#toxic family tw
positivelybeastly · 3 months
Mancation: maiming; mutilation / Sinister
"Make the incision, McCoy."
There was a pregnant shine of a scalpel, the movement of an oversized hand, the twitch of fingers . . . and then . . . moments passed.
A sigh.
"I said, make the incision, McCoy."
There was a momentary wobble of a finger, a halting breath - before the scalpel moved, the gleaming stainless steel tip pressing to warm, unmoving flesh, unzipping the thin layer of - in front of the - that covered the, sternum, that . . .
A clatter, a turn of a stomach. And then warm, pale fingers on the back of his neck, and Henry went stiff, feeling the familiar touch of his - mentor's hand on the so very human looking flesh of his neck.
"You don't want to disappoint me, do you, Henry?"
The shake of a head.
"So why do you persist in doing so, boy?"
The bob of an Adam's apple, and the garish homunculus that once was, still called itself, Nathaniel Essex, let out another sigh.
"You're fifteen years old, Henry. You're more than old enough to do this now. It isn't even a mutant you're working on yet, this is just a flatscan. They aren't people. You know that. You've seen the research we've done on them, we know that they don't feel pain the same way that we do."
Did they? Did they know that?
"There are thousands of mutants who would kill to be in the position you're in now, boy. Thousands of people with lesser intellects but greater wills to do what must be done, and they're all just sitting, waiting, for the chance that you keep squandering. How long do you think I shall wait? How many chances do you think I'll give you?"
He was quiet. The boy couldn't normally shut up when he was cloistered with his books and his research journals, but the instant it came time to do some actual damned work, he was quiet? The human spine of him was so very disgusting.
". . . I had high hopes for you. I selected you personally."
There was - a vague memory. Henry wasn't sure if it was blanketed out by some kind of mental alteration, by what he knew to be a young mind's inability to form long term memories the same way a fully formed one did, or if it was just . . . fear.
A fear of half-remembered warmth that had turned so very cold so very quickly. He remembered . . . sitting on the floor, it had been a wood floor, next to a fireplace, he couldn't have been more than - four, maybe five. Very young. Very very young. He could remember hushed, frightened voices, a man and a woman, talking about getting out of America, about leaving the farm behind and just going.
He could remember not liking that idea. Of wanting to stay on the farm, with its strings of golden corn and rich, brown earth, with its never-ending horizon and all the things he could swing from - it was a playground to him.
Everything gleamed, sparkled, it had such lustre, it begged to be looked at, turned over, investigated, prodded, poked. He'd had a field day when he discovered worms liked mud, he'd just sat there watching them for hours until his . . . someone, had found him, told him off, cleaned him up. Held his jaw and smiled, telling him that she wasn't upset, that she just wanted to make sure he was all right, that he could tell her all about what the worms had done over dinner.
Dinner had been burbling away when the knock at the door had come. The low tones and the panicked, assertive whisper-shouts of two people who knew their time was running out had ceased, replaced with silence. Just the burbling of a pot.
The swing of a door. A shadow in the doorway. A voice.
His voice.
Every time he tried to remember past that point, it got hazy. Complicated. Like a knot of hair that had been left to scraggle around itself for months, tangled so tight it was impossible to unwind, fit only to be cut out and regrown healthy. Untangled. Uncomplicated.
"I have raised you, taken a special interest in your education, in your growth, in your being. You would be lesser without me, you know that, don't you?"
In his mind, Henry pulled at that tangle, and it bled. He could remember - smoke, coagulating in his lungs, choking him. He could remember a sweet smell even through the salt of tears, blood soaked wood, and then pale. White. Pale white with a little red diamond.
"You insult me with your silence, Henry, but that's fine. It's the burden of a father to be disappointed by his son. You have one week. If I return to this lab and you do not have results for me, you'll be released from your service and you can make do out there."
There was an instinctive chill at the mention of out there. A tensing, a revulsion, a creeping horror at the knowledge that the world was not as it should be and there was nothing anyone could do to make it the way it should be.
Footsteps. The door. And then, as if like magic, the air returned to the room.
Henry breathed and pulled back, his hands shaking as he looked down at the tiny incision he'd made, barely a cut, really, but even just that speck of blood had made him want to retch. An invisible hand reached over the back of his and squeezed, directed him to grab a surgical cloth and clean, apply pressure, stop the bleeding.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
He pulled away the instant he could, moved to the sink, refused to look in the mirror for as long as he could. Why hadn't he been able to do it? He'd been taught the correct method, he had studied all the surgical manuals, it should have been easy, he had hands that could, that could disassemble and reassemble a pulse particle rifle in twenty seconds, that could detect the vibrations from the music three floors down if he pressed his palm to the walls, his hands never shook, but the instant he'd . . .
He looked up, in the mirror, and winced. He was pale. Sweaty, weak, white as a sheet, god, he was disgusting. Why was this the hand that his X-gene had dealt him? Why did he have to look so basely human? Why did he have to look so degenerate, so much lesser? Why couldn't he have been one of the lucky ones?
His mutant gift was concentrated in hands that couldn't do the work he had been given. What cruel irony was this?
"Have you read the Lord Apocalypse's latest treatise, McCoy?"
Henry's eyes flicked up from the food he'd been pushing around on his plate with a blunted knife, regarding Kavita with a cool, cautious eye. She was a human, but - she was all right, by most standards. Allowed to work with the other mutant scientists by virtue of her intelligence and her willingness to work in the ways that Henry found so hard, she was probably a front runner for his replacement if he continued to falter.
For a moment, he considered plunging the knife into her throat, just on the off chance that happened.
"What? No. No, I have not, I've been - busy."
Busy being not busy. Busy staring at the drugged subject on his lab table, trying to work up the nerve to carve them open and nourish himself with the information that was hidden inside. Busy trying to be someone he wasn't.
"Too busy to read the Lord's latest treatise . . ? That doesn't sound like you."
He scowled.
"If you wish to continue to be enigmatic, Rao, you can leave. I'm in no mood to entertain you today."
Kavita rolled her eyes, knowing better than almost anyone that Henry was just in one of his moods, and though she elected to leave, as he'd suggested, she did, nonetheless, slide over a pamphlet - a slim one, by Apocalypse's standards, but that usually boded well. That usually meant less philosophy, more science.
'The Awakening of Mutancy - Secondary Mutation.'
"I think you'll find it an interesting read. It's still just theory, for the most part, but Apocalypse truly believes that there's potential in it."
Henry devoured it. From the first word to the last, it was seared into his brain, because in amongst the quasi-religious, gallingly obvious propaganda about the purity of the mutant form, there was science here - there was theory, there was data, there was hypothesis, there was . . . promise. Unfulfilled, as of yet, but it was there.
X-gene manifestation at puberty as a result of a cocktail of hormones, adrenaline, acetylcholine, forming a brand new hormone that had yet to be isolated, but that was theorised to be the root cause of mutant gifts. A hormone. Fascinating. Chemical instructions, chemical blueprints for a new form that catalysed the unique genetic markers, pulled something new out of the code, a form of alchemy, really.
"Rao, I assure you, Essex knows the specifics of this project, and it's to him, and him alone, that I'm responsible. Now, if you'll excuse me, this cell diagram has to be programmed immediately. And to do that, I'll need absolute concentration. Which means, I'm afraid, you'll have to leave."
There was a moment of pregnant silence as Kavita took Henry McCoy in, took in the frantic, manic little man as he all but raced from table to table, from station to station, before she spoke.
"Henry, this is . . . you only have three more days before Essex returns, and you haven't even begun to do the work that he's asked you to do. Are you sure you should be wasting time on this?"
"It's not a waste of time. You don't understand."
The short, clipped tone made Kavita feel as though she were staring at Henry through a funhouse mirror - he was still unmistakably himself, still that same too intense fifteen year old with a mop of brown hair, but there was a look in his eyes that was . . . impulsive. Propulsive. Determined. Worrying.
"I almost wish I hadn't given you that pamphlet now, it's clear that I set you down a path for fai - "
In an instant, he was upon her, grabbing her by the shoulders and slamming her against the nearest wall. Her head bounced and she groaned in pain, but even though she could see a flicker of remorse in those searing blue eyes, it didn't stop him for even a second.
"I. Will not. Fail. I can't fail. It's impossible. I'm too smart to fail. I just need time, to focus, and I don't need wittering little humans with their fragile little four chambered hearts and their shrunken brains to talk to me as if they know me."
Kavita swallowed.
"Henry, your heart is - "
"Six chambered. Just because I look like you, just because I look like a genetic mistake, doesn't mean I am. What matters, is what is in here - " He tapped fervently at his temple and his heart. " - and that is mutant." He released her, stepping back, breathing deeply, and she rubbed at the back of her head.
". . . You've done me a service, Kavita. That pamphlet was the key. But you are, in the end, only human. Don't forget that. No-one will ever let you."
He turned, and she watched him stalk over to the cell diagram once more.
"I hope - I hope that this brings you what you want, Henry. I hope, more than anything, that what you want, is what will make you happy."
Perhaps you should have listened to her, Henry. Instead of focusing on the genetic extractor you were developing, perhaps it might have saved you.
"There - it's done. I've finally diluted the precipitate. This . . . this is the hormonal extract, the chemical cause of mutation. With this solution, we'll be able to extend the natural chromosonal imbalances - in effect, to turn any man into a mutant."
You swallowed, Henry. You could feel, on some level, that this was a moment that would define you. What might other Henry McCoys have done? Put the extract down, throw it in the trash? Accept failure? Accept defeat? Accept the human face that stares at you from the mirror?
Not you, though.
The fear. The sheer, unbridled terror that's sat in your gut since that day so many years ago. The low, dull throb of anxiety that pulses like a second heart inside of you. The crippling, choking shadow of a hand around your throat, and something wet coagulating on your face.
The fear is what makes the decision. Not you. But then, what is a man but the sum of his fears? What is a man but the totality of the roads not taken? What is a man, if not what he'll do to avoid failure?
"Don't know what will happen if you mutate a mutant . . . but I've got to take the chance. I've got to."
That wasn't precisely the truth, was it, Henry McCoy? You didn't have to. But the fear that's driven you since you were five years old and newly adopted by a thing not of this earth told you differently, and you took the hormonal extract, and . . .
You changed.
Blinding, searing pain - for a moment, you thought you might have swallowed acid. You bent over, clutched at your stomach, and for that long moment, you thought, this is what it means to die. But that was when you understood.
It's all right to die. Resurrection, reformation, rebirth, re-emergence, resurgence, is what separates the man from the mutant, after all.
And resurrected you were. Your skin burst, the flesh separating from the muscle as the soft cells of a human burned away, to be replaced. Your nails surged forward, blood bubbling up around the cuticle as the digits swelled and everything about you grew. You screamed as that hole inside of you was suddenly filled to overflowing, as newfound strength thrummed through you, new life, new power, new you.
It's all right to die, isn't it, Henry? Nothing of value inside of you was lost. Not truly. Some other Henry McCoy might see this as a curse, but you . . . ahhh.
You were blessed.
"Well now, Henry, young Doctor Rao here tells me that you've been quite the busy bee - I do so hope that you've applied yourself to - "
Essex stopped.
The broad back that worked and flowed and tensed and relaxed before him was covered in a thick layer of harsh black fur. Heavy strands of hair were braided, hung low with beads. There was a glimpse of a hand, twisted into cruel, shimmering claws and grabbing, eager fingers, and Kavita brought her palm up to her mouth. She spoke through her fingers, taking it all in.
"What is all this?"
The voice that answered was deep, sonorous. There was a rumble to it that wasn't quite human. An edge to it that wasn't quite all there, or, maybe it was. It sounded so very sure.
"It's science."
Essex's voice was dubious.
"Science. How delightfully vague, Henry. What have you been doing? I hope for your sake it's been what I told you to do."
Henry - or, whatever it was that had assumed Henry's shape - turned around, and Kavita wanted to scream. Essex, even, started.
A mouth twisted with glee at their reactions.
"Why, Kavita, Nathaniel, you look as though you've seen a ghost. But then, perhaps that's accurate."
He stepped aside, revealing the body flayed open, pinioned with steel rods, the flesh taut like canvas, organs conspicuous by their absence. There had been no mercy, no invisible hands, no memory here. Just efficiency. Just good, honest science.
"After all, a ghost is nothing more than a memory, a memory of who we once were, before we become what we must."
The thing laughed, and Sinister laughed with it - delighted. Proud.
"And what am I to call my young protege, now that he's become what he was always meant to be?"
It was almost affectionate, the way Sinister's tongue curled around the words, and Kavita could see the creature revel in them. He didn't have to think twice.
"Beast. Call me Beast."
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timechange · 9 months
Some important post-film divergences for my (default) portrayal:
While it's true his family / home life is 'fixed,' as his mother isn't an alcoholic anymore and the environment isn't as toxic... his family are total strangers to him. He's in a life he doesn't know, he's replaced another him who may or may not be a completely different person, and the more he stays in the fixed timeline, the more he realizes that pretty much nothing around him is familiar anymore, they're all different in little ways.
As a result of his time travel, many death and near-death experiences, and messing around with the timeline, he suffers from some undiagnosed aspects of PTSD and depersonalization-derealization disorder. Also, he has some issues with self-hate / self-doubt / inferiority and has a massive chip on his shoulder, like in canon, but this lessens with time.
He spends as much time as he possibly can with Doc, as Doc is the only constant and the only one who both understands and who hasn't changed that much. Marty is also drawn to Doc as they've been best friends for a long, long time, so he relies on him a lot.
While I think Doc basically raised Marty to get him away from his awful family in the original timeline, which Marty remembers, Doc may or may not remember as he wouldn't have done that as much to amended!Marty in the amended timeline. If he doesn't remember, this makes Marty very upset, understandably so: he feels like he's lost the strongest parental figure he's ever had all over again.
He goes to community college in Hill Valley and lives with Doc, having a major in music or composition and a couple minors in science / engineering / mechanics thanks to his work with Doc.
They never stop time (and space, they add modifications so that they can go places on Earth and beyond) traveling (I'm not really BTTF 2 or 3 compliant by default)
However, they have to workshop it and a lot of the time it doesn't work when they test it, especially early on, so sometimes Marty just shows up at any time and any place
They do have a time and space stable method of communication (I've dubbed it the time-phone but it's a dumb name) and another time machine (either the train or another deLorean) so that Doc can always find him no matter what
He does end up releasing records / becoming a pretty big musician and touring, the band name changing from The Pinheads (their first audition tape) to McFly and the Flyaways
In verses where he marries Jennifer, their kids are named Emmett George and Elizabeth Lorraine, not Marty Jr. and Marlene, because canon what the hell
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moonshadowed · 2 years
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So. The end of the first Back to the Future isn’t exactly the happy ending Marty was hoping for. 
Some headcanons and ramblings under the cut about my portrayal!
While it’s true his family/home life is 'fixed', as his mother isn’t an alcoholic anymore and the environment isn’t as toxic... his family are total strangers to him. He's in a life he doesn't know, he's replaced another him who may or may not be a completely different person, and the more he stays, the more he realizes that pretty much nothing around him is familiar to him anymore, they're all different in little ways.
As a result of his time travel shenanigans, many death and near-death experiences, and messing around with the timeline, he  suffers from some undiagnosed aspects of PTSD and depersonalization-derealization disorder. Also, he has issues with self-hate / self-doubt / inferiority, and has a chip on his shoulder, like in canon, but this lessens somewhat with time.
He spends as much time as he possibly can with Doc, as Doc is the only constant in everything and the only one who hasn't changed that much-- also, they've been working together for a long, long time, from when Marty was very young before everything happened, and Doc mostly had the raising of him, so he relies on him a lot.
However, in this new timeline, even that’s changed to an extent;  Doc basically raised Marty to get him away from his awful family in the original timeline, which Marty would remember, but Doc in the new timeline wouldn’t because he wouldn’t have done that as much (he still would have but nowhere near as much as he did originally) 
He goes to community college in Hill Valley and lives most likely with Doc, and has a major in music or composition or something and maybe a couple minors in science / engineering / mechanics thanks to his work with Doc
They never stop time (and space, they add modifications so that they can go places on Earth and beyond) traveling (I’m not BTTF 2 or 3 compliant, really)
However,  they have to workshop it and a lot of the time it doesn’t work when they test it, especially early on, so sometimes Marty just shows up at literally any time and any place
They do have a time-and-space stable method of communication (I’ve been dubbing it the time-phone but it’s kind of a stupid name) and another time machine (either the train or another deLorean) developed so that Doc can always find him no matter what but until he can get there or Marty can get himself home, he just has to make the best of it
He does end up releasing records / becoming a pretty big musician and touring and stuff, and the name changes from The Pinheads (probably their first album / audition tape) to McFly and the Flyaways
In verses where he marries Jennifer, their kids are named Emmett George and Elizabeth Lorraine, not Marty Jr and Marlene, because seriously canon, what on earth
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andizoidart · 2 years
I should be allowed to make my own choices for my health care and my disabilities because they are mine. I’m 18, but my toxic parents are insisting on controlling everything still. They have my medications locked in a safe where I cannot get them, they control my whole schedule, they treat me like I’m less than a person because I’m disabled.
On top of that, my younger sister is their favorite. They let her have whatever she wants and bend to her fits and tantrums. She’s not any sort of disabled, she deals with her own anxiety and whatever, and my parents give her so much support on it and it’s not. fair.
If she wants to get a shake and a snowcone on the same day? “Of course, baby, anything you want.” If I ask to get the same thing? “Don’t you think that’s a lot, honey?”
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chmydarling · 10 months
aight, but hear me out tho-
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foxlungz · 4 months
I will always be so fucking angry for what they turned me into
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I have my father's rage inside of me. And it's getting bigger and bigger, I can't stop it this time. It's killing me, I don't wanna turn into him, I hate this man sooo much, he has ruined my life.
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pain-is-my-game · 1 year
One of the worst realizations that I have ever made is realizing that all I ever wanted was to be loved by my parents. I never would've turned out like this if they just loved me unconditionally.
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nmolesofadrenaline · 8 months
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sant-riley · 1 year
[Ghost with OFC!Reader who has a toxic family] [p1 of ?]
A/N: straight up this is self indulgent/me projecting (like all my work is) bc it's comforting for me to imagine that I have someone to protect me from life bc wow this shit sucks. Not tagging anyone due to this potentially being triggering.
CW: toxic family dynamics, swearing, mental illness, simping, age gaps, definitely not professional, Ghost punches someone (let me know if there's anything else)
Now I don't even have to say that Simon is extremely sensitive when it comes to family, especially since he himself grew up in a toxic environment. He knows the signs because they're the signs he saw in his day to day life.
He knew something was up when you never want to go home when breaks come, any young Rookie is usually bouncing off the walls to go see their loved ones but you? You almost look depressed at the thought. Ghost may tell people he has a cold heart, but not when it comes to you. You wormed your way into his chest next to that said cold heart and now he can't help but worry. You're too young to have probably been in a place on your own, so no choice but to go back to the family home. He was in your shoes once, he too had joined the military to find a way out.
Ghost doesn't speak to people off duty, never has but things have changed. You, Soap, Gaz, Price? You all are the closest thing he will ever have to a family again, so against his better and usual judgment, he asks you if you'd like to stay with him at one of his safe houses.
"Runt, do you....for fucks sake, do you want to come back with me? Stay with me until our next mission."
"Oh! No, I'm fine Ghost, I'm alright to go home."
A smile on your lips but it doesn't reach your eyes. He feels his own turn down into a grimace.
"Teds, stop the shit for a second, yeah? I see that look on your face, you don't want to go back there."
He rests a skeleton glove covered hand on your shoulder, caressing the skin there with a thumb graze.
"I don't want to be a bother.'"
"You're never a bother sweetheart, c'mon then."
Staying with Ghost is, different to say the least. He takes you to his home in Manchester and goddamn the place is barely lived in, the only place that look used is his kitchen. He really lets you have free reign of the place, the only room not allowed is his bedroom. Not because he doesn't trust you rather it's just a personal thing.
Overtime the place filled with little traces of you, your hair ties liter the counters and tables, your laughter in the other room while you scroll on your phone. Hearing your footsteps run to area of the house so you can show him said video, the groceries you buy once you learn Ghost solely lives off of take out.
"Are you serious?"
"I work out to balance it."
It warms his chest to see you show so much concern over him, a man 6'4 who could easily snap your neck. He rustles your hair with a deep chuckle.
You try and not encroach on his space but he finds that he likes it. He likes seeing your shoes next to his at the doorway, he likes seeing you cook in his kitchen, he likes seeing you wake up groggy with crust in your eyes. He loves it all. Though he'd never admit it.
You make his house, now his home feel so much warmer and brighter. You insist on catching him up to the newest movies and shows, forcing him to sit down next to you to watch the newest Marvel movie while he pretends he hates it. He makes jokes in between that he could do better than that and that if he were there, he'd just put a bullet between the enemies eyes.
Seeing you fall asleep on his shoulder brings a peace to him, his arm around your shoulders as you nuzzle in closer. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve you. But he's gonna pretend he does, just for a little while longer.
Imagine his surprise when he meets your family for the first time. You had wanted to go home and get some things to bring back to his place so he came with you on a flight since he knows you don't care for air travel by yourself.
Ghost was used to his presence scaring people and warding people off. He knows how to keep people in line, its been his job for as long as he could care to remember. So he wasn't expecting them to treat you so horribly in front of him. Really, what'd they expect to happen. First mistake.
It's such a stark contrast you are in this place, from base, the field, to the woman in front of him. You curl into yourself, hands cracking in your hoodie pockets as you sit there and just take it, waiting for a break so you can speak. You're not looking at him or even making an attempt to talk back.
Ghost knows you're grown, he knows it's not his place but he feels his blood pressure get higher and higher as they scream and belittle you for things out of your control, your looks, your weight, telling to come back home, to leave the military, anything and everything under the sun. Second mistake. He can feel his knuckles turn a stark white under his gloves and it isn't until your sibling gets up in your face with a hand raised that he springs into action. Third mistake. Ghost is a big man, but he moves fast and unexpectedly.
Before he registered it, your sibling is on the floor clutching their stomach after being gut punched. He hears them heaving while trying to curse him out, looking up with him with hatred. Simon wants to take his heavy steel toed boot and kick the fuckers face. Hell, he wants to beat the ever living shit out of every single person in this fucking house. To think they can treat you like this? Over his dead body.
He hears your parents screaming about how dare he and that he's fucking insane but when he turns to look around at you, he sees you staring up at him with tear filled eyes and a whisper of thank you. In that moment he knows, he knows he'd do just about anything for you. He shoots a withering glare at your parents
"We're taking her shit and leaving." He barks out, his eyes burning a hole in their heads while they shakily nod and avoid looking at either of you.
Ghost grabs your hand and leads you towards your bedroom where he grabs anything he can bag and helps you stuff all your belongings into it, making sure you have everything until the room is completely cleared out.
Shuffling the bags on his arms, he holds your hand again and intertwines your fingers, gently pulling you out the house and towards the rental truck. Not taking one glance at the so called family watching you two.
"You're staying with me from now on, got it runt?"
The smile on your face is so bright when you say "Of course, L.T."
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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sa-dnesss · 2 years
My home will be a home with no loud anger, no explosive rage, no slamming doors or breaking glass, no holes punched into the walls, no name calling, shaming or blackmail. My home will be gentle, it will be warm. No fear, no hurt and no worries. I may come from a broken and twisted place but I will build something whole and safe.
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i just wanna move to a new city and start a new life
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vampireink · 9 months
I will have a home one day. It will be warm, and it will be safe. It will have large windows so that it never feels like a prison. It will have comfort and light and colours, and there will be joy echoing off of each of the walls. There will be no shouting in my home. There will be no violence, no harsh words, no abuse ... it will be safe, and it will be my home.
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jinx58062 · 15 days
when is it my turn to get taken cared of? im tired of always providing but never receiving…
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livininaburninghouse · 4 months
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It is a valid response.
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babyxbluexmoon · 1 year
☁︎ 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑒 ☁︎
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Yandere! Neteyam x Fem! Human! Reader!
warnings: 𝘺andere behaviour, murder, drowning, possessive behaviour, toxic behaviour, yandere neteyam, smut, rape to consented, choking, spit kink, biting, forced mating, manipulation, impreg. Not proof read.
synopsis : y/n was never truely a fan of the na'vi, she found them too tall for comfort, scary. She wished she was never bought here by her father who had no one else to give her too. now with him dead, she was orphaned, raised by the scientists of the pandora labs. however, being too scared of the world around her, she stayed in her room, only letting few care and see her. until today.
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"Y/n? What are you doing out of your room?" Norm asked the teenager who was too afriad to ever leave her bedroom. The h/c girl shrugged, "felt brave today I suppose.." she admitted, and walked into the lab where she was met with Spider, readying his mask to head out into the world of non-breathable air, and people of blue. "Y/n! Your out of your room?" The boy asked, his light dred locks messy as always, his body faintly painted in blue stripes. "Yeah.. where are you going?" She asked, protective of her other orphaned friend.
"Out to see the Sully's. Wanna join me?" He offered and she shrugged, and paused, thinking it over before deciding to give it a chance. "Sure, I suppose... just stay close to me.. yeah?" She asked and he nodded, handing her a mask. "They wont hurt you, I promise.". With those words she felt atleast slightly more assured, and put on the mask, pressing in the button, allowing herself to breath. He walked out of the labratory and Y/n hesitantly followed, closing the door behind her and she was met by the world outside. She had never been out here before.
"Great right? Air feels amazing." Spider smiled up at her and she was tempted to go back inside, her small body begining to move on it's own before Spider clasped her hand, his almost swallowing hers. "Come on!" He laughed lightly, dragging her and she basically held her breath, unaware of the events to come. Unaware of the make she would soon come to fear... and love.
He took her over to the Ikrans where she gasped softly, and backed away but he went behind her and gently pushed her back towards, "they won't hurt you, if you don't seem a threat." He reassured and she sighed, trying to push back but she couldn't. Infront of her stood a yellowish ikran, beautiful and scary. It made a noise towards her, and she swallowed heavily, "This one is Neteyam's." He said, and she processes the name in her head, "Ne..te.. yam.." she muttered, and then looked at the beast.
Spider only looked away for a second when he saw Neteyam and Lo'ak approching when he heard her giggle. He turned back and the three males saw her petting the ikran, that surpeisingly, strangely, nuzzled into her hands, seeming to enjoy her touch. She scratched under his chin, admiring his colours when a voice spoke, english with a heavy na'vi accent. "He likes you." It said and Y/n whipped her head around, seeing two na'vi folks. She retracted her hands, making the beast let out a whine.
"S-sorry.." she said, and Spider stood infront of her. "Neteyam, Lo'ak, this is Y/n, or the girl who never leaves her room. Y/n, this is Neteyam and Lo'ak. They are Jake Sully's sons." He explained and she swallowed again, nodding as a greeting. Neteyam approched, petting the Ikrans head. "He usually doesn't allow humans to touch him. You are special." He spoke to her, and as they made eye contact, both their hearts skipped a beat in sync.
'He doesn't look scary..' she thought, ripping her eyes from him, and soon saw an even taller male approching, and she gulped. It was Jake Sully, the Olo'eyktan of this clan. "Is this really little Y/n, why haven't you grown." He said, giving her a slight smile with she slightly returned, then also gave Neytiri the same expression when she arrived with their youngest child, Tuk.
"Wow, your short." Tuk laughed lightly, standing at five foot seven while Y/n stood at five foot five. Y/n chuckled, then noticed how Neteyam seemed to be studying her as his Ikran nuzzled her back, making her jump, then turned to him and smiled slightly, petting him once again, only for him to sniff at her mask and growl softly. "This..? I-I need it to breath.." she explained to him as if he could understand or respond.
"You.. wanna fly?" Neteyam asked her suddenly, making all eyes move to him. She was about to respond, but Neytiri spoke, "Y/n is a very.. fragile human. Flying is too dangerous for her." She said, and Y/n just gave a calm expression, but then Spider grabbed her hand, "come on, I want to show you around!" He said and vegan dragging the stumbling girl who struggled to keep up with him. "Come on guys!" He called and Lo'ak decided to follow, and soon Neteyam and Tuk did aswell.
They took Y/n through the forest, showing her diffrent creatires, plants, explaining doffrent things to her, and soon Kiri joined them aswell, and another friend, Nuk'tai. He was another omaticaya, slightly shorter than Neteyam, only slightly. Y/n got slowly more comfortable as they went on, soon spotting something. "What is that..?" She asked Lo'ak who hummed, looking at whatever she was staring at, seeing an Eywa seed floating over, and soon landing on her hand.
Neteyam watching, his ears twitching as his tail began to gently sway. He felt strange, as if he wanted to feel her hand. Was it soft or rough, warm or cold. He wanted to feel her hair, long and h/c. Look closer into those deep e/c orbs, with those long black lashes, and her glissening s/c skin, flawless aside from scars around her nails, matching Kiri's which showed she either bit or scratched at them.
He deicded to stay close to her, watching how her much curvier body moved, diffrent to Kiri's and his mothers, andany other female omaticaya. Until the omaticaya females, her thighs jiggled gently as she walked, her waist smallish, but her breasts larger, bouncy looking. Her hands had an extra finger like his siblings and father, and her face wasn't as defined as them, but it had characters, like her little button nose.
He swallowed, then eyed her clothes, and found himself hating them. Why cover so much of a nice body. He decided to give into a small thought and spoke. "Why don't you dress like we do? It will be fun." He suggested, and before the sky girl could answer, Tuktirey spoke out. "Yes!! Follow!" Shesaid and grabbed Y/n's hand, dragging her. He found it funny that an eight year old was taller than Y/n. A teenager.
Y/n sat, letting the girls sort her some clothes and she blushed deeply at the top they choose. A few necklaces, designed to only cover the nipples and bots of the breast, but not completely. "I-I will look naked.." she said softly, "you wont, promise." Kiri smiled, and then her and Tuk hide her from the males as she changed and they held her. She had a skirt like cloth covering her bottom half, then those lovely necklaces covering her front.
The girl then began to braid her hair, and the boys collected some beads. As Neteyam laid hiseyes on her beautifully sculptured body, he felt his mouth water. He licled his bottom lip, and decided to advace futher. He sat cross legged infront of the girl, forcing her eyes to meet his chest, then he face, before he began braiding the beads into her long locks. Kiri then began to paint her body once her hair was done and clothes, matching her to Spuder with faint blue stripes.
She then got some blue, red, yellow and orange feathers, and tied a small ponytail in the bacl of her hair, leaving the rest down and placed the feathers around it, and two by her ears. "There, you are done." She said and Y/n looked down at herself in the pond water beside them. She swallowed, her breasts almost showing, her thighs completely on show, her flat stomach. She was most definetly feeling naked.
Neteyam however, his stomach was doing backflips, his head spinning, his tail swaying, his ears twitching, his lips parting, licking his lower one. His pupils slightly dialated. However, a sudden call of anger washed over him when he saw Nul'tai doing the same thing. Looking at her like his next meal, and he had to swallow a growl itching to climb from his throat.
He suddenly felt like grabbing and holding her, biting her neck until crimson ran down that squishy, soft, small body she had. Show him she was not his for gawing at. 'Why...? We just met..? She's a human..' he thought to himself, confused as his eyes scanned her, making him bite his bottom lip. 'But Eywa.. I want...' as the two made eye contact, his finished his thoughts in an instant. 'I want her.'.
Later that night, the Sully kids walked the humans back to the labratory, and Neteyam felt as if he was letring go of his braid, watching her walk up those stairs. Spider walked in, but before she could, he spoke. "Come again, tomorrow." He said, trying not to sound demanding, and she tilted her head, "Um.. sure, Neteyam. Goodnight." She gave him a smile, and he rubbed his blue lips together. "Goodnight, Y/n.".
Morning came around and Y/n was approched by the pandora head scientist,offering her to make her an avatar body, as he had the equiement too, so she she could breath and possibly become more comfortable. She decided on a maybe, saying she would think about. It was one thing hanging out with them, but becoming one? Now that was a very.. alien thing to her.
She put on a mask and left, this time without Spider who was still sleeping. She walked around until spotting Neteyam alone. Slowly, she approched, and tapped his shoulder onxe, making his head turned to her, a stran of his many braids waving away from his eye. "Y/n." he said in a welcoming tone, and she gave a gentle smile, "Neteyam, hello. May I sit with you..?" she asked and he nodded.
Y/n sat down cross legged, and he admired her still seeable body, considering she was wearing the clothes his sisters made her, and the paint. "I was given an offer." She said and he looked over, his exoression unreadable. "Hm?" He urged for her to continue. "I was offered to have an avatar made for me. That way it will be easier to explore, and breath without a mask. Neteyam took a moment to think about it, but then realised.
If she became an avatar, he could kiss her, feel those cheeks. Sure, she eould be skinnier, taller, but my god, he could.. he could kiss her. He could.. claim her with the connection of braids. Then human or na'vi, she would be his. He felt disgustee by his own selfish thoughts over a girl he barely knew, who barely knew him, but he couldn't sleep last night, her eyes, her face, her body, her voice filling his head.
"I think you should go for it." He replied and she responded with a head tilt. "You can have the best of both worlds. And if you explore yourself as na'vi, you may become more comfortable. You will be able to claim an ikran aswell." He pointed out, and she hummed. 'I could force you to walk through the eye of the great mother, and become like me permantely. My mate,.' He thought.
She actually slightly agreed with his statement. He had a point. "You know, I might just do that." She replied, then looked out at the skies oytside the rocky dome their clan remained in for safety away from the not so nice sky people. Her eyes held grest curiosity, which Neteyam admired. He wondered how he fell so fast, so hard, so quick. Why he wanted her to himself. He had deep, shameful urges to mate with her, right here and now, whether she wanted it or not, and that made his stomach drop at the fact he knew, if he wasn't restraining himself. He'd do it.
And so, later that week, after agreeing to have an avatar of herself made,the Sully children and her looked over her avatar body in the tank, floating. It wasn't ready yet, some features needing to be added. She was.. beautiful. He actually kept her body shape slightly, only slightly slimmer which made Neteyams heart throb. Her face was like her own, but firecer, her pointy ears adorable.
"What do you think?" Norm asked her and she looked over, "She- I..? I look pretty cool. One question. Why keep me short?" she asked, her avatar height only standing at six foot seven. "Because.. well I took your height and went with it." He explained with a shrug, making her chuckle and Nuk'tai patted her hair. "Well shorty, omce your in that body, I'll help you claim an Ikran." he promised and she giggled, "sounds good, Nuk." The human replied and Neteyam bit down on his tongue, drawing crimson in his mouth, the matalic taste seeping down his throat.
However, he decided to play it safe and said, "Mind if I join? I would like to watch." He asked and Y/n nodded, "sure. But how do you claim an Ikran?" She asked, and Nuk'tai made an awkward expression before speaking. "We'll tell you when the time comes." He said, rubbing her small shoulders and Neteyam gripped his hand into a fist, trying to ignore it. 'Stop touching her. I hate it. Stop it. Shes.. shes my mate.' He thought to himself, but contained the burning rage pulsing through him.
"Lay in this capsual." The scientist instructed while Norm helped her in. Her avatar was complete, done quickly swiftly, clothed and done up all nice and ready. She let out a shakey breath as the Sully's and Spider awaited her avatar body to awaken. Neteyam was excited, but tried to hide it, though his swishing tail was betraying him horribly. She was gorgouse, and he loved her this way, though human her was amazing aswell.
The capsual was closed abd she felt strange, paniced for a small moment, then sighed and closed her eyes, soon her mind drifting off into nothingness. She blinked, letting a small noise excape her lips as she blinked, seeing everyone around her. "Lo'ak.." she mumbled, seeing him the cloest to her head. "How'd you feel?" Norm asked, coming over with his mask off as she sat up off the bed she laid apone.
Neteyam smiled at her slightly. There she was, his mate, his lover, his everything. No one elses,nothing elses, just his. "Can you speak, Y/n?" Norm asked her and she parted her lips, but realised the air was thick, and only just about breathable. "Here." Kiri handed her a mouth mask, which she took a breath of pandora air and then let out a sigh again. "Thank you.. and yes, yes I can speak."
Nuk'tai came over and smiled, pushing some hair behind her ear, her pointy blue ear. The hair was still half down with a small ponytail, but it had some braids running through it with beads, and then of course her queue, her connection. She slowly stood up with the help of Kiri and wobbled slightly, but then shook her head and worked to stabalise herself before slowly walking. "Can you wa- oh, perfect." Norm smiled.
Spider came in and grinned up at her, "finally not a shorty." He said and she look over, "shush you or I'll wack you with my braid." She giggled. Everyone was happy, and so was Neteyam, aside from the fact that he wanted to rip Nuk'tai to pieces, touching what belong to him, how dare he? The group helped her move about, testing her tail, her fingers, her toes, her ears. Jake and Neytiri came over and helped her out of the lab, then she looked around, her showy, beautiful clothescupping her unaturally curvier body, since they kept her that way for her comfort.
"Right, have you done the training Spider has?" Lo'ak asked and she nodded, "I know the basics." Y/n replied, taking in how tall she was from the ground now, how her senses were enhansed. She could feel her new body parts, like her tail, her ears, her braid. Nuk'tai took her finger fingered hand in hia four fingered one, and began to drag her. "Come on, Ikran time!" he cheered and Lo'ak joined after them, followed closely by a lowely growling Neteyam and a giggling Tuk and Kiri. They took her up the moutains, helping her climb and teaching her how to use her new strenghs.
It was good she understood na'vi atleast, so it was easier for them to explain. Soon, they made it to the banshees docking area, where wild banshee's flew and roamed. She smiled, amazed. "So, how do I know which one is mine?" She asked, not quite caught up on Ikran studies. "They will try to kill you." Lo'ak replied and she blinked, "brilliant..". So there Y/n slowly walked through the squealing banshees, piercing her ears painfully as she looked around. Soon, a light purple wnd blue one turnee to face her, and hissed at her, so she instinctively hissed back. "Beat, and connect your braid." Spider explained.
"O-ok.." she uttered, and Neteyam already gripped his knife to protect her, just incase, however he did find her hiss attractive, 'I will make her walj through the eye of Eywa.. she will be na'vi, beside me..' he thought and grinned slightly, until his eyes caught Nuk'tai, watching her intensely as her moved around with the Ikran, before the banshee went for her, and she dodged, then heard Kiri, "jump on it's back!". She did as instructed and climbed quickly onto it's back, grabbing the connector but it soon began to jump and spin about, screeching and roaring.
She fell off with a grunt, but got up and hopped up again, wrapping her legs around it's jaw, forcing it closed, then connected her queue to the Ikran, making its pupils dialate. She panted softly, then listened as Kiri instructed her to fly to seal it. She moved off its head and onto it's back, and spoke, "Fly." Gently, and off the banshee took, making her squeal and grip on tight. "Slower!". Soon it slowed down, and she let out a breath of relife, "Good.. Good..?" She leaned and looked under. "Good girl.." she soon got the hang of it, and Lo'ak, Nut'tai and Neteyam joined her, with Spider on Lo'ak's, Kiri on Nuk'tai's and Tuk on Neteyams. "Your doing it!" Nuk'tai cheered and she giggled.
"What are you naming her?" Tuk asked and Y/n hummed softly, "Hmmm..? I'll name her..... Amitia." She said and they all nodded in approval. She did a few test tricks, circles, dropping down and catching itself, spinning. It was amazing hiw quickly she understood, and soon Tuk got on behind her, laughing happily as she hugged her waist. Seeing Y/n with his little sister, made Neteyams heart flutter, and his tail sway gently. God he wanted her, now.
Finally, his breaking point arrived when they landed, and Nuk'tai helped her off the beast, then took her smaller hands in his. "You were amazing, Y/n. You looked stunning.." he said, and glanced at her lips. In that moment, Neteyam snapped. He tried to stop it, god he tried. He held himself to his Ikran but his body soon moved on it's own, going over to the male and gripping his shoulder tighter then needed. "Can we talk?" He asked and Nuk'tai nodded, "sure.".
The two males walked off, and once they got far enough, Neteyam suddenly grabbed his queue and began ragging him deeper into the forest, shoving a cloth in his mouth. He screamed and tried to fight back against him, struggling. He bought him to a pond and threw him in, then got in the the shallow bit after him, and held him down. He struggled against him, struggling as he was forced under the water, splashin to break free. After some time, Neteyam pulled him up and growled at him.
"Y/n is mine." He said. "My fucking mate. You dirtied her with your hands.. I hope Eywa has mercy on you to die quickly.." he spoke darjly, his eyes holding a great craze, with sharp, small pupils, his bottom lip twitching as he growled before shoving him back in the water before he could answer, drowning him. A slow death purposley. He keot holding until the others body fell limb, but Neteyam kept holding him under incase he was pretending.
He pulled him along until he found a big rock, barely liftable. Perfect. He used some vines and tied his legs together, then tied them to the rock and went behind it, grunting as hr pushed on it until finally it dropped into the pond, dragging his lifeless body with it. Neteyam watched with sly orbs, like a panther watching it's preys life fade from it's eyes.
Soon, he was definetly dead, lost and gone. He let go and walked out thewater, his breathing heavy and rapid. "Shit.. oh Eywa, what have I...-" he paused himself. "He.. deserved it. He tried to take whats.. what belongs to me.." he said darkly, "My Y/n.. fuck, I need her.. now. Right fucking now.". He made his way to to the others, and soon sawY/n with her Ikran, alone. Perfect.
He approched her, and with every step was an argument in his brain. 'This is wrong Neteyam. Stop right now. No, no, She's yours, you can do as you please with her. Stop! Do it!' Ran through his mind, as he got closer and closer, until suddenly he was behind her. He pulled out his knife, and suddenly smacked the back of it down on the back of her head, making her grunt and collasp into his arms unconious. "I'm sorry, my mate.. forgive me.".
He took her body and hid it for a moment while he went and snucl to the labratory, and pressed the button on her capsual, letting her free. She opened her eyes and gasped at the sight of Neteyam. "So-something happened to Avatar me.." she said gently and he nodded, giving her a mask. "Come on." He said and she felt slightly confused by his demanding tone. They left the labratory and she tried to find her Avatar body, and he just followed.
Soon he pretended to spot it, and spoke. "Over there. Look." They went over and she saw the prickles of blood dripping down the back of her neck, making her gasp. "What happened..?" She uttered, "this." Suddenly he hit a nerve in the back of her head with his hand, and down she went. He slung the Avatar body over his shoulder, then her human body under his other arm, carrying them away.
He left the rock hideout, and snuck away to the forest. "You drive me crazy and we only met yesterday.. fuck me.. I've never snuck away before.. the things you do to me.." he said, holding her closely. Arriving at the magical place, the tree of souls, or, Eywa, he went over and laid her down at the foot of the tree, laying her bodies head to head. Before anything, he leant to her human body and kissed it deeply, "this is how it has to me, my Y/n. May Eywa, please, for the love, guide you.". He began chanting, knowing the words, praying it worked. He took off her mask as the wind picked up slightly and her human body gasped gently, but he didn't break his consontration.
He heard a small noise after some time and peeked his eyes open, her human body waa taken into the grass around the tree, sucked into the ground, lost. Her Avatar body however, moved slightly and he crawled above her, looking down. Her eyes fluttered open, those golden orbs meeting his own ones and he smiled lovingly. "Ahh.. there you are." He spoke in na'vi, andshe tilted her head. "Neteyam..? Where are we? How am I in my avatar again?" She asked, and he placed his hands on her shoulders, "shush.. take it easy.." he spoke softly.
He took her braid from underneath her, and bit his bottom lip as he forced a connection between him and her. She gasped and stared up at him with wide eyes. "Ne-Neteyam!?" Y/n squeaked, definetly understanding that from being told and reading about it. "Wh-why would you do that!? Where are we?" She asked, and tried to pull her queue from his, but he held them together with his hand. "I'm sorry, Y/n.. I tried not too.." he said, then crawled ontop of her, until she was laid down and he was hovered above her.
"Neteyam let go.." she said, so lost by the situation before a surprised muffled squeak excaped her lips as his lips crashed against hers, and she struggling underneath him, trying to push on his chest bit he was much bigger and stronger then Y/n. She thrashed about and soon bit down on his bottom lip, making him wince and pull away. He growled and moved their bonded queue's, flipping her onto her stomach. "Was going to make this eaay for you, but it seems I need you to fear me before loving me.. thats alright...".
She felt tears well up in her golden orbs, "Neteyam wheres my human body..?" She asked, looking at where they were the Tree of Souls. She knew this is where Toruk Makto became full na'vi, andshe instantly feared the worest. "Oh her.. she has become apart of Eywa now. You can be with me forever now, my mate.. never needing to leave this body of yours. Permantely my mate." He said, biting on the bacl of her neck, making her whine as she gripped the grass, begining to sob.
"It's ok to cry, you'll be moaning in a moment." He reassured. That voice trying to give him asense of his actions had faded away. All he could do, see, was her. He knew what he wanted, and it was his mother who once told him 'when you want something, fight for it.' And he did when he drowned Nuk'tai and now got rid of her human body. She belonged to him, because he wanted her to belong to him. She didn't need a say when he had already made the decision.
He removed his loincloth, then her skirt, and took off her necklaces, laying them side. He took off hia choker, and the clothing on his waist, before sitting on his knees, adirming her ass, squishier than a normal na'vi from how the scientist made her. Leant down and swiped his tounge over the slit of her vagina, feeling her twtich. He then leant back up and placed a few gently kisses on her ass, forcing her head to lay on the grass as he plumetted two of his big slim blue fingers inbetween her lips, and inserted them into her vagina hole, sinking into her core warmth.
Y/n let out a muffled sob, tears sinking into the grass. It felt really good, but fuck, why was he doing this to her? Why did it have to be this way between the two? "stop Neteyam.." she begged, a line of sweat mixing with the tears, the uncontrolable tears that were slightly turning his on as he slammed his fingers into her core, harder and harder, hitting all the right places.
"Fuck yeah, Y/n.. thats it.." he praised, watching her folds become soaked in pure juices of arousel alone. Her body quivered, trying to get away but the hold on her braid was preventing it. He pulled out, slick following after his fingers, attaching him to her before he snapped, then he moved and grabbed her hips, his hard dick ready to take her as his own. He placed his tip to her entrance and she let out a squeak, "Stop! Stop it!" The girl cried, but in his slid, pushing her walls to open around him. She screamed and he covered her mouth, his body looming over hers. "Shut up.. you'll love it in a minute..".
He began to move his hips in and out, realising she was virgin, which wasn't surprising considering where she had been living. He grunted at her tightness, and she trembled, sobbing quietly as small breaths excaped her mouth. "My mate.. my fucking mate.." he spoke and she whimpered. "Please stop.." she mumbled, and suddenly he pulled out and flipped her over, moving their connected braids before slamming back inside, pushing all his lengh in, which was a pretty good size.
"You are mine to break.." he growled, having zero mercy left as his hips slammed back and forth inside her, letting grunts and breath out as she cried and moaned. Her hands were trying to push him away, but soon his lifted her legs onto his shoulders, and pinned her hands to the grassy ground. "Fuck Nuk'tai.. everyone.. you are my bitch.." he snarled, inches from her face and soon he closed the gap, kissing her roughly, shoving his tongue between her lips, forcing her to take him in her mouth, saliva mixing painfully beautifully.
After sometime, he pulled his lips away, staring down at her drool covered lips, licking his own, his stomach tingling at the view. He could feel her tightening around him, and she could feel him twitching. Y/n let out a breath, her eyes rolling back, and thighs clenching, her mind becoming fuzzy. 'Y/n.. stop..' she thought to herself, but the pleasure was welcomed by her body not listening to her brain.
"Stop.." she said weakly, but then gasped as Neteyam's hand came around her throat, him humming. "Fucking choke.. I will make you adore this.. do you not realise you need me..?" He asked and her eyes peered up at him. "You'd be lost without me, flower.." he leant closer. "Doesn't this feel good..? You can have this and more as much as you want.. I'm yours, and you are mine. Together forever.. no one to get in the way.." he promised and she stared up at him, slight widen orbs and choked gasps excaping her mouth.
"You need me." He said, moving his hand from her throat to her cheek, his hips slowing. "And I fucking need you. God damn it, I need you.. I need you so bad.." he said, an kissed her lips gently, making her shiver and let out a whimper. "Neteyam.." she uttered, suddenly her brain began to spin. 'D-do I need him...?' She askee herself, her thoughts begining to stir up wildly. 'We haven't even interacted much but.. this..' her eyes glanced at their connection, she could feel everything from him. How much he truely wanted and needed her.
"Please.. give into me, my love.. my syulang.." he said gently, and she felt as if a fog clouded her mind, blinding her from the tragic situation she was truely in. "Neteyam.." she huffed out, and slowly he let her wrists free, and hesitantly she wrapped them around his neck. He stopped his hips and removed her legs, wrapping them around his waist, then keant to where they bare chests where touching and began move and a medium but hard pace, making her moan out, tilting her head back.
"See how... how good that feels..?" He groaned out, letting a soft moan excape his own lips, and she nodded slowly, her tail that was once wagging like crazy, now relaxing on the grass. Her ears that were pinned to her head, how droopy and adorable. "See? You've always belonged to me.. you just never realised.." he said, and began to kiss her sensually, passionately. They both felt their highs approching and she moaned into his mouth, him swallowing down her noises gratefully.
"I'm going to make sure the entire clan.. the entirety of pandora knows your mine.. you will carry my seed in you.." he said and her eyes widened slightly, but he quickly settled her. "We will be together forever.. a little family of our own.." he smiled at her and she relaxed again, the pleasure becoming overwhelming as he reached one hand down and began rubbing the pad of his finger over her clit, rubbing nice circles, simulating her more and soon her legs began to shake, making his breathing heavily as she slowly clenching on him.
He felt her getting tighter, and his own regions begining to need a release. "Thats it, pretty girl.. come on, you can do it.." he urged, praising his mate who who cried out, tossing her head back against the grass and after a few more thrusts, he placed his head down on her chest, moaning out as he released inside her, feeling their liquids mixing. "You will carry my love for you.." he placed his hand on her stomach. And you are..." he kissed up her body, then to her lips.
"𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦... forever Y/n.".
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