#(it's not good by any measure of the imagination. BUT i gotta start somewhere i suppose. get better by doing and all that jazz.)
silasbug · 1 year
i am going to work on that damned thing i've been trying to write and actually finish it so HELP ME god. there will be no scribbling. no gaming. no frolicking around on the guitar. no off-key singing and no reading. until it's done.
(i'm exaggerating, but it's a way to get motivated, i guess).
(there will be reading. a lot of it).
(the bug is weak.)
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moemammon · 3 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Hey, I'm really struggling with my depression and I was wondering if you could write a Harringrove for me? Maybe something warm and fluffy? Please and thank you.
"I really don't know about this, Bill," Steve said for what felt like the fiftieth time in the past few minutes.
"You just gotta trust me, Pretty Boy."
"Yeah, That's the fucking issue-" Steve's voice wavered on the last word as his footing slipped the tiniest bit on the narrow walkway. "Jesus. Jesus."
"We're almost there, you tiny little baby. And then you'll see that I'll never lead you astray."
"Nope. Not astray. Just to my certain death."
Billy laughed openly at Steve, his face red and pinched as he clung onto Billy's hand for dear life, taking tiny scooting steps forward along the path.
They were skirting along the ledge of the old water tower outside of town, and Steve was scared.
The tower was high and seemed rickety, like it could collapse at any moment. The large water tank was covered in years of graffiti by idiot kids like them, and the handrail that should've wound along the whole walkway was suspiciously gone in many areas. Billy said the vandal kids probably pushed it off. Steve was choosing to believe him and not keep telling himself that the thing rotted right off this huge metal deathtrap way up in the night sky.
"We just gotta get around to the other side, and you'll never doubt me again."
Steve was plastered to the water tank, scooting slowly along behind Billy, taking measured breaths and trying not to let his fear ruin the special little date night Billy had surprised Steve with.
It sounded so cute and romantic when put like that. That's why Steve frantically got dressed and dived into the Camaro when Billy knocked on his front door at half passed-ass o'clock in the morning.
But now Steve was heading towards the end of his life.
Being dragged right off the edge of an unsafe structure.
"A few more steps, Baby. C'mon. You'll love this."
He was most certainly not going to love this. Whatever Billy had in store for them, Steve was going to hate on principle.
They edged around the tank, until Billy suddenly stopped, and lowered himself to sit on the edge of the walkway, his legs dangling over the side.
"If this is some kinda 'til death do us part shit, I'm not-"
"Just sit down, Harrington. Fuck." Billy's bright smile gave away how not mad he actually was.
Steve sat down cautiously, keeping himself and his legs a good distance away from the edge.
Billy pulled something out of his pocket, and Steve has never been happier in his life to see an old beat-up plaid thermos, and to smell the coffee, kept hot and fresh in the inner pocket of Billy's jacket this whole time.
They shared the one small cup, taking sips of the milky coffee, Billy knowing Steve would rather die than drink his black.
"I came up here a lot when I first moved here. Before I started comin' round your place. When I got mad or just. Couldn't deal. Haven't been here in a bit, because now I'm always with you, but I thought. I want you to see it."
Billy was staring at his watch as to not have to look Steve in the eye as he spoke.
"That's very sweet, but this better be worth me shitting my pants up here for."
"I really didn't know you were so weird about heights. Sorry, Sugar."
He was laughing. Steve was scared out of his goddamn mind and was about ten seconds from pushing Billy off the edge, and he's laughing.
"You're the worst. You're the bane of my existence. The thorn in my side. Please don't ever speak to me again-"
Steve cut himself off.
Somewhere, in the back of his brain, he had noticed it getting lighter. The sky turning that weak grey it does, making everything look like it was black-and-white.
But this.
This was gold.
This was gold and yellow and green and blue and all the fucking colors Steve could ever imagine and moremoremore.
He's seen the sunrise before. But never from a place like this.
He can see all of Hawkins, sprawled out in front of them. The tiny little town full of government conspiracies and children with special mind powers and a brand new mall still under construction.
He can see the horizon. The slope of the Earth curving out in the distance, fields and flatlands and forests as far as the eye can see, leading his sight to the splash of colors in the east.
"Bill, oh my god."
"Told you. Told you."
Steve doesn't even know what Billy told him. He didn't know anything except for all these fucking colors, and the warmth of the sun as it began to unfold from beyond the horizon, and Billy's hand in his and-
"I love you."
Steve's eyes snapped away from those colors, right over to Billy's face, bather in gold and green and blue and orange and yellow. He looked so beautiful, like a piece of perfect art only Steve gets to see. Vulnerable and kind.
"I've never said that to anyone before. But, I mean it."
It was obvious he did. Sharing this amazing thing with Steve like it was all that mattered.
Like Steve was all that mattered.
"Fuck. Fuck, Bill. I love you. I love you so much."
He wrapped himself around Billy, no longer giving any kind of a fuck about the height of the tower.
Only caring about Billy and the warmth of the sun and the colors colors colors and I've never said that to anyone before.
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merakiui · 3 years
Okay I’m back I have more thoughts sorry for the spam ahsihsjshdjdn
S/Os who are protective but don’t limit their S/O bc they trust them ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (don’t limit part is bare minimum don’t date somebody who controls you!!)
S/Os who worry but also can reasonably assure themselves that their S/O will be fine 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
S/Os who support their partners desicons and spend time teaching them how to fight/defend themselves 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Okay I’m basically talking about Benny. Out of all the Genshin boys I think he’d be protective while also being incredibly helpful and supportive. Like ‘yea I will teach you how to fight but also please don’t start swinging at monsters until you get the basics down’ kinda thing
Benny supermacy!!!! God I love He
On the flip slide.... over protective and also incredibly unhealthy? Gotta be Diluc or Xiao.
They’ve loved and lost so many times that they’re not willing to get close to anybody again. And if by any chance you DO somehow find your way into their hearts?
There’s only so many things that could happen:
1-they will make sure you know how to fight and can protect yourself (in the scenario that you are just a regular person)
2-they distance themselves from you
3-they make sure you’ll be safe forever and the only way to be safe is by their side... and you can never leave.
Anyway I’m a sucker for the protective S/O character thingy but god I love imagining the so many different ways it could go wrong
Do not apologize!!! I accept any and all spam. Your brain is just so big. I LOVE IT! Share as much as you’d like! :D
Bennett is such a sweetheart. He would be so wholesome when training you in fighting techniques. And he’d be so careful about it, too. He teaches you how to properly swing your sword without hurting your arm or pulling a muscle, and he also makes sure you aren’t going to just run into a fight ahem Childe energy without enough time to train and practice properly.
He’d be so worried if you got hurt because you tried to fight without preparing beforehand. If anything, leave the bad luck to him! He’d rather suffer instead, so please don’t do anything rash. Bennett is going to train you to the best of his ability and after your arduous training you’ll be able to successfully defeat all sorts of monsters and enemies! Just please make sure you aren’t going to blindly swing your sword and hope for the best. Sometimes he can’t help but worry when unluckiness comes knocking at your door.
As for Xiao and Diluc, their overprotective tendencies do seem unhealthy. As you said, they’ve both loved and lost so it’s easy to see why they’d want to shelter their s/o. Xiao tells you to call for him whenever you’re in danger and he’ll be there in the blink of an eye to save you. But he’s usually very cold and distant with you, often saying rude things in hopes that you’ll get the hint and leave him alone. Xiao thinks he’ll be able to push you away if he’s mean enough; he really doesn’t want to come to terms with his feelings because they’re so useless to an adeptus like him. But he’ll still protect you because he can’t bear the thought of losing you.
Now with Diluc it’s a little different. He’s not an adeptus, so of course his own protective methods will differ from Xiao’s. Diluc is more inclined to keep you in the winery or somewhere where you’ll be truly safe and protected. He absolutely can’t take any chances, especially since you’re so fragile and can easily fall prey to monsters. If you didn’t have a Vision, that’s even more reason for him to keep you under lock and key. Diluc hopes you’ll understand that all of these measures are for your own good. It’s not like he intends to harm you or seriously isolate you, but it’s hard to trust you’ll be 100% safe out in the open. It’s a risk he can’t bother taking, so it’s easier to just confine you to spaces that are safe and free of stress.
Although I do think Diluc is more willing to recover from that overprotective habit than Xiao. In Diluc’s case, it doesn’t make him feel good to see you upset. So if dialing back will make you feel better he’s willing to at least try. But as soon as a threat arises and puts you in danger, it’s back to square one.
On the other hand, Xiao can’t bother trying. He’s an adeptus and you’re a normal mortal. Why should he change himself just because you managed to worm your way into his heart? It’ll take a lot of bargaining and begging to get Xiao to even consider fixing his overprotective tendencies. And even then it’s not like he’ll make a true effort...
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alisonsfics · 3 years
20 Questions
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader
Summary: “Howdy there! I wanted to request a cute imagine with Derek. The basic idea is that they're playing 20 questions or something and it gets really personal and cute and they express their feelings for each other.” - @dirty-pan-goblin
Word Count: 2.2k
“So now the wait begins” you said, leaning back into your seat.
You and Derek were on a stakeout outside of a suspect's house. You were both sitting in the SUV, just waiting. “I know a way we could pass the time” Derek said, smirking at you.
You cursed yourself because the first place your mind went was somewhere dirty. You couldn’t be blamed for that though, Derek Morgan was like most attractive man you had ever seen. So maybe you had developed a crush on your coworker, so what?
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” You asked him, looking over into his eyes. “20 questions?” He suggested. You thought about it for a second. You thought about the possible risks of playing this game with him. The benefits outweighed the risks, and besides you were really going to be bored if you didn’t play.
“Alright, I’m down. Hit me” you told him, embracing the challenge. “Okay, I’ll start easy. What was your first impression of me?” He asked you, curiously.
You thought back to your first day at the BAU. It had been a few years, then it all came back to you.
“Well I remember I walked into Quantico on my first day, and I was so lost. I was trying to find Hotch’s office, but I had no idea where it was. Then, I bumped into you and you asked if I needed help, and you showed me where to go. I remember thinking that you seemed like just a really good guy, like someone you could always rely on” you told him, smiling. Even on your first day, you felt like a school girl again when you were around Derek.
“So how does that first impression measure up to how you know me know?” Derek asked you, smirking. “Nope, only one question allowed. My turn. What is your ideal first date?” You asked him, raising your eyebrows.
“Nothing super fancy, maybe just seeing a movie or making dinner together. But like my absolute perfect date would be going to a carnival together” he told you, honestly.
“Who knew that you were such a romantic” you teased him. You were starting to get nervous, now that you guys were talking about dates. What if Derek asked you if you had your eyes on anyone?
“What do you value more, platonic relationships or romantic relationships?” He asked you, smirking. “Well if you’re doing it right, I think your significant other should also be like your best friend. I mean, you shouldn’t like ditch your friends because you like some guy. But you significant other should be someone you would be friends with, if you weren’t romantically attracted to them” you said, being completely honest.
“You are such a hopeless romantic, of course you would say that” Derek said, laughing and placing his hand on your forearm for a second. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. “You asked, don’t judge my answer” you said, sticking your tongue out at him and giggling.
“No judgement here, so what else do you want to know?” He asked you, giving you that million dollar smile. “What’s your favorite thing about me?” You asked him, giggling to yourself.
“Well that’s hard, you’re kind of a horrible person” Derek joked, chuckling. Your jaw dropped and you hit his arm, offended. “I cannot believe you, you are so rude! Give me a good answer” you said, pretending to pout.
“Probably how compassionate you are. You always make everyone feel supported, whether that’s victims or their families or even the rest of the team. You always know just how to comfort someone” he told you, giving you a small smile. “Awww Derek, you bit softie” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You were touched that he thought so highly of you. It’s really nice to get a compliment, every now and then. Especially from the guy you were head over heels for.
You picked your head back up and looked at him, waiting for your question.
“Have you ever been in love?” He asked you, sincerely. You thought about your answer for a second. “Yes, I’m somebody who falls in love really easily. I wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes that’s been bad and sometimes it’s good. What about you?” you told him, honestly.
“Once for sure, and then I kind of put up walls to protect my heart. I haven’t been truly in love since then. But I’m open to it and I don’t think it’s impossible, especially with the right person” he told you, looking into your eyes. For a split second, there was a certain sparkle in his eyes. When he mentioned the right person, it felt like he was talking about you.
You felt absolutely crazy for thinking he could be talking about you. There was no way, right?
“So are you currently in love?” Derek asked you, and you saw the same twinkle. “No, but there’s someone who I could see myself falling in love with” you told him, hoping he would get the hints.
“Can I ask a follow up question?” Derek asked, smirking at you. “Of course” you told him, smiling. “Am I that person?” He asked you, and you felt the butterflies in your stomach.
Then you saw the unsub come out of his house. “Derek look” you said, pointing towards the house. He looked away from you and towards the direction you were pointing. “Hotch, we got him. Y/N and I are going after him” Derek said, over the microphone.
You both jumped out of the SUV and pulled out your guns. “Daniel Sullivan, put your hands in the air” Derek called out, as you both pointed your guns at him.
The man saw you both and froze, and then he turned around and started running. “You still have to answer the question, when we’re done, Y/N” Derek said, as he started to chase the unsub.
“I’m going to cut him off in the alley” you told Derek, and then started running.
You made it to the alley and you could hear the unsub running. You could tell he was about to run out in front of you. You stopped and waited til he got closer. Then, at exactly the time, you kicked you leg out. Successfully knocking the unsub off of his feet.
“Nice one, L/N” Derek said to you, holding up his hand for a high five. You smiled and hit his hand, but Derek closed his hand so that your fingers were interlaced. He just smirked at you. You giggled to yourself and then pulled your hand away.
You grabbed the handcuffs off your belt and locked them around the wrists of the unsub. By then, the local police had arrived. One of the officers took the unsub from you, and transported him to the station.
“Come on, let’s go” Derek said, putting his arm around your shoulders. You both walked back to the SUV. You saw the rest of the team waiting there.
“The police just started to check the house, but they already found the victims. They’re safe” Hotch told you two. “That’s a relief” you said, sighing.
“We’re going to meet back at the police station, we’ll see you two there?” Rossi asked you both, smirking. You tried to ignore the smirk and just nodded your head. “Yeah, we’ll be there” Derek told him.
The rest of the team got in their SUV and left the scene. You started to walk towards the SUV. “Woah woah woah, you’re not getting off that easy, babygirl” Derek said, grabbing your hand and pulling you back towards him.
“What?” You asked, pretending to be clueless. “Listen, if you were talking about somebody else, that’s fine. We can both move on and be the good friends that we’ve always been. But, if you were talking about me, just tell me. Because I think you are amazing and one of the kindest and bravest people I’ve ever met. But I just need to know” he told you, honestly.
You looked down, not knowing what to say. Derek was still holding your hand in his and you could feel your cheeks heat up. Of course he was the person you were talking about, but you didn’t know how to tell him that.
But, Derek interpreted your hesitance as rejection. You saw a look of hurt in his eyes, as he slowly pulled his hand away. “I— I’m sorry that I asked” he said, starting to walk away.
“No, Derek wait!” You called out, not wanting to hurt him. He turned to face you. “You don’t have to apologize for how you feel, I understand” he told you, but he just looked like he was in pain.
“Two years, four months, and six days” you told him, only thinking of one way to tell him how you felt. Derek looked confused, to say the least. “You gotta help me out, L/N” he said, asking what you meant.
“That’s how long it’s been since I fell for you. It was the first time that your eyes sparkled when I looked at you, and the first time that I got butterflies when you called me babygirl” you told him, with a smile on your face. He started to walk back towards you, slowly.
“Are you saying?” He asked you, almost not believing it. “Yes Derek, you’re the person I was talking about. You are the most caring person I know. Any time that I’m ever feeling down, you always make sure I know that you’re always there for me. You are selfless and compassionate and the only person I never get sick of talking to” you told him, honestly.
Derek closed the distance between the two of you and cupped your face. He leaned in and kissed your lips. It felt magical.
You rested your hands on his forearms and kissed him back, with all the love you had in you. It felt like it the years of pent up feelings, were poured into this kiss.
And just before the kiss could become too heated for being in public, you pulled away. The smile on Derek’s face was contagious.
You both looked a young, teen couple. You both had the biggest smiles on your faces, and expressions of pure bliss.
“I’m glad I asked you to play 20 questions with me” Derek said, truthfully. “Yeah, so am I” you said, kissing his cheek. He moved his hands from cupping your face to wrap around your waist.
“We should probably get back to the station, before the team starts to get suspicious” Derek told you, looking into your eyes. You giggled to yourself, knowing that the whole team was definitely already aware of crushes the two of you had. They always knew.
“Yeah, I guess duty calls” you said, as you both pulled away and walked to the car. You both drove back to the police station and Derek’s hand didn’t leave your thigh for the whole ride.
When you both pulled into the police station, you both got out of the car and walked inside. You were both met by Spencer standing right in front of you.
He looked like he was trying to say something. “What’s up, pretty boy” Derek asked him, curiously. “Rossi and Emily told me to ask if you two were dating. They figured you two would be most likely to tell me the truth out of everyone” Spencer told you.
You both laughed, that sounded exactly like something Emily and Rossi would do. “Come on Reid, let’s go talk to them” you said, starting to walk towards the room where the BAU was set up in. Both Spencer and Derek followed you.
“Hey” Emily said, when the three of you walked in. “Are you using precious, little Dr.Reid to spy on us?” You asked, leaning into Spencer’s side. “I have no idea what you’re talking about” Emily lied.
“So I guess if Derek and I were together, you wouldn’t care?” You teased Emily. “Wait! You two ARE together? I was right” Emily said, cheering for herself. Then, Rossi took out his wallet and handed Emily a twenty dollar bill.
“Were you two betting on us?” Derek asked them, shocked. “Nope, not all” they both said, in unison. “Reid?” You asked, looking over at Spencer. “They had a bet going about how long it would take you two to start dating” Spencer said, truthfully.
“Spencer” they both groaned in frustration. “I can’t believe you were betting on us” Derek said, chuckling. “Are you kidding? That sounds just like something they would do” you said, giggling.
Hotch entered the room and said “It’s time to go, we’re leaving for the airport”. You all got up and got into the SUV’s, to drive to the airport.
Once you were on the jet, Emily pulled you aside and demanded that you tell her every detail of how you and Derek got together. As you were telling the story, you kept glancing up and making eye contact with Derek. He was playing chess against Spencer, and losing badly.
Every time you two made eye contact, he would wink at you or wave. And every time, it left a smile on your face.
You had worried about how dating Derek would affect the relationship of the team. But now, you had no doubt that nothing would change or be awkward.
taglist: @reniescarlett @thelovelyrose @shyinadarkplace @azghedaheda @meowiemari @millipop18 @airiloveskuromi-chan @k-k0129 @ssareidbby
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character!!
Requests OPEN
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jonkentt · 3 years
we could move in together
or Bucky suffering but make it crack****
Bucky drops onto the couch with a contented sigh. He stretches out, hands behind his head, smirking like he’s truly done something to be proud of. Sam’s coming over for dinner and finally, finally Bucky’s got a plan. They’ve been alternating these datenights dinners and whenever it’s Sam’s turn he cooks. Big batches of stuff he says he wants to make for Sara and the boys if it’s any good. Course, it’s always good. Bucky loves Sam’s cooking. He loves showing up much too early so he can watch Sam cook. Sam gets in fights with pots and pans, curses under his breath whenever he measures something wrong. You’d think everything he made would be a disaster but somehow, no matter how many times Sam swears that internet recipes are the bane of his existence, the food is delicious. Which makes Bucky feel like an asshole for ordering take-out on his turn every single time.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to cook for Sam. Boy, has he tried. But how can he tell if anything’s edible? Nothing compares to Sam’s cooking. So Bucky’ll make something, taste a spoonful, and decide it’s complete shit just in time for Sam to show up. There’s been a couple of close calls when Sam asked why his apartment smelled like pasta if they were eating deli sandwiches. (“It smells burnt in here, Buck.” “Ha! Yeah, I think my neighbor, uh, had some trouble.”) But tonight, Bucky has a plan. He found a recipe that was supposed to be “fool proof” and practiced making it yesterday. Sure it’s a mac-n-cheese casserole but there were several different cheeses in it so… that should count for something. He had a dish waiting to be put it in the oven when Sam arrived.
“I think we got this all tied up, don’t you Alpine?” Bucky says to the rabbit as she makes her way across the room to settle on his feet. Alpine’s favorite place to sit is on Bucky’s feet, which he thinks is adorable. He considers cuddling Alpine on his lap but Sam will be here any minute and he doesn’t need to be covered in bunny hair. Bucky as some class. The self-satisfied grin is still plastered to his face when Sam let’s himself into his apartment.
“Sam! You gotta explain this show to me! TV doesn’t make sense anymore.” His smile falters when he turns to see Sam crossing the room in long strides, some kind of burning intent clear on his face. “Uh—” Sam lands on the couch turned towards him. Bucky is keenly aware of the lack of personal space Sam has left between them. Sam’s knee is practically in his lap. Bucky sits there with his mouth half open, struck by the intensity of Sam’s stare. He doesn’t look angry, so that’s good at least. But what the fuck?
“Did you tell Sarah we were moving in together?”
Bucky blinks. “Wha—”
“At the cookout. Sarah just asked me if we’d found a place yet. What the hell? You can’t just tell my sister that we’re moving in together and not let me know!”
Bucky lets out a startled laugh. “The cookout? That was weeks ago! I’m sure she was just messing with you—”
“So you were joking?” Again, Bucky’s smile slides off his face. What is happening? Sam is not kidding right now. He might very actually be pissed off. But it was a joke? …wasn’t it?
“I…” Bucky trails off. So he’s been daydreaming about living with Sam. But that’s not what Bucky tells himself. He’s just picturing their dinners together at different times of day. Like in the mornings. Sam in pajamas is a quintessential element of these daydreams.
“Were you serious, Bucky? I’m trying to imagine that you wouldn’t just run your mouth off around my sister as a joke.” Sam is pinning him with this intense expression that Bucky can’t figure out and it’s taking all his self control not to squirm.
“I guess… it wasn’t.”
Sam keeps up the laser eyes till Bucky can practically feel two points boring through his skull. Finally, Sam sighs.
“Man…” Sam says, slowly shaking his head. He takes Bucky’s hand and holds it to his chest, just like they had outside Sarah’s house after Bucky confessed an overdue apology. But now, Bucky’s hand is literally against Sam’s chest and he can feel Sam’s heart beating. The thud, thud makes his stomach flip. Bucky stares at their hands. Sam is so close and that’s making him forget how to breathe. Maybe he should be looking somewhere else. Somewhere other than Sam’s hand gripping his. Listening to something other than Sam’s heartbeat. When Bucky meets Sam’s eyes again he regrets it instantly. This is 100x worse than before. This is tender.
“If you’re going to do this, you gotta be sure.” Sam’s voice is warm. His brown eyes are warm. His hand is warm. His chest is— you get the idea. Bucky’s brain still isn’t processing what the hell Sam is talking about. “Cause I won’t have you fuckin’ around with my heart.” Wait- what? “I don’t have the time or the mental space to deal with that. You understand?” Bucky would literally rather be in cryo right now. “Bucky.” The fuck does Sam expect him to say? If he starts moving his lips then words should form eventually.
“I wouldn’t do…” This is a struggle. Sam raises an eyebrow.
“You wouldn’t do what?”
“Fuck around.” It comes out barely a whisper. Sam sighs and Bucky thinks he’s actually going to die.
“What are we talking about, Buck? How you wouldn’t lie to my sister? Or how—”
“Yeah! Sure! I don’t know!” Bucky has class. He swears to god he used to have class. “I wouldn’t lie to Sarah! Yeah, I do want to live with you. It’s kinda the only thing I think about. But I didn’t know how to tell YOU that!” There’s a grin spreading across Sam’s face and it’s making Bucky feel things. “And I wouldn’t fuck around with your heart! That’s literally the last thing I would ever do! Your heart is very important to me and I would…!” Whatever courage he had is disappearing fast. “…take care…” Dear god almighty does Sam have to do that with his face? “…of it.”
Sam is smiling like the actual sun. And Bucky is burning to a crisp under a magnifying glass.
Sam leans back with a satisfied “hrmph.” He drops Bucky’s hand and stands up. Bucky involuntarily leans into the empty space like Sam left some kind of gravitational pull. What the fuck just happened? Bucky looks at Alpine. The rabbit is sitting on her hind legs beside him, looking up at him curiously and twitching her nose.
“So what’s for dinner? Take-out again?” If it could reach, Bucky’s jaw would drop to the floor. Sam looks like he’s trying not to laugh.
“That’s it?!!”
“What’s it? You forget to order a pizza or somethin?” Sam takes a few steps toward the kitchen and Bucky jumps off the couch.
“Sam. I hate you.”
“Wow. That hurts, Bucky. I thought my heart was important to you.”
“I—!” Bucky flails his arms around. Sam is grinning in that stupidly adorable irresistible way of his. The situation is hopeless. How is Bucky supposed to think when Sam is being this cute? And now he knows that Bucky wants to live with him? Disastrous. “I made you dinner!”
Sam looks surprised, maybe even a little touched. “Really?”
“Yes, really!” Bucky pushes past him on his way into the kitchen, overly aware of how their shoulders brush. Bucky pulls the casserole out of the fridge and transfers it to the pre-heated oven. Now that he’s not looking at Sam, the thought of meeting his gaze again makes Bucky feel queasy. Instead he decides to lean over the oven and stare at its digital clock. A perfect excuse to avoid those obnoxiously beautiful brown eyes for the next 20 minutes.
“What is it?”
Sam laughs. “You realize there’s like a million different kinds of casseroles, right?”
“Macaroni,” Bucky mumbles.
“Sounds promising. You’ve got beer somewhere?” Bucky mumbles some more because how can he admit now that he went searching for Sam’s favorite hard lemonade that’s annoyingly hard to get in New York? He hears Sam open the fridge. Too late. “Oh my god, you found this stuff here?!” The distinct crack of a can opening punctuates Sam’s excitement. “You’re the best, man.”
Bucky could say something snarky. Really, he should at least try. But his ears are burning and so is his face and goddammit why is this happening. Sam’s silent, clearly waiting for a comeback. Bucky starts to sweat. He hears Sam come up behind him. What is breathing? Surely it’s a non-essential function. Then Sam presses himself to Bucky’s back and wraps his perfect hunky arms around his waist. Bucky’s hearts skips at least five beats when he feels Sam’s warm breath on his ear.
“You just gonna stare at the clock then, huh?”
“Ye—“ Bucky clears his throat. “Yeah.”
“Mmm, okay,” Sam hums and rests his chin on Bucky’s shoulder, obviously with no intention of showing mercy.
“What are you doing?” Bucky’s voice is much higher than he cares to admit.
“Staring with you.” Bucky swallows. He can’t do this for another 18 minutes. “You gonna cook for me when we live together?”
WHAT. Bucky’s brain is hot and spinning like a clothes dryer but it’s his thoughts that are tumbling. Yeah, he’s definitely sweating a lot now. Bucky ducks his head, not realizing that would be a terrible idea. Sam drops a kiss on the exposed back of his neck. So this is it then. This is how it ends. Bucky is going to pass out or die or both.
“How much longer can you hold your breath before it becomes a problem?” God, Sam is such a smug asshole. “I don’t wanna scrape you off the kitchen floor before dinner.”
Bucky tries to inhale slowly, but it’s shaky- of fucking course it is. “I really hate you,” is all he can manage to whisper.
“Ya know, that’s funny,” Sam purrs. Literally purrs because he clearly wants Bucky to suffer. “Cause I could swear that you actually have a huge, embarrassing, all-consuming crush on me.”
Fuck right off, Sam Wilson, you perfect fucking prick, is what Bucky thinks. But somehow, unforgivably, what he says is, “You have really beautiful eyes, Sam.”
That startles a laugh out of Sam. “Why thank you, Bucky! But it’s kinda hard to believe you really mean that from the way you’re so adamantly not looking at me.”
“You know I mean it. Always accusing me of having a staring problem.”
“Still… you could convince me.” Sam’s tone is a challenge. Fuck this.
“Sam, if I look at you, I’ll either die or have to kiss you.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Sam chuckles. “You can kiss me, but dying right now would be inconvenient.”
That’s it! Bucky turns on him. “Inconvenient? In- fucking -convenient?!”
“Well, yeah, you didn’t say how long the casserole should be in the oven for.”
“Get out of my apartment!”
“Make me!”
Bucky grabs Sam’s face in both hands and kisses him hungrily. Fuck mac-n-cheese. He’s having Sam for dinner.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
I’m Here For You
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Pairing: teen!Loki x female teen!reader (platonic) Summary: Loki comforts you when he finds you crying over school. Warnings: none :) A/N: Here you go nonny! In my head the reader has a tiny crush on Loki, but this can be read as an entirely platonic relationship. Hope you like it :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02​ @frostedgiant​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack​ @mythicalgarlicknot​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @marvelouslovely​ @laurenandloki​ @fallinallinmendes​ @sophlubbwriting​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Reincarnations were a pesky business, really. Loki had been through it more than enough times to know. Unfortunately, his latest one didn’t go exactly as planned, and he’d ended up a kid. It wasn’t all bad, though, as now he had happy childhood memories. He still had the old, haunting ones too, but he no longer viewed youth with nearly so much disdain.
For the past number of years, he’d been living in the Tower with Tony, who he called his uncle but really was more of a father to him than Odin ever was. Thor dropped in fairly often too, and their brotherly bond seems to have benefitted from the little reset Loki went through.
Life on Midgard was different than Asgard, especially when he wasn’t being raised as royalty. Admittedly, he enjoyed the more laid-back life. He took walks in the parks, hung out with friends, went to the mall, and attended school just like everyone else. Ok, maybe not exactly like everyone else, considering he did still have thousands of years of knowledge.
Anyway, he was in his last year of high school, with only a few months left before graduation. Most of the people he knew were obsessing over their next step in the journey of life: college. Not him, though. For once, he was living for himself, and decided to take a gap year. College would still be there after. That is, if he wanted to go at all. Again, he did still have his old memories, so maybe he’d never even feel the need to. Maybe he could just travel the world helping others or work with Tony in the lab. Either way, he wasn’t in any particular rush to figure it out.
Loki was about to head into the renowned Tower he called home when he swore he heard sobbing coming from somewhere. He shoved his keycard back into his messenger bag and walked around the small campus to where he thought the sound was coming from. Stopping in front of some bushes, he saw the outline of a girl hunched up into herself through the leaves. The young god cleared his throat to alert her of his presence, which prompted her to quickly stop making noise. Though, he still could see her body convulsing from the now stifled sobs.
Sighing, he sat on the ground. “Hey, is everything alright back there?” No reply. Maybe it was more than just embarrassment stopping them. Maybe they also weren’t supposed to be here. He decided to try to lighten the mood with some playfulness. “You know, Tony doesn’t mind people being on the campus, but I gotta warn you, he’s kind of cheap with tissues he buys. I’m thinking of getting a handkerchief. What do you think? Is it possible to make me look any dorkier than I already do?”
That earned him a light chuckle. “You don’t look dorky at all. Like ever.”
He startled and said your name, not having realized it was you back there, but recognized your voice. “Is that you? Hang on, I’m coming back.”
You were Stark’s newest prodigy intern. He’d started the program a few years ago, giving some kids an inside look and experience in the tech field. This year, your application had been chosen out of thousands. You were a bright teen, so it made sense to Loki. He’d talked to you a few times before, but the conversations were incredibly short as you were extremely shy, barely even lasting two full minutes. Still, he’d been sure to give you a wave and a smile when he came across you, but it didn’t really ever do anything to help you out of your shell.
After crawling through the greenery, he plopped down next to you in the small, squished space between the bushes and the building. You’d scooched over a little so there would be room for him. He hated the way you were still holding in your cries.
“It’s alright. Just let it all out, ok?” he hesitantly said. That seemed to be all the encouragement you needed before your tears took over again. Slowly, so you could pull away if you wanted to, Loki wrapped you in a hug. When you calmed down, for real this time, he finished rubbing a last few large circles on your back before pulling back a little to look at you. “Feeling better?”
You nodded. “Sorry.”
“Sorry?” he parroted back in question. His thumb caught one of the last tears trickling down your cheek. “Whatever for? There is no need to apologize for having emotions.”
“Your shirt,” you sniffled.
He looked down to see it was, in fact, wet from your tears. He just shrugged. “I’ve got more. Besides, it’ll dry.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“No worries, kid. Want to come in now? I could make you some tea or coffee or hot cocoa or whatever. Name it.”
“Can I have some cocoa? I-if it’s not too much trouble,” you mumbled, wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
“Of course! And you know I was kidding about the tissues, right?” he chuckled, fishing a pack out of his bag.
Once you’d cleaned yourself up a bit, the two of you crawled out from your hiding place, Loki offering his hand to help you stand. Then he led you up to the kitchen to get your drink. Tony would have had no problem with you using the kitchen—or any of the rooms in his home, really—but you were too nervous to overstep and never actually did. You were both seated with mugs of the thick, steamy, chocolaty liquid before Loki tried to find out what was wrong.
“So. What’s up?” he began.
“Oh, nothing. I’m fine,” you replied with a falsely bright smile.
“Kid, I know a thing or two about crying. You’re not fine.” You ducked your head in shame, and he was quick to clarify himself. “And that’s not a bad thing! You’re  human, you have human emotions. No one’s ok one hundred percent of the time. And... And you don’t have to talk about it, but maybe you should. It might make you feel better. So, if you want to, I’m here.”
“It’s stupid,” you shook your head with a wry laugh. Your lip was quivering, more tears threatening to spill. “School is stressing me out.”
“That’s not stupid, it’s how you feel. And, might I add, it’s perfectly understandable and valid. I mean, not only are you trying your best there, but you also come here every day for your internship. Norns, you must be freaking Supergirl or something.”
You chuckled at the colloquial from his home world. “I dunno about that now. It just... It seems like no matter what I do, I’m not good enough. I don’t have the best grades, or the most friends, or the prettiest looks, or the greatest anything, really. Ugh, it all just feels so pointless sometimes.”
“You know what? You’re right. It does all feel pointless. But it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, school doesn’t measure how smart you are; it measures how good you are memorizing stuff and taking tests. Which is incredibly frustrating! But it helps you explore some subjects and have fun with the friends you do have. The most important thing it does, though, is teach you perseverance. Like we said, school’s hard. But you keep trying, no matter what. And I see a smart, talented, beautiful young girl before me. Your feelings are valid, but don’t let them consume you. Trust me, you have a lot to be proud of.”
Loki picked at his nails while you stared at your mug, mulling over his words. He worried he said something wrong or overstepped in some way, but he’d been where you were not too long ago.
“Thank you,” you finally said. “I don’t think I can just fix everything overnight, you know? But what you said really does mean a lot.”
“You’re quite welcome,” Loki responded with a warm, friendly smile. He took a swig of his own drink, choosing his next words carefully. “No one should expect you to fix anything that fast. As long as you’re trying, you’re doing something right. A lot right, actually. You deserve breaks too. And if you ever need someone to vent to or whatever, I’m here.”
“Thanks again. And I’m here for you, too.”
He gave you a natural, lopsided grin as the two of you exchanged numbers. He was glad to see you were much more at ease, though still considerably shy with him. Still, he could imagine you becoming more bold as your friendship blossomed. You timidly ducked your head when Tony walked in.
“Oh no. You better not be turning her to the dark side,” Tony teased as he made himself a cup of coffee. “I’ve had enough pranks for a lifetime.”
“Relax, Uncle Tony. I haven’t recruited her for any mischief... Yet,” he joked back with a wink in your direction, causing you to giggle behind your hand.
“Whew, that’s a relief. Well, if you two aren’t plotting my untimely demise, feel free to head to the lab whenever you want, kid.”
“Actually, I’m good to go now, Mr. Stark.” You stood up and grabbed your bag from beside your chair where you’d left it earlier. “Bye, Loki. Talk soon! And, uh, thanks again.”
With one final smile, you scurried off to your destination. Loki smiled back and waved as you left, feeling some sense of hope and direction bloom in his chest. You’d given him an idea.
“Hey, Uncle Tony. I was thinking, how would you feel about another Stark Industries youth program?...”
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writergirlworld · 3 years
Part 4
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Part 5
The sun flickering in your face made you open your eyes, your head was resting on his chest, you smiled recollecting last night's happenings. You tried to get up gently, not to wake him up.
"Good morning, love," he said in a sleepy voice as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you back to him.
"Good morning" you smiled
"Going somewhere?" He tightened his grip around your waist, holding your bare chest to his
You smirked as you looked at his lips "Yeah, I was about to get up"
"It's too early, mind if we stay here all day?" he said as he ran his hand down your spine
You put your finger on his lips and kissed him
"You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered as you pulled away
"Stop distracting me" you teased him as you got up with just a towel around you
"Dinner tonight ?" He raised his eyebrows looking at you up and down
"Pick me up" you answered while trying to put your dress back on
You met Caroline and Bonnie for lunch at the Mystic Grill
"I did something" you bit your lip
"Other than disappearing last night, what?" Caroline giggled
"I had the best night of my life" you smiled rethinking those moments "I was with..."
"With who?" Bonnie asked impatiently
"with Klaus"
"You didn't!" Caroline put her hand on her mouth shocked
"Y/N girl..." Bonnie looked at you smirking
"I know, it was amazing!!" you laughed "I will tell you the details after, I gotta sort some stuff out"
"With Stefan?" Bonnie looked at you
"Yeah, I can't pretend I don't have any feelings for Klaus while being all complicated with Stefan" you ran your hand through your hair "I don't want to end up hurting anyone"
"Whatever you choose, I'm sure Stefan will understand" Caroline smiled
"And we will support you no matter what"
You decided to go to the Salvatore's house, you weren't sure what you were going to tell Stefan but you were hoping to find him there. Then figure out what to tell him...
"Oh hey it's the cheating backstabbing bitch" Damon said as he opened the door
"Hey, it's the narcissistic selfish brother" you rolled your eyes "I need to talk to Stefan
"I'm sure he doesn't want to, he heard you had fun last night" he tried to close the door
"That's none of your business, besides how do YOU know?" You opened the door again, entering in with no invitation "Nice"
"Come on, it's Mystic Falls, news spread quickly out here" he followed you at the hallway as you speed up to the living room
"Y/n..." Stefan was standing with a glass of bourbon in his hand
"Stefan, hey" you approached him slowly "Can we talk?"
"Sure" he smiled as he signaled Damon to leave you two alone
"Don't forgive a cheater, Stef" he shouted as he left you two alone
"Don't mind Damon, so what did you want to talk about?" He lead you to sit down
"Everything, " you looked down "look at us where we at now..." you smiled
"And that was all my... fault" he looked at you "I'm sorry, I put you through this"
"No, I did it all because... because I loved you Stefan, and the thought of you hurting me while your humanity was on, was it true Stefan?" You said with a downhearted tone, waiting for a response
"I... I knew Klaus would heal you" he replied
"And you knew Katherine would kill me?"
"No, no ...no" he put his hand on yours "I've never wanted this for you"
"Well here we are, and no matter what happened, don't say that, I don't blame any of this on you even if you left me when I most needed" you quickly pulled your hand out of his
He just looked at you
"I'm sorry Stefan, you will always be a part of me but I can't be what you need me to," you sniffed trying to hold back your tears
"I know it wasn't supposed to end like this Y/n, but I want you to be happy, and happiness is the only thing I couldn't bring you"
"You'll always be a part of me too Y/n, and I want what's best for you which is obviously not me" he smiled through his teary eyes
"Stefan I-..."
"It's okay, I'm letting go for both of us, be with that person that makes you the happiest you deserve it" he caressed your cheek, before getting up to leave the room
"I never believed that you could love one person so deeply in an instant, but one day, there comes that person, the one that you could least imagine you could fall for, it makes you doubt yourself, your morals and your being... Klaus Mikaelson, the man that I fell in love madly with, the man that I call family and I'm willing to spend all my eternity with. Never in a million would I've guessed that I'd find such great happiness and love in one person but here I am, I love him without knowing how or when it happened, I love him simply without a problem or pretension. Is this the love that books are written for? Is this the love that beautiful songs are sung for? Is this the most beautiful dangerous thing? Whatever that it is, I hope it lasts forever with him by my side."
You closed your journal, leaving it on your desk as you stared at the beautiful engagement ring which Klaus proposed to you "You're the best thing that ever happened to me Klaus" you whispered knowing that no measure of time will be long enough for you two, starting with 'Always and Forever.'
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hiro-gari · 3 years
This is a smol older headcanon that I like to share in the meantime of having unresolved writer's block this month:
Wouldn't it be funny if Garou meets Badd for the first time in front of his school instead of in the middle of destroyed city?
Garou heard someone had said that Badd studied in a highschool on some city then he immediately went to that place, waiting patiently for the hero to come out from the building after school time ended so he wont disturbing the other students or people in the school.
Imagine Garou loitering around school gate until he saw Badd walking towards outside, then asking him out to go somewhere else for a duel. Poor Badd he was so confused about Garou's presence and his ridiculous out-of-nowhere request. He thought it was just like usual delinquents' afterschool duel and Garou was a punkboy from another school trying to pick a fight with him.
Or let's have this scenario for the continuation instead:
Once Garou realizing Badd is just another teenager like him, who was too young to be a full-fledged S-Class hero fighting monsters on daily basis when he could be just enjoyed having good life as normal highschool teenager, he scrapped his plan to fight Badd. Instead, Garou changed it as sparring duel without any intention to hurt him. He just want to measure Badd's strength in more fun way.
Thus their fight turned into sparring session in an empty abandoned park near Badd's school. Despite Badd eventually knows that Garou is the "Hero Hunter", he would never refers him as criminal like what Hero Association told him before. For Badd, Garou is just a chaotic teenager who wants to have fun by testing people's strength to vent his own frustation, as Garou clearly enjoyed having a spar session with Badd.
In this scenario, Garou and Badd ended up in more friendly term, as Garou didn't hurt Badd so badly like in canon (sans the usual delinquent-fight kind of bruised or scrape wounds) and Badd regards Garou as just another punkboy who really knows how to do good fight.
Garou promised Badd that he wont targeted him as his "prey" or getting in his way during hero patrol, as long as Badd agreed to have more sparring sessions with him in the future. Badd accepted the challenge right away, since it has been so long not getting such good one-on-one duel from anyone. A great way to take his boredom out during his hero patrolling days (except for any moments he spend with his precious Zenko, that's his #1 priority!). Hero Association's warning be damned, he has a new friend now!
Since that first meeting day, whenever Badd wasn't too busy with his schedule Garou and Badd always have light or heavy sparring session, depends of their mood. Sometimes they would just hanging out, sitting side-by-side on an empty park sharing some stories to eachother (Tareo also joined them in delight). Maybe if they're hungry they would just go to local family restaurant or ice cream parlor when the weather is hot, or they would walking around the town together (Badd went out with more casual look so nobody would recognized him).
After Badd was sure Garou is a good guy who never hurt any kids (he had seen how kind Garou was to Tareo, he's like a good protective bigbro just like Badd), Badd would introduce him to Zenko as his new bestfriend. Imagine how funny the sassy conversation between Garou and Zenko or Zenko spilling her bigbro's secret to embarrass him in front of Garou, and how Badd asking Garou to see Zenko's piano recital together with him. On weekend, maybe both of them would spend time together with Zenko and Tareo on picnic somewhere.
Because of his encounter with Badd unexpectedly changed his life in more better way, Garou slowly letting go his ambition to become the "Ultimate Evil" monster. Since Garou saw with his own eyes that not all of the heroes are bad, at least for Badd. Such rare but great example of what "good hero" can be. It makes Garou respects him so much and there's unknowingly new feeling for the delinquent hero: fondness and protectiveness.
Maybe his decision about not making Badd a prey was right: he got a precious bestfriend instead.
And maybe more..? Hopefully.
---- THE END -----
Waaaah I'm so sorry for disappearing for days! I have to admit it's been difficult to be productive nowadays, my muse started to flickering off no matter how I tried to pour my ideas out hhhh *frustated* 😢😔
But after getting a break for awhile, I could start writing again thankfully 😅
Hope you enjoyed this short headcanon! Wish me luck I can get more writing inspirations soon 😭🙏💖
Thank you so much for reading my random Batarou headcanon, guys! Have a nice week, love you all~ 😚💕💞💖💝🌸🌺🌼🌻💐
AwwWW this is too perfect 💖 Badd probably caught him wayyy off guard too just being like 🤷 aight lets go then, like this is just a normal activity??
Also, what if their rematches actually increased Badd’s attendance as like a side effect? 😭 Like we know he’s kind of delinquent and probably skips a lot for hero stuff,,, but he’s gotta show up if he’s gonna fight the monster punk again lmaooo 😤💪 I just love how they both just naturally end up being a positive influence on each other without really meaning to :’)
Ahhhh it’s ok!! No worries!! Always a pleasure to read your writings though 😚💕 THANK YOU SO MUCH we love youuu 💐💖💗
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For the prompt game, uhhhhh any Remus ship with au 8. college, trope 1. friends to lovers, and prompt 36. “i let you mooch off of my netflix and this is how you repay me?”
Well, it took me a while to figure out where I wanted to go with this but I’m happy with how it turned out! Hopefully you don’t mind that they drink a little bit :)
Movie Night
Word Count: 1411
Description: Remus and Virgil get a little tipsy after finals week and have a movie night.
Warnings: Drinking, Sexual innuendo/jokes (typical Remus stuff), mild swearing, illegal movie streaming
    “I am this close to banning you from hosting movie nights, Vee.” Remus draped himself wildly over the arm of the chair in which he was sitting, holding out his fingers and dramatically measuring the smallest gap he could manage to see through.
    “You’re the one who suggested coming here, Remus.” Virgil drawled back at him. Remus grinned as Virgil continued to clumsily click through yet another sketchy streaming site trying to find a version of The Nightmare Before Christmas that didn't have Mandarin subtitles or French audio. “You knew how janky my set up is before we came here.”
    “Well, yeah. I know, but I thought it was at least functioning.” Remus lifted a bottle to his lips as he rolled his eyes. He glanced down at Virgil with a grin. “Forgive me for wanting to have a drink somewhere between finals hell week and the actual hell of having to see my family for Christmas.” Remus snorted. “Senior year sucks.”
    Virgil sighed as his most recent link started barking at him in what he assumed was Russian. He groaned and clicked out of the screen before taking a long drink from the bottle next to him. Remus almost giggled out loud as Virgil shivered at the bitter taste. He knew all too well that the bitter flavor never sat well with Virgil even if he pretended otherwise. Remus thought about offering him something sweeter, but it seemed like wasted effort. Soon, Virgil would be buzzed enough to stop caring about how it tasted and they could save the good stuff for a better night.
    “We could have drank at your place.” Virgil looked over his shoulder at him with a disdainful look in his eyes.
    “And have to listen to the guys next door going at it like rabbits?” Remus droned with a grin on his face. “I don't think so. Despite the technical difficulties, your apartment's still the better choice.”
    “Well then, stop complaining about—”
    “Listen, Virgil,” Remus interrupted, pulling the bottle in his hand from his lips. He paused, letting the alcohol settle as he pointed down at his friend. He paused and his cheeks warmed as Virgil finally came into better focus.
    God, he's cute when he’s about to pull his hair out—
    Remus paused.
    Not to mention, I wouldn’t mind him pulling my hair—
     He nearly had to shake his head to rid himself of the thought. He looked back up to Virgil, who seemed to be waiting or him to collect himself.
     He’s my best friend.
    Those kinds of thoughts would only get him into trouble, so instead, he cocked his head, pointing down at Virgil as he teased him. “I'll stop complaining when there's a movie playing.”
     Virgil rolled his eyes dramatically. “Well, then you figure this out, because I’m about to—"
     “What?” Virgil looked back at him in confusion.
     Remus set down his drink and flung himself forward. He felt himself slide haphazardly out of the chair and slither up to Virgil. Wrapping a hand around Virgil’s shoulder, he leaned against Virgil’s back to steady himself as he cleared the search bar.
    He's so warm. I could just stay this close forev—
    “What are you—” Virgil interrupted his thoughts as he started to type. “Wait, Remus—I don't have Netflix—”
    Shaking the drunk, pining thoughts from his mind, he gave a quick chuckle. Not able to help himself. He smiled a little wider as Virgil squirmed from the feeling of his deep voice resonating on his back. “Well duh, Doom and gloom. That's why we're using mine.”
    “Oh, you don't have to do that—” Virgil tensed and leaned forward, watching him closely.
    “Like hell I don’t.” Remus tapped away, lazily filling in his information. He hit the enter button with a dramatic flourish, gesturing for Virgil to find the movie. “Some of us would actually like to watch a movie tonight.”
    Virgil blushed, looking over at him. “I don't want to take advantage of you because I can't afford—”
    “It's not taking advantage of me if I give consent, Vee.” Remus growled, leaning so close, he nearly tipped Virgil over. “And trust me, I'm a ready and willing particip—”
    “Alright, alright. Shut up now, please." Virgil cringed, pushing him away.     Remus giggled, reluctantly pulling away from Virgil. “It's fine, my little emo dream. If this is how you've been living your life, I'll happily share my Netflix with you. No one else except Roman and I are on the account anyway. You might as well use it.”
    Virgil blinked. “Really? You’re just going to let me keep it on here?”
    “For realsie, my dark-eyed doom.” Remus leaned on his shoulder. “You’re part of the family.”
    Virgil snorted and Remus beamed a crooked grin up at him. “Given what you’ve said about them, I don't know if that's a compliment.”
    “Nah. Forget them. Blood don’t mean anything.” Remus slurred, almost more tired than buzzed as he leaned on Virgil’s warm shoulder. “You’re real family, Vee.”
    Virgil paused, looking down at him with a cheeky smile. “Aww, Re. You really like me.”
    Remus rolled his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. “Don't let it go to your head, Nightmare on—” Remus paused, trying to parse through his muddled thoughts. “—whatever street you live on.”
    Virgil giggled as he scrolled through the endless screen of movies.
    Why's he gotta have such a pretty laugh—
    “Come on, Re. Don't fall asleep on me now.” Remus smiled stupid as Virgil helped him to his feet and dragged him over to the couch. Abandoning their drinks, they stumbled over and dropped down into the soft cushions. Virgil sighed as Remus leaned on into his shoulder as Virgil propped his laptop on his knees.
    Virgil curled close to him as the first bars of the familiar bars of ‘This is Halloween' played quietly through the laptop speakers.
    “Hey, Re?”
    “Yeah?” Remus grunted, smiling as he looked up into his sparkling, light brown eyes—
    Stop doing this—
    “Can I kiss you?”
    “What?”  Remus stared up at him in shock, barely even reacting as Virgil buried his face into Remus’ shoulder.
     Did he just—
     “It'scoolifyoudon'twantto—” Virgil muttered quickly, his voice muffled by Remus’ shirt. “We definitely can forget I said anything. I—
     “No, Vee. Uh—” Remus felt his cheek s grow warm as he turned his head down to where Virgil was buried in his shoulder. “I, uh—I want to, Hot Topic.”
    Virgil lifted his head up. He pushed his hair out of his eyes with a coy smile. “Aww, Re, you think I'm hot.”
     “Oh yeah,” Remus growled. “An absolute fricking hottie—”
    “Re—” Virgil blushed as Remus nuzzled into him. A moment passed before Remus finally settled, but when he did, Virgil smiled, staring into Remus' eyes as he slowly set his laptop aside. Gently, he reached a head to Remus’ cheek and leaned in close.
     Remus' heart jumped when their lips connected. His soft hand brushed against the top of Remus jaw and he inhaled, breathing in Virgil’s breath. Subtle hints of beer mixed with Virgil’s raspberry chapstick in a way he couldn’t imagine would be appealing any other time, but right now, he couldn't get enough of it. He leaned forward, softly resting his hand at the base of Virgil’s neck. Each moment felt like an eternity as he tasted Virgil’s soft lips, and yet, he almost couldn't resist whining as Virgil pulled away with a deep breath. Virgil giggled, tapping his fingers on Remus’ leg happily. Remus didn’t miss the way Virgil’s eyes lit up as he looked down at him.
    “So,” Remus flashed Virgil the widest shit-eating grin he could manage as he rested his chin on Virgil’s shoulder. “I let you mooch off my Netflix and this is how you repay me?”
    Virgil smirked down at him, enjoying the way Remus shivered as Virgil’s hair brushed Remus' face. “Don't act like you’re mad about it.”
    “Mad about it?” Remus exhaled sharply. “Not at all! But I've got Hulu, Spotify—I'll share whatever you want if this is what happens—”
    Virgil giggled a Remus wrapped his arms around him and he curled comfortably into Remus' chest. He cuddled around his best friend settling in for the night as lilting music played from Virgil’s laptop. Remus took a long breath. He was in total disbelief, but he was happy and wonderfully, wonderfully warm.
Thanks so much for the prompt! This was a lot of fun! <3
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Ever in Your Favor, Chapter Six (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: We find out what happened to Rosé, and the Games continue.
A/N: Thank you so much for the incredible feedback on chapter five!! It made me so happy to see and I’m so glad how people enjoyed it. I’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this chapter as well!
Denali chokes back her scream as Rosé collapses, not wanting to give away their position. All the teams have targets on their back now, the danger even higher. And Rosé is motionless on the ground.
“Rosé, wake up. Please wake up.” She shakes her shoulder, mind running through a hundred possibilities. It can’t be because of the rain, or Denali would be affected too. Probably not poison either; they’ve been eating the same things. Whatever it is, she needs Rosé awake. Denali taps her cheek, dimly registering that Rosé shouldn’t be this warm. Her green eyes slowly blink open, and Denali loses herself in them for a second.
“I think you fainted. Or…” Denali trails off when she smells smoke. Thick gray clouds of it blot the sky, and where there’s smoke, there’s… “Fire. Oh, shit. Fire.”
A tower of flames writhes toward them, licking at the trees and filling the air with the scent of burnt pine. The fire is too large to be natural–figures the Gamemakers didn’t even wait five minutes after their announcement to unleash something.
Denali scrambles for their stuff, tugging Rosé’s arm. “We gotta go, we gotta go now.”
Rosé winces as she staggers to her feet.
“Can you run on that leg?” Denali asks.
“Do we have another option?”
It’s a fair point, and the flames are close enough to feel their heat. She puts her head down and runs, Rosé trailing behind her. They need to find shelter, somewhere safe enough for Rosé to rest. They’re not far from the mountain, and there has to be a cave or crevice they can hide in. They just have to get up there.
They sprint across a valley with the fire just feet behind them, and the only good thing is that it protects them from other tributes–no one can attack them with a wall of fire in the way. They trudge through weeds and gnarled roots on the mountain passes, Denali wordlessly catching Rosé when she stumbles, beating out the dying fire. A slit opens between two rocks, so small Denali’s trained eyes hardly see it. It’s big enough inside for both of them, and Denali’s shoulders loosen slightly. They should be safe for a few days, probably more if she disguises the entrance better. There’s even a stream nearby.
Rosé collapses against the wall with a gasp. Her face is ghostly pale and twisted in pain, her body drenched in sweat as she trembles.
The pain probably made her faint, but Denali thinks of how hot she was, and her heart sinks with what she doesn’t want to acknowledge. Their first aid kit didn’t have antibiotics, or a needle and thread—the Gamemakers wouldn’t make things that easy—so Denali had just rinsed the wound and wrapped it tight. Maybe it wasn’t enough.
Denali kneels beside her cautiously. “I need to look at your leg.”
“No.” Rosé clamps her hands over the wound with a wince. Denali isn’t sure if Rosé doesn’t want to admit that something’s wrong, or if she’s afraid of getting medical help from Denali. Denali isn’t a doctor by any means, and part of her wants to leave Rosé alone, pretend everything is fine, but she can’t.
“Rosé, you fainted.”
“Only a little,“ Rosé mumbles. "It’s nothing, I’m fine.”
There’s a hint of fear in her voice, and Denali softens. “I just need to check it, okay? I’ll go slow. And I used to hunt, remember? I’ve seen dead animals a lot worse than your leg.”
“Denali Foxx, did you just compare me to a dead animal?” Rosé asks in mock outrage. Her hands ease off her leg, Denali’s humor relaxing her like she hoped it would.
“Well, let’s hope we can avoid the dead part,” Denali says. “The animal part was spot-on, though.” She carefully moves Rosé’s pants down, grateful for her undershorts because Rosé’s bare skin is not something Denali can handle right now. She unwinds the bandage, her stomach churning once the wound is uncovered, red and inflamed and oozing at the edges. Denali knows, and the red lines streaking up Rosé’s thigh confirm it.
Blood poisoning.
“Oh,” Rosé says quietly. “Fuck.”
“Okay, don’t panic.”
“Pretty sure you’re the one panicking,” Rosé says. She sits against the cave wall, slowly getting her breath back while Denali paces.
Denali stops, wringing her hands together. “I saw leaves that draw out infection by the stream. I’m gonna get them. Stay here.”
“Not like I can go anywhere.” Her leg is throbbing, and moving will only make things worse.
Denali grimaces and heads out, desperate for a purpose, for something to help. Rosé knows the leaves aren’t enough to fix her infection; she needs real medicine from the Capitol. She has no idea what it would cost a sponsor to send it, because that kind of medicine isn’t a possibility in District 12, where the default prescription is drink some whiskey and sleep it off. If something’s really wrong, you usually don’t make it.
Denali rushes back in with a bundle of green leaves, crushing them up and making a paste with water. It’s not enough, but it can’t hurt, and Rosé won’t upset Denali when she’s trying so badly to help.
Denali’s movements are frantic, nothing like the measured motions for stringing her bow, and she almost drops the paste.
“Hey,” Rosé says. “Let me put it on. Your hands are shaking.”
“Yeah, because I care about you, you idiot.”
Rosé would make a snappy comment, but she sees how much Denali is shaking, how her eyes are wide in genuine fear. Denali really cares about her, and Rosé has a rush of affection for her.
Rosé gently takes the mixture from Denali. “I’ll do it, okay?”
Denali laughs bitterly. “You’re the one who’s–”
Rosé cuts her off before she can say how bad things are. “I’m gonna be fine, okay? This isn’t how I’m going out. I’m not going out at all, but if I do, I’m going out fighting, with my sword in my hand.”
Denali nods shakily.
“I’ve got some of the steadiest hands in the district,” Rosé continues, hoping to soothe Denali’s fear. “Cake-decorating hands, baby.” It slips out before she can stop it, and any worries are stopped by the fact that she should be saying this, should sell their romance for the camera. But none of this conversation has been for that; every part of it was real for Rosé; her need to soothe Denali, take away her fears, her insistence on making it through this. Denali must know it’s real too, because she’s smiling now, and she actually laughs, Rosé’s heart lightening at the sound.
“Too bad you can’t pipe icing at the tributes,” Denali snorts.
“Laugh all you want. I guarantee I could take someone out with a piping bag,” Rosé says. Her own laugh is strangled by muttered curses as the paste stings on her wound, but swearing is all she’ll allow herself. She won’t whimper like a baby in front of the Capitol, and she won’t add to Denali’s worry.
“What was it like, working at the bakery?” Denali asks, throwing her a line, a distraction, and Rosé takes it.
“It was…it was fun, really. My dad did the cakes, my mom did the breads. Me and Jan and Lagoona helped.” She rolls her eyes and smiles. “We mostly just played and tried not to get in trouble. When we were a little older, we’d make the cookies together, and my dad started showing me how to decorate cakes when I was ten. I still remember the first one I did that was good enough to sell. White icing with little pink and yellow roses. He let me put it in the window and everything.”
Rosé tries not to think of those days, of how happy and carefree they were, because it only makes the fact that days like that are now hard to come by hurt that much worse. But maybe it’s okay to tug memories over her like a blanket. She remembers running around the kitchen playing tag with her sisters, their father shaking his head fondly. She remembers the smell of yeast, watching her mother knead the bread over and over, mesmerized by the rhythms. She remembers the squishy piping bag in her hand, her father guiding her along, how he always said what a good job she did.
On her good days, when she leaves the house, she goes right to the bakery, soaking in the sweetness as golden and warm as the pastries her father makes. If she’s really up for it, she’ll even grab a bag and decorate a cake, the world fading away as she makes flowers out of butter and sugar.
“That’s really nice.” Denali smiles as she hands Rosé the bandages from the first aid kit.
“Yeah.” Rosé winds it around her leg, grateful to have the wound hidden again. It’s fine. She’s fine. She just has to outlast it until she and Denali are the only ones left. They can still win. “We should have a victory cake after we win.”
Denali leans in with the medical tape, her touch gentle as she tapes the bandage in place. She’s so close that their foreheads almost touch, and Rosé stares at Denali’s focused brown eyes, all the air knocked out of her lungs.
“Thanks,” she manages.
“No problem.” Denali smiles. “And I’m holding you to that victory cake.”
Denali tries, as hours blur into days. She tries to stay hopeful, to not let Rosé see how worried she is. Denali shouldn’t even be this upset, this stressed; Rosé is the one with her leg cut open and an infection burning through her, yet she’s calm and Denali can’t sleep because she’s afraid something might happen to Rosé while she does. She knows the odds, knows how bad things are, but she tries to ignore it. She tells herself it’s natural to worry about her teammate, but she hasn’t been this worried about someone since her father died and her mom couldn’t get out of bed. She hasn’t been this close to anyone since then either, but being thrown into the arena like this, trusting each other to survive, has brought them closer than Denali could have imagined. She’s grown to really like being around Rosé, hearing her laughter, watching her eyes soften when she tells stories about the bakery. She doesn’t want to lose her.
Losing Rosé would put Denali at worse odds, anyone can see that. But Denali doesn’t see her as just an ally anymore, and losing her would be losing a friend. A friend who’s been with her through the arena, who understands feelings Denali can’t even put into words. She won’t lose her. She can’t lose her. If anyone is stubborn enough to outlast an infection, it’s Rosé, and Denali lets the thought give her hope.
“How are you feeling?” Denali asks when Rosé wakes up.
Denali touches her forehead gently, Rosé’s breath hitching at the touch. “You’re still pretty warm. I found some painkillers in the first aid kit. Nothing major, but they can’t hurt.”
Rosé nods, accepting the pills with some water. She becomes a bit more herself when they kick in, her eyes losing the shadows of pain and lightening up. Denali hopefully offers her breakfast, but Rosé shakes her head.
“Not hungry.”
Denali winces. It’s not a good sign.
“Not an option. If we’re gonna win, you need to eat.” Denali digs through their bags again, offering Rosé dried meat and apples like she didn’t refuse them five seconds ago. They need something light, something easy on her stomach. “If we had soup, do you think you could eat that?”
“Probably, but do you think soup is just gonna drop out of the sky–”
Something clangs at the mouth of the cave, and Denali finds a silver canister attached to the parachute. She unscrews the top and smells savory broth and vegetables. Clearly someone agrees that Rosé needs to eat, and she thanks their mystery sponsor.
Rosé snorts. “I’ll be damned.”
Soup keeps arriving, and Rosé keeps fighting. She does her best to eat, to keep her composure so Denali doesn’t worry. Denali’s only getting snatches of sleep, every second focused on Rosé, and Rosé doesn’t want to give her too much cause to worry.
Aside from the dull pain and the fever clinging to her like fire, it’s not so bad in the cave. It’s like their own little world, far away from the arena’s dangers. Just her and Denali, together like at the Training Center. Denali peeks her head out each night to hear the anthem and see if anyone’s died. So far, just the man from District 9. There’s still five tributes left, and Rosé knows something has to draw them together eventually. They both hate sitting here, being helpless, wanting so badly to go out and end things, but they can’t. Rosé can’t even sit up without getting so dizzy she almost loses whatever’s in her stomach. It’s her fault they’re stuck here, and she burns with guilt that she might cost them the win with her stupid infected leg. If someone would send the medicine, she could manage. Her leg would still hurt, sure, but she could power through long enough to get her and Denali home. Why hasn’t anyone sent it yet? She’s grateful for the soup, but surely someone in the Capitol can afford the medicine, and surely they would have sent it by now. What are they waiting for?
Maybe because Rosé is just laying on the cave floor like a baby, and they want to see her do something that’s worth the money they’d spend. Proof she’s worth dipping into their pockets. Deep down, she thinks they want more of the love story, more reason to watch them. Would kissing Denali be enough? Announcing her love? It’s terrible to do that to Denali, though, terrible to use her to stay alive. We’d be using each other, Denali said ruefully, but this feels like too much.
So Rosé talks instead.
She talks about the bakery, about the time Jan tried her own cake recipe and the thing was burnt outside and raw inside, or the time Rosé and Lagoona kept flicking flour at each other until they looked like ghosts. Denali laughs and laughs, and Rosé is grateful she’s let these stories out, grateful to share them with someone besides her sisters. She can’t remember the last time she talked this much, and even if it exhausts her, she keeps going. Because if she’s talking, Denali knows she’s okay.
“What was it like? Learning the woods stuff from your dad,” Rosé asks, hoping Denali doesn’t notice how her words slur.
Denali grabs a piece of cloth she’d cut from the sleeping bag, dips it in water, and rests it on Rosé’s forehead. She gets water from the stream each morning, and though it’s barely cool anymore, it’s heaven against Rosé’s hot skin, and she sighs in relief.
“It was…quiet,” Denali says finally. “Peaceful. He was always in the mines, so it was the only time I got to be with him, really. He didn’t talk much, but he was there, and it was enough. He would show me all the flowers and plants and tell me these rhymes about what was safe to eat. And he showed me how to use his bow. It was bigger than me the first time we practiced.” Denali smiles, and Rosé does too, heart warming at the image of a tiny Denali holding up a bow twice her size. “It felt so right in my hands,” Denali continues. “He drew targets on the trees until I got them all, and then he’d have me aim for certain leaves. Everything I can do with my bow is from him.”
“He taught you well.”
“Yeah. I–sometimes I wish he could’ve seen how good I got with it. I wish he could’ve seen me win,” Denali says sadly.
“He’d be proud of you. I know it,” Rosé says, touched that Denali trusts her this much, that she’s shown this part of her.
There’s a lightness in her eyes Rosé doesn’t think she’s seen since Denali was a kid–the kind of lightness Denali was rarely without as a kid. It was why Rosé had sneaked cookies in her bag years ago, trying anything to ease the sadness. And being with Denali now, closer than they were as kids, closer than Rosé has been with anyone besides her family, makes her ache to do it again. To be there for Denali’s pain and sadness, and do her best to lighten the load. To maybe let Denali do the same for her. Because all this–spending time with Denali, being on her team–feels so right. They’re the perfect team, and they’re both going to win, and go home. And if–when–they do, Rosé won’t lose Denali again.
When she first got home after her Victory Tour, she spent most days in her room, tired yet fighting sleep because of what she might see, the excitement of her return crushed by the weight of what she had to do for it. She was cold to her sisters when they tried to help, cold to Denali when she tried talking to her. She isn’t proud of it, and while she fixed things with her sisters, she never formally did with Denali–she just let them drift, though she forced herself to work extra hard when she mentored Denali. Surviving the Games could have reunited them, but Rosé let it push them further apart, because it was something she didn’t want to share with anyone–especially not someone she cared about. But she’s sharing it with Denali now, and she’s grateful to. And when they go home, she won’t let them drift. She’ll work to keep Denali in her life, to go outside more, to appreciate what she has.
“Do you want more soup?” Denali asks, once more desperate to help.
“Just a little more?” Denali pleads. “Please? For me?“
Denali’s eyes are too much for Rosé. “Anything for you,” she says, and even in the cave, she can see Denali blush. She eats three more spoonfuls, then turns to Denali. “Can you do something for me now?”
“Get some sleep, Denali. Please. I’ll be okay, I swear,” she says before Denali can protest. “You need to rest.”
“I have my sword. I’ll wake you if anything happens. I’ll be fine for a few hours.” Rosé fixes the sternest look she can muster, and Denali finally gives in.
“Don’t let me sleep too long,” she says, slipping into the sleeping bag. Her breaths even out in minutes, and it tugs at Rosé’s chest how much Denali is exhausting herself to look after her. The stress of the arena slowly leaves Denali’s face in her sleep, and she could be nine again, curled up in her sleeping bag for a sleepover with Jan. The determined kid who used to protect other kids from the class bully and beat the older boys in races during recess. The determined woman who’s been there for her since the reaping, who didn’t give up on her and helped her fight again. Who makes her want to live again.
Rosé grips her sword tightly as she watches Denali sleep, and when Denali lets out a little sigh, it occurs to Rosé that if she were to confess her love, it might not be a complete lie.
Hours after Denali wakes up, things take a turn for the worse. Rosé is too weak to feed herself, and turns her head away when Denali offers her soup. Her skin is so hot she instantly dries out the cloth Denali puts on her forehead. She slips in and out of consciousness, her sleep full of whimpers for her sisters, and Denali vows not to mention it to her.
“I’m sorry,” Rosé croaks. Her eyes are closed, and Denali isn’t sure she’s fully awake.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” Denali says, trying to keep the worry from her voice.
“Your mom’s…necklace,” Rosé says. “We nev-never went back.”
Right. They were supposed to go back that morning, but the announcement came, and Rosé collapsed, and then the fire arrived. Denali had forgotten about it in the chaos.
“It’s not your fault,” Denali says quietly. “That fire came, remember? We couldn’t have gone back anyway.” She bites her lip. “I’m the one who’s sorry. You got hurt saving me, if I–”
“Don’t,” Rosé says. “Not your fault.” She wheezes, the talking taking too much out of her. “Maybe you should go on without me.”
“Not a chance in hell,” she growls so fiercely that Rosé doesn’t even attempt to argue.
Rosé grunts as she reaches for her jacket, and her shaky fingers unclasp the lion pin and offer it to Denali.
Denali’s heart sinks. “Rosé, I can’t take this, it’s your sister’s.”
“I promised Jan I would bring it back to her. Denali, if I can’t make it, I need you to make it. I need you to bring this home to her,” Rosé says seriously.
Rosé would never give away the pin–the promise–unless she was really worried about being unable to keep it, and Denali blinks back tears of helplessness.
“No–no. Don’t think that, Rosé. You’ll bring it to her yourself,” Denali says. She can’t even consider bringing this pin to Jan, can’t even consider that Rosé won’t be with her. The past weeks with Rosé have only left Denali certain that she never wants to be apart from her again.
“Just in case. Promise?”
Denali knows Rosé won’t take no for an answer, and she doesn’t want to upset her. “I promise.”
“Good.” She sleeps again, and the pin sits like lead in Denali’s pocket.
By night, Rosé’s forehead burns Denali’s hand. Denali helplessly watches her toss and turn, like she’s trying to get the heat off her. God, Denali was so stupid. She seriously kidded herself that Rosé would magically get better. Rosé’s held out longer than most, but blood poisoning isn’t something you get better from–not without serious medicine.
Denali’s no stranger to pain or misery or suffering–her own or someone else’s. But she watches Rosé sweat and shiver and she can’t bear it. Rosé used to give them piggyback rides even when they were too big, hiding the backache with a smile. When Jan forgot her homework, Rosé ran home and back, handing Jan the work just as the bell rang. When an older boy kept bothering Lagoona, Rosé threw herself between them, firmly standing her ground until he left her alone. She was a hero to her sisters, to Denali, though now Denali knows Rosé isn’t so much a hero as a woman who’s made mistakes and is just trying to survive. Rosé should be home with her family, piping beautiful roses on cakes. Not thousands of miles away, suffering on this hard cave floor. It hurts Denali to even look at her. It should be Denali trembling with fever and pain. Would be Denali if Rosé hadn’t taken that hit for her. This is all Denali’s fault. How could she spend so long preparing for a fight and be too slow when the attack finally came? All the dreams of them going back home, of inviting Rosé over for breakfast, of taking her on walks in the woods, are slipping through Denali’s hands.
No. She’s not losing Rosé. She turns the lion pin over in her hand. What had Rosé called it in her interview? A symbol of love and home, Denali recalls, and more tears sting in her eyes. This is the one of the most important things in the world to Rosé, and she gave it to Denali, wanted to give her this piece of love and home. She trusts Denali to bring it home if she can’t. She trusts Denali, period, when she hasn’t trusted anyone in years. And Denali trusts her. Trusts her in the arena, trusts her in this cave, trusts her to talk about her family with. Rosé isn’t going home without this pin, and Denali isn’t going home without Rosé. There has to be a way to get the medicine. What if she–
Rosé coughs, her brow furrowing in pain.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Denali says quietly, for Rosé’s benefit as much as her own.
Rosé stills, opening glassy eyes. “Jan?” she asks hoarsely, and Denali’s stomach drops. The fever is high enough to mess with her brain—what if it’s too late even if she can get the medicine?
Denali hesitates, heart in pieces, wondering if she should play along or tell the truth. If she plays along, Rosé might get upset after realizing she’s lying. But denying it might upset her even more, and Denali can’t hurt her.
“Yeah, it’s me. It’s Jan,” Denali says. She strokes Rosé’s hair and hums the lullaby Rosé hummed to Finn, and it’s not quite right, but it soothes her anyway.
For a few minutes at least, and then she stubbornly opens her eyes.
“You’re not Jan,” Rosé says, and before Denali can wonder if she’s mad, she smiles. “You’re Denali.”
Denali blushes. “Yeah, I am.”
Rosé looks at her in wonder, a shy smile on her face. “Denali, I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?”
“I love you.”
Blood roars in Denali’s ears, her heart racing. What the hell is Rosé doing? She must still be delirious, she doesn’t know what she’s saying–
“I’ve loved you for a while,” Rosé continues, her eyes clearing a little, her voice sincere. “And you’re so special to me that I want you to know. I want everyone to know.”
And then Denali understands. Rosé has mustered up one last plan to get the medicine. A love declaration on live television. If this can’t get a sponsor’s sympathy, nothing can, and Denali has to play along. This is the game, it’s what they agreed to, so why does it feel so real, like at the interview? Why does part of Denali want it to be real? It’s just a game, she tells herself.
“I…I know, Rosie. I know you love me.” Why can’t she say I love you back? Rosé’s damn life is on the line, but the words won’t come out. But maybe she doesn’t need words. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” Rosé breathes.
Denali holds her breath as she leans down to meet her lips. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t imagine this before. She was eleven when she realized she wanted to kiss girls, and so what if her fantasy kissing partner had red hair and green eyes? It was just her imagination. Nothing real. And Denali doesn’t know if it’s real now, but she’s doing it.
Rosé’s lips are fiery, but soft and delicate. Denali knows this has to be believable, so she runs one hand along Rosé’s arm, the other stroking her sweaty hair. If Denali’s heart was racing before, it’s running a sprint as the kiss deepens, and she feels more alive than she has since the fight in the clearing. It’s been so long since she’s kissed anyone, touched them so tenderly, and she wants to do it again and again. But she shouldn’t enjoy it this much, because it’s just a game, right?
She doesn’t have time to think, because a clanging at the cave mouth announces the arrival of their saving grace.
Denali tears the lid off the container. Inside, there’s a syringe, a needle and thread, bandages, and painkillers. Denali grabs the syringe, whispers an apology to Rosé, and sticks it into her arm.
Rosé, falls asleep seconds later, exhausted from the talking and the kiss. Denali isn’t sure if that’s good or bad. She assumes the medicine is a fast-acting Capitol creation, since she only needs one syringe. But how fast? Minutes? Hours? She doesn’t know how much longer they can hide here before the Gamemakers force them out.
Denali sighs. She might as well stitch the wound properly while Rosé is asleep. For the first time in the cave, her sleep is peaceful, and Denali feels a rush of gratitude. The lines of infection are already fading, and she stitches the wound with new hope, tinged with anger. All that work, all that suffering, for one little syringe. How could the Capitol have something that practically works miracles and make it so hard to get?
“Rosé McCorkell, you better wake up soon,” Denali says. “Because if you die on me after all this, I swear I’ll bring you back just to yell at you! I–I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life! I’ll–”
“‘M pretty sure I’d be haunting you, since I’m the dead one.” A wide grin crosses Rosé’s face as her eyes ease open.
“Rosie, you’re–”
“I’m okay. I feel like shit, but I’m okay.”
Relief slams into Denali, filling the cave with joy, and she cups Rosé’s cheek gently, feeling that she’s alive and okay. Denali isn’t going to lose her.
“Thank you, Denali,” Rosé whispers, and Denali knows how much she means it.
“We look out for each other, remember?”
Rosé nods as Denali helps her sit up. They eat the last of their food, making a plan to wash up at the stream, find food and water, and re-enter the arena.
Five tributes. That’s all that’s between them and the train home.
“One more thing.” Denali carefully re-pins the lion on Rosé’s jacket, ignoring how the touch reminds her of the kiss–just a game, just a game. She’ll have to deal with the kiss at some point, but not now. “Let’s go. We’ve got a game to win.”
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bubbyleh · 3 years
Do I Know You? - Chapter 7
read this chapter on ao3! check out the rest of this series on tumblr!
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Chapter 7: Redacted Version An idea of the truth.
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Getting to know your long-lost sibling around thirty-nine years after they disappeared is certainly something. It’s difficult sometimes for Kleiner to reconcile the adult sitting across from him with the baby he knew so long ago, but he’s trying! And though Bubby isn’t really one to offer up much in the way of personal anecdotes, even hearing the odd story from five years ago from Coomer is nice.
At first, Kleiner told himself he wouldn’t press. He had no starry-eyed, idealized notion of Black Mesa in his head. The facility was fucked up beyond measure, and the thought of Bubby growing up surrounded by that? It was one he wanted to shove into a trash can in his mind.
But Bubby didn’t seem to want to talk about it, and Kleiner wasn’t sure he wanted to hear.
Slowly, though, that changed. The incidents were small initially, but Bubby began to open up slightly. Like how during one of their regular coffee meetings, Kleiner asked a bit about the conversation he’d overheard in Chemical Engineering.
“Oh, that,” Bubby grimaces. “That was Dr. Daniels. He’s been in charge of my project for as long as I can remember. He died not long after that night .”
“Good,” Kleiner says in response to that last fact, a statement that throws Bubby for a loop. They look unsure, avoiding Kleiner’s gaze for the briefest of moments and slouching forward. Suddenly, though, their eyes widen, and they sit right back up.
“Yeah, you’re right,” they finally say. “It is good.”
Bubby places their mug on the table, brow furrowing as they stare at the coffee, gently swishing. And something about it threatens to tear Kleiner’s heart apart. The wrongness of it all. Bubby shouldn’t have memories like that—of Dr. Daniels. They were supposed to grow up together, in a small house at the end of the street. Instead, they were in Kleiner’s admittedly cramped kitchen, trying to catch up on a lifetime of memories.
It’s unfair.
Kleiner takes a sip of his coffee.
“Bubby,” he manages to ask. “Have you ever thought about leaving Black Mesa?”
And Bubby frowns. “That’s… complicated.” They fiddle with the edge of their mug.
“How so?”
“Well,” Bubby sighs. “It’s not that I want to stay at Black Mesa, it’s more that… I don’t technically have a doctorate, you know. And I’m not qualified to do anything else. If I want a job, it’s gotta be here.”
Oh. Right. Actually, Kleiner hadn’t really thought about that, but it did make sense that Black Mesa wouldn’t be able to just hand Bubby a degree. Hell, it might actually be a bit of a warning sign if they could.
“But, also…” In the most simple of motions, Bubby smiles. “Harold’s here. You’re here, Isaac.” He brings his mug up to his mouth, but pauses to clarify, “You two are doing great work. I wouldn’t ask you to leave it, and I won’t leave either of you.”
Bubby’s clearly trying to keep their tone casual, but their words feel significant to Kleiner. They hold a weight to them; a promise.
- ○ -
The Hanukkah photo was the first step. It took a while, but the longer Bubby saw it and got used to it, the more he realized he was curious. The baby in that photo looks so happy to be with their brother, and it’s hard to imagine that that’s
. A little person whose family adored them. And maybe, if they see the rest of Kleiner’s photos, he’ll at least understand a bit about who that person could have been.
Isaac, of course, was thrilled by the prospect of sharing Bubby’s baby pictures. He’d promised to dig up as many as he could and bring them over, since Black Mesa’s singles dorms aren’t really great for receiving guests in. Once Harold had found out about the plan, though, he’d been eager to invite himself to the viewing. Actually, he’d been practically giddy about it.
Maybe they should be worried about that…
Oh this was a mistake.
Before they can really consider cancelling, though, there’s a knock at the door. And when Bubby opens the door to the sight of Kleiner holding a small cardboard box, it’s only then that he realizes that tonight is going to be extremely embarrassing.
- ○ -
“Oh, look at this one! He has to be less than an hour old, here!”
“My goodness, he’s adorable!”
Bubby has to resist every urge not to hide his red face behind his hands, because some poor part of his brain still really wants to see what he looked like as a baby. Unfortunately, Coomer does as well, and if they have to hear one more time about how they were the cutest thing to ever grace the planet, then they’re going to explode.
What’s even worse, though, is that Coomer brought out his own collection.
“You should see this one.” He slides a picture over to Kleiner. “They thought they were so cool!”
Bubby just barely catches a glance of a photo of himself when he was, what? Thirty-five? Thirty-six? Couldn’t have been too long after he started dating Coomer, actually.
“Wait a fucking second.” Bubby snatches the photo before Kleiner can get that good of a look. They do look younger, with a scowl on their face pointed somewhere offscreen. “I don’t remember you taking this.”
“Ah, well.” Finally, Coomer has the audacity to look at least a bit sheepish. “I made sure you weren’t looking.”
Bubby squints back down at the picture. “Why?”
“I thought you looked nice,” Coomer admits matter-of-factly.
And after a brief reprieve, Bubby’s flushed face returns in full force. This time, though, he draws his knees to his chest and buries his face in them.
“You two are killing me,” Bubby mumbles, holding the picture out for Isaac.
Kleiner plucks it from their hands. “You’re fine,” he insists.
“I will die, and it will be your fault.”
There’s a sound of papers shifting, followed by Kleiner muttering, “Hang on a moment…”
Bubby peeks out.
“I think that was it, actually,” Kleiner sighs. Almost instinctively, he reaches over and pats Bubby’s head, earning himself a glare. “You disappeared when you were around thirteen months. That’s not a lot of time…”
Kleiner’s eyes seem fixed on the photo of the newborn in his hand, though. He brushes it with his pointer finger, and in the back of Bubby’s mind, something clicks into place. They stand abruptly, much to their brother’s surprise.
“Fine,” Bubby states. “Give me a second.”
They loop around the couch, and after blindly fumbling under it for a moment, their hand finally finds purchase on what they were looking for. With a flourish, Bubby holds up their file, shaking off the dust that’s accumulated.
“Is that where you’ve been hiding that?” Coomer asks.
“Don’t worry, it’s getting a new hiding spot after tonight,” Bubby reveals. He settles back on the couch, clutching the file tightly. “Now, let me set the ground rules: This is a selective process, which means I reserve the right to withhold any picture I see fit.” He glares at the two of them. “No sneaking.”
Kleiner nods, and Coomer chimes in with “Understood!”
Bubby takes a deep breath before they open their file again. It’s been a while—a long while—since they last did, but everything is just as they left it. In fact, he thinks he might know where the first good picture is as he flips forwards slightly.
“Alright.” They undo the paperclip, slipping the photo to Kleiner. “This is me and Dr. Cynthia, one of the good ones. The notes say I was around fourteen months here.”
Dr. Cynthia had taken an immediate liking to Bubby, and judging by the picture, the feeling was mutual. She held him up to the camera with such a happy look on her face. Bubby’s struck with the thought that it was the first time in over a month that someone had loved him.
And Isaac has tears welling up in his eyes.
“No, shit,” Bubby struggles. “Don’t cry, fuck.” They pull Kleiner into a hug without really thinking.
Kleiner wipes away the few tears that escaped. “I’m fine, Bubby, seriously,” he says, but his voice sounds shaky. “It’s just… I didn’t get to see you grow up.”
“Okay, we don’t have to look at them anymore-” Bubby tries to put the file down.
“No wait!” Kleiner’s almost frantic as he grabs onto Bubby’s wrist. He takes a breath. “I want to see them.”
“You’re sure?”
Kleiner nods.
“Alright.” Bubby shakes his hand off them. “But we’re taking a break if you need it.”
- ○ -
Seeing the rest of Bubby’s childhood was certainly a mixed bag of emotions. They were such a cute little kid. There was a picture of them after they got their first pair of glasses, with a smile bright enough to light up a room. And then in their teenage years, their facial expressions gradually melted into “teen angst”. It was especially funny when Kleiner held up a picture of Bubby pouting when he was a baby, and they realized he was making the same face in both photographs.
Kleiner loved it, truly, but there was an underlying melancholy to it all. He should have seen this all himself. Bubby was taken away from their family, and for what?
That question sticks in their head. For what? Bubby’s clearly been skipping over large parts of their childhood, ignoring the bad parts and sharing the good. And that makes sense, of course, but…
Well, Kleiner read that first paper. Bubby was taken for augmentation and enhancement.
They did something to him.
“I’ll see you sometime next week,” Bubby promises as they see Kleiner out of their dorm. “Maybe we’ll do another dinner?”
“That would be nice,” Kleiner agrees. He’d stayed later than he meant to, but the trams would run for another hour or so. He has time for goodbyes.
“I’ll talk to you about it at work!” Harold calls from the seating area, where he’s still sorting the picture mess.
Bubby rolls their eyes, but they lean in, pulling Kleiner into another hug. “Thank you.”
Kleiner’s always happy about some genuine emotion from their sibling, but it’s a bit sudden. “Why are you thanking me?”
“I don’t know, really,” Bubby chuckles to himself. “Being my brother, I guess? Accepting me?”
“Like I wouldn’t welcome you back.” Kleiner returns the hug for a brief moment, before pulling back. “I’ll look at my schedule next week.”
Bubby waves his brother off. “Bye, Isaac.”
“Bye Bubby.”
And Isaac Kleiner decides. He is going to get his hands on that file.
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bogkeep · 4 years
i wrote down a rough outline for the Timian Fable and Vinta Qir story, just to have it written down Somewhere, and i feel like it’s only fair to share it with people who care about them!! i wrote it in a google doc but i’m gonna copypaste it under the readmore, so i hope the formatting isn’t too fucky.
(here’s a toyhouse page for my iphimery characters)
Prince Aljanah (third son of the queen, pretty far down in line to the throne, generally bored, has zero responsibilities and zero accountability) seduces Timian mostly for the heck of it. I mean, Timian is super cute, so like. Why not. He gives him a smooch and a stealthy “think about it, OK?” and oh god does Timian ever think about it. It’s a really Big Conflict in his brain because he has a DUTY and this goes against ALL DUTY and Aljanah is almost literally his employer (his loyalty is sworn to the royal family) so it’s like! What the hell is he supposed to do!! What the prince wants is supposed to trump what he wants, unless it puts the royal family’s safety in jeopardy, and AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH (and he kind of really wants to?? There’s a lot to unpack here?????)
 There’s some genuine friendship in there, where Aljanah helps Timian overcome some trauma around magic, but for the most part Timian is left pining for a relationship Aljanah isn’t interested in.
(Aljanah teaches Timian some light magic maybe??? Timian isn’t too keen on using it, ever. He does learn some very useful magic blocks though.)
Vinta is on a mission to assassinate Aljanah. Timian stops them and they are equally measured in strength. Vinta is about to use their magic (which they only use as a last resort), but Timian then has a moment of Gay (their faces are very close together) and blurts out something like “oh... you’re beautiful” which takes Vinta so unexpectedly aback they kind of… flee
Vinta tries again another time, but Timian is there again to meet them, and this time Vinta goes straight for the magic - which freaks Timian out bc trauma, but he remembers what Aljanah taught him and counters it. The ordeal leaves both of them so exhausted, they kind of just lie down and… start bonding over how magic kinda sucks. Very begrudgingly, on Vinta’s part at least. 
(“Please don’t forget me?” “I don’t think I could even if I wanted to”) Unsure If Vinta Agrees To Stop The Assassination But They Certainly Seem Very Unhappy About The Prospect Of One
Despite it seeming like Timian may never meet Vinta again… Vinta keeps showing up. Not as an assassin in the dark, but like, on the street? Off the clock? So they sort of start hanging out?? Vinta has a real knack for finding Timian anywhere, anytime… one time they come across him singing by himself down by the water, but they don’t approach him. Just sit down and listen out of sight, a little guilty for intruding. 
Timian seems awfully forgiving of Vinta attempting to murder his crush, but hey, Vinta was just trying to do his job. Timian seems extremely reluctant to talk about Aljanah at all ever though. Vinta slowly pieces together that Timian has some really strong and painful feelings towards the prince. IT’S COMPLICATED
Vinta never ever addresses the whole “you’re beautiful” thing. Timian never brings it up either. THEY’RE BOTH THINKING ABOUT IT, CONSTANTLY
This is like. The first time either of them has a friend who’s really their equal and who kind of really gets them. It’s so incredibly precious and neither wants to mess that up. This has never happened before in the history of gay
Timian’s relationship to romance/sexuality is very… he has a duty, you know? He has to be stronger than that and not let it ever distract him. So of course Aljanah comes along and MESSES ALL OF IT UP. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
He has some issues. He’s working on it. 
In all honesty he started out very clueless like he didn’t recognize crushes as crushes for such a long time because “they’re just such lovely friends :)” you know. So it was very easy to say he was above these things BUT HE WASN’T!! HE WASN’T!!! HE WAS JUST A DUMBASS!!! What Aljanah does is essentially just confront the dumbassery head on and it’s like oh no *pictures of all his dear lovely friends spill out of pocket* “i’m gay???” “always was”
Vinta’s relationship to romance/sexuality was to repress all of it because they don’t belong to themself. They were like, keenly aware every time Some Feeling showed up uninvited and they would throttle it and shove it down where it never got to flourish. 1) they can’t have it 2) they don’t deserve it So don’t even try, you know? There’s no fucking point. 
I mean they kind of… help each other a lot, sharing traumas, letting the other that they deserve to have nice things, and be a person maybe?? Maybe duty isn’t all there is for them out there? Sounds fake but ok [gazes longingly into each other’s eyes]
Vinta never goes through with the assassination on prince Aljanah but sometimes they kind of really want to. Not because of a job, but because oh my god Aljanah broke Timian’s heart and also AAUGHH HE DOESN’T DESERVE TIMIAN’S DEVOTION THIS IS UPSETTING I DON’T KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH THIS DSJKSDJKDSFJB!!
They also gotta deal with the pressure from the assassin’s guild. Since they’re one of the top assassins they got a lot of leeway at first, but now that they’re questioning both their purpose and loyalty and kind of push back… it’s getting kind of dangerous maybe. The other assassins start getting on their case as well and Vinta has to keep up appearances and prove that they’re not too Weak to do it.  Vinta has a lot of pride in their skills ok. Pride is one of the emotions they’ve let themself foster.
Meanwhile Timian is kind of slowly able to let go of his yearning for Aljanah, because he’s found a relationship that’s filling in all the wounds from what he’s not getting from the prince?? Like he’s investing in a friendship that’s actually fulfilling and a two way street? And maybe?? Something More?? SJAJHSDJKA???
It’s giving Timain the ability to set a boundary between himself and Aljanah that was sorely lacking before. Things are still kind of Strange and a little Painful but he’s on a healthier path and we’re all very proud of him
Look I haven’t thought too hard about the actual plot with the assassination and stuff but imagine that other assassins take on the mission to kill Aljanah and VINTA TEAMS UP WITH TIMIAN TO PROTECT THE GARBAGE PRINCE BECAUSE HE MATTERS TO TIMIAN. 
Aljanah hasn’t met Vinta before (he just sleeps through assassination attempts for the most time, it happens frequently enough that he just accepts that this is his lot in life???) and is like oh thank you and who do I owe the honor and Vinta just punches him in the face
Since that was overall confusing, Timian and Vinta kind of have to talk about it, and Vinta admits to having some… Selfish And Greedy Feelings and they are clearly not ready to confess properly yet
Timian has, for better or for worse, learnt some things from Aljanah. “You want to see something selfish?” he says, kissing Vinta. “Think about it, OK?” he says before he goes, leaving a VERY DAZED Vinta just standing there
In the future. When Vinta has quit the guild and Timian is no longer a royal guard, and they make a home together and create a life where they no longer work in violence… 
Vinta collects knives because they love knifes. Knives have always felt Safe to them because magic has been the dangerous tool. Vinta gets really good at woodworking.
Timian helps out at an apothecary. Which is funny because his name just means thyme in norwegian. He doesn’t keep any polearms around, but if necessary he can wield a really mean pitchfork.
They’re both highly skilled fighters, but don’t try to drag them into any pointless wars, ok? It won’t end well for you.
They love and care eachother 
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whiskey-bumblebee · 4 years
I Want Candy
Pairing: Pale/Reader
Word Count: 1953
Year: (after Raw, before Vacation)
A/N: This one is a little bit sad but nothing awful. Extensive discussion of Pale being a father (not related to reader) consistent with character’s backstory. Mostly plot, sorry! Mentions of condom-tampering by Pale’s ex.
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You’d noticed Pale buying things that were a little out of the ordinary for him. Twizzlers? Sure he’d bought them once or twice when he was stressed, but pop rocks? Skittles? Fun dip?
Then you noticed the packing tape, the little boxes he’d been buying. Most curious of all, sheets of thick cardboard. And marbles.
One night, you got up for a drink of water and found him in the kitchen, bent over the island as he measured out some cardboard.
“Jesus fuck!” Pale breathed your name as he turned around and saw it was you. You leaned to the side, trying to see around him.
“Look, I didn’t wanna say anything but... What’s happening?”
Pale cleared his throat and stretched out his back, leaning side to side. Must have been leaning over for a while.
“Uh, you remember my kid, right?”
You nodded.
“With Halloween coming up, he’s not allowed any candy and I thought I’d send him some. Not fair if all his friends get to go trick or treating and he doesn’t, you know? His mom, she’s uhh... Not a very nice lady. Kid deserves a chance to get all shot up with sugar now and again. Part of growin’ up.”
You squinted, eyes adjusting to the light in the kitchen after being asleep for a while. 
“So the marbles?”
Pale nodded and gestured for you to look. “I put false bottoms in all the little boxes I send him. The post office doesn’t give a shit because it’s clearly candy right? Hell, even if it was heroin, they’d probably let it through. Anything going New York, Miami ain’t worth their trouble. So, the story is that my kid is having a marbles phase. But the good marbles are the ones that aren’t common in Miami. Gotta come from Canada, that part’s true. So I get them shipped here cos they don’t ship Toronto to Miami, only Toronto across the border. Also true.”
“Hang on, so your kid’s having a marbles phase?”
“Nah, that part’s bullshit. He’s smart, made that bit up, found a company in Toronto that makes good marbles, according to his friends, now he’s got a perfect excuse for getting a bunch of packages from me. Marbles go in and out real fast, who knew?”
You smiled and rested your head on Pale’s back. “He’s like you then, huh? Smart, resourceful. Gonna have to watch out when he gets old enough to work in the restaurant industry.”
He turned around and wrapped you in his arms. “You think I’m smart?”
“Mhm. Einstein level shit, all the logistics you do.”
Pale let you go and turned back to the packages. “Been doing it for a week or two now so he can start a decent stockpile under his bed or wherever the fuck.”
“You wanna send him a big one for Halloween?”
Pale worked for a moment, considering what you’d said. 
“I don’t know how we’d get away with it. Mom’s Catholic, she isn’t big into Halloween. Devil’s work and all that. Apparently she only likes holy spirits, not just the regular spirit schmucks. Poor guys. Reckon they get that kinda discrimination from a lotta folks.”
You chuckled tiredly, then yawned. “I gotta get back to bed. Do this during the day, alright? Ain’t gotta hide from me.”
“Baby,” Pale turned around and took your hand. “It ain’t that. Well, I didn’t wanna upset you by talking ‘bout her, but it ain’t that. Angel, I just ain’t got time during the day. By the time I get home, my eyes are shot from being up so long. Hands are shakin’ from holding a knife, or grippin’ the steering wheel. Gotta rest for a bit before I’m good to go again.”
Sadness fell over your face, you felt it. Your eyebrows drawing together, frown pulling at your chin. “Pale...” You stroked your hands over his hair, gathering the hair at his temples and pushing it back. 
He kissed your palms. “C’mon, I’ll come back to bed with ya. You can cut the things for the bottom of the boxes, you got littler hands that’ll actually fit in the fuckin’ scissors.”
“Pale, you know the thing you did before you met me? Before you had your current job?”
“Can’t say it out loud, dollface, but yeah.”
“Did you ever do it in Miami?”
“Yeah, real good at it too. Cops are slow over there. Fuckin’ alcoholics.”
“Are there any guys you trust enough to let them near your house?”
“Yeah. Couple of guys came over a few times, said they were friends from work. Trusted ‘em with my life.”
“Any one in particular come to mind?”
Without skipping a beat, Pale nodded. “Ethan.”
You nodded. 
“What are you getting at, huh?” Pale glanced at you for a moment, away from the road.
“Just thinkin’. What if we made that Halloween package for your son, got Ethan to deliver it early in the morning or something? Leave it somewhere he knew to look?”
Pale was quiet for a while, then slowly began to nod. “That’ll work. I can call Ethan, tell him there’s a package I wanna send to the house. He won’t ask questions. I’d do the same for him. Then call the kid and tell him where to look.”
It was childlike, the fun you had with Pale putting the gift together, assembling candy in all the colors of the rainbow into an altogether excessive box. You only wished you could see the look on his face when he opened it. The thought sent a twang of pain through your chest. If you wanted to see his reaction, how bad did Pale wanna see it?
“When’s the last time you saw him?”
Pale drummed his fingers across the coffee table, expressing a guilt he couldn’t name out loud, allowing the feeling to bubble out of him through his hands. Maybe that’s why he liked the piano.
“When I left Miami.”
You swallowed and nodded. It wasn’t the right time to ask. 
“Terrible dad, huh?” Pale was turning inward, caving into his ribcage so he felt like he didn’t have to look at you. 
“Pale, terrible dads wouldn’t be sitting here, making a beautiful little box of candy to send all the way to Miami. A terrible dad wouldn’t be staying up all night shipping candy hidden in boxes of marbles.”
You shuffled across the carpet and rested your head on your shoulder and your hands on his thigh. 
“Thanks angel. Just a terrible husband then?”
You huffed a laugh and kissed his cheek. “Yeah. I’ll let you have that. I’m sure she’s a worse wife than you’re a bad husband. I guess good husbands don’t fuck girls from Manhattan.”
“Girl from Manhattan,” Pale corrected. “If she had any lady parts left she’d be doing the same thing, someone from Jacksonville. Fuckin’ shame they’ve all turned to dust.”
You laughed and turned your face into Pale’s shoulder. “What’s his name? What’s he like?”
Pale shook his head. “I’m not a good dad, never had the whole moment where I fell in love with him. He’s alright-looking, mostly looks like her, but he’s got my nose I think. He’s a math kid. His name’s Joseph, I call him Joe. Typical of her to call him something like Joseph. Surprised she didn’t go with a saint name.”
He lifted the box. “Jesus, this is heavy. I think we’re done. Wanna help me do the ribbon?”
You nodded and pressed on the lid, hovering your finger over the ribbon as he tied the bow.
“I love you Pale.”
He looked at you when he finished adjusting the bow. “Yeah?”
You nodded. He nodded.
“I love you too. Know I don’t say it often enough, but I do. Love you more than anyone else I’ve ever known. And, uh, it’s nice. Not doing Halloween and everything alone. It’s hard sometimes when kids come knocking and there’s a kid with a little mop ‘a hair that looks like him.”
“I wanna kiss you so bad,” You breathed. 
He smiled and ran the pad of his thumb over your chin. “The girl from Manhattan wants to kiss me huh?”
You nodded, smiling like a lovestruck fool. Smiling as a lovestruck fool.
“C’mere then.”
“You expecting a call, angel?” Pale mumbled into your skin. 
You nodded and yawned. “Pick it up for me?”
Pale picked up the phone.
“Pale speakin’ but you’ve reached me and my girl, how can I help ya?”
You rolled your eyes with a laugh, then watched Pale, waiting for a reaction.
“C’mon Dad, you know I don’t like my big name.”
Pale looked over at you, tears in his eyes. He took your hand in his and held it tightly.
“Happy halloween bud. Figured mom wouldn’t want you to go trick or treating so I went for ya. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Do I ever! Thanks dad, you’re the best!”
“Everything looks good? Nothing you don’t like?”
“I don’t like sweet tarts but everything else looks so good.”
“That’s good, kid. You gotta go to school or something?”
“Yeah, I got about five minutes before the bus comes. The girl at your place said I should call if I had time.”
“Thanks Joe. It’s good to hear your voice. You got a phone in your room now?”
“Yeah, my friends all have them and we call when the weather’s bad and we can’t play outside.”
“I should call you more often then, huh?” 
“Mom said you’re too busy.”
Pale scowled.
“Never too busy to catch up with ya. Listen, call me whenever it suits you, right? If I ain’t home then the lady can chat with ya and let you know when to call back.”
“What’s her name? She nice?”
Pale spoke your name so reverently you felt like a goddess. 
“She’s great. She wants to meet ya sometime.”
“That mean you’re gonna come to Florida?”
“We’ll see, no promises it’ll be soon, but sometime.”
“I miss you, dad. It’s funny, I don’t even know what you look like anymore. You could have grey hair like an old man.”
Pale carded a hand through his hair and grinned. The movement sent the tears welling in his eyes streaming down his cheeks.
“Hey, have some respect for your old man, huh? My hair’s still black, eyes are still brown. Is your nose still crooked from when you broke it playing football?”
There was a pause. You could imagine Joseph tracing his nose with a finger.
“A little. There’s still a-”
A pause again.
“Sorry dad, I gotta go. Bus is here.”
“See ya, Joe. Have a good day.”
The receiver clicked.
Pale pulled you close to him and pressed his face into your chest.
“You see any grey hairs?”
You kissed his hair. “None. Still sexy as ever.”
“You hear what he said? You’re the best.”
“He isn’t wrong.” You ran your fingertips over Pale’s shoulders. “You’re a good dad, Pale.”
Pale hummed. “I wish I’d had a kid with you instead.”
“You know I don’t really want kids.”
Pale huffed a laugh. “I don’t either. I like Joe, but he wasn’t meant to happen. She poked a hole in the condom we used and it ripped. She told me the truth about it when she went into labor. Said it was her duty to have kids, even if I didn’t want them.”
“I’m so sorry,” You breathed. “That’s terrible.”
He sat up and shrugged. “Just wish you’d done it instead, wish I met you first. I’d stick around if it was you.”
You nodded with a soft smile. “I’d stick around too.”
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Cat, Ghost, and Revolution Sunday - Chapter 2: The events from Wednesday (part 7)
A ghost showed up out of nowhere.
Kei was in bed, with the lights off and his eyes closed, recalling that day's events. Remembering the cat he found, Murase, and a lot more.
While was thinking about the meaning of every piece, he heard someone call his name.
It was a girl's voice. At first, he suspected it was Tomoki's ability. He thought his friend was sending another boisterous message with that annoying ability of his. But he didn't hear Tomoki's voice.
Lacking other options, he opened his eyes. There was a ghost there. A ghost was nonchalantly floating in his unlit room. She was transparent and shaped like Minami Mirai.
(Take a deep breath, Kei. What the heck is going on here? I've never seen a ghost before. I'm honestly at a loss for words. I would scream if I was walking on a silent street, but with this ghost appearing to me so anticlimactically, I can't figure out the exact timing to be surprised.)
What confused him the most was the ghost's behavior. She was scratching her head with a blush and smile.
"Uh, good evening", she said.
(How are you supposed to scare me like that? Oh well, I guess I have to answer.)
"Good evening."
No one spoke for the next few seconds. Kei slowly forced his body to move and sat up.
(Ok, what do I do next? I'm really confused with this ghost I just found.)
The ghost answered with a nod. This confirmed she was Minami Marai. Much to his chagrin.
Kei's head still wasn't running properly but he forced it to find the right words.
One word, two letters. It was the vaguest question possible, but she accurately understood what he was asking.
"I woke up like this. Any idea why?"
(When you think of ghosts, you think of death, but here in Sakurada you don't necessarily need to die to become a ghost. And you probably wouldn't become a ghost from dying anywhere else.)
Kei shook his head.
"I have no idea. Is that an astral projection?"
(Makes sense for an ability like that to exist.)
As far as he knew, Minami didn't have an ability. That meant her ability could potentially awaken at any moment. When an ability awakens varies greatly from person to person. It's rare for it to happen to an adult, but gaining an ability as a high schooler didn't make you all that much of a late bloomer.
"Astral projection? That's a supernatural phenomenon. Awesome."
Minami bounced up and down in excitement. It's strange to say a floating object was bouncing up and down, but there was no other way to describe it.
"Pretty sure that's just an ability."
(Though she'd be right if we're counting every ability in Sakurada as a supernatural phenomenon.)
"My ability?"
"That's the most likely answer. Give me some time to think."
People learn about their own abilities having to try. That said, they don't have any instruction manuals. Just a vague feeling they can do something.
Suppose, for example, that someone had the ability to fly. That person would unconsciously know that they could fly before they tried it for the first time, but they would have no idea how high, how fast, or for how long. They'd continue living their lives without knowing how to take off, until one day they inadvertently start flying. Until they're floating in the air, they can't tell if they really have that ability or if it's just their imagination.
"Have you felt like you could become a ghost", Kei asked.
"I wanted to be one sometimes."
"I see. Anything else you wanted to be?"
"A vampire, a mage, a superhero, anything. I just wanted an ability."
"Any particular favorite among the list?"
"Not really. All options were interesting."
(This could go either way. I'll change the question.)
"What's the first thing you want to do now that you're a ghost?"
"Becoming a rumor, I guess. Like the kuchisake-onna. A rumor that will get kids hyped, hopefully."
"So, are you going to do that now?"
"Hm, I wanna try returning to my human form first."
"You think you can?"
"Nope. I have no idea what's going on. Did you figure anything out?", Minami asked, curious.
Kei answered he didn't. Then he noticed how wrong it was for him to talk to a ghost girl from his bed, so he stood up and turned on the lights.
He sat on his desk's chair. Minami was spinning in the air.
"What are you doing?"
"I can go upside down and my skirt won't turn over. That's convenient."
The people had a duty to report to the Bureau whenever a new ability was discovered. Doing that, the Bureau will follow their manual and deal with any potential problems. Kei decided to report to Tsushima, but before he could do anything, Minami swiftly approached his face.
"Think harder, Asai. What do you think happened to me?"
"Ok. Can you tell what you were doing before you became a ghost?"
"I can't remember. I just woke up like this."
Kei gave off an intrigued sigh. Her losing her memories didn't make much sense under the assumption that her ability was to become a ghost. Abilities have all kinds of restrictions, so this could be that, but there was a real chance that it was an external factor.
"Tell me everything you remember, in order. Do you remember getting out of school?"
"I do. You ditched me."
"So you went to search for the vampire alone?"
"Yeah. I guess I became a ghost because I went to the Ghost Mountain?"
"That could be related, yeah. Did you find the vampire?"
"I can't remember. Everything past me approaching the mountain is a blank."
"What time was it?"
"Not long past 5 PM."
Over 6 hours ago.
"When's your next memory?"
"Not too long ago. About 20 minutes."
"And you already a ghost?"
Kei traced back his memories. Everything she said about the vampire.
"Years ago, someone collapsed from a vampire attack, was it? Do you know what happened to him?"
(Assuming this person really met a vampire, the same thing could have happened to Minami. If what happened to her is like astral projection, her body should be collapsed somewhere.)
She was speaking slowly as if she was trying to remember things mid-sentence.
"According to the files at the U-Res, he quickly regained consciousness."
"And what next? What happened to the vampire?"
"Oh. That's it. That person was also missing memories. That's why they don't remember the vampire's face."
(That's contradictory. I feel like I'll get sidetracked, but I'll ask just in case.)
"He couldn't remember the face, but remembered he met a vampire?"
"Weird, right? The vampire part is probably made up by the U-Res. Oh, I see, that might have been why the prez didn't care for the search."
(It figures... There's one really positive piece of information in her story. The previous vampire victim regained consciousness. That means Minami should be back in her own body in no time. This conclusion is a little too optimistic to my taste, but looking for pessimistic alternatives won't help here. If anything bad happened to her body, a Reset can solve that.)
But there was also one negative piece of information. Kei changed the subject, as he'd prefer to think about that by himself.
"By the way, why did you come to my house?"
"'cause you're with the Service Club. I thought you'd know how to solve the problem."
"Sorry, but Service Club requests need to go through the Bureau."
"What? Even for classmates? I thought you were nicer than that."
"I'll help on a personal level, of course, but you'd better leave for tonight. It's already late. Your family must be worried."
"Going home as a ghost wouldn't make them any less worried."
"I'll tell Tsushima to tell the Bureau. They don't take long to solve any ability-related problem. Tell your family everything is fine."
Minami frowned, displeased. That was a rare expression for her.
"If my body is collapsed in the mountain, I'm not really too comfortable with just leaving it there."
(Excellent point. I know it's fine because I can simply Reset, but I'm not supposed to tell my classmates about that. Tomoki has been the only exception so far. I absolutely don't want anyone casually asking me to rewind time for any trivial reason.)
Kei proposed a random idea to console her.
"So, do you want me to go check the Ghost Mountain now?"
(I really should have done that from the start. But if there really is an unknown threat on the Ghost Mountain and I make a big mistake... if anything happens to me, Haruki won't be able to Reset. I gotta set up a safety measure.)
Minami frantically waved her arms in front of her face.
"Thanks, but I'd never drag away someone who was trying to sleep. Will you go to the mountain with me in the morning?"
"No problem. That's better for me, too."
"Oh, but you have work for the Service Club tomorrow, right?"
Kei shook his head. That was a lie made to keep the pre-Reset world intact.
"I can do something about that. No need to worry."
"Yeah. How about we met at 9 on the staircase of the Hanamisaki Shrine?"
She agreed.
They said goodbye to each other and Minami left through the closed window. Being a ghost had its benefits.
Kei watched her go away. The rain was already over. There were no stars in the night sky, but the outside was lit by the city lights. Her dim glow made her look like a real ghost. After he could no longer see her, Kei closed the curtains and went to bed.
(Now, the negative information. That's ghost Minami's appearance itself. She didn't come to my apartment before the Reset. She didn't become a ghost. This changed despite my constant efforts to react the same way I did before. What caused this? Where did her future change? Damn it.)
The Reset caused this. She became a ghost because Kei ordered Haruki to Reset. Ghosts are associated with death. Kei couldn't stop himself from thinking about the girl who died two years before.
(Let's do what I can first. I have to tell Tsushima. He'll need to tell the Bureau, so I'll text him. Less information is lost in the telephone game when it's written.)
After sending his message, Kei opened his phone's contact list. He wanted to prepare insurance for the case of an unforeseen tragedy. He selected a saved number and hit Call.
The dialing sound soon stopped and he heard a cheerful voice. Nakano Tomoki. After he was done with the long-winded greeting, Kei spoke.
"I got a favor to ask if you don't mind."
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elyvorg · 3 years
AU: Kaito gets a genie or a wish granter. They offer him a wish of any kind. He wishes for his illness to go away, but he did hear the warning of the consequences of said wish. He was actually feeling better now and things were looking up until Shuichi starts vomiting blood. He tells Kaito that he always had this illness. Now Kaito has to reverse the wish before Shuichi dies.
I appreciate what you're going for here - delicious angst! Shuichi suffering a pain that Kaito knows all too well, and it's Kaito's fault! - but the thing is, I just can't quite see this particular scenario happening in the first place. Or, at least, if it does happen, I can't see it happening in a way which is meaningfully Kaito's fault at all.
(...Buuut then I also ended up thinking of a fun way this could play out anyway even though it isn't, so hold on for that at the end.)
The first thing is that, if this were happening in the killing game, and Kaito only had one wish, he'd never spend it on himself like that. He'd wish for everyone else to make it out of the killing game alive and safe. That's a far bigger priority than his own life.
So, okay, instead we can imagine this is happening in a non-despair AU in which Kaito has an equally bad (and presumably incurable) illness, and nobody else he knows needs that wish more than him. In that situation, sure, of course Kaito would probably wish for his illness to go away - but only if he had no reason to assume there would be bad consequences for anybody else.
If the genie made some vague warning about consequences before Kaito made his wish, there's no way he'd brush that off and ignore it. He'd demand they explain exactly what that means, and he wouldn't stand for any beating around the bush, especially not when this is his life on the line. It makes perfectly good sense that a life-or-death wish might have life-or-death consequences, and Kaito wouldn't just overlook this, no matter how badly he doesn't want to be dying any more.
See, Kaito's reckless - but he's not careless. Almost always, when he takes a risk, he's fully aware of what both the good and bad outcomes will be and has decided that the potential good is worth that risk. And whenever he does manage to straight-up ignore potential bad consequences that should outweigh the good, it's only when they affect himself. No matter how reckless he’s feeling, the thought of someone else maybe getting hurt would always give him pause, because his selfnessness is just that instinctive. Kaito only ever tends to make really serious mistakes that end up hurting other people in moments of heated emotion where he can't quite fully control himself. This wouldn't be that, because he'd have had plenty of time to reflect on the whole dying thing in a (relatively) measured way.
  So, I feel like the only situation in which Kaito would make a wish that ended up having these consequences would be if he was genuinely never given any reason to believe there'd be bad consequences to it at all. (Also, the genie would have to be very good at hiding this even outside of just their words, because Kaito's intuition can pick up on people's intentions pretty well.)
In short, the problem wouldn't be Kaito being careless; it'd be the genie deliberately choosing to obfuscate the truth. And if that's the case, then Shuichi's resulting illness is simply not Kaito's fault. It's the genie's fault for being a deceptive asshole who apparently felt like toying with people's lives for the lulz. No matter how desperate he was, Kaito would never wish his illness onto anybody else - not anyone, even if he didn't know it would be Shuichi.
Ultimately, this'd just be Kaito confronting the genie and furiously demanding that they reverse their bullshit that was never what he asked for and leave his sidekick the hell alone, perhaps with some pointedly explaining why this is not his fault if the genie tries to deflect their responsibility and insist Kaito totally deserves the blame. Which would still be fun, but it'd be a fairly straightforward Kaito Versus Bad Guy, rather than a more issuey Kaito Versus His Own Mistakes. There would be barely any guilt involved on his part. Kaito understands very well how responsibility works, and this would not be his.
(Or, well, it would be, but only on the level that Kaito feels like everything bad that happens to his sidekick is his responsibility as the hero to help with and fix, not in the sense that Kaito himself actually caused it.)
  Still, Kaito's guilt or lack thereof aside, there is a way I can imagine this being extra-fun anyway. What if, due to some arbitrary rule of this asshole genie's magic, the only way to reverse it was for Shuichi to wish his illness away, this time knowing perfectly well that it'll go back to Kaito?
Shuichi wouldn't want to, would he?
In fact, Kaito would probably expect that. And depending on how he found out how to reverse this - maybe Shuichi wasn't there - it could end up being possible for Kaito to lie to Shuichi about the consequences of the wish this time, since he knows that Shuichi might refuse if he knew the truth. Oh, man, Kaito would do that, if he could. He would absolutely do that, for exactly the same reasons he hid his illness from his sidekicks in the first place.
But also, it's fun to imagine what'd happen if Shuichi did find out the consequences and refuse to make the wish, either because he didn't buy Kaito's lie one way or another and prodded the truth out of him, or just because he was in fact there when Kaito learned this in the first place.
Imagine, as Shuichi keeps insisting he'd rather go through this illness himself than wish it on Kaito, Kaito's demeanour slowly slipping from a casual "All you gotta do is wish it away, easy!" to a more strained but still-grinning "C'mon, bro, you're my sidekick! I'll take all the burden for you, no problem, just leave it to me!", until it fully sinks in that Shuichi really is willing to suffer a slow and painful death in his place (no, no, that's backwards, that's not how this works...!). Kaito would get desperate, covering it up with something like anger at first - this should never have been Shuichi's choice to make! it's not fair! - but then somewhere along the way becoming straight-up pleading - this was meant to be Kaito's burden, it belongs to him, please give it back to him, Shuichi, please, he can't stand this, he can't bear to watch Shuichi die like this knowing that it should have been him.
(and of course Kaito still hates the fact that he’s showing weakness like this but oh god if he doesn’t Shuichi’s going to die and that’d be so much worse)
Seeing that this is hurting Kaito even more than the alternative, maybe Shuichi would eventually cave in and agree. But if he did, I imagine it would only be on the very strict condition that Kaito actually lets his friends help and support him once he’s sick again. Shuichi would not have been at all happy to learn that Kaito was once going through something this awful and he never even told them. If Kaito is going to insist that he dies for Shuichi and not the other way around, the least he can do in return is not let himself die alone.
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