#Voldemort: FINE! Get your own dinner next time!
iamnmbr3 · 1 month
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Voldemort: Dinner, Nagini.
Nagini: Tf am I supposed to do with this? It’s already dead. Can you at least wiggle it around or something so it’s appetizing?
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Barty Crouch Jr/Aro Volturi Harry Potter/Twilight crossover part III (II)/III (II)
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Barty Crouch Junior's (somewhat horrifying) fate seems to have already been written… or maybe not? What if there was someone who has other plans for him?
Summary of the chapter:
The end. It's time to find out how the events will change ;P Also.. have fun with Barty and Bella fighinting like cat and dog XD
III (II): Immortality suits you …
Bellatrix hugged Voldemort, repeatedly stroking his chest in a territorial way, casting a more than eloquent look at Barty.
"If I remember correctly, Bella, your presence was not required," Voldemort warned her, though he wasn't really upset.
"Forgive me, my Dark Lord, but I couldn't resist,  knowing you in his company, alone." she yelped submissively.
"They’re not alone, as you can see, my dear!" Aro interjected, pulling Barty to him and peering distrustfully at that beautiful witch with thick, indomitable black hair, a proud bearing and a creepy gaze. When it came to territoriality, the two could compete and end up in perfect equality.
"Of course, my Master's friends are welcome and I am pleased to notice this strong bond between you," she commented, much more relieved, also pleasing Aro. "But above all I wanted to see my dear old partner in mischief once more!"
"I'm happy to see you,  too ..." the younger Death Eater admitted in spite of himself.
"Guess what, Barty-Hearty?" she momentarily moved away from her beloved Master to jump joyfully in his direction.
"Don't call me that, BellaFreaks!" he said, making her taste her own medicine.
"You insolent child!" she snapped, and cast a Cruciatus Curse at him. Barty had the same exact impulse, which is why the two Unforgivable Curses ended up canceling each other.
"Explosive, just as I recalled, you two!" the Dark Lord commented, even clapping his hands for a few seconds.
"How could you handle both of them?" the noble vampire asked him.
"Let's say I was never bored!" confessed the other.
"I could never get both of them," Aro muttered.
This time it was Voldemort who pulled Bella towards himself, protectively.
"I would never let you take her away, too!" he declared, to the delight of his devoted servant.
"I'm fine just where I am." she said, resting her head on his chest.
“I'm fine where I am now, as well,” Barty admitted, giving an eloquent look to Aro, who smiled at him.
"What did you want to tell me before, Bella?" the youngest returned to the subject at hand.
“I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! " Bella sang.
"She's been going on like this for days!" Voldemort chuckled, stroking her face.
"Oh, well, good for you if you eliminated your dear little cousin and made Potter whimper. I drank my pseudo father and halved the goddamn Ministry of Magic, but I don't go around screaming it from the rooftops!" Barty scoffed.
Voldemort walked over to him, giving him an unexpected soft slap on the cheek. "I also know about your deeds, Barty. I know everything and I am delighted!"
"My Lord!" he bowed again.
"But enough talking now, there's dinner waiting for us!" Voldemort acted as the perfect host.
At dinner there were also all the Malfoys, but they remained rather taciturn. Among the other Death Eaters, Barty couldn't help but notice an important absence.
"But ... Snape?" he ventured to ask.
"Severus was a bad little boy who played a double game, but by dint of playing with fire he ended up getting burned!" Bellatrix informed him, sitting next to him, giggling.
Aro had been brought a goblet full of what no one would bet was wine, while Barty struggled to eat something, with the intent of honoring the cuisine of his Dark Lord's House Elves, but that goal happened to be anything but easy. Aro had tried to warn him several times that vampires shouldn’t eat human food, but in the end he had let himself be amused by his Childe’s stubbornness.
Bellatrix kept staring at him.
"What's wrong?" Barty asked nervously.
“Aside from those red eyes that could very well be just contact lenses… are we really sure you're a vampire now? I don't notice any difference in your paleness,” she teased him.
"The tanned woman spoke!" he shouted at her, before lowering his voice, to speak in confidence. "You know He will never love you as you wish, right?"
She lost all desire to joke and nodded sadly. “It doesn't matter; I love enough for the both of us. It is enough for me to serve him. " she declared with pride that shone in her dark eyes.
"You two over there, what are you concocting?" Voldemort asked. Although he was at the head of the table, he still picked up on their whispers.
"Nothing, my Lord!" they both answered in unison.
After dinner, all the other diners disappeared as soon as possible. No one wanted stay too long with that creepy quartet.
"My boy, would you like to witness me as I torture Fudge?" Voldemort asked, well aware that it was like asking a child if he would like to take a ride on the merry-go-rounds. Too bad that, in addition to his enthusiasm, Barty’s reaction was also that of a child.
“See, BellaFreaks? The Dark Lord wants me to accompany him! " he teased her.
"Oh well, rejoice, Barty-Hearty, but be informed  that He allowed me to attend several times. He also allowed me to torture him once!" Bellatrix preened.
"Go with him, puppy. I will chat with this fascinating Dark Lady. I'm sure we will not lack for topics of conversation!" Aro said, looking at Bellatrix curiously.
"Then we'll try to do something pretty quick. I don't like the idea of leaving them alone for too long!" muttered Voldemort as they walked towards the dungeons where the Minister of Magic was imprisoned. "You know, Barty, dear Cornelius has been here with us for many weeks. I just make sure that every day it is more than clear that my return is all too tangible." he grinned, as they arrived.
"No, not again, have mercy!" cried Cornelius Fudge, who apparently didn't seem to have even the slightest scratch. "You! Again?!" he stirred further, tugging at the magical chains that bound him to a wall when he also noticed the vampire's presence.
“Yes, me, again. You still remember my words, right? I wasn't lying, as you can see. I bet since that day, you would have preferred for me to have killed you! " Barty grinned.
"Y-yes ... have some mercy!" shouted the elderly minister.
"Tsk-tsk, Cornelius, you disappoint me. You already used twice that word that you know I hate," Voldemort shook his head in a reproachful tone, drawing his wand. " Crucio !"
And that was just the beginning.
"My Lord, I will never forget such a sight, his screams will remain in my ears for days! " Barty congratulated his Master when even the last terrible spell cast by Voldemort left its effects on the victim. Barty was not even aware of such spells and watched, thirsty for knowledge…and maybe not just that. All that violence was harder to handle with his new nature.
"All that blood ..." Barty licked his lips and Voldemort sensed everything.
“You want to bite him, don't you? So be it, as long as you don't kill him. "
"Oh no, I would never deprive you of such entertainment," the young vampire assured.
"Very well, then, have a taste... can you guarantee it will be painful?"
"Oh yes, my Lord, as much as possible!" sneered the other, showing the now elongated canines. He advanced towards the victim, who by now did not even have the strength to scream. But Barty's bite was so excruciating that it made Fudge let out a further scream.
"Excellent, Barty, now, before I go, I'll heal all his wounds," Voldemort said with satisfaction. The vampire was a little perplexed to see such a magnanimous action from his Dark Lord.
"I understand your astonishment, but ... watch and see!" Voldemort instructed. He uttered yet another spell unknown to the younger wizard. The numerous wounds, abrasions and burns began to heal, yes… but in an inexorably slow way, barely perceptible, but above all, painful.
A cruel dripping.
A torture within the torture.
"It will take about a full day to heal. Just in time to be able to start all over again ... until I'm tired of playing. But I don't think I'll be tired anytime soon," grinned the Dark Lord, while Barty listened, entranced.
"Aro is not just your Sire, am I right?" Voldemort asked without warning.
"Yes. No. I mean… we, him, me…” Barty flushed lightly as he struggled to answer.
Voldemort chuckled.
“My boy, mine is not an accusation, just an observation. Your loyalty to me as a Death Eater pleases me. As for other types of interests ... I would like you to direct them towards other goals. "
Barty was grateful for his new vampire status otherwise he would have turned redder than the hated Griffondor uniforms.
"One more thing, Barty," Voldemort said.
"Yes, my Lord?"
“Could you not tell Bella that I made you torture Fudge,  too? Otherwise I’ll get an earache from her! " Voldemort rolled his eyes, snatching a smile from him, as the young man sealed that promise with a nod.
When they returned to the dining room, Bellatrix was lying on the table with her elbows propped up and her legs bent forward dangling, her mouth half open as she listened in rapture to yet another anecdote from Aro.
"My Lord, you didn't tell me you had such an interesting friend with such exciting stories!" she murmured, reaching him as soon as she saw him.
"And now I belong to that world, drawing all the benefits," Barty said with a grin. "I will always be young, vigorous and beautiful, unchanged over the years. As for you, my dear, ... am I wrong or is it a wrinkle I see?" Barty enjoyed  provoking her. Voldemort had to hold her with both arms, otherwise Bellatrix would have gouged out Barty’s eyes. Or worse.
“How dare you, insolent kid? I will always be young and beautiful for my Dark Lord, even if  I have to  drink the blood of all the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest! " she shouted, wriggling to free herself.
"It can't be said that she doesn’t give me satisfaction!" Voldemort stroked her face and she calmed down at once.
“What about me, my Lord? Haven't I pleased you?" Barty asked, his feelings stung.
“Oh, Barty, you have been indispensable. It is only thanks to you that I have been able to have that coveted alliance with the Volturi that I have been craving since the days of the First Wizarding War. You have been the most precious bargaining chip," Voldemort explained. “You must know that our dear Aro had set his sights on you since you took the Dark Mark, but at the time it was I who opposed it. You were still too young. But when months ago I learned you were in danger, I was finally able to combine business with pleasure for him." He paused, looking at Aro. “I would never have given up such a precious and valiant soldier like you, Barty, if it weren't extremely necessary. ''
Barty was beside himself with delight at all those compliments.
"My Lord, I have no words to thank you, but even if at a distance, I will always be your soldier. I will always rush to you when you call me," he assured him. "I'm just sorry I didn't stop Potter in time on the day of the Trial ...."
"Oh, don't worry, it'll be more fun to hunt him and his friends," grinned the Dark Lord. "Speaking of which, Bella, did you pick up that thing as I asked you?" He turned to her.
"Certainly, my Lord."
"Then go get it."
Bellatrix did not question his orders, but swiftly left the room. After a few minutes, she returned with a very ancient and precious-looking cup.
"Excellent! Now give him the Tosca Hufflepuff Cup," Voldemort urged.
"But, my Lord ..." she protested. She was happy he was pleased, but loath to surrender the prize to another.
"I can feel Your essence in there, my Lord," Barty noted, looking at the cup with curiosity and devotion.
“And so it is, my boy. That's a Horcrux. There are many ways to achieve immortality. There are those, like me, who break their souls seven times and those, like you, who find faster methods. I must also say, not only faster, but more pleasant methods." He made his witty remark, gesturing at Aro. "You said, Barty, that you are still my soldier, after all ..."
"And so it is, I will defend this Horcrux at the cost of my unlife!" Barty swore.
"I could have been a very good guard too, my Lord!" Bellatrix yelped.
"What if I told you that I have other plans for you, Bella? And that, in a few months, you will be a little… too busy to keep a watchful enough guard?" Voldemort made her understand his plans by stroking her belly. Bellatrix jumped for joy, without any effort to hide her triumph. This was perhaps the only thing Barty couldn't compete with her on.
Barty and Aro had returned to Volterra months ago. This was an evening like any other.
Aro was sitting in the damask armchair in his bedroom: barefoot, with his black clothes widely unbuttoned, in full relaxation, with a glass of blood in his hand, while he watched his pupil, intent on what was now his favorite activity. He had lured a victim on one of his usual walks and was now slowly bleeding her out. He was also testing some of the new spells he had learned from his Dark Lord.
At that moment he was sprawled on the carpet, dressed in a white shirt, a color he was beginning to like, perhaps because it created a strong contrast with his soul black soul.  And then, the blood on the white stood out even better. His shirt was half covered as he licked the blood off his thumb and then moved on to his other fingers, unhurriedly,
"You know, right, that to feed on humans we aren’t forced  to kill them?" Aro commented.
"Of course I know, but it's more fun this way ... and then you can't expect me not to kill Muggles!" retorted the other. 
“You will end up staining  my carpet! Look, it's a prestigious tapestry! "
"Bloody hell, what a fuss! It just means I will use a Cleaning Spell. Happy?" 
"Nope. I’ll be happy when you bother enough to come here to me and let my arms claim you."
Barty purposely continued to bleed his victim a little longer.
"I'm fine right where I am!" he said,  playing hard to get.
It was just a game. Before Aro could even utter a syllable of protest, he found Barty in his arms, his lips on his, each tasting the blood the other had drunk.
"Yes, puppy?" he murmured against his mouth.
"Ask me again what my feelings for you are," Barty urged, caressing his long raven hair.
"Why?" His Sire looked at him with great expectation.
"Because I'm getting closer and closer to that word starting with L." His Childe smiled, kissing him.
"No!" Barty thundered. "But first of all, I would like to understand how this could have happened!"
"I am perfectly free to go to London as much as I please and I most certainly do not have anything  to account for!" Jane stood up to him.
"Yes, if in your mind there’s a spoiled, spineless kid! I don't even know how my Lord could have even thought of making him a Death Eater!" he grumbled.
"Maybe your Lord was pleased to have such a gorgeous little blond in his ranks!"
"My Lord values other ideals far more important than physical beauty!" Barty was getting nervous.
"Are we really sure? You're so gorgeous, too! " she winked shamelessly.
“What's all this noise? I remind you that Caius, Marcus and I are in the middle of an important meeting!" Aro rushed towards them.
"Oh please, you're just waiting for Heidi!" Barty belittled the importance of the issue, making Jane chuckle.
"So I see that someone here wants their prey ration halved!" his Sire threatened him.
"Later, in bed, you’re going to pay for this!" Barty growled in his ear.
“Oh, my puppy, is that supposed  to be a threat? It strikes me more as a promise!" Aro clicked his tongue, winking. "As for you, my dear Jane, I deduce this is the period in which you go into heat ... again!" he teased her.
"I don't think it's too much to ask for a reliable mate  when you have eternity ahead of you. You've found yours!" the blonde retorted.
“I understand, but not with Draco! I will NEVER want to be related to a Malfoy! " Barty made it clear. "I mean, I'm a Volturi now, right?"
"Love, if after fifteen years you still have doubts, it means that I have to refresh your memory for good!" Aro murmured, hugging him from behind and nibbling his right ear, which sent him into raptures. "You are a Volturi, for all intents and purposes."
"And anyway, Jane, I think you are wasting your time with Malfoy. When I was a Professor at Hogwarts , I realized how he was always around Potter all the time. His pretense of contempt for the Half Bloods has never convinced me and over time things have only gotten worse, in my opinion! "
"I believe so too," muttered the vampiress. "What if I was  related to the Riddles?" She already knew she was playing the trump card with him.
"Huh?" his eyes widened, more than usual.
"Oh well, Delphi is growing so well ... and we get along so well!" Jane chuckled.
"I am her Godfather after all. I still find it hard to believe that I was my Dark Lord’s best man at his wedding. I've got it! That's where you must have met Draco!" Barty accused her.
"Yes, but that's not what we're talking about!" Jane pointed out.
"You are right. I was saying, as her Godfather, I only want the best for Delphi and you do look  like the best,” he smiled at her.
"A reason to further strengthen the alliance between Volturi and Voldemort. Certainly he too would be happy!" Aro approved.
"An alliance more than vital. That damn Potter and his friends have destroyed five Horcruxes in only one year!" Barty remembered. “Okay, one is Potter himself, but he still doesn't know that. At least I think he's still ignorant of it. Or maybe he's dead. Anyway, I don't trust him. I expect an attack from him at any moment, even if he knows he couldn't possibly escape! "
“I know, puppy. But in that case, Alice would warn us in time. I still remember when, years ago, you revealed to me their fears. Young Cullen was afraid of hurting his Bella. She was afraid of dying old and withered. Sweet Alice feared a war with us. In short, having them join us was so easy,  I could almost have done it without your power! "
Barty growled his disappointment.
"I said 'almost'!" he specified. "You have no idea how precious you are to me, Barty."
"And you have no idea how much I care about continuing to be precious to you, love." Barty smiled at him, kissing him.
“What do you say, puppy? Is eternity a long enough time?"
Barty Hearty and BellaFreaks play a lot on assonance, I am very proud of those nicknames and in my opinion they are pure canon lol Torturing Fudge is well and good >: D I have never read' The Cursed Child " but I wanted to wink at a happy and dark-fluffy Bellamort family, more than the first word, the parents will have awaited her first Crucio (and one thing does not exclude the other) .. awww tenderness XD as for Jane, she sends me bisexual vibes I could not resist the Drarry hint #sorrynotsorry I leave it to your imagination whether Harry (or his lineage) will return to the attack or not or what happened to him, I like him, so I like to think he is alive; P
Would you like to see these characters again, maybe some missing moments? Because I have some...
thanks for reading :)
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
the rose garden | DRACO MALFOY (SMUT)
Draco Malfoy x Reader
SUMMARY: Draco fucks Y/N in his mother’s rose garden. 
REQUESTED by anonymous “Could I request were draco and his girlfriend has been together for a year or 2 and their parents are really good friends. Y\Ns parents are also death eaters. And y/n is slytherin. It would be their 5th or 6th yr? Preferably a smut?” 
WARNINGS: smut, public sex, extreme dirty talk, slut shaming, blowjobs, face fucking, fingering, riding 
Hogwarts was out of session for the summer, and due to students living all across the United Kingdom and Ireland, it meant a lot people didn’t see their significant others for a long two months or so. However, fortunately, that was not the case for you and Draco. 
You didn’t live far from each other and your parents were all friends-- they had been since before you and Draco were even born. They had been loyal followers of Lord Voldemort and passed them down to the two of you even after he was gone. 
Whilst you questioned some things, you never said it out loud, and neither did Draco, allowing your parents to think that the two of your were perfect for each other. It was probably one of the only things that they were right about. 
You and Draco had taken the Hogwarts Express together, you’d been sorted into Slytherin one after the other, you had all of the same friends-- Blaise, Pansy, Theodore, Daphne, Crabbe, Goyle-- and during your fourth year, after dancing with each other all night at the Yule Ball, you’d kissed and realised that maybe what you had had been more than a friendship this entire time. 
For nearly two years now, you and Draco had been dating. Despite being such a dick to everybody else, Draco treated you exactly how you deserved to be treated-- like a real princess. In his eyes, you were a princess. The most beautiful of them all. Especially around your parents, who adored him as much as his parents adored you. 
Currently, you sat beside each other at the Malfoy’s dining table, Lucius and Narcissa sat at the heads of the table whilst your parents sat opposite the two of you. A starter of some sort of soup was in front of you and you took small spoonfuls delicately, portraying the table etiquette that you’d learnt before you could even spell properly. 
“Y/N, how was your fifth year?” Narcissa asks softly once the conversation changes from your father’s business to the new Potions teacher Hogwarts was supposedly getting next year. 
You smile politely as you glance up at your boyfriend’s mother. You’d always liked Narcissa, she was the more loving of Draco’s parents and you could tell that she genuinely cared about Draco. You were sure Lucius did too, but the blond-haired man often refused to show emotion which you knew took a toll on Draco growing up. 
“It was great, thank you, Mrs Malfoy,” you say, “I spent a lot of it studying for my O.W.Ls, which went well.”
“That’s great, Y/N,” Narcissa smiles back. 
The rest of dinner seems to go by swimmingly, your parents mainly talking to each other but making small talk with the two of you as well. You’d all known each other all your lives, so it wasn’t really awkward at all. You’re finishing off the last of your drink when you feel a palm touch your thigh. 
You know better than to react. 
Draco’s cold hand smooths up and down your soft skin whilst he talks with your father and his father about something to do with the Ministry, your mothers both engrossed in Narcissa’s latest additions to her personal garden. Your father makes a joke that has Lucius laughing and Draco chuckling politely, your mouth absentmindedly forcing a small smile to act like you were listening, but all you can focus on is Draco’s hand. 
He’s such an asshole. 
You nearly shiver in delight as his slender fingers trace up and down your leg, growing warmer the longer they resided there. However, when you feel the pad of his index finger make contact with your sex, sliding underneath the thong that you’re wearing tonight, you purse your lips and grip the table, shocked. 
He swipes his finger through your folds, gathering up the arousal that’s already there and swiping it across your clit. He starts to rub at it agonisingly slow, making you bite down on your lips lightly. You grab your drink and lift it to your lips to distract yourself, but you choke slightly on it when Draco rubs it at the perfect pace, spikes of arousal coursing through you and dampening your panties even more. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Narcissa asks worriedly, “You’re looking rather flushed.”
“I’m fine,” you breathe out, forcing yet another smile. “I’m just feeling rather... hot, that’s all.”
“If you would like, you and Draco could step outside for some fresh air before desert is served?” Narcissa offers, her face brightening, “Oh, Draco, you can show Y/N the new roses I put in the garden.”
“They’re all the way at the back, mother,” Draco began to complain, before something mischievous flashed in his silver eyes, “Oh, well I suppose it’s only polite I do so. Come, Y/N.”
He retracts his hand from your leg and stands, offering it to you. You send a weak smile to Narcissa and take his hand, your mothers cooing happily as Draco leads you out of the dreary dining room. As soon as you’re out into the fresh air, you shove Draco with a small glare. 
“You dick!” You grumble at him, “Look, in the common room is one bloody thing, but in front of our parents? Merlin, Draco! If I got off in front of my father I would never be able to look him in the eye again. Especially if we had been caught!”
“But you liked it really, didn’t you, my little slut?” Draco growls, turning and grabbing your jaw with his slender fingers. “You love it when I get you off in front of people. Your cunt aches at the thought of nobody knowing what’s going on beneath the table.”
You whimper at his words, reaching up and placing your hand on his wrist. Draco smirks and looks back at the house. 
“Come on then, Y/N,” Draco drawls, “Since you made such a fuss, I guess I must show you the rose garden now. Such a brat...”
Draco never talks to you like this in normal day circumstances, so you know what’s coming. This is foreplay for the way he’s probably about to bend you over and fuck you outside the house your parents are currently sat inside. 
You can’t wait. 
You feel yourself grow slick at the thought, slightly dampening your thighs as he sends you a look and jerks his head, gesturing for you to go up the path first. As soon as you’re in front of him, you feel his large hand smack against your ass, making you jump a little. 
He grabs your arms from behind, forcing you against his front and pressing his lips to your ear. You can feel his erection pressing against your back.
“Be a good girl,” he hisses, his breath smelling faintly like the alcohol he’d been drinking with his dinner.
You make it towards the end of the garden and Draco whirls you around before dropping down onto his mother’s favourite bench. The seating was wooden, however, the arm wrests were dark green serpents, Draco’s hand curling around them as he parted his legs wide. 
His silver eyes glinted with mischief, daring you to come closer. 
“Draco,” you breathe. 
“Come on, princess,” Draco unbuttons the top of his trousers. “On your knees. Show me how much you want me.”
Without thinking much at all, your brain foggy with arousal, you drop down onto your knees in front of the bench, unzipping Draco’s smart trousers. He sits up a little to help you drag them down his thighs. You reach to pull at the waistband of his underwear, pulling it back an inch and then letting it go so it snapped lightly against his erection. 
Draco hisses in a mixture of pain and pleasure and grabs your wrist, glaring down at you. 
“Enough,” Draco snaps, “Put your lips where they belong, slut. Around my fucking cock.”
You nearly moan out loud at his words, this time actually peeling his underwear down so that his erection sprung out the top. It was red and angry, the vein along the shaft practically pulsing beneath your gaze as precum made itself present at his tip. 
You lean up further on your knees, one hand on his thigh and the other moving out to gently grasp his dick. Draco groans under his breath, eyes focused on you as you jerk slowly up and down his length, your thumb gliding out to swipe the precum off. Draco relaxes further against the bench, a drowsy smirk crossing his face when you lean forward and take him in your mouth.
“Good little slut...” he drawls, his lanky hand reaching out to run through his hair, tugging at it slightly when you suck your cheeks in, making your mouth feel so much tighter around him. “Fuck, Y/N. So fucking good for me. Best cock sucker there is.”
You moan around his cock, your hand moving to jerk off the part that you couldn’t quite reach with your mouth. Your tongue runs up and down him, feeling his vein and making its way up to the tip where you give it kitten licks. 
“Mm, stop teasing,” Draco grunts, his other hand moving out to grab your head. 
He keeps your head still and you know what’s coming. Slowly, he begins to thrust his hips, driving his cock in and out of your mouth so that his tip hits the back of your throat every now and then. You make slight gagging sounds, your eyes watering as spit coats his length. Draco loves the sight, he wishes he could take a picture. 
He stops thrusting his hips, finding it tiresome from his position sat down, and instead uses your head like you’re a toy, forcing you up and down his cock. You moan, hands grabbing his thighs, focusing on breathing in and out of your nose. 
Before he can cum, he pulls you off of him abruptly, a string of spit joining your lips and the tip of his cock. Draco smirks and brushes your lips with his thumb. 
“My beautiful little cock slut,” he mutters, sitting further back against the bench. “I think that you’ve deserved some fun of your own, don’t you?”
“Yes, Draco,” you pant, nodding. “Please.”
“Since you asked so politely.”
Draco reaches forwards, hands on your waist as he tugs you towards him. You fall so that you’re straddling his body on top of the bench, out in the open where anybody could see you. He tugs up your tight dress and grabs at your ass, squeezing it and leaning forward to lick a stripe up your cleavage which is on show from your dress. 
You can feel his cock brushing against your soaking heat. Your clit is throbbing so bad it nearly hurts, whines leaving your lips as Draco grabs the thin straps of your green bodycon dress and tugs them down, revealing your breasts to him. As his mouth dives forward to grab one of your nipples in his mouth, you can’t help but lower your body, grinding down against his hard cock and making him groan against you, vibrations running through your body. 
“You’re soaked,” he mutters, pulling away once he had left a hickey on your breast where it wouldn’t be seen in your dress. “Such a fucking slut. You get off letting me fuck your face, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm,” you’re too aroused to really know what you’re agreeing to. All you know is that you need Draco to do something before you explode. “Please.”
“Please what? Use your words.”
“Please fuck me, Draco,” you beg him, “please make me cum.”
Draco smirks and reaches to grab your waist harder. You lift up on your knees more and watch as one of his hands disappears between you both. You feel the tip of his dick brush against your eager folds and you whine even louder, biting you lip and nodding at him quickly. 
“Please, please, please.”
Draco guides it through your soaked sex before he finds your hole and takes one more look at you. The nod of consent is all he needs before he plunges himself into you. You both moan, breaths hitching in your throat. As you slide down so that you’re sat on his lap, his cock buried balls deep inside your pulsating heat, you feel so full, like if you were to put your hand against your stomach then you would feel him there.
“So fucking tight,” Draco hisses between gritted teeth. “Come on, slut. Ride me.”
You obey his command, growing slicker at his choice of nickname for you. Your hands move to his shoulders and you use them to help you bounce up and down on top of him, inches slipping out before being forced all the way back inside you, hitting spots that you didn’t know existed. 
Draco was panting slightly beneath you, his silver eyes flickering from where he could see his cock coming in and out of your pussy, slick with your arousal, and up to your face where your head was thrown back in pleasure as you whined and moaned. 
“So beautiful.” He reaches up and grabs your neck. “Look at me.”
You listen to him, feeling his fingers tighten around your neck and slightly blocking your airway. You feel lightheaded in the best possible way, eyes fluttering and your walls pulsating more around his cock as it drives in and out of you. Draco realises you’re starting to feel hazy and starts using his hips so he can pound up into you harder.
The sounds of your bodies colliding and your soaked pussy that normally embarrass you but turn Draco on don’t humiliate you today. You’re too focused on the grip he has on your neck and the way he keeps his pace thrusting in and out of you-- like it’s his only purpose in life. You know you’re going to cum soon.
Draco’s face dives forwards and nuzzles back to your breasts that are bouncing right in front of him. He licks and sucks and bites anything he can, his hot breath fanning your skin and making you cry out. 
“Draco,” you cry. 
“That’s it,” Draco grunts, forcing a few extra hard thrusts. “That’s it, Y/N. Fucking slut. You’d let me do anything to you. Such a fucking whore.”
You can tell that he’s close from how his hand has moved from your neck to your clit. His fingers create hard figures of eights against your throbbing bud, coating his digits in your arousal. You moan louder, this time driving your hips up harder and faster to keep up with his thrusts.
“Come on, Y/N,” Draco hisses, “you gotta cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
His words are enough to send you toppling over the edge, your loudest moan yet half-buried by your teeth sinking into Draco’s shirt-clad shoulders. Your walls clench and shudder around him, tightening against his cock and causing his eyes to scrunch shut. Your breathless whisper of his name once your orgasm rolls by has him cumming straight after you. His hot seed shoots up inside in spurts, coating your walls and making you whine out against him again. He thrusts a couple of more times before he pulls out. 
“Mm, Dra- Draco,” you mutter as he pulls you off of him and pulls the top of your dress back up. 
Draco chuckles as he fixes his own underwear and trousers, pulling your dress down for you as you slide your panties back up. He presses a loving kiss to your lips. 
“Not too much, was it?” Draco asks worriedly. 
“No, that was perfect,” you admit, stroking some of his hair back into place. 
“Good. I agree. Now, let’s get back to our parents. Desert must be ready soon.”
my mum came extremely close to catching me write this so i hope it was worth it honestly 
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Day 142.6: Insult (Part 6)
The first thing he did to get things under control was call in Andrew to work for him today.
“Yeah, of course,” Andrew said when Harry called to ask if he could cover the shift. “I could definitely use a little extra cash. Are you alright? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you take a day off.”
And he was right, Harry hadn’t.
After assuring him that everything was fine, he just needed to take a personal day, he returned to the shop. The second thing he did was sweet talk Greta into staying to cover the afternoon as well. “Is he hot, then?”
“The mysterious Draco Malfoy, obviously.”
He tugged at his collar, “Yeah. Yeah he is. And he asked me to dinner and I don’t own anything that doesn’t make me look like a homeless person. And I just,” he sighed, “I really want it to go well.”
“Well, if anyone deserves a night out, it’s you,” she said.
“Why do you say that?”
She shrugged a shoulder, “How many shifts have you covered for the people who work here? How many hours do you even work in a week?” Greta clapped him on the shoulder, “You are a good man, Harry Potter, and it’s been nice to see you a little more cheerful lately.”
“Thanks, Greta.”
She nodded, “Now get out of here and find something attractive to wear.”
The third thing he did was go upstairs to his flat above the shop, lock and ward the doors, and firecall Hermione. She was at the MInistry working, but desperate times and all that.
“Harry?” she said when his head popped through. “Are you alright? What’s happened?”
(Read more below the cut)
“Can you and Ron meet me at 11:00 for lunch? It’s an emergency.” He paused, then amended, “Well, not like a life threatening one but I am freaking out.”
“Yes,” she said. “Yes, of course we can. Should I clear the rest of my day? I think I only had one meeting anyway.”
“I don’t know. I have to go shopping?” he said, questioning everything about this day. “You could come and help, if you wanted?”
“Okay,” she said, sounding a bit confused but seemingly willing to give it a go. “Alright. Let’s meet up at that little muggle pub we went to last month with the curry for lunch and then you can tell us everything.”
“Alright. See you then.”
He beat Ron but not Hermione to the pub. “Hey,” he said, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Hi yourself,” she said, wrapping an arm around his waist and hugging him tighter for a moment. “Are you alright? You really worried me.”
“Sorry,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m probably being absolutely ridiculous and you are both going to think I’ve gone barmy.”
“About what?” Ron asked, patting Harry's shoulder as he slid in next to Hermione and pressed a quick kiss to her temple.
“Okay,” he blew out a nervous breath. “Remember how I told you about that solicitor bloke that comes to the coffee shop every day?”
“The one who helps children?” Hermione asked.
“You mean the hot one?” Ron asked at the same time.
“Err,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, that’s the one.”
The waitress came over and the three of them quickly looked at the menus so they could order their food, all being more interested in getting back to the conversation at hand.
“What about him?” Ron asked once the waitress had left.
“They’re going on a date, obviously.” Hermione replied. “That’s great, Harry!”
“Well,” he said, “It’s no big deal, but there’s a bit more to it than that.”
“Oh boy,” Ron groaned. “I think I should have ordered a pint.”
“What?” Harry asked with a frown, “Why?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me. We both know what that tone of voice means. ‘No big deal guys but that dream I had about your dad? Yeah I was the snake and Voldemort is inside of my head.’” Harry opened his mouth but Ron continued. “‘No big deal guys, but those horocruxes that we’ve been hunting? I am one and I’m going to walk to my death.’ Or, ‘No big deal guys, but that Potions textbook with all of those spells written in it? Yeah, I almost killed Malfoy.”
“Funny you should mention Draco Malfoy,” Harry finally managed to butt in.
“Oh dear,” Hermione said. “Yes, Ron, you definitely should have ordered a pint.”
Harry dropped his forehead on the table. He should have told them separately.
There was a moment of silence before Ron seemed to catch on, “No. Harry, no way.”
He ran his hands through his curls, his fingers snagging on the knots as he pulled his hair back into a bun. “Listen, no one was as surprised as me.”
“That cannot be true,” Ron said. “Seriously, mate. I love you, you know I do, but Malfoy? Seriously?”
“I know!” Harry said. “I know.” He shook his head, “but you don’t understand. He came in one day and he’s saving children, and he’s a hard worker, and he’s funny and sarcastic. And I mean sure, he does think that Black Widow is the best superhero and he jumped on that pumpkin space fad. And he can be brutal about his opinions on my clothes. But...” he trailed off helplessly.
“Well, he’s not wrong about the best superhero,” Hermione said finally. “Or about your clothes for that matter.”
Harry’s jaw dropped, “Excuse me?” he started but Ron interrupted him.
“That’s your takeaway from this?” Ron asked her. Before turning to Harry, “it’s Draco Malfoy. He was a death eater. He has literally tried to kill you.”
“I know,” Harry replied again. “But in all fairness I tried to kill him as well.” Ron spluttered and Harry took that opportunity to talk over him, “And he’s said he was sorry.”
“He said he was sorry?” Ron asked, clearly befuddled.
“Let him talk,” Hermione chastised gently.
Harry looked at his friends, his best friends in the world, and he knew it was important for them to understand this. “He was just a kid,” he said softly. “Just a stupid teenager who’d never had cause to doubt what his parents had raised him to know, not really.” He shrugged, “Maybe if he’d been in a different house or something, I don’t know. But as a kid, you just sort of believe what your parents believe. Then when he got older it was different. He didn’t want that, you know? He didn’t want the war and he didn’t want the hatred. And I’m sure that coming to realize that everything you’d thought you knew was wrong was really hard.”
“Yes,” Hermione affirmed, “but it doesn’t change what he did. He brought death eaters into a school full of children.”
“Under the threat of death for himself and his family” Harry protested. “It doesn’t make it right,” he added quickly, “Of course it doesn’t. But he was just a scared kid. If you asked me when I was 16 what I would have done to keep my parents safe, to protect them from Voldemort? I don’t know what I would have said or done for the chance to keep them safe. And he didn’t want to do it, you know that. Dumbledore knew that. He was just a kid. Like we all were.”
Everyone was silent for several moments, which felt agonizing to Harry, before the waitress brought over their food and interrupted their silence with her wonderfully inane chatter.
After she left, Ron was the first to break the silence, “Well, I still don’t like him,” he said and Harry’s heart sank. “But I trust you, Harry. And if you say he’s changed, I believe you.”
Harry was slightly mystified as to why he had tears forming in his eyes but nodded his thanks all the same.
“And I suppose you must be right,” Ron muttered forcefully dunking his chip in the vinegar. “I mean, you have seen proof that he’s a muggle solicitor, right?”
“Yeah,” Harry replied. “Yeah, you can use the google to find him. And I saw his office earlier today, actually.”
“Just google,” Hermione replied absently, “it’s not ‘the google’.” She nodded once to herself, “Ron’s right. The Draco Malfoy we knew in school would never be caught dead working for muggles.”
“Right. And his office looks nothing like what you’d imagine a Malfoy working in. It’s all shabby and drafty, not like one of those posh firms. He’s obviously not making a ton of money.”
“Still kind of weird,” Ron said through a mouthful of fish. “You falling for Malfoy.”
“I know,” Harry said with a sigh. “I don’t quite know how it happened either, but here we are. And now I’m supposed to be going out on a date with him and I do not feel in any way prepared.”
“It’s going to be fine,” Hermione said briskly. “Of the two of you, I think Malfoy has much more reason to worry.”
“Well, he’s obviously about to date someone too good for him,” she said with a haughty little sniff.
Harry laughed, “Yeah, I’m not sure he sees it that way. He told me not to dress like a homeless person.”
“That’s why we are going shopping after lunch. And why you’re going to get your hair trimmed; I made you an appointment.” Before Harry could protest she added, “You know I like your long hair, Harry, but your split ends are worse than mine in third year. It’s just a trim, you’ll be fine.”
Harry sighed, but he knew it was a lost cause. He was just glad that she didn’t seem intent on making him shave his beard; he kept that trimmed short but he thought it was flattering and hadn’t had a clean shaven face since he was 18.
Lunch was a little easier after that. Ron and Hermione talked about things from work and gossiped about people Harry knew for Hogwarts. And before Harry knew it, Ron was leaving and Hermione was saying, “I hope you’ve brought your bank card.”
By the time the afternoon was over, Harry had spent more money on clothes than he’d spent in his entire life, his hair looked arguably better than it ever had (his hair dresser hadn’t given him a headache like the one the Dursley’s had taken him to), and he had a brand new hair care regimen and enough products that he needed a written list to get the order right and to know which ones for shower days and which ones were for the days in between.
They’d gone to a handful of muggle shops picking out clothes; updating his wardrobe at Hermione’s insistence and eventually made their way to Saville Row for the outfit he was going to wear that evening. He had spent more on that single outfit than he had in the past 2 years on clothes, but as he looked at himself in the mirror in his bedroom it was probably the best money he’d ever spent.
Hermione hadn’t been able to convince him to get a suit jacket, but he thought he looked nice nonetheless. The attendant had helped him to pick out a navy waistcoat, matching trousers, a cream colored button up shirt that was “warm enough to compliment his lovely, dark skin”. He’d fought them on a tie, because honestly if he was going on a date with someone who required him to wear those godawful things this wasn’t going to work out anyway.
After a bit more primping, he decided he should head downstairs, he wasn’t quite sure when Draco was arriving, but he didn’t want to be late.
With a deep breath, Harry squared his shoulders like the Gryffindor he was and went downstairs.
Part 5 | Part 7
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dumb-gryffindor · 3 years
Happy Birthday
Based on the headcannon that Sirius ran away on Reggie's birthday
Sirius stared at the open trunk in front of him. He had already packed everything he needed, arranged everything with James and was ready to leave this shitty excuse of a family. He didn’t care about getting disowned or burned from the stupid family tree, he only cared about being finally free, about finally finding a loving and happy family. 
But yet, there was something stopping him. Something that had had him hesitating about his decision for the past 20 minutes. Why couldn't he leave? It was as easy as going through the door, and if he was lucky, he would do that unnoticed. This wasn't just a silly prank like the ones he always did at Hogwarts, this was going to define his future, so he took the time to make a Plan B, and a Plan C and a Plan D, although he hoped that he wouldn't have to recur to those.
"Come on, Sirius. It has been your dream to leave since you were 11, so just fucking do it" He told himself. With a slightly shaky breath, he closed the trunk and was ready to grab his wand, which was lying on the ground, but then he heard a knock on the door.
"Sirius," A voice said on the other side of the door. Sirius' heart suddenly dropped to the ground, "Mother says you should come down. We are about to eat the cake" Regulus said, and Sirius noted sadness in his voice.
Silence. Suddenly he didn't know what to say, so he just stood there, in the middle of his now empty room (except for the wall decorations, purposely left there). He knew Regulus was still there, and Sirius had the urge to at least do something, to let his brother know that he was there, like he always did. He rushed towards the door, but stopped himself before grabbing the doorknob. After a second or two of hesitating, he finally opened it.
Regulus' eyes lit up when he saw his brother, although his expression stayed the same. He had barely come out of his room for the entire day, only early in the morning before everyone else was awake to wish Regulus a happy birthday. He had missed his birthday lunch and dinner—neither brother ever got to have a birthday party, so a family dinner was as far as they got—and had spent the entire day packing his stuff.
So, that was what was keeping Sirius from leaving. His brother. His little brother (Not so little anymore, though. He was already fourteen). He couldn't just leave him. Not when he had spent his entire life protecting him, trying to guide him into the right path instead of the one that his parents wanted him to go through. Yes, things had gotten quite difficult now that Voldemort was becoming more powerful everyday, but Sirius had never stopped loving or caring for his little brother, and was sure Regulus felt the same. 
"Reggie" Sirius said, trying to smile, although he found it quite hard. He wanted to say a million more things to him, but he didn't have the courage to say them. "Come with me, let's leave this house together" "Don't stay" "I'm sorry. For everything"  "Happy Birthday" "I love you".
"So… are you coming or not?" Regulus asked, and Sirius snapped back to reality, and looked at his brother in the eyes. He couldn't leave him behind, but how was he going to tell him? He was aware of the fact that Regulus had been manipulated by his parents to always be against his brother, so it was expected for him to react badly to the proposal. But instead, Sirius did what he best knew what to do: Fuck things up.
"I’m leaving" Sirius said, and Regulus looked at him in confusion.
"What?" He asked
"I'm leaving," Sirius repeated.
"What?" Regulus asked now in disbelief. Sirius felt a pang of pain in his heart as he watched his brother realize that it was not a joke, and that he was actually leaving, “W...Where? Why?”
“Well, it was obvious that at one point I would finally get fed up with our parents' bullshit, and that moment is now.” Sirius said, “I’m going to...to James’ ”
“Of course you are” Regulus muttered, his eyes flashing with anger, but his voice flooded by disappointment.
“Co...Come with me, Reg. We can live together and have a life of our own,” The oldest brother suggested, grabbing his little brother by the shoulders, but Regulus quickly shook him off.
“Are you… are you out of your mind?” Regulus said, angrily, “We wouldn't last two seconds outside before having hundreds of aurors looking for us… and...and you can't just leave like that!”
“Yes I can.” Sirius replied dryly, “And I swear we will be safe at James’ house with his family. We can have the life we always wanted, Reggie…”
“The life you always wanted, just because you were too blinded by your ego to realize that our parents only wanted us to be safe and successful!” Regulus interrupted him, and Sirius noted his eyes glimmering with tears. One part of Sirius wanted to scream to his little brother, to make him finally realize the truth, to wake him up from whatever their parents had poisoned Regulus mind with, but the other half wanted to stay just for him, wanted to go downstairs and finally act like the rightful heir of the Black family, just for Regulus.
“Reggie, please…”
“Don't call me that.”
“...Just, think about it. A life away from mother and father. You wouldn't have to be stressed all the time, you wouldn't have to carry such pressure over your shoulders. You wouldn't have to become them, you wouldn't have to join the Dark Lord! Think about it!” Regulus stayed quiet for a few seconds, seeming to have an internal war with himself. Sirius suddenly felt a flash of hope that maybe he had managed to convince his brother with that last idea, but then Regulus stood up straighter and his jaw clenched.
“You don't know anything about what I want” He answered.
“For fuck sake, Regulus!” Sirius snapped, starting to lose patience, “Wake up! Cant you realize you are being fucking manipulated by them?!”
“I'm perfectly capable of realizing when someone is using me, and that would not be the case in here!” His brother answered back, “You always talk about mother and father like they are the fucking devil himself, when everything they always wanted was just for us to be safe and to know what is best for us!”
“That's what they want you to think! They just want you to become like them, they just want you to lead you to a path that will make you unhappy. It's not too late to change everything. Just come with me! We can be happy with James and his family, we can form a new family!”
“Oh, its always about fucking James!” Regulus snapped, “James this, James that, James told me this…You seem to prefer him as your brother better than me!” Regulus shouted, pronouncing James’ name like it was poison, and Sirius said nothing for the next few seconds. Regulus was panting with anger, his fist clenched and a storm being unleashed in his grey eyes. Sirius’ blood was boiling by this point, and he didn’t see the point on continuing arguing, not when Regulus was this reluctant to open his fucking eyes for just one time.
“Fine,” Sirius managed to say, “Then stay the fuck alone in this house” He stormed back into his room, grabbed his wand and quickly casted a levitation charm on his trunk, not caring about the fact that he would most likely get a warning from the ministry. The ministry could suck his dick. He went out of his room again, his trunk following him floating a few inches from the ground, Regulus just standing there. He snapped back to reality once his older brother was already a few steps down the stairs.
“Sirius, please!” He said, grabbing his brother's wrist, but Sirius quickly let go, not bothering to look back, “Please, think about it!” His voice was now almost like a whisper, pain managing to creep through it.
“I’ve already thought plenty about this, Regulus, '' Sirius simply replied. His brother followed him down the other three flights of stairs, saying things that Sirius chose to ignore, as much as it hurted his heart deep down. He could hear the voices of his family members—ex family members— in the dining room, and that somehow encouraged him to leave faster. He reached the entrance hall and opened the front door. Rain was pouring outside, but that didn't stop him.
Sirius started walking quickly towards the sidewalk, his hair getting wet and falling over his shoulders due to the rain, his clothes getting soaked wet. “Wait!” Regulus called for him. Sirius stopped on his track and turned around to face him, surprised to see that he was running after him. He stopped, and both brothers looked in the eye. 
“Please. You can't leave… You can't leave me” Regulus pleaded, his voice low and looking down to his feet. Sirius' expression softened a little, realizing this was his last chance to save his little brother.
“Then come with me, Reg” Sirius answered, this time in a softer tone, “I promise, everything we’ll do, we will do it together. I’ll never leave you alone, Reg. I swear”
“Then don’t leave!” Regulus shouted back. They were both now soaking wet, and Regulus had started to shiver a little, so he hugged himself in an attempt to cover his arms from the cold. Sirius felt the impulse to hug him and protect him from the cold, to protect him from the world, but he remained on his spot, looking at his brother.
“I have to, Regulus! I don't want to keep living on like this. I want to be free and to be whoever the fuck I want and to be surrounded by the people i love!” Sirius answered, and Regulus stared back, his eyes reflecting the moment his heart shattered, begging him to stay.
“Stay for me. I need you” He whispered, the sound of his voice slowly fading away with the pouring rain. Those words hit Sirius like a trainwreck.
“I won't stay, I’ve already told you that!” Sirius managed to say, although he hated himself. Of course the last thing he wanted was to leave his little brother behind, but he was just so tired and the only thing that he wanted to do was arrive to the Potter’s, where he knew he would always be welcomed, “If you so desperately want to be with me, then just fucking come with me!”
“I can't, Sirius. I can't!” Regulus shouted, “I cant.” He repeated himself, this time in a lower voice. Maybe he was waiting for Sirius to keep insisting, but he didn't. He made a decision, one that he would later come to regret the prior years. One that the cold and lonely cell in Azkaban would make him hate himself for. But the past can’t be undone, and with just three simple words, Regulus life was ruined forever.
“Then I'm sorry” Sirius said, “I really am, Reggie”
A sob escaped from Regulus lips, and a tear fell from his eyes, although it mixed with the raindrops that were falling down his cheeks. The brothers locked eyes for one last time. One last time, and they both understood that this was the end of it. Of everything.
“Happy birthday” Sirius said, and started walking away from the house, from his childhood, from his suffering, from his brother.
Soo, this is my first time writing a one shot (can you call it like that?) and i'm quite happy w it :) English isnt my first language so there may be some mistakes.
Hope you liked it :)
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neo-shitty · 3 years
all the muggle things. — c.s
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description. in which you and san spent the rest of your days after hogwarts getting the muggle experience.
pairings. slytherin!choi san x gender-neutral (wizard) reader (yes, this fic is house friendly)
genre. harry potter/hogwarts!au, fluff
warnings. mentions of injury. 
word count. 1.6k
writer’s notes. i don’t know why i never thought of writing a harry potter-inspired au before! also, it’s been a while since i’ve written for ateez. i hope this didn’t turn out so bad! 
inspired by option #1 (roommates au) + prompt #36 from this list (given by @kathyrncapp835​)+ prompt #46 from @ficscafe​‘s dialogue prompt event (given by @meaningfulmess​). prompt lines are bolded.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  TERMINOLOGY GUIDE :: for the muggles, explained and simplified by yours truly
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Muggle - someone who isn’t able to use magic / non-wizard
Lumos - spell that makes the tip of a wizard’s wand light up
Quidditch - a game for wizards that involves flying on brooms and shooting balls through hoops, basically basketball but more complex because there are three hoops and someone’s trying to catch an ‘i-am-speed’ ball that dictates the fate of the game in the end
Sectumsempra - a spell that lacerates the opponent
Wizarding War - the war between Voldemort’s side and Harry’s
Dark Mark - Voldermort’s mark
Nox - counter spell to Lumos that switches the wand’s light off
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You tried your best to peer your eyes open when you heard the front door slam shut. You groaned, infuriated at how such simple tasks like breathing and opening your eyes required extra effort whenever you were sick. But getting sick was merely a consequence of your own actions, so you really didn’t have anyone else to blame but yourself.  
You managed to open one eye, fighting back the heavy eyelid that threatened to shut and you searched the room for other movements besides your own. 
“It’s 2AM, go back to sleep,” a voice said. Soon, it’s owner emerged from the shadows of the doorway.
Dressed in his all-black work uniform was San. His whole figure blended into the background too well that it almost seemed like he’d apparated back to your place. But with the faint sound of his footfalls, you concluded that he used the muggle way in.
You turned your head. You considered turning your whole body but everything felt sore and heavy. Plus, you were content with the way the comforter was wrapped around you—which was rare, even on better days. You watched San pass by the living room before heading to the kitchen. Though you couldn’t see him from the living room couch, you could see the shadow casted on the floorboards by the kitchen light he switched on. It danced as he moved around, probably to get a late night snack before heading to bed. You could hear him uttering hushed incantations followed by the faint clattering of kitchen metals.
“I’m glad you didn’t burn the house down while I was gone,” he said from the kitchen.
A smile crept up to your lips at his statement. You opened your mouth to utter a small thank you but you could only manage a whisper. You weren’t even sure if he even heard it from that far.
Moments later, he reappeared by the kitchen doorway. “But you were cutting it a bit too close though,” he continued, clutching a frying pan in his right hand. 
The pan—originally gray—was now blackened from the mishap earlier. You had fallen asleep in the middle of cooking your own dinner, only waking up to the smell of burnt meat. The scent had been that thick that it managed to seep through your clogged nostrils. It was that bad. You ended up ordering take out instead. You forgot that you didn’t clean up the evidence.
A croaky laugh escaped your lips as you recalled the accident. San only shook his head, disappearing back into the kitchen to put the pan back to the sink. When he came back, he had two cups in hand. He walked over to set both down on their respective coasters on the glass center table of your living room. When he reached over to turn the lights on you stopped him.
“Don’t turn the lights on,” you said, your voice barely audible but he hears it, stopping before the lamp fully on. “They’re too bright. It’ll give me another headache.”
You see his silhouette nod. You could hear him flipping his coat around, shuffling to find something. You didn’t know what he was searching for exactly and you opted to ask him. But you soon find out what it was when you hear him whisper.
Where San stood, an orb of light began to glow. You soon realized that the light came from the tip of a stick. He was holding the fir wand in his hand, controlling its brightness until it was just right. Soon, it illuminated the room with a faint light—bright enough for you to see outlines of the room and the furniture scattered but not bright enough to make your eyes water like the lamps did.
He walked over to where you were before leaving his hand outstretched. “Sit up to drink your leaf water,” he said, earning a chuckle from you.
“Leaf water,” you repeated in a hoarse voice before taking his hand in yours, clutching it as you helped yourself up. You crossed your legs, tucking each foot beneath the opposite leg in order to give room on the couch for San to sit. 
He handed you your cup of tea before he sat adjacent to you with his own cup in one hand and his wand in the other. Your eyes lingered on the wooden stick he gripped in his hand and on the fingers he had wrapped around it. All his rings were silver, representing the complementing color of his house, Slytherin. Or that was what you remembered of him back when you were still studying at Hogwarts.
You recalled when you used to watch him play Quidditch. He always kissed his rings first before putting on his gloves. He was deemed one of the more valuable players next to their seeker and you were just another student from another house. It wasn’t until your last school year at Hogwarts when you first interacted. The first time you both went beyond the occasional glances you shared whenever you were both in the same class. 
Though your first time meeting wasn’t the best setting for the start of something new.
You were tending to one injury after another, working with the school nurse to cater every student who ran to the infirmary for aid or additional support in the form of potions. San had walked in alone and upon catching sight of his green sigil, your first instinct was to cast a spell to disarm him. But he didn’t have his wand raised, nor did he show any indications that he was about to attack. Your guard was up; he was still a Slytherin and fighting for the opposing side.
But he was still a student of the school with a bleeding arm. The rip on his upper sleeve revealed enough of  his wound for your body to move on its own without much guidance. You led him to the nearest vacant bed, letting him standby until you got everything you needed from the cabinets. 
In the time you were treating the wound, you learned that it took him half the war and a Sectumsempra to the arm (which was originally aimed at his chest; thankfully he was able to dodge it—barely) to realize that he was fighting for the wrong side of the Wizarding War. He was glad he was going to sit out the rest of it and vowed to—and you quote—“Never do stupid shit again.”.
The Dark Mark was still tattooed on his arm, a permanent reminder of decisions that did more harm than good both to him and to the people around him. The tattoo faded over time as the population of evil wizards gradually decreased. 
Your brain was hot-wired to never trust a Slytherin. Or at least, it used to be. 
Much to your surprise, San did keep his words that night at the infirmary. He spent his years after Hogwarts atoning for all the damage he’d caused, dedicating nearly all his hours into hunting the last of the witches and wizards who still practiced the Dark Arts. 
San shifted beside you, leaning against the back of the couch before turning to look at you. He set his mug back down to its coaster before he pressed his palm against your forehead. 
“I’m feeling a bit better, don’t worry. I think I’ll be fine by morning.”
“I still don’t get why you let yourself be sick when you can just—” he flicked his wand, “—it away.” 
You set your own mug down after taking a sip, only noticing then that he pulled out the matching Hogwarts house coasters. His furrowed expression softened when you held his hand, peeling it off your forehead before sandwiching it between your cold ones.
“I’m trying to experience muggle living,” you answered. 
Slytherins normally weren’t the type who liked involving themselves with muggle things, more so with the muggle way of living. But San wasn’t always like other Slytherins. Cheesy, you thought. But it was a fact.
You held his stare when his eyes landed on yours. You knew his mind was brewing some sort of egoistic line or anything short yet clever to say. But you were faster.
“You did well today,” you told him, drawing random shapes and symbols on the back of his palm.
Even after hearing it everyday for the past few years, San’s heart still warmed upon hearing the words leave your lips. 
You said it the first time at the infirmary. At first, you were unsure if you were saying it to yourself as he heard you utter it after you patched him up. Later that day, you reassured him that it was meant for him. San, at the time, wasn’t too keen on accepting it. Nothing about what he did that day was worth the praise. But he soon realized you were referring to his decision to right his mistakes instead of staying ignorant.
You haven’t stopped saying it since then. The phrase became more of a part of your routine over time but it still held the same value as the first time you ever said it. You still smiled softly after saying it and you still looked at him fondly like you were genuinely proud of it. San was trained to easily catch  whenever people lied—be it in the form of speaking or in acting. But he never found any trace of ingenuity whenever it came to you. 
Somehow, that was enough to convince him that he could still make up for mistakes made in the past. It wasn’t too late yet. 
You catch the moment the corner of his lips curved up into a smile. One sly finger up, you were ready to—once again—poke the dimple on the side of his mouth.
He hated that. But if he were to be honest, he could never really hate anything you did. One ‘Nox’ and a flick of his wand later, the light on the tip of his wand disappeared—plunging the both of you into complete darkness before your finger could even touch his skin.
“I hate you,” you muttered under your breath, drawing your hand back and crossing them over your chest.
You couldn’t see him clearly in the dark but you could tell the smirk from his tone, “Of course you do.”
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© neo-shitty, 2021
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awritingtree · 4 years
Never Enough (1/7)
Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Summary: You were content with your life, living with your cousin while the whereabouts of your father, Sirius Black, and his wellbeing remained unknown after escaping . But that all changed when you had to move into 12 Grimmauld Place for the summer. The worst part of it all? He was there too. (Wow I suck at summaries)
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: angst, shitty father-daughter relationship, mentions of abandonment, tell me if there are any others 
A/N: Yes, I know I changed the timeline up a bit to fit the fic. Please don’t be the asshole that points it out. I had to adjust it slightly for the plot. My heart broke writing this but it was too good an idea to pass up. I abandoned writing all my other fics for this. And all I can say to you is I’m sorry.
Series Masterlist
All those years, you’ve felt lonely. The Tonks were a wonderful family, raising you as one of their own. But there was always an empty feeling, a missing spot in your life that only your father could fill. If he’d come to you after he had escaped from Azkaban with an explanation, you would’ve welcomed him into your life with open arms. Therefore, when you found out he’d escaped and had been in contact with Harry all this time, not even bothering to check up on you once and the fact that you had to go live with this said person for the rest of your summer, away from your family, you went livid. You’d trashed your room; lamps broken, chairs and desks overturned, all your books had caught fire from not being able to keep your emotions, hence magic, in check.
But Aunt Dro and Dora had reassured you that it’d be fine, Dora even promised to stop by every day to check up on you without fail.
“It’s for your safety,” Uncle Teddy had said as they dropped you off.
You loved him, of course you did, he was your father. Though you had no fond memories of him, he seemed like the person you would get along greatly with. You’d heard a lot about his days at Hogwarts from your aunt. You were very much like him; just as reckless, having a knack for pranks (though people usually took it as a form of bullying or you being mean only because you were a Slytherin, even if your pranks were not as bad as those executed by the Weasley twins), and just as hot-tempered if not more. That’s why everyone should’ve this coming. It had started off as a normal day, waking up and having breakfast before getting to cleaning the grim place you were currently living in. All the house’s occupants were in one of the unkept rooms, getting rid of objects, which you thought had to be filled with dark magic.
You didn’t know when it happened; when the argument broke out. Ginny and Hermione were only asking you about your life all these years with the Tonks. Everyone should’ve seen it coming but no one had any inkling that it would escalate to this.
“You left me! You left to get revenge, without thinking for a second what would happen to me. And you came back for revenge, to protect your godson. That was enough motivation for you to leave that prison after 13 years, the rat’s picture and his safety. I wasn’t a good enough excuse to have escaped years ago, the thought of me, alone, wasn’t enough for you. I was never enough, was I!?”
Your words echoed through the silence of the house, everyone still, dumbfounded. Not even the portrait of your grandmother made a sound. The impact of your words far too great.
You knew he had escaped, but you never met. Not until this summer when you were forced to move into your ancestors’ house. He hadn’t come looking for you back in your 3rd year - he had come looking for him. The boy with the lightning scar marking his forehead from the night you lost your chance at having a life with your father. The boy who wasn’t here, for his own protection. The boy everyone seemed to drop everything for and for some that included their own daughter.
You don’t know when the argument had broken out and escalated this far, no one saw it coming. The previous playful atmosphere that hung in the air disappeared, replaced by an ambience that reeked of agony and anguish.
You, a Slytherin, a disappointment in his eyes. But truly, he was the disappointment. He left you all alone in this horrid world with no one.
“You had Remus.”
“Right,” you scoffed folding your arms across your chest, “I had a godfather who decided he couldn’t take care of me and abandoned me, not even bothering to keep in contact.”
Remus visibly flinched at the pure venom directed towards him through your words.
“That’s not my fault. I wasn’t here, what could I have done?” Sirius spoke back frustrated, throwing his hand up in the air.
“That’s the thing, you weren’t there. But it’s always James and Harry isn’t it? Harry and James,” you said defeatedly. Your shoulders slumped down as you looked down to the ground, trying to hide your tears from the rest who were staring at you, astonished but with pity. You quickly spun around on your heel and walked away, heading towards your room in this dark, repulsive house, a house that in another life you would’ve called your home.
And no one came after you.
That was two weeks ago, and things hadn’t gotten any better. You would stay in your room when you weren’t helping Mrs. Weasley out with the cleaning. You’d sit with everyone for meals, but a tense air would surround you every time you were in the same room as your father. He hadn’t made any move towards reconciling with you, towards having a relationship with his only child. After all that you’d said that day, you really thought he would. But you were left disappointed once again.
Just when you’d thought things couldn’t get worse, Harry had arrived a few days ago. You didn’t have anything against the boy, but watching your father dote over him every second of every day hurt you more than you cared to admit.
It was currently dinner time. You were sitting next to Dora who was changing her face to sport a pig’s snout upon Ginny’s request. You found it funny, you did, but you had no energy to laugh or even muster up a smile. You felt drained. The past few days made you feel like you were suffocating in this dreadful place. Your throat felt like it was constantly constricted, refusing to let air fill up your lungs, refusing to let you breathe and let go of the heavy weight that seemed to have made its home on your chest.
“You know, I thought the first thing you’d when you got here was ask about Voldemort.”
Your father’s conversation with Harry suddenly piqued your interest. The name caused a chill to run down through everyone’s spine.
“I did!” exclaimed Harry, “but everyone said we’re not allowed in the Order. That we’re too young.”
“You are too young,” reprimanded Mrs. Weasley.
“He’s been trapped in that Muggle house for over a month! He has the right to receive answers about his questions.”
That brought about an uproar from the rest of the kids.
“Harry’s not even of age!”
“Why does he get his questions answered!?”
~“That is up to your parents.”~
“But we’re of age!”
“Harry will tell me and Hermione everything anyway!”
You stayed silent through it all knowing anything you said wouldn’t change the minds of the adults in the room. There was nothing that you could contribute that would work in your favour.
After a row between Sirius and Mrs. Weasley (in which some out-of-line things were mentioned), it was finally decided that Ron, Hermione, Fred and George would stay as Harry got to know what had been happening. Ginny, on the other hand, was to go upstairs. Though she did not go without a fight - blazing and fuming, she reluctantly made her way to her room.
“Y/N, you too. Go upstairs,” said Remus.
“I’m not going anywhere. If they can stay so can I,” you said, looking up from your uneaten dessert.
Sirius looked away from Harry towards you, appearing to just realize you were in the room as well.
“Moony’s right. Go upstairs, Y/N,” he told you.
You stayed in your seat, going back to picking at your unappetizing dessert. Your silence and staying put began to tick Sirius off.
“Y/N, I told you something,” said Sirius, trying to keep his temper in check.
“I know, I heard you.”
The silence carried on. You stayed planted on your seat, refusing to move an inch.
“Y/N Black, you are still underage, and I am your father. So upstairs, now.”
You huffed, slamming your fork down on the table as you stood up abruptly. The chair scraped back and fell onto the floor from your sudden action.
“Fine,” you said through your gritted teeth, looking directly into your father’s eyes; eyes so alike yours. Sirius felt like he had actually been scorched by the fire burning in your eyes, contradicting the sickly-sweet smile you shot at him before storming out of the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You made your way towards the room that was temporarily yours; one that could’ve been your room if only… You shook your head trying not to dwell on such thoughts.
You were done.
Your trunk slammed against the stairs as you dragged it down, waking up Walburga Black’s portrait, screaming at everyone:
“Half-breeds, mudbloods, and blood-traitors in my house! If I was alive-,” you tuned her shouts out.
“Y/N, dear. What are you doing?”
“What I should have done a while ago,” you replied, looking up to see Mrs. Weasley, who had just escorted Ginny up to her room, peering over the banister.
You walked towards the front door through the unlit hallway, a migraine forming from the shrieks of your biological grandmother and the screeching of your trunk dragging across the floor.
You opened the door, stepping out into the summer night. The quiet took over as soon as you shut the door behind you. Your throat finally let up and expanded as you breathed in the cool summer night air, allowing your lungs to fill with large volumes of air; air that you had been gasping for the past few weeks. The heavy weight on your chest dissipated, making you feel lighter than you had ever felt; as if you could walk on clouds.
A loud ‘pop’ sounded through the empty street a few seconds after you’d raised your wand out in front of you.
You climbed onto the bus, not once looking back at the house that no one around could see, except you.
Not even when you heard a voice call out into the empty street as you disappeared along with the Knight Bus with a ‘pop’.
Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @kashishwrites @remmyswritings @angelinathebook @idont-knowrn @coffee--writes
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
The Moment I Knew ↠ Draco Malfoy
━ “I’m done. I’m done with you and everything.”
summary ━ draco malfoy had promised his long time girlfriend he would show up to her birthday party. Y/N knew she shouldn’t have believed him...
warnings ━ angst
a/n ━ made me cry writing this.
Word count ━ 1.7k
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You should've been there
Should've burst through the door
With that "Baby, I'm right here" smile
And it would've felt like
A million little shining stars had just aligned
And I would've been so happy
The room where Y/N stood in her birthday dress her mother got her. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, after all she was now 20. But all Y/N could think about was how Draco wasn’t there.
Y/N imagined him coming through the door with that smile that made her heart flutter. And just him being there would’ve of made Y/N feel on top of the world.
Like he put her first. Y/N would’ve been so happy.
But in reality Y/N stood there with a sad look on her face crossing her arms across her chest. She should be happy in those moment.
Y/N really wanted Draco to show up it was her dream to finally be a priority in his life.
Christmas lights glisten
I've got my eye on the door
Just waiting for you to walk in
But the time is ticking
People ask me how I've been
As I comb back through my memory
How you said you'd be here
You said you'd be here
Y/N takes a seat with a sigh as she keeps a close eye on the door just waiting for him to show up. Hoping to show up.
The lights glisten around her should’ve made Y/N happy since they were her favorite color but nothing could cheer her up. Draco could only do that now if he shows up.
As people talk to Y/N she keeps her eyes on the door just waiting for him to show up. But something in the pit of her stomach told her that wasn’t gonna happen.
The time was getting later and later and Y/N is wondering if he even remembered if it was her birthday. As tears start to brim her eyes someone comes up to distract her.
“So Y/N how have you and Draco been,” Her aunt asks with a smile on her face.
The mention of Draco brings memories flooding back to Y/N. When he promised that he would be at the party a few days ago.
“Okay Draco are you sure you’ll remember,” Y/N asks as she rests her head on his chest drawing circles on his abs.
“Love don’t worry about I’ll be there when have I ever failed you,” Draco chuckles and kisses the top of Y/N’s head.
Y/N frowns almost every date we’ve been on she thinks to herself as Dracos arms envelope around and eventually falls asleep.
Y/N however stays awake doubting that he’ll show up. She tries to get the negative thoughts out of her head.
But they keep crawling back and Dracos forgot about a lot of things recently. Like their anniversary.
“We’ve been great,” Y/N says forcing a smile squeezing her hand around a wine glass anger and sadness coursing through her veins.
He said he would be there and Y/N hopes he will.
And it was like slow motion
Standing there in my party dress
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
And they're all laughing
As I'm looking around the room
But there was one thing missing
And that was the moment I knew
Some reality sets in and she realizes that Draco might not show up. No don’t think like that Y/N shakes her head in denial. She wants to believe that Draco will show up just for her she wants to with her whole heart.
But something in her stomach makes it feel off and she keeps trying to shake the feeling off.
Y/N stands there in a cute white dress and red lipstick across her lips as she keeps her eyes on the door waiting for Draco.
She feels like she’s dressed up to impress no one. Y/N wanted to impress Draco and wanted him to show her at least some love.
For the past 7 months Draco has been either busy or not wanting to be around Y/N unless it’s at night. Dates are lonely because he forgets.
Y/N gets that he has a job but he shouldn’t just neglect her in the midst of his work. Draco is one of her main priorities but she isn’t one of his.
People keep laughing around her joking and enjoying themselves.
Tears threaten to seek out as Y/N looks around the room to see if Draco came in but she didn’t notice him.
But there’s no sight of the Malfoy and Y/N walks around her heels clicking on the hard floor trying to seen if sneaked in and it was all a prank.
And all Y/N can find is nothing. Some doubt seeks into Y/N knowing Draco might not come breaks her heart.
And the hours pass by
Now I just wanna be alone
But your close friends always seem to know
When there's something really wrong
So they follow me down the hall
And there in the bathroom
I try not to fall apart
And the sinking feeling starts
As I say hopelessly
"He said he'd be here"
Hours pass and Y/N feels dread crawl up her chest as Draco hasn’t shown up.
With everyone talking to her wising her a happy birthday, Y/N just wants to be alone to drown her sorrows. She just wants Draco to be there is that so much to ask for.
Y/N would’ve gone to Dracos party for him. Hell she would have done anything for him.
In their 6th year in Hogwarts Y/N offered to take the place of Draco as he had an order from Voldemort. But Draco didn’t let the happen.
He said, “Y/N love I won’t let you do that. I will not let this drag you down. This is my duty and I just need to keep you safe.”
Y/N scoffs at the memory back then if something went wrong Draco would’ve been there in an instance. Even on her birthday he always showed up with a gift and flowers.
Even in their dreadful 6th year he still showed up.
Y/N runs down the halls tears staining her cheeks as Dracos friends notice her and his absence as well.
Blaise lets out an annoyed sigh leaving the girl he was talking to behind to follow Y/N to the bathroom. Blaise knocks on the door hesitantly.
“Y/N,” Blaise asks.
“What,” Y/N snaps wiping the tears away trying to keep calm.
“I know what you’re thinking and Draco will be here soon don’t over think it,” Blaise explains.
Y/N scoffs again of course he’s defending him she thinks. Even thought Y/N and Blaise were friends he would always choose Dracos side no matter.
“He said he’d be here,” Y/N sobs into her hand as mascara stains her eyes making her look like a raccoon.
Blaise internally curses Draco for not being there and opens the door to see Y/N crying with her knees pulled to her chest.
“Oh Y/N,” Blaise says out of pity and sadness. He pulls her to her feet and brings her to a hug.
“He’s a dick Y/N don’t let it get to you,” Blaise kisses the top of Y/N’s head and Y/N is lucky to have such a good friend like Blaise.
And it was like slow motion
Standing there in my party dress
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
And they're all laughing
And asking me about you
But there was one thing missing (missing, missing)
And that was the moment I knew
Blaise helps Y/N and she dries her tears away not wanting to alarm everyone. She still has faith Draco will show up just a sliver of faith.
Y/N and Blaise returned to the room were everyone was laughing and partying. Y/N lets out a smile through her pain.
At least some people are happy.
Blaise just says to forget about him but everyone is asking her about and how Draco and her are.
Y/N respond politely saying everything was fine even though she was just lying through her teeth.
What do you say, when tears are streaming down your face
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do when the one who means the most to you
Is the one who didn't show?
As the time gets closer to midnight and her birthday will be almost over tears start falling down her cheeks on a faster rate.
People asks Y/N why she’s crying on such a happy day but Y/N can’t respond and people just leave Y/N be.
She feels pathetic crying in the corner of the room as people stare at her while others are just minding their own business.
Y/N wants to believe that her boyfriend will show up and shock her but she feels like that isn’t going to be an option in her books.
“Y/N he’ll show,” Blaise reassures her as he comforts her.
Y/N nods wanting to believe him but she can’t. She can’t when he should’ve been there ages ago.
You should've been here
And I would've been so happy
No matter what Draco has to say he should’ve been there for her no matter what.
And if he was going to be there Y/N would’ve been the happiest girl in the world.
But Y/N reminded herself life isn’t a fairytale.
And it was like slow motion
Standing there in my party dress
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
And they're all standing around me singing
"Happy birthday to you"
But there was one thing missing
And that was the moment I knew
Ooh, I knew
It felt like slow motion as people sang happy birthday before midnight came.
Y/N blew out the candle with a fake smile on her face wanting to make the people who showed feel appreciated.
As people hug her and congratulate her Y/N thinks just one thing is missing.
And that is the love of her life.
Y/N knows she shouldn’t have to deal with this but her love for him was so strong nothing could defeat it.
When Draco talks to her next he’ll make some half assed apology and excuse and Y/N would nod and pull him into a hug.
And she would accept his while reassuring him that it was okay and that she still loved him.
But Y/N has had enough of this and even though she loves him so much, Y/N can’t handle this pain.
The pain of being left behind without a thought.
Y/N accepted his apology the first few times but after so many times it gets tiring. Waiting for him to show up for dates. Or even just for dinner.
Either way Y/N’s had enough of this.
You called me later
And said, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it"
And I said, "I'm sorry too"
And that was the moment I knew
When Y/N gets to her flat she gets ready for bed. She would usually go to Dracos mansion but tonight shes tired annoyed and frustrated.
Y/N doesn’t feel like dealing with Dracos bullshit right.
She takes off all of her make up and puts her pajamas on and once she lies her head on her pillow Y/N finally lets the tears fall.
As she sobs and curls into a ball all she thinks is why. Why couldn’t he just show up and be there for her.
In the midst of her crying someone calls the phone.
“Hello,” Y/N sniffles without even looking at who might be calling her.
“Love I just wanted to apologize for not being there. There was this work thing,” Draco apologizes and doesn’t even notice that she’s crying.
“I’m sorry too,” Y/N scoffs. “I’m sorry that I’ll always be second to you and I shouldn’t even be sorry.”
“Love-,” Draco starts to say but Y/N intercepts.
“I’m done. I’m done with you and everything,” Y/N snaps and hangs up the phone.
Y/N lets a sigh of relief feeling a weight of her chest. She finally feels good about herself.
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Arranged Marriage Part 1
For the Anon who requested : Hey! Can I request something where Draco's parents arrange a marriage for him, and at first he's pissed, but then he meets her and she's pretty and his type and he winds up really enjoying her? Thank you so much!!
Part 2, Part 3
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Draco slammed the door to his bedroom, he was seething. He’d just gotten home from Hogwarts for Christmas holiday when he was bombarded by his mother, who was in the middle of planning their Christmas ball. However, she had other news as well. He was, against his wishes, engaged. He was absolutely livid with his parents, he hadn’t even been consulted. Not to mention the fact that he was only in his sixth year. He was sixteen years old for Merlin’s sake! And on top of it all, he still had his duties to carry out this year, he didn’t need more stress. And that’s all girls were; stress. 
Apparently he would be meeting her, and they’d be announcing their engagement at the ball this year, he kicked his desk chair out of frustration and it skidded across the room, toppling over.
“Fuck me,” He muttered to himself, thinking about the few details his mother had given him. Her name was Y/N L/N, a fellow 6th year at Hogwarts in Ravenclaw. Her father worked for the Dark Lord as well, along with his own parents. Pure-blooded and pretty according to his mother. Any girl his mother thought was pretty was probably a troll. He cursed again and tossed himself onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He tried to rack his brain, thinking of her name, and going through the 6th year Ravenclaw girls he could remember, seeing if he could match a face to the name. 
“Y/N,” He spoke and the name sounded foreign on his lips. He could vaguely remember a girl in his potions class that went by that name with Y/Color/Hair. She wasn’t a troll but she wasn’t anything special either. A quiet bird who mostly kept to herself and sat towards the front of the classroom, typical Ravenclaw he scoffed to himself. This was ridiculous. Marriage! What next? Babies?! He hadn’t even graduated yet! 
He wound up falling asleep on his bed, above the covers and shoes still on. His nap was plagued with visions of frilly white dresses and senseless dancing. When he woke up it was dark, and his family’s house elf had left him a dinner plate on his nightstand, but he wasn’t hungry. How could he eat at a time like this? 
The week passed by agonizingly slow, and he spent most of his time being forced to help get the manor ready for their ball. His mother took him to Diagon Alley to purchase new dress robes. They were nice, black with all black accents. He looked at himself in his bedroom mirror, listening to the music and chatter from below. He was supposed to be downstairs an hour ago but he couldn’t bring himself to leave his room. He looked handsome, he knew, his pale skin and white hair popping elegantly with the all black ensemble.  Yet he didn’t want to go downstairs where he knew his new fiance was waiting for him. 
His house elf popped into his room and he looked away from the mirror with a glare.
“Missus said it’s time Mister Malfoy made his way downstairs. Guests are waiting.” Draco turned on his heel and walked towards the door taking a deep breath. He wasn’t nervous, Draco Malfoy did not get nervous. He was pissed and put out, still thinking this entire thing was ridiculous. He walked down the grand staircase, seeing his mother at the base, glaring at him.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry, mother.” She nodded her head in response and attempted to fix his collar but he jerked away from her, doing it himself. Suddenly the french doors leading from the ballroom to the foyer swung open and a girl stormed through like a winter storm. She was wearing a brilliant emerald green dress that hugged her curves and went down to the floor, there was some light beading on the bodice but nothing over the top. Her Y/C/H was up in a fancy array of braids and her Y/C/Eyes were red and slightly swollen. 
“I’m not getting MARRIED! Are you daft!” She cried, the man following her looked just like her, same eyes, same hair, much different demeanor. 
“Watch your tongue!” He bit out, grabbing her wrist and yanking her towards him with a snarl, “Is that any way to talk to your father?” He looked over at Narcissa and Draco and smirked slightly down at his daughter, “Is that any way to speak in front of your future husband?” Her head snapped around to look where he was looking and she openly glared at him. She was pretty, Y/height, and Draco found himself smirking at the display. 
“My sincerest apologies,” She gritted out between clenched teeth, “Malfoy,” 
“Call me Draco,” He responded easily. Her father released her and she gripped her wrist with her other hand, holding it to her chest. She stood awkwardly between her father and the two present Malfoys. Narcissa cleared her throat and smiled, greeting the man by his first name. 
“Why don’t we rejoin the party, I’d love to speak with your wife about wedding arrangements, and Lucius has some business to discuss with you.” He knew his mother wanted to let them be alone, and while he didn’t particularly want to marry the girl, maybe he could score a sneaky snog out of this. The man nodded curtly and took Narcissa’s arm as they went back through the doors, shutting them behind them. The girl continued to just stand there, glaring in Draco’s general direction. 
“Did he just tell you?” He asked, trying to start a conversation. You winced slightly and nodded your head.
“Yes. He didn't think I’d come if I knew. He was right.” Draco laughed and you mustered up a half smile. 
“My mother told me when I got home for Christmas.” 
“Good for you.” you muttered, looking down. When you looked back up again your face was blank, “I don't want to marry you.” You stated bluntly. He sized you up, mildly surprised by your brashness. 
“Listen princess, I don’t exactly want to marry you either, but your father seems pretty deadset.” 
“And your parents aren’t?” You questioned, raising a delicate eyebrow at him, arms crossing over your chest. He shrugged. 
“They are, I assume. Or they wouldn’t be going through all this trouble. We haven’t really talked about it, I’ve just been told the gist. We-” He gestured between the two of you, “Are to be married, don’t know when, don’t know why.” 
“Probably at Voldemort’s request.” You replied and he flinched slightly. 
“Don’t say his name.” You smirked. 
“Why? Afraid he might come swooping in at any moment?” Draco didn’t want to comment on the amount of times the dark lord had been in his house, and he definitely didn’t want to admit that yes, that was his first thought. 
“Call him by his title, the dark lord.” 
“Are you a death eater?” You asked, curiously. He shook his head no, unconsciously glancing down at his arm where his soon to be mark would reside. 
“Not yet.” You nodded then shook your head. 
“Better you than I, I’d never be.” You spat the words out. Merlin, who did his parents want him to marry?
“Well you’ll be married to one.” You shrugged.
“Or maybe I’ll just run away.” You mused aloud, glancing around the foyer, eyes lingering on the door. He looked towards the large front door with you and laughed. 
“Run away? With what money? Where would you even go?” 
“Paris.” You answered easily, “I’ll make money. I’d be fine.” 
“They’d hunt you down, Y/N,” He spoke your name for the first time to you and it felt odd coming from his lips, but not bad. You simply shrugged again. 
“It would be worth it,” You whispered. They stood in silence for a few more moments. He wanted to say something but he had no idea what he wanted to say. Again, the french doors opened and Lucius stood in the doorway. 
“Draco. Come.” He ordered and he felt his feet moving towards his father on their own accord. He stopped next to you, glancing down. “Bring her. This ball is for you. I will not have you two insulting your mother by spending the entirety of it in the corridor. You will dance, eat, and socialize. That’s an order.”
“Yes father.” And with a swish of his cloak the man was gone again, back into the bustling crowd of pure-blooded wizards and their children. Draco offered his arm to you and you took it with a small sigh. 
“He’s charming.” He shushed you, not wanting his father to overhear you. Together you entered the ballroom, Draco leading you towards the bar area. 
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked and you nodded with a soft hum, “What do you want,” 
“I’ll have a Witch’s Heart.” You spoke, keeping your arm linked with his but making sure there was as much distance between your bodies as you could manage. Did you dislike him that much? He ordered your cocktail and a Firewhiskey on the rocks for himself, thanking the bartender when he handed the drinks over. Draco led you over to a table of familiar faces and pulled your chair out for you before sitting beside you, both hands wrapped around his glass. 
“Alright, Malfoy?” Blaise Zabini greeted, clasping the man on the back raising his glass towards him and then you, it was obvious he had already had a few. “Congratulations to the happy couple.” Draco laughed, knocking his glass against the other boy’s.
“Thank you, thank you.” He responded, placing his arm loosely around the back of your chair, you leaned away from him slightly and he frowned, shrugging. Pansy Parkinson glared at you openly and venomously from across the table.
“Y/N, right?” She asked, you nodded your head. 
“Hello Pansy.” Her glare deepened. She said nothing more to you, crossing her arms over her dress. It was a similar color to yours, Draco noted, not surprised Pansy had opted for a Slytherin green dress. As much as he was proud of his house, sometimes she had too much house pride. It did surprise him however, that you were wearing the color. He had a feeling your parents had something to do with it. Draco and Blaise talked, Pansy occasionally saything something snippy here and there. 
“Draco,” She batted her eyelashes at him from across the table, leaning over so her cleavage popped. Slag, you thought to yourself. 
“Care to dance?” Draco looked at you, and you gave a small shrug. You didn’t care what he did. He wasn’t your husband, and would never be if you got your way, which you were beginning to doubt you would. 
“No.” He answered simply. Her face fell and you couldn’t help but smirk, she turned her eyes to you and glared darkly. 
“Don’t think you’ve got him, Y/N.” She spat.
“Pardon?” You asked bored. 
“He’ll never love you, hell, he’ll never even like you.” She hissed and Draco frowned, about to step in when you laughed loudly. 
“Doesn’t matter if he does or doesn’t, love. I’m marrying him, not you.” Pansy was livid. She stood up, hand twitching.
“Hag!” She cried. 
“Oh Pans,” You replied, falsely sweet, “Don’t talk down on yourself like that, you’re barely even a hag.” Draco thought she might punch you, Blaise laughed, slapping a hand against Draco’s back. 
“Feisty! I love it, you’re lucky mate, you should meet the boring bird my parents want me to marry.” Blaise glanced past Draco and sent you a wink, “Unless you care to switch.” 
“I’m alright.” Draco smiled slightly, “Go cool down Parkinson.” Pansy was bright red with anger, she looked at Draco, then to you, then to Draco again, her face softening. She turned with a huff and stalked off to go Merlin knows where. 
“She’s a delight,” You commented. Blaise laughed again, standing up.
“Can I get you lot another round?” 
“Sure,” You smiled, handing him your glass, Draco followed suit. Once they were alone again Draco turned to you, smiling slightly. 
“Sorry about her,” You shrugged and shook your head.
“It’s alright, I’ve dealt with worse, I deal with my mother daily.” 
“You don’t get on with your parents?” He questioned and she raised her eyebrows.
“Do you?” 
“I don’t, not much. Probably why they’re trying to shove me off on your family.” He chuckled and nodded, arm still around the back of your chair. He was quiet for a moment, making eye contact with someone from across the room. You followed his gaze and saw his father glaring at the two of you, ah, yes. Your new darling father-in-law. Draco withdrew his arm and offered you his hand. 
“Care to dance?” He asked, watching as you sighed and frowned before nodding your head. 
“Alright, but I have two left feet as a warning.” He chuckled again and nodded his head.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you.” You felt something in your stomach flutter when he looked at you like that and spoke so tenderly, and Draco honestly couldn’t believe the words had come out of his mouth. He watched as you gathered your dress and took his hand allowing him to lead you out to the dance floor. He placed a hand on your waist and took your hand in his other one, and you snaked your free arm around his neck, keeping a comfortable distance. You began to sway to the music, Draco leading you in the traditional dance the rest of the crowd was partaking in. 
“How’s your school year going?” He asked suddenly, needing to break the silence. 
“Alright I suppose. Can’t believe they’ve got us preparing for NEWTs already.” Draco nodded with a small laugh. 
“Don’t worry too much about it, it’s not like it matters.”
“It’s my future,” You replied confused. Draco nodded his head towards the large grand room around them.
“This is your future. You won’t have to work a day in your pretty little life.” 
“And if I want to?” You asked him and he faltered slightly. Wasn’t it every woman's dream to be rich enough to sit on her arse all day? 
“What would you do?” He asked, genuinely curious as to what could be better.
“I want to be a healer,” You admitted, stepping on his foot, “Sorry, told you, can’t dance.” He adjusted your position and pulled you slightly closer so he could better lead you in the dance, these shoes were expensive. 
“Noble.” He commented. You shrugged. 
“I’m good at it, and I like it.” You stated simply and he didn’t press the topic. If you wanted to be a healer, he wasn’t going to argue. At least until you had children. Children!? He shook the thought from his head, Merlin, he didn’t even want to meet you a few hours ago and now he was entertaining the thought of having children with you? He must be mad. Or ill. Mad and ill. The song came to an end and he released you, taking your hand again. 
“Shall we find our parents? I’m sure they’d like to see us getting along.” He decided. 
“Are we?” You asked him, “Getting along?” 
“I’d think so, you haven’t hexed me yet.” You chuckled and he found he liked the sound of your laugh. 
“The night is young.” He held your hand as you walked towards your parents who were chatting with several other wizards. You passed Pansy as you went and you couldn’t help but to throw her a smug look, knowing she had been watching you two dance. You might not be thrilled to be marrying the bloke, but you couldn’t deny he was handsome, and you seemed to be getting along, at least for now. And if you could rub it into the snotty little girls face, you would. For fun. She glared in return and you chuckled, causing Draco to look at you, then to the direction of Pansy, smirking himself and tugging you slightly closer to him.
“Jealous?” He asked and you snorted.
“You wish,” As you got closer to your parents you took a deep steadying breath, the hand in Draco’s becoming clammy. He squeezed the hand, noticing your sudden nervousness. Together you would face your parents, he decided, he would make sure you were safe. Afterall, that’s what a husband is for.
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
George x Hufflepuff Reader
Summary - You and George have a few years difference, but have been dating sense your second year at Hogwarts. But, after he leaves during his 7th year without telling you and his letters stop coming, you assume a break up. After the war, you collide.
Trigger Warnings - Angst to fluff, cussing, panic attack.
Your hand burned with pain, drops of blood still seeping past your bandage and onto the floor as you sat in the Great Hall. You were sitting at your house table, not being allowed to sit with your boyfriend now that Umbridge was around. Not that you wanted to right now anyway. George was the absolute love of your life, your relationship two years strong now. The only problem is that George is overly protective of you.
It never bothered you, you actually loved it. He would make sure the stuck up students in the houses didn't pick on you, that you are properly, and, just recently, you didn't have to endure a punishment with the toad. He couldn't control this one though, seeing as how you had passed out some of your homemade cookies and she assumed they were Weasley products, meaning you broke one of the many new school rules.
You had tried to explain to her that they were normal, warm, homemade snickerdoodles, but you found yourself sitting at her desk writing 'I will not break rules' until it "sunk in". You knew George would just about hate himself if he was an extension of why you were punished - seeing as how she wouldn't have assumed they were prank cookies if you weren't dating George, but you didn't care either way. You loved him, more than anyone or anything (don't tell that to your muggle succulent sitting next to your bed).
George had been eyeing you all throughout dinner, getting Fred and Lee to trying to get your attention. Your hand was hidden under the table, and you waited until the three turned to discuss your mood to jump out of your seat and leave for the common room. You assumed they heard the door open, because right as the door began to close, you heard your boyfriend yell out for you, "Y/N!"
Your speed picked up, moving to the hufflepuff entrance, but his feet were more determined and his hand gripped your wrist, only, the bandaged on.
You hissed out in pain, pulling your hand from his as you eyed him. "When? When did she get you?" His questions were quick and to the point. "Right after you left to rush to potions. I was handing Laurence his batch of cookies and she thought they were..." you trailed off, not wanting to direct tell your boyfriend why you got punished. "She thought they were Weasley products. Shit, y/n, I'm so sorry."
You shrugged it off, not wanting to make it a bigger deal. "It's fine, love. It was bound to happen sooner or later." you reached up to kiss his cheek, but he took a step back. "Bub, it's really okay. Lindsey has some healing potion left over from when she brewed it last and she told me at dinner she's more than happy to give me some. I'll be all fixed up before bed." You reached for his hand, but he brought it to his pockets, nodding.
"Okay, well, get inside and get all fixed up please. I told Fred I'd let him know exactly what was going on with you, and he'll be worried if I don't go tell him." your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You usually wait until tomorrow to tell him, what's going on?" You were offended he wasn't going to come in and help you apply the potion, having done the same for him quite a few times.
"I really should get going. I'll talk to you soon." he left a very quick kiss on your hairline, moving to step back. "Okay? I love you." you stated firmly, but watched as he turned around and left you standing next to the entrance to Hufflepuff.
The next day, you found yourself running into the hallway with Ginny, watching as Fred and George tossed their fireworks up in the air and fly around the loose papers, laughing brightly. Fred's eyes met yours momentarily, but looked away quite quickly and moving with George to leave hogwarts in their dust, flying far away from you and all their classmates.
"What. The. Hell?" you turned to Ginny, your best friend, feeling your heart begin to rip. "Y/n, I have no idea. I don't know what just happened." Your breath was shakey as you nodded, moving to your room quickly to send him an owl.
Weeks past and you heard nothing from your boyfriend. Owls upon owls were sent his way, but nothing ever returned from him. You received one letter from Fred, but didn't open it. You didn't want to hear his version of his brothers excuse, you wanted it straight from your love. You wrote to Molly in confusion, but got a letter back with her own. She had no idea you and George had ended, confused with her son's actions.
During that summer, you still got nothing from him. You come to accept that the two of you were over, not even heading to the Burrow until the last week of summer, but your heart broke even more every time one of them looked at you with their sensitive eyes.
You found yourself fighting alongside everyone during the war, having seen their flashes of red hair once or twice. The only moment you had that was noteworthy, was the moment you stood behind the rubble, hearing Fred cry out, and quickly levitating the rubble off of him, conforming he was okay. As soon as you saw people coming to his assistance, you fled the scene, not wanting to speak with George about it.
You watched from across the room as the Weasley's hugged his body, crying tears of joy. Fred was still your brother, no matter if you talked to him or not. The last thing you would ever want was for the world to be without him. After the war was officially over, Voldemort long gone, you found yourself lost again. You wouldn't go to the Weasley's, you didn't know if Fred saw you help him and didn't want to speak to George about it.
You didn't go home, not wanting to try to explain to your muggle parents exactly what happened. Your feet lead you to the hufflepuff room, smiling as you entered it, feeling the warmth still seeping through it's walls.
You stayed behind, helping to rebuild the school. You still had a year left of schooling and you wanted to get as much time in Hogwarts as you could. But, sooner than you expected, you were officially graduated from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your grades immaculate and you quickly found a job in Herbology.
Your office was in Diagon Alley, working in one of the shops. Your job description being to assist students in their search for specific ingredients for potions, but also keeping the ones in the store to their best condition. After about a month, you were surprised that you still hadn't run into either of the Weasley twins, but you weren't complaining about it.
You had met with Ginny a few times for lunch, loving seeing her more than anything. You both were out, catching up on your week with each other. Listening to her go on and on about her love with Harry filled your heart. You were never upset with her for finding her true love when yours slipped through your fingers.
"Were thinking about getting a place of our own, y/n. Harry has been staying with us for the most part, having done it so often before we were together. Now, we might as well." You smiled widely at your best friend, loving how happy she was.
"Ginny, what are you doing here?" Your heart squeezed in your chest, hearing his voice. "Fred?" Ginny looked behind you at her older brother, smiling and standing to hug him. "I'm eating lunch with-" she cut herself off, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. She was the only one who knew about what you did for Fred and how you still felt about George, but never pushed you about it. She had been livid with her brother for leaving you the way he did.
"Uh, with me." You stood, turning to look at Fred. He had a few scars from the rubble that fell on him, but looked just like himself. "Y/N." he breathed out, his face lighting up with happiness. "Holy shit! I've missed you!" His arms wrapped around you quickly, pulling you to him and kissing your head. "Thank you." he whispered in your ear, holding you tighter.
You were confused at his thanks, but sharply exhaled when you realized. "You saw." you whispered back, feeling him nod. "Yeah, I looked for you for a year and a half to thank you sooner, but I couldn't find you. Ginny here wouldn't tell me where you were." You nodded, moving yourself from his arms.
"Yeah, I couldn't really bare to be around, you know." you whispered, looking at your feet. "Y/N, that's beside the point. You saved my life. You did. Even after what we did, even after how we both treated you without telling you, you saved me." This caused you to look up at the twin, who looked so much like George. You were always able to tell the difference, from the moment you met them. You didn't know how, but you could.
"Fred, you're my family. I would save you no matter what, just like you would me." You reached to brush some hair from his eyes, smiling.
"You did what?" It was now George's voice that filled your ears, causing you to turn around and look into his own eyes. "Nope, nope, nope, not doing this. Not ready." You felt your breath quicken, moving to grab your purse and kiss Ginny on her cheeks. "I'll owl you about next time. Bye." You put a few coins down for your lunch, seeing as it was your turn to pay, then moved past Fred quickly.
"Y/N!" All three of them called out for you, but you raced through the streets of Diagon Alley. You weren't immediately going back to work, not wanting them to know where it was. Your feet carried you past a building and into it's alleyway, your eyes clutching closed. This time, you outran him.
"Y/N." he whispered, standing in front of you. Or not.
"No, George. No. No, no, no." Your hands went to grip your hair, squeezing it. You had panic attacks before the war, George knew that, but they increased considerably after it. It had been a few days sense your last, but this one was coming on quickly.
"Hey, hey love, it's all right. I'm right here." He slipped your hands from your hair, moving them to your sides then hugged you tightly. One of the things he learned during your relationship was, holding you as tightly as he could, letting your senses fill with him, helped incredibly. While you wished they wouldn't this time, your body found itself calming down like it did each time in school.
"Hey, it's okay. Come on." He grasped your hand softly, knowing how tired panic attacks left you. Your body was still shaking softly, and you knew if you spoke, you'd be a stuttering mess. He lead you back around and into the shop, causing you to laugh at your own misfortune. Of course you'd try to hide behind his own building. He guided you into the foreign store, you not having stepped foot into it once. Before you had time to register the absolute wonder of it all, he had you upstairs into the flat and sitting on their couch. "Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, I know we have some."
He had left you to walk into the kitchen, searching for their normal candy, not wanting to make you puke or cause your hair to turn orange. "Ah." he quickly moved next to you, protecting you like he used to as kids.
"George." you whispered after you calmed, keeping your eyes from his. "No, let me, please." He took your hand with one of his, the other guiding your head to look into his. "I was so, so, so idiotic. When you told me about your detention, I thought it was my fault. If you weren't dating me, she wouldn't have ever thought you were handing out products. Fred and I had already planned to leave, but I told him to move it up. I don't know how many times I wrote to you, but tore it up before I sent it. Then, during the war, I don't know how I didn't just walk up to you and keep you protected in my arms. It killed me to know something could happen to you and I wouldn't protect you from it. Now, I'm hearing you saved Fred. You protected yourself and him at the same time. I was an idiot to ever think that you couldn't protect yourself. I was an absolute git for leaving you like I did." you had hardly breathed while he spoke, your tears falling just as freely as his.
You nodded, kissed his cheek, stood up, and apparated home without a single word.
You sat in your own living room, breathing treatment done, your hair pulled up in a ridiculous bun, and your face mask sitting on your face. You had cried your eyes out for hours when you arrived home, but you couldn't let yourself be hurt by George Weasley again. You had your legs pulled up, a book in your hand, as you tried not to cry yet again. The whistle of your tea kettle brought you out of your own world. Setting your book down, you moved to your kitchen. After taking it off the heat, a owl flew into your kitchen, looking at you.
"Y/N, come to the burrow quick, it's Ginny." The words were scribbled in the handwriting of Harry, and you immediately apparated into the living room you spent so long in. Only, the lights were dim, the candles lit, and it just about silent. You heard a muggle record playing, and looked around the room.
"Ginny? Harry? Molly?" you called out, moving to the kitchen. Only, you were met with your ex boyfriend, standing there himself. "I don't know. I got a letter from Ginny saying mom was unwell." He spoke, looking around the kitchen. "I got one from Harry about Ginny." you said, but let out a screech of fear as the doors slammed shut.
"You're not getting out until you make up and promise me I get to be the maid of honor at your wedding." Ginny's voice filled the air, causing both of your eyes to widen. "I'm best man!" you heard Fred call out, causing you to let out a light laugh.
"Guys, let us out." George said, moving to the door. "No, make up, make out, make babies." Fred said, a smirk heard through his words.
George turned to you, looking into your eyes. "I know, were stuck." you said, laughing softly. You felt confused with yourself. While you were absolutely heartbroken with the man before you, you felt as comfortable with him as you did before. "I'm sorry I left you like that. You didn't deserve it." You spoke first, looking at him.
"I kinda did." he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, you did." you said, looking into his eyes. "I'm so sorry love." He said, moving closer to you.
"George Weasley, I am beyond mad at you. I am beyond hurt with you. You broke me into tiny pieces. You were my protector, my best friend, and the love of my life, and you left me. Without a second look, you left me." You said, looking at him, letting your feeling spill from your lips. "You protected me from the one thing you thought I needed protecting from most, yourself. While you are a complete and utter git for it, I understand." you finally voiced your true thoughts to him, biting the inside of your cheek.
"While I will be so absolutely terrified you'll leave me again without a second look, incredibly insecure of myself every single day, the only thing I want more than anything is for you to kiss me again. And while I can't promise you marriage or kids like your family wants right now, I'm giving you a chance. But George, if you break me again, I will hex you so hard." You spoke, looking at the man.
He didn't speak a single word, but wrapped his arms around your face like he did oh so many times, and kissed you like his entire life depended on it. Collided your faces together, your bodies together, just like your souls did so many years ago.
You collided.
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lumosinlove · 3 years
Relic Keel
(warnings in tags)
part iii
Logan Tremblay escaped from Saint Clair Orphanage around one month ago—and he’s torn up with guilt about it and leaving Finn behind.
Dorcas realizes that Logan is getting his stash from the dangerous Carrow twins.
The two go off to Sirius and James’ party at Shack Beach.
Dorcas is surprised by Marlene, and we can see that there is some sort of rift between them about leaving this island and Dorcas selling Crucio.
Once the Gods show up at the party, Sirius is surprised to see Luke Deveaux and Remus Lupin among James’ company—he’s never seen them in The Hollow before. It startles Sirius into a memory of the last time he saw Remus, the last day he was at school.
Luke mistakes Saint and Sirius for Crucio dealers, insults Saint, and him and Sirius fight. We learn Luke’s dad is in jail and that Sirius’ old abusive home life is common knowledge.
As the party breaks up, we go further down to a dark part of the beach where Logan, having taken Crucio, sits with a phantom Finn, asking Finn why he made Logan leaving him behind. Leo finds Logan that way, exhausted and in tears, and takes Logan home with him.
The next morning with James, Remus, and Luke at Remus’ house, we learn that Luke’s dad is in jail for fraud. They go to breakfast at the Hogshead where Thomas works—and won’t sell Luke any Crucio. When James asks where he gets it, Thomas tells him to go talk to Dorcas or Kasey Winter, who is the other supplier and the boyfriend of Lily and Marlene’s friend, Natalie Darcy. James spots Lily out the window. Lily won’t talk to him, but James seems to want to and convinces Lily to meet him at Gryffindor club later.
Logan wakes up in Leo’s warm bed, goes to The Lion where Leo works, and learns that Leo’s father died in a storm—and that Leo won’t say anything more than that.
“Something’s wrong,” Lily said. “I can tell, Marls, come on.”
Marlene sighed, looking at Lily on the bedspread and kicking her door shut behind her. She set the popcorn on the bed between them before carefully climbing on herself to sit across from Lily. 
“Well, what’s wrong with you?” Marlene said, popping a kernel into her mouth.
Lily tilted her head. “Deflecting.”
Marlene put her hands over Lily’s between them. “James is a really good guy, Lils. And you’ve liked each other since we were, what, eleven?”
Lily just shook her head. “I asked you first.”
Marlene just looked at her. “It’s…not big.”
Lily narrowed her eyes. “Really?”
Marlene hesitated, looking down. She took a deep breath. “I got into college.”
Lily blinked. “Not big? Marlene! Congratulations!”
“And…” Marlene sighed again. “I haven’t told Dorcas.”
“Well,” Lily began. “Well—well, why not?”
“Because that’s not how she wants to leave this place,” Marlene said, picking at a stray thread. “Because she wants to just…run free. I don’t really understand what she thinks is going to happen, no matter how much money we have, I just…I know she doesn’t exactly have college in mind.” Marlene looked back at Lily. “What I mean is, I know we haven’t talked about it.”
Lily raised an eyebrow. “You should talk about it.”
Marlene raised an eyebrow right back. “Says the girl who’s been avoiding James for an entire month.”
Lily winced. “That’s—different. We’re not together. We just…”
“Had sex.”
Lily slapped a hand over her eyes. “Oh God. It was so good.”
That startled a laugh out of Marlene. “Then what, pray tell, is your issue?”
Lily let her hand fall. Her eyes looked sadder. “Wouldn’t it be easier to be happy about getting into college if you weren’t leaving anything behind?”
Lily looked down at the popcorn.
“What, Lily Evans?” Marlene said, louder. “Jesus fucking—Lily.”
Lily sighed and got up. “I know. Look, I need to get to the Club for dinner. My parents—and James, I…” she sighed. “Fuck, we have a lot going on for what was suppose to be a peaceful summer.”
Marlene laughed, half-heartedly. “Yeah, we do.”
Leo was pulling the key out of the lock to The Lion when a voice spoke.
“Did your dad really die in a storm?”
He froze for a second, listening to the crickets singing in the falling darkness, then turned, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. Logan was standing a few feet away.
“That’s really just a rude question,” Leo said. “Like, seriously.”
“I’m an orphan, I’m curious about people’s parents,” Logan said, then smiled a little, sarcastically mostly, at Leo’s face. “You don’t have to pretend like you don’t know what I am.”
“Why do you take Crucio?” Leo replied. He walked forward until he was face to face with Logan, looking down at him. “Why do you sell it?”
Logan’s stance shifted. “That’s really just a rude question.”
“Huh, is it?” Leo said. “Well.”
Leo watched Logan’s eyes track his hands as he pulled his backpack off.
“What are you doing?”
Leo pulled out a take-out bag, top rolled closed, and shoved it into Logan’s chest. “Let’s go home. You can eat while we walk, I already did.”
Leo stalked into the dark, not sure why he cared so much, and waiting for Logan to follow.
“What made you come back?” Leo asked and hoped he wasn’t now talking to himself.
“I didn’t know I was suppose to stay,” Logan replied. “I thought you just thought you were doing me a favor.”
“Pretty sure I was,” Leo glanced at him. He could see his necklace resting against his neck, over Leo’s old t-shirt.
“I’m fine.”
Leo shrugged. “Okay, you’re fine.”
They walked in silence, save for Logan crinkling the bag open and pulling out his dinner.
“Fuck,” Logan said, mouth full. “What is this?”
Leo couldn’t help but smile. “My own creation.”
“It’s—The Lion doesn’t have this on the menu.”
“No,” Leo agreed. “I said it was mine.”
“Don’t you want it on the menu?”
“I sort of maybe want to run The Lion one day,” Leo said. “Better to have some secret ammo.”
Logan scoffed. “Seriously?”
“It’s not so strange,” Leo said. “It’s a great place. It helps a lot of people—why are you looking at me like that?”
Logan shrugged. “You’re the only person I’ve ever met who isn’t trying to get off this island.”
Leo took a breath and kept walking. Suddenly, he wanted to tell Logan. He didn’t know why.
“I can’t,” Leo said. “There’s too much here.”
“Like what? Some good food, beaches, and an orphanage? An island full of people who seem to hate each other?”
“My dad’s work was here,” Leo said before he could stop himself.
“Your dad’s work,” Logan repeated.
Leo didn’t look at him when he nodded. “The Voldemort.”
Logan opened his mouth as they climbed the porch steps to Leo’s house, but Leo held a finger to his lips.
“Not in front of my mom,” he whispered, and got out his keys.
“What are we doing with ourselves tonight, hot stuff?” Saint said.
Sirius looked over at him from his mattress and held up the bottle of whiskey. “What, we’re not doing something right now?”
“We are,” Saint looked at Sirius in the mirror, face framed by the dozens of golden necklaces hung around the vanity’s frame. They were a sharp contrast to the chipping paint and uneven legs. The mirror itself was a little warped. Saint clipped a third necklace around his neck. “But I was just asking.”
“Why don’t you steal silver?”
“I don’t like silver,” Saint smiled in the mirror, then spun himself around on the stool. “And I look good in gold.”
Sirius smiled, too, taking another sip of the whiskey. “Yes, you do.”
“Well, I’ll keep them on then,” Saint said. “If we’re staying in.”
Sirius snorted. “Why do you steal them if you can’t wear them anywhere?”
“Because,” Saint clasped a fourth. “I look good in gold.”
“Okay, okay,” Sirius laughed. “But we need food.”
Saint raised an eyebrow. “But we have whiskey.”
“I have work in the morning,” Sirius sighed, sitting up. “I can’t go to bed on whiskey.”
Saint looked at him in the mirror again. “Pulled pork from The Lion?”
Sirius nodded slowly, but he was watching as Saint began to take each necklace off. “Do you remember when I came to Grimmauld?”
Saint draped the gold carefully over the mirror. “You mean when you were eleven and scrawny?”
“And you were a dick and scrawny?”
Saint made a tisking sound with his teeth and tongue. “I was never scrawny. But I was a dick.”
“You are a dick,” Sirius laughed. “Sometimes.”
“Why are we reminiscing?”
“I just…” Sirius began. He looked around their room, at the dusk slanting through the cracks in the boards and the summer breeze through the open windows. “Are we going to be doing this when we’re seventy instead of seventeen?”
Saint’s shoulders stiffened. He turned slowly in his chair. His brown eyes were calm and studying.
“Doing what?” Saint asked.
Sirius put the bottle down and sat up, facing him. “Saint.”
“What else do you want to do?” Saint rose, head tilted.
“I think we should leave,” Sirius said, eyes following Saint’s until Saint was standing over him. “You’re in danger here. We both are.”
“The orphanage can’t get me if they can’t catch me,” Saint said. “And your parents don’t look for you.”
“Take your necklace off,” Sirius said.
Saint raised an eyebrow. “Go home.”
“I can’t.”
“Neither can I.”
Sirius shook his head. “We’re—it’s different.”
“The only thing stopping us is cash,” Sirius said. “Dorcas can lone something to us—”
“Oh? That’s the only thing stopping us?” Saint said. He dropped on knee on the bed, and then the other, seating himself in Sirius’ lap. “Then tell me something, Black.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows and settled his hands on Saint’s hips. “Anything.”
Saint’s fingers wound themselves through Sirius’ hair, tilting his face up towards him. “What would we know about the rest of the world?”
Sirius leaned up and let Saint kiss him. It was slow and lingering.
“What do you know about anything except what’s right here,” Saint said into their next kiss. “Running around in this tiny little circle of land.”
Saint pushed Sirius onto his back, pinning his hands above his head.
“I like it here,” Saint said. “We can predict what happens here.”
“And no one can leave?” Sirius said softly.
Saint’s expression flickered. Sirius knew he was prodding gently at a sore spot. They both were. It felt good sometimes, like a bruise or a paper cut. Neither of them wanted to lose anyone else.
Sirius relaxed against the mattress. He looked up at Saint quietly. “I’m not leaving.”
“You just said you should.”
“I said we should.”
Saint narrowed his eyes a little. “We should not talk about this.”
“You never want to talk about it,” Sirius said and closed his eyes when Saint bent to kiss his neck. “Saint, if you do get caught again, you said they don’t let you out. Not even when you age out.”
“Maybe it’s true. Maybe I’m right,” Saint tilted his head and looked back down at Sirius again. “There were kids much older than I was and, well, I haven’t seen them around, have you?”
“Why?” Sirius asked. He sat up, holding Saint closer against him. “Do you know?”
“Maybe it’s all they know. Maybe they don’t want to leave.”
“So, then shouldn’t we—”
“No,” Saint cut him off. “They don’t let you out. Only I can do that. For myself. I want to be free. I do.”
“And are you?” Sirius said softly, pushing Saint’s hair back from his forehead. Saint closed his eyes, leaning into it.
Saint pressed his lips together and kept his eyes closed.
“Saint,” Sirius whispered.
“I don’t want to talk,” Saint whispered back. “I don’t want to.”
“Okay,” Sirius said. “Okay.”
Saint opened his eyes. They flit to Sirius’ mouth, then back to his eyes. “Can we?”
“Of course we can,” Sirius said, dipping his fingers lightly into Saint’s shorts. “We always can.”
Saint nodded softly. “Okay.”
Sirius pulled Saint towards him and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around Saint’s bare back and Saint melted towards him. Their kisses were like they always were, frantic, a little playful. Saint traced Sirius’ lip with his tongue, fingers digging into his hair. Sometimes, this was just how they spoke to each other. Sirius pushed Saint’s thighs so that they straddled him more firmly.
“What do you want to do?” Sirius said, holding him closer.
“You know,” Saint breathed. He dragged his mouth down Sirius’ neck as Sirius pulled him down to the mattress.
Sirius remembered the first time they had done this. He also remembered when it hadn’t been an option, when they’d barely known each other and, besides Saint agreeing that Sirius could have one of Grimmauld’s rooms, hadn’t spoken. It had taken them a few months to so much as eat a meal together.
“I can feel you thinking,” Saint panted out as Sirius kissed his way down his chest. “Stop doing so much of that.”
“Maybe you should do more of it,” Sirius said, scraping his teeth against the muscles around Saint’s hip.
“No, thanks, sweetheart,” Saint sighed out, his head tilted back and his eyes closed.
Sirius couldn’t help but smile a little as he unbuttoned Saint’s shorts. It was such a Saint thing to say that it warmed him, just as the familiar feel of his skin did.
Sirius knew that Saint, for all his acts and plays, felt more than anyone Sirius knew. Saint still grieved for the family that had abandoned him, and sometimes Sirius thought Saint even grieved for the family Sirius had known and lost, just out of proximity to them.
Sirius knew that Saint stole to steal back what had never been his. Sirius knew it didn’t work—and Sirius knew Saint know that, too.
Saint let out a shaky breath when Sirius took him into his mouth. He was filling fast and Sirius relished in it. This…this worked.
“I’d miss you,” Saint panted out. “If you went, I’d miss you.”
Sirius pulled off and sat back on his heels, hand going to rub himself through his shorts before he slipped out of them, tossing them to the floor.
“You seem to have heard something I never said,” Sirius fell back on top of Saint, catching himself at the last minute to hover above him, and pushing their cocks together. “I wouldn’t leave you behind.”
Saint just clutched Sirius closer, his next breath a moan as Sirius rolled his hips, a little sloppily, and slow.
“Stop thinking,” Saint said.
Sirius bent to kiss his neck, sucking blood to the surface of his skin. “You brought it up again.”
It was always the same with Saint. A much needed consistency. Saint’s hips knocked his, they fought each other for the upper hand, usually laughing until the slick slide of their cocks became the only feeling they could think of. Saint never held him as close when he came. He went soft and melted away against the mattress. Saint did, however, chase Sirius’ mouth, knowing that kissing brought Sirius over with him. Sirius pressed his hips down hard against Saint’s oversensitive, spent cock, the way Sirius knew he liked. Saint jolted, teeth biting down onto Sirius’ lip, making Sirius come in thick stripes between them. They dropped beside each other afterwards, shoulders pressed close. It was always the same, but Sirius always felt good after. Safe. Neither of them were leaving, and maybe that was a good thing.
“Fuck, you always make such a mess,” Saint laughed, staring down at his stomach. “At least this is your bed.”
Sirius just closed his eyes. The room smelled of sex now, and of the ocean. He was sweaty and wanted a swim. They had hours and hours until dawn, though. Sometimes the nights felt useless and too long.
“You like it,” Sirius said.
Saint curled onto his side with a sigh and kissed Sirius’ shoulder. “Dinner in an hour.”
James looked up from his coke and peanuts the moment Lily and her family entered the Gryffindor dining room.
“She’s here,” he said to Luke.
“Yeah,” Luke drawled, twisting a cherry stem between his fingers. “I can see that, Pots.”
“Shit,” James breathed. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Bet you fifty I can tie this with my tongue.”
James drank the last of his soda, crunching a few ice cubes. “That’s a stupid fucking bet.”
Luke shrugged. “Bet I can.”
“I have to go.”
“Dude,” Luke laughed a little. “She’s gotta have dinner first.”
James stood. “She can have dinner after. She promised we could talk. I need to know.” He looked back at Luke and his blackened eye. “Don’t do anything stupid. Wait for me here.”
Luke rolled his eyes, then looked at the bartender. “Olli, come on, man.” He pushed his own coke forward. “Just a little little bit of rum in this next one.”
Olli shook his head, smiling. “Deveaux. Your mom will kill me.”
“My mom doesn’t give a shit.”
James left the conversation behind, taking a few steps forward.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Evans,” James smiled, hands in his pockets. “Petunia. Lily.”
“James! Hi, sweetheart,” Mrs. Evans smiled. “Are your parents here?”
“Oh,” James looked behind him, then back at her, smiling and pushing his glasses up. “No. Just me.”
“And Luke,” Lily mumbled, eyes going behind him.
“Uh, yeah, yeah,” James sighed, cursing himself. “And Luke.”
“Mom,” Lily said, glancing at Mrs. Evans and the rest of her family. “We’ll be right back, okay? I’ll meet you at the table.”
Mrs. Evans nodded. “Yeah, all right, honey. It’s buffet style tonight, do you want me to make you a plate?”
“No, I’ll make it,” Lily said, and looked at James, gesturing towards the open patio doors. “James.”
“Coming,” James said. “Cool.” He looked at Petunia, who looked skeptical, to Lily’s parents. “Bye. Thank you—or—bye.”
The night air was warm as Lily let him outside and down the stones towards the cupola and the sea. She didn’t look at him as they walked, and James was afraid to speak. He wanted this to go the way she wanted it to, even if he was desperate to know what was in her head. It had been such a good night. Had she really not felt the way he had?
Lily stopped only when the cupola stopped her tracks. The dark waves were gentle tonight.
“Okay,” Lily said. “Go ahead.”
James blinked. “That’s it?”
Lily turned and looked at him expectantly.
“Lils…” James said, then laughed a little, exasperated. “Lils, we had sex. And—I know it wasn’t just sex to you. I know because it wasn’t just sex for me. I…look, it’s fine if you don’t want to date, I’d never make you do anything, but I just…I don’t understand. I’m an all right guy and… and when I asked you, you seemed…”
“It’s not you,” Lily began then groaned, turning back towards the cupola’s railing. “Or—maybe it is. I…James, you…your family…they are this island.”
James stared at her back, perplexed. “What does that mean? Like—their money? What?”
He watched Lily’s shoulders slump. “It means I need to get out of here. This bubble, these people. These divides, these fucking neighborhoods.” She turned, her green eyes beautiful and determined. “It’s like we live in clockwork and I can’t stand it.”
James looked over her face. “What, so I’m all gears and cranks, and that’s it?”
“You’re one gear,” Lily said softly. “You’re part of it all. I know you go to The Hollow and stuff, you hang out with Sirius Black and…”
“You hang out with Dorcas,” James countered.
“That’s not—”
James took a step forward. “So, we both cross boundaries—”
“What boundaries?” Lily said, voice raised. “They don’t exist! That’s the clock part!”
“They exist here,” James said firmly. “And, Lils, whether you like it or not, we’re here right now, and so why not break something? Sirius is nice. He’s troubled, but he’s nice, and I like Sirius. I went to school with him for seven years and now he works for my parents, I’m not going to pretend he’s not there. I want to be his friend. Saint’s a little weird, but he’s fine. Dorcas and Marlene are great together. This is our island, why not do what we want?”
Lily shook her head. “This isn’t our island. This is an island.” She wrapped her hands around her arms in the night breeze. “And it’s a small one, and there’s an entire world out there.”
She looked away from his face. “And I’m sorry, James, I—you know I like you, but I need to leave when we go to college and I need to leave with a fresh start. No clockwork.”
With that, she brushed by him. James stood there, frozen, listening to her sandals get softer as she walked down the path, back towards the bright lights of Gryffindor Club. James thought of her parents back that way. And then his own parents, no doubt arriving soon. Their beloved club. Their title of one of the oldest names on the island. He didn’t blame Lily for not wanting to carry that with her. Not really.
“No clockwork,” he said softly to himself, and sat down heavily one of the benches.
Saint came out of the Potter’s house with a glass of water for both of them with his eyes firmly telling Sirius to keep it cool. Sirius recognized that look from too many almost run-ins with the cops, or marine patrol.
“What?” Sirius said. He downed half of his glass in one go. The sun was high and hot against his bare back. He handed the glass back to Saint and leaned on the long pool cleaner. “De parler.”
“You’ll never guess who just arri-ived,” Saint sang softly. “Tweedle-hot and tweedle-hotter.”
“Who the fuck are they?”
“Black!” James called, jogging down the steps to the flat stones of the pool ground. “You guys don’t mind if we’re out here, do you? We’re gonna practice some shots on the rebounder.”
“We,” Saint muttered, bending to clear some leaves from the filter.
Remus and Luke came out of the house after him, all three in their swim trunks. Luke stared right at Sirius, eyes hard. Remus looked at him more softly.
“It’s your house, Potter,” Sirius said.
James shrugged. “I’m just asking.”
Sirius watched out of the corner of his eye as the three of them walked over to where the bundle of lacrosse sticks lay, along with a bucket of balls. Luke picked up one first, punching out the net of his stick. Sirius noticed that someone had wrapped his knuckles. Sirius’ own were bare and aching a little in the sun, the split on his lip, too. Luke glanced over at them again.
“How’s the face, Black?” Luke said across the pool, and whipped the lacrosse ball forward. It landed squarely in the center of the trampoline material before bouncing back for him to catch again.
Sirius looked at Luke’s black eye. “Fine.”
“What, had worse?” Luke asked.
“Oh-kay, my turn,” James said and nudged Luke out of the way and looked at him and Remus. “Wagers?”
“Thirty for ten out of twenty,” Remus said. “Each.”
Luke turned away from Sirius and Saint and scoffed. “Just thirty?”
Remus smiled, tilting his head. “For now.” He walked over to a speaker and plugged his phone in.
Sirius kept his head down, focusing on the pool and the music as they cleaned. He watched as they hurled the ball in hard arcs every time. They laughed, and argued over who got to choose the next song. Saint and him raked the pool clean.
“I hate this song,” Saint kept mumbling to him. “And this one. And this one.”
“You don’t know this song,” Sirius murmured back.
“It’s a new hate.”
“I need more water,” Sirius sighed, and handed the pole to Saint before turning towards the house.
“Wow,” he heard Saint call to the boys from behind him, and closed his eyes. “You guys are like hamsters on a wheel with that thing. Love this song, too.”
“Well, thank you, Saint,” James laughed. “That’s nice of you.”
The shade of the house was a relief and Sirius took a moment in the cool kitchen to take a breath. He hated this. He hated the way those guys made him feel. He hated himself for feeling the gnawing self-consciousness at all. He had a job to do. That was all. It didn’t matter that they didn’t, that they were out there tossing a ball and catching it again all day.
Sirius shook his head to himself and went to the cupboard, grabbing a glass and holding it against the water filter on the refrigerator.
He was watching it slowly fill up when a throat cleared from behind him. He looked up to see Remus standing there.
“Hi,” Remus said. He was breathing hard from their workout. He was eyeing Sirius carefully.
“We’re allowed to come in here for water,” Sirius said, and turned back to his almost filled glass. “If that’s what you’re wondering.”
“What? Oh—no, no, I wasn’t.”
Sirius took his glass away and stepped to the side. “It’s all yours.”
Remus was still a little opened mouthed, and he took his own glass to fill.
Sirius didn’t really want to leave the shade of the kitchen, and it seemed neither did Remus. They stood there, on opposite sides of the counter, drinking their water.
The Wolfsbane, Sirius’ mind was chanting. Ask.
“I wasn’t,” Remus said again. He glanced up at Sirius and took another drink.
Sirius nodded. He didn’t know whether to believe him or not.
“Lupin,” came Luke’s voice from outside. “Jesus fuck, hurry, it’s your shot and I’m about to take back my money.”
Remus set down his drained glass in the sink. “See you out there, Sirius.”
Sirius watched him go. The memory was back.
Are you okay? Sirius, right?
The sun felt good against the chill that the words brought.
“What was that?” Saint whispered to him.
Sirius shook his head. “What was what?”
“Are you guys almost done?” Luke said, crossing his arms over his chest. His hair was matted to his forehead with sweat. “I sort of want to take a swim.”
“Well, what do you know,” Saint said. “There’s an entire ocean out there, Deveaux, and it’s all for you.”
Sirius, not wanting to fight again but recognizing it in Luke, said, “I clean this pool every other day. You can swim while we do it if you want.”
James thwacked Luke hard on the back of the head before cannonballing into the opposite side of the pool. He surfaced again to place his glasses on the side, then pushed off, floating on his back. Luke glared at Saint for another moment before sitting on the side and putting his feet in.
“Come on, Devs,” Remus said, and jumped in after James. He surfaced and floated over to wrap his hands around Luke’s ankles, tugging a little. “I still remember when your mom couldn’t get you out of the water for cake at my sixth birthday party. You know you want to.”
Luke’s eyes narrowed, but then he was smiling, laughing a little. He swatted Remus’ hand and then dove into the water after him.
“Wow, it emotes,” Sirius said softly to Saint.
“Potentially,” Saint countered. “Okay, we’re done.”
They listened to the boys laugh as they put their equipment back into the pool house.
“Hey,” James said, flicking his wet hair out of his eyes. “You guys can come in if you want. That’s hot work.”
“We’re headed to Shack Beach with our boards,” Sirius said, flashing an awkward smile. “But thanks.”
“You surf?” Remus asked.
“No, Lupin,” Saint’s grin was sharper. “We just clean pools.”
Remus shut his mouth. Sirius shoved Saint.
“Yeah, we do,” Sirius said, looking at Remus. “Every morning.”
“Hey, you know what, Lupin,” Saint pointed a finger at him. “We see your boat sometimes—”
“We’ll see you guys later,” Sirius said firmly, giving Saint another push.
“Well,” Saint said over his shoulder. “Sirius sees your boat.”
“Oh,” Remus said, puzzled sounding. “I mean, yeah, I go out in the morning.”
Sirius turned. He couldn’t help it. “You go out?”
Remus nodded, treading water. “Yeah.”
Saint whistled. “Mystery solved.”
Sirius opened and closed his mouth twice before nodding. “Okay. See you guys later.”
He heard Luke snort as they walked away. “That was weird.”
It was Remus.
They pushed through the Potter’s house and back to the driveway where Saint’s Jeep was waiting.
It was Remus out there.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you,” Sirius groaned as they climbed onto the hot leather seats. “Saint, Jesus.”
“Mary,” Saint started the engine. “Joseph. Oh, I thought we were naming—”
“Don’t talk to me.”
“At least now you know. You can lust after a person, instead of a boat.”
“It could be worse, you could be lusting after Lupin’s father.”
“Tremblay, you’re back. I was wondering when we’d see you again.”
Logan looked down from the shiny crystal chandelier he was staring at, thinking about Finn. He wouldn’t need Felix today. He’d get to the orphanage before two, when they were let out into the courtyard for an hour.
His eyes found Alecto, who was smiling at him, if it could be called that. Every time his name came out of Alecto’s mouth, part of Logan wished that he was like some of the others that had been in the orphanage, like Finn—meaning without one.
“I’m back,” Logan said, standing. “Now, let’s get this over with.”
Alecto laughed. “Oh. He’s confident now.” She jogged down the rest of the grand staircase. “You weren’t like that a month ago.”
Logan slung his backpack off of his back and took out the cash he’d bundled. “Here.”
Alecto held out her palm for it, and Logan sighed but placed it there. She thumbed through the bills.
“This is all of it?” Alecto asked.
Alecto reached out and gripped Logan’s chin, making him stare at her.
“Are you lying?” she said.
“You can count it,” Logan bit back, and shoved her away. He worked his jaw, sore from her grip.
She nodded, smiling. “All right, all right.”
The door to the left, framed in gold, opened as it always did. Logan caught Snape’s eye for a moment as he handed the bags of pink powder, rubber-banded together. Alecto took it from him, and Snape stepped back. A good soldier, Logan thought.
Alecto tossed it to Logan, who caught it against his chest.
“Sell it all,” Alecto said, watching Logan slip it into his pack. “Or don’t come back.”
“Fine,” Logan turned towards the door.
“I mean it,” Alecto said. “You think we don’t know what you’re doing in your free time?”
Logan froze. He felt his heart speed up, felt Alecto just behind him.
“How much do you think you owe us by now, Tremblay? With all the…free samples you’ve taken. I’m sure it was suppose to be the other way around, wasn’t it? Wasn’t that why you ended up here?”
Logan kept his eyes down.
“Or,” Alecto laughed. “I guess the real question is how badly you want to see that boy of yours again? And I mean really see him.”
“Don’t talk about him,” Logan grit out.
“Then remember that our deal doesn’t include your little freebies,” Alecto growled. “Now get out.”
Logan didn’t look back as he pushed out the door.
He waited until he was well out of sight of the Carrows’ manor before stopping in a narrow alley between houses. He dug his fingers into his hair and closed his eyes.
“Fuck,” he gasped aloud. His throat felt tight. Everything felt heavy. Logan scrubbed his fingers over his face before looking at his watch. It was 1:56. He needed to get to the orphanage.
Sometimes this island felt like a jungle, and sometimes it reminded Logan of the halls in Saint Clair. Salazar’s alleys were those hallways, only caked with grime. Saint Clair was the jungle in a rare clearing. Or maybe a clearing in a jungle. It made no sense, but there it was.
Logan looked from his crouch in the hedges of a nearby house as the door of the courtyard opened. Two o’clock on the nose. Two nuns came out, and then the first kid. They let the little ones out before the others, always. Logan watched the children grow taller, accompanied by some of the wards—not part of the Church, but older kids who were still there. Logan still didn’t know why. No one had ever said.
And then there he was.
“Finn,” Logan breathed, as if Finn could hear him. Even if he couldn’t hear him, Logan knew Finn would look for him. Already, Logan could see Finn glancing around outside the fence. He was holding a book. One of his tricks, Logan had learned. Logan had been too scared to come even close to the orphanage for the first week and a half, but then he had discovered that he could watch.
And then he had discovered Felix. Two Finns, one far, and one farther.
Finally, Finn found him.
“Finn,” Logan said again aloud. “Finn, Finn…”
Finn smiled, just a little, not too noticeable. He took his book and sat down against one of the benches. Opening it between two fingers, he held it on his lap, bowing his head a little to feign reading. Instead, he stared at Logan.
Logan's crouch dropped to his knees heavily. “Finn.”
Even from a distance, Logan could see Finn’s mouth move around silent words.
Hi, baby.
And then Finn’s eyes turned sad. He jerked his chin forward a little.
Go, he mouthed. Go.
“I miss you,” Logan said aloud. “I’ll get you out.”
Finn shook his head. Logan… he trailed off.
“I’m going to get you out,” Logan said, and turned before he had to watch Finn disappear inside again.
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startanewdream · 3 years
Hi! Only if you are comfortable, can you please write something funny where James and Lily live and James gives Harry the sex talk?
Hi, Chhavi! 
It turned out that this was embarrassing for Harry, James, Lily and me. Also, it turned out I am not capacitated to give sex advice, so there is a lot of interrupted scenes in which I hope James and Lily were good parents and gave good advice to Harry.
I supposed The Talk 1.0 was very ordinary and given in a moment that Harry did not really even see girls yet, so here is The Talk 2.0 when Harry is already dating Ginny, so it’s really more awkward for everyone 🙃.
So here it is and I hope you enjoy this silly fun piece of James and Lily being responsible parents, with a little bit of Jily and Hinny.
The Talk 2.0
(Rated T but, you know, it’s The Talk, so sex is mentioned)
‘Do we really need to do this?’, James asks, for the third time, as he and Lily are going up the stairs.
Lily sighs.
‘We talked about it, James. Yes, we need’.
‘I’ve talked to him before, Lily. Harry knows about - well - you know what he knows about'.
She raises her eyebrows.
‘The fact that you can’t say “sex” in the same sentence as your son’s name isn’t really giving me confidence’.
He flushes, mumbling to himself, his arms crossed as Lily knocks on Harry’s room.
‘Neither did you’, he grumbles at least.
‘You didn’t say “Harry” and you-know-what in the same sentence either’.
‘Oh, hi’, Harry says weakly, refusing to look in their direction. 'I was just about to sleep now -'
‘We need to talk, Harry’, Lily says, and James admires how her voice doesn’t show any of the anxiety he knows she feels too.
As much adamant as Lily is of having The Talk 2.0, neither of them is thrilled by having to do that.
Harry’s hand goes automatically to his hair, messing it without even realizing what he is doing, and James recognizes his own quirk there.
‘Everything is fine, Harry’, he says soothingly. ‘Why don’t we just go downstairs for a nice chat?’
Harry sighs deeply, looking like he would very much face Voldemort again than talking with his parents right now, but he nods.
They go to the living room, and Harry sinks on the armchair, leaving James and Lily to sit right on the couch right in front of him. James winces; all this feels too much like a lecture and he can’t fault Harry for looking at his knees with a half-guilty half-annoyed expression on his face.
‘I am sorry, ok?’, he says suddenly. ‘I - I forgot to lock the door and… it won’t happen again’.
‘Which part?’, James asks before he can stop himself. ‘You and Ginny snogging in your bedroom or Lily catching you?’
They both look at James without smiling, but he will defend the whole situation is a little bit funny.
Of course, he would feel different if he had been the one to arrive in his house in the middle of the afternoon and heard a cry coming from his son’s bedroom and had opened to find… whatever Lily had found.
She hadn’t given him full details other than saying it involved some stage of undressing and James hadn’t asked, but he knew it had been awkward enough that Ginny had not stayed for dinner and, as far as he knew, few things would really embarrass his favourite future daughter-in-law. Or probably Ginny knew the dinner would be equally uncomfortable. If that was the case, she had been smart; neither Harry nor Lily had said one word to another all night, refusing to meet each other’s eyes, both in a mix of embarrassment and anger.
Then, after dinner, Lily had summoned James to have The Talk 2.0 with Harry, despite James’ insistence that he had already talked to Harry five years ago.
‘Five years ago he didn’t have a girlfriend’.
‘I am pretty sure things are still the same, Lily’, he had argued, but Lily ignored him.
‘Harry’, Lily begins, with as much dignity as she can muster. 'This is not just about what happened early'.
‘You scold me in front of her’, Harry accuses, crossing his arms. ‘Then you made her leave like… Like if we were doing something wrong’.
Lily closes her face.
‘I didn't want Ginny to leave, of course not, but… I won’t be the bad guy, here, Harry. You were the one who was - who brought your girlfriend in the middle of the afternoon without telling us first’.
‘I told you she was coming by’, he mumbles.
‘For dinner. That usually means late in the day, you know’. She gives him a knowing look. ‘Did Molly know she was here with you?’
This makes Harry narrow his eyes.
‘Is that a threat?’, he asks, even more annoyed, and James sees it’s time to intervene.
‘No one is threatening anything and, no, we won’t mention it to anyone’, he says, placing his hand around Lily’s shoulder to calm her too. It’s really unusual for her and Harry to argue, but their fights are the worst if he doesn’t interrupt them before their emotions are too high. ‘We just need to set some - ah - coexistence rules’.
‘And before that’, Lily continues, seeming more in control. ‘We need to talk to you about some important things. And, yes, it’s a sex talk’.
Harry grimaces.
‘I - Dad already talked to me, you don’t really -’
‘No?’, challenges Lily, raising her eyebrows and James suddenly wishes to warn Harry of the danger there. ‘Do you really think you know everything?’
‘I get the biology part and - well - if you must know - Ron got me a book -’
‘“Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches”?’, Lily scoffs. ‘That book doesn’t cover anything’.
‘You know that book?’, James asks, surprised, and Harry looks at him.
‘Do you know that book?’
James rolls his eyes.
‘My old dad got me and Sirius one when we were fifteen’.
‘The fact that you still took two more years to finally date me should show you the quality of the book’, Lily teases, looking amused. 'Besides, that book is really outdated’.
‘It seemed complete’, Harry murmurs, but he looks uneasy as if he is worried about what content the book is lacking.
‘Well, the book didn’t tell you to cast a simple Silencing Charm on the door, did it?’, Lily points out, making Harry blush. ‘So, yes, we will talk’.
Harry grumbles, but he nods. There is a moment of silence, and James sees Lily debating with herself how she will start. She takes a deep breath.
‘It is normal that you and Ginny want to take your relationship to the next step, but I just want you to think if you are ready - oh, don’t give me that look’.
‘You are talking like if we were kids’.
‘I meant that you’ve been dating for only two months and it’s your first serious relationship’.
‘We started dating more than one year ago actually’, Harry corrects, with a shadow of a smile on his lips.
‘I thought you broke up with her for her own safety?’, Lily counters, narrowing her eyes, and that wipes out any amusement on Harry’s face. ‘Any more sassy comments?’
James thinks it’s rather ironic that Lily is criticizing Harry for saying anything sassy, but he is not stupid enough to note this.
‘What your mother means -’, he says instead ‘- is that you shouldn’t rush into things. Did you two talk about it?’
‘No’, Harry admits. ‘We weren’t really… we were just… Look, we weren’t going to have sex today, ok? Can’t you just drop it?’
His face is all red and Harry looks really upset, though James can't say if it's for saying that out loud or because of what he said.
‘Well, you two might someday’, Lily says gently, all her motherly instincts emerging at the sight of Harry’s distress. ‘And when that happens, we want you two to be careful and to know what you are doing’.
‘Nobody knows what they are doing the first time, Lily’, James murmurs and they exchange a fond look that makes them both smile softly, thinking of questions whispered in the middle of the night and nervousness and that happy feeling of finally...
‘Well, keep looking at each other like that and it’s the best way to keep my mind out of it’, Harry grumbles, looking purposely at the ceiling.
James chuckles.
‘We don’t want to talk you out of it - mostly because it won’t work. We really just want you two to be safe - you know, your mum and I are way too young to be grandparents’.
The red in Harry’s face increases.
‘Do you know contraceptive charms and potions?’, Lily asks, all business again. ‘Or even better, use the muggle way - it prevents a lot of diseases too, you can never be too safe…’.
Harry mumbles something under his breath.
‘What was that?’
‘I have bought condoms’, he says in the lowest voice he can manage.
Lily and James carefully avoid making eye contact.
‘And you know how to use them?’, James asks, a bit afraid of Harry’s answer.
‘Yeah, you don’t need to - let’s not do that banana thing, ok? I saw Mr. Weasley talking to Ron… and it was weird enough’.
There is another moment of silence.
‘Fine’, James says lightly. ‘Then let’s talk about those charms too, right? It’s always good to be prepared for all occasions…’
It’s well past midnight when James knocks on Harry’s door. After a few seconds, Harry opens it.
‘May I enter?’, James asks, all formal, since they agreed on a few rules minutes ago.
Asking permission before entering Harry’s room. If Ginny is in his room, the door will be open slightly at least when his parents are home. Letting them know before-hand if Ginny will be visiting (they won’t ever forbid it). She can spend the night but in another room until she is out of age. No using the Invisibility Cloak to visit her at night.
That last one James seriously doubted it when Lily and Harry agreed to it, but he didn’t say anything.
He would not betray Lily’s secrets for Harry and he would not deny his son the better use for that Cloak.
‘Sure’, Harry says, giving him space. James sits on the edge of Harry’s bed, while Harry lays lazily against the pillows of his bed.
His son seems more at ease now the safe sex talk has ended. James supposes there are few subjects that could be more awkward. It almost makes James miss talking about Horcruxes and pieces of Voldemort’s soul.
‘Here’, James shows him a key.
‘What is that?’
‘There is a cabin in the woods if you follow the trail leaving our backdoor, just a ten-minute walk. It’s where we used to turn with Remus in the Full Moon’.
‘And why are you giving it to me?’, Harry asks, bewildered. His parents always forbade him of going alone in the woods and that was one of the few rules Harry had actually followed all his life.
‘Well, obviously we aren’t using anymore, and it’s a nice cozy place. All equipped, with fireplace and a small living room, bathroom and -’, James takes a deep breath. ‘- there is a double bed too’.
‘I am not naive, Harry, and I remember what it was like being seventeen - well, all your mum and I wanted with that talk was make sure you two are safe. Not to disturb you or anything - and trust me, it was far more awkward for us than it was for you’.
He laughs.
‘I truly doubt it’, Harry says, and for a moment they share an equally embarrassed look before Harry tentatively grabs the key. ‘So… I am just free to use it?’
James sighs. ‘I trust you not to rush things, Harry. And I thought… we don’t want to catch you in an awkward position - not again - and… you two deserve some time alone without worrying if anyone is going to interrupt you. So… whenever you two are ready, it will be there’.
‘Oh’, Harry is blushing, his face radiating heat. ‘Thanks, dad’.
‘It was your mother’s idea, actually’, James says, grinning when Harry looks surprised. ‘She was just concerned for you, Harry, not really mad. And… besides everything we talked before, which is important and you should keep in mind for your and Ginny’s safety… remember to be patient, ok?’
Harry blinks, confused, and James sighs heavily. That’s your job, he says to himself. You remember how things were far from perfect in the beginning.
‘Just… be gentle. Always care more about her than about yourself - and always asks if she is comfortable. If she says no, or if she regrets starting it, no matter what are you doing, you stop’.
James expects Harry to argue with him at the obviousness of what he is saying, but surprisingly, Harry just nods, seeming to be concentrating on recording James’ words.
‘And then, if you are both ok with it… You two take your time. It’s normal to not know what you are doing at first, but you will only learn if you talk to each other and listen to each other, okay? This is actually very important’.
‘What if -’, Harry hesitates, before looking at his own hand. ‘- and what if I am not good? What if I mess it up so much that she never -’
‘Harry’, James interrupts him softly. ‘As I said, no one knows what they are doing. So… you discover together. You are in love with her, right?'
His face reddens, but to Harry’s credit, he doesn't deny his feelings.
'Yes', he admits in a whisper, sounding more fascinated by it than flustered.
James smiles.
'Then you let that feeling turn into something good for both of you'.
‘It's because of what I feel that - I am afraid, I mean...  Can I - can I make it good? For her?’
James sighs.
‘Yeah, actually… I suppose there are things you could know that would help… But let’s say it very objectively, ok? You do know I almost think of Ginny as my daughter, right?’
That makes Harry let out an unexpected laugh.
‘I hope not too much’, he says, playfully. ‘Because I really don’t have brotherly feelings for her'.
James rolls his eyes.
‘Yeah, I got that covered. Well, I think we already had this conversation once, but I’m sure you were too busy when you were thirteen to think this would ever be important. So, a woman’s body -’
James feels tired and much older when he finally enters his and Lily’s room.
‘You took long enough’, Lily says teasingly, and James sees she is in a far better mood than a couple of hours before, lying lazily in the bed, already under the blanket.
‘It is your fault. “The Talk 2.0”, you said, it will be fun’.
She smirks, turning to him as James lies down heavily on the bed.
‘I never said it would be fun, just that we needed to do it. I know you have all these white hairs already, and I don’t deny it would be cute, but I really don’t want any grandchildren yet. You know, I just want -’
‘That Harry gets to finally enjoy his life’, James acknowledges. ‘Yeah, I know. Me too’. 
She sighs happily, getting closer to him, and James sees her naked collarbone when she places her hand over his chest, casually opening the buttons of his shirt.
‘Now - I know it’s late - but I kept thinking of a summer night twenty years ago…’
‘I try to forget that night’.
‘Really?’, challenges Lily, looking at him, and James has a deja-vu of that same night.
They had been dating for a while, and while he had been untroubled and quite satisfied with everything they had done together on empty classrooms, he had felt guilty of taking a step further with Lily despite the fact that his body kept making it perfectly clear how much he wanted her and Lily kept giving all signs that she wanted more too. His trouble conscience had been solved when Lily had appeared on his bed in the Boy’s Dorm Room on a summer night, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak.
She hadn’t been wearing anything under the Cloak.
‘So, Potter? Do you want your Cloak back?’, she had whispered to him, in a trembling voice that mixed braveness and challenge and that time his guilt had paled in comparison with everything else he felt for her.
He smiles at the memory.
‘Well, I just like to think I improved a lot since then, you know’.
‘You did’, she agrees playfully. ‘But I remember fondly of that night - it was the first time you said you loved me’.
‘Of course I was in love with you’, James notes as if it's obvious. ‘Why do you think I let you take away all my innocence?'
‘You were never innocent’, Lily disagrees, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
‘Oh, I was. So pure. But there was this redhead girl that totally bewitched me’.
‘Redhead girl? Seems to run in the family’.
‘What can I say? We Potters have one weakness’.
‘Hmmm’, she sighs, letting her hand slide over his chest and then down. There is a satisfied smile on her lips. ‘It doesn’t seem much weak right now’.
James grins, pulling Lily so she gets above him. The blanket falls and, just like on that summer night, she is not wearing anything under.
‘As I said, bewitched’, he agrees, trying to kiss her, but Lily laughs and stops him to take her wand in the nightstand.
‘Let’s set the example, shall we?’, she points her wand to the door. ‘Silencio!’
137 notes · View notes
sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
14. A promise of forever
Prompt used - putting an arms around others waist | warning- hurt/comfort, fighting| draco and harry are set to marry each other without draco's parents blessings|
Harry was inexplicably thankful for kreacher's sudden appearance that he wanted to pick him and spin him in the room but following to the conduct he decided not to.
" shall kreacher bring master and his guest the desert now ?" He asked. Harry roamed his eyes around the table waiting for someone to at least drop a sign but when nobody gave any, he decided to just answer for everybody, after all they had been sitting on the table for the past 15 minutes with everyone almost done with eating
" you may bring it kreacher. Thank you" harry smiled at him
" kreacher lives to serve his master " kreacher bowed and left
" I think it was the best for everybody right..." Harry awkwardly said
" of course, you're always thinking of everyone else, don't you! I could've asked for desert If I wan-"
" enough father" draco snapped on side of harry. Harry immediately locked his fingers with draco under the table as to ask him to tone down.
" you dare speak like that to me " Lucius snapped angrily
" yes I do. He was only answering for you when nobody chose to " draco snapped back. Narcissa on Lucius' side lightly grasped Lucius's hand to maybe do the same harry was doing.
"I knew It was only a matter of time you disrespected me, I wouldn't be surprised if he have you under some bloody spell or potion, otherwise my son would've never talked to me like that " Lucius insulted draco. Harry felt draco clasp his hand tighter but he dared not to leave his hand. He wanted to interject but draco had Always made this clear, never to come between him and his father no matter how much he wanted to.
" why is it so hard for you to believe father that I love a man that I will marry who doesn't have me under any spell or potion. All we did was try to have one last nice dinner with you here before we got married but you have always defied of it, haven't you " draco now rose up, slamming his fist on the table leaving Harry's hands.
" he spent the entire day trying to help kreacher to make your favourite delicacies, your favourite food, he fucking fluffed the pillows 17 times. He did all of this for you but you don't even have enough decency to be nice to the man I've chosen to marry "
" you had to marry Astoria. You needed to but I'm sure he's filled your head with the whole non pure blood mania. You were born and raised to continue the malfoy's name, continue the pure blood line but my son, have chosen to marry a man.Do you even know how disgusting it is to everyone who see me. People will never accept you-"
" I don't care about the people. I don't care about the fucking pure blood mania , I don't care about continuing you wishes , I- don't- care- father. All I've done was always for your pleasure but for once when I want something of my own you frown upon, you disagree upon it. What kind of father does that ?" Draco voice had grown hoarse from the pain and all the yelling. Harry clasped the side of draco's pants to pull him down but when Lucius had stood up, he knew there was no way this was as going to end well.
" that's enough Draco, he's you father. All he's ever done is to make you happy " narcissa snapped on the other side
Draco laughed airily, " father you say , to keep me happy. A Father don't bloody get their son a damn mark and not just any mark , nobody get their son to become a fucking death Eater when he's 16. If he thought even a tiny bit about me being happy-"
" draco sit down" harry nervously stood next to draco to pull him down but he only went on
" he would've never bullied me into getting one. I cried to you, I begged you to not let me become one but you didn't care. You told me griffindors were the dirt of my shoe yet here I am the happiest I've ever been. You never ever were fucking there for me father, you never were. You never even came to any of my matches, let alone you didn't even come to my graduation day. You only did everything you ever did because it made you happy " a tear slipped down from draco's eyes but he didn't set back.
" If I hadn't fed you, you'd had never been alive draco. You are and will never be anything without me "Lucius angrily yelled
" yeah, I am everything without you. I am a goddamn potions master at a school and you know what your money didn't get me that " draco yelled back
" I don't care father if you agree upon my marriage anymore. I thought I wanted to but now I don't. All you've done the past months is gave me shit about me and my fiance and I will no longer have that-"
" then you are no son of mine "
And Lucius stormed out of there with narcissa. Draco fell back in his chair after he heard the door slammed shut, putting his face in his hands.
" love-" harry had only begun but draco had interrupted him
" not today harry. I need to be alone " draco replied almost trembling and then walked out of the room.
Kreacher appeared again " how was the dinner, master ?"
" disastrous but food was great kreacher" harry sighed and leaned back on his chair.
" bloody hell " Ron exclaimed as he dropped all he collected in the grocery cart
" it was worse than a disaster Ron. It was worse than when I fought voldemort. And above all, draco didn't come out of the room all night after that. I only saw him in the morning before he left for work" harry said as they pushed the cart forward
" I knew Lucius was going to be hard on this one but this is just Blimey, that was harsh even for draco you know "
" I know " harry sighed.
" and I don't even know what to do, should I talk to him ? Or should I just let him vent without saying anything ? I don't know. This is just too complicated you know. Although a part of me knew they would never along on the whole marriage thing but this was far worse than anything I ever imagined. I've never seen Draco lose his temper in front of his father like that. I know he can be you know a bit out of control but this was new " harry explained as they walked into the cashier's and started Billing the items.
" I think you should talk to him, I mean if it were my mum or dad I would've wanted them to come to my wedding but it's hard to imagine them not being co-operative you know, they sort of Always get along. He needs you though. Out of everyone you're the only who would understand, think you should talk besides I think it'd be good for the marriage, you know the honesty and understanding "Ron said as he picked up the bills and the items into the bag, smiling at the cashier and walking out of the departmental store.
" that's Hermione talk" harry rolled his eyes but he knew Ron was right
" well you know being married to mione' have it's side effects. For example grocery shopping " Ron shrugged. Harry looked at Ron before be chuckled nodding.
Later harry decided to stick with Ron's words and talk to draco, so when he came back from work, after they had a peaceful dinner in silence and was clearing up the table so kreacher only had Washing to do, harry decided to talk..
" are you okay, draco ?"
" of course I am " Draco gave a small smile and went back to picking up the thing's
" no I mean babe are you really okay ?" Harry stopped him from collecting futher and made him face harry.
" I am fine really " he knew Draco was lying, he could read draco like an open book
"you can talk to me you know, it's fine. I understand what happened at the dinner " harry spoke softly
" what happened at the dinner was something yes but I'm fine alright, we don't have to talk about this " draco sighed
Harry knew he was going to regret this but he still went on
" look I know it's bothering you, I can see it. We've never not talked about things like this before and this was the most disastrous of all"
" thank you for enlightening me with that " Draco rolled his eyes crossing his arms in front of him
" no but draco we can't start a marriage like this. We have to be honest with each other, we are going to promise that to each other. It's not more than 2 weeks away and things will get really busy from tomorrow onwards with the whole wedding and I don't want this thing to keep hanging over your head " harry explained
" it won't okay -"
" draco, please just talk to me -"
" what do you want me to say then that it sucks ? The dinner sucked? The dinner was beyond disastrous ? What do you want me to say ? There is never going to be solution to this harry and it's high time you understood that" draco threw his hands in the air in pure exhaustion
" I understand the Dinner was disastrous -"
" do you harry? Really do you ? Because if I remember correctly, my father was the one yelling at me and insulting me but you were sitting there quietly like it was some tv show you could enjoy "
A weird look etched on Harry's face " I wasn't enjoying the damn dinner draco, I was as invested as you were and I didn't step in because it's between you and your father "
" right because I'm the only one who's marrying right ? You know what it doesn't even matter, this conversation is done " draco said sternly with hand movements
" no it's not. I didn't step in because you always tell me to not step in between you two-"
" well for once you could've stepped in, you knew it wasn't a normal fight. Sometimes you just have to understand on your own -"
" i can't read your fucking mind draco. When I did step in once you told me to not meddle in and now you're saying I should've. What are you even implying at , that I should just know by myself to know when to step in and when not to " Harry's voice raised unconsciously
" harry we're getting married for fucks sake, by now you should be able to understand when to and when not to, I can't baby feed you and tell you when to step in " draco snapped
" I'm marrying you, not assigning for a job draco. I can't control what the damned father of yours say " harry Snapped back
" just leave it harry-"
" no, we are having this conversation. You say we're getting married right so let's have the adult conversation. Tell me -"
" fine, want me to tell you what's bothering me, he disowned me harry. He yelled at me while my mother just sat there watching it and when she could've easily supported me she told me to talk to that man she called my father with respect. Do you even realise that we don't have their fucking blessing ? That I'm getting married in two weeks and I don't have a bloody blessing! Do you realise that my parents won't be at my damned wedding that we're spending so much on, that my father wouldn't walk me down the isle or that my parents wouldn't shed a single tear because they rejected the fucking invitation, do you realise what it's like growing upto to imagining what would it be like to have to marry someone you love and your parents' being proud of it but my parents are not. They've not only disrespected me but disowned,do you even know how that feels or its just Empty words-"
" I do know how that feels draco " harry said almost calmly but confused
" right as if, you would? Do you though really? You say understand everything but you can't understand this and you know why because you don't have a family or a father or a mother- fuck - "
" harry- I didn't -"
" yeah, you didn't mean it ? Say it go ahead" Harry's jaw clenched as tears formed in his eyes
" I'm didn't really harry " draco almost plead coming back to his senses
" you wouldn't had said it if you didn't mean it draco but you know what you're right. I don't have a a father or a mother but I do know I have a family, Ron, Hermione, they're my family and I thought you're too but they would never throw it in my face that I don't have one because they know they are my family but I suppose you don't feel like that. I don't think in all this time we've been together you've ever felt like I was your family so If you do ever feel like that draco then you can come and find me, otherwise don't " harry Snapped in tears and stormed out, abandoning a teary draco in the middle of the kitchen.
Draco soon understood how badly he had screwed up.
" so you're still in a fight but the wedding's still on ?" Ron asked as he chewed on his lunch.
" I'm assuming the weddings still on since the event planner called this morning and asked if we still wanted lilies instead of orchids since draco had called her a while before that to confirm it" harry sighed staring at his food.
" but you've got to talk to him someday-"
" but he's the one-"
" Blimey harry I know he's the one who bought your parents up and he's wrong but I'm sure he's sorry. He did say he didn't mean it -"
" if he didn't, he wouldn't had said it " harry almost snapped
" mate no need to yell. We do a lot of things out of anger you know, like I said the same thing while we were on the run right and you casted a sectum semptra but never meant it. come on don't be a hypocrite. Couple's have fights you know and I'm sure you both have a lot to but work on it harry. You can't marry while you're mad at him, can you?" Ron raised his eyebrows at him.
Harry assessed his words, he was indeed right, he didn't wanted to marry draco while they were on a fight but it's almost been a week and the wedding was only one week away and draco hadn't even called to check upon him while he crashed at Ron's.
" but he hasn't contacted me yet, doesn't seems like he care " harry said exhausted
" I don't know why he have not yet but I am sure he will. You know it harry, the whole wedding is just upon your heads, you both are very busy with everything, I'm sure he wants you to tone down a little bit " Ron said as he packed his lunch after finishing
Harry looked at Ron for a moment, knowing he was right " what in Merlin's name have you been reading ?"
Ron chuckled at harry " it's mione harry. All her. Though she makes me watch some show about stuff like this "
" I'm pretty sure she is "Harry chuckled at Ron and soon they both left to resume with their work.
Turned out Ron was right, draco did eventually contacted harry 3 days before the wedding. They had gotten so busy in the last few days that harry had almost forgotten to meet draco and reached a bit later than the assigned time.
" fuck sorry, this whole thing have gotten so hectic, I completely lost track of time then Hermione had to remind me " harry said as he took of his jacket approaching draco who was standing behind the railings of the roof of an old stocks building in Burton street.
" tell me about it " draco chuckled as he took harry jacket and kept it along with his " I've put the warming charm by the way, don't want you rambling about how you're just cold and not freezing to death"
Harry chuckled and almost forgotten he had even been mad at Draco and let the words slip " I missed you "
Draco's features softened and kissed Harry's cheeks " I've missed you so much more and I'm sorry I didn't ask to meet earlier Bernie had been eating my head about the wedding"
" seriously ?! I mean she asked me at least 200 hundred times if I still wanted the white and green collection and if we're still on for lilies which by the way she yelled at me for,for changing it in last moment's so thanks to you "
Draco grinned at harry " yeah - I just - after that fight that I just feel terrible saying that about your parents' and you told me once before that your mother's name was lily and I thought it'd be nice to have a symbol of her presence. I thought you would have figured that out, you didn't apparently"
Harry's grin fell into something almost pained but with pleasure, he took draco's hands in his own and kissed his knuckles " thank you for that and I am sorry too you know about everything I said that night -"
" are you kidding ? I should be the one who should be sorry , you were only trying to get it out of my system and I yelled at you for that. It was terrible of me " draco sighed.
Harry smiled softly at Draco and leaned closer to cup his face " we're both sorry I guess.. welcome to Adult conversations "
Draco chuckled kissing the inside of Harry's hands " fuck I've missed you so much and you'd be surprised to know that kreacher was as arse to me because I fought with you. He deliberately made me eat treacle tart because of it " harry chuckled Shaking his head " he is a true.. well elf "
Draco smiled at Harry's choice of words for not calling kreacher servant, that's one of the immense amount of things he loved about harry.
" I'm still sorry " draco smiled
" me too "
And in unspoken words they had said plenty of things.
It was only on the night of wedding during the reception when to draco a miracle happened.
" how are they here?" He asked harry but he only shrugged.
Draco immediately hugged harry and slowly with him approached their parents sitting on one of the tables.
" you came ?" His voice almost broke
" well your father is a bit drunk but yes we are here. I wouldn't had missed it for the world honey. I know your father is a tough man to be with but I am and will always be by your side " narcissa gave draco a firm smile before she hugged them congratulations. Draco had immediately hugged back tearing up about them showing up and how much it meant to him right now.
In all the chaos of the wedding congratulations and talking, harry hadn't realised that draco had been gone for almost 20 minutes now. Harry had almost spent 10 minutes looking for draco when he found that draco was standing by the waters .
Harry slowly and carefully approached draco
" only draco Lucius Malfoy would be the groom to be missing on his own wedding " harry chuckled.
" you almost scared me there for a second " draco smiled as he offered harry his hand to take it, he did .
" looks beautiful doesn't it. The reflection" draco said pointing to the middle of the waters
" well this reflection is also very beautiful " harry pointed to the one much more nearer to them, it was draco's reflection
" are you always going to be this cheesy because if you are, I'm running away " draco chuckled
" hey you've already married me " harry chuckled as he now pulled draco much more closer to him and slowly kissed his forehead.
" thank you " draco mumbled softly pushing his hands Inside Harry's coat, crossing behind his back and resting his head over his chest.
" what for ?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arms around Draco's waists
" I know you bought them here " draco spoke softly still looking forward.
Harry smiled as he created more space for draco to fit his head into the crook of his neck " I knew how much it meant to you. I always understand draco, I always do. It took a bit of a yelling but it got them here and as for your father, I'm sure one day he'll come around "
" I know now" draco said after a few moments
" know what ?" Harry asked slightly looking at Draco. He tilted his head so he'd face harry
" that spending the rest of my life will never be a mistake and how you are really my family "
Harry smiled at Draco fondly, he too knew that spending the rest of his life with draco would never be a mistake, the difference though was, he Always knew that.
And then they softly kissed.
It was 19 years later when harry was seeing pictures from Ron's photo album he discovered the photo of harry and draco's wedding from the time they were by the river.
" hey, Ron how do you have this picture ?" He asked
Ron furrowed his eyebrows seeing it more carefully then as if something had clicked he responded " I think I got this from narcissa's album, think I had planned to give it to you someday but always forgotten. You can take it if you want "
" do you know who took it ?" Harry asked as he examined the beautiful picture of them kissing
" I think she said it was Lucius who took it" Ron simply replied shrugging and went back to flipping pages again.
And harry stared at the picture again, after 19 years of marriage he still kisses draco like he kissed on the day of the wedding by the river because in that one kiss they had promised each other a forever and now he knew what their forever looked like.
Requests open
Day 13- love is a choice | Day 15 - nobody can ever be you
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mctherofdragons · 4 years
In the Afterglow | 2 | F.W.
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moodboard by @minty-malfoy​.
Summary: The reader is married to George Weasley, and for all intents and purposes, he is the perfect husband. But, despite her best efforts to resist, Fred presents temptation she never knew she’d fall for.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader; George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Alternate Universe: No Voldemort AU
Rating: Mature, Future Chapters will Feature Explicit Content
Trigger Warnings: Angst, cussing, mild sexual content, mentions of extramarital affairs, cheating, nudity
Author’s Note: Let me know if you’d like to be on the tag list! 
Taglist: @oh-for-merlins-sake @sunflowernarry @vivianweasley @haf-the-trash-panda @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @msmarklee1213 @n3ssm0nique @satellitespidey  @michaylahpfan27  @girl22334 @starlightweasley @minty-malfoy @theweasleytwinsgirl
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November 10.
Fall had fully arrived in London, decorating the ground with crunchy orange and red leaves. You pulled a sweater out of your closet and pulled it on. Molly had knit it for you last Christmas. It was maroon with little flecks of grey throughout. Something about it being homemade made you love it more. Being wed into the Weasleys offered you a family you hadn’t had before. One that gave gifts and hugged on holidays; one that shared laughter and drinks far into the night on Christmas Eve; one that cared for you deeply and unconditionally. Your heart jumped a bit when you felt two arms around your waist suddenly.
“Hi honey,” George said, turning to kiss your lips. You kissed back, placing your hand on the back of his neck. A giggle escaped your lips as you moved your hands down to the cool touch of his trouser buttons. The autumn weather had made you more affectionate, seeking warmth in your husband’s arms.
“I have about an hour until I really have to leave. Dinner’s on in the slow cooker, so...I don’t have anything to occupy me for a while…”
But, as was typical lately, George didn’t fulfill your requests.
“I have to go get to the shop,” he pouted. You sighed with an honest attempt to hide your annoyance. When you and George had first married, intimacy was far more...exciting. He would steal you away into the back storage room of Weasley Wizard Wheezes, hoping Fred didn’t come wandering back. You lived in back-arching, toe-curling ecstasy for your first year of marriage. But now, when you actually got around to having sex, it had lost its thrill. George didn’t show or tell you much lately how much he loved you. It hurt, but you were too afraid to let him know that.
You didn’t really have anything to say that wouldn’t have been slightly cruel, so you huffed off to the bathroom to finish your makeup. George followed, leaning against the door frame. “I’m sorry,” he sounded genuine. “But I mean, I have to go to work, honey.”
“I know,” you said, leaning forward to apply mascara to your eyes. He came over and gave you a kiss behind your ear, which only made you grow more frustrated with his lack of fulfilling what you wanted.
“Yup,” you said, moving away from him. The sound of your heels clicking on the tile as you head into the kitchen somehow annoyed George beyond belief.
“You really are being a bit of a bitch about this,” he huffed. His words stung. George was never one for name-calling, and just the sound of the cuss word rolling off his tongue cut you to the quick.
George had grown used to you, you reasoned. He no longer needed to ‘woo’ you because the shiny diamond on your finger had ensured you were his for good.
“Don’t start,” you warned. You busied yourself with filling your travel mug with coffee. The sound of George’s sighing made you look up. He was fastening the buttons of his jacket. For some reason, you felt like crying but pushed your tears back.
“Can we chat about this later?”
You nodded, handing him a paper bag with his lunch in it. He gave you a quick peck on the forehead and left.
You sighed, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Mindlessly, you scrolled to your recent texts and found Fred’s name. You took a type breath as you typed, feeling your heart murmur as you typed.
Thinking of you, Freddie.
But you quickly erased the text, forbidding yourself to continue the thoughts you had started to entertain.
Later that evening, you stood in the back room of the shop, placing some things onto a storage shelf. It was typical that when you were done with work, you’d head over to Weasley Wizard Wheezes and give the boys a hand. Fred was sitting at a nearby computer, sending an email to one of the suppliers they frequently worked with. He had noticed you and George hadn’t said a single word to one another all night.
“Hey, y/n?”
You heard Fred begin to speak, so you turned to your head, walking over the computer.
“You seem down, is everything alright?”
This was the way of things between you and Fred. He knew you like the lyrics of his favorite song. If the tune was even a little bit off, he could sense it. There were times throughout your time of knowing him that he had used this to comfort you before you could even admit to your own hurt. Often, it so happened, this would be when you and George would get into a fight.
You felt the tears you had pushed down earlier begin to make their way up to the surface again.
“Oh, yeah, Fred, I’m okay.”
You felt Fred place his warm hand on top of yours. His palms and fingers were calloused from years of beating bludgers. The feeling of his touch felt different than ever before. You could sense somewhere deep in your bones that your feelings for Fred were changing as quickly and surely as the autumn leaves. He stroked his thumb over yours, looking up at you, his affectionate chocolate-colored eyes shining behind his long lashes.
“You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”
“I’m fine, Fred,” you moved away quickly, going back to stacking boxes of Whiz Bangs.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *
November 29th.
“Happy birthday, Bill!”
Arthur placed a large cake down in the center of the dining table. Molly had allowed Albus to write in icing ‘Happy Birthday Uncle Billy’, which reminded Harry affectionately of his 11th birthday cake from Hagrid. You were sat between Fred and George, smiling happily as you watched him blow out the candles.
Fleur smiled affectionately as she gave Bill a shy kiss on the cheek. You felt yourself wondering if their marriage had also become listless. For a fleeting moment, you wondered if maybe you should talk about how you’d been feeling with Fleur and Hermione, but, you felt a sense of shame. A sense of failure had started to enter your mind - maybe you just weren’t attractive to George anymore. A sense of sadness filled your heart again, so you pushed it away, reaching to George’s hand. He barely held it back. You could feel your knee touching Fred’s, which forced you to take continuous sips of the pumpkin juice in front of you.
Once everyone had finished eating, you chose to clean up so that everyone could continue talking. The truth was, you felt an aching sadness in your chest and needed some time alone. You turned on this sink in the kitchen, smiling at the coziness of Molly’s little kitchen. You allowed the sink to fill with whatever, humming to yourself as you scrubbed. You found your head bopping back and forth as you hummed the Triwizard Tournament theme.
You looked up when Fred appeared next to you, reaching into the water to help you.
“I got it,” you said quietly. Something about his mere presence made you want to scream.
“Let me help you.”
You weren’t sure if he was talking about the dishes, but something about his tone and the huskiness behind his words made you think he definitely was not.
Your hands met beneath the water, Fred’s fingers dancing against yours. You moved to give his hand a squeeze, looking knowingly into his eyes.
“Y/n, I…”
Suddenly, you heard Ginny’s voice behind you. “You two need help?” She asked sweetly, grabbing a hand towel to do the drying. You yanked your hands out of the sudsy water with a splash.
“Absolutely, thanks, Gin,” you replied, letting yourself glance over at Fred who was clearly struggling to calm his breathing.
The shower at the Burrow was notoriously hard to operate. But nonetheless, you were finally able to find the right temperature. You stood beneath the hot water, letting it run over you. You sighed contently. The heat had allowed some of the stress to melt away. You worked the shampoo into your hair, closing your eyes as you rinsed away a day’s worth of troubles. After you felt clean, you slid the curtain open, flipping over to wrap your hair in a towel. The room had become foggy from the heat, which you noted as you headed over to the mirror to wash your face.
Just then, the door opened. You jumped, nearly screaming at the sight of Fred in the doorway. He shut the door behind him. There was no way he hadn’t seen pretty much everything you had to offer. You couldn’t find a word to utter as he looked your bare body up and down.
Your breath felt strangled as he walked forward, moving so you were flush against the wall. In your chest, your heartbeat had gone wild. You had never felt like this in your life - not even the first time you finally made love to George.
Fred reached over and handed you the towel off a nearby shelf.
“Make sure you lock the door next time, pet,” he said, watching as you shakily wrapped it around you.
“Get out of here, Fred,” you feigned outrage, even though you didn’t mind him being there one bit.
He laughed, using his thumb to wipe smeared mascara from beneath your eye. It had run while you showered.
“You’re beautiful.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay-”
But Fred had turned to leave, looking at you over his shoulder.
“Don’t tell George?”
“Pinky promise.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
December 24.
You all sat around the fire, warmed from the inside out by stories of the Weasley boys as children, and spiked eggnog. You sat between George’s legs, his arms wrapped lovingly around you. He placed his chin on your shoulder, and you turned to kiss his lips. He tasted like Christmas cookies and nutmeg.
“I’m tired, honey. Are you?”
You shook your head. “No, but go on up. I think I’ll stay up a while longer. Do you think I’ll see Father Christmas?”
George laughed, bopping you on the nose. “Perhaps, but he knows you’ve been a naughty girl.”
Molly gasped, “George Weasley! In front of your own mother!”
The whole room erupted in laughter, watching as your face turned bright red. “Goodnight, George,” you chuckled, giving him one last goodnight hug.
The room slowly continued to clear out. You sat on the floor, sipping more eggnog and flipping through a photo album. You smiled at a sweet picture of Fred and George in matching Christmas sweaters, toothy grins adorning their face as they held up their Christmas presents. On the next page was another picture of the twins in matching onesies, just a few days after they were born. They were always together. They shared everything. You felt a pang of guilt wash over you again. You hadn’t been able to forget about the incident on Bill’s birthday, and what’s more, it had thrilled you.
Eventually, it was just you and Fred in the sitting room. The house had fallen quiet as you listening to the crackling of the fireplace. Fred came to sit next to you, silently watching the fire along with you.
You turned and looked over at him. He still captivated you with his boyish charm. No matter how many times you had looked at him, you never failed to feel some sort of joy deep inside of you. Again, you felt ashamed, because your husband has failed to make you feel this way for a few months now. 
Fred scooted forward, looking into your eyes as if he were searching for something. You gazed back, hoping that he would find what he was looking for. He was wearing his old, tattered sweater that Molly had made him so many years ago, a big F on the front. It was sweet and nostalgic. It reminded you a Christmas nights at Hogwarts, sharing chocolates and playing pranks in the hallowed hallways. 
“So, what’s been going on? Seriously, y/n, it’s been driving me mad.”
“Well, honestly, things aren’t fantastic with George right now, Fred, s’all there is to say.”
“How do you mean?”
You blushed. “It’s embarrassing,” you admitted, pulling the sleeves of your sweater down around your hands and pulling your knees to your chest.
Fred reached over to tuck a hair behind your ear. “You can tell me, you know that.”
“I just don’t think he finds me beautiful anymore, Fred. He doesn’t touch me like he used to. He...just...I don’t know. I feel like such a normal part of his life. The fireworks have gone. It makes me feel small and ….unbeautiful. I miss feeling wanted. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because...we haven’t started a family yet. Maybe he’s disappointed in that? I don’t know.”
The words came pouring out of your mouth. All at once, you regretted them, staring down at the carpet. You felt bad for talking badly about George, especially to his closest brother. You felt tears prickle at the corner of your eyes. Sniffling, you used the hem of your sleeves to wipe your eyes. 
“You are so far from unbeautiful, y/n. You’re perfect. George is the luckiest man on this Earth. I...I swear it.”
What Fred didn’t tell you was that the day George had gone through with the proposal, he had locked himself in his bathroom and cried. Full, heavy, fat-teared crying over the fact that his chance with you had been lost forever. Seeing you in white walking down the aisle toward him had taken his breath away, too, until he remembered he was standing next to George as his best man. You were the one that got away, and the hardest part was is that you hadn’t gone anywhere.
He cupped your face in his hands, moving to use his sweater to catch your stray tears. “Do you know how much I hate seeing you sad?”
All at once, your lips were crashing into his. You fell back onto the carpet, his hands coming to rest on either side of your head, propped up by his arms. “Freddie,” you gasped, but before you could say too much, he continued to kiss you.
Your tongues battled for dominance. Fred flicked his tongue across your lip. You felt his hands sliding up under your sweater, grabbing your hips. His hands were colder than you expected, making you jump. Your chest rose and fell, breathing deeply as he pulled away.
“He’s a bloody idiot,” Fred gasped, pressed his forehead to yours. The only sound to be heard in the Burrow sitting room was the shaky breath of you both...and the overwhelming sense that a beautiful secret - like a tapestry -  had just started to be woven together.
[To Be Continued.]
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elena-reina · 3 years
Status - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Request: Hey , could you maybe write an imagine in which post-war Draco brings the reader home to meet his parents but she is extremely nervous as she is a muggle and not a pure-blood and Draco comforts her .Lucius particularly stands against it but at the end of their dinner he sees how much more alive and happy Draco feels next to her ? Fluff would be great as a type if you want, thank you - Anon
Warnings: none
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You turned right, into a wide driveway that led off the lane. The high hedge curved with you, running off into the distance beyond the pair of impressive wrought-iron gates barring the way. A shrill yelled aloud making you internally flinch only to find the source of the noise proved to be nothing more than a pure-white peacock, sturring majestically along the top of the hedge. You fiddled with your hands nervously.
Draco placed his hand on top of yours. “It’s going to be alright, love. They’re going to love you.”
Draco was nervous as well, not of himself but for you. He knew his parents were going to love you, well he knew for sure his mother would. His father, not so much.
Lights glinted in the diamond-paned downstairs windows outside. Somewhere in the dark garden beyond the hedge, a fountain was playing.
“Welcome to my home,” Draco says opening the front door for you. He extends his arm for you to grab onto as you both walk inside together. Your eyes scanned around the Malfoy Manor in astonishment. 
You knew Draco was wealthy but you didn’t really think he was that wealthy.  The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificient carpet covering most of the stone floor. The walls of the entrance hall display pale-faced portraits lining the walls, one of them you came to recognize as your beloved Draco. You stood in front of it, gazing at the hard stare his portait had. Each stroke was down to every single detail on his face including the small freckle he has on the corner of his eye.
“This was painted a while ago,” he spoke up, feintly smiling. Turning your head, you looked at the end of the hall noticing a bronze-handled door.
“Where does that door lead to?” you asked motioning towards the end of the hall. You felt him tense up behind you. It was the drawing room. It was where the Death Eaters and Voldemort sat during their meetings. 
“It’s just a cabinet,” he lied, “C’mon, let me bring you to my room.”
You ducked your head and followed shortly behind him going up a tower of stairs. Looking around, the dark lightning complimented the cold marble running around the manor. He pulled you down the hallway and into a room. Silently closing the door, Draco faced to turn you gazing around.
The room contained a large bed, neatly made, looking at though no one has slept in it in days. Along the wall was a tall, long window that opened to a small pation. Half of it was covered from long black curtains, looking as though they were made from soft velvet giving the room a dark ambiance. There were no pictures on the wall except for one small photo frame next to the bed. Walking closer to the bed, you lightly trailed the frame of the picture. It was a picture of the two of you, but it was moving like a video.
Draco softly placed his hands on your hips, pressing his chest to your back.
“It’s moving,” you smiled, turning around to face him. He kept his hands on you and pressed a light kiss to your lips.
“It’s magic,” he hummed, lightly swaying from side to side.
Being a muggle, all this magic was new to you. You had a hard time accepting it was real until one day Draco used his wand in front of you to literally do anything you said. Light a candle, fold a blanket, even lift you in the air.
“I’m still getting used to all of this,” you said shyly, “Does your family.. know that I’m... I’m not a witch?”
He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head. “No-”
He ushered you to sit down on his bed and sat next to you. A million thoughts were running through your mind. Although you don’t know much about the magic world, you knew there were pure-bloods, half-bloods, muggles, and you forget what else. With that knowledge, you know that most pure-bloods hate muggles, especially coming from Draco’s family. He told you some things about his family history a while back, not all of it though, and from what you remember his father was pretty harsh on him.
“Love,” he placed a finger under your chin and turned you to face him taking you out of your thought. “Don’t worry, we are in this together. If I love you, they are going to love you one way or another.”
A knock on the door startled you making you jump. Draco stood up and you followed quickly behind him. Opening the door you impulsively shrieked and covered your mouth immediately, gazing at the small creature on the other side of the door. You’ve never seen an elf before and it startled you to say nonetheless.
It looked at you curiously but returned its gaze back to Draco. 
“Good Evening Mr. Malfoy, your parents are in the dining room.”
“That’s our house elf, I should’ve told you about them,” Draco chuckled, turning back to you. “Are you ready?”
You sighed through your nose, nodding. Holding out his arm, you grabbed it following the house elf to the dining room. The closer you got to the room, the more numb you felt. Your heart was racing and you tried your best to calm yourself. Walking into the dining room Draco’s parents sat at opposite ends of the table. His mother stood up with a warm smile on her face while his father grumbly stood up with a firm look on his face. You could feel his eyes burning holes through you. 
“Draco, my darling,” His mother gracefully spoke, “A pleasure to see you and who might this be?” 
Her smile was genuine as she looked at you with curious eyes. His father on the other hand, has not spoken.
“Mother. Father,” he greeted, “This is my girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N.”
You gave a shy wave. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Y/N,” she drawled, “A lovely name of course, it’s a delight to have you join us. Come sit, sit!”
His mother was very nice, you could see a lot of similarities between Draco and her. They shared the same smile and when Draco decided to show it, his soft side as well. 
Draco pulled out a chair for you beside him. You sat down, giving a quiet thank you, as he helped himself to his seat. You were sat closer to his mother than you were his father; maybe for the best.
“So, how did the two of you meet?” Narcissa spoke.
The the doors opened and house elfs came in with the food, making you turn your head to the sudden noise. Returning back to the conversation, your leg began to bounce from nervousness. Draco placed his hand on your thigh, giving a reassuring squeeze. 
“Well, it’s a funny story really. I was a waitress and Draco was one of my customers and I don’t know how it happened, must’ve been a bad day for me, but I spilled hot tea all over him in an attempt to fill his empty cup,” you began to laugh as Narcissa joined in the laughter, “And then I felt horrible and wanted to make it up, but your son decided to make a move and instead asked me to let him take me out in response to my actions. I normally would say no to these kind of gestures, but something in my heart was telling me to go for it, and so I did. I don’t regret any bit of the tea spilt that day. And so now we have this inside joke of every time I ask him if he would like a drink, he would say-”
“Only if you don’t spill it on me,” Draco joined smiling.
Narcissa laughed clapping her hands softly. “Clever boy he is, got it from his mother,” she joked.
You smiled eating some of the food, Lucius spoke up somberly. 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” he spoke slowly, almost analyzing every single move you did, “I haven’t heard of your last name before. Who are your parents?”
You gulped, refreshing your throat with some water. You couldn’t help but feel extrememly nervous talking to his father. He was intimidating.
You told him their names and he looked at you skeptically. Draco knew where this was going. 
“What house were you in?”
You looked at Draco and then back at Lucius. “I’m sorry, a house?”
“Yes, at Hogwarts.”
“Hogwarts? I’m sorry I don’t- I don’t understand where or what that is,” you said shyly, you voice growing more quiet with each word.
Draco inhaled sharply grabbing onto your free hand. His heart was beating fast inside of his chest. “Father, she’s a muggle,” Draco said finally once and for all.
Lucius dropped his silverware on his plate creating a loud disturbance. He was in shock to say the least.
The rest of the atmosphere turned pure silence. The sound of crackling wood was absolutely like music to your ears, filling you up with some kind warmness and peace to try and ease your nerves.
“A muggle!? Have you no shame bringing that here to the Malfoy Manor!” he shouted.
“Lucius!” Narcissa scolded by his words, “Y/N, honey, I apologize on behalf of my husbands actions.”
You sank lower in your seat, playing with a piece of food on your plate. Draco felt anger flare up inside him, hot and heavy inside of his chest. 
Lucius continued, “You marrying someone of her blood status will bring great shame on your family! Our name will be laughed at and dragged through the mud for future generations to come because of her! Is that what you want? Your children will be half-bloods at best, the laughing stock!"
“How dare you speak of her that way!” Draco shouted, startling you from his tone, “If it’s shame you want to talk about then lets talk about the very war that went on at Hogwarts shall we!? The shame you brought onto the Malfoy name bringing me into your own bearings! Our children will be completely fine knowing that I will never treat them the way you have treated me my whole life!”
Lucius gaped at him
“Draco.. stop. It’s okay,” you whispered, tugging on the sleeve of his suit. 
He turned his head to face you. “No, it’s not okay.” 
He turned back to face his father. “Yes, she’s a muggle, not a single drop of magical blood runs through her. So what! She brings the best out of me and I’m lucky enough to be able to call her my girlfriend. I wouldn’t want her to be any other way and if you cannot accept that for me, then I can take myself elsewhere with the love of my life that I will one day call my wife,” he spat.
Lucius sat there with a glare. He observed your longing stare at Draco. Tears of joy glossed over your eyes. You were head over heels in love with him and you couldn’t believe everything he’s spoken about you to his father just now.
You decided to speak up. Clearing your throat, you tried your best to remain confident. “With all due respect Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, I deeply and truly love your son. I don’t know much about the history of your family, but I do know that status means everything to you, and I promise you that even though I am a muggle with a much lower status than what you would like, I am still a good person,” you began, “I am just the same as him except I can’t do magic and I think that’s for the best considering how clumsy I am.” You chuckled a bit at the end, getting a small smile from Narcissa and Draco.
Draco looked at you with with desirous eyes. He was madly smitten with you and it was obvious to the naked eye.
“I’m so much more than just a Muggle and I could prove it to you, if you just took the time to get to know me rather than just judging me based off my witch status,” you turned to face Draco cupping his cheek in his hand, lightly brushing it with you thumb as you gazed into his eyes, “I love Draco so much with all my heart that I wouldn’t want it to be any other way. He’s everything I could’ve ever asked for and more and I truly believe that he is the one for me. He’s helping me grow as a person in places I didn’t even know I needed to grow and I admire everything your son’s become to this day and for future years to come. Our children wll be raised with nothing but love and light and I can only hope for a future where they can come running to their Grandparents in hopes that they accept them for who they are.”
Draco leaned in pressing a long over due kiss to your lips and pulled away turning back to his family.
Lucius sat back and thought about it. In their defense Draco had just dropped a bomb on them with little to no time to take in this information. Draco didn’t expect them to accept it overnight, however he does expect them to respect it.
Finally, Narcissa stood up. She stared at you for a minute before slowly walking over to you. You stood up as well and faced Narcissa gingerly. She pulled you in for a hug rubbing your back. Draco stood up as well, standing right by your side. You knew that his mother was more accepting than his father, so you hoped that he would be just as accepting.
She pulled away and smiled lightly. “I’ve nothing thought of you any less, as a matter of fact my dear, just seeing how the two of you act right now only wamrs my heart. Reminds me of the days we were just starting to fall in love, Lucius.”
Lucius held his stare, darting back between the three of you. Draco wraped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy,” you smiled.
“Please, call me Narcissa,” she spoke. The three of you turned to face Lucius. Narcissa stared at him with a stern look, tacitly telling him to say something.
He stood up with his cane and walked slowly around the table and stopped in front of the two of you. He looked you up and down once more. He pursed his lips and spoke.
“Welcome to the family.”
And with that he walked away and out of the dining room.
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
Why’d you do that - Fred Weasley
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Fred Weasley x Female!Malfoy reader
Summary: Y/N and Fred were dating but in secret since their families won’t prove of each other. Then Fred leaves and breaks up with her to go work at the shop while Y/N has to join the death eaters. Then she sees Fred and almost sees him die luckily she has which thinking.
Request: A Fred Weasley request where the reader is a Malfoy and they broke up when he ang George left. Then the war comes she has the mark and she saves Fred from dying please🥺
Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Angst, fluff, abuse
AN: love Fred Weasley . Doesn’t follow plot.
Y/N was running through the chaos of Hogwaets with everyone fighting. Unfortunately she had to fight on the bad side.
Y/N didn’t want to be on Voldemort’s side but her family insisted. She really tried to fight back until abuse was introduced by her father. Her brother Draco tried to protect Y/N but in the end he couldn’t.
Only a couple years ago she was running through these halls with Fred Weasley the love of her life. She had met him in their sixth year and reluctantly agree to be friends with each other.
Then he kissed her one night on the astronomy tower in the beginning of 7th year.
Y/N and Fred started sneaking around not wanting people to know about her relationship. Since Y/N was a Slytherin and Fred was Gryffindor people wouldn’t like it.
Everything was perfect no one suspected anything and Y/N and Fred were having the time of their lives.
That’s until wasn’t.
Fred broke up with her the day before he left in a blaze of firerworks. Y/N tried to say something but it didn’t stop him.
“What why,” Y/N whispered
“Because me and George are leaving tomorrow and you know this would’ve never worked you’re a Malfoy,” Fred snapped at the Malfoy girl.
“Why are you just telling me this now,” Y/N asked taking a breath to stop herself from crying.
“Didn’t realize til now,” Fred said putting his hands in his pockets.
“Please don’t go,” Y/N begged wanting him to stay. He was one the only people in her life she had looked forward to see.
“Y/N stop you and I both know that this never should’ve happened,” Fred rolled his eyes.
“So you regret everything,” Y/N asked as her lip quivered while tears were about to come out.
“Yes,” Fred whispered before leaving to go to the Gryffindor common room leaving Y/N standing there with a stunned look on her faces.
She finally let the tears go and run to her dorm room where she finally broke down into the sobbing.
But that was years ago.
Right now she was fighting for her life trying to find her brother. She also was trying to fight off anyone who was trying to kill her.
Y/N hid herself behind a pillar and rested her hands on her knees taking a breath. Once she looked up she saw a death eater about to kill someone.
She was about to look away when she saw who it was.
It was Fred.
Before she even realized it she got her wand out and started to think of a memory that made her happy and shouted, “Expecto Patronum,”
The charm stunned the death eater for only a minute. And in that minuted Fred got up and looked at Y/N  before running away. The death eater grabbed Y/N by her throat when the memory left her mind.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” The death eater growled at Y/N who was clawing at his hands. He grabbed his wand and wrote on her arm which would leave a forever scar.
Blood Traitor
Y/N didn’t understand why he did that since the Weasleys were purebloods. But in that moment she didn’t care since this hurt her like hell. Y/N tried to let out a scream but it didn’t do anything since his hand was still wrapped around her throat.
“Stupefy,” Y/N heard someone scream when she looked up with tear stained cheeks she saw Draco standing there. The guy who was torturing her flew across the room and Draco came over to help Y/N up.
“Come on lets go,” Draco grabbed his sisters hand and pulled her along and ran. Y/N ran with Draco til they reached outside the castle where their mother was.
“Y/N thank god,” Narcissa let out a sigh of relief for her daughter and hugged her. Y/N let out a sigh and wrapped around her mother’s body. “Come on lets go,” She lead Draco and Y/N outside the castle.
Now a few weeks later the Malfoy name was tarnished and Y/N had to go to Diagon Alley where she had to go for a job interview. She just hoped that they wouldn’t cared who she was.
It was a hot day and she had to wear a long sleeve to cover up the scare that death eater gave her.
As she entered the potions shop where they selled potion ingredients.
Throughout the whole interview Y/N was nervous since this is her first interview but it seemed to go well. The guy let her have the job since Y/N has a past in potions.
As Y/N walked out with a smile on her face she ran into someone wiped the smile off her face.
“It’s you,” Y/N says sadly looking down at the ground. It was Fred. Ever since the war she hasn’t seen Fred she at least thought he would try to get in contact with her.
“Y/N,” Fred softly sighs. Y/N was about to walk until Fred grabbed her arm. “Love can we talk,” He asks looking down at her with emotion running through his eyes.
“Why,” Y/N asks crossing her arms over her chest. She’s spent that last few weeks in her bed crying over what happened. But she knows she can’t blame Fred but she just wished he would’ve talked to her.
“Because I want to keep seeing your beautiful face darling,” Fred compliments her which makes her roll her eyes. “So will you come and talk to me,” he asks.
Y/N sighs knowing she’s going to regret this but she nods letting him grab her hand guide her to his shop. His hands sent tingles down her body.
As they enter the shop there was a lot of people kids to be specific. Y/N looked around in awe at the place. It look good.
“Wow Fred this is amazing,” Y/N gushes.
“Thanks but I can’t take full credit since George also helped,” Fred gave her a charming smile.
“Well either way it’s cool,” Y/N giggles.
“Come in follow me to somewhere more private,” Fred smiles liking the smile she has.
Y/N nodded letting Fred guide her through the shop and up the stairs to the apartment he shared with George.
“Ok so what do you need to talk about,” Y/N asks as Fred sat on his bed.
“I wanted to apologize,” Fred began to stay. “It was rude of me to not say something when you saved my life, I’m sorry,” He apologizes looking at her.
“You don’t need to apologize it was a stressful time,” Y/N rubs her arm.
“No it was insensitive of me even mum said it was,” Fred let’s put a laugh.
“Well thanks for the apology but I have to get back home,” Y/N was so stunned at this apology she couldn’t stay. She knew she had to forgive him but she was flabbergasted on what to say.
Y/N ran out the flat before he could say anything and then ran out the shop.
The next few days she got herself her own flat her mother insisted that she paid for it even thought Y/N wanted to be more independent. She promised her mom she would pay her back.
Now working at the stor a couple weeks after her interaction with Fred everything was going great with the job. She got a few dirty looks but that’s it.
“How can I help- oh it’s you,” Y/N dropped her smile after seeing Fred there.
“I didn’t know you worked here,” Fred leans against the counter.
“You know how good I’m with potions,” Y/N gives him a smirk.
“That you do,” Fred gives her a smile.
“So do you need anything,” Y/N breaks the trance as she stared at Fred. He was so cute Y/N thought.
“My mum wanted to invite you over to dinner to thank you for saving me,” Fred grabbed one of the items and toyed around with it.
“I don’t know,” Y/N stated grabbing the item before he broke it. “Your family probably doesn’t think the best of me or my family,” Y/N played with her hands.
“She insists, I insist,” Fred corrects putting his hand hers to stop her from picking at the skin around her fingers. It was a nervous habit she had.
“Fine pick me up at 5 after my shift,” Y/N sighed.
Fred gave her a smile and gave her a goodbye and left to go back to his job.
During the whole day Y/N has been nervous. She didn’t know what his mother would think of her. Especially since she’s a Malfoy.
At five she switch shifts with her co worker and left the store to see Fred standing there. Y/N looked around to see if George was there but maybe he was still in shop.
“Can’t believe you showed up darling,” Fred spoke raking Y/N out of her trance.
“I told you I’d go with you,” Y/N smiled. “Anyways how are we gonna get there,” She asked looking around.
Fred gave her his famous smirk and grabbed her hand and got out his wand. Y/N was confused at the beginning but then he did the spell apparition.
Y/N looked around the new place and noticed the house. It was a small one but it looked comfortable some place Y/N might want to live.
“Come on Love,” Fred grabbed her hand pulling her towards the door. “Don’t worry they don’t bite,” He reassured her.
Before Fred could invite her in the door opened revealing Molly Weasley. She had a smile on her face when she saw her son and Y/N who had a nervous look on her face.
“Come in come in,” Molly invited them in. “I’m so happy you came here Y/N,” Molly gave Y/N a hug.
Y/N was surprised but hugged the woman back.
“Well I couldn’t turn down a free meal,” Y/N joked around with a smile on her face.
The dinner included Ginny, Ron, Hermione, George and Bill. The dinner was awkward for Y/N since everyone was talking and she didn’t want to interrupt anyone.
“We just wanted to thank you for saving our son Y/N,” Arthur thanked the girl who was playing with the food on the plate.
Once her name was mentioned Y/N’s head snapped up at the sound of her name, “Oh it was no problem,” She gave them a nervous smile.
“You didn’t have to but you did,” Molly smiled at her. “And we can’t think of any other way to thank you.”
“It’s no problem I knew him in school he was nice to me,” Y/N gave her a smile.
“Well if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have my brother wouldn’t be here,” George thanked her. “To Y/N.”
“To Y/N,” Everyone said.
Y/N gave everyone a smile and Fred grabbed her hand from underneath the table.
“What’s that,” Fred asked noticing the scar on her table. Everyone was getting their dishes in the sink and going into the living room.
“Nothing,” Y/N replied nervously.
“Y/N,” Fred sternly replies. Y/N sighed not wanting to fight in front of his family and turned her arm around to show him.
“What the bloody hell happenef,” Fred grabbed her arm out of worry.
“The death eater,” Y/N sighed not wanting think of the memory.
“Oh god I’m so sorry love,” Fred apologized. Sensing the discomfort his twin left to join the family leaving the two of them alone.
“Like I said Fred you don’t have to apologize it was my doing,” Y/N put her other hand on his which was on her arm.
“How’d you get out alive,” Fred asked.
“Draco,” Y/N answered.
Fred still had a guilty look on his face and Y/N could recognize it and put her hand on his cheek and rubbed comforting circles on his face.
“Don’t blame yourself,” Y/N whispered.
“I love you,” Fred whispered as he leaned closer to Y/N.
“I love you to Fred,” Y/N closer the gap and put her lips on his. He removed his hand from her arm and put it in her hair.
Their lips moved along smoothly and when they disconnected she gave him a smile.
“Don’t feel guilty Fred.”
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