#odin's family dynamic
lucianalight · 4 months
Hela: Father I want to keep fighting because that's all you taught me.
Odin: No. How dare you have so little regard for life exactly like me? Imprisoned and forgotten.
Thor: Father I tried to kill all the monsters just the way you taught me.
Odin: No. How dare you put Asgardian lives in danger and glorify war exactly like me? Banished and stripped of your power.
Loki: Father I could have killed all the monsters without endangering Asgardian lives to prove my loyalty to you!
Odin: No. How dare you think that's what I wanted when I raised you with racism against your own people? Rejected and driven to suicide.
Hela, Thor and Loki:
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 30
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691 @georges-left-ear @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration​
Everything in the world seemed big. He was scared. Cold. Could not bring his mind to form words to fit to his thoughts.
Ice and rock surrounded him, looming up from the ground and down from the ceiling like monster fangs ready to devour him. The dark haired woman who had cooed to him, who had looked at him with a soft, gentle gaze, was no longer within his range of vision. He was alone. It was terrifying.
Yet as terrifying as it was to be alone, the giant who burst into the space was infinitely worse. He was huge and wild, covered in blood like some beast. One hand gripped a brutal looking axe, and a gauged hole was all that remained of one eye.
"Odin," the voice in his mind breathed. He was not alone then, not completely.
As Loki shrunk back onto the slab of stone the woman had carefully placed him on, the giant turned and pierced him with his one good eye.
"What have we here?"
His voice was little more than a growl. Loki could feel the animosity in it. Rough hands reached down to pick him up and carry him closer to a bristly beard and mustache surrounding a pair of pursed lips. There was no warmth, no kindness for him in that look. Instinctively, wanting to calm the fire of the creature's dislike, Loki tried to figure out why this man might loathe him so. He must look like a monster to the monster, he reasoned. Hoping to mollify the man, he thought of the woman who had held him before, the one other face he could remember. Bringing all the concentration he could muster, Loki willed himself to appear more like her.
He must have done something right, because the huge man looked intrigued now, rather than repulsed. Still, he kept Loki clutched in his oversized hands.
"Odin," the dark-haired woman's voice was not as it was when she had spoken so sweetly to Loki. It seemed as cold as the room around them.
The giant spun, and Loki was able to just make out once more the woman. She was slumped on the floor, fatigue stamped onto a beautiful face. Loki could feel waves of love around her and wished that it was she who held him now.
He feared for a moment that the man would drop him and let out a startled little wail. The hands instead closed tighter around him, and he found that this was almost as bad.
"Where have you been? We have been frantic in our search for you!"
"I have been here, at least of late," her voice held humor, but a touch of pain as well.
"You sister is mad with worry. You disappeared without so much as a by your leave!"
"Perhaps because I tired of living by your leave, Odin Allfather. I wanted to live for myself, to find out what the worlds had to offer."
"Had to offer? I had secured you an offer of mariage that would have made you a Queen of Alfheim!"
"Yes, but I never really cared for Elves. Too much musty, esoteric poetry. And Freyr is such a bore. We would never have suited."
"You could have said as much," his voice was angry, and Loki began fussing in his grasp.
"I would have helped you, Volla. I would have given you the life you desired. I only wanted to protect you," the voice in Loki's mind sounded sad.
"You expect the Goddess of Secrets to share her inner thoughts?" Volla asked, again with a mischievous curl of her lips. "No, you know you would not have approved of what I wanted for myself."
"And what was that?"
"Adventure! To live a full and tumultuous life."
"And I suppose this creature here is the result of that? He is yours I take it?"
"He is," Loki heard pride in her voice, and a warmth spread through him despite the cold. "My little Loki."
"My little Loki! How could I not have known?"
"And where is the father then, who left you here to suffer the trial of delivery alone? Does he have so little respect for a Goddess?"
"He could not be with me," she said with a frown. "Some bellicose berserker of a King came rampaging in with an army, forcing him to go to war."
"Then I was right. It is the child of one of those cursed brutes."
"It is the child of ME!" she corrected, struggling to rise up as much as she could. "The son of a Goddess and of a King!"
"No!" Odin gasped, holding Loki further from his chest, bringing back the fear of plummeting to the stone floor. "Even you, wild and capricious as you are, would not be so brazen!"
"You hold in your hands the first-born son of Laufey, King of Jotunheim," her words echoed about them.
"Laufey's heir!"
"Perhaps," her voice lost some of its assurance.
"What do you mean? If this is his son..."
"Not if Odin. It is his son. But while Laufey would love the babe, there would be some trouble with his subjects. As you well know, I am not his wife. And Hyrrokkin is a jealous bride. She would attempt to set him aside so that her brood, if she can ever tempt Laufey to her bed long enough to sire one, would rule."
"And yet you lowered yourself to birth his bastard," Odin's voice dripped with disappointment.
"I wanted a child. A strong, clever child. Laufey gave one to me. It is an unexpected misfortune that I will not be around to guide him to his birthright."
"What do you mean?"
"Use your eyes, Odin. Or eye, I should say. I am dying. My time came early, and as you so kindly pointed out, there was no one to assist in the birthing. I fear my little Loki will have to make do without me."
"Volla, no!"
"Oh, my darling girl." Loki wished he could comfort the lady who's voice he heard, so bereft did she sound.
Odin knelt down beside her in a movement so sudden that Loki cried out in fear. He could smell her now, though. Even though her scent was mixed with sweat and an odd metallic tang it still comforted him to be near her.
"I fear it is so," she said simply, reaching out to tenderly brush Loki's face.
"I will not lose you. Frigga loves you too well, and you have been all but a child to us both. A willful, stubborn child, but no less dear for all for all of that."
"Even you cannot stop death, Odin. But while I may not be able to return with you, I leave you a happy replacement."
"You cannot mean for me to take the child?"
Loki realized on some level that they were talking of him now, and anxious noises began to bubble up from inside him.
"I cannot raise him, and in my absence Hyrrokkin will seek to do him harm. Bring him to Frigga. Let him help heal the hurt my death will cause her."
"Nothing will do that. This will destroy her. The babe that killed you will be no substitute."
"My sister is stronger than you think. And Loki did not kill me! That was but chance and my own will to do as I please. Promise me, Odin Bor's Son. Swear to me now an oath over my death's blood that you will take my child to raise as a Prince of the Nine Realms."
"She knows me better than you do, old man."
There was a long moment where only Loki's own soft cries broke the silence. At last, the giant holding him bowed his head in acquiescence.
"I so swear. Loki son of Volla shall have a place in my hall and at my table, to be cared for as befits his birth and station as child of a Goddess."
"Thank you."
It was as though all the energy she had put forth to extract the promise from him had been the only thing holding her upright. With her words, she sank back against the wall, limp and spent. Odin took her slim pale had in his and brought it to his face in an oddly gentle gesture. Loki was surprised to see a fat tear fall from his intact eye.
"Ancestors," Odin intoned, words sound ripped from somewhere deep inside him, "Volla, Goddess of Secrets comes to you now. Know how much she was loved in life and grant her a seat in your halls among the glorious dead."
Another tear fell down, splashing onto Loki's face and causing his own eyes to close and for him to begin to cry as well. The tears mixed together, and in the swirl of saltwater his mind began to blur again.
He wanted to stay. He desperately wanted to stay with this dark-haired woman who named him and loved him. But the other woman, the one who had kept watch over him and helped to steer his course through all of these swirling memories was weeping. He could do nothing for the one but perhaps, if he could find her again, he could be of aid to the other.
"Come back to me, my Loki, my nephew and my son. Come back to yourself. Be whole and be happy."
"Odin, Son of Bor! We need to have a conversation. Now."
Caroline winced involuntarily as the door to the room slammed behind Frigga. In her brief time on Asgard, Loki's adopted mother had been kind, understanding, regal, everything one would expect and hope for her to be. While Caroline had been a bit intimidated by her, it had never occurred to her to outright fear Frigga.
That ended now as she stormed up to her husband, eyes blazing with anger. While not as bulky as her husband, Frigga stood nearly as tall as him, and the way her hand fingered the dagger on her hip spoke of more than a passing familiarity with a blade. Against her natural inclination Caroline could almost feel a reluctant sympathy for Odin.
"Frigga, you look upset," Odin stated the obvious. Is something bothering you? Perhaps we should go someplace private to discuss it."
Frigga's eyes narrowed to slits as she glared at her husband.
"We will speak right here and now," she proclaimed, voice commanding the room. "Is there anything you wish to tell me, my husband? Think long and hard."
"Asgard could not wish for a better Queen than you." Odin tried.
So fast that for a moment she thought she had imagined it, Caroline saw Frigga's hand shoot out and strike Odin squarely across his face hard enough that his whiskered head snapped to one side.
"Try again," his Queen instructed.
"Mother, what has come over you?" Thor's voice rang with concern.
"I wondered," Frigga's eyes did not move from her husband's face, "why it was that you were so opposed to Loki regaining his memories. After all, the secret had been let out. Our son might not remember his true origins, but enough others did that it hardly mattered beyond a personal level. The tale of Odin Allfather adopting the son of his mortal enemies and raising him for reasons benevolent or nefarious depending on the teller's inclinations was loose in the world."
"I wanted to spare you and our son grief," Odin tried to explain.
"Silence!" Much to Caroline's surprise Odin's jaw snapped shut. "As I was saying, there was no reason to keep secret the truth of Loki's Jotun blood. What then, would it be that you feared from the procedure?"
"Could I not simply worry about my younger son?"
"You could," Frigga snarled. "But you didn't. You feared something else. Tell me, Odin Allfather, Son of Bor. The story of how you found our son, a newborn babe, left all alone to freeze to death on an altar to some unknown God. That wasn't quite the way it happened, was it?"
"Frigga - "
"Mother, what are you saying?" Thor was blinking with confusion.
"You said it was a temple, didn't you?" Frigga asked in a tone of clamped down anger.
"I did, and it was."
"What sort of temple?" Frigga demanded.
"I don't see why -"
"A Valor temple," Odin muttered.
"A Valor temple. On Jotunheim. That didn't strike you as strange?"
"Of course it did," Odin sounded like a truculant child. "That is why I was investigating in the first place."
"I see. And this temple, was it to any particular Valar God?"
"If you have something to say, just say it, Frigga," Odin snapped, changing tactics as his face turned red, obscuring the mark of his wife's handprint.
"Volla." Frigga hissed. "It was a temple to Volla."
"It may have been."
"May have been," Frigga mimicked harshly. "You think that in any universe I would not recognize a temple to my own sister?"
Caroline was uncertain what was happening under the words spoken by the Asgardian royal couple, but the air vibrated with tension and hostility. A quick glance to Thor was enough to show her that he was almost as lost as she was.
"My love -"
"You saw her!" Frigga wailed. "You spoke with her. My sister, the child I had all but raised after our parents left us for the ancestors' halls. I was nigh mad with grief and worry, scouring the universe for her. You found her and you hid that knowledge from me. You let me go on searching for her for decades, when you had witnessed her passing yourself."
"Father is this true?"
"Stay out of this, Thor," Odin shouted at his first born.
"Do not take out your guilt on our son!" Frigga stepped between Odin and Thor. "Answer me, husband. You saw my sister in her last moments."
"I did," Odin admitted reluctantly after a pregnant pause.
Once more, the sound of Frigga's slap echoed through the room.
"She had disgraced herself!" Odin said, clearly in pain but ignoring it. "We had thought she might have been abducted or have been on some secret quest on behalf of her devotees. Any of a dozen explanations had been bandied about as a reason for her disappearance, and any of them would have been more admirable than the truth that. I wanted to spare you the knowledge that your sister had left us of her own free will to become whore to the enemy."
He was clearly expecting the third slap, as he grabbed her wrist mid-swing. He was not, however, expecting the quick knee up that followed it. Odin staggered backwards, releasing Frigga as he doubled over in pain.
"My sister was a Princess of Valor and the Goddess of Secrets," Frigga's voice was ice cold. "She was no whore. She was a free spirit who chose to give herself to a King as his Consort. There is no shame in this. She gave birth to a son, the firstborn son of a King and a Goddess, a God in his own right. Her only mistake was in trusting you to care for him."
"I did care for him!" Odin's voice was rough with pain. "I brought him to you!"
"Yes, you brought him to me. You gave me the great joy of a second child to love and take pride in. You watched as we formed a bond of great depth, forged in no small part by our shared attributes. And did it never once occur to you to tell me he was my nephew? I had a living connection to my sister in the form of her only child and you kept that knowledge from me! How could you?"
"The people would not have understood her liaison to the leader of our enemies. That would have tainted their love of you. I wanted to protect your name!"
"You wanted to protect yourself! I don't give a damn about my name, and you know that. Let the people come to me if they have concerns. I have never once done anything to give them reason to doubt my devotion to the realm."
"The people love mother," Thor said quietly, daring his father's anger once more. "Of all of us, she is most beloved, and with reason."
"Thank you, Thor," Frigga's tone softened as she looked at her son.
"What does all this mean, mother?" Thor asked, struggling to make sense of it all.
Caroline couldn't blame him. The accusations had flown fast and viciously. She herself felt like an uncouth interloper in the middle of a family drama. Still, she felt the need to bear witness for Loki's sake, that she could let him know the level of devotion his mother showed him and, it seemed, his mother.
"It means that Loki was not just a random foundling," Frigga explained gently. "Nor just the cast-off son of King Laufey. Loki is more than your brother of the heart, Thor. He is your cousin, by my blood through his mother. My baby sister Volla, Goddess of Secrets. Who I loved more dear than any until I gave birth to you."
"More than your husband?"
Caroline would give Odin this, he was no coward. The question hung in the air as his queen squared her shoulders and turned to regard him with contempt. Slowly, she took a deep breath through her nose and let it out through her mouth, finding a calm Caroline could only envy.
"Despite my best instincts I do have love for you," the Allmother said at last. "If you wish for that to continue, I suggest finding something to do off realm for the foreseeable future. Perhaps absence will dull the killing anger that assails me when I look at you."
As she watched from the outside of the family triangle, Caroline held her breath, waiting to see how the all-powerful God would take being so dismissed. Thor's eyes comically flickered from his mother's steely stare to his father's glowering indecision. Caroline completely sympathized with him.
"I believe that there is some business on Nidavillere that could use my attention. I will leave in the morning."
"You will leave at once," Frigga's voice left no room for debate. "And you will take your time sorting out this business."
"I will leave at once" Odin growled in defeat. "Thor, you are Regent until my return."
"Yes, Father," Thor said in hushed voice full of amazement.
Odin spun and strode to the door. Only at the last did he stop, turning back to face his wife.
"Tell my son that I am glad that he is well. I do love Loki."
"In your way," Frigga qualified.
"I am what I am, Frigga. You knew that when we wed."
"Go, before I change my mind."
"Farewell, my love."
As Odin swept out of the room, it was as though tide of anger and tension left with him. The moment the door closed behind him it was as though the taut chord that had been keeping Frigga standing was snapped, and the tall, powerful Allmother who had brought low her husband crumpled to the floor, shaking with the tears she had kept unshed all through the confrontation.
"Take it slow, Princeling. Your mind is still settling."
The words were said in the dry, confident voice he had known all of his life.
Loki blinked his eyes into focus and saw Eir sitting across the room, legs crossed neatly and a small smile of accomplishment on her face.
"How does it feel to be whole again?" she asked.
"I will let you know," he said, rising carefully to a sitting position. "Was it real? Everything I saw and heard?"
"As real as any memory," she replied. "They lie, of course, from time to time, and are colored by our own perspectives, but for the most part what you saw is what happened."
"I am part Jotun."
It was not quite the first thing that came to his mind, but it was the first he felt comfortable saying in front of the healer. He did not think she would care to discuss how much he longed to go find Caroline and recreate their one blissful night together. If he thought his legs would hold him he would already be out the door.
"You are. Welcome to the family."
"That's right," he looked closer at the woman. "You have Jotun blood as well."
"I do," she said, as though confirming that she had blue eyes. "It was not always as uncommon as it is now."
"You told me that on purpose yesterday, didn't you?" he was still putting things together.
"It occurred to me that you might need someone to talk to who did not share our culture's prejudices. Someone who could share some of the more positive aspects of Jotunheim. I did not realize..."
Loki watched as the Eir drew a breath, clearly working out some internal conflict. It was strange. She had always seemed so unflappable. It was as if she herself was one of the frozen peaks of Jutonheim, cold, immovable, and unforgiving. Perhaps like that realm there was more to her than first glance suggested.
"Your mortal," she said at last. "Caroline. I understand now."
"Understand?" he asked, uncertain what she alluded to.
"I did not see why she should matter to you," Eir explained, if a bit reluctantly. "Mortals have such a short lifespan. They always struck me as shallow, fleeting things. What could they possibly do or say that would be of weight in the grand scope of our lives? Your Caroline though, she is something different. She saw the need in you, as clearly as any healer would, and found a way to help make it whole. She is a remarkable woman."
"She is indeed," Loki smiled, thinking of his tenacious little love building a Jotun bonfire in the woods. "I do not deserve her."
"Few of us get what we deserve. Don't let that stop you."
"Oh, I don't plan to," his grin widened, thinking that nothing would stop him from having her.
"Odin will not like it," Eir warned.
"Imagine how little I care," he replied.
Thinking of his father, Loki was suddenly transported to the memory of Odin confronting the dark haired woman in his memories.
"She was your mother," his expression must have given away his thoughts, as she easily tracked them. "The woman at the end."
"Volla," he said, feeling out the name.
"I knew her a little," Eir told him. "She was young, for a Goddess. Willful, daring. Frigga doted on her and, to my mind, overindulged her. Odin wanted to marry her to Frey, I think in an attempt to steady her. Anyone who knew them could see it would not suit."
"And so she ran away," he filled in the blanks. "And she ended up on Jotunheim."
"It would have intrigued her, I think. Volla loved secrets, finding them, keeping them. A forbidden world would have delighted her."
"I can understand that," Loki said, thinking that he might have more than one part of his legacy to explore in the not too distant future.
"I thought you might," Eir said with a laugh.
"The last part of my memories," he said, thought suddenly coming to him. "Or, should I say, the first. That was not during the period of my lost time."
"It was not."
"Yet you had me relive it anyway. Why?"
"Odin is a strong King of Asgard," Eir said carefully. "But he is not without his flaws. His manner when he returned with you always seemed off to me."
"You were there?" He asked. "You were privy to the secret?"
"I was," she nodded. "They knew, of course, of my heritage, and so they could trust me not to be horrified by a Frost Giant in our midst. I also would understand the prejudices the riled the realm in the wake of the war. I was sworn to secrecy, and then brought in to examine you, to make sure you were not ill, and that you would not suddenly return to your blue color, I am sure. Frigga was too caught up in the joy of a new babe to love, but it seemed to me that Odin was hiding something. It has bothered me all of these many centuries. I have tried to bring it up with Frigga, but..."
"She would not hear a word against her husband," Loki sighed, knowing all too well the wall that went up when Odin was maligned to his wife.
"Indeed. I'm afraid, with you mind laying open like a book before me, I could not resist flipping to the pages where the truth was written and bringing your mother with me. I am not sorry that I did so; Frigga needed to know, as did you. But I acknowledge that I broke my word to you not to dip into your other thoughts. I therefore apologize and will accept your condemnation."
"Given that your suspicions were proven more than right, I accept your apology without condemnation." Loki's face split into a wide, wicked grin. "After all, you were already witness to other memories of a far more personal nature."
Loki was delighted to see Eir's face tinge to scarlet as the memories he referred to crossed her mind.
"As I said," she mumbled, discomposed for perhaps the first time he had ever seen, "I might have underestimated your mortal. She is truly remarkable."
"That she is," he agreed whole heartedly. "In fact, now that the circulation seems to have returned to my legs..."
"And other places," Eir's eyes darted to that part of Loki that always seemed to know when Caroline was being discussed. "Go. Your champion deserves to see you well and whole."
"Thank you, Eir," he said, surprising them both by pulling her into an embrace. "I will never forget what you have done for me."
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beheworthy · 1 year
Something I noticed after watching the dark world again: jane let go of thor's hands when frigga approaches them in the palace. Do you think she was trying to hide that they were together?
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Aw no, not at all! She was just being shy as anyone would be meeting their boyfriend's mother. Like, she wouldn't want to meet her while embracing him lol.
There's no point hiding anyway. It's obvious her boyfriend's mother knows if even his father knows.
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(Her reaction here was 'you told your dad about me :D' and I was like 'girl, priorities! Also, what do you think that conversation was like between Odin and Thor lol?!')
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
A Better Father (Loki X Stark!Son!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Loki X Stark!Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Parental negligence, bad relationship with parent, mention of drugs and underage drinking
Request: could you do a tony x son!reader, in their live, tony was always cold to him (but eventually take him in with pepper) and then Peter Parker show up and take that away, Loki see him in reader (like with odin and how he treat Loki and Thor) and decide to adopt him, teach him magic, reader happy again 😊.
Notes: I wrote this and completely forgot it's meant to be male!reader until it came time to post- I think I've corrected it, but if you spot I've accidentally used the wrong pronouns please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
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“I’m going out!” You announced, already at the front door, pulling your shoes on and your jacket, before grabbing your bag, hand on the door handle before you got a response. 
“Where to?” Pepper asked, rounding the corner, arms crossed. 
“My friend is doing a school project and wants my help with it.” You excused yourself, being careful not to go into any details. 
“Do you need a ride?” She asked. 
“No, it’s okay, there’s a bus that takes me right outside their apartment. I don’t know how long I’ll be, since we have a lot to do, if it gets late I’ll call you to let you know I’m okay and I’ll stay over, is that okay?” You asked her. Pepper walked a little closer, her expression clearly troubled.
“I’ll have to ask your father…” She commented, and your shoulders slumped, you turning to face her. 
“You know he’s not going to care, Peps. In fact, I’m going to predict what he’s going to say, something along the lines of ‘yeah, yeah, whatever’.” You mimicked, Pepper frowning, knowing you were right. “I appreciate you actually trying to make up for him, I really do. It’s why I go to you instead of him for permission- because you actually care. Please don’t waste your breath. If he actually wants to know what his son is doing, he’ll do it himself.” You pointed out. 
“I know… he should be better, and I want him to be better for you… and I also know you’re lying to me.” She pointed out. You felt your heart drop into your ass, and you sighed. “I told Peter about one of your prior projects with friends, and he looked into it- wanting to see if he could help as well, but then found out that your friend doesn’t even exist.”
“Has he told Tony?” You asked. 
“No. He hasn’t. I made him promise to wait, told him I’d deal with it.” She explained. “Peter also cares about you, even if he doesn’t have much time to actually spend time with you.” She pointed out, and you just nodded. You’d accepted that even though Peter was Tony’s favourite despite not actually being his kid, when Peter got an idea od the dynamic between you and your father, he tried his hardest not to play into it or make it worst, though he often realised after events that he actually had and had not realised it. He always apologised for it, always tried to spend time with you in school, and on more than one occasion, he’d covered for you or even claimed something you did that your dad didn’t like was his idea, knowing Tony wouldn’t punish him and it would stop your relationship with your dad somehow getting worse. You appreciated him, he was like a brother in a way, and at this point, more like family than your dad, like how Pepper was more of a parent than Tony was, despite you not being related either. Same with Happy. Same with… 
“I’m sorry for lying to you. And Peter… I just…” You fumbled. 
“What’s going on, Y/N? Where are you going?” She asked, her voice soft and welcoming, a silent promise that no matter what, she wasn’t going to yell, turn on you, that she actually cares and just wants to be there for you. 
“I’ve been going to meet someone… not romantically or anything!” You told her quickly. “I’m not doing drugs or anything like that either.” 
“That’s good, so you’re being responsible with this person… why have you been hiding this person from us then?” She asked. You thought for a second on how to break the news, and in that time, Pepper started to pry a little more. “Are they… older?” She asked. You nodded. “So not a teenager? Out of school?” She asked, and you nodded again. “How old are they?” She asked, tilting her head. Another hard question, and you bit your lip, and sensing you weren’t confident answering, she changed her question. “What do you two do? It’s not illegal, so what’s so bad you have to hide it?” She asked. 
“He’s… mentoring me.” You told her. 
“Oh, so he’s like a professor? A teacher? What’s he teaching you?” She asked with a smile, seemingly suddenly relieved, getting the idea that you were getting one on one lessons for something you were interested in as a future career, and she was ready to support you from the jump. 
“Magic. He’s teaching me magic.” You admitted, which made Pepper’s eyebrows press together. “And not the cut a woman in half or pull a rabbit out of a hat kind of magic.” You clarified, and she had a moment of realisation. 
“I know two people who know magic. One is Strange, who your father gets along with and so learning from him wouldn’t be a problem, which means… Loki? You’re going to see Loki? He’s teaching you magic?” She asked, and you nodded. 
“Please don’t tell Tony! I promise, Loki’s been nothing but kind to me! When we’re not doing magic, we just read books together- or go on walks or stuff!” You explained. 
“What kind of magic?” She demanded. 
“How to teleport, how to create an illusion, today he’s teaching me a spell that translates both written and spoken languages!” You explained to her. “He said for a treat for my birthday he’s going to teach me a spell that lets me understand animals because apparently what they say is really funny and cute and he thinks I’ll like it.” You explained to her. She clearly wasn’t convinced, and you sighed. “We do other stuff to.” You told her. 
“Like what?” She asked. 
“You know when Tony’s in a bad mood or I do something he doesn’t like and we get into an argument and I go for a walk to cool off and don’t come back for hours? Loki walks with me. He makes sure I don’t do anything stupid… I feel so safe with him, that I feel comfortable and safe enough to actually cry.” You admitted. You watched Pepper’s concerned expression fall. You never cried- at least not at home. Not at school either, according to Peter. You didn’t cry in front of her, or Peter, or Happy, and sure as hell never in front of Tony, no matter what he said or did. “And he knows what I need when I cry. He hugs me, he just lets me cry, he doesn’t shush me or try to make me stop. If anything bad happens, I go to him first. Like when I went to that party last month and got wasted and realised I didn’t know how to get home- you and dad thought I left with a stranger and stayed with someone who I didn’t know and then came home when sober- instead I called Loki and he looked after me during the night, he rubbed my back when I threw up, hugged me and promised it was gonna be okay when I was crying, he made this really nice tea which instantly made my hangover go away, and promised if this ever happened again he’d do it all over again, and then he took me home when I felt well enough.” You admitted to her. 
“Where do you two hang out, usually?” She asked. 
“He has a little apartment, there’s probably a hefty amount of magic to make it so the other tenants can’t notice the door to it since it defies the floor plan of the entire building, but it’s so cozy, and warm and I have my own bedroom there- which is where I go whenever I have any ‘sleepovers’, though I do make him watch movies, especially bad ones.” You laughed. It felt so good to finally be able to talk about this- about everything you and Loki did, because time with Loki was your happy time. 
“Okay… I have two questions.” She said, and you nodded, gulping. “Why…Loki? If you wanted to learn magic, why not go to Strange, and why is Loki so willing and…” She didn’t say the word, but you knew what she wanted to say. Fatherly. 
“Because when he looks at me, he sees himself.” You admitted. “He told me himself… Loki didn’t have a good relationship either with his father. Thor's the golden child, Loki was the one pushed to the back, forgotten. He knows how it feels to be unwanted, to not be thought of by the person who is supposed to love you. He knows how it feels to want to be loved and no matter how hard you try, not getting it, because in your dad’s eyes, you’re not worth it. He sees me, and he sees his own childhood, and he hates that, so… he decided to do something about it.” You explained to her. “Loki… Loki’s like a dad to me. He certainly acts more like one than Tony.” You pointed out. Pepper looked devastated, but understood. “What was your other question?”
“Inevitably, Tony’s going to find out about this. I won’t tell him, I’ll feign ignorance, but Peter’s going to find out somehow, and you know that even if he wants to protect you, that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life, especially from Tony.” She pointed out. “What’s your game plan for when he finds out?” She asked. 
“I’ve already got that figured out.” You reassured her. “Loki set up the bedroom for me for the worst case scenario… I graduate next year. I’ll graduate, start going to college, and I’m going to move out and live with Loki- he might move his apartment to be closer to whatever college I want to go to. If he doesn’t know by then, I’ll tell him I just have a roommate and we know he’s not going to come and visit, and after college, I’ll just slowly drop contact, keep my distance, away from him, happy, learning magic, living my own life. I’ll come visit you and Peter and Happy, regular phone calls, if you need me, call me and I’ll be there… and if Tony finds out before then? I’ll go anyway. I’ll be okay, no matter what. Loki has my back.”
“...And so do I.” She added. You two stared at each other. You weren’t sure what she was thinking, what exactly she was going to do. Ban you from seeing Loki? Tell your father? Treat you like a criminal and monster even if you’ve done nothing wrong? Be locked away? Somehow become even more of an outcast? Lose the few people you actually consider family? Lose Loki? “I won’t keep you waiting. Keep me updated on what you’re doing, if you want to stay the night let me know, okay? I’ll tell Peter something that is easier to swallow and then we’ll tell him the full truth after you graduate. I’ll explain to Happy, maybe he can also help you… please just… don’t do anything stupid. Behave. No more secrets from me, okay?” She asked. 
“Okay. Thank you.” You told her, nodding with a grin. “I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You told her, finally opening the door and dashing out. Pepper sighed, wondering what she was going to tell Peter to help keep in calm and not accidentally tell Tony, how she was going to get Happy to go along with this, how she’s going to look Tony in the eyes and feign ignorance, lie to his face about where his son is and who he's with. But then she remembered every time she could recall when she would come to Tony’s place and find you home alone when you were a young child, thinking it was normal, how you used to try to get his attention and him brush you off or even yell at you to go away and then slowly stop trying and instead go to her and Happy who actually cared. She remembered how utterly overjoyed you were when your dad actually came to your birthday after he was kidnapped, seeming to realise how precious life was and wanted to make up for lost time, and things were going well until Peter came into the picture, and he lost his way, his sole focus being Peter, you once again forgotten and neglected. Except this time you weren’t upset, just disappointed. You gave up on him, and instead adjusted, adapted, and found a new family. Pepper was your new mother, Peter was your brother, Happy your uncle, and Loki was your new, and much better father. You were making up for lost time with someone who actually cared and wanted you as a son. If Tony had a problem about it, he should have done something about it a long, long time ago.
You arrived at the apartment complex not long after leaving, heading up to the top floor, going to the door at the end of the hallway and letting yourself in. Loki peeked up from the book he was reading and smiled. “There you are, had me worried.” He joked. You sighed as you kicked your shoes off, dumping your bag on the floor and hanging up your coat. Your lack of an immediate response was weird for Loki, and he placed the book down, standing from the settee, and stepping closer to you. “What happened?” He asked softly, locking his hands behind himself. You turned to look at him finally. 
“Is it that obvious?” You asked, and he smiled sadly. “...Pepper knows. She’s covering for me, so I guess she’s okay with it, it’s just… what if Tony finds out and massively blows everything out of proportion?” You explained to him. 
“Well…” Loki crossed his arms, thinking. “Knowing you, your first thought is to run and start afresh.” He pointed out, and you nodded. “Or… I could talk to Thor. You and Pepper and him talk to the others, explain everything, we lay everything out, and then we tell your father. No secrets and being honest might work more in our favor than just upping and leaving, Y/N.” He pointed out. You squinted at him with suspicion. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be the God of Mischief and Lies?” You asked, making him crack a smile.
“I may be, but it means I also know when’s a good time to actually tell the truth, and I think this might be the time. Pepper knows, she has your back, Thor is, as you describe it, a loyal labrador and will be happy I’m behaving, those two alone can be the brains and the brawl to help keep the situation under control.” He reassured you. 
“Okay, if you think so… but can we do that tomorrow? I want to learn that spell so I can finally read your Asguardian books.” You begged, making him chuckle. 
“Of course we can, go make some tea, then we’ll start.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blogg @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic@courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-liess @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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notthesomefather · 4 months
Modern Heathenry 101
Hi folks! I've updated my blog to include a heathenry 101 tag. I also worked on summarizing how I view modern heathenry from a US-based, progressive perspective:
Who is allowed to practice heathenry?
Everyone!  Heathenry is not a closed practice.  Regardless of your gender, age, orientation, race, cultural background, physical or mental abilities, or any other factor–you are welcome, appreciated, and loved by the gods.
What is heathenry?
Heathenry is an animistic belief system where we honor our ancestors, gods within the Norse pantheon, and the elemental spirits all around us.  There is no one centralized heathen faith, and traditions will vary largely depending on community, region, and era.  There are no sacred texts, though many heathens read the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda to get an introduction to our gods (as they are depicted in myths and sagas).
Who do you worship?
Details vary based on the individual or community, but generally speaking heathens honor gods within the Norse pantheon. 
This pantheon includes: Odin, Frigg/Freyja, Freyr, Thor, Tyr, Njord, Loki, Hel, and many more.  Each of these figures is dynamic and cannot be boiled down to a simple “god of ___” label.  Some heathens exclusively worship patron deities to whom they feel a special connection and sense of dedication, while other heathens maintain relationships with numerous deities.
Ancestor work can be general or highly specific.  Heathens may offer prayers to the Disir, female spirits of the family who help carry traditions, memories, and connections alive throughout the generations.  Heathens may also opt to honor individual ancestors with whom they share a strong connection.  In any instance, it is love not blood which constitutes ancestry.  Many heathens feel drawn to honor “cultural” ancestors rather than blood-relatives (example: a heathen who is Black or LGBTQIA+ may feel drawn towards honoring a deceased activist or fellow community member).
What are some things which constitute a modern practice?
Many heathens practice group ritual while others are solitary.  Every group will follow different traditions but common ones include:
holiday rituals
symbels (opportunities to toast one another and our accomplishments)
blots (specialized rituals dedicated to a specific deity)
ceremonies (weddings, funerals, and things of that nature)
In their day-to-day lives heathens will often wear a Mjolnir pendant as a reminder of the gods’ most prized gift and the source of their protector’s strength (Thor’s hammer).
Heathens will typically have at least one altar space in their homes.  This can be used to honor deities, ancestors, or other figures.  Altars vary dramatically in terms of appearance–some are minimalist and simple while others are lavishly decorated.  This depends largely on personal preference, budget, availability of materials, and personal security (unfortunately, some heathens cannot safely set up an altar in their current living situation).  Another option is the use of a pocket-altar, sometimes called a travel-altar.
What holidays do you observe?
Holidays historically varied depending on location.  Typically these holidays relate to concepts of growth, gratitude, and reflection. There is not one set list of holidays which all heathens celebrate, but there do tend to be commonalities:
Holidays that take place in spring will tend to honor gods who represent youth, new beginnings, and hope. 
Holidays in summer tend to celebrate growth, hard work, and fertility. 
Holidays in the autumn are typically opportunities to celebrate the accomplishments we’ve made throughout the year as well as to prepare for the darker, colder times ahead. 
Holidays in the winter tend to relate to reflection and thinking about things we can shed or invite as the new year begins.
Holidays can be celebrated individually or as part of a group. Here are some of the holidays my group observes.
What are some common symbols or visuals related to heathenry?
Many heathens view Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer) as the main symbol signifying their faith.  This is typically worn as a necklace, though heathens may wear one in a myriad of different ways or not at all. 
Elder futhark runes are also common symbols associated with heathenry.  The futhark are representative of the sacred runes our god Odin learned during a journey of self-sacrifice and searching for spiritual wisdom.  Many heathens use these runes for divination purposes or to receive messages from our gods and ancestors, while others do not interact with the runes in a spiritual sense.
There are other symbols associated with heathenry that have been appropriated by white supremacists.  These include the runes Othala, Sowilo, and Elhaz; the Valknut; and sometimes even Mjolnir itself.  These images are not inherently harmful, and many heathens feel it is our duty to combat this appropriation by showing these symbols in their proper, progressive contexts.
What are some books I can read to learn more?
Here are a few books about the Norse myths I recommend:
The Poetic Edda by Jackson Crawford
The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson
The Wanderer’s Havamal by Jackson Crawford
The Havamal by The Asatru Community
Essential Asatru by Diana Paxson
Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Viking Spirit by Daniel McCoy
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
And here are some books about runes I recommend:
The Way of Fire and Ice: the Living Tradition of Norse Paganism, by Ryan Smith
Rudiments of Runelore, by Stephen Pollington
North Sea Rune Poems, by N. Solheim-Davidson
Norwegian Runes and Runic Inscriptions, by Terje Spurkland
Taking Up the Runes, by Diana L. Paxson
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🤍🤍🤍 I hope the festivities and all treated you well!
I'm dying for one about bad influence friend getting comforted by papa Hades and Jack (and any other characters you see fit for the situation) after a messed up family argument that ended up in disastrous consequences.
Perhaps it happened because of their flopping grades, rebellious behavior, too much talking back with foul language, the smoking habit, and overall the result of a terrible family dynamic.
[The POV would be the friend's, by the way, so the reader in this case would be the bad influence friend and not the family's child, heh 🤍]
- Heavy hurt/comfort, I'm a sucker for that ; v ;
-It was hard for you to accept help, especially from someone so nice like F/N, they were your closest friend and you always made sure to keep them out of the dark side of your life, keeping them away from your bad habits like fighting, smoking, and cussing.
-When F/N all but carried you inside their home, calling out to their family for help, they weren’t expecting to see you looking like you had just gotten the crap kicked out of you, crying, and leaning heavily on your friend who found you.
-Hades was gentle when he took you from F/N, carrying you inside and putting you on the couch, “Jack get the first aid kit! F/N get some towels! Eve brew something hot to drink!”
-They all quickly went off, doing as they were told as Hades and Adam tried to get your hoodie off, finding your torso covered in wounds, both new and old.
-You were a little loopy, as you had hit your head, so you weren’t answering all the questions, as you were going in and out, but F/N was able to step in, “I found Y/N after calling me for help. Their family attacked them.”
-The mood instantly shifted, as they had thought you had gotten into a fight and got your ass kicked and had to clean up your mess, but to hear that your family was the one who did this to you, they were instantly furious and went into protect mode.
-F/N held your hand as your wounds were dealt with, Beelzebub checking your eyes with a flashlight, “Looks like a concussion- a small one at least. Do you feel nauseous Y/N?”
-You shook your head, managing to understand this question as F/N spoke, “Their family aren’t nice- they always yell at Y/N, that’s why I never go to their house, because Y/N doesn’t want me around that.”
-They could only look at you in awe, seeing that you were suffering through and that you kept their own kid away from it, willing to suffer on your own.
-Adam helped tie your hair back, so they could look at your face, seeing the bruises and scrapes, it looked like you had been hit repeatedly and you fell to the ground at least twice.
-Hades was silent in his fury, tending to your wounds gently, working together with Adam and Brunnhilde to get your wounds wrapped.
-He felt guilty, they all did- they just thought you were a punk- a bad influence and that you shouldn’t be around F/N. You were just a kid trying to survive against your own demons, but you did care about F/N because you did your best to keep them away from those demons.
-Once you were patched up and cleaned up, borrowing some of F/N’s clothes, you were feeling a bit better, teasing F/N lightly as you looked down at the Cinnamon Roll hoodie you were borrowing, “I knew our styles were different but damn F/N.”
-F/N laughed, thinking your snark was funny, as they knew you were feeling better before F/N lunged into your arms, hugged you close, wrapping their arms around you, surprising you slightly.
-You felt their shoulders shaking as they were finally crying, relieved that you were okay and you smiled, hugging them back, patting the back of their head gently.
-Once the two of you came back downstairs, you were sat down by Adam, Hades, and Odin, with the others all around the room, you were feeling a bit nervous, seeing the possible interrogation coming, but F/N stayed by your side, holding your hand, comforting you.
-Adam inhaled deeply, trying not to storm out and go after your family, wanting them to explain themselves before he spoke, “Y/N- why didn’t you ever tell us about your family?” you were a bit surprised by his question but responded, “I didn’t want to bother you guys, and I didn’t want F/N to worry.”
-Hades then spoke up, “But you were being abused- we could have helped you!” you smiled softly, but there was no humor behind it, “I’m used to it- it’s been happening for years, so it was nothing new. I know how to handle it. They do this every couple of years when they think I don’t push myself enough with my grades. They will calm down after a few days and it will just go back to the normal crap- yelling at me, telling me I’m worthless- the usual.”
-Adam now looked downright murderous, hearing how your parents treated you- as he believed no parents should ever treat their children like that, and to hear that you were fine with it…
-Odin stood, shadows covering most of his face before he turned to the others, as he was one of the big bosses of the house, “Y/N will stay with us- we have a guest room they can use. F/N- you’ll take them shopping for new clothes and stuff they will need.”
-F/N immediately beamed, agreeing while you were shocked, before you tried to protest, “Oh- you don’t need to do that- I’ll be fin-” Adam put a finger to your lips, halting you.
-He was glaring hard, like he was angry, but you could tell that he wasn’t mad at you, “You suffered enough Y/N- you don’t need to put up a front. You’re safe now. Let us help you now.”
-You didn’t know how to respond, nobody had ever helped you before, others just thought you were a punk, and F/N’s family was no different, despite now knowing truth.
-They were not expecting you to immediately burst into tears, tears welling in your eyes and slipping down while you still looked mostly neutral, completely stunned that they were going to help you!
-Eve and F/N quickly had you in a sandwich hug, holding you close and that’s when this family finally realized how fragile you were.
-Adam softened, cupping your cheek softly, brushing the tears away, “You’ll be safe here- you can stay as long as you want.” You sniffled loudly, trying to wipe the tears with the back of your hand as you thanked him.
-Hades sent a few glances around the room, including one to Adam, and a few nods went around before they told F/N to take you to the kitchen to get some food, which they were more than happy to do.
-When you came back, a sandwich in your hands, you were confused, looking back at F/N, “Do they always disappear in an instant?” F/N just grinned, holding their own sandwich, “You get used to it- c’mon we can go watch TV in my room.”
-You nodded softly as a warm feeling filled your chest- you felt so loved, so safe now, which was more than you could say about your family.
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yuelaos-codex · 1 year
GOW Mafia Family AU
I think SMS has said that the Odinson family dynamics were inspired by the mafia, so I made some little descriptions for them!
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People call him "All-Father". The leader of the strongest, richest, and deadliest crime family. You rarely see him, but it's best to keep it that way. If you do, you are either the luckiest or unluckiest person at the moment.
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Nickname: "The Peacemaker". Currently presumed dead. Rumor has it that his own father popped him off for conspiring against him. He used to strike deals with other families, and would be the first face you'd see if All-Father wanted something from you. Replaced by Mimir as Odin's negotiator.
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Infamously known as "The Butcher" or "Big Bad Thor". He is Odin's right hand man, and, as you can derive from his nickname, the one who does the killing. Responsible for the total annihilation of a rival family years ago. Likes to describe himself as a "calm and reasonable" person, yet no one has ever seen that side of him.
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Alias "Golden Boy". Gold chains, gold grills, gold watches, hell, even gold guns. Screams cash money-- you can see him shining from a mile away. Most arrogant prick you'll ever meet. But don't get blindsided, as he is Odin's best interrogator and informant. He knows everything you have ever done or will do. Almost like he can read minds. He is one creepy fucker.
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The tracker. If Odin has set his sights on you, don't even bother hiding. It's not a matter of if Baldur will find you, but when. Killing him is a fool's errand. He is known to survive even the deadliest of gunshot wounds, hence the moniker "Bullet-Eater Baldur". Some say there are so many bullets lodged in his body that magnets stick to him, but it is unconfirmed. Thor may have the highest kill count, but this guy is the craziest of the lot.
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How Odin show more love to Thor than Loki
Several factors might suggest that Odin loves Thor more than Loki:
1. Public Favoritism: Odin often publicly praises Thor for his bravery, strength, and leadership qualities, while he rarely acknowledges Loki's accomplishments or strengths.
2. Parental Expectations: Odin consistently expects more from Thor, grooming him for kingship and emphasizing his role as the future ruler of Asgard, while he often expresses disappointment in Loki and criticizes his behavior.
3. Emotional Connection: Odin shares a closer emotional bond with Thor, frequently expressing pride in him and showing concern for his well-being, whereas his interactions with Loki are often characterized by disappointment, anger, or indifference.
4. Decision-Making: Odin tends to prioritize Thor's desires and opinions over Loki's, especially when it comes to matters of leadership and Asgardian affairs. Have anyone noticed that loki tends to keep quiet when odin and thor are talking, and when loki was speaking in Thor movie 1 , Thor told loki “know your place brother”.
5. Familial Dynamics: Odin's actions, such as including Thor in paintings (the fake ones in the throne room celling) or favoring Thor in critical situations, demonstrate a clear preference for his elder son. This favoritism is often evident in their interactions and the way Odin treats them differently. He doesn't give loki a second look in public.
Odin , If you are going to adopt a child; treat the child equally to your real child. If not, don't adopt the child at all. Well we can see how Thor’s life would have turned out in the What if series if loki was never adopted. Thor would be “the party prince” and frost giant prince loki looked 10,000 times much happier than asgardian prince loki.
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
I have an idea of ​​what Percy and Loki's relationship might be/start 💚💀💚
just imagine that Loki is, even in his mythology, considered a cruel and unreliable God, he is certainly not very loved by the other gods, people fear or despise him for his humor and cruel pranks (Thor and Odin don't count)
nothing Interesting has happened for a long time and so he is the first to meet Poseidon's newly created daughter, she is a beautiful, adorable and CHAOTIC little girl
naturally he wants to build a non-consensual friendship with her to enjoy and watch all the confusion and chaos she accidentally causes just by breathing
but during this friendship he falls in love, how could he not when he has an adorable little girl looking at him with such admiration? little Percy laughs at his pranks, she is interested and enjoys hearing about his stories and adventures when was the last time someone looked at him with so much affection?When was the last time someone was so genuinely happy to see him?
We know he is loved by his uncle (Odin) and cousin/brother (Thor) but they are so stoic and serious that I doubt Loki feels fully included in the family dynamic
So when he finds someone he loves as intensely and genuinely as Percy does he can't help but feel drawn like a moth hovering around a flame, a delicate flame that can be snuffed out at any moment, whether by the mortality of aging or by some another threat
he wants to protect her, he wants to keep that fragile butterfly safe trapped between his fingers to protect her tie her to him to prevent her fragile heart from being hurt by the world to prevent her from loving another, avoid her looking away from him
gods love intensely obsessively, he is only worried since she is so naive manipulation, so delicate so weak, any careless touch can stain her tanned skin with purple and black bruises, any touch can tear those small, colorful wings with ease
gods don't love like humans they don't know how to differentiate love and obsession when you live so long the lines of what is good and evil get blurred feeling alone the desire to protect imprison the loved one is normal
The love of the gods tends to end in horrible tragedies sadness, Percy is just a beauty who doesn't know how the world works the horrible things the gods do in the name of love he's just protecting her all he wants in return is her love all he wants in return is her love her tears, moans, sweat, blood and sighs
he can't wait to have her in his arms holding her so tightly that their bodies will merge to the point where no one will be able to know where Percy begins and where Loki ends.
sorry for such a long comment, this ended up turning into a monologue, I just got carried away since I love your fanfic so much 😅🥰😅
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this was so beautifully written bro omg 🤩🤩🤩🤩
all i can say is that i absolutely cannot wait until you read more about percy and loki's interactions 🤩
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lucianalight · 4 months
Odin's Family Dynamic - Part 7
It's been days and I still can't stop thinking about What If 2x07. So I decided to write my thoughts down. While I did mention Hela in previous parts of this series, there wasn't enough material to do a complete analysis of her role in the family. But with this episode we have a more complete picture. Reading Parts 1, 2 and 5 might be necessary for a better understanding of this analysis.
Part 1- Odin: The Narcissistic Parent
Part 2- Thor and Loki: Golden Child and Scapegoat
Part 3- Frigga: The Enabling Parent
Part 4 - Can Loki Trust Thor?
Part 5 - Did Odin Love Loki?
Part 6 - Is Loki a Narcissist?
Hela: Golden Child Turned Invisible
In a relation to this series, I was asked what would happen to the golden child without a scapegoat. The answer is the dynamics of a dysfunctional family with a narcissistic parent are not set in stone. The roles the narcissist assign to members of their family can change based on the needs and desires of the narcissist parent. And sometimes a person can have multiple roles or change roles. Usually the only child of a narcissistic parent is given the role of the golden child by default, but they're also prone to having multiple roles.
We see Hela as a happy kid who loves her pet wolf and can't even stand seeing him chained. It is interesting that her first reaction is protesting his imprisonment not that Odin stopped her playing with Fenrir. The scene shows that she cares about others and doesn't want to harm anyone. But Odin seeks to control and tame anything that might be a threat to him, and as he chains Fenrir, he chains Hela too. He grooms her to be a fighter, to never pass on a chance to end a life, to be his executioner and consider that a great honor. He couldn't do that if Hela remained as sweet and caring as she was when she was a kid. And Hela reveling in the love and attention stayed his golden child.
Until Odin decided to stop at the nine realms. Now it's never mentioned why Odin suddenly made that decision. It definitely wasn't because of the goodness of his heart. He still sought powers he deemed others unworthy of with the excuse of "protecting peace". But what caused him to stop his conquests? The answer might be his "new girlfriend who is a dreadful woman" according to Hela and one of the people Hela has a quarrel with.
But why Hela doesn't like Frigga? They have two different personalities for start. While Frigga is a fierce warrior, she doesn't enjoy fighting or war. Definitely not the way Odin, Hela and Thor do(one of many similarities Loki has with Frigga). Also from TR we know Hela was aware of having a sibling but never met them. So her banishment happened when Frigga was pregnant. Stopping the wars and protecting peace might have been Frigga's condition for marrying Odin. It is also possible that Odin pitted Hela and Frigga against each other through triangulation, a manipulation method to provide him narcissistic supply.
"Basically, the game involves two or more people who get pitted against each other and usually they don’t even realize what’s happening. They’re just aware of the conflict between each other and there’s always this conflict. Maybe they can’t figure out what’s going on or where the conflict is coming from. Or maybe it’s very clearly this parent or this other person. Essentially the narcissist does this because they want you to turn on each other while having the loyalty of you both."[1]
The prospect of having another child could be the reason why Odin banished Hela without a second thought. But that's not all. Narcissists don't see their children as people with their own thoughts, feelings and needs but rather as an extension of themselves. The golden child is the positive extension of narcissist but only until they act exactly as their parent wants.
"Narcissists will turn on the golden child when the golden child stops being a source of validation, admiration, and reassurance. Even though narcissists give the golden child many opportunities, privileges, and resources that the other family members don’t get, they still view the golden child as expendable."[2]
That's because the "love" the narcissist parent has for their child is conditional. And if the golden child do anything that contradicts the narcissist's sense of self, they become the negative extension of narcissist and therefore will be treated as a scapegoat. Which happened to Hela. She was banished and imprisoned and forgotten for more than a millennium. Odin turned her literally and figuratively invisible to the world, because she was a reminder of his shameful past and his failures. No surprise that she went mad. She was treated like a tool and discarded as soon as her usefulness ran out. She didn't have any place in Odin's new future.
WI Hela on the other hand got the chance to know herself and choose her own path when she realized what she wanted all along was freedom from Odin's control. Which is a theme that repeats both with Thor's arc in TDW and Loki's arc. Because what Odin did to his children for all their lives and every punishment he sentenced them to, was ultimately for controlling them.
[1]Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) 
[2]Does the Narcissist Ever Turn on the Golden Child?
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 1
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Loki/OFC Rated M (may go up to E in future chapters) Trigger Warnings: Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics
Loki's plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos​ @just-the-hiddles-reads​
What the Hel were they waiting for?
As he sat in his cell, refusing to give the agents he knew were watching him the satisfaction of seeing him pace, Loki was very well aware he was living on borrowed time. After all, he had just led a murderous alien army against one of their largest cities. He had rolled the dice with the Chitari and lost in humiliating fashion. He knew what his punishment was certain to be, no matter what fantasy Thor tried to peddle. He wished they would just get on with it.
He heard her heels clicking along the tiled floor before she came into view. Plastering a superior sneer onto his face, Loki looked up to see a surprisingly youthful, if not exactly young, woman in a navy skirt suit and pale pink blouse approach his glass cage. With a smile she flashed her badge at the pair of guards flanking the door. He could not hear their words, the prison was soundproofed, but it seemed some sort of disagreement was taking place. Much to his amusement it was the soldiers who finally backed down, punching the code to open his cell into the panel. Weapons drawn they escorted the woman into the enclosure where the God was being held.
As if they needed the weapons. With the inscrolled cuffs binding his wrists, Loki was incapable of accessing his magical powers. Hel, he could not even move his arms far enough to cross them over his chest as habit suggested he do. He supposed he could have used brute strength to muscle his way out, mortals were easy enough to subdue even manacled as he was, but to be honest he didn’t really care enough to try.
The woman flashed him an incongruous smile, only slightly tinged with insecurity, and made her way to the table across from him. Director Fury had been the last person to sit in that seat, and his smile had been very different. It seemed one eyed men of all realms agreed that Loki was beyond redemption. Fury had taken great pleasure in informing Loki that Odin had failed to lift a finger to retrieve his adopted son from the vengeance of Midgard. Thor, that soft hearted oaf, had begged for mercy on his behalf, but when had Loki ever been shown mercy?
“Hello,” the woman greeted him, sitting down and opening a large file folder. “My name is Dr. Caroline Thorpe. I have been contracted by the powers that be to conduct a thorough examination and debriefing of you… I see in my notes that you are listed variously as Prince Loki Odinson, Mr. Loki Laufeyson, Loki God of Mischief… How would you like me to address you?”
“Your Majesty would be acceptable,” Loki drawled, crossing his ankles in front of him as he spread out on the bench indolently. “My King, Your Worship, My God… any of those will work.”
“Prince Odinson it is,” she said with a small smile.
“No!” Loki surprised himself by his vehemence. “Not that. Odin is no father to me, as he has made very clear of late.”
“Very well. Why don’t we just stick with Loki then.”
“And shall I call you Caroline?” he asked, making his voice a purr.
“If you wish,” she shrugged, ignoring his attempt to disconcert her.
“Just what are you a doctor of, may I ask?”
“I have phds in Psychology, Neuro Development, and Trauma Therapy,” she told him.
“And you work for SHIELD.”
“Not officially. They bring me in from time to time. I helped Mr. Stark after his experience in captivity, and have worked profiling other threats, real and perceived, from various individuals. But this is not about me. This is about you.”
“Are you here to determine if I am sane enough to stand trial?” he snarled, leaning forward now and narrowing his eyes. “I assure you I am ready. I find I tire of Midgardian hospitality, and if the only way to end it is via the axe, then for gods’ sake, let them swing it.”
“Is that what you want?” she asked, resting her chin on one hand.
“The axe. To die. In short, are you suicidal?”
“Suicide is a coward’s way out,” he snapped.
“Maybe,” she still sounded unphased. “Or it’s a desperate man’s way out. When pain is so intense that living seems the lesser trial. You suggested earlier that I call you your majesty. You served as King of Asgard for a time, did you not?”
“I was the rightful King!”
“And how did that come about? Your father – excuse me, Odin, is still alive.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me,” she leaned back in her chair, raising her eyebrows.
“When one lives for thousands of years as we do, rather than the pitiful lifespan of your kind, and one exerts the amount of power that Odin wields, from time to time a rest is required. It is called the Odin Sleep. Pretentious, don’t you think? In any event, he had fallen into it. Thor was banished, and so I became King.”
“Thor was banished? Why?”
“For the good of Asgard! Had he been allowed to remain and to rule, it would have been nothing but genocide and war across the nine realms!”
“My goodness! How fortunate for all of us then that Odin saw that.”
“Odin,” Loki sneered, standing up and pacing despite his best intentions. “Odin was a fool,  blinded by a father’s fancy. He never saw Thor for what he was. No one did. They were all ready to give the realm up to him.”
“And yet, he was banished.”
“Ah, I see your game. It is not enough to convict me for my crimes here on Midgard. You want to tar me with my prior acts as well. Very well, I confess. I am not ashamed of it. Thor was a danger to the nine realms. No one else was going to stop him, so I took matters into my own hands. I allowed in a small group of Jotun soldiers to the vault. Not enough to steal anything, mind you. The destroyer was more than a match for them. Just enough to delay the ceremony and give my short tempered brother a match to light the flame of his temper. And what could be more predictable than that he went roaring in, hammer flying, to try and take on an entire race with nothing more than a mere handful of companions. We would be dead if I had not alerted the guard to his intent! But do I receive thanks for that? No. All I got from halting the ill thought assault on the Jotunheim was condemnation, betrayal, and pain.”
He had not meant to reveal so much. The memory still caused pain, in as much as he allowed himself to feel anything. He had saved them, all of them, only to be accused of jealousy and worse by those who were supposed to be his friends. He had needed so much at that time to feel that he was one of them. Loki had always struggled with the knowledge that he was an outsider, only allowed because he was Thor’s brother, held in the blond God’s affections like a beloved pet. With Thor gone and his own true parentage revealed, Loki had been more alone than ever. He longed for one of them, anyone, to reach out to him. Not that he had any delusion of taking Thor’s place in their group, he did not want to. But with his very identity spinning out of his control, any sign that he was part of a group, a welcome member of the band, would have helped him to keep his moorings.
“I am not trying to convict you of anything,” Dr. Thorpe said calmly. “I am simply trying to ascertain what led to your invasion. Surly it was not as simple as envying your brother’s throne.”
“I never wanted the throne!” Loki snapped, automatically. He didn’t know why, no one ever believed him. “No, I see your game. You want to lull me into a false sense of ease. To play the kind, friendly counterpoint to Fury’s righteous anger. You will not convict me, as you say, you will merely draw out confidences until I convict myself.”
“Then you think yourself guilty then?”
“Guilty of trying to improve the miserable lives of the pathetic inhabitants of this world, yes.”
“As long as we obeyed your commands.”
“Well, I am a God.”
“But you don’t want a throne.”
“It is not a matter of want. I was born to it. Told day after day, century after century that it was my destiny to rule.”
“Why was that do you think?” she asked him.
“All part of the AllFather’s glorious plans,” he laughed without humor. “He told both of his ‘sons’ they were meant to rule. He just didn’t tell us the rest of it. Thor was meant to rule over the splendor of Asgard, an adoring people supporting his every jingoistic impulse. Whereas I was destined for a different, colder fate. King of race of monsters who I was indoctrinated to despise. A race, might I add, that would not look with adoration at me despite my parentage, but rather revulsion that such a weak, stunted puppet as I was being forced upon them by the very colonizer who destroyed their home and stole me from my fated death. Oh yes, an equally wonderful destiny for us both.”
“It is true then? Odin stole you from a Jotun temple when you were a baby?”
“Abandoned by my other loving father. Yes. A happy tale, is it not?”
“Better than dying in the cold,” she suggested.
“Is it? The warm embrace of a family? A family where a common theme was the destruction of all the monster Jotuns? One of the first games my brother and I played was of the great battle in which King Thor would lead the mighty army of Asgard. Thor was always the King, even then. He would swoop in, legions behind him, and slay every last Frost Giant, that the evil, bestial race die out forever. And how did Odin react? By tousling his blond head and handing him Mjornir, the weapon with which to obtain his genocidal heart’s desire. Tell me, Dear Doctor, what such an upbringing would instill in a Jotun child. Do you think they would learn to love their people? To see the good in themselves? And when their true nature was revealed, what then?”
“It must have been terrifying.”
“I fear nothing.”
“No? You say your brother dreamed of killing all of the Jotuns. Tell me, Loki, when you found out what you were, did you fear – did you think he might include you in his plans?”
“I fail to see what this has to do with the invasion.”
“Forget the invasion for a moment. It must have crossed your mind. Just that day Thor had led you all to the Jotunheim to slay the Frost Giants. He tried to take on the entire race, wipe out their evil forever, as you said. All of that hate, all of that killing fervor, directed at a group that you were suddenly included in.”
Loki scoffed and looked away, but inside he was in turmoil. The fear had been almost crippling. He had been sorry at first that Thor had been banished. He had meant for his scheme to end in the coronation being delayed, had never thought that it would go as far as Odin casting his brother out of Asgard. He loved Thor, and while their relationship was not without conflict, he could not imagine his life without him.
And then the whisper of a thought had slid like a knife into his brain. His arm and hand had not burned but turned blue where the Frost Giant touched him. What did that mean? Quietly he had made his way into the vault, treading the long familiar halls until he stood before the nook containing the casket of endless winter. It was as if he could hear it singing to him, a song that spoke of sheer cliffs and sparkling snows, crisp days and chilling nights. Compelled, he had reached out and clutched the casket, and his world had ended.
When he felt Odin appear behind him, Loki had known a last glimmer of hope. Surely this was some Jotun trick. His father would deny it, would explain why this was happening to him and make everything alright. Instead, Odin had confirmed in stark, harsh words Loki’s worst fears. He was a monster. No wonder he had been shunned all his life. No wonder he was left to beg for scraps at Thor’s heels. He was the unwanted son of Asgard’s mortal enemy. One of the evil creatures Thor had sworn to eliminate from existence.
Thank the Norns that Thor was not there! He had been even more dismissive than usual of late, scorning Loki’s advice and belittling him in public these days as well as in private. Loki had hoped that it was merely the stress of the coronation, but what if it was more? What if Thor was beginning to sense that something was wrong with Loki? What if he was preparing himself for the moment when his hatred of the Frost Giants drove him to take the life of one who had been raised as his brother?
“Thor directs a killing fervor at whoever happens to be in his line of vision,” Loki tried for a bored flippancy. “Why should I have expected to be exempt?”
“Because you were his brother,” Dr. Thorpe suggested.
“Ah, but I am not.”
“Aren’t you?”
“If I was, do you think he would have so casually let me fall from the rainbow bridge? Oh, he made a token reach for me out of habit, as did Odin, but do you really think that if the combined might of Thor, God of Thunder, and Odin, AllFather tried to save me I would have fallen into the abyss?”
“Or not even Gods, as you call yourselves, are infallible.”
“Careful, little Doctor, you tread on heresy!”
“Hardly the first time,” she flashed a distracting smile despite his attempt to once more intimidate her, “I’m a diehard agnostic.”
Loki took a closer look at this woman who had been brought in to interrogate him. She was attractive, for a mortal. Bright, intelligent eyes, thick hair, conservatively dressed but not without a certain sense of style he could appreciate. More than that though, she seemed unintimidated by him. All of the other mortals he had come in contact with were obviously terrified of him. Whether they expressed it by hostile attempts at intimidation or shrinking visibly in his presence, he had easily read their fear in presence. This doctor though, she seemed completely unbothered to be locked in a room with a mass murderer. Absurdly, Loki was a bit offended by this. He had worked hard to come across as menacing in his takeover attempt. The least he deserved as a balm to his bruised ego was to see the Midgardians squirm when he growled.
A top on the glass sounded and Loki and the doctor both looked over to see a blond man of older years for a mortal glaring at them through the window. Ah, the alpha approach to fear. Puffing out his chest a bit, Loki broadened his shoulders and sneered at the man who’s name he refused to learn but who had barked at him before. Dr. Thorpe looked no less happy than he to see the bureaucrat, but after a brief grimace only Loki was allowed to see due to his position, she stood up and made her way to the door.
Caroline struggled to contain her irritation as she exited the glass cell, working to paste a serene look onto her over expressive face. She had lost count of the number of times her failure to hide her thoughts had gotten her into hot water with authorities at her various posts. It was her Achilles heel; no matter how much training she had in various methods of psychology, she had never mastered the blank stare that so many therapists affected.
“Secretary Pierce,” she greeted the man, trying for a friendly tone and not convincing herself. “What brings you down here?”
“I was about to ask you the same question,” the man did not look pleased.
“Sir? I was just debriefing the detainee, as ordered.”
And she had just begun to make progress! She knew, absolutely knew beyond a doubt that there was more going on with this Asgardian Prince than the world was aware of. Everything about his actions since arriving on Earth had been a jumble of contradictions. He was obviously brilliant but made errors that anyone could have foreseen. He demanded obeisance in grand statements about his Godliness, but Caroline would swear that she saw nothing but self-loathing in his eyes.
Why had he come here? It was obvious to her that he was running from something or towards, she was not yet sure, but her instincts told her it was vital to find out. To do that, she had to get him to trust her, at least a little, and she would not do that with glowering government dignitaries hovering over her shoulder.
“I did not order any such thing,” Pierce said, glaring at her. “The prisoner is dangerous. He is scheduled to be transferred to the Raft tomorrow, where he will be tried, condemned, and executed.”
“Director Fury gave the order, Sir,” she bit back the angry retort that the prisoner had yet to stand trial, and therefore his conviction, much less his death, was a bit premature.
“Fury’s gone soft,” one of the agents who always seemed to flank Pierce muttered.
“I dare you to say that to his face,” Caroline said sweetly. “Sir, if the prisoner is leaving us tomorrow anyway, and will not be around in any capacity much longer after that, then what harm could there be in talking to him? Maybe I will discover something that could be of use to us against future threats.”
“You really think you can get something out of him?”
As one, they all turned to where Loki was lounging indolently on his bench, a mocking gaze taking them all in as if he was holding them prisoner rather than the other way around.
Lord, he was attractive, a small voice remarked inconsequentially in her mind. Caroline tried not to blush as she turned back to the men who all towered over her. The last thing she needed was for Pierce and his goons to suspect she had a soft spot for the alien invader. She would never get near him again.
“I think that if I don’t, I will only have wasted my own time and his,” she replied. “Threats have not worked; he doesn’t fear us in the slightest. Why not let me try a different approach.”
“You have until the pick him up tomorrow,” Pierce agreed begrudgingly. “After that, the Asgardian’s time is up.”
Nodding and letting her smile slip away as she turned her back on the exiting men, she focused on the one sitting behind what she knew was impenetrable glass, wrists shackled together.
One day to decipher the mystery this man represented. She had her work cut out for her.
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darknight3904 · 6 months
This Love-Prologue
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Masterlist of This Love
ɢʀᴏᴡɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ, ʟᴏᴋɪ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀꜱᴛʀɪ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɴ ɪɴꜱᴇᴘᴀʀᴀʙʟᴇ ᴘᴀɪʀ. ᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴘᴀꜱꜱ, ᴀꜱᴛʀɪ ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʜᴇʀ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ɪɴ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴡᴀʏ ʙᴜᴛ ʟᴏᴋɪ ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴛ ʜɪꜱ ᴀᴍʙɪᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴛᴏᴡᴀʀᴅꜱ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇᴅ.
Asgard 967 A.D. 
Frigga smiled as she watched her son quietly approach the baby in her arms. Her oldest son had wrinkled his nose when she sat him down to tell him that the baby girl would be staying in the palace with them. 
   "But why can't she just stay with her own family?" He asked.
   "We will be her new family. She is the daughter of a childhood friend of mine." Frigga replied.
   "She can just go back with her then," Thor mumbled from his spot across the room.
Frigga just smiled at her son and beckoned him closer to her and the sleeping babe. 
   "She looks funny and smells weird. Just like Loki did after you fed him that orange mush!" Thor said as he reached out to gently poke at the girl's face.
As she got ready to correct her son's insults against the defenseless baby, the doors to her chambers opened, revealing her husband. 
   "Escort my son back to his chambers. I wish to speak to my wife alone." Odin ordered the guards at his side. 
 Frigga didn't open her mouth until the doors had shut behind her son and the guards. 
   "What will become of her father?" She asked, placing the sleeping baby in the cradle she had asked a handmaiden to bring. 
   "He will rot in the dungeons for his crimes," Odin sighed "He tried denying his actions when I questioned him." 
   "What a selfish man. Only ever thinking of himself, I had warned Linnea that he would only bring her pain." Frigga said. 
   "And now she lives on in Valhalla," Odin said as he peered down at the rescued child, "If we are to keep her she will need a name." 
   "Astri. For her grandmother." Frigga smiled 
Hello, readers! This is my first book that has to do with Marvel so please bear with me. This story is not going to immediately jump into romance as I want to spend chapters developing Astri and Loki's dynamic as friends first. Also, after some intense Googling, I've gotten many different ages and birth years for Loki and Thor. So for this story: Thor 964 A.D. Loki 965 A.D. Astri 967 A.D..  In the prologue above, I imagined Thor as about 3 in human years while Loki is about 2, Astri while she is a baby here, she is not a newborn.  Imagine her to be 8-9 months old. For some parts I'll put their ages down or at least how I view them in human years for the part.  This story will begin before the events of Thor 1 and follow through the movies with Loki in them. I hope you enjoy reading! 
Astri "star; divine beauty"
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beheworthy · 4 months
Frigga is not Thor's mother? In comics and mythology it doesn't seem to be. And in the movies? What do you think?
His mother in the mythology is Jörd - a giantess. In the comics, it's Gaea "goddess of the Earth" in most continuities, I think.
But I'm not into comics. To me, it's Frigga, no matter how much everyone's favorite director sullied their family dynamic by having a rando chick now be Odin's firstborn with someone who wasn't Frigga (oh, so it's a pattern). I love Thor and Frigga <3
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I see a lot of discourse that's either "Frigga is the best mum to Thor she is flawless perfect" or "Frigga is a horrible mother to Thor she prioritized Loki fandom sucks for liking her". When in reality, it's nuanced LIKE EVERY PARENT CHILD RELATIONSHIP IS.
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My understanding is that she did sideline him by caring for Loki more. But not in an obvious horrible way. She genuinely believed Loki needed her more as he was a weak/small child and her strong Thor can handle himself, so she can leave him be on his own. She would even instill him with the responsibility to look after his brother who "needed more support".
And Thor even tho would need just as much of his mum as any child does, rationalized it away in his love for her and tried his best to be the strong boy she said he was. So, he doesn't resent her or anything, but does long for her love and attention the way Loki gets it. Not that he would ever voice this.
[This is just my opinion and I would appreciate it if I'm not attacked for this.]
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Here's a brilliant fanfic abt all this.
Also, I find it funny that people say Loki had Frigga and Thor had Odin as if it's somehow equal. Odin isn't exactly an affectionate parent the way Frigga was to Loki. So actually, Thor had none. (:
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lokiinmediasideblog · 7 months
A lot of the suspicion towards Loki in Thor 1 stems from the other characters not knowing jack shit about magic or what Loki's capable of, and assuming he can do pretty much anything and overestimating his abilities. It's like blaming an IT specialist for an intricate cyber-attack because he's the only IT specialist you know, or your parents thinking you can hack the US government because you reset their modem. Granted, Loki was behind a lot of stuff in this movie, but that's just how it feels and that's hilarious? Especially because a random enemy's words are enough to make them suspect one of the crown princes?
How common are Loki's abilities? I assume hiding from Heimdall's sight is very rare for my own sanity. But it's weird to assume only Loki can do that EVER.
But are the Warriors 3 and Sif really assuming Loki can unbanish Thor and give him back his powers? I strongly believe he can't (at least in Thor 1, because he gets some power-up in the T:TDW ending that Odin manages to undo (implying Odin's magic is much stronger)).
And if we're talking about the comics, the Odin-force is specific to Odin, and is passed onto Thor. I wonder if they're assuming he has inherited the Odin-force, but they're unaware of his Jotun heritage and that he hasn't gotten it? And of course, Loki can't tell them why he doesn't have it... This is just me, extrapolating and making shit up.
Thor 1 establishes a very imbalanced (literal) power dynamic between Odin and the rest of the family. Odin's banishment powers are Odin-specific. Frigga in the deleted scene, would have undone them if she could. Loki would have been able to gain Mjolnir's power by changing the parameters of worthiness if he could undo it.
Either Loki was always treacherous and terrible but incredibly powerful, like in the comics (after IW and sequels, I am not inclined to believe this) or Loki was actually decent/trustworthy for most of his life but his magic has limitations.
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user1286 · 1 year
Gods of Disappointment: Pt 1: For a Better Future
Summary: (Through Thrud’s POV): The Thor family (besides Thor), escapes Asgard, and is in search for a new home. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment, and uhhh yeah no that’s it for rn I think.
A/N: Uhhhhhh no one can stop me no one can stop me from attempting to explore a potential dynamic between Thrud and her brothers if they were revived, absolutely nobody can stop me, dear god, I hope I’m doing this right.
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Thrud had woken up in a daze, barely conscious enough to even function normally. 
With her eyes barely open, she felt the sudden touch of hands grabbing her arms and pulling her up. Thrud subconsciously moved her arms and waist, ready to fight, until she heard her mother’s voice.
Rushingly, her mother whispered,”Thrud, wake up, it’s time, we have to leave now.” The girl’s eyes had fully opened upon hearing that statement.
The family had been planning for the last two years to escape from Asgard. Realizing how much the place badly influenced both Thrud’s father and brothers, Sif had been the one to speak her mind and tell Thor they needed to leave if they wanted a better future for Thrud. Thrud had opposed the idea at first, wanting to be a valkyrie, but quickly realized maybe it would be for the best if the family did leave. Although she still had a yearning for her grandfather’s approval, she did want a chance for her family to truly become one again. 
Thrud had immediately gotten off her bed, opened up her floorboards, and exposed a backpack full of belongings she’d packed for whatever new home she might have.
When she turned to look at her mother, she noticed she was wearing a utility belt with her typical attire. Equipped to the belt were small bags of currency, first aid, and something else with a gentle wooden clang in it.
When Thrud was up and ready, so was her mother by the door, holding a lantern up.
Thrud and her mother ran out of the bedroom, past the halls, and out the building. Thrud felt a blast of the cold air on her face, and looked up at the night sky; noticing the dark clouds above. She could only think of her father and the possible outcomes of this.
Thrud and Sif ran past the dark training grounds, and to Gulltoppr- which everyone planned to steal from Heimdall with pleasure-. Holding saddle bags all over his sides, All were full of equipment and belongings of the family.
Magni and Modi were standing beside the cat, quietly bickering who should be in the front -almost getting physical like children- until both looked to Sif. 
The two straightened up, Magni then mounted to the front, and Modi assisted his mother, then Thrud mount Gulltoppr. He then sat on the rear, holding onto the end of the set of armor the animal wore.
The air felt suffocating, everything was silent, and everyone looked in the direction of where Sif and Thrud had just left; all awaiting for the signal. The signal for safety that Odin would be distracted.
Thrud’s stomach churned, and her hold around her mother’s waist tightened, begging for some sort of relief.
A snap so loud it echoed across the nine realms. A bright blue strike of thunder struck up into the sky and into the clouds.
“Go!” Sif yelled to Magni.
No time was wasted as Gulltoppr sprinted away from the direction of raging lightning and thunder. Off to the lift, away from Asgard, away from Odin, and to a future for the greater good.
“Wait, stop here Magni.” Without a word, Magni obeyed his mother, stopping the animal by a large tree.
It had been nearly a whole day of non stop running. Very short breaks were involved, and Thrud was hoping it was time to truly rest from sitting for so long. The girl was about to hop off with her mother until she was stopped by Modi’s hand on her shoulder. She looked back at Modi, and he was nodding a “no” at her, noticeably silent. Thrud sighed in frustration, and sat back down.
Sif on the other hand, hopped off Gulltoppr, reaching for the bag - with a gentle wooden clang - still on her waist. She opened the bag and pulled something small out that Thrud couldn’t see, for her mother’s back was now towards her.
Sif walked towards the tree, and subtly hid the object underneath one of the roots of so. She quickly got up, and mounted the back of Gulltoppr again.
“We will rest soon, we just need to make sure we’re out of sight from the ravens.”
The animal continued walking, and Thrud turned her head behind and stared at where her mother hid the object. 
Why couldn’t we take a break here and then leave that thing there when we leave? What even is that thing anyway?
Thrud desperately wanted to ask her mother, but she knew she would only receive another “I’ll explain later.”
Thrud was already anxious from what was now almost a day ago- having seen her father’s lighting viciously flail into the sky.- She knew that wasn’t a good signal for him. In the end, all these questions and thoughts being unanswered made her stomach churn, and her fists clench. 
She couldn’t even make conversation to calm her nerves down. Any with her mother would have typically turned into an argument, and gods forbid her brothers be in the same room when a conversation occurred, they’d both bicker and argue like two little girls over a doll. At least the little girls fought for something. Magni and Modi fought for the sake of fighting- and hardly ever did they fight with an actual goal in mind.
It wasn’t like things were the same as they were four years ago though. Thrud was glad about that. Magni and Modi’s deaths meant nothing to anyone on Asgard besides what was left of the family. Sif was destroyed, Thor was pissed and mournful, and Thrud was left conflicted. 
She was only about ten years old when the word reached Asgard. She loved her brothers, but the emotions were barely there. Her brothers were nice to her growing up, but at the same time, they were hardly ever home by the time she turned around seven. After that, a strong distance grew between Thrud and her brothers, and it was never the same. Even after the two were revived some time after their deaths…
Thanks to Sif and her constant bartering with Odin, she convinced him to bring them back to life with some of the old magic he had known of. The spell however –due to not having any Vanir gods left in Asgard– was not the highest of quality. Magni and Modi were brought back yes, but their minds and bodies were… damaged, for a brief period of time. They were barely breathing, and for weeks, comatosed. They would awake, but have little memory of anything. Magni and Modi had to re-learn their names, family, how to read and walk again. Their minds and bodies did recover over time, but for that entire winter passing, Sif and Thrud were the only ones helping the two recover.
Sif drowned herself in guilt, having known she was partly the cause for this, and Thor seemed to have begun reflecting. He was mostly silent for the duration, but he had begun to stop drinking so much. 
Thrud was glad to have her brothers back, and with how her parents were at the time, she really thought things would change for the better after everything. She was very wrong.
Thrud felt the sudden cold of a hand on her shoulder. Having startled her from her sleep, it was enough to make her twist and throw a punch directly onto Modi’s nose, throwing him off Gulltoppr.
His back landed on the snowy ground, nose clutched in his hand, and angrily yelled,“Uuuurgg, dammit Thrud!”
“What, you scared me!” Thrud’s irritation from before had quickly crept back again. She jumped off Gulltoppr and ran to Modi to check on him. “Don't forget who made me learn that anyway! Your and Magni’s pranks are your dumbest ideas next to trying to kill–” Thrud paused. Modi still on the ground, gave her the “go ahead, say it” look. She forgot she shouldn’t have brought that up to Magni or Modi. Not anymore. “Urrrrgh! You guys are so annoying!” Thrud remarked through gritted teeth. She grabbed Modi’s arm, leaned back, and picked him off the ground.
With his hand covering his nose, Modi replied, “Uugh, for the millionth time, we were joking!” He looked at his hand to see blood dripping off. A small “eugh” came from his mouth as he flicked some off.
“Yeah,” From her side, she pulled a cloth out of a pouch to give to modi. “Tell the little girl aspiring to be a valkyrie that they were all so prepared to fight,” she then handed him the cloth, to which he gestured his hand, refusing. ”’they’d wake up throwing punches.’” Thrud quoted.
Modi turned away from Thrud almost giggling, and blew blood out from one nostril, then the other. Through a slight smile, Modi responded, “You gotta admit, that was pretty funny.” He motioned for the cloth with his hand. 
Thrud handed the cloth, “Not when you wake up almost punching your fucking mom, asshole.” She was about to throw a punch at Modi’s stomach until she heard her mother.
“Thrud! Language!” Sif’s eyes narrowed, and her eyebrows furrowed. A very audible and exhausted sigh flew from her breath. Bringing Gulltoppr to a cave, she continued, “And put on a coat. In case you haven’t noticed, we finally arrived in Midgard.”
Thrud hadn’t even noticed the cold when she woke up, and when she did begin to feel it, from the corner of her eye was Modi handing his coat to her. Annoyed, Thrud snatched the coat from his hand, letting out a small “thanks” as she put it on. 
With the cloth still over his nose, Modi walked off to Gulltoppr to grab a new coat from his bag.
Magni’s back was already facing everyone as he was walking off into the deeper parts of the Midgaurdian woods, wrapping bandages on his fists;
And Sif was unpacking a couple things to camp for the night.
Thrud was clueless for a few moments. In an attempt to calm her annoyance down, she breathed the cold air in and sighed out. She observed her surroundings. The air was windy yet silent. It was clear fimbulwinter was upon Midgard still. Very little wildlife was out and about, only barely surviving trees and oversized rocks for miles. Sometimes, an occasional overgrown vine would be sat on a rock. Midguard looked almost like some kind of barren wasteland. Not the best first impression for Thrud’s first time there, but it would do.
Last second A/N: uh if you made it to the bottom, jsyk, I’m probably going to be switching povs pretty often so don’t expect just Thrud’s pov in the next chapter lol
Also school is killing me so I’m choosing to upload this now instead of a month bc UUURRRAAAUUUUGH
Thanks for reading >:D, I’ll make sure to make a master list once my second chapter is out 👍
Update: here's part two :D
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worstloki · 6 months
Why does thor have to be defined so much by odin. Why cant he be his own person too
Well it’s called being defined by relationships and experiences you have had. Kind of hard to wholly separate characterisation from the family dynamic they had for a majority of their life,,
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