Ultimately, you didn't care about my feelings or how you hurt me. You just wanted to know if I was going to do the same back to you.
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blessingellyse · 5 months
It Attracts A Lot Of Attention. Narcs Need Attention Far More Than Most People And Will Use Almost Anything To Get It Even Children And What Better Way Is There To Get Everyone’s Attention? Narcs Are Impulsive And Don’t Think Through Consequences So They’re Often Blind As To How Big A Commitment Children Are, Preferring To Focus On The Adulation Instead. Narcs Know That Word Travels Fast And If They Have An Ex They Want To Get At, They Might Have Children Just To Hurt Them. Especially If They Know That They Wanted Children Themselves. That’s How Petty They Can Be.
Narcs Hate Being Single And Certainly Don’t Welcome Someone Dumping Them. That’s Their Job So They Use Children As Insurance. Narcs Know That It’s More Difficult To Leave Them If They Share Children. Because Their Partners, Who Are Usually Empathic, Think Of Their Children’s Needs Before Their Own And Although May Be Unhappy In Their Relationship, Stay To Keep The Family Together. With Children In The Equation, It’s A Whole Different Ball Game. Because A Split Affects Them More Than The Couple And Many People Don’t Want To Be Responsible For Tearing A Child’s Family Apart. So They’re More Likely To Stay With The Narc Even If They’re Unhappy.
Increasing The Pressure To Stay In The Relationship Allows The Narc To Treat Their Partners Worse And Get Away With It. Narcs Learn How Far They Can Push Their Partners, Without Quite Pushing Them Away. They Learn Their Breaking Point And Push Them Just Bellow That Point. This Allows Them To Take As Much As They Can, Yet Keep Them Around So They Can Take Some More, Giving Them The Most Bang For Their Buck. The Breaking Point Is Likely To Be Much Higher When Children Are Involved Because No Right Minded Person Would Split A Family Over A “Minor Incident”, Which Narcs Are Experts At Making Them Seem. So The Bar Is Raised As To What Behaviours Would Spell An End To The Relationship, Allowing The Narcs To Get Away With More.
Even If The Relationship Ends, Children Still Play A Useful Role For The Narc. Because For 18 Years, The Narc Has Access To Their Former Partner And They Have The Law On Their Side. They Can Disappear And Do What They Want. Then When Things Turn Sour, Come Marching Back “For The Sake Of The Children". Narcs Don’t Particularly Care About Seeing Their Children. Which Is Why They Often Have Long Absences From Them, But They’re A Great Tool To Use To Get Their Feet Back Under The Table. Most Well Meaning Parents Won’t Deny Their Children Seeing The Other Parent. Even If They’ve Disappeared For A While. This Allows The Narc To Dip In And Out Of Their Life. And Work Their Charm If They Want Some Action. If The Narc Has Children With More Than One Partner, Then It’s Party Time. Because They Can Flit Between Several Peoples Lives. And When They Grow Bored, Discard Them And Move To Another.
Narcs See Their Children As Extensions Of Themselves And Some Want Children So They Can Live Through Them And Push Them To Accomplish What They Never Did. So They May Push Their Children To Become Doctors, Lawyers, Actors, Singers, Etc. Regardless Of What The Child Wants For Themselves And This Can Cause Problems Later In Life. It Can Be Like Fitting A Square Peg Into A Round Hole. People Need To Find Their Own Way, Based On Their Own Strengths, Weaknesses And Interests, But The Narc Is Too Focused On Their Own Ambitions To Consider This And Relentlessly Push Their Own Agenda.
The Narc Usually Takes Credit For Any Success The Child Has And Claims It’s Their Genes And Good Parenting That’s Responsible. To Outsiders They May Seem Like A Proud Parent, But The Only Pride They Really Have Is In Themselves. They See Children As A Boost To Their Profile. Because In Their Mind It Shows How Virile And Desirable They Are. Some Narcs See Children As A Numbers Game. The More They Have, The Greater They Must Be. So They Try To Have As Many Children As Possible, Despite Being Absent Parents.
Narcs Don’t Usually Have Strong Parental Instincts, So They Leave Most Of The Parenting To Their Partners And This Works Out Great For Them. Narcs Like To Saddle Their Partners With Children Because It Keeps Them Under Lock And Key. The Narc Knows That Their Partner Has Little Freedom When They’re Almost Solely Responsible For The Children And It Keeps Them Safely Tucked Away At Home Whilst They Swan Around Without A Care In The World. Parenting Is Draining And Narcs Like To Play The Energy Game With Their Partners. This Is Where They Tire Them Out Whilst Preserving Their Own Energy. This Allows Them To Dominate Their Fatigued Partner Because They Have Less Mental And Physical Strength To Fight Back.
Although Narcs Do Little Actual Parenting, The Outside World Doesn’t Know This And The Narc Talks A Good Game To Friends, Family And Co-workers, Creating The Impression They’re Doting Parents And Normal Functioning Members Of Society. Narcs Hide Behind A Family Persona To Disguise Their Dysfunctional Ways And It Can Work Wonders For Their Image And Reputation. Narcs Love People Thinking Highly Of Them. It’s An Ego Boost For One And It Also Helps Them Gain Attention And Favours Because People Are More Willing To Trust And Spend Time With People Who Are High Functioning. Narcs See Everyone Around As An Extension Of Themselves Rather Than As Separate Individuals. This Includes Their Own Children.
There Are Several Mistakes The Narc Parent Is Certain To Make During Their Counter-Parenting Journey. These Mistakes Will Undoubtedly Come Back To Haunt Them, Possibly Years Down The Line. Narcs Are So Self-absorbed They Fail To Stop And Consider That Children Eventually Grow Up And See The Damaging Behaviour With Their Own Eyes. Their Children Are Not Immune From Being At The Receiving End Of The Narc's Cycle Of ‘idealise And Devalue’, Where They Are Alternately Lovebombed, (Showered With Praise And Attention), And Then Subtly Devalued, Criticised, Withdrawn From And Put Down. This Leaves Them Confused And Hurt, And They Start Jumping Through Hoops To Please The Parent Enough To Re-Enter The Idealization Phase Again. This Is A Cycle That Repeats Ad Infinitum, Over And Over Again, Even When The Child Becomes An Adult Themselves.
Narcs' Children Will Be Triangulated And Played Off Against Others (Often Their Own Siblings Or Cousins), And Will Find Themselves Vying For The Narc’s Attention. They Will Be Gaslighted/Lied To By The Narc To The Point Where They Their Own Reality Is Dismissed As False, So That They Stop Trusting Their Own Perceptions Of Reality. They Will Be Demeaned And Shamed. If They Are Particularly Good At Something, Behind Closed Doors They May Find Themselves On The Receiving End Of The Narc Parent’s Jealously. Confusingly, The Narc May Then, In Front Of An Audience, Hold Up Their Child’s Talent As A Source Of Pride, As Just Another Way To Gain Positive Attention For Themselves.
It’s Not Surprising That Narcs Want Children For Selfish Reasons. Everything Else In Their Life Revolves Around Them, So Why Should This Be Any Different? But It’s Easy For Their Partners To Be Fooled Into Thinking That They Want Them For The Right Reasons, Especially When The Narcissist Knows What To Say. Narcs May Talk Romantically About How Children Will Bring Them Closer And How Much Joy They’ll Bring, Which Is All Very Appealing, But When The Children Arrive, The Harsh Reality Kicks In. The Narc Becomes More Narc Because They Can Get Away With It And Spends Little Time And Energy On Their Children Because They’re Still Hyper Focused On Themselves. Despite All The Promises They Made, The Sad Truth Is That Even With Children, Narcs Want Everything To Revolve Around Them And They’re Happy To Take The Focus Away From Their Children Because Deep Down, They’re Big Kids Themselves.
In Short, And To Put It Bluntly, Narcs Do Not Have What It Takes To Be Good Parents. They Cannot Put Another’s Needs First.
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darlingcarol1ne · 1 year
Each time I tell the story, minor details change. Sometimes it's raining. Other times a light drizzle. Once, it never even rained at all. The shirt you wore was blue but maybe it was beige? In one version, you hissed as you danced your trembling hand under the faucet to drown all the blood. In the extended epilogue of that version, you had just thrown a vase at my head and missed, the shrapnel wounding you instead. On the days that I am fearless and poet enough, I tell people the rehearsed story: the one where you walked through the front door and kissed me as I fisted your beige t-shirt with the blue stripes. I throw a light drizzle of olive oil on the focaccia bread and pretend not to tremble when you raise your voice. You don’t “mean” to throw the vase but you do anyway and the wound finds you instead and I think to myself that this might be my only form of justice. Now, years later, I dance to drown out the blood.
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haunted-whisperings · 1 month
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when i look in the mirror i never trust what i see having trouble realizing me told what to do, what to feel where do i begin to find what is real i said no, “you mean yes” i guess not so sure anymore an uneven score wanting more do i deserve such i feel i have been missing much caught in a web of lies unheard for years, my many cries chains stay the course do you think he feels remorse overactive emotions dysfunctional neurotransmitters i’m not a quitter not even bitter i just need to know how do i go from here to there care self-distrust do i matter much it’s not a crutch i’m struck by a twist of fate stalemate maybe someone help me figure this out untwist my brain serotonin lost my mood the cost depressed on a quest to find my true mind real emotions presynaptic collapse my body reacts self-harm moving to my arm sound the alarm imperfections now found on my body’s sacred ground tell me the truth show me what to do is this true as tears drop shocked mediating tension hand is wrenching stainless steel again appeals to the theory of invalidation
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Manage your expectations. The more you expect YOU from the narcissist, the more disappointed you’ll be. Expecting the narcissist to suddenly be normal, respectful, understanding and logical is a great way to be more and more disappointed. Let yourself be disappointed instead of gaslighting yourself into believing that they will one day “see the error in their ways” and holding your breath for however much time you think they need to see the light or whatever. (Tip: pour that energy and effort into yourself and your healing journey.) When you expect them to be exactly who they are, it’s a lot less shocking to observe them being exactly who they are. Instead of having expectations of other people (in general too, not just narcs), taking them at face value and trusting their behaviour over their words will save you an immense amount of stress. Of course, this doesn’t change the situation or eliminate the stress completely, but it’s a great start to have this shift in perspective in the back of your mind. 🚨🚨🚨PS: Registration is OPEN for my free webinar: Creating Your Own Closure After Narcissistic Abuse! It’s happening LIVE on March 28, at 2:00 pm EST. Go to the link in my bio to register! #Narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #mentalabuse #narcissist #hiddenabuse #gaslighting #manipulators #verbalabuse #covertnarcissist #narcopath #projection https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2OyyYMtwL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyarskaren52 · 11 months
safehalton Today is the day we celebrate all women who have been told they are not worthy, who have fought through abuse and trauma, who have overcome adversities, and through it all they triumphed and learned to love them self. Happy International Women’s Day!
-Love, the Safe Committee
#internationwomensday #domesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #endvas #halton #vas #safe #girlpower #strength #perseverance #power #smile #happy #standtogether #breathe #emotionalabuse #abuse #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #dreams #wisdom #spiritualwar #cleansing #psychologicaladvise #relationshipadvice #spiritualguidance ##relationshipgoals #tarotreadersofinstagram #healing #energyhealing #psychology #awareness #domesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #survivors #vaw #SAFE #halton #domesticviolenceawareness
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ex-cogtfi · 4 months
To close 2023, we're sharing this heartfelt poem by COG-TFI survivor E.S. @poetry_catharsis that traces the impact of psychological and emotional abuse inflicted upon children, the devastating repercussions, and the reclaiming and unlearning we choose as survivors. The choices we make each day to choose self love and freedom, to rewrite the messages ingrained in us. To take back what was stolen from us before we were born.
May 2024 be a year of continued healing and awareness, as we support survivors in telling their stories and healing, and shine a light on cults and cultic abuse.
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carrieanncleveland · 1 year
Understanding Narcissistic Abuse: What It Is and How To Recover?
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Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional and psychological abuse that is perpetrated by someone with narcissistic personality disorder or traits. It can take many forms, including gaslighting, manipulation, emotional neglect, belittling, and exploitation.
The following are some common signs of narcissistic abuse:
A constant need for attention and admiration
Belittling, demeaning, or insulting language or behavior
An inability to acknowledge or apologize for mistakes
A lack of empathy for others
Manipulation and gaslighting
Control and domination over their partner
Emotional neglect or abandonment
Blaming their partner for everything that goes wrong in the relationship
Isolation from family and friends
Threats or violence.
Recovering from narcissistic abuse can be a long and difficult process, but it is possible. The following are some strategies that may help:
Seek Therapy: Therapy can provide a safe space to process your experiences and emotions, and can help you develop coping mechanisms for dealing with triggers and negative thoughts.
Build a Support System: Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive and understanding, and who can provide emotional support when you need it.
Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. This can include exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with the person who has abused you, and stick to them. This can include limiting or cutting off contact, and refusing to engage in behaviors that are harmful to you.
Challenge Negative Self-Talk: Work to identify and challenge negative beliefs and thoughts about yourself that were reinforced by the abuse.
Take Legal Action If Necessary: If you have experienced physical or sexual abuse, or if your partner has engaged in illegal activities, consider taking legal action.
Recovering from narcissistic abuse can be a difficult and overwhelming process. It is important to seek professional help to heal from the trauma of being in an abusive relationship. Therapy for narcissistic trauma, emotional abuse victims, and survivors of domestic violence are all available options for those seeking help. Professional counselors and therapists can provide support, guidance, and tools to help individuals manage their emotions, cope with the effects of the abuse, and develop healthy coping strategies. With the right kind of therapy, survivors can begin to heal from their traumatic experiences and move forward with their lives.
Remember, recovery is a process, and it can take time. Be patient with yourself and seek support when you need it.
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mywaysofhealing · 2 years
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Trauma gets passed from generation to generation. Be the one to put an end to it!! Break this cycle of suffering once and for all in your family. I believe in you! Check out the posts on our website to start your healing process
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talktoangel2 · 9 months
what is Emotional Abuse?
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Emotional abuse is a form of mistreatment that involves the use of tactics to manipulate, control, and harm another person emotionally and psychologically. Unlike physical abuse, which involves physical harm, emotional abuse primarily targets an individual's feelings, self-esteem, and mental well-being. It often occurs within relationships where there is a power imbalance, such as intimate partnerships, familial relationships, friendships, or workplace dynamics.
"TalkToAngel" is a representative of online counseling services, which provide virtual access to professional therapists and counselors. These services offer a range of benefits:
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A list of the things you taught me:
You taught me that in order to be loved, I have to repress my traits, my hopes, my dreams, my passions, and my entire identity.
You taught me that my needs are secondary to the needs of those around me.
You taught me that struggling is something to fear, something that makes me unsafe.
You taught me to always be vigilant of those around me, to watch who I trust.
You taught me I can't trust myself, no matter how clear my perception.
You taught me that I'm a burden on those around me.
You taught me to fear the thoughts and opinions of others.
You taught me that I'm broken.
You taught me that I'm inherently awful.
You taught me that I will never be good enough for you or anyone else.
In turn, I taught myself...
I taught myself to exist unapologetically, as my fullest self, and that love and acceptance will follow.
I taught myself that my needs are valid, true, and worthwhile.
I taught myself that while struggling hurts, I'm safe with the right people.
I taught myself how to build trust, and how to fully trust those who deserve it.
I taught myself how to trust myself, how to look inward and listen to myself.
I taught myself that absolutely NO ONE is a burden, and we are all deserving of accommodation, acceptance, and love, and that includes me.
I taught myself discernment on what opinions are worth listening to, and that the healthy, well-intentioned thoughts and criticisms of others can be tools by which we grow.
I taught myself that different doesn't make me broken.
I taught myself that I'm a kind, decent, loving person who's been through a lot, and that my mistakes do not define who I am.
I taught myself that I am already good enough, I always have been, and I always will be, to the people that truly love me.
You can't hurt me anymore.
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At what age did your parents stop bandaging the wounds and start creating them?
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beewholly · 9 months
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#schizoid #schizoidpersonalitydisorder #depression #abuse #emotionalabuse #emotionalneglect #freenow https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFHfVgMYcj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haunted-whisperings · 1 month
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could you hit me just once, leave a mark split my sides for the world to see rather than fighting my mind i succumb to the blind sides of pain & agony
PLEASE push me against the wall make me fall, bleed you invalidated me long ago sowing seeds of insignificance
punch my clock leave me to rot confused by lies i’d like to see you cry innate emotional intelligence this dance has broken my defense i don’t know what to believe about me
emotionally lost my cost tossed minimized killing my confidence constantly paying penance drained soul raining
draining “stop being so emotional” my backbone no longer breaks with stones thrown
knock me out, cold tired of the toll unheard, discounted pressure mounted nailed to the cross you say you’re the boss
i now carry my weight in an altered state splintered wintered
hit me, it’s all good leave me like you should bleeding i won’t beg for my life PLEASE at least then i have a chance leave me for dead
“Telling a person she shouldn't feel the way she does feel is akin to telling water it shouldn't be wet, grass it shouldn't be green, or rocks they shouldn't be hard. Each person's feelings are real. Whether we like or understand someone's feelings, they are still real. Rejecting feelings is rejecting reality; it is to fight nature and may be called a crime against nature, "psychological murder" or "soul murder." Considering that trying to fight feelings, rather than accept them, is trying to fight all of nature, you can see why it is so frustrating, draining and futile.” ~ S. Hein ~
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It’s a waste of time and energy trying to reason with unreasonable people. Pour that energy into yourself and your healing journey instead. Even if the narc lives with you and it currently feels like a hopeless situation, you can still engage less. Yes it’s easier said than done. Yes the narcissist will probably get mad and lash out when they notice you engaging less. But also, YES anything the narcissist says to you is calculated to incite a reaction out of you. They get a little kick out of your reaction. Being aware of how you react and making a conscious effort to not react while you’re talking to the narcissist is how you begin to take your power back. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t become the grey rock champion overnight. None of this is ever an overnight process. It’s all about baby steps one day at a time. This is where doing the emotional work comes in handy - processing your emotions (away from the narcissist) can actually help you to not react emotionally to them. Want a little taste of doing the inner work? Grab my free rage journaling guide at the link in my bio! Want to take your healing journey up a notch and join a safe community for survivors to connect, get access to my best courses, attend live events, and have a safe place to share or vent what you’re going through and share your wins? Then I invite you to join my community membership! The best part is it’s super affordable, you can get started for less than $1/day! Click the link in my profile to learn more. (Disclaimer: inner work won’t help you if the narc gets physically violent. If that happens or seems like it might happen, an Instagram post is not going to help you, get yourself to safety asap and get authorities involved! Your physical safety is always # 1!) #Narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticabuse #narcissistfree #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissisticabuseexpert #emotionalabuse #psychologicalabuse #mentalabuse #toxicistoxic #toxicpeople #gaslightingawareness #darktriad https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDuZjaONJE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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