#cw ableism
kipskiptrip · 10 months
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Happy Disability Pride Month! This comic was never meant to be pretty or neat, but rather meant to tell my story with internalized ableism and dealing with medical trauma. It's a very personal story, and even making it was a tough decision, but I went through too much recovery not to do so.
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ghostlyg0ssip · 2 months
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who's gonna tell them that the g1 characters would beat the shit out of them for saying this
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yournewlodger · 2 months
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A post about Edward Nygma and touch.
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roomwithavoid · 8 months
if you say “delulu” i’m going to hit you with my car
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wilbug · 2 months
hey you can say wilbur is an awful person and a piece of shit without being ableist and saying hes a narcissist. btw. you can say hes abusive without saying he has a personality disorder because hes "evil because people with NPD are evil" because even though youre not directly saying it thats what youre implying.
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lastoneout · 11 months
It might seem extreme but I think it would really help some able-bodied people get their heads around the importance of mobility aids if they considered them an extension of their user's body, bcs like, if you wouldn't suggest someone cut their own arm off and leave it at home for your comfort then you shouldn't ask a disabled person to leave their mobility aid behind either. I'm not removing my lungs so you don't have to see me breathe any more than I'm leaving my rollator at home bcs accommodating me is inconvenient or being seen with me makes you uncomfortable.
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rokurodokuro · 11 months
Something I genuinely don't have an answer to is why people who are born with disabilities that impact them for life and can't work because of those disabilities are treated as not-even second-class citizens, not just by their own families and peers, but by the very law itself. At best, we're treated as case numbers and statistics-- at worst, we're treated like barely-sentient objects.
I have tried, again and again and again and again, to find the answer to that, that isn't just a one-word answer (that is, ableism), but every search gives me no clear-cut results as to why this is the case. No opinion pieces. No academic or economic papers. No specific laws as to what defines what makes a person financially worth less when they are unable to work-- people who, often, need more financial help than their workable peers to cover medical costs. Why people who are unable to work are unable to marry without risking losing every benefit they have, be it Medicaid, SSI, or in some cases, even food stamps, even if both partners are under the federal poverty line.
I don't want a nebulous, one-word answer, even if I know that's what it boils down to. I want details. I want specific laws and rulings and reports.
And, furthermore, I want action from lawmakers and legislators to give people who have been disabled-- be it from birth or from an accident-- to be on equal financial footing with their able-bodied and/or neurotypical peers.
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mero7t · 2 months
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gemini!leo(@tangledinink) meets his worse self (araneus!leo)
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 months
Apparently in Scotland I think, they would believe autistic children are we’re called “children of the fae” that they took the kids and now they are one of them. And the best part is, they are so chill about it, like “ya, there’s nothing we can do, he’s like this and always has” like hell ya that’s so cool, I wanna go dance in a fairy ring, that’s awesome. 🤩♾️🌈
Yep there's folklore about changelings in many parts of Europe, including Britain, Ireland and Scandinavian countries! Traditionally they're about children who have been abducted by the fae and replaced with a changling, and it's been theorised that this was a way to explain the behaviour of neurodivergent children as well as those with other diabilities. The 'replaced' child might be particularly mischevious, communicate differently, look different, or have abilities far beyond their age, all of which were seen as characteristics of a fairy.
I'm afraid it's not always a positive story though; unfortunately it was often used as an excuse to abandon children who were considered 'different'. Fairies didn't always have the nice reputation they have now - they were often seen as dangerous and unpredictable.
That said, growing up I often felt like I wasn't really of this world, and I like the idea of the reason being that I'm actually one of the fae. It's a really interesting topic to think about, and I've always been fascinated by folklore and its origins in general.
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bonefall · 3 months
Hey Bones! Sorry if this is a bit random to ask you, but-
Is it ok if you elaborate and/or explain how Millie is ableist towards Briarlight please?
I haven’t really heard much people within the fandom talk about Millie’s treatment of Briarlight and her disability as negative and/or bad compared to Millie not really paying attention to Blossomfall within the books.
So I’m interested what you know and/or have to say about it.
OH boy, I feel like this one is REALLY easy to see if you just pop the book open. It will make your skin crawl once you see these quotes. Millie is an AWFUL mother and SHOCKING in how nasty she is to her disabled child.
I run in some pretty good circles and curate my Tumblr experience well, so I see plenty of people just mentioning it as a fucked up thing the series did casually, but I'll make a compilation of the worst of it.
(CW for some serious ableism, Millie is terrible.)
She's injured in Chapter 11 of OotS Book 2: Fading Echoes, and Millie is obsessive over her until Chapter 9 of OotS Book 3: Night Whispers. She's interfering with Jayfeather's treatments, constantly in the den, shouting at him when he tries to be honest about Briarlight's condition.
But that would be understandable. She's concerned and the prognosis isn't great. Her very young, athletic daughter (basically 17-ish) has suddenly received a life-altering injury that will drastically affect her life. Until Night Whispers Chapter 9, she's just worrying about her daughter.
And then we get this.
(Please note this is happening in front of the entire Clan. The entire social group is watching this.)
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Though Briarlight expressed frustration with her exercises and how painful and difficult recovery was in Fading Echoes, that is not the case in Night Whispers. At this point, it's difficult but Briarlight is recovering well. MILLIE decides that her daughter being alive with a disability is suffering.
Note how in this exchange, Jayfeather is being forced to comfort Briarlight's MOTHER. Not BRIARLIGHT herself, the one with the injury who is looking at a massive upheaval to her life. Though superficially it seems like this is coming from a place of love, Millie is making Briarlight's recovery about herself by doing this, and this exchange is ableist.
Millie: "I want her to do all of these able-bodied things."
Jay: "That will not happen, but life has inherent value."
Millie: "No it doesn't, if you cannot do those able-bodied things, you are suffering."
But it gets worse because it's not even that she's only expressing this in private. Her daughter is within earshot. The newly disabled person is listening to their own fucking mother call her medical treatment "dragging out her suffering."
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BURN this passage into your mind. Having heard her OWN FUCKING MOTHER cry to a crowd of cats that maybe it would be better if she was DEAD, watching several cats drop everything to comfort HER for having a disabled daughter, Briarlight has to drag herself out and act like a cute baby to get her to stop making a public spectacle.
It's hard to describe to someone who hasn't been in the situation before, but if your parent is making a scene like that, it'll end up falling onto you to "appeal" to their sense of... parental valor, is the best way I can put it. "See? Aren't I getting better? I promise I'll work hard. I'm not hurt it's okay! Everything is fine!" You give them a chance to affirm how good of a parent they are, for helping you, or 'putting up' with you. You have to assure them that your existence isn't so bad.
In essence, it falls onto the child to comfort their parent.
This is specifically a form of a toxic family dynamic called emotional parentification, on top of it being obviously ableist. She is being shoved into a position where she needs to sacrifice her OWN need for support and comfort to coddle her parent, to STOP her from making a scene, while that parent screams that her disabled life is worth less than her siblings' abled ones to a crowd of cats.
Naturally, this affects Briarlight's sense of self-worth. She stops eating.
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Thankfully, Jayfeather is here to have an exchange about how her life has value. For all my issues with Jayf in later arcs, he has some of his best moments here in OotS.
In later books, Briarlight's struggles with self-worth continue. It's all shit that Millie implied about her being less useful because she is unable to do what her siblings can.
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It's every other cat who has to come in and assure Briarlight that she isn't worthless. Not Millie. Millie comes on screen and she's either making Briarlight feel like garbage or barking at Jayfeather for not doctoring hard enough.
She desperately craves independence. This above scene is happening because she wanted to come out into the woods for the first time in forever, and she's being suffocated and bossed around in the camp constantly. It was up to her brother, Bumblestripe, to do anything to help her.
Not her dad. Not her mom. Bumblestripe. (Rare Bumblestripe W)
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I also want to take a brief moment to point out a detail that the fandom often forgets, about Blossomfall. She actually knows full well that her feelings are unreasonable here, and she believes that the fact she isn't feeling "what she is supposed to" is proof that she is a bad person who deserves hell.
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Millie's actions are crushing ALL of her children under its weight. Briarlight is obviously getting the worst of it, but these are YOUNG adults, just out of apprenticeship, and Blossomfall is being told that her sister is in a constant state of "suffering." This means she's not allowed to be frustrated about how Millie is behaving, because hating THAT means you hate your sister, and that makes her an awful person.
What Blossomfall is describing here is the feelings associated with being a glass child.
But no it's not JUST that she's being neglectful to Blossomfall, who yes, is a young adult and can take responsibility for her own actions. Millie is being nasty to Bloss too, directly comparing her to Briarlight and unironically doing the "You should be GRATEFUL you can walk when BRIARLIGHT WOULD DO ANYTHING TO LEGS AROUND."
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Again. I'll state the very obvious from the passage.
"Hey Millie, your other daughter looks kinda upset right now!" = "PERFECT TIME TO SNAP AT HER"
Blossomfall = Wasted her morning when she should be Useful
Useful = Can hunt
"YOUR SISTER wouldn't act like this"
Proper warrior = spends every waking minute in service of the clan
Once again, Millie does this in public, with several people watching her rip into her child. She even gets ANGRY at Brackenfur gently trying to soften the blow. It's freakjob shit to hear, "h-hey, at least they're safe!" and SNARL back "IS IT?"
Millie continues to hover over Briarlight well into Bramblestar's Storm. The closure for these intense, insulting comments, public embarrassments, snapping at and neglecting one child while telling the other one that her life was "suffering" because she can't walk is.....
millie watches her do some pull-ups and is so impressed by them she isn't bigoted anymore :o)
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"my daughter's membership at British Planet Fitness paid off. Look at how big her biceps are now. I guess I was wrong to tell her that her life is inherently suffering because she can't hunt, just look at her gooooo"
So, basically, Millie's a terrible parent. She never gets properly called out for this manipulative, toxic behavior. She says that her own daughter might have been better off dead in public. She makes Briarlight feel like half of a cat because she can't do all the things her siblings do, while her siblings are told that they should be grateful they're not disabled like Briarlight.
And just to end off, because it's relevant, the BRAND NEW writing team then killed off Briarlight in an incredibly stupid, insulting way. She catches fucking Greencough in AVoS so that they can have a very sad funeral for a couple of chapters, before moving on to Jayfeather being a shithead to Alderheart for being friends with Velvet.
Then they wrote a line in Squirrelflight's Hope where Squilf's mother begs her to stay dead in heaven, because if she goes back to life, she might be disabled like Briarlight and her mate Bramblestar won't want her anymore. The line was so bad the authors promised that it wouldn't be there in reprints; the reprint still has not come.
normal series.
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top-egg-1337 · 4 months
just wanted to throw my hat in with everyone else immeasurably pissed off about the Gale section of That Interview.
Yes this is all projection, no I don't fucking care. CW for suicidal ideation etc etc
Gale killing himself is not the "right ending". Not only is it ridiculous to suggest that such a concept exists for a game with as many permutations as BG3, it's also blatantly affirming that suicide is A Good Choice, Actually, for people with disabilities (including neurodivergence and mental illnesses).
Like Gale, I talk way too much about the things I'm passionate about to the point where people find me annoying. Like Gale, I fumble social interactions a lot. Like Gale, I have never had many friends. Like Gale, if I fall for someone, it happens fast and I'm super awkward about it until I feel secure with them. Like Gale, I have made mistakes that felt catastrophic. Like Gale, my continued survival relies on assistance from others and this makes me feel like a burden. Like Gale, I have spent extended periods of my life thinking I was better off dead.
If any of these ring true for you, first of all...
Fuck, lads(gender neutral), we're really playing through life on honour mode huh? it couldn't be fucking easy...
Secondly, asking for help, and being vulnerable enough to accept that help, is a bigger show of strength than Minsc climbing out of a mimic.
Thirdly, you really, truly, are not better off dead. If you read that and think I'm lying to make you feel better, I get it. I've felt that way countless times. But there are countless moments for your life to improve, and those moments die the moment you do.
I didn't think I'd make it to 20. I'm 27 now. I'm married, and we're in the process of buying a house. We have a delightfully grumpy dog who we recued 4 years ago. He's 14 now.
It's still hard. This year felt impossible at times. I thought I'd finally got my life on track after starting ADHD meds, started my first ever full-time job, and had to quit after 3 months - 2 of those months being on sick leave.
I felt mortified. Everything I'd worked for crumbled, what even was the point in trying to improve myself if I couldn't trust my body or mind to keep their shit together when it mattered most?
But here I am. And weirdly, I'm maybe the happiest I've ever been, despite being in the middle of months of medical investigations where cancer is a real possibility.
I often felt like it was my destiny to kill myself.
Fuck destiny.
As Elminster said:
Be a moon unto yourself. Even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
I saw this on Reddit and instantly got so pissed off. This person is ableist as shit. Advocating for the death of disabled children? That’s just sickening. This person is so fucked up.
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My apologies for the cursing. This just really made me angry
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greenteaandtattoos · 3 months
I love how A Sign of Affection portrays Oushi's ableism. It's not in-your-face like people seem to think ableism is, it's subtler; a side-effect of systematic ableism and the patriarchy.
He thinks all deaf people should go somewhere out of the way to be "safe", doesn't understand why Yuki would go to college when she's deaf, assumes he knows Yuki's situations and relationships better than her, and thinks it's up to him to help and protect her without asking if she needs or even wants it.
Plus, "All he does is say mean things to me in sign"... why learn sign if he's just gonna be a jerk to her with it? You might argue that he's just being "realistic", but to someone who doesn't ask for it, it's being an ass. Not to mention he's incredibly dense and dismissive of how Yuki feels about his actions. HE might think he's being helpful, but it's clear that Yuki doesn't think so, and he either doesn't see it or doesn't care.
It very much reflects the ableism that disabled people experience all the time in the real world and you can REALLY tell who experiences ableism by people's opinions on Oushi because I'm seeing a LOT of people defending his actions, even calling them "romantic". But to people who know what ableism looks like, all we see is possessiveness, controlling, condescending ableism.
I'm curious to see how the series tackles it going forward; and whether they have him grow as a character and or get worse, I hope that more people recognize his actions and opinions for what they are: ableism, and a very accurate depiction of it.
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disabledunitypunk · 1 year
CW: mentions of "narc abuse" and ableism against pwNPD
There is no NPD awareness day but there is "narcissistic abuse awareness day" on June 1st.
My proposal: we take over the whole first week of June and make it NPD awareness week. We use that week to raise awareness of what NPD is and the fact that the concept of narcissistic abuse is DEEPLY ableist and it doesn't exist.
They might claim we're being narcissistic by making a day "about abuse victims" about us, as if most of us aren't abuse victims ourselves, but they already made it about us when they made a day about "narcissistic abuse" instead of calling it what it is: emotional abuse. It's not our fault they're so obsessed with us that they blame us for the actions of a completely unrelated group of people (abusers) /hj
But in all seriousness, I do think making June cluster B awareness month, with NPD the first week, ASPD the second, HPD the third, and BPD the fourth (May is BPD awareness month, but almost no one knows this, so including it in June makes sense), would be a good idea.
(If there already is an awareness time, lmk, google only showing me the ableist bullshit)
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paintingpuff · 7 months
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Eye Contact 👁👁
Also yes this is how Mary's sister first meets Fianna
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voidoftheotherside · 15 days
Happy autism awareness and acceptance month!
Unfriendly reminder that if you are advocating for autism to not be considered disabled you are advocating for the removal of supports many of us need to function and stay alive! It is by definition a disability, and you should be listening to medium and high support needs autistic people more!
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