guessing.” You pull off your rain cloak and take in your soaked clothes. You take out your wand, intending to charm all the water off, but your hand is shaking too badly. Your hand drops into your lap helplessly, and you sigh.
“Let me,” Draco says gently. He waves his own wand and you feel the water pull off both of your robes, and it collects into a ball that hovers in front of the two of you. Draco flicks his wand and it flows under the crack of the door and back outside.
“Thank you,” you say, suddenly becoming aware of your embarrassing situation.
“Anytime,” Draco replies. “What happened? You’re never one to freeze up in the face of danger.”
You play with the edge of your uniform skirt nervously. “Red Caps are my one fear. They killed my only sister when she was just a baby, while my family was on a camping trip.” You rub your nose. “I was too young to know any magic, and by the time my parents came it was too late to save her.”
“I’m so sorry,” Draco says after a beat. “That must have been very traumatic."
You give a small shrug. “I don’t remember much about her. I always tell myself I can take down any Red Cap I come across, because I can, but the times it’s happened since that day I always get scared and can’t move. It’s just frustrating.”
Draco scoots a little closer to you on the bench as a few more tears roll down your cheeks. “For someone as talented as you in Defense Against the Dark Arts, I’m sure you just need some practice.” He places a warm hand on your bare knee, causing your own palms to start sweating.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go wandering around our Red Cap-infested school grounds after what just happened,” you manage, despite your sudden breathlessness.
“As if I’d let you go alone,” Draco says with a hint of smugness.
Your jaw goes slack. “You’d go with me?”
“Sure,” Draco shrugs. “The two of us should be able to manage with no problem.”
“Um, you are aware even small Red Caps can kill you, right?” You scoff.
“So? I’ve already gotten rid of one with no problem.”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Draco had turned your mood around. “Alright. We can go out and hunt the Red Caps if you really think it will help.”
Draco beams a perfect pearly smile. “Wonderful.”
Two days later, you sprint down the staircase to meet Draco for… whatever you’re doing. This is not how you had imagined finally getting to spend time with Draco, but you’d take what you were handed. Besides, this was a two birds with one stone sort of deal: conquering your worst fear, and hanging out with your crush. Normal stuff.
Today the sun is shining during your shared free afternoon block, and you feel a blush heat your cheeks when Draco takes your hand and leads your outside. After you make sure no teachers have seen you slip out, the two of you head to an open spot of grass.
“I don’t see any,” you observe, scanning the hills. “I can’t see any of their holes, either.”
“Do you reckon they live in the maze?” Draco suggests. “Maybe they’re part of that particular challenge.”
“But then wouldn’t they be magically contained inside the shrub?” You counter. “If the entire grounds are infested so bad we can’t go to classes, they can’t be part of the Tournament. Unless it’s something we don’t know about.” You add.
As you both look out across the empty landscape, the small knot of nervousness that was in your stomach starts to subside. Perhaps there were fewer Red Caps than you had been led to believe, and your attack on the way to Magical Creatures class had just been an unfortunate accident.
Draco suddenly grabs your arm. “There! Look! One is coming now!”
From far down the hill, a tiny red dot emerges from a tuft of grass. It’s lumbering up the slope towards the two of you, and almost instantly the ball of nerves returns. You feel like you’re going to throw up. No, you’re not going to do that in front of Draco. He’s right there, he’ll help you if anything goes wrong.
“I’m ready,” you say, trying to muster up some confidence by readjusting your grip on your wand and taking a deep breath.
The Red Cap disappears behind the curve of the hill. When it comes back into your line of sight, it’s much closer. And there’s about eight more with it, all looking deadly with their bone clubs and dirty clothes.
“Um, Y/N? Maybe we should go…” Draco whispers, his grip on your arm suddenly tighter. “Nine is a lot for just the two of us.”
But while Draco was faltering, you only felt more determined. “Nope, I’m doing it.” You pull free from his grasp and take an offensive stance at the oncoming wave of Red Caps.
“Merlin,” Draco mutters, but he pulls out his own wand and stands beside you.
The first Red Cap starts running, and you hit it with a stun jinx. Draco follows by casting Expelliarmus, and the creature and its club go flying in opposite directions. Once the first Red Cap is down, the others start to charge. You and Draco take down a few more, but there’s still five left and they’re closing in fast.
“Run for it!” Draco drags you away, and together you sprint back towards the castle. You keep looking behind you, throwing jinxes at the remaining Red Caps running after the two of you. One throws it’s club, which narrowly misses Draco’s head.
You stumble up the steps towards the entrance back to the castle, but your toe catches on a wonky stone and sends you flying down the corridor, taking Draco with you. You both land in a heap. As you scramble across the floor to get further away from the grass, you spare a glance over your shoulder. The remaining Red Caps have stopped where the lawn ends, and just stare angrily back.
“Draco, look, they’ve stopped,” you pant.
Draco follows your line of sight, and you watch the Red Caps disperse before collapsing onto the floor on your backs.
“I did it.” You smile to yourself as you stare at the stone arch above you.
Draco turns his head to look at you and you do the same. He gives you that same breathtaking smile from two days ago. “You did! Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You can’t help but giggle, and Draco joins you. “Honestly, it really could have gone much worse!” You admit.
“Do you feel better?” Draco asks.
You think on it for a moment, lost in his pale blue eyes. “Yeah, I think I do.”
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Perks of being an Early Bird
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Summary: Eliott is just chilling in the park, drawing ducks and clouds, while Lucas is a pet owner with a curious little dog who decides to visit the handsome artist
This fanfiction was written for the AMAZING @harryxtimmy my emotional support Mec, Carol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB! Even if it’s a day late 
The park was nice, very quiet in the early hours, which is why Eliott loved to come here, drawing the ducks that were chilling in the water. Totally not because a particular, blue eyed and extremely gorgeous boy always came to this park before 7am to walk his cute ass dog. No, that wasn’t his reason at all. Eliott just loved ducks… from afar of course. He will never forget the time when they were in a village with his middle school class, exploring the place and visiting the farm. Little Eliott was curious and walked too close to some of those bloodthirsty beasts, so they attacked him, chasing him for long minutes before his teacher and the owner of the farm managed to scare away the angry birds. Since then he knew to keep distance from those vicious animals. But they were nice to draw and there weren’t any other animals he could be sketching anyways. Well, there was a cute, fluffy Pomeranian puppy… with a very handsome owner. 
Eliott shook his head, leaning his back to the trunk of the tree behind him. His eyes were searching the sky, looking for some sort of forms in the clouds floating above. When he felt like he found something, he started sketching it down, since that seemed much more interesting than those damn ducks. He got so lost in his own world that he didn’t notice the young boy who stopped right in front of him. Not until a ball of fluff started nudging his side. As he looked up, he almost choked on air when he saw those ocean blue eyes looking back at him. 
“Ouba! Stop it!” The boy spoke, probably to his dog that was still sniffing and poking Eliott’s side, not caring about the calling of her owner. “I am so sorry. She’s usually not like this.” He said apologetically and honestly, his voice was the most beautiful thing Eliott had ever heard in your life. Which just made harder for him to force out the words, being too baffled by the sight of the angel he was observing from far away since a few weeks now. He was just as perfect from up close, if not prettier, wearing sports grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie, Romance written on it with white letters. How is it possible to look this attractive in the most casual clothing? Eliott couldn’t understand. 
“No… no, it’s okay. I like dogs.” He blurted out, patting himself on the back mentally for being able to form a whole sentence. The fluff-ball, Ouba If he remembers her name correctly now decided to jump on his lap, circling around a few times before laying down in a comfortable position. The boy standing in front of him made a cute little squeak at seeing that, making Eliott huff out a laugh. “She’s cute.” 
“I don’t know what got into her. She usually doesn’t like strangers.” The angel said, now squatting down to observe his misbehaving dog, a few strands of his beautiful hair 
“Maybe she likes artists.” Eliott joked, clutching slightly overused sketchbook to his chest. The giggle his sweet brunette let out was just better than any song he had ever heard, making his heartbeat speed up a little. 
“Maybe she does.” He said, making himself comfortable on the grass now, letting go of the leash since it looked like his puppy is not going anywhere anytime soon. “I’m Lucas.” He said, reaching out his hand with a friendly smile. Eliott felt nervous, but grabbed it, shaking just enough times to not become awkward. 
“Eliott, my name is Eliott.” He mumbled, pulling his hand back and resting it on the head of the furball in his lap. Ouba made a pleased sound, pressing her head into the big palm. Eliott chuckled, caressing the little animal with his fingers now. 
“Okay, now I’m jealous. She really likes you.” Lucas said smirking. 
“I mean, can you blame her? She has a good taste in men.” Eliott replied, adding a playful wink and also thanking to all the gods that gave him this sudden rush of confidence. The other boy’s eyebrows shot up high, biting back a grin which just made him look even more adorable. 
“Maybe she does.” Lucas muttered under his breath and nodded with his head at the notebook pressed to Eliott’s chest. “I hope we didn’t disturb you in your work.” He said softly, his voice doing dangerous things to the artist’s heart. How can someone be so damn gorgeous and have the voice of angels? It seriously should be illegal or something. This boy is definitely not doing good to his health. 
“No, not really.” He managed to speak up. “I just come here to sketch stuff, but I’m running out of materials.” He explained, waving the sketchbook a little. “I have at least ten drawings of those damn ducks that are swimming in the lake.” 
“God, I hate ducks.” Lucas shook his head and with that comment, he got himself a good spot in Eliott’s heart. “They are so vicious.” 
“I know, right?” The tall one blurted out, confidence now doubled knowing that his sweet boy shared his opinion about those deadly water birds. 
“They attacked Ouba once. She didn’t even barked at them, we were playing catch, throwing a branch when she got too close to them. One of the ducks bit her nose. Can you believe?” 
“No way! I’m taking back all the rights ducks ever had.” Eliott said with a shocked expression, which made Lucas let out a heartfelt laugh. 
“You know, I’m starting to understand why Ouba likes you that much.” He said with a playful smirk, wiggling his eyebrows even. Eliott was sure his heart skipped a beat, because that was some non subtle flirting right there. Gosh, the gods were really merciful to him lately, not just letting him talk to his secret crush, but also letting him be interested in boys. Life was beautiful on this fine morning. 
“Oh, really? And why so?” He asked, finding all of his confidence now that it was crystal clear how the other was interested in him too. His fingers kept rubbing soft circles into the fur of the now sleeping pet on his lap. 
“Well, you are funny, kind and handsome. The dream of every Pomeranian lady.” He replied with a wide smirk. 
“Only Pomeranians?” Eliott asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, getting a soft laugh from the beautiful boy. 
“Maybe not just them.” He answered and pulled his knees to his chest. 
“Would you like to grab a coffee with me?” Eliott decided to get himself out there and ask out the boy. Lucas’ soft cheeks turned bright red, hiding his face behind his arms resting on his legs. 
“I would love that.” He muttered and that short sentence made Eliott’s stomach to a happy flip, a wide grin spreading across his face. Today was worth to wake up early for sure.
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Opening the door to 221B Baker Street washed a flood of warmth and familiarity over John. There was the smell of Mrs. Hudson’s cooking from 221A, and Lully’s Gavotte singing from a Stradivarius violin up the seventeen steps to their flat. John smiled and hung up his coat before slowly making his way up the stairs, savoring the feeling of the moment. Once inside he could see Sherlock playing like a dance with the illuminated dust swirling around him by the window. Everything was brushed with hues of yellow as the sun set outside, which added a dream-like serenity to the whole setting. John set about making tea for himself and Sherlock, making up a nice platter with milk, sugar, honey, and biscuits. Then while the water was heating up, he began to get out things for dinner as well. 
‘Maybe some spaghetti with a chicken broth sauce?’  John sniffed at the chicken broth in the refrigerator and decided that it was probably still chicken broth. The spaghetti was unopened and seemed devoid of tampering so that was also deemed safe. Sherlock looped Gavotte in the corner which testified his deep thinking. The song was one of John’s favorites, which was odd to think about because anytime before he met Sherlock he never gave much thought to classical music. Now though, he could easily name at least 13 pieces and discern which were composed by who. His knowledge of the songs were still limited of course, but far greater than they had been before. ‘That’s an odd tune there in the- Oh! The tea!’ John swept the tea off the burner and set it to steep before beginning to work on dinner. He couldn’t help but dance a little to tune as he boiled the water for the spaghetti and added salt and oil so it wouldn’t stick. He mixed milk, flour and the chicken broth in their (debatably sanitized) saucepan- adding spices as he went. With time, dinner and the bit-too-strong tea was served out on the living room table. John flicked through the channels on the telly while Sherlock slowly meandered from his musings to the couch where he sat next to his blogger. John hummed and let a random documentary drone on in the background before turning to his meal.
“So, any cases from Greg?” He asked, knowing there probably wasn’t since Sherlock hadn’t brought it up.
Sherlock sighed dramatically, “No.”
‘Ah. So he’s in that mood where he doesn’t even want to talk about cases,’ John smiled into his cup. 
“And how was your day? At the clinic?”
At this, John raised an eyebrow. Sherlock never ‘asked’ about his day, he deduced it rudely. And sometimes vocally, “Goo~d…?” He said cautiously, waiting for the catch. Sherlock said nothing else, just pretended to watch the documentary (on… doors?) and not sneakily steal bits from John’s plate, leaving his own untouched. Dinner went on like this, with John eating his plate and half of Sherlock’s while Sherlock ate about a fifth of it overall. It was a good day. No one had thrown up on him at the clinic, there were no mom’s screaming about their self diagnosis they’d made on their son, and he and Sherlock hadn’t rowed. It was a great day, a relaxing one, and then Sherlock’s phone pinged.
“Phone,” Sherlock intoned, turning his palm upward where it lay between them on the couch. John sighed and reached into the gangly man’s breast pocket to retrieve his mobile. When John plopped the thing into his hand Sherlock checked his messages lazily, before shooting upward, “Case! John, get your coat on, person killed by a giant icicle!”
He had to think for a moment in order to process that information before rushing after his mad flatmate as he called for a cab outside.
“I don’t understand, wouldn’t it be an accident then?”
“Obviously Lestrade found other details at the scene that compromised the verdict.” He giggled and clapped is hands together, which fondly reminded John how endearingly childlike his friend was.
“Like if someone cut it down?” John offered, and Sherlock thought on it for a moment before dismissing the thought.
“Useless to theorize until we get there,” He raised his eyebrows at John good-naturedly, as if he should’ve known better. He smiled at his friend’s attitude, and gazed out the window. 
‘A Study in Pink’ as John dubbed it was a couple of weeks ago, and since then nightmares have been soothed by midnight melodies and a limp cured by cathartic chases through London. The city looked so much different now, before where he saw shops and bustling people he saw escape routes and loopholes in security. He got so lost in his thoughts that he took a moment to realize they had already stopped and arrived at the crime scene. He paid the cabbie, not noticing Sherlock had already paid, and caught up to the detective who was taking cautious steps around the back of the warehouse. Sherlock caught his arm to stop him from continuing forward, mumbling something about ‘idiotic Scotland Yard’
“What’s wrong?” John asked, suddenly wary of the ground in front of him.
“Winter cases are special John, due to a whole new factor: Snow. It’s everywhere on the ground outside and creates tracks very nicely. There are always creative ways to get around it. Look here.” He bent down and I followed, not quite sure what I was looking at.
“I see a flurry of footprints, which track am I supposed to look at?” He scoffed at my question, but the indignation didn’t seem targeted at me.
“The buffoons of the NSY covered up an important clue, see this?” He points to a line of indented snow in between two prints, “That is important. We need to figure out what made that mark, and more interestingly” -He points to another spot- “There is a line perpendicular to it,”
“Hm.. Well, this is a warehouse, maybe they laid down pallets so they wouldn’t make prints?” Sherlock hummed in response, looking over the marks again.
“Perhaps, we’ll have to cross our fingers hoping they took pictures before stomping all over the evidence,” He huffed and strode forward a couple more steps, observing the building and the frighteningly large icicles growing on it. John could easily see how someone could be fatally hurt if on of these fell on them.
“Sherlock! John! The body is over here,” Greg waved them over from the back corner of the warehouse.
“It’s a capital mistake to rush to the body before deducing the state of its surroundings,” Sherlock grumbled, and John marked it down in his mind as something to include in the blog post.
“Anderson took pictures,” Greg said.
“Yes. Anderson took pictures,” Sherlock grumbled, which coaxed a laugh from John. Greg simply crossed his arms in exasperation.
“Just come look at the body, we can show you the pictures later,” 
The body was… odd. Yes, the head was bashed in by an icicle, but there were also multiple stab wounds throughout the torso. Rigor mortis had set in and the body was spread in a way that insinuated struggle, the legs were splayed and one hand was set in a fist while the other lay face up with fingers curled inward.
“The thing we can’t understand is that if you go through all the trouble to crack someone’s head open with an icicle, why stab them? Why not make it look like an accident if the icicle was planned?” Greg huffed.
“How do you know the icicle was planned? What if they were in the middle of stabbing them when the icicle fell?” John asked.
Greg shrugged, “It looks like it came off naturally, but the icicles that hung next to it are completely undisturbed. Surely if a shock made one fall it would make others fall as well..?”
“Perhaps…” Sherlock murmured, half listening. He was still inspecting the scene, careful not to disturb the snow more than necessary. Once he seemed satisfied, the detective crouched by the body and began inspecting his hands. Running his fingertips deftly over the surface softly before moving to inspect the bloodied torso. There wasn’t as much blood as John expected, probably due to the position and temperature.
“His name was Mark Cowell, he was an ice sculptor for the ‘Frosted Flower’ club. Divorced from his wife two years ago, both better for it. Well, on the surface it looks that way,” Lestrade says, reading from his paper.
“On the surface? Do you have a reason to think differently?” John asks.
Greg shrugged, “Not necessarily, but if Sherlock would actually do cases ‘4 and below’ then he would know that most of these things happen because of marriage troubles. Honestly I’m surprised you’re here right now, I didn’t think just saying ‘There’s a man that was just killed by a giant falling icicle.’ Would be enough to make you come running.” 
“Theorizing without the evidence, a fatal mistake Lestrade,” Sherlock chastised while Greg rolled his eyes.
“Sure, just work your magic will ya?”
“It’s not magic. It’s science, but I will indulge you. The clenched hand held something at the time of death, perhaps even the very knife that stabbed him,” Sherlock mumbled, patting down the torso for any odd contours.
 (Kinda long and not finished, but I wanted to give you something for your birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day ^~^)
(Submitted by 5464locked)
LOVELY!!!!! AHHH It’s really good so far!!!! I like it! I hope you do post it up in full on Ao3 when it’s done done!!!! Thank you so much, I love this!!!!!!! <3
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Jihoon Office AUP5
And Finally part 5!
Plot: You and Seungcheol have been best friends forever and as a favor, you agree to be temporary assistant of the one Lee 
Words: 3240
Warnings: not really smut but use of smut words...
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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“You called Jihoon? Also, I called Mr. Hiyongs assistant and was told that he was currently on business in the States and won’t be returning for about a month. I’ve set the earliest meeting he has for when he returns.” Hiyong said as she walked into his office. You could feel her stare as she sat down in the chair in front of his desk while you stayed in your leaning position on his side. The air got tense as she watched Jihoon actions with you. His hand was still resting on your hand that was on your leg and by the grip he had on it, he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. 
“I’d like to introduce you to Y/N. She was your replacement while you were away and will be briefing you on what you’ve missed and what needs to be completed.” Jihoon said completely ignoring the comment about Yoongi and looked at you for you to begin but before you could, Hiyong cut in. 
“I’m sure I can figure it out. I don’t think I really need an explanation to catch up.” Hiyong said dismissively. 
“There’s nothing for you to catch up on” Jihoon stated catching Hiyong off guard, “Y/N finished the work you left behind before you left on top of the work load she had throughout her time here. I’ve asked her to implement new systems that will help me keep track of your progress as well as anything that falls through the cracks. Now if you will Y/N.” 
You didn’t like Hiyong, you could tell that she was someone who was used to getting her way and lacked discipline. Something Jihoons assistant had to have in order to meet his standards. It was a wonder as to why he kept her but you would ask him about it later. Right now, you had someone to set in their place. 
Walking to the other side of Jihoon where his computer sat, you nudged his arm to put in the password which he did so willingly and going as far as to get up and offer you his chair so he could stand behind you to observe. 
“Don’t hesitate to be blunt” he whispered and you turned to look at him. 
“Like pull a you?” you asked with a raised eyebrow and he gave you one of those looks. “Don’t worry Mr. Lee, you have obviously never seen me work” and you heard Hiyong scoff and mutter to herself. 
“Who does this girl think she is?” 
“So I guess we should start with the report preparation” you said opening a file, “As you can see, many things have been refiled and renamed.  When I got here it took me ages to find one precedent and sometimes we don’t have all that time. Jihoon could suddenly get something urgent and will require it right away but with the way it was organized, it took you almost one afternoon to complete the prep right?” You asked and Hiyong looked down before you continued onto a few other things including the email list, filters and the biggest thing labeling. 
All the while Jihoon was impressed with the way you were handling things. You talked to her like a manager and not just someone who had come in to do her job temporarily. He watched how Hiyong only paid half attention to the things you were saying and hoped that she remembered enough to at least be efficient and mess things up. 
“And what was wrong with my way of organizing things?” Hiyong asked, “I liked having everything out in the open so I could see it. It was easier for me to find things and why does it matter on how things are labeled? I’m the only one who sees it anyways.”
“No you aren’t.” You stated bluntly, “you’re forgetting thar Seungcheol is Jihoons boss and a lot of these things go to him for final review. How do you think the inconsistency would reflect on Jihoons leadership? He’s also one of the busiest managers here, naming one thing on this day and differently the next would confuse the heck out of him. He doesn’t have that time to go through things like that Hiyong. As his assistant, you should be working to the standard he expects. Not the standard that you THINK he expects.” You finished and you could hear Jihoon snicker from behind as you went to the last thing which was his schedule.
“I’ve organized Jihoons schedule for the next three weeks accordingly. I’m not sure why you decided to have ten different calendars for different things. It’s called colour coding and obviously Jihoon doesn’t have the time to open ten different calendar just to see what he has for the day.” You explained and thought for a moment and looked up at Jihoon, “honestly thinking about it now, I could just take care of your scheduling for you.. It’s not like I wont know anything you’re up to anyways unless you intentionally want to keep it from me and you aren’t that kind of guy.”
“I’m not” Jihoon confirmed, “but would you be able to handle it on top of the impending workload you’re bound to have?” He asked and you shrugged. 
“You know I like challenges” you responded with a grin and Jihoon nodded while you looked at Hiyong, “it’ll be one less thing you’ll have to deal with on top of your tedious workload”
Jihoon had hold in his chuckle at your last sarcastic comment and looked at Hiyong, “then it’s settled. Y/N will have full control of my schedule from here on out. Y/N, you can remove the schedule from Hiyongs shared network.”
“But how will I know what reports you need for your meetings then? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for me to have a copy of his schedule as well?” Hiyong asked, she was starting to feel a strong dislike for you. How dare you talk to her like that and why wasn’t Jihoon saying anything to defend her?
“Jihoon has a task list that he updates everyone in a while. As long as you follow that and have it completed by the noted due date, you shouldn’t have an issue.” you explained. “Jihoon will be monitoring it all from the system so he can adjust the work load accordingly. I’m also around if you need help with anything.”
You then looked up at Jihoon as he looked at the computer screen impressed with what you had organized. 
“Then it looks like everythings good to go then.” he said, “You can return to your station now Hiyong and please start on the task list and have them completed by their respective due dates.” and then looked at you with a smile, “And let’s get you settled into your new role.” 
“Can that wait till after lunch Ji?” Seungcheol asked walking into the room, “I need to borrow Y/N for a bit.” 
“You guys just had breakfast together.” Jihoon argued.
“So? I’m your boss and she technically can’t say no to me.” Seungcheol said with a grin. .”Let’s go Y/N”
You looked between Jihoon glares and Seungcheols grin and giggled before grabbing your bag.
“I’ll be back in a bit, Ji!” you then followed Seungcheol out of the room and left Jihoon to sigh in defeat.
He sat himself at his desk and started to look at the new intern list you left him the week before while taking a sip of coffee that you had brought him when you walked in with Seungcheol. 
‘Yep, definitely wifey material.”  he smiled at the thought. It had only been twenty-four hours since your relationship officially began but he eventually admitted to himself that he’d been attracted to you from Day 1 and it took him three weeks to act on his feelings (with a lot of push from the other managers) but could he really see you as his wife? 
As Jihoon got lost in his thoughts, Hiyong watched him from her position at her desk and frowned. Who were you to JIhoon and why was he so comfortable with someone that was his assistant while she was gone?  She saw a smile grace his features as he drank his coffee and furrowed her brows. 
During her time away, she had found out valuable information regarding JIhoon and learned why he had such a high standard attitude, She was determined to prove herself to him upon her return but didn’t expect someone new in Jihoons life that he took to so easily.
After about an hour of contemplating, she decided to go ask Jihoon himself in hopes that he would give her an answer she wanted to hear. 
She knocked softly on his door making him look up with a disinterested look on his face. 
“Yes Hiyong?” 
“Sorry to bother you Jihoon...but I just wanted to ask you a question…” she started and saw him nod his head urging her to continue. “I-is Y/N going to stay on as one of your assistants?” she asked and Jihoon stared at her blankly.
“We just hired Y/N for the manager position we posted a few months back, she’s going to be working in my office for training until or if we get her office set up.” Jihoon answered, “Anything else?” 
“Is...is she your girlfriend?” Hiyong tried making JIhoon frown. 
“I dont think thats any of your business Hiyong. Please get back to work,I need that draft list by 4pm today so you better get on it.” he stated before looking back at his computer while he let his thoughts drift off to you again. Should he tell you or should he wait till he knows he’s ready and knows for sure? 
The end of the day came quickly soon you were packing up your bag to leave while Jihoon started his shut down process. 
“What do you want for dinner today?” he asked casually and you shrugged.
“Anything’s fine.” you said absentmindedly. 
“Jajangmyeon it is” JIhoon said with a fist pump and looked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Okay.” you said and felt Jihoon grab your hand. He noticed that something was off with you when you had come back from your meeting with Seungcheol and had been meaning to ask you about it but never had the chance to since Hiyong kept coming back to the office to ask him questions.
“Hey…” he said pulling you to him so you were standing between his legs. “Is everything okay?” 
Your eyes analyzed him and you thought back to your conversation with Seungcheol earlier that day.
(Earlier that day)
“My men saw Yoongi in the States. I think he’s looking for your parents.” Seungcheol said and you looked up at him with shock.
“Why would he be looking for my parents?” you asked, “You don’t think…” 
“If your parents sign the contract, it’d be the same thing as you signing in. That’s what I found stupid about that thing.” Seungcheol said, “What if Yoongi makes up a story about the two of you being together and convinces them to sign it?” 
Your face paled immediately, ‘That son of a….’
“Y/N?” Seungcheols voice rang out and you looked at him with a wide eyes, “Is everything okay?”
“Theres something you need to know and you have make SURE Yoongi never makes contact with my parents.” you said firmly, “He has the proof he needs to convince them…”
“What how?” Seungcheol asked shocked and you showed him your phone and there in a message from Yoongi was a picture of the two of you but a lot younger at an event where his arms were wrapped around your waist from behind. The smiles on your faces were undeniable and Seungcheols jaw dropped.
“What the heck is this?” Seungcheol asked incredulously, “You and Yoongi?” 
“The bastard cheated on me three years into grad school. My grandfather was so close to getting what he wanted because Yoongi showed me that he could change but it went all down hill when I walked into his apartment after class one day to see him and a girl from my economics class with his dick in her mouth.” you told him and shook your head. “I ran away after that and changed all my contact information so he couldn’t find me.” 
“Thats why you came back…” Seungcheol said and you nodded.
“He runs most of his family’s corporations outside of Asia so moving back here made the most sense. I wondered how long it would take him to find me.” you whispered.
“Does Jihoon know?” Seungcheol asked and you gave him a pointed look.
“Obviously not...I don’t even know how to bring it up.” you muttered, “And if things go Yoongi’s way, I’ll be married off in the next six months.” 
“Things won’t go Yoongi’s way as long as you tell Jihoon.” Seungcheol said, “Trust me on this. Next to me, Jihoon is the only other person that can help you and he has a greater chance too.”
“And why is that?” you asked crossing your arms.
“Because Jihoon’s fathers the CFO of this company. Hasn’t he told you?” 
You shook your head, “Lee’s Financial Group is in partnership with your company?” 
“Duh...that’s why I trust Jihoon more than anybody here. Talk to him about your past and in turn he’ll be able to help you even if he hasn’t realized it yet.” Seungcheol said, “It’s the only way we can beat Yoongi.” 
You looked at Seungcheols serious face for a moment and noted that he hadn’t been this serious in a very long time. You had no idea that Jihoon’s family was almost if not more powerful than the Mins and thought that Seungcheols family had hired him based on his talent alone.
“What if JIhoon has something else in mind?” you asked, “We’ve literally just started the whole dating thing.”
“And I’ve never seen him so serious about a relationship before.” Seungcheol said, “He’s never taken a day off work till he met you Y/N. It’s like you made him human or something but I can see just from his actions. He’s serious about you and I doubt he’d ever want to let you go.” 
“I hope that’s the case then...but six months…” you said looking down and Seungcheol chuckled.
“Everyones betting that he’s going to propose in three - five. You’ll be fine...you just can’t mess it up and that’s why I’m saying tell him about Yoongi, sooner than later.” Seungcheol advised and you nodded your head.
(End Flashback)
“I’ll tell you when we get home.” you whispered thinking about the consequences and whether or not Jihoon would still be in your life after this conversation. You closed your eyes as you felt the tears build up and only heard Jihoon whisper.
The drive was tense, Jihoon could tell something was up with you and it put him on edge too. The moment you stepped into the house, Jihoon had taken your arm and pulled you to the couch. He wanted to know what was going on with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked, “You’ve been different ever since you came back from that meeting with Seungcheol. What happened?”
Instead of replying to him, you asked him instead, “How do you feel about me?” 
The question caught Jihoon off guard. “You know how I feel about you.” Jihoon said taking your hand in his, “Y/N, you’re scaring me. What did Seungcheol say?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were one of the sons of Lee Financial?” you asked and JIhoon froze. 
“I-” Jihoon started but you had cut him off, why did Seungcheol have to open his big mouth?
“But then again, I haven’t been completely honest with you either.... And now I’m scared you’re going to hate me…” you whispered.
“What? What do you mean Y/N?” Jihoon asked slightly shocked as red flags went off in his head.
You handed him your phone and showed him the picture from Yoongi.
“What the heck…” Jihoon whispered analyzing the photo to confirm it wasn’t photoshopped or anything of that sort.  “Y/N...did you and Yoongi…” 
“It’s been close to five years since our break up.” you whispered and opened up to Jihoon about your full past with Yoongi. 
Somewhere during the conversation Jihoon had to get up and walk around to contain his anger. He could not believe that Yoongi had the audacity to cheat on you. He obviously couldn’t see the person you were and felt bad for you.
“And that’s pretty much it...it’s not that I didn’t want to tell you...but if Yoongi meets my parents, he can use it was proof..” you finished and looked up at JIhoon who was looking out the window with his arms crossed. “Ji..?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” he asked not turning around to look at you. “I thought he was just some random…” 
“I never thought he’d use this tactic…” you whispered looking down, “Look, I’ll just go pack a bag and stay at Cheols for the night or something…” you said getting up but Jihoon’s caught your wrist and pulled you into his chest.
“Do you want to be free of  Min Yoongi?” he asked as he rested his head on top of yours and felt you nod. “Will you do whatever it takes?” 
You nodded again. 
“Then will you promise to stay with me forever?” he asked and felt you tense under him. He was about to pull away but you held his shirt and placed a kiss over his heart before nodding and he felt the warmth of the kiss spread through his heart. 
“Then I’ll get you out.” he whispered kissing the top of your head and held you as close to him as he could. He would get you out, as long as you stayed by his side, he would do anything for you.
After a few seconds you pulled away to look up at him and his lips met yours in a kiss. It was different from your previous kisses where he kissed you just because he could. This time, it was slow, passionate and full of promises.
The two of you walked slowly towards your bedroom with your lips attached.
A few hours later, Jihoon woke up to weight on his chest and smiled when he saw your head resting on his heart. Leaning down to kiss the top of your head, he slowly got out of bed and found his boxers which had someone ended up on your lamp. He started to get up when your voice stopped him.
“Where are you going?” you asked tiredly starting to wake up when you noticed the bed lift.
“I’m going to get some water.” he whispered tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Go back to sleep.” 
“Will you come back?” you asked and Jihoon smiled happy at your request.
“I’ll come back.” he said leaning down to capture your lips in a soft kiss before he got up and made his way to the kitchen.
Jihoon ran his hand through his hair as he thought about the events that went on in the last few hours and he grinned to himself. ‘Definitely wifey material’
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kyungsoomint · 5 years
Sweet Lies (PART 2)
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Member: Park Chanyeol (박찬열)
Genre: Angst & Smut
Word Count: 8,412
Summary: Her world was falling down, so was his. Alcohol and sex made it better, at least for a while.
Notes: So I know it’s very long like... I also didn’t expect this to be sooo looong but enjoy!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (End)
“Can’t you be faster? What’s the point of putting a nice dress for you?” He snapped at her and she replied by rolling her eyes, how long do i need to be in this ridiculous ass relationship, it’s not like we still have feelings for each other. At times, she wanted to put her relationship into the graveyard, it started nice and loving but soon turned sour when her father said that this relationship needs to be done for the sake of his company. She realized how their feelings started to fade and gone. She walked hand to hand with him for a show to the grand opening of the new hotel her father’s company just built.
The place was crowded, like the lack of air itself made her feel suffocated. But then, what’s more suffocating this place or my relationship the thought itself brought a ironic smile into her face. After she met her father and his acquaintances and also her boyfriend’s father, the grand opening ceremony started. She stood there looking like she could pass out anytime soon because it was all too much for her to handle, how fake her life’s and much more than that. As she took a sip from a glass of champagne she got earlier from the waitress, she was shocked to see a tall figure with a very known features wearing a suit standing right just 10 steps away from her. She observed his features again, oh how she missed pulling his hair and his fingers. Another thing caught her eyes, where a woman stood close to him and leaned her head into his neck. As she drifted her eyes from the woman back into him, somehow he caught her eyes and that second turned into a heated starring competition, she remembered clearly how that night started and ended, after all it was a painful yet pleasing memory. She broke the contact and excused herself to get more champagne, unknowingly to her, he also did the same. 
As she walked towards an empty hall, someone grabbed her hand and made she turned away. There she found him, the man with handsome looking features. “Never thought that I’m gonna meet you here” he smiled but somehow she felt like it was more than that. A vicious one. “Likewise, ...” she replied, getting a hold of herself. “Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol” he stated. Ah now i know his name, she thought. “It’s (Y/N)” she replied. “So you are the daughter of the company, I didn’t realize that since how casual you came into that bar that night. And now I see you have a boyfriend too” his lips formed a full smirk. “It’s not like you don’t have any” she was tensed somehow. “Do you care, honey?” The words flew sweetly into her. “It’s not like I left in the morning without any word, honey” her words came like a bee sting into him. “Let’s meet up again at Hyatt, 10 pm, 6032” he walked straight to her and gave her a kiss in the forehead. It all happened so fast and she didn’t even know what to say. He walked back to the event with a wide smile plastered into his face.
9.30 PM 
As she realized it’s already 9.30 pm, she started to excuse herself from the event itself, telling them she had to check on some works and might be staying at her friend’s. 5 minutes before 10 pm, she found herself knocking at the door, room 6032. Something about that made her come all the way here, it was almost like a painkiller or a gate away. He opened the door with a smirk knowing she would come no matter what. Without any hesitation, he pulled her in and slammed the door close. He pressed her against the cold wall while breathing closely against her neck. She began to feel the hotness running through her veins as he whispered “I miss your sweet lips so bad, baby” and just like that, he smashed his lips into hers. Blend of sweet champagne and lust filled their kiss as she started to pull his body closer into her in no time letting out soft moans escaped from her lips a few times. The kiss didn’t last long, he broke off and said “you know, you have the sweetest taste of mouth I’ve ever tasted even better when you scream while I pleased you. Wasn’t it sweetheart?” His eyes pierced into hers, lust were mostly there but there were tenderness in it. “Yes please fuck me until I scream your name tonight” she moaned as his hand traveled into her chest and the other pulling the side zipper down. “Do you know how hot do you look in this dress? Well, I’d rather see none in you. But still, you look hot as hell” he whispered into her ear. She was mesmerized by how sweet his words are, even her so boyfriend didn’t say such thing to her this evening, her eyes softened a little bit. “What’s the matter? You know that I can make you feel much better, baby” he said as he pressed his two long fingers inside of her making her gasp. “Oh yes fuck” she said as smile started to appear again on her face. His fingers moved even faster than the first time he did this to her until she came into his fingers, dripping wet.
 “Chanyeol-ah please fuck me already. Why are keep teasing me by using your ass long fingers?” She said abruptly leaving wide smirk within his face. “I love when you beg me. Do it again, sweetheart” he moved towards her neck, kissing it somehow gently as a form of tease letting out some soft moans past her lips. “Please fuck me Chanyeol-ah” and with those 4 words, he turned her over head facing the wall and pulled down his pants revealing his eager member. He stroked his member before entering her. “Fuck baby you are always so tight” he moved faster and faster within seconds. Moans filled the room as he kept on thrusting harder. “Chanyeol-ah fuck. faster please” she screamed and he did what she asked for and soon the room filled them calling each others’ names. He pulled away his member before she came for the second time and followed her the next seconds. They both stood up still in the same position, panting and looking at each other. She broke off the silence by saying “why did you leave that night?” He pulled his hair back and said “Well, I know for sure that your life is not a ordinary one since how big your apartment is, even though i was drunk, i knew the reason why you came to the bar because of the aching in your soul” she blinked at least three times since everything that he said are very much true as if he was a mind reader. She simply nod and asked “are you going to leave again tonight?” Her eyes were empty, but he found hers amusing because of there’s no single fuck given by her question. “If you want me to” he smiled and put his head into her shoulder. She felt his warmness against her skin as she whispered “yes please, Chanyeol-ah”. 
They knew right at that moment, this is no ordinary relationship, not even friends. 
“I know that you aren’t so ordinary too Chanyeol-ah” she spoke as they laid on the bed facing up. “Why is that so?” He chuckled. “No one is ordinary enough to show up at the grand opening of that hotel” “Ah. (y/n). You caught me” he grinned. “What’s with that hotel? You sound very bitter” he questioned. She sighed as she turned her face facing his. “Well. It was built with me as the sacrifice. What’s new?” “Oh that’s why you have that look with your boyfriend” he remembered how uncomfortable she was back at the event. “What about you?” She asked curiously about that beautiful woman she saw earlier. “Are you asking about my general life or my love life?” Smirk left his face. “Honestly? Both. Please tell me more about it” she answered. “Did i tell you how much i like it when you beg?” She smacked his arm. “In general, I work in property investment company, Dongbu Corporation if you know” she narrowed her eyes to him “So you are like very very well established man. That’s why you can say that I have a very nice life. I see. Next” “That’s also because I live one floor above you” he pointed. “AH? How can you never contact me anymore while you live very near to me?” She threw away pillow into him. “Like i said, your life seems pretty much not good and me doing such may cause new problems for you” he shrugged. She liked how a well thinker he is. “And next, love life.” There was a paused in between “the woman you saw, she stated that I am his boyfriend, she has some sort of crush for a long time with me. But I consider her as a friend.” Those words somehow brought easiness to her. “You know, maybe we should see each other more often” he said. And it all started a long benefits relationship between (y/n) and Chanyeol. A relationship that so broken and led by issues in life. 
It couldn’t be more, could it?
End notes: gonna be on a trip to Korea, may not post the last part for a while since tumblr mobile app sucks :(
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poorvioletdraws · 5 years
Tom vs. The Underworld
*I decided to write a fanfic based specifically around Tom from SVTFOE and my oc, Raya as practice for a bigger project I want to do one day since I haven’t written any kind of story in years. It takes place mainly in the Underworld around season 4 and later post-Cleaved. This is the first chapter. Hope you like it and happy reading!
Chapter 1: Someday I Suppose
I had been passing the time in between deliveries for my eldest sister, Rochelle, by playing an old favorite of mine on my Sintendo 66 gaming console in the backroom of her feed and bait store. Being the youngest of seven from the infamous Stone Demon family, the Belmontes, I constantly had a lot of pressure on me to turn out just like my siblings whenever my last name was mentioned. All of my brothers wanted to be great builders like Dad. All of my sisters wanted to create magnificent swords and weaponry just like Mom. Then there was me. I wasn’t very good at building or creating anything really. Except when it came to music.
Music was always a passion of mine to forget about the normalcy of my reality, and having a game like “The Legend of Lilith: Fiddle of Time” to consume myself with really highlighted that vehement urge for escape. I often times would play the many medleys and songs for hours on my saxophone after such sessions. My family and friends knew this ritual of mine all too well and would admonish that I can get lost in the music and forget reality if I’m not careful, though I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my day honestly. 
It wasn’t until the third time of Rochelle’s abrupt entry--swinging the door open and shaking the room with her shouting--that I had to tear away from my fantasy and get started on that invoice in order to not incite her wrath any further. I idly examined the statement and retrieved each item, all the while as my older sister berated my slothlike behavior and questioned aloud why I even decided to help out at her store knowing my history of “slackerdom”. The address was a recurring one whose proprietor always paid in advance so this would be a quick delivery. They also preferred to be left anonymous yet they religiously requested the delivery of the same bulk products every few weeks--Hydraworms, Tears of the Harpy, Leviathan Leeches, spool of Acromantula web, skeleton horse hay and grass (not to be confused with flesh horse hay and grass), and a few boxes of “Underworld’s Best Bunny Pellets” just to name a few on the list. I knew it all like the basic fingerings of my sax.
As soon as I packed the last of the order into my Golem--the only thing I created with my elemental abilities that was actually exceptional according to my Dad--I was off and heading out to Lava Lake. My eagerness of getting back to my game and becoming further engrossed in a fantasy of excitement gradually subsided as I gazed across the bubbling body of lava. There were demons swiftly surfing across the molten rock waves of the beach while others were challenging each other to an intense game of Skull Ball. A group of Monster tourists were fishing off the Dock of Unending Torment at the same time another group was setting sail on their ghost ship rental. Small demon children were joyfully building sand coffins and burying each other in the dark gray grainy substance, their laughter becoming an accompaniment with the rest of the enjoyment on the beach. Although playing games and creating music were fun hobbies of mine, it was seeing crowds of people having fun themselves and getting lost in their excitement that was something else I would never get tired of. Everyone seemed to be so happy as they relished in the atmosphere. And witnessing such happiness made me happy for them as well. 
This part of the beach was the busiest; a prime location for my sister’s shop. Our mom suggested she learn how to run a smaller business before taking on the huge responsibility that is the family trade, and like the obedient daughter she is, my sister followed through without hesitation. Plus, Rochelle was able to practice forging smaller items like fishing knives and hooks when she wasn’t spending her free time bossing me around. She would rush me if I couldn’t ring a customer up fast enough and belittle me when I accidentally spilled something (multiple things) and didn’t clean it up right away--which is why she has tasked me with deliveries. I can’t destroy the shop if I’m not in the shop, I guess. And it was only one time where I accidentally let loose that swarm of piranhaflies in the store; in my defense, I didn’t know you sell the whole container of the creature to a customer instead of just one individually.
I know she assumes I purposefully don’t work at my full potential, but I really am trying to. I may be slow and clumsy, but I genuinely want to do the best I can to help my sister achieve her goal, even if my own hasn’t really been figured out yet. I like observing her work. She knows how to answer every question a customer has and can find the best solution to their problem. I like how she includes me in things that interest her too. She shows me the best bait to use to catch a Flaming Crococricket and how to break open the shell of an Ember Berry to use the juice for medicinal purposes. But most of all, I like seeing how happy helping others makes her feel. Sometimes, while we are sitting out on the beach together and watching the waves calm at the end of the day, I glance over and admire the contentment of Rochelle. She is truly happy with her existence and extends that aspect towards others, something I secretly yearn for. She inspires me to be that kind of beacon in someone else’s life one day. But with my reputation of being a “lazy” and “procrastinating” demon lacking the expertise to carry on the Belmonte name, I highly doubt such a day would come anytime soon.
Being lost in my train of thought, I didn’t realize that dark maroon and coal black clouds were forming overhead. And then without warning, a thunderous boom filled the sky, shocking me as I clutched onto my Golem. The wind began to shoot passed me furiously and the clouds burst open, spitting down violent flames as the red waves crashed wildly on the barren land.
“Where’d this storm come from all of a sudden!” I shouted to myself, jumping from my Golem and placing my hand on its base. It began breaking down from its previous walking form and into a makeshift stone shelter. Now covered from the onslaught of the fiery squall, I looked around at my surroundings. 
I had already wandered into the secluded area of the beach where the crowd had vanished from sight. This was definitely part of my usual route but the storm was definitely not. Fire really couldn’t harm me with my skin being partly covered with stone and all, but I was wearing my favorite outfit today and didn’t want it getting singed. I guess I’ll wait it out. 
I thought how mad my sister will be, knowing I’ve taken longer than I needed to. She probably thinks I am messing around this very minute. How was I to know a flash firestorm was going to occur? I then began to think of my friends back home in Chernabog City, the largest demon metropolis in the heart of Prickly Plains. The six of us would be hanging out at the arcade right around this time, maybe deciding if we wanted to go do karaoke before or after we ate at our favorite burger place, Grimdonald’s. We also formed a band together. Even though we are amateurs, we have a lot of fun just playing together regardless if we don’t always sound good. We don’t have a singer yet however. I haven’t had much time to hang out with my friends or look for a singer now that I help out my sister. She had told me that this busy season will be slowing down soon, which will be a pretty good thing. Not that I’m complaining, but I would like to focus more on our music we had been creating together lately.
All of a sudden and as quickly as it started, the storm died down, leaving no trace of its presence at all. A bright rainbow shown through in its place off the horizon. I looked around quickly for a sign of familiarity. Off to the far side of my Golem structure, there was a wooden post near some large rocks that read “Private Property”. I gave a sigh of relief, knowing I was almost to my destination. I transformed my Golem back into its riding form and continued on. Aside from the bipolarity of the weather, it had been just another typical day in the Underworld. Instances such as that one do not happen out of the ordinary too often. Guess that was my bit of excitement for the day. Or so I thought.
A spacious beach-side home--not too extravagant but still containing the right amount of grotesque appeal demons like--was positioned comfortably near the lake of fire, separating the rocky terrain from the burning abyss before it. A large cone shaped tower with a beaming eye atop it sat adjacent to the home. Having stopped by the carport where a blue vehicle was parked, I hopped off my Golem and retrieved the boxes to be delivered from its carriage. Carrying so many in one trip wouldn’t be too hard of a task for me, though if my sister were present she would comment how I’m just being too lazy to want to make multiple trips. I staggered over to the door with the mountain of goods and was able to extend one of my fingers just enough to press the doorbell without dropping the load. I turned to the side so my head wasn’t blocked by the packages and could greet the usual patron that came to answer.
However, instead of being greeted by the high pitch voice of the little red winged demon that would confirm the address and flap away with the order just as fast as he came to the door, a teenage demon boy with pale lilac skin and salmon-colored hair answered it.
“Hey.” he said calmly.
Still taken aback by the fresh face, I mumbled, “Um… Uh--Hi. delivery for this address from Styx & Stones.”
The demon boy looked puzzled at first but when I mentioned the name of the store he quickly caught on and said, “Oh yea, my Dad placed the order not too long ago. For the Lucitors, right?”
“Well… it always comes in as Anony—Wait, Lucitor?” I uttered the last name again.
“Yeeea…?” he shrugged coolly..
 “As in THE Lucitors?!” I gasped alarmingly.
“Uh huh, yep.” he repeated his affirmation without hesitation.
“As in KING and QUEEN Lucitor!” I blurted out, my eyes were probably as wide as saucers at this point.
“Yea, well, they are my parents so…” He chuckled a bit as he averted his eyes to the side and itched at his cheek.
“Eh! So you’re Prince Lucitor?!”  I squealed, feeling an overwhelming rush of anxiety take over me.
“Uh, you can just call me—“
“I’m so sorry for my rudeness!” My body began to tremble and my voice was shaking as I panicked, “P-Please forgive me, Your Highness!” I instantly hung my head down, my red hair falling in my face. But because I had hastily bowed to the demon prince, I did not realize I had dropped the entire order to the ground in the process. My hands clutched at the sides of my face in horror. “Ah! I dropped all of your stuff, I’m so sorry!” I fell on my knees and started to frantically collect the pile of items around me. “Sorry for my incompetence, I’ll make sure you don’t get charged if anything is messed up! I’m so very sorry, Your Highness sir!”
“Uhh..” he couldn’t find his words; probably because he is too busy considering various ways to discipline me for my insolence, no doubt. Even worse, he will probably go get King and Queen Lucitor and tell them what I have done!
I bent down even further, slamming my forehead to the floor with my knees in my chest. If it weren’t for me being a Stone Demon, such an action would knock out anybody else. Although, I do wish I were unconscious right now instead of feeling like such an idiot in the presence of our prince. I wish I could just bury myself in the sand and disappear. Now it made sense why the order was always left anonymous. The royal Lucitor family owns this home! How could I have spoken to royalty--our prince of the Underworld--in such a casual tone. Once my family finds out about how I have shamed them, I’ll be banished, I’m sure! Just the thought of such impending ostracization had me sweating bullets and my yellow eyes filling with tears. I needed to find redemption with him somehow. 
So, while still being extremely embarrassed, I was able to meekly cry out, “I didn’t know your family was staying here, I deserve whatever punishment you see fit for my blatant disrespect, Your Highness!”
I didn’t dare look up from the ground but when I saw the shadow of his hand raise, I knew it was coming. I held my breath as my own hands clenched at the floor beneath me and my body stiffened in anticipation of his chosen judgement. But instead of a rage-filled strike, my shoulder was met with his touch in a comforting way. I slowly brought my head up to look in his direction, casting my hair to the side and finally out of my face. 
He gave a half-smile,  “Ok, look. I know I’ve been a bit of a… of a jerk before in the past with my subjects--and believe me, I get how some of you may still think of me as this angry, spoiled guy--but I have changed SO much now. And thanks to a lot of people close to me, I am working on my temper so I can be a better prince for the future of the Underworld.”
Still nervous, I murmured, “Your Highness, n-no… I wasn’t calling you a--”
“And all that Your Highness stuff, psshh, you can just call me Tom. It is my name after all.” He removed his hand from my shoulder and began reaching for a box.
I began to worry again, “No, Your Highness, please, you shouldn’t do that, it’s my fault you--”
“Hyuh!” He called out as he shot his hand upward. In an instant, all of the items in disarray on the floor suddenly floated in the air. He motioned his hand towards his front door and everything that had been levitating proceeded to quickly fly inside his beach house. 
I was at a loss for words. His telekinetic ability was amazing, but I didn’t expect less of a feat from such a high-born child whose family rules over the Underworld.
“Well, there we go.” He turned back in my direction with his hands on his hips and all three of his red eyes now fixed on me. “So, you uh, going to get off of the ground, or something?”
I jumped to my feet, feeling some of the debilitating anxiety slowly release its hold on me. I tried to calm myself but my words still came out in a panic, “I-I-I-m so sorry you had to do that, Your High--”
“Hey, I told you. You can call me Tom, all my friends do.” he gave a genuine smile.
My mouth was slightly agape but I didn’t really care how I looked right now. I was still in awe of being able to stand in front of one of the Lucitors of the Underworld. I clutched my hands together tightly to my chest, something I always tend to do when I am unsure how to read the situation. I have never met anyone of royalty before, let alone seen anyone of such stature before either. How I imagined the prince to be was not the same person I am seeing before me. My friends and I thought of him and his family to be the most despicable and aggressive of creatures, ready to obliterate any one of us lesser demons who even dare cough in the same room as them. This demon boy was nothing like that. He wasn’t terrifying or vile. He looked just like us. He dressed like us. He smiled. And not in a deceptive way. An actual sincere smile. Looking into his eyes and observing that smiling face, I felt my guard beginning to slip a little. I was about to muster up enough courage to reply to him when--
“Tom! Your Dad got the board drawn for Sand Darts and you’re up first, handsome!” a cheery and youthful female voice called from inside the home. 
“Oh ho, It’s on! Coming, Star!” The demon prince turned away and was about to close the door behind him when he paused. He glanced back at me and said, “Oh, I never got your name.”
I began to blush nervously as I stared at my feet. I took a breath and was able to mumble out, “Uhm.. It’s… Raya… Your Hi--Uhm... Prince Tom…”
“Cool, nice to meet you, Raya. Well, see-ya around. Heh heh.” He pointed his hand at me like a finger gun and winked all in one motion before shutting the door behind him, getting a laugh at his play on words with my name.
And just like that, I was alone again. I don’t remember how long I stood there staring at the now closed door, or when I finally returned to my Golem to take the trek back to my sister’s store. I never really felt like this before. Everything seemed so unreal and as if my head was in a haze. I can’t believe I met the prince of the Underworld. He wasn’t what I expected at all, which was kind of a good thing really. He was very welcoming, kind of dorky, and, most importantly, he was happy. Just like my sister, Rochelle. He has the kind of happiness in him that is unbreakable. Which is to be expected, being a prince and all. 
Coming from royalty, his life must have always been easy and perfect; with a future decided for him, he probably doesn’t have a care in the world. His royal parents must really love him and that female voice, a princess girlfriend perhaps, loves him too. He probably can have anything he could ever want and do whatever he wanted to. His reality is that of a  most coveted fantasy by many. But, despite all that, his happiness is still pure and the kind I admire. The kind I wouldn’t mind being around more in hopes of taking in some of that for myself, if that were even possible. Random encounters such as this don’t happen everyday. How many of us common demon folk even get to say we met Prince Lucitor? … Prince Tom… His friends call him Tom… I wonder what it's like being friends with someone like him…
Secretly I hope one day I’ll know. Someday, I suppose...
Read on:
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9  | Chapter 10
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hqimaginess · 6 years
oh shit i’m so sorry the request I sent it was so unclear I was just a little bit too excited when i sent it in :( let me try this again. Engaged!Iwaoi are setup with an additional person in their relationship by their parents for whatever reason. It wouldn’t really be a problem, if not for their best friend (reader) having feelings for them. So then new fiancé befriends reader, and she see reader’s heart break because her Iwaoi are too blind to see that it should be reader in her place.
This seriously took such a long time and I’m sorry for that :( Hope you like it though whew!
His eyes were tired and worn, his entire being appearing to be spent. “I don’t know what to do here, mom. Things lately just haven’t been…working with us. I don’t know how to explain it, it just hasn’t been the same with us,” Iwaizumi explained with a large exhale, resting his head in his hands as he sat across the table from the woman. “Not working” was a very simple way to put how things how things had been going between Iwaizumi and his fiance recently. Nonstop fighting, unending tension, ceaseless friction. Whatever it was that was happening between Iwaizumi and Oikawa, neither of them seemed to know how to fix it. So this is where he was now, sitting across from his mother, pleading for guidance.
For a short while, all he got from his mother was a small hum of acknowledgment, the woman calmly tapping her fingers against the table as she seemed to contemplate. “Ah,” she finally spoke, smiling satisfactorily. “Sometimes, when a relationship goes through a dip, especially in engagements like these, they add a third party. You’d be surprised how common it is,” these words came out of the woman’s mouth with ease, his mother speaking as if this would without effort solve all of his issues. Iwaizumi looked up at her in surprise, his eyebrows raised and his mouth agape, “A third party? How can you just suggest that as if that would easily fix everything? How can you suggest that as if it’s that easy to just find a third party? Whatever that means, anyway.” His mother merely smiled, waving off her son’s frustration, “Hajime, calm yourself. Listen, just think it over. Give yourself time to consider it and then bring it up to Tooru. He’ll say yes, I promise you. Just think about it.” There was a silence that settled between the mother and her son, an uncomfortable one at that. “Oh, and, about finding someone for it, don’t worry about that. I’ll have it figured out,” she added, her sly looking smile widening slightly.
Iwaizumi’s defence softened a little, as he didn’t want to fight his mother on this, at least not again. He leaned back in his chair, now looking out the window as he mumbled a soft, “I don’t know.”
Time passed, and everything went as planned. At least, everything went as his mother planned. Oikawa agreed to the idea, much to Iwaizumi’s surprise, and then life went on as it always did, just there now being a third in the relationship. It wasn’t as hard to adjust to this as the male had initially thought it would have been. In fact, things did seem to settle between the couple, the tension slowly easing away. Maybe his mother was on the right track, after all.
However, there was only one issue left; and that was introducing her to you. Iwaizumi couldn’t say exactly why he found the idea of telling you so hard to handle. Was it because you would judge him for now being in a poly relationship? No, it couldn’t be that, he knew you wouldn’t say or even think anything like that. He couldn’t put his finger on just what was holding him back from telling you, but something in the thought of telling you stopped him, making him feel unsettled.
However, he couldn’t think about this for very long because he looked up as he heard the cafe door jingle, watching walk in and start looking for your close friends. Out of reaction, Iwaizumi grabbed both his lovers’ hands, squeezing them slightly, taking a moment before he called out your name to grab your attention.
As you began your walk over to the table, you couldn’t help but feel confused. There was a third person with them today, which, in truth, has rarely ever happened anytime you’ve met with the two of your friends. “Who’s this?” you asked as you sat down across from them. Looking more closely at the group now, you did in fact notice something strange. They were sitting awfully close to one another, and while Oikawa and the girl seemed to be just fine, Iwaizumi appeared to be nervous, very nervous. After a long time of neither Iwaizumi or the girl speaking, you turned your attention to Oikawa and quirked your eyebrow upwards in a silent question. “We were having some problems in our relationship and we realized that maybe we needed another party. Iwa-chan’s mom found her,” Oikawa answered rather bluntly, causing Iwaizumi to lightly kick the brunette in the shin, mumbling something about him not having to be so blunt.
Your eyes widened in dismay, right away beginning to feel your heart race while you processed the situation. Just as soon, however, you calmed yourself down and took a deep breath. You looked over to the girl, putting on a smile, “And what’s your name?”
“Nakamura Himari. And yours?”
As you gave her your name, you reached your hand out to shake hers, smiling friendly, “Nice to meet you.”
Though you were smiling, you could feel your throat dry and your heart’s pace pick up even further. Abruptly, you excused yourself to the bathroom, again with that artificial grin of yours. Only after your closed the stall door behind you did your smile finally fade as you slouched against the door, exhaling slowly. ‘Even when they’re searching for someone else, it still couldn’t have been me, huh,’ you thought, bitterness lacing itself in these words. You felt yourself calm down as you purposely slowed your breathing, trying to steady the rapid beating in your chest and the knots forming in your stomach. You were relaxed now, thankfully. However, along with this calmness came a heavier heartache than before as you fully thought over just what was happening. ‘No, I guess it never could have been me.’
Weeks went by and you saw this new girl much more frequently. And surprisingly, and a little unfortunately, she’d grown on you. As you got to know Nakamura further, you came to realize she wasn’t half bad. Well, you didn’t really ever doubt that she was in the first place. She eventually became what you would actually call a friend, one that you could say that might have hung out more often than even Iwaizumi and Oikawa themselves. You two being friends didn’t ease the secret uncomfort that hid inside you every time you saw her, though. Every time you saw her talking with the two men, you always felt twinges of regret, and a little bit of envy. You’d always hoped that it would be you in her shoes, afterall.
However, if there was one thing above all about this new friend that bugged you, it would have to be that she was too damn perceptive.
The park had become the two of yours’ usual ‘hang out spot’. And today, like most, you were meeting up with Nakamura. Interrupting your thoughts, she sat right next to you on the bench, not even greeting you with a hello before she spoke, “I called you here because I wanted to talk to you about something. Something that you might not want to really talk about.” To this, your eyebrows raised upwards as you looked at her in question. However, that confusion seemed to clear after she spoke once more, “It’s about Oikawa and Iwaizumi.”
“Well, what is it?” you spoke, your voice faintly shaking, giving a nervous laugh in an attempt to ease your friend’s seriousness. Right away noticing your unsteadiness, she clicked her tongue and shook her head in disapproval. “I think you know what it is,” she started and adjusted her position to be seated closer to you, “You think I haven’t noticed?” You looked away from her face by turning your head to stare out at the children playing in the playground while you suddenly and rather honestly commented, “You and I both know I’m not going to openly admit it myself, so you might as well get to the punchline.”
“Fine,” she huffed, huffing lightly at your stubbornness before she lightened up once more and finally said, “You’re in love with them.”
For a while, all you could do was return her observation with silence, your appearance seeming calm but your heart tugging violently. Eventually, you gave a nod, so small that you wouldn’t have been shocked if she didn’t even see it. It was always hard to admit things like these. You didn’t want to face the reality of it all; You were in love with a couple that seemed to be simply out of your reach. It hurt to acknowledge something like this, let alone to their fiance, of all people. “Yeah,” you said, no louder than a whisper while you casted your eyes downwards, pursing your lips. Very suddenly, you gave a small, soft laugh. There was no humor in this situation, none at all, just you trying once more to hide away from your grief behind these artificial acts of amusement, “There’s nothing you don’t notice, is there?” The girl decided to ignore your comment because she pushed on, “Why didn’t you say something? You had so much time.”
“I was scared, and I still am. Plus, that’s in the past now. Your wedding’s in, what, a week? There’s nothing I can do about it at this point, so I guess I’ll just have to go on living with it, as I always have,” you still hadn’t lifted your eyes to meet hers, you couldn’t find the strength to as you tried to just focus on pushing down the tears that were fighting so hard to flow out of your eyes. You felt a hand rest on your back, rubbing up and down along the now tense muscles. And with that, the wall you’ve spent time building then shattered, causing the tears to flow as freely as they wanted to. You hunched over further, your entire body shaking as you cried. There was no point in controlling yourself or hiding your feelings anymore, it was out in the open and you no longer had anywhere to hide from it as you always had. Without realizing it, you shifted your position to where you were now leaning onto Nakamura, her hand going through your hair calmingly. Several moments passed and tears could no longer leave your eyes, but you continued to quietly sob out, your face hidden in her shoulder. You knew this was probably the last person you should have been doing this with, but you couldn’t care anymore. She was willing to be there for you, and you were going to take any consolation you could get.
You couldn’t tell how long it took you to calm down, but eventually, you did. Finally, you sat upwards to look Nakamura in the face, wiping away the evidence of your previous bawling. “I have to ask you something,” you said, to which she just nodded.
“Do you love them?”
“Do you want the truth?”
“Not really. I’m just doing what my mom told me to do,” these words didn’t surprise either of you, yet you gave another small, breathy laugh at the entire situation in general. “This sucks,” you commented miserably, leaning against your friend with your head on her shoulders. Nakamura suddenly sat upwards, looking at you with dramatic exasperation, “You’re telling me? Try being the ultimate third wheel to a marriage.”
You both were laughing together, you still wiping your tears away and she now rolling her eyes. Anyone who knew the situation you two were in would have looked at the two of you as if you were crazy while you now joked and laughed about the entire issue. Maybe it was the effect of all the numbness you’ve tried to hold towards the whole thing. Maybe it was just you going crazy. What exactly it was that caused this, you didn’t know. But you did know that no laughing could cease the ache that lasted and settled itself in your chest everytime you would watch the three of them all together, somehow feeling further away from them than an actual outsider.
“Do they love you?” you asked abruptly, which put an end to Nakamura’s giggling. After a long pause of thought, which you couldn’t help to think was more for dramatic effect than anything else, she answered, “No, I don’t really think so.” Out of mental exhaustion, you threw your head back and leaned against the bench, sighing loudly, “So I guess no one ended up happy in this reality.” Nakamura merely hummed as she leaned back with you, suddenly searching for your hand. She grasped your hand tightly once she found it and mumbled quietly, “No, I guess not. I’m sorry.”
For quite some time, the two of you just sat there, watching the sky and the clouds glide by slowly. Your already closed eyes scrunched in frustration as you mumbled quietly to yourself, “What am I gonna do?” You could feel the energy drain out from you, both physically and mentally. You sat there in silence, now very exhausted, sitting alongside who seemed to be a companion with you in this misfortune.
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ohthathurt · 6 years
Hey babe , for the prompt thing how about " Seduce Liam with love notes so Zayn stop pining" ?
Hope I did this justice babe xx
We follow a chilly winter’s morning, the atmosphere wasstill buzzing with the week-past New Year’s Eve celebrations as hopefulresolution-keepers bounded back and forth with promises of activity.
The scene is modern-time New York, the streets covered inwhite, slippery ice; cars grounded and parked under heaps of settled snow,people trudging through inches of ice in sturdy boots and water-proof pants. Alonesome coffee shop stands tucked into the corner of a brownstone, its whiteand red shop sign glistening with ice under the faint sunlight.
The four members of the shop’s founding crew were dashingabout busily, their coffee concoctions and warm pastries a hit with theholiday-exhausted crowd. Customers were ducking into the warmth of the shop,just to escape the bite of the snow-chilled air, only to be comforted by theintoxicating scent of brewing coffee and fresh baked goods.
The marble counter span an entire side of the shop; it was aglass-covered counter at the end where all their pastries, breads, pies, cakes,cheesecakes, croissants and buttery, sticky varieties of baklava.
The busy lines were branching out from the middle of thecounter, where a loud, mouthy man with piercing blue eyes and a Yorkshireaccent, stood accepting money and shouting out orders.
Behind him, a blond man with an infectious grin was boundingback and forth from the espresso machine and the syrup station, deftlyswitching coffee cups around with nimble, seasoned fingers.
Another man came out from behind the hidden door in thecorner of the shop, where the baked goods were kept, with a proud, dimpledsmile and a tray full of hot biscuits.
And right at the back of the shop, far away from the crowdsand his manically busy friends, sat a quiet but observant man, who looked likehe wanted to be elsewhere, like he wanted to escape into his mind.
His name was Zayn, a boy who had once come to New York as avery young 19 year-old with his three other friends, looking to write out hisdreams. This was a boy who had failed miserably at achieving his dreams, enoughto fall on hard times. The solution was soon decided simple: get a loan andopen a coffee shop, supplying the one thing New Yorkers could survive anapocalypse with.
It had worked, tremendously so, and while Louis, Harry andNiall had been ecstatic at the success of their conjoined business, Zayn hadstill felt an ache of regret.
Currently, he sat doodling idly on a napkin, which belongedto their shop, the name ‘Just Brew It’ etched in a cursive brown font overwhite. Niall had been the one to come up with the name, claiming Shia LaBeoufas inspiration.
Back at the end of the line was stood a frazzled and verylate Liam Payne. Usually, he couldn’t give a rat’s arse about being early, hisPA gracious enough to handle any problems before he lazily popped in at 11am.But today was different. He was supposed to be at a meeting with an importantclient, the sort who’d happily invest millions of dollars into Liam’s companyif he was buttered just the right way.
But he needed to be charming, and in order to be charming,he needed coffee. Desperately.
And that is why he was stood on a Tuesday morning, detestingthe loud crowds around him who were enjoying the cold in a coffee shop thatlooked ordinary enough. But, it was the closest to his office right now andLiam didn’t want to risk a 10 minute drive to his favourite coffee place withthe risk of getting stuck in traffic.
A child was crying loudly next to him, sat on a chair besidea stressed-looking mum and Liam was sure he going to join the crying child soonif he didn’t get his caffeine fix.
He loosened his tie, before changing his mind and doing itup again, he can’t look even a tiny bit off, he was dressed to impress. He scannedthe large interior of the shop, eyes roving casually over the baristas and atall man who was holding a tray of what looked like biscuits.
Liam froze to a stop, as his eyes locked onto the silhouetteof a young man. He couldn’t see much of the man; his head full of shock blackhair was ducked down, arms littered in numerous tattoos, shown off by ashort-sleeved work tee. A light scruff on his jaw was all Liam could make ofhis face until –
His breath was taken away, quite literally, when the man,the boy, looked up to face hiscoworker who came over to him. And when the boy smiled, a sweet and serenething, beautifully glinting eyes crinkling up and a perfectly angled nose thatheld a hint of scrunch, Liam’s jaw weakened and he feared he was about to startdrooling.
The boy’s face was enough to stir something up inside ofLiam, something that had been silenced a long time ago, an urge to possess, anurge to ruin but in the mostdelicious way possible.
God, was heactually stood here in a coffee shop lusting after a random barista? He fannedhimself with his suit jacket inconspicuously, looking around to make sure noone saw that.
He edged slowly up the line, people in front of him leavingone by one, but he kept his eyes trained on the boy, he couldn’t help himself.Seconds turned into minutes and yet Liam still couldn’t take his eyes off him.
“Zaynie!” Niall rushed up to him as he was doodling still,and he looked up at his friend, gracing him with a small smile. Niall’sliveliness was always infectious, his cackling laughter some of the best noisesZayn has ever heard.
“What’s up?”
“Louis wants to know why you’re brooding again.” Niallstated bluntly, head tilting backwards where Louis was pretending not tolisten.
With a huff, Zayn replied, “I’m not brooding – no, honestlyI’m not.” He emphasized as his friendlooked doubtful.
“Just, I feel like there’s nothing to look forward to thisyear. I dunno, is this what seasonal depression feels like?”
Louis, who had given up all pretense of not listening, cameover and tapped Niall on the shoulder to let him take over the orders. Hisperceived stare bore through Zayn, the latter of whom squirmed uncomfortablyunder the scrutiny.
“Listen, mate, how about we use that money we saved and getyou to – “
Zayn hastily replied with a resounding no, that money was for when it all went balls up, and he wasn’tgoing to waste it just because he felt homesick or bored.
“Oi, Louis! Here’s a Midlander for ya!” Niall called outfrom his position at the cash register, a wide grin threatening to split hisface as he chatted merrily with a customer.
Louis turned around with a confused expression, “What, issomeone cosplaying again?”
Zayn snorted and got up from his seat, determined to end theuncomfortably deep conversation he was having with Louis. He walked towardsNiall with a smile, “Nah, it just means the person is from –“
But the rest of his sentence never made it out of his throatbecause apparently someone ran away with his tongue. Someone who looked a lot like the man standing in front of him;regarding Zayn with calculating yet warm brown eyes.
Zayn took a few seconds to take him in, he seemed to beolder than him, late 30s maybe? He hadthose aforementioned gentle brown eyes, an adorably appropriate button nose andlips that were made to sin.
How were they so red? –
A loud clearing of the throat snapped him out of his reverieand he winced and realized he had been staring at the customer’s lips. Hischeeks flushed heavily and he ducked down behind Niall who was turningviolently purple from holding in his laughter. The dick.
A deep voice brought his attention back to the man who onlyamusedly murmured, “That’s Outlander, actually,” in a familiar yet foreignaccent. He was English and his accent was maybe close to where Louis and Zaynoriginated from, but it had a slight tang of New York phasing out of it.
So, he was someone who has lived here long, Zayn thoughtabsently as he kept his eyes trained on the cup in front of him, uncapping amarker before looking up at the man again.
“Your name?” He rasped out, clearing his throat andhopefully his thoughts of anything too inappropriate.
…Is what you’ll shoutwhen I finally get you under me, Liam thought, before mentally giving hisbrain a slap. He was here for coffee not to pick a barista up.
“Liam,” he assuredly stated, a bit of his lost confidence inthe face of beauty (literally)returning to his demeanour.
He was confident and assertive in the way he uttered his name, and Liamwas a name Zayn felt he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. He blushed lightly at hisown thoughts and got to work quickly, unknowingly tugging at the heart stringsof a man who thought that love was lost to him.
Right, so Zayn was definitely, properly, gone for Liam. Everything about the man endeared and sethim on fire simultaneously. Those eyes as they crinkled up in a rare laugh atsomething Zayn said, that cute button nose that always takes the time to sniffat Harry’s baked goods appreciatively, and those lips that curve perfectlyaround his name.
Liam had been coming round to the coffee shop for over amonth now and with the weather slowly warming up and Valentine’s Day fastapproaching, Zayn was adamant to date Liam.
He’s got this coffee coloured birthmark that he feels is somesort of fated clue; Liam was always dressed professionally and ratherdeliciously in suits with perfectly knotted ties. Zayn’s favourite was the greycheck-patterned suit paired with a white shirt and a pink silk pocket square.
Liam had been going to a charity gala wearing that suit,he’d informed Zayn , as he stood idly in front of the marble counter, on a lessbusy evening while Zayn waited for the espresso to brew.
Zayn remembered he could hardly keep his eyes off the man, hishair shorn down to a buzzcut with the slightest hint of silver around histemples. But he was soon caught, as amused brown eyes met his as Zayn finallyfinished doing a body scan on Liam.
The boy had blushed intensely before turning his back onLiam, pretending to keep busy with the espresso, even though he had to do nothing;the machine was doing all the work.
A slight chuckle was all he heard before the machine drippedthe dark brown liquid down into the waiting shot glass. A few minutes later, hefinished preparing the man’s drink and handed it over to him with a smallsmile.
“Thank you,” was all Liam murmured to him before he wasgraced with a wink and the man soon left after.
And that isexactly why Zayn is confused; Liam seems to show interest in the way he regardsZayn, the way his stare makes the boy’s cheeks flame, the little flirty momentsand smirks Liam throws his way.
A month of flirtyconversations and suggestive looks and yet not even an invitation to a drink?
Yeah, he was confused.
So he did what any person in a confusing situation might do,he turned to his friends. But as he filled his three friends in on histroubles, three very sly, almost Cheshire cat-like grins awaited him. He couldpractically see Louis rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
What the fuck did hejust get himself into?
Harry opted to help him out first, which was rather helpfulof his friend, Zayn thought, but all that ground to a halt when he heard hisfriend’s idea.
“A love note?”Zayn all but exclaimed incredulously as he lounged on their shared couch in thelittle apartment they shared not a long way away from the shop.
Harry who was currently perched on Louis’ lap (“My baby may have outgrown me, but he’s stillmy baby!”) nodded enthusiastically at him, jostling his boyfriend’s grip onhis beer bottle.
“Watch it!”
Harry only frowned down at Louis before turning back toZayn, ignoring his boyfriend’s irritated huff.
“Trust me, Liam’s gonna love it and he’s going to be beggingto know who it’s from!”
Zayn sighed quietly, mulling over the proposed idea.
The television blared loudly as Niall sat on the carpetedfloor in front of it, staring unblinkingly at Tiger Woods moving around on agolf course. Louis looked like he was close to dozing off, his head alreadyleaning against Harry’s shoulder and his beer bottle now lying empty on thefloor.
Great, so thosetwo were no help.
He remained unconvinced by the idea of an unsigned love notefor Liam but Harry’s dimples deepened invitingly and those trustworthy, greeneyes finally groaned an agreement out of him.
God help him.
The next morning, Harry was acting like someone hadwillingly handed a baby over to him and named him Mick; he was dashing about,throwing smug grins at Zayn who only rolled his eyes at the impish behaviour.
When Zayn had asked him that morning, before the doors tothe shop were opened, what he had written in the love note, Harry had onlyshaken his head in a scolding manner before ordering him to start the service.
Soon, Liam was stood in front of the cash register, orderinghis usual coffee to-go, grinning at Louis as they made small talk. Zayn wastucked in the shadows at the end of the shop, keeping an eye on Harry as he boundedup to Liam with a pastry package. He shoved it at a perplexed Liam beforerather loudly proclaiming, “From a secret admirer!”
Zayn groaned internally and hid his head in his hands, trustMr. “I’m a baker!” to want to seduce a man with a baked pastry. When he lookedback up, Liam was stood a little way down the marble counter to the side wherethere were no customers. He was preoccupied with the pastry bag, those adorablebushy eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he pulled out a card. His eyes roveover the card before he pursed his lips in an odd expression.
Oh wow, this was Liam trying to hold in his laughter.
Wait –
He was laughing atthe card, oh God, what did Harry do?
Mind made up, he casually strolled past the cash register,pretending to straighten up the syrup station before he noticed Liam.
“Oh! Liam, didn’t see you there, mate. What’s that you’vegot?” He asked as nonchalantly as possible, although going by Louis’ scoff hemay have come across as too eager.
But the man didn’t mind sharing the ridiculous card, a largegrin gracing his usually subdued features. He flipped the card towards Zayn andheld it up. The boy took a look; it was a pink and white Valentine’s card witha smiling cartooned hammer and a nail looking at each other. The caption said:“I want to nail you! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Zayn paled considerably as Liam took his expression ashorrified judgment and laughed loudly.
“This is properly hilarious, and kind of unnecessary.” Liamsaid, casually looking up at Zayn but his attention still on the god-awfulcard.
“Unnecessary?” Zayn stuttered out.
“Yeah, it’s just whoever this is clearly wants no-stringsattached and I mean at this point in my life, I’m not looking for that. I’mlooking for something permanent.” He proclaimed, the words hanging meaningfullybetween them before Liam rapped the counter with his knuckles and headed outwith a goodbye.
Zayn stood there, utterly embarrassed yet still determined,if he was to judge Liam’s intent gaze towards him as he stated his wish for afuture.
And yes, he wanted exactly that. He wanted a future withLiam, where instead of sharing small smiles and awkward small talk over themarble counter, he shared soft, gentle pecks and warm hugs with a murmured good morning.
He sighed heavily and banged his forehead against themarble.
Right, time to break out the big guns. Tommo to the rescue.
Louis was very secretive about his idea, even went as far asto claim it was a gift. Now that confused Zayn, because Louis had packed the‘gift’ into a very thin brown bag to go with Liam’s Sunday coffee and breakfastthat he always took at the shop.
Sundays were also pretty stressful for Zayn; not just thatcustomers were milling in by the tens, rather a very intense looking Liam Paynesat in close proximity to where Zayn usually stood behind the counter. Hisknees felt weak every time they made eye contact, something hot and stormybrewing in those brown orbs.
But as Liam reached for his breakfast sandwich, somethingheavy like a booklet falls out of the brown packaging. Confusedly, he reacheddown for the long booklet that looked more like a cheque book but the vibrantpink and purple colours assured him it wasn’t.
He raised his head and looked around, maybe someone slippedit in or left it accidentally, but he paused as he flipped it around to readwhat was written on it.
Across the shop, Zayn held his breath as Liam looked aroundhim at the customers chatting away before finally zeroing in on Louis.
Zayn frowned as he watched Liam stand up from his chair andstride determinedly towards Louis before seeming hesitant to talk to him.
“Mate?” Louis has noticed now that Liam is stood in front ofhim, but he doesn’t see the cheque book like gift clutched in Liam’s fist.
The older man clears his throat uncomfortably, beforeraising the booklet to Louis’ eye level.
“Um, Louis, I appreciate the gift but, um, I’m not sure youand I – “
But Zayn zoned out of what Liam was saying, no his attentionwas on the booklet that Liam was waving around.
“Sex Favours for You,” it proclaimed in a loud, black textas Zayn felt like he needed to change state into a liquid form so he couldgladly sink down a drain.
Shamefaced, his cheeks burned red as he watched Liamcontinue his speech apparently letting Louis down gently.
But his friend only chuckled, causing Liam to stop and raisehis eyebrows.
“Mate! It’s not from me,it’s from your secret admirer.” Louis set the record straight, with a smugexpression fixed on his face.
Liam’s face cleared itself of the discomfort, and he laughedlightly and flapped the book around comically. For some reason, he snuck a lookat Zayn, who hurried to look busy and not like he was shamelesslyeavesdropping.
The man cleared his throat and went to a nearby bin,dropping the booklet unceremoniously and without any doubts. Zayn held hisbreath; what did this mean for him? Sure, Liam said he wasn’t interested inonly sex but had looked at him rather significantly before throwing the giftaway.
Seriously, what was he going to do now?
Zayn flopped onto his belly with a groan on his bed. Niallpatted his leg affectionately before falling silent; the only sounds in theroom were Zayn’s heavy breathing and Niall’s constant munching on crisps.
“Zaynie…” Niall started gently, before sighing anddiscarding his packet of snacks to the side before manhandling Zayn to facehim.
“Stop it,” he warned him, flicking Zayn’s nose. “You’reoverthinking this, mate. You like him right? Just tell him! Or if it’s easierfor you, write it down and give it to him.”
Zayn’s voice wobbled as he managed a, “Niall, I think I lovehim.” The boy turned back onto his belly, hiding his face in his pillow, eyesfilled with tears.
But Niall jumped up off the bed landing with a thump on thefloor.
“That’s it!” He reached over to Zayn’s work desk, a mess ofscripts and unfinished works, before taking out a writing pad and offering itto Zayn with a pen.
“Write what you love about him,” Niall ordered Zayn who onlystared at his friend in a daze before he was sitting up and accepting the padand pen.
“What’s that gonna do?” Zayn’s voice rasped out, tears stillevident in his tone.
“Solve your fecking problems!” Niall turned ratherdramatically and marched out of Zayn’s bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
Words were his thing, had always been his specialty, evenwhen they failed to get him his dream career. That’s what he did best. So Zaynput pen to paper and started writing, loopy handwriting shaping out the profoundsort of love he felt for Liam.
The next day Liam doesn’t show up until the evening; clad ina black tux this time, hair grown out and artfully styled, a small smilegracing his features as he greeted Zayn.
The boy was subdued Liam noticed, more so than usual, andhis odd behaviour worried the man who didn’t like seeing Zayn like this, likesomeone had snuffed out the light inside of him.
Zayn was chewing incessantly on his bottom lip, refusing tomake eye contact with Liam but soon Niall brought his order out with a biggrin.
Liam accepted it with and absent-minded thanks, and turnedaround to leave before he realized something was wrong halfway out of the shop.His coffee cup was empty; rather it was full of papers, he realized perplexedly,as he shook it back and forth and heard a rustling.
Confused beyond belief and fearing something inappropriateyet again, he slowly edged the lid off and stared down at the messy mound ofchits, loopy handwriting staring up at him.
The first chit was unrolled and it read, “I love the way hesmirks at me with those unbelievable looking lips.”
Liam huffed at the sentence, bizarre as it was, he couldn’thelp but notice the word ‘love’. His heart skipped a beat and he reached foranother chit, oblivious to the four sets of eyes on him, one particular setbelonged to a rather nervous and teary-eyed boy.
The second one read, “I love the way he always says goodmorning even if he’s having a shit day.”
A third chit said, “I love the way his eyes twinkle when hetalks about his family.”
“I love the little coffee-coloured birthmark on his neck.”
“I love that he always takes the time to get to knowpeople.”
“I love the suits he wears almost every day.”
“I love the fact that even though he doesn’t love me, healways makes sure I’m okay.”
At the last one, Liam furrowed his eyebrows, emotionsflitting from happiness to complete confusion. Who was this person? And how didthey know him so well? He was about to look up to ask Niall, when he noticed afinal chit at the bottom of the empty cup.
“I love you, Liam. Always.
          - Zayn xx”
Liam’s breath whooshed out of him, and he looked up at theboy with his mouth agape.
Zayn loved him? Him?
Finally, the last puzzle piece shifted into place; the boyhe was head over heels for was actually interested in him, in Liam. He could scarcely believe hisluck, not only was he under the impression that Zayn wasn’t interested in him,Liam was always aware of the significant age gap between them.
He huffed out a breath incredulously before forcing himselfto move. But he didn’t make his way towards Zayn like his heart was pushing himto.
He forced himself to walk out the door determinedly.
Zayn watched the love of his life walk out of the coffeeshop, possibly to never return. The coffee shop was completely empty ofcustomers and Zayn couldn’t help but let out a wounded noise as he sank to theground, arms wrapped around himself.
He felt hands on him, comforting words murmured into hishair, but he didn’t care. Liam had taken one look at the person behind thesilly notes and decided he didn’t want any of it. All of his fears had cometrue.
He doesn’t know how long he sat there, knees aching, cryinginto his friends’ embraces, before a loud bang jolted him.
Footsteps hurried towards them, and he heard Louis shoutout, “What the fuck do you want now?”
All of a sudden, he felt the warmth of Harry leave him, andZayn felt shocked at the loss before it was replaced by another person. Liam.
“Darling, don’t cry,” Liam cooed in his ear, lips pressinggently onto his tear-stained cheeks.
Zayn let out a confused sob as he cautiously looked up atLiam, who only tutted quietly at him, cupping his cheeks with large hands. Afleeting kiss was pressed into his forehead and Zayn leaned into the wonderfulfeeling before Liam was wiping his tears for him.
Still sitting on the floor like a dolt, Zayn attempted tosort himself out as best he could, scrubbing his face clean of tears andrunning a haphazard hand through his hair.
Liam gazed patiently at Zayn before murmuring to the boy, “Now,I still have an event to get to, darling, but I was wondering if you were freetomorrow?”
“Tomorrow? Why?” The boy asked with an adorably confused expressionon his face.
Liam beamed at him, “Yeah, there’s this art gallery openingI want to take you to.”
Zayn’s mouth gaped open, eyes wide as they gazed up at Liam,“You – you’re taking me to an art show? Like – on a date?”
The man nodded and chuckled at Zayn’s answering grin,pressing more lingering kisses onto the boy’s cheeks before moving away tostand up.
Zayn stood up with him, noting how his friends had alreadyleft, probably to grace him with the last shred of dignity he had left. Liamreached over to the marble counter, where he picked up a beautiful bouquet ofwhite roses and offered it gently to Zayn.
“White roses for my Yorkshire boy.”
Liam leaned down and kissed the corner of his mouth softly,before smiling at him and turning away to the doors of the shop. He stopped atthe doors and turned back to Zayn and called out.
“See you tomorrow, darling. I’ll pick you up.”
And with that final sentence, the love of Zayn’s life walkedout again, this time leaving the boy with a heart bursting full of joy and asmile that lasted for hours as he buried his nose in the beautiful flowers allnight.
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eyeofthewolfe · 7 years
Ninjago Movie: Jaya Moment (Part 2)
Jay hated keeping watch. He felt so responsible for everyone, and it wasn't a good thing. If anything were to happen, it would be on him. So he didn't want anything to happen. But for the first time, he felt sorta at peace. The bamboo forest was still in the early early hours of the morning, and the only sounds were the constant chirping of insects, a light breeze above the trees, and the loud snores of Lord Garmadon. He glanced over his shoulder at the Ninja team who were all passed out across the jungle floor. Kai was on his side clutching his pillow, Cole was lying on his back with headphones on, Zane was meditating next to a tree, Master Wu was balanced perfectly on his staff but fast asleep, Lord Garmadon had his own sleeping bag, and Lloyd, who set up his camp just a few inches from his dad, was sleeping soundly with his head facing his dad. Jay looked back to the empty forest with a sigh, but then quickly did a double take. There was someone missing. Jay shot off the ground when a tree branch cracked from above him. He looked up and watched Nya plummet to the ground. She didn't scream, but her eyes were wide with fear. Jay instinctively went to catch her, but overshot by a few inches. Nya landed right on top of him and they both flattened on the ground. Through the pain of the collision, Jay looked up to see if anyone woke. Master wobbled a bit on his stick, but nobody moved. "Ow..." Nya groaned as she slid slowly off of Jay's back. "Ow is right," Jay murmured as he rolled over. "What in Ninjago were you doing up there?" Nya sat up and fixed her hair and pulled moss off of her face. "I wanted to get the perfect perch," she explained. "It's so pretty up there, you can see for miles!" "Oh really?" He answered dazed, as he returned to his spot against a tree. Nya smiled, then scooted closer to him. "Oh yeah, you can see all the stars in the sky! You can even see some galaxies! I had no idea there were that many....stars..." she paused as she looked at Jay. "What?" He blinked, not realizing that he was gawking at her. "Oh...uh...I just...really like hearing you talk about things you like." She giggled then scooted a little closer. "Well I enjoy having you listen, Jay." He blushed and turned back to watch the forest. They both fell into an awkward silence. Jay pressed his lips together uncomfortably. He didn't want to look over to make it creepy, but he didn't want the awkward silence to last too long. "You know," Jay squeaked out his conversation starter. "You can go to sleep if you want. I've got watch." Nya's smile drooped. "Oh....I mean I'm not really tired." "Oh, you're not?" "Of course not. I just fell out of a tree. I landed on you." "Oh, right." The awkward silence returned. Jay slowly reached up and brushed his orange scarf under his ninja suit for comfort. He took a deep breath, and then turned to Nya. "Where did you get your scarf?" Jay froze with his mouth open in a weird position. "Oh...my scarf? Yeaaaa...I saw it in a store a while back and I liked it...so I bought it." Jay told her as she stared at him curiously. He finished his story, then waited for her response. She looked at him funny. "Wait, you just saw it and then bought it? That's it?" He nodded. "Yep." The girl frowned. "But you wear it everyday, even under your suit. It's got to have some significance." Jay shook his head. "Nope." "None at all." He sighed. "Sometimes the most important things in life have no significance at all. Like my scarf - I wear it cuz I like it. There doesn't have to be some epic backstory to explain why I have to wear it everyday." Nya stared at him with her mouth a little ajar. "What?" Jay laughed a bit, more anxious than ever. "That was beautiful, Jay," she responded. "I never thought you could be so wise." "Oh," he blushed again. "Well I do think a lot." Nya nodded, and Jay kicked himself. That was not the way he should have responded. "You are awfully quiet." Nya observed. "You don't really talk at school." He shrugged. "I never have anything to say." "I respect that..." She said, but she looked at him with a smile. "But you should." He looked over at her with wide eyes. "What? I should what?" She laughed. "You should talk more. You're a really funny guy." He blushed again, and looked away. "No...I'm really not." "Yes, you are." "No...Nya..." "Yes!" "Nya-" "Jay you are so-" "I can't, Nya." She froze. "You...can't?" He felt like he was burning and freezing at the same time. "Look, Nya...not everyone is as confident as you." She sat up a little with her eyebrows raised. "I...uh...." he felt his mouth turn to jello. "Uuhhh...I..." She stared at him uncomfortably. "It's hard for me...to talk...to people..." he finally confessed, and he tried to hide his eyes under his curly brown hair. Nya slowly nodded, but her eyes were still wide. "Especially...." Jay took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Especially...you." Jay couldn't look over at her. His heart was pounding harder than as hard as Cole hits the punching bags. He felt the world freeze around him, and he knew his life was over. He felt a soft hand rub his shoulder. "Can I tell you something, Jay?" Nya softly told him. "Anything," Jay responded weakly. "I'm scared too." She whispered. Jay looked over in shock. He thought she was joking, but her eyes lacked any sparkle or humor. "I'm scared...that I'm not good enough." "What are you talking about?" Jay gasped. "You are amazing! You are wicked at everything you do! How could you be scared of that?" She smiled weakly. "Thanks, Jay, but I'm not scared of not being amazing, cuz I am, but I'm afraid of....of..." Nya trailed off and then looked away. "Never mind, it's stupid." "No," Jay scooted towards her and gently nudged her hand. "I promise it's not stupid." She glanced at Jay's hand that was next to hers. She took a deep breath then answered quickly. "I'm scared I'm going to fail, Jay. Fail at school, fail as a ninja....that's why I'm so confident. I hate feeling weak." "You aren't weak, Nya." Jay told her honestly. She sniffled. "But I'm a girl-" Jay choked on his breath. "You think you are weaker because you are a girl? Are you crazy?" Nya stared at him, almost scared to answer. "No!" Jay told her. "You are no weaker than any ninja on the team...if not the strongest! I mean, you wanna talk about weak, just look at me. I can't even lift a school desk over my head if my life depended on it." She chuckled. "Nya, to me you are the most valuable ninja on the team." She rubbed her eyes. "You think so?" Jay nodded. "I know so." She smiled. "Thanks, Jay. I really needed that." He smiled back. "Anytime." She stood and extended her hand. "Come here." He paused, then took her hand. She pulled him to her feet then winked. She bent down a bit, then launched herself into the air. Jay watched in awe as she flipped over his head and then used the bamboo trees to launch herself even higher into the trees. She paused only once to gesture to the blue ninja to follow. He grinned then jumped up after her. Climbing the trees were easy, it was just a little concentration with footing and strength to launch him into the air a few times. He climbed and climbed higher and higher until he landed softly on the same sturdy branch Nya perched on. "Whoa," he gasped as he looked outwards. He could see jungle and trees for miles through and over rocky mountains and hills. In the far distance was the glowing silhouette of Ninjago City, and beyond was water. But the one thing Jay had never seen before was the multitude of stars that blanketed the sky. Galaxies of stars created depth and added to the great wonder he had never experienced. "Isn't it gorgeous?" Nya breathed as she looked up as well. Jay looked down at the Ninja next to him. As he gazed at her, he realized that the great multitude of stars in the sky could not even compare to Nya. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Jay murmured, not looking away from the girl.
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alabama-metal-man · 6 years
I hope you know how lovely and wonderful and amazing you are.
Brittany, I hope you know just how sweet, kind, warm-hearted, brilliant, and wonderful YOU are. This seriously brightened my whole day up and made me grin like a big dummy at my work station. Thank you so so much for this kindness 💙
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