#<- give me a few minutes i’ll be ok soon deep breaths
muffingnf · 7 months
golos when they have to work on the sacred holy day of november 1st
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Chocolate & Movies
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Imagine: having period cramps is one of the worst things, but luckily you have a dad who knows what will help, or in other words Aaron Hotchner is the best father you could ask for
Warnings: period, period cramps, pain, you know normal period things (me writing this as a woman knowing full well most men don’t know what I actually mean), hotch being the best dad ever, hotch cuddles, hotch hugs, idk what more
A/N Me 🤝 writing fics for my own comfort
This is my first Criminal Minds fic so I hope I did ok, and if you have a request for Criminal Minds pls send them in
So I’m mainly writing this because my period cramps are worse than normal, and I can take a lot of pain before it gets too much, and my period cramps are usually bad, so thought why not write some comfort fic about it and here we are, this is for anyone who have period cramps so enjoy I guess, sorry that it’s short
Side note: I wanted to ad that this is what usually helps me I’m not saying it helps everyone
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You knew you should’ve been up by now, but there was no energy in your body to do so. All your energy went to not cry out in loud sobs of pain. It felt like someone was stabbing knives into your stomach and twisting them around. Any position you tried made the excruciating pain worse. Even the thought of walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water to take with the medication caused the pain to spike up. Your nauseous state didn’t help nor the fact that it felt like you were going to faint as soon as you lifted your head up.
Jack had already left for school and you were supposed to be in your father’s car in ten minutes so that he could drive you to school. However if you had a say in the matter that would not be the case, if you got your will through you’d be at home the whole day wallowing in the pain you got once a month as you (in your dramatic words) bled out.
You were about to take your phone (not wanting to yell) to ask your father if you could stay home when you heard his voice yell out to you. “Y/N, we’re leaving in ten, you ready?” seconds later when he hadn’t gotten a response, your door swung open and the bright light from outside shined inside your once dark room. Your dad saw you laying on the bed and even if he wasn’t a profiler he would still have been able to see the pain that you were trying to hide from showing on your face.
Aaron’s face softened as concern washed over his expression the more he looked at you. He went over to your bed and crouched down, his hand going out in concern towards your forehead thinking you might have a fever and a headache at first, but you felt completely fine against his hand. “What’s wrong honey” he heard you take a deep breath before letting out some few mumbled words “period cramps, hurt a lot”
“You wanna stay home” Aaron noticed how you sighed in relief at his question, and was glad that he had understood the situation right. He got a nod from you and went out of your room to tell the school you weren’t coming in today. Not long after he was back to crouching beside your bed, this time caressing your arm softly.
“I have to go to work, but we won’t have a case for a while so you can come with me if you want, we can stop at the store on the way and get-“ he was cut of by a groan coming from you as you tried to once more not give in to the pain.
“Yeah I’d like to come with you if it means I get to cuddle with you, otherwise I’ll stay here”
“Go get ready, I’ll get you a glass of water for the meds, okay?” Hotch got another nod from you and he went out to leave you to get dressed, well as dressed as pajamapants and one of your fathers oversized hoodie was. You took the painkillers, your phone, charger, headphones and grabbed the coziest blanket you could find and went out to the car.
Not soon after you’d been to the store, bought a ton of chocolate and were now in your fathers office. Aaron had changed from working by the desk to sitting on the couch writing reports as you cuddled into him. Headphones on (as to not disturb your father from his work) as your comfort show was playing on your phone. A bunch of chocolate wrappers were spread around on the floor and desk.
And even later that day when you got home, Aaron cuddled with you as you watched movies and ate chocolate. A heat pad (is that what they are called, I literally have no clue, says the person who always uses them) laid across your stomach, which together with the warmth from your father relieved some of the pain. That along with the fact that Aaron’s hugs could always bring some of the pain away. Maybe it was a dad thing, you didn’t know but you were happy that your father was a great hugger, and that his hugs always made you feel okay.
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 7 months
Too many missions
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
A/N Firstly, this fic idea is from a request from @nicoline1998enilocin to reverse the roles of my fic office sex e.g. reader visits Bucky at work. Secondly, comments, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated and all mistakes are my own so feel free to comment below if you notice any. Also, this fic is gonna have a second part which is just aftercare.
Summary Bucky is supposed to be doing his mission reports but ends up doing you instead (lmao that's so fucking cheesy)
Warnings Fluff , blowjob, unprotected sex (use protection you are not fictional)
Bucky was missing you to say the least. He had been jumping from mission to mission for the past month and hadn’t been able to properly spend time with you. However, he only had to wait one more hour and then he could give you all the attention you could ever need. 
He was filling in the last of the paperwork regarding his latest mission when he heard a knock on his office door. 
“Come in,” he shouted, not lifting his head and continuing to write more notes on the paper. Bucky still hadn’t grasped typing on a computer and still preferred to hand-write things.
You opened the door and slid in trying not to distract Bucky while he was working.
“Hey baby, I just wanted to ask you if you’re ok.” you sat down on the couch that Bucky had in his office.
Bucky turned his head quickly as soon as he heard your voice. His scowl turned into a smile at the sight of you. 
“Hey doll, I missed you.” he said while finishing a sentence before turning on his chair to face you.
You lifted the bag that was in your hand, “I brought some food for you since you’ve been working really hard lately.”
“You’re amazing, doll,” he said, taking the bag out of your hand. “I’m sorry for not being home much S.H.I.E.L.D really needed me recently.” He added with a sad look on his face. 
“It's ok baby, I know it’s not your fault. Anyways you tell me not to worry when the same thing happens to me so you shouldn’t be worrying either.” 
“I know doll, but I just feel bad for neglecting you for so long and I've missed you so much lately.” He took out the food you made him and dug in like a man starved. 
“It’s ok baby. Really. I know that you’re not intentionally going on missions. Also, I kindly spoke to Fury and he said he’s willing to give us both the next 2 months off.” 
“You know doll, I think you’re the only person I know that can intimidate THE Nick fury.” Bucky says smiling.
Bucky finished his food and you took the rubbish off him and threw it in the bin for him. Then, you got up from your seat and walked over to Bucky who was grinning like an idiot. 
“Come here doll, I need to hug you,” he said while holding his arms out to you.
You sat on his lap, facing him. Bucky wrapped one arm around your waist and placed the other at the back of your head, pressing you further into the crook of his neck. You took a deep breath and could smell the familiar scent of Bucky’s cologne. You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist and he hummed in content. 
After a few minutes, you started to get restless. You were getting aroused from being so close to Bucky especially since you hadn’t had sex with him in what felt like years. And masterbating wasn’t an option since Bucky’s skills had made you unable to cum unless it was him. 
You squirmed around a bit before stopping when you felt Bucky’s hardness beneath you. You looked up to see Bucky’s eyes almost black with lust. He let out a loud groan when you made eye contact with him.
“Doll, I-I-I need to finish the mission report and t-then we can do anything you want.”
“But daddy. I want you nowww,” you whined. 
“Stop whining like a whore,” Bucky said “I’ll fuck you after I finish the mission reports.” He pushed you off his lap and started to unbuckle his belt and open his jeans. “While i'm doing that, you can put that dirty fuckin’ mouth to use.” he pulled his cock out and started to lazily rub it up and down.
You dropped to your knees and crawled under the desk. Bucky rolled his chair under the desk, right in front of you. 
“All right doll, you know what to do.”
You shuffled closer and replaced Bucky’s hand with yours. You leaned closer and licked a stripe up the underside of his dick, repeating the action again before taking the rounded head into your mouth. This made Bucky let out a loud moan which made you suck harder. Then, you took his member deeper into your mouth until it hit the back of your throat which made you gag. 
“That’s it baby. Such a good girl,” Bucky groaned, stroking your head softly. 
Then, you hear a knock at the door. Bucky looks down at you with a grin on his face and then tells whoever it is to come in. He allows you to take one last deep breath before pushing you down.
Steve walked into the room and was oblivious to you with a mouthful of his best friend's cock. 
“Hey Buck, how much longer are you going to be because you need to hand in your mission reports today and it's already 10pm.” 
“I’ve got a f-few more notes to add and then I’m done, punk.” Bucky replied, clenching his fist. 
“Jerk,” Steve responded, as he exited the room. 
Bucky let out a groan as you took him all the way down now that you didn’t have an audience. 
“Doll, I need to be inside you right now,” Bucky said.
He grabbed your hair and pulled you off him before moving back on his chair so that he could pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist. He placed you on his desk and started to take his clothes off as you did the same.
When you were both naked, Bucky leaned forward to meet your lips in a kiss. It was all teeth and tongue since you haven't been able to be intimate with each other for way too long. You brought a hand up to Bucky’s face and cupped his cheek, a strangely sweet gesture for such a filthy kiss. 
“Daddy, please. I need you inside me. Please,” you begged.
“One second doll,”
Bucky grabbed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the desk. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down your folds. 
“Please daddy! Fuck me!” you whined. 
Bucky just smirked before leaning forwards and pushing his dick inside you with one smooth thrust. He didn’t give you a chance to adjust before violently thrusting into you. All sense of self control had instantly dissipated the second he entered you. 
“Doll, you feel so good. So fuckin’ good” Bucky groaned. 
He put both your legs on his shoulders and leaned forwards. From this position he could reach the deepest parts of you. He reached his hand down and started to rub your swollen clit. 
“Gonna cum, m’ gonna cum,” you shouted, your legs starting to shake. 
“Cum for me doll, come on. Show daddy how good his fat cock is making you feel.” Bucky said.
Your legs had started to shake and Bucky’s thrusts were starting to become sloppy. Your vision had started to blur and you could feel your orgasm crash into you. You let out a pornographic moan and was trying to writhe away from Bucky’s hand which continued to rub your clit and extend your high. 
“Gonna cum in you baby, gonna pump you full of my cum,” Bucky let out a loud moan before stilling and filling you with his seed. 
Bucky leaned back to let your legs fall from his shoulders. He leaned forwards and rested his forehead against your breasts as you ran your fingers through his hair. A few minutes passed and then Bucky pulled away. You whined at the loss of contact. Bucky grabbed the hoodie he was wearing and helped you put it on…..
Taglist: @buckys-wintersoldier @nicoline1998enilocin
Also if you want to see posts I reblog just follow @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
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hungriestheidi · 3 months
For the au headcannon game can you do young parents galex au ??
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons a short ficlet about it <3
*waves hands* i really like this premise, i made myself cry thinking about a long winding plot involving it, but for now have whatever this ended up being!
George misses the tube for a split second. He stops dead in his tracks a few centimetres off the gap as the doors slam shut and the formation gets moving. He takes a glance at his watch, shaking his arm to push it from under his sweater. Ok, he still has twenty minutes. George takes a deep breath, buys a bottle of water on his way out of the station and prepares mentally to run a marathon across the city in the quickest time possible. 
Avoiding an old lady and a fruit stall, two cars almost run him over, he has to stop for a moment to take his breath, then keeps pushing past lines of people, cars and others forms of being yelling not so nice expletives at him when he makes contact with elbows, shoulders or bag. 
When he arrives, just six minutes past 1pm, George takes a deep breath and crouches by the school’s gates. He takes account of himself, backpack, watch, phone in the front pocket of his trousers, oyster card, hair stuck to his forehead, matted and gross, mouth dry and lungs burning like hell. Behind the gates, he spots the kind teacher with the floppy blonde hair and Abbi, sitting over her little backpack, probably crushing what remains of her lunch and her water bottle. 
“Hi daddy!” She yells as soon as she spots him. The lovingly crafted double ponytail George had painstakingly worked to get at even height is now sitting in perpendicular lines, one closer to her neck than to the top of her hair, and there is a little paint splat marking on the bottom of her uniform. Alright. Could be worse.
“Hi Abbi,” he says, exhaling through a smile as he gives the teacher an apologetic look and a short explanation of the hazardous run he did to reach her. 
They take their leave in the train just shy of 1:30pm, Abbi sitting on his lap as she tells the events of her morning in school. She’s turning seven in under a month and George feels exhausted but so gratified whenever he gets to see her beautiful smile, gap tooth and all, glow in the shitty light of the tube. 
“Is Alex going to make food?” Abbi asks, despite she having already had a meal, she had a bento box in her backpack, but it was only half eaten so George supposes it’s fair she’s hungry. 
“If you ask nicely, maybe,” he responds, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair.
George started dating Alex when Abbi was nearly two years old. It was almost immediately clear that Alex felt an unparalleled fondness for the little girl, buying her clothes and toys, taking her by the hand when George had busy hands, taking her out of the house on days when George was stressing over work and life in general, trying to make ends meet. By the time she turned four they were living together under the same room in a small house not too far from the Seven Sisters tube station, Alex insisting his house was so boring and empty and George and Abbi could bring some life to it. 
Now there is a wall covered with portraits they have taken over the years, the markings of each of Abbi’s birthdays littering the lower part of the kitchen’s door frame, George spilled wine they haven’t quite managed to get off the carpet of the bedroom that one night Alex suggested they could tie the knot, a new shelf filled with George’s design books, Abbi’s bedtime stories, Alex’s spice collection in a small cupboard just shy of Abbi’s snacks and George’s gym supplements. 
George puts Abbi on top of his shoulders the moment they make it out of the station. The sky is a bit grey, but what’s new in London? Out across the street, he spots a familiar face, with a puffy winter jacket and a lollipop. 
“Alex!” Abbi screams, so loud it makes George’s drums cry out in pain.
Alex waves at them and crosses the street, picking Abbi off George’s shoulders and giving her a big, crushing bear hug that makes the little girl shriek and laugh. When he puts her down, holding her little hand ever so tightly, he leans over to George.
“Rough day at the office, I reckon?”
And, yeah, George looks a bit of a mess, sweaty and smelly. 
“Sort of,” he says, sighing dramatically. Alex puts a hand on his sticky face, leans in close and presses their lips together in the lightest but no less filled with sentiment of kisses. 
“I made some grilled pork, maybe that’ll cheer you up.”
George smiles. Yeah, that’ll do it.
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themultifandomgal · 2 months
From 2010- Start Of The Take Me Home Tour
Part 29
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23rd February- London O2
“I got this, everything will be fine” I say to myself in the mirror while my hairstylist/makeup artist Erin is putting my hair half up after spending the last few hours doing my hair and makeup
“Of course you’ve got this. Your going to be fine”
“It’s just the last time I was on tour Alex…”
“I know, but he would want you to carry on doing what you love. He’s here with you, I can feel it” Erin says finishing up “and we are done” just in time as well as there’s a knock on my dressing room door. Charlotte walks in with my clothes rack
“Time to get dressed, 5SOS have just gotten off stage”
“Ok thanks” I give myself one more look in the mirror, take a deep breath and let it out “everything’s going to be fine” I say one more time to myself before taking my pill and washing it down with some water. I take my first outfit from Charlotte and get dressed, meeting up with the boys back stage
“5 minutes” I hear a stage manager yell
“Alright?” Harry asks
“Hmhm” I nod smiling, but I’m honestly so nervous, more than I was during our first tour.
Soon enough I hear the intro to the tour and hundreds of screams. The start of Up All Night begins and we walk on stage. Annoyingly my inears aren’t working so I have to take on out so I can actually hear Harry before the chorus. I notice Louis also doesn’t have his in so while Zayn is singing both Louis and I quickly run off stage to see if the techs can fix the issue.
“Hello!” Harry shouts into his Microphone “we are One Direction and it’s and absolute pleasure to play for you today” as Harry talks Zayn hands me a water bottle “thank you so much f’being here”
“Thanks” I say to Zayn opening up the bottle and taking a sip of water
“We can see everyone!” I hear Harry shout
“Want to say that any louder?” I say to Harry
“Oh shush” Harry sticks his tongue out at me so I stick mine out back
“So mature” Zayn says shaking his head “so the next song we’re going to do, I’m not sure if any of you know it, it’s called One Thing”
“Come on O2. I tried playing cool….” Liam starts while Harry and I are dancing stupidly making Zayn laugh
“Shot me out of the sky. You’re my kryptonie. You keep making me weak, yeah frozen and can’t breathe” 
“Somethings gotta give now, cause I’m dying just make you see that need you here now cause” I point to the audience who shout ‘you’ve got that one thing’
“Let’s here you O2!” Liam shouts.
“Everyone having a good time?” Niall asks “good stuff. Right the next part of the show is the most important part of a One Direction show. Let’s look at Twitter. Ok so we’ve taken in some of your questions and we’re gonna answer them here and now in the O2 Arena”
“Where’s cookie? YN I think this one’s for you” Zayn says. The boys all look at me waiting for an answer
“She’s with my friend Emma while where on tour. When we’re in Birmingham I’ll get to see her” I reply to the question
“Ok this one’s for me. What’s your favourite song to play on the guitar?” Niall reads “I think it’s a remix of what makes you beautiful and I’m sexy and I know it”
“Which Disney movie do you prefer?” Liam reads of
“YN will watch any” Harry laughs
“Hey I have a favourite”
“Don’t we know it Nants ingonyama bagithi baba” Niall sings
“And is Cookie is in the building you know she’s getting lifted up”
“Ok well what about you boys?” I ask
“There’s a few classics aren’t there, but I think I’ll have to go with the Lion King as well” Louis says
“Yes!” I run over to him and give him a high five
“Zayn I know your a man who likes cartoons. Talk to me” Liam says
“Good choice. Harry?”
“Is Dumbo Disney?”
“Is dumbo Disney?” I scoff “yes of course it’s Disney”
“You do fancy the little Mermaid though don’t you?” Liam teases
“I think it’s your turn” Harry dodged the question
“Mines more of a Pixar movie. It’s toy story” we finish up the Twitter section and continue on with the concert.
By the end of the night we are all exhausted. I get dressed in a pare of sweats and a jumper. I take out my contacts and place my glasses on. I grab my stuff and head out of my dressing room and knock on the boys’ door which opens in no time
“So that’s where my hoodie went” Harry says letting me in
“Oops” I shrug
“Are they my sweats?” Louis asks
“Maybe” I shrug again. Louis raises his eyebrows at me “ok fine but they’re more comfortable”
“Well now we know what to buy you for your birthday” Niall jokes.
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
okay the ushy gushy pussy Dream thing is ruining me so i have to!!!
just imagine that when Dream and Hob get together Hob knows about Dream being trapped for a century and is totally fine with Taking Things Slow. holding hands, having dinner, after a few dates they end up cuddling on the couch
and maybe Dream overestimated his own patience because he's leaning against Hob's side, warm and comfortable and all he really wants is a kiss
(a lot of kisses, maybe)
naturally, Hob obliges
and he keeps his promise! it's slow and thorough, his hands rubbing over Dream's side and back in soft, tender circles, never even threatening to slide beneath Dream's shirt. absolutely what Dream needs after being cold and lonely for so long
which is maybe why barely five minutes later he's hard and aching in his jeans
but that's a little humiliating, isn't it? sure, Dream wants Hob to know that he's enjoying it, but he should stil have some self-control. so he can't press closer, lest Hob feels his erection
unless he gives himself a cunt, of course
no danger of Hob noticing with that
it still takes an embarrassing effort to focus enough to do so because Hob is still kissing him with single-minded focus (seriously, even his daydreams aren't straying farther ahead, it's just Dream, Dream, Dream right there on the couch) to switch things around but once it's done, Dream can slide onto Hob's lap without poking him by accident
when Hob eventually has to pull away to catch his breath, he pulls Dream along so Dream's face rests against his shoulder
10/10 cuddling position. his throat is warm, Hob smells like pine and smoke and also of the chocolate he'd tried to feed Dream. his arms are wrapped around Dream and he's propped his leg up so Dream has a more comfortable perch
Dream shifts his hips just to press closer
which is the moment he notices that his jeans are soaked through
to mid thigh
and Hob's where he's sitting are too
Hnnhggnhhgnnhhnnnhhnn am dead. Dead. Deceased.
The worst part is that Dream pulls back just in time to see Hob’s face go through a series of expressions. Confusion. Acceptance. Pity? Dream wants to launch himself into the sun. He seriously considers it, but Hob’s hands clamp down on him and it feels very difficult to leave all of a sudden.
Meanwhile, Hob is having a very confusing time. He automatically assumes that Dream might have had an accident - and that’s ok, Hob’s been peed on before, he’s not even opposed to it being a sexy thing. But he soon recognises that the fluid isn’t urine. What is it, then? As Hob puzzles it out, Dreams eyes fill with tears.
“Oh, oh sweetheart.” Hob cooes to him, holding him tightly. “It’s ok, darling! You must be so worked up. I’m sorry I didn’t realise it. Your poor cunt must be aching. Will you let me take care of you?”
Dream squirms, unwilling to let go of the feeling of deep humiliation. He can’t believe that Hob is taking it so well! He was expecting to be laughed at and pushed away. Instead, Hob’s hand is rubbing against the crotch of his jeans and making him even more wet!
“You can take your pleasure from my hand, my love. I’ll be a good toy for you. It’ll take the edge off and you’ll feel so much better.” Hob is so gentle, coaxing Dream to rut his clothed pussy against him. He’s still a little weepy but mostly he’s so turned on, so enamoured by the way Hob looks at him. Like he’s something incredible to be worshipped.
When Dream cums, he soaks the couch… and that’s just the first of many orgasms that Hob intends to give him. Hob has a new kink, and it comes in the form of Dream’s beautiful, magnificently wet pussy. And he fully intends to show Dream that he has nothing to be ashamed of (maybe a towel would be good, though).
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echos-girlfriend · 1 year
~Don’t be afraid~
Hunter x GN Reader - Word count 813
Prompt(s): Falling in love is a unique kind of vulnerable and i dont- i dont want to feel that way.”
{ @cloneficgiftexchange }
@moonlight-sonata99, I wrote this fir you my lovely 💜 you have been one of my best friends on tumblr for a long time.. and I cannot believe I have the pleasure of writing this fanfic for you~
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The days seemed to go by slower and slower recently.. That is until Cid had sent you and the batch on a mission that turned out to be something more than it was, shocker.. but this was.. different.
Running.. shooting. Hiding. It was nonstop.
Dealing with pirates was something you knew would happen.. but this was intense.
“Omega! Look out!”
You grabbed her and pulled to the side as bombs were thrown across the skies. Omega clutched tightly at your side. You blocked her eyes with your hands from the debris.. you out to her hands on her cheeks looking over her.
“Are you alright?! Are you hurt!”
“I’m ok. I’m ok..”
Hunter ran over to you both. You couldn’t see his face due to his helmet but you know he had a worried look on his face. He looked omega over and then looked at you before swiftly returning to the battlefield.
‘Go and get the ship ready.. we will be on our way soon’
You looked at omega and made a run for the ship.. shooting at the pirates chasing after you. You stayed on the ramp and fought back the few pirates that remained.
“Get the ship started Meg!”
“I’m on it!”
The boys weren’t far behind you.. you stood watch as each one got onboard.
“Is everyone ok?!”
Voices all rose and said ‘yes’ almost in unison. This was too close.. you all had at least one or two bruises. Your hand in particular was bruised badly.
Hunter was in shambles.. trying to get everyone what they needed. Trying to make sure his family was ok. He came over to you and didn’t say anything.. he just looked at you and walked on
“Are you ok?”
Omega put her hand on your shoulder. You nodded and looked down at your hand. She saw your hand and grabbed a med kit.
“I’ll help you with that!”
Hunter looked everywhere but at you and Omega. You could tell he was trying to avoid looking at you. You huffed and looked down at Omega, who just finished wrapping your hand.
“I need to talk to Hunter.. can you give us a minute?”
Omega nodded and ran off to the cockpit to join the others.
“Hunter.. why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“Avoiding me! It’s constant.. I. What did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong..”
“Then what did I do!”
“Nothing!! You.. You just.. It’s you..”
You looked at him confused.. you were starting to think that maybe he didn’t like you..
“What do you mean..”
“I can’t stand being around you.. b-becuase falling in love.. confuses me.. I don’t understand it.. it makes me scared.. and I don’t want to feel that way..”
You took a step back as his voice raised. Hunter couldn’t stand to be in the room with you.. He swiftly left the room. He left you standing there in shock.
You couldn’t believe he felt this way, after all this time? You did your best to catch up to him, wanting to confess your own love.
“Hunter! Hunter please.. I need to tell you something”
“Please just leave me alone-“
“Hunter I love you and I’m not afraid of it.”
“I.. I don’t know what do to.”
You gave him a smile.. your voice gentle.
“What do you mean Hunter?”
He looked away from you before looking forward.
“I was never told these feelings.. were normal. They scare me. I don’t wanna get attached.. what if I lose you?”
“Hunter. It’s ok to have these feelings.. you can be scared of things. Do you want to talk about what you feel?”
He took a deep breath and nodded. He turned to face you and gently looked at your eyes.
“I feel, I feel this pull to you. I.. I love you. It makes my stomach flutter and my heart beat fast.. it makes my senses go into overdrive thinking about you. I don’t want to lose you.. I’m scared”
You took his hand in yours. And brought them to your lips, gently kissing his knuckles.
“Hunter.. It’s called love.. you care for me like I care for you..”
You smiled at him and put your hand on his cheek, gently stroking it. He looked at you, pure love and adoration in his eyes.
“Hunter.. it’s ok to be scared. I’m scared too. Love is strong.. and it’s powerful.”
“Yeah.. Why are you scared..?”
“Because. When you love someone you don’t want to lose them.. well I’m afraid of losing you.”
Hunter sighed and pulled them in close.. wrapping his arms around them.
“You won’t lose me.. and I won’t lose you.”
“Sounds like a plan sarge. Let’s shake on it?”
He chuckles and the pair shake on their new deal.. sharing a comforting yet funny moment between each other.
Their journey together had just begun~..
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allthefandomthings55 · 2 months
Chapter 7
I was in my kitchen, just making some mac and cheese when my doorbell rang. “Coming,” I yelled as I cleaned my hands. Once I ran to the door, I opened it to see Spencer, “Hey Spence- Oh my god! What happened?”
Spencer scratched behind his head, “Uh, yeah that’s what I wanted to tell you about in person. I didn’t know if you wanted to know right away or if you wanted me to tell you in person.”
I was just staring at him, “Well come in and tell me what happened. We can talk over mac and cheese.” Spencer followed me into my house and looked around. 
“Wow, this is the biggest house I think I’ve ever seen. I mean Rossi’s mansion is big, but this place is huge.”
You laughed, “Yeah. Uh- this is my mansion. I have a pool, a hot tub, a great living room and kitchen. A recording studio, five bathrooms, and eight bedrooms plus the master bedroom. All fully furnished.”
“Wow. Ok. That’s a lot. This is a lot bigger than my apartment.”
“Yeah it is. But to be honest I like your apartment. Its got this homey feel to it. My house feels so cold and inhuman. Your apartment has you written all over it and I like it that way.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, “Anyways,” we sit down at the counter in my kitchen. I dish out some mac and cheese for the both of us. As I sat down, Spencer told me all about how he pushed his coworker and friend JJ out of the way so she didn’t get shot in the heart, but then he would get shot in the shoulder. He figured it would be better than his friend being killed. 
“Oh my god Spencer, I can’t believe you would willingly get hurt for your friend! That’s so sweet. Ok, I demand you stay here so I can make sure that you’re ok.”
“Yeah,” Spencer took a deep breath and his face fell a bit.
“What’s wrong?”
Spencer took a minute to compose his thoughts, “I-I’m scared. A few years ago I, uh, I got addicted to drugs. An unsub who had split personality disorder (correct me if I’m wrong) kidnapped me and drugged me. After that, I became addicted to the drug and it took me a while to get clean. Now I’m scared to take any prescription drugs in fear that I might become addicted again. I totally understand if you want me to leave and you never want to see me again. I understand that it can be hard to love somebody with that kind of past.”
You looked at him then got up and gave him a hug. You then held him at arms length, “I am so sorry that happened to you. What do you mean make you leave? I don’t care that you got into drugs for three months straight, or how much sleep you lost in that period. I don’t care that you went home and fucked that person and woke up at 6 AM hating everything about yourself, or that you smoked so much you sounded as though your lungs were giving out. You’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness. You’re just human, and being human means you need to survive and you do so whichever way you deem fit, fuck everyone else.”
He looked at me and I saw tears start to stream down his face. He then pulled me into the tightest hug I’ve ever had in my life. We stayed there for a long time while he cried into my shoulder. I let him decide how long he wanted to hug. “Thank you, Y/N. I’ve never known anyone to accept my past.”
“I’ll always accept you and your past. You’re the only person that has accepted me and my history without wanting something in return. And if you ever want another hug like that, you can call or text me and I will be there as soon as I can be. Hugs are so underrated especially those hugs that are so tight you can literally feel the other person’s heartbeat and for a moment everything feels so calm and safe like nothing can hurt you.”
Spencer looked at you for a moment, “You are so wise and so intelligent Y/N. You know I’ve been listening to some of your music and it is so poetic. I see where you get it from.”
You laughed, “Thank you! I know you prefer classical music so it means a lot.”
You both laughed at that and decided to take the rest of the night chilling on the couch and watching movies. Although the both of you didn’t go to bed until well in the morning, it was well worth the wait to make sure that the both of you were in a good place mentally. 
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creative-heart · 2 months
I randomly remembered a fic I read years ago with the title "an ocean apart", it was a long distance relationship thing.
Something like this with Enzo, maybe?
And yes, I admit... it would be something for my little heart since I AM literally an ocean away 🥲🥲🥲
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Lucia’s notes: Ok, so this came about from this ask, sorry for the angst, but I’ve been kinda in that mood lately. I really hope you enjoy this @lastflowrr
Talking to the  moon- Bruno Mars
Come back…Be here- Taylor Swift
Calling you- Blue October
Content Warning: Just some angst, with a happy ending I promise.
Word Count: 1.9k
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Enzo and Y/N have been together for a few years now, they met one summer while they were both on holidays and it simply clicked, they could talk for hours on end, coffe or tea mugs in hand, even if they grew cold because the conversation was way too interesting. There were no such things as uncomfortable silences between Y/N and Enzo, for her laying her head on the black haired guy’s legs as they read their books in peace, they truly were best friends who were in a relationship, so when Enzo told the brunette girl he had gotten a chance to better his acting career in Europe, she was truly so excited for him encouraging him to take it and move to Spain, even if it meant they would have to take their relationship into long distance, she was in the middle of her college degree and couldn’t leave the city to go with him. When Y/N took Enzo to the airport and the taller guy engulfed her in the tightest hug ever and leaned down whispering in her ear “never forget that I love you with all my soul chiquita, because the soul never forgets”. Y/N closed her eyes hiding her face in his chest taking a deep breath wanting to keep every single detail of her boyfriend engraved in her memory and her senses until she saw him again. As she nodded softly Enzo held her face in his hands giving her a soft loving kiss before he walked through the boarding area doors.
The first few months weren’t that hard, the facetime calls every night, the love still in both their hearts and bodies, it worked, somehow it worked for both of them. But as time started going by, Y/N started noticing how Enzo’s texts and calls were less and less frequent, of course she understood that his life must have been busy, she knew for a fact that the tan skinned man was booking so many jobs, modeling, acting, whatever you thought about he got it and she was extremely proud of him. That didn’t mean that seeing all the Instagram stories and posts about the events he attended, the travels, the parties, the girls on there, it stung, specially with them being so far apart, and she felt stuck. Her classes felt stupid, she couldn’t focus, her grades were starting to slip and she hated that it had such an effect on her, Y/N did trust Enzo, but she missed him so bad it didn’t make sense.
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Three months had gone by since Enzo had moved to Spain and the facetime calls were rare by now, they had gone from daily to maybe weekly, that is if he didn’t bail on them and as Friday afternoon approached, Y/N texted him to confirm they were still on for that call.
bebé 💖: En babe, please tell me we’re still on for today’s facetime? it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I miss you.
Zito 😘: Chiquita….you’re gonna kill me…I’m so so sorry…. I have a last minute event tonight, but I promise I’ll call you as soon as I get back if it ain’t too late back in Montevideo. I love you too I miss your pretty face as well.
bebé 💖: Yeah…..sure whatever you say Enzo….. call me whenever you get 2 minutes to talk to your gf…..if that’s what I am still.
Y/N was furious, she couldn’t believe he was dodging her again, she was getting so tired of trying, but she knew that she didn’t want to let it go, she didn’t wanna let him go. She let herself fall down on her mattress looking out the window and stopped fighting the tears rolling down her cheeks as she hastily wiped at them; she was happy, she needed to be happy for him, be supportive of his dream, but what about them? did the relationship they had mean nothing to Enzo? somehow the brunette still trusted that he wasn’t cheating on her, she knew her boyfriend, yet there it was, that tugging feeling at her gut telling her something wasn’t right. 
Enzo’s POV:
It destroyed him knowing how she was feeling, there was nothing more than he wanted than to be there with her, to hold her, kiss those pink lips he loved so much. But if the hazel eyed guy wanted to be able to bring her over to live with him he needed to save enough money to pay for her college here, get everything ready so she could transfer universities. He had spoken to Y/N’s parents about this, and they had given him the all clear for it. Y/M/N had told him that Y/N wasn’t doing too well, of course she had never really said anything about it, that’s how much she loved him and that broke the older guy in half. 
bebé 💖: En babe, please tell me we’re still on for today’s facetime? it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I miss you.
Zito 😘: Chiquita….you’re gonna kill me…I’m so so sorry…. I have a last minute event tonight, but I promise I’ll call you as soon as I get back if it ain’t too late back in Montevideo. I love you too I miss your pretty face as well.
bebé 💖: Yeah…..sure whatever you say Enzo….. call me whenever you get 2 minutes to talk to your gf…..if that’s what I am still.
Enzo bit his lip hard at Y/N’s last text, if she only knew that he didn’t have an event, he was doing so many things in so little time, he was booking the hotel for the trip to Capri for Y/N’s birthday next month, he had arranged it with her parents, needed to go sign the lease on the new apartment he was going to rent  so she could have a study space there, he needed to pick up the engagement ring he had specially made for her. Now as Enzo went about his errands, he was scared he might be screwing it up with the love of his life, it was hard on him too, he could see the pain in her eyes every time they facetimed, and it broke him not being able to wrap his arms around her petite body the way he always did to shelter her from the outside world.
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Y/N was still laying on her bed in and out of sleep, she checked her phone one more still holding onto some hope that Enzo would indeed call her and she saw the time, almost midnight, he wasn’t gonna call. Just as she was placing her phone on the night table it started ringing with the tone she had specially selected for him, she turned around again turning the night light on as she reluctantly answered the call “Chiquita, hi, were you sleeping? sorry I didn’t mean to wake you” Enzo said as soon as he saw his girlfriend’s face, her eyes were rimmed with red, he knew she had been crying, he could always tell and his stomach dropped. Y/N shook her head sitting up better, no matter how upset she was, as soon as she heard his voice, everything disappeared, “No, was just about to, but not yet, how have you been En? how was the event?”.
Enzo bit the inside of his lip “it was good yeah….busy but good, how’s school going?” seeing her just shrug and look away from the phone he smiled softly “you kicking ass already? excited about your birthday next month? any plans?” the girl looked back to the screen “no, not really….you said you can’t make it, so why should I?” The conversation carried on until Y/N fell asleep, her phone still in hand, Enzo smiled taking in her resting features, would take any opportunity to see her face that he got.
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Three weeks later Y/N sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen “I already told you guys, don’t feel like taking a trip” she sighed as her parents brought up again that stupid trip to Capri they had planned for her birthday. “Plus, what am I supposed to do there alone?”. Y/M/N smiled looking at her “you wouldn’t be alone honey, Marina’s coming as well, you know your cousin always wanted to visit Capri, we think it would do you good to get some sun on your face, get out of here for a while, we already got you the tickets and hotel booking, come on”. As the hazel eyed girl looked at her parents alternately she nodded softly “if I accept will you be happy?” Y/D/N grinned nodding “so happy”. Y/N nodded again “fine then, I’m going.”
That day Y/N sat on her plane seat next to Marina her cousin- something’s fishy here, she looks so weird- “you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on, are you?” Marina looked up from her book with the best dumbfounded face she could master “Going on with what boo?” Y/N rolled her eyes and went back to playing on her phone. Once they landed and got their suitcases they headed to the hotel. Marina was the one with the hotel details, no one had let her get her hands on anything for the trip, all this was so fishy, so weird, maybe it was just her anxiety, but something was weird, like why did they have two separate hotel rooms. “What? you may have a boyfriend, but I’m planning on getting myself some hot italiana to share my time with here. Thank you very much” Marina said with a cheeky grin on her face when she saw Y/N giving her a quizzical look seeing two different hotel room keys. “Okay, what do you say we settle in, rest a bit, take a shower and meet back down here in an hour or so for dinner?”. And an hour later Y/N walked out of the elevator into the lobby waiting for her cousin, she had changed into a white and baby blue two piece set and a messy bun with some white and gold flat sandals. 
After dinner they were walking down the beach, arms intertwined enjoying the gorgeous sunset. As Y/N stopped to take a picture of it, she felt her cousin move away from her “Hey Mar, would you take my pic..” the brunette turned around looking for her and stopped in her tracks seeing Enzo there down on one knee. 
“I’ve been stupid, beyond stupid, it kills me seeing how you were feeling. I don’t want to see you suffer, never again, I would do anything to see that gorgeous smile of yours, I want to spend every minute of every day of my life with you, would you make me the happiest man on earth ever and marry me?” Y/N kept looking at him gobsmacked, utter shock in her face before she stepped forward hitting his arm over and over “You fucker! you know how shitty I’ve been feeling because you dodged all our calls? I’ve been spinning out of control” she said hiting him with every word before tears started flowing down from her eyes nodding “of course I’ll marry you!”. Enzo grinned sliding the ring on her finger before standing up engulfing her in his arms kissing her “I’m so so sorry, I promise I won’t ever make you cry again”. As Y/N slowly relaxed into his embrace she knew that even beyond the waves, her love for this man could never die and as long as she had his arms to hide into, everything would always be right.
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Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @luceracastro @espinasrubi @castawaycherry @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred
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cheesysoup-arlo · 1 month
Aj x reader
A/N: Reader uses a binder, gender isn’t mentioned, also semi-based on personal experience lol
This art fair was going to be the death of you. You knew you need to take your binder off. You’d been wearing it for 12 hours (four more than the recommended). You felt that familiar ache in you back and shoulder but decided to push through, you still had two more hours before you’d be home and you didn’t bring your sports bra to change into so you were screwed. “y/n? You ok baby? You look, I don’t know tense?” Aj asks “ ‘m fine” you say trying not to think about it “Y/n don’t lie to me, we agreed no lying” Aj said in a tone that you knew you couldn’t lie to. You mumbled something “what?” Aj said visibly confused “I’ve been wearing my binder for like over 12 hours…” you said looking down at your feet embarrassed “Y/N, you can’t do that that’s really dangerous and you’ve been carrying heavy stuff- what were you thinking?” Aj said getting upset with you “oh my gosh, calm down” you said with a sigh “CALM DOWN?! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?! YOURE BEING STUPID AND HURTING YOUR-“ she cut herself off and took a deep breath “I know we still technically have two hours left but there is no way in hell I’m letting keep working in your condition, we need to go home” she says gently grabbing your arm causing you to snatch your arm away “MY condition?! I’m fine, you do NOT need to yell at me and boss me around like I’m some stupid little kid Aj” you almost never call her by her name but you were embarrassed and angry that she yelled at you in front of people. Aj realized she messed up, maybe she went too far “Y/n…” she said in an apologetic tone “No Aj leave me alone, I need to go help pack up booths” you stormed off really upset and didn’t want to talk to her right now. You start helping pack up a few booths when the pain in your ribs increased, 13 and a half hours of binding? what were you thinking, your body was definitely not happy. The pain was just getting worse and you just wanted your girlfriend but you remembered how you reacted about earlier so you didn’t know if she would even want to see you right now. Your train of thought was interrupted by
*buzz* *buzz* a text from Aj
My love🛹💕: hey baby I’m sorry about earlier but I’ll be at the car waiting for you whenever you’re ready I love you
(Y/N): hi bubs I’m also really sorry about earlier but I’ll be out in a minute I just gotta put one more tent away I love you too see you in a bit
My love🛹 💕: alright baby see you soon
You finished helping and held your side in pain as you walked to your girlfriend’s car. When you got to the car Aj noticed you grabbing your side “ok I’m sorry for earlier but we really need to get that off of you” Aj said with a frown “can we just go home? I promise I’ll take it off as soon as we get there” you said buckling up with a small groan of pain “yeah ok baby my house or yours?” Aj asks starting the car “yours, if my mom sees me like this she’ll kill me and take my binder away for “being too reckless” I don’t want to hear that right now” you said gently rubbing your ribs. The two of you made it to Aj’s and went to her room, her parents weren’t home “can we please get this off of you now” Aj says gently reaching under your shirt and you nod. She takes off your shirt then helps you out of your binder “lay down baby I’m gonna grab us some clothes then we’re gonna shower” she says kissing you on the forehead then going to her closet to grab a hoodie for you and some boxers from your bucket of stuff you leave over then grabs her self some clothes “ok baby come on let’s get in the shower” she says giving you a quick kiss then helping you stand up. You two get in the shower, it feels really nice on your achy skin and it’s warm. You lean your head on Aj while she gently rubs soap all over your back and sides, her delicate touch making you melt into her making you felling a little sleepy. “You ok baby? Getting sleepy?” She asks, you just respond with a nod and help rub soap on her back then kissing her. You two finish your shower and she helps you get dressed “come on baby, arms up” she says trying to help you with your hoodie “it hurts bubs” you say trying to lift your arms “I know baby, I know but you gotta put something on or you’re gonna be cold” she pulls the hoodie over your head and gently helps your arms into the holes “ok lay down baby, I’m gonna get us some water and snacks, go ahead and just relax” Aj says then she gives you a kiss before heading to her door “I love you bubs, thank you for taking care of me” you say with a half smile “I love you too baby” she says heading down stairs, you snuggle into Aj’s bed trying not to move too much because moving hurts. As you start slowly dozing off Aj walks into the room “aw my poor sleepy baby, can you drink a little bit of water before you go to sleep?” You nod and sit up as she hands you a cold water bottle. Aj gently scratches your scalp, messing with your hair as you drift off to sleep.
You slept for like an hour or two. Waking up with you tangled up in Aj’s arms, her head on the top of yours. “Good morning sleepyhead” Aj said kissing the top of your head “hi bubs, can you pass me water?” you said groggy, trying to sit up as she passes you a water bottle “here you go baby” she says as she lays back down next to you. You drink some water then carefully set it on her nightstand, reaching over causes some pain and Aj notices it immediately. “Baby come here” you slowly make your way over to her and she starts rubbing small gentle circles into your sore sides “how does that feel” she says pressing a kiss to your forehead while you lay with your back against her front “good” you say closing your eyes relaxing into her touch. “I love you baby” she says “I love you too bubs, I love you so much” you say looking up at her “you gotta take care of yourself baby, I don’t like seeing you hurt” she says lifting your hoodie a little more to reach a little higher on your ribs, you lean into her touch but lift your head to try and give her a kiss, she smiles at you then leans down to connect your lips. It’s a soft gentle kiss, you both smile in the kiss then pull away, she looks at you and says “you’re so adorable…I’m really sorry for yelling at you earlier I know how you feel about yelling, I just really care about you and you had me really worried” she said with a frown “I’m sorry too bubs, I overreacted and was really dumb and didn’t listen to my body, I didn’t mean to worry you and I’ll try to do better next time” you say messing with your hoodie string because you don’t want to make eye contact “I appreciate you apologizing…wanna watch a movie now?” She says with a smile “ooo yes please” you say rolling over to lay on her with your chest against hers. She puts on a random Disney movie you both like and you both slowly doze off playing with each other’s hair.
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mochie85 · 2 years
Can you do one were for some reason, Loki and the reader have to do manual labor (like chop wood, milk a cow, using a hand pump and carrying buckets of water, stuff like that) and by the trope of ignorant alien boyfriend reader makes fun of him (in a good way) and is fluff and have some mutual pining
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
A/N: Did I do some research while writing this fic? Absolutely. Did that research include watching Bradley.Thor on TikTok? Yes. And No, the irony was not lost on me. 🤣 I hope you like this Nonny! 🥰 Thank you for the request. Keep them coming.
Word Count: Almost 2k Warnings: Fluff Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The weather was sublime. The warm afternoon breeze blew the fragrance of the wildflowers all around you. The serene view was marred only by the sound of complaints and grumbles from the god behind you.
“I can’t believe we’re stuck out here.” He mumbled to himself.
“Oh, come on Loki. It’s not so bad.” You smiled at him. He looked at you, the sun highlighting your silhouette in front of him. The only saving grace from this mission was that he got to do it with you.
“The sooner I can get back to modern civilization, the better.” He croaked.
You two were in an isolated masia in the middle of Catalonia. A safe house that was set aside for agents, and Bruce – whenever he needed his space to calm down. You spotted a few cows grazing along the western slope. And there were chickens in a large coop in the back of the house. You didn’t know if someone came to maintain the livestock, or if they were wild and set free from a time when this was used as an actual farm.
As stocked as the masia was, everything was either expired or inoperable. The faucets had run dry. The electricity was suspicious, to say the least. It seemed almost forgotten and in disarray by the time the two of you arrived.
“I sent the signal. The team should be intercepting it soon and then they can collect us. But until then, let’s see if we can find something to eat. Who knows how long we’ll be here.” Loki rolled his eyes.
“Do you think you can chop wood for the fireplace while I forage?” You asked him. He nodded.
“Will you be ok, by yourself?” he asked anxiously.
“Awe. Are you worried about me?” you teased. “I’ll be fine. I should go make use of the daylight before the sun sets.” You staggered off, giving him a reassuring pat on his shoulder.
You didn’t wander far. Only a minute into the sparse woods surrounding the ranch, looking above for any type of fruit you can gather. You found some edible mushrooms and berries. You were lucky to spot a pear tree with ripe fruit.
Birds sang from the trees and small woodland creatures scurried about the medieval plants. You didn’t want to try your luck at hunting. But you did hear a stream nearby. Maybe you can go fishing - if your stay ends up being longer than expected.
As you came back around the clearing, you heard the deep thud of wood falling. And the low growl of Loki’s voice. You watched as Loki raised his arms to swing an ax down. Bringing a cutting blow to the poor log below him.
You almost dropped the supplies you were carrying at the sight of his bare chest exposed in the sunlight. Each line, defined and strong, rippled as he reached for a new piece of wood and placed it on the chopping block. You would’ve never known the distinction of his muscles, the strength those arms had, under the many layers he usually wears.
His grunts and panting timed with the rhythm of his swing. He had a hard time with one particular log, “Come on. Open for me.” He brought the ax down with formidable grace and split that stubborn log into two. “Atta girl.”
You took a deep breath and hid behind a tree. You bit down on your lip to keep from screaming as you closed your eyes and prayed to any higher power that will listen to you. Gods, save me from these wicked thoughts.  Calm my nerves before I wreck this man and make a fool outta myself.
“What are you doing?” Loki said as if he were answering your prayers.
You screamed at the surprise appearance of Loki next to you. The pears you had in your arms fell to the ground. You noticed that he had put his shirt back on. Your eyes raked him once over.
“Nothing. I was just taking a break.” You lied. Loki bent down and helped you gather the berries and fruits that had fallen.
“You got quite a haul here.” He noted. Walking in step with you back to the house.
“Yup. Yeah, and you managed to get a decent amount of wood for the fireplace, I see.”
“Do you think that pump over there by the side of the house might work?”
“If the well isn’t dried up. Let’s see.” Loki handed you the fruit he had picked up and sauntered over to examine the water pump.
Inside the house, you dropped your foraged goods on the kitchen counter. You found large tin buckets by the entrance and brought them outside to help Loki.
The pump had gone dry. Loki flushed the handle repeatedly getting no luck. You stepped in to help, grabbing the handle. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.” He said as he peered into the spout.
“I wouldn’t put my face…” It was too late. The water had decided then to make its appearance and shot straight across towards Loki’s face, drenching him. A look of shock and a gasp tore through you as you covered your mouth, trying not to laugh.
Loki stood up slowly, his lips thinning in anger. His finger held up, warning you not to make a sound. “Don’t you dare say a word!” Loki snarled. Your amusement peeled away at his resolve as he listened to your melodic laughter.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Please, don’t -” but you couldn’t stop laughing anyway as he flailed his hands in your direction. Small drops of water flicking you wet.
Loki lifted the hem of his soaked shirt up and over his head. The lean muscles you spied on earlier making a full appearance. His lithe shoulders were wet from the water. Loki took that same shirt and wiped his face, his arms, and all along his chest. You watched him, quietly leaning on the pump.
“Enjoying the view?” he said realizing he had an audience. He threw his shirt at your face.
A heady mix of his scent and cologne flooded your senses. You hoped that his shirt hid the dark blush covering your face. “And so what if I am?”
Loki only shook his head, hiding the smile that formed. “Move over, you dangerous creature, and let me pump. Hold the buckets,” he instructed.
“I’m sorry for laughing.” You said. Loki only rolled his eyes. His embarrassment already gone after seeing your suggestive stare.
He kept his shirt off as he brought the full buckets inside the house.
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Later that night, the both of you had sat down, knee to knee, in front of a roaring fireplace. Eating all the things the two of you had gathered.
Loki had ventured out with you after your water fiasco, a basket in hand, to the chicken coop and tried to pilfer some eggs. He had no such luck as the hens kept trying to peck his hand away. You were lucky to grab some with gentle coaxing and a hypnotizing trick your grandmother taught you.
“Do you think you’ll have better luck with the cows?” you asked slightly teasing.
“Can you even wrangle one?” he asked doubtfully. You took that as a challenge and set forth to corral the nearest cow you could find.
Calming her, soothing her, you whispered to Loki, “Keep her occupied and calm while I collect her milk.”
“How do you propose I do that?” he asked aloud, wide-eyed.
“Shh. Just stroke her head. Talk to her.” You made your way behind her slowly. Patting her along the way till you were able to bend down with a bucket and start milking.
“Hello…ma’am,” Loki said with gawkiness, patting her on her head. You started to giggle. His awkwardness was endearing.
You laughed about it that night over dinner. You had cooked the mushrooms and made sunny-side eggs with butter churned from the milk you extracted. Loki’s seidr helped tremendously and saved you both from aching elbows and arms. You were always in awe whenever he used his magic.
And for dessert, berries with pears.
“This is delicious, darling.” He commented. “I’m so glad to have been stuck with someone as skillful and clever.” You flushed at his comment. “Tony could never.”
That’s when you started laughing. “No, he couldn’t.”
“Where did you learn such skill?” he asked.
“I grew up on a vineyard with my grandparents. My grandfather was a vintner and sold locally. He taught me a little bit about plants and foraging. But my grandmother loved animals. She kept a few chickens and goats. A cow name Lulubelle.” You sighed at the memory. “I miss them terribly.”
Loki stared at you. He felt awed that you would share such a precious memory with him. “What about you? Where’d you learn to chop wood?” you asked, remembering the scene from earlier today, heat crawling up your spine.
“Is that so surprising? For a prince to know his way around an ax?”
“Honestly. Yes. I didn’t picture you using anything other than your seidr.” He laughed at your candidness.
“It was part of training, to be with the Einherjar. You needed to be able to survive and build a make-shift shelter. Living off the land. You’d never know what kind of situation or planet you’d find yourself in.”
You nodded in understanding.
“It was one of the ways a fellow soldier could help the regiment overall. At times, Thor would always show off and split the wood with his bare hands.” Loki shook his head as he rolled his eyes. You laughed at the thought of Thor trying to impress his fellow troops.
Loki looked up at the sound of your laughter. He loved the musical tone it had. He loved the fact that he could make you sound like that. His errant thoughts ran away from him and he started to wonder what other sounds he could persuade you to make.
As if you could read his thoughts, his teasing eyes, and his inviting smile, you slowed your laughter to a quiet giggle. Turning away to hide your face, Loki grabbed your chin to stop you.
He leaned in close, brushing his lips on yours. His breath was sweet from the berries he just consumed. He paused for only a second, waiting for you to turn or to stop him. When you didn’t, he pressed further. Enveloping your lips fully in his. As you drew in his top lip, you ran your tongue along the length of it, hearing him whimper.
He pulled you closer to him, sitting on his lap. He placed your thighs on either side of his strong hips. Your hands delighted in the taut muscles under his shirt. Finally being able to touch what you glimpsed earlier.
Static from the radio reached both your ears. Steve’s warm voice echoed through the receiver. You pulled away to reach for it, but Loki held you firmly in place and pulled your chin back towards his lips.
He devoured you.
Loki ignored the transmit as if he knew he didn’t have much time left.
“Signal received. I hope you both are ok. The extraction team will be there in a couple of hours.”
“Well, darling. We don’t have much time left together. What would you like to do?” Loki said panting on your lips.
You kissed him back with as much fervor and proceeded to lift his shirt.
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lady-z-writes · 1 year
Part 2 of this post (also found on ao3)
Hopper x reader
Warning: explicit.
“You aren’t naked on my desk in thirty seconds, I get myself off,” the tone is warning, quiet, and the look on his face is hungry.
The music sounds in the other room, but you can hear Hopper counting down as he watches you get undressed.
Completely bare for him in twenty seconds, you gasp at the cool desk against your ass. Hopper has undone his jeans and is palming himself over the material. If he makes you wait, you’re gonna leave a wet spot on the desk.
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It’s not like you missed him or anything, you just get flirty with a few drinks in you and no one at this bar strikes your fancy.
You have his number memorized. Of course you do. Though, you’ve only called twice. Once for pretty decent phone sex…the memory makes you inhale sharply.
Tipsy calling someone from a payphone…who the Hell are you?
You’d made the choice to stay in town over the summer; claimed it was that you missed old friends. Really, you’d been spending lots of time pining over one Chief of Police.
“Yeah?” a gruff voice answers.
“Hey, hot stuff.”
A deep chuckle greets your ears.
“Ah, Jesus…” if the bar was quieter you’d hear him undoing his belt.
“Come pick me up.”
“Oh, is that a demand? Because you and I both know how this is gonna go if it is…”
You roll your eyes, step closer to the wall, and drop your voice quieter.
“I want you, Jim Hopper.”
There’s a loud cheer in the bar, patrons watching some type of sports game.
A hum, “Sounds like you’re kinda busy. I’ll talk to you…”
“You ass,” you hiss. “Please, big guy?”
He laughs again. “Ok, so lemme guess: you went out for a drink or two, thought maybe you’d find someone to fill the space and there’s no one that knows what you want. Not like I do.”
His voice and the alcohol…you want to play with yourself, but you’re in public standing in this hallway by the bathrooms.
“Yes,” you exhale.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you.”
You can imagine he’s stroking his cock to this and you let out a little whine, though you’re sure he can’t hear you over the kerfuffle in the bar.
“Jim, I’m…” you nod and smile as a woman walks by. Quieter, you say, “-I’m in public.”
He breathes heavy. “And…? Come on, baby girl, be forward.” He uses your words against you and you feel yourself heating up in an almost-embarrassed, almost-angry way.
“Jim,” you try to be stern but his silence meets you and you know if you want your way, you’re gonna have to give a little. “I want your mouth.”
“Ohhh,” he seems to appreciate your effort. “Where?” you can hear the smile in his voice.
“My thighs,” you’re practically up against the wall talking into the receiver.
“Nah, where do you really want it?”
You give. You have to. He’ll insist on it, “My pussy.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I’d love to eat you out right now.”
“Then come do it,” you blurt out.
He gives it a few frustrating seconds, “Where are you right now?”
“Be ready.”
You’re so relieved and then you’re anxious. You’re a rush of nervous energy as you hang up, pay your tab at the bar, and walk out to the patio to wait for your ride.
Twenty minutes. It takes him twenty excruciating minutes to show up. As soon as he’s parking, you stand up to meet him but his door slam surprises you.
He’s exhaling cigarette smoke as he strides over to you. Those damn jeans and a fucking blue flannel…God, you’re melting as his height once again overwhelms you. You’re about to ask him what he’s doing when he walks right by, opens the door to the bar.
“You coming or not?”
Your mouth is dropped open.
“Apparently not,” you grumble an innuendo, storming back into the bar.
Hopper barks out a laugh at your retort, taps you on the ass when you walk in.
You’re at the bar. Again. Sitting there next to Jim, feeling that tension that existed the minute you ran into each other at Aunt Karen’s party.
Apparently, he’s old friends with the bartender here. Well, hard to not be when Hawkins is pretty small. And no one gets out of this town.
You’re nursing another drink when you feel his fingers dance across your thigh. His large hand grabs you and you inhale sharply, almost choking on the mouthful of alcohol.
When he slips his fingers between your thighs, you grip his hand; reflex. But you don’t want him to stop, not really. You want him to take it somewhere else though.
“Mr. Ryland’s social studies class? Woo, think we were smoking under the bleachers more than we were in class.”
They continue their conversation and it’s all fine and dandy but you’re way too distracted to focus on anything but being silent and inconspicuous. One sound and he’ll stop, you know that.
Under the bar, his fingers flick against your clit and you’re almost gasping but covering it with a fake cough.
You shoot him a look but he’s pretending to be so engrossed in conversation. You know he sees you. You know you’re his main focus and he’s watching you from the corner of his eye. It’s new to you to have someone so confident and playful but gruff and stern.
His fingers play along the seam of your jeans; teasing you and not putting pressure on your clit anymore.
It goes on like this for five minutes; him building you up just to barely tease you or rest his hand motionless on your thigh. You want so badly for him to put continuous pressure, ease how riled he’s gotten you, but you’re sure people are noticing his hand under the bar – sure it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.
“Finish your drink,” he instructs roughly when the bartender finally leaves to go serve someone else.
You have never guzzled down a drink so fast in your life.
By the time you make it to the parking lot, you’re lightheaded and giddy. Fingers pulling at his shirt, you urge him toward you, grab him by the back of the neck to dip him down to kiss you against the brick building.
He lets out a low growl, “Here?” he shames you. “Christ, woman…”
You whine, “Fine, okay, just make me cum…”
The parking lot’s in the back of the bar, not on the main road and at this hour not many people are stumbling in.
Hopper lowers his eyes to your mouth then blinks back up to meet your gaze. He inhales slowly before letting out a growl.
His grip fumbles for the button of your jeans. You’re breathless when he ghosts a touch over you, dips his middle finger inside your pussy.
“Fuck, so wet for me, baby girl…”
His fingers feel fantastic – the size difference between his digits and yours makes all the difference and your muscles are tensing around him.
It’s not enough. You want his cock.
But for now, you’re gonna have to handle that desire.
“God, Chief…”
This floors him and soon he’s pumping his finger into you with such pressure and speed that you can’t help but reach your orgasm in mere moments. After all that teasing…and now you’re out here in the dark parking lot where anyone could see, getting finger fucked by the Chief of Police. You don’t stop the moan that escapes you when he makes you cum.
“So fuckin’ loud,” he chuckles, kissing your temple before slipping his hand from you and allowing you to button up.
You’re breathless when he pulls away from you. Someone’s in their car, watching you, and when they meet eyes, you feel a tinge of embarrassment…and then pride.
Following him, you rush forward, grip his arm and pull your body closer.
You watch him lick his finger clean of you as he meanders to his Blazer, not caring about the audience.
“Let’s get you home,” his deep voice rumbles when you’re once again on the passenger’s side, reminded of your first night with him.
“Hm? Not enough for you?” he teases – you know he’s teasing – but you worry that he’ll leaving you wanting.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that pants tent you’re sporting.”
“Pretty bold of you, considering I’m driving you home…”
“As if road head wasn’t a thing.”
You watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows hard.
“Ooh, you’re too much,” he grips you by the hair and pulls you into him again, lets you slide into his lap – squeeze yourself between his belly and the steering wheel as he lays the seat back – and he grinds his hard cock against your clothed pussy.
“Here?” you repeat his words from minutes ago.
“No,” he grumbles. “Bad idea. Whole fuckin’ town’ll be talkin’.”
“Let ‘em talk.”
You wish you’d worn a dress. Maybe he would’ve let you fuck him in the Blazer. Instead, he lets things get heated between the two of you, lets himself get good and worked up, and stops before he reaches his breaking point.
Before you know it, you’re upright on the passenger’s side again, trying to focus your attention on anything but his still-hard dick…the dot of precum that you can see when the streetlights hit the passing vehicle just right.
“Can’t go home. El’s having a sleepover,” he finally breaks the silence.
You’d let him take you anywhere at this point. The whole stopping and starting thing has made you desperate for him.
“Wherever you want, Chief.”
And it hits him. He puts the pedal to the floor.
The station.
Chills run down your spine when he pulls up to the fucking police station. You’re buzzing.
“Callahan’s probably on shift, but ignore him. We’ll go to my office.”
“Why’d we park in back…?”
You don’t think you can do this. What’s the excuse gonna be? How are you just going to walk into the station at one in the morning with the Chief who isn’t even in uniform?
And then your mind is drifting…fuck, if he were in uniform…
“You comin’ or what?” he calls to you, holding the door open.
You’re feeling slightly tipsy, face heated as you step through the door. The first thing you notice is the loud music. You imagine they do this to keep themselves awake for late night shifts at the station.
“Hey, Chief, what’s…uh…what’s goin’ on?” Callahan walks from the lobby toward a room with desks, sipping coffee.
“Forgot my wallet here,” Hopper thumbs toward his office, doesn’t acknowledge who you are which leaves Callahan surprised.
You can feel his eyes on you, but as you wait for Hopper to unlock his office, you see Callahan visibly shrug and return to the other room where the music is playing.
“You don’t pull this off with me, you don’t get any privileges tonight,” he huffs against your ear. “Follow my lead.” As you’re nodding, he leaves his office open, pauses in the hallway with you, then makes a point of walking toward the exit, pulling you along. “See ya,” he waves toward the room Callahan’s in.
“Bye, Hopper,” comes a voice over the music as Hopper opens then shuts the front door.
You two press against the corner, out of eyeshot, still inside the building. Now you know why he parked in the back…
A few moments go by before Hopper barely peeks in on Callahan to see if he’s still looking. And then you’re urged to sneak back toward the office.
You’re breathless by the time you make it back, Hopper quietly shutting and locking the door behind you.
The excitement of once again sneaking around is overwhelming and you find yourself so humored by the situation, clinging to his shirt once more, enjoying the proximity of him.
“You aren’t naked on my desk in thirty seconds, I get myself off,” the tone is warning, quiet, and the look on his face is hungry.
The music sounds in the other room but you can hear Hopper counting down as he watches you get undressed.
Completely bare for him in twenty seconds, you gasp at the cool desk against your ass. Hopper has undone his jeans and is palming himself over the material. If he makes you wait, you’re gonna leave a wet spot on the desk.
Tantalizingly slow, he approaches the desk, shoves some papers into another stack, then puts his hands on either side of you.
“Lean back,” he instructs.
Your naked back presses to the cold surface beneath you as he gets on his knees before the desk, pulls your legs over his shoulders, and starts kissing up your thighs. He remembers what you told him you wanted, is eager to please.
The feeling of his facial hair is like nothing else you’ve experienced. Back arching off the desk, you can’t help but cry out when his mouth meets your core.
He chuckles. “Didn’t think I’d forget, did you, duchess?”
You shake your head but you know he isn’t looking because he’s eating you out like a starving man; tongue sloppy and – judging by the moans he’s releasing – he’s enjoying.
“Fuck, so good, Jim.”
“Chief,” he corrects you.
You swallow, nod, “Sorry, Chief.”
“Mmm, better,” he goes right back to it, doesn’t use his fingers though like he knows you want. “Gotta be honest, baby girl,” he breaks away to pepper kisses on your thighs. “M’not gonna be able to wait much longer.”
“Then fuck me.”
Eyes meeting yours as you lean up on your elbows, you see his dark pupils.
It’s all a blur how quickly he shifts positions, but you watch him slide down into his chair, motion you over before pulling his cock out.
“Ride my cock, honey.”
You climb into his lap, easily slide down on his cock, throw your head back when he fills you completely. The moan that leaves you feels like an out-of-body experience and you almost forget where you are.
He chuckles again, kissing your neck, “Quiet…” he reminds you.
You’re sure you hear the music turn down in the other room, but you can’t care about that now. The slightest inclination that you give a fuck about being caught and you know he’ll use it against you; know that he’ll make this stop.
You’d rather the whole town watch you than have him pull away from you at this moment.
Feeling so full of him is extremely pleasurable. He’s girthy and he knows just how to fuck you.
His thumb is pressing against your clit as you ride him – the pressure of his hand against you just adds to the stimulation. He wants you to break, wants to see you sweat because he knows you’re loud; from the phone sex and the first night you met…you’ve proven that.
“Ungh, kept thinking about this,” he admits while he kisses your tits. “Right here, in this chair. Beating off at work…” he huffs a laugh and then, “what the fuck did you do to me?”
Pride swells in your chest as you bounce on his cock.
“Fuck, I’ve been so wet for you, Chief, since we met.”
“Oh, yeah?” he hums. “You think about me?”
“Nothing satisfies me like you do,” you admit. “My fingers, my toys…” his eyes shoot open at that and you can almost see his thought process. “Nothing makes me cum like you do.”
You feel his thrusts up into you deepen, feel his cock twitch inside of you. He loves what he’s hearing.
“Fuck, fuck, hang on…” he gasps, gripping your hips. “Y/n, hang on.” You don’t stop. He’s digging his fingers in harshly again, just when the bruises from last time healed. “Y/n,” it’s a warning. You know it is, but the power you’re feeling knowing that he’s damn near orgasm this soon?
“Chief, I need you to cum.”
He shivers, panting. “Uh, uh. No. Not until…”
“I will,” you interrupt, nodding furiously, voice breathy. “Can’t you feel how close I am? How tightly I’m squeezing your cock?”
He gasps, hips stuttering as he’s trying to stop himself but he can’t help his movements; clearly way passed the point of no return.
“I want you to fill me again,” you admit. “Only you. I’ve only let you…-”
And that’s all it takes – Jim is groaning as he urgently thrusts up into you, growling when he feels your orgasm pulsing around his.
A low whine leaves your lips at the overwhelming feel of all this; his warmth filling you, your own orgasm tipping once he’s growling your name.
You don’t even realize how loud you’re both being until the music turns down significantly in the other room.
And then it’s like you’re too pleased to care if Callahan heard you, too fucked to worry about getting caught.
Surely, Hopper will punish you later for not controlling yourself, but that’s a thought for another day.
Right now, you feel your heartbeat throughout your whole body, can hear Hopper still gasping in the afterglow. You nuzzle against his chest, noting that he’s still mostly clothed. You want him completely naked for you; are satisfied but so not.
“Next time needs to be in a bed,” you groan as you shift your sore knees, lift yourself off of him.
A bit of his cum drips down your thighs and you swipe it off, dip your finger in your mouth as your other hand reaches for a tissue.
Hopper watches with his lips slightly parted, looking completely engrossed and satisfied.
“Oh, you’re so sure there’ll be a next time?” he teases, voice sounding slightly groggy, eyelids heavy as he blinks up at you.
You nod. “I think I’ve done a lot of the chasing though,” you shrug, tossing the tissue. “Think you need to put in some work for me, sir.”
The title clearly affects him as you see him take a sharp breath.
“Is this a challenge?”
You don’t know how long you’ll last without wanting more of him, don’t know how difficult it’ll be to not call him when you’re tipsy and wanting him to put his mouth on you…but you’re sure going to try to hold back.
Jim Hopper has yet to realize what he’s gotten himself into.
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bestfrozenskittles · 1 year
Mission Complete: Missionary 
When we arrived back to the base they took the woman into a shipping container and Alejandro, although he looked pretty pissed off, set up a chair for me. “Here sit down hermanita, we’ll be out in a little bit” He reassured and walked in after the other men. The chair I was sat at was in front of a foldable table that I rested my head on, all the running and bombs I’ve had to deal with made me forget how tired I was. 
I could hear them in the container, Alejandro was yelling at the woman, I now knew as Valeria, about how she was a disgrace to the army and what not. I leaned back on the chair as I listened to their not so quiet conversation before Alejandro bursted through the doors in a rage and walked out. He shut the door behind him and took a deep breath before glancing over at me. 
“Are you ok?” I asked after a little, breaking the minimal silence thanks to the other mens conversation being muffled. He sighed and nodded before pulling up a chair beside me. “What I would give to be 17 again, you still have your whole life ahead of you hermanita” He chuckled, clearly trying to forget about whatever they had discussed inside the container. 
I looked away and nodded “Yeah” he gave me a worried look at my bland answer “You’re excited to go home right? The times almost here” I nodded. “You don’t look very excited” He mumbled, I shook my head “I am, It’s just, you guys haven’t taken down the guy who’s doing all this and I’m worried” I lied. 
He hummed “That’s not something you should worry about, leave all that worrying nonsense to us” I nodded “Let’s see, lets take your mind off of that, how are you doing in school? Straight A’s I hope” I shrugged. “A’s and B’s” He smiled “That’s not so bad, almost perfect” I nodded. 
“How are things with your parents?” He asked “Good, maybe a lot better when I get back” I answered, he nodded. “I know that if I had a daughter who went missing I’d treat her como una reina una vez que regresa” He sighed and leaned back into his chair. 
It was strange coming up with imaginary parents who were worried sick about me being kidnapped, and an imaginary school that I was doing so well in. Once this is over, I’ll be alone again. Of course I’ll be filthy rich, but completely alone waiting for another call to go kill someone. 
The other men suddenly came out of the container making both of us turn to them. “Alejandro we got a hit, lets go” Graves stopped beside us, he looked down at me and then at Alejandro. Alejandro stud up and sighed “We’ll be back, you can tell me more about your parents when we return” I nodded. 
“See you soon F.N” Soap smiled and waved at me and felt my lips turn upwards as I nodded back at him “See you soon” he stared at me for a little before ruffling my hair and walking off. “Don’t go near that container, if she says anythin to you through the door remember it and tell us when we get back” Ghost pointed at me. “Ok” I replied before he patted my shoulder and walked off with the others. 
They left quickly, I could hear Graves’s helicopter taking off. I waited for a few minutes before standing up, the garage-like place I was in had the shutters open. I looked around a little to see if anyone was around before shutting the shutters and picking up my chair. 
I walked to the container and opened it, Valeria looked up from her hands and tilted her head. “Coming to rescue me, little one?” She smirked, I stared at her for a moment before walking in and slamming the door shut behind me. I sat my chair down straight across from her before sitting down. 
“You helped Hassan move the missiles he was supplied with by the Russains, did you lie to those men about where they are right now?” I asked, she tilted her head “I knew there was something about you, they said you were an innocent civilian my men kidnapped pero no, eres una maldita espía, a fucking spy” She cursed before chuckling. 
“Y esos pendejos no tienen idea verdad? They have no clue, who do you work for huh?” She glared at me “Mercenary” I corrected “Who I work for isn’t any of your concern, what should be your only concern is that if you lied to them and you actually know where the missiles are, Las Almas won’t be safe anymore. Not with Sin Nombres protection or Los Vaqueiros” She scoffed “I’ll personally see to it that It’s burned to the ground with everyone inside, and with it your empire”  Valeria stud up. 
“¿Quién crees que eres hija de puta! Threatening a whole city like an idiot!” She circled around me mumbling and yelling curses at me while doing it. “Did you lie to them?” I asked again. She spat on the ground and took her seat again “No” She glared daggers into me “Who are you, your name isn’t really F.N is it?” She hissed, I stood up and picked up my chair. 
“It is, pero prefiero cuervo” I said as I left the container and shut the door behind me. I yawned as I put the chair in place again and opened the shutters, I sat back and decided to take a nap to wait for the men to come back. Hopefully all together and intact. 
The sound of gunshots woke me up. It was raining and night time already, I quickly stood up and made my first priority to get out of the compound. I looked around for any kind of weapon and found a stack of throwing knives. With them in my pocket I peaked out of the garage and realized that the gunshots were coming from what I think was the cafeteria which was a separate building further into the compound. 
I frowned and started walking to the exit where shadows stopped me. “What the hell are you doing?” They stepped back “We didn’t realize it was you” One of them mumbled as they let me through. I glared at them as I walked out of the exit and onto the road that led straight to it, I could see three army jeeps driving up it. They got out and I waved at them. 
I moved to the side to let them into the compound but one of the shadows waved his arm to stop them. I frowned and walked over to the jeep that Alejandro stepped out of, Soap got out and put a hand on my shoulder as Alejandro walked up to Graves. “What’s this?” Alejandro asked, gesturing to the shadows that blocked the path. 
“This is the immediate future, step away from the gate” Graves ordered as the shadow that was riding with them got out holding his guns. “What?” Soap asked in confusion still holding onto me “You heard me” Graves said smugly “You’re crazy, this is my base” Alejandro chuckled in disbelief as he gestured to the compound. 
Graves smirked “It’s not a base, this is a sizable covert facility and I admire it….so I’m taking it” Graves explained. I frowned in disbelief, what the actual hell was happening. “You boys have been relieved, thank you for your service” Graves announced. Alejandro scoffed “No, no, no I don’t take orders from you” Graves sighed and shifted “Didn’t Valeria say that? Now that makes me wonder what else I don’t know about your affiliation with a drug-lord” Alejandro turned to us for a moment. 
He turned back to Graves “What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo….” Alejandro started walking closer to Graves but Soap let go of me and grabbed onto Alejandro’s shoulder to stop him. I looked at the scene in disbelief, the missions not done, Hassan is still out there what the hell is this dumbass doing!
“You’re out of line Graves” Soap warned “Don’t do that, Don’t…do that” Graves pointed at them before pointing at Ghost. “No one needs to get hurt here” Graves smirked a little “Are you threatening us?” Ghost’s voice echoed through the rain “Soldier, I don’t make threats' ' Graves called out back to him “I make guarantees, so let's not do this” He finished. 
 They stood in silence for a bit “I’m calling Shepherd” Soap turned back to the car “Generald Shepherd sends his regards” My eyes widen “He told me y'all wouldn’t take this well” Graves announced. “He knows about this?” Ghost called out, Graves nods “He’s put me in command of this operation from here on out. So y’all need to stand down, It’s time to let the pros finish this” He said. 
I noticed Ghost and Soap exchanging a look “And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of negotiation, It’s not, I’ve got my orders and now you have your” He pointed at the men. Alejandro shifted “And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!” he yelled, Graves stared him down “I’m afraid not, your men have been…..detained” He sucked his teeth. Alejandro tensed up “Cabron!” he yelled before charging Graves, I stepped back as they pressed him against the jeep and handcuffed him. 
Graves pointed a gun at Soap and I while a shadow held Ghost at gunpoint too. “Graves what the fuck!” Soap yelled, Graves sighed “I told you not to do it” Then he looked right at me “And we’re going to need our little errand runner back” Soap let out a confused noise.
“Crow, let’s go, come on now, you’re no longer needed to keep an eye on these boys” My blood ran cold as he called out for me. “Who the fuck is Crow?” Soap asked, I flinched at his question and at Graves’s snicker “Well, she’s Shepherd’s and I’s little errand runner, thanks for keeping her safe” Ghost glared daggers at me. 
“What?” Soap asked breathlessly, Graves gestured to me. “No, she’s just a kid” He put a hand on my shoulder and slightly pulled me closer to him “Just a-? Just a kid?” Graves laughed at Soap and shook his head. “That ‘kid’ you’ve been protecting is a mercenary Shepherd hired to keep an eye on y'all, that ‘kid’ can take down five of my shadows with a knife alone” He snickered. 
One of the shadows held out my vest with my Crow patch attached to it. “No” Soap mumbled under his breath “She’s a child Graves!” Alejandro struggled against the shadow holding him against the jeep. “A deadly child, yes” Graves corrected, I hesitated, technically I did my job. I spied on them and made sure they didn’t figure out that Shepherds idiotic and illegal mistake was exposed. 
So technically I should be putting that vest on and leaving with Graves and his shadows to continue the hunt for Hassan. I shrugged off Soap’s hand and walked over to the shadow that was holding my vest. “F.N no!” Soap called out to me “Atta girl” Graves snickered as I slipped it on “F.N you don’t have to do this, we’ll get you back to your parents safe and sound” Alejandro struggled again. 
I glanced at him and put a hand on his shoulder “Thank you Alejandro, you shouldn’t have resisted though” I mumbled feeling uneasy about my decision. “Take them out” Graves ordered “What?” I turned my head in shock as the shadows shot at Soap and Ghost. Soap grabbed one of them as a hostage while Ghost attacked another one. 
Suddenly, Soap was shot in the shoulder “Soap!” I called out but he quickly rolled off the edge of the road and down below. I quickly ran to the other side of the jeep with my pistol out to look for Ghost, I shot down the shadow that was on top of him and helped him up. 
He suddenly lunged at me with a knife in hand. I held my wrist under his to prevent him from stabbing me as I struggled against him. My back was pressed to the cold wet road as I looked up to see more shadows coming towards us, I mustered all my strength and all the adrenaline to move the massive man. 
I held onto him tightly as I rolled us off the edge of the road and down the hill, holding his wrist up to prevent from getting stabbed and getting deja vu in the process. Soap was injured and alone and I’m stuck with a massive man that towers over me and sees me as a threat.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Not So Scary- Chris Evans Fan Fic
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Summary: Chris helps reader see that being affectionate physically isn’t so scary after going through something traumatic and shows her how much he loves her.
Warnings: mentions of trauma (nothing graphic I promise), mentions of anxiety and a lot fluff. Let me know if I forget anything. Soft Chris.
Chris and I are best friends we hangout all the time and go do everything together. Chris knows everything about me and is very protective of me ever since I had told him about getting hurt a few years ago.
We were watching Chris’ favorite Disney movie and we usually talk during movie watching and comment on stuff we noticed and Chris noticed I was really quiet and noticed I sat a bit farther away from him than normal.
I thought to myself “it’s ok .. you’re safe just ask him for a hug.” I was reliving stuff and feeling overwhelmed.
I was never good at being affectionate physically I was scared about letting anyone touch me ever since being attacked a few years ago.
Chris paused the movie and moved a bit closer to me and said “hey sweetheart you still with me?”
I could tell he wanted to rub my back and put his hand on mine but he knew I was uncomfortable about it which wasn’t personal it’s just I was too scared when anyone tried to touch me even in the smallest way even if I knew it was coming.
I nodded saying “.. yea I’m fine Chris.”
I had my knees hugged up to my chest and my head resting on my knee and Chris looked at me worried.
Chris said “hey, you know you can tell me anything right? I’m right here Y/N you’re safe with me can I.. can I try and show you something?”
I nervously nodded and said “ok.. what’s up?”
Chris looked at me right in my eyes and said “I’ll go real slow but I’m gonna try rubbing your back ok?”
I started to get worked up and Chris said “hey shhh no no it’s ok I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m gonna be real gentle.”
As soon as his hand reached the center of my back I flinched but when his fingers massaged my back I relaxed and he smiled as he saw me smile at him.
Chris said “that ok so far sweetheart?”
I smiled shyly and said “yea I’m ok..”
Chris felt relieved and pulled his hand away and said “can I maybe try giving you a hug hun? If you’re not ok with it I won’t I promise I don’t wanna overwhelm you.”
I did always wonder what Chris’s hugs felt like and his nicknames for me made me blush and the heat in my cheeks rose.
I took a deep breath and said “we can try it just.. p-please .. go real slow and gentle.”
Chris looked at me with a sad concerned look as my plea tugged at his heart and said “I promise Y/N I’ll go real slow and if you get overwhelmed please tell me yea?”
I nodded & said “deal.. so how does this work?.. I know a stupid question.. I just haven’t been hugged in forever.” I covered my face with my hands feeling stupid.
Chris said “hey hun can you look at me?”
I put my hands down and slowly looked at Chris.
Chris smiled and said “there she is hi you and there’s no such thing as a stupid question ok?”
I smiled and said “ok thank you for understanding Chris.”
Chris scooted closer to me slowly and my first instinct was to move away worried there was gonna be some sort of blow whenever someone moved towards me but with Chris it was different I felt safe with him.
Chris smiled at me and said “ok Y/N I’m gonna begin hugging you now and remember if you feel overwhelmed at all tell me.”
I nodded and said “ok I promise Chris go ahead.. I trust you.”
Chris wrapped his arms around me very carefully and rubbed my back to help me relax in his hold.
I didn’t hug him back right away for a minute or two which he didn’t mind and I kept my hands in my lap but then something in my mind told me to hug him back and I put my arms around him.
Chris whispered in my ear “oh, you’re hugging me back doll I’m so glad.”
Chris kept rubbing my back for a bit while we hugged and every so often he’d ask how I was feeling with everything. I loved how gentle he was towards me and how safe and loved he made me feel.
Chris pulled away smiling at me and his hand started heading toward my cheek and I flinched but Chris said “hey no no shhh it’s ok hun may I?”
I nodded and Chris put his hand on my cheek and his thumb caressed my cheek and he smiled at me while I smiled back at him nervously.
Chris tucked some of my hair behind my ear and said “can I tell you something sweetheart?”
I was curious what he was thinking and I smiled and I said “go for it you can tell me anything Chris.”
Chris blushed said “I want you to know that.. you are so very loved sweetheart I’d do anything for you.”
I cried feeling so cared for. Chris is the first person to prove being close to someone isn’t so scary.
Chris put his hand back on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me and then we both smiled at each other and Chris said “see?? not so scary honey. I love you.”
I love soft Chris so much 🥹🤍 I thought this idea was really cute plus I really wanted to write this one this one is important to me and a bit personal I hope you all enjoy love you all 🤗 ♥️xx
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ladylovesloki · 2 years
I love you: One Shot
Pairings: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Language, Minor Character Injury, Fluff, Smut
Summary: Loki is a little short with you when he’s in a rush.
This is all in Loki’s POV. Enjoy 💚
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“Loki! Can you help me get this down?!”
I can hear y/n call for my assistance, I’m due to leave in the next few minutes for a mission and quite honestly I don’t have the time to help her with little chores at the moment.
“One moment!” I finish getting ready and I go the the kitchen where y/n is waiting.
“Hey baby, sorry I know you have to leave soon but can you get my mug down for me.”
I fight the feeling of wanting to roll my eyes, I shouldn’t react this way to y/n needing my assistance. Patience Loki. Patience.
I reach over her and grab the mug, I place it down on the counter and she gives me a hug in thanks.
“Thank you!” She says happily.
“You’re welcome, I must be going now.”
“Ok..oh before you go…”
“Y/n I’m sorry I don’t have time for anything else I must go”, you cut her short, she closes her mouth immediately.
“Oh ok…umm..I’ll just see you when you get back.”
I nod at her and head out the door.
I reach the quinjet and strap myself in, I can hear the engine roar to life and I take a deep breath. 
“Sorry everyone! Sorry I’m late!” An agent runs into the jet and quickly gets themselves strapped into his seat.
He looks over to Loki, “hey man, sorry to hold everyone up. My wife needed me for a few things before I left. I like to make sure she’s set when I know I’m gonna be gone for a few days on a mission.”
I feel an uneasy feeling in my gut, a feeling I don't feel very often.
I immediately think about y/n, how dismissive I was towards her before I left. I didn’t even give her a kiss goodbye.
I look over at the agent, “it’s alright. I was almost late myself, I must say I am the one at fault my lady had very little to do with it.”
“That’s right you and agent y/l/n right?”
I nod my head, “I wasn’t the most patient with her before I departed I’m afraid.” I confess.
“Don’t beat yourself up, make it up to her when you get back”, the agent smiles at me and I smile back, “yes, I will certainly have to, what is your name agent?”
“Agent Marcus Stone, you can call me Marc” he holds out his hand for me to shake.
I take is hand in mine and give it a strong shake, “pleasure, I am Loki Prince of Asgard, you may call me Loki.”
Marc laughs and we spark up a conversation about your peculiar partners.
A week has gone by and we were close to wrapping up the mission, I complete my part and teleport myself on to the quinjet to wait for the rest of the team to arrive.
Not long after I hear a commotion and see Marc being carried by two other agents looking lifeless.
“What happened?!” I question as soon as they get him inside the jet and strapped on to the medical bed.
“He took a hit to his side sir, didn’t even see the fucker.”
I take a look at his side and see the compress they put on the wound is soaked through with his blood.
You remove it to see the damage and place your hand over the wound to send some healing magic into him. Marc starts to come to some..
“Loki…if I don’t make it, you need to tell my wife I love her.”
“Hush now, focus on your breathing, I will do what I can to stop the bleeding.”
“Promise me Loki…”
I’m hesitant to make the promise, I’m afraid that as soon as I do Marc will give up.
“Marc, you will tell her yourself. Focus. Breath in”…I take a deep breath with him… “and out”.. I breathe out with him. We continue this for a few moments until I see his vitals start to regulate on the machine they have attached to him. I also feel my own adrenaline start to subside, Marc and I had formed a bond during our time together on this mission, I did not want to return to the Tower and inform his wife of his passing.
Once we arrive back at the Tower the medical team thankfully is already on stand by, they transport him to the medical facility and immediately start working on him. A short time after a woman comes rushing to the waiting area.
“Marc?! I’m sorry can someone give me an update on Agent Marcus Stone?!”
I hear his name and my attention immediately goes to the woman asking for him.
She turns and looks over at me..as soon as she sees who called her attention her nerves start to increase.
“Yes?….” She responds nervously.
I approach her slowly, “hello, my name is Loki, you are Marc’s wife yes?”
She nods her head rapidly, “yes! Do you know what happened to him?!”
I hold out my hand for her to take, she does and I lead her over to a chair, “he was injured on the field, the team got him to the quinjet where we were able to stop the bleeding. His vitals were holding strong when we arrived at the Tower, I expect the doctor to be out soon with an update.”
And as if I summoned him the doctor comes out to the waiting room, “Agent Stone’s family?”
Ellie stands up, “yes, I’m his wife. How is he?!”
“He’s going to be alright, the healing that Prince Loki administered on the quinjet saved his life, all we had to do was close the wound and make sure it was clear of infection. You can come and see him now.”
Ellie turns towards Loki and throws her arms around him.
“Thank you, thank you so much!”
I smile, “you’re welcome, send him my best when you see him.”
Ellie runs in after the doctor and I immediately turn and create a portal to my chambers where I know y/n will be.
“Y/n?” I call for her when I don’t see her in the sitting room.
I go further into the suite, towards the bedroom and I hear the shower going in the bathroom.
I walk in and its cloudy with steam from y/n’s shower, she’s singing and her voice alone brings me to tears.
This whole mission all I wanted to do was get back and apologize to her, hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love and appreciate her. How sorry I was for leaving her the way I did. What if I had been injured instead of Marc? What if one day it is y/n gone on a mission and she returns injured? So many scenarios running through my mind, all making me desperate to see her.
I close the bathroom door behind me, the door making an audible click.
… “hello?”… y/n pokes her head out the shower curtain.
“Loki?!” She’s smiling at first and then she looks in my eyes and sees them red and swelling with unshed tears, her smile fades.
“Hey, are you ok? What happened?”
I don’t answer her, I walk up to her, move the shower curtain out of the way and with all of my clothes still on I step in the shower and wrap her in my arms.
“I’m so sorry” I whisper in her hair, “I’m so sorry.”
“Loki, you’re scaring me. Are you ok?” She takes a step back and looks me up and down.
“I shouldn’t have left you the way I did, I was in such a rush to leave for the mission I didn’t even say goodbye to you properly. I didn’t tell you how much I love you, how much I need you. How devastated I would be if you were taken from me. I’m so sorry my darling. Please tell me you forgive me.”
“Baby, it’s ok. I know it’s stressful getting ready to go on a mission. I know how much you love me and not that I feel like you need to ask for forgiveness but if it makes you feel better… I forgive you..” you kiss me “and I’m happy you’re home, did everything go ok?” She can always see right through me.
“Almost. One of the agents was severely wounded as we were just completing the objective. They got him to the quinjet in time for me to stop his bleeding enough to keep him alive until we got him here. He was talking to me about his wife during the mission, he made me realize that I need to be better for you, how much I love you and how much more I need to show you how much I do.”
“Well…I’m proud of you for saving his life. As far as showing me how much you love me, you already do a great job of that…” She reaches around and places her hand on my lower back, “the way you put your hand on the small of my back, the small act of possession always making me feel special and wanted.” She then reaches up and brings my head down close to hers kissing my brow, “the way you kiss my forehead when you think I’ve fallen asleep, that little kiss making me feel loved and cherished.” She grabs my hand and kisses the top of it, “the way you kiss my hand, your way of making me feel important and that I should be respected above all else.” She backs away from me slightly and then gets down on her knees, “the way you kneel before me, showing me the power I have over a God.”
She starts pulling on my buckles on the pants I’m wearing, she opens them and releases my already aching cock, she slowly starts licking me up and down. I can feel my heart rate increase, I close my eyes and lose myself in the feeling. But when I close my eyes I see her crying face, the troubling thought I had earlier creeping it’s way through my mind. I stop her, she looks up at me slightly confused and I move to lift her. I remove my clothes with my seidr and I hold her against the wall connecting my cock with her hot pussy. I needed to feel her and show her how much I love her, how much I need her.
I move her wet hair out her face, cup her cheeks and kiss her as I start to move my hips. Her walls squeezing my cock, the feeling consuming me, I almost lose myself in her right then and there. 
“Loki..yes..you feel so good baby.”
I answer her by speeding up my thrusting, I’m holding her hips, her legs are wrapped around my waist and arms wrapped around my neck. Her back barely touching the shower wall behind her.
“I love you y/n. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too Loki…oh God!” I can feel her squeeze even tighter as she reaches her peak. I myself cannot hold back my pleasure any longer and spill myself inside of her. 
After the blinding pleasure subsides, I place her down on her shaky legs holding her steady. I take her green loofa and I squeeze some of her soap on it. I turn her around so her back was to me and a start to wash her, I wash her entire body kissing her clean skin as I go. 
She is the most precious thing to me, my light in the darkness. Her voice will always be able banish away any doubt I may have in myself, her touch brings me to my knees in thanks. How thankful I am for her.
“I love you y/n”
“I love you too Loki”
The End.
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asmutwriter · 2 years
Welcome to the Freak Show (Part 3)
Do people want me to start writing longer chapters but less frequently or would you rather I keep them frequent and short?
Eddie x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, swearing, anything else please say
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
A small moan leaving your lips as you feel his tongue over you. You feel soft kisses to your thighs and crotch area. Hand firmly gripped onto his head as he goes to town on you. “Eddie...” you moan out, tugging at his hair. “Holy shit...” He comes back up from between your thighs, kissing you deeply as he snakes a hand between your legs. Rubbing on your sensitive spots. You grab hold of his hand, feeling the tension building up before you can let go...
“Liz? Liz are you dead?” you groan as someone opens the curtains to your room. Covering your eyes with your arm. Being drawn out of your dream world to early.
“Please fuck off Michael”
“Um, I would but you need to come to school today” you sit up, eyes looking at the watch next to your bed “if you aren’t downstairs in 10 minutes I will start throwing cushions at you” he smiles as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. The memories of your dream come back to you and you smile to yourself slightly. Then you realize, the man you just dreamt about is downstairs. You take a deep breath, swallowing as you get off of your bed. Walking downstairs you go into the kitchen, both hoping to see the boy yet also dreading to see him. Making yourself a cup of coffee and toast you go to head into the living room where Michael’s friends are also sitting, eating and drinking various things. Your brother comes in and joins you all. Sitting on the floor so his friends can use the sofas. Pushing your dream to one side, putting it down to hormones that have built up due to the circumstances of the past couple of days. You look at the guys.
“When are you all going to finish your game? I assume it’s not finished anyway”
“I think we were planning on doing it this weekend. Leave the pieces here and come back on Saturday and Sunday to finish off”
“Please not here”
“Rude. What’s wrong with us?”
“No that’s not what I meant! I meant more because I think one of my friends is coming round this weekend”
“Oh which friend?”
“Alice? I’m sure that’s her name. She has been in our friendship group for a few weeks but I don’t talk to her very often”
“One of the popular” John intervenes into the sibling conversation
“I hate to burst your bubble but I am also technically a ‘popular’ kid. We aren’t all that bad” they all laugh
“Keep telling yourself that” you roll your eyes, swearing at them all as they continue laughing. You rub your eyes
“Shit I have to see people today...” more laughter
“Yeah, what were you expecting?”
“I mean, I kind of hoped that the world would just swallow me up so I wouldn’t have to see my ex-boyfriend and ex best friend after giving her bra to her in the middle of a very crowded canteen”
“Oh yeah forgot about that”
“So did I ... shit... Who will I hang around with today?”
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t exactly hang with my normal crowd, half of them hate me” you rub your temples, trying to sooth the headache you feel coming. “I’ll find someone I’m sure. It can’t be that difficult to sit with someone”
“We should get going though. Don’t want to miss the beginning of school now do we?” they all look at the clock in your living room as you head upstairs to get dressed. All then piling into the car to head to school
As the day goes on, the lessons go by as normal. You help out the teachers during your first break as an attempt to avoid people. But lunch comes about and you anxiously try and stay in the classroom. But soon your teacher kicks you out, wanting to have some lunch and quiet before the next lesson starts. You wait by the doors. Gnawing at your bottom lip as you slowly push them open. You see Chris and Jessica sat with your friends. All of them. An arm draped around her shoulder as they smile together. You take in a shaky breath, finding an empty table you sit down. Fighting back tears as you begin eating. You see your brother sitting with his friends on a table a little away from you. He half smiles at you, not wanting to cross the social standards of school by sitting with you. That’s when Chris sees you “Ay look it’s the slut” he points at you, standing up. “Aww look, she’s all alone” you ignore them, continuing to eat. He chuckles as he walks over to you, smacking his hands down on the table. “How are we doing today little miss whore?”
“How does being cheated on make me the slutty one?” he glares at you as you smile. You notice the canteen go quiet again, watching as you two start to argue. You smile “You know I’m really glad to see you two happy” you motion at his hands “You and your right hand that is. You make such a cute couple” his hands turns to fists on the table top. You take another bite of your food, Jessica coming over and placing a hand on his shoulder
“People are watching baby” you roll your eyes as they both walk away. Alice then walks over to you, sitting down. 
“God, they make the freaks look sane” you let out a small laugh, eyes wondering to their table through the crowded and talking canteen. You make eye contact with Eddie. It was only a small glance, but you feel your cheeks turning a slight shade of red as you look away. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Alice who notices your slight discomfort. She grins at you as you look at her. She leans close to you, eyes scanning yours
“Can I help you?” she grins at you, sitting back in her seat as she looks over at the table. Seeing Eddie still occasionally glancing at you. 
“We still up for meeting this Saturday?” you nod
“Yep. I have a horrible feeling my brother will have his friends round though is the only thing” she shrugs
“That doesn’t bother me” she takes the straw of her drink and plays with it with her tongue “Are you ok with them... coming?” You cough slightly
“Excuse me?”
“Coming round” you shrug, your eyes quickly looking at the table again as you then turn to face your friend. “It’ll be fun to meet them. I’ve never been to your house before” she exclaims as you nod and carry on eating.
The week goes by as normal. Chris and his friends stay away from you and Alice the whole time. You and your brother go back to being close outside of school but pretending not to know each other in school. Alice soon becomes your closest friend, telling you all the gossip about everyone. It’s quite refreshing to hear about other people. Plus you don’t have any more sex dreams about the long haired boy. Making you believe it was fully just you feeling hormonal and him being the first male you spoke to.
Saturday comes about. 10:32am you hear a knocking at the door. You go over and open it, met with Eddie, John and Tim once again. You smile at them, motioning for them to come in. You yell up the stairs “Oi dickhead your mates are here”
“I’ll be down in a second!” he runs down, pulling a shirt over the top of his body. You raise an eyebrow as he does a small twirl “What do we think?” his friends compliment him as the words ‘Helfire Club’ is badly written on the front. A poor depiction of a devil drawn as well. He turns to you “Liz? Opinions?”
“You spelt hellfire wrong”
“What?” he looks down “Fuck”. You laugh
“Do you have a spare blank one? I can design it for you if you’d like”
“Really?” you nod
“Just give me the weekend and I’ll have it done for you by Monday”
“This is why you need a sister. Always willing to make your clothes look good, knowing it’s for the selfish reason of she doesn’t want to be seen in public with me if I had poor fashion taste” his friends laugh as you nod
“Oh no I still won’t go out in public with you when you wear this” you tease him, causing him to swear at you as you hear the door go again you walk over. Opening the door Alice stands in front of you. Smiling she hugs you, kissing both your cheeks as she walks in. You hear the boys all quickly scuttle away from you, heading into the living room. 
“Holy fuck. Your house is huge!” you nod, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck as you shut the door “your parents must be swimming in it” again you nod
“They work constantly. They’re away again today. But they come back tomorrow morning “She walks around the house, heading into the kitchen, then the dining room. Going back on herself she walks into the living room. The four boys all sat around heavily engulfed with their game
“Oh sorry. You guys must be Liz’s brother’s friends” they nod, Michael outing his hand up slightly 
“I am the brother in question” she smiles at him then motions at the game
“This is that dungeons game right?” they nod “Can we join?”
“I don-t” “No its-” “Maybe another time” you, John and Tim all say. Eddie looks at you both and smiles slightly
“Come and sit with us” he motions at the chairs as you both take a seat. 
“You don’t have to include us if it’s a problem. Or if you don’t want us to play...” you half whisper to him as he shakes his head
“Be quiet and let’s play” you nod, looking at the board in front of you
He briefly explains the rules to you both. Then helps you get the bases of how to create a character “these guys already have a world that they are in. So we will carry on with their quest. You two have 20 to 30 minutes to think of and create you characters” he writes down on a sheet the basic types of character you can be with a brief description of what they are/do by the side. “Here. Pick one from each line. Now, gentlemen” he turns to the 3 guys who have been waiting “let us begin shall we”
“So, you three head into the swamp. Ready for the journey towards the Emerald of Death. As you walk, feet feeling the soft ground beneath you, eyes hearing the soft hum of birds above you. You suddenly... You know what, roll a perception check” Eddie speaks to the three boys, you and Alice watching intensely. They all roll a dice.
"12″ says Tim
“16″ Michael speaks. John rolls his dice. Face palming as he rolls a 1.
“So” he turns to Jeff “You, Lord Sky, hear the noises of wildlife, a twig snapping under your foot every now and then” then turning to John and chuckling to himself before he speaks “Bell. You get distracted by a bug, your eyes watching it intensely. You walk into a tree, face first” he rolls a D6 “Take 2 points of damage” finally turning to your brother “Johnny, you hear what sounds like breathing coming from the hedge near you”
“I would like to draw my gun and point it at the hedge” he nods and acts out what he describes
“You draw your gun. Aiming it at the hedge - do you say anything?”
“Yes. I would like to say ‘you have 5 seconds to show yourself or I will shoot’“. He nods and smiles, turning to you and Alice
“You both hide in this hedge. Hoping that the 3 men walking past you don’t notice you. One of them pulls a gun out, aiming it directly at the bush you are in ‘you have 5 seconds to show yourself or I will shoot’. What do you do?” he looks at you both, you both look at each other. Eddie had briefly explained the rules to you both, allowing you to make a basic character whilst he developed the story for the 3 men.
"I think we both- both? Both head out with our hands up, asking him not to shoot”
“Lord Sky, Johnny, Bell. 2 woman walk out from behind the bush, hands above their head. What do your characters looks like?” you both describe your characters, you being a half elf and Alice being a dwarf.
“What are you doing here?”
“We are trying to head back to our home but we got robbed”
“Oh no!”
“Yeah, so we were heading back. Our horses got taken so we have to go on foot” they all nod. “Why are you here?”
“We are heading on a quest from a king”
“Oh cool”
“What’s the quest for?”
“To find a dangerous stone so he can hide it from enemy countries to prevent war” you nod
“Can we go with you? Can we go with them?” she looks at Eddie. He shrugs and looks at the boys
“Would you like these girls to join you on your quest?” they all look at each other, nodding at each other than at him
“Yes” he smiles. Proceeding to develop the story line. You and Alice getting involved just as much as them. He describes the elaborate world he has created. Allowing you to interact with it and other characters he has made.
Soon you feel your stomach rumble. You look at the clock. No wonder you’re hungry, its way past lunch time. “I’m going to go and make something to eat. Does anyone else want anything?” they all nod, Michael stands up, taking a mental note of what they all ask him for. You both go into the kitchen, making your friends food. Just as you finish making it, the phone rings. Michael, being closer, goes over and answers it.
“Hello, Michael speaking” he pauses for a moment “I’ll go get him for you” he moves the phone away, yelling for his friend “Tim! It’s your mum” he comes out, looking both annoyed and confused. He takes the phone from him, listening to his mother speak.
“Ok. Yeah sure. Yep. Yep. Ok. Bye” he hangs up and lets out a very annoyed groan. Those still in the living room now come out and join you, all standing in the kitchen “My mum says that we are expecting visitors round for dinner tonight so I need to go home earlier than expected and be sociable and help tidy the house. I’m so sorry guys. Eddie, can we postpone it at all?” he sighs dramatically, crossing his arms.
“I suppose so. We can do it after school on Monday. We should be able to have one of the classrooms to ourselves I’m sure” he nods
“Thanks dude” he smiles at him “Also, to be more awkward, John drove us both here. So we would all need to go...” he looks awkwardly at Michael who has a face of sadness on it. Alice shakes her head
“I drove here, so I can drop off anyone later today. Meaning Michael gets to hang out with his friends still” John looks at Michael
“I’ll still need to go though, I need to drop him off and it makes sense for me to stay home after that” he nods
“Yeah I understand dude” he smiles at him, they all go over to the door and pick up the keys to his car. Waving goodbye at you all as they leave. You, Michael, Alice and Eddie being the only ones left. You go to speak but Alice interrupts you.
“Party of 4 then”
@karma2223​ @fknemily​
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