autopsyfreak · 3 days
narcissus understands me
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traumatizeddfox · 2 months
we seriously need to change the language when it comes to abuse. narc abuse does not exist. abusers can have mental disorders, triggers, or traumas but that does not mean people with the same disorder is abusive.
when i first realized i was abused i fell down the narcissistic abuse tiktok trail, i started to believe the only reason my ex was abusive was because he had NPD (he is diagnosed) but then after more of my own research, and conversations with people who are diagnosed with NPD, I realized that abusers are just abusers, and that a lot of people with this disorder are the ones being abused, ostracized from society and not taken serious.
The thing about abusers is they all share the same brain cell, which is why you can list off 10 things most abusers do and a lot of victims will relate. I get countless anons of victims telling me things their abusers did, and I can usually 8/10 times relate on some kind of level, because abusers, again literally only share one brain cell.
The issue with this is abuse has been almost synonymous with the word "narcissist". The amount of shit you see with "Narc abuse", when it's really just abuse. People making countless posts about "how to spot a narcissist, how to fix the narc", etc and I can guarantee you that not all of these abusers have NPD.
BUT we live in such a world of "what about me", so when people try to break the stigma of NPD, victims assume you're telling them they weren't abused. They mention x y z thing that their abuser did, they bring up their mother who maybe was one and maybe their abuser does have NPD, but then these same people want to scream about mental health awareness. They want to say that "Your disorder is not your story", or that everyone with a disorder deserves love, respect, therapy and help but once anyone with a disorder that isn't socially acceptable, it's as if these people turn a blind eye to anyone with a disorder that isn’t classified as worthy. No one is telling you to respect or love the piece of shit who abused you, hurt you, bullied you. Fuck that, but we HAVE to stop associating abuse with npd. if we want to make a change to mental health and the stigma, we need to do with all disorders.
People make these videos, blogs, books, posts, etc on narcissists like they arent...human. The stigma has turned anyone with cluster B personality disorders into something hideous, when really, most of these people are born this way, or deep rooted trauma. BUT when people hear this, they think its giving an excuse. No one is telling you that you have to love ur abuser who might be a narcissist, or that mental disorders = pass. No. Your abuser can have NPD, OCD, depression, etc and be a completely terrible person, and no one is giving them a pass. (Maybe some might but thats a completely different story.) but to just assume NPD = abuser and abuser = npd, is incredibly ableist, but people aren't ready for that one.
The way people talk about people with NPD like they are monsters, and ghouls waiting in the dark corners of the street, waiting to snatch their next victim (who they always describe as being an empath because these people think having empathy = being a good person, when most people aren't even empaths.) They like to romanticize their abuse as well. Talking about how narcissists spot victims who are so "kind, loving, wonderful, special." They try to make it this thing that it's not. Abusers do not abuse you because you are special. they abuse you because they are abusers. Your abuser is a piece of shit who deserves to die because they are an abuser. not because they have a disorder.
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selfhealingmoments · 2 months
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
Are narcissists incapable of feeling empathy?
Not necessarily - and that goes for any condition that people often associate with lack of/low empathy. The human brain is more complicated than that, so it's a lot better to expect variation while keeping a range in mind than to assume things will be black and white.
Also, empathy is not the same as compassion/caring about others. It literally just means "Ah, I can identify what emotion this person is feeling" not "I feel their pain/wish they weren't in pain", so having it doesn't automatically make someone good, nor does not having it make someone evil.
And this ask inspired me to make memes, so thanks, anon.
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narcissismarticles · 5 months
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Like a naughty toddler, narcissists play up when they're not getting the attention they need. To a narcissist, negative attention is better than none.
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oasisr · 10 months
Getting yelled at by your family members for being the voice of reason or just trying to communicate and work out complex issues is a sign that your family is filled with toxic narcissists.
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syko-raccoon · 23 days
Me when i add 100000 tags on a post only for 2 ppl to like it and its my gf and cousin
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ninepentz · 18 days
Some narcissists-
Are too easily offended by people either challenging their opinions, giving them back the same energy, any type of criticism whether it's good or bad.
For example I know a narcissist in my life who basically tries to be so intimidating all the time, argue, control everything and I noticed that whenever she's having a bad day she would take it out on me. I used to let it affect me deeply and take everything personal to where I started becoming just as bad as them. Arguing back and forth, physical/loud fights, calling each other names, being petty etc. Till I realized that is what's feeding their ego even more to see me basically taking their bait and engaging with them for some odd reason. Some narcissists get a kick out of you paying attention to them and proving them right. Bc what they do is twist your words and use your reactions to make themselves look better.
Overtime I learned that aggressively defending myself, constantly explaining my boundaries, even trying to talk things out, didn't help AT ALL. But what did work was not speaking with them, ignoring their negativity, being cordial/keeping my distance, which has done so much for my mental health. Now I let them do whatever the hell they do, it's none of my business anymore. The quieter I became, the more peaceful things got.
The thing about some narcissists is that if you offend them or mirror their behaviors back to them they get even more aggressive and defensive which brings out all their worst behaviors even more. And one thing you can never do is change the narcissist, they don't respect others unless they admire you, need something from you, and things like that. Nothing you do will make them change.
What helped me tho is just stop to responding and acknowledging them, simply agreeing to keep the peace and protecting my own energy. Idc what they say or do anymore bc I know it's just their own internal BS that they project onto everyone else.
Ever since then I haven't had not one issue regarding them that I used to deal with before, all I deal with now is my own personal issues and whatever goes on in my personal life. I'd rather have that than arguing in circles with a narcissist lol so I hope this helps anyone who's dealing with anything similar.
Stop engaging, be cordial, and don't take things personally. That's how you stay in your own lane and avoid getting poisoned by someone else's demons.
Thank you for reading 😊
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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alostlittleriverlotus · 8 months
"is it their fault their brain developed that way? No. But they still have the disorder."
"if you killed every narcissist, you would save more people than you would kill"
"narcissism is deadly"
"narcissists are evil"
"do you even know anyone with narcissism?! I do and they're awful people!"
"narcissism can't be cured"
"caring for a human as toxic as that when they literally deserve nothing but a life worse than hell"
These are just a few things I saw about NPD from someone very angry. And I could write more, but my phone is dying and lagging. Cause it was a whole ass multiple paragraphs from people angry about us simply existing.
But sure, ableism against narcissists doesn't exist. Yes I know someone with it, my mom. Yes I know someone with it, me. Yes before I fully understood it in a non-stigmatized way and thought my friend might have it, I was normal about it and knew she was a good egg.
So yes. There is ableism and hatred for us preventing us from being treated. This is who you side with if you think narcissistic abuse is valid even if you can separate the person from the disorder, even if you can separate the word from the disorder, even if you just mean the "toxic" narcissist. This ableism kills and has led people with NPD to suicide. Even my unstable ass is tempted to search up ableism just to give me a reason to go through with killing myself.
So yeah. Fuck anyone that won't listen to us even when educated. You are absolutely ableist and even if you aren't like this person or agree with it, you are on the same side as them. This is what fucking ableism looks like. This is the shit we get fucking told and talked about as if we aren't human. It may be personality disorders, particularly NPD and ASPD now, but it has been BPD and still is in many way. This is the same ableism that will affect other disorders. It may be mostly targeted at narcissists and antisocial now, but it still happens to every disorder because it is not destigmatized and if u throw the personality disorders, the psychotic disorders, the scary "abusive" disorders under the bus, you are only aiding that stigmatization. This shit gets said about us constantly as we are treated like demons, not human, monsters, heartless cruel abusers. When we have been abused too. When we are still more likely to be abused. When no disorder is more likely to be abusive than any other disorder or any neurotypical person.
You just hate the mentally ill. All of us should be included in mental health matters.
Anti-narcissists will assume every narcissist is evil and abusive in a very black and white thinking way without even knowing us. If we are narcissists, they'll use it to discredit anything we say. This is what you side with if you believe in narcissistic abuse. Even if you don't agree with it or believe in it, you are allowing it to continue instead of fighting for us on our side or even just continuing to use those terms.
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demonized-infodumps · 1 month
Honestly, I kind of like being demonized. But only when it's directed towards me. The other Narcissists are amazing, how dare anyone say otherwise, but when it comes to me I want someone to degrade me. To call me a narcissist in an insulting way, or to say I'm a monster. I don't want them to generalize narcissism, but I for some reason still want to hear myself because called a narcissist in an insulting way? I don't understand it.
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kosmic-apothecary · 5 days
Don’t Zionists ever get tired of their own bullshit? This one admits the people who want to see Palestine be free of occupation and apartheid are good people then repeats the ludicrous lie that they all want her dead. it’s honestly hilarious how insane they are 😆
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“I can’t trust anyone anymore” Yeah, you can’t trust because at any moment some great person you’ve been friends with all your life could turn out to be one of those brave principled people who stands up for the most oppressed people on earth who are going through a LITERAL GENOCIDE. You poor thing, @jewishspite! How will you ever get through this?
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autopsyfreak · 12 days
living with NPD is having an internal struggle with who you are, how you look, how you’re being perceived, etc. that doesn’t match the way you act externally.
it’s having debilitating crashes over your own appearance and other aspects of yourself, whilst simultaneously trying to make sure others still know you’re better than them, that you’re still superior to them.
this condition hurts us more than a lot of people seem to think. if you seriously believe that those around us suffer more from our condition than we do, then you’re severely uneducated about the internal sufferings of having NPD.
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introvertedlass · 8 months
Remember...terrible people are often very good at convincing people they are safe, upstanding, positive role models. They do this so you have a hard time believing that they are capable of doing horrible things to people. They gaslight their victims and make their friends and family go on the offensive because they can't accept that someone they love and admire could betray their trust and loyalty.
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traumatizeddfox · 1 year
why don’t people with NPD get help?
literally the first thing i searched up on google is how to deal with them..?
now you do the math
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narcissismarticles · 5 months
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Have you felt depleted after spending time with a narcissist?
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satansfavoritedyke · 1 year
I almost can't believe I have to say this but the weird more recent uptick in celebration for people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is genuinely sickening because you people don't realize you're PRIMING yourselves to become victims of the very specific kind of abuse that certain people with NPD dole out. And because most of y'all on this site specifically have massive issues with reading comprehension let me explicitly state that I'm not at all saying that every person with NPD is an inherent abuser, but what I AM saying is that NPD (just like BPD, or any other disorder), is a DIS-ORDER that requires various forms of TREATMENT and WORK on the person's part to assist the disordered individual to become more interpersonally, socially, vocationally, and broadly successful in their lives. Rampantly untreated NPD that isn't controlled by the individual with the condition leaves MUCH more room for the person to become abusive in a very specific way.
This is why narcissistic abuse IS a real thing. I will even concede that pop culture psychology/Instagram therapy culture is largely unproductive on the subject because it lacks the nuance of the actual human condition, but on the subject of nuance, the widespread conversation regarding recognizing the signs of how narcissistic abuse begins will save more lives than people with NPD's feelings are bruised. And now to tie in the point from my first sentence, all of you who are expressing support and lauding people with NPD, whether you know it or not, are painting a fucking target on your backs. It bears repeating that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is exactly that, a DISORDER, with a set of symptoms that are DISRUPTIVE to not only the individual with the condition but also to those they interact with should they go untreated and uncontrolled. So as you're proclaiming your undying blanket support to a group of individuals with a disorder who, left untreated, exhibit symptoms that are inherently disruptive and antithetical to healthy interpersonal relationships, remember one of the main categorical symptoms of NPD is the massively skewed sense of grandiosity and self importance; in simpler terms, you could be contributing incredibly negatively to that malignant sense of entitlement.
People with NPD, just like any other psychological condition/personality disorder/mental illness, should be encouraged to seek help and treatment, not egged on to continue to believe and act harmfully and irrationally as a result of their disorder. Think before you fucking speak on something you definitely don't understand, because the only thing better for a narcissist than a clueless person is someone who publicly accepts their disorder and will welcome them into their lives despite their behavior.
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