#poet patreon
succulentsiren · 6 months
Let go of the limiting belief that you have to prove your worth in order to be valued. You are deserving by being as you are and knowing your value.
The Art of Receiving- Feminine Energy
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rs-hawk · 2 months
Want To Get More Content?
Hey my lovely fellow monster fuckers lovers, just a little reminder if you’d like to support me, you can check me out on Ko-fi or Patreon. Each website has exclusive content so make sure to check out both if you’re interested.
I’m in a precarious position at my day job as I ended up reporting some harassment, racism, transphobia and just general bigotry from both my management and employees, and I was put at another location that is twice as far away. Unfortunately, this is putting a huge strain on me mentally, emotionally and especially financially. It’s the main reason why I’ve been kind of MIA lately. The investigation is likely to go on for over another month, and I’m spending about a whole shift’s work on gas a week now. I would really appreciate anything anyone buys because even $1 will get you something on both ❣️
I would also love to connect with other authors/artists about how they handle their day jobs (especially large corporations) who’s discrimination against them impacts their work and how they help work through it because I’m feeling very dejected atm.
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esuemmanuel · 5 months
Como si hubiese caído de varios metros de altura, abrí los ojos, sobresaltado y dolorido, sudoroso y trémulo. Un ardor me carcomía el cuerpo entero, pero más en el área de los brazos, del pecho y el cuello; era un dolor punzante, como si me hubiese quemado o, peor aún, arrancado parte de la piel y del músculo. Los huesos también me dolían, pero de frío… Quise ver en dónde estaba, pero me absorbía la oscuridad en la que me encontraba. Era una negrura infinita que provocaba a mis pupilas dilatarse de manera extraordinaria y, a pesar de eso, seguía sin poder ver nada, ni siquiera era capaz de ver lo que tenía a unos centímetros de mí, mas, lo sentía… Percibía, gracias al temblor que hacía trepidar a mi cuerpo, que estaba desnudo, aunque en las partes que más dolía me percaté portaba como un tipo de tela, quizás alguna venda para proteger las heridas que me ardían. Quise moverme, pero no podía. Mis muñecas estaban sujetas a algún tipo de cadena, lo pude saber al tratar de moverlas y escuchar ese sonido incomparable que suele emitir el hierro; no eran cadenas simples, aunque en su diseño lo fueran, su material era resistente y sólo con un tipo de herramienta en especial podría romperlas. No quise asustarme, traté de respirar, de recordar, de entender cómo es que había llegado a esa situación, sin embargo, la cabeza no me daba para más. Los dolores del cuerpo eran todo lo que podía tolerar en ese momento, mi mente estaba bloqueada, quizás sedada por algún tipo de medicamento o droga para mantenerme sosegado. Traté de hablar, de pedir ayuda o, al menos, preguntar si había alguien más ahí conmigo. No sé qué pensaba en ese momento, pero...
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poetryorchard · 9 months
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🧚🏾✨ Sprites of the Orchard! If our workshops have helped spark a creative flame for you, please consider supporting us on Patreon so we can continue to grow and provide you with more deliciously hydrating prompts 🌱
You can enjoy rewards such as:
a spot in our quarterly open mics
free workshop tickets
poetry editorial services
publication assistance
access to our entire archive of workshops - 30 prompts with 175 unique in-depth prompts and counting!
Support us by becoming a patron, or simply reblogging this post!
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paigemakepeacewrites · 4 months
You can’t predict a person. No matter how well you think you know them, Or how hard you try to predict Their next moves, They will always find a way to surprise you.
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coronation concept art
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rissi-chan · 3 months
Patreon Launch!
Hey, fellow fanatics!
I decided to finally take the plunge and launch a Patreon for my art (fanart and original) and writing (fanfic and original). Both becaue it will motivate me to draw and write more often, and because of my current life situation (which will be explained as best I can under the cut, for those that care to read).
There will be NSFW content in certain pledges, so MDNI with the subscription levels that include that stuff!
Fanart will mostly be BG3 as that is my most recent and current hyperfixation, but other fandoms I am likely to produce content from include:
Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Touchstarved
AND potentially the occasional/rare otome/dating sim fandoms, Fire Emblem, and various anime and/or manga.
Along with original content and characters that live in my head rent free!
I will also most likely periodically do commissions—but I will have to set up a pricing breakdown/separate web page for that, probably.
Here is the link to my freshly launched page!:
Now, the life ramble that explains my current situation:
So, life is hard.
I've been lucky. I don't pay rent (I still live with my mother). I only have to help pay for groceries on occasion. I have a job (barely, but we'll get into that) with probably the most freedom/flexibility on could possibly imagine. I have free time—loads.
So what's the problem?
The job I mentioned is hard to really call a job. I'm all but officially unemployed. My parents (when my dad was still alive) bought the local newspaper that my mom has worked at for nearly as long as I've been alive. We live in a small, SMALL town. The run of each weekly issue is maybe in the 2,000-4,000 range. We make most of our money selling ads (which is gross, but the newspaper industry is failing in general, and we are a just a local, rural print and many choose other, more advanced forms of advertisement which reach a broader audience). We've been in the red for the past 2 years, my mother often skipping her own pay check to ensure that she can pay the 2 other elderly employees that are on staff. I make less than $400 a month. Much less.
That's the price you pay for freedom. Little pay, LOTS of time. The reverse is also true, which is something I'm sure a vast majority of people can relate to.
Capitalism is so much fun, isn't it?
Those that are out of college and live with a parent may also be able to relate to what comes next.
The relationship between my mother and I has always had its strained moments, to put it mildly. We are very different people. We have different life experiences, we cope with stress differently. There is a running joke on social media that living with your parents after college/as an adult has the financial advantages, but at the cost of your mental health—and that is very much the reality of our situation.
My biggest insecurity in recent years—since the sudden passing of my father in 2018—has been the feeling of being a burden.
I've never been a healthy person. We always joke that I got all the sickly genetics and my brother got all the cosmic bad luck. I'm autistic. I have anxiety and depression. I have an autoimmune disease. I inherited the genetic heart condition that killed my father. I had a blood clot 2 years ago. I no longer have health insurance. None of this is uncommon, certainly. But I avoid healthcare entirely unless it's an absolute necessity (like the blood clot).
I limit my eating, so we don't have to buy groceries as often.
But my mother has always had a temper, especially when she's stressed. And with the business so up-in-the-air and the constant worry of having to close our doors and find new jobs in a VERY small town + in a society with very limited options, spam job listings, and bogus opportunities, she is almost ALWAYS stressed these days.
She takes it out on me. I'm the only one here.
My feelings of being a burden are all but confirmed for me in those moments. She knows just what to say to hurt me most (whether she realizes it or not, she uses my insecurities against me), and my mental and emotional health worsen, as does the relationship between my mother and I.
I play games or draw or write to feel happy. To have some reprieve from reality.
But "it doesn't make money" and therefore it's a waste of time.
And that brings me to where I am now.
I may make next-to-nothing by launching a Patreon, but it will still be more than the next-to-nothing I make now as well as the LITERAL nothing I will be making if the business is forced to close.
I continue to job hunt on a daily basis, mostly for remote work given my middle-of-nowhere location (if anyone knows of any legit positions I could look into PLEASE let me know—send me a PM, reply to this post, anything). But this will both motivate me to keep doing the things that make me happy and also provide a tiny bit of support to our financial situation.
I have also been in a long distance relationship going on 9 years now. Long distance as in nearly 9,000 miles and an entire ocean away. I try to visit every year, but obviously during Covid that was not an option (totally and completely understandable), and with our finances so precarious, it gets more and more difficult to see my now (as of my visit last year) fiance.
If I can manage to get the money together, we plan to elope during my visit this year. But our future is undeniably going to be difficult without money. Moving isn't cheap. Immigrating isn't easy.
But that's all on the back-burner for now, while we address the more immediate concerns.
I am motivated to do what I can to make ANY extra money while looking for a legitimate job to provide a more stable situation.
Any support—a reblog, a share, a pledge/subscription, a job listing suggestion, ANYTHING will be MASSIVELY appreciated.
I know life is difficult for pretty much everyone on the planet right now. If we could all help each other easily, we would. But I understand that that's not an easy ask for most people at this point in time. I hate having to resort to monetizing my passions, and asking people for support (not pressuring, but even asking is hard in the current state of the world).
But I see few other options.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant and please reblog/share <3
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storytimewriting · 1 month
new poem available on patreon! check it out :) subscribe to my patreon while you're there! its FREE!!
xx gwen <3
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cgcpoems · 2 years
Hi, friends. Just sharing my Patreon on here for anyone that might want to support me in that sort of way :) There are two different tiers, and with each one you get a postcard in the mail once a month with a unique poem by me! All never before seen!
I’m hoping to add some more tiers and benefits in the coming months, so keep an eye out for that. Thank you so much, everyone (‘:
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joscreativecorner · 4 months
Follow me on Twitter "X" and my Patreon Page for more artwork!
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succulentsiren · 1 month
Change the narrative.
Start speaking from the position of your highest self, not as the empty handed beggar looking to obtain what you want, but as an opulent being already having what you desire.
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esuemmanuel · 6 months
La dulce oscuridad de la nada.
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Pasaba el tiempo, los segundos se movían al ritmo de sus pasos, los que lo llevaban a través de la nada por un destino incierto… uno que, quizás, él mismo había construido al perderse en esa vida que le tocó vivir y, con la cual, no se sentía conforme. Le pesaba el tiempo, el aire, la sangre… el cuerpo. ¿Cuántas noches no añoró no amanecer? ¿Cuántos amaneceres no añoró dormir? La luz le enfermaba al grado de detestarla, por eso se encerraba en su habitación con las persianas bajas y los focos apagados. En realidad, no sabía si servían o no, poco le importaban. Se mantenía cuerdo por lo que pensaba y escribía en una pantalla que le servía como ventana al mundo que también detestaba. No había amor en sus moléculas. Todo le laceraba. Era un ente perdido entre una multitud colorida y desparpajada. ¿A qué había venido al mundo?, se preguntaba. Ya era hasta cansado hacerse la misma pregunta cada que salía a comprar comida, porque de algo tenía que alimentarse. Apagado y remoto, su semblante se presentaba ante la gente con la que se encontraba cada que ponía un pie fuera de su apartamento. Qué nefasto era salir a la calle a buscar alimento, porque no quería nadie pisara su piso ni conociera su lugar de residencia, por eso debía salir, lo prefería, antes que darle su dirección a un montón de gente desconocida. Pero, le era imposible no sonreír cuando salía. Era algo que sucedía de manera inconsciente y, sin querer aceptarlo, le gustaba, porque, extrañamente, la gente le devolvía el saludo. No se detenía a preguntarse la razón de ello y juraba que no le interesaba, así como salía, se volvía a enclaustrar en su guarida, retomando con ello el estilo solitario de vida que había decidido vivir.
Aquí el cuento completo.
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poetryorchard · 8 months
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Sprites of the Orchard! We are wishing you a very sweet start to your week 🍊
If Poetry Orchard has helped spark a creative flame for you, please consider supporting us on Patreon. This is the single best way to help keep gas in the tank so we don't burn out! https://www.patreon.com/PoetryOrchard
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kael-writ · 6 months
Patreon finally added a "join for free" option so if you want to keep up with my posts FOR FREE, you can now be a member!
I write mostly horror in the form of short stories, a serialized novel, and poetry, from a trans perspective with themes that include surviving and overcoming domestic violence and the pressures of poverty under American capitalism.
I also post urban photography. And other stuff.
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throwedgenji · 8 months
Going in over Nas - He's on fire beat! Patreon out now
Just made my Patreon live! Subscribe to any tier to see the rest of this video.
Check em out here https://patreon.com/throwedgenji
Tier's include unreleased music, Omegle freestyles, irl battles, one on one freestyle lessons, 15% off merch, collabs/dedicated verses and more.
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imthestardust · 8 months
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Here's a quote from the hot and brand-new one-shot I wrote about Daryl Dixon. Warning!!!!! It's hot. Explicit, nudity, strong language. Not for underage!!!!
Once I said that, it's available on Patreon for free!
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