#we never had to go through an awkward talking phase cause the first time we met she started reciting words to an x factor audition
readyforit · 2 years
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
This isn't about the post itself so much but I appreciate the suggestions in the replies about alternate terms to use that don't involve "warning" at all. I'm a college film professor who has often assigned content that is disturbing, and I've agonized a lot over how to do content warnings and what to call them, because while I haven't had problems so far, I know from talking to colleagues at both my and other institutions/reading studies about it that using the term "trigger/content warning" tends to turn on certain light bulbs in the heads of progressive students who are familiar with how those terms are used in progressive communities, where even if they're not that upset by that content they feel like the SHOULD be.... and those are the students who tend to cause the biggest headaches administratively if they feel like a professor who GAVE a warning didn't handle it correctly or shouldn't have been assigning the work in the first place or whatever. And that's also a thing I want to push against hard, because I've spent enough time in communities like social justice Tumblr and the feminist blogosphere before it to know that's a problem. I don't want students to think that to be a good feminist or ally or whatever that you HAVE to be unable to watch a rape scene in a film or TV show. I want to instead be able to discuss the framing of those scenes, and what is the difference between the more exploitative kinds of rape scenes we are used to vs. one that centers the feelings and experience of rape victims and is important to show because that is unfortunately a part of the human experience that we should be able to grapple with in film, like all art.
....At the same time, I don't want to just not give content warnings, because some students do legitimately need it. I've had students who had PTSD specifically request warnings from me. Ideally this should be handled by Disability Services, but we all know a lot of those offices don't do that and they often have barriers to entry that mean they don't catch every student. Plus, I want students to be able to have that who might need it but might not feel comfortable approaching me to ask for it. So there needs to be a solution that isn't just "don't give warnings at all."
Anyway, on a similar note, "warning" just isn't the right word for some of the things you want to give students a head's-up for. I for a long time resisted giving any kinds of "warnings" about consensual sex or nudity in film, because I knew American culture stigmatized that and I didn't want to add to that stigma. (And witnessing the recent discourse on Tumblr about "is it ever ok to have sex scenes in movies? is it ever useful for something besides getting people off?" (yes. easy question) has only added to that, although it's been my personal experience from teaching that the puritanical kids on Tumblr are firmly in the minority, just a loud minority, and that most of the university-age kids of Gen Z are just as edgelord about that stuff as every other generation has been at their age. I say this positively; I was an edgelord, too, still kind of am in my mid-30s, and I think it's legitimately concerning developmentally if you never go through that phase.) But I realized during the lockdown when I started screening films on Zoom - a practice I've kept up in some cases post-lockdown - and also when I assign things for students to watch on their own outside of class, that it's still a good idea to give students a head's-up for stuff, because they might be watching in public and it can be super awkward if you're in the wrong place and there's graphic sex/nudity visibly on your screen. For the same reason that most people on Tumblr asking you to tag nsfw content aren't asking because they're prudes, but because they browse at work or otherwise in public and don't want that showing up unannounced in a time when it could be awkward or get them in trouble. So I wanted to give students a head's up so they could decide ahead of time if watching in certain places was a thing they were willing to do. But I didn't want to call it a "warning," since that stigmatizes the thing.
So the stuff about "this may contain" is much better. And I feel like it's weird I didn't think about that before! Thanks!
(Sidenote: I kind of wonder if the "is there ever a reason for a sex scene?" discourse is so common on Tumblr because it's a very fandom-centric space and there are a lot of people getting their media expectations via fanfic, where when sex scenes show up it is usually at least somewhat with the intention of getting people off, and also when it shows up it tends to be a major feature of the fic - or at least people think of it that way, will decide not to read if they don't want any of that, etc. because of the way tagging systems on fic sites work. So the idea of media that includes sex where "getting the viewer off" has nothing to do with why it's there, but just because it's a part of life like anything else, or because of some other narrative purpose like "the way these two people have sex tells you about the relationship between them" etc. is just so foreign to people whose expectations are set by fanfic.)
TBH, last time we discussed the sex scene thing, it became clear that a bunch of people hadn't really been exposed to anything where sex scenes were well done, served a broader artistic purpose in a way that was reasonably obvious, and weren't aimed at the most cliched cishet dude audience tastes.
I don't think it's so much that fic is often horny as that fairly mainstream media contains a lot more sex and nudity than it used to, but the people telling those stories are no more varied than in the past. Some viewers feel like horny stuff that is boring and distasteful to them is inescapable, and that's exhausting.
If there's a fandom effect, I'd posit that the larger part of it is that when you hang out in a space where the default media doesn't necessarily prioritize a cliche of what cishet male viewers supposedly want, you become ever less tolerant of having the "default" shoved in your eyeballs all day long.
People have woken up to "It doesn't have to be like this" and "But I want to be the one catered to" but haven't quite gotten over the baggage of Only Men Like Porn or Sex Is Low Art or whatever.
Possibly there's some degree of effect from how fic archives are a space where people want to see only exactly what is their favorite while never seeing anything that makes them uncomfortable, which is very different from the desires of your average moviegoer at some arthouse theater.
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lxvestxned · 2 years
Tongue Tied (18+)
steven grant x f!reader steven and reader are fresh into their dating phase (after a long time of friendship). reader finally admits she’s ready to try something new. warnings: first time sex talk between two mildly drunk, awkward virgins lmao, pet names, alcohol consumption, minors go tf away this is clearly a telltale “i wrote this purely for myself and only to please me” bit of writing that has collected dust in my notes app. so do with this little 888 word blurb what you will. i just really love this dude and the idiots to lovers trope.
“I don’t really understand sex. I mean obviously because I’ve never done it before.” She didn’t mean to sound so annoyed with her last statement, but it didn’t help that she began to talk through a clenched jaw. “But, I think…” she shifted to hold her cup of wine between both hands as she stared down into it, “… I want to do it with you.”
Steven’s reaction (or rather lack thereof) was no surprise to her. When she looked up through her lashes, it was clear what was going on in his brain from his side of the loveseat. She could practically see the cogs churning and breaking down behind his eyes. And unfortunately, all the metaphorical computer shutdown noises coming from Steven.exe was not enough to fill the silence, so she’d felt the need to buy him time to power back up.
“Obviously, we won’t really know what we’re doing and everyone has warned me that it probably won’t be good the first time. But like— I think all of my friends lost it really young, back when we all had this limited concept of what sex was supposed to be and how we were supposed to be perform in it. And I just know I wouldn’t have to worry about all that with you. And anyway— anyway the other day, all you did was like groan while stretching and I still can’t get it out of my head. I just want to make you… feel good I guess.”
A bit of a long winded way to say ‘please let me put your dick in my mouth’, but at least she eventually got to a point. Steven seemed to have finally defrosted, but only enough to rapidly bat his eyelashes. His face was still stuck doing that thing where one brow was arched a bit higher than the other, his mouth agape despite the fact that he may not be breathing at all.
She took a long sip out of her glass, allowing him all the time in the world to respond. Although she realized that maybe it would be easier if she’d probed him with a question. “So that’s what’s been on my mind lately. What’s on yours?” She punctuated with an amused smile into her glass.
“Sweetheart, darling, my love.” His free hand flattened to his chest, wallops of air finally reviving him there. “Am I red right now? I must be glowing red.” They joined in laughter together as she nodded extra hard. He moved to fanning himself, while he set his own wine glass on the coffee table. She tried not to focus too much on how he had to fold forward and into her proximity to reach.
“Does that mean you want to have sex with me too?”
“Yes. Bloody— yes, love.”
She laughed even harder, inspiring some more from him as well. “Okay, let me say now though, I don’t want to do like full blown sex yet.”
“Of course, yeah.”
“I really, really just want to know how to—“ funny how the proper words to the action never feel right coming out of her mouth. Even when she’d try to engage in the sex-capade talks with her friends that they frequently got in to. Her lips could only press hard together. The rest of the sentence knocked at the front of her skull wanting only to burst out.
Poor Steven looked on patiently, hanging on for dear life. Until he was chuckling out a, “oh, shy now, are we?”
“God, I wish you could just read my mind.” She said instead, throwing a hand out in defeat.
He threw his hand in a similar gesture, “it’s okay, we’re talking about it. Just say it!”
She could feel the anticipation building suddenly, which she knew all too well would cause her to freeze up thrice over. So she started again, “I really, really want to know how to—“ she turned her head as far left as she could, only managing to clear her throat. “Sssssssssss…” ah, she really was useless. She jokingly dry heaved.
And she was grateful for his burst of laughter, he even feigned offense in his reply, “Oh my god, well don’t make yourself sick.”
“Okay, I’m being childish. I’m just going to say it. ‘Cause it’s literally no big deal.” She tried to convince herself, even setting the wine glass down beside his for some kind of finality. “I mean it might be a big deal, it’s not like I’ve seen it yet.” She cocked her brows at his crotch for a second.
“Oh my god.” He sounded incredulous.
“Can I suck your dick?” She dropped her palms to her thighs.
“Oh my god.” His voice pitched a lot lower that time he said it.
She felt aglow again. Awash down her chest like she’d been hit with a craving, just like when he groaned the other day.
He visibly swallowed, then licked his wine-stained lips. Before finally he said, “yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I can what?”
“Yes, you can…” his eyes roamed the space around them distractedly. He was redder than the first time they’d kissed.
She couldn’t help but smile cruelly, as she began to close the distance between them, “see it’s not easy to say, is it?”
His laughter was so breathy she almost didn’t recognize it as such. Until they were both fighting back smiles between smooches.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: We’re halfway through! -Danny
Words: 1,869
Phase Six Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘this is my trying’ -by Taylor Swift
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xx: Worth
Cat watched Riri work with a smile on her face.
"You're making me nervous," Riri told her without looking up.
"Sorry," the mutant chuckled. "It's just crazy, part of me thought for years only Tony was able to do this."
Riri glanced at her. "So you got to know him well?"
"I lived with him... a year?" Cat squinted. "I lived around him, my whole teens. He was like the coolest uncle I could ever hope to get."
Riri chuckled. "They were your family for real? The Avengers?"
"Two years ago I would've told you they were, they tutored me and trained me... but I'm not gonna pretend that what Namor said didn't change the way I view things. Hawkeye said it, their orders were clear, it was their job to train me."
"Must've been hard to realize," the girl stopped what she was doing to look at her. "That you've never had what you thought you had."
"I never said that," Cat grinned. "They cared for me in the end, they were my friends, and that was something. And I did get my own family, brother, father and cousins, uncle and aunt... it's weird, but I like weird."
"When Shuri called you she wasn't convinced that you'd be willing to help, but so far you seem pretty dope."
"Yeah, I've had a complex reputation throughout the years," Cat crossed her arms and leaned against the table. "I couldn't make up my mind about it either."
"But now you have? Make up your mind, I mean..."
Cat patted the girl's shoulder. "As soon as I'm done here I'm going back to New York, and then I hope you clear out your schedule, cause your training will start this summer."
Riri's expression was priceless. "Are you messing with me?"
"Normally I would, but not right now," Cat smirked. "You wanna be an Avenger, kid?"
"Holy shit!" The girl walked away covering his mouth, around them several people threw curious glances.
"Keep working, she's just having a moment," Cat dismissed it with a chuckle.
M.O.U.S.E. spoke to her. "Incoming call: Lucifer."
The mutant's heart squeezed with worry and she walked out of the lab hoping Matt wasn't calling to give her bad news. "Hi, hot shot, what's new?"
There was a short silence at the other end. "You sound... okay."
She chuckled. "Is that bad?"
"I just heard about the queen's death?" He explained. "I wasn't expecting to hear you laughing."
Cat's smile vanished instantly. Her face lost a bit of color. "Right. Yes... she died."
"I thought you'd be upset," he continued, now sounding a little awkward. "I... well, I never forgot what you said about Pietro..."
The woman let out a sad chuckle. "You never forgot, huh?"
"Well, I..." he cleared his throat. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Spider-man got really worried when he heard you'd left. I thought you'd called him."
"I didn't, and he didn't call me either cause he knows it's risky. We don't know who could be listening," Cat frowned. "I'm sorry he got worried, but I'm sure by now he knows I'm okay."
"And what happened there? What's going on?"
"It's a long story, and I'm not sure I'm even allowed to talk about it, but I promise I will tell you what I can once I'm back."
"Really?" He sounded surprised. "Okay. But are you safe?"
Cat thought about it. "I've had worse. I mean, yes I was there when the queen died, and I... I saved her at first," she let out a dry laugh. "They were drowning, and I pulled her out while still conscious... but I looked away just a minute..."
"It wasn't your fault, Cat."
"I know that."
"No one blames you, either," he added, his voice had an edge as if he were willing to go to Wakanda and make sure no one did.
"No," Cat frowned, but she was also smiling a little. "It's bizarre, I thought I'd feel guilty 'cause I was there and I drove the bad guys in thinking I'd be able to stop them... but I couldn't."
"And you're okay with that?" He insisted, this time a bit more skeptical.
"I spent a month in a universe where there is only one hero, and he's always exhausted," she began explaining, "when I came back, I realized how stupid it was to think I would be able to control this world with my bare hands. I can't do it alone. I told you I would try again, and I'm doing it, with my friends' help if they think they can do it."
Matt let out a sigh of relief. "Took you long enough."
"'Bout eight years, give or take. Most of my youth... such a waste..."
"I wouldn't call it a waste," he said, those were the years in which they'd met.
Cat grinned. "Okay, not entirely a waste. Better?"
"It will be once you're back," Matthew answered. "The longer you continue to be in plain sight the easier will be for Kraven and Russo to track you. Don't give them the chance."
"Cat?" Shuri came out of the lab. "Your suit is ready."
"I'll give them a chance, Matthew," she said. "To run."
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Cat's chrome-colored suit was an impressive sight when the jaguar cloak had been added. She spotted Shuri standing next to the ship and opened her arms to show off her looks. Shuri smiled. "As striking as the owner. Finally, a suit that matches your personality."
"I'm forever in debt with the person that made it for me," she winked. "I'm all yours, your highness."
Her purple feline eyes had to be covered now most of the time since the reflection of her suit was a bit too much for her, but instead of her goggles, she had a visor that M.O.U.S.E. projected for her and caused the reflection to bounce out without bothering her. He'd been updated with Riri's help.
Cat nudged Shuri's arm, the girl was wearing a Black Panther suit, she'd gone through the transformation. "How does it feel to be super strong?"
"It gives you a new perspective of life... and death."
Cat looked at her knowingly. "I've seen that look before. I know is useless to tell you this now, but I feel like you should know... killing didn't make things better. Having someone there to hold your hand after everything's over... that's what heals you."
Shuri's jaw clenched. "I know this is not the perfect answer."
"But it's the one you want." The girl didn't respond. Cat sighed heavily. "Shuri, I got everything I wanted, and I lost all that was important as a consequence. Look around you," she stared at the beautiful scenery with sad eyes. "Remember your home when you face Namor, and what might happen to it if you kill him."
"You think I'm strong enough to take his life?" She asked bitterly. "Most think I'll die trying."
"I'm certain you can. I told you, I had that look in my eyes once... and I will have it again, soon," Cat said quietly. "But I'll try my best to fight against it, I think you should do the same."
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The fight ended relatively fast, or at least that's how it'd looked at first. Shuri left on the ship that had captured Namor, and Cat prayed to any deity that could be listening, to keep Shuri from ruining her life.
The ship was going nowhere, so Cat and M'Baku approached the captain to see what was going on. "The sonic emitter has been destroyed."
Whales started to surround them, M'Baku mumbled with worry. "That can't be good."
Something exploded under them and the ship tilted sideways. Cat used Wanda's powers to lift herself from the ship's surface and then did her best to push it back to its original position. A spear flew past her.
Some Wakandans had slipped off the ship during the explosion and were at their enemy's mercy, Cat could only think to use Wanda's power to lift a small wave and scatter the warriors away from each other. Then she began to teleport from one place to another to place them back on top of the ship.
"Princess we need that backup now!" Cat announced.
"Okoye!" Was all Shuri replied.
The midnight angels arrived at the scene. Riri shot up into the sky carrying a Dora in her arms, one that Cat hadn't spotted while saving the others. More Talokans started to climb into their ship.
Cat reached under her cloak, pulled a baton, then pressed something in it and it stretched into a fine spear, its two ends made of laser blades that she could reshape however she wanted. "Knife fight it is," she sighed.
Copycat rushed into battle stabbing every blue-skinned person she ran into. The thought of hurting them was less upsetting now that she knew they could not be killed easily. Eventually, the crowd opened and she spotted Attuma, she copied Mr. Parker's power and shot a web at his weapon pulling it back, then landed in front of him.
Cat pointed one end of her spear under his chin. "Hi again," she said in Mayan.
The man scowled at her. "Jaguar."
"Stop calling me that or I'll think you guys respect me," she joked.
Attuma aimed at her chest but Cat stopped his spear with her own, then she kicked him back and aimed for his middle, but he dodged her. He was fast as much as he was strong, but Cat had decided not to use any power now that they were face to face except for the ones she'd developed naturally.
He tried to stab her from above, but Cat split her spear in half and crossed both parts over her head to stop the weapon short. Her knees buckled, but she pushed him back. And she kept pushing until both of her feet were planted firmly on the ground.
Cat uncrossed the blades and his spear grazed her neck, she jumped back in alarm, the feeling bringing unwanted memories. Attuma elbowed the side of her head, nothing protected her from the blow.
The mutant got thrown to the ground, and her batons fell out of reach. Attuma lifted his spear, and she looked up at him, eyes unwavering as he got ready to kill her. Then Namor's voice rose from above them.
"Talokanile'ex!" He called, Shuri was standing by his side. They had come to an agreement. "Let us return home. Our fight here is done."
Attuma and every warrior from his tribe knelt at his orders. Cat felt a throbbing pain on her side, she wasn't sure at which point someone had tried to stab her, but they'd almost succeeded. They hadn't actually injured her thanks to her suit, but the impact of the blade felt like she would find an ugly bruise there later on the day.
Attuma got up and, to her surprise, put his weapon away and offered to help her stand. Cat seized his hand with no hesitation. Once on her feet, she watched as he picked up her batons and put them back together, reassembling her spear. He handed it back.
"Live up to its worth," he pointed at her cape, "or I'll take it back along with your life."
Cat stared at him, overwhelming grief engulfed her. She didn't know if she was worthy to carry the jaguar's mantle, but it was then that she realized excellence was not what she wanted at all, and it had taken half of her friends and family to discover the harsh truth.
At least now she'd made up her mind.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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hourlyanin · 1 year
it's only 2 hours left before the 2022 end. after went through a lot of things, i cant believe i was be able to be here today. it has never been easy since forever, but im so proud of myself for endure it all well. so many things happened this year.
start from January 2022, it was the first time of me as a senior high school student going to school with full capacity since the pandemic start. i had a very hard that time. i used to cry on the way of going to school. i was tiring and i feel so bad for my dad. for made him to go through this kind of situation.
"if i were smart enough, dad wouldnt be this tired"
it might be difficult to me but honestly it was worth to be remembered. i made a lot of memory there, with my fellow mipa satu friends. it was a short time yet im so happy for meeting them. spatsa will always be missed
2. move to the February 2022, it was the month when i moved the new school which closest than before from house. smale. it was February 14th. the valentine days. i didnt celebrate it but it was the day when i feel so loved by God. i still can believe what's happening. i was screaming like insane even though i was puasa that time. "i have never felt this happy in my life" said me that time.
but just after one day after move the new school, i got sick. i was trying to adjusting myself in the new environment while enduring my pain on my stomache. it was a very difficult but thanks god Roschan helped me a lot that time
3. March 2022, finally moved to the new school. it was tough either because right after i went to school for the first time, my fellow friends whom i just met got a covid. i was tested for it but thanks god the result is negative. my school back to PJJ once again but on February 26th march my school announced that student are allowed to back to school again. when the first time i entered the class it felt so strange. i was so afraid that people wont accept me. i had a lot of bad thoughts which kill me inside. but thanks god i met a lot of nice person there. they welcomed and treat me so well hence i didnt feel lonely anymore. it was also the day when i finally met chan for the first time. he greeted me first.
4. April 2022, i had been spending a lot time talking with can in this period. we are getting close and closer than before. we used to share everything and here i am start to catch a feeling with him. i was hestitate at first but i made the first move and stuff then. it was a frustarting and fun phase at the same time but i enjoy it all. really
5. May 2022, we ended up together and celebrate our first Eid together. it was also the month of our first date. we went to Kota Kasablanka and watch a Doctor Strange. it was so awkward we cant even talk properly that time. we were too shy and afraid to make each others felt uncomfortable. we ate on Es Teler 77 either
6. June 2022, we are getting more comfortable. we went to mall and spend a good time there. it was the month when you kissed my cheek for the first time hehe. i was running because of shy
7. July 2022, i didnt remember it well but this month is one of worst one. we hurt each others and it caused a misunderstanding between us. we almost lose each others but our urge to stay together is bigger than it.
8. August 2022, i was sick right before ur birthday. i was caught fever because of exhausted that time but i forced myself not to miss ur birthday even though my condition didnt well. i was not going to school but you constantly said you miss me and want to see me. that things made me want to get better asap. i want to say happy birthday to you as a person than anyone
9. September 2022,
10. October 2022
11. November 2022
12 December 2022
0 notes
raggaraddy · 3 years
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: Another long one. This one doesn't have so much of the worried reaction, cause I wrote it to fit the Mafia! Jungkook character. It's still fun though ^-^ Thanks again for the request. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: When a loose end breaks into Jungkooks house with guns drawn, you get a first-hand lesson that maybe Jungkook isn't as invulnerable as you had thought.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic violence, gun usage, blood, murder.
Mafia! Jungkook
Fighting to get free, you're kicking your legs. Squirming. Squealing as you shove your hands against Jungkook's chest, pushing him back as hard as you can. Tears starting to fill your eye line.
"Stop, stop, stop," you shout, with no effect. Struggling harder.
"Admit it!" He yells back, a smile on his face.
"Never," You scream. Not able to hold it back anymore. Your screech morphs into forceful laughter as Jungkook continues to tickle you. Your cheeks aching from how widely you're smiling. Your sides hurting as you keep thrashing for release.
"Admit I could beat up the Hulk, and I'll let you go." He insists again, pressing you down with a massive grin.
"Okay, okay!" You squeal, finally conceding. Groaning in relief, when his fingers stop tickling your stomach. Your limbs dropping down to rest. "You could totally kick the Hulk's ass." You chuckle, rolling your eyes.
"Damn right I could!" He bursts into laughter also. Easing back with a sigh now that he no longer has to hold you still. Neither of you phased by the movie that started the debate still blaring in the background.
Roughly you punch your fist into his chest, intentionally knocking the air out of him. Taking advantage while he is caught off guard to push him flat onto the carpet beside you. Straddling his lap, you lean over him pinning his arms to the floor before he has a chance to argue. Not that you think he would. The fun-filled smile doesn't leave his face for a moment. Completely amused by you, while you try your best to put on an intimidating act. Trying to stop yourself from smiling again.
"Jeon Jungkook. You cheated." You playfully scold, "And if you can't have a grown-up discussion, then you can't do other grown-up things either." You accentuate your point by grinding down. Feeling his hips push up as you tease him. Lifting up right away, shaking your head as you remove the contact. "Nah uh. Cheaters don't get that." You smirk.
"Don't be mean just cause I won." He runs his tongue inside his cheek. His gaze showing desire and a want for you to continue. But you're not done toying with him.
"You didn't win." You poke your tongue out, rocking your hips a single time more, "Confessions under duress are not admissible anyway."
"No, but it's good leverage to have." He answers a little too honestly and without thinking. Not entirely talking about your play fight anymore.
Chuckling awkwardly, you shake off the train of thought that wants to evaluate what he just said. Not wanting to let your mind remember that part of him right now. Trying instead, to return to your spirited banter. But he gets in before you.
"Nope," He easily breaks out and overpowers your hold wrapping his arm around your waist, carrying you as he stands up. "you admitted I'm stronger than the Hulk, and I'm never gonna let that go." Bending down, he throws you over his shoulder, slapping your ass to tease you back.
His shoulder digging into your gut stops you from taking a full breath or making a snippy comeback. So you slap his ass in retaliation instead.
"Come on Kitten, you have to give me a prize for winning." He purs suggestively, carrying you out of the living room into the foyer.
He's going to take you upstairs, but you don't make it to them before both of your heads snap towards the entrance. A flurry of gunshots exploding just beyond the front door. The commotion silencing as quickly as it started.
Jungkook slings you off his shoulder. Becoming another person in an instant. Purely focused. Opening the coat closet, he pulls a Glock from his jacket.
"Get upstairs, now." He barks.
You don't have to be asked twice, running to the stairs. Gasping as the garage door next to the steps opens, two hooded men storming in with guns drawn. Jungkook reacts quickly, firing past you. Shooting one of them, missing the second who ducks instead of firing back.
At the same time, blowing open to the left of you, the front door is kicked in. Swinging wide, four more masked men rush the house. Firing rapidly and wildly. Scarcely missing Jungkook who is moving preemptively and is 3 steps ahead. Running forward he shoots the second man in front of you. Grabbing your arm, dragging you over their dead bodies into the garage with him.
Shutting you in just as bullets explode through the wood door at your back.
Jungkook forces you to keep up, throwing you behind the car. The automatic shots continuing to decimate. The four-wheel-drive being the only thing that keeps either of you from getting shot.
Panting and on the verge of tears, you're crouched beside Jungkook. Watching him, waiting to react to anything he says. Knowing he is all that stands between you and death. But also knowing that with him in this mindset he could do just as much damage to you as one of those other men might.
The gunfire stops. Distorted voices shouting behind the door's remains. Jungkook cautiously raises up, leaning over the hood. He lines up a shot as the door opens warily, taking down another of them. Slouching behind the car as a new wave of bullets comes in response.
In front of you, the shelves covered in storage boxes and the workbench full of tools is ripped to shreds. Things erupting in every direction. Covering you in debris.
Pulling his phone from his pocket he shoves it in your lap.
"Call the first number!"
Your brain is stalling, your hands are shaking, but you follow the order as best as you can. The way your fingers are vibrating making it so much harder.
"What's up Boss?" You can hear the faint sound of his first lieutenant, as the firing ceasing again. Jungkook snatches the phone, speaking lowly and calmly.
"My house is breached and we're under fire. At least 3 guys. Semi-autos. We're held up in the garage and I've got maybe 15 rounds left." He passes the information over precisely. Remaining organized and in control.
"We're 10 out," the first confirms back, yelling orders to people on his end of the phone.
Your head jolts towards the garage door as it heavily clunks, starting to lift along the tracks. Exposing you on two sides.
"Fuck," Jungkook exclaims. "We don't have 10 minutes."
He stands, staying low. Opening the car door, tossing the phone in, followed by you. Your limbs hitting everything as you try to keep up with his pace. Making it onto the seat in an awkward heap.
"Stay down," he growls, slamming it, sealing you in. You're ahead of him this time, already kneeling under the steering wheel. Pressing your chest and head into the seat as flat as possible.
Inside the car, you can only hear the sounds of blasts for a few moments. Heavy things being thrown in every direction amid tense silences.
Outside the car, Jungkook fires off 3 shots, aiming for the legs he sees as the garage opens. The angle is wrong, and he doesn't hit them. Having to retreat back. Throwing the workbench down, using it as a meagre form of barricade. Blocking himself into the corner, hunched behind it. It's barely wide enough to protect him at the front and on the side. The height of the desk only just covering his head. He aims over the bench, hoping to keep the front two from coming in with suppression fire.
However, his attempt is unsuccessful. As he raises up, a bullet wings his right arm. Involuntarily dropping his gun, he shouts in pain. The Glock falling on the wrong side of the table.
It only takes him a second to compose himself, lunging over to pick up the weapon. But it's a second too late.
One of the men charges from inside the house. Booting the table into Jungkook, throwing him off balance. Holding him at gunpoint as he hits the floor.
Briefly, you see the other two men through the window as they pass the car. You're too terrified to move. Your hand cupped over your mouth, muffling the panicked breathes and whimpers that you can't hold in.
Working as a unit, one of the men clears the table out of the way, another picks up Jungkook's gun, while the third ushers him out of the corner and onto his feet, keeping the sights tightly fixed on him.
Getting in his face, the lead man removes his balaclava. Seething hate filling his expression. "You remember me?"
While he isn't going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, Jungkook is certainly perturbed by the reveal.
It was nearly 5 months ago that he had ordered this man and his family killed. It drew far too much attention when he refused a deal Jungkook made him. So an example has to be set. The man's wife, two children and his visiting brother were murdered in the gruesome display. And Jungkook was told that the man standing in front of him now was also killed. But it seems the men charged with the hit got complacent. They didn't confirm the kill.
Mentally, Jungkook was already recalling the four men on task. If he made it out of this they were going to suffer greatly for their mistake.
Seeming infuriated by Jungkook's lack of fear and stoic glowering, the unmasked man slams his fist into the Mafia King's face. Shouting as he does.
Methodically, the three intruders begin to tear Jungkook apart. He put's up a fight as best as he can, but the men are trained and three against one isn't fair odds in this situation. Knocking him between them, they strike with their knees, fists, feet, hurting him in any way they can manage. Beating him into the ground. Pulling him back onto his knees whenever he drops back or falls forward.
Biting your palm you're trying to stop yourself from crying out as you sob into your hand. You can hear the hits. The thumps from him being tossed around. His groans of pain. The slough of abuse they spit at him while they work him over. Cursing him. Mocking him.
Suddenly, the car door jerks open. One of the masked men dragging you out by your hair. Making you produce an ear-shattering scream. One he silences with a fist to the face. Your body collapsing, slapping into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, your sobs can no longer be restrained. Loudly bawling, tear stream your face, hardly able to breathe as you panic.
Your heart aching as you see Jungkook across from you. Hunched over on his knees, he's gushing blood. It's running down his face. Matting his hair to his forehead with the sheer volume of it. He's splitting it up, his mouth dripping with it. His shirt soaked in it. Flowing down his arm from the bullet wound also.
You'd never have thought you would see your Boyfriend in such a state. You've witnessed first-hand the power he has when he's the one responsible for this kind of damage. In your mind, you saw him as invincible. Unbeatable. A cruel monster driven by hubris that could never be stopped.
The times you'd seen him beat people like this, the times he hit you like this, you had privately desired for him to suffer the same fate one day. For karma to return everything he had dished out.
But now that he was, now that he was the one being treated without mercy, even with it being justified, you can't feel anything but fear and sadness. Regretting ever having wished this upon him.
"Jungkook," you gently call.
He's disoriented. Too many headshots having made him dizzy and unfocused. But your soft voice cuts through all of that. Looking up from the ground to you, his eyes go wide seeing you in harm's way again.
"Y/-" he starts to get up, only to be interrupted and held down. The unmasked man's hand coming down on his shoulder. The barrel of Jungkook's own gun being aimed at his chest as the man hovers over him.
"You know, your guys didn't kill my wife right away." He digs the gun tip into the bullet wound on his arm. Twisting and stabbing into the raw flesh making him grit his teeth to bear the pain. "They shot her where he knew it wouldn't kill her. Then they let her bleed out. While I could only watch. While my kids watched." The pure rage in the man's voice is finally softened. Instead, sounding horribly grieved and agonized over the memory. "Someone like you, you're probably not capable of love," he spits, pushing off Jungkook to stand straight. "But whether you love her or not, I still want you to watch her die."
The words register, but you can't absorb them. You can't react.
"Wait. Wait!" Jungkook yells after him.
Your body is throbbing in terror. Watching him advance on you. Watching him raise the gun at you.
The shot hits you in the stomach.
"No!" Jungkook howls. The two men punting him back down as he climbs to his feet. Extending the barrage of hits to impress upon him that he shouldn't try to get up again.
In shock, you delicately dab at the hole in your side. Blood pulsing out of you. The pain is more than you could have imagined. You can't pull in a full breath. Short gasps are all you can manage. Doubling over onto your hands and knees, you weakly shriek unable to deliver a solid scream.
They drag you by your arm, hurling you at Jungkook, your torso landing in his lap. He clings to you, drawing you in tight. His face twisted in anger.
"Y/n." He growls. "Don't you dare-" he can't bring himself to finish that thought.
"Don't worry darling. It won't take long." The leader says above you, sounding genuinely sympathetic. "You though," he redirects, snarling at Jungkook. "you're gonna die slow."
Not able to breathe and the blood loss is making your head light. The room feels like it's spinning. Your eyes rolling back as they close. The reprieve of rest calling you into unconsciousness. And you can't resist.
With his hand held to your heart and his chest tight, Jungkook feels for a beat. The irregular rhythm assuring him you're still alive at least.
"I hope you really did love her. Like how I loved my girl and my boy. My wife. I hope you can feel that type of pain."
Jungkook is shaking. Unfiltered loathing ravaging his thoughts. A murderous expression concealing his heartache as he feels your pulse gradually start to slow.
Moving begrudgingly like it's his duty, the leader pulls one of the few remaining tools from its place on the wall. Wringing the handle of a large Philips Head screwdriver.
Working together, the three of them rip your unconscious body apart from Jungkook. His efforts to keep you close having little impact. Numerous injuries having sapped his strength.
Stretching him out, holding him down, they pin him with their weight. One of them securing his legs. Another holding his arm and torso, the majority of his heft used to force Jungkook's face into the cement. The leader kneeling all of his weight on his left arm to keep it flat.
As the tip of the screwdriver is pressed into his palm, Jungkook grapples to keep his hand closed to no avail. The shank piercing the meat of his palm. Screaming as the length is stabbed in and yanked out. Hissing through his teeth while the sharp point trails up. Reaching about halfway up his forearm it digs into the muscle. The blade slowly forcing its way into the skin, causing him to roar again.
All at once, a shot rings out. One of the intruders taking a bullet in the back. An assault of gunfire spreading across the height of the garage, sending the other two into a panic. Scrambling for their guns. Releasing Jungkook in the frenzy, who cradles his wounded hand for a moment before jumping on the attack. Finally having sufficient reinforcement to fight back.
Picking up the screwdriver with his good hand, he lunges at the surviving masked man. Dragging him off balance. Straddling his side. Stabbing down and around to drive the tool into his chest over and over. Burying the metal in the man's throat as a final strike. His damaged hand slamming down on the top of the screwdriver, forcing it through the other side of the man's neck.
Some of Jungkook's rage having been vented, he falls away panting watching the man, satisfied as he quickly bleeds to death.
The leader of the assailants, the source of all of this woe, is completely unmatched by the dozen men who suddenly surround him. They don't grant him the opportunity to even raise his weapon, shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him down. Incapacitating him and restraining him swiftly as he tries desperately to get loose.
There are a few seconds when the dust settles, where everything is quiet again. Only the sounds of wheezed breathing and footsteps taking any space.
Apart from the few men busy with securing the house and the area, all of them are at attention looking to assist their battered leader. Wanting to help. Waiting on an order.
"Her," he signals in your direction. "Get her to a hospital."
"You too, Boss." His second lieutenant leans down, helping Jungkook stand. Getting him to solid footing.
"I'm not dying in the next 20 minutes. Let's wrap this shit up first." He dismisses the gesture. Shirking off the pain at risk of appearing weak.
"And this one?" His first aims a gun at the intruders head.
"Patch him up. He's gonna die slowly," Jungkook's voice deepens as he repeats the man's own threat back at him.
His eyes following as he gets picked up and thrown into the trunk of one of the cars. The Mafia leader in him already, concocting ruthless plans in specific detail over all the ways he is going to torture him. And how he's going to silence any doubts about his strength that this attack may have caused.
Carried in another man's arms, you're taken to the back seat of a car. The movement string you awake. The pain keeping you immobilized and dazed.
Jungkook limping slightly follows after you. He presses his hand to your chest again, relieved as he feels your heart still beating, as he sees your eyes fluttering.
Your head laying on the seat, he leans over resting his forehead upside down on yours. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispers. His hands bunch tightly around your arms, pulling at your skin. The war of both sides of him crashing together. His eyes going cold, his breath becoming ragged.
Struggling to remain conscious, your eyes close again. Jungkook's bloody hand slapping down on your face, shocking your eyes back open. Tears instantly returning to your cheeks.
"Don't you dare die!" He hisses. His hand curls around your jaw, his fingers digging into your cheeks. "I'm not going to let other people think they can come at me. Take my things. Try to hurt me." He growls, speaking just loud enough for only you and him. "So you're gonna keep living Y/n. Cause until I give you permission, you don't have the right to die."
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kojinnie · 3 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys...
Headcanon on what kind of headache you're bound for when dating the AOT boys, and why I advise you NOT to date them! Enjoy, loves!
levi - eren - armin - reiner
part two here | erwin - zeke - jean - connie
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He's an incredible man with a lot of talents and he'd be doing real good at his job, that dating him would give you a huge sense of pride. However, this man suffers from being emotionally constipated. He'd always keep you in the fine line of "are we or are we not?", even though you’ve been seeing each other for a long time. He’d never say “I love you” or any type of flashy display of affection. His love language is acts of service and quality time, so if you’re the type to wanting outward reassurance of how someone feels about you, Levi’s not gonna be the person to give you that. 
This problem stems from his deep, unresolved insecurity about the nature of relationship. It’s not just the “Am I good enough?”, he genuinely thinks that he is not a good person, and thus the inherent belief that everybody will abandon him in the end  — something he picks up from his traumatic childhood. He’s wary about establishing relationship because he’s afraid to succumb into his own feelings and vulnerability. He fears at certain point he has to feel and suffer the emotional consequence of being left by someone he cares for. He dreads the idea of getting caught off-guard with being fragile.
You gotta be extremely patient and understanding when it comes to Levi, the reassurance needs to come from you, and frequently too. Bluntly saying, “I’ll stick around” or “I’ll accept your shortcoming” is really soothing for Levi, because although he never shows it, he really thinks he does not deserve you.
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If you wanna be frustrated in a relationship where you constantly feel like you’re in an endless coaster, then dating Eren gotta be your poison. Sure the honeymoon phase was intoxicating, sure he makes you feel like the prettiest girl in the world. The morning text, the playful neck peck out in the public, the butterflies you feel in your tummy when you catch him staring at you even from afar with those oh so enthralling green eyes. But once the honeymoon phase over, Eren is quick to get bored. Especially if you’re an unproblematic, matter-of-fact type of person. Eren likes to fight, he gets thrilled by it, and he’s high with the rush of adrenaline. He likes it if you’re jealous, if you sulk, if you argue. He likes you to be ‘childish’ because then he gets to be the adult, the savior, the knight in shining armor. It grinds his gears. If you’re unfazed by his antics, if you’re easy to forgive, if you’re chill, Eren will think that you’re not really into him, and will exit the closest door out before his ego gets bruised even further.
Eren is sort of babied by people around him – his parents, his friends, and constantly being compared to his older brother doesn’t help either. He realizes that he got saved a lot of times by a lot of people. And this creates a deeply rooted insecurity with him that turns into an incessant impostor syndrome. The constant thought of not being good enough and the idea that all the achievement he’s ever got was the result of someone else’s help really crush him. You can shower him with praises and reassurance, but he would completely dismiss it, because he thinks your compliments are not based on objective views and that he does not deserve it. He painfully seeks for approval from any authority figure that (he thinks) does not have any emotional connection with him. And it can be really hurtful when he constantly dismisses your sincere compliments while desperately chasing from others who don’t care about him.
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It’s really hard to hate Armin. He’s a really nice man through and through, but what is his strength can also be his deepest weakness. He’s too nice and unsure about a lot of things. He knows he is knowledgeable, but he often doubts himself for being too ‘text-book smart’. Which is a valid cause, because at times he would get very oblivious to how relationship works, and treat feelings like it’s a quantifiable system. It will literally take years for him to finally get down and say how he feels about you, because all these times he was so busy filling the check-list in his mind to convince himself whether you truly like him or not, even though you couldn’t be any clearer with your intention towards him.
He is perceptive with what you think and how you feel, unfortunately this does not materialize into any action as he doubts his own intuition when it comes to his significant other. He fears that his own sentimentality has affected his intuitive judgment and thus deems it invalid, which is completely untrue because every hunch he has about you has always been accurate! That’s just how much he understands and knows you from years of quietly observing and taking each of your word into account.
He really relies on you sitting him down and telling him in details how you feel and the things you expect from him. He will do it, in a flash with no hesitation, but really, he just needs that verbal affirmation that he is doing the things that you want, and it’s not just based on his assumption. So, if you like sweet surprises, impulsive dates and expect your significant other to read your mind, Armin might not be the person.
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Oh my, truthfully, he is such a sweetheart, and can be completely smitten for the entirety of his life if he has found that one person. However, it’s a treacherous road for both Reiner and you to get to that stage. Initially, when you start to get closer to him, he may seem rigid and uninterested. The first date you had with him probably went awkward and although you really liked him, you were pretty sure he didn’t like you back, until he texted you the morning after, asking for a second date. That’s basically how being with Reiner is, a series of you being sure that he feels nothing towards you, only for his following action to prove the otherwise. He is really awful in displaying his emotion, he tries to be stoic all the time, and it often frustrates you because you cannot really tell how he feels, and you fear that you might have hurt him without realizing.
He may start to open up, only when you open up first about yourself. He thrives in romance with someone who he thinks shares his inner pain, and that’s very important for him, because he is always in a position where everyone expects him to be strong, and to have a significant other that understands his struggle is all he wants. But this gets hard for you, because sometimes Reiner’s sadness can be quite extreme and you cannot match that. Once Reiner realizes that you’re not on the same boat, he may become withdrawn, as he thinks he’s a burden and inadequate for you, and may end up self-sabotaging the whole relationship he has with you.
Although he does not like to admit it, but Reiner often slips into his sadness too deep, that it almost seems like he victimizes himself with his self-hatred. He will be the one to say stupid shit like, “You deserve someone better.” Or “I cannot make you happy.” When in fact you are perfectly willing to be with him all the way through.
With Reiner, you gotta be the bigger person, with bigger gestures and bigger patience. It’s because Reiner needs an anchor and a figure to lean on. In returns he would be the best lover that you will ever have for he is selfless and will be helplessly devoted to you.
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Racking my brain writing for the rest of the boys (Erwin, Jean, Connie, Pocko) because they're the ones we SHOULD date.
Update: Thanks thanks thanks for everyone who read this! I received a lot of love and you dunno how much this encourages me to keep going. Anyway, 2 things:
- My Masterlist
- Talk to meeee ♡
[ON-GOING REQUEST EVENT]: Kojinnie's 200 Followers Celebration - 24/7 Writing Event
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peterbarnes · 3 years
Like You
Summary: The first time you and Peter say “I Love You” doesn’t go as planned. 
Word Count: 1k
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Relationships have always been odd to you. You had always thought that it was because you were in your teenage years where everything felt awkward and out of place, but even as you entered the last phase of your teens, some things still irked you. Like the odd phase between having a crush and being in a committed relationship- having to make small talk, getting to know the other person, and not being able to be your full self around them. Couples say “love you,” as a way to say goodbye, but before that, in the in-between phase, they just say “bye.” No, “bye babe, love you.” Just “bye babe.”
“Why don’t people just say ‘like you’?” You asked your boyfriend Peter one night. The two of you were sprawled across his bed, his head in your lap as he went through his chemistry flash cards. He drew his eyes away from them and up towards your face, flashing you his charming smile.
“Because that’s weird,” he said, chuckling. You rolled your eyes jokingly.
“Well, we’re weird. We should do that!” You suggested, running your hands through his soft curls. You always loved how they felt like pillows between your fingers. You saw him pause, contemplating whether or not to agree.
“Alright,” he said as if he had just been challenged. “Let’s do it.”
You smiled at him, taking your hands away from his hair and cupping his face. Your thumb ran soothingly up and down his cheek as he leaned into your palm, practically purring at your touch. 
“Such a cuddle bug,” you mumbled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the skin your thumb had just caressed. Peter, being the clingy koala that he is, wasn’t satisfied, so he gently wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you down further to kiss his lips.
They were soft, just like hair, but they moved so magically. As if you could sense every emotion that he felt just by the way his lips melted over yours. 
The intimate moment was interrupted when your phone rang. It lit up with your Mom’s name and a picture of the two of you from when you were younger. 
“Cute,” Peter said, pointing to the baby picture.
You chuckled before swiping up your phone from the bed and answering the call. 
“Hey, mom,” you answered.
“Hey honey, it’s late, you should start heading home now.” Her voice was quiet, but with Peter’s enhanced senses, he heard every word, causing him to push out his bottom lip in a pout. 
“Yeah, I’ll be there soon,” you said, chuckling at his puppy dog expression. 
“Ok. Bye honey.”
You hung up the phone and dropped it on the pillow next to you before leaning over to Peter and dropping a kiss on his nose. 
“I gotta go,” you told Peter. He pecked your lips lovingly in response.
“Bye, like you,” Peter said, smiling.
“Like you too, loser,” you said, kissing him one more time. Peter helped you clean up your school supplies before walking you outside, his fingers laced with yours. He squeezed your hand before letting you go, watching your figure fade into the darkness of the night as you walked away.
His smile never once faltered.
The bell rang throughout the halls of Midtown, startling your half-asleep state. You yawned and carelessly stuffed your textbooks in your backpack, throwing it over your shoulder and walking out of the classroom, your legs dragging tiredly against the squeaky floor. You yelped when you felt two arms wrap around you and pick you up.
“Peter!” You squealed, giggling as he left a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck. Once he set you down on your feet, the cool tiles against your boots, you turned around and smacked his chest playfully.
“Hi, darling,” he greeted, placing a kiss on your cheek, and slipping his arms around your waist.  
“Hey,” you responded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“We still on for today?”
“Of course. I-“ 
Before he could finish his sentence, the sharp sound of the bell rang through the hall. Peter sighed before unraveling his arms from your waist. 
“See you later?” He asked.
“Yup, love you,” you said, unwrapping your arms from his neck. You started to walk away when you realized. It was like a bucket of cold water was poured over your head, freezing you awake. Love you. I love you. You didn’t mean to, it had just slipped out… right? You were tired, that must have been it. You were so tired that the words just flew out of your mouth without thinking. Shit shit shit. Closing your eyes, you hesitantly turned around, waiting for him to say something.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, y-you don’t have to say it back, I-“
“I love you, too.”
It was so soft, a part of you was convinced that you had just imagined it. But his voice was still firm, undeniable, and full of love. Love for you. 
Your eyes snapped open to see a beaming Peter Parker. He rushed over to you and gathered you in his arms, spinning you around. He put you down and started smothering your whole face in kisses. There wasn’t an inch of skin he missed.
“I love you,” he said in between kisses. You couldn’t contain your laughter.
“Alright, lover boy,” you chuckled and lightly pushed him away. The bell rang again, signaling that class was about to start, and you kissed him deeply.
“Love you,” you said, smiling before walking away. 
“Love you, too,” he said, flashing you a shy wave, the roses on his cheeks blooming. 
Before you walked into the classroom, you looked over your shoulder to see Peter jumping up and down and pumping his fist in the air. You chuckled to yourself at the sight. 
That’s the love of my life.
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levisgirll · 3 years
hello! if it's okay can i please request a little levi comfort one shot or headcanons? basically where he helps his s/o through a point in her life where she feels like she isn't good enough for levi or anyone and is just a crying mess in her room? lots of fluff please! thank u so much <3
𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬) ♡
text: wow thank you so much sweet anon for your request!!💕💕 i took my time to write this because i wanted it to be special and tried my best so i hope u enjoy this :,) pls send another request if you want to later in the future! ( i like ur ideas-). also sorry this was super late, i was busy with personal things and it got really hard for me to handle which took long ;c
synopsis: you were going through a really hard phase in your life right now. thinking you are not good enough to anyone, and not just anyone but especially your boyfriend, levi. he knows you well, too well, and he knows something is definitely up with you. once he finds out the reason he becomes devastated and comforts you in his own way which you realize it was quite unique and rare.
okay but big warning this is super fluff which will warm your heart (i promise!), and a lil bit of angst I guess🥺💕 enjoy!
He started to pick this up when you did not say ‘love’ back to him and when you started to avoid him, and talk less with him.
He tries to go closer to you and I find Levi trying to find the the right words what to say to you and he struggles to get the chance to hold your hand.
This actually made him upset and I find Levi a guy who later goes back and reflects everything he might have done to upset his girlfriend.
And this is canon, because Isayama stated the scene with rod, when Eren stopped as soon as he said that ‘comment’ when Levi was behind him, this made Levi think that had to mean this is how Eren and probably the others sees him. So when you slowly started to avoid him or not reply to him, this made him sad and he HAD to find out how to comfort u! sure he got upset but he wont sit down and do nothing.
It hurts his heart, because you are his lover.
But one day, he entered your bedroom and saw you crying your eyes out. Holding on to yourself as you sat down on the edge of your bedroom, sobbing. This shocked him, and his eyes would be wide open.
Since he shows a lot with actions, when he sees you crying, he goes and sits next to you and starts to rub from the nape of your neck and going down to your back slowly, showing that he is trying to calm down your sobbings and that he is here for you. “Let it out love, you have been strong for too long so don't hold back your tears.” Levi would say as you started to calm down. His heart would hurt and be in pain as he sees his lover cry, he wanted to help but he knew that it was always good to let it out first and wait till you are ready.
He then would mention all the times you were so nice, great and the many things you have done for him and others (just to cheer you up a bit) that y/n never even acknowledged. “D-Did I do that? I can’t seem to remember...” You would say as you wipe your tears with your fingers, Levi would sigh and give you a small smile, “You cant be forgetting that? that's why you mean a lot to me.” as he ruffled your hair.
He would go on and say that if you had close friends, family, etc and then including himself, there were people who care and love you. “And, you know I am always rooting for you to pull though whatever phase you are going through. I want you...to feel happy again, Y/N.” He would say quietly and softly rub your hands while looking at your E/C eyes, he was also clearly blushing and he tried his best not to stutter (cause that's how he is when he has a heart to heart conversation with you and he wants you to feel his warmth and love through his words)
“Whenever your ready to tell me either tomorrow or in a couple of days, that is fine but just know...I'm here.” Levi would say and hug your chest so lovely, you finally calmed down and decided to tell him what was bothering you.
Y/N: “It’s just....I feel like am”
Levi: “Like?”
Levi would patiently wait for your response and still looking at your eyes waiting for your answer as he was holding your face with both of this hands. “Like I’m not enough for....you” you looked away and pulled your face away from his face.
He was looking at you with a hurtful look on his face. Levi feels bad actually that you been thinking like this around him this whole time. “I thought I made u feel somehow special, cause you make me feel like that.”
He moved away and was by your side, he touched your hand and was pulling your fingers that was on the bed. “I’m sorry you were feeling like this. But, what is enough to begin with? Isn’t just being who you are...the good, kind, badass and lovely person you are is enough instead? To be good is enough, and I value that about you..”
“Levi….Love.” You say as you hiccup from your tears. That signaled him to go near you, so he got a chair and brought that in front of you as you were sitting on the edge of the bed and he held your hands softly and carefully while brining his handkerchief to wipe your tears that was running down your cheeks. “You know…I don’t think there was a day I did not think of you or did not love you. I cant even think of a day where I wasn't....and instead the days you weren’t by my side my mind was just filled with you.”
He does small affections and talks from the bottom of his heart while looking at you filled with love, and it was only to you and that meant a lot. He wouldn’t even do this to anyone as he doesn’t let anyone see this side of him but y/n, he cherishes this relationship so much.
He starts to take this opportunity to compliment you when he was longing to do that but, never knew how and when cause he was really nervous. He starts to talk how pretty your eyes, scars, hair, lips, body and so on is.
As he is complimenting you, go would go near you and towards your shoulders to leave some kisses there while he would brush your hair with his slender fingers smoothly “Is this okay?”. He wants to know if what he is doing is making you feel calm so he would continue if you nodded. He then whispers to your ear as he closes his eyes, “do you feel my love?”
He will encourage your self-care and confidence, because he really wants the best for you and realize how amazing you are!
“You know, I would be a fool to leave you alone tonight. I promised you that I will do everything in my power to help you once we got together to make us happy, Hm? So let me remind you tonight how special and enough you are to me..”
He would hold each of your finger one by one and stating every reason how much you mean to him “...even your fingers cant match up to the many reasons why you mean a lot to me.” Levi said with a soft chuckle and you started to blush.
After you and Levi spent a long time together, you both laid down on your bed and y/n slept first which gave Levi the chance to stare at your beautiful face this whole night. He loves it when you sleep next to him as he held you with his strong muscular arms, because this makes him at ease and at peace, he loved your presence it was magical to him.
After that long evening, he doesn't stop to show you his love and how much he thinks of you so he leaves you flowers on your bed whenever he goes out on a mission or even to wall sina/rose and you find that so pure. I see Levi actually doing this for his s/o as he tries to make up for his lack of words(cause he is kind of awkward with romantic words but that is only because he loves u deeply!!) he leaves u these flowers and you collect them all in a vase and that makes him wanna get you more.
Your presence meant the world to him, and Levi does not just pick ‘anyone’ to be his significant other and he felt such a lucky man to find you instead. This guy really loved his girlfriend, y/n.
Levi starts to interlock your pinky, he took this chance to finally overcome his awkwardness and shyness and he would do it anywhere.
Whenever you guys go out to buy something Levi would not let you leave the shop until you pick something. “Go on then, pick what you like.”
If you ask him literally ANYTHING, he is more than happy to try his best to help you and if he might not be able to, he will get others that will help you. In the end of the day you are gonna get that help.
When you both clean and you are both alone while the others went off to clean the other places, he would go behind you and hug you tightly around your waist and breathe in “you smell nice love, and you look nice.” And he would give you a long and soft kiss on the nape of your neck. No one would even believe you if you tell them that he is now recently doing this, but that just shows how special, important and enough you are to him and not anyone can see this side but you ❤️
He actually goes out and look for you one evening and he takes you to a nice spot in the cliff and u guys star gaze together?? I really see Levi doing this to cheer up his significant other and he would make his move later on by putting his hand around your waist and would give you kisses on your cheek under the moonlight. “Wow, it’s a beautiful night sky” his girlfriend would say looking up with finally a smile on her, this made Levi extremely happy inside. “It sure is, love.” Looking at you instead of the night sky with his soft smile that warmed your heart. It made your mind race. You were the only one who made him feel like this and even smile. You were more than enough to him.
Y/N: “Can we stay a little bit longer?”
Levi: “Little? Tch, I don't mind all night for you.” He would say while looking away to hide his face cause he was being nervous and he knew his face was red now!
He likes to watch your face reactions and expressions to any of his tea he would make for you or some snacks he would buy for you, and he finds it so cute. It was another of many ways to show his affection towards you.
Things happen for a reason right? and this made you see more of Levi and your bond with him was now stronger than ever.
Now, whenever you feel sad or want to cry, you now realize you have a shoulder to cry on and it was your amazing boyfriend, Levi.
He is literally more than ready to drop everything and give you one big embrace. “Darling, just know I am deeply in love with you. And I’m here to help, I mean what are partners for, Hm?” 
Like how he is always here to save you, have your back, support you, he will surely do anything else for you.
i hope you liked this anon and you are able to see this post c: <3 and if anyone else perhaps enjoyed it please leave a like or a reblog! I would appreciate it a lot <3 thanks again everyone :,)
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miyalove · 3 years
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cr. originally posted by houseofkarasuno
⤷ pairing. suna rintaro x fem!reader
⤷ genre. fluff, suggestive, timeskip au, established relationship au
⤷ warnings. swearing, crude language, crude humor, implied sex, mentions of bondage, mentions of hickeys,  *unedited’
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1.5k | after one of the greatest fucks in your life, suna pops the big question. your response has him not as surprised as he would have thought.
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your breath evens out slowly while you trace the outlines of your dull ceiling. besides you, suna plops down on your sheets. he faces you, golden eyes hooded while exhaustion dances behind them.
“how was that?” it’s a question that has you giggling around your jagged breaths. the noise makes him quirk a brow. 
“you always ask that after we fuck.”
“it’s cause i wanna know if ya liked it,” you can practically imagine his cute little shrug after he speaks. it’s become a habit of his to nonchalantly shrug things off, but you know him better than that. it’s not just a simple question. he doesn’t just want to know if you liked it. he wants to know if you liked it. if the position he had you in hurt or if the knots bounding your wrist to the bedpost were too tight. he wanted to know if you were okay. they’re two vastly different concepts, according to him.
you let out a sigh, shifting your position to face your boyfriend. a thin layer of sweat is still present on his skin. under the lighting he looks like he’s glowing making him impossibly more attractive. unbeknownst to you, he’s thinking the same thing. your delicate body fits perfectly next to his like you were simply made to be with him. 
“yes, i liked it, rintaro.” you punctuate your claim with a soft grin, “more than that actually.” you shift closer to him. “that might of just been our best one yet.”
as you wiggle, the mattress moans with your heavy movement. the familiar groan cracks a small smile on your boyfriends face, probably thinking of a stupid innuendo. you shot him a glare, daring him to say it. he let’s out a dry chuckle, rolling his eyes instead. 
“good boy,” you lean down pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. it taste salty from the lingering sweat and it’s quick not wanting to get his gross bodily fluids all up on your face either. no matter how quick you are though, you could never be as fast as professional athlete suna rintaro (it’s something he always reminds you about).
in one quick motion, suna wraps his macular arms around your middle. he drags your body over his own. the shock has you struggling to find a grip. your hands fail around to find some kind of support. your legs twist and tangle themselves in your blankets. suna’s arms stay wrapped around your core, steadying you while you struggle. 
it’s an awkward sight. your legs try to mount his hips, but the room is too dark and you’re bones rattle with exertion. to suna, it’s a sight to behold. your hair is messy from your previous action but it frames your pretty face in just the right way. he admires the way you struggle to hop over him. you’re a lot smaller than he is (just the way he likes it, if he’s being honest) so you’re determination to fit is admirable. he can’t help the feeling that washes over him while he eyes you cutely struggling. 
it’s laughable. it’s clumsy. it’s you-- that’s all he could ever want.
“you looked like a fish nearin’ it’s last days,” you huff at the dig. only he would throw such a specific insult. when you finally find purchase on top of him, you feel his knees bend behind you. gladly, you lean back thankful for the support. a comfortable silence takes over the room. he watches as your eyes flutter shut. it seems like fatigue as finally caught up with you. 
he allows you to lean into him. all your weight shifts onto his legs and even if they ache from practice, he doesn’t dare move or mention it. he doesn’t want to wake you. you do so much for him. the least he could do was let you have a few minutes of rest. in the silence, his eyes get to work on you. 
you’re tits are on full display as well as your tummy and if he were to pull at the sheets, your pretty pink panties would be uncovered. it was the only thing you managed to throw own before flopping yourself into bed. pink looks good on you. it was a something he noticed a while ago. he racks his brain to the first time he saw you in the soft color.
3rd year, lantern festival. 
you looked stunning in that outfit. the dress curved and accented all the best part of your body. the bright pink contrasted perfectly with the dark sky surrounding you. you shined bright that day, heads turned and necks were broken. at the time, it worried him having not been yours. he stuck beside you for an uncharacteristic amount of time. every corner you went, he seemed to randomly be there and ready to help you win prizes or to tease you about the little things. 
he was worried then but now, he he’s able to hold you in his arms without a worry. he’s able to fuck you senseless until you’re begging for more. he can be little patchy with replying back to your messages and sometimes he isn’t in the mood for PDA but you understand that. 
you understand him. 
you understand his silences. his thoughtless grunts. his wordless stares.
at this realization, something switches within him. he needs to say something. his words are caught in his throat. choked between waking you up or letting you rest. his heart pounds, his fingers are suddenly jittery. he loves you so fucking much. from the day you stepped into his classroom to introduce yourself to the moment you made fun of atsumu over a shared interest. he finally saw you that day. he knew then he wanted to have your melodious giggle as the sound track to his life. 
he was so stupidly in love with you then.
he takes one last glance your way. his throat dries with that same nervousness he had when he asked you out for the first time (he was a broke 3rd year, so he took you out the the fanciest ramen vending machine spot he knew then the two of you stayed up all night walking and venturing the city. it was absolutely perfect). 
and now five years later, nothing has changed. 
“till death do us apart.” it comes out in a mumble of anxiousness, but it’s loud enough to stir you awake.
your eyes gently open and he’s staring straight into you. your brows crinkle, slightly worried. you’ve only seen him this tense a few times in your time together. they were all about volleyball. weather his time was going to win or not weather he was training hard enough-- all worries that were be quickly squashed once you were there to call him down. 
never have you seen this look as you laid down with him. in the middle of your thoughts, it remember that you had to reply. rubbing the sleep out of your eye, you shake your head, “what was that, love?”
he repeats himself again, just a little bit louder this time. it still makes your head tilt in question. ‘till death do us apart? what the hell is he on about? what about death? and why are we apart of it?
you sit on on his lap staring into his widened eyes. they’re glossed over, hazed with a fear that brings you back to the honeymoon phases of your relationship. you’re so tied up in the thought, you have to force yourself to focus again. till death do us apart... ‘till death do us apart? wait--
“proposing on valentines day?” you lean over him. your chest presses up against his bare torso. you smirk, “how... original.” sarcasm laces your tone. the way you’re able to tease him in such a delicate situation has him huffing out a breath he hadn’t know he was holding. 
“that doesn’t sound like a yes to me.”
“that’s because it wasn’t, silly.”
that heavy feeling presses at his chest again. “oh.” 
one word yet you could already tell he was overthinking it. 
“hey, hey. slow down there.” you pet at his dark locks, gently lacing your fingers through them. your hot breath fans at his face with how close you. mindlessly, he rests his hands on your hips pulling you impossibly closer. 
“i’m not saying no either, rin.” he tilts his head, obviously confused. you read him like an open book as you continue. you can’t help the disappointed sigh, “i’m not saying yes because a proposal on valentines day, rin? come on! you’re 1000 times better than that!” 
so many emotions show through him. there’s confusion because why would you play with him like that. there’s a side of him that want to roll his eyes at your childish antics. then there’s a side of him that gets it. it’s too cliché. it’s too lovey-dovey honeymoon phase. you were never one for romcoms anyways so he gets it. 
“so it’s not a no either?”
“it’s a- uh... to be decided,” you purr.
“you’re so fucking lucky i love you.” he angles himself forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. it’s starts off soft. your mouths slotting together perfectly. then his grip on your hips gets tighter. your hands start to roam his body. and the way his hands coax you to move has you already knowing where this is going. 
“yeah, yeah. i love you too.”
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zodiyack · 4 years
Dinner With The Law
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female!Hopper!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, kind of ooc!Billy?, bit o fluff
Words: 1,566
Summary: Billy’s dating Hopper’s other daughter, Y/n, and when Eleven accidentally reveals Y/n is spoken for, Hopper demands to meet the “lucky guy”. Billy Hargrove wasn’t exactly who he had in mind.
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Taglist: @urie-bowie-mercury​, @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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“Are you sure?” Billy was usually the tough guy, but now he was a nervous senior with sweaty palms and pale skin. He looked like he’d seen a ghost or like he was about to faint. And it was all because he was having dinner with Jim Hopper. “I mean, what if he bans me from seeing you?”
“Billy, when have you ever listened to my dad? You’ve got a few speeding tickets here and there yet you do it again and again anyways.”
“That’s exactly why he’d tell me to break up with you!”
“Just because he says something doesn’t mean he can actually do it.” She rolled her eyes and waited for Billy’s response. His silence drew out a reaction of offence from his girlfriend, a scoff leaving her mouth. “You dick!”
“You’d let him make you do that?! Grow a fucking pair!” Y/n sat up from her leaning position, her head turning and arm sliding off the car door. She didn’t think before she swatted Billy up the back of his head.
“Jesus woman! What was that for?” He rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, the other on the wheel. Billy grumbled under his breath as he drove, the air growing thick with tension. “Alright. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t let him take you from me-”
“If you broke up with me because he told you too, that’d be letting him take you away from me. Either way, he shouldn’t get away with it, and he won’t.”
“You’re right...” Billy sighed, “I’m sorry baby.” He glanced at her before returning his eyes to the road, sincere regret knitted in his scrunched brows.
“I- ...I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have hit you.” Wordlessly accepting each other’s apologies, their hands met on the console, fingers intertwining tightly. His thumb occasionally rubbed her hand softly, bringing a smile to her face every time.
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“They’re here.” Eleven watched the window until Hop walked by, telling her to sit correctly and fix the curtains. She’d adjusted her position multiple times, finding loopholes in the “how to sit on furniture correctly” reprimands Hopper had given her.
“El! For the last time, that’s not-”
“Not how we sit.” She turned back around and got off her knees, standing and walking away from the table. “I know. But, they’re here.”
“And? We can just wait like normal people! Stalking your sister and her boyfriend from the window isn’t what I-” He went to fix the curtains but upon doing so, he got a view of what awaited his dinner table. “Is that-” Jim squinted, eyes suddenly doubling inside. “No. No. No! Noo!”
“What’s wrong?” Y/n frowned as she pushed the door open. “Dad?”
Hopper turned, facing his daughter and her boyfriend with a distressed face. “No! Not you!” His tone was slightly whiney, causing a concerned yet slightly amused expression to slide onto Eleven’s face.
“Excuse me? Dad, are you alright?” Y/n turned to Eleven, who shrugged in return.
“Nope. No. Nada. Dinner’s cancelled.”
It hit her quicker than Billy’s car’s top speed. “Dad. He’s having dinner with us. You wanted to meet him, you deal with it.” Hopper clenched his jaw, staring at the couple before walking outside. Billy began looking for words, suggesting they just go back, but Y/n cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly. “Wait here. I’ll go talk to him.”
“No, it’s fine-”
“Wait here.” He nodded, planting his feet without another word. His eyes followed Y/n until she was out of the cabin. Billy popped his knuckles out of nervous habit, turning his head and giving a nod of acknowledgement to Eleven. She stared for a second then got up and went to her room, leaving Billy standing alone awkwardly.
“Dad. Give him a chance.”
“But- That’s Billy Hargrove, Y/n.”
She nodded, lips pressed together tightly as she lifted her brows. “Yep. I can see that. I am dating him after all.”
“He’s bad news.”
“So was Eleven before you took her in! Taking her in could’ve gotten us killed but you did it anyway! Billy dating me won’t get us killed or put in any danger in the slightest, but you decide he’s too much of ‘bad news’?”
Hopper shook his head. “Leave El out of this.”
“Then let Billy have a chance!”
“No. End of story.” He paced in front of her, back and forth with his arms crossed.
She inhaled sharply and shut her eyes. Some tears threatened to spill but were denied by her lack of will to show weakness to her father. “Please. Just... He’s not as bad as you think he is. Sure, he’s got some factors you aren’t particularly fond of, but he’s a teen for Pete’s sake! I’m a teen! We’re going to be a little rebellious whether you like it or not!”
Hopper couldn’t deny a word she said, his own rebellious-phase in his teen years full of teen-angst going against anything and everything he could think to say. He stopped pacing, facing his oldest daughter with a sigh of surrender. “One chance. He fucks it up-”
“Thank you!” Y/n bounded forward and wrapped her arms around her father, the smile on her face bigger than any other he’d seen. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise, he won’t let you down!” She pulled away and raced into the house.
For the second time, he couldn’t speak. His brows and eyes held surprise, arms in the air- resting in hug position. As he blinked, the world returned to him. Jim processed the events; they happened so quick, it felt like one fluid motion, before walking back to the house without hurry.
Dinner was...alright. Billy kept his eyes trained on his plate as he tried his hardest to ignore the burning glare of Hopper that never left his form. Hopper ate slowly, both exhaling and stabbing his food dramatically as well as increasing the tension that thickened throughout the cabin. Y/n eventually grew tired of it.
“Dad!” Hopper blinked for what felt like the first time since they’d sat together. “Do you have anything you wanna ask Billy?”
“Yes, actually. How many girls have you been with?”
Eleven dropped her fork on the ground with a loud clatter and Billy practically choked on his food, coughing as Y/n patted his back. She glared at her father and shook her head. “Besides questions like that.”
“Fine. What’re your plans after high school?”
“Well um...” He recovered from his cough attack, fist hitting his chest a couple times while he cleared his throat. “I’m thinking about moving back to California.” 
“What would you do in California?” He said the state syllable by syllable, as if he were a kindergartner just learning to say the word, eliciting a criticizing furrow of Y/n’s brows.
“Teaching Y/n how to surf and showing her around. Probably applying for some collages...I’m not sure, sir.”
“Sir?” Hopper laughed. His chuckles died out when he noticed the three staring oddly, feeling awkward and clearing his throat to brush it off. “So uh- Y/n? You’re moving to California? When did you plan on telling me?”
“I dunno. After graduation? The same time I planned on telling you I was dating Billy.”
“Sorry.” Eleven felt a twinge of guilt after her sister spoke, eyes moving down in shame.
“Don’t worry, El. I’m not mad at you.” She reached for her sister’s hand, giving her a small smile when her eyes lifted back up to hers. Eleven mirrored her as a small bit of confidence entered her body.
Hopper brought his eyes back to Billy as his daughters brought theirs to him. Each question he asked made Billy’s leg bonce under the more and more, an anxious habit he’d picked up over time. “You get good grades, Hargrove?”
“Yes sir.”
“Pay for your own stuff?”
“Yes sir.”
“Staying out of too much trouble?”
“Er- Yes sir.”
“Plan on tying the knot, staying loyal to my daughter?”
Y/n’s water made a noise as she choked mid sip. “Dad! Don’t put him on the spot like that-”
“It’s okay.” Billy rubbed her back and nodded reassuringly. “If we decide we want to go all the way, then yes sir. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, I do, but we still have to make it through high school.”
“Break her heart, Hargrove, and I’ll break you. Don’t care if you’re in California, Hawkins, Mars- I’ll kill you if you hurt her.”
“I know sir. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
He leaned back, sliding into his seat more as he nodded slowly. “Good. You better.”
Billy waited for more questions, but Hopper went back to his dinner. He exchanged confused glances with Y/n. The air was still holding a bit of tension, the only sound being forks scraping against plates, making it feel a bit awkward. “Is that all, sir?”
Hopper lifted his brows. “Do you want there to be more? By all means, I’ve got many questions and opinions I can expand on. Like, your-”
“No- no sir.”
“Then stop being a little sissy and eat your food.”
Billy nodded quickly, however, his hands remained on his lap. “Thank you sir!” Hopper’s arm rose from beside his plate and supported his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Eat the damn food, suck up!”
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messers-moony · 3 years
Comics | A.G
Paring: Aidan Gallagher X Fem!Reader
Summary: Aidan meets an unusually pretty girl at a library while trying to find a textbook for school
Warnings: Cursing
This male was not easily captivated by females. His heart was guarded with the highest of security. Being hurt multiple times was the reason for his high guard.
Not only that, but he was surrounded by actresses and models his entire life. Pretty girls didn’t phase him. Smart girls did. Intelligence was a significant impresser for him.
This girl, whom he found himself falling for, was extremely intelligent. She was a good beauty, of course, but her smarts are what made her stand out. Her sense of style was odd as well.
Her earrings had Yahtzee tiles, the right ear had the letter F, and the left had the letter U. She wouldn’t be her without her signature, Doc Martens. A blank jacket usually resided around her waist, along with a graphic tee covering her chest. Jeans or leggings were generally on her legs.
Aidan adored her. She was gorgeous, and her brains were brilliant. Her personality was bright, just like her vibrant dyed hair. This girl we’ve been speaking about, you may ask? Her name was Y/n L/n, and she was brilliant.
Y/n had finished college by the time she was just twenty, and Aidan was just finishing his associate's degree. They met at a library.
She was browsing through the comic book section like she frequently did. He was looking for a textbook, but his eyes were caught on this extraordinary female sitting at a table alone. The textbook had fallen from his hands, causing a clattering noise.
Y/n perked up at the sound and saw him. He was cute, in her opinion. But he seemed so far out of her league. He was adorable. He picked up the textbook and sent her an awkward smile that made her heart race.
She looked over at the nervous male and sent him a wink which caused his cheeks to flush a scarlet. Aidan walked over and bought the textbook. Then with hesitation, he walked to her table and sat before her.
Y/n slowly looked up from her comic book to see him with an open textbook out, accompanied by an iPad which was meant for writing notes. Y/n’s head laid in the palms of her hands.
“ Did I startle you? “ Aidan queried nervously, “ No, not at all. But it seems that I have surprised you. “ Y/n smirked, and Aidan blushed again.
“ Y- You did startle me. “ Aidan stammered, “ That’s adorable. “ Y/n snickered.
“ Whatcha got their pretty boy? “ Y/n questioned, trying to glimpse at the textbook, “ O- Oh, it’s um- “ Aidan began as he scrambled through his notes.
“ It’s my last class. I need to get my associate's degree. I graduate in December. “ Aidan answered, “ I remember those days. “ Y/n reminisced.
Aidan furrowed his eyebrows at the girl, “ Got a question for me? “ Y/n teased, “ I don’t mean to be rude, but how old are you? “ Aidan asked out of pure curiosity.
“ Twenty years old graduated college with my bachelors in May. “ Y/n responded, and Aidan was taken aback, “ H- How? “
Y/n chuckled, “ I started college my junior year of high school. I work as a comic book artist. This is part of my work. I analyze comic books because it helps me when working to draw my characters. “
“ H- Have you read The Umbrella Academy? “ Aidan inquired, “ Indeed. It was one of my assignments to analyze it in college. I’ve also watched the Netflix series. You are Number Five, if I’m not mistaken. “ Y/n explained.
Aidan visually gulped, “ Y- Yeah. I did play Number Five. “ Aidan replied, “ So you’re the famous Aidan Gallagher. “ Y/n taunted.
“ I guess so. “ Aidan responded, “ So Whats someone as famous as you talking to little me? Mm? “
Aidan’s cheeks flushed again, “ Y- You caught my eye. I think you’re pretty. “ The male nervously spoke, “ But if the rumors are true, beauty doesn’t appeal to you. Intelligence does. “ Y/n replied with a slight smirk.
Aidan didn’t speak. She knew him or knew about him. She was smart, brilliant. She had all her facts and knew them like the back of her hand. It left him astonished.
“ Might wanna close your mouth. You might catch swallow a fly by accident. However, it’s just a suggestion. “ Y/n winked, and Aidan immediately closed his jaw.
Without another second passing, Y/n stood up with her book in hand. Then she exited the building. Aidan was left in shock at the forward female. Now he was left wondering if he would ever see him again.
A couple of days later, it was Saturday. This meant that Aidan would go live for his Patreon. Secretly he hoped that the girl would join. Hell, he didn’t even get her name. He’d never find her again.
Aidan started the live, and immediately the chat was filled with different comments. The male searched through some of them. He was desperately looking for something to start a conversation with.
“ ‘Do you have more music planned?’ “ Aidan read aloud, “ Yes, indeed I do. I’ve recently been overwhelmed with inspiration. “ The male answered.
Again he skimmed through the comments, “ ‘What was the past week like?’ “ Aidan questioned, “ Well, I’d say it was interesting. I met this person getting my textbook for my last class, and they were very intriguing. “
Now the comments were flooded with questions asking who this person was or what they looked like. Aidan scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“ I- I actually didn’t get their name. “ Aidan stuttered out, “ ‘What did they look like?’ Well, they had dyed hair and sported a pair of glasses. They also had Yahtzee earrings. They were really cool lookin’. Regardless they caught my attention. We had a little chat, and then they left. “ Aidan explained.
That’s as far into detail as Aidan got when speaking about her. Truthfully he couldn’t say much more other than how confident and cocky she appeared to be.
After finishing his class on Monday, he scrambled to grab his things and head to the library. But this time, he had a specific gift for the girl who he didn’t know the name of. However, he thought the gift would be much better in her hands than his.
So, without a second thought, Aidan sat down at the same table and began notes. The sound of a bell ringing is what caught his attention. There she was. She was handing the librarian a stack of comic books.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The girl then proceeded to walk out of the door, and Aidan grabbed the gift to follow her.
“ Wait! “ He shouted as he left the library.
Y/n turned around to be met with the boy she met only days ago, “ Hello? “ The confident female chuckled, “ I- I saw you check in all those comic books and not getting any. May I ask why? “ Aidan queried out of breath.
“ Well, if you must know, I’m moving. It turns out Los Angeles isn’t the place for me. “ Y/n responded, her tone airy and light, “ O- Oh. Well, I wanted to give this to you. “ Aidan spoke, slightly disappointed at the news.
Y/n took the comic in his hand. It was the first issue of the Umbrella Academy, “ I love the thought, but I already have a copy. “ Y/n denied softly, “ Open it. “ Aidan replied.
Hesitating, she opened the comic. On the first page was a signature. Not just anyone’s signature. Gerard way’s signature. That had been her idol for years and the entire reason she was in the field of comic book illustrating.
“ D- Do you like it? “ Aidan asked nervously, “ How did you? And why? Stuff like this is valuable. “ Y/n said as thoughts ran past her head.
“ Well, I have the other copies signed at my apartment. I thought this would be much better in your hands. “ The male smiled, “ I hope you don’t mind, but I may have accidentally left a bookmark in there. “
Y/n shook her head, “ No problem. “
Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek. Aidan’s cheeks flushed a bright pink, and Y/n smiled as she clutched the comic close to her chest.
“ Y/n L/n. Remember it. “ Y/n winked as she walked away.
Aidan watched as she left him on the sidewalk dumbfounded, “ Oh, I’m so fucked. “ Aidan murmured, knowing he was wrapped around her finger.
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pepsicup · 3 years
Problems Of A Spaceman
Chris Beck x Stripper!Reader  6.4k words
Summary: Chris attempts to gain some confidence back after his fiancée leaves him, though, the journey is different than he thought it would be... (smut, mentions of cheating, self-deprecation, exotic dancing, space kink because duh, dope fucking music choice if I do say so myself)
Author note: yes I did write this four years ago, this is an updated version since I recently found it after deleting my other blog, enjoy.
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It shouldn’t even be a thing. Chris didn’t get nervous, this was something new for him. After thirteen years of education, five standard spacewalks and a back-to-back trip to the newly colonized neighbouring red planet, nothing should phase him anymore – but that was space. There were things significantly more nerve-wracking than his current situation; perhaps he was better at being an astronaut than fulfilling his social and romantic life.
While taking all the prerequisites required for NASA and in medical school, he didn’t have time for fraternizing with anyone, most people in the medical field experience that. It was a miracle that he could even keep the attention of his ex-fiancée during the mission to Mars since he didn’t exactly know how to flirt. No matter how intelligent he was, all of that did nothing to help him in his personal life and everything that came with it.
Furthermore, the sexual aspect was a problem for him, too.
He’s never had an opportunity to explore himself with another person, of course, he’s had plenty of sex but, it was nothing more than the standard modus operandi. Beth was hard to navigate, she was disengaged and blatantly selfish, eventually blaming him for her unfaithful tendencies and lack of interest when he was the only one making an effort. It ended as it began, a complete circumstantial shitshow and because of that, he is on a mission to gain self-confidence back.
Since she kicked him out, he’s been sleeping in the spare room of his good friends’ house for the last couple of months while his new apartment is being renovated. Mark Watney was a single man who knew what that position felt like, and who also knew the beginnings of a solution. The ability to pay women for their undivided attention did wonders for a man’s ego, especially at an exclusive gentlemen’s club rather than a regular strip joint. It is more of a candid transaction that was valued at both ends.
And it is very exclusive. It required a reservation to save a slot since it was so well-known and a general, but hefty, fee at the door as insurance.
He made it sound like the easiest thing in the world, but on the other hand, Chris was so fucking anxious to go that he could vividly feel his blood pumping in overdrive. He’s never, ever attended a place like that before. But as he looked up at the classy, luminescent sign of the building that lit up the dark parking lot, he started to wonder what exactly he’s getting himself into. Just as long as he isn’t awkward, maybe everything will be okay.
Don’t be weird, don’t fuck it up. Simple.
He repeated those words in his head as he was looked over by the heavy before being let in and did everything the lady at the front desk told him to. After that, it was time to be escorted through the big fancy door.
The initial shock passed through him quickly, the smell of perfume, cigars and liquor weren’t as bad as he thought it was going to be. But once he rounded the corner into the main lounge the nerves were back. The wild colours in the dusky lighting gave the atmosphere an alluring feel as he bared witness to scarcely clothed women dancing on stage, at tables with other men and walking around the floor.
He adjusted his ball cap to sit lower on his face and scanned the room for a free seat, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed and needing to sit down before he either collapsed or backed out entirely. Chris Beck was not good at this.
Could he perform surgery after surgery for 16 hours straight? Yes.
Can he proudly say that he is an award-winning astronaut that helped shape the future of space science? Fuck yeah, he can.
Can he say that he can bed anyone he wants and walk around like he owns the place? No, no he cannot.
The spaceman sat in a vacant booth near the left side of the stage, tucked away in a dark corner to observe as he planned. Yeah, he was good at observing. Watney reassured him before he left, stating that he did specialize in human anatomy and he should do what he does best...observe, evaluate and execute, which helped a bit. A doctor’s point of view was his only saving grace right now, he’d stick to that comfortable method for as long as he can.
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He found himself zoning in on different interactions that played out as time ticked by. Many lovely women took their turn on stage, very healthy and some men had been taken behind curtains and even thrown out for inappropriate behaviour. He made of a note of that in the back of his mind if there ever came a time. No touching.
He didn’t know how much time had passed since he arrived. There were a few nice girls who came over to talk to him, but he declined any offers they threw his way respectfully and chose to remain where he was instead. Although, just when he thought about turning in for the night, the lights suddenly dimmed until it was almost pitch-black. So dark that he couldn’t even see his hand.
The emcee bordered more background music that rattled his chest through the speakers above the circle booth, it increased slowly and he assumed it was building up to another track. The crowd of regulars and new attendees alike cheered loudly at the change of pace, Chris perked up and clapped along with them even though he had no clue as to what.
      “Ladies, gentlemen and every-damn-one in between, we have a special treat for you tonight.” the man announced heartily.
      He continued as the music came to a peak, then dissipated as he spoke the moniker of the next dancer, “Your house favourite has decided to give you a dance that I think is out of this world...please welcome to the stage, Ares”
The patrons went wild as Chris, on the other hand, went rigid – almost choking on his drink.
As the projected images of deep space filled the room in a flash, a dancer was now on stage walking around in something simple, yet sexy. No one could get enough of her or the choreography, staying for her performances that always seemed to have a different aesthetical essence every time she made an appearance.
The modest man couldn’t stop looking at her, she was the main focus of the room – but for him, the significance was completely different from the others. What were the chances that one of his biggest passions in life could be used as an exotic dance theme, materialized right in front of his eyes?
But when the music started...that’s when things even more interesting.
The song wasn’t one he anticipated, he assumed it would be the same club music that made his eardrums shudder, but this slow beat only made his senses buzz, and not just from the vibrations. He enjoyed the older music his commander played after years of listening to it. So, when he detected the beginning of this underrated 1972 classic by Harry Nilsson, this stripper had his full attention.
Bang, bang, shoot em’ up, destiny Bang, bang, shoot em’ up to the moon Bang, bang, shoot em’ up one, two, three (One, two, three, four)
The woman circled the pole as the song started to wind up, making little gestures to the regulars and letting the music guide her. She hit every deep strum of the guitar by waving her hips from side to side delicately, still holding on to the shiny metal planted at her side.
As the artist started to sing the corresponding words, she spun around the pole. The lights caught the small crystals on her one-piece and somehow, scattered like the night sky on her bare skin. Her hips moved sinfully as her body followed the fluid movements like Saturn’s rings, circulating with the natural orbit of the planet. Or pole in this case.
I wanted to be a spaceman That’s what I wanted to be But now that I am a spaceman Nobody cares about me
Next, with every distinct beat, she put her back to the pole, slid down and arose in one fell swoop. She twirled once, flipping her hair behind her head and rolling her lower body ‘round and around and around and around as the words called out above the hollering. The attention was now drawn to her lower body.
Highlighting her assets as dancers called it.
Hey Mother Earth, won’t ‘cha bring me back down Safely to the sea But ‘round and around and around and around Is all she ever say to me
She melted down on all fours to crawl across the platform, doing the next progressions effortlessly. She laid on her back, arching her body like a tidal wave entranced by the moon, rolling onto her stomach, and using her knees to sweep her torso across the floor until she was up in a kneeling position again.
The way she created a giant slip from her ass to her shoulders gave the perfect view of her behind to the men and women on the left side of the stage, money cascading across her body. It was quick yet elegant.
I wanted to make a good run I wanted to go to the moon I knew that it had to be fun I told ‘em to send me real soon I wanted to be a spaceman That’s what I wanted to be But now that I am a spaceman Nobody cares about me
She repeated similar moves to the first chorus but on her knees this time, feeling up her own body, wiggling her assets playfully at whoever she wanted – connecting with the audience. Chris was captivated by the way she carried her body like that, the slightly distorted music gave a sexy edge to her routine that caused his cock to throb in his jeans. 
In his big doctor brain, he was trying to figure out how someone could be so graceful. Even if he felt ashamed of viewing her so strenuously, he justified it by observing her anatomy like the surgeon he was.
She didn’t wear high heels, opting to be barefoot, and the only extravagant makeup she wore was something that made her body sparkle. Her simple lingerie wasn’t something that stole the show, she just came as herself. The differences help him tell a lot about who she was, the little details sending signals to his genius mind.
Hey Mother Earth, won’t 'cha bring me back down Safely to the sea Around and around and around and around Is just a lot of lunacy (yeah, yeah)
The break in the lyrics gave a sense of anticipation, the echo prepared everyone for the next verse as the song swerved in and out of a muffled tone. Then, she was watching him.
Chris abruptly looked away as the mood changed, his breath hitching as he erratically glanced around before settling on her again. She appeared to be showing off for him now with a smile on her lips. He swallowed thickly as his mouth began to water and dry out at the same time, exchanging aggressive eye contact with the woman that had his undivided attention.
The music got lost in the background noise as they disappeared into their own world, his heart pulsed in his ear and his breath shallowed as everything around them was lost. It was like the earth had stopped spinning, the gravity giving out so the spaceman could feel weightless. There were faint pictures of the cosmos floating across his flushed skin, revealing his lip clamped between his impressively white teeth.
'Round and around and around and around and around (So bring me back down) 'Round and around and around and around and around Safe on the ground
He wasn’t trying to be sensual, Chris chewed his bottom lip when he was either content, uneasy or nervous. And nervous he was. Those eyes said innocence but the rest of him screamed sex fiend who could pound her into another universe if provoked, it definitely piqued her interest.
She never had the pleasure of seeing a person in tune with her like that before, it was refreshing. He looked like he was genuinely enjoying the way her body made him react but on a more personal level, something difficult to accomplish from 15 feet away.
Hey Mother Earth, better bring me back down Safely to the sea But around and around and around and around Is all she ever say to me, yeah
She had to be the one to break the intense eyefuck that was taking place, on both ends, in the middle of her set. Chris sensed the music drift back in, the planet rotating once more and coming back to himself after his mind floated away into endless space amongst many stars filling the void. As the song came to a close, she followed the rest of her routine with similar moves, collecting herself after a mere moment.
Everything was simply...simple.
But there was still so much of the unknown that came with the woman she was, remaining understated in this line of work and feeding a lot of emotion into her life passion. He could feel it.
That is the exact reason why she was a house favourite.
You know, I wanted to be a spaceman That’s what I wanted to be But now that I am a spaceman Nobody cares about me Say hey, you Mother Earth, you better bring me back down I’ve taken just as much as I can But around and around and around and around Is the problem of a spaceman
That spaceman had a problem alright.
She just took him on a fucking cosmic ride that will be burned into his mind for the foreseeable future. His pants were now painfully tight, pressing his cock close to his body so that every time he moved his tip would be stimulated by his silky briefs. He was being forced to evaluate his current predicament.
He thought about the next step as the projections faded from the room and her along with them, completely vanished by the time the lights dimmed down and back up again.
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Chris originally wanted to stay for a while longer to watch some more, not pushing himself to do more than he was prepared for; progress takes time and it depends on the person. He evaluated the options in front of him, either pursue the course that led him to the woman who just blew his mind or, stick with what he had been doing for the past five months – fucking his hand while he rested alone in his bed.
Eventually, after he gave into the disconcerted feeling picking him apart, he went with the familiar option and kept his head down in disappointment at his lack of confidence, sliding out of the booth. He just wanted to go home at this point, maybe he would try again another day. He nearly reached the exit when a security guard abruptly stopped him from leaving, he thought he did something wrong at first but as it turns out, that was far from what was the case.
      “No, you didn’t do anything—you’re being requested by a dancer” the large man chuckled.
Chris looked up at the man that towered over him, questioning the authenticity of the claim. He clapped him on the shoulder.
      “If I were you, man...I would take the dance. She rarely takes requests but offering...one in a million”
The security guard walked him into the back where the exclusive rooms were and into one with a large circular seat, gentle lighting and parlour cabinet full of assorted items. It wasn’t a suffocating space, but he felt like he was running out of oxygen
      “Enjoy the show, man” with that final word, he left Chris alone in the room.
Once the door clicked, he rushed to rub his sweaty palms on his dark jeans and took a shaky breath as he sat down, pulling on the neckband of his sweater. In the meantime, he worked on not being so high strung, the door being behind him didn’t help as he waited for her to come. While the anticipation slowly drove him nuts, he ran the three steps Watney reminded him of in his cloudy mind.
Observe, evaluate and...execute.
He was startled at the hands sneaking around his shoulders and lightly down his chest, making him jump in a bit in the big velvet chair. He was too deep in his thoughts to hear the door open behind him or her walking in on his stiff back facing her. Chris heard her soft chuckle behind him and felt the warm air caress his sensitive neck.
      “Easy loverboy” Ares cooed in a low voice.
If it wasn’t before, his heart was racing at lightspeed now. She had such a strong effect on him.
      “...you’re very tense. Did you know that?” she whispered behind his ear.
He shivered at the feeling and slowly nodded, not trusting his stupid mouth to not say something awkward.
      She chuckled again, “You have the prettiest blue eyes...even from a distance”
The woman walked around his seated boy, keeping her hands on him but moving them with her until she was faced with the mystery man from the darkest corner in the lounge. He wasn’t looking at her, but around her, and trying to find somewhere to rest his relentless gaze. It was all in vain though, she trailed her finger along his jaw and under his chin, forcing his eyes to hers.
      “Hmm, there they are—better up close” she bit her lip softly.
He looks so timid, with his big beady eyes and those perfectly pouted lips working in the evilest ways. Chris blushed at the compliment, feeling better about himself already.
Watney might actually be right about this whole excursion after all.
      “I—uh, thank you” he murmured.
Chris cursed himself for already stuttering like a dumbass.
In his defence, she was touching him ever-so-gently and how can he not trip up his words with her looking like a holy goddess. Ironic, given the circumstance. And now, he couldn’t look away.
Especially since her hands travelled upwards to pull his NASA ball cap off, then leaning forward while maintaining that close proximity as she unzipped his sweater, helping him pull it off.
      “We don’t need those” Ares whispered, tossing the garments on the floor.
But there was always some teasing before the actual contact.
As she put distance between their bodies, he was resting almost slack in the chair – legs parted, arms limp at his side and in his lap as soft music began to play. The apple of throat bobbed in his tight throat as she began moving slowly in front of him, full of grace and precision. She was like a supernova, its effortlessly soft edges melting into the black of space as her skin did with her bodysuit. The fact that he was the only one seeing it made the experience that much sweeter, all those feelings coming back from earlier.
He was also able to recognize that she was wearing subtle glitter and rhinestones that temporarily fused to her skin, causing the shine and sparkle of her body on stage.
Once she gave him time to get comfortable, she spread his legs apart and hovered her back over his chest, grinding her ass into his lap. The shampoo and light perfume made his sex twitch as he inhaled it in, trying his best not to give in and touch. He kept his hands on the edges of the chair, his fingers digging into it painfully – he remembered what happened to the other guys, how they got thrown out. Chris just wants to watch, that’s good enough for him.
No touching.
Ares leaned forward slightly, arching her back and hitting his private areas in all the right places, gradually making him break out into a small sweat. The woman rubbed her ass on his lap expertly and before he knew it, she pressed herself against him to lay her head on his shoulder.
       “I hope you know, the way you looked at me...you really know how to get a girl hot and bothered.”
Of course, he blushed again. His face was burning like the sun at this point.
       “I...I was just enjoying it—you are very talented” Chris laughed nervously.
He turned his face slightly, absentmindedly following the heat of her skin until he was fanning her neck, so close...but never touching. He was so, sooo close, but felt so far.
She stood up without warning and slowly turned around, pushing him back into the back of the chair more and watching as he widened eyes dilated further at her forwardness. He’d clearly never had a lap dance so he probably didn’t know about what happened during one. She set her legs on either side of his thighs, effectively straddling him to get on with the real deal. She smoothed her arms around his neck and left them to hang lazily off the back of the chair, never breaking eye contact the entire time.
       “That’s very sweet, I can feel how excited you are...”
As she began to move, their heads fell back simultaneously from the direct friction. Ares righted her head after a second and pressed into his personal space, their noses touching every time she moved up his lower body and back down again. She circled her hips a couple of times and breathed out a sigh, it was nice not giving lap dances to the clingy regulars and giving a man like this her talented movements and motions instead. It was different this time around, the atmosphere was weirdly intimate – he just gave off that energy.
       “Very excited...” Ares added.
Chris shuttered as she rested her entire body weight on his clothed erection at the sentence, now realizing how difficult it was not to touch. Though she picked up on his hesitation and demeanour instantaneously. She stroked all over his arms, chest and stomach for the first time, feeling how cut the guy really was, there were endless muscles. Very practical.
       He gave her a shy smile, “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way—to, uh...to have my body behave this way, I mean”
       “Ah, I’m turning you on?...” she asked, leaning in.
Chris didn’t know what to say to that, he’s never been good in these situations and more often than not resorted to the only thing he knows everything about. He’s starting to lose his cool and what happens when he loses his cool?
Well, he is not very smooth.
       “I, um...it’s the body sending signals the corresponding part of the brain...neurons fire commands and simulate the, uh...ohh,” a moan cut off his rambling.
He could feel himself getting closer to his release, something he didn’t want but also desperately wanted at the same time. He was already on edge when he was in the booth, his brain constantly stimulating his sex to the point where his boner couldn’t go away. The way it was being dragged across his pants made him groan even more.
       She giggled, “Has anyone told you that you’re a dork when you’re nervous?”
Chris shook his head, closing his eyes to try and fight off his orgasm until the lap dance was over. He had to swallow most of the breaths that became more and more erratic with every sway of her hips.
The way his skin flushed a dark pink and his breathing picked up confirmed she was doing a good job, but the only thing that threw Ares off was the fact that he was shaking violently, a straining vein on his neck making an impression in his flesh. She was unknowingly pumping his shaft along with his jeans, practically coaxing his seed to just burst out of him.
Chris felt his balls go stiff, cock pulse and tighten right before he lost control. The thing that pushed him to his limit was his balls compressing between his legs when she quickly swivelled her hips. He gripped the arms of the chair and thrust his hips upward, letting out a long mewl and finally giving up on holding back as pleasure took over his ability to think properly. Ares stopped moving while he continued riding out his orgasm that felt too goddamn good, cum seeping out of his boxers and down his thigh.
Once he found a way to maneuver himself back to Earth, he went completely limp in the chair as if he just ran a triathlon when the reality of what just happened hit him. That just happened, he hasn’t cum in his pants since his first year of university, and didn’t have a clue of what to do about it.
Why didn’t he just stay home? He could have avoided this if he just isolated himself in his room like he usually did.
       “Huh...that’s never happened to me before,” she said in a tone he couldn’t quite decipher.
       He glanced away after opening his eyes, still in a daze, “I...um”
For a moment he thought he made her uncomfortable and was getting ready to apologize, possibly leave if she wanted him to. But instead, he tilted his head as the embarrassment on his face was replaced by confusion at her smirk and gentle eyes. She dragged her ass across him once, making him hiss at the sensitivity of his half-hard cock still dripping with arousal.
Usually, she didn’t allow excessive touching and avoided any kind of sexual encounters at work, it wasn’t her thing – but there was something about this one that told her he should be pleased. To be honest, he wasn’t some run-of-the-mill scumbag or pompous prick like the usual attendees are, she’s starting to see he’s a plain, genuine guy. That’s why it took him by surprise when she leaned down and pressed a long kiss on the crease of his throat, sucking on it periodically.
       “...I thought there was no, mhmm, touching” Chris stammered.
Ares held on to the baby hairs at the back of his neck, then ran his soft hair through her fingers as she kissed her way across his face. Their lips brush together as she spoke.
       “Shhhh, let me take care of you...and this” she moved on him again, a mischievous gleam in her eye.
Chris whimpered out a noise of surprise when she finally connected both their lips together, she sucked his bottom one between hers and nipped at it tenderly. She grabbed his hands, placing them on her to encourage him to feel her, to touch her body. He was hesitant with his movements, still diffident even when she slithered her tongue into his soft mouth, twirling and caressing his.
When they disconnected he panted heavily in the shared space, she hummed at his expression, desire. After she climbed off his lap and kneeled in front of him as her hands began to unbuckle his belt and tug at his zipper.
       “Okay, this is happening? Right now?...oh” Chris breathed out.
Everything was happening so fast, he didn’t have time to think about the repercussions of his irresponsible, but tempting actions. His voice of reason was screaming its concern and he couldn’t help but listen to it as he sat there, immobilized while she worked his pants, then cum-soaked briefs down his legs.
       “You really don’t have t—” he groaned throatily as she pumped his shaft.
It was always the dorky guys who have the nicest and fullest cocks she had ever seen without fail – he was no different in that department, a decent length, thickness and fit for her. Ares stroked him until he was fully solid again, admiring the way he turned his hips up at the feeling of her hand around him – at least, if they stopped now, he’d have a good visual to fuel his lewd imagination late at night.
       She quirked a wholesome smile, “We need to clean you up before things get too heated”
Chris would have mentally retracted the concept of using her as ammunition for his masturbation thoughts, but he was too busy with his eyes rolling back at the most damning sight in the universe. She began to lick the cum from where it was on his body, on his cock, all over his thigh and what remained on her fingers; swallowing everything before working him over with her mouth.
       “Jesus Christ...” he growled, reeling in an abrupt lust. He held the back of her head as she sucked him off, “it’ll be over very soon if you don’t get up here”
Even taken aback by his tone, she grinned and gestured at him stand up along with her, encouraging him to pull the bodysuit straps down. Chris kissed along her collarbone faintly, tugging the lingerie down to expose her breasts and gleaming heat to his eyes. He kissed her neck as best he could, not knowing if he was making her feel good in the least but still giving it his best shot.
       “God, you are beautiful...”
Luckily, she moaned at his rumbling words on her skin, relaxing him a little bit.
This was crunch time, they need to do it now. Ares rushed to pull his white t-shirt off, appreciating his abs, pecs and biceps as she pushed him back down on the chair forcefully – he looked like a complete stud but had the sweetest personality ever. She giggled as he squirmed out of his pants and kicked off his shoes so he could be fully naked like her, climbing on him again as he did so.
Chris didn’t want anything binding him while this happened.
       “Do you have a condom?” she mumbled against his lips, kissing him again.
He made an affirming noise, gesturing for her to pick up his pants where his wallet held one in a hidden pocket. He quickly fumbled the leather out and tossed it with his pants to the ground, barely getting the condom out before she snatched it and rolled it down the length of him. She propped herself on her knees, coating him in her growing wetness as she prepared to take him. 
But, he hesitated and held her just above him.
       “Are you...are you sure you want to do this—with me?” Chris asked, his eyes held a sadness that she never wanted to see from him again.
Of course, she wanted to...now more than ever.
To reassure him, she cupped his cheek with her free hand and pressed their foreheads together. The woman revelled in the way his mouth dropped open, eyes becoming hooded and a gasp hitching in the back of his throat as she sunk onto him. Looking deep into his eyes and watching the sadness dissipate into satisfaction. He grasped her waist with one arm as she began to ride him at a steady pace, his cock stretching her.
Chris groaned loudly, choking on his moans every so often when she caressed the right spot. The speed increased as he began to enthusiastically meet her thrusts, causing them to both murmur muffled whines and whimpers into each other’s mouths. One hardy smack of his thighs to her ass pierced their ears when he gave a particularly harsh snap of his body, pulling her down as he kept up with his hard thrusts into her.
       “Fuck, do that again...” she shivered as he fucked her so carefully, making her needier every second.
He had his brows furrowed in concentration, focusing on pleasuring her and tried to forget the doubts he had to live in that moment. This was more than spontaneous sex for him, he was making love to someone – feeling good for once. He has never fucked someone before but, if anything, he was giving her the most carnal, admiration-fueled sex he could.
She bounced faster as he, in turn, bucked into her harder. She was clenching, he was throbbing...it was too much.
       “God, that’s it, just like that,” he grunted, continuing to manually move her slowing hips.
       “Shit, you’re gonna make me cum...” she groaned, “...please tell me you’re close”
Chris nodded fervently, keeping his eyes locked on her for as long as he could. In the final stretch, as her clenching became more prevalent, he kept one arm around her as he trailed his hand down to her clit. Just when started to rub, his fingers caught the nerves underneath and made her cry out.
       “Does that feel good for you? Is it okay?” he asked politely.
Ares sobbed her ‘yes’ in a pitchy tone.
He hugged her tightly against him as everything started to unwind, leaving his pelvis to stimulate her clit. The woman clenched hard around him as she lost her vision, the way her cunt gripped made him speed up his thrusts to continue moving. Her low whine near his ear did him in, his lower body ghosted on a final thrust as he stopped completely – his heaving was muffled by the clenching of his teeth, letting himself tremble in her arms as he filled the condom with his cum.
       After a while of sitting there, Chris broke the silence, “I...I think my time is up”
She laughed at his witty remark, not realizing how much that boosted his mood and tugged at his heart, or how she just single-handedly repaired his self-worth. There was no way to process it, all he knew was he felt amazing, he felt...content.
Ares stood on weak legs, climbing off him and allowing him to dispose of the condom. Chris had a dopey smile on his face as he pulled his pants back on and did the fastenings quickly, she was already back in her bodysuit by that time. He appeared to be lost in deep thought as she handed him his shirt, smirking at him – his skin flushed a soft rose when he finally noticed.
She scoffed.
       “Do I really make you nervous—after that?” she retrieved his sweater and cap off the floor where they were forgotten.
Chris laughed quietly before shifting back to his serious face, smiling somewhat. She wondered why he was there in the first place when he could have women lining up; well, if he wasn’t so humble that is.
       He cleared his throat, “uh...thank you for that by the way. You didn’t have to do what you did...I just” then began rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 
         “I’m not good at this stuff, one-time things and strippers—or, I mean exotic dancers, I didn’t mean for that to sound like th—”
To save him from himself, she curled her fingers around his shirt collar and pulled him in, kissing him thoughtfully. Chris cupped the back of her head right away and held her waist as she encompassed the modest stranger with her warmth. He chased her mouth after she broke away from his pursed lips, brows furrowing at his want to keep kissing her.
       “You talk a lot, it’s sweet” she giggled at his actions.
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Following that encounter, he felt like a new man. She let him make love to her, or fuck her, whichever it was. He couldn’t get over that woman, she felt authentic in his arms, unlike Beth who felt out of place and made him realize his ex was never meant for him at all.
Chris was walking away, leftover clothes in hand and messy sex hair weathered by her hands, but before he could slip behind the curtain leading back to the lounge, she called out to him. When he turned to face her, she was in a robe and leaning laxly against the wall, just as dishevelled as he was.
       “For the record, I’m not good at this—” she gestured between them, “—either”
He drove home with a smile on his face and satisfaction coursing through him.
Although, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of having a mere fling. Not even knowing anything about her while doing something so intimate, something personal to him. He wished he would have asked her real name or her number, so he could thank her properly or even, possibly ask her out.
He had a feeling about her, the attraction was undeniable now.
Perhaps it was a god working some sort of miracle or the planet’s alignment giving him mystical energy, maybe something as simple as luck. But, as he started to get ready for bed that night, a piece of paper fell out of his jeans as he stripped to have a shower.
Curiously, he picked it up and looked it over.
xxx-xxx-xxxx Just because I knew you wouldn’t ask for it. Call me sometime. – Y/N
Maybe he would take her out.
After all, he felt as if they had this connection, even if it was unconventional from any other relationship he had before. One thing he knew for sure was he liked the sound of her name on his tongue, repeating it in front of the mirror and practicing what to say to her...thinking about her until he fell fast asleep.
The spaceman used to have problems, but now?
He has none.
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© August 26th, 2018  |  April 20th, 2021 by pepsicup
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castexpectopatronum · 3 years
Liquid Amber - Part II [Remus Lupin x Reader Imagine]
Summary: You had been crushing on Remus Lupin for an eternity when you finally decided to ask him out. However, things do not go as planned and you remain wondering just what exactly is going on with this boy.
word count: 1.6k
trigger warnings: none
notes: apparently this got deleted, so i’m reuploading it
“... and I really don’t know if I should have continued with Divination because on the one hand, sure it’s a fascinating subject but on the other hand, Professor Hartshorn is so incredibly ridiculous, you should’ve heard her yesterday- (Y/N), are you listening to me?”
At once, you snapped out of the daze you had been in and looked at your friend who was eying you with a bemused expression.
“Still thinking about him,  are you?”
Sighing deeply, you hunched forwards and rubbed your eyes, utterly exasperated – from both, your work and mind. “Sorry, I just... I can’t get him out of my head, no matter what I do.” She smiled. “No worries, (y/n). We’ve all been through that phase. Probably everbody has that one crush they will never forget. It’s normal.”
“Normal or not, it bloody sucks,” you grumbled, leaning back in the armchair. The two of you were currently sitting in your common room, occuping an entire table with your school work. Quills, parchment and half-empty ink bottles littered the entire surface and the books you didn’t necessarily need had already been banished onto the floor where they were stacked into a dangerously lose pile. But as long as they didn’t fall into the fireplace, it didn’t bother either of you.
A huge yawn escaped your mouth and in a rather half-hearted attempt to be productive, you threw a glance at the essay you were currently working on. Once again, it was for your potions class. Like the time you had gathered all of your courage to ask out Remus Lupin but had been turned down and had felt absolutely humiliated for the remainder of the week. Even now, you still had problems looking him in the eye but as Remus was apparenly determined never to speak with you again, it did not cause you a lot of trouble.
Picking up your quill again only to twirl it in between your fingers, you wondered wether Remus was purposely avoiding you. You wouldn’t be surprised if that were he case; he had looked quite constipated when you had asked him if he wanted to go out with you.
Your stomach tightened unpleasently. If you had known of Remus’ profound aversion to go out on a date with you, you wouldn’t have approached him in the first place. You hadn’t planned for him to get into that kind of rotten situation. Maybe you should go and apologise to him. Was that something you had to do?
It had started to rain; heavy drops were whipping against the window and together with the occasional scratching of your friend’s quill made you fall into a hypnotised        state while you stared into the depths of the crackling fire.
”You’re not going to finish that this evening, are you?”
You simply shook your head, not bothering to raise your eyes.
Your friend sighed deeply and rolled up her parchment. “Shall we head to bed, then? I’m finished, anyways.” She groaned loudly as she stretched in her armchair, finally educing a small smile from you.
“Yeah, good idea. Let’s go to sleep.”
One day, you would be able to look back at this and laugh about it. Your first heartbreak was a good story to tell your grandchildren. And that, my dear, is how the first bloke I ever fell in love with rejected me, which is great, though, because if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have married your grandfather and you would never have been born.
Sadly, however, you were far from getting grey hair and wrinkles and telling bed time stories to your children’s children, so you had to endure sitting in class behind Remus and starring at his stupid brown hair which looked so wonderfully soft that you felt the strong urge to run your fingers through it every time your gaze fell upon it.
And thus, you came to the terribly depressing conclusion that you hated your life. But – of course – you found yourself, once again, unable to despise the person that made your life such a horrible mess. Which made it an even more horrible, messier mess.
The ringing bell, which marked the end of the school day, interrupted your flow of thoughts and you quickly gathered your things together, glad for the opportunity to escape.
While walking back to your common room – you avoided the library as much as you could – you again considered approaching Remus to talk things out. You were still unsure wether or not you owed him an apology, and anyway, you didn’t want things to be awkward between the two of you.
Not that you had had many opportunities to become aware of said awkwardness – Remus was definitely avoiding you.
A sigh escaped you, one in a line of many others since that faithful day in the library, and you tried to focus on all the homework and revision you had to do for today. Going over all of your plans in your head, you turned around the corner-
-and collided straight with another person, causing all of the books in both of your hands to fall and spread onto the ground.
The clash’s force made you stumble several steps backwards, thankfully though you managed to keep your balance, arms waving around.
“Shit, sorry, mate, are you okay?” Once you’ve managed to get a stable footing, you lifted your gaze from the stone floor and looked directly into the face of Remus Lupin.
All colour drained from your cheeks.
“Oh. Hi, Remus. Didn’t see ya there.” You laughed forcefully.
Remus looked at you with a startled expression that quickly turned into one of clear uncomfort.
“Hello, (y/n),” he muttered quietly.
In a desperate attempt to chase away the heavy silence lying between the both of you, you hurriedly gathered up the school books that were scattered around on the stone floor.  The two of you stood there in awkward silence, clutching your books to your chests. He was expertedly avoiding your eyes while you were desperately trying to find the right words to say.
Surprisingly though, it was Remus who first raised his voice,
“Listen, (y/n), I need to go, so...”
“I forgot something in the library-” He tried to quickly walk past you but you seized his arm to hold him back. The look he gave you, however, was one of slight surprise and discomfort.
“I’m sorry,” you said, unable to hide the sorrow in your eyes. “Listen, I never...” You interrupted yourself, an uneasy feeling spreading throughout your stomach. “When I asked you out, I never intended on making you feel uncomfortable. I just ... I just wanted to know if I stood a chance. You really don’t have to feel guilty for anything – and I’m sorry for having put you in this situation.” You licked your lips nervously and let go of his sleeve. “That’s it. I just wanted to apologise. Sorry for bothering you.”
Remus did not say anything in your defense. Nor did he say anything to blame you. He did, in fact, not say anything at all. He simply stared at you, his brown eyes almost burning a hole into your skull. As you looked into his piercing eyes, finding yourself unable to turn you gaze away from them, your heart forgot how to beat.
“Remus?” It was no more than a breath, barely even a whisper, but it was enough to snap him out of his daze. He blinked a few times, then took a hasty step back and cleared his throat. You took a shaky breath – you hadn’t even realised you were holding it.
“I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you,” he said hoarsely, looking at the stone floor instead of meeting your eyes. “Believe me, that wasn’t my intention.”
Your face softened. “I know you didn’t want to hurt me, Remus,” you whispered. “I’m not mad at you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He lifted his head slightly but then changed his mind and continued to stare at the ground. “Me turning you down... That had nothing to do with you.”
You took a step back and furrowed your eyebrows. “What do you mean? Of course it had something to do with me.”
Remus pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. “No, (y/n), it didn’t. Please believe me.”
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out of it. Remus sighed.
“(Y/N), I would have rejected any girl that had been in your place.”
Frowning, you attempted to speak – then you understood. “Oh! Merlin, I am so sorry – I didn’t know you fancy boys. Nobody told me.”
Abruptly, Remus lifted his head and gave you a startled look. “Wha- No, (y/n), I’m not gay.”
“Remus, that really isn’t something you have to be ashamed of, no matter what anybody says-”
“I am not gay!”
You paused. “Alright... Then what is the problem?”
Remus attempted to say something but then changed his mind and pressed his lips together. He looked like he regretted ever bumping into you.
As you examined his face and the tense expression upon it, you sighed in defeat. “You know what, forget it. I’m sorry, that’s none of my business. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry for what happened back in the library.” A forced smile appeared on your face as you turned to leave. You felt Remus’ burning eyes on you until you had reached the end of the corridor, leaving you more confused than ever before.
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quiteaweirdworld · 4 years
Constant Touches- JJ x Reader
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Kiara points out that JJ is protective of you with his touches, and you can’t get that idea out of your head once you recognize it. 
Requested: nope
Inspired: Idea from the absolutely fantastic @spilledtee 
Warnings: none!
Contains: fluff, soft JJ, first kiss, jealous touches
Words:  1.7K (wow)
You’ve been hanging out with the other Pogues for several years now, since early middle school. That’s your squad, and those are your people. During Kiara’s kook year, it was always just you and your boys. You somehow all avoided that phase where it’s awkward to be with the other gender, and you never feel more comfortable then when you’re surrounded by your boys. You notice the weird looks you get when you lead the way with three tall (and good-looking, you have to admit) boys following behind you like puppies, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s no secrets between you three, especially you and JJ. Barriers just don’t exist, and you and your three best friends are always comfortable with each other. Even when Kiara rejoined the group, you naturally gravitate towards the boys, and, consequently, JJ. JJ, who recently causes your heart to flutter a little extra every time his hand brushes yours. Though you don’t think there’s a way that he possibly feels the same about you, you relish in the small touches through which you both show your affection. You two are always linked somehow, especially when in public, but you wouldn’t have noticed that it was anything else if Kiara hadn’t pointed it out. 
John B had texted the group to get ready to party tonight, as usual. As soon as you responded to the text, you unlocked your front door for JJ to come, as you knew he would. Even though he doesn’t need to get ready, he always waits for you to get ready in your room, and hangs out with you before every party. Just as you thought, JJ popped into your house with a quick “hey” and immediately went to your room. 
“There’s the pogue princess” he smirked as he saw you fixing your hair. Choosing to ignore the rush in your blood that occured when you heard JJ call you princess, you rolled your eyes at the nickname. You could never be called a kook, but somehow the nickname princess has stuck. With your pretty h/c hair and large e/c eyes, you looked a bit like royalty. Well, as much like royalty as a poor girl from the cut can look. Still, nothing stopped the boys from annoyingly calling you ‘princess Y/N’. Truthfully, you didn’t mind when JJ did it. You realized that you’ve been overthinking for the past few seconds, and quickly snarked back an expected response. 
“Well, someone here has to look good and right now I’m pulling for the whole team”.
Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice the odd pause as JJ clutched his heart and dramatically fell back on your bed, mock offended. 
You finished getting ready and decided to simply put a bandana on your head and leave your hair down, knowing that JJ loved to card his hands through it. Sure enough, as soon as you laid down next to him, JJ’s hands naturally found their way to your head. While lying on your bed in your room with a boy sounds really romantic, truthfully this was normal. JJ, sadly, was just treating you as always. As your conversation naturally came to a lull, you wished that JJ thought of you the same way you thought of him. As someone you really, really liked, and never want to be apart from. JJ has been such a big part of your life, even more than Pope and John B, so it’s only natural that you see him in the rest of your life too. You force yourself to accept that JJ just sees you as a friend, and resign yourself to supporting JJ no matter what your relationship, or lack thereof, is. You must have let out a sigh, as JJ’s hands still for a second, and he asks
“Y/N, what’s up?”
“Just ready for this party and tired of waiting!” You lie, but he accepts it as he jumps up and takes your hand. 
“Lucky for you, it’s time. M’Lady” He mock bows as he escorts you from your room, and you both make your way down to the Boneyards. 
Your arm naturally slips into the crook of his as you both see your friends and walk over to where they are gathered. Kiara gives you a weird look, like she knows something you don’t, but you ignore it as John B speaks
“Now that everyone’s here, let’s party!”  You can tell that he’s already one or more drinks in, and you’re eager to catch up. You pat JJ on the shoulder as you tell the group 
“I’m gonna grab something to drink” 
JJ starts to speak but you cut him off
“YES JJ I’ll get you a drink, who do you think I am” 
You hear laughter behind you, and smile to yourself as you make your way over to the keg. You fill up two red solo cups with the drink, knowing that Kiara would yell at you about the environmental impact of plastics at parties but choosing to prioritize function over future. 
On your way back to the group, you’re stopped by a cute Touron who had been looking at you since you arrived. 
“Hey there, how’re you doing” he asked.
“Just getting started, doing good so far” you chuckle, looking at the boy. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, but think that unfortunately it’s not the blue eyes that you are so longing for. 
As if summoned by your thoughts, you suddenly feel a hand on your lower back and look to the side to see JJ at your side.
“Hey Y/N” he says, “Thanks for the drink!”
“No problem” you respond, and when you look back at where the Touron was, he was gone. You didn’t mind, and JJ and you walked the last little distance to the group. 
You talk with the group, all making fun of Pope and recounting the time he fell off the dock when he thought he saw a bee, and you rest your head on JJ’s shoulder as you get more tipsy and tired. He shifts a bit to be more stable for your weight on him, and you can feel the vibrations of his chest as he laughs. Suddenly, you feel Kiara pulling you upright by your arm.
“I love this song!” she calls.
“John B, hold our drinks” she ignores his sputtered protest as she takes both her and your drink and shoves them off to John B. You laugh as you’re dragged into the middle of the crowd, throwing one last look over your shoulder towards your best friends and making eye contact with JJ, who is watching you as always. 
After you finish dancing for quite a bit, you turn to head back to the boys but Kiara stops you, and beckons to step a bit farther from the party’s center so you can talk. 
You’re confused as to what is going on, and Kiara only makes you more confused when she asks  “So, did it happen?”
“Did what happen?” you’re puzzled.
“You and JJ, of course!” Now you’re even more confused. “What do you mean? What would happen to us”
Kiara scoffs lovingly, as if she can’t believe you don’t get it. “I was hoping that y’all finally realized you both like each other”
“I-he-we-what” you stutter, feeling a blush attack your cheeks. 
“Don’t you see it? JJ definitely likes you” Kiara states. 
“Who are you always with? JJ. Who’s always touching you? JJ. Hell, he couldn’t even stand to see you talking to that Touron for five minutes without coming over. And he hasn’t hung out with another girl for weeks!” 
Your mind is reeling as you process this information. You try to defend that you’re like that with all the boys, but you know it’s not true. And anyway, you’re secretly thrilled that JJ might actually like you back. 
Before you can think any more, you hear John B calling to both of you
“Ladies! I thought we were dancing? Let’s dance!” 
Your drinks forgotten and your thoughts occupied by what Kiara said, you join the entire pogue squad and dance for the rest of the night. The entire time, you’re having an argument with yourself in your mind. You don’t want to ruin anything with JJ, but also really want to tell JJ that you like him. You decide that if JJ touches you again, you’ll admit your feelings to him and hope for the best. 
After everyone is all danced out and more than a little bit drunk, the party disperses and you walk with JJ back to the Chateau, where you’re both spending the night. He slings his arm around you, and pulls you close. Before you can chicken out, you slow down to separate from the rest of the pogues and blurt out 
“I like you”
“Aww Y/N, I like you too” JJ responds, but you know he doesn’t get it. You stop walking, and turn to look JJ in the eyes. 
“No, I like you. JJ, I like you so much I can’t explain. You’re everything to me” You confess, nervous because now he knows and you can’t avoid it anymore. 
JJ stills, and moves even closer before responding 
“Well that’s lucky, because you’re everything to me”
Before you can even begin to process the fact that your feelings are reciprocated, he pulls you in for a sweet kiss. You melt into him, and when you break apart he pulls you into his side again to keep walking. You let out a little sigh of disappointment, and he chuckles.
“Don’t worry princess, we’ve got all night to do that” 
And you do. 
When Kiara gives you that look again once you arrive at the Chateau, you simply respond by pulling JJ even closer and smiling. You are so happy that now you have an excuse to enjoy all the contact with JJ that you could ever want. And you want it all.
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isaacforalpha14 · 3 years
Imagine #114 Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon [Requested]
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A/N: Fourth part is finally here! First part is #105, second is #107 and third is #111.
S.T.A.R Laboratories is a nightmare; the suffocating tension within Team Flash is disorienting, the friction is bubbling to a dangerous level, the team is on the brink of imploding, and soon someone is bound to be scarred. 
There’s the peaceful strum of guitar strings accompanied by gentle humming, an exasperated sigh escaping Cisco’s pursed mouth as he hangs his head and his hands fall against the frigid tabletop, screwdriver in hand clattering against the steel. The distant sound of your whimsical laughter causes his heart to flutter as the monochrome images of his nightmares flicker behind his closed eyes; Barry’s enamored hazel-green eyes staring into yours so lovestricken that it makes his stomach lurch. An uncomfortably familiar set of floral sheets under his bare freckled shoulders as he props his stubbled cheek on his palm and smiles down at your peaceful expression. That beautiful smile, that until now, he’d known for himself, beaming up at him as you nuzzle Barry’s nose and kiss him sweetly. “I am in love with you, Barry Allen.” “And I am in love with you.” Cisco’s vision returns, opening his saddened eyes as he directs his void expression at the latest device he’s drowned himself in. He’d do anything to keep his distance from you, it pained him, but he needed to sort through his conflicting emotions and determine if his vibe was from another Earth, another timeline or, lord help him, if you were actually cheating on him. 
“That’s horrible. I am sorry, Iris.” The statement would’ve sounded sincere had it not been for the grin brightening your expression and the laughter on your tongue. It was no secret that there was a strange and painfully awkward tension of silent struggles in the air surrounding you, Cisco and Barry; so as your closest friend, Iris took it upon herself to entertain you with her horror stories of speed dating. “Maybe I’ll go with you next time.” 
“Nothing has gotten better with Cisco?” The question makes your chest ache, warm tears threatening to sting the corners of your eyes as you fight off the urge to cry. Everything falls silent as you shake your head, a disgruntled sigh falling from Iris’ mouth as she crosses her arms. “I love Cisco but I’ll rough him up if you want me to?” Her offer, however sweet, wouldn’t help the situation but it makes you giggle nonetheless. 
“It’s okay. I just...wish he’d break-up with me if that’s what he’s trying to do. It’d hurt less than not knowing.” She might’ve offered sage advice or a form of affectionate sympathy, you’d never know because as soon as she opened her mouth to speak she was cut off by a hoarse voice of solemn words. 
“You want me to break-up with you?” Iris wanted to tell Cisco to get lost; the frown on her face said it all, but instead she picked up her coffee offering you a soft smile before glaring at him on her way out of the cortex. It was a silent warning; don’t screw this up. “Talk to me, babe.” His tone is affectionate and gentle but his words wake the confusion and frustration from the two weeks of the cold shoulder and silence you received from him. 
“Now you wanna talk?” The edge to your voice made him frown and retract his hand as he’d reached out to touch you. “I don’t mean to be a bitch but I’ve been in the dark for two weeks, Cisco. I have no idea what I’ve done to you for you to phase me out like this. I thought things were going well.” You hesitate, leaning over the computers as you lower your voice. “We’d just told each other we loved each other for the first time and then you just blocked me out. Did you not mean to say it? Were you not ready? We tell each other everything.”
“Do we?” He snapped, releasing a huff as he ran his trembling hands through his soft black tendrils. He thought he was ready to have this discussion but now he realized, too late, that he should’ve waited until the wounds weren’t so fresh. Until the images of whatever it is he vibed didn’t feel so...real. 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“What’s going on with you and Barry?” The accusation in his tone threw you off, faltering for a moment as your brows furrowed and your mind fought to keep up. 
“Me and Barry? What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean.” His statement elicits a shiver down your spine and goosebumps across your arms. He’s never been so harsh toward you before.
“No, I don’t. There is no me and Barry. You knew when we started dating that there’d been something between me and Barry almost two years ago. Everyone on Team Flash knew. You said you were okay with it. What changed?” 
“You lied to me. That’s what changed.”
“I’ve never lied to you, Cisco.”
“You said it wasn’t serious.” He whispers, warm tears blurring his vision as his chocolate brown eyes meet yours in a heartbroken gaze. “I vibed it and I can’t stop seeing it. You and him together, in your bed, the same bed that we’ve shared. You both saying you love each other.”
“What?” You question both bewildered as that has never happened and thrown off as he’d promised you he’d never vibe you. “If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, Barry and I have never had sex and we never got to that stage. We saw each other casually. I am not gonna lie and say I didn’t start to fall for him but he broke it off. He said that being the Flash was dangerous and he couldn’t put me in that position. He broke my heart and I moved on.” 
“I don’t understand.” He murmurs, swallowing the dryness in his throat and wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. “I very clearly, and heartbreakingly, saw it. I can’t stop seeing it.” His calloused hand reaches out carefully, fingertips brushing against the soft flesh of your hand as he intertwines your fingers. “It’s why I’ve avoided you. Every time I close my eyes, it’s all I can see. You telling him you love him, the way he’s looking at you as he tells you he loves you too.” 
“Cisco.” You sigh, placing your palms on his cheeks as you cradle his face. “It.” You press a warm slow kiss to his mouth. “Never.” Kiss. “Happened.” The last kiss is sensual and passionate, a moan rumbling deep in his throat as your tongue caresses his. He sets his forehead against yours as he pulls away, warm breath fanning over your lips as you nuzzle your nose against his. “I love you, Cisco.”
“I love you.” He whispers, biting his bottom lip before stealing another lingering kiss. “I am sorry. For ignoring you and for vibing you. It’s just, after that night at my apartment, I could see in your eyes that something was wrong. Something you weren’t telling me. So I vibed you, maybe I was scared you didn’t mean it or maybe I just thought I was helping. I didn’t really think it through, I just...did it. And I am sorry.” It felt like something clicked, a lingering guilt burning in your chest as you made eye contact with him. 
“There was something I wasn’t telling you. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it because I was so angry, confused and hurt.” You murmured, gnawing on your lower lip as you pulled away from your boyfriend. “Remember when we collectively decided we didn’t want to know what our lives were like before Flashpoint?”
“Yeah, we all agreed in the cortex after Iris lectured us.” He chuckles but the look you give him wipes the amusement from his face. “Why?”
“Barry.” You start, squeezing his hand as he instinctively tries to pull away. “He told me that uh, he and I were meant to be together. That we were supposed to be married.” 
“He said, I am sorry, what?” He snaps, shooting from his seat as he yanks his hand from your grasp and you almost topple from the desk chair. “Wha-I don’t understand. Why would he just say that?!” He’s pacing now, biting his nails as he begins to stomp back and forth. He’s growing angry, you can almost feel the aggression rolling from his body in waves. “You-You never would’ve asked. Why would he say that to you?”
“I don’t want to say.” You whisper, avoiding his gaze as you stare at the sneakers on your feet. You wanted to be honest, but this truth would fracture Team Flash in a way that may never be fixed. 
“Why did he say that.” It’s no longer a question but a repeated statement, he’s trying to be patient with you, he is but he can feel that you’re trying to protect Barry and it makes his insides boil. “Y/N, why.”
“Because he’s in love with me.” That truth tumbling from your trembling lips set forth a devastating domino effect; Cisco lunges for the computer in the center console, fingers banging against the keyboard with an aggressive determination. The shriek of the cortex alarm blaring causes you to cover your ears, the emergency lights flooding the room in a menacing maroon glow as the building is shut in darkness and Team Flash starts appearing in confusion and concern. You’re unsure of what everyone’s whereabouts were or how they’d all seemed to make it here in such haste but you were certain that this, whatever was about to transpire, was going to be even worse with everyone else here to witness it. There’s a familiar sound of a deep whoosh as the neon yellow lightning bursts through the doorway, panic on Barry’s expression as he searches for the threat. Cisco found enough restraint in himself, or maybe he just wanted his outburst to be heard, to shut the alarms off.
“What’s going-” Barry’s confusion is interrupted by a blast of energy barreling at him from Cisco’s balled fist, the force sending him flying across the room. There’s a deafening crack echoing throughout the cortex, plaster crumbling from the massive crater in the wall, there’s a pained groan from Barry as he releases a dry cough and settles on his hands and knees. 
“What the hell, Cisco?” Wally grumbles, the crunching of rubble under his sneaker soles as he helps his brother find his footing. He’s not given a chance to follow up as he’s interrupted by the desperate plea from your trembling mouth. Please, don’t. The request was lost in a broken whisper, the remaining members of the team exchanging perplexed glances before everyone was startled from the momentary silence. 
“What is your problem, Barry?!” Cisco’s rhetorical exclamation shook Barry from his bewildered state, he hadn’t a chance to  question his friend before guilt plummet into the depths of his stomach as he continued. “Why can’t you just let me be happy?” The atmosphere in the cortex thickens with a strange tension as a wave of distorted energy ripples around his silhouette. “Changing the timeline with no afterthought or concern for anyone else, getting my brother killed and now this,” He stammers, meeting your gaze before the rippling energy aura surrounding him grows. “I thought you were my best friend, Barry. I’ve always been on your side, but then I find out that you’re trying to steal away the only happiness I still have? It kills you, doesn’t it?” He prods, approaching the speedster with a few calculated side steps. “Knowing that you messed up. You had to change the timeline but you didn’t think that it’d change your relationship. She’s not yours here. She doesn’t love you here.” He’s almost nose to nose with his friend as he whispers. “She will never love you here, because she loves me. She’s mine here.” 
“Guys, maybe we should take a breather.” Caitlin’s delicate voice suggests frowning at the conflicted and troubled expressions on the remainder of Team Flash’s faces. There’s no response, the moment is interrupted by an electrical current rippling throughout the atmosphere followed by an abrupt wave of energy that knocks everyone to the floor. The following moments seem to pass in slow motion, the sensation of arms wrapping themselves around your frame adds to the confusion as you begin to blink away the haze and examine the surroundings. 
“Are you alright?” Barry’s winded voice whispers in distress, gloved palm wiping the shrapnel of glass fragments from your disheveled hair as he searches for any visible wounds. “Are you hurt?”
“I am alright.” You cough, fingertips instinctively touching the scratches across his porcelain cheeks. “Are you okay?”
“I am not worried about me.” He whispers back, fingers threading through your hair, cupping your cheek in an affectionate gesture as his thumb caresses the flesh subconsciously. Given the explosive argument, he shouldn’t have been doing this, anyone involved in a similar situation would distance themselves. Cisco is like a brother to him; so why couldn’t he let this go? Why couldn’t he let  you go? 
“Where’s Cisco?” Wally’s dazed voice questions, the crunching of shattered glass interrupting the silence as everyone attempts to compose themselves. The mention of your boyfriend’s name sours the moment, causing Barry to recoil from the interaction as he clears his throat and helps you stand carefully.
“He disappeared in a breach.” Barry’s response is interrupted by a startled gasp and a chorus of curses. Somewhere in the chaos, a shard of glass had lodged itself into Joe’s torso. No one knew the extent of the damage caused by the accident, only that the amount of blood staining the button up shirt he’d worn to work that day, it felt severe enough for everyone to hold a certain level of anger toward Cisco for the whole outburst. 
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