#cluster b rant
ghostslimu · 1 year
I fucking hate when the internet waters down actual serious diagnoses to the point where everyone can somehow relate to it. I hate when the bad symptoms get glossed over for the sake of making cluster B individuals seem nicer and more relatable to the public, at the expense of painting an accurate picture of the disorder. I hate when the response to me talking about my bad symptoms is to deny that I have them and reassure me that I'm a sweet person who would never do that. That I just have the wrong perception of my own behavior. I hate when my friends say they have the same personality disorders as me because they related to some symptoms they saw on fucking tiktok. But then turn around and call me a horrible person for displaying any symptom that isn't self deprecating, quiet, cute, and deserving of sympathy. The whole fucking point of cluster B disorders are that they make life a living hell. It's not fair, it's not nice, it's not sweet, there's no justice to it. There's no "it's okay to have (insert disorder) and get mad at your loved ones as long as you don't act on it ^^" when acting on it is part of the fucking disorder. Can we stop acting like all symptoms can be suppressed, that having personality disorders and being cluster B is just a minor inconvenience and it's still easy to be a functioning nice person. And can we stop acting like being horrible to yourself makes a disorder "better" and more "noble" than being horrible to others. Thanks. (And no one put words in my mouth, I am not saying that it's okay to hurt others by acting on your symptoms, I'm just saying that it's a part of the disorder that needs to be recognized in order to be dealt with. Denying it's there is not doing anything. "I didn't choose to develop this disorder and I didn't choose to act this way" and "acting this way hurts the people I love and I need to be responsible and seek help" are two statements that can and should co-exist. There's nothing fair about being mentally ill.)
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alostlittleriverlotus · 2 months
what also gets me about people being so adamant about using the word "narcissist" or some form of it to describe shitty people is...there are other words. I was just watching a drew gooden video and he said "If you knowingly take part in something that has the potential to put other people in harm's way and you still do it cause it's kind of fun for you, you are selfish and you suck." (It's the gender reveal party.)
Just seeing how many commentary YouTubers, especially more leftist ones that talk about the heavier side of things like misogynists and seeing them use the term narcissistic or delusional is just. We HAVE other words we can use! We HAVE USED other words for years before narcissistic became a big trend to say and narcissistic abuse really ramped up as a pop psychology trend.
It is literally SO easy to use other words. You can Google similar words. Selfish, self centered, self righteous, egotistical, arrogant, entitled. One of the best words I find is probably entitled. Because a lot of bigots and misogynists and shit that usually get delusional and narcissistic thrown at them are really more self centered, arrogant, and entitled. Self interested, self obsessed. Especially since for abusers, misogynists, other shitty people, the entitled comes from the fact it is NORMALIZED!!!!! It is not a bunch of narcissists harming people, it is a society, a world, that has normalized this behaviour. They are entitled, they are abusive, they are selfish, they are cruel. There are so many OTHER WORDS to describe your abuse, to describe shitty people. Just call them abusers or bigots for fucks sake. And even if some delusional people may get roped into it cause they're vulnerable, typically it is a lot of people who are INTENTIONALLY doing it. It is normalized, it is allowed!
All we narcissists ask is that you not use a word that demonizes us. "There's a difference" yet other people say there isn't, other people say NPD isn't even fucking real, other people say pwNPD ARE abusive. If we used any kind of other word for the more "talked about" disorders, there would be a problem. We ask that you change it, we ask that you use other words, we ask that you not further add to the stigma. The same stigma that BPD deals with, that autistic people deal with, that any neurodivergent person deals with. The stigma and demonization is something ALL neurodivergencies have fucking faced!!! It may have moved away from demonization for a lot of disorders, but there ARE people that DO still believe it.
We fucking ask you literally use any other word. And you refuse to. You refuse to listen to us. You refuse to believe us when we tell you the harm it has and how it actually prevents us from finding resources. You say "of course a narcissist would want that." You see it as an attack on you and your trauma. You are throwing trauma victims at risk of abuse under the bus because you want to feel vindicated in your own trauma. You completely ignore any critical thinking of what we say to turn it against us, to ignore us, to bring up your own trauma as a defense point. Yes, you were abused by someone and it is terrible that happened. So were we!!! My abusive mom probably has NPD, but it did not affect the abuse I faced, it only add strains in our relationship outside of the abuse that still affect us to this day.
It is SO easy to find another word, to literally just listen to us, to not throw us under the same fucking bus. To not group us in with abusers and rapists and child sex offenders and murderers. Would you fucking like to be compared to your abuser? Pretty sure you fucking wouldn't. So why is it okay to do to us?
Some people will never listen. No matter what I say, it does not matter. As with any kind of thinking along these lines. But for those that are still reachable, please. Listen to us. And what would you even do if you found yourself having NPD traits? Wouldn't it be terrifying to see that in yourself? Because I sure as hell thought it was. It made me hate myself and further believe that I could NEVER do any wrong because I wasn't like my narcissistic abusers and worsened my relationship difficulties. A fair bit of narcissists on here had also fallen into that same hole. It doesn't heal you. It keeps you angry, scared, upset. It makes you want to hurt them back. And that will not heal you. It'll keep you defensive. It's keeping you in a victim mentality and preventing healing.
To the ones that ARE reachable, I hope you can learn something from my posts, from posts I reblog, or from any other posts. It starts with narcissists and "psychopaths" (antisocials), but it is the same place the stigma of every neurodivergency and mental disorder stems from. It's why other disorders may still get demonization from some ableists. That a lot of autistic experiences were based around how it affected OTHER PEOPLE like "think of their mom having that autistic kid :(" it is not anything new. It is the same ableism and stigma. It is less demonized for other disorders now, focusing more on treating it as no big deal, ignoring the actual difficult symptoms of such disorders (like if you have poor hygiene, people will judge you regardless), or even infantilization. There IS still stigma, but the stigma was once the same as us, demonization. It comes from the same place. It's things said about other disorders still today even if it is rarer. It's just more well known for the "scary" personality and psychotic disorders since there is a big push to destigmatize things like depression, anxiety, OCD, autism.
Do not throw us under the bus. It will do nothing. It is the same fucking stigma, the same fucking arguments. Like gay people throwing trans people under the bus, they're called the same things even if it seems like they aren't. It comes from the same bigotry, the same place of hatred.
It is not new, it is not different, it just is more common for personality disorders, psychotic disorders, and schizospec disorders. So when we bring up these things, mention how using the term directly associated with a disorder in the DSM V and how it prevents us getting help, how using the term narcissistic DOES correlate to NPD, please fucking listen.
Cause nothing will ultimately benefit you for continuing down that rabbit hole. Narcissistic abuse believers don't help victims of abuse, those articles and questions don't help you heal. It keeps you angry how anyone could do that, it takes advantage of your vulnerability and desire to find meaning and logic out of it. The reality is, you may never know why or at least not until you are away from the abuse.
We are trauma victims as well. We are still at risk of abuse because of our disorder. I would genuinely stay with an abuser just for the sake of narc supply regardless of how they hurt me if I did not have a good support system. For our "toxic" traits, we cannot work on them without help and the idea of narcissistic abuse pushes stigma further which prevents us from even finding free online resources, let alone if we actually tried to seek any fucking help.
Narcissistic abuse is not real and it will never be. Please fucking include us in "mental health matters" and the push for destigmatizing disorders. We are fucking humans that need help. And even if we were all toxic and selfish hypothetically, removing the ability to find resources or get help is NOT the way to go.
Even when I believed in narcissistic abuse, I would search to find answers on why I aligned with NPD if I wasn't an abuser or a bad person. I was terrified to even suspect it despite how much attention and love and supply I needed and how that applied to the very essence of my being. Even when I examined my own actions, all I found was treating it as if they're the utter worst of humanity. Even with my toxic and unhealthy acts because I was a fucking traumatized teen with no experience for relationships of any kind especially not healthy ones, I could not find answers or help. And all that did was reassure me that I WAS the good person, that I was JUSTIFIED in my toxic desires because I was traumatized. It did not help me with my emotional regulation, it worsened it.
Even if narcissists WERE all abusers or toxic and bad, they deserve fucking help and a chance to be able to see their actions in a better light. Some people may never change, but plenty will if given resources and actual professional help. The idea of narcissistic abuse refuses that and just demonizes it and NOBODY wants to be demonized, NOBODY wants to believe they're a bad person. The term narcissistic abuse and the environment and community surrounding it is toxic. It always will be. That is inherently what it is about. It kept me terrified that someone might call me an abusive narcissist because of my emotional difficulties, that someone would take me out of context and turn me into a monster like my family had done my entire fucking life. It keeps you defensive, it keeps you scared, it keeps you mistrustful, it keeps you in those trauma responses. It does not fucking help victims find peace of mind or heal. It keeps you triggered.
Also NPD isn't just a single disorder on its own. It's comorbid or the person could be ND in other ways. BPD + NPD, it has some genetic factors so a narcissistic parent may increase likelihood you have it, there are DID systems with it. You are not just throwing people with purely ONLY NPD under the bus, but whoever else may have it that may also fall under many other categories. I'm autistic and have NPD, I'm a system with NPD, I'm schizospec and psychotic with NPD. I have ADHD and NPD. They may not be directly related and comorbid, but I do still fall under these other categories. So autistics throwing people with NPD under the bus does nothing for the narcissists that are also fucking autistic. So by throwing narcissists under the bus, you are throwing a LOT of people with that disorder that also have other forms of neurodivergency under the bus as well. And the stigma all comes from the same place anyway.
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480pfootage · 10 months
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clearpilled and mentally sane
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hey there ;)
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Yk I've been thinking a lot recently about how the aspd community (and most people period tbh) seems to nourish this idea that everyone with aspd (traits) is like, this dark, uncaring, dismissive, always overt type of person who kicks puppies for fun and drops people whenever. And while this may be true for a lot of people with aspd, I think it's important to mention people with aspd who don't work like that.
There are people with aspd who do care what other people think, who do feel the whole range of human emotion, who aren't impulsive, who mask constantly or compulsively, who have conflicting trauma responses or disorders that 'don't usually go together', like aspd and dpd, there are people with aspd who are more inhibited with their symptoms (covert types, like myself), because that's how they learned to survive in their environment, who want community, who aren't constantly egotistical, who care about people, who's aspd is mild, etc.
I meet 4 of 7 criteria, not everyone notices it, despite that I still meet the criteria. I'd say the main problem I face is feeling weak and compensating with that, along with a misanthropic viewpoint and a sense of humour that comes across as rude/mean, because I'm passive aggressive, because my humour is how i cut people down, because then i can fall back on it being a joke. This fucks with my chances of having meaningful relationships, job opportunities, communities, etc. I lie a lot, I take my anger out online, I express my feelings through 'edgy stuff' as well as 'childlike' stuff. I call myself punk although I don't actually care about world issues, I'm just stubborn and unwilling to admit that. It also gets me praise, and as we know I also have npd.
I exhibit a mild, covert form of aspd that NEEDS more representation. A lot of people don't realize that they have aspd because they're 'not that bad' or 'not overt' or 'feel emotion', and the idea that that is needed to qualify for aspd needs to be wiped off the fucking planet.
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
I want to be very clear
If you think some mental illnesses "should be stigmatised" get in the fucking bin
Stigma doesn't stop mental illness, no not even the ones you don't like
What it does is give permission to people to dehumanise and abuse people who are diagnosed with those conditions
I am lucky in that my psychosis is relatively tame and something I can deal with with support from my family and my family is willing to support me
But the mental health professionals have actively warned me away from getting a formal diagnosis because it would endanger me and make my life harder than not having a diagnosis. Like they have worked with me to keep "off paper"
Because of fucking stigma
And I am VERY LUCKY but even without a formal diagnosis that I had to fight the system for 6 months for the permission to safely come off my antipsychotic so I could take other medication that I desperately need
Other people have been abused horrifically and been stripped of their bodily autonomy and human rights because they have what's considered a "bad" mental illness
So if you come onto one of my posts and say "narcissistic personality disorder should be stigmatised" I will fight you because you're a piece of shit
Because stigma doesn't help anyone but people those in power to cause harm
Cluster B personality disorders does not make monsters
They are humans and they deserve to be treated as humans!
I am fucking sick of the abuse and hatred mentally ill people get!
Fuck OFF!
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 3 months
we're not saying people with npd, aspd, ect cant hurt you or abuse you
we're saying disorder =/= abusive
people with npd, bpd, aspd, infact, ANY cluster b disorder CAN abuse you. HOWEVER, having those disorders dosent instantly make you an abuser
dont be abelist.
people with ANY disorder can abuse you. that dosent mean they WILL abuse you. the fact that they have that disorder dosent mean theyre an abuser. it dosent make them abusive. they can be abusive, that dosent mean suddenly every narcissist is evil, suddenly all aspd people are threatening you, all bpd people are rude and abusive. stop throwing around the word abuse like its nothing. stop specifically linking it to personality disorders. thats blatantly abelist.
ihope all cluster bs have a lovely lovely day please ignore the hate and abelism yall are so gorgeous treat yourself to your comfort food
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ohara-n-brown · 4 months
Some of y'all be like 'eat the rich' then turn around and be classist when you don't like someone.
Same way y'all hate bodyshaming and fatphobia until you personally need to insult someone.
Same way y'all hate ageism then running to someone's bio to check their age.
Same way y'all hate aphobia but uh-oh someone is a little bit irritating then they need to get laid. Suddenly being a sexless virgin is bad. They've got no bitches and that's bad.
Love to talk about the benefits and beauties of online communities and how important they are until someone annoys you then it's go touch grass
Love to talk about mental health until you got beef now they're a 'narcissist' and 'delusional' and they need to 'get help' and don't get me STARTED on how people love using the word bipolar
Cant believe in saying this but y'all need to learn how to insult people better
cause mfer WE CAN HEAR YOU. You're not serving what you think you're serving
Always want to talk about how someone 'probably looks like' or what they 'should be doing' or whether they're 'unstable' or not.
Quit being ridiculous. Quit being a hypocrite and calling it cunty. Knock it off!! Learn how to read someone correctly or go home!!!
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nagichi-boop · 1 year
If you use “narcissist” as an adjective, I will immediately lose a degree of respect for you. The only use case that is acceptable for this word is to factually refer to someone who has NPD. Use a different word like egotistical, self-cantered, selfish, etc. instead of throwing around the name of a literal disorder to describe someone. This is especially annoying cuz people tend to exclusively use it to describe someone who has abused them in their lives. I’m very sorry if you have been abused, but it’s still no excuse. People can be abusive jerks regardless of whether they have NPD or any other disorder.
To me, it’s no different to someone saying “I’m very ocd about this” cuz they like things to be orderly. Another situation where you can very easily reword the sentence to avoid casually using a debilitating disorder as a quirky adjective. Though arguably calling someone a narcissist is worse because it pretty much exclusively is used as a way to negatively describe someone, often an abuser.
I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. Just…don’t use mental disorders as adjectives.
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Oh yeah make sure neglected people get love until that neglected person is a fucking narcissist. Cause all narcissists are bad. Everything I do is intentionally manipulative or maybe they'll say I'm not actually a narcissist and are just confused or supporting them cause I've been made to feel guilty. I've been on both sides. People will believe I'm a narcissist and so therefore I'm abusive or people will not believe I'm a narcissist cause I'm too nice and just getting caught up in narcissists manipulating me to support them.
I hate the idea that my self image is not by my choice. I will always be what OTHERS perceive me as. I have always been that and it will continue to be that. People will either see someone that can't do any wrong or someone that can only do wrong. Like stfu I am a person! I can do good and bad! I have a past of being toxic and harmful esp as a teenager cause I was a fucking mentally fucked teen still in an abusive situation.
I just. I dunno. Im waiting on food so I'm very like just ranty about everything and anything. But like. Stfu. Stfu stfu stfu stfu stfu. If anyone else is needy and needs attention or reassurance then it's fine. But I have had it demonized since my fucking childhood and had my fucking meltdowns demonized as being intentionally manipulative!!! I WAS A FIVE YEAR OLD AUTISTIC CHILD STFU!!!!!
And people praising empathy as being good piss me off. Cause you know what else can also have hypoempathy? AUTISM. Low empathy is not just an "evil" personality disorder thing. Anyone can be anywhere on the scale of empathy. And it doesn't fucking matter. And anyone can be capable of good or bad. It has literally nothing to do with narcissism or any disorder.
Like wtf are anti narcissists gonna fucking do when they realize theyve done harm??? Cause you know what being someone believing in narc abuse did to me?! It made me believe that i was justified as a victim of narcissists so therefore I couldn't be wrong in my trauma responses.
Yeah. Accepting im a narcissist did way more for helping my relationships by allowing me to understand and communicate my needs than believing in narc abuse and calling my parents narcissists ever fucking did. Wtf are they gonna do when they're told about the harm they've done??? Not even related to narc abuse. I would have horrible episodes and defended myself cause I wasn't like my abusive "narcissistic" parents. And all it did was lead to more fights and more episodes and my friend couldn't help cause they were dealing with trauma responses too (people pleasing, believing it was okay what I did or that she deserved it even when I told her not to say or believe that, it's a very lengthy explanation required thing.)
Anyone and everyone is capable of good and bad and is capable of harming others. Whether it's full on abuse, even worse things, or just being insensitive and thoughtless. Focusing so much on the big bad narcissists will only continue to focus on this "us vs them" mentality that completely negates any sort of nuance and ignores the fact that harmful people, abusers, and even the worst of humanity is ALLOWED by society. It isn't a prevalence of narcissists, it is fucking bigotry. And it is everywhere. And it allows abuse to be normalized.
Big list of things I been thinking on. Fuck fuck fuck. I'm already fucking stressed and my parents won't stfu so I can think and type. Disorganized speech, semiverbal, can't thinky think.
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Wishing that I could be softer and sweeter and more loving and affectionate but simultaneously being absolutely disgusted and repulsed and enraged by the very notion is kind of exhausting actually
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People need to stop acting like therapists and other mental health professionals all know everything there is to know about psychology and can never be wrong.
First of all, they can be (and many of them are) racist, sexist, ableist, etc either on a conscious or subconscious level. I've seen people say "I was denied an autism diagnosis because my psych didn't believe women could be autistic" and then there's dozens of comments saying "well they're a professional so they're obviously right!!! Just admit you don't have autism!!!" even when the person explicitly said they were denied a diagnosis because of a sexist and inaccurate stereotype.
And also, I guarantee you most psychs are not as educated as you think they are (which plays into the above point, they aren't educated enough so they have these biases). Despite how long they spend in school, they often come out knowing about MAD and GAD (without tangible causes) and CBT, and that's about it. Often times certain disorders get mentioned once for a single paragraph and that's it, and/or taught about incorrectly. I've heard people say that Split was shown as an accurate representation of DID in their psych class. Unless a psych has specialist knowledge in a certain disorder, it's safest to assume they barely know anything about it, unfortunately.
Even when it comes to well known disorders. I'd say most therapist are not trauma informed enough to treat PTSD and C-PTSD. I've had MULTIPLE therapists admit to me that they know barely anything about OCD and I had to explain to them how to treat me. They don't even know about PTSD and OCD, so how they hell do you expect them to know about dissociative and personality disorders???
This is not to say all therapists and mental health professionals are unqualified. This is to say that they have biases and prejudices, and that the psychology training system teaches you about depression and anxiety and not much else. So no, you shouldn't treat them like flawless gods that can never be wrong ever. So yes, sometimes they misdiagnose. Sometimes they fuck up. That DOESN'T mean that the patient is faking. And this ESPECIALLY means you shouldn't believe a therapist's take about a certain disorder just because they're a therapist. For example, all the therapists who are not qualified at all in personality disorders saying shit about "narcissists" and "sociopaths" (especially on social media, because they do that stuff for clout and don't care about facts).
So the bottom line is: stop assuming mental health professionals know everything. And if they don't specialize in a certain disorder, don't take their word as law. You wouldn't take a dentist's opinion on cardiology, don't take a depression/anxiety therapist's opinion on NPD.
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gh0stgirl-hotline · 3 months
Having a personality disorder is insane cause it literally makes you unlovable like when you are a kid you are deprived of that love and safety and you spend the rest of your life chasing it only to realize you will never ever get it the personality disorder that resulted from the lack of love in turn has literally made you unlovable totally and completely everyone hates you the fear anxiety rage shame that eats away at you everyday the constant and inevitable rejection it’s an endless cycle of hell for anyone involved the mood swings knowing that anytime you let the fun crazy persona slip and they see how depressed empty and anxious you really are is no fun after all cause nobody really loves you they just love the way you make them feel always discarded the second the mask begins to fray
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psychopathicfreak · 13 days
Bitches are always so shocked to find out I’m not doing some sort of bit and my existence isn’t some sort of self — aware, purposely — exaggerated joke . . . I’m actually just like this !
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raveartts · 23 days
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fighting the urge tooth and nail to watch book 3 again
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i can't draw the stinky man well 😩
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teslacarbombz · 4 months
i fucking hate people with Overwhelming Morals who go batshit insane when something steps out of what they think is Right. they refuse to realize the nuance and complexity of every single fucking thing in life, and they try to make others abide by THEIR moral code cuz they think theyre fucking right and holy
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alostlittleriverlotus · 5 months
not in a good mood cause my friend's boyfriend is dealing with his abusive mom. And after a recent issue they had of her verbally abusing him, he found out about narcissistic abuse and ow. Ow. Thing is, he's autistic/adhd and has BPD and DID. I just. I fucking hate how easy it is. He repeated that "autistic and adhd people attract narcissists."
NO!!!!! Luckily he's very open minded and chill and is trying to understand when my friend tells him. But still. The fact that someone with equally demonized disorders and BPD which can be very commonly comorbid with NPD and then demonizes narcissists cause of how widely available that information is hurts. Just...no. Just no.
That is how easily accessible the information on "narcissists" is. He learned about it that easily when that ableism stems from the same place as the rest of hatred of mental health. There are people that believe you can't be in a relationship with someone with ADHD without it being emotionally abusive. People think meltdowns from autistic people are intentional emotional abuse. There are people that still believe that stuff.
It is so important for the rest of the mentally ill to not fall into this hole of demonizing narcissists. That ableism stems from the same place that ableism against autistic people and depression and anxiety and all stem from.
Narcissism doesn't make someone more likely to abuse. They do not have unique patterns of abuse. It is just abuse. It is emotional abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse. Just because someone that may have NPD is abusive does not make it narcissistic abuse. And also: if your abuser, especially if you are genetically related to them, has NPD then that raises the chance YOU would have NPD. It doesn't guarantee it, but personality disorders are a mix of trauma and genetics.
Anyone with any disorder can be abusive. People without disorders can be abusive. The majority of abusive people most likely don't have a personality disorder. It's the same as assuming that "all serial killers are schizophrenic" which is something my brother said to me recently. It's the same as believing all criminals are "psychopaths" when that just isn't true.
Anyone with or without disorder or neurodivergency has the ability to abuse and hurt others. A lot of the time, abusers may be just neurotypical. Narcissists aren't more likely to abuse than anyone else. Their disorder does not make them abusive. Any disorder can affect their treatment of someone.
I have dealt with many people who used their depression as a way to abuse me. It does not make it depression or depressive abuse. The disorder is irrelevant, the abuse is not.
If you lump in narcissists with abusers, you are lumping in other people that have been abused and traumatized with their abusers. I have been compared to a rapist, to a child sex offender, to a serial killer for being a narcissist. I have seen people saying to kill every narcissist since it would be better for people. I have been told I am lying about my abuse and actually my abusive ex boyfriend didn't abuse me, *I* abused *HIM.*
Narcissistic abuse does not exist. It is not a different or unique pattern. It is not "different than NPD cause the word narcissist existed before NPD" (when it is heavily associated with NPD and many resources say it is about NPD.) It is not a special type of abuse done by people with NPD. It is bullshit. You don't need "narcissistic abuse" to be able to understand your own abuse. Narcissists are not everywhere and looking to harm you. It keeps you scared and traumatized. It is not healing, it is not helping.
I'm just so upset cause my friend's BF is such a cool dude and I have faith he will learn over time, but it was so triggering. I split so fucking bad. So yes. Here's my rant and the reminder that: Narcissistic abuse is bullshit and just demonizes people with NPD and the mentally ill and people they often claim are narcissists aren't and are just privileged and entitled and shitty people and often have to do with more systemic problems that are normalized and accepted by society rather than, you know, icky mentally ill person.
Oh and btw. If you're gonna fight at all on this, just block me. Either you can listen and learn or not. If you're in the "not" section, just leave. You'll just be blocked anyway. Because I'm not here to have it justified why it's okay to say narcissists are abusive when I am literally a narcissist and this shit has literally worsened me to the point of wanting to die. Fuck off. We are mentally ill people. Some people with NPD being abusive does not make us all abusive. You would never say the same for any other disorder so why say it for us? If you wouldn't say it about autism, depression, OCD, or any other literal mental illness then do NOT say it about us. There are people out there who DO still say that about those disorders. Who DO believe that a disorder makes you inherently abusive. Is that who you want to side with? Cause it's the same fucking logic. Narcissistic abuse is purely pop psychology and popularized by the mainstream rather than even being a real term. Yes, psychologists and other professionals can be wrong and can be ableist too.
I've said my piece. Narcissists and anyone else demonized whether your disorder is widely demonized or not, I love you. A lot of disorders have become more infantilized rather than demonized these days, but there are people out there that still see every mentally ill person as evil. No matter what kind of ableism you face for your disorder, you deserve love and care and support, not to be treated more like an object than a person. And no matter what, no matter how good or bad, You. Deserve. Help. You deserve to be able to have access to help without any bullshit.
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