#surprise surprise I’m talking about knives again lmao
cakechako · 10 months
it’s funny to me that in trigun98 knives comes off as intimidating and a bit unhinged (and a little ugly) on a good day but like some weird, feral, creepy creature on any other day. as for tristamp knives, he’s definitely some cryptid level being, the kind of description you hear about in urban legends meant to send chills down your spine. but trimax knives is on a whole other level. he’s an eldritch horror, a thing borne from nightmares cuz like have you seen all the ways he appears in maximum? absolutely crazy. some neon genesis evangelion type shit
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
can you imagine a piarles collection of fics based on Taylor swift song? like, each album is a collection and each fic is based on a song of that album???
like, when we have London boy but adapted so it would be ‘you know I love a Monaco boy’ because this one would be Pierre saying ‘I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent’ just because it fits though I do think most of everything would be just Charles’ pov because he’s a dramatic bitch just like Taylor
one telling a summer fling they had but one of them fell and screaming at the other “I love you ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
one telling the story of how they met and some stories in the middle until the “now” where Charles says “I like shinny things but I’d marry you in paper rings” and Pierre goes and buys him a ring shaped as a piece of newspaper and propose with it
THE ONE TELLING ABOUT ALL TOO WELL 10 MINUTES VERSION WOULD BE LIKE KNIVES IN MY HEART though definitely not the saddest, that would be tolerate it
and one where Pierre goes on about how they broke up because of *something* and then on a random day they meet again and Pierre tells him “if my wishes came true it would’ve been you” (they do not get back together though)
and when they have a *bad* break up and Pierre is talking shit (for the hell of it) with the press and Charles goes “I keep my side of the street clean but you wouldn’t know what I mean”
I am rambling so much but god I love this idea so much and like
I’m NOT here to kindly ask you to do it (REALLY, that would be waaaaaay too much), I was just procrastinating and I thought about it and I had to share this with someone so thank you for listening to my Ted talk 🫧
AHHHHH, sorry, i completely missed this one last night 🙈🙈 bloody tumblr... but oh my god, i absolutely love this idea! the amount of times i listen to a taylor swift song and just think "whoa my god... piarles au" is insane really. INSANE. so i absolutely adore you for this concept
and!! your SONG EXAMPLES omg 🥺🥺 i absolutely melted because yes yes yes London Boy is such a them song. i am particularly soft for this song + piarles, because i wrote a fic with a London Boy lyric for a title for them a little while ago. it's my Monaco vlog fic, and this one is very close to my heart for many reasons, but most especially because it always reminds me of my wonderful @leclerctops, @welightitup and @redyellowstupid, and the very START of our birthday fic surprise tradition 🥺🥺❤️💙💚 bless, the best memories, and all the love, really.
but enough sentimental nonsense! you know, i actually hadn't considered the "Monaco boy" dimples spin on it, but oh my god you are actually a genius. Pierre "I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent" Gasly - LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!
oh my god, and Cruel Summer - okay, so, this is actually an idea i wrote down in my personal discord server for fic ideas (lmao). i was listening to this song and my brain just went EXACTLY what yours did here: "piarles summer fling but they're idiots and they forgot to communicate." still obsessed with this concept ngl. (unfortunately it's not one i have any sort of time to write, but, oh well. it will live in my head like an unfinished melody 🙏)
AND PAPER RINGS!! your idea of pierre getting him an actual paper ring!! that is the cutest thing i've ever heard omg 🥺🥺 and he so WOULD!! these idiots in love... i adore them ❤️❤️
whoa my god, and all too well. ALL TOO WELL!! ngl that's always been more of a brocedes song for me, but that's just because i can't bear the thought of hurting my piarles babies like that 🙈🙈🥺 but if a piarles ATW fic was ever written... you are unquestionably right. that would be a knife to the heart.
and?? TOLERATE IT?? excuse me?? that would be the one to absolutely shatter us all, i agree. "i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it" EXCUSE ME?? no?? i could never do that to my beloveds. just. never 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺💔
(though, thinking about it... isn't "tolerate it" good for a sort of heartbreaking charles + ferrari character study? the true otp if you will... the beautiful agony of being a ferrari driver... AHHHH)
and. the 1?? THE 1 FOR PIARLES?? IF MY WISHES CAME TRUE IT WOULD'VE BEEN YOU?? you're right, that one couldn't have a happy ending, but... 😭😭💔💔💔 i could also never do that to them. MY POOR BABIES
hehehehe ngl the karma one made me CACKLE 🤭🤭 pierre ABSOLUTELY is the kind of petty bitch who would talk shit for the hell of it. just look at pierresteban, after all! and for piarles to have a bad breakup... HEARTBREAKING. but omg it would make for such a good character study! love this 👌
ahhhh omg, sorry, i got a bit carried away with this answer 🙈🙈 but come on. TAYLOR SWIFT + PIARLES?? two of my favourite favourite things?? it was never going to be any other way, come on. (in other words, ilysm for this, and thanks a load for sharing your FAB Ted talk/concept with me ❤️❤️ <333)
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Joe & Ray Pt.1
Joe: [Okay, so without committing you to anything major here, it’s Bea’s 11th bday and Ray is obviously hating life like a lil hater]
Joe: You want a surprise? 🎈
Ray: You tell me
Joe: You do but it’s a secret
Joe: soz you can’t steal her thunder, like
Ray: what thunder’s that like?
Ray: wet weekend in here at best 
Joe: lucky I didn’t let Sarah gatecrash like she wanted ☔️ wouldn’t do
Ray: should’ve she’d have had a grid to match the show this bday is
Joe: should know she’s well too mature to DO birthdays, whatever the fuck that means
Joe: Sarah not got the memo and the cards in the post 😬
Ray: @ her age I’d be swerving 2 ☠️ 
Ray: least til she can get a lad older to hang about with her instead of u 😬 is right
Joe: You ain’t heard her pitch on how dead mature I am?
Joe: tells everyone, like a right suspect character, her 😏
Ray: must be that she knows not to talk to me if she’s keen to keep her 👅 idk
Joe: pros and cons of her having one for me
Joe: anyway, trying to cheer you up, not get you into a more murderous rage here
Ray: come on then
Joe: Let me build some anticipation, you’re not even excited at all yet
Joe: have a guess or some bollocks, go on
Ray: I’m made up Sarah’s not on her way
Ray: won’t that do?
Joe: makes two of us
Joe: who would you be buzzing to have pop ‘round though 💭
Ray: Kurt’s not coming to save us
Ray: rub salt into both mine & Tommo’s wounds why don’t u like he’s not already 💔 not to be 👗
Joe: close
Joe: probably likes dress up even more than Kurt, more than Tommo might be a stretch though
Ray: eee you’ve only gone & invited [whoever the local weirdo is who we don’t think it really is but we’re saying for the bants like happy birthday Bea haha] ain’t youse??!
Joe: Said it was a 🎁 for you not her, didn’t I
Joe: I’m telling you in person anyway, and not in here ‘cos you’re gonna throw an eppy
Joe: find a flimsy reason to go in the garden beyond needing to 🤮 and I’ll see you out there
Ray: You wanna be thanked in person cos it’s that top of a pressie I’ve 💭 that far
Ray: just as well I have seeing as I’ll be 🧠☠️ trying to think of a reason more legit than 🤮
Joe: I know, sounding like him with how made up with myself I am
Joe: but keeping you and Bea apart is always a top idea, even when there’s 🎂 to hand out so
Ray: I dunno what you mean 👼🏼 all day us
Ray: no 🔪 pointed @ nobody myself included
Joe: I’ll go and get one, sweeten the deal
Joe: [do piss off to the kitchen from wherever we’re all congregated and then out to the back garden casually, not like you’ve got to be glued to the spot when everyone’s milling about the house]
Ray: 🖤
Ray: [show up more or less immediately because nobody really cares that much what y’all are doing ever is the vibe]
Joe: [you can have swings here because forever home so we’re just swinging casually like oh hey but grinning ‘cos can’t help it]
Ray: [obviously also grinning because it’s infectious and also your clues have actually shown this is gonna be a decent surprise so, lowkey push him off the swing so you can get on it in a sibling but also flirty manner]
Joe: [getting the kitchen knife out your pocket like oi, nearly murdered me because you’re never meant to put open knives in your pockets it’s so dangerous for that reason, not saying you just impaled him though lmao, hope Tess doesn’t need to peel any potatoes or whatever, ‘scuse you, pointing it at her again in the sibling but flirty manner ‘better?’]
Ray: [just swinging REALLY high on this stolen swing like nbd we could’ve killed you but LOOKING at you in a not at all sibling version of eye contact as is your blatant vibe ‘when I’ve had it confirmed what else you’ve got up your sleeve’ cos we have our sneaky suspicions from the clues but not gonna get our hopes up if it’s not that epic]
Joe: [just getting in and out of the way of her feet, getting closer to getting fully booted in the face each time, fully imagining your mother out the kitchen window like oi lmao but she’s got things to do she’s a busy woman so we’re fine; abruptly grabbing the ropes of this swing to stop you so you jerk violently to a halt and probably lowkey fall off yourself here so we have proximity to LOOK at you ourselves and also not be shouting this sneaky plan out for the world to know, roll up one of your actual sleeves, because she clearly is aware of the damage underneath but we’re showing you a phone number in biro as if you’re gonna know where it’s for but you’d likely know it’s a Belfast area code at least]
Ray: [when his antics trying to get booted in the face make your grin even bigger than before because we’re NOT WELL and the stopping of the swing makes you do a little lol for the same reason, but then you’re in each other’s grill exchanging LOOKS and you know damn well she’s tracing that Belfast area code with her finger like yep I knew and I know where this is going, as much excitement as we’ve ever shown or been capable of in our life being displayed on her face and in her body language rn, FULLY giving into it and throwing her arms around him in SUCH a hug]
Joe: [hugging you back but putting our hand over your mouth like you’re gonna scream purely ‘cos we wanna also you might, ‘tis exciting lol]
Ray: [letting this happen lowkey forever because we’re into it as much as he is, obvs, it’s a moment and we do be that excited anything could happen rn if we don’t haha]
Joe: [are going to have to let her breathe at whatever time you’ve deemed she’s not going to scream, totally the only reason to prolong that, yup; show her whatever confirmation you got too ‘tickets on their way’ still grinning]
Ray: [mhmm, totally the only reason this gal is super lightheaded and happy and excited, it’s just the tickets guys, not at all the looming incest ‘I pure love you’ an understatement at this point but what she always says and all we have to say]
Joe: [‘I love you an’ all’ because what else can you say rn but nerding out about the music which goes without saying here ‘you can’t tell no dickhead though, you never know who might snitch ‘cos they don’t get to go’ tea, the jealousy have some random hoes trying to ruin your fun, a look like obvs I know you ain’t that stupid though]
Ray: [just dramatically holding this kitchen knife up to our throat like I would literally rather die than have this be ruined because honestly that is too real especially because y’all are all poor and loads of your friends wouldn’t be able to go for that reason even if they were older than you, it’s an actual miracle you got 2 tickets yourself Joseph with how quick shit like that sells out, put his hand on the handle of said knife like you can press down rn and kill me sir before that’s happening]
Joe: [the line we are walking right now as we see how much we can press it down without breaking the skin, which we’d at least have a good concept of with who we are so there’s no accidental bloodshed here ‘was meant to fall on her birthday’ like the fuck you is the cherry on the cake for you and we know it hence we couldn’t wait to tell you]
Ray: [the line this gal could so easily cross rn with the way we’re once again LOOKING at Joe and are too into everything that’s happening here in this garden on this day, the actual shameless gasp at that news because it’s EVERYTHING]
Joe: [we can all see it coming in the air tonight but excuse me, got to hold off ‘til November actually so only drag that knife down to her collarbones and then put it away tah]
Ray: [once that knife is safely away just throw yourself on him like you did in the other convo because always, we’re too happy for boundaries rn ‘he’s trying to save us’ cos can’t save anyone but soz Kurt Gerard Way’s trying his best with how fated that date is]
Joe: [we’re never stopping you, which again, red flag everyone but you do you, just nod ‘I won’t let no dickhead mess with you in Belfast neither’ working with Kurt to keep you safe from the actual real dangers that exist as children going on a jolly to another town in another country, literally]
Ray: [‘and I’ll not let anyone you’ love that we think we can protect each other from how terrifyingly wrong this could go, if we needed proof of how young you both are, there it is ‘girls here are bad enough’ can’t resist the Sarah shade a second later though ofc]
Joe: [smirk emoji of course ‘she ain’t coming’ because 2nd best news you’ll get today so have it]
Ray: [‘saves having to resell her ticket outside’ with the energy of even if you were planning on inviting her there’s no way she’ll survive til Nov to make it to the gig lol]
Joe: [laugh a little because yeah, obviously, how many girls will we have gone through by then ‘be enough lads and lasses there, like you said’ with the energy of we could both hook up with randoms if we wanted ‘cos we can do anything we wanna excitement]
Ray: [‘We’ll be there, one each of ‘em’ cos can’t actually believe this is real and won’t until the tickets have physically arrived levels of excitement]
Joe: [we won’t get too excited until we actually get there ‘cos kind of person we are but likewise like yeah can’t believe I’ve pulled this off tbf ‘that’s your christmas present done’ nudging her like I am skint ‘cos definitely been saving for this]
Ray: [nudge him back like I can’t believe you did this without me realising you were or pulled it off but shamelessly have no doubt even at this point that we’ll get there somehow cos just that bitch ‘Dunno how I’m meant to do fuck all as class for yours or your birthday’ cos truly]
Joe: [‘don’t do birthdays’ in whatever we’re trying to pass off as a Bea impersonation to make you laugh but also because we obviously are not fussed]
Ray: [do your own Fraze impression back because you are both so anti baze it amuses me]
Joe: [shudder ‘weirder ‘cos you look like him’ because that’s true, even if he’s starting to look more manly and you’re not, thank god lmao]
Ray: [punch him as hard as you physically can because ew we hate that]
Joe: [never react normally to physical violence, just pressing down on wherever she just hit like we’re making sure it bruises like deserved that]
Ray: [look down at whatever lewk we are serving in honour of the festivities and back at him like take it back that I look like my twin rn immediately ‘tell me I don’t’ cos cannot be overstated how much we hate it, not even just as pure shade to Fraze though she obvs doesn’t like him that much but mostly because it makes her feel like less of a person and we’re already struggling with feeling like we aren’t one a lot of the time]
Joe: [draw your attention back to her when she speaks so you can also look at her fit and really stare at her like you’re making your mind up here and shake your head ‘even if I came at you with this-’ and put your hand in your pocket to push the knife into her side a little ‘-you still wouldn’t be half the state he is, swear’]
Ray: [‘if you came at me with that-’ pausing to look at the knife before putting her hand over his so we can press it in harder than he is ‘you’d reckon I was dead pretty’ because Joseph we’ve got your number by now boy and we know exactly what you’re into]
Joe: [make the noise you make when you’re stopping yourself from making any others out loud ‘I already do’ shrugging like it’s casual when it’s anything but]
Ray: [smiling the way you would if your crush said that and not your older brother because of course, not full on blushing emoji but a lil bit even though we’d be used to him saying that by now too, never fully used to it]
Joe: [‘I’m going to have to keep such a close eye on you at the gig’ just saying she’ll look that good, as you do]
Ray: [‘you can dress me for it, long as it’s not properly like a nun’ lol imagine, nbd just a normal thing for siblings to do, not at all weird]
Joe: [‘be on theme’ ‘cos the catholicism sis and we can’t safely say anything else about that when we’re already hooking our thumbs through your belt loops to pull you even closer into this knife/us]
Ray: [‘yeah’ distractedly at first because we’re thinking about how aesthetically wild this gig is going to be and how here for that we are but then because of those antics, the most intense LOOK of all time happening as a result, just staring unashamedly at you cos gotta will you with our eyes to go even harder with it or who are we]
Joe: [pushing your jeans down slightly when we move but not enough that you can say we meant to for definite but we know we did ‘could nick you a whole new outfit for then’ maintaining eye contact because likewise we must even though it’s a terrible idea]
Ray: [‘how am I gonna pay you back?’ like you’ve literally already got me the best present ever and now this but we know damn well the undertones that exist in there]
Joe: [‘don’t get up’ ‘cos we all know what’s happening here he’s only human and you’re gonna feel that so soz girl]
Ray: [in response get even more settled where you are like okay I won’t don’t worry cos if you were freaked out by this who are you at this point]
Joe: [just stroke her hair and try to calm down for both y’alls sake here]
Ray: [‘What organ would it hit?’ like if you did stab me for real rn what damage would it do, again a perfectly normal question for this nbd scenario]
Joe: [you’re a nerd so you probably have a solid idea so tell her where it is right now and then put your hand back between you two which is an even tighter squeeze now and move it to various different locations for different organs and severities here]
Ray: [obvs gonna press against him more whenever he gets to somewhere you like the sound of because this is creepy flirting at it’s finest and why would we stop now]
Joe: [‘I have sharper ones’ because obviously we do and this blunt kitchen knife is not good enough for either of us is the energy of us basically whispering this in your ear ‘I could fucking gut you’]
Ray: [the reaction as if he just said such a romantic and nice thing would be a red flag if anyone was around to hear or see any of this ‘that’s your christmas present done too’ like yes murder me under the tree, how festive]
Joe: [an evil laugh not unlike mingles honestly but you know, less cute ‘if you wrap yourself in a bow first’ like then it’ll be totally acceptable, yep]
Ray: [‘course’ like obvs, what else would I do in this totally normal scenario]
Joe: [‘your christmas saved’ like see it also being a present for yourself to be dead]
Ray: [a little pout when it occurs to her he’s right and how selfish that is, that she gets to be dead ‘follow me’ cos you have to be dead too then, nothing else makes sense ‘however you want to’]
Joe: [‘don’t be sad’ at her pout and taking this knife and putting it under her top to touch the skin on her stomach without clothes in the way like there you go, that’ll make you feel better ‘you can’t be on your own’ like it’s that simple and obvious that he’d have to die too]
Ray: [‘Don’t leave me, ever’ because literally cannot deal even in a hypothetical]
Joe: [‘I’ve always been with you’ is all the response you need]
Ray: [getting even closer somehow as if we’re not in the garden and siblings, it’s totally fine ‘you didn’t choose none of it though’ like decide you don’t ever want to leave me thank you]
Joe: [‘you’re mine, you don’t get no say in it’ fiercely like that’s just how it is and there’s nothing anyone or anything can do about that ‘I don’t need no fucking bow’ putting our other hand over your mouth again, just briefly like I did and could again]
Ray: [a nod like yep that’s accurate info and not at all not something your brother should be saying to you ‘you can still have it’ very much in the energy of you can literally have anything you want because where’s the lie]
Joe: [‘when you’re ready…’ can’t finish that sentence so just nodding right back]
Ray: [‘when Sarah gets the memo’ meaning all Sarahs here, none of you are welcome or appreciated, like she is our ONLY obstacle, sure Jan]
Joe: [‘in my head, she has freckles’ and tracing a pattern on her cheeks, just saying we picture you instead, cool]
Ray: [‘should try drawing a few on’ UM no don’t stab this girl in the face with the blunt kitchen knife we’re looking at with purpose]
Joe: [bucking our hips into you involuntarily ‘I should show you what happens when you push me’ and scowling on the low ‘cos we can’t deal with this]
Ray: [‘but wait, you can’t think about that, or her, more than me’ cos we’re like oh no he was into that and we must be prettier and more loved than every Sarah, excuse us]
Joe: [‘I’m not thinking about her, ever’ half-exasperated because that’s so obvious to us]
Ray: [‘boss’ genuinely so relieved like oh yay thank god, cos the insecurities of being this age and a girl mean it’s never that obvious to us]
Joe: [shaking our head but not harshly ‘you know what I would do for you’]
Ray: [‘and to me’ could not sound happier about it, actually buzzing]
Joe: [‘you’d never do this with anyone else, would you?’]
Ray: [shaking her head the exact same way he did a second ago and for the exact same reason that it couldn’t be more obvious that we would never, literally is repulsed by other lads to an almost comical degree]
Joe: [‘but you like when I do it, yeah?’ tilting her chin towards us ‘because I love you so much’]
Ray: [‘I like everything you do’ because true, everything he does however weird makes sense to us in a way that other people’s antics simply don’t] 
Joe: [making mm good sort of reassuring noises ‘you could- I mean, you’ve done it in front of Bea probably, she’s not even blood’ oh boy we know what you’re saying shh]
Ray: [‘I will’ before the words are even out of his mouth or we have any clue what he’s trying to say because the energy is regardless we would do it with no hesitation whatsoever] 
Joe: [when we know you agreed before understanding fully so we’re just looking at you TORN like do we accept that or nah, is this alright or nah ‘later?’ because if it’s wrong we’ll have totally calmed down and come to our senses by then, right?]
Ray: [‘whenever’ because just fully down at all times as if that’s not dangerous or troubling] 
Joe: [‘I wanna see your face, what it looks like’ fully LOOKING now as if you could just do it right here on the grass in the middle of the day]
Ray: [SOS for the way she’s bringing her face closer and closer to his, somebody in this family needs to throw a bucket of water on you two] 
Joe: [‘you think about me, don’t you’ when she’s close enough to feel your breath and for your lips to brush when they move as you say it]
Ray: [‘always’ because facts, you’re so in each other’s heads by this point] 
Joe: [‘no one’s coming’ like I could take this so much further ‘cos where are they ‘just me and you forever’]
Ray: [‘nobody ever does’ cos tea, can’t and won’t be saved, soz gal ‘except for you’ when you genuinely feel like nobody else in this massive fam remotely notices or cares about you]
Joe: [doing our own sad face ‘I’ll do a better job’ the tea is you can’t but appreciate the effort ‘make you feel so better’]
Ray: [‘you can’t do no better’ 1000% mean that with our whole heart, we’re so happy today, the hottest tea is that a concert should not be giving you a reason to want to carry on living at age 11 but here we are]
Joe: [‘I can’ tilting her chin again and moving her head so the back on her neck is exposed to us and kissing her softly but quickly there]
Ray: [we can’t and won’t discuss the way that would involuntarily make her move in response, soz boy, we were about to protest because we’re not trying to add to the pressure you feel as oldest to do everything, but there’s no arguing with that]
Joe: [grabbing your waist as involuntarily and so tightly we shock ourselves slightly, starting to move her ourselves replicating and matching with our own movements ‘remember, we’re gonna share a king-size’]
Ray: [just allowing all of this to unfold, why wouldn’t we ‘I can’t let myself forget’ like yet again, don’t get it twisted this is one of the few things that make life worth living, not at all alarming]
Joe: [‘and none of that lot have a key’ maintaining these movements like we’re in a bed in private now]
Ray: [‘nor do I, only you do’ because she literally said she wouldn’t ever leave and we meant that, would definitely never leave the house now if that was allowed but your parents aren’t that unaware or uncaring soz hun]
Joe: [‘I keep you safe, away from the world, you’re too precious’ hugging her tighter again, pulling her so you’re both in a seated position now instead]
Ray: [‘you’re it, I don’t wanna be part of a world that’s fuck all else’ again the conviction of this, girl you’re 11]
Joe: [‘you’re the only person I love’ likewise]
Ray: [look at him because you feel the exact same way obvs ‘I know I should love them lot the same but-’ when you can’t finish that sentence because you don’t even really know why you can’t or don’t]
Joe: [shrug, not nonchalantly but after some consideration ‘they have each other’ like we do too, it’s no different]
Ray: [‘is right, and none of ‘em have had me the way you do’ yet again we just feel ignored or misunderstood by the rest of y’all soz but that’s how it is]
Joe: [‘good, they’d only fuck it up’ the faith we have in none of you, soz but we know why]
Ray: [excuse her trying not to cry at how true that is and how true it is that Joe has literally never, however weird we are]
Joe: [just back to stroking your hair ‘cos we know, no need to say anything]
Ray: [just have a moment to snuggle, clearly nobody is paying attention to you so, kiss his cheek after however long you’ve taken to recover and not sob like thanks]
Joe: [ignore every urge to convert that, thank you, just smile at her ‘one of us has to go first’ ‘cos 0 desire but all the desire to keep ramping this up]
Ray: [‘I owe you’ because we do, for the gift of mcr if nothing else, but not actually making a move to leave yet because likewise would rather stay here forever]
Joe: [an amused noise like yeah you do ‘only a bit’]
Ray: [a noise like oh excuse you/me and playfully fight him in a that was your cue to be like no you don’t it’s fine and go full gentleman about it lol kind of way but really you’re just prolonging how long you’re here and the closeness + physical touch of it all, we see you]
Joe: [at least you have an excuse to be down on the ground when one of your parents finally appears to be like come eat some food or whatever so we can break this up without either of you having to]
Ray: [not eating because we hold the food personally responsible for ruining our good time but cockblock achieved]
Joe: [we probably have some food ritual we have to stealthily engage in right now, ‘scuse us everyone]
Ray: [the guests you’d love to have at your bday, soz Bea]
Joe: [we know you two will piss off yourselves as soon as you can without offending mcvickers, ah what a charming age lmao]
Ray: [speaking of, I have to point out something that JUST occurred to me, I’ve never not had gig tickets go on sale on Friday at like 10am in the history of the world ever so that means this needs to be friday like after school vibes for said tickets to have been secured by Joe earlier on a skive and the potential for you pair to piss off at night to your dangerous location of choice and be buzzing because you have this secret now that none of your friends and his gf don’t know is too excellent]
Joe: [I looked and her bday this year was actually Wednesday but I’m gonna change it because I have an accidental 13 bias so her bday can be the 15th instead, it doesn’t change anything lol because yes, it’s definitely the vibe]
Ray: [Joe’s gf is gonna be fuming and I couldn’t be more amused by that, they already leave this gal out all the time so blatantly]
Joe: [there’s only so long you can convince yourself you want a ‘bad boy’ Sarah, he just doesn’t give a fuck is the actual reality you’re ignoring here]
Ray: [you’re definitely getting dumped soon, boy, thank god we can line another girl up to cockblock y’all because it’s the slutty alternative era]
Joe: [yeah this one be on the wetter hen side of things, some of them give as little shits obviously, even if they think Ray is weird as hell still]
Ray: [valid ladies, she is, but yeah, definitely giving the train track vibe of that other convo we did but more feral is my thinking]
Joe: [clearly barely a bastard train runs after 10pm so have at it children lmao, the way we’re going to be all over Sarah though will have you fuming]
Ray: [I might have to give you a boy to pay slight attention to so you don’t murder Sarah with a blunt kitchen knife but that’s fine, we know they’re around]
Joe: Go on then, what’s his name
Ray: Dan? Sam? Nah, Ben? 🤔
Joe: Three letters and dull, relatable
Ray: maybe I’m projecting & it’s something like Spider or Spike
Joe: that’ll be what he told you
Joe: meaning it’s deffo biblical, John, Peter, Paul, a combo of the above
Ray: 🤞 for JP even easier
Joe: you wish it was JD
Ray: I’d not waste no wishes on him
Joe: you don’t need to, you’re the only girl here got a date with Gerard and Frank in November
Ray: 👸🏼✨☠️
Ray: pure forgettable out here tonight but I won’t
Joe: Sarah fancies Mikey ☠️ likes ‘em young and cute
Ray: Sarah don’t know what she’s on about
Joe: oi, don’t slag me off like that
Ray: I didn’t she is
Joe: if she likes speccy lads, she can give Fraze a go next 🤓
Ray: & here I reckoned I was special for the 👀 she keeps on giving me 💔
Joe: she giving you evils?
Ray: can’t be aimed @ BenSamDan unless she’s dead devvo he’s older than 12
Joe: [go and tell her to stop staring like she was starting shit when she probably was not remotely lol]
Ray: [shamelessly not gonna hide how buzzing we are that you just got told off lol]
Joe: [poor girl probably gonna go cry and we’re just chilling on these tracks looking for shit people have dropped, any signs of blood, dead animals, the usual]
Ray: [soz that these two have other priorities and you’re not even on the list hun, bringing you a bottle or a cigarette or something to share with you as if we need a reason to come over and join you but also in thanks because Joseph keeps making her happy on this day]
Joe: [whichever it is we’re taking it and going harder than you remotely should need to at 12 and handing it back with a cheers sort of gesture]
Ray: [SUCH a grin in response because of course, and obviously going as hard back because we’re not Sarah in case anyone had any doubt, look away whoever this boy is, we’re not trying to impress you sir]
Joe: [the way we just ignore most people most of the time so we’re making no effort to involve you or leave you out honestly, picking up someone’s busted phone off these tracks and seeing if you can fuck your fingers up on the cracked screen of it all nonchalantly ‘seriously though, what I’ve heard, no one else here got tickets’ ‘cos defs be the talk of the town tonight]
Ray: [she’s the other way and hyper aware of everyone but does not want them to perceive her thanks so much, you know she’s gotta take that broken phone and try and do it too when we realise what he’s trying to achieve here, a nod because you would’ve heard that too obvs ‘not as smart as you’ in every possible way we mean that so sincerely]
Joe: [oh the be a girl, such fun, just putting your fingertips together after for a impromptu blood brothers moment which has clearly been done properly many times, smile back like tah ‘none of ‘em could get to Belfast anyhow’ like you two are so smart and mature compared to these other burnout kids]
Ray: [‘most of ‘em’d be made up to get back home’ like they’re that useless, gotta blast the mcr bops as if we’re doing it for y’all like we’ll have our own gig cos none of us have tickets hehe but really doing it because we’ve got Joseph’s hand and can shamelessly dance like that’s not a dangerous game]
Joe: [at least you have to mosh style dance, there’s no way you can be sexy about it, beyond enjoying the whole beating up to music thing, as many do]
Ray: [enjoy beating each other up and also take your chance to beat Sarah up via mosh pit vibes if she reappears from her crying]
Joe: [watch your back gurl]
Ray: [so we know the energy, is there anything you wanna make a specific note of before we move?]
Joe: [hmm, we probably know the tea, we can go to November now, or could do a lil stop in September when you’re separated and sad?]
Ray: [I think it’d be fun to do a September pitstop]
Joe: [lesgo baby]
Ray: 🦇🔦
Joe: thank god for the ☁️☁️☁️
Joe: or I wouldn’t see shit at this o’clock
Ray: & there’s no chance of a 🔊👂🩸 signal working now
Joe: can’t be hanging about the babies school now, can I
Ray: nor can I
Joe: so where are you going
Ray: Where WE going?
Joe: they’ve been cracking down at [a shopping centre you might frequent at weekends like mallgoths] so probably not worth it
Ray: I can 👀 Fraze & Bea I know they ain’t @ the park
Joe: park’s good
Joe: especially if he ain’t hanging about it
Ray: just loads of ☁️☁️☁️ like
Joe: not 🚬🚬🚬
Ray: y? you run out?
Joe: yeah, long day
Ray: you can have mine
Ray: 🖤🖤🖤
Joe: dead sweet still, s’comforting
Ray: I’ll be waiting on the swing to give you all the comfort you need
Joe: Well Lolita of you
Joe: don’t let [the local weirdo mentioned earlier] see you
Ray: got the uniform back on 👧🏼🍭🍬🍫 properly kidnappable as is
Joe: you want me to hang back ‘til the vans gone off with you then ☠️
Ray: if it’ll make you feel better
Joe: bit extreme to have you go missing just ‘cos I can’t 👀 you
Ray: nah you’d be allowed to pure miss me then
Joe: it’s just so weird, none of you being in the same place
Ray: it feels wrong to me 2
Ray: I hate it
Joe: anything could happen
Ray: we’ve gotta stop it
Joe: how
Ray: 🤔💭 I’ll do anything though
Joe: you can keep an eye on the little ones but I can’t trust them to keep an eye on you
Ray: I’ll stay where you can 👀 us
Joe: you’re gonna hate it here more, when you come
Ray: but we’ll be together again when I do
Joe: that’s one thing
Joe: the only thing
Ray: [tell him every horrible thought you’ve had about how you could and are willing to hurt yourself so you’re locked safe at home tomorrow sick from household poisons or injured and he doesn’t have to worry about you or all the ways he could so he can be the one who doesn’t have to go or the accidents you could get in via the busy road on the way home later so you could stay together, just blurting any and all of it out to see if it’ll cheer him up slightly]
Joe: Such a sweet talker
Joe: guess who I bumped into break time
Ray: [The local weirdo] & you’re gonna bring him cut out the middle man? 
Joe: if only, aged out by first year
Joe: Sarah, the original one, that is
Ray: How’s she not aged out & what’s she doing not hanging about my school gates? must already be 😍💘🥰💖 don’t make sense unless she’s taken with no need for a 🎯
Joe: 😏 bet she’s missed you too
Joe: how often and completely she tortured herself was always her biggest appeal, like, ramped it up by getting a much more attractive bezzie to fuck with her self-esteem harder
Ray: 🙄 what’s her name seeing as she’s deffo next
Joe: All the same to you, though you keep carving it into trees she’ll deffo reconsider how much she hates herself, like 😍💘🥰💖
Ray: can’t help if she’s not potent enough to have it carved nowhere else
Joe: not even good for a cursed tat, sounds like a dead kids name, not your bird
Ray: least mine would have anyone who saw it reckon you were snatched by a sketchy fella driving a white van
Joe: the goal
Ray: or you think pick n mix is dead class 💘🍭🍬🍫 & pure feel like telling the dentist to do one
Joe: wish I was like the little ones still and acted like it was crack 😵
Joe: and the dentist gave you proper drugs more than an anesthetic in the hole
Ray: you’ll only lolita me a 2nd time if I swear to be a top high
Joe: a sound line, a song in there somewhere
Ray: probably leave it a bit before you write it down else Sarah’ll be made up to assume she’s back to being your muse
Joe: or you’ll think I’m thinking about Sadie, more like
Ray: if I’m 💭 about her it’ll be to ask myself y she’s called that
Ray: be a tattoo for a dead dog if you went ahead with that one like
Joe: good beatles tune but not one she probably wants sung about her
Ray: boss 💡 for when you’re homesick
Joe: Are you?
Ray: today
Joe: we’d both be in high school at home, be your first year instead of mine
Ray: it’s been going round my 🧠 adding to the wrongness
Joe: I know
Joe: fuck the park, we’ll head somewhere instead
Ray: Where?
Joe: don’t matter
Joe: just pick a train when we get there
Joe: I know how to get on the platform without paying
Ray: Sadie don’t know how lucky she is
Joe: I didn’t invite her
Joe: if we can’t stay safe together we may as well go fuck knows where and at least be unsafe in a fun way, right
Ray: yeah unsafe in every fun way
Ray: start your list
Joe: got ‘til home time, easily doable
Joe: and got this walk to guess what’s top of yours
Ray: 💔 if you’ve gotta take the whole thing to work out what I want
Joe: too many 💭s if anything, tah
Ray: something DanBenSam would 💬 to stall til he can get a clue
Joe: 💔 he didn’t come say hiya to us too
Ray: 💔 is right
Ray: default state of him if anything
Joe: can be first name on your list, when you work out which one is his proper
Ray: I didn’t invite him neither
Joe: your 💔 list
Ray: you’re first til I can ❌ you off
Joe: i’ll grow it back just for you to break ok 🖤
Ray: I’d ☠️ if I broke your 🖤
Joe: you won’t, you’re still sweet
Ray: I still love you it weren’t ur fault you had 2 leave me
Joe: you can’t stop
Ray: what would I even try to stop for?
Joe: dunno, if your 🧠 got unfucked along with life
Ray: permission granted to smack or stab us in the 🧠 then
Joe: lobotomies only to make you worse, promise
Ray: on your life
Joe: on yours, I’ll kill you and you won’t get to enjoy it because I’ll just do it execution style
Ray: & you think you’re 🖤less 
Ray: nobody else could ever love me that much
Joe: you know I do
Ray: we stayed alive for each other today just like mum & dad
Joe: I’ll keep you safer than that
Joe: wouldn’t make you have a billion kids either
Ray: k what WOULD you make me do? 
Joe: you wanna know or you wanna just enjoy it
Joe: you won’t have to have another 💭 
Ray: you tell me
Ray: do I wanna know or don’t I?
Joe: exactly, got the hang of it already
Joe: you like it when I make you feel better, imagine if I could make you feel better than better
Ray: & how you’d feel doing it
Joe: yeah, it’d make you happy to make me feel good too
Ray: nothing else matters to me except making you feel better than you’ve imagined you could
Joe: I don’t deserve you but no one else is ever having you, understand
Ray: yeah you do you’re the only person who does
Joe: even if I don’t, you’re still mine, and I’ll take you even if I don’t believe that ever
Ray: you’ll believe it
Ray: I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make you
Joe: you’re so beautiful, Ray
Joe: even with all of their poison and rot, you’re even more perfect for it
Ray: you are 😳 how you 💭 
Ray: there’s a song in everything you say
Joe: maybe it’s too cliche but I mean it and it is true about you
Joe: I just wanna dig it all out of you and you’ll be all bloody and new like a baby again, fresh start with no mistakes and bullshit
Ray: you could do it
Joe: what if it hurts more
Ray: how would it? 
Joe: how I reckon too but
Ray: I ain’t scared
Ray: & I’d never be of you it don’t matter what happens
Joe: good
Ray: I wanna be new
Ray: fuck the rest of this bullshit
Joe: whatever we’ve been given, Joe and Ray, and the fear and the voices and the noise and no sleep and dread and panic and alienation
Joe: none of it’s worth keeping
Joe: we’ll start over
Ray: 🎼 to my 👂
Ray: this has been the longest day of my fucking life
Joe: it’s going to be harder waiting to do what I wanna do 
Joe: but actually worth it, unlike school
Ray: have we gorra wait? can’t we do it now?
Joe: we have to wait for one part, at least
Joe: you’ll want it to be special
Joe: November should be nearer
Ray: [tell him how many days it is til this concert cos we’re obvs counting down and also how much money she’s saved cos she’d wanna pay for the trains or food or something since he bought the tickets]
Joe: you’re fucking adorable
Joe: meantime, we’ll have to make sure the days are shorter, then it’s not that bad
Ray: we’re smart at that 🦇🌜🦉🌚
Joe: new day can’t start if we don’t go to bed
Ray: I can do anything but keep missing you this much
Joe: I’ll fix it, somehow
Ray: I tried but fuck all worked
Joe: you can lie on me, listen to my 🖤
Joe: I won’t do nothing
Ray: you can do anything you want
Joe: shh, I’m trying to focus on you
Joe: it’s just different now, well, it is and it isn’t
Ray: different how?
Joe: I always felt it but now my body shows it all the time and I can’t stop it
Ray: you don’t gotta stop it
Ray: it’s not wrong no more than 😳 is
Ray: & anyway I’d go west @ you if you decided you weren’t gonna show us something
Joe: can’t have that, can we
Joe: you can see whatever you wanna see
Ray: we’re not gonna have secrets that’d be too different
Joe: s’not a secret, you’ve felt it
Ray: yeah but we might as well have taken a vow of silence about it since then
Joe: I didn’t think you liked it, not how I did
Ray: that’s why we’ve gotta keep on talking
Ray: your head tells you bullshit I don’t
Joe: okay, so tell me that you did then
Ray: tell me I didn’t mess it up first
Ray: it felt like I missed a cue or something you wanted me to pick up on
Ray: didn’t do something I was meant to or did something I wasn’t
Joe: you didn’t do anything wrong
Joe: I pushed it, that wasn’t a good idea
Joe: but nothing has changed between us
Ray: it must’ve been a bad 💡 you’ve not pushed again since
Joe: I’ve not let it get to that point, nah
Ray: idk how you can say I didn’t do something wrong
Joe: ‘cos it was me
Ray: you didn’t hold back with Sarah & you don’t even like her
Joe: I’m allowed to do what I like to Sarah, and the rest
Joe: I’m just a bit of a dick if I hurt them, but no one really cares, even them after a bit
Ray: you’re not that’s bullshit
Joe: how is it
Ray: you’re not allowed but you do & it wrecks me which makes you a massive dick
Joe: Ray
Ray: so does trying to use my name like that
Joe: what do you want me to do to make it up to you
Ray: I don’t know what there is to make up
Ray: just that I couldn’t work out where I went wrong with Ben’s help or whatever the fuck his name is & you’re not giving me none either
Joe: if you’d have done that to Ben it would’ve been very different
Joe: unless he’s got a conscience and worked out you’re too young for him, but still
Ray: he’ll not let me 
Ray: it makes sense why if he’s got the same reasons as you
Joe: we can’t take it back
Joe: yeah, I stopped, but I still did it
Ray: don’t say that you want to
Joe: I didn’t 
Joe: all I don’t want is to creep you out
Ray: who do you think I’ve turned into?
Joe: try and think of it the other way ‘round
Joe: what if you’d done something to me and you didn’t think I liked it
Ray: I wouldn’t be here if it was that way round 
Ray: remember what I said about breaking your heart
Joe: you want me to kill myself
Joe: alright, easy
Ray: shut it
Ray: you’re still about cos you know you didn’t 
Ray: however sly your 🧠💭 are with their agenda of trying to twist everything
Joe: just forget I said anything, yeah
Joe: my head’s just too fucked 
Ray: I’ve been doing my best to forget for months like
Ray: keeping on @ that is bullshit too if it’s not pure what either of us want
Joe: do you think Bea and Fraze have done it
Ray: He’s scared of her
Ray: we don’t have nothing to be scared of
Joe: he should be
Ray: forget them
Ray: do you love me?
Joe: of course I do
Ray: then love me how you want
Joe: okay
Ray: swear
Joe: I swear I’ll try
Ray: me 2
Ray: I’ll not fuck it up next time
Joe: next time you’ll be ready 
Ray: yeah I’ll be the one starting it & you’ll be made up
Joe: oh yeah?
Ray: promise & a threat 😏
Joe: 🔫🔫💀
Ray: you gonna properly wait how I’ve been on you since Bea’s bday or am I gonna bang all the girls at your new school while I’m @ it?
Joe: I weren’t trying to leave you out of shit
Joe: I thought you’d start it proper with Dan/Sam/Ben or some other twats
Ray: I’ll ask you again who do you reckon I’ve turned into
Joe: alright, alright 
Joe: you ain’t a slag, all lads are
Ray: I’d sooner busy myself with a needle & thread than let him or any of his mates near me 
Joe: no matter how long he grows his hair, he’s still well too boring for you
Ray: I’m just 2 holes to him 3 if he’s feeling dead brave
Joe: he wouldn’t be feeling anything for long
Joe: you don’t like him
Ray: I don’t like nobody but if I pretended for ages he’d believe us cos of what he’d get out of it
Joe: no point bothering if he’s got fuck all to offer back
Ray: he can have Sadie as you’ll not be needing her
Joe: put the bows down, Cupid
Ray: aim right yourself
Joe: fighting talk to doubt my aim in this family 😏
Ray: your fault if I’m in a 🥊 mood
Joe: deserved
Ray: is right
Ray: how slow do you wanna walk? 👀☠️
Joe: cheek, you remembered I’m not in the same building no more, yeah?
Ray: still come on
Ray: it’s like you don’t miss us as much by half
Joe: I’ll prove it
Ray: yeah?
Joe: 👀 this space
Ray: I’ll watch your 👀 your feet can drag if you’re 😳 or worse but they can’t lie 
Joe:🔪🔪 ‘em out if they do
Ray: feed em to Sadie 🐶💦
Joe: hot
Ray: my 👅 is alright when you wanna talk it’s the rest
Joe: don’t wreck your head with the rest
Joe: we can talk about anything, that’s not nothing, like
Ray: Dan called us a ☠️🐟
Joe: when
Ray: it don’t matter if it was a month ago or yesterday
Ray: the soft lad’s not got it wrong
Joe: it does matter, why did you not tell me he’s chatting shit about you
Ray: I’d have had to tell you I’d 🤔💭 about necking him 
Joe: so, that’s not the important bit
Ray: it is to me
Joe: he’s just gutted you never will now and being a twat about it
Ray: I’d maybe buy he was devvoed if he didn’t put a stop to it as soon as & leave us on my tod feeling such a divvy 🥄😳💔
Joe: it’s called negging, don’t fall for it
Joe: he’s boring
Ray: Sam’s a joke yeah so I’ve not smashed nothing myself by reckoning it’d be a boss 💡 to 💋 like & I couldn’t have you knowing what a twat I am
Ray: over my real ☠️ body 
Joe: Hey, I know you better than anyone, so I already know what a twat you are
Joe: serious, everyone does it, it’s nothing to be 😳💔 about
Ray: 😏 k
Ray: but if we’re being serious you know my 🧠💩 won’t be told to calm it
Joe: so you want him banged out or nah
Ray: it’ll make you feel good
Joe: not at the expense of you feeling a worse divvy
Ray: that’s not the important bit
Joe: you’re the only important bit
Ray: I ain’t to him nor is he to us
Ray: be a 🥳 for you doing him in though & I like 👀 you buzzing
Joe: have to be tomorrow, he’s back in that direction ↩️
Joe: ‘less you like it that much
Ray: didn’t I say to you there & then I like everything you do?
Ray: I deffo thought it & wanted to tell you
Joe: replay never hurt nobody
Ray: swear it won’t wreck your head this time & I’ll ⏪▶️
Joe: 🤞
Ray: 🔁🖤🎼
Joe: [better say you show up now]
Ray: [throw yourself at him literally, only to hug but still]
Joe: [throw hands in a intense way because what a shit day and then you dropped that info]
Ray: [simply gotta cling to him as intensely for a ridiculous amount of time because too true, just the worst day ever being had by you both]
Joe: [do you now wanna skip to the actual date or do anything else here]
Ray: [hmm, maybe we should skip because we might get carried away if we do more here, I know what we’re like]
Joe: [skipskop chipshop]
Ray: 📅🥳🤩
Joe: ⏲
Ray: I can’t believe the wait’s over
Joe: we have to get there and get in
Joe: but the plans shouldn’t let us down, I’ve thought it over every way x2
Ray: You’ll get us there & I’ll get us in
Ray: I’ve chiefed clobber you’ll be thinking about in every way 2
Joe: sounds like top white noise
Joe: before the decent band gets on, opener is shite
Ray: course 🔊👂🩸 I’m not gonna let you down when I already know you won’t me
Joe: they can fuck off if they reckon we’re not coming in, it’s happening regardless of what some meathead on the door wants to sound off
Ray: 👸🏼✨☠️ you’ll have no doubts when you’ve 👀
Ray: 😈🖤👸🏼✂️✨🎈☠️🩸🦇🥀🌚🎯🎇🚨🌠🧲💣🎀💊🧷🧨🔪💋 still ain’t describing how much you’re gonna wanna 👀🔁 or how you’ll feel
Joe: Shit
Joe: well, feel like I’ve waited too long to ask for a preview so ⏲👀
Joe: you’re gonna have to get changed at the station, or on the train
Ray: I’ve owed you for longer like
Ray: train toilets won’t take none of the ✨ off it I’m too made up to show you
Joe: you look good in all the shitholes we have to be in, I know it won’t
Ray: speaking of if we’ve gotta hang about 🏠 for ages I’ll properly get a cob on & look like mum’s spitting image 🙄😒😤 you’ll be dead put off so let’s leg it ⏲
Joe: we just need to pack, so we can camp out if we have to and not die
Joe: and she’s never dressed up to look good for dad ever so it’s not a comparison you need to stress on
Ray: I packed when I couldn’t sleep but you should check it
Ray: I’ve not dressed up for you yet either
Joe: I will
Joe: 😏 alright, it’s not for my benefit but I can still appreciate it
Ray: nah it deffo is I just mean it’ll be the 1st time I have done
Joe: and the first time you can wear exactly what you want to
Joe: no mum to get a cob on, or Fraze 
Ray: he can shut it reckoning he’s got say in if I look a show or don’t 🙄😒😤 scally clobber he walks about the estate wearing 
Joe: yeah but he well don’t mind if any girls think he’s dead fit or not in ‘em 🙄😏
Joe: all for his benefit, that getup
Ray: back to mine being all for yours before I 🤢🤮 brekkie I can’t & haven’t had
Joe: you mean that?
Joe: chundering aside, obvs we’re all 🤢🤮 @ him
Ray: yeah I mean it
Joe: not even a 🤏 for Gerard?
Ray: I’d use my 🍬👅🍭 to talk him into getting us the keys to [their fantasy road their fantasy house is on] then we’d lock him out
Ray: the songs you’re gonna write will be pure class & only for me
Joe: I’ve got something
Joe: it’s not finished yet though, when it is
Joe: and we should go [where all the Irish famous people live ‘cos there was lowkey an area] maybe you want a holiday home 
Ray: I love you
Ray: & 🖤💡🖤 
Joe: you aren’t allowed to get bored of the same 4 walls or me 
Ray: I don’t know what girl you’re thinking of but it ain’t me & that’s massively not allowed
Joe: I said I’d look after you, that includes aiming for happier than you are now, here
Joe: I can do better
Ray: you can & you will the 💡 you wouldn’t has never entered my head meaning it deffo can’t wreck it
Joe: I can’t wait to see you
Ray: come 👀 now
Ray: work out how much happiness you’re gonna be aiming past
Joe: when I’ve stopped 💭 about how good tonight is going to be
Ray: you’re not allowed to stop 💭 before you’ve shown us how good you’re thinking
Joe: that I’m going to do what Sam can’t
Joe: and show you how hot you are, make you feel it
Ray: I’d forgot about him
Joe: you’re never gonna think about the bullshit that prick was spouting again, or anything anyone says or does, for that matter
Ray: I’m ready to listen to nothing but you
Joe: your head better be as full of me as mine is of you
Ray: it’s head to toe already like idk how I could be any fuller 🧠🦴🩸🖤
Joe: you’ll see, after tonight, you’re not having a single thought that isn’t about me and you and all the things I’m going to do for you
Ray: it’s been killing me waiting but it had to be tonight
Joe: it’ll be perfect for you
Joe: I’ve needed you for so long, but I’d have to force myself to live forever just to feel the guilt if I hurt you or made you sad with what I want, I’d never do it
Joe: you’re ready now, I know that
Ray: it’s been really shite dealing with the voice in my head that don’t sound fuck all like yours
Joe: I’ll tell you what to think and do and feel and say
Joe: and you do the same for me
Ray: I’ve needed you my whole life
Joe: we’re twins, not you and him
Ray: we’re loads better
Ray: I’d pick you over & over I’ve never wanted him about
Joe: you make me make sense, I’m not alone when I have you
Joe: I want you with me every way we can, I don’t care what anyone would have to say about it, we’re not whole without each other
Ray: nothing made sense before I let you in
Joe: if you let me, keep letting me, I won’t ever need to look at another girl
Joe: I’ve always wanted it to be you, you believe that, don’t you
Ray: in your head she had freckles
Ray: I remember
Joe: you know how often I’ve stood outside your room, so close to coming in and letting you see how much I love you in every way
Joe: how easy it would be
Ray: that easy for a reason
Joe: no one would know, no one sees us
Ray: you’re the only person I want to see me
Ray: I don’t care if it hurts when you do
Joe: We should start using it to our benefit, how little they give a fuck
Joe: it’s beyond obvious what’s going to happen with Fraze and Bea and they ain’t doing a thing about that either
Joe: I want to keep you in my room, my bed, like you wanted, safe
Ray: nobody’ll miss me
Ray: I’m only here when it’s for their benefit needing someone to watch after Ali Ro & Tommo
Joe: my bones miss you
Joe: it doesn’t stop
Joe: I’m as obsessed with you as the voices are pain
Ray: mine feel as hollow as the rest of me but that’ll stop now you’re gonna make me new
Joe: if it hurts, you’ll know you’re alive 
Joe: I could make it better but I think it still will, even if I did
Ray: it don’t matter
Ray: I’d break myself in half & half again as many times as you wanted to fit where you told me to
Joe: if you bleed, you can make me bleed right back, always
Ray: I want to always
Joe: you know how I feel about blood
Ray: we have to get as much out of me as we can
Ray: the old
Ray: or it could ruin what you’re trying to do
Joe: being covered in your blood will be the happiest I’ve been so far
Joe: you can cry and puke and whatever else you want, I can push you to the edge and stop you from falling 
Ray: if you killed me I’d find my way back
Ray: there’s too much I gotta be alive for
Joe: I’m gonna hurt you so carefully
Joe: it’s not going to go wrong, it’s going to be like ecstasy times a thousand, you’ll beg me to keep going
Ray: it don’t go wrong when you’re in control of it nothing does
Joe: I need you to be alive as much as you need to be on the brink of death with me, you’re the only reason to pull back, to keep playing 
Ray: I swear I’ll be more alive than you’ve ever 👀 us be
Ray: you’re my same reason to bother
Joe: you’ll understand, when you know how much pleasure comes with the fear and pain
Joe: I can’t tell you how wired I feel right now, to get to spend so much alone time with you tonight
Ray: I understand feeling fucking wired at least
Joe: when we’re at the concert, and you’re pressed into me, and I can put my hands wherever I want, and the music is all that’s in anyone’s head and beating through our chests
Ray: but til then what?
Ray: you can’t leave us counting down with nothing but the numbers behind my eyes
Joe: where are you right now
Ray: my bed
Joe: so stop holding back, find your school tie and tie it tight ‘round your throat
Ray: 👀🌟🌟
Ray: I don’t deserve how sharp you are
Joe: you’ve got a chance to redeem yourself, where does your other hand need to be
Ray: wherever you say
Joe: oh baby ray, I don’t deserve you
Ray: I’m blank til you write something 
Ray: there’s nothing to deserve right now like
Joe: where does it hurt the most?
Ray: where it shouldn’t hurt
Ray: doesn’t wreck anyone else
Joe: do you want to wait for me to show you, how to make it all better
Ray: do you?
Joe: pull it tighter, there’s too much oxygen in your brain
Ray: alright, I’ll make the questions stop
Joe: when your vision starts going dark, let go, not before then
Joe: the numbers and questions will disappear with your breath
Ray: boss
Joe: good girl
Ray: if you don’t appear I’ll be a sad girl
Ray: the saddest
Joe: I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back if I see you looking like that
Ray: hold onto the door frame
Joe: tie yourself to the other side of it
Joe: you need me that bad, prove it
Ray: I’ll do anything
Joe: it’ll be like when we pulled out your tooth with the string and the door handle that time
Joe: but now, I’m going to make you pass out
Ray: I should’ve given it to you instead of putting it under my pillow
Joe: I’m mad, actually, I want it back, bet they didn’t keep none though
Ray: @ the back where nobody else’ll know pick a new tooth & pull it out
Joe: I’m picking it with my tongue 
Joe: once I’ve felt every one 
Ray: & you’ve shown me what to do with mine
Joe: you’re good with it, you already know that about yourself
Joe: even passed out, you’d react to me, you always have pushed yourself into me, instinct 
Ray: I want it to be like you’ve 💭
Joe: you’re a dream sister
Joe: even if it went wrong, it would be exactly what I want, it’s you, you’ve given me everything I need by wanting me too
Ray: but if it went wrong again you’d go back to hanging about with other girls
Ray: you’d tell me I’m still not ready
Joe: I want to teach you, like I did riding your bike and tying your shoes
Joe: you need to realise how close I am to coming in there and fucking you because of how good you are at being my little sister
Joe: no other girl will ever be what you are to me
Ray: that’s exactly what I want
Joe: which part
Ray: the part where you say I’ve got 0 competition & mean it
Joe: I do and you’re gonna believe it after tonight
Ray: I do & tonight ain’t happened yet
Joe: when I work in music, we’ll get to go to every good gig, for free
Joe: you could write music reviews on your fancy laptop and they’d pay us to be there
Ray: serious 😳 you reckon I could? 
Joe: Deffo
Joe: your opinion is always spot on and you just say it how it is, not loads of pretentious music wank
Ray: then we’re doing it
Joe: yeah? 
Ray: but you’ve gotta read some of my diary first check ALL my opinions before I’m as bute as Bea
Joe: I wanna know what you write about 
Joe: if it matches how I 💭 your 🧠 looking from the inside 
Ray: I’ll leave it in your bed for when we have to come back 🏠 under your pillow instead of my 🦷🦷🦷
Ray: reckon I’ve gorra keep at least a couple for your benefit 🦇🧛🏼‍♀️🐍🕷 
Joe: 🤘👵🤘
Joe: can turn some of the 📔 into 🎼
Ray: long as there’s no direct quotes you’ll have to sharpen what I’ve 💭📝 loads first
Joe: it’ll be better than you reckon
Ray: you reckon I’m better than I am
Joe: you chat down on yourself, like I wouldn’t let no one else on you
Ray: why do you let us then?
Joe: it might make you feel better, I dunno
Joe: not going to judge your methods 
Ray: you could get me to shut it dead easy & I trust yours
Joe: I could
Joe: if it’s doing my head in more than it’s doing owt to fix yours, I will
Ray: it wrecks more than it fixes mine 🔇
Joe: now I know
Joe: 🤐
Ray: 🖤
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ava-kedavra · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: who knew that bucky barnes could get jealous? When in doubt, throwing knives usually solve problems.
Words: 3,783 words of pure filth babes
warning: uuuuh do NOT read if you are under 18 pls this is not for the eyes of children. this is pure filth. swearing, jealously, major age-gap and unbearably hot.
note: I wrote this instead of doing my homework I literally wrote it all in like two hours whoops. please enjoy this I think it's really hot lmao
You’ve come to not be surprised by what waits beyond doors you’ve yet to open.
Nothing, however, could have prepared you for what you saw when you opened your bedroom door in your dorm.
Bucky is standing at your window, fingers touching the plant you had on the sill.
You grab the textbook from your tote and drop the bag on the floor, before throwing the book full force at Bucky’s head.
He doesn’t turn his head as he catches it in one hand, an inch away from his face.
He turns when you shut the door, giving you an awkward smile.
“Get out,” you say, voice low.
“Y/N,” he says softly as he places the book on your desk, “hear me out.”
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m done hearing you out.”
“Please,” he takes a step towards you, “this isn’t about us.”
You give him a confused look, but he continues, “come back to the compound.”
“I live here,” you point out your dorm room.
“You haven’t been there in weeks, even Peter hasn’t seen you.”
You tilt your head, “You talked to Peter about me?”
His cheeks burn and he looks away, “I overheard him.”
“You overhead him,” you repeat and he nods.
“You’re ridiculous,” you roll your eyes, crossing your arms in a way to protect yourself.
You take a seat on your bed, and bend down to take off your shoes. You contemplate throwing them at Bucky, but restrain yourself.
“Everyone misses you,” he says softly, before adding, “I miss you.”
Three little words. That’s all it takes for you to reel back, as if you got hit. You shake your head, swallowing your feelings.
“You don’t get to say that,” you whisper.
“I’ll stay out of your hair,” he says quietly, “you won’t even see me there.”
“That’s not the point!” You raise your voice. “Everything there reminds me of you, okay?”
You’re breathing heavily, tears in your eyes as you look at the man in front of you. He looks like he’s also in pain from your words. The thought breaks your heart all over again.
“Just give me space,” you break the silence, “you can’t come here and make me feel guilty, okay? That’s not fair.”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty,” he’s quiet, “I thought it might make you feel better.”
The only thing that would make you feel better is to be in your arms, you wanted to scream at him.
He’s so calm, quiet, and you’re angry and loud.
Why is he so calm?
“Well it won’t,” you spit out, “so leave.”
“Y/N,” he pleads.
“Fuck you James,” you look him in the eyes as you say the words.
“You have every right to be mad,” he’s still quiet, “but don’t take it out on the team.”
“They need you,” he adds after a moment.
“They don’t,” you argue, “you made that abundantly clear when you undermined me and made Steve take me off that mission.”
“You know why I did that,” his voice is low, eyes staring at the floor below him.
“You did it because you think I can’t handle myself,” you say.
“I don’t think that,” he says, looking you in the eyes.
“I read the report you sent to Steve,” you admit and his eyes widened in shock.
“That was confidential,” he furrows his eyebrows.
You shrug, “it was about me. I had a right to know what you said.”
“So you hacked into the computer system?” He questions, “you could’ve just asked me.”
You scoff, “like you would’ve told me the truth.”
“I would have,” he says, “and then I would’ve explained why I said what I did.”
You think back to the report and the words Bucky wrote.
Y/N L/N is not fit for this mission. She often jokes about strenuous circumstances and doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation at hand.
“Well I don’t believe you,” you stand up, walking over to the door and opening it, “now get out.”
You don’t bother asking how Bucky knew exactly what room was yours in the shared suite, or how he got in the locked area.
He walks towards you and shuts the door. You tilt your head at him, confused.
“Did I not make it abundantly clear that I want you out of here?” You say to him, annoyed.
“Let me explain,” he says, “please.”
“I think you’ve explained plenty,” you say, lifting your skirt.
Bucky’s eyes widen, but narrow when he sees you pull the knife out of the thigh holster you had. The one he had gotten you.
You open the knife up smoothly, and use it as a pointer towards the door, “out. Now.”
Bucky sighs, crossing his arms, “no.”
You twist the knife in your hand and point it at him. He just raises his eyebrow.
“Really doll?” He says and you fling it at him. It flies three centimeters away from his right ear, and into the wall behind him.
“Don’t call me that,” you growl and lunge towards him.
He catches your arms easily and pulls you to his back, “Y/N, stop.”
You lift your knee up and send it back, hitting the heel of your foot into his groin. He groans out and loosens his grip on you, so you turn around in his arms and push him away from you.
“You’re being a brat,” he groans out, cupping his crotch.
“And you broke my heart,” you counter, “I should’ve kicked you in the balls sooner.”
“I never wanted to break your heart!” He raises his voice, looking at you in pain.
“And yet you did anyways,” you go to kick him in the balls again, but he catches your leg and pulls, knocking you to the ground on your back.
He straddles you, using one leg to restrain your legs, and one hand to force yours above your head. You try to headbutt him, but he places his other palm over your mouth, holding you down.
“Why can’t we talk this out like adults?” He says.
You lick his palm and he looks at you, unamused, “seriously?”
You try to move your hands from under his, but he’s using his metal arm, making it impossible for you to move.
“Let me say my piece, and I’ll be out of your life forever,” he says, more softly this time, “I swear.”
He slowly releases your mouth, as if he’s scared you're gonna try to headbutt him again.
“Fine,” you concede, “say what you want and then get the fuck out.”
“I couldn’t lose you,” he says, more solemnly, “that mission was going to be brutal.”
You go to argue, but he gives you a look and you shut your mouth.
“I think that you’re amazing at what you do Y/N, I really do,” he says, “but hydra doesn’t take hostages. They don’t pull punches, and they don’t care about who they kill.”
“You had spent that week in the lab and didn’t sleep more than ten hours, you were exhausted and not in the right mind to go,” he explains, “you weren’t ready for it.”
You pull on your arms and this time he lets go, moving off of you and sitting to the side, back against your bed.
“If you got hurt on that mission, it would’ve been my fault.”
“How?” You ask quietly, sitting up and facing him.
“Because I wouldn’t have been able to focus knowing you were in harm's way,” he admits, “I still can’t.”
“Bucky,” you whisper, “you should’ve talked to me.”
“How could I?” He asks, “you were constantly in the lab with Keener.”
“James,” you say slowly, “were you jealous?”
He flushes, looking at the ground, “no.”
You smirk, reaching out and lifting his chin so he’d look at you. You raise an eyebrow.
“A little bit!” He raises his voice, and your smile breaks, he groans out, trying to look down. You place your hands on both sides of his face, forcing him to look at you.
“You were totally jealous,” you coo softly, rubbing the stubble on his face.
“Stop,” he whines, shifting his eyes.
“James,” you whisper his name, trying to swallow the need you suddenly felt.
He looks into your eyes, and sees that one glazed over look he adored. The one you got when you wanted to fuck him, to put it bluntly.
He’d see it over team dinners, when you watched him lick a spoon, he’d see it when he caught you looking at him lifting weights in the gym, hell he’d seen it when he punched a man in the throat on a mission with you once.
He reaches out with one hand, putting his thumb on your bottom lip. You open your mouth immediately and he grins, “yeah doll?” He asks, before slowly putting his thumb in your mouth.
You close your lips around it and suck, making his breath hitch.
You swirl your tongue around the digit before he pulls it out, making a soft popping sound. He takes the wet thumb and runs in down your cheek, the spit sticking to your face.
You bite your lip as he trails it lower, to your chin as he lifts it up. He then traces the thumb back to your lip, pulling the plump muscle out of your teeth.
You move one hand around his neck and into his hair, and the other around his shoulder as you shuffle closer to him. He moves both hands to your hips, lifting you easily onto his lap. You move so each leg is on the outside of his thighs, your skirt billowing over the tops of your thighs.
He gives each hip a light squeeze before trailing his metal hand up to your throat. His fingers close around you softly and you gasp out, lifting your head to give him more access.
He chuckles darkly at your eager movement, squeezing your throat harder.
“You were being a brat earlier,” he whispers, moving his head to the side of your neck. He licks the exposed skin between his fingers, making you shiver.
“Do you blame me?” You stutter out as he bites right below your jaw. He sucks on the skin languidly, taking his time making a mark.
You’ve never given each other hickies before. For obvious reasons, number one being that you were in a secret relationship.
What does this mean? You think to yourself, but the thought is lost when his nose hits your cheek.
“You with me sweetheart?” He breathes into you, nudging his nose into yours.
You give him a breathy laugh, “always.”
He moves the hand on your neck to your jaw, turning your head towards him and you let him.
His lips ghost over yours, whispering quietly, “you’re soaking my jeans doll.”
And oh god you are. You hadn’t even noticed the damp wet feeling in your center, but now it’s all you can think of.
You blush hard at his vulgar words and move to turn your head away, but he keeps it in place.
“It’s really hot,” he admits before he’s placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
You quickly try to deepen the kiss, but Bucky refuses, trying to keep it slow. You pull on his hair and he moans into your mouth, and you take the opportunity to stick your tongue in his mouth.
One of his hands is bruising your hip, the other is moving down the front of you, to your breasts.
You take a deep breath into his mouth when you feel him fondle your boob. He stops kissing you, and you try to pull him back to your mouth, but he stops you.
“Is this okay?” He asks, looking into your eyes.
“More than,” you assure, untangling your hands from his hair to rip your shirt off.
You’re not wearing a bra, and you see Bucky’s eyes widen.
You giggle, placing your hands back in his hair, “you’ve seen them before Buck.”
“They’re perfect,” he groans, sticking his face in your chest.
His scruff tickles you and you laugh as he licks and bites the skin playfully.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers against your skin, eyes meeting yours underneath his eyelashes.
You swallow, giving him a small smile, “I love you.”
At the words his face breaks out into a smile, teeth showing and dimples out.
“I love you,” he cooes, before pecking your lips.
“I thought you wouldn’t love me anymore,” you whisper, “I threw a knife at you.”
“I know you meant to miss,” he whispers, moving his face into your neck.
“It was really hot,” he mumbles into your skin.
You giggle, “you into knife play Barnes?”
He shrugs into your neck, “if it’s with you, then yes.”
You laugh out loud before using your hands to lift his face up.
You give him a small smile, “we’ll have to do that sometime.”
“There’s a lot of things I’d like to do with you.”
His hands meet your hips as he lifts you off him. You look at him confused, but he moves to stand up. He reaches a hand out and you take it, standing as well.
“What do you wanna do to me?” You ask, feigning innocence as you trail your finger down his shirt.
He steps closer to you, pushing you back onto the bed. You land with a thud and quickly sit back on your elbows. He takes his time with his belt and jeans, pulling them down slowly. His muscles flex as he takes his shirt off, throwing it across the room.
You see the tent in his boxers, with a wet patch staining the light gray material where the tip of his dick sat.
You’re nearly drooling by just looking at him, and your bed sheets are already ruined from your wetness seeping through your underwear.
He’s barely touched you.
“I,” he slowly slides over you, pushing you back against the pillows, “wanna,” his fingers ghost over your skirt, “do”, he rips your skirt in two, making you gasp out, “everything to do.”
You can’t take it, you wrap your arms around his back and pull him into you. He barely saves himself from crushing you under his weight, but you don’t care.
You want all of him.
“Do it,” you whisper against his lips, palming him through his boxers.
“Do everything and anything to me Bucky,” you pull his boxers down, releasing his engorged member before kissing him again.
You wrap your hand around him and he moans loudly at the feeling. He kicks his boxers off, before trailing his hand up your thigh. He snaps your underwear against your skin and you gasp into his mouth. He swallows it when he sticks his tongue down your throat.
The noises the two of you were making were obscene and you were thankful your roommate had class right now. You whine into his mouth when he pulls at your underwear, the fabric ripping loudly.
He holds the ripped piece of underwear in his hands, grinning.
You sit up against the bed while he leans back on his knees.
“I liked those,” you say with a frown.
“Me too,” he agrees, “but I’ll buy you a million more.”
“Just so you can rip them?” You joke and he nods, serious.
“Precisely,” he says before he’s reaching out for you again.
You grab at his back and pull, effectively flipping him over so he was on his back.
He looks up at you, adoration in his eyes.
“You’re really hot,” he can’t stop himself from saying it and you giggle.
“You’re really hot too, Buck,” you straddle his lap and he hisses at the feeling of your pussy so close to him.
You wiggle in his lap, coating his member in your arousal, you take your thumb and rub the tip of him, spreading precum over your digit.
You bring it to your lips and lick it.
“Fuck,” his heads falls against you pillows, eyes closed, “Y/N please.”
“Please what?” You tilt your head, lifting your hips and rub yourself up and down his dick.
The vein in his cock hits your clit so nicely you can almost orgasm at the feeling alone.
“Lemme fuck you darlin’,” he mumbles, gripping your hips in his hands, “please baby.”
“I don’t know if you deserve it,” you say and sit back, your palms on his thighs.
His eyes shoot open and he looks like he’s in pain, “Y/N.”
You rotate your hips, grinding into his dick, “James.”
He moans as you swivel on him, and he bucks his hips up into yours, grinding into the air.
“Fuck,” you gasp out at the feeling, moving towards him.
You place both hands on his shoulders as you lift yourself up on your knees, creating indents in the sheets.
You raise your core right over his cock, lightly pushing the tip in.
Bucky hisses out at the feeling. You lower one hand to his hip, keeping him from moving farther into you.
“Fuck baby,” he whines, eyes shut tight, “please let me feel your pussy.”
“You wanna feel my pussy?” You whisper in his ear, unashamed at the vulgar words.
He nods vigorously, you feel the stubble moving up and down against your cheek.
You move your head from his ear and look him in the eyes as you slowly sink down onto his cock.
He groans out as you sit fully in his lap, his dick deep in you.
You can barely keep your eyes open. You feel so full of him.
“Bucky,” you breathe out and he opens your eyes, looking back at you.
“I’m right here baby,” he grips your hips. You move your hand that was on his hip to his cheek, cupping it softly.
“I missed you,” you whisper against his lips.
He gives you a peck before saying, “I missed you too darlin’, but you gotta move.”
You rotate your hips and moan out at the feeling of Bucky inside of you, your clit rubbing on him, making your fingers tingle.
You slowly lift yourself up, until he’s nearly out of you, before slamming yourself back down on his dick.
He helps you move up and down with his hands on your hips, as you grip the back of his head, pulling the hair harshly.
He moans out as you do, so you pull it again. He slams his lips into yours as you fight to get your tongue in his mouth.
“Fuck,” you say into his mouth.
“Baby,” he whines, “let me fuck you. Please.”
You nod and he sits up, taking your ass in his hands as he thrusts up into you.
You can’t stop the moans from your lips as he attacks your breasts with his mouth. The added sensation on you has you choking on your breath.
You feel that familiar feeling from the tips of your toes to a growing pit in your stomach.
You squeeze around his dick and he drops his head into your neck, nearly growling.
“You keep doing that,” he pants, “and I’m not gonna last.”
“Me either,” you let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah?” He says, lifting his face to look at you.
You nod and he smacks one of your ass cheeks. You throw your head back and moan, but he takes one hand and grips the back of your neck, making you face him.
“You gonna come on my cock?” He says, out of breath, slowing his thrusts into you.
“Yeah,” you moan out, “I’m gonna come.”
He brings his knees up, keeping you from falling back as he takes his thumb and rubs at your pearl.
You nearly scream at the feeling, but he doesn’t slow his assault on your clit. You squeeze around him again and he shuts his eyes. You take your hands and place them on his cheeks, forcing him to look at you.
You go to kiss him, but he stops you, keeping eye contact.
“I wanna watch you,” he pants, rubbing circles in your clit, “let me see you come.”
“Please,” you beg, you don’t even know what for.
He thrusts once into you harshly and you gasp out.
“C’mon darling,” he whispers, keeping his eyes on you.
You whine, trying to keep your eyes open as you fall apart on his cock. He groans as you grip him in a vice as you come.
You shut your eyes and lean in, leaning your head on his shoulder. You snake your arms around him and put your fingers in his hair.
You can barely breath from the orgasm, but he doesn’t let up on your clit. He just thrusts into you once, twice, three more times before spilling his seed into you.
He wraps his arms around you, dropping his knees, making you fall on his chest further.
You both catch your breath as you lay on top of him, hard cock slowly softening inside of you.
He brushes a hand gently through your hair, kissing your forehead softly.
“I can’t lose you,” he speaks into the silence, “I won’t.”
You lift your head, looking into his eyes, “you won’t.”
You slowly lift yourself off of his dick, hissing at the loss of him inside of you. His seed spills out of you, leaking onto his stomach and your bedsheets.
You grimace at the feeling, but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind.
You move in the bed, so you're half on top of him, and rest head his chest. One of his hands is under his head, his metal hand stretched across his body and is on your ass.
“I wanna be with you Buck,” you whisper into his neck, “for real.”
“I want to be with you too,” he looks down at you, a small smile on his face.
“For real?” You say quietly.
He nods, “for real.”
You sit up in bed, taking his face in your hands, you kiss him.
“Careful,” he warns, “I’m not opposed to taking you again right now.”
“Is that a threat?” You giggle against his lips.
He grabs your ass harshly, “it’s a promise.”
You push against his chest, sitting up. He gives you a confused look, but doesn’t try to reach for you.
You stand up from the bed, grabbing your robe off the hook on your wall.
“Where ya going doll?” He sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m taking a shower,” you state, opening your bedroom door.
“And you’re joining me,” you add on with a wink, before walking out of your room into the bathroom.
y'all good?
as you may or may not know I live in a dorm room and was struck with the thought of 'what if I opened my door and Bucky was in my room' this morning and decided to run with it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it
check out my other fanfics if you want!!
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
The Knife
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, fingering, knifeplay/knife kink, dirty talk, slight degradation, slight metal arm kink, definite finger and hand kink - 18+, minors DNI Summary: Seeing Bucky casually flip and twirl knives really does something for you. And he happily indulges the fantasy. A/N: Alright I’ve never really written a bit of any kind of particular kink but I mean, come on, of course I had to try. I am super aware this is not the most original idea but I still wanted to add my take on it. p.s. i forgot to do an initial tag list portion on this because i am not used to having one but i will fix that for the next lmao i am sorry
You thought you were going to explode as you walked into the kitchen. Standing in the middle there was Bucky mindlessly flipping one of the knives in his hand — of course, it had to be the metal hand — as he cooked dinner, watching the food simmer away.
He looked so casual as he lingered at the stove, twirling the knife between his fingers. He was doing little tricks, tossing it in the air and catching the handle of it perfectly. It was just so effortless — and made you unbelievably wet.
Truly, this wasn’t a super uncommon thing to come home to. As some people bit their nails or played with the ends of their hair, Bucky twirled kitchen knives. While a habit you’ve now come to… appreciate, it certainly startled you the first time he did it. He had thought nothing of it, much like the position he was in now, as he played around with the knife. While the naturalness of his motions was quite a sad habit he had been forced to pick up, he seemed more comfortable with it. Almost treating it like some special talent or party trick. As for you, it was just a fucking turn-on.
You couldn’t pull your eyes away from the knife and your boyfriend’s moving hand as you slipped off your shoes. You placed your purse down gently, slipping off your coat. Bucky turned around as he heard your movement.
"Hey, doll," he greeted you with a warm smile, the knife not stilling. He never missed a beat.
Your words were losing you as you watched him keep up his motions but now he leaned against the kitchen counter, across from you. You had apparently been hypnotized in the motions because Bucky was giving you an odd look, eventually breaking you out of your phase as he asked, "Are you okay?"
You blinked in surprise, forcing your eyes away from the weapon and to his beautiful, concerned face. You gave a small smile. "Yeah, sorry," you chuckled, walking over to the stove to inspect what was on the menu. "Long day," you added, waving a hand in dismissal.
"Yeah?" He hummed. "Something got your mind occupied?"
You picked up a spoon to stir around the vegetables. You were about to respond, trying to shake off your initial feelings when a body was suddenly pressed against your back. You gasped at him, at the surprising force he possessed. He practically towered over you. His breath was heavy as he leaned down, his lips just grazing over your skin. One hand suddenly came to your hip while the other, holding the knife still now, pressed the side of it to your skin. You just about jumped at the sudden action.
"I-I’m fine," you mumbled, trying to ignore the cool metal pressing to your hot skin. Trying to ignore how it went directly to your core. Trying to ignore the god damn wetness pooling —
"What’s got you worked up, baby?" Bucky asked. You could pretty much hear the fake frown he wore, acting all innocent. While you two had never talked about any sort of weapon play, or really many kinks to begin with, he must have seen the lust encompassing your eyes.
As he waited for an answer, Bucky trailed the side of the knife up and down your arm, cautiously and slowly, letting the metal cool you. His other hand gripped your hip tighter. You let out a sigh at his touches, unable to really keep yourself together anymore.
"It’s- It’s the-," you lost your train of thought as Bucky’s free hand came up under your shirt, caressing your side gently. He moved the knife to begin tracing your collarbones obvious by that little bit of neckline skin peeking out from your blouse. It was surprising but earned him a moan from your lips. Bucky chuckled darkly, placing a soft kiss on your neck.
"It’s the knife, isn’t it?" He asked, finishing your sentence for you. There was just a hint of mocking in his tone which didn’t help the wetness still forming between your thighs.
Weakly and just as pathetically, you nodded. It was all you could do — you couldn’t trust your voice.
Bucky seemed to like that as he began pressing on. The hand under your shirt slowly made its way down your torso to the buttoning of your jeans. He popped them free and wasted no time dipping two fingers into you. You yelped at intrusion while he moaned at the wetness soaking his fingers. He pumped them steadily, making little flicking motions every now and then.
The knife on the other hand was still near your neck, making weak little traces, being dragged over your hot skin. Nothing was enough to hurt you and Bucky was sure skilled with quick reflexes, always prepared for the little jolts your body gave as he continued fingering you.
"So wet for me," Bucky mumbled, picking up the thrusting of his fingers. "And all from me twirling a knife. How pathetic, don’t you think? It’s a knife, doll. A weapon. Could slice through anything and yet it turns you on?"
You let out a small whimper as he forced you to fully press against him. Your bodies were practically cemented together. You felt him getting hard making you so desperately want to help him out but there was no way out of this. Your mind was a daze as he never let up with fingering you. The coolness from the knife still rested on your skin sending shameless shivers across your body.
Your orgasm was building up now as his motions picked up. Without much warning, he decided to add his thumb to mix, moving in tight circles on your clit. That forced a surprise moan from you, making Bucky chuckle.
"F-Feels so good," you mumbled, your eyes fluttering close as you leaned your head back to rest it on Bucky’s shoulder.
Exposing more skin for his access, his lips attached to your neck, kissing and nipping at it. The knife now began moving slowly, delicately, down the valley of your breasts and to the rest of your torso. You groaned at the movement, the scandalousness of it. The absolute danger this held but the total trust you had in Bucky.
"Yeah?" Bucky hummed. "What feels good? My fingers?" he gave a rough thrust for emphasis making you jolt. "Or the knife?" The weapon stopped just above where his hands were disappearing into your jeans. You weakly lifted your head and glanced down, really seeing now the sudden contrast between his loving fingers and the haunting knife. It made you nearly lose your mind as you let out a groan, feeling your orgasm just approaching.
"Hmm," Bucky hummed, following your gaze. He seemed to pick up words where you were failing. "I think it’s the knife. I think my dirty girl likes the danger. Likes seeing me handle it. Right, doll? Isn’t that it? That’s what got you soaking my fucking hand?"
You gasped at his words. They were just doing enough for you, borderline too much. You wanted to practically thrust away but that was not happening.
"B-Bucky-," you whimpered. You were right on that edge and Bucky knew it as he picked up the motions. The pressure on your clit from his thumb movements got stronger as his pumping didn’t let up.
"Come on, doll," Bucky’s voice had dropped, almost panting behind you. He was fully turned on but completely consumed with you. "Cum for me, honey." His arms were just barely keeping you standing. Without him, you were crumbling.
Determined to get you just there, Bucky pressed the tip of the knife to your lower stomach. It didn’t do any harm but the action was just thrilling enough that you couldn’t stop yourself. Your orgasm plunged through you as you let out screams full of Bucky’s name and incomprehensible moans.
Your boyfriend was chuckling lowly watching you squirm under his touch. He threw the knife on the counter, fully gripping your hip with his now free metal hand as his fingers and thumb continued working you through the pleasure.
"Please, Bucky — " you groaned, "Too — Too much."
He gave a couple of last pumps, letting your wetness totally coat him, before removing his hand from your pants. You nearly fell forward but Bucky was quick to grab you. As you caught your breath, he went back to planting sweet kisses along your neck.
"That’s it, doll," he mumbled against your skin. "So good for me. So dirty, baby. Getting turned on from my knife…" He let out breathy laughs as you pulled yourself out of your dazed, orgasmic state.
"Don’t-," you chuckled, shaking your head. You were finally thinking clearly again, almost embarrassed by how far you had succumbed to him. All because of a fucking knife.
"Don’t what?" His hands left your body, allowing you to readjust to your regular standing position. As if nothing happened, you turned back to the food still cooking away — luckily not burned. But Bucky wasn’t quick to leave this alone. "Don’t talk about how my girl has a knife kink?"
You gasped, "Bucky!" You shot him a look as he went back to leaning against the counter. His arms were folded, looking so cocky and proud now. That flirty grin was playing his lips as his eyes raked over you, shamelessly. You could still see his erection poking through his pants but you opted to ignore it, turning back to the food. He wasn’t getting anything now if he was going to tease you about what had just happened.
"Why didn’t you tell me, doll?" Bucky finally asked, sounding much nicer.
You refused to look at him again. Your eyes were set on the sautéed vegetables. "It’s just… I don’t know. Figured you’d find it weird or something."
Bucky sighed. A metal hand came to your arm, rubbing gently. "Never think that, honey. I love exploring this stuff with you. I gotta know what my girl likes if I wanna keep her happy, right?" You could tell he was smiling widely at you. His words were making you blush uncontrollably.
You nodded, "I’ll try to remember that."
"Good," Bucky said as he came up behind you again. The motion too familiar from just seconds ago. "Now… Is there any other things that you like I should know about?"
A shiver went down your spine. You glanced at the metal hand laying softly on your hip. "I do wonder about your arm."
"My arm?"
"Mhm," you confirmed. "I wonder if it vibrates."
Bucky let out the wildest, deepest groan. "You’re going to be the death of me."
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairings: The Avengers x  reader
It’s your birthday and the team gets creative on how to surprise you, putting their acting skills to the test.
Word count: 2,350
A/n: just a little something because,, well,, it’s my birthday *runs away* also it’s cheesy, hopefully it makes sense lmao
Warnings: uhhh brief mention of explosion? mostly fluff
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The Avengers wanted to get creative for your birthday this year. For the few years they've known you they picked up on things about you. One, you paid no mind to your birthday at all and just considered it a normal day like the rest of the 365, Tony took note that you hated parties, at least the really big ones, something that involved only the team would be good.
Okay, you sound like a party pooper, but that isn't the case; it's not a crime to just... not want to have a grand celebration, right? And people singing the 'happy birthday' song to you too while you just sit there in silence. It's awkward, you once told Natasha. It’s also awkward and hard for you to receive presents even though that’s what birthdays are all about, you’re still getting used to it since you knew someone like Tony Stark.
Well, the team think you're an amazing friend and they all treat you like family. They're so glad they met someone like you.
You're immediately called to the conference room on that day. Only to find the team arguing and pointing fingers at one another.
You kinda just slot in, sitting on the chair you usually sit on whenever there's a meeting or mission briefing. Glancing around, you try and find out what they're fighting about.
Security. Suits. Brief mention of Ultron. Rhodey busying himself with phones, probably making a lot of calls. Natasha and Clint talking among themselves, only raising their voice whenever they're included in the conversation which mainly consisted of Tony and Steve arguing.
"Suit up, get the jet ready." Steve dismisses but before he could walk out himself you raise your hand.
"Hey, sorry, I just woke up," you say sheepishly but coolly at the same time. "What happened, is everyone supposed to go? Can I read the file?" Because if this is an Avengers-level threat that required everyone, you'd want to know all about it.
His sharp and expression softens slightly when he looks at you. "No file, I'm afraid. Some of the compound's security protocols have been compromised, someone hacked in." He proceeds to tell you how they particularly had interest in Bruce and Tony's lab so the other rooms were untouched.
Apparently, they took blueprints and materials, maybe a handful of Tony's suits.
But if you think about it, those two carelessly letting the security to their lab loose? Highly unlikely...
You push the thought to the back of your mind and nod when Steve tells you to get ready. Stark tech can be dangerous in the wrong hands, after all. Let alone the Iron Man suits.
Fortunately, those things have trackers. Leaving you to wonder again why those idiots don't even try and take them off so they won't tracked?
Sat on the floor of the jet while everyone was strangely quiet but once again you didn't pay any mind, you sharpen a few of your knives. Natasha sat on a stool near you, idly picking her nails. An hour into the flight you furrow your brows and look around.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yes," Tony states quickly and a matter-of-factly. They all share glances before he continued. "It's the tension. Sorry. My fault."
"It's not your fault, Tony," Bruce starts.
"I'm sorry, to whom were those stolen suits again?" Steve speaks up as well and you could tell it's gonna be a full blown argument again.
"Now hold on just a second-" Tony faces the super soldier to counter.
You merely blink, not expecting a simple question to turn out like this. Clint just glances from the pilot's seat and Natasha almost cracks a smile by the look of your face. If only you knew it was all fake, all planned. But what does she know? You're a spy too, maybe you've figured out what they're up to and decided to play along.
Sad to say you're still oblivious. Maybe the fact that you only slept three hours last night is one case. You wanted nothing more than your bed right now.
Heck, not one of them wished you a happy birthday but you didn't notice at all.
Tuning out their bickering you sit down next to Natasha who's the only one not in the argument.
"I haven't seen Wanda all day," you say and she turns her head to face you. "Or Sam, or Bucky."
"Probably not back from their mission." Natasha answers promptly.
You frown at that. "Steve made this sound like an Avengers-level threat, and it is, shouldn't they be here?"
You don't wait for a response, opening up a globe-shaped hologram that shows where the jet, represented by a blinking dot. Your eyes slightly widen when you see the target location which is one of the places you've been dying to visit your whole life.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. You definitely didn't expect to visit it for the first time on a mission though.
Natasha clears her throat. "Hey, have you read the book I gave you?" She subtly closes the globe up when she catches your attention.
You shake your head bashfully. "You know I'm a slow reader. Give me two months then I'll come back to you." You laugh. Natasha smiles and tells you to take your time. "Have you read the book I gave you?"
"I loved it."
"I knew you would!" You say excitedly and the next few moments you discuss about the specific book. She's just glad you didn't ask any further questions about the location.
All of you split up once you reach the base but Rhodey and Bruce stay in the jet as backup. The place reminded you so much of the old Avengers tower, only with darker themes. You're paired with Clint who you follow to the side of the building, with surprisingly no cautiousness. He just... ran in, entrance deserted of guards.
You all had a digital, tech checklist to see what was stolen including all the suit names. So far you've searched two drawers now and still no sign of any agent or guard. But it's weird since the others are clearly doing their part on their floors. Thuds, footsteps and sometimes banging sounds could be heard all around.
“Finally," you mutter when you hear footsteps behind you, spinning around so suddenly to surprise your enemy and take him down with ease. You raise an eyebrow when they don't put up a fight at all.
Clint was in front of a computer when you peek in to one of the rooms but he waves you off. "I'll meet you on the next floor. This'll take a second."
"One suit on the roof!" you hear Steve grunt through your earpiece.
"Remember to remove the arc reactor, that'll shut them down for sure." Bruce reminds through everyone's comms.
You hear Tony let out a noise. "Might have a problem with that, Banner, they're all reprogrammed."
Expecting the man with seven Ph. D's to worry, it only took him a minute to respond back. "It's your tech. I don't believe they could do that completely especially having them for only twelve hours."
"In that case," Tony sighs. "There should be a kill switch under one of their reactors."
"Which one?" Natasha grunts.
The deafening silence from Tony's line explains it.
You fight your way though the thugs which again, don't put up a fight. Sometimes you throw one punch and they're out cold, leading you to believe the intense training Bucky insisted you do worked. The only tough ones were the Iron Man suits themselves.
Ripping out the arc reactors wasn't easy. You had to use all you force. On the second one you encounter it got the upper hand and blasts you through a wall, the impact sending sharp pain to your head and back.
You hear metal thumping of a suit so you get back up and attempt to get your hands on the Iron Man in front of you.
"Hey, hey. Same team. Look," Tony grips on your wrists and lifts his mask up. "You alright?"
“Yeah," you pant, relaxing a bit. "Yeah. One of them got m-"
"We just discovered a bomb, northwest," Clint says. By ‘we’ he means him and Natasha. The redhead speaks right after. “Two and a half minutes. How many suits left, Friday?”
"Only one more suit is fully functional."
You get out of Tony's hold and sprint up the stairs. "I got it."
He smiles to himself. The plan is all coming  to place.
As soon as you enter the room you dodge a blast from the much bulkier Mark XVI. Of course they'd want to make the stealth suit more powerful. You launch yourself towards it, stomping on an arm while trying to dodge blasts from the the other one.
"Y/N! Fifty seconds!" Steve shouts in your earpiece.
You could've just jumped out, leaving the compromised suits here to be blown up but being under pressure made you panic and set your only goal to find the switch.
The suit could still set off a blast from the arc reactor so you couldn't really get your hands on it without losing a freaking arm.
"Get out of there!”
But you didn’t have enough time. So you just curl into a ball against the wall, accepting your fate.
A pop did go off. Loud, but you didn't feel yourself torn into pieces right after. You also heard a bunch of aye’s and oh’s. Redwing whirs by to your head to drop off a birthday hat.
"Happy Birthday!”
Your eyes fly open. Turns out the only thing inside Mark XVI was confetti. Natasha walks over to you to inspect and make sure you're alright.
"What the hell?" Your eyes widen at her, then at everyone. Sam and Bucky were now standing with them, smiling at you amused.
"I think she's in shock.”
“You think?”
Steve glares at Tony with a hint of amusement. "I told you it would be too much."
"Trust me she prefers something like this instead of a big party. Don't you, Y/N?"
"What do you mean?" You take off the hat and clutch it between your hands, appreciating Natasha rubbing your back as you try to collect yourself. "How is none of this real?"
"We basically faked a mission for you." Rhodey says.
You look around all the rubble. "This building, the people, suits-"
"Bought the place," Tony states. "Hired stuntmen, did a few tweaks on the suits...”
"God, why would you do that?" You bury your face in your hands, not knowing if you should be laughing or crying. "I punched those guys!"
"They'll be fine, they signed up for it."
You gently get up and brush off some confetti off your knees.
"But back at the compound... you guys were yelling at each other and during the whole thing you all sounded serious," you point out. "Was that all part of the act?"
Especially when that 'bomb' was about to go off. Steve's panicked voice made you scared for your life, only to know that it was all fake.
They all show signs of agreement, laughing.
"We'd make such great actors." Natasha smirks.
"Alright, the cake isn't going to blow itself." Clint walks up to you with said cake and you meet him halfway.
Everyone gathers around and before they could inhale to sing the stupid song, you cut them off. "You all know I hate to be sung at. Can we just get this over with?"
They all burst out laughing, you giggle in the process, blowing out your candle. You all group hug right after. The laughter makes you miss the sound of faint thunder outside.
"Look who's late." Bruce points out.
"Yes, I got here as soon as I can, my apologies." Thor smiles sheepishly.
Your ears perk up at the all too familiar voice of the god of thunder. Moving everyone of the way, you leap to hug him. "Thor!"
"Happy birthday, dearest Y/N." He grins and pats you on the head. "I'm afraid my - I mean - our gift, is with Loki at the moment."
"Enough with the formality, I’m just glad you’re here.”
Peter rings up Tony to tell him everything's set up at the huge building they rented for your low-key party. Just the Avengers. Peter, Vision and Wanda were in charge of setting things up over there, from decorations and food. Sam and Bucky also helped a bit before they arrived at the fake base.
So you all get into the jet again, this time you look at the windows in awe to see what the city's like. You also asked a bunch of questions on how they pulled something stupid but unique fake mission like that.
Once you've reached your destination, the place was simple yet big enough to fit everyone. Tony really took notes for this year. You didn't like anything too fancy or elegant, and you didn't like huge-ass parties with hundreds of people you've never met before.
Here you're with your family eating, drinking booze and playing games, generally having a good time.
You give the other five Avengers big hugs. Vision's never usually a hugger but for you he made an exception just for today. Everyone was surprised when he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
"Hugging has a lot of good benefits," Vision says when he lets you go. "Astounding, I know. It is recommended eight times a day, hopefully you've already gotten that much."
You giggle at his remark and Wanda rolls her eyes playfully. “Thank you, Vision.”
“Splendid, that means I don’t have to give you one.”
You turn around to see the god of mischief himself carefully hand you a wrapped box. Loki chuckles when you smile at him. “Happiest Birthday.”
“Loki.... you know you and Thor didn’t have to-”
“Thor? That one’s from me. I assure you.”
“Y/N!” You hear Tony call from the other side of the room. “It’s time for presents, little miss. Good lord this looks like Christmas morning.”
unfortunatley i am that extra to post a birthday fic woo hoo
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summerdazed · 3 years
I would like to hear more horny on the sushi and bird men.
If you have the time and energy that is
Okay so I was just thinking about posting some of the stuff I wrote yesterday so this is perfect!
Warning I’m bad with names and these headcanons will contain trigging materials to some cause these fuckers are crazy
Okie so first up is the love of my life, 244
Something about 244 screams tease to me. I don’t know why but I could see him as the type to run his hand down your thigh a little too close to the place you’re just absolutely dying for his hands to touch
Let’s be real here, birdie is a busy man and y’all are gonna have quickies most of the time or you probably won’t be getting any dick for awhile
He doesn’t exactly strike me as someone that would have sex wide out in the open, I could see him having semi-public sex or maybe just in places you could almost definitely get caught
Oh! This is slightly indulgent but imagine getting caught and he just keeps drilling into you
Bird brain is also skilled with his hands. Probably not as much as Sushi but he definitely knows just what to do to make you scream his name
You have a collar with his name on it. That is all.
Again this is indulgent but wearing 244’s shirt after sex? Are you just asking for a round two? (Ngl that shirt looks mad luxurious and if you know that reference I’ll love for forever)
We can all agree that he’s rather private cause he kinda has to be. Because of that I don’t really see him allowing near his cool ass office that we see in the newer chapters, however, if you happen to pop in one day he’s pushing you against that big ass window and fucking you. Especially if your afraid of heights like that cause he likes the way you clench around him.
Really not that horny in comparison but I could see him buying you pretty clothes and lingerie regardless of sex. Now I can’t really say that he takes you on many date cause he’s busy but if you wanna make this typically calm man hot under the collar wear the clothes and lingerie out. You’ll definitely be getting dicked down that night. I don’t make the rules.
I would say he cares a little bit more about your pleasure than Sushi would but if you happen to piss him off or he’s feeling particularly irritating that night, he’s not gonna let you cum OR he’s ruining every orgasm you have
Depending on how long you’ve known him or what your connects are, you might, big on might, know his real name. I can’t imagine this man hears it a lot in his day to day life but if you happened to moan it in his ear while no one else is around? Let’s just say you’re going to be awfully sore the next day.
Overall, I see Birdie as a relatively fun yet interesting lover. He definitely takes the time to learn your body and see what makes you tick.
Then again I’m bias cause I would let this man do whatever he wants to me for a singular corn chip
Well Sushi (who’s name I still cannot remember to spell)
He’s an interesting case really. He either is with you cause it makes him look good or he actually likes you. Depending on the situation, how he treats you will be different.
If he is just with you cause you make him look good, well then your pleasure is completely thrown out the window. You might as well be a flesh light lmao
Now if he likes you to a certain extent, I still don’t see you pleasure as a priority sometimes but he’s going to make sure you scream his name till your throat is raw.
Idk if y’all know this or not but with certain knives you can just use the very tip to cut through things like butter. Especially if they’re sharp. And I know y’all are like “duh summer that’s the point of knives” but I’m specifically talking about thin bladed knives that are really, really sharp. Sushi has carved his name into you before.
Likes seeing tears streaming down your face. Will specifically make you wear something like mascara or whatever to accentuate it
Has let you cockwarm him during his little meeting things with his company. Doesn’t let you do it again cause 244 made a comment about it. (That perceptive bastard!) He totally was jealous of it.
I just know he’s extremely possessive. Maybe not breathing down your neck but he definitely knows where you are at all times.
Buys you whatever you want but everything comes with a price. If you want the newest game or whatever you may just have to get fucked senseless for it. Definitely takes you on shopping sprees and makes you pick out and outfit to be fucked in later
I’d say he’s already pretty rough but if you ask him to be rougher and really manhandle you? He almost loses it. You ain’t walking tomorrow. And you sure ain’t gonna be awake by the end of it
Tbh being Sharkie’s partner is definitely something else. You pretty much have the world at your fingertips yet it seems like you can only ever get anything by giving up your body to him. Deep down, I think he probably cares a lot but tbh he’s never been gentle in his life
Y’all might be surprised, or not, but for my bonus round I wanna talk about the ever darling Wangguk
I want to make it well known that this man has my heart and he’s absolutely a darling lover except for one thing
He has no experience. Hell, y’all saw him he has no game either. Definitely doesn’t really seem out dating for a long time. However if you wormed you way into his heart, he wouldn’t just shut you out.
Blushy when it comes to touching. Probably takes his time with foreplay cause he wants to make sure y’all both have a good time.
Learns your body like the back of his hand. Cheeks were bright red when you moaned out his name cause he mad you cum with just his fingers.
Probably doesn’t do anything with oral whether than be giving or receiving.
Honestly, after you get him to open up he’s the absolute sweetest.
Well, not perfect by not bad. Y’all obviously know who I think about a lot just because of the lengths of each one lmao. Never really thought the first few things I wrote on tumblr would be horny thoughts so yea. Hope y’all enjoy and please add on cause I’m curious about what y’all think too!
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unpretty · 3 years
astielle ch 28 spoiler ask dump~~
anonymous asked:
Tauril-form is puberty, because that's when his voice changes. Abysscale-form is college-age because that's when he goes to his first orgy.
anonymous asked:
You called Abysscale-form college-age (which does not preclude teenage sexscapades given the ages that go to college) and that tracks with how I think of Tauril-form as going through puberty (because of the voice-change). But if Tauril is the horny teenager that's kind of sad. Because as Minnow has pointed out many times That Dick Will Kill.
not each other, it won't!! although i imagine taurils sleeping with each other would have the bro-iest vibe. very bill and ted. taurils also have Options with people who aren't giant bull centaurs, it's just awkward is all. fortunately for everyone taurils are actually adults and are not full of hormones, they just have zero impulse control and when they like someone they want to impress them and spend time with them and it doesn't necessarily occur to them to get their dicks involved in the situation (karzarul's mind was elsewhere the first time he was a tauril)
anonymous asked:
When Violet said monsters make the best mercenaries and throw the best parties I didn't think about it, but the fact that all the impyrs came into being with swordsmanship skills equal to Lynette probably had something to do with the former. Even if ten isn't that many, THEY COME BACK. (Eventually. In, like, a month.) And the others probably learned from Lynette, even if they died. Lynette's unintentional teaching, back again.
they learned from the best murdering them repeatedly
anonymous asked:
When Ari is repopulating, and he skips Black Drakonis, he says "Makes sense." But he's surprised when Violet points out that Black Drakonis is missing, so it sounds like he at least had a theory/assumption at the time for why she was skipped, but it doesn't match with the new information.
he initially just assumed that black drakonis had managed to avoid being killed the whole time, which made sense because she's a big dragon and she can just fly away if someone is trying to murder her. but generally if a bigass monster is alive someone is going to see it, especially her, because she likes finding population centers to try to guard.
anonymous asked:
"It also occurred to him that trying to get Minnow to act like she lived in a society since they were young may have negatively impacted his sense of what constituted an acceptable thing to say to a person while his dick was out." Is just HILARIOUS.
anonymous asked:
Honestly I can relate to Leonas cause just last week I was like 'I keep falling asleep in class maybe I should develop a caffeine addiction' and one of my friends was like 'pls eat more food' so I started to actually have breakfast and an after work snack and I magically stopped falling asleep in class
anonymous asked:
Minnow's hips don't lie, but castle ruins are strangely deceptive.
everyone who wasn't following along when astielleblogging intersected with kink taxonomy hell is going to be so confused if/when minnow finally gets stuck somewhere
@9ofspades asked:
Ari is my favorite again and I want him to have actual eternity to be happy with his poly soulmate throuple together. And also his big monster family. Also I think he's wrong about what the core of the Heir and Hero are - both of them have, deep in the core of their souls, the fact that they are Monsterfuckers.
for the record i have a post in my drafts with all of your readalong asks and i still haven't decided what to do with them but i enjoyed them IMMENSELY
anonymous asked:
>looking for food >ask the cook if their food is earthy or wet >she doesn't understand >pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is earthy and what is wet >she laughs and says "it's good food sir" >buy some food >its wet
@ivylaughed asked:
I love the tumblr meme references in Astielle. The guards bringing their own knives; there being an infinite variety of brassica oleracea; the fucking chocolate guy. I'm half-waiting for a children's hospital/color theory reference. Thank you for the easter eggs.
i'm glad someone read 'chocolate birdhouse' and immediately thought THAT FUCKING CHOCOLATE GUY AGAIN ashjasd
anonymous asked:
I just wanted to say that as a plant nerd and forager I deeply appreciated Minnow's surprisingly accurate botany lesson.
unfortunately all the books that leonas gave minnow are still at her house and so she cannot cite sources for the existence of hemlock, queen anne's lace, and giant hogweed
anonymous asked:
“I think you overestimate people’s willingness to admit when things don’t make sense to them," lmao Minnow has a point
will the two men she is with learn from this and start admitting when they don't know things they think they should and are confused? absolutely not.
anonymous asked:
XD Ari hears "Kavid" and immediately attempts a strategic retreat.
anonymous asked:
“‘you should get dressed’ is a complete sentence.” Is making me laugh.
it's probably for the best because if he actually had known all three of them were out there it would have taken him like an hour to get ready and he would have had at least one breakdown about how none of his outfits were good enough and it was all nari's fault
anonymous asked:
Kavid: I will be happy to HAVE YOU ALL *lascivious eyebrow wiggle* at my earliest convenience.
anonymous asked:
"he gets smaller" "in this weather who doesn't?" KITTY PLZZZ
anonymous asked:
I can't decide whether I love or hate Kavid - I have a very Specific idea in mind for his voice, though I admittedly can't figure out where I'm pulling it from. He is an Excellent character though. Lovely chapter as always :D
anonymous asked:
Before, I was entertained by Kavid. Now I love him.
anonymous asked:
Kitty, Kraven and Kavid have similar speech patterns on purpose, right??? Right?????
i was honestly imagining some kind of nonsense faux-european what-country-is-this-even-from hollywood accent but imagining that he has sounded extremely russian this whole time is extremely funny
@rose-and-bones asked:
SHE HAS A TYPE aghfgstjs
minnow having a thing for obnoxiously pretty men who think they're great aka self-recognition through the other (horny)
@speakingintothevoid asked:
“You are,” Leonas said, “an egotistical, self-important fop.” “Ye-e-es,” Kavid said without shame. “She has a type, does Starlight.” I! LOVE!! IT!!! Makes me almost think of Violet and Karzarul - our point of view character being faced with a version of themselves who are more comfortable in their own skin and our boys not knowing why that annoys them
@keleviel asked:
I rescind my earlier mild disdain, Kavid is great. Is he actually The Greatest Of Bards, or is that just more showmanship?
he rocks about as hard as you can rock on a lyre, which is probably harder than you'd think (especially if you brought a lot of drummers) (which he does)
anonymous asked:
Jakshahshsh every time a new astielle chapter comes out i read it at least twice. Kavid i love you. Leonas i love you also you fucked up lil man. And karzarul the seat. And minnow the mischievous. and just. poor nari. existing in the same world as minnow and her all-powerful boyfriends and also kavid. nari needs a raise
she really does
anonymous asked:
Bruce in Office Meeting and Leonas grabbing the wine when Kavid starts talking about Imperials solidarity.
anonymous asked:
"You would like to compare notes?""Always." Brilliant. Leonas to a t. Loving this interlude with kavid. Snuggly tipsy leonas is a treat. kavids talk of how the weather makes all of us smaller had me cackling. Also this batshit imperial conspiracy is gr8
anonymous asked:
I am suddenly much less comfortable about Leonas performing medical experiments on Minnow, though no fault of his own. :(
@mooseman13579 asked:
Leonas finding out about the weird sun empire truther stuff: haha I'm in danger
the real unanswered question is how much of this is news and how much of it is stuff he already knew and assumed was normal
@thegayknee asked:
Holy shit this is it, isnt it. This is how they fix karzarul's reputation and expose Leland. With the power of Kavid
anonymous asked:
Karzarul's Questlog: "Work on our Image" updated, The Tale of Hollow Monsters delivered to bard.
anonymous asked:
just how many of her lovers is minnow going to recruit into her questing party
she should probably be swapping people out to keep their levels consistent but instead she just keeps karzarul and leonas as her companions for every single quest
@flying-butter asked:
"Details! I need details!" "The king sucks." This is every conversation with any of the trio. Minnow likely knows how to complete half of Ari's quests and Leonas the other half, but no one talks about anything without prompting.
minnow just assumes that everyone knows what she knows because she can't possibly be the brains of the operation and meanwhile karzarul and leonas are both busy having shame
anonymous asked:
i was so excited for the lore drop but the moment Leonas sat in Karzarul's lap my brain just shut off
@themaidenisdeath asked:
oh yes, as we all know, "all business" and "taciturn" are the first words that come to mind when we think of Minnow. It reminded me of when she met Karzarul and he told her she was particularly chatty for hero. Sorry Kavid, you're just neither a Sweet, Considerate Monster with a Dick of Steel And Tentacles To Match™ nor a Twink Prince With Silky Hair, Dom Tendencies And Weird Dietary Beliefs™
@halfdeadfriedrice asked:
"what Hero business?" / "I'm the Hero. All my business is Hero business." You tell em Minnow! And then it turns out to be Quest relevant after all; all business is Hero business Also kavid's last night's makeup and messy convertible couch covered in laundry with half-empty wine bottles on the floor is THEE most visually resonant, I feel like I am visiting a college friend
leonas got very lucky that there weren't any cigarette butts floating in that wine because in his mood he might have just drank it anyway
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comradekatara · 3 years
the gaang + how well they would do on the infinity train?
this is suuuper hard because there are so many factors to take into consideration. first is obviously the train itself. the train's function in a metanarrative sense is to serve as a vehicle for storytelling, dissecting & deconstructing the process of a narrative and how a character's arc is propelled by their circumstances. the train supposedly functions to improve its passengers, and yet we also know that The Train is a deeply flawed mechanism that can corrupt and further traumatize its passengers just as much as it can "fix" them. when the train invites you in with the single-minded goal of getting your number to zero, assuming you ever disembark, you're probably gonna be left with even more trauma than when you arrived, or at the very least, weirder trauma.
grace wanted to be seen, but instead of learning to value herself for her own intrinsic worth instead of relying on validation from those around her, she was enabled by that validation and literally started a cult. likewise, since jet is basically a less heinous version of simon, i see him taking a similar path to the apex (though he would of course name them the freedom fighters) trying to overthrow the tyrannical one-one and reinstate the True Conductor. he would think his path is righteous. he would think he is protecting those kids from evil. who knows what would happen once he learns the truth.
then there is the matter of what the train wants from you. the train arrives at a pivotal moment in one's life, when they are at an emotional crossroads and need a catalyst for growth. for example, jesse's problem was relatively small (because he is perfect) but hurting his brother caused him emotional turmoil nonetheless, so the train stepped in. this means that to answer this question properly, i would have to answer not only when the train arrives for them, but why, and seeing that every single atla character carries massive amounts of baggage (most of it flavors of trauma that infinity train has not addressed), this proves extremely difficult. i have to identify the most narratively satisfying moment in each character's lives to have the train arrive, and then i have to make assumptions about which cars would propel them which way (emotionally). you're asking me to outline nine different fanfictions.
only jet's character feels similar enough to any of the characters we've seen in infinity train for me to even have an inkling as to what path he would take. while sokka and tulip are quite similar as people (rational, scientific yet creative thinkers who over-rely on logic over feeling, are deeply loyal, and instinctually blame themselves for the problems caused by others), their character arcs themselves have little in common. both aang and hazel experience a tragic loss of pure, childhood innocence (which is why i cry over both of them every day), but in relatively dissimilar ways (at least appa gets to return to aang). min-gi and zuko are both pressured by their upbringings to conform to a standard that makes them miserable to please their parents, only to ultimately embrace their own passion & truth... but not only do those arcs play out completely differently, zuko and min-gi are completely different people, and if anything, zuko's approach to life is far more like ryan's (ie, jumping off a cliff and hoping he lands on his feet).
but what i think you're really asking, at the end of the day, is how emotionally mature, self-aware, and capable of positive growth is each atla character? because how am i supposed to know what the train would do to their psyches, considering each external situation would shape them differently, and unless i'm supposed to meticulously craft fanfiction for each one of them (which i wouldn't be opposed to doing, but only for one character, i simply cannot do all nine – also, i'm surprised infinity train AUs aren't more common, but then again i'm not particularly familiar with fanficition, so maybe it is!), it would only be an approximation, in which i identify their core problem (which again, is not how real people work, or even how atla characters work, but how The Train works) and then analyze how long it would take for each of them to solve said problem.
so, that was a very long-winded preface. without further ado:
aang's main problem is that he keeps running away from his problems, which is to say, distracting himself from the enormity of his grief. personally, i would say his coping mechanism isn't the worst. after all, he experiences so much world-shattering pain in such a short span of time, and he does deserve to preserve his childhood and his innocence for as long as possible. but, for the purposes of the narrative, the train must necessarily disagree. he must confront his grief head-on, without distracting himself from it or flying into a destructive rage that he'd only regret later. it also depends on who his companions are. with katara by his side, he can get through anything (and vice versa), but it's unclear who will be there to guide him through his pain. that said, i know he'd make it through okay. he's aang. he has to.
katara lives in a fairytale. like i said with aang, that's not really a bad thing. she's a great kid with big dreams and a big heart. she wants to save the world, and – guess what! – she does. but living in a storybook strips one's worldview of the nuances of life, not simply the harsh realities of the world, but also the full extent of one's personhood, outside of simply the black and white worldview of heroes and villains. katara's apotheosis is when she confronts yon rha, looks him in the eyes, and sees a human being staring back at her, another human being. she is no longer in a revenge tale. she is out of stories to tell herself. (life doesn't make narrative sense.) ironically, the train is a metaphor for storytelling, so katara coming to realize that she isn't in a story would both be confusingly meta and also fucking brilliant (if i do say so, personally). i don't know how exactly it would play out, but by god i would pay to see it.
in many ways, sokka is remarkably open-minded, and in many ways, sokka is extremely stubborn. i think he'd come to terms with his own emotional growth (which would be rooted in learning his own self-worth) faster than he'd come to terms with the train itself. "okay, fine, yeah, i deserve love regardless of what i can do for other people, but WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?!?!?" his journey through the train is actually everyone else's dream experience on the train. passengers and denizens alike keep falling in love with him (or at the very least, admiring him more than they've ever admired anyone they've ever met), but he doesn't even notice because he's too busy being extremely suspicious of everything he comes into contact with. yes, he'll solve your problems and puzzles and help people and make meaningful connections and eventually he might start to realize that he is worth something even when he's alone, even (especially) when he's being unconventional or "weird" or "selfish." but even once he does get his door, does he walk through it? oh no, he takes it apart and tries to figure out how it just created a fucking portal. so while he would technically "do" quite well, he is never leaving that fucking train. rip sokka.
well, toph needs to learn to accept and embrace her own vulnerability. she definitely goes through that same crystal karaoke car tulip did. that, or the train just tortures her by putting her in increasingly more painful situations in which she must ask for help. but that's too awful to even think about, so i'm just gonna say she has to sing karaoke.
zuko needs to learn to trust his instincts and his own internal moral compass instead of the external pressures being forced upon him by his Father (capital F to emphasize that his nation & his father – aka the patriarchy – are one & the same for him, lmao). and he would fail. a lot. but eventually he would realize that his number goes down when he lets himself be himself, and he would leave the train happy. he probably also gets a bunch of cute little talking animal companions to guide him through. he deserves it.
the train appears to suki while she's having a breakdown in solitary confinement at the boiling rock. she finds healthy ways to cope with being put through hell while on the train, and by the time she gets off, she's being let out of solitary. it is a very rewarding experience, and one that she can swear wasn't just some hallucination. she's constantly telling herself yes, of course it was just a hallucination.... but still... it felt so real....
if i had to diagnose azula with one singular problem that plagues her at the core of her very being, it would have to be her fear of rejection. but it's not good enough to just keep having train cars reject azula, she has to accept that rejection, instead of just intimidating people into submission after the fact. she needs to understand why she is being rejected, and be fine with it, and learn from it, instead of letting her lack of universal perfection in every area anyone could ever excel in shake her to her very core. when ty lee proved that she secured the affections of dumb stupid boys better than azula ever could, she did an arson to cope (which of course is still very valid of her uwu). azula needs to learn to come in second place, third place, even last place, and shrug it off, think to herself, "hopefully i'll do better next time, and if not, that's okay also," and once that happens, everything else will fall into place. though maybe she could read bell hooks or smth at some point on the train cuz i think that could help too.
mai needs to stop being so goddamn depressed all the time. has she tried lexapro, or perhaps using a lightbox in winter? her favorite coping mechanism, knives, only helps her feel something some of the time, but most (if not all) of the time she's still being expected to play a part. has she tried, like, being herself? i heard from zuko (you know, the guy? from the train?) that "being yourself" works wonders. so the train gives her that opportunity. and she actually even enjoys herself for once in her miserable fucking life.
omg there must've been some sort of mistake ty lee was totally sent here by accident because she's actually super happy all the time and doesn't have any problems!!!!!!!! jk, can u even imagine? ty lee hates her life too, she just doesn't go around advertising it like mai does with her big dyke boots and depressing eyeliner. but apparently she also needs to learn how to "be herself," whatever that means. as if life isn't a constant performance, you know, like jacques said or whatever. she sees mai on the train. she rolls her big beautiful brown eyes. "oh god, not you too."
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Hewo! I saw that your requests are open and I really love your “hq boys calling their s/o clingy” series and I was wondering if you could do one with Akaashi, Tendou and Kenma? You don’t have to if you don’t want to! Bye and I hope you have a great day!
HQ Boys Calling Their S/O Clingy Pt. 4
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Character(s) Included: Akaashi, Tendō, & Kenma
Warning(s): Foul Language (Cursing), Tendō grabbed your wrist hard.
A/N: Okay, so here goes pt 4! I’m sorry it took so long! I have a bunch of projects to do this week so I’m trying to finish them. To the author of this request, I’m so glad you enjoyed my series! Also, don’t worry about it, I’m glad to do it! Reblogs, follows, and likes are greatly appreciated! If you wanna rp please contact me! This might be the last part but the next series will be out soon! [hq boys thinking you left them after an argument!] If you have any requests please read my rules first! For my final notes, please if you just wanna chat and stuff my anon is on, character anons would be fun just to talk to, or emoji anons so you can stay hidden but I know that it is the same person lmao!
Song of the day: We Are The Crystal Gems - Steven Universe [btw I cried twice this week and both times this song made me stop soo perfect song to listen to!]
Where to find all the parts
Where to find all my content
Credit: @/teesumu
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He was doing his work when you came up to him. He was tired and you could tell so you tried your best not to annoy him, but you saw him less and less so you felt lonely. Needing comfort you went to him.
“Baby.. are you almost rea-” he cuts you off before you can finish.
“Y/n not right now please..” He mumbled typing.
“Sorry I just wanted to know when we will be heading out for the date..?” You mumble.
“Can’t do today sorry,” he continued to type away.
“But you bailed for the last two week.. and you promised,” you whine softly.
“Stop acting like a child, please I need to finish my work. I can’t do today and I couldn’t do the last two weeks, get over it.” He hummed as he pressed enter crossing something off of this list of things.
“Can we cuddle for a bit then..?” You whispers
“Y/n are you just trying to be the most fucking clingy person in the world?” He finally looks up. “I don’t need you to go all childish with me right now, okay?” He started to raise his voice. “Your not that fucking important to be honest. You do nothing, you’re always at home whining or clinging or bothering me! I have to make the fucking money because your ‘job’ isn’t paying much.” He turned away.
You walk out closing the door crying softly. You call up Bokuto and his partner wondering if they want to hang out.
When you get to the restaurant they are there and you change how many people sitting down you guys laugh and just hang out in general. You’re extremely happy and they can see it, everyone can. Maybe it is because the relationship your in doesn’t really feel like a relationship..
“Okay well talk to you later..” you smile as you head to your car.
When you got home it was late. You rush in worried you’ll wake him so you head to the spare room. About twenty minutes later.
“Y..y/n?” He sniffles.
You pretend to be asleep as he walks in tears are flowing downs his cheeks as he takes in a deep breath of relief. He sits on the bed and just holds you for a minute. “Thank god your back... I’m sorry.. I know you’re asleep but I’m sorry.. I fucked up and you are not clingy and I missed you and I shouldn’t have said that. I was annoyed and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He lays down next to you sniffing softly.
“Keiji... it is okay don’t worry,” you mumble softly like you might have just woke up. You wrap your arms around him tightly combing through his hair comforting him. “It will be okay I got you.. you can sleep now I got you..”
“Y..y/n I thought you left for good I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that I am sorry I am sorry...” he continues to whisper clutching onto your clothes, “I yelled at you for no reason and when I went to say sorry you were gone and..”
You kiss his cheek, “relax baby it will be okay..”
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When you walked in, Tendō was already making jokes about you. You were just there to surprise him but, maybe you were being way too sensitive or maybe he was being oddly mean. Then he said it.. the one fucking thing your extremely insecure about, “ no seriously,” he laughed a bit before continuing, “she never fucking let’s go of me. She is amazingly clingy, like lice when you have them there are only two ways to get them out. Pull them out which takes hours, or just shave your head.” He laughed with his team.
Your eyes filled with tears.. you muttered under your breath, “I’m sorry..” before leaving. He didn’t know you were there and quite frankly you didn’t wanna be there anymore.
When he got home you were already packing. “Hey baby..?” He called out. No response. Walking over he saw tears in your eyes while you packed more of your stuff. “Where are you going, my paradise?”
You laugh to yourself, trying to fill the scar that he left. You were more then just fucking lice you were his fucking partner. “I think..” you mumble not strong enough to say if you get up. “My stuff will be out by tomorrow. I just need to call a few people and pack a few more things before I leave. If you don’t mind.. I’ll stay on the couch you won’t have to worry.” You mumble before getting up.
“Wait what?” He follows you as you go to the next room. “Why are you leaving?” You start to pack more. He grabbed your wrist. Hard. Then freezes when he sees the pure fear in your eyes. “Fuck. I’m sorry” he lets you go, you look away now crying again. “Y/n.. I’m sorry please look at me.”
You look over, “mhm..?” Your voice is shaky, you have your legs and arms closer to you then usual. You seem.. uncomfortable.. scared like you are too worried about something.
“Hey baby..” he slowly looked down at the box. “Can you tell me what you’re doing?” He bit his lip.
“Moving.” You answer before leaving.
The night was cold without you by his side. He tried to think about what he might have done or why you were hurt but every time he tried to think about it.. he felt terrible.
When the morning can you were already packing, he had tears in his eyes as he walked over.. “please don’t leave me.. I’m sorry.. please,” he whispered looking at your back.
You snap.. “your sorry? You don’t even fucking remember yesterday do you! Seriously, how much do you say shit about me, that you can’t remember laughing to your colleagues about how much I cling to you? YOU RELATED ME TO FUCKING LICE! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU NOW COME BACK AND SAY HOW MUCH YOU WANT ME TO STAY.” You took a deep breath wiping your tears.
“What..?” He looked shocked.
“Oh now you want to play dumb?” You wiped your tears, “I’m smarter than you think..”
“I’m so sorry.. please let’s just talk..?” He whispered
“Talk? Talk?! You wanna talk now?” You looked at him, “isn’t that what we are doing? But soon I’m leaving so I guess we got to wrap this up.”
“I was stupid. I am stupid. I am an ass. I wanted to be part of their stupid group, and I thought that would get me in. They were all talking about how annoying their partners and I thought that I could be part of something. But you heard and fucked everything up. I am stupid and dumb and I hurt you and I shouldn’t have. Now I’m the idiot crying for you back when I fucked up. I could’ve just shut up I could of just stay in my own area but I fuck it up. I always fuck it up. You’re not clingy and I feel disgusted that I referred to you as lice, not to mention call you that. It shouldn’t have happened and I’m sorry..” He was crying hard.
“W..we can talk about this I think... just for now let’s lay down..” you held him carrying his to your room. He looked like a mess. You held him tight.
“Y/n... I love you..” he mumbled holding on tight, hopeful that you might say it back.
“I love you too, Tendō..” you whisper, kissing his head.
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“Hey baby it is getting late be you should get ready for bed..” you smile walking in noticing he is on a livestream.
“Can you stop bugging me?” Kenma mumbled a bit. “FUCK ON MY LEFT! MY LEFT!” He screamed. He hit his head. Turning towards you, annoyed.
“I’m sorry..” you mumble.
“No, no it is always okay when you come into my room when I’m doing something! I mean really it is okay to not listen and fuck up so much,” he said sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean too.. I just thought you should sleep..” he mumbled.
You leave the room crying making your way to the guest bedroom.
An hour or two later he had come out of his gaming room tired and ready to snuggle with you. “Babe..?” He looked around.
You were asleep in the other room so when he came in he was relieved to find you there. He tapped your shoulder softly, “babe..?” He mumbled.
You moved over letting him in. Falling asleep with his arms around you.
In the morning you wake up first to make breakfast for yourself and when he comes out he sees you cleaning clearly you had just finished a meal. “Morning..” he mumbled. No reply.
You walk past him with no reply, and you do that all day. Ignoring him and not responding. Finally he had enough. “Y/n.. please stop ignoring me..”
You ignore him then you hear soft sniffles. Turning around you see him crying. “What? Can we talk later?”
“But I wanna hang out please..” he mumbled.
“Can you do something useful and just stop being stop fucking clingy?” You reply, words hurting like knives.
Finally he realizes, “I’m sorry.. I was playing and my teammate wasn’t doing anything and then you came in, and I took it out on you when I shouldn’t have.” He looked up. “You are the best thing that has happened to me and I shouldn’t treat you like that..” he sniffs.
“Come here..” you open up the blanket him gliding in. You hold him softly rubbing his back. “You can’t do that to me.. I was just trying to help and it isn’t fair to me.. so please don’t, okay..? You weren’t on mute and everyone heard you yelling at me, and that is just embarrassing for me. To be ridiculed in front of everyone. I felt like you didn’t want me, okay? So please don’t do that, and I’m sorry for not checking before coming in. I should’ve not bugged you when you were playing.”
“Okay.. I’m sorry and I won’t ever do that again.. I love you..” he mumbled softly.
“I love you to babe..” you rub his back slowly he stops crying and falls asleep, and you follow after.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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spencersawkward · 3 years
not to go full fluff central but omg can you write a one shot about matthew hanging out with his kids?? i see him as a girl dad and he would 100% play dress up with them and they would be wrapped around his finger and itd be so sweet it could cause cavities lmao i just want that man to have children so bad
ugh yes i want him to have kids so bad and YES he 100% is a girl dad i definitely agree. this was super interesting to write tbh bc i did it from his perspective but i'm glad i did and i'm glad you asked for it bc we love a saccharine one-shot! also i'm so bad at names for characters i'm sorry lol.
summary: Matthew has a day off with his two daughters!
content warnings: none! literally just fluffy fluff with a side of fluff.
word count: 2.1k
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when Matthew wakes up to the press of a crayon on his forearm, he nearly startles. his head jerks up to see his daughter, Juniper, trying to draw on him. her hair is neatly braided and the other side of the bed is empty, indicating that his wife has already gotten up.
"good morning, sweetpea." he says to Juniper with a tired smile, wincing when she tries in vain to draw on him. wax on skin doesn't work that way.
"it isn't working, Dad." she pouts. she throws the purple crayon onto the bed and stares at him. she's got dark lashes framing huge, beautiful eyes, and a gap between her front teeth. she pried out the baby tooth a week ago-- seven years old and already determined to take it out herself-- and has been showing it around the house like a trophy.
"maybe we can try with markers after I get up." he suggests. she peers at him with an impatient expression.
"fine." although the word is venomous, she crawls up the bed until she's tucked beneath his arm and he kisses the top of her head. Matthew smiles to himself as he holds her, happy to have the whole day to spend with his kids. he hasn't had a day off in forever.
"should we make breakfast for you and your sister?" he asks cheerfully.
"yes!" she leaps up to stand on the bed, jumps around a little bit on the cushy mattress. "come on!"
"okay, okay," he chuckles, throwing off the covers. "let me brush my teeth first, sweetheart."
"I'm coming with." Juniper is insistent as she follows him. he takes out his toothbrush and toothpaste while she paws through her mother's makeup drawers and skincare. she grabs a bottle of perfume and examines it carefully. "what is this?"
"let's be careful with that." Matthew turns from the mirror, where he can see the rat's nest of hair on his head while he brushes his teeth, and gently puts the glass bottle back on the counter. Juniper crosses her arms.
"what is it?" she repeats. her father finishes up, then lifts her into his arms like she's a sack of potatoes.
"it's your mom's favorite smell." he clarifies. after kissing her little cheek, he walks into the kitchen with Juniper's arms wrapped around his neck. she clings to him like he is everything in the world, and he realizes that this is one of his favorite parts of the day. whenever he holds his daughters, he feels the kind of joy that simply can't be replicated. his heart overflows for them.  
"morning, sleepyhead." Y/N looks up from the counter, where she's biting into a piece of toast and talking excitedly to their other child, Autumn. Matthew grins at the sight of her, so beautiful when she's laughing with her daughter.
"morning." he's smitten.
"I have to go in a minute, but I figured you'd be able to handle a day with them?" she comes over to him and kisses his lips, saying the last part softly. Juniper leans her head on her father's chest, staring at her mother with those enormous eyes.
"with these two devils?" Matthew nods to the girls. "of course."
Y/N shakes her head with a laugh and gives each of her daughter's foreheads before grabbing her purse.
"bye, Mama!" Juniper and Autumn say in unison.
"bye, my angels. I love you very much." she smiles warmly, ruffling Autumn's silky curls before touching Matthew's arm tenderly and heading out of the kitchen. he watches her go, waits for the sound of the lock clicking into place, before he looks conspiratorially between the remaining household.
"who wants pancakes?" he smirks. their ensuing squeals are affirmation enough.  
"Dad, can I show you my ballet tutu?" Autumn surprises Matthew by grabbing onto his leg while he's making pancakes. Juniper is standing on a stool beside him, watching and helping to flip the flapjacks.
"nobody wants to see that, Autumn." Juniper scowls impatiently at her younger sister. Matthew turns to his little one and smiles.
"I would love to see your new tutu, sweetheart." he says. Autumn gives the other girl a triumphant look before running off to her room. when Matthew looks at Juniper, she blushes. "be nicer to your sister, Juni." he says gently.
the little scolded creature crosses her arms over her chest and turns her gaze to the pancakes. she knows she's not supposed to be mean, but sometimes Autumn is just so annoying. Matthew can't even pretend to stay mad for long, however, and offers the spatula to her.
"do you wanna flip it?" he smiles.
"yep!" Juniper quickly slides the utensil under the pancake, her father's hand guiding hers to make sure she doesn't accidentally burn herself. she's a smart girl, but she's inherited his lack of coordination (and his nose). they giggle together at the sound of the batter slapping the pan.
"dad, look!" Autumn tugs on the leg of his pants and he glances down to see her wearing a bright pink tutu over her leggings. his jaw drops open in wonderment, tinged with a smile.
"oh my goodness!" he gasps, hoisting her into his arms and burying his face in her curls. "you look just like a princess!"
she giggles. Matthew turns off the stove for a moment to spin her around in his arms before setting her down again and crouching to look at her. "can we see your dance routine after breakfast?"
Autumn nods shyly. he holds her tiny hand in his and kisses the back of it before standing back up. Juniper waits for him on her stool. they get back to cooking, both girls chatting about anything and everything while their father listens intently.
once they set the plates out on the table, Juniper volunteers to distribute forks and knives, and soon they've got a whole spread of golden brown pancakes, whipped cream, and fruit. they heap their dishes with food. the girls have a tendency to take more than they can actually eat, but that's okay. he loves the look of excitement in their eyes when they drizzle syrup over everything.
"nice job, kiddos." he nods, impressed, like they've made the whole meal themselves. both siblings grin back at him proudly. "let's dig in!"
he's hungry. Matthew cracks a couple jokes while they eat, pokes Autumn's stomach when she gets full halfway through her third pancake, and then both he and Juniper watch her do her ballet routine for them. she spins, twirls, smiles as she finishes the dance by throwing both arms into the air like she's won an Olympic gold medal. in his eyes, she has.
even Juniper is supportive and claps with a smile at her sister's achievement. although she teases and can be a bit too harsh with her younger sibling at times, the truth is that she's proud of her. it's evident in the way they play together in the summer, running around beneath the sun while Matthew and his wife sip on glasses of iced tea.  
"brava!" he cheers when she skips back to her seat at the table. "a royal performance!"
"dad, can we have more whipped cream?" Juniper eyes the canister on the table with hungry eyes. he mulls this over for a second, enamored with the fact that she is so clearly his daughter. down to her features and mannerisms, her tendency to crawl onto the couch and watch the scary movies with him that she probably shouldn't be watching at her age. Autumn looks more like her mother, sweet and optimistic. a dreamy expression on her face.
he grabs the canister from the middle of the spread and pops the cap off the top.
"only if you don't tell your mother." he laughs. Juniper shakes her head vehemently like a half promise and opens her mouth as he puts a pile of whipped cream in it. he does it to Autumn next, then himself. they lean back in their chairs, rubbing their bellies with satisfaction.
"yummy." Juniper grins.
"whipped cream is the best topping in the world," Matthew says matter-of-factly, passing down a pearl of knowledge that will stay with them forever. "don't ever let anyone tell you different."
the three of them clean the dishes together, blowing suds all over the room while they listen to Sam Cooke and dance. the house rings with their laughter and the sounds of feet hitting the ground in rhythmic elation, the kitchen their personal concert hall.
if he could only bestow a few life lessons on them, one of them would be the importance of listening to old music.
Matthew wishes that he could spend all his days with them, making breakfast and hearing their crazy ideas. the world is so full and open to them, he sometimes finds himself thinking about how they're going to conquer it. they've got a grittiness to them that they could only get from their mother-- an absolute sureness that stiffens their little spines-- and an imagination that could fill books with stories. he wants to paint for them, do everything for them.
but for today, they head to Autumn's room and play dress-up with the enormous chest of costumes by her bed. should he work on not spoiling her so much? maybe. he doesn't care. she's absolutely adorable when she hauls out princess dresses, doctors' jackets and stethoscopes, other disguises. he thinks she's going to be an actress; she loves to take on different jobs and throw herself into them, walking around the house ordering that her next patient be brought in or for someone to prepare her microscope. her mind is full of ideas.
Juniper pretends to be disinterested in dressing up, but she gives up the act once Autumn hands her a tiara to wear and pours her imaginary tea.
"what flavor is this?" Matthew takes a sip from his miniature cup, fanning his mouth like it's hot. "it's divine."
"it's normal tea, you cuckoo bird." Autumn giggles. she sets the teapot down on the plastic table.
"I'm a cuckoo bird?" he pretends to be offended. "you're a cuckoo bird!"
"no I'm not!" Autumn protests, but Matthew is already wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his lap. he tickles her sides.
"you're the cuckoo bird!" he repeats through her fits of laughter. she squeals and kicks with joy until he sets her back on her feet.
"your hair is crazy." Juniper scolds. Matthew sighs and runs a hand through the unruly curls. they always tease him about it, and somehow it never gets old.
"probably because this one messed it up with her claws." he pokes Autumn's side and he suppresses a gleeful smile.
"Dad, you need a tiara, too." Juniper points to the empty spot on his head. "Autumn, get him one."
the younger sister looks like she's going to defy her sister's bossy demand, but decides against it and runs off to grab another bejeweled piece to place on her father's head. it's comical, the way the tiny thing sits.
"thank you, sweetpea." he smiles at his youngest, pinching her cheek before glancing between the two of them seriously. "how do I look?"
"silly." Juniper giggles. she straightens it out on his head and he wrinkles his nose.
"hey! boys can wear tiaras, too," he defends with mock attitude. "now, can I have more tea, please? I finished mine already."
"of course." Autumn stands diplomatically and pours him a new cup while they pretend to snack on baked goods. Matthew tells them about the new movie he's directing, dipping into his storyteller voice and wiggling his fingers with every mention of a spooky plot point. the girls sit at rapt attention, hanging on his every word, despite the fact that he's got a miniature tiara on his head.
they adore him, and every second he's there, they revel in it. they love their mother, too, of course. but days with their dad are just... different. he lets them eat whipped cream by themselves and tells them stories, kisses their foreheads and dances in the kitchen with them. they always have fun together, no matter how dreary the day is. and those feelings won't change as they get older; he's their rock, their security. he always will be.
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kumonokyojin · 3 years
Juju Talk Episode 1 Highlights
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My favorite parts from the first episode of JJK’s podcast, Juju Talk! Enoki Junya (Itadori’s VA) and Uchida Yuuma (Fushiguro’s VA) are such a fun pair to listen to, haha! I figured I’d post this since Yuuma will be back again as a guest for the upcoming episode.
Episode intro: Itadori tells Fushiguro pets aren’t allowed in the studio - Megumi’s response? “DIVINE DOGS AREN’T PETS!” haha
Both Junya and Yuuma complain about how difficult it is to say “jujutsu”, “jujutsushi”, and other related words - they get nervous (doki doki) every time they have to say “Jujutsu Kaisen” (lol)
They both find Itadori amazing for having swallowed Sukuna’s finger, Yuuma remarked that it reminded him of how magicians would swallow knives as a magic trick
Junya said at first glance Itadori seems like a straightforward and simple character, but even now there’s still parts of him he doesn’t understand or actions he took that were surprising
For example, he had the most difficulty during the scene where Itadori realizes how weak he is and admits he doesn’t want to die against the special grade in episode four, his initial plan was more of a yelling tone and acting pained but the direction asked for him to calm down during his monologue so it took a little time to adjust his state of mind (lol)
Yuuma found Fushiguro actually a little bit easier to understand than Itadori - he’s a logical character who has lived his life by weighing and making decisions, a person who spends a lot of time thinking
He adds that Fushiguro has his own “defense plan” to protect his heart (awww)
Even though he looks like a cool and level-headed character and the opposite of Itadori, Yuuma saw Fushiguro as a strongly emotional character from the very beginning with his request to save Itadori, based off Fushiguro’s declaration that it was his personal feelings - he saves the people he wants to save
Junya thought that actually, on the contrary, Fushiguro is the more emotional one compared to Itadori
Both found it notable that the main characters Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki had so much time away from each other (nine episodes!) during the first cour - the VAs didn’t meet together much in the studio
Yuuma guessed that regarding Fushiguro’s reaction to Itadori’s “surprise” return, probably his first thought was just “Hah?” and trying to process the fact Itadori was alive before any feelings of happiness haha
Junya noted how Fushiguro was the first one to notice a change in Itadori after his return and thinks that not just Fushiguro, but Itadori and Kugisaki are really good at sensing and reading each others’ hearts and emotions
Both Junya and Yuuma are in consensus that they don’t understand Gojou at all (LMAO)
Junya said the recording studio was dangerous because of so many JJK-related snacks and refreshments like Kikufuku Mochi, collab Puccho, and free Home Run Bar ice cream (they want JJK to do a collab someday with the baseball ice cream haha)
Q&A time!
When asked what kind of jujutsushi he would be, Yuuma said he always wanted to fly but maybe not like Momo, perhaps transforming into Nue? But then they both agree it wouldn’t be very JJK-like nor shikigami-like haha
Junya would want to be a jugonshi like Toge so he could become the strongest VA ever and pass auditions and do one-takes easily, but then worried about the potential heavy repercussions so he said he would just use it only for important work haha
Junya and Yuuma were asked from when or what kind of situation do they personally emit negative emotions (so that they become curses like JJK)
Junya said it’s when he’s hungry (LOL) - when he was little, his older brother would often steal his food and those were the only times he’d get really pissed haha
Yuuma says it’s when he gets personally frustrated with himself when he forgets things or his abilities don’t match up to what he wants, like today (the day of the recording), he forgot lost his key to his home and called his landlord right before the podcast recording (omg)
When asked if Junya and Yuuma read the original source material to prepare for the audition, they both agree that anime and manga are very different mediums and that factors in when portraying a character’s current state of mind
Yuuma said he tries not to read too much ahead of any source manga (just one or two volumes) when recording for an anime because it limits and ties down his approach to a character, making it difficult to change later
Junya agreed that he also does his best not to take a lot from the manga into the anime, such as adding things when they shouldn’t be added
He also claimed he has precognition when it comes to predicting whether he passes or fails auditions right haha
He said for JJK he wasn’t certain but he was 50% sure like how weather forecasts do it
Yuuma’s reaction: “Eh? Don’t just say noncommittal things like that!” (LOL)
It’s so interesting because I find Enojun’s personality (so chill) similar to Fushiguro while Yuuma’s is much more like Itadori’s (the boke vibe he gives off is hilarious). It really does make me appreciate both VA’s ranges when acting.
Anyway, I’m excited to listen to what they’ll talk about next week, especially regarding the upcoming episode! If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Hopefully, I’ll have the time to do a translation for another interview with these two soon.
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 rewatch: 4x14
Going to try to do another rewatch before my family wakes up. We have a lot to do today and there is a dark cloud over the house after loaing our cat this week. Here's hoping i can get through one of my favorite episodes before they get up.
Surrera is so cute here and the whole food thing, like girl where is our payoff on this baby that was so clearly teased. Or is there another medical condition that could be blamed on her excessive eating.
Im so glad maya and andy are friends again. I loge their friendship.
I'm glad andy acknowledges that getting married doesnt fix things; but i worry that if maya and carina hit a rough patch, andy will remind maya of this conversation or use her own issues with sullivan and their marriage as an i told you so.
Danielle is beautiful but does anyone else think she lost weight, random question but just looking at her in her uniform there she seems smaller and it worries me. Didnt really notice last time i watched this episode but am i alone in this.
Oh carina baby you so dont want to go. I just want to hug you.
Jack is so cute, he deserves a family so much but i really do fear he'll be killed off.
Im surprised ben reached out to Sullivan instead of dean.
I love this outfit on maya. Carina your girl is flirting with you and thinking of happier times, engage with her.
I love that maya opens up with carina about her dad and the protests and the happenings in the world with him. It shows so much growth and im here for it. Also anyone else annoyed that one carina answered gabriella's phone call when maya is opening up to her and two that she didnt turn it off for their last few hours together.
The look of like disappointment/devestation on maya's face when carina answers the call and walks away from her is too much hurt.
So sad that bailey isnt there and that ben is alone for even a second of this.
I'm glad andy and sullivan came to be there with ben. Like i get why they wanted andy but im sad after ben and Dean's episode dean wasnt there.
Oh jack, i dont even know what to say besides oh jack lol.
The drama with trash girl is too much lmao. I know its important for jack/inara but its just too much.
Carina packing up her knives being a trigger for maya like she's leaving forever is heartbreaking.
Carina snapping at maya hurts, dont be mean to baby. Also the kitchen sign is totally carina's doing and though she hadnt confided in maya yet that she is her home its a dead giveaway.
I really need screen grabs of the changing words on the sign.
The kids talk, the coming out talk and the marriage talk are all things that should not be done while packing or doing anything else.
Wait it totally sounded like she said "it felt pregnant" lmao or i just have babies on the brain.
Now carina being flirty and maya not reciprocating.
Maya you shouldve pushed the marriage talk now if it was what you really wanted. Instead of letting carina drop the i never wanted to get married bomb and walk away.
Andy and ben together, this friendship is beautiful. I feel like it took several seasons for ben to really get in good the team. Im trying to think of other moments besides the prt support and such when he really connected with folks before this season and none come to mind. He has been an outlier from my memory, tell me im wrong with examples please.
Lmao "you slept with my wife which means we are in a pod", things a pandemic makes funny.
Thats just wrong, giving gibson shit still. Dont hit the puppy with the newspaper when he's doing nothing wrong.
Once again with gabriella, seriously carina turn off your phone and be present with maya and maya alone.
Maya's jealousy is everything. This argument ugh, so good and just the tip of the iceberg.
I hope that maya does take the month break and the months after to really get to know the us immigration system and what it will take for carina to become an american citizen as well as learn more italian. I dont need her fluent but id love to see her use some italian with carina. She lost her brother who she spoke to in her native tongue itd be nice for her to gain that in her wife.
I love how carina stops herself as she raises her voice at maya, like she realizes it may be triggering to maya. I really do think the show and actresses put in a lot in this episode to show how well they know each other and have grown. I feel like they talk more even if we dont see it and maya is working on her issues with carina's love and support. I also do love how this argument ends though ;)
Once again maya opening up and finally carina is there and not sidetracked. And its nice carina opens up as well.
Ben's dream with the different versions of himself and his mom is funny and heartbreaking.
Joey in the dream lmao.
The nice thing about ben is if he gets hurt on the job and cant be a firefighter anymore he has other professions to fall back on.
Oh jack. I just want you to get your happy ending.
I still think its so weird to be talking about jack after they had sex but im glad they are in a place that is so comfortable and can laugh about him.
Once again another bomb dropped, kids. This is something that needs to be discussed properly.
Oh maya dont drop the marriage bomb like that. And i guess i dont underatand the outrage of the "just because", like why would carina think it was anything but that when it was dropped on her like that and after she said she didnt want to get married. This fight is so much about misunderstandings and hurtful comments.
I get how maya's fear gets the best of her here especially after carina said they just moved in together because they didnt want to be apart (asif that is a bad thing) and it was bureaucracy.
And i can understand why maya's fear hurts carina but they both needed to take a minute to breathe and try to talk it out.
I do like when carina tells maya to breathe, again like she knows her triggers and feels maya is on the verge of a panic attack.
If carina felt she married maya when she moved in i really dont see the harm in making it official. Would her having been moved out in italy for 6 months or more have felt like a divorce. I really need to know more about her logic here.
I agree why not just do it.
You've both said enough carina. I hate that she just walks away, so un carina like.
How did jack end up at the hospital? Was he called or what?
Andy is such a good friend this episode, checking on everyone.
Gabriella is so right noone wants to be proposed to the way maya kind of did. Like i cant help but wonder how carina would've taken a true proposal.
Im so glad gabriella spoke some truth to carina and turned her around on the marriage idea.
If we let the wrong decisionss rule how we live our lives things in the world would be so different. Less babies possibly and fewer marriages among other things.
Once again andy being a good friend this episode.
If carina hadnt shown up im curious what maya's next move wouldve been after talking to andy.
Love the proposal and love how its carina who announces they are getting married.
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petersthree · 4 years
So I was looking at @themadnerdwithahat‘s responses to an Umbrella Academy/Lucifer crossover and now I just cannot stop thinking about what a crossover with these two shows would be like. 
Lucifer projects onto EVERY. SINGLE. HARGREEVES. SIBLING. He sees Vanya? “Oh sweetheart, of course your father would do that, fathers are such pricks, aren’t they?” Luther? “Of course your father would do that, fathers are such pricks aren’t they?” Five? “Ah so you disobeyed your father and got stuck in Hell? Seems rather familiar. Fathers are such pricks, aren’t th-” 
@ginnxtonic and @dykerory and I were talking about it bc I pull my friends into my clownery, but like...while Klaus and Lucifer are an obvious choice, we’d like to raise you something else: Luther & Lucifer 
Seriously though, think about it. Luther and Lucifer both having dysphoria on their bodies and when Lucifer sees Luther he’s just like Oh, you are magnificent and Luther has someone who just straight up does not care what his body looks like. 
Also I mean like....baby bi Luther looking around and stammering when he’s trying to figure out which Hargreeves sibling Lucifer is flirting with and being very surprised when he realizes it’s him
As per the ask, Trixie sees Five and she just goes, “Oh, kid, my age, let’s be friends!” and Five wants none of it. At a certain point he’s just like, “I’m a 58-year-old assassin in this body, okay? Not exactly trying to be friends with any teenagers,” and Trixie is just like “lmao so?? My best friend is a thousands-old demon what is your point?” Five: “I quite literally do not have a rebuttal for that.” 
I feel like Diego would attach himself to Dan in a very Patch-esque way and now Dan has a knife-throwing vigilante following him around but this time it’s Diego who’s Patch and trying to teach Dan good investigative skills lolol 
Also Dan meets Lila at one of their investigations and his introduction to her is her using her power mirroring to curve knives into like 5 criminals and then make out with Diego before leaving and Dan is just like “oh god you guys have a Maze too” 
idk what this would be exactly but Lucifer and Allison definitely try to see if their desire vs rumoring powers work on each other (they both work, and it’s a Disaster)
Ella and Ben are buddies. <3 <3 <3 Ben LOVES hearing her talk about sci-fi, forensics, etc. and she has SO many questions about being a ghost lmao. At this point she knows Azrael is an angel so she’s like “Hey! I finally ACTUALLY have a ghost friend!!!” 
Poor Linda. The Hargreeves all go to therapy and she is at. A loss with them. She tells Lucifer once that she doesn’t know how, but they’re a more dysfunctional family than Lucifer’s. 
Seriously though, Klaus is in her session and she’s like, “Okay, he hears vo-wait-*checks notes*-Klaus you see ghosts, who are you talking to right now?” “Oh, just my dead brother Ben.” “Your WHAT” He manifests Ben and poor Linda almost jumps out of her seat. After a while they do private sessions where Klaus is outside and Ben is manifested because Linda insists that yes, Ben needs therapy too. 
Diego will not stop talking about their mom and Linda is trying to dig deep and asks how their parents met (because she, quite frankly, can’t figure out why Grace was with Reginald) and Diego just casually goes, “Oh he built her. Based off a model of his own wife from the 1960s.” 
It’s also Linda who brings up the fact that their father would have had to have been like....very old to have still been around in 2019 and she asks if he time travels like Five, to which Five goes, “I....didn’t think about that before.” (Trying to ask why Ben ages as a ghost also led to shrugs from Ben and Klaus) 
She suggests family therapy. Once. It ended with Diego throwing knives everywhere, Klaus drinking next to her and arguing with Ben (she thinks, because he’s still not manifesting him), Five zipping around the room yelling out different complaints he has, Allison yelling for everyone to calm down or she’ll have to rumor them (only to then immediately start arguing with Five), and Luther sobbing apologies into Vanya’s lap while Vanya makes direct tired eye contact with Linda. They don’t do family therapy again. 
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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iii: i hate you but i need your van (bucky barnes x reader)
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i hate you but masterlist
summary: bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
word count: 2115
warnings: swearing, arguing, death, and this is not proofread
taglist is CLOSED
A/N: I forgot to mention this when I first uploaded this but the one line in russian means “I will take all your knives and shove them up your ass if you don’t” but then again idk since I just used google translate lmao
       “Miss l/n, while Ethan and Olivia are being questioned, do you want to meet Jackson and Allie for now?” Elise questioned as y/n got back to the waiting area. y/n’s eyes grew wide at the question; was she ready to face her sister’s kids in the state she was in? Was she ready to meet the niece she’d never met before?
       “There’s no time like the present, I guess,” y/n smiled, earning a nod from Elise as she led the h/c-haired girl through the police precinct and to a green door with a frosted glass window.
       “They’re in this room,” Elise smiled before twisting open the doorknob.
       “—fly like the superheroes do, Allie!” Jackson’s high-pitched voice was the first thing y/n heard as the door swung open. There, she saw Jackson holding up an Iron Man action figure over the head of a much younger girl. God, she couldn’t have been over 2 years old.
       With the creak of the door, the pair turned their head to where y/n and Elise stood and Jackson’s eyes grew wide in excitement.
       “Auntie y/n!” Jackson exclaimed, throwing the toy on the ground and running towards y/n as quickly as his short legs could take him and he wrapped his chubby arms around her leg. y/n froze up at the feeling of it all. She couldn’t believe that her 5-year-old nephew—who she hadn’t seen for 2 years, still remembered her.
       “Hey, buddy,” y/n smiled as she broke herself out of her trance. She leaned down to return the hug Jackson was trying to give her before pulling away and tousling his hair.
       Allie, at the lack of having her big brother near her, began to wail loudly, her cries echoing off the walls of the colorful room.
       “No, no, Allie, don’t cry,” Jackson cooed, rushing to his little sister’s side and instinctively wrapping his arms around her tiny frame. The toddler wrapped her arms around her older brother as her sobbing began to cease slowly. y/n smiled; she saw so much of Cassy in the kids.
       “What are you waiting for? Talk to them,” Elise smiled at y/n, motioning towards the kids.
       “Allie, this is auntie y/n. She’s mommy’s sister,” the young blue-eyed boy smiled down at his sister as the toddler, out of curiosity, crawled towards y/n. It was the first time she got a glimpse of Allie’s e/c eyes up close. Damn, Allie was a mini Cassy and that thought itself scared her.
       “Auntie!” the toddler babbled, reaching up as if to ask y/n to carry her. Of course, to y/n, it sounded more like “OTIE!”
       She hesitantly pulled the toddler up, one arm supporting Allie’s weight and the other resting on her back. Allie, with her big e/c eyes, looked up at y/n and giggled, pulling a smile from y/n.
       “Auntie y/n, mommy know you visiting?” Jackson questioned, ditching the toys altogether and standing beside y/n. y/n’s heart clenched; of course, Jackson didn’t know about his mother’s passing. Elise sent y/n a look of sympathy before mouthing ‘we told him she’s on a trip’ to her.
       “Yeah, she does. Your mommy told me to take care of you while she was on her trip,” y/n smiled warmly at the young boy, holding in her tears as she noticed his face fall.
       “Why mommy not bring us on her trip? Does mommy no love us?” Jackson frowned. y/n, Allie still in her arms, got on her knees so she stood at the same level Jackson did, and shook her head.
       “Your mommy loves you very very very much, Jackson. She didn’t take you with her because she knows Auntie y/n misses you,” y/n smiled as Jackson wrapped his arms around her.
       “I hate to break up this moment, but they’re done questioning Ethan and Olivia,” Mike interrupted them as he entered the room. y/n nodded, heading out the door with Jackson and Allie before getting interrupted by Elise.
       “Miss l/n, take them away as quickly as you can. I don’t think it would be good for Ethan or Olivia if they stayed here any longer than they should,” Elise requested, earning a nod from y/n. They followed Mike back out to the waiting room and there sat two familiar faces.
       When it came to seeing Jackson for the first time, y/n could instantly recognize him. After all, he’d only aged two years since she’d last seen him. Olivia and Ethan however, those two were a different story. Since they were part of the population that didn’t turn to dust after the effects of Thanos’ snap; the two were unrecognizable.
       To them, it had been seven years since they’d seen y/n. Ethan, who was a shaggy-haired ten-year-old the last time y/n had seen him, was now a tired-looking seventeen-year-old. Olivia, who was a starry-eyed eight-year-old when y/n had last seen him, was now fifteen; a young woman with a sad smile as she reassuringly held her older brother’s hand.
       “Ethan, Olivia, this is—,” Elise began only to be harshly cut off by Ethan.
       “Agent y/n l/n. The same one who hasn’t visited us for seven years. Why is she here?” Ethan scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. y/n sighed sadly. What was she expecting? Did she really think all of Cassy’s kids would welcome her with open arms after she stopped visiting?
       “From now on, she’s your legal guardian. You’re going to be staying over at her place for a while,” Elise explained carefully.
        “Of all the people mom could leave us with, she left us with her? Why?” Ethan scoffed, shooting up from his seat. Olivia rolled her eyes before speaking.
       “I trust mom and if she decided leaving us with Aunt y/n’s what she wanted for us, I respect that decision,” Olivia flashed y/n a tired smile as she got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around y/n. y/n, shocked from the action, just stood there, frozen in place.
      “Yeah, Ethan. Auntie y/n’s nice,” Jackson smiled, holding y/n’s hand.
       “Ethan, I know you’re probably pissed off at me, but I also know you don’t want to stay here, so can we just go?” y/n huffed, already feeling exhausted from the hell of a day she had.
      “Fine,” he huffed, motioning for y/n to lead the way to her car.
       “Miss l/n, we’ll take care of the documents for now. We’ll contact you if we need anything else,” Elise smiled before letting y/n leave the precinct. y/n, using her handprint, unlocked the doors to her modified Aston Martin coupe (one of the benefits of being an Avenger) as she motioned for everyone to get in the car.
       She handed Allie over to Olivia before getting into the driver’s seat and driving to the Avengers compound.
       “Auntie y/n, where we going?” Jackson questioned, peeking over to the front seat.
       “I’m going to the Avengers Compound. I need to go get my bag, and then we’ll go to your house too,” y/n responded as she took a turn.
      “Am I gonna meet the Avengers?” Jackson’s eyes lit up with excitement.
       “Sorry, buddy, my teammates are on a mission, they aren’t in the compound. Maybe after a week or two we can visit them, okay?” y/n lied, not really wanting to explain to her teammates how she became the legal guardian of two kids and two teenagers.
       “Promise?” Jackson questioned.
       “I promise,” y/n chuckled.
       A few minutes later, they stopped at the gate to the compound. y/n rolled down a window and pressed the button on the intercom system.
       “FRIDAY, unlock the gates,” y/n requested, only to get a loud beep in response.
       “Agent y/n l/n,” y/n spoke into the intercom, only to get yet another beep in response to her words.
       “My apologies Agent l/n, but Sergeant Barnes is restricting your access to the compound,” FRIDAY responded as y/n’s nails began to dig into the leather of the steering wheel.
       “Redirect this channel to wherever Barnes is,” y/n commanded, rolling her eyes in frustration.
       “Oh, hey, y/n,” Bucky spoke nonchalantly from the other side of the intercom. y/n swore she could hear his smirk from the intercom.  
       “Hey, prick, maybe you want to remove the restrictions you put on my access,” y/n huffed.
       “Yeah, no,” Bucky sassed.
       “Я возьму все твои ножи и засуну их тебе в задницу, если ты этого не сделаешь,” y/n threatened him in Russian since, well, she had kids in her car and she wasn’t supposed to be threatening people or swearing around them.
       “Well, you could try,” Bucky chuckled.
       “Barnes, I don’t have time for this!” y/n exclaimed as she now held the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip.
       “Jeez, no need to get so riled up. FRIDAY, remove all restrictions on Agent l/n’s access to the compound. She’s not secretly a HYDRA agent,” Bucky huffed as the gates to the compound swung open and y/n drove into the parking area of the compound.
       “I’m going to leave the AC on, but stay in the car. I’ll just grab my bag from upstairs and we’ll be good to go,” y/n explained before walking back into the compound and heading straight to her bedroom.
       There, she pulled away a compartment from her closet to reveal a black suitcase filled with enough of her clothes to last her two weeks. Ever since that surprise vacation Tony took the team on—where y/n did not have any of her belongings packed on time—she hid the suitcase away just in case.
       “FRIDAY, lock my door,” y/n requested. The light outside y/n’s door flashed from green to red, meaning the door was locked and nobody other than y/n could bypass FRIDAY’s systems or command FRIDAY to unlock her door.
       y/n, with the heavy suitcase rolling behind her came to a realization. A realization that there was no way in hell she could manage to fit her suitcase, the kids, and the kids’ suitcases in her car without leaving it cramped or making two trips between her apartment and their house.
       y/n sighed knowing damn well what she had to do.
       “FRIDAY, can I have a location on Barnes?” y/n requested, stopping in her tracks and awaiting a response.
       “Sergeant Barnes is in the kitchen. Shall I let him know you require his presence?” FRIDAY questioned.
        “No, thanks,” y/n responded as she made her way to the partially burned down kitchen area where she found Bucky fixing himself a sandwich on one of the ash-covered countertops.
        “You here to burn down the kitchen again?” Bucky raised a brow at y/n, his eyes fixated on the suitcase she trailed behind her.
       “Sam already told you he was the one who burned the fucking kitchen down, bitch. I need something,” y/n paused, tapping her fingers against the countertop.
       “If you’re going to ask for tips on how to go on the run, you’re going to need a less obvious way to carry everything you own because that suitcase is only going to raise suspicion,” Bucky chuckled, motioning to the suitcase.
        “That wasn’t it, bitch. I need your van,” y/n crossed her arms impatiently.
       “My van? Don’t you have that car Stark gave you? You know, that fancy sportscar you drive around on undercover missions?” Bucky raised a brow at y/n.
       “You don’t even use the damn thing! It’s literally rotting away in the fucking car basement. Plus, you prefer using your motorcycle! I’ll give it back, I swear,” y/n begged, facing Bucky with her best e/c puppy dog eyes.
        “No,” Bucky smirked.
       “Barnes, I swear, I’ll fucking give it back!” y/n exclaimed, letting go of the handle of the suitcase and shaking Bucky’s shoulders dramatically which pulled an eye roll from him.
       “Damn it, I don’t know why I’m actually agreeing to this, but fine,” Bucky huffed, walking away from the kitchen and disappearing into his bedroom for a quick moment.
       When he reemerged, he set his van keys on to the counter and returned to making his sandwich, acting as though y/n wasn’t in the room—y/n was used to it, though.
        She snatched the keys from the counter and headed off to the parking basement where she swung the door of her car.
       “I just realized we aren’t going to fit in this car when we go fetch your things so we are going to be using a different car,” y/n explained, earning a nod from Olivia.
       “Irresponsible,” Ethan coughed out as y/n pretended not to hear him. Instead, she just promised herself to be more prepared next time she had to deal with these kids—which she knew would be all the damn time now that she had custody of them.  
a/n; i have no idea what im doing im just trying to get to the plot point i actually planned which is next chapter because i’m too excited
i hate you but taglist: @sarcastic-britt​ / @kmuir1​ / @shower-me-with-roses​ / @justab-eautifulmess​ / @thomasthetankson​ / @x-abi-sharp-x​ / @intovert-gone-wild​ / @brittanymcsharry​ / @leaving-the-past-behind​ / @xoxabs88xox​​ / @mylifeiscrazy0423​​ / @howliebucky​​ / @i-cry-so-much​​ /
 Forever tags: @spatium-viatorem​​​ / @sxphiiwrld​​​ / @strangersstranger​​​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​ / @cutie1365​​ / @valeriiaaass​ / @adorkably​
MARVEL TAGLIST: @captainamerica-is-bae​​
BUCKY TAGLIST: @missmidnightxo​​ / @tinymalscoffee​ / @howliebucky​ /
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