#ticci toby
yasmimkilleruwu · 3 days
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greydrits · 2 days
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Toby, turning in a chair: I’ve been expecting you.
Y/N: You asked me to come here.
Toby: That’s why I’ve been expecting you.
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Toby Bieber (they got the same hair cut)
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seireitonin · 2 days
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Toby acts exactly like Ryuji from Persona 5. No I will not elaborate.
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ggartanddrawing · 3 days
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so this are the first versions of my creepypasta line.. I love creepypastas, I know that they are cringy and bad...but sometimes that can make something good. :P
anyway I am aware that some of the creators of these characters are bad people.. but I never cared for the creators and to be honest most of the stories are bad, but I love some of the character, not for what they are but what they could of been. So never liked what the creators made, but the idea, if that makes sense. I am bad at explaining myself sometimes
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insomniac-shado · 2 days
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Rate my phone setup 🔥
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crowdrawstrash · 3 days
Fun art challenge by @creeps-and-pasta :D
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Also my Nat design is inspired by AntlerGraves design because the way they draw her is so good!! :D
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sammy-fishh · 2 days
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sencillamente amo a Ticcy Toby
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suniihun · 3 days
it's so funny to me (in a light hearted way ofc I'm trans I totally get it) when media like creepypasta has fanfics that are along the lines of "I'm so sorry I haven't told you but...I'm trans....I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore..." my brother in christ you are saying this to the devil incarnate he is the LAST person to care. or on the other hand you have resident serial killer like we have bigger fish to fry.
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misstressoftheforest · 17 hours
Maijor TW for
Sh,suibaitng,and grooming
There is someone on discord pretending to be famous creators in different fandoms and grooming minors. Beware this server and these ppl. The main culprit a kastoway impersonator has groomed minors and has suibaited said minors. He has sent sh in the nsfw chats which I do not have access to as I am a minor (17). I have had almost no private interactions with the fake kastoway and the fake content creators in these screenshots. Please spread this so we can protect the young fans in this fandom as most of the children in the server are 13-15 years old. They blame the real kastoway calling them out as them being hacked by someone named Mon Mon. Mon Mon as far as I know is not real. They have also @ minors in the porn of the characters they play in that server. They have deleted most of the evidence as they have been called out before on TikTok.
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yasmimkilleruwu · 20 hours
Can I kiss eyeless jack
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foressfaction · 1 day
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I did a mini amimatic of that lme amazing world of gumball scene where he talks about this kids mom but he doesn't have a mom but keeps going when he still doesn't have mom and no siblings either but i find it so funny. Toby is also talking to Leo if you can't tell,
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Toby's hoarding habit
Sometimes you look at your relationship with Toby and wonder if he must be part squirrel the way he hoards things in secret. He was never allowed to have anything at all growing up, and so it’s given him insecurities that anything he gets will be taken away from him, but even as he starts to recover from said insecurities over the many years he’s been at the mansion he can’t seem to break the habit. The habit started with food items but has progressed to random things that make him happy. The following is a list of items that you and other creeps have found hoarded by Toby.
7 unopened boxes of Fruit Gushers, hidden at the very back of his closet where he keeps his empty shoe boxes. 
20 different single-wrapped Rice Krispies treats that were hidden at the very bottom of his sock drawer. 
3 (thankfully sealed) boxes of chocolates hidden underneath your bed around Valentine's Day that he forgot to tell you about until you found them several weeks after. In addition to the chocolate he bought you that he had just handed to you.
About 40 different rocks that he had found outside and thought were cool stashed at the top of the downstairs coat closet in the mansion.
38 more rocks that were hidden under the sink in one of the downstairs mansion bathrooms.
And, if you'd believe it, 56 more rocks hidden in the back of Tim's closet. Why specifically Tim's closet? Toby didn't have a good answer to that question.
A collection of about 150 very tiny ducks he ordered online that he thought to stash in your own sock drawer for safekeeping. The ducks are still there.
20 unopened Gatorade bottles hidden at the very back of the kitchen sink. He had to relocate these pretty soon because Tim thought they were somehow misplaced during a grocery unloading and put them in the pantry. Toby moved them to his pants drawer to later be found by you when you were looking for a pair of his comfy pajama pants.
2 giant lollipops that he hid behind your cups and promptly forgot about until you discovered them one day while he was over. He began to eat one of them and offered the second one to you, and of course, you accepted it.
10 copies of the movie Cars that were hidden under your bathroom sink. Toby couldn't remember purchasing them or why he put them there but he thinks once he was really tired and wanted to do a funny joke with them at some point so he hid them, but he cannot remember what the joke was.
127 differently sized and colored shirt buttons that were discovered in the top drawer of Toby's desk. None of the buttons go with any of the shirts he owns.
16 different opal stones hidden in an old box you don't use anymore. You only discovered this because you caught him in the act of trying to hide the 17th stone. However, you allowed him to keep doing this, and the last time you counted the updated stash it was up to 33.
And, finally, his most recently discovered stash, 58 uniquely colored marbles, hidden in the bottom drawer of Slender's desk in his office that he had been keeping empty in case he needed to use it for something. Toby decided it should be used for marbles. 
Of course, these are just the stashes that have been discovered. There could be many, many more yet to be uncovered.
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tic-toc-clock77 · 1 day
Clockwork and Mischaracterization
I'm tired of seeing Clockwork get treated like a cunty bitch who hates people. She's not that, she is NOTHING like that. It goes back to the stigma of Toby dickriders wanting to ship themselves with him + wanting Clockwork out of the picture. There's nothing wrong with that on a SURFACE level but the level people in the creepypasta fandom take their hate of TicciWork and Clockwork goes beyond simply a fandom thing; this hate caused her creator to leave the fandom, because of their actions, her creator gets anxiety even seeing her name.
Worse, it hasn't stopped, nobody cares about the damage they've done and continues to dickride a character who had to be KILLED OFF to get people to shut the fuck up. On the initial note, however, more people need to see Clockwork for who and what she is.
Clockwork is NOT a mean cold-hearted bitch, what she is a deeply scarred individual who kills out of fear, to relive killing her family when things get hard for her. In art depictions, we see how much she genuinely loved Toby and how much he loved her back, how wholesome and precious their relationship was, we see her lash out but we also see her scared and emotional like the troubled person she is. She would not be a bitchy ex because they're NOT EVEN EXES, TOBY IS DEAD.
The creator has nothing against headcanons or anything but CLOCKWORK IS NOT OUR CHARACTER, he made that very clear; she is not ours to rewrite, she is not ours to remake, what she is, is a deeply personal character to her creator, leave her story alone. Make headcanons, aus, whatever but please, for once, keep her canon in mind.
It's the bare minimum of what her creator asks of us
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mace-crimes · 19 hours
Fanart for contest
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The gif is janky and lost some details. The lighter is supposed to flicker and Toby’s eyes are also static^^
the contest is for @foressfaction’s comic. I suggest checking it out if ur a Crp fan!
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