#[ so many miles for a better life and we’re still crawling ]
feretra · 1 year
as one indigenous mun to another? go give love to @postguilt, please. they’re putting up with some bullshit today because how dare they share their experiences and it not be centered on white voices.
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wordsandrobots · 10 months
The Wishing on Space Hardware playlist (story edition) v1.0
Hmm. A touch premature, perhaps, but while my grand finale plans include a stupidly ambitious attempt to compose a playlist of songs fitted to each character I’m using as a point of view (30+!), I have collected enough IBO-feeling songs to do that for fics in the series too. Well, I did after committing to the bit and hunting down ones to fit the stragglers. We are 18 posted out of 20, so there’s a possibility I’ll revise this later. But hey! For the moment, I’m quite happy with how this came out. And if you like mixes of British folk, indie rock, Country-adjacent stuff, and Leonard Cohen, maybe you will be as well. (Special achievement: it’s not wall-to-wall Thea Gilmore songs.)
For those of you just tuning in, my post-canon Iron-Blooded Orphans series Wishing on Space Hardware can be found at Ao3 via all good web browsers (probably the bad ones too). Full spoilers for both seasons of the anime come as standard.
Arc #1: Moving on or standing still
A Handful of Rusted Petals – Embers [Skinny Lister]
Long is the distance, hard is the mile / That drags me away from our innocent smile / Where wild is the welcome, the company right / Far from the rattle and roar of the fight
I like Skinny Lister a lot and thought this fit the bittersweet themes of these vignettes rather well.
The Grandmaster – The Game [The Levellers]
The clock ticked past the final hour / Which of the men had lost? and what was the cost? / The glasses now were empty and gone / To wash away the shame, and take away the pain
While not 100% on the money, this song seems to capture the feel of the Elion vs McGillis conflict, from Elion’s side at least.
To Catch a Falling Star – Get Better [Frank Turner]
So try and get better and don't ever accept less / Take a plain black marker and write this on your chest / Draw a line underneath all of this unhappiness / Come on now, let's fix this mess / We could get better because we're not dead yet
Gender flip the lyrics and this is basically Yamagi and Shino in this fic to a T.
Fragments of You/Pieces of Me – Injuries [Skinny Lister]
On the advice of my heart I flew / Into the burning sun / And for the life of me I can’t / Find me a way to return
Because sometimes life is at once fundamentally difficult and nevertheless glorious.
Arc #2: Monsters out of the past
Let Sleeping Angels Lie – Call You Friend [Oysterband]
So many times we’ve disagreed / Don’t count the cost there’s a greater need / We sit and watch each other bleed / That’s why I call you friend
Eugene and Shino’s relationship in a nutshell.
Between Family – The Power of Unity [Masaru Yokoyama]
(With full apologies to Mr Yokoyama. I tried to come up with an actual song but using this track is much funnier. Plus, you know. Smut. I don’t tend to spend much time putting lyrics to that.)
I can picture the polyamorous numpties to this far, far too well.
The Ares Affair – Everybody Knows [Leonard Cohen]
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded / Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed / Everybody knows the war is over / Everybody knows the good guys lost
The point where WoSH swerves hard from ‘fix-it’ to ‘consequences of fixing it’.
The Haunting of Takaki Uno – Don’t Dim Your Light For Anyone [Thea Gilmore]
The world is fierce, it's hard as nails / When you do good but goodness fails / You crawl the road that others run / Don't dim your light for anyone
I find Takaki tricky to write because his voice isn’t quite as distinct as Yamagi or Ride, but I know exactly what I want to capture through him.
Arc #3: The pressure of ghosts
Frozen Sunlight – Apparition #12 [Thea Gilmore]
And I smelled the ghosts of the ashes and the orchids / I've got promises tattooed to the insides of my eyelids / And I'll be watching when the Richter reaches ten / I bled by these weapons, babe, and now I'm one of them
Two Thea Gilmore songs in a row, I know, but they have very different tones and this is on point for my interpretation of Azee.
Of Obsessions and Erotemes – A Good Song Never Dies [Saint Motel]
There was a moment, a hole opened in the sky / A chance to join their pantheon / For all the times they never heard your battle cry / Now even angels sing along
I only encountered this song recently but I can see Iverson to it, so now it’s their villain theme.
Revolution for Beginners and Polyamory for Dumbasses – Modern Way [The Kaiser Chiefs]
Hold on to the basics / But we can't change all our tactics / There's no point sitting / Going crazy on your own
Had originally penciled in ‘Truth Is’ by the Levellers for this, but I think ‘Modern Way’ is more applicable to the whole.
Under a Crescent Moon – Son of the Left Hand [Duke Special]
In dying light my shadow calls / I watch his fingers stalk the walls / And now in hollow down I stumble on / The rubble of my babylon
Goes harder than perhaps the tone of the fic strictly requires, but honestly? I think that’s probably earned by the situation.
Arc #4: Schemes and daydreams
Eugene Sevenstark and the Hesperus Treasure – Plans [Devil and the Deep Blue Sea]
And I should find / A better way to spend my time / Than spinning grand designs / Every day with you
The story dealing with coincidence and anticlimax felt like it needed something soothing as a soundtrack.
Hope Against Hope – All This And Heaven Too [Florence + The Machine]
And I would give all this and heaven too / I would give it all if only for a moment / That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see / 'Cause I've been scrawling it forever, but it never makes sense to me at all
I listened to this a lot while writing the next story in the series, but it fits Kudelia too well not to use here.
Love, Death and Cannoli – Fire and Water [The Wandering Hearts]
All love's like fire and water / I ask myself, "Should I bother?" / When you look at me with those big brown eyes / And I know what I'll do / I've tried but it's impossible / Can't keep myself away from you
The Yamagi/Shino song as far as I’m concerned.
Fata Morgana – Belgrade [Battle Tapes]
We pretend in the darkness / We pretend the night won’t steal our youth / Singing me the sweet songs of seduction / Let me be the fool, fool, fool / Who will live and die for you
There are many ways to be seduced and become a fool for others. Also I needed a banging tune for what is, broadly, a long action sequence of a fic.
Arc #5: The end of the world
We Three Kings – Bullet [Saint Motel]
You don't stop a bullet that you set into motion / You don't stop a fire when you light an explosion / So then, why would we fight it? Already ignited / Counting down, down, down, down
This story is inevitable. Or if it isn’t, the major events are underway long before our protagonists arrive. And then there’s that one-in-a-million shot...
History of a Catastrophe – Who By Fire? [Leonard Cohen, live version]
And who by brave assent, who by accident / Who in solitude, who in this mirror / Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand / Who in mortal chains, who in power / And who shall I say is calling?
More Leonard Cohen, with this particularly beautiful version of the song, for an exploration of how terrible systems warp people’s lives.
Ragnarök in G Minor – Battlegrounds [Coco and the Butterfields]
Hey, hey, what do you say when you fall down / Hey, hey, go away from battlegrounds / And I, I feel like I'm living just to stop you winning / So carry on, carry on, carry on ‘til I'm gone
It’s that third line in the chorus. That’s the fic. (Or it will be once I’ve written this monster; the document passed 1MB a couple of weeks back, ye gods.)
A Day in the Light – Something for the Pain [She Drew the Gun]
Walls for the wind / Shelter from the rain / Something for the hunger / And something for the pain
This will be the coda to the series. And I feel this song works well for the history of IBO’s setting. A summing up, if you will.
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secretwhumplair · 1 year
1,074 words | The royal pet, the scullery maid, and their lover (sequel to Thieves in the night)
Content | Conditioning, kidnapping, betrayal
Notes | Ohhh this was. Very tasty and painful. Lint is trying to cope with being stolen, and maybe possibly some other things.
This was not the continuation of anything anyone was waiting for but such is life lol.
Taglist | @tears-and-lilies @melancholy-in-the-morning
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Lint could barely breathe. He could barely think. He could barely be, he felt like he might cease to exist any moment; not die, just stop.
He was being stolen. He had been taken from his master, he was being stolen, he had been ripped from his one purpose in life, from the one person who could give life to him, in any meaningful way. He was being stolen.
He kept his eyes squeezed shut and his ears covered, as if that would help, as if reality might change, as if he might wake from a nightmare, but he still felt the rattle of the carriage taking him further and further from his home - from his master.
He could barely breathe.
Something touched his wrist, and he was squeezed so tight into the corner of the carriage he could not retreat any further. He turned away his head, he didn’t want to see, or hear, or face a world in which he had been taken from his master.
Stolen by people, although that should be a trivial detail, he almost had come to trust. Almost had come to consider friends, inasmuch as a pet could have human friends. It didn’t matter, of course, only his master mattered, the master he had been stolen from. That was where the unbearable ache in his heart came from. That was all, he wanted to go back where he belonged, not stay here with the thieves who cared nothing for him the way his master did.
The touch retreated, eventually. He wouldn’t have dared disobey a person like that at home, under the care and guidance of his master, but these were thieves.
Nothing more.
His heart ached so desperately.
After a time in which he felt nothing but his bleeding heart and the hum in his head still trying to come to terms with having been stolen and the carriage rattling along, the latter came to a stop.
»Lint.« The voice was so loud and clear he couldn’t press his hands hard enough over his ears not to hear. Someone grabbed his wrists, gently but strongly, as if he could ever resist a person.
Arracen. No - the thief.
Lint didn’t fight as he pulled his hands off his ears; there was no point. He had been stolen, he was who-knew-how-many miles from home, from his master, and he had no idea how to react. He hadn’t been prepared for this beyond »Don’t go with thieves,« as if that weren’t self-evident.
He hadn’t known.
»Lint. We - we’re taking a break. Come on, eat something with us.« He opened his eyes. His vision was blurred, and he realized he had been too numb to notice himself crying.
»There, that’s better.«
»Don’t touch me,« Lint whispered; even speaking the words sent a tremor through him, they were words he should not ever say, but this was his thief.
»Okay.« Arracen - the thief let go of him. »I’m sorry. Will you come?« Lint blinked away the tears. Dim light - dawn - was creeping between the curtains at the carriage windows. Day was breaking.
If he escaped, could he hope to find help? Could he hope to be returned to his master?
He wouldn’t as long as he stayed in here. He forced his body out of the corner he had pushed it into; it wasn’t like it offered any protection or comfort anyway. That was all an illusion. Only his master could do that.
Everything was unfamiliar when he crawled out of the carriage. They were standing on a little clearing by the side of the road, surrounded by thick forest through which the road ran, for how long, he had no way of knowing. There was no indication of other people nearby, besides the two starting a small campfire to cook breakfast over.
Nelisa - the traitor - looked up at him with worry in her eyes, as if she cared, but he knew she didn’t, she was not his master and she was a traitor and he had almost - but it didn’t matter, he couldn’t explain where the sudden jab in his heart came from, it wasn’t like it mattered he had almost started thinking of her as a friend. She was a traitor and a thief, that was all.
The other was the foreign unknown who had come to take them all away, the one Arracen had called the spymaster, had been so happy to see, knowing she would help him steal Lint.
The horses had been unhitched and were grazing lazily.
There was no one else, only forest stretching on for who knew how long. He couldn’t outrun the humans, certainly not when one could just hop onto a horse to chase him down, not when he didn’t know how far he would have to go to find a loyal subject of his master’s to help him, not when he didn’t know where he was or where to go.
He didn’t know what to do. Would he be remiss in his duties to his master if he didn’t at least try to run, no matter the consequences? The forest floor, even here where soft grass grew in what would become a patch of light when the sun rose, needled his feet; he was used to going barefoot, but on soft carpets and smooth marble and groomed lawns, and his master had always made sure any calluses were scrubbed away so every part of him could stay soft and pleasant. Fresh tears shot into his eyes at the memory of how kind his master had been, even helping him in fulfilling his easy duties.
He would cut up his feet within a few steps of running along the stony, brambly road, he was sure of it, and that was not how he was supposed to take care of the body that belonged to his master.
Reluctantly, he stepped forward, following A- the thief as he led the way to the campfire. The chilly morning air drew goosebumps over his skin under too-thin clothes opening up to it in too many places.
The thief noticed when he turned to sit down. »Ah! Let me find you something to wear, you must be cold. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.«
But that was a lie, Lint knew that. It could only be a lie, after they had already violated that claim in the most devastating way, in taking him from his master.
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
As some of you know, my life-long bathophobia has been getting much better recently, due almost entirely to writing all these water-rating posts (as they’ve gotten me to face my fears in a fun, safe way). Which is great! But it also means that when I want to scare myself a little, I can’t just look at pictures of the Devil’s Kettle or the Great Blue Hole anymore (although the Bolton Strid still terrifies me. Seriously, Bolton Strid, fuck you for real). So I’ve had to turn to other sources of horror; namely, caves.
In general, I like caves. If I see a cave I will crawl inside. But some are pretty scary, and some are downright deadly. We’re going to look at those today. Some of these, like the Eagles Nest Sinkhole and Jacob’s Well, have appeared in other lists, but this time we will focus more on what makes them so dangerous.
Without further ado, here are the top ten caves that you should probably never explore.
1. Son Doong, Vietnam
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This one isn’t necessarily super dangerous, but it’s making the list for being awe-inspiringly, mind-bogglingly enormous. This is the largest cave in the world. The main passage is three miles long, 490 feet high, and 660 feet wide. The entire (known) cave runs for more than five miles. This cave can comfortably fit an entire New York City block, skyscrapers included. Son Doong is incredible not just for its size, but also for its ecosystem. The cave has its own weather system, and in two areas of the cave, the ceiling has collapsed, allowing sunlight to come through and a rainforest to grow inside. This is one of the most isolated and inaccessible forests on the planet, and only a very few people have ever set foot in it. It is technically open to the public, but a tour will take four whole days and cost $3,000.
2. Krubera Cave, Georgia (the country, not the state in the US)
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Speleologists have long searched for a cave that breaks the 2-kilometer depth, a seemingly mythical barrier that every known cave fell short of. In 1999, scientists in Krubera cave descended to 1,710 meters (5,610 ft), breaking the depth record at the time. Their progress was impeded by the fact that the lower levels of the cave are flooded, and they would need scuba gear to descend further. In 2001, after diving into the water-filled tunnels, they finally hit the 2-kilometer mark. Currently, the known depth of Krubera is 2,179 m (7,148 ft). It is one of only two known caves that exceed 2 km in depth, which brings us to the next one…
3. Veryovkina Cave, Georgia
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This is the deepest cave in the world. It was only named as such in 2018, and before that was considered the second-deepest after Krubera. In 2018, researchers finally measured the depth of the lowest flooded tunnel, and discovered that this cave is 2,212 m (7,257 ft) deep. It seems that these two caves are in a constant competition with each other; each time one is declared the deepest, a new passage leading lower is discovered in the other. This cave has also claimed at least one life. Just this year in 2021, the remains of a man were discovered 1,100 meters (3,280 ft) down, where he had apparently died of hypothermia. He was identified as Sergei Kozeev, and it’s likely he became trapped as a result of inadequate equipment and not realizing the skill required to explore this cave.
4. Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
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We have seen the largest cave in the world by volume, and the two deepest, so now let’s look at the longest. Mammoth cave’s winding tunnels and passages go on for at least 400 miles, and it is still being explored. It also has a surprisingly dark history, and is considered one of the most haunted natural places in the world. In the 1800s, the cave was used as a tuberculosis hospital, in which several of the patients and doctors died. The most famous ghost of Mammoth cave is Floyd Collins, an explorer who died after two weeks pinned beneath a rock in one of the tunnels. Many people who visit the cave report hearing strange voices, seeing apparitions, and being touched by unseen people. I can’t tell you for a fact if the cave is full of ghosts or not, but I will say that I’ve been there, and something grabbed my shoulder…
5. Cenote Esqueleto, Mexico
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This cenote is also called the “Temple of Doom”, and it seems to live up to that name. The cave consists of a main chamber and many small, confusing tunnels. Once a diver ventures outside of the large chamber and loses the natural light, it becomes very hard to navigate, and several people have lost their way in the labyrinth and died. One must be very familiar with the layout of this cave before attempting to dive there, and even then, it’s still dangerous. I can’t find an official report as to how many people have died in this cenote, which makes it seem like there’s probably a lot.
6. The Shaft, Australia
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Yes, the name is a little funny, but it actually refers to the single, distinct shaft of sunlight that shines into the cave on summer days. The entrance to this sinkhole is only about 3 feet in diameter, and it sits in an otherwise unremarkable field in Southern Australia. Once inside, however, it opens up into a huge, and seemingly bottomless, chamber. 114 feet down is a pile of boulders, at which point the cave splits into two narrower tunnels. One tunnel stretches down 196 ft. The other, however, continues on into an increasingly small and confusing passage. In 1973, four explorers drowned here at a depth of over 225 ft after kicking up silt, resulting in the water becoming too dark and cloudy to see through. Since then, the end of the tunnel has been found, at 393 ft, and people still flock to explore this deadly sinkhole.
7. Jacob’s Well, Texas
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Here we are once again, at Jacob’s Well. This time, let’s venture below the surface. The entrance of the cave is a passage that goes straight down for about 40 ft, and then continues at an angle while getting darker and narrower. In total, the cave goes down to 140 ft, and has claimed the lives of at least nine people. Because it is so accessible and seems so inviting, many amateur divers have attempted to explore the depths only to realize that they were in over their head. The cave is notoriously confusing, with a bottom lined by fine silt that can easily be kicked up and cause a full blackout that will not dissipate until long after your air has run out. Additionally, there is a false exit, which people may try to swim up only to find that it goes nowhere, and it’s too late to turn around.
8. Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole, Florida
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This sign sits at the entrance. At least eleven people have died here. The Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole has been described as a Venus flytrap; it distracts you with its beauty, luring you down into the darkness that stretches for miles and reaches depths of 300 ft, and then swallows you. The reason this cave is so dangerous is because of how big it is. If something happens to you while you’re hundreds of feet underground and a mile away from the only exit, you’re fucked. Recently, it has been closed off to the general public, and now requires a permit to dive there.
9. Blue Hole of Dahab, Egypt
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This sinkhole is nicknamed “the Diver’s Cemetery” so, like, that’s probably a bad sign. There’s not even an official count to how many divers have died here, but it’s estimated to be at least 150. Part of this is due to its ease of access; you can basically just jump right in from the shore. This leads to inexperienced divers attempting the plunge, which often ends in disaster. But even experienced divers have lost their lives here. One reason it’s so dangerous is because of the Arch, a beautiful tunnel that connects the sinkhole to the open ocean, about 180 ft down. Keep in mind, the depth a recreational scuba diver is advised to stick to is 60 ft, and special training and equipment can get you down to 100 ft. After that, nitrogen narcosis can set in; a state where the air in a scuba diver’s tank becomes toxic and the diver begins to experience lightheadedness, euphoria, and hallucinations. People often see the light coming in from the Arch, underestimate the depth, and head down, resulting in confusion, panic, and ultimately death. (If you are morbidly curious, there is a video somewhere out there of footage recovered off a dead diver’s camera from the blue hole. It never shows his face but you can tell from the movement that he is becoming disoriented and distressed the deeper he goes, and eventually panics and pulls out his regulator) (pulling out your regulator, by the way, is a surprisingly common reaction to panicking underwater, and that is actually what happened to me the time I almost drowned) (sorry, tangent over, back to the caves)
10. Mossdale Caverns, England
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Why is it always England. What the hell is going on in this godforsaken land.
Mossdale Caverns is famous for being the site of one of the most terrifying caving disasters, and the worst in UK history. This cave system has a variety of narrow passages, mostly underwater rooms, and hazardous conditions at the best of times due to the river that runs through the caverns and floods very easily. The most treacherous of these features is what’s known as Marathon Crawl, a 900 ft long tunnel pictured above, so narrow that one has to lay down and inch along on their stomach. Once inside, there is no way out except forward. In 1967, a team of six people ventured inside, despite warnings that there was going to be lots of rainfall that day. As they were making their way through Marathon, the river flooded. I’m sure you can imagine what happened next (actually, don’t try to imagine it. I’ve spent several sleepless nights doing so and trust me, it’s horrifying). Rescuers entered the cave the next day and found their bodies at various points along the passage, but, due to the size of the tunnel and the risk of the river breaking its makeshift dam, they were unable to remove them. The cave was sealed, the six bodies left inside Marathon. Four years later, another team went in and managed to move the bodies to one of the larger caverns nearby, where they were buried. Although the cave is technically closed to the public, there are still ways inside and people willing to explore (as you could probably guess from the above picture). Those who do enter the Mossdale Caverns claim to hear distant voices, especially in the deeper parts of the cave. I wouldn’t be surprised if these caverns are haunted, as they aren’t just the site of death for six unlucky cavers, but also their tomb.
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Babysitting (Part 1)
You and Alcina are roped into taking care of your friend's daughter for a few days. Alcina is...less than excited about it. I mean, come on, a baby in Castle Dimitrescu? What could possibly go wrong?!
The warmth of the afternoon sun crept its way into the windows of Castle Dimitrescu. Both you and Alcina decided it was a beautiful day to take your afternoon tea in the gardens instead of the library . Blooms grew in newly fragranced air, the sweet petals that fluttered reflected by the honeyed-sweetness within. The garden birds always warm your heart. They bring so much joy just from watching them play and dance around the hedges. There are so many of them out today, large and small, brown, red-capped, and golden stripped. You love listening to their chirping, each singing its own beautiful song.
Alcina held your hand over the table as she sipped her special blend of tea.
“Oh, Darling, did I tell you Cristofor and Lucia are going out of town? He says it’s for business but honestly, I think they just want to have a break from the baby. I mean, I don’t blame them, it’s their first kid and you know how hectic everything’s been for them lately."
Alcina nods. “Yes, well, it didn’t help that they were a little unprepared for baby Julianna. That’s her name, right? I remember we offered to buy a few things for them before she was born.”
“Yeah, that’s it, but I just call her Jewel. My precious little gem. I guess they’re gonna be gone for the extended weekend and need someone to watch her.”
Alcina scoffs. “I pity those they choose.”
“Oh stop it, Alcina, it won’t be that bad.”
She stops what she’s doing, nearly choking on her tea, and just stares at you. “You didn’t. You did not! Please for the love of Mother Miranda tell me you didn’t say we would take care of her!”
Your silence was all the answer she needed.
“Why would you do that? Castle Dimitrescu is no place for a baby!”
“Tell that to Cris! I tried telling him that and all he did was assure me that everything would be fine. They feel Jewel would be safest in our care; they were practically begging, Al. What was I supposed to say?”
“No?” You roll your eyes at her. “What about their family? Are they really not available?”
“Lucia said she would feel guilty asking her folks to do any more for them. They usually watch her every day Cris and Lucia are at work. Imagine that plus three straight days; I would want a break too.”
Alcina stayed silent.
“They’re gonna stop by in a few days with some stuff, like diapers and toys and things.”
Alcina huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m so glad you discussed the details so thoroughly with them.”
“I figured you would say no. Look, I’m sorry I went behind your back but they really need a babysitter and they don’t trust anyone as they do us. Besides, I’m Jule’s unofficial aunt, I don’t think I can say no to something like this. I know you don’t like kids, but-”
“What are you talking about? I love seeing little Julianna.”
“You do? Cause every time they come to visit you seem kind of...distant”
“I don’t...I don’t like holding her. She’s too tiny and fragile for someone like me to be holding.”
“Someone like you?” Then it dawned on you. “Oh, Alci. You don’t actually believe that, do you? You’re always so gentle with her.”
“Because if I’m not delicate I’ll crush her.” Alcina’s face held sorrow to it, not evident to most individuals.
“You wouldn’t crush her, Alci. I know you better than that. You literally came running into my study the other day because I screamed ‘spider,’ and then carried me out because I lost sight of it. You’re a lot more gentle than you’re giving yourself credit.You're a good, thoughtful, and gentle person Alci. Anyone who can’t see that is purely idiotic,” I muttered under my breath.
“I suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world, having a baby running around the castle. And we have time to babyproof everything.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, love, she’s only seven months old. She’s only just starting to learn how to crawl.”
You were talking but Alcina wasn’t listening. She was too busy making a mental checklist of everything that needed to be done before baby Julianna arrived. “Hmm? Oh yes, of course, darling. Do you know where they got those baby gates? We’re going to need quite a few of them.”
“Alci, I don’t think we’ll need-” She’s already walked away. “ Hey, at least you’re embracing it?”
True to his word, Cris arrived at the castle three days later with a carriage full of supplies. You wanted to welcome them with Alcina, but the matriarch was nowhere to be found. The past few days for her have been spent deep cleaning the walls and floors, which really sucked, especially for Bela, Cassi, and Dani. They stuck doing the hard labor as Alcina bossed them around.
You greeted him with a tight hug. “Thank god you’re here. Alcina’s going crazy trying to babyproof everything. I don’t think the castle’s ever been this protected. Or this clean,” I muttered the last part under my breath.
Cris put a hand over his heart. “Oh, she doesn’t have to do that! Julianna can barely crawl five feet. Besides, I know for certain this place is much neater than our house, even on a bad day. She would have been perfectly fine.”
“I tried to tell her to not worry so much, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps if she hears it from you she’ll finally listen,” I rolled my eyes playfully.
Cris nods. “And you wonder why I think Julianna’s so safe up here. I’ll be sure to mention it to Alcina. Do you wanna unload this stuff now or wait for her?”
You glance behind him to the carriage. There were a few large bags filled with miscellaneous items as well as a few larger things on the back seat not bagged at all like the playpen. “I don’t even know where she is, Cris. And I’d offer to have the girls help, but they’re hiding from Alci. Let’s just get started. We can put it in the lounge in the foyer until Alcina comes around.”
“Sounds like a plan. Some of this stuff I’ll bring more of when we drop her off, like diapers, you’ll never have enough diapers,” he says as he tosses you a bag.
“So you’ve said. Didn’t you have a nightmare about it once?”
“Before Lucia even went into labor. We ran out and every shop in a 50-mile radius was sold out. To date, it’s one of my worst nightmares.”
You laughed. “So where are you guys going? I mean, really going. You don’t actually think I believe that crap about a Mortician Expo, do you?”
Cris gave you a look of skepticism and stayed silent as if he were planning his next move.
“Relax man, I don’t actually care. Taking care of a baby is more work than I can imagine. I would want a break too!” The statement seemed to ease him.
“Nowhere special. We made reservations at a nice hotel a few hours south of here; it’s got a pool, hot tub, couples massages, the works!”
You nod, tossing the last of the bags by the lounge. “Nice! You guys deserve it, like I said, I can’t imagine how much work taking care of Julianna is.”
“You won’t have to in a few days,” he laughed.
“I’m excited now, but something tells me I won’t be in a few days. Just sleep deprived!”
“Nah you’ll love it. It’s just, well only slightly tiring! That’s all. Should we go looking for Alcina? I wanna go over Julianna’s schedule with both of you.”
“She knew you were coming so she should be here any minute now. I’m sure she just lost track of time bossing the girls around. The entire west wing has been baby-proofed and when I mean the entire wing, I mean the entire wing. She had Daniela take down all of the ornate weapons and armor from the walls while Bela and Cassi scrubbed everything. And that was just this morning.”
“I’ll be sure to thank them then,” Cris chuckled lightheartedly.
As if on cue, you can just make out the sound of high heels rushing down the corridor, only to stop abruptly just around the corner. Knowing Alcina she was probably adjusting herself to look like her usual well-presented way. Sure as rain, Alcina approached looking as elegant as ever. “Oh Cristofor, please forgive me. It’s been total chaos around here- I completely lost track of time and-”
Cris waved it off and took her hand in his, bringing it up so he could kiss her wedding ring. “Think nothing of it, Alcina. I heard you’ve been keeping yourself busy.”
The matriarch sent you a glare that you shrug off with a smug smile.
“You don’t need to worry about anything, Alcina. I know my little girl will be in the best care possible up here. There’s no one Lucia and I trust more.”
“That is one very generous statement, Cristofor, but a castle is still no place for a baby, especially this one.”
“That may hold some truth, but most of all that...messy business stays in the basement, right?”
“All of it does,” you answer for Alcina. “Even I’m not allowed down there and we’ve been married for three and a half years!”
“And for good reason,” Alcina says. “You know what goes on down there. Why would I put my wife’s life in danger?”
You were about to retaliate but Cris wrapped his arms around the both of you. “Let’s just get this stuff upstairs, huh? Far the fuck away from the basement and whatever goes on down there.”
Alcina opens her mouth but Cris shakes his head profusely. “Nope, don’t want to know. Let’s just get to the bedroom. Wow, the walls do look bare.”
“Indeed,” Alcina nodded. “It’s a good thing little Julianna is staying, I should have had the walls deep cleaned nearly decades ago,” she let out an elegant laugh.
“I hope you didn’t do all this just for us.” Cris looked in awe as the various portraits and ornate weapons decorating the walls became more scarce as they neared the master bedroom. It made this part of the castle feel abandoned. The chemical smell of cleaning solvents was strong, but it would surely be gone in time for Julianna’s arrival.
“Of course I did. You are family and you deserve nothing but the best possible care.”
Cristofor shakes his head. "You're a good woman, Alcina. I genuinely hope you know that."
She gives him a warm smile while holding the bedroom door open for him. "I try to be."
"So," he sets down his two large boxes of supplies to rub his back. "Where do you want this stuff?"
"At the foot of the bed for now," you shrug. "Alcina and I will organize everything once it's all here."
He nodded and kicked it lazily to the end of the bed and took a seat on the mattress. "If we wanna be lazy we could shove the rest of the boxes in the playpen and carry it all up in one trip."
"We can do that," you smiled. "Then we can start organizing everything."
"And while we're doing that I'd like to walk you through Julianna's schedule. Lucia made you a copy with a couple of notes on how to do specific things...it's all well let’s just say pretty detailed," he laughed.
A look of fear crossed over the matriarch's face for a moment. "Why don't I go grab it? Then you two can start unpacking. If I run into the girls I'll send them up as well."
"Oh leave the girls alone," you shake your head at the matriarch. "They're already hiding from you."
Alcina lets out an exasperated laugh. "Can you believe that, Cristofor? My own daughters are hiding from me!" Alcina exclaimed with a look of sheer amusement on her face.
"Nothing I'm looking forward to." You started unpacking the many boxes of  diapers and arranging them neatly on the already emptied shelves while Cris made himself comfortable sitting on the floor, unpacking blankets and clothes. He unfolded and refolded them in a perfect square and placed them on top of the hope chest. You smiled at each plush blanket bearing a different pattern and color.
"Where can I put her clothes?"
"Um, just on the bed for now. I don't know if Alcina emptied out a drawer yet. It would be that middle one if you wanna check."
You hear almost all the joints in his legs crack as he stands and makes his way over to the dresser. He grips the knobs but pauses before opening them. "I'm not gonna find anything dirty in here, am I?"
"Not in there, no."
He turns back to you with an arched brow and hung jaw. You only laugh at him.
"Is it cleared out?"
He nods, neatly organizing the various onesies and pajama sets.
He busied himself displaying various lotions and powders on the coffee table, which would act as your changing station.
“What can I do?” Alcina asked, staring down anxiously at the various bottles.
Cris thought for a moment before taking two smaller boxes out of the playpen and pushing them towards the vampire. “These are for bath time." He quickly scanned over the contents to make sure he was correct. "This box is shampoos, soaps, and toys. Julianna loves bath time; the more toys and games the better." Alcina smiled. “And this box is her special duck towel, washcloth- also a duck pattern she loves ducks, two non-slip bath mats for both inside and outside the tub, and a sponge.”
She looked a tad overwhelmed again taking in all the items but took the boxes nonetheless. “Good thing I cleared out cupboard space, right darling?”
You wanted to laugh but restrained yourself to biting the inside of your cheek instead. “Yes, dear.”
"Well, that's everything. Oh, and don't worry about a crib. Lucia and I are bringing it when we drop Julianna off."
Alcina shook her head and simply waved him off. "Oh don't bother, Cristofor. We have one she's more than welcome to use."
You gave her a confused look. "Um, no we don't."
"Yes, we do. I just have to grab it out of storage. If you'd like to wait and see if it's up to your standards you're more than welcome to." It wasn't so much of an invitation as it was a plea.
Cris laughed. "Alcina, I told you anything you have is probably way better than ours. I'm sure it's fine."
"It would make me feel a lot better," Alcina said with a hint of desperation in her voice.
"Alright, whatever it takes to make you feel better about this."
Alcina sighed in relief and rushed down the hall.
"She really is worked up about this isn't she?"
You let yourself collapse back onto the bed. "You have no idea. She's been fretting over everything since I told her three whole days ago!"
"I kinda figured she would be the calm one between the two of you since, you know, she's got three kids already."
You feigned a look of hurt. "Ok first of all, ouch my pride! Secondly, all three of the girls were turned when they were adults. Which is why I wanna know where this supposed crib came from."
He turned back to you. "And you know what you're doing?"
"Of course not, but one of us has to be calm about it."
Cris laughed, letting himself lounge back on his elbows. Any further down and he was afraid he would fall asleep. "I guess that's true. You're gonna be great though, both of you. Just the fact that you're worrying about all this stuff tells me you're really dedicated to keeping Julianna safe and happy here."
"Thanks, man. I think I really needed to hear that. Got any advice to help us prepare?"
He slaps a hand on your thigh and gives it a friendly squeeze. "Have as much sex as you can before she's here. Because once she is, you'll be way too tired to even think about it."
You sit up and look at him incredulously, which earns him a hearty laugh. "I asked you for advice on how to keep your baby alive and you tell me to bone my wife?"
"All I'm saying is Lucia and I haven't been able to do it since before Julianna was born," Cris whispered in all seriousness.
Alcina returned carrying what you can only assume is the crib covered with a sheet. Bela stepped in first to hold the door open for her.
"Thank you, darling. I found my one good daughter to help me. Not the rascals this time!"
Cris laughs. "I see that."
The blonde nodded and joined you both on the bed. "Hello, y/n. Hello, Uncle Cris."
"Good to see you, Bela."
“Alright,” you hop off the bed. “Let’s see this crib that we apparently have just laying around.”
Alcina rolls her eyes and yanks the dusty sheet away, revealing the most beautiful baby crib you have ever seen. Polished solid dark oak frame with solid gold detailing wrapping around the bars like vines. The Dimitrescu House Crest is shining proudly on both sides.
A smug grin plastered itself on Alcina’s face knowing she single-handedly put an end to your snarky remarks.
“Holy shit,” you finally say. “And you had this in storage…just because?”
The question made her uncomfortable, you could tell. A shadow cast over Alcina’s face. “I had it made a while back and forgot about it until now. I’m glad it stayed in such pristine shape. Any polishes used on it were water-based and non-toxic. Perfect for a baby to slobber on,” she chuckles almost a bit uncomfortably.
Cris shook his head as he ran a hand across the smooth wooden framework. “I don’t know what to say, Alcina. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“Only the best for our favorite niece.”
Cris clapped his hands together and pulled out a few pieces of paper from his back pocket. "Now, onto Julianna's schedule. Lucia tried to be as helpful as possible when writing it down, but she said if you have any questions just ask her when we drop her Jules off."
Both of you nodded as he handed them to you. Bela situated herself on your bed with one of the plushies he brought over just because.
 Daily Routine
7 am- wake up and bottle feed 8 ounces for about 20 minutes (doesn't have to be one the dot if she's still sleeping. It's a rare occurrence for her to sleep in, but it could happen
7:30- playtime on the floor or outside (we usually keep her inside this early in the morning but either is perfectly suitable)
8:00- breakfast (something solid-ish. Like oatmeal and fruit chunks)
8:30- more play 
Between 9-9:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces for 15 minutes then naptime
11:00- wake up and play (she loves her building blocks and rattle)
Noon- lunch (baby food! Fruit or veggie) (she'll probably refuse solids but don't take no for an answer! Even just a few are ok if she's especially cranky)
12:30- play (peek-a-boo in the mirror! she gets a kick out of it every time. 
1:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces and nap (Congrats! you're halfway there)
3:30- wake up and play (try using the hand puppets and engage her in nursery rhymes)
4:00- bottle feed four ounces for roughly 20 minutes
5:00- dinner (more baby food. Whichever one she didn’t have for lunch)! Same as the morning, she'll probably refuse)
5:30-play (maybe go for a walk if you haven't already?)
6:30- bath time! (see added note for specific bathtime notes. She loves hearing her little rubber ducky squeak)
7:00- bottle-feed 8 ounces then time for bed (good luck trying to sleep and getting her to sleep)
1:30 am- bottle feed again (she’ll wake you up when she’s hungry don’t worry)
Breastmilk can be refrigerated for five days and I’ve given you more than enough to hold her over. Protect it with your lives! Breast Milk is liquid gold!
 You read the note over a couple of times before handing it to Alcina who looked just as overwhelmed as you. "That is so much."
"Not enough," Alcina says at the same time.
Cris laughs. "Wanna see what she wrote for bathtime?"
Alcina took the second not from him.
 Bathtime Tips
Make sure the adhesive mats are set down before bath time begins. One in the tub one outside
Make sure you have everything you need nearby; towel, washcloth, toys (especially her duck), shampoos, lotion, clean clothes, and a diaper
It’s easiest (and less painful) to sit on a stool or something instead of standing and bending over
Take off any jewelry and be sure to wash your hands
Check the water temp with the inside of your wrist- it should be warm (not too hot or too cold)
Dry and dress her on the floor (hence the second mat) 
Squirty toys! (The duck is her favorite as it also squeaks)
Plastic boats that she can push around
Whale-shaped basin for rinsing hair
Once she’s all dry she can go right in her crib
 "Sweet Satan, Cristofor. This is a lot of information. I mean, the more the better but..."
You take her hand in yours and kiss the top of her knuckles. "It's alright, Love, we've got this. If anyone can manage this it's us."
She nods but doesn't really believe your words. You can see the doubt reflecting in her eyes. "You're right."
"It looks way more complicated than it is, ladies. You just put her in the tub, don't let her drown, clean her, and take her out. Boom, simple as that."
Alcina lets out a relieving chuckle and you thank him silently.
You lay awake that night unable to fall asleep. Alcina is awake too, but you don't dare speak to her. She's too lost in her own world to be bothered with your nonsense. But it was starting to eat you alive from the inside out. You looked over at it sitting across the room. Its existence is mocking you to the point where you can almost hear it laughing at you.
You finally break the silence. “Who’s even is it? You turned the girls when they were adults, right?”
“All of them?”
You hear her sigh. “Yes of course all of them. Now please, I don’t want to talk about this.”
“But you had to have a reason, Al. No one just has a crib as intricate as that made out of the blue.”
“It doesn’t matter,” her tone grew sharper. “We have it now for Julianna and that’s what matters.”
“I guess so, but…” you turn your body to face her. Her silhouette is laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. “D-did you try having a baby with someone else and…”
She turns to look at you with wide golden eyes. Not angry, but certainly not expecting that line of questioning. You immediately regret opening your mouth.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-“ Alcina silences your ramblings with a searing kiss. One you happily return.
“It’s nothing like that, my love. My only children are ours. I had it made last year when Lucia first told us she was pregnant. I remember how excited you were for them. You did so much to help her get ready, for both of them, really.” Alcina smiled and reached blindly for your hand. “And every time they come up to visit your eyes just light up when you see Julianna. You’re so good with her, iubirea mea.”
A shadow of guilt passed over her face. “I overheard you talking to Lucia about wanting kids of your own.”
Your heart plummeted down to the pit of your stomach.
“You love our daughters with your entire heart, but it’s not the same as raising your own flesh and blood. Every time I saw you holding little Julianna or singing to her I pictured you with our baby. So, I got all excited and, albeit, ahead of myself and had the crib made.”
“For our baby,” you finished with a genuine smile.
Alcina nodded. “I wanted to wait for you to bring up the conversation before saying anything about it, and” her voice cracks. “You never did. I didn’t understand why at first. You would produce such a beautiful baby with or without me.” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes threatening to cascade down her cheeks. “Then one night it just sort of hit me; why would you want to share something as precious and innocent as a baby with a monster like me?”
Tears flowed freely from her eyes and sobs racked her body, it broke your heart. Without thinking you throw yourself at Alcina and wrap her tightly in your arms. The vampire happily buries her face in the crook of your neck and cries her heart out. You thread your fingers through her hair to help soothe her.
“Oh, my love, I’m so sorry. Don’t you ever refer to yourself as a monster ever again, do you hear me? You are no monster, Alcina Dimitrescu. How can someone as loving, and soft, and generous like you be anything besides an angel?”
“Oh stop pretending, y/n. I’m a genetically mutated freak! The baby would take one look at me and start wailing,” Alcina let out a frustrated huff.
“Stop it, Alcina. Our baby would adore you just like Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela do. Julianna loves you to pieces! She gets so excited every time you walk in the room.”
Alcina sniffled. “She does that with everyone.”
“Because she likes us, Al.”
A beat of awkward silence passed between the two of you until you finally felt her breathing steady.
“You want to have a baby with me?”
You couldn’t contain your smile as she nodded ever so slightly into your neck. “Why didn’t you say anything before? We could have talked about it months ago. The only reason I never brought it up was that I assumed you didn’t want any more children running amuck in the castle. Imagine if they turned out to be just like Daniela.”
That got her to laugh a little. “I wouldn’t mind a baby running around; especially if they look like you.”
“Well I don’t know about that considering we would have to adopt.”
A mischievous smile crept on Alcina’s lips. “Who says we can’t have a baby ourselves?”
“Um, nature? We’re both women, Alcina. I don’t think I have to explain to you how that won’t work.”
Alcina chuckles into your neck. “We’d have quite the brood running around the castle if it did.”
“Then you want to find a donor?” She detached herself from you just enough to give you a look of disgust. “Of course not; no one is allowed to touch my y/n except me.” She flips you both over so you’re pinned underneath her. “There are ways we could have a baby, you know?”
A blush covered your cheeks down to your chest. “O-oh?”
“Mmhm. The old witch in the village could brew something up for us, should we choose to carry.” She laughs at your dumbfounded expression. “It would be a sex change tonic of sorts. Temporary of course, I believe it only lasts a week.”
You blush furiously.
“And depending on the portions of ingredients she uses we could change the erm, size, if you catch my drift.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, in real words at least. Something between a yelp and a whimper came out of your mouth instead. It gets a laugh out of Alcina at least.
“That’s really a thing we could do?”
She starts trailing kisses down your neck to your chest. “Oh yes,” her free hand comes up to pull your shirt down over your breasts. As soon as they pooled out of their confinement Alcina started circling one of your nipples with her tongue. “Would you like that, darling? To feel my cock pounding into you.”
Fuck you loved it when she talks dirty to you. But that turned you on more than you were willing to admit. You gave a shy nod.
Alcina rewards your honesty by taking your hardened nipple in her mouth and sucking. Her other hand moved up your body to rest on your other breast, gently kneading it like dough.
Alcina has always been fascinated with your breasts. Always burying her face in them when cuddling. She simply melted into them on bad days. Giving her a scalp massage at the same time earned you bonus points.
Her lips abandon your nipple, leaving a bridge of saliva still connecting you, and snuggled her face deep in between your breasts. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment. Her eyes flutter open and you can see the corners of a smile buried in your chest. “What do you think, my love?”
“I think we should see how we do this weekend before making any big decisions.”
Alcina leaned forward only enough to kiss your lips. “Sounds like a plan.”
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attllhak · 3 years
@tortilla-of-courage I flipped one of my Fancy coins and got heads, so here’s the one about Wild! (And Twilight and Time and Malon.)
This is also the first fic I wrote, so there’s also a lot of worldbuilding details here too. Regardless, enjoy!
Twilight really shouldn’t be surprised by things like this anymore.
He had managed to befriend a trench mer about a year ago, and after all the drama that came from that he really should be used to weird shit just, happening to him.
But, here he was, surprised.
In his defence, usually he didn’t run into other mer when out swimming.
His family’s farm was along the coastline, and there weren’t any pods native to the area (outside of the trench mer that lived in the trench a few miles out to open sea), so the only mer that Twilight had ever run into were friends of his father’s who’d come to visit.
This was not a friend of his father’s.
The most obvious detail that this was something new was that all of Time’s friends were deep sea merfolk, and this individual was very much a tropical mer.
Well, maybe a mer. Twilight had never been good at telling the difference between merrow and mer, and that was made harder by the fact that he’d never seen a tropical mer before. This person could be mer or merrow and Twilight would never have been able to tell.
The second detail that said this was a new circumstance was all the blood.
That was actually what drew Twilight over. Large amounts of blood drew sharks, and though they were mostly kept away from the shores by the local zora, it was still better to avoid large blood pools in the water regardless.
Upon approaching, Twilight had noticed that the blood was fresh, and was coming from a merfolk that was definitely new to the area.
This tropical mer had been horribly injured, the entire left side of their body leaking blood into the water around them. Long, tangled blonde hair floated around their head, and their pale blue fins were tattered and damaged, and a few on their left side were just gone altogether.
Twilight initially thought they were dead until he got a bit closer, and their eyes moved to look at him.
Twilight had jerked back in surprise, eyes wide as he took in the expression on the mystery mer’s face, which had gone from defeated to hopeful.
Twilight had to fight to remember to breathe with his gills and not his throat for a moment.
He swallowed, and slowly tried to remember how to speak with his skin.
‘Who, what, why,’ he floundered for a bit. ‘Who are you?’
The mystery mer just watched him lazily, as though they didn’t have the strength to do anything more.
After a long, long moment, and what seemed like quite a bit of effort and pain, they managed to flash ‘help’ at him.
Twilight didn’t even hesitate, moving as quickly as he could without tripping over his fins to the mystery mer’s side, gently scooping them into his arms. Once he had a decent grip on them, he looked around to orient himself, and then took off towards the shoreline where he knew his parents would be.
He didn’t know if the mystery mer had issues with humans, but he couldn’t think of any other way to help them. The trench mer really couldn’t be trusted with delicate matters like this, as much as he loved Midna, so his parents were the only option he had.
He just hoped it wouldn’t make things worse by accident.
His head broke the surface not far from the shore line, where Time was sitting in his human form with Malon.
“Dad!” He shouted, struggling a bit more to keep his passenger steady as the water became more and more shallow. “Dad!”
Time looked up, noticed Twilight trailing blood, and was on his feet immediately.
He met Twilight halfway, which is when he noticed the mystery mer.
“Twilight, what,”
“I found them a ways out,” Twilight gasped out, letting Time help him carry them further onto shore. “They’re really badly hurt, and I couldn’t just leave them, so,”
“Malon!” Time shouted. “Red potions! Hurry!”
Malon nodded and ran up to the house as quickly as she could.
Time and Twilight hauled the mystery mer up onto the shoreline, though still in the water, and Twilight crawled up to the skirt that he and Time both had to pin around their hips to shift back to his human form, since clothes and mer don’t usually mix.
Twilight hurried back over as quickly as he could, stilling pinning fabric in place as he crouched down.
Fortunately it seemed like breathing straight air seemed less painful for the mystery mer, who had taken to clinging to Time’s shirt with his good hand.
Time carefully brushed back their hair, exposing the injuries on their head. Time frowned deeply.
“Can we help them?” Twilight asked, ringing his hands with worry.
“We can,” Time confirmed, and Twilight let out a full body sigh. “He’ll end up with some serious scarring, but he’ll live. What I’m more concerned about is the nature of these injuries,”
“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, frowning as he looked over the injuries himself.
Malon came back, three bottles of red potion in her arms as she dropped to her knees next to Time. She handed him one of the bottles.
Time nodded, mouthing ‘thank you’ to her, and opened the bottle. “Twilight, support his head,”
Twilight reached out, lifting up the mystery mer’s head so that Time could tip the bottle back and they could drink without choking.
“Dad, what did you mean about the injuries?” Twilight tried asking again once the bottle was empty and they were waiting the few seconds needed to see how well the potion worked so they could gage how many they would need.
Time frowned, but eventually pointed to the parts of the mystery mer’s tail where the fins were missing. “Here, the injuries imply his fins were sawed off by netting,”
“Netting?” Twilight asked, not really following. He knew he was rather sheltered for merfolk, since he grew up on land, but he couldn’t think why someone could end up missing fins from netting.
Time nodded gravely. “Poachers use a specific kind of netting that can cause serious injuries if you struggle too much,”
“Poachers?” Twilight echoed. He wasn’t so naive that he didn’t know people tried to poach merfolk, but poachers never got near zora controlled waters, which was where he’d found the mystery mer. “What are poachers doing here?”
“I don’t know,” Time said, popping open another bottle to offer to the injured mer.
Twilight accepted the other bottle as his mother got up to go and get more.
They spent well over an hour there, crouching in the shallows with this mystery mer as they slowly fed them red potions.
After a long while, Time declared that was enough, and they sat back.
The blood had stopped, but the entire left side of the mer was red and raw still, a collection of marks that would scar pretty badly. But they’d live.
Time sighed, letting the mer cling to his shirt with no small amount of relief.
“He’ll probably need to relearn how to swim with the missing fins, but he’ll be alright,” Time said, and both his wife and son sighed. Time looked up at Twilight. “You did good, bringing him back here. You probably saved his life,”
Twilight smiled. “I was just trying to help,” he shrugged.
“Thank you,”
Everyone froze, and let their eyes fall to the very tired mer in Time’s arms. Their voice croaked and was very quiet, but they all heard it clearly.
They all blinked at each other. Apparently no one expected them to speak a human language.
“Of course,” Twilight said softly, offering one of his hands, which the mer took with their bad hand. “I wasn’t just going to leave you there,”
They nodded, squeezing Twilight’s hand weakly and offering a smile.
“Darling,” Malon asked gently, drawing attention up to her. “Do you mind if we ask your name?”
The mer said nothing, frowning softly.
“Do you have a name?” Twilight tried. Midna had told him that not everyone in the trench had names, and he knew nothing about tropical merfolk. Maybe they had Nameless too.
“I don’t know,” the mer finally said.
“You, don’t know?” Time echoed.
“I don’t remember much,” they admitted, curling in tighter towards Time’s chest. “The last thing I can think of is floating, and then he found me,” they pointed towards Twilight.
Time and Malon shared a look.
“You don’t remember anything?” Malon asked.
They shook their head lightly.
Time and Malon shared another look, and Twilight shifted uncomfortably, bringing his hand up to join the other, just so he had something to do with them. He knew his parents did this often, speaking silently through facial expressions, but he’d never been able to figure out what they were talking about.
“You aren’t going to send me back out to sea, are you?” The mer finally asked, looking more than a bit concerned. “I, I don’t want to go back out there alone,”
“Of course not, dear,” Malon promised them, reaching out to set her hands on the one Twilight had between his own hands. “We wouldn’t do that,”
“We will need to find a way to make sure he doesn’t dry out,” Time pointed out. “We do live on land,”
“We have an extra water trough,” Malon pointed out. “We could pull it inside and fill it up until we think of something better,”
Time hummed. “Would it be big enough?”
Malon frowned at him.
“Right, my mistake,” Time coughed, covering up an amused smile.
The mer finally turned to look at Twilight, marred up face twisted in confusion.
“My mother is human,” Twilight explained carefully. “Dad and I are merrow, but since we can live on land, and mom can’t live in the sea, we live on land. We can and will bring you home, but unless you happen to be merrow then we’ll need to find a container to fill with water for you,”
“I don’t remember if I’m merrow,” the mer said quietly.
“That’s okay,” Twilight smiled. “That’s why we’re talking about options,”
The mer nodded, and curled back into Time.
“Alright,” Time sighed. “Twilight, can you carry him up to the house? I’m going to run ahead with Malon to drag a spare trough into the house to fill up for him,”
“Sure,” Twilight nodded, readjusting how he was crouched to take the mer from his father.
Both his parents stood up and headed back to the ranch, and Twilight watched them go, then turned back to the mer. The mer had wrapped their arms around his neck to hold on, and was looking between the retreating forms of Time and Malon and back to Twilight.
“You don’t have gills,” they said.
Twilight tried to look down at his neck (unsuccessfully), and shrugged. “I do, but they’re closed up right now. I don’t need them in my human form,”
“Oh,” the mer said, then nodded. “That makes sense,”
Twilight stood up, grunting as he shifted how he was holding the mer, and began slowly walking up to the house. Slowly because he didn’t want to trip at all.
Sure enough, Malon and Time had set up a horse trough in the kitchen with a small amount of water in it, towels and other soft materials lining the edge. Twilight knelt down and set the mer in it, being careful to be mindful of the still only mostly healed injuries.
The trough was just a bit too small, the mer’s tail sticking out the one end even fully sitting up.
Twilight and the mer both looked at the arrangement, taking in the cramped conditions.
“Well, this is most certainly a temporary thing,” Time sighed, holding a bucket of water in his hands and frowning at the arrangement. “I’ll call Ruto and see if any of the zora have anything that can help tomorrow,”
“That would be good,” Twilight agreed, voicing the mer’s nod.
The zora did promise to help with better accommodations, but it would take a while. So the mer spent a week and a half in a repurposed horse trough.
They took the mer back out to the shore every day, and Time and Twilight tried to help him relearn how to swim with his injuries. A zora princess, Mipha, also often attended these lessons after Time had called Ruto and gotten the zora involved. Mipha was a healer, and Ruto had made it very clear that they would be looking into poaching in their waters as that was unacceptable, and wanted to make it up to the poor victim.
This worked well, as the mer took quite a liking to Mipha, and she to him.
Of course, this was also where Twilight and Time learned just how outgoing their new family member was.
Malon called him their ‘wild child’, and after a while ‘Wild’ just became his name.
It fit, if nothing else.
Even on land, Wild continually became more and more vocal and involved in day to day life. He had been very quiet and reserved when they first brought him home, probably a side effect of his memory loss, but as he got more comfortable with them he started coming out of his shell more.
He would sometimes remember random things, and sometimes they would be sad things and others would be happy, but it was never anything big, or that they could use to find his original pod.
Wild didn’t seem to mind that much. He mentioned more than once that he was happy where he was, and was glad Twilight had found him that day in the open water.
The day he called Twilight his brother was the day that Twilight decided he wasn’t going to easily let go of Wild. This was his little brother now and Wild was part of his pod. Time didn’t argue this declaration, just told Twilight to go make sure Wild didn’t hurt himself showing off for Mipha.
Wild did not get hurt showing off for Mipha. Barely.
Wild adapted rather well to the lack of fins, and eventually was swimming just as gracefully as Twilight. Which still wasn’t very graceful, but it was effective enough that he was swimming confidently.
Which is when they spotted the boat.
It was a marine research boat, Wild recognized it but didn’t know why. Marine researchers weren’t allowed in zora controlled waters, it was one of the things they did to crack down on poachers. Hard to pose as marine researchers when marine researchers weren’t allowed in the first place.
‘We should go find Mipha,’ Twilight flashed at Wild, watching the ship warily.
Wild said nothing and didn’t move, just looking at the ship.
‘Wild,’ Twilight grabbed his arm. ‘We should go,’
Wild turned and blinked at him. ‘I know this ship,’
That sent Twilight’s heart up into his throat. He couldn’t stop himself from eying Wild’s scars, a reminder of the poaching that he’d survived.
Twilight swallowed hard, reminding himself that if this was what he was worried about then he’d need to be the one to stay calm, and tightened his grip on Wild’s arm a tiny bit. ‘We need to go,’ he flashed again, trying to press more urgency this time.
Wild shook his head. ‘I know this ship,’ he repeated.
Twilight took a deep breath, glancing up at the ship and seeing people start looking over the side of the ship. That did not calm his nerves. ‘Wild, marine researchers aren’t allowed here. And,’ he trailed off, biting his lip as he struggled and failed to avoid looking at the scars.
Wild caught on and shook his head. ‘I have a good feeling about this ship. I think it’s a good thing,’
Twilight did his best to avoid the worry and panic building in his chest. ‘They still can’t be here. These are zora waters, marine researchers aren’t allowed here. We need to go tell Mipha and Ruto,’
Wild shrugged. ‘Go then, I’ll wait here,’
‘I am not leaving here without you,’ Twilight flashed.
People on the ship were pointing now, and a small boat was being loaded to lower.
Twilight was starting to really worry now, biting his lip and trying not to squeeze Wild’s arm any harder.
‘Wild, please,’
‘You’re really freaking out, aren’t you?’ Wild asked.
Twilight nodded, not bothering to hide it with how the smaller boat had all but hit the water already. They were basically already out of time.
‘Okay,’ Wild offered him, as though he was consoling a small child, which Twilight would be offended by in any other circumstance. ‘Let’s go find Mipha and Ruto and tell them there’s a boat here that shouldn’t be,’
Twilight relaxed just a bit. ‘Thank you,’
They turned to swim off just as the person in the small boat started shouting.
Twilight startled, not sure how this person knew his real name, as he’d been named after his father and so they both had nicknames. Wild, however, froze.
Twilight turned to look, seeing a blonde woman with short cut hair leaning over the edge of the small boat, the arm not balancing her switching between waving and cupping her mouth when she yelled.
‘Wild?’ Twilight asked, shaking his shoulder slightly.
Wild snapped out of whatever daze he was in, twisting in the water to look at the woman.
“ZELDA?!” He shouted back, bubbles erupting from his mouth.
Twilight reared back. Wild never spoke out loud when underwater. Even in the big tank the zora installed for him in their house, he either flashed or surfaced to speak to them.
It didn’t even register that Wild knew the woman’s name until after Wild was already halfway to the surface.
Twilight panicked and followed.
Twilight made it to the surface slower than Wild, and very carefully peeked his eyes above the surface.
Wild had jumped up and had his arms hooked over the side of the boat, and was laughing alongside the woman.
“Oh, and who’s this?” ‘Zelda’ asked, spotting Twilight.
Twilight sunk just a bit further in the water, narrowing his eyes warily.
“Oh! That’s my brother, Twilight!” Wild waved him over, grinning. “Twi! This is Zelda! She’s a friend of mine!”
Twilight cautiously approached, trying to hide how his heart was still ramming in his chest. He poked the rest of his head out of the water.
“Hello Twilight,” Zelda smiled. “I didn’t realize Link had any siblings,”
“Hello,” Twilight said, voice carefully kept even, which was about as polite as he could manage. “You do realize your ship is illegally traveling through zora controlled waters, right?”
Zelda blinked at him, and Wild glowered. Twilight just waited.
“Well, no,” Zelda admitted. “My father had said he’d spoken to the zora here, and that we’d be able to pass through to look for Link. He went missing a while ago, and we’ve been very worried,”
“He was lying,” Twilight informed her bluntly. “If he really had spoken to the zora then he’d know that we’d found him already, and there’s no need to look,”
Both Wild and Zelda blinked at him.
“You’re certain?” Zelda asked.
Twilight lifted an arm to gesture at Wild. “How many merfolk do you know that would match his description?”
Zelda turned to look at Wild, who in turn blinked down at himself.
“You make a very good point,” Zelda conceded.
“You should probably get your boat out of here, before you get into a lot of trouble,” Twilight advised.
“Right, a very good idea. Thank you for warning me,” Zelda smiled, and Twilight could almost believe she was sincere, but he didn’t really want to do so, just in case.
“We won’t tell anyone about it,” Wild offered, and Twilight sent him a half-hearted glare. “So you don’t need to worry about getting in trouble,”
Twilight HAD planned to tell Time and Ruto about it.
“We will need to tell them that someone had lied about speaking to them about getting permission,” Twilight reminded Wild. “That could become a big problem in the future,”
“Oh,” Wild seemed to deflate.
“We don’t need to tell them who was here though,” Twilight offered hesitantly at Wild’s dejected look, not really caring about how worried Zelda was. “We can leave the ship and it’s crew anonymous,”
“Thank you,” Zelda gasped in relief again, smiling.
Twilight shrugged. “I will need your father’s name, though. For the report,”
“Oh, uh, right,” Zelda fumbled, but did provide a name.
“You should come visit!” Wild grinned. “I’d love to introduce you to the rest of the family!”
“The rest of your family?” Zelda asked.
Wild nodded. “Yeah, mom and dad,”
Zelda frowned. “Link, didn’t you tell me your parents had died in a wreck a few years ago?”
Wild blinked. “They did?”
Twilight looked between them. “You didn’t tell her about the amnesia, did you?”
Wild slid off the side of the boat and sunk up to his nose under the water, his hair floating like spider legs around him.
Twilight sighed. “I found him a few weeks ago floating injured in the water here. I brought him home and my parents and I healed him, which is when we learned he had no memories of anything before I found him. We brought him home with us, since we didn’t want to just leave him alone in the sea. The parents he mentioned are my parents, since we adopted him into our pod after a week or so,”
“Oh,” Zelda blinked.
“I’ve been remembering things though!” Wild piped up. “It’s how I recognized you,”
“Well, I’m very glad to hear that,” Zelda smiled. “And, I’d love to visit your new family, if they’d let me,”
She and Wild both looked at Twilight.
Twilight shrugged. “Mom is human and Dad and I are merrow, so show up on land without the ship and we’d be happy to let you in. We have been trying to find Wild’s original pod,”
“Wild?” Zelda blinked.
“We didn’t know his name and he didn’t remember,” Twilight explained. “We’ve been calling him Wild,”
“Ah,” Zelda nodded. “That makes sense. Where do you live? We’ll turn the ship around and meet you over land,”
Wild happily provided her their address, and she signalled for her smaller boat to be lifted up, promising to visit over land.
They watched until the ship had fully turned and left, and then headed back home.
Wild swam up to swim in front of Twilight.
‘You won’t get her in trouble, will you?’
‘The only person I plan to get in trouble is her father,’ Twilight explained.
‘Thank you,’ Wild flashed back.
Twilight did get Zelda’s father in a lot of trouble. Ruto had blown up, and Time, despite being dimmer than a true mer, still managed to nearly blind them as he went off.
It ended with Time and Ruto swimming off, publicly and angrily plotting while off on a warpath. Time likely had the same thoughts Twilight had.
They didn’t even have time to explain that they should be expecting company.
So they surfaced, Wild slapping the water while Twilight pulled on his skirt, and then Twilight carried Wild back to the house.
They decided to start by telling Malon that they’d have company before getting to the bit about Zelda’s dad lying.
A few hours later and Time walked in, still dripping and wearing only his skirt from coming out of the water. He was cursing under his breath.
Which is when the knock on the door sounded.
Wild shot up over the top of his tank, excitedly asking if it was Zelda, which confused Time immensely. Malon went to explain, and Twilight opened the door.
Zelda was tucking a bit of hair behind one of her ears, whispering with one of the people with her when the door swung open. The talking stopped when they saw him, not unexpected considering he was a big guy made mostly of muscle before even taking in the claws or second eyelid that came from being merrow.
Three people stood around her, sheikah Twilight guessed, based on the pure white hair and reddish eyes. One of the women had a streak of red dyed in her hair, and the man had a rather absurd haircut. At least the last woman looked mostly normal. Er, at least in that sense that she was only dressed like she was some kind of ninja or something. A gerudo woman stood a few feet back, watching him closely.
Twilight just smiled, not bothering to hide his fangs since he knew Zelda was already aware he was merrow.
“Zelda! You made it! We’ve been pretty excited about you coming over,”
Zelda smiled back. “Twilight! I’m glad we got the right house. It’s a pleasure to see you,” she waved at her companions. “I hope you don’t mind, I brought a few more mutual friends of Link and I’s, since we’ve all been really worried about him. This is Impa, Purah and Robbie, and that’s Urbosa back there!”
Urbosa stepped up to the porch, eying Twilight. He got the impression she maybe didn’t know he was merrow.
“So, you’re the one who found and rescued Link,” Urbosa greeted.
Twilight nodded. “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he offered his hand.
Urbosa accepted, eying the claws on his hand.
“Twilight?” Malon called, appearing behind him. “Is this the friend you and Wild mentioned?”
Twilight nodded, and stepped aside, inviting them all in.
Malon greeted them happily, waving them into the living room where Wild was mostly out of his tank.
Wild slipped when he went to wave, and Time reached up calmly to catch him. Time hadn’t bothered to change, but was wearing a towel around his shoulders and was no longer dripping.
“Careful,” Time warned. “You don’t want to fall out,” he said it seriously, but there was mirth in his eye.
Wild grinned sheepishly, but without shame, and slipped back into the tank.
Zelda ran right up to the tank, craning her head up to look at Wild, her companions following her.
Time swiveled his head to her, looking confused, and Twilight hid his snort behind his hand. Time eyed him as well.
“Zelda!” Wild grinned. “You came!”
Zelda scoffed. “Of course I came! And, I brought more friends of ours!” She waved at the others, who all echoed their own greetings.
“Twilight,” Time said slowly. “Did you know Wild was having friends over?”
“We tried to tell you when we reported the confused marine research ship,” Twilight explained. “But you and Ruto got so mad that we couldn’t find a spot to jump in, and then you both swam off. So we came home and told Ma,”
Time nodded, eying the group. “And, you’ve learned Wild’s real name?”
“Yes,” Twilight confirmed.
“And his name is Link?”
Twilight’s grin never wavered, and Time just sighed. Malon burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Impa asked, eying the group.
“Oh, I,” Malon coughed, trying to reign in her laughter enough to speak. “There’s three of you!”
Time sighed, and Twilight’s grin just grew.
“What does that mean?” Zelda asked.
“I’m Link Jr,” Twilight explained, pointing. “Dad is Link Sr,”
A few more voices join Malon’s in laughter.
Time sighed again.
“I’m going to go get dressed,” Time said, walking out of the room, flicking his towel up over his head and pointedly ignoring the rest of them.
Twilight finally broke and snorted.
The conversation went very well actually, and Urbosa relaxed quite a bit once it was explained to her what merrow were. She came from the desert, and so hadn’t ever encountered merrow before, which explained the weird looks she gave Twilight when he opened the door.
Zelda promised to visit more as well, and to bring more of their mutual friends in the future, and agreed to stay for supper when Malon offered.
“Oh, Wild,” she turned on their way out, looking a bit curious and confused. “I have a question,”
“Yeah?” Wild asked, leaning out of his tank and still grinning.
“Why are you in a tank and your brother and father aren’t?”
Wild blinked. “Because they have legs,” he said, like it was obvious.
“Well, yes,” Zelda agreed. “But, so do you,”
“What do you mean?” Wild asked.
“Wild, you do know that you’re merrow, and not mer, don’t you?”
“I’M WHAT?!?!”
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elliesguitarstrings · 3 years
promises, promises || part one: what used to be
masterlist || series masterlist
tom holland x reader
summary: you're crying over someone you haven't seen in two years, tom is straight up depressed, your friends are trying to set you up, and sam is just trying his best to help
warnings: ANGST, language, mentions of sex, little bit of fluff, probably typos
A/N: PART ONE IS HERE!!!! i absolutely love this fic and i hope you guys love it as much as i do :)
p.s. this ended up being really long sooooo i decided to make it into a series instead lol if y'all haven't figured that out
wc: 5k
"I got the part! Holy shit I actually got the part!" Tom throws his computer across the bed in disbelief, almost hitting you.
"Wait, like THE part? Like Spiderman?" you question excitedly.
"YES!!! Check the Marvel Instagram right now!" he crawls over to you as you whip out your phone and quickly search up the account. You scan the page to see a post captioned, "Click the link in our bio to see who the new Spider-Man is!" You quickly find the link and impatiently wait for the page to load. And then you see it, boldface print and giant letters across your phone.
The new Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man will be played by: TOM HOLLAND
"HOLY SHIT TOM! You're fucking Spiderman!" you tackle him with a hug, squeezing him so tightly that he has to fight for breath. "I'm so proud of you, I knew you were gonna do big things." you smile brightly.
"We have to go tell everyone else, come on!" Tom pulls you off of him, dragging you out of his bedroom and down the stairs to give his family the big news.
The rest of the Hollands were already together in the family room, and they immediately took notice of yours and Tom's excitement as the two of you are bounding down the stairs.
Out of breath, Tom sprints to the center of the room. "Attention everyone, I have an extremely important announcement to make!" He pauses for dramatic effect, his family waiting in anticipation. "I'M GONNA BE SPIDERMAN!"
This causes an outburst of cheers and applause from his parents and brothers, each one of them getting up to hug Tom and congratulate him on this huge achievement.
Paddy pipes up, "How did you get the news? Did they call you or something?"
"Um, not exactly. They posted it on their Instagram and on the Marvel website as well, wanna see?" He turns to you, "Y/N, show them your phone!"
You pull out your phone and open the screen you were just looking at, showing the Hollands the Instagram post and article.
"No way, they're totally hacked." Harry remarks, earning disapproving looks from Nikki and Dom. "if you were really gonna be the next Spiderman, they would have called you."
Before Tom has the time to argue back, his phone rings, as if on cue. Tom pulls it out of his back pocket and nervously studies the number across the screen.
"Well, what are you waiting for div, answer it!" Sam chirps impatiently.
The rest of the room is silent while Tom listens intently to the person the other line. You can't make out what they are saying, but the eventual smile on Tom's face completely gives it away.
"Yes, thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity," he holds while the other person talks again. "Yeah, I'll be in touch, definitely. Thank you again." Tom ends the call and lets out a sigh of relief. "That was fucking Kevin Feige! I got the part! I actually am gonna be the next Spiderman!"
You and the rest of his family cheered even louder than before, enveloping him in a giant group hug.
"I say we celebrate!" Nikki announces. "How about we go out for a nice dinner?"
Tom smiles, "If I'm honest mum, as nice as that would be, I'd rather just stay in and celebrate here tonight. I like your cooking better than any fancy restaurant anyways."
"Of course honey, I'll make your favorite. We can have a nice big family dinner, how does that sound?"
"Sounds perfect mum, thank you."
She dashes into the kitchen followed by Sam, the aspiring chef of the family, while Dom, Harry, and Paddy go to dress the table.
You take this as your cue to leave, seeing as you don't want to disrupt the rest of Tom's night with his family. "I guess I should get going then," you turn to Tom, hugging him once again. "Congratulations again, I'm so proud of you Tommy." you smile as you head to grab your things before you leave.
"Nonsense! You're staying for dinner too!" Tom stops you.
"Tom, I can't, you should spend this night celebrating with your family." you try to reason with him.
"But I want you here too!" he pouts.
"And you are family!" Nikki pipes in from the kitchen, earning nods of agreement from the rest of the family.
"See, everyone wants you here Y/N, please celebrate with us?" Tom cups your face.
"Are you sure? I really don't want to-"
Nikki cuts you off, piping in once again, "Y/N, I insist you stay for dinner with us. You've been a part of this family for so long, and you know that. So please stay and celebrate with us!" she smiles.
You giggle, "Well, I guess I can't say no to that." Tom smiles, giddily engulfing you in another hug.
After a long and delicious dinner, you and Tom now lay under the stars in the treehouse in his backyard. Dom had built it for you two when you were eight years old, and it's been your special place ever since then. Obviously, it has been upgraded and redecorated since then, now that you and Tom were both eighteen, but it still takes you back to the old days when you were just carefree little kids.
You cuddle into Tom's chest, looking up at the night sky through the small window in the roof of the treehouse. "I wish we could stay here forever," you whisper.
"Me too." Tom pulls you closer, kissing your forehead.
"Everything's gonna change you know. We're graduating in two weeks, and then you leave for America. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you." A small tear rolls down your cheek which doesn't go unnoticed by Tom.
He wipes the tear off your face with his thumb, cupping your chin to make you face him. "Hey, hey, look at me. Things might be changing, but that doesn't mean we have to. I'm only gonna be gone for a few months, and then I'll be back. I love you so much, and a few hundred miles is never going to change that. I will never let anything come between us, ever, okay?"
You smile softly, "You promise?"
"I promise darling. It's you and me forever. I'm never letting you go. Never in a million years." he kisses you lovingly, and you swear you could just live in this moment forever with him, and only him.
That was six years ago. And what Tom said was true, everything had changed. You just wish everything else he had said that night was true too.
Now, Tom is a world-famous actor, living a luxurious life out in Hollywood. You, however, have stayed in England, living only thirty minutes away from your childhood home with your newfound best friends Julia and Finn. You are no longer a part of Tom's life, and he is no longer a part of yours. But that doesn't mean you've forgotten about him.
How could you possibly forget about Tom? Your entire childhood was spent with him. From the ages of two to twenty-two, you were inseparable. To this day, you still remember when you first met, and you think about it often.
"I no wanna go! I stay home and watch princesses!" you cry, defiantly pulling away from your mother's firm grip as she tries to stuff you into shoes that are much too small for your rapidly growing feet.
"I know honey, but we have to go welcome the new neighbors who just moved in across the street. We made them brownies, remember?" she smiles.
You scrunch your face up, " No! I stay home!"
Your dad chimes in, kneeling down to your level. "Listen peanut. How about we make a deal. You come with us and say hello to the new neighbors, and then after we get home you can watch any princess movie you want and maybe even have some ice cream, how does that sound?"
You smile, "Ice cream with rainbow sprinkles?"
He rubs your head, "With rainbow sprinkles."
"Okay. I go then."
Your parents smile, and you hold their hands as you walk across the street to meet the neighbors. Your mom rings the doorbell, and the door opens to reveal a red-headed woman, smiling at you and your parents. Hiding behind her is a small, curly-headed brunette boy about the same height as you.
Your mom introduces herself, "Hi! My name is Y/M/N, this is my husband Y/D/N, and this is my daughter Y/N. We live right across the street, and we just wanted to welcome you into the neighborhood." She outstretches her arms, holding the brownies, "I made these for you as well, I hope you like them!"
The woman smiles, "Oh, wow, thank you so much, you are so sweet! Would you like to come in for a bit?"
"Of course, as long as you'll have us."
She ushers the three of you in and you stay close to your mom, still wary of entering a stranger's home.
As she closes the door behind her, she introduces herself as well, "Sorry, the house is a little messy, we’re still getting settled in. But I'm Nikki, my husband Dominic is unpacking in the kitchen, and this is Tom." She motions to the boy behind her, "Tom, say hello to the nice people!"
He timidly steps forward, waving at you and your parents. "Hello." he says quietly.
"Oh my, he is adorable!" your mom gushes. She walks over to him, "How old are you Tom?"
He holds up two fingers, "This many."
She smiles, "Two years old? Wow, you're so big! Guess what, you know who else is that many?" Tom shakes his head no. "My daughter Y/N!" She motions for you to come, and you shyly walk forward.
You wave at him, and that makes him smile. Nikki taps Tom on the shoulder, "Do you maybe want to show Y/N your toys upstairs?
He nods his head, smiling at you, "Wanna go play?" he asks.
You smile back, looking at your mom for permission. She nods her head and pushes you forward. "Okay, we go." you respond. He takes your hand and pulls you upstairs, seemingly coming out of his shell. You don't know what it is about this boy, but he makes you feel warm, like a hug. It's something your two-year-old brain can't quite comprehend, but suddenly you couldn't care less about watching princess movies or eating ice cream.
Sometimes you wish that day had never happened, that you had never met him. You wish your little two-year-old self had fought harder against your parents so that you wouldn’t have to endure the years of pain he would cause you later in life. But you can’t go back, and in part, you’re glad about that. He was your first friend, your first crush, and your first love. But he was also your first heartbreak, and that’s something you can never forget.
You're snapped out of your thoughts by a sharp knock on your bedroom door. "Hey, are you almost ready? We have to leave in ten or we'll be late!" you hear Julia's muffled voice from the other side of the door. Finn is hosting a gala tonight for his art studio, and being his best friends and roommates, you and Julia are basically required to go.
"Uh, yeah, I'm about done, I'll be out in a minute!" You haven't even started getting ready, but you don't have any more time. You quickly raid your closet and find a short v-neck black dress and matching heels. You wiggle into the dress as you make your way into the bathroom. You had planned on straightening your hair, but you have no time, so instead, you brush it back into a sleek low ponytail and spray it with a bit of hairspray. There's no time for the elaborate makeup look you had planned either, so you quickly throw on some concealer, blush, mascara, eyeliner, a bit of highlight, and you're set. As you walk to the door, you grab your purse and slip on your heels, making sure you have your phone and keys. Finn and Julia are already waiting in the car, both with disapproving looks.
"What the fuck took you so long? We were supposed to leave five minutes ago! You know I can't be late for this thing." Finn complains as you slip into the backseat.
"Sorry, I, uhm, don't feel well. A little nauseous." you lie. You don't feel like telling them that you were actually crying about someone you haven't seen or talked to in two and a half years like you do every other night.
"You're not pregnant are you?" Julia chuckles.
"Oh please, we all know that Y/N hasn't gotten any since he who must not be named." Finn replies for you.
"Thanks Finn, what a great friend." you joke sarcastically.
He's not wrong though. Since you and Tom broke up, you haven’t slept with a single person. You’ve been on a few dates and kissed a few guys, but nothing past that. The closest you got was about a month after Tom broke it off with you. You were looking for someone to take your mind off of him, so you found a random guy named David at a pub and took him back to your place. But as soon as he took off his shirt, you saw a birthmark on his back that looked eerily similar to Tom’s, and you promptly broke down crying.
No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get him off your mind.
"Alright bitches, we're here." Finn sighs. "Help me bring my stuff in, we don't have much time thanks to someone who took ages to get ready."
You give a halfhearted apology as you grab Finn's paintings from the back of his car. Julia stops you before you follow Finn into the venue, "Babe, are you sure you're doing alright?"
You smile lightly, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be fine."
"Okay, if you say so. And sorry about Finn mentioning... him. It's been two years, he should know better."
"Oh, no. No, don't worry about that. It's okay. I don't care." you lie.
She gives you an encouraging nudge on the shoulder, "Hey, who knows, maybe you'll find a hottie here tonight and finally get back out there! What do you think, huh?"
"Yeah, that would be great, actually. Maybe Finn can introduce me to his friend James, I know he's pretty hot." you say just to get her off your back. You know for a fact that you won't be going home with anyone tonight, but you want to ease her conscience, so you continue to lie.
"That's the spirit! Good luck hun, love you."
"Thanks Jules, love you too." you smile.
Halfway through the gala, you already want to go home. Finn is over at the bar flirting with some guy, probably trying to get him to buy his artwork. Meanwhile, Julia has disappeared into the bathroom with her boyfriend Ollie, who she invited about thirty minutes into the event because she "got bored."
You look at your phone and realize it's already midnight, and you know the event won't be ending anytime soon. You slowly make your way over to Finn through the sea of people and tap him on the shoulder, drawing his attention away from whatever guy he's flirting with.
"Hey Y/N, how's it going with James?" he asks excitedly.
"Oh, um, it didn't work out, thanks for introducing me though. I just wanted to come tell you that I'm still not feeling well, so I think I'm gonna head home, sorry."
"Oh, okay, no problem. You're probably gonna be alone tonight though, just a heads up. Jules is going back to Ollie's for the night, and" he starts to whisper, "I think I might be going home with this hunk."
You laugh, "Okay, thanks Finn, see you tomorrow then."
"Bye babe. Do you have a ride?" he questions.
"Uh, no, I'm just gonna Uber home, it's no problem."
Finn gasps, "Not this late at night you're not! Let me drive you, hottie with a body over here can wait."
"No, no, don't let me ruin your night. I'll just call Sam then."
His eyes widen, "Like... his brother Sam?"
"Yeah, we're friends still, it's not a big deal. Trust me."
"Okay, fine. But text me when you get home, okay?"
"Okay, love you Finn, see you later." you give him a quick hug and walk outside to call Sam.
You aren't lying, you and Sam are still good friends. Back when you and Tom were together, Sam was the brother that you were closest to, and you felt that it would be unfair to cut ties with the rest of the Hollands just because Tom was a dick to you seeing as they were as much of a family to you as your own parents were, maybe even more. He was attending culinary school in the area anyway, so you decide he’s the best person to call.
As expected, he's happy to drive you home, and about ten minutes later he arrives at the venue where you are still standing outside.
"Hey Sam, I'm sorry for calling this late, but thank you so much for picking me up." you smile as you slide into the passenger seat.
"It's no problem, I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. How've you been?"
"Fine, I guess. How about you?"
"C'mon, I know that look. Something's up with you." he pries.
"I told you on the phone, I'm just not feeling well." you lie, hoping he doesn't catch on.
"It's Tom isn't it?"
"How the fuck do you always know?"
He chuckles. "He is my brother, remember? And you're basically my sister too. I've known you both for literally my entire life, so trust me, I know when it's about him."
You sign in defeat, "I don't know why I can't get over him Sam. It's been nearly three years since we broke up, and I haven't seen him since. My roommates think I'm overreacting, and honestly, I'm starting to agree with them. I should be moved on by now, but I just can't stop thinking about him."
"Hey, hey, don't listen to them, you aren't overreacting. You and Tom were literally attached at the hip for twenty two years, and you weren't even dating for most of them. It's completely normal for you to feel like this, trust me. And I know it doesn't help much for me to say this because I've said it a million times before, but Tom's a complete dick for what he did to you. He's my brother, and I love him, but he's a dick."
"Thanks Sam. I just wish I knew why, y'know? Why, after twenty-two fucking years, he just completely cut me out of his life." you feel your eyes brimming with tears.
"I wish I could have an answer for you Y/N, I really do. But I haven't got a clue. Hell, I honestly don't even know if Tom knows why he did it."
You sigh, "Well, he must have had a reason. Plus, he seems to be doing great in Hollywood. He seems perfectly happy without me."
"You've been stalking him on Instagram, haven't you?" Sam chuckles.
You laugh, "Shut up." That's the great thing about Sam. He can always lighten up a situation, no matter how serious or how sad. Tom did the same thing, that was one of the things you liked most about him.
You and Sam sit in silence for a few minutes, until he finally breaks it. "He's not, you know."
"Huh?" you question, confused.
"He's not happy. You said he seems happy without you, but he's not. He's doing terribly, and it's not just from stress or his work. He won't admit it, but he misses you." he pauses, "I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but he asked about you the other day. About how you were doing and shit like that. I think he would take it back if he could."
You want so badly to believe him, belief that Tom actually still cares about you after all this time. But false hope is the last thing you need right now.
"Well, he can't, can he?" you say sharply, tears still threatening to flow out.
You and Sam sit in silence for the last five minutes of the ride back to your apartment. As he slows the car to a stop, Sam looks over at you sympathetically, "Look, I'm sorry if what I said made things worse. I just wanted you to know that your feelings aren't... one-sided I guess."
You know better than to yell at Sam, he was just trying to make you feel better, so instead of spitting out the sarcastic remark that was on your tongue, you manage out a half-hearted, "It's okay, thanks Sam." and shut the car door.
As soon as the door of your apartment closes behind you, all of the emotions come crashing down on you. A mixture of sadness, anger, guilt, and regret crushed your heart, smashing it into a million little pieces. It feels like two and a half years ago, when he first broke up with you, all over again. Everything was fine until Sam brought him up again, and the memories just all flooded back in. You fall to the floor, clutching your chest in pain, wishing someone was here for you. Wishing he was here for you. At the moment, it feels like you have no one. In reality, you do; you have an entire support system of people who love you so much and would do anything to protect you. But you only want him. You need him. He is the only person you have ever wanted, ever needed, and he's gone.
You want to hate him, you really do. He's caused you more pain in the past two and a half years than anyone or anything has ever caused you in your entire life. But you can't. You can never, and will never, hate him. Which makes you hate yourself.
After what feels like hours of crying, you finally calm down. There's no one at home to talk to and it's too late to call anyone at this point, so you flip on the tv. There's nothing good on Netflix or Hulu that you haven't seen yet, so you scroll through the other apps. You remember that you just got a free Apple TV subscription with your new phone, so you check to see what's on there.
And there it is. Cherry.
His face right on the screen in front of you, lighting your dark bedroom red. You know it's a bad idea and you know you'll regret it, but something draws you to watch it. You need him right now, and this is about the closest you're going to get.
It's fine at first. It's actually nice to see his face again after so long. He looks basically the same as the last time you saw him, just a little more mature. You feel good supporting him, even if he doesn't know it.
But then it's not fine. His character had just gotten into a fight with his girlfriend, so she comes to visit him in his apartment. They talk, and eventually he reveals that he joined the army and has to go away for two years.
"It's just a couple years. Just a couple years and a lifetime together." he whispers.
Then it all hits you, and you break down crying once again. You can't help but think back to that night in the treehouse, and how the conversation is so eerily similar. You wonder if Tom was thinking about it too, while he was filming the scene. Obviously, the circumstances were different, but it still makes you wonder.
You quickly shut the TV off, unable to bear it anymore. With nothing else to do, you try to sleep, but your thoughts keep you up. And as much as you try to fight it, your mind drifts back to the day you so badly want to forget. The day that it all ended.
"Hey, Tommy, what's up? I'm excited to see you tonight!" you pick up the phone. Tom is supposed to come back to London after filming his first solo Spiderman movie, and you could not be more excited to see him. It's been almost a full year since he left for America, and you miss him so much.
"Yea, uhm, about that. Plans have, er, changed a bit." you can hear the solemn tone in his voice.
"Oh no, what happened? Did your flight get delayed or something? I know there's some rough weather in Atlanta, but I didn't realize it was that bad."
"No, no, it's not that. I don't really know how to say this," he sighs, "I'm not coming home."
Your heart drops to your stomach. "What?"
"Yeah. I'm, um, I'm staying in America for now. I found a house in LA, it's nice."
"Well when are you coming back then?" you utter in disbelief.
"Not anytime soon. I have work, so it's just easier for me to be in America. I'm sorry." his tone is stiff.
"But what about us? I miss you so much, these past few months have already been hell for me. I don't think I can survive much longer without seeing you."
No response.
"Tom, are you still there? You know I can't move in with you. I'm already enrolled in university here in London, I can't drop everything and come to America if that's what you want."
"That's not what I want." At this point he seems to have no emotion in his voice, as if he's reading directly from a script.
"So then what do you want?" you start to really worry, tears already stinging your eyes.
"I think you can probably figure that out by now, Y/N."
"Tom, no. You seriously can't be thinking-"
"Yeah, I am thinking that. You've already said that these past few months have been hell, and I'm too busy with work, so I think that's the only option."
You plead with him, "Tom, please! We can figure this out, I love you so much. We can't break up Tom, I can't lose you." You're sobbing at this point, scared to lose the one person you need the most.
"No, we can't figure this out. We have to break up, there's no other choice."
"What happened to you and me forever? That- that night in the treehouse you said you wouldn't let anything come between us!"
"We were kids, Y/N! We had no idea what our lives were going to turn out like. That was a stupid thing to say and I never should have said it, okay? You can't keep every promise you make, especially when you're eighteen. But we're mature adults now, and the mature way to handle this is to break up. Understand?" His voice is booming through your phone speaker, and it's nothing you've ever heard come from him before. He was always calm, looking for a way to work things out. But now, he's completely giving up.
"Tom, please, I-"
"No, Y/N, I don't have time for this right now, I'm sorry. Goodbye."
He hung up. He's gone.
That was the last time you spoke to him. You didn't even get to properly say goodbye, let alone see his face before he was gone forever.
Unbeknownst to you, that phone call is still, to this day, Tom's biggest regret. Almost immediately after he hung up, he wished he had never called you in the first place. He was stressed from work, he was angry at his management team for making him stay in America, but most of all he missed you. So he did the only thing he could think of to take it all away - separate himself from you. He thought that if he broke up with you, he would feel better about his career choices and he wouldn’t have to wwc:orry about missing you anymore because it would be over.
He was wrong.
Every day since then, he’s wanted to call you, text, you, or somehow contact you to apologize; explain why he did what he did and how he still loves you, still needs you, still misses you every second of his life. But he knows he can’t. You would never be able to forgive him for breaking it all off so suddenly. There’s no way in hell you could still love him after something like that.
So he’s stayed out of reach from you for good. And he hopes that maybe one day he’ll be able to move on, find someone new like you’ve probably done by now. But deep down he knows he never will.
You’re still unable to sleep, and now that it’s almost four in the morning, you decide that you probably won’t be able to for the rest of the night. Not knowing what else’s to do, you begrudgingly roll out of bed and go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As you fill up your mug with warm water, you hear a knock at the door.
Who the fuck would be coming to your apartment this early? You suspect it’s Finn, as he always manages to forget his key. Maybe his night with the mystery bar hunk didn’t go as well as he had planned. You quickly set a tea bag in your mug and walk to open the door.
“Back so soon Fi... what the fuck.” your heart drops to your stomach.
It’s him. The same brown-haired, brown-eyed, British boy that you remember, staring down at you from outside your apartment at four in the morning.
tags: @pxkajesus @roseke @agentsofparker @lifeasjazzz @damnrancidchicken @tomhoelland01 @iwannabekilledtwice @rafehogwarts @non-eexistent @rosiexx8 @nearlydanger9 @realityisabitch07 @midgardassassins @jbreenr @cap-marvxl @ellesmythe @deepestcolorgiantopera @that-one-person @nevertrustapanda16 @rxmanxff @bubbleskz @quinn-spn58 @idkkkkaaw @aayaissaa @pjmjams @tiredstudenttrinity @isabella-bby @hollandprkr @pure-ghost @ladykxxx08 @white-wolf1940 @runawayolives @geekgirleve @thathurtbrolol @lost-girl24 @justafangirlduh @emistrash @writingrem @hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @mathletemadison @paulaabellag @miraclesoflove @captainamirica @mlmarint @quaksonhehe @laneybobeczko-g @peterspideysense @hollandstanevans @anna-sofia
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jimlingss · 3 years
Hi! Here’s a request for your Drabble game: namjoon + fantasy au + “Take this seriously, it’s a life or death situation!” Can be funny or angsty and sorry if this request is too specific haha
Anonymous said: Hello Kina! I love literally all of your works! Can I request this prompt? “That’s barbaric.” “That’s how you survive.” Any member!
Anonymous said: zombie au with any member ?
Zombies count as fantasy, right? lol
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↳ The Unintended
2.5k || 50% Angst, 50% Fluff || Kim Namjoon || Zombie Apocalypse!AU
You’re lucky to have Namjoon by your side.
He’s always been the outdoorsy type. One of your first dates together was a camping trip in the wilderness. You remember being mortified then — having no place to do your makeup or properly shower or be able to make yourself look good for him. But now you look back on the memories with fondness. He didn’t care back then and he doesn’t care now.
Not to mention, Namjoon was also a boy scout for eight years. When he got too old for that, he took up rock climbing and spent hours in the gym to beef up his arms. It’s where you met him in the first place as a receptionist at the gym where you were working part-time while going to school.
He knows how to fish. How to set up traps. How to start a campfire. 
Namjoon’s saved your life countless times.
But then again, he’d argue you’ve saved him lots of times too. Years of schooling to become a nurse wasn’t wasted on you after all. And you’re the better cook than he is.
“Look what I caught!”
You look up from the fire where your dear husband is holding a usual fish. But in his other hand is a rabbit held by its ears, dead. It’s dripping of blood, limp in his grip and you feel a twinge of guilt.
“That’s barbaric.”
“That’s how you survive,” he says. “I’ll prepare it to roast.”
You hum, taking the fish from him and the pair of you fall into routine. Namjoon works alongside you to prepare the food, poking the fire interchangeably and the both of you looking up once in a while through the thicket of the forest. 
After a moment, you pipe up, “Hey.”
Namjoon glances up at you and says “hey” with a tender, dimpled smile. 
The corner of your mouth quirks without being able to resist. “I’ve been thinking we should get on the move again. I saw a cottage down the road on our way here. Maybe we could check it out.”
“It’s probably already been ransacked.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be nice to sleep with a roof over our heads. I don’t want you to stay up and have to keep watch.”
“We take turns.”
You give Namjoon a look. “You never wake me up for my turn.”
He smiles sheepishly and you put your blunt knife down, quickly growing solemn. “I’m serious, Joon. It’s not good for your health to not sleep and I can’t— I can’t have you breaking down on me.”
Namjoon softens when he recognizes your distressed tone, when he sees your expression marred with worry. “Okay,” he murmurs gently. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning then.”
You nod and the two of you fall into a comfortable silence. 
As the fish and rabbit are roasted over the blazing fire, smoke fills your nose and you cough before batting it away. You’re starving — in general, you’ve been feeling weak these days but you don’t dare say anything to Namjoon. God knows what he’s putting himself through to make you feel as comfortable as you can. 
You don’t want to worry him even more.
But you can’t hide your groan or sickly expression when the fish you’re supposed to eat comes up to your mouth.
Namjoon’s immediately alarmed and wide-eyed. “What’s wrong? Is it bad?”
You hand the stick that’s pierced with the fish over to him while cupping your mouth, trying not to vomit. “I’m sorry. It just smells really bad.”
“I made it the exact same way before.” He frowns and bites into the fish that’s still steaming. Namjoon chews in his cheek. “It tastes fine, Y/N.”
You shake your head. “I’m good. I’ll have the rabbit.”
But as you shift over, your husband’s eyes bore into your profile.
Namjoon stares at you. He gawks.
Then his mouth opens and he says— “Are you pregnant?”
Your eyes double and you look back at him. But then you scoff. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
You look away from him, picking at the meat, but you swallow hard in the meanwhile, mind racing. It’s not possible. It shouldn’t be possible. You haven’t had your period for three months — but you didn’t think twice about it. Not when there were more pressing matters. Not when you just assumed it stopped because you haven’t had your nutrients and you’ve been starving.
Namjoon knows the gears in your head are turning by your expression. He knows after years of being together.
“I already said it’s not possible.”
“There’s a city ten miles away from here. It’ll take half a day to walk there, but there should be a pharmacy or a hospital—”
“We are not going to the city,” you interrupt in exasperation. “It’s a death sentence, Namjoon, and we’re fine out here.”
“Not if you’re pregnant.”
“I’m not.” You deflate with an annoyed sigh. “I know my body best, alright? So just drop it.”
Namjoon stays silent. 
The rustling leaves of the forest and the distant sound of the river rushing fills the growing space between the two of you. And it sinks in how harsh and upset you got. You look up towards your husband with remorseful eyes. The last thing you want is to fight out here. Who knows when it could be your last moment together. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just worried.”
You nod. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
Yet deep down, uncertainty swirls and you’re green with nausea again.
It took a year to happen.
At first, it was called a flu outbreak. Authorities kept it contained for a few weeks until it wasn’t anymore. Within the span of another week, it was declared a worldwide pandemic and entire countries went into quarantine. 
Life itself shut down. People complained and protested, and when thousands started to drop dead, there were protests for lack of government action. Then, it was millions dead.
Developing countries fell first. It didn’t take long after that for developed nations to follow.
Chaos. Panic. Looting. The dead walking the streets.
You still get nightmares about it. Namjoon does too — when he’s holding you and suddenly jolts awake, gasping. It’s then and there that you know he’s had a nightmare of one of the many close calls.
“I thought the cottage was closer than this.”
The both of you are trekking through the forest, lugging your bags and weapons, trying to remain as quiet and elusive as possible. 
Namjoon looks over his shoulder. “Do you need a break?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine.”
“It should be up ahead.”
You hum, feeling the heat of the sun beating down on you. But it’s still better now with the canopy of the trees hiding you. It’s refreshing even. You admire the unfamiliar scenery. 
All at once, you stop. None of this should be unfamiliar.
Namjoon doesn’t hear the crunch of leaves behind him and turns around.
“This isn’t the direction of the cottage, is it?”
Your brows furrow deep enough to hurt. “I already said we’re not going to the city, Namjoon! Why don’t you ever listen to me?!”
Suddenly, there’s snarling in the distance. Namjoon, on alert, clasps his palm over your mouth and both sets of your eyes flicker over. There’s a shadow in the distance, a lurching figure amongst the trees. It snarls again, jerking a bit in your direction, but then no sounds follow. 
It passes.
You breathe a sigh of relief.
“We have to go eventually, Y/N,” he whispers. “We need more supplies and if I can get my hands on a car, that would help us.”
Your husband gingerly takes your hand, cradling it softly. “We’ll be careful.”
You gaze at him, searching his expression as if you’re painting his features to the forefront of your mind. But you already have. Yet, it’s not enough to feel comforted. “I can’t lose you, Namjoon. I can’t.”
Namjoon reaches out to hug you, embracing your body, frame overtaking yours.
You grasp onto his shoulders, trying to savour the moment and capture his warmth.
“You won’t. Not if I can help it.”
You nod into his chest.
The trek to the city is completed by afternoon and you find yourself standing in the remains of what was once civilization. There are decayed buildings, abandoned tanks, and much to Namjoon’s delight, many deserted cars. You see zombies bumbling around too. They’ve infested every corner street, every line of the road, and alley, nook and cranny. 
Their bodies are decaying, some with skulls lodged in half and their brain unraveling behind them. You have to hold back a gag when you can smell the rotten odour from here.
Luckily, you and Namjoon move quickly. You throw bricks and bottles at a distance to attract them and run the opposite way together.
First, you get to the small grocery store, opening your backpacks for the spare cans of beans and peas. It’s not much, but it’s a lot at this point. Namjoon even manages to score bandages.
“This is enough,” you murmur when you’re back on the open street again.
But before you can move on out, he stops. “Wait.”
You follow Namjoon’s line of sight. Across the street is a pharmacy and a horde of infected.
You pull your husband back before he can book it and the both of you hide behind discarded crates on the road. “Wait, why?”
“You know why. There were none in the grocery store. I checked, but if there’s any place that has them, it’s there.”
If looks could kill, Namjoon would be six feet under and then crawling out of his grave as a zombie. Maybe as the first one who wasn’t bitten or infected by the virus. “You’re being an idiot.” 
Namjoon grins. “Well, I was thinking of just shouting a battle cry and running straight in there.”
“Take this seriously,” you hiss and punch his arm. It does little to even push him back, much less hurt him. It doesn’t help that his muscles are rock solid. If only his brain was as developed — but if you were being honest, Namjoon was quite intelligent too. Except for right now. “It’s a life or death situation.”
Namjoon smiles, practically from ear to ear. 
The dimples on each side of his cheek crease and before you can react or say much else, he leans in and captures your lips with his. It’s a soft and sweet kiss. Then your husband cradles your face in his hand and tilts your head to deepen the kiss. You’re rendered to complete silence, melting into his touch as he takes your breath away. 
When he pulls from you, your lashes flutter.
You’re completely dazed. 
Until he grabs a rock near your foot and chucks it. It smashes into the window of a nearby boutique, glass shattering and all the zombies turn their heads. They snarl at a high pitch, screeching out as flounder towards the noise. Namjoon darts behind them, right out of your grasps.
You’d shout his name if it didn’t mean your own death sentence.
The wait is agonizing. You feel like you’re going to get a heart attack as you watch the door, unsure if he’ll come out. Even if he does, you don’t know if he’ll still be human and the Namjoon that you love. The one that you decided to marry, that you saw on the other end of the aisle and who cried like a dork when he saw you in the dress. 
Those years feel like another world. But they’re still memories you cherish.
The five minutes feels like an hour. You’re cursing, praying, regretting.
But then the buff idiot, your idiot, comes out and runs back to you with a massive grin. Uninjured. With bottles of penicillin, some kind of allergy medicine, and a pregnancy test you grimace at.
You seek refuge at an apartment building on the edge of the city.
It’s an expensive one that was fenced in and boarded up — one of the last to fall to the ruins.
You choose a room on the second floor that’s easy to get into and easy to escape if need be. Unfortunately a zombie lurches out from one of the rooms much to your horror, but Namjoon kills it. He takes his hatchet right into its skull and checks the other rooms before dragging the corpse out when you look nauseous again.
When it’s all over, Namjoon dusts his hands off like it was just some spring cleaning.
“What happens if I really am pregnant?”
You hold the test, motionless, until your head lifts to meet Namjoon’s softened eyes. There’s an overwhelming urge not to take it, to throw the box out the window and keep convincing yourself that it would be impossible to be carrying. But Namjoon risked his life for this.
And you know he won’t let it go. Not until an answer is certain.
“Then we’ll figure it out,” he murmurs gently.
“I can’t give birth on my own, Namjoon.”
“I know.”
“If the baby even makes it that far,” you whisper and he grimaces. But what worries you far more, what’s put you in so much denial, and made you sick with terror is the fact that you know— “I’ll slow you down even more, Namjoon.”
His brows furrow, lips becoming lopsided. “You don’t slow me down.”
“How many times have you almost died trying to save me?! I-I can’t keep up.”
At once, Namjoon engulfs you with his arms. He holds you close, body flush against yours and you press your face into his broad shoulder, smothering your worries for a moment with his soothing comfort.
“I love you,” he sighs against your ear. “No matter what happens, I love you. There wouldn’t be a reason for me to keep living if you weren’t here, Y/N. I’m only trying this hard because you are. You’re my purpose now. You and this baby, if it’s real.”
Your fingers clutch onto his jacket, hanging onto your husband as your anchor. “Shut up,” you mumble against his clothes. “You know I hate it when you talk like this. Like you’re saying goodbye.”
Namjoon smiles faintly, remembering how you made him promise to never say goodbye. “Sorry.”
He lets you go and you turn into the bathroom.
The minutes that follow are excruciating. Maybe you’re just impatient, but you’ve grown to hate waiting. But still, you wait by yourself while kneeling on the cold, tiled floors, staring at the stick you peed on.
It’s faint. And you pray your eyes are wrong. But as the minutes go by, it becomes stronger and stronger in colour.
You leave and Namjoon looks at you expectedly. 
You thrust the stick towards him. Two lines.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Rewrite the Stars
Day 7, Post #1 is by @adenei
Title: Rewrite the Stars
Author: adenei
Pairing: Ron/Hermione (Romione)
Prompt: Songfic
Rating: PG 
TW: Depiction of blood purity/discussion of prejudices against Muggleborns, Violence/Murder mentioned (but not graphic)
*This fic is inspired not only by the song, but also Anne and Philip's relationship in the movie The Greatest Showman.*
Summary: AU In a world where there’s no Voldemort, but blood purity is strictly enforced, Ron and Hermione must navigate their budding relationship, and all the trials and tribulations that come with it.
“Are you sure this is alright?” Hermione asks as she smooths the front of her dress, checking for wrinkles for the fifth time in as many minutes.
  “Yes, it’s fine! You look beautiful,” Ron assures her.
  He places a warm, comforting hand on the small of her back as they enter the grandiose ballroom where the Auror department is hosting their annual dinner. A handful of Aurors are honored for their achievements, but over the years, it’s turned into an event for the upper classes and Purebloods.
  Hermione knows she doesn’t belong here, amongst the men and women whose wealth and social status put them leagues ahead of anyone else, and it’s rare to receive an invitation to such an event even as a Halfblood. But as a Muggleborn, Hermione braces herself for an onslaught of jeers and slurs. If Ron wasn’t being honored for his success on a case he’d worked six months to solve, she wouldn’t be here at all.
  Ron has always encouraged Hermione to follow her dreams, even during their Hogwarts days. Though they were sorted into different houses, the two shared many Prefect rounds together. Being named Head Boy and Girl also brought them closer together, where they began seeing each other in secret . Neither had intended to break things off upon graduation, but when Hermione received rejection after rejection for potential jobs within the Ministry, she pushed him away too. 
  There was a time years ago when she hoped to be working within the Magical Law Department with dreams of making the magical world a more accepting place for every witch and wizard, no matter their blood status. But those bright-eyed and bushy-tailed dreams have long since dissipated. The rules are archaic, and there’s no chance of overturning something so set in stone until there’s a new Minister of Magic who would be open to the possibility. 
  So, for now, Hermione tends to a job that gives her equal satisfaction. She teaches young Muggleborn students in a special school that she founded with the help of Professor McGonagall. Hermione earned her certification to teach the primary levels at University after graduating from Hogwarts, and now works with Professor McGonagall to teach those students between the ages of five and eleven how to prepare for the world they’ll enter when they’re old enough to go to Hogwarts. This is in addition to all of the regular courses that Muggle England expects them to study.
  The prep school is what reconnected the pair, when Ron was assigned to work the case of an eight-year-old that disappeared last year. It was determined that the child was abducted by Fenrir Greyback and turned into a werewolf. Ron found the boy’s body deep in the Forest of Dean, where it was determined that Fenrir became too bloodthirsty on that particular hunt. 
  Hermione was distraught over the outcome and took comfort in Ron, who was equally shaken by the case. As the weeks following the case progressed, Hermione found herself spending more and more time with Ron. Slowly but surely, they found their way back to each other and had only just rekindled their relationship a couple of months ago.
  Since their relationship still feels so new to Hermione, they’ve kept things quiet. But she knows how important tonight is for Ron, and she wants to be there for him. To support him the same way he supports her. Hermione knows he will be by her side through it all, and has assured  her that no one will make any comments. 
  Ron leads them around the room, exchanging pleasantries and mingling with people Hermione’s only heard stories about. Thus far, everyone she’s encountered has been polite. They are about to make their way to their table when a voice calls out to them.
  “Ron! There you are, dear! We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
  Hermione turns to see a plump woman with hair the same shade of red as Ron’s. A man follows in her wake who peers at them through half-moon spectacles with the same cerulean eyes that she’s so familiar with, only they’re attached to a different face. They’re much colder than the warmth Ron’s eyes emit, and that’s when the dread begins to expand from the pit in her stomach.
  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were both attending tonight,” Ron attempts to hide the surprise as he greets his parents.
  “And miss the opportunity to see our son receive an award for his hard work? Don’t be silly,” his father responds with a wave of his hand.
  Hermione has yet to meet Ron’s parents. A chill crawls up her spine as they talk to their son as if he is standing by himself. Suddenly, all of Ron’s promises become emptier than the desk of her former student.
  “Er, right. Mum, Dad, I’d like you to meet someone.” Ron gestures toward Hermione.
  She can see his mouth moving, but no sound comes out, at least not that she hears. The blood drains from her ears, causing momentary deafness as she stands under the scrutinizing stares of his parents. Hermione holds her head high as his mother admonishes his choice of a date. There’s no empathy for them whatsoever.
  “...What will everyone think? You come from a certain class of people, and we need to uphold our status. At least go for a Halfblood, darling.”
  Years of following the mantra ‘hold your head high, don’t let it bother you, stay in your lane’ have still not prepared Hermione to endure this moment. She is a strong-willed woman, she fights for what is right, and she refuses to stand here and take this woman’s judgmental words all because of the family she was born into. 
  This is the exact reason why Hermione insisted on keeping their relationship private. Her feet move on their own accord as Hermione tears herself away from Ron’s side and weaves in and out of the clumps of people. She manages to find the visitor’s entrance and exits to the bustling streets of London. Refusing to cry, she rushes along the cobblestone sidewalk and down a deserted alleyway. 
  Hermione forces herself to forget the sound of Ron’s voice calling after her as she disapparates away from the Ministry of Magic. She finds herself in her classroom, staring at all the empty desks in front of her. Desks of students who would be forced to meet the same unfair limitations that she lives day to day. She feels so helpless, not knowing what to do in an effort to make their lives easier. 
  Looking down at the elegant maroon ball gown she’s still wearing, she feels dirty. This isn’t the life she’s meant for, no matter how many assurances Ron can give her. She doesn’t belong in his world. Thank goodness she keeps an extra outfit in her coat closet, which she rushes toward before shedding the expensive formalwear from her body. 
  Once she’s changed, Hermione sits down at her desk, staring at the piles of papers left to be graded. Ron insisted she leave them there so they could spend their weekend together. A heartbreaking realization enters her mind as she thinks of his name.
  We can’t be together. This is never going to work.
  It’s as if he knows that she’s thinking of him as the floo lights up and he stumbles out. Ron sheds his dress robes, leaving him in his starched white dress shirt and pressed black trousers. She refuses to look up even though she can feel his gaze boring into her as he stands at the head of her desk.
  She says nothing because what is there to say?
  “They’re small-minded people. What do you care what they think?”*
  He reaches for her hand, but she tugs it away as she sits back in her chair.
  “It’s not just them, Ron. You haven’t lived this life. You don’t know what I’ve been up against. You’ll never know what it feels like to be looked at the way your parents looked at me tonight. The way they spoke down about me to my face. I can’t—I can’t be subjected to that. The way people will look at us because we’re together. I don’t deserve to feel that way.”
  Hermione stands up and exits the classroom, stepping into the abandoned hallway. She can’t do this anymore— it’s too painful. She’s learned to pick and choose her battles. It’s better to let people like the Weasleys think they’ve won while she keeps fighting on her own.
  You know I want you, it’s not a secret I try to hide.
I know you want me, so don’t keep saying our hands are tied.
You claim it’s not in the cards, that fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me,
But you’re here in my heart, so who can stop me if I decide that you’re my destiny?
  “Hermione, don’t do this. Please. I don’t care what they think. I want you, and nothing else matters.”
  She stops and only turns her head slightly to see him leaning out of the doorway, his hand gripping the door jamb as he calls after her.
  What if we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart, you’d be the one I was meant to find.
It’s up to you, it’s up to me, no one can say what we get to be
So why don’t we rewrite the stars, maybe the world could be ours tonight.
  “Please, love, don’t let them dictate what our life looks like.”
  The desperation in Ron’s voice is what makes Hermione turn all the way around to face him. She begins to walk a few paces toward him before the voices in her head get a hold of her. He’d become an outcast if she stayed with him. She can’t let him risk everything he’s gained by choosing her.
  You think it’s easy? You think I don’t want to run to you?
But there are mountains, and there are doors that we can’t walk through.
I know you’re wondering why because we’re able to be just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside you’re gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all.
  “You know it’s not that easy. We can’t just run away from everything so we can be happy. Your family would never forgive you, or me for that matter! Everyone will do everything in their power to tear us apart. It’s not worth it.”
  “So, what? You’re saying we’re not worth it?”
  No one can rewrite the stars. How can you say you’ll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart, and I’m not the one you were meant to find.
It’s not up to you, it’s not up to me, when everyone tells us what we can be.
How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours tonight.
  Hermione reaches out and clasps his hands with her own. “No, you’re not listening to me. You’re worth so much to me that I have to let you go.”
  “But what if I don’t want to let go?”
  All I want is to fly with you. 
All I want is to fall with you. 
So just give me all of you.
It feels impossible (It’s not impossible). 
Is it impossible? (Say that it’s possible.)
  “I don’t want to let go, either, Ron, but I have to. You mean too much to me.” 
  She knows it’s better to be hurt on her own terms than to let someone else hurt her instead. Ron will see reason eventually. He has to. Hermione wraps her arms around him, tighter than ever before, putting all her feelings into one single embrace, hoping that he can understand. 
  How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find.
It’s up to you and it’s up to me, no one can say what we get to be
And why don’t we rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours… 
  There are many things she can change, but her blood status isn’t one. Above all else, she’s proud of being a Muggleborn, and she’ll keep teaching her students to be proud of their roots as well. She’ll keep her memories of Ron and how wonderful he is locked up tight as she finds a way to navigate this world without him. Hermione has made her decision as she kisses his cheek and lets go. Perhaps in another lifetime, they’ll be able to be together with nothing standing in their way.
  You know I want you.
It’s not a secret I try to hide.
But I can’t have you.
We’re bound to break and our hands are tied.
  “I’m sorry.”
  Her voice leaves the faintest echo among the abandoned halls. Before she loses her nerve, she turns on the spot and apparates away, leaving the hurt look that is etched on Ron’s face burned into her mind as she leaves him alone.
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xofanfics · 3 years
Without Warning - Part IV
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Pairing: Reader x Mark ft. Doyoung
Word Count: 3k
Summary: You and Doyoung had the best summer you could. Now that he’s hundreds of miles away in college, you have to go through senior year alone. You meet Mark at a time when Doyoung is making you feel like you’re single.
Mark was completely taken aback by the events of the night. You’d kissed him and you held his hand and you brought him into your room. Mark could hardly contain his excitement about having kissed you, touched you, and having been close enough to pick up on your scent. For him it wasn’t sexual. It didn’t have to be and, to be honest, he didn’t want it to be. At least, not right now. For now, he was just enjoying this innocence with you.
You went in your drawers and pulled out pajamas, sending Mark into anxiety. Please don’t change in front of me, please don’t change in front of me, he thought. The last thing he needed was to get hard right now and to potentially scare you away. He definitely wasn’t ready for something like that. Thankfully, you excused yourself into the bathroom and returned a couple minutes later with a freshly washed face and pajamas on. 
You looked beautiful as ever, even with no makeup on. He’d seen you a few times without makeup but on most days, he noticed, you’d at least be wearing eyeliner. But here you were, no eyeliner, no mascara, and none of your usual lipgloss with the slight pink tint to it. 
Mark was lying across your bed, heart racing. He was nervous because he’d never seen you in this state and, of course, because he liked you a lot. “You feeling okay?”
You nodded. “Just a little tired. Do you wanna watch my show with me?”
“Yeah. What show?”
“I started rewatching Sailor Moon.”
“I’m down for whatever.” 
You crawled into the bed with him and snuggled up to him, lying on his chest. He wasn’t sure if you could hear his heart racing but it was definitely racing. His heart pounded so hard he could hear it in his ears. He didn’t know if it was because he’d been drinking or what; he just knew that he was very aware of himself right now. Was he breathing too hard? Was he breathing at all? Did he still smell like alcohol? Did you actually like him, the same way he did? He had so many questions and most of them, he couldn’t answer at the moment.
One minute you were watching tv in silence and the next minute, you were asleep. Mark looked down at you and smiled at how cute you looked with your mouth slightly open. He wished he had this view all the time. With a sigh, he thought about all the things you could do if you were his. But for now, he caressed your hand as you slept. He stayed like that with you for the rest of the episode before he figured he shouldn’t overstay his welcome. He scooted from underneath you but before he could get out of the bed you reached out for him, grabbing onto his arm.
“Don’t go,” you mumbled.
You opened your eyes and pouted. “Cuddle with me…”
Mark’s heart started racing again but he did what you asked. Plus, how could he resist when you made a face like that. He got under the blanket with you and pulled you closer. You snuggled up to him and said, “Goodnight.” Mark smiled and wrapped his arms around you. And with you in his arms, he fell asleep more quickly than he normally would. 
Mark shot up, realizing that he probably should’ve asked you when and if your mom was coming back home. He looked down at you, still fast asleep. Should he hide under the bed? In the closet? He heard footsteps coming toward the closed door. Mark bolted into the closet, hoping that the door wasn’t the kind that would squeak as you opened it. Thankfully, it didn’t and he closed the door just enough. He took in a deep breath, praying that your mom had no reason to look in the closet.
“Y/N?” your mom said. She opened the door and Mark heard your mattress shift from outside the closet. 
“Hey,” you said. He heard you yawn loudly. He couldn’t see you but he imagined it in his mind. 
His heart raced while your mother spoke. Was he breathing too loud? Could your mom somehow sense his presence? Thankfully, he’d come over in his socks so there weren’t any shoes by the door to be evidence. He’d met your mom a couple times at this point but he was pretty sure your mom wouldn’t have been very happy to come home and find the two of you asleep in each other’s arms. 
“Did you have fun with Mark and your friends?” She chuckled as Mark’s heart continued racing. “That’s good to hear. Anyway, it’s been a very long double shift so I think I’m going to take a bath with those bath salts you got me for my birthday. Get a little more sleep.”
“Okay,” you said, “See you later.”
Mark heard the door close and relief swept over him. A moment later, when he was sure your mom was gone, he whispered, “Y/N…”
“Mark?” You opened the closet door, surprised that Mark was there. You found him in between your jeans and your t-shirts. “Oh my God, I thought you left! I’m sorry, I forgot to set my alarm. I should’ve told you my mom was coming home in the morning. Unfortunately, she’s not on vacation in Mexico...”
“It’s all good,” he said, chuckling as he stepped out of the closet. “As long as she didn’t see us in the bed together, I think we’ll both survive.”
You laughed, too. “That was way too close.”
“Yeah, for sure. I should get out of here before your mom comes back...”
You nodded, moving out of his way. “Let me make sure she’s in the bathroom.” You left him in the room for a moment. Mark grabbed his phone from under your pillow. You came back and said, “The coast is clear.” 
You waved him over and he followed you to the front door. 
Mark turned to you. He needed to know before leaving here. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah,” you said, stretching.
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
You nodded. “I remember everything. I meant everything.”
That brought a wide smile to Mark’s face. He felt his cheeks get hot and he wasn’t sure if he was visibly blushing or not. Then again, he didn’t care. Hell, if you meant all the things you’d said, nothing else mattered. You wanted to kiss him, genuinely. He wasn’t sure if you liked him like that but you clearly felt something. And, for now, that was good enough for him.
You had something you wanted to say but you hesitated. Things had taken a turn since last night. “Um…”
Mark noticed your hesitation. He supposed things did get a little awkward. “What’s up?”
“Since we’re sober now, will you kiss me?” you asked, taking Mark by surprise. You’d been so forward for the last ten hours and he had no idea what to make of any of this. You didn’t know what had come over you the past few hours.
Mark leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to yours. Your lips felt the same, more or less. They weren’t as moist without lipgloss and they no longer tasted like cotton candy. But he enjoyed the kiss with you nevertheless. He pulled away a few seconds later with a smile. You looked into each other’s eyes for a moment and he kissed you again. “Is that what you wanted?”
“Yep.” You took his hand in yours and squeezed it. “Now get out of here before my mom catches you here.”
With a chuckle and a kiss on your cheek, Mark was gone with the wind. 
Doyoung was annoyed and frustrated. He’d been trying to contact you for weeks on end to no avail. You’d dodged every obstacle. He’d hit you up on LINKEDIN, for God’s sake. He was putting in all that effort and you ignored him every time. He’d tried contacting you through your friends, on social media, and so on. But there was never any response. 
And then the one opportunity he had to talk to you, you were drunk off your ass. Was it that bad that you couldn’t contact him sober? Was it that bad that you had to be drunk to speak to him?
He was frustrated because he fucked up. He fucked up and he didn’t mean to. New stressors in his life weren’t any excuse to treat you the way he did. He got caught up in this new life and he took you for granted. He assumed you’d stick around because you loved each other, even though he hadn’t been acting like it. College life became more important to him that managing the relationship. But he snapped that one time and that was all it took to destroy the relationship. He was so stupid not to realize what was going on, not to realize how distant he’d become. It didn’t look good on his part, as your boyfriend.
How could he have been so stupid? He missed you. Some days, you were all he thought about. Were you sleeping well at night? Were you having fun? Did you...miss him? 
He was frustrated because he made a mistake, one that cost him even his friendship with you. He lost his girlfriend and his best friend, all at once. And he hated it. He missed being able to vent to you when he’d had a shitty day and he wished that he could call and tell you about it. But you took that option away from him and Amber and Phil weren’t much help either. He didn’t want to put them in the middle; it was an issue that he had with you and it wasn’t right to try to go through them.
Doyoung’s phone rang on his desk, disrupting him from his thoughts. It was his mother. She was the last person he wanted to speak to right now. He let it ring, hoping that she’d just leave it at that. The phone stopped ringing and he let out a sigh of relief. The relief only lasted for a few seconds and she started calling again. Doyoung rolled his eyes and sighed instead of hurling the phone across the room like he’d imagined in his head. He picked up the phone from off the desk and answered it.
“Hey mom.”
“Just calling to check on you. How is everything?”
“It’s going okay. I’m working on a paper right now. I’m almost done. I got an B on my biology exam. I think I’m getting the hang of how I need to study for that class.”
“That’s good to hear. I’m sure you’ll do better for the next exam. Start preparing now so you can get a head start.” She cleared her throat. “Did you book your flight yet?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been so busy. I meant to tell you about it yesterday.”
“Good. The prices were getting more expensive.” She let out a deep sigh. “I can’t believe your brother is getting married in three weeks.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to have to come right back to school after.”
“Me either. But you know how event venues are. They got a good deal considering it’s a weekend.”
“It’s going to be a long weekend.”
It would be. But all he could think about was the possibility of seeing you while he was back home. He had so many things he wanted to say, so many things to make up for. He just wanted confirmation if things between you two were truly over. What would he find if he looked you in your eyes? Love, hate, or indifference?
Amber hit you in the arm with the copy of Romeo and Juliet that had been sitting on your desk. “You and Mark what?” 
You shrugged and said, “We kissed...a few times. And he might’ve slept over last night...”
“Slept over? Did you guys do it?”
“No!” you said, probably a little more loudly than necessary. “It wasn’t like that. We just...cuddled and slept. But I forgot to set an alarm for when my mom came back so Mark must’ve heard her calling me and he hid in the closet.” You grabbed an oreo from the box sitting in the middle of the bed as Amber sat cross legged at the foot of the bed, waiting for the rest of the story. “At first I was sad because I thought he left in the middle of the night but he ended up in the closet because my mom came in to say hi.”
“Well this was definitely unexpected,” she said, “but Mark’s a pretty decent guy, being from the male species and all.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you liked Mark?”
“I didn’t know. I mean, I never thought about it.”
“So you’re not sure?”
“I think I do like him…I mean, I liked the kiss and the cuddling. And it’s not like he’s not attractive.”
“You’re not using him to get over Doyoung, right?”
You shook your head. Of course, getting over a two year relationship wouldn’t be easy but you had to move on eventually. And, with the way he treated you, it would be easier once you met someone who truly had your best interests in mind. Mark was a sweet guy and he was a good friend. Even though things had been platonic up until this point, Mark had become one of your closest friends. You could trust him with your life and you knew that, perhaps, you could trust him with your heart, too.
You weren’t sure what came over you that night but all you could think of at the time was “What if we kissed?” The alcohol gave you the nudge but you found yourself thinking of Mark constantly. And every time you did, you smiled. You remembered how you felt when things had gotten more romantic with Doyoung. You’d get butterflies when you heard his name and you were excited to see him everyday at school.
It was pretty early on but you knew that you were starting to like Mark, as more than just a friend.
Lucas jogged over toward Mark, sweaty and exhausted. He plopped down on the bench next to his friend and took a long swig from his water bottle. They’d been playing basketball for about an hour. “Ready to go?”
Mark nodded, standing up. “Yeah, let’s head back. I’m starving.”
Lucas stood too and they headed to the parking lot, in search of the car. Mark took out the keys to his parents’ car and got in. As Lucas got in the passenger, he said, “So what happened after we left last night? Did you tell her you like her?”
“Well we, uh, kissed...and I did tell her I like her.”
Lucas smirked. “So she likes you after all, huh?”
“I mean, I think so.”
“What do you mean, you think so? Did you ask her?”
“I mean I didn’t ask her directly.”
“So what the hell did you talk about then?”
“Well we actually didn’t do too much talking.” 
As soon as the words left Mark’s mouth, he regretted them. He knew that it sounded a lot dirtier than he meant. And he knew that Lucas would take it the wrong way.
Lucas’ eyes widened as he took it the wrong way. “You fucked her?”
Mark turned in his seat. “No, no! We didn’t have sex or anything like that. I know it sounds kinda weird but she brought me over next door to hangout because she didn’t wanna be alone and then she kissed me and then she wanted me to stay over and cuddle with her. So we cuddled and we both fell asleep.”
“Cuddle, huh? We all know what cuddling leads to…”
“Hey, just because that’s what you and Marina do doesn’t mean it’s the same for me and Y/N! When are you going to start dating her anyway?”
“Hey! Don’t change the subject! We’re not talking about me and Rina. When are you going to take Y/N on a date?”
“Soon. I’m just not sure what we should do. Got any date ideas?”
“Y/N is a pretty simple girl. What about a picnic at the park? You could go around dinner and watch the sun set.”
Mark was feeling extra excited today. He got to the bus stop a few minutes early, so he could rehearse what he was going to say to you. He’d rehearsed it a million times last night into this morning. Initially, he thought about texting it to you but he decided against it; he figured that asking you in person would be better.
He’d been texting you all weekend but he hadn’t hung out with you. Part of him was hoping that the two of you could hang out at least once but you’d been out with your mom all day yesterday. And he understood because your mom hadn’t had a Sunday off in a while. He was satisfied with the kiss you promised him over text messages. 
You snuck up on Mark without meaning to. He’d been so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t even see you coming in his peripheral vision. He jumped when you appeared in front of him, almost dropping his phone. “Shit!”
“Sorry,” you said, giggling, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay.” He sighed. “Ready for school?”
“I’m never ready for school.”
Mark chuckled. “Are you busy this weekend?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
“Would you wanna go on a date on Saturday?”
Your face lit up at his words. That made Mark happy. “I’d love that.” You hugged him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. And when you pulled away, you gave him that promised kiss. 
That, of course, made Mark even happier.
TAG LIST: @wanlore​
GENERAL TAG LIST: @to-all-the-stories-i-love​
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Long distance
Summary: Falling in love with an Army Captain just weeks before he had to leave again, wasn’t something she had planned on. And Sy didn’t even know how much he wanted to have a family until she told him she was pregnant 2 months into his deployment.
Pairing: Syverson / Reader
Wordcount: 4.2k
Warnings: fluff; implied smut
A/N: I think this might be the longest fic I wrote that doesn’t include any actual smut. Let’s see if people read it anyways lol
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His palms were sweaty. His heart was beating a hundred miles a minute. He could feel the tiredness in his bones. Not only from the flight, but from the last 8 months. His last 8 months of being in the army. Now he was standing here, in front of the door that separated him from the real world. This wasn’t fear he was feeling. This was pure excitement. He had always wondered in the many years he served, how he would feel when he stepped through these doors for the last time, coming back from deployment. 
He pictured himself not knowing what to do with himself. Maybe he would build houses again, like he did back when he was younger with his father. Before he died. His brother had taken over the family business. He wanted to spend time with his brother. His family. Shaking his head Sy smiled to himself.
What he never would have thought was that after 8 months he would come back to a girlfriend he met only 6 weeks before he had to leave for his last deployment. And what Sy never would have even dared to dream off were the two twin baby girls he was about to meet for the first time. His twin girls.
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10 months ago
“Sy….” She looked at him. The man she only met two weeks ago. He looked peaceful in his deep slumber. His face relaxed. Slowly her fingers brushed over his cheek, seeing him frown.
“Sy… Wake up.” She whispered, her face coming closer to kiss his cheek.
She heard him groan, his arm pulling her even closer than she already was, making her chuckle.
“Sy you told me to wake you up. Now….” She turned in his arms, crawling on top of him. “Wake up.” She kissed his nose, his forehead, his eyes, his chin. Slowly his eyes fluttered open. Tired blue eyes looked up at her.
“Why is your naked body on top of my naked body?” He asked, his voice heavy with sleep.
“Oh… I don’t know….” She grinned, pushing her boobs against his chest, making him groan. She could feel just how much he was enjoying this on her lower belly.
“Apparently you sleep like a stone, Captain.” She teased, making him smirk.
“You kinda wore me out last night, Peach.” His big hands landed on her ass.
“Oh… I’m sorry Captain Syverson. I’ll keep in mind to stop you the next time you drag me to your bed…” She pushed herself up. Sy looked up at her. The early sunrise made her appear like an angel. His angel.
“So why did you want me to wake you this morning?” She asked. It was sunday, and it was before 8 am. He knew that she was always up early. They had met only 2 weeks ago in the local grocery store. She had moved here only a couple months before for her job. Working as a english teacher at the local school.
He looked so out of place in his red shirt and cargo pants, standing in front of the ice cream, trying to decide for a flavour.
“You look like a nut kind of guy.” Were the first words she had ever spoken to him.  He had looked at her, with the intention of probably ignoring her words, when his eyes met hers. She had felt it there too. Like being struck by lightning through her whole body. She had invited him for ice cream the very next day. 
Shaking her head she thought it was best not to dwell on the past weeks and instead focus on the time they had left before Sy had to leave. She raised her eyebrow at him.
“I wanted you to wake me, so we can do this.” He grinned, before he pulled her down against his chest, his lips finding hers as he turned her so she was on her back with him on top of her.
“Let’s wear us both out some more, hm?” He whispered against her lips as his hand parted her legs.
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9 months ago
Goodbyes were not something Sy was used to. Sure he said goodbye to his brother before he went back to wherever the Army wanted him. But this was the first time his heart felt this heavy as he had to leave. 
She looked beautiful in the driver's seat, focused on the street as she drove him to the airport as he held her hand. He had told her he loved her only three days ago. Never in his life had he told a woman he loved her, but he loved her. 
“Stop staring at me, Cap.” She mumbled, her words followed by a yawn. They had spent the whole night making love to each other. He knew she wasn’t wearing any underwear under the thin summer dress she had put on to drive him to the airport, and he desperately tried not to think of how easy it would be….
“I’m serious Sy.” She looked at him from her side. He grinned to himself, turning his head to look out of the window where he could already see the base approaching. 
“Can’t blame me for looking at you, Peach.” He said. 
The rest of the drive they were silent, hanging on to their own thoughts. He almost jumped in his seat when the car stopped and she killed the engine.
Turning in her seat she looked at him.
“I can’t believe I’m one of those girls…” She whispered, looking at him.
“One of what girls?” He asked, turning towards her.
“One of these girls who say don’t forget me when you’re away.” She sucked her bottom lip in, and he could see the unshed tears in her eyes. He shook his head, as he leaned towards her, kissing her deeply. He breathed her in, his hand on the back of her head, his fingers feeling the silk of her hair. 
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He whispered against her lips.
“Promise?” She asked. He nodded, kissing her again. Forehead against forehead they looked into each other’s eyes, savouring the last touches before Sy smiled.
“Don’t dump me for some third grader from your school. I know they are cuter than I am.” 
“Idiot.” She slapped his chest.
“Your idiot.” He grinned.
“I love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too.” He kissed her again, before he breathed in deep and opened the passenger’s door of the car.
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8 months ago
“I was doing laundry today and for some reason, some of my panties seem to be missing.” She said. Sy was laying on his bed, his phone propped on his chest as he looked at her on the little screen. It was the middle of the night back at home, yet she always took time to talk to him, no matter the hour he called.
“Hmm…” He hummed, biting his lip in deep thought.
“You are so full of shit.” She shook her head, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“Don’t speak to your Captain like that.” He said sternly, his eyebrow raised, while his hand searched for the flimsy piece of fabric he stole from her, holding it in front of the camera.
“You're not my captain, Sy. You are a thief.” She let her head fall against the mattress, groaning.
“You okay, Peaches?”
“Yeah. Everything’s fine. Just a little unwell.”
“I wish I could be there for you.”
“But you are, Sy.” She smiled, turning in her bed. He saw her get under the covers, her head resting on her pillow.
“Talk to me until I’m asleep?” She asked.
“Of course.” He smiled.
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7 months ago
Call me as soon as you can.
The message reached him in the middle of a mission. He only found the time to answer her two days later. The reception had been shit the last couple of days, so as soon as he was back at the base he excused himself and grabbed the satellite phone, dialing her number. 
“Oh my god Sy.” He heard the relief in her voice.
“Hey Peach. Everything okay?” He asked, closing the door behind him.
“I was worried when you didn’t answer.” She said. He sighed.
“I was on a mission in the middle of nowhere. So… You okay?” He asked again. He was met with silence on the other end of the line.
“Sy I’m pregnant.” The whole world seemed to stop as he heard those words. Blinking, he looked out of the dusty window of his office.
“You’re pregnant.” He repeated, at loss of words.
“With Twins Sy. You knocked me up with twins.” He could hear her crying. The ability to form words seemed to have left him. Here he was. Thousands of miles away from the woman he loved. The pregnant woman that he loved.
“Sy?” She asked quietly.
“Sorry. I’m just… surprised?” He asked.
“You’re not upset?”
“Why would I be upset?”
“Because we only know each other for like 3 months and you’ve been gone almost half of those.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I love you. You and our two… fuck. I’m gonna be a dad.” He ran a hand to his short hair.
“But… How? I mean we only had sex without a condom once and I made sure to pull out…”
“Apparently not fast enough Cap.” She sighed.
“How do you feel?” He asked her.
“How do I feel? Scared? Overwhelmed? Hungry? I have no idea how I feel. I miss you.”
“I miss you too. But… We’re gonna be okay. You. Me. The babies.” Sy said.
“You’re in on this? You won’t leave me alone with this mess?”
“I love you, Peach. We’re in this together.”
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6 months ago
“I swear to god if you weren’t so far away I would slap your head.” She groaned, but had a small smile on her lips.
“Peach... “ Sy grinned. He was sitting in his office, about to have a briefing, but he wanted to see her before that. What he didn’t count in was her answering him completely naked.
“What? My boobs hurt. These little beans sure do start producing their food early.”
“God I wish I was there. I would find a way to make you feel better….” He hummed. He could feel his pants becoming uncomfortably tight as she kept the camera on her upper body.
“Such as?” She asked.
“Mhh…. Massaging your whole body as long as you can still lay on your stomach… Making you forget about your boobs by making you cum…” He whispered. He could see her blushing, her nipples hardening.
“I hate you.” She pouted. He smiled.
“I love you too.”
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5 months ago
“Dismissed.” Sy said. The men in front of him nodded and turned around, leaving one by one until only he remained. He sighed as he looked at the clock. Right about now a doctor would find out if they were having boys or girls. Or both. 
It was getting harder and harder for him to actually focus on the work he was sent here to do. His thoughts now always went back to, was he doing the right thing? Could he get home earlier to be with the woman he loved? Those weren’t thoughts he was used to. 
Before her, there was no way he would even think of going home earlier. He was going to  have a week off in a month, just in time for her birthday and he planned to surprise her. He already put his brother on packing his stuff. 
They talked about that it would be for the best if Sy moved in with her. She had the bigger house, and frankly he didn’t care where he lived, as long as he was close to her. Sy also thought about asking her to marry him. Because that was the thing people did when they were expecting, was it? But he wanted to do it right. And not just because it was the right thing to do. He loved her, there was no question in his mind about it. But if she agreed to be his wife, she deserved the wedding she always dreamed off. Even if he had no idea what she dreamed off, because that topic never came up in their conversations. A video call interrupted his train of thoughts. Answering the call on his laptop, he could feel himself getting nervous.
“Hey Cap.” He heard her voice, before the picture connected. She was still wearing the hospital robe.
“Hey Peach. How are you?” He asked.
“Tired, but excited. We’re about to find out what we’re having.” She smiled.
“We are?” He asked. She nodded at him, as someone took her phone. 
“Hey bro.” He saw his brother’s face before the camera showed her laying next to the ultrasound.
“Hello Captain Syverson. Are you ready?” The doctor asked.
“I’m excited.” He breathed, looking at the love of his life. He could already see that she was crying.
“Don’t cry, Peach. Dan, Goddamn it take her hand.” Sy said. He heard his brother chuckle, before Dan took her hand.
“Okay. Ready?” The doctor asked. Sy only nodded. He never even thought he would have the opportunity to be there. At that moment. He wanted to kiss her for including him. 
A sound he never heard before reached his ears.
“Strong heartbeat from both, as expected.” The doctor said. Sy smiled. He was hearing his babies’ heartbeats.
“They both look very strong, just like we want them to.” The doctor continued. 
“They are so big already.” She sighed.
“Still a long way to go though.” His brother said.
“Yeah. We’re around halfway through, still a lot of growing to look forward to. Now… Are you guys ready to find out what you’re having?” 
“Yeah.” She said, looking straight at the camera. He only nodded.
“Okay… Let’s see…” The camera switched to the little screen of the ultrasound. He could see the doctor’s finger pointing.
“Yup. There’s no doubt. You are having twin girls.” He heard the voice of the doctor.
“Girls?” She and him asked at the same time.
“Girls.” The doctor repeated.
“Wow.” Sy said.
“I love you so much, baby.” She took the camera and he could see her big smile and the happy tears in her face.
“I love you too, Peach.” He smiled back, wishing nothing more than being there so he could kiss her.
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4 months ago
Today Sy would move in with her. They talked everything through and organized his stuff being moved to her place. What she didn’t know was that Sy would indeed be there for the move and her birthday the next day.
“She’s gonna freak out.” Dan said as he hugged his brother, after picking him up from the airport with the moving truck.
“I hope in a good way.” He sighed.
“Please. She’s so in love with you. I never once heard her complain about anything, and I’ve been spending a lot of time with her lately to organize your move and help her.”
“I know. It’s just… Why is this happening now, and not in half a year, when I’m here to help?”
“Because life has its own plan, big brother.” Dan smiled.
“Sissy, we’re here. I brought some help.” Dan called as he opened the door for Sy to step in.
“I’ll be right down. I felt like I need to pee for the millionth time today.” She called back, making Sy chuckle.
“You have an hour before all the helpers show up. I’ll be back then too.” Dan whispered to him, squeezing Sy’s shoulder.  He nodded, watching his brother leave as he slowly walked further into the house. He had been here often enough before he had to leave, yet he could see the little changes. She was making space for his stuff in her living room. 
Apparently they would keep his couch, because hers was nowhere to be seen. On the dinner table were so many pink congratulations cards. He picked one up, his thumb brushing over the glitter writing of “It’s two girl!” the “a” being crossed out on the card and a two written over instead. He smiled. He would be back in 3 ½ months just in time to see his girls being born. He would live in a house full of girls and he couldn’t wait for it.
“Dan, do you think it’s okay if I order just some pizza later? I really didn’t feel like….” He heard her voice behind her, followed from a gasp. Turning around, he smiled.
“Surprise?” He shrugged
“Oh my god, Sy.” She whispered, before she practically jumped into his arms. He pulled her close, his nose in her hair, as he breathed her in deeply.
“Hey, Peach.” He whispered.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her hands coming up to frame his face.
“Took a week off to be here for your birthday.” He said. He looked in between them, down to her growing belly. Slowly his hands ran down, until both of them lay on her belly.
“This is really happening.” He whispered, before he looked up at her again.
“You bet it is.” She smiled before she pulled him down so she could kiss him.
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3 months ago
“I’m so tired Sy.” She groaned. “These girls are always having a party just when I am about to fall asleep.” 
Sy looked at her on his tiny phone. They had a visit from some military officers today and he had to shave. This was the only time he had to talk to her this week.
“Want me to talk to them?” He asked.
“You think they’re gonna listen to you?” She asked, chuckling.
“Hey, I’m their Dad. They better start listening to me.”
“Allright.” She grinned, changing the angle on her phone so it was laying on top of her belly.”
“Talk to them, baby.” He heard her say. Sy smiled.
“Girls. Leave your mommy to get some rest. She needs her sleep so you can grow to be healthy and happy little girls.” Sy said. He heard her laugh, before he saw her face again.
“I think it might be working, they stopped.” She shook her head.
“See? Already listening to their dad.” He grinned, putting the razor down.
“You look sexy like that.” She whispered.
“Like what?”
“Without a shirt. God I’m so horny all the time lately….” She sighed. He crocked his eyebrow.
“I thought the five days we spent in bed when I was there would had helped you with that.”
She shook your head.
“I just want to be fucked. I get wet looking at the weirdest things lately….”
Sy groaned.
“Don’t make me quit my last job just to come and fuck you.”
“Would you?”
“I would do anything for you, Peach.”
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2 months ago
“I have bad news.” Sy groaned on the phone. He tried everything to not have to do this. He argued with everyone about it but there was no getting out of it. Frustrated he ran a hand over his short hair.
“What is it?” He heard her ask.
“I have to stay for a month longer, cause the Captain after me has to have surgery and won’t recover in time.”
“You won’t be here when the girls are born?” She asked.
“I’m so, so sorry, Peach. I tried everything. I talked to everyone. There’s no way of changing it.” 
“It’s not fair.” He could hear her sniff.
“I know.” He sighed.
“I want their daddy to be there when they are born. I want you to hold my hand. I need you, Sy.” She whispered. It broke his heart to hear her like that.
“I’m so sorry Peach.” He sighed.
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3 weeks ago
It was the middle of the night when Sy was woken up by his phone. He tended to sleep on his phone lately, waiting for his Love to go into labour. Blinking his eyes open he searched for his phone before he answered.
“Baby?” He heard a weak whisper, followed from a grunt in pain.
“I’m here, Peach. What’s going on?” He asked, being awake immediately.
“It’s time. The babies are coming.”
He tried to stay on the phone the whole time. Yet he missed the actual moment of his girls being born because he had to work. He missed their first cry. Their first bath. The first time being held by their mother. But this was not the time to be sorry about everything he missed. He never had to leave them again, to be so far away. They had both agreed that it would be best if the babies stayed at home with Dan. Breathing in deep he stepped forward, the door opening for him. Immediately his eyes found hers. A bright smile graced her lips as she saw him. Quickly he walked over to her, letting his bags fall to the ground, catching her in his arms as she jumped, her lips connecting with his.
“I missed you. So much.” She whispered, clinging to him.
“Missed you more.” He whispered back.
“Okay let’s go home. I’ve only been gone for half hour, and I’m already going insane and feel like the worst mother ever.” She sighed.
“You are the best mother ever.” Sy said, picking his bags up from the floor as she began to walk towards the exit.
“And you’ll be the best dad.” She smiled.
It was a short ride from the airport to his new home. He could feel himself getting nervous the closer they got. And when she parked her car in the driveway he was a nervous mess.
“What if they don’t like me? They have no idea who I am?” He whispered. She killed the engine turning in her seat, taking his hand.
“They will love you, Sy. You are their father. The best father they could have dreamed of.” She kissed his cheek. 
“Okay. Let’s go and meet my girls.”
He followed quietly after she opened the door. Taking his shoes off, he grew more excited and nervous the deeper they got into the house. He could hear his brother’s voice.
“Oh there are my baby girls.” She whispered as they walked into the nursery.
“Were you the best girls for your uncle Dan?” She asked.
“They always are.” Dan answered. Sy stepped in, seeing Dan kneel on the floor, with his back to him. He turned around.
“Hey big bro.” He said, getting up. He hugged him quickly, but Sy didn’t really acknowledge anything as he looked at the two babies laying on a soft yellow blanket on the floor.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Dan said.
“Thank you for watching them.” She called.
“Always. I’ll be over for dinner tomorrow, yeah?”
“See you then.” She called, sitting down on the floor. Sy just stood there, staring down.
“Come on now. Meet your daughters.” She smiled. He looked at her, then slowly got closer and sat down on the floor.
He had seen the many pictures she had sent to him but nothing compared to the sheer beauty of the two girls laying in front of him. Slowly he reached his hands out, brushing with his fingers over their cheeks.
“Meet your Daddy, Maya and Eva.” He looked up at her, as she picked Maya up. 
“Come sit in the armchair.” She said to Sy, who still wasn’t able to form any word. He got up to sit in the chair as she carefully put Maya in his left arm. In awe, and afraid to drop her he looked down at his girl. His right hand carefully brushing over the little girls cheek. 
“And here is Eva.” She said, wanting to put her in his other arm.
“No. Come sit on my lap with her in your arms. I wanna have all my girls with me.” He whispered. Softly she smiled, sitting down in his lap, Maya in her arms as his arm came around her waist looking down at both of his baby girls. 
“They are beautiful.” He whispered.
“They are. And right now they are very calm. I don’t think I have seen them this calm.” She whispered back. 
“They are so tiny.” 
“Yeah. But they are gonna grow up.”
“Not on my watch.” He said, making her chuckle. They continued to sit like that for a while, until Eva grew a bit restless.
“I think someone’s hungry.” She said, bringing her knuckle to the little girl's lips who began to suck immediately.
“Can I…” Sy asked looking up at her.
“Let’s go to bed, so I can nurse them both, yeah?” She asked. He nodded and she kissed his forehead, before she got up from his lap.
Sy fell asleep in the arms of the woman he loved more than his own life that night. The woman he only met a year ago, but gave him everything he ever dreamed of.
“I love you, Peach.” He murmured before he dozed off.
“I love you more, Captain.” She smiled back, before she dozed off too.
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aidanchaser · 3 years
Waterloo Station
Several folks said, “I would love to see more of Regulus and Sirius shenanigans!” after Chapter 18. Well, lo and behold, I actually have a deleted bit of Chapter 18 showcasing just that. The second draft was from Sirius’ perspective, but since Sirius lent his voice to In Memoriam, and we’re about to hit a short run of non-Harry chapters, I brought the chapter back to Harry in the third draft. (the first draft was an entirely different Harry chapter about breaking James out of prison, but that got pushed back in favor of some character development; we’ll get back to it, I promise.)
So here’s a short bit, taken out of my scraps. It’s headed with “MY DARLING” because it is one of several darlings I have killed while writing Deathly Hallows, but it’s the only one to earn the all-caps title. Thanks to the magic of fanfic, I can still share this darling with you. (the alternate title for this chapter should be: Sirius Accidentally Outs Himself as a Furry)
Padfoot hated the city. It was loud and there were so many people, each with their own scents and emotions. He supposed he should count himself lucky Harry had bled so much, or the trail would have been harder to follow.
He recognized the wizards on the platform easily. Their attire of slacks combined with hoodies or rain slickers paired with thick rubber work boots marked them easily as incompetently dressed Ministry employees. Sirius supposed they were keeping an eye open for someone stupid enough to come to the platform in search of Harry, someone just like him.
The platform had been scrubbed clean, but Padfoot could still detect Harry’s scent through the bleach. He didn’t board the train that pulled into the station, not yet. He waited, sniffing the entrance of the car carefully. He didn’t smell Harry or bleach. So he sat back and waited. A few Muggles scratched his ears as they passed or before boarding the train. Sirius let them without protest. 
He had learned that Muggles, by and large, enjoyed dogs as long as those dogs were gentle, still, and quiet. And if he was anything else — too loud, too quick, or too threatening — they were eager to chase him out or worse, catch him. It was a lesson he had learned early in his life, long before he had become Padfoot; it was just an easier lesson to follow when he was Padfoot. Something about a thick coat of fur, the eyes and ears of a predator, and four paws to run with made him far more comfortable and settled in his own skin than being a young boy in the middle of a war ever had. 
Another train pulled in, and this one, too, didn’t smell of Harry, but the third one did. He followed the Muggles into the carriage, and noticed a small black shadow slip in after him. It hid under the seat, and Sirius pointedly ignored it. He took a post at the door and waited, ready to check each stop this train made until he found Harry.
Regulus had tried desperately to talk him out of this, but Sirius had ignored him. Between him, Lily, and Remus, Sirius was the only one who could track down Harry, and if he didn’t, Lily and Remus would. Lily was far more likely to be recognized on the platform than Padfoot was, making Sirius not only the safest choice, but the most efficient choice, given Padfoot’s hunting instincts.
The first stop didn’t have even a whiff of Harry, but the second one did, though it was no longer paired with bleach. Sirius could only surmise that Harry had healed any open wounds before exiting the train and he felt both relieved and proud. 
That relief vanished almost as soon as he stepped off of the train. This station was enormous. It wasn’t just another Underground station; it was the biggest train station in London. Crowds hurried past, chasing after trains. Others clustered around kiosks and maps. Sirius’ heart sank. Harry could have boarded a train to practically anywhere from here, even Paris. 
The small black shadow slunk out of the carriage behind him and slipped into a tiny space beneath a nearby bin. Padfoot put his wet nose to the ground and followed Harry’s faint scent to a ticket station. From there it was difficult to determine where to go next. He thought he had a faint trail of Harry’s blood but it was unusual, mixed with something else.
“Pardon me, sir,” a nearby Muggle said, “but you need to have your dog on a lead at all times —”
“Oh,” a man looked down at Padfoot. “He’s not my dog.”
Sirius decided to follow the scent of Harry’s blood. It led him out of the station and away from the Underground service workers. The last thing he needed was for a well-meaning Muggle to try to help him find his owner. The few times it had happened in the past, he had always had James to bail it out.
Sirius shook off the stab of grief that came with the thought. It was always easier to shake off grief as Padfoot, as if the same abilities that heightened his physical senses dulled the sharper edges of his hurt. Besides, he reminded himself, there was nothing he could do for James right now, not until they were able to find whatever Death Eater prison he was being held in — and they had to believe he was being held. What Sirius could do was find Harry.
Though it had been less than twenty-four hours since Harry had passed through here, London had a way of making people invisible, of burying passersby in the scent of automobile smog and endless eateries. Sirius had to work hard to discern the scent of Harry’s blood through it all, but he managed to follow the trail south for less than a mile until it disappeared into a tall, brown-brick residential building.
Padfoot sat down on the pavement and evaluated his options. It would not be hard to sniff out Harry, if he truly was in this building, but a large dog was likely to be chased out of a private building. As Sirius, it wouldn’t be hard to charm his way into the building, but it might be harder to find Harry.
Padfoot barked softly at the bushes. The black cat that had been tailing him crawled out. He knew Regulus had no interest in helping him, and had only come along as emergency backup in case of a duel, but Padfoot gestured his head towards the building anyway.
The small, black cat stared at Padfoot, then back up at the building. Reluctantly, he slipped up the stairs and into the building on the heels of an unsuspecting resident.
Padfoot sniffed the stone retaining wall. Plenty of people had passed through here, but he didn’t smell Harry, not exactly. He definitely smelled the blood trail he had been following, but that wasn’t the same thing as Harry’s scent. He wondered if it was Greyback who had come through here, but Sirius was fairly certain that he would recognize Greyback’s scent if he came across it.
He wondered, briefly, if Regulus had been right when he had said that Sirius was better off staying with Remus and Lily, rather than hunting down Harry. The full moon was just two days away, and he knew Remus was nervous. Brewing the Wolfsbane Potion had been impossible this week. They had been moving too frequently to get together the ingredients, and they still hadn’t figured out where Remus was going to transform. Lily would need to be somewhere safe but on hand in case of emergency, and they couldn’t be anywhere too open that might put others at risk. Tonks had, kindly, suggested hers and her mother’s home, but that had only sent Remus into another downward spiral. Remus was wary enough of transforming around people he loved when he had the Wolfsbane Potion to keep his mind. He was never going to allow himself to lose control with Tonks so close at hand.
Sirius tried to shake his worries off. Remus was tomorrow’s problem. Harry was today’s.
Regulus returned from his investigation surprisingly quickly. He hurried across the street and over a low wall, into some plants. When he stepped out as himself, Sirius reluctantly followed and also used the wall as cover to return to his human form.
“What did you find?” Sirius asked.
Regulus smoothed the front of his cloak. “Harry isn’t there.”
“I know.”
“Then why did we come here?”
Sirius swung his legs over the wall. “Because someone here has information about Harry. Did you follow the blood trail?”
“It’s going to be a dead end.”
“I’d prefer you didn’t use that word.”
“The trail is cold, Sirius. We have no way to know where Harry has gone.”
“Give me a flat number and I’ll go myself.”
Regulus hesitated, but Sirius knew he would give in. They were stubborn, the both of them, but Regulus had never built up the tolerance for conflict that Sirius had. Sirius could thrive in the center of chaos; he’d had to in order to survive. Regulus, however, invested too much effort in fighting chaos. It was always going to be a losing battle.
Regulus crossed the street, back to the building. He pointed his wand at the lock, but it didn’t budge.
Sirius looked over Regulus’ shoulder. “Oh, it’s one of those keypads? <i>Alohomora</i> is no good.” He dug his own wand out and aimed a hot white spark. It fizzed and sputtered and then the lock clicked.
Regulus pulled the door open. “Did you break it?”
Sirius shrugged. “They malfunction all the time. Keeps the Muggle maintenance men employed.”
Regulus led Sirius upstairs to the top floor and gestured at a door near the stairwell. “The trail leads here. But I didn’t see, hear, or smell anything to indicate that Harry might be here. I can’t imagine Harry would have stayed in London.”
“No, but if whoever lives here had Harry’s blood on them, they might be able to tell us something.”
“And if that person is a Death Eater?”
“Then I guess we’ll duel them.” Sirius knocked on the door.
“We aren’t even going to try to disguise ourselves?” Regulus hissed at him, but Sirius couldn’t answer, because the door opened.
The gentleman in the doorway wore a fine Muggle suit. His skin was dark and he had a neatly trimmed beard and shaved head. He looked about Sirius’ age, and was about as tall, though definitely rounder in both face and build.
He looked over the two of them and raised a thick eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
Sirius held out his hand. “I hope so. My name’s Sirius.”
“Nigel Brooks,” he said, and shook Sirius’ hand warily. His eyes drifted over Sirius’ shoulder to Regulus, but Sirius had a feeling Regulus would not be keen on an introduction.
Sirius reached into his pocket and pulled out a photograph. “We’re trying to find someone, and we think you might have run into him.” The picture of Harry was from Remus’ wedding. He had folded it over so that Ron and Hermione were hidden, along with most of the movement in the picture. Harry still blinked and his smile moved slightly, but Sirius hoped the Muggle would just think it a trick of the light.
Brooks took the photo to examine it more closely, then shrugged. “Might’ve seen him around.” He looked Sirius and Regulus over again. “You don’t look like police.”
Sirius glanced down at his worn jeans and leather jacket. “Hardly,” he said. “I’m his godfather. His mother’s awfully worried. We’re just trying to get some information.”
Brooks returned the photograph. “I’m afraid I can’t help you. Best of luck, though.”
He started to close the door, but Sirius wedged his foot in the door. “We know you saw him, and at the very least, got his blood on you. We’re just trying to find out where he might have gone. There are dangerous people after him.”
Nigel straightened, and Sirius recognized a familiar determination in his dark eyes. “If what you say is true, and if I really did run into a young man, injured and running for his life, then what makes you think I would tell the first strangers who knocked on my door anything about him?”
“We’re his family.”
“Family can’t be dangerous?” Brook’s voice was cold, and Sirius, while he appreciated the man’s desire to protect Harry, felt outmatched. He didn’t feel outmatched very often.
“His name is Harry,” Regulus said, “and all we want is to know that he’s alive. You don’t have to tell us where he went, just tell us that he’s safe.”
Brooks stared at Regulus for a moment, then opened the door so it was no longer pressing on Sirius’ foot. “He’s alive, as far as I know. There was a lot of blood, but his injuries weren’t as bad as they looked. I thought whoever was chasing him had torn his wrist open, but when he showed it to me, there wasn’t even a scratch. He refused to go to hospital, just said he wanted out of the city, so I put him on a train. That’s the last I saw of him.”
“Has anyone else come asking for him?”
“No. You’re the first.”
“Thank you for your help.” Regulus inclined his head. “Sirius, we’re done here.”
Sirius did not think they were done. He wanted to know exactly which train Harry had gotten on. But Regulus was already leaving.
“Reg — wait —” But Regulus did not wait. Sirius eyed Brooks, but he supposed Regulus was right. They weren’t going to get anything more out of this man.
“Thanks,” he muttered.
“Sirius —” Brooks hesitated, and Sirius waited, hopeful.
But Brooks gave them neither a train nor destination. Instead, he handed Sirius a small business card. “If you find him, I’d like to know he’s alright.”
Sirius looked down at the plain white card. It had the man’s name printed on it and the contact information for an art gallery. 
“I’d find him faster if you’d tell me more.”
“He told me he was going to find his aunt and uncle,” Brooks said. “If you’re really his family, it shouldn’t be hard for you to track them down.” And he closed the door.
Sirius walked away, more confused than when they had arrived. He met Regulus at the bottom of the stairs.
“Did he tell you anything?” Regulus asked.
Sirius handed Regulus the business card. “He said Harry went to stay with an aunt and uncle. Do you think he meant Tonks and Remus?”
“I suppose that would be a simple way to explain their relationship to a stranger. Why would Harry go to Remus?”
“Maybe a fight with Greyback scared some sense in him.” Sirius found himself hoping it was true rather than believing it was true. Harry had been pushing them away all summer, and Sirius thought one duel unlikely to have changed Harry’s mind. Harry had his mother’s stubbornness, after all. 
Regulus handed the card back to Sirius. “I suppose there’s nothing else to do. We’ll just have to trust this man Brooks’ word that Harry is safe.”
“We’re hardly done.” Sirius was already walking back to the station at a brisk pace. “Now we show Harry’s photograph on the platforms. We start with the line headed for Tonks, and pray he didn't actually board a train to Paris.”
An unusual anger sparked in Regulus’ cold gaze as he hurried after Sirius. Not that Regulus never got angry, but he usually tempered it so well. “Harry is wanted by some of the most dangerous people in the world and you think it's a good idea to flash his picture around to every blasted Muggle in London — you’re also wanted by those same people! You can't just spend a day on a platform where they're surely to be looking for Harry — it’s absurd!”
Regulus' general frown of displeasure twitched with his outburst. His nose scrunched the tiniest bit and his already thin lips seemed to disappear. He looked so much like Narcissa. Sirius looked away, wishing his brother could wear someone else’s face. He wished, more often than not, that he could wear someone else’s face, too. Perhaps that was just another reason it was so much easier to be Padfoot.
“We’ll wear disguises.” Sirius surprised himself with the “we.” He had never wanted Regulus to come along on this hunt in the first place, but suddenly he was not keen on Regulus leaving him to it alone. “Hell we could even pretend to be Hit Wizards, deputised with hunting Harry down, if any wizards question us.”
“But the Muggles, Sirius! You’ll have to Obliviate every single one of them that you talk to, or else the Death Eaters or Hit Wizards or Muggle-born Registration Commision or Snatchers or any other group of wizards that want you and I dead could interrogate them and track it back to us — or worse back to Harry.”
“That will take us forever —”
“Why can't you just let Harry go? You know he got away from Greyback. Brooks put him on a train, helped him, made sure he wasn’t injured, so he must be safe somewhere. Isn’t that enough?”
“No. Not for me, and not for Lily nor Remus.” It wouldn’t be enough for James, either.
“You can't protect him from everything, Sirius. He’s seventeen now, and whatever Dumbledore’s asked of him —”
Anger flared hot and bright in Sirius' chest as he whirled on Regulus, and there was no Padfoot to soften the edges as he snarled Regulus words back at him. “‘Whatever Dumbledore’s asked of him’? Harry’s told us you're in on it so don't give me that hippogriff shit acting like you don't know. Like you're not keeping all the same secrets from us as Harry is. Like this is somehow less your fault, just because you slink away from arguments whenever you damn well please.”
Regulus’ temper faded from his face, replaced with an unusual, stricken expression that Sirius was not sure he had ever seen on his brother. Blacks felt many things, and usually felt them strongly, but fear? That wasn't something Sirius had seen in any of his cousins before, nor his brother.
But to Regulus’ credit, he did not transform into a cat and run away. He carefully schooled his expression back into its traditional calm and proud with a dash of disdainful form.
“I’ll help you find Harry,” he finally said in a quiet, almost apologetic voice. “But we Transfigure our disguises, no Polyjuice. It's too unreliable. And we Obliviate every Muggle we meet — don’t argue with me on this, Sirius! Yes, it will take longer, but it will keep Harry safer, and I trust that wherever he has run off to, he is indeed safe. We would have heard otherwise if he wasn't.”
Sirius took in several deep breaths to make sure his anger was cooled, at least enough that it would not attract the attention of those passing by them on the pavement, before speaking again. “Fine. Let’s do what we can today. And I want to put a word in the paper to Tonks, just in case he really did mean that he was on his way to her and Remus.”
“The paper? Sirius —”
“Not the <i>Prophet</i>. I’m not an idiot. Tonks, Remus, and I have a code we use for personals in the <i>Times</i>. Her idea. Said her dad used to use it in the first war to communicate with some of his Muggle-born friends, at first just after he and Andromeda eloped and had gone to ground to avoid her family, then as part of the war effort.”
Regulus shook his head. “It’s still risky —”
“It’s a war. There’s risk. Accept it and move on. The longer you whine about it, the longer nothing gets done.”
Regulus studied Sirius, and Sirius did not care for the intent look on Regulus’ face, almost like Regulus was trying to peer directly into his thoughts. It reminded him too much of their mother, trying to parse just how much trouble Sirius was in, just how much damage he had done.
But Regulus did not scold Sirius, nor criticise him. “I’m sorry,” he said instead. “You're right.”
Had Sirius been in a slightly better mood, he might have had a joke ready, made Regulus repeat his apology. As it stood, Sirius had trouble accepting it at all. Perhaps it was no real wonder he and Regulus had grown so far apart. Even when one reached out, the other couldn't bother to reach back.
He zipped up his jacket, suddenly cold, though it was only the middle of the afternoon, and kicked his boots against a nearby wall. It didn't lessen his frustration. 
And after a full day walking up and down train platforms, talking to and Obliviating every Muggle they met, Sirius was no less frustrated. The task ahead of them was enormous, and with each passing day that left them with no leads, it seemed more and more futile.
But there was nothing else to do. Lily and Remus did their part connecting with the Order, hunting down rumors of sightings of Harry, while Regulus and Sirius plodded on through Muggle after Muggle and Memory Charm after Memory Charm.
It was two full moons more before, finally, a Muggle woman frowned as she looked at the photo.
“I think… Goodness it’s been a while, but I think I did see him. Or I saw a boy who looked like him. Had red hair. I thought it odd with his complexion, but it was a dark sort of red, I suppose. The glasses… I can’t remember if he was wearing them or not. He was a twitchy lad, though, rather unhappy face. Is he in some sort of trouble?”
“No,” Sirius said, though it was not exactly true. He spoke quickly, anxious to get every detail out of this woman. “I’m his godfather, just trying to track him down. Can you tell me where he went?”
She pursed her lips. “I think… it must have been the rail line that goes out to Portsmouth — yes, I was visiting my sister that day, and I remember he had a large pack. I thought he must be on his way home from a walking tour.”
Sirius could not fathom what might have attracted Harry to Portsmouth. He wondered if it had something to do with Dumbledore. Maybe Regulus would know, but Regulus said nothing, mere stood at Sirius’ side, waiting to Obliviate this poor woman as soon as she was done talking.
“Do you know where he got off the train?” Sirius asked.
She frowned and handed the photograph back to Sirius. “I don’t know… he tripped over my bag on his way out. I felt awful. It… oh! It was Guildford. Yes, I remember, because —”
“Thank you so much for your time,” Regulus interrupted. Then, her eyes glassed over. She blinked at Sirius and Regulus, slowly, uncertain.
“Er — can I help you?” she asked.
“No, thanks,” Sirius grunted, and as soon as she was gone, he whirled on Regulus. “She might have had more information!”
“We needed to know where Harry had gone. Now we know. What else could she have told us? It’s not as if she followed him off the train. Besides, Sirius, she saw Harry over a month ago. There’s no way Harry’s still in Guildford, no reason he would stay in one place for so long.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius lowered his voice and tried to keep the threatening tone out of it, but he found it difficult. “You don’t know of anything in Guildford that might keep him there? Nothing to do with Dumbledore or You-Know-Who?”
Regulus’ stare was even, but that didn’t tell Sirius much. “Nothing. And if you can’t think of anything that would keep him there, then all we can do is go down there and see if some other Muggle happens to remember him passing through months ago — there’s just no sense in it. We know he got away safely. Let that be enough.”
Sirius was no longer listening to Regulus. He had plucked a map from a kiosk and was staring at Guildford on the network of spider web lines spiraling out from Waterloo Station, trying to make sense of why it had appealed to Harry.
“I’m an idiot,” he finally said.
“That’s nothing new,” Regulus said.
“Brooks told us where he was going from the beginning and I was too stupid to understand.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He was going to see his aunt and uncle, is what Brooks said. Not Tonks and Remus — his mum’s sister. Her Muggle family.”
“Does Harry even know them?”
“He knows they’re in hiding, and he knows their house will be empty — bloody hell I can’t believe I’m that thick.” Sirius balled the map up in his fist.
“Should we tell Lily and Remus —”
“Let’s make sure he’s there before we get their hopes up.” Sirius fought down another grunt of frustration. He had not felt this stupid in a long time, but how was he supposed to connect Harry to Petunia and Vernon, whom Harry had met perhaps twice in his life? He did not even wait to slip away to a hidden corner of the platform to Disapparate. He turned on the spot, in the midst of a crowd of Muggles, ignoring all of Regulus’ protests, and disappeared with a crack.
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
Mischief Maker - fic teaser
a/n: this is my very first time writing so please forgive me if it’s not that great or if there’s lots of mistakes! i hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
summary: loki x reader ; There’s a new guest staying at the Avengers Tower. To make matters worse, the reader is put in charge to watch over the new member of the compound.
word count: 1,782
warnings: none
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There was something exceptional about the way you could stroke your paintbrush upon a canvas so many times until an entire story formed upon the platform. You were sat on top of a grassy hill about a mile or so from the Avengers tower, basking in the warm sunlight while you painted away at a piece you had worked on for quite some time now. Being an Avenger was all you could have ever asked for, but of course it had its moments that never failed to make you completely irritable. Whether it be Tony’s constant fuss about literally anything or even Thor simply chewing too loud. Because of this, you found painting was an excellent outlet for all the negative energy that builds up throughout time. Not to mention the pieces you made were high quality. You had never attended any kind of art school in the past, the talent had come to you naturally.
Though like most great things, nothing lasts forever. Your concentration was abruptly interrupted when your phone started ringing. Glancing down at your phone, you weren’t at all surprised to find that the caller was Tony. You swore that man had something going on practically every hour of the day. Not even giving the call a second thought, you continued your gentle painting. Of course, Tony was stubborn. A second round of ringing started almost immediately after the first had finished. Sighing with obvious displeasure, you sat your brush down and wiped your hands of any wet paint. Clearing your throat, you quickly tap the accept button and hold the phone to your ear.
“Tony, I’m-”
“Busy, yes, yes, aren’t we all?” he cuts you off. You roll your eyes. “Listen, I just need you to get in here, we’re having an emergency meeting.”
As much as you would have loved to keep the day as peaceful as it was, you were an Avenger and had a job to do. Besides, Tony never called to have an emergency meeting unless it was truly an emergency. Glancing to the direction of the tower, you sigh into the phone.
“I’ll be in soon. This better be good.” you grumble before ending the call, not even waiting for Tony’s response.
When you entered the tower, you immediately made your way to the kitchen to wash both your hands and art supplies. Much to your dismay, you found that Tony was already there waiting for you. You weren’t necessarily going to avoid him, but you were contemplating setting off this meeting for as long as possible. This was supposed to be a relaxing day after all.
“Aha! You’re finally here Picasso, now get over here.” he spoke in his usual pushy manner. He took long strides towards you and snatched everything out of your hands, quickly setting them down on the counter with very little care.
At this point, what could you really do besides listen to him to get this whole situation over with?
“Good god, Stark, what’s going on here?” you asked, making the irritation in your voice noticeable. Tony simply scoffs as he quickly walks you into the next room where everyone else was uncomfortably sitting.
“Well, I don’t think ‘good god’ is the way to put it.” he sarcastically states, pushing you softly into the meeting room. Tony’s remarks suddenly make sense when your eyes meet the god that was sitting in the room, handcuffed and muzzled. He looked at you through dark eyelashes, a strand of raven hair resting upon his face. Loki. Knowing his past, you were surprised at how calmly he sat there next to his brother in a room full of the same heroes that took him down. You weren’t an Avenger during the attack on New York, but you most certainly heard all the stories. From the traumatic experiences, to the excessive repair to the city, you’ve heard all the things imaginable. Not that you needed very much explanation, seeing as you lived in New York when the incident happened.
“Is this some kind of joke?” you ask, turning to look at Tony, your voice barely a whisper. There was a quiet wave of sighs from the rest of the Avengers in the room, almost as if they all already knew your reaction ahead of time.
“Oh, I sure hope so.” Tony spoke loudly. “If this is a joke, now’s the time to tell us, Point Break.”, he said, stepping to the side so he could create full eye contact with the blonde god.
“This is not a joke, Stark.” Thor claimed, keeping the eye contact as he stood from his previous seat. “My brother has spent a great deal of time in the dungeons back on Asgard. He has changed.”
There was a small exhale from Bruce that caught your attention. When you looked at him you found a look of impatience on his face.
“So why bring him back to Earth?” Bruce asked, lightly pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I decided it would be best to allow my brother to work here as an Avenger.” Thor explained. The remark made your eyes go wide. “Do you all not agree that keeping him here in our sight is better than allowing him to wander free where he could possibly do more harm than good?” Thor’s suggestion caused Tony to throw his hands up in the air.
“Then I don’t really think he’s really changed that much if we have to babysit him.” he advised. You sighed lightly and looked back to the older brother.
“I don’t know, Thor.” you started “I have to agree with Tony. Plus, I’m sure the rest of us are thinking the same thing.” you gestured towards the rest of the people in the room. Thor scanned the room to find both Natasha and Steve nodding their heads in silent agreement. But Thor was relentless.
“Please, Lady Y/N, I assure you my brother means no harm.” he turned to you with pleading eyes. “I beg that you give him just ten days to prove himself worthy of an Avenger. I beg you all.”
You had always had a soft spot for Thor and watching him look around the room desperately at everyone wasn’t helping you at all. Thor Odinson was one of your closest friends and you felt you owed it to him to allow his brother to share the compound with the rest of the team. Even if the brother in question was a cold-hearted mass murderer.
“If nobody else will agree to keep tabs on him, I will.” you agreed with a heavy sigh. There was a loud eruption of voices from the room, Clint had even walked out. They didn’t seem to matter though, as all you could focus on was the excitement on Thor’s face.
“Oh, it’s a miracle!” Thor exclaimed, ushering towards you to pull you into a bear hug. “My family will be forever grateful, Lady Y/N!” he vowed as he nearly squeezed the life out of you.
While Thor proceeded to embrace your body to his, you couldn’t help but look over his shoulder to Loki who still sat so motionless. After moments of staring, he slightly cocks his head to the side, carefully observing you. Observing the person that would act as his chaperone for the next couple days. You couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but something about his piercing gaze made your skin crawl. Thor finally sets you back onto your feet, snapping back to reality. You soon realize that you were just left in the room with Tony, Steve and the two brothers.
“Like you said, Thor, he gets ten days!” Tony declared, walking out of the room. Thor quietly mutters something under his breath before turning back to Loki, who was now craning his neck to look up at his older brother. Thor began to speak to him when you felt a hand placed tenderly on your shoulder. When you turned around, you were met with Steve who had clear concern written all over his body language.
“Are you sure you’re up for this? This is Loki you’re dealing with.” Steve spoke in a whisper. You nodded quickly, not giving what he was saying much thought. Mostly because you knew that if you dwelled on the situation, you would start to panic.
“Of course I’ll be okay. I wouldn’t have agreed if I knew I couldn’t handle it.” you confirmed to him. Steve could tell you were anxious, yet he let you be. He gives you a small pat on the shoulder before exiting the room as the rest of the Avengers did. Looking back towards the gods, you found Loki was standing and out of his chains while Thor removed his muzzle in a not so brotherly manner. Loki was tall, much taller than you that’s for sure. The only person that stood taller than him was Thor, even then he was only taller by an inch or so. Once it seemed like Thor was done practically unwrapping Loki, you slowly took a step towards the two of them.
“I’ve told Loki that you shall tell me if he starts to misbehave.” Thor confirmed to you with a caring smile. Loki gives a curt scoff and rolls his eyes, making your body go tense with nervousness. Thor must have noticed because he gave his brother a swift shove in the back. “I will leave you two alone. Please tell me if things go wrong, Y/N.” and with no further instruction, you were left alone with the God of Mischief himself. The room felt heavy with silence as Loki continued to look everywhere in the room except for you. Although you did not mind at all, seeing his stares seemed to make you jittery. You couldn’t help but jump a little when you finally heard him speak.
“Am I allowed my own chambers or will I be forced into that cage again?” he asked with bitterness. His voice was deep and smooth, it almost seemed to echo in your ears. When you looked back up at him, you noticed he still wasn’t looking at you much to your relief.
“Oh, um, no. I’ll show you to your room.” you spoke quickly once you remembered how to form words again. You turned on your heels towards the door to lead Loki to one of the spare rooms in the Avengers compound. It was at that moment that you began to question your chaperoning skills if you couldn’t even bring yourself to look him in the eyes. One thing was for sure, these were going to be a very long ten days.
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fakecrfan · 3 years
Since you very nicely offered to write me a fic:
Your prompt is: A story about a background character or characters dealing with life after the TMA apocalypse.
It can be set in the OG TMA universe in the post-post-apocalypse, or it can also be set in a different universe that was affected by the events of MAG 200.
Both OCs and characters established in-show are allowed.
This one aligned so well with my interests that I am actually tempted to open my inbox, briefly, in case anyone else has questions like “what is X bavjground character doing after the apocalypse?” so I can make a series out of it and expand on my post-post-apocalypse headcanons.
For now, you can read your fic here, on over here on AO3
Sarah doesn't know where she is.
England, she has to still be in England, she thinks. But it's not an England she recognizes. Not the cobblestone streets of London, and not the moors she used to visit on her vacations. The ground is barren, as though all blades of grass but a few have shriveled up and died. There are no trees, houses, or landmarks for miles--just scorched remnants of where they might have been before.
For a moment, the emptiness of it all is a relief after the hotel. But everything is the same on all sides, and she doesn't know where she is or where to go. She's starting to get hungry, too. She never got hungry in the hotel, nightmarish as it was.
She has to sit down for a moment, take a few deep breaths, and think.
Get food. Find shelter. Survive.
Find Alex.
(God, why had she left her child in a hotel room? Little twelve year old Alex who was still afraid to sleep without a night light. He'd begged her to stay, she should have--)
With that in mind she gets up. Doesn't know what direction to walk in, so she doesn't concern herself with trying to pick one. There's nothing to do but walk, keep her eyes open, and hope.
So she hopes.
None of our old maps match the landscape, anymore.
The world these days it's... not like in the before times, as I suppose we're calling it. Despite our hopes, ending the apocalypse wasn’t like everyone waking up from a nightmare. The land is...
It's scrambled, I guess. There are patches of the world that--well. They're not the same, but still have infrastructure intact. Electricity, running water, air conditioning. No scorched earth or rubble in these areas. Just a bunch of traumatized people living in an intact town, or city.
When I talk to them, they tell me it's not the city they remember, though. Everything has been switched around, houses and stores not where they remember them. Their neighbors aren't the neighbors their remember.
Those are the lucky ones. And then there's, well... the outside.
Some places have rubble everywhere, jagged steel ripped apart and waiting for someone to cut themselves on it. Some are frozen over, still waiting for the ice they were frozen over with in the apocalypse to melt. Some are scorched to dust. No phones out there, or anything that lets you connect back with home base.
I'm going out there. We need to map it out. We need to figure out our new world, understand it--and we need to get as many people out of the wastes as possible.
Melanie, Georgie--I’ll see you soon.
Sarah does find water. That's something. She's hungry still, so hungry, but she knows that the water is more important.
She wonders if she should stay there. She doesn't know if there will be more watering holes in the future, after all, and she has no way to carry it with her. She decides to keep moving on, and hope for the best.
She starts to see blades of grass poking up, along with some sort of metal crap strewn about the landscape. She looks at them a moment--it seems to be bits of an old carousel? Eventually, a giant sit in their shade, for a while. There she takes a moment to look at the horizon, and goes cold.
She recognizes the tower on the horizon.
A  scaffolded tower with two legs beneath it. A sight she'd last seen on a postcard from her brother. The Eiffel Tower.
Is she in Paris? No, that can't be it. It's just the tower out here in the wastes. There are none of the buildings that would normally surround it. It's almost as though its been ripped out of the city and transported here.
Does Paris even exist anymore? Does London?
If she even finds Alex, will there be a home for them to go back to?
I have a theory, Melanie. I think lots of people got transported to different places in the world based on what fear they belonged to. Like, a bunch of lonely people were put in the same place, a bunch of claustrophobic people were put in the same place, and so on. All away from the people they knew.
I’m in one of the suburban safe areas now. No one here knows each other. I talked to them all, and all of them remember living in the same house before, but none of them recognized the houses near them or the people in them. When I went from house to house, everyone had a different native language. I talked to a German guy and a French guy who spoke English, but a lot of them… couldn’t talk to me at all.
There was a woman who--she saw me and she lit up. She grabbed me and started talking a mile a minute in Arabic, I think. But I couldn’t understand her, and she--when I tried to talk back to her in English, her face just. Fell. And then she started to cry.
My dad refused to speak it at home, you know. He-- Actually, never mind. It’s not important. 
She ended up shoving me away.
Sarah makes it to the ruins of a forest. 
There’s nothing but stumps left of it, along with litter everywhere. She finds water again, filthy brackish water, and she drinks it anyway because she’s so thirsty. She starts sifting through all of the garbage strewn about for something edible. She finds stale bread crusts crawling with ant and eats them anyway. 
She finds a can of beans, and almost cries. When she can’t find a can opener, she screams instead.
The death count has gotten to me, honestly.
I’ve found dead bodies even in the towns and cities. Some looked like heart attacks. Some suicides. People who woke up but couldn’t bear the agony they’d just gone through. That’s still not… the worst of it.
I passed a whole field of dead bodies today.
Hundreds of people, I think, all of them lying dead in the soil. But there were... trails. They had been walking, before they collapsed. All walking in the same direction, to where you can still see London on the horizon.
They were alive. They were trying to get help. And they just... starved, it looks like. The walk was just too long.
How many people are going to die from it all, Melanie? How many already have, out where we can't see them?
I left as many jugs of clean water and rations along the roads as I could. I put up signs pointing to London, saying how many miles out they were, where I had stashed food. I gave them your number, so they know who to call to get to the shelter.
I hope it means the next group that passes by won't die.
I hope there is a next group.
Sarah can see what looks like a city in the distance before she collapses. 
She tries to get up, but can’t. She’s been walking for days now, it feels like, only sporadically drinking and almost never eating.  There just isn’t enough energy left in her to stand.
She tries to think about little Alex again, running around in his Batman cape, hoping some kind of love or maternal instinct will kick in and give her the last burst of adrenaline she needs to get up. It doesn’t work. Maybe she doesn’t love her own son anymore, really. Maybe it’s just been fear and guilt driving her this far, and that source has already been wrung dry. 
She manages to crawl a few feet, before she can’t even do that. With nothing else left to do, she starts to cry out. “Help! Water, please!” 
She doesn’t think anyone will hear, or show up. But against all odds, in her dimming vision she sees a figure come into view. Backpacked, clutching a water bottle. 
“Help,” she croaks out again. 
The figure gets closer, and she starts to be able to make out the details of his face. He’s her age, or older, with worry lines carved into his forehead and wide eyes. His nose looks eerily like her brother’s nose, and the shape of his jaw reminds her of her old boyfriend, the one who left her with--
She blinks. Maybe she’s hallucinating, or maybe she’s somehow run into a long lost cousin. But then, the man’s eye’s widen and his mouth opens.
No, no it can’t…
No, Alex was a little round cheeked boy. This is a thirty year old man, at least, taller than her. It hasn’t been that long. It can’t be, it’s not--
“Mum?” He’s doing a frown that looks so, so familiar. This has to be a dream. “Mum, it’s--no.”
He sniffles. He steps forward, and steps back. He paces, uncertain.
“No, no,” she hears him mutter. “It’s all fake, all fake. It’s a trap. That’s what they want, the monsters and the face stealers. No one is real. Don’t give them what they want--’’
“Please.” she begs. 
But she hears him walk away, sniffling, and shortly thereafter everything goes dark. 
I have a confession to make, Melanie. I was going to side with Jon, back then. I could have lived with keeping everyone here suffering to prevent more of it. But when he said he was going to kill the whole world, not just leave it--that’s what made me snap. 
I couldn’t let the whole world die. Genocide of the entire human species? Anything but that. Surely passing along the suffering would be better, as long as it didn’t lead to the extinction of whole worlds. But… 
I keep finding more dead bodies.
I went back to that suburb I talked about, to restock on all my food. It was a lonely domain before, I think. I’d thought everyone there would be fine, you know. They didn’t have any deadly sicknesses, or twisted flesh injuries. They had food and water and shelter. But when I went back… more of them had died. 
Lots of suicides. Some of them snapped, and started to self injure.
The German guy I talked to had started to starve. He had a pantry full of food and he just wouldn’t eat it. I tried to get him to eat, to move in with someone else, but he said talking to people “made him sick.” 
I gave up, and left. I had to. There were too many people, and too much to do, so I left him. He’s probably dead now, or going to die soon. Because he can’t find the will to live, and I don’t know how to help someone with that.
The Lonely is probably one of the least directly harmful entities, right? This domain was just a suburb, probably the most comfortable you could get during the apocalypse. And yet the victims are still all dying. 
How much worse is it in places without food and water? In the corruption domains that still probably have deadly diseases spreading? In war zones, in flesh factories?
I think about that nursing home we found. All of the patients who'd died of heart attacks a few minutes after they'd woken up. The ones left alive screaming for help where no one could hear them, for days after the fact. All of the ones that died in their beds before we found them. 
I think about that field of bodies I found the other day. I think about the ruins of that Circus I found, people refusing to talk to me or each other--refusing to help because they didn’t believe it was over and thought everyone else was a mannequin. 
I think… I think it doesn’t matter that we saved the world. If people can’t find the will to live, ro rebuild, to trust and help each other again… I think we’re going through a mass extinction event anyway. 
Sarah’s in a car, she thinks. Not a moving one. She’s propped up against a seat,There’s something plastic pressed to her lips.
“Come on,” says a woman’s deep, level voice. “Come on. I got you. We’re getting to London. All you have to do is drink.”
Sarah opens her eyes. She sees a dark-skinned woman trying to coax her to drink, holding up a water bottle. 
“Just a sip,” the woman says. “Just enough to make it.”
Sarah closes her eyes, and takes a long moment to consider whether she wants to.
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exhausted-dog-mom · 3 years
Underwater (2020) Fix It Fanfic
Last year, I was commissioned to write a fix it fic for the horror movie Underwater. I had no idea it was a horror movie until after I agreed to write it, lol. I'm a coward at the best of times and writing this gave me nightmares for months. It's 24k words and almost 55 pages long. I rewrote the whole dang movie, lol. The entire fic is on my Patreon, but here are the first 2k words. 
           Norah followed behind Rodrigo as they picked their way carefully through the debris. Her body shivered uncontrollably, her meager clothing long soaked through by water of questionable quality. The tinny, prerecorded voice of the infographics which once lined the walls echoed in the too tight hallways, skipping as sparks crackled along the broken screens. Great slabs of concrete and torn sheets of metal made their progress slow, their flashlights illuminating little more than water. The hallway they were following to CR-7 was far from a direct route, but it was the only one they were both able to traverse, and Norah knew she wasn’t alone in wanting to stick together—not after closing the bulkheads.
           She dismissed that thought. She didn’t have time to think about that. Not when the path before them suddenly stopped, the way forward cut off by a serious cave in.
           “Can we dig through there?” She asked, watching as Rodrigo crouched down and began moving loose bits of rubble.
           He called back, uncertain but willing to try, and Norah began scanning the area for alternate routes. They didn’t have time to double back and find another way. The Kepler wouldn’t last long and every second they wasted not getting to the pods was another second the entire station deteriorated around them.
           She took a chance and put her weight on a ledge above where Rodrigo was digging, shining her light down a narrow passage that might allow them both through. Maybe.
           “Hey,” she called down to her colleague. “I can fit through there if you can.”
           He came up and looked at her discovery, considering the rough looking tunnel.
           Distantly, Norah heard something. A voice. She had to turn her head to catch it, the hearing in her left ear completely gone, but it was there.
           “Hello?” She called out, hope rising in her throat. “Hello? Can you hear that?” She didn’t wait for Rodrigo’s response, leaving him behind as she clambered over derelict ductwork and dodged sharp edges, shining her flashlight on everything as she searched desperately for any sign of life. “Keep talking, I can hear you!”
           She turned her right ear to the ground, tracing the source of the muffled voice to a pile of concrete slabs, the edges sharp against her hands as she began to pull on them with a strength she didn’t know she had. Rodrigo came up beside her, helping to free whoever was trapped underneath. The first thing she saw as they pulled back a layer of rubble was a stuffed rabbit, the furlike fabric covered in grease and who knew what else. She stared at it, confused, for all of two seconds before joy and recognition filled her with renewed vigor.
           “Paul?” Sure enough, as she took the rabbit from upstretched hands, her friend’s face came into view, his eyes clenched shut against the brightness of Rodrigo’s flashlight. She handed the rabbit to Rodrigo, reaching down into the crevice to get better leverage for lifting Paul’s not insignificant weight. With Rodrigo’s help, she pushed back the final slab, revealing the drill worker in all his bare chested glory, his skin coated in dust and grime. His hand held on to hers tightly and she watched as recognition bloomed in his eyes.
           “Hi.” She was as breathless as he was, a shaky laugh passing through chattering teeth.
           Paul smiled up at her, squeezing her hand as he laughed right back. “Oh, you sweet, flat chested elven creature.”
           She couldn’t even be mad at him. She was sure she made quite the sight, in her sports bra and sweats, but it was no better than his.
           She watched her friend breathe harshly for a second, lungs taking full advantage of their renewed capacity now that the weight of the debris was no longer crushing his chest. She knew the instant his brain had reoxygenated, because he turned to Rodrigo, a man he’d probably never interacted with before, like Norah, and asked after his rabbit.
           His concern for his little buddy was endearing, though she knew the stuffed toy couldn’t hold a candle to the real Little Paul, alive and waiting seven miles above them on dry land.
           Getting Paul out of the hole was a process, but they did it, the large man standing before them in nothing but a robe, boxers, and one lucky sock. He cradled the rabbit against his chest like a living animal, his attachment to the thing so much stronger after so long down in the deep.
           Norah lead the way back down the hall, flickering blue lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. “There are pods in CR-7,” she explained over her shoulder, the joy she felt at finding her friend alive tempered by a renewed desperation to get out. “The upper decks are collapsing, so we’ve gotta move fast.”
           She pulled herself up onto the ledge, Rodrigo helping her from below. She caught the tail end of Paul’s whining complaint and she rolled her eyes. Leave it to him to find something to complain about during a life or death situation.
           Paul was much larger than either her or Rodrigo, but, as Norah crawled through the cramped tunnel, she was pretty sure he’d be able to fit. She had little trouble scooting through the dark, her movements sending the light from her flashlight in all sorts of disorienting directions. Everything was grey, with the exception of the odd wire or two, exposed copper stinging her wet skin as she brushed up against it. She turned back to look at her two companions, the men clearly having a harder time than she was.
           “You guys ok?”
           “Yeah,” Rodrigo nodded to her, dust clinging to his dark skin. Behind him, Paul grumbled out an affirming expletive.
           Turning back, she immediately recoiled, flashlight dropping from her grasp and teeth clacking loudly in her skull.
           Closing her eyes against the terrifying sight, she called back to the boys. “There’s-there’s someone up here.” She swallowed thickly. “It’s McClellen.”
           Just like that, the high from unburying Paul was gone, replaced by the grim certainty that his survival was nothing short of a miracle and the odds of finding anyone else alive were incredibly slim.
           How many were left alive? How many more would there be if she had waited just a little longer? How many were dead because of her?
           McClellen had no answers for her, blue eyes locked unseeing on something far in the distance. Norah took a shaky breath, bolstering herself as she began to move past the other woman. Their hands touched as she did, the fading warmth she felt deepening the ever growing pit in her stomach.
           If she’d waited, would McClellen still be alive?
           Would Paul be dead?
           Those questions, like all the others, were tossed aside as she resumed the slow journey forward, eyes locked on the darkness ahead of her. There was no telling what waited out there, just beyond the range of her flashlight, but she didn’t have time to lose herself to what ifs and should haves. There were two men behind her, two living, breathing men, and that was enough. It had to be enough.
           The cramped tunnel let out to an open space—another hallway, by the looks of it—and Norah carefully climbed out and set her feet on the ground. The light here was red, a sign that the emergency systems were working, at least, and she could only hope that the way to the escape pods was open. She led the way, following a mental map of the rig as automated voices rang out overhead. Their flashlights reflected off the tall windows which surrounded the evacuation room, the reinforced glass surprisingly intact compared to the wreckage all around it. Norah stumbled over a rogue pipe, her mind going blank as it struggled to put together what she was seeing.
           Sparks flew, the display illuminating Captain Lucien’s back where he sat hunched over inside the closed off rotunda. He made no indication that he’d heard her, his head in his hands as he sat alone in the dark. Norah hit the control panel, but he didn’t react to the obnoxious sound it made in protest. Squinting through the glass, her heart sank as she took in the damage surrounding him, the escape pods they’d all put so much hope in clearly no longer an option.
           “Shit?” Paul winced as he came over to stand beside her, looking over her shoulder into the dark. “What’s shit?”
           “The evac pods are gone.” Norah tuned out her friend’s frenzied cursing as she pounded on the glass, calling for her Captain. Could he even hear her through the reinforced windows? They were designed to withstand sudden changes in pressure—likely why they were still intact—but did that mean they also blocked out sound?
           The answer was no, they couldn’t, and Norah deflated with relief when Lucien turned around, face lighting up as he recognized first her then the men behind her.
           “Norah,” he called, his voice muffled but still intelligible through the glass as he rushed over. “You’re alive.” He didn’t sound like he believed it, but she could understand the sentiment. “The door’s jammed.”
           Right. Of course, it was. He probably would have left if it wasn’t. Norah quickly moved over to the control panel, mentally apologizing to the machine for hitting it as she tried to find some way to override the lock. Absently, she recognized the Captain giving orders to Paul and Rodrigo, both men rushing to obey, though Paul complained loudly between hissing breaths.
           “On a scale of one to ten, how bad’s my rig?”
           His attempt at humor fell a little flat and Norah looked up at him incredulously as the doors opened. “Uh,” she looked him up and down in the harsh white lights which conveniently decided to turn back on. His left arm was in a sling, miscellaneous bruises and cuts littered across his face. Shit. “Ten. We’re, um, seventy percent compromised—breathe too hard and we’re in trouble.”
           He didn’t appreciate her candor, turning away from her with a grim expression before turning back around and reaching for her face with his good hand, looking at her damaged ear with a grimace.
           “What happened,” she asked through chattering teeth, the two seconds she’d spent standing still reminding her body of how cold it was. “Was it an earthquake?”
           “I don’t know.” That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “I’m trying to figure it out.”
           She watched, still somewhat dazed, as he pulled a large red med kit out from seemingly nowhere, using his one hand to its full effectiveness as he rummaged through it.
           “I don’t understand.” Her voice forced its way through her tight throat, swallowing only thickening the knot living there. “Why are you still here? There were pods here, you could have left.”
           He gave her a look she was sure he’d leveled on his child a thousand times before. It certainly made her feel like one. “That’s what Captains do.”
           “Who cares?” She couldn’t stop the words or the incredulity which laced them. “You have a kid. You should have gone up.”
           He froze, expression blank as his mouth opened and closed, eyes shut as he tried to find the words to respond to that. Instead, he urged her to sit down, returning to the med kit as though she hadn’t said anything.
           “You know any one of us would have shoved your ass into a pod—.”
           “Listen to me!”
           Norah shut her mouth, staring wide eyed at her Captain as he kneeled in front of her, mouth tense as he glared up at her. His French accent was thicker in his anger, coloring his words as he gestured wildly with his good arm.
           “Everyone is getting out of here alive.” He said it with such conviction, Norah was almost able to believe him. “You here me? I already sent twenty two up, Smith reported seven dead.”
           Warmth spread in her chest at the news that Smith, at least, was still alive. She hadn’t let herself consider any other possibilities but having her old friend’s survival confirmed relieved a tension she hadn’t realized she was carrying. She gave a stuttering report of the dead she and Rodrigo had found before coming across Paul, and she struggled past telling him about McClellen, nonsensical words spilling from her lips—she lived three floors up, I was brushing my teeth, her hands were still warm, I shut the bulkheads on the entire East Wing so there’s definitely more.
           Captain Lucien, to his credit, remained staunchly focused on cleaning her ear, damp gauze coming away from it bloody. Whatever was wrong with it, it stung when he touched it, the pain a welcome reminder that she was alive, only living people could bleed, and a grim one that so many people weren’t.
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#100 Song Lyric Prompts
No one specifically requested, but I wanted to do this so bad! Here we go...
“Will nature make a man of me yet?”- The Smiths, This Charming Man
“If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?”- Lynyrd Skynyrd, Free Bird
“When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down, I'll crawl home to her.”- Hozier, Work Song
“I don’t think that we should be alone together, when we’re in a room you get my eyes, you open your mouth I’m hypnotised”- The Neighbourhood, Single
“She looks as if she’s blowing a kiss at me and suddenly the sky is a scissor”- Arctic Monkeys, That’s where you’re wrong
“You think you want to be alone, just wait until you’re crying on the shower floor” “They’ve got a pretty face, but they’ve got a pretty empty head.” “But how the hell do you fall in love, the last time I checked you can’t fall in slow mo”- LANY- The Breakup *There were too many good ones in this song, I couldn’t help myself*
“I know it’s mad, but if I go to hell will you go with me or just leave?” - Panic! At The Disco, Do you know what I'm seeing?
“I don’t know who’s protecting me, but we hit it off”- Drake, Sandra’s Rose
“Do me a favour and break my nose, do me a favour and tell me to go away?”- Arctic monkeys, Do me a favour
“Baby just came back around, said she needs time to explore, said I can’t love her no more”- The Neighbourhood, Baby came home
“Just one mistake, you say you’re not in love no more, but was it really love if you can leave me for something so innocent is this the end?”- LANY, Thick and thin
“You can have Manhattan, I know it’s for the best, I’ll gather up the avenues and leave them on your doorstep. I’ll tiptoe away so you won’t have to say you heard me leave.” “You can have Manhattan, the one we used to share, the one where we were laughing and drunk on just being there. Hang onto the reverie, could you do that for me?”- Sara Bareilles, Manhattan
“You don’t love me, big fucking deal, I’ll never tell you how I feel.” “I'll send my best regards from Hell”- Marina and the Diamonds, Starring Role
“I been writing these songs ‘bout how I can’t be with you. I don’t want to be a monster, but I’ve been here for days, drinking too much now I want you, can’t get you off my brain.”- Henry, Monster, Eng. version
“Change lives, get better, yeah that be the plan” “That’s why you see me winning, yeah, even after I lose”- Jay Park, Ask bout me
“Love is not looking over shoulders, Love is you should trust what I told you” “Love is not struggling to say I love you”- 6LACK, Disconnect
“All these people taking miles when you give them an inch, all these followers but who's gonna follow me until the end?”- Drake, Emotionless
“She’s in the rain, you wanna hurt yourself I’ll stay with you, you wanna make yourself go through that pain, It’s better to be held than holding on,”- The Rose, She’s In The Rain *Absolutely love this one, don’t @ me, I will die for the The Rose**
“Sex by the fire at night”- Bruno Mars, That’s What I Like
“I’ve got the good side of you, sent it out into the blue.”- Troye Sivan, Good Side
“Standing by the window, rain falling, I want to have you full in my embrace and tell you, even when I’m born again and love you, even then, will you be with me?”- KREAM, 선물 Gift *Translated*
“It all passes, Someday, For sure, Certainly”- RM, ft. NELL, everythingoes *Translated*
“Please stay as long as you need, can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me”- Sleeping With Sirens, Scene One- James Dean & Audrey Hepburn
“When you move, I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be, when you move I could never define all that you are to me”- Hozier, Movement
“Wake up and smell the coffee, is your cup half full or empty?”- Billie Eilish, come out and play
“Am I a bad person? Or am I just in pain?”- DEAN, Sulli, Rad Museum, Dayfly *Translated*
“Kiss me on the lips, a secret just between the two of us, deeply poisoned by the jail of you, I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew the grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway”- BTS, Blood Sweat & Tears *Translated*
“When the sun sets and darkness comes, I only remember your warmth, where the stars wrap around us. I’m going there, I’ll be there”- SEVENTEEN, Highlight *Translated*
“I don't ever wanna feel like anything I do ever had a fucking resonance or meant a thing to you.”- Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, I Hate You
“You can’t take this away from me, the way I hit the melody, the waves bring clarity, running through me”- Tom Misch, Del La Soul, It Runs Through Me
“It was a lie when they smiled and said you won’t feel a thing”- My Chemical Romance, Disenchanted
“The fog has lifted and things get clear, all the lies pass by like a reel of film. I hate you”- EXO, 내가 미쳐 (Going Crazy) *Translated*
“I’m sorry- no, I’m not sorry, I’m just getting started and my life’s a party”- DEAN, Eric Bellinger, I’m Not Sorry
“Ain’t it fun, living in the real world?”- Paramore, Ain’t It Fun
“Ready or not, we are coming back- yeah, we’re over, we can tell you ‘bout what you need. You can look it up when you’re older”- Evergreen, Cargo Cult
“You, you got so much potential, every moment spent with you I bet was always eventful”- Aminé, Kehlani, Heebiejeebies- Bonus
“Could you imagine the taste of your lips if we never tried to kiss on the drive to Queens? 'Cause I imagine the weight of your ribs if you lied between my hips in the backseat”- Halsey, Roman Holiday
“Forever isn’t for everyone, is forever for you?”- Arctic Monkeys, Snap Out Of It
“Wish you good luck being lonely, I’mma push red every time you phone me. You vow to be a memory”- Ella Mai, ft. Ty Dolla $ign, She Don’t
“I’ve been dazed and confused from the day I met you, yeah I lost my head and I’d do it again”- Ruel, Dazed & Confused
“I just want you closer, is that alright? Baby let's get closer tonight”- Paolo Nutini, Last request
“You have no idea how pretty you are when you wake from sleep, you have no idea how beautiful you look as you get ready for bed”- Zion.T, No Makeup *Translated*
“I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight, baby, ‘cos I can’t get you off my mind”- Shawn Mendes, Lost In Japan
“She's soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand, she takes care of me, baby, she helps me be a better man. She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes, she's exactly what I need”- Jeremy Passion, Lemonade
“And her lips are like the galaxy's edge and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place”- Arctic Monkeys, Arabella
“It's how you look, not how you feel. A city of glass with no heart”- Queens of the Stone Age, If I Had a Tail
“I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife”- Hozier, Take Me To Church
“Bitter and hardened heart, Oh, aching- waiting for life to start”- Keane, Bend & Break
“When you move I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be, when you move I could never define all that you are to me”- Hozier, Movement
“She said, ‘Baby, I'm afraid to fall in love, 'cause what if it's not reciprocated?’ I told her, ‘Don't rush girl, don’t you rush, guess it's all a game of patience.’”- Pink Sweat$, Honesty
“Share a casket with you, we’ll be buried alive, me and her playing truth ‘til the day we die.”- Granata Ft. Phoniks, You Dont Need Me
“And hope that I had survived yesterday, and today is jealous of tomorrow.”- Emeli Sandé, Breathing Underwater
“Heaven if you sent us down so we could build a playground for the sinners to play as saints, you'd be so proud of what we've made.” Stephen, Crossfire
“Tell me how do you cope with it? How do you sleep with yourself at night? How do you cope with it? How do you sleep with yourself at night?”- blackbear, make daddy proud
“If anyone looks perfect, you look perfect next to me.”- Nick Wilson, Obsolete
“When I meet you after time passes, I’ll know (you were my future), I’ll know (I was your yesterday). When I meet you after time passes, I’ll know (you protected me), I’ll know (I desired you).”- SEVENTEEN (Wen Junhui & Xu Minghao), My I *Translated*
“I need my sex n’ drugs, I need my money first, bless me with all my sins.”- Abhi The Nomad, Ft. Harrison Sands & Copper King, Sex ‘n Drugs
“Naked and fallin' in love, look here I got you. Safe where there's no one to judge, keep it insightful.”- Keiynan Lonsdale, Preach
“All alone, all we know is haunting me, making it harder to breathe, harder to breathe.”- The Neighbourhood, Leaving Tonight
“Now I see you get off of the subway, haven't seen you in months but it's okay. I'd forgotten but I feel the same, hate that I still wish you were...”- Claud, Wish You Were Gay
“A perfect stranger lying next to me, he's playing God with broken figurines. He keeps calling me his little queen and I believe.”- Jake Wesley Rogers, Little Queen (This song deserves way more recognition, make sure to give it a listen!)
“Hell is so close to Heaven, hell is so close to Heaven. Hold on don't look back, you know we're better- we’re better than that. Lost and thrown away, you know we're better- we’re better than that.”- Sleeping With Sirens, The Strays
“Alone tonight, I’m drawing my dreams across the sky farther than I can imagine- She wants it.”- CIX, Movie Star *Translated*
“Yeah I mixed words and some whiskey on the flight just to make sure I landed on time and I wrote me a song I could sing just in case I forgot everything.”- Marc E. Bassy, Last One I Love
“Don't ask questions you don't wanna know, learned my lesson way too long ago.” “Deadly fever, please don't ever break, be my reliever 'cause I don't self medicate”- Billie Eilish, my strange addiction
“And it's worth it, it's divine, I have this some of the time.”- Hozier, Cherry Wine
“And I realize you're mine, Indeed, a fool am I.”- Queens of the Stone Age, No One Knows
“Look in the mirror ‘til I forget everything I know, everything I did was just a way to make the time feel faster.”- Miya Folick, Stock Image
“Do you feel how I feel? Are you numb? Do you tread crystal waters, bound to be stung? Are you scared? If I see you, we're upon, will you dye your hair dark so you're no longer blonde?”- Isaac Dunbar, Cologne
“Tell me; To you I’m bad & hurtful. Because I’ve been busy, you’re hurting. Bad, bad, bad, I’m bad, bad.”- Crush, NAPPA (나빠) *Translated*
“Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of: A. Indifference or B. disinterest to what the critics say.”- Panic! At The Disco, London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
“‘Cause you don’t say what you feel, I'm the one driving but you take the wheel. You wanna wait, 'til we're older, I'm the one who started this, but now I just want closure.”- Ieuan, Closure
“Our names carved in the pavement, sealed by what's left of our handprints, now. I told my mom, she'd love to meet you, but it's too bad she won't get the chance to.”- COIN, Malibu 1992
“I'm running outta time to hold you close, running outta time to be your man. I'm just lost in this moment, I've been zoning.”- blackbear, 4u
“Standing on your mama's porch, you told me that you'd wait forever. Oh and when you held my hand, I knew that it was now or never”- Bryan Adams, Summer Of ‘69
“I'll go out, grow my hair too long, sing your least favourite songs at the top of my lungs. I'll go out, kiss all of your friends, make a story and pretend it was me who made this end.”- The Vamps, Hair Too Long
“Getting my mind right, I'll wait 'til the time's right. I'm meaning to tell you why it's hard to sleep at night. There's nothing to fear now, girl, we should be here now. So why don't you hear me out?”- Jeremy Zucker, Ft. blackbear, talk is overrated
“We haven't spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won't you ever be the first one to break? Even my phone misses your call, by the way.”- Harry Styles, From the Dining Table
“Look overhead at the stars and the ocean, foggy emotions, moments, erosion. This supernova could cause a commotion, my minds of the notion, you'll still be my motive”- Ansel Elgort, Supernova
“I love that new dress you bought, yeah, you sure look nice. Heard you liked that new restaurant, you know, I've been there twice. And the way that you switch up your hair, all of the moments we've shared, strolling the streets back in Rome, oh, how I wish I was there. It ain't fair.”- Ruel, Face To Face
“Welcome to your life, there's no turning back. Even while we sleep we will find you acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature.”- Tear For Fears, Everybody Wants to Rule the World
“I'm wide awake, not losing any sleep, I picked up every piece and landed on my feet. I'm wide awake, need nothing to complete myself, no.” Katy Perry, Wide Awake
“If you don't realize, all of the things your life can do you will be left behind, swept up by the storm of those you knew.”- Meltycanon, thankful
“I always knew that we'd be by each other's side forever, now our time has come and I'd be satisfied if we died together. Yeah, our climate's fucked, we might as well enjoy the weather, our time is up and I'd be satisfied if we died together.”- Samsa, Anthropocene
“There's still so much to say, I'm faded, broken, pretending you're on the line, wasting my time. Sinking deeper, watching you spend your night, like I'll be fine and I'll be over this.”- NYK, Faded
“I’d rather go to hell, than be in purgatory, cut my hair, gag and bore me, pull this pin, let this world explode.”- My Chemical Romance, Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
“I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand Made its way through my heart, had fun in the promised land.”- blink-182, Wishing Well
“Let go of your baggage, but don’t think I don’t understand it’s probably a challenge,”- Isaac Lewis, Fly
“It's been a long night in New York city, it's been a long night in Baton Rouge. I don't remember you looking any better, but then again, I don't remember you.”- John Mayer, Who Says
“They say that love kills, it ain't quite what it seems, don't be shocked when you lost what you called ‘meant to be’.”- StayLoose, Bryce Fox, Sociopath
“When they come for You, I will shield Your name, I will field their questions, I will feel Your pain.”- Kanye West, Ultralight Beam
“Two steps forward, one step back and it won’t be long til my heart attack, yup! And common sense falls second place to the way it feels when you kiss my face, yup!”- The Band CAMINO, 2 / 14
“Leaving empty souls when he avenged, evil spirits flowed, he drank the blood like lemonade.”- Morcheeba, Blood Like Lemonade
“Your smile will become a classic; the brilliance of sunlight, the haziness of the moonlight exist for the sake of promises.”- WayV, Moonwalk
Dear God, I hope you got the letter and I pray you can make it better down here. I don't need a big reduction in the price of beer, but all the people that you made in your image- see them starving on their feet.”- Lawless, Sydney Wayser, Dear God
“Down below, sandy, like the ocean floor, quiet, like I like it; here I'll never be alone.”- slenderbodies, anemone
“I love everything, fire spreading all around my room, my world's so bright, it's hard to breathe but that's alright- hush.”- Sub Urban, Cradles
“I'm telling myself, I'm telling myself, ‘I don't need you anymore’.”- Lia Marie Johnson, Cold Heart Killer
“So I moved to California, but it's just a state of mind, it turns out everywhere you go, you take yourself, that's not a lie. Wish that you would hold me or just say that you were mine- it's killing me slowly.” Lana Del Rey,  Fuck it I love you
“See, she knows that I love her, but I don't think she'll stay and she knows that I need her, but my love's lost its weight. Spend my days longing for something real, spend my days stuck in the way I feel.”- JOBA, Sad Saturdays
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